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Flexibility entices students for Lee Virtual School

By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com

The new principal of Lee Virtual School said the vision of the online school is expansive because the possibilities are limitless to enhance the offerings

I would like to partner with every school more to provide virtual learning labs for students there, Lee Virtual School Principal Jennifer McMillan Barnes said “I would like to align with CTE and provide more CTE courses that maybe other schools could not offer that the virtual platform would allow

In addition, she would like to retain Lee County students, which would help with FTE funding

“During the pandemic we lost quite a few people McMillan Barnes said

The vision also includes adding the University of Cambridge classes, as well as increasing acceleration options Other goals include returning Lee Virtual School to an A school grade, as well as making the school a premier virtual school in the State of Florida

These goals were part of a presentation given to the Lee County School Board during its Tuesday meeting

We are a unique learning style school

Every student is different Every kid is different and they all have unique ways of learning

It is a great way for kids that have unique styles to be flexible ” she said

Lee Virtual School is a franchise of Florida Virtual School, as they use their programs and curriculum “Our students get to participate in every event that Lee County has That is a big difference They are within our county (and get) to participate in events, sports and clubs at brick-and-mortar schools, she said

Lee Virtual School, as of February 2023, has 873 students Of those students 178 are elementary school students, 248 are middle school students and 378 are high school students In addition 804 are full-time students and 69 are part-time There are 38 teachers among other personnel, including a literacy coach, school counselors and school social workers Teachers, who work from home, are available for students and parents from 8 a m to 8 p m by phone texts phone calls and email

Among the enrollment there are 140 exceptional student education students, 77 non-gifted and 63 gifted There are also 56 full-time English Language Learners students and 20 part-time students

McMillan Barnes said families choose Lee Virtual School because of its structured flexibility

The flexibility comes in doing course work around your life and whatever your child is involved in ” she said “We have stu- dents who are on sports teams that travel the world, in different types of competitions They want to stay connected to their county and their schools however they want flexibility to do their work at night or on the weekend, depending on what their schedule offers

Lee Virtual School offers both full-time and part-time options

Those who participate in part-time also attend a brick-and-mortar Lee County school seek accelerated learning, have an opportunity to take additional electives, or an opportunity to graduate early

The full-time students follow the district’s instructional calendar participate in extracurricular activities and dual enrollment and earn a high school diploma McMillan Barnes said students have very See VIRTUAL SCHOOL, page 11A

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