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Virtual School: Lee County students have online options

own time

From page 10A specific assignments that are due for every course every single week

“The word is pace ” she said “They must be able to follow multi-directions (It is a) reading and writing based curriculum ”

We create a plan to help that family get back on track ”

Students have to stay focused despite distractions For elementary students they have four core courses, which include language arts, math, science and social studies, which includes about three to four assignments per course due weekly

McMillan Barnes said Parents must act as a learning guide Secondary (level) parents' main role is to monitor on a daily basis of completing assignments”

“We do operate on semesters rather than quarters ” she said “Teachers create pace charts of the curriculum so students have it very structured for them week by week

McMillan Barnes said pace is what matters the most, rather than grades, as grades do not occur until the end

“You can’t catch up once you are behind It’s a slow deliberate method because you have to do a little more every single week

Sixth through 12th grade students have a minimum of six courses and two to three assignments per course due weekly

I have kids that have taken online courses I had no idea that parents had a role I am being completely serious I have no role in their online courses at all and they have all done great ” Board member Chris Patricca said adding that they have to do a better job of advertising parental involvement

Parents have to make sure that time is sacred for their child s time to learn,

The learning model is asynchronous, which has students doing their work on their

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