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17th Annual Children’s Environmental Art Contest under way

About the Florida Scrub-Jay

For the birds

By SHERIE BLEILER news@breezenewspapers


I h a v e b e e n r e t h i n k i n g m y g a r d e n s A f t e r I a n stripped our holly tree of all its red fall berries I was worried our mockingbirds wouldn’t find anything to eat As they sat on the wires above me I started throwing blueberries on the driveway They flew down and ate them! It became a daily routine for a while Meanwhile, as my plants recovered I found them eating red berries off my Rouge plants I was really glad to see they were again finding food in our yards

G r a d u a l l y , I d e c i d e d my yard had to be more than neat and pretty It had to function for all the creatures left alive after the hurricane It had to provide an oasis for ourselves in harmony with nature

So what plants would help our ecosystem repopulate itself – and yet grow easily?

I certainly hoped to find some plants that grow in our sandy, shelly soils, without needing much water or fertilizer Of course, I know I have to water regularly the first year while the roots get settled But I have been on the lookout for plants that can accept the dry season yet not drown in the rainy season These are some that I’ve found ■ Rouge plant - a small bush to about 2-3 feet with small pink flowers for pollinators and red berries for birds The berries start many new plants also but they are easy to remove where unwanted Because they’re naturally short I just trim occasionally to keep them full at the bottom

■ Mrs Schiller's Delight viburnum - a native plant, cultivated to stay small, just 3 feet Of course, the plants from the nursery are much smaller than this Small plants adapt better than ones in bigger pots so I have left room around it so it can grow to its full size I

See FOR THE BIRDS, page 8B

All children in Lee County ages 5 through 12 are invit-

Organized by Friends of the Cape Coral Library and The Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library the theme for 2023 is Save the Florida scrub-jay and ways to protect Florida s only endemic bird from habitat loss and other main threats Winners will be selected from four age categories: 5-6 7-8 9-10 and 11-12 There will be five awards for each age group with certificates for 1st 2nd and 3rd place as well as for two honorable mentions Awarded artwork will be exhibited at the library until June 29 and displayed on www capefriends org under Art Gallery tab A wildlife expert will be the keynote speaker at the awards ceremony to be held at 6 p m Wednesday May 10 at the Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library

Contest Rules and Deadline

■ Open to all children ages 5 through 12 Submit one entry only

■ Entries should be on a flat medium to heavy-weight art paper size 8 5 inches x 11 inches Watercolor crayons pencils, color markers and/or any other preferred material may be used Please do not fold artwork

■ Write clearly on the back of the entry the following information: name age school grade level and teacher’s name (if applicable) phone number and email address Entries with incomplete information won t be considered

■ Visit this website to learn more about ways residents can help Save the Florida Scrub-Jay! https://bit ly/FLScrubJay

■ Artwork will be viewed and voted on by recognized local artists a wildlife specialist and a representative of The News-Press Entries will be judged based on originality and quality of art Winners will be notified by phone the first week of May, 2023

■ Neither the Library nor the FOCCL are responsible for lost or damaged artwork All entries will be returned by directly contacting Art Contest Chair Alessia Leathers at alessialeathers@yahoo com

■ Deadline: To participate in the contest all artwork must be received by noon Saturday, April 29 The Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library will have a designated box in the children’s area to receive entries Questions? Contact Alessia Leathers at alessialeathers@yahoo com

This is what Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission tells us about the Florida scrub-jay:

■ The Florida scrub-jay is the only species of bird that is endemic to Florida That is this bird can only be found in the Sunshine state

■ Their diet consists mainly of insects, frogs, toads, lizards, mice, bird eggs and acorns

■ Unlike blue jays this species does not have black markings or a crest Scrub-jays have blue wings head and tail and gray back and underparts and a whitish forehead and neck

■ Scrub-jays are non-migratory, breed from March to June, and typically defend the same nesting territory year after year

■ They inhabit scrubby flatwoods mainly ancient sandy ridges that run down the middle of the state old sand dunes along the coasts and sandy deposits along rivers in the interior of the state Scrub-jays do best in areas that contain large quantities of oak shrubs

Ways to Save the Florida Scrub-Jay

According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the scrub-jay population has declined 90% in the past century mainly due to habitat destruction, fragmentation and degradation from development and agriculture It is federally listed as a threatened species and protected by the U S Migratory Bird Treaty Act Here are some ways everyone can help them:

Plant and protect scrub patches on your property Maintain a maximum height of 10 feet for vegetation, if you live on or near a scrub-jay habitat

Protect them from family pets especially cats Pet cats that live outdoors are a major threat

Do not feed them since the food they get on their own is the right kind of food, especially for their growing young Join the Jay Watch an Audubon’s community statewide program that trains and supports volunteers to conduct scientific surveys that measure annual nesting success and the total number of Florida scrub-jays at more than 40 sites around Florida For more information on how to become a volunteer, contact fl audubon org/jaywatch

For additional information please contact Alessia L e a t h e r s A r t C o n t e s t C h a i r m a n a t a l e s s i a l e a t h e r s @ yahoo com

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