P a t t i S w e e n e y i s t h e o w n e r o f Sweeney’s S O S on Stringfellow Road in Bokeelia She said her venture out to Pine Island, over 10 years ago now, was a solo trip from Bonita Springs, where she had been running her business
“A Pine Island resident offered me space along with the bottom section of their home, to make my soap,” Sweeney said.
Sweeney began living on the island and also running her business both online as well as taking it mobile, until her cur-
r e n t s p a c e b e c a m e a v a i lable, however, her love for Pine Island did not happen o v e r t i m e , s h e s a i d , b u t instead it happened like a bolt of lightning
“I moved out here sight unseen It was all faith I didn’t even go look at the p l a c e , a n d I f e l l i n l o v e i m m e d i a t e l y I k n e w t h i s was where I wanted to be b e c a u s e o f h o w I f e l t , ” Sweeney said Sweeney said part of the
appeal of Pine Island for her was that there was also a feeling of prolific sustainability on the island that made her feel immediately s a f e , s u c h a s r e s o u r c e s enabling islanders to grow food or catch fish
“We’ve got things to sustain life out here,” Sweeney said
When it comes to the things which Pine Island has gained as a result of having Sweeney aboard, she said
The Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce is calling all artists to relaunch the “Painting the Poles” project, in honor of the recovery of Pine Island
A c c o r d i n g t o C h a m b e r B o a r d
Member Cynthia Welch, 20 years ago, the Chamber of Commerce started the project where chamber board members would reach out to island artists to create designs that would then be painted
on the electric poles around the island She said many are still there, although somewhat faded, and many have been lost in various hurricanes over the years 2024 is the year the program will be re-launched, she said
“The chamber originally launched the project with the idea that we are known as an artsy community. We have tons of artists and wouldn’t it be nice to liven up our roads? That’s how it got started,” Welch said of the very popular program
Welch went on to say that it was a fairly common knowledge that folks would drive out to the island on a quest to discover the painted utility poles Rage for the poles went on t h r o u g h t h e y e a r s , s h e s a i d , u n t i l enough of them were taken out by storms or had faded to think about redoing the project
“Well now here we are in recovery mode from the hurricane (Ian) We are still an artsy island, and there are still plenty of artists and there is still plent y o f a r t I t ’ s t h e p e r f e c t t i m e t o relaunch and get the art back out to our
Islander Savannah Hinkle, left, paints a power pole on Stringfellow Road across from Maria Drive in St. James City. At right is a faded painting on another island power pole.
she has been very fortunate to have been afforded the space that she has, which has allowed her to offer it to others when necessary, such as post Hurricane Ian when Sweeney invited food trucks to park at her place of business, in order to feed the island
“I’m able to host people who want to set up a little impromptu shop, or do s o me th in g lik e te a c h y o g a , ” S w e e n e y said
Having control over the property she uses for her business allows her to fill a
T h e 2 6 t h A n n u a l B o b b y H o l l o w a y J r Memorial Fishing Tournament, presented by TEAM EXTREME, will be held Saturday, April 6, at a new location, Jug Creek Marina, at 16498 Tortuga St in Bokeelia, from 7 a m to 3 p m
The entry fee is 450, which includes a Manda-tory Captains meeting Friday, April 5, at 7 p m ; a captains dinner; ramp; parking; captain's bucket; barbecue and fish fry; and a raffle Silent and live auctions will also be included
There will be an honor start at 7 a m
P r i z e s i n c l u d e $ 3 , 0 0 0 f o r f i r s t p l a c e ; $1,500 for second place, $750 for third place, $500 for fourth place and fifth place receives t h e e n t r y f e e f o r t h e 2 0 2 5 t o u r n a m e n t
Additional prizes include $2,500 for the Pine Island Big Snook, $1,000 for 26th place, $500 for last place, $500 for the Biggest Trout, $500 for the Biggest Redfish and two Quick picks for $500 each
The Little Bobbers's division of the tournament will conclude at 1 p m with the youth returning to Jug Creek Marina with lunch and awards at 1:30 p.m.
Dinner after the tournament will begin at 3:30 p m followed by awards, the raffle and silent and live auctions.
The Holloway Fund provides assistance with educational and athletic needs, college scholarships, continued education scholarships and everything from food, clothing, swim lessons and more
For more information, contact Ernestine at 281-8225 or Jenn at 910-5202
The Matlacha Hookers is conducting a shoe drive fundraiser on now through May 25 to raise funds for its Student Scholarship Program The Hookers will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes collected, as Funds2Orgs will issue a check for the collected shoes. Those dollars will benefit the Student Scholarship Program
The goal is to collect 500 pairs of shoes each week or 160 total bags of shoes Members are asking that each clear bag provided be filled with 25 pairs of gently used or new shoes There will be a plastic tote with instructions and clear plastic bags located at each of the following participating locations Feel free to drop off shoes or take a few bags home and fill them and bring them back Anyone can help by donating gently worn, used and new shoes at any of these drop off locations
■ The Eagles Nest-10880 Stringfellow Rd, Bokeelia, FL
■ Christine Karow Hair Designs and Massage- 10700 Stringfellow Rd Unit 70, Bokeelia, FL
■ Kramers Kutting Edge, 5459 Pine Island Road, Bokeelia
The Matlacha Hookers have announced that the organization is continuing its tradition of awarding scholarship grants to deserving and potential students, not only for college, but for trade schools, as well as technical schools, and for continuing education Since 2003, over $200,000 has been awarded to deserving students by the Matlacha Hookers
The required qualifications to apply for a scholarship include a high school diploma or equivalent and ONE of the following: 1 Former student of the Pine Island Elementary School 2 Currently a Matlacha Hooker for at least one year 3 Immediate family member is currently a Matlacha Hooker for at least one year 4 Resident of Greater Pine Island for at least one year 5
■ Pine Island United Methodist Church, 5701 Pine Island Road, Bokeelia
■ Castaways Realty, 3366 Stringfellow Road, St James City
■ Millennium Physician Group, 10484 Stringfellow Road, Suite 1, St James City
■ St James City Civic Association, 3300 Fourth Ave , St James City
■ Pine Island Pool Supply, 10171 Stringfellow Road St James City
■ Bobbers Bait and Tackle, 5511 Pine Island Road, Bokeelia
■ RE/MAX Sunshine, 4574 Pine Island Rd, Matlacha
■ Blondie’s Coffee Company, 3380 Stringfellow Road, St James City
■ Jug Creek Marina & Fish House, 16498 Tortuga St , Bokeelia
■ Pine Island KOA, 5120 Stringfellow Road, St James City
Eligible and applying for the 2024 First Responders Scholarship Applications are available online at matlachahooke r s o r g S i m p l y c l i c k o n “ H o o k e d o n E d u c a t i o n Scholarship Application,” print, complete application and submit to address on application; must be postmarked by May 17, 2024 Application hard copies are also available at the Pine Island Library.
If you or your business are interested in donating funds for the 2025 Hooked on Education scholarship f u n d r a i s i n g s e a s o n , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e M a t l a c h a Hookers at matlachahookers@matlachahookers org
All donated shoes will then be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of micro-enterprise partners Funds2Orgs works with micro-entrepreneurs in helping them create, maintain and grow small businesses in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited Proceeds from the sales of the shoes collected in shoe drive fundraisers are used to feed, clothe and house their families One budding entrepreneur in Haiti even earned enough to send to her son to law school.
"We are excited about our shoe drive," said Kitty Kline, who oversees heading up this fundraiser, “We know that most people have extra shoes in their closets they would like to donate to us By doing so, we raise money for our Student Scholarship Program which is very important to us, and we have the chance to help families in developing nations who need economic opportunities It's a win-win for everyone ”
B y d o n a t i n g g e n t l y worn, used and new shoes t o t h e S h o e s w i t h H e a r t C h a r i t y D r i v e , t h e s h o e s w i l l b e g i v e n a s e c o n d chance and make a differe n c e i n p e o p l e ’ s l i v e s around the world
For additional information, email matlachahookers@matlachahookers org
Kathleen and I have lived in Matlacha since 2014 This article represents my knowledge of the law related to construction and renovation in the Matlacha Historic District
Our path to understanding started in 2020 when I made application to demolish our existing 574 sq. ft., 46-year old house and to build a new home at 4700 Pine Island Road in Matlacha The application first had to be f i l e d w i t h t h e L e e C o u n t y H i s t o r i c Preservation Board [HPB] The application was denied twice by the HPB, and twice I obtained reversal from the Chief Hearing Examiner for Lee County Even then the lay members of the HPB wanted to deny the application a third time until the Lee County Attorney intervened and told them to grant the application
In the course of this journey, I probably read and digested every application to the HPB from Matlacha property owners, along with every Staff Report and final decision If I were not an attorney, it would likely have cost me $50,000 in legal fees if I were able to find a law firm familiar with the process I am not a Florida barred attorney, and this article is not intended to be legal advice under Florida law
One need not be an attorney barred in Florida to represent an owner before the HPB or to represent yourself in an application to the HPB
Matlacha is an unincorporated area in Lee County, Florida Matlacha is a place name, which the U S Post Office continues to honor even after we lost our own zip code Matlacha falls under the governing authority of the Lee County Commissioners Matlacha does not h a v e i t s o w n g o v e r n a n c e ; a l t h o u g h , t h e Matlacha Civic Association, Inc , is a nonprofit IRS 501(c)(3) corporation formed under Florida law to advance the interests of
Easter Holiday Food Drive at Winn-Dixie – a big success!
To the editor:
The month-long Easter holiday food drive at Winn-Dixie finished on March 15 with a big bang The event exceeded everyone’s expectations in all ways The Pine Island Food Pantry partnered with Winn-Dixie to host this initiative, which generated more than $5,000, between food bag purchases (270 bags of Easter dinner fixings) and cash
Matlacha and its residents
The Matlacha Historic District
F o r a p p l i c a t i o n o f L e e County laws and regulations governing renovation and cons t r u c t i o n o f p r o p e r t i e s i n Matlacha, you should know that over time, Lee County has d i v i d e d M a t l a c h a i n t o t w o areas: the Matlacha Historic D i s t r i c t a n d t h e M a t l a c h a Residential Overlay.
T h i s p r o c e s s s t a r t e d i n 1988, when the Lee County
C o m m i s s i o n e r s e n a c t e d Ordinance 88-62 which created the Lee County Historic Preservation Board Ordinance 88-62 is now contained in Title 22 of the Lee County Municipal Code, which you can find online and where you can learn about the powers of the HPB and how it conducts its business Lee County also create d R u l e s o f P r o c e d u r e f o r t h e H P B i n Administrative Code AC-2-10
Under the authority of Ordinance 88-62, in November of 1990, the HPB enacted Resolution HD-90-10-01 [the “Resolution”] c r e a t i n g t h e M a t l a c h a H i s t o r i c D i s t r i c t U n f o r t u n a t e l y , t h e R e s o l u t i o n d o e s n o t include a map. The boundaries of the Historic District must be discerned from the list of STRAPS and LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS of the properties contained in Attachment A to the Resolution The LEGAL DESCRIPTION does include addresses of the properties
The Historic District generally includes the main street [Pine Island Road] and some adjacent streets deemed historic in 1990 When Lee County much later created the Matlacha Residential Overlay on Aug 22, 2012, the Commissioners created a new map which shows the Historic District You can find this
donations Winn-Dixie also donated a $500 gift card to the food pantry
What started out with a goal to exceed the Christmas food drive that brought in $2,000, ended more than double that This is just another great example of Pine Islanders helping fellow Pine Islanders
A big thanks to the Winn-Dixie team and all our fellow Pine Islanders who supported this event It’s because of your generosity that our pantry clients will have an extra special Easter holiday this year
map in the Lee County Code, Chapter 34 Zoning, Appendix 1 at Map 16
You can then look at an aeri a l o f t h e s a m e a r e a o f Matlacha taken from the Lee County Appraiser’s GeoView
The Historic District, according to the list of properties in Appendix A of the Resolution, starts at 4130 Pine Island Road on the east [Century 21 Office] to and including 4915 Pine I s l a n d R o a d o n t h e w e s t . [Yucatan Bar & Grill]
Applications for renovation, construction, or demolition of p r o p e r t i e s i n t h e H i s t o r i c District first must be approved b y t h e H P B , w h i c h i s s u e s e i t h e r a C e r t i f i c a t e o f Appropriateness [COA] or Special Certificate of Appropriateness [SCA] Before the HPB makes a decision on an application, the Lee County Staff presents the HPB with a Staff Report and Recommendation for approval or denial After approval by the HPB, the owner then takes the plans to Lee County permitting After denial, the owner must either appeal or revise the application There are time limits that apply
Our process through the HPB took over a year including the two appeals to the Chief Hearing Examiner; whereas, I have seen applications bouncing back and forth between the owner and the HPB for longer than a year. After HPB approval, the property owner may still need to apply to Lee County Community Development for variances from zoning ordin a n c e s o r o t h e r p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e L e e Development Code [LDC] The Community D e v e l o p m e n t o f f i c e i s a n u m b r e l l a f o r Zoning, Planning, and HPB, among many
As our season comes to an end once again, we wish our snowbirds safe travels and kindly ask that they consider leaving any extra non-perishable food at the many food pantry d r o p - o f f l o c a t i o n s : W i n n - D i x i e a t 9 8 6 4 Stringfellow Road, Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church at 12175 Stringfellow Road, Centennial Bank at 5551 Sunset Lane, and Matlacha Post office 4547 Pine Island Road Thank you again for your kind generosity Pine Island Strong Pine Island Food Pantry staff Bokeelia Pedestrians, cyclists: Please make sure you are visible in the dark
To the editor:
As a local school bus driver in the Cape, I am constantly amazed at the number of walkers, joggers, and cyclists in the dark morning hours with little or no means of being seen. Many are wearing black clothing, earbuds, and oblivious to traffic coming at them
Please wear a reflective
It’s that time of year again when I begin to see the yellow crowned night h e r o n s b u i l d i n g t h e i r nests along my back bay r o u t e f r o m M a t l a c h a Isles to Matlacha Pass T h e y b r e e d i n s m a l l colonies unlike many of o u r o t h e r s h o r e b i r d s Hence, the reason I find them so intriguing
There is a small island j u s t s o u t h o f S e r e n i a Vista Park that is filled w i t h A u s t r a l i a n p i n e s and slash pines where the herons like to nest They begin building the nests in late March and by the beginning of May we will hear the cries of the newborn chicks The yellow crowned night heron finds plenty of food amidst the mangrove root syst e m T h e i r f a v o r i t e f o o d i s f i d d l e r crabs They will also eat fish if crabs are unavailable
Capt Cathy Eagle
D u r i n g c o u r t s h i p , t h e m a l e w i l l bring twigs to a chosen nesting area and will begin to build the nest He will fluff his feathers and do some pretty fancy dancing to attract the female. If the female decides to mate with a particular male, she will assist in building the nest They can be seen repairing their nest well into the breeding season The herons will usually build in high branches away from the trunk A pair can use the same nest for years, enlarging it every season The first nest is usually just large enough to hold the eggs These nests are nowhere near the size and height of the osprey nests
The female lays two to six eggs. The eggs are oval and smooth, with a pale green-blue color Both parents
start guarding the nest as soon as the first egg is laid, and they take turns
i n c u b a t i n g t h e c l u t c h
T h e i m m a t u r e b i r d s will stay with the adults until the end of the breeding season, after which they disperse to unknown
d e s t i n a t i o n s T h e y w i l l not be seen on the breedi n g g r o u n d s u n t i l t h e y have acquired their adult plumage, which is up to two or three years later
Y o u w i l l r e c o g n i z e these beautiful birds by t h e i r d i s t i n c t i v e m a r kings The most characteristic part of the yellow crowned night heron is the head It is black and glossy, with white cheeks and a pale yellow crown going from the bill, between the eyes and to the back of the head, giving the bird its common name These colors make the face appear striped in a horizontal black-white-black-white pattern Long, thin, white feathers grow to the back of the crown during mating season
The bill, also black, is thick and deeply set under the eyes, which are dark orange or red It is a rather stocky wading bird The juveniles have a rather drab brownish body
H e r e i n S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a , t h e birds can be found year round but only breed once a year
C a p t a i n C a t h y E a g l e h a s s p e n t over 40 years boating on our local waters As a professional charter captain, she specializes in dolphin and nature tours. Visit CaptainCathy.com or call /text 239 994-2572 Welcome aboard!
The Lee County Tax Collector and the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools honored 84 School District of Lee County 5th graders with Awards of Distinction for their designs in the Kids Tag Art program. The top two student designers from each participating elementary school were recognized at an awards ceremony at Cypress Lake High School
Among those earning recognition were Lailie T and Helen D from Pine Island Elementary School
N o e l l e B r a n n i n g , L e e C o u n t y T a x Collector, and Marshall Bower, president a n d c h i e f e x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r o f t h e Foundation for Lee County Public Schools hosted the event
Kids Tag Art is a fundraising program that inspires fifth grade students to design their own license plates fashioned after Florida’s 100 specialty plates Students learn how these plates support deserving c a u s e s , l i k e e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n , health initiatives and public education.
In addition to the Awards of Distinction, four students earned accolades for their themed designs.
The Design Excellence Award given by t h e F o u n d a t i o n f o r L e e C o u n t y P u b l i c Schools is presented to a student whose design best represents giving back to the community The winner is Kristen Roe from Edison Park Elementary
T h e E d u c a t i o n a l E x c e l l e n c e A w a r d given by the School District of Lee County honors a student whose design best illustrates the power of education The winner of this award is Renee Scalise from Bayshore Elementary
The Suncoast Sunny Futures Award is presented by Suncoast Credit Union to the
s t u d e n t w h o s e c r e a t i v e e x p r e s s i o n b e s t illustrates the idea of what a school of the future will look like This award is presente d t o O r a i a P i t t s f r o m D i p l o m a t Elementary.
The Tax Collector’s Choice Award is personally selected by the tax collector and presented to an Award of Distinction winner who portrays the character of the Kids Tag Art Initiative This year’s winner is Camila Munoz from Skyline Elementary
The Teacher’s Tag Art Award was presented to Art Teacher Danielle Hopkins from Hancock Creek Elementary School
“We are thrilled to honor these creative and talented students, while supporting the arts programs in our schools,” said Noelle Branning, Lee County Tax Collector “Our teachers spend hundreds of their own dollars to give their students the best art experience possible We are happy to be able to r e m o v e s o m e o f t h a t f i n a n c i a l b u r d e n through this program ”
This year each participating art teacher received $700
Since 2016, the program has raised nearly $263,000 for elementary art teachers to support their classrooms
“We cannot say enough great things about this program,“ said Marshall Bower, President and CEO of the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools “We engage with our outstanding partners at the Tax Collector’s office, students engage in the arts, teachers receive much needed art funding, and our business partners play a role in enhancing art education! A well-rounded education must include the arts because art plays an important role in commerce and enriching our lives ”
The Philanthropist Sponsor for Kids Tag Art is Suncoast Credit Union Other sponsors include The Community Foundation,
See KIDS TAG ART, page 20
The Calusa Waterkeeper ’s March report on F.I.B. (Fecal Indicator Bacteria) in Southwest Florida waters.
Islanders are invited to participate in a Calusa Waterkeeper’s Oyster Gardening Program Monday, April 8, from 1-2:30 p m , at the St James City Civic Association, 3300 Fourth Ave , St James City
At the program instructors will teach islanders how to build a Vertical Oyster G a r d e n ( V O G ) a n d t a k e i t h o m e t o “plant” at their dock
Those interested are asked to please put your name on the sign up sheet at the S J C C A o r R S V P t o M a u r e e n e l i vingston@gmail com
The 2024 Bag ‘n Tag and Breakfast will be Saturday, April 13, at the Pine I s l a n d M o o s e L o d g e o n S t r i n g f e l l o w Road
The Hookers’ “world famous” Pancake Breakfast will be served from 811:30 a m , and the Bag ‘n Tag Sale will run from 8:30 a m until 2 p m
All proceeds benefit the "Hooked on Education Scholarship Program" for qualified individuals seeking higher education
What is the Bag ‘n Tag? The Matlacha Hookers reuse, recycle and repurpose donated items of gently worn clothing, h o u s e h o l d g o o d s , d e c o r a t i o n s , s m a l l appliances, tools and sports equipment by h o s t i n g t h e B a g ‘ n T a g e a c h y e a r Participants can purchase a brown paper grocery bag for $5 and fill it with as many clothing items as they can fit into the bag S a v v y s h o p p e r s c a n w a l k a w a y w i t h items valued well over $100 for their $5 investment
The Hookers' Chic Boutique tent features one-of-a-kind items priced to move, including jewelry All other items are tagged with suggested prices
D o n a t i o n s a r e a c c e p t e d a t t h e American Legion on Stringfellow Road and bags of clothing or smaller items can be dropped off at Trader’s Hitching Post in Matlacha
The program also allows islanders to participate in the Calusa Waterkeeper oyster monitoring program by sending in photos of your VOG throughout the year
Calusa Waterkeeper Rangers Maureen Livingston and Sue Dahod from Pine Island will explain how oysters help clean our water They will demonstrate how to string pre-drilled oyster shells on recycled crab trap line and make a VOG Premade VOGs are available for sale
For additional information or donat i o n s o f l a r g e i t e m s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t Carolyn at 707-291-0310 or Teresa at 239-738-5008
Pine Island Elementary School is registering all upcoming Kindergarten students for the 2024-2025 school year If your child will be 5 years old by Sept 1, 2024, they are ready to start school Please stop by the school office to register them for Kindergarten All new Kindergarteners are encouraged to be registered for school by April 30, 2024
When registering your child for school, please bring the child’s birth certificate, proof of residence, driver’s license and current physical with Florida immunization records to Pine Island Elementary
A Lee County School Registration Form will need to be completed also This form is located online at pie leeschools net or parents can stop by the school office to pick one up
Once you have registered your child for school, P I E will contact you to schedule a Kindergarten screener with your child on either May 7 or 9
P I E will also be hosting Step Up Day Tuesday, May 28, from 9-9:45 a m on the school’s campus Step Up Day offers incoming Kindergarten students an opportunity to visit the school campus and classrooms to learn more about what to expect next year
A welcome packet will be given to each child that attends this event
This is not a drop-off event Parents are required to attend with their child Please call the school to let us know if you plan to attend Step Up Day
If you have any questions about school registration or Step Up Day, please contact Rosie Perez at 239-2830 5 0 5 P i n e I s l a n d E l e m e n t a r y i s l o c a t e d a t 5 3 6 0 Ridgewood Drive in Bokeelia.
Not the most original name, but this sweet girl has plenty of other amazing qualities to m a k e u p f o r i t K i t t y i s a n 11 - y e a r - o l d declawed tabby with lots of snuggles to give She's tolerant of the other kitties, but much prefers the company of humans She will readily trade you purrs for any petting you can spare. If you have room in your heart for this gentle soul, please call Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary at 239-283-9100. If you’d rather just donate, our address is 10060 Mallory Parkway, E., Unit D, St. James City, or there’s always our website www.helpingpawsanimalsanctuary com
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island will again be providing scholarships to Pine Island students as it has for the past 40-plus years
To qualify, each student must meet the following criteria:
■ Be a resident of Pine Island or have attending Pine Island Elementary School
■ The applicant must either be a senior in high school or a high school graduate, either already in a post high school program or entering one
■ The applicant must also need financial assistance
Application forms are available at the following locations: Century 21 Office, 10191 Stringfellow Road, St James City, or the Pine Island Public Library, 10701 Russell Road, Bokeelia, or they can be downloaded from the Kiwanis website at PineIslandKiwanis org
The deadline for turning in the applications is May 1 at the Century 21 Office or they can be mailed (postmarked by May 1) to Scholarship Chairman, P O Box 111, St James City, FL 33956
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island is proud to offer scholarships every year to deserving island students are furthering their education This is one of the many ways the club gives back to the community
Please contact scholarship committee chairs Carlyn Herring at 239-850-9613 or Tonya Player at 239-2034682 if you have any questions
All Lee County Parks & Recreation community pools will be closed Saturday, April 13, so that county lifeguards can assist with the Florida Swimming Open Water Championships taking place at Lynn Hall Memorial Park, 950 Estero Blvd , Fort Myers Beach
The locations that will be closed temporarily are:
■ San Carlos Community Pool, 8208 Sanibel Blvd , Fort Myers.
■ Lehigh Acres Community Pool, 1400 W Fifth St , Lehigh Acres
■ Pine Island Community Pool, 5675 Sesame Drive, Pine Island
■ North Fort Myers Community Pool, 5170 Orange Grove Blvd , North Fort Myers
Signs have been posted at the sites and online to inform pool patrons of the one-day closing
Lee County and Gulf Coast Swim Team are hosting this event, which attracts competitive swimmers throughout Florida Admission to the event is free; patrons must pay to park
Pools will reopen Tuesday, April 16, with normal operating hours County pools are closed Sundays and Mondays, except during summer For more information a b o u t a l l L e e C o u n t y p o o l s , p l e a s e v i s i t w w w leeparks org/pools
For more information about the Florida Swimming Open Water Championships, visit www gcst org
St James City Civic Association has announced the following upcoming events and activities:
Thursday, April 4
■ Ping Pong, 9 a m to noon
■ Mahjongg, 1-4 p m
■ Cribbage, 6:30-8:30 p m
Friday, April 5
■ Shuffleboard, 9-11 a.m.
Saturday, April 6
■ Garage Sale, 8-11 a m
Tuesday, April 9
■ Shuffleboard, 9-11 a m
■ Ping Pong, 9 a m to 12:30 p m
■ Golden Brush, 1-4 p m
■ Dominos, 6-8 p m
Sunday, April 21
Party in the Park with Deb & the Dynamics from 14 p m Great times each time they come out to St James City
More details, contacts, and ticket sales are available at SJCCAPI ORG
All activities are held at St James City Civic Association, which is located at 3300 Fourth Ave , St James City
The Matlacha Civic Association held its 5th annual Watercolors Gala fundraiser Sunday, March 24, at the RE/MAX Sunshine on Pine Island Road. Held under the big top tent, the event raised money for the MCA's environmental and restoration fund Everyone enjoyed the food and dancing, however, the live auction was the highlight of the night!
A f t e r a b e a u t i f u l a n d very crowded Easter weekend, we close out the month and look forward to a great month on the water. April may be our top month fishing the coastal waters of southwest Florida As we transition into spring, our waters are warming, bait has moved in and fish are hungry The weather, with exception, is stable for the month with light winds and mild sunny days, plus not much threat of daily thunderstorms.
April brings our largest seatrout of the year with many measuring over 20 inches, and some much larger Seatrout have a slot size of 15-19 inches to keep and one over 19 inches may be kept per boat
Spanish mackerel are running large and often schooled up across our inshore waters,
a r o u n d g u l f p a s s e s a n d a s h o r t d i s t a n c e o f f s h o r e
B l u e f i s h , l a d y f i s h , j a c k crevalle and sharks often are m i x e d w i t h t h e m a c k e r e l You get into this mix of fish and it’s a blast as all are fast d r a g s c r e a m e r s S p a n i s h mackerel are also very tasty
w h e n p r e p a r e d a n d e a t e n fresh
In gulf waters, king mackerel, often large, follow the S p a n i s h m a c k e r e l I f y o u want to tug on something larger, toss a larger bait out for a big cobia, shark or king mackerel when you get Spanish or other fish biting Anglers fishing deeper in gulf waters
Spring break fun! Trey and Zack Price with a pair of nice reds they caught fishing in Pine Island Sound with their dad, Capt Tony Price out of Tarpon Lodge
will find red grouper, mixed with a variety of snapper and other tasty fish Live and cut bait fished in depths from 70-120 feet over hard live bottom and ledges will produce fish April should bring many days with light winds to comfortably make the run into gulf waters
Sharks of all sizes are making their way into our waters. A lot of sharks showed up last month and more will continue Tarpon fishing heats up this month inshore, nearshore and around the gulf passes It’s possible to hook into a big silver king if you are fishing for them or not They are just as likely to gulp down a live shrimp or small lure as anything On calm days, look for schools of fish a short distance off the beach and inshore waters
Early morning is the best time to toss a small live crab or Atlantic thread herring ahead of the school. Tarpon numbers will increase inshore, in the passes, and off the beaches as the month progresses
After months of winter lows, we get high (spring) tides during the day This is
the time to target redfish under the bushes or mangroves shorelines as they use the higher water to get under the tree overhangs to root out their next meal Redfish are a scent feeder, while live bait and lures work, many believe fishing cut shrimp, cut baitfish and crabs are the best option
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the month will hold mornings with ultra-low tides, just the ticket for sight fishing reds over the shallow flats and around oyster bars Hit the flats at first light for the best results
Snook fishing is in full swing as the warmer water gets them active and hungry Snook are ambush feeders; they like to sit stationary with their nose into the c u r r e n t , a n d t h e y l i k e s t r u c t u r e F i s h shorelines, oyster bars, pilings, etc , with a good tide flow for best results Snook aren’t like many other fish that allow you to pull them from structure A snook, once hooked, will do its best to get to the safety of any type structure and break off And they are good at it, especially the bigger o n e s R e d f i s h a n d l a r g e r seatrout are often caught f r o m m a n y o f t h e s a m e locations as snook Snook season is open through the end of April
You can go a different direction fishing each day from ins hore to offs hore and not cover all the possibilities If there is a month
t h a t j u s t d o e s n ’ t h a v e enough days to take advantage of all the great fishing opportunities, April is it
S t a y u p t o d a t e w i t h fishing regulations by visiti n g w w w m y f w c c o m
Also, upload the Fish Rules app on your phone. It has current regulations and seasons with pictures to help identify fish
As a lifetime resident of Matlacha and Pine Island, Capt Bill Russell has spent his life fishing and learning t h e w a t e r s a r o u n d P i n e I s l a n d a n d S o u t h w e s t Flori-da, and as a professional fishing guide for the past 23 years
(In conjunction with the relaunch of the "Painting the Poles" project, the chamber has announce the completion of a n e w p o l e , l o c a t e d o n S t r i n g f e l l o w Road, across from Maria Drive, in St James City The pole was painted by Savannah Hinkle )
By KRISHA HINKLE Special to The EagleWhen we first bought property on Pine Island in February 2020 we were still living in our home in Cape Coral We traveled back and forth for about nine months before moving out here permanently
D u r i n g t h o s e d r i v e s , o n e o f o u r favorite things to see were all the painted utility poles It seemed like, with each trip, we discovered a new one
After Ian, we noticed that many had been replaced with the standard utility pole, but hoped to see them adorned with art once again A couple of months ago we visited the Museum of the Islands and that is where we discovered the origins of the painted poles We knew this is something we wanted to help bring back to the island
My 15-year-old daughter, Savannah wanted to lend her talents to the project She has been an artist since she could hold a paintbrush She chose that pole because it’s in close proximity to where we live and because it’s off the sidewalk where people can stop to look if they like
K r i s h a H i n k l e i s t h e m o t h e r o f
artsy island,” Welch said
O n c e t h e u t i l i t y p o l e s h a v e b e e n restored, Welch said, the hope is to complete ad campaigns, encouraging folks to visit Pine Island or perhaps a map outlining exactly where the painted poles are located
Reach out to the Pine Island Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center if you are
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i n t e r e s t e d : p l e a s e c a l l 2 3 9 - 2 8 3 - 0 8 8 8 or info@pineislandchamber org, or stop b y t h e o f f i c e a t 1 0 5 3 0 S t r i n g f e l l o w Road, Bokeelia, Monday through Friday, from 10 a m to 3 p m
The chamber has a list of instructions for artists interested in participating in the pole painting project
T h e o w n e r m a y h a v e t o g o t o Community Development because HPB has no jurisdiction over zoning or building code issues The staff of the HPB are knowledgeable regarding zoning and the building code and will sometimes advise t h e o w n e r o f n e e d e d v a r i a n c e s a f t e r approval of the application by HPB This is not always the case, and one cannot necessarily rely on this advice before actually submitting an application for variance
Resolution HD-90-10-01 divides the properties in the Historic District into two categories for permitting purposes: “contributing” and “noncontributing” properties, depending on their characteristics as unique to Matlacha as of 1990 The two groups are listed separately in Attachment A of the Resolution The Resolution may be the only place you can find out whether your property is contributing or noncontributing If you review your property information on the Lee County Appraiser’s website, the information notes whether the property is “historic;” however, it does not tell you whether it is contributing or noncontributing Many property owners in Matlacha have told me they never knew whether their properties were contributing or noncontributing when purchased An owner must also note that HPB considers the two designations to apply to the actual property and not merely to the structure This can be important if Hurricane Ian washed away your contributing home; however, HPB also has authority to redesignate property from one category to another.
The Matlacha Residential Overlay
The Lee County Commissioners creat-
From page 4 See
ed the Matlacha Residential Overlay on Aug. 22, 2012, as depicted in the map a b o v e O r d i n a n c e 1 2 - 1 4 [ E X H I B I T
D]stated: “Matlacha is noted for its unique island village character that necessitates distinct regulatory treatment ” Therefore, the Ordinance provided the following:
[N]ew Article VI of LDC Chapter 33 will create relevant zoning height, bulk, s e t b a c k a n d o t h e r s t a n d a r d s d e s i g n e d
s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r M a t l a c h a r e s i d e n t i a l neighborhoods These new standards take into account the small platted lots of the community, correct the problem of almost mandatory variances for residential home construction and amend building height, lot coverage, set back and other zoning standards to support harmonious neighborhood character and waterbody views
Consequently, new renovation and construction of Matlacha properties in the R e s i d e n t i a l O v e r l a y [ e x c l u d i n g t h e Historic District] must comply with the p r o v i s i o n s o f L e e D e v e l o p m e n t C o d e Chapter 33 A property owner in the Residential Overlay applies directly to Lee County for approval of renovation or construction projects As Ordinance 12-14 acknowledges, many properties in the Matlacha Residential Overlay may still have the status of a “nonconforming use” under the zoning and construction standards contained in LDC Chapter 33 HPB has no jurisdiction over these properties
The Design Guidelines
T h e “ D e s i g n G u i d e l i n e s ” f o r t h e H i s t o r i c D i s t r i c t a r e c o n t a i n e d i n
Appendix B of the 1990 Resolution of the HPB New renovation or demolition of noncontributing properties must meet a
“preponderance” of the 25 design criteria currently listed in the Resolution. Prior to June 10, 2021, the HPB (consisting of u n p a i d v o l u n t e e r s ) , r e j e c t e d n u m e r o u s applications for COAs and SCAs based on often whimsical and inconsistent criteria I have not found a single HPB decision which applied the “preponderance” standard to an applicant prior to 2021
On June 10, 2021, a decision by the Chief Hearing Examiner in our case held that the HPB cannot reject an application unless the evidence relied on by HPB proves that the application fails to meet 13 or more of the design criteria In our case, t h e S t a f f R e p o r t h a d r e c o m m e n d e d approval because the application met all 25 of the design criteria Prior to June 10, 2021, the HPB frequently denied applications even though they were approved by the professional staff. Our case was the first time any property owner appealed an adverse decision of the HPB to the Lee County Chief Hearing Examiner.
Interior Department Standards for Rehabilitation
For contributing properties in the historic district, the 1990 Resolution requires the applicant to comply with the U S Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation These standards can be found in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations § 67 7 Once again, a review of decisions by the HPB over the years prior to Hurricane Ian evidences whimsical and arbitrary decisions to approve or disapprove applications for contributing properties In my research, I am not aware of any owner appealing an adverse decision of the HPB regarding a contributing
property Owners of contributing properties today should also review the 2021 S e c r e t a r y o f t h e I n t e r i o r ’ s S t a n d a r d s
G u i d e l i n e s o n F l o o d A d a p t a t i o n f o r
Rehabilitating Historic Buildings. Title 36 CFR § 67 6(c) states that the Secretary of Interior shall determine if a project “is consistent” with the Standards for Rehabilitation set forth in Title 36 CFR § 67 7 While it is not entirely clear, it appears that HPB has applied the same standard to contributing properties
Hurricane Ian
After Hurricane Ian, the Lee County Staff acted aggressively to address the impact of the storm on the Matlacha Historic District The current position of the Staff is expressed in the Minutes of the HPB Meeting of Dec 2, 2022 At that meeting, the staff presented a chart entitled “Items Subject to Administrative Review and Approval by Staff ” The purpose of this document is to permit property owners to make renovations and repairs of their properties in the Historic District which the staff recognizes as routine and permissible without going through the elaborate process of Board approval This strategy of streamlining approval is commendable and should be adopted where possible for all applications
My take is that the HPB realizes it may focus only on what is harmonious, historic Matlacha architectural style Contributing or noncontributing property owners should have no difficulty meeting appropriate design guidelines No longer will property owners be unable to raise their properties
From page 14
or to build to within the applicable Lee County zoning and building code. The result will protect Matlacha from the next Ian
Our recommendation to Matlacha residents and property owners is to understand the legal status of the Historic Pre-servation Board and its authority over your use of your property You should read the sources mentioned in this article and available online There are many nuances not addressed in this short article In particular, please consider the following:
F i r s t , i n l a t e 2 0 2 3 t h e F l o r i d a L e g i s l a t u r e e n a c t e d a m e n d m e n t s t o Florida Statutes Chapter 163 to clarity the limited authority of an historic preservat i o n b o a r d T h e l e g i s l a t i o n f o l l o w e d Hurricane Ian to clarify that no local HPB in Florida can prevent a property owner from restoring or using her property within the bounds of the county land development code passed by the local county commissioners The following language comes directly from the statute:
Land development regulations relating to building design elements may not be applied to a single-family or two-family dwelling
1 The dwelling is designated as a historic property or located in a historic district, under the terms of a local preservation ordinance;
7 The dwelling is located within the jurisdiction of a local government that has a design review board or architectural review board
“Building design elements” means the external building color; the type or style of exterior cladding material; the style or material of roof structures or porches; the exterior nonstructural architectural ornamentation; the location or architectural styling of windows or doors; the location or orientation of the garage; the number and type of rooms; and the interior layout of rooms The term does not include the height, bulk, orientation, or location of a dwelling on a zoning lot; or the use of buffering or screening to minimize potential adverse physical or visual impacts or to protect the privacy of neighbors ( F l o r i d a S t a t u t e s § 1 6 3 3 2 0 2 ( 5 ) ( a ) a n d (b)(1)E)
Second, the HPB Design Guidelines contained in the 1 9 9 0 R e s o l u t i o n a t A p p e n d i x B m u s t b e amended to comply with t h e F l o r i d a L e g i s l a t u r e ’ s a m e n d m e n t o f F l o r i d a Statutes § 163 3202(5)(a) a n d ( b ) ( 1 ) E T h e 1 9 9 0 Design Guidelines unlawfully impose restrictions on renovation and construction based on zoning and buildi n g c o d e c r i t e r i a T h e Design Guidelines must use the criteria quoted above
T h e L e e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s a l r e a d y m a d e t h i s c l e a r T h e Historic Preservation Board may not deny applications
w h i c h c o n f o r m w i t h t h e County Land Development Code Chapter 22 of the L e e C o u n t y L a n d D
states: “Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to supersede or conflict with applicable building and zoning codes except as specifically provided in this chapter.” (Emphasis supplied). Any decision of the Board to deny construction of a residential structure in a manner which conflicts with the zoning or building code is unlawful
Third, Chapter 22-103(e) of the Lee County Land Development Code provides: “All decisions of the historic preservation board shall be in writing and shall include findings of fact When an application is denied, the notice of the historic preservation board shall provide an adequate written explanation of its decision to deny the application ” (Emphasis supplied) In our case, the HPB failed to provide any findings denying our application. Based on my review of prior cases, this was a routine failure of the HPB Denial of an application can only be supported by factual findings that the application does not meet the preponderance of design guidelines We trust that is no longer a problem, as the HPB legal advisors are aware of this law
Fourth, the Historic District was created by an HPB Resolution in 1990 The D e s i g n G u i d e l i n e s a r e p a r t o f t h e Resolution A “resolution” of an historic preservation board is not a valid law unless it conforms with the county commissioners’ enabling legislation and with Florida Statutes Chapter 163
Fifth, due to Hurricane Ian, Matlacha has lost most of its historic properties This is due, in part, to the sad history of the HPB refusing to permit owners to raise their properties or even to bring them up to code The decisions of the HPB prior to Hurricane Ian are replete with statements that Matlacha’s “diminutive properties” must be preserved Thus, the small historic properties had no ability to avoid being washed away or destroyed in place
The new Design Guidelines based on Florida Statute § 163 3202(5)(a) and (b)(1)E must find a way to properly reflect our true historic buildings without penalizing owners The Matlacha Historic District should continue to exist under appropriate
and expeditious permitting procedures for renovation and construction.
Lee County’s oversight of the Historic Review Board has forgotten two of the Board’s most important duties established by the Lee County Commissioners in 1990:
(11) To propose and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners financial and technical incentive programs to further the objectives of historic preservation
(14) To apply for, in the name of the county only, grant assistance from state, federal or private sources for the purpose of furthering the objectives of historic preservation
LDC Sec 22-74
All properties designated as historic resources or as a contributing property to a designated historic district shall be eligible for any financial assistance set aside for historic preservation projects by the county, the state or the federal government, provided they meet any additional requirements of those financial assistance programs The historic preservation board and its staff shall investigate funding sources and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to establish a
program providing for transfer of development rights, easements and other local financial assistance programs whenever possible
LDC Sec. 22-171.
After the establishment of the HPB and the Matlacha Historic District in 1990, L e e C o u n t y f u n d e d p r o p e r t y o w n e r s ’ improvements to Matlacha owners in the Historic District A property owner could receive 50% of the cost of improvements from Lee County The County would enjoy a lien on the property for the funding which would be forgiven at the rate of 2 0 % p e r y e a r s o l o n g a s t h e o w n e r retained the property The purpose of the funding was to restore the dilapidated condition of the historic properties
Today more than ever, Matlacha needs this type of funding assistance We are told that Lee County is receiving billions of dollars from federal sources and other sources to recover from Hurricane Ian I am not aware of a single dollar being provided to Matlacha owners of historic properties Lee County through the HPB needs to address this issue immediately
Bridge is a challenging game, played a t 1 2 : 3 0 p m e v e r y W e d n e s d a y a t Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, at 10360 Stringfellow Road, St James City, near the Center of Pine Island. Anyone wishing to play, and likes the
challenge is welcome and does not need a partner It costs $3 to play, some of which goes back to winners of the game
L a s t w e e k ’ s w i n n e r s w e r e J o h n Nyhus, first place; Judy Nyhus, second place; and MaryAnn Kuhn, third place
M a t l a c h a / P i n e I s l a n d F i r e C o n t r o l District report to shift unaware of what their day will have in store for them The responsibilities of obtaining and upholding the knowledge and skills required to provide public safety to the community are vast, as responders never know what the emergency will be As an ALS nontransport agency, the EMTs and paramedics within the fire department have many medications, skills and procedures that they are able to and expected to perform or administer when the need arises
To ensure this information is always fresh in the responders' minds, our staff routinely takes part in training that focuses on these potential situations that keep them prepared for the unexpected call that may present
In the month of March, our staff completed a department-wide competency program that encompassed all the medication, skills and procedures they are c r e d e n t i a l e d t o p e r f o r m u n d e r t h e i r
license These involved items relating to airway, cardiac, neurological, traumatic, OB, environmental and other medical emergencies to which providers were asked to perform these skills in training simulations This allows our providers to get their hands on pieces of equipment that are not utilized often in the field and ensure their proficiency on them in a controlled environment
The anticipation is that these competency months will take place twice a year in addition to daily trainings the staff complete Our goal is to remain as prepared as possible to answer the call when the residents and visitors require emergency services.
M/PIFCDAn island firefighter with the Matlacha/ Pine Island Fire Control District participates in a recent training program.
BARTOW, Fla. – This weekly report is prepared by the Florida Department of Transportation to inform the public about upcoming road work in Southwest Florida
Below are the work schedule and lane closure locations for major state road projects Pine Island Road Causeway and Bridge Permanent Repairs
Construction project: As part of the Emergency Restoration of the Pine Island Road Causeway and Bridge, crews will be working in the project boundaries along CR 78 Pine Island Road from west of Little Pine Island Bridge (Bridge No 120111) to West of Shoreview Drive
void, she said, crediting any endeavor to other people, and insisting her only contribution is to offer space necessary to a project
“I think that’s the biggest impact that I’ve been able to have should anybody be in need and it’s something that I can offer, I will my gift is soap That’s what I do and that’s what I have and that’s
Motorists can expect traffic shifts and flagging operations as crews continue installing utilities throughout the causeway
Please be alerted to construction equipment in the construction zone To maintain s af ety , mo to r is ts s h o u ld f in d alter n ate parking areas
Motorists can expect occasional delays due to flagging operations for delivery/removal of materials, transfer of equipment
For information, visit the FDOT project web page at https://www.swflroads.com/ project/451937-2 or email at shana overhulser@dot state fl us
From page 1
what I can give,” Sweeney said
If Sweeney had a moment to converse with all islanders, she insists she would thank them all for supporting local business and give a warm welcome to new islanders
“ Y o u ' r e t h e m a g i c o f P i n e I s l a n d .
Without your support, we don't exist,” Sweeney said
(Selected by the Breeze Sports staff)
V oting for the Cape Coral Breeze
Athlete of the Month for March is now open
There were a number top performances from student-athletes in The Breeze coverage area to start the new year and now it’s up to readers to decide who will earn top honors for the month
Nominees for March include:
■ Corey Hunter Jr , senior, Mariner Tritons: Hunter helped Mariner earn a spot in the Final Four of the 5A Florida s t a t e b a s k e t b a l l t o u r n a m e n t w i t h t w o strong games in the regional tournament Against Barron Collier, he led the team with 21 points, and in the regional final against the Seminoles, scored 20 points
■ Maximus Brady, junior, Mariner T r i t o n s : B r a d y d e f e a t e d B r a d e n t o n Manatee’s Luke Arthur by major decision in the 132-pound final to take home the FHSAA 2A State Championship This is the third consecutive state championship for Brady, who finished the season with a 47-2 record
■ C a m r e n F r e n c h , j u n i o r , M a r i n e r
Tritons: French, with a sparkling 54-1 record at 126 pounds, was a FHSAA 2A State Champion in Kissimmee The junior captured his first state title -- winning after twice being a runner-up -- via major decision against Rylan Herrera of Clay
■ Mia Lane, junior, North Fort Myers Red Knights: The Red Knights’ leading hitter in just about every offensive categ o r y f i l l e d t h e s c o r e s h e e t d u r i n g h e r
From page 6
First Horizon, Edison Bank/Bank of the Islands, Grant Street Group, Lee County Electric Co-Op (LCEC), JP Morgan and Dprint
Below is a list of the 2024 Kids Tag
Art Awards of Distinction Winners:
Allen Park -- Windy L and Megan A ; The Alva School -- Jaxon H. and Noah S.; Amanecer-- William D and Veronica D ; Bayshore -- Carly U and Jansyn B ; Caloosa -- Julia F and Alana L ; Cape -Kaleb P and Alejandro M ; Colonial -Rihanna G and Joycelyn L ; Diplomat -Anthony P and Kassidy R ; Edgewood -Isabel G and Alexa B ; Edison Park -Darbylee K and Kristen R ; Fort Myers
Beach -- Avah J and Tessa S ; G Weaver
Hipps -- Ly H and Miranda A ; Gateway
E l v i r a V a n d L y a n a N ; G u l f - -
Mackenzie W and Sofia M ; Hancock Creek -- Paityn M and Jolie P ; Hector Cafferata -- Bryan M and Charlene M ; Heights -- Scarlett R. and Alexis C.; J.
Colin English -- Karina H and Valeria S ; James Stephens -- Elmer S and Journey W.; Lehigh Acres -- Makayla-Mae S. and Eva G ; Littleton -- Isabella C and April B ; Manatee -- Tomas A and Gisella P ; Mirror Lakes -- Akeyla D and Kendra A ; Orangewood -- Mei G and Taylor A ; Patriot -- Samantha M and Isabella F ; Pelican -- Marley M and A’lani H ; Pinewoods -- Aimee D and Gianetta A ; Ray Pottorf -- Neveiah P and Grace R ;
Rayma Page -- Arthur B and Abigail C ; River Hall -- Alondra R and Mackenzie
nomination week, going 8-for-13 across three wins, blasting three home runs, driving in seven, and scoring six runs
Through eight games, Lane boasted a 600 average with five homers and 15 RBI.
■ Gabi Winters, freshman, Mariner
Tritons: The freshman was dominant in the circle during her nomination week for the Tritons, tossing a five-inning no-hitter against Oasis with 12 Ks, and going 4 1/3 innings versus Cape Coral, allowing just one hit and striking out nine She also went 4-for-8 at the plate in those games, hitting a home run, triple and driving in seven runs
■ L i l i a n a P o r c e l l i , s o p h o m o r e , I d a B a k e r B u l l d o g s : Q u a r t e r b a c k P o r c e l l i was 10-of-15 through the air for 110
T ; The Sanibel School -- Magdalene H and Savannah L ; Skyline -- Camila M and Peytan M ; Spring Creek -- Grace R and Briselda V ; Tanglewood -- Ella F and Winslet W.; Three Oaks -- Caprice D. and Avery F ; Tice -- Janessa P and
y a r d s a n d t w o t o u c h d o w n s a s t h e Bulldogs won their fourth game in a row in a victory over Island Coast in the inaugural season of girls flag football
■ Isaac Lopez, junior, Island Coast Gators: Lopez had a huge day at the plate as part of a 12-1 win for the Gators over Lake Placid, going 3-for-5 with 5 RBI The junior is batting 333 on the year and leads the team in on base percentage and runs batted in
Athlete of the Month nominees are comprised of the Breeze’s staff-selected Athletes of the Week for that respective month
T o v o t e , v i s i t w w w c a p e c o r a l breeze com and click the "Vote Now" icon on the homepage.
Vrisella M ; Tortuga Preserve -- Alianne F and Maryluz A ; Trafalgar -- Brady S and Kinslie B ; Tropic Isles -- Kylie C and Tyler D ; Veterans Park -- Jeremiah A. and Sarah S.; Villas -- Arianna L. and Marlie B
We had 19 players at mahjongg on March 28 We are always happy to welcome both beginners and experienced players to our sessions
The top scorers for the day were Sue Rasmussen with 180, Terry Wilbur with 175 and Jackie Mallory and Jeanne
Natress, both with 100 points
We play mahjongg every Thursday from 1-4 p m at SJCCA, at 3300 Fourth Ave , at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Lemon Street For more i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l C a r o l y n 2 3 9 - 2 3 37682
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