T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s B e a c h announced that its sand haul project began on the northern shoreline this week with the construction of a berm and the filling in of scours.
The town is also making plans for its larger beach renourishment project, which is slated to begin in the fall and will run along most of the beach On Monday,
councilmembers agreed to request that contractors provide bids for the beach renourishment project to run trucking 24 hours a day over 75 days to make it more affordable The proposal was made by the town’s environmental project manager Chadd Chustz and agreed upon by the council
The council will then weigh the cost differential and impact to the neighborhoods
According to Chustz, the $1.89 million cost for the current sand haul project for the northern part of town, will be covered by the state
The current sand haul project will run through May and will entail the hauling of more than 53,000 tons of sand onto the b e a c h , F o r t M y e r s B e a c h Communications Director Nicole Berzin said The $1 89 million cost of the project includes trucking sand from Stewart Mine
Condo and resort dist ri ct propose d around re sidentia l s treet
at cost of $628,000 to construct the protective sand berm from Crescent Beach Family Park to Bowditch Point Park
The sand haul project is meant to help the town restore sand lost to Hurricane Ian though it will likely also replenish sand that had eroded from areas around town before Ian
“It will have an added benefit of raising the elevation of the beach giving sea
T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s B e a c h
Council approved a new policy that will increase the spending limit for Town Manager Andy Hyatt Monday before he needs approval from town council purchases and contracts for up to $75,000 as part of the first reading of a new ordinance governing the town’s purchase policy
The ordinance increases the authority of Hyatt over purchases, transferring away the power of the finance department to oversee and review certain contracts a n d q u o t e s b e f o r e t h e p u r c h a s e s a r e approved
“It gives the town manager a lot more flexibility in day-to-day operations,” Fort Myers Beach Operations Manager Frank Kropacek said.
i v i t y i n t h a t a r e a U n d e r v a r i o u s p r o p o s a l s d i s c u s s e d b y t h e t o w n c o u n c i l a t a m a n a g e m e n t a n d p l a n n i n g s e s s i o n , t h e n e i g h b o rh o o d c o u l d p o t e n t i a l l y b e r e z o n e d a s p a r t o f e i t h e r a c o n d o a n d r e s o r t d i st r i c t , o r r e t a i l d i s t r i c t T h e n e i g h b o r h o o d b o r d e r s t h e f o rm e r O u t r i g g e r p r o p e r t y w h e r e t h e d e v e l o p e r s L o n d o n B a y h a v e p r o p o s e d a 1 7 - s t o r y c o n d o h i g h - r i s e , t h a t i s c u rr e n t l y b e i n g r e v i e w e d b y t h e t o w n ’ s p l a n n i n g c o n s u l t a n t s A t t h e r e c e n t m a n a g e m e n t a n d p l a nn i n g s e s s i o n , F o r t
M a n a g e r A n d y H y a t t a s k e d i f t h e t o w n c o u n c i l w a n t s t o r e z o n e t h e r e s i d e n t i a l n e i g h b o r h o o d a s a c
M y e r s B e a c h
The town manager currently needs town council approval before he can enter into contracts that are $25,000 or more though since the town entered a state of emergency after Hurricane Ian, the town manager has approved contracts larger than that The town has continuously approved extending the state of emergency through resolutions as recently as this past month
Hyatt has approved contracts for work at Bayside Veteran’s Memorial Park, hiring a new building inspector firm and a $1 4 million contract for new trailers for town hall offices before town council approved the work
W h i l e s o m e c o n t r a c t s h a v e b e e n approved before the town council voted to approve them, the council ultimately did vote to approve contracts such as the work at Bayside Veteran’s Memorial Park and the trailers
Spring is a time of change, as birds begin their migrations and estuarine species start their spawn Important changes also happen in the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary as waters begin to warm and the wet season looms on the horizon
I n S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a , s e a s o n a l w a t e r quality is strongly tied to the health and management of Lake Okeechobee, which was artificially connected to the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary in the 1800s
W h e n L a k e O g e t s t o o h i g h , t h e Caloosahatchee (and the St. Lucie Estuary to the east) often receives water from the lake, which can have various impacts on the ecosystem This year, much of February and M a r c h i n c l u d e d h i g h - v o l u m e , d a m a g i n g w a t e r r e l e a s e s f r o m L a k e O t o t h e Caloosahatchee, and the U S Army Corps of Engineers recently announced that a reduced flow volume of 2,000 cubic feet per second (weekly average) will be sent west through the end of the dry season, barring significant changes in conditions
Lake Okeechobee is a highly managed system
Its height is controlled by the U S Army Corps of Engineers using the Herbert Hoover Dike and a system of locks, canals, and dams The lake serves as a storage reservoir for the agriculture interests south of the lake, guaranteeing the industrial sugar production has as much water as it wants To ensure there’s enough water in even the driest years, it’s necessary to keep the water in the lake much higher than it ever was naturally
But an overly full lake during rainy season quickly turns into a flood risk for surrounding communities Additionally, high lake levels prevent light from reaching the submerged aquatic vegetation in the lake, hindering their growth and preventing essential filtration to the ecosystem
So when the lake is deemed too high, the Corps releases water out of the lake, primarily to the east and west coasts via the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries
This lake water is polluted with nitrogen
and phosphorous and can contribute to harmful algal blooms in the estuaries sometimes directly, DePaolis said At certain volumes, the influx of freshwater into brackish (partly salty) water can also lower salinity levels in the estuaries, which can negatively impact oysters, tapegrass, and other organisms
Deciding when, where, and how much Lake Okeechobee water to release is a n u a n c e d d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g p r o c e s s t h a t involving input from diverse stakeholders SCCF and other members of the Southwest Florida community offer analysis and feedback during the Corps’ stakeholder-engagement process, including science-based recommendations for conditions under which the Caloosahatchee estuary would remain healthiest ”
Following Hurricanes Ian and Nicole in fall 2022, Lake Okeechobee quickly filled much of the capacity of the lake, and levels remained high for much of 2023 When a strong El Nino event was forecast for 202324 which often means a wetter-than-normal dry season SCCF began advocating for the Corps to continue lowering the lake in anticipation of it rising further
“From June through October, frequent rains and watershed runoff can compound Lake Okeechobee releases, introducing an a b u n d a n c e o f e x c e s s n u t r i e n t s i n t o t h e Caloosahatchee and Gulf of Mexico and harming our wildlife, our communities, and our economies,” Pecenka said “This is why SCCF begins asking the Corps to send releases during the dry season, when our estuary is less vulnerable to impacts from receiving flows ”
As predicted, high levels of precipitation during the dry season this year further increased the height of Lake Okeechobee and the Corps’ requirement to lower it.
2024 Releases and Current Status In midFebruary 2024, the Corps decided to start lowering the lake before the wet season by r e l e a s i n g w a t e r t o b o t h c o a s t s T h e Caloosahatchee has received flows of vary-
ing measures from the lake since Feb 17, with a few brief pauses aimed to allow salinities in the estuaries to recover and reduce the stress on oyster populations prior to spawning
Local oyster communities are particularly vulnerable during spawning season in the spring, and the impacts to a disrupted spawning season can span generationally for this highly important species SCCF’s policy department, informed by data from our Marine Laboratory, continually engages with the Corps and other stakeholders to express the organization’s concerns for the health of l o c a l e c o s y s t e m s i n t h e e v e n t t h e Caloosahatchee receives large, long-duration releases On April 6, the Corps resumed minimal releases to the Caloosahatchee (an average of 650 cubic feet per second) to reduce stagnant conditions conducive to blue-green algal blooms Beginning April 13, the releases will increase to a weekly average of 2,000 cubic feet per second through the rest of the dry season
While SCCF is supportive of the current release schedule, we remain concerned with the high lake stage, the efficacy of the dry season strategy to reduce lake levels, and the potential for high-volume releases this summer and fall We ask the Corps to remain reactive to changing conditions and adjust flows as needed to support the ecological health of this system
M a t t D e P a o l i s & A l l i e P e c e n k a , Environmental Policy Director & Associate, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
The U S Army Corps of Engineers announced that it will be increasing flows out of Lake Okeechobee which feed into the Calooshatchee River and Estuary at the W.P. Franklin Lock, to 2,000 cubic feet per second, up from a previous recorded 14-day average moving flow of 1,256 cubic feet per second. The flows eventually find their way into the Gulf of Mexico off Fort Myers Beach.
The U S Army Corps of Engineers began increasing its releases this past weekend from Lake Okeechobee at 2,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) out of the W P Franklin Lock and Dam (S79) and into the Calooshatchee River.
The announcement represents a significant shift for the U S Army Corps of Engineers
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a Conservation Foundation (SCCF), which m o n i t o r s t h e o u t p u t f r o m L a k e O k e e c h o b e e i n t o t h e C a l o o s a h a t c h e e Estuary, the 14-day moving average flow had been reported last week to be at 1,256 cubic feet per second
The U S Army Corps of Engineers is resuming its dry season strategy to get water off Lake Okeechobee before what is forecasted to be a record-setting year of n a m e d s t o r m s , t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a Conservation Foundation said in its weekly update regarding the lake releases
“Lower lake levels provide flood risk management, improve lake ecology, and
decrease the probability of large releases d u r i n g t h e s u m m e r w h e n l a r g e a l g a l blooms generally occur with greater frequency,” SCCF said
Between February and March, Lake Okeechobee releases increased enough to bring lake levels down a foot The SCCF considers those high-volume releases to be damaging to local water quality With the rainy season approaching and water temperatures rising, water releases from the lake will be made in greater volumes, SCCF said
Seasonal water quality is strongly tied to the health and management of Lake Okeechobee, which is connected to the C a l o o s a h a t c h e e R i v e r a n d E s t u a r y Stagnant conditions can also be conducive to blue-green algal blooms
“These large releases contain excessive amounts of nutrients and have the potential to transport an active algae bloom into the Caloosahatchee and Gulf of Mexico,” SCCF said
The owners of the Pink Shell Beach Resort and Marina have been steadily building to this day ever since Hurricane Ian tried but failed to take their Fort Myers Beach hotel away
A year and a half after relentless renovations, the resort is now fully functional almost as if nothing happened
The latest example is the completion of the reconstruction of its marina with all new dockage for boat slips The proof is the line of million-dollar yachts lined up at the marina
The proof is in the full house the resort enjoyed this past weekend, at the end of the traditional vacation season on the island
“It’s a good problem to have,” General Manager Bill Waichulis said
“It’s been jamming,” he said
The rebuilt marina was a crucial step in the rebirth of the Pink Shell The first hotel to reopen after Hurricane Ian first for FEMA workers a little more than a month later, and then six months later to the public, the Pink Shell is one of the gems of Fort Myers Beach
A year and a half ago, Ian tore through the old wooden docks of the resort’s bayside marina off Estero Boulevard
The first thing Waichulis and ownership did was to order new docks with 41 boat slips through Golden Marine Systems, which is based in North Fort Myers They installed a new floating aluminum dock array which looks ready to handle any possible threat The company boasts that its Flexi-Block connectors virtually eliminate noise as dock sections flex and roll from waves and wakes.
Only five of the 33 internal cement pilings needed to be replaced, meaning new dock sections needed to be precisely manufactured to fit the existing piles, according t o t h e c o m p a n y R J G o r m a n M a r i n e C o n s t r u c t i o n
installed the main dock and 13 fingers The original marina was installed in 2011 “The pilings aren’t going anywhere,” Waichulis said “They are so far in the bed,
Rae’s on the Beach has reopened at the Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina. All windows at the resort have been tinted at 15%, going above and beyond the town’s required tint to be turtle-friendly and avoid any potential disorientations of nesting sea turtles
they aren’t going to move ”
The marina is open to those staying at the resort or visiting for a meal Many people who dock at the marina and stay at the Pink Shell are visiting from areas around Tampa and who are on their way to the Keys, Waichulis said. One boat this weekend was in town from Anna Maria Island The marina also has a fishing pier for guests
The resort’s restaurants, Jack’s and Rae’s on the Beach, are back open as is the poolside bar Bongo’s. There is also a new ice cream stand next to Bongo’s sup-
plied by Royal Scoop Breathtaking views of the Gulf of Mexico and the beach are everywhere Beach chairs along the beach are filled by guests looking to get closer to the water
Waichulis has been at the resort, located at the northern end of Estero Boulevard next to Bowditch Point Park, for 18 years He has been involved in every aspect of the rebuild including the reopening of all 195 of the resort’s rooms and the resort’s iconic pool
Even before Hurricane Ian, Waichulis was working on efforts to better the resort and the island Four years ago, he started working on plans to renourish parts of the
See PINK SHELL, page 18
T h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n brought the spirit of Las Vegas to the island when it held a successful fundraising gala at the DiamondHead Beach Resort Saturday, its first since 2020
A combination of the effects of covid and Hurricane Ian had kept the foundation from holding its annual celebration and fundraiser.
See GALA, page 9
Gala From page 8
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C o m m u n i t y Foundation member Kelly Smith, who helped organize the event, said the event was a big success
“While we don’t have the final numbers, we are thrilled at the support from the Fort Myers Beach community at large,” Smith said “From ticket sales to donations to gaming, it was a fundraising evening to remember ”
Smith thanked local Realtor Alex King and the King Family Foundation for partnering with the foundation on the event, as well the DiamondHead Beach Resort for hosting the gala
“The Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation would like to thank Dr. Nancy Bouchard and our anonymous donor for their support along with our committed board members and membership at large ”
The Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation helps fund a number of charitable efforts, contributing funds to nonprofit organizations, as well as providing scholarships to local students and the children of local workers During the COVID pandemic, the foundation aided island workers who were temporarily out of work After Hurricane Ian, the foundation teamed with The Women's Club to further assist island families and workers impacted by the storm
For more information on joining the F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C o m m u n i t y Foundation and contributing to their philanthropic efforts, visit their website a t www FMBCommunityFoundation com
The Lee Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to award design contracts for the Fort Myers Beach Fishing Pier and restrooms at Lynn Hall Memorial Park
T h e w o r k w i l l b e f u n d e d t h r o u g h t h e F e d e r a l Emergency Management Agency’s Disaster Relief Fund, the county announced
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc was awarded a $1 17 million contract to design the replacement of the pier as part of the ongoing recovery program to restore Lee County facilities impacted by the hurricane
This project will design and provide professional services to replace the pier with the perspective of preserving the original pier's historical integrity and authenticity in accordance with all new permitting and regulatory requirements This project is part of the ongoing recovery program to restore Lee County facilities affected during Hurricane Ian
It will take about 18 months to complete the design portion of the project A construction contract will be awarded by the Board after the design work is complete
Lynn Hall Memorial Park
The county commissioners also approved a $579,800
contract to design Lynn Hall Memorial Park, including restrooms, which was awarded to DRMP, Inc
This design contract will include the survey, design, permitting, engineering and construction-related services for the reestablishment of and improvements to Lynn Hall Memorial Park, a county park on Estero Boulevard, the county announced
Lynn Hall Memorial Park is a 5-acre public park at the center of Fort Myers Beach, next to Times Square It was established in the early 1950s The site consisted of restrooms, four boardwalks, an informational kiosk, two large picnic shelters with grills, public parking, landscaping, lighting and signage The park was destroyed by Hurricane Ian, and as a result, the boardwalks, restroom and picnic shelter have been demolished This project will reconstruct the existing park to pre-hurricane conditions while addressing all new permitting requirements and mitigation efforts
The park’s restrooms were destroyed by Hurricane Ian The county has placed portable restrooms in the parking lot
It will take about a year to complete the design, after which a construction contract will be awarded by the board, Lee County spokesperson Tim Engstrom said
Dozens of anglers took to the waters of Fort Myers Beach recently to raise thousands of dollars for the Tommy Bohanon Foundation in the second annual Red Grouper Bash as part of the Off-Duty Fishing Series $20,000 raised in the e v e n t w a s d o n a t e d t o t h e T o m m y B o h a n o n F o u n d a t i o n , w h i c h s u p p o r t s young student-athletes in Lee County.
T h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h L i o n s Foundation is now accepting applications for their 2024 ‘WE SERVE" scholarships Monetary awards for college or vocational educational assistance are given to local students who demonstrate ability, need and a solid record of community service
This year, the Lions Club will be awarding scholarships to 10 deserving applicants The form can be found on the F o r t M y e r s B e a c h L i o n s w e b s i t e : fmblions com Please make sure you receive e-mail confirmation after you send the application All completed applications must be submitted no later than May 31 Questions can be addressed to: info@fmblions com
Moss Marina hosted 45 anglers for the fishing tournament off Harbor Court The winner of the bash was Jess Mesmer, with a combined two-grouper weight of 35 pounds Mesmer also won the Calcutta group paying out $25,500 for first place and a Calcutta reel
The fishing series was founded by Ryan Joyce, Alec Dilallo and Michael
State Rep Spencer Roach, R-76, announced that he will not seek reelection to the Florida House of Representatives
Roach, a North Fort Myers resident, represents parts of Lee, Charlotte and DeSoto counties
Earlier this year, Roach had proposed a sweeping change to the state’s Citizens’ Property Insurance program which would change the state's insurance company from covering flood insurance to wind coverage. The measure wasn't adopted in the most recent session of the state legislature
Roach was first elected in 2018 and subsequently reelected twice
He announced his decision in a letter that was released to the media
“It’s time for me to step away, and I will leave political office the same way I entered it: with my integrity intact, my conscience clear, and my heart full,” Roach said
“It has been the honor of my life to receive the nomination from my friends and neighbors to stand as their representative in one of most powerful legislative chambers in the world” he said in his letter
Roach said he didn't have any future political plans “I will continue to advocate for common-sense conservative solutions to real-world problems, as I always have,” Roach said
Roach served in the U S Coast Guard from 19962016, spending time at the Fort Myers Beach Coast Guard station His service included deployment to the Middle East
Werner as a way to give b a c k t o t h e F o r t M y e r s Beach community after the d e v a s t a t i n g e f f e c t s o f Hurricane Ian Overall, $40,000 was raised at this year’s tournament
Roach is a judge advocate by profession
“We’re sincerely appreciative of the support Ryan, Alec and Michael have given us the past couple of years,” said
F o u n d a t i o n C o - F o u n d e r T o m m y Bohanon “Their generosity helps the Foundation make a positive impact on the lives of so many young people in the community ”
Strong wind gusts Thursday night toned down by Friday afternoon but were still strong enough to make for a good day of windsurfing and kiteboarding on Fort Myers Beach.
The Lee Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to authorize staff to pursue acquisition of six parcels totaling 40 acres for the Conservation 20/20 Land Acquisition Program
The vote authorizes county staff to negotiate terms for purchase Any negotiated terms will come back before the Board for consideration
The parcels are recommended for acquisition by the Conservation 20/20 Land Acquisition and Stewardship Advisory Committee (CLASAC) Four of the parcels are 5 acres each, and two are 10 acres each
All six are in-fill parcels located in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) area in southeast Lee County The South Florida Water Management
From page 1
turtles more favorable habitat to nest in,” Berzin said “Last season’s sea turtle hatchling success rates were significantly higher than neighboring islands, which was attributed to the FEMA berm that was constructed,” Chustz said
Sand and equipment for the North Estero Berm Project will be staged at 800 Estero Blvd. and at Bowditch Point Park. The beach sand truck haul project will be followed by the beach renourishment project in the fall, which will dredge approximately one million cubic yards of sand from the Gulf onto Fort Myers Beach “It will be a whole new beach by November," Chustz said
O n M o n d a y , t h e t o w n c o u n c i l approved contracts for the renourishment
In addition, the town is planning an additional beach renourishment project that is slated to begin in the fall which will run from the 500 block of Estero Blvd to the southern side of Estero Blvd in the 6000 block area The plan is to stage sand at the Wyndham Garden Inn
Chustz said the plan is to allow for 24hour a day trucking after shorebird nesting ends
Allers asked if the town had reached out to homeowners for their reaction to the idea of having trucks running 24 hours a day delivering sand onto the island
“Wherever it is going to be, there is going to be noise issues,” Chustz said Chustz said that while it may be noisy for
District manages acquired Conservation 20/20 propert i e s i n t h i s a r e a t h r o u g h a M e m o r a n d u m o f
Understanding The nominated parcels are all adjacent to or within the proximity to existing publicly owned lands
The CREW Land & Water Trust is a private, nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the preservation and stewardship of the water resources and natural communities in and around the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed It is the largest intact watershed in Southwest Florida, straddling Lee and Collier counties.
In other business Tuesday, the Board voted to award a $129,911 contract to repair or replace fences dam-
aged by Hurricane Ian at 11 Conservation 20/20 preserves The contract is with Pine Island-based Dynamic South Inc
T h e r e a r e c u r r e n t l y 3 1 , 4 3 7 a c r e s w i t h i n t h e C o n s e r v a t i o n 2 0 / 2 0 L a n d A c q u i s i t i o n P r o g r a m
Conservation 20/20 Preserves provide a variety of recreation opportunities, including hiking, kayaking and canoeing, horseback riding, fishing, and scenic observation areas to view wildlife
Free guided nature hikes and special themed walks are hosted at various preserves throughout the year
For more information about Conservation 20/20 Preserves, go to: https://www leegov com/parks/conservation2020)
a couple months, it would save time and money
Councilmember Karen Woodson asked how much longer it would take if the town doesn’t truck the sand 24 hours a day
Chustz guessed that it could take double the amount of time, which would be about five months
V i c e M a y o r J i m A t t e r h o l t a s k e d
Chustz if some residential areas would be
impacted less than others. He said the Wyndham Garden Inn was a good location for the beach renourishment project He also suggested using the former Red Coconut RV Resort property
From page 1
t h e O u t r i g g e r R e s o r t p r o p e r t y , t h e r e s i d e nt i a l n e i g h b o r h o o d i s s i t u a t e d a c r o s s f r o m t h e f u t u r e t o w n h a l l a t 6 2 3 1 E s t e r o B l v d a n d t h e C h u r c h o f t h e A s c e n s i o n T h e t a l k a m o n g s t t h e c o u n c i l r e g a r di n g t h e p r o p o s e d z o n i n g c h a n g e w a s i n it i a t e d b y H y a t t , w h o s a i d h e w a s r e c e n tl y a p p r o a c h e d i n h i s o f f i c e b y a r e s i d e n t a b o u t t h e i d e a H y a t t d e s c r i b e d t h e p e r s o n s e e k i n g t h e z o n i n g c h a n g e s a s “ j u s t a g e n t l e m a n w h o w a n t e d t o a s k s o m e q u e s t i o n s ” a n d w h o h a d a l s o m e t w i t h a c o u p l e c o u nc i l m e m b e r s r e g a r d i n g a d i s t r i c t f o r c o nd o m i n i u m s H y a t t d i d n ’ t i d e n t i f y w h o m a d e t h e r e q u e s t C o u n c i l m e m b e r J o h n K i n g s a i d h e s p o k e t o t h e u n n a m e d i n d i v i d u a l w h o w a n t s t o e x t e n d t h e c o n d o d i s t r i c t t o w h e r e t h e C h u r c h o f t h e A s c e n s i o n i s a n d a l l o w f o r m o r e h e i g h t i n t h e z o n i n g c o d e H y a t t a s k e d t h e t o w n ’ s p
From page 1
Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt asked what the practical changes were in terms of how the town council empowers the town manager.
“That gives us a larger ability to do the things we need to do at a moment’s notice,” Kropacek said “We still always come to council ”
K r o p a c e k s a i d t h a t b i d d i n g i s n o t r e q u i r e d f o r s m a l l e r p u r c h a s e s T h e town’s procurement policy requires a quote sheet
The town’s current procurement policy requires contracts over $25,000 to go through a sealed-bid process and to be approved by the town council though the town has been operating under a state of emergency since Hurricane Ian which allows for the waiving of some of the town’s policies
Other changes to the town’s procurement policy is that the selection advisory committee that reviews bids and response
materials will only perform a cost or price analysis for bids greater than $250,000, whereas previously there was not cost minimum specified.
The new policy also puts greater power in the hands of the town manager in developing a selection advisory committee to review bids Currently, the committee consists of a minimum of three members and may consist of town department directors as well as members of the town and Lee County community that are deemed as having special or expert knowledge in the area being solicited Under the new policy, it would be in the discretion of the town manager to reach out to members of the community for input
Under the new policy, the town clerk would also only need to put out public notices for professional services if they are in excess of uncited statutory thresholds rather than the previous figure of $250,000 or for uncited statutory thresh-
olds for professional services, rather than the previous figure of $25,000
“These large releases contain excessive amounts of nutrients and have the potential to transport an active algae bloom into the Caloosahatchee and Gulf of Mexico ”
-Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation statement in response to increasing Lake Okeechobee releases by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
From page 5
“While SCCF is supportive of the current release schedule, we remain concerned with the high lake stage, the efficacy of the dry season strategy to reduce lake levels, and the potential for high-volume releases this summer and fall We ask the Corps to remain reactive to changing conditions and adjust flows as needed to support the ecological health of this system,” SCCF said in a statement
The U S Army Corps of Engineers announced that it will be increasing flows out of Lake Okeechobee which feed into the Calooshatchee River and Estuary at the W P Franklin Lock, to 2,000 cubic feet per second, up from a previous recorded 14-day average moving flow of 1,256 cubic feet per second The flows eventually find their way into the Gulf of Mexico off Fort Myers Beach.
beach which had eroded in front of the Pink Shell While the Pink Shell Beach Resort still enjoys a good-sized beachfront, storms last week brought waves from the Gulf close to the edge of the property a reminder that the town’s beach renourishment was needed The town is embarking on a beach renourishment that Waichulis said will ultimately double the size of the beach in front of the resort
“It will be a big difference,” Waichulis
said “We really need it ”
For guests, the resort offers nature tours, kayak tours and beachwalks with Rob Howell, who also serves on the t o w n ’ s M a r i n e a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l Resources Task Force
Every outdoor light on the property has been outfitted to be turtle-friendly as part o f a g r a n t w i t h t h e S e a T u r t l e Conservancy Each window is outfitted with 15% tint, going above and beyond the 45% tint requirement in town, in order
to not be a disorientation threat to nesting and hatching sea turtles
Waichulis and the Pink Shell’s owners give back to the community as well They have aided in the town with its pumpout boats, agreeing to pump out the town’s mooring field boats that take the sewage from the boat’s resting along the town’s mooring balls
“We do that at no cost,” Waichulis said
The town had been looking to build a new pumpout facility but Waichulis said it’s not a big deal for his staff to handle the pumpout boats once or twice a week in a process that only takes a half an hour or so
The resort hired Austin Gilchrist, the former Fort Myers Beach Harbormaster, who works on maintaining the resort’s docks and plumbing
While all three of the Pink Shell’s buildings reopened, four original cottages
The iconic pool at the Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina has been fully rebuilt since Hurricane Ian, with another pool on the way
dating back to the 1950s were destroyed
The children’s pool is being replaced by a “regular pool” with a hot tub, Waichulis said The total insurance claim for the damage from Hurricane Ian was approximately $80 million, Waichulis said Two out of the four elevators in the main building are working as elevator continue to be hard to replace For buildings on the island, condo associations are still struggling to repair elevators. The Pink Shell Beach Resort’s rooms are actually conside r e d c o n d o s w i t h j o i n t p a r t n e r s h i p between the managing partners of the resort and individual condo owners who get to stay at the resort four weeks per year while drawing income from the rentals of their units
The success of the Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina includes about 275 e m p l o y e e s w o r k i n g o n t h e p r o p e r t y Waichulis said he was able to retain some of the staff that was here pre-Ian though many moved out of the area after the storm
“Everybody is relieved,” Waichulis said of the resort and marina’s rebirth
TFollowing the presentations there will be an interactive session where the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the panelists
“We believe that this event will provide valuable information and foster a better understanding of the efforts being made to ensure the safety of our community,” officials said
The Lee County Parks & Recreation Department and the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation invite the community to the park’s 40th anniversary celebration and Earth Day event from 9 a m to noon Saturday, April 20
In recognition of Earth Day, 40 trees will be planted by volunteers from Keep Lee County Beautiful Inc Funding for the tree planting is supported by Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation and the sale of Lakes Passports
The digital passports can be purchased for $40 The passport includes free parking to Lakes Park until May 31, a free train ticket, a commemorative token and entry into a raffle for prizes Only 100 Passports will be sold and are available to purchase at www.LakesPark.org.
Partners and supporters will provide information and giveaways at this free event Cake and ice cream will be served at 11 a m after a brief ceremony Activities include discounted rates for a bounce house park and train rides, tai chi and yoga demonstrations, Ding Darling Conservation Carnival and more
Parking is $1 an hour or $5 a day, and Lee County annual parking stickers are accepted
Lakes Regional Park opened to the public on April 21, 1984 An estimated 2,000 people attended The 279acre park, in the heart of South Fort Myers, offers a tranquil environment with 2.5 miles of paved and natural paths for walking or biking and both children’s community and fragrance gardens It also is a haven for birdwatching, with more than 1,000 nests in the rookery during season Families gather to enjoy the playgrounds, boat rentals, miniature train rides and fishing with rental shelters available for picnicking, parties and group events
The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation, a nonprofit organization, assists Lee County Parks & Recreation through philanthropic and voluntary efforts to enrich Lakes Regional Park and the community’s enjoyment of this natural resource. The Foundation celebrates 20 years assisting the park and has raised more than $2 million dollars to enhance the beauty and experience of Lakes Park Visit LakesPark org for further information
For more information about Lee County Parks and Recreation locations, amenities and special events, visit w w w l e e p a r k s o r g , c a l l 2 3 9 - 5 3 3 - 7 2 7 5 , e m a i l leeparks@leegov com or visit leeparksandrecreation on
Facebook and Instagram
To receive updates from Lee County Government, s i g n u p f o r t h e n e w s l e t t e r h e r e :
lorida Rep’s stand-up comedy nights continue with comedian headliners from The Comedy Zone performing in the Historic Arcade Theatre from 7 – 9 p m on select Fridays The next events will be held on April 19 and 26 Tickets start at $40 per person and include two house drinks Premium upgrades are available T i c k e t s m a y b e p u r c h a s e d o n l i n e a t www floridarep org or by calling the box office at 239-332-4488 or toll-free at 877-787-8053
Juanita Lolita headlines on April 19
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers comwith feature comedian Steve Netta opening Juanita Lolita’s comedy career began when a coworker signed her up for an open mic night Within one year she was performing for over 7000 women at a church conference in Atlanta and since then has performed throughout the country Juanita was voted "Best of the Bay" with Creative Loafing Magazine, a finalist for "Florida’s Funniest Person" Rooftop comedy, and recently, a finalist in "The World Series of Comedy" Las Vegas. She has been featured on NBC, ABC, and the CTN Her
LeeTran will be celebrating 50 years of providing public transportation in Lee County by providing free rides on fixed routes Saturday, April 20
That includes services on Fort Myers Beach from Main St on San Carlos Island over the Matanzas Bridge and all other Fort Myers Beach spots
The county also announced that the free, seasonal tram service on Fort Myers Beach will conclude Wednesday, April 24
LeeTran will also return to its seasonal schedule starting April 25
L a t i n f l a i r a n d h i l l b i l l y background have quickly become a crowd favorite Juanita takes pride in the fact that she can make you laugh hysterically without p r o f a n i t y H e r c o m e d y f o c u s e s o n o b s e r v a t i o n s from everyday life
F e a t u r e d c o m e d i a n S t e v e N e t t a i s f r o m
Philadelphia and has been performing comedy for 16 years He’s been a featured comic for some of the biggest names in comedy such as Ray Romano, Brian R e g a n , R o d n e y C a r r i n g t o n , D a r r e l l Hammond, and Kathleen Madigan His show is described as a roller coaster ride taking you through so many twists and turns, you never know what he will say next!
“Big Rich” Brock headlines on April 26 with feature comedian Donnie Marsh opening.
A former pastor, "Big Rich" brings his preacher persona to the stage with “clean comedy ” A lifelong Southerner, Rich was born and raised in a small Georgia town where he learned the power of humor, storytelling, and connecting with people "Big Rich” shares his life experiences including being raised in the 1900s, his 25 years of ministry and marriage, divorce, career changes, parenting, and dating in his 50's - all with a big smile, lots of laughter, and an “enjoy life” attitude
Featured comedian Donnie Marsh is a musical comedian, former youth pastor, and the founder of Lookout Comedy Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee
For more information about the comedians performing at Florida Rep in April, visit floridarep org
More About Florida Repertory Theatre
Founded in 1998, Florida Repertory Theatre is a fully professional, live theatre
i n t h e F o r t M y e r s R i v e r D i s t r i c t Performances are held in the Historic Arcade Theatre and the ArtStage Studio Theatre on Bay St between Jackson & Hendry
V i s i t F l o r i d a R e p o n l i n e a t
FloridaRep org to view the full season line-up of comedies, dramas, musicals, new works, and special events Follow the c o m p a n y o n F a c e b o o k , T w i t t e r , Instagram, and YouTube for updates, behind-the-scenes insight, special offers, and more
Award winning duo from Spain returns to the Alliance for the Arts for ‘Flamencodanza’
The Alliance for the Arts is thrilled to welcome back the mesmerizing performance of "Flamencodanza" on Friday, May 10, at 7:30 p m in the Foulds Theater Don't miss this inspired and elegant fusion of Flamenco dance and guitar, featuring the dynamic duo, dancer Aylin Bayaz and guitarist Raúl Mannola The Alliance for the Arts is at 10091 McGregor Blvd Fort Myers
" F l a m e n c o d a n z a " t a ke s a u d i e n c e s o n a j o u r n ey through the rich traditions of Flamenco while infusing elements of Brazilian music and jazz, creating a vibrant tapestry of sound and movement UNESCO recognized Flamenco as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010, and Bayaz and Mannola embody its passion and artistry in every performance
F u l l o f e n e rg y, b e a u t y a n d i n s p i r a t i o n , “Flamencodanza” made its Fort Myers debut last year at the 2023 Fringe Fort Myers This special performance features a duo collaboration of Flamenco dance and guitar, fusing different elements together producing an award-winning show of beauty and inspiration
Witness dancer Aylin Bayaz's breathtaking interpretation of the music as she whirls and twirls with grace and precision, perfectly complemented by Raú Mannola's rhythmic guitar playing Their collaboration is a testa-
ment to their extraordinary talent and dedication to their craft This is one beautiful showcase of international talent you won’t want to miss!
Tickets for this unforgettable performance are only $20, with discounts available for Alliance members Don't miss your chance to experience the beauty and power of Flamenco at the Alliance for the Arts Purchase your tickets today! Performance will be held in the Foulds Theatre-Alliance for the Arts For more information, call 239-939-2787, visit us at www ArtInLee org, or find us on Facebook and Instagram
About Alliance for the Arts
The Alliance for the Arts is a nonprofit community visual and performing arts center located in the heart of Fort Myers, Florida Since 1975, the Alliance has been committed to transforming lives and improving community through the arts The Alliance campus and galleries are open to the public from 9 a m to 7 p m Tuesday through Friday, and from 9 a m to 1 p m on Saturdays Located at 10091 McGregor Boulevard just south of Colonial Boulevard in Fort Myers For more information, please call 239-939-2787, visit us at www ArtInLee org, find us on Facebook or Instagram
The Fort Myers Mighty Mussels are returning to Southwest Florida for a six-game homestand highlighted by celebrations of the island lifestyle and Grateful Dead’s music
The 31st annual Islands Night, today, April 17, will include a pregame parade around the warning track featuring businesses, government officials and nonprofits representing Southwest Florida's barrier islands, including Sanibel, Captiva and Fort Myers Beach The in-game atmosphere inside Hammond Stadium at Lee Health Sports Complex also will have a tropical feel
Grateful Dead Night on April 20 will feature Unlimited Devotion, a Florida-based band that explores Grateful Dead's songbook The band has evolved its repertoire, personnel and musical personality to reflect its current members' jazz and funk influences Mighty Mussels fans are encouraged to dress in their favorite Jerry Garcia-styled apparel, tie-dye T-shirts and hippie haircuts Admission to the postgame concert is included with the price of admission
Grateful Dead Night drew 2,574 fans last season, while announced attendance at Islands Night was 4,082
The April 16-21 homestand also includes Princesses and Pirates Night, Snowbird Appreciation Night and College Night, with each promotion offering special ticket deals
Mighty Mussels tickets start at $10 and are available at MightyMussels com Upcoming gameday promotions for the six-game series against the Jupiter Hammerheads include:
∫ Today, April 17 (first pitch at 7:05 p m )
Islands Night: The Mussels will celebrate all fans who live on islands in Southwest Florida
Two Dollar Dog Night: Hot dogs cost just $2 at the concession stand
Guaranteed Win Night: Fans receive a free ticket to the next home game if the Mighty Mussels lose.
Silver Sluggers: Senior club members get free tickets and parking to all Wednesday home games
Ladies Night: Women get 2-for-1 seltzers and wine at the game
∫ Thursday, April 18 (first pitch at 7:05 p m )
Beer Special Thursdays: Fans 21+ can purchase two 16-ounce beers for $5
Miracle Throwback Night: Players will wear throwback Fort Myers Miracle uniforms
College Night: Students can purchase $5 tickets at the box office with a valid ID
Snowbird Appreciation Night: Fans with an out-ofstate ID can purchase $5 tickets at the box office
∫ Friday, April 19 (first pitch at 7:05 p m )
Princess & Pirate Night: Children who dress up can participate in a costume contest to win prizes, and special ticket packages include a tiara or eye patch
Pregame Happy Hour: Purchase 2-for-1 Bacardi drinks at Rusty's Bar from 6-7 p m
Postgame Fireworks: Pyrotechnics will light up the sky above right field after the final out
Kids Club Friday: Children who join the Mussel Sprouts Kids Club receive a T-shirt, free tickets to all Friday home games and access to VIP events.
∫ Saturday, April 20 (first pitch at 6:05 p m )
Grateful Dead Night: All "Deadheads" are invited to a postgame tribute concert featuring the band Unlimited Devotion
Bark in the Park: Leashed dogs are welcome at Hammond Stadium
∫ Sunday, April 21 (first pitch at 12:05 p m )
SWFL Baseball Card Show: Card-collecting enthusiasts can buy, sell and trade cards on the concourse from 9 a m to 3 p m
Free Kids' Tickets: All children 12 and under can receive free tickets to every Sunday home game during the 2024 season
Kids Catch on the Field: Children can play catch from 11 to 11:30 a m
Kids Run the Bases: Children can run bases after the game
For more information or to purchase individual, group or season tickets, please visit MightyMussels com or call 239-768-4210
Pace Center for Girls, Lee to host
16th annual Grande Dames Tea April 18
Pace Center for Girls, Lee has announced its 16th annual Grande Dames Tea, taking place from 1 to 3 p m on Thursday, April 18 at Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre, 1380 Colonial Blvd. in Fort Myers.
Each year, Pace’s Grande Dames Tea honors women who exemplify the organization’s guiding principles and have made a significant impact through their roles in business, community and philanthropy The inspirational event recognizes the unique perspectives and powerful insights that these women have gained throughout their life journeys, and the importance of passing this knowledge along to future generations With the event’s theme, “The Wisdom of Time – Honoring the Female Spirit,” honorees will share their wisdom during a Q&A session led by the young women of Pace Guests will also enjoy special performances by the Pace girls, and a raffle featuring an array of packages from local businesses
The 16th annual event is co-chaired by Jennifer Nelson and Holly Wilson The 2024 Grande Dames honorees will be announced in the coming weeks
A Friends of Pace table for six is available for $600 S p o n s o r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e a v a i l a b l e , i n c l u d i n g Presenting sponsor for $10,000, Golden Teacup sponsor f o r $ 7 , 5 0 0 , S i l v e r T e a c u p s p o n s o r f o r $ 5 , 0 0 0 , Fascinator sponsor for $2,500, Silver Teaspoon sponsor for $1,500 and in-kind sponsorships
Proceeds from the event benefit Pace Lee and its strength-based programs that guide Pace girls in finding their voice and achieving their potential Programs are based on the belief that all girls and young women, regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, should be uniquely cared for, supported and encouraged to become the best versions of themselves through a path of healing and recovery
The event is sold out For more information visit P a c e C e n t e r o r g / L o c a t i o n s / F l o r i d a / L e e / 2 0 2 4 - G r a n d eDames-Tea or call 239-425-2366
C a s i n o t o p re s e n t F a k e f e s t A p r i l 2 0
Regular Programs:
Eco-Kayak Tours
Wednesday through Saturday 9 a m to 11 a m
Explore the winding mangrove creeks and go places only a kayak can go on this guided eco-tour of Estero Bay. This beginner friendly tour allows you to experience and learn more about the natural beauty of a mangrove estuary and the history of the area
S t i l l A l i v e ' s h o m a g e t o o n e o f S e a t t l e ' s m o s t i c o n i c b a n d s S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e i s a t 5 0 6 S o u t h 1 s t S t , I m m o k a l e e
S t e p h e n M a r l e y B r i n g s H i s ‘ O l d S o u l To u r
U n p l u g g e d ’ w i t h S p e c i a l G u e s t I n n e r
C i rc l e t o S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l M a y 4
Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee welcomes eight-time Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter/producer Stephen Marley and his “Old Soul Tour Unplugged” with special guest Inner Circle Saturday, May 4 at 8 p.m., with gates opening at 7 p m Advance tickets for this outdoor concert are available from Ticketmaster or at http://www moreinparadise com starting at $55 Parking is free
$1 of every ticket will benefit the mission of Ghetto Youths Foundation (GYF) to provide aid and assistance, support and critical resources to people in need across the globe Each year GYF programs serve hundreds of young people, seniors, families, and communities with transformative outreach initiatives supporting health and education, sports and arts, community-building and fundamental social services. For more information, visit ghettoyouthsfoundation org
S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e i s a t 5 0 6 S o u t h 1 s t S t , I m m o k a l e e
C o u n t r y M u s i c S i n g e r a n d S o n g w r i t e r B i l l y C u r r i n g t o n t o P e r f o r m
a t S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l M a y 3 1
S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e w i l l h o s t c o u nt r y m u s i c e n t e r t a i n e r B i l l y C u r r i n g t o n p e r f o r m i n g l i v e
F r i d a y , M a y 3 1 a t 8 p m T i c k e t s f o r t h i s o u t d o o r c o nc e r t s t a r t a t $ 5 2 . 5 0 a n d a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m
T i c k e t m a s t e r o r a t w w w m o r e i n p a r a d i s e c o m P a r k i n g i s f r e e P o s s e s s i n g o n e o f t h e s m o o t h e s t a n d m o s t d i s t i n ct i v e v o i c e s i n a n y g e n r e o f m u s i c , C u r r i n g t o n i s e q u a ll y s k i l l e d a t d e l i v e r i n g u p b e a t s u m m e r t i m e a n t h e m s a s w e l l a s e x p l o r i n g t h e c o m p l e x i t i e s o f l i f e a n d l o v e
w i t h a p o i g n a n t b a l l a d
S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e i s a t 5 0 6 S o u t h 1 s t S t , I m m o k a l e e
The Moody Blues’ John Lodge
‘Per for ms Days of Future Passed’ at Seminole Casino Hotel Aug. 2
Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee welcomes legendary bass player, songwriter and vocalist of The Moody Blues and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Lodge as he “Performs Days of Future Passed” Friday, Aug. 2, 2024 with doors opening at 7 p.m. and the show beginning at 8 p m Tickets start at $55 and are available f r o m T i c k e t m a s t e r o r a t w w w m o r e i n p a r a d i s e c o m Parking is free
The concert was originally set for February 2024 but had to be postponed Tickets for that show are still valid
G e t r e a d y t o r o c k a n d r o l l a s N i c e G u y s P r o d u c t i o n a n d S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e p r e s e n t F a k e f e s t , a n e l e c t r i f y i n g o u t d o o r t r i b u t e c o n c e r t e v e n t f e a t u r i n g s o m e o f t h e b e s t t r i b u t e b a n d s i n t h e n a t i o n , o n S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 2 0 , f r o m 2 t o 1 0 : 3 0 p m F a k e f e s t a l s o w i l l f e a t u r e f o o d t r u c k s a n d c r a f t v e n d o r s A d m i s s i o n a n d p a r k i n g a r e f r e e P r e p a r e f o r a n u n f o r g e t t a b l e m u s i c a l j o u r n e y w i t h a l i n e u p t h a t i n c l u d e s t o p - t i e r t r i b u t e b a n d s , e a c h p a y i n g h o m a g e t o i c o n i c r o c k l e g e n d s : ∫ K i d K e n t u c k y a n d t h e A m e r i c a n B a d a s s B a n d ( T r i b u t e t o K i d R o c k ) : K i d K e n t u c k y a n d t h e A m e r i c a n B a d a s s B a n d e m b o d y t h e s p i r i t a n d e n e r g y o f K i d R o c k ' s i c o n i c p e r f o r m a n c e s W i t h a c h a r i s m a ti c f r o n t m a n a n d a p o w e r h o u s e e n s e m b l e , t h e y d e l i v e r a h i g h - o c t a n e s h o w t h a t c a p t u r e s t h e e s s e n c e o f K i d R o c k ' s r e b e l l i o u s r o c k a n d r o l l s t y l e ∫ H a r d w i r e d ( T r i b u t e t o M e t a l l i c a ) : H a r d w i r e d i s a t r i b u t e b a n d d e d i c a t e d t o t h e l e g e n d a r y m e t a l p i on e e r s , M e t a l l i c a W i t h p r e c i s i o n a n d p a s s i o n , t h e y r e c r e a t e t h e t h u n d e r o u s s o u n d a n d e l e c t r i f y i n g s t a g e p r e s e n c e t h a t M e t a l l i c a i s k n o w n f o r B r a c e y o u r s e l f f o r a h e a d b a n g i n g e x p e r i e n c e t h a t w i l l t r a n s p o r t y o u b a c k t o t h e g o l d e n e r a o f m e t a l ∫ L o v e s o n g ( T h e C u r e T r i b u t e ) : L o v e s o n g t a k e s y o u o n a n o s t a l g i c j o u r n e y t h r o u g h t h e h a u n t i n g a n d m e l o d i c s o u n d s o f T h e C u r e W i t h m e t i c u l o u s a t t e nt i o n t o d e t a i l , t h e y r e c r e a t e t h e p o s t - p u n k a n d n e w w a v e v i b e s t h a t d e f i n e T h e C u r e ' s u n i q u e m u s i c a l l a n d s c a p e , e n s u r i n g a n i m m e r s i v e e x p e r i e n c e f o r f a n s o l d a n d n e w ∫ R a z o r s E d g e ( A C / D C T r i b u t e ) : F o r t h o s e a b o u t t o r o c k , R a z o r s E d g e d e l i v e r s a n a u t h e n t i c A C / D C e x p e r i e n c e t h a t w i l l l e a v e y o u t h u n d e r s t r u c k W i t h e l e c t r i f y i n g p e r f o r m a n c e s a n d t h e i c o n i c r i f f s t h a t d e f i n e A C / D C ' s s i g n a t u r e s o u n d , R a z o r s E d g e p a y s t r i b u t e t o o n e o f t h e g r e a t e s t r o c k b a n d s i n h i s t o r y ∫ T h e L i n k i n P a r k T r i b u t e ( T r i b u t e t o L i n k i n P a r k ) : T h e L i n k i n P a r k T r i b u t e h o n o r s t h e g e n r eb l e n d i n g l e g a c y o f L i n k i n P a r k , s e a m l e s s l y b l e n d i n g r o c k , h i p - h o p a n d e l e c t r o n i c e l e m e n t s P r e p a r e f o r a n e m o t i o n a l a n d p o w e r f u l p e r f o r m a n c e t h a t p a y s t r i b u t e t o t h e l a t e C h e s t e r B e n n i n g t o n a n d t h e g r o u n d b r e a k i n g s o u n d o f L i n k i n P a r k ∫ S t i l l A l i v e ( P e a r l J a m T r i b u t e ) : S t i l l A l i v e c a pt u r e s t h e e s s e n c e o f P e a r l J a m ' s r a w a n d e m o t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e s W i t h a d e d i c a t i o n t o a u t h e n t i c i t y , t h e y b r i n g t o l i f e t h e t i m e l e s s g r u n g e s o u n d t h a t d e f i n e d a n e r a G e t r e a d y t o b e t r a n s p o r t e d b a c k t o t h e ' 9 0 s w i t h
Mound House kayak tours are conducted in accordance with Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism guidelines All paddling and kayak safety equipment is provided Ages 12 and up Weather permitting Maximum of 12 paddlers per tour Shoes required; water strongly recommended Mound House members save at $20 per person, regular price $50 per pers o n M u s e u m a d m i s s i o n i n c l u d e d R e g i s t e r a t
MoundHouse org
Shell Mound Tours
Wednesday through Saturday, 10:00am-10:30am and 2:00pm-2:30pm
Discover the archaeology and history of the site and learn what clues were uncovered about this 1,600-year-old shell mound This hands-on tour will explore the environmental and cultural history of the s i t e a n d f e a t u r e r e p l i c a a r t i f a c t d e m o n s t r a t i o n s
Mound House members save with free tours, and regular price is Museum Admission + $5 No reservation required
April lecture series
Florida’s First Flowers: Afternoon Tea
April 26 from 1 p m to 3 p m
Cost: $5 + admission, Mound House members: free
Description: The Mound House invites you to join us for afternoon tea under the springtime sun! Immerse yourself in the grounds’ historic charm as you enjoy tea and refreshments from teas made from native and Florida-friendly plants Learn more about the history of tea, and the history of popular plants in Florida Register at www MoundHouse org
unless a refund was requested
Lodge’s “Performs Days of Future Passed’’ show encompasses a first set of electric Moody Blues’ classics featuring fan favorites such as “Isn’t Life Strange,” “Legend of a Mind,” “I’m Just a Singer (in a Rock and Roll Band),” “Ride my See-Saw,” and much more. The second set will see Lodge and his band performing the iconic album “Days of Future Passed” in its entirety and in full symphonic sound “Days of Future Passed” was released 56 years ago and was arguably the start of progressive rock These songs began the long standing cross-over between rock and classical music There are exciting changes from the original show, with new classic songs and deep cuts, enhanced video and dazzling lighting, all coming together to make a very special evening of great music and Moodies memories The show takes a journey back in time with Lodge and his 10,000 Light Years Band as they create audio alchemy for the audience’s listening and visual pleasure
S e m i n o l e C a s i n o H o t e l I m m o k a l e e i s a t 5 0 6 S o u t h 1 s t S t , I m m o k a l e e
Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help
Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit
www SouthFloridaAl-Anon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County
Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18
Nellie is a great girl who spent the first seven years of her life in a house full of urine and co-habitated with 13 other dogs She is a 7 year old Lab mix, 48 pounds, who needs a home She will be best being the only child after what she experienced Very affectionate, she is house trained and very friendly Call or text 239-281-0739
Tanner is such a sweet heart He was confiscated after his owner was found deceased Great with dogs and loves people This little guy is 26 pounds and will be a great addition to your family.
Call or text Isabelle at 239-281-0739
We just took others in our rescue All were scheduled to be euthanized and will be in need of a home very soon Happy, a shepherd, is 2 years old Call or text 239281-0739
Kitten season is still here never stopped this season
Please call us at Save our Strays 239-851-3485 immediately if you see any moms with kittens anywhere or you think a female cat is pregnant. We need to rescue them immediately as moms and kittens need special care and special food plus kittens need vetted at a certain age If left outside they will become feral at 8 weeks old and then not adoptable so time is of the essence for us to rescue them and mom right away so they are getting the proper care they need
Please do not throw your cats outside and leave them behind when your are moving This is animal abuse and totally wrong
W o u l d y o u t h r o w y o u r kids outside when you drive away? Hopefully not, but this p r o b l e m o f l e a v i n g c a t s behind has grown and needs to stop Take the time to call a rescue such as ours and surrender your cat or cats. We never say no to surrenders if we have room and we make room if we can There are also no kill facilities such as the H u m a n e S o c i e t i e s i n F o r t M y e r s , C a p e C o r a l a n d Naples plus many rescues in Lee and Collier Counties So do the right thing for your pets Domestic cats that are used to living inside cannot survive outside without food and water They were house pets and deserve to remain that!
Meeko is a long-haired light gray male with beautiful green eyes He is very affect i o n a t e , a n d p l a y f u l L o v e s attention. Fully vetted and ready for his forever home His last owner moved and left him, which is happening t o o o f t e n l a t e l y H e i s approximately 2 years old Angel is a tri-colored light
calico female who has five kittens that are now 12 days old She was a stray and we rescued her and her kittens from a nice lady who had been feeding her but did not get her spayed Her kittens are only 12 days old so will be awhile before they are adoptable after vetting
Broadway Palm has announced its 32nd Season which includes eight main stage productions, five productions in the Off Broadway Palm, four Children’s Theatre productions and five concerts
Individual tickets will go on sale June 1
“This past season has been nothing short of Beautiful, along with Creepy and Kooky We cannot wait to bring on the Razzle Dazzle during our 32nd Season with an extraordinary lineup of audience favorites and Broadway hits," owner Will Prather said
Broadway Palm’s main stage opens on Aug. 16, and runs through Aug 9, 2025 Show prices range from $65 t o $ 9 5 w i t h g r o u p a n d c h i l d r e n ’ s p r i c e s a v a i l a b l e
Performances are Wednesday through Sunday evenings with selected matinees and Tuesday evenings The main stage productions include:
∫ Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap (Aug. 1 6 – Sept. 2 1 )
In a blend of suspense and humor, the renowned Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, crafts a captivating murder mystery At a secluded countryside guesthouse, s e v e n s t r a n g e r s f i n d t h e m s e l v e s s n o w e d i n T h e i r predicament takes a chilling turn when a police sergeant arrives on skis, revealing there’s a killer among them As suspicion mounts, each guest unveils their murky past, adding layers of intrigue to the unfolding drama
∫ CHICAGO: The Musical (Sept 2 7 – Nov 9 )
Set amidst the razzle-dazzle decadence of the 1920s, CHICAGO is the story of Roxie Hart, a housewife and nightclub dancer who murders her on-the-side lover Desperate to avoid conviction, she dupes the public, the media, and her rival cellmate, Velma Kelly, by hiring Chicago’s slickest lawyer to transform her malicious crime into a barrage of sensational headlines Hear favorites All That Jazz, Cell Block Tango, Razzle Dazzle, Roxie, and more! Don’t miss the longest-running American musical in Broadway history!
∫ A Christmas Carol: The Musical (Nov 2 2 – Dec 2 5 )
Ebenezer Scrooge and his infamous “Bah, Humbug!” take the stage in this beloved musical Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future to show him cheerful memories from his past, cruel realities from his present, and the very likely future Scrooge learns important lessons about his impact on the lives of others, especially Bob Cratchit and his ailing son, Tiny Tim This classic story captures the essence of the holidays and is perfect entertainment for the entire family
∫ Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story (Dec. 3 1 – Feb. 1 5 , 2 0 2 5 )
More than 50 years after “the music died”, the story of this true rock and roll icon comes to life in this musical journey through Buddy’s impressive rise to fame Buddy’s original sound and dazzling talent are highlighted with live renditions of his greatest hits You’ll be dancing in the aisles and cheering for more when you hear over 20 Buddy Holly hits, including Maybe Baby, Every Day, Peggy Sue, That’ll Be the Day, Oh Boy!, and Rave On; plus Ritchie Valens’ La Bamba and The Big Boppers’ Chantilly Lace
∫ Crazy For You (Feb. 2 1 – April 5 , 2 0 2 5 )
This Tony Award-winning musical comedy follows Bobby Child, a young banker who dreams of being a star Sent to foreclose on a failing theater, Bobby falls for the
theater owner’s daughter To win her heart and save the theater, Bobby disguises himself as a famous Broadway producer; but confusion and hilarity ensue when the real p r o d u c e r s h o w s u p , a l o n g w i t h B o b b y ’ s f i a n c é e Gershwin’s hits include I Got Rhythm, Embraceable You, Someone to Watch Over Me, and more!
∫ Waitress (April 1 1 - May 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 )
The heartwarming musical of Jenna, a small-town waitress with a talent for baking pies Trapped in a loveless marriage, Jenna finds solace and strength in her pies and dreams of a better life When she unexpectedly becomes pregnant, Jenna embarks on a journey of self-discovery, supported by her quirky coworkers and a new doctor in town With a stirring score by Sara Bareilles, Waitress serves up a story of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness
∫ Legally Blonde: The Musical (May 3 0 – June 2 8 , 2 0 2 5 )
Ohmigod You Guys! Based on the iconic movie, this ultimate tribute to girl power follows the journey of sorority girl Elle Woods to the Harvard halls of justice Watch as she tackles stereotypes, chauvinism, elitism, and scandal in pursuit of her dreams With the help of new friends, Elle realizes her potential and proves that self-discovery never goes out of style! Packed with memorable songs, this musical is so much fun, it should be illegal!
∫ Annie (July 3 – Aug 9 , 2 0 2 5 )
Everyone’s favorite orphan is back in this classic musical As part of a publicity campaign for Oliver Warbucks, Annie and her dog Sandy are placed in the lap of luxury H o w e v e r , A n n i e ’ s s t a y turns out to be much more than a n y o n e b a rgained for as she w o r k s h e r w a y i n t o e v e r y o n e ’ s hearts! The only thing standing in her way is the cruel and bitter Miss Hannigan T h e p o p u l a r s c o r e i n c l u d e s I t ’ s t h e H a r dK n o c k L i f e , E a s y S t r e e t , Little Girls, and Tomorrow. T h e O f f Broadway Palm T h e a t r e i s B r o a d w a y
P a l m ’ s s e c o n d p e r f o r m a n c e
venue The Off Broadway Palm’s season begins Oct 10, 2024 and runs through May 24, 2025 Ticket prices range from $55 to $70 Performances are Wednesday through Sunday evenings with selected matinees and Tuesday evenings The Off Broadway Palm productions include:
∫ Barefoot In The Park (Oct. 1 0 – Nov. 1 6 )
Newlyweds Paul and Corie return from a six-day honeymoon only to be greeted by a surprise visit from Corie’s eccentric mother During dinner with their attic-dwelling neighbor Velasco, they attempt matchmaking where chaos ensues, as everything that can go wrong, does go wrong
∫ Another Night Before Christmas (Nov. 2 8 – Dec. 2 5 )
‘Twas the night before Christmas And there’s a “burglar” in the house – but his eyes twinkled, and his dimples were merry A cynical social worker is about to have her humbug attitude turned upside down in this charming musical comedy You’ll be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas while you laugh ‘til you jiggle like a bowlful of jelly
∫ Caught In The Net (Jan. 1 4 – Feb. 2 3 , 2 0 2 5 )
The sequel to Run for Your Wife finds taxi driver John Smith still keeping his two families living separately, both blissfully unaware of each other However, his teenage son from one family and daughter from the other have met online and made a love connection! The situation spirals hysterically out of control as John tries to juggle the truth
∫ Savannah Sipping Society (Feb 2 8 – April 1 3 , 2 0 2 5 )
This laugh-a-minute comedy follows four Southern women who are drawn together by fate They turn weekly happy hours into a mission to renew the enthusiasm for life they’ve lost through the years Their raucous humor and collective strengths see them through unexpected challenges; and to their surprise, they realize it’s never too late to make lifelong friends
∫ Half Baked (April 1 8 – May 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 )
Two retired brothers and their wives move to Florida to open a cafe When the business starts failing and they run out of cash, they take drastic action, including murder for life insurance money and baking cannabis into the appetizers to ‘stimulate’ business But when an old boyfriend and a loan shark show up, things get complicated and hilarious!
Individual tickets for Broadway Palm’s 32nd Season, the Off Broadway Palm’s Season, Broadway Palm’s Children’s Theatre, and Broadway Palm’s Concert Series will be on sale June 1st Broadway Palm offers a Season
Subscription discount of $20 off per ticket, discounts for groups of 20 or more, as well as discounts for children under 12 years of age For more information visit BroadwayPalm com, call 239-278-4422 or stop by the box office at 1380 Colonial Boulevard in Fort Myers
To view Broadway Palm’s Annual Concert Series visit BroadwayPalm com or www flguide com/events/