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Kiwanis Club extends deadline for scholarship applications

By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers com

The Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club has extended its deadline for scholarship applications to June 15

T h i s y e a r , t h e F o r t M y e r s Beach Kiwanis Club is expanding its scholarship offerings With the loss of residents to Hurricane Ian and a population of students that has decreased in recent years, Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club Secretary Paula McCarthy said the organization wanted to expand the pool

The Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club is accepting scholarship applications from any student planning to attend college or trade school who lives on Fort Myers

Beach, or has a parent, grandparent or guardian who lives or works on Fort Myers Beach.

“We expanded the criteria last year because it’s getting more difficult for young families to live on the island,” McCarthy said

“Last year we gave out 16 scholarships, both new and renewals, for $2000 each This year we hope to be able to give $1,000 for the first semester,” McCarthy said

To apply for a scholarship, visit the Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club’s website at fortmyersbeachkiwanis.org.

For any questions, contact McCarthy at pmcfmb2003@yahoo com

Lee County Utilities to end chlorine flush


Lee County Utilities announced that it will be ending its chlorine flush May 21

The Town of Fort Myers Beach previously announced that Lee County Utilities will be temporarily converting its disinfectant process from chloramines to free chlorine residual through May 21 The process began May 1 and is common for water utilities using chloramines as its primary disinfectant

Residents who use a kidney dialysis machine at home should contact an equipment supplier so the proper filtering equipment may be installed until May 21

Tropical fish or aquatic animal owners should contact a local tropical fish store for appropriate pretreatment of water before adding water to tanks

Customers may notice a temporary change in the taste, odor and color of the water, which is not harmful.

Even though the conversion of disinfection will begin on May 21, it will take approximately one week for the service area to be converted from a free chlorine residual to a chloramines residual, the Town of Fort Myers Beach announced earlier

Customers with questions can call Lee County Utilities 8 a m 4:30 p m weekdays at 239-533-8845

In between her acting roles, Stern has taken on jobs from writing about movies and editing on websites including a gig as film editor for the website ProvokR and as a columnist at Film Inquiry, to a recent job running events for a marketing firm Stern is currently focused on promoting this film, largely putting away her other career moves while she works on a distribution deal “We’ve been getting a lot of offers,” Stern said Being able to write, produce and star in her own movie took “a ton of perseverance” and meant sometimes “being really pushy, Stern said Stern was able to get enough believers on her work to back the project and bring it to Fort Myers and around the world for good reason

“Perfectly Good Moment” will play the Sydney and Bern Davis Art Center at 2301 First Street in Fort Myers Thursday, May 18 at 9 p m Admission is $10 Tickets can be purchased at https://fortmyersfilmfestival com

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