Pine Island Eagle

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Basket Brigade student clothing distribution Aug. 5

Matlacha Hooker and Kiwanian Darcy Conner said the Basket Brigade back to school drive, sponsored by Fellow Islanders Sending Help (F I S H), of which she is also a member, is all about the kids

The Basket Brigade is a way of helping Pine Island children obtain what they need for the coming school year

“Every island organization and individuals alike have had a hand in helping island kids prepare for school,” Conner said, adding that although this is a F I S H -sponsored event, many others have stepped up to sponsor children within the program

Distribution of school supplies will be Saturday, Aug 5, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., by drive-through in the Pine

“Every island organization and individuals alike have had a hand in helping island kids prepare for school.”

Island United Methodist Church parking lot at 5701 Pine Island Road, Bokeelia Children 5 (K) through 11 years of age will receive 2 tops, 2 bottoms, 1 package of underwear and a $40 gift card for shoes and socks at Walmart or Target The purpose of the gift card is so that gym shoes and socks can be purchased which allow the child to participate in gym class, recess or sports

Children 12-18 years of age, as long as they are still in school, will receive $100 in gift cards designated as $60 for clothes plus $40 for gym shoes and socks at

Walmart or Target

Conner, who admits she is all about anything having to do with helping this community, has a solid motivation to help island families move on from the heartbreak of Hurricane Ian

“The island does take care of the island it doesn’t matter what organization you belong to I am nobody I’m just a facilitator in all of this There is a whole group of people that make this happen each year Within F.I.S.H. there are businesses and other non-profits on the island that are sponsoring children in the back to school drive It is a great thing to help these island kids get a fresh start on a new year and put the last school year behind them,” Conner said

Frank’s Bobcat Service raises over $3,000 for Pine Island Elementary

Frank’s Bobcat Service owner Frank Valcarcel Jr raised over $3,000 for Pine Island Elementary at its Fourth of July event, sponsored by the Pine Island Moose Last year, Valcarcel said the event had approximately 120 people, compared to this year, where there were easily over 300

“We did one last year and we raised about $1,000 this year, we just blew it out of the water I was looking for a way to give back and have fun at the same time,” Valcarcel said

In the anticipation that they can repeat these efforts in the future, Valcarcel said he hopes this will be a regular event


M/PIFCD celebrates 60 years

Fire Chief Ben Mickuleit is very proud to announce that on July 10, the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District celebrated its official 60th anniversary of having been legally created as a fire district The M/PIFCD began in the 1960s at what is currently known as Great Licks Ice Cream Shop in Matlacha Since its humble beginnings, Mickuleit said the department has continued to grow stronger

“Obviously the 60th anniversary is a huge accomplishment for the district, from where we started as a volunteer department We have grown to a place that likely no one thought we would be right now I think we are at this point because of the employees. They have kept striving to better the department they’ve built their

own brush trucks, they’ve built their own equipment

They continue to take pride in ownership of the department and that’s why we have a great fire department today,” Mickuleit said

Different types of fundraisers were held through the 1960s and early 1970s from chicken frys in Matlacha to turkey shoots at what is now The Nestings, a subdivision behind the current Fire Station #1

There were 18 surplus military vehicles that were scavenged to put together a handful of “brush buggies " This work of designing and building the “brush buggies” and fire engines continued for many years through the dedication and talents of several mechanics

In 1976 in celebration of the Bicentennial and in an

See M/PIFCD 60TH page 10

WEEk of JulY 19, 2023
47, NumbEr 11 FLIER INSIDE
Tales column offers information about these interesting sea creatures INSIDE insidetoday Cat of the Week...............12 CERT Update.....................7 Dolphin Tales.....................6 Island Mahjongg..............11 On the Water....................13 Tides................................12 Classifieds & Obituaries
PHOTO BY FRANK VALCARCEL JR The Pine Island Moose Lodge featured patriotic decorations for the Fourth of July event Darcy Conner of F I S H See BASKET BRIGADE, page 10 PHOTO PROVIDED Island firefighters conduct a demonstration before the crowd gathered for the department’s 60th anniversary celebration Friday at Station #1

Winners named in MangoMania contests

MangoMania, hosted by the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, was held Saturday at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church in Bokeelia The event highlighted the islands’ mango and various other fruit production, and a number of vendors and displays

The following are the winners of the contests held during the island tropical fruit festival:

Mr. MangoHead Contest

Over 90 mango were decorated during the day

1st Place, Bo Rowell

2nd Place, Salena Cote

Food Contests

Mango Bread

1st Place, Kathy Gredlics, Mango Zucchini Bread

2nd Place, Donna of Pine Island Tropicals, Mango Coconut Mango Salsa

1st Place, Donna of Pine Island Tropicals,

Mango Jams

1st Place, Donna of Pine Island Tropicals

2nd Place, Witches Brew

Mango Condiments

1st Place, Chutney, Donna of Pine Island Tropicals

2 n d P l a c e , H o t Sauce, Matt Lee

Mango Dessert

1 s t P l a c e , D e n i s e Lichet, Mango Bars

2nd Place Mango

P i e , P i n e I s l a n d


Biggest Mango Contest

1st Place, Lancetilla

Mango, submitted by Naples Fruit Farm, 2 9


2nd Place, Pineapple Pleasure Mango, submitted by Naples Fruit Farm, 2 4 pounds

Teachers return to PIE Aug. 2, school starts Aug. 10

Pine Island Elementary School is anxiously awaiting the return of its teachers on Wednesday, Aug 2, for their back to school pre-service week The pre-service week w i l l c o n s i s t o f p r o

t t r a i n i n g , preparing classrooms and discussing such topics as safety, curriculum training and celebrating the successes of the teacher, staff and students

Open House is scheduled on Monday, Aug 7, from 45:30 p m The format will include a meet and greet session with the students' new teachers, school and bus information, and families will have an opportunity to pick-up parent pick-up tags

S c h o o l h o u r s w i l l r e m a

from 8:55 a m to 3:10 p m , and the school start date is on Thursday, Aug 10

Principal Millins also states that although the state of Florida has not released official test scores, the School District’s Accountability Office has sent out unofficial scores and PIE is ranked as one of the top elementary schools in the School District of Lee County Millins reported he is so excited to celebrate with staff and students their incredible academic achievements The staff is looking forward to the island's children returning to Pine Island Elementary

Kindergarten registration continues at island school

Pine Island Elementary School is registering all upcoming kindergarten students for the 2023-2024 school year If your child will be 5 years old by Sept 1, 2023, they are ready to start school Please stop by the school office to register them for kindergarten

When registering your child for school, please bring the child’s birth certificate, proof of residence, driver’s license and current physical with Florida immunization records A Lee County School Registration Form will need to be completed also. This form is located online at pie leeschools net or parents can stop by the school office to pick one up If you have any questions about school registration, please contact Rosie Perez at 239283-0505

P i n e I s l a n d E l e m e n t a r y i s l o c a t e d a t 5 3 6 0 Ridgewood Drive in Bokeelia

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 n P a g e 2
s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e
f e s
n t
i c
h e s a m e ,
PHOTOS PROVIDED One of the vendor booths at MangoMania One of the top finishers in the Mr MangoHead Contest
P a g e 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e


Much for which to be thankful

Publisher Raymond M Eckenrode reckenrode@breezenewspapers com

Executive Editor Valarie Harring vharring@breezenewspapers com

Editor Paulette LeBlanc pleblanc@breezenewspapers com

Advertising Director Laurie Ragle lragle@ breezenewspapers com Advertising Sales

Charlene Russ cruss@breezenewspapers com

Design & Layout Chris Strine cstrine@breezenewspapers com

Debbie Carletti obits@breezenewspapers com

As we closed out the 2022-2023 school year, there was so much to be thankful for We celebrated the graduating class of 2023 who earned millions of dollars in scholarships Many have plans to attend colleges and universities, or join the work force or military Not only our seniors, but our entire student population worked hard to succeed during this past school year.

Our students and staff persevered despite the struggles that resulted from Hurricane Ian Nearly 10 months later, recovery continues While most of our students are back at t h e i r h o m e s c h o o l s , H e c t o r C a f f e r a t a Elementary is still working out of portable on Cape Coral Tech property until a new campus is built Fort Myers Beach Elementary students and staff will remain at San Carlos park until their campus renovations are completed this November

Through the tragedy and recovery, we witnessed community members reaching out to one another extending a helping hand during the most trying of times For the School District of Lee County, the education and

Poll vote on incorporation

To the editor:

(Go to Pine Island Nation Facebook page)

Cons on incorporating:

■ Can’t think of any


■ Stop State budgeted traffic lights and roundabout being installed

■ Voters and Town Manager will run island not council members

■ Will get back all the taxes we pay: gas, cigarette, bed, sales and use cell, electricity, cable, etc

■ $9 mil to help islanders, first year up and running

■ All voters represented by council member

■ H a v e t o w n m e e t i n g i n m a n s i o n B o k e e l i a , 6 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t F i r e H o u s e costing $1 mil +

Web Poll

Previous Web Poll Question: Are you prepared

■ Have our own Town Hall, won't have go to Fort Myers for permits

■ Have our own sane code enforcement

■ Keep our existing Lee Plan 2022 -- 2.7 a g r i c u l t u r e a c r e s , p e r 1 h o u s e E x i s t i n g height requirement

■ County raised Captiva height to 70 feet, no hearing, because are unincorporated

■ $ 9 m i l + i s l a n d , e c o s y s t e m , s e p t i c , health, roads

■ County still runs schools, police, courts, fire, etc

■ No New Taxes

safety of our students remains the top priority as we continue our own recovery and plan for the upcoming school year Our team at the District continues to work hard for all of our students and families and have learned to be flexible and adapt to the ever-changing world we live in I thank each and every one of our employees, from our food service workers, to bus drivers, teachers, support staff, and administrators They each play an important role in the success of our students

Debbie Jordan Guest Commentary

The education work continues throughout the summer Right now, we have thousands of students i n v o l v e d i n D i s t r i c t - s p o n s o r e d s u m m e r school, camps, and programs. We offer a wide variety of educational opportunities in science, reading and math to encourage our students to stay active during the summer We also have a number of high schoolers

Letters to the Editor

Disgusted, disappointed, disillusioned and outraged

To the editor:

J o e B i d e n i s n o t h i n g m o r e t h a n a n absolute disgrace to the office of President of the United States of America and has never been anything other than the President of the S o c i a l i s t D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y o f N o r t h America He has said he sold state secrets in a June meeting with Prime Minister Modi of India Was that funny to anybody? He’s turned our border into an open market for drug cartels and human trafficking in his vane attempt to buy votes for his pathetic globalist adventurism and his son is as much of a criminal as his father He said on public television that you used to be able to buy a “brace” to make a pistol a “gun” and change the caliber of the weapon but under his guidance, this was now illegal First, it was never possible to do anything remotely like this and any 12-year-old that has been to a shooting range with his dad must be laughing hysterically at this deranged, “I’ll say anything to get a vote” totally ignorant statement

I guess it’s OK to snort cocaine in the Biden White House and anybody that thinks the security team did not know who left it there within two minutes after it was discovered has either never been to the White

c u r r e n t l y p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e S u p p o r t o u r S t u d e n t s ( S O S ) p r o g r a m , w h i c h o f f e r s t h e m exceptional learning opportunities, cultural arts, career enrichment activities, and work experience In addition, we continue to offer the Summer Break Spot program that offers free meals to anyone 18 years old and younger

As the upcoming school year approaches, make sure to seek o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o e n g a g e w i t h your child’s school staff and programs This is a great way to stay informed as well as support the education of your child The first day of school on Aug 10 will be here before you know it

Enjoy the rest of your summer break.

Debbie Jordan represents District 4 on the Lee County School Board

House or is a lockstep Socialist Democrat that will always ignore any and all factual negatives on their Pied Piper

RFK Jr has a hard road in front of him but will likely gain traction against a proven liar, and soon to be proven thief and traitor, Joe Biden, because the Socialist Machine will u n l e a s h t h e C I A , F B I , D O J , B L M a n d ANTIFA and any other legal or illegal methods at their disposal to put this very real threat to their total domination of America down, once and for all

Biden’s inability to formulate and articulate any coherent thoughts clearly and intelligibly should scare everyone in our country, but unfortunately, it only petrifies those that did not vote for him

How can anyone believe anything that comes out of Biden’s mouth when he obviously has no idea what he is talking about?

Suppor ting the island

To the editor:

Recently I had a computer issue that involved a malfunctioning hard drive on my laptop that is critical to the operations of a local club It was a Sunday and would be needed on Monday for a meeting I was in a panic but then remembered that I would pass by Island Tech Computer repair and consulting on my drive north on Stringfellow

I sent an email on Sunday afternoon not expecting a reply until Monday To my surprise Craig Judson responded quickly and asked how he could help After explaining my issue, he said, when can you drop it off? I got in my car and proceeded to drive the few miles to his office and drop off the laptop. I then proceeded to enjoy the day on the water Within hours Craig called and told me that he was able to install a new hard drive, move over needed files, clean up other issues and had the computer ready for a very reasonable

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 4
Report your news to PINEISLANd-EAGLE.COm
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283-0232 Web: pineisland-eagle com
for the hurricane season? ■ Yes, always 54% ■ Yes - when a storm heads this way, I’m outta here! 8% ■ Almost 13% ■ I’ll be ready when necessary 25% Current Web Poll Question: Is it once again time for islanders to be considering incorporation? ■ Yes ■ No, not right now ■ Never ■ Other Share your opinion at pineisland-eagle com The views expressed on the Opinions pages are just that opinions These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Opposing views are welcome. Letters to the Editor or guest columns may be mailed to: Pine Island Eagle, 10700 S t r i n g f e l l o w R o a d , S t e . 6 0 , B o k e e l i a , F L 3 3 9 2 2 ; e - m a i l e d t o p i n e i s l a n d @ breezenewspapers com; posted to our Virtual Newsroom at www breezenewspapers com or faxed to 283-0232 All letters and guest columns must be signed and must contain a phone number for verification purposes You also can comment on any letter or editorial opinion online at: pineisland-eagle
your opinion
See LETTERS, page 12
P a g e 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

Male seahorses give birth

Seahorses and their close relatives, sea dragons, are the only species in which the male gets pregnant and gives birth They are a species of fish

The female seahorse has an ovipositor, which is a tube through which the eggs can be deposited outside the body The female will deposit her eggs into the male’s brood pouch This pouch is where the eggs can grow and receive all the nutrients and oxygen they need for a few weeks until birth

After the seahorses are born, they are not nurtured by their parents They are on their own from the beginning of life.

While there are approximately 50 species of seahorses worldwide, the Hippocampus Erectus is the most common form of seahorse found in our local

waters It is also known as the Lined Seahorse

It can be quite difficult to see the Lined Seahorse because of the camouflage they use to hide themselves from predators

Evan Hernandez, a fulltime blue crabber on Pine

I s l a n d , o f t e n f i n d s t h e Lined Seahorses with their t a i l w r a p p e d a r o u n d h i s crab traps They are beautiful!

They can be found hidi n g a m o n g t h e s e a g r a s s , mangroves, crab traps or cracks in seawalls where they can attach their tales and float in our shallow w a t e r s T h i s k e e p s t h e m from being swept away by the current because they are poor swimmers The fins on the side of their head can beat 50 times per second, helping them to steer

Dolphin Tales

Tiny crustaceans are their food source Since they have no teeth, they have to use their straw-like snout to suction their food. They spend most of the day eating. Their eyes can move independently from one another so they can look out for food or predators

Fortunately, the Lined Seahorse doesn’t have many predators It is low on the food chain as its body is made up of a very thin layer of skin covering bony plates It measures between 1 to 2 inches long

The best way to find them is to wade in an area of seagrass with a net Take a few swoops with the net Then place the net in a bucket of water to transfer any seahorses from the net to the bucket

If you do find a Dwarf Seahorse, try not to relocate them They can only swim within a square foot of seagrass. These little guys mate for life. Ensuring that you’re keeping them in the same area helps the population stay alive

Captain Cathy Eagle has spent over 40 years boating in our local waters As a professional charter captain, she specializes in Dolphin and Nature tours Visit C a p t a i n C a t h y c o m o r c a

SCCF reports rare Eastern indigo snake sighting

O n J u n e 1 4 , t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n Foundation collected data and marked and released a young female, Eastern indigo snake on an island in the Pine Island Sound. The SCCF reported that it was the first documented individual since Hurricane Ian, which shows the continued existence of the species in the area Eastern indigo snakes are in rapid decline throughout their range, mostly due to habitat loss The species has a very large home range that results in high mortality on roads from vehicle strikes

“They require large un-bisected areas that have ample food items and cover for them to escape the Florida heat and extreme cold snaps,” SCCF Wildlife and Habitat Management Director Chris Lechowicz said “This is the reason they are often associated with gopher tortoise bur-

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 6
l l / t e x t 2 3 9 - 9 9 4 - 2 5 7 2 Welcome aboard!
Capt. Cathy Eagle PHOTO BY EVAN HERNANDEZ A handful of seahorses, which can be found in local waters.
SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION The Eastern indigo snake discovered recently on an island in Pine Island Sound.
page 12

Hurricane season is here, are you prepared?

s n o t e : T h e M a t l a c h a / P i n e

Island Fire Control District Community Emergency Response Team is providing a s e r i e s o n d i s a s t e r p r e p a r e d n e s s f o r islanders )

Welcome to your CERT team’s series of disaster preparedness articles

Safety first!

If there is an evacuation order, you are s t r o n g l y e n c o u r a g e d t o e v a c u a t e Emergency services may not be available to assist you until long after the event has passed, especially with road closures and blockages

Take precautions after the storm has passed Damage to your home and community can be extensive Relief supplies and help may take several days to arrive

If it’s unsafe to stay, leave or seek help elsewhere

Keep these tips in mind:

1 Only call 911 for life threatening situations

2 Contact your emergency contact to

CERT Update

give them an update of your status and get updates of loved ones who may have also been impacted

3 Talk to kids A natural disaster is a traumatic experience, especially for kids

4 Register for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster assistance as soon as it is made available

5 Stay tuned to local media for reentry information

6 Have a valid form of identification, if needed, for re-entry

7 Avoid downed wires and standing water. Assume all downed electrical wires are live

8 If it is necessary to drive, avoid weakened roads, bridges, power lines or tree limbs that could collapse unexpectedly

9 Call utilities to report hazards such as broken gas or water mains, downed power lines or overturned gas tanks

10 Turn off the main breaker to your house if the power is out

11 Document! Document! Document!

12. Photograph and take note of all damage and make any necessary temporary repairs

13 Contact your insurance company

Take lots of pictures

14 Repair open holes in your roof and place buckets under leaks inside to prevent additional water damage Tarps may be available from the county at the fire station Call for availability

15 Prevent mold and mildew growth

First step is to prevent things from getting even more wet; cover openings and prevent leaks Eliminate puddles of standing water Tear out any carpet and padding that was significantly saturated If water soaked up into drywall, you may need to have a professional cut parts of it out and replace it Get the air moving with fans

Allow as much sunlight in as possible

16 Ask for a contractor’s valid county contractor’s license Do not sign a contract if they are unlicensed or pay for serv-

ices before the work in complete

17 Report suspicious contractors or unfairly high prices to authorities

18 Be careful of any wild or domestic animals Even if you know an animal, it may be frightened or injured and could be dangerous

If you use a generator, extreme caution is required While convenient and useful, generators can create hazards for homeowners and electric utility workers

1 O p e r a t e g e n e r a t o r s o u t s i d e w i t h plenty of ventilation

2 Do not connect a generator to a home electrical outlet or to a circuit breaker panel to avoid back feed

Tune into news or social media for o f f i c i a l i n s t r u c t i o n s E m e r g e n c y Management has a list of hazards to review and a Family Emergency Plan that you can find at www LeeEOC com and on the LeePrepares app

REMINDER: Stay tuned to local media for re-entry information It may take some time for local authorities to clear the area to ensure that it safe for you to return

County offering free admission, parking July 29-30

Pine Island Community Pool, Matlacha boat ramp included

Lee County Parks & Recreation will offer free pool admission and free parking on Saturday, July 29, and Sunday, July 30, in recognition of National Park and Recreation Month

Lee County Parks & Recreation sites offering free swimming or free parking include:

Parks -- Lakes Park, Manatee Park, H i c k e y C r e e k M i t i g a t i o n P a r k , Caloosahatchee Regional Park, Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve, Caloosahatchee

Creeks Preserve

Beach sites -- Bowman’s Beach and Turner Beach (north side only of Blind Pass)

Boat ramps -- Alva, Matlacha, Davis, L a v e n d e r ’ s L a n d i n g a n d

Imperial River

P o o l s - - L e h i g h

C o m m u n i t y P o o l , N o r t h

F o r t M y e r s C o m m u n i t y

P o o l , P i n e I s l a n d

Community Pool and San

Carlos Community Pool

Bonita Beach Accesses No 1 and No 10, Bonita

B e a c h P a r k , L y n n H a l l

M e m o r i a l P a r k a n d S a n

Carlos Bay-Bunche Beach

P r e s e r v e c u r r e n t l y o f f e r free parking until further n o t i c e T h e s e s i t e s w e r e s e v e r e l y i m p a c t e d b y

Hurricane Ian and reopened

i n M a r c h w i t h l i m i t e d a m e n i t i e s R e s i d e n t s a n d

visitors are encouraged to always wear beach shoes when visiting beach parks

Debris continues to wash onshore and quickly may be obscured by sand

Other recreational sites within Lee County that are o w n e d o r m a i n t a i n e d b y other government entities are not included in the free s w i m / f r e e p a r k i n g w e e ke n d T h e s e i n c l u d e : B a r e f o o t B e a c h , b e a c h

access points managed by the Town of Fort Myers Beach, and City of Sanibel sites, including the south side of Blind Pass

The free pool/free parking weekend h a p p e n s a n n u a l l y L e e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s o n J u n e 2 0 v o t e d t o approve a resolution designating July as National Park and Recreation Month in Lee County

In the resolution, commissioners reco g n i z e d t h a t L e e C o u n t y P a r k s & Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups and the entire community and positively impacts the social, economic and environment quality of the county

For additional information about Lee County Parks & Recreation locations, amenities and special events, please visit www leeparks org, call 239-533-7275 or email leeparks@leegov com

To receive updates from Lee County Government, sign up for the newsletter h e r e : w w w l e e g o v c o m / r e s o u r c e s / n e w sletters

Follow Lee County Government on Facebook, www facebook com/leecountyflbocc

( E d i t
o r ’
P a g e 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 8

Lee student test scores drop again

FAST results show declines in number of students reading on-grade level

Lee County students continue to lag behind in English Language Arts, according to recent data from the new Florida Assessment of Student Thinking FAST scores

ELA results demonstrate decreases in overall proficiency in six of the eight grade levels tested FAST is administered to students three times a year, with the May 2023 scores providing an end-of-of-year summative assessment to measure student mastery of benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (BEST) Standards

There were both increases and decreases in ELA compared to 2022 results of the Florida Standard Assessment (FSA )

■ Grade 3: 6 points lower

■ Grade 4: 4 points higher

■ Grade 5: 2 points lower

■ Grade 6: 5 points lower

■ Grade 7: 2 points lower

■ Grade 8: 3 points lower

■ Grade 9: 4 points lower

■ Grade 10: 1 point higher

FAST replaces the one-test annual FSAs, which also measured whether students attained grade level proficiency

“This is raw data with first time test takers,” said School District of Lee County District spokesperson Rob Spicker “Every student took the test for the first time and some are in a better position that others.”

Two things have impacted student learning and so student progress, he said

District teachers strive to help students meet benchmarks and that includes interventions for those lagging, including individualized small group instruction

Small groups provide an opportunity to go deeper and

provide instruction on specific areas of instruction based on student progression

That group instruction, though, has been interrupted since Spring 2020 when the pandemic impacted schools, Spicker said, adding students had th i l e

u p t e d , w h i c h impacting their learning now

“That foundation of learning was interrupted for a year and a half,” Spicker said, adding that impacted older students as well

With that said, last year, 2022-2023 school year, small group instruction recommenced, but was again interrupted when Hurricane Ian swept through the county

“Intense more focus is really how you improve student scores,” Spicker said

Students lost 17 days of instruction after Hurricane Ian

“Then we spent two to three weeks as students returned focusing on students, family and staff's wellbeing with a reintroduction to learning Students came back to a very different structure and learning intensity There was a gradual reintroduction to the learning process after Hurricane Ian We were back to where we should be then bam it all got interrupted It’s not that we want to use it as an excuse,” Spicker said of the lost instruction, as the focus was on the well-being and getting back into learning, which was a new environment for many students with a different intensity “We know it had an impact ”

Spicker said the district will take the raw data that was provided with the FAST test scores and identify the areas of needs for students and then develop strategies to help the students make improvements

“Our goal is to look into the data, understand the trends and use that information to better instruct our students,” Spicker said

There were other challenges as well

Students who had lower scores may have had more substitute teachers, newer or less experienced teachers, or may have been out of school for a certain amount of ti

“That is where we dive into the data, as we look to trends to identify areas of need and develop the individual strategies,” Spicker said

The district also has larger initiatives, districtwide to help ELA scores with such areas as virtual summer school reading programs, elementary students receiving free oks for the summer and reading coaches dedicated to third grade students

There also were declines in student performance in other subject areas with a decrease of four points lower for both the Civics end-of-course exam, and U S History


Spicker said in Civics, primarily seventh grade students take the test with some eighth graders as well Eighth graders performed low on some of the other areas and therefore brought Civics down.

Again, the district will dive into the data and look at such trends as what the school situations may have been, and the home life of a student due to hurricane damage

There were also some highlights with the FAST scores, as the district saw significant growth in science proficiency

Spicker said the schools and district staff had a strong collaboration in making instructional efforts in science

“When you look at this year’s schools, the science standards were the same,” he said, adding there was a familiarity in standards to be taught “The standards were


P a g e 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
a r n i n g f o u n d a t i o n s i n t e r r

Florida Fish and Wildlife unveils new manatee and sea turtle decals

T h e F l o r i d a F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e Conservation Commission is unveiling its new 2023 manatee and sea turtle decals

New editions of these high-quality collectible stickers are released every July and are available with a $5 donation at your local tax collector’s office All proceeds from the decals help fund manatee and sea turtle conservation efforts

The high-quality waterproof stickers feature original artwork and are designed

to look appealing on a vehicle’s bumper or the side of a boat

The “Healthy Manatees Need Healthy Habitat” decal displays a manatee mom and calf resting in a thriving submerged aquatic vegetation bed Manatees depend on available forage as they are herbivores that consume a variety of submerged, emergent and floating plants While boating in Florida’s waterways, you can protect manatee habitat by avoiding shallow

Basket Brigade

Ask for parents' preferred retailer when registering, along with the child’s first name, age, gender, school attending and expected sizes Clarify boxers or briefs for boy's underwear Clarify collar/no collar on shirts and shorts/pant preference, along with any other details organizers need to know, example: collar/no collar shirts, long/short sleeve, no shirt designs, color preference, no cargo pockets, elastic vs zip closures, etc

At the time of pick up, each family will also be offered a Harry Helping Food Box containing a variety of nutritious, non-perishable foods The box includes

M/PIFCD 60th

attempt to raise money and awareness for the department, members of the department with the assistance of then chairman of the Lee County Commission, Doug T


Over the years, Mickuleit admits, the department has tried to give back to the community, by providing better service

From page 1

15 to 20 pounds of food to prepare an average of 15 family meals. Clothing for children PreK and younger PIUMC offers a gently used clothing closet with sizes 0-12 free of charge It is open when the office is open: Monday – Thursday, 9 a m t o 1 p m , o r b y appointment Clothing donations are also accepted Call for more information 239283-2386

If you are unable to make the Aug 5 distribution date, you can designate someone to pick up, with a written permission letter, if you let F.I.S.H. know who that might be ahead of time, or pick

From page 1

and also creating community events, some of which invite islanders directly to the fire stations in an attempt to have the work they do there on display

“ T h e c o m m u n i t y i n v o l v e m e n t i s becoming bigger and bigger with all the events that have been created over the past several years We do things like Easter, O p e n H o u s e , C h r i s t m a s w e a s a

grass beds

The “Healthy Turtles Need Healthy Habitats” decal features a green sea turtle in a lush green seagrass bed Green turtles depend on vegetation such as sea grasses and sea weeds as a primary food source These plants need clear, clean water to grow in Florida’s estuaries and lagoons When on the water or at the beach, you can help keep coastal waters clean and clear by stashing your trash and disposing of it

up may be possible the following week on M o n d a y o r T h u r s d a y b e t w e e n 8 : 3 010:30 a m at Our Lady of Miraculous

M e d a l C a t h o l i c C h u r c h a t 1 2 1 7 5 Stringfellow Road

The Aug 5th distribution date is set to allow families a few days before school starts to make exchanges, in case different clothing sizes are needed Gift cards may be utilized to purchase clothing, including shoes and socks

H o m e s c h o o l e d c h i l d r e n q u a l i f y i f using an accredited Lee County School District program. Private school or school attendance

department are always looking for ways to improve and provide better service,” Mickuleit said

The biggest accomplishment so far, he said, will happen in the next few months, w h e n t h e M P I F C D b e c o m e s a n

A d v a n c e d L i f e S u p p o r t ( A L S ) Department

“It’s not just the fire department pro-

You can also support these species by

“Helping Sea Turtles Survive” license plate at your local Tax Collector’s office For additional information about how to get involved, you can also visit the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida’s website at widlifeflorida org

If you see a sick or injured manatee or sea turtle, call the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922)

outside of Lee County – ask if their school h a s a c l o t h i n g p r o g r a m o r u n i f o r m requirements and encourage usage of this first They do qualify for the island program if attending a school K-12 and live on the island or in Matlacha Preschool and Community College students do not qualify

The Matlacha Hookers are doing a Blood Drive at the same time

Kiwanis of Greater Pine Island is also having its Back to School Pool Party beginning at 11 a m at the Pine Island Community Pool, 5675 Sesame Drive, Bokeelia

viding basic life support anymore If you think fire you might only think of structure fires, but a bigger focus is fire prevention, fire education and providing medical services like in the very near future advanced life support, which will have a big impact on the community,” Mickuleit said

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 0
r , d e c i d e d t o s e
a y l o
c e d e f r o m L e e
p u r c h a s i n g a “ S a v e t h e M a n a t e e ” o r

Islanders asked to take post-Ian survey

It’s been nearly nine months since Hurricane Ian caused catastrophic damage to the island The Greater Pine Island Civic Association is conducting a survey to assess how post-Ian recovery is going for members of our communities Matlacha Isles, Matlacha, St James City, Pine Island Center, Pineland and Bokeelia

The survey includes questions about how you’re

doing, whether you have unmet needs and what your most pressing concerns are The GPICA will share this information with long-term recovery groups working on the Island so that we may demonstrate our community’s needs in order to seek additional support and resources

Visit https://bit ly/IanSurvey to take the survey,

Special note: the GPICA will not share your email

Frank’s Bobcat Service

Although good advertising for his business was an obvious result of an event such as this, he confessed his p r i m a r y g o a l w a s t o r a i s e m o n e y f o r P i n e I s l a n d Elementary School, at the Moose Club, where he often enjoys spending his time

“The reason we ended up donating to the school last

Mobile Food Pantry will be at PIUMC Friday

Community Cooperative’s Mobile Food Pantry will be distributing food in the Pine Island United Methodist Church parking lot this Friday, July 21, from 10-11:30

a m

Those picking up food will need to park and show an ID at registration, and bring their own bags

Pine Island United Methodist Church is located at 5701 Pine Island Road, across from the fire station near the four-way stop at The Center

For more about Community Cooperative and its programs, visit https://communitycooperative com/

Free autism screening scheduled for this Saturday in Fort Myers

Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida, offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to five years of age

The next screening will be held on July 21, from 9 a m to 2 p m , at the Pediatric Specialist Office, 15901 Bass Road, Suite 102, Fort Myers

It is estimated that one in every 44 children is diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, making it more common than childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined

Medical consultants for the project stress that an early diagnosis can make a vast difference for toddlers and their families They say early intensive behavioral intervention can make an immense difference not just in the development of the child, but in their families as well

The ASD screening is conducted by the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida The screeni n g s a r e a d m i n i s t e r e d b y a n A d v a n c e d P r a c t i c e Registered Nurse, who has extensive training and experience in typical child development and developmental disorders

A physician referral is not required To schedule a screening, please call 239-343-6838

Island Mahjongg

We were a small group of five players for mahjongg on July 13, but a good time was had by all! Top scorers were Mary Halbleib with 95 points and Jerilynn Adin Safran with 125

Mahjongg is played from 1-4 p m every Thursday

We would love you to join us, beginners or experienced players, we welcome you all

At this time we are playing at different venues

Please call Carolyn 239-233-7682 to find out where the group will be playing on July 20

From page 1

year was because the Moose Club was looking for someone to have a fundraiser for I went to Pine Island Elementary School and my older siblings went there, too, and I couldn’t think of a better place out here to put the money I think these kind of events showcase a little bit about Pine Island,” Valcarcel said

address with any other group or agency unless you give us explicit permission to do so in the second question of the survey Also note that the GPICA isa only collecting names of those Islanders who are seeking help from long-term recovery groups so that it may pass along their information to recovery groups working on the Islands

For more about Frank's Bobcat Service, call 239-8235441

The Pine Island Moose Lodge is at 8903 Stringfellow Road, St James City Call 239-282-0453 for additional information about the lodge

P a g e 1 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

Cat of the Week

Those big blue eyes and innocent expression help Henry get away with a lot at the shelter He came to us with a permanent head tilt Since we don’t know his history, we can only guess what caused it Some think he had an inner ear infection, but I like to think he accidentally ate a skink. Our sweet Henry would never have eaten it on purpose That m e a n o l d s k i n k p r o b a b l y forced Henry to chomp him up If I’m going to be completely honest, Henry probably should be an only cat. The other cats complain that he is a bit of a bully, but all it takes is one look at that sweet face and I melt Henry is a 3-yearold flame point Siamese mix

He loves to watch out the window, especially now that we have a peacock that likes to visit. If you are looking for a best friend, he will have you wrapped around his paw in no time. Call Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary at 239-283-9100 to meet this adorable kitty. If you’d rather just donate, our address is 10060 Mallory Parkway, E., Unit D, St. James City, FL, 33956 or there’s always our website www helpingpawsanimalsanctuary com

Eastern indigo snake

rows, especially in the northern part of their range ”

Eastern indigo snakes use gopher tortoise burrows to escape freeze events, which allows the mostly subtropical snake to live as far north as south Georgia In Southwest Florida, they are not as dependent upon burrows, as they have other options to survive through mild winters

Eastern indigo snakes have become extremely rare on Florida islands, mostly because of development and roads The SCCF reported that the Pine Island Sound, however, appears to be the only place left in Southwest Florida with viable populations of the imperiled species

“We have documented breeding and successful hatching on two islands in Pine Island Sound, but those places are experiencing increased threats every year, mostly due to development and traffic,” he said


“This is the same reason we lost them on Sanibel in 1999 and Captiva in 1988, where they are considered extirpated ”

S i g h t i n g s , w i t h p o s s i b l e p h o t o s , o f Eastern indigo snakes can be reported to indigo@sccf org

In honor of the species, the SCCF named a small preserve in its name where they are still present

The SCCF formed the Pine Island Sound Eastern Indigo Snake Project in 2012 to monitor populations of the rare a n d p r o t e c t e d s n a k e o n i s l a n d s i n Southwest Florida, thanks to a collaboration with the Orianne Society It remains under the Orianne Society’s federal permit to conduct research on the state and federally threatened species

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p s : / / s c c f o r g / w h a t - w e - d o / p r o t e c twildlife/eastern-indigo-snake-project/

Letters to the Editor

fee I picked up the computer Monday morning It has been functioning above past performance

It is actions and business such as this that makes me proud to be part of the Greater Pine Island Community Keep it on the island and always help local busi-

FEMA disaster case assistance available

Affected by Hurricane Ian and need help recovering? FEMA wants to help Disaster case managers are available to meet with you and help you create a

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 2
From page 6
nesses If you have any electronic equipment issues, reach out to Craig Judson at I s l a n d T e c h C o m p u t e r R e p a i r a n d Consulting I know that the VFW is honored to have him as a community partner and a new found friend Tom Ferguson St James City
page 4
long-term recovery plan F o r a s s i s t a n c e , g o o n l i n e t o h t t p s : / / w w w v o l u n t e e r f l o r i d a o r g / d c m pproviders/

Calm, hot days made for good fishing offshore

Once again, another week o f s c o r c h i n g d a y s , l i g h t s winds and very little rain It’s been a good combination for anglers making long runs offshore, but often makes for a very hot day of fishing, especially inshore

B o a t s r u n n i n g o f f s h o r e h o o k e d u p w i t h a v a r i e t y including mixed bottom fish a n d p e l a g i c s S e v e r a l c a ptains report mahi, blackfin tuna and wahoo hook-ups in depths from 160 to 220 feet west of Captiva Pass Some were hooked while trolling while others came around the boat while bottom fishing

On the Water

Limits of big red snapper, along with red and scamp grouper came from depths between 1601 9 0 f e e t B a i t s i n c l u d e d l i v e p i n f i s h , pilchards, thread herring and frozen sardines Lane and mangrove snapper plus red grouper were caught at depths between 80110 feet

Inshore, redfish up to 27 inches were found over the morning incoming tides in areas of north Matlacha Pass and islands off the eastern side of Pine Island Sound

Live and cut pinfish, shrimp, cut blue crab, gold spoons and t o p - w a t e r l u r e s

y i e l d e d g o o d

r e s u l t s w o r k i n g

m a n g r o v e o v e r -

hangs and oyster bar edges Snook, m a n g r o v e s n a pp e r a n d , o f

c o u r s e , c a t f i s h

were caught as well

Tasty mangrove snapper came from the gulf passes on the slack or slower tides and around docks and other structures inside the gulf islands

B a i t s i n c l u d e d s m a l l p i l c h a r d s , p i n f i s h a n d l i v e shrimp fished on a small jig head or small hook with a split shot or egg sinker

S p o t t e d s e a t r o u t w e r e s c a t t e r e d o v e r P i n e I s l a n d Sound and north Charlotte Harbor in 4 to 8-foot depths

T h e c o o l e r w a t e r o f t h e incoming tide gave the best results as fish up to 19 inches went for shrimp under a popping cork, live pilchards, pinfish and various lures and jerk baits

Make sure and stay up to date with fishi n g r e g u l a t i o n s b y visiting www myfwc com Also, upload the Fish Rules app on your phone It has current regulations with pictures to help identify fish

If you have a fishing report or for charter i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t G u l f C o a s t G u i d e Service at 239-410-8576 (call or text); on the web at www fishpine island com; or via email at gcl2fish@ live com

Have a safe week and good fishin’

As a lifetime resident of Matlacha and Pine Island, Capt Bill Russell has spent his life fishing and learning the waters around Pine Island and Southwest Florida, and as a professional fishing guide for the past 23 years

Southwest Florida blue crab trap closure ending early on July 17

As of Monday, July 17, recreational and commercial blue crab traps can be placed back in Southwest Florida waters

The blue crab trap closure included state waters from shore to 3 nautical miles, i n c l u d i n g i n t r a c o a s t a l w a t e r w a y s , o f Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Sarasota, Manatee, Hillsborough, Pinellas and Pasco counties.

This regional blue crab trap closure was p r e v i o u s l y w a i v e d f o r C o l l i e r , L e e , C h a r l o t t e a n d D e S o t o c o u n t i e s b y Executive Order for the 2023 calendar year

Lost and abandoned blue crab traps are a problem in the blue crab fishery because they can continue to trap crabs and fish when left in the water They can also be unsightly in the marine environment, damage sensitive habitats and pose navigational hazards to boaters on the water

The closure is one of three regional, 10-

day blue crab trap closures that occur in 2023 The final closure is for state waters from Hernando through Wakulla counties, including all waters of the Ochlockonee River and Ochlockonee Bay, which will close to blue crab traps on July 20-29 There are six regional closures total: three in even-numbered years on the east coast and three in odd-numbered years on the west coast

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e FWC’s trap-retrieval program, blue crab trap closure dates, regulations and cleanup events, go to MyFWC com/Fishing (click o n “ S a l t w a t e r F i s h i n g , ” t h e n “ T r a p Retrieval/Debris Removal”) For additional information, contact the FWC’s trapretrieval coordinator, Pamela Gruver, at 850-487-0554

For more on recreational and commercial blue crab regulations and trap closures, visit MyFWC com/Marine

Sons of The Legion to hold blood drive

Sons of The Legion Squadron 136 will be hosting a blood drive Monday, July 24, from 10 a m until 3 p m at the American Legion on Stringfellow Road in St James City

For your pint donation, OneBlood will provide and a $20 eGift Card and a swag bag Donors will also receive a wellness c h e c k u p t h a t i n c l u d e s b l o o d p r e s s u r e , temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening

Look for the Big Red Bus and remember that every donor can save up to three others Fact: One in three of us will need a blood transfusion

D o n o r s a r e s t r o n g l y e n c o u r a g e d t o schedule appointments online Please visit www oneblood org/donate-now and use sponsor code #67552

For more information about the blood drive, please contact Jesse at 239-4430876

P a g e 1 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 4
P a g e 1 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

Supervisor of Elections: all Vote-by -Mail Ballot requests have expired

Those who to vote by mail must submit new request

Lee County Supervisor of Elections

Tommy Doyle wants to ensure voters are a w a r e t h a t a l l p r e v i o u s V o t e - b y - M a i l Ballot requests expired as of December 2022 due to a change in Florida law As a result, voters who plan to vote by mail in 2024 must submit a new request to the office

T h e c h a n g e i n t h e l a w m a r k s a n unprecedented event for our office. We have a significantly low number of Voteby-Mail requests compared to previous years,” Doyle said “Our office began a proactive campaign earlier this year ahead of the 2024 election cycle in our effort to inform voters of this change and ensure

voting accessibility for all ”

Voting by mail is a safe, secure and c o n v e n i e n t v o t i n g m e t h o d V o t e r s a r e encouraged to act now and submit their Vote-by-Mail requests before the 2024 election cycle to ensure their voices are heard!

Vote-by-Mail Ballot requests can be made online, by mail, e-mail, fax or in person at any one of our branch office locations New requests are valid through December 2024

T h e m i s s i o n o f t h e L e e C o u n t y Supervisor of Elections is to deliver superior election services to the voters of Lee County

ments are not related to any agenda item The deadline for registration to speak on items not on the agenda is 9:30 a m on July 20

The FWC is committed to providing opportunities for public input There are several opportunities prior to the commission meeting to provide comments.

Also, time is allotted for public speakers at the commission meeting

Additionally, at the end of the second day, July 20, the commission will provide time for public comment on subjects not on the agenda Those people who wish to offer comments during this period will be asked to ensure their com-

Public speaking is organized using a speaker registration process and time limits To accommodate as much input as possible from those attending, the chairman reserves the right to designate the amount of time given to each topic and speaker

For the full July 19-20 agenda and l i n k s t o b a c k g r o u n d r e p o r t s , g o t o MyFWC com/Commission and select “ C o m m i s s i o n M e e t i n g s ” T h o s e w h o cannot attend can follow coverage at Twitter com/MyFWC (@MyFWC) and s i g n u p f o r n e w s u p d a t e s a t

Check the Florida Channel for possible live video coverage at TheFlorida Channel org

Student test scores

the same emphasis That really helped the results grow in a positive direction.”

According to the district, fifth grade s t u d e n t s d e m o n s t r a t e d a 2 p e r c e n t increase in the percentage of students scoring at Level 3, proficient, or above on the Statewide Science Assessment Eighth grade students also achieved a 2 percent growth in science proficiency, which is measured by the combined results of the Statewide Science and Biology 1 EOC assessments The Biology 1 EOC scores also had a 3 percent increase compared to the previous year.

“These results highlight the significant work of our students and the effectiveness of our science curriculum and the efforts of our talented teachers in providing a strong foundation in scientific knowle d g e , ” D r C h r i s t o p h e r B e r n i e r , Superintendent of Schools, said in a prepared statement “We remain committed to fostering a love for science and empowe r i n g o u r s t u d e n t s t o b e c o m e c r i t i c a l thinkers and problem solvers in this rapidly advancing world.”

T h e r e w e r e t w o s c h o o l s t h a t h a d

From page 9

notable achievements

The Sanibel School showed a 15 point increase with eighth grade science results, the highest in the district Edison Park Creative Center for the Arts, also had an increase with their fifth grade NGSSS Science scores overall by 15 points from the 2022 test results to 2023 results, which was the highest for grade 5 science

Other tests:

Student Performance in Mathematics

B E S T E n d o f C o u r s e e x a m s f o r Algebra and Geometry compared to 2022 FSA

■ Algebra 1 EOC, first-time test takers in grades 12 and below, 2 points lower

■ Geometry EOC, first-time test takers in grade 12 and below, 3 points higher

Mathematics, Grade 8, outperformed the state average by 5 points

■ Grade 3: 3 points higher

■ Grade 4: 2 points higher

■ Grade 5: 1 point higher

■ Grade 6: 19 points higher

■ Grade 7: 6 points higher

■ Grade 8: 11 points higher

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 6
T h e F l o r i d a F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e Conservation Commission will meet in person Wednesday and Thursday, July 1 9 - 2 0 , a t t h e H i l t o n S t P e t e r s b u r g B a y f r o n t , 3 3 3 F i r s t S t r e e t , S E , S t P e t e r s b u r g , F L 3 3 7 0 1 T h e m e e t i n g begins at 8:30 a m each day and is open to the public
week in St.
welcome to attend
FWC scheduled to meet this
Petersburg Pubic
P a g e 1 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e



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P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 8 Help Wanted Wanted To Buy Medical & Health Recreation Vehicles Power Boats Manufactured Homes Air Conditioning Boat Lifts & Docks Concrete Contractors Contractors Handyman Massage Therapist Painting Pavers Plants & Trees Plumbing Screening Sprinkler Systems & Irrigation Pressman PressAssistant TheBreeze NewspapersBreeze CommercialPrinting hasanimmediate needforthefollowing positionsatour PrintingFacility. PRESSMAN: experiencepreferred butnotrequired.F/T PRESSASSISTANT: willtrain,F/T PaidVacation, Benefits,401K,great workenvironment! ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume BreezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 r Getyour MedicalMarijuanaCard Fast Easy Appro-val callfora FREEEVALUATIONBY PHONE 239-236-5311 CMMDR.COM 24óHOURSERVICE NOOVERTIMECHARGES FAMILY OWNED/OPERATED Lic#CAC1817070 (239)573-2086 INSTANTREBATES AVAILABLE óAirPurificationSystems óHighEfficiencySystems
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