1 minute read
School district to host Back to School Rush
The School District of Lee County will hold icals will be provided by local doctors on a first come, first serve basis The Florida Department of Health will also be on site to provide Tdap vaccines for i n c o m i n g s e v e n t h - g r a d e r s A t can also learn more about Lee Virtual School class offerings and employment opportunities with the school district
“I suggested at a couple o f m e e t i n g s a g o a b o u t translating the draft of the student Code of Conduct. Many of the people that are bilingual are the ones that are the most of the SESIR reports and discipline I am a staunch believer that discipline and academics are definitely married If a child does not know how to read, they will do whatever necessary to get out of doing that work,” she said “Was there a translation for our bilingual stakeholders for them to understand?”
In other business
∫ The school board approved operations to continue w i t h O C T r u c k i n g S e r v i c e s C o r p o r a t i o n f o r u p t o
$2,500,000, which is funded from budgeted Food and Nutrition Services Department funds
Board Member Melisa Giovannelli pulled the agenda item as the cost for the service has doubled from $950,000 when they picked up the delivery service in 2022 She said she wanted to bring it to the community’s attention as she is a conservative and fiscally responsible
“Back in 2019 to 2021, we didn’t need the service Through COVID it was a problem This is quite an expense I am going to support it this evening, (but) doubling was a big red flag and I was alarmed over that I would love to see the district look at other opportunities in the area,” Giovannelli said.
Superintendent Dr Christopher Bernier said they were first invoiced in January 2022 from OC Trucking for half a year He said the total payment for fiscal year 2023 did more than double for a full year payment
Bernier said OC Transportation was not the cheapest bid but they are dependable and reliable