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From page 6
∫ PW 6059 (Hurricane Irma – direct administrative costs): Closed out and paid about $54,095
State funding (FDEP):
∫ 1 9 L E 4 ( H u r r i c a n e I r m a ) :
Submission is under review with an anticipated payout of $250,000
∫ 21LE1 (construction): Paid about $3,826,043 with the remainder of submission available for future reimbursement
Legislative appropriations state fund- there will be an issue getting the slip permits
Mintz explained that the permit would not come from the county.
“The county doesn't have jurisdiction over the slips and dockage,” he said
Panel Member Sandy Stilwell reported that the problem is not just the dockage, but the sewer She added that she would hate to see him invest his money, only to be denied and have to start over
“It's not a $30,000 fix,” Stilwell said “I've been down that road before ”
“They won't do the seats unless they have the septic problem taken care of,” she added
County LDC, Lee Plan amendments
Mintz gave an overview of the county's second public meeting on Aug 2 at BIG ARTS on Sanibel on the proposed Land Development Code height and density amendments that would apply to Captiva
He reported that the third and final meeting was set for Aug 9 in Fort Myers Afterward, county staff would compile the public feedback for presentation to the county board at a workshop on Aug 29
Mintz explained that at the workshop, the county commissioners will decide what they want to do They could request changes to the proposed amendments, proceed with them as is and approve them at the Sept 5 public hearing or proceed with them and vote no, which starts the process over for staff
He noted that he thinks the county's attorneys and staff have a clear understanding about the community's objections to the amendments as of this point as does the county board
Mintz also highlighted some things that had come out of the first two meetings
He reported that any ambiguities within the county's build-back provisions will be cleaned up so property owners know that they can rebuild what existed pre-hurricane, while incorporating the new base flood elevations and federal-state requirements Also, increasing density for hotel units at the South Seas Island Resort and heights for new buildings are separate and unrelated to buildback.
In addition, information that the county posted on its website regarding the amendments has been removed and replaced with new information County officials had been contacted about errors in it
“It did include inaccuracies, and they were happy to recognize that,” Mintz said
As the panel representative on the Captiva Civic Association's Land Use Committee, he also gave a legal update on the law firm hired to represent the island stakeholders in the amendments matter
Mintz reported that the firm is analyzing any legal problems with the changes and compiling any potential unlawful aspects It is also determining what legal actions will need to be taken if the county approves the amendments The firm is also looking at actions to oppose South Seas, if necessary
He added that the committee is continuing its campaign to keep the community engaged
In other news
∫ Lee County Property Appraiser Matt Caldwell gave a presentation to the panel explaining the loss in property valuations for 2023 and its impact on the rolled-back rates, as well as answered questions
“What is unique about this year is an extraordinary number of deletions,” he said, referring to the valuations lost due to Hurricane Ian and its destruction of properties
Caldwell reported that the TRIM notices will have some information outlining the circumstances ing:
∫ During the Stormwater Committee update, Mintz reported that the panel received an updated stormwater management proposal from its consultant to improve the issue in the Village The revised proposal has been transmitted along to the county, which previously agreed to fund the project.
∫ Requests under review: $500,000 for dune walkovers, $36,000 for a beach vehicle and $650,000 for loss of revenue
∫ R e q u e s t s o n h o l d : $ 6 , 8 8 6 , 4 6 4 ( 5 2 % o f e s t i m a t e d c o s t s ) f o r b e a c h renourishment
∫ R e q u e s t s a w a i t i n g c o n t r a c t : $400,000 for Coastal Resiliency Phase II Local funding: ∫ Lee County interlocal agreement: B e a c h r e n o u r i s h m e n t ( 3 0 1 5 % ) w i t h
$5,196,814 received
∫ Lee County Tourist Development Council: Beach park maintenance up to $192,160, beach vehicle replacement up to $10,299 and beach park upgrades up to $ 2 3 1 , 0 0 0 ; b e a c h p a r k m a i n t e n a n c e request next fiscal year up to $261,482
In other news
∫ The commission and staff agreed on the following upcoming activities: Aug 31 at 1 p m : Budget work- shop Sept. 11 at 3 p.m.: Monthly meeting Sept 11 at 5:01 p m : First budget hearing Sept 19 at 5:01 p m : Second and final budget hearing
∫ The commission voted 5-0 to retire its Rules of Procedure and adopt new ones proposed by staff It also voted 5-0 to retire its Standard Operating Procedures and adopt new ones proposed by staff