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Letter to the Editor
Sanibel is coming back, slowly but surely Those of us who deeply love our island home understand how vital it is to support island merchants whenever possible TCH is expecting to resume full operations in October and the Founders Room, part of the original footprint of TCH, will be ready
Business Notes
From page 9
Loretta Cameron has a master's degree in business administration, and Tommy Cameron has a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity They had the experience of renting their home in Florida before moving from Minnesota
Vigilant Guardian Home Watch & Services serves Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel, Captiva and Pine Island
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p s : / / v i g i l a n tguardianswfl com/ or contact 651-263-4574 or vigilantguardian-swfl@proton me plays a crucial role in their success I thank our teachers and staff for their dedication and resilience for the benefit of our students. I ask our community to continue supporting and encouraging our students to achieve their highest potential Together, we will create a thriving educational community where knowledge is celebrated and everyone feels safe and supported
Sanibelians are resilient We need this annual event to continue to be held at TCH to draw people together. It's part of our very identity
It may be too late for the shell club to change its decision for 2024, but it is critical this never happens again We've come a long way from Granny Matthews simply displaying shells on her porch People now come to our island for this worldrenowned event. The Sanibel Shell Show belongs on Sanibel at TCH
The shell club and TCH have worked together for decades on the event, and 2024 should not have been an exception
Interactive guide to open island businesses
The SanCap Chamber has a list available of businesses back in operation after Hurricane Ian on Wander: Maps & Navigation. The GPS-enabled interactive map also pinpoints beach accesses that have opened, bike parking areas and the user's relative location Points of interest can be filtered by seven categories Users can download the app from the Apple App Store and Google Play They can also access the map online at tinyurl com/sancapwandermap
W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t
DDWS reports on refuge programming and more