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Business Notes

Wright named FSW Foundation board chair


She is responsible for c o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h a n d monitoring the trust officer team throughout the company Pankow also continues to serve as a main point of contact for clients and their relationship team, coll a b o r a t i n g o n a c c o u n t s , f a c i l i t a t i n g a c c o u n t a n d estate documents, distributions and more

Prior to joining the comp a n y , P a n k o w s e r v e d a s s e n i o r c l i e n t e x p e r i e n c e manager for the Key Private Bank, focusing on clients' wealth management Earlier, she was trust officer and private wealth advisor at the FineMark National Bank & Trust in Fort Myers, where Pankow advised clients on their wealth management goals and provided trust and estate services and financial planning for over 10 years She also served as economic and financial analyst consultant at The World Bank, analyzing the expected economic and financial returns on domestic and international endeavors

Pankow graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University with a Bachelor of Science in finance A Certified Financial Planner, she holds the Certified Trust and Financial Advisor and Certified Financial Consultant d e s i g n a t i o n s a n d F i n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g A s s o c i a t i o n ' s

Philanthropic Solutions in Financial Planning Certificate

Pankow is a founding member of the Southwest Florida Women in Investment Management Committee and was acknowledged for the Soaring Eagles Society by the FGCU Lutgert College of Business. She was also an honors graduate of the Florida Bankers Association's Florida Trust and Wealth Management School


He joined the board in 2021 and has served on the finance committee

Wright joined the bank in 2020 after relocating to S


He also serves on the Lee County Horizon Council as a member at large.

Wright graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and he became a certified public accountant in 1990

Pfeifer joins Pfeifer Realty

P f e i f e r R e a l t y G r o u p announced Darby Pfeifer has joined the team as a customer relations manager

She will assist clients, as well as support the staff a n d l i c e n s e d r e a l e s t a t e experts

Daughter of owners Eric a n d M a r y E l l e n P f e i f e r , Pfeifer grew up on Sanibel She obtained her psychology degree, along with a minor in outdoor educa- tion, at Elon University in North Carolina. Pfeifer worked post-graduation on Hawaii in wilderness therapy

In 2020, she returned to Sanibel and applied her skill set at the Canterbury School in Fort Myers Pfeifer created a men's and women's mentorship space where students could gain clarity on what their transition from high school might look like

After moving to California, where she lives, she discovered Blueboard Pfeifer has helped to grow the company and works with its clients, helping them expand their employee recognition framework

With a passion for people, impeccable customer service skills and a lasting love of the barrier islands, she brings a wealth of expertise, energy and enthusiasm to the team

Vigilant Guardian ear ns accreditation

V i g i l a n t

G u a r d i a n

H o m e W a t c h & S e r v i c e s earned accred- i t a t i o n f r o m t h e N a t i o n a l

H o m e W a t c h Association

The associa t i o n w a s f o r m e d i n 2009 in order to establish and maintain the highest industry standards for Home Watch and absentee homeowner services throughout the United States and Canada

Owners Tommy and Loretta Cameron are a former dual military couple that served in the U S Navy Throughout their military journey, they had the opportunity to travel the world, experience diverse cultures and make an impact in their communities


Public meeting set to discuss civic center complex

Lee County Parks and Recreation will host a drop-in style public meeting about the Lee County Civic Center complex on Aug 17 from 6 to 8 p m at the North Fort Myers Recreation Center, at 2000 N Recreation Park Way, North Fort Myers

A p u b l i c s u r v e y w a s c r e a t e d i n March to garner input on long-term options for the complex The meeting will provide an opportunity to view those results and help give input on the complex's future Attendees can drop-in at whatever time to view the presentation materials and interact with staff

The county has launched a landing page to provide access to information a b o u t t h e c e n t e r a t www leegov com/CivicCenter It also includes summaries of county board actions and videos A virtual comment card will be available for one week following the meeting for those unable to attend

Refuge, par tners to hold Family Fun Night event

To kick of Hispanic/Latine Month from Sept 15 to Oct 15, J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge staff has planned a Family Fun Night after-school event at Lakes Park in Fort Myers

On Sept 15 from 4:30 to 6:30 p m , attendees can enjoy free snacks and Hoverball archery Hands-on exhibits will include local wildlife skulls and pelts, along with an archaeology table presented by the Florida Public Archaeology Network

The refuge will have a table for planting marigolds to-go and learning about how families can create their own ofrenda, or altar, at home with family for Dia de los Muertos on Nov. 1-2. Marigolds are symbolic of the holiday Volunteer or staff members will assist youths with planting and everyone will take home their own small compostable pot with marigold seeds

The refuge is partnership with the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge and Florida Public Archaeology Network for the inaugural event

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