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Fresh start
From page 4 also identify other contraband items that are not allowed on school property All students and visitors to a district building will be subject to search.
Additionally, we will launch the Guardian Program
T h e s e e m p l o y e e s h a v e s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d t h e required training with the Lee County Sheriff's Office
They will be uniformed and armed, and will assist our School Resource Officers during emergencies We thank you for your support at all our buildings as we implement these security measures
Last spring, the school board approved a new student
From page 4 dealing with the aftermath of another devastating hurricane TCH has long been considered the “Heart of the Island” and provides a gathering place for both resid e n t s a n d v i s i t o r s T h a t ' s w h y i t h a s always been the perfect venue for the Sanibel Shell Show enrollment plan for elementary schools known as proximity Preliminary data on the impact of this plan is encouraging as we work towards our goal of getting students to school and from school on time This is not a fixall, but is a step in the right direction This year, we will have conversations with our community as we develop the proximity plan for middle schools
As we embark on this new academic year, I encourage all students to embrace curiosity and every opportunity to learn and grow I urge parents and guardians to be actively involved in their child's education, as your support