Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

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Mayor calls for new look at stormwater system

Responding to concerns from town residents regarding an inefficient stormwater drainage system which left homeowners reeling from flooding on side streets and in their homes after Hurricane Debby, Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers has called on staff to seek out a third party to review the town’s stormwater plan

The town has been implementing new stormwater drainage over the past year though many residents believe the current

“The system that we are designing and we are putting in the ground now was designed pre-storm. We haven’t reassessed that design.”

Mayor Dan Allers

plans do not adequately address the issues that has led to stormwater runoff constantly backing up even during minor storms.

“The system that we are designing and we are putting in the ground now was designed pre-storm,” Allers said “We

haven’t reassessed that design ” Allers called on town staff to get an outside firm to get a second opinion and evaluate the stormwater project Tetra Tech has been working on, particularly with the new types of homes being built now

Matanzas Pass Br id ge reo pe ns ho urs after being s tr uck by sh rimp bo at

Chris Gala had a plan for the new shrimp boat her crew picked up from Texas last week. While bringing it to dock through Matanzas Pass on Fort Myers Beach, the boat and its long outriggers was to be assisted by another vessel to get under the Matanzas Pass Bridge

The crew, which had been sidelined for four days off the Texas coast as Hurricane Francine swept in, may have

“jumped the gun” as they approached shore, Gala said A couple hours before high tide was to sweep in at noon, the b o a t a

e Matanzas Pass Bridge, but its large steel outriggers got stuck against the bridge Gala said the crew was experienced but may have gotten overly “excited” as they drew close to home

“We knew the outriggers were extra big,” Gala said. “We had a plan to push it through with a boat during low tide ” Gala said the high tide was exacerbated

by a full moon which made the tide extra high

The bridge was closed for more than four hours while the crew waited for the tide to recede and authorities awaited Florida Department of Transportation inspectors to assess if there was any damage to the bridge

“I am not confident in speaking with some of the people doing our side streets, I’ll just be blunt, that they are confident that what they are putting in the ground is going to be sufficient for us in the future If they are saying that to me, who else are they saying that to?”

Allers said he is also receiving complaints of contractors working in drainage easements without permits

Allers said three days after a recent rain storm, the drain on his street was still

s t o t h e t o w n ’ s c o m p r eh e n s i v e p l a n w a s d e l a y e d f o l l o w i n g a r e q u e s t f r o m

T o w n o f F o r t

M y e r s B e a c h

M a n a g e r A n d y

H y a t t H y a t t r e q u e s te d t h e t o w n c o u n -

c i l d e l a y a c t i n g

o n c h a n g e s t o i t s

c o m p r e h e n s i v e p l a n i n o r d e r t o s a t i s f y s t a f f c o n c e r n s a n d p a r t l y c o n c e r n s f r o m t o w n c o u n c i l a b o u t t h e c h a n g e s H y a t t c a l l e d f o r a j o i n t m e e t i n g w i t h t h e t o w n c o u n c i l a n d F o r t M y e r s B e a c h

L o c a l P l a n n i n g A g e n c y t o a d d r e s s t h e c o n c e r n s H y a t t s a i d h e w a n t e d t h a t m e e t i n g t o b e h e l d a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e b u t t o w n o f f i c i a l s h a v e s i n c e a n n o u n c e d t

Town to institute new rules for development projects

The Town of Fort Myers Beach will now require projects seeking approvals from the Local Planning Agency and Town Council to have all documents submitted two weeks in advance of a project getting on the agenda to be heard by either board

The changes follow in the wake of two major developments that were due to be heard by the Local Planning Agency (LPA) being postponed indefinitely Plans for London Bay Development Group at the former Outrigger Resort, and Seagate Development Group’s plans for the former Red Coconut RV Resort were both due to go in front of the LPA in the last month before being canceled at the last minute

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O p e r a t i o n s D i r e c t o r F r a n k

Kropacek said the reason for those cancelations was due to town staff not having adequate time and its internal processes to “get it right the first time ”

Kropacek said staff recently met with Fort Myers Beach LPA Chair Anita Cereceda, Town Clerk Amy Baker and the town’s legal representation to go over how much time staff has to review plans in order to make qualified recommendations and approvals for projects

“We have so many important things addressing the town in the near future here with development. We want to make sure staff has enough time to digest the plans,” Kropacek said

“We had looked at the way things were done before,” Kropacek said Kropacek said Baker noted that the town’s former policy for projects to be heard on an agenda required two weeks for “everything to be signed, sealed and delivered to the town clerk ”

Kropacek said the new policy will require project narratives, site plan reports, renderings, town staff reports and all materials will need to be submitted two weeks before a development or other request to be on the LPA’s agenda.

Kropacek said the new rules will allow adequate time for town staff to review projects and ensure that all questions are answered

“It’s only in due fairness to our town clerk, town attorneys and town staff,” Kropacek said “It seems like every week something is getting added to or staff is being asked to jump through a hoop ”

The same rules will apply to getting on the agenda for a Town Council meeting, Kropacek said

Lee Commissioners authorize land acquisition near Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary


The Lee County Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to pursue the purchase of about 100 acres near the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in southeastern Lee County for the Conservation 20/20 land acquisition program

The land is a former orange grove adjacent to the northern boundary of Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

The Conservation 20/20 Land Acquisition and Stewardship Advisory Committee (CLASAC) voted unanimously to support this nomination Any negotiated purchase agreement will be returned to the Board for consideration

The National Audubon Society, which operates the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, has been supportive of the acquisition of the adjacent land Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary occupies more than 13,000 acres and provides habitat for the Florida panther, white-tail deer, otters, wading birds and birds such as painted buntings and the Florida sandhill crane

more than 31,500 acres and 52

Bursting at the seams: Lee County School’s capital funding crunch

Lee County is experiencing a baby boom that would make a stork blush Picture this: every single day, 22 to 24 little bundles of joy are born at Lee Health hospitals That's not just an adorable statistic it’s a full kindergarten class being born every Single Day

A n d w h i l e t h e p a r e n t s a r e busy figuring out sleep schedules, Lee County Schools is having sleepless nights of its own, trying to figure out how to squeeze these future scholars into an already jam-packed district

T h e p r o j e c t e d n u m b e r s speak for themselves. By next y e a r , L e e C


y S c h o o l s expects an influx of 2,427 new students But that’s just a warm-up In the next decade, a staggering 24,675 more students are expected to be roaming the halls, crowding classrooms, and likely wondering why the lunch lines are so long With current capacities already bursting at the seams, Lee County Schools is staring down a logistical nightmare

Imagine trying to fit a size 12 foot into a size 6 shoe that’s the kind of fit we’re talking about The district is already on track to e x c e

‘Debate’ was a waste

To the editor:

Web Poll

∫ Unsure, 0%

Current Web Poll

Do you support Seagate's plans for two 17-story condo towers that will require a deviation from the town code limit of four stories?

∫ Yes, I support it

∫ No, I do mot support it

∫ Unsure

months, which means, at some schools, there won’t be a single desk, chair, or square inch of locker space left to offer It’s not just about overcrowding, though that’s a big deal (hello, 35 kids in a room m e a n t f o r 2 5 ) I t ’ s a b o u t maintaining quality education when you’re constantly forced to make space Picture teach-

classrooms that look more like sardine cans than places of learning

E v e r y o n e s

r s w h e n schools are overstretched students, teachers, and parents alike And here’s the kicker: without serious capital funding, this overcrowding crisis is only going to get worse

Capital funding is what turns raw projections into real solutions It’s the money that builds new schools, expands current ones, and makes sure there’s enough room for every future valedictorian, class clown, and science fair champ But funding doesn’t just appear like magic it takes serious investment from the state, local governments, and community stakeholders

Building a school isn’t cheap (nor should

Letters to the Editor

The debate was terrible I would not call it a debate Presidential debates should be about policy and not using the moderators to debunk talking points and to attack your opponent all night The moderators did all the heavy lifting for Harris There was little fact checking on her and many times on Trump and if you actually did a little fact-checking yourself, you would find did the ABC commentators, we’re wrong on most of their fact checks? American voters lost. They didn’t get a true picture of the candidates because of the media

The debate was like the DNC convention Promises and platitudes but no policy Her performance was award winning, but she didn't answer one question She made it about personality not policy and again there was little fact checking on her

It isn’t a surprise, Trump tried to talk policy while she went after him with the same old false accusations She's also telling us everything is great, yet how are you living? Look at the econ-

omy We already know what life is like in America under both candidates, so people’s decision should be simple How was life like in America under Trump versus Biden/Harris?

The cost of gas, groceries, law and order, and a secured border, no wars under Trump It's a simple matter If you want four more years of what we have today vote for Harris Some people like open borders, high crime and gangs and illegals taking over hotels and apartment buildings and getting your taxpaying dollars. Lou Walker Cape Coral

Vote Mucarsel-Powell

To the editor:

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell will be a senator for All Floridians

The cost of living is skyrocketing in Florida

As an immigrant who worked her way through school at minimum wage jobs, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell understands daily financial struggle In contrast, Senator Scott is a billionaire who will cut Social Security and Medicare

it be) Schools need classrooms, gymnasiums, libraries, labs, and all the spaces that make for a well-rounded education Plus, you can’t just throw up a building and call it a day There’s the need for infrastructure, technology, and the kinds of amenities that support 21st-Century learning. Capital funding ensures all of that, plus a cushion for future growth, is in place Without it? Well, we’re looking at more portables, temporary fixes, and unhappy parents

And here’s where the real urgency kicks in Lee County Schools isn’t just prepping for a one-time spike; this is a long-term trend With a new classroom of babies born e v e r y s i n g l e d a y ,

growth it’s a tidal surge The district needs to get ahead of this, or we’ll all be left playing catch-up.

In the face of such tremendous growth, Lee County Schools needs capital funding like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers need Tom Brady (well, when he was still playing) It’s not just about surviving the student boom it’s about thriving through it, and ensuring that every child gets the high-quality education they deserve After all, those kindergarteners born today? They’ll be running the world tomorrow Let’s make sure they have the space to learn how

Chris N Patricca represents District 3 on the

and give additional tax cuts to the very wealthy

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell knows that the decision to have an abortion must be made between a woman, her family, and her doctor She will protect every woman’s right to make the decision that is best for her Extremist Rick Scott cosponsored a national abortion ban and enthusiastically supports the Florida six-week abortion ban, which would mean that abortion would become illegal before most women even know they are pregnant. Debbie MucarselPowell trusts Floridians to make their own health care decisions

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell knows that for so many Floridians, health care costs too much

As Associate Dean at FIU Medical School, she worked hard to expand health care access to thousands of Floridians Debbie MucarselPowell sponsored legislation to expand Medicare and reduce the price of medication

Senator Scott wrote the plan to cut Medicare and recently said that he would support repealing the Affordable Care Act, ripping affordable See LETTERS, page 5

Lee County School Board
Chris N. Patricca Guest

health care away from over 3 million Floridians Scott opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, which stops drug companies from jacking up prices for life saving medications like insulin

For the majority of Floridians, the c h o i c e f o r S e n a t o r i s c l e a r : D e b b i e Mucarsel-Powell

Blood on our hands

To the editor:

Twenty-three years ago, as a 10-yearold little girl growing up just a quick drive from NYC, I saw what no child should ever see The sky on the horizon was a vast deluge of black smoke I could smell the burning in the air I can recall everything that happened to me the first 72 hours of that day And over 20 years later, I can say the same thing about 02/24/22 Having this dark history as a part of my life, both in my past and present, I understand that the precedents we set as a country today will determine whether our sons and daughters will go to war in the future Therefore, I persist in my communications with the public, to raise support and awareness, to pressure our politicians to do the right thing now, to arm Ukraine, so they can defeat the enemy, so we can prevent the further loss of precious human life

The events of that day are central to the global upheaval now underway In the wake of terror, our country’s leaders set out to establish a precedent, that the U S would not tolerate an attack on US soil

For our national security, we needed to respond But along the way, we trusted but did not verify, and we set many weak and dangerous precedents which only emboldened our enemies We went soft on Russia We turned out back on our allies We let nations fall to enemies These precedents continued for years, in spite of the good work of our countrymen who fought global terror to protect the homeland Now, we are left with a decision to make: Do we let our past mistakes define our future decisions?

On Feb 23, 2022, the night before the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a harrowing speech which contained a litany of innuendos against the United States He stuck his finger in the healing wounds of our recent past, blaming the Iraq War on so-called “U S imperialism,” and continues to spew his revisionist history via pseudojournalists such as Tucker Carlson who resides in Southwest Florida, by the way Let's make no mistake here, it is Vladimir Putin who is the imperialist colonizer, who’s maniacal fanaticism for taking land just to take land, to redraw a different map of world, and in doing so is destroying our planet

On the contrary, from what I know, and who I know, it is those men and women who fought for our freedom in the global war on terror, as well as previous foreign wars, who understand the risk more than anyone, should we let Putin get away with it

We need people to understand basic math

The American politicians who slow

rolled weapons to Ukraine have left hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians defenseless and we are culpable Those politicians and libertarians who say no to war tend to be the ones who never fought for anything besides the popularity contest and can’t even think for themselves when they got dollars flashing in there faces It is they who say “we don’t want war” who are the ones who are promising war to our children

As an American, I feel a very heavy burden I feel that our country has blood on our hands And I won’t let today’s politicians get away with it

Never have our country been so weak with politicians such as Congressman Byron Donalds who, at every turn, will make up a new excuse to prevent military aid to Ukraine

It was only a year ago at his town hall meeting in Bonita Springs where Rep Donalds stated “do I just want to send

accountability? No I don’t I don’t know why this is so hard and it’s become so political but it just makes no sense especially because, um ,during the fall of Afghanistan I went back and read the Inspector General’s classified report on

insane If you did it here in the United States you will be indicted and thrown up jail for fraud; that’s the truth ”

But all the while, as Congressman Byron Donalds took the moral grounds of accountability, recent revelations find that he himself violated the federal laws of our country as he failed to properly disclose

up to $1 6 million in stock trades

Congressman Byron Donalds does not live by the principles he so claims, meanwhile his policy agenda betrays U.S. national security interests why should we listen to Byron Donalds on national security matters and accountability, if he cannot even be held accountable?

Rep Donalds has proven to be unworthy to be entrusted as a member of Oversight Committee, let alone a member of Congress

Meanwhile I’m pretty sure the people who don’t want war are my friends and I, who want to send Ukraine the defense equipment it needs to stop Russia once and for all

Our country must designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism And our country must oust corrupt politicians such as Congressman Byron Donalds, who makes me ashamed to know that he was also a New Yorker who witnessed 9/11, and yet still absconds his duty to our country by choosing to ignore the threat our enemies pose

Byron Donalds is a national security threat to our nation. Right now, I call on our public to urge Southwest Florida Congressman Byron Donalds to immediately resign

To learn more, please watch my film o n U k r a i n e , t i t l e d “ L V I V F R E E O R DIE,” where I give my first-hand glimpse i n t o l i f e d u r i n g w a r , a n d I c a l l o n Congress to abandon its neutral stance on Russia I and many of my friends will be traveling to D C later this month, to speak to Congress directly about my requests Alexandra Zakhvatayev Cape Coral


Shell Factory & Nature Park announces plans to permanently close, sell property

After 86 years of serving the community as a familyfriendly, entertainment destination, the Shell Factory & Nature Park has announced its plans to close

The park’s final days of operation will be the weekends of Sept 20-22 and Sept 27-29 from 11 a m to 4 p m , after which all operations will close to the public

During this time, the Nature Park and Gift Shop will be open and the park’s onsite restaurants, the Southern Grill and Tommy’s Outdoor Café, will serve a limited menu while supplies last The Fun Park will be closed, effective immediately

Established in North Fort Myers in 1938, the 18-acre, old-Florida roadside attraction has entertained multiple generations with amusement-style rides, arcade games, miniature golf, 50,000 square feet of gift shops, a 4 5acre nature park with more than 400 animals, birds, reptiles and fish, and much more Despite efforts to find a buyer to take over the park’s expansive operations, longtime owner Pam Cronin, who has worked tirelessly to preserve the property and its proud traditions for the past 27 years, has made the difficult decision to close the Shell Factory and sell the property

“This has been an incredibly hard decision for me, and one that was not made lightly, as the Shell Factory has been such a big part of the community and my life for many decades,” Cronin said in a prepared statement “We are so proud of the countless joyous experiences that the Shell Factory has provided for residents and visitors of our community, as children and families have laughed aboard the bumper boats, tried a round of mini-golf, flew on the zipline, learned about our loveable animals, enjoyed delicious food and sweet treats, discovered many unique treasures from our store and so much more ”

In 1997, Cronin and her late husband, Tom, took the helm of the property when it was under foreclosure and transformed it from a roadside tourist spot to a destination for locals, seasonal residents and tourists Over the years, the couple made extensive investments and upgrades to


The Estero Island Historic Society is asking for the public’s help to assist with an exhibit on the history of hurricanes on Fort Myers Beach The exhibit will open on Sept 28, the second anniversary of Hurricane Ian.

“We would like to fill the museu m w i t h m e m o r a b i l i a f r o m a n y island business that is no longer on the island due to Mother Nature or development,” said Ellie Bunting of the Estero Island Historic Society “We are looking for anything from an old sign to a matchbook If you have any items you would like to loan us for the exhibit, please let us know and we can arrange a pick up time and place.”

For more information on how to a s s i s t t h e E s t e r o I s l a n d H i s t o r i c Society, email esteroislandhistoricsociety@gmail com

Historical items can be brought to the cottage museum which is behind the Fort Myers Beach Elementary School at 161 Bay Road The soci-

FILE PHOTO After 86 years of serving the community as a family-friendly, entertainment destination, the Shell Factory & Nature Park has announced its plans to close The park’s final days of operation will be the weekends of Sept 20-22 and Sept 27-29 from 11 a m to 4 p m , after which all operations will close to the public

the property, created the Nature Park, an animal rescue, and founded The Nature Park Environmental Education Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization The property has two restaurants, the Southern Grill and Tommy’s

Registration is now open for Lee County’s most coveted business awards event of the year The 32nd Industry Appreciation Awards luncheon will take place on Friday, Oct 25, at Caloosa Sound Convention Center in Fort Myers.

Development Office, the awards program will recognize 27 companies as finalists across nine award categories, including Large Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Diverse Business of the Year, the Supplier Diversity Award, the Innovative

Award and the Community

The Oct. 25 event will be held at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center, 1375 Monroe St in Fort Myers, and starts with networking opportunities at 10 a m before transitioning to the awards luncheon at 11 a m Event tickets for the 2024 Industry Appreciation Awards are $50 each and available

closes on Oct 18

Outdoor Café Adjacent to the restaurant is The Carousel Cabaret (an outlet for community involvement in the arts), a small venue, host to weddings, events and receptions of
The Estero Island Historic Society is asking for the public’s help to assist with an exhibit on the history of hurricanes on Fort Myers Beach. The exhibit will open on Sept. 28, the second anniversary of Hurricane Ian.

Beach Living

Remembering 9/11

The U S Coast Guard hosted a remembrance ceremony last Wednesday on the 23rd anniversary of the horrific acts of terror on our country

The 9/11 remembrance in memory of the victims was held at the Coast Guard station on Fort Myers Beach. The Coast Guard was joined by the Lee County Sheriff ’s Office, Fort Myers Beach firefighters and the public


Cape Coral Power and Sail Squadron announces local waters seminar and book

The Cape Coral Power and Sail Squadron, America’s Boating Club Cape Coral, has been a fixture in the city since 1964 Its members have seen many changes in the short period of time and have an in-depth knowledge of our waterways With over 50,000 registered vessels on our waters, boaters new to Lee County find boating in one of Florida’s largest estuaries not like anything they experienced “back home” Many are overwhelmed by the shear number of boats traversing the navigable areas of the estuary, and they end up with many questions and get many different answers

Inspired by the questions our members are asked by new boaters the Squadron created a “local water’s” seminar In the seminar we try to provide information about the things people have told us they wish they knew before heading out on the waters

The seminar has been so successful that member Tom Dawson has written a book that covers the material for those who want to know just a bit more: Barret Bonden’s Local Knowledge Recommended - Things you wish someone had told you about boating here!

Included in this new book is a bit of history to help the reader begin to understand the environment The Caloosahatchee River used to be a true estuary Today it is a drainage ditch for the waters that used to feed and nourish the “River of Grass” that made up the Florida Everglades

The Intracoastal Waterway System has also played a role in changing how we navigate our waters Boaters need to learn to use Intracoastal navigation aids or find themselves running aground

The waters around us are also very shallow. The dredged navigational channels have depths ranging from 9 to 12 feet,

with spoil areas lurking for the unwary Venture outside the any of the marked channels and you will be likely to be turning up muck or destroying seagrass beds Even offshore, in the Gulf of Mexico, you will likely have to go out more than 10 miles offshore to find water over 40 feet deep

Like the seminar, the newest book discusses the safest way for new boaters to get to some of the popular spots in Pine Island Sound, Matlacha Pass, San Carlos Bay, Estero Bay and on the banks of the Caloosahatchee River

This is the second book Dawson has written specifically about our local waters Safe Boating in Southwest Florida, Your Guide to the Many Channels on our Waterways looks at over 80 marked channels boaters will pass as they travel from the Franklin Lock and Dam, into San Carlo Bay and up to Bokeelia

The Southwest Florida Boating Seminar is being offered Tuesday, November 12th, and Tuesday, January 14th Seating is limited and preregistration is needed to make sure there is a seat available Registration information can be found on the Events Page at ccsaps org Copies of both of Dawson’s books will be available for purchase after the seminar along with local charts and Chart Art’s Boaters Destination Guide

If you are out and about on Saturday mornings, stop by the Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron booth at the Cape Coral Farmer’s Market at Clubhouse Square

Our members have lots of local knowledge and are happy to answer any questions you have about local boating, our courses, seminars, and the benefits of being a member of the largest boating club in Cape Coral.

Environmental Protection announced that Lovers Key State Park on Fort Myers Beach will present weekly programs on nature, park history and w

f August The park is located at 8500 Estero Blvd

Space is limited for all events; reservations are required To register, visit the Friends of Lovers Key’s Eventbrite page: https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

Lovers Key State Park Programs

The park offers many recreational opportunities for visitors with disabilities For accommodations assistance, please contact the park office at 239-707-6328.

Programs include:

∫ Friday, Sept 20 at 10 a m

Walk on the Wild Side

Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a guided hike along our Black

n d

m u s e u m T h e h o u s e a t 4 5 1 C o n n e c t i c u t S t i s t h e o l d e s t s t a n d i n g s t r u c t u r e o n

E s t e r o I s l a n d T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s

B e a c h o p e r a t e s t h e M o u n d H o u s e a s a

m u s e u m c o m p l e x a n d c u l t u r a l a n d e n v ir o n m e n t a l l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e t h a t

Island Trail Learn about the fascinating vegetation and wildlife that reside in our maritime hammock ecosystem and enjoy a little local history along the way Closed-toe shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, and water bottles are highly recommended Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

∫ Friday, Oct 4 at 10 a m

Beach and Estuary Walk Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a leisurely hike along the beach and estuary shorelines of Lovers Key. Discover the natural beauty of both ecosystems as you encounter the seashells, crustaceans, birds, and other creatures that reside amongst these waterways Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

∫ Thursday, Oct 10 at 8:15 a m

Lovers Key Garden Club Workday

Park entry fee is waived for participants

Join a park ranger to help maintain Lovers Key’s native pollinator garden. Weeding, pruning, and planting are all on the table at a garden club workday, and we welcome both beginner and expert gardeners to participate Closed-toe shoes are required, and work gloves, hand clippers, water bottles, sunscreen, bug spray, kneeling pads, and hats are highly recommended Space is limited; r

https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

∫ Friday, Oct 11 at 10:00 a m

Seashell Walk

Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a relaxing hike along the Lovers Key shoreline. Learn the names of the seashells that wash ashore at the park, fun facts about the creatures who craft them, and the shelling regulations that help protect these iconic Florida treasures Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKSEvents

Mound House Events Schedule

6 5 - 0 8 6 5

R e g u l a r p ro g r a m m i n g T h e M o u n d H o u s e i s c u r r e n t l y o f f e ri n g r e g u l a r k a y a k t o u r s W e d n e

u n d H o u s e

m e m b e r s a n d $ 5 0 f o r n o n - m e m b e r s

E x p l o r e t h e w i n d i n g m a n g r o v e

c r e e k s a n d g o p l a c e s o n l y a k a y a k c a n

g o o n t h i s g u i d e d e c o t o u r o f E s t e r o

B a y T h i s b e g i n n e r - f r i e n d l y t o u r a l l o w s

o f f e r s e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m s , i n c l u d i n g f o r c h i l d r e n T h e r e i s a l s o p u b l i c l a n d f o r p i c n i c s a n d d o c k s f o r f i s h i n g a l o n g t h e b a y O v e r f l o w p a r k i n g i s a v a i l a b l e a t 2 1 6 C o n n e c t i c u t S t F o r m o r e d e t a i l s , r e s e r v

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t h e n a t u r a l b e a u t y o f a m a n g r o v e e s t u -

a r y a n d t h e h i s t o r y o f t h e a r e a M o u n d

H o u s e k a y a k t o u r s a r e c o n d u c t e d i n

a c c o r d a n c e w i t h F l o r i d a S o c i e t y f o r

E t h i c a l E c o t o u r i s m g u i d e l i n e s A l l p a d -

d l i n g a n d k a y a k s a f e t y e q u i p m e n t a r e

p r o v i d e d

T h e t o u r s a r e r e s t r i c t e d t o a g e s 1 2

a n d u p , w e a t h e r p e r m i t t i n g A m a x i -

m u m o f 1 2 p a d d l e r s p e r t o u r a r e

a l l o w e d S h o e s a r e r e q u i r e d T o u r s c a n

b e b o o k e d a t w w w M o u n d H o u s e o r g

S h e l l M o u n d To u r s

S h e l l m o u n d t o u r s a r e g i v e n

W e d n e s d a y s t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y s f r o m 1 0

a m t o 1 0 : 3 0 a m , f r o m n o o n t o 1 2 : 3 0 p m a n d f r o m 2 p m t o 2 : 3 0 p m T h e t o u r s a r e f r e e f o


s e m e m b e r s , a n d c o s t $ 5 p l u s m u s e u

r e i n f o r m a t i o n c a n b

f o u n d a t w w w . M o u n d H o u s e . o r g

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 ■ P a g e 1 0

MERTF recognizes book illustrator


n m a y b e r g @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m

T h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h M a r i n e a n d

E n v i r o n m e n t a l R e s o u r c e s T a s k F o r c e

( M E R T F ) h o n o r e d M a c y N o l l , t h e i l l u s -

t r a t o r o f t h e t o w n ’ s n e w n a t u r e c o l o r i n g

b o o k f o r c h i l d r e n t i t l e d “ F l i p p e r s a n d

F e a t h e r s : O u r B e a c h F r i e n d s F o r e v e r ”

N o l l w a s r e c o g n i z e d a t t h e a d v i s o r y

b o a r d ’ s m o s t r e c e n t m e e t i n g o n a d a y

w h e n 7 , 0 0 0 n e w c o p i e s o f t h e b o o k

w e r e a p p r o v e d f o r p r i n t i n g t o r e p l e n i s h

t h e f i r s t 1 0 , 0 0 0 c o p i e s t h a t h a v e n e a r l y

a l l b e e n h a n d e d o u t a l r e a d y

M E R T F V i c e C h a i r J e n n i f e r R u s k , w h o s p e a r h e a d t h e c r e a t i o n o f t h e b o o k

w i t h t h e a s s i s t a n c e o f M E R T F b o a r d

m e m b e r s , s a i d t h e r e w e r e o n l y 1 , 0 0 0

c o p i e s l e f t a s o f l a s t w e e k a f t e r f i r s t

b e i n g p u b l i s h e d l a s t m o n t h

T h e b o o k s w e r e p r i n t e d l a r g e l y

t h r o u g h d o n a t i o n s f r o m t h e F o r t M y e r s

B e a c h C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n a n d t o w n r e s i d e n t P a t t i S m i t h

T h e b o o k s h a v e b e e n p a s s e d o u t t h r o u g h o u t t h e i s l a n d t o s t u d e n t s a t t h e

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l , t o v i s i t o r s a t t h e M E R T F p o p - u p t e n t a t t h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h M a r k e t a n d t o t h e

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e R u s k w o r k e d c l o s e l y w i t h N o l l , a

F l o r i d a G u l f C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y ( F G C U )

s t u d e n t , o n t h e b o o k “ S h e w o r k e d s o h a r d o n t h i s , ” R u s k s a i d o f t h e i l l u s t r at o r “ I a m s o p r o u d o f h e r a n d t h e t o w n s h o u l d b e e x t r e m e l y p r o u d o f h e r S h e i s v e r y t a l e n t e d ” T h e b o o k s f e a t u r e t h e t o w n ’ s w i l d l i f e

a n d o t h e r n a t u r e i l l u s t r a t i o n s w i t h i n f o rm a t i o n a b o u t t h e i r s e n s i t i v e h a b i t a t a n d t h e t h r e a t s t h e y f a c e

t h e i r s u r v i v

T h e b o o k c o v e r s t h r e a t e n e d s e a t u rt l e s t h a t n e s t o n F o r t M y e r s B e a c h , t h r e a t e n e d m a n a t e e s a n d t h e i m p e r i l e d s h o r e b i r d s t h a t n e s t o n t h e i s l a n d T h e b o o k u r g e s t h e p u b l i c n o t t o l i t t e r , t o f i l l i n h o l e s l e f t i n t h e s a n d o n t h e b e a c h ,

o b e y b o a t i n g s p e e d l i m i t s i n t h e m a n at e e z o n e s , t o c l o s e d r a p e s d u r i n g s e a t u r -

t l e n e s t i n g s e a s o n a n d t o k e e p d o g s o n a

l e a s h s o t h e y d o n ' t c h a s e a f t e r s h o r e -

b i r d s N o l l c a l l e d h e r w o r k o n t h e c h i l -

d r e n ’ s b o o k “ a n i n c r e d i b l e h o n o r ”

N o l l i s c u r r e n t l y w o r k i n g o n a d u a l -

d e g r e e i n a r t a n d b i o l o g y a t F G C U

“ I h a v e a l w a y s l o v e d n a t u r e a n d h a v e a l w a y s b e e n f a s c i n a t e d b y s c i e n c e , ”

N o l l s a i d “ I k n o w t h a t a s a s m a l l c h i l d

I w o u l d h a v e e n j o y e d c o l o r i n g t h i s

b o o k ”

W i t h t h e b o o k s r u s h i n g o f f t h e p r e s se s , t h e t a s k f o r c e v o t e d t o a p p r o v e s p e n d i n g t h e r e m a i n i n g $ 7 , 0 0 0 o f t h e

d o n a t i o n s t o p r i n t a n o t h e r 1 6 , 0 0 0

b o o k s O n e o f t h e f r e q u e n t q u e s t i o n s R u s k s a i d s h e h a s r e c e i v e d w h e n d i s t r i b u t i n g t h e b o o k s i s f o r c r a y o n s , w h i c h s h e i s r u n n i n g o u t o f “ A l o t o f p e o p l e a r e a s ki n g f o r c r a y o n s w i t h t h e s e b o o k s , ” R u s k s a i d R u s k s a i d t h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e h a s r e q u e s t e d c r a y o n s f o r t h e b o o k s t h e y g i v e o u t a t t h e R o x i e M o b i l e W e l c o m e C e n t e

The Fort Myers Beach Marine and Environmental Resources Task Force (MERTF) recently honored Florida Gulf Coast University student Macy Noll (center) for her work on the children's nature coloring book the committee helped produce. Standing with Noll from left to right are MERTF members Rose Larkin, Chairman Steve Johnson, Ron Howell, Vice Chair Jennifer Rusk and town councilmember (MERTF liaison) John King. Appearing via Zoom from Wisconsin is MERTF member Dave Nusbaum MERTF member William Althoff was absent


Race for Fort Myers Beach Council

o i s c u r r e n t l y a t r u s t e e o n t h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h L i b r a r y B o a r d , i s t h e l o n e c h a l l e n g e r T h e s e a t o f t h e m a y o r a n d v i c e m a y o r a r e a p p o i n t e d b y t h e c o u n c i l a n d

n o t e l e c t e d b y t h e v o t e r s V o t e r s o n l y e l e c t c o u n c i l m e m b e r s i n t h e T o w n o f

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h i n a n o n - p a r t i s a n e l e c t i o n A l l e r s a n d A t t e r h o l t r a n s u



Can you cite changes to the comprehensive plan that are par t of the updated comprehensive plan in front of the town council for approval that you suppor t and how you believe these changes will benefit the town? Which changes that have been proposed to be made to the comprehensive plan do you believe will have the most impact? Are there any changes that are in the comprehensive plan proposal that you don’t fully suppor t or would like more community input? Are there any you oppose and why?

❑ dan allerS (Incumbent)

The Comprehensive Plan has been undergoing minor updates since before Hurricane Ian The primary objective has been to rectify duplicated language and implement minor adjustments to align with the present and future needs of the island A comprehensive review of all aspects of the plan, encompassing environmental considerations and future land use maps, has been conducted. Although most of the proposed changes have my support, a few raise concerns due to their wording During a joint meeting, both the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and the council unanimously resolved to disallow any increase in intensity or density as of right, not stipulated in the Comprehensive Plan prior to Hurricane Ian I hold a strong belief that a couple of the proposed changes run counter to this directive Subsequently, the town manager determined a postponement of another joint meeting with the LPA and council to facilitate two public meetings for input on the amended Comprehensive Plan, with the aim of maximizing local resident participation. Following these meetings, the discussions will be presented in a joint meeting for final review and decision-making I firmly contend that this approach is in the best interest of the town, ensuring a genuinely community-driven Comprehensive Plan

Each week The Fort Myers Beach Observer will be asking the town council candidates a question through the Oct. 23 edition.

I support the Town’s original Comprehensive Plan and don’t support any additional density via a new multiplier by right Any request for additional density or height should not be automatic or guaranteed but must come through a commercial planned development (CPD) or Development

Comprehensive Plan and is subject to public input as well as LPA and Town Council approval I support the Town Manager’s recent request to hold additional public meetings to hear more from our residents on this topic before there is any formal approval by the Local Planning Agency and Town Council

There is a strong desire to build back quickly and see both our residents and businesses thrive again There is also a need to preserve the vibe of Fort Myers Beach and not add to the traffic congestion These approaches need not be conflicting; the challenge going forward will be working together to find the proper balance. The Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide and provides guardrails It also gives us the flexibility to be creative in order to solve complex problems

I think the Local Planning Agency and Council did a great job putting the Comprehensive Plan together. It is clear that everyone has a question about how we are going to calculate density going forward My intent was to help the smaller commercial lots build back and they would have been able to use floor area ratio (FAR) as their calculator The unintended result would have been the bigger lots would have the same benefit I don’t think it was anyone’s intention to have that happen I would like to see a sliding scale where the FAR decreases as the lot size goes up By doing this, it would give the smaller owner/operators the ability to more affordably build back while keeping the larger parcels more in line with what the original comp plan and land development code intended.

I am happy to see that we are going to get more input from the public We have a unique opportunity to not only get input on the Comp Plan, but also get input on the LDC and our 10-year strategic plan The only way we truly rebuild together is to get as many people involved as possible

We have two documents that guide the Town when it comes to development the Comprehensive Plan and our Land Development Code Think about the Comprehensive Plan as a compass it tells you the direction that we want to head in Think of the Land Development Code as Google Maps, it tells you exactly what you need to do to get from A to B There are many changes to the Comprehensive Plan that were going to be voted on by the Town Council The changes that got the community involved, including a letterwriting campaign that I spearheaded, were changes to the plan that would have allowed more density “by right,” which is something I oppose One of these proposed changes removed the multiplier from commercial density calculations to make that density calculation only based on floor area ratio (FAR) This change would give commercial developments more density “by right ” Town staff disagrees with that assessment, because the multiplier is still in the Land Development Code, but if that’s the case, why move the needle on the compass with changes of that nature? The Town did the right thing in pulling these changes and holding public input meetings to discuss these changes, something I am a strong advocate of

❑ JIm atterholt (Incumbent)
❑ Scott Safford (Incumbent)
❑ GreG ScaSny

Town of Fort Myers Beach Council Candidate Bios

dan allerS

Candidate name: Dan Allers

Seat sought: Fort Myers Beach Council

Age: 51

Campai g n w e bs


Education/degrees: Spring Lake Park High School in Minnesota, attended Northeast Metro Technical College

Occupation and place of employment and most recent previous occupation: Owner of Gulfview Solutions and coowner of Island Carts FMB. Previously worked as a project manager for Automated Shading and Lighting in Naples

Time living in Fort Myers Beach: 12 years

Political Experience/offices held: Fort Myers Beach Mayor, Councilmember, formerly Local Planning Agency board member

Civic/Community involvement: Town council liaison to the Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Advisory Board, Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce member

Family: Married with one daughter

Jim atterholt

Candidate name: Jim Atterholt

Seat sought: Fort Myers Beach Council

Age: 62

Campaign website: jimatterholtfmb com

Education/degrees: BA in History and Political Science, University of Wisconsin 1986

Occupation and place of employment and most recent previous occupation: Owner of regulatory compliance consulting company, former Chair of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, former congressional aide, Indiana state legislator, state of Indiana insurance commissioner and chief of staff to former Indiana Governor Mike Pence

Time living on Fort Myers Beach: 8 years full time

Political Experience/offices held: Congressional aide, state legislator, insurance commissioner, chair of the utility regulatory commission and chief of staff to the governor all for the state of Indiana

Civic/Community involvement: Former member of the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and served as condominium association board member

Family: Married (Brenda), three grown sons

Scott Safford

Candidate name: Scott Safford

Seat sought: Fort Myers Beach Town Council

Age: 59

Campaign website: www scottsaffordfmb com

Education/degrees: BA in Economics from the University of Dallas, MBA International Finance from the Thunderbird School of Global Management

Occupation and place of employment and most recent previous occupation: CFO of Sea Gypsy Vacation Rentals, previously owner of the Sea Gypsy Inn

Time living on Fort Myers Beach: Part time since 2007, full-time since 2012.

Political experience/offices held: Town Council member, Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency member

Civic/community involvement: Leadership Lee Class of 2024, Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce member

Family: Married (Jacki Liszak), three children, two stepchildren, eight grandchildren

Candidate name: Greg Scasny

Seat sought: Fort Myers Beach Council

Age: 51

Campaign website: https://www fmbcommunity com

Education/degrees: BS - Electrical Engineering and Technology - Purdue - 2000

Occupation and place of employment and most recent previous occupation: CTO / Founder - Blueshift Cybersecurity, CTO / Co-Founder - Cigent Technology, Inc

Time living on Fort Myers Beach: Since 2018

Political Experience/offices held: Fort Myers Beach Library Board of Trustees

Ci v i c / Co mmuni ty i nv o l

Volunteer, FMB Little League Volunteer

Family: Wife (Marcia), Son (Gage)

Town accepting applications for advisory committees


The Town of Fort Myers Beach is encouraging community members interested in serving as volunteers to advise and support the work of town government to apply to seats on its advisory

Anchorage Advisory Committee (AAC)

Audit Committee ∫ Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Advisory Board (BORCAB)

Learning Center Advisory Board (CELCAB) ∫ Local Planning Agency (LPA)

Public Safety Committee (PSC) To apply, visit www fortmyersbeachfl gov The application deadline is Sept

GreG ScaSny

Lee Schools develops Civil Rights and Equity Guide

The School Board of Lee Coun

expected to finalize the district’s C Rights and Equity Guide on Tuesda Student Services Executiv

Director Dr Jessica Duncan said the first review, held earlier this month, a look at the guide with updates, which will be considered board policy once adopted

Student Services Director Chuck Bradley said the guide rose from need to describe civil right guarante ing opportunities and protections un the law regardless of personal charac tics

To achieve this, some need accom to ensure equitable access, he said

“The school district is required to ensure equitable access to all, especially those identified by protected class,” Bradley said

The philosophy behind the guide is to ensure they are communicating with students, teachers and parents

“Together they perform the triangle of student success,” Bradley said

The first review presentation then went through Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and ADA updates

As far as the Title VI updates non-discrimination based on color, race, ethnicity and national origin there was an addition to the discipline section “discipline to the Title IV section as students are not disciplined based on their race, color, or national origin The code of conduct is followed by discipline ”

The Title VII updates non-discrimination in employment includes a complaint resolution process includes additions for the classroom/office spaces and personal items.

The added verbiage includes “discussion or displays of controversial issues topics on which opposing points of view have been promulgated by responsible opinion or likely to arouse both support and opposition in the community should be in compliance with board policy 2240.”

The clarified wording “e g a small family photo on

ffee mug, figurines All items must pliance with school board policies ” Title IX updates non-discrimion based on sex had an addition the Hope Scholarship “House ill 1403 merged the Hope Scholarship Program with the Family Empowerment Scholarship for educational options and the Florida Tx Credit Families who previously benefited from the Hope Scholarship are encouraged to apply hrough FTC/FES-EO programs ”

There was also the removal of the erence to gender identity in sharing mation, as well as added information ng restrooms/locker rooms dition states that “effective July 1, 2023, the Safety in Private Spaces Act introduces penalties for people using a public restroom, or changing facility, not aligned with their sex assigned at birth ”

Board Attorney Kathy Dupuy-Bruno said where they could, the placards have been changed to make the bathrooms unisex for single stalls

Another addition dealt with discipline for students and employees disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct is not based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender expression

There was also an addition to the section that deals with names and pronouns The added verbiage states that a “nickname/affirmed name may be used with the submission of a nickname/affirmed name form signed by a parent Students who are 18 or older do not require a parent’s signature ”

That school staff will be addressed by their legal name was also added

Bradley said there is staff transitioning in the schools that are transgender By law, they must be referred to by their legal name in the school The district requires staff to pursue the legal process to change their name for use in the classroom

Other added verbiage includes “employees, contractors, or students cannot be required to refer to another person using that person’s preferred personal title or pronouns if

Stormwater system

backed up

The town received $10 million from the state for stormwater repairs after Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Debby, which dropped about six inches of rain on Fort Myers Beach from 100 miles way last month, buckled Estero Boulevard and side streets like Bahia Via and Curlew Street as high tide and backed-up drains created more flooding problems for the island At least two motorists had to be rescued out of their cars

“I lost another refrigerator,” said Bahia Via resident Lee Ann Cochrane

“Everything is wet It’s ruined,” she said “Every time, the (water) is coming in high It’s not just a few inches It’s constantly higher than it’s ever been since I’ve been here.”

Cochrane, a retired Lee County educator who has lived on Fort Myers Beach since 1992, said one of her neighbors is

planning to move “She can’t deal with it anymore,” Cochrane said

“I’m not sure anything can be done about it,” Cochrane said Cochrane is still recovering from Hurricane Ian when she and her husband lost many of her possessions Despite their constant efforts to put their belongings higher to protect it from flooding, Cochrane said “there comes a time when you can’t get it high enough ”

She has had to throw away furniture and is worried about her water heater She isn’t sure her 1959 home will be able to withstand another major hurricane

“It took forever to get rid of Debby’s water,” she said

Cochrane has been watching what the town and its contractors are doing on the street for the stormwater drainage project and doesn’t see things improving.

“The ditch was filling up with water, so they pumped out the ditch and threw sod on it After it rained, the sod was floating

around,” Cochrane said

such personal title or pronouns do not correspond to that person’s sex ”

Also, “employees and contractors are prohibited from providing students his or her preferred personal title or pronouns do not correspond to his or her sex Further, employees and contractors are prohibited from asking students to provide their preferred personal title or pronouns.”

A question rose from Board member Chris Patricca regarding privacy, as it states that “school personnel will not disclose any information about a student’s sexual orientation or questions they may have about their sexual orientation to third parties unless the student is requesting accommodations or is absolutely necessary, or otherwise required by law ”

Bradley said they train their schools that if a student is questioning their identity, or orientation, to direct them to speak with a school counselor If the conversation is continued, a parent needs to be involved

“They are told they can speak to them a certain number of times, but at a certain point they need to involve the parent,” Bradley said

Patricca said if a kindergarten student is questioning their sexual orientation, then a parent should be involved immediately, but high school is different

“I don’t think rules should be applied across the board,” she said “If a child has a genuine concern that disclosure to a parent can lead to abuse, we have a responsibility ”

Bradley said if there is a general fear, the school will contact the appropriate authorities They also will work with the students, to make sure they are safe

Other board members said there should be no consideration of age

“Until the child is 18, the parent is the legal guardian,” Board member Melisa Giovannelli said “The parent is in charge of their child, and they need to be aware of the situation, so they can handle their family situation appropriately That is up to the parent, and not anyone at this board table ”

Dupuy-Bruno said state statute says a school district may not adopt procedures of a student report that prohibits school personnel from notifying a parent

Visit fortmyersbeachtalk com for Tuesday’s vote

Cochrane believes the street needs a back flow valve, or a check valve to reduce the flooding

“Right now, the saltwater is in the street because it’s high tide,” she said There is only one drain on the road and it goes into the canal, which frequently backs up because the canal is high

Cochrane said the town tries every few years to fix the problem but never does

“I’ve resigned myself to it I don’t see any big fixes,” Cochrane said

Sewage issues

Another issue is sewage running in the streets and into the canals after storms, Cochrane said

Curlew Street resident Becki Weber said after Hurricane Debby she had to throw out furniture and her washing machine wouldn’t turn on But worst of all was the sewage back-

ing up into her bathroom, leaving sewage water for her to clean up The shower drain was bubbling up with sewage bubbles as was the bathroom sink She couldn’t use her own bathroom sink She contacted Lee County, which is responsible for the sewage system County officials were slow to respond to her concerns, she said.

Weber said the driveway was flooded with water and sewage There is a sewer manhole in her driveway and believes the flooding on the street contributed to the sewage problem “The whole house started smelling like sewer gas,” Weber said Weber said this never happened to her before

“I want to cry This is supposed to be my home, my sanctuary You can’t live terrified that rain is going to jump a storm drain,” Weber said. “We (Weber and her husband Bill) are both retired This was our retirement dream It’s a nightmare ”

PHOTOS COURTESY OF KENNY VANGARSAL Jack II, soon to be named “Big Daddy” got stuck under the Matanzas Pass Bridge Monday morning after a high tide left its large outriggers in the clenches of the bridge and closed the bridge for more than four hours. As the tide receded, the boat was able to get by. The boat was recently purchased from Texas by Chris Gala to help replace the Fort Myers Beach shrimp fleet she lost in Hurricane Ian.

Matanzas Pass Bridge From page 1

o n c e o f f e r e d o f f M a i n S t r e e t

w h e t h

t h i n g m o r e s e r i o u s w a s a t r i s k . “ W e w e r e a l e r t e d b y t h e L e e C o u n t y

S h e r i f f ’ s O f f i c e a n d F o r t M y e r s B e a c h

F i r e C o n t r o l D i s t r i c t t h a t a s h r i m p b o a t

h a d s t r u c k t h e b r i d g e a n d t h a t i t w o u l d

b e c l o s e d u n t i l t h e F l o r i d a D e p a r t m e n t

o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o u l d e v a l u a t e t h e

d a m a g e , ” F o r t M y e r s B e a c h M a y o r D a n

A l l e r s s a i d L e e C o u n t y S h e r i f f ’ s O f f i c e P u b l i c I n f o r m a t i o n O f f i c e r A u t u m n K i n g s a i d t h e S h e r i f f ’ s O f f i c e a s s i s t e d t h e F l o r i d a

D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d U . S .

C o a s t G u a r d w i t h t h e i r i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e

b r i d g e

“ T h e r e w e r e n o i n j u r i e s a n d n o v e h i -

c l e s o n t h e b r i d g e w e r e a f f e c t e d , ” K i n g s a i d L u c k i l y , t h e b r i d g e a n d b o a t w e r e b o t h i n g o o d o r d e r a f t e r t h e c o l l i s i o n “ T h e b o a t i s f i n e a n d h o p e f u l l y t h e r e i s n o d a m a g e t o t h e b r i d g e , ” G a l a s a i d

T h a t ’ s t h e f i r s t p a r t o f t h e h a p p y e n di n g T h e s e c o n d p a r t i s t h e b o a t i s t h e f i r s t s h r i m p b o a t G a l a h a s b e e n a b l e t o o p e r a t e s i n c e H u r r i c a n e I a n d e s t r o y e d h e r e n t i r e f l e e t o f 1 4 b o a t s a n d t h e d o c k s n e a r t h e T r i c o S h r i m p C o m a r k e t a l m o s t p r e c i s e l y t w o y e a r s a g o

N a m e d C a p t J a c k I I , t h e b o a t w i l l b e t r a n s i t i o n e d t o a n e w n a m e : “ B i g

D a d d y ” T h e n a m e c h a n g e g o e s a l o n g w i t h t h e n a m e o f t h e f a m i l y ’ s n e w s t o r e “ B i g D a d d y ’ s ” o n S a n C a r l o s B o u l e v a r d

G a l a s a i d t h e s h r i m p b o a t ’ s o u t r i gg e r s w i l l l i k e l y h a v e t o b e p a r t i a l l y c u t

d o w n T h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f “ B i g D a d d y ” t o

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h w a s o n e w a y t o

a n n o u n c e G a l a i s b a c k i n b u s i n e s s G a l a

h a s b e e n w a i t i n g t o s e e h o w t h e f o r m e r p r o p e r t y o f f M a i n S t r e e t i n S a n C a r l o s

I s l a n d i s s o r t e d o u t b y L e e C o u n t y

T h e y h a d b e e n l e a s i n g o u t t h e p r o p e r t y

f o r t h e i r f o r m e r T r i c o S h r i m p C o m a r -

k e t a n d s h r i m p b o a t d o c k a g e w h e r e a n a d d i t i o n a l 2 0 s h r i m p b o a t s h a d b e e n

d o c k e d b e f o r e H u r r i c a n e I a n

I n J u n e , G o v R o n D e S a n t i s a n n o u n c e d h e w a s a w a r d i n g $ 7 . 5 m i l -

l i o n t o L e e C o u n t y t o h e l p r e b u i l d p a r t o f t h e s h r i m p b o a t d o c k s d e s t r o y e d b y

H u r r i c a n e I a n a t t h e p r o p e r t y , w h i c h i s a l s o k n o w n a s S a n C a r l o s M a r i t i m e P a r k T h e f u n d s w i l l h e l p t h e c o u n t y r e b u i l d t h e d o c k s f o r s h r i m p b o a t e r s w i t h a b u l k h e a d , w h i l e a l s o a l l o w i n g t h e c o u n t y t o u s e i t f o r d i s a s t e r p r e p a r e dn e s s a n d e m e r g e n c y r e s p o n s e G a l a s a i d s h e i s s t i l l a w a i t i n g w o r d f r o m c o u n t y o f f i c i a l s o n h o w h e r b u

o n F o r t M y e r s B e a c h T h e s t o r e s e l l s s h r i m p , s t o n e c r a b s a n d o t h e r s e a f o o d , r e p l a c i n g i n p a r t w h a t T r i c o S h r i m p C o

Premier Mobile Health Services casino night tickets on sale

Roaring Twenties-themed soirée to benefit nonprofit medical clinic on wheels

Tickets are now on sale for the Premier Speakeasy, a Roaring Twenties-themed night of gaming, glamour and Great Gatsby vibes to benefit Premier Mobile Health Services and its nonprofit medical clinic on wheels

Premier Mobile Health Services brings essential medical care to those in need at multiple locations across Lee County, as well as at a Fort Myers walk-in clinic Proceeds from the Nov 1 casino-night gala at The Collaboratory benefit the organization

“As a nonprofit, our mission is to provide life-saving medical care to the medically vulnerable, most of whom a r e u n i n s u r e d o

“Deanie” Singh, founder and CEO of Premier Mobile Health Services. “Community support is critical to help keep our doors open and our wheels turning ”

The Casino Soirée runs from 6-9 p m Tickets are $100 per person and include heavy hors d'oeuvres, two drink tickets and gaming vouchers Tickets can be purchased at the Speakeasy Casino 2024 https://premiermobilehealth ejoinme org/speakeasy, by calling 239-2887949 or email info@premiermobilehealth org

Event sponsors and donors include the following organizations and individuals:

∫ Kevin and Krista Anderson

∫ AIDS Healthcare Foundation

∫ Amity Home Care

∫ Christopher Alan Homes

∫ Chris-Tel Construction

∫ Florida Blue

∫ Lee Pitts Live

∫ Neuropsychiatric Research Center of Southwest Florida


∫ Owens-Ames-Kimball Co

∫ Sanibel Captiva Community Bank

∫ Strayhorn, Persons-Mulicka & Fisher

∫ Suncoast Contractors Supply

∫ Zeal Technical Institute

“We applaud our sponsors for their commitment to

Registration and sponsorships available for Lee Health’s ‘Caring for the Cape’ event

The event Jan. 31 will benefit expansion of Lee Health services in Cape Coral

r i n g d i n i n g e x p e r i -

e n c e s , t r a v e l , m e m o r a b i l i a a n d m o r e

T h e e v e n i n g ’ s p r o g r a m a t t h e

W e s t i n C a p e C o r a l R e s o r t a t M a r i n a

V i l l a g e w i l l g i v e g u e s t s i n s i g h t a s t o t h e f u t u r e o f L e e H e a l t h ’ s s e r v i c e s i n

C a p e C o r a l , a s w e l l a s h o w g u e s t s c a n g e t i n v o l v e d o r l e a r n m o r e F u n d s r a i s e d a t t h e e v e n t w i l l b e u s e d t o h e l p p r o v i d e a c c e s s t o a v a r i e t y o f h e a l t h

c a r e s e r v i c e s f o r C a p e C o r a l r e s i d e n t s “ W e a r e i n v e s t e d i n t h e h e a l t h a n d w e l l n e s s o f t h e p e o p l e o f C a p e C o r a l , ” s a i d D r C h e r r i e M o r r i s , c h i e f p h y s ic i a n a n d o p e r a t i o n s e x e c u t i v e a t C a p e C o r a l H o s p i t a l “ W i t h t h e c o m m u n it y ’ s s u p p o r t , w e c a n b r o a d e n o u r w o r l d - c l a s s m e d i c a l c a r e t h r o u g h s e ve r a l e x p a n s i o n p r o j e c t s t h a t w i l l b r i n g e m e r g e n c y a n d u r g e n t c a r e , p r i m a r y c a r e , p e d i a t r i c s , o n c o l o g y , c a r d i o l o g y , o r t h o p e d i c s , a n d m o r e s p e c i a l t y s e r vi c e s t o t h e c o a s t a l c o m m u n i t y ” T i c k e t s t o t h e e v e n t a r e $ 1 5 0 p e r p e r s o n S p o n s o r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e a l s o a v a i l a b l e L e v e l s o f s p o n s o r s h i p i n c l u d e P r e s e n t i n g S p o n s o r a t $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 ; G o l d S p o n s o r a t $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; S i l v e r S p o n s o r a t $ 5 , 0 0 0 ; B r o n z e

S p o n s o r a t $ 2 , 5 0 0 ; a n d T a b l e S p o n s o r a t $ 1 , 2 0 0 C u s t o m s p o n s o r s h i p a n d

b e n e f i t o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e a l s o a v a i la b l e T o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t s p o n s o r s h i p

o p p o r t u n i t i e s o r t o r e g i s t e r b y J a n 1 5 , 2 0 2 5 , p l e a s e v i s i t

L e e H e a l t h F o u n d a t i o n o r g / C a r i n g F o r T h e C a p e o r c a l l K a t y M a r t i n e z , d e v e lo p m e n t d i r e c t o r f o r L e e H e a l t h

F o u n d a t i o n a t 2 3 9 - 3 4 3 - 6 0 7 6

A bo ut Le e He al th Fo undati o n

L e e H e a l t h F o u n d a t i o n r a i s e s p h i la n t h r o p i c d o l l a r s o n b e h a l f o f L e e

H e a l t h t o e s t a b l i s h , e x p a n d a n d

e n h a n c e i n n o v a t i v e , l i f e s a v i n g a n d p r e v e n t a t i v e p r o g r a m s T h e F o u n d a t i o n p r o v i d e s f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t f o r a l l f i v e L e e H e a l t h h o s p i t a l s i n c l u d i n g G o l i s a n o C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l a s w e l l a s m a n y s e r v i c e a r e a s i n c l u d i n g L e e H e a l t h C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e , L e e H e a l t h C o c o n u t P o i n t , T h e R e h a b i l i t a t i o n H o s p i t a l , L e e H e a l t h H e a r t I n s t i t u t e , C o m m u n i t y H e a l t

“Together, as the county continues to grow, we can continue to deliver education, outreach and comprehensive health services to underserved areas across our community.”

About Premier Mobile Health Services

The mission of Premier Mobile Health Services is to provide quality health care services to the medically vulnerable and those most risk of developing and experiencing long-term illnesses and hospitalization Founded in 2018, the nonprofit organization operates a mobile medical clinic serving the uninsured and low-income children, families and individuals at multiple locations across Lee County, including a walk-in, bricks-and-mortar clinic in Fort Myers

Available services include early-detection health screenings, blood pressure and diabetes checks, drug screenings, basic metabolic profiles, nutrition counseling, basic vaccinations, health education, school and sports physicals for children, as well as acute and chronic disease management Patients without insurance and those who provide proof of income below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines account for two-thirds of its population and are provided care at no costs; others in need pay on a sliding scale based on income

The organization has served more than 12,000 patients, providing frontline care during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. The mobile clinic includes an onsite pharmacy and point-incare laboratory for immediate analysis of test results To learn more or schedule an appointment, call 239-2887949 Additional information, the monthly mobile clinic schedule, can be found online at www premiermobilehealth org


The STAR Award recognizes local businesses that train or employ participants, including those enrolled in STARability’s community-based programs focused on providing vocational training, life skill development and recreational experiences for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities

STARability Foundation presents STAR Award to Paragon Theaters

STARability Foundation is excited to announce it presented a STAR Award to Paragon Theaters, one of the organization’s dedicated vocational partners The award was presented to Latrelle Day, the t h e a

t e a m b y employee and STARability participant Meghan E

“When I presented Paragon with the award, I felt good and they felt good, too,” shared Meghan after presenting the award t

k makes me feel good and I am a hard worker Being employed has impacted me quite a bit I have more money to go out and do things, and to be independent I also love being around the staff and just being

around the Paragon, working my shifts All the staff are wonderful I could not have asked for a better group of individuals to work with That’s not just the managers, it includes my coworkers and the customers who come in and greet you It’s an awesome place to work ” The STAR Award recognizes local businesses that train or employ partici-

grams focused on providing vocational training, life skill development and recreational experiences for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Paragon Theaters has been an inclusive


l P l a n n i n g A g e n c y g o i n g b a c k t o

b e f o r e H u r r i c a n e I a n a n d t h r o u g h t a l k s

b e t w e e n t h e b o a r d s w i t h a c o n s u l t a n t

t h o u g h t h e y w e r e i n t e r r u p t e d b y t h e

s t o r m T h e r e a r e c o n c e r n s f r o m t h e p u b l i c


From page 1

i v e p l

n c h a n g e s h a v e a r g u e d t h a t n o

i s c u s s i n g t h e c h a n g e s i n

s e t t i n

i c o n t h

c h a n g e s G r e g S c a s n y , w h o i s r u n n i n g f o r a s e a t o n t o w n c o u n c i l , s a i d h e w a s c o nc e r n e d a b o u t a p r o p o s e d c h a n g e w h i c h w o u l d a l l o w f o r m o r e d e n s i t y w i t h

d e v e l o p m e n t s “ O n e o f t h e s e p r o p o s e d c h a n g e s

t h a t t h e c h a n g e s t o t h e c o m p r e h e n s i v e p l a n w o u l d b e m o r e f a v o r a b l e t o d e v e lo p m e n t w i t h p r o p o s a l s i n c l u d i n g

Shell Factory

all kinds The park has also supported many local nonprofits by serving as the host venue for countless fundraisers and events that rallied the community together in support of important community, animal and wildlife missions

Throughout the years, the couple worked to overcome hardships including hurricanes, the recession, financial challenges and fires After her husband’s passing, Cronin continued to own and operate the Shell Factory, leading the organization through the impacts of the pandemic and multiple hurricanes However, with any property that is over 86 years old and of this magnitude, ongoing maintenance and necessary repairs are costly. While Cronin has made significant investments to sustain the Shell Factory’s continued opera-

partner of STARability since 2016 when they began offering free movies days for participants In 2019, the theater became an official vocational training jobsite The company is continuing to explore additional career development and engagement opportunities with STARability

“We are extremely grateful for the o p p o r t u n i t y t o p a r t n e r w i t h P a r a g o n Theaters to offer exciting and meaningful opportunities for our participants,” said Halley Kretschmer, director of career

s e r v i c e s a t S T A R a b i l i t y F o u n d a t i o n “Through our Career Services, participants learn job skills, explore career opportunities and find employment with businesses who believe in their abilities We purposefully match people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to supportive, inclusive employers throughout Collier County and are proud to honor Paragon Theaters with this recognition ”

From page 6

tions, the sad reality is that the park is no longer viable in its current form

“This is an unfortunate, yet natural evolution that we have seen countless old Florida roadside attractions like ours face. Many other classic tourist destinations that were once booming have come and g o n e o v e r

“Having witnessed these changes within our industry, I feel proud that the Shell Factory has achieved such a long-lasting, 86-year history that has touched the lives of so many, and I’m grateful for the incredible journey and enduring legacy we leave behind ” Cronin is dedicated to supporting the employees during this transition and ensuring they have access to the resources and assistance they need, as well as work-

r e m o v e d t h e m u l t i p l i e r f r o m c o m m e r -

c i a l d e n s i t y c a l c u l a t i o n s t o m a k e t h a t

d e n s i t y c a l c u l a t i o n o n l y b a s e d o n f l o o r

a r e a r a t i o T h i s c h a n g e w o u l d g i v e c o m -

m e r c i a l d e v e l o p m e n t s m o r e d e n s i t y b y r i g h t , ” S c a s n y s a i d S c a s n y c r e d i t e d a r e c e n t l e t t e r - w r i ti n g c a m p a i g n b y a g r o u p o f r e s i d e n t s t o

t o w n c o u n c i l m e m b e r s a n d t o w n s t a f f w i t h d e l a y i n g t h e n e w c o m p r e h e n s i v e

p l a n f r o m b e i n g a p p r o v e d

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h M a y o r D a n A l l e r s

s a i d a p r e v i o u s j o i n t m e e t i n g b e t w e e n

t h e L o c a l P l a n n i n g A g e n c y ( L P A ) a n d

Meghan has shown exceptional performance and a strong work ethic throughout her vocational training After being given a glowing recommendation for her positive attitude and determination, she was hired as the first STARability participant at Paragon Theaters in June 2023 With the guidance of a job coach, Meghan

employment, achieving this milestone within just two months of starting her job

As a crew member, Meghan is responsible for tasks such as taking and fulfilling food orders, greeting guests, cleaning and stocking supplies Along with regular check-ins, Meghan continues to receive support from the compassionate vocational services team as she pursues her future aspirations

T o w n C o u n c i l r e s o l v e d t o d i s a l l o w a n y i n c r e a s e i n i n t e n s i t y o r d e n s i t y a s o f r i g h t , n o t s t i p u l a t e d i n t h e

ing collaboratively with wildlife officials to safely re-home the park’s 400-plus animals

Recognizing the connection between the Shell Factory and the greater community, Cronin wishes to leave a legacy of happy memories shared at the Shell Factory on F

using the hashtag #MyShellFactory Memories

“On behalf of our entire team at the Shell Factory, we are deeply grateful for the unwavering support and cherished memories created by our visitors, employees and community members throughout the years, including many who have cherished their own childhood memories at the Shell Factory and gone on to create new

Meghan also takes part in Work Club, which consists of a small group of STARs aiming to enhance their skills in communication, teamwork and self-advocacy

About Paragon Theaters

Paragon Theaters was founded in 2009 by Michael Whalen and Michael Wilson, former executives at Muvico Theaters Paragon Theaters is passionate about its customer experience and focuses on innovation in amenities and enhanced service Paragon’s ground-breaking concepts such as Lux Box VIP Dine-In Seating and Axis15 Extreme tilted screens are featured in every Paragon location and are just a few examples of the company’s u

paragontheaters com for showtimes, tickets and more

C o m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n p r i o r t o H u r r i c a n e I a n “ I h o l d a s t r o n g b e l i e f t h a t a c o u p l e o f t h e p r o p o s e d c h a n g e s r u n c o u n t e r t o

memories with their children and grandchildren in these same beloved spaces,” said Cronin “While we bid farewell to this chapter, the Shell Factory team remains committed to preserving the rich legacy of our landmark and exploring ways to honor its history and impact on the community ”

About Shell Factory & Nature Park

For 86 years, the Shell Factory & Nature Park has been entertaining children and the young at heart, with something for everyone The sought-out attraction provides a full day of fun, including amusement-style rides, arcade games, 50,000 square feet of gift shops and much more The Nature Park offers over 400 critters, birds, reptiles and fish, with a variety of critters from an armadillo to a zebra Visit ShellFactory com

About STARability Foundation F o r f o u r d e c a d e s , S T A R a b i l i t y Foundation has been shining a light on abilities Formed by a small community of caring parents, STARability has become one of Southwest Florida’s leading nonprofits Today, the organization is opening a world of possibilities for hundreds of individuals ages 14 and older by offering a variety of inclusive programs focused on vocational training, continuing education, teamwork, social engagement and community involvement Their compassionate team supports people with disabili t i e s b y p r o v i d i n g l i f e - t r a n s f o r m i n g opportunities that emphasize teamwork and a connection to the community while strengthening awareness and respect for individual abilities To learn more about the services and program offerings available, please visit STARability org

USCG Auxiliary offering Safe Boating Class

The Fort Myers Beach U S Coast Guard Auxiliary reported that it is crucial for boaters to stay current with changes in navigation and regulations The Safe Boating Class is an easy way for boaters to get up-to-date on everything that they need to know

For those aiming to earn the state boating safety certificate, it recomm

responsible boating class. The class takes place on the third Saturday of every month from 9 a m to 5 p m Completing the course makes partici-

pants eligible for the state boating certificate

“Attending an in-person class is an excellent opportunity for students to interact, share perspectives and gain local knowledge,” Fort Myers Beach Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 91 Cmdr Robert Guenthner said, emphasizing the significance of education and awareness regarding boating hazards. “Participants learn about the importance of life jackets, risk reduc-

sound judgment, along with updates

on regulatory compliance ”

Florida law mandates that anyone born on or after Jan 1, 1988, who plans to operate a boat in Florida waters with an engine of 10 horsepower or more must complete an approved boating safety course and obtain a Florida boating safety ID card The card certifies that the holder has completed the necessary boating safety course, but it is not a boating license

The Safe Boating Class costs $45 per person and includes study materials

www Aux91FMB org/Safeboating or contact Public Education Officer Kevin McTaggart at cgaux91education@gmail com or 239-690-6780, option 1


planned for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Page 24

Island Hopper bringing wave of music

Festival will begin in Captiva, make its way to Fort Myers Beach

This year’s Island Hopper Songwriter’s Festival is just days away and promises to be one of the best yet

More than 100 musical artists are expected to pour through Lee County over the next two weeks from Fort Myers Beach to Captiva, Cape Coral and Fort Myers

The festivities begin in a hurry Friday with 22 artists taking over six ven Captiva beginning p m D o z e n s o f m performances will p l a c e a c r o s s C a p f r o m F

shows in Cape Cora Fort Myers

One week later the val makes its way

M y e r s B e a c h o n Sept 27 for a three-d end of music that w with a pool party h country musician Sc at the Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina on Sunday, Sept 29 Tickets have been going fast, according to organizers. There are still tickets left.

McCreery is known for his hits “I Love You This Big,” “This is it,” “Five More Minutes,” “The Trouble With Girls” and “Cab in a Solo ” He won the 10th season of American Idol in 2011

“We are super excited this year’s because it’s the 10th anniversary,” said Miriam Dotson, communications manager for the Lee County Visitor and Convention

Free tram ser vice for Island Hopper

The Town of Fort Myers Beach announced Lee County's LeeTran will be offering its free tram shuttle service around Fort Myers Beach for the Island Hopper Songwriter's Festival Sept 27, Sept 28 and Sept 29

The hours will be:

∫ Friday, Sep. 27, from 4. to 10 p.m.

∫ Saturday, Sept 28, from 12:30 to 10 p m

∫ Sunday, Sept 29, from 12:30 to 8 p m

Bureau The bureau puts on the festival in partnership with BMI – which supplies most of the artists, many of whom are from Nashville

The parade of music for this year’s festival is bulked up on country artists though there is a mix of other genres Local musician Sheena Brook and the British group Essex County are among the familiar faces returning to the Island Hopper

While most of the shows will be free across 20 different venues, there will be 10 ticketed events this year

They include the pool party finale at the Pink Shell with McCreery “People jumped on tickets pretty early (for the McCreery show),” Dotson said “That’s a good sign ”

One of the other special ticketed events on Fort Myers Beach will be “Music on the Mound” on Saturday, Sept 28 The show starts at 2:30 p m and will be headlined by Grammy Award winning songwriter Tim James James is known for writing the Toby Keith chart-topper “My List,” the Bucky Covington Top 10 hit “It’s Good To Be Us”, and the Lost Trailers hit “Holler Back ” His other writing credits include the Trace Adkins single “All I Ask For Anymore,” which was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Country Song of 2009, and the 2010 Billboard song of the year “Love Like Crazy” by Lee Brice

The event will also help benefit the Mound House, which is on the National Register of Historic Places for the location of a historic home which sits on top of a nearly 2,000-year-old shell mound built by the ancient Calusa tribe.

“I personally love the Mound House,” Dotson said “It’s one of our hidden gems ” Dotson said the pool party show at Pink Shell Beach

Resort is an attraction for concertgoers who may not be country music fans “There is some pop crossover,” Dotson said “You can hang out in the pool It’s looking great ”

One of the aims of the Island Hopper is to infuse the area’s local hotels, restaurants and other business establishments with new visitors during a slow period in the tourism season

“The idea is to try and get people out of the area to visit and stay overnight,” Dotson said “Wake up on the beach and stay on the beach ”

Dotson said September is the slowest month of the year for Lee County tourism

“This is a big event that we work on year-round,” Dotson said

The Fort Myers Beach venues that will be offering free shows Sept 27 through Sept 29 are Bayside

Margaritaville Beach Resort, Yucatan Beach Stand Bar & Grill

The musicians for the Fort Myers Beach swing of dates will include the likes of Kurtis John, known for his hits hit singles “Pictures Of You” and “Stay Beautiful,” and

Another highlight of the festival is a performance by Jeffrey Steele with the Gulf Coast Symphony scheduled for Sept 26 at the Florida Repertory Theatre in downtown Fort Myers Steele, who fronted the country band Boy Howdy, is a five-time Grammy Award nominee who has been inducted into the Nashville Songwriter's Hall of Fame. Steele has written hits for LeAnne Rimes, Steve Holy, Steve Robson and Rascal Flatts

To view the schedule, visit https://www islandhopperfest visitfortmyers com/schedule

Scotty McCreery is the headliner for the 10th Island Hopper Songwriter Fest taking place from Sept 20-29 on Captiva, in Cape Coral and downtown Fort Myers, and on Fort Myers Beach

Events planned for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Many community events are planned during Childhood Awareness Month in September to support Barbara’s Friends Golisano Children’s Hospital cancer fund.

The awareness month includes Clips for Cancer at center stage at Bell Tower on Sept 21, with all the shaving happening at 10 a m inside Dave & Buster’s community room The day will continue with free family friendly activities, including games, animal encounters, first responder meetand-greet with a touch-a-truck and tours of the first-of-its kind, sensory friendly Golisano Ambulance A Bell Tower “Go Gold” Shopping & Dining Discount Card will be available for purchase with proceeds benefiting Barbara’s Friends

Other community events leading up to Clips for Cancer include:

∫ 3 Pepper Burrito, with eight locations in Southwest Florida, will donate all proceeds from kids’ meals sold in September The annual event has raised $19,000 in four years

∫ Mel’s Diner will be selling T-shirts during September at its five Southwest Florida locations designed by current cancer patient, Alba Cuka, 14, of Naples The restaurant will also be hosting a pancake breakfast on Oct 25 to benefit

Barbara’s Friends

∫ Palm City Brewing Company will donate proceeds from the sale of its Ocean View Lager all month to benefit Barbara’s Friends It will also host a special “Go Gold Happy Hour” for Barbara’s Friends on Sept 20 from 4 to 7 p m with a special release of its “Go Gold,” a specially brewed, custom labeled bear, with all proceeds benefiting Barbara’s Friends while supplies last.

∫ Riverdale High School will sell T-shirts designed by Marison Bradley, 15, of Naples, during homecoming events and the homecoming game on Sept 20 at 7:30 p m In four years, the event at the school has raised $24,000

∫ Pure Barre & Cycle Bar will offer benefit classes and

has raised $8,500 in four years On Sept 21, CycleBar Fort Myers will offer $10 donation classes at 7:45 a m 9:15 a m 10:30 a.m. Pure Barre Fort Myers and Pure Barre Gateway will offer several classes during the month for a donation to Barbara’s Friends

The community can also get involved and support local children at Clips for Cancer by:

∫ Becoming a shavee: Sign up to have a pediatric cancer survivor/patient shave your head Register for $25, set a personal fundraising goal and create a fundraising page to support the cause

∫ Donating, fundraising and sponsoring the event

Each year, community support raised during September helps families with children receiving cancer treatment, such as providing gas cards to make sure kids can get to and from Golisano for daily treatments, paying for medications when insurance will not cover at-home chemo or pain relief drugs, or purchasing meals so parents can stay by their children during treatment Barbara’s Friends also offers college scholarships, so that survivors can apply for college funds

For information about Clips for Cancer, visit BarbarasFriends org

Better Together, Cape church to host job fair

In partnership with Cape Christian Church, Better Together will host a community job fair on Sept 24 from 10 a m to 1 p m at the church, at 2110 Chiquita Blvd S , Cape Coral

The church-based job fair connects job seekers with local employers who are ready to hire, while also providing resources to facilitate stronger connections and more hires Free one-on-one job coaching sessions will be available to job seekers to review their resumes and interviewing skills, and additional services will be available onsite

The community job fair is part of Better Together’s “Better Jobs” program, which has helped 45,000 applicants connect with employment opportunities across 24 states At job fairs hosted by Better Together, two-thirds of attendees got a job interview, and one in four received a job offer on the spot Some 70% find work within six weeks


The Heights Foundation/The Heights Center to present Saltwater Cowboy Oct. 18

Bring your salty attitude and join your boat-runnin,’ fish-wranglin,’ briny friends for a night of great food, drinks, music, and dancing. The Heights Foundation/The H e i g h t s C e n t e r p r e s e n t s S a l t w a t e r Cowboy on Friday, Oct 18, from 6 – 10 p m at MarineMax, 14030 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers The event benefits The Heights Foundation/The Heights Center and Heights Early Learning programs

Last year’s event raised $160,000 for the organization that works to build strong, self-sufficient families in the Harlem Heights neighborhood of Fort Myers

“We believe a decent education allows at-risk kids to meet, challenge, and raise the bar on the world’s narrative of them,” said Kathryn Kelly, founder, president, and CEO of The Heights Foundation/The Heights Center “Our enriching preschool, afterschool, and summer camp programs ensure that parents can work while their kids learn, are safe, and have fun In addition, our adult and family programs provide opportunities for self-sufficiency This event supports our families and is an opportunity for a lot of fun!”

Guests will enjoy

Restaurant & Fish Market, and signature

Roadhouse & Saloon will prepare a steak dinner that will be accompanied by fresh Gulf shrimp

The event will include a silent and live

Everglades Python hunt with Huntress Amy Siewe, an in-home dinner for eight by Black Salt Culinary, a sunset yacht cruise courtesy of MarineMax, and the ultimate in home raw bar party for sixteen courtesy of the Timbers Restaurant & Fish Market. Live music will be performed by the Back Country Boys, a dynamic country rock band In addition, guests will have the opportunity to view luxury boats available at MarineMax

Individual tickets are $275

cowboy or call Annie Campbell at 239482-7706 or email annie@heightsfoundation org

Melissa Barlow and Deb Mathinos with children from The Heights Center's programs.
Churches interested in hosting a job fair can visit BetterTogetherUS org for more information

Southwest Florida Community Prayer Breakfast announces 2025 event and keynote speaker

National Day of Prayer event at 6 a m on Thursday, May 1, 2025, at Hammond


Complex in Fort Myers, featuring twot i m e P e o p



Kirk Cameron as the keynote speaker


“Mike Seaver” from the 1980s sit-com “Growing Pains ” Since then, Cameron has invested his time and energy into faith a n d f a m i l y - f o c u s e d f i l m s , t e l e v i s i o n shows and live events, including “Left Behind,” “Monumental,” “The Way of t h e M a s t e r , " a n d “ F i r e p r o o f , ” w h i c h inspired the best-selling book “The Love Dare ” In 2022, Cameron produced “Lifemark,” a film about the value of life and the beauty of adoption Currently, Cameron hosts the weekly talk show “Takeaways with Kirk Cameron,” and the “American Campfire Revival” podcast

Cameron and his wife, Chelsea Cameron, host an all-expenses-paid summer camp for terminally ill children and their families called Camp Firefly

“ K i r k C

Hollywood to God is not only unique, but inspiring,” said Ron Inge, president of S o u t h w e

Breakfast, Inc “We look forward to him

Florida community through his message of faith ”

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance on the first Thursday of M

Inc was founded to guarantee that the prayer breakfast continues to be celebrated annually, thanks to the generous support of local businesses, organizations, individuals and foundations. John Noland, Carl Barraco, Gary Trippe, Ron Inge, Richard Akin, Ashley Hull and M

Southwest Florida Community Prayer Breakfast

The May 1 event will be at Hammond Stadium at the Lee Health Sports Complex, 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers The event is complimentary, but registration is required Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis at CommunityPrayerBreak fast com

About the Southwest Florida Community Prayer Breakfast

He has hosted hundreds of live events focused on m a r r i a g e , f a m i l y a n d p a r e n t i n g , a n d h e r e c e n t l y authored “As You Grow,” a children’s book that teach-

Southwest Florida join in unified prayer for continued blessings on the nation Annually, local, state and federal observances are held between sunrise to sunset across the nation and attract more than 2 million people Except for 2021, when the event was not held due to the pandemic, the Fort Myers community has been h

Community Prayer Breakfast’s inception in 1988

Southwest Florida Community Prayer Breakfast,

Lee County Parks & Recreation to host National Public Lands Day celebration Sept. 28

Lee County Parks & Recreation invites visitors and residents to explore Prairie Pines Preserve, 18400 N Tamiami Trail, North Fort Myers from 9 a m to noon Saturday, Sept 28, to celebrate National Public Lands Day at a free, family-friendly event

The event will feature guided hikes, a Touch-A-Truck experience, and information on recreation opportunities at public lands managed by local, state, and federal agencies from around the Southwest Florida region Visitors will also be able to learn about community services and volunteer opportunities

National Public Lands Day was established as a dedicated day for public engagement on public lands,

whether volunteering on a workday or recreating at a park or preserve Tens of thousands of volunteers across the country will join in trail maintenance and planting projects, trash pick-ups, and other activities aimed at restoring and caring for our public lands to celebrate the 30th annual National Public Lands Day (NPLD) Organized each year by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest single-day volunteer effort focused on public lands

For more information about this event, visit www leeparks org, email, or call 239-533-5313

For more information about Lee County Parks and Recreation locations, volunteer opportunities, or amenities and special events: visit www leeparks org, call 239-5337275, email leeparks@leegov com or follow Lee County Parks & Recreation on Facebook and Instagram

To receive updates from Lee County Government, sign up for the newsletter here: www leegov com/ resources/newsletters Follow Lee County Government on Facebook, www facebook com/ leecountyflbocc

Boys & Girls Clubs to host annual golf tournament Oct. 3

B o y s & G i r l s C l u b s o f L e e County has announced its fourth Annual Golf Tournament will be h e l d O c t 3 a t T h e C l u b a t Renaissance in Fort Myers

The tournament includes 18 holes of championship golf along with oncourse activities and challenges, raff l e p r i z e s a n d d i n n e r T h e L e e County Sheriff’s Office will assist with a closest-to-the-pin helicopter ball drop as part of the fundraising activities

A new venue for the annual tournament, The Club at Renaissance is a picturesque, Arthur Hills-designed 18-hole golf course featuring rolling fairways, lakeside vistas and stunning wildlife. In 2023, the event raised $50,000 to enhance Boys & Girls Clubs’ After-school Program

a n d S u m m e r E n r i c h m e n t C a m p Both programs serve Lee County youth ages six through 18 and focus on five core areas: education and career, service and leadership, health and wellness, the arts, and sports and recreation

“The money we raise at the golf tournament helps clubs offer high-

quality, transformational programming to children and teens in Lee County,” said Denise Gergley, CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County “We know our programs are successful, and fundraising is a critic

opportunities to additional youth to reach their full potential ”

B o y s & G

County offers multiple player packages and sponsorship opportunities

Player packages

∫ Drive Package ($1,000): player registration fee for four golfers, four mulligans, three raffle tickets per player and a company logo on a hole flag

∫ Pro Package ($800): player registration fee for four golfers, four mulligans and three raffle tickets per player

∫ Team Package ($700): player registration fee for four golfers Additionally, Boys & Girls Clubs is offering a Pro Package for $50 that includes one mulligan and three raf-

fle tickets Raffle tickets are $20 each or $100 for seven tickets

Early sponsors include LMCU

include Lee Health (Golf Course

Wiles (Hat & Water Bottle Sponsor),

Taylor (Beverage Cart Sponsor), and Memorial Gardens, Coke Florida and Sharetea (Birdie Sponsors)

The Annual Golf Tournament will be held Thursday, Oct 3 at The Club at Renaissance, 12801 Renaissance Way in Fort Myers Check-in begins at 12:30 p m and the shotgun start is at 1:30 p m For more information about player packages and sponsors


The Club at Renaissance is at 1 2 5 9


The Southwest Florida Community Prayer Breakfast is held annually on the first Thursday of May in observance of the National Day of Prayer, a day when individuals of all faiths join in unified prayer for continued blessings on the nation Southwest Florida has been h

Community Prayer Breakfast’s inception in 1988 To learn more, visit CommunityPrayerBreakfast com or call 239-744-7769

2024 Annual Omega Family Health Forum set for Sept. 28

Free family event highlights health awareness, education and prevention

Lee Health is proud to participate in the Annual Omega Family Health Forum on Saturday, Sept 28, from 9 a m -1 p m , at Dunbar High School, 3800 E Edison Ave., Fort Myers. This health forum is a family affair offering support and education for men, women and young people

Presentations by community healthcare providers will be offered twice throughout the morning at 9 a m first and additionally at 10:30 a m

This free community event is focused on health awareness and prevention and will feature a variety of screenings and education, including:

∫ Breast Exams and Education, Colorectal Cancer Screening, Lung Cancer Screening, Prostate screening

∫ Injury Prevention

∫ Parkinson Education

∫ Rehab Services Education

∫ Lee Health Solutions Nutrition/COPD/Chronic Care Education

∫ Pulmonology Education

∫ Glucose Screening

∫ Blood Pressure Screenings

∫ NICU Ambulance

∫ HIV/STD Screening/Education

∫ Area Agency on Aging Education

∫ Smoking Prevention Education

"Lee Health is dedicated to being compassionate supporters of health and wellness, and our involvement in the Annual Omega Family Health Forum allows us to demonstrate this commitment by aiding families in enhancing their health through awareness, education, and prevention," says Sally Kreuscher, director of community affairs for Lee Health "We are thrilled to participate in this event once more and look forward to collaborating with families to encourage healthy lifestyles "

For more information, please call 239-343-8375

Kirk Cameron


Ser vices at St. Peter Lutheran Church

St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at 3751 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach

Outdoor Services under the tent

Every Sunday 9 a m

All are welcome, we are pet friendly 239-463-4251 www stpeterfmb com

YouTube - St Peter Lutheran Church Fort Myers Beach FL

In cooperation with former Chapel by the Sea and Beach United Methodist Church

Shell Point to present concer t

The Shell Point Retirement Community will present Reckless Saints on Sept 19 at 7 p m in the Connie Brown Hall at the Tribby Arts Center, at 17281 On Par Blvd , Fort Myers Roy Schneider and Kim Mayfield are the band's core duo and songwriters Partners in music and love since 2003, they began recording and touring five years later Tickets are $30 For more information or tickets, visit https://www tribbyartscenter com/ or call 239-415-5667

J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge to present Family Fun Night

For the second year, the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge will kick off Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept 15 through Oct 15 with Family Fun Night on Sept. 20 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Lakes Park in Fort M

Conservation Week, the Honrando Nuestra Historia (Honoring our History) Series and National Public Lands Day with educational and cultural activities for the family Attendees will enjoy music and food, a take-home marigold seed planting, bilingual birding walk and kidfriendly archery, plus informational tables in partnership with Florida Public Archaeology Network

Fall Home & Garden Show to retur n to For t Myers

The 28th Annual Home & Garden Show will return on Sept 21-22 from 10 a m to 4 p m at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center, at 1375 Monroe St , Fort Myers

The event is free and open to the public

The show will feature local and regional companies with an array of exhibitor booths showcasing products and services from leading brands in home improvement, landscaping, interior design, eco-friendly providers, smart home technology, renewable energy solutions and more Attendees can discover the newest innovations and explore diverse solutions for creating beautiful, functional and sustainable living spaces.

Exhibitor door prizes will be available, and attendees can register to win a cruise/vacation giveaway

For more information about the show, visit expomanagementinc com

Registration now open for Lakes Park fall festival ‘Scarecrows in the Park’

The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation and Lee County Parks & Recreation invite businesses, non-profits, groups and organizations to sponsor a “Scarecrow in the Park ” Entries will be exhibited Oct 11 through Oct 31 in the Children’s Garden at Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers, and will be a part of the Lakes Park Fall Festival

The theme of the 2024 competition is “The Great Outdoors ” Design your single standing scarecrow to depict the great outdoors for display to the 50,000 visitors that enjoy this family-friendly festival Examples of scarecrows for this year’s theme include an animal, jogger, camper, tree, lumberjack or fisherman The possibilities are endless Your business, family or organization’s name will be on display showing your support of Lakes Park and the community of Lee County Youth and school groups are needed for those businesses that sponsor but do not wish to design and build their own scarecrow Youth groups receive $50 for supplies Scarecrows will be on display in the Children’s

During these electrifying shows, audiences will rock out to the greatest hits from the '80s with songs by such bands as Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister, Joan Jett, Styx, Pat Benatar, and many more


Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band – The Music of the Hit Broadway Show – to headline the Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall Oct. 12

For over six years they rocked Broadway, and millions of fans, in the five-time Tony Award®-nominated musical Rock of Ages Now, for the very first time, Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band are bringing the music of the hit Broadway show to venues across the country as they reveal details for their Fall 2024 Tour Featuring an all-star ensemble, comprising the artists from the original cast on Broadway, this exclusive routing will hit the Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall on Oct 12

During these electrifying shows, audiences will rock out to the greatest hits from the '80s with songs by such bands as Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister, Joan Jett, Styx, Pat Benatar, and many more Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band comprises the following stars:

∫ MiG Ayesa – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Rock Of Ages (National Tour), Thriller Live (London), We Will Rock You (World Tour), Rock Star: INXS (TV)

∫ Josephine Rose Roberts – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Rock Of Ages (Toronto), Cats (25th Anniversary Tour), The Electric Company (TV), Paw

Garden with awards presented to the VIP and People’s Choice winners

The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation has organized this event for the last 14 years as part of the Lakes Park

hayrides, inflatables, and concessions presented by Wheel Fun Rental, as well as the Halloween Express train ride presented by the Southwest Florida Train Museum

The deadline for registration is Sept 29 For more information visit www LakesPark org or email scarecrows@lakespark org

Edison and Ford Winter Estates to host annual quilt show Oct. 5

Edison and Ford Winter Estates will host the annual “Airing of the Quilts” Quilt Show, Saturday, Oct 5, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dozens of quilts from the Southwest Florida Quilters Guild will be on display, suspended from clotheslines between the palms in front of the historic homes Quilters Guild participants will also have quilts available for sale

Certified quilt appraiser, Lars Cain, will be on site and conducting appraisals from 10 a m to 2 p m His vast experience includes the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution He has been sharing his expertise for many years and has spoken to more than 1,500 quilt groups throughout the Midwest, New England area and south to Florida Since 1977, he has appraised more than 20,000 quilts. Visitors may bring antique quilts for assessment Verbal appraisals will be offered for $25 and the fee for a written appraisal will be $35 per quilt

Patrol (TV)

∫ Tommy Kessler – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Blondie

∫ Jon Weber – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Hedwig 7 The Angry Inch (Broadway), Love, Janis (offBroadway), Willie Nile Band

∫ Joel Hoekstra – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Whitesnake, TSO, Cher, Night Ranger, Foreigner, Brett Michaels

∫ Winston Roye – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Tina Turner Musical (Broadway), Soul Asylum, Shakira, Lauren Hill, Jewel

∫ Richard Maheux – Rock Of Ages (Broadway), Enrique Iglesias, Cirque de Soliel

View the Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band video here: Broadways Rock of Ages Band Promo Video at https://www youtube com/watch?v=kPmUCtP9cs8

sale now and

Tickets for Broadway's Rock of Ages Band – The Music of the Hit Broadway Show are

Quilts have a long history with the Edison and Ford families Henry Ford and his wife, Clara, collected quilts and other historical objects that were created and used by people from all across the United States The quilts were often made from modest scraps of material, demonstrating the resourcefulness of American women

The quilt show is included with admission Tickets may be purchased online at EdisonFord org or at the ticket counter Admission is free for Edison Ford members Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Rock Star Séance tickets on sale now

Celebrate Halloween by joining us for a special concert led by Andrew Lipke, where he and “spirit host” vocalists will channel legendary rock stars like Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and more! Dress as your favorite dearly departed rock star and enjoy a multimedia experience that promises to be a musical séance like no other Oct 24 at 7:30 p m at Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers

For more information visit https://www bbmannpah .com/.

Al-Anon, Al-Ateen meetings

Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit Meetings are held every day in Lee County

Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18



pets seeking forever homes

they just need a chance It is so hard to go through the back room of the shelter where all the strays and o

those faces behind the bars and not knowing how we can even get the dogs out

is a

pill to swallow Where to put them? Who could foster them? All difficult questions Amazing dogs are euthanized every day for space a n

Dutchess and Ford are still at the shelter and we are not sure if we can save them

You may be able to

Thanks for considering them

Save Dutchess

Dutchess was surrendered by her owner


with everyone Loves cats, people, and other d

owner could not afford the medical care for her eyes and ears She h a s s o m e

n e s s We met her and the only thing she wants to do is to have her belly r u b b e d H o w s a d i s this She is believed to be 3 years old and is chunky at 68 pounds Text or call 239-2810739.

Ver y nice boy

Terrier mix who was a stray and is now on euthanasia list for his medical care He might have a collapsed trachea (shelter doesn’t know) so would do best in a harness Very sweet and great with other dogs and loves people He weighs 30 pounds, 3 to 5 years old and needs out ASAP before it is too late We met him and video available upon request Please note the shelter has him listed as a terrier mix and we have no idea on what kind of mix, however, he is adorable Please text or call Isabelle at 239-281-0739

supplies such as litter boxes which must be new, not used and any toys for adult cats or kittens They love the tunnels and pop up tents and we had to toss a few lately as were falling apart from so

Junior and Dolly

Junior is a 4-month-old male gray and white tabby kitten A lady in North Fort Myers rescued him in her yard when he was only a few weeks old There were no other siblings or a mom anywhere around

Dolly is a 4-month-old female dark brown tabby with circles on both sides in black She has been a gem from day one She, too, was found alone and turned into a kill shelter and we saved her life She and Junior became best friends and are like siblings so would be nice if they could be adopted as a pair together so the bond is not broken. Both are very playful and love attention


Our web site lists how to order directly from Chewey or Amazon and also we have donation bin for drop off items at the College Parkway store on US 41 and College in Fort Myers


8amto3pm 2813SW38thSt (offSurfside)

furnitureincluding fabulousbedroomsets, formal&casualdining sets,lovelyhomedecor, kitchenfull&lanai f urniture. Garageissofullyou wonátbelievethetools, Craftsmantoolboxes, lawntools&everything youcanimagineaman mightneed. Youwonátbelieve thissale! Donátmissit! Pictures: f


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