The town of Fort Myers Beach will issue a permit for a controversial boardwalk on land adjacent to the Little Estero Island Critical Wildlife Area Council voted 3-2 to approve a building permit for Texas Holdem LLC (Ed Rood) and Squeeze Me Inn LLC (Kurt Kroemer) for the structure behind their properties at 8150 and 8170 Estero Blvd
The action by the council was the latest v o t e i n r e v e r s i n g y e a r s o f p r e v i o u s Council votes rejecting the granting of a permit for the bridge
The issue has been the subject of litigation and state administrative actions since 2015 when the property owners a p p l i e d t o t h e s t a t e D e p a r t m e n t o f Environmental Protection for permits to cross state lagoons and wetlands The critical wildlife area is home to several threat-
ened nesting shorebirds and federally protected migratory birds The lagoons that would be crossed merge into the critical wildlife area
The property owners have been seeking since 2014 to build a bridge over the lagoons; town staff has denied approvals since the boardwalk would go in the t
Such developments are prohibited in the environmentally critical zone unless town
council approves a special exception permit a process that was unsuccessfully challenged in court by the applicants
T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s B e a c h Council rejected the special exception permit twice in 2019 and 2020 and a new council in 2020 rejected an offer from the applicants to approve the application in exchange for the withdrawal of litigation
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers comThis Thursday will mark one year to the day that life on Fort Myers Beach forever changed Hurricane Ian left 16 people dead on the island and 1,000 homes and businesses have since been demolished as a result
Fort Myers Beach will never be the same
At 9 a m this Thursday, the Town of Fort Myers Beach will hold a remembrance ceremony at Bayside Park, which was recently rebuilt after being destroyed
by Hurricane Ian The town rebuilt the park last year at a cost of $950,000 An exact amount of the new construction cost was not available as of press time though the park (located at Old San Carlos Blvd.) was partially funded with a $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 g r a n t f r o m t h e F l o r i d a Disaster Fund - a campaign run by First Lady Casey DeSantis to raise funds from private donors to aid in hurricane recovery efforts
Lt Gov Jeanette Nunez is expected to attend and speak along with State Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis,
Superintendent Dr Chris Bernier and Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. Also in attendance will be numerous state legislators and county officials
The Fort Myers Beach Elementary School Choir will sing the National Anthem About 30 minutes after at about 10:30
By NATHAN MAYBERG nmayberg@breezenewspapers comThe Red Coconut RV Park, a destination for many thousands over the decades heading for vacations on Fort Myers Beach, has sold to Seagate Development Group for $52 million
Fran Myers, who owned the property since 1982, confirmed the sale to the Fort Myers-based developers
The sale includes 10 acres on both sides of Estero Boulevard fronting the Gulf of Mexico and bordering Estero Bay
Nearly everything on the site was destroyed by Hurricane Ian, including approximately 60 mobile home units and seven buildings, including several shops known as Gulf View Shops
The property has been coveted by developers for its prime beach location mid-island The property is located near Station 31, the Fort Myers Beach Fire D i s t r i c t s t a t i o n t h a t w a s t o t a l e d b y H u r r i c a n e I a n a t t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f Donora and Estero Boulevard
Myers said she preferred to sell the property to someone local over dozens of other developers who pursued the property. Fran’s husband Tom died in January.
“Tom loved that park,” Myers said
“It was a very hard day and very emotional but I chose that company because they are very family-oriented,” Myers said
“I just felt that they are a family-run operation the way Tom and I ran the park,” she said
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
e 3 n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
This Thursday, Sept 28 marks the sad anniversary of the darkest day on Fort Myers Beach when the lives of 16 people were lost along with what would be more than 1,000 homes and businesses that would be demolished
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Lyn McElhaney lmcelhaney@breezenewspapers com
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i o n s 1 y e a r, $ 6 2 C i rc u l a t i o n ( 2 3 9 ) 5 7 4 - 1 9 3 6 C l a s s i fi e d / D i s p l a y A d ve r t i s i n g ( 2 3 9 ) 5 7 4 - 1 1 1 0 Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a m to 5 p m , except major holidays Letters to the editor must be typed or hand printed Your name and phone number must be affixed to the copy In the event of an advertising error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of the ad itself We are not responsible for any credit or reimbursement after 30 days from publication Postal Information: Third class postage paid at Fort Myers Beach, FL Permit 521 Postmaster: Send address changes to the Beach Observer 19260 San Carlos Blvd Fort Myers Beach FL 33931 The Observer and Bulletin is published every Wednesday 19260 San Carlos Blvd Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 Phone: (239) 574-1110 Fax: (239) 574-5693 Web: fortmyersbeachtalk com
Previous Web Poll Results
We know the names of those who didn’t survive Hurricane Ian – they included married couples enjoying their golden years on the island like Becky and Roger Rigaux of Andre Mar Drive They were Ilonka and Robert Knes of Tropical Shore Way, a couple in their early 80s They included James Hurst, found in his submerged boat three months later. They included old-timers like James Ohliger, Lucinda Keller and Zoe Underhill, all in their 80s They were hard workers like Plaka on the Beach waitress Bonnie Gauthier and visitors like Nishelle
H a r r i s - M i l e s T h e y w e r e c o l o r f u l a n d beloved characters like Mitchell Pacyna and Daymon Utterback They were also selfless, like retired teacher Marti Cambell, who had been involved in preservation efforts on the island
The Town of Fort Myers Beach will remember the anniversary of Hurricane Ian with a special ceremony Thursday at 9 a m a t B a y s i d e P a r k o n O l d S a n C a r l o s Boulevard The park had just been completed a few weeks before Hurricane Ian and was totally destroyed by the storm The park has since been rebuilt Joining the town council at the ceremony will be state legislators, county officials and Florida Division of E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t D i r e c t o r K e v i n
Guthrie Lt Gov Jeanette Nunez is also expected
We hope that the state officials can delive r r e a s s u r a n c e s t o t h e t o w n t h a t m o r e resources from the state are on the way to meet the needs of this devastated island
I’m old enough to remember when newspapers were fair and objective Two things that were not on display with your Sept. 20 editorial
The state was helpful in working with Lee C o u n t y a n d t h e F e d e r a l E m e r g e n c y Management Agency on critical operations to remove debris after Hurricane Ian and covering the cost of the majority of demolished buildings on Fort Myers Beach These efforts have been crucial to helping Fort Myers Beach recover
The state also provided a $10 million grant to the town to repair its stormwater systems and an $11 9 million bridge loan announced by Gov Ron DeSantis to be paid back within a year
We would like to hear from the state legislators attending the ceremony Thursday and from Lt Gov Nunez that they intend to forgive the loan to Fort Myers Beach The town used $3 47 million of that loan to balance its budget and is not in a position to repay the loan with the interest rate set to balloon to 10% next year Its finances have been shot from a loss of more than $2 7 billion in property tax value and the loss of parking revenue
o g o i n t o T e x a s t o s e n d m i g r a n t s t o C a l i f o r n i a a n d p r e v i o u s l y t o M a r t h a ’ s
Vineyard Surely there is $12 million to forgive a bridge loan to an island crushed by one of the worst hurricanes in American history
We would also like to hear more from state legislators and Gov DeSantis about requests the town has made to help rebuild its town hall A $24 million request to rebuild the town hall (a project which is now undergoing planning for an alternative proposal) was passed on from the town to state legisla-
tors but never made its way into the budget
We were told by one state legislator that this was because the town didn’t know where its town hall would go Yet none of the requests were inserted into the budget – including a request to make up for an estimated $8 million in revenue loss The town has also requested $7 9 million to replace its lighting (the original request was $1 8 million) The town also needs help with rebuilding Times Square and its roads
Instead of receiving aid in the state budget, the town must apply for funding to the Division of Emergency Management through a $350 million fund that covers the entire state’s hurricane recovery
In the meantime, the Florida Division of Emergency Management has begun forwarding bills to the town for the trailers it has been renting for its town hall complex to the tune of $40,000 a month This led the town to work on building its own town hall trailer
Mr Guthrie and Gov DeSantis should explain why the state is now placing this burden on the town, leading the town to pursue building its own trailers at an estimated cost of several hundred thousand dollars over the next three to four years
Yes, one of the most important priorities, 0%
Important, but there are many other equally important projects, 29%
It's not a top concern of mine, 11%
Current Web Poll Question
∫ Wait until lawsuit has concluded, once the boardwalk is built the damage will be done
∫ Issue the permit, the boardwalk can be dismantled if the town loses the suit
By singling out the special exception that was approved on March 6, you seem to imply favoritism was granted because others may be seeing “delays” in permits. That is not the case There were those on staff who tried to delay this coming before the LPA and Town Council However, that cannot be legally done for any applicant if they have followed all the proper procedures in submitting their paperwork
You neglected to mention that prior to Council approval, the special exception came before the Local Planning Agency (LPA) where it was approved by a 6 to 1 vote
As for your need to weigh in on the makeu p o f t h e M a r i n e a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Resources Task Force (MERTF) you gloss over the property owner qualification, which is equal to the registered voter qualification. It is my belief that all the applicants are therefore qualified
You also conveniently did not mention that a current member of MERTF is neither a registered Island voter nor a property owner
In addition you try to manipulate the facts to fit your narrative, again, by skipping this entire sentence Although no specific experience requirements shall be necessary as a prerequisite to appointment, consideration shall be given to applicants who have experience or who have shown interest in the subject matter
As for your online poll It is scientifically insignificant Also, polls can be skewed depending on the wording of the question
Lastly, how many employees of your publication are registered to vote or own property on F ort M yers Beach? D oes Breeze
Newspapers own property on Fort Myers Beach? I’m just curious because there seems to be a cynical and dismissive view of intelligent islanders, and their elected representatives, in your editorial
John R King Fort Myers Beach
New legislation for veterans neededAt any VFW Post in the nation, we are extremely proud and protective of our members Since they have done so much to serve our country, we feel it is only fair we find a way to serve them now and thank them for their service We want to be able to help Florida disabled veterans and have found a way to do so with no cost I bet all of you would be willing to do the same! Well, the
Letters to the Editor See LETTERS, page 10
The views expressed on the Opinions pages are just that opinions These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on these pages do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Opposing views are welcome. Letters to t h e E d i t o r o r g u e s t c o l u m n s m a y b e e
m a i l
e 5 n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
LEFT: Dixie Fish Co , which dates back to the 1930s on Fort Myers Beach and is one of the area’s longest-running businesses, took a solid hit from Hurricane Ian but was able to open up its doors again back in March to great enthusiasm
RIGHT: The damage to Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille was so extensive that a new deck and new docks were needed The acclaimed restaurant on Fishermans Wharf reopened this summer
One year ago, Hurricane Ian left a wake of destruction in Southwest Florida, which included substantial damage to Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille Sanibel and Dixie Fish Company on Fort Myers Beach During the past year, the restaurants have been rebuilt Dixie Fish Company reopened in February and Doc Ford’s on Fort Myers Beach reopened in July to a much-anticipated welcome
“Similar to so many other businesses and homes on Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel, we sustained significant damage from Hurricane Ian,” said Joe Harrity, a partner with HM Restaurant Group, the parent company of Doc Ford’s and Dixie Fish Company The company also operates a Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille location on Sanibel “While we’re grateful to be back open and serving customers, we recognize there is a long road of recovery still ahead for our beach and island communities ”
Damage at Doc Ford’s on Sanibel was due to eight inches of storm surge Although the water level was low,
by the time restaurant management was able to access the island by boat (due to the Sanibel Causeway closure) and get to the restaurant, mold had set in That required substantial drywall replacement, trim work and new furniture
On Fort Myers Beach, Doc Ford’s and Dixie Fish Company were impacted differently The restaurants received 18 feet of storm surge, requiring subs t a n t i a l r e n o v a t i o n s T h e d r y w a l l , flooring and windows were replaced inside The bottom outdoor restaurant l e v e l w a s c o m p l e t e l y d e s t r o y e d , requiring all new equipment and furniture, as well as new decking and docks for boat parking The building’s roof was also replaced D i x i e F i s h Company fared simi l a r l y t h r o u g h t h e storm As an opena i r r e s t a u r a n t , t h e storm surge flowed directly through the building. However, t h e b u i l d i n g r e m a i n e d s t r u c t u r a l l y sound
Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille may not look a tad different but the award-winning waterfront restaurant underwent extensive renovations after being pummeled by Hurricane Ian
“We’re very happy to be back open and provide a space of normalcy for local residents who are still working to rebuild their homes and businesses,” said Harrity “Our regular customers have returned and it’s great to see them pull up a chair and have a place to gather with neighbors and friends ”
HM Restaurant Group owns and operates Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille and Dixie Fish Company Open daily from 11 a m to 10 p m , the restaurants are renowned for delivering a legendary guest experience
Award-winning Doc Ford’s offers food with a unique balance of flavors inspired by the Caribbean Rim Beloved for its sauces, spices and passion, Doc Ford’s is known by locals and visitors alike as a spectacular seafood restaurant, serving up its signature Yucatan shrimp daily. First established on Sanibel in 2003, there are now four Doc Ford’s locations: Sanibel, Fort Myers Beach and two in St Petersburg, on the St Petersburg Pier and in Jungle Terrace
An original Florida fishhouse, Dixie Fish Company’s origins date back to 1937 when it was primarily a fish market Today, it’s an award-winning waterfront restaurant on Fort Myers Beach that serves fresh food in an ideal location to enjoy the beach atmosphere, complete with live music and picturesque views of dolphins, birds and Matanzas Pass
7 n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
Keep Lee County Beautiful, Inc volunteers joined with members of the Fort Myers Beach community to take part in the Ocean Conservancy’s 38th International Coastal Cleanup by helping to clean the beaches and bay of Fort Myers Beach and across Lee County
Keep Lee County Beautiful had volunteers at 19 sites across Lee County removing more than 5,000 pounds of litter and debris
In addition to collecting trash, the volunteers logged every item they found and contributed to the world’s largest repository of marine debris data, collecting data on over 381 million items around the world This data has been used by scientists, environmentalists, governments and others to better understand and characterize the global plastic pollution problem
Since the effort began in 1986, the International Coastal Cleanup has mobilized nearly 18 million volunteers to remove over 350 million pounds of trash from beaches and waterways worldwide Keep Lee County Beautiful is the local organizer hosting the event for over thirty years
“The International Coastal Cleanup shows us that every piece of trash we collect locally adds up globally," said Trish Fancher, executive Director of Keep Lee County Beautiful “And our ocean life sees a change, too ”
The Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation was among the local organizations who joined to help
“Plastic pollution is a massive problem for our ocean, but together, our actions can make a big difference,” said Allison Schutes, director of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup “I’ve seen the impact that
ABOVE: Keep Lee County Beautiful volunteers at Getaway Marina on San Carlos Boulevard after removing debris from the bay RIGHT: Keep Lee County Beautiful volunteers take part in the International Coastal Cleanup at Santini Plaza on Fort Myers Beach.
volunteers make firsthand through thousands of cleanups: no matter where you are, every bottle, every straw, every piece of trash you collect as part of the International Coastal Cleanup connects you to a global movement for a clean ocean We are so grateful for the efforts of Keep Lee County Beautiful and all the volunteers.”
Florida Power and Light workers joined Keep Lee County Beautiful volunteers in cleaning up debris from Fort Myers Beach on Sept 16, International Coastal Cleanup Day
n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
Concerned about annexation efforts that have popped u p i n C a p e C o r a l a n d F o r t M y e r s , L e e C o u n t y Commissioner Cecil Pendergrass (R-District 2) said a proposed charter amendment in front of the Lee County Charter Review Commission that would give the county more authority over annexations, is meant to “help the county and the cities work together for better planning for the future ”
The commissioner said he is concerned about annexations in other parts of the county which allowed developments that overwhelmed the local infrastructure in places like Fort Myers where housing permits were approved off Daniels Parkway to areas where the county is unable to provide water, transportation or other utilities
Pendergrass also referred to the annexation proposals b y C a p e C o r a l i n v o l v i n g u n i n c o r p o r a t e d a r e a s o f
Matlacha near Pine Island which have been opposed by residents there and which he said would negatively impact funding for the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire District “I’m not trying to stop it,” he said “I’m trying to see if there is something we can do collectively to have more dialogue and conversation ”
Pendergrass said “as a policymaker and as a citizen of this county, we should be able to plan for the future to
make sure we have the infrastructure and utilities in place as we grow as a community I totally support the development of businesses and the residential but there is a right place for it and a right time So sometimes I think we should have a better venue I am just trying to create some type of venue so we can sit down and discuss that when there is an issue ”
The City of Cape Coral, City of Fort Myers, city of Sanibel and Village of Estero councils have all opposed the amendment
“I want to create a venue, not to deny the annexation, but to provide for long-term planning,” Pendergrass said. “We don’t have any communication with cities when this happen ”
City of Sanibel Mayor Richard Johnson said the city council opposes the charter amendment and expressed concern for the amendment infringing on the city’s home rule “Property owners seeking voluntary annexation would be subject to an unnecessary expense related to county bureaucracy,” he said Johnson referred to the state legislature’s efforts to restrict the power of local governments over zoning as relatable to the proposed county charter amendment “Home rule is under attack at every single (state) legislative session,” Johnson said “Not just for the municipalities but the county as well ”
Johnson said annexation decisions should be left to the local municipalities
“I totally respect the cities’ home rule,” Pendergrass said “Before a property is annexed into the city, it is the county’s home rule So there is two sides to every story there ”
John Agnew, City of Sanibel Attorney, said the county could enter into interlocal agreements with municipalities instead of a charter amendment “It isn’t to infringe upon other municipal rights, it isn’t to infringe upon individual rights,” he said “Interlocal agreements is simple way to address it.”
Speaking after the meeting, Pendergrass said he disagreed with interlocal agreements being the appropriate solution “I wouldn’t support that,” he said
Pendergrass said he didn’t think interlocal agreements with the municipalities, property owners and county would work He would like to establish a process that the Lee County Board of County Commissioners would hold to review annexation applications
“I want to have a conversation between the county, the c i t y a n d a n a p p r o v a l p r o c e s s , ” P e n d e r g r a s s s a i d Currently, he said county commissioners “have no seat at the table.”
The Lee County Charter Review Commission is scheduled to meet again Oct 10
A power outage on Fort Myers Beach north of the Matanzas Pass Bridge downtown and to Bowditch Point Park Monday was caused by the replacement of equipment by Florida Power & Light
The company notified the town late
Monday afternoon that some residents and businesses downtown in the Times Square area may experience the power outages due to the replacement work Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers said a switch cabinet was replaced by the company and that power was restored by 10:30 p m
“As part of our proactive efforts to assess our electric equipment, FPL crews identified equipment in Fort Myers Beach that had been damaged internally by Hurricane Ian’s storm surge,” Florida Power and Light Southwest Florida External Affairs Manager Charlotte Miller said in a letter to the town Miller said the work was originally expected
to be completed by 8 p m
Miller said the company “conducted outreach to these customers via outbound calls ”
A message left with Miller and Florida Power and Light officials seeking additional information was not responded to as of press time
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
The Town of Fort Myers Beach Council unanimously adopted a final general fund budget of $12 1 million and a $51 5 million total budget for all funds Monday which will keep its millage rate flat at 99 per thousand dollars of assessed property value.
The town managed to keep its millage rate flat at a time of more than $1 8 million in lost property tax receipts due to a loss of approximately $2 7 billion in assessed property value since Hurricane Ian, a $1 6 million loss in parking ticket revenue and an outstanding $11 9 million bridge loan due to be paid back to the state next year
Onzick said the town is utilizing $3 47 million of the $11 9 million bridge loan awarded from the state as well as a portion of the $1.7 million the town received from the American Rescue Plan Act to keep taxes from going up The town is required to repay the bridge loan by next year under a 10% interest rate unless the state legislature and Gov Ron DeSantis act to forgive the loan
In addition to the town’s $12 1 million general fund budget, Onzick said the budget includes a $12 1 million storm water fund, $6 7 million for community enhancement projects, $3 5 million in American Rescue Act funds, $1 3 million for road impacts, $3 million for water utilities, $1.2 million for beach access, $3 5 million building fund and a $2 65 million capital fund
At a previous budget hearing, the town’s community development department proposed raising the administrative fee for court cases in front of the town’s magistrate from $175 to $250
That proposal was sharply criticized by Vie Mayor Jim Atterholt, who said the coun-
cil had already raised parking ticket fines to $77 and said the fee should be lowered.
At the previous hearing, Mayor Dan Allers asked the town’s finance director Joe Onzick to research if the cost of paying for the town’s special magistrate was being funded through the town’s fees and fines
On Monday, the $250 special magistrate fee was still listed in the budget presentation with the current fee saying “0” and the new fee stating $250, though Onzick said the special magistrate fee “was left as it was suggested ”
The budget also includes a $350 wedding permit fee use of the town’s beach accesses for a party of 11 or more, or a $150 wedding permit fee for parties of 10 or less
The budget would also lower some beach vendor fees for parasailing, beach furniture and personal watercraft licenses The proposed fees would be lowered from $685 for parasailing and watercraft to $375, and from $685 to $120 for beach furniture The fees would then go up 3% each year
The budget also includes 14.3 new full-time positions added since last year’s budget was approved and 16 5 positions for support recovery since Hurricane Ian mainly in the building department for a total of 31 8 positions Some of the 14 3 new positions are transfers from other departments or former contracted workers now hired as town employees Town of Fort Myers Beach Councilmember Bill Veach had requested a total budget impact for the personnel changes over the previous budget at a previous budget hearing on Sept 11 and again requested the amount on Sept 25 though that figure wasn’t available from Onzick
LEFT: Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers, who had previously stated the town should await the outcome of litigation before issuing a building permit for a 298-feet boardwalk over state lagoons and wetlands near the Little Estero Island Critical Wildlife Area, voted in favor of issuing the permit Monday. RIGHT: Ed Rood of TexasHoldem LLC (at left with Texas Tech jacket) and Kurt Kroemer (at right) of Squeeze Me Inn LLC, stand on the balcony of Rood’s home overlooking the Little Estero Island Critical Wildlife Area and state lagoons. Kroemer and Rood have received a building permit to construct a 298-feet walkover behind their properties to access the beach.
From page 1
In their latest appeal in March, town council voted 3-2 to approve the special exception permit despite town staff recommending denial due to placement of the walkover in the environmentally critical zone which would be inconsistent with the town’s Local Development Code and Comprehensive Plan
Mayor Dan Allers was joined Monday b y C o u n c i l m e m b e r J o h n K i n g a n d
Councilmember Karen Woodson in voting to approve the building permit. Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt and Councilmember Bill Veach voted against granting the
building permit
T h e M a r i n e R e s o u r c e s a n d Environmental Task Force voted twice to advise the town council not to issue the building permit while ongoing litigation from Audubon Florida continues MERTF had also opposed the special exception permit, while the Local Planning Agency had voted 6-1 in favor of the special exception permit
A t a p r e v i o u s m e e t i n g , K i n g a n d Woodson voted to issue the building permit with Allers, Jim Atterholt and Veach voting against doing so Allers said he
wanted to schedule another meeting for all sides to provide input
On Monday, Rood said there were “a couple of nests” within a 300-feet radius of the terminus of where the proposed walkover would go
Rood said he has been in touch with t h e F l o r i d a F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e Conservation Commission on a compromise
“We would be willing to close the walkover during bird nesting season from April to August if there is a monitor that points out there is a nest within a 300-feet
r a d i u s w i t h i n t h e t e r m i n u s o f t h e walkover We will keep it close until the nests hatch and the hatch is abandoned,” Rood said “I think that would be a good compromise ”
Risk to the environmentally sensitive area and nearby critical wildlife area from multiple potential disruptions due to the boardwalk being installed and then possibly removed by a court order has been cited by MERTF and Audubon Florida as an additional factor as to why the building permit should be put on hold
See COUNCIL, page 17
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
a.m., the town will hold a ceremony at Times Square to unveil the new clock donated by George and Linda Merschman The old clock was destroyed by Hurricane Ian The clock was built by Verdin, the same Ohio company that built the original clock approximately 21 years ago
While the remembrance ceremony will be a solemn occasion, day of music is planned by the group Fort Myers Beach Revival on stages at Bayside Park, Moss Marina and local restaurants downtown from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
One year after Hurricane Ian, the town still has much work to do in its recovery though it has made great gains since the days when debris was piled and stacked up and down its streets and homes and boats literally blocked the middle of roads
The town is still looking for help from the state, a message they hope they hear from state officials Thursday
The town’s budget, approved Monday, utilizes $3 47 million of a state bridge loan to help balance its budget and avoid a tax increase Town officials hope the state will forgive the loan
“Coming from where started almost a year ago, the town is progressing as well as can be expected,” Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers said “Progress always seems much slower than we would like, but as you look around you see the incredible progress we have made and realize we still have a long way to go Our biggest challenge we face today is getting our permit process fixed We must strive to get our residents back in their homes and businesses open as soon as possible This is something we can change, and we are working to implement that now Over
From page 13
While new town counsel Becky Vose advised the council to issue the permit, previous Town Attorney John Herin Jr had advised against the issuance of the building permit due to the litigation from Audubon Florida. Allers had initially gone along with waiting on issuing the building permit including the vote Sept 11 before changing his vote Monday
Vose said the attorneys for the applicants have agreed to hold the town harmless for any costs associated with having to remove the walkover if a court orders it to be torn down Vose said “it’s highly unusual” to not issue a building permit after approving the special exception permit Former Town Attorney John Herin Jr. had advised the town the opposite, citing how Margaritaville did not get its building permit during litigation that lasted two years challenging town council’s approval of that project
Veach asked Vose why the indemnification agreement she was working on with the attorneys for the applicants did not include language to ensure the area disturbed by the walkover was rehabilitated if a court ordered the bridge removed Vose said “I have not read their state permits but I assume the state permits, and actually our building permit, you have to complete construction and you can’t leave junk around ”
“The recovery has been a slow and uneven process Some are well underway with rebuilding or even in their homes and condos Others are years away and houses still sit as if frozen in time It is a long road, but one worth the journey ”
Bill Veach Fort Myers Beach CouncilmemberHurricane Ian. He has also been working with the town to try and save his garage
Veach said “there is an expense to that and it’s not just grading a lot or removing debris It’s about restoring it to its pre-
the next year we will return to Tallahassee to ask for help in replacing the tax revenue we lost that day. It is going to be a challenge, but we are poised for success, and we will continue to work hard to ensure it ”
Town staff began sending out letters recently to property owners whose homes that remain in disrepair from Hurricane Ian or are considered a safety hazard Property owners have until Oct 31 to obtain permits for demolishing or rebuilding the structures Many homes and buildi n g s r e m a i n h e a v i l y d a m a g e d b y Hurricane Ian and some property owners are still awaiting settlements with insurance companies over claims
Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt believes the shortchanging of residents from insurance companies remains one of the town’s biggest challenges and has helped keep h i s o w n c o n d o b u i l d i n g a t B e r m u d a Dunes from reopening
Atterholt said he will be making that point to state legislators on Thursday
“Having served as the State of Indiana Insurance Commissioner before I moved to Florida, I continue to be very concerned about how poorly many insurance companies have responded to legitimate claims from Hurricane Ian,” Atterholt said “In my opinion, there has been systemic corruption by a significant number of insurance companies that continues to thwart
not only the lives of our residents but our overall recovery as well ”
Atterholt said he has been told by Patronis and the State Insurance Commissioner’s Office that “various market conduct exams have been launched against some of the insurance companies who have received significant complaints after Ian from policyholders A market conduct exam is an independent audit done by a third party to examine the claims paying practices of the company in question and the costs are borne by the targeted company If the market conduct exam finds the company is guilty, the regulator can impose fines or force the company to pay the outstanding claims While fines are nice for the state coffers, it would be much better if the regulator forced the company in question to just pay all outstanding legitimate claims This would benefit our island’s recovery significantly ”
Atterholt said his condo is still uninhabitable due to an inability by the condo owner’s association to get reimbursement on wind insurance, along with delays in obtaining equipment to repair the building’s electric, plumbing and elevator
“We’ve run out of money until we get insurance,” Atterholt said of the condo owners “I’ve never seen anything like this ”
Fort Myers Beach Councilmember Bill Veach has been living out of a trailer on his property since his home was destroyed by
Veach said he feels “the people of this t o w n a r e e x p o s e d w i t h o u t a s t r o n g resilient hub A resilient hub could provide services to residents after a storm, provide a safe refuge after a storm, a distribution center, and an emergency operations center with robust power and communications ” Veach said those services are hard to provide without a town hall
Veach said the town needs help with grants to rebuild. “Permitting continues to b e a p r i o r i t y P l a n n i n g a n d L o c a l Development Code and comprehensive plan updates are needed to provide certainty,” he said
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h C h a m b e r o f Commerce President Jacki Liszak said the rebuilding of the Fort Myers Beach Pier should be a top priority The pier, owned by Lee County, currently sits in disrepair and the county has offered no timeline for its rehabilitation Some estimates have put the reconstruction of the pier at three to four years
Liszak and her husband Scott Safford operated the Sea Gypsy Inn, which was destroyed by Hurricane Ian They also owned 130 vacation rentals in town of which only about 50 survived
“The effects of the hurricane continue to be felt across the island,” Liszak said “Every day I see signs and hear stories of resiliency that encourage me and make me want to wake up each day fighting for our community’s recovery.”
Veach said “the town’s “recovery has been a slow and uneven process Some are well underway with rebuilding or even in their homes and condos Others are years away and houses still sit as if frozen in time It is a long road, but one worth the journey ”
c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n d i t i o n w h i c h m e a n s plantings, it means other work to restore it which is not in your indemnification agreement ”
Vose said “that’s beyond my area of expertise.”
King said “This is state lands Would that be between the property owner and the state then?”
Veach said “We are the ones who issued the special exception so the liability lands on us if it is reversed ”
Vose said “I don’t think there would be liability on the (town) for that ”
Herin had cited legal precedents and case law in which municipalities could be held liable for damages for continuing developments despite ongoing litigation, citing the Pinecrest Lakes doctrine
Allers asked during the hearing if anybody from Audubon Florida was present to speak at the hearing (legal representation was not present) He did not read two letters from the organization into the record sent to Allers and the council by Florida Audubon Society President Julie Wraithmail or from their attorney Richard Grosso
Grosso and Wraithmail referred to the Pinecrest Lakes doctrine, in which a developer was forced to tear down buildings after continuing with a development despite litigation
Grasso said the town is “on constructive notice that any development orders issued, or reliance thereupon by the appli-
cants, during the pendency of this proceeding are subject to the knowledge that the approval of the Resolution 23-22 has been timely challenged and the court may overturn the resolution Thus, any expenditures towards construction of the dispute d s t r u c t u r e w o u l d , u n d e r P i n e c r e s t Lakes, would not serve to prevent the removal of structures found to violate the Town Code ”
Wraithmail wrote that “In the event that our challenge is not yet resolved at the start of the next shorebird nesting season (February), a constructed bridge over the lagoon to the edge of the Critical Wildlife Area would likely discourage imperiled species nesting, reducing or eliminating the productivity of the area for these birds (which was extraordinarily high this year) A year of limited or no y o u n g p r o d u c e d w o u l d b e t r a g i c f o r species like snowy plover that have very few pairs left in Florida Further, if the bridge is built and we prevail in our legal challenge only after nesting season has begun, removal of the structure during nesting season would cause additional harm ”
The bridge would likely not be able to begin until November, after turtle nesting season though before bird-nesting season begins in February
Rood has stated that 11 neighboring property owners would be allowed to gain access to the boardwalk
John Cameron, a neighbor of Rood
who would gain access to the boardwalk, called Audubon Florida “an enemy of the town” and said the town was “at legal war with the Audubon Society The Audubon is our enemy and should be treated as such.” Cameron said “they sit in their fancy offices all high and mighty in the leftist utopia in New York City and believe that they know more than anybody else in the country ”
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h r e s i d e n t C i n d y Johnson corrected Cameron, noting that Audubon Florida is based in Florida (with a Southwest Florida branch)
“Audubon is supported by many residents in this town,” Johnson said “So they are not some far-off group out in New York City that is being a bully, they are from Florida and they are Florida residents, most of them And they have an equal stake to every one of these people right here as to what goes on here on state lands ”
Johnson said the natural resources of the state “would be harmed” by the walkover and the use of it Johnson said the area is “critical” to the survival of threatened snowy plovers and other birds “This is a critical area for the protection of these species.”
The critical wildlife area is home to threatened snowy plovers, least terns, black skimmers and Wilson’s plovers, which are protected by state law The area is home to federally protected American oystercatchers and piping plovers
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
From page 4
Fort Myers Beach residents who wanted to rebuild their homes, simply can’t afford to Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt has called on the state insurance commissioner to conduct investigations into the conduct of insurance companies.
A $ 1 1 b i l l i o n f e d e r a l g r a n t t h r o u g h t h e U S Department of Housing and Urban Development could bring help to the neediest homeowners in Lee County who lost their homes, with up to $250,000 for repairs and up to $450,000 for those who need to elevate their homes to meet FEMA codes The problem is the income limits will likely restrict many on Fort Myers Beach, though it is a start
To the credit of the people and businessowners of Fort Myers Beach, they have not complained They have gone on rebuilding with more than a dozen restaurants back open, three major hotels operating and a fourth on the w a y s o o n T i m e s S q u a r e , n o t h i n g b u t r u i n s a f t e r Hurricane Ian, is making a comeback marked by a new clock and a new mural along half a dozen businesses
From page 4
Association of Independent Mortgage Experts is asking exactly that of Florida lawmakers
Disabled veterans with a 100% disability rating are exempt from real estate property tax in all of our Florida counties As a matter of fact, since July of 2023, any real estate taxes which were paid by the veteran after closing on a home are fully refundable But, Florida still needs to improve this important legislation because our disabled veterans are still being hurt by the taxes
Right now, many veterans have to often
back open and a new farmer’s market Nonprofit organizations such as the Fort Myers Beach Community Foundation and Woman’s Club have selflessly collected hundreds of thousands of dollars to distribute to those impacted by Ian.
Yet not everybody can afford to rebuild and some have left the town and sold their homes Thursday’s ceremony will take place at Bayside Park
$500,000 for repairs this summer But not from state coffers The funds were from a private Hurricane Ian relief fund raised through private donations with the leadership of First Lady Casey DeSantis While there is nothing wrong with that, the fund raised more than $63 million though to date Fort Myers Beach has only received 1/126th of a slice from the fund run by Ms DeSantis Why so little?
While Fort Myers Beach did not get any aid in the state budget, the state put $107 6 million for the newly reconstituted State Guard, up $97 million Those funds
wait months after closing to apply for that exemption The big problem here is that during the loan process, they’re not considered exempt so the taxes they don’t have to pay are still considered a debt, reducing the price of a home they are qualified to purchase. This could possibly push them out of a market which is already high enough They may even have to settle on buying a house they could actually afford because the debt ratio is skewed by a tax bill which is not theirs
With thousands of dollars collected f r o m d i s a b l e d v e t e r a n s f o r p r o r a t e d escrows, the money is held from their
include the purchase of airplanes, helicopters and administration DeSantis said the State Guard helped with damage assessments, delivered hot meals and debris cleanup after Hurricane Idalia While worthy efforts, that doesn’t seem like $107 million worth of work.
Those funds could have helped 1,000 of the hardesthit homeowners in Lee County with $100,000 each to rebuild their homes, or 10,000 property owners with $10,000 each
We know FEMA has paid out more than $2 8 billion in Hurricane Ian insurance claims countywide and more than $73 million in individual assistance on Fort Myers Beach Of those funds, $65 million has been for rental assistance Much of the emergency berm work and beach renourishment will be covered by FEMA
Yet we have not heard enough from the state
We hope that changes Thursday. We also hope that when Gov DeSantis catches a break from his presidential campaign that he can refocus on Fort Myers Beach Fort Myers Beach Observer Editorial
s a v i n g s u n t i l t h e e x e m p t i o n c o m e s through and the refund is on its way This is not only unfair, at times it can be a hardship for the veteran and his or her family since the money is actually for a debt which isn’t theirs and takes time to get refunded.
T h e S t a t e A d v o c a c y C a p t a i n o f AIME, Laura Ray, who also is the owner of Liberty Mortgage Lending Group in Lee County, stated during 20222, more than $14 6 billion in VA home loan purc h a s e s o c c u r r e d T h e s u m d o e s n ’ t include non-VA loans Maryland and Virginia have already solved the problem
b y p a s s i n g l e g i s l a t i o n a l l o w i n g t h e exemption to happen during the loan process This ends the problems at no cost to taxpayers or their respective states Now,it’s Florida’s turn!
The way to help is to let your state senators and representatives in your district know you want this legislation to be supported Also, inform the Property Appraiser who is also an elected official know this is important You’ll be glad you did!
Myers said her expectation was that the new owners “are hoping to do something good that won’t offend people ”
Matthew Price, CEO of Seagate, said details about the company’s plans for the property are still pending
“We’re still taking a look at some options,” Price said “We’re excited to be on Fort Myers Beach ”
Asked about the $52 million price tag, Price said “It’s the market "
Price said “It’s a showcase property on Fort Myers Beach We’re very excited about it We're looking at all options ”
Myers said the destruction of the park from Hurricane Ian was “overwhelming” and “unspeakable.” The park could hold approximately 250 RVs, many of whom would stay for weeks or months at a time during season
“It’s a bittersweet agreement,” Myers said
Fran and her husband Tom moved down to Fort Myers Beach from Florida in the 1970s, with Tom switching careers from an electrician to a new business as the owner of Tom’s Island Deli in the Times Square area He also purchased with his brother-in-law, the Sand Dollar Clothing Apparel store across from Lynn H a l l M e m o r i a l P a r k a n d t h e B e a c h Boardwalk Clothing Store Fran and Tom also established Sugarfoot Bakery & Gift Shop and a real estate office in Times Square in 1979 Later, after acquiring the R e d C o c o n u t R V P a r k , t h e y b u i l t
Seafarers Village Shopping Mall near Times Square
F o r m e r F o r t M y e r s B e a c h M a y o r
Gore, who has worked closely w i t h M y e r s o n t h e B e a c h K i d s Foundation, said “My sister’s first job was at the Gulf View Shops. We used to shop there for Christmas and other celebrations and they would wrap our gifts for us The Red Coconut RV Park had so many of the same winter guests year after year, and some school families lived there Tom and
Fran made the Red Coconut a fun and safe place for their guests and especially for us local kids, and then our kids My Semmer family and the Myers family did a lot of island events since as far back as I can remember, so we were always around each other Fran and I formed a special friendship through fundraising and civic engagement as I grew into an adult, and we remain close today I understand that change is inevitable, but for those of us who grew up here and don't know any place else, its emotional because all of the changes to our island are changes to what used to be our playground ”
Gore said the Red Coconut RV Park played a large role in collecting gifts for the holiday toy drive for the Beach Kids Foundation each year The clubhouse was used to wrap gifts and firefighters would load them up and deliver the gifts around Estero Island and San Carlos Islands (with Santa’s help)
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h L o c a l P l a n n i n g
Agency Chair Anita Cereceda, a former mayor as well, said “The Red Coconut was a community The neighborhood it created for the folks that stayed there year after year and the ones lucky enough to live there year round was like no other on the island The park was a family There
will never be anything that compares Fran Myers, and her late husband Tom, were instrumental in the success of Fort Myers Beach. Always there to lend a hand, raise money for a cause with a pancake breakfast or champion the kids on t h e b e a c h w i t h T h e B e a c h K i d s Foundation, they will not be forgotten Their work and their business and their love for all things Fort Myers Beach was embedded in everything they did It was just an RV park to some It will be a much-talked about and speculated-upon real estate sale for awhile But for most of us, The Red Coconut was a piece of our lives that we are sad to have lost. Fran gave most of her life to service on our island I only hope she has a rich and glorious next chapter She deserves it ”
Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers said “The Myers family have provided lifelong memories for our residents and visitors Ian may have taken away everything on the property, but it can never take away our memories The Myers are a prime example of who we are as a community We now welcome the Seagate family as they began to create new lifelong memories for the generations ahead of us to remember ”
Fort Myers Beach will be booming with music this weekend as artists descend on the island f o r t h e n i n t h - a n n u a l I s l a n d H o p p e r
Songwriter Fest
Starting on Friday, the day after the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Ian, the country sounds that will dominate the sets at local restaurants and Bayside Park will give folks a chance to push back the memory of that storm and think of something new
The festival will start with a show at the DiamondHead Beach Resort Friday night and will include performances at Matanzas Inn, Yucatan Beach Stand, Lighthouse Tiki Bar, Bayside Park, Mound House and culminating in a pool party at the Pink Shell Beach Resort with country musicians Chris Janson and Sugarland’s Kristian Bush
The Pink Shell pool figures to be a good time Oct 1 when Janson plays with special guest Kristian Bush, a two-time Grammy Award winner The show will run from 5 p m to 8 p m
Tickets are $55 Janson is known for writing Tim McGraw’s 2012 hit “Truck Yeah” and for his own solo album “Buy Me a Boat ” Janson’s new single “21 Forever” features Dolly Parton and Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash. The song appears on Janson’s latest album “The Outlaw Side of Me ” Bush is one-half of the Grammy-Award wi duo Sugarland, a group known for hits like “Stay and “All I wanna Do ”
“It’s a lot of fun A lot of times you have no idea who you are playing with,” Bush said “I think what they are doing is special for the community ”
With 90 performers scheduled to play at locations around the county, this year’s festival will showcase many country musicians from Nashville as well as local artists
The festival is organized by the Lee County Visitor’s Bureau in conjunction with Broadcast Music Inc , iHeartMedia and the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association
Local musician Sheena Brook will play four shows on Fort Myers Beach, including a sold-out benefit Saturday at the Mound House with Brian Sutherland Brook will also play Friday at Cabanas Beach Bar and Grille at the opening night showcase On Saturday night, she will play the Yucatan Beach Stand at 6:45 p m Her last scheduled performance for the festival will be at Bayside Park on Sunday, Oct 1, at 2:15 p m
“I’m excited,” Brook said. She is particularly looking forward to playing the Mound House “I love the Mound House,” she said “It’s so beautiful there We take my dogs there a lot I love the docks ” Brook enjoys the view of the trees and the bay on the spacious property “It’s a beautiful piece of peacefulness ”
Local musician Sheena Brook will play four shows on Fort Myers Beach this weekend as part of the Island Hopper Songwriters Fest beginning with a performance Friday at Cabanas Beach Bar and Grille at the opening night showcase On Saturday afternoon, she will play a sold-out benefit show at the Mound House On Saturday night, she will play the Yucatan Beach Stand at 6:45 p m Her last scheduled performance for the festival will be at Bayside Park on Sunday, Oct 1 at 2:15 p m
Other artists set to perform during the festival include April Cushman, Autumn Nicholas, Ben Burgess, Clint Daniels, Sonia Leigh, Essex County, Landon Parker and Emily Shackleton
Among the other performers on the schedule are singer-songwriters who have penned No 1 hits for such artists as Carly Pearce, George Strait and Morgan Wallen will perform at multiple Lee County venues from Sept 22 to Oct 1
Below is a schedule of most Fort Myers Beach shows (all shows free unless noted):
Friday, Sept 2 9 : DiamondHead Beach Resort, poolside, 2 0 0 0 Estero Blvd.
∫ 5:15 p m : Trey Simon, Matt Warren
∫ 7 p.m.: Essex County
∫ 8 p m : Sheena Brook, Landon Parker
Friday, Sept 2 9 : Bayside Park, Old San Carlos Blvd
∫ 6:30 p m : Nelson Cade, Dwayne Higgins
∫ 7:45 p m : Brian Sutherland
∫ 9 p m : Kristian Bush, Conner Sweet
Friday, Sept. 2 9 : Matanzas on the Bay
∫ 7 p m : April Cushman, Robinson Treacher
∫ 8:30 p.m.: Dave Kennedy, Aby Gutierrez
Friday, Sept. 2 9 : Yucatan Beach Stand, Old San Carlos Blvd
∫ 6:30 p m : Spring Pace, Rob Snyder
∫ 7:45 p m : Madison Morris
∫ 9 p m : Elsten Torres, Dave Gibson
Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : DiamondHead Beach Resort, poolside, 2 0 0 0 Estero Blvd.
∫ 2:15 p m : Dave Kennedy, Robinson Treacher
∫ 3:45 p m : Tim McGeary, Dave Pahanish
∫ 6:45 p m : Megan Linville, Hunter Smith
∫ 8:15 p m : Kristian Bush, Danny Myrick
∫ Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : Matanzas on the Bay, 4 1 6 Crescent St.
∫ 2:15 p m : Rob Snyder
∫ 3:30 p m : Hunter Smith, Cody Hibbard
∫ 6:45 p m : Nelson Cade
See ISLAND HOPPER, page 22
On a day when the Town of Fort Myers Beach is planning a solemn remembrance ceremony on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Ian, a new group calling themselves the “Fort Myers Beach Revival Team” have put out flyers and announcements about a full day of entertainment and music planned all day this Thursday
Zoe Wright, who is helping to organize the event, provided a letter saying the “Revive the Vibe” event will be “a community event created to honor those lost and celebrate the way we have come together to revive our beautiful community This day-long musical event is in memory of the destruction we faced, the friends we made as well as those we lost, the community we discovered, and the strength we gained due to Hurricane Ian ”
The music will take place from 11 a m to 9 p m on three stages on Old San Carlos Blvd. from Third to First Street, Bayside Park and Moss Marina Musicians will be performing at the stages as well as at local businesses
T h e e v e n t i s b e i n g h e l d o n e d a y b e f o r e t h e I s l a n d H o p p e r Songwriters Fest kicks off Friday through Monday where approximately 90 musicians will be playing from Friday through Sunday at various Fort Myers Beach restaurants, hotels and at Bayside Park
In an email, organizers of “Revive the Vibe” said the festival “showcases Fort Myers Beach, nearby restaurants, bars, artists, and musicians as a boost to visitation to the island; showing locals and vacationers that their favorite places and local talent are here, ready to welcome the public This is a free event in support of our local community - musicians, restaurants, and businesses who will be performing their best sets, selling their favorite dishes, drinks, cocktails, and merchandise with warmth and love as we watch our family-like community come together ”
∫ 8:15 p m : Landon Parker
Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : Pink Shell Beach Resort, 2 7 5 Estero Blvd.
∫ 2:15 p m : April Cushman
Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : Mound House bene f i t f e aturi ng S he e na B ro o k, B ri an
Sutherland (sold out)
Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : Bayside Park, Old San Carlos Blvd
∫ 3:45 p m : Megan Linville
∫ 5:15 p m : April Cushman, Rob
∫ 6:45 p m : Matt Warren
October is jammed packed with programs and activities to entice young and old alike for a county wide Fandom Fest celebration within the Lee County Library System
While the Fort Myers Beach Public Library remains closed, other libraries will be holding programs throughout the county.
“Our programming staff is always coming up with really cool programming ideas and hosting events for their community that are fantastic,” Programming & Community Outreach Manager and Fandom Fest Coordinator Melissa Baker said, adding that the Fandom Fest is one big collective way they are celebrating this year
The hope is for those who are discovering the library system for the first time through Fandom Fest, it will spark an interest and bring them back month after month
“It’s a good chance to tap into the community and into any of the Fandom we are highlighting and discover what the library can offer the comic collection in Hoopla, graphic novels and books on the shelf,” Baker said, adding these are all amazing forms of literacy “We don’t care what book a kid picks up We are just happy we can be part of their literacy journey This is another big system-wide push that is the matic The goal is to always connect people with great books and resources that help enrich their lives It’s a fun, big party, but also has that undertone of life enrichment and how the library can change lives ”
The first Fandom Fest began in 2019, as a newly evolved program that was based off Comic Fest Baker said the festival was similar, but Fandom Fest expanded to include all kinds of fandoms, rather than just comic related
“They kind of change from year to year as trends can evolve,” Baker said “We want to tap into that It’s all about celebrating pop culture and traditional Comicon with superheroes There are always new and exciting things we can explore.”
This year instead of Fandom Fest being celebrated on one day, it will be spread across Lee County Library System’s 13 libraries throughout the month of October There is something happening at every library, spreading fun throughout the entire month
“This year we are trying something new offering more programs spread out throughout the library system,” Baker said “We are providing access to more people that can’t make it to a one-day event scheduling conflicts, transportation issues. This is a way that we can tap into a big celebration in a new way and put it out to all the neighborhoods ”
One of the big programs to be held is the Fandom Fest Cosplay Contest, at North Fort Myers Public Library, from 2 to 4 p m , Saturday, Oct 7 Baker said the contest is for all ages with a child category up to 11 years old, teens ages 12 to 17 and adults 18 and older She
From page 21
∫ 8:15 p m : Essex County
Saturday, Sept. 3 0 : Yucatan Beach Stand, 2 5 0 Old San Carlos Blvd.
∫ 2:15 p m : Aby Gutierrez
∫ 3:45 p m Essex County
∫ 5:15 p m Conner Sweet, Dave
∫ 6:45 p m : Sheena Brook, Tim
Sunday, Oct. 1 , Matanzas on the Bay, 4 1 6 Crescent St
∫ 1 p m : Dwayne Higgins
Sunday, Oct. 1 : Bayside Park, Old San
advises those interested to see the official contest rules and entry form, as well as arrive early the day of the contest.
No realistic weapons or props are allowed, and the clothing must be somewhat modest, as it is a family-friendly contest The judges will include real cosplayers, providing more authenticity for the contest Prizes for the winners will include a fandom fest goodie bag with comics, graphic novels and swag
It will be a runway style competition, creating great bragging rights, she said Baker said although the majority of events are for youths, there are also adult programs as well.
Youth Services Programming Coordinator Marquelle LaRue said other fun programs includes bubble dance Fandom theme parties, Fandom Fest Swiftie Dance Party, games and a rolling video game truck, crafts and of course costumes
Each branch will put its own creative spin on Fandom Fest
“We love finding ways to connect with our readers whether they are 4 years old or 104,” LaRue said “I love that we find a way to celebrate this and make an additional tie to graphic novels It is a part of the reading process and develops a love of reading ”
Cape Coral-Lee County Public Library, 9 2 1 S W 3 9 th Terrace:
∫ Fandom Fest Teen Movie: “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves,” 3-5:30 p m
Thursday, Oct 5
∫ Riddle Me This – Fandom Trivia, 1-3 p m Saturday, Oct 7
∫ Crafts at Cape: Fandom Disney Paper Quilling, 11 a m to 1 p m , Thursday, Oct 12
∫ Fandom Fest Disney Celebration, 1111:30 a m Monday, Oct 16
∫ Family Movie Night: “Hocus Pocus,” 4-6 p m , Wednesday, Oct 25
∫ Teen Movie: “Venom: Let There Be Carnage,” 5-7 p m , Monday, Oct 30 North Fort Myers Public Library, 2 0 0 1 N. Tamiami Trail:
∫ Fandom Fest Cosplay Contest, 2-4 p m
Saturday, Oct 7
∫ Fandom Fest Teen Time: Out of This World Escape Room, 6-7 p m Tuesday, Oct 24
∫ Family Fandom Movie Day, 1-3 p.m., Saturday, Oct 28
Northwest Regional Library, 5 1 9 Chiquita Blvd., N:
∫ Fandom Trivia, 4:30-5:30 p m , Wednesday, Oct 18
Pine Island Public Library, 1 0 7 0 1 Russell Road:
∫ Fandom Fest: Fan Art for Teens, 1-3 p m , Saturday, Oct 14
∫ Fandom Fest Superhero Storytime, 10:3011:30 a m Thursday, Oct 19
∫ Hocus Pocus Potion Party, 1-3 p.m., Saturday, Oct 21
Carlos Blvd.
∫ 1 p m : Nelson Cade
∫ 2:15 p m : Sheena Brook, Megan Linville
∫ 3 p m : Landon Parker
Sunday, Oct 1 : DiamondHead Beach
Resort, upper terrace poolside
∫ 1 p m : Cody Hibbard, Elsten Torres
∫ 2:15 p m : Essex County
∫ 3:30 p m : Hunter Smith, Raianaa Grant
Sunday, Oct. 1 : Yucatan Beach Stand
∫ 1 p m
∫ 3:30 p m : April Cushman
Sunday, Oct. 1 : Pink Shell Beach Resort Pool Party, 2 7 5 Estero Blvd
∫ 5 p m : Kristian Bush, Chris Janson (cost $55)
F o r m
On October 7, from 10 a m to 2 p m , Edison and Ford Winter Estates will host the annual "Airing of the Quilts" quilt show Dozens of quilts from the Southwest Florida Quilters Guild will be on display, suspended from clotheslines between the palms in front of the historic homes Quilters Guild participants will also have quilts available for sale
Certified quilt appraiser, Lars Cain, will be on site and conducting appraisals from 10 a m to 2 p m His vast experience includes the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution He has been sharing his expertise for many years and has spoken to more than 1,500 quilt groups throughout the Midwest, New England area and south to Florida Since 1977, he has appraised more than 20,000 quilts Visitors may bring antique quilts for assessment. Verbal appraisals will be offered for $25 and the fee for a written appraisal will be $35 per quilt
The quilt show is included with admission Tickets may be purchased online or at the ticket counter A d m i s s i o n i s f r e e f o r E d i s o n F o r d m e m b e r s Refreshments will be available for purchase at the Banyan Café Visit EdisonFord org to purchase tickets Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers
Leoma Lovegrove 30 Days of Ar t and Culture Give-Away
T h e R i v e r D i s t r i c t A l l i a n c e ( R D A ) h a s p a r t n e r e d w i t h t h e A l l i a n c e o f t h e A r t s t o c r e a t e a N E W p r o m ot i o n , 3 0 D a y s o f A r t & C u l t u r e , h e l d t h r o u g h o u t t h e m o n t h o f S e p t e m b e r i n t h e C i t y o f F o r t M y e r s 3 0 D a y s o f A r t & C u l t u r e p a r t n e r s m o r e t h a n a d o z e n d i ff e r e n t a r t i s t s , m u s e u m s , t h e a t e r s , c u l t u r a l o r g a n i z at i o n s , a n d e v e n t s i n F o r t M y e r s t o s h o w c a s e t h e m a n y c u l t u r a l o f f e r i n g s t h r o u g h s p e c i a l p r o g r a m m i n g , d i sc o u n t s , a n d o n e - o f - a - k i n d e x p e r i e n c e s K i c k i n g o f f 3 0 D a y s o f A r t & C u l t u r e i s a s p e c i a l p r o m o t i o n w i t h r e n o w n e d a r t i s t L e o m a L o v e g r o v e F r o m S e p t 1 – 3 0 L o v e g r o v e w i l l c r e a t e 3 0 p i e c e s o f o r i g i n a l a r t w o r k t o b e p l a c e d t h r o u g h o u t d o w n t o w n i n s h o p s a n d a t t r a c t i o n s P a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o w i n t h i s o r i g i n a l a r t w o r k t h r o u g h a r a ff l e E a c h d a y a n e w l o c a t i o n w i l l b e r e l e a s e d a n d p a rt i c i p a n t s c a n e n t e r t o w i n L o c a t i o n s c a n b e f o u n d o n t h e R D A w e b s i t e : w w w e x p l o r e f o r t m y e r s c o m L o v e g r o v e ’ s w e b s i t e : w w w l e o m a l o v e g r o v e s t o r e o r o n F a c e b o o k ( D o w n t o w n F o r t M y e r s a n d L e o m a L o v e g r o v e ) L o v e g r o v e p l a n s o n o p e n i n g h e r n e w 3 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e f o o t s t u d i o a n d g a l l e r y o n D e a n S t r e e t i n d o w n t o w n F o r t M y e r s l a t e r t h i s F a l l L o v e g r o v e i s a n i m p r e s s i o n i s t - e x p r e s s i o n i s t p a i n t e r k n o w n w o r l d w i d e f o r h e r v i v i d c o l o r f u l p a i n t i n g s .
3 0 D a y s o f A r t & C u l t u r e b e g i n s S e p t e m b e r 1 a n d r u n s t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 3 0 F o r a c o m p l e t e l i s t i n g o f e v e n t s , d i s c o u n t s a n d g i v e a w a y s v i s i t w w w e x p l o r ef o r t m y e r s c o m
Caloosa Sound Amphitheater, the premier outdoor entertainment venue located adjacent to Luminary Hotel & Co., is thrilled to announce its highly anticipated inaugural show of 2023 featuring legendary rock band, Foghat On Thursday, Oct 12, Foghat will rock the stage, taking concertgoers on a “slow ride” of musical nostalgia with a show that promises to relive classic hits and make new memories celebrating music, community, and the vibrant spirit of Downtown Fort Myers
Foghat was a mainstay of 1970s rock and roll with a rich musical history spanning more than five decades Achieving eight gold records, one platinum and one double platinum album, they are known for such hits as “Slow Ride,” “Fool for the City,” “Ride, Ride, Ride” and “I Just Want to Make Love to You.” Drummer and f o u n d i n g m e m b e r R o g e r E a r l a n d l e a d g u i t a r i s t Bryan Bassett (a 24-year member of Foghat) lead the band Scot Holt, former Buddy Guy guitarist, and
The Fort Myers Beach Woman’s Club will be hosting the sixth annual Christmas Tree Festival sponsored by Sanibel Captiva Community Bank, on Dec 8 and Dec 9 at the Mound House, located at 451 Connecticut St, Fort Myers Beach
This two-day event is a fundraiser which supports participating nonprofits in the greater Fort Myers Beach area The event has raised more than $30,000 for local nonprofits since 2018, festival co-chair Megan Allers said
The festival includes two days of silent bidding on custom Christmas trees and holiday wreaths All trees and wreaths are donated and decorated by area nonprofit organizations and local businesses All funds raised for each tree will go back to their designated charity
Rodney O’Quinn round out the group
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at CaloosaSoundAmp com A selection of VIP, reserved seating, and general admission tickets will be available, ranging from $37 general admission (seat not provided) to $120 VIP on stage Concertgoers can enjoy food and drinks served inside Caloosa Sound Amphitheater; outside food, drinks, and coolers are prohibited Small lawn chairs and blankets are permitted in the general admission lawn area
For more information about the event, ticket availabili t y , a n d f u t u r e s h o w s c o m i n g t o C a l o o s a S o u n d Amphitheater, visit CaloosaSoundAmp com or follow along on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Pace Center for Girls, Lee will host its Faces of Pace Celebration & Gala on Saturday, Oct 21, from 6 to 10 p m at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater, at 1375 Monroe St Fort Myers
The gala will feature dinner, dancing and live music by Bay Kings Band, as well as a spirited live auction with proceeds benefiting Pace programs and services Recognizing all the Faces of Pace who have played an integral part of the center’s mission to change the lives of girls and young women, the evening will include messages from founding members and alumni of Pace Lee
Presented by B&I Contractors, a range of sponsorship opportunities are still available for the gala, including the Creating Partnerships sponsor at $10,000, Invest in the Future sponsor at $7,500, Focus on Strengths sponsor at $5,000, Honor the Female Spirit table sponsor at $1,500 and in-kind sponsorships
The signature event is led by co-chairs Noelle Casagrande and Lt Angelo Vaughn with honorary chair Sandy Stilwell Youngquist B&I Contractors is the gala’s title sponsor
The fundraising event supports Pace Lee in providing girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy Programs are based on the belief that all girls and young women, regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, should be uniquely cared for, supported and encouraged to become the best versions of themselves through a path of healing and recovery Through Pace Lee, 100% of students improved their academic performance, 100% had no involvement with the juvenile justice system within one year of exiting the program and 95% were either in school or gainfully employed after leaving Pace Lee
For more information, visit PaceCenter org/Locations/Lee or call 239-425-2366
Better Together, a nonprofit dedicated to families and children, is hosting ‘A Night of a Million Dreams’ Gala at 6 p m on Friday, Nov 10, at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point in Bonita Springs The gala will raise funds to support
An early preview and cocktail Party will be held Dec 8 from 4:30 to 5:30 p m featuring live music, cash bar and food trucks Access will be limited to 50 pre-sold VIP ticket holders Tickets are $50 each and available to purchase online All auction items will be on display for preview and bidding though out the evening.
On Saturday, the festivities begin at 1 p m and feature a holiday vendor market, bake sale, and the 6th annual Chili Tasting and Cook-Off The Chili Cook-off begins at 4:30 p m and will feature cash prizes
At 8 p m on Saturday, winners will be announced for the highest bidders of the trees and wreaths, the top chili Producers, along with the Grand Prize winner of the Holiday Raffle
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w f m bwc org/index php/holiday-raffle-2023
Better Together’s mission of helping parents find employment and provide a loving, safe and supportive foundation for their children
The Wizard of Oz-themed gala will take guests on a magical journey to the wonderful land of better families and better jobs with an evening of dinner, impactful stories and live and silent auctions, with all proceeds to benefit Better Together programs that serve families across the state The event is chaired by Dr Alise and David Bartley
Better Together is made up of two programs – Better Families and Better Jobs – that help parents who are going through a hard time to keep their kids out of foster care, find work and address the root causes of their struggle so that they can reunite as a family with the tools and support system to thrive Established in Southwest Florida just over five years ago, the nonprofit’s programming has rapidly expanded to reach families in 21 counties across the state To date, the organization has served over 7,800 children and kept 98% of families together, while helping 39,000 job seekers across 22 states find employment
The gala will be held at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, 5001 Coconut Rd , Bonita Springs and tickets are $350 per person and $2,500 for tables of eight. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit BetterTogetherUS org/Gala
The Berne Davis Botanical Garden, 2166 Virginia Avenue, Fort Myers, is open for Tuesday morning garden walks until October between 9 a m and noon Admission and parking are both free; handicap parking is on Virginia Avenue; regular parking is on Larchmont
The botanical garden is a project of the Fort Myers Lee County Garden Council, whose headquarters are at the Virginia Avenue address The garden is staffed by Garden Council volunteers Those viewing the garden may also just walk the path and enjoy the gardens
The garden is the home of the Lorelei statue that was part of the old Fort Myers Library as well as the Mina Edison Botanical Library Many of the displays in the garden have been provided through the talents and contributions of the 29 local garden clubs, plant societies, and other affiliate members, representing over 1,700 members which comprise the Garden Council
The Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council was formed in 1957 and now comprises various clubs, societies, and affiliate members in the area The Council is a member of the National Garden Clubs, the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, and American Public Gardens Association
For additional information about the Council, contact the president, Sylvia Swaartz, President, fmlcgardencouncil@ gmail com
Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help
Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit www SouthFloridaAl-Anon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County
Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18
Co-founder of the Find a Home, Give a Home pet rescue organization of Fort Myers Beach
Mondays are hard for us We work all weekend on dogs who are at risk to be euthanized It is like a roller coaster You think you have a foster then everything crashes and have to do it again There are so many dogs at risk
Duke is a wonderful 5-yearold dog who lost his Dad passing away I met him last week and then again on Monday and saw him with other dogs and realized he is terrific! We are so happy he has not been euthan i z e d W e t o o k h i m i n o u r Rescue and now need a home for Duke. Call or text 239-281-0739
Pretty girl Valencia came as a stray and is very stressed at the shelter so could not go on the adop-
tion floor. Was also going to be euthanized. She is young and has some character Would need to go in a home who knows the breed Also great with other dogs! She is 2 years old and weighs 35 pounds Call or text 239-281-0739
Follow us on Facebook at Find A Home Give A Home Pet Rescue and see all the amazing pets we saved these past few months
Please note our new PO Box #864, Bonita Springs, Fl 34133
You can also make a donation at www.findahomegiveahome.com using the donation tab using PayPal
Please make sure you do it through “Friends and Family” so there is no fee and all the donation comes to us directly.
By Jo Knobloch Saveourstraysfmb@yahoo comFounder
ofSave Our Strays
Cat Rescue a 501c3 organization on Fort Myers Beach
Valentine is only one year old and had a litter of kittens when she was rescued seven months ago She is mostly white with some peach and dark spots, is now spayed, fully vetted and has had all vaccines. She does not get along with other cats and prefers to be the only cat Valetine is very devoted, is a lap cat and loves to show her affection She will be a great companion
Carmella is also one year old and had a litter of kittens recently that are now three months old She is very playful and joins in and plays with her kittens She is quiet and laid back and will make a wonderful pet
Volunteers still needed for various duties. Call 239-851-3485.
Two beautiful female young cats need forever homesValencia Duke
n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
Rotary District 6960 announces ‘Annual Four-Way Test Essay Contest’
Current has announced the opening of the annual essay contest for eighth graders, based on Rotary’s Four Way Test, with a first place award for the district winner of $500 Rotary clubs in the district, which stretches from Palmetto to Marco Island and east to Clewiston, will sponsor local contests in their respective communities, with local awards, as well The annual contest is open to all eight graders (or e q u i v a l e n t m i d d l e s c h o o l e r s ) w h e t h e r public, private, or homeschooled
The Four Way Test, a test created by Rotary founder Herbert J Taylor in 1932 as a guide for his employees to help them make good decisions, has been adopted has a guide for all Rotarians, who pledge to consider the test in whatever they think, say or do It asks:
∫ First Is it the Truth?
∫ Second, Is it Fair to all concerned?
∫ Third, Will it Build Good Will and Better Friendships?
∫ Fourth, Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Mr Taylor believed the best competitive advantage to guide his failing aluminum cookware company facing bankruptcy was to implement a strong code of ethics He developed this simple, but effective test, challenging everyone in his company to memorize and use it to guide their conduct in every aspect of their business and personal lives Mr Taylor’s company not only survived but thrived
Contest competitors write an essay describing how The Four-Way Test can be applied to life challenges or decisions faced by them or others in their age group
“Last year’s winner, Piper Sheldon from Oasis Middle School in Cape Coral, sponsored by The Rotary Club of Cape Coral Goldcoast, titled her essay “To Post or Not to Post”, a timely essay about the pressures students face in today’s online world ’
L o c a l R o t a r y C l u b s c o n t a c t l o c a l schools, or are contacted by schools wishing to launch the contest in their schools, to initiate a school contest The club selects and awards local winners and submit their winning essays to The District Essay Contest Committee to be entered into the District competition The District will recognize and award a prize for first, second, and third place winners at its D i s t r i c t C o n f e r e n c e a t T h e C h a r l o t t e Harbor Event and Conference Center on Saturday 13 July 2024
R o t a r y I n t e r n a t i o n a l D i s t r i c t 6 9 6 0 includes 53 Rotary Clubs with a membership of 2350 active Rotarians ‘doing good in the world’ For more information about R o t a r y D i s t r i c t 6 9 6 0 p l e a s e v i s i t w w w R o t a r y d i s t r i c t 6 9 6 0 o r g o r www rotary org
C h e t S a d l e r , ( 2 3 9 ) 4 7 2 - 7 2 5 7 | chet@sanibelrotary.org or Paul Prestia | (610) 715-0184 | pfpvpa@gmail com may be contacted for more information about the Four Way Test essay contest
Tur tle Time nest data
For t Myers Beach
Nests: 71
Non-nesting emergence: 201
Nests Hatched: 58
Bonita Beach
Nests: 151
Non-nesting emergence: 268
Nests Hatched: 136
N e v e r s h i n e a l i g h t o n o r u s e f l a s h p h o t o g r a p h o n a h a t c h l i n g I f y o u s e e a h a t c h l i n g a t n i g h t , “ H a n d s o f f ” l e t i t c r a w l t o t h e w a t e r I f y o u f i n d a h a t c h l i n g w a n d e r i n g / l o s t i n d a y t i m e , p l e a s e p l a c e i t i n a D RY c o n t a i n e r a n d c a l l 2 3 9 - 4 8 1 - 5 5 6 6 r i g h t a w a y
Turtle Time volunteers ask that Beach residents and visitors remember to turn off or shield their lights at night, and remind everyone never disturb a sea turtle or nest. For more information or to report a nest, please contact Turtle Time, Inc. at 481-5566. visit Turtle Time at turtletime.org.
e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
1 n W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r