By CJ HADDAD cjhaddad@breezenewspapers com
After battling through the pandemic and a multitude of hurricanes, the official campaign for the Cape Coral Animal Shelter to expand launched last Friday
CCAS's “Capital Campaign Kickoff Event” started Nov. 8, as the Board of Directors announced plans for a major
expansion set to break ground in early 2025
As part of the expansion, a 19,000square-foot shelter facility is to be constructed adjacent to the existing building, and all shelter operations will be moved into a larger, state-of-the-art facility, which will more than triple CCAS’s current capacity for both dogs and cats
CCAS officials said the expansion will allow them to take in more abandoned, unwanted animals to find their forever homes
The current building will be reconstructed to expand to a larger, low-cost community veterinary clinic, adding additional exam rooms, expanded surgical suites, and recovery areas
Performing Arts Hall next week, where attendees can take in a show featuring world-class dancers
“A Celtic Christmas Tale by a Taste of Ireland” makes a stop in Fort Myers on Nov 20 at 7:30 p m , as stars from “Riverdance” and “Lord of the Dance,” along with an impressive roster of World Champion Irish dancers, fuse red-hot rhythms with eye-catching talent
See CHRISTMAS, page 26
“A Celtic Christmas Tale by a Taste of Ireland” makes a stop in Fort Myers on Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m., at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall. PHOTOS PROVIDED
What: “A Celtic Christmas Tale by a Taste of Ireland” When: Wednesday, Nov 20, at 7:30 p m Where: Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers
Officials said in a community where there are many people on fixed incomes, along with young couples who cannot afford care for their pets, CCAS hopes to help by provide a cutting-edge clinic with the best care available
Founder and Board President JoAnn
By CJ HADDAD cjhaddad@breezenewspapers com
One of Cape Coral’s own has been recognized as a top emerging designer in a highly competitive program that challenges young minds to create groundbreaking pieces using upcycled materials while weaving in personal history and cultural stories
Sedona Scott, 22, was one of five Savannah College of Art and Design students to be honored as part of Teen Vogue’s Generation Next Class of 2024
Chosen from more than 100 applicants, Scott’s work, which paid homage to her Hawaiian heritage and Florida ties, stood out for its creativity, sustainability, and artistry
“It really does feel unreal,” said Scott of being chosen “I think for me, fashion design started off as a dream And after the past few months it definitely feels like it’s starting to become a reality ” Scott attended both Oasis High School and Cape Coral High School before heading to SCAD for college She recently graduated and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in fashion design
Growing up, Scott said she always had a passion for art and creativity, always painting and drawing It wasn’t until high school that
y e a r s o f p r o b a t i o n f o r s e c o n d d e g r e e m u r d e r w i t h a
f i r e a r m , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e S t a t e A t t o r n e y ' s O f f i c e .
T r o c h e - R o d r i g u e z w a s f i r s t t a k e n i n t o c u s t o d y i n
M a r c h o f 2 0 2 3 i n L e x i n g t o n , K e n t u c k y , a n d c h a r g e d
w i t h s e c o n d d e g r e e m u r d e r i n c o n n e c t i o n t o t h e d e a t h o f
4 1 - y e a r - o l d F e r n a n d o B a t i s t a M o n t e r o i n J u n e o f 2 0 2 2
T r o c h e - R o d r i g u e z a n d J o s e A l b e r d i M a l d o n a d o , s h o t
a n d k i l l e d M o n t e r o w h e n t h e t h r e e w e r e a t a C a p e C o r a l
h o m e a n d a n a r g u m e n t e n s u e d j u s t b e f o r e 4 : 3 0 a m o n
J u n e 4 o f ’ 2 2
A f t e r t h e a r g u m e n t , M o n t e r o d e c i d e d t o l e a v e a n d
g o t i n h i s S U V S t a t e A t t o r n e y ' s O f f i c e o f f i c i a l s s a i d h e
b a c k e d o u t o f t h e d r i v e w a y o f h i s h o m e a t 1 8 0 7 S W
1 0 t h T e r r a c e a n d w a i t e d i n t h e s t r e e t , a n d t h a t ' s w h e n T r o
n e d b y M a l d o n a d o , a W e s t e r
U n i o n m o n e y o r d e r w a s l o c a t e d ( w h i c h b e l o n g e d t o t h e v i c t i m ) a n d w a s s u b s e q u e n t l y p r
d b y d e t
v e s , w h o l i f t e d a p r i n t b e l o n g i n g t o t h e s e c o n d s u s p e c
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
Waterfront homeowners looking to protect their boats from the weather will benefit from a pair of modifications to the city of Cape Coral’s regulations
Cape Coral City Council approved a slightly raised boat canopy height and also allowed one additional canopy on properties that have more than 80 feet of water frontage during its special Wednesday meeting
Councilmember Bill Steinke, who spearheaded the effort, said the minor changes were a response for the citizens to have the opportunity to lift their boats higher away from the water, as many boats were displaced off their lift cradles during Hurricane Ian He said the city also wanted to separate the span of canopies into two with the correct water frontage
Councilmember Bill Steinke, who spearheaded the effort, said the minor changes were a response for the citizens to have the opportunity to lift their boats higher away from the water, as many boats were displaced off their lift cradles during Hurricane Ian He said the city also wanted to separate the span of canopies into two with the correct water frontage
Steinke said canopy placements will not cause any additional infringe on neighboring properties
The changes include verbiage to “only one canopy may be permitted per parcel ” According to the ordinance, “on
greater than 80’, a second boat canopy is permitted provided that the maximum combined area of all boat canopies permitted on the property do not exceed nine times the length of the prop-
1,500 square feet, whichever is less ”
includes “no boat canopy, when measured at its highest point, shall extend more
high-water line of the waterway or 16’ above the grade
h e d e c k i n g o f t h e attached marine improvement, whichever is less ” There may be one more consideration of the measure, which passed 7-0 with C o u n c i l m e m b e r J e s s i c a Cosden excused from the meeting
Mayor John Gunter said the public hearing for ordinance 56-24 was initially scheduled for Dec 4 during a regular council meeting He said it would have given the new council members an opportunity to weigh-in on the topic as well
“I will make sure I am on the prevailing side and ask for a reconsideration vote on the meeting on the 20th to give council members an opportunity to weigh in on t h i s d i s c u s s i o n , ” G u n t e r said
VALARIE HARRING, Executive Editor
CHRIS STRINE, Editor 2510 Del Prado Blvd • Cape Coral, FL, 33904
• Phone 239-574-1110 – Fax 239-574-5693
Member Florida Press Association
On Sunday, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention invites area residents to “walk with us to prevent suicide ”
The Community Walk is one of hundreds that have been held throughout the country as part of the organization’s efforts to bring mental health conditions “Out of the Darkness and create a culture that’s smart about mental health” by both raising awareness and providing support
The Fort Myers/Cape Coral Walk set for Nov 17 will be held at Lakes Park in Fort Myers. On-site registration will begin at 8 a m with the program starting at 9
The public is invited and encouraged to take part
Mental health conditions are among the least-shared, leastdiscussed of illnesses
Yet they are common
Very common
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five adults in the U S more than 60 million of us live with a mental health condition
Meanwhile, death by suicide is at a crisis rate
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the U S : One person dies every 11 minutes from suicide, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control
Suicide is the second most common cause of death for children 10-14; the third most common for those 15-24 and the second most common for adults 25-34, the Suicide Prevention Resource Center states
Veterans are at particular risk Suicide is the second leading cause of death for veterans under 45 with a reported average of 17 deaths per day, a figure that may be under reported, according to a 2022 report cited by Mission Roll Call
That report, prepared by America’s Warrior Partnership and Duke University, suggests that “as many as 24 veterans a day die on average from suicide” and that “an additional 20 die by ‘self-injury mortality,’ otherwise known as overdose.”
We acknowledge that an awareness walk is not a solution
But it is recognition of a national health issue that has not only been ill-addressed but politicized, an all-too-common government “solution ”
Walks such as these show that they our family members, our neighbors, our co-workers are not alone
That where there is darkness, there can also be light
Breeze editorial
NOVEMBER 15, 2024
s t a t e a s a w h o l e a v o i d e d $ 1 5 b i l l i o n i n
g h t , d e n s i t y ( h o w c l o s e l y t r e e s a r e g r o w i n g n e a r e a c
a m a g e s f r o m H u r r i c a n e I r m a R e s e a r c h e r s h a v e a l s o s u g g e s t e d m a n g r o v e s p r o v i d e d i m p o r t a n t d a m a g e r e d u c t i o n d u r i n g H u r r i c a n e I a n ’ s d e s t r u c t i o n i n 2 0 2 2 T h e a m o u n t o f p r o t e c t i o n t h a t m a n g r o v e s p r o v i d e f o r i n l a n d c o a s t a l a r e a s c a n d e p e n d o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s s u c h a s f o r e s t m a
Ever y day is the right day to thank America’s veterans
To the editor:
On Monday, Nov 11, 2024, our nation took the time to reflect upon and honor the true heroes of this nation, our veterans
Whether your service to our nation was in times of war or peace, your “No Greater Love” shows a commitment of sacrifice in the protection of our nation’s Freedoms, and, warrants the utmost respect and gratitude from all in our nation
What is a veteran?
A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life
You answered the call from your country when the words were said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country
So today and every day I salute your honored service to our great nation
With great respect to all of you, MY HEROES.
Jack Wagner, Commander Military Order of the Purple Heart (Lee, Collier & Hendry Counties) Combat Infantrymen’s Association
To the editor:
The results are in The billion dollars spent to elect an unqualified candidate, was wasted by a Trump landslide Kamala received no votes as a Democratic nominee four years ago but was chosen when the president’s senility, that was hidden from the American people, was openly displayed at the June debate Biden still wanted to continue as president Fortunately, he is now being replaced with a real CEO who has already demonstrated a unique ability to produce a good economy, control the border and negotiate effectively with international friends and enemies
The lies that the Democrats used in the campaign were so very un-American
Trump was called Hitler and accused of intending to destroy democracy How revealing to see the Democrats accuse the Republicans of exactly what they are doing Promoting socialism is destroying democracy Governor Walz just completed a year of the most socialistic bills and direction ever in the state of Minnesota Kamala’s only economic plans were to use socialism to control pricing and buy homes
Instead of campaigning to improve the economy, control the border and be a strong factor in resolving international interest, the Democrats spoke mostly about the need to have America open to killing the unborn as an emergency contraceptive for anyone anytime The Democrats proved what’s in a name by calling the right to kill the unborn, reproductive freedom Should we call looting, shopping freedom?
C a n y o u i m a g i n e t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t i s s u e f o r Democrats is to be able to legally kill the unborn? When we now have laws in most states to regrettably be able to do that? The main excuse, to be able to abort when pregnancy is caused by rape or the mother’s health is not even a problem for the vast majority of Republicans
Most embarrassing is that over 60 million people voted for what the Democrats offered It wasn’t to make America better but I believe to satisfy their emotional feelings Can you imagine what this country would be if all work and management of families, organizations, government, etc were centered on emotion We would be dead as a country May there now be a trend to focus on what will solve this country’s many problems and drive us to be more patriotic and more America-oriented instead of living just for emotional wants That would give America an emotional high
John Benedict Cape Coral
To the editor:
Many hard-core Democrats (HCDs) have been in a deep blue funk, as a direct result of the Presidential election I suggest they binge-watch WEST WING, as a deliberate therapeutic choice
A good friend of mine an HCD who shall remain nameless has taken my advice and is now at episode number 8 FYI, it is working like a charm She is no longer sucking her thumb, and she has begun to take nourishment on a regular basis The long-term prognosis is good, overall
I, personally, have no need of therapy of any sort I vote Libertarian Someday, you will, too (after you’ve had enough)
Larry Gillis former Director-at-Large of the Libertarian Party of Florida Cape Coral See
B y J O H N AT H A N M I N E H A N
n e w s @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m T h e f o u r t h o f f i v e s o u t h F l o r i d a s u i -
c i d e p r e v e n t i o n w a l k s w i l l b e h e l d i n
F o r t M y e r s S u n d a y T h e A m e r i c a n F o u n d a t i o n f o r S u i c i d e
P r e v e n t i o n “ O u t o f t h e D a r k n e s s W a l k s ” a r e i n t e n d e d a s a “ p o w e r f u l r e m i n d e r o f
t h e n e e d f o r m e n t a l h e a l t h s u p p o r t , p r e -
v e n t i o n , a n d e d u c a t i o n ” T h e w a l k s a r e s p o n s o r e d b y S V N |
C o m m e r c i a l P a r t n e r s “ I t m a k e s p e o p l e a w a r e o f m e n t a l
h e a l t h a n d w h a t t h e g o o d c a u s e s t h a t
t h e y a r e p r e v e n t i n g t o t r y a n d p r e v e n t s u i c i d e , ” s a i d D o n n a M a r r e r o Z a l d i v a r ,
S V N a d v i s o r a n d d i r e c t o r o f O p e r a t i o n s
I t ’ s v e r y n e a r a n d d e a r t o o u r b r o k e r , a s
h e l o s t h i s d a d t o s u i c i d e S o h e ’ s a c t u a ll y o n t h e b o a r d a n d h a s b r o u g h t u s i n t o a s s i s t i n d i f f e r e n t l o c a t i o n s . ” T h e F o r t M y e r s / C a p e C o r a l W a l k s e t f o r N o v 1 7 w i l l b e h e l d a t L a k e s P a r k
i n F o r t M y e r s O n - s i t e r e g i s t r a t i o n w i l l
b e g i n a t 8 a m w i t h t h e p r o g r a m s t a r t i n g
a t 9 T h e f i n a l w a l k w i l l b e h e l d i n N a p l e s o n S u n d a y , D e c 8 , a t N o r t h C o l l i e r R e g i o n a l P a r k O n - s i t e r e g i s t r a t i o n w i l l b e g i n a t 8 a m w i t h t h e p r o g r a m s t a r t i n g
a t 9 “ W e a r e h o n o r e d t o c o n t r i b u t e t o s u c h a m e a n i n g f u l c a u s e , ” Z a l d i v a r s a i d . “ O u r t e a m i s p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t h e l p i n g r a i s e a w a r e n e s s a n d e n s u r i n g t h a t t h o s e s t r u g -
g l i n g w i t h m e n t a l h e a l t h c h a l l e n g e s h a v e
a c c e s s t o t h e r e s o u r c e s t h e y n e e d ”
S V N - s p o n s o r e d w a l k s h a v e a l r e a d y
b e e n h e l d i n S a r a s o t a , B o c a R a t o n a n d
“It makes people aware of mental health and what the good causes that they are preventing to try and prevent suicide. It’s very near and dear to our broker, as he lost his dad to suicide. So he’s actually on the board and has brought us into assist in different locations ”
Donna Marrero Zaldivar, advisor and director of Operations for SVN Commercial Partners, walk sponsor
P o r t C h a r l o t t e “ W h e r e v e r w e h a v e a n
p r o c e e d s f r o m t h e w a l k s w i l l f u n d c r i t ic a l m e n t a l h e a l t h p r o g r a m s a n d s u i c i d e p r e v e n t i o n e f f o r t s a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y “ I t ’ s a n y o n e w h o ’ s f e e l i n g l i k e t h e y a r e s u i c i d a l a n d o r l o s t a l o v e d o n e d u e t o s u i c i d e o r h a s m e n t a l h e a l t h i s s u e s T h e y ’ r e t h e r e t o h e l p , a
From page 1
she started sewing, as her grandmother gave her a sewing machine
“I immediately fell in love with sewing,” Scott said “I taught myself how to sew by just watching videos, and started to do some local fashion shows in high school
“I started off doing a lot of unconventional designs, because there wasn’t a ton of access to fabric stores in Cape Coral I would use thrifted and recycled materials, really anything ”
At SCAD, Scott majored in fashion design, with a minor in bridal and evening wear While her focus isn’t always on bridal designs, she always creates women’s readyto-wear pieces
The collection she entered into the contest included the majority of her portfolio from her time at SCAD, with the highlights being her senior collection and works
Her senior collection was titled “Lehua,” which is Scott’s middle name that has been passed down through three generations in her family, and is a Hawaiian tree that is a symbol of strength and resilience
“You call someone Lehua when they’re beloved, skilled, strong,” Scott said “It has a very positive connotation, and has been in my family for so long, so that’s what I wanted to focus my senior collection on ” Scott’s collection was selected by an esteemed panel of judges including Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief Versha Sharma, creator and entrepreneur Emma Chamberlain, fashion designer Bach Mai, celebrity stylist Jared Ellner Her success showcases not only her incredible talent but also the world-class education and opportunities provided by SCAD’s top-ranked School of Fashion
Her reaction to be selected as part of Teen Vogue’s Next Class of 2024?
“I was so happy,” Scott said, adding that she had applied to the competition since her sophomore year “So I had always thought it would have been incredible to win The fact I was able to win after graduating was amazing It’s always something I wanted to be recognized for And it was great to be recognized amongst the other SCAD students ”
Part of winning the contest includes a mentorship with one of the judges
“It feels so amazing, because I’ve definitely looked up to these people, and just knowing that they’ve seen my work is a really cool feeling,” Scott said “Getting to speak with one of them and be mentored will be really awesome ”
As for what gets her creative juices flowing, Scott said she gets inspired by her research, and looking at vintage and historical pieces
“And part of my process is being handson,” she said “I love to drape and sketch, and I think that you never really know what you’re going to get inspired by Even the smallest things can lead to your greatest idea I like to look in unconventional places for inspiration ”
For example, Scott said for her senior collection, a fashion history class at SCAD prompted a talk on Hawaiian history which included discussion of a holoku, which is a wedding dress in old Hawaii
“That was definitely an inspiration silhouette-wise when it came to my collection,” Scott said “Just random things like that If I didn’t have that class that introduced me to this style of dress I feel it definitely influenced my entire senior collection and part of the meaning behind it as well ”
While her heritage does play a role in her designs, Scott said in general, she’s very
See HONOR, page 9
From page 8
inspired by nature and having grown up in Florida.
“Growing up being surrounded by the beach and water, I think that is my biggest inspiration,” she said “The overarching theme in my work is nature and coastal scenery ”
Scott said she most enjoys creating dresses, with feminine designs
“When someone wears one of my dresses, I love when they feel beautiful,” she said “I think that’s the biggest thing for me ”
Scott said while attending SCAD, she was surrounded by so many creative and likeminded minds.
“There were all different types of creativity and different types of collaborations you could find, so when it came to my senior collection, I was able to collaborate with photographers and filmmakers, and print designers ”
Since being able to add her distinction to her resume, Scott landed an internship with one of her favorite designers, Ulla Johnson, and has relocated to the fashion hub that is New York City
“It’s really amazing here Until you come (to New York City) and you realize all of the opportunity that’s available there’s a lot of creatives in New York,” she said
The end goal for Scott? To have her name on her own designer brand
“I’ve always wanted to have my own brand and run my own company,” she said “It’s been a dream of mine since I started sewing That’s the future plan for myself if I can make it happen ”
Scott was also chosen to have her designs modeled on a runway at the SCAD fashion show that is attended by high-profile names, where the works of only 30 out of more than 120 students were selected
“It was an awesome feeling to see models walk the runway wearing my collection,” Scott said
No matter where she goes, Scott said she’ll continue to represent Florida and the feel of the Sunshine State
“At this point, it is part of who I am,” she said “With any sort of art that I create, it is generally coastal or Florida-related Just growing up where I did and constantly being surrounded by it, it’s for sure going to stay with me ”
Scott also wanted to extend a “thank you” to her senior professors Gemma Marsh and Kori Urso, and mentor Fred Trembley
“They were the best support systems throughout the entirety of my senior collection,” she said “Whether it was in its creation, or giving me feedback on how to make it better They were really amazing to have
pay homage to her Hawaiian heritage and Florida ties,
their creativity, sustainability, and artistry. /PHOTOS
B y M E G H A N B R A D B U RY
Volunteers adult and high school students are also needed to make the event a success There are four-hour, and six-hour shifts available The deadline to apply is Friday, Nov 22 Visit http://www leelibrary net/fandomfest to sign up
p m , i s o p e n t o a l l a g e s T h e j u d g i n g w i l l
b e f o l l o w e d b y a w a r d s w i t h i n e a c h c a t e -
g o r y T h e p r e - K c o n t e s t w i l l b e h e l d a t 1
p m ; k i d c o n t e s t a t 1 : 3 0 p m ; t e e n c o n -
t e s t a t 2 p m a n d a d u l t c o n t e s t a t 2 : 3 0 p m B a k e r e n c o u r a g e s e v e r y o n e t o c o m e
i n c o s t u m e a n d p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e c o n t e s t “ E v e r y o n e i s w a l k i n g a r o u n d i n a c o s -
t u m e I t ’ s g o i n g t o b e a r e a l l y g o o d
e v e n t , ” s h e s a i d I n a d d i t i o n , B a k e r s a i d t h e r e w i l l b e a
P o l y n e s i a n d a n c e a n d f i r e s h o w a t n o o n ,
w h i c h w i l l i n c l u d e h u l a a n d f i r e k n i f e
d a n c i n g S h e s a i d i t ’ s p e r f e c t t i m i n g w i t h
t h e n e w M o a n a m o v i e c o m i n g o u t i n
N o v e m b e r “ W e a r e p r o m o t i n g l i t e r a c y w h i l e
d o i n g i t , ” s h e s a i d
O t h e r a c t i v i t i e s i n c l u d e f a n d o m
c r a f t s , C o s p l a y D I Y M a k e r s p a c e , c o m i c
s t
t e s t , w h i c h r e q u i r e s c o n t e s t a n t s t o r e g i s t e r f r o m 1 1 a . m . t o 1
a r t w o r k s h o p , m o b i l e l i b r a r y g i v e a w a y s , r o c k w a l l a n d b o u n c e h o u s e s , r o l l i n g
v i d e o g a m e s , S T E M T e c h Z o n e a n d f a c e
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners will meet next week to consider establishing an anchoring limitation area within Cape Coral at Bimini Basin
The proposed county ordinance is at the request of the City of Cape Coral to assist the city in the management and length of time vessels are able to anchor in Bimini Basin An interlocal agreement has been established to detail the responsibilities of the anchoring limitation area
According to county documents, “anchoring limitation areas prohibit the anchoring of a vessel for more than 45 consecutive days in any six-month period ”
According to the proposed interlocal agreement between Lee County and the city, “the city agrees to bear any and all costs and responsibilities related to the permits, including, but not limited to, the permit applications, installation, maintenance, monitoring/inspection, reporting, replacement and removal, if required, of the signs and buoys required by the permits ”
M15 rolls the first egg laid by F23 on Friday A second egg followed on Monday with both eggs coming in earlier in the season than any laid previously at the nest on
in North Fort Myers.
By CHUCK BALLARO news@breezenewspapers
It looks like egg watching season has started a little earlier this year
Southwest Florida Eagle cam star F23 laid her first egg of the nesting season Friday at around 2:38 p m , with the second egg arriving Monday at 6:15 p m
“F23 was laying on the nest and then she got up and went into labor. Her body quivered, her wings were out from her body as she went into contractions She then laid her first egg and stood over it for about 14 minutes before those on the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam got to see it at 14:49 p m , ” according to Lady Hawk, posting on the Cam, which for 13 years now has allowed viewers worldwide to following the nesting season at the Pritchett Farm off Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers
Each season, the cam draws millions of views
This is the earliest eggs have been laid at the nests since the cam’s inception
With former matriarch Harriet, eggs were typically laid around Thanksgiving, with the eaglets hatching between Christmas and New Year’s Day
Ginnie Pritchett-McSpadden, founder of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, said it’s definitely earlier than anyone expected
“F23 and M15 were seen hanging around the nest more but we didn’t think anything of it because their usual egg-laying time is around Thanksgiving,” Pritchett-McSpadden said “They surprised us with the earliest egg ever ”
Pritchett-McSpadden said that this early arrival could be the new normal for pair, which is nesting together for just their second time
“This could be a new timeline for them We’ll have to continue to watch We know due to delayed incubation and bonding periods, a second egg comes three or four days after the first,” Pritchett-McSpadden said
Expect these eggs to hatch sometime in midDecember assuming a typical 35-day incubation period
The pair will take turns incubating the eggs, turning them regularly so they can warm evenly and avoid the eaglet attaching to the shell
Viewers can again catch all the action in the nest, which started its 13th season last month as the eagles returned home early to work on their nest before mating M15 and F23, who became M15’s mate after Harriett died in 2023, are producing their second set of offspring Last year, they pair was only able to raise one eaglet because the second egg cracked prematurely and became unviable
It was F23’s first attempt at motherhood, so inexperience could have been to blame for what happened
The 2024-2025 season will again catch all the action using four cameras that stream the bald eagles live at https://dickpritchettrealestate com/southwestflorida-eagle-cam/
Camera 1 is positioned seven feet above the nest and is equipped with night vision Camera 2 is located at nest level capturing the side view
Camera 3 is in the nest tree and the first ever live camera in history to capture a 360-degree look into a bald eagle’s daily activity This cam allows you to click and drag to any viewing area for a fully immersive experience Camera 4 is installed closer to the pond to capture activity happening around the pasture and in the pond area
The agreement took into account state law dealing with such limitations
“Florida Statutes also require that anchoring limitation areas be less than 100 acres in size; the calculated size of an anchoring limitation area shall not include any portion of the marked channel of the Florida Intercoastal Waterway or any mooring field or marina,” documents state
The meeting will be held at 9:30 a m , Tuesday, Nov 19, in the County Commissioner’s meeting room in the old Lee County Courthouse, 2120 Main St , Fort Myers
By CJ HADDAD cjhaddad@breezenewspapers com
The Cape Coral Seahawks finished the regular season on a high note before heading into the playoffs with a 21-6 win over Ida Baker
The Seahawks (8-1, 3-0) locked up the District 5A10 championship a few weeks back with a win over rival Mariner, and will head into the postseason with the best record this season in the West Zone, and take on Immokalee (9-1) this Friday night
The victory over Ida Baker (0-10) marked the eighth straight for Cape Coral, which swept the rest of its schedule after dropping a tight one-score game to North Fort Myers in week one
Seahawks Dereon Thomas scored on a 2-yard rush, Vinny Miranda found the end zone on a 3-yard run, and Jayden Reed reeled in a 2-yard pass from Derek Hooker to account for the Cape Coral points
Bulldog Reed Verblaauw knocked home a pair of field goals for Ida Baker.
On the year, Cape Coral has scored 231 points, and surrendered just 77 to its opponents
Cape Coral drew the No 5 seed in the 5A FHSAA State Championship bracket in Quadrant 3, setting up a date with the No 4 Indians
North Fort Myers (6-4) also qualified for the state playoffs with the No 6 seed in the quadrant, and will play No 3 Riverdale (8-2) Friday night
In Region 2A-3, Bishop Verot will host Tarpon Springs on Friday
Seahawks receiver Jayden Reyes goes airborne to avoid a tackle by Ida Baker free safety Riley Lilie MARK CLIFFORD
Cape Coral got a jump on Veterans Day Saturday, hosting its annual parade early so that area JROTC
Monday was a hurricane makeup
d a y. P a
’s thank you to veterans included a multitude of veterans of all branches of the service and various tours of duty, veterans organizations and their members, first responders, d
course, community members who came out show gratitude and support
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
The second annual Vet Fest at the Northwest Regional Library next week will honor veterans
The event will take place from 4:30 to 7 p m Tuesday, Nov 19, at 519 Chiquita Blvd , N
Manager Melissa Baker said the event was held in May last year to honor Military Appreciation Month They decided to hold the event in November this year because of Veterans Day
“We are really excited about this We are proud of this event,” Baker said “We anticipate it will continue to be an annual event held in November ”
Reference Librarian Jackie McGuire took the lead in planning and coordinating the event last year.
“She’s done all the heavy lifting and passion to the event to make it as wonderful and successful as it was last year,” Baker said of the nearly 1,000 attendees who attended the inaugural event
With Cape Coral being a Purple Heart city, they wanted to honor the sacrifices made and tie that into the library by bringing community organizations together to support that
With that said, the event will start rotating locations, so they reach more, and raise a w a r e n e s s , i n d i f f e
“The organizations, the look and feel, and the nuts and bolts will be very similar,” Baker said “The different sites will present different opportunities of how to reimage it ”
Featured will be a plethora of activities, live music, food trucks Donut NV and Dawg Pound, and resources available at the library.
Kids and teens also will be able to make thank you letters and holiday cards, participate in a community art project creating an American flag out of red, white, and blue handprints and kindness rocks
The event is for veterans and their families, as well as the general public
“It’s for anyone who wants to celebrate and honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans,” Baker said “We are promoting and honoring veterans for the festival ”
There will be a plethora of activities, live music, food trucks Donut NV and Dawg Pound, and resources available at the library
Kids and teens can make thank you letters and holiday cards, participate in a community art project creating an American flag out of red, white, and blue handprints and kindness rocks
“They are really focusing on expanding family-oriented activities that are designed to honor and support veterans,” Baker said The whole library will be bustling with organizations housing, employment, transition assistance, VFW, DAV chapters, Military Heritage serving veterans They have doubled the number of local organizations serving veterans for this year’s event
Library services will also have tables to
showcase the resources that are beneficial to veterans
Baker said there will also be cool exhibits on display from Oasis Middle School where individuals can honor family members who are veterans
“Every corner of the library is going to be in celebration for our veterans I think it is going to be a great event Come out early and stay for the whole thing,” she said “I
am super happy that we are able to put this on for the community and I hope the community will come out and enjoy it with us.”
Baker encourages everyone to attend
“Anyone and everyone can appreciate the veterans,” she said “They sacrificed for us We are amplifying that say a big thank you and connecting people with resources they need ”
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
The next School District of Lee County Community Conversations with Student Services will highlight vaping, code of conduct, positive behavior intervention and support, mental health, and health services
The event in Cape Coral will be held from 3:15 to 4:45 p m on Thursday, Nov 21, at Skyline Elementary School, “Our Student Services Department holds community meetings every school year,” district spokesperson Rob Spicker said “They are important for us to stay connected with what our parents and community feel are important topics and for us to share information with them.”
The primary reasons topics are chosen are to share information with parents or gather their input on issues that impact our schools, classrooms, and students
“Our Student Services Department holds community meetings every school year They are important for us to stay connected with what our parents and community feel are important topics and for us to share information with them ”
“For instance, the Student Code of Conduct is discussed every year since it is revised every year This year the school board has directed staff to gather feedback on student cell phone use so these meetings are a parent’s opportunity to express if and how cell phones should be used or limited on campus,” Spicker said “Vaping is one of this year’s topics so we can continue to help parents with strategies to stop their student from vaping, share the resources available to them and how our schools can prevent their use ”
In addition, health services is on the agenda this year to let parents know about the changes in policy and additional resources the
Rob Spicker,
district spokesperson
district has added to the schools so they are prepared to deal with medical needs and emergencies
The meeting will provide a general presentation before breaking down into table discussions on each of the topics
“Guests will be divided into small groups and spend time with District staff on each topic This set up allows for a conversation to occur so information and ideas can be shared in a more personal way We use the feedback provided to develop policies and procedures,” Spicker said
The community meetings are held at host school sites across the district to make it con-
venient for parents to attend
“Parents can attend any session that works for them The schools chosen for this series of conversations offer an opportunity to learn and be heard at sites in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and Bonita Springs and then centrally at the district office,” he said “Parent involvement is critical to a child’s education We want them to be a part of these community conversations so we hear from them and can incorporate their ideas into our programs and policies We hope they will join us to learn more about the district and what we do and help us help their student ” Skyline Elementary School is at 620 SW 19th St
A community conversation also is set for 6 to 7:30 p m Monday, Nov 18, at the Lee County Public Education Center, 2855 Colonial Blvd , Fort Myers
news@breezenewspapers com
Projects continue in the South Cape Community Redevelopment Agency area, some nearing completion, while others are beginning the initial stages.
Sitting as the CRA commission, Cape Coral City Council got an update Wednesday on 21 projects spanning from parking lots, to Dumpsters, median landscaping, utility box public art project, street light retrofits, as well as Bimini Basin Mooring Field, The Cove at 47th, Bimini Square and the old golf course
Bimini Basin Mooring Field
CRA Project Manager Zac Gogel said the Bimini Basin Mooring Field is expected to be completed in the winter of 2026 The approved budget is $397,331 and expenditures to
date are $108,573. He said they are currently at 30% design of the project The ancillary improvements at Four Freedoms Park include a new seawall, dinghy, dock, pump out station, and a modular facility
Palm Tree Public Square
The Palm Tree Public Square, which is across the street from the old golf course, is sitting vacant Gogel said the anticipation is to have some nice flowering trees with a centralized fountain They are currently working on the design scope with an estimated design completion date of the summer 2025 The approved budget is $377,737 for the one-acre parcel
The old golf course acreage
They are currently conducting assessments with wildlife, invasive trees, and cleaning up the parking lots and assessing the cart path for the old golf course, at 4003 Palm Tree Blvd Gogel said they are looking to relocate the sign to a more per-
manent home for the future.
Bimini East
The Bimini East revitalization project has an estimated completion date of spring 2026 with an approved budget of $40,279,504 The expenditure to date is $40,303,007
The scope of work includes demolishing 43 parcels located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Cape Coral Parkway and Coronado Parkway in the CRA’s Bimini Basin District
The Cove at 47th
The Cove at 47th has opened its first phase with residents living there and utilizing the parking garage Gogel said hopefully within the next week or two the garage will open for public parking He said the full building is scheduled to open by January 2025
By JANETTA FOX news@breezenewspapers com
Ever wonder about the origins of the cornucopia
t h a t g r a c e s s o m e o f o u r t a b l e s d u r i n g t h e Thanksgiving season? Although we who celebrate the season may assume that its origins are more current, this horn of plenty, as it is also called, has its roots in Greek mythology and elsewhere
One take is that as a youngster Zeus inadvertently separated a goat from its horn Or maybe the goat gave it willingly Other gods and goddesses such as Demeter, who just happens to be the goddess of the harvest, are often depicted with the overflowing baskets As with most myths, one telling can be quite different from another.
Another legend has it
t h a t i t s b e g i n n i n g s revolve around the cele-
d o e s , i n d e e d , s i g n i f y bounty, with items added to and flowing from the horn as a symbol of gratitude for that abundance
I have seen both basic woven baskets and alreadyfilled decorative baskets for sale online and elsewhere Empty baskets can be filled to flowing in a variety of ways, with live or dried flowers, a combination of larger and smaller seashells, fresh fruits and vegetables or dried gourds, nuts and berries In fact, arrangements are probably limited only by one’s imagination
If you are in the mood to create your own display, you can easily come across a variety of ideas online I personally find the use of dried ornamental gourds to be quite appealing, with their various textures, shapes, sizes and colors You can usually find a number of ready offerings in local stores in autumn of the year
If you have a hankering to start from scratch, ornamental seed packets are often available in garden centers and online Here in Southwest Florida you can sow seeds directly into the garden SeptemberMarch, or plant seeds in starter containers in winter and then transplant seedlings into the garden in spring Because gourds like to climb, add a trellis to allow the plants to grow upright rather than spread on the ground with the greater possibility of fruit rot The sun-loving plants prefer moist soil but not “wet feet ”
Ornamental gourds encompass a range of different genus and species, all falling under the Cucurbitaceae family umbrella Edible gourds are also included within the family However, unlike edible squashes, for example, which are harvested prior to maturity and used as a food source, you will wait for the gourds to ripen and dry on the vine before harvesting
During harvesting, avoid twisting the fruit from the stem; rather, use clippers and include part of the stem in your cuttings After harvest, gently wash your bounty and then lay out to dry and cure, turning the specimens periodically
Once cured, you can decorate your cornucopia to overflowing You may even discover other uses for the ornamental gourds
Until next time happy gardening!
Janetta Fox is a Lee County Master Gardener Volunteer and member of the Garden Club of Cape Coral Please visit us at www gardenclubofcapecoral com
Daughters share cherished stories and lessons learned from their mom
By JOHNATHAN MINEHAN news@breezenewspapers com
Clara Spoering celebrated her 100th birthday Sunday, and with that, she brings with her all of her accomplishments and the people she has impacted over the years
Now a resident at Gulf Coast Village in Cape Coral, her life has included a budding career, marriage and family, and so much more
Originally from Manhattan, Spoering worked for an import company for six years as a bookkeeper, receiving both bonuses and kudos
“That company owner wrote to mom for years later because she was an excellent bookkeeper,” said Diane Robertson, her daughter
Spoering soon married George Spoering, a butcher, and they raised four children two sons, George and Richard Spoering, and two daughters, Diane and Carol Freel
“Mom stayed home and was a great wife,” Robertson said
She reminisced that each night they shared a family dinner and that birthdays were always extra special with a ham or roast beef and all the fixings
Freel, her youngest daughter, cherishes similar memories
“It was Thanksgiving, of course We always had a big ice cream cake that we enjoyed And, you know, we celebrated everyone’s birthday It was wonderful Those were great times growing up My mother taught me how to sew, knit and crochet She was a great cook,” Freel said
The skills that her mother taught her meant a lot to Freel She said she always looked up to her mom for how she helped others in life, especially at the church they all attended, as well as outside the church
Clara Spoering with her husband, George, in an earlier photo Clara, a Gulf Coast Village resident, just celebrated her 100th birthday
“She was in the women’s club there, and at one point was the head of it, which was sort of like they created recipe books, crafts and other things She was the head of it for a while and a Sunday school teacher ” Freel said When Freel married, her husband was welcomed into the family with open arms
“When I met my husband, who was my brother’s friend, my mother, you know, he didn't have much family around, my mom took him in So she took him in, and, you know, he kept coming to the house,” Freel said “She is a great mother She did her best to be whatever we needed and put
Gulf Coast Village, Cape Coral’s only life plan community, and the North Fort Myers Arts Association recently launched their new partnership, a rotating art exhibit entitled “Gulf Coast Gallery” that supports local artists
The first installation, entitled “New Beginnings,” took place on Tuesday, Nov 5 At the inaugural exhibit, artists from the North Fort Myers Art Association and Gulf Coast Village displayed their work in Gulf Coast Village’s lobby area Guests enjoyed live piano music and a champagne reception with hors d’oeuvres while viewing the art exhibit.
Ryan Keller, regional vice president of senior living operations for Volunteers of America, and Judy Biddle, president of the North Fort Myers Arts Association, gave welcome speeches, and the Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral and the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce
presented a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the partnership and the new exhibit
Featured artwork included paintings, textiles, fiber art, jewelry and more and will be on display and open to the public until Dec 6 at Gulf Coast Village Select pieces from the participating artists are available for purchase
The goal of “Gulf Coast Gallery” is to add vibrancy and engagement to daily life at Gulf Coast Village, creating meaningful opportunities for residents to collaborate with and be inspired by the local arts community The partnership also invites residents to participate in art-related activities and attend classes that foster social connections, providing a source of creativity and enrichment
The next installation of “Gulf Coast Gallery” will take place in January To learn more about the events and Gulf Coast Village, visit GulfCoastVillage org
Cape Coral got a jump on Veterans Day Saturday, hosting its annual parade early so that area JROTC programs could take part as Monday was a hurricane makeup day. JROTC units from across Lee County took part including Ida S. Baker High School, Island Coast, Mariner and Oasis as well as the Lee County JROTC, Dunbar High School and Riverdale
Davidson ear ns degree from University of Mar yland Global Campus
ADELPHI, MD -- Jenny Davidson of Cape Coral earned a bachelor of science cum laude in human resource management from University of Maryland Global Campus in summer 2024
Davidson was one of more than 3,200 students worldwide who earned degrees from UMGC in the summer 2024 term
University of Maryland Global Campus was founded more than 75 years ago specifically to serve the higher education needs of working adults and military servicemembers Today, UMGC is the largest provider of postsecondary education in Maryland and continues its global tradition with online and hybrid courses, more than 175 classroom and service locations worldwide, and more than 135 degrees and certificates backed by the reputation of a state university and the University System of Maryland
For more information, visit umgc edu
SONIC fills local schools' classroom libraries in Cape Coral
SONIC Drive-In has donated a portion of proceeds from every drink purchase to support local public schools through the brand's Limeades for Learning initiative This fall, SONIC is going all-in on reading for National Book Month, making it easier for students to access books in the classroom
This October, the SONIC Foundation provided $1 25 million to match donations to classroom projects requesting books through DonorsChoose, a website that allows people to donate directly to classroom requests submitted by teachers across the U S
In Cape Coral, the funding supported the following two teachers, who received a combined donation of $432 from SONIC Foundation:
■ Ms Sullivan at Caloosa Middle School for the project “Beanstack Reading List ”
■ Ms Ryan at Oasis Elementary School North for the project “Engaging Novel Studies ”
In total, the SONIC Foundation has helped to fund nearly 5,000 classroom book requests this month, impacting an estimated 134,730 students nationwide
To learn more about Limeades for Learning and how the SONIC Foundation is creating brighter futures for America's youth, visit LimeadesforLearning com
Florida SouthWestern State College invites local residents to support students in need through its Care Pantry Drive Now through Nov 20, participants can donate essential food, personal care and household items at any of FSW’s four designated drop-off locations In exchange, donors will receive two free tickets to the FSW Buccaneers Men’s Basketball game on Thursday, Nov 21, against Ranger College and a voucher to attend a future FSW home game.
Inside donation drop-off locations are open during branch business hours and include:
Suncoast Credit Union: 1533 Matthew Drive, Fort Myers; or 9131 College Parkway, #135, Fort Myers Sanibel Captiva Community Bank: 9311 College Parkway, Fort Myers; or 7040 Winkler Road, Fort Myers
Needed items include non-perishable foods, personal hygiene products, and household supplies A complete
www fsw edu/careservices/pantry
The drive will culminate with a collection event on Thursday, Nov 21 at Suncoast Credit Union Arena where donations will be accepted from 5 p m until game time at 7 p m
Student-athletes and volunteers will be on-site to assist and thank supporters
For additional information about the drive, please c o n t a c t M a t t
Sponsorships, FSW Foundation, at 239-489-9283 or Matthew Karastamatis@fsw edu
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
Twin brothers, who have donated their time for more than five years, decided to give back to the Adventist Community Services Food Pantry as part of their Eagle Scout project
Caleb and Declan Donnelly, North Fort Myers residents and Bishop Verot High School sophomores, recently earned their Eagle rank To receive the rank, each scout has to earn 21 merit badges and successfully complete a community service project
The two, who are 15, have been scouts for 10 years now
“Caleb and Declan, along with their Scout Troop 761, helped to make our volunteer bathroom and client waiting area much nicer and more comfortable The client waiting area was a kind of catch-all before and now it is clean and roomy as well as inviting We could only seat six people before the improvements and now we can seat eight The bathroom was dark and dreary, needing updating It looks much cleaner and brighter now Our clients and volunteers are very grateful for their help and dedication to helping our pantry, at the ACS of Cape Coral,” said Food Pantry Program Manager Alexandra Berru in a prepared statement
The food pantry is in Cape Coral The pantry provides food for approximately 2,500 people a month, clothing and resource counseling to those in need.
Caleb said he has volunteered at the food pantry for five years He said with volunteering there for so long, he saw there was a need to renovate the central bathroom After running the idea through the pantry manager and scout leader, he started on the project
“I got all the supplies together and went to stores for d o n a t i o n s , ” C a
Individually, the scouts put in 10 hours of work, 220 hours overall, and I put in an extra four or five hours of planning ”
He said the finished project looks really good The work included painting the common area, replacing fixtures and installing shelves
“It felt really good knowing I could help out a lot of people in need,” Caleb said
Declan’s project was renovating the guest area of the food pantry – painting the entryway, replacing fixtures and furniture and installing white boards
Declan said it took a lot of paperwork, time and effort to make his project come to fruition A total of 175 hours were put into the project, which included assistance from others, as well as 30 hours of planning on his end
“It feels really good,” Declan said of completing his project and being able to help other people “I would like to thank all the people that helped – friends, family, grandparents and the scout troop ”
They both maintain a 4 5 GPA and take honor and AP classes
Declan would like to pursue business school after high school Caleb wants to go to medical school
The Boston Red Sox Foundation will once again be awarding $5,000 scholarships in the spring of 2025 to one deserving student from each of the 15 public high schools in Lee County
Again this year, all Lee County charter and ALS schools are also included with one $5,000 scholarship also being awarded to a student from this category for a total of 16 scholarships worth $80,000
A p p l i c a t
https://www redsoxfoundation org/leecountyscholarship/
The deadline to apply is Jan 10, 2025 All applications should be submitted to flscholarships@redsox com
The scholarships are for academically talented students who have shown a commitment to community service and are pursuing a two- or four- year degree at any
college or university.
Scholarship funds are raised annually from proceeds o f t
Tournament To date, the Swings for the Sox has raised more than $675,000 for local charities and specifically $580,000 for the scholarship program
The Red Sox Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the official team charity of the Boston Red Sox The foundation’s primary focus locally is in serving the health, education, recreation and social service needs of children and families across Southwest Florida The Red Sox Foundation is one of the most successful in all of Major League Baseball.
For more information about the Red Sox Foundation, please visit its website at www redsoxfoundation org
History & Science Center and STEMLab to hold
‘Fall STEAM Ahead!’
Thanksgiving break camp Nov. 25-27
The IMAG History & Science Center will hold its Fall Camp (preceding the Thanksgiving holiday) entitled “Fall STEAM Ahead!” When school is out, camp is in
The IMAG History & Science Center in Fort Myers and STEMLab in Miromar Outlets, Estero, are offering students (first to eighth grade) a special pre-Thanksgiving, t h r e e - d a y S T E A M C a m p M o n d a y , T u e s d a y a n d Wednesday, Nov 25-27, that features science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) with hands-on activities, explorations, event, and fun
“Fall STEAM Ahead” Camp will feature Turkey Baster Races, Cranberry Catapults, Pumpkin Bowling, Candy
Corn Ring Toss and all the fixings of a great preThanksgiving camp experience In addition, campers will design fall tote bags, make Thanksgiving greeting cards, churn home-made (actually, museum-made) butter, decorate holiday balloons and participate in a Thanksgiving Eve Parade (to which parents, families, and friends are invited)
IMAG and STEMLab STEAM camps enliven and inspire students sparking their imagination and creativity
For more information about th IMAG History & S c i e n c e C e n t e r a n d c a m p r e g i s t r a t i o n , p l e a s e v i s i t theIMAG org
B y M E G H A N B R A D B U RY
n e w s @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m
C a p e C o r a l C i t y C o u n c i l , s i t t i n g a s t h e C a p e C o r a l
C o m m u n i t y R e d e v e l o p m e n t A g e n c y c o m m i s s i o n , h a d a
l e n g t h y d i s c u s s i o n W e d n e s d a y o n w h e t h e r t o m o v e f o rw a r d w i t h C R A b u s i n e s s o r w a i t f o r n e w l y e l e c t e d
c o u n c i l m e m b e r s t o c o m e o n b o a r d
A f t e r d i s c u s s i o n b a c k a n d f o r t h , t h e b o a r d m o v e d f o r w a r d w i t h i t s a g e n d a a s p r e s e n t e d , w i t h J o h n G u n t e r a n d R i c h a r d C a r r v o t i n g a g a i n
C o s d e n w a s e x c u s e d f r o m t h e m e e t i n g
B i l l S t e i n k e w a s
C R A , a n d K e i t h L o n g w a s a p p o i n t e d a s t h e v i c
From page 22
Community Redevelopment Agency meetings for 2025
Cape Coral City Council, sitting as the Cape Coral Community Redevelopment Agency commission, also approved the 2025 CRA schedule of meetings Those approved dates include Wednesday, Jan 15, March 12, May 14, July 30, Sept 10 and Nov. 12, at 9 a.m.
B y M E G H A N B R A D B U RY
n e w s @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m
C a p e C o r a l C i t y C o u n c i l , s i t t i n g a s t h e S o u t h C a p e C o m m u n i t y
R e d e v e l o p m e n t A g e n c y c o m m i s s i o n ,
a p p r o v e d s p o n s o r s h i p r e q u e s t s f o r s i x e v e n t s t o t a l i n g n e a r l y $ 3 0 , 0 0 0
W e d n e s d a y
E v e n t s t o r e c e i v e f u n d s i n c l u d e t h
C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e , D e c 7 , f o r
$ 5 , 0 0 0 ; H
n d s e v e n t h
a n n u a l P r i d e C a p e C o r a l , p
1 - M a r c h
$ 5 , 0 0 0 R i c h a r d C a r r v o t e d a g a i n s t a l l n o n -
c i t y e v e n t s K e i t h L o n g , D a n S h e p p a r d a n d C a r r v o t e d a g a i n s t t h e g r a n t f o r t h e
s e v e n t h a n n u a l P r i d e C a p e C o r a l “ I s u p p o r t t h e c i t y - s p o n s o r e d e v e n t s a n d n o o t h e r s I j u s t t h i n k i t i s d i f f i c u l t u n d e r t h e c r i t e r i a t o a s s e s s t h e n e e d i t i s s u b j e c t i v e , ” C a r r s a i d “ T h e c i t ys p o n s o r e d , I w i l l b e i n t h e i r s u p p o r t ”
C h a i r B i l l S t e i n k e s a i d a l t h o u g h t h e y n e e d t o h a v e m o r e c i t y e v e n t s , w h e n h e
t h i n k s a b o u t t h e f u n d i n g a n d w h a t i t t a k e s t o f u n d a c i t y e v e n t
Events to receive sponsorship funds include:
■ The Holiday Festival of Lights, put on by the Chamber of Commerce, Dec 7, for $5,000;
■ Holiday Boat A Long, put on by Cape Coral Parks & Recreation, Dec 21, for $5,000;
■ New Year’s Eve Ball Drop, put on by Cape Coral Parks & Recreation, Dec 31, for $5,000;
■ 40th annual Cape Coral Art Festival and Market Place, put on by Rotary Club of Cape Coral and Cape Coral Rotary Foundation, Jan 11 and Jan 12, for $5,000;
■ Seventh annual Chili Cook Off, put on by SWFL Charities Foundation, Inc, Feb. 16, for $4,225 and
■ Seventh annual Pride Cape Coral, put on by Pride Cape Coral, Inc , March 1March 3, for $5,000;
r e q u i r e d v o l u n t e e r h o u r s f o r t h e g r a n t , a s t h e r e w a s o n e o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t h a d n o t
y e t m e t t h a t r e q u i r e m e n t S p e c i a l E v e n t s
C o o r d i n a t o r T o d d K i n g s a i d t h e y h a v e t o
m e e t t h e h o u r s w i t h i n a y e a r o f t h e e v e n t
b e i n g h e l d
“ W h a t d o w e d o w i t h t h e h o u r s i f
e x c e e d e d t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t I d o n ’ t
k n o w h o w w e m i t i g a t e t h a t o r w o r k
t h r o u g h t h a t , ” K i n g s a i d
C i t y M a n a g e r M i k e I l c z y s z y n , w h o s e r v e s a s t h e C R A ’ s e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r , s a i d i t i s i n a p p r o p r i a t e t o h a v e a n o r g a n -
T o u c h - A - T r u c k f o r $ 1 , 6 0 0 T h e b u d g e t w o u l d h a v e t o b e a m e n d e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l f u n d i n g T h e r e w a s a d i s c u s s i o n a r o u n d t h e
i z a t i o n o u t o f b u s i n e s s t o a s s i g n t h o s e h o u r s t o a s u c c e s s o r o f t h a t e v e n t T h e C h i l i C o o k - o f f w a s i n i t i a l l y r u n b y I n v e s t i n A m e r i c a V e t e r a n s F o u n d a t i o n “ W e l o v e t o s e e o r g a n i z a t i o n s m o v e f o r w a r d a n d k e e p t h e m m o v i n g f o rw a r d , ” h e s a i d , a d d i n g t h a t t h e l a s t t h i n g h e w o u l d h a t e t o s e e h a p p e n i n g i s p
n a li z i n g t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t t o o k o v e r “ I w i l l a d d
From page 1
Featuring traditional high-energy Irish tunes, heartfelt ballads and favorite carols, “A Celtic Christmas by A Taste of Ireland” has toured to packed theaters around the world in a multidimensional show choreographed and produced by National Irish Dance Champion and Gaelforce Dance star Brent Pace, with Irish Dance World Champion and Lord of the Dance lead soloist Ceili Moore
Cian Walsh, who is a dancer in the troupe, said it’s been a busy year touring, and that the group is excited to put on its Christmas production in the Sunshine State
“It's a brilliant show,” he said “It’s a live music and Irish dance show So everything you hear on stage, whether it’s from the musicians or from the dancers, it’s all live It’s a really authentic experience for the audience It gets everyone in the Christmas spirit, and the Christmas mood You can sing and dance along to the songs ”
According to a synopsis of the show from A Taste of Ireland, audiences are “immersed in the magnificence of Christmas in Ireland, transported to a land where energetic music and dance are the beating heart of the festive season
“As lads croon their way along the cobblestone streets, filling the air with the rich sounds of Irish ballads, high-spirited lasses hit the floor with thunderous, powerful beats that resonate deep in the soul Set against the enchanting backdrop of a snow-dusted Ireland, the show follows two starcrossed lovers, Oisin, a humble man from the rugged lands of Tyrone, and Ava, a spirited young woman from a wealthy family in Athenry, who find themselves drawn together under the mystical charm of the mistletoe Their whirlwind romance blossoms into love, and then faces harsh trials. But all ends well during a lavish Christmas ball, where the lovers reunite in a dramatic reunion that captures the spirit of hope, resilience, and enduring love in a moment of festive joy ” Walsh added, “You go through all the emotions There’s happiness, sadness, you’ll be laughing, you’ll be crying ”
The amount of talent on stage at the Barbara B Mann for the production is endless Headliners for this tour include Gavin Shevlin (two-time World Champion), Niamh Shevlin (top-5 in the World Irish Dance Championships; Donegal Rose winner), Julia O’Rourke (four-time World Champion), Megan McGinley (master fiddler and Ulster Champion) Also featured will be Ella Giammichele, Nicole Kelly, Natalie Wagner, Emily Grace, Karaleigh Desmond, Hannah Cunniffe, Liam Fitzgerald, Daniel McCormick, Thomas
Doherty, Michael Roberson, Ciaran Bagley, and Caleb Gringon.
“The great thing about this show it’s unbelievable the talent and the caliber of Irish dancers and also musicians,” Walsh said “We’ve got World Champion Irish dancers, we’ve got Irish musicians that are known around the world You’re really getting the best you can get And the audience will see that on stage from the minute (our cast) steps on stage We really have a special cast, and we’re looking forward to putting on great shows for everybody ”
For those that have never experienced Irish dancing live, Walsh compared it to tap dancing, except instead of a metaltipped shoe, Irish dancers have a fiberglass tip and wooden heel
“We dance a lot more crossed over at the feet, at the knee,” he said “It’s a lot more posture-focused A lot more straight and rigid in posture ”
Walsh, 25, has been dancing since he was around 4 or 5 years old, and was born into it, as his parents own an Irish dancing school He spoke to the way the style has spread around the world
“Irish dancing over the last 15 to 20 years has really spread globally We’ve got so many different Irish dancing
schools around the cities we perform in And we always meet them after the show, and they might show us some steps they’ve been learning It’s nice that they can come and watch the show, and see if they work hard, if they keep at it, that they can make it into a profession for themselves and travel the world It’s nice to show the younger generation of Irish dancers around America that you can do this as a job ”
“A Celtic Christmas by A Taste of Ireland” will feature traditional Irish music, and Irish Christmas favorites such as “Christmas in Killarney” and “Galway Girl ”
“You’ve got a great mix of getting traditional Irish music, and also the Irish Christmas festive feeling,” Walsh said “It’s great for the audience to experience Irish culture, and get a bit of that holiday feeling as well ”
The stage will be very interactive for the performers, as well as the audience Walsh said the set will include a bar top, so it’s as if they’re all enjoying a drink and chatting to the bartender There will also be interactivity with the performers and the audience
Moore, in a statement, said, “Our Christmas show is a tapestry woven with the rich threads of Irish influence With music that captures the essence of our heritage, we invite our audience to immerse themselves in a truly authentic Irish experience It’s a celebration of our culture, our traditions, and the immense talent of our performers, making this show not just a performance but a heartfelt journey into the soul of Ireland ”
Walsh said whether or not you have Irish heritage, the show is one for all to enjoy
“It’s beautiful to come and experience the Irish culture -experience what we’re about Irish dancing is one of the most traditional forms of dance And Celtic dancing and the music is really engrained in Irish culture It’s really nice to be able to give the audience around America our message and what we’re all about A little bit of Irish banter and have a crack on the stage You’ll be up on your feet dancing and singing We can’t wait to put on great shows ”
For more information and for tickets, visit www ATasteofIrelandShow com Tickets range from $37 to $67 (plus fees)
Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall is on the campus of Florida SouthWestern State College, at 13350 FSW Parkway
Stevens Construction begins construction on Foxtail Coffee Co. in Cape Coral
Stevens Construction has started construction of Foxtail Coffee Co , located at 2494 Liberty Park Drive in the Liberty Health Park in Cape Coral, announced Joseph Cimilluca, Stevens Construction director of special projects
In approximately 70 days, the Stevens Construction special projects division is building out a 1,540-squarefoot shell space into the fast-growing craft coffee brand’s first Cape Coral location Slated to open in November, the Winter Park-based cozy coffee hangout will include a coffee bar, retail space, Kelly’s Ice Cream, drive-thru and open dining area
The Stevens Construction team includes Project Manager Gio Cardet, Superintendent Josh Bishop and Project Administrator Kelly Escorcia Ahkent Design, LLC is the architect of record and interior designer
With offices in Fort Myers and Orlando, Stevens Construction specializes in providing construction management, general contracting and consulting services to clients and design professionals Other services include site and design team selection, budgeting, project scheduling, permitting, cost and quality control and warranty service The company builds healthcare, commercial and h o s p
www stevensbuilds com or call 239-936-9006
Goldstein, Buckley law fir m collecting Toys for Tots donations
For the 18th year, offices for Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz are collecting toys to be distributed by the U S Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation Toys will be collected through Dec 10, when they will be picked up and distributed by Toys for Tots to approved local social welfare agencies, church groups and other organizations
In 2023, Toys for Tots in Lee County distributed 40,434 toys to 27,581 children Coordinators pick up the donated toys and store them in central warehouses, where the toys are sorted by age and gender At Christmas, coordinators, with the assistance of local social welfare agencies, church groups and other local community agencies, distribute the toys to the less fortunate children of the community
The public is invited to bring new, unwrapped toys for newborn children through age 12 to any of the five Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz offices In addition, members of the firm also donate toys for the drive
Offices accepting Toys for Tots donations include:
■ Fort Myers - 1515 Broadway, 239-334-1146
■ Cape Coral - 461 Del Prado Blvd., 239-574-5575
In addition to donations of toys, monetary donations are also accepted at ToysForTots org
With offices in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Naples, Lehigh Acres and Port Charlotte, attorneys can be
r e a c h e d b y c a l l i n g 2 3 9 - 5 0 0 - H U R T o r v i s i t i n g JusticeStartsNow com
RPCRA's Global Business Council presented NAR’s Platinum Global Achievement Program Award for 2024
Royal Palm Coast Realtor Association has received the National Association of Realtors Platinum Global Achievement Program Award This recognition is a testament to the council and board of directors dedication and work in fostering global real estate opportunities for its members
The platinum designation is reserved for those councils that demonstrate an extraordinary level of service, innovative programs and a comprehensive approach to global real estate, helping Realtors navigate and thrive in the international marketplace
While the Platinum status marks an impressive accomplishment, the RPCRA Global Business Council remains driven by its long-term goal of achieving the coveted Diamond Award
To learn more about Royal Palm Coast Realtor Association and membership, visit RPCRA org
NOVEMBER 15, 2024
A crowd exceeding 650 business and community leaders packed the Caloosa Sound Convention Center on Oct 25 to celebrate Lee County businesses that drive the local economy, employ our workforce and shape their industries
Guests at the 2024 Industry Appreciation Awards enjoyed networking opportunities, lunch and an awards program that recognized winners across nine different categories:
■ Large Business of the Year Award: B&I Contractors
■ Small Business of the Year Award: LSI Companies
■ Diverse Business of the Year Award: Pirozzi Organ-
izational Development Solutions
■ Supplier Diversity Award: Chris-Tel Construction
■ Innovative Technology Award: MY Shower Door
■ Small Manufacturer of the Year: Aerox Aviation Oxygen Systems
■ Large Manufacturer of the Year: Drake Ready Mix
■ Partnership Award: Tunaskin Aquatic Apparel
■ Community Spotlight Award: Chapman Insurance Group
The Horizon Foundation, Horizon Council and Lee County Economic Development Council present the annual Industry Appreciation Awards
Airport will offer passengers RSWRemote, a reserved parking option located on the north side of the airport, this Thanksgiving The RSWRemote parking lot will be accepting cars to enter for parking from Saturday, Nov 23, at 3 a m , through Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, Nov 28, at noon Cars may exit the lot from Thanksgiving Day through the last flight arrival on Wednesday, Dec. 4. The cost will be a flat $60 fee, no matter how many days you choose to park, is non-refundable and cannot be used at another on-airport parking location Travelers must reserve and prepay for a parking space prior to coming to the airport To book a RSWRemote parking spot, please visit rswremoteparking com
The Transportation Security Administration recommends getting to the airport at least two hours prior to your flight departure time for domestic flights and three hours for international flights RSW officials recommend adding 30 more minutes to your travel time to use RSWRemote Shuttles will be operating from the remote lot to the terminal from 3 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and will take parkers from the
terminal to the remote lot from 8 a m until the last daily flight arrival
The RSWRemote parking lot is located off Chamberlin Parkway, on the north side
Doherty Parkway and follow signs Turn onto Regional Lane (near the original Airport Traffic Control Tower). You will need to show the parking attendant your QR code for admittance to the lot For questions or more information, please call ABM Parking at 239768-1818 or email RSWParking@abm com
The Lee County Port Authority expects a very busy Thanksgiving and still encourages travelers to consider alternative ways to get to the airport, like being dropped off by friends and family or using commercial transportation
Southwest Florida International Airport served more than 10 3 million passengers in 2023 and is one of the top 50 U S airports for passenger traffic For additional information, please visit flylcpa com/RSWRemote/ or facebook.com/flyRSW.
Get ready to spread holiday cheer at South Cape's Another Elf'n Pub Crawl on Saturday, Nov 30, from 7-11 p m Participants are urged to wear their comfiest, funniest or most festive onesies and holiday attire as they stroll through South Cape, enjoying a seasonal drink and appetizer sample at each participating location
Limo buses will be available to take guests to four designated areas, where they can walk to multiple participating locations
Each attendee receives a passport to be stamped at all 11 participating locations. Complete the passport and enter it for a chance to win the grand prize sponsored by JJ Taylor! To enter, simply drop the completed passport at any participating location
Tickets for the Another Elf'n Pub Crawl are only $25 in advance ($20 for designated drivers) and can be purchased online via Eventbrite Day-of tickets are $30 (if available)
Early check-in is from 6-7:30 p m at Big John's Plaza at 1215 Cape Coral Parkway, E , and Dolphin Key Resort (under the front awning) at 1502 Miramar St Late checkin is at Dolphin Key Resort from 7:30-10 p m
Participants can have their picture taken at the official photo booth located at Dolphin Key Resort and be automatically be entered in the Photo Booth Contest (the prize is four tickets to the South Cape Best Martini Competition Pub Crawl Jan 25)
Participating locations include BackStreets Sports Bar, Cruisers, The Dive, Dixie Roadhouse, Hooked Island Grill, Monkey Bar, Paradise Pizza, Rack'em Spirits & Times, Ralph's Place, Rusty's Raw Bar & Grill and Tiki Bar
The 5th Annual Business Gift-or-Treat & FREE Santa Photo Booth is Saturday, Nov. 30. Hosted by the South Cape Hospitality & Entertainment Association, this free event will provide a fun and safe way for families to celebrate the holidays
Parents can bring their kids to have their stockings filled with goodies at South Cape businesses from noon to 4 p m Holiday attire - even pjs - are encouraged! MM Brands at 1322 Lafayette St , Unit B, will be the designated location for the photo booth where you can snap a FREE picture with Santa Limo bus transportation will be provided to get kids and parents safely across Cape Coral Parkway
Participating locations include: Bolcor Flooring &
Creative Jewelry, Family Traditions Home Decor & Furnishings, The Greek Spot, Karma & Coconuts, Lehne Burger Cape Coral, Maximo Flooring, MM Brands, Neptune Pool Serve, Penny's Coffee Bar, Perk & Brew, Pure Living Co , RE/MAX Nautical Realty, SCHEA, Sweet Spot, Trebing Tile & Carpet, WOW! Wing House and Zak's Jewelry
From page 1
a n d c o n t r a c t o r s w h o h a v e s u p p o r t e d t h e s h e l t e r a n d c l i n i c t h u s f a r a n d s h a r e d h e r v i s i o n f o r t h e f u t u r e o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n “ T h e C a p e C o r a l A n i m a l S h e l t e r a s s i s t s t h o u s a n d s o f p e t o w n e r s b y p r o v i d i n g l o w - c o s t v e t e r i n a r y c a r e a n d f i n d i n g l o v i n g h o m e s f o r u n w a n t e d a n i m a l s , ” E l a r d o s a i d “ H o w e v e r , w i t h t h i s e x p a n s i o n , w e c a n d o s o m u c h m o r e T h e r e a r e n o t m a n y t i m e s i n y o u r l i f e
w h e r e y o u c a n d o n a t e d i r e c t l y t o y o u r c o m m
i t h o u
“The Cape Coral Animal Shelter assists thousands of pet owners by providing low-cost veterinary care and finding loving homes for unwanted animals However, with this expansion, we can do so much more There are not many times in your life where you can donate directly to your community and actually see the difference your donation is making With our naming rights, your children, grandchildren, friends and family can come to our shelter many years from now, see your name on a plaque, and know you were a part of something very special. It can be your legacy.”
Founder and Board President JoAnn Elardo
After an unseasonably warm week, a cool down is expected for the weekend with predicted temps in the comfortable low 80s accompanied by light winds which makes offshore runs to nearby reefs and far out GPS numbers likely for our local blue water anglers
Time will tell if the latest tropical depression to the south of us will become Hurricane Sara and if already battered and stressed Southwest Florida will be in its path In the future I’ll probably be keeping my hurricane shutters up from August till Christmas
Inshore boaters beware as both Saturday and Sunday mornings we will experience 0 6-foot negative tides along with slow moving water in the afternoon Fast moving expensive props that have cleared bottom obstacles this past week may find trouble Slow down and don’t stray out of the marked channels or face expensive repairs or possible harm to you and your crew if running aground at speed
Capt. George Tunison
Considering the lack of water, you will have to rethink your under-the-bushes redfish plan when fishing mornings this weekend Instead, get up on that poling platform and pole looking for tailing reds on the flats and potholes rather than using it as a tackle station and lunch counter
First thing new Florida anglers with a bad case of new flats boat fever require on their purchase is a poling platform and trolling motor From what I’ve seen over the years, I’d say that 75% of these “must have” poling platforms actually see little use after the fever subsides These anglers are missing out on some fine fishing as the height of the platform and the stealthy quiet provided by an experienced hand on the pole allows you to see and present baits to wary trophies that can hear and feel your Minn Kota or Motor Guide a long way off alerting them to danger With winter's clear, shallow water ahead, learning to quietly pole will give you a serious advantage over the all-electric angler
Weather permitting, fall brings fine fishing to Southwest Florida and adds several species to the list of available fish Inshore-visiting, hard-fighting, high-jumping bluefish terrorize anything swimming Head offshore and check out floating debris and crab floats for hardfighting tripletail These guys love live shrimp, plastic shrimp and shrimp fly imitations. If you spot a keeper or trophy trip and it spooks, it’s likely it will just sink down in the water column along the trap rope, but not leave the area Give it a rest and return later for a more quiet presentation These delicious, prehistoric looking fish fight
Attention experienced boaters: It's crucial to stay current with changes in navigation and regulations The National Association of Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved Boat America Course, taught by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, is an easy way to stay updated and learn the differences of boating i Southwest Florida
For those aiming to earn the state boating safety certificate, NASBLA highly recommends enrolling in a one-day responsible boating class It takes place on the third Saturday of every month from 9 a m to 5 p m The next session is Saturday, Nov 16, hosted at the Pine Ridge Community Center, 15660 Pine Ridge Road, Fort Myers, conveniently located between the Iona McGregor Fir Station 75 and the Lee County Sheriff's West District Office and right across from the Lee County Tax Office
Completing this course makes you eligible for the lifetime Florida Boating Safety Education I D Card
Robert Guenthner, the Flotilla Commander of Fort Myers Beach Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 91, emphasizes the significance of education and awareness regarding boating hazards, especially those challenging us after our
recent hurricane season He stated, "Attending an in-person class is an excellent opportunity for students to interact, share perspectives, and gain local knowledge Participants learn about the importance of life jackets, risk reduction, preparedness, and exercising sound judgment, along ith updates on regulatory compliance "
According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in 2023, there were 659 boating accidents in Florida, resulting in 59 fatalities and 408 injuries
Though a boating license is not required, Florida law mandates that anyone born on or after Jan 1, 1988, who plans to operate a boat in Florida waters with an engine of 10 horsepower or more must complete an pproved boating safety course and obtain the Florida boating safety ID card
Don't miss this chance to enhance your boating skills and knowledge Enroll today and navigate the waterways safely and confidently! This one-day class costs $45 per person and includes study materials For additional information about boating safety classes or registration for a class, contact Kevin McTaggart, Public Education Officer, cgaux91education@gmail com, at 239-690-6780 option 1, or www Aux91FMB org/Safeboating
Cape High wide receiver Vincent Miranda stretches out trying to make a catch on a long pass last week against Ida Baker. The Seahawks, who defeated the Bulldogs, 21-6, open FHSAA playoff action tonight at Immokalee Two other local teams -- North Fort Myers and Bishop Verot -are also in action in the playoffs tonight.
Lee County Parks & Recreation welcomes all senior athletes to participate in the 2025 Lee County Senior Games, which feature social, recreational and competitive activities
Registration is open Register at www leeparks org/register or call 239-533-7275 Registration is $15 per event
Participants must be 50 years or older by Dec 31, 2025, and qualifying event top finishers will be eligible to compete at the state level in the 2025 Florida Senior Games
The games will be held Jan 24 through March 9, 2025, with eight sports in various locations throughout the county
The Florida Games Series Qualifier Events include Table Tennis, Archery, Pickleball, Basketball Shooting,
Basketball 3V3, Swimming, Tennis and Billiards
Participants will receive one shirt that will be distributed at event site
Medals will be presented to the first-, second- and thirdplace finishers of each event For event schedule and more
www leeparks org
For additional details about Lee County Parks & Recreation locations, amenities and upcoming events, visit
leeparks@leegov com Stay connected on social media by following Lee County Parks & Recreation on Facebook and Instagram
To receive the latest updates from Lee County Government, sign up for the newsletter at www.leegov.com/ resources/newsletters and follow Lee County Government on Facebook at www facebook com/leecountyflbocc
All are invited to the Friends of the Cape Coral Library General Meeting this Saturday, Nov 16 The morning will begin at 9:30 a m with coffee, tea and light refreshments The business portion of the meeting will start at 10 a.m., followed by a demonstration by Garden Club of
From page 19
us in the right direction ”
Cape Coral members on using local flowers and plants to create holiday decorations Friends of the Cape Coral Library General Meetings, which take place in the large meeting room of the Cape Coral Library at 921 S.W. 39th Terrace, are free and open
to the public You’re welcome to bring a guest or two For more information on Friends of the Cape Coral Library, visit www capefriends org and follow us on Facebook
Spoering’s ability for attracting people with her kind nature isn’t limited to family members she has a pull that attracts strangers as well
It meant a lot to Freel how much Spoering looked out for people and made her home a home for many who needed it
“My mom used to take in people when we were growing up. You know, there were some family issues, and she would just have people come in and look after them until they got back on their feet So I remember that growing up Remember her taking in family members of people close to her; she would take them in and have them stay with us,” Freel said
“There’s been times where we’ve had my sister and I, Diane, bring her to places where my husband and I took her out to some show somewhere, and like, people just tell me, ‘Can I just talk to your mother?’ Strangers will come over and just want to talk with her,” Freel said
Positivity has always been one of their mom’s most significant traits
Throughout her life, Spoering inspired her children to stay positive in life’s ups and downs and to always lean on each other, the daughters agree
“I think having a positive attitude has always been important to her I’m taking care of her, going up there, feeding her or helping her, but I was down in a facility for five years and five years up in New York In the facility, she always was extremely polite to everyone around her,”
Robertson said
With their father having passed in 2010, Robertson continues to visit and take care of her mom and enjoy the moments she has with her.
“I’ve been watching her, and look how long she’s been living If you have a loved one that you know helps get you through as you get older, you must have an advocate for yourself, someone who shows up for you ” Robertson said
From page 33
hard, jump and will do their best to wrap you around the rope to escape your dinner plate
Fall Spanish macs and bonito are built for lite tackle fun and surprise cobias often appear but the real star of the fall
solve the puzzle. The difficulty level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest).
show is migrating kingfish Newbies are amazed to see a 4 to 5-foot-long streamlined rocket shoot straight up out of the sea higher than their boats tee-top while still chewing on their bait. Kingfish draw anglers all along the Gulf and Atlantic coast and most SKA tournaments always draw hundreds of anglers
Anchored chumming and trolling spoons work, but slow trolling a spread of live baits is hard to beat Blue runners, ribbonfish, pogies, mullet all produce A 7-foot rod and reel loaded with 250-300 yards of 25-pound test and a medium drag setting is preferred First double the end of your main line with a Bimini Twist or Spider Hitch then add a quality swivel Haywire Twist on a 2 to 3-foot section of thin wire, then add a 5/0-6/0 live bait hook to it for the bait's mouth Now add a short length of wire to the first hooks eye then another stinger hook to that to put behind the bait's dorsal fin completes your basic double hook, live bait trolling rig
Capt George Tunison is a Cape Coral resident fishing guide You can contact him at 239-282-9434 or via email at captgeorget3@aol.com.
Lulu is a super senior 12-plus-year-old female She is a seasoned senior cat with a heart as big as her love for cozy blankets Sure, she may have a couple of age-related medical challenges, but she doesn't even notice them now that the shelter staff put her on meds Lulu is as sweet as pie and gentle, too, ready to sprinkle a little joy and sass into your life
Galway is a 1 to 3-year-old male He is a big dog with an even bigger heart, and he's got so much love to give He will admit, he still needs some training, but with the right guidance, he knows he can be the best companion ever If you’ve got room in your heart and home, and you’re up for caring for a large breed like him, Galway thinks you could be a perfect match!
If you are interested in meeting any of the animals available for adoption at The Cape Coral Animal Shelter, visit its website at www capecoralanimalshelter com for additional information The shelter is located at 325 S W 2nd Ave , and hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday, noon to 5 p m , and Friday through Sunday, noon to 4 p m Call 239-573-2002 for more information
Week of the
(Selected by the
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ForestParkCraftFair SatNov23th,8am-1pm 5200ForestParkDr,NFM Lotsofwonderfulcrafters.
Comedoyour HolidayShopping! Seeyouthere. ), !! &*E> ), !! ;-?E>
Recreation Vehicles
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