112724 Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

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FEMA puts Fort Myers Beach on probation

Property owners on Fort Myers Beach may have to pay much higher premiums for national flood insurance

The Town of Fort Myers Beach has been notified by FEMA that its status in the National Flood Insurance Program has been “retrograded ”

The town has been put on probation and faces the loss of its discount through the National Flood Insurance Program as

of April 1 if it does not comply with corrective action items FEMA has required the town to meet

throughout the town since Hurricane Ian

The town had been put on notice earlier in the year by FEMA that it faced the threat of losing its 25% discount through the National Flood Insurance Program for

through the program

The town had appealed the decision and in July was granted an extension until September to formulate a plan to address the deficiencies cited by FEMA and by Nov 18 to remedy the situation FEMA found that the town did not meet three of the five corrective actions that it had been notified in July it needed to complete by Nov 18

Council had been seeking further extensions from FEMA for enforcing codes

he 34th American Sand Sculpting Championship brought more than 10,000 visitors onto the beach behind the DiamondHead Beach Resort on Fort Myers Beach over four days this week and a tough competition among master sand sculptors

At the end of four days of competition, the winner was veteran sculptor Bruce Waugh of British Columbia

While the Canadian contractor said sand sculpting is a

“part-time hobby” for him, his passion was evident as he waved his arms and celebrated with fellow sculptors after his “Fish Out of Water” sculpture was declared the winner of the event

Sand Sculpting Championship on Fort Myers Beach Sunday The 34th event was held at the DiamondHead Beach Resort NATHAN MAYBERG

FEMA wanted the town to crack down on such as removing temporary structures that are prohibited in the special flood hazard area and coastal high hazard area

FEMA rejected that request in a letter to Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers and the council last week Allers had said the town would enforce the regulations sought by Friday though that may have been too late

In particular, the town was seeking to

Former Town councilmember speaks out on Seagate

T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s B e a c h

Council will hold a second reading and h e a r i n g o n t h e 1 7 - s t o r y S e a g a t e

Development Group condo project on Monday, Dec 2

It is the second of three hearings the town has planned for the project A third and potentially final hearing will be held on Dec 16 for a project which needs council’s approval for a deviation from the town code which limits its height to three stories

The topic was still on the town council’s agenda on Nov 18 when the second hearing was originally scheduled and the council heard from a former councilmember who was involved in the community when the town’s comprehensive plan was approved a quarter century ago

Terri Cain, a former Town of Fort Myers Beach councilmember, urged the council to follow the comprehensive plan which set how much intensity and height developments could be built on Fort Myers Beach

Since the plan was approved, no new h i g h - r i s e t o w e r s h a v e b e e n g i v e n approval in the town that didn’t have approvals prior to the comprehensive plan being passed

“I want to talk about the future that you are going to have to be making decisions on and this is a big one,” Cain told the council in regards to Seagate

“When you took the job to represent the Town of Fort Myers Beach, you had r

resources were created 25 years ago in an a

Cain said

“It’s a great blueprint to go by and it was hard 25 years ago when we created it

A commitment to enhancing education

The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools remains a key force in supporting local schools and enhancing the educational experience for students across Lee County

Amidst the vibrant streets of downtown Fort Myers, a nonprofit organization has been a driving force in supporting and enhancing education for Lee County’s students The Foundation for Lee County Public Schools, founded in 1986, has been dedicated to improving the quality of education in local public schools for nearly four decades

Focused on bridging the gap between the needs of students and the resources available, the Foundation works tirelessly to ensure that every student has the support and tools necessary to succeed, both academically and personally Through strategic partnerships with businesses, community leaders, and philanthropists, the Foundation plays a critical role in fostering educational innovation and equity across the district. Its commitment to strengthening public education has made a lasting impact on the lives of countless students, teachers, and families throughout the region Through its initiatives, the Foundation aims to foster educational innovation, promote equity, and ensure that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential The organization provides resources that complement the work of local schools, creating a lasting impact on students, educators, and the community as a

Guest Commentary


The Foundation supports a diverse range of impactful programs that directly benefit students, teachers, and schools across the district Among its key initiatives are the Golden Apple Teacher Recognition Program, which honors exceptional educators, and Take Stock in Children, a scholarship and mentorship program designed to empower underserved students The Foundation also funds Classroom, School, and District Grants to support innovative teaching projects that inspire creativity and learning

Additionally, programs like Kids Tag Art promote student creativity while raising vital funds for school arts programs The annual Wicked Walk event brings the community together for a fun-filled evening of Halloween festivities, all while raising crucial support for public education in Lee County

As part of the College & Career segment, the Foundation supports programs like STAMP (Student Advocacy & Mentoring Partnership), a mentoring program that provides at-risk high school students with guidance, motivation, and resources to help them graduate and pursue post-secondary education or technical training

The Foundation also provides the

Letters to the


STEM@Work program, an initiative that connects students with real-world STEM career experiences FAFSA Nights play a key role in helping families navigate the financial aid process, ensuring that all students have access to the resources needed to pursue higher education Each of these programs, and many more, play a vital role in enriching the educational experience for local students and fostering a stronger, more engaged community

The organization is grateful to be backed by a diverse group of generous sponsors, including Lee Health, B&I Contractors, the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation, Suncoast Credit Union,

FineMark National Bank, and many other exceptional local businesses and community partners Their unwavering support plays a pivotal role in enabling the Foundation to advance its mission of strengthening and sustaining public education across Lee County

If you are interested in contributing to the Foundation’s efforts or becoming a sponsor, your support can make a lasting difference in the lives of Lee County students. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or sponsoring a program, there are many ways to get involved To learn more or to find out how you can help, contact the Foundation at info@leeschoolfoundation org

Marshall T Bower, Esq is the president and CEO of the Foundation for Lee County Public Schools

Senate vacancy: Appoint a Liber tarian

To the editor:

In addition to all of the usual suspects, the Governor should consider appointing a Libertarian to fill the upcoming vacancy in the U S Senate My Party (the Libertarian Party of Florida) offered a nominee this fall, Feena Bonoan She should definitely be looked at Libertarians offer a fresh perspective on the uses of governmental power, where “freedom” is always the default choice.

The actual use of the coercive powers of government is a desperate last choice, only used in extremis This viewpoint should certainly be seated at the table in Washington It should be Florida’s contribution to the ongoing dialogue on this important question

Frankly, I suspect that the Governor’s priorities may well lie elsewhere He will probably appoint some deserving apparatchik

However to be complete and thorough about all this he should at least “inventory all the possibilities” before making a final decision.

Director-at-Large, Libertarian Party of Florida

Militar y Commission Trials at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

To the editor:

There are three trials presently going on at the Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The USS Cole, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and the Bali Bombings

I just returned from GTMO on Saturday, Nov 16, after attending four days of the 9/11 Trial with the main defendant, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, being present for all four days KSM is being tried with Walid bin Attash, Mustafa Al-Hawsawi, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, and Ramzi bin Al-Shibh

At the moment, Ramzi bin Al-Shib has been declared unfit to stand for trial The four remaining defendants are being tried under rules of The Military Commission Act passed

by congress in 2006 and rewritten in 2009 The five defendants have all signed a manifesto declaring that they carried out these attacks and are sorry they didn’t kill more. I have attended five weeks of pretrial hearings over the last 12 years At every session we were promised that these defendants would stand trial and be held accountable for their actions It was during this last week we learned that the Government, representing us, had negotiated a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid bin Attash, and Mustafa Al-Hawsawi

The only thing we were told is that it removes the death penalty from the punishment phase of the trial The rest of the plea deal remains under seal. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin withdrew the plea deal but the presiding Judge, Col Matthew McCall has ruled that Austin lacked the authority to withdraw from the deal The Judge’s decision is currently under appeal but we have been informed that even if the appeal is successful, that under the previously negotiated deal that it would move to trial

See LETTERS, page 5

Marshall T Bower
That would include Feena Larry Gillis Cape Coral former

It’s time for both the Democrats and Republicans to come together to fix the mental health crisis in Florida

On Oct 28, 38-year-old Tyler Reeves, a Fort Myers resident, was sentenced to five years in prison for assault Tyler has mental illness and a very long history of physical aggression dating back to the young age of 11 when he was first Baker-Acted for chasing his brother with a knife

The Baker Act is a Florida law that allows for the temporary detention and examination of people showing evidence of mental illness who are in danger of harming themselves or others Tyler has been Baker-Acted 35 times for trying to harm himself and lashing out at family members

At age 6, Tyler was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder In his early teens, he received a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Extreme Anxiety, and Panic Attacks He became destructive and began cutting himself In addition to prescribed medications, Tyler began using alcohol and illicit drugs to self-medicate, both of which affected his behavior in a very negative way Tyler struggled in elementary school His mother, Debra, home schooled him in the fifth grade He returned to public school for the sixth and seventh grades, got into trouble with the Juvenile Justice System and was subsequently sent to the Marine Institute, an alternative school for kids who have been in the Juvenile Justice System Tyler performed well there and advanced to the 10th grade before dropping out of

Guest Commentary

school He later obtained his GED

Tyler has had multiple juvenile arrests as well as multiple arrests as an adult for aggravated assault and battery. Tyler’s lack of compliance with therapy and medication played a significant role

At age 31, Tyler broke into his mother’s locked bedroom He found her handgun and threatened to shoot himself Fortunately, his mother was successful in retrieving the gun from her son. He was once again BakerActed

In December 2023, at age 37, Tyler was charged with a hit-and-run automobile accident and spent 27 days in jail This occurred during a time when Tyler was already on a four-year probation period for criminal charges in Sarasota County for battery by strangulation, a third-degree felony

Because of Tyler’s mental illness and arrest history, he has had difficulty finding long-term employment His parents have spent over $48,000 trying to set their son up in various business ventures They all failed Tyler has been receiving disability benefits since 2015

Debra loves her son, but it has been very painful to witness his ongoing mental struggles He attempted suicide four times in 2023. He has threatened her, and she is afraid of him during his outburst, not knowing what he might do next Though she is certain that her son loves her, she has often slept with her doors locked


Although heartbroken, Debra feels somewhat relieved that prison will provide Tyler with a controlled environment for the next five years that will prevent him from doing things that are harmful to himself and others. She is very disappointed with Florida’s Mental Health System that destroyed her son by not forcing him to get treatment and take his medications Instead, this system allowed him to deteriorate to the point of being charged with a felony and locked up for five years

Housing individuals with mental illness in Florida’s prisons cost the state approximately $1.7 million per day according to the Florida Health Justice Project Debra wants to know why Florida is OK with spending money to incarcerate so many inmates suffering from mental illness, yet not OK with implementing laws and spending money to address the serious problem of untreated mental illness. Florida’s prisons have become its largest psychiatric institutions, placing a significant burden on taxpayers

According to the May 2023 Behavioral Health Profile, Florida ranked No 1 in the nation for the highest number of adults experiencing a mental illness an estimated three million adults

Mental illness is not particular who it attacks. It affects both Democrat and Republican families Now is the time for both parties to come together and fix the mental health crisis in Florida

Dottie Pacharis, Fort Myers based mental health advocate and author, Mind on the Run – A Bipolar Chronicle

as a non death penalty case Understandably, numerous families are very upset over this deal We, as victims of 9/11, want these defendants to be judged by a military court and not some back room deal negotiated for political expediency. We have waited 18 years for justice and we are still waiting

Dottie Pacharis
Kevin Ryan Cape Coral
From page 4


The Islander brings Beach hope

Anita Cereceda was ready to turn the page on Hurricane Ian and re-open up her store The Islander on Fort Myers Beach in September To put an emphasis on the point, the plan was to open up her store at Santini Plaza on the second anniversary of Hurricane Ian Sept 28 That’s how long it had been since her store was open

Then Hurricane Helene delayed her plans Not too long after she briefly reopened after that and became the first store to reopen at Santini Plaza since Ian, Hurricane Milton closed her store again Though some water seeped into her store, she had a lot of help from friends and volunteers to clean up It was a drop in the bucket compared to Ian Cereceda lost not only The Islander to Hurricane Ian but her other businesses The Pier Peddler and Local Color at Times Square

The return of the hurricanes was just another reminder of how fragile the Fort Myers Beach community still is

A month after reopening, Cereceda said business has been good though it has been an emotional reopening

“There was a lot of crying going on here the first day,” Cereceda said The reopening of the store itself was emotional for some “I asked one lady ‘Why are you crying?’ She said ‘It’s nice to come back to a place that’s normal,’” Cereceda said “People needed a place to go ”

Cereceda said she will sometimes tell visitors to just “sit down and enjoy themselves ”

Cereceda said a lot has changed on Fort Myers Beach since Hurricane Ian Her store gives her a first-hand glimpse as to what the community is dealing with People who lost their homes or are repairing their homes file in to help support her business while also sharing their experiences.

One of the striking changes Cereceda sees in the community is the loss of a lot of what was left of the town’s working-class renters Many of those who worked in local shops, restaurants and other businesses don’t have a home to return to on the island since Ian

“They were a huge part of our community,” Cereceda said The town’s quaint cottages were also decimated, she observed

Then came Hurricane Milton last month, making the feelings of her customers even more emotional

The storm brought six feet of storm surge to the island and flooded much of the island. Rows of refrigerators, furniture and washing machines lined up the side streets

“Hurricane Milton was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Cereceda said

“ I l o s t m y r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h w a s h e r a n d d r y e r , ” Cereceda said Her pool also needs to be repaired Luckily, she had moved furniture and other belongings into a neighbor’s container, or it could have been worse She still doesn’t know how much insurance will cover including damage to her flooring and electric

“It just gets old,” Cereceda said “I just want to sit

Jan Fleming, Anita Cereceda, Cheryl Locke-Murphy, Mariann Jones and Jackie DeMilia of The Islander, Gift Gallery & Boutique The store is open 9-5 Mondays through Saturdays at

Plaza on Fort Myers Beach

down by my pool and watch football ”

Cereceda wants to talk about the store but keeps coming back to those who visit the store and what they tell her about their experiences in the community

“People don’t want to go through another hurricane season,” Cereceda said She cited the “emotional trauma” of going through a hurricane as being as great as the actual damage from the hurricanes Many side streets were already flooding from normal storms as the town works on repairing its broken stormwater drainage system (and awaits the county fixing theirs ) J a n F l e m i n g

Cereceda’s, having worked at The Pier Peddler and now at The Islander “The anticipation of Milton in our house was awful,” Fleming said

Cereceda said some people are planning to leave the

island after Milton “They love Fort Myers Beach, but they can’t bear to go through it again,” she said Despite the hurricanes, Cereceda said the community has been good to her store

“People are coming in and purposely shop to support a small business which is appreciated,” she said Cereceda said her store is ideal for those shopping for the holidays

The store offers clothes for women and men, jewelry, precious gem stones, decorations, handbags, lotions, shoes and a large variety of gifts “New merchandise comes in every week,” Cereceda said When Cereceda was cleaning out the store and what was left of it after Hurricane Ian with employee Cheryl Locke-Murphy, one of the few items to survive was a mug that says “Thankful ” It’s one of her favorite gifts in her inventory

Other gifts you will find in the store have the words “hope ” It represents the positive outlook Cereceda has for the future of the community.

Cereceda said she is “extraordinarily grateful” for the support residents and visitors have given her business since re-opening “I am so happy to see them and appreciate them supporting my business ”

& Boutique is open Mondays through Saturdays from 9 a m to 5 p m at Santini Plaza, located at 7205 Estero Blvd on Fort Myers Beach

The Islander is the first store to have reopened at Santini Plaza o n F

e Hurricane Ian.

A necklace with a gem and turtle design are among the unique jewelry, precious gemstones and gifts at the Islander, Gift Gallery & Boutique

Beach Living

Leani’s bringing fashion back to the beach

Carrie Smith won’t officially reopen Leani’s until Sunday, Dec 1, though she wasn’t turning away customers who wondered into the Santini Plaza store this past week and pulled swimwear off from the rack and other fashions

“The cash register works,” Smith said “We’re technically not open (yet).”

Smith has been working hard to reopen at the store, putting in long hours getting merchandise back on the shelves She started noticing visitors peeking in through the windows and decided to start letting them in over the past couple weeks

It’s been a long road for Smith to get back to this point, more than two years after Hurricane Ian took away everything Smith had worked so hard for in the store

Smith is the third owner of the iconic store since it opened in the plaza in 1977

For a moment, Smith didn’t know if she would ever open back up. Smith was working at Victoria’s Place on Bonita Beach Road after Ian A former mobile home park and laundromat owner in Michigan who had settled into Lee County with her husband David just a few years ago, she earned a real estate license after Hurricane Ian and had considered becoming a clothing sales representative if Santini Plaza didn’t reopen in time

Thankfully, it did

Smith is poised to join The Islander and Surf Style as the first new businesses to open at Santini Plaza since Hurricane Ian They are at the forefront of a rebirth at Santini Plaza In the coming months, they are expected to be rejoined by South Beach Grille, a new Gavin's Ace Hardware, Nesbit Realty and New York Pizza & Pasta, among others

“It’s emotional for everybody on this island to get back to our happy place,” Smith said “This store is not just a store It is the happy place ” She even has a sign in the store that says “My Happy Place ”

She was able to save some racks that survived Hurricane Ian They had originally been used next door by Palmetto’s Apparel before they closed (prior to Hurricane Ian)


Carrie Smith, owner of Leani's, will be reopening officially at Santini Plaza on Dec. 1. Smith is opening on Fort Myers Beach for the first time since Hurricane Ian wiped her store out

Smith said her flood insurance covered her merchandise up to six feet above the floor though she didn’t get any reimbursement from wind insurance for anything above six feet, she said. Smith had to remortgage her

home to get the store back up and running Smith tried to keep the setup of the store the same as it was before Hurricane Ian She also is continue to using many of the same clothing brands including Lulu B, Sunset Swimwear, Beach House Swimwear, Victoria Green, Missy and IBKUL Missy swimwear is one of her most popular items The swimwear appeals to those over 40, she said In addition to beachwear and swimwear, she sells apparel, hats, sunglasses, pants, shorts, belts and handbags.

Smith is excited for the future She plans to join her neighbor Anita Cereceda’s The Islander for another fashion show in the spring “It will be coming,” Smith said

Boating classes announced locally


America's Boating Club/United States Power Squadrons seminars, courses and boat safety schedule:

San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron Call 239-466-4040 Website: www scbps com Facebook: www facebook com/ San-Carlos-Bay-Sailboat-and-PowerboatSquadron

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Saturday, Dec 7, at 8:15 a m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Saturday, Feb 8, at 8:15 a m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Saturday, March 8, at 8:15 a m

Sanibel-Captiva Sail & Power Squadron Call 239-233-7380 Website: www. sancap-

boating club/ Email education@sanibelcaptivasps org Facebook: www facebook com /sancapboatingclub/

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Thursday, Dec 5, at 4p m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Thursday, Jan 23, at 4p m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr)

Thursday, Feb 27, at 4 p m

∫ Boat Handling Tuesday, Feb 4, at 10 a m

Cape Coral Power Squadron Call 239549-9754 Website: www ccsaps org Facebook: www facebook com/CCSAPS/

∫ America’s Boating Course (12 hr)

Monday, Nov 4, at 7 p m

∫ America’s Boating Course (12 hr) Monday, Jan 6, at7 p m


Tram returns


The free LeeTran tram returned this past week, running free shuttles from Bowditch Point Regional Park to the Fort Myers Beach Public Library along with stops at the DiamondHead Beach Resort for the American Sand Sculptures Championship

The tram runs daily on Fort Myers Beach along Estero Boulevard with service beginning at 8:20 a m at the Fort Myers Beach Public Library and ends with the last tram leaving Bowditch Point Regional Park at about 10:55 p.m.

Golisano Children’s Hospital receives $10 million gift

Lee Health has received a $10 million gift from philanthropist Thomas “Tom” Golisano, to support Golisano Children’s Hospital and pediatric services in Southwest Florida This generous investment will advance innovative programs, enhance patient care and ensure access to exceptional pediatric healthcare for families in the region

“Tom Golisano’s generous gift empowers us to expand and enhance pediatric care in ways that truly m a k e a d i

, C h

e f Development, Marketing and Communication Officer “Unrestricted gifts like this are rare and provide the flexibility to meet the evolving needs of a growing population It’s a powerful example of how our community comes together to ensure children receive the care they need, close to home ”

This gift continues Tom Golisano’s legacy of impact on children’s health in Southwest Florida. Mr. Golisano is the largest donor to Lee Health, and this $10 million contribution is second only to his historic $20 million gift in 2012, which helped fund the construction of Golisano Children’s Hospital Within a year of his initial

gift, the community matched his donation, enabling the 2017 opening of the seven-story, now 135-bed facility Half of the hospital’s $200 million construction cost was funded through philanthropy

Since opening, Golisano Children’s Hospital has provided critical care for the tiniest of infants to the sickest of children and young adults in the region The hospital has become a cornerstone of pediatric healthcare, offering life-changing programs and services, from innovative technologies to specialized treatments for complex conditions

This latest $10 million unrestricted gift will empower Golisano Children’s Hospital to expand its programs, grow its facilities, increase access to care, invest in new technologies, and develop cutting-edge services to enhance pediatric care These advancements ensure that families in Southwest Florida continue to have access to the healthcare they need without leaving the region.

The Golisano Children’s Hospital team is dedicated to honoring this extraordinary gift by continuing to provide compassionate, exceptional care that reflects the Lee Health mission for the community it serves

For more information about Golisano Children’s Hospital and opportunities to support its mission, visit GiveGolisano org

About Golisano Children’s Hospital

Golisano Children’s Hospital, a nationally recognized facility for safety and quality care, is one of five acute care hospitals within Lee Health Established in 1994, Golisano is the only designated children’s hospital in Southwest Florida, with over 500,000 visits a year, serving patients from six surrounding counties Ranked as a Top Children’s Hospital by Leapfrog, a Solution for Patient Safety network hospital, an Asthma Friendly Hospital and a certified center for children with Autism, Golisano offers over thirty specialty pediatric services in various locations across SWFL Lee Health opened the current hospital building in May 2017 which includes 135-beds and comprehensive neonatal and pediatric s e

GolisanoChildrensSWFL org

Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille offers special online gift card promotion

Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille has announced a unique online gift card promotion to celebrate the holidays Starting Friday, Nov 29, through Tuesday, Dec 31, online shoppers can take advantage of a limited-time holiday offer: receive a free $20 e-gift card with every $100 in gift cards purchased online Gift cards are redeemable at all Doc Ford’s locations, as well as HM Restaurant Group’s

Dixie Fish Company restaurant on Fort Myers Beach

To purchase a gift card, visit shopdocfords com to purchase gift cards and make the holiday season extra special Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille is open d

Fishermans Wharf on Fort Myers Beach

The restaurant also has locations on Sanibel Island, the St Petersburg Pier

and Jungle Terrace in St. Petersburg. Doc Ford’s also offers live music most nights at its Fort Myers Beach location

Restaurant Group, Doc Ford’s is a perennial Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice winner and Best of the Beach winner

Proceeds from specialty cocktails at Doc Ford’s raise money to support children’s hospitals and water quality issues

HM Restaurant Group also supports local nonprofits dedicated to conservation, community and the environment The “ D i n g ” D a r l i n


Tournament has raised nearly $1 3 million for Sanibel’s J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge since 2012 The 13th annual tournament will be held May 9, 2025

Beach renourishment continues

Contractors were working into the night on Sunday for the Town of Fort Myers Beach sand renourishment project in front of Lynn Hall Memorial Park. The beach at the park remains closed as the renourishment of that section of the beach nears completion, weeks after it had been scheduled to finish at the park. The Lynn Hall Memorial Park parking lot reopened over the weekend for the first time since Hurricane Milton. The rest of the seven-mile beach on the island is open.

“It’s half an athletic endurance test and half artistic skill It’s a hobby blown out of proportion,” Waugh said “The crowd was amazing,” Waugh said “I am looking forward to being invited back ”

Waugh, who works as a contractor renovating homes particularly kitchens and bathrooms sculpted three fish on top of each other along with fish eggs, coral reefs and rocks as part of a display that riveted visitors

Waugh said he has been sculpting as a hobby since 1987 after being inspired by attending a sand sculpting contest at White Rock in British Columbia

“I absorbed it all,” he said of the first event he attended Waugh sculpts his works with a number of utensils and tools including spatulas, concrete shovels and clay tools He then sprays water and glue on the sand sculptures so they aren’t blown away by the wind.

Waugh said he also enjoys painting as a hobby which he credits to his success sculpting “Coming up with a great idea that you think the public is going to like” is a key to being successful at the competition, he said Bruce Peck’s “Ascension” won third place at the American Sand Sculpting Championship on Fort Myers Beach “I did it for my daughters,” Peck said of the roaring lioness

“It represents knowing you have greatness inside of you If you just ignore everybody else and let your inner beauty shine,” Peck said of the roaring lioness inspired by his two daughters who are graduating college this year

Peck, a retired accountant from St Louis, lives in Houston now He took some architecture classes in college and said his talent for sculpting “just kind of comes naturally,” He started out in 2016 sand sculpting by participating in the amateur competition of the American Sand Sculpting Championship on Fort Myers Beach “They have a great program for creating future master sculptors,” he said “There is nothing like it out there ”

This was the first time the event was held on Fort Myers Beach since 2019 due to COVID and Hurricane Ian

“It was greater than I could have ever hoped for,” Fort

34th American Sand Sculpting Championship, For t Myers Beach, winners

Masters Division

∫ Sculptors Choice – Remy Hogard – “Roses of Bulgaria”

∫ 3rd Place – Bruce Peck “Ascension”

∫ 2nd Place – Todd Pangborn “Prevailing Winds”

∫ 1st Place “American Champion” – Bruce Waugh “Fish out of Water”

Semi-Pro Division

∫ Sculptors Choice – Brendan Schaffer “Sand ta”

∫ 3rd Place – Scott Tripplett “They went that Way”

∫ 2nd Place – Darrell O’Conner “Rising from the Rubble”

∫ 1st Place “Florida State Champion” –Brendan Schaffer “Sand ta”

Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce President Jacki Liszak said Liszak helped bring back the event to the island with its organizers Bill and Marianne Knight of The Sand Lovers

“This is a great event for the resurgence of Fort Myers Beach,” DiamondHead Beach Resort General Manager

page 13

Bruce Peck’s “Ascension” won third place at the American Sand Sculpting Championship on Fort Myers Beach. “I did it for my daughters,” Peck said of the roaring lioness.
Bruce Waugh, of British Columbia, celebrates his win in the 34th American Sand Sculpting Championship on Fort Myers Beach Sunday
Todd Pangborn’s “Prevailing Winds” brought second place in the American Sand Sculpting Championship Sunday.


More than 10,000 people attended the four-day American Sand Sculpting Championship at the DiamondHead Beach Resort on Fort Myers Beach

Sand sculpting

From page 12

Neil Hopgood said “Hopefully, we will have more of these to come, more events to come ”

Hopgood said he hopes to have the event return to the DiamondHead Beach Resort next year “We hope this supports the businesses on Fort Myers Beach,” he said

Liszak thanked the event’s sponsors as well as “all the people who have supported us, for waiting through traffic and taking water taxis. We even had people swim in from their boats ”

Liszak said someone said to her that the event was

“bringing life back to Fort Myers Beach ” Justin and Kelly McGrath were one of several who brought their families from Chicago to Fort Myers Beach this past weekend

The McGrath family of Chicago poses in front of the winning sculpture “Fish Out of Water.”

page 1

get an extension for La Ola Surfside Restaurant The restaurant’s bar had been operating out of a storage container since Hurricane Ian destroyed its property at Times Square. FEMA has cited the property as a high-risk temporary structure that it wanted removed

Numerous other properties have been cited as well by the town for being out of compliance with the ban on high-risk temp o r a


w n council met last week and set forth an a p p e a l s p r o c e s s f o


o p

i e s t o g o through if they are cited by the town for being in violation of the code The town’s own town hall trailers are among the structures that need to be removed.

Lee County, on the other hand, was notified Thursday by FEMA that it will keep its rating and discount through the National Flood Insurance Program Cape Coral and the Village of Estero were also notified by FEMA that their appeals had been granted and they would be keeping their insurance discounts

The Town of Fort Myers Beach and Lee County had been notified earlier this year of FEMA’s decision to retrograde the ratings due to what the agency found to be permitless work after Hurricane Ian The town and county, among other municipalities, appealed the decision and were granted extensions to formulate a plan and remedy the issues cited by FEMA

Examples of work FEMA found to be p e r m i t l e s s t h r o u g h o u t t h e t o w n a f t e r

Hurricane Ian included the removal of m a n g r o v e s a t t h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h Theater, drainage of pools that FEMA contends polluted nearby canals and the installation of lights at the Fort Myers Beach Post Office that were being operated in violation of the town’s own lighting codes

Back in July, FEMA sent the town a letter after a 60-day review of the town’s compliance with FEMA regulations since

“With respect to Fort Myers Beach, FEMA has failed on all counts. Hopefully, with new leadership coming to Washington, FEMA’s decrees can be reversed and we can once again partner together to benefit the people of our island.”

Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt

“We are disappointed with today’s FEMA decision, but we will continue to work with them to keep our residents in the National Flood Insurance Program ”

— Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers

the town’s appeal of the initial FEMA decision FEMA found issues with a lack of permits for development in the Special Flood Hazard Area, lack of maintaining permit records for development, new construction, or substantial improvements and a failure to make substantial improvement and substantial damage determinations Incomplete records for permits and code enforcement were among the other issues cited in the July letter.

Thursday, FEMA Regional Administrator Robert Samaan thanked town staff “for the long hours and hard work during the last several months to correct the Town of Fort Myers Beach’s issues regarding the N

progress in helping ensure the city and their residents are more resilient and prepared for future storms ”

However, FEMA found that three of the correction items it had notified the town of needing to be corrected by Nov 18 had still not been met

Those items were to:

A) Assess all floodplain development from Hurricane Ian in the Special Flood Hazard Area, ensuring that permits for all repairs, construction and development

Sand sculpting

Mrs McGrath called the sand sculpt-


From page 13

McGrath said he came down to Fort Myers Beach after Hurricane Ian to help. He said Fort Myers Beach is “one of my favorite places to be It’s great to see

were obtained consistent with local floodplain management regulations

B) Provide documentation that demonstrates your community is leveraging its code enforcement process to address new and existing code cases for all structures not confirmed as compliant

C) Remove noncompliant structures that were incorrectly permitted and should not have been placed in the Special Flood Hazard Area.

FEMA did find that the town did comply with two other corrective measures putting a process in place to ensure substantial damage compliance for future

includes actions and timelines to address all identified program deficiencies and violations to the maximum extent possible

The town is currently on probation, effective Nov 18

According to the FEMA letter, “flood insurance coverage will remain available within the Town of Fort Myers Beach; however, a $50 surcharge will be added to the premium of each new and renewed flood insurance policy sold within the community Probation will remain in effect until all remaining program deficiencies and violations have been correct-

everybody coming back around ” Linda Robarge, of Punta Gorda, called the championship “fantastic ” "The level of creativity was pretty amaz-

Effective April 1, 2025, the town will be

Community Ratings System and policy premium discounts will not be applied to new or renewing policies The Town is not eligible to reapply to the Community Rating System for a higher-class rating until the Town’s probationary period is concluded, the Town is in full compliance with the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program, and at least two years has passed since the Town was placed in probationary status ”

“FEMA’s mission is to ‘help people before, during and after disasters,’” Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said. “With respect to Fort Myers Beach, FEMA has failed on all counts Hopefully, with new leadership coming to Washington, FEMA’s decrees can be reversed and we can once again partner together to benefit the people of our island ”

Atterholt has suggested the town await help from a new incoming presidential administration

Allers said the town would work with FEMA to preserve the town’s inclusion in the National Flood Insurance Program. “We are disappointed with today’s FEMA decision, but we will continue to work with them to keep our residents in the N a t i o n a l F l o o d I n s u

a n c e P r o g r a m , ” Allers said “Once we receive their official letter outlining their requirements, we will implement the local changes necessary “

Town of Fort Myers Beach Manager Andrew Hyatt issued a statement saying “I am disappointed that FEMA has made the decision to put the Town on probation. Town staff is committed to following our FEMA approved plan and will continue to collaborate with FEMA and FDEM to regain our NFIP discount and CRS classification ”

ing What a great event It's amazing Fort Myers Beach came back," Robarge said. To view more photos visit fortmyers beachtalk com

McGrath, originally from San Diego, said “I love a good sand castle contest ” Mr
NATHAN MAYBERG Ava and Addilyn Mullane of South Carolina try their hand at sand sculpting.
Marianne and Bill Knight (left to right) of Sand Lovers who organized the American Sand Sculpture Championship, Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce President Jacki Liszak (and co-organizer of the championship) and DiamondHead Beach Resort General Manager Neil Hopgood, whose hotel property hosted the event

Joint council, LPA meeting brings competing visions of future


Development condo project and discussions on what public benefits the developers can offer in exchange for deviations from the town code which limits the development to three stories, the Fort Myers Beach Town Council and Local Development Agency met at joint meeting of the two boards to discuss public benefits

There were differing visions on the future and what a public benefit should be

For Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers, the island is

Councilmember Karen Woodson sees a new “mandate” for development after the last election

“In this last election, I think, constituents spoke,” Woodson said “If people wanted to keep things the same, then we would probably have Mr Scasny sitting in

that chair instead of Mr Safford But Safford won and that kind of set the direction about development. They are mandating development is what’s happening We always hear from the same 50 to 75 people but we don’t hear from the what I call the silent majority unless you are one on one with them ”

For Allers, “I am a Jeep guy A Jeep has always been a Jeep Fort Myers Beach has always been Fort Myers Beach It may have different iterations We are now in a different iteration of what that island/Jeep would look like You can still take the top off You can still take the doors off It can still be funky and fun It may have a bigger engine, maybe lifted It may have better brakes, it may have better or emissions.” He also compared the island to a Corvette

“We’re expecting people to be partners in our community,” Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency Chair Anita Cereceda said “You have to let people

know they can have faith in what is happening here ”

Fort Myers Beach Manager Andy Hyatt said he has been working with staff on fixing stormwater drainage and a transportation fund to cover potential seawall projects or other resiliency projects He cautioned the town on trying to fix too much, such as traffic Former Fort Myers Beach Elementary School Principal Traci Kohler, a recent town hire, will be working on strategic plan, Hyatt said

Woodson said “resilience is huge Keeping our island safe from its own self from its environment ”

Woodson said the town has to think “outside the box” on transportation

“Waterways and canals they haven’t been touched. There is so much out there So much debris We don’t have anything in our plans for any kind of canal cleanup, waterway cleanup, dredging ”

Allers said he wants to allow developers to offer “unique benefits” in case they can’t offer standard benefits such as a public restroom or others that are defined by the town He has suggested dredging be considered a benefit

Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt has suggested that a restaurant, such as the one offered by Seagate, be considered a public benefit

Atterholt said he was “thankful” for developers putting their “capital at risk” while the town is in the early stages of rebuilding

London Bay Development Group, which will also required deviations from their project, have also proposed to build a restaurant A representative of London Bay attended the meeting and asked for unique benefits to be considered

Local Planning Agency member James Boan suggested contributions to the local school be considered a public benefit

Town planner Sarah Probst said one issue is that “everyone thinks their project is unique.” Probst said the criteria needs to be clearly defined so that town staff and the council have a way to not approve projects that exceed the town code

“You want criteria when it comes in front of you,” Probst said

Probst suggested there be more community outreach

Safford said he wants to get smaller lots developed “How do we help those lots get sold, get developed and get invested in?”

Cereceda said the town, for years, has long told developers what it doesn’t want but not what it does want

Speaking after the meeting, Cereceda, who voted against the17-story Seagate Development Group condo project, said if they had dedicated all of the beachfront “I might be a yes,” Cereceda said “Might ”

The town’s legal counsel, Nancy Stuparich, told the council that its code was “flexible ”

A new public benefit schedule had been proposed by Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency member James Dunlap which helped kick off the conversation Any changes to a definition of public benefits would need to be approved by the town council as part of a new comprehensive plan Based on the discussion, it appears some work on defining those benefits is needed.

From page 1

because you had to think of what the future was going to be in 25 years Twenty-five years ago ‘you’re thinking what’s this place going to look like?’ Well, 25 years is here Now we have to decide what our island is going to look like ”

When the comprehensive plan was approved, there were only a few vacant lots, Cain said.

That all changed in one day after Hurricane Ian

“Twenty-five years ago, we had decided as a community that we wanted to look more like our sister islands of Sanibel and

Boca Grande We didn’t want to be Fort Lauderdale We didn’t want to be Miami ” Making decisions based on how much a developer has put into a project should not be calcilated “Profit margins are not your business We are not supposed to know what anybody’s going to make E v e r y b o d y m a k e s i n v e s t m e n t s

Sometimes we make good ones, sometimes we don’t Public benefits come and go They are vague and they change in a few years Do consider the impacts to the community Traffic, holding stormwater on site Water use”

Consider the height of projects, Cain said

“Good, solid designs that fit this community are what should be coming to you to make decisions,” Cain said “Listen to the staff, listen to the LPA ”

Cain said she hopes that the plans developers are bringing to the town, “I hope they have respect for our community to fit in our community ”

The decisions made by this town council “we will have to live with for 25 years,” Cain said

The town council voted 4-1 earlier this

month to move the project to a second hearing, a week after the Fort Myers Beach Local Planning Agency rejected the development by a 4-2 vote

The second town council hearing on Seagate's proposed development at the former Red Coconut RV Resort, was originally supposed to be held Nov 18 until it was postponed. In addition to a multiple tower development expected to rise to 200 feet or more, the project includes a private club, public restaurant and a skyway that crosses both sides of the Estero Boulevard

Pelican on the bay


Coconut Point Mall to ring in the holidays with Annual Tropical Holiday Parade, Tree Lighting and Car Show

Page 20

Christmas Boat Par ade returns to For t My ers B each Dec. 7


The Christmas Boat Parade, one of the eye-catching events on Fort Myers Beach, returns to Salty Sam’s Marina on Dec 7

A flotilla of vessels, lit up with lights and decorations, is expected to congregate at the marina on San Carlos Island at 6 p m The boats will follow a route around Fort Myers Beach that will be visible from waterfront restaurants and other sightseeing spots around both sides of the bay on San Carlos Island Fort Myers Beach from Fishermans Wharf to the restaurants looking over the bay

along Old San Carlos Boulevard

The parade will include live music and MC services from Beach musician and resident Barry Lawrence There will be live music at Bayside Veterans Park, where attendees can also view the parade

The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce is organizing the parade and welcomes the public to participate by decorating your boat with lights and festive decorations

The cost to enter a boat in the parade is $40 or $75 if your boat has a business sponsor

An application must be completed through the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce to enter the parade

https://www fortmyersbeach org/events/christmas-boatparade-2024/ or contact Dayla at events@fmbchamber com

Registration is open for the Fort Myers Beach Christmas Parade, presented by the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce.


Coconut Point Mall to ring in the holidays with Annual Tropical Holiday Parade, Tree Lighting and Car Show

Coconut Point invites families to join the holiday cheer with an entertaining day full of local-favorite festivities including the Holiday Parade, Tree Lighting Ceremony and Car Show on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 11 a m to 8 p m Attendees can witness a variety of live entertainment, eat delectable bites and watch dazzling lights throughout the event

Enjoy a vibrant vendor show from Ladies Local Social Network and indulge in delicious food from Coconut Point restaurants, with food booths open all day long on Fashion Drive. Participating restaurants include Ted’s Montana Grill, Joe’s Fresh Catch, California Pizza Kitchen, Moe’s Mexican and Mama Anna Trattoria Marina Mike’s and Genesis will have displays, and Sunglass World will sponsor a Santa Photo Booth

Schedule of events:

∫ Charity Car Show (11 a m to 2 p m ): Kick-off the holidays with a dazzling free display of classic cars and trucks, proudly presented by the Rotary Club of Estero Browse the impressive collection and support a worthy cause! Car Show visitors will need to enter through the Cinema Way entrance and exit

∫ Community Entertainment Extravaganza (3 to 5 p m ): From performances by children's dance groups and school choirs to activities and meet-and-greets with Murrey Kismoose, Coconut Point promises an afternoon of entertainment for everyone in the family The Creative World School of Estero will keep little ones engaged

Celebrate the holidays and end of hurricane season by reducing your waste stream

With hurricane season moving out, and holiday season moving in, residents are ready to decorate, exchange gifts and entertain Lee County Solid Waste appreciates residents’ recycling efforts and would like to remind them of services offered at the Household Chemical Waste facility located at 6441 Topaz Court, Fort Myers

Many Lee County residents enjoy the crispiness of a deep-fried turkey over the holidays The disposal of leftover cooking oil is as simple as a quick drive through Residents may deliver liquid cooking oils at no charge to the Household Chemical Waste Facility from 7:30 a m to 4:30 p m Monday through Friday, and 8 a m to noon on the first Saturday of each month Used oils or grease should be transported in sealed, unbreakable and leak-proof containers

Never pour used cooking oil and grease down your drains This causes costly problems for a home’s plumbing and the county’s sewer plants. In addition, do not dispose of cooking oil in regular garbage collection This may cause spillage on roadways and make it unsafe for your neighbors and collection crews

Lee County would also like to remind residents to use gasoline purchased for hurricane readiness now that hurricane season has passed Gasoline naturally degrades and loses combustibility over time In the weeks leading up to Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, Lee County residents dropped off more than 4,600 gallons of old gasoline Although old gasoline is recycled, it is more beneficial for residents to use the gasoline that they purchased for hurricane preparation

With the growing popularity of electronic toys and gadgets, it’s important to be mindful of how to properly dispose of old electronics and batteries Electronics without rechargeable batteries can be placed curbside with your residential garbage Rechargeable batteries should not be placed in your garbage or recycling cart – instead, bring these items to Lee County’s recycling facility

There are many other ways to reduce waste this season:

∫ Use real dishes rather than disposable

∫ Prepare only as much food as you and your guests will reasonably eat

∫ Gift boxes, bags, tissues and bows can all be reused

∫ Buy cards made from recycled or compostable materials

For more information about recycling and waste disposal, download the Recycle Coach app or visit www.leegov.com/solidwaste.

To receive updates from Lee County Government, sign up for


with games, activities and face painting, while the Bonita

Powerhouse Dance showcase their talents on stage

∫ Tropical Performances (5 to 6 p.m.): Immerse yourself in the holiday spirit as the electrifying sounds of the Bonita Springs Middle School steel drum band fill the air New Alliance Performing Arts will join the celebra-

Polynesian-inspired performances

∫ Dazzling Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony (5 p.m. Onwards): Witness a spectacular parade featuring local high school bands, mascots, community organizations and Santa Claus At 7 p m , Santa, Sheriff Carmine Marceno and Estero Village Mayor Jon McLain will lead the Christmas tree lighting, officially marking the beginning of the holiday season at Coconut Point Mall. Santa will be available for photos afterwards, and the entertainment will continue with music and fire dancers

The mall opens at 10 a m , and a convenient shuttle service will be running throughout the day between shops and the parking lot Special handicap parking will be available on Via Venezia Street

Coconut Point Mall is at 23106 Fashion Dr., Estero.

Please note that Fashion Drive, from the Southern point at Dillard’s to the North by West Elm, will be blocked off for the celebration The main stage will be at the center of Fashion Drive by Apple

Lee County Parks & Recreation plans December holiday events

Lee County Parks & Recreation plans holiday events throughout December

Events include:

∫ Holiday Market, Saturday, Dec 7, 9 a m - 1 p m , Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Center, 16760 Bass Road, Fort Myers

Gather the whole family for a festive Holiday Market featuring delicious food trucks, fun holiday crafts, free photos with Santa, and a selection of unique handmade items for sale

Admission is free

For more information contact the Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Center at 239-533-6850

∫ SantaFest, Saturday, Dec 7, 10 a m - noon, Estero Recreation Center, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd , Estero

Join us for a fun-filled morning of holiday cheer Enjoy story time and hot cocoa, see the jolly ole man himself and make an ornament Bring your camera for a great photo opportunity

Admission is free Space is limited Pre-register at www leeparks org/register


Recreation Center at 239-533-1470

∫ Movie in the Park, Saturday, Dec 7, 6 p m , Phillips Community Park, 5675 Sesame Drive, Bokeelia

Join us for a showing of the Christmas classic, “The Muppet Christmas Carol”, rated G Please bring blankets, chairs and snacks to enjoy while watching this family favorite film Pine Island Fire Department will serve popcorn

Admission is free


Recreation Center at 239-533-7200

∫ Cocoa with Claus, Dec 13, 6 - 8 p m , Friday, North Fort Myers Recreation Center, 2000 N Recreation Park Way, North Fort Myers

Bring family, friends and a jolly spirit and celebrate the season with Mr Claus and his jolly crew Activities include cookie decorating, hot cocoa and a photo opportunity with Mr Claus

Admission is free

For more information contact the North Fort Myers Recreation Center at 239-533-7200

∫ Holiday Express Train, 10 a m - 2 p m ; 6 p m - 9 p m , Monday-Friday and 10 a m - 9 p m

Saturday - Sunday starting Friday, Dec 13,

through Monday, Dec 30, at Lakes Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers

Embark on a festive journey by visiting Lakes Park for a ride on the Holiday Express The Train Village route transforms into a dazzling display with holiday decorations and lighting for enchanting nighttime rides Admission is free for ages 15 and $6 for ages 6 and up Parking fee is $1 per hour or $5 per day The train will close at 2 p m on Christmas Eve and be closed on Christmas D a y F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t www leeparks org/lakespark or call 239-5337578

∫ Winter Wonderland, Saturday, Dec 14, 10 a m - 1 p m , Veterans Park, 55 Homestead Road South, Lehigh Acres

Come celebrate the season enjoying holiday crafts, letters to Santa, photo booths, reindeer games and a visit with Santa and Mrs Claus for photos Each child will receive a gift Hot chocolate, cookie treats and a tree lighting will end the celebration.

Admission is $5 per child ages 1-11 Pre-register at www leeparks org/register

For more information contact the Veterans Park Recreation Center at 239-533-7530

For additional details about Lee County Parks & Recreation locations, amenities and upcoming events, visit www leeparks org, call 239-5337275, or email leeparks@leegov com Stay connected on social media by following Lee County Parks & Recreation on Facebook and Instagram T o r e c e i v e u p d a t e s f r o m L e e C o u n t y Government, sign up for the newsletter here: www leegov com/resources/newsletters Follow L e e C o u n t y G o v e r n m e n t o n F a c e b o o k , www facebook com/leecountyflbocc

Holiday Wreath Auction to be held at Edison and Ford Winter Estates

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is partnering with the Fort Myers Woman's Community Club for its annual wreath auction, which will be held on Dec 5, from 6-9 p m Dozens of handmade holiday wreaths will be auctioned, with the proceeds benefitting restoration and preservation efforts at the Estates The event is sponsored by Riverview Wealth Partners of Raymond James

The auction will take place in the Estates’ river pavilion, along the Caloosahatchee. Guests will be able to stroll the decorated grounds during Holiday Nights; appetizers and a cash bar will be available

Tickets for the wreath auction are $20 per person and

Advance, online registration is required; guests should purchase tickets at EdisonFord org

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Holiday wreaths will be available for auction at Edison and Ford Winter Estates.


Alliance for the Arts to present Three New Exhibitions this December

The Alliance for the Arts will kick off the month of December with three exciting new exhibitions The annual Members-Only gallery exhibition of small works, titled Off the Walls, will be on display alongside Colores Que Se Desvanecen by renowned portrait artist Martha Cantu, and the LAEA Art Educators Show, featuring artwork by local educators The opening reception for all three exhibitions will be held on Friday, Dec 6, from 5-7 pm, and the exhibitions will remain on view through Jan 4 Please note, AFTA will be closed Dec 23, - Jan 1

Off the Walls features original small works in a variety of mediums created by members of AFTA, all priced at $250 or less. Artwork must be 16 x 20 inches or smaller All sales are “cash and carry” and available to take home that day, making this exhibition dynamic and ever-changing each day it is on view

Theatre Gallery Artist: Colores Que Se Desvanecen

MEGAPASS tickets for Southwest Florida Ag Expo go on sale Black Friday

Lee County invites the community to take advantage of a special discounted price on MEGAPASS tickets for the upcoming 2025 Southwest Florida Ag Expo, scheduled from Feb 27 to March 9

Starting Black Friday, Nov 29, and continuing through Cyber Monday, Dec 2, MEGAPASS tickets will be available for the exclusive price of $25. After Dec 2, MEGAPASS tickets will be $30 until the Expo begins

The MEGAPASS includes gate admission and a wristband for unlimited mechanical rides on one day of your choice, making it the perfect option for families looking to enjoy all the fun and excitement the Ag Expo has to offer

Advance tickets for general gate admission will a l s o b e a v a i l a b l e f o r p u r c h a s e a t www swflagexpo com General admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 4 to11, while children 3 and under receive free entry. Active and retired military personnel can enjoy free gate admission all day, every day, with proper military ID

Be sure to take advantage of this limited-time offer and get ready for an “Ag-citing Adventure” at the Southwest Florida Ag Expo

For a complete schedule of events, special promot i o n s , t i c k e t i n g , a n d p a r k i n g i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t www swflagexpo com or follow the SWFL Ag Expo on Facebook at www facebook com/swflagexpo

To receive updates from Lee County Government, s i g n u p f o r t h e n e w s l e t t e r h e r e : www.leegov.com/resources/newsletters. Follow Lee County Government on Facebook at www facebook com/leecountyflbocc

Renowned as one of Southwest Florida’s finest portrait artists, Martha Maria Cantu, works in several art mediums but focuses primarily on colored pencil, acrylic, and oil-based art Mesmerized by the imperfections that make people perfect; there truly are no borders when choosing her muse; as she is drawn to people of all ages, races, and backgrounds

“The fresh and crisp lines on her portraits contain a modern photo-realism, and her handling of detail does not distract from her bold color choices and composition,” wrote one Judge Cantu describes how she has always been attracted to people's eyes and faces, which has inspired her to become the portrait artist she is today; when one looks at her work, it is hard to believe that she is self-taught

Today, she stands at the heart of Immokalee's vibrant a r t s s c e n e , a s t h e a r t i s t b

Immokalee sign, Field of Dreams

Me mbe rs Gal l e ry A rti s t: LA EA A rt Educ ato r Exhibition

The Lee Art Education Association (LAEA) is an organization of art teachers from both public and private

institutions throughout Lee County. This group of talented artists and educators are excited to share some of their personal and professional artwork with the community

A wide variety of mediums and subject matters will be represented in this show, but the common theme will be the love and passion of educating and inspiring our local youth to take pride in the arts

About Alliance for the Arts

The Alliance for the Arts is a nonprofit community visual and performing arts center located in the heart of Fort Myers, Florida Since 1975, the Alliance has been committed to transforming lives and improving community through the arts The Alliance campus and galleries are open to the public from 9 a m to 7 p m Tuesday through Friday, and from 9 a m to 1 p m on Saturdays Located at 10091 McGregor Boulevard just south of Colonial Boulevard in Fort Myers For more information, p l e a s e c a l l

Lee org, find us on Meetup at www meetup com/fortmyers-arts-entertainment-meetup-group/, Facebook at w

www instagram com/allianceforthearts/

New date for Red Sox 13th annual


D u e t o H u r r

for the Sox golf tournament

October, the Red Sox Foundation rescheduled its 13th annual Swings for the Sox golf tournament from Oct 11 to its new date of Tuesday, Dec 17

The tournament will still take place at the Tiburón Golf Club’s G o l d C o u r s e l o c a t e d a t 2 6 2 0 Tiburón Drive in Naples and foursomes are still available

A scramble format with prizes for the longest drive, putting, closest to the pin and more will begin at 8:30 a m after registration at 7:15 a m A continental breakfast will be included as well as a buffet lunch

County Red Sox Scholarship prog

Foundation awards a $5,000 college scholarship to one deserving student from each of the public high schools in Lee County and one student from a L e e C o u n t y c h a r t e r a n d A L S school for a total of 16 scholarships w o r t h $ 8 0 , 0 0 0 A p p l i c a t i o n s a r


https://www redsoxfoundation org/le ecountyscholarship/ The deadline to

apply is Jan. 10, 2025. The scholarships are for academically talented students who have shown a commitment to community service and are pursuing a two- or four- year degree at any college or university

To date, the Swings for the Sox has raised more than $615,000 for l o c a l c h a r i

y $530,000 for the scholarship program

Once again, this year’s title sponsor is ReRoute, a socially-driven manufacturing, sales and distribution company that aims to change the game on what and where some of the things you buy are made ReRoute products are made of fully recyclable plastics or agave They are made of compostable materials in humane

conditions ReRoute joins Galloway Ford returning this year as the Golf Ball sponsor T

player packages begin at $1,200 All golfers will receive a New Balance polo, duffle bag and custom Red Sox branded gifts There will also be high-end raffle prizes for golfers to bid on

Raffle items that can be used to aid in raising money for the Red Sox Foundation’s scholarship fund and additional funds for those in need throughout Southwest Florida are being accepted

The Red Sox Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and t h

Boston Red Sox The foundation’s primary focus locally is in serving the health, education, recreation and social service needs of children and families across Southwest Florida

The Red Sox Foundation is one of the most successful in all of Major League Baseball For more information, call 239226-4783 or email swingsforthesox@redsox com

2 7 , 2 0 2 4 ■ P a g e 2 2

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r


S e r v i c e s a t S t . P e t e r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h

S t P e t e r E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h i n A m e r i c a a t 3 7 5 1 E s t e r o B o u l e v a r d , F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O u t d o o r S e r v i c e s u n d e r t h e t e n t

A l l a r e w e l c o m e , w e a r e p e t f r i e n d l y

2 3 9 - 4 6 3 - 4 2 5 1

s t p e t e

Holiday Nights opens Nov. 29 at Edison

and Ford Winter Estates

On Friday, November 29 at 5:30 p.m., Edison and Ford Winter Estates will kick off the 49th annual Holiday Nights celebration with a tree lighting ceremony Guests will have an opportunity to participate in the countdown with Dave Elias from NBC-2 when the Christmas tree on the Ford property is lit with thousands of animated lights choreographed to holiday music

Female vocalists, the American Sirens, will perform shortly after the tree lighting The event is sponsored by FPL, Bob Dean Supply, Neal Communities, Sunbelt Rentals, and TriCircle Pavers

Holiday Nights will run nightly through January 5 (will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas night).

Guided Holiday Tradition Tours will be offered at 6 and 7 p m every night except opening night or visitors can choose to meander at their own pace on a self-guided

December 4, 11, and 18 at 6:30 p m for a special upclose look at the homes' decorated interiors

The family-oriented event includes the Children's Tree Trail, which features 50 trees decorated with handmade ornaments from Lee County school children On Sunday evenings from 6-8 p m , children can visit with Santa and Mrs Claus Then, on Wednesday nights from 6-8 p.m., there will be a family science show and families will have an opportunity to learn about the diffraction of holiday lights, the chemistry of slime, and how to drive a robot

To purchase tickets or view the nightly schedule, visit the website at EdisonFord org

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band – The Music of the Hit Broadway Show – to headline the Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall Dec. 4

For over six years they rocked Broadway, and millions of fans, in the five-time Tony Award-nominated musical Rock of Ages Now, for the very first time, Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band are bringing the music of the hit Broadway show to venues across the country as they reveal details for their Fall 2024 Tour Featuring an all-star ensemble, comprising the artists from the original cast on Broadway, this exclusive routing will hit the Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall on Dec 4 This show was previously scheduled for Oct 12

During these electrifying shows, audiences will rock out to the greatest hits from the ’80s with songs by such bands as Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister, Joan Jett, Styx, Pat Benatar, and many more Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band comprises the following stars:

For over six years they rocked Broadway, and millions of fans, in the five-time Tony Award®-nominated musical Rock of Ages Now, for the very first time, Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band are bringing the music of the hit Broadway show to venues across the country as they reveal details for their Fall 2024 Tour Featuring an all-star ensemble, comprising the artists from the original cast on Broadway, this exclusive routing will hit the Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall on Dec 4 This show was previously scheduled for Oct 12

During these electrifying shows, audiences will rock

out to the greatest hits from the ’80s with songs by such bands as Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Foreigner, Journey, Poison, Twisted Sister, Joan Jett, Styx, Pat Benatar, and many more Broadway’s Rock of Ages Band comprises the following stars:

18th Annual Festival of Trees set for Dec. 5-8

Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida and the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center will presents the 18th Annual Festival of Trees Dec 5, through Dec 8

The annual fundraiser benefits both community nonprofits, and has become a holiday tradition in Southwest Florida for thousands of families

The four-day event ushers in the holidays at the SBDAC at 2301 First Street in the River District of Fort Myers Throughout the Festival of Trees event, the public can view the beautifully decorated trees, purchase raffle tickets, and vote for their favorite trees. On Sunday, people wait in anticipation to see if their ticket is called as a winner of one of the trees

Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida is committed to serving people with disabilities and disadvantages by offering life-changing opportunities to achieve independence The Festival of Trees event helps to fund the many programs and services offered throughout the Southwest Florida community

Bell Tower invites the community to a Tree Lighting Extravaganza Dec. 6

Bell Tower, a shopping, dining and entertainment destination centrally located in Fort Myers, invites the community to its annual Tree Lighting Extravaganza from 6 p m to 9 p m on Friday, Dec 6

At 6:30 p m , Santa will arrive in a South Trail Fire Department fire truck at the entrance between Blue Pointe Oyster Bar & Seafood Grill and Grimaldi’s Coal Brick Oven Pizzeria Following his arrival, there will be a special tree-lighting ceremony emceed by popular iHeartRadio host Amy Lynn in Center Court After the tree lighting, families will enjoy a special meet-and-greet photo opportunity (bring your own camera) with Santa Claus and other popular holiday guests, live music by DJ Robert McDonald, and live performances from The Dance Lounge The fun will continue with a bounce house for kids, face painting, balloon artists, holiday games and activities, photo ops with popular stiltwalker Way Too Tall Torrie, a reptile exhibit by Adam’s Animal Encounters, inflatable Axes from Chuck It Axes, a chance to pet miniature horse Misty from Endless Trails

St. Raphael’s to hold Blue Christmas Service Dec. 11

St Raphael’s Blue Christmas Service will be held Wednesday, Dec 11, starting at 6:30 p m

All are welcome

Blue Christmas is a non-denominational service of healing and hope a quiet, reflective service for those of us who are grieving all sorts of losses (including losses from the hurricanes); those of us who are lonely, or sad, or not feeling festive, or just in need some quiet time within the busy holiday season. Blue Christmas is important because it allows us time and space to pause and sit with our feelings This is the gentle beginning of healing

St Raphael's Episcopal Church is at 5061 Williams Dr , Fort Myers Beach

Stables, cotton candy provided by Sweet Dreams SWFL (while supplies last), and a variety of vendors including Little Princess Spa Fort Myers, Dogative, i9 Sports and SEW Deb Additional photo ops include a themed photo booth and a meet-and-greet with magical princesses from Princess Entertainment SWFL This event is free and open to the public; no pre-registration is required To learn more or see photos from last year’s event, visit https://bit ly/4dVsKmX

Bell Tower is at Daniels Parkway & US 41, Fort Myers

Santa Paws Is coming to town:

Holiday photos for your furr y friends to be held Dec. 7

Santa Paws is set for Saturday, Dec 7 at Gulf Coast Town Center

Santa will make a special stop in the courtyard, ready to take photos with every pet on the “nice” list Pet parents can capture festive memories with their furry friends at this event Registration is required and is now open to the public Register at www GulfCoastTownCenter com Gulf Coast Town Center is at 9903 Gulf Coast Main Street, Fort Myers

Southwest Florida Archaeological Society field trip to Koreshan State Park

Join the Southwest Florida Archaeological Society on Saturday, Dec 7, for the SWFAS 2024 Field Trip to Koreshan State Historical Site Entrance to the site is complementary for our group by the Koreshan State Historical Site The group will have a private tour led by a docent who will explain the history of the fascinating Koreshan sect and its founder Cyrus Teed Their relocation from New York and Chicago to Estero and their innovative farming methods and advances in the establishment of their “Eden on Earth” were far ahead of the local towns in south Florida The buildings here at Estero were organized to house and feed the group and to produce articles to sell to the outside areas for a cash income They had their own electricity, an icehouse for their fish canning plant, and developed hybrid plants Their religious ideas and practices often put them in conflict with the farmers and fishermen in Fort Myers that led to physical violence The site was founded in 1882 and was highly active through 1920 In 1961 the 305-acre site was deeded over to the state by the last of the Koreshans After the tour the group will meet for lunch at Rusty’s Raw Bar and Grille about two miles north of Koreshan at See WHAT’S HAPPENING, page 24

The holidays are right around the corner and we have a rescue friend who wrote a book to help us with our rescue All the proceeds for the first 50 books will help us with our efforts to save pets Great children’s book for the holidays as a gift A little note about Gwen and her involvement with rescue! The retail price is $18 95 but for us it is only $15 Please remember all the proceeds go to save more pets Call or text 239-281-0739.

‘Rescue’ does not mean ‘damaged’

It means they have been let down by humans Save a life, adopt a shelter pet


Last week we brought Jingles to an event at the shelter He came f r o m D o m

Animal Services in Fort Myers


with us for the past 11 months and really needs

very social with people and loves

h other dogs He w

n active lifestyle He is 18 months old and weighs

. Jingles goes to d o g g i

a week and loves it If you hike, go in the water and love dogs, please contact us He is fully vetted and deserves a great home

Lots of ways to help


We are happy to announce that the Book Nook is now open in the Santini Plaza on the south end of Fort Myers Beach We have a donation jar there and food and other cat items can be left there for Save Our Strays Annette has been a great supporter and we are happy to see her back in business after Ian destroyed the Santini plaza She is located across hallway from The Islander ladies shop Her hours are M-F 9 a m to 3:30 p m for now

We are still in need of litter and wet and dry food for the adult cats and kittens Can be sent directly to our rescue Save our Strays from Chewey or Amazon.

We are also in need of transporters to transport cats and or kittens and also volunteers to help at the rescue a few hours a week

Please call 239-851-3485 if you have any free time to help us out.

From page 22

20041 Tamiami Trail on the east side of the highway

Be sure to register to reserve your place for the tour

/parks-and-trails/koreshan-state-park for more information.

Koreshan State Historical State Park is at 3800 Corkscrew Rd , Estero

Cape Coral to host third annual Reindeer Run Dec. 14

The city of Cape Coral will host its third annual R e i n d e e r R u n 5 K a n d 1 5 m i l e F a m i l y F u n R u n Saturday, Dec 14, from 4 to 8 p m

The race will be held at Coral Oaks Golf Course, 1800 NW 28th Ave , along the cart path The course is stroller-friendly, and participants are encouraged to wear festive holiday attire

Runners can check in on the race day beginning at 4 p m The 5K will start at 5 p m , and the Family Fun Run/Walk will begin at 6 p m

To register for the event, please visit www capereindeerrun.com. The first 350 people to register will receive a medal All participants who register before Nov 22, 2024, are guaranteed to receive a shirt Glow sticks and reindeer-themed gear will also be included in the race packet

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8 p m , w i t h d o o r s o p e n i n g a t 7 p m A d v a n c e t i c k e t s a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r $ 9 5 f r o m T i c k e t m a s t e r o r a t

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The Laboratory Theater of Florida to present the SWFL premiere of Christmas with the Crawfords

The southwest Florida premiere of Christmas with the Crawfords, created by Richard Winchester and w

Laboratory Theater of Florida This hilarious take on 1940s Hollywood glam runs through Dec 22

This riotous camp classic is based on the actual C

Bell Tower invites the community to a fun-filled ‘Yappy Hour’

Bell Tower, a landmark shopping, dining and entertainment destination centrally located in Fort Myers, Florida, invites the community to a fun-filled Yappy Hour from 6 p m to 8 p m on the second Friday of each month Guests are encouraged to bring their furry friends and mingle with fellow dog lovers at this exclusive fundraising event which benefits the Gulf Coast Humane Society Throughout the event, attendees are encouraged to sip, snack and stroll through the center’s shops Many of Bell Tower’s retailers will also have a special Yappy Hour surprise for guests and their dogs Bell Tower Yappy Hours take place each month through the end of the year; check the website for dates and themed event updates These events are free and open to the public; no pre-registration is required Alcohol will only be served to those 21 and over with a valid ID To learn more, visit https://bit ly/3y9SEne

Bell Tower is at Daniels Parkway & US 41, Fort Myers

An Acoustic Evening with Rick Springfield and Richard Marx coming to Seminole Casino Hotel

Tickets on Sale Friday

Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee will host An Acoustic Evening with Rick Springfield and Richard Marx on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 8 p m , with gates opening at 7 p m Advance tickets for this outdoor concert will be available Friday, Nov. 15 starting at $70


There will be a presale Wednesday, Nov 13 from 10

o 1 0 p m

Crawford’s Brentwood mansion in 1949 Tinsel Town divas abound and sing beloved classics while Crawford seethes

Christmas with the Crawfords allows the audience a h

shenanigans of the glamorous world of Hollywood’s Golden Age This hilarious reimagining of the iconic 1949 Christmas radio broadcast with Joan Crawford ( R


y Weaver) is a rollicking comedy that invites theatergoers to join a veritable gaggle of silver screen icons for an unforgettable festive celebration Audiences are treated to a madcap journey filled with laughter, music, and plenty of toe-tapping musical numbers This dynamic production captures the spirit of the season with a delightful twist.

Director Todd Lyman says, “The Crawfords are a

Immokalee on social media for the presale code Parking for the concert is free

Over the past four decades, Rick Springfield has worn many hats as an entertainer and performer The creator of some of the finest power-pop of the 1980s, he is a Grammy winning singer, songwriter, and musician who has sold 25 million albums and scored 17 U S Top 40 hits, including “Jessie’s Girl,” “Don’t Talk to Strangers,” “An Affair of the Heart,” "I've Done Everything for You,” “Love Somebody,” and “Human Touch ”

Richard Marx has sold more than 30 million albums worldwide, starting with his self-titled debut which went to No 8 on the Billboard Top 200 chart The album spawned four Top 5 singles, including “Hold on to the Nights” and “Don’t Mean Nothing,” which earned him a

family like no other, and their chaotic Christmas celebration is a sight to behold We’ve created a hilarious comedy that “honors" divas of the Golden Age big Hollywood It’s a pleasure to direct this immensely talented cast ” Both superbly entertaining and sure to fill you with Christmas cheer, this show is a feel-good alternative to the humdrum holiday classics -Stage Buddy

Christmas with the Crawfords is sponsored by Arthur Zupko

Performance dates:

∫ Dec 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 at 7:30 p m

∫ Dec 7, 8, 15, 22 at 2 p m

Special Events:

∫ Half-price previews: Dec 4, 5 at 7:30 p m

∫ Opening night: Dec 6 at 7:30 p m

∫ Free Teen Tickets: Dec 7 at 2 p m

∫ Sensory-Friendly Performance: Dec 19 at 7:30 p m

Tickets are $42 each or $15 for students with valid student IDs There is a new Thursday night special ticket price of $37 each for adults For tickets, please call the box office at 239.218.0481 or online at www laboratorytheaterflorida com

Performance His follow-up, 1989’s “Repeat Offender,” was even more successful, hitting No 1 and going quadruple-platinum with two No 1 singles, “Satisfied” and “Right Here Waiting ” He has since made history as the only male artist whose first seven singles reached the Top 5 on the Billboard charts Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee is at 506 South 1st St , Immokalee

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