A look back... Some news highlights from the summer months on the islands — INSIDE PINEISLAND-EAGLE.COM
DOT official, county traffic engineer weigh in on possible changes at Stringfellow/Pine Island Road intersection By PAULETTE LeBLANC
The upcoming Thursday, Dec. 7, public informational meeting at the Pine Island Elementary School cafeteria from 5-7 p.m. is a step forward in the process of evaluating the intersection at Pine Island Road and Stringfellow Road. Some possible changes at the intersection include a traffic light, a roundabout or possibly leaving it as is, since there are currently no safety concerns, according to DOT Deputy Director Rob Price. “At the request of some citizens out there, and also through our normal process, where we evaluate intersec-
tions for possible improvements based on safety issues and congestion issues, we took a look at that intersection—we hired consultants to do the study, and part of that study was to evaluate…do we have any major safety issues? Can an intersection benefit from some improvement of some sort? And then, if so, what are those improvements? And can you kind of give us an idea of what the comparisons are with existing conditions versus what could happen with an improvement?”, Price said. The viable alternatives to the current four-way stop are adding a roundabout or traffic signal, he said, adding the community’s feedback at the meeting, or online, is of
major importance. “We’re really interested in the feedback of the residents and the citizenry out in Pine Island, to see what they want us to do,” Price said. Lee County Traffic Engineer Jillian Scholler said a roundabout generally offers some operational benefits due to a slightly lower delay, and has increased safety over a traffic signal. “When you go through a roundabout you are traveling at a lower speed, so any crashes that happen in a roundSee INTERSECTION, page 15
GPIA provides update on island recovery Habitat for Humanity discusses its efforts post Hurricane Ian By PAULETTE LeBLANC
day, in addition to purchasing some of Winn-Dixie’s food bags to give to the Food Pantry. Kiwanian Cindy Bickford said she was impressed, though not surprised, that the first thing Crotty grabbed on her run were items for other people. “At the end, she had a few dollars left, so I ran with her and we got canned goods for the Food Pantry. It was about $40 over, but Kiwanis covered that,” Bickford said.
The Greater Pine Island Alliance had its monthly meeting Nov. 21, where co-founder Aaron Bareda announced 350 sheets of drywall and just under 200 rolls of insulation were given away in partnership with the Lions Club International, at First United Methodist Church. There will be another giveaway on Dec.12 at 8:30 a.m., he said, to help survivors get back in their homes. “This will be our third giveaway in conjunction with the International Lions Club,” Bareda said. He reminds those who have specific needs to visit the GPIA website and sign up early, if possible. He also announced the American Red Cross has finalized a grant to the organization for $85,000, in an effort to make sure the GPIA has an office building. A memorandum has been signed with Catholic Charities and all paperwork has been filed, he said. “Catholic Charities has very generously donated $100,000 to this island. The majority of that is towards skilled labor. As we’re all in different phases of recovery, one of the things we’ve realized is — for a lot of us — we did muck and gut pretty darn well and all the islanders helped each other deal with muck and gut and we had great volunteer groups out, but at a certain point in reconstructing your home — I know mine included — you need some skilled labor,” Bareda said. A large portion of the grant from Catholic Charities, designated for skilled labor, allowed the GPIA to begin helping those who need to build or to rebuild. One Hurricane Ian survivor will see Christmas with her children back in their completed home, Bareda said, choking back tears. Executive Director Erin Lollar-Lambert reminded everyone Lee County Commissioner Kevin Ruane and his family spearheaded GPIA’s commitment as well as
See RECOVERY, page 16
From left are Dan Loughren (store manager), a Winn-Dixie staff member, Marty Crotty (runner) and Kiwanians Tonya Player, Kathleen Donnelly-Marquis and Cindy Bickford.
Island Kiwanis Club holds another Supermarket Sweep at Winn-Dixie By PAULETTE LeBLANC
The Pine Island Kiwanis Club has teamed up with Winn-Dixie to host the fourth annual Supermarket Sweep. The winner, retired fire captain Rich Crotty, let his wife, Marty, perform the actual run through the store. “I’m just excited that my husband was able to help the Kiwanians and hopefully I’ll be able to help a few people on the island with what I’m able to do here,” Crotty said. Her plan for the winning run, she said, was to help out some families with groceries for the Thanksgiving holi-
Athlete of the Week.........17 Dolphin Tales.....................6 Local Tides......................20 insidetoday Cat of the Week...............14 Letters to the Editor..........4 On the Water......................8 Classifieds & Obituaries