Your City: Pickering Magazine - Issue 3

Page 16

Your Vote.

Your Election.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS T H E P I C K E R I N G M U N I C I PA L E L E C T I O N I S O N M O N D A Y, O C T O B E R 2 4 , 2 0 2 2 ! How does the election work?

Everyfouryears,amunicipalelectiontakesplaceintheCitytoelecttheMayorandMembersofdCouncil, Trustees, School and Boa the Regional Chair for the Regional Municipality of Durham. VoterswillelectsevenindividualstositasMembersonPickeringCityCouncilforthefollowingOces:

Mayor,electedatlarge,threeRegionalCouncillorsandthreeCityCouncillorselectedbyvotersfromeachofth willalsocastavoteforschoolboardtrusteesandtheRegionalChair. Are You Interested in Running for Pickering City Council?

IndividualsinterestedinrunningforPickeringCityCouncilmustfiletheirnominationinaccordancewiththe 196(the“Act”).


Office of Mayor

Office of City Councillor, Ward 2

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 1

Office of City Councillor, Ward 3

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 2

Office of Regional Councillor, Ward 3

Office of Trustee, Durham District School Board

Office of City Councillor, Ward 1

Office of Trustee, Durham Catholic District School Board

Nominationsmustbefiledinperson,orbyanagent,beginning,May Monday 2,0untilThursday,August18,20duringregular businesshours(MondaytoFriday,8:30amto4:30pm),andonNominationDay,Friday,August19,20between9:0amand2:0pm. Nominationsmustbefiledat:OceoftheCityClerkPickeringCivicComplex,OneTheEsplanadePickering,ONL1V6K7 Learnmoreaboutnominations,keydates,votingmethods,and moreat

16 | Your City Magazine - Issue 3

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