July 1, 2017- June 30, 2018 1
It has been a remarkable year at The Breman! From the provision of Holocaust education to thousands of school children and the introduction of survivors through the Bearing Witness program to the education of teachers in our Summer Institute on Teaching the Holocaust, the Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education demonstrated our respect for our survivors and their stories! From scholars studying our archives and Historic Jewish Atlanta Tours to an on-site exhibition at The Temple, the Cuba Family Archives have helped us remember our community’s history! From our Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years and Eighteen Artifacts exhibitions to Discovery and Recovery: Preserving Iraqi Jewish Heritage, and Chasing Dreams: Baseball and Becoming American, we relay information to our visitors! From our joyful celebrations of Jewish contributions to music in the Molly Blank Jewish Concert Series to the enrichment of our Lunchtime Culture series, we renew our engagement with the arts.
I want to extend a huge Thank You to the board, staff and volunteers of The Breman for all of their hard work and dedication, and to our members, donors, sponsors and supporters without whom we could not connect people to Jewish history, culture and arts! Sincerely,
Lori J. Shapiro Board Chair 2
In July 2017, we started a new fiscal year with ambitious goals and a long to-do list. As I stepped into the role of Acting Executive Director for this year of transition, I was thrilled to work with an outstanding staff and team of volunteers as we crafted a set of priorities and action steps that would enable us to solidify a vision for the future of the Breman and position us to successfully accomplish our mission. To become a reality, an aspiration requires trust, passion and a lot of team work. At the Breman, we proved to have all of that, and then some. This year: •
We promised a strategic plan and delivered it
We engaged our audiences in new ways
We strengthened and increased our partnerships through the multiple communities that we serve
We grew attendance, counteracting a five-year trend
We gained financial support
We solidified our position within the cultural landscape of the city of Atlanta
It’s been a busy year, and we could not be more grateful to you for enabling us to accomplish all of this. Onward!
Ghila Sanders Acting Executive Director 3
MISSION Connect people to Jewish history, culture, and arts.
VISION A community filled with mutual respect and understanding that resonates with Jewish values
BOARD OF DIRECTORS The leadership of our board members is critical to our effectiveness. The dedication, enthusiasm and vision of these individuals is the driving force behind the Breman’s ability to achieve its mission. 2017– 2018 Board Elaine Alexander Cherie Aviv Judy Bauer Cohen J. Samuel Coolik Marilyn Ginsberg Eckstein Karen Lansky Edlin Howard Fagin Rachel Finglass Elissa Fladdell Craig Frankel Curt Friedberg Benjamin Hirsch* Leslie Isenberg
Evan Kananack Adam Koplan Lana Krebs Joslin LeBauer Hank Lewin Anita Lynn Cathy Papadopulous Leanna Rinzler IJ Rosenberg Jerry Rosenberg Lori Shapiro Carla Silver Jeannette Zukor
Emeritus Miles Alexander Spring Asher Thomas J. Asher Lois A. Blonder Elinor Rosenberg Breman* Laura Dinerman Gail H. Evans Peter Fishman Carole B. Goldberg S. Jarvin Levison Valerie Needle Carol Nemo A.J. Robinson Marlene J. Schwartz Joyce Shlesinger Judith Taylor Norman Zoller
AT A GLANCE 28,100 Museum Visitors (A 9.3% increase from FY17)
STRATEGIC PLANNING In the Fall of 2017, the Breman embarked on a strategic planning process to explore the museum’s future. This effort was undertaken by 75 board members (both current and previous members), volunteers, staff, key stakeholders, and Theisen Consulting LLC. In June 2018, a 5-year strategic plan was approved by the board.
The Breman will transition into a role as a cultural center and a gathering place for the community, while retaining its primary role as the Southeast’s repository, caretaker, and storyteller of Jewish history, including the Holocaust. The Breman’s vision of a community filled with respect and understanding that resonates with Jewish values is supported by its mission to connect people to Jewish history, culture and arts. Below are the goals outlined for the Breman in the strategic plan:
5-YEAR GOALS: Offer programming and exhibitions aligned with our mission Dramatically increase attendance and engage the next generations of visitors Cultivate the community to financially invest in the Breman Operate a high functioning, financially sustainable organization
Archives Director, Jeremy Katz, won the JFGA 2018 Marilyn Shubin Professional Staff Development Award
Director of Membership and Visitors Services, Rachel Katz, presented at the 2017 Southeastern Museums conference in New Orleans, LA and was awarded a travel scholarship by SEMC
Community Engagement Coordinator, Julie Zeff, was awarded a travel scholarship to attend the Conference of American Jewish Museums in Washington D.C.
The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at the Breman Museum is the largest and most complete repository for Jewish history in the Southeast.
In FY18, we:
Digitized 1,788 images
Digitized 2 collections
Processed 17 collections, measuring 50.2 linear feet
Accepted 33 new collections, measuring 48 linear feet
Held 3 genealogy programs, reaching 184 participants
Conducted 8 oral histories
Transcribed 37 oral histories Made 37 oral histories available online
The Breman has aided writers, journalists, and scholars worldwide. This year, Breman archival images will appear in the scholarly journal Southern Jewish History and a German book by Gabriele Hannah titled Die Juden com Altrhein. This year, 305 people came to the Breman for archives research, an 8.5% increase from FY17.
The archives acquired a new collection from the family of Henry Meyer that includes his diaries written as a Jewish German soldier in World War I, and an iron cross awarded to him for his brave service.
Atlanta is the only city with an app specific to Jewish history, thanks to the Breman’s Historic Jewish Atlanta app. This year, the app was redesigned to have a new look and a more versatile user experience!
The archives hosted three interns, and was able to provide them hands-on opportunities to learn about archives stewardship and receive college credit.
Thanks to the incredible efforts of the our volunteers, the Breman library has undergone substantial re-organization, and cataloging. The library is a wonderful reference tool for researchers and learners, and is available to all.
FY18 Interns: Cameron Mitchell,
B.A. candidate at Agnes Scott College
Victoria Schaeffner,
B.A. candidate at Agnes Scott College
Joshua Waldrop,
M.A. recent graduate from East Tennessee State University 6
Historic Jewish Atlanta Tours The Breman annually offers 8 tours of local Atlanta sites with relevance to Southern Jewish history. The 2017/18 season included tours of Oakland Cemetery, Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, the Fox Theater and more! 242 people attended HJAT program, and for 28% of them it was their first experience with the Breman. 98% of attendees reported learning from the series.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Georgia
Molly Blank Jewish Concert Series
The JGSG strives to foster an interest in Jewish heritage, and encourage genealogical research. JGSG connects new members of the Jewish community, with 25% of attendees not affiliated with other Jewish organizations and 98% of attendees reporting to be more likely to attend more Jewish cultural events as a result of a JGSG program.
The Breman partnered with the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival, the Atlanta Jazz Festival, and the Consulate General of Israel to bring a series of concerts celebrating Jewish contributions to music. This year, 21% of concert-goers were first time visitors to the museum. The concerts are particularly wonderful entry points, as 94% of 2018 concert-goers rated their experiences very highly and 88% reported to have learned something new from their experience. 100% of visitors reported a likelihood of attending future programs at the Breman. The concert is supported by the Molly Blank Fund of the Arthur M. Blank Foundation, with additional supported provided by the Piedmont National Family Foundation, National Distribution Co., and Breman concert hosts.
Curating Your Family Story
Lunchtime Culture
Curating Your Family Story, a program held in partnership with Beit Hatfutsot, teaches young people how to become mindful guardians of personal histories. CYFS is a meaningful, multigenerational Jewish heritage journey that explores family roots, genealogy, tradition, and creative expression.
The Breman partnered with the Center for Puppetry Arts and the High Museum to launch an innovative, collaborative program series that provides free, easily-accessible, in te rdis ciplin ary, m on th ly programs. 269 people attended the programs, and 82% gave the program the highest rating.
of Breman visitors reached through the Weinberg Center
21,285 people attended Weinberg tours, programs, or special events
Yom HaShoah
Breman staff finalized two films in the They Shall Be Remembered documentary film series, which tells the stories of local area Holocaust survivors. The newest additions tell the stories of Miriam Fishkin, and Bebe Forehand. Additionally, a film focusing on the story of George Rishfeld was re-edited.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, 450 participants gathered at the Memorial to the Six Million at Greenwood Cemetery. The service was presented by the Weinberg Center in partnership with Eternal-Life Hemshech and the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. The keynote speaker was Helen Weingarten, a survivor from Romania. An honor guard was performed by the Jewish War Veterans, Post 112, and volunteers from across the Jewish community participated.
Responding to repeated requests that visitors wish to be able to take the story they have heard home, the Weinberg Center has produced short biographies of our volunteer survivors speakers. This year we wrote two such short books that shared the stories of Bebe Forehand and George Rishfeld.
Survivors and their families joined a multi-generational audience, filled with the children, the grandchildren, and the greatgrandchildren of those who were touched by the brutality of the Holocaust. Together they lit the memorial candles to honor those who survived, those who died, and those who will never be.
13,710 children heard a Holocaust survivor speak
10,889 attended tours, 8,505 of them students
6,308 people reached through Bremanfacilitated speakers at off-campus sites
WEINBERG CENTER FOR HOLOCAUST EDUCATION PROGRAMS Summer Institute for Teaching the Holocaust The Summer Institute is a weeklong multi-disciplinary seminar that prepares educators across the Southeast to teach the Holocaust. Participants hear accounts from survivors and lectures by a range of master teachers and are led through the Breman’s signature Holocaust gallery and a behindthe-scenes tour of the archives. This course is designed to give teachers the resources to teach this information to a variety of grade levels, disciplines, and curricula, with a particular focus on the Georgia Performance and Core Curriculum Standards. 16 educators participated in the 2018 Summer Institute, and 100% came away with a strengthened ability to educate others on the Holocaust. All participants rated the course as “excellent.”
We Are Here!: Teaching the Jewish Families
The Breman partners with Jewish organizations and local synagogues to bring families together to learn about the Holocaust and the personal impact it had on the families of participants. We Are Here! highlights the courageous responses of the Jewish people in the face of persecution. It provides a balanced understanding of the Holocaust and strengthens Jewish pride in participating families.
In the 2018 Fiscal Year, 216 participants attended We Are Here! programs. More than 72% of the participants rated the program as “excellent,” a 4% increase from FY17. All participants reported learning from the program, and 83% reported feeling more connected to the Jewish community.
Bearing Witness: Holocaust survivors remarkable stories
Bearing Witness is the only Jewish Holocaust speaker series in Georgia available to the general public. In FY18 it provided 2,196 visitors with an opportunity, free of cost, to hear first-hand accounts of Holocaust survivors who now live in Atlanta. Attendance from FY17 increased 44%. Almost half of the attendees were first-time visitors to the Breman, and for a quarter of all visitors it was their first time hearing a survivor speak. 98% of visitors reporting learning from the program. A generous grant from the Sara Giles Moore Foundation allowed the Breman to waive admission costs, to advertise the 2018 season to a broad audience, and to feature eight speakers in the 2018 calendar year.
The Legacy of the Hebrew Orphan’s Home: Educating the Jewish South Since 1876 May 14, 2018 – July 15, 2018
Aug. 14, 20170 - Dec. 24, 2017
Jan.1, 2018 – April 29, 2018
Chasing Dreams examined the role baseball played in the lives of American minority communities.
This exhibition highlighted the oldest Georgia-based, Jewish non-profit, JELF, and Atlanta’s philanthropic history.
Accompanying this exhibition was a weekly, family-friendly, arts and crafts workshop and a film screening.
The opening event featured a panel discussion with historians, hosted by curator Catherine Lewis, Ph.D.
The Breman brough t an exhibition, created by the National Archives, that detailed the dramatic recovery of historic materials related to the Jewish community of Iraq. Accompanying the exhibition were unique programs, including: •
A presentation by original Iraqi Jewish archives conservator, Anna Fridley, on her work with the collection
A lecture on Iraqi Jewish history, by Iraqi Jewish historian and community leader Maurice Shohet
Oud and Food, a serenade by musician James Schneider about the history of the oud, and a cooking demonstration of Iraqi cuisine by Chef Moshe Gigi
The Temple at 150 Permanent display at The Temple
April 29, 2018
The Breman partnered with local historians and The Temple to open a permanent exhibition that showcases the institution’s history, since its founding in 1867. The opening coincided with the celebration of The Temple’s sesquicentennial.
The Breman joined the collaborative efforts of over 70 organ iz ations that came together to celebrate Israel’s 70th birthday. The Breman created a pop-up exhibit for the event that showcased Atlanta’s connection to the Jewish state.
TEMPORARY EXHIBITIONS & SPECIAL EVENTS One of the Breman’s primary focuses for this year has been to expand our community partnerships. Breman staff have participated in programs at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, the Atlanta Jewish Book Festival, and Oakland Cemetery’s Fall Festival. The Breman has also co-hosted collaborative programs that enhance both our mission, and those of community organizations we admire and support.
BBYO Weekend
Discussion with Atlanta Opera
Sanctuary in the Arts
Nov. 6-7, 2017
April 4, 2018
Feb. 21, 2018
The Breman partnered with the Regional BBYO youth organization to bring three survivors to their annual Fall retreat. The survivors told their stories, and the teens engaged with them and learned about the Breman’s educational paradigm: the 4 Rs (Jewish Resourcefulness, Resistance, Rescue and Resilience.)
The Breman and the Atlanta Opera partnered to present a panel discussion from the i n te r n a t i on a l l y ac c l a im e d directors of Out of Darkness: Two Remain and the director of the organization Music of Remembrance. Breman staff also consulted with the production team to ensure historical accuracy.
Breman staff participated in a community conversation, hosted by the Alliance Theater, about the current state of refugees and how it manifests in Atlanta. The program was inspired by the Alliance Theater’s production of Sheltered, a new play about an American couple that rescued children from Nazi Germany.
Holocaust Survivor Support Fund (HSSF) Luncheon
Eli Talks
Open House Atlanta
Sep. 5-7, 2017
Oct. 22, 2017
Eli Talks, a TED-style series that showcases “inspired Jewish ideals,” shot its Fall 2017 season live at the Breman Museum. 125 people came to the Breman to explore the intersections of Jewish tradition and contemporary storytelling.
As part of Atlanta’s largest annual architecture festival, Breman speaker and architect of the permanent exhibition Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years 1933-1945, Ben Hirsch, gave a lecture about his design process and how he used architectural design to communicate the gravity of Holocaust history.
June 10, 2018
Over a hundred people attended a luncheon and presentation by Holocaust survivor Bebe Forehand, that raised awareness for HSSF, an organization that provides financial and social support services for Holocaust survivors.
The Breman Museum is committed to effective and efficient financial management that will ensure the Breman is continuing fulfilling our mission for generations to come. Thank you for your continued support.
MEMBERSHIP Membership provides vital support to the Breman, sustains us and allows us to continue to fulfill our mission and be a premier destination for those seeking to connect to Jewish history, culture, and arts. The Breman is truly grateful to have such a supportive “museum family.”
MEMBERS FROM JULY 1, 2017-JUNE 30, 2018: President’s Council Level - $5,000 The Argo Fund Amy and Robert Arogeti Beth and Joel Arogeti Jeanette Arogeti Jane and Mitch Durham Barbara and Larry Perlis Spring and Thomas Asher The Blonder Family Foundation Lois Blonder Suzanne and Michael Blonder Dale and Jeff Dyer Elinor Breman The Dinerman Philanthropic Fund Kim and Michael Dinerman Laura and Marshall Dinerman Jennie and Alex Medeiros Jarvin Levison Billi and Bernard Marcus The Rosenberg Family Foundation Karen and Mark Musa Dulcy and Jerry Rosenberg Karen and Kenneth Rosenberg Michelle and Alan Rosenberg Carol and Robert Nemo Marlene J. Schwartz The Zaban Foundation Carol and Laurence Cooper Laura and Marshall Dinerman Sara and Robert Franco Judy and Lester Miller
Guardian Level - $2,500 Elaine and Miles Alexander Marilyn Eckstein Lana and Richard Krebs Barbara and Sanford Orkin Judith and Mark Taylor William Weiller
Chai Level - $1,800
Ellen Arnovitz and Michael Plasker Shirley Blaine Arthur Blank, The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Sheryl Blechner Ronit Walker and Matt Bronfman Sally and Samuel Coolik Doris and Martin Goldstein Lynne and Jack Halpern Martha A. Heller Pearlann and Gerald Horowitz Leslie and Doug Isenberg Dedi and Julian Mohr Mimi Monett Robin Rodbell Suzanne Wilner
Benefactor Level - $1,000
Candy and Stephen Berman Shirley and Perry Brickman Lisa and Ron Brill Judy and Ronald Cohen Ann and Jay Davis Howard Fagin Ellen and Howard Feinsand Jana Eplan and Craig Frankel Rachel and Curt Friedberg Lynn Friedman Barbara Gold Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro Jack B. Gordon and Peter Gordon Barbara and Jerry Greenbaum Diane and Marc Hamburger Lila and Douglas Hertz Edwina and Wyatt Johnson Barbara and Alan Kaplan Jacob Kerker Carole and Sidney Kirschner Steve Kuranoff & Cathy Selig-Kuranoff
Sandy and Bob London Marci and Isador Mitzner Jackie and Anthony Montag Cathy Papadopoulos Daniel Pentecost Phyllis and Sidney Rodbell Virginia and Milton Saul Joyce and Henry Schwob Linda and Stephen Selig Joyce and Irving Shlesinger Phyllis and Stanley Slutzky Stanley Srochi Susan Stern Connie and Robert Zerden
Sponsor Level - $540
Sandra Adair Diane and Kent Alexander Sam and Gary Alexander Barbara and Ronald Balser Vicki and Gerald Benjamin Goldie and Lou Bertone Marlene and Abe Besser Rita and Herschel Bloom Helen Burland Jean and Jerome Cooper John Michael Cowart Wendy and Gilbert Deitch Diane and Roman DeVille Ellen Doft and Alex Katz Stacey Hader Epstein & David Epstein Gail Evans Stella and Stanford Firestone Babz and Pete Fishman Robin and Darrin Friedrich Marianne and Stephen Garber Karen and Andrew Ghertner Carole Goldberg Morris Habif Renie and Frederick Halperin 13
MEMBERSHIP continued Sponsor Level - $540
Ellen and Jack Holland Yvonne and Emil Horesh Ann and Theodore Kaplan Sharon and Cary A. Koplin Ivah and M.J. Kukler David L. Kuniansky Andrea and Michael Leven Renee Levow Brenda and Mark Lichtenstein Anita Lynn Jeanie and Albert Marx Sherry and Harry Maziar Simone and Steven Nehmen Roberta J. Nemo and John Metz Tamara and Daniel Nemo Carolyn Oppenheimer Barbara and Marty Pollock Mary Pratt Eva and Robert Ratonyi Nicole Ellerine and A.J. Robinson Judy and Arnie Rubenstein Jacqueline and Harvey Sacks Marcia and Michael Schwarz Linda and Mark Silberman Carla and Arthur Silver Beth and Edward Sugarman Harriet and Norman Zoller
Patron Level -$250
Stephanie and Marshall Abes Sandy and Davis Abrams Toni and Joel Adler Judith Alembik Pamela and Michael Alexander Cheryl and Warren Alifeld Marla and Sidney Appel Bonnie Aronin Teri and Steve Astren David Bagner Mary and Michael Baron Linda and James Bartling Linda and Bruce Beeber Penny Berk and Elise Berk Betty and Lester Breen Beth and Gavin Brown Frances Bunzl Daniel Caplan Kathy and David Dorough
Anita and Maxwell Eidex Ilene Engel Kaydee Erdreich-Breman Barbara Feinberg Arnold Feinstein and Gigi Bugg Deborah Solow and Kenneth Fields Corky and Roger Gelder Celia and Donald Gilner Ann and Marvin Goldstein Ellen and Paul Goldstein Eve and Joel Goldstein Leon Goldstein Billie Greenberg Lauren and James Grien Abby Friedman and Harry Heiman Ellen and David Herold Stuart Harvey Hillman Etta Raye Hirsch Jacquie Hirsch Nancy Hirsch Arlene and Morris Horesh Natalie and Jay Kaiman Sharon Neulinger and Richard Kaplan Marice Katz Monica Katz Rosanne and Andrew Kauss Rachel and Mike Kelleman Marcie and Barry Koffler Sheri and Steven Labovitz Janet Lavine and Rick Williams Elaine Levin Lisa and Ian Levin Berna and Noah Levine Ellen and Raphael Levine Barbara and Bertram Levy Eva and Charles Lipman Deborah Lipstadt Marsha and Si Londe Roberta Lynn and Gary Wechsler Sonia and Murray Lynn Shirley Michalove and Arthur Heyman Glenda and David Minkin Betty and Malcolm Minsk Ila Abramovitz and Steven Nathan Jacqueline and Richard Needle Debbie and Alonzo Neese Marilyn and Charles Niren Martha and Daniel O'Lone Gregory A. Perrow
Jonathan Playfair Ann and Morris Podber Nancy and Zane Pollard Glenda and Bernard S. Pollock Pat and Robert Pugrant Zipporah and Paul Reisman Lauren Rich and Marian Meyers Maxine and Ronald Rosen Bunny and Charles Rosenberg Brenda and William Rothschild Melissa and Philip Russ Stephanie Sansom Annette Saparow Joslin LeBauer and David Sarnat Andre Schnabl and Denny Marcus Rabbi Ronald Segal, Temple Sinai Gina and Sam Shapiro Marilyn and Joshua Shubin Susan and William Silver Martha and Barry Silverman Michelle and Gary Simon Debbie and Stanley Sonenshine Lauren and Robert Spector Irene Stein Marilyn and Mickey Steinberg Rosalind Taranto Susan and Stanley Tenenbaum Dede and Robert Thompson Jill and Jeffrey Vantosh Angela and Samuel Weiland Nanette Wenger Mindy Wertheimer and Ira Katz Michelle Easton and Mark Williams Hylda Wilson Jackie Wolf Pepi and Alan Wolkin Sheila and Merrill Wynne Jeannette and Michael Zukor Susan and Arnold Zweig
Donor Level - $200
Judy and Robert Abraham Gary Alembik and Stephen Graves Ann and Herbert Alperin Marty and Richard Alterman Angelique Reed and David Anbari Dolores and Harold Arnovitz Phyllis Kozarsky and Eliot Arnovitz Irene Aronin 14
MEMBERSHIP continued Donor Level - $200
Terri and Laurence Bagen Betsy and David Baker Norma Baker Suzanne and Lawrence Baker Susan and Brian Banner Mary Carole Cooney and Henry Bauer Sylvia Becker Janet Beerman Natalie and Matthew Bernstein Henry Birnbrey Karen and David Birnbrey Leslie and Marshall Bloom Janice Blumberg Elaine and Jerome Blumenthal Mona Blumenthal Miriam and Marvin Botnick Carole and Nicholas Brand Nancy and Jeffrey Brant Galit and Joseph Breman Kathy and Alan Bremer Harold Brody Nancy Broudy Norman Busch Sandy and Jay Coffsky Brenda and Stanley Daniels Jill and Ivan Diamond Harriet and Sam Draluck Karen and Andrew Edlin Viki and Paul Freeman David Friedman Frida Ghitis and Barbara Lopes Cardozo Judith and Robert Golomb Bryan Golson and Michael Gross Marc Gottlieb Ann and Walter Grant Michal and Jack Hillman Gladys Hirsch Sylvia and Barry Hyman, Sally and Philip Kaplan Rosthema and Paul Kastin Fred Katz and Helen Grysman Gabrielle Adler and Jeremy Katz Linda and Allan Katz Ruth and Sidney Katz Alison and Jeff Kaufman Ann and Michael Kay Janis and Harold Kirtz
Barbara and William Klineman Kaye and Don Kole Elaine and Alan Kolodkin Nicole Citron and Adam Koplan Phyllis and Lewis Kravitz Debbie and Douglas Kuniansky Laurie and Jeffrey Kunkes Jeanney Kutner Sandybeck H. Lease Brenda Leder Gillian Leggett and Anne Cote Carole and Stephen Legum Meryl and Richard Levitt Faith and Howard Levy Jeff Lewis and Kayla Engle-Lewis Kimberly and Lee Macenczak Erna and Lawrence Martino Sandra and Sam Massell Sally Nemo Diane and Walter Orenstein Virginia Parks Brenda Rappaport Lindsay Brooke Resnick Linda and Jerry Richman Gail and Allan Ripans Cyndy and Jim Roberts Beth and IJ Rosenberg Brooke and Laurence Rosenthal Ghila and David Sanders Linda Sanders Paul Sanders Christiane and David Schendowich Beth and Jeffrey Schlesinger Tosia and Alfred Schneider Susan and Raymond Schoenbaum Rachel and Lawrence Schonberger Dankmar Schroeder Ellen and Sanford Schwartz Joyce and Jay Schwartz Alice Shapiro and Jack Greene Deborah and Charles Shelton Sukey and Hymie Shemaria Dale Shields Missy and Alan Shoenig Faye and Irwin Siegel Sandra and Gary Silver Nancy and Gerald Silverboard Saba and Victor Silverman Rose and Gordon Singer
Cathy and Robert Sinsheimer Kerri and Jeffrey Snow Alona and Michael Solomon Wendy and Alan Solon Jacalyn and Daniel Sosin Jill and Herbert Spasser Ellen Spitz and Harvey Spiegel Anita and Jeffrey Stein Shari and James Steinberg Sara and Paul Steinfeld Boots and Kenard Strauss Betty and Alan Sunshine Nica and Lee Tallman Jeanette and Nathan Tieman Harriet and Paul Weinberg Linda and Michael Weinroth Debbie and Brad Weitz Shirley Wender Sherri and Robert Wildstein Susan and Jonathan Winner Leah and Aubrey Wolf Barbara and Michael Wolfson
Family Level - $90
Beverly and Stewart Aaron Barbara and Art Abbey Phyllis Abramson Eve and David Adler Rosalyn and Saul Adler Cookie and Fred Aftergut Janet and Julius Alembik Alli and Mitchell Allen Linda and Allen Altman Pamela Anthony Susan and Kurt Aquino Zoya and Jack Arbiser Cameron Argotsinger Dorita and Hal Arnold Phyllis and Joseph Arnold Janet Bernstein and Larry Auerbach Cherie and Gary Aviv Patricia and Jack Balser Susan and Jonathan Barry Deborah and Tom Bauer Lisa and Stephen Bauer Maxine Bauer and Richard Burt Liliane and Thomas Baxter Janice and David Baylinson Nathalie and Ken Beringer 15
MEMBERSHIP continued Family Level - $90
Martha Popowski-Berlin and Barry Berlin Susan and Steven Berman Shirley and Gary Bernes Linda and Stanley Bernknopf Diane and Marvin Bernstein Naomi and Richard Binenfeld Linda and Peter Birnbaum Joanne and Eddie Birnbrey Sheila and Allan Bleich Joyce and Donald Block Cheryl and Myron Bloom Barbara and Leonard Bock Adrienne and Tim Boyer Melitta Brandt Linda and Joshua Brener Perla and Miles Brett Susan and Jeffrey Brickman Helaine and David Brill Hallie and Corey Brinn Joan and Donald Brown Judith Brown Lucinda Bunnen Jane and Scott Butler Ariel Calliste Stephanie Carter Pat and Frank Cervasio Mary and Carlile Chambers Clarissa Chaudoin Julie and Jerry Chautin Linda and Fyodor Cherniavsky Katherine and Ezra Cohen Shirley Cohen Stanley Cohen Miriam and Stephen Cole Mariella and Dominick Crea Rachel Crumbley Harvey Danits and Gail Cohn Linda and Eugene Davidson Davie and James Davis Trudy and Marvin Davis Lise and Sig Dayan Donna and Charles Deter Charlotte and Daniel DeWoskin Elaine and Alan Dinerman Lori and Stephen Director Janet and Milton Dortch Judy and Jerry Dubrof Michelle and Eric Egan
Victoria Alembik-Eisner and Robert Eisner Janice and Richard Ellin Elise and Jay Empel Ina and Harold Enoch Carole and Marvin Epstein Jan and Warren Epstein Loretta and Orlando Espadas Alicia Evans Lucienne Fathi Fischer and Albert Fathi Bea and Bruce Feiman Marilyn and Alan Feingold Judith and Edward Feldstein Robert Fine and Marsha Goldstein Laraine and Lowell Fine Rachel and Larry Finglass Rebecca and Leonard Fishman Elissa and Jordan Fladell Margaret Fleishman Erickson and Seth Fleishman Vicki and Barry Flink Jody and Ramon Franco Phyllis and Richard Franco Cookie and Milton Frank, III Margaret and Steven Freedman Robyn and Ken Freedman Lauri and Neal Frenkel Gloria Friedberg Linda and Michael Friedman Sandi and Gerald Friedman Vicky and Marc Frolich Allison Fry Maggie Fuller Betty Furst Susanne and Brian Gartner Sherry and Robert Gaynes Hariette Gershon Robyn and Ed Gerson Sheila and Joe Gerstein Sara Ghitis Adele and Gary Glasser Margo and Larry Gold Renae and Eddie Goldberg Judie and Charles Goldman Sandi and Arthur Goldsmith Elise and Philip Goldstein Karen and Steven Goldstein Marcia Goldstein and John Sherwin Joy Gordman and Elizabeth Alterman
Charlotte and Harry Gordon Libby and Nat Gozansky Karen and Oscar Grablowsky Anat and Brian Granath Jacqueline and Alan Granath Ilene and Adrian Grant LaQuita Green Barbara B. and Robert J. Greene Emily and Jeffrey Grosoff Marilyn and Laurence Gross Anne L. Grossman Vicki and Rael Grosswald Annette and Marvin Grubman Paula and Lewis Gruskin Sherie and Arthur Gumer Rose and Michael Haber Sherry Habif and Allie Jaffe Helen and Frank Hahn Amy and Paul Harris Erica Hecht Gloria and Howard Hecht Lois and Kalman Held Anna and Jerry Heltzer Allan M. Hess Terri Heyman and Marc Cohen Ruth and Neil Hilsen Cindy and Marc Huppert Adrienne J. Cohen and Khalil Iny Betty and Richard Isenberg Beth and David Jacobson Pamela and Ty James Lillie Janko and Dena Cohen Cindy and Charlie Jaret Ilona and Stuart Jeiger Linley Jones and Greg Roth Charlotte and Allen Kaminsky Evan Kananack and Claire Pope Renee and Howard Karchmer Shari and Steven Kasten Carol and Arthur Katz Martha Jo and Jerry Katz Suellen and Richard Katz Marianna B. Kaufman and Diana M. Alemรกn Lynne and Tom Keating Marilyn and Leslie Kelman Kandis Kerr Janet and Paul Kirschbaum Marcia Steinberg-Klehr & Harvey Klehr 16
MEMBERSHIP continued Family Level - $90
Ruth and Ralph Klopper Emily Knight Elaine and Ronald Koenig Sandy and Bob Koff Lynn and Edward Koffsky Frances and Herbert Kohn Joan Kornman Betsy and Steven Kramer Cheryl and Russell Kramer Barbara and Robert Krasnoff Ray Ann Kremer and George Shapiro Barbara Kruger Sharon and Murray Kurtzberg Audrey and Michael Landy Michelle and Stuart Langer June and Ross Laver Harold Lefkoff Renay and Alan Levenson Esther and Michael Levine Phyllis B. and Morton Levine Vivian and Allan Levine Lynne and Michael Levinson Jenny Levison Karen and Daniel Levison Maayan and Andrew Levison Sharon and Michael Levison Turner Levison Mara and Harvey Levitt Brita and Alvin Levy Diane and David Levy Leslie and Bob Levy Sandy and Ken Levy Sue and Bob Levy Cindy and Rabbi Shalom Lewis Mary Schneider and Gary Lewis Randee and William Lieppe Judy and Allen Lipis Linda Nathanson-Lippit and Alan Lippitt Jennifer Long Rita and William Loventhal Joyce Bihary and Jon Lowe Joyce Lowenstein and Barbara Domir Faye and Brian Maloney Leslie Gerber and John Mann Jodi and Ross Mansbach Arlene and Steven Marcus Irma and Basil Margolis
Charlotte and Joel Marks Natalie and Robert Marmer Ann and Tim Marting Suzy and David Mayer Claudia McDavid Farah McIntyre Emma and Benjamin McLoughlin Gail and Butch Medwed Hilary Meredith Gloria and Harvey Merlin LeyAnna and Todd Messick Shirley and Ivan Millender Donna and Michael Miller Ilene and Jon Miller Sheila and Gary Miller Sheila and Donald Minsk Niamh and David Mitchell Jennie and Macy Moret Nia Mosby Arleen and Allan Nathanson Ellen and Jeffrey Nemhauser Amy and Joel Neuman Robin and Morris Neuman Linda Klein and Michael Neuren Donna and Philip Newman Mary Wilkes and Frank Ney Shirley Leder Osterneck Judy and Edwin Palmer Hilly and Gerry Panovka Paradies Family Jennifer and David Pelcyger Helen and Mike Perkel Ellen and Steven Perlow Jeff Petrie Penny and Val Phillips Jo Pichulik Caroline and Rubin Piha Barbara and Richard Planer Mindy and Michael Planer Marjorie Pollack and Isaac Drucker Judy and Seymour Pomper Cecile Prager and Nancy Prager Leslie and Joe Prass Lucia and William Pulgram Lisa and Hal Rabinowitz Michael Rackstraw Norman Radow Marcia and Tim Ranney Steven and Julie Rau
Lynn and Lewis Redd Betty Jane and James Reeves Helen Regenstein and Lewis Regenstein Jennifer and Robert Reid Patricia and Douglas Reid Ralda and Martin Reish Shirley and Donald Reisman Ethel and Robert Reznik Vicki and Gilbert Rich Leanna and Eric Rinzler Pamela and George Rishfeld Karen and Scot Rittenbaum Laurie and William Robbins Donna Robertson Madelyn and Mathew Robins Judy and Shai Robkin Rachael and Jack Rosenberg Robin and Fredric Rosenberg Barbara and Ishayahu Rosenblit Jodi Bogen and Richard Rosenblum Angie and Martin Rosenman Abby and Lawrence Rosenthal Ann and Dan Rosenthal Marsha Rosing and Conrad Jacobson Judith and Arnold Ross Susan and Howard Rothman Franceen Rottenberg Carol and Joseph Rubin Barbara and Alan Rucket Jennifer Rudder Sue and Gary Saban Julia and Leonard Sacks Pamela Sampson Belinda and Danielle Sandalon Susan and Neil Sandler Lynn and Jan Saperstein Lynda and Joel Schaffer Maxine and Jonathan Schein Isabel Schneider Lea Schneider and Jerry Schneider Ann and Irving Schoenberg Arnold Schoenberg and Steve Winningham Judy and Alan Schulman Lori and Herman Schwarz Laurie Sedicino Rona and Barry Seidel Karen and Jeffrey Shapiro 17
MEMBERSHIP continued Family Level - $90
Faith and Howard Shatzman Maxine and Henry Sherry Joanie and Lewis Shubin Cynthia and Gerald Shulman Tobyanne and Arnold Sidman Diana Silverman Sharon and Howard Silvermintz Cheryl and Paul Simonoff Sydney Simons Johanna and David Skid Lisa and Mitch Skyer David Slater Merle and Myron Smith Stephanie Smith Susan and Jay Smith Harriet and Jack Spanier Mary Ann Brown and Nina Spiegel Jenise and Henry Spil Gail and Warren Spiller Kate Stanton Sylvia and Gerald Starling Laura and Ronald Stein Merna and Allen Stein Helen and George Steinheimer Andrea and Steven Steinman Celeste and Daniel Strohl Hiram Sturm Helaine Sugarman Judy Sutter and Ed Garcia Maxine Hull and Cedric Suzman Amanda Tadajewski Babette and Jay Tanenbaum Arlene and David Taylor Barbara and Gary Teller Betsy Teplis Julia A. and Robert D. Teplis Clare Timmerman Susan and Sidney Tourial Arlene and Bruce Turry Teresa and Herbert Victor Andrea and Neill Videlefsky Renee and Searle Videlefsky Jill and Gary Vogin Aviva and Morton Waitzman Jennifer and Stephen Walters Valerie Habif and Neil Wasser Kent Watson and Gladys Roann-Watson
Laura and Larry Weiner Germaine and Bruce Weinstein Rachel and Harris Weinstein Renie and Alan Weinstein Phyllis and Michael Weiser Mavis and Jeff Wener Deborah and Jack Wexler Shawn Whitman Ava and Robert Wilensky Rachel and Todd Wilson Doreen and Burton Wittenberg Judy and Jeffrey Wohlberg Judy and Dan Wolbe Flo and Harold Wolf Rina Wolfe Leora and Herbert Wollner Ariana Yandell and Cameron Litland Deborah and Timothy York Nanette and Harry Zaidel Julie and Ken Zeff Ellyse and Warren Zindler
Individual Level - $65 Barbara Abend Ann Abrams Lawrence Abrams Fran Ackerman Edna Adler Rhona Albright Elinor Arlook Norman Asher David Bader Sharon Bailey Merrily Baird Claire Balser Susan Barnard Mark Bauman Rabbi Peter Berg Susan Berkowitz Judy Bernath Arnold Berry Jane Bick Anna Blumenthal Manuela Bornstein Richard Borth Lisa Boyarsky-Trotti Judy Bozarth Henry Brent Betsy Brody
Mark Van Brooks Nell Brownstein Phyllis Busch Nikki Canter Sandra Caplan Diana Clark Russell Clayton Jeff Clemmons Burton R. Cohen Candace Cohen Jane Cohen Judy G. Cohen Phyllis M. Cohen Yvonne Cohen Eugene Cohn Shelley Coleman Bonnie Feig Cook Sandra Cuttler Claire D'Agostino Margery Diamond Suzanne Dinur Sarah Duwell Sandy Edelman Mark P. Ellis Adele Epstein Eileen Epstein Cynthia Farber Carole Feinberg Susan Feinberg Robert Feldman Rosi Fiedotin Myra Fineman Judy Finkel Marianne Fixelle Carole Feinberg Susan Feinberg Robert Feldman Rosi Fiedotin Myra Fineman Judy Finkel Marianne Fixelle Cheryl Fletcher Caren Fox Renee Franco Sherry Frank Fayne L. Frankel Milton Freedman, MD Rochelle Friedman Shirley Friedman 18
MEMBERSHIP continued Individual Level - $65
Elizabeth Goldberg Arleen Golden Bernard Goldstein Freda Goodman Rebecca Grapevine Barbara Greenstein Mitchell Grey Paula N. Gris Beatrice Gruss Lisa Beth Gunthorp Billie Guthman Theodora Haber Charles Hacker Richard Halpern Nancy Hamburger Rafael Harpaz Elaine Harris Toni Headen Phyllis Herman Janet Hinerfeld June Hirsch Paul Hirsch Esta Jean Hirsh Phyllis Hoffman Marjorie Holland Mary Hollowell Linda Holly Toby Holzer Judy Horowitz Jacquelyn Garson Howard Melissa Hyatt Nancy Isenberg Katherine Jacobs Cathy Jacobson Cheryl Jacoby Rolene Jaffe Charlotte Janis Susan Jay Rochelle Jaye Joelle Kalfon Anna Kaminer Gwen Kaminsky Alice Kaplan Pauline Kaplan Ronald Kaplan Fay Kaufman Gus B. Kaufman, Jr. Barbara Kay
Katherine Kennedy Sandy Kesler Emily Kisber Barbara Klaus Rita Klee Linda Klein Katie Kloder Ann Klug Anne Koenig Deena Ann Koniver Chip Koplin Farideh Kramer Dena Krupinsky Judy Kuniansky Arthur M. Kurtz Jean Lawson Rabbi Bradley Levenberg Liane Levetan Balfoura Levine Elizabeth Levine Susan Levine Rita LeVine Ruth Levison Miriam Strickman Levitas Randi Levy Myrtle Lewin Diane Loewenstein-Mulvey Jean Lowe Wendy Ludwig Monica Maher Maggie Marlowe Rita Spiegel Marokko Dan Maslia Bernice Maw Billie Mears Jacqueline Metzel Rachel Miller Susan Moray Patricia Muller Beverly Nash Shari Neumann Terry Ney Fran Norflus Reina Nuernberger Julia Ogletree Deborah Osterneck-Citron Sandra Palay Gary Palgon Dick Parker
Rebecca F. Patel Laura Patterson Deborah Payne Peggy Perling Marlene Perlman Judi Polacek Susan Pollack JoAnn Poston Joan Pressman Marilyn Prevor Lynne Rabinowitz Ducie Rachelson Kristina Rackstraw Lesley Radov Jo Ann Rau Esther Rawn Ilse Reiner Susan G. Renas Nancy Robinson Marcia Robkin Debbie Rodkin Anta Romm Estelle Rosenberg Esther Rosenfeld Marjorie Rosing Sheila Rotter Carol Rubin Evelyn Sacks Ralph Sacks Alice Sanders Teddi Sanford Su Schaer Barbara Schneider Claire M. Schwartz Joan Schwartz Ruth Schwartz Susanne Segall Janet Selig Jack Shenk Claudia Shorr Suzanne Shull Robert Shuster Betty Ann Shusterman Arlene Gaber Marcia Ganz Barbara Glazer Lorraine Siegel Richard Siegel Eileen Silberstein 19
continued Individual Level - $65 Harriet Simmons Gloria Smiley Barbara Smith Bonnie Smith Barbara Snow Moshe Sokol Kaethe Solomon Morris Soriano Gail Spielman Iris Stein Jack Steinberg John Steinheimer Sarabel Stemer Margie Stern Tom Sternberg Berylann Strada Robin Sysler Shirley Tauber-Nguyen Larry Taylor Naomi Taylor Deborah Teitsman Paul Teplis Clarice Theisen Eileen Thomas Jody Thompson Susan Throne Robin Torch Amy Trotz Madeline Urken Michael Vaughn Joan Vitner Ben Walker Helene Wallenstein Jill Warbington Ruthanne Warnick Marilyn Wasserman Joye Watson Lillian Weber Irma Weiner Milton Weinman Nancy Weissmann Greg Weitz Nancy R. Wells Linda Wener Naomi Wenstein Deanne Whitlock Carol Wien Claire Wilson
Alan Wind Jennifer Yaffe Leona Young Linda Zatlin Sydney Ziff Joan Zion
SPONSORS AND CONTRIBUTORS The Breman Museum recognizes our sponsors and contributors, whose generosity allows us to reach new audiences, develop compelling programs, maintain and enhance our archives, and reimagine Holocaust education for a complex, changing world. $36,000 and up
The Molly Blank Fund of the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation The Breman Foundation Jewish Educational Loan Fund Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Sara Giles Moore Foundation Carol and Robert Nemo Lillian & AJ Weinberg Fund for Holocaust Education
$15,000 - $35,999
Lois Blonder The Thalia and Michael C. Carlos Foundation The Fulton County Board of Commissioners Dulcy and Jerry Rosenberg Judith and Mark Taylor
$3,600 - $14,999
Ann and Jay Davis Marilyn Eckstein Jana Eplan and Craig Frankel Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Elaine and Michael Gutenstein The Halpern-Oppenheimer Family Foundation Etta Raye Hirsch Dennis Schuman Charitable Foundation Joshua Waldrop
$1,000 - $3,599
Cherie and Gary Aviv Shirley Blaine Babz and Pete Fishman Gloria Friedberg Rachel and Curt Friedberg Norbert Friedman The Roderick, Flossie & Helen Galloway Foundation Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro Ann and Marvin Goldstein Doris and Martin Goldstein Erica Hecht The Heyman Family Foundation Arlene and Morris Horesh Pearlann and Gerald Horowitz Jarvin Levison The Richard Munroe Foundation The Piedmont National Family Foundation Leanna and Eric Rinzler The James Rosen Charitable Foundation Joyce and Henry Schwob Joseph Sherr Siegel Insurance Inc & Central Insurance Companies Dee Tillman Jeannette and Michael Zukor
$360 - $999
MaryAnn and David Benditt Benevity Community Impact Fund Candy and Stephen Berman Marco Betti Rita and Herschel Bloom Diane and Marc Hamburger Marc Komisarow Paul Lentz Network for Good Jonathan Playfair Paul Sanders Joslin LeBauer and David Sarnat Marilyn and Joshua Shubin Stanley Srochi
$100 - $359
Judith Alembik Janet and Julius Alembik Mary and Michael Baron Rabbi Peter Berg Helen Burland Judy and Ronald Cohen Laura and Marshall Dinerman Elise Eplan and Robert Marcovitch Howard Fagin Clifford Feiner Gloria Goldberg Marcia Goldstein and John Sherwin Anne L. Grossman Mindy and Jack Hyman Jewish Federation of Columbus, GA 21
continued $100 - $359
Nicole Citron and Adam Koplan Harold Lefkoff Jodi and Ross Mansbach Mansbach Philanthropic Fund Shirley Mosinger Mountain Synagogue Jo Pichulik Mindy and Michael Planer Nancy and Zane Pollard Eva and Robert Ratonyi Linda Sanders Tosia and Alfred Schneider Elizabeth and Joel Serebransky The Society of Georgia Archivists Frank Spiegel Helen and George Steinheimer Judy Sutter and Ed Garcia Temple Sinai The Temple Debbie and Brad Weitz Hylda Wilson
Arthur Faint Vincent Ford Micheline and Robert Gerson Irina Gindina Renae and Eddie Goldberg Christine and William Harper Susan Jay Marsha and Andre Kessler Kroger Stores Bernice Maw Debbie and Richard Pinsky Jason Price Susan and Morray Scheinfeld Christiane and David Schendowich Barbara Snow David Sotto Irene Stein Susan Throne Martin and Susan Throne Charitable Gift Fund Barbara Wilson
$99 and under
Nancy Abrams Jeannine and Aaron Altmann Ellen and Sam Banov Susan Barnard Gale F. Barnett Anne and Paul Beckman Phyllis Berkowitz Shirley Borenstein Manuela Bornstein Sandy and Jay Coffsky Danielle Cohen Bonnie Feig Cook Trudy and Marvin Davis Carole and Doug Doster Mark P. Ellis Carole and Marvin Epstein
PARTNERS One of the Breman’s proudest
achievements is that has developed and maintained partnerships with organizations across the globe to create meaningful experiences for its community. Below are organizations the Breman has had the pleasure to work with in FY18:
American Association of Museums Alliance Theater Anti-Defamation League Antica Posta Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta History Center Atlanta Jazz Festival Atlanta Jewish Film Festival Atlanta Jewish Music Festival Atlanta Opera Atlanta Preservation Center Beit Hatfutsot, Museum of the Jewish People Blue Star Families Breman Foundation Center for Civil and Human Rights Center for Puppetry Arts Claims Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Cobb Landmarks and Historical Society, Inc. Congregation Ahavath Achim Congregation Bet Haverim Congregation Or Ve Shalom Congregation Shearith Israel Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast Council of American Jewish Museums Dolce Catering Eli Talks
Emory University Eternal-Life Hemshech Fox Theater Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Lofts Fulton County Arts Council Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries Georgia Center for Nonprofits Georgia Center for the Book Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State Homes Georgia State University Grant Park Conservancy Greater Atlanta Hadassah Greenwood Cemetery Hadassah Greater Atlanta High Museum of Art Historic Oakland Foundation Jewish Educational Loan Fund Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Jewish Genealogical Society of Georgia Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta Kennesaw State University’s Museum of History and Holocaust Education M.H. Mitchell Inc. Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
Midtown Alliance MJCCA Book Festival Museums For All National Archives and Records Administration NPR Oakland Cemetery Phoenix Flies PJ Library ROAM Shoah Foundation Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators Southern Breeze Region Society of Georgia Archivists Southeastern Museums Conference Southern Jewish Historical Society Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History Temple Sinai The College of the Arts and the Radow Lecture Series at Kennesaw State University The Temple Theatrical Outfit US Holocaust Memorial Museum WABE Westview Cemetery Yad Vashem
The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum