Etc Magazine Publicati Team
Shana Erika Ignacio
Jack Kydonieus Isabella Odina Maddy Reda
Mason Utset
Etc. is Notre Dame High School’s annual art and literary magazine. The publication is a showcase for the creative talents of Notre Dame students and includes poetry, prose, artwork, and photography.
The staff of Etc. would like to thank the students who submitted their art and literary works. We extend special thanks to Mr. Ken Jennings and Mrs. Joanna Barlow for their continued support of the Arts at Notre Dame.
Etc. wishes the Class of 2023 all the best in college endeavors and beyond.
The 2023 Edition of Etc. is dedicated to Mrs. Brittany Brydges for inspiring and nurturing her art students to express their individual talents and unique style.
Literary C tents
A C tents
Expre i
Issy Timberlake
She hadn’t been able to blush for 5 years. Her eyes never cried not when she was sad, nor when she was overjoyed. Not even when it was cold outside and the wind blew at her open face, carrying a tide of seasonal allergens. When she was embarrassed, no one knew, and the calls of “you look tired” never came.
At first she’d been happy- no more self consciousness for feeling too much, no more special treatment for an emotion she couldn’t help. She used to hate crying in front of people because their concern just made her feel worse. The unwanted attention made her feel so small and helpless, but now she chose when to turn to others and ask for aid.
But she never expected how much she would miss her smile. People used to tell her she was cute when her nose scrunched and when her eyes disappeared under a sea of crinkled skin. One look and her family would know what she was thinking, that she was ready to leave or laughing inside. The feeling of brightness that was almost physical every time her jaw widened to a grin and the sound of her laughter that echoed through her memories, The face can hold our entire vulnerability. When you’re happy, that feeling is shared, but that must be taken with revealing when you are angry, sad, ashamed, or scared. She knew her blank face made it so much easier to ignore her now- her flaws and tempers and moods, but also her excitement, relief, and pride. The things that made her human. She knows she would take it all- the embarrassment, the loss of control, the looks of false concern anything over the blankness.
Mia (a poem in Italian)
Mia Ludwig
Premurosa, gentile Sorride, ride
La musica, amici, diverte Tranquilla, calma, amata
Mia (English Translati )
Mia Ludwig
Thoughtful, gentle Smiles, laughs
Music, friends, fun
Quiet calm beloved
My M sters’ W ds
Isabella Odina
My monsters often single me out: All eyes are on me
All fingers point at me
Silently judging
Hoping I change for the better
They always tell me:
“You’re not trying hard enough.”
“You look horrid.”
But they don’t realize the sleepless nights I spend
Staring at the mirror
Studying until my head hurts
I try not to show it
But their words often get to me
I don’t realize it myself
Until I transform into someone
I don’t recognize
A Shadow Veil
Jack Kydonieus
Darkness is a revealing thing
In shadow, appearance is worthless
In twilight, secrets come to light
In shade, lies are meaningless, and deceit falls through
In this gloom, you can see yourself only for what you truly are
Not what you seem to be
Here, only truth is shown
Darkness is pure, because it tells no lies
Maybe the world needs a little more darkness
Because if the earth was blanketed in shadow
We would all know, at least, who we truly are
Maybe you should ask yourself
If the lights went out, and a shade covered all
If a shadow veil was draped upon you
What would your truth be?
Who would you become?
Who are you?
If only we all knew our truths
Maybe then there would be no more need for this shadow veil
The Traveler Mason Utset Reborn Mason UtsetBreath
Maddy Reda
I like to think that the Universe feels with me.
When in despair, She opens her skies and mourns with me. The rain has never failed to make me smile.
Misty mornings bring a breath of fresh air, of relief.
The sun holds my face in sweet, innocent adoration. The Universe breathes with me.
Bu erfly Flu er
Shana Erika Ignacio
My butterfly, you incline me to write. How I love the way you fly and flutter, Invading my mind day and through the night, Always dreaming about the bright clutter.
Let me compare you to a shining day? You are more gilded, beautiful and bright. Light breeze flaps the tender dancers of May, And the springtime has a colorful rite.
How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love your pattern, uniqueness and wings. Thinking of your quality fills my days. My love for you is the subtle playthings.
Now I must away with a specious heart, Remember my white words while we’re apart.
Danaus Plexippus Abby Lobis Butterfly Barn Teagan AhearnBroken
Rebecca Method
Broken by time
Broken by faith
How am I
Ever gonna get away
From the person I wish that I was
The person I miss that I was
I miss the hopeful girl who danced on daffodils
I miss the passionate child who spoke with a tongue of fire
I miss the fearless girl who ran up every hill
I miss the ambitious child who always wanted to climb higher
Time has stripped away the bright parts of me
Time has peeled off the light parts of my body
Time has torn me down
Time has pushed me into the ground
I wish I was a prettier girl with lips like petals
I wish I was a kinder girl with words like sunsets
I wish I was a smarter girl with a mind like metal
I wish I was a cooler girl who never had to say ‘not yet’
I wish I was the kind of girl people wished they were
I wish I was the kind of girl I was long before
Faith used to mean everything to me
Faith in myself
Faith in family
Faith in friends who would help
Faith in the people surrounding me
The people surrounding me laugh behind their hands
The friends who would help me don’t take a stand
My family tells me to move on from everything
But I am stuck in the moments that sting
Broken by time
Broken by faith
How am I
Ever gonna get away
From what people say
Maybe it’s all in my head
Maybe their words are long dead
But I miss the person I was before their words
I wish I could be a new girl and
fly away like a bird
W lds Apa
Isabella Odina
We walk together in a magical field of flowers
And I want to hold your hand in the midst of the hyacinths
But you just seem unreachable
Untouchable, even
I even wrote a song that we would have sung together
But perhaps I should’ve saved it for another life
We stand next to each other, worlds apart
Unable to love, or even cry with each other
Kylie McCabe Cake Smash Lauren Wargo Piecing Reality TogetherAP Chem
Lucia Samuel
The hardest classes I tend to take Are the ones in which I can’t stay awake
Whether its Gov. and Gib or Dr. B’s voice Rubbing my eyes the most natural choice
A rubber-band snap, a slap in the face
Everything fails to keep me on pace Sometimes a lap helps me open my eyes
Or else some cold water and gum would be wise
Oh today’s not the day, I just want to rest Try as I might, I’m failing this test
I know I’ve got plenty of grades still worth keeping But none quite so pressing that I can’t be sleeping
There’s only one trick that I’ve tried and it’s true And if you come close, I’ll share it with you
The best way to keep my tired eyes from closing Is taking a break for poem composing
Fire and Ice 1 & 2 Maddy Reda Starry LightsMarch C es In Like A Li And Goes Out Like A Lamb
Shana Erika Ignacio
When the winter time shrivels, out comes the month March. Where people expect warmth, starting off the days harsh.
You don’t expect anything interesting in this uneventful time. Making the days go by smoothly, with the echoes of animals ready to chime.
The temperatures begin to rise and launch. With the sun shining bright and people mowing their lawns.
A beautiful and wonderful time of the year.
Where people take a sweet moment for the birds’ chirps, they hear.
Odino (Italian Poem)
Erin Ahearn
Pelo castano scuro
Grandi occhi marroni
Muso grigio morbido
Odin (English Translati )
Erin Ahearn
Deep chestnut coat
Big brown eyes Soft gray muzzle
Remy Portrait Elena Abreu KoalaToday, however, she had to go into the hallway, and, more importantly, into his room. The King and Queen had a new child, and they were requesting a special mask from The Mask Maker, so today, Myra, the Royal Messenger, had to inform The Mask Maker. She walked nervously down the marble hallway to The Mask Maker’s stone door, his mumbling voice creeping into Myra’s ears. She cautiously opened the door and walked into the room.
The Mask Maker’s room was one of the only in the palace with color. Most of the palace was made of white and black marble, entwined together in a beautiful
Alluring Mortality
Mental Health
Bella CarreroA Sunset State of Mind
(English Translation)
Olivia Pomin
I always loved sunsets
Especially at the beach
The rays bouncing off the glistening water
The birds soaring in their patterns
Almost like a puppeteer
swaying them from side to side by their strings
I felt like an art critic
watching an artist’s latest work
But it was real
It was in front of me
I could reach to my side and feel the sand
I could see the roaring tides
Crashing against the shore
I could feel the wind
whipping my hair into a frill
Not to mention the sky
bursting with hues of orange red and yellow
like an explosion in the far far distance
This was the most magnificent thing
you could ever see
Then it sunk beneath the horizon
And released the knights in shining armour
Left to dance across the sky
Stan Umysłu O Zachodzie Słońca
(A Poem in Polish)
Olivia Pomin
Zawsze kochałam zachody słońca
Zwłaszcza na plaży
Promienie odbijające się od lśniącej wody
Ptaki szybują w swoich wzorach
Prawie jak lalkarz
kołysząc je z boku na bok za pomocą sznurków
Czułam się jak krytyk sztuki
oglądanie najnowszej pracy artysty
Ale to było prawdziwe
To było przede mną
Mogłam sięgnąć do boku i poczuć piasek
Widziałam ryczące przypływy
Uderzające w brzeg
Czułam wiatr
zwijające moje włosy w falbankę
Nie mówiąc już o niebie
pełen odcieni pomarańczowej czerwieni i żółci
jak eksplozja w dalekiej odległości
To była najwspanialsza rzecz
jaką kiedykolwiek mogłeś zobaczyć
Potem zapadł się pod horyzont
I wypuścił rycerzy w lśniących zbrojach
Pozostały, by tańczyć po niebie
Concrete Forest Mason Utset Carolina Sunsets Maddy RedaSt my Emoti s
Shana Erika Ignacio
Laughter surrounds my problems; the sky begins to turn silver-gray. I can’t let the people know, I must make the clouds look the other way.
Trust is such a fragile thing, the thunder grows stronger. One wrong move, the chance for sunlight, assumed smaller.
People remind me of my success, the rain starts to parade. Is it worth creating a show? My tears now considered rain, displayed.
I’m at my breaking point now, lighting begins to sing. I allow my heart to admit. There, a ray of hope blings.
Estate/Inverno (A Poem In Italian)
Kevin Scarborough
Giocare, senza preoccupazioni
Sole, che ride, amaca
Gelato, freddo, ghiaccio, congelare Cioccolata calda, pattinare sul ghiaccio, biscotti Accogliente, nevicare Inverno
Summer/Winter (A Poem In English)
Kevin Scarborough
Playing, no worries
Sunny, laughing, hammock
Ice cream, cold, ice, freeze
Hot chocolate, ice skating, cookies Cozy, snow Winter
C fined
Rebecca Method
I judge you, you judge me
Putting each other in boxes
Of what we think we should be
Following the age-old rules
What lunch table I sit at, what group you’re in The clothes I wear, the parties you attend
I judge you, you judge me
I call you names behind your back
You laugh about me behind your hands
We pretend we don’t play games of attack
When forced together, we don’t take a stand
We sit in our boxes and stay behind lines
We wear masks and lie that everything’s fine
I judge you, you judge me
I wish you were kinder
You wish I were cooler
We’ll say “Don’t mind her”We act as if we know one another
You’re good at sports
I’m good at theater
She’s friends with them
He’s dating her
I judge you, you judge me
I box you up in what you’re good at
I box you up and compare you to myself
You’re beautiful, my chest’s too flat
You’re intelligent, while I need help
I categorize you by the friends you have
I categorize you for the things you say
I categorize you as so much better than me
I judge you, you judge me
I judge the parts of you that don’t deserve to be
You judge the parts of me that you don’t understand
Both of us are foolish, hiding behind our hands
If we stepped out of boxes or looked past our lines
Maybe we’d see more than the signs that say “everything’s fine”
That’s a lie
No one is fine
No one is fair to themselves
Every box I force you into walls me in too
I judge myself, you judge yourself
Both of us need to be freed from the places we’re shelved
Y ’re Still Y
Isabella OdinaIn the midst of panic and distress, of anxiety and isolation, you look into a mirror and you see yourself.
Because after everything you’ve been through, you’re still you, and that’s enough.
Two Simple Texts
Isabella Odina
“good night!!!”
“good night i guess”
two texts that mean the same but differ in tone
these two texts can define a relationship and can also destroy one they can mark who’s committed, and who’s not who’s enthusiastic, and who’s bored who’s forgiving, and who’s bitter these two phrases have the ability to change or ruin a relationship
The Light Above
Jack KydonieusA storm is coming
A greater one than any has seen in centuries
A fell wind sweeps over the land
And an inky cloud sends a shadow as far as the eye can see A boom of thunder spreads like a plague
And a great, bright spear of light
Pierces the veil of gloom
Like a torch in the darkest night
A force of nature, a force of death, Yet there is still beauty within it
A beauty reserved for something powerful For something ancient beyond reckoning
Every gust of wind, although savage, Still carries the sweet scent of spring
The shadows thrown across the ground, though eerie, Can still be seen as something alluring
The crashes of thunder, while at first seem cacophonous, Have a musical element only some can hear And a bolt of lightning from the heavens
Is deadly to any who meet it
But all accept the beauty it brings in even the darkest storm
Though a storm brings darkness, It can also show light
To all those who can see beauty in the clouds above
Hailey Suschke
Notes App
Maddy Reda
I write about you in my Notes app. A pocket field guide to this messy mind of mine.
I tell it things I simply cannot say aloud.
Secrets. Confessions. Banana bread recipes. Feelings that are just too feely to admit that I’m feeling. You are squashed between “Microsoft Excel Password” and “Things to Tell My Therapist.”
I sip my 99 cent Arizona Iced Tea while I type furiously all of the things I simply cannot say to you. I’ve titled it “Groceries” as not to raise suspicions.
I write about you in my Notes app. A diary, an editorial, a memoir, Commemorating the awful feelings I’ll never have the courage to say.
Adriana Ciccarelli
E’ freddo fuori
La stagione e’ qui
C’è la neve ogg
Winter (English Translati )
Adriana Ciccarelli
It is cold outside
The season is here
There is snow today
Unreachable Standards
Erika Ignacio“Thousands of fish in the sea,” they assure. But what if I can’t find one in my zone? There are some who can’t see they’re immature, while others have lost their minds on their own.
There is that feeling of strong attraction, when young souls find themselves a simple “crush.” It fills them up with sweet satisfaction. For what, is it even worth the subtle blush?
Now I think there is nobody for me. No one who will fit the rubric I give. I’m not willing to look far in the sea; searching within the high thousands to live. My standards are beyond the seen surface. Maybe there won’t be need for that purpose.
Most Sundays
Maddy Reda
Some days, and most Sundays, I sit and ponder this Body of mine. For She is my own, sweet and divine. Lovingly, I call this Body mine.
The M sters Inside
Jack Kydonieus
Once, there may have been true monsters
Things that slithered in the shadows
Flapped through the sky
And crawled out of the darkest pits
Now, however, there are no real monsters
But therein lies the problem
Man stayed human because they had something to fight against
A monstrous, evil enemy
But now that the monsters are gone
What does that make the men?
Humans can become monsters in the blink of an eye
A trigger pulled
A knife thrust
Another dead
Leaving only the once-human, and a whisper of something else
A whisper of monster
A whisper of violence
A whisper of death
The whisper grows into a shout
And soon, there’s a new monster born
But what if it was always really there?
Just dormant, living quietly, sleeping within
So if there was always a monster inside
Were the humans monsters all along?
So what is the difference, really, between a man, and a monster?
Or is there really no difference at all?
Amaya Kulessa
Don’t walk on that road!
Says who?
You can’t drive in the rain!
Then why do you?
These rules were made to protect you. Yeah, maybe that’s true.
Why don’t you follow them?
Because you can’t tell me what to do.
Fashi able Abn mal Love
Isabella Odina
my beloved wears a snake as a scarf and crows decorate my shoulders
a scorpion inhabits my pocket while moths surround my lover’s hair like a halo
our fashion choices seem repulsive and abnormal but for us, well, we’re just very much in love
Vacanze Estate (An Italian Poem)
Stefania Pugliese
Classi Insegnanti
Apprendimento Scrittura Lettura
Esami Uniforme Oceano Sabbia
Rilassante Surf Nuoto
Caldo soleggiato Estate
Summer Break (English Translati )
Stefania Pugliese
Classrooms Teachers
Learning Writing Reading
Exams Uniform Ocean Sand
Relaxing Surfing Swimming
Hot Sunny
Rebecca Method
How are you? They ask As if the question is simple
How are you? They beg
As if the answer is plain
How are you? They wonder As if they really care
I’m fine, I say As if that explains it
It’s a Monday, I complain As if that makes everything worse Anyways, I deflect As if that stops me from asking
How am I?
I’m usually a happy person, surely I am today
How am I?
I’m pretty tired, but I’ll push through
How am I?
I’m mad at myself, but I’ll ignore that
They are like the faceless people that laugh in sitcoms
As if the joke is really funny
As if they are really listening
But they never respond with more than a whoop or a holler
They never shout the names of the characters
They never call for help when someone is lost
How are you? They ask I am programmed to say fine
They wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t If I told them that I am not fine
That I am complicated and broken
That sometimes I’m happy, but sometimes I’m screaming
They wouldn’t know what to do if I was honest
If I told them I am more than just tired
I am at my breaking point, but I keep going because of the voice in my head
They wouldn’t know what to do if I was real
If I told them there are good days and there are bad days
But today just feels like a maze
How am I?
Oh, me? I’m fine. Just fine.
Amaya Kulessa
Flip, page one is about the sunrise how the orange-pink glow gets into my eyes Flip, page two is about the rain how there won’t be flowers if we never got rain
Flip, page three is about the future how I wish the springtime would come sooner
Page four is about aspirations how our dreams contradict, yet forever are changing Page five is about connections how much of ourselves are more or less remaining Page six is about regret how we turn a blind eye to those with no voice Page seven is about what we forget how eventually all our regrets wind up in a net
Page eight is pretend it’s written like a story, but it’s really the end
Most books have upwards of 50 or more pages But poems are different, lengths have no set ranges
Dandeli Rejecti
Shana Erika Ignacio
(A poem in response to the song Dandelions by Ruth B. in the perspective of the significant other)
Say, “it’s love that comes once in a lifetime,” but how can you be sure that is the case? Repeating that “you are the love of mine.” Keeping me in your thoughts, ready to chase.
I am glad I can make you feel cheery, but it is nothing more than that I hope. Knowing someone “likes me” makes me query. I know this response will be hard to cope.
Maybe you were confused in a small way. Over thinking these fantasies of yours. You’ll find the love you wish for, not today. The “darling” stands waiting for you, secure.
They’ll be in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one with pure ions.
Running on the beach
Glaring at the people
Just out of reach
Swift little sandpiper
Faintly starts to cry
A small child sees it
And gives the bird a fry
Untitled (Italian)
Julia Becker
Fiorellini blu
In un bel campo grande In primavera
Untitled (English Translati )
Julia Becker
Blue little flowers
In a beautiful big field In the spring
Paint Me In Y r Hues
Abbie Hwang
Paint me in your hues
Filter me the way you do
For I know there’s a possible crime you’re willing to pursue
You’ll shade me in the color of darkness
See me for only the dimness within
You’ll judge my character, judge my flaws
You’ll judge the origins of where I’m from You’ll place me in a spotlight meant only for criminals to see
You’ll strip me of my identity
The entitlement you keep
To freely discriminate against those unique
Will be the boundaries that keep you beneath
For who told you you’re the master of my seas
Who told you you’re my regime
For your crown of invisibility holds no power over me
There’s no need for you to knock me off my feet
I’ll ask you once again to paint me in your hues
Friends With The Shadow
Isabella Odina
sometimes, i wake up and find a shadow standing, watching over me though i never really paid it any mind
the shadow began to visit more often and it even followed me throughout my day i barely made note of its presence, although it sometimes whispered in hushed tones and after some time, i would whisper back … slowly, the shadow gained confidence in its voice it gave me advice on how to live out life i sometimes listened to its quiet words since the tips it gave helped me live a better life at least, i think they do but now, i can barely remember what life is like without this little shadow by my side
the shadow began to give me advice daily, and it screams at me to make sure i’m listening i have grown to rely on the shadow’s advice making sure to take note of everything it says one important lesson i have learned from the shadow is to stop and overthink before doing anything the people around me think there’s something wrong with me they think i’m crazy they think i talk to myself they think i imagine this shade beside me but they’re the crazy ones, not me because all i’m doing is following the shadow’s–my friend’s–advice
Sha ered Gla
Jack Kydonieus
We are all glass
Each of us unique
We all start with a crack
An imperfection at our heart, at our core
A single break
And over time, this flaw grows
As we age, our glass wears thin
Our break branches out and reaches through us
A time comes where we must all choose
Should we file away at our glass in hatred of these cracks
And leave a perfect shard
Yet one so small that it is barely even there?
Should we relish in our flaws, Batter and beat ourselves to grow even more faults
But become in the process so broken that we are unrecognizable?
Or should we give in to our cracks
Give up entirely
And allow our glass to shatter under the weight of abandonment?
There is one more option, however
One that does not rid the world of another pane of glass
Another imperfect, precious, beautiful pane
We can live with our cracks
Not denying them
Not relishing in them
Not giving up altogether
But simply acknowledging that our flaws are a part of us
And once we learn to love our breaks
We have won the war against the possibility
That each of us could become nothing more than shattered glass
Isabella Martorana
La bella città
Per tranquillo ritiro
Netti ricordi
Venice (English Translati )
Isabella Martorana
The beautiful city
Calm place
Cool memories
Highway to Limbo Maddy Reda Disconnected Leena ChangAva Stazzone
Smile-A Korean Poem
Smile-A K ean Poem
Abigail Hwang
Abbie Hwang
웃어봐그리고세상에가장고귀한존재로상상해봐 웃어너의모든근육이아파도
Smile (English Translation)
Abigail Hwang
Smile (English Translati )
Abbie Hwang
smile and maybe the tears won’t show smile and perhaps they won’t know smile and pretend that the world’s mercy holds you in the palm of her hands smile and imagine you’re the fairest of these lands smile until all of your muscles hurt smile till all of your energy lays wasted and burnt smile because lying to yourself might actually work
smile and maybe the tears won’t show smile and perhaps they won’t know smile and pretend that the world’s mercy holds you in the palm of her hands smile and imagine you’re the fairest of these lands smile until all of your muscles hurt smile till all of your energy lays wasted and burnt smile because lying to yourself might actually work smile to ward off the darkness that lurks smile a little harder to see the dawn of tomorrow smile a bit brighter to not wallow in your sorrows smile in hopes that your sanity will last smile not to linger in the horrors of the past just smile
smile to ward off the darkness that lurks smile a little harder to see the dawn of tomorrow smile a bit brighter to not wallow in your sorrows smile in hopes that your sanity will last smile not to linger in the horrors of the past just smile
Forever and Always
Leena ChangNever Jack
KydonieusI lived in this little town all my life
I was Born in this little Town
And I will die in this little town
And Because of this there’s so many things I will never do
I’ll never find my sister lost
I’ll never see my father’s grave
I’ll never leave this country mine
And see the lands across the sea
I’ll never build a family
Or see my children before me
All these things I want to do
All these things I’ve never done
All these things I’ll never do
Because as the bombs burst overhead
And hellfire rains from above me
I realize that before I died
There were so many things I could have done
But because I was too afraid to try
I’ll die knowing
That there were so many things I should have done
That I will never
Never get to do
And no one is at fault but me
Fast Fashion Ava Stazzone Fast FashionTapes y
Shana Erika Ignacio
We are like a tapestry
Something so symmetrically frayed With all the threads intertwined In the coming years to be framed
Each thread symbolizing, a monumental moment in life From our childhood, adolescence, To aging and overcoming strife
When we meet new people
We interlace with their masterpiece Creating an unbreakable Community with great peace
And near the end of our years
The creation begins to complete Rich in cinematics
Perfectly ready to be sealed like concrete
Due Viste (A Poem In Italian)
Alexa Brown
Costiera Amalfitana
Bellissimo, Luce del sol
Scogliera, Oceano, Spiaggia
Scogliera, Nuotata, Storia, Città Vaticano, Colosseo, Impegnato
Romantica, Cibo
Two Views (English Translati )
Alexa Brown
Amalfi Coast
Beautiful, Sunshine
Cliff, Ocean, Beach
Unforgettable, Swim, History, City
Vatican, Colosseum, Busy Romantic, Food Rome
Frozen In Stained Gla
Natalie ZamirowskiIt’s been about ten years since I last stepped into a church. Even longer since I stayed in one for more than an hour. But I’m sitting in an empty one now. I went numb from the cold, hard pew a long time ago. I sit, as still as the figures, frozen in stained glass. As a kid, I’d always loved when sunlight shone through the windows. My mother and I would make up our own stories for them as we were waiting for Mass to start. But the light stopped shining through the windows when the sun set hours ago, and this place lost some of its magic.
I look up at the crucifix, hanging above the altar. Watching. Listening. An anguished look is frozen on Jesus’ face. My years of religion class tell me that that wouldn’t have been true. That Jesus accepted his death, even if He didn’t really want it. I wonder if my face shared that anguish as six people carried my mother’s casket out the front doors hours ago.
I wish my mother was sitting next to me and we were making up those stories now. But she’s dead. And there’s nothing I can do to fix that or make it any better. I take a deep breath before putting back on my jacket and grabbing my purse.
As I walk out the back doors of the church, a painting catches my eye. It must be new because I don’t recognize it. There’s a man, Saint Someone, sitting alone, looking as light floods through open windows. I wish I had half as much clarity as him. But I don’t feel any clarity, so I let the heavy, wooden door close behind me.
The News is Lying!
Beautifully Toxic
Only Bleed Inside
Rebecca Method
I am young, pigtailed, and dressed in pink
I watch my sisters dance across the floor
Their smiles perfect, their toes pointed
Twirling and leaping
I want their smiles and their skirts
But most of all, I want their shoes
The First Year
Silk ribbons, smooth base
Pointed toes, light smiles
Clinging to the barre
Wondering, hoping, praying
Do I look like my sisters?
Do I look like the perfect girls?
If I don’t now, will I ever?
The Second Year
Worn slippers, torn ribbons
Bloody toes, forced smiles
Moving slowly across the floor
Jumping, spinning
Am I light enough?
Am I pretty enough?
Am I good enough?
The Third Year
I am not dancing this year
My leg won’t let me
I fell on a ski slope, I fell and now I am lost for eternity
My toes itch to go up high again
My arms wish to fly again
My body aches to blend with the music once more
I miss my pointe shoes
Mostly though, I miss myself
I lace up my slippers once more
Slowly rise, find my footing
Callused toes, authentic smiles
I am not a perfect dancer: tall, lean, and unblemished
I am a human performer, and I am not afraid
I might trip or tumble
But I will rise on my toes again and again
I will twirl and leap and fly
The pointe shoes still hurt, the same as they always did
But it matters not
I am wearing them
I am a dancer
I am myself
¿Es que ?
Evan Abreu
Hola, mi amor
Hola, mi amor
¿Quién es que veo, mi amor?
¿Mientras tú te paras solo en la lluvia, mi amor?
¿Mientras tú te paras sin mí, mi amor?
Quizás no quieres estar solo, mi amor, Quizás te gustaría que me une contigo?
Hola, mi amor
Hola, mi amor
¿Es que ? (English Translati )
Evan Abreu
Hello my love
Hello my love
Who is it that I see, my love?
While you stand alone in the rain, my love?
While you stand without me, my love?
Maybe you don’t want to be alone, my love, Perhaps you would like me to join you?
Hello my love
Hello my love
En Pointe Kayla SmithAcro The Water (Two Voice Poem)
Jack Kydonieus and Christopher Valentino
I used to live across the bridge
In a perfect world
In a beautiful, clean, controlled city
A place where one could eat forever
Sleep forever
Be placated forever
A place where peace came
With the price of freedom
I still want to live in that perfect world
But when my brother fled
My world began to flaw
And with a revolution brewing across the bridge
The first gun fires
The first body drops
My friends and subjects
Fall and die
And as the bodies begin to pile up
I ask myself something new
How can perfection
Rise from this much death
As yet another life is lost
I look to the bridge
And the water below
And understand
Nothing good can come from this
And only I can stop it
I start to walk to the bridge
And as I do I see a man appear
Just a single, solitary man
Walking towards the same bridge
And then I realize
It’s my brother walking towards me
I reach him and see
The sadness
The pain
The loss
The regret
The want in my brother’s eyes
I reach my hand out
And I take it
And I finally understand
That freedom
That perfection
Can not live long without its brother
An Untitled Ode
WilliamsonYou are a painting. A perfect, framed, masterpiece nailed to the wall
I could sit for hours, Trying to find the deeper meaning in it all, And still walk out in shock, in awe. You are a symphony. A colossal, moving, composition heard by the masses
I could listen to you, Losing myself in the sweet sound of your passages, You are not my creation, I am not a painter nor a composer, Yet I feel as if you were created just for me, My muse, my blooming flower, Every version of you I stumble upon, I can’t help but to consume.
Background Noise
Amaya KulessaI need an excuse
A way to escape
The door is wide open
Now begins the chase
You thought you were fast
That’s a cute idea
No one runs as quick
Like someone with a task
I need a fresh start
Not a change of heart
My regrets are long gone I can finally move on
So if you wanna keep up
And you’ve thought it all out
I’ll give you a chance… Run!
Leena Chang Lionel Messi Mason UtsetNot So Apple-y Ever After
The Winding Path
Amaya Kulessa
The tall grass of Fork Road sways left and right
The land is foreign and differs in height
The first path is long, but it’s speckled with lights
The second is short, but the town’s out of sight
I already know they both lead to one place But the easier path is guarded with a gate
Climbing the wall of a gate that’s too tall I safely land without causing alarm
Though a few broken shards brutally scraped my arm I travel the lit path to a beautiful lake
Looking over my shoulder and walking fast-paced After a brief detour, I waste no time to stall
In fifteen minutes I’ll be at a local mall
Left, right left, right, Staying awake is like losing a fight I stick to the path and a little while down Finally, I make it to the town
I watch the rainwater drop
The left path ends near a crop I spot the sign by a public phone It reads “Fork Road-Port Town Bus Stop.”
S net 1
George Lobis
Limited I have seen of this marvelous earth, The girl’s age makes her see little too Both obstacles and displeasures rise like bamboo
Through these troubles, she somehow brings me mirth. Trivial tasks I forget to do she takes up with flame
I fail to do the same
The girl is oblivious and she tends to misconstrue But her beauty and elegance are simply just the frame
Then I leave her for a brief new life
We love each other despite every meaningless strife I remember I loved her so but constantly failed to show Frequent in this unfamiliar habitat I have missed her Heed my arrival! This epiphany facilitates my affection to glow, I return when leaves start to brown, every brother needs a sister
Hippo Lenny Aviles Kylie McCabe By the Lake Teagan AhernUntitled (An H s French 4 Poem)
Karishma Helsel
J’aime beaucoup les fraises
Je vais en manger treize
Et quand c’est l’après-midi
C’est quand je finis
Untitled (A Poem In French)
Honors French 3 and 4
Ma mère est originaire du Finistère, et son frère habite Quimper.
Elle est belle, comment elle s’appelle ?
Elle s’appelle Michelle, elle adore Noël
Oh combien elle aime Noël !
La saison de Noël est très belle
Elle est belle pour Noël
Elle est belle avec ses lunettes
Ma mère voyage à Paris et mon père travaille à New York city
Mon père et ma mère ont voyagé au Canada hier
Ma mère et mon père ont visité mon frère l’année dernière
Mon frère nage et parle avec ses amis à la plage
Mon frère est francophone pas espagnol
Il a voyagé au marché et a acheté de la nourriture pour manger
Ma grand-mère, c’est un caractère
Elle s’appelle Clarabell et elle est très belle
Ma grand-mère préfère ma mère, ma mère préfère mon frère, mon frère préfère mon père mais mon père préfère mon chien
M chien
Untitled (An H s French 4 Poem)
Karishma Helsel
J’arrive en classe de géographie
Le monde, c’est ce que j’étudie
Après, je vais prendre mon sac à dos
Et je vais retourner chez moi à vélo
Un jour je travaillerai au lycée
Et j’enseignerai pendant l’été
Untitled Lauren Wargo