ETC Magazine 2021

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A Writing Irish Publication Notre Dame High School 601 Lawrence Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Volume 33 • Issue 1 Back Cover art:

Forest Spirits Mackenzie McCarron

Cover art:

When the World is Satisfied Lacey Okamura

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller


Etc Magazine Publication Team

Delaney Stahl Jack Weber

Steve Lobis

Author Page

The Friend.............................................................. Kaela Farnan..........................................................18

The Great Tall Tower.......................................... Isabella Kozar...........................................................5

Home..................................................................... Delaney Stahl........................................................ 19

The Snow Fell Slowly.......................................... Matthew Benjamin................................................. 6

The Window......................................................... Isabella Sagarese.................................................19

There Has Come Soft Rains.............................. Kayla Smith............................................................... 7

The Sun Rises Everyday...................................... Marisa Bencivango............................................ 20

10 Years of Hope................................................ Kayla Smith................................................................8

The Tomato Plant................................................. Isabella Sagarese................................................ 20

Tomorrow.............................................................. Isabella Koozar.........................................................8

The Sower............................................................. Lauren Wargo.........................................................21

Reflections............................................................. James MacIsaac......................................................9

Seed....................................................................... Gabbie Pie............................................................. 22

Sit in Silence......................................................... Justin Pollard.............................................................. 9

The Cycle of Oblivion........................................ George Walter......................................................23

Away from the Unwell........................................ Claire Meehan...................................................... 10

Lobis Lament......................................................... Etc Editorial Staff................................................... 23

Apartheid.............................................................. Justin Pollard............................................................ 11

One Day............................................................... Christian Elwood...................................................23

When the World is Satisfied............................. Lacey Okamura.................................................... 11

Out of the Dark.................................................... Matthew Benjamin.................................................24

Senior Editor

Tears Like Rain, Anger Like Lightning................ Abigail Berkeyheiser............................................. 12

New Direction..................................................... Gwenyth Lowery...................................................25

Poem 1.................................................................. Madison Reda....................................................... 12

The Way Life Goes............................................. Justin Kamal............................................................ 26

Maegan Hontanosas

From the Shore..................................................... Mary Huisler............................................................13

Life is the Prince of Darkness............................. Jack Weber.......................................................... 27

Today, I’ll Practice Loving.................................. Madison Reda...................................................... 13

My Constant Fear............................................... Abigail Berkeyheiser............................................. 28

Sudden Glow...................................................... Issy Timberlake....................................................... 14

The Day Pain Ends............................................... Parker Stergion...................................................... 29

Smallest Things..................................................... Lauren Wargo.........................................................14

The Insurrection.................................................... Isabella Everett..................................................... 30

We Knew Our Future Was Among the Stars. Lucia Samuel......................................................... 15

The Attainment...................................................... George Walter..................................................... 31

Moon..................................................................... Abigail Berkeyheiser.............................................16

Bread..................................................................... Aidan McGovern..................................................31

A New Sunrise.................................................... Kate Martinek......................................................... 16

Bread Part 2......................................................... Aidan McGovern, Matthen Benjamin

Daelan Hontanosas Madison Reda Gabrielle Pie

Claire Meehan Abby Berkeyheiser Kirsten Steege

Red Thread............................................................ Zoe Capponi......................................................... 17

Christian Ellwood, Mason Kloc, and

Roots....................................................................... Laura Schurr............................................................17

George Lobis......................................................... 31

Isabella Everett

Brittany Brydges

Etc. is the annually distributed art and literary magazine of Notre Dame High School. The magazine is a showcase for all the creative talents in Notre Dame, from poetry and prose to art and photography. The members of the Writing Irish, a co-curricular club here at Notre Dame, contribute to the compilation, layout and designs of the magazine. We, the Editors, Staff and Advisors of Etc., would like to thank the students who submitted their art and literary work for the magazine. We would like to extend a special thanks to Joanna Barlow and Ken Jennings for their continued support of the Arts at Notre Dame and to Ms. Diane Wargo for her help in the selection process. 2


Visitor of Dreams................................................. Lucia Samuel......................................................... 18


Author Page

The Apocalypse is a Lie..................................... George Lobis............................................................4

ETC Staff Maegan Hontanosas


2020...................................................................... Claire Meehan.........................................................4

Literary Contents

Art Contents Title


Page Title



Daelan Hontanosas................................Front Cover

Red Sea

Maegan Hontanosas............................................. 10

For Riches

Sarah Salins.............................................................. 4

Under the Sea

Savannah Alizio...................................................... 10


Liz Italia........................................................................4


Phoebe Kong.......................................................... 10


Isabella Everett.......................................................... 4

On the Inside

Tiera Figaro................................................................11

Dystopian Magic

Renato DiLorenzo..................................................... 5

Weeping Woman

Madison Reda..........................................................11


Alessandra Morabito............................................... 5

Hold It Together

Elizabeth Kelly...........................................................12


Phoebe Kong...............................................................5

Lost in the Blue

Bella Morais............................................................ 12

The Sleeping Giant

Jack Weber................................................................ 6

Free Fall

Maegan Hontanosas..............................................12

Around the Fire

Daniel Jordan..............................................................6


Samantha John.........................................................13

Celestial Static

Samantha John......................................................... 7

Sea Vessels

Alessandra Morabito............................................. 14


Mason Utset............................................................. 7

80s Iridescent

Mildred Miles............................................................14


Savannah Alizio..........................................................8

Love Patterns

Mikaela Miranda................................................... 14


Jack Weber............................................................... 8

Critter in the Rain

Savannah Alizio........................................................15

Channeling Monet

Alessandra Morabito............................................... 8

A Gift

Isabella Everett......................................................... 15


Phoebe Kong...............................................................8

Winter Wonderland

Maegan Hontanosas..............................................15

A Walk in Time

Phoebe Kong..............................................................9


Finn Schmitz............................................................... 15

Glass Door

Isabella Everett......................................................... 9

The Final Frontier

Delaney Stahl........................................................... 16

Pools of Rain

Masked Murderers....................................................9

Notre Dame High School • 601 Lawrence Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 • Volume 33 • Issue 1



Dystopian Magic


Renato DiLorenzo

by Claire Meehan The world has revealed itself to be so dark. This repulsive pig wants to be our forever monarch.

by Isabella Kozar

One final tower holds it all, Standing at 100 levels tall.

Weights chained to our legs. My heart aches as I remember the pleading begs.

The best of humans live near the top floor, Reaching shimmering stars and watching eagles soar.

Everyone deserves their chance at happiness. These recent times have lost all cheerfulness. This horrible feeling in my stomach, Better be over very quick.

For Riches Sarah Salins

Enjoying living life at ease, Becoming infected with the entitled disease.

It won’t for many years if he gets his way, Better get used to the gray.

The worst of humans live near the bottom floor, Working all day to power the core.

Confining our rights prolongs the oppression. My windows drip with depression. Fools, along with the blind, believe the advertised untruth. The eyebags that hang with worry diminish my youth.

The workers at the base work to keep the lights on, Seeing the rest of the land entirely gone.

A subterranean tunnel with no end. As an adolescent, I depend:

Monarch Liz Italia

Adults i beseech you to represent, Make sure the house of leadership has a new resident.

But at the top, no one really knows what’s below, For that’s not somewhere they want to go.

The Apocalypse is a Lie

Everyone wants to go up levels, not down, In fear of being thrown into the forgotten stream, left to drown.

by George Lobis

“The Apocalypse is a Lie”

Monumental Morabito_Alessandra

We have continuously tried to escape and leave, of this tragic doom that is heavily grieved. The facade that was cast like a high tide, by those who live on the outside.

We think our end is met by fires, But truly it ends because of liars.


The liars amused and filled with elation, sit back and wait for the next simulation.

One day when the workers are done, The rest will have to learn the hard work it takes to run. But until then they do not know that the foundation holds all the power, All the power to the great, tall tower.

It seems as though humanity has ended, but in reality the world is splendid.

They sit, and watch, and laugh, with great taste, at us who are discarded like yesterday’s waste.

The Great Tall Tower



Isabella Everett

Phoebe Kong


The Sleeping Giant

There Has Come Soft Rains

Jack Weber

By Kayla Smith

There has come soft rains and the fruit of the earth Which was born from our great world’s great turf Her plants and animals together in accord No species has every gone a second ignored But one day, us humans will demolish this art And the unhonored earth will lose her heart We have been warned but who will listen Who will care when the world does not glisten? One day when she doesn’t dance her way Will we look around and ask who must pay?

The Snow Fell Slowly: by Matthew Benjamin

When snow fell slowly across the plain, The color of the world would gradually drain;

A large cloud rose on the horizon, As a shock wave rolls, a flock of jets fly in;

The children would rush outside, Days after the warheads fell worldwide;

The children screamed, The world lit up and the sky teemed;

The snow was not cold, for it was ash, And then there came another flash;

What once was, is now no more, As Earth was consumed by nuclear war.

Around the Fire Daniel Jordan

Armageddon Isabella Everett


We will say “We will no longer destroy our earth By selling its fruits to determine its worth” But the damage was done and there is no turning back “We should’ve stopped before the world turned black” Right now we can pick up the earth’s bitter clues So that this horrific “one day” never ensues

Celestial Static Isabella Everett Samantha John

Petrichor Mason Utset



Sit in Silence

Jack Weber

By Justin Pollard

Tomorrow By Isabella Kazar

Hummingbird Savannah Alizio

The golden sun will set, But it will always ascend. A bone may be broken, But it will mend. A great chapter will end. But a new one can start. A storm will come, But the clouds will part. The season will change, But the flowers will regrow. Do not give up,

A Walk In Time Phoebe Kong

Channeling Monet Alessandra Morabito

No one can hurt you if they can’t speak No one can see you if there’s nothing to see No one can tell you’re nothing Because in silence you’re everything You’re the bead of water falling from a leaf You’re the crashing of waves on a foreign sea You’re the beat of the drums that keep us together at heart But you’re also everything that keeps us apart No one can see you No one can hear you But in silence I have found the true you One that sits in contemplation Thinking of ways for a new proclamation A proclamation of mind of soul One that drives our heavenly goal So sit in silence And at last You’ll know every secret that God has passed Every drop of water Every blade of grass Find them count in the silence of days that have yet to pass.

10 Years of Hope By Kayla Smith

10 years of freedom For months of fighting A strong woman endured Her light still lighting Because 10 years prior When she went to the medic Her whole world changed She could never forget it “Cancer in the chest” They diagnosed her then “Treatments start soon” How could this happen But the strong woman Still searching for an answer Geared up to fight To get past cancer 10 years later Now free from the ropes She lived past the horror With a little bit of hope


Spectrum Phoebe Kong

Glass Door

Pools of Rain

Isabella Everett

Abby Berkeyheiser

Reflections By James MacIsaac

Mark thought long hard about life while sitting on the lawn He thought to himself “Poof, it’s all gone” He sat and thought about the fun things he had done He sat and thought about the things he should have begun He pondered all the things he had planned to do He pondered all the excuses and reasons he hadn’t come through Looking out at the bombed city, Mark remembered all those he lost His mom and dad too and how he lost them at a major cost Mark walked into his house and he made himself dinner He saw all of his dreams become dimmer and dimmer He desired to see who he once was clearer He got up and looked at himself saying, “Who is this man in the mirror?”

Masked Murderers Maegan Hontanosas



When the World is Satisfied

by Justin Pollard

The separation of so many racial ties So many asking how can we turn the tide What does it take? A father asking how his son has died? Or is it a question of how many tears are left to dry?

By Lacey Okamura

When the world is finally satisfied Humans and dust once again unified

Terror, Murder, Horror, What must we do to maintain order?

No more trees full of air and thick with wood All used up to the fullest extent that they could

Red Sea Maegan Hontanosas

Neighborhoods are full of frustration, Sick of having the same conversation, All of whom waiting for the end of the separation.

No more rivers or lakes or oceans vast For the skies have all cried their last No more animals that roam, big nor small All slaughtered and killed as the earth neared its fall No more clouds of smoke and red fire flames Just the ashes of those who were so quick to blame No more meetings of hope and wishes of chance Just remnants of disaster after a harsh brutal dance No more life no more strife no more hate to hide When the world is finally satisfied

Under theSea

In America it’s “separate but equal” Here those efforts are feeble I’m sick of the separation of the same nation’s people Take a second to imagine, Two people follow the same religion, but only one has a nice place to practice, Imagine the buildings, One tall and grand, Another that can barely stand, because of the color of the skin of another man, It is tragic, Especially since we all end up under the same ground just in a different casket. We are sick, Sick of having tears in our eyes,

Savannah Alizio

Sick of asking why our father cries, Sick of struggling to turn the tide, I am ready, Ready to end apartheid. The Day Pain Ends by Parker Stergion Racism, my worst enemy Why should I let you separate me from others Why can I not be equal to a white man Why can I not get money to feed my brothers I don’t ask for much Do I have to deal with this apartheid Do I have to not be able to afford lunch Do I have to be the reason my son has died As I travel through the city There is murder on the corner There is no reason for others to feel pity There is no way for me to warn her In the country, our home is safe protected by a fence My son would be safe here My problems would not be intense My family could watch the deer At last, that is not the case Though this journey I have made friends My son has his death penalty to face One day, this pain will end.

Away from the Unwell By Claire Meehan

Everyone is separate, Starting to suffocate, My empty house is so cold, So i fill it with music so bold, The warm blankets cast a sleeping spell, As i stay home away from the unwell.

Introspection Phoebe Kong


Weeping Woman Madison Reda

On the Inside Tiera Figaro


Hold It Together

Today, I’ll practice loving.

Elizabeth Kelly

Poem 1

by Madison Reda

By Madison Reda

I want to cry but my eyes burn from being dry. I want to scream but my voice is hoarse from being silent. I want to kick and fight but my limbs are tired from being complacent. I want relief, unachievable in this utopia that is my life. Anger gets caught in my throat, Sadness gets caught in my eyes, And Envy grows deep within.

● Crest

From the Shore

Samantha John

by Mary Huisler

It hatched on the beach With a lifetime of joy as it’s foundation It grew in the softness of the sand and was nurtured by the warmth of the sun Until a catastrophic wave swept you away Laughing at me with evil eyes As if it knew it had won and I had lost Each wave stronger than the next Pulling you farther away from the familiarity of land Seaweed tangled around my first forcing me to let you go An endless void that I could not reach, but could only watch from my shore

Tears Like Rain, Anger Like Lightning By Abigail Berkeyheiser

The grey color of the sky indicates that it will rain. Water will fall from the clouds And feed the thirsty earth that needs all of that love. But then light will strike the ground and destroy that care. That strong connection to the earth Is uprooted and killed.

Sea Vessels Alessandra Morabito

Free Fall Maegan Hontanosas

Today, I’ll practice loving. Not the stereotypical love, no. Not the kind of love found around Aphrodite or high school rom coms, not that love at all. To me, that love is twisted, overbearing, and painful. Today I’ll practice loving life. The queasiness in my stomach when I walk into school tells me I care about what I do here. The shaking of my voice when I call out tells me I want to prove to myself that I have learned. A life not loved is not lived at all. Today I’ll practice loving the girl from the hall. She walks with an air of confidence so bold, I want nothing more than to breathe in that feeling of assuredness and be proud. Kind and beautiful, her feet slam upon the floor knowing their worth, knowing they belong. Is it possible to fall in love with a feeling? Today I’ll practice loving my enemies. Cruel and unworthy of my time, I digress, I’ve decided to love them nonetheless. They treaded on my sunflowers and spat on my roses, yet I discovered a dandelion can endure it all. Today, I will practice loving myself. My skin has grown thick to protect me, My shoulders have borne more than they should, And my heart- my heart has showed me to love. Today, practice loving it all. Alt ending (Even if it’s not perfect, and it won’t be, try. Because love is stronger.)

80s Iridescent Millie Miles


Lost in the Blue Bella Morais

Love Patterns Mikaela Miranda


We Knew Our Future Was Among The Stars by Lucia Samuel

We knew our future was among the stars We know our future was among the stars, To conquer galaxies that should be ours

Critter In The Rain

Savannah Alizio

A Gift

Winter Wonderland

Isabella Everett

Sudden Glow

Smallest Things

You feel a sort of warmth As you see a sudden glow One that feels familiar, You’re certain that you know Maybe it’s your dad Turning on the Christmas lights Maybe it’s your mom Lighting her favorite candle, The one that smells like home Maybe it’s the light in your sister’s eyes As she laughs at a memory from long ago Maybe it’s the light of the radio As it plays your favorite song

Sometimes the world can feel so large. And no matter what I do, I can never take charge. But sometimes I’ll see a picture or hear a joke, And what once was a fire reduces to smoke. Although those memories are gone in a blink, It’s those little moments that make me think; Maybe the smallest things life has in store Makes the world seem not so big anymore.

By Issy Timberlake

Or car lights flashing Letting you know your brother’s home Maybe it’s your phone lighting up With a text from your best friend The warmth of the fire on the stove As you make your favorite tea Or a reflection off the confetti Still on the floor from New Year’s Eve Even when it’s night And you don’t think you’ll make it through The stars and moon still shine And they bring out that light in you

Maegan Hontanosas

It was ruined, we knew that now, But we pledged to survive somehow We built shuttles and launched missions, Employing hundreds of technicians But while increasing out ambitions, We slowly worsened our conditions

By Lauren Wargo

All while stars taunted from above, Filling us with a dangerous love The launch day dawned cool and white, And finally, mankind would escape its plight. Finally able to claim our right And plunge headfirst into the night The passengers would wake on their arrival; A dreamless sleep to ensure our survival Up we went, through the atmosphere While the darkness beyond seemed crystal clear. And as we cleared the stratosphere, Millions of stars seemed to reappear The beauty was wanted on passengers asleep And their brilliant computers scanning the deep

But we’d destroy everything, given the change, Even the galaxy’s vast expanse This, our computers realized, was the fate of mankind And they saw our fates were intertwined: If we were not soon confined, We’d leave nothing but destruction behind So knowing what the computers knew They committed suicide as through space flew Without computers to keep us alive The human race could not survive Unable, as we were, to self-revive We died without knowing we’d never arrive … … … We’d known our future was among the stars To finally conquer galaxies that must be ours We did ultimately take our place But have vanished into it without a trace So forever we’ll drift into the reaches of space Held tight in death’s cold embrace

Dawn Finn Schmitz

● 14

For Earth we had already destroyed; With dangers making us paranoid, And with the bombs we had employed, And the warfare we could not avoid

To find another planet where we could land And continue living as we’d planned. To grow, to change, and to expand This time the galaxy at our command

The Final Frontier

Delaney Stahl


Red Thread

Phases Abigail Berkerheiser

by Zoe Capponi

Inseparable were we, bound by our brilliant red threads Until that awful day you left me I suppose you couldn’t help it though, could you Dressed in a dark color I laid flowers at you head Months passed and the red thread faded to grey I was feeling It was on our anniversary I began to notice the color was returning And then suddenly I felt the red thread pulling me, Pulling me towards you.


Scarlet Leaves Finn Schmitz

by Abigail Berkerheiser Happiness is like the moon. You can see it at times, But only few can touch it. It controls your waves of emotion, And at times it’s full, or barely there at all. It’s glow draws you in as you breathe in it’s beautiful feeling of comfort. And then it’s gone again. Leaving you with the need for its appearance. The need for happiness you don’t have.

Ladder to the Sun

Marlaina Clugston

It’s So Mysterious My Eyes Are Covered Daelan Hontanosas

A New Sunrise By Kate Martinek

In nights of darkness You may look and find the sky starless But do not forget That tomorrow will be met With a new sunrise Orange, pink, and red will paint the skies The light will warm your soul And your heart will once again feel whole But the darkness will come back So remember the picture of light against all the black

Savor the Moment Bella Morais


by Laura Schurr

The Creation of Space Man

We planted our roots in beautiful expectations Sun shows watered us as we rocketed to the stars We were so careful of the soil that we couldn’t see the storm As thunder rolled and heat dried up, our branches grew apart Without you my branches grow barren and a hole lies in my heart

Lindsey Hryniszak




Backyard Discovery

Jack Weber

Elizabeth Italia

The Window By Isabella Sagarese

In these darkened rooms I live my days The shades are drawn but my curiosity stays I was drawn to the light in the crack of the shade I wanted to approach but I was too afraid I am told if you see the sun you will burn to death An inch of sunlight can take your last breath To walk outside is against the law For the air is toxic and fatal and raw In these rooms I long to be free of the lifeless dark With the passage of time my hair brings the only mark

Visitor of Dreams

I wanted to lift the curious shade and peer outside My heart does not belong so my wishes I hide

By Lucia Samuel

There’s so much I want to tell you, but foremost on my mind, I’m sorry for what you went through the day you stayed behind.

I yearn to be out in the daylight It is my secret, my plight I attempted to lift the shade, but a hand grabbed my arm I was caught and punished before I could do any harm

I still recall your panicked eyes as my breaths grew quick and light and as you seemed to realize I’d lost my final fight. Death shouldn’t be a sad event; it shouldn’t make you cry. Because the state for which we’re meant is happiness on high.

Foliage Path Elizabeth Italia

Zoom Friends Maegan Hontanosas

There’s only one more thing now that would make my joy complete: If the angel of death will soon allow the two of us here to meet. But ‘till the day I see you again in this paradise of light, I’ll come down to the earth of men And visit your dreams each night

The Friend By Kaela Farnan


Hope is a sign of relief A sign of happiness in the future Something to rely on when times feel dark When the hope becomes reality the darkness fades Leaving only light Hope is a trustworthy friend to have Lean on that friend, you don’t know how much light

Banished to the closet I sat with my legs crossed Sitting in the darkness, my hopes all lost

Fill Up Samantha John

Through Waking Hour Isabella Everett

Follow Me Into the Forest Mackenzie McCarron


By Delaney Stahl Where I live is boring and bland but beautiful It’s appreciated by many But only truly by some Only has a quail farm and canoe rental to its name Adventure isn’t easily found But very welcomed It’s not a dream destination or even a really interesting place But it’s special No matter what I feel or what can be seen it’s my home


The sun rises everyday By Marisa Bencivengo

Morning Light Phoebe Kong

Dew Chris Genicolo

Orange, red, and yellow colors shining on a new day Although everyday feels like the same Hope is as bright as the sun Reminding us that we can persevere through hard times Hoping we can get back to our normal lives To feel the warmth of others around To have no fear and live life to our fullest To dance, sing, and laugh again Don’t lose hope, for hope will get us through

Papa Ali Morabito

Soft Radiance Gabbie Pie

The Tomato Plant By Isabella Sagarese

As the tomato plant blooms in the summer and spring You remember always being outside on the swing You jumped high in the clouds and landed in the grass Asked your grandfather about his garden and atomic mass After he told you about atoms and the science behind a rainbow He taught you how the tomato plants can change and grow You put on little pink gloves and asked to help him choose The reddest tomato that did not have a single bruise Together you picked flowers for Grandma to put in a vase And told him ‘let’s go inside, to the door we can race’ You brought Grandma the flowers and she set out crackers and cheese As the back window let in the warm, summer breeze

Nona Ali Morabito


Ever since then, like the tomato plant, you’ve hoped to thrive To learn and remember and develop and strive Be a better person and rise above The challenges and hatred and instead show love

The Sower By Lauren Wargo

The grass once was everywhere green as the spring; but Mother Nature could not bear the ordeal we would bring. What’s left of the grass is a sight for sore eyes; the brown wilted leaves under dying grey skies. Some grass was killed by war and by greed; the grass that remains is little in seed. But there is beauty in grass, in its sad withered state; for it is up to the sower what his nature creates.

Butterfly Kisses Savannah Alizioor



by Gabbie Pie For some reason, my mother always bought seedless watermelons when I was growing up. She wasn’t least, I don’t THINK she was...but she never bought watermelons with seeds in them. I never knew why. So when I was old enough to buy watermelons of my own, my inner child led me to buy one with seeds in it. I have to admit, it was kinda exciting. Like a weird version of Christmas. When I got home, I didn’t even bother putting my other groceries away; I just took my beautiful, beautiful watermelon and sliced it the way my mom had shown me years ago. It looked so juicy, so fresh, so...seedy...Wait... I don’t think I’ve ever eaten something faster than I ate that watermelon slice. It was gone before you could even finish spelling out the word “watermelon”. But it was weird...after I finished it, all the excitement just...left me. My inner child had been satiated, and now it was time to go back to being an adult. So I started putting away the groceries, all while my gorgeous watermelon sat moping on the counter, mourning that it had been forgotten about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next morning, I woke up from a watermelon dream. No, really; it smelled like watermelon, tasted like watermelon...heck, it even SOUNDED like watermelon! Whatever that means... Confused by why my mind had decided to dream about watermelon, it wasn’t until I washed my hands after using the bathroom around 10 minutes later that I noticed something: Underneath my fingernails, little sprouts were growing. At first, I thought it was just something stuck to my nail,

One day

Insomnia Bella Morais

By Christian Ellwood One day, the human race will be gone And the world we built will slowly move on Where war and death filled all the air Birds of the sky will soon fly there

The Cycle of Oblivion by George Walter

The cycle never ends, like the flowers blooming The cycle never ends, like fossil fuels fuming

Bittersweet Alessandra Morabito

but I couldn’t brush it off, literally AND figuratively. Not only that, but when I went to put on my socks and shoes, sprouts were growing underneath my toenails, too. As I went about my day, thoughts of watermelon kept pervading my mind. It wasn’t just the dream I was thinking about; no, no. It evolved past that into a constant state of watermelon. An essence of watermelon. Even as I left the house, the smell of watermelon, the taste of watermelon, the THOUGHT of watermelon, never left me. Watermelon was me, and I was watermelon. Then it got worse. First, it was my hair falling off, then it was my skin turning light green with dark green stripes, then it was my stomach (nay, my entire BODY) getting plumper and heavier.

The cycle of sky, raining and storming The cycle of debate, people nonconforming The cycle of the wild, life, death, decomposition The cycle of the war, conflict, battle, ammunition The cycle of mankind, eating, sleeping, lying The cycle’s never-ending, yet man still struggles in surviving The cycle of generation, exist, make mistake, learn from it The cycle of arrogance, blind one’s self, and die of it. The world will continue the cycle of earth. But if mankind continues they only make it worse.

Where factories and cities once built up fume Buildings will decay and flowers will bloom Where politics and work once filled our head Words will be gone, and left for the dead

Alessandra Morabito


Sarah Salins

Where people once brought terror and hate Life will be peaceful with no human state No race No fights No workplace No long nights No questions No shows No depression No one knows Humans will not respawn And the world shall have a new dawn One day, the human race will be gone And the world we built will forever move on

And the watermelon thoughts never left me. Heck, I ate the rest of that watermelon in one sitting, then went and bought out every store near me of their watermelon supply. And I don’t even know why. Well, I DIDN’T, until one day throughout all this the obvious was made clear: I was becoming a watermelon. I rushed to my doctor after I had this revelation and told him everything, but he said there was nothing anyone could do. Neither he nor anyone else he knew had dealt with this before. So I was forced to sit at home, alone, crying, as the transformation withered on. Ten days after that doctor’s visit, it was completed. Now I’m sitting in the produce section, among others like me, hoping that the inevitable won’t be. that girl looking at me?! Oh, no...NO! PLEASE DON’T! NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!

Cherry Bowl

Scenes on the Street

The Idol Renato DiLorenzo

Lobis’ Lament By ETC Editorial Staff

Ode to my hair and shin… Oh my hair, why must you get done… Why must you cost me much… Why is balding bad?....

Captain Space Lazer The Etc Team


Out Of The Dark By Matthew Benjamin

Hope is what keeps a person alive When the light at the end of the tunnel Closes and closes Know that the light is still there, No matter how far away Hope keeps you pushing on for the end of that tunnel And when you find it, you’re glad you had hope. For when you emerge from darkness into the light You can turn around and not see into the dark You can find your way in light You can find your way out of dark

Classic Samantha John

Polar Beast Samantha Renda

Memeology Madi Reda

New Direction by Gwenyth Lowery

ALL Isabella Everett


We are like a speeding train Watching our surroundings speeding by Once beautiful scenery, has now become blurred Blurred by my tears and my image of you I had stepped off the world’s greatest ride The memories whizzing by Taken for granted after all this time That’s when I new, I would never feel the same Now I will board a new train For a new direction For a new way

Montana Sky Daniel Jordan


The Way Life Goes

life is the prince of darkness

By Justin Kamal

by Jack Weber

Born into darkness not a sliver of light Not willing to go out, without a fight Growing up lonely no bed to share Sometimes life just isn’t fair Nothing but dark clouds above, no sun in view This dark past held on, like a regretful tattoo Never giving up, reaching for the goal Hope kept me together, keeping me in control.

Every prince doesn’t need a princess the moon, oh the moon it lights up the sky like a beam of light in the darkness and the moon is the princess that shows you the path in life

Two Tone Marco Gasparro

Trapped Bella Morais

Mushroom Sanctuary Savannah Alizio

Becoming Fall Abby Berkeyheiser

Prince who doesn’t need a Princess Jack Weber



My Constant Fear

We’re all Human Daelan Hontanosas

by Abigail Berkeyheiser

This time was different. This time the static lasted. I was a cat with nine lives, and I used them all up My legs were like rubber, and my ears were deafening. But I could still hear my parents: Dad was on the phone with the ambulance, my mom was holding me. Funny. But this was different. The paramedics loaded me up with the car with the flashing lights. My poor sister cried unlike the other times. And unlike the other times, I did feel helpless. My constant fear came true. I always wondered what would happen as they kept going on. If you’re wondering what it usually feels like, it’s like when you bang your elbow on a table. But now it feels like I am trapped under water. With no oxygen in my lungs, and no life raft. Only hope.

2020 Daelan Hontanosas

The hospital was busy So many nurses and doctors checked my heart. But they already checked it… What if it’s some unknown disease. Or there was a mistake in the data. So many possibilities, so little time. My thoughts were all over the place like the hospital staff. When will it all end? All of the pain and worries all of the falling tearsEnd? Please just be a nightmare.

The Day Pain Ends by Parker Stergion

Racism, my worst enemy Why should I let you separate me from others Why can I not be equal to a white man Why can I not get money to feed my brothers I don’t ask for much Do I have to deal with this apartheid Do I have to not be able to afford lunch Do I have to be the reason my son has died

Is this really what I am supposed to be?

See Right Through Me Bella Morais

As I travel through the city There is murder on the corner There is no reason for others to feel pity There is no way for me to warn her In the country, our home is safe protected by a fence My son would be safe here My problems would not be intense My family could watch the deer

JuncoBridge Elizabeth Italia

All Eyes On You Isabella Everett


Reach For The Light Phoebe Kong

At last, that is not the case Though this journey I have made friends My son has his death penalty to face One day, this pain will end. 29

The Insurrection By Bella Everett

The Attainment By George Walter

The light in my room flickers. It flickers while the rest are still, subdued, responsible. Whilst in another room, I’ll hear it stirring up trouble, mischief, bad habits. Installing rebellious attitudes. Two lights in my room flicker The warm lights comes in and out as it pleases Disrupts my writing, and falters the pen in my hand I scan the rest of them for insight into their plot Trying to predict which Loyalist will seduce the wiring to do its bidding I sleep in the den now, under the light of a candle whom is obstinate, dependable, and allegiant The gleam of candle light displays its natural ability of warmth, light, and destruction. The unrefined’s cleanliness and purity purges the contamination from my environment. The air’s smokiness sterilizes like an infant at a baptism

To obtain Success, Requires experience and hard work. To obtain Family, Requires love and compassion.

Have Hope for it will lead to what you want to obtain.


by Bread is Aidan McGovern

The flickering lights glow under the closed door. They eat, drink and live merry in the land they have engulfed Displaying their domination over my kingdom, sanctuary, home. They know they’ve won. They conquered. I am defeated

ALL THE NOISE MUST BE QUITED. THEY MUST HOLD THEIR ALLEGIANCE TO ME THEIR LEADER. THEIR CREATOR. Their silence is deafening. The blaze crackles upon the floor, that gives me heat, warmth and comfort. Do you know my secrets? Will you cause my doom?

Put it in Perspective Abigail Berkeyheiser


Maegan Hontanosas

To obtain Hope, Requires nothing more than the desire to have hope

More lights in my room flicker. The insurgents have spread their terroristic ideals to the others. How could they turn on me when I am their general? Their king? Their friend? The hazy glass bulbs look down upon their master They are plotting my demise.

All the lights in my room flicker. How did they infiltrate everyone? How will I survive? Are they listening to me? Are they listening to you? We must obtain their plans, and cease their destructive wits at the source. I lay down the holy water in which I will be cleansed from the insidious endeavors the lights have created. They are rebelling, in-fighting has erupted. They are unraveling. I must act now.


To obtain Freedom, Requires sacrifice.

Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmmm, Mmmmmmm, Mmm, Mmmmm, Mmmmmmm

Bread, Part 2

By Aidan McGovern, George Lobis, Mason Kloc, Christian Ellwood, and Matthew Benjamin Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm, Bread, tastes good So warm and Putin-esk That gluten is sculpted to make it statuesque Putin, Gluten, Is Guten, Alles Gut, With Boot The Bread, so wonderful The Man, so muscular Mmmmmm Bread

Vladamir Gluten Aidan McGovern


A Writing Irish Publication Notre Dame High School 601 Lawrence Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Volume 33 • Issue 1 Back Cover art:

Forest Spirits Mackenzie McCarron

Cover art:

When the World is Satisfied Lacey Okamura

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller


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