Notre dame high school, 2012web

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Every now and then, I run into a friend who graduated with me back in the day, who has an encyclopedic memory of the events of his high school years. He remembers the names of all his teachers and the faces of all his friends. He can tell me who dated whom, who was 9001, who got all the detentions, who drove the fastest cars, who captained the basketball team and who had the lead in the school play. He recalls in detail those shared collective moments that were exhilarating, moll?-ents that were embarrassing and moments that were downright hilarious. His stories, perhaps a bit embellished by the passage of time, are always enthralling, entertaining and evocative. They bring me back to where we were and the way we were and help me to remember the journey that I have taken over time on the way to my becoming. Your Notre Dame journey has been filled with those moments. Remember the moment when you realized the good feeling that comes from serving another? Remember the moment when you discovered just how much you are loved? Remember the moment when you learned just how much you were valued by your teammates? Remember the moment when you learned the value of friendship? Remember the moment when it all seemed to come together in Biology class, or the moment when you realized that the hard work you put into your sport really does pay off? These moments, both happy and sad, have made you the person you are today. These moments should never be lost. Most of you will spend the next few days feverishly collecting signatures for this yearbook, reliving your time here and swearing that the good times, fast friendships and fond memories of your Notre Dame years will never die. And then you will begin the next chapter of your life. If you are at all like me, writing that chapter and the subsequent chapters in your life story will consume all your attention as you live them out. And, unless you are like that guy I mentioned with the encyclopedic memory, you will forget. This yearbook contains the key that will unlock the memories for you now and in the years to come. What is contained within these pages will not change. Here, you will always be 18 years old. you will always have hair, look buff, and sport a cool, supercilious grin on your face. Here, you will always be surrounded by those incredible friends and wise guys you might never see again after graduation. Here, you will always be a track star, the guy who won the Chemistry award, the hero who sunk the two free throws at the buzzer in the championship game. Here, you will always be ready for a party, ready to experience life, primed and ready for anything. Live in the present, but use this yearbook to remind you of the person who once was, of the distance you have come, of the laughter and love you shared, of the potential and power you felt. Use it to understand why you are and who you are and to strengthen your resolve to keep on growing, keep on becoming the beautiful creature that your friend, Jesus, asks you to be. Use it to revisit Notre Dame and its current students and to remind yourself that you are now a part of them and that you always will have a home here in that brick building on Lawrence Road. Sincerely, Barry Edward Breen

Walking into your f1rst Open House and wondering, "Is D the school for me?" ..... sitting outside the interview room worrying about the questions you would have to answer ...... opening the letter that said, "We are proud to welcome you to the Class of 2012! ", ... kids with red shirts . moving you into that f1rst Liturgy ....your Interdis class group ..... Drivers Ed and a MORP .... Junior Rings, Powder Puff and Candle Rose ..... Senior tailgates, college acceptances, the ·Fashion Show, Post Prom ... caps and gowns in Blue and White. Memories are the heart beats that catch and hold along the edges ·our experiences. Indelible smells, tastes, touches and visions weave themselves into the fabric .of our minds. The smell of cookies baking in the caf, a gummy bear sacrif1ced in Chemistry class, the feel of Friday's 2:15 bell, a friend's high f1ve, a compliment written in ·the corner of a returned paper, September's brand new smells, June's sigh of accomplishment and relief, the feel of that prom dress or tux sliding into place, mom's or .. -dad's car waiting at the curb. Each of us hold dear those moments that rang true, loud, fearfully, with exhilaration, .lovingly, amazingly, tearfully and holy in our lives. And, my captured moments differ . from yours. Using the pictures and tales captured within this yearbook, we can together ·rebuild all the rich details of our Notre Dame story for years to come. Each of us holds eys to those moments that changed our lives, set us on our journeys and made us feel the

Throughout your lives, may you be blessed with pleasant hours when your ND stories · · can be shared, relished and embellished! May this yearbook start a thousand wonderful conversations that "remember, when we ..... !" May occasional reflection on your ND past · vite you to new understand~ngs and unexpected insights. And, may your most vivid emeries of Notre Dame be those'in which you knew how very deeply you were loved for !being you . . · ith my love, Ms. Mary Liz Ivins ipal



ScltiOI' StiDCI'IItlvcs CIIIISt COIIDIC: Altltlc Mai'CODOIIIS 6 AOit Mllli

Best SIIISI Of ltlllllOI': Jackie Alec 6 Bl'la•• lta~cs

Most ScltOOI SDII'II: KI'ISI!'It Cltlai'IIIO 6 Jaltllc Gl'a~


Best S~le: Gabb!' G1•ates 6 Adl'lel ltg

Biggest Flll'l:: J1111a Ad1•ag11a 6 Jlllllll!' ttlllg

Most Llkel!' to Bl•lglttell YOIII' Da!': DeSIIlOIId (OIIfO!' 6 MCII'ISCI LCIIIZOIII


D )I



c D




Best DaltCII':



Most Llkell' to Be Pl•esldellt: Da11 McKe1111a 6 Mea11a11 Sltea

nicest Sllllle: Matt Modica 6 El'llt Scltleael

Most Colttaalo11s LaiiUII: J011atlta11 Staltlel' 6 Zel11a Petei'SOII 23

Most Atllletlc: Abbl' Lel'llel' 6 Ma1•k MaksllllO\V

Most Llkell' to Be FalllOIIS:

David Jaffe

Zel11a Pete1•so11

Most Al'llstlc: Al'all McGIIIIIIS 6 . Dla1111a !511lltll


Most CI1811Ued SIIICe fl'eSIIIIl811 Yeal': Cotll'lllel' Alex ltallbl' DObi'OII

Most SttldiOIIS: Kate1•1 noble 6 Bl'elld811 SalllDie 25

Most Llkel!' to SIICCeed: Da11 McKe1111a 6 Asllle!' Lozlel'

Most Llkel!' to be Late to G1•adt1atlo11: A!'llll Gel'lll8110 6 Ellllll' 5Decca

WOI'St Case Of SeiiiOI'Itls: A!'llll Gel'lll8110 6 TOI'I'Ie BOI'elll 26




Junior Prom 2011

A Night to Remember

Best Overall: 12 months in a ear



Kaitlyn Bader, Matthew Blazejewski, Stephen Blazejewski, Caroline Bottega, John Brecko, Sarah Cabell, Sean Cahill, Sabrina Campelo. Sean Chia, Desmond Confoy, Michael Crumbley, Liz Dobrowolski, Jess Donahue, Alex Dovgala-Carr, Andy Driscoll, Jackie Duffey, Ron Dunston, Rob Farley, Hannah Fischer, Maddie Glassman, Phil Heucke, Allie Hlaing, Tessa Holthenrichs, Sarah Jesson, Alyssa Koslowski, Hannah Krupa, Marisa Lanzoni, Dante Lucchesi, Rita Marino, Ryan McGowan, Dan McKenna, Mari McKenna, Yiannis Michailides, Nick Morrell, EJ Murphy, Emily Novozinsky, Kelsey O'Neill, Andrew Oliver, Colin Patton, Sara Petsis, Andrew Reed, Xavier Reyes, Jackie Rice, Jon Ruffe, Pradel Saint-Fleur, Emilly Schladebeck, Erin Schlegel, Natalie Taptykoff, Mary Kate Ward, Ricky Ward, Devon Wheeler, Sam White, David Wick, Kelley Weise, Sam Williams, Zach Yingling, Emilie Yonce, Sam Zdanowicz

Hailey Andrew, Savannah Arato, Jessa Bedser, Michael Bohlinger, Michael Bryant, Kayla Butler, Andrew Cantagallo, Bethany Chance, Ariana Colasuonno, Leanne Consiglio, Kathryn Corso, Vibhav Dabas, Blaise Dandridge, Kerri Dougherty, Jennifer Farley, Kathryn Frey, Attallah Goodman, Patricia Gras, Dianna Gross, Emmalyn Hoyt, Annaliese Jaffe, Sean Kennedy, Michael Kline, Rachel Korenz, Caroline Lau, Natalie Laurie, Jenna Lepping, Allison Logan, Mia Logsdon, Meaghan Lukacs, Sorcha McCabe, Ryan McGinnis, Molly Meagher, Nicole Mento, Emily Okupski, Rachel Pastor, Marysa Pratico, Gabrielle Raccosta, Cheyenne Rojas, Kristina Salvatore, Rachel Schlegel, Courtney Silakoski, Gabrielle Van der Gaag, Aimee Vienneau, Sherry Zarzuela

Flutes: Carlee Adams, Danielle Festa, Lindsey Filo, Camille Garcia-Flahaut, Kristin Gelsomino, Colleen Harkins, Katie Hayes, Mark Ravago, Julianne Rzzotti, Elaine Stewart, Adrianna Villalobos Basses: David Exume, Louis Grama, Stefanos Karpontinis, Sean Rynkewicz Clarinets: Sam Barbato, Christina Biancamano, Kristen Drake, Kelly Kolpack, Olivia Lear, Victoria Monaco, Adriel Ng, Genevieve Simon, Natalie Taptykoff, Jessica Walsh, Samantha Williams Bass Clarinet: Nicholas Cepeda Alto Saxaphones: Brendan Darmody, Imani Joy Graham, Madeline Griffith, Lena Hampson, Jacqueline Parmegiani, Kyra Pastore Baritone: Zachary Kolpack Baritone Sax: David Thompson Tenor Saxes: Michael Lynn, Colin McNamara, Robert Sporek Trumpets: Matthew Angyal, Trevor Cannie, Warren Crowell, Kellen Darmody, Felicia Duch, Ian Ferrara, Juliette Garcia-Flahaut, Matthew Herbert, Dante Lucchesi, Enzo Lucchesi, Emily Schladebeck, Christopher Siwczak, James Thornton, Richard Wesner, Anthony Zingerman, Christopher Zingerman Trombones: Sean Kennedy, Douglas Marland, Ryan McGinley, Brendan McNamara, Davon Wheeler Keyboards: Olivia Commini, Jack Conboy, Ronald Dunston, Jennifer Farley, Katie Frey, Amy Honnig, Kateri Noble, Ryan Siegel, Ricky Ward Percussion: Donnie Barringer, Ryan Brown, Sean Cahill, Lexi Campion, Rob Cipolla, Erik Castaldo, Nick Dovgala-Carr, Alex Dovgala-Carr, Todd Oakley, Joseph Simon, Miklos Szabo Guitar: Jaime Juarez, Michael Tattory Tuba: Parth Rege

lmlldingldldias Leading Ladies was the 2011 Spring show. It featured comedic entertainment from all grade levels. The show featured the themes of love, laughter, and friendship. Leading Ladies reminds us to always look for the best in people, and that looks can be deceiving.





Sean Barry, Molly Damm, Nicole Dennion, Kristi Desatnick, Matthew Herbert, Alesandra Hlaing, Annaliese Layton, Carlee Leach, Jacqueline Mullaney, Shana Naticchia, John Adriel Ng, Samuel Nicosia, Jacquelynn Rice, Pradel Saint-Fleur, Nicholas Raccosta, Erin Schlegel, Hannah Shevlin, Catherine Wishnow, Emilie Yonce, Stana Leigh Ziemba 102

Christion A vema, Alexia Barry, Emily Bowers, Jennifer Caceres, Miranda Crum, Lindsay Decamp, Shannon Donahue, Shannon Golden, James King, Madison Levitsky, Caitlin MeNamara, Richard Qngaro, Jessica Oszvart, Rebecca Pittore, Parth Rege, Jessie Robertson, Mary Jean Torpey, Erin Willis 103

Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor younger students and host holiday events with them, including a Halloween party they all enjoy!

Story Tellers Club puts on put on puppet shows, makes books, and reads to local children. Cherry Tree lunches work every morning to make lunches for homeless preschoolers and make over 3,000 lunches a year!!

GrandPals spend (. time with senior citizens at Morris Hall and help to brighten their day!


Seniority Rules helps to organize tea parties, Christmas caroling, crafts, and other events for senior citizens.

Hospice volunteers go through a rigorous training and spend time with patients what are very sick to help brighten their day! {J I

' Koinonia works with special needs adults and sponsors a special prom. 105

Cooking for a cause makes meals for those in need. The Red Cross works in conjunction with the NJ Chapter High School Council to sponsor peereducation programs from primary age children in Trenton schools. The Red Cross Club also sponsor a blood drive here at Notre Dame and offers CPR and first aid certification

Lovin' From the Oven works to make sweet treats for needy recipients, including treats for the Senior Citizen's tea parties and other service events

Special ll Olympics supports challenged athletes. Homefront helpers try to help break the cycle of homelessness and play with children to give them hope. The Sewing Club makes blankets and pillows to send to sick kids in local hospitals


T.A.C.lJ.A. (Teens Against Cruelty to Animals) helps animals in shelters, service dogs, and helps to spread awareness of animal cruelty.


serv1ce program •

• •

written by: Catherine



Recently, I walked into the service room to get a flyer about Notre Dame's service program and noticed all the happy ND students making lunches for the Breakfast Club. Fifteen minutes later, I heard the announcements about all the service projects happening at ND. On a daily basis, I see and hear about many students donating their Activity Period to the Service Room. The dedication to service is very evident at ND. As of this writing, over fifty percent of the school has completed their required service hours. The freshmen class has completed 3,858 hours. The sophomores have finished 5,509 hours of service. The juniors have completed 6,044 service hours. The seniors have done 9,046 service hours. These numbers are impressive. In the past few months, over the fall, winter and into spring, ND students have completed many different service projects. On March 1, 2012, many juniors and seniors participated in our annual blood drive. Students also participated, and continue to participate, in several service clubs, such as Irish Goes Pink, Storytellers, Sewing Club, Special Olympics and Koinonia. There are many great service projects planned by different groups, such as: Big Brothers, Big Sisters had a Bowl for Kids' Sake fundraiser on March 24th, students helped PDS in Princeton with a book sale fundraiser, the Women's Space Organization needed help at an Easter Egg Hunt in Mercer County Park, and ND hosted a Special Prom on May 25th. For service, freshmen must complete 8 hours, sophomores and juniors must have 12 hours, and seniors need 16 hours. These are just the minimum requirements, but more is always encouraged. As any service student would say, service is not about the hours completed, but about helping others. 110

Julia Adragna, Lauren Alizio,路 Shannon Barlow, Sean Barry, Jen Caceras, Anthony Carella, Kristyn Chiarello, Megan Ct,Jsack, Chris Demille*, Hannah Dehtino, Kristi Desatnick, Dana Domanski, Abbie Foley, Shannon Golden, Melanie Gonzales, Jamie Gray, Megan Gray, Maddy Hart, Matt Herbert, Allie Hlaing, Chris Kaluzny, Lauren Kenny, Marisa Lanzoni, Paul Linkchorst, Mark MaJ<simow, Ryan McGowan, Dan McKenna, Marianna McKenna, , }



Brendan McNamara*, Caitlin McNamarQ., Colin McNamara, Shannon Moore*, Kyra Pastore, Jerula Payeski, Rebecca Pittore, Jeff Podeszwa, Jackie Rice, Gabby Rowen, Bryan Rupprecht, Allison Ruszczyk, Erin Scanlon*, Erin Schlegel, Natalie Taptykoff, Tess Van der Gaag, Sam White, Erin Willis, Catie Wishnow,

Gwen Armstrong, Andrew Auger, Brianna .Barbet, Jordan Barrett, Matt Blazejewski, Stephen Blazejewski, I Lexi Chianese, Dina Cifelli, Natalie Cugine, Zack Cutaneo, Colleen Dolan, Hannah Fisher, Sarah Gallagher, Camille Garcia-Fiahaut, Carolyn Gerber, Julie Haupin, Phil Heuckef Mark Hill, Rebecca Hoyt, Jason Ivins, Tyler Jeavons, Matt Kirk, Victoria Levenson, Caitllt:1 Lombardo, Carla Maccaroni, Jana Mazur, Bridget Mazzoni, Annie McGuinness, Theresa McGuinness, Michael McOLtarrief Patrick McSorley, Tracy Miller, Natalie Mostrowski, Ryan N)erstedi, CoHn O;Brien, Danielle Peterman, Robert Peterman, Kathryn Pet~oni, Sara Petsis*, Julianne Rizzotti*, Kerry Rota, Mike Scarangelli, Emily Schactele, Katie Schmitt, Greg Scozarri, Michaela ,Sippos, Laura Sutterlin, Kristin Thomas, Jessica Torregrossa, Kelley Wiese*, Katie Zajcowski

Emily Aita, Sabrina Campelo, Nina Carella, Sean Chia, Robert Cipolla, Avery Corvino, Briana Dacey, Felicia DlJch, , Paul Giancarli, Mike Kidd-Phillips, Courtney Kurz 1 David Liedtka, Daniel Maher, Tony Martone, ~anine Mazur, Theresa McSorley, Allie Millevoi, Rachel Pastor, Megar.~ Pattoli, Abigail Prime, Dominic Ricci, Vanessa Romulus, Elaine Stewart, Anna Tampellini, Mary Kate Ward, Kathleen Whalef\-Connolly, Kacky Wohn '

Apdrew' Auger, Br:iahna Barbet, Jordan Barrett, Victoria Binz, Matthew Blazejewski, Stephen alazej~wski, Collette Brisson, Courtney Brisson, Ryan Brown ,' Anthony Chiarello, Alexis Chomicki, Angelo D'Amico, Olivia Detato, Colleen Dolan, Alexandra Dovgala-Carr, Elizabeth Fedorak, '

Camille Garcia-Fiahaut, Cardlyn Gerber, Maria Gottffied, Devin A. Griffiths, Zachary Hakinson, Julie Haupin, Dana M. Herberg, Rebecca E: Hoyt, Brenna Jacko, Ashley J~ffreys, Allyson Jennings, J~ime Juarez, Kathryn Karmazyn, Matthew Kirk, Allissa Kolczynski, Jo~ph Kurzman, Victoria Levenson, Carla Maccaroni, Janna Mqzur, Anne Marie McGuinness, Theresa McGuinness, Tracey M~ller, Natalie !Mostrowsl<i, Mary Margaret Mumij:h, Ryan Nierstedt, Catherine Oseguera, Danielle Peterman, Kathryn Petroni, Sara Petsis,

~ Conor.Peyton, Christine ponell~, ~Gabrielle Raccosta, lukE; Rawski, Kelly Ann Re:ager, Andrew Reed, Lauren Sander, Emily Schachtele, Kaitlyn Schmitt, Gregory Scozzari, Marco Scozzari, Micaela Sipos, Sarah Skwierawski, Dean Stephan, Laura Sutterlin, Elise Tatum, '


Bryan Taylor, Kristin Tt:10mas, James Miller Thornton, Jessica Torregrossa, Kelley Wiese, John Wtsmer, Katherine Zajkowski

Anna Bacovin, Sean Barry, Andrew Belcastro, Christina Biancamano, Erin Boland, Dana Byrnes, Sarah Cabell, Jennifer Caceres, Matthew Calcagno, Anthony Carella, Christian Chamerlain, Kristyn Chiarello, Michael Ciccone, James Cody, Alessandra Coscia, I




Warren Crowell, Meghan Cusack, Katy Czarnecki, Molly Damm, Kellen Darmody, Lindsay DeCamp, Christopheri Demille, Nicole Dennion, Nicholas Ddvgala-Carr, Krist~n Drake, Colleen Dykeman, Sean M. Farrell, Ryan Foley, Abigail Foley, Katherine Fugate, ElizabetH Gehan, Anthony Giancarli, Martin Giancarli, Christopher Hamilton, Alexander Hanby, Madeleine Hart, Brian Hayes, Emma Hillman, Alesandra Hlaing, David )affe, Michaela Jaffe, Elizabeth Kantor, Braden Kelly, Maggie Kline, Marisa Lanzohi, Carlee Leach, Krista Lepping, Abby Lerner, Rebecca Liwacz, Ashley Lozier, Margaret Ma.nn, Alyssa Marino, Ryan Matejik, Jacob Mayle, Daniel McKenna, Marianna McKenna, Brendan McNamara, Caitlin McNamara, Colin McNamar~. Gabriella Milo, David Morrell, Nikita Mycyk, Bethany Pacifico, Kyra Pastore,' Jill Patel, Michael Poole, Diana Pryor, Nicholas Raccosta, Parth Rege, Anthdny Rice, Gabrielle Rowen, Bryan Rupprecht, Allison Ruszczyk, 'Brendan Sample, Erin Schlegel, Meagan Scott, Meghan Shea, Charisse Siracusa, Mary Smith, Gavin Springer, Kevin Stimmel, Natalie Taptykoff, Michael Tattory, Stephen Tesoro, Taylor Tornquist, 路Teresa Vander Gaag, Rachel Vigliano, Katharine Werthwine, . Nicole Ziegler, Stana Leigh Ziemba

Holiday hituPgies


WINNER: 1st: Alex Dovgala-Carr 2nd: The Beautiful and Damned 3rd: Dan Mckenna







Homecoming weekend 2011 was quite the adventure for NO Students. Friday October 11th is when is all began: the yearly Homecoming pep rally was a great kick-off to a spectacular weekend,

introducing the Homecoming Court and

body excited for the big weekend. This year's getting the student Homecoming Court might be the best yet. For the girls, there was Shannon Moore, Marisa Lanzoni, Kristyn Chiarello, Erin Schlegel, and Zein a Peterson. For the guys, there was Ron Mule', Dan McKenna, Desmond Confoy, Kevin McCarthy, and Anthony Coppola. After the pep rally games were played and the fun was had, it was time for the big football game. Our Notre Dame football team took on Rancocas Valley in the fight of the night. After the prayer was said and Madrigal sung the National Anthem, it was finally time for the game to begin. It was a rough start . . . . for the Irish, being down by six points going into the half. But the halftime rest was exactly what the team needed to get the boost of energy and spirit they lacked in the first half. ~~-st:iil:.~

At halftime, the wonderful Notre Dame cheerleaders started it off with a rousing routine and then it was time to for the Homecoming Court to make their appearance and to find out who would be crowned King and Queen. The Court walked out to the center of the field and the crowd grew silent while awaiting the announcement of who the winners were. "The

" '.>"7![·,·.~· ..,'110l~

2011 Homecoming King is Kevin McCarthy!" The crowd went wild, overzealous with joy about the win for Kevin. And as they say, every King needs a Queen. The 2011 Homecoming Queen is Marisa Lanzoni. Everyone was filled with joy and excitement and screams could be heard throughout the greater Lawrenceville area. Congratulations to Kevin and Marisa! Now back to the game. Once they heard that their teammate Kevin McCarthy won Homecoming King and getting some much needed halftime rest, the team had the fire needed to get the game going in the right direction. It was 14-12 with less than a minute on the clock when Mike Young kicked a field goal to put the Irish up 15-14. The crowd went wild and screamed, "We Won! We Won!" The clock had run out and everyone was ecstatic. But little did they know that because too much time had been spent placing the ball on the field, ten seconds had to be put back onto the clock. Unfortunately, that ten seconds was just enough time for Rancocas Valley to score a touchdown and the game was over. It was such a heartbreaker for our Irish. But

nothing was going to rain on the Irish parade, because there was still so much fun to be had during Homecoming weekend. Saturday was the Homecoming dance, a perfect way to celebrate being back in school. There's nothing like dancing with your friends in the cafeteria. The music was loud, the dance floor was packed and the food wasn't too bad either. Three hours of non-stop partying and just having a good time. It was the first time for many juniors to experience Homecoming, and sadly the last time for seniors. The night was a wonderful way to enjoy being an upperclassman. But Homecoming, the crazy eventful weekend, was not yet over. Sunday morning was the Wrobo Run and Peer Leadership's car wash. Both events were very successful, with the Peer Leaders raising over $800. It was such a splendid way to end this rollercoaster of a weekend. Homecoming weekend 2011 was truly a SUCCESS. -Jacquelynn Rice

The Voice Staff Writer




"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand." This heartwarming quote comes straight from this past weekend's Pink Out halftime program. For the past three years now, Notre Dame High School has come together to spread awareness of breast cancer. As a community, not only do we honor all of the survivors but we remember those we have lost to this awful disease. Mrs. McConnell and Ms. Pilkington are both cancer survivors and have generously shared their stories with me in separate interviews. The school nurse, Mrs. McConnell, is a cancer survivor of a remarkable twenty years. At the time of her diagnosis, her children were only 7 and 4 years old, and her father was very sick as well. "Back then it was very taboo, we couldn't even say breast," says Mrs. McConnell, as she reflects on how much everything has changed since when she was diagnosed. "Today, as a society, we are much more aware and open about the effects of breast cancer." Ms. Pilkington remembers when she was diagnosed. Not only did she walk away from breast cancer as a survivor, but she now has a full collection of baseball caps. When she lost her hair, many of the seniors gave her hats from their future colleges and universities. Even though she purchased a wig, the hats are what she mostly wore. "Each time I see all of these hats; it reminds me of the goodness in young people,"


Borne from a simple idea, the Pink Out has grown into a beautiful ceremony. "It is so heartwarming to see the goodness in young people, coming together to support such a great cause," says Ms. Pilkington, who is one of the strong cancer survivors. The halftime show, which is organized by Ms. Wargo and her cheerleaders, was defmitely a success. As the twenty girl volunteers were being prepped to lose about 8 to 10 inches of their hair in a

matter of a few

swift movements of a pair of scissors, the

cheerleaders went out to the fifty yard line and performed. Their tribute, "I Will Survive," was coached by Diane Wargo, Danielle Treacy, and Chelsea Wargo and followed by an "Introduction of Heroes and Angels." The Heroes are all those brave women who have battled or are battling breast cancer. The Angels are all of those faithful friends and families who are supporting our Heroes. As all of these outstanding people were announced over the loud speaker, the cheerleaders formed a "human ribbon" in the center of the field in which these Heroes and Angels walked out to and stood in the center to be honored. And, last but not least, was the hair cut. As the twenty brave girls stood alongside the track with their ponytails already prepared to be chopped off, the stylists of Salon Artigiano went down the line with their scissors in front of the entire crowd. This moment was done so beautifully that it touched the hearts of everyone watching, and hopefully inspired more people to stand in their places next year. All of the hair collected at the Pink Out hair cut was donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. This organization has partnered up with Hair U Wear and the American Cancer Society to be able to provide real human hair wigs. All of their wigs are free of charge to those who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments. "The hardest part for a woman is losing your hair," said Ms. Pilkington in an interview. "Not only are most wigs very expensive, but they are uncomfortable. No matter how nice it looks, it is not even close to being the same as having your own real hair. What Pantene Beautiful Lengths does for these women is very great, and I personally encourage everyone (even the guys) to donate your hair to this foundation."

, Even if you did not participate in the hair cut, you can still contribute to this wonderful experience. 1,500 pink "Cheer for a Cure" t-shirts were ordered for this , event. Each shirt cost ten dollars and all of the profits went to local charities. These included paying for mammograms for women in Trenton who could not afford it, and the Healing Conscious Foundation which provides holistic care and therapy to breast cancer survivors. It truly was a sea of pink last Friday night under the big lights. by Megan Scott, The Voice staff writer, 11/4/2011


Jean; Thank you for being an incredible teacher, colleague, and friend. As my teacher, you helped me to think and write critically and ingrained in me a great love for history: As a colleague, you set an example to others in the department. As a friend, you've helped me grow in confidence, always offering help and a good laugh. You will be missed! Love, Mary Mason To my Dear.Friend and AP US Partner, Whenevet you need a pick-me-up, just dial up a memory of you and I doing "Breaking Ranks" together, laughing hystelically while listening to the lectures of Dr. F. Marazzo, reading AP writing scftnples when we were exhausted and silly, having good fun with our s when they stole my crown and held it up for ransom, and, of course, having a blast with our beloved AP students at our famous DBQBBQs. The Dancing Machine". As a matter of fact, I miss y~u already. Happy trails, Partner. Love, Terry What has it been ftke teaching with Jean McGraw? Who began her career making history tea ing in the South during the racial integration of schools? Who serves her cla~ses Sunday brunch in her home each year to get them ready for exams? Who, at the end·of her career, still teaches with passion, right down to the importance of citation form? How ~s it teaching history at the same school ~s her? In a word: humbling. -John McQuarrie 24 years ago, I met Mrs. McGraw as she was coming to take my place for my maternity leave. Little did I think that I would have the honor of ~orking with on; of the finest teachers I have had the pleasure of knowing. Not only i~ every student ~o has been fortunate enough to come into her classroom a b&r person for having known her, so are we. I am grateful for her intelligence, her compassion, her sense of humor, but most of all, I am grateful for her remarkable spirit, wftich never seems to dim. I will miss you more than you know. -Roberta Anderson Camping ~p to Gettysburg, numerous Model U.N.'s, Rutgers, Philadelphia, Baltimore, dreaded Saturday night$, truth or dare, Catch Phrase, doors that would not cooperate, CLOSETS!!!!! We have shared many laughs. Thank you for your ~t and wisdom, for your Southern charm, for wonderful memories being a friend. I will be forever grateful for your endless creativity, your shared insights, and your guidance. It just won't be the same without you. Love-Peggy Jean, you have been my teacher, mentor, collaborator, colleague, partner-in-crime, and friend. I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel for the guidance, respect, and laughter you have given to me. You are the reason I had the confidence to start teaching, and I _will miss seeing you in this building every day. All the best to yoa--Jason My son was Jean's student in AP US 1 during his junior year. My first experience with Jean was through his eyes. I watched as he grew, particularly as a writer. He now imparts those same writing skills to his students. As a colleague, I have observed that Jean is a warm, dedicated, and passionate teacher. Her smile, her friendship, her insight, her dedication, and her knowledge will be sorely missed. -Ed Patton

from the Titanic. Her expertise and wisdom will be sorely missed. -Courtney Ashe Jean McGraw has always impressed me and inspired me with her professionalism, sense of hum"or, and htt dedication to her ltudents, the Social Studies Department, and Notre Dame. She fosters a love of learning and insRires her students. ·Jean has an adventurous spirit, and has a thirst for knowledge. She is truly a gifted teacher who is able to convey her love of history to her students. As one of her former stiidents stated to me, "Mrs. McGraw helped me to grow ta my fult,t potential. She is very open and willing to help ~e! stu~ents. By giving her "Lessons in History~ she gets her students .to think beyond what is obVious." Jean will be sorely missed here at Notre Dame, but she will always remain in the students. -Bill Romano • • hearts of her


Mary Hermida: master teaQi)er; a good friend ·who will be sorely missed by all of us; Thanks for all the pretzels!; Would you like a puppy for your r~tirement gift?; always ready for a party and to sh~ good times; a woman with a generous spirit; a woman who is dedicated to her family, friends, colleagues and students. It has been an honor and privilege to work witn Mary Hermida. Over the years she has become a. close friend and confidante for Pnany of us in the department. Her presence in school vAll be missed for many years to come. Mary is an exceptional teacher. She cares about her sfudents and always has them in mind when planning lessons. She was a forerunner in designing the Problems of the Day for her class. She has the best collection of stickers1n the department. Students leave her class well-preppred for tbe next level of their education .

• Mary is at the very core of our deparltnent. We've-shared her room with her for meetings, lunches, and celebrations. She opened her house to us for summer get-togethers and parties. The stories of her travels, family affairs, and grandchildren have both amused and touched our hearts. Working wi'th her has been easy ·anp productive ..Partying with her has been fun and uplifting. We're only sligflltly jealous that she is leaving to conti~e the party without us.

Mt:hael Aladich, Robert Bacovin, David Baker, Troy Becker, Andrew Belcastro, Daniel Belliveau, john Bowers,john Brecko, Mitchell Budzinski, Cameron Carmichael, Robert Cipolla, Vincent Cirlincione, john Clarke, justin Daisy, Brady Daniels, Andrew DeVito, Mitchel Dey, Michael DiFiore, Benjamin DiGregorio,Jonathan Dimon, Zachary Doan, Christopher Dowd, Zachary Edouard,


Episcopo, Sean Farrell, james Florczak, Patrick Foy, Ryan Germano, Daniel Greiss, Devin Griffiths, Austin Hanby, Drew Hanslip, Douglas Hoffman, Kyle Karpiscak, jeremy Keegan, Matthew Keeney, Michael Kidd-Phillips,jae Hwan Kim,James King, Sheamus Larkin, David Liedtka,james Lozier, icholas Lucarelli, Philippe Mahotiere, Christopher Marazzo, Michael May, Andrew Maziarz, Kevin McCarthy, Samuel McDermott, Michael McQuarrie, Patrick McSorley, Andrew Murphy, Erin james Murphy, Wally Nickelson, Darius


assiah, Edward

orman,jacob Parrotta, Prince

Patterson-Smith, Brian Plutino, Steven Pohling, Ryan Prendergast, William Reed,Jakeem Rice, yheem Ross, Keyne Saint-Fleur, Michael Scaringelli, Brandon Seeds, Kyle Seifert, Thomas Sellers, Nico Sferra, Matthew Tampellini, Zachary Tharp, David Thompson, Thomas Tretter, Francis Verdi, Daniel Vernon, Graham Walkley, Donald Walsh, Davon Wheeler, Samuel White, Michael

icholas Alston, Logan Axberg, David Bell, Konner Blackwell, Timothy Bowers, Kyle Brisson, Lorenzo Bryant, Fabian Bynum-Cogsville,James Caceres, Michael Cackowski,john Conboy, Dominic Conte, Anthony Cordero, Cole Cronin, Brendan Daly, Albert Del Cristo, Nicholas Demola,John Deveney, Michael Elwell, Ian Fitzgerald, Tremayne Funchers, Keegan Gerecke, Nicholas Greiss, Mark Higgins, Steven Horvath, Markjohnson, Stefanos Karpontinis, Chrostopher Kline,Justin Laureti, Tyler Marfin, Wilfredo Martinez, Timothy McGoorty, Wyett McLeod, Attilio Mennuti, Craig Monahan, icholas Muccie, Matthew Mullins, Kadeem


Sean O'Mara, Christian Persichetti, Ryan Peyton, Evan Pie',James Pirolli, Bryan Quezada, Dominic Recchia, Nicholas Rosie, Frank Saporito,Joe Thompson, Boynton Weekes,jacob White

Cassandra Balascak, Madhura Berman, Amanda Corso, Cassandra DeStefano,]ennifer Dill, Sarah Domino, Felicia Duch, Colleen Dykeman, Lindsey Filo, Hannah Fischer, Madeline Griffith, Kiera Harrison, Madeleine Hart, Michaela Jaffe, Alexandra Kowalski, Ashley Lozier,

atalie Martins, Emma

Mayor, Catherine Oseguera, Kyra Pastore, Kelly Reager, Erika Rojek, Kerry Rota, Emily Schladebeck, Erin Schlegel, Rachel Schlegel, Morgan Shockley, Elise Tatum, Lauren Tindall, Victoria Turner, Katherine Zajkowski

Luke Accardo, Matthew Angyal, Timothy Angyal, Franklin Aririguzoh,john Brescia, Adrian Carella, James Case, Anthony Chiarello, Matthew Corso, Erik Csik, Mark DiPaola, Henry Drago, Michael Drahuschak, Michael Elliott, Ryan Foley, Samuel Giacino, Michael Gormley,james Gray, Richard Habgood, Christopher Hamilton,]ason Ivins, Tyler Jeavons, Bryan Kukulski, David LeBender,]onathan Lugo, Anthony Martone, Samuel Nicosia, Nicholas Peist, Nikolas Pepe,]oseph Persichetti, Malcolm Rambert, Andrew Reed, Tyler Reed, Peter Riccardi, Bryan Rupprecht,

icholas Scheetz, Miklos Szabo,

Nicholas Tindall, Sean Wenke, Paul Westphal, Johnathan Whalen,John Wismer, jacob Witalec

Richard Ongaro, Stephen "Jamie" Galazin, Matthew Calcagno,]effrey Podeszwa,Jacob Kwami, Matthew Madia, Ryan Lago,]akob Nerwinski, David Morrell, Braden Kelly, Dean Stephan, Ryanjaneczek, Alexander Hanby, Martin Giancarli, Michael Tattory, David Udijohn, Shane Mackinnon, Todd Oakley

Keenan Campbell, Chris Siwczak, Rich Brown, Phil Africa, Matt Martinez, Brian Vidal, Evan Kirton, Austin O'Donnell, Robert Nasta, Mike Gala, David Wick, Chris Everett, Zach Kolpack, Brendan Reilly, Sean Rynkewicz, Paul Giancarli, Tyler Malis, Evan Byrnes, Sullivan Webber, Eric Studer, Nick Cepeda

Ryan Blair, Adam Brodowski, Luke Brown, Brian Cerri, Dara Ghorbani, Brian Hawkins, Steven Hayes, Matthew Kamph,J. Keegan Lago, Dante Lucchesi, Michael Martinez, Aqeel

assiah,Jack O'Donnell,

Patrick Rawski, Brian Reilly, Steven Roback, Dakota Skove, Edmund Skwara, Matthew Talericao, Connor Todaro, Alexander Vietti, Bryan Walkley

Amanda Archer, Victoria Binz, Dina Cifelli, Avery Anne Covino,

icole Dennion, Morgan Fink, Eva

Guama, Abby Lerner, Tracy Miller, Shannon Moore, Morgan Mount, Shanae

ance, Devon Norman,

Vanessa Romulus, Samantha Rosa, Anna Tampellini, Lindsey Tattory,Jordan Tuttle, Kelley

Hailey Andrew, Genna Baffuto, Claudia Barbiero, Nicole Bruning, Lauren Cleary, Lisa Everett, Victoria Fantozzi, Brianna Hancin, Kiersten Hogan, Colleen Leonard, Nicole Mento, Bijita Mistry, Isabelle O'Brien, jacqueline Parmegiani, Christal Ramharack, Rachel South, Kathleen Stimmel,julia Tyler, Brooke Van Den Bogan, Megan Zeidler

Brielle Bryan, Emily Carella,jenamarie Carella, Mary Carlin, Alexa DeAngelis, Maura Dunn, Lyndi Giangrasso, Natalie jacobs, Kylie Kohut, Caroline Lau, Rebecca Levitsky, Alexandra Lynch, Margaret Morrell, Kathryn Roman, Allison Rozanski, Kelly Tinsman, Maddie Walsh

Inez Asante, Christian Averna, Kevin Bollard, Lauren Bressi, Kristyn Chiarello, Warren Crowell, lindsay DeCamp, Hannah Dentino, Adrianna DiGregorio, Samantha Dill, Lauren Kenny, Ashton Leber, Laurel Murray, Bethany Pacifico, Samatha Petersack, Elizabeth Pierson,jonathan Ruffe, Pradel Saint-Fleur, Paolo Schanz, Charisse Siracusa, Teresa Vander Gaag

Austin Averna, Caitlin Brady, Gina Episcopo, Cassidy Ford, Caroline Keimig, Cynthia Leavey, Danielle Maloney, Rose McDermott, Rachel Pastor, jessica Prawica,jennifer Rosenfeld, Liza Sakowski, Paolo Schanz, Kelly Rose Seaver, Elaine Stewart, Kathleen Whalen Connolly

Ashlie Zsenak, Gabrielle Vander Gaag, Gabrielle Benedetti, Megan Brown, Ally Adragna, atalie Siracusa, Courtney Henig, Haley Jones, Caitlin Bertucci, Shaye Lipskind, Abby Tharp, Brianna Barrett, Danielle Festa, Kathleen McQuarrie, Katie Hampton

Caitlin McNamara, Meghan Shea, Racquel Zurick, Mary Lee Aruta, Anna Bacovin, Alanna Barry, Erin Boland, Emily Bowers, Alexa Chianese, Molly Damm, Colleen Dolan, Amanda Frappolli, Sarah Gore, julie Haupin, Carlee Leach, Elizabeth Lowe, jacqueline Mullaney, Megan Pattoli,Julianne Rizzotti, Morgan Sanguinetti, Alyssa Schaber, Leah Snyder

Brooke Gallagher, Rachel Kaniper, Kathryn Petroni, Sabrina Campelo,Jennifer DeMuth, Maeve Doran, Kristin Gelsomino, Kaitlyn Giacobbe, lmani]oy Graham, Kaitlynjacklin, Margaret Kalmes, Catherine Kelly, Courtney Kurz, Erin Lucatorto, Theresa McSorley, Kelsey O'Neill, Christine Panella, Abigail Rupprecht, Gillian Schaber, Chelsea Schwartzmann

Madeleine Arch, Kayla Butler, Elena Delligatti, Alexa DelMonte, Elizabeth Endres, Danielle Fisher, Alyssa Giampolo,JanaNicole Graham, Caroline Grala, Lena Hampson, Colleen Harkins, Caroline Hart, Amy Hannig, Erin Maloney, Anna O'Brien, Anna Prendergast, Megan Reilly, Nina Schirmer, Samantha Seminario, Courtney Silakoski

Daria Battaglia, Brianna Cherney, Valentina DeSantis, Haley Gimbel, Caitlin Harding, Hannah Krupa, Mia Logsdon, Leanna Mostrowski, Natalie Mostrowski, Emily Okupski,jenna Payesko, Stephanie Perkons, Nicole Picciolo, Olivia Popovich, Kristin Thomas, Katrina Ticse

Ryan Germano, Mark Maksimow, Cole Cronin, Stephen Harris, David Haytaian, Andrew Howley, Isaiahjohnson, Sean Kelly, Kevin Knorr, Conner Lafferty, Dayquan McLaine, Kevin Metz, Daniel O'Keefe, Dominick Ricci, Ryan Weidling,Joshua Williams

Cole Cronin, Paul Giancarli,Justin Hammond, David Haytaian, Andrew Howley, Sean Kelly, Stephen Kirton, Zachary Kolpack, Conner Lafferty, Patrick Minoque, Ryan Peyton, Brian Plutino, Dominick Ricci, Ryan Weidling

Anna Bacovin, Alexis Chomicki, Elizabeth Dobrowolski, Camille Duncan, Colleen Dykeman, Victoria Fantozzi, Abby Lerner, Olivia Lewandowski, Carla Maccaroni, Morgan Mitchell, Erin Scott, Micaela Sipos,jenna Udijohn, Alexis Wiggley

Sabrina Alexander, Cassandra Balascak, Collette Brisson, Carly Burke, Cassandra DeStefano,Jennifer Dill, Sarah Domino, Kristen Drake, Felicia Duch, Brittany Elien, Emily Evrard, Danielle Hahn, Kiera Harrison, Julie Haupin, Michaela Jaffe, Chelsea Jorgensen, Alexandra Kowalski, Rebecca Levitsky, Natalie Martins, Marianna McKenna, Alexis Mizsak, Catherin Oseguera, Anna Prendergast, Christal Ramharak, Lydia Ramharak, Kelly Reager, Vanessa Romulus, Samantha Rosa, Allison Ruszcyk, Morgan Sanguinetti, Erin Scanlon, Erin Schlegel, Lauren Tindall, Catherine Toomey, Victoria Turner, Brooke VanDer Bogart, Adrienne Williams

Luke Accardo, Franklin Aririquzoh, Konner Blackwell,]ohn Brescia, Kyle Brisson, Cameron Carmichael, James Case, Anthony Chiarello, Warren Crowell, Albert Del Cristo, Mark DiPaola, Joseph DiStefano, Michael Elliot,]onathen Emerson, John Endres, icholas Esposito, David Exume, Ryan Foley, Samuel Giacino, Martin Giancarli, Patrick Girvan, Michael Gormley,James Gray, Alexander Hanby, Austin Hanby, Mark Hill, Tyler Jeavons, Sheamus Larkin,James Lozier, Douglas Marland, Wilfredo Martinez, Chad McGann,joseph McGee, Matthew Modica, Adriel Ng,Jackson Pope, Ryan Prendergast, Malcolm Rambert, Andrew Reed, Tyler Reed, Peter Riccardi, Bryan Rupprecht, Sean Rynkewicz, Nicholas Scheetz,]ustin Scott,]ason Seidner,Joel Serrano,Jonathan Stanley, Anthony Stinemire, Patrick Sweeney, Mikos Szabo, Bryan Taylor, David Thompson, Thomas Tretter, Thomas Ward, Boynton Weekes, Paul Westphal,johnathan Whalen,jacob Witalec,jonathan Witalec, Andrew Young

Michael Adams, Stephen Anderson, Nicholas Cacace, Connor Corvino,] ames Davis, Tyler Delorenzo, Thomas De Musis, Sam Flannery, Alec Hayward, Erik Layton, Bryan MacAllister ,Jess Manyoky, Connor McNamara, Louis Petersack, Christopher Sellers, Thomas Sellers, Richard Shuttner, Dakota Skove, Connor Todaro, Brandon Tornquist, Rachel Vigliano

Alexander Afanassenkov, Nicholas Bonavico, Courtney Kurz, Andrew Murphy, Dante Nini, Brendan Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Christopher Sellers, Ryan Siegal, Kyle Sinno, Dakota Skove,john Tait, Brandon Tornquist, Richard Wesner, Morgan Williams, Kyle Young

Inez Asante, Kevin Bollard, Lauren Bressi, Warren Crowell, Lindsay DeCamp, Hannah Dentino, Adrianna DiGregorio, Samantha Dill, Cassidy Ford, Haley jones, Lauren Kenny, Ashton Leber, Laurel Murray, Bethany Pacifico, Elizabeth Pierson, Pradel Saint Fleur,jacob Sharpe, Charisse Siracusa, Gabrielle Vander Gaag, Tess Vander Gaag

Caitlin Brady, Maeve Doran, Gina Episcopo, Caroline Keimig, Cynthia Leavey, Danielle Maloney, Rose McDermott,Jessica Oszvart, Rachel Pastor, Kayla Phillips,Jessica Prawica, Kelly Rose Seaver, Elain Stewart, Kathleen Whalen Connolly

Andrew Auger,]an Bakaj, Sean Barry, Brian Beyer, Matthew Blazejewski, Stephen Blazejewski, Anthony Carella,] ames Cody, Danielle Cullen, Maxwell Cummings, Kellen Darmody, Henry Drago, Robert Farley, Ian Ferrara, Anthony Giancarli, Bradley Hamilton, jason Ivins, Robert Kahrs, Surya Katamoto-Vazirani, Sean Krieger, Tristan Marsh, Matthew Martinez, Michael Martinez, Charlie May, Matthew McCormick, Yiannis Michailides, Andrew Oliver ,Jeffrey Podeszwa, Theodore Slahetka, Tyler Smith, Zachary Werner, Matthew Winter ,John Wismer

Courtney Brisson, Lien Castex-Waldron, Brianna Cherney, Meghan Cusack, Brianna Dacey,Jennifer Farley, Allyson Fifer, Haley Gimbel, Ashley Jefferys, Sarahjesson, Carlie Kelly, Elizabeth Kite, Rebecca Liwacz, Claire McManimon, Alanna Marie Monaghan, Mikayla Mullen, Nicole Picciolo, Amy Rheel, Michelle Roa, Emily Schladebeck, Carolyn Schneider, Courtney Silakoski, Kathleen Stimmel, Sarah Taylor,jaclyn Wohn

Andrew Belcastro, David Bell, D'Andre Brown, Luke Brown, Matthew Carroll, Maxx Cavanaugh, Nicholas Cepeda, Brendan Coleman, Luke Cowell, Angelo D'Amico,Justin Daisy, Nicholas Demola, john Deveney, james Ferdetta, Zachary Hankinson, Christopher Harris, Matthew Herbert, Steven Horvath, Markjohnson, Stefanos Karpontinis, Christopher Kline,]. Keegan Lago, Anthony Milazzo, Tyler Molis, Richard Muraski, Robert asto, Zachary icosia,John Picemo, Bryan Quezada, Craig Rieth, Keyne Saint-Fleur, Anton Schmiederer,Joshua Simon, Edward Taddei

Brooks Backinoff, Cod Billings, Christian Chamqerlain, Sean Farrell, Sam Hawkes, Matt 1 Her ert, Chris Kaluzn ,joe Kubis, Mark Maksimow, R an McGowan, Matt Modica, Drew ica, Gavin Springer,Joe Warren, Mike Yo ng, Matt Camera, Brandon Connaughton, Enzo E, jeremy Keegan, Mtke Scaringelli, Don Wal h,jamie Qalazi?, Conner Laffe~ty, Austin O'Donnell

Rich Brown, Stephen Brown, Matt Camera, Dan Dupree, Pat Fannon, Roger Finley, Doug Hoffman, jeremy Keegan, Man Keeney, Conor Peyton, Mike Scaringelli, Marco Scozzari, Anthony Zingerman, joe Cuomo, Andrew De ito,Jamie Galazin, Conner Lafferty, Erin james Murphy, Austin Q'Donnell, ick Pepe, Luke Sowa, Brian Tuohy, ean Smith, Jonathan Lugo

Freshman: Alexa DelMonte,jenna DeMuth, Alyssa Giampoio, Becky Levitsky, Maddie Schafer, ina Schtrmer, Alexa Spak, Kelly Tinsman, julia Tost~Julia Waraksy, Ashlie Zsenak Sophomore Sarah Coyne, Tori Fantozzi, Katie Hayes, Shanae ance, Emily Schladebeck Junio 1 lexi Chianese, liz Fedorak, Colleen Meehan, lauren Sander, exis Wigley Seniors Maggie Kline, Annie Mar opolus, Gabby Milo, jackie Mullaney, Sam Rosa

Pat Addeo, Troy Becker, KeVin Boland,John Bowers, Eric C ik, Brady Dan'iels, Mitchell Dey, jonathan Dimon,James Florc,zak,jack Gordon, J!nes Hahn,J,P joseph, Kevin Knorr, Sheamus Larkin, Dav Morrell, Coli O'Brien, Louis Petersack, Anthony Rice, N eem Ross, Greg Scozzari, Mic Sferra, ico Sferra, Matt Tampellin~ ' 路 Steve Tesoro,, Zak Th rp, pmig Walker, Graham Walkley, am White,jonath n Witalec

Ryan Adden, Tim Bowers, ick Cash, Andrew Closson, Matt Corso, Zak taneo, Brendan D rmody, Chris Dowd, ustin Hanpy, teven Horvath., Keegan Lago,Jess Manyoky, Mike May, h, Mqrask~ Cpliq Patton, Ryan Prendergas Tyler Robeno,Jason Seidner, Chris Sellers,Joel enano, Dakota Skove,john Tait,jack olpe, Ryan Weidling, Zak Wemer,ja ob Witalec

C.]. DeMille, Sean Farrell, Braden Kelly, Dario oriello, I ler Smith, icolai Wachenfeld,John Biesjade ki, Phil Heucke,]ason Ivins,]ame ThorntOn, Jordon Barrett, Rop Cipollp, Xavi r BingHam, ristian Hill, yan McGinley, Akshay Misra, Tyler Molis, Rob pSto, Adam Brodowski, Miki Drah chak, Mim Morocco, tephen Padilla, Steven Roblif-, Sean Wenk

Morgan Gallagher, Abpy Lerner, Kelley Wiese, Courtney l;ien~g; Erin Boland, Morgan Sanguinetti, julianne Rizzotti, Emily Bowers, Kim King, Dina felli, Anna Perna, Amanda Frappolli, Lindsey Tauory, Mega Pattoh, Sara Gallagher, atahe Mostrowski,J n Dill, Brook Gallagher, Maeve Doran, Anna Tampellini

Haleyjones, Dana Scozzari, Morgan Pru mer, atalieJacob Rachel South, Ally Besse, heresa Dall Angelo , Devon Sica, Leanna Mostrowski, Megan Zeid r, Alex Lynch, Christiana Miller, Kathleen McQuarrie, B ielle Bryan, A xa DeAngelis,]ena Carella, Kiera Harrison, Emil Carella, Samant Seminario, Colleen Leonard, A;hley Pecoraro, \=hatherine elly'

Luk Accard , Phillip Afrtca, Tiin Angyal, Franklin Aririguzoh, Logan Axberg, David Bell, Kyle Brisson, Lorenzo Bryant, Caceres, Anthony CarelJa, Adrian Ciano,]ack Clarke, Brendan Coleman, Jonathan Crichton, Warren Crowell, Albert Del Cristo, Mark DiPaola, joe DiStefano, Zack Edouard, Michael Elliott,]onathao Emerson,]ohn Ehdres, ick E$posito, David Exume, Robert Farley, R an Foley, Drew Gandham, Sam Giacino, Martin Giancarli Anthony Giancarli, Paul Giancarli Michael Gormley,]amie Gray, Richard Habgood, Chris Hamilton, Alex Hanby, Steven Haye Daniel Iannacone, Tyler jeaveo s, Stefanos Karpontinis, Michael Kidd-Phillips, &yan Kukulslti, David LeBende David Liedtka,jirnmy Loz er, Tyl r Marfin, Chris Marra~zp, Alex Marti , Austin Mays,]oseph McGee, Tillarous McLea , Andrew Murphy, Wally Nance, Kadeem eill, f.driel Ng, Darius Norman, 'Damian Parziale, Prince Patterson, ' ick Peist,]oe Persichetti, Chris Persi hetti,jeff 路 Podeszwa, Al~,n Potts, Malcolm ~Ulmbert, Tyler Raynor, Andrew Reed, Tyler Re~d. Brian Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Peter Rlccardi,jakeem Rice,Jon Ruffe, Bryan Rupprecht,]ohn Rymer, Sean Rynkewicz, ick Scheetz,]ustin Scott, William Sheeha , Mike Spickofsky,]onathan Stanle, Ar}.thony .Stinemire, Luke Stivala, Mickey Szabo, Matthew Talerico, Bryan Talor, Nick Tindall, Tom Tretter Thomas Ward, Sullivan Webber, BJ Weekes, Paul Westphal,John Whalen, john Wismfr, Sean Yacubovich, Andrew Young

Sabrina Alexander, Amanda Arcl:ier, Allison Auletta, Casey Balas , Collette BrisSOf\, Li n CastexWaldron, Elena Delligatti, Cassandra DeStefano, Kris en Drake, licia Duch, Brittany Elien Victoria Fierko, Lindsey Filo, Amanda Gee, Kristin Gelsomino, Kristin Goodfellow, Lena Hampson, aroline Hart, julie Haupif\, Emmalyn Hoyt, Michaelajaff 路 Chelseajorg sen, Carly Kelly, Lauren Kimler, Alex Kost" , Alexandra Kowalski, Car line Lau, Caitlin Lombardi, hley Lozier, Emma May<;>r, janine Mcp:ur Megan McCann, Mariantla M Kenna, Maggi M rrell, Caitlin O'Cbnnor, C therine Os guera,jessica svart, icole Picciolo, Abby Prime, Christal Ramharak, Lydia Ramharak, Kelly Reager, Vaness Romulus, Allison Rozanski, Allison Ruszczyk,路 Enp canlon tt Morgan Erin Schlegel, Rachel Schlegel, Dana Shockley, Genia Simon, Katie Stimm~l. Elise Tatum, Kristen Thomas, Lauren Tindall, Victoria Turner, Brooke an Den Bogart, Adrienne Wll ams

President's Team

Principal's Team



Kate Villano


Faculty Assistants

by: Diana Pryor, The Voice staff writer Believe it or not, many of the teachers at Notre Dame High School didn't plan on becoming high school teachers when they were teenagers. Some didn't even plan on becoming teachers at all. A number of ND teachers have previously held jobs where they worked as dentists, social workers aiding delinquent youth, publishers for textbook companies, waitresses, systems analysts, lawyers, parish assistants, and even door-to-door phone book deliverers. This plethora of job experience aided some teachers in deciding exactly what subject they favored in teaching. It is easily observed that each and every teacher has had different personal work experience but all, at some point in their lives, felt the call to devote their lives to educate and to help others learn. Senora Ward's journey towards becoming a teacher can be best described as a lucky accident. "I fell into teaching; I didn't consciously go into it," says Ward. Before becoming a Spanish teacher at Notre Dame, Senora Ward taught part time at Columbia's College of Dental Medicine. She enjoyed the experience she gained from teaching, and when her children started grammar school, she volunteered to substitute for the Spanish teacher at St. Gregory the Great. When her kids grew older, Senora Ward applied to Notre Dame to become a substitute here. Her application couldn't have been received at a better time, because there was an opening for a Spanish teacher. She was offered the job, which she gladly accepted and has worked here ever since. Before he taught morality to high school juniors, Mr. Cafferky, or "Caff' as he is affectionately known, worked as a social worker with delinquent youth. "I worked at the Youth Development Center with kids and I coached basketball around the same time. I saw it as the same thing from two different approaches," says Caff. He later worked with a publishing company that published many of the religion textbooks we use here at Notre Dame, even the ones Mr. Caff uses for his class on morality. When talking with Mr. Caff, and from previously being a student in his class, I see the joy teaching brings him and many other teachers here at Notre Dame. Honors Religion 4 teacher Ms. Kelly used to waitress to make extra money but always knew she was called to teach. "I always wanted to be a teacher-1 played school with my brothers when I was younger and I like kids, so it seemed like a good fit for me," says Kelly. She has taught every grade level from kindergarten to twelfth grade during her teaching career. She even, like many of us, questioned her choice in becoming a teacher before devoting her life to helping others learn. "For a while, I thought I wanted to go into the medical field and I volunteered in a hospital." This desire waned after a time and Ms. Kelly came back to her original idea of teaching. "I switched what I wanted to teach a bunch of times. I wanted to teach French but I found Theology more interesting."


It's very interesting to fmd out about the previous positions that have been held by Notre Dame faculty. History teachers Mr. Patton and Mr. McQuarrie both had other jobs before coming to teach at Notre Dame. Mr. Patton used to work with computers as a Verizon systems analyst and insists that he and his team made up the texting language that we use today. Mr. McQuarrie used to work as a lawyer before he devoted his life to teaching history to high school sophomores. English teacher Ms. Henkel always enjoyed English in school but she made extra money selling phone books door to door. And religious education teacher Dr. Reither worked as a parish assistant and finished up his graduate work while working in a hospital. It's perfectly acceptable to be unsure about what you want to do with the rest of your life. Many of us are feeling pressure to decide our futures at this very moment with the questions of college and our futures looming. As our teachers have taught us once again, life changes and so do we. What we think we want to spend the rest of our lives doing at seventeen changes by the time we are thirty-five. We may dabble in dentistry, social work, medicine, publishing, or religious work before we find our true calling. A common belief held by all teachers at Notre Dame, and mainly all adults, is that you should do what you love because chances are that will bring you the most joy in life.

ickMaida: It hasn't been easy, but when the going got tough, you got going. I want you to know that I am proud of you every second of every day. It will be nice traveling with you in London. Love you more, Mom

James Cody: James, Keep thinking outside the box. Stay true to yourself. We love you. MomandDad

Dear Gavin, Congratulations on your high school graduation. It's been a joy watching you grow and mature over the last four years. As you go off to college, remember the strong roots you've established at N D and that we'll always be there for you. Go get 'em. We love you, Mom and Dad Gavin Springe

Congratulations Colin Turner and the Class of 2012! We are so proud of you and love you so much!! Mom and Dad


Colin Turner


Conlfatalatlons, Sportl I love you macb and I am very proud of yoa. Re , never give ap on roar


Hyou dream It, JOU can do Itt Love, Granclmom

Nicole, We are so proud of you and the beautiful young woman you have become. Your future is bright, believe in yourself and pursue your dreams. You can make anything happen! We are excited for you and all life's adventures yet to come. We love you very much!! MomandDad

Ma,tt.h ew, ·H::·:~" .~ :~ .. p s giVen us su asure to watc~ you groW. fr~m th~ ba you once were Into e wonderful young man that you are today. You are still as kind ·an·~ ~oving today as the · day you were born. We are extremely ·pr9ud 9f everythfqg you have accomplished! ~·m i?~~i~\t~UIII May your dreams be big and your faith t~:n_:lain strong. Stay true to yourself and, with ~P ,,LI your determin~tion and strength, the possibilities are endless! · Your Journey has been ·~:;,:a;n~ 1 1 an exciting one for all of us! We love you and look forward to another excitinglchapter t as you enter your college years and beyond. D0n't ever forget, we love yo~ to the ,,;.:,umm moon and the stars and back ,... AND.~.'you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, Y9U !

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mmi!\lll~ll~. !mmlllmW.!\\\t!f~it::fE''i;r.!'l·' :m~ke m~ · h~ppy when skies are grey ..... , . IH . !· :. With love and pride, I



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Where did the time go- · So proud of you all! Best wishes & love always, The Schaber Family

Alyssa Schaber


Congratulations, Lexi! It has been a pleasure watching you grow from a beautiful little girl into a beautiful young lady. May all your dreams for the future come true! lots of love Dad, Grandmom and Pop Alexia Barry

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William Schager


Alyssa Schaber

Michael, It seems like only yesterday That we put you on the school bus for the first time With your backpack, lunchbox, and a huge grin Ready to take on the world. Over the years, that can-do spirit continued to grow And has been the foundation for your many accomplishments As you begin adulthood, continue to live your dreams And remember with hard work, you can accomplish anything You are a wonderful son who has enriched our lives And we have cherished every moment Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame We are so very proud of you Not only for the fine young man you have become, But for the loving son you will always be Be Safe, Be Happy, Make the Most of Your Next Opportunity We Love Your Mom and Dad

Michael DiFiore

Mike-Phil-Drew Here's to Friday night takeouts and sleepovers Saturday morning pancake breakfasts And all fun you three have shared at Notre Dame Congratulations on your graduation And if you need a good meal during college, My door (and kitchen) are always open. Love, Mrs. D /Mom


Michael DiFiore



You are a wonderful young lady, and we are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. Work hard; follow your dreams and you fill find happiness. You're the love of our life. Love, Mom & Dad

Anthony Coppola : Dear Anthony, You are our first grandchild. You have brought us much joy and happiness. We just wanted to let you know that we are very proud of you and wish you con tinu ed su ccess. It has been an honor to watch you grow from a little boy into a wonderful young man. We love you very much, Your grandparents Vincenzo and Chiara James R ogers: James: Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame High School. Words cannot express hot proud we a re of you and your accomplishments. Good luck in college and beyond. Always remain the person of "good ch aracter" you have become, never forget to "tip the shampoo girl" and ... "make me sandwich"!! With all of our love, Dad, Mom, Kate & Emily

Dear Anthony, How quickly time has passed. You have grown into a wonderful young man who is kind, considerate, loving, and caring. May all your dreams come true, and remember to always live by the principle rules: Honest, Integrity, and Humility. May God Bless you and continue to watch over you as you start a new chapter in your life, and know that your family will always be your # 1 Fan. We love you and are very proud of all your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad & Brianna

Tyler Landolfi: Tyler Landolfi, We are so proud of the person you h ave become. We know with your wonderful personality and th e talents God has blessed you with, you will be successful in wh atever you p ursue. We love you, Mom and Mike Donald Barringer: To Our Doo, Congratulations and all our love! Moo, Dad, Collie, Mint and P ants <3

Anthon Coppola

Dear Enzo: The difficult challenges you have faced, and all that you've accomplished up to this point in your life, have made you the fine young man you are today. God has blessed you with many gifts and talents and He has blessed us with an amazing son. You are our middle child, but you will always be our "first born son" and a treasured gift from God. You are the big brother Dante will always look up to, and the baby brother Sabrina adores. You bring us joy and happiness and make our family complete. May God bless you with good health, happiness, and success in the future, and we will always be here to love and support you. With all our love, Mom, Papa, Sabrina & Dante Enzo Lucchesi


Michael, It seems like only yesterday That we put you on the school bus for the first time With your backpack, lunchbox, and a huge grin Ready to take on the world. Over the years, that can-do spirit continued to grow And has been the foundation for your many accomplishments As you begin adulthood, continue to live your dreams And remember with hard work, you can accomplish anything You are a wonderful son who has enriched our lives And we have cherished every moment Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame We are so very proud of you Not only for the fine young man you have become, But for the loving son you will always be Be Safe, Be Happy, Make the Most of Your Next Opportunity We Love Your Mom and Dad

Michael DiFiore

Mike-Phil-Drew Here's to Friday night takeouts and sleep overs Saturday morning pancake breakfasts And all fun you three have shared at Notre Dame Congratulations on your graduation And if you need a good meal during college, My door (and kitchen) are always open. Love, Mrs. D /Mom


Michael DiFiore


You are a wonderful young lady, and we are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. Work hard; follow your dreams and you fill find happiness. You're the love of our life. Love, Mom & Dad

Anthony Coppola: Dear Anthony, You are our first grandch ild. You have b r ought us much joy and happiness. We just wanted to let you know that we are very proud of you and wish you continued su ccess. It has been an honor to watch you grow from a little boy into a wonderful young man. We love you very much, Your grandparents Vincenzo and Chiara James R ogers: James: Congratulations on you r gradu ation from Notre Dame High School. Words cannot express hot prou d we are of you and your accomplishments. Good luck in college and beyond. Always remain the person of "good character" you h ave become, never forget to "tip the shampoo girl" and ... "make me sandwich"!! With all of our love, Dad, Mom, Kate & Emily

Dear Anthony, How quickly time has passed. You have grown into a wonderful young man who is kind, considerate, loving, and caring. May all your dreams come true, and remember to always live by the principle rules: Honest, Integrity, and Humility. May God Bless you and continue to watch over you as you start a new chapter in your life, and know that your family will always be your #1 Fan. We love you and are very proud of all your accomplishments. Love, Mom, Dad & Brianna Anthon Co

Tyler Land olfi: Tyler Landolfi, We are so proud of the person you h ave become. We know with your wonderful personality and th e talents God has blessed you with, you will be successful in wh atever you pu rsue. We love you, Mom and Mike Donald Barringer: To Our Doo, Congratulations and all ou r love! Moo, D ad, Collie, Mint and P ants <3


Dear Enzo: The difficult challenges you have faced, and all that you've accomplished up to this point in your life, have made you the fine young man you are today. God has blessed you with many gifts and talents and He has blessed us with an amazing son. You are our middle child, but you will always be our "first born son" and a treasured gift from God. You are the big brother Dante will always look up to, and the baby brother Sabrina adores. You bring us joy and happiness and make our family complete. May God bless you with good health, happiness, and success in the future, and we will always be here to love and support you. With all our love, Mom, Papa, Sabrina & Dante Enzo Lucchesi



Pursue your passion and work hard to achieve your dreams. Success and happiness will follow. Congratulations on your graduation! Love, Mom, Dad, Kelsey & Gia

Michael Bohlinger

Congratulations to all of the St. Mary School '08/NDHS '12 graduates. Love, The Aladich Family Brendan Sample: Dear Brendan, I can't believe my little boy has grown up ... but you've grown into an amazing person that I'm so proud of. Always remember you are surrounded by so many people who love you. Now ...grab hold of life, do what you love, be idealistic, pray hard, and be true to yourself always. I love you, Bud! Love, Mom


Jacquelin eYou di d it! We are incredibly proud of you. Th e best is yet to come! Love, M om and Mark Jacqueline Duffey

A bundle ofjoy, All brown hair and brown eyes, You held our hearts with invisible ties Cooing, talking, walking and running, Before we knew it, school was beginning A wondeiful child with a giving soul, You were busy with everything and on the go A beautiful teen with a glorious grin Through your giggles we saw the beauty within You entertained us with gifts of music and great deeds, We knew of these talents all along Now you were off to chase dreams of your own, Annaliese on a mission is something to behold You will follow our dreams so far away And in our hearts you will always stay For wherever in this world you may roam In our heart you'll always be home Life is not about ends, but new beginnings For life is a circle that never ends And with you a new circle begins ... So as you leave Notre Dame after 4 wondeiful years, please remember all the great times and that we are so very proud of you. If we had special ordered you from God, I don't think we would have been able to order you this special. You have not only brought happiness to us, but so many others. You have made us proud, your brother, your grandparents, your aunts/uncles and cousins! You're the Role Model that every parent dreams of .. thanks, Annaliese, for being our daughter and know that we thank God every day for our ((Sunshine" and our ((PeaPod"! Like I have told you before, you are the Omega-Not the End, Only the Beginning! Mom and Dad Nanny and Pop-Pop Grandmom and Granddad

Anna, Since you were born, you have been a source of pride for our family. We are very proud of all the things you have accomplished and how you have handled adversity. Please know that your family will always be here for you, and we look forward to the many great things to come. Rob will miss the stimulating conversations on the daily ride to NO. Elizabeth will miss sharing your tv in the blue room. Love, Mom, Dad, Robby and Elizabeth Anna Bacovin

Caitlin, "A best friend is like a four leaf clover-hard to find but lucky to have." Juls


Dear Daniel, We can't believe four years has passed since you entered Notre Dame. We are so proud of the strong, confident, determined, and caring young man you have become. You should be tremendously proud of all you have accomplished and the friendships you have made along the way. We love you and will always be here for you. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad and Nick Daniel Greiss

Dear Caitlin, You are an amazing daughter and we are incredibly proud of you. Remember to always find time to have fun and enjoy life! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad'&? Connor Caitlin McNamara


To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or confidante-it is to have a soul mate for life. Having you as my sister guarantees that I will have a lifetime friend) ((Sissy. n I can )t believe you are graduating and that our home will have one less person in it sometimes. I am proud to call you sister and friend and you are wonderful. I think of all the great things we have done as a family and no one can steal the memories: Beaches) Cruises) Italy) R Ving with our dogs) you coming to all my hockey games all these years and tolerating the freezing cold rinks) parties) family gatherings) special visits with grandparents together) driving to school together) sharing our rooms to watch special movies together) game nights (I hate losing)) seeing you in the hallways at ND and the list goes on. We argue) we fight) we disagree) but in the end) I am proud to call you SISTER and will miss you when you are away. When you come home for visits and vacations) we can build more memories and keep growing up doing some new and exciting things together. Thanks for being the sister who smiles in all the pictures) which makes me have to smile since we all know Mom will be mad if I try and ruin the picture. Love ya) Sissy) and thanks for being my friend! Erik Layton AKA-((E))

Congratulations.! .··. Tessa Holthenrichs ~

You have grown into such a beautiful, creative, self-assured, intelligent ' woman. We love your love of the · arts: singing, dancing, acting and guitar-it's all you. Now you move on to cultivate your passion for the . culinary arts in baking and pastry. '-/' Don't ever stop doing what you love;· the passion will sustain you. Where ever life takes you, remember to trust that God will not fp_il you and · will be by your side. Believe in yourself, we do. Know that we are your biggest fans and will · always be there for you, cheering all the way. You make us so very proud. We love you lots~ Mom, Dad, Van, Georgia, Nipper, Tru and Reo . ..., LIVE, LOVE, MUSIC

Theresa Holthenrichs

Richie Ongaro: Richie, We are very proud of you. Congratulations. Love, Grandmom and Grandpop Shannon: To my dear daughter Shannon, There is not a day that goes by that I don't feel I am the luckiest person in the world for having you in my life. You are strong, beautiful, and the light of my life. Love, Mom

Dearest Michae~ Congratulations on your graduation from ND. We are so proud ofyou and your many accomplishments throughout the years. You have grown into an amazing man, one we are proud to call our son. If history is any indication of the future, we are certain that all ofyour endeavors will prove to be successful. Good luck in all that ou choose to do. We will always be your biggest fans. We love you more than words can stry. Mom and Dad

Dear Richie, You came into this world a few weeks early with a determination and intensity that has led you to so many wonderful accomplishments. Those traits, combined with your smile and humor, have brought us joy and laughter, and defined the very special young man you now are. We know you will go far in life as you work toward your new goals. Always believe in yourself the way we believe in you. Love, Mom, Dad, Chris, and Dave

I love you with all of my heart Bingo. So proud of my best friend, my role mode~ and most importantly my baby brother. xo Lyss

Richie Ongaro

t?on9~£atulatio~ & I

We are 3o- pto-u/ a-6 the yo-unr wo-man yo-u have beco-me.

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3a-uL A/evet evet 6a-tret ha-w much yo-u ate la-ve/. A!a-w yo-u ret to- wtite the nex.t chaptet a-6 ya-ut !t.fe. ;!{de it rteat! -{)II o-ut la-ve - ~m an/ OJ '1/ou. r£1£ll fnavtl~£ thtm ljt>'U. 6tZiillvll, ~t~£t>nflll£ thtm ljt>'U. Jllllm, tmd ~ma~£tll~£ thtm ljf>U. th.inlc.. Bu.t thll mo~t impt1'~£ttmt thinf d, llVlln

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Meghan Cusack


To Our Sweet Pea Victoria, We've been blessed with your presence these last 17 years and have watched you grow into a fine young woman of intelligence, compassion, and strength. Your love and smiling face have filled our lives with joy. Now is your time to shine! You have a wonderful future ahead of you, and we are extremely proud of your accomplishments. "We hope you dance. " We love you very much, Mom, Granny, and Mary xoxo

Victoria Monaco

Dear Nick, Congratulations on all you've accomplished! You have grown into such a wonderful, kind, strong, determined young man; I'm so proud of you. It went so fast! I wish you much happiness and success in your future. Love, Mom

Our Sweet Alyssa, We are so very proud of you! May spirit & love continue to shine in you wherever the road may lead you! Peace & Love, Mom, Dad, Tommy, Joey, Danny & Lilly Alyssa Koslowske

Ris, Congratulations on all you have accomplished over your four years at ND! We are so very proud of you and look forward to the next chapter in your journey. Always remain true to who you are and never forget all the wond.erful memories and life lessons you experienced within these four walls! We love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad, Eugene, Michael, Mom-Mom and Baxter!! Marisa Lanzoni


Dear Matthew, We cannot believe your 4 years at Notre Dame have come to a close! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished! We have loved watching you grow as a student and an athlete. You are a wonderful son, brother, and friend, and have used your many gifts to help you make good choices and follow your faith. We are so excited for your future and all it holds for you! God has a great plan for your life! We love you always! Love, Mom, Dad, Sissy, Alex andjenna Matthew Modica

Dear Sherry, Throughout your high school career, you have come across many obstacles and have worked through them. It makes me so proud to be your mother and to have watched you grow from a child to a young adult. Love, Mom

Michael Poole: Mike, Congratulations! It seems like only yesterday you were starting at Notre Dame. We've always been so proud of you, from your Florida kindergarten days to now, as your high school journey comes to an end and your life's journey begins. You are a caring, kind, bright, and absolutely wonderful young man. Be true to your values, believe in yourself, do your best, and we know you will do great things in college and life. Most importantly, remember we will always be here for you. Love, Dad, Mom, Lauren, Buddy and Pepper Christopher Jones: Christopher, We have enjoyed watching your journey from child to young man and are proud of the person you have become. Keep your faith, family, and friends close to you always. Good luck! Love, Mom and Dad Adam Loretangeli: Best wishes to the Class of 2012. Congratulations & Good Luck Adam! -Love Mom, Dad, Sarah & Spyke

Sherr Zarzuela


1loved from before you took your first breath and will until 1take my last. No parent anywhere can be more proud of their son. Congratulations! Love Mom and Dad Congratulations. You did it! Love Auntie, Uncle Tony and Tiara

Oa jatJde whrlom, an.£ Jhe willptated yau: lave het, an.£ Jhe wLfl watch avet yau. Whrlom jj

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We lave vau Daniel. Nia, Anivall and Mikavla

Daniel Smith


Dear Drew, Congratulations on your high school graduation! The last four years have just flown by!! You have grown up to be a wonderful young man. You are always smiling and bringing happiness to everyone around you. We hope your life brings you as much happiness as you have brought us! WE

LOVE YOU, DREW! Mom, Dad, Brittany and Ryan Drew Hanslip

Tyler, You have been a major disappointment. When you were born, we had very high hopes you would know very early on what your path in life would be-and follow it unerringly. Instead, you took it upon yourself to pursue multiple interests: music, sports, the arts, friends, studies, and yes, spending time with your family. Despite our protests, you made us laugh, engaged in thoughtful conversation, acted as tormentor/mentor to your sister, and contributed to the community. People we know say you are well-rounded, engaging, sensitive, funny, and a loving soul. This, of course, compounds our frustration. Given our expectations, you have been a major disappointment-and we hope you continue to truly, madly, acceleratingly, and unabashedly disappoint us and others for the rest of time!! We love you as big as the sky, Dad (and Poooooos)

Bugs: Just yesterday, you were naming the Presidents (remember "Habraham Lincoln, George Washington DC, George Bushes"??) and now you're graduating from Notre Dame and heading off to college. I know you're raring to go. Can't wait to see you're next adventure. Just remember-ARMS BACK FOR SPEED! Love, Mom cat

Ty-Ty: Congrats! You exceeded everyone's expectations and graduated high school! I can't believe it! The next step for you is college. I know you won't go far ... you wouldn't want to miss me too much! Love always, Carse

Tyler Smith


Dooby, From the ups of your first day walking into Notre Dame As a happy, excited, yet nervous, 14 year old girl, To the downs of your first day of senior year, you have stayed true to who you are. A caring and trustworthy beautiful young lady!! Always treasure those memories, whether good or bad, and the friendships you have made. We are so proud of you for all your accomplishments and are so excited for the journey that lies ahead. We love you so much, Mom and Dad <3

Abby Lerner

Maggie, You are the best big sister EVER! I love you more! Patrick Dear Maggie, We can't believe that our baby girl is graduating high school! We are so proud of the young lady that you have become. You are so caring and kind to others and you are a fantastic big sister. We love that you will still give hugs to us whenever we need them. Remember that we are always here for you, and that we love you SO much! Mommy & Daddy

Maggie, I am really glad that we got to spend one year together in high school. I will miss you. Love, Christopher Maggie Kline


Dear Beckie, It seems like yesterday that we anxiously waited in the school parking lot for you to emerge from your first day of kindergarten. And then there you were, all smiles and full of stories about your wonderful new experience. From those shy baby steps, you've developed confident full strides. You have grown to a beautiful, intelligent, accompli shed young woman. We celebrate your achievements, and look forward to watching you follow your dreams in the future. You always have our love and support. With all of our love, Mom and Dad (and Dodger) Rebecca Liwacz

Anastasia, You have filled our hearts with joy since the day you were born and filled our lives with pride as we have watched you grow into an amazing young woman. We wish you all the success and happiness in the world. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad and Xander Anastasia Marco olus

Dear Abby, Dang! I can't believe my sister is about to leave high school and start a new life at college. You have grown into a wonderfu~ smart, and athletically talented individual I know that you are prepared for the road ahead and that y ou will let no person or thing stop you from accomplishing y our goals and overall being the happy sister that I have known. I know y ou will do great things and I am proud to beyour bro. Love, Alex Abby Lerner

We are so proud of rou! Congratulations. Love alwars, Mom and Katie Mary E. Smith




,,... ," .. .. ...


()ear Morgan, From the fields to the classroom, !JOII have made 11s so pro11d with evergthing !JOII have accomplished and the incredible go11ng woman go11 've become. We can 'I believe how lfllicltlg the lust fo11r g~urs have gone llg and that 11011 will soon be 路leaving for college. We will miss !JOIItremendolls/g bill . are so excited for go11! A/wags follow go11r dreams and embrace evergthing lffe has to otrer.' Congratlllations!.' '

love a/wags, Mom, ()ad 8 J11stin .liJJ dear~ dear J.lex~

I am so proud of the person that JJOH have 11town up to be. J.lwa JJS teat It for the stars.

.Mutlt love~ .Mom Alex


Dan, There are so many things I respect and love about you; your sense of loyalty, integrity, and perseverance come to mind immediately. I have always especially enjoyed your quick and clever sense of humor. You have grown into a wonderful young man! We are all so proud of you. May God continue to bless you with the gifts of courage, intelligence, joy, and health. Love, Aunt Eileen Daniel Greiss

Morgan Fink

Lauren, Congratulations! We are so proud of you! We have been blessed with an amazing daughter who is beautiful inside and out. You have an infectious personality that lights up the world. We know that as you continue on this journey called life you will have much success and happiness because of who you are. Always remember that the path may be crooked at times but you will persevere as long as you stay true to yourself and know that we will always be there for you. May God bless you forever!! We love you!! Mom and Dad Lauren Alizio


Jacquelynn J. Rice words cannot express how 1 feel about you. You are my only daughter, friend, sister, angel and my heart. 1 thank C:od for brlnlng you Into my life. continue to grab the world and reach for your goals In life. 1 am very proud of you. Love Mom Jacquelvnn J. Rice


Her face is so perfect, she's sweet soft and pure. Sometimes she's willful and sometimes demure. Everyone that knows her sees the light within her soul e're certain in this world, she has a specia role. We know that God must love us, He showed us with His Grace We knew just how completely when we saw our angel's face. And in that very moment when she came into our world, We knew that she was so much more than just our baby girl. Our precious Julia, we are so very proud of you and we love you more than all the sta in the sky! xoxo Mommy and Daddy

Julia Adragna


BRADMAN Congratulations!! We are very proud of the fine young man you have become. Pursue your dreams & follow your heart. The music world awaits you! We Love You, Mom, Dad, Austin & Vinnie

Christion Averna

Zack, Know that we are all very proud of you. As you make your way in life, no matter what you choose, we will always have your ''six." Love, Mom, Dad and Emily Emmet Zachary Wilkening

DanaYou have grown into a beautiful, smart young lady we are all so proud of! Don't ever lose that smile. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Devin &Nicole

Dana Domanski


Dear Kevin, We are very proud of your many accomplishments, but we are most proud of the young man you have become. Congratulations! We love you, Mom, Dad and Bethie

Dear Anthony, Congratulations! God bless you as you venture forward pursuing your path in life. We know that whatever you do and wherever you go, your contributions will truly make a difference in this world. We love you and wish you all the best that life has to offer. Enjoy the ride! Mom, Sandy, Paul and Mom Mom

Dear Martin, Wow! Congratulations on a successful academic and athletic high school career. ... And all the while, chill in'! God bless you as you continue this exciting journey. Your calm, cool, and collec ed p1ersonality will serve you well throughout your life. Keep on smiling. All our love, always. Mom, Sandy, Paul and Mom Mom

"Build me a son, 0 Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is dfraid, one whq will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory." -Douglas MacArthur

"My Son Watching you grow has been the delight of my life. at you and wonder what dreams you will dream, what mountains you wrll climb, what joys you will have. I know there will be tears and struggles as well, but my pray~r is that you will grow into the man you are meant to be." -Unknown

AJ. Congratulations! We still remember your first day of school when you took your book bag, climbed on the bus, and waved goodbye. Where did the years go? We cannot believe we will be doing this again, but now it is college. Throughout the years, you have always been decisive and dedicated towards whatever you believe in-i.e. academics and activities. Your family is so proud of you. Thumbs up for a job well done! We know you will be as successful in your college years. Remember, if you dream it, you can achieve it. Wishing you happiness in all of your future journeys. Love you always, Mom, Dad and Brianna Andrew Joseph Belcastro

Modii, You ore a 6eoutifuC IJOune woman inside and out and we ore so Vf!FIJ proud of aCC of IJOUr occomplisliments. :Jt is liard to 6elieve tliat IJOU ore reodiJ to enter tlie

nu:t pliose of IJOUr life. We a 6etter place 6ecouse of IJOU. we admire IJOU, and we ore picfled us to 6e IJOUr fomifg. forever! :Please flnow tliat we no matter wliat. W01l:K


flnow for sure tliat tlie world is :Please flnow tliat we Cove IJOU, erotefu( and lionored tliat !iod We wiCC clierisli tliat lift wiCC ofwoiJS 6e tliere for IJOU J£fl1l:D, :D1ll.IIM !B:J!i c.t MJlY

!101) !8£lff Y01l Jl£WJlY'S!

Love IJOU, o(wOIJS and forever, Mom, Dod, 1le6ecfl1J, 'SJJdnf!IJ and 'SfliJ Madison Levitsky


it's hard to believe that 18 years have passed since God brought you into our life. And what an incredibly joyous and wonderful journey it has been! Through these years, and through the tears, and through some fears ... yes, together we've weathered it all... thus today we are all that much better for it. Yet the truth be known, we wouldn't trade it for anything at all. You see Matt, words alone cannot express the deep satisfaction and pride we hold in having witnessed you transcend into such a caring and mature young man. So as you embark on your college life, remember to always rely on your faith, never let go of hope, and embrace the love of those who surround you. Continue to do the right thing in all your endeavors, even during those times when the only reason is because it is the right thing to do. Shoot for that which lies beyond the stars, as it is yours to reach. Never forget that we will always be with you ... no matter what, no matter where, no matter when, and most importantly... no matter why; as our love for you will never end. So congratulations, and enjoy this day and the days that lie ahead with your friends and family as we wish you God speed. You have always been and will continue to be the best! With all of our love, now and forever, Mom, Dad, and Morgan

Matthew Kandrac


"Don't cry because it's over. .. smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss Dear Jimmy, It's hard to believe that 18 years have passed so quickly- you have grown into an amazing, intelligent, caring and thoughtful mature young man. We LOVE you and are so PROUD of you and all that you have accomplished during your 4 years at Notre Dame!!!! Your unique ability to deeply focus on what's important to you combined with your commitment and dedication will only lead to continued success in the classroom and on the football field. 路As you start the next chapter of your life, always remember, God and your family will be by your side every step of the way and we have no doubt that you will succeed. Congratulations! We LOVE you so much! XOXOXO Dad, Mom and Kimberly (NDHS 2014)

Jimmy King Jimmy King


Kevin, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments on the field an in the classroom at Notre Dame. All of your hard work and perseverance has paid off. High School has gone by with astonishing speed. We remember vividly your first day at Notre Dame. We remember the dances, cotillions, proms, football games, track meets, practices, and lifts. We realize that the gift of memories and our gifts from you have been plentiful. You have matured into a wonderful young man and we are so proud of you. You

have become a great son, brother, and you are blessed when you have a son you see, above all else, the talent and the put in your heart and mind.

friend over the past four years. You know really believe in-when we look at you and determination to accomplish whatever you

Where there are challenges, we wish you strength and wisdom. Stay close to Our have been taught. Always believe in

courage and patience so you will grow in Lord always and keep close the values you yourself.

We wish you the best in your college years, always be your #1 supporters.

and remember we believe in you and will

Love, Dad, Mom & Jack

Kevin McCarthy

Ryan Matejik

Dearest Maryann, We cherish the precious gift God gave us in you. Your spirit of joy and beautiful, faith-filled soul are the greatest blessings a parent could hope for. We love you with all our heart. Love, Mom and Dad

Maryann Riccardi

"Go forth and set the world on fire"

Sammy, Congratulationsr We are so proud of your We couldn't ask for a better brother. Good luck next year, and always remember to have fun and work hard. We will always be right behind you cheering you on. Enjoy the years to come; it all goes by too fast. Love, Brig, Tar, Grace, Jack & Rose

Congratulations! We love you and are very proud of you. Love Always, Mom, Dad, Brandon and Mommom Sam McDermott

Ryan Matejik


Dearest Marie, You have grown into a beautiful young lady. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and are excited for your future achievements. We love you so much and know you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Always stay true to your heart and follow your dreams! LoveDad, Mom, Amy, Kathryn and KJ

Dear Carlee, Throughout these four years at Notre Dame, you have grown into a strong and beautiful young woman. As you embark on a new chapter in your life, remember we are always here for you with encouragement and love. Cherish your memories and congratulations, graduate! Love, Mom, Dad, and Cole

Marie Hannig

Carlee Leach

I will never forget the time Dad caught us stealing bird eggs from a nest in the backyard. We've never seen Dad that angry. Thank goodness we have grown tremendously since then, and you have become more than just my brother but also a lifelong friend . My wish is that we always stay this close and that you experience all the happiness in the world during your lifetime. Your sister, Lauren Josh, I can't believe you are graduating High School already! You have come such a long way and have grown up so much from the little monster I used to know. LOL, so proud! Although we bump heads from time to time, I love you and always will. A bright future lies ahead for you. Your sister, Sarah

Joshua, No son has ever given his dad more happiness in life than Joshua. He is an intelligent, fun loving, caring and affectionate son that has become a man over the last few years. Characteristics that make his Dad and mom very proud include the fact that Joshua is a born leader, he looks out for others in need, he is a hard worker, and he has the brains combined with a huge heart to accomplish great things in life for himself, family, and society. When he was four years old in Seattle, he used to like to coast straight down our driveway which was on a steep hill on a Fisher Price toy at harrowing speeds ... some things don't change. I just want him to slow down enough to focus on achieving his college objectives and all else will fall into place.




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From the very beginning, Josh has had two speeds: super fast and super slow. When he awoke each day, he would never stop moving until night time, then, he would crash. There has never been a dull moment in my life with Josh, even though I would have liked that. He has been a leader rather than a follower all his life and has always worked well with others. Josh loves all sports and gives 100%every time. Unfortunately, this has led to many ER visits, where they know us by name. Joshua, I am so proud of you, and thank you for being such a good son. You will lead in whatever you do in your life. Love you so much, Mom Joshua Simon


OJfe couldndk nwJtefrwad ofUte~ yo«nf! ~you home kconw. UJ/ou uJte ~4 ~ ~imw4 COJnjMml and~. f!iouuJte a#utefJtiendanda de1floted~· UJiouJt deJ;w lo lwlfi otlwM ()} lok~ ~youenMcolterJe ~«H3 witt~ktltewjinyou...

and... '<J}(ihen you~Ute c/,nmce to dititout01t ~

«H3Iwfie you dance. "

J<ttt()«/t ~ m4 Jltom, Cfiait!Vnandr~~ Jennifer Caceres

Kelly Bannon: Kelly, We are so proud of all you have accomplished! You have made great decisions and are a terrific person, grounded in solid morals and smart decisions that will set you up for unbelievable success in the future! Don't ever change and lose sight of the person you are today. We will miss you when you aren't with us every day, but wish you all the success in your future endeavors! We love you tons! Mom, Dad, and Ally Tyler DeLorenzo:

Dave, Congratulations on a job well done!! High school is now a memory and the future awaits with so many opportunities for you. We know that you will be successful in all that you do. We are so proud of you and the things you have accomplished. Know always how much you are loved. No matter where you are or what you do - we will be cheering for you!! All our love, Mom, Dad, Alyssa and ]enna

Tyler, You have come a long way since those preschool days when you looked so small next to everyone else. You grew in body and soul and overcame your obstacles. We are proud of your strength and confidence and the person you have become. These experiences have prepared you for what the future holds and we are blessed to have been a part of it. Good Luck in all your future endeavors and all the world has to offer. "Be who you are, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind". We Love You, Mom, Dad, Nicole, Christa and Matthew

Dave Udi 'ohn




· Dear Aiyssa, ,%1 You have taken us on a ~~;~,i;~~~~~~~~~:··· . . . ·~···""". magical joUTiley sine~ the · day foU"Were born, ~d are a 'IL:,,.,t~d"·--~~· wondetfiil gift to everyone. Your acconlplishments have been amaz~g. We are truly blessed to have you in our · : lives. Congratulations on your graduatioR &om Notre Dame ldigh School. ·]~ is time for a new beginning. .Always your dreams! '


& Prayers, Mom, Dad, Aleoca, Grams, Grandpa, .& .Bear

Vear Jlshley, It seems like only yesteraay that you were posing for these photos. What a pleasure it's 6een to watch you grow into such a spectacular young woman.

You've workea so hara these past four years ana we're so proua of you ana all your accomplishments. We're excitea for you, too, as you 6egin the next chapter in your life. You're such a wonaerful 6ig sister, Jlsh, ana a true joy to have as a aaughter.

'llshley ÂŁozier

We love you, Mom, Vaa ana Jimmy Ashley Lozier

Maggie Mann Congratulations, Maggie! You are simply amazing. Ever since the day you interviewed your principal in elementary school to decide if you wanted to attend her school, you demonstrated that you had a plan in mind and knew

yesterday you were nine years old and neuroscience, and now you are at this to head off to college to do just that! you have accomplished and overcome for one minute you will succeed at know that your strong faith in God, the be there to strengthen you along this

what you wanted out of life. It seems like had just decided to pursue a career in pivotal point in your life as you are about We are so very proud of you and all that -with such grace and ease. Never doubt anything you put your heart into. Always love of your family and many friends will very exciting journey.

We love you! Mom, Dad, and Sarabelle (I love you, Gigi!) Margaret Mann



Dad, Mom, Becca (09), and Livy (2016)


From the moment you were born, you have been such a delight to our family. Now it is time to share you with the world. Face the upcoming challenges with your bright, sunny smile. We have great faith in you, no matter which path in life you choose!

For every ending, there is a beginning: for every memory, there is a dream ahead ... Congratulations, Sweetheart! We love you with all our heartsMom, Kirk, Grand mom and Pop Miranda Crum

My Chari Amor, lovely as a sununer day My Chari Amor, you will stay the same I pray My Chari Amor, pretty smiling one that I adore Seems like just yesterday you were four How I wish I could replay time When you're out having fun or driving down a crowded street I pray God will always be near you, watching for What you don't see My Chari Amour, please tell me you won't 1gnore A chance for you to succeed and soar I hope your life is just divine My daughter, such a privilege I have been allowed For all your accomplishments I am very proud 0 h Chari Amour, your life has given me such a tour For which I will always be most grateful for How I'm blessed that you are mine. La la love, Dad, Mom, Vinny, Michael and Natalie Charisse Siracusa


JessicaCongratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame! You are an amazing young lady and we are so very PROUD. Ever since you were a little girl, you were always ready to take on a challenge- "! can't" or "I quit" have never been part of your vocabulary. You are a wonderful person with such enthusiasm, willing to give your all in everything you do: tennis, cheerleading, service, softball, broadcasting, and now track & field. Your goals are set high and there is no doubt that they will be achieved. You have a heart of gold; willing to help out a friend. You are a trusting soul, and give people the benefit of the doubt Never change. Always have Faith! Our love for you is unconditional and we will always be there. Stay the person that you are-loving, compassionate, and fearless. You will do great things in life! Always, Dad, Mom & Jason Jessica Oszvart

Dear David, ~~The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." You will be now entering an exciting time in your life as you enter college. We are so proud of you and wish you the best as you face new challenges and embrace wonderful opportunities. Congratulations on your Graduation! Love, Mom, Dad and Daniel David Elliot

Dear Valentina . It seems like it was yesterday that you started kindergarten and now you are graduating high school. With every passing year you gave us 365 reasons to be proud of you. You are a determined individual and there is no stopping yourfuture success. You are starting a life without a blue and khaki uniform and the style you wear will reflectthe accomplishments you achieve. As you look toward the future, keep in mind that it was your past that brought you there. Stay focused on your goals and remember we are always with you. With all our love,

Dear Valentina,

Tanti AUGURI Valentina!

Smiling for you from heaven! We are so very proud of you.

Ti vogliamo tanto bene. Bacioni da

Love, Nonna lolanda e Nonno Felice Grand Pop Mario, Big Mommy and Bruno Valentina DeSantis


1f.J}On, You ore on omo%ine IJOune man witli on awesome future. lnjoiJ all tlie wonderful adventures tliat will come IJOUr WOIJ. We ore proud of IJOU! We love IJOUf !Be safe. Love, Mom, Dod, :feon & Dono R an McGowan

Shannon Donahue Great Friends & Great Memories


conurorulalionsl lUG am so proud or uou and oil lhol uou hovu HGGomplishod in rho pasl four uuors or Noun Damn. lUG rnish uou suGGoss ond afmuru fUll of lovu, happinuss and laslino fnondships. smu rruu lD mho uou am as uou Ghasu uour dmamsl LOVG,

Mom. Dad &Man

Gabb Rowen

Shannon, Congratulations to you, your NDHS friends and the Class of 2012. Cherish your ND memories forever!!! We are soooooo proud of you. Love always, Dad and Pat Shannon Donahue


Dear Abbie, Our beautiful, loving, and wonderful daughter and sister, we are so very proud of you! You are an exceptional young woman with a heart of gold; we have no doubt you will have a blessed life. Thank you for blessing our lives with your joy and love. Lots of Love, Mom, Dad and John

Hannah Dentino: Dear Hannah, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and we love you very much. May all of your future dreams come true. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Luke Megan Gray: Megan, From the moment you were born, you have brought such joy and happiness to our lives. We have made so many wonderful memories and will continue as you start your college years. I know you will succeed in everything you do. Always believe in yourself, be true to your values, and know that we will always be here for you. With All Our Love, Mom, Dad and Catie Erin Boland: ErinOur boobala! How can you be graduating already? You'v e grown up in the blink of an eye to be a beautiful young lady full of life. We are so proud of you. We know you'll have a great time wherever you go and whatever you do. Keep smiling your gorgeous smile. We all love you.:) Mom, Dad, Conor, Kimberly & Kevin

Abigail L. Foley

Racquet From the day you were born, you brought joy to our lives. We have watched you grow into a beautiful young woman. We will always cherish the memories we have as a family. You have made our lives complete. We will always be there for you, we are so proud of you. Good luck in college and your future endeavors. We love you with all our hearts & "May all your dreams come true Mom, Dad and Noelle



Racquel Zurick

As a little boy, you were the sweetest, kindest, caring person to all around you. Even when you were little, you were always eager to help someone with a smile and a hug. I smile every time I remember a day we were shopping-you were only four years old. You saw a mother wheeling a baby carriage into the mall when you rushed ahead to open the door for her. She was so touched and let you know what a gentleman you were. Something I have always known, as you have opened many doors with a cheerful smile. You have grown into a truly amazing man still eager to extend a helpful hand with a warm smile. I am so very proud of all you have accomplished at Notre Dame and in your life. I love you and believe in you. Follow your dreams and remember I will always be there for you!

Christian Chamberlain When you were in first grade you said to us, "I want to always work hard in school so that I'll get into a good college and have a great job when I'm older." This was a wise statement coming from such a young boy. You stayed true to yourself and always put forth the best work possible. Now, you're seeing the rewards. You should be as proud of yourself as we are of you. There is no doubt you'll continue on the same path in college and a bright future awaits you. We love you! Mom & Dad

Christian Chamberlain

Colin and Brendan As toddlers, you attracted a crowdexcited to watch your cartwheels and flips. The years flew byscience fair projects; backyard shows; pitching tents inside the house. Now, you are just a few steps away from college (and doing your own laundry). How did the years go by so fast? We are thrilled about your many accomplishments, but most of all we are proud about how you carry yourselves - confident; caring; modest. Continue to follow your passions and appreciate your talents. You make us incredibly happy each and every day. Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan and Grandma


We are ver~ prolAd of ever~t~iVIq ~OIA ~ave accomplis~ed. We ~VIow t~at ~olA ~ave a ver~ briq~t flAtlAre. We love ~olAI Emma Hillman

Congratulations, Erin! We are so very proud of y ou and all your accomplishment s throughout the years.

Now it is time for you to go forward and achieve all that you can. Enjoy and know that we love y ou now and always. Mom , Dad & Nikki

"Brick walls are there for a reason. They show how badly we want something." -Randy Pausch We choose this quote from your favorite author because you never give up. You've made your way through some brick walls at Notre Dame and in doing so have grown so much in the past four years both mentally and spiritually. Take that drive and determination out into the world and share it along with your kind and compassionate heart. We love you so much and are proud of all your accomplishments. Never, ever forget that we are always here for you. All our love, Mom, Dad, Gina and Dodger Andrew Oliver


Nick, The last four years have gone by so quickly. Where has the time gone? We have watched you grow into the fine young man you are today. Keep on working towards your goals, but make sure you take the time to laugh and enjoy yourself. We are all so proud of you. All of our love, Mom, Dad, Alex, Matt Mom-Mom and Poppy Nicholas Episcopo

Dear Kyra, Congratulations! Your four years at Notre Dame were awesome. We're all proud of you. Keep up the great work at college. Study hard and have fun! Love, Mom, Dad, Sophie, and Brigitte

To Our # 1 Grandson, Daniel ... We were blessed to become your grandparents on May 3, 1994! We are so grateful for the 18 years we have shared with you, watching you grow and become the fine young man you are today. Thank you for the joy, love, and laughter you have brought to our lives. We wish only the best things in life for you, Dan. We ask God to bless you, always. Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Darnel Go Irish!

#76 Love You! Nana and Grandpop Schultze


Daniel Greiss

Dear Ryan, Since you entered the doors of Notre Dame High School four years ago we marvel at all you have accomplished. Ryan, you have made God the center of your learning, growing and awesome achievements. You are our pride and joy. Remember no one can arrive at being talented alone, God gives talent! May the good Lord direct you in all your future endeavors. Love, Mom, Dad, Bridgette and Lauren R an McGinnis





You P u R suE THE M,









Sam McDermott


Sarah Ridler

] oey (1Bubba) ,

Remember Varsity Field Hockey, Coach's Award, and Teammates, Pasta Parties, Italy Reunions, Kairos LXX, Powder Puff , Prom, Post Prom, Freshman Cotillion, Freshman Softball, Jackie Rice, Kill Camp, Cutting Your Hair for Locks of Love 2X, Mercer Italian Fair, Pink Out, Sweet 16s, Jr/Sr BBQs, Sr Theme Day, Zombie Video, and Being Irish!

you! You have faced many challenges and have ove1rcome each one with cou1rage and st1rength. You have accomplished so much al1ready-we can't wait to see the g1reat things you will accomplish in the {utu1re. You t1ruly a1re an amazing young man

You are the yroif that dreams andyossibifities are end(ess when you befieve in yourse!f

and will succeed in all that you do. LYTTm:AJB, mom, \Dad, Sissy & \Dink Sarah Ridler



It seems like yesterday when you started high school. Now you are graduating and starting a whole new venture in your life. We are in awe of the beautiful girl you have grown into, and we are so proud to say that you are our daughter. Reach for the stars and never give up on your dreams. They will all come true. We love you always. MomandDad

Taylor. Congratulations on your Graduation! We are all so proud of you. As you begin the next chapter in your life. know that you always have our love and support. We wish you a lifetime of success and happiness. Love. Mom. Dad. Brandon and Maddie Taylor Tornquist

Gabriella Milo

Congratulations/ Natalie our sunshine we are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. God has blessed you with many talents. We know you will be successful in all you do with your beautiful smile and enthusiasm forliiiiiii life. We are looking forward to the next chapter of your life in college. God is always with you put Him ft路rst in all that you do. Remember that we love you and will always be there for you. Love Mom Dad Michael Kitty & Cocoa 1







Natalie Taptykoff


To Our Beautiful Daughter Victoria-Congratulations on this wonderful milestone. We are so very proud of you I As you move to the next chapter in your life always remember the love and support that envelopes you from your family that adores you. Love, Mom &Dad

To Our Sister T orrie-Congratulations! You make us proud! We all love you very much! Love, Jackie, Nicky, JP, &Dommie

Victoria Borelli

From t~e mome

you were


we were blessed

wit~ a special fift from 4od. U/e are so proud of your ~ard wor~ al)d t~e

beautiful persol) you are iQside al)d out. <?oQtiQue to ma~e food decisiol)s. al)d may God bless. fuide. al)d protect you il) all t~at you do. "-oue. 1'\om. Dad uYour U/~ole family

Our Dearest Madeleine, We are so proud of all ofyour successes at Notre Dame High School. However, we are most proud of what a beautiful young woman offaith that you have developed into. You have taken all ofyour God-given gifts and developed them even more so. This will serve you well in your college life and beyond. May God Bless you abundantly now and always. Love, Dad, Mom, Julia, Caroline, and Molly

Colleen D keman



l Dear Laura, Congratulations on graduation. We are so proud of the lovely, accomplished young lady you have become. Your art brings such beauty and creativity to the world. We are blessed to have you as a daughter and sister. Continue to be your beautiful self and success will follow you to Marist and beyond. All our love, Mom and Dad, Katie (2012) and Jacqueline (2016)

Laura Eberhard

Dear l(atie, Congratulations on graduation. We are so proud of you and the courage, intelligence, beauty, and creativity that have made you the lovely young lady you are today. We are blessed to have you as a daughter and sister. We have no doubt that success will continue to follow the original Caped Crusader to Susquehanna and behold. All our love, Mom and Dad, Laura (2012) and Jacqueline (2016) Katie Eberhard


God has blessed us with a daughter as special as you, We cherish each day and we know you do too. You have given us so much to be thankful for, Your caring, thoughtfulness and of course, your contagious smile that lights up the floor! You have juggled so many activities in these past four years, And made us so proud in both smiles and tears. In the blink of an eye, high school has ended and college is starting for you, We want you to know we love you so much and hope that all your dreams will come true! Love, Mom, Dad, Nicholas & Marissa

Kristyn Chiarello

Dear Joey ... Congratulations, we are so proud of you! As you graduate high school and move on in your journey of life, OUR wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things, too, Yeah, that is OUR wish. Love, Dad, Mom and Gina Joseph Grabowski


Dear Jenna, Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday when you were dancing on stage at the age of three to 'When I Grow Up". Well, ]elll\a, you have grown up-into a beautiful young lady. You make us proud each and every day and bring so much happiness to everyone around. We are so blessed to have you in our lives for you are truly a wonderful daughter and sister. It is now time for you to move on to a new ~•.. : • chapter in your life. Remember to be true to yoursel£ work hard, and follow your dreams. Do what you love and believe in, for it is there you will find true happiness. We will always be there to support you. May your future be filled with love, happiness, health, and success, and may you always know how much you are loved. Congratulations to you and the entire Class of2012! May God Bless you each and every day and keep you safe always.


Dear Adrianna, It's a blessing having a daughter like you-you are so loving and sweet. I'm so very proud of you and I know Dad is too. Congratulations and Best Wishes on a bright future-you earned itl May God bless you and keep you safe always. love you very much, Mom, Alexandria, Benjamin & Joseph

CClr Shztr1L10r1.Ycur fcur vez~rs zrt Notre Dztrnc n1zrv oc corning to ztrLC!X-~ lx,tt the rncn1orics, fricrx_iships zrrx_i cxpcricr1Ccs vcu hzrvc shzrrcd here \ViU never lx forgottcr,._ lx,tt trez~surcd for zr lifctirnc. VIc zrrc so vcrv prcud of zrU vat hzrvc zrccornplishcd during vatr tirnc zrt Notre Dztrnc zrrx_i of the ir1Crcdiblc vcung \VOnlzrrLvcu hzrvc gr01VrLinto. Yat zrrc zr OCZiutiful pcrsorL ooth inside zrrx_i cut zrrx_i vatr cornpzrssionJtc spirit zrrx_i \Vzrnn srnilc 1ViU zrhvzrvs serve vat \Vcll. VIc zrrc confJdcrlt thzrt vcu \ViU do ir1Crcdrblc things zrs vcu crltcr irlto this nav phzrse of vatr life zrrx_i thzrt vat \ViU zrchicvc zrr11rthing vcu set vcur rnirx_i to. ··AI,vzrvs rcrncrn ocr ... vat zrrc brzrvcr thzrrLvat oclicvc, stronger thzrrLvat sccrn, zrrx_i Srnzrrtcr thZJrL VCU thinl<., rut the rnost irnportzrrlt thing iS, CVC!Lif \VC"rC ztpzrrt. .. \Vc•U zrhvzrvs ·oc \Vith voo:· VIc love vcu ZJrKi ZJrc trulv blessed to oc vatr pzrrcrltsl Love, Morn, Oztc~ Pzrtrick zrrx_i McghZJrL 253

From there to here ... and now beyond. You have amused us and entertained us with your gifts of humor and talent. Take what you've learned and follow your dreams. We love you and will always be right there with you. Love and Peace, Mom, Dad, and Casey

Sean Cahill

Elizabeth: An achiever who applauds the achievements of others, A strong-minded idealist who cares about others' views, A compassionate young woman with a passion for justice. We are so proud of the fine young adult you have become, And we love you with all our hearts (even if you're not going to be a linguist). Onward and upward, beautiful daughter! Mom & Dad

Elizabeth Kantor


Dear Brian, Bri-Guy, BriFiand ... From curly-headed toddler to crew-cut teen, you've made every moment count, and shared lessons with us along the way ... that it is more important to hold convictions than to take the easy road, more courageous to speak the truth than to keep the peace, more satisfying to invest in people than in possessions. Your energy, insight, and fun-loving spirit have left their mark ... eighteen years and off you go! "Fight the good fight; finish the race; keep the faith." 2Tim,4:6 We love you! Mom, Dad, Megan, Steven and Jonathan Brian Ha es

Shannon jane: Senior year has sped by with lightning speed. Not just senior year, but your whole life so far. Only yesterday, you were sitting in front of the television, glued to the images of Barney singing and dancing. You wore out your princess costumes. Now, as you start the next chapter of your life at college, it will be a new world filled with new adventures. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. You are smart enough to do anything you want to do: you just have to make up your mind that you are going to do it. You are strong, funny, and honest. Neuer stray from those qualities. Taking care of yourself and being good to yourself helps you be good to others. We have raised you to be a strong, independent young woman ready to venture out on her own. Being your parents has been one of the greatest gifts in our life. We cannot wait to see what you do next! You can do whatever' you want: you have an incredible life ahead of you. We are so proud of you ... As the song in the book goes ... I'll love you forever I'll like you for always As longs as I'm living My baby you'll be We love you ... more than you can possibly know. Love, Mom and Dad




biKe your sisteP, we can't oolieve l)ow fast tl)e time went. You ape sucl) a EPPeatl) of aiP foP all of us. You looR at life in sucl) a rorust way tl)at maRes all of us want to oo you foP a day. . In ot'deP to exceL you must oo completely dedicated to your futUPe. You must also oo ppepaJ'ed to woPR l)at'd. f>avid, we alll)ave faitl) in you, you can do it. We l)ave all seen wl)at you l)ave alPeady overeome at your age. 1ljepe is no sucl) tl)ing as failing. It is our wisl) tl)at all your dreams come true. We love you so vePy muclj, f>ad, JVIom and Amanda

David G. Thomas




To Our Precious Kat, We have been blessed to share in your life. We are humbled by your spirit, your caring, your beauty, your intelligence and all the qualities that make you so special. You have a good soul. We can't express how proud we are of your past achievements and the woman you have become. We are certain that you will continue to succeed as you enter this new chapter in your life and look forward to sharing it with you. Always trust in the Lord and let Him guide you on your journey. May God bless. We will always be here for you. Love, Mom & Dad

Meghan, Congratulations ori your high school graduation! We are extremely proud of you and all you have accomplished. You have grown into such a kind, caring, considerate, and loving young lady. May all your hopes and dreams come true, and may your future be full of continued success. Always follow your heart and stay true to yourself. Now, as you move onto college, know that you will always have our love and support. May God continue to bless you! With all our love, Mom, Dad & Ryan Me han Shea

Dear Alanna Claire "Our Little Sweetheart" It doesn't seem so long ago that you were the 2 year old in this picture. Now, here you are, ready to graduate-a beautiful, happy, confident young woman. As you live your life, remember: keep pushing is wiser than standing aside and sighing and weeping and weighing the tide .. . In life's earnest battles, they only prevail, who forever march onward and never say fail We love you very much! Mom, Dad, Julia, Matthew & Jack Alanna Barr


"Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things that you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all." -Dr. Seuss

W'•tlt l.,..~e, ~.... l>~t~


~ylfe, j.e &. N1e



Bryan Rupprecht Congratulations Bryan!!!

We are so proud of all that you've accomplished, and even more the spirited, compassionate and insightful person you've become.

You're ready for the next adventure... We hope you have the time of your life! We love you, Mom, Dad, Abby and Koa Bryan Rupprecht

Charlie May Congratulations, Charlie! We are extremely proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Your hard work and commitment to all of your endeavors at Notre Dame have served you well. May God continue to bless you and all your abilities. Remember, "Anything is possible. Anything can be." -Shel Silverstein We Love You More Than All The Stars! Mom, Dad, Michael and Jack



Mari Let's

Rock'n'Roll. Happy Graduation.

Congratulat ions! Shoot for the stars.

Love, Aun t Mary, Unde Jim, Cris, Mark, Theresa, Joanna & Jimmy

L011e, Dad, Mom, John & Cat herine

Marianna McKenna

Marianna McKenna

Congratulations, Christina!

PaulCongratulations on rour graduation from Notre Damel We are so Droud of rou and the wonderful roung man rou have become. We wish rou love, haDDiness, and success In everrthing rou do. All our love, Mom and Dad

We love you very much and are so proud of you. You are a wonderful daughter! You 've worked hard to accomplish everyth ing you set out to do. We wish you continued success in college and in life. May God bless you always. Love, Mom and Dad

Paul Linkchorst

Christina Biancamano

Dear Krista, It seems like yesterday that you entered Notre Dame ready to take on new challenges, explore new friendships, and tackle the next chapter in your beautiful life. You have made us so very proud of your academic achievements, your ability to handle adversity, your unwillingness to accept anything other than excellence, and for keeping fami ly first in your priorities. As we watched you grow to be a young woman, we reflected on the road taken. It is important for you to know just how very special you are to your family. Since you were born, you have made us smile, laugh , think, and enjoy life. Our family is blessed because we are able to understand just how much love you bring to our lives. Every time you share your successes, thoughts, fun , challenges, joy, sadness, and fears, we feel that much closer to you, and love you even more. Now, as you leave Notre Dame and embark on your next chapter in life, remember to draw strength in prayer that will help you fight through tough times and allow you to feel joy at times of happiness. The college road ahead will have some bumps in it, and everything doesn't come easy, as you know. You will have the power to turn discouragement and fai lure into success and reward . That power is within you , Krista, through your faith in God , and the fa ith that your family has in you . Congratul.ations! Krista, we love and adore you, and pray that you will always be in God 's good graces. Love, Mom , Dad, and Jenna


Krista Lepping

Marianna McKenna Hey Mari.

Dear Marianna,

You did it! Class of 2012 Congratulations to our favorite pumpkin. Best of luck. Love, Aunt Joanne & Hoa

God Bless You. Love, Grandma Walko Marianna McKenna

Marianna McKenna

Dear Ryan. From the day you were bom. you've been determined to make your own unique mark on the world. Through the years. you have blessed us with your humor. intelligence. and love. We are so proud of your many accomplishments at Notre Dame and know you will do great things in college. Reach for your dreams and know that we are always her for you. We love you! Mom. Dad and Shaun

Jessie Robertson Jessie Elena, Angel路Heart,Bumble Bee, Princess: From the energetic, imaginative little girt, and the days of mal!e-believe & dress-up, much bas changed, while much remains the same. You are still our angel, with a huge heart and will always be our princess. AB you continue your flight Bumble Bee, lleep in mind:"A succe11ful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them". You are a lovely young woman with a stong foundation.Always remember, when you encounter one of life's tigers: 'Tigers love pepper. They bate cinnamon!" Our love, prayers & support, Mom&Dad

Jessie Robertson


White Dearest Sam, Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame! You are a wonderful son and a great guy, and we are so proud of you. Your home is always with us, God Bless You! ! Love always, Mom, Dad and Jake 263

Congratulations, Jen, Class of 2012!!! We are so very proud of you! We love you and will always be there for you. May God bless your hopes and dreams. Love, Mom, Dad and

Taffy Jennifer Boutchia


•rre II

c..'"1''t"l't''"sl proud of you then, now and always ...

with all our love, Dad & Mom, Maggie, Matthew, Bennett


Congratulations on your achievements at Notre Dame! In the classroom, on the field, and in life, you've always made us very proud! Enjoy the journey ... we hope your bright future is filled with happiness and success. We will always be on the sideline cheering you on! "Go forth and set the world on fire." -St. Ignatius of Loyola Love, Dad, Mom, Andrew, Cate, Maggie and Finn James Hahn

Congratulations, Gabriella, on your graduation from Notre Dame. We love you very much and are very proud of you. We wish you lots of happiness and success in whatever path you choose. Love, Daddy, Nanny &Aunt Darrah Gabriella Grates

Congratulations, Brian! To our son , Brian , the most important person in our lives and who we love more than anyone in the world. It's hard to believe you are all grown up and heading off to college soon. Where did all the years go? It seems like just yesterday you were graduating from Pre-K. Since then , every year has gone by faster than the one before. We knew this day would eventually come. We just didn't know it would happen in the blink of an eye. There are no words to describe how proud we are of the fine young man that you have become, and for all of your accomplishments. We know that no matter what you do in life, you will be successful. You have all of our love and support wherever your journey takes you . Love, Mom and Dad Brian Dem ster

Dear Thomas, Congratulations on your graduations from NO! It's hard to believe that seventeen years can pass so quickly. The little boy who sat in the backyard and played with trucks has grown up to be a man. When you look back on your high school years, we hope your memories are fond and that thee friendships you have made will last a lifetime. As you begin the next phase of your journey through life, know that we love you with all our hearts and will do whatever we can to help you realize your full potential. With all our love, Mom, Dad, Chris and Man Thomas Sellers


DOUG WALKER It is very hard to believe that your high school journey is ending and college awaits you. As you go off on this next venture, please take with you all the things we have tried to teach you and make them your own. Have fun, enjoy life and always smile.

May God be

with your always. Love, Mom, Dad, Ben and Erin

Rebecca Kuehner: Congratulations, Rebecca! We are so very proud of you. You have become a beautiful young woman whose confidence, determination, wonderful personality, and love of life will only deepen as you begin college. Thank you for brightening our day with your caring heart and beautiful smile. We will miss you very much. We wish you great success and happiness as you enter the next stage of your life. Remember, where ever life takes you, we will be there for you and love you forever. May God always bless you and guide you as you tart your journey. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Benji Jon Ruffe: Jon, We are so proud of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. Success is definitely in your future! Remember as Thoreau once said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." God Bless! Love, Mom, Dad, Megan & Danielle Kate Fugate: Congratulations, Kate! Thanks for making us proud of your wonderfulness. Love, Mom, Dad, and Owen

Congratulations Daniel! Words can not express how proud we are of you today and always. Cherish your family, friends and all of the great memories you had at Notre Dame High School. You are an inspiration to all who know and Jove you. Follow your dreams; your determination can make them all come true. Love Always, Mom, Dave, Ray, Mark, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Daniel McKenna



Nick What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

tt seems like yesterday that we brought this tiny, sweet little girl home from the hospital. Now you have transformed into a beautiful, talented young woman . You are truly a good person and possess a kind, caring and loving heart. Your smile lights up an entire room and your laughter is infectious. We will miss you when when you leave for college next year, but know that so many wonderful opportunities await you . Never forget that wherever life takes you that you are loved more than words can say!!!! Love & Tons of Hugs, Mo

Dad & Mike -

- - --

-R. W. Emerson

Congratulations, Nicki We are so proud of you! Your shining spirit, easy smile and love of life brighten the world around you. We Love You! Alex, Mom, Dad & Rosie Jessica Donahue

Ryan You have packed a lot into 18 years living in The Now. Look forward to tomorrow and all that you will find there, but remember your past, your accomplishments and how you got here. Remember that we love you always unconditionally. Believe in yourself, and find and follow what you love. Proud of you now and always, Mom, Dad, Sean and Kevin

Ryan Shute


·Sean, It seems like yesterday you were just starting preschool, time has flown. We are so proud of the young man you have become and all you have accomplished. We cannot wait to see where your future takes you. Congratulations, Dia Duit. Love- Mom, Dad , Maura and Grandma Sean Farrell

Hl~w~~~p~~gou~h~~g, w~

~ H/ld, wrJlt,lwp~ au/, fUlt~ri!MJ~. You~

tkvdopiJfg i«t10 ahlfigkt W[u4dlv~, lwiU4f a«Jtiwu,g/iJIJgo(JJ(,g wollliJA, au/, w~~lo p/(J)td olwlw gou~. You liltowrlwe~, wrJlt, ~klit, ~ JoppUU4t a«J~. w~w~

loved wtili.iuAg gou gi(J)w up -

mhU«t ou ol

ota favD'rili ~gJ 1D do. No ~wltot"ptii1God Wgoudow~ a4 gou eo~tlJua o~ gotaUANjo~, ~ woJJ wilth~ a h~pfau h~ olgou.


What an amazing person you have become, Bethany! It is hard to believe that you will be starting the next chapter in your life very soon. We have all learned so much from you about lpyalty, dedication, commitment, and unconditional love. Your hard work has enabled you to soar to heights we could never have imagined. Although we will miss you more than you know, we are so proud of you and confident that you will accomplish anything you set out to do. Remember that your home will always be here with the door wide open . The people who love you most will be here to welcome you with open arms. Remain steadfast to your convictions and continue to make a difference n the lives of those around you. Your smile lights up our lives. As Dad always says, "BITB". We love you ... Mom, Dad, Josh and Kailey Bethany Pacifico

Our Dearest Darling Stana Leigh, You are the greatest!!!! You are such an amazing, absolutely beautiful young lady!!! We are so extremely proud of you each and every day. Always be proud of yourself. We love you forever. We like you for always. As long as you're living our baby' you'll be. Be careful. Strive to be happy. As you keep the Hallelujah on Thunder Road, remember Every Hallway is a Runway. Do what you Love, the rest. We love you more than you know. Mommy, Daddy, and Siana St ana Lei h Ziemba

Matt, Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame. We are so very proud of you. We ~an hardly believe you have grown into ayoung man ready for ~ollege. We wish you Love, Happiness, and su~~ess in your life. Always remember how mu~h you are loved by your family! Love, Mom, Bill, MomMom, Pop, Aunt Jane, Un~le Ni~k, Ni~holas and Haley Matthew Letts


Congratulations Mary! We are so very proud ofyou



Mary Jean Torpey


Congratulations Mary!



Katie and Megan

We will always love you And pray God will guide your way To keep you in his loving care Each and everyday. We Love you! Nanny and Aunt Joan

Mary Jean Torpey


Dear David and Michaela, It would be impossible to say how much we love you both, and impossible to measure the happiness you've brought to us over the past 18 years. Seeing you both grow to become the two people that you are has been an exhilarating and ongoing adventure. David, I never would have imagined the path you've chosen! You've charted your own course and have already achieved so much. You've always had a passion for the things you love, but your determination to achieve your dreams, whatever the cost, still amazes me. I admire your strength, vision, creativity, and your astonishing talent. Where did that come from?! I admire the way you earn the respect of others. I've come to believe that you have what it takes to go as far as you want to go. We can't wait to see the movies you have yet to make! Michaela, everyone can see that you're beautiful, you're brilliant, and you're a record-breaking runner. But what I love most about you is who you are as a person-your quiet confidence, and authenticity, your sense of humor, the respect, compassion, and thoughtfulness you show to others. In your own way, you take care of all of us. We're going to miss that! You're strong and beautiful, not just on the outside, but all the way through. We're so proud of you! I pray that you both will always love what is beautiful, hang on to what is true, and throw yourselves into life with passion. If you find half as much joy as you've brought to me over the years, you'll be richly blessed! Know that we're always here for you. We love you forever and always, Mom, Dad and Anna Iiese

Michaela Jaffe


Joseph, Congratulations! We are so proud of you. God Bless you as you continue onto college and your future. Keep swinging for the stars. Love always, Mom, Dad, and Lauren

Congratulations Ryan You are the Sunshine of our Lives and Will Always Be. We are so Proud of You. Love, Mom, Pops, Christopher, Brendan

Ryan Germano


Love, MomandDad

We truly cannot believe how quickly you went from 18 months to 18 years old, and have loved spending all the special moments with you along the way. You are a smart, funny, handsome, and compassionate young man and a joy to be around.

We know there are as many great moments ahead of you as there are behind you, and we will support you and your dreams along the way. Build your "Architectural" dreams one brick at a time with confidence and passion. Nat & Liv are blessed to have you as their brother and Mom and Dad think you're "The Bomb"! We love you, buddy, ... from infinity, "knock-me-on"!

Congratulations, Nicholas Dean!

Love, Mom, Dad, Nat & Liv Nick Raccosta

We are watching you develop into your own person ..... And as hard as it is for us to let go of "our child," we must say that we are proud of the individual that you are becoming. Congratulations on all your achievements. Love, Mom and Dad


fran the charmer on the chair to the fearlees flier in mid-air, yruve always been unif1l,lel.y ycu Were B:> very pra.d or the wonterful. yrung man yruve becane. ~ like in the picture, continue to reach for the stars and keep yrur

dear friends elcse, for ~rt and

enc:aJragement We love yru very

much and Will always be there for ycu m matter what.


Eddie, It seems like only yesterday that you entered high school. Where did the time go? It has been a pleasure watching you grow and mature into the caring, loving son and brother you are today. Never change your kind and helpful ways. We wish you much success in all your future endeavors, and have no doubt you will accomplish all of your goals. We all love you from the bottom of our hearts and will always be there for you-never forget, family is forever. Love, Mom, Dad and Becca

& l}ad

Jeffrey Podeszwa


Ruszczyk We are very proud of all your accomplishments. You have worked very hard and done exceptionally well academically. You are our National Honor Society Scholar. You also have many hidden talents . You sing, bowl, Irish dance, play first base in softball and throw the shot-put. You also text faster than anyone else we know. We wish you continued success and happiness. You will always have our love and support. Congratulations, love, Mom, Dad, Gram, Aunt Holly, Karen, Robert & Matthew Edward A. Hornyak, Jr.



Allison Ruszczyk

Meagan, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Always reach for the stars. We know you will continue your excellence in college. Love, Mom, Dad, Caitlin, Erin & Alex

Dear Braden, It feels like your time at Notre Dame has flown by! You've grown so much, completely embraced challenges with incredible grace, and always stayed true to yourself . Through all of this, you've never failed-not once-to make us proud. We admire the person you have become . We love you so much and we路re glad to be celebrating your success. Now you ' re standing at the gateway of a future of possibilities that you'll define for yourself . You're ready and it will be a great adventure . From the day you were born, we've been blessed . We love you . You know we're always right behind you cheering you on . Count on it! Love , Mom, Dad and Maeve


Mike We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished these last four years at Notre Dame. Keep working hard and we know that you will find success in all that you do. You are a wonderful son and a great brother and we will miss you so much next year! Love ~lways, Mom, Dad, Lindsey and Drew Michael Tatter


Ron, From the day you vvere born, you filled our lives vvith happiness. We are so proud of you and vvish you all the best that life has to offer. Good luck in college and alvvays remember that vve are vvith you every step of the vvay! Love, Mom, Dad, and Frankie Ron Mule'

Ron, I can't believe you're going off to college and leaving me home alone vvith Mom! I had a lot of good times vvith you and your friends, and I'm so glad they became my friends, too. I vvill miss all of you. Good luck in college. I can't vvait to come and visit. Love, Frankie Ron Mule'


Matthew Tampellini As proud as we are of the young man you are, we are more excited about the man you will become. Congratulations and Good Luck. All our Love, Mom, Dad, Anna and Robert

Dear Erin, We love you very much and are so proud of the young lady you've become. Remember to stay true to yourself, your beliefs & make wise choices. Keep God close to you and your faith will guide you. May He continue to bless your life with love, happiness, friends and opportunities. Keep shining your "little light", walk tall and with the Spirit as you take your first steps on this newest life journey. Congratulations & God Bless! Love, Mom & Dad


Robyn Claire, Seems like just yesterday you were a tiny kindergartener walking into that big Elementary School! But by the time you'd reached 5th grade-you were just "way too cool" to still be in that school! Then off you flew to "crazy" Middle School-where a whole different world was waiting for you! Then, somehow, someway, in the most glorious sort of way-our baby girl is graduating High School today! We are so very proud of you! All Our Love, Mom, Dad, Kelly (&Cody, too!)

P a rth R ege: Dear P a rth, We love you a lot , appreciate your hard work a nd a re p roud of ALL your achievem ents! Con grats GRAD !! - Gr a n dpa, Dad, Mom a nd Purva.

Rob n Pulaski


Rebecca Pittore The whole family wishes you happiness, good health and much success.

Congratulations on your graduation. We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, & Cooper

Rebecca, It seems like just yesterday you were starting school.

Rebecca Pittore


vesterclav••• Your lint words••• Your lint st...... Your lint dav of school••• Wllat a wonderful 18 wean It's Hen, and tile Illest II vet to CCNnel We are so Droud vou, and love VOII IRON tllan worcll can eJCDreu. COngratulationsI Love, MOin and Dad Michael Smoli a


Kellen, We are so very proud of the young man you've become. You have given us immeasurable joy as we have watched you grow. Wherever life leads you, chase your dreams, find your passion, and success will follow. Congratulations!!! We love you, Mom, Dad, & Brendan

"May good luck be your friend In whatever you do And may trouble be always A stranger to you" ( An Irish saying) Kellen Darmod

Congratulations, Anthonv, orLall of voor ~lCCOillplishments and ocst \\fishes to "SOar.. at"K.l achieve all of vcur goals! VVe love va.d Mom, Daci, Giuls, Nit"Q,, and Max. xoxoxo

Zach, You have grown up to be someone we are so proud of Continue to make the right choices and share the talentB that Cod has blessed you with. You have the strength, perseverance, and passion to reach for the stars and change the world. We love you always and unconditionally. Mom, Dad and Chris Zachary Yingling

Anthony Carella


your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten "

Since the day you were been a miracle in our of-you and of all your greatest joy has been the incredible woman future awaits you! Take love, laughter & Love you forever, Mom, Dad & Michael

born you have truly lives. We are so proud accomplishments. Our watching you grow into you are today. Your on your new world with happiness. Lauren Kenny


JP~trrnn©~ ®~~IE1f1f~ Congratulations Patrick! Graduating From Notre Dame, We Love and are Very Proud of You I Grandma Gerry & Grandpa Bob Patrick Saletta

Congratulations, Jamie Gray! We are very proud of you! Good luck and study hard! Love, Dad, Mom and Caroline ·

Jamie Gray


Patrick Saletta YOU DID IT! Dear Patrick, Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame. We are so proud of you. We know you are destined for great success at college and afterwards. Keep true to yourself and remember... "If you can dream it, you can do it!" We Love You Always, Mom&Dad

Things Pat"RICK" Saletta Will NEVER Do 0 Giveyouup 0 Let you down 0 Runaround 0 you 0 Make you cry

0 Say oodbye D TellaUe 0 Hurtyou AU of the abov


Courtney, We love you! We are so proud of you! Best of luck in your future plans. Love, Mom & Dad, Kristen & Stephanie

Courtney Dobron

Congratulations Mike ! We're so proud of you and wish you all the best in your wonderful future. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow into such an amazing young man. Love always, Mom, Dad, Meg and Kev


Sam, It's hard to believe that your high school years have ended. We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and the young man you have become. You have shown us so much strength and determination. Always follow your dreams and always remember you can do whatever you put your mind to. Congratulationsr We love you with all our heart. Mom, Dad, Zach, Rexy & Coco Sam Nicosia

Samantha: JJI(eepa" Congratulations! You have grown into a beautiful and mature young woman. We are so proud of you As this new stage in your life begins, new responsibilities, decisions, goals, and challenges await you. Remember to laugh, love, and follow your dreams. Love always, Mom & Dad

Dana, You have grown into such a kind and wonderful young woman. You have always made us proud. We love you and wish you continued success and happiness. Love, Mom, Dad and Evan Dana Byrnes


MatthewWe're pleased, and proud! You've certainly WOW'd! In sports and in class You've given your all Off now to college, To follow your callSee all the world -----. has to offer and Use YOUR VISION as YOUR Strength!! All our Love , and Always our Prayers, Mom, Dad, Michael, Patrick & Meghan Matthew Calcagno

Erin Thank you Erin for making the most of your years at ND. We loved encouraging you in your studies, cheering for you on the track, and watching you perform on stage. We are so blessed to be your parents and little sister. We are very proud of you and are excited to see what God has in store for you next. May God keep you always in His care. Love Dad, Mom & Rachel

Erin Schlegel




It feels like vestenlav that vou first walked into notre Dame, and now It's time to begin vour college vears at Elan. we are so proud of vour stholastlt and athletic accomplishments, and know that the best Is vet to tome. never glue up on vour dreams, and IIDU Will athleue all the success vou deserve. You are our shining star! Love, mom, :Joev and the Girls Nicole Dennion

Our little girl is all grown up and we couldn't be more proud of the sweet beautiful and intelligent young lady you have become. It seems like just yesterday you were rushing off to kindergarten and soon you will be leaving for college. You have always ...--~~-~....., been your own person and that quality will carry you far in the next steps of your life and beyond. Always remember1 your family will be there for you no matter what. 1


All of our love Mom1 Dad1 Stephen and the girls 1

Breanne Cirullo


Dianna F. Smith: Dianna, well, you're the last of the children to become a Notre Dame Alumni. Corrinn, (2000), Brenton (2003), Andrew (2007), your dad and I are so very proud of you! We know you will succeed wherever you go! The Smith Family would also like to thank the AWESOME faculty,staff and administration for taking such good care of us for all these years! David Baker: One of life's greatest joy has been raising a son like you. Seeing you grow from the little boy you once were to the special man you'v e become has brought more satisfaction than you could ever imagine. A son is someone you want the best for always. You wish him success in life, and while you don't say it quite enough, you're grateful for all that he is and thankful for all that he does ... He is your heart -your joyyour son. My heart is filled with memories of a sweet little boy who touched my life and changed my world forever. I'm so glad you're my son. Graduation is a time for new beginnings. Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. You have so much to offer. The world is waiting for you, go and achieve your dreams! I love you David. Love Always, Mom

Lindsay DeCamp: Lindsay -It is with amazement, and some sadness, that we write these words to you for your Senior Yearbook. You are the last of our family to complete their High School journey at Notre Dame, and you have definitely taken full advantage of all that this wonderful community has had to offer. From a wide eyed freshman who took a shot at cheerleading and found an incredible gift for the sport, to maturing as a student and excelling academically, to countless hours of service, campus ministry, tutoring, and Kairos facilitation, you have left nothing on the table in your high school career. You did it all with passion, compassion, ethics, morality, and understanding. You have wisdom beyond your years, and we are all certain that you will succeed beyond our wildest dreams as you pursue your college goals. We love you so very much. Mom, Dad, Dave, and Allie.

Ghekahn, Congratulations to a wonderful, intelligent, and beautiful daughter. You have made us proud through your academic achievements over the years. We hope you continue to reach for the stars. Thank you and God bless you. Love, Mom and Dad


Jonathan Stanley: Jonathan, You have reached a milestone in yourlife. The social, cultural and academic experiences at otre Dame have exposedyou to a variety of opportunities and interest . Congratulations on all ofyour accomplishments and success in your next chapters. Walk with God in all things. We are so proud of you! Love, Your Family

Will, N...lle 6 leu: What will we do without you next year? Thanks for all your hard work over the past years .. .it has truly been appreciated! Good luck in your futures! Love, Mrs. Hubert

A special thank goes out to th y people who h 1 to mak this book o ible:


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WAVES OF CHANGE Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who had been in power since 1981, was ousted in 2011. He was later put on trial for allegedly ordering the killing of protesters. EGYPTIAN PROTESTERS Waving their national flag and shouting slogans, thousands crowded Cairo's Tahrir Square to demand political change as anger grows with the military rulers over the slow pace of reform. TOGETHER IN PROTEST The flags of Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and Libya were painted on participants' lms during a demonstration in Yemen.


OSLO ATTACKS People laid flowers in memory of the victims of a pair of attacks in Norway that claimed 76 lives on July 22. A shooting spree at a youth summer camp occurred just two hours after a car bomb explosion near the Prime Minister's office. EUROPEAN DEBT CRISIS Financial woes abroad continued as investors feared government debt levels precluded some countries' abilities to prevent economic collapse. Greece, Ireland and Portugal received a wave of aid from the European Financial Stability Facility in October, 2011. RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE As many as 10 legitimate candidates vied for the Republican party's presidential nomination in 2012.


VIOLENT APRIL TORNADO OUTBREAK While Tuscaloosa, AL received the lion 1S share of damage on April 27, 2011 when tornados there caused devastation and killed nearly 300 people, the storm series included 359 confirmed tornados in 21 states over the course of three days. Four of the twisters were rated F-5, the rating for most destructive storms.

weather and other catastrophes caused the agency to launch 137 relief operations in 46 states in 2011. JOPLIN DISASTER May1S F-5 tornado destroyed one-third of the Missouri town, killing more than 150. HURRICANE IRENE In late August, severe winds and intense rainfall brought flooding and damage to the northeast. More than 5 million homes and businesses were without power for as long as a week. EAST COAST QUAKE While little damage and only minor injuries were reported following a 5.9 earthquake in August, a crack was found in the famed Washington Monument and the Virginia quake was felt from Toronto to Charlotte. WILDFIRES A long-standing drought and strong winds contributed to the worst wildfire season in the history of Texas.


PRAYER CANDLES Showing support for earthquake and tsunami victims, survivors and aid workers lit up the night. Records showed 15,844 confirmed dead and 3,450 listed as missing since the March disaster. Damage was llliii:i~ estimated at $217.7 billion.


A RECORD-BREAKING YEAR IN ENTERTAINMENT NEW JUDGES Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler joined American Idol as season 10 judges, following the departure of Simon Cowell. Tyler became a fan favorite, saving the ratings in 2011. THE MUPPETS After 12 years, The Muppets returned to the silver screen. With over $100 million at the box office, the film became the highest-grossing of the Muppets' series. THE HUNGER GAMES With the excitement of the 2012 release of the first installment of The Hunger Games to theaters, the ~~~~~~ print trilogy became a top seller on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble during the holiday season. REBECCA BLACK After her YouTube video "Friday" went viral and racked up over 10 million views, the California teen earned a cameo in a Katy Perry video. "Friday" also appeared on Glee and Dancing with the Stars. ._.llrliillilliillii

NEW MAN Ashton Kutcher "moved in" to replace Charlie Sheen in the ninth season of CBS's Two and a Half Men. STATE FAIR STAGE COLLAPSE Just before Sugarland took the stage at the Indiana State Fair on August 13, a highvelocity gust from a severe thunderstorm hit the above-stage fly system. The stage collapsed, causing seven deaths and injuring 40. BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD After a 14-year hiatus, MTV revived Mike Judge's teen toon in October. major difference was •~==~~~~===:::-::;;;;::~~;; The that the duo's commentary shifted to reality shows like Jersey Shore rather than obscure metal videos. GOLDEN GLOBES Ricky Gervais offended Hollywood one joke at a time when he hosted the 2011 Golden Globes. Even so, NBC invited Gervais to host again in 2012 due to high ratings.


KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS They are everywhere. Kim wed, then divorced NBA star Kris Humphries. Khloe followed husband Lamar to Dallas (and so did brother Rob). Bruce Jenner underwent surgery to remove skin cancer. Kourtney was pregnant with baby number two. Kendall and Kylie Jenner made the cover of Teen Vogue in March.












of the Year released her second album, 21, which immediately topped the charts and remained there for 13 weeks to become the year's best-selling album. An October vocal cord hemorrhage required microsurgery, forcing the 21-year-old Brit to take a break from performing, but she sang at the Grammys where her six nominations turned into six wins.






TEENAGE DREAM Katy Perry's third studio/ pop album earned her six No. 1 hits. MTV's 2011 Artist of the Year, Perry also became the first artist to spend 52 consecutive weeks in the Top 10 of Billboard's Top 100. BEYONCE'S BABY BUMP Beyonce revealed her baby bump during her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. Blue Ivy Carter was born Jan. 12, 2012 and, at five days old, she became the youngest performer to hit the Billboard charts.



ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Carolina Panthers QB Cam Newton broke the rookie passing record set by veteran Peyton Manning in 1998, throwing 3,893 passing yards and 20 touchdown passes.

3000 HITS In July, NY Yankee Derek Jeter became the 28th player in baseball history (and the first Yankee!) to break 3,000. NEW WIMBLEDON CHAMP Serbian Novak Djokovic's first Wimbledon title broke Rafael Nadal's 20-win streak at the grass tournament. LEAVING ST. LOUIS After 11 years with the Cardinals, three-time NL MVP Albert Pujols signed a $254 million, 10-year contract with the LA Angels, the second-highest in baseball history. TIDE TURNS No. 2 Alabama tromped LSU 21-0 in the BCS Championship, avenging a Nov. 5 loss and winning their second national title in three years. MAVERICKS WIN The Miami Heat failed to take the title as Dirk Nowitzki and the Mavericks clinched Dallas's first-ever NBA title in six games. """"'""'"...;;.;...o.=--.;.....;..;.;.:...---...-.-...;.;.=.--.:~~-

FATAL CRASH Twcrtime Indianapolis 500 winner Dan Wheldon died in October after he struggled to avoid a fiery 15-car pileup, flew over another vehicle and hit the catch fence in the season's final race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. FANS MOURN Wheldon was a crowd favorite for his talent behind the wheel, but just as much for the way he treated people off the track.


DOUBLE GOLD Canadian Mark McMorris took top Aspen X Games honors with Gold in both Snowboard Big Air and Snowboard Slopestyle. PROUD PRODIGY Canada's Roz Groenewoud broke records held by former teammate Sarah Burke in the Ski SuperPipe. FRONT FLIP Idaho's Heath Frisby won Snowmobile Best Trick honors, landing the first-ever front flip on a snowmobile.

HE'S IN! Patriots' tight end Aaron Hernandez scores a third quarter touchdown on a 12-yard Brady pass. INTERCEPTION Middle linebacker Chase Blackburn intercepts a pass intended for Patriot tight end Rob Gronkowski. WINNING TOUCHDOWN Giants' Ahmad Bradshaw scores as Patriots' Brandon Spikes closes in. SPECTACLE The halftime show featured Madonna and several guest stars including Nicki Minaj, Cee Lo Green and others.

VICTORY DANCE The Giants' Victor Cruz performed his famous salsa dance touchdown


DAYTONA 500 After rain delayed the start of the race for an entire day, Juan Pablo Montoya slammed his car into a jet dryer truck containing 200 gallons of kerosene, igniting the track. WOMEN'S FINAL FOUR After upsetting favored UConn in the semifinals, Notre Dame lost to Texas A&M . The Aggies clinched the 76-70 win with 22 points in the second half from Danielle Adams. GREEN JACKET Twenty-six-year-old South African Chari Schwartzel won the 75th Masters 50 years to the day after Gary Player became the first international player to win the tourney. DRAMATIC VICTORY Tony Stewart won his third NASCAR championship, slipping past Carl Edwards, who he trailed by three points at the start of the season's final race. CARDINALS TAKE THE SERIES After coming within a single strike of losing twice in Game 6, the St. Louis Cardinals beat the Texas Rangers 6-2 in Game 7 of the World Series to win the club's 11th crown. WIMBLEDON UPSET Petra Kvitova , a 21-year-old Czech, overpowered three-time Grand Slam champion Maria Sharapova to earn her first Grand Slam win. STANLEY CUP After home-team wins in the first six games, Boston trounced Vancouver 4-0, sparking riots in downtown Vancouver. Boston goaltender Tim Thomas was named the MVP after allowing just eight goals in the =;;,~;ry;,;~~:)f=-jiiliiii series. LEADER START TO FINISH Rory l:' Mcilroy, a 22-year-old Northern Irishman, won the U.S. Open by eight strokes, setting a new course record. FINALLY! Cadel Evans, twice runner-up, became the first Australian (and, at 34, the oldest rider since World War II) to win the Tour de France. UCONN CROWN The No. 3 seed Huskies outlasted Butler 53-41 in the finals, making Coach Jim Calhoun the fifth coach ever to win three NCAA titles.

LIN-TASTIC Harvardeducated NY Knick Jeremy Lin was the NBA's newest

him in to the point guard position.


OVERTIME! Nearing elimination, American Abby Wambach's header tied the score against Brazil. Before the United States won 5-3. FANS WORLDWIDE The United States and Japan played one of the most-watched finals in World Cup history. JAPAN WINS Japan came from behind twice to take the FIFA World Cup honors 3-1 in a morale-boosting win after the devastating earthquakes/ tsunami.


FASCINATING! Cousin to the groom and wedding attendee Princess Beatrice was among the many who wore hats; her "fascinator" was designed by Irish milliner to the stars, Philip Treacy.

A FAVORITE POSE Following the ceremony at Westminster Abbey, Kate Middleton and Prince William headed to Buckingham Palace for the reception. An estimated 2 billion viewers watched the nuptials on television. The April 29, 2011 celebrations were the U.K.'s biggest royal event since the 1997 funeral of William's mother, Princess Diana, who died in an auto accident. PIPPA MAKES WAVES The bride's younger sister, Pippa Middleton, was her maid of honour. Less than two years apart in age, the duo both worked for their family's party business. A NEW STYLE Kate and sister Pippa inspired young women with their preference for classic , affordable pieces.

SPOTIFY The Swedish online music streaming service grew to more than 10 million users with Facebook integration. NETFLIX APOLOGIZES Customer backlash caused the video company to renounce its decision to separate its online and mail rental services. iPHONE 4S The fifth generation iPhone was the first model to feature Siri, a voice-activated control system which could answer questions and control the phone. SOPA/PIPA On January 18, Google, Wikipedia, Word Press and hundreds of other sites participated in an online protest of bills feared to threaten free expression. GOOGLE PLUS The social networking service was released in phases beginning in June 2011. BON JOVI DEATH HOAX Facebook and Twitter contributed to the rapid spread of false news of the rocker's demise in December.


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ALL "POMPEO" UP Grammy-nominated singer Bruno Mars channeled rockabilly style with his pompadour and classic suits. Mars was the best-selling digital artist in 2011, with three singles in the top 10. MARKETING PLAN Abercrombie offered to pay MTV's "Jersey Shore" cast members not to wear its clothes on air. BELIEB IT! It was big news when Justin Beiber cut and then colored his famous locks. The singer turned 18 in March.





HIS STORY The biography of Steve Jobs, written by Walter Isaacson, was Amazon's best-selling book of 2011 in October.

THE WORLD MOURNED A GREAT INNOVATOR After years of speculation about his health, Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigned his post in August. On Oct. 5, at 56, pancreatic cancer took the California visionary too soon. Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in 1976 and, with his childhood friend, Steve Wozniak, marketed what was considered the world's first successful personal computer, changing the world. GONE AT 48 Whitney Houston was set to perform at Clive Davis' pre-Gram my party at the Beverly Hilton hotel. Instead, the affair turned into a tribute for the singerI actress/ model who was found lifeless in her suite that afternoon. GABBY GIFFORDS RECOVERY The Democrat from Arizona, who survived a shooting in January 2011, stepped down from office a year later to concentrate on her recovery. A special election was set to fill the remainder of her term. FINAL LIFT OFF After nearly four decades of space exploration, America's three re-usable shuttles were retired over a five-month period in 2011. The shuttles Discovery, Endeavor and Atlantis were housed at museums from coast to coast as research continued from the International Space Station and future development and operation of new rockets and capsules was shifted from the


@ReallyVirtual SohalbAtnar

Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it. 9 houts ago ~oa TweetDeck

Favonte 1."1 Aelweet ., Reply

BOXING LEGEND Former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier died of liver cancer in Philadelphia at 67. A Gold medalist in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Frazier won 73% of his fights by knockout and was known for his left hook. DICTATOR KIM JONG IL North Korea's long-time leader, believed to have had a stroke in 2008, died of a heart attack in December. His third son, Kim Jong Un, had been named his successor in September of 2010. OOOOH YEAAHHHHH The WWF's Macho Man Randy Savage died in Florida in May, 2011 when he had a heart attack while driving. The six-time world champion, who'd been retired from wrestling for more than five years, also did movie voiceovers. JOE PATERNO At 86, Penn State's head football coach had won more Division I games than any other coach (409); he went undefeated five times and had won 24 bowl games. He left the university amid controversy in November and died in January. DUNDER MIFFED? After seven seasons playing Michael Scott, Steve Carrell left The Office to concentrate on his movie career. While Carrell had originally announced that he would not return after the 2011 season, CBS later decided that the final episodes of the season would focus on the challenges of replacing Scott at the Scranton branch of the mythical paper company. AMY WINEHOUSE On July 23, 2011 Grammy award-winning singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London home. Following her death, the 2006 album, Back to Black, became the U.K.'s bestselling album in the 21st century.



selling its Marty McFiy self-lacing shoes in September, but it was the Air Jordan XI Concord that caused chaos, lines and holiday shopping scenarios that required police assistance. PLANKING It wasn't enough to lay face down, expressionless with your arms at your side and fingers and toes pointed. To "count" as planking, a photo or video needed to be posted online.

IT'S EVERYWHERE! From bacon bandages to an ever-growing array of edible products, bacon prevailed. Bacon-flavored cupcakes, lip balm and dental floss found their way to market.

EVERYTHING OLD ... lnstagram and Pinterest allowed photographers and crafters to create and share online. CRAZY FOR COUPONS From TV shows and websites teaching people to save to online services like Groupon and Living Social, it was all about getting more for less. MIA (MISSING IN ACTION) Thanks to Twitter, the world was very aware of a 20-inch cobra thought to be missing from the Bronx Zoo. After a week of searches, the three-ounce female was discovered onsite.


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