Notre dame high school canticle 1962web

Page 1

The Canticle Presented by the Glass of 1962 f.l

Notre Dame High School Trenton, New Jersey

and of liberty. -Disraeli

Wherein We find The Administration And Faculty Page 8

The Curriculum Page 34

Interesting Activities Page 64

Exceptional Features Page 84

Exciting Athletics Page 98

Spiritual Activities Page 118

Underclassmen Page 133

The Seniors Page 158



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the gentle humming of the loom comes forth this Canticle,

~ the second edition of a memory song re-echoing the events of the past four years here at Notre Dame. We, the class of 1962, have attempted to weave into our tapestry of life a bit of the choice colors of carefree student days, tempered with the more somber hues of work and prayer and highlighted by a touch of success - yes, even a chance shadow of failure creeps in here and there - not to destroy, but rather to bring out the best in our proposed masterpiece. In pulling together the loose threads that end this portion of our lives, we have tried to leave you todais realities patterned with all the promise of adequate design for future enrichment - for pleasant afterthoughts - for memories, golden memories - for dreams enough to span the years to come and to keep us toiling away to complete the Divine plan on the frame of high school days - a substantial foundation for greater things to come.


. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . the course of our high school life our principal, spiritual director, association with the ~chool, you have victorious over the numerous demands of. this threefold office. Assisted by an exceptional faculty as wei ~ ..,.. n .... ve staff, you, Father, have guided our even if never reached, far surpasses the st: I in facilities for learni(lg, opportunities challenges for athletic endeavor, and alumni, the rewards of a fighting spirit. It is then in a strong spirit of gratitude dedicate to you, Father Tracy, our \Ja:nnc~I~

Reverend Henry M. Tracy Principal


DEDICATION Dtlting the course of our high school life, we have become increasingly aware of the versatility and indispensability of you, Father Tracy, as our principal, spiritual director, and friend. Throughout your association with the school, you have measured up to and loomed victorious over the numerous demands exacted from you in 路 virtue of. this threefold office. Assisted by an exceptional faculty as well as a competent administrative staff, you, Father, have guided our school toward a goal that, even if never reached, far surpasses the status of any other high school in facilities for learning, opportunities for character development, challenges for athletic endeavor, and with the accumulation of an alumni, the rewards of a fighting sp~it. It is then in a strong spirit of gratitude that we, the class of 1962, dedicate to you, Father Tracy, our Canticle.

Cl) EFLECTIONS on our happy school days turn our hearts and

J\.. minds at once to our administrators and teachers whose endless generosity have contributed so bountiful1y to our Catholic education. Their great knowledge has revealed the many facets of truth and constantly challenged us to explore and discover other fields of interest. The deep religious spirit of the administration and faculty has provided the structure for our portrait. Through our four years, they have contributed the golden strands that have guided us in perfecting the weave. These threads have not only brightened our intellects by helping us store a wealth of knowledge, but have also aided us in developing a strain of moral principles. These men and women worked silently supporting our failures with words of encouragement and congratulating our victories with joy. In times of indecision their counseling has dispelled our fears and restored our hopes. We have come to think of them not only as our teachers but also as our friends. We realize that the administration and faculty is composed of distinct and real individuals, each contributing a very definite something toward the education of the whole man an influence which may be partially realized presently but fully appreciated only in subsequent years.

Stimulated by our administrators . . .

His Excellency



we assemble our materials.

Reverend Henry M. Tracy Principal

Catholic education in the Diocese of Trenton depends heavily on several dedicated men who plan its course and direct its energies into productive channels. Under our beloved Bishop George W. Ahr, himself, zealous and devoted to the extension of Catholic education for all, the diocesan school system is ever advancing. In the immediate area of Notre Dame High School, Father Tracy, dedicated to the principle of furthering the ends of Catholic youth formation, has proved himself a firm believer in Alma Mater and everything for which it stands. His is the hand that has served selflessly and guided us lest we falter working out our tapestry of life. 11

Inspirational direction . . .

Right Reverend MONSIGNOR JOHN J. ENDEBROCK Superintendent of Schools


guides our hand . . .

REVEREND THOMAS J. FRAIN Assistant Superintendent of Schools

Bearing the burden of the advancement of Catholic education are Right Reverend Monsignor ~John J. Endebrock, Superintendent of Schools, and his able associate, Reverend Thomas J. Frain. Together they share the responsibility of all schools with their relative problems, ever effecting the stimulation of creative projects and encouraging the sustaining of successful achievement.


SISTER MARY ELEAN'O R Assistant Principal


to the stroke of the art work. Grateful sentiments arise in our souls as we look back over the four short years, recalling every inspiration that God has given us through you, Sister Mary Eleanor. From our very first day at Notre Dame High School, it has been your influence which has inspired us to make the best of our daily school life. You have made us feel your interest by giving us the personal benefit of your overwhelming enthusiasm and gracious personality. The 路happiness and loyalty you have shown us during our days at our Alma Mater are visible evidences of your true devotion to the entire student body. Through your leadership and untiring efforts you have taught us the many advantages which lead to a sound mind within a sound body. Your smile and kind words have radiated a warmth that will live in our hearts long after graduation day. To you, dear Sister, we wish to express our humble thanks and appreciation for your kindness and generosity, your patience and understanding, your expert guidance, and above all your shining example as a Sister of Mercy.


Guidance Counselors In order to mitigate the difficulties which students often encounter on the way toward the responsibilities of adult life, the guidance department provides the advice and judgment which only maturity can offer. The counselors strive to help each student develop the type of academic program best suited to his needs. These services are organized activities designed to give systematic aid to pupils in solving problems and in making sound and intelligent adjustments to their various situations. REVEREND THOMAS A. COFFEY Director of Guidance

Father Coffey and Sister Mary Emmanuel keep career pamphlets handy to help students reach decisions. Mrs. Betty Jacobs, secretary to the guidance department, keeps office routine running smoothly.


Class advisors Sister Mary Alexander, Sister Mary Helen, Sister Mary Victor and Mr. Dominick De Marco meet with Father Coffey and Sister Mary Emmanuel to formulate plans to improve the guidance program.

aid the individual

Planning for the future is important to all seniors. In the guidance reading room, janet Alach, Robert Chianese, and Robert Anderson look at college catalogues in an attempt to reach the important decision: Which college should I attend?

SISTER MARY EMMANUEL Assistant Director of Guidance


SISTER MARY ALEXANDER Senior Homeroom, Religion IV United States History II Senior Class Advisor Cooking Club Moderator

SISTER MARY AMBROSE Senior Homeroom, Religion IV Trigonometry, Algebra II Advanced Algebra Student Council Moderator

SISTER MARY ANDREW Senior Homeroom, Plane Geometry Religion IV Canticle Advisor

SISTER MARY ANSELM Chairman of Social Science Dept. United States History II Forensic Moderator

MR. DONALD APAI Bookkeeping I, II, Typing I Photography Club Moderator

MR. GLENN ARNETT Instrumental Music Orchestra, String Ensemble

SISTER MARY ASSISIUM Sophomore Homeroom, Religion I English I, II Remedial Reading


Mr. Apai explains the work sheet to Kathleen Levendusky, Henry Angelucci, Cynthia Aug, Francis Scott and Andrea Banker.

We develop the technique The dictionary defines "faculty" as a body of persons entrusted with the government and instruction in an institution of learning. To us this is indeed a formal but inadequate manner of describing the group of religious and laymen who have devoted not merely the fruits of their scholastic training and experiences but a definite part of their personalities to us, their students. We are grateful to them for supplying the multi-hued threads which form the pattern. It is up to us to intertwine them and then await the finishing touch which will be supplied by the skill of the Divine Weaver.

Sister Mary Athanasius explains to Raymond Olfky, }(athy Tevere, and Michael Thoma that the age of the sea-anemone is told by the holes.


SISTER MARY ATHANASIUS Chairman of Science Department Biology, Mathematics and Science Review Junior Future Nurses Club Moderator

MR. PATRICK BUSH Mechanical Drawing I, II

SISTER MARY CARLOS Chairman of Home Economics Department, Sophomore Homeroom Religion II, Foods and Clothing Homeroom IV Style Club Moderator

SISTER MARY CATHERINE Junior Homeroom, Spanish I, II, III Spanish Honor Society Moderator Hostess Committee Advisor


Hgm e room

Al gebra I

REVEREND WILLIAM J. CAPIK Chairman of Religion Department Religion IV Moderator of Athletics

MISS DOROTHY CELLINI Sophomore Homeroom, Chemistry Applied Chemistry, Religion I Social Committee


SISTER MARY CHARLOTTE Junior Homeroom, English III Religion III Assembly Committee Advisor Cue 'n Curtain Club Moderator

MR. ELRIC CICCHETTI Sophomore Homeroom, Typing 1 Salesmanship III, General Business

MR. STANLEY CIER Physical Education, Health Sports Club Moderator, Soccer Baseball Coach

accumulated through the expenences

MISS MARY COLVEY Physical Education III, First Aid IV Driver Education, Home Nursing IV Health I, II Sports Club Moderator

Sister Mary Charlotte poses with assembly chairmen John Powers, Kathleen Kramer, Mary Ellen Buchanan and Richard Moore.

Miss Calvey plans the basketball schedule with Mary Krainski and Frances Randow. 20

MR. JAMES COURTNEY Junior Homeroom Consumer Education Introductory Business Training

MR. WILLIAM CREAMER Physical Education, Health Driver Education Athletic Advisor, Basketball Coach Varsity Club Moderator

SISTER MARY DANIEL Chairman of Music Department Music I, II Glee Club Moderator

MR. JOSEPH DEANGELIS Freshman Homeroom, Algebra I Business Mathematics II

Senior.'! Kenneth McDaniels, Thomas Schuler and Donald Roberts discuss Beethoven with Sister Mary Daniel.

Father Tracy and Mr. DeAngelis find that little white paper very interesting.

Mt. ]ames Courtney shares the news with Gerald Pannone, Anne Jackson, Madeline Russo, John Osborne and Elizabeth Jackson. 21

Patrick Ryan and Thomas Benham learn about the Minivac 601 with the help of Sister Mary Dennis. MR. DOMINICK DE MARCO Freshman Homeroom General Science I Physics Club Moderator Freshman Class Advisor


of prudent directors

SISTER MARY DENNIS Senior Homeroom, Religion IV Plane Geometry Sodality Moderator Senior Future Nurses Club Moderator

MR. CONSTANTINE DIAMOND Physics IV Physical Science IV

MR. MICHAEL ELKO Junior Homeroom, Religion III United States History I Assistant Football Coach

SISTER MARY ELOISE Chairman of Business Education Department, Secretarial Practice Business Law Future Business Leaders of America Club Moderator

SISTER MARY EUGENE Sophomore Homeroom, Latin II Religion II Latin Club Moderator

SISTER MARY FRANCINE Senior Homeroom, Typing I, II Personal Typing

Cheryl Rinz, Joseph Rasimicz, Sister Mary Gratia, and Patricia Mackiewicz prepare to enjoy Shakespeare's Macbeth.

who guide us

SISTER MARY GABRIEL Senior Homeroom, English IV Projection Club Moderator

MRS. JOYCE GRAF Chairman of Physical Education D ept. Physical Education II, IV Health II, IV, Driver Education Girls Sports Moderator

SISTER MARY GRATIA Senior Homeroom, English IV Honor Society Moderator

MRS. THOMAS GRIBBIN Stenography I, II Transcription

MR. CHARLES HANEY Vital Mathematics, Trigonometry General Science, Physical Science Business Arithmetic. Math ematics Honor Society Moderator

SISTER MARY HELEN Chairman of Language Department French II, III Junior Class Advisor

MR. WILLIAM HUMENAY Music I, II, Basic Music Instrumental Music Band, Dance Band


MR. RICHARD KELTY Sophomore Homeroom, Religion II English II

SISTER MARY MARTINUS Freshman Homeroom, Religion I Algebra I, General Mathematics II Sewing Club Moderator 24

SISTER MARY JANET Sophomore Homeroom, Religion II Future Teachers of America Club Moderator

SISTER MARY JOYCE Chairman of Art Department Freshman Homeroom, Art I, II, III, IV Art Club Moderator

SISTER MARY MAGDALEN Freshman Homeroom, Latin I Mission Club Moderator

SISTER MARY MALACHY Freshman Homeroom, Religion I, III World History I, World Culture I

Sister Mary Joy ce supervises the work of Kathleen Burt, Rose Mary Pogrowski, Dorothy Avery, and Elizabeth Dell.

. tn the creation



the masterpiece.

Robert Prezioso and Stephen ]ones take a tip from Miss Maziarz. Donald Bramley and Di.ane Bernhard evidently feel practice makes perfect.

SISTER MARY MATILDA Chairman of Mathematics Department Algebra I, II, Trigonometry III

MISS BARBARA MAZIARZ Sophomore Homeroom, Typing I, II Transcription, Social Committee Future Business Leaders of America Club Moderator

MR. JOSEPH NIT A Freshman Homeroom, World History Economic Geography Football Coach Archery Club Moderator

MRS. MARY PALENCHAR Latin II, III, English III Latin Club Moderator

MR. JOHN PALLAY Junior Homeroom United States History I Freshman Football Coach Proctor Committee Advisor

SISTER MARY PASCHAL Junior Homeroom, English II Religion III, Lady Lore Advisor Pen and Pencil Club Moderator


SISTER MARY PETRINA Freshman Homeroom, English I Religion I

MR. WALTER PORTER Physical Education, Health Driver Education, Football Coach Sports Club Moderator

SISTER MARY RAYMOND Junior Homeroom, Chemistry Science Club Moderator


Sister Mary Robert checks Michael Carrig's book while Ann Burger and Gloria Facia await their turn.

SISTER MARY PROTASE Freshman Homeroom, English I 路 Religion I Red Cross Club Moderator


MRS. CLYDE RADER Assistant Librarian

MR. RONALD ROSSELL Sophomore Homeroom, Civics I World History I, Religion I

Sister Mary Shaun and Claire Bobownik find history posters amusing.

MRS. MAUREEN SCHAEFFER Sophomore Homeroom English II, French II

SISTER MARIA TRINITAS Senior Homeroom, Latin III German II, III,Chess Club Moderator Forensic Club Advisor

MR. JOSEPH SEMANCHIK Sophomore Homeroom, Biology General Biology, General Science Biology Club Moderator

SISTER MARY VICTOR Sophomore Homeroom French 1, II Sophomore Class Advisor

MRS. MARGARET RYAN Health I, II, III, Driver Education Physical Education I, II, III Moderator of Cheerleaders

SISTER MARY SHAUN Senior Homeroom, Religion III United States History I, II Future Teachers of America Club Moderator

SISTER MARY VICTORIA Junior Homeroom, German I Latin IV, Religion III Student Banking Moderator Knights of Notre Dame Advisor Bridge Club Moderator


The office staff .

MRS. BETTY JACOBS Secretary to the Guidance Department

MISS AUDREY SOLACK Secretary to Assistant Principal


Always willing to lend a helping hand, our friendly secretaries, Miss Markulec, Miss Solack, and Mrs. Jacobs, find time to accommodate all.


MRS. JEROME WEITZ Secretary to Principal Bookkeeper

gives service gladly.

Mrs. Weitz and Miss Luberto pause momentarily from their busy schedule to smile for the photographer.


MISS MARIE LUBERTO Assistant Bookkeeper

Doctor and Nurse team In the interest of the health of the student body, the administration has a school physician, Dr.


Michael Fiorello, a school dentist,

Dr. Frederick


Barlow, and a registered

nurse, Mrs. William Dougherty. Together they conduct an annual medical examination of all students. Working full time, Mrs. Dougherty assists in the annual patch tests, looks for defective vision in students, and applies first aid when DR.


required. MICHAEL FIORELLO School Physician




Doctor Barlow, school dentist, gives Christine Wawrzyniak a thorough check-up in the well equipped medical suite. Marcia Davies is the assistant for the day. 路

guard our health. Seniors Mildred Goeke and Gloria Pacia take a tip from Mrs. Dougherty. The victim, Robert Toft, loves the attention.


Cooks and custodians

MR. WILLIAM HOEFLICH Manager of Students' Dining Room The dining room becomes the center of activity at lunch time. Here columns of students wait patiently for the staff to serve them.

The dining room staff from left to right: Mr. J. Westerman, Mr. R. Harris, Dorothy Winkowski, Stella Larcomb, Mrs. Radlinsky, Winifred Harding, Mrs. Cartilege, Mrs. Agoes, Mr. Cribb.

Dishwashing presents no problem for Mr. Westerman.

Mrs. Radlinsky and Mrs. Agoes prepare appetizing salads. Stella Larkin calmly serves an all-time favorite to the first group of juniors.


serve our needs.

Mr. Fred Bechter checks waste paper baskets.

MR. PAUL RADLINSKY Superintendent of Maintenance

Mrs. Virginia Ackers keeps the family living center sparkling.

Mr. Francis Quill takes great pride in our beautiful campus and gives it loving care.

Charles Ralph and John McDonough work on a prop for the "Merry Widow,.

Mr. Thomas Ward and Mr. Arthur Dupras check the schedule for the day. Marge, Kate, and Mary keep classrooms and corridors in tip-top order.



LASSROOM activity is the principle ingredient within the school curriculum and formal learning thus receives its main emphasis through its primary agent, the classroom. Since the heart of any school is the classroom, and education its business, the administrators have recognized the need for a certain repertoire of specific courses to suit individual needs. Every opportunity is given the prospective graduate to prepare himself to face the challenges of the future. Whether one chooses a classical, scientific, secretarial, or clerical course, the subjects are so arranged as to develop the mind, to mature the individual, and to stimulate an interest in all phases of school life. In today's world, the necessity for intellectual knowledge cannot be denied. To succeed in one's chosen vocation, one must know every facet of his field. More important is the injection of Catholic principles and ideals into every way of life. \Vith this sprinkling of religion the portrait of a Notre Dame curriculum is complete.

Seniors Alice Grodnicki and Robert Toft's discussion draws looks of approval from English literature students.

ENGLISH Interested English students observe as Mary Ann Liptak "points the way". ]oseph ]achetti gives a convincing performance in his English literature class.


There is no single factor which bespeaks the culture of a man so clearly as the ability to express himself in good English, both in speech and in writing. English is required of all students throughout the four years of high school. In an effort to aid the students, the department stresses correct grammar, good composition and famous literature. The beauty of both sound and meaning, achieved through poetry and prose, are without doubt one of the greatest cultural achievements of man.

Dolores Krecicki as Lady Macbeth makes the drama "come alive" for English IV honor students Sheila Sweeney, Joan Wasko, Elsie Santin, Frances Randow, ]ames Panacek and Marcia Notta.

Sister Mary Gabriel gives English students Anthony Zuccarello, Melanie Williams, Carolyn Tysowski, Ronald Consol, Jacqu eline DeBoskey, Maryann Mraz, and Lottie Bednarek plenty to think about. Literary-minded seniors Patricia Kovacs, Edward Montague, Thomas Jantz, Daniel Flynn and Susan Johnston discuss "The Ugly American."

Mildred Goeke recites as critical students evaluate her observations.


History students Robert Kiernan, Linda Garzillo, Rosemary Pogrowski and Margaret Marek discuss "A nation in a democracy."


History is the chronicle of man, the story of what man has d9ne with himself and to other men; it is the understanding of the present in the light of the past. Social science students are encouraged to review the past and foresee the future with word and picture. To add depth to the course in national problems the American Observer is read. Debates and round-table discussions lend spice to the classes. Lectures and readings, recordings and dramatizations keep the past alive; while from news broadcasts, film strips and headlines a considerable amount of information is gained.

Senior Thomas Geraci leads his history class in a lively discussion of current affairs.


Patricia Fitton and classmates Gloria Pacia, William Radlinsky, ]ames Conway and Julia Bremerman combine ideas on world events.

The symbol of the United States holds the attention of Robert Geis, Joseph ]achetti, David McGee, Edith Serafine, and Margaret McGovern, as Patricia Mooney explains a point of interest.

Seniors William Griggs, Robert Geis, Richard Moore, ]ames Conway, William Mullen and Richm路d Caccamis conduct an informal history symposium.


Theresa Domanski and Richard Ford explain the structure of the Eiffel Tower to eager learners Joyce Bliznowicz and Lois Willis.

The most valuable result from the study of a foreign language is the awakening of a


sympathy for and an understanding of the people of other lands. Language gives us the gift of many tongues and widens our understanding of the customs and cultures connected with these people. To aid the student in acquiring skills in French, German, Spanish, and Latin, the administrators have installed a language laboratory which is an excursion to adventure.

Madlyn Grimes, Eileen Tylus, William Radlinsky, and Courtney Renegar investigate cultural items displayed as "Sunny Spain's, music flows through the classroom.


"Rudolph der Rote Nose Zugelkirsch" German III students June Foley, Marie Wagner, Patricia Fitton, Mary Krainski, Carol MacKenthun, Gloria Pacia, Richard Muccioli and Antonius DeKonink sing as Sister Maria Trinitas records the group, who were loud, if not harmonious.

French III students Gary Chorba and Cynthia Cracker experiment with French conversation in the language lab.

Senior Latin students arrange projects-Marcia Matysek and Marcia Notta straighten Caesar as Richard Ford and Robert Craven perfect their map.

Latin IV seniors Patricia Sullivan, Susan Johnston, Edward Montague, Kathleen Culliton and Warren Steele combine talents to translate Latin magazines.


Jean Connolly explains to Courtney Renegar the do's and don'ts for writing a term paper.


Seniors Michele Lake, Patricia Maher, and Francis Babuschak demonstrate good use of the library in Notre Dame's reference department.

The card catalogue is put to good advantage as John Ash and Minerva Lownie search for the title of the latest best seller.

The search of knowledge begins at the library where the students can pursue intellectual activities. the perfect complement to the classroom. Here, amid the stacks, better cultural and scientific knowledge may be gained. Visits to the library are encouraged by all teachers for it is here that the students acquire the materials of a firm foundation through the cultivation of knowledge in an effort to better oneself. 42

The facilities of the library makes research work a pleasure for honor students Kathleen Burt, Marcia Matysek, Thomas Jantz, Susan Johnston, Gary Chorba and Cynthia Cracker.

Mrs. Rader, assistant librarian, always gives service with a big smile.

Susan Kinnevy and Regina Laczko use the library conference room to keep up with the news.


MATHEMATICS Whether preparing for college or the business world, the students have all come in contact with the Mathematics Department. Since variety is the spice of life, the department offers many branches of mathematics, such as plane geometry, algebra, trigonometry, college algebra, and business mathematics. With the approaching electronic and space age this department is the most important stepping stone in the quest for a clear perception of truth. Man daily applies expert knowledge and technical skill to discover an answer to the many unsolved mysteries of the universe. It is just this that each member of the department aims to do. Joseph Petty describes the conic section to Debra Collins.

Thomas Jantz, Georgette Westerman, AnrÂŁ Burger, and Edward Sare watch closely as ]ames Evans proves his answer.

Mr . Haney helps John Power, John Pietras, Thomas Maguire, and Joseph ]achetti with some business math.


\:1 l"fll;

J l'rl \i

Senior math enthusiasts Alice Grodnicki and Lottie Bednarek inspect an oversized slide rule.

Trigonometry "whizzes" Fiota Perna, Renee Friel, Joseph Sokolowski, George Williams and Michael Carrig confer on a difficult problem.


Sister Mary Ambrose assists math students Lawrence Miller, Joseph O'Donnell and Daniel Pietras.


Marcia Krupa tests Lois Mayer's reflexes as ]o Anne Peters consults the book to compare the nerve with the chart.

The problem of air[ressure is tackled by Anthony Dorsey, Ronal Boszak and joseph Dotter.

SCIENCE Budding scientists Katherine Hepburn, Gail Gallagher, Margarete Drobnak and Patricia Zuczek emulate Madame Curie in a senior chemistry class as they prepare bromine in order to study its properties.


Frank Piechota explains the color machine to Robert Colavita, John Pietras and John Zygmunt.

In this century man moved all the sciences forward at a rapid pace and generated many new ones. While some discoveries contribute greatly to the betterment of man, others could prove to be his very destruction. The Science Department prepares us well to step into this swift moving world of science. Not only does it provide us with a thorough background of knowledge but also with a proper moral training. Six excellently equipped laboratories and two green houses make it possible for stuflents to perform individual and group experiments.

Bonnie Kearns, Karl Megules, and Carol Wagner collaborate in fractional distillation of gasoline. Mr. Diamond uses the optical disc to explain dispersion and refraction of light to Francis Babuschak, Frank Sansone and Richard Moore.

Masters at arts and crafts, Karen Murphy, Georgette Westerman, William Griggs, Karen Kozma and William Mullen arrange displays.

Senior artists complete oil paintings in Sister Mary Joyce's advanced art class. They are Kathleen Burt, Rosemary Pogrowski, Dorothy Avery and Sheila Sweeney.


The significance of art in our modern world lies in its function to excite human consciousness to ever higher levels of experience. The creative process elevates our awareness toward more sentitive horizons of consciousness and develop in each of us a keener insight to the meaning of our existence. Without this experience no man is truly educated.

Pensive seniors work diligently at mechanical drawing .


Carol Rutkowski, Carol Tysowski and Darlene Siciliano present a pretty picture of their own in the advanced art class.

Printing college night forms are efficient workers Patricia Kovacs, Elizabeth Dell and Patricia Mooney.


Carolyn Yurcho, Gerald deBlois, Paula Nerwinski and Darlene Williams collect information on the autoharp.


Accompanied by Pasquale Colavita, choraleers Charles Nagy, Joseph Jachetti, .Thomas Smith, Thomas Schuler, Joseph Halsey, June Foley, Catherine Hillman, Stella Ostapuck and Gaetana Borgia rehearse under the direction of Sister Mary Daniel.


Violin virtuosos Edward Quick, Carol Southwick, Claire McElroy and Ronald Krisak tune up before an assembly.

Through general music courses, specialized elective courses, and instrumental training, the Music Department contributes, in a special way, to the needs of Notre Dame students. The program is designed to develop music appreciation, knowledge and路skill; to provide all students with the opportunity to become appreciative listeners, performers, and consumers of music. After participating in exchange assemblies, talent shows and other public appearances, the culminating activity of the year is the Spring Music Festival, in which the band, orchestra, and vocal students participate. The Music Department aims to develop tradition within culture and to give students an appreciation of the true beauty and greatness of music.

Mr. Arnett gives Karl M egules some directions for orchestration.


On Parade

Michael Lettiere gives last minute instruttions to the members of the color guard.

The band members, in their attractive uniforms, are ready to perform.

Band members Gerald Pannone, ]ames Welsh, Thomas Ponticello, joseph Midura, Lawrence Pitcherello and Harold Youmans strike a pose.


The Notre Dame dance band under the direction of Mr. William Humenay, plays for our annual Talent Show.

The Notre Dame Orchestra pauses in its rehearsal to pose for our cameraman. They are left to right, FRONT ROW: Claire McElroy, Barbara Swietlik, Susan Ganovsky, Joan Gradus, Carol Southwick, Edward Quick, Ronald Krisak, William Coleman, Janice Runkle. SECOND ROW: Jules Harlicka, Leonard Shaeffer, Helen Baylog, Lorean Thomas, Robert Snyder, Joseph Midura, Michael Wojciechowicz,

Paul Sollami, Thomas Ponticello, John Bachalis. THIRD ROW: David Nicols, George Kelly, Louis Favata, Harold Youmans, Edward Landerkin. FOURTH ROW: Richard Green, William Gronikowski, Thomas Mahoney, Joseph Ritz, Gerald Pannone. Piano, Carl Megules. Instructor, Mr. Glenn Arnett.


Future secretaries Patricia McCloskey, Louise Simonelli, Joan McGowan, Linda Garzillo and Barbara Schwiekert appear as models of efficiency.

The basic essentials of business training as well as the more specialized skills necessary to the operation of an efficient office are presented to the pupils. In its early stages, business training consists of acquiring skill and speed in stenography, typing and bookkeeping. After these more basic skills are mastered, students are given a sample of actual office procedure which is stimulated in clerical office practice and secretarial practice courses. The Business Department believes that perfection is achieved tlu:ough practice, so all members of the department strive to encourage speed, accuracy, and interest in the business courses offered.

Dictating with a smile is senior secretarial student I acqueline Connor.

Business students Elizabeth Dell, Karen Murphy, Jean Trignani, Joan Gradus and Patricia Maher confer with Mr. Apai.


Speedy typists Faith Peterson and Kathleen Render practice amid other busy secretarial students.

Senior secretaries Nancy Persichetti and Mary Ann Mraz file correspondence.


Typists work under the guidance of business teacher Miss Barbara Maziarz.


Checking table setting are clever homemakers Janet Alach, Michele Lake and Catharine Matlack.


Artistic seniors Jo Anne Peters, Mildred Goeke, Judith Wofcik, Marcia Krupa and Dolores Onda arrange flowers as part of their Home Economics training.

Rosemary Pogrowski serves as model for dressmakers Mary Jane Faust and M aureen Seiler in senior sewing class.


Sandra Collard and Mary ]o Helfrich, home ec chefs, try their hands at cake baking.

Home decorators Edith Serafine, Mary Jane Faust, and Maureen Seiler dress up the already attractive family living center.

Home Economics courses develop within the students attitudes of pride and appreciation toward home and family. Girls who are interested in the homemaking arts refine their previously acquired skills and develop new ones. The study of foods includes nutrition, food preparation, meal planning and table service. Training in clothing places emphasis upon its construction, the use of the sewing machine, the selection and handling of fabrics, and the utilization of commercial patterns. The curriculum also adds a course in family living. Keeping abreast of current professional practice, the girls plan field trips and view specially chosen films. Highlighted by those participating in the program is the fashion show held in May.

Rosemary Pogrowski, Mary jane Faust, and Patricia Kovacs are in the process of basting their individual profect during regular class period.


Rosario Noto is about to be challenged by Carol Wagner and Karl M egules as he attempts to review the principles set down by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical Casti Conubii.

"This will answer your question," states Father Capik to Lottie Bednarek while senior Religion students are busily engaged in getting notebooks up to date. Mary Louise Appleget seems more interested in Lottie's question.

Joseph Fecak, John Pietras, and John Power discuss Faith and its allied virtues before a Religion period.


RELIGION Since the spiritual heights attained in high school set the standards for life, a definite spiritual development must be acquired early. The school, as the center of student activity, is instrumental in molding character and stimulating spiritual growth which will determine the future paths of each individual. Mary Louise Appleget has the undivided attention of Frank Piechota, Joseph Rasimicz, and Thomas Wozniak in preparing a Religion assignment.

Joseph Midura and Salvatore Eppolito settle a difference just before a Religion test. Interested on-lookers Minerva Lownie, Pauline Miller, Eugene Blicharz, David Moon, Richard Falconio, Joseph Petty and Raymond Gorman stand by.


It's a class; still, Richard Caccamis, James Panacek, Joseph Kramarz, Robert Forczek and Neal Orlando find it fun.

A battle for the ball under the basket in a gym class.

Gym class for this senior group begins with some push-ups.


That's one way to keep trim, boys!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION To fulfill the purpose intended by God; the energies of the body must be developed to the utmost. When energy is channeled in the right direction through sports and similar activities, competition, sportsmanship, a sense of fair play develop. Through these facilities, physical prowess results. The physical education department for boys, under the leadership of Mr. William Creamer, offers a broad, well-balanced program of activities designed to develop those desirable skills, interests, habits, and attitudes which will satisfy the students' needs both in and out of high school. The girls' gym department, under the leadership of Mrs. Joyce Graf and competent teachers Miss Calvey and Mrs. Ryan, give the feminine half of Notre Dame instructions in physical education. The ample facilities make possible participation among both boys and girls in an extensive extra-curricular program.


Up and over goes the ball as these senior athletes compete in a game of volleyball.

These energetic seniors have their own rules for volleyball. Completely oblivious of the candid photographer, senior girls don their identifying pinneys ..

Debbie Collins gets ready to bring her team to victory.


Karen Murphy, Maureen O'Keefe and Ingeborg Hintze tally the scores after an intramural game.

Miss Colvey informs Mary Krainski and Frances Randow that the basketball schedule is ready.

Catch it, Diane, it won't bite!

Don't look so sad, girls; tomorrow may be your day to win!


CT HE advantages culled from participation in various organizac/ tions depend greatly upon the personality of the individual. Throughout the hustle and bustle of a busy year our leisure moments were filled with numerous activities. Our loom hummed with activities-student council campaign, the election of the Canticle, Lady Lore and Coronet staffs, formation of clubs, participation in sports, the all-out talent contest, and open rivalry for Merry Widow. We participated in all these for we were sure that these extra-curricular activities served as channels which provided an outlet for 路 self-expression and display of talent.

STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council consists of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, thirteen committee chairmen, and the president of each class. Its aims are the promotion of student activities, the development of harmonious relationships between the faculty and the students, the development of habits of good citizenship, and most important, the promotion of the school's welfare. While the Student Council formally meets once a week, the members are constantly introducing and discussing new ideas with other student groups. A faculty adviser is present at all formal meetings so that direct faculty-student and student-faculty relationships may be maintained-thereby insuring that the faculty is kept abreast of all Student Council business. The main cog in the wheel of democracy is spirit and cooperation. The Student Council is the organization in the school which strengthens these ideals.

Student Council President Patrick McManimon looks over his notes before making council announcements.

Congratulations are in order as Junior Class President Christopher Reeber and Student Council President Patrick McManimon accept Father Tracy's commendations.


Committee Chairman Teresa Domanski looks on as officers Eileen Gray and Carol Puhalski confer on a Student Council matter.

An active Senate responds to speaker George Williams, Edward Montague and ]ames Evans in the annual Student Congress.

Student Council President Patrick McManimon takes the gavel as senior council members William Ward, Elsie Santin and Edward Palsho look attentive.


Bonnie Kearns, Janet Chieffallo, William Budnovitch and Kenneth Kmiec proudly show the Coronet to Dr. Joseph Seidlin the chairman of the Middle States evaluating committee.

Every school needs its own newspaper, but in a school such as ours, the need is especially great. The current news of Notre Dame High School appears in each edition of the Coronet along with poetry and stories contributed by staff members. Under the supervision of Sister Mary Jacinta, 路 the Coronet provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in writing, layout, and actual publication of such a periodical. Moreover, the members of the staff learn to cooperate with one another to achieve a common goal.

Coronet editors Charles Small, Susan Johnston, Michael Procaccino, Dolores Krecicki and Patricia Kovacs gather around editor-in-chief, Stephen ]ones.



Coronet feature staff members hard at work are Edith Serafine, Sheila Sweeney, Dolores Krecicki, June Foley, Susan Johnston, Michael Procaccino and Patricia Kovacs. Senior photographers Thomas Geis and Stephen ]ones pool their darkroom knowledge.

Phyllis Skowronski, Janet Wass, Fiota Perna, Mary Jo Feldhege and Barbara Lacomchiek take over circulation duties for the Coronet.

Seniors on the circulation staff, Barbara Kutarnia, Joan Gradus, Patricia Maher, Patricia Sullivan, Margaret McGovern, Barbara Kish and Carol MacKenthun mail copies of the Coronet.


Editor Eileen Tylus discusses copy with assistant editor Joseph Esposito.

THE CANTICLE The creation of a yearbook is a task that requires boundless energy, limitless patience, and an equal amount of love for work. Under the leadership of their editor, Eileen Tylus, the staff worked hard and the driving force was to make the Canticle the designer and interpreter of Notre Dame. Though the advisor, the editor, and the members of the staff experienced many anxious moments in creating and developing the theme, these are all forgotten in the joy of presenting to you not a record of events but a profile of the moods and attitudes that accompany the happenings of the year - the reflection of Notre Dam.e's vital spirit.

Master school photographer, Thomas Geis, reveals darkroom technique.


Business staff editors Carol MacKenthun, Janet Wass, and Barbara Kutarnia keep records straight for the Canticle.

Robert Toft, Madlyn Grimes, Mildred Goeke, and Edward Montague use creative talents to assemble the 1962 Canticle.

Sports editors John Kramer, John Liwacz, and Robert Loftus compare ideas for the sports layout with Cynthia Cracker.

Nancy Persichetti, Rose Marie Anirina, and Carol D ' Arcy look over copy before typing it. Th e remaining Canticle typists Elizabeth Takacs, Julianne Miele, Joyce Van Doren, and Barbara Vano zzi are hard at work.


Lady Lore circulation staff members looking over finished copy are Kathleen Cooper, Eileen Tylus, Anna Marie Astore, Patricia O'Brien, Rose Mary Tiscione and Carolyn Abel.

LADY LORE Lady Lore's business staff making use of the secretarial room are Helen Pasiewicz, Sandra Hibbert, Marie Immordino, Mary Jane Kyselka, Sally Stankowski and Joan Panacek.


Lady Lore editors Kathleen Cooper and Carolyn Abel discuss new material for Notre Dame's literary magazine.

The English and Art departments have, over a period of five years, been proud to present the creative arts illustrated by the students of Notre Dame through their Marian magazine, Lady Lore. This wonderful magazine is a tribute to our Blessed Mother, brought to life under her guidance, and shared by hundreds who read its words and gain from its ideas. This quarterly magazine cont:s.ins short stories, essays, poetry, features of art and literary nature. The fourth, and final issue of Lady Lore, is a combination of the year's best material plus a few added attractions. It is then sent to the printer to be returned in the form of a real magazine.

Lady Lore art staff, Linda McGrath, Kathleen Burt, Georgette Westerman, Carol W eisgarber . and Patricia Mooney plan illustrations for the new issue.

School clubs put vigor into Notre Dame's student activities program. Enthusiasm teamed with a love of active participation is the key to membership in any one of the thirty-two clubs. These clubs are widely diversified to accommodate the interests of every student and to provide ample food for thought to stimulate the most lethargic mind. For the Sarah Bemhardts and the John Barrymores, the Dramatic Club supplies these aspiring young thespians with competent acting skills and theater direction. The Physics Club and Future Scientists of America Club are the launching pad for those who anticipate conquering the land beyond the stars. Hearsay has it that "A Song in Your Heart" is the password to enter the Glee Club's wonderful world of music located backstage in the choral room. Hearts grow light as they soar with the melodies from My Fair Lady and The King and I. The Cooking and Sewing Clubs increase the poise and charms of each young homemaker as she learns the fine art of cuisine and the revived art of designing and sewing one's own apparel. The Future Business Leaders, The Future Nurses, and The Future Teachers foster responsibility and personal initiative for the career-minded who seek vocational exploration. Extending and enriching the special aptitudes and abilities of the students are the following clubs listed on the Friday schedule: Archery, Art, Biology, Bridge, Chess, Creative Writing, Forensic, Library, Mission, Press, Projection, Radio, Junior Red Cross, Restaurant Management, Sports and Photography. Worthwhile clubs are the building blocks of a sound community. Our clubs at Notre Dame provide us with learning experience to broaden our cultural horizon. We, who have actively participated in our clubs, are richer by far, not with mundane possessions, but with a spirit acquired through the practice of sound social relationships ... a spirit that lingers forever!

Stage craft crew Charles Browne, William Mullen and ]ames Meriwether are busy making scenery for The Merry Widow.


Stephen ]ones is caught in the act of completing a picture during photography club period.

Seniors Marcia Notta, Elsie Santin and Eileen Gray make use of artistic talents in Red Cross Club activities.


The bridge corner finds William Coleman, Eileen Johnson, Richm路d Caccamis and Gail Weiss enjoying club period.

Chess club members Gerry Sellner, Peter Pietras and ]ames Oliver try to corner the king on a Friday morning during the regular club period.

Mr. DeMarco, moderator of the Physics club, illustrates for Lawrence Miller, Daniel Leonard and j oseph Novak the danger involved in ex perim entin g with dust explosion.


Martin Connor, Christopher Reeber, Joseph Licciardello, and Eileen Tylus receive Father Tracy's congratulations on the honor bestowed upon them.

HONOR SOCIETIES In order that pupils may be recognized for serious application to study and challenged to superior performance in scholarship, membership in honor societies is made available. The Bishop Ahr Chapter of the National Honor Society is an organization which recognizes Notre Dame's outstanding students. These students receive membership in the society as the result of election by the faculty. The candidates are chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Membership in the Quill and Scroll International Honor Society for High School Journalists is offered to staff members of the Coronet, Lady Lore and the Canticle.


Senior Honor Society members Susan Johnston, Cynthia Cracker and Gary Chorba confer animatedly on the forthcoming assembly and installation of new members.

After being presented by Courtney Renegar, the initiates of the Spanish National Honor Society recite their oath of allegiance. Standing in the back row are Eileen Tylus, Margaret Buffin, Elizabeth Koerz, Joan Panacek and Helen Pasiewicz. In the front row are officers Diane Accongio, Sally Stankowski, Virginia Blicharz and joan Golinski.

Cynthia Cracker lights a candle as a symbol of learning in the assembly at the installation of Honor Society members.

The Saint Teresa of Avila chapter of the Span-. ish National Honor Society was established during the past scholastic year. Its first members were received in December in an initiation ceremony conducted entirely in Spanish. The purpose of this society is to recognize high achievement in the mastery of the Spanish language and to stimulate a continued interest in it and in the customs and culture of the lands in which it is spoken.

During initiation ceremony, Spanish honor students Irene Misialowski, Constance Miller, Joan Kalafut, Mary Jane Kyselka, Marie Ford, Elizabeth Camhi, Sheryl Albrecht and joan Solack listen attentively as the nature and purpose of the society are explained.


Varsity cheerleaders strike a pretty pose. They are left to right: Rosemary Pogrowski, Elizabeth Takacs, Carol D'Arcy, Cnythia Cracker, Elsie Santin, Lorraine Roslon, Rose Marie Anirina, and Patricia Kuzianik.


The male and female part of the cheerleading squad, Elsie Santin and Patrick McManimon, get together on a cheer.


Captain Carolyn Hustak leads junior varsity cheerleaders Jacqueline DeBoskey, Camille Ott, Donna Parsons, Diane Kmiec, Joy Bonfield, Anne Persichetti, Mildred Goeke and Renee Friel in a practice cheer.

Symbolizing the support of the loyal fans, the cheerleaders perform at athletic contests. In addition to stimulating spirit at games, the pep makers add glamor to sports events. Sponsoring the Football Dance which ended the football season, this group raised money by holding a contest for Mr. Football.

William Ward leads a big cheer for the Irish during the season opener. 79

In January, Franz Lebar's The Merry Widow was presented under the collaborative direction of Sister Mary Eleanor, dramatics; Sister Mary Daniel, music; and Mary Woods Kelly and Robert Wilson, dance. The operetta concerned the romantic adventures of a young Marsovian widow, Sonia. As a child she had been engaged to Danilo, a young officer. Be<.;ause of his nobility and her position as a "commoner," Danilo is forced to break the engagement. Sonia marries M. Sodoya and becomes the heiress to his fortune when he dies. She comes to Paris, where Danilo has been leading a gay, carefree life. Here Popoff, the Marsovian Ambassador, schemes to get the widow's money for his native country. He persuades Danilo to marry her (to get the fortune) for Marsovia. Meanwhile, Popoff's wife, Natalie, declares her love for Camille de Jolidon, but he insists he must marry Sonia. Popoff discovers Jolidon and his wife in the arbor, but when he angrily calls them out, his servant, Nish, lets Sonia in and she emerges with Jolidon. When Sonia reveals she had been taking Natalie's place to save her from her husband's wrath, Danilo admits his love and she responds that she always loved him. This tantalizing comedy, a dash of foreign intrigue, and the bright musical numbers all added up to one of the most sparkling performances on the Notre Dame play bill.

"You are my love, my only one," declares Camille de ]olidon, portrayed by ]oseph ]achetti, to the wife of the ambassador, June Foley.

The Merry Widow Gathered around the "Merry Widow" are eager suitors Joseph Kraus, Joseph Jachetti, Thomas Schuler, Thomas Smith, Joseph Esposito, Pasquale Colav_ita and Michael Carrig.

June Foley as Natalie seems amused by the comic antics of her husband as are her friends Michael Carrig, Cynthia Cracker, Teresa Domanski, Joseph Kraus and Joseph Jachetti.


Principals in "The Merry Widow" pose after the show. They are Francis Scott, Warren Steele, Joseph Jachetti, George Williams, Teresa Domanski, Joseph Esposito, Cynthia Cracker, Joseph Kraus, Michael Carrig, John Pietras, June Foley, Michael Procaccino, Gaetana Borgia and John Sheehan.

"Perhaps you prefer a French woman" offers Gaetana Borgia to Michael Procaccino in this second act scene.

CAST Popoff, Marsovian Ambassador _____ _____________________ John Sheehan Natalie His Wife --------------------------------------------- _________________ June Foley Prince Danilo, Embassy Attache ___________________ Michael Procaccino Sonia, A Wealthy Widow _______________________________________ Gaetana Borgia Viscount Camille de J olidon ------------------------------------ Joseph J achetti Marquis Cascada ----------~----------------------------------------------- Joseph Kraus Viscount Raoul de St. Brioche -------------------------------- Michael Carrig Khadja, Marsonian Officer ------------------------------------ George Williams Malitza, His Wife ------------------------------------------------ Theresa Domanski Nova Kovich, Marsovian General -------------------------- Joseph Esposito Olga, His Wife -------------------------------------------------------- Cynthia Cracker Nish, Embassy Messenger ------------------------------------------ Warren Steele Lackey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Francis Scott Headwaiter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- John Pietras Lo Lo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lois Willis Do Do ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patricia Evans J ou J ou ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ann Persichetti Frou Frou ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy Persichetti Clo Clo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carol Puhalski Margo ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ Janet Alach

Cast members at Maxim's include Francis Scott, Stella Ostapuck, Maryellen Blackwell, Carol Rutkowski, June Foley, Michael Procaccino, Gaetana Borgia, John Sfiee. han, Madeline Costantini, Dorothy Avery, Susan Johnston, John Pietras, Janet Alach, Carol Puhalski, Nancy Persichetti, Ann Persichetti, Patricia Evans, and Lois Willis.


"I must speak to you" intones June Foley to Joseph ]achetti as suspicious M arsovians George Williams and ]oseph Kraus eavesdrop.

Michael Procaccino as Danilo and Gaetana Borgia as Sonia meet for the first time in Paris. "We shall be great friends," she says, ''if not lovers."

The charming widow, Sonia Sodaya, is greeted by a chorus of love-smitten gentlemen, Pasquale Colavita, Joseph Esposito, Thomas Smith, Michael Carrig, Joseph Kraus, George Williams, Joseph ]achetti and Michael Williams.

The candid camera catches our Merry Widow attempting to brush away her tears after the curtain has fallen on the last performance.

Marsovian Ambassador Popoff, played by sophomore John Sheehan, and stalwart aide Nish, Warren Steele, plan to get the Widow's fortune.

Surrounded by handsome fortune-seekers, Gaetana Borgia tells them of her native Marsovia.


0 SCHOOL year is complete without the bright spots that o\( add zest and zip to the dry routine of educational endeavor. By way of assisting in the proper social development of the students at Notre Dame High School, the administration has arranged for a series of dances to be held throughout the year. Aside from the undeniable pleasure with which they provide participants, these occasions also furnish unparalleled opportunities for the renewal and development of the social graces. These then are not to be underestimated in their definite contributions and social importance. The social affairs are the highlights whose rays penetrate and embellish the ordinary school routine. If the head of Notre Dame is knowledge, feah,ues are its heart; if education is its business, features are its pleasures.

Th'tS gay group of seniors appears set for an old time Western favorite.

Forum Dance The Forum Club, moderated by Sister Mary Anselm, sponsored the first semi-formal dance of the year. The enthusiastic members plunged into their first fund-raising campaign in October. The theme "Under Western Skies" provided the decorating committee with ideas a-plenty, and a clever cowboy motif was the result. Chet K and the Blazers set the musical mood for the evening.

It looks as if John Liwacz and Mary Ann Simko would like to have the horse that goes with the saddle-after the dance, that is.


Gary Chorba, Carol Puhalski and Patrick M eM animon seem to be enjoying an amusing tale by Susan Schoeffel.

Thomas Kennel displays his guitar playing ability for the enjoyment of June Foley, Michael Procaccino, Joan Wasko and Joseph O'Donnell.

A traditional square dance arch is form ed by William Griggs and Patricia Kovacs while Mary Rodgers, Thomas Kennel, Patricia Mackiewicz and Ronald Consol promenade through. 87

Thanksgiving Dance Highlighting Thanksgiving Day activities at Notre Dame was the selection of the King and Queen of Football at the annual dance sponsored by the Athletic Association. The gymnasium was transformed into a ballroom where festivity reigned under the watchful eyes of King Raymond Johnson and his queen, Jacqueline De Boskey. The music was supplied by the Starliters while. couples danced their cares away.

Mr. Football, Raymond Johnson, and his queen, Jacqueline DeFoskey, happily reign over the Thanksgiving Dance.

King and Queen, Raymond Johnson and Jacqueline DeBoskey are flanked by happy courtiers Susan Reynolds, Ronald Sielski, Francis Babuschak, ]ames Evans, Joyce VanDoren, CarolIngling, Jacqueline Kraus, Joan McGowan and Christine Capria.

Carole D'Arcy and Francis Babuschak take a moment for the pause that refreshes.

The couples, a study in contrast, lose not a minute of the evening.

John Elkins adjusts corsage for date Frances Marchesano on arriving at the dance.

Dorothy Avery and Anthony Baldino, in gay spirits, are ready to dance "Under Western Skies."


Mr. Snowman seems to be quite happy gazing at George Williams, Kathy Hillman, Robert Kiernan and Carole MacKenthun.

Under the watchful eye of the jolly round snowman with his equally jolly round mate, gay holiday couples danced to the echoing strains of Warren Nutt at a Christmas Winter Rhapsody. Ball night, enjoying top billing on every senior's social agenda, was a time of gaiety and lively music. The girls in their billowy gowns and the boys in their tuxedos were merry examples of the Christmas spirit. For most American high school seniors, it is a time that will be remembered always. The evening dissolved into a kaleidoscope of color, music, and dancing. Then, Darlene Siciliano and escort pause for a moment by the winsuddenly, the orchestra was playing the traditional ter cottage to exchange a few words with Patricia Kuzianik and George Krueger. farewell song. The snowman and his mate gave their final wink, and the wonderful Christmas Ball was over.

Carolyn Hustak adjusts boutonniere for Stephen ]ones as Sharon Pizzutti and Alfred Procell look on.


Edward Palsho, Theresa Domanski, Elizabeth Takacs and Michael Muschal add some sprigs to the sleigh.

Winter Rhapsody

There's a perfect winter-wonderland setting for these waltzing seniors.

A perfect setting for Lawrence Pitcherello and Donna Donaso in the midst of winter wonderland.


Carol Rutkowski's date makes certain that there are no blanks on her dance program.

Carol D'Arcy and Rose Marie Anirina enjoy a rest between dances with Robert Shubilla and Donald Comfort.

The receiving line gives I erome Pietras Kathleen Wood, Nora Valle and esc~rt a big smile.


We are in the midst of introductions here as Anne Marie Chelinski, Frances Randow and Warren Steele become acquainted with Carol Puhalski's escort.

Michele Lake, Robert Geis, Joseph Richlitsky and date, William Russell, Ingeborg Hintze, William McNichol and Claire Bobownik enjoy the "lodge" long enough to pose for our photographer.

Edith Serafine introduces her escort to John Zygmunt and Claire Bobownik.


Mrs. Reeber and Mrs. Yelen greet smiling seniors Pauline Miller, joanne Schnorbus and Diane Guadagno as they come for refreshments with their escorts.

The twins Nancy and Ann Persichetti prepare to enjoy themselves while waiting for their escorts.

Easter Dance The candid camera catches some seniors enjoying the music of Leon Willis at the dance.


Richard Ford and Carol Rutkowski get ready to enjoy the Easter parade at the sodality dance.

With all kinds of social events stepping up the momentum of the spring season at Notre Dame, the sodalists moved in stride to match the gala mood of the juniors and seniors as they prepared year end festivities. Georgette Westerman and her clever committee transformed the gymnasium into a ballroom of glittering color and glowing festivity. Talents came to the fore, resulting in a delightful stage for the sodalists' Easter Parade on April 23, 1962. Leon Willis' music matched the mood of the sodalists and their guests.

Robert Craven reminds Georgette Westerman that the last dance is his.


Formal opening of Kismet with the grand march.

Spring Formal There is something very special, very special indeed, about a high school senior formal. It is something like a farewell to childhood and not unlike a debut into society, or it could even be compared to a magic night from an ancient tale. For us it was "Kismet." Gay decorations created the abnosphere and Art Brown's orchestra sparked the night with tunes familiar to our receptive and impressionable hearts. Too soon the enchanting hour of one arrived, and if we could, we would have wished with Aladdin and used the magic lamp to stay the hour of departure. What a night! A night to treasure in memory, to be taken out and dreamed over years in the future. A once-in-a-lifetime night which, like all things that happen but once, is bittersweet with the thought.

Anthony Baldino adjusts corsage for his date, Barbara Lacomchiek.


Palm trees and fountain form the perfect oases setting for Mary Rodgers and joseph O'Donnell.

Mildred Goeke has ]ames Evans add his name to her Kismet program.

The perfect gentleman, Robert Kiernan, holds chair for Lois Mayer.


PORTS in Notre Dame have gone a long way since their estabS lishment here five years ago. In any sport, be it gridiron greats forging across the goal line, or versatile fast-scoring basketball quintets, or speedy trackmen outperforming their rivals, or baseball players snarling liners, making hits, and stealing bases, the players return happily for they have been taught that it is good to be able to cheer when we are victorious but that it is a better thing to smile in defeat.

On a steaming hot Saturday, September 23, the fighting Irish opened the season with Bishop


of Camden. The team on several occa-

sions drove the length of the field, only to be stopped by the Crusaders. An extremely hard fought battle ended with a 13-0 score. The Irish eleven suffered their second defeat of the saeson when a powerful Gloucester club whipped the valiant Notre Dame gridmen by a score of 39-0 at


Gloucester's stadium. On the home field the Irish dropped a hard fought verdict to Hunterdon. Despite the improvement in every game, the Irish gridmen bowed in succession to Steinert, Bristol, Livingston, and the Holy Cross Lancers. According to the scoreboard, no words can alter the fact of a losing season, however, the spirit, grit, courage and self-discipline displayed in all games gained admiration and respect from all. Steve Wilfing (80) surprises a Gloucester Catholic quarterback as Ray Johnson (22) charges in on the play.

Coach Porter discusses last minute tactics with halfback George Williams.


FIRST ROW: Coach Porter, Ronald Sielski, Michael Thoma, Joseph Sokolowski, George Williams, James Evans, Corey Butler, Anthony Baldino, Bernard Thomas, Alfred Russo, Anthony Rouse. SECOND ROW: Steven Gallo, Fred Singer, Joseph Maruca, Dennis Cannon, Michael Williams, Joseph Rasimicz, Raymond Johnson, Francis Babuschak, James Hogg, Steven Thoma. THIRD ROW: Steven Wilfing, Vincent Convery, William Mate, Edmund Stoy, William Ernst, Kenneth Hanford, Patrick Ryan, Ronald Dykas, William Radlinsky.

T. C. blockers stymie N.D. tacklers Johnson (22) and Al Russo (50) as Rankin (44) sweeps end.

A Gloucester Catholic carrier eludes Al Russo (50) but Tony Rouse (21) and Joe Sokolowski (18) are in hot pursuit. 101

Football Scoreboard Varsity Opponents 0 __________________Bishop Eustace __________________ 13

0 ----~--------- Gloucester Catholic ______________ 39 0 ______________ Hunterdon Central _____________ 20 7 __________________ Steinert High __________________ 18 20 ______________ Bishop Egan High ______________ 45 6 ______________ Livingston Regional ______________ 7 26 ________________________ Alumni ------------------------ 12 13 ________________ Holy Cross High ________________ 24 6 ________________ Trenton Catholic ________________ 12

"Up the middle?" "No go/" as (11) of Gloucester Catholic is downed by ]oe Rasimicz (78) and Al Russo (50) with Mike Thomas (82) on the play.

FIRST ROW: William Ford, Edmund Stoy, Michael Thoma, Joseph Wrobleski, William Spych, Richard Dixon, Fred Singer, William Jacobus, Joseph Esposito, Michael Williams, Father Capik. SECOND ROW: William Mate, Alfonso Procaccini, Leonard Schaeffer, Gerard Dixon, William Ernst, Patrick Solon, Robert Valentine, Steve Wolfer, John Groch. THIRD ROW: Dennis Cannon, Thomas Wieczkowski, Donald Appleby, Joseph Jabubisin, William Simon, Thomas Freeman, Robert Fylnn, Martin Przemieniecki, Vincent Hoffman.

Things start looking bad for Rankin (44) of Trenton Catholic as N. D. tacklers move in for the kill led by Vince Convery (82).


FIRST ROW: Mr. Pallay, James Cacciabaudo, Fred Miller, David Dillon, Edward Mullen, Michael Nalbone, Thomas Dunn, Anthony Alach. SECOND ROW: John Spisak, Anthony Apicelli, Gilbert Botvin, John McLaughlin, Garrett McDaniel, Dennis Grove, John Cantwell, John Tobia. THIRD ROW: Edward Fern, Anthony Salerno, Edward Barry, Charles Nemeth, James Kicinski, William Belzner, Charles Engennach. FOURTH ROW: Carl Nitti, Edward Foran, Thomas Everett, Thomas Strahs, Michael McCreedy, John Walsh, Thomas O'Connor, Ronald Zukowski, Victor Caola.

A Bishop Eustace man recovers one of his fumbles as Russo (50) and Ernst (21) pin him down.

N. D. blocker Steve Thoma (87) and Ray Johnson (22) lead an end run play during the Gloucester Catholic game.


FIRST ROW: John Herrity, James Dill, Gary Chorba, Thomas Stout, Gregory Schuler, Roy Wagner, Robert King, Robert Milacci. SECOND ROW: Coach Clarke, Kevin Convery, Dennis Casey, John Wagner, Joseph O'Donnell, Joseph Szekeres, Stanley Sadovy, Thomas Schuler, Joseph Casey, Rudy Geurds, Manager Joseph Warfel, Father Capik.

SOCCER Congratulations are again in order for our soccer team. For the second consecutive year N.D. has captured MR. WILLIAM CLARKE Varsity Soccer Coach

the coveted Catholic League State Championship. Under the able coaching of William Clarke, Notre Dame rounded out the season by beating Saint Cecilia's by the score of 2-1 for the title. The team as a whole deserves credit for its fine season record of 12-5 with special honor going to Joseph Casey who added All-State to his credit. All-County honors went to team members Joseph Wolf, James Dill, Joseph Casey, David Moon, John Herrity, John Wagner and Joseph O'Donnell. All-City team honors went to Joseph Szekeres, Joseph Wolf, Joseph O'Donnell, James Dill, John Herrity and David Moon. With juniors comprising the bulk of this year's team, the outlook for the future is very optimistic. Plans for holding the State Crown in '62 are already being visualized.

Joseph Casey and Rudy Guerds prepare for an attempted shot against Pennington.

FRESHMAN SOCCER LINEUP. First row: Daniel Pietras, James King, Kees Geurds, Thomas Pointon, Thomas Brown. SECOND ROW: Father Capik, Raymond Worob, James D'Arcy, Dennis McGowan, Patrick Hastings, John Cody, Joseph Cryan, Coach Creamer.

All-Stater Joe Casey beats Trenton High goalie to head ball. Casey scored twice to pace Irish, 2-1.

]oe Szekeres jumps to save Pennington shot. •

Joe Wolf protects Irish goal with an important head ball in championship contest with Saint Cecelia's. P.S.: The Irish won!

]ames Dill blasts shot past Pennington goalie.


Soccer Scoreboard Notre Dame Opponent 2 -------------------------- Delhaas -------------------------- 0 3 ------------------------ New Hope ------------------------ 2 7 __________________ Trenton Catholic __________________ 0 3 ------------------------ Penns bury ------------------------ 0 0 ------------------------ St. Cecelia ------------------------ 2 1 -------------------------- Steinert -------------------------- 3 1 ------------------------ Hamilton ------------------------ 2 4 ______________________ Pennington ______________________. 1 3 -------------------- Trenton High ____________________ 2 2 -------------------------- B. M. I. -------------------------- 0 0 -------------------- Trenton High -------------------- 1 1 ______________________ Hightstown ______________________ 2 2 ________________________ New Hope ------------------------ 0 2 -------------------------- Steinert -------------------------- 1 6 __________________ Trenton Catholic __________________ 2 2 ______________________ Hightstown ---------------------- 1 2 ________________________ St. Cecelia ------------------------ 1

Joe O'Donnell (18) and Joe Wolf combine to take the ball from a Pennington opponent.

Jay-vee soccer lineup. FIRST ROW: James King, Kees Geurds, Robert King, David Foley, Robert Milacci. SECOND ROW: Coach Cier, Gregory Schuler, Thomas Stout, Dennis Casey, Joseph Luhrman, Patrick Hastings, George Oswald, Father Capik.

John Wagner arrives too late-Hamilton goalie catches the ball.

Joe Szekeres makes diving save as Dave Moon and Joe Wolf give added protection in Saint Cecelia's game.


The Irish courtsters completed their third season of varsity competition in highly successful fashion. Led by senior co-captains, Robert Colavita and Thomas Hart, Notre Dame posted a 15-5 record with victories over such highly regarded rivals as BMI and Atlantic City. At season's end the classy basketball machine entered the New Jersey State Basl,<etball Tournament. In the first round Doc Creamer's charges won a decisive victory over Red Bank Catholic, 95-74, but lost to highly touted Bishop Eustace in the final quarter. This year was notable in another respect for it signified the end of the annual series with arch rival Trenton Catholic. The last game of the series was played on the Rider College hard court with the Golden Wave winning, 70-46.

Bill Ward, Notre Dame guard, gets ready to unleash his patented long jump.

BASKETBALL Robert Colavita, the Irish brilliant All-City courtster, sets himself for two points.

"Doc, Creamer surrounded by his hustling f .V . team cooks up 8trategy that bodes ill for the unlucky opponent.


THE VARSITY TEAM, left to right: Manager Leonard Schaeffer, Robert Colavita, Thomas Hart, John Spisak. SECOND ROW: Nicholas Rech, William Ward, William McNichol, Robert Szul, Peter Pietras, Joseph Szekeres, Richard Parcinski, James Hogg, Thomas Michaud, Coach "Doc" Creamer.

Notre Dame's Pete Pietras battles under the boards for a loose ball during the Camden Vocational game.

Tom Hart glides in for a basket against Trenton Catholic.


Pete Pietras out-grabs a Trenton Catholic player for the ball.

Nick Rech, vital playmaker, is ready to get into action.

Co-captain Tom Hart strikes the fighting pose that makes him one of the Blue and White top hustlers.

The action is fast and furious but Bart Carr is ready for the rebound. 110

Irish courtster Bart Carr goes in for a driving layup in the first period of N .D.-B.M.I. clash.

Basketball Scoreboard Varsity

77 70 89 57 57 85 78 61 60 48 51 57 36 61 59 50 46 68


----------.-- Morrisville High ____________ 44 ________ St. Augustine's Prep ________ 25 ________________ Bristol High ________________ 43 ________________ Ferris High ________________ 51 __________ Christian Brothers __________ 34 of Lincroft ____________ Holy Ghost Prep ____________ 32 ____________ New Hope High ____________ 30 __________ Atlantic City High __________ 48 ________ Bordentown Military ________ 58 ____________ Bishop Egan High ________ 54 ________ Camden Vocational ________ 44 __________ Bishop Egan High __________ 65 _________ Trenton Catholic __________ 51 ____________ New Hope High ____________ 47 ____________ Pennsbury High ____________ 51 __________ Christian Brothers __________ 35 __________ Trenton Catholic __________ 70 ________ Camden Vocational ________ 53

Robert Szul, surrounded by four astonished players, is downed by a Camden player.

William McNichol waits before taking his shot.


The Notre Dame Colleens, engineered by a new coach, Miss Mary Colvey, found it difficult to stay on the winning track this season. However, the record doesn't tell the story of hard work, practice and determination put into the season. The Colleens opened the season with Morrisville on the opponent's court and were handed a 42-23 defeat. The team met stiff competition against the high-spirited Cathies of Cathedral, the Colleens bowed unwillingly to them with a score of 30-21. The girls next played two games with Steinert and ended up the season with a 22-10 victory and a 30-16 victory. The new style of play introduced by Miss Colvey should be understood thoroughly and we are looking forward to the 19621963 season with much optimism.



Sophomores and seniors engage in one of their intramural games.

Girls' varsity basketball team is made up of janice Evans, Judy Nutt, Mary Krainski, Frances Randow, Debbie Collins, Fiota Perna, Sylvia Warner, Veronica Ciesielska and Mary Ann Willever.


Mary Ann Willever makes a dashing attempt t(l help Debbie Collins keep the ball.

It's a tense moment as N.D . girls vie to keep the ball.

It's a tossed ball that both Notre Dame and Cathedral are most anxious to get hold of.

Frances Randow has the fump this time as she aims the ball to Debbie Collins.

Scores Varsity


23 ________________ Morrisville ________________ 42 43 __________________ Cathedral __________________ 66

21 __________________ Cathedral __________________ 30 22 ____________________ Steinert ____________________ 10 30 ____________________ Steinert -------------------- 16 113

]ames Miller, Edward Davis and Courtney Renegar sprint for position at start of the 2.5 run against Hamilton.

Track and Field Teams . The crack of the bat, the lunge of a hurdler across the bar, the white blur of speeding tennis balls, the swish of a golf club cutting through grass, and many other sights and sounds are heard in and around Notre Dame. It's the first sign of spring and since a deadline must be met we cannot tell you the whole story. However, the important story is that these, too, were a part of our life at N.D., a good part, a happy part.

MR. JOHN UNGRADY Track and Field Coach

Hurdlers Frank Rubino and Joseph Licciardello display their jumping form in a leap over the low hurdles. Pat Colavita seems to be the only. spectator.


Anthony Dorsey and Frank Piechota demonstrate the form for putting the shot for Larry Miller, ]ames Panacek and Anthony Baldino.

Build for Next Year. Daniel Leonard and Dennis Cannon approve Francis Scott's broad jump.

]ames Moran and Fred Singer check distances.

Mr. Ungrady starts Francis Babuschak, Thomas Schuler, Vincent Convery and George Williams on the 100 yard sprint during spring workout.


VARSITY BASEBALL SQUAD. First row: Ronald Woolston, John Wagner, Jules Harlicka, Patrick Ryan, George McVaugh, Joseph Kramarz. SECOND ROW: Managers Michael Smith, Joseph Wroblewski, Edmund Stoy, Victor Zuczek, Stanley Sadovy, Richard Parcinski, Law renee Zazzo, Thomas Ponticello, John Osborne.

BASEBALL Irish moundsmen Richard Parcinski and Stanley Sadovy warm up before opening game.

With only two veterans returning, the Irish baseball squad will begin the season as an inexperienced and untried team. The lack of veteran upperclassmen will probably result in many sophomores playing for the varsity. Mentor Doc Creamer lost 15 of 17 varsity performers from last year's club. The two regulars, power-hitting Jeff J able and shortstop Stan Sadovy both seniors will get the opening nod. As we go to print we cannot tell the story of the Irish diamond outlook, but we are sure that Doc Creamer will find a winning combination.

Thomas Ponticello takes a hard cut at the ball, connecting for a hit.


Infielders Thomas Ponticello, Lawrence Zazzo, Stanley Sadavy, Edmund Stay, Ronald Woolston, Victor Zuczek and Patrick Ryan line up for a work out.

Varsity Baseball Schedule

Pitcher Stan Sadovy and catcher John Wagner have a mound conference.

APRIL 13 Ewing 27 New Hope

MAY 2 4

10 11

15 17 18 21 23 31 JUNE 1 4

Tom Ponticello, Stan Sadovy and Joe Kramarz line up in batting stance.

Th e outfielders line up left to right, Richard Parcinski, Jules Harlicka, Joseph Kramarz and George McVaugh.


Bishop Egan Pennington Holy Cross Hightstown Hamilton New Hope Trenton Catholic Ewing Holy Cross Hamilton Trenton Catholic Hightstown


RIMARILY Notre Dame is a Catholic institution imbued with . Catholic ideals, and expressing Catholic viewpoints born from Catholic foundation. Its educational plan grows out of the conviction that the individual has an obligation to God and to society. It is therefore the purpose of Notre Dame High School to train its students to become tnte Catholic ladies and gentlemen. At intervals, along the busy road, respites were given in order that the student might pause for refreshment. These pauses were concerned chiefly with the nourishment of the soul. It is difficult to speak of our spiritual life as such, for we realize that religion is the reason for the existence of Notre Dame High School.

These happy sodalists eagerly embark on a trip to Mount Saint Mary's for a weekend retreat.





Enthused sodalists Elaine Elenewski, Claire McElroy, Georgette Westerman, Margaret Parker and Carolyn Hustak arrange corsages to be presented to the teachers on Faculty Appreciation Day, a profect planned by the sodality.

Spiritual Highlights Sodality moderators, Sister Mary Victoria and Sister Mary Dennis, check some last minute items with Mary Ellen Blackwell and Alice Amison prior to Maryknoll trip.


Sodalit y officers, Margaret Parker, Alice Amison, Marilyn Esposito and Mary Ellen Blackwell review a few articles from their rule.



A sodalist worthy of the name must be an exemplary Catholic who always and in all matters conforms his beliefs and practices to the faith and morals taught by the Catholic Church. Membership in the sodality is open to every boy and girl of Notre Dame who fervently desires to honor the Mother of God in a very special and self-sacrificing way. Before a boy or girl is admitted to the sodality he must be a probationist not less than two months before the final reception which takes place on December 7, the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of our Lady, and on March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lady. The primary purpose of the sodality is to give honor to Mary and through her to her Son, Jesus Christ. The desire to become a sodalist should be fostered by the realization that once a sodalist, always a sodalistl

A nxious to share t-rue Christmas spirit, Virginia Sweeney, Mm·garet Parker and Arlene Olzak pack trunk of car en route to poor families in the area .


Knights Knights in the middle ages served the ladies of the court and performed great feats for them. This title is appropriate for this group of boys who devote their time to the service of the greatest Lady of the court of heaven-The Blessed Virgin Mary. Since both sodalities have the same purpose and undertake the same apostolic works they work together as much as possible. The fund-raising activities carried on by both are the Easter Dance and the Spring carnival. The purpose of the dance and the carnival is to Seniors Georgette Westerman, Eileen Tylus, Virginia Walsh and Donna Danaso wait in foyer before leaving for retreat.

obtain money to send members to the Summer School of Catholic Action where they acquire a better knowledge and understanding of the sodality way of life.

Sodality girls gather in front of school awaiting departure of the bus which will take them to Maryknoll.


Knight officers Thomas Kennel, Vincent Convery and Christopher Reeber confer with prefect, William Ward.

Father Tracy, assisted by John Borek, bestows sodality medals on Donna Danaso and Carol Puhalski.

Foundation of Our Future Probationists of the Knights and the Sodality are received in joint ceremony by Father Tracy.


Spiritual Life. Recollection days are the spiritual highlights of the year. They are held prior to Christmas vacation, Easter vacation, and closing of school in June. On these days an invitation to come with all burdens of the day and to be refreshed by the waters of grace is extended to every student. Surrounded by an air of silence, prayer, confession and Holy Communion, the students are asked to leave the world, as it were, and enter into an atmosphere of love. This atmosphere is to be found in the days of recollection. Day of recollection prior to Christmas is conducted by the Reverend Donald Endebrock.

A group of seniors recite the rosary at noon on their day of recollection.


Students leave auditorium after conference and return to homerooms for discussion period.

Senior students John Zygmunt, Robert C olavita and Michael Musc hal confer with Father Capik during day of recollection.

Anthony Rouse conducts discussion period during day of recollection.



Teacher Appreciation Day-students line altar rail as an expression of their gratitude.

Mrs . Betty Jacobs receives token of gratitude on Faculty A ppreciation Day from Marcia Cetkowski.

On behalf of the student body, Sodality prefect Alice Amison presents Sister Mary Eleanor with her certificate on Teacher Appreciation Day.

Lenten visit during lunch period is very popular. Here senior girls recite the rosary.

One of the most solemn occasions in a junior's life is the day he receives his class ring. Here Father Tracy adds to the significance as he blesses the rings. He is assisted by Patrick McManimon.


In the Christmas play, "The King's Jongleur," Raymond Bekarciak and Patricia Evans movingly dramatize their desire to give of themselves to the Christ Child.

The advent of Christmas was ushered in with both a spiritual and worldly sense. The lighting of the Advent wreath in each class room, the traditional caroling by the Glee Club for the entire school, decorating the tree for the foyer-all added to the spirit. The seniors' anticipation of the ball, the exchange of gifts and the many plans for the holidays took up most of the week before Christmas. The climax to all these activities was the Christmas play The King's I ongleur, enacted by the Dramatic Club under the direction of Sister Mary Eleanor. The success of the play entailed many extra hours of vigorous, after school practice.

Lady Prideful, Cynthia Cracker, and young nobleman, Michael Carrig, discover that the King prefers the gifts of humility such as were given by peasant, Patricia Evans, and Jongleur, Raymond Bekarciak .


Michael Carrig, a youth of nobility, offers his poems to the Christ Child.


The King, Steven Wilfing, and members of his court, Cynthia Cracker and M ichael Carrig, show their contempt for the simplicity of the jongleur.


There's much m'lSszon activity each Friday as club m embers separate and count money and arrange canceled stamps.

Specifically, our spiritual growth these past four years was promoted through many and varied activities. To develop spiritually vigorous Catholics, the administration has supplied us with all the materials necessary to make our portrait complete. As all great masterpieces assume beauty once color is added, so man's life becomes more meaningful once he realizes that only God can supply the final touches. We will remember the many times we were privileged to assist at daily Mass; the convenience of confessions; the monthly Holy Hours; vocation talks; Catholic Youth Adoration Society; special observance of Mission month in October, Catholic Press month in February. We will remember, too, the impressive ceremony of the crowning of Our Lady; the living rosary; the Mission rally; the dialogue Mass. Finally the Baccalaureate Mass where all of us met as a class for the last time, to offer again a Sacrifice to Christ Our Lord.

Seniors Patrick McManimon, Thomas Maguire and joseph Rasimicz receive vocational 路information from the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.


The guidance conference room is the site of a serious conversation between Father Wagner, vocation director, and senior Karl Megules following an assembly on vocations.

Raymond Gorman enlists volunteers Judith De Angelis, Patricia Cosgriff, Winifred Dove, Patricia Doran and Rose Marie Wasserman for faculty a,Ppreciation day.

William Griggs receives his medal from Father Tracy in induction ceremony for Knights of Notre Dame.

Freshman Latin students lead in dialogue Mass as part of Mission Day activities.


r_A PPROACHING the end of our high school days, we, the class V ( of 1962, draw back and survey the tapestry of four fruitful years, recalling our triumphs and our failures. Ever mindful that the loom of life never stops, we see other students moving up slowly but steadily to take their places as student leaders. A little frightened by the unknown, yet bubbling with eager curiosity, the freshmen took up the art work a bit uneasily but soon became accustomed to their new position and endeavored to make a success of the first year. With one year of high school behind them, the sophomores, a little wiser, and a bit older, return in manly strides to the discipline of study. The class skillfully employs its talents and the masterpiece assumes a definite form. Having quickly adjusted themselves to the dignity of upperclassmen, the juniors ventured into the realms of achievement. \Yell represented in aU activities, they have developed high principles and we are certain that they will lead the student body to even greater accomplishments.

In first year Latin class Katherine Adams explains the future tense as George Bertothy, Patricia Guadalupe and Joseph Cryan double check.

For the freshmen, September opened a whole new world of opportunities. Excitement was as sharp as a brand new pencil as this host of energetic, naive yearlings entered the portals of Notre Dame. Time passed quickly; football games, tea dances, and eight-weeks' tests soon became a part of the routine. Basketball, Christmas holidays and mid semester examinations brought a new term upon them. With the making (or breaking) of New Year's resolutions, the daily routine of Notre Dame faded into June.

The Class ofl965


SEA TED: Katherine Adams, Marguerite Brennan, Lorraine Bochenski, James Brill, Joann Buklad, Kathleen Biache, Patricia Biny, Christine Arnester, Linda Buczuy, Nancy Broyles. SECOND ROW: Robert Blatchford, Alan Arnold, Gilbert Botvin, Louis Bagley, Gary Becker, Robert Blatchford, Patrick Byrne, Anthony Alach, Thomas Brown. THIRD ROW: Carol Bargogno, Carol Baldino, Helen Baylog, Jacqueline 134

Agabiti, Elizabeth Appleget, Dolores Brezak, Joanna Andrusko, Marjorie Bugdal, JoAnne Barry, Kathleen Brophy. FOURTH ROW: Michael Burns, James Cacciabaudo, Charles Burns, Anthony Apicelli, John Briody, Stanley Bog-_ dziewicz, Anthony Butera, George Bertothy, William Belzner, August Biache, Allan ~arber, Edward Barry, Joseph Baczewski, Robert Bogus, Gerald Belardino.


SEATED: Janice Cary, Ruth Culliton, Janet Cowan, Ellen Connolly, Wanda Ciesielska, Cynthia Callen, Judith Capewell, Helen Corboy, Cathleen Cleary, Margaret Chester. SECOND ROW: Carl Chiappetta, Peter Coffee, William Copella, Dennis Ciosek, Anthony Cirillo, Joht:l Cantewell, Paul Cullard, Matthew Calderone, John Csolek. THIRD ROW:

Dennis Carrig, Barbara Chrabaszcz, Linda Ciminesi, Kathleen Daly, Kathleen Cullen, Patricia Cooper, Barbara Celinski, Joseph Czahur. FOURTH ROW: Daniel Cullaro, Ronald Caola, John Cody, Victor Caola, David Chmielewski, Ronald Caruso, Thomas Convery, Joseph Cryan.


SEATED: Joan D'Arcy, Mary Esposito, Linda Garzek, Diane Dzuira, Mary Dinatale, Courtney Esposito, Hedwig Geppert, Michele Doran, Donna D'Arcy. SECOND ROW: Kenneth Fasanella, Bruno Fiabane, Thomas Dunn, David Dillon, Nicholas Fleno, Edward Dworak, George Forczek, Charles Erni, Dennis Figuri, Thomas DeBusky. THIRD ROW: Guido

Gargione, Christina Flood, Donna DiDonato, Lucille Garofalo, Jo Ann Dinatale, Barbara Gartner, Patricia Domanski, Barbara Flanigan, Tressa Falzone. FOURTH ROW: John Gallagher, John Dyer, Joseph DeAngelis, Charles Engennach, Edward Foran, Richard Devlin, George Evans, Thomas Everitt, James Duffy, Donald D'Arcy, Daniel Flynn. 135


SEATED: Barbara Kearns, Linda Kelty, Mary Moyer, Patricia Kerlin, Margaret Hovemeyer, Gail Hornyak, Donna Henry, Patricia Guadalupe, Phyllis Harris, Patricia Kelly. SECOND ROW: William Groom, Ronald Glonek, John Kish, Brian Hoffman, Joseph Goliszewski, Thomas Haggerty, Edward Hofman, Nicholas Jahn, James King, Kees Guerds.

THIRD ROW: Mary Ann Hughes, Theresa Herman, Carol Hendriksen, Elayne Grike, Barbara Haws, Loretta Harker, Cathy Hazard, Carolyn Goeke, Elaine Klopinski, Margaret Griggs. FOURTH ROW: Chris Jacob, Philip Jonaitis, Dennis Grove, James Kicinski, Pat Hastings, Gary Jackson, Thomas Gilligo, John Herdman, Mary Jo Hartman.


SEATED: Shirley Kusmider, Diane Kmiec, Anne Lewandowski, Carolyn Kucharski, Donna Lindsay, Sharon Kramarz, Marie Lewanowicz, Maria Lagana, Jo Ann Link, Jo Ann Lombardo. SECOND ROW: Richard Krisak, Joseph Levanduski, Anthony Lee, Paul Marfino, Richard Kochis, Richard Kolczynski, Robert Lynn, Carl Maida, Raymond Krupa, William Krisiak. THIRD ROW: Elaine Licciardello, 136

Marsha Labowicz, Carole Kyselka, Joan Matyasovsky, Barbara Krulikowska, Loretta Kusak, Victoria Lenco, Judith Kropac, Veronica Matolchi, Mary Ellen Kraus, Joyce Lewandowski. FOURTH ROW: Marsha Knapp, George Kraus, Ronald Mapps, David Maffei, William Matzko, Stanley Kulesza, Jeffrey Lanigan, Edward Lisieki, David Ludwig, Lois Laforte, Nancy Jane Kurpas.


SEATED: Claire McCormack, Bonnie Muccioli, Elizabeth Moody, Catherine Nestor, Patricia Moran, Colleen McCarthy, Louise Minekki, Irene Nowalinski, Gail McKenna, Marianne Mydlowski. SECOND ROW : Robert Maticha, Ronald Molson, Michael McCoy, Charles Modica, John McLaughlin, Michael Nalbone, Garrett McDaniel, Frederick Miller, Michael McSorley, Gary Mucciarelli. THIRD ROW: Susan

Miller, Kerry McNally, Dorothy Murphy, D eLorna Menschner, Lorraine Miller, Donna Munnion, Linda McBride, Kathleen McGowan, Mary Ann Novak. FOURTH ROW: Charles Nemeth, Philip Moran, Thomas Nerwinski, John Muehleisen, Wayne Morris, Michael McCreedy, Dennis McGowan, James Mount, Edward Miller, Ronald Michael.


SEATED: Mary Lou Perna, Margaret Olexovitch, Barbara Okupski, Stella Rezner, Jo Anne Revolinski, Doris Pasierb, Judith Penyo, Carmella Pratico, Patricia O'Brien, Anne Patykula. SECOND ROW: Arthur O'Berg, Anthony Pasquito, Steve Olender, Richard Rauth, Peter Plumeri, Joseph Picarello, Thomas Radlinski, John Olesak, Lawrence Pietras, Michael Pizzullo, Thomas Panting. THIRD ROW: Marion Pe-

rone, Patricia O'Brien, Leoma Pratico, Elizabeth Restuccia, Barbara Pimlott, Carol Proniewski, Brenda Repas, Jo Anne Rielly, Kathleen Pouliot, Barbara Robinson, Linda Plantier, Mary Anne Roche. FOURTH ROW: Theresa Rhodes, Mary Jane Rafferty, Sandra Oros, Thomas O'Connor, Charles Pason, James P'Simer, Theresa Oliver, Barbara Nyzio, Carol Olezak.



SEATED: Grace Strano, Pauline Smith, Judith Smith, Elizabeth Schanz, Patricia Airolli, Brenda Sullivan, Bernadette Skr~yp ek, Lorraine Schuchardt, Barbara Swietlik, A_ntoinette Skrzypek. SECOND ROW: Francis Schwartz, Richard Rupprecht, Thaddeus Swieconek, Stanley Sliwinski, John Swayser, Michael Russo, Edward Ryan, Frank Soldano, John

Rondinelli, Ronald Slifko. THIRD ROW: Kathleen Suarez, Frances Smith, Sandra Sessa, D enise Sheehan. FOURTH ROW: Richard Stives, Joseph Shelly, Joseph Skiba, Kenneth Russo, Alexander Symchak, Kenneth Strycharz, Thomas Strahs, Anthony Salerno, Thomas Simko, John Scott, Robert Stults, Andrew Spisak, Paul Swierczek.


SEATED: Eileen Wilwal, Lorean Thomas, Martha Tocco, Barbara Zumbel, Joyce Woutowicz, Sylvia Warner, Eileen Wass, Karen Whalen, Cheryl Young, Irene Szalczyk. SECOND ROW: Alan W aranis, John Yaegers, Bruce Wray, Thomas Tharp, Thomas Valentino, Joseph Wyers, Joseph Zuba, Thomas Wenczel, Joseph Szubrowski, John Szczytkowski. THIRD ROW: Linda Vaccara, Shirley Syper, Paula 138

Vannella, Barbara Szymanski, Claudia Tindall, Mary Jeanne W enczel, Christine Trakowski, Kathleen Zoltanski, Christine W awrzyniak, Rosemarie Wojcik, Raymond Worob. FOURTH ROW: Ferdinand Wagner, Walter Thomas, George Zarawski, John Tobia, John Yankowski, Leonard Willis, Timothy West, Karl Weigand, John Walter, John Walsh, Ronald Zukowski, Roger Thom~s, Allen Zieker.

Club period for Marie Immordino and Mary Kane is very enfoyable. H ere they prepare their fashions for the style show.

The sophomores, a year older and a grade higher, now experienced in and accustomed to the life at Notre Dame, tackled the books with zest. Student Council elections were brought into the spotlight, and, as before, anticipation and apprehension prevailed over eight-weeks' tests, mid-terms and report cards. Play festival, Lenten devotions, spring dances, "The Merry Widow" and final exams carried the sophomores into June and vacation.

The Class of 1964

Biology students Michael DeBlois, Suzanne Sheehan, Donna Parsons and Judy Rush perform the v arious phases of one of th eir w eekly experiments.



SEA TED: Mary Bisanzio, Shirley Bogdan, Rosalie Ayres, Vivian Bonfanti, Rose Marie Brachelli, Yvonne Andreas, Karen Allaire, Elaine Abbott, Kathleen Brennan, Joy Bonfield. SECOND ROW: John Anchak, Allen Alphonse, Frank Blatchford, William Blohm, Richard Banchoff, John Bachalis, Joseph Bogdan, Vlodimir Adamiak, Charles Browne, Joseph

Arone. THIRD ROW: Elizabeth Brown, Cheryl Albrecht, Loretta Augustine, Marilyn Bates, Mary Ann Bednarek, Juliana Brozowski, Valerie Brodowski, Judith Basso, Joyce Bartolino. FOURTH ROW: Mary Biache, Deborah Bridge, Robert Ackers, John Boros, Robert Barrett, Ronald Altobelli, James Bradbury, Karen Bittner.


SEA TED: Maryann D'Angelo, Mary Carr, Lucille Cammarata, Lynn Davison, Margaret DeBlois, Joyce Dar~aso, Eil~e~ Davidson. SECOND ROW: Irene Burns, Geraldme Calhsh, James D'Arcy, Gregory Byrne, James Constantine, John Carrucci Richard Burek, Thomas Burns, Margaret Danchak, Mary Danchak. THIRD ROW: Linda Daley, Winifred Con140

very, Louise Darginio, Christine Busz, Carol Cebulski, Joann Dakin, Arleen Cook, Christine Capri, Francine Cairo. FOURTH ROW: Rita Butera, Michael DeBlois, Nicholas Chiantese, Robert Carson, Dennis Casey, Clayton Conrad, Charles Corbett, Mary Ann Coleman.


SEATED: Eleanor Duffy, Kathleen Dwyer, Kathleen Fitton, Christine DeBow, Judith Duraski, Madilyn Dupras, June Felici, Mary Driber, Eileen Farfalla, Joanne Deboskey. SECOND ROW: Elizabeth Duffy, Dale DeLozier, Henry DeSandre, Thomas Delaney, Gerard Dixon, Joseph Esposito, Frank Falconio, Rosalie Fink, Eileen Fitzpatrick. THIRD

ROW: Victoria Dzialo, Patricia Foley, Gertrude Fahey, Margaret Doyle, Barbara Dura, Susan Feehan, Barbara Filipowisz, Elizabeth Dorner, Mary Fecak. FOURTH ROW: Mary Jane Elenewski, Eileen Flynn, Peter Efel, Robert Flynn, Richard Finn, Carl Feltes, Robert Erickson, Dennis Ferri, Marie Evans.


SEATED: Susan Ganovski, Marie Ford, Mary Jane Gropp, Jacqueline Gallagher, Betty Anne Gilligan, Margaret Geraci, Catherine Gilligo, Catherine Groom, Kathleen Groom, Eileen Fay. SECOND ROW: Donna Gropp, Harold Harding, Robert Haney, Joseph Halsey, John Groch, Robert Geronemo, Philip Foley, Paul Fowler, Bernard Gdowski, Geraldine Ger-

vasoni. THIRD ROW: Kathleen Grudzina, Catherine Groch, Monica Goodman , Patricia Griggs, Ann Glancey, Patricia Gallagher, Celestine Fuss, Alice Garansi, Carol Gulyas. FOURTH ROW: Richard Holzbaur, .A:lbert Foxall, Jeffrey Grace, George Geiger, Andrew Gabor, Jules Harlicka, William Ford, Paul Gurland.



SEATED: Frances Kiernan, Barbara Hugendubler, Kathleen Kelly, Alice Keuper, Alice Harney, Joan Kalafut, Michele Jaouen, Barbara Hutchinson, Kathleen Johnson, Cheryl Karg. 'SECOND ROW: James H ewitt, Paul Kapp, Nicholas Katkic, Richard Iorio, John Hawkes, Stephen Kerlin, William Jacobus, William H endricks, Richard Ketterer, Harry Jam-

mer. THIRD ROW: Mary Kane, Linda Helfrich, Julia Homan, Carolyn Kemo, Judith Jones, Barbara Herrity, Lorraine Janowski, Sophie Jablonski, Susan Huart, Juanita Janowski, Jane Jingoli. FOUFTH ROW: William Hutchins, Vincent Hayden, Richard Hart, Patrick Kerwick, Robert Kelliher, George Jeffries, Martin Jez, Eugene Horkay.


SEATED: Eileen Maguire, Irene Lindsay, Patricia Kohajda, Eileen Lake, Janet Markwart, Elaine Kramer, Judith Mara, Carol Marcattilio, Susan Kinnevy, Joanne Leone. SECOND ROW: Lester Maisto, Robert Kin g, Michael Klim, Raymond Korona, James Krause, Edward Landerkin, Thomas Malloy, Michael Lettiere, Joseph Mahan, Ronald Krainski. THIRD


ROW: Eleanor Kozakiewicz, Arlene Kozakiewicz, Lorraine Leadom, Mary Ann Lamarca, Michele Lyden, Carol Kocsis, Susan Kraus, F rances Marchesano, Regina Laczko. FOURTH ROW : Alice Kruplo, Claire Kowalski, D ennis Lewanowicz, James Lotys, Richard La Rossa, Alfred Marrolli, John Larkin, Robert Karstel, Kathleen Maguire.


SEATED: Patricia McDonough, Virginia Newcamp, Theresa Marrolli, Germaine Molnar, Carol McNicholas, Joann Nalbone, Janice Miller, Eileen McHugh, Barbara Newell, Janice Norton. SECOND ROW: John McGowan, Joseph Napoleon, Robert Mullen, Edward McManimon, George McVaugh, Daniel Muzyk, Robert Milacci, Donald Moore, Donald

Mucha. THIRD ROW: Joseph McCarthy, Elaine Muka, Constance Miszkowski, Mary Ann McGee, Kathleen Munnion, Felice Morgan, Sharon Murphy, Linda Miller, Walter Nalbone. FOURTH ROW: John McDermott, Richard Melore, Donald Nichol, David Nickels, Gerald Moneypenny, John Marut.


SEATED: Donna Parsons, Patricia Peoples, Arlene Paul, Judith Passalacqua, Camille Ott, Gloria Pietras, Mary Jo Peiretti, Sh eila Peters, Carol Paslawsky, Bernadette Olender. SECOND ROW: Sharon Puzzutti, Joseph Pizzullo, John Panicaro, John Piepszak, Owen Pigott, Charles Pluto, George Oswald, CA-egory Olex, Doretta Phillips. THIRD ROW: Pa-

tricia O'Boyle, Linda Palutis, Linda Ohl, Carol Panacek, Judith Nutt, April Olah, Christine Pisarczyk, Margaret Peterson, Mary Ann Perrine, Lenore O'Brien. FOURTH ROvV: Thomas Petruska, Kenneth Oclasz, Raymond Olfky, James Oliver, Barry Paszkiewicz.



SEATED: Beverly Regan, Ann Ricciardelli, Teresa Reuter, Sandra Rich, Kathleen Resch, Loretta Pratico, Theresa Ronalda, Gail Poinsett, Mary Jane Rodgers, Karen Rick. SECOND ROW: James Raymond, David Rumba, Edward Quick, Anthony Rosetty, John Powell, William Rick, James Ritz, Martin Roller, Joseph Poli. THIRD ROW: Ruth Proniewski,

Barbara Radlinsky, Mary Reading, Kathy Rife, Elizabeth Rinz, Patricia Puhalski, Elizabeth Prokop, Alice Rainey, Judith Porter, Linda Rossi. FOURTH ROW: John Ratey, Louis Rotondo, Kenneth Ratkowski, Martin Przemieniecki, Charles RaulÂŁ, Stephen Porada.

SEATED: Dorothy Sailliez, Mary Smith, Suzanne Sheehan, Dolores Sekeres, Brenda Smith, Patricia Sikorski, Patrice Ryan, Susan Skwara, Janis Runkle, Paula Russo. SECOND ROW: Alexander Runowicz, Theodore Sikorski, John Sheehan, Chester Siwczak, Frank Smith, Francis Rura, Leonard Schaffer, James Simonelli, Lawrence Schwalrri. THIRD

ROW: Joanne Seely, Maryann Sigenfoos, Nancy Slover, Lorraine Smolka, Patricia Ryan, Patricia Shelly, Arlene Sclavi, Cheryl Skoropad, Kathryn Sokolowski. FOURTH ROW: Gregory Schuler, Stephen Saba, Francis Slane, Raymond Rupprecht, William Simon, Michael Shelly, Michael Smith, Joseph Schuster, Alfonso Procaccini.


SEA TED: Maureen Stearle, Patricia Stefanowicz, Christine Turdean, Geraldine Sutton, Carol Southwick, Virginia Tomko, Monica Tallone, Karen Tiffert, Charlotte Tobiasz, Barbara Talbot. SECOND ROW: John Tracy, Thomas Stout, Robert Valentine, Michael Sullivan, Robert Starin, Paul Sollami, David Swierczek, John Spisak, Robert Tiedemann.

THIRD ROW: Regina Van Reymersdal, Jamie Swift, Patricia Trebil, Carol Szul, Sharon Thomas, Roberta Thompson, Joan Solan, Katherine Tevere, Patricia Sutton, Marie Trainor. FOURTH ROW: Arlene Szekeres, William Swyer, Charles Stuart, Patrick Solan, Robert Szul, Michael Thoma, John Toth, Michael Sopko, George Toth.


SEATED: Linda Walentine, Charlene Weinhofer, Carole Zimmer, Denise Yard, Geraldine Zasowski, Barbara Watkin, Mary Zemcik, Agnes Zygmunt, Eleanor Venanzi, Joan Walczak. SECOND ROW: Patrick Zuno, Joseph Werfel, Thomas Warwick, Richard Walsh, Martin Warfel, David Whelan, Frederick Walz, Michael Varga, Robert Verde. THIRD

ROW: Glenn Ward, Thomas Wieczkowski, Donna Voacolo, Judith Wilkinson, Mary Vaughan, Dorlores Wisniewski, Theresa Wojcik, Kathleen Welsh , Margaret Wildmann, David Veldof. FOURTH ROW: Norman Witkowski, Michael Wojciechowicz, Philip Ventigli, Francis Werner, Robert Wozniak, Alan Yeager, Michael Williams, Lawrence Zazzo.


The Class of1963 Motivated by the desire to share in all phases of high school life, the juniors, confident and experienced, participated enthusiastically in scholastic, athletic, and spiritual activities. Class floats, the traditional Turkey Day game with Trenton Catholic, Christmas caroling, mid-terms, junior formal, college boards, June exams, and student council elections concluded the year.

Chemistry lab finds Thomas LaFisca explaining to his classmates the process involved in making hydrogen chloride.


SEATED: Janice Bayman, Diane Accongio, Gaetana Borgia, Patricia Bird, Sheila Angeloni, Paula Angelucci, Virginia Blicharz, Gail Applegate, Carol Baczewski, Anne Marie Astore. SECOND ROW : Louis Blyskal, W illiam Callan, Barry Belusar, George Bacso, Salvatore Ap icelli, Terrence Bryant, Louis Altiere, Paul Allaire. THIRD ROW: Sandra Bonacci,


Carolyn Abel, Marilyn Bakter, Clothilda Bilancio, Marilyn Bacon, Margaret Buffin, Monica Argue. FOURTH ROW: Thomas Benham, William Bombery, Theodore Bucon, Raymond Bekarciak, Richard Besler, Anthony Angelini, D aniel Bumbera, Kenneth Brower.


SEATED: Judith D e Marco, Sandra Cullaro, Marguerite Cermele, Maureen Connell, Kathleen' Colavita, Cheryl D 'Arcy, Marie Cosgriff, Kathleen Cooper, Joanne D'Errico, Elizabeth Cserneck. SECOND ROW : Charles Delaney, William Coleman, Roger DelTurco, Kevin Convery, Vincent Convery, Edward D avis, Leonard Carr, Pasquale Colavita,

Richard Dixon. THIRD ROW: Michael Clancy, Joseph Casey, Philip Carrig, Veronica Cisielska, Marcia Cetkowski, Diane Coveleski, Dennis Cannon, James Colello. FOURTH ROW: John Chebra, Richard Carson , Martin Connor, Bartholomew Carr, Jon Carter, Thomas Deptula.


SEATED: Joan Flavin, Clair Flynn, Mary Lou Eleniewski, Catherine Garansi, Barbara Dringus, Irene Dunne, Mary Dorner, Marilyn Esposito, Margaret French, Nancy Golden. SECO ND ROW: James Dwyer, Dino Fiabane, James Giordano, Michael Doyle, Rudolph Geurds, William Ern est, Leon Grabowski, Richard Gervasoni, Steven Gallo, Peter Fosky.

THIRD ROW: Alita Dusek, Patricia Evans, Renee Foran, Mary Ann Engennach, Cherie Gerard, Janice Evans, Joan Golinski, Elizabeth C amhi, Elaine Elenewski, Nancy Flynn, Maryanne Domanski. FOURTH ROW : Mark Driscoll , Frank Galate, Robert Forgash, William Gaskill, John F eeney, Thomas Freeman.



SEATED: Carole Grochala, Anita Huddlestun, Susan Houck, Mary Ann Kent, Joan Keegan, Carolyn Hustak, Sandra Hibbert, Charlotte Horvath, Gloria King, Geraldine Inverso. SECOND ROW: Catherine Hillman, Edward Harding, Edward Kisco, George Kelly, John Herrity, Vincent Hoffman, James King, William Gronikowski, Richard Kirkham, Rich-

ard Kerwick. THIRD ROW: Margaret Hancin, Kathleen Gutkowski, Marie Immordino, Kathryn Kazarow, Anita Gregoreski, Joann Kaminski, Dolores Herbert, Jean Keegan, Carole Holst, Patricia Gregory, Joyce Kiernan. FOURTH ROW: Robert Kasperowicz, Richard Green, Joseph Gulkinsky, Joseph Jakubisin, Anthony Karnicky.


SEATED: Patricia McGee, Kathleen Krueger, Jean Lewandowski, Emily Leonardi, Elizabeth Koerz, Lynnette Krug, Karen Kowalski, Christine Knott, Margaret Lane, Judith Kulesza. SECOND ROW: Vincent Martin, Michael Markulec, Rod McKinnon, Robert Labonski, William Mate, Joseph Licciardello, Allen Lane, Thomas Mahoney, Robert Klein.


THIRD ROW: Gail Marino, Sheila Lynch, Dierdre Lett, Sandra Matuza, Cecelia Marchand, Rosemarie Krakowski, Mary Jane Kyselka, Judith Leone. FOURTH ROW: Joseph Maruca, Ronald Krisak, David Loveless, Michael Lewis, Francis Marrolli, Joseph Krause, Kenneth Lagana, Thomas LaFisca.


SEATED: Rita Oakley, Linda Maziarz, Irene Misialowski, Kathleen McNichol, Arlene Ogzak, Claire McElroy, Elizabeth Norman, Patricia Medulla, Constance Miller, Karen McEwan. SECOND ROW: George Matuchek, Hugo Mercantini, Michael Olearchek, Patrick Mullen, Richard McDougal, Gerald Millar, James Miller, Richard Miller, Ed-

ward O'Hara. THIRD ROW: Kevin McNally, Thomas Michaud, Edward McGlone, Elaine Muschal, Cecelia Michal, Loretta Nunnick, Judith Murphy, James Meriwether, Robert Paglione, Dennis Maziarz. FOURTH ROW: Thomas Migliaccio, Joseph Makrancy, Frederick Morrison, James Moran.


SEATED: Catherine Reuter, Judy Rush, Loraine Roslon, Mary Ann Renyo, Virginia Russo, Michele Quere, Marie Patten, Barbara Potocki, Joanne Partridge, Mary Anne Ridorfino. SECOND ROW: Angela Pelicano, Helen Pasiewicz, Donald Paterson, Henry Renelli, John Rubino, Christopher Reeber, Michael Pogrowski, Joseph Esposito, Margaret Par-

ker, Patricia Prezioso. THIRD ROW: Mary Paske, Susan Reynolds, Dorothy Rabatie, Marlene Proneski, Joan Panacek, Angela Polio, Barbara Rosinski, Carol Ann Papp, Rita Marie Peters. FOURTH ROW: Thaddeus Robak, Robert Ristow, Richard Parcinski, Peter Pietras, Michael Parks, Frederick Pietras.



SEATED: Cannella Sabato, Sally Stankowski, Pauline Stype, Margaret Smith, Kathleen Stark, Susan Shimski, Sharon Sohl, Barbara Strange, Carol Sujansky, Beverlee Sinatra. SECOND ROW: Peter Sieben, William Soodul, Gerald Sellner, Roy Smith, Patrick Ryan, William Spych, Frederick Singer, John Taweel, William Schnorbus. THIRD ROW: Edmund

Stoy, Trudy Sebestyen, Virginia Sweeney, Sharon Steepy, Patricia Tagliarino, Joan Solack, Andrea Spisak, Robert Snyder. FOURTH ROW: Thomas Smith, John Slimm, Stanley Sliwinski, Anthony Shanko, John Stults, Frank Smith, Dennis Schek, William Stokes.


SEATED: Barbara Zelmanowski, Rosemarie Tiscione, MaryAnn Waltos, Suzanne Wehrfritz, Virginia Weitz, Janice Williams, Lois Zullig, Patricia Walters, Josephine Vannozzi, ~ir足 ginia Thompson. SECOND ROW: Carole Troutman, Manon Wszolek, Joseph Wroblewski, Guy Verde, Ronald Woolston, John Wagner, Steven Wolfer, James Vaughan, Charles Tur-


ner, Dorinne Zoltanski, Joyce Trombitas. THIRD ROW: Elizabeth Warfel, Gail Weigand, Barbara Zamborsky, Mary Ann Willever, Regina Zindl, Sandra Walentine, Regina Worob, Dolores Zelmanowski, Mary Ann Wherry, Marcia Tobiasz. FOURTH ROW: Victor Zuczek, Stanley Wirpsza, Frank Wszolek, Gary Wasko, Steven Wilfing.

Sophomore geometry students seem to take pleasure in working out a new theorem.

Sophomore biology students work assiduously to get note books up to date.


David Whelan, Marie Evans and Patricia Foley decorate Christmas tree in the students' dining room with geometric figures done as part of a class profect.

Suzanne Sheehan and Donna Parsons prepare the tubes for biology experiments.

Freshman girls are all smiles as they wait their turn in the m edical suite for dental examination.


Sophomores complete notes on their latest experiments.

Sophomore boys display a variety of expressions during their weekly lab drill in German. "Bitte, Wiederholen Sie das, Schwester," (or, please repeat that, Sister) says Dale De Lozier.


Father Tracy smiles approval after installing Joan Golinski, Virginia Blicharz, Diane Accongio and Sally Stankowski as officers of the Spanish National Honor Society.

With gusto Mr. Elko takes the signs for what they are worth and bestows a splashing shower on Chris Reeber during carnival days. Vincent Convery looks on approvingly.


Faculty members Mr. Haney, Mrs. Dougherty and Mr. Semanchek ponder one of the most unusual "accidents" to occur in Notre Dame. Joanne Partridge in a moment of excitement caught her finger in a hole in her desk.

Vincent Convery shows Chris Reeber and Camille Ott how to sign out the visual aids equipment.


Father T1acy presents pins to the new junior and sophomore members of the National Honor Society.

Lab team Anthony Shanko, joseph Wroblewski, Stanley Bogdiewicz, Ronald Glonek and Virginia Sweeney perform their weekly experiment.

Richard Parcinski, varsity basketball member, admires the many trophies the team has won for Notre Dame.


8 A.M. is a busy time at the school store. Karen Allaire keeps students happy as she hands out the necessary daily equipment.

In "Know Your School Program", Gaetana Borgia portrays a French teacher and her charming "little girls" are Carol Catanese, Linda McGrath and Elizabeth Csernech.


11 N HIS

master plan of creation God has designated a particular

~ spot for each of us wherein we can contribute warp threads

and weft yarn to the design of bliss planned by the Divine Artist. It is here that we became tapissiers with whom the mandate of knowing God took the place of the loom, and whose shuttle was serving God, and whose color medium was the love of God instead of thread. The desire to fulfill this mandate merged the diverse pathways of our lives into one, and four years ago, we, the class of 1962, found ourselves at the portals of Notre Dame High School. We sought admittance because we knew that here our ultimate goal would be brought into clearer focus. We were not disappointed. God's beautiful world was gradually unfolded before us as we chose yams of harmonius colors and interesting textures in the various subjects of our curriculum and our extracurricular activities. In order to be considered a chef d'atelier, we tried by skillfulness to inter-relate all the elements of school life in order to transcend to the objectives of the Master Artist.

HARRIS ADAMS Saint Anthony's Parish "There is no wisdom like frankness." Future Teachers of America Club 4; Catllolic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Christmas Play 2, '3; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3;

In intricate pattern, the class of 1962 . . .

JANET ALACH Incarnation Parish "Little and good." Dramatic Club 3; Forum Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Style Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 3, 4; Music Committee 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

ALICE AMISON Saint Gregory's Parish "Better to be small and shine, than great and cast a shadow." Decorators Club 1, Treasurer; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4, President 2; Latin Club 1, 3; Service Committee 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4, Prefect 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.

HENRY ANGELUCCI Saint Anthony's Parish "A good nature is the air of a good mind." German Club 2, 3; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Stage-hand 1; Intramurals 1 ,2.

VIRGINIA ANCHAK Saint Anthony's Parish "Nothing false or insincere; everything is straight forward and springs from the heart." Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Latin Club 2; Club Committee 3; Parish Council Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT ANDERSON Saint Anthony's Parish "Talking comes by nature, silence, by wisdom." Photography Club 1; Projection Club 4; Social Dancing 2; Spanish Club 2; Music Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARY LOUISE APPLEGET Incarnation Parish "Always busy-her~1 there, everywhere. Dramatic Club 3, 4; Style Club 2, President; Club Committee 2; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3.

ROSE MARIE ANIRINA Holy Angels Parish "Her personality shines forth through her radiant eyes." Dramatic Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, President; Social Dancing Club 2; Homeroom Secretary 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Business Staff 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4.

JOHN ASH Incarnation Parish "Happy is he; from care he is free." Chess Club 2; Latin Club 1; Science Club 1; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.



"Politeness costs nothing yet gains everything." Archery Club 4; Forum Club 2, 3; French Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, Treasurer 1; Sports Club 1, Vice President; Weight Lifting Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Transportation Committee 2; Homeroom president 1, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, Manager 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 1; Track Team 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

CYNTHIA AUG Incarnation Parish

DOROTHY AVERY Saint Paul's Parish

"A joy to all who know her."

"What she undertakes to do, she does."

Fashion Club 1, Treasurer; Sewing Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Transportation Committee 1; Homeroom Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Christmas Play l.

Art Club 3; Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1; French Club 2; Glee Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Sewing Club 4, Secretary; Proctor Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2; Lady Lore Lay-out Staff 2, Contributions 3'; lntramurals 1; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Softball 2.

MARY BANNISTER Saint Hedwig's Parish

"A willing heart and a helpful friend." Civics Club 1; Girls' Athletic Club 2; Sewing 1, 4; Spanish 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Coronet Circulation Staff 3.

ANTHONY BALDINO Saint Ann's Parish

"Faithfulness and sincerity are the highest things." Bridge Club 4; Chess Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 1, 2, 3, President 3; Mathematics Club 3, Treasurer; Assembly Committee 1, 2, 3; Student Cc.nncil Athletic Chairman 4; Homeroom Vice President 2, 3; National H:jnor Society 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2; Band 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.

LOTTIE BEDNAREK Saint Vincent de Paul Parish "A cheerful friend is like a sunny day." Dramatic Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3; Red Cross Club 4; Hostess Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assen 路 bly 1, 2.

interlaces threads of enthusiasm . . .

ANDREA BANKER Saint Anthony's Parish

"A good smile is the sunshine of wisdom." Dec0rators Club 1; Latin Club 1; Red Cross Club 3; Social Dancing 2; Red Cross Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 4; School Play 2; Assembly 2; Soccer l. 161

MARION BELYUNG Saint Anthony's Parish "A girl quite unconscious of her worth." Art Club 3, 4, President 4; Glee Club 1; Latin Club 1; Style Club 2; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2, Treasurer 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play l.

DIANNE BERNHARD Incarnation Parish "Her heart is always at your service." Girls' Sports Club 1; Mission Club 2, 3; Red Cross Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Soccer 2.

earnestness of purpose . . .

ELIZABETH BERTOTHY Saint Raphael's Parish "There is no recipe like laughter." Forum Club 3; French Club 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Club 1; Photography Club 4; Proctor Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3; Coronet Feature Staff 2, News Staff 3, News Editor 4; Lady Lore Contributions 3.

EUGENE BLICHARZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "A carefree heart that goes all day." Science Club 1, 3, 4; Transportation Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Stage-hand 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARY ELLEN BLACKWELL Saint Raphael's Parish "A voice of the sweetest ever heard." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Mathematics Club 3; Social Committee 1, 2; Sodality 2, 3, 4, Vice Prefect 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 2; Coronet Staff 1, 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3.

CATHERINE BLATCHFORD Saint Raphael's Parish "All who saw admired." Fashion Club 1; Latin Club 1; Sewing Club 2; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 2; Baseball 3.

CLAIRE BOBOWNIK Saint Hedwig's Parish "For she spreads the sunshine wherever she goes." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; German Club 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1; Service Club 1; Homeroom Treasurer 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1; School Play 1; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

JOYCE BLIZNOWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "Softly speak and sweetly smile." Art Club 1; Forum Club 2, 3; Girls' Athletics Committee 1, 2; Social Committee 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2.

JOHN BOREK Saint Hedwig's Parish "Always willing to help a friend and noble enough to conceal it." French Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Proection Club 2, 3, 4, President 4; Sports Club 1; Athletic Committee 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 1; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Stage-hand 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


JULIA BREMERMAN Saint Joseph's Parish "Mindful not of herself." Glee Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3路 Sewing Club 3; Club Committee '2 3路 Catholic Youth Adoration 1 2 3 4: Propagation of the Faith 2: Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Service Corps 2; Music Festival2; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

1: 3: 4;

RONALD BOSZAK Saint Ann's Parish "The highest graces of music flow from the feelings of the heart." Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2, 3; Assembly 2, 3; Band 2, 3.

DONALD BRAMLEY Saint Hedwig's Parish "The light heart lives long." Boys' Athletic Club 4; Do-lt-Yourself Club 2, President; Photography Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 2; Intramurals 1, 2.

diligence of study . . .

DENNIS BROPHY Incarnation Parish "Faithful to each trust." Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3.

ANN BURGER Saint Raphael's Parish "There is no blessing like a prudent friend." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1; German Club 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 4; Music Festival 2.

RICHARD BURNETT Saint Paul's Parish "One who sows courtesy reaps friendship." German Club 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Proctor 1; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 4; Assembly 1, 2; Stage-hand 2; Football 2, 3. 163

MARYELLEN BUCHANAN Saint Anthony's Parish "Her ways are the ways of pleasantness." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 1.

WILLIAM BUDNOVICH Incarnation Parish "So honest, willing, and kind." Art Club 1; Photography Club 1; Projection Club 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; Social Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

KATHLEEN BURT Saint Paul's Parish "Sincerity and truth are the b~is of every virtue." Art Club 2, 3, 4, President 3; Science Club 1; Proctor Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 2; National Honor Society Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Staff Art 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Staff 2, Art Editor 3, 4.

CORY BUTLER Saint Ann's Parish "A good nature is admirable." Art Club 3; Biology Club 2; Boys' Sports Club 4; Science Club 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Football 3, 4; Soccer 1; Intramurals 2.

RICHARD CACCAMIS Incarnation Parish "Born with the gift of mirth." Bridge Club 4; Chess Club Treasurer 1, Vice-President 2; German Club 2, 3; Red Cross Committee 2; Transportation Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3; Stage-hand 2; Intramurals 1.

youthful vigor . . .

KATHLEEN CALLAN Incarnation Parish "Quiet, sweet, and so reserved." French Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Latin Club 3, Secretary; Style Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

GERALDINE CARNIVAL Incarnation Parish "Deep brown eyes running over with glee." Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1.

MICHAEL CARRIG Incarnation Parish "Calm as a summer day." Dramatics Club 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Photography Club 3; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Knights of Notre Dame 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 2, 4; Band 1; Football 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3.

ANNE MARIE CHELINSKI Incarnation Parish "A genuine smile from a kindly heart." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Assembly Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3. 4.

ROBERT CHIANESE Saint Raphael's Parish "Good wit makes use of anything." Archery Club 4; Chess Club 1; Science Club 3, Secretary; Travel Club 2; Homeroom Vice-President 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3.


MARILYN CIFELLI Holy Angels Parish "The fairest sight in all the world is a friendly face." Fashion Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Glee Club 1, 4; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 1; Christmas Play 1; As.sembly 1.

JANET CHIEFFALO Saint Ann's Parish "Unselfishness and noble actions are the most radiant pages on the biography of souls." French Club 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Red Cross Club 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 1; Red Cross Committee 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Coronet Circulation Staff 3.

GARY CHORBA Holy Angels Parish "Will is character." Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, President 1, Vice-President 2; Junior Class President 3; Proctor Chairman 4; Homeroom President 1, 2; National Honor Society Vice-President 3, President 4; Knights of Notre Dame 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1~ 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

to weave a pattern of memories.

FLORENCE CLINE Saint Anthony's Parish "A heart so full of fun." Civics Club 1; Glee Club 1, 2; Modern Dance Club 4; Spanish Club 1; Club Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 4.

HENRY COLEMAN Saint Anthony's Parish "A stern look but a gentle heart." Bridge Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Print Club 3, President; Record Club 1; Restaurant Management Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3.

CAROL COLGAN Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish "A cheery smile, a cheerful word." Fashion Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.


CAROL CLINTON Saint Anthony's Parish "A voice so soft, sweet, and clear." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Service Corr.mittee 2; Social Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1;' Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Assembly 1.

ROBERT COLAVITA Saint Hedwig's Parish ''Gentle in both manner and speech." German Club 2, President; Boys' Sports Club 4; Travel Club 2; Transportation Committee 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 4; Homeroom President 3; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

SANDRA COLLARD Saint Raphael's Parish "In but a twinkle of the eye.." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 4, President 4; Red Cross Committee 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Intramurals 1.

DEBRA COLLINS Incarnation Parish "Rolling eyes and sunny smiles." Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3, President 3; Girls' Sports Club Secretary 1, President 4; Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Girls' Athletics Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1; Stage-hand 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3.

The Divine Tapestry Maker fashions a loom ...

JEAN CONNOLLY Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Humor is the perfection of genius." French Club 4; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Press Club 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Social Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleer 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Coronet News Staff 1, 2.

JACQUELINE CONNOR Saint Anthony's Parish "A sparkling humor lies in her eyes." Art Club 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Press Club 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homero<;>m Banking Representative 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2.

JAMES CONWAY Incarnation Parish "Industry leads to happiness." Forum Club 3; German Club 2; Physics Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 1, 2; Band 1, 2; Orchestra 2.

KATHLEEN CONROY Incarnation Parish "It is good to be merry and wise." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.

RONALD CONSOL Saint Anthony's Parish "A heart that daily laughs at care." Current Events Club 3; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Physics Club 4路 Science Club 1, 2, 3; Boys' Athleti~ Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARlETT A CORALLO Saint Anthony's Parish "A true friend, a friend forever." Bridge Club 4; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Glee Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 3; Volleyball 2, Captain.

JOHN COOPER Incarnation Parish "The ideal of courtesy." Dramatic Club 4; Photography Club 1, 2, Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; . Assembly 1; Stagehand 1; Intramurals 2; Football 1, 2.

CATHERINE CORBOY Saint Anthony's Parish ''Tis a friendly heart that has many friends." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1; Music Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.


MADALEN COSTANTINI Incarnation Parish "Talking-she knew not of what nor cared not of what." Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Hostess Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 4.

LOUISE CORTINA Saint Anthony's Parish "True character is a diamond that scratches all other stones." Dramatic Club 2, 3, Secretary 2; French Club 3; Glee Club 1; Latin Club 2; Red Cross Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1.

PATRICIA COSGRIFF Saint James Parish "Mild of manner, gentle of heart." Civics Club 1; Photography Club 1; Restaurant Management Club 2; Spanish Club 1; Parish Council Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

CYNTHIA CRACKER Saint Raphael's Parish "Diligence is success." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1, 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Social Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4, Captain 2.

ROBERT CRAVEN Saint Anthony's Parish "Kindness is the poetry of his heart." Chess Club 3, 4; Health Club 3, 4; Latin Club 4; Transportation Committee 3; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 3, 4; School Play 3; Assembly 3; Intramurals 3, 4.

DONNA DANASO Saint Anthony's Parish "Grace shines around her with serenest beams." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Glee Club 2, 4; Sewing Club 1, Secretary; Spanish Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Hostess Committee 3; Proctor Committee 2; Transportation Committee 4; Sodality 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 2, 4; Choraleers 2; Assembly 2, 4; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 3, 4

of a challenging year ...

KATHLEEN CULLITON Incarnation Parish "Personality is a person among persons." Civics Club 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1.


CAROL D' ARCY Holy Angels Parish "A cheerful disposition is more valuable than gold." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 1; Social Committee 2; Homeroom Secretary 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music F estival 2; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 2; Lady Lore Business Circulation Staff 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Cheerleader 3, 4.

MARCIA DAVIES Saint Raphael's Parish "True friendship is the greatest blessing." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Sports Club 1; Club Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

JUDITH DeANGELIS Holy Angels Parish "H er talents were of the more silent class." Civics Club 1; Fashion Club 2; Glee Club 1; Proctor Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4路 Music Festival 1; Proctor 3. '

wherein the threads of cultural opportunity

ALBERT deBLOIS Incarnation Parish "Born with the gift of laughter." German Club 2; Physics Club 4; Science Club 3 ; Sports Club 1; Club Committee 2; Mission Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

DIANE DeBLOIS Saint Anthony's Parish "Attract others to God by word and example." Glee Club 1, 2; Mission Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 4.

GERALD DeBLOIS Saint Anthony's Parish "A mighty spirit fills his fram e." Archery Club 4; Do-It-Yourself Club 1, 2; Service Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2; Intramurals 1, 2.

PATRICIA DeGEORGE Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "To draw, to paint, to sketch is my delight." Art Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Spanish Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Girls' Athletics Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2, 3; School Play 2; Assembly 1; Lady Lore Art Editor 2, 3; Contributions 2, 3, 4.

JACQUELINE DeBOSKEY Incarnation Parish " There is always time for courtesy." Biology Club 3, President; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Modern Dance Club 4; Assembly Committee 3; Hostess Committee 2; Music Committee 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Catholic Youth Ador.atibn 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1. 2. 4; Cheerleader 4.

JUDITH DeGREGORY Holy Angels Parish "From her tongue comes words of kindness." Art Club 3; Fashion Club 1, 2; Glee Club 4; Parish Council Committee 2 3, 4; Social Committee 1; Catholi~ Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.


THOMAS DiFRANCO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "He who helps at need." Art Club 1, Treasurer; Chess Club 2, 3, Vice-President; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Physics Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3.

ANTONIUS DeKONINK Holy Angels Parish "Life is not life without delight." Chess Club 3; Do-lt-Yourself Club 2; German Club 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 4; Soccer 3.

ELIZABETH DELL Holy Angels Parish "Quietness is best." Art Club 2; Chess Club 3; Club Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2; Lady Lore Contributions 2.

through which we learn to appreciate beauty ...

JAMES DILL Saint Joseph's Parish "The gentlest heart." Recording Club l; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 1, 4.

ANTHONY DORSEY Saint Raphael's Parish "How pleasant the life,pf an optimist must be. Chess Club 3; German Club 1, 2; Latin Club 2; Physics Club 4; Sports Club l; Boys' Athletics Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2; Track 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH DOTTER Saint Anthony's Parish ''Follow your own bent no matter what people will say." Latin Club 2; Mathematics Club 4; Physics Club 4; Social Dancing Club l; Sports Club 2, 3; Catholic !outh Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Football 1, 2.


TERESA DOMANSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow." Dramatic Club 1, 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Latin Club 1, 3, Secretary 3; Hostess Committee 4; Hostess Chairman 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Homeroom Vice-President l; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3; Music Festival!; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Layout Staff 2; Intramurals 3.

PATRICIA DORAN Saint Joseph's Parish "Honor is the reward of virtue." Civics Club l; Library Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Style Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

WINIFRED DOVE Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Little said is soonest mended.': Civics Club 1; Library Club l; Spanish Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARGARET DROBNAK Saint Anthony's Parish "Happiness is above all things the calm, glad certainty of innocence." French Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Hostess Committee 2; Service Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1.

VIRGINIA DUFFY Saint Joseph's Parish

"Rolling eyes and sunny smiles." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1; Mission Club 1, 3; Sewing Club 2, 4; Spanish Club 2; Style Club 2; Music Committee 1, 2, 3; Social Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1.

social progress . . .

RONALD DYKAS Saint Hedwig's Parish "Blessed be mirthfulness." Do-It-Yourself Club 1; German Club 1; Restaurant Management Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 4; Football 3, 4.

JOHN ELKINS Saint Gregory the Great Parish "A still, small voice." French Club 2; Latin Club 2; Music Club 1; Social Dancing Club 2; Proctor Committee 2; Transportation Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, Manager.

SALAVTORE EPPOLITO Saint Anthony's Parish "Peace is liberty in tranquility." Do-It-Yourself Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 2, 3; Basketball 2.

JAMES EVANS Saint Anthony's Parish "There is but one virtue the eternal sacrifice of self." Art Club 1; Civics Club 1, 3; Forum Club 3, 4; German Club 2, President; Latin Club 1, 2, Vice-President 2; Senior Class President; Homeroom President 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4~ School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.

JOSEPH ESPOSITO Saint Hedwig's Parish "Mild of manner, gentle of heart." Biology Club 4, Vice-President; Current Events Club 3, Secretary; Science Club 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Homeroom Secretary 1; Homeroom Treasurer 4; National Honor Society 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 4; Assembly 1, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1.


MARY JANE FAUST Saint Ann's Parish "Sweet is the light of her eyes." Dramatic Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3; Spanish Club 2· Girls' Athletics Committee 2; Music ' Committee 2; Music Committee 4· Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4. ' '

RICHARD F ALCONIO Saint Anthony's Parish "Lost time is never found again." Sports Club 1, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 4.

DOUGLAS FARRELL Saint Joseph's Parish ''Nothing endures bttt personal qualities." Chess Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Photography Club 2; Physics Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1.

by which we attain poise and maturity . . .

LOUIS FAVATA Saint Ann's Parish "The gentleman will do like a gentleman." Propagation of the Faith 1 2 3 4· Music Festival 1, 2, 4; Scho~l Play 2' 3; Christmas Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4.

PATRICIA FITTON Saint Ann's Parish "A sincere friend, a friend indeed." German Club 2, 4, Secretary 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Mission Club 4; Red Cross Club 3; Science Club 1; Style Club 2; Girls' Athletics Committee 1; Red Cross Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 4.

DANIEL FLYNN Saint James Parish "Silence is a great art." Civics Club 1, 3; Forum Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1 2 Vice-President 2; Mathematics Club 3, Secretary; Science Club 1; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1 2; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 2, 3; Coronet Feature Staff 3 4· Band 1 2· Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. ' ' ' '


JOSEPH FECAK Saint Michael's Parish "More valuable than fame is a sunny disposition." Art Club 1; Biology Club 2; Debate 3; German Club 2, 3; Sports Club 4; Assembly Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARY JO FELDHEGE Saint Anthony's Parish ''True to the task she has t(J do." Civics Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Assembly Committee 1; Service Committee 3; Social Committee 2; Social Committee Chairman 4; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2; Choraleers 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4.

JUNE FOLEY Saint Anthony's Parish "A heart with room for everyone." Art Club 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Press Club 1; Sewing Club 2; Bulletin Board Comm~ttee 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Cathohc Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1 2 3 4· Music Festival 4; Choraleers '4; Ass~m~ bly 4; Coronet Feature Staff 1, 4.

ROBERT FORCZEK Saint Hedwig's Parish "A bundle of mischief.'' Current Events Club 3; German Club Secretary 3, Treasurer 2; Photography Club 1; Sports Club 4: Treasurer; Travel Club 2; Proctor Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2; Music Festival 1; School Play 1; Assembly 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 4.

RICHARD FORD Holy Angels Parish "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Biology Club 2, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Health Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 3, President 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Stage-hand 3; lntramurals 1, 2; Baseball Manager 2, 3, 4; Basketball Manager 3, 4; Football 4, Manager 3.

RENEE FRIEL Saint Paul's Parish "Good humor is the health of the soul." Forum Club 3, 4; French Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Club 2, VicePresident; Sewing Club 1; Club Committee 2; Hostess Committee 3, 4; Music Committee 1; Homeroom Secretary 4; Sodality 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 2, 3; Basketball 2; Softball 2, 3.

LINDA GARZILLO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Sincere of heart.'' Glee Club 2; Library Club 1; Parish Council Committee 4; Red Cross Committee 2; Social Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2.

JOHN GAJDEK Saint Hedwig's Parish "What is worth doinf? is worth doing well.' Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Do-It-Yourself Club 2, President; German Club 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Latin Club 2, President; Mathematics Club 3; Photography Club 1; Science Club 3; Sports 4; Club Committee 3; Service Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2; National Honor Society 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; 4; Assembly 1, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

GAIL GALLAGHER Saint Gregory the Great Parish ''A tender heart.'' Civics Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Latin Club 3; Library Club 1, 2, 3; Club Committee 4; Hostess Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

THOMAS GElS Saint Ann's Parish "Politeness is the key which unlocks the door to success.'' German Club 3; Photography Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 3, 4; Coronet Photographer 3, 4.

THOMAS GERACI Saint Joseph's Parish "A heart as true as steel.'' Archery Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Biology Club 2; Chess Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Propagat~on of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3;路 Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; lntramurals 2, 4.

ROBERT GElS Saint Ann's Parish "Good words cost little but are worth much.'' Do-It-Yourself Club 2, Vice-President; German Club 2, 3, President 3; Photography Club 1; Science Club 3; Sports Club 4, President; Assembly Committee 2; Service Committee 1; Homeroom Vice-President 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; lntramurals 3, 4.


RAYMOND GORMAN Saint Hedwig's Parish "The majesty that from man.'s soul looks through his eager eyes." • Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 1, 2; Parish Council Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 2.

RICHARD GIACOBBI Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish "Each mind has its own methods." Forum Club 1, 2, 3; Glee Club 2, 3; Assembly Committee 2; Homeroom President 1; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MILDRED GOEKE Incarnation Parish ''Good manners are made up of sacrifices." Forum Club 1, 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 2; Assembly Committee 4; Bulletin Board Committee 3; Music Committee 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Cheerleader 1, 4; Intramurals 3; Baseball 3.

JOAN GRADUS Saint Joseph's Parish "A sunny heart." Cooking Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 3; Glee Club 1; Mission Club 2; Red Cross Club 4; Mission Committee 2; Girls' Athletics Committee 3, 4; Transportation Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music F estival 1; Christmas Play 1; Stage-hand 2; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4; Orchestra 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 4.

EILEEN GRAY Saint Anthony's Parish "Knowledge at the tip of her tongue." Red Cross 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4, Treasurer 3; Red Cross Committee 1, 2, 3; Student Council Treasurer 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1, 3; National Honor Society 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2; Choraleers 1, 2; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals l.

WILLIAM GRIGGS Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish "Politeness is to do and say." Art Club 1; Debate Club 3; German Club 2; Sports Club 4; Travel Club 2; Proctor Committee 3; Homeroom President 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Assembly 4; Stage-hand 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Baseball 1, 2; Football 1, 2.

religious activity ...

MADLYN GRIMES Saint Ann's Parish "High-erected thoughts seated in the · heart of courtesy." Future Teachers of America Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 4.


ALICE GRODNICKI Saint Hedwig's Parish ''Cheerfulness will open a door where other keys fail." Civics Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Latin Club 3; Proctor Committee 4; Social Committee 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3; Proctor 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1, 2; Assembly 1; Lady Lore Contributions 1.

from which we advance spiritually ...

DIANNE GUADAGNO Saint Anthony's Parish "Music at the tip of her fingers." Civics Club 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Girls' Athletic Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4路 Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play Assembly 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 2.

STEPHEN GULYAS Holy Angels Parish "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Do-lt-Yourself Club 1; Science Club 2; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Stage-hand 1, 2.


KENNETH HANFORD Incarnation Parish "It is quality rather than quantity that matters." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANDREW GYETVAN Holy Angels Parish "A fellow of plain and uncoined constancy." Bridge Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; P-hotography Club 1; Travel Club 1, 2; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Transportation Committee 1; Homeroom President 3; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Football 1, 2.

MARIANNE HAJCAK Saint Hedwig's Parish "A tender smile, our sorrow's only balm." Glee Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

THOMAS HART Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Make new friends but keep the old." Future Teachers of America Club 4; Photography Club, Secretary; Spanish Club 2; Travel Club 2; Assembly Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; School Play 3; Assembly 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARGARET HARKER Saint Raphael's Parish "A kind heart is a fountain of goodness." Cooking Club 4; Girls' Sports Club 1; Latin Club ;3; Mission Club 3; Restaurant Management Club 2; Assembly Committee 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 1; Mission Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Baseball 2.

DOROTHY HASTINGS Saint Joseph's Parish "Good nature and good sense are usually good companions." Glee Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1.


PATRICIA HEALY Saint Anthony's Parish "The joy of the heart colors her face." Civics Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Glee Club 1; Red Cross Club 3; Spanish Club 2; Style Club 2; Red Cross Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 1; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4.

SHARON HAYES Saint Raphael's Parish "A happy spirit." Civics Club 1; Glee Club 1, 2, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 4; Choraleers 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2; Intramurals 2.

MARIBETH HAZARD Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Good humor only teaches charms to last." Cooking Club 2; Red Cross Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

MARY JO HELFRICH Saint Anthony's Parish "Mind cannot follow it; nor words express her sweetness." Civics Club 1; Fashion Club 1, 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; Club Committee 2; Proctor Committee 3; Red Cross Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Proctor 3; Assembly 2.

INGEBORG HINTZE Saint Raphael's Parish "To live well is nothing more than to live honestly." Chess Club 3, Secretary; Civics Club 1; Cooking Club 4, President; French Club 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Assembly Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 2, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Choraleers 2; Christmas Play 2.

THOMAS HOFFMANN Saint Anthony's Parish "Men of few words are the best men." Restaurant Management Club 4; Music Committee 1, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2.


VIRGINIA HELLEIS Saint Raphael's Parish "A cheerful lass with a heart full of fun." Fashion Club 1, 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1.

CATHERINE HEPBURN Incarnation Parish "They are truly great who are truly good." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1; French Club 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Glee Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 4; Service Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Music Festival 2; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1; Coronet News Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4.

JAMES HOGG Saint Joseph's Parish "A light heart lives long." • Glee Club 2; Photography Club 1, President; Restaurant Management Club 4, Treasurer; Club Committee 1; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Soccer 1.

CAROL INGLING Saint Raphael's Parish "A merry heart." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 1路 Parish Council Committee 2; Hom~room Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1; Lady Lore Contributions 1.

JEFFREY JABLE Saint Ann's Parish "A cheerful companion and a very good dancer." Projection Club 1; Social Dancing Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3; Soccer 4.

intellectual enrichment ...

JOSEPH JACHETTI Saint Raphael's Parish "Wit now and then struck smartly, shows a spark." Civics Club 1; German Club 2, 3, President 2; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; Health Club 3, 4; Boys' Sports Club 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 1, 2; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANNE JACKSON Saint Joseph's Parish "Begone, dull care; thou and I shall never agree." German Club 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2; Hostess Committee 1; Music Committee 2; Homeroom President 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2.

Glee Club 2 3 2: 3 4路


2: 3;

ELIZABETH JACKSON Saint Joseph's Parish "Eyes that light up with a friendly smile." Club 1, 2; Spanish Club; Style 3路 Girls' Athletic Committee 1, 4: Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 4;' Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 1, Baseball 1; Basketball 1.

DOROTHY JANUKOWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "It is best to be merry and wise." German Club 2, 3, 4; Mission Club 4; Restaurant Management Club 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Style Club 1; Hostess Committee 3, 4; Sodality路2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Ador~tion 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 1; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 3, 4.

THOMAS JANTZ Incarnation Parish "Nothing is impossible to diligence and skill." Biology Club 2; Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Science Club 1; Homeroom President 1; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 1; Lady Lore Contributions 3; Football 1.


RAYMOND JOHNSON Saint Ann's Parish "My heart is ever at your service." French Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Boys' Sports Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 3; Football 2, 4.

MARY LYNN JESSEN Saint Anthony's Parish "Thy modesty is a candle to thy merit." French Club 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Club 1; Style Club 2; Parish Council Committee 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3.

EILEEN JOHNSON Saint Anthony's Parish "Keep true to the dreams of thy youth." Bridge Club 4; Fashion Club 1; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Style Club 2; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 2.

fulfilling our minds' promise ...

SUSAN JOHNSTON Saint Anthony's Parish "She works with a will." Civics Club 1; French Club 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Press Club 4, Vice-President; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Editor 4; Coronet News Staff 2, 3.

STEPHEN JONES Saint Hedwig's Parish "Reason and calm judgment are qualities that belong to a leader." French Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2; Photography Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3; Stagehand 2; Coronet Editor-in-Chief 4; Coronet Photographer 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Sports Staff 1, 2, 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2; Football2.

THOMAS KENNEL Saint Raphael's Parish 路 "I bear a charmed life." Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 3; German Club 3; Glee Club 2; Photography Club 1; Physics Club 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the F aith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3; School Play 2; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.


JOHN KANE Saint Anthony's Parish "Humor is the harmony of the heart." French Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Restaurant Management Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1; Mission Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

BONNIE KEARNS Saint Paul's Parish "A quiet maid." Dramatic Club 1; French Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Social Committee 1, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

NATALIE KIERNAN Saint Anthony's Parish "The charm and playfulness of her talk." Fashion Club 1, 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Spanish Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2; Assembly 2; Cheerleader 2.

ROBERT KIERNAN Saint Anthony's Parish "Trust follows his word." Chess Club l , 2, 3, Secretary 2; German Club 2, 3; Boys' Sports Club 4; Clubs Committee 2, 3; Transportation Committee 4; Knights of Notre Dame 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 4; Band l ; Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4.

BARBARA KISH Holy Angels Parish "A good-natured girl-quite pleasing." Biology Club 2; Civics Club l; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club l, 2; Photography Club 4; Red Cross Club 4; Science Club l , 3; Bulletin Board Committee l, 2, 3; Red Cross Committee 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration l, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 4; Assembly 2, 3; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 2, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4.

KENNETH KMIEC Holy Angels Parish "Novelty is of all things the best loved." Archery Club 4; Chess Club 2; German Club 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Photography Club l ; Boys' Athletic Committee 3, 4; Transportation Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration l ; Propagation of the Faith l , 2, 3, 4; Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Baseball l.

KAREN KOZMA Incarnation Parish "Beauty is like the surf that never ceases." Art Club 4, Treasurer; Dramatic Club l, 2; Hostess Committee 4; Social Committee l, 2; Sodality l, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Stage-hand 4.

ELAINE KOCHIS Saint Ann's Parish "Exceedingly pleasant and merry." Library Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Travel Club l , Secretary; Parish Council Committee 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration l ; Propagation of the F aith l, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Assembly l , 2; Lady Lore Typing Staff 3.

PATRICIA KOVACS Holy Angels Parish "The fairest sight is a friendly face." Dramatic Club l, Treasurer; Forum Club 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Latin Club l, 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Red Cross Committee 3; Homeroom President l; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Catholic Youth Adoration l , 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Music Festival l, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play l, 2; Assembly l, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Alumni Editor 4; Coronet Feature Staff 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4.

JOSEPH KRAMARZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "A happy spirit in a pensive air." Do-lt-Yourself Club l, 3, Treasurer l; Mission Club 2; Sports Club 4; Transportation Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration l; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Assembly l; Intramurals 3.

MARY KRAINSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "Nothing succeeds like success." German Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club l, 2, 4; Modern Dance Club 4; Science Club 3; Girls' Athletic Committee l, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration l; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4;. lntramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Baseball l, 2, 3, 4; Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Soccer l , 2, 3, 4; Volleyball l, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN KRAMER Saint Raphael's Parish "Youth comes but once in a lifetime ." Chemistry Club 3; Chess Club l, Secretary; Forum Club 4; Travel Club 2; Parish Council Committee 4; Assembly 4; Coronet Sports .Staff 4; Intramurals l, 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3.


DOLORES KRECICKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "Knowledge is a treasured thing, one to be practiced." Dramatic Club 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4; Photography Club 1, Vice-President; Club Committee 1; Club Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom President 2; Homeroom Secretary 1, 3; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Copy Editor 4; Coronet Feature Staff 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Intramurals 2; Baseball 2; Soccer 1, 2. KATHLEEN KRAMER Saint Hedwig's Parish "Living is a serious thing." Future Nurses of America Club 3; Girls' Sports Club 1; Latin Club 2; Mission Club 4; Red Cross Club 2; Assembly Committee 3, 4; Music Committee 2; Service Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1; Basketball 1.

MARY ANN LIPTAK Saint Micha~路 s Parish "Her smile is likened to a rainbow." Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2, 4; Latin Club 2, Secretary 4, Treasurer; Club Committee 3; Proctor Committee 1; Homeroom President 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; Sodality 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; _ Service Corps 2; Proctor 1, 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 4; Christmas Play 1; Stage-hand 1, 2; Volleyball 1.

GEORGE KRUEGER Holy Angels Parish "Youth is full of pleasure." Do-It-Yourself Club 1, Vice-President; Projection Club 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Travel Club 3; Transportation Committee 2, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Stage-hand 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Soccer 1.

LAWRENCE KRYSA Saint Hedwig's Parish "Jovial personality under placid appearance." Biology Club 1, 4; Social Dancing Club 1; Travel Club 3; Proctor Committee 4; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 2.

JOHN KULESZA Saint Joseph's Parish "A faithful friend is the medicine of life." German Club 2; Photography Club 1; Physics Club 4; Science Club 3; Boys' Athletic Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1.

athletic endeavor . . .

MARCIA KRUPA Saint Hedwig's Parish "Happy is she who serves well." Future Nurses of America Club 2; Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; Hostess Committe~ 2, 3; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 2, 3; Intramurals 2.


LORETTA KULESZCZYK Saint Hedwig's Parish

"She loveth pleasure." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sewing Club 1; Spanish Club 2, Secretary; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Service Committee 2; Transportation Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 3; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2 ; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Coronet Business Staff 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; lntramurals 2.

BARBARA KUTARNIA Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

BARBARA KISH Holy Angels Parish

to bring fitness and realization of fair play ...

"A perfect lady."

''Spectacle of happiness."

German Club 2; Glee Club 1; Restaurant Management Club 4; Sewing Club 1; Hostess Committee 1; Music Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 2.

Future Nurses of America Club 1, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Library Club 2; Assembly Committee 1; Club Committee 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1, 2; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4.

BARBARA LACOMCHIEK Saint Anthony's Parish

"Virtuous girls possess friends." Future Teachers of America Club 2, Secretary 3, 4; Sports Club Treasurer 1; Club Committee 3; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1, 2; Coronet Member 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2.

PATRICIA KUZIANIK Saint H edwig's Parish

JOYCE LABOWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish

"To her, an enemy is unknown."

"Mixed reason with pleasure, and wisdom with mirth."

MICHELE LAKE Incarnation Parish

Civics Club 2; Library Club 4, Secretary; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Service Corps 2.

Dramatic Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Science Club 1; Parish Council Committee 1; Social Committee 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, . 3, 4; Assembly 1.

Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club Secretary 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Homeroom VicePresident 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2.

RICHARD LEONARD Saint Joseph's Parish

DANIEL LEONARD Saint Anthony's Parish

"Manners are the happy ways of doing things." Do-lt-Yourself Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Intramurals 2; ball2.

Basketball 2;

"Sparkling eyes mirror her soul."


''Happiness is quiet." Biology Club. 2; Debate Club 3 ; German Club 3; Physics Club 4; Science Club 1; Music Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Track 4.


JOHN LIWACZ Saint Ann's Parish "A blithe heart makes a blooming visage." Biology Club 1; Chemistry Club 1; Forum Club 2; French Club 2; Latin Club 3, Secretary; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Social Committee 3; Transportation Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom President 2, 3; National Honor Society 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 2, 4; Intramurals 4; Baseball 1.

KATHLEEN LEVENDUSKY Saint Anthony' Parish "With a little wit and ease to suit them all." Future Business Leaders of America 3, 4; Future Teachers of America 1; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Assembly 1.

MARY ANN LIPTAK Saint Michael's Parish "So sweet is the blush of bashfulness." Future Teachers of America Club 3, Vice-President 4; French Club 3; Red Cross Club 2; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3.

intertwine to produce a complete tapest~y.

ROBERT LOFTUS Incarnation Parish "If all the year were playing holidays." Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 4; Math Club 3; Mission Club 2; Science Club 3; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4.

WILMER LONG Saint Ann's Parish "Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast." German Club 2; Projection Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Vice-President 4; Service Committee 2; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 2; Stage-hand 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, Captain.

CAROLE MacKENTHUN Saint Anthony's Parish "A friendly heart has many friends." German Club 2, 3, 4; Mission Club 1, 3; Red Cross Club 4; Travel Club 2; Music Committee 3; Red Cross Committee 1, 4; National Honor Society 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4.


MINERVA LOWNIE Saint Ann's Parish ''Soft smiles by human kindness bred." Glee Club 1; Style Club 2; Music Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Christmas Play 1.

JOHN LYNN Saint Hedwig's Parish "Patience is the best remedy for every trouble." Do-It-Yourself Club 2; Health Club 3 4; Projection Club 3, 4; Science Club of America 1; Club Committee 3 4路 Proctor Committee 1; Propagatio~ of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Intramurals 3.

PATRICIA MACKIEWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "Always a grateful heart." French Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Restaurant Management Club 1; Style Club 2; Sodality 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 3; Assembly 1.

THOMAS MAGUIRE Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Wit is the salt of conversation." Archery Club 4; Boys' Sports Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3.

PATRICIA MAHER Saint Joseph's Parish "Cheerfulness makes beauty attractive." Civics Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Red Cross Club 4; Restaurant Management Club 2; Sewing Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faeulty 3; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 3, 4; Coronet Business Manager 4.

The masterpiece takes on color. It is no longer a science lab

ARTHUR MAINS Saint Anthony's Parish "And he stood above us all in wisdom." Physics Club 4; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 4; Intramurals 4.

MARGARET MAREK Incarnation Parish "Beauty lives with kindness." French Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Latin Club 2; Sewing Club 1; Style 2, Treasurer; Girls' Athletics Committee 4; Social Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1.

CATHERINE MATLACK Saint Ann's Parish " It is easier not to speak a word at all than to speak more words than we should." Future Nurses of America Club 4; Sewing Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Christmas Pl ay 2; Assembly 1, 2; Orchestra 3; Intramurals 1.

LOIS MAYER Saint Hedwig's Parish "A truly generous is the truly wise." Art Club 4; Dramatic Club 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1; Latin Club 2; National Honor Society 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4; Coronet Feature Staff 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2.

MARCIA MA TYSEK Saint Hedwig's Parish "True knowledge is modest." Civics Club 1; French Club 2, 3; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4, President; Glee Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary; Mission Club 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.


MARGARET McGOVERN Saint Anthony's Parish "Her heart is in her work." Glee Club 4; Spanish Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2; Music Festival 4; Choraleers 1; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Business Manager 4.

PATRICIA McCLOSKEY Saint Anthony's Parish "Her heart is open all the day." Civics Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Spanish Club 2; Parish Council Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2.

DAVID McGEE Holy Angels Parish "Character is higher than even intellect.'' German Club 2, 3; Projection 1, 2, 4; Proctor Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Intramurals 3, 4.

but a living body over a test tube . . .

LINDA McGRATH Saint Ann's Parish "A sweeter girl treads not the earth." Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3; German Club 2, 3, Secretary; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Choraleers 1; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 1, 2; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3; Cheerleader 1; Intramurals 1.

PATRICK McMANIMON Incarnation Parish "Beneficient of mind." Bridge Club 4, Vice-President; Civics Club 1, President; Forum Club 1, 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Class President; Student Council President 4; Homeroom President 1, 3; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1; Soccer 1.

WILLIAM McNICHOL Holy Angels Parish "Contentment is better than riches." Bridge Club 4; French Club 2, 3; Health Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Sports Club 1, President; Boys' Athletic Committee 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2.


BERNARD McGUIGAN Incarnation Parish "The will to do, the soul to dare." German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Physics Club 4; Projection Club 2; Science Club 1, 3; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2 3 4路 Stage-hand 2; lntramurals 1, 2: 3: 4{ Soccer 1.

JOAN McGOWAN Saint Anthony's Parish "She will never lack a friend." Cooking Club 2; Glee Club 4; Sewing Club 1; Service Committee 3; Catho1ic Youth Adoration 2; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 3; Assembly 1; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Softball 2, Captain.

KARL MEGULES Holy Angels Parish "Honor lies in honest toil." Latin Club 1, 3, 4; Mission (1lub 4, Treasurer; Music Committee 1, 2, 4; Proctor Committee 3; Knights of Notre Dame 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Choraleers 3; Band 1, 2; Orchestra 4; Intramurals 4.

MARIE MERCANTINI Saint Anthony's Parish "The smile that won't come off." Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Glee Club 2; Sewing Club 1; Girls' Athletics Committee 2; Hostess Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1,' 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2.

it is not a lifeless bulletin board ...

JOSEPH MIDURA Saint Hedwig's Parish "All greatness is unconscious or it i.s little and naught." Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1.

JULIANNE MIELE Saint Anthony's Parish "We are rich through what we give." Future Business Leaders of America Club . 3, 4; Sewing Club 1; Social Dancmg Club 2, Treasurer; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Cheerleader 1, 2.

PAULINE MILLER Saint Anthony's Parish "Silence is the Mother of Truth ." Fashion Club 1, 3; Glee Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Music Festival 1; Assembly 1, 2.

DIANA MILACCI Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "A cheerful little lassie." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Decorator's Club 1; German Club 2, 3, Secretary 2; Glee Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Hostess Committee 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Assembly 2; Lady Lore Lay-out Staff 2; Lady Lore Contributions 3.

LAWRENCE MILLER Saint Anthony's Parish ''Good nature is the perfect herald of joy." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3路 German Club 2, 3; Health Club 2: Latin Club 1, 2; Physics Club 4, Vice~ President; Science Club 1, 2, 3, Secretary 2, 3; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Transportation Committee 3; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARION MINTCHW ARNER Saint Hedwig's Parish "A girl who's a comfort to have around." French Club 2, 3; Future Nurses of Ameri.c a Club 1, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN MILUTIS Saint H edwig's Parish "Variety is the very spice of his life." Archery Club 4; Chess Club 3; Do-ItYourself Club 2; Boys' Sports Club 1; Service Commitee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Track 3, 4.

EDWARD MONTAGUE Incarnation Parish "Alwa ys ready with a clever answer." Civics Club 1; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 2; French Club 2; Health Club 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 2; Homeroom President 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3.


RICHARD MOORE Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish "Character is the governing elements of life." Forum Club 1; French Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Physics Club 4; Science Club 2, 3, Vice-President 3; Assembly Committee 1, 4; Proctor Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

DAVID MOON Saint Joseph's Parish "The mirth and fun grew fast and furious." Art Club 1; Boys' Sports Club 4; Travel Club 3; Homeroom Secretary 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

PATRICIA MOONEY Incarnation Parish "Simplicity has its own sweet charm." Art Club 3, 4, Secretary; Civics Club 1; German Club 2; Glee Club 1; Sewing Club 2, Vice-President; Homeroom Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Lady Lore Art Staff 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3.

MARYANN MRAZ Saint Joseph's Parish "A beautiful eye makes silence eloquent." Civics Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Latin Club 1; Mission Club 2; Sewing Club 1; Spanish Club 2, 3; Club Committee 1; Hostess Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Clerical Co-Op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 3.

RICHARD MUCCIOLI Saint Ann's Parish "He looks into people as well as at them." Bridge Club 4; German Club 2. 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Latin Club 2, VicePresident; Travel Club 2, Vice-President; Progapation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Intramurals 2, 3.

WILLIAM MULLEN Saint Anthony's Parish "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere." Radio Club 4, President; Science Club 1; Club Committee 4.

but the grasping of ideas -:r......-..-.:....:...:.u!l

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Cathol 1c Umver51t4 0 ~ Ame\"ICa

KAREN MURPHY Incarnation Parish ''Friendship is the best of gifts." Forum Club 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 4, Treasurer 1; Service Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Homeroom VicePresident 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Service Corps 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Baseball 4; Basketball 3, 4. 185

MICHAEL MUSCHAL Saint Raphael's Parish "A faithful friend is a strong defense." Bridge Club 4; Chemistry Club 3; Forum Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Music Committee 2; Proctor Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; School Play 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1.


not the drab why? when? what? ...

THOMAS MYERNICK Saint Raphael's Parish "To do the gentle deeds he can, take him for the greatest gentleman." German Club 1, Vice-President; Physics Club 1; Projection Club 2; Club Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-Hand 2; Intramurals 2.

CHARLES NAGY Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish "The world belongs to the energetic." Glee Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Assembly Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2, 3.

MARCIA NOTTA Saint Hedwig's Parish ''Beauty lives with kindness." Civics Club 1; French Club 2, 3; Future Teachers of America Club 1; Glee Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Club 2, 4; Red Cross Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1. 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 2.

PAULA NERWINSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "A soft answer turneth away the wrath." Civics Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2, 4, Treasurer 2; Latin Club 1; Social Committee 1, 4; Transportation Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1 2 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2', 3,' 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1; Cheerleader 1.

ROSARIO NOTO Holy Angels Parish "He shows all his wit at once." Bridge Club 4; Chess Club 2, Treasurer; Civics Club 1; French Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 1; Science Club 1, Vice-President; Boys' Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 4; School Play 3; Assembly 1, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH O'DONNELL Holy Angels Parish "The hand that follows intellect can achieve." Civics Club 1, 2; Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President; German Club 2, 3; Health Club 1, 4, Vice:..President 1; Mathematics Club 3; Music Committee Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH NOVAK Saint Hedwig's Parish "A wise and understanding heart." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; German Club 2, 3; Mathematics Cluh 3; Physics Club 4, Secretary; Science Club 1, 3; Propag路ation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Football 1.

MAUREEN O'KEEFE Saint Raphael's Parish "And all her talk to be sweet." Civics Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 1; Latin Club I, 2, 3; Sewing Club 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 4.


JOHN OSBORNE Saint Gregory the Great Parish "On his tongue is the law of kindness." Chess Club 1; Mission Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

DOLORES ONDA Saint Hedwig's Parish "Her very frowns are fairer than the smiles of other maidens." Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Library Club 1; Sewing Club 2, Secretary; Hostess Committee 2; Parish Council Committee 4; Social Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2.

NEAL ORLANDO Incarnation Parish "All experience is an arch to build upon." Boys' Sports Club 3; Chess Club 1, 2, Vice-President 2; Civics Club 1, 3; Forum Club 3; German Club 2, 3; Mathematics Club 3, Treasurer; Physics Club 4; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1,. 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Assembly 1, 2; Intramurals 2, 4.

but the birth of an answer . . .

STELLA OSTOPUCK Saint Anthony's Parish "A face bright with smiles." Biology Club 3, Secretary; Civics Club l; German Club 2; Glee Club 2, . 4; Mission Club l, Treasurer; Service Committee 2; Social Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Music Festival l, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 2.

JAMES PANACEK Saint Anthony's Parish "Character, a priceless gem." Civics Club l, 3; Current Events Club 3; Do-It-Yourself Club 2, Treasurer; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club l, 2; Mathematics Club 3, Vice-President; Physics Club 4; Science Club l, 3; Boys' Athletic Committee 4; Parish Council Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President l; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 4.

GERALD PANNONE Saint Anthony's Parish "Let knowledge grow from more to more." Music Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2.


GLORIA PACIA Incarnation Parish "Sweet is the love that comes along with willingness." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1; German Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

EDWARD PALSHO Saint Anthony's Parish "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Current Events Club 3, President; German Club 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Mathematics Club 2; Science Club 1, 3; Travel Club 1; Service Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2.

KATHLEEN PAPP Saint Raphael's Parish ''The laughter of a girl is among the delightful sounds of the earth." Civics Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Spanish Club 2; Social Committee 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; School Play 1, 2; Christmas Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

SALVATORE PEPE Saint Raphael's Parish "Cheerfulness is his principal ingredient." Civics Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Science Club 1, 3; Travel Club 2; Service Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

FIOTA PERNA Saint Michael's Parish "Peace is always beautiful." French Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 1, Secretary ; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Club 4; Red Cross Club 2, 3; Club Committee 1, 2; Red Cross Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 2, 3, 4.

it is not still life ...

ANN PERSICHETTI Saint Anthony's Parish "Fairest and best adorned is she whose clothing is humility." Dramatic Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, Secretary 4, President; Social Dancing Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Service Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 3; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Intramurals 3.

NANCY PERSICHETTI Saint Anthony's Parish "Goodness is a special kind of truth and beauty." Dramatic Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Hostess Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Business Circulation Staff 3, 4; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, Captain 3; Intramurals 3.

MARCELLA PERSICO Saint Anthony's Parish "Happiness and virtue rest upon each other." French Club 2, 3; Future Nurses of America Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Red Cross Club 1, 4; Travel Club 2; Red Cross Committee 1, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

FAITH PETERSON Saint Anthony's Parish "She most lives, who lives most for others." Bridge Club 4; Civics Club 1; Dramatics Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Travel Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Club Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

JOAN ANNE PETERS Blessed Sacrament Parish "Life is not life without delight." Dramatic Club 1, 2; French Club 2; Latin Club 1; Hostess Committee 1, 2; Social Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 3; Assembly 1.


FRANCIS PIECHOTA Saint Hedwig's Parish "High-erected thoughts seated . in the heart of courtesy." Do-It-Yourself Club 2; German Club 2, 4; Photography Club 1; Projection Club 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 1, 2; Proctor Committee 4; Transportation Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Intramurals 3, 4.

ROBERT PETRUSKA Saint Anthony's Parish "The understanding to direct." Chess Club 2, 3; Civics Club 1, 3; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Mathematics Club 3; Projection Club 4; Science Club 1; Proctor Committee 4; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

JOSEPH PETTY Saint Paul's Parish "Generosity is the flower of fustice." Archery Club 1; Civics Club 1; Cooking Club 1, Treasurer; Projection Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Proctor Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Track 4.

but the colorful scene of youth zn action

JOHN PIETRAS Saint Hedwig's Parish "Good humor is the best article worn in society." Civics Club 1; Dramatics Club 1; German Club 2; Press Club 3, 4; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 3; Club Committee 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Proctor 4; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 4; Orchestra 2; Coronet News Staff 3, Feature Staff 4.

EDWARD PISARCZYK Saint Hedwig's Parish "A fake's a very serious thing." Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 4; Football 4.

LAWHENCE PITCHERELLO Saint Anthony's Parish "No receipt openeth the heart but a true friend." Civics Club 1; Latin Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Parish Council Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Football 3.


DANIEL PIETRAS Saint Hedwig's Parish "In silence and steadiness he holds himself." Chess Club 1, 2; Civics Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Physics Club 4; Science Club 3; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

JEROME PIETRAS Saint Hedwig's Parish "No sooner said than doneso acts your man of worth." Do-It-Yourself Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Photography Club 2; Projection Club 3, 4, Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 1.

RONALD PIZZULLO Saint Raphael's Parish "There are often voice and words in a silent look." Chess Club 3; Current Events Club 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; Projection Club 4; Science Club 1; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.

ROSE MARY POGROWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "Active and bright." Art Club l; Civics Club l; Dramatic Club 2; German Club 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 3; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader l, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.

it is not the last dull line on the gridiron ...

THOMAS PONTICELLO Saint Ann's Parish '(Friends are not so easily made as kept." Civics Club l; Latin Club l, 2; Music Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival l, 2, 3, 4; Band l, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Baseball l, 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Soccer l, 2.

JOHN POWER Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish "It is quality rather than quantity that matters." Civics Club l; German Club 2, 3, Treasurer 2; Health Club l, 3; Photography Club l; Projection Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Travel Club 2, Secretary; Assembly Committee l, 3, 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Transportation 2; Knights of Notre Dame 2; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly 4; Stage-hand 3, 4; Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4.

MICHAEL PROCACCINO Saint Raphael's Parish "God gives song to few." Dramatic Club 3, 4, President 4; Forum Club l, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Latin Club l, 2, 3, 4, President 3; Assembly Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom President l; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Coronet Feature Staff 2, 3, 4; Coronet Literary Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4.

CHRIS PRATICO Holy Angels Parish "If I did not laugh I should die." Civics Club l; German Club 2, 3; Glee Club 3; Photography Club l; Restaurant Management Club 4; Travel Club 2; Boys' Athletic Committee l; Homeroom President 3; Knights of Notre Dame 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration l, 2; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3; School Play 2, 3; Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Football!, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT PREZIOSO Saint Anthony's Parish "Speech is the mirror of action." Forum Club l, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Assembly Committee l, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Homeroom VicePresident l; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Assembly l, 2, 3; Stage-hand l, 2, 3; Intramurals l, 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Soccer l, 2.

CAROL PUHALSKI Saint Anthony's Parish "Truthfulness is the cornerstone of character." Future Nurses of America Club l; Glee Club l, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Latin Club 2; Music Club 3; Red Cross Committee l, 2; Student Council Secretary 4; National Honor Society l; Sodality 4; Catholic Youth Adoration l, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival l, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play l, 3; Assembly l, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals l.

ALFRED PROCELL Saint Raphael's Parish "Generosity is more charitable than worth." Chess Club l; Latin Club l; Proctor Committee l; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Proctor l; Music Festival 3; Christmas Play 3; _Assembly 4; StageHand l; Band 4; Intramurals 4.

WILLIAM RADLINSKY Saint Ann's Parish "The mirror of courtesy." Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3; Football 3, 4.


JOSEPH RASIMICZ Saint Anthony's Parish "The strength of twenty men with a kind and gentle heart." Archery Club 4; Civics Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Restaurant Management Club 4; Science Club 1, VicePresident; Travel Club 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

SHIRLEY RAFALSKI Saint Raphael's Parish "Charms that strike the sight." Fashion Club 1; Sewing Club 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 3; Transportation Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Intramurals 3; Baseball 3.

FRANCES RANDOW Saint Anthony's Parish "Honest labour bears a lovely face." Girls' Sports Club 1, President 2, Treasurer; Mission Club 3, 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 4; Hostess Committ~e 1, 2; Proctor Committee 3; Homeroom Vice-President 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4.

NICHOLAS RECH Holy Angels Parish "Frankness is a natural quality." Bridge Club 4; German Club 2, Photography Club 1; Travel Club Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball Basketball 1. 2. 3. 4.

3; 2; 4; 1;

JAMES REEBER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish ''Sweet is the scene where genial friendship plays." Glee Club 3, 4; Travel Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Football 3.

KATHLEEN RENDER Holy Angels Parish "Her heart is like a singing bird." Decorators' Club 1, Vice-President; Red Cross Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Service Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Assembly 1.

but the final glorious stripe, paydirt.

COURTNEY RENEGAR Saint Paul's Parish "One who sows courtesy reaps friendship." Archery Club 3, 4, President 4; Photography Club 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 3; Music Committee 1, 2; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Stage-hand 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.


CAROLYN RICCIARDELLI Saint Gregory the Great Parish "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." Current Events Club 3; Dramatic Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 1, 4; Latin Club 2; Club Committee 1; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

It is not the marked step along a crowded corridor . ..

CHERYL RINZ Saint Raphael's Parish "Zealous yet modest." Girls' Sports Club 1; Style Club 2; Parish Council Committee 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

DONALD ROBERTS Saint Ann's Parish "The imagination never dies." Future Teachers of America Club 4; Proctor Committee 1; Knights of Notre Dame 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 4; Stagehand 1.

HENRY ROSSMELL Saint Raphael's Parish "Manners maketh a man." Current Events Club 3; Do-It-Yourself Club 1; German Club 2; Science Club 3, Treasurer; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; School Play 2.

MARY RODGERS Holy Angels Parish "A beautiful eye makes silence eloquent." Decorators' Club 1, Secretary; Fashion Club 2; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4, Secretary 3; Service Committee 4; Social Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1.

ROGER ROSSELL Holy Angels Parish "One not shy of using his wit." Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Science Club 1, 2; Parish Council Committee 1; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ALFRED RUSSO Saint Anthony's Parish "Politeness is to do and say." Boys' Sports Club 1, 3; Social Dancing Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Track 3, 4.

ANTHONY ROUSE Saint Raphael's Parish "Silence is golden." Boys' Sports Club 1, 3, 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Boys' Athletics Committee 3; Club Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Football 4; Track 3, 4.

MADELINE RUSSO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Speech is the mirror of the soul. As a woman speaks, so is she." Civics Club 1; Fashion Club 1; Glee Club 3, 4; Photography Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Girls' Athletics Committee 4; Hostess Committee 1; Social Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Plav 2.


CHARLES SAILLIEZ Saint Paul's Parish "The highest of distinctions is service to others." Biology Club 2; Boys' Sports Club 1; Cooking 4, President; G erm~n Club 2; Science Club 1; Boys' Athletics Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3.

CAROL RUTKOWSKI Saint Anthony's Parish "A good fac e i~ the best letter of recommendation." Art Club 1; Biology Club 3, Secretary; Dramatic Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Fashion Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 2, 3, 4; Service Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Art Staff 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 3, 4.

STANLEY SADOVY Saint Joseph's Parish "All grand thoughts come from the heart." Boys' Sports Club 3, 4; Photography Club 1; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Soccer 4.

but the beat that accents . . .

FRANCIS SANSONE Incarnation Parish "A little nonsense is relished by the wisest men." Chess Club 2, President; Forum Club 3; German Club 2; Latin Club 2; Physics Club 4; Science Club 1; Homeroom President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Football 1.

MARY ANN SAWASKY Holy Angels Parish ''A smile recures the wounding of a frown." Civics Club 1; Girls' Sports Club 2路 Red Cross Club 3; Sewing Club Spanish Club 2; Club Committee 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 2; Proctor Committee 1; Red Cross Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1.


JOANN SCHNORBUS Saint Anthony's Parish "Born with the gift of laughter." Fashion Club 1; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to the Faculty 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3.


ELSIE SANTIN Saint Anthony's Parish "A heart unspotted is not easily daunted." Dramatic Club 1; Forum Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, Secretary 2, 3, Vice-President 4, Treasurer; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Red Cross Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4.

EDWARD SARE Holy Angels Parish "One who has much wit." Civics Club 1; Current Events Club 3; German Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, President 2; Mathematics Club 3, President; Physics Club 4, President; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MICHAEL SCHREIBER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "Fine manners are a let,~er of credit everywhere. Biology Club 4, President; Chess Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Science Club 2, 3; Club Committee 2, 4; Service Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1.

THOMAS SCHULER Saint Joseph's Parish "There is the art of being clever without much endeavor." Boys' Sports Club 1, 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 3, 4; Transportation Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Assembly 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 2, 3; Track 4.

ALICE SCHULZ Holy Angels Parish "Virtue grows from kindness." Forum Club 1, 2; French Club 2, 3; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Parish Council Committee 2, 3; Proctor Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3; Christmas Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1.

the gentle rhythm . . .

BARBARA SCHWEIKERT Saint Raphael's Parish "A worthwhile friend, and lots of fun." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Sewing Club 1; Style Club 2; Assembly Committee 1, 4; Music Committee 2; Homeroom Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

FRANCIS SCOTT Saint Anthony's Parish c'A pleasant smile, a friendly face." Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Forum Club 1; Proctor Committee 4; Social Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Track 4, Captain.

WILLIAM SCOTT Saint Anthony's Parish ccA quiet manner and a pleasing way deserve much credit." Glee Club 3, 4; Press Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Assembly 3.

EDITH SERAFINE Saint Rafael's Parish "A contented heart is a continual feast." Dramatic Club 2, 4; Press Club 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Club Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 2; Coronet Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2.

MAUREEN SEILER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "She does little kindnesses, ones most left undone." Forum Club 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 4, President; Glee Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2; Red Cross Committee 2; Girls' Athletic Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 4.

MARY ANN SIMKO Incarnation Parish ''Prepare to face winter gales, at the bidding of a fri end!" Forum Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 2; Assembly Committee 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.

DARLENE SICILIANO Saint Raphael's Parish "All radiant with glad surprise." Future Nurses of America Club 1; Future Teachers of Amer.ica Club 3; Restaurant Management Club 2, 4; Hostess Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2.

RONALD SIELSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "Popularity is power." Boys' Sports Club 3, 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Proctor Committee 2; Propagation of the F aith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

that paces through everyday doings ...

LOUISE SIMONELLI Saint Ann's Parish "Humility is the foundation of virtue." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Sewing Club 1; Style Club 2; Girls' Athletics Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Intramurals 1.

DOROTHY SLIWINSKI Saint H edwig's Parish "Varied are her interests." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Sewing Club 1, Secretary; Style Club 2; Hostess Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the F aith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to F aculty 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 4; Music F estival 1; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1; Basketball 1, 2.

CHRISTINE SLOVER Saint Anthony's Parish "A good laugh is sunshine in the house." F ashion Club 1, Secretary; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Secretary 3; Social Dancing Club 2, Secretary; Spanish Club 2, 3; Girls' Athletics Committee 1, 2, 3; Social Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to F aculty 3; School Play 2; Cbristmas Play 1; Stage-hand 1; Basketball 1, 2, 4.


JOSEPH SIOREK Saint Hedwig's Parish "Tranquility! Thou better name than all the family of fam e." Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the F aith 1, 2, 3, 4.

PHYLLIS SKOWRONSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "The cheery smile, the voice of mirth." Future Teachers of America Club 1, 3, 4; Library Club 2; Red Cross Committee 1, 4; Propagation of the Fa ith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembl y 2; Coronet Business Staff 3, 4.

CHARLES SMALL Our Lady of Sorrows Parish ''As a man thinketh, so he is." Press Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; Club Committee 1; Propagation of the' Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Coronet Sports Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Sports Editor 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 4; Basketball 1, Captain; Football 2, Captain; Soccer 3, Captain.

GREGORY SMITH Saint Ann's Parish "Friendship is the best of gifts." Do-lt-Yourself Club 1; Propagation of th ~ Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

and finds its reward . . .

RICHARD SMITH Saint Ann's Parish "Friendship is the most pleasant of all things." Chess Club 1; Dramatic Club 4; Social Dancing Club 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH SOKOLOWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "God helps those who help themselves." Boys' Sports Club 1; Current Events Club 3; Forum Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Homeroom Vice-President 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2; Baseball 2; Football 1, 3, 4.

BARBARA SPYCH Saint Raphael's Parish "She knows what to do and gets it clone." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Hostess Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1.

CHRISTOPHER SOKOTOSKI Saint Joseph's Parish "True happiness lies in things unseen." Latin Club 1, 3, 4; Mission Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4, Vice-President 2; Parish Council Committee 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the F~ith 1, 2, 3, 4.

NATHAN SPERRAZZA Saint Anthony's Parish "The truest politeness comes of sincerity." Boys' Sports Club 4; Chess Club 3; Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Proctor Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1; Assembly 2.

MARY ANN STEMMER Saint Joseph's Parish "Good nature is the beauty of the mind." Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Restaurant Management Club 4; Music Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Orchestra 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Baseball 1, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Soccer 1.

WARREN STEELE Saint Hedwig's Parish "Diligence is the heart of success." Biology Club 2, Treasurer; Civics Club 1, Secretary; Do-lt-Yourself Club 1路 Dramatic Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4路 Lat~ in Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4; Parish Council Committee 4; Homeroom President 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 1; National Honor Society 1 2路 Knights of Notre Dame 1 2 3' 4: Catholic Youth Adoration' 2' 3' 4: School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1 '2 3 4: Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. ' ' ' '

MARCIA STRYCHARZ Saint Hedwig's Parish "The very pink of perfection." Fashion Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; . Glee Club 4; Sewing Club 1; Service Committee 1路 Transporation Committee 3; Catholi~ Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2; Christmas Play 1; Intramurals 1, 2. 196

JOSEPH SZEKERES Holy Angels Parish "The strength of twenty men with a kind and gentle heart." Chess Club 4, Vice-President; German Club 2; Glee Club 2; Photography Club 1, 3; Proctor Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2; Assembly 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 1, 2.

PATRICIA SULLIVAN Saint Gregory the Great Parish "An honest heart is a kingdom in itself." Dramatic Club 1, 2; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Committee 3; Social Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3; Assembly 1; Coronet Cirulation Staff 4.

SHEILA SWEENEY Saint Anthony's Parish "An ocean of smiles." Art Club 3; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Sewing Club 1, 2, Vice-President 1; Homeroom Secretary 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2; Music Festival 4; Assembly 4; Coronet Feature Staff 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2.

ELIZABETH TAKACS Saint Hedwig's Parish "A smile is the whisper of a laugh." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Sewing Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Music F estival 1, 2, 3; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Business Circulation Staff 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4.

STEPHEN THOMA Incarnation Parish "He dislikes no one and is in charity with the world." Boys' Sports Club 4, Vice-President; Latin Club 1, 2; Boys' Athletics Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Football 3, 4, Captain 3; Soccer 1.

BERNARD THOMAS Saint Michael's Parish "Born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world is his." Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Stagehand 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4.

1n Blue Ribbon Days.

JACQUELINE THOMAS Saint Anthony's Parish "Eyes flooded with laughter." French Club 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 1; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Sewing Club 2; Service Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Asselllbly 1, 2, 4.


CAROL LEE THOMPSON Incarnation Parish "A magnet to friendship." Art Club 1, 2; Civics Club 1; Spanish Club 2; Music Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Assembly 1.

And so, In our dear Canticle . . .

ROBERT TOFT Saint Anthony's Parish ''Happiness is the flower of duty." Bridge Club 4, Treasurer; Forum Club 2, 3; Recording Club 1, President; Homeroom President 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Assembly 2, 3; Basketball 1; Football 1, 2, 3.

JOHN TRAGEISER Saint Anthony's Parish "Peaceful tranquility comforts all." Chess Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 3; Basketball 1, 2.

CAROLYN TYSOWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish "Friendship is constant in all things." Art Club 2, Secretary; Civics Club 1; Dramatics Club 1; Latin Club 1; Club Committee 1; Red Cross Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; Assembly 2; Coronet News Staff 2.

JEAN TRIGNANI Saint Anthony's Parish "Her hair is not as sunny as her heart." Fashion Club 1, President; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Social Dancing 2; Propagation ot the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Assembly 2.

EILEEN TYL US Saint Anthony's Parish "She doth little kindnesses which most leave undone." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Forum Club 4; Spanish Club 2; Club Committee 4; Spanish Honor Society 4; Sodality 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 3, 4.

JOYCE VAN DOREN Saint Anthony's Parish "Good words cost little but are worth much." Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, Secretary; Sewing Club 4, Vice-President; Social Dancing Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Assembly Committee 2; Proctor Committee 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty . 2, 3; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4.

NORA VALLE Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish "Goodness is beauty in its best estate." Fashion Club 1, Secretary; Sewing Club 2; Hostess Committee 1; Sodality 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Assembly 3.

BARBARA VANNOZZI Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "In charity there is no excess." Civics Club 1; Fashion Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Social Dancing Club 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 4; Social Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Homeroom Vice-President 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3; Assembly 3; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 4; Lady Lore Typing Staff 4; Cheerleader 1, 4, Captain 1; Intramurals 3, 4.

VIRGINIA WALSH Incarnation Parish "Wise to resolve and patient to perform." Civics Club 1; French Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 2; Latin Club 2; Mission Club 1; Transportation Committee 1; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1; Coronet News Staff 3.

CAROL WAGNER Incarnation Parish "One who gives all, though but little, gives much." Biology Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, Treasurer; Future Teachers of America Club 3; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2.

MARIE WAGNER Saint Anthony's Parish "Knowledge is power." Civics Club 1; Forum Club 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Girls' Sports Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2; Red Cross Club 3, 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3; Red Cross Committee 4; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Exchange Editor 4; Coronet News Staff 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2.

we have tried to complete the tapestry of four years . . .

WILLIAM WARD Our Lady of Sorrows Parish "He who is true to man is likewise true to God." Bridge Club 4, President; Current Events Club 3, Vice-President; Dramatic Club 2, 3; Science Club 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Student Council Vice-President 4; Homeroom VicePresident 2, 3; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4, Prefect; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4·; Soccer 1, 2.

JANET WASS Saint Joseph's Parish "Silence is sweeter than speech." Civics Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 3; Club Committee 2, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Coronet News Staff 4; Intramurals l.

ROSE MARIE WASSERMAN Saint Michael's Parish "All for love; nothing for reward." Mission Club 1, 2; Sewing Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play l.


JOAN WASKO Saint Michael's Parish ''High aims help the s~!l'l to mount to Heaven. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, President 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Sewing Club 2, Secretary, 4, President; Club, Committee 1; Parish Council Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; National Honor Society 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3.

WALTER W ASNIEWSKI Saint Anthony's Parish "Every man has his faults, and honesty is his." Cooking Club 2, 3; Dramatic Club 1 Restaurant Management Club 4; As sembly Committee 4; Proctor Com mittee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faitl 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2, 3; School Play 2 Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2; Intra· murals 1, 2, 4.

CAROL WEISGARBER Saint Anthony's Parish "To draw true beauty shows a master's hand." Fashion Club 1; German Club•2, Secretary; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Assembly Committee 1; Bulletin Board Committee Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 3, 4.

GIESELGUNDE WEISS Saint Anthony's Parish "Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone's garden." Bridge Club 4, Secretary; Civics Club 1; Dramatics Club 3; German Club 4, President; Recordin g Club 1, Secretary; Red Cross Club 2; Spanish Club 1, 2; Social Committee 1; Homeroom Secretary 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3.

JEROME WEITZ Holy Angels Parish ''He speaketh not; and yet there lies conversation in his eyes." Chess Club 1, 2, 4, Treasurer 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

picturing ourselves ...

JAMES WELSH Saint Raphael's Parish "To create in the mind and to invent with th e hand is a gift of God." Photography Club 1; Music Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music F estival 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3.

GEORGETTE WESTERMAN Blessed Sacrament Parish "It is not so much what is done as how it is done." Art Club 2, 3, President, 4, VicePresident; Latin Club 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2, 3; Stage-hand 3, 4; Lady Lore Art Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3, 4.

DARLENE WILLIAMS Saint Ann's Parish "A constant friend is hard to find." Future Business Leaders of America 2; Mission Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 2.

MELANIE WILLIAMS Saint Ann's Parish "A gentle voice." Dramatic Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2.

GEORGE WILLIAMS Saint Anthony's Parish "My heart is ever at your service." Boys' Sports Club 2; Dramatic Club 3, 4; German Club 2, Secretary, 3, Vice-President; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; lntramurals 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4.


LOIS WILLIS Saint Hedwig's Parish "A will inflexible." Civics Club 1; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Club Committee 4; Homeroom President 1; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 4; Choraleers 4; School Play 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Baseball 1.

JUDITH WOJCIK JOSEPH WOLF Saint Hedwig's Parish Saint Raphael's Parish "Words of gladness fell from her lips." "I grow old learning something new every day." Art Club 1; Biology Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Sewing Travel Club 1; Propagation of the Club 3; Social Committee 3; Catholic Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4. Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 3; lntramurals 2.

KATHLEEN WOOD Saint Anthony's Parish "Who brings sunshine .into the life of another has sunshine in her own." Civics Club 1; Cooking Club 2; Sewing Club 1, President; Spanish Club 2; Club Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 2, 3.

as others have seen us in our hfe at Notre Dame.

THOMAS WOZNIAK Saint Hedwig's Parish "Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful." Biology Club 2; Projection Club 4; Science Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1.

ANTHONY ZUCCARELLO Incarnation Parish "The opportunity to do mischief is found a hundred times a day." Art Club 3; Bridge Club 4; Civics Club 1; Field and Stream Club 1; Latin Club 1; Social Dancing Club 2; Service Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 4; lntramurals 1; Track 4.

PATRICIA ZUCZEK Saint Hedwig's Parish "Wearing all that weight of learning lightly like a flower." Future Teachers of America Club 2, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Club 4; Red Cross Club 3; Music Committee 4; Red Cross Committee 3; Honor Society 3;. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Music Festival 1; Assembly 1; Band 1; Baseball 3; Soccer 3, 4. 201

HAROLD YOUMANS Saint Gregory the Great Parish "He lives at peace with all mankind, in friendship he is true." Music Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Service Corps 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 1, 2, 3; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4.

CAROLYN YURCHO Holy Angels Parish ''Happiness seems made to be shared." German Club 2, 3; Restaurant Man agement Club 2, 3, 4; Sewing Club 1 Propagation of th e Faith 1, 2, 3, 4 Assembly 1.

JOHN ZYGMUNT Saint Joseph's Parish "Every man is the architect of his own fortune." Archery Club 4; Art Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Hobby Club 2, Secretary; Boys' Athletics Committee 4; Proctor Committee 1, 2; Proctor 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Bliznawicz Mr. and Mrs. John Bramley Mr. Jesse C. Burnett Mrs. Jesse C. Burnett The Most Reverend George W. Ahr, S.T.D. The Most Reverend James J. Hogan, J.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop The Right Reverend Monsignor Michael P. McCorristin, V.G. The Right Reverend John J. En de brock

Reverend Henry M. Tracy, Principal Reverend Thomas A. Coffey Reverend William J. Capik Right Reverend Martin J. Lipinski Reverend Stephen Bielen Reverend Thomas Carney Reverend William Carlon Reverend Leo Culliton Reverend Francis Daily Reverend .John B. De Angel is Reverend Bernard De Coste Reverend George E. Duff Reverend William Eelman Reverend Wilfrid Emmons Reverend Thomas Frain Reverend Robert W. Greene, M.M. Reverend Paul Greico Reverend Francis Gunner Reverend Thomas Halton Reverend Edward Henry Reverend Joseph Keenan Reverend Joseph W. McLaughlin Reverend James McManimon In Memory of Reverend W. P. Mooney Reverend Michael J. Ongrady Reverend Ladislaus Rakvica Reverend Salvatore Swigni Reverend Raymond Szulecki Reverend Joseph Thul Reverend Leonard Toomey Reverend Joseph Wade Reverend Francis Zgliczynski Acme-Hamilton Mfg. Co.-Charles A. Logue Alumni Association Mr. Joseph Anchak Mrs. Joseph Anchak Mr. and Mrs. A. Angelucci American Stucco & Flooring Co. Anthony David Baldino Carol Bernadette Baldino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Baldino Mr. and Mrs. C. Bannister Mrs. Andrew Barabas Bailey Millwork Bill-Courtney-Roy


Caporusso Studio Cellini Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cline Henry W. Clinton AgencyReal Estate & Insurance Coca Cola Coed Mfg. Co., Inc. Mrs. Ann Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collard Compliments of llA Compliments of liB Compliments of IIC Compliments of lOE Compliments of IOF Compliments of 1OH Compliments of 9A Compliments of 9C Compliments of 9D Consumers Oil Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Cook The Coronet Coronet Sales Cove Bar-Richlitsky Thomas K. D' Arcy Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeBoskey, Sr. Albert Decowski Kay Decowski Fourth Ward Young Democrats Club Michael Dill- Real Estate Notre Dame Dining Room Staff Dodger Bar Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dolci Joseph M. Dotter Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dove Mrs. A. Downorowicz Walt Dombroski and Joseph Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dykas Eugene, Ronni~ and Gloria Automotive Fabrics Falls Laboratory Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Faust John J. Firzgerald Funeral Horne Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flynn, Sr. Foley's Atlantic Service Station Dick Ford Mr. and Mrs. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gajdek Kevin Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Gene and Joan Mr. and Mrs. George Gradus Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grimes Madlyn Grimes

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grodnicki and Son Mr. A, Gyetvan Mrs. A. Gyetvan Hally Company Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hanford Mrs. Charles Hawthron Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hayes Heath Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helleis Hickory Hill Estates Holy Name Society- of St. Joseph's Mrs. Linda Hullings Anne Jackson Mr. Joseph Jan ukowicz Mrs. Joseph Janukowicz Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnston E. L. Kerns Co. Mrs. Betty M. Kettle Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kiernan Natalie Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. George Kish John J. Klien-Crestwood Construction Joseph P. Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kovacs Pat Kovacs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraus Mayor and Mrs. Roland J. Kruger Laborers' Local 172 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levendusky Mrs. Anna Liwacz Mr. and Mrs. John Liwacz London Pet Shop Mary's Haven Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mains Mr. and Mrs. William Matlack Mr. Leon Mazur Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClain In Memory of Miss Julia E. McClain Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGovern, Jr. Mr. Edward J. McGovern, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miele M iffiin Pianos M & M Realty Company Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooney Mr. Matt Murphy, Burial Vaults Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Muschal Mrs. C. Noto Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Notta Mrs. Matilda E. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John Pacia Mr. and Mrs. Herman Panacek John Pann's Service Stations, Inc. Pepsi Cola Company Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Persichetti Mr. and Mrs. William D. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Orvia K. Peterson

Mr. Joseph Peitras and Son Mr. and Mrs. Pat N. Pratico Prior Typewriter Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Procaccino Miss Ann Raftery Mr. and Mrs. N. Rech Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reeber James Ree ber Mr. and Mrs. George Render Courtney Renegar Ewing Township Republican Club Mr. and Mrs. John Reyer Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rinz Mr. E. Rodgers Roma Saving and Loan Association Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rostock Mr. Joseph Sabatucci Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sailliez Salamandra Liquor Store Mr. and Mrs. A. Santin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sare Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schnorbus Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Christian F. Seiler Edigh L. Serafine Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serefine Simmons Tin and Sheet Metal Works Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Siorek Mrs. P. Skowronski Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Smith, Jr. The Girl's Sodality Mrs. Stanley J. Solotoski Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiller Reverend Raymond Szulecki Mr. and Mrs. John Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Thoma Mrs. Doris Thomas Mrs, Helen Thomas John Joseph Tuccillo Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Tylus J. S. Tysowski and Company Joyce Van Doren Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Doren Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ward Joan Wasko Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wasko W. M. Watson and Company Wenczel Tile Company Robert B. Whittaker Mr. Albert Wuench Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yurcho Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Zuccarello Jerry Kaplan and Philip Zucker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zuczek


Acme Upholstery Mrs. Anna Albright Alexander's Twin Pharmacy Allfather's Candy Co. Fred F. Anirina, State Farms Insurance Co. Arctic Ice Cream Burt Ashmen Motors Fred Aulletta Realty London Aviary Kenneth Ayres Mrs. Caroline Ba jor and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bakun Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banchoff Andrew T. Banker Misses Blanche and Lillian Baran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baran Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baranowski Mr. and Mrs. 0. Baut Peggy Begiey Belyung's Florist Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennighoff, Jr. Bensen's Dutch Boy Paints J. W. Bernhadt Bertothy Florist Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bilardo Bill's Gulf Station Biology Club Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bisanzio, Jr. Mrs. Agnes Bissinger Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford, Sr. Joyce A. Bliznawicz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bonfield Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boszak Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bramlage Mr. Frank Breece New Colonial Bowling Lanes Mr. and Mrs. Janmes Bremerman and Family Mrs. S. G. Bremerman and Family Brenfleck Fuel Company Wash Brite Inc. Betty and Jerry Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Buffin Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bulkley R. Garrison Bulkley Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Burk Mrs. Samuel Byer Tony Cal's Mrs. Leo Campbell Caola and Company Capitol Linen Service Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Carrig Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chafey Nick Chimes and Orchestra Leo Chianese Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Chorba Antoinette Christian Mr. Walter Cier The Cifelli Family Henry W. Clinton, Jr.


Cohen's Tuxedo Parlor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colavita Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coleman Sandra Collard Debbie Collins Swimming Company Compliments of l2D Compliments of l2E Compliments of l2F Compliments liD Compliments of llF Compliments of IIG Coii_lpliments of III Compliments of lOA Compliments of IOC Compliments of IOD Compliments of lOG Compliments of 101 Compliments of .IOJ Compliments of IOK Compliments of 9E Compliments of 9F Compliments of 91 Compliments of a Friend Mr. John W. Condon Mr. and Mrs. John T. Connor, Jr. Mrs. John T. Connor, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Consiglio Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cooper Miss Theresa Cortina P. F. Cosgriff, V. M. D. Frank A. Costantini W. T. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. N. Cracker Julia and Grace Beauty Shop Mrs. Josephine Karl off Mrs. John N. Kerwick Mr. Thomas J. Kerwick Francis Kiernan George Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. R. Kisco Mrs. Mary Kondash Mrs. Josephine Korzen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraus Kuhn and Jacob Molding Tool Co. Mrs. Veronica Kuzianik Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuzianik Mr. Frank Lacomchiek Angelo Lamarco Mr. John R. Lang Miss Anna Larkin Lawrence Cleaners Mrs. Alvera Leigh Marie A. Leigh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeMay Mrs. Katherine Lenkiewicz Miss Marcella Lenkiewicz Miss Maryann Lenkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John Lestician, Sr. Staff of the Mercer County Library Mary Longo Lubik Oldsmobile Louis C. and Krene M. Lucarella Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Z. Mackiewicz Mae-Jane Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crusey Cunningham's Greenhouse

Mr. and Mrs. Amerigo D'Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Carmen D'Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Angel is J. Albert deBlois, M.D and Francis U. Seiler, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeBlois Edward]. DeBoskey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deczynski Mr. A. ]. DeGeorge DeGraaf Roofing and Engineering Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dekonink Delahanty's Pharmacy DeLellis Service Station Miss Dorothy DeLoziek Mr. and Mrs. Donald Donaso Mr. and Mrs. William Doran, Sr. Mrs. Sally Dorsey George M. Dotter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W.]. Dougherty Herbert E. Dove Mr. and Mrs. John D. Downing Mr. and Mrs. George H. Drobnak Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dykas ]. Wayne Echgelmeier Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards Economy Auto Parts Mr. and Mrs. Quinto Erkoboni E ton Cleaners and Dyers Eton Shop Mr. John Evans Ewing Gulf Service Pat Fagan Rheingold Jim Finelli Mr. and Mrs. John Fitton Patricia Fitton Forman's Service Station Foy's Drug Store


Dr. and Mrs. James F. Flood Mr. and Mrs. William Foley Mr. Henry Forczek T. C. Formoso Mrs. Mary Franey Frank's Colonial Beauty Salon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Friel Mr. Frederick M. Fritz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Froehlich, Sr. Compliments of llG Compliments of 1OG Gadsby's Esso Service Center Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garzillo Mr. and Mrs. George A. Geis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geraci and Son Gesemyer's Ranch House Mrs. Kate Glapinski Mrs. Anna M. Goeke Mrs. Elizabeth Goeke Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Goeke Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gradus .Mrs. Thomas K. Green Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groch Alice Grodnicki Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gropp and Family M~路. and Mrs. Michael Guadagno Miss Elizabeth Haberer Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hager Marianne Hajcak Elmar Hampton's Band Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hart Hour Glass Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hazard Virginia Helleis Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Henry Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Miss Gertrude Hoffman Hubers Bakery

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Palsho Mr. George Palsho, Jr. Herman Panacek, Jr. James Panacek Mrs. Stephen Papp Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Parcinski Patterson Chevrolet Mrs. Irene Daile Pezze Mr. and Mrs. Maurice T. Perilli Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Perna Mr. Paul Perna Miss Lois Persico Mr. and Mrs. L. Persico Peter Pan Laundromat Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petruska Petty Printing Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Petty, Jr. Piechota Family Joseph Pincitore Uncle Tony Pinto Mrs. John E. Poirrier Bill Poplsiu Natale Pratico Cox's Store--Princeton Princeton Water Company Mr. and Mrs. John Puhalski Mr. Michael Rack Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radlinsky Mr. and Mrs. Albert ~afalski Mr. Frank Rasimonicz Theresa Rech Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reither, Jr. Republic Carloading Company Cedar Garden Restaurant Notre Dame Restaurant Management Club Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ricciardelli Mr. E. J. Rinz, Sr. Mrs. E. Rodgers Rose Mary Ross Mr. Albert Rossi Mr. Russo Dr. Edmund Ruthkowski S & F Linoleum Company Samuel Saaz Insurance Uncle Leo Salamandra Sanitary Cleaners Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sare Mr. and Mrs. B. Sawasky Miss Jean Sawasky Mary A. Sawasky Lois Schleher Leon M. Schlicher James W. Schoppell Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Schreiber, Jr. Schroeders ESSO Mary Lynn Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scott Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Francis and Debbi Serafine Mr. Arthur Shoemaker Shorty's Fish and Chips Robert Shubilla Miss Clare Simko Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simko Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Siorek Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Slover Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slover 206

Hughes Products Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jable Mr. and Mrs. B. J achimski Mr. David P. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janeczek Jan and Bob Mr. and Mrs. William Jessen The Jigger Shop Mr. and Mrs. Ruben F. Johnson Miss Marilyn Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mains Thriftway Markets-Louis Mancuso Mr. and Mrs. John Marcinkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marhfka Mari-Fran Sport Shop Jennie Marren Ruth A. Marren Martinelli Molding Co. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mason Mr. and Mrs. R. Gino Massini Mr. William R. Matlack, Jr. Mrs. Charles Matthews Mrs. Antoinette Mazur Louis Mazzilli Mr. Joseph McCafferty Robert A. McCloskey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McCloskey, Sr. Miss Rose McCloskey Miss Margaret McGee Aj3c Robert. J, McGee Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGrath Mr. and Mrs. William McGrath McGrath's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Edward]. McManimon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michelle Luggage Mrs. Della Miller Miss Gloria Ann Miller Mr. and Mrs. M. Mintchwarner Miss Kathleen Mooney Mrs. Minerva Mount Mr. and Mrs. George Mraz Mullen Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulrine Mr. George Murphy-R eal Estate M. Filliam Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muschal N.B.C. Nelson Machine & Mfg. Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter Midura New Method's Cleaners Mrs. Michael Nylan Frank C. Nixon Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Norton Nottingham Pharmacy Salvatore Noto Junior Future Nurses' Club Miss Rita 0 bert Joseph P. O 'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara Mr. Nick Olimpia Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Onda Chestnut Optical Co. Mr. Thomas Osterhout, Jr. Dr. W. J. Palanky Mrs. Anna Palsho

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slover James Solarski Smokey's Garage Dr. N.J. Sommer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sorrento Spencer's Shell Service Station Herman Spiegel Mr. and Mrs. J. Starzyk Mrs. Anne Steele Steele's Florist Robert M. Stemmer Miss M.A. Stevenson Steve's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stives Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney Mr. anft Mrs. J. Szekeres Mrs. Julia Szekeres TAB Electric Supply Co., Inc. Thorne's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Toft Mr. and Mrs. John Tomasello Tony's Auto Body Works Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Topley Travel Tours, Inc. Trenton Iron & Metal Co. Miss Eileen Tylus United Savings and Loan Association U rbaniks Esso Utica Mutual Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vaccaro Mr. and Mrs. Bart Valenti Miss Concetta Valenti Valentines Inc. Barbara Vannozzi Bill Varanyak Varga Meat Market T.M. Vending Co., Inc. Villa Park Dairy Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Volen In memory of Car1 Wagner Mrs. Carl Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Charles Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Walsh Wash Brite, Inc. Miss Barbara Wasko Carl Weidel, Inc., Realtors George W. Weigand Mrs. Joseph Weiss Mrs. Margot Weiss Charles Welch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wenczel and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wenczel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Westerman Edward Whalen Mr. and Mrs. E. John Wherry White Horse Mold Shop Winans Paper Company Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Winowicz Wise Potato Chips Mrs. Walter Wood F. W. Woolworth Mrs. Helen M. Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yelen Mrs. Elizabeth Yetman Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Yurkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Yurkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Zauner & Sons

Mr. and Mrs. George Abel A.A .A. Cycle Service Mr. and Mrs. James Ackers Bobby and Janie Alach Mr. and Mrs. C. F . Allen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen Mr. Gerald Amison Mr. John Amison Mr. and Mrs. James L. Amison John E. Anchak Mr. James D . Anchak Mr. and Mrs. William Andahazy Edward and Sophie Andrews Mr. and Mrs . F. Andrews Andy's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anirina Harold Anshen Mr. and Mrs . Anthony Ansilio Mary, Betty, and Pat Appleget Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Appleget Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Appleget Arce Tool and Die, Inc. Mr. and Mrs . A. Argenti Mr. and Mrs. William Aronson Miss Josephine Astore Mrs. Raymond Ault Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Avella Mr. and Mrs. R . P. Avery Rosalie Ayres Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Azarowicz 路B. and E. Cleaners Kirk's Barbershop Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bakun Mr. Edward Bakun Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bakun Mr. and Mrs . Charles Baldwin, Sr. and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin, Jr. and Family B. and B. News Service Mr. and Mrs. John F. Baldino Marianne Baranowski Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Barlow Betsy Barnacz George Barnock Mrs. Victoria Baran Betty Basarab Mrs. Margaret Battalio Mr. and Mrs. S. Bednarek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bekarciak Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bellis Mr. Albert Belmont Mrs. Barbara Belyung Mr. and Mrs. J. Belzung Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Belyung Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bernocchi Daniel J. Bentivogli Miss Ann Berkenkopf Mr. and Mrs. John Berkenkopf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berkenkopf Mr. T . M. Bergstresser Mrs. Helen Bertles Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bernhard Mr. and Mrs. John Betz Mrs. M. Bhasius Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bhasius Miss Ethel Bird Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bisbee Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford, Jr. Richard J. Blatchford Robert B. Blatchford Mr. and Mrs. George Bloor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Blyth Mrs. Helen Bodnar Mrs. Elizabeth Bogdul Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Baker "Bonnie L" Miss Lolly Borgogno Mr. and Mrs . Anthony Bornyak

Rose and Stella Bornyak Thomas Bettie Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bransfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bokar Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolton Andrew Borek Jean Borek Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brady Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Braun Mr. William J. Brenna Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennan Dr. Joseph Brenner Mr. and Mrs. H. Robert Bromer Miss Ann Marie Brophy Mrs. N. Brown Miss Veronica E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. P. Browne Wayne Brower Norman Brown Cities Service Miss Frances Brozda Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bucci Mr. Robert Bucci Buckley's Poultry Mr. and Mrs. John Buffin Josephine Bugay Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bumbera Mr. Leon Buker Perno's Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burk Mr. and Mrs. Burke Eileen Burke Mr. Henry Burns Elizabeth Burslem Mr. Patrick Bush Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. James Cacciabaudo Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cahill Mr. and Mrs . J. Cairo Mr. and Mrs. Vic Calandra Mr. Vito Calandra Mr. and Mrs . Edward A. Callahan Miss Gail Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Callan Lucille Cammarata H. G. Caluccia Miss Mary Colvey The Campon Family Mrs. Kathryn E. Cannon Mr. Thomas Cannon , Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cantwell Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Capsario Mr. and Mrs. James T. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. R. Carmen Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carnival Mrs. Minnie G. Caro Mr. R. B. Carroll Mr. William V. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Russell Carr Mr. and Mrs. R. Carty Mr. and Mrs . M. J. Caruso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Casto Mr. and Mrs. Charles Castranova Jerry Cavatta Harry Cavey Mr. John J. Cech, Jr. Miss Dorothy Cellini Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Cerenzia Mr. and Mrs . Frank Cervane Mrs. Helen Cezus Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Chamberlain Christine Chamberlain Charlotte and Tootsie Gharlie's Barbershop Charlie's Shoe Repair Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chato Mr. and Mrs. Anthon y Chato Junior Varsity Cheerleaders Mr. and Mrs . Walter Chelinski Chico's Harley-Davidson Sophie Chima!



Bruce Chorba David Joseph Chorba Gary Chorba Glenn Chorba Richard L. Chorba Robert Chorba Barbara Chrabaszcz Mr. E. Cichetti Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cier Mr. Anthony Cifelli Dawn Cifelli Mr . and Mrs . John Cifelli Mrs. Maria Cifelli J ames Ciocian, Jr. Miss Barbara Clark Mary Cleary Agnes Clio ton Clinton Tavern Robert Clinton Helen Coccia G . Sheldon Cohen Dr. William Cohen Mr. and Mrs. J. Companik Mr. and Mrs. William Cole Margaret Coleman Donald J . Comfort Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Comfort Compliments of 9H Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. Connolly Lorraine Colavita Mr. Frank Colavita Mrs. Grace Coleman Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Colletti Miss Debbie Collins Mr. John Connolly Mr. and Mrs. George H. Conover, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Convenio Mrs. Armando Conti Mr. Armando Conti Mrs. J. Conway Mr. and Mrs . John C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cook Mrs. Helen Cooper Miss Kathy Cooper Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cornell Mr. James Corti and Family Mr. and Mrs . John Cortina Mr . and Mrs. Patrick Corvino Patricia Cosgriff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cosgrove Mrs. Carmella Costantini Mr. and Mrs . John Constantini Mr. and Mrs . J. F. Cotter Margaret D. Coutier Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Cox Mr . and Mrs. J.P. Cronin Alex Csapo Mr. and Mrs. Henry W . Culliton Patricia Chato Irene Crane Carvel Ice Cream Mr. and Mrs. C. Czaplicki Dr. Paul Czaplinski Mr. and Mrs. James Daly Michael Dambra Ronnie Danaso Madame D 'Aquili Miss Mary D 'Arcy Miss Margaretann David Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Davies The Dayton Shoppe Mr. and Mrs . Benjamin Dean Mr. Joseph DeAngelis A f 2c Peter DeAngelis Miss Diane M. DeBlois Mr. Robert DeBlois J acqueline J . DeBoskey Mr. and Mrs. Decowski Mr. A. J. DeGeorge Mr. and Mrs. James DeGregory Mr. and Mrs. James A. DeGregory Miss Ruth DeGregory Mr . and Mrs. Pat DeLorenzo Mr. Dominick DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Albert DePula Dennis, Kevin , and Mary DeSanctis Mr. Philip DeVito Devine's Drugs Mr. and Mrs. James Devlin Mr. Constantine Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dibblee

Mr. and Mrs. DiCanzi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Florez DiGuiseppi Mr. and Mrs. John Dill Mr. and Mrs. James DeNatal Mr. and Mrs . Angelo Dispastina Mr. and Mrs . Joseph DiStefano Mr. Thomas Dombroski Don and Beth Mr. and Mrs . John Doncher Mary A. Dorner Mr. and Mrs. William Doran Anthony Dorsey, Jr. Mrs. Anthony Dorsey, Sr. Mr. Anthony Dorsey, Sr. Cecelia M. Dorsey Vincent J. Dorsey Domestic Laundry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dougherty Mary Ann Dove Mr. and Mrs. James F. Doyle, Jr. Mrs. James Doyle Mrs. J. J. Drain Mrs. Helen Drake Mrs. and Mrs. Lester A. Driber Mrs. Lester Driber Allen V. Driscoll Miss une M. Drobnak Miss Patricia Drobnak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duboski Mr. and Mrs. George R. Deckovitch Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dupras Mrs. Gene Devyer Mrs. Joseph Duffy Dr. David Eckstein Eddie's Restaurant Eddie's Tavern Edie and Dick Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ehrig Cheryl and Craig Eldracher Elliott's Meat Products Mr. Joseph E.Iko Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. A . Esposito Mr. and Mrs. J . Esposito The Evans Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ewers Ewing Photo Shop Jersey Bargain Fair Mrs. Loretta Falco Mr. and Mrs. J. Fallon Mrs. Anthony Farione Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fasanella Mr. and Mrs. John Fazekas Jerry Festa Mrs. Francis Fecak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fecak Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore A. Fedeli Mr. and Mrs. Michael Felice Mr. and Mrs. George Ferlise Lawrence Ferrara Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Ferrara Mrs. Mary Ferry Anthony W. Filipowicz Mrs. Charles E. Finn Kathleen Fitton Mr. and Mrs . Theodore E. Fitzgeorge Mrs. H . Fitzgibbon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fletcher The Flower Basket Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Flurys Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Flynn Mrs. Ruth Fogarty Mrs. Helen Foldvary Mr. and Mrs. A. Forgash Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Ford Buddy and Kenny Ford Mr. Stanley Forkevich Mr . and Mrs. Stanley Fox Mr. and Mrs. John Frankowski Frank's Cleaners and Dyers Mr. and Mrs. John J. Franey, Jr. Mommy, Daddy and Katy Sue Franz Dr. and Mrs. Karl Franzoni Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Frascella Ph yllis Frascella Mrs. Rose Frascella Jean Fratto

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman Freeman Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. S. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fried Friedman Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friel A Friend-G. R . Compliments of a Friend Frizzell's Men's Shop Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fromken Mr. and Mrs. Philip Golden Jacqueline Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Callos Mr. and Mrs. Max V. Garrett Marguerite Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garzillo Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Garzio Sadie Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gavenda Mr. Victor Gazi and Family Mrs. Ann Geiger Mrs . R. J. Geohrig John Cera and Son A. Giacobbi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giaquinto Edward Gilleo Betty Anne Gilligan Mrs. William Gilligan Mr ..and Mrs. Vincent Gilligo Mr .and Mrs. James Giordano Mr. and Mrs . Louis Giovacchini Ada Giovannetti Giovi Bros. Liquor Store Mr. and Mrs. H . Glover Mr. and Mrs. A. Gollnich Mr. and Mrs. John Gondej Anna Goodwin Miss Edith Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorczynski Mr. and Mrs. John Gorden Mr.a nd Mrs. James J. Grace Richard Gradus Mr. and Mrs. George Gray Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gravatt Dr. M. F. Graver Mr. and Mrs. John Graziano Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Gregory Mr . and Mrs. Thomas J. Gribbin Mrs. Catherine Griggs Polly Grobelny Miss Josephine Groch Mr. and Mrs. S. Groch C. Bergen Groindyke Barnie Groover Mr .and Mrs. Frank Grudzina Miss Kathy Grudzina Elizabeth Guadagno Mr. Mike Guadagno Jennie Guadagnoli Marie Guagliardo Mr. and Mrs. S. Guagliardo Rose Guarino Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Guerra Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guize Mrs. Frances Gureski Mr. Peter Gurland and Family Mr. J . Gusz Miss Mary Haberer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Haggerty John Halak Mr. and Mrs. Hamnett Handis Shoes Mr. and Mrs. John Hardiman Harold's Clothes Mr. and Mrs . Russell Hart and Family Mr. and Mrs . Karl Harter Carol Harker Virginia Harker Miss Naomi Hassall Mr. and Mrs . Martin Hasting and Family Robert J. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hart Mr. and Mrs. Hartgernik Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawrylo Mr. and Mrs. W. Haws Mr. and Mrs . B. James H awthorn Mr. and Mrs. V. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. John H ayes Richard Hedden


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Helling Mr. Thomas M. Helmlinger Roy Hewiekson Barbara Herrity Mr. and Mrs. James A. Herity, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. John Hills J. S. Hill Dr. Bernard Hirechfield Dr. Julius Hobitz Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoffman Mrs. W. Hoffman Mrs. Sophie Hogarty and Son Arthur J. Holland Mrs. Suzanne Holling Hollywood Garage Mrs. Joseph Hoyer Mr. and Mrs. Huart Kathy Huddy Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hullfish, Jr. Mrs. William Humphray Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hunt Dr. Floyd Ranter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hustak Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hvasta Mr. and Mrs. George Hvasta I'anni's Market Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ianni Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lannuzzio Mr. and Mrs. Robert lcker Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Illian Mr. and Mrs. Richard Infantini Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingling Mr. and Mrs. Paul Innocenzi Ivy Tavern Tom Jable Mr. N. R. Jachetti Andrea Janeso Mr. and Mrs. W. Janowski Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jarzyk Jay and Al Service Joan and Emmi Mr. A. H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James B. Johnson Lillian Joley Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Jones, Jr. Henry J anasusky Mr. Morris Jessen Jennie and Steve Mr. J. Wheelington Jones Mrs. Ella Jones Mr. and Mrs. A. Joachims Joe and Pat Roy Johnson Mrs. Louise Johnston Miss Susan Johnston JoAnn Robert Johnston Mrs. Anne Josiban Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kalish Mr. and Mrs. John Kamrad, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kandra Mr. and Mrs. Kandrac Mr. and Mrs. H. Kane and Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koppenhaver Dr. Harry Kaplan Mr. Joseph Thomas Karloff Hendrik Karsenbarg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kasporwitz Peter Katelnycky Dr. and Mrs. Robert Katin Mr. and Mrs. Zalton Katona Kavulich's Tavern Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kayser Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kazoway Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kealey Mr. Michael Keane Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kearns Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Keefe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keffer Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Keene Mrs. Raymond Kerlin Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kerwick Richard Kerwick Leo H. Kiernan Misses Se;ua and Mary Killian Mr. and Mrs. Michael King Miss Victoria King Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kish

Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Klar Mrs. Mary Klasky Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klein Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Klidza Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kmiec Mrs. Katherine Kmiec Mr. and Mrs . Frank Koba JohnS. R . Kodobocz Mr. and Mrs . M. Kohut Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kondash Mr. and Mrs. John Kontura Mrs. Louise Koreyva Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kosco Fritz Kovacs Edward Kowalik Kowalski Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kowalski Mrs. Joseph Kozma Joyce Ann Kozma Mr. and Mrs. Don Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kramer Katherine Kramer Frank J . Kramarz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kramarz, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kramarz Miss Julia Kramarz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kratzer Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kraus Mr. and Mrs. E. Krempecke Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kriser Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Krol Mr. and Mrs. I. Krolikowski Miss Maude Kreuger John Kueker Miss Louise Kuester Mr. and Mrs. John T . Kuliczkowski Miss Loretta Kuleszczyk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuleszczyk Mr. and Mrs. George Kunbeat Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kupetsky Miss Gail Kuser Mr. and Mrs. C. Kutarnia and Family Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kutch Loretta Kuzianik Mr. Edward Lacken La Casa Wine & Liquor Store Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lagana Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Lagana Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lake Mrs. Marie Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lansing Mr. and Mrs. Joley Lantini Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Mario Laurenti Lawrence Road Florist Norman Lawtan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Learning Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Leary

Mrs. Louis LeBras Miss Eleanor Lee Lucky Lee Mrs. Wilhelmina Lee Lee's Sun Ray Pharmacy Mrs. Quereau Leedom Mr. and Mrs. William Leedom Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Le Guen Nellie Lenart A. Leonard Charles Leonard Dick Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leonard Mr. and Mrs. James Lerette Jerome D. Lesh Miss Barbara Lestician Mr. and Mrs. John Lestician Mr. and Mrs . Louis Levine Dr. Levy and Dr. Finkle Mrs. Grace Lewis Liberty Music Center Mr. and Mrs. Frank Licciardello Lieblang's Dairy Mr. and Mrs. D. Liedtka and Family Mrs. E. Lightfoot Lillian's Dress Shop Mr. John Lind Johnn y Lippincott's Sunoco Station Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Liptak Mrs. Veronica Liptak Max Lissok Mr. and Mrs. John Livecchi Mr. and Mrs. C. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Longo Mrs. Concetta Longo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lonsha Mr. and Mrs. A. Lotys Mr. and Mrs. Louderback Mr. David Loveless Mrs. Mary Lovett Carl Lownie Mr. La Roy Lownie Larry Lownie Jackie Lazzano Mr. and Mrs. David G. Lucas John Lucas Thomas Lucas Mrs. Anthony Lucci Grace and Bill's Luncheonette Mrs. John P. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lyons Mrs. Mildred MacKenthun Mr. John Mackiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John Mackiewicz Mrs . R. P . MacKinnon Madeline and George Mr. and Mrs. Madely Miss Margaret Maher

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maher Kenny Mahinowski Mrs. Olga Major Management National Sponge Cushion Co. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mancino HenryS. Mandel Mrs. Alice Mangine Mr. and Mrs. John Mankovich Miss Jeanette Marasco Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marchand and Family Dr. Albert Marconi Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Marfino, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Marks Mrs. Marie Markowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markulec Mr. Joseph Marrazzo and Family Mr. William Marsa Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masick Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mason Mr. and Mrs.S. I. Ma~n Mrs. S. Massiello Mr. and Mrs. R. Gina Massimi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Masterson Miss Sarah Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ma.SJtrangeli Bill Mate Mr. and Mrs . Ferdinand Mather Miss Cathy Matlack Mrs. Jack Mattaliano Mr. and Mrs. J. Matte Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Matte Mattis Children Mrs. Michael Matyis Miss Barbara Maziarz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzarella Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy Charles F. McDade, Jr. Mr. E. McDermott Maribeth McEwan Mr. and Mrs. John McFa-rlane Mr. and Mrs. James McGarigle Mr. and Mrs. Louis McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Z. McGuire Thomas J. McHale Mr. David Mcintosh McKim's Atlantic Mr. Joseph McManimon Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McNally Miss Suzanne McQuade r. James Medulla Charles J. Megules Mr. and Mrs . Wendel J. Mendrey Mr. and Mrs . P. Mercatanti Miss Patricia Meriwether Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mershon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mershon Mrs. Samuel Messina William J. Meyer Mrs. Pauline Meyers Fred A. Miceli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Michalczyn Mr. and Mrs. I. Michaloski Mrs. Joseph Midura Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Miele Miss Mary Miele Mike and Pat Miss Emily Miktus Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miktus and Boys Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milacci Mr. A. C. Millard Mrs. Anthony Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller Lawrence W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller Mrs. Theresa Miller Mr. and Mrs. S. Minnotti Thomas Miscavage Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mochan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montague Mr. and Mrs. James Montani Mr. and Mrs . Morace Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Mostrangilia Mozer Coal Co. Miss Mary Mraz Mr. and Mrs. M. Mraz


William Mucciarelli Patrick Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mullen Eddie and Donna Mulvan Mr. and Mrs. John Murdza Mrs. Edward Murphy Mr. Edward A. Murphy J. E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs . .Martin J . Murphy Robert J. Murphy Mrs. Ruth Murphy Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy Mr. and Mrs. L. Musselman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mydlowski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Myernick Mr. and Mrs. John Nadbielny Mr. Joseph Nadbielny Mrs. Mary Nadbielny Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nadbielny Sam Nalbone Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nalbone Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Nami Naple Tomato Pie Nassau Pharmacy Mrs. A. M. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nemeth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman Miss Mary Nicoli Mrs. Henry G. Nilsson Mr. Joseph Nita Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nizolek Mrs. Mary Nizolek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Norton Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Noto Mr. and Mrs. John Notta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Notta, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Notta Nottingham Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nowicki Mrs. Jean Nucaso Mary Ann Oberc Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oberc Kathleen O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. William O'Donnell Jenny Ogonowski Mr. and Mrs. John Ogonofski Olden Hardware Miss Delores Onda Helen O'Neill Albert Ongrady Mrs. and Monica Orsi John K. Osborne Mrs. Earl H. Osborne Margaret O'Sullivan Barnett Osowitz Hardware Mrs. Helen Ostrowski Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ott Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Otter Robert H. Otter Edward H . Owens Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Pabers Mr. and Mrs. William Pacia Ralph Pagano Mr. and Mrs. J. Pagtione Mrs. JosephS. Palenchar Mrs. Harry R. Palmer Miss Kathleen Palsho Mrs. Anton Panacek, Sr. Mrs. M. Panasowich Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Panaseo Parkway Hardware Mr. Calvin Parson Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Parzych Mr. and Mrs. Michael Passalaqua Fred Passama Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Patricelli Miss Doris Pattley Miss Martha Pattley Mr. Joseph Patykula Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pawlukewich Mrs. Michael Pellegrino Mrs. Susan Pepe Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Perna Mr. and Mrs. A. Perilli Walter R. Peckins Harry Perrine Mr. and Mrs. A. Perschelli Mr. George Persichetti

Helen Persichetti Mr. and Mrs. James Persichetti Mary T. Persichetti Mr. and Mrs. P. Persichilli Mr. and Mrs. A . J. Pessolano Mr. and Mrs. James Peters Samuel Petranto Barber and Beauty Supply Co . Anthony F. Petruccione Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P . Daile Pezze Phil the Cop Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Picarello Mr. and Mrs. Pat Picarello Mr. and Mrs . John Piepszam Mr. Edward Pierce and Family Mrs. C. Pietras and Mary Mr. and Mrs. John Pietras Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pietras Ping and Fish Mrs. Beatrice Pippel Miss Carol Pippel Mr. Joseph Pisanko Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Piscopo Mr. and Mrs. John Pocino Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Panting Mr. and Mrs. B. Popkin Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell, Jr. Felix Pratico Vincent Pratico Mr. Mary Presti Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Proneski and Family Mr. and Mrs. A. Provengano Mr. Frank Przechacki Victor Przenuiniechi Franny Puhalski Mr. and Mrs. John Pulcini Mr. and Mrs. Otto Punk and Family Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quill James Quinn William Quinn Miss Helen Rack Mrs. Jeanne A. Rader Mr. John Radlinksy Mr. and Mrs. John Radlinsky Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ragolia Mr. and My; . J. F. Randow Mrs. Theresa Randow Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Raul拢 Mrs. Alfred A . Reading Regan Appliance E. Reily Yvonne D. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rein Reliable Photo Service Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Renee Mr. Lawrence Render J. C. Reuss Peter Van Mr. and Mrs. L. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickette Mrs. E. Riley, Jr. Col. and Mrs. Thomas Riley Gertrude Ringkamp Gene Ringside Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Rivero Roberts Realty & Mortgage Company Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts Sally Rochford Mrs. J . Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roller Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roman Fred S. Romanowski William R. Ronan Albert L. Rosenthal, M.D. Rose's Pet Shop Royal Cleaners Eleanor Ruppert Russ' Gulf Service Station Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, Sr. William Russell, Sr. and Family Madeline Russo Russo's Music Center Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rutkowski Joseph J. Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan Mr. and Mns. Peter A . Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Frank R yba Mr. and Mrs路. Henry Rymkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sabo


Mr. Al Sabul Mrs. Mary Salay Sam's Barber Shop Mr. and Mrs. Samonsky Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sandoff Mr. and Mrs. J. Satterthwaite Terry Saproni Bernard Sawasky James Sawasky Albert Sadowski Master John Scarlata Mr. and Mrs. Schaeffer Mr. and MriS. Leonard Schaible Mr. Carroll Schiavone Ron Carroll Schiavone Mrs. Francis Schindewolf Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Schlottenmier Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schnorbus Mrs. Agnes Schnorbus Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schollerburger Mrs. Eva Schon Schoen's Cities Service F. Richard Schreiber Mrs. Edward C. Schroth Mr. Edward C. Schroth Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schuchardt Alice E. Schulz D. Schultz Inc. Mr. Frederick Schuppan Debbie Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schwing Bobby and Donna Scinto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scinto Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sconza Walter Scott Mr. and Mrs. Philip Scozzari Mr. Joseph Seamen Mr. and Mrs. R. Seely Mrs. Joseph Seidonglanz Miss Eileen M. Seiler Miss Eileen E. Seiler Mr. and Mrs. William G. Seiler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Seiler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seliga Mr. Joseph Semanchik Mr. and Mrs. R. Sensi Mrs. Clare Serangeli Mr. and Mrs. A. Serinaldi Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sevey Sheila Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. James Sharp Donald Shaub Mr. and Mrs. M. Shaw and Family Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Sheenan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheenan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sheenan Hamilton Shell Mr. and Mrs. John Shelly Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Shulack Dr. Samuel Sica Miss Josephine Skwarek Mr. and Mrs. Francis Simko Jean Simko Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simko Simoni Music Studio Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sine Miss Marie Siorek Mr. and Mrs. Vito Sisti Mr. and Mrs. Don Sicolli, Jr. Mr. Anthony Skarpetowski Miss Leila Slack Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slane Mr. Alton Joseph Slane, Jr. V. P. Slamski Slosh berg's Nancy Slover and Donna Gropp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Small Dr. Charles Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Mr. Joseph Smith Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Solarski Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Smith Mrs. Norman Sollenberger F. M. Sommers Mrs. Marie Sorento

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sopko Mr. and Mrs. Luke Sorrentino Mrs. G. L. Southard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Spasling Spiegels Dept. Store Mr. and Mrs. Spindle Mr. and Mrs. J. Spinelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Sredinski Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph St. Laurent Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark Ewing Service Station Mrs. Joseph W. Stein Mollie Stemmer Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stengel Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stephane Mayfair Liquor Store Mr. L. Stounjogel John L. Stout H. Leroy Stout Stou ts Produce Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strahs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Straub Mrs. John Strayhart Mrs. Strelec Mr. and Mrs. John Struble Mr. Vincent Strycharz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strycharz Richard J. Strycharz Dr. and Mrs. William Stumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stumpt Miss Pauline Stype Mr. and Mrs. R. Stype Sugar N' Spice Bakery Miss Sandra Sulek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan Mr. 路and Mrs. Edward Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Susko Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutcliffe Mrs. Robert Sutcliffe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sutts and Eleanor Mrs. E. Svacak Miss Janet Svacak Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sweedlicond Mrs. Robert Sweeney Allan Sylvia Arlene Szekeres Mr. John T. Szwast Mr. Michael Szymanski Miss Barbara Szypulka Joseph A. Takach Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Takach Elizabeth Takacs Mr. George Takacs and Family Miss Mary Takacs Mrs. Tessie Talone Mr. and Mrs. A. Tammaro Mrs. Mary T.ams Mr. and Mrs. M. Tamuslo Margaret Tatrai Mr. George P. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Mary Thomas Miss Catherine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thorn Tiger Albert Timmermans Tina's Bridal Shop The Titswarths Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tivador Miss Mary Grace Tokoly Tom's Atlantic Station Top Road Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. F. William Toussaint Tracey's 5 & 10 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tramontana Mr. Peter Traskewicz Mrs. Fredrick Traumer Travel Tours Mr. and Mrs. Jack Treck Trionfetti's Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turek Lorraine Tylus Mr. and Mrs. John Tyman Robert E. Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyrrell Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Tyskal Gleen and Mary Ann Tysko

Miss Alice Ul lrich Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Underhill Mr. and Mrs. S. Vaccaro and Family Mr. and Mrs. R. Vachetti Mrs. Agness VanNess Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vannozzi Josephine Vannozzi Mr. and Mrs. Nello Vannozzi Mr. and Mrs. R. Vannozzi Julia Vasko Mr. H. Vetovick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Philip Viglione Mr. and Mrs. John Volen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Volen Mrs. Helen Waladkewics Miss Irene Walczak Catherine Walsh Thomas Walsh John Walter Patricia Walters Dave Walukiewicz Ted Walukiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warasky Barbara and Diane Ward Glenn Ward Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ward Mr. and Mrs. John Ward Mr. and Mrs. Lambert T. Warman, Sr. Sam Wasserstein Mr. and Mrs. John Wass Mr. and Mrs. Philip Waters Mrs. Fredrick S. Wakore Mr. Thomas Weaver and Family Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Weber Henry N. Weber Mr. Henry Weber, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber Gieselgunde Weiss Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Weitz Mr. and Mrs. James Welsh Mr. and Mrs. J. West Mr. H. West Mr. and Mrs. Norman White Mr. and Mrs. John Wiater Mr. and Mrs. S. Wiener Mr. and Mrs. William Wilfong Sec & Willhouse Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Williams, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Willie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willetts and Family Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willgus Leonard Willis Mr. and Mrs. Leon Willis Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Wilson Max Wishner Mr. and Mrs. T. Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Worob Robert Wozniak Thomas Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wright Mr. and Mrs. F. Wszolek Mrs. Mary Wyzga Mr. and Mrs. John Yamsura Mr. Art Yetten Mrs. Frank Yopp Charles and Yenny Mr. and Mrs. John Yuncza Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zahler Mrs. John Zamborsky Mr. and Mrs. John Zara Mr. and Mrs. Zazzo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zimmer Miss Aline Ziomek Miss Elaine Ziomek George Zorn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoltanski Miss Marie F. Zuccarello S. Zuckerman Mr. and Mrs. John Zufah Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumbel Mrs. Josephine Zygmunt


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This page spells finis to our yearbook and to our life in Notre Dame High School. But there always will be memories, thanks to the Canticle; yes, herein we can relive again the life, the laughter, the tears of our student days. Before the parting, we, the staff of the 1962 Canticle, wish to extend our personal thanks to a most interested administration and faculty; to generous patrons for their loyal support; to Mr. Thomas Everett of the Rae Publishing Company for his personal assistance; to Mr. John Prignoli of Lorstan Studios who relieved us of many a photographic problem; and last but not least to the senior class for the numberless hours of soliciting, planning, checking, double checking, and working together on this our second chorus of Notre Dame's Canticle.


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