Notre dame high school canticle 1969web

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The Class of 1969 presents

THE CANTICLE Notre Dame High School Trenton, New Jersey






















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Young and unaware Carefree yet captive Eager and idealistically sure We came. Slowly, we learned the need to change, to seek, to find, We strove to be selflessyet held ourselves back. We strove to be freeAnd took The Challenge. We renounced our complacency. We embraced our responsibilities. We acknowledged our obligati路ons. We sou路g ht to be free. We are, at lastFREE.


. to Sister Mary Eloise For ... her devotion, which has helped shape Notre Dame's standards from its beginnings, For ... her inspiring school spirit which has served as a model for Notre Dame Students, For ... her sincere efforts as Assistant Principal toward greater communication between students and administration, For ... her warmth and openness whose effects will be felt long after she has left Notre Dame we the Class of 1969 express deepest gratitude and dedicate our Canticle to Sister Mary Eloise.


His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND GEORGE W. AHR, S.T.D. Bishop of Trenton

His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND JOHN C. REISS, J.C.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton


Very Reverend Monsignor THOMAS J. FRAIN, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools



Assistant Superintendent of Schools

Secondary School Supervisor for the Sisters of Mercy



SISTER MARY ELOISE Assistant Principal


REVEREND JOSEPH T. THUL Spiritual Director

Chairman of Religion Department. Religion I, Ill , IV. Father's Club Moderator.

MR. RONALD A. ROSSELL Dean of Students

American Civilization II, Economics. Key Club Moderator.

MR. VINCENT ARDERY Athletic Director

American Civilization I, World Culture. Varsity Baseball Coach.



Sister Mary Emmanuel Chairman of Guidance Department.

Sister Emmanuel shows Alice Reimer possible career opportunities.

Mr. Joseph M. Dempsey

Miss Mary G. Colvey

Sister Mary Rosaire

Guidance Counselor. Bookkeeping I. Varsity Basketball Coach .

Guidance Counselor. Girls' Health IV, Classroom Driver Education . Girls' Basketball Coach .

Guidance Counselor. Modern Intermediate, Modern Plane Geometry.



Sister Helen Sweeney Religion II, II I, IV. Junior Class Moderator. Junior Homeroom 1 1G. Father Thul approves Janice Lewandowski's notes while the rest of the students in his marriage course await inspection.

Sister Mary Carlos

Mr. Charles V. Clerke

Religion II, I II, IV. Student Council Moderator. Senior Homeroom 12F .

Religion I, II. Varsity Football Coach and Trainer, Track Coach, Varsity Association Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom

Reverend Ralph W. Kline Religion I.


Reverend Hugh F. Ronan Re ligion II I.

Mr. Michael H. Wallace Religion I, II , II I. Junior Home room 11 D. 11

Mrs. Margaret M. Gribbin Chairman of Business Department.

Stenography I, II, Secretarial Practice, Transcription. Co-op Coordinator. Honor Society Committee.

Mr. Kenneth G. Diener Salesmanship, Business Law, Record Keeping, Retailing. Director of Distributive Education .


Sister Mary Francine

Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman

Religion I. Shorthand II, Office Practice, Typing I. Senior Homeroom 12B.

General Business, 5ecretarial Office Practice, Typing I. Business Committee Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom 101.

Sister Mary Nora Typing I, Business Organization, Business Mathematics, General Mathematics. Sophomore Class Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom 1 OB.

Mrs. Mary S. Stoka Typing I, II, Typing-Notehand. Assembly Committee Moderator. Future Secretaries Association Moderator, Trenton Area Chapter. Senior Homeroom 12C.


Sister Claire Cunningham Chairman of Socia.J Studies Department.

Ameri,an Civilization II, Current Civilization . Senior Homeroom 120 .

Sister Mary Alexander American Civilization II. Religion IV, Proctor Committee Moderator. Senior Homeroom 12G.


Sister Mary Esther American Civilization I, American Civil ization II . Service Committee Moderator. Jerseymen Club Moderator. Junior Homeroom 11C .

Mr. Frederick E. Hons World History, World Cultures, Earth Science . Sophomore Homeroom 1OA.

Mr. William V. Panella Ameri can Civilization I. Freshman Basketball Coac h. Sophomore Homeroom 100 .



Sister Joanmarie McDonnell

Mr. Philip A. Bosakowski

Chairman of English Department English Ill, IV, Journalism . Coronet Moderator. Junior Homeroom 11 E.

English I, Speech . Forum Club Moderator. Freshman Homeroom 9F.

Sister Mary Charlotte English Ill, IV. Spirit Committee Moderator. Senior Homeroom 1 2E.

Sister Joan McKeon English Ill. Social Committee ator. Freshman Homeroom 98 .

Sister Mary Grace Kelly Moder-

Mr. William F. Hybbeneth Jr. English II, Director of School Play. Drama Club Moderator . Sophomore Homeroom 10H.

Sister Mary Julia English I, Developmental Reading . School Store. Freshman Class Moderator. Ski Club Moderator. Freshman Homeroom 9C .

English IV. National Honor Society Moderator. Senior Homeroom 12A.

Sister Jane, Johnston English Ill , IV, English Composition and Review. Renascence Moderator. Freshman Homeroom 9G.

Sister Mary Petr'ina English II . Future Teachers Club Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom 1 OF .

Sister Katherine Rohr English I, Humanities-Engli sh Composi tion . Red Cross Club and Committee Moderator, Red 路 Cross Advi sory Board of Trenton. Freshman Homeroom 9A .

Sister Mary Veronica English I, II I. Local Press Notices . Junior Homeroom 11 F.

Sister Joanmarie indicates a point of journalistic humor to Pat Russell, John Mehalyak, and Sue Henk.

Mrs. Jeanne Rader Librarian

Mrs. Cynthia Clancy Librarian

LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Mrs. Rader helps Jean Dolan and Ed Pazdan with their library work.

LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Mrs. Mary Palenchar Chairman of Language Department.

German I, II, Latin Ill, IV. Four Winds Moderator. Junior Classical League Moderator.

Sister Marle路ne Fritz German I, II, II I, IV. Forum Club Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom 1OE .

Sister Gertrude McDonnell Latin I, II. Catholic Action Committee Moderator . Mission Crusade Moderator . Freshman Homeroom 9E .

Sister Mary Karen Spanish I,


Ill . Canticle . Moderator.

Sister Eileen Claire Smith

Mrs. Christiane Kaplan

French I, II . Sodality Moderator. Sophomore Homeroom 1 OC.

French I, II, Ill, IV, V. Junior Homeroom 11H.



Sister Regina Grant

Sister Frances Hewitt Chairman of Mathematics Department. Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics IV .

Sister Margaret Ann Waldron Algebra II, Geometry. Earth Band Moderator . Book Store.


Science .

Mathematics IV , Trigonometry a nd Al gebra II , Geometry. Activities Committee Moderator. Liturgical Commission Moderator. Club Program Moderator. Uniform Orders Moderator. Freshman Ho meroom 91.

Sister Marie Jose Algebra I, Geometry. Senior Class Moderator. Senior Homeroom 12H .

Mr. Thomas J. Williams Algebra I, Math / Science Rev iew .


Sister Eileen Bittner Earth Science, Biology. Science Club Moderator. Freshman Homeroom 9D.

Sister Mary Athanasius, R.N.

Miss Dorothy Cellini

Chairman of Science Department B.S.C.S.

Chemistry. Cheerleading Moderator. Junior Homeroom 11 B.

Biology I, I I, Earth Science and Introductory Physical Science. Future Nurses Club Moderator.

Sister Mary Raymond

Mr. Constantine Diamond

Chemistry. Coronet Circulation Moderator. Junior Homeroom 1 1A.


Mr. Paul E. Medwick Earth Science, Biology. Assistant Football Line Coach.


PRACTICAL AND FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT Sister Mary Claude Chairman of Art Department. Latin I, II . Humanities-Art, General Arts. Stage Craft Club Moderator.

Miss Jean Cursi Sculpture, Oil Painting, Drawing I, II, Design I, II. Art Club Moderator. Freshman Homeroom 9H .

Mr. Patrick C. Bush Mechanical Drawing I, II .

Mr. Jefferey Baker Chairman of Music Department . Humanities, General Arts, Mu sic History and Theory, In strumenta l Mus ic, Vocal Music. Band Moderator . Choraleers Mod erator.

Mr. James D. Murray Sister Mary Stella Chairman of Home Economics Department Home Economics, Sewing.


Strings, Orchestra .

PHYSICAL EDUCA.TION DEPARTMENT Mr. Walter J. Porter Chairman of Boys Health and Physical Education Department. Physical Education, First Aid, Driver Education (theory) , Driver Education (behind the wheel) . Head Varsity Football Coach.

Mrs. Marlene Stawecki Chairman of Girls Health and Physical Education Department. Physical Education Ill, IV, Health I. Varsity Hockey Coach. Varsity Tennis Coach . Intramural Program Moderator. Horseback Riding Club Moderator . Leader Corps Club Moderator.

Girls concentrate on the art of keeping trim.

Mr. Joseph A. Tete Physica I Education I, II. Health I, II. Moderator of Weight Lifting Club. Moderator of Judo Club . Moderator of Boxing.

Miss Susan M. Rossi Physical Education I, II, Ill, IV. Moderator of Soccer Intramurals . Moderator of Softball Intramurals. Moderator of Tennis lntramurals. Moderator of Gymnastics. Moderator of Horseback Riding. Moderator of Chess Club.


Mrs. Rita Parsons

Miss Diane Cushing


Mrs. Lorraine Weitz 22

Mr. John Campbell


Dr. Bernard N. Millner

Mrs. William J. Dougherty

Nurse . Dougherty inspects Karen Dietrich's bandages.



Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radlinsky celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with Mass in Notre Dame's chapel.

Before repa1nng our athletic field Mr. Michael Haddix, Mr. Paul Rodlinsky, and Mr. James Duncan pose for our photographer.

Our maintenance staff: Mrs. Mary Dubusky, Mrs. Mary K. Yardos, Mrs. Louise M. Billard, Mrs. Maria. J. Ottoggio, and Mary Swiniuch take a rest. Mr. James A. Westerman in the ticket booth is prepared for the night's game.



Mrs. Paul Radlinsky and Mrs. Madalone Cartlidge prepare dessert for Student Council. Dennis Bac purchases a supplement to his lunch from Mrs . Cartlidge .

Our Dining Room Staff: Mrs . Mary Levis, Mrs. Maria Agoes, Mrs. Paul Radlinsky, Mrs. Madaline Cartlidge, and Mr. Walter Bennet.


s E





To be free, to be able to stand up and leave everything behind-without looking back. To say yes. -Dag Hammarskjold

Class of 1969 With the guidance of Sister Marie Jose, ,. the senior class moderator, and the leadership of President Robert Giordano and Vice-President Frank Masterson, the seniors made their class the epitome of everything for which Notre Dame stands. Seniors excelled on the athletic field and the basketball court with such standouts as Carmen De Cello, Jeff Teague, Duke Swieconek, Walt Kocubinski, and Bob Nitti. To finance the senior class gift, new curtains for the stage, the class of 1969 undertook the project of selling pretzels at the lunch periods. Theatrical skills were evident in the senior class. Sister Jane's Engl_ish IV class captured the first place trophy in the annual play festival. Frank Sories, Frank Mancino, Laraine La Placa, and Michael Hamer portrayed some of the leads in the school play "Annie Get Your Gun." The highlights of the year for seniors were the annual class trip to Buck Hill Falls in the Poconos and the Senior Dinner Dance at Cedar Gardens . Senior Cla ss Moderator Sister Marie Jose discusses Senior Class trip plans with cla ss office rs, Preside nt Robert Giordano and Vice Pres ident Frank Masterson .

Senior Homeroom 路 Presidents: Christine Tartaglia, Janice Lewandowski, Dan iel Rafferty, Kevin Manley, Terry Rhoades , Robert Brezak , Dan iel Bachalis, Daniel Golden.


REMEMBER .. . Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind.



Theresa Hedwig Adamiak 67 Clayton Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Business Leaders Club 1, 2 .

Chester Louis Agabiti 15 Brampton Way Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Raymond David Agabiti 5 Cranbrook Road Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Stage Craft Club 2, 3.

Maryann Patricia Allar 1 735 Seventh Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Stage Craft Club 2, 3; Renascence 3, 4; Student Secretary 3; Co-op 4.

Diane Catherine Allen 31 Clover Hill Circle Trenton

Incarnation Parish Student Secretary 4.

Dominic Donald Alphonse 224 Natrona Avenu e Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2,

3, 4.

Ramon Emilio Alustixa 40 Yorktown Road Bordentown

Saint Mary Parish Art Club 3, 4; Stage Craft Club 3, 4; Canticle Club 1, 2 ; Red Cross Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

Alexander Francis Anthony 28 Farm Road Trenton Student Council 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Golf 2, 3, 4.


Car路ol Ann Antoniewicz 712 Pine Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Student Council 4; National Honor Society 3, President 4; Coronet 2, 3 , 4; J.V. Cheerleader 2, Captain 3 .

Marsha Ann Antosiewicz 533 Saint Joes Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Do-lt-Yourself Club 1, 2; Spanish Honor Society 2, 3; Student Secretary 3 .

Karen Marie Arcamone 22 Chestnut Street Princeton

Saint Paul Parish Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4 ; Student Secretary 3, 4.

Philip John Ashbock 16 Wilson Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Homeroom Vice President 1 ; Liturgical Commission 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; A Capella Choir 1, 2.

Dennis George Ba路c 238 Ellis Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Daniel Thomas Bachalis 30 Burning Tree Lane Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Homeroom Vice President 3, President 4; Projection Club 1, 2; Jerseymen Club 4; Cross Country 2, 3, Manager 4.

Peter Curran Backes Maddock Road Trenton

Our Lady Of Good Council Parish Hun School 1, 2 .

Martha Ann Bacsik 15 Cold Spring Road Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Homeroom President 1, Vice President 4; Orchestra 1, 2; Choraleers 3, 4; Canticle 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 4. 31

Nora Therese Baggaley 66 Smithfi eld Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish Homeroom Vice President 2; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; Quill and Scroll 3 , 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2 , 3, Editor 4; Renascence 2 , 3, 4.

Sharon Lee Baker Lawrenceville- Pe nnington Road Trenton Saint Ann Parish Future Teach ers Club 1, 2; Red Cross Club 1, 2.

Monica Anne Baranowski 42 Devon Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish National Honor Society 3 , 4; Do- ltYourself Club 1, 2 ; Spanish Honor Society 2 , Secretary 3.

Marilyn Elizabeth Barber 9 Rydal Drive Trenton Saint Ann Parish Hockey 2, 3 , Manager 4 ; Gymnastics 2 , 4; School Spirit Com~itt ee 1, 2 , 3 , 4; GAA Executive Boa rd 3 , 4 .

Deborah Ann Barlow 269 Weber Avenue Trenton Incarnat ion Parish Homeroom Presiden t 4; Leader Corps Club 2, 3, President 4 ; Gymn astics 2, 3; GAA Execu tive Board 3, 4.

Robert Allan Bartram 153 South John so n Avenu e Trenton Saint Joseph Parish Stage Craft Club 1, 2; Varsity Secretary 4; Footba ll 1, 2, 3 , tain 4 .

Edward David Barth 5 Clement Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish Stage Craft Club 1, 2 , 3; Key Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Vars ity Club 4; Track and Field 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4 ; Canticle 4.

Mary Ellen Bashore 639 Concord Circle Trenton Incarnation Parish


Jean Annette Baylog 60 Mable Street Trenton Incarnation Parish

Baseball 1, 2 .

June Antonette Baylog 60 Mable Street Trenton Incarnation Parish

Future Business Leaders Club 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2.

Margaret Anne Beato 30 Thoreau Road Trenton Saint Gregory The Great Parish

Leader Corps Club 3, 4 ; Canticle 4; Coronet 2, 3; Scrool Spirit Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 3.

Johann Michael Bencze 1 07 North Main Street Hightstown Saint Anthony of Padua Parish

Peddie Preparatory School Homeroom Treasurer 4 .

1, 2,


Patricia Ann Bernasc路o 5 Dover Court Trenton Incarnation Parish

Robert Charles Bernhard 1 5 Clover Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish

Archery Club 1, 2; Football 4; Bowling 1, 2 .

Madeline Frances Biache 825 Indiana Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Sodality 1, 2; Future Nurses Club 1, 2; Red Cross Committee 1, 2; Leader Corps 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Jerseymen Club 4.

Gregory Paul Billie 50 West Long Drive Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Student Council 4; Soccer 3, 4; Basketball 3; Canticle 4; Homeroom President 3, Treasurer 2.

Walter Thomas Bird 55 Armour Avenu e Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Projectio n Club l , 2, 3 .

Frank Charles Biszanzio 3008 Nottingham Way Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Bowling l, 2 , 4; Baseb all l , 2 .

Robert Edward Blicharz 710 Pilgrim Ave nu e Trento n

Saint Hedwig Parish H istory Club l, 2 ; Bowling l , 2, 4 .

Stefan Michael Bogdan 120 Glenview Drive T renton

Saint Hedwig Parish Varsi ty C lub 4 ; Ba n d 1, 2, 4; Orchest ra 1, 2, 4 ; Track 2, 3, 4; Cro ss Coun try 1, 2 , 3, 4; Basketball 1, 3 .

Edward Joseph Bogd% iewic% 1 828 Indiana Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Robert Walter Bre%ak 131 Clover Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Track 3, 4; Homeroom President

Dacene Theresa Boujai 78 Alcazar Avenue Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Future Nurses Club 1, 2; Leader Corps 3, 4; Majorettes 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, Captain 4.

Michael Raymond Brooks 221 7 Brunswick Avenue Trenton

Saint Michael Parish Projection Club 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4.

Klara Rose Brandecke r 3586 South Broad Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Canticle 4.

Hilda Ann Burd 20 Matthew Drive Trenton

Saint Gregory the Great Parish Leader Corps 3, 4; Majorette 3,

Andrew William Bre%ak 21 8 Brookside Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Jura Anatolievich Burdinik 113 Lehigh Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Renascence 2, 3, 4 .

Michael James Byrne 1 2 Twin Oaks Drive Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Track 3, 4 , Captain 3.

Lana Jean Butler Carter Road Princeton

Jacqueline Marie Burns 34 Sedgwick Road Trenton

Saint Paul Parish Future Teachers Club l, 2 ; Stage Craft Club 3, 4; Library Assistant

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Canticle 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Color Guard 3, 4; Basketball l, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary l; Vice President 2; Student Secretary 3 .

2, 3.

Patricia Ann Camarda 609 Princeton A venue Trenton

Saint James Parish

Richard Glenn Campbell

Madeline Phyllis Cade

147 Roxoboro Road Trenton

9 Brampton W ay Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Homeroom President Orchestra l, 2, 3, 4.



Our Lady of Sorrows Parish


Future Teachers Club l, 2; GAA Executive Board 2, 3 , 4 ; Homeroo,.., Secretary 2, 4.

Nicholas Raffaele Carnevale 71 Clearview Avenue Princeton

Saint Paul Parish


Wrestling l, 2 .

Gerard Joseph Cavalucci 42 Hollynoll Drive Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Homeroom Treasurer 2; Bowling 3, 4; Football 2, 3 .

Kathleen Mary Carroll 18 Stonicker Drive Trenton

Patricia Maria Carroll

Saint Ann Parish

61 8 Westmoreland Drive Trenton Incarnation Parish

National Honor Society 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 3, Chairman 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4 ; Canticle 4; Choraleers 2, 3; Leader Corps 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3.

Edward-Duane Chorey 7 Millbend Road Trenton Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Reynolds Junior High 1 ; Dramatics Club 2, 3, Vice President 1; Canticle 3; Coronet 3, 4; Renascence 3, 4.

Car路ol Ann Chianese 208 Berwyn Place Trenton

Patricia Louise Clark

Saint Ann Parish

1 5 Robert Road Princeton

Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Tennis Team 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Canticle 4 .

Saint Paul Parish

Tennis 1, 2; Canticle 4.

Harry Richard Closson 1420 Brunswick Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Radio Club 1, 2; Track 3 , 4; Cross Country 4 .


Kathleen Ann Marie C:z:igler 1 04 Fieldboro Drive Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Homeroom Treasurer 1, 4, Presiden t 2, Secretary 3; Stage Craft Club 1, 2 ; Drama Club Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Lady Lore 1, 2; Renascence 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4.

Thomas Murray Coursen 495 Kingston Road Princeton

Alfred Joseph Cornelius 6 Clover Hill Circle Trenton

Saint Paul Parish Malvern Preparatory School 1, 2 .

Incarnation Parish Rocket Club 1, 2; Projection Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Track

1, 2, 4.

Victoria Martha Dedek 6 Kirk Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Modern Dance 4 .

Judith Marie DeGeorge 46 Saybrook Avenue Trenton

Carmen Michael DeCello

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

1 0 Chel m sfo rd Drive Trenton

Glee Club 1, 2; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, Corresponding Secretary 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Baseball 1, 2.

Saint James Parish Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2 .

Diane Jacqueline Dekis Allentown Road Robbinsville

Saint Gregory the Great Parish


James Anthony Di lenno 262 Glenn Avenue Trenton Saint James Parish Projection Club 1, 2; Library Commission 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 4.

Joellyn Marie DiBoise State Highway 33 Robbinsville

Nina Lucy DiGuiseppi

Saint Gregory the Great Parish

774 Bunker Hill Avenue Trenton

Villa Victoria Academy 1, 2, 3; Future Teachers Club 4.

Saint James Parish

Jean Marie Dolan 3469 East State Street Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Student Council 2, 3, Recording Secretary 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 3, Secretary 1, 2.

Doreen Josephine DiStefano Mary Ann Dovicsak

23 Monument Avenue Trenton Saint James Parish

30 Stratford Avenue Trenton

Future Nurses Club 1, 2, 4; Canticle 4.

Incarnation Parish

David Alan Dubuqu e 39 Bayberry Road Trenton Incarnation Parish Band and Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4.


Susan Marie Eggert 1 8 Brearley Avenue Trenton Saint Ann Parish Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Junior Classical League 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3 , 4; Four Winds 3, 4.

Dorothy Marie Durchuck 282 Greenland Avenue Trenton

Gabriella Ann D'Uiisse 11 4 Review Road Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Student Council 4 ; National Honor Society 3, Vice President 4 ; Leader Corps 2, 4 , Vice President 3; Band Orchestra 1, 2; Hockey 2, 3 ; Softball l, 2 , 3; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, 3, President 4 ; Homeroom Trea surc:r 1' 2, 3.

Saint James Parish

Barbara Ann Everitt Bull Run Road Trenton Incarnation Parish Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Comm ission 3, 4 .

Louis George Fares 2759 Nottingham Way Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Student Council 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Homeroom President 2, Vice President 1.

John Francis Elenewski 435 Lawrence Road Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Carolyn Marie Farina 23 New Mill er Street Trenton St. James Parish


Glee Club 1, 2; Student Secretary 3 .

Mary Ann Allar and Monica Baranowski make good use of their fifteen minute talk-study.

Al ice Ann Farr

Judith Ann Fecak

Joseph William Fechter

1 7 Penwood Drive Trenton

1159 Brunswick Avenue Trenton

116 Norcross Circle Trenton

Saint Michael Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Incarnation Parish Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Canticle 1, 2; Homeroom Vice President 1 , 2, Secretary 3, 4; Social Committee 1, 2, 3 .

Red Cross Club 1, 2.


Nicholas Salvatore Fidanza 30 Oriole Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2.

Margaret Ann Ferguson 40 Sterling Avenue Trenton

Thomas Martin Fitzpatrick 826 Indiana Avenu e Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Future Nurses Club 1, 4; Coronet 2, 4; Canticle 4.

Saint Michael Parish Chess Club 1, 3 , 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4.

Martin William Finley 233 Harrison Street Princeton

Saint Paul Parish Football 1, 2.

Jane Theresa Franken Edinburg Road Robbinsville

Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Frank Albert Funke

Public Relation Committee 1, 2; Leader Corps 2, 3.

30 Collins Road Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Cynthia Mary Folm e r 701 Strawberry Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish


James Michael Galeotti 22 Sadie Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Rocket Club 1, 2; Varsi ty Club 4 ; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Ba ske tball 1, 2; Bowling 3, 4.

Norine Agnes Gerepka

Rosemary Margaret Gandner

329 Ellis Avenue Trenton

67 Main Boulevard Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Incarnation Parish

Student Council 4; Leader Corps 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Forum Club 1, 2, 3 , 4, Secretary 3.

Red Cross Club 1, 2; Gymnastics 3, 4; Business Committee 2 , 3 .

Shirley Ann Gar%ek 81 1 Spruce Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Gymnastics 2, 3; Student Secretary 3.

Robert Charles Giordano 21 99 Pennington Road Trenton

Michael William Girard 732 Valley Forge Ave nu e Trenton

Incarnation Parish Senior Class President 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Track 3 , 4 .

Saint James Parish Varsity Club 4; Football 3, 4; Soccer

1, 2.

Mary Catherine Giordano 14 Greentree Road Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Future Teachers Club 1, 3; Assembly Committee 3 , 4.


Daniel Philip Golden 707 Kingston Road Princeton

Saint Paul Parish Stage Craft Club 1, 2; Coronet 2, 3 4; Homeroom President 4 ; Liturgical Commission 4.


Therese Anne Golden 300 Great Road Princeton

Saint Paul Parish Red Cross Club 1 2 3 4 . I



Martin Anthony Goliszewski 41 Vincent Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Rocket Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3 4 . 1

Robert Eugene Gordon 8 Walton Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Varsity Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

Nancy Paula Graziano 27 Fenwood Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Theresa Ann Greco 41 Dexter Street Trenton

Saint James Parish 3 4; Leader Corps

Gymnastics 2



3, 4.

Barbara Anne Guhl 358 Concord Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish 1 2; Student

Future Nurses Club Secretary 4.


Carol Sue Halko 1951 North Olden Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Hockey 3 , 4; Homeroom Trea surer 1, Vice President 2 .

Michael Francis Hamer 45 Moran Avenue Princeton

Saint Paul Parish National Honor Society 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, Vice President 4; A Capella Choir 2; Canticle 2, Business Manager 4 ; Liturgical Commission 4; Coronet Copy Editor 4 .

Susan Agnes Harlicka 6 Glen Mawr Drive Trenton

Incarnation Parish Leader Corps 3, 4; Junior Classical League 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Four Winds 3, Spanish Editor 4; Forum Club 2, 3; Sodality 2 , 3 , 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2 .

Mary Christina Hastings 49 Houghton Avenue Trenton

Saint Paul Parish Glee Club 1, 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4 .

Mary Suzanne Henk 225 Elmore Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Red Cross Committee 1, 2; Service Committee 2, 3, Secretary 4; Leader Corps 3 , 4; Future Nurses Club 1, 2; Library Assistant 2, 4; Canticle 4 .

Leland Franklin Herbert 55 Alexander Road Princeton

Saint Paul Parish

Irene Mary Herman 722 Ohio Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Drama Club 1, 2; Jerseymen Club 4.

Eileen Mary Holst 824 Bunker Hill Avenue Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Red Cross Committee 3 , 4; Red Cross Club 1, Secretary 2; Canticl e

2, 4.

Bonnie Marie Horn 326 Mulberry Stree t Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Sharon Lee Horn 326 Mulberry Street Tre nton Saint Joseph Parish

Red Cross Club 1, 2.

Maria Antoinette lero 2900 Princeton Pike Trenton Saint James Parish

Jeanette Anna Johnson 1 0 Andrea Lane Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Student Council Trea sure r 4 ; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; GAA Exe cutive Board 1, 2, 4, Trea surer 3; Ba sketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2; Hom e room Pres irent 3 .

Robert William David Joy 15 Woodhampton Drive T renton Incarnation Parish

Chess Club 2 , 3; Jerseymen Club 3, 4; Band 2 , 3 , 4; Orchestra 2 , 3, 4 .

Joan Patricia Karatka 94 Irwin Place T ren ton Saint Ann Parish

Student Council 4; Red Cross Club 1, President 2 ; Bowling 1, 3; Canticle

2, 4 .

James Albert Jansen 3923 Nottingham W ay Hamilton Squa re Saint Gregory the Grea t Parish

Stude nt Counc il 4, Cla ss Preside nt 3 ; Key Club 2 , 3, 4; Liturg ical Co mmi ss ion 3, 4 ; Cross Country 1, 2, 3 , Captain 4; Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Re nasce nce 4 .

Christine Helen Karpik 51 Ewingville Road Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Sodality 1, 2; Cheerleader 3, Captain 4; Forum Club 1, 2.

John Joseph Kearns 6 Pine Knoll Drive Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Photography Club 1, 2; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Coronet Photographer 2, 3, Reporter 2.

Michael John Kemo 617 North Olden Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Karen Teresa King 1013 Terrace Boulevard Trenton Incarnation Parish

Junior Classical League 3, 4; Four Winds 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2.

Karen Elaine Kerns 4071 Nottingham Way Trenton Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Color Guard 3, 4; Gymnastics 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4.

Leonard Francis Kirkuff Fenwood Avenue Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Varsity Club Vice President 4; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Chess Club l, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4 , Captain l.

JoAnn Denise Kliwinski 207 Parkway Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Future Business Leaders Club 1, 2; Student Secretary 3.

Joan Mary Klocke 82 Pennwood Drive Trenton

Incarnation Parish Future Secretary Club 1, 2; Student Secretary 3.

Mary Jane BernacteHe Knapp 42 Monroe Drive Trenton

Saint James Parish

Walter Joseph Kocubinski 111 Betts Avenue Trenton

Future Nurses Club 1, President 2; Library Assistant 2 , 3, 4 ; Hockey 3, 4; Horseback Riding 3, 4; Canticle 4 .

Saint Hedwig Parish Varsity Club President 4; Soccer 2, 3 ; Golf 2 , 3; Basketball 2, 3 , Captain 4 .

MaHhew Steven Krainski 2815 Madison Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Football 1, 2; Wrestling Captain 4 .

1, 2,


Catherine Anne Kotarski 763 Mayflower Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Philip Joseph Kubiak 1 06 Susan Drive Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Chess Club 2 , 3, 4 ; Liturgical Commission 3 , 4 .

Gregory Carl Kurlander 1 2 Gregory Drive Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Varsity Club 4 ; Projection Clu b 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4.

Celestine Marie Kutarnia Edinburg Road Robbinsville Saint Gregory the Great Parish Leader Corps 2, 3, 4.

Joseph Patrick Kurpiewski 46 Kino Boulevard Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Class Representative 3; Varsity Club Treasurer 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Class Vice President 1 ; Homeroom President 1.

Barbara Anne Lan.zoni 709 Valley Forge Avenue Trenton Saint James Parish

Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Leader Corps 2 , 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Assistant Librarian 3, 4; Canticle 4.

Celeste Ann La Pointe 53 Brighton Drive Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Laraine La Placa

Art Club 2, Secretary 2; Leader Corps 3, 4; Majorettes 3, 4 ; Homeroom Treasurer 2.

302 Nassau Street Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Drama Club 1, President 2, 3, 4; Renascence 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 4; Choraleers 3, 4 .

David Frank Laurenti RR #2 Box 92 Yardville Saint Vincent De Paul Parish

Janice Marie Le路oniec 80 Berwyn Place Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish Style and Charm Club 2, Treasurer 1 ; Student Secretary 3.

John Paul Levanduski Perrineville Road Robbinsville Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Renascence 3 , 4; Track 2, 4.

Marybeth Leuper 8 Toth Lane Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Sewing Club 1, French Editor 4 .




Janice Marie Lewandowski Nursery Road Box 1 85 Titusville Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish

Homeroom Vice President 3, dent 4; Canticle 4.

Kathleen Anne Lindsay 197 Concord Avenue Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Ennio Anthony Lieggi 30 Rossa Avenu e Trenton

Glee Club 1, 2; Liturgical Commissior 3, 4; Choraleers 3 , 4; School Spirit Committee 1, 2 .

Saint Ann Parish

Paula Allison Lloyd 720 Plum Street Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Jerseymen Club 4 ; Studen t Secretary 3, 4 .

Margaret Mary Long 204 Berwyn Place Trenton Saint Ann Parish

School Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3 , 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Majorette 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Canticle 4 .


Thomas Patrick Long 296 Woosamonsa Road Pennington

Saint James Parish Liturgical Commission 4 ; Jersey me n Club 1, 2 .

Nicholas Lewis Longo 147 Ro ssell Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2 , 3 .

Mark Steven Ludwig 185 Weber Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Baseball 1, 2, 4.

Helen Louise Lynch 55 East Union Street Bordentown

JoAnn Michele Lupo

Saint Mary Parish

157 Phill ips Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish Homeroom Secretary l ; Homeroom Vice Preside nt 4; National Hon o r Society 3, 4; Sodality l, 2 , 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4 ; Choral eers 2 , 3 , 4 ; Coronet 1, 2 , 3 , Circulation Manager 4; Renascence 2, 3 .

Kathleen Grace Lyons 395 State Highway #33 Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Red Cross Club 2, 4 ; Bowling 3, 4; Assistant Librarian 1, 2, 4.

Eva Marie Maciejc%ak 750 Mayflower Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Future Teachers Club 2, 3.

Richard John Maher East Gate Apartments #3 Trenton Incarnation Parish

Cathedral l ; Trenton High 2.

Kathleen Mary Mahan 90 Reeder Avenue Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Frank Peter Mancino

Catholic Action Committee l, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Future Teachers Club l, 2 , Vice President 3, President 4; Coronet 3, Editor-inChief 4 .

6 Brigham Way Trenton Saint James Parish

Stage Craft Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Homeroom President 2.

Kevin Michael Manley 615 Latona Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish

Francis Andrew Mangone 40 Jefferson Street Princeton

Choraleers 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 3, President 4 .

Saint Paul Parish

Stage Craft Club l, 2, 4; Varsi ty Club 4; Football l, 2 , 3, 4.

Robert George Mansell 83 Cranbrook Road Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Basketball 2, 3; Homeroom Vice President 3.

Thomas Anthony Mantuano 24 Heath Street Trenton Incarnation Parish

Drama Club 1, Treasurer 2 .

Paul Samuel Massei 48 Cranbrook Road Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Frank Patrick Masterson 75 Green Lane Trenton Incarnation Parish

Student Council 1, 2, 4; Junior Classical League 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Four Winds, Latin Editor 3, Editor-inChief 4.

Eileen Teresa McDermott 2 Van Suan Drive Trenton Incarnation Parish

Co-op 4.

Thomas Patrick McKeever 331 Berwyn Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish

Stage Craft Club 1, 2, ~; Soccer 1, 3.

Karen Mary McGowan 9 Springwood Drive Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Homeroom Secretary 2, 4 .

Michael Brian McKitish 135 Johnston Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Varsity Club 4; Cross Country 2, 3 .

John Michael Mehalyak 866 Spruce Street Trenton Saint Michael Parish

Archery Club 1, 2; Key Club 4.

Michael Thomas Meriwether 944 Ohio Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Audio-Visual 1, 2, 3, 4 .

Michael John Menschner 284 Reeves Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Glee Club 1, 2; Varsi ty Club 4; Basketball 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Baseball 1, 2 , 3 , Captain 4 .

Robert John Meshanko 181 Weber Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Projection Club 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 4.

Davi~ Henry Milecki 705 Spruce Street Trenton

Sa int Hedwig Parish

Joan Antoinette Mikita

Varsity Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 .

63 New Street Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Social Committee 3, 4; Christian Apostolate 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Renascence 4; Canticle 4; Forum Club 2.

Carmella Jean Milinowicz 128 Norway Avenue Trenton

Saint Joseph Parish Student Council 4; Cantic le 4 ; Homeroom President 1, 2; Homeroom Secretary 3.


Robert Vincent Milin路owic% 1315 North Olden Avenue T renton Saint Hedwig Parish

Robert Thomas Miller 522 Cleardale Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish

Homeroom Vice President 1.

Su%anne Marie Miller 70 New Street Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Assembly Committee 1, 2, 路 4; Stage Craft Club 3, 4; Art Club 3 , 4; Sodality 1, 4; Coronet 2 , 3, Editor 4.

Susan Ann Murray 34 Rosedale Ave nu e Trenton Incarnation Parish

Future Business Leaders Club 1, 2; Library Assistant 3, 4 .

Donna Ann Moore 4 15 Beechwood Avenue Trenton Incarnation Parish

Hom e room Pre sident 3; Red Cross 1 2; Renascence 2 1 Editor Staff 3 ; Library Assistant 1 2 , 3, 4. I


Joseph Gerard Nadler 30 Lawnside Drive Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Chess Club Vice President 1, 2; Jerseymen Club 4; Forum Club 3 4 . 1

Kathleen Denise Natriello 65 Garfield Avenue Trenton Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Kathleen Marie Nichitel 21 Brockton Road Trento n

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Future Nurses Club 1, 2; Color Guard 3, 4; Transportation Committee 1, 2 .

Martin Walter Nicholson 605


Avenue Trenton

Linda Ann Nigh

Inc arnation Par ish

125 Hawthorne Avenue Trenton

Student Co uncil 3, President 4; National Honor Socie ty 3 , 4 ; Varsity Club 4 ; Choraleers 2, 3; Track and Field 1, 2, 3 , 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4 ; Renascence 3, 4 .

Saint Hedwig Parish Future Nurses Club Secretary 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3 , Vice Presid e nt 4.

Rose Marie Nobile 768 Parkway Aven u e Tren ton

Incarnation Parish Canticle Ed itor 4 .

Robert Anthony Nitti 2800 Prince ton Pike Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Varsity Ba ske tball 3, 4 .

Jane Eli%abeth Notta 38 Federal C ity Road Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Red Cross Committee 2 , 4; Bowling 3, 4 ; Canticle 4 .

Barbara Eli%abeth Nowalinski 828 Bunker Hill Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Red Cross Committee 1, 2; Bowling 3, 4 ; Canticle 4.

Mark Jose ph O'Donnell 8 Springwood Drive Princeton

Saint Paul Parish Maryknoll High School, Chesterfield, Missouri; Jerseymen Club 4.

Denis M ichael Obstarczyk Skirk Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish

JoAnne Marie Olesak

Canticle l, 2; Dramatics Club l, 2.

38 Marquis Road Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Sodality 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4.

Eilee n Mary O'Reilly 124 Holt Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Thomas John Opsut 68 Main Boulevard Trenton

Incarnation Parish

Future Nurses Club l, 2, 3 ; Bowling 3 , 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Treasurer l, Vice President 4; GAA Executive Boa rd 2, 3, 4.

Student Council Vice President 4; Stage Craft Club l , 2; Forum Club l, 3, 4; Model Car Club l, 2; Homeroom Treasurer l, President 3.

Janice Annette Osborn 28 Hardwick Drive Trenton

Saint James Parish Leader Corps 3, Vice President 4; Color Guard 3, Captain 4 ; Homeroom Pres ident l, Vice President 2.

Charles Michael O'Shea 704 Rosedale Road Princeton

Saint Paul Parish

Ed~ard Joseph Ostrowski 1574 Brunswick Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Band Club 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Renascence 3, 4; Canticle 4.

Maria Nancy Palla 115 Harmony Avenue Trenton Saint James Parish

Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1.

Maria Anita Paul

Calleen Marie Parson 120 Lawrence-Pennington Road T renton

Lynda Anne Patrone

Saint Ann Parish

Homecrest Avenue Trenton

Na t ional Honor Society 3, 4.

Incarnation Parish

Future Secretaries of America Association Chairman 2 .

29 Nassau Street Trenton Saint James Parish

Homeroom President 2, Vice President 3; National Honor Society 3, Secretary 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Coronet 1, 2 , 3, Editor 4.

Christine Marie Paxdan 1233 North Olden Avenue Trenton

Diane Elizabeth Perrine

Saint Hedwig Parish

Banking Representative 1, 2; Student Council 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Renascence 3, 4; Forum Club 2, Vice President 3; Homeroom Vice President 1.

1 01 Hazelhurst Avenue Trenton

Edward Donald Paxdan

Incarnation Parish

1401 Princeton Avenue Trenton

Future Teachers Club Vice President 1; Leader Corps 2, 3, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Gymnastics 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader Co-Captain 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4.

Saint Hedwig Parish

Baseball 1, 2, 4; Basketball 1, 2 .

Theresa Marie Petitto 120 Saybrook Avenue Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Future Nurses Chairman 1, 2; Color Guard 3, 4.

Ellen Marie Petrus 1459 Princeton Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Joanne Marie Pfieffer 129 Brian Avenue Trenton

Walter lves Phillips

Barbara Jean Piechota

Saint Hedwig Parish

41 Myrtle Avenue Trenton

16 Merovan Avenue Trenton

Saint Michael Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Glee Club 1, 2; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Circulation Staff 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, 4.

Kathleen Stasia Pietras 35 Haveson Avenue Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Richard Earl Pine

Pep Club Treasurer 2; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Volleyball 2, 3; Canticle Editor 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; School Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain of the Big-Little Sister Program 4 .

2620 Princeton Pike Trenton

JoAnn Marie Pinelli

Saint Ann Parish

6 Lawn Park Avenue Trenton

Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2.

Saint Ann Parish


Robert Guston Plaag

Janice Anne Pluta

Camille Joseph Pocetti

1 5 Heather Drive T renton

69 Garfield Avenue Trenton

824 Ohio Avenue Trenton

Saint Ann Parish

Saint Joseph Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Future Nurses Club Teachers Club 3, 4 .




Louis Paul Pollard 18 Stacy Avenue Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Wrestling 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2 .

Lorraine Eli%abeth Potocki 656 Pennsylvania Ave nu e Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Art Club 2, 3; Renascence 2, Editor 3, 4; Canticle 4 ; Future Secretaries A ssoci a ti on 3, 4 .

Karen Theresa Price Patricia Madelyn Pulcini

Daniel Joseph Rafferty

Our Lady o f Sorrows Parish

13 8 Lowell Avenu e T renton

1 1 00 Lower Ferry Road T renton

Leade r Corps 2 , 3, 4 ; Soccer 2, 3; Volleybal l 2, 3 ; Cheerleade r 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3 , 4 .

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Incarnation Parish

Fie ld Hockey 2 , 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2 , 3, 4.

Golf 2, 3, 4; Ba ske tball lntramurals 2, 3; Homeroom President 4.

54 Hi rsch Avenue Trenton


Lillian Rosalie Raymond

Alice Jean Reimer

Eileen Catherine Rendemonti

732 Miller Road Trenton

1 21 0 Lower Ferry Road Trenton

914 Park Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish

Incarnation Parish

Majorettes 3, 4; Softball 1, Manager 4; Hockey Captain 3, 4; Gymnastics 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2; Leader Corps 3, 4 .

Student Council Committee Chairman 4; Canticle Typing Editor 4; Student Secretary 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4.

Saint Anthony Parish

Trenton Central High School 2, 3.

Susan Dora Rentner 61 Myrtle Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Coronet 2, 3, 4; Forum Club 3, 4; Social Committee 2, 3; Canticle 4.

Terry John Rhoades 7 6 Stonicker Drive Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Townson Catholic High School 1 ; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Homeroom President

3, 4.

John Henry Robertiello Eileen Marie Romeo

34 Walton Street Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Thomas Joseph Roche

Student Council Chairman 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Renascence 3, 4; Coronet

211 Ellis Avenue Trenton

2, 3, 4.

Saint Hedwig Parish

69 Erdman Avenue Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Modern Dance 3, 4; Guard 3, 4; Canticle 4.



Laureen Ann Rose

Patricia Ann Rossi

Henry Bernard Rutkowski , Jr.

32 Brandywine Way Trenton

27 Lawn Park Avenue Trenton

222 Upper Ferry Road Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Saint James Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Homeroom President 1 ; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Renascence 2, 3 ; National Honor Society 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4.

School Spirit Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Canticle 4.

Roberta Anne Ryan 3 39 Paxso n Avenue T renton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Tennis 1, 2, 3; Softball 1, 2; Service Commi t tee 2, 3 , 4.

Helen Theresa Rychlicki

William Alexander Sabolchy

227 Mulberry Street Trenton

404 Genesee Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Pilgrim Presbyterian Church

Banking Representative 3, 4; Social Committee 2, 3, 4 .

National Honor Society 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior High School 1 ; Trenton High 2; Canticle Photographer.

Joan Louise Sadovy 255 Dickinson Street Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

J.ohn Lane Scanlon 58 Dorann Avenue Princeton Saint Paul Parish


Bourgade High School, Arizona 1, 2, 3 .

John Peter Scarlata

Lorraine Christine Schrieber

Walter Peter Schulwitz

547 Cleardale Avenue Trenton

1121 Indiana Avenue Trenton

1 108 Prospect Street Trenton

Incarnation Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Incarnation Parish

National Honor Society 3, Treasurer 4; Coronet 2, 3, Sports Editor 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Homeroom Vice President 1; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Audio-Visual Club 1, 2, President 3; Key Club 4.

Future Business Leaders Club 1, 2.

Glee Club 1, 2; Liturgical Commission 4.

Anne Victoria Sharpe

JoAnn Catherine Shelingoski

531 Saint Joes Avenue Trenton

725 Pine Street Trenton

Jean Frances Scott 232 John Street Princeton Saint Paul Parish

Saint Joseph Parish

GAA Executive Board 2, 3; Renascence 3, 4; Student Secretary 3; Coop 4; Homeroom Vice President 1, 2 .

Saint Hedwig Parish

Student Secretary 3; Co-op 4 .

John David Shento 625 Cherry Street Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Art Club 3, President 4; Stage Craft Club 3, 4.

John Charles Shimski 33 Mechanics Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Archery Club Canticle 1, 2.

1, Vice President 2;


John James Slackter

Margaret Ann Slavin

Christopher William Smith

44 Stout Avenue Trenton

55 livingston Drive Trenton

2 7 Bayberry Road Trenton

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish Chess Club 1, 2; Bowling 1, 2.

Incarnation Parish Model Car Club l, 2; Stage Craft Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 4; Basketball 1 2 3 4; Golf 1 2 Captain 3 4 .

Secretarial Club 1, 2.







Edward Joseph Smith 326 Westmoreland Drive Trenton

Incarnation Parish Model Car Club l, 2; Varsity Club 4; Basketball l, 2 3 4; Golf 2, 3 4 . 1



Gregory Thomas Smith Fackler Road Princeton

Saint Paul Parish National Honor Society 3 4 ; Glee Club 2, 3; Choraleers 2 3 4; Varsi ty Club 4; Track 2 3 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Canticle 2 ; Jerseymen Club 4; Liturgical Commission 4 . 1




Alfreda Christine Smolka

Henry Anthony Sochalski

Frank Joseph Sories

52 Mechanics Avenue Trenton

1 01 Houghton Avenue Trenton

7 Cannon Drive Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Stage Craft Club 21 3; Soccer l, 2,

Glee Club 1, 2; Liturgical Comm ission 4; Choraleers 2, 3 , 4 ; Forum Club

Saint Hedwig Parish Secretarial Club 1, 2.



3, 4.

1, 2, 3.

Mary Karen Spit%er

Judith Jane Stark

Irene Marie Stavitski

1 02 Lewis Brook Road Pennington

43 Running Brook Road Trenton

44 Junior Avenue Trenton

Saint James Parish


Pius X Catholic

High School

1, 2, 3.

Saint Ann Parish

Leader Corps 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 3; Canticle Editor 4; Red Cross Committee 1 , 2, 3, 4.

Saint Hedwig Parish

Future Secretaries Club 1, 2 .

Mary Shaun Stepowany 246 George Dye Road Trenton Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Modern Dance 1, 2, 4; Canticle 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 4; School Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3 , 4.

Deborah Marie Stoy 166 Briner Lane Trenton Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Homeroom President 2; GAA Executive Board 2, 3; Jerseymen Club 4.

Theodore Mark Strychar%

Linda Marie Supel

Richard Michael Swieconek

905 New York Avenue Trenton

129 Gainsboro Road Trenton

151 Sherman Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Student Council 4; Leader Corps 2 , 3, 4; Majorettes Captain 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, Secretary 3.

Varsity Club 4; Baseball 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2 , 3, Captain 4; Basketball 3, 4 .


Theresa Elizabeth Syper

JoAnn Cecelia Szalony

Elaine Marie Szul

1600 Sixth Street Trenton

119 Holt Avenue Trenton

172 Fenwood Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Future Teachers Club 1, 3, President 2; Bowling 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4.

Student Council 4; Red Cross Club 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3; Cheerleader 3; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4.

Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Coronet 2, 3, 4.

Joan Marie Szymelewicz 228 Klag Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Catholic Action Committee 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, Secretary 4; Coronet 2 , 3, 4; Forum Club 2, 3; Homeroom President 1.

Raymond Anthony Tagliaferri 1 180 Lawrence Road Trenton

Saint Ann Parish Chess Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4.

Patricia Rita Ann Taranowicz

Christine Marie Tartaglia

8 1 0 Lawrence Road Trenton

205 Elmore Avenue Trenton

Jeffrey Donald Teague

Saint Hedwig Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Glee Club 1, 2; Forum Club 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, Pres ident 4; Coronet 3, 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4.

Homeroom Vice President 3, President 4; Modern Dance 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; Color Guard 3 , 4; Canticle 4 .

26 Brandau Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish Key Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 4; Football 1, 3 , 4 ; Baseball 2 , 3 , 4 .


Barbara Ann Thomann 8 Aaron Avenue Trenton

Incarn ation Parish Art Club 2, 3 .

Daniel Steven Tokoly 923 Ohio Ave nu e Trenton

Saint Michael Parish Canticl e 1, 2, 3 , 4 .

Steven John Tomas%ewski 1545 Brunswick Avenue Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish Varsity Club 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Patricia Ann Tonne 130 Villanova Drive Trenton

Saint Michael Parish Junior Classical League 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Four Winds 3, Editor 4 ; Coron et 3, 4 ; Canticl e 4; Homeroom President 1.

Phyllis Matilda Vaccaro Quaker Bridge K.oad Trenton Student Secretary 3; Future taries Clu b 3, Treasurer 4 .


James John Van Hise 1 Winthrop Avenue Trenton

Incarnation Parish

Richard Charles Varga 49 Kino Boulevard Trenton Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Varsi ty Club 4; Bowl ing 1, 3 , 4.

Ba seball


3, 4 ;

Angela Carmela Veltri 52 Eldridge A venue Tre nton

Saint Ann Parish


Diane Maria Verde 713 Brunswick Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Red Cross Club Treasurer 2; Homeroom Treasurer 4 .

Michael John Vereb 221 Johnston Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Art Club 2, 3.

Valerie Ann Vereb 126 Norway Avenue Trenton Saint Joseph Parish

Donald Joseph Wallover 915 Pine Street Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Karen Rosemarie Wallover 915 Pine Street Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Student Council 4; Red Cross Club 2, 4; GAA Executive Board 4; Renascence 3, 4; Homeroom Vice President 1, 2; Future Secretaries Club 3, 4 .

William Wesley Wells 63 Edgewood Road Bordentown Saint Mary Parish

Art Club 2, 3.

Joan Rita Wiater 7 43 Princeton Pi ke Tre nton Saint Hedwig Parish

Art Club 2, 3 ; Jerseymen Club 4 ; Homeroom Secretary 3; Student Secretary 3 .

Stephanie Colette Williams 1 32 Gainsboro Road Trenton Saint Ann Parish Jerseymen Club 4; Art Club 1, 3.


Ave Maria Winkler

JoAnn Roberta Wisniewski

18 Sunset Boulevard Trenton

245 Garfield Avenue Trenton

Saint Gregory the Great Parish

Saint Joseph Parish

Homeroom Treasurer 2; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4 ; GAA Executive Board 4; Bowling 2, 3, 4; Gymnastics 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Coronet 3, 4.

Renascence 3, 4; Canticle 4.

Theodore Edward Wisniewsk i 1333 North Olden Ave nu e Trenton Sa int Hedwig Parish

Varsity Club 4; Football 1 ; Ba sketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2 ; Trac k 3 , 4 ; Bowling 2, 3 , 4.

Thomas Mark Wojc ik 23 Ewingvill e Road Trenton Sa int Hedwig Parish

Soccer l , 2, 3 , 4 ; Baseba ll Ba sketball 1, 2, 3.




Frederi路c k Walter Wojt路owicz

Patricia Ceceilia Wolfe

1314 North Olden Avenu e Tren ton

l 8 Peabody Lane Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Junior Historian Club 2 , 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secre ta ry 1, 2 ; Varsity Club 4 .

Homeroom President 2; National Honor Society 3 , 4; Canticle Editor 4 ; Liturgical Commi ssion 4 .

Frances Mary Wroblewski

Robert James Wszolek

1434 North Olden Avenue Trenton

1 61 1 Eighth Street Trenton

Saint Hedwig Parish

Saint Hedwig Parish

Red Cross Club 1, 4.

Susan Kathryn Wucinski 822 Indiana Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Art Club Treasurer 1, 4; Junior Classical League 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Renascence 3, 4; Four Winds Art Editor 3, 4.

Robert Dinsmore Wylie 1 Carnation Place Trenton Saint Ann Parish

Glee Club 1, 2; Basketball 1, 3; Baseball 1, 2.

Ronald Philip Zanoni

Patricia Ann Zimmer

18 New York Avenue Trenton

1 043 Ohio Avenue Trenton Saint Hedwig Parish

Saint James Parish

Homeroom President 3, Vice President 4; Photography Club 1, 2.



c A D E M I


... Be wise, and you must be free, for you will be fit to be free.


EXPERIENCES IN OUR FAITH "The old order changeth, yielding place to the new and God fulfills Himself in many ways."

This exerpt from Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem seems to convey Notre Dame's religious atmosphere. This year, Father Thul, department head, has initiated new teaching techniques. Among programs ranging from Salvation History in freshman year to the Marriage course in Senior year, the department has begun team teaching and group dynamics. Breaking away from the old, all religion classes have acquired new textbooks and film strips have added to the enjoyment of the learning process. At least twice a month, Insight films are shown and discussed in class by students and teachers. These films show conflicts encountered in every day life. Junior religion students concentrate on class assignments.

Robert Giordano consults Dacene Boujai on the perplexities of Church History.



Carol Chianese, Sister Emmanuel, and William Wells tackle the State Scholarship form.

Mr. Dempsey and Bob Bartram discuss the problems involved in applying to college.

To mention the word "guidance" one cannot help but refer to the members of the Notre Dame Guidance Department. Sister Mary Emmanuel, chairman of the department, works untiringly to counsel juniors and seniors. In addition . to typing college recommendations and transcripts, Sister is always busy scheduling various testing programs in the school. Another prominent member of the department is Mr. Joseph Dempsey who, when not coaching the basketball team, tries to "coach" juniors and seniors into college. Two newcomers to the staff, but by no means to Notre Dame, are Sister Rosaire and Miss Mary Calvey. When not teaching Intermediate Algebra Sister Rosaire works with Miss Calvey to assist members of the freshman and sophomore classes. All the students of Notre Dame should indeed be grateful to these dedicated people who help develop our talents and prepare us for the future.

Rocco Pugliese and Robert Petrus consult Sister Rosaire during their guidance period.



The pursuit of knowledge outside of the classroom structure is very important to Notre Dame students. The library provides this research center where in an atmosphere of quiet, the students may pursue their various study projects and receive the expert assistance of Mrs. Rader and Mrs. Clancy. Active student librarians assist in the various jobs and aid in locating information and procuring the filmstrips and records available for enrichment. The efficient use of these would not be possible without the aid of Sister Mary Raymond and the audio-visual department whose members set up and keep in working order the necessary equipment. Both the library and visual aid department are rapidly expanding with the acquisition of new books and equipment each successive year.

Mrs. Rader, N.D.'s librarian, graciously assists students who avail themselves of the library's resources.

Senior students take advantage of the quietness of the library to get some studying done.

Greg Kurlander, Ennio Lieggi, and Joe Kurpiewski do research for an upcoming Current Civics report.

Mrs. Clancy offers a helping hand to Bob Giordano, who seems to be having trouble finding his library perm it.

Bonnie Everitt appears to be completely immersed in her project.

Members of the Audio-Visual Club, Kevin Meighan, George Marshall, Bob Atkins, Joe Bird, Chris Nelson, Paul Evans, and Urs Nager, assemble before the A.V. room with Sister Mary Raymond, moderator.


In this age when The Medium is the Message, the English department ardently tries to prepare the student for the challenge under the leadership of Sister Joanmarie. Basic English courses include grammar, literature, speech, and composition which are more specifically developed in Advanced Composition Review and Journalism courses. Various school publications include Coronet, Renascence, and Canticle. And participation in numerous essay contests avail the students of opportunities to exhibit their skill. For audio visual enrichment, records , filmstrips, and transparencies are available to the students. A portion of the library may be used for their independent viewing of these aids. The proximity of Trenton State college and McCarter Theatre make it possible for them to attend dramatic presentations and the Annual Play Festival offers the students experience in this media. Sister Jane poetically expresses the meaning in a line of Wordsworth to her Junior class.

Bob Giordano, Martha Bacsik and Greg Smith exhibit their dramatic talents in a tense scene from "A Hatful of Rain."


Sister Charlotte enumerates on the importance of grammar to her English IV class.


Barbara Lanzoni points out the characteristics of Neoclassicism in the 18th Century.

Sister Joanmarie indicates an important passage to Michael Bencze as Mary Giordano looks on .



Mrs. Kaplan points out to Jo Anne Olesak and Ed Ostrowski one of the perplexities of modern languages.

Mrs. Palenchar helps Margaret during Language Lab.


Longevin with




Barbara Strapp delivers an amusing commentary to Mrs . Kaplan's French IV class .

Latin I students concentrate on the conjugation of verbs, as Sister Claude offers encouragement.

Siste r Gertrud e g ives Cheryl Hunt and Kathl een Mil ler a few study guid es for the Aux ili um Lat inum test , as J ose ph Kre mpe c ki looks on .

The ability to communicate efficiently with our neighbors in foreign lands is a major requirement in the world today. By means of three modern languages : French , German , and Spanish and the classical course of Latin, the language department strives toward this goal. Notre Dame students keep their image well-known among area high schools by active participation in interscholastic competitions and they are noteworthy representatives in the Junior Classical League . This year fine opportunities to use their linguistic ability were offered to French and Spanish students as they toured France and Spain during the Easter hoi idays . Leading the way of all these endeavors is our very capable language department head , Mrs. Mary Palenchar.

Fellow Spani sh students enjoy watching Junior David Curtis as he aims for the pinata during the Spanish Ch ristma s Fiesta.

Sister Marlene converses with her German IV students.


The keynote to understanding 20th Century society is awareness of world affairs. The social studies department under the supervision of Sister Claire strives to acquaint Notre Dame students with the different eras of history. The two elective courses of Current Civilization and economics deal with modern society. World History and World Cultures are also provided to give a glimpse of the civilizations and ancient systems which have helped man in the development of society as we see it today. Newspapers, current magazines and fi 1mstrips are used to keep history classes in tune with the day to day changes in current events. History students participated in the United Nations test and this year the Social Studies Department sponsored a history fair and an assembly.

Sister Esther stresses the importance of keeping up with current events.

Sister Claire and various history students enjoy the informality of an afternoon tour of the New Jersey State Cultural Center.



A few of the Current Civ . students look on as Sister Claire explains John Kennedy's importance to history.

Freshmen Ardery.

are acquainted

with some



by Mr.

Sister Alexander discusses an economics article from Newsweek with Thomas Courson, Robert Milinowicz, Frank Masterson, and Peter Backes.


THE FORMULA FOR DISCOVERY Faculty and students alike may exhibit just pride in Notre Dame's mathematics department. Under the guidance of Sister Frances Hewitt, those desiring to explore this science have been given every opportunity to do so. The various courses available to the student include these: general mathematics, elementary and intermediate algebra, plane geometry, and trigonometry and 12th year mathematics. New materials acquired by the department this year include: filmstrips, transparencies , and a portable chalk board complete with markings for graphs in both the rectangular and polar coordinate systems. Students having a particular interest in this subject have attended Saturday morning lectures on various mathematical topics given regularly at Trenton State Teacher's College. Department members also attended lectures in Atlantic City for the New Jersey Association of Math Teachers in November, in Boston, Mass. for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and in Willow Grove, Pa . in December. The ever intriguing science of mathematics has been made even more interesting through the effort of N.D.'s dedicated instructors. They will continue in their strides and their deep influence on many grateful students. Sister Frances Hewitt shows her Senior Advanced Math class the graph of the derivitives of a certain formula.

Seniors contemplate the depths of Advanced Math and Trigonometry.


Michael Urban, Larry Zukowski, Debbie Gerken, Ted Wisniewski, and Diane Ford recei路v e extra help from Sister Rosaire during math class.

Craig Parson, Christopher Reef, along with Sister Marie Jose, listen to Gerard Loftus' proof in Modern Geometry class.

Mr. Williams and his Elementary Algebra class amused with Martha Rodweller's calculations.





Sophomore Biology students wait patiently for Sister Eileen Bittner to adjust the filmstrip.

Sister Athanasius supervises her freshman biology class in the various stages of a Lab experiment.


Throughout the ages science has led men to freely express themselves by experimenting in unknown areas. At Notre Dame, under the supervision of Sister Mary Athanasius and the- science staff, students have the opportunity to venture into the various areas offered. Two honors' programs, Biology BSCS and Chem Study, and the new Introductory Physical Science for freshmen enrich the traditional curriculum of Biology, chemistry and physics. Each year, students enter projects in the science fair . Several have received recognition in the Greater Trenton Science Fair and the National International Science Fair. A number of students have written research papers for competitive membership in the New Jersey Junior Academy of Science. Invitational visits have been made by both students and teachers to colleges and industries such as the Chemistry Caravan Science Symposium at Fort Monmouth and Monmouth College and Western Electric. New materials have been acquired to aid the students in their laboratory experimentation. Through the knowledge gained in these fields our graduates wi II be better able to aid mankind in its constant quest for scientific progress.

Sister Raymond waits for students' response to her lecture on the levels of electrons.

Joe Fechter makes observations as Rich Varga and Jeff Teague determine the acceleration of gravity.

Chemistry students informally discuss the various laws of Chemistry.



Department Chairman, Mrs. Gribbin, hurries to prepare for her next class.

The Business Department under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Gribbin keeps up to date with the latest trends in the business world. Typing I and II, Stenography I and II, transcription , notehand , record keeping, business organization, business math, secretarial practice, and general business courses provide the students with the necessary knowledge and training. A number of students have earned Gregg Awards in Stenography and Typing . Twentyeight girls are working at business offices in the greater Trenton area in connection with the Coop Program. The Language Laboratory is used once a week by Steno II classes to take speed dictation drills through the use of tapes. Senior secretarial students are in charge of typing and doing clerical work for the annual "Ad" drive and the Father's Club. Junior secretarial students act as secretaries to faculty members. Several students are active members of the Future Secretaries Association New typewriters, tapes , records, and a dictaphone machine supplement the department this year. The distributive department under the guidance of Mr. Diener attempts to supervise on-thejob learning in the retail field. Salesmanship and retailing are the main courses taught. The students have built displays in the classroom and library and have completed comparison shopping projects. Through the efforts of the business and distributive departments , many students will utilize their newly acquired skills in the business world .

Angela Veltri, Nini DiGuiseppi, and Helen Lynch learn how to handle business duties in Secretarial Practice.


Senior Madeline Cade seals and stamps envelopes while Nancy Graziano looks on.

Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman asks Alice Reimer to type up several letters.



Teresa Greco learns the basic techniques of oil painting.

Robert Tillstrom presents his finished drawing at the end of the period to Mr. Bush.


Homemaking holds a very important place in the curriculum of Notre Dame. Under the apt supervision of Sister Mary Stella, our girls prepare for the future through such courses as sewing and home economics. During the year the students gain practical experience by helping with various projects. These include preparing refreshments for the Christmas buffet, serving at the Priests' Senate meetings, making gifts for the Sisters of Mercy at McAuley Hall in North Plainfield, and sponsoring the annual fashion show in May. Talent blooms in the art department under the watchful eyes of Sister Mary Claude, Miss Jean Cursi, and Mr. Patrick Bush. Humanities is the course that triggers the spark of creative genius for freshmen. Upperclassmen are offered oil painting, sculpture and mechanical drawing as a means of developing their talents. The department participates in various contests such as the Red Cross International Art Exhibit, the Broad Street National Bank Christmas Card Contest and the C.Y.C. Art Contest. The sound of music fills the halls of Notre Dame under the inspiring leadership of Mr. Jeffrey Baker. Through the humanities course, freshmen are acquainted with the fundamentals of music. More advanced students are eligible for music history and theory and instrumental and vocal classes.

Sister Mary Stella shows Mary Jane Knapp procedure for putting in seams.

Mr. Baker leads his vocal class in a difficult piece of music.



Miss Rossi's Sophomore girls go through the bumps and grinds of a typical gym class. Miss Rossi anxiously scans the hockey field for fouls.

Notre Dame 's Physical Education Department provides students with the facilities for complete physical fitness under the guidance of Miss Susan Rossi and Mr. Walter Porter . Students participate in various sports and exercises within their required gym classes . Courses are conducted to acquaint students with the rules of first aid and health . Intermurals are held after school for gym enthusiasts in almost every category of sports. With the aid of physical education , Notre Dame students develop the total person .

Miss Colvy and senior girls ponder over an engrossing point of health .


Dave Esposito shows Mr. Tete and Mr. Ardery the results of hard playing .


Junior boys indulge in a hard game of basketball.


u N D






s s M E N

Embrace our aims; work out your freedom.


UP WITH JUNIORS Junior year . . . no longer childcen but not yet adults . . . Sister Helen Sweeney, class moderator . . . a pep rally with "spirit" .. . a Thanksgiving dinner with a special guest . . . Chern Lab ... College Boards that count . 1 1A, Honor Homeroom . . . rings . a Junior Prom . .. almost Seniors.

Sister Helen Sweeney, Moderator, Harry Norton and Donna Angeloni, Junior Officers, make plans for the Junior Ring Dance .


HOMEROOM PRESIDENTS-Peter Leadem, Lucille Pagano, Ronald Fares, Kathleen Martini, Mary Grace Cooper, Barbara Strapp, Mary Ann Tiscione, John Brennan .



OF 1970-Front Row: Colleen Buckley, Ruth Bartolome, Deborah Bugdal, Maryann Bartolomei, Shelley Britton, Helyn Bainbridge , Alliso n Billie . Second Row : Ignatius Amari, Patricia Buckley, Carol Bertone , Mary Cardinale, Lucia Capriotti , Patricia Alba , Barbara Barth , Nancy Carney, Linda Blicharz, Melissa Borkovick , Michelle

CLASS OF 1970-Front Row : Linda Cushing, Denise Del Vecchio, Joanne Duncan, Mary Grace Cooper, Nancy Curtis, Diane DeVaney, Theresa D'Ambrosio, Lillian Cieselski . Second Row : Gail Dombroski, Patricia D' Arcy, Joan Cascianni, Lucille Cooper, Joanne Decowski, Aniela Dutko, Beverly Cuccagna, Patricia Cellini, Angela Castaldo. Third

Battista, Donna Angeloni , Thomas Barbieri . Back Row: Donald Bugdal, Daniel Bradway, Fred Carella , Richard As hton , Glen Bl eak ley, Collee n Camp , Rob e rt Atk in s, Jane Bielawski , Ga il Andrews , Thoma s Behan , Walter Bulat, Timothy Cannon, Sal Bruccoleri, John Cad e, Timothy Brenton , James Alfon se, John Brennan .

Row : Peter Cugasi , John Conway, Thomas Diehl , Thomas Czech, Vincent DiStefano, George Domurat, Joseph D'Ambrosio, Frank Della Rossa, Mark Czajkowski, Peter Chrzempiec, Walter Dobinson, De nnis Connolly, James Cook. Back Row: John Carrig, 路 John Dekis , David Curtis, James Condrat, Daniel Culliton .



CLASS OF 1910-Front Row: Mary Lou Giovacchini, Anne Graziano, Marian Goliszewski, Patricia Fink, Cathleen Frein, Carol Formidoni, Elizabeth Gavigan, Carol Gaydos. Second Row: William Gardner, Elizabeth Ehret, Darlene Fennimore, Diane Ford, Carol Festa, Dolores Golinski, Lydia Fabre, Gloria Furman, Christine Gill, Mary Beth Forman, Elizabeth

Farley, Ennis, Frank Debbi Elmer,

CLASS OF 1910-Front Row:

Korona , Warren Hill, Leonard Liberto, Donald Lansing, Kevin Jones, Robert Kozakiewicz , David Henk , Richard Jedynak , Edward Klan e, Russell Hart, John Kmiec, Christopher Kazior, Russell Lawyer, Peter Leadem, Daniel Holcombe, Donald Kaniewski, James Kazior, Gail lilian, Maureen Heffernan .

Evelyn Horodynski, Barbara Kowalik, Diane Kelly, Judith Horan, Barbara Kocan , Sandra Hendrickson, Karol Kerns, Judith Kitchen, Catherine Kuliczkowski, Patricia Hofmann, Kathleen Harper. Second Row: AnneMarie Keister, Kathleen Kozlowski , Patricia Hetzel , Cecile Huart, Geraldine La Placa, Denise Koch, Kathleen Hovemeyer, Judith Kinczel, Linda Hatrack. Back Row : Joseph

Diane Joseph Ferrare, Gerken, Thomas

Gribbin, Ronald Fares. Back Row: James Fasanella, Peter Genovese, Joseph Festa, Lewis Eggert, Richard Gala, Debra Godeck, Karl Franzoni, Thomas Flanagan, Robert Faherty, Kevin Geoghan, Robert Fossum .

CLASS OF 1970-Front Row: Sarah Murphy, Marie Mercantini, Theresa McKee, Kathleen Mullin , Kathleen Morrissey, Ann Mar ie Martin, Margaret Langevin, Marilyn lucas , Janice Moon ey. Second Row : Michael McGowan, Patricia Long, Theresa Meagher, Ramona Mydlowski, Kath leen Martini , Shirley Mahon, Monica Miller, Maryann Maccaroni, Mary Ellen Montague, Kathleen McGuire,

Marie Mutchiga, Timothy Masick . Back Row: Thomas Mannik, Alan MacDonald, Robert Leone, Michael Murphy, David Meyer, Brian Lilley, Alex Malley, John Moran, Patrick Murphy, Martin Maccaroni, John McCormack, Joseph McCormick, Robert Lyon, Joseph Maruca, George Marshall.

CLASS OF 1970-Front Row: Carol Palombo, Rooney, Kathleen O'Donnell, Marguerite O'Donnell, ra Nalbone, Lucille Pagano, Christine Petro, Passanza, Mary Petruccione, Maureen 0 ' Malley. Row: Marie Roslowski, Marie Ritza, Wendy Parr, Plaza, Susan Rapciewicz, Diane Nevius, Kathleen Ann Ott, Patricia Nerwinski. Back Row : Albert

delli, Steven Phillips, Walter Patykula, Dean Nalbone, Thaddeus Kuzjanik, Leo Ranallo, David Gavin, Martin Repko, Ronald Ostrowski, Gregory Pitonak, John Petrino, Thomas Slackter, Harry Norton, David Radlinsky, Dennis Reuter, Kathleen Reilly, Nancy Perferi, Deborah Rock, Diane Petrone .

Patricia BarbaDiane Second Loretta Regan, Ricciar-


CLASS OF 1970-Front Row: Mary Sue Safaga, Mary Ann Rychlicki, Mary Ann Soltis, Lillian Smolka, Mary Jean Stout, Karin Stephenson, Karen Sista, Elaine Rulkiewicz, Katherine Solan, Louise Stanton, Marianne Slowikowski. Second Row: Barbara Strapp, Joanne Sciarotta, Toni Scalia, Donna Sayre, Marlene Schreier, Lucille Suhay, Gene-


1970-Front Row: Pamela Wozniak, Joann Zabawa, Barbara Zombeck, Susan Vaughan, Franca Tocco , Mary Ann Tiscione, Paulette Verde , Jill Tomsho, Kathleen Tennyson. Second Row: Janice Wisniewski, Christina Turski, Colleen Tripp, Helene Ullrich, Patricia Tuliszewski , Diane White, Janet Wyers, John Zimpleman, Frank

vieve Siwczak, Beverly Sawka, Sharon Stinger. Third Row: Ronald Sadley, John Sackett, Frank Skwara, William Seiler, John Sweeney, Thomas Semonick , William Stec, Vincent Santanello, Frank Stilwell, William Spitz , Nicholas Skroumbelos, John Swierczek. Back Row : William Schaefer, James Sieben, Patrick Russell, Michael Sodomin, Fred Skerrett.

Szelingowski. Back Row: Joseph Whartenby, Christopher Zoltanski, Patrick Wysienski, John Worth, John Wurpel, David Tobiasz , Paul White, Michael Urban, Matthew Witkowski, Christopher Vavricka, Walter Wenczel, George Wilk, Edward Teti , Steven Wisniewski, Lawrence Zukowski, Anthony Thoma, Charles Zimmer, Lawrence Vereb.

THOSE WISE SOPHOMORES No longer the "little" frosh .. . Not yet juniors . . . bake sales for multiple sclerosis ... dissecting frogs ... geometrical angles . . . SPIRIT . . . last year of Latin . . . 108 wins over a II in ads . .. representatives in varsity sports . . . "The Valiant" in Play Festival . . . always meet Mission quota . .. projects to help those in need ... two down, two to go ... Sister Nora 's pride and joy ... they're our Sophs.

Carol Baily, Sister Mary Nora , and Michael Paglione make plans for the Sophomore Class.

HOMEROOM PRESIDENTS--Front Row: Ronald Sebastiani. Second Row: Judith Ann Paizao . Back Row: Kim Ebrahim, Denise Burns, Paula Romano, Michael Paglione , Angela Castranova, Catherine Taranowicz, Barbara Jansen, Christopher Mancino .






CLASS OF 1971-Front Row:

Donna Capone, Randy Aug, Teresa Buell, Verena Brunner, Sheila Buckley, Susan Cacal.ori, Rita Buckley, Pamela Alexandrowicz , Shellia Begonsky . Second Row: Joseph Bianculli, Kenneth Birkhead, William Baxter, Jonathan Bruccoleri, John Billie, Philip Cantor, Luanne Balestrieri, Sharon Cameron, Donna Burke, Patricia

Betz, Patricia Caccamis , Carol Bailey, Denise Burns, Earl Babbit, Bruce Campbell, John Baylog, Robert Carroll, Ronald Carabelli. Back Row: Peter Antoniewicz, Peter Belza, Richard Bernasco, Robert Butera, Edward Arnister, Edward Bacsik, Christopher Arena , William Argust, Joseph Bird, Joseph Bachalis.

CLASS OF 1971-Front Row: Anna Coppola, Patricia Cooper, Joanne Czenis, Cynthia (ziegler, Mary Lou Curran, Angela Castranova, Jessica Cota, Sharon Cunningham, Carol Duckenfield, Joan Del Femine. Second Row: Geraldine Conway, Margaret De Forte, Kathleen Driscoll, Debra Coveleskie, Juliann Davidowski, Rosemary Cermele, Karen Dietrich, Karen Dreves. Third Row: Lawrence Dickt, John

Derrico, David Di Stefano, Kevin Connolly, Christopher Chintala, John Clancy, Elizabeth Connelly, Nancy Czaplicki, Deborah Chalker, Anne Cornelius, Kathryn Doughman, Henry Culliton , Michael Czahur, Michael Casey, Marke Dilks, Dennis Diehl. Back Row : Guy Diviaio, Vincent Dubaniewicz , James Davis, Jae Carter, Lawrence Clark.

Michael Paglione listens apathetically as Donna Shepherd relates the story of her brother in the sophomore portrayal of "The Valiant."

On the way to the death chamber, Father Daly, Richard Schellinger, recites "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills " and Dyke, Michael Paglione , responds "The valiant never taste of death but once."

CLASS OF 1971-Front Row: Linda Dunbar, Karen Festa, Mary Ellen Fasanella, Marie D'UIIisse, Josephine Dutko, Luanne Fares, Anne Fechter, Ann Marie Galati, Phyllis Golden. Second Row: David Esposito, Joseph Genicola, Frank Fanning, Robert Fidanza, Maureen Geoghan, Constance Gibbions, Nora Flanagan, Karen Ernst, Michele

CLASS OF 1971-Front Row:


Elizabeth lnverso, Barbara Kovaleski, Donna Haney, Mary Ellen Hutchins, Irene Kopec, Mary Jane Gordon, Eileen Kotzak, Dale Jammer, Jane Janoski. Second Row: Gregory Krol, Edward Kozak, Henry Jarkowski, Anthony lmmordino, Patricia Greer, Patricia Jakubowski, Marianne Harding, Kay Knoblauch, Marie Hohmann,

Fecak, Elizabeth Goeke, Gail Fransimore, Barbara Farrell, Barbara Fisher, Maureen Freda, Joseph Furch, Keith Ducko, Alex Goosen, Gary Elmer, Charles Falzone. Back Row: Vince Garofalo, Edward Fedorko, James Dzomba, Paul Evans, Michael Fahey, Robert Durst, Joseph Fallon, Kim Ebrahim.

Karen Harcar, Mary Lou Johnson, Constance Kramarz , Barbara Jansen, Bernardine Gramness, Stephen Hatrak, Stephan Kovacz, James Graziano, Norman Henk . Back Row: Joseph Hubal, John Lane, Walter Korpusinski, Gary Grab, Robert Klemann, Patrick Hennessey, Robert lwan , Irvin Kelly, Bruce Harman, Richard La Bella, Richard Graham, Steven Kubiak .

CLASS OF 1971-Front Row: Sharon Maruca, Maureen Li Mato, Joanne Milinowicz, Rose Anne Meshanko, Karen Littwin, Marianna Luizzi, Maureen Maher, Doreen La Penna, Cecilia Mazzella. Second Row: Darrel Miller, Louis Midura, Ronnie Materniak, William Lynn, Gerard Loftus , Charles McKenna, Eileen Masterson, Elizabeth Menschner,

Gail Milinowicz, Barbara Anne Michalczym, Sandra Maurer, Timothy Lyons , James Leuper, Eugene Meskill , Thomas Lucas , William Meagher, Mark Levanduski. Back Row: John Leaden, Stanley Maciolek, Robert Manion, Thomas Man cuso, Christopher Mancino , Albert Markulec, Kevin Meighan, John McCreedy, Anthony Masi, Andrew Logan.

CLASS OF 1971-Front Row: Ann Paixao, Kate Paroby, Theresa Misiotek, Cindy Obduski, Dianne Pazdan, Palma Muka, Dorothea Nobile, Nancy Nizolek . Second Row : Jean Miller, Mauree n 0 ' Mara, Karin O ' Hara, Edwina Mraw, Joyce Nadler, Kathleen Ostaszewski, Maria Pecena, Carol

Nigh . Back Row : Richard Molnar, Chris Nelson, Nicholas Pappano, John Patrizi, Urs Nager, John O'Shea, Craig Parson, Joseph Napoleon, Frank Nutt, Michael Paglione, Michael Nunn, Wayne Nalbone, Stephen Notta, Paul Nichitel, Emanuelle Ottaggio.


CLASS OF 1971-Front Row:

Charlotte Robinson, Susan Resmick, Judy Robillard, Carol Sadkowski, Christine Sadkowski, Robin Reilly, Mary Rose Prokop, Patricia Piccolella . Second Row: Linda Ruthowski, Judy Pacetti, Maria Pontani, Andrea Perone, Paula Romono, Deborah Riggs, Margaret Raywood, Joann Petito . Third Row: Christopher

Reef, Vincent Petersack, Joseph Puliti , Ronald Rutkowski, Henry Richter, Mayann Pierzanowski, Peggy Ann Quinlan, Kathy Ryan, Angela Perfetti, John Rank, Raymond Procacini, William Quinn , Robert Pe trus . Back Row : Rocco Pugliese, Edmund Pinelli, Frank Romano, James Pocetti, Robert Recine, Douglas Potkay.

Sophs Carol Nigh-, Diane Strano, Karen Harcar, Catherine Taranowicz, Angela Castranova, and Kathryn Sikorski help fight M. S.


CLASS OF 1971-Front Row: Lisa Spitzer, Marie Simonelli, Evelyn Spitzer, Rosemary Spera, Patricia Smith, Jeanette Saproni, Maryann Sciarrotta, Donna Shepherd, Eileen Stansky. Second Row: Catherine Stryker, Charlotte Scarna, Eileen Scarantino, Eileen Saums, Mary Smith, Kathryn


OF 1971-Front Row : Cathy Symelewicz, Gail Vecere, Maria Zagorszycki, Nancy Wucinski, Cathy Taranowicz, Gabriela Werner, Debra Zamparelli, Carol Tamasi, Rosemary Toto. Second Row: Maureen Trainor, Susan Swieconek, Francine Vizzini, Barbara Tackacs, Nancy Widener, Laurette Walsh, Nancy Yuhas, Barbara Yacullo. Third Row: John Wetzel, Anthony Viteritto, John Wis-

Sikorski, Dolores Sopko, Sue Scott. Back Row: Nicholas Simzak, Scott Seiler, Richard Schellinger, Paul Sobon, Ronald Sebastiani, Joann Sorento, Carol Smith, Anna Semeta, Shelly Smith, Margaret Sidur, Alfred Santaniello, John Simone, Mark Smith, Charles Sista, Mark Stankevich, John Stephan .

niewski, Timothy Tingo, Joseph Tramontana, Sharon Theile, Cynthia Welsh, Kathy Winarski, Pat Wood, Marietta Viglione, Robert Van Wagner, Robert Tillstrom, James Tramontana, Robert Zuczek, George Zimmer. Back Row : Robert Tiscione, Val Zamborsky, Frank Zuczek, Michael Weber, James Willie, John Wolak, Kevin Weir.


FRESHMEN FORGE AHEAD Happiness is . .. having a freshman team for every sport . . . Thanksgiving baskets ... Christmas caroling around the school ... uncontrollable frosh spirit .. . a freshman roundup when everyone else is in class . .. last one out of assemblies . . . being number one in ad and mission drives . . . sponsoring a skating party . .. Sister Julia as class moderator . . . Happiness is being a Frosh .

Sister Mary Julia , Michael Greber, Michael Spitz .


HOMEROOM PRESIDENTS-Front Row: Michael Spitz, William Rader, Deborah Borden, Donald Dienno, Frank Krecicki. Back Row : Louis Nicholson , Rosemary Frascella, John Wilkes, David Hart.

CLASS OF 1972--Front Row : Lucy Bednarski, Marianne Bernhard, Patricia Bradway, Debra Bonagura , Marian Cadden, Al ison Anthony, Monica Buckley, Frances Brooks, Kathleen Betor. Second Row: Michael Baylog , Barbara Brennan, Joanne Babecki, Cathy Calamia, Maria Caracciolo, Karen Bowers, Janet Cammarata, Debra Borden , Andrea


1972-Front Row: Barbara Ciprietti, Nancy Cogan, Karen Deodato, Sandra Coppola , Maria Cugasi, Donna Carney, Roseann D'Amico, Kim Davison, Leeanna Croft, Denise Cosgriff. Second Row: Gail Derrico, Susan Christensen, Beverly Chmielewski, Donna Courtney, Victoria Daly, Christina Clark, Janice Dempsey, Kathleen Cellini, Debra Ciesielski, Maria Celli. Third Row : Frank

Calabrese . Back Row : Gary Butler, John Arbitell, Sam Cacciabaudo, Leonard Alvino, Tom Bauer, Bernard Austin, John Berge n , David Burton, Stephen Ag.ocs, Robert Caivano, Jr., lhar Michael Bojcun , Kevin Behan , Tom Bremer, Guy Aquilino, Stephen Arkuszewski.

Cipullo, John Coursen, Carl Carella, Jerry Dicolo, Vincent Chiaradia, Bill DiBongrazio, Mark Cusato, Frank DiGiuseppe, Jim D' errico, Francis Carella , Donald Dilenno, Anthony Caserta, Matthew Daunis , Marc Constantino, Charles DeAngelo. Back Row : Eugene Chebra, Norman Cook, George Clark, John Chojnowski , Ed Choromanski.



CLASS OF 1912-Front Row:

Meg Franzoni, Bernadette Folmer, Catherine Funari, Janice Di Lorenzo, Rosemarie Fecak, Karen Emma, Rosemary Frascella, Constance Funke, Frances Firetto, Roseann Ferrara, Diane DiStefano, Joan Duckenfield . Second Row : Jan Falcey, Helene Freeman, Mary Louise Elmo, Mary Ellen Gardiner, Mary Carol Fruscione, Michele Dilks, Mary Fitzpatrick, Patricia Elmer, Mere-

dith Esposito. Back Row: David Ecker, John Emerick, Joseph Ficci, David Erkoboni, Michael Dubuque, Christopher Enourato , Kevin Farrell, Terence Faherty, Albert Driver, George Dominiak, Gerald Fasanella, Thomas Di Paola , Charles Farina, Kurt Ebrahim, Thomas Fallon, Mark Ennis, Timothy Fetcher, Jerry Di Natale, Joseph Franken, Michael Franko .

CLASS OF 1912-Front Row:

Dennis Gray, Patrick Griffin, Robert Gauthier, William Kalinowski , Russel Garruba , Wayne Kalisch , William Hess, Richard Hofmann , David Hart, M ichael Kalafut, James Gardner, Frederick Hetze l. Back Row: Douglas Hughes, Joseph Hawryluk, Mark Holcombe, John Giordano, John Genovesi , Patrick Greber, Michael Greber.

Robert Jones, David Hovemeyer, William Howell, Charlene lnverso, Dorothy Geppert, Jacquelene Huff, Deborah Houghton, Kristine Kaminski, William Habib, Anthony Halak, Charles Hovemeyer. Second Row: Sandra Graziul, Karen Kaminski, Janet Gorski, Judith Jackson, Patricia Gervasio, Debra Gill, Patrice Garnich, Kathleen Hogan, Linda Johnson, Lynn Hunt . Third Row:










CLASS OF 1972-Front Row:

Cheri Ellen King, Colleen Kendall, Barbara Kuzma, Toni Lane, Elaine Kovacs, Nancy Krol, Susan Klein, Adriene Logue, Deborah Keuper. Second Row: Linda Klemann, Mary Labowicz, Cynthia Mahony, Joanne Kemmerer, Celeste Long, Victoria Kliwinski, Lynne Maira, Jeane Kea!'ln5, Wendy Leadem, Angela M.:~ffei, Diane Kliminski. Third Row: Gino Maccaroni, John Langer,

Anthony Konczos, Chester Kierepka, Richard Kazior, Tom MacDonald, John Logan, Joe Krempecke, Ray Krainski, Richard LaBaw, Joe Kaytus, Dave Kurlander, Rich Kowal, Frank Krecicki, Chris Kmiec. Back Row : Charles Kowalski, Patrick Kent, George Luther, Robert Letts, Robert Karolkiewicz.

CLASS OF 1912-Front Row:

Row: John Notta, John Miller, David Murawski, Michael O'Brien, Alan Mcleod, Mark Michalak, Ken Miller, George Meyer, Bill Milinowicz, Richard Marx, Steven Mrozinski, Lewis Nicholson, Mark Motichia, Brian Newman, Robert Opsut, Kevin Militina, Joseph Nizolek, John Micklewright, Peter Mantuano, Frank Nalbone.

Mary Beth Murphy, Mary Kae Manley, Concetta Masiello, Mary Misioler, Mary Joan Olozewski, Evelyn Means, Kathleen McGrath, Mary Claire Moran, Kathy Monahan. Second Row: Sue McCormack, Sharon O ' Donnell, Caroline Mandl, Patricia McGowan, Kathy Miller, Catherine O'Neill, Linda Mikita, Elizabeth Mershon, Barbara Novak, Maryann McManimon. Back

CLASS OF 1972-Front Row: Alfred Romboski, Robert Ostrowski, Bernadette Petroni, Marianne Price, Bernadette Ostrowski, Eileen Resmick, Susanne Rocco, Richard Petro, Raymond Plagg. Second Row: Nancy Prouty, Joan Pflieger, Judith Osborne, Susan Povlitz, Nannette Perrine, Kimberly Powell, Joan Pulcini, Melanie Piekielniak , Patricia Pastor, Maryanne Pfieffer. Third Row: William Rader, Patrick

Aileen Tennyson, Michael Spitz, Thanksgiving baskets.

Giordano, Joseph Piotrowski , Patrick O'Shea, Michael Ostaszewski, James Quinland, Raymond Orzol, Charles Reilly, James Rafferty, Norman Pietras, Kenneth Ozga , Dennis Robak, John Ostrowski, Robert Ratico, Barry O'Shea . Back Row : Anthony Plumeri, John Pietras, Dennis O'Reilly, Francis Przechacki, Joseph Plumeri .

Kathleen Hagen, and Michael Greber prepare


CLASS OF 1912-Front Row: Sharon Shipley, Anne Marie Schmierer, Claudia Smith, Carol Speher, Karen Stankowski, Joanne Siwczak , Virginia Ryan, Martha Rodweller, Carolyn Schuler. Second Row: Leslie Anne Smith, Linda Shelingoski, Cathy Sielski, Susan Stec, MaryBeth Simzak, Sharen Stankowski, Harriett Smith, Valerie Runfola, Patricia Saville,


CLASS OF 1972- Front Row: Elizabeth Toph, Debra Warasky, Hedwig Wierzbicki, Aileen Tennyson, Michelle Vagnozzi, Joan Struck, Patrice Van Hise. Second Row: Patricia Voyda, Lorraine Vaccaro, Ann Toomey, Eve Wiaczek, Nancy Szymelewic, Elaine Vannella, Marion Zukas, Helen Wirpsza, Maureen Woods, Marianne Swiecki . Back

Grace Rudnicki. Third Row : Louis Spanicciati, Raub Smith, Dave Sheaffer, John SaFranko, Eddie Schrader, James Shelly, Duane Rouba , John Shockley, Richard Ryan, Herbert Ruehle, Louis Stelle, Michael Spitz, Sam Scopellei, Michael Schuster, Nicholas Schreier, Brian Sikorski, John Smith.

Row: John Wilkes, Joseph Turco, Julius Ziemba, Mark Wesley, Randy Tripp, Joseph Wisniewski, Ronald Stewart, Ronald Trakowski, Jose Usera, Michael Wozniak, Michael Terracciano. Paul Van Sant, Alfred Veltri, Timothy Stives, Dennis Zanoni, Edward Wilson , Thomas Yeakle, Richard Twiano, Richard Stewart, Peter Wallbridge, Frank Wolski.


Top Left: Susan Christensen, Andrea Calabresse, and Judy Jackson escape the chaos of the freshman roundup . Bottom Left: Mr. Bosakowski attempts to round up the freshmen. Top Right : Patty Pastor finds out the hard way.


s p I



u A L

... No one is free unless he be freed by Him who says; "If the Son makes. you free, you will be free indeed." -Augustine


The twenty-five members of the Liturgical Commission, their moderator, Sister Regina Grant, and chairman, Pat Carroll, have striven zealously throughout the year to give meaning to the liturgy by making it possible for every student to become genuinely involved in the sacrifice of the Mass. Weekly Monday meetings found the members organizing entrance and offertory processions, writing appropriate commentaries and prayers of the faithful, and choosing suitable hymns for the next first Friday folk Mass. The Liturgical Choir was created to lead the student body in the singing . This group , accompanied by guitarists Bonnie Everitt and Jim Jansen , radiated a spirit and enthusiasm that enabled the entire school to experience the joy of involvement. Besides planning monthly Masses, the Commission was responsible for organizing such programs as Vocation Day, Masses for seniors, the Christmas Mass, the Ecumenical Assembly, and the Masses during Christian Renewal. The 1968-69 Liturgical Commission has initiated practices that will hopefully become traditions to be carried on by future N.D. students willing to give of themselves.


Tom Behan, Pat Wolfe, Bob Brezak, Dan Bachalis and Henry Richter help officer Pat Carroll choose prayers of the faithful, while moderator Sister Regina Grant looks on approvingly.


Martha Bacsik shows to the Liturgical Commission one of the symbolic banners made by the art club for display during Mass.

Replacing the organ and traditional hymns, the Liturgical Choir leads the singing in the newly oriented folk Mass. Another attempt toward greater involvement in the liturgy, Lillian Raymond and Terri Petitto give the handshake of peace .


A Sister representing the Community of Parish Visitors lectures to Senior girls on Vocation Day.

An indication that this practice will be carried on-Bill Rader and Bob Gauthier play for the Freshman Mass.

Kathy Mahan proudly accepts the m1ss1on award from Bishop Ahr for N.D"s outstanding support of missionary efforts.


Representing the Russian Orthodox religion, Jura Burdinik presents a commentary to the assembly.


At the monthly meeting of the Sodality, Prefect Pat Taranowicz begins with a reading from Scripture . Moderator Sister Eileen Claire Smith and members listen attentively.

The purpose of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception is to attain personal sanctification through service to others. The forty-four members, under the guidance and leadership of moderator, Sister Eileen Claire, and prefect, Patricia Taranowicz, have adopted this purpose as their individual goal. During the school year, the girls have participated in several activities such as bake sales, visits to Morris Hall, and assisting in the chapel. The Sodality also prepared Thanksgiving baskets for the Sisters of the Poor Clare Convent, and have aided in the fund drive of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Various speakers have encouraged personal retreats and weekends of renewal thus giving the members a chance to totally involve themselves in helping others and living up to their motto: To Jesus through Mary. A business meeting of the Sodality finds members working on a special charity project.



Reverend Ralph F. Ranieri from St. Joachim's in Trenton amuses the Freshman Class with a clever anecdote.

Reverend Paul S. Hammond offers another point of view to students during Christian Renewal.

In the myriad of activities that occur during a school year , there comes a moment to pause ... to discover oneself. At Notre Dame this opportunity was given to the student body with the advent of a two day Christian Renewal. Under the direction of Father Joseph Thul , the schedule provided ample opportunities for conferences , discussions and meditations . Films aimed at giving insight into modern day moral and religious problems were viewed and discussed . The program each day was culminated by a concelebrated Mass.

Homeroom l2F takes part in a vigorous post-movie discussion .




Sauntering down N .D. halls with a stack of books, chiming in with the fun and the labor of being a student; that was Victoria Daly. Her laughing blue eyes and sunny smile aroused cheerful spirits at once. Is this the image of an ordinary teen? On the outside, yes. The excitement of a pep rally and a really tough basketball game stirred Vickie as much as anyone else. Current news of Notre Dame's events and activities flowed in her conversation. But beneath all these qualities was a fully mature Christian. During the time of her sickness, Vickie never thought of herself, but continually involved herself with others. She brightened the lives of the nurses and other patients with her cheery disposition. Vickie's faith in the strength of Holy Communion, her daily inspiration, was astounding. She had no fear of death, but considered it as the dawn of a whole new life . This young Christian accepted her birth to real freedom with a striking air of peace and joy that inspired all who touched her life. Vickie's true qualities of faith and love will exist forever and enkindle within each of us a fire; this flame will light the way for a successful pilgrimage on earth and a safe return to h-eaven, our home.

s T

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The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom-they are the pillars of society.

-H. Ibsen


Sitting: Tom Opsut, Jean Dolan, Martin Nicholson, Chris Pazdan, Jeanette Johnson . Second Row: Carol Antonowicz, Noreen Gerepka, Dottie Durchuck, Karen Wallover, Carmella Mil inowicz, Alice Reimer, Elaine Szul, Joan Karatka. Third Row: Alexander Anthony, Ronald Carabelli, Greg Billie , Louis Fares, Jim Jansen,

Bob Giordano, Frank Masterson, Jack Robertiello . Back Row : Edward Schrader, Lew Nicholson, Mike Greber, Harry Norton ,路 Donna Angeloni, Barbara Kocan, Luc ille Coope r, Carol Bailey, John Stefan, Mike Paglione, Bob Recine, Russ Hart, Mike Spitz.

The proceedings of the Student Council meeting evoke a variety of .r eactions mirrored in the faces of its members.

Vice- President Tom Opsut and President Martin Nicholson pause for a moment en route to the chancery with Notre Dame 's gifts to Bishop Ahr.


Moderator Sister Carlos poses with the Student Council Executive Board: President, Martin Nicholson; Treasurer, Jeanette Johnson; Vice-President, Tom Opsut; Recording Secretary, Jean Dolan; Corresponding Secretary, Chris Pazdan .

Jim Jansen, Bob Giordano, Jack Robertiello, Louis Fares and Tom Opsut invite all comers to a water-balloon fight at the Freshman Roundup.

In accordance with the constitution of the Notre Dame High School Student Council, the thirty-six member organization endeavors to promote the general welfare of the school. Upon returning to school in September,路 the Council conducted a welcome home activity for the football players. During each varsity sport season, they sponsored pep rallies to help speed the teams to victory. In keeping with the Christmas spirit, the Council collected funds for food and clothing for a needy family. In order to inform the student body of Counc iI activities, two open forums and a mid-year Student Council meeting were held at general assemblies. At the Annual Conference of the High School Association of Student Counci Is held at Rutgers University each school was asked to present a project on how their Student Council functions . This year's "N. D. Blasts Off" display depicted the school's committees. Moderated by Sister Mary Carlos, and led by President Martin Nicholson, the 1968-69 Student Counc iI paved the road for Notre Dame's success.


Senior representatives of the Bishop Ahr Chapter-Sitting: Patricia Carroll, Laureen Rose, Jean Dolan . Standing: Nora Baggaley, Martin Nicholson, Gregory Smith, Dorothy Durchuck, and John Scarlata .

Scholarship is encouraged at Notre Dame by the Bishop Ahr Chapter of the National Honor Society. This organization strives to encourage not only scholarly pursuits, but also the qualities of leadership, character, and service in the students of Notre Dame. Those juniors and seniors who merit recognition by attaining their honor grades are recognized each_ year at a special assembly. National Honor Society activities are directed under the guidance of Sister Mary Grace Kelly, moderator, and a faculty board consisting of Mrs. Palenchar, Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, Mr. Constantine Diamond and Mr. Paul Medwick. During the 1968-69 school year the - following students were members of the Society: Carol Antoniewicz, President; Dorothy Durchuck, Vice President; Maria Paul, Secretary; John Scarlata, Treasurer. Other members are Nora Baggaley, Monica Baranowski, Patricia Carroll, Jean 路 Dolan, Michael Hamer, Joan Karatka, Joanne Lupo, Kathleen Mahan, Carmella Milinowicz, Martin Nicholson, Calleen Parson, Christine Pazdan, Susan Rentner, Laureen Rose, Gregory Smith, Wi 11iam Sabolchy, Patricia Wolfe.

Officers of the National Honor Society Carol Antoniewicz and Maria Paul compare notes for a meeting .

Faculty Board of the Bishop Ahr Chapter of the National Honor Society: Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Mr. Paul Medwick, moderator Sister Mary Grace Kelly, Mr. Constantine Diamond, and Mrs. Margaret Gribbin.


"To live up to the ideals of true journalism" an excerpt from the Quill and Scroll Pledge characterized the installation of thirty-six new members into the Quill and Scroll Honor Society for High School Journalists. To qualify for membership a student must be in the upper third of his class and recommended by his moderator. Howard Tedder, "Tongue in Cheek" columnist from the Trenton Times Newspapers, was the guest speaker at the ceremonies. This program was sponsored by the Canticle, Renascence, Coronet and Four Winds to give recognition to students for their literary achievements.

Mr. Howard Tedder of the Trenton Times, guest speaker, and JoAnn Lupo look on as Father Coffey inducts Christine Pazda n and Kathy Pie tras into Quill and Scroll .

New me mbers, who have excelled on lite ra ry publication staffs, pledge their loyalty to the society.


FORUM CLUB "Honor above all" is the . Forum Club's motto. Sister Marlene and Mr. Bosakowski, moderate the Forum Club, with the help of officers Jim Ennis, president, who has received the N.F.L.'s highest award "The Degree of Distinction" for two hundred fifty points; Gene Meskill, VicePresident ; Kay Knoblauch , Secretary and Rich LaBaw as Treasurer. The members have participated in the Mercer County Community College Debate Tournament and National Forensic League District Tournament. And each of the thirty-five members may claim membership in the National , the Trenton Catholic and the New Jersey Forensic League which foster their interest in speaking , debating and dramatics . Members of Notre Dame's Forum Club : Front Row : Gene Meskill , Jim Ennis, Rick LaBaw. Second Row: Don Kaniewski, Joe Bianculli, George Marshall, Joe Fallon. Third Row: Dennis Reuter, Darrell Miller, Sue Rentner, Russ Garrubba, Bob Opsut.

Fourth Row: Pat Greber, Dave Hart, Guy Aquillino . Back Row: Sharon Maruca, Rita Buckley, Joe Nizolek, Carol Duckenfield, Alan Mcleod, Tom Opsut. Standing: Sister Marlene Fritz, Mr. Bosakowski, Kay Knoblauch .

Member Tom Opsut keeps score for a debate .

Officers assemble before leaving for a district tournament : Moderator Mr . Philip Bosakowski, Secretary Kay Knoblauch, Vice-President Gene Meskill, President Jim Ennis, Treasurer Rick LaBaw, Moderator Sister Marlene Fritz.



The Choraleers, under the direction of Mr . Jeffrey Baker, perform at the Annual Christmas Music Pageant.

A student's education a I Iife comprises more than his structured subject curriculum. Realizing the need for students to expand their personalities by developing their talents and interests, Notre Dame provides a wide program of clubs which aims at fulfilling the students' needs. Club meetings are held after school, with interested faculty members acting as advisors. At the completion of the year's activities, citizenship points are awarded to active members of all clubs .

Chess Club members Frank Romano and Walt Shulwitz watch a practice match between Darrel Miller and Thomas Long. 路



Future Nurses Club-Moderator Sister Mary Athanasius, Doreen DiStefano, Margaret Ferguson, Maryann Bartolomei, Kathleen Winiariski, Kathy Taranowicz , Aileen Tennyson, Cathy Frein, Cynthia Welch, Linda Nigh , Sharon Theile, Diane DeVaney, Patricia Wood, Cynthia Czigler, Mary Ellen Hutchins .

Red Cross Club-Sitting: Pamela Alexandrowicz, Michelle Vagnozzi , Nancy Czaplicke, Maryanne Swiecki, Barbara Brennan. Standing : Sister Katherine Rohr, Moderator; Raymond Alustiza , Elaine Szul, Joe Puliti, Jane Franken, Celestine Kutarnia, JoAnne Szalony, Tim Murphy, Karen Kerns, Debra Gill, Kathy Lyons.


Leader Corps members demonstrate their skills. Front Row: Karen Price, Jackie Burns, Dottie Durchuck, Barbara Lanzoni, Jeanette Johnson, Ave Winkler, Dacene Boujai, Christine Karpik. Second Row : Deborah Barlow, President; Lillian Raymond, Susan Harlicka, Marge Beato, Jean Dolan, Dee Perrine, Debbie Stoy, Hilda Surd, Janice Osborn, Celly Kutarnia. Back Row: Judy Stark, Terry Greco, Karen Kerns, Celeste LaPointe, Sue Henk .

Art Club-Sitting : Maria lero, Ramon Alustiza, Anna Semeta, Theresa Greco, Carol Smith, Angela Castranova. Standing: Miss Je an Cursi, moderator; John Shento, Kathleen Winiarski, Nancy Wucinski , Maureen 0 ' Mara, Karen Dietrick, Colleen Tripp, Karen McGowen, Eileen Kotzak, Debra Grodeck, Kathryn Doughman .


Co-op Program-Jo Ann Kliwinski, Joanne Pfieffer, MaryAnn Allar, Angela Veltri, Maria Palla, Diane Allen , Patricia Bernasco, Judy DeGeorge, Sue Murray, and moderator Mrs . Margaret Gribbin .

Science Club moderator Sister Eileen Bitner, and members Brian Sikorski, Anthony Halak , Kevin Meighan, Raymond Krainski, Mary Louise Elmo, Leonard Alvino inspect a model of DNA.

Future Teachers Club-Front Row: Judith Kitchen, Susan Resmick, Rosemary Toto, Sharon Shipley. Back Row: Susan Cacalori, Mary Anne Swiecki, Carol Tamasi,


Catherine Stryker, Patricia Hetzel, Kathleen Mahan, Linda Blicharz, Virginia Ryan, Patricia Betz, Judy Pocetti, Elizabeth Gavigan, Carol Smith .

Ski Club-Sitting: Lydia Fabro, Linda Cushing, Patty Taranowicz, Janice Petty. Standing : Moderator Sister Mary Julia, Ave Winkler, Joan Szymelewicz, Ronnie Materniak, Mike Greber, Nancy Szymelewicz, Ronald Carabelli.

Jerseymen Officers: Thomas Behan, Mary Jean Stout, Moderator Sister Esther, Karen Stephenson, and Lucia Capriotti.

Drama Club-Front Row: Kathy Czigler, Laraine LaPlaca, moderator Mr. William Hybbeneth, Frank Sories. Back Row: Mike Hamer, Diane Gribbin, Pat Cellini, Ann Fechter, JoAnne O'Donnell, Cynthia Czigler, Anna Semeta.


CANTICLE To keep a chronicle of one's school year and to condense within the pages of a book all the action and life contained therein is a difficult task. The .staff of the '69 Canti :.. cle has merged old traditions and new techniques in striving to depict the vibrant qualities of Notre Dame. Among the traditions the cover incorporates the traditional Canticle emblem, designed by John Herdman '65 , in a new color combination of gold on an olive green background. This emblem is adapted from the school seal and is truly representative of N.D. as the following explanation indicates .... THE CROSS Since ours is a diocesan high school, the cross is abstracted from the coat of arms of the Diocese of Trenton. The cross was also the sign used by millers of long ago, and Trenton grew up around a mill and plantation which came into the possession of William Trent. THE STARS There are twelve stars in the shield in honor of Our Lady. This representation is based on the passage written about Mary in the Apocalypse " . . . and upon her head a crown of twelve stars ." THE SHIELD The shield itself is patterned on the Mercy shield to honor the Sisters of Mercy, our teachers .

Sister Mary Karen, Canticle Moderator, and Co-Editors Bill Sabolchy and Pat Wolfe proudly display the yearbook cover.

THE DIVIDING LINE The dividing line of the shield is wavy to show patronage to His Excellency, the Most Reverend George W. Ahr, who established Notre Dame High School. In heraldry, a wavy line also indicates water and is used here as a reference to the Delaware River which bounds the city of Trenton on the west. THE CROWN Mary's queenship is recalled by the presence of the crown . The crown IS composed of Fleur-de-lis , the French form of the lily. This is d istinctive of the Blessed Virgin because the lily is one of her best known symbols. It is appropriate that the French form of the lily be used because the title of our school, "Notre Dame," is of French origin.

Experimentation in photography using the modern "fish-eye" lense on divider pages, along with new approaches in layouts and literary work contribute to give this annual its individuality.

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sitting: Kathy Pietras, Dave Barth, Judy Stark. Standing: Mike Hamer, Rose Nobile, and Alice Reimer.


MEMBERS OF THE CANTICLE TYPING STAFF: Jackie Burn s, Chris Tartaglia, Barbara Nowal inski , Calol Ch ianese , Eileen O' Reilly, Ave Winkler.

PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF : Dan Tokoly, Pat Rossi and Joan Karatka . LAYOUT STAFF : Greg Billie, Pat Clark, Eileen Romeo, Barbara Piechota, Joan Syzmelewicz , Barbara Lanzoni and Pat Taranowicz .

LITERARY STAFF: Ed Ostrow ski, Sue Henk, Peggy Ferguson, J a ne Notta , Joan Mi k ita , Klara Brandecker and Marge Beato.

BUSINESS STAFF: Carmella Milinowicz, Doreen DeStefano, Mary Stepowany, Martha Bacsik, Sue Rentner, Linda Nigh, JoAnne Olesak and Eileen Holst.

UNDERCLASSMAN STAFF: Marie Mercantini, Pat Hofmann, Barbara Barth, Janice Mooney, Gail lilian, Barbara Nalbone, Maureen O'Malley, Terry McKee, Kathy Hovenmeyer, Karen Dietrich.



The Coronet, our school newspaper, informs the students, alumni and interested public of the spiritual, social, scholastic and sports activities at Notre Dame. Moreover, many of the editorials and letters to the editor offer solutions to current problems that are of great concern to the student body. Now in its twelfth year the paper is under the counsel of Sister Joanmarie McDonnell assisted by Sister Mary Raymond in charge of circulation. The editors and seventy-five active staff members have combined their efforts to publish and mail the newspaper six times during the year . The Coronet has earned recognition from the International Quill and Scroll , the Catholic School Press Association , the Gallup Award and as a first place publication of distinction by the Scholastic Press Association of New Jersey. Notre Dame is truly able to express herself through the Coronet.

Editor-in-Chief Kathy Mahan and Moderator Sister Joanmarie seem pleased with a recent issue of the Coronet.

Editors Kathy Mahan , Nora Bagga ley, Danny Golden , Maria Paul, M ike Hamer, and Carol Antoniewicz prepare the paper for publication.


Frank Nalbone shows his work to fellow members of the Coronet Photogr-aphy Staff, Susan Harlicka and Tom Behan.

Business Manager Susan Eggert, Circulation Manager Jo Ann Lupo, and Moderator Sister Mary Raymond, ready the newspaper for the mail.



Today's modern language student is faced with the need to be thoroughly proficient in his specific course. Students are given an opportunity to expand their knowledge in Latin, French, German, and Spanish by submitting articles to Notre Dame's Four Winds Magazine. Topical articles, written by the students in these four languages, keep the Four Winds' readers attuned to the happenings and progress of foreign cultures. With the aid of Mrs. Mary Palenchar and the student staff members , the Four Winds has become an important addition to Notre Dame's school publications .

Four Winds staff members-Standing: Barbara Fisher, Elizabeth lnverso, Marie Ritzo, Maria Mercantini, Marian Zoukas, Barbara Barth, Terry McKee, Geraldine LaPlaca, Paula Lloyd, Nancy Wucinski, Judy Robillard.

Editor-in-Chief Karen King; Editors Ronald Kwiatkowski, Marybeth Leuper, Patricia Tonne, Frank Masterson , Susan Wucinski, Moderator Mrs . Mary Palenchar, and Susan Harlicka . 144

RENASCENCE An i.mportant addition to any student's curriculum is an opportunity which provides for the free expression of creativity. At Notre Dame, Renascence is that opportunity. Under the direction of Sister Jane Johnston this literary magazine, published once a year, gives students artistic, literary and business challenges. Above all, Renascence is an exploration into modern literary and artistic trends. Anyone who contributes time and creative effort is considered part of the staff. This year those considered most deserving of editorial positions are: Donald Kaniewski, Editor- in-Chief; Jack Robertiello, Literary Editor, Laraine LaPlaca, Art Editor and Lorraine Potocki, Business Editor. Karen Wallover and Anne Sharpe await their assignments as Lorraine Potocki gives Jo Ann \Yisniewski more material to type.

Renascene staff members-Front Row: Maureen Hefferman, Sue Miller, Joan Mikita, Joann Sorento, Kathy Czigler, Karen Littwin. Second Row: Mary Ellen Hutchins, Nora Baggaley, John Levanduski, Jack Robertiello, Ed Ostrowski, Sharon

Maruca. Back Row: Jo Ann Wisniewski, Lorraine Potocki, Karen Wallover, Anne Sharpe, Chris Pazdan, Jura Burdinik, Frank Mancino, Laraine La Placa, Mark Ennis, Don Kaniewski, Bill Sabolchy.



On the banner, Christine Tartaglia and Teresa Petito; Center, Captain of the Color Guard Janice Osborn; Color Guards Karen Kerns, Judy Osborn, Patricia Pastor, Colleen Kendall and Eileen Romeo; Flags, Jackie Burns and Kathy Nichitel.

The student body of Notre Dame may take just pride in the accomplishment of the school band. The fifty members and their moderator, Mr . Jeffrey Baker and Sister Margaret Ann Waldron . have proved that even a young , newly reorganized group , with the proper inspiration and devotion and hours of diligent practice, can achieve great heights . The Irish talent was greatly welcomed every week during footba II season when band members , enhanced by the Color Guard and Majorettes , faithfully led the school in spirited response to the games. Their success was also evident in the band's professional display in the Christmas Concert and again in the Spring Festival, not to mention accompaniment during various assemblies throughout the year by Mr . Baker at the piano , Peter Cugasi playing bass , and Jack Conway on the drums. In constant effort and honest dedication to their alma mater , the band , color guard , and majorettes have laid the foundation for even greater progress in the future .

The Senior members of the band, David Dubuque, Richard Pine, Stefan Bogdan and Ed Ostrowski flank Mr. Baker.


On hand for practice, Moderator Mr. Jeffery Baker and Sister Margaret Ann Waldron take time out for a picture. Captains of the Majorettes, Linda Supel and the Color Guard, Janice Osborn seek Sister Margaret Ann's advice on a new formation .

N.D.'s '68-'69 Majorettes-Captain Linda Supel, Margaret Long, Debbie Barlow, Dacene Boujai, Hilda Surd, Celeste LaPointe and Lillian Raymond .


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At the Official installation of G.A.A. Office rs, Miss Colvey hands Dorothy Durchuck the President's gavel while Vice-President, Christine Tartaglia ; Tre asurer, Elizabeth Goeke ; Secretary, Kathleen Mullin ; and Recording Secretary, Linda Cu sh ing look on .

Getting all girls involved is the purpose of the Girls' Athletic Association . All girls , on entering Notre Dame, are invited to join the Girls' Athletic Association's activities , gain points, and become members. Active membership is achieved by earning twenty-five Girls' Athletic Association points. These points are given for participating in competitive sports such as basketball , tennis and hockey ; intramurals, playdays , big-little sister program for incoming freshmen , and other unusual activities. The Girls' Athletic Association is guided by moderator, Miss Mary Colvey, and led by officers: President Dorothy Ourchuck, Vice-President Christine Tartaglia , Secretary Kathleen Mullin , and Treasurer Elizabeth Goeke. The managers and assistant managers of all sports make up an Executive Board which meets to better represent the girls of Notre Dame so they may actively participate in the sports program. Valerie Vereb plays Santa Claus with the help of G.A.A. elves : Linda Supel, Dee Perrine , Janice Osborn, and Debbie Barlow .


SENIOR G.A.A. EXECUTIVE BOARD-Front Row: Jackie Burns, Kathy Pietras, Chris Karpik, Norine Gerepka, Martha Bacsik, Patty Taranowicz, Carol Sue Halko, Judy Stark . Second Row: Alice Reimer, Dee Perrine, Janice Osborn, Dottie Durchuck, Christine Tartaglia , Theresa Greco, Ave Winkler. Back Row: Barbara Lanzoni , Eileen O'Reilly, Linda Supel, Jeanette Johnson , Elaine Szul, Pat Pulcini, Sue Henk.

UNDERCLASSMAN EXECUTIVE BOARD--Front Row: Ann Fechter, Barbara Barth, Mary Ann Tiscione, Barbara Kocan, Kathy Martini. Second Row: Debbie Bugdal, Mary Grace Cooper, Sue Swieconek, Gail lilian. Back Row: Allison Billie, Kathy Mullin, Kathleen Kozlowski, Liz Goeke, Maureen Heffernan, Kathy Reilly, Karen Harcar, Maureen O'Malley.



Early Tuesday morning, February 11, with a blessing from Father Coffey, and with buses loaded, the seniors were off on their annual class trip to the snowy slopes of Buck Hill Falls. Free to overtake the cold, cold slopes and hills of the Poconos, the seniors found themselves torn among the skiing , sledding , snowmobiling and skating activities With blue skies turning violet , the weary adventurists left the slopes for the warmth of the lodge to relax, exchange -stories and enjoy a meal. As the buses returned to N.D ., the class of 1969 regretted having to say good bye to a perfect day.

The view of the main slopes , Buck Hill Falls .

Passenger Nick Fidanza doesn't seem at all distressed at Marty Goliszewski's "How do you drive this thing?"

Carmella Milinowicz is determined to conquer Buck Hill's greatest obstacle-the ski lift! In a rather daring place, and awkward position, Lenny Kirkuff attempts to fix his ski.

Kevin Manley shows how it's not done .

Danny Rafferty shows how it's done .

" Look out below!"-for Barbara Lanzoni.

Chaperones Sister Marie Jose and Sister Mary Carlos seem amused by some persevering skier, while Eileen Romeo looks on more sympathetically.

Madeline Cade and Ray Agabiti assure Steve Tomaszewski that he's got it now . . .

. . . almost?




Senior Laraine LaPlaca, depicting a naive underclassman, asks Senior Mike Hamer's guidance .

Notre Dame's own "Tiny Tim" is none other than Laraine LaPlaca.

"It's A Mod (uar) Mod (ular) World," the theme of this year's Know Your School Program, introduced both parents and freshmen to the everyday facets of high school life at Notre Dame. Short humorous sketches provided a witty glimpse into classroom and extra-curricular activities. Miss Mary Calvey, Mr. William F. Hybbeneth, Mr. Jeffrey Baker and the talents of the student cast coordinated this successful show.

Danny Bachalis, the school "witch" doctor, and his nurse, Connie Gibbons, during a supposedly routine day in the medical suite.


Louie Fares is rushed off to the medical suite after a serious tricycle accident in a comedy sketch .

Robert Durst and Laureen Rose are the show's news casters who keep the students posted on the school events.

Karen Arcamone adds her musical talents to the succ~ss of the show. Kathy Monahan and Dave Barth catch up on school news in the Coronet .



"Polo, Polo, just $20 ,




$15, 'til Friday."

Notre Dame's annual play festival provided English students on all levels with the opportunity to exhibit their dramatic skills. "A Hatful of Rain," a senior production starring Martha Bacsik, Gregory Smith, Robert Giordano and James Dilenno and "The Valiant," a sophomore contribution with Michael Paglione, Richard Schellinger, Donna Sheperd, Mark Levanduski vied for the honors in this school competition . The cast of "A Hatful of Rain" triumphed with its combination of fine acting and powerful drama.


The stress on the faces of Johnny and his wife evidence the crisis they encounter in their marriage.

" Look at me !




Do you know what your son real ly is? . . . "

In a scene from "The Valiant" , the condemned man faces a young girl , possibly his long lost sister.


At the Football Awards Assembly, Ray Tagliaferri Clerke with a token of the team's appreciation.

presents Mr.

Carmella Milinowicz presents Walt Kocubinski with a commemoration of his 1,000 points in his outstanding basketball career at N.D.

Joe Cornel ius thanks head Football Coach, Mr. Porter, for all his years of service to Notre Dame at the Awards Assembly.

Karen King shows her spirit on St. Patrick's Day in the "Wearin' of the Green" contest.

Louie Fares pleads for support for track and field' events during the Spirit Committee's pep rally.


AHHJE GET YOU! DUX CAST Annie Oakley ...................................................... Patricia Greer Frank Butler ............................................................ Frank Sories Charlie Davenport ....................................... Frank Mancino Dolly Tate ......................................................... Laraine LaPlaca Winnie Tate ......................................................... Diane Gribbin Tom my (Cody' Keeler .............................. Michael Hamer Buffalo Bill Cody ....................................... Robert Giordano Sitting Bull ................................................... Nicholas Fidanza Pawnee Bill ............................................................... Louis Fares Mr. Wilson ............................................................... Greg Smith Mac ........................................................................ James Dilenno Conductor ......................................................... Daniel Rafferty Porters .............................. Joseph Bachalis, Edward Teti, Joseph Puliti, James Quinlan Waiter ..................................................................... David Tobiasz Pawnee's Messenger ................................. Larry McNallen Mr. Schuyler Adams .......................................... Fred Carella Mrs. Schuyler Adams ........................ Mary Lou Curran Mrs. Potter Porter .............................. Mary Beth Forman Dr. Ferguson ...................................................... Henry Richter Mrs. Ferguson .......................................... Theresa Meagher Mr. Henderson ...................................................... Mark Smith Mrs. Henderson ................................................ Karen Littwin Mr. Clay ................................... _. .......................... Richard LaBaw Mrs. Clay ............................................................... Laureen Rose Girl ........................................................................ Grace Rudnicki Shy Girl .................................................................. Joann Sorento Major Domo .................................................................. Greg Krol Iron Tail ................................................... Frank Szelingowski Yellow Foot ....................................... Nicholas Skroumbelos Mrs. Little Horse ·······················-················-····· Patricia Long Mrs. Black Tooth ............................................. Eileen Romeo Mrs. Yellow Foot ............................................. Evelyn Means Indian Boy ......................................................... James Dzomba Chief Wild Horse ............................................. Michael Spitz Little Jake ......................................................... Gregory Hamer Minnie ......................................................... Mary Beth Czigler Jessie ..................................................................... Maureen Greer Nellie ................................................... Mary Beth Mydlowski Little Indian Girl ................................................... Judy Czigler "There's no business like show business."

CHORUS Mona Mydlowski Dacene Boujai Mary Rose Prokop Debra Zamperelli Mary Lou Giovacchini Eileen Scarantino Kathleen Ryan Beverly Chmielewski Geraldine LaPlaca Kathleen Czigler Maureen Freda

Patricia Piccollella Margaret Long Teresa McKee Linda Cushing Sharon Shipley Donald Di lenno tynthia Mahoney Robert Manion Sharon Cunningham Palma Muka David Meyer

Michael Greber Mary Ellen Hutchins Chris Sadkowski

Angela Maffei Ann Paixao Patricia Carroll

Caro l Sadkowsk i Billie O ' Donnell Patric ia Cellini Janice Petty Beverly Sawka Luann Balestrieri Peggy Quinlan

Catherine Kulicakowski Irene Kopec Cynthia Czigler Scott Seiler

Another hit for Annie. "The hour is midnight and all is still."

"So count your sheep, mama is singing you to sleep."


"I gotta hand it to ya, honey, it was the surprise of my life ."

Helen Wurpsza Connie Gibbons Cathy Kuliczkowski

- -,

"I'm an Indian too."

"I got lost in his arms and I had to stay."

"Who do you kiss, I hope . . "

"Money's gone, but think of all the fun you've had."


"Anything you can do, I can do better."

STAGE CRAFT Front Row: Donald Bugdal, Sharon Maruca, Eileen Kotzack, Kathryn Doughman, Debbie Grodeck. Second Row: Nicholas Simzak , Fred Hetzel, Wayne Kalisch , David Tobiasz, Douglas Hughes, Robert Tillstrom. Back Row: Herbert Reuhle, William Argust, Kevin Weir, John Wurpel , Christopher Mancino, John Moran, James Condrat.

Dave Radlinsky, Mike Meriwether, George Domurat work on the lights backstage.

Sister Mary Claude, choreographer Judy Gibson, Frank and Patty go over last minute instructions.

Bob Giordano ages in minutes as director, Mr. Hybbeneth, applies makeup.

Mr. Baker conducts the orchestra made up of students and professional musicians .


The nervous anticipation until the date was set ... the fragrance of that special spring night ... the clamor as car doors dismissed their occupants ... the enchantment of dimly lit Cedar Gardens ... the hearty greeting from those wonderful chaperones . . . the theme , "Unchained Melody," that took so long to decide ... the peaceful dinner next to that special someone ... the dances to the music of the "Billy K." Quintet . . . that May 14 never to be forgotten . . . the night of the Senior Prom.

Mary Giordano compliments Debbie Stay on her exquisite taste.

Karen and Duke, Steve and Madeline dance in a romantic mood set by the Billy K. Quintet.

Pattie and John take one last look to insure everlasting memories. 163

s p 0



There are two things in life , freedom of thought and freedom of action.

-W. Somerset Maugham

FOOTBALL Judging Notre Dame's 1968 Football Team by its 2-8 record alone would indeed be misleading. Except for the 40-20 defeat by Bishop Eustace, the N. D. gridmen were never really out of any ball game. This fact is verified by our 14-7 loss to Steinert, the 8-7 heartbreaker against Hami Iton, our 13-7 loss to Ewing, and finally, the climax of the season, the cliff-hanging Turkey Day tilt that saw Trenton squeeze by with a 32-28 victory, as well as the traditional cider jug. In each of these games our team was only one score behind. Can Princeton make this same claim concerning the game against us? Not this year-not for the likes of Coach Walt Porter and the Fighting Irish who dealt them a death blow with a 35-7 pounding. Our other victory came against Mater Dei in the closing minutes as linebacker Harry Norton intercepted a pass that led to a l 3-6 setback for Mater Dei. Other standouts of this year's team were Carmen De Cello (D. E.) and Jeff Teague ( D.B.) who were selected to the All-County team;

Jim Di lenno (O.E.), Tim Cannon (LB.), and Larry Zukowski (Q.B.) were chosen to the All-County second team. One other standout yet to be mentioned is none other than Coach Walt Porter. Coach Porter has announced his resignation as head football mentor after eleven years of service to Notre Dame. Starting with only a small, inexperienced freshman team, Coach Porter worked untiringly to mold his squad. In 1962, the very first year the team entered full scale competition with area schools, Notre Dame won the county title and went on to capture the state Championship! Because of this remarkable accomplishment, Walt Porter was voted Coach of the Year in the Delaware Valley. Since then Notre Dame has compiled a total record of 40-21-2, including two additional county titles ('63-'64), and the State Championship in 1964. These facts are indeed a tribute to a man who has done so much to improve football at Notre Dame and establish a team for the future.

Offensive End Steve Tomaszewski clutches a Larry Zukowski pass that gives Notre Dame a first down against Steinert.

Senior Captains Joe Cornelius, Steve Tomas zewski, Ray Tagliaferri , and Bob Bartram reminisce with Coach Dan Bartram and Head Coach Walter Porter.

Front Row: Bob Gordon, Dave Gavin, Joe Cornelius, Bob Bartram, Ray Tagliaferri, Steve Tomaszewski, Charles Falzone, John Worth . Second Row: Len Kirkuff, Richard Bernasco, Mike Girard, Fred Keefer, Chris Vaurica, Henry Richter, Chuck Gramness, Mark Dilks, Dave Esposito. Third Row: Walt Dobinson, Bob Elmer, Kim Ebriham, Tim Cannon, Mark Smith, (arm DeCello, Jeff Teague, Frank Mangone. Fourth Row: Russ Lawyer, Joe Fallon, Joe Bachalis, Andy Logan, Chuck

Sista, Chris Kazior, Joe McCormick, Walt Murawski, Mark Sudol. Fifth Row: Chuc Zimmer, Chris Mancino, Larry Zukowski, John Stephan, John McCreedy, Jim Alfonse, Dave Milecki, Russ Hart. Sixth Row: Anthony Thoma, Tim Mascik, Mike Casey, Gary Grob, Harry Norton, Jim Pocetti, Ed Fedorko, Frank Mancino, Bill Spitz . Back Row: Jim Dilenno, Fred Wojtowicz, John Swierczck, Dom Alfonse, Jack Robertiello .


Head Coach: WALTER PORTER Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

29 5 12 18 26

Essex Steinert St. Anthony Mater Dei Hamilton


Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.

2 9 16 28

Bishop Eustace Ewing Princeton Trenton


Tailback Jack Robertiello makes like a plane and jets his way past Ewing defensemen .

All-County defensive back Jeff Teague receives instructions in a key situation from Coach Porter.

Top Left: The Fighting Irish dig in for the Annual Turkey Day clash with Trenton . Bottom Left : Quarterback Larry Zukowski gets set to hand off to one of the team's powerful running backs in a home game against Ewing. Bottom Right: One does not have to look at the scoreboard to tell that the Mighty Irish have just exploded across the goal line .

Senior Defensemen Frank Mangone and Bob Bartram take a break from the action while the offensive unit leads the attack.


Front Row: Chris Enourato, Doug Hughes, Mike Kalafut, Tom MacDonald, Mike Spitz, Dave Hart, Joe Wisniewski. Second Row: Don Allen , Chris VanWagner, Ed Schrader, Tom Fallon , Tom Yeakle, John Logan . Third Row: Bill

Dowendowski , Jim Rafferty, Mark Cosota , Bill Milinowicz, Mark Holcombe , Mike Ostaszewski, Joe Miller. Back Row: Joe Franklin , Ke vin Behan, Lew Nicholson , Joe Krempecky.

It's a starring role for both Captains as Tom MacDonald (55) leads the blocking for quarterback Kevin Behan.

Coach Vince Dostie awards Dave Hart the game ball after being voted most valuable player.

The "young" Irish defenders stop on Mikes' bid for a first down .

I ron



Sept. 24



Sept. 27











Oct. 15



Oct. 18



Oct. 22

St. Anthony


Oct. 25



Oct. 28



Oct. 31









Nov. 13

St. Anthony


Coach Clarke chats with the team prior to their game with Princeton .

Captain Duke Swieconek fights off a defender en route to the team's win over Princeton .


Junior Bill Seiler awaits a pass from Duke Swieconek in a home game against Princeton.

Tom Wojcik gets set to boot the ball downfield against rival Steinert.

Junior Walt Bulat tangles with a Steinert defender over who controls the ball .

Although finishing the season with a dismal 5-9 record, the 1968 soccer team presented some bright highlights. Under the direction of Coach William Clarke, the team recorded wins over the following: Trenton, Princeton, Hightstown and twice over rival Cathedral. Captain Duke Swieconek and Walt Bulat received All-State selections as well as first team All-City recognition. Terry Rhoades, Tom Wojcik, and Bill Seiler earned All-City honorable mention berths. The J.V. and freshman teams didn't accomplish much more than the Varsity as the J .V. boaters ended the season with a 6-9 log and the freshmen with a 2-9-1 record. With the many talented underclassmen returning, N.D. can look forward to a successful future .

VARSITY Front Row: Manager John Moran, Frank Fanning , Martin Goliszewski, Frank Ferrara, Dan Bradway, Ed Pinelli , Fred Carella, John Dek is, Skip Anthony. Back Row: Coach William Clarke, Val Zamborski , Kevin Geogha n, Duke Sweiconek, Terry Rhodes, Greg Billie, Walt Bulat, Mike Weber, John Carrig, Tom Wojcik, Henry Sochalski, Bill Seiler.


Coach Clarke discusses strategy with the boys at half time.

N. D. scores again as Greg Billie and Val Zamborski follow up the play.

Duke Sweiconek bombs another one in the Princeton goal.

All-State Duke Swieconek blasts the ball downfield in an away game against Steinert.

JUNIOR VARSITY AND FRESHMEN TEAMS Front Row: Bud Carella, Pat Greeber, Carl Carella, Bob Gauthier, Mike Bojcun, Joe Plumeri, Jerry Di Colo, Herb Ruehl, Pete Walbridge, Rick Hoffman , Gary Butler. Back Row: Coach Waldkewicz, Ron Carabell i, Norman Henk, Bob van Wagner, Joe Puliti, John Billie, Chris Arena, Kevin Weir, Bill Lynn, Harry Culliton, Jim Graziano, Russ Guarino, Ed Kozac .

Left winger, Walt Patykula boots the ball upfield to an intended Irish teammate.

Junior Dan defender.

Bradway changes direction

to avert a Spartan



VARSITY Front Row: Greg Smith, Dave Barth, Tom Semonick, Bill Rader, Tom Faherty, Kevin Manley, Frank DellaRossa . Back Row: Pete Antoniewicz, Rich Closson, Mike Byrne, Jim Jansen, Stefan Bogdan, Tom Behan, Marty Nicholson, Coach John Ungrady.

This start against Hamilton later finished in N .D.'s tenth victory.


The 1968 Cross Country Team set the records which will not be broken for years to come. The squad posted a l 0-3 log, one of the best in county competition. Under the guidance of Coach John Ungrady and leadership of Captain Jim Jansen, two runners, Mike Byrne and Stefan Bogdan, established themselves as fine harriers for both the team and the county. Greg Smith and Tom Behan also helped lead the team to its success. Meanwhile, the J.V.'s did not fare so well; they posted a winning log of 7-6. Into the hands of these young runners, the hope of another winning year has been placed. May they carry it with pride!

Jim Jansen finishes a well-run race against Steinert at the home course .

1 968 SCOREBOARD 10-3




Hopewell Valley .



N. Burlington






Lawrence .



Hunterdon Central






Holy Cross



St. Anthony






Ewing .










Mike Byrne and Stefan Bogdan lead the pack through Hamilton's White City Lake course. 175

JUNIOR VARSITY Front Row: Tom Barbieri, Steve Kovacs, Terry Faherty, Joe Korona. Back Row: Rich Labella, Steve Owarz, Jim Dzomba, Mike Franko, Tom Faherty, Coach John Ungrady.

Coaches and Timers agree it's another Victory for the N. D. Harrier. 176

Lone harrier, Dave Barth, moves through the course where few spectators are ever seen .


Front Row: Dave Curtis, Skip Anthony, Fred Keefer, Bob Gordon, Lou Fares, Carm DeCello, Dominic Alphonse, Dave Milecki , Greg Smith. Second Row: Chris Kazior, Matt Kranski, Greg Billie , Terry Rhoades, Marty Nicholson, Jim Dilenno, Kev Manley, Frank Mangone, Dan Bachalis, Bob Bartram , Len Kirkuff, Joe Kurpiewski. Third Row: Chuck Z immer, Ray Tagliaferri , Steve Tomaszewski, Mike Girard, Joe Corneliu s, Marty Gol iszewski, Walt Kocubinski,

Mr. Charles Clerke . Fourth Row : Bill Spitz, Larry Zukowski, Steve Bogdan , Pete Leadem, Jim Dzomba , Pete Antoniewicz. Fifth Row : Tim Mascik, Jim Jansen, Rich Closson , Mike Byrne, Bob Brezak , Fred Wojtowicz , Dave Barth. Back Row: Tim Cannon , Chris Smith , Greg Kurlander, Ed Smith , Mike McKitish , Ted Wisniewski , Tom Wojcik, Bob Nitti , Mike Menschner, Bill Rader.


THE OFFICERS Dave Barth, Harry Norton, Louis Fares, Frank Masterson



Coach Joseph Dempsey, Chris Smith , Bob Nitti, Mike tvkKiti sh , Greg Kurlander, Mike Menschner, Walt Kocubinski, Ed Smith, Anthony Toma , Joe Kurpiewski, ·Larry Zukowski , Duke Swieconek, John Brennan.

Fifty was his number, one thousand -his mark, Walt Kocubinski-his name. The '68- '69 season was one for him, his coach and the team; truly was it the year of the " Irish Bear. " With nine seniors on the squad , four of whom had been starters the previous year, maturity and experience l~d to victory. To start the year off right, the Irish rolled up three big ones, the biggest of which was over Cathedral by a 85-77 score. On the home court the Irish failed but once, losing to the number one team in the state-Bishop Eustace . Six victories and seven losses on the road showed the Irish never died in spirit . They were a quick-moving club , offensively and defensively. Lack of height never bothered them as they had two of the best ball-handling guards in the city. Also working for the Irish was Walt Kocubinski whose new 1297 record broke the twenty two year one of 1288. In State Tournament competition , the Irish were set up against Red Bank Catholic . The team gave Mr. Dempsey his first tournament victory with a 9265 win in the opening round. Second round , however , went to old foeBishop Eustace. Splitting these two , the team finished with a fine 17-9 log, proving the '68-'69 team and coach were the greatest.

It was this jumper by Walt from the top of the key that gave him his record-breaking 1 ,288 points to surpass Dick Giedlin and to become the all-time scorer in Mercer County.

"Going up for glory " is N.D.'s Walt Kocubinski to tab his 1 ,OOOth point against rival Trenton High .

Holy Cross -------··--··-----····--A -W Hopewell Valley ............ A -W Cathedral ........................... H -W Trenton ................................. A - L Ferris ....................................... A-L Hamilton ........................... H -W C .B.A ..................................H -W Princeton ........................... A -W Mater Dei ........................ A -W Ewing .................................... A - L Hamilton .............................. A - L Trenton .............................. H -W Peddie ................................. H-W Holy Cross ........................ H -W Cathedral .............................. A - L Princeton ........................... H -W Steinert .............................. A-W St. Anthony ..................... A -W Bishop Eustace ..................H - L Trenton ................................. A-L C .B.A . .................................... A - L Steinert ..............................H-W St. Anthony ..................... H-W Ewing .................................... H.W Red Bank Cat hoi ic ......A -W Bishop Eustace ............... A-L

" Up, up, and away" soars M ike Menschner for a sure two against Cathedral.

" Jumpin' Joe" Kurpiewski shows how to score in one of the team's earlier conquests at Hopewell Valley.

Illu strat ing th e effe ctivene ss of N .D.'s tough, zone press are senior guards Duke Swieconek and Bob Nitti .

Exhibiting perfect form with the jump shot is guard Duke Swieconek who le d the Irish to a powerful victory over Trenton on N .D.'s home court.

According to Chris "Gouka s" Smith, the only way to do it is by "comin' in the back door." Junior Larry Zukowski" eyes the action.

Bob Nitti exhibits his versatility as guard despite the efforts of two Hamilton defenders.

Senior forward Greg Kurlander catches the Seraph defenders off guard with a shot from atop the key.

Walt "The Bear" Kocubinski shows how he and teammate, Greg Kurlander, stopped the Blue Devil offense by outrebounding them.

Junior, Tony Thoma, crashing the boards along with Greg Kurlander and Walt Kocubinski, saw the Irish trample Ewing at the season's end.

Alternate guard Mike McKitish engages in a wrestling match for the ball with one of the Hornets from Hamilton. Ed Smith is good for two from the outside as he opens up against a Mater Dei defender.

The J.V.'s-Standing : John Stephan, Tom Mancuso, John McCreedy, Jim Kazior, Mi ke Fahey, Bob Skarpetowski , Ed Bacsik, Joe Hubal, Tony Massi. Kneeling : John Clancy, Ron

J.V. and Varsity player Mike Fahey takes a jumper from the outside in a junior varsity contest against Trenton High .

Sebastiani, John O'Shea, Bruccoleri.

Going up for the shot is J.V. guard Tom Mancuso as a Trenton defender tries in vain to block the attempt.

Doug Potkay,


Recine, Jon

Forward John McCreedy leaps above his opponent to take an attempt in a game against Hamilton . 181

The Freshmen-Front Row: John Arbitell, Barry O'Shea, Kurt Ebrahim, Jerry Di Colo, John Coursen, Matt Daunis . Back Row : Coach William Panella , Dave Kurlander, Norm Cook, Mike Terracciano, Mike Franko, Charles Reilly, Dennis Robak, Frank Di Guiseppi .


Mike Franko, despite the efforts of an Antheil defender, outjumps his man for two.

Mike Terracciano with an open shot lets loose to give the young Irish another victory.

BOWLING AND GOLF The Notre Dame Bowlers rolled into success during the '68 and '69 season and proved themselves very strong in Mercer County competition. Led by Tom Fitzpatrick, Frank Biszanzio and Jerry Cavalucci, the rest of the team followed with their own victories.

The Irish Golf Team swung into competition in mid-April of the 1969 season. The team anticipated a fair season with the great potential of captain Chris Smith and Mike Franko. A season of fourteen matches should prove the effectiveness of Notre Dame's traditionally strong golfers.

BOWLING TEAM-Sitting : Frank Bis zanzio, Gerard Cavalucci . Standing : Walt Patykula , Richard Varga , Tom Fitzpatrick , Robert Blicharz , Tom MacDonald .

Front Row: Dan Rafferty, Rich Moulnar, Chris Smith, Skip Anthony, Jack Cade. Back Row: Mr. Williams, George Wilk, Mike Franko, Ed Smith, Kevin Geoghan .



Front Row: Matt Kranski , Don Bradway, John Worth, Mark Wesley, Gary Butler. Back Row : Craig Parson, Frank Skwara, Pete Leadem , Jim Pacetti, Harry Norton, Joe Cornelius, Karl Franzoni, Vincent Petersack.

The Irish grapplers , under the direction of the new coach Mr. William Munley, presented themselves as formidable foes for the area . Their log, 5-6 , though not impressive to spectators hides the fact that the wrestlers are a young team having only three seniors. Next year will be their year. Seniors Joe Cornelius and Matt Kranski led the team , with John Worth , Harry Norton , and Pete Leadem following close behind in victorious footsteps .

Coach Mr. William Munley presents District Tournament Medals to juniors John Worth and Harry Norton.


Karl Franzoni attempts to reverse opponent's position for a pin .

"To the victor goes the spoils," in wrestling, but for John Worth, it might be only a pat on the back by Coach Mr. William Munley.

N.D.'s junior, Dan Holcombe, moves behind victim to pick up a few extra points with a pin .

The J.V.'s-Front Row: Ken Birkhead, Pete Wallbridge, Charles Falzone, Ron Carabelli. Back Row: Coach Mr. William Munley, Allan MacDonald, Kim Ebrahim, Mark Holcombe, Joe Puliti, George Dominiak. 185


Kneeling: Lew Nicholson, Steve Kovacs, Terry Faherty, John Wi sniew ski, Dave Es posito, Sptiz, Jim Gardner, Bill Lynn, John Netta , Ed Kozak , Joe Korona, Bill Rader. Standing: Henk, Jim Dzomba, Mike Casey, Tom Yeakle, Bill Place , Tom MacDonald, Tom Fah e rty, Logan, Mark Smith, Rich Kowal, Joe Puliti, Paul Evans, Keith Ducko, Tony Massi, Barbieri, Kevin Behan.

Mike Dave John Tom

The '69 Track Team had high hopes for its first season. In pre-season warmups was seen the fine nucleus of another N.D. team that was capable of making good. Captains Jim Jansen and Mike Byrne, along with Pete Leadem, Bill Spitz, Pete Antoniewicz and Kevin Behan help the team finish with a praise-worthy record .


Kneeling: Joe Franken, Stephen Agoc, Norman Henk, Frank DiGiuseppi. Standing: Mike O'Brien, Bob Brezak, Pete Antoniewicz, Bob Giordano, Kim Ebr<1him, Bill Spitz . THE SENIORS Greg Smith, Steve Bogdan, Dave Barth. Standing: Jim Jansen, Bob Giordano, Bob Brezak, Bob Wylie, Coach John Ungrady. Not Pictured : Mike Byrn e.



Dave Barth takes an early lead to finish first and help the Irish wrap up another victory .

Jim Jansen outsprints a last minute attack by Lawrence's quarter miler .

Bob Bre zak winds up to put this discu s into orbit and pick up a first place.

Pete Antoniewicz soars new heights as he remains number one pole volting ace in the area . Mike Byrne paces himself as he tries for better time . This year, as the most outstanding runner in the county, he set the school mile record at 4:36.7 . He showed good qualifications for attaining state meet finals .


VARSITY Kneeling: Richard Varga, Jerry Loftus, Marke Dilks , Dennis Connolly, Duke Swieconek, Joe Fallon, Mike Paglione, John Petrino. Standing: Harry Norton, Joe Hubal, Bob Meshanko, Steve Tomaszewski, Mike Fahey, Mike Menschner, Dave Curtis, Bill Sabolchy, Larry Zukowski, Chris Kazior , Bill Seiler, Mr. Vincent Ardery.

THE J .V .'S Kneeling: Bob Zuczek, George Zimmer, Ron Sebastiani, Bob Tiscione, Val Zamborsky, John Simone. Standing: Fred Keefer, Rocco Pugliese, Russ Lawyer, Mike Weber, AI O'Malley, Chuck Sista, Jim Willie, Mr. Vincent Ardery.


First baseman Bill Sabolchy stretches to retire a Steinert opponent.

Many Irish victories were decided by the pitching arm of senior M ike Menschner .

Three letterman Duke Swieconek gets ready to steal second in action against Bordentown.

The 1969 season was one of both a new team and a new coaching staff. Under the direction of head coach Vincent Ardery and assistant coach Michael Kessler the Irish turned out one of the strongest and most powerful teams in the area. Prior to the start of the season and after losing th.eir opening game to Steinert, Notre Dame was underrated and not thought to be much of a threat to local opponents. However, seniors Mike Menschner and Bob Meshanko, and juniors Larry Zukowski and John Petrino came through with the mound duties, while seniors Steve Tomaszewski , Duke Swieconek, Rich Varga, and Bi II "Dizzy" Sabolchy came up with the clutch hits to help the Irish win their next five out of six games. This winning streak was highlighted by revenge over two undefeated foes: Steinert and Holy Cross. For a team that wasn't supposed to be much trouble, Notre Dame sure turned out to be a real "thorn in the side!"

Irish catcher Harry Norton puts the tag on a Steinert player inches from the plate .



Sparking the fans at games and leading cheers at pep rallies were the major tasks of the 1968-69 Cheerleading Squads. The cheerleaders played an integral part in stimulating school spirit this year at Notre Dame . Under the moderation of Miss Dorothy Cellini , both the Varsity and Junior Varsity Squads proved themselves to be among the best motivated in the school's history .

Varsity Cheerleaders-Kneeling: Co-captain Diane Perrine, Captain Christine Karpik . Standing: Karen Price, Luanne Fares, Roseanne Meshanko, Debbie Zamparelli, Kathy Regan, Betsy Menschner, Kathie Pietras.

Junior Varsity Cheerleaders-Kneeling: CoCaptain Kathy Mullin, and Captain Dacene Boujai. Standing: Kathy Martini, Donna Shepard, Joan Del Femine, Liz Goeke, Gail lilian, Debbie Barlow, Mary Prokop.


Senior Varsity Cheerleader Kathie Pietras.

Senior Varsity Cheerleader Karen Price.

Christine Karpik, Varsity Captain : Miss Dorothy Cellini, Moderator; Diane Perrine, Varsity Co-Captain .

Senior J.V. Cheerleader Captain Dacene Boujai .

Senior J .V. Cheerleader Debbie Barlow.


The Varsity-Front Row: Linda Cushing, Paulette Verde, Dorothy Durchuck, Marguerite O'Donnell, Susan Swieconek. Back Row: Nell Dutko, Allison Billie, Denise Burns, Gail Andrews, Kathleen Reilly, Jackie Burns, Teresa McKee, Coach Miss Mary Colvey.

The J.V.'s-Front Row: Franca Tocco, Christine Sadkowski, Ann Fechter, Angela Castranova, Mary Ann Tiscone, Teresa Greco, Lucille Cooper. Back Row: Maria Pontaini, Barbara Yacullo, Maureen O' Mara, Karen Harcar, Rita Buckley, Rosemary Carmele, Carol Nigh, Coach Miss Mary Colvey.


Jeanette Johnson-a picture of concentration at the free throw line.

I j I

The leading scorers of the ' 68-'69 girls' basketball team were senior Co-Captains Dottie Durchuck and Jeanette Johnson.

"It takes a little black magic," says Gail Andrews.

The Girls ' Basketball Team posting a fine 7-6 season han dled themselves quite well. The hard working team with senior standouts, Jeanette Johnson and Dottie Durchuck , played an exceptionally well balanced ball against teams in the area . With the help of Kathy Reilly, Linda Cushing, Gail Andrews , and Susan Swei conek, they met the oppositions and came off the victors . Congratulations go to this fine squad and Coach Miss Mary Colvey.

Kathy Reilly goes up for the tap against Morrisville for the start of the '68-'69 season . 193


The Varsity Field Hockey Team under the coaching of Mrs. Marlane Stawecki, completed the season with a 3-5-1 record. The team, whose cocaptains are Beth Ehret and Pat Hofmann, is composed mainly of Juniors. The girls are looking forward to a better season next year, as Mrs. Stawecki is planning a Hockey Camp for this Summer.

Front Row: Pat Hofmann, Beth Ehret. Second Row: Barb Barth, Barb Kocan, Bernie Gramness, Barb Strapp. Back Row: Debbie Gerken, Pat Tuliszewski, Jane Bielawski, Mary Jane Knapp, Meg Franzoni, Maureen Hefferman, Nancy Widener.

Front Row: Karol Kearns, Barbara Nalbone, Carol Halko, Mary Ellen Montague, Ann Ott, Jill Tomsho, Carol Formidoni, Terri Greco, Nerine Gerepka. Second Row: Pat Pulcini, Karin Stephenson, Kathy Regan, Mary Jane Knapp, Marie Mercantini, Kathy Kozlowski, Debbie Bugdal. Back Row: Diane Strano, Chris Gill, Mary Jean Stout, Juliann Dawidowski, Jessica Cota, Angela Castranova, Verena Brunner, Phyllis Golden, Carol Nigh, Patty Cooper.



The 1969 Tennis Team, under the supervision of Miss Mary Calvey and cocaptains Carol Antoniewicz and Kathie Pietras is comprised of fifteen members. This is the largest team in the his tory of the school. This year the girls had matches with Princeton, Solesburg, and Lawrence High Schools.

Kneeling: Kathie McGrath, Carol Chianese, Joan Struck, Bernadette Petrone, Bernadette Folmer, Kathie Monahan, Mary Carol Fruscione. Standing: Miss Mary Colvey, Gerri LaPlaca, Chris Piekarski, Co-Captain Kathie Pietras, Co-Captain Carol Antoniewicz, Lorraine Vaccaro, Pat Hofmann, Ann Ott, Debra Borden.

Co-Captain Carol Antoniewicz gets in position for the back-hand stroke . Senior Carol Chianese prepares to return the serve. Ready to serve is Co-Captain Kathie Pietras.


FATHERS' CLUB The development of a wellrounded student is important at Notre Dame. The Fathers' Club plays an important role in this development by sponsoring N.D.'s widespread athletic program. Members serve as chaperones at many school functions , engage in various fund-raising projects and are responsible for honoring outstanding sportsmen and sportswomen . Monthly meetings are held in which all Notre Dame fathers are encouraged to express their ideas concerning the sports. Fr. Joseph T. Thul moderates the Fathers' Club.

Mr. Mike DeCelle, Mr. Jim Pe truccio, Mr. Walt Porte r, Mr. Paul Medwick , Mr . Charl es Cl e rke, Mr. Vince Dosti , Mr. Dan Bartram .


Mr. Vince Ardery, Mr. Cha rles Gerk e n, Reve rend Thul , Mr. Donald All e n, Mr. Jo hn Cade.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We the members of the 1969 Canticle Staff in remembering the many experiences involved in forming this yearbook recall with gratitude: The Administration and Facultyfor their co-operation and approval; The Patrons-for their invaluable financial assistance; Mr. John Prignoli-for his excellent photography; Miss Shirly Vetter, Mr. Frank Merrin and Lorstan-Thomas Studio-for their kind assistance; Mr. Frank Ball , Jr., Mr. E. J. Adomilli and New City Printing Company for their immeasurable help in matters of production; The students-for their enthusiasm, AND Sister Mary Karen for her patience and guidance in allowing us to truly develop our freedom theme throughout our Canticle.


Senior Family Patrons MR. and MRS. FRANK ADAMIAK Walter, Theresa

MR . and MRS . THOMAS E. DOLAN, SR . Maureen, Jean , Thomas, Jr .

MR. and MRS . RAMON ALUSTIZA, JR . Enid, Ramon, Steve, Will


MR. and MRS. STANLEY ANTONIEWICZ Carol, Peter, Joan, Cynthia, Jeffrey

MR . and MRS . HOWARD DUBUQUE David, Michael

MR. and MRS. FRANK W . BAGGALEY Nora, Kenneth, Carl

MR. and MRS. LEWIS EGGERT Susan, Lee , Joseph , Ann, Mary Lou, Steven , Thomas, Marie

MR . and MRS. JESS BAKER Jess, Natalie, Sharon, Rhonda

MRS. ANTHONY FALCONIO Richard, Joseph, J ohn, Frank

MR. and MRS. WALTER F. BARANOWSKI Monica, Walter, David


MR. and MRS . EDWARD F. BARTH Edward, Barbara, Tera, Amy

MR. and MRS . SIGMUND GEREPKA Raymond, Norine

MR. and MRS. HAROLD W. BASHORE Jane, Mary Ellen

MR . and MRS. DANIEL J. GRAZIANO, SR. Daniel, Jr ., Nancy, Cathy


MR. and MRS. ANDREW HALKO, JR . Andrea, Carol Andy, Judy, Donna

MR. and MRS . AUGUST L. BIACHE, SR. Mary, Kathleen, August, Madeline, Theresa MR. and MRS. JOHN BILLIE Jeffrey '66; Gregory ' 69, Allison '70, John '71, Charles ' 78 MR. and MRS. JOSEPH BRANDECKER Klara, Joseph, Jr ., Stefan MR. and MRS. ROBERT E. BURNS, JR. Kathleen, Christine, Jacqueline, Denise, Jeanette MR. and MRS. WILLIAM W . BUTLER Lana MR. and MRS. JAMES T. CAMPBELL Jim, John, Christine, Richard, Class of 1969 MR. and MRS. R. B. CARROLL Lynn, Pat, Tony, Tommy, Cathy, Martin MR. and MRS . EDWARD J. CHOREY Edward-Duane, Jacqueline MR. and MRS. ALFRED J. CORNELIUS Pete, Joe, Ann


MR . and MRS. ROBERT HAMER, SR. Michael , Robert, Jr., Cynthia, Gregory MR. and MRS . JOSEPH HORN Judith Ann, Bonnie, Sharon MR . and MRS. WILLIAM T. JOHNSON, JR . Jeanette, William MR. and MRS. WALTER KING Rob, Karen MR. and MRS. THADDEUS E. KRAINSKI Thaddeus E., Jr. , Matthew S. MR. and MRS. PHILIP J. KUBIAK Philip, Steven, Elaine, Ruth MR . and MRS. IRVIN LANZONI Barbara , Michael, N.ancy MR . and MRS. FRANK P. LAURENT! David, Arthur, Mary Ann MRS . JAMES E. LYNCH, SR. Annemarie, Helen Louise, James, Jr.

MR . and MRS. STEVEN R. CZIGLER Kathleen A., Cynthia, Mari Elizabeth, Judith E.

MR . and MRS. LEO L. LYONS Terence, Kathleen, Timothy

MR. and MRS. DAVID Dl STEFANO, SR. Doreen, David, Diane

MR. and MRS . HARRY J. MANLEY Kevin, Mary Kae, James

Senior Family Patrons MR. and MRS . JOSEPH McGOWAN Karen , Michael , Patricia , Coleen, Mary-Jo

DR. and MRS. MAURICE J. SMITH Gregory, Mark, Brian, Maureen, Diane

MR. and MRS . JAMES R. McKEEVER James R. , '63, Thomas P., ' 69 , Eileen J ., '75

MR. and MRS. FRED SMOLKA Alfreda . Lillian

MR. and MRS. JOHN M. MEHALYAK John M., Jr.

MR . and MRS . CLIFFORD STARK Ellen , Kathleen, Judith

MR . and MRS. LOUIS A. MILLER Suzanne, Monica, Jean , James, Thomas

MR . and MRS . EUGENE STOY Deborah

MR. and MRS. JOHN W. MIKITA Joan, Linda



MR. and MRS . SWIECONEK Ted, Jr., Richard, Susan

MR. and MRS. CARL NIGH William , Linda, Carol, Gary MR. and MRS . JOHN F. OLESAK John, JoAnne MR . and MRS. THOMAS OSBORN Joyce, Janice, Judy, Joan, Jenifer MR. and MRS . EDWARD OSTROWSKI Edward, II MR. and MRS. ANTHONY PAUL Judy, Maria MR. and MRS. FRANK PIECHOTA Frank, Jr., Barbara Jean MR. and MRS. CAMILLE C. POCETTI Camille, James MR. and MRS. JOHN H. PRICE, JR. Karen, Marianne, Kathleen MR. and MRS. SAMUEL J. RAYMOND, SR. Lillian MR. and MRS. CHARLES F. REIMER Charles, Alice, June MR. and MRS. KENNETH RENTNER Mike, Sue

MR . and MRS. FRANK A. SZUL Robert, Elaine MR. and MRS. EMIL SZYMELEWICZ Joan, Nancy MR. and MRS. RAYMOND TAGLIAFERRI Marie , Raymond, Sharon, Sandy MR . and MRS. NUNZIO TARTAGLIA Christine MR. and MRS. FREDERIC W . THOMANN William , Barbara, James, Christopher MR . and MRS. JOHN TOMASZEWSKI Steve MR . and MRS. RICHARD B. TONNE Patricia MR. and MRS . CARMEN VELTRI Ralph, Angela, Alfred MR. and MRS. ANTHONY F. VERDE Celeste, Anthony, Guy, Robert, Diane, Paulette MR. and MRS. CLARENCE M. VEREB Valerie, Elizabeth, Camille

RM. and MRS. DEMETRO ROMEO Frank, Eileen

MR. and MRS . JOHN M. WIATER Teresa, Joan

MR. and MRS. PAUL ROSSI Nicholas, Patricia

MR. and MRS . FRED WOJTOWICZ Karen, Fred


MR. and MRS. JOHN WM . WOLFE Patricia, John Wm., Jr., Gregory Michael, Stacey Ann

MR. and MRS. EDWARD SLAVIN, JR. Dennis, Edward, Margaret, Maureen

MR. and MRS. FELIX WUCINSKI Susan, Nancy



Mr. and Mrs. Max Allar Mr. A. F. Anthony Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Balloti Jean Baranowski Loretta Bartko June Baylog Mr. B. F. Bernn, Jr . Mrs. Rosa Bisson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Black Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Bogdan and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bowker Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brezak A. Gdzie Butch Mr. and Mrs. James F. Byrne Tony Cal's Restaurant Compliments of a friend Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Corrado Patricia Cruser Mr. and Mrs . Robert S. Cruser Mr. and Mrs . Thomas DeMartin M. DiGiuseppe Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dilorenzo Maureen Dolan Thomas Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand A. Erbe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fagan Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson, Sr. Miss Mae and Agnes Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grudziecki Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heath Home Room 9H John Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jamieson Eleanor Janeczek Mr. Jacob Keller John J. King Mary A. King Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kocon and Daughter


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kosobuski David F. Laurenti Mr. Jack Levitt Mr . and Mrs . John Liwacz Mr. and Mrs. William Long Miss Margaret A. Lyons Alice 0 . Mackov John Mahan, '66 Joseph Mahan, Jr., '64 Mr. and Mrs . Claude Mahon McGrath Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Metternek Alex and Trudy Nichitel Edward Ostrowski, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palloti Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Parson Mr. and Mrs . Albert Potocki Mr. and Mrs. John Price Angelo Pucinello Mr. and Mrs . Pushar Mr. and Mrs. John Riehl Mr. and Mrs . Edgar Rousseau and Family Mrs . Magdalen Rykiel Saint Hedwig 's Cub Scout Pack 7 B. S. A. Saint Hedwig's Explorer Post 7 B. S. A. Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Servis Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J . Singer Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stavitski Stay Builders Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stay Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stilwell Maria Teuschler Miss Mary A. Timko Stephen W. Tress Reverend Richard Turk Frances Varsalona Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yorkus Mr. Anthony Yungn

Notre Dame High School Patrons Mr. and Mrs . Henry Abbotts

Mr . and Mrs . Harold Fink

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Amodio

Mr. and Mrs . Char les Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. G. Angeli

Miss Clare Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Angeline and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fisher, Sr.

Mrs. Anna Barcalow

Mr . Fitzpatrick and Mrs . Ahr, Jr.

Baylog Family

Fred Fletcher

Raymond J. Behan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. Alban Berkeyheiser

Mrs. Emma Fowler

Mrs. Joseph Bock, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs . John Fransckiewich

Joseph Brandecker, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs . Anthony P. Freet and Daughters

Stefan Brandecker

Friends in Employee Service

Patricia Brennan

Viola Germani

Mr . and Mrs . Barney Brindle

Mr. Gleekman and Gorden

Mrs. Lydia Britton

Mr. and Mrs . George Grato

Mr. Frank Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Greber

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buchanan

Patrick J . Guidotti

Larry R. Burchett

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hannisch

Jackie Burns

Mr. and Mrs. J . Hannon

Margaret M . Carlin

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harcar

Peter C. Carlin

Mr. and Mrs. Jules P. Harlicka, Jr.

Bob Carrington

Hartman and Saunders, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs . John Cartlidge

Helen and Elaine

Mrs . Cynthia Clancy

Helen and Ruth

Miss Patricia Competelli

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hitt and Family

The Corner Inn

Theresa Marie Hoeflich

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cuccagna, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hoeflich

Mr. and Mrs . Stanley Czenis

Mr. and Mrs . Carl Holst

Steven R. Czigler

Bernice Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D'Angelo

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inverse

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Debiec

Judy and Jane

JoAnne DeCelle

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson, Sr.

Joseph and Jennie Demyan Mr. and Mrs. George Deuringer Kay and Russ De Vito

John E. Jones Joseph R. and Joseph C. Mr. Walter F. A. Karolkiewicz Kathy and Beth

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Di Girolamo Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kilpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di Stefano

Mr . and Mrs . Thomas King, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King, Jr.

Eloeni and Christine

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkham

Mr. and Mrs. William Faggella

Mrs. William J . Kish

Mrs. Ann Farr

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Klocke

Mr. and Mrs. John Festa

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kokoszka


- ----,


Notre Dame High School Patrons Mr. and Mrs . Walter Kondratewicz

Mr. and Mrs . Henry Pochart

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Lansing

Mr. and Mrs . John Posluszny, Jr.

Miss Marie Lapera

Mr. and Mrs. John Potocki

Lena 's Beauty Shop

Mr. and Mrs . M. Potocki

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Licari

Miss Madeline Puliti

Carmen Liccarda

Miss Marie Pulone

Mrs. Helen Loveless

Mr. and Mrs . Peter Pulone

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Madli

Mrs. Lottie Rak and Children

Marge and Grace

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raymond, Sr.

Don and Jim Martin

Mr. and Mrs . Samuel J. Raymond, Jr.

A. Masterharm

Reynold and Jules

Mr. and Mrs. Elek Mate

Konrad J. Richter Family

Dr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rock and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Edward McManimon

Miss Barbara Rob inson

Mrs. John McNally

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rosati, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McNellis and Family

Mr. and Mrs . Horace Rosati, Sr.

Mr. Edward Meckel

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossell

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Melore

Mr. and Mrs. J. Salay

Theresa Migliorino

Mr . and Mrs . B. Salmestrelli

Janice Mooney

Mr. and Mrs. Gaza Segasky

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Moore

Mr. and Mrs . Walter Smolka and Sons

Mr. and Mrs. John Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steckel

Tony Morgronesi

John E. Stefane

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mraw

Sue and Margaret

Helen and Andrew Muzyk

Mr. and Mrs . E. Szejner

Miss Marcie Nawrocik

Joseph Tesauro

Miss Margie Nedzbala

Barbara Thomann

Mr. Martin J. Nicholson

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tomko

Debbie Nier

Mrs. Angela Veltri

Mrs. M. Norton Miss Hannah O'Connor Kathy O'Donnell and Ernie Trunzo Mrs. Anna Olesak

J . J . Virok and Family Miss Cathy Von Gonten Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Von Gonten Mr . and Mrs. Louis Walton

Mr. and Mrs. J. Olkowski Mr. and Mrs. A. Palombo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patrone Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perhalla


Mr. and Mrs. William Weller Mr. Austin Wirick Richard and Jean Wollest

Angelina Pesca

Mr. and Mrs. J . Worek

Mary Pesca

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth

Virginia Pesca

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wszolek

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierro

Frank and Jean Wszolek

Judy Pacetti

Stan and Mary Jane Wszolek

INDEX Ackers, Mrs. Virginia 24 Adamiak, Theresa 30 Agabiti, Chester 30 Agabiti, Raymond 30, 151 Agocs, Stephen 88, 113, 186 Agoes, Mrs. Marie Ahr, The Most Reverend George, S.T.D., 6, 124 Alba, Patricia 99 Alexander, Sister Mary 13, 85 Alexandrowicz, Pamela 106, 1 36 Allar, Mary Ann 30, 41, 138 Allen, Diane 30, 138 Allen, Donald 113, 169 Allen, Mr. Winfield 196 Alphonse, Dominic 29, 30, 167, 177 Alphonse, James 99, 167 Alustiza, Ramon 30, 136, 137 Alvin, Leonard 113, 138 Amari, Ignatius 99 Andrews, Gail 99, 192, 193 Angeloni, Donna 98, 99, 130 Anthony, Alexander 30, 128, 1 30, 171, 177, 183 Anthony, Alison 113 Antoniewicz, Carol 31, 74, 130, 142, 195 Antoniewicz, Peter 106, 174, 177, 186, 187 Antosiewicz, Marsha 31 Aquilino, Gaetano 113, 134 Arbitell, John 113, 182 Arcamone, Karen 31, 153 Ardery, Mr. Vincent 9, 85, 95, 188, 196 Arena, Christopher 106, 173 Argust, William 106, 161 Arkuszewscki, Stephen 11 3 Arnister, Edward 106, 107 Ashbock, Philip 31, 93 Ashton, Richard 99 Athanasius, Sister Mary 19, 88, 136 Atkins, Robert 99 Aug, Randi 106 Austin, Bernard 11 3 Babbitt, Earl 106 Babecki, Joanne 113 Bac, Dennis 25, 31 Bachalis, Daniel 28, 31, 74, 152, 155, 177 Bachalis, Joseph 106, 135, 167 Backes, Peter 3 1 , 85 Bacsik, Edward 106, 181 Bacsik, Martha 3, 31, 80, 141, 149, 154 Baggaley, Nora 32, 74, 132, 142, 145 Bailey, Carol 88, 105, 106, 130, 135 Bainbridge, Helyn 99 Baker, Mr. Jeffrey 20, 93, 146, 147, 161 Baker, Sharon 32 Balestrieri, Luanne 106 Baranowski, Monica 32, 41 Barber, Marilyn 32 Barbieri, Thomas 99, 176, 186 Barlow, Deborah 32, 137, 147, 148, 190, 191 Barlow, Richard 113 Bartram, Mr. Daniel 166, 196 Bartram, Robert 32, 77, 84, 166, 167, 168, 177 Barth, Barbara 99, 141, 144, 149, 194 Barth, Edward 32, 140, 153, 174, 176, 177' 1 86, 1 87 Bartolomei, Maryann 99, 136 Bartolome, Ruth 99, 135 Bashore, Mary Ellen 29, 32 Battiate, Marie 113 Battista, Michelle 99 Bauer, Thomas 11 3 Baxter, William 106 Baylog, Jean 32

Baylog, John 3 Baylog, June 33 Baylog, Michael 1 13 Beato, Margaret 33, 137, 141 Bednarski, Lucia 11 3 Begonsky, Sheila 106 Behan, Kevin 113, 169, 186 Behan, Thomas 96, 99, 143, 174 Belusar, Clarice 106 Belza, Peter 106 Bencze, Michael 3, 33, 81, 155 Benham, Stephen 1 13 Bennett, Mr. Walter 25 Bergen, John 113 Bernasco, Patricia 33, 138 Bernasco, Richard 106, 1 67 Bernhard, Marianne 11 3 Bernhard, Robert 33 Bertrone, Carol 99 Betar, Kathleen 113 Betz, Patricia 106, 138 Biache, Madeline 33, 76, 86 Bianculli, Joseph 106, 134 Bielawski, Jane 99, 194 Billard, Mrs. Louis 24 Billie, Allison 99, 149, 192 Billie, Gregory 34, 130, 141, 164, 177 Billie, John 106, 173 Bird, Joseph 106 Bird, Walter 34 Birkhead, Kenneth 1 06, 185 Biszanzio, Frank 34, 183 Bittner, Sister Eileen 19, 88, 138 Bleakley, Glen 99 Blessing, Patricia 99 Blicharz, Linda 99, 138 Blicharz, Robert 34, 183 Bogdan, Stefan 34, 146, 174, 175, 186 Bogdziewicz, Edward 35 Bojcun, lhar Michael 113, 173 Bonagura, Debra 11 3 Bonhage, Carole 11 3 Borden, Deborah 113, 195 Borkovick, Melissa 99 Bosakowski, Mr. Philip 14, 119, 134 Boujai, Dacene 35, 76, 128, 137, 190, Bowers, Karen 11 3 Bradway, Daniel 99, 171, 173, 184 Bradway, Patricia 113 Brandeker, Klara 35, 141 Breme, Thomas 113 Brennan, Barbara 11 3 Brennan, John 57, 68, 98, 99, 136, Brenton, Timothy 99 Brezak, Andrew 35 Brezak, Robert 28, 35, 135, 177, 186, Britton, Shelly 99 Brooks, Frances 1 1 3 Brooks, Michael 35 Bruccoleri, Jonathan 106 Bruccoleri, Salvator 99 Brunner, Verena 106 Buckley, Colleen 99 Buckley, Monica 113 Buckley, Patricia 99, 102 Buckley, Rita 106, 192 Buckley, Sheila 106 Buell, Teresa 106 Bugdal, Deborah 99, 149, 194 Bugdal, Donald 99, 161 Bulat, Walter 99, 170, 171 Burd, Hilda 35, 137, 147 Burdinik, Jura 35, 84, 124, 145 Burke, Donna 106 Burns, Denise 105, 106, 192






Burns, Jacqueline 36, 137, 140, 146, 192 Burton, David 1 1 3 Bush, Mr. Patrick 20, 92 Butera, Robert 106 Butler, Gary 113, 173, 184 Butler, Lana 36 Byrne, Michael 36, 165, 174, 175, 186, 187 Cacaloni, Susan 106, 135, 138 Caccamis, Patricia 106 Cacciaboudo, lamuel 113 Cadden, Marian 1 1 3 Cade, John 99 Cade, Madeline 36, 91, 151 Caivano, Robert 113 Calabrese, Andrea 113, 119 Calamia, Catherine 113 Camarda, Patricia 36, 197 Cameron, Sharon 87, 106 Cammarata, Janet 113 Camp, Colleen 99 Campbell, Bruce 106 Campbell, Mr. John 22 Campbell, Richard 36 Cannon, Timothy 99, 167, 177 Cantor, Philip 106 Capone, Donna 106 Capriott, Lucia 99 Carabelli, Ronald 106, 130, 139, 173, Caracciolo, Maria 1 13 Cardinale, Mary 99 Carella, Carl 113, 173 Carella, Francis 89, 113, 173 Carella, Fred 99, 135, 171 Carlos, Sister Mary 1 1, 1 31, 1 51 Carnevale, Nicholas 36 Carney, Donna 113 Carney, Nancy 99 Carrig, John 99 Carroll, Kathleen 37, 197 Carroll, Patricia 37, 76, 86, 132 Carroll, Robert 106 Carter, Jae 99 Carter, Jan 106 Cartlidge, Mrs. Madeline 25 Casciani, Joan 99 Caserta, Anthony 113 Casey, Michael 106, 135, 167, 186 Castaldo, Angela 99, 135 Castranova, Angela 105, 106, 110, 137, 192 Cavalucci, Gerald 37, 183 Celli, Maria 113 Cellini, Miss Dorothy 19, 191 Cellini, Kathleen 113 Cellini, Patricia 99, 135, 139 Cermele, Rosemary 106, 192 Chalker, Deborah 106 Charlotte, Sister Mary 14, 80 Chebra, Eugene 1 1 3 Chianese, Carol 37, 77 Chiaradia, Vincent 1 13 Chiavatti, Pasqualle 113 Chintala, Christopher 106 Chmielewski, Beverly 113 Chojnowski, Cynthia 99 Chojnowski, John 113 Chorey, Duane 37, 128 Choromanski, Edward 1 1 3 Christensen, Susan 113, 119 Peter Chrzempiec 99 Ciesielski, Debra 113 Ciesielski, Lilliann 99 Cipiello, Frank 113 Ciprietti, Barbara 1 13 Clancy, Mrs. Cynthia 16, 79






Clancy, John 106, 181 Clark, Christine 11 3 Clark, George 11 3 Clark, Lawrence 106 Clark, Patricia 37, 141, 163 Claude, Sister Mary 20, 82, 161 Clerke, Mr. Charles 11, 155, 177, 196 Closson, Harry 37, 174 Coffey, Reverend Thomas A. 2, 8, 120, 133 Coft, Luanne 1 1 3 Cogan, Nancy 11 3 Coley, Rory 99 Colvey, Miss Mary 10, 94, 148, 192 Condrat, James 99, 161 Connelly, Elizabeth 106 Connolly, Dennis 82, 99, 188 Connolly, Kevin 106 Conway, Geraldine 106 Cook, James 99 Conway, John 99 Cook, Norman 1 1 3, 182 Cooper, Lucille 99, 130, 192 Cooper, Mary Grace 98, 99, 149 Cooper, Patricia 106 Coppola, Sandra 11 3 Coppola, Anna 106 Cornelius, Alfred 2, 38, 155, 164, 166, 1 67' 177' 184 Cornelius, Anne 106 Costantino, Mark 11 3 Cota, Jessica 106 Coursen, John 113 Coursen, Thomas 38, 85, 182 Courtney, Donna 11 3 Coveleski, Debra 106 Cuccagna, Beverly 99 Cugasi, Maria 113 Cugasi, Peter 99 Culliton, Daniel 99 Culliton, Henry 106, 173 Cunningham, Sister Claire 13, 84, 85 Cunningham, Sharon 106, 135 Curran, Mary Lou 106 Cursi, Miss Jean 20, 137 Curtis, David 83, 177, 188 Curtis, Nancy 99 Cusato, Mark 1 1 3 Cushing, Miss Diane 22 Cushing, Linda 99, 139, 148, 192 Czahur, Michael 106 Czajkowski, Mark 99 Czaplicke, Nancy 106, 136 Czech, Thomas 99 Czenis, Jo Anne 106 Czigler, Cindy 106, 136, 139 Czigler, Kathy 38, 81, 139, 145 Daly, Victoria 113 D'Ambrosio, Joseph 99 D'Ambrosio, Theresa 99 D'Amico, Roseann 113 D'Arcy, Patricia 99 Daunis, Matthew 1 1 3, 1 82 Davidowski, Juliann 1'06 Davis, Bradford J. 106 Davison, Kim 11 3 Dawidowski, William 113 DeAngelo, Charles 11 3 DeCelle, Carmen 38, 167, 177 DeCelle, Mr. Michael 196 Decowski, Jo Ann 99 Dedek, Victoria 38 DeForte, Margaret 106 DeGeorge, Judith 38, 94, 138 Deihl, Thomas 99 Dekis, Diane 38 Dekis, John 99, 171 DeiFemine, Joan 106, 190 Della Rossa, Frank 99,.. 174 DelVecchio, Denise 99 Dempsey, Janice 113 Dempsey, Mr. Joseph 10, 57, 77, 178 Deodato, Karen 113


Derrico, Gail 11 3 Derrico, John 106 Derrico, James 11 3 DeVaney, Diane 83, 99, 136 Diamond, Mr. Constatine 19, 92, 132 DiBoise, Joellyn 39 DiBongrazio, William 113 Dicket, Lawrence 106 DiColo, Jerry 113,173,182 Diehl, Dennis 106 Diener, Mr. Kenneth 12 Dietrich, Karen 23, 106, 135, 137, 141 DiGuiseppe, Frank 113, 182, 186 Di Guiseppi, Nina 39, 90 Di lenno, Donald 11 3, 135 Di lenno, James 2, 39, 135, 154, 167, 177 Dilks, Marke 106, 167, 188 Dilks, Michele 114 Dilorenzo, Janice 114 DiNatale, Jerry 114 DiPaola, Thomas 114 DiStefano, David 106 DiStefano, Diane 114 DiStefano, Doreen 39, 136, 141 DiStefano, Vincent 85, 99 Diviaio, Guy 106 Dobinson, Walter 99, 167 Dolan, Jean 16, 39, 128, 130, 1 31, 132, 137 Dombroski, Gail 99 Dominiak, George 114, 185 Domurat, George 99, 161 Dorothea, Sister Mary 7 Dougherty, Mrs. Mary 23 Dosti, Mr. Vincent 169, 196 Doughman, Kathryn 106, 137, 161 Dovicsak, Mary Ann 39 Dreves, Karen 106 Driscoll, Kathleen 106 Driver, Albert 114 Dubaniewciz, Vincent 106 Dubuque, David 39, 146 Dubuque, Michael 114 Dubusky, Mrs. Mary 24 Duckenfield, Carol 106, 1 34 Duckenfield, Joan 1 14 Ducko, Keith 108, 186 Maria D'Uiisse 108 D'Uiisse, Gabriella 40 Dumbar, Linda 108 Duncan, Mr. James 24 Duncan, Joanne 99 Durchuck, Dorothy 3, 40, 130, 1 32, 1 37, 148, 149, 164, 165, 193 Durst, Robert 108 Dutko, Aniela 99, 192 Dutko, Josephine 108 Dzomba, James 108, 176, 177, 186 Ebrahim, Kim 105, 108, 167, 185, 186 Ebrahim, Kurt 114, 182 Ecker, David 114 Eggert, Lewis 100 Eggert, Susan 40, 143 Ehret, Elizabeth 100, 194 Elenewski, John 40 Elmer, Gary 108, 167 Elmer, Patricia 114 Elmer, Robert 100, 167 Elmo, Mary Louise 114, 138 Eloise, Sister Mary 2, 5, 8 Emerick, John 114 Emma, Karen 114 Emmanuel, Sister Mary 10, 77 Ennis, James 100, 134 Ennis, Mark 114, 145 Enourato, Christopher 114, 169 Erkoboni, David 1 14 Ernst, Karen 108 Esposito, David '95, 108, 167, 186 Esposito, Diane 108 Esposito, Meredith 114 Esther, Sister Mary 13, 84

Evans, Paul 108, 1 86 Everitt, Barbara 40, 77, 79, 93, 120, 135 Fabbro, Lydia 85, 100, 1 39 Faherty, Terence 114, 176, 186 Faherty, Thomas 100, 174, 176, 186 Fahey, Michael 108, 181, 188 Falcey, Jan 114 Fallon, Joseph 108, 1 34, 167, 188 Fallon, Thomas 114, 169 Falzone, Charles 108, 167, 185 Fanning, Frank 108, 171 Fares, Louis 3, 26, 40, 130, 131, 153, 155, 177 Fares, Luanne 108, 190 Fares, Ronald 98, 100 Farina, Carolyn 40 Farina, Charles 114 Farley, Elizabeth 100 Farr, Alice 41, 83 Farrell, Barbara 108 Farrell, Kevin 114 Fasanella, Gerald 114 Fasanella, Joseph 95, 100 Fasanella, Mary 108 Fecak, Judith 41 Fecak, Michelle 108 Fecak, Rosemarie 1 14 Fechter, Anne 108, 135, 139, 149, 192 Fechter, Joseph 41, 89 Fedorko, Edward 108, 167 Fennimore, Darlene 1 00 Ferguson, Margaret 42, 136, 141 Ferrara, Roseann 114 Ferraro, Frank 100, 171 Festa, Carol 100 Festa, Joseph 100 Festa, Karen 108 Fetcher, Timothy 1 14 Ficci, Joseph 114 Fidanza, Nicholas 42, 150 Fidanza, Robert 108 Figueroa, Mary Lou 108 Fink, Patricia 100 Finley, Martin 42 Firetto, Frances 114 Fisher, Barbara 108, 144 Fitzpatrick, Mary 114 Fitzpatrick Thomas 42 Flanagan, Nora 108 Flanagan, Thomas 100 Folmer, Bernadett 114, 195 Folmer, Cynthia 42 Ford, Diane 87, 100 Forman, Mary Beth 100, 135 Formidoni, Carol 100, 194 Frain, Very Reverend Thomas J ., Ph.D. 7 Francemore, Gail 108 Francine, Sister Mary 12 Franken, Jane 42, 136 Franken, Joseph 114, 180 Franko, Michael 114, 176, 182, 183 Franzoni, Karl 100, 184, 185 Franzoni, Meg 114, 194 Frascella, Rosemary 114 Freda, Maureen 108, 1 35 Freeman, Helene 114 Frein, Cathleen 100, 136 Fritz, Sister Marlene 17, 1 34 Fruscione, Mary 114, 195 Funari, Cath 114 Funke, Constance 114 Funke, Frank 42 Furch, Joseph 108 Furman, Gloria 100 Galate, Ann Marie 108 Galeotti, James 43, 164 Gandner, Rosemary 43 Gardiner, Mary Ellen 114 Gardner, James 114, 186 Gardner, William 100 Garnich, Patrice 114 Garofalo, Vincent 108

Garruba, Russell 114, 134 Garzek, Shirley 43 Gauthier, Robert 114, 124, 173 Gavigan, Elizabeth 100, 138 Gavin, David 100, 167 Gaydos, Carole 100 Genicola, Joseph 108 Genovese, Peter 1 00 Genovesi, John 114 Geoghan, Kevin 1 00, 171, 183 Geoghan, Maureen 89, 108 Geppert, Dorothy 114 Gerepka, Norine 4, 43, 130, 149, 194 Gerkin, Mr. Charles 196 Gerkin, Debra 87, 100, 194 Gervasio, Patricia 114 Gibbons, Connie 108, 135 Gibson, Miss Judy 161 Gill , Christine 100, 136 Gill, Debra 114 Giovacchini, Marylou 100 Giordano, John 114, 186 Giordano, Mary 43, 81 Giordano, Robert 3, 28, 43, 6, 79, 80, 130, 131' 154, 161' 186 Girard, Michael 43, 167, 177 Goeke, Elizabeth 108, 148, 149, 190 Gola , Richard 100 Golden, Daniel 28, 44, 74, 83, 142 Golden, Phyllis 108 Golden, Theresa 44 Golinski, Dolores 1 00 Goliszewski, Marian 100 Goliszewski, Martin 44, 150, 171, 177 Goosen, Alex 1 08 Gordon, Mary Jane 108 Gordon, Robert 44, 167, 177 Gorski, Janet 114 Gosgriff, Denise 114 Graham, Richard 108 Gram ness, Bernadine 108, 194 Gramness, Charles 100, 167 Grant, Sister Regina 18 Gray, Dennis 114 Graziano, Anne 100 Graziano, James 108, 173 Graziano, Nancy 44, 91 Graziul , Sandra 114 Greber, Michael 114, 117, 130, 134, 139 Greber, Patrick 114, 173 Freco, Theresa 44, 92, 37, 149, 194, 192 Greer, Patricia 108, 135, 161 Gribbin, Diane 93, 100, 135, 139 Gribbin, Mrs . Margaret 12, 90, 132, 138 Griffin, Ellen 1 00 Griffin, Patrick 114 Grob, Gary 1 08, 167 Grodeck, Debra 100, 137, 161 Grosso, Maria 44 Guarino, Russell 108, 173 Guhl, Barbara 44 Habib, William 114 Haddix, Mr. Michael 24 Hagan, Kathleen 114, 117 Halak, Anthony 114, 138 Halko, Carol 29, 45, 149, 194 Hamer, Michael 45, 76, 128, 135, 139, 140, 142, 1 52, 197 Hammond, Reverend Paul S. 126 Haney, Donna 108 Harcar, Karen 108, 110, 149, 192 Hardiman, Mrs. Maribeth 12, 91 Harding, Marianne 108, 135 Harlicka, Susan 45, 13, 143, 144 Harmon, Bruce 108 Harper, Kathleen 100 Harris, Mrs. Lloyd 24 Hart, David 114, 130, 134, 169 Hart, Russell 1 00, 167 Hastings, Mary 45 Hatrack, Linda 100 Hatrack, Stephen 108

Hefferman, Maureen 100, 145, 149, Hendrickson, Sandra 1 00 Henk, David 100, 186 Henk, Norman 108, 173, 186 Henk, Suzanne 15, 45, 137, 141, Hennessey, Patrick 1 08 Herbert, Leland 45 Herman, Irene 45, 57 Hess, William 114 Hetzel, Frederick 114, 161 Hetzel, Patricia 100, 138 Hewitt, Sister Frances 18, 86 Hewitt, Verneda 108, 1 35 Hill, Warren 100 Hofmann, Marie 1 08 Hofmann , Patricia 96, 100, 141, 194, Hofmann, Richard 114, 173 Holcombe, Daniel 100, 185 Holcombe, Mark 114, 169, 185 Holst, Eileen 45, 141 Hons, Mr . Frederick 13 Horan, Judith 100 Horn, Bonnie 46 Horn, Sharon 46 Horodynski, Evelyn 100 Houghton, Deborah 114 Hovemeyer, Charles 1 14 Hovemeyer, David 114 Hovemeyer, Kathleen 1 00, 141 Howell, William 114 Huart, Cecile 100 Hubal, Joseph 100 Huff, Jacquelynne 114 Hughes, Douglas 169 Hunt, Sheryl 82, 114 Hutchins, Mary Ellen 108, 135, 136, Hybbeneth, Mr. William, Jr. 14, 139, lero, Maria 46, 137 lilian, Gail 100, 141, 149, 190 Immordino, Anthony 108 Inverso, Charlene 114 lnverso, Elizabeth 108, 144 Iwan, Robert 108 Jackson, Judith 114, 119 Jakubowski, Patricia 1 08 Jammer, Dale 108 Janoski, Jane 108 Jansen, Barbara 105, 108, 135 Jansen, James 3 , 46, 120, 130, 131, 175, 177, 186, 187 Jarkowski, Henry 1 08 Jedynak, Richard 95, 1 00 Johnson, Jeanette 3, 46, 128, 130, 137, 149, 193 Johnson, Linda 114 Johnson, Mary Louise 108 Johnston, Sister Jane 15, 81 Jones, Kevin 1 00 Jones, Robert 114 Jose, Sister Marie 18, 26, 151 Joy, David 46 Julia, Sister Mary 14, 139 Kalafut, Michael 114, 169 Kalinowski, William 114 Kalisch, Wayne 114, 161 Kaminski, Karen 114 Kaminski, Kristine 114 Kaniewski, Donald 95, 100, 134, 145 Kaplan, Mrs. Christiane 1 7, 82 Karatka, Joan 46, 128, 1 30, 141 Karen, Sister 'Mary 17, 140 Karolkiewicz, Robert 116 Karpik, Christine 47, 137, 149, 190, Kaytus, Joseph 1 16 Kazior, James 100, 167, 177, 188 Kazior, Richard 116 Kearns, Jeanne 116 Kearns, John 47 Keefer, Fred 100, 1 02, 1 67, 177, Keister, Anne Marie 100 Kelly, Diane 1 00 Kelly, Sister Grace 14, 132




145 161





Kelly, Irvin 108 Kemmerer, Joanne 116 Kemo, Michael 4 7 Kendall, Coleen 116, 146 Kent, Patrick 116 Kerns, Karen 47, 136, 137, 146 Kerns, Karol 1 00, 194 Kessler, Mr. Michael 188 Keuper, Deborah 116 Kierepka, Chester 11 6 Kinczel, Judith 100 King, Cheri-EIIen 116 King, Karen 4, 144, 155 Kirkuff, Leonard 47, 150, 167, 177 Kitchen, Judith 100, 138 Klane, Edward 1 00 Klein, Susan 116 Klemann, Linda 11 6 Klemann, Robert 108 Kline, Father 11 Klininski, Diane Kliwinski, Gregory 108 Kliwinsky, Jo Ann 47, 138 Kliwinski , Victoria 116 Klocke, Joan 48 Kmiec, Christopher 116 Kmiec, John 100 Knapp, Mary Jane 48, 93, 194 Knoblauck, Kay 108, 134 Kocan, Barbara 1 00, 130, 149, 194 Koch, Denise 100 Kocubinski, Walter 48, 57, 68, 155, 177, 178, 180 Konczos, Anthony 1 16 Kopec, Irene 108 Korona, Joseph 100, 176, 186 Korpusinski, Walter 1 08 Kotarski, Catherine 48 Kotzac, Eileen 108, 161 Kovacs, Elaine 116 Kovacs, Stephen 108, 176, 186 Kovaleski, Barbara 108 Kowalik, Barbara 1 00 Kowalski, Charles 116 Kozak, Edward 108, 137, 173, 186 Kozakiewicz, Robert 100 Kozlowski, Kathleen 1 00, 149, 194 Krainski, Matthew 48, 177, 184 Krainski, Raymond 116, 138 Kramarz, Constance 1 08 Krecicki, Frank 116 Krempecke, Joseph 82, 116 Krol, Gregory 108 Krol, Nancy 116 Krystapanis, Kathryn 116 Kubiak, Philip 48 Kubiak, Steven 1 08 Kuliczkowski, Catherine 100, 135 Kurlander, David 116, 1 82 Kurlander, Gregory 48, 57, 68, 78, 178, 180 Kurpiewski, Joseph 49, 57, 68, 76, 177, 178, 179 Kurtarnia, Celestine 49, 136, 137, Kzjanik, Thaddeus 100 Kuzma, Barbara 116 Kwiatkowski, Ronald 100, 144 LaBaw, Richard 116, 134 Labella, Richard 1 08, 176 Labowicz, Mary 116 Lane, John 108 Lane, Toni 116 Langer, John 116 Lanzoni, Barbara 49, 80, 137, 141, 151 LaPlaca, Geraldine 100, 144, 195 LaPlaca, Loraine 2, 49, 93, 139, 145, 197 LaPenna, Doreen 109 LaPointe, Celeste 49, 93, 135, 137, Laurenti, David 49 Lawyer, Russell 100, 167, 188


177, 78, 155





Leadem, John 109 Leadem, Peter 98, 100, 177, 184 Leadem, Wendy 116 Leone, Robert 10 1 Leonie, Janice 49 Letts, Robert 1 16 Leuper, Marybeth 51, 144 Levanduski, John 51 Levanduski, Mark 107, 109 Levis, Mrs. Mary 25 Lewandowski, Janice 28, 51 Liberto, Leonard 95, 101 Lieggi, Ennio 51, 78 Lilley, Brian 101 Lindsay, Kathleen 51, 1 35 LiMato Maureen 1 09 Littwin, Karen 109, 135, 145 Lizzi, Marianna 109 Lloyd, Paula 51 Loftus, Gerard 87, 109, 1 88 Logan, Andrew 109, 167 Logan, John 116, 169 Logue, Adriene 116 Long, Celeste 116 Long, Margaret 3, 51, 93, 147 Long, Patricia 1 01 Long, Thomas 52, 135 Langevin, Margaret 82, 1 01 Longo, Nicholas 52 Lucas, Marilyn 101 Lucas, Thomas 1 09 Ludwig, Mark 52 Luper, James 1 09 Lupo, JoAnn 2, 52, 133, 143 Luther, George 116 Lynch, Helen 52, 90 Lynn, William 109, 173, 186 Lyon, Robert 101 Lyons, Kathleen 52, 1 36, 142 Lyons, Kathleen 1 09 Lyons, Timothy 1 09 Maccaroni, Gino 116 Maccaroni, Martin 101 Maccaroni, Maryann 101 MacDonald, Alan 101, 185 MacDonald, Thomas 116, 169, 183, 186 Maciejczak, Eve 52 Maciolek, Stanley 104 Mahan, Kathleen 53, 124, 138, 142 Maher, Maureen 1 09 Maher, Richard 53 Mahon, Shirley 101 Mahony, Cynthia 116 Maffei, Angela 116 Maira, Lynne 116 Malley, Alex 101, 188 Mancino, Christopher 105, 109, 161 , 167 Mancino, Frank 29, 53, 145, 167 Mancuso, Thomas 3, 68, 57, 68, 181 Mandl, Caroline 116 Mangone, Andrew 116 Mangone, Frank 53, 167, 168, 177 Manion, Robert 109 Manley, Kevin 28, 53, 151, 174, 177 Manley, Mary Kay 116 Mannix, Thomas 1 01 Mansell, Robert 53 Mantuano, Peter 1 16 Mantuano, Thomas 53 Markulec, Albert 1 09 Marshall, George 101, 134 Martin, Anne Marie 101 Martini, Kathleen 98, 101, 149, 190 Maruca, Joseph 101 Maruca, Sharon 109, 134, 145, 161 Marx, Richard 116 Masick, Timothy 1 01 , 167, 17 7 Masiello, Concetta 116 Massei, Paul 54, 81 Massi, Anthony 109, 181, 186 Masterson, Eileen 87, 109


Masterson, Frank 26, 28, 54, 85, 144, 177 Materniak, Ronnie 109, 139 Maurer, Sandra 1 09 Mazzella, Cecile 109 McCormack, John 101 McCormick, Joseph 1 01, 167 McCormick, Susan 116 McCreedy, John 109, 167, 181 McDermott, Eileen 54 McDonnell, Sister Gertrude 17, 83 McDonnell, Sister Joanmarie 14, 15, 142 McGowan, Karen 54, 137 McGowan, Michael 1 01 McGowan, Patricia 116 McGrath, Kathleen 1 16, 195 McGuire, Kathleen 101 McKee, Theresa 101, 141, 144, 192 McKeever, Thomas 54, 80 McKenna, Charles 109 McKeon, Sister Joan 14 McKitish, Michael 54, 57, 177, 178, 197 Mcleod, Alan 1 16, 134 McManimon, Maryanne 1 16 Meagher, Theresa 101, 135 Meagher, William 109 Means, Evelyn 116 Medwick, Mr. Paul 19, 132, 196 Mehalyak, John 15, 81, 54 Meighan, Kevin 109, 138 Menschner, Elizabeth 3, 109, 138 Menschner, Michael 55, 57, 68, 177, 179, 188, 189 Mercantini, Marie 101, 135, 141, 194 Meriwether, Michael 55, 84, 161 Mershon, Elizabeth 116 Meshanko, Robert 55, 188 Meshanko, Roseanne 1 09, 190 Meskill, Eugene 109, 134 Meyer, David 101, 135 Meyer, George 116 Michalak, Mark 116 Michalczyn, Barbara 1 09 Micklewright, John 116 Midura, Louis 109 Mikita, Joan 55, 86, 141, 145 Mikita, Linda 116 Milecki, David 55, 167, 177 Milinowicz, Carmel Ia 26, 55, 94, 130, 1 50, 155, 197 Milinowicz, Gail 109 Milinowicz, Jo Ann 109 Milinowicz, Robert 56, 85 Milinowicz, William 116, 169 Militina, Kevin 116 Miller, Darrell 109, 134, 135 Miller, Jean 109 Miller, John 116, 169 Miller, Kathleen 83 Miller, Kenneth 116 Miller, Monica 76, 81, 101 Miller, Robert 56 Miller, Suzanne 56, 145, 197 Millner, Dr . Bernard N . 23 Misiolek, Mary 116 Molnar, Richard 109, 183 Monahan, Kathy 11 6, 195 Montague , Mary Ellen 101, 135, 194 Mooney, Janice 101, 141 Morre, Donna 56 Moran, Jan 116 Moran, John 101, 161, 171 Moran, Mary 11 6 Morrisey, Kathleen 1 01 Motichia, Mark 116 Mraw, Edwina 109 Milinowicz, William 116, 169 Mrozinski, Steven 116 Muka, Palma 1 09




178, 144,


Mullin, Kathleen 101, 149, 190 Munley, Mr. William 184, 185 Murawski, David 116 Murawski, Walter 109, 167 Murphy, Mary Beth 116 Murphy, Michael 101 Murphy, Patrick 101 Murphy, Sarah 101 Murphy, Timothy 109, 136 Murray, Mr. James Murray, Susan 56, 1 3, 8 Mutchiga, Marie 101 Mydlowski, Ramona 101 Nadler, Joseph 56 Nadler, Joyce 1 09 Nager, Urs 1 09 Nalbone, Barbara 1 01, 141, 194 Nalbone, Dean 101 Nalbone, Frank 116, 143 Nalbone, Wayne 109 Nann, Michael 1 09 Napoleon, Joseph 1 09 Natriello, Christopher 109 Nelson, Christopher 1 09 Nerwinski, Patricia 1 01 Nevius, Dianne 101 Newman, Brian 116 Nichitel Kathleen 58, 146 Nichitel, Paul 1 09 Nicholson, Lewis 116, 130, 169, 186 Nicholson, Martin 58, 130, 131, 132, 177, 197 Nigh, Carol 109, 110 Nigh, Linda 58, 136, 141, 192 Nini, Banbina 109 Nitti, Robert 57, 58, 68, 177, 178, Nizolek, Joseph 116, 134 N izolek, Nancy 109 Nobile, Dorothea 109 Nobile, Rose Marie 58, 120, 140 Nora, Sister Mary 12, 1 05 Norton, Harry 3, 98, 101, 130, 167, 188, 189, 184 Netta, Jane 58, 141 Notta, John 1 16, 186 Netta, Stephen 1 09 Novak, Barbara 116 Nowalinski, Barbara 58, 140 Nutt, Frank 1 09 Obduski, Cynthia 109 O ' Brien, Michael 116, 186 Obstarczyk, Dennis 59 O'Donnell, Joann 109, 139 O'Donnell, Kathleen 101 O'Donnell, Marguerite 101, 192 O'Donnell, Marie 109 O'Donnell, Mark 59 O' Donnell, Sharon 116 O'Hara, Karin 109 Olesak, JoAnne 59, 82, 141 Olszewski, Mary Joan 116 O'Malley, Maureen 101, 141, 149 O'Mara, Maureen 109, 137, 192 O'Neill, Catherine 116 Opsut, Robert 116 Opsut, Thomas 59, 83, 130, 131, 197 O'Reilly, Dennis 117 O'Reilly, Eileen 59, 140, 149 Orzol, Raymond 117 Osborn, Janice 59, 137, 146, 147, 149, 197 Osborn, Judith 117, 146 O'Shea, Barry 1 17, 182 O'Shea, John 109, 181 O'Shea, Michael 59 O'Shea, Patrick 1 17 Ostaszewski, Kathleen 109 Ostaszewski, Michael 117, 169 Ostrowski, Bernadette 117 Ostrowski, Edward 60, 82, 141, 145, Ostrowski, John 117









Ostrowski, Robert 117 Ostrowski, Ronald 1 01 Ottaggio, Emanuele 92, 109 Ottaggio, Mrs. Maria J. 24 Ott, Anne 101, 194, 195 Owcarz, Stephen 101, 176 Ozga, Kenneth 1 17 Pagano, Lucille 98, 101 Paglione, Michael 105, 107, 109, 130, 154, 188 Paixao, Judith Ann 96, 105, 109 Palenchar, Mrs. Mary 17, 82, 132, 144 Palla, Maria 60, 138 Pallard, Louis 60 Palombo, Carol 101 Panella, Mr. William 13, 182 Pappano, Nicholas 109 Paroby, Kathleen 109, 1 35 Paroby, Maureen 117 Parr, Wendy 1 01 Parson, Calleen 60, 78 Parson, Craig 87, 1 09, 184 Parsons, Mrs . Rita 22 Passanza, Diane 101 Pastor, Patricia 117, 119, 146 Patrizi, John 109 Patrone, Lynda 60 Patykula, Walter 101, 173, 183 Paul, Maria 60, 74 , 142 Pazdan, Christine 60 , 128, 130, 131, 133, 145 Pazdan, Dianne 109 Pazdan, Edward 16, 60 Pecena, Maria 109 Perferi, Nancy 1 01 Perfetti, Angela 11 0 Perone, Andrea 1 10 Perrine, Diane 60, 1 37, 148, 149, 190, 191 Perrine, Nannette 117 Petersack, Vincent 11 0, 184 Petito, Joann 11 0 Petito, Theresa 61 , 146 Petrina, Sister Mary 1 5 Petrino, John 101, 188 Petro, Christine 1 01 Petro, Richard 11 7 Petrone, Diane 1 01 Petroni, Bernadette 11 7, 195 Petrucciona, Mary 101 Petrus, Ellen 61 Petrus, Robert 77 Petty, Janice 83, 1 01, 139 Pfieffer, Joanne 61, 138 Pfieffer, Maryanne 117 Pflieger, Joan 117 Phillips, Steven 101 Philips, Walter Ill 61 Picarello, Martin 117 Piccalella, Patricia 11 0 Piechota, Barbara 61, 141 Piekarski, Christine 101, 195 Piekielniak , Melanie 117 Pierzanowski, Mary Ann 11 0 Pietras, John 117 Pietras, Kathleen 61, 133, 140, 149, 164, 190, 191' 195 Pietras, Norman 117 Pine, Richard 61 , 146 Pinelli, Edmund 110, 171 Pinelli, JoAnn 61, 83 Piotrowski, Joseph 117 Pitonak, Gregory 89, 101 Plaag, Raymond 11 7 Plaag Robert 62 Place, William 186 Plaza, Loretta 1 01 Plumeri, Anthony 117 Plumeri, Joseph 117, 173 Pluta, Janice 62 Pacetti, Camille 62 Pacetti, James 110, 138, 167, 184 Pacetti, Judy 110

Pollard, Louis 62 Pontani, Maria 110, 192 Porter, Mr. Walter 21, 155, 166, 167, 196 Potkay, Douglas 110, 181 Potocki, Lorraine 62, 145 Povlitz, Susan 117 Powell, Kimberly 117 Price, Karen 62, 137, 153, 163, 190, 191 Price, Marianne 117 Prignoli, Mr . John 197 Procaccini, Raymond 110 Prokop, Mary 110, 135, 190 Prouty, Nancy 117 Przechacki, Francis 117 Pugliese, Rocco 77, 110, 188 Pulcini, Joan 117 Pulcini, Patricia 62, 149, 194 Puliti, Joseph 110, 135, 136, 173, 185, 186 Quin, William 110 Quinlan, Peggy Ann 110, 135 Quinlan, James 117 Radar, Mrs. Jeanne 16, 78 Radar, William 117, 124, 174, 176, 177, 186 Radlinsky, Mrs. Ann 24, 25 Radlinsky, David 89, 101, 161 Radlinsky, Mr. Paul 24 Rafferty, Daniel 28, 62, 151, 183, 197 Rafferty, James 117, 169 Ranaldo, Lee 1 01 Ranfone, Claire 101 Ranieri, Reverend Ralph F. 126 Rank, John 11 0 Ranon, Severin 117 Ranutkowski, John 101 Raymond, Lillian 63, 137, 147 Raymond, Sister Mary 19, 79, 89, 143 Raywood, Margaret 110, 135 Reef, Christopher 87, 1 10 Regan, Kathleen 101, 104, 190, 194 Reilly, Charles 117, 182 Reilly, Kathleen 101, 149, 192, 193 Reilly, Robin 110 Reimer, Alice 10, 26, 57, 63, 91, 130, 140, 149 Reiss, Most Reverend John C., J.C.D. 6 Remboske, Alfred 117 Rendemonti, Eileen 63 Renter, Susan 3, 63, 86, 134, 141 Repko, Martin 101 Resmick, Eileen 117 Resmick, Susan 110, 138 Reuter, Dennis 1 01, 134 Rhoades, Terry 28, 63, 171, 177 Ricciardelli, Albert 101 Richter, Henry 11 0, 1 35, 167 Riggs, Deborah 11 0 Ritzo, Marie 1 01, 144 Robak, Dennis 117 Robbilard, Judith 110 Robertiello, John 63, 130, 131, 145, 167, 197 Robinson, Charlotte 110 Rocco, Susan 117 Roche, Thomas 63 Rock, Deborah 1 01 Rodweller, Martha 87, 118 Rohr, Sister Katherine 15, 136 Romano, Paula 1 05 Romano, Frank 110, 135 Romeo, Eileen 3, 63, 141, 146, 151 Ronan , Reverend Hugh 11, 76 Rooney, Patricia 1 01 Rosa ire , Sister Mary 10, 77 Rose, Laureen 64, 1 32, 153 Roslowski, Marie 101 Rosse!, Mr. Donald 9 Rossi, Patricia 64, 141 Rossi, Miss Susan 21 Runfola, Valerie 118 Rouba, Duane 118

Roxland, Cynthia 11 0 Rudnicki, Grace 88, 118 Ruehle, Herbert 118, 161, 173 Rulkiewicz, Elaine 103 Russel, Patrick 15, 103 Rutkowski, Henry 64 Rutkowski, Linda 110 Rutkowski, Ronald 110 Ryan, Kathleen 11 0 Ryan, Richard 118 Ryan, Roberta 64, 144 Ryan, Virginia 118, 138 Rychlicki, Helen 64 Rychlicki, Marianne 103 Sabolchy, William 64, 140, 145, 188, 189 Sackett, John 1 03 Sadkowski, Carol 11 0 Sadkowski, Christine 110, 192 Sadley, Ronald 103 Sadovy, Joan 64 路saFranko, John 118 Safaga, Mary Sue 103 Santanello, Vincent 1 03 Santaniello, Alfred 111 Saproni, Jeanette 111 Saums, Eileen 1 11 Saville, Patricia 118 Sawka, Beverly 103 Sayre, Dcnna 1 03 Scalia, Toni 103 Scanlon, John 64, 163 Scarlata, John 3, 65, 142, 155 Scarva, Charlotte 111 Schellinger, Richard 107, 111 Schmierer, Anne Marie 118 Schmierer, Thomas 103 Schrader, Edward 11 8, 1 30, 169 Schreier, Marlane 103 Schreier, Nicholas 118 Schrieber, Lorraine 65 Schuler, Carolyn 118 Schulwitz, Walter 65, 135 Schulze, Reverend William F. 7 Schuster, Michael 118 Sciarotta, JoAnn 1 03 Sciarrotta, Maryann 111 Scopelliti, Samuel 118 Scott, Jean 65 Scott, Suzanne 111 Scarantino, Eileen 111 Sebastiani, Ronald 105, 111, 181, 188 Seiler, Scott 1 11 Seiler, William 103, 170, 171, 188 Semeta, Anna 111, 137 , 139 Semonick, Thomas 103, 174 Servis, Norman 1 18 Sharp, James 111 Sharpe, Anne 65, 145 Sheaffer, David 1 18 Sheaffer, William 103 Shelingoski, JoAnn 65 Shelingoski, Linda 1 18 Shelley, James 118 Shento, John 65 , 137 Sheperd, Donna 1 07, 1 1 1, 154, 190 Shimski, John 29, 65 Shipley, Sharon 118, 1 38 Sidur, Margaret 111 Sieben, James 1 03 Sikorski, Kathryn 110, 111 Sikorski, Ronald 11 1 Sikofski, Brian 118, 138 Simone, John 1 1 1, 188 Simonelli, Marie 111 Simzak, Marybeth 1 1 8 Simzak, Nicholas 111, 161 Sista, Charles 1 1 1, 167, 188 Sista, Karen 1 03 Siwczak, Genevieve 103 Skarpetowski, Robert 57, 111, 181 Skirzywski, Gary 66 Skroumbelos, Nicholas 80, 103


Skwara, Frank 103, 184 Slackter, John 66 Slackter, Thomas 103 Slavin, Margaret 66 Slowikowski, Marianne 103 Smiczak, Joanne 118 Smith, Carol 111, 137, 138 Smith, Christopher 57, 66, 68, 177, 178, 179, 183, 197 Smith, Claudia 1 18 Smith, Edward 57, 66, 68, 177, 178, 180, 183 Smith, Sister Eileen Claire 17, 84, 85, 125 Smith, Gregory 29, 66, 80, 132, 135, 154, 174, 177, 186 Smith, Harriet 1 18 Smith, John 118 Smith, Leslie 118 Smith, Mark 111, 135, 167, 186 Smith, Mary 111 Smith, Patricia 1 11 Smith, Raub 118 Smith, Shelly 111 Smolka, Alfreda 66 Smolka, Lillian 103 Sobon, Paul 111 Sochalski, Henry 66, 171 Sodomin, Michael 103 Solan, Katherine 103 Soltis, Maryann 76, 103 Sopko, Dolores 1 11 Sorento, Joann 111, 135, 145 Series, Frank 66, 76, 135, 139, 161 Spanicciati, Luis 1 18 Speher, Carol 11 8 Spera, Rosemary 11 1 Spitz, Michael 117, 118, 130, 169, 186 Spitz, William 103, 167, 177, 186 Spitzer, Karen 67 Spitzer, Lisa 1 11 Spitzer, Lynn 111 Stambaugh, Patrick 103 Stankevich, Mark 1 1 1 Stankowski, Karen 118 Stankowski, Sharen 1 18 Stansky, Eileen 111 Stanton, Louise 103 Stark, Judith 67, 128, 137, 140, 149 Stavitski, Irene 67 Stawecki, Mrs. Marlene 21 Stec, Susan 1 18 Stella, Sister Mary 20, 93 Stelle, Louis 11 8 Stephan, John 111, 130, 167, 181 Stephenson, Karin 103, 194 Stepowany, Mary 2, 67, 141 Stewart, Richard 118 Stewart, Ronald 118 Stilwell, Frank 95, 103 Stinger, Sharon 103 Stives, Timothy 118 Stoka, Mrs. Mary 12 Stout, Mary Jeap 103 Stay, Deborah 67, 81, 137 Strano, Diane 11 0, 111 Strapp, Barbara 82, 98, 103, 135, 194 Struck, Joan 118, 195 Strycharz, Theodore 67 Stryker, Catherine 111, 138 Sudol, Martin 111, 167 Suhay, Lucille 103 Supel, Linda 26, 67, 147, 148, 149 Sweeney, Sister Helen 11, 98 Sweeney, John 103 Swiecki, Marianne 85, 118, 136, 138 Swieconek, Richard 57, 67, 68, 163, 170, 172, 178, 188, 189, 197 Swieconek, Susan 111, 149, 192 Swierczek, John ·103, 167 Swiniuch, Mrs. Mary 24 Syper, Theresa 69, 83 Szalony, JoAnn 69, 136 208

Szelingowski, Frank 103 Szul, Elaine 3, 69, 130, 136, 149, 197 Szymelewicz, Joan 69, 86, 139, 141 Szymelewicz, Kathy 1 1 1 Szymelewicz, Nancy 83, 118, 139 Tackacs, Barbara 87, 111 Tagliaferri, Raymond 29, 69, 155, 166, 167, 177 Tamasi, Carol 111, 138 Taranowicz, Catherine 105, 110, 111, 136 Taranowicz, Patricia 69, 120, 125, 139, 141, 149 Tartaglia, Christine 28, 69, 140, 146, 148, 149 Taylor, Dianne 118 Taylor, Raymond 103 Teague, Jeffrey 69, 89, 167 Tedder, Mr. Howard 133 Tennyson, Aileen 117, 118 Tennyson, Mary 103, 136 Terraciano, Michael 118, 182 Tete, Mr. Joseph 21, 95 Teti, Edward 103 Theile, Sharon 111, 1 36 Thoma, Anthony 57, 68, 103, 167, 178, 180 Thomann, Barbara 70 Thul, Reverend Joseph T. 9, 196 Tillstrom, Robert 92, 111, 161 Tinge, Timothy 111 Tiscione, Mary Ann 98, 103, 149, 192 Tiscione, Robert 111, 188 Tobiacz, David Tocco, Franca 103, 192 Tokoly, Daniey 70, 141 Tomaszewski, Steven 29, 70, 151, 166, 167, 177, 188 Tomsho, Jill 103, 194 Tonne, Patricia 70, 144 Toomey, Ann 118 Toph, Elizabeth 118 Toto, Rosemary 111, 138 Tuliszewski, Patricia 103, 194 Turano, Richard 118 Turco, Joseph 118 Turski, Christine 103 Trainor, Maureen 111 Trakowski, Ronald 118 Tramontana, James 111 Tramontana, Joseph 92, 111 Tripp, Colleen 103, 137 Ullrich, Helen 103 Ungrady, Mr. John 186 Urban, Michael 103 Usera, Jose 118 Vaccaro, Lorraine 118, 195 Vaccaro, Phyllis 70, 197 Vagnozzi, Michelle 118, 136, 144 Van Hise, James 70 Van Hise, Patrice 118 Vannella, Elaine 118 Van Sant, Paul 118 Van Wagner, Christopher 118, 169 Van Wagner, Robert 111, 173 Varga, Richard 70, 89, 183, 188 Vaugh, Susan 103 Vavricka, Christopher 103, 167 Vecere, Gail 111 Veltri, Alfred 118 Veltri, Angela 70, 90, 138, 197 Verde, Diane 71, 197 Verde, Paulette 103, 192 Vereb, Larry 103 Vereb, Michael 71 Vereb, Valerie 71, 81 Veronica, Sister Mary 1 5 Viglione, Marietta 111 Viteritto, Anthony 1 1 1 Vizzini, Francine 111 Vayda, Patricia 118 Waldron, Sister Margaret Ann 18, 147 Wallace, Mr. Michael 11

Wallbridge, Peter 118, 173, 185 Wallover, Donald 71, 197 Wallover, Karen 71, 130, 145 Walsh, Laurette 111 Warasky, Debra 96, 118, 194 Weber, Michael 111, 171, 188 Weir, Kevin 111,161,173 Weitz, Mrs . Lorraine 22 Weitz, Paul 103 Welch, Cynthia 111, 136 Wells, William 71, 77 Wenczel, Walter 103 Werner, Gabriela 1 11 Wesley, Mark 118, 184 Westerman, Mr. James 24 Wetzel, John 111 Whartenby, Joseph 103 White, Diane 103 White, Thomas 118 Wiaczek, Bernadette 103 Wiaczek, Eve 118 Wiater, Joan 71 Widener, Nancy 111 Wierzbicki, Hedwig 118 Wilk , George 103, 183 Wilkes, John 118 Williams, Stephanie 71 Williams, Mr. Thomas 18 , 87, 183 Willie, James 111, 188 Wilson, Edward 118 Winiarski, Kathleen 111, 136, 137 Winkler, Ave Maria 2, 72 , 137, 139, 140, 149 Wirpsza, Helen 1 18 Wisniewski, Janice 103 Wisniewski , JoAnn 72, 145 Wisniewski , John 111, 186 Wisniewski, Joseph 118, 169 Wisniewski, Steven 1 03 Wisniewski, Theodore 72, 87, 177 Witkowski, Matthew 103 Wojeek, Thomas 72, 170, 171, 177, 197 Wojtowicz, Fred 72, 167, 177 Wolak, John 111 Wolfe, Patricia 5, 72, 86, 128, 140 Wolski, Frank 118 Wood, Patricia 111, 136 Woods, Maureen 11 8 Worth, John C. 184, 185 Worth, John 103 Wozniak, Michael 118 Wozniak, Pamela 103 Wroblewski, Frances 73 Wszolek, Robert 7 3 Wucinski, Nancy 111, 144 Wucinski , Susan 7 3, 137, 144 Wurpel, John 103, 161 Wyers, Janet 103 Wylie, Robert 73, 186 Wysienski, Patrick 103 Yacullo, Barbara 111, 192 Yaros, Mrs . Mary 24 Yeakle, Thomas 118, 169, .186 Yuhas, Nancy 111 Zabawa, JoAnn 103 Zagorzycki, Maria 11 1 Zamborsky, John 111, 11, 172, 188 Zamparelli, Debra 111, 135, 190, 197 Zanoni, Dannie 118 Zanoni, Ronald 73, 197 Ziemba, Julius 118 Zimmer, Charles 103, 167, 177 Zimmer, George 111, 188 Zimmer, Patricia 73 Zimpleman, John 103 Zoltanski, Christopher 103 Zombeck, Barbara 103 Zucze'k, Francis 1 1 1 Zuczek, Robert 111, 188 Zukas, Marion 11 8, 144 Zukowski, Lawrence 57, 68, 103, 166, 167, 168, 177, 178, 179, 188 Produced


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Sister Miriam Therese Winter Medical Mission Sisters

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