Notre dame high school canticle 1974web

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Notre Dame High School Trenton, New Jersey Volume XIV


To care about·others .


gives life meaning if we speak to stranger$ . - . : . and listen-, ,too .. -. if we weren't af_raiq to show that we care-

'Dedication - Mr. Bob B~gdal ... . for beings ' 'Bugs" . . . a man who d~es more than what his job calls {or ' . . . co-'Ordinating student activities ,· . . respected.for his ability to cope with problems . .. p-roviding discipline when needed . . . reasoning and deciding . . . organizing the Discipline and · Boards . .. c.on.cerned about ALL students . .. advising us, showing us ways to help ourselves : .. moderating the Student Government .. . ·guiding and, assisting with special events ... teaching Hi~tory and doing everything else besides .. .moonlighting at H & R Block ... dedicated to making Notre Dame a place for both living and learning ... serving as be~ tween students and administration ... frustration . . . pers~st_en·c~ . .. accomplishment . . . ' expecti~g us to accept responsibility ·. . . tre.ating students as adults . . .. tha'nks for caring . ...

For me Notre Dame means many things - 路this year especially it came tO- mean smoking in the lavatories, ~ truant from school and a number of other problems. However, it would not be fair to state that these are my only impressions; for, taken as a whole, my teaching at Notre Dame has been a most rewarding experience for me. It pleases me to see a student progress from a lost freshman ; to a mature senior; a student who has problems overcome them and become a contributing .part of our Notre Dame community.

There are still, however, those students who do not make it through the four years and not every facet of education at N.D. is perfect but there have been many changes here over the years. Since I have been here as a student ('65) and teacher, I must say that most of the change has been positive. To . me, we seem to be moving toward making N.D., not an educational utopia, but at least a concerned community of teachers and students who want to see each other succeed here and in life.

Page 8/Top Right: Tom , Boyd, Mr. Sal Sciarotta, Paul Karns, Ted Zegarski. Middle Left: Night Fbotball Game. Middle Right: Diane Olech, Kathy Faherty. Bottom .Left-: dan Byrne Representativ~, Miss Patricia路 Grant. Bottom Right: Jean Reres, Ralph Gallo. Page 9/Top: Thanksgiving., Floats. Uppe'r Middle Left: Glenn Metzger, Luch -Cortina, Tom Dolan. Miqdle Right: Mr. Pl}l~ mer~ Lower 'Middle Left: Paula Apgar, Sharqn Rojek, Karen Greber, Donna Secret ado. Bottom: ') un(or Ring Day.

BLUE AND WHITE DAY . : . tciking up -another colle<;tion for homeroom decorafions ... preparing to give the 'homeroom a "blue and whit~" face lift ... staying afte'r·· schciol the day befhre - · for three hours! ... catching th~ "_fever" ... 9- A's manikin spirit" boo~te~ trying to' ~core a . goal ... "I ran nut of- m'asking-tape!" . :,. the _pr:e-8: 15 ru~h .for blue and white· balloons ... ''We're not ready yet!" ... getti-ng judged anyway .-... takin~ pride in your homeroom : .. 10-B' s menu · for success .. ·.· Seymour's Icebox, Felicia's beautiful window display ... blue and .white crepe-p~per plastered everywhere . , ·_- desks in the power sweep formation- : .. 11-F:s pint-size goal post .... · Physics tab turned into a football field . . . getting into .· the . spirit' of :Blue ~nd White Day . . . str.inging a Ewing dummy fr_om the lights ... having your homeroom · teache,r impers~nate ~ football ... .d-e corating lockers .... , . balloons and Varsity stars hanging from the ceiling .. . "Green shamrocks! ?1·! This is Blue and -White pay~" .. . 12-A' s life-like field ... bopping to the music of the Prus~ian ·Blue ... uni.t ed·in Irish spirit ... freeztng the Devils . . . taking ~own decoratioqs, but keeping up the spirit . . . · ·

PEP RALLIES "Hey, there's a pep r_ally at the end of the· day! " ··You mean w'e don't get out 'of class?" .. ·. trying to recruit people to play· parts !n skits . .. "This is Howard Cosell" ... directing traffic into the gym .. ·. trying to·chee'r ·while your books and youF coat fall through the bleachers . .'. "Are you goipg .to the game!' ... " What game?'! ·.. . cheerlead~rs and team members wearing tea~ uniforms instead of -school uniforms .. : trying hard :to get people to che~r . . . · .. GIVE ME AN I!" ... always defeating the opponent 'i n an '. imitation game. ... watching a button hole pass play down the basketball court ... ·:Get y'otir spirit . hats here! " ... getting a pep talk from team· captains and coaches ... · Band, Drill . Team, Color Guard; and Majorettes performing t~gether ' in confined quart-ers . . . " Hey, you're marching into the bleachers!" .' .. being pr-~ud to stand up fo~ .the team .... "F-1-G-H-T, ~fight Irish 'f ight" · ... yelling _till y~ur . lungs .a che even - though those around you aren't ... leaving school "up" for the game ... "We've got the whol~ school on our side!" · -

Pa·ge 10/Upper Left: Miss Glendon. Het1ry Reynplds : Top: Felicia Sevilla. Middle: Tlw spirit of ll-E. .Bottom: ll-C's support for the Irish. Page ll / Top Left: Memorial for a· defe3.ted PrjncNon Tiger. Top Right: Joan l\l<~ckin. Keith ElH~ him. Bottom: Donna DeCara . Bottom Right:' · Linda Lepper._Naticy Gagliardi. Roberta \Valbridge .

ia: The Navy Band performed during November, playidg many路 .popular so.ngs . The American Theatre Company appeared in early De'~ember, presentj;ng ' "The Wotlq We ' Live In," an ' a路musing 'Pllntomime .of the world's prog~essiv'~ life l)tyl_es . ' ' 路 Pages 12 And

THANKSGIVING WEEKEND ... ' "Irish. number one,y' _., . : f~otball pl~yers. turned movie~tars .. ·. ''This is Rona Barrett here! " ·... dress rehearsal football on a basketball court .. , N.D. ~s short guys playing St.. Anthony's part : . . , " Is ·s t.. Anthony' s·.really that ·unco-ordinated?" ... a standing ova:tion -for Father Nolan ·.· ·. '' No bonfire?" ... early morning Mass for thanks ... hoping Hamilton wo~ld ' lose ... -praying for the best .. . breaking through the big, bl~e star .... alumni reunion .. . "Hey, how ya doin ' ? J haven't seen you sin.c e gradu·ation!" ... official N.D. ski hats with porn poms· . .. Greg Adkins returning to play in - t~~ final· game ... " FLOATS!" ... participation · ma~es Frosh' s Charlotte's Web the winner ... "Where did the··Sophomores get that truck?-" ... can-can dancers, lollipops, b~lloons and·Old Saint Nick, ... action-filled haJf time performance -... St. Anthony's proJessional band play·ing while N.D. _leads in th.e game. ... Taylor gets his .100. yards .. .' decorating - ' ·· stapling panic-hu.tes to the ceiling ' ... standing _room orily ... co·unting down Voyda' s yards to the county·record ... becoming-Steinert fans .. .. winning the g.ame ·and the Merc~r County Title .. . " Fi, nal'score :- N.D.-34: St. Anthony's-16!" :, .. Irish do it again ... "Friday.Night at the Semi" ... ·cafeteria iness h_all turned old-time tnovie theater ... "Is this our cafeteria?" ... voqng, : .. "The .C oq- t~_nental Fiv.e '~ ... not only 'feeling_suave_ a~d· sophisticated, but _looking it ... Seymore Goodyear Awards ... Tom , · Mike and_Bruce ... director's chairs ·and red roses ... cheerlea~ers with photo. gr~phs as momentos -... .field Hockey' s l~ading iady.:....:. Ms. Amy Barth ... video-taped intermissfon · of-the teams ~n action ...·- .. ..a perfect en·d to a seas-on .· .. "can't be number two! " ... · . . _l,




Page 14/Middle Left: Freshman Class Float, Sandy Young, Patti Burke. Middle Right: Sophomore Class Float. Bottom Left: Senior Class Float, Marybeth Stach.o wicz, Diane Kmiec, Joan Mackin, Mary Jo Wetzel, John Antinoro, John DiColo, Amy Barth, Trish Leadem. Bottom Right: Junior Class Float, Bob Hernandez. Page 15/Top Left: Karen Greber, Lynn Sutton, Danny Collins, John Cot a.' John Taylor, Kathy Stevulak, Sharon Kojek, Donna DeCara. Top Right: Jim Manley, Fr:Hlcine Hardison, "Emmanuel Morealle, Joan Mackin. Middle ' Left: Amy Barth, Jim Root, Mike Shaddow, Peggy Calamia, BrtJce Angebranndt, Sharon Rojek. Middle Right: Ann Shelly. Bottom: Tom Voyda . -路


Page 18/ Top Left: Co ll ee n H ea rn ey, C hri stin e Agocs, Ka re n Co nfoy. Top Right: Paul M iggott , Glori a Kl e inm a n , J ac ki e Ro b e rso n. Bottom Left: Be th H agge rty , 1 a ri e Aquilin o, El a in e DiYi a , Jud y H a n son , C ind y Anto ni e wi cz. Bottom Right : D o nn a Sera fin e , Ba rba ra D o mura t, M a uree n Gree r. Page 19/ 9A/ Top Left / FRO N T ROW : Ala n Bee lit z, J e ff Ant o ni e \\'i cz , Casey Bi e lski , J ohn Bed a rd , Bill All e n, Scott Ad a m s, Ke nn y Alfo rd , Jim Bax t e r. M I DOLE ROW (SITTI NG): Ka th y Andreo li , Jud y Bre nn a n, J o hn Blu s n avage , C ind y Ant o ni e wi cz, M a ri a Aquilin o, Alec ia Alst o n, Fl o re n ce Ba ke r. BAC K ROW : Di a n na Abb ott , J e n n ife r Beze k, Th e resa Be res , De bra Aga biti , C hri s Bas ic, Mi c h ae l Bodn a r, Fred Bow n a n, Rom eo Ba uti sta , Anth o n y Am er i, J erom e Bi g h a m , M a r y Ba th , Ka re n Bo nt ya , Tim oth y And e rso n , Kev in Be rt o n e. Left: Ro b e rt F oy. Right: Ka re n Cas t a ld o, Eu ge ne M cCa rth y, Ka thv Murph y, Ali Ca mp o, M a ri e Aq uilin o, E la in e Di Yia, J ud y H a n so n, Be th H agge rt y .


9-B/Top/FRONT ROW: Cary Coluccio, Bob Burns, Jim Cochran, Pat Chambe rlin , Pierre Brown, Jim Ciccone, Steve Bruccolcri, t\1ichael Clancy, Vincent Campo. M I DOLE RO l , IS ophcr Buzzelli , M ichcle Buckley, Denise Cotman en Conno ll y, Barbara Coffee, Patti Burke, Judy Crive lli , Ret Carney, Karen Casta ld o, Jane Cychowski , Shawn Conway, Debbie Conne ll y, Ali Campo. BACK ROW: Caro lyn Cortez, Donna Corbin , Kathleen Csogi , Karen Confoy, Colleen Confoy, Denise Cariello, Cay Chiarel lo, Antoinette Cuiu lc , Lois Cappiello, Tina Carnevale, Ann Carlin. Debbie Cameron, Linda Conley, There sa Cuomo.


9-C / Bottom / FRONT ROW: William Dzicmin s ki , Christopher Di e tri c h , Dale Ducko, Barr\' Dekis, Martin Dickson, Robert Dutko. SECOND ROW : Robert Danka , J~dio DelCastillo, Eileen Evans , Joann Elmo , Barbara Domurat, Carol Ann Drazek , Anthony DiDomeni co, Mi c ha e l DiBe ll a. THIRD ROW : Ann 1arie Ecker, Michele Everett, Kath e rin e Eng , M on ica Farrell , Sharon Dura, Cynthia Fcrrare, ancy Descot ca u. Christine Durcanin, Thoma s Fell . Michael Dziura. BACK ROW : J~dia Enerson , Celia Eli e, Sophie Czerwinski, t\1ary Edward s, Susan Dill , Donna 00\'gala, Sarabeth Egan , Elaine Di\'ia .

9-D / Top / FRONT ROW: Patrick Foran , Gregory Giordano , Eugene Golab , Don Crochala, Gene Gallo, John Forman, Mark Cates . SECOND ROW : Boni Gallo, Marv Beth Gillin , Maureen Creer , Vaness~ Greene , Eileen Flvnn , Pamela Crussler, Lucy Fonda, Sandr~ Fullwood, Lois Fitton . THIRD ROW : Patrick Fidanza, Kathv Griffin , Terri Cant, Pamela Fowler, F~ances Festa, Peggy Criscavage, Pamela Foroler, Kathy Fitzpatrick. BACK ROW: Anthony Cramegna, Bruno Ciuliari, Anthony Grimsley, James Fitzpatrick, Doug Fisher, Robert Foy, Alberto Gonzalez, Russ Freeman, Tom Goeke , Charles Foundas.

9-E / Bottom / FRONT ROW : Bill Houston , Bob Harhigh , Carl Ippolito, Steve Henry , Allen Hancock, Chris Haas. SECOND ROW : Judy Halko, Janet Hanson , Francine Hardison , Renee Guidotti , Beth Haggerty, Angela Hayes, Colleen Harney , Maureen Hayman, Lucy Heinzel Lisa Heckman, Denise Herdman, Joseph Immordino. FOURTH ROW : Robert Hall , Tom Hagadorn , Kathy Horan , Alison Hughes , Judy Hanson , Cathy Hearnev, Michael Haltmeyer. BACK ROW : Rosemary Horesko, Angela Harri son, Darlene lrv,in , Joseph Hollo, Harold Hall, Frank lnvcrso, 1ary Hunt , John Hartman .


9-F/ Top/ FRO TROW : Patri cia Ki e rn a n, Di ane Kaytu s, Kim J ohn so n, J ean ne Ker r, i\1argaret Kl ebe r, Elizabeth Konop ka, Kat hl een Kl e k. SECOND ROW : Debo rah Koc hi s, J acq ue lin e J as iens ki , Christine KontcJro \\路icz, 1ary Tin a Kahn y, Gloria Kl einmann , J ennife r Klim , Maria Ke ll y, Di a ne Kontorowi cz. THIRD ROW: Bri a n Keyes, J ohn Klein , Doug las Kopec, Josep h Kond as h, Ri cha rd Kl emann . BAC K ROW : Thomas J acobs, Ed\\'ard Klu zne r, Rob e rt Bri a n J ones, Dona ld Ka rp o\\'i ch, Stephen Kaytus .

9-G/Bottom / FRO T RO\\' : Charles Kratz , J e rry Lcva ndu ski , Ke nn eth Luther. Ecl\\'ard Kri sak. Jonathan La nd er. ~licha e l Luther. ~li c h ac l Long, J ercmai h Larkin, J ohn Krystanponi s. 11DDLE ROW : Cheryl Kovacs. Monica Lintott . Sharon IAnn . Diane K\\'ietniak . Ma rc ia Krisa nda, De ni se Leese, Karol Li e be r, Lynn Kozaki e wicz, Patri c ia Kos co, Debora h Ledger. RACK ROW : John Maleski . Stanle\路 Kor cyva. J ames Kostrzewa , Margo Lc\路sath, Susan Lcad em. Chen路l i\1accaroni , Shcrd Krupa , Theodore i\ l achiokk .


9-H / Top / FRO N T ROW : D ou g las l\1 cc kc l, J oe M a ru ca, Vin ce nt M e nd o la , D omini c M a ru ca, Joe M a rtil lotti , Ge ra rd M ea gh e r, Mi c h ae l M c D o " 路e ll. M I DOL E ROW : Pa t Mill e r, !\ I a uree n Mill e r, Lo rra in e M cCa rri c k, D e bra M a ru ca, J ea nin e M c Keeve r, D a rl e n e M esd ay , G a il M ar km a n , H e d,,路ig M a rtin o \\'i cz , Fl o re nce M e lk e r, D o nn a M es kill , D o nn a M e lk e r. BA C K ROW : Reg in a M a ur e r, Ni c k M e lli s, Tom M c D o n oug h, Pa ul M ig ut , Geo rge Mi c h a l a k , Jim Merlino , St eve M ompe r, T om M c M a nimon , Ri c h M a ri o n, Mik e l\1 c Ke nn a , John l\1 astr o ia nni , T e rry M as t e r, Lori M ax\\' e ll , D e br a M c Rob e rt s.

9- 1/ Bott o m / FRONT ROW : Cher ie Patrice ll i. Debbie Oba l, La \\'r ence M o rt o n , J oa n ~l orr i so n , Da vid Nava r ro, M a n 路 :\nn i\1uol o . Sue Novatko\\' s ki. SECON D ROW : J e nn ifer Osho rn , La \\'r e nce Pa t riz i, J o h n Mur p h y, Ca thl ee n Ow e r~ . Lind a Pa rh a m . i\1ichae l Mudd . Ka rla Naij lc , J oann Pa lutis , Pam Pete rso n. T IIIRD ROW : J im Petr in o, Beve rh路 Papp, Lind a Murphy , ;-..t ark i\1orrison , Su san Patrone, i\1ichae l i\1yd lo\\'s ki , Alexande r Pet rin o, Di ane Ol ec h. BA C K ROW : Donn a Pe tron e. Regin a i\ l ue h lei se n, J ames 0 ' Grady . Ro lando Perez, Bre nd a Pa uL Scott Pet rozz ini , Ca th y M urphv , i\1a nu e l Ortiz .


9-J / Top/FRONT ROW: Richard Ragany, James Rivera, Jackie Powell, Elaine Pitonyak, Frank Richardson , Renee Reali, Lorraine Rak , Cathv Quinn , John Roland , Cath\' Rudge , Cheryl Rafalski. SECO D ROW: James Rojas, Jackie Roberson , Ronald Rak , Debbie Reh , J ames Rebman, James Rebbeck . Debbie Reed . Timoth\' Ruberto , Robert Rhoades . BACK ROW : Rodne\ Ruth erford, .Da\\'n Purcell, Dominic Recine . t\lan路 Proc acc ini , .Jeffre\ Ri ce. John Raines. Barbara Plunkett, Jonette Pierce. lsma c l Ri\' era, Stephanie Pirozzi , Jean Rere~ .


9-K / Bottom /F RONT ROW: Katie Smith , Mary Ann Stec. Peggy Seiler, Gloria Sanderson, Annette Scott, Sand\' Serock. t\1an路 L\'nn Sachetti , Toni Frazier . SECOND ROW.: Jim Springe;, Donna Shurgala. Maureen Shelly, Vincen t Se\'erino, Anthon~ Spera, Dave Shaddo\\', Joe Smith, t\1i c ha e l R\路an . THIRD RO\\': Sue Samonski, Tina Ste\\'art. Jan Secrdario, Pegg~ Stephan . Donna Serafine. Lena Sola. BACK RO\\' : John Sanderson. Deane Scales, i\1 ik e Sickler, Don Smith . Ken Schrader. Lenm Schaible. Tony Salvadore, Bill Saraceni , Jeff Schrader . .

9~L/ Top/ FRONT ROW: Julia Tot h. Kathleen Ticrne\', J and Tiffert , Linda S11 angler, Pamela Stoy , Janet Swistak , Linda Szedula , Gwen Takach . BACK ROW : Sharon Thomann . Mi c hele Tka cs. William Suffern, Daniel Sulli\an. ~1icha<'l Stn'ker, William Trakowski . Carol Tatton.

9-M / Bottom / FRONT ROW Ronald \ 't'rnon . John \\'alkl'r. Ira\\ oloff. William \ 'ckz. Ra1· \Vendrncki SECOND RO\\' : Ellen \\' a11Czak . Karen Zuzcck. Sandra Young . Katll\ lln.g aro. Sh~ron Waldron . Clarn1da l ' tle1·. Thcrc sa \ 'alatka . Jtl(lith Young . THIHI) ROW : ~larian THrcz1n . 1\('nata \\ ' oj c icchm\Ski . Kathlecn \\'alsh . Karcn \\ ' ildhlood . Tracie Williams , Carol Yousko . FOL 1 RTII ROW Francis Wharton . James Tratdll'. Charles Williams. Paul L1 ngrach . John \\'iacek . ~lichacl Yuhas . H11ssell \\'ehher. B.\CK HO\\' ~I ichael \\ 'asicle11 ski . Ed11 arc! Z11kas. Da1·id Tn•ad11 cll. Crcgon Zoltanski . Ed11 ard l 1 ll rich . Da1·icl \\' dzel.


FRESHMAN CLASS HISTORY ... "We've onl 路 begun" ... a fresh start ... feeling lost and lonely ... new faces ... Sister Charlotte -encouragement, motivation and supervision . .. Class of '77- it seems so far away ... President "Hags" getting down to business ... Freshman Day of Sharing - trailinwt the end of the line for refreshments instead of being squashed in the middle ... getting to know each other better .. . "Hey! Where'd all the food go?" ... Father Nolan's jokes during the sermlm ... Mass路 the courtyard .. . banners expressing our new friendship .. . "Lunch at ten-fifteen in the morning?!?" ... organizing car washes to raise money . . . Thanksgiving baskets for the poor ... being an itsy-bitsy f-reshman ... working hard for Blue and White Day ... getting i the spirit of Notre Dame ... grand prize for "Charlotte's Web," our Homecoming Float . . . successful Chris as project - aiding a family in trouble .. . donating a banner to the "new" chapel .. . making new friends and keeping old ones ... wanting to fit in ... enthusiastically collecting ads for the school play add ... becoming part of the" ightin Irish" ...

Page 26 / Freshman Thanksgiving Float: Cinch Antonie\\ icz. Barhara Domurat. Patti Burke, Judy Anderson . Maureen Greer. J ennifer Bezek . Page 27/ Top: Dan 1aru ca, Janet Secretario. ~tattreen :-.tiller. Renee Cuiclotti . Debbie ~taruca . Middle Left: Don 1-.: arpo\\ ich . :\1iddle Right: Juch Young . Ja c ki e Roberso n. Bottom: Dan Co llim. ~tonica ~tand . John Holmes . John Forman . J ackie Roberson .


Page 28/Top: Frosh Football at the line of scrimmage. Middle Left: Frosh Football Action . Middle Right: Don Karpm,·ich . Bottom: Frt·shman Football Team . FRONT ROW : AIIPn Han coc k. Kevin Bertone. Russell Freeman , John Kn·staponis. Ronn\' \'ernon. Lawrence Morton . Greg Giordano , John Raines . i\11 DOLE RO'vV: Dean Scales. Robert HaiL Joseph l aruca , William Tomsho , J ame~ O ' Grady. Ken Alford . Jim t\lerlino. Steve t\1ompcr. i\lichael Long. Jdfery Schrader. BACK ROW : t\lr. Barker. Tom t\lct\lanimon . i\1ike Sickler, Don Karpowich . David Treadwell , Gene Me Cart\', Alberto Gonzalez. Tim Anderson . Leon Schaible. Don Turgeon , Tom H agad~rn . Ron Zuk<l\\ski. Page 29/ Top Left FRONT ROW : John t\lurphy, Jim Springer. Jim Druria, Joe lmmordin o. Paul Ungrach . Brian Keyes. Dave Shaclclo,,·, Jim Kostre\\'za. BACK ROW : Jim Ciccone. John Walker. Rob Rhoaclc~ . John Hartm an . Torn Ja cobs . .Jern· i\leagher. Joe i\lartillotti . i\lark Morrison. Pat Foran . Coach John Archer. Top Right: Rob Rhoade\ . Left: Rob Rhoad c~ . Right: Jim Ciccone .



Page 30/Top/Freshman Basketbali/FHONT ROW: Mike Stryker, Russell Weber, Tony Salvadore, Jim Ciccone. \lcKcnna . SECO:\D RO\\' : Harold Hall. Kenn~ Alford . Chuck Foundom. Bill Allen. Tom Cocke. Coach :-.1 r. Jowph \\ ' n:'r~ . 13 .-\CK RO\\' : f3oh Rhoades. John Bedard. Paul L' ngrach. Tim Rulwrto. hmael Ri\'l路ra. Stan Korc\ \'a. :\Iiddle Left: hmael Ri\'C'ra . Right: \I ike \I cKcnna . Left: Tom Gocke. Coach \\\ers. \like \lcKenna. Jim Ciccone. Kenrl\ Alford . Page3l / Top: Donna Corbin . Loi~ Fitton. Janet Sccretario. Jennifer o~horn . \Iaureen \Iiller. ({enec Guidotti . Deni~c Cariello . Katie Smith. Chen I \laccaron i. \I ichele Buckle' . \Iiddle Right / Freshman Cheerleaders / FROl\'T RO\\' : Renee Guidotti. \lichele Buckle~. \llDDLE RO\\' : Janet Secrdario. Pat Kiernan , Jennifer O sborn . BACK ROW: Cher~ I :-.laccaroni. Lois Fitton . Katie Smith . Denise Cariello . Donna Corbin . Middle Left: Michele Buckle~ . Pat Kiernan . Bottom: Donna Corbin . Pat Kiernan. Lois Fitton . Janet Secrctario, Katie Smith . Jennifer Oc~JOrn . Renee Guidotti. Michele Buckley .



Father Thul . .. seven years of dedicated service ... working his way through the ranks ... Teacher ... Athletic Moderator , Religion Department Chairman, Guidance Counselor . . . Principal ... striving for more student involvement and greater appreciation of faculty and Administration .. . offering programs to help the student grow academically, physically, and spiritually . . . appreciation for all his efforts ... leaving Notre Dame for his first pastorate at Our Lady of Lourdes, Milltown ... Thank you . . .


Page 34 I Top Left: Father Thomas Luehking , Superintendent of Schools. Top Right: Mike :-doran with Bishop Reiss. Left: The t\lost Reverend John C. Reiss, C. D .. Aux ilian: Bishop of Trenton . Bottom: Carol R\'an \\'ith The t\1ost Reverend George \V . Ahr, S.T.D ., Bishop of Trenton .Pagc 35 I Top: Bishop Heiss . Bishop A hr. Right: Sister Mary Do rot he a, R. S.M ., Superv isor of Secondary Schools for Sisters of Mere\' .


DIOCESAN ADMINISTRATION ... a new Diocesan Superintendent, Father Luebking . . endless meetings with everyone about everything in every high school . .. encouraging deeper commitment to Christian principles .. . 路路 ls Bishop A h r there ? ? ?" . . . a II o cat i n g funds for school projects, helping us out appealing a Supreme Court decision on State Aid . .. Sister Mary Dorothea, Community Supervisor of Sisters of Mercy . . consulting , eva lu ating, recommending making decisions Christianity - not just taught, but lived .. .


SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION .. . decision making a desk piled high with probl e ms ... aware of stud e nt s' needs ... open door to all students with appointments . .. keeping th e facult y alive, well, and kicking . .. inte rvi ew ing one hundr ed teachers in one week ... "A noth e r sub stitution ?" . . . giving a Christmas part y ... twent y-two incorrect a tt e ndanc e slips ... club meetings any da y of th e week exce pt Monday, Tu esda y, Wednesday, and Frida y ... sharing id eas a nd opportunities . . . new Facult y-Student Disciplin e a nd Dress Boa rd s ... Mr. Bugdal , Student Activities Co-ordinator ... New J e rsey State Aid (Bake-sa les -:- 46 Dances X z 2 (raffl es )3 = $8639.00 . . . six fir e drills in one week . .. wondering if someone' s planning a fire .. . legal and illega l argyles arguing with bus dri ve rs . .. executive red tap e . .. m ys te riou s cl ass ro om observers .. . Activit y Period - 2 :00 - 2 :30 . .. b e ing acc id e ntall y m a rk ed absent and th en having to prove that yo u were ju st la te . . . initiation of th e Cad e t-T eac he rs Program . .. Mr. Verda I' s Iu nc htime announcem e nts .. . two da ys' vacation b eca u se of a w a te r main break . .. pa y ing for th e broke n water m a in ... colo r coo rdin a ted classrooms in th e ne w wing ... missing thr ee club m ee tings and yo ur bu s hom e a w a iting a "ve rdi c t" from th e Di scip lin e Board . .. wanting t o und e rst and, deeper concern ...


Page 36 I Top Left: Sister Joa nm a ric McDonnelL Vice- Principal Top Right: Liz l\1oor c, Sister Joanmarie. Bottom: Father Joseph T. Thul , Prin c ip a l Page 37 I Top: Sister Veronica Pfeffer, Administra ti ve Assistant. Bottom Left: Fa th e r Thul and 1\1 rs. Ret!\路 Costantino \\'ith one of La ch : s pups . Bottom Right: 1\1 r. John H a rr e lL Admini strati ve Assistant.


Page 38 I Top Left: Sister Mary Carmel. Right: College Representative , Ken Szepes,路, Tom Scarantino . Left: College catalogues . Right: i\1 iss Kath~ Peoples, Hoxanne Johnson . Page 39 I Top Right: Mr. William Panella . Bottom Left: Rhonda Hosser.


GUIDANCE ... helping students help themselves ... super-informal interviews ... " Do we have to take S. A. T. ' s and College Board?" ... fifteen minutes to outline your future . . closed doors to obstruct noise ... tons of paper work - test scores, grades, deficiencies, reports ... an interview during your best class - lunch! Miss Peoples doubling as a teach e r ... Sister Carmel administering tests ... " I just can't eat lunch at 10 : L)" ... browsing through college catalogues and wondering where you will be next year ... the old A-200, the new DR R - college representative depot . . . talking about the weather instead of college ... feeling rejected ,by a school before applying ... "A re you sure you want to know your class rank?" closing your eyes to a line of fifty people wanting schedule changes ... feeling satisfied a new office for Mr . Panella ... using College Night as a postage-fr ee way of getting catalogues ... career choices at your fingertips ... confusion, pathways, guiding hands , enlightenment . relief ..



the aroma of food and the atmosphere of a cro,,·ded subway trying to relax . . back to regular lunch periods t\H'nty foot lines for french fries a change machine often rejecting dollar bills buying N.D.· s fish i nstcad of M c Dona lei's . . . fin ish i ng homework "that will be /.Sc , please' ' . .. friends trying toescape to the stairs without being noticed occasionally eating ... steak sand\\·iches "\\' hose turn for garbage?" purple passion "Got change for a twenty?' ' .. Lov e \Yorking with kids" . .. pizza . . . a warm place on a cold morning steaming coffee l\1 r. Verde I pushing cleanliness paper bags . finding your lunch after a fire drill l\1 r. Hemphill's expert cooking staffs motherly concern . a haven for hungry students . h,·o da~s off because of broken water pipes - Cod bless l\1 r. Palmer often \\·anting heat in winter and getting it in summer the ne\\' ,,·ing to clean , too . ladies that S\\·eep around us the staffs enemy- gum Joe \\'aiting a few extra minutes to let us out . . . locking doors putting up \\·ith complaints secret agents for 1r. Clean that go unnoticed in the halls making N . D . beautiful opening gates cutting grass . congratulations l\1 r. Palmer, stepfather to Lady' s nine pups unclogging drains . .. knm\ing the school in s ide out ... \\·orking in hallmn.' cl halls cleaning hard so everything is ready for tomorrm,·

MAINTENANCE .. . S\H'eping up our mess


" Hello, Notre Dame High School " kno\\'ing where sixteen hundred t\\'enty-three students are soft music kind \\·orcls " \\'here could I find Father Thul·:>" punching the clock . .. smiles more \\'ork than the studenh ever han' helping lost people tq)ing . . . '·In triplicate?" receipts ... efficient and caring ringing phones Sister Joanmarie and her office brigade all knowing short handed- doubling up ever~ · one is ,,·elcorne t~ ing every day together " Thank you . Cood- B~· e "


Page 42 I Top Left: :\Irs . Ferrari . Top Right: :\lr. John llcmphill Left: \Ir s Coldstcin . Felicia Pmio. i\lr~ .. \grit'S ~it ­ ti . Page 4:3 I Top Left: :\I r~ . F \I ora no . Top Right: :\Irs . llclcn Shl'lh . llpper Left: Stnt· Pappatcra . Eddie 1-.:ri~ak . i\lichacl Licdtka . Slt•\c Sadie\ . i\lrs .. \rnislcr . l.arn Bl'rnhardt. Spiro Pcro11lidis . Dchhic Ohal ~Iiddle Right: Diane 1-.:micc. Lower Left: \lr~ . Celia \rni sll'r. \Irs . \largard Stank1ll\~ki . :\lr~ . \ladl'linc Cartilidgc. \lr .-. . Stella Larkin Bot tom: :\Irs . \I an Ottaggio. \I r Jot' Tomolonis . i\lrs . \lan Beaston . \lr~ . \lasrn . i\lr. Clifford C:rms . \Irs \li ce Sanford. !\I r. It II irH'S . \Irs .. \gnc s \ 'cnanzi . \I r. C 1-.:lcins


LIBRARY . . . thinking , hut not out loud ... "One at a table, please." a stead~ · stream of students from ~1 r. Harrell's class ... seasonal 'genius at ,,·ork' ah,·ays finding the hook you ,,·ant on the reserve she lf . .. "Shhh~!! " Mrs. Rader acquainting the Freshmen ,,·ith the Lihrar~ · card catalogues. vertical files. reference sections "\\ ' here do I start?" flipping through Seventeen or Sports Illustrated instead of doing your home,,·ork receiving an overdue notice from ~1 rs. Clancy saving your book till amnest~ · day casually sneaking a piece of candy .. Hip! Squish! Culp! " . .. a free and open atmosphere , but quiet aimlessly flipping through the index pages reluctantly serenaded to familiar V\'\\ 'Sf l tunes pen c li cking, nail biting, foot tapping forgetting ~ · our Lihrar~ · card surrounded by a maze of crmHied slwh·es checking in and checking out Notre Dame's onh· oasis .

displa~ · s that prompt daydreaming

~eeing as ,,·ell as hearing. ~lr . llearn e~ ·, r\.V. Director ... " The Boss" packing up and mm·ing to a IH'\\ ' lo cation -across the hall an upstairs room for movies more girls .. Liz' " ... microphones at assemblies- "Sister. \\T can' t hear you!" the pia~ · - " r\ scaffo ld '; ~le ·; Rut I'm afraid of h eights! " " \\ ' hcrc.' s Brian·;" distributing record pla~crs , film projectors, and the like .. :\ckermann, you did it again! '' . .. "Five easy credits? For getting out of class ·~.. a ,,·alking cherry tobacco fire hazard Stale bids equipment that's final!~ · all ours an anS \\Cr to a pra~Tr smiling faces and fun ill\cnting, bn·aking, and repairing . .. "\\ ' ho fixed this proj<·ctor')!" shooting your m\·n film learning hm\· and kno\\·ing ,, · h~ · students aiding teachers and helping tlwrnscl\'(·~ ... .. :\t ape recorder·; Cotcha . Be right there" . ..



Page 44 I Top Left: Li z ~I oor e . Top Right: i\l a rv Ann Stec. :-.Irs. J ea nn e Rade r. :-.1 rs. C vnthi a C la nc y. Bottom: i\1 r. Willi a m H ea rn e y. Page 45 I Top Right: Tri s h Furm a n. Ca thi C h ap uk . Ka tlw F a he rtv . Bottom Left: l\l a ri o :-.t e nd o la. Bottom Right : i\1 a rk Ac ke rm a nn .


"All this to become a homemaker?" . . Dress Board - ~~ rs. Paixao ho,,· to \\'ash your winter uniform ,,·ithout shrinking it trying not to se\\' yourself to your dress a mouth full of pins . .. "'\Vhich of these is the bobbin')" ... making outfits for the fashion sho\\' .. . "PATTERNS~~! " John Cot a and his tasty hors d' oeuvres eight \\'eeks to learn how to babysit adding sugar instead of sa lt "Mrs . ~1ansfield, is black a good color for a pancake?" nc,,· books furnishing a home you don' t even O\\·n home\\'ork : "Co home and make dinner" everybody's eating out! teachers ,,·ho smile in times of crisis ·· i\1 atch the plaids? Ho\\' about polka clots·r more furniture than floor space . . a taste of things to come .. .



Page 46 I Top Left: ~Ir s . Do ri s ~t a n s 颅 fi e ld . Top Right: Bill Za mh o rs ki . John C ot a . Middle Left: \1 rs. Judith Pa ix ao. Ell e n \\' a " cza k . Bottom Right: Ell a Hugh es a nd fe ll m' coo ks Page 47 I Top: J ohn \ "a n Sa nt. 1\: a th le en Fit zpa tri c k. ~1 r. J e ffn路' Ba ke r. D a ,路id Tr ead\\" e ll . Juli e En e rson . Tim Shori a k. \Iiddle Left: De nni s Sulli va n . Ol e h Ph s. \Iiddle Right: \1 r. Je ffr e ' Ba k e ~ Bottom Right: \l a rk \ 'an Sa nt. Da le Du c ko .

MUSIC . .. the halls are alive with the sound of music .

aone, and a-two, and a-three . . ... Of chorus" -sight singing is singing on sight! ... pipe tobacco fumes rising from 1\l r. Baker's backstage office . .. a real-live, uniformed marching band ... surveying ' Art' music .. How can I revie"路 the basic elements of music if I don' t even know them?" seventh period - marching, marching, and more marching 1\.1 r. Baker's "one-a-day-plan" : Monday - Chorus, Tuesday- Band, etc .... African bongos beating forty-five minutes away . .. " Ear training'? That's okay, mine feel fine" . . a freezing cold chorus room on a freezing cold day Theory and Harmony = Joann amidst a bunch of rock and rollin' Beethovens . .. our brand new band marching in step- hopefully ... and the beat goes on . . .


Page 48 /Top: Michael Riccitelli, Aurora D' Ulisse, Scott Echevarria, Nancy Leonard, Joseph Doolan. Bottom Left: Mr. Joseph Ka ytu s. Bottom Right: Nancy Leonard, Mary Beth Yates. Page 49/ Top: Barbara Plunkett, Miss Janet Wilson, Sue Lead em . Bottom Left: Mrs. Anne Harcar, Michael Riccitelli. Bottom Right: Margaret Baxte r, Charlie Scarna .


ART and MECHANICAL DRAWING ... self-expression ... painting you r feelings . . . freehand lettering with H2 pencils, a triangular ruler and a compass .. . lines and circles forming geometric spider webs ... more girls in the Mechanical Drawing Room than ever . . . B-203 and B-204 , organized bedlam - craziness and creativity at work ... experimenting with polka dots for three weeks .. . "Who stole the paint brushes??!! " .. . finding out aT-square exists somewhere else besides Algebra ... learning how to use slide rules and shop notes ... origami birds dangling from the ceiling ... drawing to the music of Carole King and the Stones ... Mr. Kaytus: "Our goal is objectivity." ... Miss Wilson, referee over record player fights ... ambitious sculptors-to-be ... Mrs . Harcar keeping calm ... a lasting souvenir of art class bright red paint on your ye llow uniform ... future draftsmen and architects . .. a finished work of art ... expressing who you are ...


SCIENCE .. . daily excursions into the world of the unknown ... "Dissect a frog? Blah! " . .. Biology and Sister Athanasius' pep talks on life . .. Mr. Gus- our guide to the sewage plant ... " KIDDIES! " ... attempting to balance a chemical equation a ' decimeter' long ... ten cents a test tube ... Sister Wendeliri' s menagerie ... "Who' s Mart in the Mart ian?" ... using two books of matches to light a bunsen burner ... tests only a ge nius could love ... Mr. Hess introducing N.D.'s Frosh to Science ... Mrs . Runyan trying hard to be mean ... measuring the distance between the sun and the moon with a pi ece of string and a littl e ball ... having Mr. Diamond Freshman year, instead of Senior .. . wondering if your lab data coincides with Sister Clave r' s . .. struggling, but enjoying ... enjoying, but also learning ...


I Top Left: Dave Levanduski. Top Right: Richard Nabinger, Mr. Donald Hess , Anthony Castaldo. Left: Kath y Andreoli , Sue Petrone, Mrs. Gail Run yan. Right: Sister Mar y Claver. Page 51 I Top: Cathy Kostrzewa, Celine Wojciechowski, Mr. Richard Gusciora, Sue Mi e le. Middle: Alex Ladnick , Sister Mar y Wendelin, Nanc y Cianfrano. Bottom: Mrs . Eleanor Kinne y.

Page 50



Page 52 I Science Department I Top Left: Mrs. Bernice Lagasse. Top Right: Karen Wilson, Sister Athanasius, Frank Dombroski. Middle Left: Mr. John Grussler. Center: Steve Ritter, Mark Zuczek. Bottom: Mr. Constantine Diamond . Page 53 I Top: Allen Hancock, Robert HalL Middle Right: Frank D'Ulisse, Marybeth Stachowicz, Sister Claver.


BUSINESS .. . To Whom It Ma y Concern . . . fifteen words a minute, fifteen mistakes . . . sneaking a peek at your fingers . . . thirty students and Mrs. Goldstein crammed into the old Teacher' s Lounge for Consumer Economics ... D. E. students making money and getting credit for it . . . putting in carbon paper - backwards . . . five minute timings .. . good, until you divide ... " Can I borrow a piece of paper?" .. . being a secretary for a teacher .. . attending Mercer County Vocational School and Notre Dame at the same time ... " Another steno book? - I just bought one! " ... Miss Cox's reminders: " Don' t forget to put down the paper bail" ... looks good, if only I could read it ... Mrs. Danbury helping us to balance our budgets . . . " Psst, what's a budget?" . .. on-the-job training . . . typing to the same old songs and wondering if you could still type if the y changed the songs . . . trying to read your own steno . .. Sister Geraldine, a new addition to the Business Department .. . Sincerely yours . . .



Page 54 I Top Right: Sherri Maguire, Mrs. Mary Stoka. Middle Left: Mrs. Alice Goldstein. Middle Right: Mrs. Margaret Gribbon. Bottom: Nancy Lehmann, Mary Hines, Pam Siplin, Ann Shelly. Page 55 I Top Left: FRONT ROW : Sue Czerna, Anthony De] oie, Jeff Dill, Tim Everett, Donna Fifer, Andrea Fonseca. BACK ROW : Ed Karas, Theresa Keagy, Ron Kissel, Eileen Lanigan, Mark Bertone, Carol Sigafoos. Top Right: Miss Suzanne Cox. Bottom Left: Terry Brennan. Bottom Right: Sister Mary Nora.


Page 56/Business Department/Top Left: Annette Pfieffer, Mrs. Katherine Danbury. Top Right: Sister Geraldine Kerins . Left: Denise Strycharz. Right: Mrs . Carolyn Peoples . Page 57 / Math Department/ Top: Frank Schuster. Bottom Left: Sister Marie Jose. Bottom Right: Mr . Frank DiGuiseppe .


MATH ... ready to give up ... " It's really not all that hard, you guys!" ... A-corridor, upstairs . . . lending someone a pencil and then realizing you don' t have one for yourself ... Mr. D's jokes ... "Maybe I'd better give up while I'm still ahead ." ... dog-earred notebooks . . . Independent Study ... saying you understand when you really don' t at all . . . " Pssst! " .. . Sister Jose, teaching, selling books, heading up the Math Department ... edible erasers ... " Anybody else want to give up with me?" ... mx + B = ? . .. " Sister Dismas used to be a cook? She' s sure got me in a stew!" ... wishing you were Euclid and wondering if he eve r felt like giving up . .. "S ister Doro.t hy, we don' t have to take this stuff in college, do we?" ... ! o!: 114% # &!! !! ! ... wondering how . .. deciding you' re smart, it's th e equation that's stupid . .. pensive people pra ying for passing grades ... eraser fights ... no such thing as a simple proof .. . " Quiz? What quiz?" ... patient, warm smiles ... " Oka y, let's try this one more time"



Pa~e 58/Math Department/Top: Sister Dorothy. Middle: Joan Antoniewicz, Jeff Mazurek, Donna Pitonak. Mary Gorman, Karen Kowal , Tim Funari , Jim Plunkett , Henry Ziemba, Sister Dismas . Bottom Left: Kelvin Smith, Stacy Brophy. Bottom Right: Linda Nelson, Sister Dismas. Page 59/Top: Mrs. Buelah Ball. Middle Left: Sister Valerian. Middle Right: Mr. John Dorner. Bottom Right: Mr. Shaun Pigott.




Page 60/Top Left: Mr. Joseph Wyers. Top Right: Mr. David Kell y. Middle Left: The Chapel. Middle Right: Sister Mary Clarice. Bottom Left: Sister Margaret Ruley. Bottom Right: Father Fortune Frenov. PaJ,!e 61/Top Left: Miss Pauline Grula . Top Right: Father Raymond Saller. Middle: Addie Arcamon e, F ath er Ca pik. Bottom: Father Walter Nol an, Coll ee n H arcar, Bett y Dym owski, Mauree n H aze n .

RELIGION . .. wondering if you believe ... an old Religion - a new approach ... " I was all dressed for Gym and Religion crossed my mind; no wonder I was standing there alone! " ... falling asleep ... philosophically anal yzing faith relationships with God . .. " What happened to the chapel? The pews are gonef" ... Father Nolan' s penny trick ... developing a new maturity . . . my first deficiency notice - in Religion! ... Father Frenoy makes it ' crystal clear' . .路 . taking your Religion book on a heavy date .. . trying to believe ... " Uh? Could you tell me what ' round' this is?" .. . leaving a heartbroken teacher for another fiv e days . .. " Did you see Luiggi and Ezmerelda at the dance last night?" . .. The God Problem . .. " I failed on m y journal! " ... learning from the' Learn or Else' m ethods of Father Capik .. . " Miss Grula, I'd like to contract for an A, but couldn' t you lower the requirements?" ... remembering to pray when someone we love gets hurt .. . believing .. .


Page 62/Top Left: Mr. Joseph Wroblewski. Top Right: Eloisa Bautista, Sister Mary Camilla. Left: Mr. John Wagner. Bottom Right: Mr. Robert Bugdal. Page 63/ Top Right: Mr. John Harrell. Middle Left: Mr. Vincent Ardery. Bottom Left: Miss Patricia Grant .


SOCIAL STUDIES .. . " We the Students, ... " ... connecting the past with the present ... " Who' s got time to read the newspaper?" . . . Mr. Bugdal co-ordinating student activities with History ... examining the possibilities of the future ... A. P. Histor y - Mr. Arder y challenging ideas .. . " Let's see, where does Thomas Jefferson' s genius Ii路e ?" ... Mr. Wroblewski's turtle neck sweaters . .. " How about an extension on that term paper?" . . . current events . .. gathering in the Resource Center to discuss issues of historical relevance ... Miss Grant and Mr. Wagn e r, accom plices in the wee kl y news-quiz plot ... acquiring culture ... " Mr. Harrell, did that really happen?" . .. a short essaythree pages ... " So Columbus discovered America! Did he have to ask the Indians for directions?" ... assignments, research, learning ... " How do you pronounce M-i-1-i-n-o-w-i-c-z ?" . . . Sister Camilla explains war and peace and the time in between . . . future politicians ... everybod y" bugged" by Watergate ... history repeats itself ... " We the People, . .. " ...



Page 64/ History Department/ Top Left: Miss The resa Gi ampetro. Top Right: T om Hou sm a n. Bottom Left: Mr . Dav id M ilin owi cz. Bottom Right: J oa n Mac kin. Page 65/ Medicai / Top Left: Mrs. Ma ry Doug he rt y. Top Right: Mrs. Ma ry Doug he rt y a nd Nurse' s Aid e. Bottom Left: Dr. Be rna rd Milne r. Bottom Right: Dr. M ilne r, Mrs. Doug hert y.


MEDICAL ... "Can I help you?" ... a familiar saying with new faces - Nurse's Aides . . . a sigh of relief, a medical pass ... only one aspirin? .. . Mrs. Dougherty adding another name to the endless list of general complainers in her medical records . .. eleven years of dedicated service . . . upper respiratory what??? . .. helping out with the Red Cross Club ... forgetting to limp on the way out from getting an elevator pass .. . finding speakers for the Health Careers Club . . . Dr. Milner patching together still another football player ... more and more physicals for all sports ... a forest of crutches and casts .. . mountains of freshman medical records .. . mysterious parental notes for gym excuses . . . an occasional snore from those strange green rooms ... wondering what a positive tine test looks like ... " A bee sting? We' d better send you home" ...


BOYS' PHYSICAL EDUCATION ... ping, pong .. . planning schedules, juggling kids . . . "Everybody likes gym!" . .. teachers staying physically fit . . . having fun ... "All right wise guy, take a lap". . .. counting down . . . "One, two, three, four" .. . Mr. Archer' s famous murder-ball throw .. . "Flag on the play!" .. . Seniors playing Juniors in team handball ... Seniors losing .. . pong, ping .. . gutbusters . . . tumbling .. . playing punchball, getting rid of frustrations . .. "When do we get to play basketball?" . .. teamwork . .. ping ... new lockers . . . having the best peripheral vision in your class . . . Mr. Lopilato calming your nerves after a hard day at the wheel ... old Driver's Ed. cars traded for new ones . .. throwing Mr. Dambro in the showers . .. health classes cancelled by religion classes .. . developing minds and bodies . . . pong . ..


Page 66/Top Left: Mr. Robert Lopilato. Top Middle: Mr. Gary Dambro. Top Right: Freshman Boys' Gym Class . Bottom: Freshman Boys' Gym Cla ss. Page 67/Top Right: Mr. Lopilato, Frank D'U lisse, Reynold Reali, Joe LaPenna. Bottom Left: Mr. John Archer. Bottom Right: Boys' Gym Class .


GIRLS' PHYSICAL EDUCATION . . . names embroidered on uniforms, inked on sneakers ... having your basket on the ver y bottom row ... red team and blue team .. . groaning to " Sing" . .. " Nobod y is coordinated in this place! " ... Mrs. LeBlanc . . . needing ventilation in the locker room ... shouting and laughing .. . distinguishing between sprains and strains .. . Leader Corps trying to think up a new exercise .. . tripping over a soccer ball . .. doing leg lifts or laps or sit-ups to raise your grade . .. harrell ball , kickpin, scooter races . .. The ABC's of " Wh y I Can' t Take Gym" ... competition .. . " hanging" in the office . .. the door is alwa ys open .. . Mrs. Major ... 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8, forward -back . . . " What does ' PED XING' mean?" ... feet on the gym ceiling ... satisfaction .. . viewing the world from upside down on the unevens ... Mom Rovello ... unexpected showers on birthda ys .. . having your mouth washed out with soap ... trying to get away with rolling your uniform socks under your gym socks . . . safety in numbers in the outfield .. . scavenger hunts . .. " All gym baskets must be cleaned out by Friday" . ..


Page 68/Top Left: Ella Hughes, Mrs. Margaret Rovello. Top Right: Girls' Gym Class . Middle: Sophomore Girls' Gym Class. Bottom: Freshman Girls' Gym Class. Page 69/ Top: Donna DeCara, Mrs. Barbara Major, Marcia Federico, Angel Fruscione. Left: Mrs. Betty Jane LeBlanc. Right: Kathy Stanish, Maureen Hazen, LuAnn Dill .


LANGUAGE . .. sounds that don't seem like words . . . trying to sing the French National Anthem . . . walking down the halls talking in Latin .. . all-German news program - Sister Charlotte anchorman . .. " Silencio." .. . Mrs. Palenchar understanding problems in four languages ... " Are you sure my name is Wolfgang?" ... going to Greece during Easter ... Mr. Wood plugging Lowenbrau ... winning the nationwide Latin trophy ... discussing a football game during a tertulia ... "La Cucaracha" .. . "You should have had that in first year" . . . making Spanish menus Spanish Rice-A-Rani .. . " I never knew Snoopy spoke German. " .. . "Que tal, Mr. Poli ?" ... Sister Gertrude bringing you and Latin alive ... passing French and failing English ... Sister Philip and Julius Caesar . . . tapping your feet to music in Language Lab .. . "Why is everyone laughing? Oh, I said that?" .. . Buena suerte ...


Page 70/Top: Mr. Joseph Poli. Middle: Maria Martinez, Debbie Egan, Sister Veronica Pfeffer. Bottom: Mr. Salvatore Sciarrotta and his class . Page 71/Top: Mr. Robert Wood . Middle Left: Sister Gertrude McDonnell. Middle Right: Joann Gill, Mrs. Christiane Kaplan. Bottom: Sister Charlotte Grodzki.



Page 72 / Language Department/Top Left: Mr. Salvatore Sciarotta. Top Right: Mrs. Geraldine Bryan. Bottom Left: M ~. Salvatore Sciarrotta. Top Mike Frascella. Page 73/Top: Sister Veronica Pfeffer. Bottom Left: Mrs. Mary Palenchar. Bottom Right: Sister Charlotte Grodzki .


ENGLISH . . . graduating from comic books, fan magazines, and the funnies . .. developing the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking ... welcome to Sister Veronica' s Monkey House .. . " And here is the a ward for your excellent piece of literature- a bunch of bananas" .. . " I ain' t using slang" ... extending our comprehension into everyday use ... team-teaching ... seminars . .. watching ourselves act on video tape . . . taking field trips to local theaters .. . trying to untangle Shakespeare' s puzzling plots ... to be an路 English major nor not to be an English major, ' tis a good question ... thinking you can write and then taking Writing Seminar .. . sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, legible writing, paragraphing - a few minor difficulties of composition ... Sister Grace preparing us for SAT' s ... imaginative and creative minds at work ... a survival plan needed for the Media Room when you' re trapped ... writing a thesis - in high school? ... Mr. Rooney' s Irish brogue .. . compositions due Tuesday - four thousand words! .. . memorizing something for weeks, then forgetting the first line .. . choosing an elective by the process of elimination ... 路路So far our bes t drama is the acting of fool s" ... m.oving up to poetry, short stories, critiques, newspapers, plays, letters, essays, and novels . . . reading, writing, and understanding ...


Page 74/Top: Mrs. Jud y Salcewicz. Middle: Miss Karen Henkel. Bottom Left: Maureen Shelly. Bottom Right: Sister Mary Grace. Page 75/ Top Left: Miss Ellen Glendon. Top Right: FRONT ROW : Nancy Swistak, Kathy Stevulak. SECOND ROW : Karen Pasdan, Kath y Petro, Ann Pilaro, William Salem. BACK ROW : Rich Koreyva, Dee Leadem. Bottom Left: Mr. Steven Wilfing. Bottom Right: Sister Mary Veronica .


Page 76/English Department/Top Left: Mr. Patrick Rooney. Top Right: Sister Katherine Mroz. Middle Left: Mr. Erasmo Ciccolella. Middle Right: Miss Margaret Bornheimer. Bottom Left: Cathy Grouchala, Linda Matecki, Barbara Triantifilloo, Moy Eng, Monique Jacobs. Bottom Right: Mrs. Carol Wood, Jan Bet or. Page 77 /Top Left: Miss Randi Ruden. Right: Sister Patricia Rooney. Bottom: Miss Patricia Leonie .


----- ..




Page 81/Top Left: The Bop-Shoo-Bops Concert. Top Right: Kath y Pulcini, Sandy Corbin. Middle: Red Cross Assemhly. Bottom: Maggie Napoleon .

SOPHOMORE CLASS HISTORY ... silly ... feeling like veterans ... Bob-Shoo-Bops signed up .. . discovering cafeteria food ... President Jeff Heckman - one man among five girls .. . safety assembly just for Sophs . .. collecting food for the needy . . . "More money for the float?" .... Uncle Sal's Italian math ... " Do we need Fiction or Poetry today?" ... having a great float , but too big for the parade ... Peter Pan and Never-Never Land ... waiting for the Bob-Shoo-Bops . . . showing up at 6:30 for the jayvee game . . . Sophs starting on Varsity teams ... secret officers' meetings in A-202 ... collecting unused teabag tags for a kidne y machine .. . toys for Trenton Christmas party .. . illogical logic . . . "Mr. Sciarrotta, do we have a meeting today?" .. . " I don't know; ask Jeff. " ... progressing from clams to crayfish to frogs ... finally Bob-Shoo-Bops .. . biggest dance ever at N.D .... "Prom fund? Already?" .. . ring measurements ... coming together as the Class of '76 ...


10-A/Top/ FRONT ROW : Ed Bedard, Mike Atwood, Ken Bartolino, Mark Bertone, Paul Blisko, John Bentz, SECOND ROW : Kim Baran, Louise Angebranndt, Theresa Bencivenga, Saundra Boatwright , Christine Beale, Lee Ann Barber, Maureen Barna, Pat Allen, Kathleen Allen, Anita Avolio. THIRD ROW: Patricia Abbott, Patty Baylog, Carmen Billotti , Andrene Andrews, Sherri Adams, Kathy Betz, Jane Adams, Mary Alice Amari. BACK ROW : J ohn Bailey, Bob Adams, Greg Apai, Irvin Allgood , Andrew Bodnar, Michael Barry, Dave Bird, Larry Bernhard, Gerry Angel.

lO-B/Bottom /FR ONT ROW : Susan Centomain, Linda Carlisi, Carroll Bonan, Nancy Cianfrano. SECOND ROW : Patty Capriotti, Nancy Breimann, Laurie Christensen, Chris Buchanan, Barbara Chepiga. THIRD ROW : Lois Christensen, Virginia Buckley, Pat Cleary, Oenise Brooks, Latanya Burgess. FOURTH ROW : Steve Carney, Dave Cebulko, Michael Cantwell, Terry Brennan, Stan Chidzik. BACK ROW: Robert Burrell, Gary Borne, Dino Bottoni, Jim Colligan .


10-C/Top/FRONT ROW : Sue Decker, Liz Cowell, Mildred Currie, Mary Corvino, Kim Davidson , Donna Costigan , Nancy Decker, Diane Czepiel , Angelina Danko, Mary Ann Curry, Kath y Dovgala. MIDDLE ROW : Sue Czerna, Mary Ann Decker, Sandy Corbin, Loretta DeCara, David Dorozinski , Charles DeAngelo, Chris Costa, Pat DeLorenzo, Carl Danbury, Albert Decowski, Tom Dadura, John Deodato, Jim Downe y. BACK ROW : Jack Connelly, Archie Croux, Joe DeMille, Charles D' Amico, John Dickson, Anthony De] oie, Jeff Dill, Frank Dombroski.

10-D/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Eric Franzoni, Dave Dudeck, Tom Edinger, Lionel Ellis, Jim Ferry, Scott Echevarria, Richard Erkoboni, Tom Duman, Dennis Faherty, Patty Foy, Anthony Garafalo, Diane' Fecak, Mary Ellen Erdie. MIDDLE ROW : Donna .Fifer, Anne Fitzpatrick, Tim Eve rett, Ma路r garet Fechter, Tim Fahey, Gigi Fares, Frank Farone, Susan Fuccello. BACK ROW: Jeff Evans, Vernita Fowler, Bruce Evans, Andrea Fonseca, Glenn Fernandes, Donna Gall , Mike Gerasimowicz, Shirley Dunlap, Arthur Eng, Kathleen Furch, Ralph Gallo, Aurora D' Ulisse, Margaret Fasanella.


to-E/Top/FRONT ROW : Lucille Hearney, Kathy Housman, Elizabeth Heinzel, Jean Herman, Kathleen Harding, Jennett Ingrassia, Denise Hamlet. SECOND ROW : Julia Giordano, Tom Grice, Kevin Haggerty, Dave Hofmann, Margaret Hughes, Russel Hobson, William Goerlich. THIRD ROW : Bruce Hughes, Bonita Gibson, Donna Gervasi, Mary Alice Graziano, Joann Gill, Rosanna Giancola, Julie Jones, Jill Gordon, Joseph Guth. BACK ROW: Jeff Heckman, Mike Jasien, Tom Goodstein, Larry Hemingway, Marty Holsneck, Reen Harvey, John Hebeler, William Harlicka.


10-F /Bottom/FRONT ROW : Kathy Keelan, Maureen Kucharski, Conny Kliwinski. SECOND ROW: Carol Kemler, Karen Krisak, Mary Kanda , Ellen Kelly, Lisa Kirikian, Maria Kosco. THIRD .ROW : Sabine Karlowitsch, Ron Kissel, Ed Karas, Mike Kovacs, Francis Kelso, Kevin Kelly, Joe Langer. FOURTH ROW : DanKoval, Debbie Kaczanowski, Joe Kale, Margareta Korenz , Brian King. STANDING: Mary Kenny, Kathy Kostrzewa, Lea Landolfi, Billie Ann Kubaugh, Elizabeth Korpusinski, Joanne Keck .

lO-G/Top/FRONT ROW : Eileen Lannigan, Marge McCarthy, Marlene Macovitch, Sherri Maguire, Janet McDonald, Laura Maloney, Lydia Lesk, Marlene Lisiecki. SECOND ROW : Sharon Makohuz, Kathy Lintott, Joyce Leonard, Carol Ann Lewis, Maria Maruca, Linda Lepper, Cathy McCarthy. BACK ROW : Barb McDonough, Linda Mancuso, Richard McDonald, Dave Levanduski, Frank Lenartowicz, Michael Mancuso, Jim Lannigan, Steve Maurer, George Mattonelli, Leo Mahony, Mike Leidtka, Tony Mazzella, Herman Martinez, Tony Martin, Mary Masick, Della Marchildon .

10-H/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Pam Nerwinski, Linda Nicolai, Sue Miele, Nancy Mazyk, Cindy Messina, Maggie Napoleon, Patty Mulligan, Kathy Moran, Mary Mullaney, Robin McKitchen. SECOND ROW : Mary Ann Morreale, Bernadette Murph y, Colette Mears, Kathryn McLaughlin, Joanne McManimon, Veronica Nowacki, Virginia Murphy, Maureen McQuade, Sandra Miscavage. THIRD ROW : Keith Moore, Tim Meagher, Ray Morales, Jim Miller, Joe Navarro, Bob Notta, Gary Nigh. BACK ROW : Mr. Donald Hess, Michael Miller, Jim O' Brien, Martin Mockler, Kevin Myers, .Jim McManimon, Pete Minneci, Bill McGlone .


10-1/Top/FRONT ROW : Pat Ol yn yk, D e ni se Owe n s, Nanc y Paolini, Sand y Orzoh , Mega n O ' Donn e ll, Ange la Plum e ri , Kath y Pul cin i, Eileen Phillip , Donna Post. MIDDLE ROW : Carme n Ortiz, Diane Quinlan , T e rry Palm e r, Charlene Pal e jczyk, H e le na Pastuchow , C ynthi a Pa yton , Carol Piechow ski, Lauri e Powe ll, Virginia Przechacki, Jacki e Papp. BACK ROW : Ste ph e n Pappate rra, Martin Pappa ter ra , Oleh Pl ys, Tom Pe tro, Donnie Pe t ers, Bill Picatagi, Bru ce Pie rso n, Bob Ploof, Brian Raffe rt y, Don Ottaunick, D ave Paulaski .

10-J/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Tom Samonski, Gar y Ru sso, Ken Rutkowski , Richard Regan , John Rug a rher, Ken Hogoza. SECOND ROW : Donna Schwartz, Joni Sampson , Joann Serock, Dehhie Sapienza, Sheri Shenk, Dolores Schwartz, Dian e Ru ssert, Elsa Santoro, Mar y Lou Ratico , Walt Sawka. THIRD ROW : J ohn Rossetti , Tom Roche , Alexander Rotov , Mark Ridge, Frank Ragan y, Steve Ritt e r, Chris Ra ywood , Chris Schreibe r, Geof Raywood , Tim Shoriak, Kenn e th Ros e, Boh Re ill y. FO RTH ROW : Gerard Rondin e lli , Edward Roche , Bill Schuler, Chris Rowlands , Roh Scairpon , Ed Shanoskie, Ken Seic k.



10-L/Top/FRO T ROW : Barbara Walsh , Celine Wojciechowski, Cindy Voitek, Debbie Widlicki, Susan Widmann , Cheryl Wooding , Karen Wilson , Kare.n Vernon , Janet Wnuk, Debbie Vuckovich . SECO D ROW: Michael Wenczel , Tom Vananzi, Mark Zuczek, Halina Walczak , Donna Wallitsch, Tonya Walker, Cheryl Ward , Cathy Vandewater, Tyrone Wimbush , John Wolfe, Fred Wallace. THIRD ROW : Dave Witkowski, Rohert Wvsienski , John VanSant, Kevin Waldron , Nicholas Ventura, eil Wesle.y, Mike Waldron , John Woods, John Zegarski, Louis West.

10-K / Bottom /FRONT ROW : Cindy Toporek , Elaine Strehlow, Jeff Thompson , Barbara Stawicki , Vicki Siegman. SECOND ROW: Patti Smith, Sue Thornton , Richard Sullivan , Dan Spalluto, Carol Sigafoos. THIRD ROW : Martine Uveges , Joanne Thurman , Jim Streeter, Jeff Simone, Jay Simko. FOURTH ROW : Maureen Smith, Carmelita Todaro, Ro semary Spera, Ken Slowikowski, Steve Stewart. FIFTH ROW : Kathy Steinetz, Jo an Tiffert, Jo e Szedula, Mark Stephan, Donna Springer. S IXTH ROW : Cary Tompa, Thomas Trauhe, ick Tamasi, Gena Smith . BACK ROW : Mike Vagnozzi , Nick Tancordo, Carl Spirazza, David Ungrady .



Page 88/Upper Left: Ca rl Danbury. Middle: l\1r. Sciarrott a . Middle Left: Red Cross Assemb h 路 for Sophomores . Bottom: Bop-Shoo- Bops. Page 89/ Top : Bop-Shoo-Bops. Middle Left: 1 rs . Salce\\路iez. Helena Pastuchow . 1\1 iss Peop les. Middle Right: Linda Mancu so. Mary Alice Graziano. Nancy l\1usic. Vir~i ni a 1\lurphy. Sheri l\1a~uire. Bottom: Erin C lancy .


Page 90/Top: Geor).!;e Mattonilli. Bottom: J.Y. Football Team . FRONT ROW: Ken Bartolino, Joe Guth, Mark Stephen, Tom Edin).!;er, Paul Briscoe, Mark Bertone, Ed Laird , Bobby Scarpon. 路M I DOLE ROW : Ge<>r).!; e Mattonelli , Kevin Myers, Ken Hill, Paul Karns, Carl Danbury, Chris Costa, Bill Picata).!;L Duane Babecki, Dave Dudeck. BACK ROW : Coach Joe Wroblewski, Bob Celli , Jeff Petrozzini, Martin Jolsneck, Brian O'Shea, Dino Bottoni , Leo Mahoney, Fr~nk Dombrosky, Mike Jasien. Page 91/Top Right: J.V. Soccer Team. FRONT ROW : Joe Valeri , John Ze).!;arski, Tim Mea).!;her, Brian King, Tom Dill, Jim Manley, Jim Heffernan, John Rugarber. BACK ROW : Jim Dorozinsky, Dave Ungrady, Kevin Kent, Dave Wenczel, Frank Schuster, Tom Mea).!;her, George Keefe, Coach Mr. Robert Bugda. Left: Joe \'aleri. Right: ~tr . Bugdal.


Page 92/Top Left: J.V. Cross Country. FRONT ROW : Bill Suffern, Ed Bedard, Jean Reres, Barbara Plunkett. BACK ROW : Jane Plunkett, Ralph Gallo, Mike Kall, Lionel Ellis, Nancy Breimann, Joe Sedulla. Top Right: Michael Kall. Middle Left: Doug Fisher, Lionel Ellis, Ed Bedard. Middle Right: Doug Fisher. Bottom Right: Jane Plunkett. Page 93/Top Left: Mrs. Rovello, Patty Nestor, Monica Farrell. Top Right: Donna Pitonak, Virginia Przechacki, Monica Farrell, Mary Gorman, Maureen Barna, Diane Graziul, Sue Witkowski, Joanne Ratzlaff, Kathy Shelly. Bottom Left: Diane Olech. Bottom Right: J.V. Field Hockey. FRONT ROW : Sue Witkowski, Mary Gorman, Diane Graziul, Maureen Smith. MIDDLE ROW : Manager Gail Donnelly, Patty Baylog, Liz Heinzel, Maureen Barna, Patty Nestor, Colleen Harney, Mary Carlin, Monica Farrell, Manager Donna Pitonak. BACK ROW : Coach Mrs. Rovello, Jane Fasanella, Lucy Heinzel, Anne Fitzpatrick, Jennett Ingrassia, Adrianne Glappa, Mary Mullaney, Virginia Przechacki, Lydia Lesh .




Page 94 / Top Left: Fred Wallitsch . Top Right: Dan• Dorozinski . Bottom Left/J.V. Boys' Basketball/FRONT ROW : Coach i\lr . Dennis i\lorris, Jim i\lcGuire , Fred Wallace. Kevin i\lc~lanimon . Bill Schuler. Chuck DeAngelo. Kevin Haggerty. Dave Ungrady. \!arty Holsneck. BACK ROW : Joe Navarro. Ken Rose . Dave Dorozinski. Fred Wallitsch. Tom Toporek. Bruce Evans. i\like Liedt ka . Bottom Right: Kevin Haggerty. Page 95 / Top/J .V. Girls' Basketball/FRONT RO\<\': Judy Brennan , ~tar~ · Beth Gillin. !\Iaureen Greer. SECOND ROW: Jean Rere~ . Ann Carlin. !\Iaureen ~lcQuade . Tina Kahny. Beth Carne,·. Caren Castaldo. BACK ROW : Denise Fazio. Donna D<;,·gala, \larie 1\.osco. Barbara Plunkett. Jerinife'r Bezek, Theresa \'alatka. Coach Mrs. Betty Jane LeBlanc. Rosemary Bo~ · er . Bottom Left: Beth Carney. Bottom Middle: Caren Castaldo. Bottom Right: Maureen McQuade .


Page 96/Top/Frank Kelso. Bottom Left/ J.V. Wrestling/FRONT ROW : Bill Suffern, Doug Kopec, Dave Witkowski , Carl Spirazza, Mark Zuczek, John Butera, Mike Vagnozzi, Frank Kelso , Jim Sevilla. BACK ROW : Robert Scairpon, Mike Bodnar, John VanSant, Ralph Gallo, Pete Minnecci, AI Gonzalez, Joe Maruca, John Dadura, Rich McDonald, Nick Tancordo, Jim O' Grady, Tim Anderson . Right: Mike Vagnozzi. Page 97/Top /J.V. Cheerleaders/FRONT ROW : Patty Lynam, Cindy Messina, J.oanne McManimon, Patty Cappriotti, Nancy Cianfrano. BACK ROW : Frani Cammarata, Loretta DeCara, Carol Bonan, Mary Kenn y, Michele Kl ek. Middle: Michele Klek, Frani Cammarata, Patty Lynam . Bottom Left: Loretta DeCara, Joanne McManimon, Michele Klek, Patty Lynam, Frani Cammarata. Bottom Right: J. V. Cheerleaders.



11-A/Top/FRONT ROW: Mary Ann Beumer, Kathy Brown, Mary Lou Beumer, Pam Breller, Eleanor Bautista, Lynn Agocs, Mary Bilotti, Doreen Applegate. SECO D ROW : Eloisa Bautista, Yolanda Brzozow ki , Frances Cammarata, Margaret Baxter, Barbara Branges, Katherine Amico, Anasta ia Brophy, Barbara Ball, Julie Anderson , Karen Breimenn . THIRD ROW : Brock Barber, Bob Bennett, Tom Boyd, Bill Borcsik, Keith Beauchamp, Bruce Bennett. BACK ROW : Duane Babecki, Larry Arcioni, Jeff Bartolino, Michael Angelini, Irvin Beauchamps, Roberta Bo carelli, Cheryl Beagles, Diane Aug, Peggy Calamia.


11-B/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Jim DeMille, Vince Delle Grotti, Val Croux, Angelo Conti, Ronald Cunningham . SECO D ROW : Maria Campo, Mary Carlin, Karen Cashel , Bernice Delozier, Margaret Cirillo, Mary Cola vita, Debra D ' Angelo , Marie DeForte, Camille Conwav. THIRD ROW : Cathleen Carroll, Cindv Caserta, Kath y Cebulka, Susan Chiantese, Ro emary De cowski, racke r, Annamari e DeKim Cifelli, Diane Die hl , Darl e ne Angelo, Con tance DeBlois, Nancy Cubberle y, Carol Conway. BACK ROW : Phil Chiaradia, Dan Dileo, Stephen Case y, Luciano Cortina, Ed Crane , Jim Cottrell , Ke vin Co stigan , Tom Cianfrano .

11-C/Top/FRONT ROW : Nancy Gagliardi , Linda Ferri, Donna Ferry, Denise Fazio, Donna Fasoli, Evelyn Gierula, Kathy Dooling, Moy Eng, Nanci Doyle, Claire Dzieminski . SECOND ROW : Mary Ann Geppert, Barbara Franken, Marie Garnich , Ilene Geoghan, Donna Giordano, Barbara Gervasio, Margaret Fedorko, Barbara Doughman, Denise Gersten, Rose Mary Fitzpatrick, Patricia Fecak. BACK ROW: Tom Dill, Tom Dolan , Mike Frascella, Jim Dorozinsky, Joe Drulis, Mike Driscoll, John Eve ritt, Joe Ganie, Jim Fruscione, Kevin Dolan .

11-D Bottom FRO T ROW : Charlie lnverso, Arle en Griscavage, Cathy Hardy, Jim Greber. SECO D ROW : Steve Jarkowski, Pat Kahny, Jim Heffernan , Larry Grimsley, Francis Griffin, Kenneth Hill, Leo Jasien, Bob Hernandez. THIRD ROW: Cathy Grochala, Lorretta Heinzel, Angela Jantos, Rona Jeffries, Joan Hatrak, Kathy Higham, Joan Hanson , Monique Jacobs, Eleanor Goeke. BACK ROW : Barbara Hart, Ellen Hanak, Hope Holland, Adrianne Glappa , Karen Grygon , Linda Guarnieri , Michele Harney, Alice Henk, Carmelita lnverso, Marianne Griffin.


11-E / Top / FRO T ROW : Lind a Koe ni g, t\li che le Kl e k, Alyso n Ke yes, Lynn Ke lso , Ve r o ni ca Ke ll e y. SECO D ROW : Ke n Kuta rni a, Ed Laird , Brian Ku zm a, Be th Kea rn , T om Konczco , e il Ki sse l, t\ti c h ae l Ka ll . THIRD ROW : Bob Kalin o wski , Steve Kurowski , Paul Ka rn s, Joe Kovacs, Paul Kalin owski , Tom Kri sa k, Geo rge Kee fe, Ri ch Kureyva, Jim Kri eg ne r.

11-F/ Bottom/ FRO T ROW : Ca rl Maze, Ma rk Macca roni, Eilee n Long, Ca n 路 Lub ies ki. ECO N D RO W: Li nda Matec ki , Ma ry t\t a rkm an, C hris Li siec ki , Kath y Ma rzca k, He le n t\t as trange lo, Patri cia Mazza re ll a, t\t aryli z t\ l ac ki n, Joyce Lubi es ki , Ann a Lead em. THIRD ROW: Jim i\t cG ui re, Ma rk McGrath , Paul Li egg i, T om t\ l eag he r, Su san Means, Kevin McManimon , Dee Leacl e m, Eil ee n McKeeve r, Patri cia Lynam, Pat Maloney. BAC K ROW : Gary Luc k, Jim t\ lan ley, Pat t\l ath es, Albe rt hndl.


11-G/Top/ FRO 1T ROW : Connie ' emchick, Anna Ottaunick, Joan Osborn, Sue 1 itti, Denise ~tilecki , Patty Palumbo, Barbara Pajak, Mar y Mi s, Lisa Palinkas. SECOND ROW : Debbie Onofri, Kathy apoli, Gail Militig, Peggy o路 DonnelL Liz 1\loore, Kathy Mesday, Karin Obermeier, Barbara 1\loorc, Patty 1estor. Barbara ~leskill. THIRD ROW : Charl es ag~ 路 . Greg Mraw, Paul 1\totc:hnik, Glen ~1etzger , i\1artin Olec:h , ~like Oberding, Joseph ' ickel s, Bill Orson , ~1artin ovak. BACK ROW: John Palmer. Steve o路 1eill, George o路 Donnell , Charles Osifat .

11-H/BottQm/FRO T ROW : Phil Ranfone , Jane Plunkett, Colleen Quinn , Karen Paxdan, Julianne Pane, Mary Quinlan, Darlene Polinski, Sharon Parham . SECOND ROW : George Pietrow, Dan Petrino, Tom Peterson, Frank Patrone, Ben Recine , Rich Pesce, Ken Pieslak, Mike Riccitelli, Annette Pfieffer , Barbara Riccio, Bob Patz, Peter Ratzlaff, Andy Reres, Chris Rankin . BACK ROW: Kathy Petro, Joanne Perferi, Ann Pilaro, Debbie Pirone, Kathy Price, Jessica Petranto, Joanne Piunno, Regina Ragolia, Michelle Powell.



11-I/ Top/F RO T RO W: Kathy She ll y, Robin Salvadore, Cheryl

11-J / Bottom /F RO T ROV.' : Carol Smith, i\1arianne Szwecla.

hipl ey, Anna Mari e Si lvestro, M a rianne Slackter, Pat Sanderson , Ka ren Rouba, Caro l Rvan, Shirlev Ru sse rt, Ursula Sidur, Claire Sarinaldi. SECO D RO W: J ame s Sev ill a, Frank Schuster, Tom Ron yac k, Stephan Rud ge, Mark Rutkows ki , Anthony Roj as, Raymond Ri vera, ata li e Rogers.

Gloria Szuhro\\路s ki , Kathy Stevulak. ancy S\\"istak, Nancy Struck, Sylvia Suarez, Ro semarie Todaro. SECO D ROW : Marie Tackacs, Dave Ste\\"ard. Siohhan Tierney, Becky Stec. Bar b ara Travers, i\larie Toth . Kathy Stec. JoJo Tella. Terese Thomas, llelen Somlyay, Pam Smith. BACK ROW : ~lark Snyder, Stephenirkacs. John Sta\\"icki, Bert Smith, Jeff Smolka, Tom Topore k, Ri c hard Stout. Frank Smith, H ank Smith , Myron Tantum.

11-K/Top/ FRONT ROW: Lisa Ungrady, Bets\' Ullrich , Cindy Whalen , Donna Walachy, Lorraine Turgeon . SECOND ROW: Sophie Weglarz, Nancy Vrancik, Eva Ungrady , Col leen White. THIRD ROW: Kathy Zabawa, Marl e ne Viglione, Mary Wirth , T e rri Wilson , Barbara Trantifilloo, Gerri Valatka , Carol Wenczel , Man路 Lvnne Yaros , Path路 Van Pelt. FOURTH ROW: Roberta Walbridge , .Patt.y Woodcock , Dol;> res Velivis, Debbie Wierzbowski, John Wnuk, Greg Wink ler, Dave Troiani , John Woods , Tyrone Wayman , Fred Wallitsch , Vincent Valentin , Jo e Valeri , George White , Debbie Zuczek. Junior Class Meeting/ Left: Sharon Rojek , Charlie lnverso. L\'!1n Agocs. Debbie D ' Ange lo , Jim McGuire, Kathy Sheik Right: Jim i\1cGuire .


JUNIOR RING DAY . . . December 14, 1973 ... " May the circle of friendship of '75 be reflected by the shape of our rings" .. . an early Christmas present .. . Father Nolan celebrating Mass on a crowded stage . .. ""We'll have these moments to remember" ... anticipation .. ... Time in a Bottle" ... praying your ring is the right size .. . special intentions for the future success of the Junior Class . .. • Father Thul' s blessing ... .. My Sweet Lady" - our Miss Cox ... your ring is really there, hoping you don ' t drop it ... .. With this , I promise" ... anxious feelings increasing ... ··IT FITS " getting seventy-four friends to turn your ring and then , SEVENTY-FIVE ... " Hey , turn it the other way! " ... feasting on donuts and orange drink ... "Sunshine" ... something to signify that we ' re now upperclassmen ... class president Kath y, organizing and planning, having everything go right ... roaming around the school, disrupting classes , asking "Will you turn my ring?" ... having turns numbering into the hundreds ... swo llen fingers, proud faces ..... If only \\'e may gro\\' firmer, simpler, quieter, warmer" . ..

Page 105/ Top: Baske ts full of 1975 Rings . Bottom Left: Junior Ring Day ~las s, Bottom Right: Eva Ungrad,·. Donna Walachy .


CHRISTMAS . .. "'T was the week before Christmas and all through


the school, not a creature was studying, not even Father Thul" . . . our first snow day in years ... a week full of surprises . . . replacing blue and white with red and green . . . having a gigantic tree in th e foyer ... hand-crafted ornaments made by each homeroom ... needing a scaffold to mount the star ... freshman collections for the Cunningham family ... "The students were all nestled and snug in homeroom , with dreams and hopes that they'd be out of there soon" .. . special schedules to build holiday spirit ... having hom eroom in th e middle of the day .. . class lunches ... crying over Raggedy Ann 's broken heart .. . the band playing the first Christmas carols you've heard all seaso n .. . .m a lmost silent " Three Stooges" movie ... " Oils well that ends well " .. . giving Santa (and his helpers ) your Christmas list during lunch ... having a class between parties .. . typing reindeer . . . playing charades in Eng li sh .. . early Chdstmas fre edom for students from Ewing ... " The person sitting next to you is a unique individual~ " . .. having to take the tree down b e fore leaving for vacation ... Christmas Eve ~lass for seniors ... display window- the only falling sno\\' in town for Christmas . .. paper mache carolers singing to silent halls ... losing our Christmas tournament ... beating St . Anthony's- not much of a consolation .. . Drew Cleveland , M. V . P . .. . lengthen ed vacation because of the energy crisis ... knowing we' ll be coming back only one week before exams . . " I heard one student exclaim ' ere he drove out of sight,' Merry Christmas to all and THANK GOD WE'RE OUT' .....

Page 106/Top Right: Christmas tree ornament s. Middle: .. Merr,· Christmas ." Bottom Left: Christmas show case. Bottom Right: now covered bleachers. Page 107 /Top Left: Drew Cleveland . Middle Right: Greg Keyes , John Everett, Bruce Angebranndt, Mike Moran, Jeff Mazurek, Emmanuel Morreale. Bottom Left: Trish Furman, Dan Collins. Regina Brant , Joan Antoniewicz .


Page 108/Top /Majorettes: Captain Pat Fecak, Roberta Walbridge, Nancy Gagliardi, Linda Lepper, CoCaptain Connie DeBlois . Middle / Color Guard: FRONT ROW : Lorraine McCarrick, Maggie Napoleon, Theresa Bencivenga, J oanne Piunno , Louise Angebranndt, Theresa Valatka. SECOND ROW: CoCaptain Beth Kearns , Kathy Mesday, Andrea Fonseca, Carol Petito, Diane Quinlan , Gerri Valatka, Sue Thornton, Cathy Carroll, Donna Kissel , Jackie Papp, Kat hy H earney, Co-Captain Joan Hanson. BOTTOM : D arlene Polinski , Donn a Wallachv. Page 109/ Top Left: Roberta Walbridge. Top Middle: Kath y H earney , Carol Petito, Kathy Mesday. Top Right: J ean Herman . Bottom/ Drill Team: SITTING : Robin Salvadore, Joanne Thurman , Patti Kiernan , Cindy Whalen, Pam Ner\\'ins ki , Pa t Mulligan, P eggy Calamia . KNEELING: Kath\路 Cebulko, M a r y Kanda, Kati e Smith , Donna Giordano, Debb ie Pirone, Donn a Wallachy, Captain Jean Herman, Carm ln verso , Nancy M UZ\ k, Kath \' H ousman, Barbara Travers. STANDING : Sue Chi.antese, Linda Mancuso, Vernita Fowler, Karen Wilson .



" left, left- left, right, left" . . . practicing in th e summer .. . " Dance to the Mu sic" -what mu sic ? ... our leaders - la te again .. . winning the Baton Twirling Troph y at the Hopewell parad e . . . new uniform s for the Color Guard ... "A re n' t th ese old Band jackets? And we hav e to make th e skirts?!" . .. hats without plum es ... fooling around at practice until you re m e mb e.r dem e rit s .. . cheering all the way to a way games . .. " Hail to thee, d ea r Notre Dame" . . . marching in mud ... wishing the band could come .. . tr ying to give yo ur best performance so th e long practices will be worthwhile .. . being in ste p at th e night game ... "National Anthem" - Qu een Anne Salute .. . twent y- five one-handed spins .. . frozen hand s, numb fee t, and shivers ... " twent y-on e gun salute a nyon e?" . .. fee ling proud wearing your Drill Team jacke t . .. dedicated fir e twirl e rs .. . getting n e rvou s before half tim e ... selling candy bars to raise mon ey for bu ses, banner, and other projects . . . Miss Grant- mode rator . . . sharing your spirit with Notre Dame ... "Compan y, halt! " . . .


SUNSHINE CLUB . .. a club of fe w that accomplishes a lot ... Sister Nora, our moderator and first recipie nt of our 路路 sunshine" . .. visiting ho spital s and res t hom es .. . helping the sick, th e elderly, and the lonely . .. watching a face light up .. . feeling reward ed . .... Show that you really care ." . .. making Mrs. Gribbon ' s ho spital stay a little nicer . . . soliciting information about shut-ins . . . '' It's all well worth it~ .... . ju st a littl e time yields a big smile ... 路路In thi s we have come to know hi s love ... "

Page 110/ Top/ Sunshine Club: Helena Wa lczak, Susan Lengye l, Sister Nora, Denise H am let. Middle/Black Awareness Club: Wanda Jon es, Sister Dismas, Tracy Groom es, Th eresa Thomas. Bottom: Sharon Arant, Sister Di s m as , Tracy Groomes . Page 111 / Top / Sodality/ FRONT ROW : Pam Witkowski, Adrianne Glappa, Debbie Zuczek, Barbara Pajak, Ana Ottaunick. BAC K ROW : Barbara Moo re, Linda Ferri, Patt y Woodcock , Debbie Wierzbowski , Patty Nester, Miss Leonie. Middle Left: D ebb ie Zuczek, Barbara Pajak, Pat t y Woodcock. Middle Right: De bbie Zuczek .


BLACK AWARENESS SOCIETY ... "United we stand, divided we fall' ' .. . black students who are proud of their heritage . .. learning to know and understand the people around us .. . Tracy keeping order at chatter-filled meetings ... getting projects together, trying to help where it is needed . . . Sister Dismas, thoughtful , talkative, laughing moderator ... speaking out on Black issues .. . being a member, a piece of the puzzle making N.D. complete ...

SODALITY . . . a club resurrected from the past ... "What? No guys?!" ... Miss Leonie, our patient moderator ... "Can we change the name, nobody knows what it means." . . . society-oriented . . . fund raising ... fifty blue and white bracelets for Blue and White Day ... "When路 s the next party - uh meeting?'" ... Bobbie and Debbie, '路enthusiastic" president and vice .. . being unorganized in an organized way ... Santa's helpers for Saint Francis' pediatric \\路ard ... .. I hate bake sales!" ... seventy-five Easter baskets for three ho 路pitals .. . "How about a spring bazaar?" . .. girls interested enough to really give of themselves ... being of service to peopl~ today ...



CHESS CLUB . .. "R-KB4 check! " .. . "That's the third time that I took your Bishop - I think you're cheating! " . . . thirty-two faithful members trying to make all the meetings ... having a game last three weeks and two days ... getting checkmated by a pawn ... Miss Leonie refereeing "hot games" ... jockeying for the number one spot ... trying to beat the rating system . .. being frustrated and finally calling for a draw ... wishing you could beat the president ... " Wharton isO-lOandhe's in fifth place. " ... " You can ' t do that! " . .. rem mbering to put up your chair before leaving ... " How can I rate this kid, he doesn ' t exist!" ... getting beat by veteran player and teacher, Mr. Fitzpatrick . . . trying to set up matches with Lawrenceville and Ewing ... " QKR8 CHECKMATE! "

Page 114/Top Left/Chess Club: Martin Olech, Jim Streeter, Joe Szedula, Rom eo Bautista. Top Right: Mr. Fitzpatrick, Steve Bolge. Middle Left: Alexander Rotov. Bottom/ Key Club/F RONT ROW : Tom Dolan, Casey Confoy, Tom Esposito, Greg Schrader. SECOND ROW : Joe Drulis, Bob Bennett, Dave Pacera, Brock Barber, Tom Hou sman, Jim McGuire, Tom Toporek, Phil O' Re ill y, Mike Hofmann . BACK ROW : Graham Smith, Tom Meag her, Mike VanHise, Bert Smith, Steve Proniews ki, Tom Voyda, Ron Wszolek. Page 115/ Top/Forum Club: Gary Nigh, Mrs. Salcewicz. Middle Left: Marty Pappaterra, Donna Springer, Mrs. Salcewicz, Gary Nigh. Middle Right: Steve Proniews ki. Bottom: Jeff Mazurek, Manny Morreale, Bruce Angebranndt, John DiCole .


FORUM CLUB " First, I'd lik e to say mastering the art of vocal communication " Four eve nts, not bad for one da y!" slowly developing confidence and poise " I actually stood th ere and spoke intelligentl y in front of 'p eople!" informal practices in D-200 - lead e rship supplied b y M rs o Salcewicz working an ex tra hour for an extraordinary presentation Secre tary Gar y, " d ying " for a dramatic presentation eage r to impress th e judges " Speak loud e r, pl ease!" fee ling mor e proud than afraid hoping to qualify for th e final s Valentine 's Da y - th e big competition expe ri enced Pres ide nt Stev Proniews ki a small club but anxiou to grow putting eve rything into yo ur presentation " Don' t ham it up too much be ing careful not to put yo ur foot in yo ur mouth "And last, but not leas t 0




































































KEY CLUB " Keynoter" trying to stir up enthusiasm " Sit down, ' Muddle Head' !" Graham Smith, our " p e rsistent" pres ide nt " How about a pancake brea kfast?" delivering Christmas baskets for Catholic Welfare " Somebod y's gotta hav e a car!?" pa ying two dollar s p e r person for a " fr ee" dinner held at Morris Hall " Father Saller, I guess we can start now! " congregating eve ry two weeks a national se rvice organization 0
































Point of View /

I feel as if I could write volumes about my four years at

Notre Dame. There is so much wrong there is really nowhere to begin. Notre Dame has made us face many different policies and personalities, some harder to accept than others. There seem to be times when little or no consideration is given to the fact that we're not little kids, but rational individuals capable of coming up with an occasional good idea. The other side of the school is the student body. Maybe we don't possess a rah-rah school spirit but we have a different kind of spirit. Even though we don't have the best facilities or easiest discipline code, still most members are willing to defend this school when the situation arises. Personally I feel as if I've found many good friends here. Not only with fellow students but also with teachers. Sure everyone doesn't like one another here but there is never any pressure applied on one group by another. One major thing I've come to realize is the need of respect towards a person's individuality. I've hated and dreaded much that has gone on here but there have been too many good times and experiences to ever regret these previous four years. The secrets of surviving the tests of Notre Dame are to make the good times yourself and don't ever be overtaken by the situations you confront. They don't really seem that bad when you really have to look back. Philip O'Reilly

My feelings about Notre Dame are mixed, but you know for the first ti e in three years, I realized how much I appreciated everything everyQne has done for me here. I see now, how close I am to my friends, and how happy I am for the respect they have given me. In this respect they have shown, I realize that this in a sense has given me an inner-peace, and a peace of mind. I truly believe that if you ever want to be at peace with yourself you must come to N.D. Because you will never find friends like the true friends I found at Notre Dame. Thanks friends . . . for everything. John Taylor

Notre Dame is what you make it. To some it's a stone building, inside and out, and always will be. To me it's people, people I'll carry memories of for the rest of my life. Oh there were hard times, but the good times out-weighed the bad. I remember being corrected and told what to do and what not to do. I remember resenting it. But looking back I'm glad I was told and glad I resented it, for I learned. If nothing else, I learned that people can be wrong and life isn't always fun, it's real. Notre Dame has helped me to grow, not only academically but psychologically. You who see Notre Dame as a stone building don't realize that you are missing an important part of your life and some day you may feel an emptiness. Thank you, Notre Dame. I may lose you in time, but i'll gain you in memories as I progress through life. Barbara Pajek

Being a part of N.D.'s community is a complex feeling to define. For people have never said they love N.D. But one thing they have said and do say is that they LOVE the friends they've come to know through N.D.They can and have said that they regret ever coming to N.D.But how many friends would they not have? How many experiences would they not have enjoyed? I guess N.D. should be accredited for that- bringing us together! Angel Fruscione

I like Notre Dame; not just for what it is, but more important for what it coul.d be. People here are generally like people everywhere - often in a hurry, sometimes overconcerned with themselves instead of others, rarely outwardly excited or happy. But while these people may constitute somewhat of a majority - the influence of the minority is definitely more widely felt.

l have found people who are genuinely interested in other people, students (and teachers) who make the effort and take the time to smile or say "hi." I've spent a good deal of my last four years here and I'm satisfied with what I've gotten in return- an experience, a growth and a sense of satisfaction. Notre Dame has become a part of me and I have become a part of Notre Dame- a group of people; living, sharing, laughing, crying, growing, pray ing, loving, and reaching - always reaching higher ... It is through these people that I have come to know what being me is all about.

There's so much that needs to be done here; I'm only sorry that I couldn't have done more. But I tried and at least that's a beginning. For me N.D. was a success - because I chose to make it that way.


Joan Antoniewcz

Chaotic homeroom, clack of the time clock bang of lockers heralding a new day rush of students missed opportunities pretention fear confusion cheerleaders, the band, floats too little time to really get to know each other talk talk talk in T.D.R. bulletin boards steak sandwiches on Tuesday faculty meetings Have a happy .. . lesson plans that didn't work Lay Faculty Association parliamentary procedure exuberance despair growth emotional experience of a basketball game reticent smile of a shy student the first touchdown of the year injury a winning place in cross country The Canticle the school play love a student getting all A's hockey assignments coaches pow wows and post mortems Pride Graduation a smile announcements unexpected reverence meeting a class for the first time wrong first impressions tutoring comraderie The Three Stooges rowdy Accounting classes Happy Birthday Yea Team! the look on the face of a student when he finally "gets" a concept the Chapel music in the halls baseball laughter tears Nuns are people caring, discussions reaching out disappointments love the din in the cafeteria confidences students returning from prior years expectations I guess what I'm trying to convey is that the people here at Notre Dame Make it a very special place to be! Mrs. Danbury


You're going to get hurt at Notre Dame. During your four years here, you'll be laughed at and stepped on, then ignored. There'll be teachers who will never be satisfied and pressures from all sides. Sometimes it will be pure hell. You can escape by locking yourself in a glass tower. But if you do, you'll be taking a chance. A chance of mi'ssing one, or maybe two people who could become very special to you. Who will laugh with you, not at you and who'll scrape you off the floor when you get stepped on. People who's love will last long after you've forgotten the hurt- even after you've left Notre Dame. I wouldn't take the chance. Glass towers shatter too easily anyway.

to grow, to learn, to create . .. living objectives, educational objectives. the person and the environment are the two key factors. because i am myself, i have experienced all three, to great degrees. notre dame was my environment - it served as my battleground, not my wellspring. to those who will spend their days here: strive for unchallenged expression; continue to question the objectors and their objections to yout' action; shine your light- the stimulation will come only from you. Nancy McCardell Listen ... And hear the song of Notre Dame: the harmony of sou~ÂĽ~ and silence that grows and touches all who will stop and know that it is here. It is the sound of moving feet and tapping typewriters and band crescendoes, and especially of laughter and victory shouts, and voices that say, "I care." It is the opening of curtains and doors . . . and hearts. It is the ticking of endless hours of classes and deadlines and practices and friendly talk. It is the quiet miles and soft-shedding tears. It is "hello" and "goodbye" and "great to see you again." It is an echo through thousands of parents and alumni started by the rush of eager freshmen, the sign of hope-filled seniors, and the waiting and watching and wanting of those who stand along their way.

It is a song that is a beginning and end, that finds its words and melody in a small room on B corridor . . . a room where daily resounds the soft-sung song: "This is my Body."

Listen . . . Sister Joanmarie

Beth Kearns


SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY ... a national organization . .. installation of officers and new members - a candle ceremony, a Spanish prayer, hoping for a good year . .. giving a dollar for yearly membership ... Business Committee - " How much is in the treasury?" .. . ninety five cents!! .. . "How can we make money??! " ... planning a trip to New York .. . Mr. Poli giving help from the sidelines . . . putting " Spanish Honor Society Member" on your college transcript . .. giving a Spanish family a food basket for Christmas .. . disappointment at cancelling our New York trip because of the "energy crisis" .. . sponsoring a Spanish literary contest with a five dollar prize and winning entries published in " Four Winds" . . . a Spanish day in spring- decorating the school, publicizing th路e club, decorating the front window . .. A wards Day- pins for members, rings for officers . .. having fun , enjoying being a part and feeling proud to be a member of " Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica" . .. 118

Page 118/ Top: Joan Caivano, Carm e n Ortiz, Bett y Wokoun , Debb ie Egan, Alice H e nk, P at Own es . Middle Left: Be tt y Wokoun , D ebbie Egan , Alice H e nk , Ir v in Beaucha mp. Bottom Right: Gay Chiare ll o, Mr. Poli. Page 119/ Top: D e ni se Maru ca, Robin Salvadore , Be tt y D ymow s ki. Middle / FRONT ROW : Robin Salvadore, E ll e n H a n a k, Kati e Barlow , Be tt y D ym ow s ki , D e ni se Maru ca. S ECO D ROW: Mrs. Br ya n, Marc es te r, a ncy Swistak, J ane Plunke tt, M a ri e Garnish, Lorra in e Turgeo n, Nancianne Do y le, C la re Fl e~c h , H a nk Smit h. Bottom / FRONT ROW : Be tt y Dymow ski , Kath y Sweeney, Kath y Gavigan. ECOND ROW: Mrs. Brya n, Vicki Czerna, Robin Sa lvadore, Barba ra Tri a ntifilloo. BACK ROW : De ni se Maru ca, ancy Santoro, Kate Barlow .

LA SOCI:ETE HORORAIRE DE FRANS:AIS .. . " This ye ar we ' ve got to get organized! " ... high standards: A in French, B in all other subjects . . . membership invitation s - en fran~ais ... " Could someone translate this for me? " ... tutoring fir t and second year students ... selecting a motto ... " Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite" .. . President De nise Maruca . . . LE CERCLE FRAN9AIS ... pla ying Hangman and Monopol y Ia Fran~aise . . . Crepes Suzette at the Chez Odette .. . reviewing grammar for French achievements . . . spring celebration - Mardi Gras ... joint socials with F. H.S . .. . being a king or queen just because you found a rock in yo ur piece of cake ... Mrs. Bryan with another original idea . . . dinner " chez Br ya n" . . . always working to promote inter es t in French culture . ..



SENIOR CLASS TRIP ... 184 sleepy-eyed seniors gathering on a snowy Saturday dawn ... "Montreal, here we come!" .. . "What do you mean this bus has no bathroom?" . . . delayed when Bus 4 breaks down on the N.Y. Thruway .. . riding to Lake George with three other people sharing your seat . . . lunching at the nationally known Howard Johnson' s . . . driving .. . and driving "Who's got the dramamine ?" ... and driving ... reaching the border with tears of desperation and happiness .. . "Don' t get so excited. You' ve still got another two hours. " . . . arriving four hours behind schedule . .. a midnight dinner highlighted by that magnificent floor show . . . friendly propositions in the elevator ... all of your friends living in the same building for four days . .. utter chaos . .. overloading the switchboard with phone calls .. . never being back in time for bed check . . . outsmarting the chaperones - sometimes . . . "French" french movies on channel 8 . .. Quebec- home of the Ice Festival ... and another four hour ride .. . trying to make a U -turn on the Trans-Canadian High way . . . snowmobile rides at Quebec' s "Niagara" falls ... Carnival time .. . maple syrup on sticks .. . castles of ice - with slippery exits . . . " A Bavarian restaurant in the middle of Quebec?" ... dancing to the sounds of men in lederhosen路 . .. Peggy and her tamborine . . . Sister Katherine - belle of the ball . . . singing "Alou ette" with fifty French guys . . . Henry and his pictures ... trying to stare down and keep down soggy eggs for breakfast ... and don't forget those "very rare" pancakes . . . shopping for souvenirs . . . "Ou est Sea way Motel?" . .. Ben's - the oldest delicatessen in Montreal ... " Who ever thought dolphins could be so entertaining?" ... penguins who look a lot like your favorite nuns . .. dining at a Canadian Woolworth' s where the food is "stupendous!" ... learning the "bump" at the D.J. disco . .. "What's a Singapore Sling- some new dance?" ... The African Room . . . playing leap frog at 3:00 in the morning . . . a bus tour of Montreal . . . the last day ... being a wed by the beauty of the Notre Dame Cathedral ... hating to leave . .. dreadful thoughts of the twelve hour ride back . .. halfway home and realizing you still have the key to your room vowing never to ride on a bus again ... unforgettable memories ...


Page 120/ Top: Ice Castle . Upper Middle: ~lario DiVincenzi, Felicia Sevilla, Bob Brooks . Lower Middle: Craig Chiarello, Ed Bush, Ht•ruy Flynn , Yal \ 'agnozzi , Bill ZamborskY. Bottom: Mr. Joseph Wroblewski, Mi ss Patricia Grant, Sister Dismas. Page 121 / Top Left: Seaway Motor Inn . Top Right: Th e Dolphin Show. Middle Left: Kathy Lynam , Sharon WenczeL Trich Leadem, Joan Mackin, Rita Fitzpatrick, Karen Greber. Middle Right: Karen Greber. Bottom: A group of friendly penguins.

12 1


Page 122/Girls' Softball Team/Top RIGHT : Reggie Brant. MID OLE LEFT : Sister Claver, Sandra Miscavage. Mrs. Major, Mrs . LeBlanc. Reggie Brant. and a friend . BOTTOM LEFT : Sherri Maguire. Holly Fabian . BOTTO~J RIGHT: Sherri Maguire. Sandra Miscavage . Page 123/Girls' Track Team / TOP LEFT: KathY Allen . Cindy Toporek . TOP RIGHT : Pat Nestor. MIDDLE LEFT: Miss Ellen Glen don . MIDDLE RIGHT : Michelt> Harnt>\', Collet>n Harney. Pat Allen . BOTTOi\路1: Kathy Allen .


Strange angles .. . unvisited places .. . different perspectives ... do you know where they are? . . . which is which? ... inside the ticket booth .. . from the auditorium balcony .. . down D corridor from the convent entrance . . . second floor Faculty Lounge .. . Science Resource Center . .. Student Government Room .. . Girls' Team Locker Room .. . English office . . . now, match them up ... fill in the blanks ...




D/ 124

H/ 125

Page 126/Top: Maureen She_lly, Karen Confoy, Kath~ Bird , Jerry Larkin . Left: Maureen Shelly, Kathy Bird . John Larkin , ~lr. Patrick Rooney , Kathy Woodco c k. Right: ~I icha 路I Bodnar, Ka thy Bird . Page 127 / Top: Kat hy Garofalo , Kar e n Za baw a, ~liss Jan et \\'il so n, Creg Keye s, Bob Fisher, Jim Greber, Beth Keam s. Left: Sister Dorotll\路, Sister Charlotte, Mrs. Shaun Pigott. Right: The \ 'e rmont Ski Trip .

Repapswen . .. purpose: to beat apathy and keep N. D . informed ... our leader, journalist Kathy Bird ... first meeting ... encouraging ... teaching kids how to write a news story ... making " old" news fresh ... " Do staff members get press passes?" .. . waiting for articles that don ' t come ... first-issue- October 26, 1973 ... " Why do we have to pay a dime for the paper?" ... trying to keep everyone interested ... " N arne the Newspaper" contest ... "repapswen" ?? ... .. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the staff, adviser, or administration of Notre Dame" ... moving to the Student Gov rnment room ... big 15t Christmas issue .. . Mr. Rooney writing letters to the epitor ... completely student-run newspaper lo ya l staff ... believing it can work . ..

SKI CLUB ... almost two hundred members ready to go, waiting for snow ... a new executive board ... "Where's Bolton Valley?" ... growing anticipation for the trip ... almost cancelling because of no snow ... " Think SNOW!!! " ... two busloads of anxious skiers finally going to Vermont ... "Yeah, we're still in Massachusetts." ... nine long hours ... "Thank God for the bathroom on the bus! " ... snow on the way up, snow all day, snow on the way home ... " Oooohh, aaahh, look it's snowing!!" ... Bob, Ray, John and Bob coming back for the trip ... J. W. chasing everybody back to their rooms at one A.M.... late Saturday night, early Sunday morning parties .. . a trip of firstsnight skiing, TV in our rooms (and in French, no less), steak for dinner, and sauna baths ... anguished cries of a beginner- " But I don ' t know how to stop!! " . .. $5.00 a lesson and all they tell you is - " Bend zee knees." ... Mr. Pigott learning how to ski ... " My boots are killing me, my hands are frozen , but I love it!!! " . .. skiers falling off the lift . . . " Those aren ' t bumps. They're moguls!'! " ... a new way to skipiggyback ... Richard the Lion-hearted laughing on the bus . .. hoping to get snowed in, or not have enough gas to get home ... enthusiasm of skiers hampered by the energy crisis ... the falls , the sore legs, the frustrations , the accomplishments and the ecstacy of a skier ...


FUTURE SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION . . . honor society for secretarial students ... acquiring knowledge of the business world ... belonging to the Trentonette Chapter - N.D., Steinert, and Hamilton ... Theresa Pender, president . .. developing desirable work habits ... tiny green and gold club pins . . . selling " Happy Hang-Ups " bulletin boards ... pink Sweetheart roses for F.S.A. Week ... Donna Walachy and her crew choosing articles for the F. S. A. Bulletin . .. assisting fellow members in improving skills ... examinations and inte rviews for a $500 scholarship ... hearing speakers from the Chamber of Commerce ... pleasure trip to New York in the spring to see " Grease" . .. knowing you ' re better qualified for a secretarial position . ..


CHAPLAIN'S CLUB ... a new way of getting involved ... listening to Father Nolan's new ideas ... trying to make the chapel a more meaningful place for the students . . . redecorating . .. temporar y " mass" confusion ... " Should we get a red carpet or a gold one?" . . . a new coat of paint, a little rearranging, a new chape-l that no one recognizes . .. new warmth and atmosphere . . . Mrs. Paixao ' s guidelines and creativity . . . new banners with new m ess ages . . . a banner of Christian symbols that covers half a wall ... creative liturgies ... Father Nolan' s ten-minute masses . . . Ernie trying to get everything organized ... " Girls assisting at Mass?!?" . . . Christmas Eve Midnight Mass .. . a Christmas tree, decorations, and carols in the chapel finding new me.aning in an old faith . . .

HEALTH CAREERS . . . stud e nt s with H e alth C a r ee r s in mind ... Director of Nurses from H e lene Fuld advising on caree rs in medicin e ... a film on nursing . . . " H ematology?! " . . . makin g Chri stma s Bas ke t s for Mount Carme l Guild .. . encouragem ent and guid ance from Mrs. Doughe rt y .. . office rs m eeting in th e m edical suite . . . " Anoth e r bake sal e!?" ... making " he lp boxes" for th e Red Cro"s s " X-ra y t e chnician s? Doctors ?" .. . hop e ful , d e_te rmined m e mbe rs m ee ting in D-107 .. . be ing informed about all Allied H ealth Profess ion s . .. a chance to d ecide what's right for you . ..

Page 130 / Top / Future Secretaries ' Association / FRONT ROW : Donna Wal ach y, Ma ry Ann Geppe rt, Gail Donne ll y, Barbara Mille r. SECOND ROW : Ma ria nn e Koco n, Ka re n G r ygo n, T he resa Pende r, Lisa Nini, Sh e ll y Arbite ll. BACK ROW : Gloria Szubr o ws ki , JoAnn e Piunn e, Ro se mar y Bo ye r, Mrs. Stok a, Mich e le Kl e k, Lind a Mate cki. Middle: Paul Kehl e r. Page 131 / Top/ Health Careers Club: J oh a nna Shano ski e, Mrs. Dou~h e rt y , Middle: Mrs. Dou~h e rt y , Juana Nun ez, Nan cy Pe te rson, Barbara Moore. Bottom/ Chaplain' s Club: Fath e r Nol an, Pam Gru ss le r, Th e resa Keag y, Lucille H e arn ey, Siste r W end e lin , Ernie Andrioli, Kath y Stani sh, Tina Kuroczka, Paul Kehl e r .


STUDENT GOVERNMENT ... introducing Seymour Goo,Jyear . .. dedicated members coming to summer meetings . .. discussing and compromising to rewrite the school codes ... frustration ... "This is only the beginning!" ... " Tours for Teachers" ... 12L- Senior members only . getDress ting it all together . .. the " gang" ... trick or treat with 'Bugs' and Discipline Boards - working with and around our limitations "The display window, again?" Dan Collins - star of assemblies selling everything and an ything to raise mone or our school sign learning to distinguish a Picasso from a L ec at the Art Auction . . col-

lecting turkeys and toys for needy families Santa and his elves in the Thanksgiving Day parade . . . S. G. R. - the " hang" ... slowly but surely changing uniform regulations ... trying so hard to do the right thing . .. Rootie does it again .. . Tricia and Danny's twelve foot baby ... " Seymour Santa?" ... decorating the tree with 1700 personalities . . . Mr. Bugdal our strength, our inspiration, our friend ... getting out of school to visit Hopewell, Ewing, and St. Anthony' s on Exchange Days . . . planning another Student Government Week ... trying -and making it work ...

Page 132/Top: Art Auction. Bottom Left: Tom Root. Bottom Right:. Mr. Robert Bugdal. Page 133/Top Left: Tricia Fur~ man, Joan Antoniewicz, Bob Ernst, Maria Martine. Bottom Right: Tricia Furman , Michele Buckley, Jim McGuire, Angel Fruscione, Kathy Bird, Karin Obermeier, Bob Ernst. Bottom Left: Stud e nt Governm ent President Joan Antoniewicz .


P. T.A. ... co-ordinating efforts to bring parents and teachers together, at least on some things . . . annual socials . . . seeing the new wing for the first time . .. paying membership dues ... supporting school policies and activities .. . sparsely attended meetings ... general business always first .. . sleeping in line, waiting to see your son's" favorite" teacher ... sponsoring dinner dances to raise money . .. November meeting - parents following students' schedules . .. striving for parent involvement ...

Page 134/Top Right: Mr. and Mrs. Petro, Sister Katherine. Middle Left: Mrs. Greber, Mr. and Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Leiggi, Mr. Forman . Middle Right: Mrs. Kaytu s, Sister Clarice. Bottom Left: Mrs. Secreta rio, Mrs. Czerna, Mrs. Krebs, Miss Grant. Bottom Right: Mr. Charles DeAngelo, Mr. Wyers. Page 135/Top Left: Mr. Charles In verso. Top Right: Father Nolan , Mr. Wagn er. Bottom: Wynn Allen .


FATHERS' CLUB ... concerned fathers raising money to help support the Athletic Department . . . Mr. Bennett, President and organizer . . . "Last year' s total money raised was $15,000! " .. . sponsoring the annual car raffle . . . collecting tickets, selling food and channeling parking at games . . . " Mr. Inverso, three hot dogs, please." .. . flea market set up by Mr. U ngrady- an event involving everybody ... sending letters out to keep fathers informed ... Father Nolan, the club adviser . .. repairing bleachers, stands and working on the fields . .. Mr. Westerman, official life-time member - doer of often unnoticed good . .. monthly meetings every fourth Wednesday in the cafeteria ... honoring a different team each month ... discussion topics ranging from athletic scholarships to consumer economics .. . " Tonight our speaker will be the soccer coach from Princeton University . . . " . . . refreshments following every meeting . . . realizing we might not have a team withGut their support ...


VARSITY CLUB .. . arousing school spirit ... requirements - one varsity letter ... helping the cheerleaders sell spirit tags the week before each football game ... big event of the year -"Friday Night at the Movies" .. . sharing responsibiltiy for the Semi with the Cheerleaders ... " Hous " and Ann Shelly promoting ticket sales .. . spending the whole day decorating ... trying to get the parachutes to stay up ... climbing ladders and scaffolding ... " Where'd you find these parachutes?" .. . truckers' strike - a delay in getting jackets again this year ... "You mean my jacket's in Kansas City ?!" ... proudly wearing your Varsity jacket to a way games .. . " . .. to foster an attitude of respect for Varsity sports and the athletes ... " ...

LEADER CORPS .. . gaining some authority ... a distinguishing patch . . . "Get in yo ur squads!" .. . taking attendance ... thinking up a new exe rcise .. . "Up, two, three, four! " ... closing you r eyes to those who fake their warm-ups . . . checking the locker rooms . .. gathering misplaced bloomers and socks ... " Go, you chicken fat, go ... " ... turning in your best friend 's purse . . . " That' 11 be twent y- five cents , please! " ... setting up equipment and then putting it all back again .. . " DIS-MISS ED" ... GAA ... promoting interest in the girls ' athletic program ... a quarter for dues - once a year ... " GAA elections tomorrow. Who's running?" . .. purchasing softballs, whistles, flags, and team socks . . . " What do you do with those whistles, swallow 'e m?" ... leader and organizer, " Mom" Rovello ... earning points through bake sales ... a chance to exhibit your talents in the May talent show . .. " But what can I do?" ... girls aiming toward a high standard of sportsmanship . . .

Page 136/Top: Bob Brooks, Jack Santarsiero. Tom Dolan , Mark Rid~e . Dan Collins, Henry Reynold s, Bruce An~ehranndt, Tom Hou sman , Larry Arcioni, Ted Ze~arski. Tom Cianfrano, Mr. Wyers Middle/ Varsity Club/FRONT ROW : Diane Quinlan, Linda Mancuso, Nancy Breimann, Pat Sanderson, Janet Wnuk. SECOND ROW : Mark Ridge , Henr y Reyno ld s, Charlie in verso, Tom Dolan , Dan Collin s, Jack Santarsiero. BACK ROW : Dan Dileo, Donnie Peters, Tom Housman , Larr y Arcioni, John Ta ylor, Casey Confoy, John Antinoro, Ted Zegarski, Bruce Angebranndt, John Gerdes, Marty Hol sneck, Bob Sikorski, Bob Brook s, Mr. Wyers. Bottom: Mark Ridge , John Taylor, Henry Reynolds, Bruce Angebranndt, Dan Collins , Tom Housman , Ted Zegarski. Page 137 /Top: Kath y Shelly, Karen Cashel. Middle/G.A.A./FRONT ROW : Lorraine Turgeon, Erin Clancy, Ella Hughes, Karen Cashel, Linda Nicolai, Mrs. Rovello . BACK ROW : Cathi Chapuk, Liz Heinzel, Joanne Ratzlaff, Gail Donnell y, Donn a Secretario, Diane Olech , Mary Carlin, Ann Shelly, De nise Fazio, Marie Kosco, Ro sema n 路 Bo ver, Laurie Pow e ll . Bottom / Leader Corps)FRONT ROW : Jan e Betor, Lynn Sutton , Nancy Lehmann, An~ e l Fruscione . SECOND ROW : Trish Leadem . Amy Barth , P eg~y Foley, Jo yce Py pczn ki. BACK ROW : \1 yriam Stettler, Rita Fitzpatrick .

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY ... National recognition for those who often get too little ... working hard to keep your average ... running around to homerooms to find the person you are supposed to tutor ... tutoring half of Mrs . Ball's Algebra I class .. . " So your trouble is word problems- mine too" ... "How, did Joe Francica ever get to be president?" ... Mr. Diamond telling his favorite stories at meetings ... " Okay , who's entering the Science Fair?" ... Jim Plunkett as V. P. and resident Latin scholar ... Induction ceremonies at night and no more secrets for parents to hide ... Mary J o Wetzel keeping every minute of the minutes . . . Board of teachers deciding who gets in ... D-208- tutoring capital of N. D . ... wondering why someone smarter than you didn' t get in ... Sharon Wenczel holding on tightly to what little money we have .. . maintaining the qualities of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service ... " I pledge m yse lf to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society ... "


Page 138/Top Right/F RONT ROW : Mary Jo Wetzel, Sharon Wenczel, Maureen Hazen, Maureen Han ey, Amy Barth, Denise Maruca. SECOND ROW : Jim Plunkett , Tom Scarantino, Pat DeLo renzo, Jud y Walton, )oan Caivano, Mary Gorman, Patricia Ownes, Mr. Diamond . BACK ROW : Pres ident Joe Francica, Joe Forman, Tim Funari, Pam Witkowski, Adele abolchy , Joan Mackin , Clare Flesch, Mary Ann Kocon. Middle Left: Joe Francica, Nick Mellis. Middle Right: Jim Plunkett, Jim Sevilla . Page 139/ Top Left: Valerie Vagnozzi , Sharon Wenczel. Middle Left: Cathi Chapuk, Maureen Hane y, Sharon Wenczel , Valerie Vagnozzi. Bottom Left: Kath y Fahertv, Marv Ann Kocon , Cathi Chapuk, Maureen Han ey, Sharon We ncz~l, Val~rie Vagnozzi .

Delta Epsilon Phi .. . Prasidenten, die kleine Haney .. . a new beginning, new members, new ideas . . . first meeting - forty German chocolate cupcakes and only five members . . . " I hope you're hungry! " . .. a lot of faith and a few threatening notes . . . next meeting, twenty members ... "Build a float? In one week? You're crazy, Haney!! " ... Mademoiselles teaching die Madchen the can-can . . . operation "Cabaret", pulled by a car that stalls when you brake ... " Just don't stop.' ' ... Seckretarin Cat hi Chapuk, mit der Blau Bombe ... project for two meetings- dixie cups and glitter to make beer mug ornaments ... " All Christmas presents for Trenton Psychiatric Hospital in by Monaay." ... surprising Sister Charlotte with a corsage . . . ,, Is she really allergic to flo\\·ers ?" .. . different, crazy, exciting, a year every German Honor Society member will remember .. .


GERMAN CLUB ... a slo"· beginning ... President, Laurie Po\\·ell . .. "OKTOBERFEST! " ... cider, music, and German food ... .. What am I eating?" . . German H <>nor Society members by invitation . .. folk dancing led by Marie and \'irginia ... .. Mr. Wood , can ,,.e do it again next year?" ... the entire executive board- Linda Nicholai ... every other Thursday, rene,,·ed hope for the next meeting ... December Library display case .. . .. So ,,.e get to do Christmas~ ..... homemade cards and decorations ... German trip plans d,,·indling ,,·ith the gas shortage ... plans , ideas and hopes slmdy becoming realities .. : a ne,,· club \Yith a future ...


Page 140/Stage Crew/Top: Joe Moore, Steve Maurer. MIDDLE LEFT: Paul Kehler, Sal Santo. MIDDLE RIGHT : Joe Moore, Mike Oberding. BOTTOM: Loretta Heinzel, Debbie Onofri. Page 141/TOP LEFT: Cathy Grochala. TOP RIGHT : Paul Kehlar, Sal Santo, M. DiGuisseppe, Mike Oberding . BOTTOM LEFT: Theresa Bencivengo, Janet Secretario, Debbie Kalzanowski, Laurie Maloney, Maria Maruca .


STAGE CREW ... following Felicia' s sketch book and ideas for student art ... weeks of hard labor ... authentic, hand-tied grass hut . . . originality plus . . . a workiQ.g shower . .. more men than ever behind the scenes . . . finding it hard to begin ... Mr. D., master carpenter and fearless leader . . . drawing ten-thousand ninety-four twelve-inch blocks .. . tropical beauty evolving from stucco and chicken wire ... Bali Hai really on stage in living color .. . sore all over .. . "My parents never knew I liked spending so much time at school" . . . friends because your hands are painted the same color . . . painting over last year' s scenery . . . $35.00 lighting budget makes it with an Uncle in every business ... climbing to the ceiling to replace burned out bulbs . .. being scared of heights . . . tons of new sound equipment ... WM M R being played through the auditorium speaker system . . . taking orders from both Mr. Hearney and Mr. D . . .. being on schedule for the first time ... Sister Joanmarie tying wet hay ... " A washer run by a windmill -never heard of such a thing!" ... sharing experiences and trade secrets ... more paint on you than on the walls . .. measuring a 5' 8" blonde for the shower ... anguish when somethings fails, joy when it works . . . Cathy trying to locate an early model wringer washer . . . " army-green" everything . .. thinking all the applause is for the scenery not the cast ... fruit ten times bigger than life ... using steel wool to remove the palm trees from the stage floor ... a quick shrink job on ancient stairs . . . hay fights in the night . . . suddenly realizing that everything looks better than it did in the sketch book . ..


Page 142/ Top Left: Jo seph del Castillo, Mark Ackermann, Catherine Martin ez. Top Ri gh t: Joan Mackin , Mark Acke rmann . Bottom Left: Je ff Mazure k, Mary Li z Mackin , Kim Cife lli. Bottom Right: Jim Semonik, Greg Adkin s. Page 143/ Top: e lli e a nd chorus. Middle Left: Greg Winkl e r, Bill Zamborsky, Kev in M ye rs, Tom Scarantino. Middle Right: Steve Proni ewski , Jim McGuire, D an n y Collins. Bottom: Our own band!

Cast (in order of appearence) Cath e rin e Martin ez J o e ph d e l Castillo Je ff H ec km an Joan Mackin Mark Acke rmann Mary Liz Ma ckin Bill Zamborsky Greg Adkin s Jim Semonik Je ff Mazure k Jim McGuire Steve Proniews ki Kev in M ye rs Bob Ernst Kim Cife lli Mike Moran

Ngana Je rome H e nry En sign N e lli e Forbu sh Emile d e Becq u e Blood y Mar y Abner Stewpot Professo r Lt. Jo seph Cable C apt. George Brac ke tt Commdr. William H a rbi son Yeo man H e rb e rt Quale Sven Larson Li at Lt. Buzz Adam s Luth e r Billis- Dan Collins

SOUTH PACIFIC .. . early tryouts in December . .. making chorus when you thought you didn ' t have a chance ... new director- Miss Wilson ... "We are going to put this show together in one month!" .. . Richard's new language -"Wah-wah-wah" and "Eee-yah-eee-yah-eee" .. . " Those are warm-ups?" . . . play practice every day and every weekend ... " Do I have to dance with him??" ... finding a replacement for Joe Cable . .. " Is Joan really going to wash her hair?" .. . Mrs. Lagasse teaching her dancers to sing .. . looking for a two-piece bathing suit with boxer legs . . . "What's a Honey Bun?" ... Mark taking a crash course in French . .. "Red lipstick - not pink - RED! " ... instant suntans . .. " Let's get this show on the road! " ... March 29 and 30, April 5 and 6 - N.D.'s "enchanted evenings" .. . opening-night jitters . .. the band's world premiere in the orchestra pit . . . hoping you remember your lines, steps, songs, and cues while trying to stay calm .. . the " crush " in the wings . . . trying to sneak out of the dressing room to see the show . . . Mr. D' s stage crew sneaking props between scenes ... Danny' s coconuts and ship at full sail .. . looking for familiar faces through blinding stage lights and n~ sisting the urge to wave ... "Saxy Lootellan! " ... cast party the night before your SAT' s ... " Will you sign my book?" ... one more curtain call . .. red roses ... letting out an unprofessional cheer when the curtain finally goes down ...


RENASCENCE . .. expression, representing the school, students, and facult y alike ... begging and pleading for material - hopefull y awaiting contest returns ... " What, no art yet ?" . .. setting up residence in B-202 - no more being shh-ed out of the library or swept out of the cafeteria ... rating material on a scale from 1 to 5 ... " 1-,1, 1,1,1,1 +,l ... " . . . " Yes, no, ma ybe so . . . " 路 . . . learning about creativ e writing at Rid e r College ... poems , po e ms and more poems ... reading and rating until you can' t see straight and your mind can' t think an ymore .. . " How does this one rate?" " Well, if you cross out these two lines and change this . . . " .. . " I don' t think that can be printed " . . . trying to find a photograph for a poem . . . trying to write a poem for a photograph .. . " How do you paint a poem?" .. . off to the printers, finall y . .. anxious staff members wait with Sister Katherine . . . pictures, poems, and stories printed and bound- pride in our finished product ...

Page 144/ Top Left: Mary Gorman, Patt y Woodc oc k, Lind a M a tec k.i, N a ncy Sw is tak , M a rya nn Kocon, Tina Kurocz ka. Top Right: Ba rb a ra Tria ntofill oo, Ma rya nn Kocon, Ma ry Gorm a n, J oa n Ca ivan o, The resa Burns. Left: Siste r Kathe rine M roz. Bottom: Editor-in-c hi e f J oa n Ca ivan o, The resa Burns. Page 145/Top Left: Mrs. Pa le ncha r, Editorin-c hi e f Diane G raziul. Top Right: Betty Wok oun, Denise Maru ca. Middle: Diane Graziul, D ebbie Ega n, Pa t Ownes, Ma rya nn Koco n. Bottom: Ra lu ca Al exa ndrescu, C he ryl Shipl ey.


FOUR WINDS . .. a conglomeration of writers and artists ... " Doesn' t anyone here take Latin?" ... taking Diane's threats lightly ... Mrs. Paienchar, always there, always helpful ... rushing to write for deadlines . .. trying to type~ German article when you take Spanish ... Monday meetings of the intelligent and brilliant staff . .. " Why wasn' t my article printed?" ... checking through articles for mistakes . .. "How many puzzles? - Well, you take the number of Spanish articles times the number of French and German and add the Latin, that's. how many! " . .. sitting there, tired, writing in all those punctuation marks not on the typewriter . .. trying and succeeding in creating a good product ...


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0 1 2 4 4

0 0 3 2

0 0 0 1


Opp. Hunterdon Central Council Rock Hopewell Valle y Hamilton Trenton Lawrence St. Anthony' s Delaware Valley Steinert Ewing Princeton Peddie Trenton Hamilton St. Anthony's Lawrence

0 1 4 3 3 2 3 0 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 2

Page 148/Top Right: Dave Dorozin_Jki, Bruce Angebranndt, Charlie lnverso. Bottom Left: Rick Stout, Tom Dolan, Bob Ploof. Bottom Right: Bruce Angebranndt. Page 149/Middle Left: Coach Mr. John Wagner, Jimmy Carella, Bob Brooks. Middle Right: Tom Bolan. Bottom/FRONT ROW: Jimmy Carella, Glenn Metzger, Bob Ploof, Luch Cortina, Ted Zegarski. M DOLE ROW: Jeff Bartolino, Rich Stout, Tom Dolan, John Burke, Bob Brooks, Charlie Inverso. BACK ROW : John Antinoro, Bruce Angebranndt, John DiColo, Coach Mr. John Wagner, Dave Dorozinski, Chris Elie, Casey Confoy.

VARSITY SOCCER ... a rebuilding .year . .. Captains Ange and Luch . . . ten laps every practice . . . " Charlie, take charge. " .. . realizing that only three years ago you didn' t know a thing about soccer sometimes thinking you still don' t . . . the "Nose" .. . " Hey, Mr. Wags, you got any tape?" . . . fans watching the team from the hill .. . Henry' s knee putting him on the sideline . . . freezing ... gigantic crowds at the night games . . . " I SCORED! " .. . 路 Ziggy waiting to pla y . . . Luch makes All-State Parochial ... blue and white soccer balls . . . Vince' s " Atomic Toe " . .. J. V. beating Varsity . . . " oo, la, la, la, la" .. . Ewing- the turning point of the season . . . Bruce, Mr. Soccer, on the All-Mercer County Second Team .. . disappointment at not qualifying for the States ... 6-9-1 season . . . the end coming all too soon . ..



41 41 14 0 14 34 22 34

Opp. Trenton Steinert Ewing DePaul Hamilton St. Peter's St. John ' s Princeton St. Anthony's

0 18 14 41 18 20 20 15


VARSITY FOOTBALL ... AUGUST, again . . . " Hey Trav, you really did lose weight,


didn't you! " .. . foggy memories of old plays ... " Where' s Hous ?" ... thinking of going undefeated .. . SEPTEMBER ... heat and hitting ... doublezuke ... showing so phs th e finer points of the game ... realizing we' re all seniors except for poor Joe ... "Mac" .. . our scoring spree at Trenton . .. "What's 'wind to fire ' ?" ... OCTOBER . . . exploding on Steinert ... Mr. Laskey's Game ball ... Root' psych-up ... frog massacres ... " Del " ... Gap 12 .. . films . .. " Dano, Torno, Johno" ... DTLB,Out .. . oeing late to practice ... think Football during football season ... Tommy racking up 100-yds.-plus games . . . undefeated so far . . . "Yo" ... " Who is this DePaul anyway?" - finding out the hard way . . . fans asking, "What happened?" . . . .. Go home, eat some raw meat, beat up your grandmother, get mean?" . . . whirlpool ... getting stung by the Hornets ... seeing a friend and teammate in pain . .. magic trick - Ebs from back to guard in one week ... NOVEMBER . .. tape, more tape, and what do you mean yo u don't have any more tape ... shades of Mater Dei at St. Peter' s ... winning at the only hom e night game ... looking forward to the big Princeton game ... superpsyche ... wondering if the field is as cold as the stands ... buck lateral on two, sounds good! ... beating the Princeton Boys ... becoming Spartan fans ... winning D . C. ' s pla yer of th e Week Award ... thinking about the championship .. ... Anybody got any socks?'.' . . . Tom breaks all records . . . turning in your favorite number for the last time ... two year varsity record of 12-6-0 . .. no longer thinking about being the first Mercer County Champs- \NE ARE!!! ...

Page 150/ Top: Va rsit y Footba ll T ea m. FRONT ROW : Pa ul Le igg i, M a rio De Vin ce nzi, M a rk Be rt on e, J oe Ni cke ls, T o m Edinge r, Geo rge Matton e lli, D an De lV ecchiO, John T ay lo r, Ke n Hill , Pa ul Brisco, D ave Dudec k. Joe Fa lzo ne. SECOND ROW : D a n DiLeo, AI Pe tru cc io, Dan C ollin s, La rr v Arciont , Ke ith Ebr ahim , T om Bo vd , Ke lvin Smith , T om H ou sm a n, C~a ig Chi a re ll o, M y ron T a ntum , J ~ hn C ota, Pa ul Ka rn s. THIRD ROW : Ma rtin Hol snec k, Bob Av oli o, Tom Voyd a, Pe te M acDon a ld, J•m Mc Guire, John Pa lm e r, Joe F a lse tti , J oe Drulis, John Ge rd es, Dino Bottoni . BA C K ROW : T ra in e r Bill Zambo rskv, Coach AI Ve rd e !, Ass istant C oach Bob Ja roni , Ass ista nt C oach Ste ph.e n Wilfing, Tra in e r Jim Se m o nik. Middle: Pete M ac D on a ld , D a n Del Vecchi o. Bottom Left: Jim McG uire. Page 151 / Top: ig ht Ga me Sco re b oa rd . Middle: Pe te M ac D on ald , T om Voyd a. Top Right: John Co ta. Bottom: Ke lvin Smith , T om Voyd a, T om Ho usm a n.


N.D. 1

0 0 Win 1 1 2 1

0 4 1

SCOREBOARD Katzenbach Ewing Northern Burlington Steinert Hopew ell Valley Villa Victoria Villa Victoria Ewing Princeton Hamilton Lawrence

VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY .. . singing the Hockey theme song .. . wondering how to "jell" as a team ... "But I' e never played goalie before! " ... WANTED : one spark plug ... practicing on vacation days ... Amy, our first Ms. Field Hockey .. . entering the Mercer County League ... six laps and wind sprints?!! . . . Liz Moore, official trainer .. . keeping score, keeping time, checking the equipment ... Karen Cashel, official manager ... " Talk to each other, change positions" ... Peanuts Gang, Double Trouble, Rookie . .. Mrs. Major and her apples ... Holly's scoring record . . . hockey chorus stars in the back of the bus ... being forgotten on Blue and White Day ... singing the " Star-Spangled Banner" before each game ... a superstitious coach and team ... "overload" ... late for the bus because of the Council Rock Soccer team . . . a 3-5-3 record . .. 路 Reggie's hip to Sherry's head injury . .. a mild concussion and an .ambulance, all at practice .. . Wriggley' s gum ... Halloween treats ... getting caught in the halls with spikes on .. . local hang , Mrs. Major's office .. . dribble, drive, scoop - " Kick it in! " ... Ann Shelly, manager and" Orange Queen" . . . Senior Hockey Banquet . . . win or lose, we still love our team ...


0 1

5 Forfeit

5 2 2 1

5 1

Page 152/Top Left: Diane Olech , Am y Barth, Regina Brant, Kath y Fahe rt y. Top Right: Mrs. Margaret Rove llo, Mrs. Barbara Major. Middle: Regina Brant, Trish Furman. Bottom: Varsity Field Hocke y T ea m . FRONT ROW : Lorraine Turgeon, Am y Barth, Cath y Potka y, Linda Nicolai . MIDDLE ROW : Regina Brant, Mari e Kosco, Trish Le ad m , Joann e Ratzlaff, Kath y Fahert y, Trish Furman. BACK ROW : Erin Clancy, Holl y Fabian, Manag e rs Karen Cashel and Ann Shelly, Diane Olech, Sharon Beagles, Coach Mrs. Barbara Major. Page 153/ Top: Jeff Mazurek, Bob Fisher, Lionel Ellis. Middle Left: Mike Shaddow. Middle Right: Bill Palmer. Bottom Left: Varsit y Cross Country Team . FRONT ROW : Lionel Ellis, Pat DeLorenzo, Doug Fisher, Mark Ridge, Greg Ke yes. BACK ROW : Bill Palmer, Mike Shaddow, Bob Fisher, Jeff Mazurek, Jack Santarsiero, Coach Mr. Gary Dambro. Bottom Right: Bob Fisher, J eff Mazurek, Bill Palmer, Mark Ridge .



22 47 31 42 38 27 39 41 36 21 23 20 39 24 39 38 ·

H oly Cross Princet on Tren ton E\\'ing Hopewe ll Valley Morrisville De la wa re Valley St . Anth ony' s South Brun s\\'i ck H amilton Lawrence Hunt e rd on Central De l haas Hightsto\\'n Peddi e Steinert

3.5 16 24 22 21 31 20 18 19 -16 32 .'37 17 31 19 23

CROSS COUNTRY . .. " Through mud and sleet and gloom of night . .. " ... a fe,,· too many wrestlers on the team . .. rumbling with the soccer team ... ,,·omen's lib girls competing .. ... H ey, did anyone see my sweat pants '? " ... The Impo ·s ibl e SitUp ... a map of Cuba hanging in th e lock e r room . . . seven and a half mile for practice . .. Jeff losing hi s shoe . . . .. Does it usually take an hour and a half to gd toN e ,,· Brun swick '?" . . . the Shaddo\\' knows ... "A re you sure thi s course is only t\\'() a nd a half miles long '?" .. . ~1 r. Dambro- coac h and fello\\' runner ... running through water, chest high . . . eating nutritious, flat brmn1ies . .. being sixth in th e county .. . running , becoming numb, and still running . . . burning old ri va ls, Hunt erdo n Central and Holy Cross ... getting burnl'cl by everyone else . . . cold \\' atl' r s ho,,·ers .. . chipping in for a stuffed lion .... ·· Oh \\·e ll, 7-lO record" .. . ,,.e tri ed .. .

BOYS' VARSITY BASKETBALL . .. "Give us a growl, Drew~ · · ... Joe Kale - super soph . . . Geoghan ' s great ball-handling, both on the court and in the bleachers . . . ·· Carom King Drew " ... Frank - consistent and dependable ... Hoff, all-around good player ... Mr. Hess - outstanding fir t year ... ·· Every game is important~ ..... losing at the last second to Steinert . .. "'Where"s the food'?"" . .. cheerleader undying enthusiasm and support ... riding home in silence from Hunterdon Central . . . practice on Christmas Eve ... ""On the line -.guards up~ ..... Dre w- voted most ,. al u able play e r during the Christmas Tournament ... surprising e\·eryone by beating E,,·ing .5/-.55 ... Hoff s tie-bre.aker in the last second of overtime .. . a proud team interviewed on the radio ... ecstatic spectators joining the players on the court in the excitement and chaos of victory ... the end of the season coming all too fast ... " I just don't kno"· ~ '?" .. . ~1 ike - seco nd team All-County .. . \,·inning th e last home game ... blue and " ·hite fare\\·ell ... a decorated gym and lock e r room ... partying with th e cheerleaders ... lo sing to Camden Catholic in th e State Tournament . .. final record 1:3-11 "'GRO\\ ' L~~~ , ..


Page 154/TOP LEFT : To.m Geoghan . TOP MIDDLE : Drew Cleveland. TOP RIGHT: Mike Hofmann, MIDDLE : Drew Cleveland . BOTTOM / Varsity Basketball Team/FRONT ROW: Pete MacDonald, Mike Hoffmann , Bob Bennett, Fred Crowell, Tom 9eoghan, Jim Fruscione. BACK ROW : Coach Mr. Don Hess, Fred Wallitsch , Pat Kahny, Brock Barber, Frank D'U lisse, Drew Cleveland . Page 155/TOP LEFT: Coaches Mr. Don Hess and Mr . Dave Milinowicz. TOP RIGHT : Mike Hofmann . BOTTOM : Frank D' Ulisse, Drew Cleveland.


N. D.

76 52 54 43 49 57 53 56 48 63 61 48 41 57 43 70 60 75 43 57 47 51 .52

St. Peter's Holy Cross Del haas Hunterdon Central Bishop Egan St. Anthony Council Ro ck Gloucester Catholic Princeton Gloucester Catholic Hamilton Steinert Trenton E\\'ing Princeton St. Man ( Elizabeth ) St. Antl~on,路 Hamilton Steinert Trenton E\\'ing St. Patrick ( Elizabeth ) Camden Catholic (NJSIAA Tournam e nt )

53 51 50 75 53 54 55 46 62 50 57 49 6Ei 55 80 51 51 58 52 74 71 49 69


51 49 35 16 27 20 31 44 21 24 29 21 14 9

Opp. Gloucester Catholic Holy Cross Morrisville, Pa. Princeton Bristol, Pa. Ste inert Hopewell Valley H am ilton Lawrence Phillipsburg Catholic Trenton C. B. A. (Lincroft) Ewing Hunterdon Central

6 3 20 42 28 32 17 15 32 28 20 30 31 36

VARSITY WRESTLING . .. grueling practices in the sweat box ... eighteen laps around the gym .. . " Who' s going to trio on the mat today?" . .. trying to look mean and vicious before a takedown . .. " Strizki, yo u can't do a hip roll on yo ur back~ " ... Animal AI Co-captain Reynold, 路Der Fuhrer .. . The Mysterious Mat Burns . . . being 1/ 16 of a pound overweight at weigh-in before a match . . . " Well, no lunch today!" . .. taking off yo ur watch to make weight . . . " Maybe Ed' s water diet! " ... Keith winning some matches . . . finall y gettin g the cheerleaders behind us . . . " Take ' em down , on the mat, roll' em over, pin' em flat !" . . . taking third place in th e State Tournament . .. spectators almost feeling the pain of the wrestlers ... Mr. Dambro pacing the floor ... a one point loss to Lawrence . . . being proud of Reynold and undefeated Bill- First Team All County ... fir st place in the Districts .. . pizza from the cheerleaders at the last hom e match .. . bowing yo ur head in defeat .. . or triumphantly raising your arm in victory . . .


Page !56/Top/Varsity Wrestling Team/FRONT ROW : Ed Bedard, Mark VanSant, Jim Plunkett, Mike Strizki, Reynold Reali, AI Petruccio. BACK ROW : Bill Palmer, Tom Edin~er, Paul Blisko, John Palmer, Bill McGlone, Keith Ebr~him . Middle Left: Keith Ebrahim. Middle Right: Reyno ld Reali. Bottom: Mike Strizki. Page 157 /Top Left: Ella Hu~hes . Top Right/Girls' Varsity Basketb!lll Team/FRONT ROW : Mana~er Linda Nicolai, Pe~~y Gillin, Sherri Ma~uire, Ella Hughes, Veronica Andrews, Kathy Shelly, Mana~er Lorraine Turgeon . BACK ROW: Statistician Mary Carlin, Karen Cashel, Erin Clancy, Eleanor Goeke, Virginia Murphy, Holly Fabian, Diane Olech, Coach Mrs. Barbara Major. Bottom Left: Diane Olech. Bottom Right: Kathy Shelly, Virginia Murphy, Holly Fabian, Veronica Andrews .


52 52 59 17

62 50 33 58 53 53 66

38 47 48

Princeton St. Anthony Lawrence Hightstown Steinert Ewing Hopewell Princeton St. Anthony Ewing Lawrence Hopewell Hightstown Bordentown

Opp. 31

27 25 22 16 31 31 33

23 32 29 32 40 40

GIRLS' VARSITY BASKETBALL .. "Hail Mary, full of grace" . . . constant practices at the C. Y. 0 . . . . Ella' s 78 foot shot at the buzzer-" Has any guy done that?!?" the only team serving pitless .oranges ... decorat~d locker rooms ... first year with writeups in the paper ... "Red rover, red rover, send Barbie right over" . . . Mr. Dorner giving twenty kids in the back seat a whiplash .. . Mighty Senior-s : Ella "Frazier", "Blonde Bomb" Andrews, "Twinkle Toes" Gillin . . . " Fearless Fabian" ... twenty packages of gum disappearing -"Carry it with you?" ... " Rookie" Olech, fantastic frosh, averaging sixteen rebounds per game . .. Hopewell game- "Mts. Major, that's your sixth pack of rolaids ?" . . . fights in the back of the bus .. . team effort always ... " Hot feet " Shelly tripping and pulling a hamstring muscle ... plays that really work ... "Get the soap and wa" ter, it's mouth-washing time" "Red" Goeke - well padded? . .. only crushing defeat Hightstown . . . "Win or lose, you're still # 1 to me" . .. Mercer County Champs . . . " Crazy Leg ' s" Clancy, "Mouth " Maguire, "Hot Dog" Murphy, "Rip Off" Cashel completing a winning team . . . best record in school ... "Move, setup, alright! " ... team plaque for Mrs. Major Ho J o' s after last game celebrating a 13-1 record at the coach's house .. . now and at the hour of our death, Amen - 1-2-3 -LET'S GO! 157

CHEERLEADERS .. . " You can ' t beat this Irish team " . .. spirit .. . " There are no seniors, just thirteen girls" .. . enduring frozen legs for the football team, soggy sweaters for the soccer team .. . finally getting our shakers ... new porn poms for our saddle shoes .. . singing on the bus with the soccer team ... happiness was beating Princeton in football ... carnations from the soccer team at our last home game ... flowers from Mrs. Wood ... J. V. trying to be .as good as the Varsity ... going out for breakfast before the Thank sgiving game .. . excitement of Homecoming ... flow ers from Lynn and Flee ... " We've got the merr y merry alumni on our side! " ... being able to say, " We' re No路. 1!! " . . . planning, decorating, being proud of " Friday Night at the Movies" . .. surprise pictures of the squad for the senior members . . . " I-rish louder I-RISH!!! " . .. wanting to cheer at a way games despite the energy crisis ... fighting for the right to ride on the bus ... making up our own words to Beach Boys ' songs路 - 路" I wish the y all could see our N.D . guys!! " . .. a first- Varsity and J. V. cheering together for wrestling ... making up new cheers ... " Make him see the lights!?!?" ... " pin ' im, Bill, pin ' im" ... supporting all the teams ... dedication ... getting kicked out of the g ym- again ... working to get along, talking it out ... not being able to find a place to practice, then having the lights turned out on us . .. all three squads fighting for the hall ... freshman cheerleaders for basketball season . . . putting together stunts for " Victory" .. . pride in the final result ... staying up all night, telling each other our thoughts .. . Flee making up impromptu cheers . . . " Paula knows everything ' cause she has physics" ... ' I'm so embarrassed" . . . Sec screaming at the top of her lungs ... almost having a nervous 'breakdown at the Ewing game ... cheerleaders and fans running out on the court ... reall y caring ... " Irish spirit is strong!! !" ...


Page 158/Top Left: Night game. Top Right: Felicia Sevilla, Lynn Sutton路. Bottom: Michele Naphen . Page 159/Top Left: Paula Apgar, Sharon Rojek. Top Right: Donna DeCara, JoJo Tella, Diane Diehl, Donna Secretario, Karen Greber, Kathy Stevulak. Bottom/F RONT ROW : Donna Secretario, Michele Naphen, Felicia Sevilla, Lynn Sutton, Paula Apgar. SECOND ROW : Diane Diehl, Karen Greber, Sharon Rojek, Bernice Delozier. BACK ROW : Donna DeCara, JoJo Tella, Mary Quinlan, Kathy Stevulak .


Page 160/ Left: Pe t e .Ma c Do n a ld . Middle: Am y Barth . Right: Mik e K o l c z y n s ki . Botton;1/ Varsity Tennis Team / FRONT ROW : Jo e Fran c ica, Al exa nd e r Rotov , Mik e Kol czyn ski , Dav id Ste wa rd , Am y Barth . BAC K ROW : H a nk Smith , Pete Mac Don ald . Page 161 / Top/ Varsity Bowling Team / FRONT ROW : Len Matte, Ma rtin P a pp a t e rr a, Bo b Dutko, Steve Pappate rra. BAC K ROW : Albe rt Mandl , J ohn Ge rd es, M y ron T a n tum , Mr . L e n M a tt e . Middl e Le ft : J ohn Ge rd es. Middl e : AI M a ndi e . Middle Right : Mr. Len Matte, Myron T antum. Bottom : Le n Matte.


VARSITY BOWLING ... " This is m y week for a two hundred game! " ... Colonial Lanes, a second home every Tuesday and Thursday . . . distinguished blue and white shirts . .. Mr. Matte's great coaching skills . . . "Don't give up yet guy!" . . . Gerdes hitting three hundred - on the pinball machine, that is . .. •.. This is gonna be close. " ... having a high game of ninet y . .. hating " splits " " Two gutters in one frame!? " .. . competition building up ten ion . . . " Do we get the handicap?" . . . Mart y and his off-beat curve ... making a fast come back . .. " It hit my ankle! " ... individual st yles Don Carter couldn' t match . . . fee~ing proud to make a seven-nine split . . . striking out in the tenth frame ... final record 3-5-1 , 17th in New Jersey " B" Division . . . Notre Dame Keglers doing their thing ... " Well, there' s always next week! "

161 \


Page 162/Top Left: Coach Wagner, Tom Lanigan. Top Right: Joe Bedard. Middle Left: Tom Voyda. Bottom Left: The Irish steal a base. Bottom Middle: Tom Lanigan. Bottom Right: Coach Ardery. Page 163/Top Left: Jim Shelingoski. Middle Left: Jim Shelingoski. Middle Right: Dave Ungrady. Bottom Left: Albert Petruccio. Bottom Middle: Joe Nickels. Bottom Right: Bill Palmer.





Page 168/Top Ldt: Donna Secretario - Outstanding Achievement in High School Business Education, awarded by Berkeley School. Top Right: Greg Adkins - Appointment to West Point. Middle Left: Bill Palmer- District li' Wrestling Award . Middle Right: Ann Shelly- Youth of the Month Award , Ewing Branch of the LionsKiwanis Club. Bottom: Girl 路 Basketball Team- Mercer County League Championship. Page 169/Top Left: Jeff Mazurek- Youth of the Month Award . Ewing Branch of the Lions-Kiwanis Club. Top Right: Kathy Bird - Trenton Times Scholarship to Blair Institute of Journalism . Middle Left: Joan Caivano - National Council of Teachers of English Writing A " 路a rd. Middle Right: Tom \" oyda - -Hh Runner up. Student Athlete of the Year, National Football Hall of Fame. Delaware Chapter. Bottom: Gail Donnelly- Perseverance in High School Business Education . awarded by Berkeley School.


Raluca Alexandrescu

Mark Ackermann

Terri Adams

Gregory Adkins

Valerie Allgood

Veronica Andrews

Bruce Angebranndt

John Antinoro

Joan Antoniewicz

Paula Apgar

Michae la Arbite ll

M auree n H ane v 170

Adele Arcamone

Joan Arnister

Robert Avolio

Margaret Balestrieri

Belinda Ballard Luanne Dill, Hannah Rodweller

Joseph Bedard James Barger

Katherine Barlow

Mary Barth

Joseph Bednar

William Bennett

Maria Bernhardt



Mary Anne Bertone

Janice Bet or

Kathleen Bird

Daniel Bogac:t

Stephen Bolge

Sharon Bombery

Karen Bonish

Ann Boshanski

Joe Pi ~a

Darlene Branges

Regina Brant

Robert Brooks

Joseph Bruccoleri

Janet Buckley

John Burke

Kathleen Burns

Patricia Burns

Edward Bush

Theresa Byrne

Dennis Cacalori

Joan Caivano

Diane Calabrese

Anthony Caporusso

Trish Leadem


Robin Echevarria, Carol Petito, Donna DeCara .

Patricia Cashel


Rosemary Cashel

Mary Catherine Chapuk

Craig Chiarello

Monica Chiarello

Paula Christensen

Linda Ciampa

Anne Marie Cirillo

Kerry Clancy

Andrew Cleveland

Cynthia Cochran

Michael Colligan

Daniel Collins

Casey Confoy

Carol Corso

David Costa

John Cota

Fred Crowell

Victoria Czerna

Beverly Dash

Donna DeCara

Tom Scarantino


Michele DeGeorge

Patricia DeLorenzo

Daniel DelVecchio

Mark Des coteau

Pete MacDonald

Timothy DeVaney

Mario DeVincenzi

John DiColo

Luanne Dill

Gail Donnelly

Joseph Doolan

Diane Kmiec, Sharon Bombery


Mary Dorio

Donald Dubow

Michael Ducar

Frank D'U lisse

Suzanne Dunn

Rosemary Durnan

Kath y Woodcock

Susan Durst

Elizabeth Dymowski

Keith Ebrahim

Robin Echevarria

Jan Betor, Angel Fruscione


Robert Ernst

Thomas Esposito

Deborah Egan

Christopher Elie

John Evans

Maureen Everett

Holly Fabian

Kathleen Faherty

Joseph Falsetti

Joseph Falzone

Marcia Federico

John Fenton

Karen Wojtowicz, Kath y Kovacs, Shelly Arbitell, Michele DeGeorge, Alison Hayman, Maria Martinez, Pat DeLorenzo, Valerie Vagnozzi, Andrea Pies.



John Festa

Robert Fisher

Rita Fitzpatrick

Clare Flesch

Henry Flynn

Peggy Foley

Joseph Forman

Diane Fraczkiewicz

Joseph Francica


Darlene Francis

Andrea Franzoni

Mark Freda


Timothy Funari

Thomas Furch

Patricia Furman

Kathleen Garofalo

Thomas Garruba

Kathleen Gauthier

Kathleen Gavigan


Bob Fishe r


Thomas Geoghan

Jimm y Liedtka

John Gerasimowicz

John Gerdes

Ceceila Gergel

Paul Goepfert

Mary Gorman

Diane Graziul

Karen Greber

Peter Groffie

Margaret Gillin


Antoinette Guarino


Margaret Gurdak

Gary Hannon

Colleen Harcar

Sheree Harden

Theresa Harrell

Alison Hayman

Maureen Hazen

Catherine Hall

Maureen Haney

Kathy Sweeney

Mary Hines

Michael Hofmann

Pam Siplin

Patricia Hornyak

Kathryn Hosfield

Ella Hughes

Brian Humphrey

Jan Betor, Tom Bruccoleri

Diane Irvin

Ronal J akubisin

Patricia Johannes

Thomas Housman

Roxanne Johnson


Stephen Jones

Wanda Jones

Jewel Kelley

Gregory Keyes

Donna Kissel

Mary Kleber

Diane Kmiec

Mary Anne Kocon

Linda Kolczynski Nanc y McCardell , Mary Beth Yates


William Kelly

Colleen Cashel, Karen Wojtowicz, Miche le DeGeo rge, Pat D eLo renzo, Vicki Czerna, Sharon Wenczel, Kath y Sweeney, Mary Hin es, Diane Kmiec.

Michael Kolczynski

Donna Korona

Kathleen Kovacs

Karen Kowal

Susan Kowalski

George Krebs

Beverly Kupiec

Justine Kuroczka

Nancy K wietniak

Thomas Lanigan

185 Maureen Haze n

Nancy Lucas

Joseph LaPenna

Patricia Leadem

Nancy Lehmann

Henry Lenartowicz

Nancy Leonard

James Liedtka

Steven Luck

Kathleen Lynam

Phyllis Maccaroni

Peter MacDonald

186 Cindy Cochran, Sharon Staudinger, Mary Ann Kocon .

Joan Mackin

Maureen Mahony

.Paula Apgar

Marilyn Mandl

Lorraine Mannix

Paul Markman

Denise Maruca

Deborah Massei

Jeffrey Mazurek

Susan Maleski

Maria Martinez


Nancy McCardell

Sherry McClellan

William McCormack

Lynn McDonough

Brian McLaughlin

Joan Meriwether

Karen M icklewright

Ann Marie Miles

Barbara Miller

Theresa Miller

Joanne M islan

Be rnadett e Mlade netz

D an De lV ecchio, T om H ou sm an , Ann Sh e ll y, H e nry Rey no ld s, N a ncy Le hm a nn .


Kath . Bird

Linda Moeller

Joseph Moore

Kathleen Moore

Mary Lou Moore

Emanuel Morreale

Michael Moran

Timothy Moran

William Morici

William Morrison

Robert M ulryne

Donna Pitonak, Joan Antoniewicz .


Eugene Norton

Theresa M utchiga

Michele Naphen

Rhond a Rosse r

Linda Nelson

Lisa Nini

Juana Nunez

Mart in 0 ' Brien

Bruce 0 ' Neal

Lorraine Opdycke

Tom Housman. Ange l Fruscione, Greg Adkins. Mark Ackermann.


Philip 0 ' Reilly

Patricia Ownes David Pacera

路 Kathleen Palejczyk

Sheila Page

William Palmer - Debra Parr

Linda Paulaski

Theresa Pender Catherine Pennell

Anthon y Persichetti

Delores Persichilli

H enry Rey nold s


Nancy Peterson

Carol Petito

1uliann Petrone

Sheila Page, Nancy McCardell, Pegg ie Foley, Trish Furman, Pat Burn s, Kath y Burn s, Dolores Pe rsichilli, Jo e Forman, Ke lvin Smith


Albert Petruccio

V. Joseph Pica

Anne Pietras

Donna Pitonak

Andrea Pi es

James Plunkett

James Pietras



Anthony Polito

Catherine Potkay

Felicia Povio

Margaret Prior

Stephen Proniewski

Joyce Pypcznski

Susan Ranfone

Joann Ratzlaff

Reynold Reali

Henry Reynolds

Sister Charlotte, Trish Furman




Margaret Ridge

Vinoont Robbins

Thomas Root

Hannah Rodweller

Diane Rutkowski

John Ryfinski

Stephen Sadley

Pat DeLorenzo, Gail Donnelly

Barbara Roslowski I

Adele Sabolc~y-

Judy Saia


Joe Salmestrelli

Rhonda Rosser


Joseph Salme~trelli

Jack Santarsiero


路. N-a-ncy Santoro

John Scarantino

!Thomas Scarantino I

Charles Scarna

Ton y Polito

Gregory Schrader

Thomas Schreier

Donna Secretario

Ken Szepesy

Joseph Sedia

James Semonik


Felicia Sevilla

Michael Shaddow

Johanna Shanuskie

James Shelingoski

Ann Shelly

Robert Sikorski

Mary Skorupa

Beth Ann Smith

Joann Ratzlaff, Trish Furman, Kathy Fahert y, Erin Clancy, Kathy Potkay.

Pamela Siplin


James Sirak

Kelvin Smith

W. Graham Smith

Joseph Sodomin

Marybeth Stachowicz

Sharon Staudinger

Robert Stawicki

M yriam Stettler

Kathleen Stanish

Kathleen Stewart

Gregory Stoka

Jeff M azure k


Michael Strizki

Kathleen Sweeriey

Sandra Strycharz

Lynn Sutton

Kenneth Szepesy

Michael Symelewicz

Lisa Tatum

Calvin Taylor

Debra Taylor

John Taylor

Denise Strycharz

John Sweet

Regina Brant, Am y Barth


Susan Tysowski

Mark Ackermann

Mark VanSant

Valerie Vagnozzi

Michael VanHise

Thomas Voyda

Douglas Wall ace

Joan Volen

Kelvin Smith


Irene Weglarz

Sharon Wenczel

Donna Winston

Pamela Witkowski

Karen Wojtowicz

Elizabeth W okoun

Charlotte Ward

Judith Walton

Wanda Wilson

Mary Jo Wetzel

Susan Witkowski

Je ff Mazure k, Ma ry Gorman

Kathl een Wood cock 200

Sister J oanmarie, J oan Caivano

Thomas Wozniak

Ronald Wszolek

Nancy Lehmann

Lorraine Mannix

Mary Beth Yates

Joseph Yuhas

Karen Zabawa

Theodore Zegarski

Henry Ziemba

Barbara Zimmer

William Zamborsky


Thomas Bruccoleri

Emma Greer

Michael Campo

LaVerne Hatchett

Michael Dill

Joseph Loh

Adam Dudkiewicz

Christopher Morley

Gloria Freeman

Keith Myers

Barbara Swiecki

Boosters William Abell Adam P. and Gerry K. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adamczyk Mr. and Mrs. Cliff M. Adams Louise Agabiti Edwin M. Alston Marion A. Alston Gail Andrews Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Andrews Gary Angelini John M. Antinoro J ef_f Antoniewicz Pete Antoniewicz Maria Aquilino, Jennifer Klim Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arbitell Shelly Arbitell The Vincent Ardery Family Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Arnister and Family Sis~er Mary Assisium Lori Attuso Ralph Attuso, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Attusso II Ralph Attuso III Aunt Rita and Aunt Frances Valerie Babecki Elsie Baker Mrs. Beulah Ball Mr. and Mrs. Barger Suzi Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bartolino Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bartolino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beaston and Family Bill Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett Best Wishes for the Future Big AI Dennis J. Bird '73 Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Bird, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackton Mr. and Mrs. William Bonan Walt Bonczkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Boogmak Bove Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan Mr. and Mrs. F. Brydzinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bugdal J. George Burke Mr. and Mrs. John Burke James T. Cacliu and Family The Callaghans Connie Carella W. M. Carlton Roof Studio Abraham Carmen Mr. and Mrs. John T. Carr III George Carroll Mrs. Thomas I. Cavanaugh Marguerite Cermele Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cetkowski, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cetkowski and Family Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chamberlain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Chapuk and Bufer Reverend and Mrs. Lloyd G. Chattin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chiarello Nancy Chiarello Mr. and Mrs. George Clark

Hans Clark John Edwards Clay com be Cliffon and Shirley Joan Coley Danny Coluccio William F. and Joseph Connor Mr. and Mrs. David Costaldo and Family Cook and McGhee of Buxton's Bob Costantini Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crupi CYO Center Maria Daniecki Dave R. and Linda P. Delia Mr. and Mrs. A. DeLorenzo Delucia and Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiGuiseppi and Girls Alan Dill Donna and Trav Betty Donnelly Dorothy Donnelly Father John D'Onofrio Mrs. Helen Dorio Mr. Robert Dorio Mrs. Catherine Durnan Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Durnan Eileen R. Durnan Eleanor R. Durnan Mary A. Durnan Thomas Dutko E.S. Edmondson The Extension Diner Restaurant Exxon Service Station, Quaker Bridge Road Steve Fantasky George D. Farinelli Eleanor Farkas Mr. and Mrs. Fasanella and Family Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fasoli The F echters Joe Fidanza Mrs. Helen D. Fisher Fleron Beauty Supply Adam and Alison Forker Joseph L. Forman Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Frack Bob Fraczkiewicz Mr. Stanford S. France Fred, Bob, and Tom Ann Freda A Friend The Fuccello Familv Miss Helen M. Gannon Theodore Garry, Sr. Gary and Helen Getty Gas Station, Route 33 Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson Jane Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Donald Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goeke Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Golemhesk Mrs. Alice Goldstein Barbara Goodwin Mrs. Mary Gordon George Gore Mary K. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. John Graziul Sandra Graziul John and Helen Groffie Vince Hager Carmela, Cathy and Helen Hardy Miss Theresa Marie Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Harvell The Heckman Family

Mr. Donald Hess Mary Hines Joseph T. Holsman and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hosfield The Hough Family Bill, Geri and Mark Hutchins Mark Hutchins Carmelita Inverso Jack's Deli and Restaurant Angela J antos Joe '73 and Johanna '74 Tom and Maureen Jones Mrs. Ann Jorgenson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kanda The Keirn Family John Keirn Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah H. Kelley, Jr. Robert C. Kern KimandBob Betty Kotelnicki Kovacs Family Linda, Nino, and Jennifer Krajacic Kathy Krajewski Mrs. Bernice Lagasse Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lambert Mr. Joseph P. Langigan,Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc Len and Jodi Fran Leopardf Martha and Carol Ann Lewis Little "Boo" and Jack The Logue Family Mr. Lena Loine Mary Ellen Lowery The Lundberg's Terri and Joe Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Mackin and Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maddalon Major Brandy Mr. and Mrs. James A. Major Richard Marion Mitchell and Helen Mastrangelo Mazup' s Sunoco Mr. Andrew Mazur Richard McDonald Robert, Thomas, and Shawn McDonough Miss Marcella McGinley Mr. and Mrs. William McGlone Eileen McKeever Leford McRae Janice Mengoni Mr. and Mrs. C. Mesday Mr. and Mrs. Messino and Family Dave Meyer Mr. and Mrs. K. Micai D. Miller and Family Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Minus Michele and Deanna Minus Little Misses Mobil-Mercerville, Route 33 Linda Moeller Marilyn Monroe Liz Moore Mrs. Lillian Mountford Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mydlowski Charlie and Florence Nevius Pearl Nevius Mr. and Mrs. David Nicol Father Walter Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Norton Joe Oliveri 路 Debbie Owens Mrs. Catherine Ownes Padre

Mr. L. M. Paixao Charlene Palejczyk '76 Henry Palejczyk, Jr. Mrs. William H. Palmer William H. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Palmere and Family Mr. and Mrs. William Panella and Family The Parker's Mary Ann E. Pascucci Reno and Betty Pascucci Mr. and Mrs. A. Paulaski Mrs. Ida L. Payne Mr. William Payr路 ~ Catherine Pennell Miss Kathleen l"eoples Leslie, Jennifer, Valerie Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peoples Mrs. Hilda Perkins Herbie Peturbe Miss Helen Pieslak Mr. Arthur Piotrowski Plak Shack Decor Cente1 The Poreda Family Vincent III and Kelly Marie Povio Irene Prettyman Jack Puliti Regina Ragolia Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raines and Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rainier Father Eugene Rebeck Rick Redcay Santina Reed "Repapswen" Andy Reres Nathan Resnick Richard and Ilse Thomas F. Ritardi James Rivera Judson Robbins Sue Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Otis Roberts Lucy Rodenbaugh Marty Rodweller, '72 Joan Romanchuk Eileen Romeo Mrs. Shirley Rooks Sister Patricia Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rooney Barbara Roslowski Paul Roslowski Mrs. W. Ruth Rosser Sidney Rothman, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James Rouse Randi Ruden Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rulkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sabatino Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sabolchy Ann Salois Mr. and Mrs. George Salvadore Mary Sammons Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ. Santarsiero Mrs. Barbara Schreier Miss Marlane Schreier Dolores Schwartz Mrs. Salvatore Sciarrotta Mr. and Mrs. John Seibel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Seiger Ted Serrao Jim Sigler Antonette Skrcypek Bernadette Skrcypek Mr. and Mrs. Skura and Son Mary Frances Smith Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Smith


Boosters Terri Smith Smitty and Cici r. and rs. Rodger Sorrentino and Family Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stackhouse Sister Mary Stanislaus Mrs. Virginia Stanton The Stein Family Mrs. Mary S. Stoka Dena and Harry Stout Jack andJo Strausfogel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strycharz Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Sullivan Christine Tartagl~a Conrad S. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Taylor Teddy and Panda Millie Tees Mr. and Mrs. ElwOod Thomas Miss Christine Tierney Tight and Sherry Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Tomlinson The Toner's Mr. and Mrs. James Turney Theresa and Gerri Valatka Charles Valentine Rose Valsac Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vandegrift Matthew Van Wagner Veronica Thomas B. Volk Thomas B. Wade Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Mrs • .Florence Walton Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walton Wanda F., Tameka, and Ronald

T. Barbara G. Ward and kids Steve, Barbara, Stevie, and Jennifer Wilfing Patricia Williams Mr. and Mrs. G. Windler Donna Ann Winston Victoria Wi niewski Pamela Witkowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Wood Patricia Woodcock Rev. Mr. Ernst Wormley, Sr. Helen and Ed W orob Federick Wright Mr. Joseph Wroblewski The Young Family Mike and Robbie Yuhas Mary and Charles Zahler Albert A. Zara, Sr. Charlie and Florence Zimmer Patricia Zimmer · Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zuczek

Miss Dorothy Amburg

The Dempsey Family

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph

Mrs. Mary DePaul Mrs. Elizabeth Descoteau

Am burg The Angelini Family ·

Mr. and Mrs. Constantine M. Diamond

Mr. and Mrs. Americo Arcamone

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Donnelly

Artie Ice Cream

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donoher

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Auletta

Dr. amd Mrs. William J. Dougherty

Bank Plaza Ltd.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duffy

Barry and Cathy

Mr. and Mrs. R. Echevarria, Sr.

Amy Barth

Elaine and Guy

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bartoli no

Ewing Shop Rite

Mrs. Lois Cermele -Beaston, Class of

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fabian


Mr. and Mrs. John Festa

Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett and

Fraczkiewicz Family

Family Robin and Patty Braun Mr. Matthew Bogacz Mrs. Ghtdys Bombery Ms. Regina Brant Buxton's Country Restaurant, Lawrenceville Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Cashel and



Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. D•

House of Hi-Fi

Mr. and Mn. Sam D'Artagi

Jim and Kathy Hous~an Ianni~ s Market

Incarnation C.Y.O. Incarnation C.Y.O.

• I

Incarnation C.Y.O.

George Mladenetz. Family

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spain

Incarnation C.Y.O. Executive Board

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moeller

Sophie Staczkewicz

Incarnation C.Y.O. Executive Board

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Stewart

Reverend Gabriel Ivascu

Michael Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley StrycharL.

J and L Steak House

Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Moran, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sutton and

J and L Texaco

Mrs. Elizabeth Morley

Anthony P. Jablonski

S. Patricia Morrison

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweeney


Eugenia Nelson

Sypek and Sandford

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keyes

Lisa Nini

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tokoly

Nancy Kowal

Nitti's Subaru

The College Store, Trenton State

Beverly, Barbara, Bonnie Kupiec

Mr, Clarence Norton and Sons

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lanigan

Notre Dame Alumni Association

J oAp.n C. Veres

The Lawrenceville Pharmacy

Lorraine Opdycke

Village Barber Shop, Lawrenceville

Layton Bus Service

J. Pacera

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vol en and

Etta L. Lapniewski

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Palejczyk

Mr. and Mrs. Edward}. Leadem

AI and J o Parr

Mr. and Mrs. Elvin C. Walton

Mrs. LeBlanc and the J. V. Basketball

Mr. and Mrs. Axel H. Peterson

Ward's Fuel Service

Mr. Henry Pochart

Gary, Sharon, Melissa, and Mark

Team The Leonard Family

Dr. Stanley Pot kay

Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Liedtka

Mr. and Mrs. John Pulcini

Mrs. Major and the Varsity Girls

Quaker Bt1ilding




Wenczel Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wetzel and Family

Mr. and Mrs. U.J. Roberto

Mrs. BetteR. Wilder

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rodweller

Mr. and Mrs. J~hn Wilson and Family

Marie Roslowski

Ms. Roberta H. Witkowski

McCafferty Ford of Trenton

Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Rutkowski

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wszolek

Laura}. McCloe

St. Hedwig's Girls CYO High School

Mr. George J. Wyrough

Basketball T earn In Memory of Patrick and Honora Manning

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKee

Basketball Team

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Yuhas J

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Meriwether

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shaddow

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeyack

Mrs. Irma B. Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Shelingoski

Julius A. Ziemba '72

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michaelow

Shell - Mercerville

Mr. AI Zullo

Mrs. Joseph F. Miles and George F.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sikorski


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith

ACE LIQUORS Choice wines, liquors and beer



MR. AND MRS. SAM SECRETARIO Donna '74,Janet '77




MR. AND MRS. JOHN M. SHELLY Joe, Bob, Jim, Ann, Kathy, Maureen, Jackie, Susie

MR. AND MRS. EDWARD F. BARTH David, Barbi, Tera, Amy






BEST WISHES FROM Stephen L. Bolge and Family

MR. AND MRS. JOHN STACHOWICZ Victoria '66, Michael, Marybeth '74

MR. AND MRS. EDWARD BRANGES JJarlene '7 4, Barbara '75, John




DR. AND MRS. -VINCENT CASTRANOVA Bernadette and Vincent '66








MR. AND MRS. JOHN DE CARA Donna '74 and Loretta '76



R. W. WOLLWORTH, Parkway Avenue, Trenton



MR .. AND MRS. FRANK ZIEMBA Julius '72 and Henry '74




MR. AND MRS. JAMES J. EGAN, JR. Jim '71, Nancy '72, Debbie '74, Sarabeth '77 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH MARUCA Joseph '70, Denise '74, Debbie '77, Cindy '81




MR. AND MRS. PETER FABIAN Michael, Holly, Nancy and Peter



MR. AND MRS. GERARD P. MORAN John '70, Mary Clare '72, Michael '74

MR. AND MRS. J. V. GAVIGAN MR. AND MRS. CHARLES MUTCHIGA Frank '66, Marie '70, Theresa '74

MR. AND MRS. FRANK J. GREBER Pat and Mike '72, Karen '7 4, Jim '75 Lauren '83




MR. AND MRS. ROBERT HAZEN Pat and Maureen '7 4 HERMA~






MR. AND MRS. ANTHONY F. PETITO Joann '71, Carol'74



MR. AND MRS. EMIL S. KUPIEC Beverly '7 4, Barbara '79, Bonnie '82


MR. AND MRS. EDWARD PITONAK Greg '70 and Donna '7 4











Index A Abbott, Dianna 19 Abbott, Patricia 82 Ackermann, Mark 45, 170, 190, 199 Adam, Jane 82 Adams, Robert 82 Adams, Scott 19 Adams, Sherri 82 Adams, Terri 170 Adkins, Greg 170, 190 Agabiti, Debra 19 Agocs, Christine 18 Agocs, Lynne 98, 103 Alexandrescu, Raluca 145, 170 Alford, Kenny 19, 29, 30 Allen, Kathleen 82 Allen, Patric_ia 82 Allen, William 19, 30 Allgood, Ervin 82 Allgood, Valerie 170 Alston, Alecia 19 Amari, Anthony 19 Amari, Mary Alice 82 Arnica, Kathy 98 Anderson, Julie 26, 98 Anderson, Timothy 19, 29, 96 Andreoli, Ernest 131 Andreoli, Kathy 19, 50 Andrews, Andrene 82 Andrews, Veronica 157, 170 Angebranndt, Bruce 15, 107, 115, 136, 148, 149, 170 Angebranndt, Louise 82, 108 Angel, Gerald 82 Angelini, Michael98 Antinoro, John 14,136, 149,170 Antoniewicz, Cindy 18, 19, 26 Antoniewicz, Jeffery 19 Antoniewicz, Joan 58, 107, 133, 170, 189 Apai, Greg 82 Apgar, Paula 9, 159, 170, 187 Applegate, Doreen 98 Aquilino, Maria 18, 19 Arbitell, Michaela 130, 170, 178 Arcamone, Adele 171 Archer, Mr. John 29, 67 Arcioni, Larry 98, 136, 150 Ardery, Mr. Vincent 63, 162 Arnister, Joan 171 Athanasius, Sister M. 52 Atwood, Mike 82 Aug, Diane 98 Avant, Sharon 110 Avolio, Anita 82 Avolio, Robert 150, 171


Babecki, Duane 91, 98 Bacsik, Chris 19 Bailey, John 82 Baker, Mr. Jeffrey 19, 47 Balestrieri, Margaret 171 Ball, Barbara 98


Ball, Mrs. Beulah 59 Ballard, Belinda 171 Baran, Kim 82 Barber, Brock 98, 114, 154 Barber, Lee Ann 82 Barger, James 171 Barlow, Katie 118, 146, 147, 171 Barna, Maureen 82, 93 Barry, Michael82 Barth, Amy 14, 58, 137, 138, 152, 160, 171 , 198 Bartolino, Jeff98, 148, 149 Bartolino, Ken 82, 91 Bath, Mary 15, 19 Bautista, Eleanor 98 Bautista, Eloisa 62, 98 Bautista, Romeo 19, 114 Baxter, James 19 Baxter, Margaret98 Baylog, Patty 82, 93 Beagles, Cheryl98, 152 Beale, Christine 82 Beauchamp, Keith 98 Beauchamps, Irvin 98, 118 Bedard, Ed 92, 156 Bedard, John 19, 30 Bedard, Joseph 82, 171 Bednar, Joseph 126, 170 Beelitz, Alan 19 Bencivenga, Theresa 82, 108, 141 Bennett, Bob 98, 114, 154 Bennett, Bruce 98 Bennett, William 171 Bentz, John 82 '3eres, Theresa 19 Bernhardt, Larry 82 Bernhardt, Maria 171 Bertone, Kevin 19, 82 Bertone, Mark 55, 91 , 150 Bertone, Mary Anne 172 Betor, Jan ice 76, 137, 172, 176, 183 Betz, Kathleen 82 Beumer, Mary Ann 98 Beumer, Mary Lou 98 Bezek, Jennifer 19, 26, 95 Bieleski, Casey 19 Bigham, Jerome 19 Bilotti, Carmella 82 Bilotti, Mary 98 Bird, David 82 Bird, Kathy 126, lt'3... 172. 189 Blisko, Paul82, 91 , 150, 15ff Blusnavage, John 19 Boatwright, Saundra 82 Bodnar, Andrew 82 Bodnar, Michaell9, 96 Bogacz, Daniell72 Bolge, Stephen 114, 172 Bombery, Sharon 172, 176 Bonan, Carol82, 96 Bonish, Karen 172 Bontya, Karen 19 Borcsik, Bill 98 Borne, Gary 82 Bornheimer. Miss Margaret 40, 76 Boscarelli, Roberta ~8 Boshanski, Anne 172 boctoni", Dino 82, 90, 150 Bowman, t•rederick 19 Boyd, Thomas 8, 98, 150

Boyer, Rosemary 95, 130, 137 Branges, Barbara 98 Branges, Darlene 172 Brant, Regina 107, 122, 152, 172, 198 Breimann, Karen 98 Breimann, Nancy 92, 136 Breller, Pamela 98 Brennan, Judy 19, 95 Brennan, Terry 55, 82 Brooks, Denise 82 Brooks, Robert 136, 149, 173 Brophy, Anastasia 58, 98 Brown, Kathleen 98 Brown, Pierre 20 Bruccoleri, Joseph 173 Bruccoleri, Steven 20 Bruccoleri, Thomas 183 Bryan, Mrs. Geraldine 72, 118 Brzozowski, Yolanda 98 Buchanan, Christina 82 • Buckley, Janet 173 Buckley, Michele 20, 31 , 133 Buckley, Virginia 82 Bugdal, Mr. Robert 6, 7, 16, 40, 62, 91 , 132 Burgess, Latan ya 82 Burke, John 149, 173 Burke, Patricia 15, 20, 26 Burns, Kathy 173, 192 Burns, Patricia 144, 173, 192 Burns, Robert 20 Burrell, Robert 82 Bush, Ed ward 173 Butera, John 96 Buzzelli, Christopher 20 Byrne, Theresa 173

c Cacalori, Dennis 173 Caivano, Joan 118, 138, 144, 173, 200 Calabrese, Diane 173 Calamia, Margaret 15, 98, 109 Cameron, Debbie 20 Camilla, Sister M. 62 Cammarata, Frani 96, 98 Campo, Allessandra 19 Campo, Maria 9 Campo, Vincent 20 Cantwell, Michael82 Cappiello, Lois 20 Capriotti, Pattricia 82, 97 Caprusso, .Anthony 173 Carella, James 149 Cariello, Denise 20, 31 Carlin, Anne 20, 95 Carlin, Mary 93, 98, 137, 157 Carlisi, Linda 82 Carmel , Sister M. 38 Carnevale, Tina 20 Carney, Beth 20, 95 Carney, Stephen 82 Carroll, Cathy 98, 108 Caserta, Cynthia 98 Casey, Stephen 98 Cashel, Colleen 174, 185 Cashel, Karen 98, 137, 152, 157

Cashel, Rosemary 174 Castaldo, Anthon y 50 Castaldo, Caren 19, 20, 95 Cebulko, David 82 Cebulko, Kathleen 98, 109 Celli, Robert 90 Centomain, Su san 82 Chamberlain, Patrick 20 Chapuk, Mar y Catherine 45, 137, 139, 146, 175 Chepiga, Barbara 8~ Chiantese, Susan 98, 109 Chiaradia, Phil98 Chiarello, Craig 150, 174 Chiarello, Ga y 20, 118 , Chiarello, Monica 174 Chidzik, Stanley 82 Chri ten sen, Laura 82 Christen sen, Lois 82 Christen e n, Paula 174 Ciampa, Linda 174 Cianfrano, Nanc y 51 , 82, 97 Cianfrano, Thomas 98, 136 Ciccolella, Mr. Erasmo 76 Ciccon.e, Jam es 20, 29, 30 Cifelli, Kimberly 98. Cirillo, Margaret Mary 98, 174 Clancy, Mrs. C ynthia 44 Clancy, Erin 89, 137, 152, 157, 196 Clancy, Kerry 174 Clancy, Mike 20 Clarice, Sister M. 41 , 60, 134 Claver, Sister M. 50, 53, 122 Cleary, Patricia 82 Cleveland, Andrew 107, 154, 155, 174 Cochran, Cynthia 175, 186 Coffee, Barbara 20 Colavita, Mary 98 Colligan, Jam es 82 Colligan, M ichaell75 Collins, Dann y 15, 27, 107, 136, 175 Colluccio, Gary 20 Confoy, Case y 114, 136, 149, 175 Confo y, Karen 18, 126 Conley, Linda 20 Connelly, John 83 Connoll y, Maureen 20 Conti, Angelo 98 Conway, Camille 98 Conway, Carol Ann 98 Conway, Shawn 20 Con well, Elizabeth 83 Coppola, Graciela 83 Corbin , Donna 31 Corbin, Sand y 81 , 83 Corkran, James 20 Corso, Caroll75 Cortina, Luch 9, 98, 148, 149 Corvino, Mary 83 Costa, Chri:, 33, 91 Costa, David 175 Costigan, Donna 83 Costigan, Kevin 98 Cot a, John 15, 46, 150, 151, 175 Cotman, Denise 20 Cottrell, James 98 Council, Gerald 83 Cox, Miss Suzanne 55

Cracker, Darlene 98 Crane, Ed ward 98 Crivelli, Judy 20 Croux, tuchie 83 Crowell,-Fred 154, 175 Cubberley, Nancy 98 Cunningham, Ronald 98 Cuomo, Theresa 20 Cuiule, Antoinette 20 Currie, Mildred 83 Curry, Mary Ann 83 Cychowski, Jane 20 ~zepiel , Diane 83 Czerna, Susan 55, 83 Czerna, Victoria 118, 175, 184 Czerwinski, Sophie 20

D Dadura, Thomas 83, 96 Dambro, Gary 66, 153 D' Amico, Charles 83 Danbury, Carl 56, 83, 88, 91 Danbury, Mrs. Katherine 56 D' Anglelo, Debra 98, 103 Danka, Bob 20 Danko, Angelina 83 Dash, Beverly 175 DeAngelo, Anemarie 98 DeAnglelo, Charles 83, 94 DeBlois, Con~tance 98, 108 DeCara, Donua 11, 15, 69, 159, 174, 175 DeCara, Loretta 83, 97 Decker, Mary Ann 83 Decke-r, Susan 83 Decker, Nancy 83 Decowski, Albert 83 Decowski, Rosemary 98 DeForte, Maria 98 DeGeorge, Michele 176, 178, 185 Dejoie, Anthony 55, 83 Dekis, Barry 20 Del Castillo, Julio 20 Delle Grotti, Vincent 98 DeLorenzo, Patricia 138, 153, 176, 178, 184, 194 DeLorenzo, Patrick 83 Delozier, Bernice 9, 159 Delvecchio, Daniel150, 176, 188 DeMille, James 98 DeMille, Joe 83 Deodato, John 83 Descouteau, Mark 176 DeVaney, Timothy 176 Diamond, Constantine 52, 138 DiBella, Michael20 Dickson, John 83 Dickson, Martin 20 DiColo, John 14, 115, 149, 176 DiDomenico, Anthony 20 Diehl, Diane 98, 159 Dietrich , Chris 20 DiGuiseppe, Mr. Frank 57, 141 Dileo, Dany 98, 136, 150 Dill, Jeffrey 55, 83 Dill, Luanne 69, 171, 176 Dill, Susan 20 Dill, Thomas 91, 99 Dismas, Sister M. 58, 110 Divincenzi, Mario 150, 176

Dolan, Keven 99 Dolan, Thomas 9, 99, 114,. 136, 148, 149 Dombroski, Frank 52, 83, 90 Domurat, Barbara 18, 20, 26 Donnelly, Gail93, 130, 137, 176, 194 Doolan, Joseph 48, 176 Dooling, Kathleen 99 Dovgala, Donna 20, 95 Dovgala, Katherine 83 Dorio, Mary Louise 177 Dorner, Mr. John 59 Dorozinski, David 83, 94, 148 149 Dorozinski, James 91 , 99 Dougherty, Mary 64, 131 Doughman, Barbara 99 Downey, Jim 83 Doyle, N ancianne 99, 118, 126, 147 Drazek, Carol Ann 20 Driscoll, Michael 99 Drulis, Joe 99, 114, 150 Drur::1, Jim 29 Dubow, Donald 17, 177 Ducar, M ichael177 Ducko, Dale 20, 47 Dudek, Dave 83, 91, 150 D' Ulisse, Aurora 48, 53, 83 D' Ulisse, Frank 67, 154, 155, 177 Dunlap, Shirley 83 Dunn, Suzanne 177 Dura, Sharon 20 Durcanin, Christine 20 Duman, Rosemary 177 Duman, Thomas 83 Durst, Susan 177 Dutko, Robert 20, 161 Dymowski, Elizabeth 61, 118, 177 Dzieminski, Claire 99 Dzieminski, William 20 Dziura, Michael20 E .t.u. anim, Keith 11, 150, 156, 177

Echevarria, Robin 174, 177 Echevarria, Scott 48, 83 Ecker, Anne Marie 20 Edinger, Thomas 83, 91 , 150, 156 Edwards, Mary 20 Egan, Deborah 70, 118, 145, 178 Egan, Sarabeth 20 Elie, Celia 20 Elie, Christopher 149, 178 Ellis, Lionel83, 92, 153 Elmo, Joann 20 Elmore, Johnny 83 Enerson, Julie 20, 47 Eng, Arthur 83 Eng, Kathcdne 20 Eng, Moy 76_99 Erdie, Mary Ellen 83 Erkoboni, Richard 83 Ernst, Robert 133, 178 Esposito, Thomas 114, 178 Evans, Bruce8~94 Evans, Eileen 20 Evans, Jeff 83 Evans, John 178

everett, Michele 20 Everett, Tim_-?5, 83 Everitt, John 99, 107 F

Fabian, Holly 122, 152, 157, 178 Fahertv, Dennis 83 Faherty, Kathleen 8, 45, 139, 152, 178, 196 Fahey, Timothy 83 Falsetti, Joseph 150, 178 Falzone, Joseph 150, 178 Fares, Georganne 83 Farone, Frank 83 Farrell, Monica 20, 93 Fasanella, Margaret 83, 93 Fasoli, Donna 95 Fazio, Denise 99, 137 Fecak, Diane 83 Fecak, Patricia 99, 108 Fechter, Margaret 83 Federico, Marcia 69, 178 Fedorko, Peggy 99 Fell, Thomas 20 Fenton, John 178 Fernandes, Glenn 83 Ferrare, Cynthia 20 Ferri, Linda 99, 111 Ferry, Donna 99 Ferry, James 83 Festa, Frances 21 Festa, John 179 Fidanza, Patricia 21 Fifer, Donna 55, 83 Fisher, Doug 21, 92, 153 Fisher, Robert 127, 153, 179, 180 Fitton, Lois 21, 31 Fitzpatrick, Anne 83, 93 Fitzpatrick, James 21 Fitzpatrick, Kathleen 21 , 47 Fitzpatrick, Rita 137, 179 Fitzpatrick, Rosemary 99 Fitzpatrick, Thomas 41, 114 Flesch , Clare 118, 108, 179 Flynn, Eileen 21 Flynn, Henry 179 Foley, Peggie 137, 179, 192 Fonda, Lucy 21 Fonesca, Andrea 55, 83, 108 Foran, Patrick 21 , 29 Forman, John 21 , 27 Forman, Joseph 138, 146, 147, 179, 192 Foundos, Charles 21, 30 Fowler, Frances 21 Fowler, Pamela 21 Fowler, Vernita 83, 109 Foy, Patricia 83 Foy, Robert 19, 21 Fraczkiewicz, Diane 179 Francica, Jsoeph 138, 146, 147, 160, 179 Francis, Darlene 180 Franken, Barbara 99 Franzoni, Andrea 180 Franzoni, Eric 83 Frascella, Mike 72, 99 Frazier, Antoinette 24 Freda, Mark 180 Freeman, Russell21 , 29 Frenoy, Rev. Fortune 60

Fruscione, Angel69, 133, 137, 177, 180, 190 Fruscione, James 99, 154 Fuccello, Susan 83 Fullwood, Sandra 21 Funari, Timothy 58, 138, 180, 189 Furch , Kathleen 83 Furch_ Thomas 180 Furman, Patricia 45, 107, 133, 152, 180, 192, 193, 196 G

Gagliardi, Nancy 11, 99, 108 Gall, Donna 83 Gallo, Boni 21 Gallo, Eugene 21 Gallo, Ralph 8, 83, 92, 96 Ganie, Joseph 99 Cant, Terri 21 Garafalo, Anthony 83 Garafalo, Kathy 127, 180 Garnich, Marie 99, 118 Gates, Mark 21 Garruba, Thomas 180 Gauthier, Kathleen 180 Gavigan, Kathy 118, 180 Geoghan, Ilene 99 Goeghan, Thomas 154, 181 Geppert, Mary Ann 99, 130 Gerasimowicz, John 181 Gerasimowicz, Michael83 Gerdes, John 136, 150, 161 , 181 Gergel, Cecelia 181 Gersten, Denise 99 Gervasi, Donna 84 Gervasio, Barbara 99 Giampetro, Miss Theresa 64 Giancola, Rosanna 84 Gibson, Bonita 84 Gierula, Evelyn 99 Gill, Joann 71 , 84 Gillin, Margaret 157, 181 Gillin, Mary Beth 21 , 95 Giordano, Donna 99, 109 Giordano, Gregory 21 Giuliari, Bruno 21 Glappa, Adrianne 93, 99, 111 Glendon, Miss Ellen 10, 16_41 , 75 Goeke, Eleanor 99, 157 Goeke, Thomas 21 , 30 Goepfert, Paul181 Goerlich, William 84 Golab, Eugene 21 Goldstein, Mrs. Alice 42, 54 Gomez, Carmen 84 Gonzalez, Alberto 21 , 29, ~6


Gordon, Jill 84 Gorman, Mary 58, 92, 138, 144, 181 , 200 Grace, Sister Mar 74 Gramenga, Anthony 21 Grant, Miss Patricia 8, 63, 134 Graziano, Mary Alice 84, 89 Graziul, Diane 93, 145, 181 Greber, James 99, 127 Greber, Karen 15, 159, 181 Greene, Vanessa 21 Greer, Maureen 18, 21 , 26,95 Gribbin, Mrs. Margaret 54


Grice, Tom 84 Griffin, Francis 99 Griffin, Kathleen 21 Griffin, Mary Ann 99 Grimsley, Anthony 21 Grimsley, Lawrence 99 Griscavage, Arleen 99 Griscavage, Peggy 21 Grochala, Catherine 76, 99, 141 Grochala, Donald 21 Grodzki, Sr. Charlotte 71 , 73, 127, 193 Groffie, Peter 181 Grula, Miss Pauline 21, 61 Grussler, Mr. John 52 Gru ssle r, Pamela 21 , 131 Grygon, Karen 130 Guarino, Antoinette 182 Guarnieri, Linda 99 Guidotti, Ren ee 21, 27, 31 Gurdak, Margaret 182 Gusciora, Mr. Richard 51 Guth, Joseph 84, 91 H Haas, Chris 21 Hagadorn, Tomas 21 Haggerty, Beth 18, 19, 21 Haggerty, Kevin 84, 94 Halko, Jud y 21 Hall, Catherine 182 Hall, Harold 21, 30 Hall, Robert 21, 29, 53 Haltme ye r, Mike 21 Hamlet, Denise 84, 110 Hanak, Ellen 99, 118 Hancock, Allen 21, 29, 53 Haney, Maureen 138, 139, 170, 182 Hannon, Gary 182 Hanson, Janet 21 Hanson, Joan 99, 108 Hanson, Jud y 18, 19, 21 Harcar, Mrs. Anne 49 Harcar, Colleen 61, 182 Harden, Sheree 182 Hardint<., Kathleen 84 Hardison, Francine 15, 21 Hard y, Cath y 99 Harhigh, Robert 21 Harlicka, William 84 Harney, Colleen 21, 93 Harney, Michele 99 Harrell, Mr. John 37, 63 Harrell, Theresa 182 Harrison, Anglea 21 Hart, Barbara 99 Hartmann, John 21 , 29 Harvey, Reen 84 Hatrak, Joan 99 Ha yes, Angela 21 Hayman, Alison 178, 182 J-Jayman, Maureen 21 Hazen, Maureen 61 , 69, 138, 146, 185 Hearne y, Catherine 18, 21 , 108, 109 Hearney, Lucille 84, 131 Hearne y, Mr. William 44 H~beler , John 84


H eckman, Jeffery 84 Heckman, Lisa 21 Heffernan, James 91 , 99 Heinzel, Elizabeth 84, 93, 137 Heinzel, Loretta 99, 140 Heinzel, Lucy 21 , 93 Hemingwa y, Larry 84 Hemphill, Mr. John 42 Henry, Steven 21 Henk, Alice 99, 118 Henkel, Miss Karen 74 Herdman, Denise 21 Herman , Jean 84, 109 Hernandez, Robert 14, 99 Hess, Donald 50, 154, 155 Higham, Kathlee n 99 Hill, J. Kenneth 91 , 99, 150 Hines, Mary 54, 183, 185 Hobson, Rusty 84 Hofmann, David 84 Hofmann, Michael114, 154. 155, 183 Holland, Hope 99 Hollo, Joseph 21 Holsneck, Martin 84, 90, 94, 136, 150 Horan, Kathy 21 Horesko, Rosemary 21 Hornyak, Patricia 183 nosfield, Kathryn 183 Housman, Kathy 84, 109 Housman, Tom 64, 114, 136, 150, 151, 183, 188, 190 Houston, Bill21 Hughes, Alison 21 Hughes, Bruce 84 Hughes, Ella 46, 68, 137, 157, 183 Hughes, Margaret 84 Ruley, Sr. Margaret 60 Humphrey, Brian 183 Hunt, Mary Claire 21

1mmordino, Joseph 21, 29 Ingrassia, Jennett 84, 93 lnverso, Carmelita 99, 109 lnverso, Charles 99, 103, 136, 148, 149 lnverso, Frank 21 Ippolito, Carl21 Irvin, Darlene 21 , 183

J Jacobs, Monique 76, 99 Jacobs, Thomas 21 , 29 J agannath, Ravinder84 Jakubisin, Ronal183 Jan cola, Sr. Doroth y 58, 127 Jantos, Angela 99 rarkowski, Stephen 99 Jasien, Leo 99 Jasien, Mike 84, 90 J asienski, Jacqueline 21 Jefferies, Rona 99 Johannes, Patricia 183 Johnson, Kim 21 Johnson, Roxanne3~ 183 Jones, Brian 21 Jones, Julie 84

Jones, Stephen 184 Jones, Wanda 110, 184 Jose, Sr. Marie 40, 57 K

Kaczanowksi, Debra 84, 141 Kahny, Patrick 99, 154 Kahny, Tina 21 , 95 Kale, Joseph 84 Kalinowski, Paul100 Kalinowski, Robert 100 Kall, Michael92, 100 Kanda, Mary 84, 109 Kaplan, Mrs. Christiane 71 Karas, Ed ward 55, 84 Karlowitsch, Sabine 84 Karns, Paul8, 91 , 100, 150 Karpowich, Donald 21 , 27, 29 Kaytus, Diane 21 Kaytus, Mr. Joseph 48 Kaytus, Stephen 21 Keagy, Theresa 55, 84, 131 Kearns , Beth 100, 108, 127 Keck, Joanne 84 Keefe, George 91 , 99 Keelan, Kathy 84 Kehler, Paul84, 130,131, 140, 141 Kelley, Ellen 84 Kelley, Kevin 84 Ke lley, Jewel184 Kelley, Veronica 100 Kelly, Mr. David 60 Kelly, Maria 21 Kelly, William 184 Kelso, Frank 84, 96 Kelso, Lynn 100 Kemler, Carol 84 Kenn y, Mary 84, 96 Kent, Kevin 91 Kerins, Sr. Geraldine 56 Kerr, Jeanne 21 Keyes, Alison 100 Ke yes, Bryan 21 Kt. , es, Gregory 29, 15, 107, 127, 184 Kiernan, ratricia 21 , 31 , 109 King, Brian 84, 91 Kinney, Mrs. Eleanor 51 Kirikian, Lisa 84 Kissel, Donna 108, 184 Kissel, Neil100 Kissel, Ronald 55, 84 Kleber, Margaret 21 Kleber, Mary 184 Klein, John 21 Klek, Kathleen 21 Klek, Micheel96, 100, 130 Kleinmann, Gloria 18, 21 Klemann, Richard 21 Klim, Jennifer 21 Kluzner, Edward 21 Kmiec, Diane 14, 176, 184, 185 Kochis, Debbie 21 Kocon , Mary Anne 130, 138, 139, 144, 145, 184, 186 Koenig, Linda 100 Kolczynski, Linda 184 Kolczynski, Michael160, 185 Konczos, Thomas 100 Kondash , Joseph 21

Konopka, Elizabeth 21 Kontorowicz, Christina 21 Kontorowicz, Diane 21 Kopec, Douglas 21 , 96 Korenz, Margueritta 84 Kore yva, Richard 75, 99 Kore yva, Stanley 22, 30 Korona, Donna 185 Korpusin ski, Elizabeth 84 Kosco, Maire 84, 95, 137, 152 Kostrzewa, Cathe ~ine 51 , 84 Kostrzewa, James 22, 29 Kovacs, Cheryl22 Kovacs, Kathleen 41, 178, 185 Kovacs, Joseph 100 Kovacs, Michael84 Koval, Daniel84 Kowal, Karen 58, 185 Kowalski, Susan 185 Kozakiewicz, Lynn 22 Kratz, Charles 22 Krawiec, Stephen 84 Krebs , George 185 Kriegne r, James 99 Krisak, Edward 22 Krisa'k, Karen 84 Krisak, Thomas 100 Krisanda, Marcia 22 Krupa, Sheryl22 Krystaponi s, John 22, 29 Kubaugh , Billie 84 Kucharski, Maureen 84 Kupiec, Beverly 185 Kuroczka, Justine 131, 144, 185 Kurowski, Stephen 100 Kutarnia, Kenneth 100 Kuzma, Brian 100 K wietniak, Diane 22 K w1etmaK, Nancy 1~b L

Ladn yk, Alexand er51.85 Lagasse, Mrs. Bern1ce ;:>.i Laird, Edward 91 , 100 Lander, Jonathan 22 Landolfi. Lea 84 Langer, Joseph 84 Lannigan, Eileen 55, 85 Lannigan , Thomas ~62, 185 LaPenna, Joseph 67, 186 Larkin, Jeremiah 22, 126 Leadem, Anna 100 Leadem, Dee 75, 100 Leadem, Patricia 14, 137, 152, 173, 186 Leadem, Sue 22, 49 LeBlanc, Mrs. Betty Jane 69, 95, 122 Ledger, Deborah 22 Leese, Denise 22 Lehmann, Nancy 54, 137, 186, 188, 201 Leiber, Karol 22 Leiggi, Paul100, 150 Lenartowicz, Frank 85 Lenartowicz, Henry 186 Leng ye l, Susan 85, 110 Leonard, J yce 85 Leonard, Nancy48, 186

Leonie, Miss Patricia 77, 111 Lepper, Lind a 11 , 85, 108 Lesh, Lydia 85, 93 Levanduski, Dave 50, 85 Levanduski, Jerry 22 Leysath, Margo 22 Lewis, Carol Ann 85 Liedtak, James 181 , 186 Liedtak, Michael85, 89 Lintott, Kathl een 85 Lintott, Monic: ~i Lisiecki, Christine 100 Lisiecki, Marlene 85 Long, Eileen 100 Long, M ichael22, ~::.~ Lopilato, Mr. Robert 66, 67 Lubies ki, Gary 100 Lubieski, Jo yce 100 Lucas, Nancy 186 Luck, Gary 100 Luck, Steven 186 Luther, Kenn eth 22 Luther, Kenneth 22 Luther, Michael 22 Lynam, Patty 97, 100 Lynn, Sharon Lee 22 M

M accaroni, Cheryl22, 3' Maccaroni, Mark 22, lOl Maccaroni, Ph yllis 186 MacDonald, Pete r 150, 154, 160, 176, 186 Maciolek, Theodore 22 Mackin, Joan 11, 14, 64, 138, 187 Mackin, Maryliz 100 Macovitch, Marlene 85 Maguire, Sharon 54, 85, 89, 122, 157 Mahon y, Leo 85, 90 Mahon y, Maureen 187 Major, Mrs. Barbara 69, 122, 152, 157 Maleski, John 22 Makohuz, Sharon 85 Maleski, Susan 187 Malone y, Laura 85 Malone y, Patricia 100 Mancuso, Linda 85, 89, 109, 136 Mancuso, Michael85 Mandl, Albert 100, 161 Mandl, Maril yn 187 Manle y, James 15, 91 , 100 Mannix, Lorraine 187, 201 Mansfield, Mrs. Doris 46 Marchildon, Della 85 Marion, Richard 23 Marczak, Katherine 100 Markman, Gail23 Markman, Mary 100 Markman, Pau ll87 . M~rtillotti, Joseph 23, 29 Martin, Anthon y 85 Martinez, German 85 Martinez, Maria 70, 131 , 178, 187 Mart ynowicz, H edwig 23 Maruca, Debbie 23, 27 Maruca, Debbie 23, 27 Maruca, Denise 118, 138, 145, 187 Maruca, Joseph 23, 29, 96

Maruca, Maria 85, 141 Masick, Mary 86 Massei, Deborah 187 Masserini, Michelle 85 Masters, Te rri 23 Mastroianni, John ~3 Mastrange lo, Helen 100 Matecki, Linda 76, 100, 130, 144 Mathes, Patrick 100 Matte, Leonard 161 Mattonelli, George 85, 91 , 150 Maurer, Regina 23 Maurer, Stephen 85, 140 Mays, Cheryl85 Maxwell, Lorie 23 Maze, Carl100 Mazurek, Jeff 58, 107, 115, 153, 187, 197, 200 Mazzarella, Patricia 100 Mazzella, Anthon y 85 McCardell, Nancy 184, 188, 192 McCarrick, Lorraine 23, 108 McCarth y, Kathleen 85 McCart y, Eugene 19, 29 McCart y, Margie 85 McClellen, Sherry 188 McCormack, William 188 McDonald, Janet 85, 151 McDonald, Richard 85, 96 McDonn ell, Sr. Gertrude 71 McDonnell, Sr. Joanmarie 36, 200 McDonough, Barbara 85 McDonough , Lynn 188 McDonough, Thomas 8, 23 McDowell, Michael23 McGlone, William 85, 156 McGrath , Mark 100 McGuire, Jam es 94, 100, 103, 114, 133, 150 McKeeve r, Eileen 100 McKeeve r, Jeanin e 23 McKenna, Mike 23, 30 McKithen, Robin 85 McLaughlin, Brian 188 McLaughlin, Kath y 85 McManimon, Jim 85 McManimon, JoAnne 85,97 McManimon, Kev in 94, 100 McManimon , Thomas 23, 29 McQuade, Maureen 85, 95 McRoberts, Debbie 23 Meagher, Ge rard 23, 29 Meagher, Tim 85, 91 Meagher, Tom 91 , 100, 114 Means, Susan 100 · Mean, Colette 85 Meckel, Douglas 23 Melker, Donna 23 Melker, Florence 23 Mellis, Nicholas, 23, 138 Mendola, Mario 45,85 Mendola, Vincent 23 Meriwether, Joan 188 Merlino, James 23, 29 Mesda y, Darlene 23 Mesda y: Kath y 101, 108, 109 Meskill, Barbara 101 Meskill, Donna 23 Mess ina, C ynthia 85, 97 Metzger, Glenn 9, 101 , 149 Michalik, George 23

Micklew right, Karen 188 Miele, Susan 51 , 85 Migut, Paull8, 23 Milecki, Denise 101 Miles, Anne Marie 188 Milinowicz, Mr. David 64, 155 Militig, GaillOl Miller, Barbara 130, 188 Mille r, James 85 Miller, Maureen 23, 27, 31 Miller, Michael85 Miller, Patricia 23 Miller, Theresa 188 Minneci, Peter 85, 96 Mis, Mary 101 Miscavage, Sandra 85, 122 Mislan, Joanne 188 Mladenetz, Ber~adette 188 Mockler, Martin 85 Moeller, Linda 189 Mompe r, Stephen 23, 29 Moore, Barbara 101 , 111 , 131 Moore, Cornelius 85 Moore, Elizabeth 36, 44, 101 Moore, Joseph 140, 189 Moore, Kathlee n 189 Moore, Mary Lou 189 Morales, Ra ymond 85 Moran, Kathleen 85 Moran, Michael34, 107,146, 147 Moran, Timoth y 189 Morreale, Mary Ann 85 Morici, Billl89 Morle y, Christopher 5 Morreale, Emanuell5, 107, 115, 147, 189 Morris, Mr. Dennis 94 Morrison, Billl89 Morrison, Joan 23 Morrison, Mark 23, 29 Morton, Lawrence 23 Motchnik, PaullOl Mraw, Gregory 101 Mroz, Sr. Katherine 76, 134, 144 Mudd, Michael23 Mulheisen, Regina 23 Mullaney, Mary 85, 93 Mulligan, Patricia 85, 109 Mulryne, Robert 189 Muoio, Mary Anne 23 Murph y, Bernadette 85 Murphy, Cathe rine 19, 23 Murphy, John 23, 29 Murph y, Linda 23 Murph y, Virginia 85, 89, 157 Mutchiga, Theresa 190 Muzyk, Nancy 85, 89, 109 Mydlowski, Michel23 Mye rs, Kevin 85, 91 N Nabinger, Richard 50, 85 Nagle, Karla 23 Nag y, Charles 101 Naphen , Michele 158, 159, 190 Napoleon, Maggi 81 , 85 Napoli, Kath y 101 , 108 Navarro, David 23 Navarro, Joseph 85, 94 Nelson , Linda 58, 190 Nemchick, Con stance 101

Nerwin ski, Pamela 85, 109 Nestor, Mark 118 Nestor, Patty 93, 101 , 111 Nickels, Joseph 101 , 150, 163 Nicolai, Linda 85, 137, 152, 157 Nigh , Gary 85, 115 Nini, Lisa 130, 190 Nitti, Sue 101 Nolan, Rev. Walter 61, 131 , 135 Nora, Sr. Mary 55, 110 Norton, Euene 190 Notta, Robert 85 Novak, Martin 101 Novatkoski, Susan 23 Nowacki, Veronica 85 Nunez, Juana 131 , 190

0 Obal, Debra 23 Oberding, Michaell01 , 140, 141 Oberme ier, Karin 101 , 132 O' Brien, James 85 O' Brien, Martin 190 0 ' Donnell, George 101 0' Donnell, Megan 86, 101 O' Grad y, James 23, 29, 96 Olech , Diane 8, 23, 93, 137, 152, 157 Olech, Martin 101, 114 Olyn yk, Patricia 86 O' N[al, fuuce 190 O'Neill, Stephen 101 Onofri, Debbie 101 , 140 Opd ycke, Lorraine 190 O' Reill y, Philip 114, 191 Orson, William 101 Ortiz, Ca •• nen ~6 . 118 Ortiz, Manuel23 Orzoh, Sandra 86 Osborn, Jennifer 23, 31 Osborn, Joan 101 O'Shea, Brian 86, 90 Osifat, Charles 101 Ottaunick, Ana 101 , 111 Ottaunick, Don 86 Owen, Cathleen 23 Owen s, Denise 86, 138 Ownes, Patricia 118, 145, 191 p

Pacera, David 114, 191 Page, Sheila 191 , 192 Paixao, Mrs. Judith 46 Pajak, Barbara 101 , 111. 147 Palejczyk, Charlene 86 Palejczyk, Kathleen 191 Palenchar, Mrs. Mar y 73, 145 Palinkas, Lisa l 01 Palmer, Mr. Howard 9 Palmer, John 101, 150, 156 Palmer, Theresa 86 Palmer, William 153, 156, 163, 191 Palumbo, Patricia 101 Palutis, Joann 23 Pane, Julianne 101 Panella, Mr. William 39 Paolini, Nanc y 86 Papp, Beverly 23



Papp, Jacqueline 86, 108 Pappaterra, Martin 86, 115, 161 Pappaterra, Steve 86, 161 Parham, Linda 23 Parr, Debra 191 Pastuchow, Helena 86, 89 Patricelli, Cherie 23 Patrizi, Lawrence 23 Fatrone, Susan 23, 50 Patrone, Fran.k 101 Patz, Robert 101 Paul, Brenda 23 Paulaski, David 86 Paulaski, Linda 191 Payton, Cynthia 86 Pazdan, Karen 75, 101 Pender, Theresa 130, 191 Pennell, Cathy 191 Perez, Rolando 23 Perferi, JoAnn 101 Peoples, Mrs. Carolyn 56 Peoples, Miss Kathy 38, 89 Persichetti, Anthony 191 Persichilli, Delores 191, 192 Pesce, Richard 101 Peters, Donnie 86, 136 Peterson, Nancy 131, 192 Peterson, Pam 23 Peterson, Thomas 101 Petito, Caroll09, 174, 192 Petranto, Jessica 101 Petrino, Alexander 23 Petrino, Daniel101 Petrino, James 23 Petro, Kathleen 75, 101 Petro, Thomas 86 Petrone, Donna 23 Petrone, Juliann 192 Petrozzini, Jeff 86, 90 Petrozzini, Scott 23 Petruccio, Albert 150, 156, 163, 19( P{effer, Sr. Veronica 37, 56, 70, 73 Pfieffer, Annette 101 Phillips, Eileen 86 Pica, V. Joseph 146, 147, 172, 192 Picatagi, William 86, 91 Piechowski, Carolyn 86 Pierce, Janette 24 Pierson, Bruce 86 Pieslak, Kenneth 101 Pietras, Anne 192 Pietras, James 192 Pietrow, George 101 Pigott, Mr. Shaun 59 Pilaro, Anne Marie 75, 101 Pirone, Debbie 101, 109 Pirozzi, Sephanie 24 Pitonak, Donna 58, 93, 189, 192 Pitonak, Elaine 24 Piunno, Joanne 101 , 108, 130 Pies, Andrea 178, 192 Ploof, Bob 86, 148, 149 Plumeri, Angela 86 Plunkett, Barbara 24, 49, 92, 95 Plunkett, James 58, 118, 138, 156, 192 Plunkett, Jane 92, 101 Plys, Oleh 86 Pocetti, Athony 192


Poli, Mr. Joseph 70, 118 Polinski, Darlene 101, 108 Polito, Tony 193, 195 Post, Donna 86 Potkay, Cathy 152, 193, 196 Povio, Felicia 42, 193 Powell, Lauire 86, 137 Powell, Jackie 24 Powell, Michelle 101 Price, Kathy 101 Prior, Margaret 193 Procaccini, Mary 24 Proniewski, Stephen 114, 115, 193 Przechacki, Virginia 86, 93 Pulcini, Kathy 81 , 86 Purcell, Dawn 24 Pypcznski, Joyce 137, 193

Q Quinlan, Diane 86, 136 Quinlan, Mary 101 , 159 Quinn, Colleen 101 Quinn, Kathy 24 R

Rader, Mrs. Jeanne 44 Rafalski, Cheryl24 Rafferty, Brian 86 Ragany, Frank 86 Ragany, Richard 24 Ragolia, Regina 99, 146, 147 Raines, John 24 Rak, Lorraine 24 Rak, Ronald 24 Ranfone, Philip 101 Ranfone, Susan 193 Rankin, Chris 101 Ratico, Mary Lou 86 Ratzlaff, Joanne 93, 152, 137, 193, 196 Ratzlaff, Peter 101 Raywood, Christopher 86 Raywood, Jeffery 86 Reali, Renee 24 Reali, Reynold 67, 156, 193 . Rebman, James 24 Rebbeck, james 24 Recine, Benny 101 Recine, Domenic 24 Reed, Deborah 24 Regan, Richard 86 Reh, Deborah 24 Reilly, Robert 86 Reres, Andres 101 Reres, Jean 8, 24, 92, 95 Reynolds, Henry 10, 136, 188, 191 , 193 Rhoades, Robert 24, 29, 30 Riccio, Barbara 101 Riccitelli, Michael48, 101 Rice, Jeffery 24 Ridge, Margaret 194 Ridge, Mark 86, 136, 153 Richardson, Frank 24 Ritter, Stephen 52, 86 Rivera, Ismael24, 30 Rivera, James 24 Rivera, Raymond 102

Robbins, Vincent 194 Roberson, Jacqueline 18, 24, 27 Roche, Edward 86 Roche, Thomas 86 Rodweller, Hannah 171 , 194 Rogers, Natalie 102 Rogaza, Kenneth 86 Rojas, Anthony 102 Rojas, R. James 24 Rojek, Sharon 9, 15, 103, 159 Rondinelli, Gerald 76 Rose, Kenneth 86, 94 Roslowski, Barabar 194 Rosser, Rhonda 39, 190, 194 Rossetti, John 86 Rotov, Alexander 86, 114, 160 Rooney, Sister Patricia 77, 146 Roone y, Mr. Patrick 41, 76, 126 Root, Thomas 132, 194 Rouba, Karen 102 Rovello, Mrs. Margaret 68, 93, 137, 152 Rowland s, Chris 86 Ruberto, Timmy 24, 30 Ruden, Miss Randi 77 Rudge, Stephen 102 Rugarber, John 86, 91 Run yan, Mr.s Gail41 , 50 Russert, Diane 86 Russert, Shirley 102 Russo, Gary 86 Rutherford, Rodn ey 24 Rutkowski, Diane 194 Rutkowski, Kenn eth 86 Ruthkowski, Mark 102 Ryan, Carol34, 102, 147 Ryan, Michael24 Ryfinski , John 194

s Sabolch y, Adele 138, 194 Sachetti, Mary Lynn 24 Sadley, Stephen 194 Saia, Jud y 194 Salcewicz, Mrs. Jud y 74, 89, 115 Salem, William 75 Saller, Rev. Ra ymond 40, 61 Salmestrelli, Joe 194, 195 Salvadore, Robin 102, 109, 118 Salvadore, Tony 24, 30 Samonski, John 86 Samonski, Susan 24 Sampson, Joni 86 Sanderson, Gloria 24 Sanderson, John 24 S,anderson, Patricia 102, 136 Santersiero, Jack 195 Santo, Sal140, 141 Santoro, Elsa 86 Santoro, Nancy 118, 195 Sapienza, Debra 86 Saraceni, William 24 Sawka, Walter 86 Scairpon, Robert 86, 91 , 96 Scales, Dean 24, 29 Scales, Jeane 24 Scarantino, John 195 Scarantino, Thomas 38, 138, 175, 195 Scarna, Charles 49, 195

Schaible, Leonard 24, 29 Schrader, Greg 114, 195 Schrader, Jeffre y 24, 29 Schrader, Kenneth 24 Schreiber, Christopher 86 Schreier, Tom 146, 147, 195 Schuler, Bill86, 94 Schuster, Frank 57, 91 , 102 Schwartz, Dolores 86 Schwartz, Donna 86 Sciarrotta, Mr. Salvatore 8, 16, 70, 72, 89 Scott, Annette 24 Secretario, Donna 9, 137, 159, 195 Secretario, Janet 24, 27, 31, 141 Sedia, Joseph 92, 195 Seick, Ken 86 Seiler, Margaret 24 Semonik, James 150, 195 Serafine, Donna 18, 24 Serinaldi, Claire 102 Serock, Joann 86 Serock, Sandra 24 Sevilla, Feliciia 10, 158, 159, 196 Sevilla,.}ames 96, 102, 138 Severino, Vincent 24. Shaddow, Dave 24 Shaddow, MichaeliS, 29, 153, 196 Shanoskie, Edmund 86 Shanoskie, Johanna 131 , 196 Shelingoski, James 163, 196 Shelly, Ann 15, 54, 137, 188, 196 Shelly, Kathy 93, 102, 137, 152, 157 Shell y, Maureen 24, 74 Shenk, Sheri 86 Shipley, Cheryl102, 145 Shoriak, Timoth y 47, 86 Shurgala, Donna 24 Sickler, M ichael24, 29 Sidur, Ursula 102 Siegman, Victoria 87 Sigafoos, Carol 87 Sikorski, Robert 55, 136, 196 Silvestro, Anna Marie 102 Simko, Joseph 87 Simone, Jeff 87 Siplin, Pamela 54, 183, 196 Sirak, James 196 Skorupa, Mary 196 Slakter, Marianne 102 Slowikowski, Kenneth 87 Smith, Albert 102, 114 Smith, Beth Ann 196 Smith, Carole 102 Smith, Don 24 Smith , Frank 102 Smith, Gena 87 Smith, Hank 102, 118, 160 Smith, Joseph 24 Smith, Kathleen 24, 31 , 109 Smith, Kelvin 58, 150, 151 , 192, 197, 199 Smith , Maureen 87, 93 Smith, Pamela 102 Smith, Patricia 87 Smith, W. Graham 114, 197 Smolka, Jeffery 102 Snyder, Mark 102 Sodomin, Joseph 197 Sola, Lena 24


Somlyay, Helen 102 Spalluto, Dan 87 Spera, Anthony 24 Spera, Rosemary 87 Sperazza, Carl87, 96 Springer, Donna 87, 115 Springer, James 24, 29 Stachowicz, Marybeth 14, 53, 146, 197 Stanish, Kathleen 69, 131 , 197 Studinger, Sharon 186, 197 Stawicki, Barbara 87 Stawicki, John 102 Stawicki, Robert 197 Stec, Becky 102 Stec, Kathleen 102 Stec, Maryunn 24, 44 Steinetz, Katherine 87 Stephan, Margaret 24 Stephan, Mark 87, 91 Stettler, Myriam 137, 197 Stevulak, Kathleen 15, 75, 102, 159 Steward, David 102, 160 Stewart, Christina 24 Stewart, Kathy 197 Stewart, Steve 87 Stoka, Gregory 197 Stoka, Mrs. Mary 54, 130 Stout, Rick 102, 148, 149 Stoy, Pam 25 Streeter, James 87, 114 Strehlow, Elaine 87 Strizki, Michael156, 198 Struck, Nancy 102 Strycharz, Denise 56, 198 Strycharz, Sandra 198 Stryker, Michael25, 30 Suarez, Sylvia 102 Suffern, William 25, 92, 96 Sullivan, Dennis 25, 47 Sullivan, Ricard 87 Sutton, Lynn 15, 137, 158, 159, 198 Swangler, Linda 25 Sweeney, Kathleen 118, 182, 185, 198 Sweet, John 198 Swiecki, Barbara 113 . Swistak, Janet 25 Swistak, Nancy 75, 102, 118, 144 Szedula, Linda 25 Szepesy, Kenneth 195, 198 Szubrowksi, Gloria 102, 130 Szweda, Marianne 102 Szymelewicz, Michaell98

T Tackacs, Marie 102 Takach, Gwendolyn 25 Tamasi, Nicholas 87 Tancordo, Nick 87, 96 Tantum, Myron 102, 150, 161 Tattory, C,ilrol25 Tatum, Lisa 198 Taylor, Calvin 198 Taylor, Debra 198 Taylor, John 15, 136, 150, 198 Tella, Josephine 102, 159 Thomann, Sharon 25 Thomas, Angela 199 Thomas, Terase 102, 110

Thompson, Geoffrey 87 Thorton , Susan 87, 108 Thul, Rev. Joseph T. 32, 33, 36, 37 Thurman, Joanne 87, 109 Tierney, Kathleen 25 Tierney, Siobhan 102 Tiffert, Jane 25 Tiffert, Joan 87 Tkacs, Michele 25, 102 Todaro, Carmelina 87 Todaro, Rosemarie 87, 102 Tompa, Gary 87 Tomsho, William 29 Toporek, Cynthia 87 Toporek, Thomas 94, 114 Toth , Julia 24 Toth , Maria 102 Toto, Anna 199 Trakowski, John 25 Traube, James 25 Traube, Tom 87 Treadwell, David 25, 29, 47 Travers, Barbara 102, 109 Triantifilloo, Barbara 76, 103, 118, 144 Tysowski, Susan 199 Troiani, Dave 103 Turczyn , Marian 2~ Turgeon, Donald 29 Turgeon, Lorraine 103, 118, 137, 152, 157

u Ullrich, Edward 25 Ullrich, Elizabeth 102 Ungaro, Kathy 25 Ungrady, David 87, 91 , 94, 103 Ungrady, Eva 103, 105 Ungrady, Lisa Anne 103 Ungrady, Paul25, 29, 30 Utley, Clarynda 25 Uveges, Martine 87

v Vagnozzi, Michael87, 96 Vagnozzi, Valerie 139, 178, 199 Valatka, Gerri 103, 108 Valentin, Vincent 103 Valeri, Joe 91 , 103 Valerian, Sister Mary 59 Vandewater, Catherine 87 VanHise, Michael114, 199 Van Pelt, Patty 103 VanSant, John 47, 87, 96 VanSant Mark 156, 199 Velez, William 25 Velivis, Dolores 103 Venanzi, Thomas 87 Ventura, Nicholas 87 Verde!, Mr. Albert 41, 150 Vernon, Karen 87 Vernon, Ronny 25 Veronica, Sister Mary 75 Viglione, Marlene 103 Voitek, Cynthia 87 Volen , Joan 199 Voyda, Tom 15, 114, 150, 151, 162, 199

Vrancik, Nancy 103 Vukovich, Debora 87

w Wagner, Mr. John 62, 135, 149, 162, Walachy, Donna 103, 105, 108, 109, 130 Walbridge, Roberta 11, 103, 108, 109 Walczak, Halina 87, 110 Waldron, Kevin 87 Waldron, Michael87 Waldron, Sharon 25 Walker, John 29 Walker, Tonya 87 Wallace, Douglas 87 199 Wallace, Frederick 87, 94, 103 Wailitsch, Donna 87 Wallitsch, Fred 94, 154 Walsh, Barbara 87 Walsh , Kate 25 Walton, Judy 138,200 Ward, Charlotte 200 Ward, Cheryl87 Wasielewski, Michael25 Wawczak, Ellen 25, 46 Wayman, Tyrone 103 Webber, Russell25, 30 Weglarz, Irene 200 Weglarz, Sophie 103 Wenczel, Carolyn 103 Wenczel, Michael87 Wenczel,Sharon 138, 139, 185, 200 Wendelin, Sr. Mary 40, 51, 131 Wendrzychi, Ray 25 Wesley, Neil87 West, Louis 87 Wetzel, David 91 Wetzel, Mary Jo 14, 138, 200 Whalen , Cindy 103, 109 Wharton , Francis 25 White, Colleen 103 White, Goerge 103 Wiacik, John 25 Widlicki, Debra 87 Widmann , Susan 87 Wierzbowski, Deborah 103, 111 Wildblood, Karen 25 Wilfing, Mr. Steven 75, 150 Williams, Charles 25 Wilson, Miss Janet 49, 127 Wilson, Karen 52, 87, 109 Wilson, Terri 103 Wilson , Wanda 200 Wimbush, Tyrone 87 Winkler, Greg 103 Winston, Donna 200 Wirth , Mary Ann 103 Witkowski, Dave 87, 96 Witkowski, Pamela 111, 138, 200 Witkowski, Susan 93, 200 Wnuk,Janet87, 136 Wnuk, John 103 Wojciechowski, Renata 25 Wojciechowski, Celine 51 , 87 Wojotowicz, Karen 178, 185, 200 Wokoun, Elizabeth 118, 145, 200 Wolfe, John 87 Woloff, Ira 25

Wood, Mrs. Caroll6, 76, 146 Wood, Mr. Robert 71 Woodcock, Kathleen 126, 177, 200. Woodcock, Patricia 103, 111 , 144 Wooding, Cheryl87 Woods, Jack 87 Woods, John 103 Wozniak, Tom 201 Wroblewski, Mr. Joseph 62, 90 Wszolek, Ron 114, 201 Wyers, Mr. Joseh 30, 60, 134, 136 Wysienski, Robert 87 y Yaros, Mary Lynn 103 Yates, Mary Beth 48, 184, 201 Young, Judith 25, 27 Young, Sandral4, 25 Yousko, Carol25 Yuhas, Joseph 201 Yuhas, Michael25

z Zabawa, Karen 127, 201 Zabawa. Katherine 103 Zamborski, William 46, 150, 201 Zegarski, John 87, 91 Zegarski, Ted 8, 136, 148, 149, 201 Ziemba, Henry 58, 201 Zimmer, Barbara 201 Zoltanski, Gregory 25 Zuczek, Deborah 103, 111 Zuczek, Karen 25 Zuczek, Mark 52, 87, 96 Zukas, Edward 25 Zukowski, Ron 29

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If, then, we believe in the goodness of ourselves . . . we will believe in the goodness of others . . .


At this time we would like to break from our traditional format so that we may acknowledge those who we feel deserve special thanks and recognition. Our Administration offered us encouragement and assistance in scheduling and providing information. The members of the Faculty showed their patience and gave of their time through setting up homeroom pictures, identifying photographs , letting us out of class, putting up 路w ith occasional interruptions for picture taking , but mostly for realizing the Canticle needs . There was another person who entered the Canticle Room this year, as he had in the past, who gave us not only technical assistance, but also great ideas. Frank Ball, Jr. from the American Yearbook Company has become a very special friend. Our Professional Photographers, Don Syers and Larry De Matteo, took terrific pictures and offered special assistance to our student photographers and staff. The Editoral Staff this year was a group of people who learned to work together and share together. and most of all to have tun in the process. Mike Moran, our layout editor, designed creative layouts and also kept our spirits high with his outrageous jokes. Joe Pica, our literary editor, molded a staph of literary geniuses and we would not know what to do without him. Katie Barlow, our infallible typing editor, pounded her way through five nerve-racking deadlines . Cathi Chapuk and Maureen Hazen, our money-minded business editors, were two people we could always bank on. Joe Forman and Tog1 Schreier, our photography editors, really clicked when it came to taking pictures. Regina Ragolia, underclassmen editor, was a jack-of-alltrades. Two people who have entered our lives even more than ever this year are our moderators, Sister 路J>atricia and Mrs. Wood . Somehow, words escape the way we feel. Thanks for everything! And to my co-editor, Marybeth, who was the model of the saying," Big things come in little packages. " And to my co-P.ditor, Joe, who was everything he should have b-ee-n~ th:?, other half of a great pair! Thanks to All, Joe Franci a Marybeth Stachowicz Co-Editors Canticle '74


Only so long as we can love one another can we be truly alive . .. . . . can we be truly happy ... can we truly anticipate tomorrow ...


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