Notre dame high school canticle 1976web

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is becoming richer with every second I breathe, And joining all the yesterdays that have fallen from my mind. My memory is awakened with thoughts of childhood days, And at times I wish I were still back there.


Today seems promising more times than not, ' As I plan each day's rising and setting, Hoping that it will be successful, and if not All I can ask for is another day to follow in its footsteps.

Tomorrow holds my dreams for many years to come. It is the dim light in the future waiting for me to reach 1ts so The future is unpredictable many people tell me, , t I smile for them and n to my dreams.

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Don't you feel a change a coming from another side of time, breaking down the walls of silence lifting shadows from your mind placing back the missing mirrors that before you couldn't find filling mysteries of emptiness that yesterday left behind. and we all know it's better yesterday has past now let's all start living for the one that's going to last.



There's nothing behind me and nothing that ties me To something that might have been true yesterday. Tomorrow is open and right now it seems to be more Than enough to just be here today.



And I don't know what the future is holdin' in store I don't know where I'm goin', I'm not sure where I've been. There's a spirit that guides me, a light that shines for me My life is worth the livin' I don't need to see the end.


DEDICATION .. . building a new confidence in students and teachers alike . . . taking an interest in the school community and in each of us as individuals ... "He knows my name" . . . striving for excellence . .. always giving us encouragement . .. stressing the value of a Catholic education .. . working hard to bring out the hidden spirit of N.D . . . . supporting ALL athletic teams and activities with his presence and concern ... an office with a person inside of it - "Father, could we videotape 'Aufwiedersehen, Herr Holz' in here?" .. . "Hey, didn't we see you at Big Boy's yesterday?" .. . The cigar and smile - his special trademarks . . . report card time - "I know you can do better" . .. always fair in war and peace . . . establishing innovative programs for our benefit ... We are, because he cares ... dediating the 1976 Canticle to Father Hughes so that we may share with him what he has brought to us . ..


Page 12/Top: Father Hughes, Mrs. Celia Arnister. Middle Left: Father Hughes, Mrs. Major. Middle Right: Father Hughes, Mrs. Goldstein , JoAnn Gill , Miss Grant. Bottom: Father Hughes, Mario Mangone. Page 13/Top: Gary Coluccio, Father Hughes, Bottom Right: Father Hughes. Bottom Left: Lee Ann Barber, Father Hughes.




Page 18/Middle Left: The Most Reverend John C. Reiss , C.D. , Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton. Top Right: Sister Mary Claude , Su.pervisor of Schools for the Sisters of Mercy of New Jersey, Father Hughes. Bottom Right: Father Thomas Luebking, Superintendent of Schools. Page 19/Bottom: The Most Reverend George W. Ahr , S.T.D., Bishop of Trenton .


Christian Education " ... the formation of the human person with respect to his ultimate goal . . . God's eternal kingdom, and simultaneously with respect to the good of those societies of which, as a man, he is a member, and in whose responsibilities as an adult, he will share." Declaration on Christian Education Documents of Vatican II


Page 20/Top Right: Mr. Robert Bugdal, First Administrative Assistant . Bottom: Reverend Joseph Hughes, Principal. Page 21/Top Left: Sister Veronica Pfeffer, Second Administrative Assistant. Top Right: Mr. John Harrell , Second Vice-Principal. Bottom Left: Sister Joanmarie McDonnell , First Vice-Principal.


ADMINISTRATION . . . the problem solvers . . . always there to meet the students' needs . . . the true working nucleus of N.D.'s success .. . turning around in class to whisper something to a friend and discovering that Father Hughes is sitting in his seat ... " Are you sure today is Day 3?" .. . referring to page twenty-two of the handbook to see where you went wrong . . . " You mean these socks are legal now?" . . . Mr. Bugdal, administrator, disciplinarian, good friend . .. "Do I really have to stay locked up in that little room all day?'' . . . Sister Joanmarie enthusiastically supporting N.D. through thick and thin . . . patiently helping confused teachers and students adjust to the new schedule .. . " Help! I just went to my fourth period class and no one was there!" . . . promotion of togetherness and pride in ourselves .. . trying to beat the yellow slip on its way down to the attendance office when you're late . .. Sister Veronica checking up on the whereabouts of missing students ... praying that Mr. Harrell will call a fire drill during your first Calculus test . . . "But I teach seventh period, I can 't have a substitution. " . . . Father Hughes opening his office and the lines of communication to everyone . . . working hard to iron out the snags in the eight day cycle .. . sharing new ideas ... reaching out to fully understand


ART ... watching a collection of lines become a distinguishable object .. . "You mean this course uses a textbook?" ... "Miss Wilson, we had a little accident with this can of paint!'' . . . expressing your flow of emotions on canvas ... line, shape, form .. . Mrs. Harcar inspiring the genius in all of us . . . "Who ripped off the paint brushes?'' . . . paper-m@che creatures in the middle of the room ... "Exit, stage left- I just broke Miss Leonie's new pastels!" ... putting your best effort forward only to have someone say, "What's that?" ... a room filled with projects from days gone by . . . "But I thought you said I didn't have any paint on my face!" . . . taking pride in your creativity . . . developing an aesthetic sense . .. days of learning, days of doing, days of having fun


Page 22/Top: Nancy Cashel , Dave McCreedy, Jennifer Peoples, Bob Petro, Miss Leonie, Caesar Ortiz. Bottom Right: Nick Tancordo , Joanne Valatka. Page 23/Top Left: Maria Maruca , Miss Wilson. Top Right: Mrs. Harcar, Lea Landolfi. Bottom: Mrs. Harcar, Miss Wilson , Miss Leonie.


BUSINESS ... Ode to a Secretary- S is for ... "Now girls!" ... resting your hand on the electric typewriter and getting a whole row of k's . . . "Everyone in the Business Department is always so happy!" ... "Ish, chay, jog - it's Greek to me" ... typing a whole letter and then discovering you weren't on the home keys ... Mrs. Danburybookkeeping with a smile ... Bi-lingual Secretary - Spanish shorthand? ... 5th anniversary of the informative "Busi-Business Bulletin" .. . there's more to business than just typing and steno . . . running off dittos just to smell them ... Co-op and SecretaryAid Programs being well established .. . D. E. students learning the trade, developing into skillful business people ... purple ink everywhere from typing dittos . .. Mrs. Gribbin insisting that it all really is "quite simple" ... having your chair so low you can hardly reach the keys and not knowing how to adjust it ... correction fluid that smells like formaldehyde . . . "It's either with, say, or a 6" . .. realistic view of our ever-changing commercial world ... GNP- No, it doesn't stand for Gribbin, Nora, Peoples ... preparing for the immediate world ...


Page 24/Top: Sister Nora, Mrs. Stoka, Mrs. Gribbin, Mrs. Peoples, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Goldstein, Sister Geraldine, Mrs. Danbury. Bottom Right: Mrs. Danbury, Liz Heinzel. Page 25/Top Left: JoAnn Elmo, Sister Geraldine. Top Right: Mrs. Peoples, Fawn McNab, Denise Coyle, Bev Papp. Bottom Left: Sue Ciccone, Mary Ann Heller, Mrs. Gribbin.


Page 26/Top Left: Dr. Herman A. Estrin , Ed .D. Top Right: Miss Henkel , Wendy Hill. Middle Left: Sister Cathleen McChesney. Bottom Right: Mr. Stephan. Page 27 /Middle Left: Mrs. Garrison . Bottom: Mrs. Garrison, Mr. Stephan, Mrs. Archer , Mrs. Fracassi, Miss Leonie, Miss Henkel , Sister Cathleen, Sister Patricia, Sister Mary Veronica , Mr. Rooney, Mr. Bowditch , Miss Liptak, Miss Glendon.


ENGLISH ... becoming familiar with the elements of style ... expression ... embarrassingly imitating a popping balloon in Drama . . . wondering why Shakespeare had to use such a difficult vocabulary ... looking at Mr. Stephan and not being able to concentrate . .. "Now that's a good SAT word look it up!" . .. figuring out exactly what a gerund is but forgetting .. . "What does Zeus路 have to do with anything?" . .. learning about America's beginning through literature at the same time America is becoming aware of them . . . the root of communication .. . precis, essays, theme papers . .. Great Expectations ... "Who in their right mind would make a Hamlet or Macbeth record? - must've been the same person!" ... The Canterbury Tales ... understanding the fine points of grammar ... Journalism class N.D. students getting an opportunity to meet the press . . . letting your imagination take over ... occasionally dozing off in class ... Sister Cathleen McChesney , our new chairperson ... "You can take a lesson from this!" ... promising Sister Veronica you honestly will bring her some home-made kielbasa . . . hoping it doesn't get around that you were dressed in a leotard with bells on your toes just for some silly skit ... the proper technique . . . expanding our creativity . . . being brought together by common problems . . . triumphs ...


Page 28/Top Left: Patty Baylog, Miss Glendon . Top Right: Mr. Bowditch . Bottom: Cathy Schaefer, Erin Lynne . Page 29/Top: Mrs. Marchant. Middle: Students in the library. Bottom: Miss Radar.


LIBRARY ... a quiet place away from the hustle and bustle . .. finding a special book at N.D. when no other library has it .. . "Who's Mrs. Marchant?" ... Missing: assorted pages from much used books ... doing your first magazine report and discovering that the library has a back room ... suppressing giggles ... SHHHH! ... being careful to speak softly while carrying the Trenton Times on a stick . .. searching frantically for a book only to have Mrs. Marchant find it in one minute ... becoming well acquainted with the Dewey Decimal System ... pretending you're reading .. . finally finding THE book ... Mrs. Radar helping out with special projects .. . the library being inundated with Religion students .. . reserve books - a nickel a period ... those overdue notices every morning in homeroom - taking out a loan to pay them .. . patient librarians trying to set a tone conducive to studying ... a little bit of peace, rest, and relaxation ...


HOME ECONOMICS . .. following the recipe exactly, almost . .. wondering what to do with a beautifully decorated shoebox .. . matching colors from those endless swatches you've collected . .. "So the hem dips a little in the back - Who's gonna notice?" .. . no chauvinist chefs in Bachelors Cooking . . . stealing your little brother 's toys for your busybox .. . Mrs. Paixao, the voice of experience . .. Simplicity? not exactly .. . "I'm pretty sure it's safe to eat. " .. . counting on Home Ec. class for your breakfast . . . "But the sewing machine went wild " ... "If you want it to cook faster, can you raise the temperature?" . . . using child psychology on each other . . . learning the basics . . . sensing the practicality of it - cooking dinner for homework .. . Mrs. Mansfield, proof that sewing is beautiful . . . gaining confidence as you progress ... those elaborate floor plans of your model home . . . accomplished seamstresses modelling their latest endeavors .. . tasting success, literally . . . understanding patterns ... it's getting easier . . . finally knowing what the joy of cooking is all about .. .


Page 30/Top Left: Carolyn Danko, Maria Kelly, Helen Vukovich, Diane Maty, Rita Nagy, Mrs. Paixao , Ann DeMille. Bottom Right: Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Paixao. Page 31/Top Left: Terry Sagedy, Lisa Moschera, Ellen Keefe, Mrs. Paixao. Bottom: Fred Wallace , Mark Bertone, Larry Hemingway, Joe Maruca , Larry Morton.


A.V . ... the "behind the scenes" people .. . veterans Joe, Steve, Tony ... Media I -learning "how" in Sister Charlotte's room . .. seeing yourself on T.V. and loving every minute of it . .. freshmen trying to figure out what A.V. stands for ... continuous and diligent work for the play . . . locating Mr. Hearney by following the trail of pipe smoke ... building up a knowledge of the basics of media ... teachers rushing to an understanding A.V. "Boss" with last minute requests . .. the friendly clutter of wires, films, and equipment ... volunteering to work the projector and then breaking it . . . being sent to the A.V. room and not knowing exactly where to find it ... Mr. Hearney joking around even when things are really hectic ... being able to demonstrate what you've learned . .. education made a little more fun ... MEDICAL ... Nurse Dougherty to the rescue . .. tine tests-ouch! ... "Help - I think I'm dying" ... bathrobes from Morris Hall .. . humoring the doctor by jumping up and down twenty times ... a typical day for Mrs. Dougherty - twenty small crises, one after the other ... meat tenderizer on bee stings - hmm! .. . de-gum mer for the girls' uniforms - "Warning! This product may cause erosion" ... assuring yourself the scale is off by at least five pounds .. . "But one aspirin will only take care of half my headache!" ... Blood Pressure Week - talk about excitement! ... wondering what's in the little file cabinet ... "5'8 ? Last year I was 5'9 !" ... trying to memorize the eye chart . .. nurses' assistants getting on the job training ... "It's not that funny when it happens to you" ... knowing there's always a place to go ...


Page 32/ Top: Joe Szedula, Mr. Hearney . Bottom: Mrs. Dougherty, Lucille Hearney, Castaldo . Page Anthony 33/Top: Mrs. Dougherty. Bottom: Mr. Hearney.


LANGUAGE . . . Hola! . . . cultural enrichment . . . studying a foreign language and at the same time developing a better understanding of English . . . Latin -alive and kicking at N.D. . . . not knowing what you're saying but thinking it sounds really good . . . Herr Holtz and his Deutsch students . . . translating word for word and getting sentences like, "Do you it. " . . . a penny an English word spoken in Madame Kaplan's French IV cl~ss . . . when in doubt, there's always Franglais ... Silencio por favor! - everyone knows what that means! ... listening to the teacher speak for twenty straight minutes and only understanding the first word .. . Language Week- success in any language ... German IV classes videotaping soap operas - Star Trek to be next? . . . knowing the dialogues backwards and forwards . . . Gallia est Provincia Romae .. . "Fourteen tenses? But I'm having trouble with the present!" .. . Latin knowledge helping you on your verbal SAT'syou knew it would come in handy one day! .. . "Sure I know German - Sauerkraut, Sprechen sie Deutsch, Heil Hitler!" . . . the old stand-by - "Je ne comprend pas!" studying verbs constantly . . . languages - the little extra that means alot . . . Auf Wiedersehen ...


Page 34/Top Left: Mrs. Palenchar, Cindy Toporek, Top Right: Mrs. Kaplan, Mary Geiss. Bottom Right: Mr. Wood , Marian Turczyn . Page 35/Top Right: Alfred Kwietniak, Mr. Sciarotta , Mike Mears. Bottom: Mrs. Bryan , Mrs. Kaplan , Mr. Wood , Sister Phillip , Mr. Poli , Mrs. Palenchar , Mr. Sciarrotta, Mrs. DePuglio , Sister Charlotte , Sister Veronica Pfeffer.


Page 36/Top Right: Lorraine Rak, Michele Buckley, Cheryl Kovacs . Middle: Sister Veronica Pfeffer. Bottom Left: Mr. Poli. Bottom Right: Sister Charlotte. Page 37 /Top Left: Miss Barbarics. Top Right: Sister Mary Carmel. Bottom Left: Mr. Panella .


GUIDANCE ... knowing that there 's a place to go for help . . . people caring where Notre Dame grads go from here . . . your grades going up, your class rank down . .. arranging for an interview during your hardest class . . . Sister Mary Joachim and Miss Patricia Barbarics, the new enthusiastic counselors . .. "Do the SAT's really count that much?" . .. wondering if your vocation lies in digging for sandcrabs in Tahiti ... noticing that the little college reading room seems to hold an awful lot of materials . .. presenting career opportunities to interested students . . . Sister Mary Carmel helping you decide where your college years will be spent . . . self-scheduling - determine your destiny with a friend . . . '' Can I just have a peek at my transcripts? ' ' ... feeling as though you got 24 out of 25 wrong on your PSAT's ... being able to relax with Mr. Panella . . . realizing the future isn 't too far away ... " Sister, are there any colleges specializing in horseback riding?" .. . piles of test scores, grades, reports . . . heading in the right direction . .. reassurance . . .


MATH ... when you finally get the answer, it 's like turning a key ... " But it looks like a right angle! " . . . only having a pen and hoping you won't make any mistakes . . . Mr. Pigott teaching his plants linear equations .. . checking your answer with the one in the back of the book and swearing the book is wrong . . . " If I only knew what v meant, I could do the problem! " ... getting a 70 on a test you thought you did great on ... " How will this apply when I'm thirty-nine? " . .. hoping it gets easier as the year goes 路an ... Mr. D. - Fred Flintstone of the Math Department . . . Calculus sure makes everyth ing else look easy! ... Trig is just jazzed-up Geometry ... members of the Math Department - they ' re always ready to help . . . knowing your teachers realize it's not as easy asf! . . . " What's a square root with a little 3 in the corner?" ... thinking your sophomore year is going to be one big proof . .. thanking the Math Department after taking your SAT's . .. " How can you study math? " ... wondering how Sister Dorothy can explain one problem in five different logical ways . . . reflexive is the easy one . . . being impressed by how " professional " your notebook looks . .. '' I must have gotten my X and Y axes mixed up" ... "Sin X? Sounds like a medicine to me! " ... Once you get started you just have to finish . .. Math? It's good for ya!


Page 38/Top Left: Mr. Pigott. Top Right: Sister Jose . Bottom Right: Sister Dismas. Page 39/Top: Sister Catherine Darcy, Sister Mary deSales, Mr. DiGuiseppe, Mr. Pigott, Sister Dismas, 1 Mrs. Hennessy, Sister Jose, Mr. Sebastiani , Mr. Dorner. Mid路 die Left: Don Ottaunick, Mr. Sebastiani. Middle Right: Mr. DiGuiseppe, Nancy Torres . Bottom Left: Mrs. Hennessy. Bottom Right: Sister Catherine.


Page 40/Top Left: Mr. Loatman , FRONT ROW : Bob Mangone , Frank Faraone, Kim Lambert, Beth Kiss, Carolyn DiCiurcio , Beth Meagher, Cindy Zirkle, Cindy Voitek, Jeanine McKeever, Bani Gallo. SECOND ROW: Joyce Leonard, Karen Wilson, Monyette Rawls , Eileen Kearns , Vernita Fowler. Top Right: Mr. Loatman, Mr. Baker. Bottom Right: Mr. Baker. Page 41/Top Right: Carmen Giovacchine, Brian McClain , Tom Hughes, Mr. Baker. Bottom Left: Chris Dietrich, Dan Belli , Mr. Baker, Barry Mulligan . Bottom Right: Mr. Loatman.

MUSIC ... a unique level of communication . . . Mr. Baker, the epitome of a music man ... "Hogan's Heroes" theme , the old standby . . . Mr. Loatman, making his teaching debut at N.D .... " That was a little betternow one more time" ... trying to make a phone call with strains of "2001" in the background . . . the marching band 's complaint- "My hat is shedding!" ... "Believe me, you can make a living at it." ... drinking milk, sucking lemons, hoping you'll become a great singer and ending up with an upset stomach .. . "Mr. Loatman? Richard? What do I call him?" .. . the new uniforms - "I thought they were shrink proof." . . . thanking your mother for making you stick to piano lessons .. . matching choral robes "Are you kidding?" . .. the music department is more than the band ... impromptu concerts given to raise money ... trying to learn Handel's Messiah as a Christmas gift to N.D . . .. jazz, classical, folk - it's all music ... marching to the spirit of '76 ... a song - it brightens everybody's day .. .



PHYSICAL EDUCATION . . . "Get in your Squads." . .. kickpin, our favorite . .. "LA-A-A-dies, cut the gab!" . .. " Mrs. Major, I have this splitting headache, really! " . . . " I lost my bloomers!" . .. 220 situps- for a B! ... "But we want to be the pinny team. " ... " Did you say the new teacher's name is Kojak? " . . . What's a speedball? ... argyles hidden under white socks . . . archery, new but fun- Robin Hood, watch out! ... at least there's no homework .. . double period, what a killer . . . Christmas, time for the annual uniform wash . .. The Oceanic . . . "When Will I See You Again? " -one more t ime .. . chewing gum, four points off ... peaking into the boys' gym through the divider . .. shirts vs skins in 40 째 weather . . . sneaking into the Cafeteria before Gym ... Mr. Lop, never saying much, just looking sincere . .. a punchball homerun in the balcony ... playing football in your regular shoes because you forgot your sneaks . . . running through the halls, trying to get dressed before your next class ... wearing one sock - you only get one point off that way .. . cheating on your exercises . .. muddy fields . . . a wise remark is V2 of a 0 . . . trying desperately to qualify for Disability Gym . .. "You need a doctor's excuse? " . . . waking up to find yourself in the middle of Gym .. . " You mean we really get credit for this? ' ' ... Gym- a different kind of learning . ..



Page 42/Top: Mr . Wyers , Judy Petrozzini. Bottom:/FRONT ROW: Mr. Lopilato , Mrs . Koschek, Mr. Dambro , SECOND ROW : Mr. Archer , Mrs . Rovello , Mr. Simone , Mr. Wyers , Mrs. Major. Page 43/Top: Mary Alice Amar i, Mr. Grussler. Bottom left: Mrs. Major. Middle Right: Boys ' Gym Class . Bottom Right: Girls ' Gym Class .



RELIGION ... growing into maturity day by day . .. realizing religion isn't just praying and church - it's discovering yourself as a real person too ... Dante's Inferno setting off a spark inside you ... finding out that marriage isn't all white lace and laughter . . . learning that trust doesn't come as easy as you thought it would ... our own "singing nun" - Sister Catherine Mindling . . . the appealing aura of mystery around Buddhism , Taoism, Hinduism . . . "Are you a phleg, too?'' Seeing how everything eventually comes back to its origins with God ... walking into the Religion Resource Center and thinking you've never seen so many bibles in your life . .. Mr. Kelly and his symbol tests . . . the Book of Psalms seeming to be too beautiful to agree with set concepts of the Bible . . . ''When you part from a friend, you grieve not" ... strengthening yourself and your faith in mankind ... religion as a total conceptexperiencing Christ in everyday life .. .


Page 44/Top: Sister Clarice. Mid路 die: Sister Catherine Mindling. Bottom: Father Nolan, Ginny Murphy, Sharon Makohuz, Dave Dudeck, Carl Danbury, Kevin Waldron. Page 45/Top Left: Miss Derr. Top Right: Mr. Kelly . Middle: Mr. Kelly, Sister Margaret Huley, Miss Grula , Sister Catherine Mindling, Mr. Connell, Miss Derr, Mr. Rossetti, Father Nolan, Sister Clarice. Bottom: Mr. Connell .


SCIENCE learning how to direct our own abilities intelligently seeking the answers "What's this experiment supposed to prove anyway?'' wondering what ever possessed you to take Physics ONLY being 7 grams over the right answer lab reports - learning skill in critical writing " Are you sure this is supposed to happen?" taking your lab partner's word for it "You mean I just cut my worm 's nervous system in half? Can I have a new one?" certainly breaking enough test tubes to cover your lab fees hoping none of your friends see you with your goggles on " Sister, can I put this down the drain? Please?'' sitting so the stools won 't squeak knowing science and religion connect somewhere gaining self-assurance alchemy- 1776 word for chemistry " No way will I get ten equal divisions on this tiny line" Frosh - " So this is what they call science" C and D corridors upstairs wondering if your experiment is supposed to be getting that smokey finding out a mole is more than a little furry guy " Why does my gas behave one way " I don 't think God gave and yours another?" this frog a heart" discovering there is a valid reason for taking this course working with skillful , logical processes 0















































































Page 46/Top: Sister Athanasius , Todd Adams , Jamie Callan, Shail Prasad . Bottom: Sister Virginia, Debbie Bryan . Page 47 /Top/SEATED : Sister Virginia , Sister Athanasius, Miss Wirth , Sister Claver . STANDING : Mr. Grussler, Mr. Simone, Mr. Hess, Mr. Micai, Mr. Gusciora . Bottom: Mr. Gusciora. Middle: Miss Wirth , Jim Gnandt, Wendy Hill , John Antinoro, Julie Campo.


Page 48/Middle Left: Mr. Simone, Katie Casey , Karen Obduski . Bottom Right: Maryann Stec, Lydia Lesh . Page 49/Top Left: Miss Barbarics, Kevin Myers. Top Right: Mr. Milinowicz. Bottom/Social Studies Department/SEATED : Miss Grant. Miss Giampetro, Sister Camilla, Miss Barbarics. STANDING : Mr. Milinowicz, Mr. Ardery , Mr. Wagner , Mr. Baker .



Page 50/Top Left: Miss Grant. Top Right: Tom Ed inger, Bob Celli . Bottom: Pat Fidanza , Vince Mendola , Sue Novatkowski. Page 51/Top: Miss Giampetro . Bottom: Mr. Wagner .



SOCIAL STUDIES . . . connecting the past with the present . .. Ah so, it's Far Eastern History with Mr. "Marinowicz" . . . all pandemonium breaks out News Quiz today ... Whoever thought current events could be fun? ... realizing America has come a long, long way ... "Who won the war - the French or the Indians?" ... not being able to preserve your workbook for posterity ... understanding who, what and why ... "Hi ya, Toots!" .. . reaching an awareness of your state, your own town . . . a male chauvinist in the History Department? ... Psychology experiments "Would you scratch my back?" . . . "Are you serious or delirious?" ... Miss Grant's room - showcase for all the latest A.V. equipment ... Ardery's pigs - N.D.'s version of the sweathogs ... laissez-faire, coup d'etat - this is American history? ... "What's a Giampet? What's its significance?" ... "Don't memorize it, try to understand it!" . .. becoming thankful for democracy after encountering Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Franco ... "Where did you say the History Resource Center was?" ... World History amid the drums and brass .. . getting well acquainted with the Xerox machine .. . learning why concepts are more important than facts . .. really knowing why we can celebrate the Bicentennial . ..


CAFETERIA ... a warm place on a cold morning ... well balanced meals supplemented by french fries and pizza ... forgetting your diet on steak sandwich day ... Mr. Hemphill kindly storing a birthday cake for you . . . running into the cafeteria for a quick pick-me-up between classes ''That machine doesn't like me!" . . . feeding time at the zoo 52 friends squashed around one table exchanging food and laughter . . . sitting down on somebody's old half eaten hamburger with pickles . .. running your panty hose on the broken chairs . . . the unending search for the return of the peanut butter granola bar . .. the dollar bill machine spitting your dollar back at you time after time ... indifferently ignoring the announcements and then realizing they're calling you ... trying to make a basket with your lunch in the trash can and hitting Sister Claver instead .. . catching up with people you haven't seen all day . .. ''yo - clean up those tables!" . . . hearing your birthday announced two months ahead of time ... "Be kind to your caf" . . . a friendly staff trying hard to be accommodating . . . watching everybody drift out, seeing the room devoid of personality .. . N.D.'s community coming together once a day ...



; ""'

Page 52/Top/Maintenance Staff/FRONT ROW: Mary Yaros , Mary Dubusky, Martha Mason , Marie Ottagio , Stella Olszak, Ann Sanford , Mildred Beaston , Ann Venanzi. BACK ROW: Leon Sine, Clifton Cross , Ed Grant, Christian Klein . Middle: Bob Fraczkiewicz , Willie Tye , Cathy Dublas, Chris DaBronzo , John Cugasi. Bottom/Cafeteria Staff/FRONT ROW: Mrs. Sophie Potaki , Mrs. Celia Arnister . BACK ROW : Mr. John Hemph ill, Mrs . Theresa Grochala , Mrs. Margaret Stankowski, Mrs. Stella Larkin . Page 53/Top: Mrs. Shelly. Middle: Mrs . Post. Bottom Left: Mrs. Pillon . Bottom Right: Mrs. Dziura


OFFICE . . . always getting the job done . . . patient, friendly , necessary ... combination secretaries, bookkeepers , receptionists , mail clerks - what versatility! ... " We even put letters on bulletin boards! " .. . never too busy to help . . . Mrs . Shelly- skeptically listening to the tales of tardy students ... always smiling, no matter what ... getting to be known by the guidance secretaries as " the kid with all the applications " . . . taking the arduous and thankless task of putting together news bulletins . .. typing correspondence to parents .. . managing to keep calm amid the daily flood of questions and phone calls ... Mrs. Pillon - the new kid on the block really taking care of business ... " It helps to have a sense of humor!" ... sterling examples for secretarial students .. . " At least this job is never dull!" . . . efficiency is their middle name (all of them) ... an integral cog in the Notre Dame wheel

MAINTENANCE ... the night life at N.D . . . . much more important than you think . . . keeping our halls and classrooms clean . .. " Joe , if you are in the building, please report to the Main Office " ... trying to cope with the endless problem of graffiti ... '' Please unlock this door for me , it's really important." ... picking up after 1400 students - a tough assignment ... coming back in September to a freshly waxed gym floor- " Hey , I can see my reflexion!" ... " Take off those spikes! " . .. Mr. Palmer working hard to keep the school in tip-top shape . .. well-kept sports fields often taken for granted . . . an efficient staff doing a thorough job . .. " ready, set, mop" ... sweeping up the souvenirs of the day ... seeing to it that N.D. is beautiful , inside and out . . . vital to the students



MR. JOHN HARRELL Administrative Assistant, Attendance , Scheduling; Spanish Ill, IV, V.

MR. ROBERT BUGDAL Administrative Assistant. Coordinator of Student Activities; Student Government, Key Club.

Religion IV.

MR. JOHN DORNER Part 1, Geometry.

MRS. MARY DOUGHERTY School Nurse, Orientation to Health Careers; Health Careers and Red Cross Club, First Aid Squad Club.

MRS. LINDA FRACASSI English I, English I Fundamentals, Trouble Shooters; Drama Club.


MR. JOHN ARCHER Health and Physical Education; Freshman Soccer.

MRS. MARGARET ARCHER American Literature, Business English I; Keyettes Club.

MR. VINCENT ARDERY Athletic Director, Advanced Placement Coordinator; U.S. History Advanced Placement I, II; Varsity Baseball, Varsity Soccer Assistant, Scorers and Statisticians Club.

SISTER MARY ATHANASIUS Chairperson of Science Department; B.S.C.S.; Black Awareness Club, Junior Engineering Technical Society.

MR. JEFFREY BAKER Chairperson of Music Department; Theory and Harmony, Music in America, World History, Band; Combined Marching-Concert Band, Stage Band, School Musical.

MISS PATRICIA BARBARICS Guidance Counselor; Psychology.

MR. TIMOTHY BOWDITCH American Literature, Communication Skills, Drama .

MRS. GERALDINE BRYAN French I, French IIA, Spanish II ; French Honor Society.


SISTER MARY CARMEL Chairperson of Guidance Department.


MCVS English, Co-op English ; Substitutions.


MISS ELLEN GLENDON Major British Writers, World Literature.

MRS. ALICE GOLDSTEIN Distributive Education 1,11, Consumer Economics-Business law; Coordinator of Work Program.

MISS PATRICIA GRANT U.S. History II; Senior Class Moderator.

MRS. MARGARET GRIBBIN Chairperson of Business Department; Stenography I, Secretarial Practice, Executive Secretarial; Coordinator of Secretarial Co-op Program, Busi-Business Bulletin.

SISTER CHARLOnE GRODZKI German I, II, Ill, IV; Freshman Class Moderator, German Hor.or Society, German Travel Club.

MISS PAULINE GRULA World Religions, The Emerging Church, Mankind's Search for Meaning, Understanding Christian Worship, The New Testament.

MR. JOHN GRUSSLER Patterns and Processes, Introduction to Vocations, Driver Education; Set Construction for School Play, Photography Club.

MR. RICHARD GUSCIORA Biology, Environmental Science.


Religion I.

SISTER MARY CLAVER Project Physics, Classical Physics, Patterns and Processes.

MR. KENNETH CONNELL Chairperson of Religion Department; Religion IV.


Introduction to Art. Drawing and Composition, Painting; Stagecraft. Art Club.

MR. WILLIAM HEARNEY Media Production; A.V. Club.


Health and Physical Education, Wrestling, Track.

MRS. KATHERINE DANBURY Accounting, Bookkeeping I, II.


MRS. MARY DE PUGLIO Spanish I, French I, French V.

MISS TERESA DERR Religion I, Religion IV; Cheerleaders, Koinonia, After-School Chorus.

SISTER MARY DE SALES Geometry; School Store.

MR. FRANK Dl GUISEPPI Geometry, Individualized Geometry; Sophomore Class Moderator.



Second Vice-Principal.


Algebra I, Algebra I -

SISTER MARY DISMAS Senior Math, Advanced Math, Calculus.


English-Reading I; Renascence .

MRS. MARY ROWLAND HENNESSY Algebra I, Geometry; Makeup Coordinator for School Play.

MR. DONALD HESS Patterns and Processes, Biology, Science Math; Varsity Basket ball, Chess Club.


SISTER DOROTHY JANCOLA Algebra I, Individualized Algebra I, Algebra 11/Trigonometry; Math Pilot Program, Kennel Club.

SISTER MARY JOACHIM Guidance Counselor.


SISTER MARIE JOSE Chairperson of Mathematics Department; Algebra I, Algebra I - Part 1; Book Store Manager.

MRS. CHRISTANE KAPLAN French II, Ill, IV; French Club.

MR. DAVID KELLY Religion I, Religion Ill; Drama Club.

MRS. SUZANNE KELLY General Business/Business Math, Typing I, II.


MRS. SANDRA KOSCHEK Health and Physical Education; Varsity Softball, Freshman Girls' Basketball, Soccer lntramurals.

REVEREND LOUIS KRALOVICH World Religions, The Emerging Church.

SISTER VIRGINIA LALLOWAY Chern Study, Concepts in Chemistry; Junior Class Moderator.

MISS PATRICIA LEONIC Introduction to Art, English I.

MISS MARY ANN LIPTAK Honors English II, World Literature, Business English, Cadet Teaching Program.

MR. RICHARD LOATMAN Freshman Chorus, Upper Class Chorus, After-School Choir; Choral Director for School Play, Ski Club.

MR. ROBERT LOPILATO Physical Education, Driver Education; Varsity Tennis.

MRS. BARBARA MAJOR Chairperson of Health and Physical Education Department; Physical Education, Driver Education; Varsity Field Hockey, Varsity Girls' Basketball, Basketball lntramurals.

MRS. DORIS MANSFIELD Sewing I, II, Tailoring, Cooking I, II; Fashion Show.

MRS. CYNTHIA MARCHANT Librarian; P.T.A. Vice-President.

S STER CATHLEEN MC CHESNEY Chairperson of English Department; Honors English Ill, IV, Major British Writers.

MR. KENNETH MICAI Introductory Physical Science, Concepts of Chemistry; Forum Club.

MR. DAVID MILINOWICZ U.S. History II, Far East Asia; J.V. Basketball, Varsity Track Assistant.

SISTER CATHERINE MINDLING Religion II; Missions, Koinonia.

REVEREND WALTER NOLAN Marriage and Family Life; Chaplain, Athletic Moderator, Fathers' Club, Koinonia.

SISTER MARY NORA Business English, Transcription, Stenography I, II, Secretarial Practice; Sunshine Club, Play Program Book.

MRS. JUDITH PAIXAO Chairperson of Home Economics Department; Sewing I, Interior Decoration, Bachelors Only; Costumes for School Play, Fashion Show, Bicentennial Celebration Coordinator.

Chairperson of Language Department; German I, German Conversation and Composition, Latin II, Ill, IV, V; Four Winds.

MR. WILLIAM PANELLA Guidance Counselor.

MRS. CAROLYN PEOPLES Business Law, Typing I.


MR. SHAWN PIGOTI Algebra II, Algebra 11/Trigonometry.

MR. JOSEPH POLl Spanish I, II, Ill Independent Study; Spanish Honor Society.

MRS. JEANNE RADAR Head Librarian, Library Assistants.

SISTER PATRICIA ROONEY English I Fundamentals, English I, Honors English I; Canticle.

MR. PATRICK ROONEY English Ill, IV; J.V. Soccer.


MRS. MARGARET ROVELLO Health and Physical Education; J.V. and Freshman Field Hockey, J.V. Girls' Basketball, G.A.A.

MR. SALVATORE SCIARROTIA Spanish Conversation and Composition, Spanish II, IIA.

MR. RONALD SEBASTIANI Mechanical Drawing I, II, Ill; Team Athletic Trainer, Varsity Football Assistant, Self-Defense Club.

MR. JOHN SIMONE Introductory Physical Science, Biology, Health and Physical Education; Freshman Football, J.V. Baseball.

MR. JOHN STEPHAN American Literature, Journalism in the Mass Media; Varsity Football, Varsity Club.

MRS. MARY STOKA Typing I, II, Typing Review; Future Secretaries Association.

MR. ALBERT VERDEL Cafeteria and Corridor Discipline.

SISTER MARY VERONICA Drama, Modern British Writers; Drama Festival.

MR. JOHN WAGNER Chairperson of Social Studies Department; U.S. History I, II; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Baseball Assistant.

.MISS JANET WILSON Chairperson of Art Department; Introduction to Art, Design, Sculpture, Acting I; Director of School Play, Ski Club.

MISS DARLENE WIRTH Introductory Physical Science, Patter.niS & Processes: Project 76.

MR. ROBERT WOOD Introduction to Language, Latin I, Latin Independent Study, German II, IIA; German Club.

MR. JOSEPH WYERS Physical Education, Driver Education; Varsity Cross Country, Golf, Freshman Basketball.


Page 58/Top left: Celeste Braun Top Right: Ellen Schwarze . Middle left: Mike Tuccillo . Middle Right: Vince Gioe. Bottom left: Jackie Bowser. lower Middle Right: Sean McFadden. Bottom Right: Mario Mangone, Mary Angebranndt , Bob Halliman . Page 59/Top left: Sister Charlotte . Top Right: John Nelson . Middle left: Lynn Costigan . Middle Right: Keith Fithen . Bottom: Shauna Heffernan.


September 2, 1975 - the beginErvin Allgood ning of a completely new life at Notre Dame starting us on our way Frosh Day of Sharing, organized to make us feel at home letting out our special kind of spirit on Blue and White Day the rotating schedule - confusing freshman and upperclassmen alike going on a lion hunt with SOGO discoverdoing our fair ing that involvement leads to lasting friendships our first Homecoming share during the Thanksgiving food drive float- "International Village" collecting magazines for Trenton Psychiatric patients giving a Christmas party for the children at Trenton Psychiatric Hospital each homeroom buying a gift for one of the patients selling magazines for our major fund raiser - "Does anyone want to buy a year's subscription for ANTIQUE competing against the sophomores during the MONTHLY?" drive and winning being proud to be an itty-bitty freshman trying our best to make it class meetings during period 3 slowly but surely getting into the swing of things Sister Charlotte -bearing with us and showing us the ropes leaving our mark as the class of '79 finally part of the Mighty Irish FRESHMAN CLASS HISTORY




































































Topj9A/FRONT ROW : Ton i Ailey , Steve Bowker , Larry Baier , Dorothy Adam , Jackie Bowser , Michael Alba , Pat Atkinson , Jackie Amaro , Sara Bezek, Tim Bertone . SECOND ROW : Valderie Bennett. Liz Bombery , John Ant inoro , Kevin Brennan , Jackie Boone . Carlo Benedetti , Mark Allen , Beverly Borne , Neil Barna , Mary Angebranndt , Emad Abov Sabe . THIRD ROW : Lisa Bacso , Wayne Allen , Barbara Bowden , Guy Adams . Maureen Allen , Celeste Brown , Carolyn Brenna , Russell Barb iero , Maryann Bennett. Paul Beelitz. Kim Alston , Carolyn Arnister. Middle/98/FRONT ROW : Lisa Carini , Lynn Costigan , Dawn Carmosino , Gayle Carter . SECOND ROW : Sue Ellen Cebulko, John Campbell , Lynn Cariello , Kathleen Burns , Karen Chidzik , Diane Ciasullo , Dawn Brown . THIRD ROW : Elizabeth Calam ia, Joseph Buckley, James Coty , Kevin Confoy , James Coyle , Philip Butler, Nancy Cashel. 8ottom/98/FRONT ROW : Josette Carter , Loraine Cianfrano , Lisa Buckley. SECOND ROW: Joyce Camastra . Richard Brown , Nancy Comfort , Virginia Brenton , Julie Campo . THIRD ROW: Michele Cromwell , David Callaghan , Anthony Contento , Albert Colacello, Eric Burch.


Top/90/FLOOR: Nancy Fabian , Sharon Fazio , Anne Everett, Victo ria Fabrizio . SEATED : Doug Francimore , Barbara Faraone , James Fitzpatrick , Mark Enourato , Keith Fithen , Robert Faherty , Chris Feldenzer. BACK ROW: Joseph Eustace , John Enerson , Mark Eskridge, Michael Ehret , Matt Erdie , Kevin Flynn. Middle/90/FRONT ROW: Tanya Frazier , Flor Erlinda Garcia, Willie Gant, Josephine Frial , Tom Giordano , Vincent Gioe . SECOND ROW: Steve Goerlich , Patricia Foundos, Anna Gonzales, Aldo Gonzalez, John Golden , Edmund Goedertier. BACK ROW: Carl Fuccello, Robert Giovannetti, James Gnandt, Thomas Frascella , Gregory Gallo . Bottom/9C/FRONT ROW : Frank DiBella, Michelfi DeJoie , Judy Dirk , Jennifer Daly , Val de Bois , Kathleen DuBias, Brian Demarest , Cherry Marie Destura. SECOND ROW: Paul Dombroski, Donna Dutko , John Downey , Brian Dudeck , Carolyn Danko , Nicholas DiPierro , John Dembeck , Karen Direske , Anne DeMille , Jane Dietrich , Deborah Daniels, Joanne DiBella . THIRD ROW : Christopher Croux , Frank Delorenzo , Michael Dzieminski , Constance Eastmead , Marie D'Angelo , Genevieve Czerwinski , Donna Derry , Donna Damroth , Diedre DiBrizzi, Lisa Driver , El izabeth Dovgala , Edward Dlabik , Scott Diehl.


Top/9E/FRONT ROW: Ed Heitzman , Shauna Heffernan , Maria Inocencio, Catherine Graziano, Donna Halko , Don Haney, Robert Hughes. SECOND ROW : Mary Ellen Griffith, Stephanie Hemingway, Anthony Grogan , Robert Halliman , Robert Greiss, TomHughes,Michael Griffin , David Harrell , Frank Hornyak, Francine Gray, Joanne Grochala, Katy Hennessy. BACK ROW : Antoinette Hickman, Wendy Hill, Nancy Hayden, Colette Jaouen , Joyce lmmordino, Mike Humphreys, Kelli Hall, Edeltraud Houck, Mark Grice , Vicky Hebeler . Middle/9F /FRONT ROW: Tom Lemire , Deidre Keyes , Paul Lane . SECOND ROW: Mike Lanzoni, Michele Kelly , Ellen Keefe , Michael Lenartowicz , Laure Kluzner, Frank Kramarcz, Clare Kite, Daphne Kliminski , Stephanie Kliminski , James Kemble, Halina Kaminsky, Andrew Lesh . Bottom/9F /FRONT ROW : John Krakowski , Elizabeth Leonard , Jody Lewallen , Starlet Jones , Diane Karpik , Gregory Keefe , Edward Kerekes . BACK ROW: Stephen Kondash, Chris Krupa , Racine Leonard , Valerie Krzywkowski , Stacey Jingoli, Theresa Laird , Jay Krosnick.


Top/9H/FRONT ROW: Steven Pacera, Anne Murphy, Stephen Pasierb, Patricia O'Donnell, Richard Parker, John O' Reilly . SECOND ROW: John Moore, Colleen Moore, Marie Paixao, Linda Parno, Karla Parham, Mark Nalbone, BACK ROW: Rita Nagy, Francis Murphy, Cesar Ortiz. Midd路 le/9H/FRONT ROW: Gregory Newell, Lynn Moody, Gemma Nini, Lisa Moschera, Debra Olinski. SECOND ROW: Donald Montgomery, Annette Murchison, Thomas Negron, Edward O'Connell, Deborah Navarro, Terry Moonlight, Lisa Paglione , Sharon Molnar, Barry Mulligan, Richard Moses, John Nelson. Bottom/9G/FRONT ROW: Theresa Mazzella, Ann McClain, Erin McGraw, Mary Ann Maleski, Elizabeth Mcleod , Jonelle Maressa, Alfred Mendola, Maggie McVeigh SECOND ROW: Donna Leidtka, John Midura, David Mercurio, John McDermott, Sean McFadden, Donald Mihok, David McGreedy, Jane Madden, Peter Lieggi, Richard Mangone, Joseph Milito, John Lintott. BACK ROW: Anne Marie Massi, Michael Mazzoli, Sharon Mitchell, Jeanne MacDonald, Evelyn Marshall, JoAnne McCabe, Irma Lewis, Diane Maty, Lee McDonald, Nancy Militig, Mario Mangone.


Top/91/FRONT ROW : Bob Petro , Scott Patricelli , Pam Pirone , Margaret Paul, Kristine Powers , Johnny Pogorzelski . SECOND ROW: David Quigley , Dino Persichilli, Amaury Perez, Yarko Plys, Frank Roche , Robert Reed , Vito Porcaro , Tom Rebman, Jim Peters, William Petersak , Wilfred Robles , Jack Pirozzi. BACK ROW : Joann Ploof, Sharon Proniewski , Erminia Porcaro, Lorraine Potocki , Jennifer Peoples , Deborah Ragany , Beverly Payton , Elizabeth Rebbeck , Jamie Provenzano , Diane Patrizi , Colleen Rhoades , Sabrina Raines . Middle Leftj9J/FRONT ROW : Patty Serack, Michele Rugarber , Ron Scarna , Jackie Shelly. SECOND ROW: Cecelia Santiago, Tony Santoro , Trudy Russo, Lori Seiler, Merry Ann Sary . BACK ROW: George Sabatino, Terry Sagedy, James Sciarrotta , John Shanoskie, Lori Rutkowski , Dyanne Ross , Judy Roche. Middle Rightj9J路 /FRONT ROW: William Ryan , Ellen Schwarz, Linda Sauvage, Matt Sikorski . MIDDLE ROW: Sal Sargiotto , Simone Russo, George Salvadore, Brenda Royster . BACK ROW : Nancy Sikorski , Mike Rudge , Angie Scales. BACK ROW : Phil Sylvestri , Matt Ryan , Chris Ryan , Swillie Ross .

" 64


Top/9L/FRONT ROW: Norma Tursi , Jackie Turner , Patrice Van Havere , Vicky Young, Mary Jean White. SECOND ROW: Yolanda Velez , Lisa Wenczel , Helen Vukovich , Jill Weasner , Marybeth Uveges, Aruna Upakhyayula . BACK ROW : Chris Ward, Bill Vernon, Jim Virgil , John Volen , Rich Widmann, Carl Varga. Middle/9K/FRONT ROW : Lisa Tramontana , Regina Simone , Cathy Sweeney , Diana Smith , Henry Tamasi ,. SECOND ROW: Melissa Stockman , Mike Tuccillo , Steve Smith , Lorraine Stromann , Mark Tobias , Mike Treadwell , Charles Toth , Martin Swangler, Lisa Smith , Linda Smalls, Robert Spalluto , Richard Tovar . BACK ROW: Lori Streit, Marisa Tamasi , Deborah Smedley , Johanna Stumbaugh , Debbie Theer ,James Stevens,Karen Spires, Maureen Tejeski , Kim Stewart, Mary Ann Sweeney, Theresa Sodomin , Janice Thomann . Bottom/9L/FRONT ROW : Sandy" Wszolek , Mary Jane Walton, J. Michael Young. SECOND ROW : Mike Worek, Tabitha Williford , Raymond Zak, Keith West. THIRD ROW: Mike Yousko, Betty Jean Woods , Monique Utley. BACK ROW : Marcia Wilson , John White , Sharon Young , Diana Walker, Kelly Walsh.


SOPHOMORE CLASS HISTORY . .. feeling older and wiser ... sharing in the spirit of Blue and White Day . . . having a full time moderator who teaches Geometry on the side . .. the Day of Recollection - trying to understand the deep feelings of a very special porcupine ... recruiting volunteers for the first place flume ... filling Thanksgiving baskets with love and brussel sprouts . .. being led by Liz with help from Bob and Darlene . .. giving a little Christmas cheer to some less fortunate families ... Ed Fireall-the sophomore spark on varsity basketball . . . Sara flying the coop and Jane replacing her in the nest .. . the record drive - trying to interest someone in an Englebert Humperdinck album . . . falling three cents short of a day off ... getting the right totals, thanks to Mr. D. ... working towards a compromise with Sister Joanmarie on our new uniforms ... it was a very good year .. .


Page 66/Top Left: Mr. DiGuiseppe.Top Right: Darlene lnnocenzi, Liz DuBois , Bob Fraczkiewicz. Middle Left: Nikki Wilson . Middle: Donna Vagnozzi . Middle Right: Sara Nealon . Bottom: Bob Mangone . Page 67 /Top Right: Soph section at a pep ral ly. Middle Left: Kathy Houston . Middle Right: Tom Lanzoni . Bottom Bob Fraczkiewicz .


Top/lOA/FRONT ROW: Jackie Barnard, Mary Bezek, Anne Apai, David Blake, Matthew Babecki , Elizabeth Aristoguieta, Elaine Bentz, Daryl Ansley, Jennifer Bilotti, Sallyann Barber. SECOND ROW: Joe Bobko, Lisa Barrett, Tom Barlow, Sarah Brooks, Joe Bordenza, Frank Bailey, Phillip Boone , James Alessi , Doreen Bigham, Dan Belli , Scott Avellino . THIRD ROW: Liz Battis, Nancy Biesecker, Todd Adams , Wanda Bernard , Roel Bautista, Fay Bozolak, Stan Alexandrowicz, Meg Blake, Betty Bakos, Frank Bilotti , Charles Beauchamp, Cindy Barbuto. Middle/lOB / FRONT ROW : Michele Burrell , Deeann Couch, Faith Cunningham , Ed Bucci, John Cugasi , Lorraine Colligan , Debbie Burke, Karen Coleman, Joe Cirillo. SECOND ROW: Lisa Calabrese, Tom Carella, Phyllis Cianfrano , Keith Carmichael , Mark Cashel , Sue Ciccone , Daryl Crossland , John Castaldo , Debbie Burch, Ted Camastra . BACK ROW: Marcia Christensen, Luis Carreras , Katie Casey , Joe Cuiule , Chuck Chianese , Chris Cantwell , James Callen, Denise Coyle , Laura Capriotti , Kelly Brown , Anthony Colavita , Chris Buchanan , Frank Cairo , Bottom/Mr. DiGuiseppi .


Top/10C/FRONT ROW: Theresa Ecker, Theresa Czartoryski, Diane Dombroski, Dave Dileo , Greg Evans, Kevin Dziura, Karen Dale, Elinor Dzieminski, Marietta Daddio . SECOND ROW: Laura DeVincenzi , Mary Ann Dorozinsky, Walter Czajkowski, Darryl Defeo, Carl Durcanin, Mike Denn.ehy, John Dearden , Art Eng, George Dzurko , Janice Decoff, Dana Doviak, Kathleen Dunn. BACK ROW: Mike Danaher, Linda Dirk, Sherri Eure, Carolyn DiCiurcio, Chris DaBronzo , Carol Durnan , Lisa DeAngelo, Mary Ellen Ehret, Kathleen Eustace, Diane DeiBalzo , Frank Dennehy, Ed Fagan . Middle/100/ FRONT ROW : Marie Fitzpatrick, Kathy Fremer, Liz DuBois, Ellen Fraulino, Nancy Gardner. BACK ROW: Joann Gagliardi , Eddie Fireall, Danita Gaines, Mary Ann Garrahan, Eric Garcia, Joanne Faraone, Gregory Godbolt, Vicky Furman, Lori Guadagno, John Jones, Beth Franzoni , Beth Gates . Bottom/100/FRONT ROW : Brian Falsetti, Linda Green , Mary Firetto , Larry Ferrara . BACK ROW: Charlene Grogan , Bob Fraczkiewicz, Patty Grussler, Delores Gummel, Ed Gillin, Frank Feldenzer, Maureen Gavin, Dave Fiorello, Darlene lnnocenzi , Jeff Greiss, Gary Garry.


Top/lOE/FRONT ROW: Bernadette Kanda , Kathy Kane , Mary Ann Heller, Kim Hamersky, Angelo lmmordino, Helen Hardy, Josephine lnglima, Maggie Hose, Bobbie Howell. SECOND ROW : John Hailer , Jill Holsneck, Terry Kale, Joe Herman , Jim Housman, Karl Heinz, Art Harrell , John Ippolito, Jeff Jones, Joe lmmordino , Debbie Hubal, Steve Johnson . THIRD ROW: Rita Humphrey, Barbara Homa, Jennifer Halasz, Beth Haskins, Theresa Hartman , Chris Hanak, Colleen Kale , Linda Johnston , Marlene Guth , Debbie Johnston , Darlene Haney. Middle/lOF /FRONT ROW: Laurie Komlosi , Rich Krawczun , Linda Kochis , Celestine Kraus , Joann Lammerding, Foster Krupa . SECOND ROW : Eugene Lanzoni , Tom Lanzoni, Karen Kutch , Vicki Ledger , Mary Kondash, Rich Leadem , Alfred Kwietniak, Kim Lambert . Bottom/lOF /FRONT ROW: Eileen Kearns , Ralph Kleinmann , Julie Keefe , Beth Kiss, Randy Kiernan , Ossie Kortschmaryk , Joni Klein , Chris Karolkiewicz . SECOND ROW : Maureen Kelly, Sara Kleber , Megan Klim , Stephen Kopec, John Kobos , Mike Klucewicz, Joe Kliwinski .


TopjlOH/SEATED ON FLOOR : Dawn Miele. FIRST ROW: Chris O' Brien, John Napoli, Saberina Mouran , John Mihalick, Susan Meazaros , Mike McQuade, Michele Nelson . BACK ROW: Tom Nizolek, Lisa Nicolai , Beth Meagher, Frank Nerwinski . Middle/lOH/SEATED ON FLOOR: Maugha O' Donnell. FIRST ROW: Melanie Meyers, Pat Morello , Joe Nini , Bill Moore , Kathy Militig, Sandy Micklewright. Karen Motchnik. SECOND ROW : Gary Murdza, John O'Brien, Maribeth Mydlowski , Teresa Obduski, Karen Obduski , Mike Mears. Bottom/lOG/FRONT ROW: Terri McCarthy , Kathy McGlone , Fawn MacNab Cindy McDonald , Dolores Lisnak. SECOND ROW : Kit McKee, Jane Liedtka , Karen Lloyd , Joe Mannix, Debb ie Lopten , Ralph McKinney, Tim Marion , Jeff McCue , Mike Loughnane , Chris McDonald, Tim Mahoney, Ed McCardell . THIRD ROW: Rita McDonough , Allison Luck, Willie Lesh, Ray Leonard, Bryan McClain , Erin Lynne , Joan MacDonald, Susan Lind , Jesse Lugo , Judy Mauro , Maureen McQuade , Darleen Leonard, Donna Maty, Sharon Lewallen .


Top/101/FRONT ROW: Anna Ricciardi, Donna Repole , Chris Ottaunick, John Roberto, Lee Paixao, Janet Roche, Mary Rojek. SECOND ROW: Shailendra Prasad, Joe Paglione, Lou Ranfone, Chris Proniewski , Ken Salewski , Bill Ray, Mike Pasun, Mike Piechowski, Carl Riccio , Hugh Riley, Jeff Rugarber, Pat Quinlan . THIRD ROW : Joan Ryan , Jody Ronyack , Patty Pawlukewich , Leslie Peoples , Lori Rueschmann, Sylvia Roberts, Mary Russell, Judy Petrozzini, Roman Orzol , Michele Rafalski, Marianne Santarsiero . Middle/lOJ/ FRONT ROW: Jim Schanz, Catherine Schaefer, Selena Scoggins, Belinda Silver , Dianne Smith , Debbie Seifert, Peter Seale , Anthony Sevilla , Dawn Smith, Janet Skorupa . SECOND ROW : Dan Schwartz, Don Schuler, Ron Sciarrotta , Chris Schaible . BottomjlOJ/ FRONT ROW: Bernadette Struck, Stephen Schmierer, Gail Spirazza , Maura Stockman. SECOND ROW: Linda Smith , Grace Struble , Mary Sullivan, Karen South, Elaine Struck, Debra Stankowski. THIRD ROW : Bruce Syers, Joseph Sbarra , Chris Sawicki, Jay Solarski, Barbara Severino, Gladys Smith, Stanley Sobon .


Top/Sophomore Class Representatives: Sara Nealon , Mike Nosal , Bob Mangone , Kathy Houston . Bottom/ lOK/FRONT ROW : Jim Whalen , Joann Valeri , Anne Vrancik , Monique Wilson , Eileen Thornton , Nancy Torres , Barbara Thomas , Mike Van Pelt. Donna Vagnozzi . SECOND ROW : El izabeth Wesley , Kathleen Woods , Neil Turner , Willie Tye , Bill Whypp , Arthur Wenczel , Larry Vittoriano, Mike Wallner , Richard Weasner, Sue Vernon , Jim Wh ite , Peggy Trani . THIRD ROW : Anita Velez , Frank Wiley , John Wolski, Lawrence West , JoAnn Valatka , Helen Woods , Sal Wilkes , Jane Weglarz , Lysette Tore .


Page 74/Top Left: Barb Domurat. Top Right: Mike Mydlowski Upper Middle Left: Chris Agocs. Upper Middle Right: Dave Wetzel, Jean Reres, Barb Plunkett.Lower Middle: Renee Guidotti. Lower Middle Right: Beth Carney, Sister Virginia, Barb Domurat. Ali Campo . Bottom Left: Pam Fowler . Bottom Middle: Dom Maruca . Page 75/Top Left: Bill Houston . Middle Right: Michele Buckley . Bottom: Patty Mauss. Denise McDonald, Donna Meskill .


JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY ... upperclassmen - at last ... getting down to the business of preparing for the future .. . "At this point, I don 't know if I'll even make it through high school " . . . our float , the Great Adventure balloon , not making it quite intact to Homecoming ... the raffle for the Chris Wall Fund - hoping that our little bit will help ... bringing Robert Redford and Paul Newman to N.D. in " The Sting" . .. Ring Day - " If Only You Believe " ... having your ring turned seventy-seven times "You just turned it backwards! Now turn it right! " . . . Stanley Home Products 路'Would you like to come to my Stanley Party? ' ' ... dividing your mother 's order into ten little ones to meet your quota ... "You mean I have to carry this mop home on the bus? You can 't be serious " . . . Beth trying to organize our prom - " You 've Got a Friend " ... Barb , Ali and all the representatives working with Sister Virgin ia , doing all the " little" things ... the class trip to close the year together .. . we may never pass this way again .. .


Top/ llA/ FRONT ROW: Robert Battis, Anthony Amari, Scott Adams . SECOND ROW : Kathryn Andreoli , Marie Aquil ino , Chris Agocs , Jeff Antoniewicz . THIRD ROW : Jim Baxter , Alecia Alston , Cindy Antoniewicz, Karen Baier, Ellen Alatsas , Kenny Alford . Middle left/11A/FRONT ROW : Jennifer Bezek, Judy Brennen , Karen Bontya . SECOND ROW : Steven Atwood , John Blusnavage, Theresa Beres, Debb ie Brian , Christopher Bacs ik. THIRD ROW : Alan Beelitz, Romeo Bautista , Jerome Bigham , Bill Allen , Mary Bath , Sue Barlow. Middle Right/118/FRONT ROW: Antoinette Cuiule , Judi Crivell i, Karen Confoy . SECOND ROW : Theresa Cuomo , Maureen Connelly , Barbara Domurat, Chris Buzzel li. THIRD ROW: Linda Conley , Carolyn Cortez , Kathy Csogi. BACK ROW: Gary Collucio , Jim Ciccone, Denise Cotman . 8ottom/118/FRONT ROW: Caren Castaldo , Denise Cariello , Barbara Coffee , Michele Buckley. SECOND ROW: Sue Ciccone, Anne Carlin , Patricia Burke , Robert Burns, Steven Bruccoleri, Pierre Brown . BACK ROW: Tina Carnevale , Debbie Cameron , Beth Carney , Ali Campo .


Top left/llC / FRONT ROW: Elaine DiVia, Julio del Castillo , Bob Danka , Bill Dzieminski, Chris Damroth . SECOND ROW : Chris Dietrich , Martin Dickson , Barry Dekis, Tony DiDomenico . BACK ROW: Manny Destura , Jane Cychowski , Maryann DeiBalzo, Nancy Descoteau, Sophie Czerwinski, Maryanne Czikora , Susan Dill, Michael DiBella . Top Right/llC/FRONT ROW: Chris Durcanin , Eileen Evans, Carol Drazek. SECOND ROW: Ann Marie Ecker, Mary Edwards, Celia Elie , Julie Enerson, Sarabeth Egan , Michael Dziura . BACK RfJW: Bob Dutko , Michele Everett, Donna Dovgala , Joann Elmo , Kathy Eng, Monica Farrell , Dale Ducko. Midd le/110/FRONT ROW: Eileen Flynn, Maureen Greer, Lois Fitton, Mary Beth Gillin, Barbara Glackin. SECOND ROW: Charlotte Flowers, Francis Fowler, Toni Frazier, Bruno Giuliari, Mark Gates, Russell Freeman. BACK ROW: John Forman , Patrick Foran, Alberto Gonzales, Douglas Fisher, Charles Foundas. Bottom/110/FRONT ROW: James Fitzpatrick, Greg Giordano , Anthony Gramegna, Robert Foy, Tom Goeke , Thom as Fell. SECOND ROW: Mary Geis, Patricia Fidanza , Boni Gallo. Lucy Fonda, Kathy Griffin , Terri Gant , Pamela Fowler, Eugene Gallo .


Top/llF /FRONT ROW: Debbie Ledger, Chris Kontorowicz , Monica Lintott. Karol Lieber , Lynn Kozakiewicz, Cheryl Kovacs , Sheryl Krupa , Marcia Krisandra . SECOND ROW : Margo Leysath , John Krystaponis, Diane Kwietn iak , Jeremiah Larkin , Stanley Koreyva , Edward Krisak, Sue Leadem , Doug Kopec. BACK ROW : Augusta Lanna .

Middle Left/llE/FRONT ROW : Joe lmmordino , All ison Hughes, Lisa Heckman , Rosemary Horesko , Cathy Holmes . SECOND ROW : Edward Jenkins , Ed Hunter , Brian Jones, Frank lnverso , Bill Houston . THIRD ROW : Lucy Heinzel, Jackie Jasiensk i, Denise Herdman , Mary Hunt. Carl Ippolito . Middle Right /llE/FRONT ROW: Peggy Griscavage , Kathy Hearney , Angela Harrison, Renee Guidotti . SECOND ROW : Harold Hall , Allan Hancock , Bob Hall , Paul Hart. THIRD ROW : Anthony Grimsley , Beth Haggarty, Colleen Harney , Maureen Hayman , Pam Gru ssler , Judy Halko , Tom Hagadorn . Bottom/llF /FRONT ROW : Jennifer Klim , Elizabeth Konopka , Glor ia Kleinmann . SECOND ROW: Brian Keyes , Cara Kluxen , Maria Kelly, Diane Kaytus , Debb ie Koch is, Tina Kahny , Ed Kluzner, Don Karpowich . BACK ROW : Joseph Kondash , Margaret Kleber , Patty Kiernan , Jeanne Kerr , Patty Kosco, John Klein .


Top Left/llG/FRONT ROW : Lorraine MCarrick, Lorrie Maxwell , Gail Markman , Hedwig Martynowicz . MIDDLE ROW : Carol McVeigh , Cheryl Maccaroni , Maureen Mill er . Jeanine McKeever . BACK ROW : Kenneth Luther , Thomas McDonough , Gerry Meagher, Thomas McManimon . Top Right/llG/FRONT ROW : Patricia Miller , Debra McRoberts, Darlene Mesday . MIDDLE ROW : Joe Maruca . Debbie Maruca , Denise McDonald, Regina Maurer, Pat Mauss , Donna Meskill , Vincent Mendola . BACK ROW: Michael McDowell , Domenic Maruca , John Maleski , Sharon Lynn , Douglas Meckel . Middle/llH/FRONT ROW : Sue Novatkowski, Sue Patrone , Beverly Papp , Brenda Paul , Joann Palutis. BACK ROW : Mi chael Mudd , John Murphy, Michael Mydlowski , Regina Muehleisen , Scott Petrozzini , Manuel Ortiz, Diane Olech , Cathy Murphy , Mark Morrison . Su san Naylor. Bottom/llH/FRONT ROW : Debbie Obal , Kathy Owen , Cherie Patricell i, Linda Parham , Joan Morrison , Jan ette Pierce , Karla Nagle , Pamela Peterson . BACK ROW : James Petrino , Spiro Peroulid is, Lawrence Morton, Dennis Missert, Alex Petrino , Larry Patrizi , Rolando Perez .


Top/ llJ /FRO NT ROW : Bill Suffern , Maryanne Stec, Maureen Shelly , Mary Siefert, Peggy Seiler , Jeff Schrader , Robert Springer. BACK ROW : Vince Severino, Tony Taylor , Jean Scales , Pamela Stoy, Katie Smith . Sandra Serock. Dennis Sullivan . Middle Left /11 1/FRONT ROW : Barbara Plunkett. Richard Ragany, Stephanie Pirozzi , Monyette Rawls . SECOND ROW : lsmael Rivera , Tim Ruberto . Elvin Ruiz , Tony Salvadore . BACK ROW : Mary Lynn Sachetti , Jackie Roberson . Domenic Recine . Robert Rhoades. Gwen RichardJohn Raines . Middle Right son. / 111/FRO NT ROW : Jackie Powell , Renee Reali , Jim Rebman , Cheryl Rafalski , Debbie Reh , Eileen Sanfilippo. SECOND ROW: Debbie Reed , Elaine Pitonyak , Cathy Rudg~ . Mary Procaccini , Nancy Rivera , Jackie Ryan . BACK ROW : Ronald Rak , Frank Richardson , Lorraine Rak, Sue Samonski, Bill Saraceni , James Rojas .

Bottom j llJ /FRONT ROW: Sharon Thomann , Janet Tiffert, Carol Tattory, Gwen Takach, Kathy Tierney, BACK ROW : Don Smith , Dean Scales, Joe Smith, Linda Swangler, Michael Stryker, Donna Shurgala , Janet Swistak, Anthony Spera , Lenny Schaible .


Top/llK/FRONT ROW: Francis Wharton, Greg Zoltanski, Carol Yousko, Mike Yuhas, Ray Wendr~yski , Julia Toth, Ellen Wawczak, Dawn Yeager, Sandy Young, Bill Velez, Ed Ullrich, Joseph Tuccillo, Russell Webber. Mlddle/llK/IN CAR : Marian Turczyn. BACK ROW : Sharon Waldron, David Treadwell, Ed Zukas, Cindy Zirkle , Judy Young, Theresa Valatka, John Wiacek , Clarynda Utley, Renata Wojciechowski, Mike Wasielewski, Ira Waloff, Karen Wildblood, Lori Ussia , Ron Vernon . ON FRONT BUMPER: John Walker , John Trakowski . Bottom Left/ Mercer County/ FAR LEFT: (TOP TO BOTIOM) : John Roland , Ken Schrader, Louis Burkhalter, Richard Marion, Eugene Golab, Donald Grochala, Paul Miguit, Dave Zak . MIDDLE LEFT: Donna Serafine , Jennifer Osborn , Chris Misiolek, Linda Murphy. MIDDLE RIGHT: Peggy Stephan , Sharon Dura, Florence Melker, Lois Cappiello . FAR RIGHT: Michael Clancy , George Michalak, John Hartmann , James Corkran, Casey Bielski , Bill Tomsho , Theodore Maciolek. Bottom Right/ JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES : Jean Reres, Janet Secretario , Dave Wetzel , Fran Festa .






84/Top/ FRONT ROW : Cathy Csogi , Dawn Brown . MIDDLE ROW : Cindy Ferrare , Josephine lnglima , Sue Lynn . BACK ROW : Maureen McQuade, Kit McKee . Bottom Left: Maureen Greer. Bottom Right: Lea Landolfi , Jeanine McKeever. Page 85/Top/: Dale Ducko . Bottom: Dave Levanduski.


CAST T evye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dale Ducko Golde ............. . .... . . ..... . .... ...... Linda Nicolai Tzeitel ................................................. Maureen Greer Hodel .................. . ........ . ................ . ........ Lea Landolfi Chava .......... . .............. .. .... . ... .. ......... Jeanine Me Keever Shprintze ....... .... . .... ....... . .......... . .... . Mary Beth Mydlowski Bielke ...... .................. . ... . .... . .... . .. . .. . ....... Michele Kelly Vente , A Matchmaker . . .. .......... .. ... . . . .. .... . . Dawn Brown Motel Kamzoil, a tailor ........ . ............. . .. . .............. Bob Celli Perchick , a student .... . ............. . ................... Jeff Heckman Lazar Wolf , the butcher .......... . ...... . . . .. . ........... John Van Sant Fyedka , a young Russian ............................. Michael Me Dowell The Fiddler ........... . ................... Barry Mulligan PRODUCTION STAFF Director . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ..................... . .... Janet Wilson Musical Director & Chorus Master. . .... . ........... Richard M. Loatman Orchestral Director & Conductor ......... . ............... Jeffrey Baker Stage Construction . ... . ..... . ....................... John Grussler Stage Decorations ............... . ....... . . ...... . . ..... Anne K. Harcar Technical Crew .................. . ............ . ........ William Hearney Costumes . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ............. Judith Paixao Make-up ..................... . ............... Mary Rowland Hennessey


FIDDLER ON THE ROOF ... "Mazeltov" ... performances in November, not April ... " Does Spirit glue come out of clothes?" ... hoping your beard will last for four performances ... the whole cast and crew crossing their fingers during the bottle dance ... trying out for the heck of it and making it ... forgetting to put on after shave lotion before going to make-up . .. going through the halls humming bits of " If I Were a Rich Man" . . . acquiring a Yiddish accent in a matter of days . .. breaking the quiet rule backstage ... making sure to walk around the skrim, not through it . .. getting onstage and realizing your apron isn't pinned .. . having your candle go out in the middle of "Sabbath Prayer" ... preparing for bed in full costume . .. Fruma Sara grabbing the curtains for balance ... " What's a chianti bottle doing in the middle of Russia?" ... not even batting an eyelash during a freeze scene . .. getting black hair spray on everything but your hair ... opening night jitters disappearing after the first line . . . "practice, practice, practice makes perfect" .. . stagecrew- just as important as the cast . .. hearing how good it sounds when everyone sings in time .. . jars and jars of cold creme for removing makeup ... focusing the spotlight on the right person at the right time . . . peeking through from backstage every chance you get . . . building a Russian-Jewish town in just a few weeks . . . "Guess who gets to clean up?" .. . saying a quick prayer when the microphones go on the blink .. . a mad dash to change scenery before the curtain rises again . . . working hard, having fun , making friends - TRADITION.


Page 86/Top/FRONT ROW: Pam Grussler, Carol Drazek, Margaret Kleber, Mike Lanzoni . MIDDLE ROW : Regina Maurer, Marty Dickson, Bill Dzieminski , Debbie Burke , Dolores Gummel , Allison Luck. BACK ROW : Bill Saracini, Vince Mendola , Patty Grussler. Middle: Jeanine McKeever, Linda Nicolai. Bottom Left: Linda Nicolai , Dale Ducko . Bottom Right: Ed O'Connell , Glenn Fernandez, Kevin Flynn, John Mazzoli , Dan Spalluto. Page 87 /Top Left: Barry Mulligan , Dave Levanduski , Kevin Flynn. Top Right: Steve Maurer, Joe Szedula. Bottom/FRONT ROW: Kathy Hearney, Tony DeJoie , Steve Maurer, Paul Kehler, Kathy Eustace , Mr. Hearney. BACK ROW: Janet Wnuk , Bill Suffern , Ken Rutkowski , Joe Szedula, Rich McDonald, Mike Rudge.





Page 88/Top Left: Dale Ducko, Miss Leonie . Top Right: Karen Bontya , linda Conley, Miss Wilson . Bottom Left: Jeanine McKeever. Bottom Right: Linda Nicola i, Dawn Brown . Page 89/Top Right: Mr. Loatman, Chorus. Bottom Left: Robert Celli . Bottom Right: Chorus .


STUDENT GOVERNMENT . . . learning to be ourselves ... organizational meetings at Jeff's house - "Show me to the pool!" ~ .. putting our heads together ... B-100 - the base of our operations ... TUIT headquarters for Blue and White Day .. . redecorating the homeroom with St. Anthony's colors ... bringing Santa to town on Thanksgiving Day .. . feeling dejected after donating five football helmets and still losing ... Mr. Bugdal, our fearless leader .. . special meetings during class time . . . two page agendas ... "Okay, who forgot the bulletin board?" . .. Jeff keeping us in line ... brushing up on our parlimentary procedure . . . seven abstained??? . . . Ervin, the official activity coordinator .. . Benedict J. Arnold managing the money .. . lending a hand at the Flea Market ... planning for pep rallies, setting up for dances ... Father Hughes doing the Virginia Reel at the square dance - a change of pace for those who attended .. . working like elves for a merrier Christmas . .. surviving the ordeal of putting up the tree ... reindeer dancing across the stage . .. a mysterious mouse stealing the show .. . missing Sara in homeroom ... trying to please everyone ... taking pride in our work . . . contributing our spirit and energy to the N.D. community.


Page 90/Top: Jeff Heckman . Mr . Bugdal. Bottom: S. G. Christmas Program . Page 91/Top/ FRONT ROW: Joanne Valeri, Janet Skorupa, Joanne Gagliardi, Sue Ciccone , Mary Rojek , Diane Russert. Ali Campo. BACK ROW: Jean Reres. Jeff Heckman, Virginia Przechacki. Middle: Student Government Square Dance. Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Mario Mangone, Jennifer Peoples, Dave Wetzel. Mary Angebranndt , Louise Angebranndt, Bob Fraczkiewicz, Bob Halliman. MIDDLE ROW: Art Eng, Liz DuBois, Darlene lnnocenzi, Janet Secretario, Kevin Kelly, Laura Maloney, Bob Mangone, Liz Heinzel. BACK ROW : Jean Reres, Janie Fasanella, Barbara Domurat. Lee Ann Barber, Jeff Heckman, Diane Russert, Ginny Przechacki, Ervin Allgood , Beth Carney, Ali Campo , Fran Festa, Linda Nicolai .


• Page 92/ Top Left: Nancy Cianfrano and friends . Top Right: Sharon Waldron . Bottom Left/SUNSHINE CLUB: Joanne Grochala , Donna Liedtka, Debbie Reh , Carol Yousko , Sister Nora , Mary Alice Amari , Au gusta Lanna, Sylvia Roberts , Karen Dale , Nancy Biesecker, Janice Thomas. Bottom Right: Jennifer Halasz, Donna Costigan .


THE SUNSHINE CLUB . . . taking our cheer where it's needed most . . . baking cookies for shut-ins . . . making our own cards - a personal touch ... Sister Nora bringing Lis together and keeping us busy . . . having fun helping others . . . caroling at Lawrenceville Nursing Home . .. making hospital days a little easier for students and their relatives .. . a smile of appreciation making it all worthwhile . . . KOINONIA . . . Father Nolan - a special friend and moderator ... a bumper CROP of corns after walking ten miles . .. Thanksgiving assemblies encouraging us to realize and appreciate all that we have . .. a successful food drive . .. acquiring a sense of belonging . . . visiting our new friends at Skillman on Thursday nights ... sharing , caring, and finding inner joy ... expressing our Christmas spirit through song at Morris Hall . .. work and fun joined together ... a party putting a smile on a retarded child's face ... Hand-in-Hand - a satisfying experience . .. an Easter prayer that. can be felt in the heart ... bringing the sacrament of peace to all during our Penance services ... seeing our Faith working from a new angle ...


Page 94/ Top/ KEY CLUB: Leo Mahoney, Joe Kale . Middle Left: Dave Bird , Jeff Heckman , Tony Salvadore. Janet Secretario, Jean Reres . Middle Right: Tim Mahoney , Dave Bird, John Hebeler, Kevin Kelly, Joe Kale. Bottom路 /FATHERS' CLUB: Father Nolan , Mr. Alex Bartolino, Mr. William Meagher, Mr. Gerald Calamia. Page 95/Top: John Hebeler, Leo Mahoney. Bottom Left/ KEYETTES/ FRONT ROW : Barbara Plunkett, Mrs. Margaret Archer , Jean Reres. BACK ROW: Donna Dovgala , Ann Carlin , Janet Secretario, Mary Bezek. Bottom Right/ KEY CLUB OFFICERS/ FRONT ROW: Leo Mahoney, Bob Celli , BACK ROW : George Mattonelli , Kevin Meyers, Manuel Ortiz.


KEY CLUB . .. a small but important branch of a national organization ... "big men " on campus ... a club specialty- parking ... involved in many school activities - senior volleyball night and the semi-forma l ... president Leo, initjating the point system ... receiving a letter of praise from the National Key Club .. . decking the foyer with ooughs of holly . . . struggling with the tree ... Key Club theme "50 years of caring only the beginning" .KEYETTES . .. the femin ists 's answer to the male chauvinist's Key Club ... we can do anything you can do better . .. an idea, a memb~rship drive, and tolerant moderator . . . lending a hand at games and ushering "Fiddler " on to success ... being summoned to mysterious emergency meetings ... getting the knack of turning work into play ... arousing spirit and working toward a better school . .. " We 're always there when you need us!" FATHERS' CLUB ... the real lifeline of N.D.'s sports program ... providing cold spectators with hot drinks at football games ... honoring school athletic teams at monthly meetings . . . semi-annual flea markets ... sponsoring a car raffle - the big money making venture of the year . . . Father Nolan, the "Big Daddy" of the club ... often unrecognized but always necessary ...



FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY ... "Nous sommes tres francais!'' ... Language Week - an important project and a French success . . . undertaking the sale of stickers, buttons , and more stickers (Would you like to buy a sticker?) " Can I be a Folie . . . dressing up for French Day Bergere?" .. . Christmas f~te chez Madame Bryan, complete with French written invitations (can anybody read this?) . . . twelve lone members upholding the tradition ... tough requirements . . . finally receiving the pins .. . "Vive Ia Societe Honoraire de Franctais! - Mais oui" . . . G.ERMAN HONOR SOCIETY . . . trying to figure out if Delta Epsilon Phi means anything in German ... Schwester Charlotte and Patty Foy getting us organized ... the Christmas party - one of the highlights of the year ... achieving a little recognition for a little hard work . . . "Do we have to speak German at meetings?" .. . "Jawohl Deutsch!" ... SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY ... Spanish: Numero Uno ... raising money for the scholarship fund ... Ole! and Sonria en Espanol buttons - "I know you want to buy one!" . . . the largest language honor society ... Spanish Mass ... Mr. Poli nodding in agreement . .. tutoring . .. all a part of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica.



Page 96/Top: Mr. Wood , Ron Rak, Mark Gates. Middle/ FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY /FRONT ROW: Michele Buckley , Monica Farrell , Cheryl Kovacs . MIDDLE ROW : Kathy Harding, Rich Ragany , Karen Confoy , Janet Swistak, Jennifer Klim, Sue Thornton , Carmen Ortiz, Frank Ragany . BACK ROW: Mrs. Bryan , Lorraine Rak , Elaine DiVia , Jane Cychowski . Bottom/SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY /FRONT ROW: Donna Springer, Carmen Ortiz, Irene Beumer, Manuel Ortiz, Joe Kondash . MIDDLE ROW: Kathy Rudge , Grace Coppola , Joni Sampson , AI Petrino, Rolando Perez, Tom Petro , Mark Ridge , Kevin Kelly , Mr. Pol i. BACK ROW : Regina Maurer, Kathy Hearney, Angela Danko, Barb Domurat, Fran Festa . Page 97 /GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY /FRONT ROW: Joe Guth , Ron Rak, Gerry Angel. MIDDLE ROW: Celine Wojciechowski , Patty Foy , Liz Korpusinski , Maureen Smith . BACK ROW: Chris Agocs, Nancy Breimann , Laurie Christensen , Lois Fitton , Billie Ann Kubaugh . Bottom: Patty Foy, Maureen Smith , Lois Fitton , Regina Muehleisen , Mrs. Palenchar.


FRENCH CLUB ... a chance to develop a little better understanding of the language . . . "Did you say "mercy buckets?" . .. Madame Kaplan bearing with us .. . inviting peo.ple in from the waysides to attend the wine and cheese Christmas Party . .. "now if 25 people paid $2.50, then why is there only $40.00 in the treasury?" . . . French was never like this before ... NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY . . . feeling like you've really accomplished something . .. tutoring in the mornings, during free periods and lunch - "What free time?" .. . "I can't have an 84 average!" ... Sister Joanmarie- our helpful, level-headed advisor ... taking special notice of your name on the plaque everytime you go down A-corridor .. . working hard for that gold tassel . .. Frank, the obvious choice for president, managing our affairs well ... impromptu meetings in 8100 . .. candlelight induction ceremony to remember always ... not just a group using big words and going around saying, "Did you know y= mx + b?" ... special - it isn't until you're in it . ..

Page 98/TOP: Jackie Powell, Laurie Christensen. MIDDLE/FRENCH CLUB/FRONT ROW: Karen Confoy, Cheryl Kovacs, Hedwig Martinowicz, Michele Buckley, Monica Farrell, Jennifer Klim . BACK ROW: Jane Cychowski, Sarabeth Egan, Rich Ragany , Maureen Barna , Mike McDowell , Jeff Heckman, Elaine DiVia. BOTTOM/NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY /FRONT ROW: Laurie Powell, Liz Korpusinski, Laurie Christensen, Ginny Przechacki, Linda Nicolai. MIDDLE ROW: Maureen Barna, Frank Ragany, Sue Thornton, Carmen Ortiz. BACK ROW: Connie Kliwinski, Martine Uveges, Oleh Plys, Halina Walczak, Billie Ann Kubaugh . Page 99/TOP/JETS: Jeff Schrader, Rolando Perez, Mark Gates, Ray Wendrzycki, Kathy Harding, Irene Beumer, Jim Rebman, Joe Smith, Paul Ungrady, Greg Apai , Sister Athanasius. BOTTOM/BLACK AWARENESS CLUB/SEATED: Pam Fowler, Saundra Boatwright, Kathy Holmes, Gena Smith. STANDING : Anthony Grimsley, Vernita Fowler, Cheryl Wooding, Jackie Roberson , Denise Hamlet, Ervin Allgood.


BLACK AWARENESS ... president Pam Fowler heading the meetings every other Thursday . .. special projects - a spring fashion show and an Easter egg hunt for the children at Skillman .... raising money for a scholarship ... college day in Newark - presenting us with many different possibilities for the future ... off to see "The Wiz" ... loudly supporting N.D. at basketball games ... fostering a genuine pride in the black heritage. JETS .. . welcome to the world of engineering ... lecturers from nearby firms and colleges "technically speaking" ... the Engineering Aptitude Test helping you to decide if the field suits you .. . Sister Athanasius and Greg Apai trying to arrange field trips . . . opening up a new career possibility ...


FOUR WINDS ... reaching out in four different directions ... realizing it's very hard to type in German when you don't speak it . . . "An issue out by Christmas?" . . . "This could be Spanish, but then again - ' ' . .. the editors doing everything from soliciting material to distributing the finished product . . . Mrs. Palenchar - multi-lingual helper to all .. . feeling like you're chained to the typewriter .. . readers flipping through the pages trying to find something they understand .. . the newspaper with a worldly flavor . . . RENASCENCE . .. working so hard for just one issue . . . getting eighteen poems all entitled "Feelings" . . . hours spent reading over material and rating them 1 - 5 ("Can I rate this a 4.5? " ) . . . the literary staff's one frenzied week of activity ... "It may be a slim magazine, but it has quality! " ... waiting excitedly for the finished copy to return from the printer . . . our goal: the highest rating from Columbia Press .. . N.D.'s literary and art expression at its finest .. . FUTURE SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION . . . the honor society for secretaries . . . induction ceremony by candlelight . .. realizing that you need more than typing and steno to be a good secretary .. . Liz Korpusinski, president of the inter-school organization . . . being honored during Secretaries Week in April .. . a pink rose- symbol of the FSA ... a scholarship awarded for ..ability in typing , steno, and general business procedures .. .. working toward the goal of becoming truly professional. Page 100/Top: Maureen Barna. Midd路 le/FOUR WINDS/FRONT ROW :Carmen Ortiz, Oleh Plys. BACK ROW : Liz Korpusinski, Maureen Barna , Irene Beumer, Marie Kosco , Sue Thornton . Bottom/RENASCENCE/FRONT ROW: Connie Kliwinski , Maureen Barna , Kathy Mclaughlin . BACK ROW : Mary Corvino , Cheryl Kovacs , Mary Lou Ratico. Miss Henkel , Brenda Paul. Page 101/ Top/ FSA/SEATED: Carol Piechowski, Liz Korpusinski . STANDING : Mrs. Stoka , Denise Owens , Augusta Lanna , Carol Yousko , Debbie Kochis , Lorraine McCarrick, Halina Walczak, Barbara Chepiga , Laurie Powell , Karen Krisak. Bottom/BUSI-BUSINESS BULLETIN路 /FRONT ROW: Laurie Powell , Carol Piechowski. BACK ROW: Karen Krisak, Halina Walczak , Liz Korpusinski, Lorraine McCarrick .


BUSI-BUSINESS BULLETIN . . . taking a peek into the business world at N.D ... . "Let's try to make the deadline this time!" . . . Mrs. Gribbin, our inspiration . .. our constantly bumbling friends - Sally Sophomore and Miss Take . . . Liz and her production machine, Roneo, working well together . . . "Who's going to do ail this typing?" Karen demonstrating yet another talent- art . . . minding our own business .


CANTICLE ... Grin - if you've got one, that is . . . no laughing in the Canticle Room . .. Laurie trying to put it all together . . . " E-E-EXCELLENT" .... Sarabeth - the tyrannical little layout editor whipping the troops into shape .. . That's OK, Sara, we still love ya . . . Are you sure you can't eat just one more piece of pizza? . . . "Hello, Dad? I don't think I'll be home for dinner tonight!" ... "Tren-enese," a new language? ... Fit-en is sit-en . . . Hey, you guys are really "rodden"! . .. No, Maureen, we can't put that in the Administration write-up . . . OK, who ate the Tllanksgiving Day pictures? . . . Frank kindly reassuring that, "The layouts look good, 'Sisteh'!" ... Hey, John, take my picture . . . dumba - the feminine version of dumbo? . . . S.P. beating out Giampet in the mock-out game - score one for the little nun .. . "Boomer" . . . feeling like the Lawrence Welk orchestra is serenading you while doing layouts ... Maureen counting her money to the tune of "If I Were a Rich Man" - would you believe rich woman? . . . Beth - helping to promote the general welfare by keeping us in stitches ... "This next deadline is gonna be a killer" ... Boy, I never realized that working on the yearbook was so time consuming ... now that you 've got one, we hope you're all grinning . ..


Page 102/Top: Miss Giampetro. Bottom Left: John Forman , Patty Baylog, Miss Giampetro , Martine Uveges , Maureen Shelly, Laurie Christensen, Sarabeth Egan , Lois Fitton , Dave Ungrady, Sister Pat. Bottom Right: Maureen Shelly. Page 103/Top Left: Tom Salvadore , Sarabeth Egan , Al i Campo . Top Right: Laurie Christensen . Bottom Left: Mary Lou Ratico . Bottom Middle: Lois Fitton. Bottom Right: Sister Pat.


DRAMA CLUB . . . joining just so you could see "The Wiz" and then getting involved . . . the club's debut, "Plaza Suite" ... directors and producers - Mrs. Fracassi, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Bowditch .. . "Feel what you are saying" . . . trying to decide where to stand on stage . . . performing a one-act play in competition . . . really getting into your role ... future stars emerging . . . applause . .. G.A.A. 路. . . active organization benefiting all girls ... doing the "little" things - oranges for the field hockey and basketball teams, bake sales, Leader Corps ... the May talent show - some fun and games, some hard work, a memorable experience .. . that point system, "Twenty more points and I get my pin!" . . . innovators of girl's soccer - and not a bad idea .. . gym walls plastered with campaign posters for springtime elections .. . Diane Kwietniak - our resident banner maker . . . proof that boys aren't the only athletes ... PROJECT 76 ... becoming more aware of wildlife and ecology ... "We may be small but we care" ... innovative ideas from Miss Wirth ... raising money for an endangered species ... camping and taking a tour of Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge and Cheesequake State Park .. . hoping the bears had their dinner before you arrived . . . being on the publicity end of the Science Fair . . . getting in touch with the world around us .. .


Page 104/DRAMA CLUB/Top: Mrs. Fracassi , Roy Miller . Jim Streeter . Bottom Left/G.A.A./KNEELING : Linda Nicolai . Maureen McQuade . STANDING : Mrs . Rovello . Patty Baylog . Diane Olech , Chris Agocs . Cheryl Maccaroni, Lisa DeAngelo . Caren Castaldo . Elizabeth Dovgala , Erin Clancy . Lisa Nicolai. Jennett Ingrassia . Bottom Right: Bob Fraczkiewicz . Dana Dobiak , Page 105/Top/PROJECT 76/FRONT: Steve Pasierb . BACK : Jim Stevens. Neil Barna . Maria Inocencio , Jane Dietrich , Diana Smith . Miss Wirth . Bottom: Kathy Hennessey, Dana Dob iak . Kevin Confoy .


KENNEL CLUB .. . Sister Dorothy leading the pack ... teaching your old dog some new tricks ... our new president Dawn Carmosino taming the group .. . sharing training techniques with other members ... trying to establish ourselves at N.D .... dog lovers of the world, unite ... working toward an appreciation and understanding of man's best friend .... CHESS CLUB . . . en passant . . . thirty avid members meeting every other week ... the big moment- playing Mr. Hess? ... twenty-five mini tournaments in one afternoon ... "What were you expecting - teak playing boards?" ... castling . . . "Will somebody please play the loser?" ... using logical thinking in a game . .. at last checkmate ...

Page 106/Top: Sister Dorothy. Bottom: Francis Wharton, Judy Mauro. Middle/KENNEL CLUB:路 Kathy Andreoli , Brian Demarest, Eric Garcia, Dawn Carmosino . Page 107 I Top/ FIRST AID CLUB/ SEATED : Tom Borcsik: STANDING : Jim Rebman , Dave Cebulko , Greg Zoltanski , Jim Boozan , Kathy Betz . Middle Left: Tom Borcsik , Mrs . Dougherty , Barb Walst"J. Middle Right: Greg Zoltanski , Tom Borcsik, Jim Boozan . Bottom/ HEALTH CAREERS CLUB: FRONT ROW: Cherry Destura . Barb Walsh , Chris Durcanin , Dawn Carmosino , Carmen Gomez. BACK ROW: Terry Beres , Donna Fifer , Lee Ann Barber.


HEALTH CAREERS/ FIRST AID CLUB . . . N.D.'s own part in the American Red Cross ... a first boys in the club ... Mrs. Dougherty and Lee Anr1 planning activities . . . visiting local hospitals dur-. ing the holidays - armed with gifts and a smile . . . a demonstration Resusci -Annie . . . 路'Where路 are they going with that body?-" ... gaining a working knowledge of first aid techniques and equipment ... coming to the aid of others ... a Thanksgiving basket- so gratefully accepted .. . dressing up like elves for a visit to Helene Fuld . . . investigating health-oriented careers . . . caring . enough to help .. .


THE BICENTENNIAL . . . "When in the course of human events" ... the Bachelors Only class reproducing the flags of the Revolution . .. Bob Burrell sewing all the way home from a basketball game . .. getting really ambitious in typing class and typing a battle scene ... Grace Coppola, the winner of the Bicentennial Minute Contest ... trying to make your signature look as impressive as John Hancock's ... reconstructing our heritage in the "Walk Through History" . .. each history class being responsible for ten years "Can I do sports during the 1820's?" .. . being deluged with essay contests . . . the miniature village " Well, it was a good idea" ... finding out that the battle of Shabakunk Creek took place in the N.D . parking lot - "Is that why we're called the Fighting Irish? " .. . "Now , if we can just get a hold of a few cannons we could re-enact it" . . . getting a quick history lesson in the foyer from Mr . George Hutchinson's display ... taking part in the local and national celebrations ... discovering at the past while looking ahead to the future . ..


FRESHMAN DAY OF SHARING . . . an easy, informal day to get to know one another . .. making name tags so everyone can see who and what you are . . . joining groups - coming together under common song titles ... '' Who has three blind mice"? . . . the trust walk- " Don't worry, I'll tell you when you walk into something" . . . " Now how did we get here? " .. . exploring the roof "Oh , this must be the third floor . Where 's the swimming pool?' ' .. . playing football with Padre . . . creating banners out of the bare necessities . . . revealing all those deep dark secrets ... " What's the worst thing you did when you were little?" . .. discovering there 's someone who's a lot like you . . . positioning yol,Jr body into a mechanical device - ' 'What are you supposed to be? " ... ending the day by sharing the Eucharist together ... an enliven ing experience .. .


Page 110/Top: Father Nolan with freshmen . Page 111/Top: Anne Marie Murphy, Beth John Pogorzelski, Carolyn Danko , Karen Direske, Dino Persichilli , Sharon Young, Bob Mangone . Bottom Left: Nancy Cashel , Maggie McFae , Anna Gonzales , Sue Ellen Cebulko, Erin McGraw.


Page 112/Top: Homeroom llG . Bottom: Oleh Plys . Page 113/Top Right: Rick Nabinger, Dave Paulaski , Gary Nigh , Donnie Peters , Bob Notta . Bottom: Dave Wetzel . Beth Carney .

11 2

BLUE AND WHITE DAY ... hours spent decorating homerooms ... miles of blue and white streamers . . . ''After all this work, we'd better win" . . . trying to get the kids in your homeroom to look spirited at 8:30 in the morning .. . corsages from Mr. Kelly for the girls in 11G ... high hopes for the fall athletic season ... Hail, hail the band's all here and " looking good" .. . the drill team putting their best foot forward . .. "Gimme an I" ... SG presenting their versior:J of Notre Dame - 200 years ago today . . . 9A and 11 H tearing up the competition with "Jaws" ... "We've got spirit, everybody!" ...


Page/114/FLEA MARKET /Top Right: Art Eng. Page 115/ JUNIOR MISS PAGEANT /Top Left: Linda Mancuso . Top Middle: Vernita Fowler. Top Right: Marie Kosco . Bottom Left: Debbie Sapienza. Bottom Middle: Carmen Gomez. Bottom Right: Helena Pastuchow.




DAYS OF RECOLLECTION . . . a time for reaching into yourself ... not knowing what to expect . . . Father Mickiewicz telling it like it is ... finding out that your homeroom teacher is a person too . . . a look into the kaleidiscope of your personality ... realizing that being your own person is harder than it sounds . . . free from possession - are you really? ... feelings - learning to recognize them in yourself . .. the theme from ''Tommy'' ... "See me, feel me, touch me, heal me" ... I am what I think you think I am . .. shattering your personal mirror ... trying to talk about something that is really important to you ... the need for one person to understand . .. the crowd - To be or not to be ... What am I today? ... What will I be tomorrow? . . . I have a name . . . I am


Page 116/ Top: Celeste Braun, Mimi Paixao , Father Mickiewicz. Bottom: Father Mickiewicz, Father Hughes . Page 117 / Top: Beth Meagher, Kathy Housman . Bob Scarpon , Joann Serock . Bottom Right: Father Mickiewicz . Bottom Left: Sister Joanmarie , Stacy Jingoli .


THANKSGIVING . . . the bonfire warming the spirit of N.D. . .. throwing the Iron Mikes into the flames .. . "Let's do that tomorrow" 路 . .. getting psyched for the grand finale ... an early morning Mass bringing us together . . . Father Nolan dreaming that we'd win . . . rain-drenched fans . . . a decorated locker room . . . cheerleaders parading around in the football players' raincoats . . . "We've got some fans today!" .. . scoring - feeling proud to be on the Irish team . . . alumni coming "home" for a visit ... the first homecoming queen and her court . .. the Sophomores' float- sliding to victory ... "But our balloon burst" . . . Santa Claus . . . "I think I just swallowed some confetti - is it poisonous? ' ' . .. seniors experiencing mixed emotions - "Do you realize that this is our last game?" .. . Hail to thee, dear Notre Dame ... giving St. Anthony's a scare .. . "We've got the whole school on our side" .. .



SEMI-FORMAL . . . the ~heerleaders sere::-nading ticket buyers - "Come on and go 'Over the Rainbow' to the autumn sports festival" .. . glittering stars and clouds of mist ... Phaze . .. " Hey, where'd the band go?" . .. "It doesn't even look like the cafeteria" . .. rainbows everywhere you look . . . munch out - on tea cookies? . . . getting your hair caught in a falling star . . . the end, already? . . . somewhere over the rainbow ...


Page 119/Middle Left: Jim Ciccone, Cheryl Maccaroni . Middle Right_. /SEATED: Debbie Kochis , Denise Herdman . STANDING : Lee Paixao , Jim McManimon , Jennifer Bezek, Lisa Wenczel.


Page 120/Middle Left: Jeff Hickman . Bottom Left: Kathy Housman Page 121/Bottom: Dave Wetzel.





CHRISTMAS ... '''Tis the season to be jolly" . . . catching the spirit . .. stained glass art - a touch of class in the foyer ... getting the tree to stand up - " OK, guys, let 's try it again" . . . "Where is our homeroom's ornament?" ... a little tree in the cafeteria . .. the first snowfall of the year adding to the fun - "I really am dreaming of a white Christmas " . . . Santa and company going caroling aboard two noisy fire trucks ... stopping at Morris Hall and Lawrenceville Nursing Home to bring good tidings - realizing that Christmas can be lonely ... SG's version of "The Night before Christmas" ... What? No Cartoons? .. . the rush to get in that one last test . . . varsity basketball teams making the season brighter by sweeping the Christmas . Tournaments . . . wrestlers contributing to the line of trophies ... exchanging gifts, cards, and laughter . . . Midnight Mass in the cafeteria - experiencing the real meaning of Christmas . . . giving of yourself the best gift of all ...


AMERICAN RHYTHM BAND . .. once you get started . . . a pleasing surprise replacing negative expectations ... a unique experience . .. feeling emotion in music ... not pitying ... "I didn 't think it was going to be this good! " .. . the Fonz and the Black Fonz dancing better than most of us ... Smiley -his name fitting perfectly . . . stomping your feet . . . clapping your hands to GODSPELL .. . learning and understanding more about the retarded . . . the time going by fast ... deafening applause ... a standing ovation ... "We want more!" ... walking out with a smile ... having lunch together ... getting an autograph, a handshake, a smile ... the gift of entertainment from some special people ... It's hard to stop .. . DONKEY BASKETBALL . . . pure , unadulterated hilarity . . . Mr . Hess being responsible for his dirty donkey - " Oh, my God, I don't belive it" ... Dave Ungrady and Joe Navarro "donking" it .. . trying to gracefully mount your mule ... Mr. Harrell making a mad dash for路 the shortest donkey . . . Sister Joanmarie for two . . . the cheerleaders attempting to block the basketball team . ~. Tom Edinger being thrown for a loss ... getting your donkey to move - "C'mon baby, walk . Please!" . . . "I can 't even shoot from the floor!" ... a great way to end a tough exam week . . . HYPNOTIST ... becoming conscious of your subconscious .. . wondering if you'd make a good subject . .. volunteering and then hoping you wouldn't make a fool of yourself . . . spellbound participants ... Cindy Voitek, the "Deeper Sleeper" ... "Anybody want to play Ring Around the Rosie?" ... pretending you're a famous ballet dancer ... finding out your new name is Pooh Pooh Head .. . " That girl in the audience only has her underwear on! " . .. a snap of the fingers bringing you back to reality .. . "Oh, I didn't do that! - Did I?"


Page 122 / Top Left : Dr. Norman Ross . Jim O' Brien . Top Right: Kevin Myers. Liz Heinzel. Bottom : Robert Rhoades. Page 123 / Top: Loretta DeCara. Patty Capriotti . Marlene Li siecki . Bottom Left: Sister Catherine Mind ling. Bottom : American Rhythm Band .

STUDENT GOVERNMENT WEEK ... promoting student involvement . . . getting the opportunity to voice your opinion at an open meeting ... "If there are any comments, please raise your hands!" ... fielding questions like- " Could the lunches be longer? " or " What's wrong with facial hair?" ... trying to determine the merits and faults of the activity period -to reinstate it or not. that is the question ... Student Teacher Day - learning what it's like to be on the other side of the desk . .. playing Jeopardy in Spanish class ... evaluating your best friend ... walking through the halls and hearing the music of Bruce Springsteen . .. teachers being sent to the office by student teachers for out-of-uniform excuses " Miss Ellen Glendon , that skirt is much too short! " ... Jeff Heckman trying to realistically portray Father Hughes ... "Joey Wyers , get in your squad!" ... think Stanely ... wondering if you'll ever reach your quota after being told that you can't sell PLAYBOY ... Student Exchange Day - getting a chance to show off N.D . to interested visitors . . . the Trenton State Bicentennial Singers presenting a musical history of New Jersey TNT- Today Not Tomorrow


Page 124 / Top: Lee Ann Barber. Mrs. Peoples. Bottom : Jeff Heckman . Page 125 / Top: Vir ginia Przechacki. Linda Nicolai . Fran Festa . Dave Wetzel . Janet Secretario. Gret Fechter. Beth Carney . Barbara Domurat. Bob Mangone. Liz DuBois, Mario Mangone . Middle: Joanne Elmo . Sue Novatkoski . Julio del Castillo . Frank Inverse . Bottom Left: Mr . Peter Matwijcow. Bottom Right / FRONT ROW : Sr . Rita Halligan . I.H .M .. Governor Brendan Byrne, Sr . Nancy Grassia. O.S.F. BACK ROW : Mr. Charles Comito , Laura Maloney . Ervin Allgood , Mr . John Myers .




Page 126/Top Left: Miss Glendon, Mrs. Harcar, Miss Grant. Top Right: Miss Glendon. Bottom Left: Beth Carney, Mrs. Marchant. Bottom Right: Mrs. Mary Moritz. Page 127 /Top: Laura Maloney , Janet Secretario . Ervin Allgood . Lower Left: Dr. Gordon Meyers, Director of Trenton States Bicentennial Singers . Bottom Right: Mr. Kelly , Diane Russert. Ginny Przechacki, Fran Festa . Janet Secretario . Mrs . Kaplan .


Page 128/Top Left: Jim Streeter. Dawn Brown. Top Right: John Callaghan . Judy Petrozzini . Bottom Left: Dana Doviak. Kevin Confoy . Bottom Right: Jim Streeter . Racine Leonard. Dawn Brown . Page 129/Top: John Callaghan. Judy Petrozzini . Bottom: Dana Doviak .


PLAZA SUITE: .. . "There're no people like show people" .. . Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Fracassi, Mr. Bowditch spreading a little bit of know-how a long way . . . three short acts depicting some unusual happenings in Suite 719 . .. a little bit of humor to break the everyday tension ... Dana stomping around minus one boot . . . hoping you remember to 路ring the door bell and answer the telephone at the right time ... Judy Petrozzini- such are the dreams of the everyday housewife . . . Jim Streeter coaxing the reluctant bride to the altar .. . Stagecraft, Make-up and A.V. helping to get the show on the road . . . Father Hughes, our own interior decorator . . . using quick footwork between acts to "clean up" the stage . . . "What should you do if you've nailed a flat to the floor?" ... that's show biz . ..


SCIENCE FAIR/Page 130/Top: Mary Rose Quigley, first place . Bottom Left: Racine Leonard, third place . Bottom Right: Edmund Goedertier, second place. Page 131/Top Right: Cherry Marie Destura, first place . Bottom: Patty Grussler, third place .



SENIOR CLASS TRIP . . . leaving the snow and rain behind .. . soda, peanuts and a lot of turbulence . .. arriving in Florida- "What? No welcome sign?" . .. finally hitting the sack at 4 a.m . .. 路. awakening an hour later to alarms and confusion . .. "A bomb? You must be dreaming! " .. . hoping it was too dark for anyone to see what you looked like at 5 a.m . .. . waking up and wondering if we 'd slept at all .. . breakfast - green eggs and ham . .. picking fruit from the grove next door . .. getting your picture taken with Goofy and Pinocchio (Which one 's Goofy? ha! ha!) ... " But " taking pictures on Space Mountain . .. making the big decision - the beach or the Magic Kingdom . .. tiki tiki birds . .. the Bicentennial parade . . . hitting all the freebies first . .. Sunday morning - an outdoor Mass ... using up all your E tickets and trying to sponge some from a friend . . . zipping around in the motor boats . . . ea.ting frozen bananas .. . souvenir shopping .. first purchase, a Mickey Mouse shopping bag .. . what feet? . . . " I waited an hour to see a bunch of bears sing? " .. . returning early for the pool and pizza party . . . 20 brave people swimming in 40 o water . . . collecting luggage and stumbling on to waiting buses . . . " Where's Paulaski?" .. . wishing we could stay for a whole week ... leaving on a jet plane . . . coming back to N.D. in the middle of the night . . . the warmth of Florida -gone but not forgotten


Page 132/Top: Jim Lanigan, Steve Carney, Kevin Waldron . Bottom: Frank Ragany . Page 133/Top: John Hebeler, Bob Notta , Don Ottaunick, Carm Todaro , Maryann Moreale , Guy Castranova . Bottom Left: Father Nolan , Sister Dismas .


THE BAND ENSEMBLE ... introducing Notre Dame's 1975 band, drill team and color guard ... we even have leprechauns on our side ... Mrs. Baker, moderator for the drill team and color guard ... "a-1 and a-2 and a-3" ... participating in the N.J. Cavalcade of Bands ... "Jesus Christ Superstar" if we play this song one more time, I'll scream! .. . new uniforms for the Irish band - furry hats to top it off ... marching proudly in the Lawrence Township parade . .. our new theme, "Ole!" ... Vernita, Kathy, and Jean leading the way down the field ... knowing you did something wrong when you're 50 yards away from everyone else and marching all alone . . . trying not to slip on muddy football fields . . . practicing everyday after school ... support the arts, kiss a musician .. .



Page 134/ Top: Jean Herman , Middle Left: Wayne Allen , Andrew Wierzbowski , Tom Lanzon i, Mr. Baker , Geof Raywood , Nancy Gardner, Sue Mazzaros. Bottom Left: Jane Dietrich , Diane Quinlan , Laura Baker. Bottom Right: Tom Lemire. Page 135/ MARCHING UNITS/ Top/ FRONT ROW: Willie Gant, Carmen Giovacchine, Chris Raywood , Donnie Peters , Tom Hughes. SECOND ROW: Wayne Allen , Tom Lanzoni , Nancy Paolini , Hugh Riley, Sue Mazzaros, Brian McClain , Lawrence West . THIRD ROW: Mike Alexandrowicz , Tom Lemire , Tom Venanzi , Dennis Sullivan , Jim Coty, Geof Raywood , Andrew Wierzbowski, Barry Mulligan . FOURTH ROW: John Van Sant, Kevin Brennan , Chris Dietrich , Chris Buzzelli , Nancy Gardner, Dan Belli, Tim Schoriak, Frank Cairo . FIFTH ROW : Joann Thurman , Halina Kaminski , Sharon Proniewski , Sheri Shenk, Patty Mulligan , Angie Fonseca , Mary Angebranndt , Terri Laird , Dawn Carmosino , Ann Marie Murphy. BACK ROW : Terri Sagady , Jane Weglarz , Beth Bombery , Jean Herman , Vern ita Fowler , Kathy Housman, Donna Dutko , Kim Stewart, Cecilia Santiago , Sandy Serock, Mr. Baker. Left Side/ With Flags: Diane Quinlan , Pam Grussler. With Guns: Patti Grussler, Debbie Burch , Jane Dietrich. Right Side/ With Flags: Lisa Basco , Regina Maurer. With Guns: Joann Valatka , Mary Sullivan, Nancy Gardner, Charlene Grogan . Middle: Terri Sagady , Halina Kaminski , Patty Mulligan , Dawn Carmosino , Ann Marie Murphy, Kathy Housman, Terri Laird . Bottom: Debbie Kochis , Donna Serafine .


SOCCER ... v1s1ons of '74 .. . tri-captains Dor, Ploof, Zig - all - area honors ... opening up with a 5-0 romp over Hunderton Central ... tying Trenton - a "should've won game" ... "Geeeeez" ... Zig leading in scoring and ref-yelling . . . first loss to tough Steinert .. . bummer . .. a hard-fought loss to Lawrence ... "We'll get 'em next time" ... never getting that chance ... Dor and Ploof leading the unheralded "D" ... psyched for the big games, unpsyched for the easy ones ... a sub three minute half-mile every practice ... "Ung, slow down" ... coaches Mr. Wags and Mr. Ardery: the eternal optimists never giving up ... dreading that fateful letdown .. . a cracking team afra:d of no one ... "Give us a wave, Jack" . .. the Wagner jinx .. . trash ... the line has got to get hungry . . . Mr. Ardery's torrid toe .. . Ung, Ploof, Dor, Zig- all-county , all-state honors . . . Mr. Wagner - area coach of the year ... underclassmen getting that needed varsity experience ... sweeping Hopewell, Princeton, Hightstown, and West Windsor ... Spunk and the Cool Club ... having the best fans in the county . . "Good stick, Joe" . . . Zig turns the trick twice . .. Gerry's head balls .. . opening the State Tourney- beating CBA again in the Mudbowl . . . Ciccone and lmmo sharing goalie duties ... "Nice glasses, Ung" . . . rolling past Holy Cross in the South Jersey finals . . . Bobby Rhoades' season-saving goal against Seton Hall ... outscoring opponents 57-23 on the year .. . Mr. Wags finally giving the team a party ... number 1 in the state - again ... there was never a doubt.


Page 138/Top: Bob Ploof. Bottom/VARSITY SOCCER TEAM/FRONT ROW : Mike Wenczel , Bob Ploof , Dave Dorozinsky , John Zegarski , Bob Rhoades . MIDDLE ROW : Tom Barlow. Dave Ungrady, Jim Ciccone , Joe lmmordino . Gerry Meagher. "Paul Ungrady . BACK ROW : Bob Springer , Don Schuler. Tim Meagher , Joe Martillotti , John Rugarber . Mr . Wagner . Page 139/Top Left: John Zegarski . Top Right/J.V. SOCCER TEAM/FRONT ROW: John O'Brien, Jim Hartman . John Walker , Mike Clancy , Don Smith . Mark Morrison , MIDDLE ROW : Tom Carella , Brian Keyes , Joe Kondash , Anthony Colavita . John Murphy, Frank Nerwinski. BACK ROW : Mr. Rooney , Jim Whalen , Frank Feldenzer , Mike McQuade , John Castaldo , Jeff Ru garber. Middle: Don Schuler. Jim Springer. Dave Ungrady, Bob Rhoades . Bottom: Jim Whalen , Don Smith.



Page 140/Top: Bob Rhoades, Jim Springer, Dave Ungrady. Middle left: Bob Ploof, Dave Dorozinsky , Tim Meagher. Middle Right: Dave Ungrady. Bottom: Dave Ungrady , Don Schuler. Page 141/Top left: Bob Ploof, Gerry Meagher, Joe Martillotti. Top Right: Don Schuler. Middle/FRESHMAN SOCCER TEAM/FRONT ROW : Bob Spalluto, John Campbell , Dave McCreedy, Chris Ward, John Antinoro, Jim Virgil, Brian Dudeck. SECOND ROW: Andy Lesh, Jack Moore , Kelly Salvadore, Tom Frascella, John Midura , Paul Dombroski, Tony Grogan. BACK ROW: Mr. Archer, Kevin Contoy, Chris Croux, Keith Fithen, Bob Delorenzo, George Sabatino, Frank DiBella, Bob Petro , Chris Feldenzer. Bottom: Jim Ciccone .


CROSS COUNTRY ... best way to get in shape and stay in shape . . . 7 wins, 7 losses - not bad at all . .. running in the rain and sleet - nothing will make us stop . .. everyone shooting for a perfect year - at least we tried ... Little Willie OT . . . Nancy Breimann proudly represemting N.D. in the State Meet . .. " You guys want to jog the course?" ... Coach Wyers in his second year but coaching like a veteran . .. running 6 to 10 miles a day . . . determination and dedication . .. Cassie, Vagnoz , and Nancy making AllCounty ... " Hey , Mr. Wyers, I'm hurt!" . .. "Put some heat on it." . . . " Lionel, kick it in! " . .. Dave - super frosh .. . they don 't sell good sneaks at Sears .. . Cassie , Mr . Cross Country ... " Gene, you little chump! " ... Vagnoz and Nancy co-lovers of the year award ... last practice - all underclassmen in the creek . .. Mr . Wyers in the showers ... ventilated sweat suits ... running with numbed toes . . . it was worth all the trouble ...


Page 142/Top Left: John Callaghan . Top Right: Kev in Dziura . Bottom Left/CROSS COUNTRY TEAM/FRONT ROW : Carl Spirazza , John Callaghan , Lionel Ellis, Guy Castranova. MIDDLE ROW: Bill Houston , Dave Harrell, Chris Hanak, Mike Vagnozzi . BACK ROW : Chris Cantwell, Val Krzywkowski, Bill Suffern, Nancy Breimann , Gene Lanzoni . Kevin Dziura, Mr. Wyers . Bottom Right: Carl Spirazza . Page 143/Top: Lionel Ellis. Middle: John Callaghan , Lionel Ellis, Kevin Dziura , Carl Spirazza . Bottom: Guy Castranova .



FOOTBALL . . . looking toward the upcoming season

with hope and enthusiasm . . . new personnel changes ... George switched from QB to fullback . .. "Mac Doog's, where's the water?" ... looking like a new team in scrimmages ... losing Duds in the scrimmage with Lawrenceville - then killing them . . . getting ready for Trenton High ... "Vern" carrying the heavy load on his back ... defense playing a good game . .. getting psyched-up for Steinert . . . trying to find an answer to our offense ... "Los" at QB ... finally scoring "6" . . . playing West Windsor in the rain and mud ... a capacity crowd of ten ... "O.K. fellows, this is our best chance to win one" . . . losing ... feeling the agony of defeat ... seeing a friend and teammate in pain ... saving our best effort for last ... losing Mr. Verdel, the best coach Notre Dame ever had ... Coach Stephan trying to find a winning combination ... "Ready set, Ready go" ... new drils ... new goals ... beginning again ... "Let's have a good spirited workout" ... being outplayed by the J.V .... trying our best not to be pessimistic and always thinking, "Maybe this is the game" . . . Mrs. Holsneck never giving up as a fan ... "Come on, you guys" ... wondering if we'll ever win a game ... losing to St. Anthony's 20-8, but finally looking impressive ... not winning, but giving it the old Irish try ... despite it all, we still have pride ...


Page 144/Top: Mark Stephan . Middle: Mr. Verdel. Bottom/VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM/FRONT ROW : Kevin Bertone, Larry Morton , Bob Scairpon , Anthony Sevilla, Dave Dileo, Allan Hancock. SECOND ROW: Mr. Jaroni, Alberto Gonzalez, Bill Picatagi, Marty Dickson , Tim Anderson , Bob Foy, Carl Danbury, Leo Mahony, Bob Burrell , Barry Dekis, Marty Holsneck, Tom McManimon, Karl Heinz, Mr. Sebastiani. THIRD ROW: Mike Dennehy, Bob Hall , Kevin Myers, Paul Blisko , Tom Edinger, Dave Dudeck, Jeff Jones , Carl Riccio , Tom Lynam , George Mattonelli , Tony Mazzella , Mark Stephan , Dean Scales, Mr. Stephan . BACK ROW: Ronny Vernon, Dom Maruca , Art Eng, Dave Weasner , Jeff Schrader, John Krystaponis, Dan Schwarz, Chris Schaible , Tim Mahoney, Joe Maruca, Vince Mendola , Mark Bertone Page 145/Top Left: Mr. Jaroni, Mr. Stephan , Mr. Sebastiani , Top Right: Marty Holsneck. Bottom: Paul Blisko .



Page 146/ Top/ FRESHMAN FOOTBALL TEAM/ FRONT ROW: Bob Greiss , Jim Peters, Jim Kemble , Flip Faherty, John Golden , Mike Griffin , John O' Reilly , Tom Rebman , Pete Lieggi , Bob Holliman . SECOND ROW: Mike Ehret , Rich Tovar , Russ Barb iero , Tom Giordano, Carl Varga , Donald Montgomery," Steve Smith, Karl Fuccello , Bill Ryan , Greg Gallo . BACK ROW: Coach Falzone , Mr. Simone, Kelly Walsh , Tim Bertone , Sal Sargiotto , Mark Eskridge , Aldo Gonzalez, Steve Kondash , Greg Newell , Ron Scarna , Mike Alba . Middle Left: Paul Blisko Middle Right: Tom Edinger. Bottom: Carl Danbury. Page 147 /Top/ FRONT ROW: Colleen Harney, Patty Baylog, Linda Nicolai , Marie Kosco , Diane Olech , Maureen Barna, Donna Dovgala . MIDDLE ROW: Liz Heinzel, Chris Agocs , Caren Castaldo, Erin Clancy , Sheri McGuire, Cherie Patricell i, Katie Casey , BACK ROW: Katy Dovgala , Stephie Perozzi , Lisa Nocolai , Maureen Sm ith , Lori Streit, Barb Walsh , Mrs. Major. Middle: Erin Clancy , Katie Casey , Diane Olech , Liz Heinzel , Linda Nicolai . Bottom: Linda Nicolai .


FIELD HOCKEY .. . the purple heart team ... waiting for the rain to stop and the season to begin .. . hopping, sprinting, groaning . . . admirable co-captains, Snow Plow Nicolai and Bernie Kosco . . . Rook's recordbreaking 19 goals in one season . . . Clancy's screams . . . Katie Casey and her non-stop monologues .. . Sunday morning practices- (Who's sleeping?) .. . "60 situps? Who do you think we are?" . .. "Me? Cheating on hopping? Never!" .. . pre-game pizza luncheons .. . finally drawing a sizable number of spectators . . . team meetings - making decisions as a group ... "Talking it up" out there . . . Rook driving for the goal cage and everyone clearing the field ... the team held together (literally) by pins, tape, and bandages . .. the last game of the season - a locker room flooded with tears .. . Snowplow, Bernie, Bugs, Ginger, Ballerina, Crazy Legs, and Smitty hanging up their uniforms ... the first N.D. hockey team to enter the state tournament and proud ot if . .. "Who's going to win today? We are !!!" .. .


Page 148/Top Left: FRONT ROW: Marie Fitzpatrick, Jane Liedtka , Jennett Ingrassia, Lucy Heinzel, Patty Burke . MIDDLE ROW : Renee Reali, Mary Alice Nemic, Chris Kontorowicz, Sarabeth Egan , Ginny Przechacki. BACK ROW : Lydia Lesh , Cherry Destura, Maryellen Ehret, Anne Carlin , Monica Farrell , Kathy Houston , Mrs. Margaret Revello . Top Right: Lori Streit, Elizabeth Dovgala, Mrs. Major. Middle: Patty Baylog. Bottom: Patty Baylog, Katie Casey, Lisa Nicolai , Caren Castaldo, Diane Olech , Mrs. Major. Page 149/Top Right: Marie Kosco. Middle: Diane Olech , Chris Agocs , Lisa Nicolai , Lori Streit , Stephie Pirozzi . Bottom: FRONT ROW: Diane Karpik, Joanne McCabe , Jill Weasner, Joanne Ploof, Nancy Hayden . MIDDLE ROW: Jackie Turner, Jackie Shelly , Johanna Stumbaugh, Vickie Hebeler, Debbie Theer. BACK ROW: Mrs . Revello, Elizabeth Dovgala , Norma Tursi , Cathy Sweeney , Lori Rutkowski, Lynn Moody.




Page 150/Top: Varsity Cheerleaders . Middle/FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS/FRONT ROW : Lisa Paglione , Michele Kelly . MIDDLE ROW: Jennifer Peoples, Sharon Fazio . BACK ROW: Ann Marie Massi, Beverly Borne, Ann McClain, Lisa Wenczel , Colleen Rhoades. Bottom/VARSITY CHEERLEADERS/FRONT ROW: Patty Kiernan , Cheryl Maccaroni , Katie Smith , Lois Fitton. MIDDLE ROW: Michele Buckley , Renee Guidotti : Cara Kluxen , Flo Melker, Alicia Alston . BACK ROW : Carroll Bonan, Nancy Cianfrano, Cindy Messina , Loretta DeCara . Patty Capriotti . Page 151/Top/ J.V. CHEERLEADERS/FRONT ROW: Sara Kleber, Maribeth Mydlowski , Karen Kutch. SECOND ROW: Joann Gagliardi , Joann Valeri. THIRD ROW : Kathy Woods, Donna Vagnozzi, Joann Lammerding. BACK ROW: Mary Rojek. Middle Left: Alicia Alston , Cara Kluxen . Middle Right: Carroll Bonan . Bottom: Renee Guidotti , Flo Melker , Cindy Messina , Michele Buckley, Nancy Cianfrano .


CHEERLEADING "We're gonna look sooo good this year" . . . practicing "Touchdown" and never getting a chance to do it .. . the night soccer games at Mercer Park ... blue and white balloons . . . varsity being overrun with juniors . . . Snapper . .. getting kicked out of the gym every day . . . "How come Michele and .Lois get to do everything together?'' . . . Corsages from the soccer team . . . cheering in the rain . . . "Irish team, supreme" ... sharing in winning and losing .. . trying to sneak our "outlawed" cheers ... dividing 22 uniforms between 24 girls ... Patty Cap coming up with a new game every bus ride ... JV has to sing " Five Golden Rings" . . . "Shaboodie, sha, sha, shaboodie " . .. holding for every pyramid . . . sitting on the floor for an hour "practicing" . . . Miss Derr and Miss Castaldo riding the bus with us . . . our ever-growing repertoire of songs .. . "Yeah, I'm angry, very, very angry" ... ending it all with tears and cheers .. . "Irish, oh Irish, we love you so" ...


Page 152/Top: Joe Kale. Middle/VARSITY BOYS' BASKETBALL: Coach Mr. Hess, Dave Ungrady , Ed Fireall , Harold Hall , Dave Dorozinsky , Bob Burrell , Joe Kale, Jim Ciccone , Ken Rose , Art Harrell , Bill Schuler , Carl Durcanin , Joe Navarro , John Bedard , Coach Mr. Milinowicz. Bottom: Dave Un grady, Ed Fireall. Page 153/ Top: Bill Schuler. Bottom Left: Bob Burrell. Bottom Right: jJ.V. BOYS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Carl Durcanin, Gary Garry, Mark Cashel , Art Harrell , Ed Fireall , BACK ROW: John Castaldo , Don Schuler , Harold Hall , Steve Johnson , John Bedard , Coach Milinowicz.


78 48 51 45 59 61 65 35 63 68 58 64 53 65 62 53 81 69 78 90 34 64 45 71 57 65 57

OPP. Lawrence 路 Holy Cross St. Peter Delaware Valley Del haas St. Athony Steinert Trenton Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Lawrence Princeton St. Anthony Gloucester Catholic Hopewell Valley West Windsor Hopewell Valley Hightstown West Windsor Trenton Hamilton Steinert Princeton Ewing St. Anthony Camden Catholic State Tournament


41 40 50路 47 42 56 48 84 69 57 57 47 58 61 65 46 58 60 66 72 54 58 69 59 67 55 63

BOYS' BASKETBALL .. . thinking that we COULD be good .. . dreams of a State Championship . . . coaches Mr. Hess and . Mr. Milinowicz sharing varsity and J.V. duties and always keeping us "ready" ... opening up with two impressive wins over Holy Cross and St. Peter's ... "Canin" out for the year with a knee injury ... Where 's WoFat? ... first loss to Delaware Valley- we let it get away ... super-soph Ed Fireall - the penetrator .. . " Soul in the Role" . .. bringing the Christmas Tournament home for the holidays ... Bill Schuler and Joe Kale making the All -Tourney Team ... getting "homered " at Hamilton . .. beating the clock in Hightstown ... going into Trenton with a respectable 8-1 record- then getting blown out before an SRO crowd .. . a two hour team meeting letting it all out . . . out- hustling, out-fighting, out-wanting a win against St. Anthony 's and getting it ... having the best bench around ... Jenks watching and waiting , then finally playing ... Joe Navarro- Mr . Defense .. . the first undefeated J.V. squad in N.D. History . . . "Nice move, Cash " ... collecting money from game mistakes for a post season " grub out" ... spending your spare time playing pin ball . . . trying to reach twenty wins ... feeling the strain of a long season . .. being seeded No. 1 in the South Jersey State Tourney . . . Let's not let anyone down ... realizing that we ARE good . ..


Page 154/Top left: Ken Rose . Top Right: Bob Burrell , Joe Kale , Ed Fireall , Ken Rose . Bottom/FRESHMAN BOYS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Mario Mangone . Dave Mercurio , Dave Harrell , Mark Tobias , Phil Butler , Kelly Salvadore . BACK ROW : Coach Mr. Joe Wyers , Swillie Ross, John O'Reilly , Flip Faherty , John Golden, Dave McCreedy . Page 155/Top/VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBAll路 /FRONT ROW : Caren Castaldo , Melissa Barrett , Diane Olech , Jill Holsneck, Lisa DeAngelo. MIDDLE ROW: Bibber Dovgala , Barb Plunkett , Theresa Yalatka , Katie Casey , Donna Dovgala . BACK ROW : Patty Baylog, Jane Liedtka , Erin Clancy , Mrs. Barbara Major, Lind a Nicolai , Stephanie Pirozzi . Middle: Mr. Ardery , Father Hughes, Diane Olech , Mrs . Major. Bottom: Erin Clancy .


GIRLS' BASKETBALL ... playing with determination to bring the Mercer County title home forever ... laps, sprints, and wall taps ... team room decorated in early American "Peanuts" ... challenging each other at practice ... "Come on - double or nothing!" . . . Erin's pre-game pep talks filling the team with inspiration . . . Hank, our faithful fan doubling as a bus driver ... gathering a few pointers at ·the Spectrum ... easily winning the first girls' Christmas Tournament at Steinert . . . Diane taking MVP honors and joining Caren on the All-Tourney team ... finally being in the spotlight at our first night game . . . super-subs always turning in 100 percent efforts . .. denying until you drop . .. "Who's on her? big Barb calling the shots and making it work . . . "Are you sure that ' s an option? Diane triumphantly scoring her 1OOOth point at Highstown . .. presenting the game ball to the first girl in Mercer County to reach the plateau . . . dedication from all sides managers, statisticians and loyal fans ... winding up 22-3 in season competition . . . Clancy's Clan capturing the third consecutive Mercer County Championship . . . the excitement of a state tournament double header with the boys . . . believing that someone up there really does wear an N.D. T-shirt "We don't mess around!" .. . II







77 59 46 76 68 49 78 65 41 54 51 49 44 58 58 72 68 82 104 63 52 31 74 70 34 86 57


Lawrence Hamilton Holy Cross Delaware Valley Hunterdon Central Steinert St. Anthony Trenton Ewing West Windsor Princeton Hightstown Hopewell St. Anthony Steinert Lawrence Hamilton Ewing West Windsor Princeton Hightstown Hopewell St . Anthony Steinert Gloucester Catholic ¡ Wall Manasquan


30 35 62 12 46 40 23 30 40 24 45 27 38 31 31 24 23 39 24 54 32. 42 42 50 48 50



Page 156/Top: Diane Olech, Bottom Left/FRESHMAN GIRLS' BASKETBALL/FRONT ROW: Jackie Shelly, Ginny Brenton, Jill Weasner , Valerie Krzywkowski , Sharon Mitchell, Judy Dirk. BACK ROW: Nancy Hayden , Cherry Destura , Norma Tursi , Lisa Tramontana , Terry Laird, Coach Mrs. Koschek . Bottom Right: Caren Castaldo. Page 157 /Top Left: Donna Dovgala . Bottom Left/ J.V. GIRLS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Mary Anne Dorozinsky , Anne Carlin, Kathy Militig, Chris Agocs , Beth Franzoni . MIDDLE ROW: Darlene Leonard , Maureen Gavin , Sue Ciccone, Judy Brennan, Linda Dirk , Kathy Houston . BACK ROW : Anne Vrancik, Jennett Ingrassia , Colleen Kale , Mrs. Rovello , Maureen Shelly , Jean Reres . Bottom Row: Caren Castaldo , Erin Clancy , Mrs. Rovello .


WRESTLING ... a man's sport . ..

running steps . . . practicing in the "mat" room . .. skipping lunch and still having to take off your ring to make weight . . . Co-captains Bill McGlone and Ralph Gallo leading other leaders . . . Doug Kopec having the best personal record on the team ( 17 -3) . . . the toughest six minutes of your life ... sheer determination .. . shoot the half . .. the utter satisfaction vf pinning your opponent .. . the complete frustration of getting pinned . . . a disheartening defeat at the hands of C.B.A .. . . getting psyched and staying psyched . . . edging West-Windsor in a "biggie' ! . . . winning seven in a row .. . victoriously hosting the county Christmas Tourney . .. Mr. Dambro and Mr. Beck - coaching a consistent team . .. Blisko the psycho . . . finishing second in the county with the best record in the school 's history ( 13-4) .. . eleven wrestlers with a winning record . . . Carl Spirazza , Bill McGlone , and Mike Vagnozzi earning third place honors in the districts .. . knowing that you did your best, but wishing that you could have done more . . . a growing program with a promising future . . .


Page 158/Top: John Cugasi. Middle Right: Bill McGlone . Ralph Gallo . Bottom: John Cugasi . Page 159/Middle VARSITY WRESTLING/ FRONT ROW: Chris Cantwell, Doug Kopec . John Cugasi , Mike Vagnozzi. Ed Bedard , Bill Suffern . BACK ROW: Mr . Dambra. Paul Blisko, Carl Spirazza. Alberto Gonzales. Ralph Gallo , David Treadwell . Bottom: Doug Kopec, John Cugasi, Mike Vagnozzi, Mr . Beck. Mr . Dambra , Ralph Gallo .




N.D .

26 42 53 60 27 34 21 26 36 10 23 53 28 42 60 53 44


Allentown St. John Vianney Bristol Morrisville Steinert Holy Cross Hopewell Valley CBA Trenton Phillipsburg Catholic West Windsor Hamilton Ewing Vorhees Gloucester Catholic Lawrence Princeton

29 15 ' 8" 6. 2!' 18'"

30' 27. 26 40 18 6 197 0

12 10

Page 160/Middle left: Bill McGlone . Middle Right: Mike Vagnozzi. Bottom: Chris Ottaunick. Page 161/TopjJ.V. WRESTLING TEAM FRONT ROW: Ron Scarn a, Tim Mahoney, Aldo Gonzales, Richard Krawczun , John Ruberto . BACK ROW: Chris Ottaunick, Frank Dennehy , Ray Wendrzycki , Rich Leadem , Mike Griffin , Mr. Jon Beck. Bottom left: Bill McGlone . Middle Right: Chris Cantwell.



Page 162/Top Left: Cindy Antoniewicz. Top Right: Brian Keyes . Bottom Left: Rich Leadem. Bottom Right: Cheryl Maccaroni. Page 163/Top Left: Deeann Couch . Top Right: Lionel Ellis. Bottom Left: Sister Catherine Darcy. Bottom Right: Jeff Antoniewicz.


Page 164/ Top Right: Bob Ploof. Top Left: Caren Castaldo . Middle: Mr. Ardery , Mr. Wagner . Bottom: Diane Olech. Page 165/ Top: Mrs. Major, Mrs. Rovello. Middle Left: Joe Kale. Middle Right: Dave Dudeck. Bottom: Kathy Owens, Sue Ciccone .




SENIOR CLASS HISTORY: . . . Once upon a time . .. itsy-bitsy trash . . . a difficult beginning - split sessions on the 12:10 to 3:50 shift . . . the last ones to remember the great " skirt purge" ... recalling days of the 4 1 /2-inchabove-the-middle-of-the-knee skirt requirements and the 8100 Discipline Office . .. gradually getting used to the smell of tar and the sound of banging hammers ... concluding a. topsy- turvy year with a visit to Washington's Crossing .. . silly sophs . . . Jeff, the lone male among a group of girls . . . driving Mr. Sciarrotta crazy . . . " I don 't think anything happened our sophomore year! " ... preparing for a busy next year . .. jolly juniors ... seventysix turns and a theme of " Get Together " ... not exactly the cleanest class record of recent years . . . Ginny and the dancing pies ... "How am I going to get twenty-four pies home on the Mercer Metro? ' ' . .. our leaders emerging ... Great Adventure - it was ... " Friends " somewhere along the way that's exactly what we became .. . the mightly seniors (finally) . . . a new crop of editors , captains and presidents taking over . . . Have we gelled? . . . buttons proclaiming our class pride .. . Katy , (Bites, Beach, Beich ?) our constant companion for a week of frenzied selling ... eating your whole quota of crunch bars in one sitting ... Gret, the beginning and the end ... Florida, an emphatic statement that we 'd made it as a class . .. the bicentennial class - " red , white and blue tassels?" ... " The Hands of Time" - the tune was familiar . . . it all werit by so quickly . . . Will we all live happily ever after? .. .

Page 168/Top: Art Eng. Midd.le Left: Liz Heinzel . Middle Right: Tricia Smith . Bottom Left: Miss Grant. Bottom Middle: Donnie Peters . Bottom Right: .Janie Fasanella . Diane Fecak . Page 169/Top Left: Gret Fechter . Top Right: Kelly Coley . Middle Right: Theresa Bencivenga. Bottom Left: Marqueritte Korenz . Bottom Middle: Erin Clancy. Bottom Right: Kevin Kelly.


TOP TEN/Page 170/Top Left: Oleh Plys, sixth place . Top Right: Halina Walczak, fifth place. Middle Left: Linda Nicholai , first place. Middle Right: Billy Ann Kubaugh, third place Bottom: Frank Ragany, second place. Page 171/Top: Sue Thornton, eighth .place. Middle Left: Laurie Powell, ninth place . Middle Right: Liz Korpusinski , fourth place. Bottom Left: Kathy Harding, tenth place. Bottom Right: Marie Colosimo, seventh place




Page 172/Special Senior Achievements/Top: Students receiving National Merit Scholarship Letters of Commendation : SEATED : Frank Ragany , Sue Thornton . Middle Left: Mary Alice Amari. member of Ewing Board of Recreation . Middle Right: Gary Nigh, National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation . member of Ewing Zoning Board . winner of the Princeton Democratic Committee Essay Contest . Bottom: Nancy Cianfrano. Homecoming Queen . Page 173/Top: John Ehret. Honorable Mention in the Princeton Democratic Committee Essay Contest. Middle: Oleh Plys . Bausch and Lomb Science Award . Bottom Left: National Honor Society Scholarship Participants : Laurie Powell . Liz Korpusinski . Bottom Right: Grace Coppola , Bicentennial Minute Contest winner.


Jane Adam

Kathleen Allen

Patricia Allen

Ervin Allgood

Mary Alice Amari

Andrene Andrews John Butera

Louise Angebranndt


Gerald Angel

Gregory Apai

Michael Atwood

Anita Avolio

Dave Ungrady, Guy Castranova

John Bailey

Lee Ann Barber

Maureen Barna

Christine Beale

Edward Bedard

Kimberly _Baran

Kenneth Bartolino

Patricia Baylog


Theresa Bencivenga

John Bentz


I Lawrence Bernhard

Kathleen Betz


Patty Foy

Mark Bertone

Irene Beumer

Janet Bianco

Carmella Bilotti

David Bird

Paul Blisko

Saundra Boatwright

Carroll Bonan

James Boozan

Thomas Borcsik

Gary Borne

Nancy Breimann

Terence Brennan

Paula Bucci

Christina Buchanan

Virginia Buckley

Marie Colosimo


Robert Burrell

John Butera

John Callaghan

Michael Cantwell

Patricia Capriotti

Mr. Dambro, Bob Celli

Linda Carlisi

Stephen Carney


Anthony Castaldo

Guy Castranova

David Cebulko

Robert Celli

Susan Centomain

Barbara Chepiga

Stanley Chidzik

Laura Christensen

Lois Christensen

Nancy Cianfrano


~rin Clancy

Patricia Cleary

Kelline Coley

John Connelly

Dave Dorozinsky, DeAngelo



Graciela Coppola

Sandy Corbin

Mary Corvino

Christopher Costa

Donna Costigan

Elizabeth Cowell

Archiebald Croux

Mildred Currie

Mary Ann Curry

Susan Czerna

German Martinez, Steve Stewart


Thomas Dadu.ra

Charles D'Amico

Carl Danbury

Angelina Danka

Charles DeAngelo

Loretta DeCara

Susan Decker

Albert Decowski

Tom Petro

Mary Ann Decker

Nancy Decker


Anthony DeJoie

Joseph DeMille


Gary Nigh , Sue Thornton

Patrick Delorenzo

John Deodato

John Dickson

Jeffrey Dill

David Dorozinsky

Kathryn Dovgala

James Downey

David Dudeck

Aurora D'Uiisse

Thomas Durnan

Thomas Edinger

John Ehret

Archie Croux

Lionel Ellis

Johnny Elmore

Arthur Eng

Richard Erkoboni


Jeffrey Evans

Timothy Everett

Dennis Faherty

Frank Faraone

Georganne Fares

Kevin Myers

Margaret Fasanella

Diane Fecak

Margaret Fechter 184

Glenn Fernandes

Anthony Garofalo

Donna Fifer

Anne Fitzpatrick

Andrea Fonseca

Vernita Fowler

Patricia Foy

Eric Franzoni

Donna Gall

Ralph Gallo

Michael Gerasimowicz

Rosanna Giancola

JoAnn Gill


Carmen Gomez

William Goerlich

Mary Alice Graziano

Thomas Goodstein

Andrene Andrews

Denise Hamlet

Joseph Guth

Kathleen Harding


William Harlicka

Lucille Hearney

John Hebeler

Jeffrey Heckman

Elizabeth Heinzel

Larry Hemingway

Jean Herman

Russell Hobson

David Hofmann

Martin Holsneck

Kathryn Housman

Margaret Hughes

Loretta DeCara


Jennett Ingrassia

Ravinder Jagannath

Michael Jasien

Richard Nabinger, Mark Stephan, Gigi Fares, Steve Pappaterra, Chris Raywood, Tom Goodstein.

Julianne Jones


Robert Jones

Debra Kaczanowski

Joseph Kale

Mary Kanda

Edward Karas

Sabine Karlowitsch

Theresa Keagy

Joanne Keck

Kathy Keelan

Ellen Kelly

Paul Kehler

Carol Kemler

Kevin Kelly

Mike Vagnozzi

Lisa Kirikian

Brian King

Ronald Kissel

Constance Kliwinski 189

Margueritte Korenz

Elizabeth Korpusinski

Marie Kosco

Michael Kovacs

Dave Hofmann , Ron Kissel, Jim Miller

Stephen Krawiec 190

Cynthia Krecicki

Karen Krisak

Karl Krueger

Billie Ann Kubaugh

Joseph Langer

Maureen Kucharski

Alexander Ladnyk

Lea Landolfi

James Lanigan

Frank Lenartowicz

Eileen Lanigan


Suzanne Lengyel

Joyce Leonard

Linda Lepper

Lydia Lesh

Mr. Sebastiani , Mark Stephan , Richard McDonald , Mr. Stephan 191

Frank Levanduski

Carol Ann Lewis

Michael Liedtka

Marlene Lisiecki

Marlene Macovitch

Leo Mahony

Kathleen Lintott

Sharon Makohuz

Laura Maloney

Kathy McCarthy


Linda Mancuso

Michael Mancuso

German Martinez

Maria Maruca

John Hebeler

Mary Masick

George Mattonelli

Stephen Maurer

Anthony Mazzella

Richard McDonald

Kathleen McCarthy

Marjorie McCarty

Janet McDonald


Robin McKithen

Kathryn Mclaughlin

William McGlone

James McManimon

JoAnne McManimon

Maureen McQuade

Timothy Meagher

Maggi Napoleon

Colette Mears

Cynthia Messina

Susan Miele 194

James Miller

Michael Miller

Sandra Miscavage

Martin Mockler

Kathleen Moran

Mary Ann Morreale

Mary Mullaney

., . 路. t

Patricia Mulligan

~ '

Bernadette Murphy

Virginia Murphy

Nancy Muzyk Jeff Heckman , Virginia Przechacki


Kevin Myers

Richard Nabinger

Nick Tamasi

Maggi Napoleon

Joseph Navarro

Pamela Nerwinski

Linda路 Nicolai

Robert Notta

Veronica Nowacki

James O'Brien

Gary Nigh


Megan O'Donnell

Patricia Olynyk

Carmen Ortiz

Brian O'Shea

Nancy Paolini

Jacqueline Papp

Donald Ottaunick






Denise Owens

Bill McGlone

Charlene Palejczyk

Teresa Palmer



Martin Pappaterra

Stephen Pappaterra

Helena Pastuchow

David Paulaski

Tony DeJoie, Joe Szedu la

Cynthia Payton

Donnie Peters

Thomas Petro

Jeffrey Petrozzi n i

Eileen Phillips

William Picatagi

Carolyn Piechowski

Robert Ploof

Angela Plumeri

Oleh Plys

Laurie Powell

Virginia Przechacki

Kathleen Pulcini

Diane Quinlan

Brian Rafferty

Frank Ragany

Mary Lou Ratico

Christopher Raywood

Carl Spirazza , Richard Sullivan , Sheri Shenk, Bill Schuler, Bob Scairpon.


Geoffrey Raywood

Richard Regan

Robert Reilly

Mark Ridge

John Van Sant

Stephen Ritter

Edward Roche


Thomas Roche

Kenneth Rogoza

Gerard Rondinelli

Kenneth Rose

John Rossetti

John Rugarber

Diane Russert

Gary Russo

Kenneth Rutkowski

John Samonski

Joni Sampson

Elsa Santoro

Kathy Housman


Walter Sawka

Debra Sapienza

Christopher Schreiber

William Schuler

Dolores Schwartz

Joann Serock

Edward Shanoskie

Sheri Shenk

Louise Angebranndt


Robert Scairpon

Timothy Shoriak

Carol Sigafoos

Frank Lenartowicz, Marty Pappaterra

Joseph Simko

Kenneth Slowikowski

Daniel Spalluto

Jeffrey Simone

Maureen Smith

Patricia Smith

Carl Spirazza

Donna Springer

Gena Smith

Rosemary Spera


Stephen Stewart

James Streeter

Mark Stephan

Richard Sullivan

Nicholas Tamasi

Nicholas Tancordo

Geoffrey Thompson

Rich Erkoboni, Glenn Fernandes

Susan Thornton

JoAnne Thurman

Joan Tiffert 204

Carmelina Todaro

Gary Tompa

Thomas Venanzi

Cynthia Toporek

David Ungrady

Martine Uveges

Michael Vagnozzi

Catherine Vandewater

John Van Sant

Karen Vernon

Cynthia Voitek

Nicholas Ventura


Deborah Vukovich

Halina Walczak

Kevin Waldron

Michael Waldron

Frederick Wallace

Donna Wallitsch


Barbara Walsh

Laurie Christensen

Michael Wenczel

Neil Wesley

Susan Widmann

Andrew Wierzbowski

Karen Wilson

David Wisniewski

Janet Wnuk

Celine Wojciechowski John Connelly with teacher from Mercer County Vocational

Cheryl Wooding John Woods

Robert Wysienski

John Zegarski


JANE ADAM 1304 Chestnut Avenue Trenton 08611

STEPHEN M.CARNEY 3 Bradway Avenue Trenton 08618

KENNETH BARTOLINO 7 Bolfmar Avenue R.D. # 1 Cranbury 08512


PATRICIA A. BA YLOG 60 Mabel Street Trenton 08638

JAMES BOOZAN 162 Hancock Street Trenton 08611

CHRISTINE L. BEALE 658 Princeton Avenue Trenton 08638

THOMAS BORCSIK 11 DeLotto Drive Trenton 08619

EDWARD BEDARD 422 Vannest Avenue Trenton 08618

GARY BORNE 281 Ewlngvllle Road Trenton 08638

THERESA BENCIVENGO 9 Vahlsing Way Robbinsville 08691

NANCY BREIMANN 591 Dutchneck Road East Windsor 08520

ANDRENE M. ANDREWS 169 Broad Avenue Trenton 08638

JOHN BENTZ 637 Concord Circle Trenton 08618

TERENCE BRENNAN 447 Bellevue Avenue Trenton 08618

LOUISE ANGEBRANNDT 127 Corson Avenue Trenton 08619

LAWRENCE BERNHARD 15 Clover Avenue Trenton 08638

PAULA ROSEMARIE BUCCI 125 Smithfield Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

GERALD JOSEPH ANGEL 2275 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

MARK ANTHONY BERTONE 44 Raleigh Road Kendall Park 08824

CHRISTINA LEIGH BUCHANAN 5 Lumar Road Lawrenceville 08648

GREGORY APAI 23 Metekunk Drive Trenton 08638

KATHLEEN BETZ 124 Landing Street Trenton 08611

MICHAEL J. ATWOOD 257 Hollywood Drive Trenton 08609

IRENE BEUMER 80 Lochatong Road Trenton 08628

ANITA M. AVOLIO 214 Bull Run Road Trenton 08638

JANET M. BIANCO 66 Tee·Ar Place Princeton 08540

JOHN K. BAILEY 32 Rolling Lane Trenton 08690

CARMEt.LA BILOTTI 106 School Lane Trenton 08618

KIMBERLY BARAN 55 Sharon Road Robbinsville 08691

DAVID CHRISTOPHER BIRD 55 Armour Avenue Trenton 08619

LEE ANN BARBER 9 Rydal Drive Lawrenceville 08648

PAUL BUSKO 6 Crown Road Trenton 08638

PATRICIA CAPRIOTTI 3725 East State Street Trenton 08619

KELLINE COLEY 217 Ellis Avenue Trenton 08638

MAUREEN B. BARNA 197 Dodds Lane Princeton D8540

SAUNDRA DEE BOATWRIGHT 132 Rossell Avenue Apt. 2B Trenton 08638

LINDA ANN CARLISI 31 West Paul Avenue Trenton 08638

MARIE COLOSIMO 3 Lanark Drive Trenton 08691


ALLEN 31 Clover Hill Circle Trenton 08638

PATRICIA M. ALLEN 1 Kensington Avenue Trenton 08618 ERVIN ALLGOOD 286 North Willow Street Trenton 08618 MARY ALICE T. AMARI 5 Sherbrooke Road Trenton 08638

617 Westmoreland Drive Trenton 08618

VIRGINIA BUCKLEY 81 Brighton Drive Trenton 08619 ROBERT BURRELL 364 Reservlor Trenton 08618 JOHN J. BUTERA 90 California Avenue Trenton 08619 JOHN CALLAGHAN 38 Monroe Drive Trenton 08619 MICHAEL CANTWELL 630 Latona Avenue Trenton 08618

ANTHONY CASTALDO 1170 Klockner Road Trenton 08619 GUY CASTRANOVA 126 E•ton Avenue Trenton 08619 DAVID CEBULKO 10 Clive Center Trenton 08638 ROBERT CELLI 200 Mt. Lucas Road Princeton 08540 SUSAN CENTOMAIN 442 Centre Street Trenton 08611 BARBARA CHEPIGA 71 Groveland Avenue Trenton 08638 STANLEY CHIDZIK 8 Garth Avenue Trenton 08638 LAURAE.CHR~TENSEN

2 Springwood Drive Princeton Junction 08550 LOIS CHRISTENSEN 14 Shellflower Lane Trenton 08690 NANCY LEE CIANFRANO 34 Macon Drive Trenton 08619 ERIN MARIE CLANCY 18 Patton Drive Trenton 08618 PATRICIA MARIE CLEARY 172 Concord Avenue Trenton 08619

JOHN CONNELLY 3oo Sharon Road Robbinsville 08691

CHARLES DE ANGELO 704 Shady Lane Tren on 08619

DAVID DUDECK 95 Ridgewood Avenue Trenton 08618

DIANE FECAK 146 Galnsboro Road Lawrenceville 08648

QRACIELA J. COPPOLA 610 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville 08648

LORETtA DE CARA 454 Paxson Avenue Trenton 08690

AURORA D'ULISSE 18 East Paul Avenue Trenton 08638

MARGARET FECHTER 17 Cold Spring Road Trenton 08619

SANDY LEIGH CORBIN 188 Girard Avenue Trenton 08638

MARY ANN DECKER 119 Chinnick Avenue Trenton 08619

THOMAS DURN~N 1336 Parkside Avenue Trenton 08638

GLENN FERNANDES 4 Pine HUI Cranbury 08512

MARY CORVINO 1412 Princeton Avenue Trenton 08638

NANCY BARBARA DECKER 695 Pennin~on Avenue Trenton 08618

THOMAS EDINGER 8 Todd Lane Trenton路 08638

DONNA LEE FIFER 526 Centre Street Trenton 08611

CHRISTOPHER J. COSTA 536 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

SUSAN DECKER 119 Chlnnick Avenue Trenton 08619

JOHN EHRET 2525 Main Street Lawrenceville 08648

ANNE FITZPATRICK 49 Baybeny Road Trenton 08618

DONNA COSTIGAN 38 Pintlnalll Drive Trenton 08619

ALBERT DECOWSKI 2614 Quakerbrldge Road Trenton 08619

LIONEL ELLIS 761 Stuyvesant Avenue Trenton 08618

ANDREA B. FONSECA 1627 Exton Avenue Trenton 08610

ELIZABETH COWELL 29 Woodside Avenue Trenton 08618

ANTHONY DE JOIE 170 Sherwood Avenue Trenton 08619

JOHNNY ELMORE 113 Jackson Street Trenton 08638

VERNITA FOWLER 64 Evans Avenue Trenton 08638

ARCHIEBALD CROUX 1437 Edgewood Avenue Trenton 08618

PATRICK DELORENZO 34 Bayberry Road Trenton 08618

ARTHUR ENG 35 North Warren Street Trenton 08608

PATRICIA FOY 54 Brockton Road Trenton 08619

MILDRED E. CURRIE 978 Smith Street Trenton 08610

JOSEPH DE MILLE 59 Oak Lane Trenton 08618

RICHARD ERKOBONI 771 Bunker Hill Avenue Trenton路 08648

ERIC FRANZONI 25 Bayberry Road Trenton 08618

MARYANN CURRY 182 Edinburg Road Robbinsville 08691

JOHN DEODATO 2850 .Princeton Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

JEFREY EVANS 138 Oliver Avenue Trenton 08618

DONNA GALL 18 Shellflower Lane Trenton 08190

SUSAN CZERNA 144 Gary Drive Trenton 08690

JOHN DICKSON 543 Edinburg Road Trenton 08619

TIMOTHY EVERETT 29 Perdicaris Place Trenton 08618

RALPH M. GALLO 157 Abernethy Drive Trenton 08628

THOMAS DADURA 路 64 Marshall Avenue Trenton 08619

JEFFREY S. DILL 2340 Stuyvesant Avenue Trenton 08618

DENNIS FAHERTY 2164 Pennington Road Trenton 08638

ANTHONY GAROFALO 2024 White Horse Ham. Sq. Rd. Trenton 08690

CHARLES D'AMICO 919 Mulberry Street Trenton 08638

DAVID D. DOROZINSKY 223 Maple Avenue Trenton 08618

FRANK FARAONE 246 Franklin Street Hightstown 08520


KATHRYN DOVGALA 578 Rutherford Avenue Trenton 08618

GEORGANNE FARES 2759 Nottingham Way Trenton 08619

ROSANNA GIANCOLA 728 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

':NGELINA ANN DANKO 101 Hancock Street Trenton 08611

JAMES DOWNEY 665 Parkway Aveue Trenton 08618

MARGARET FASANELLA 12 Lisbon Avenue Trenton 08638

JOANN GILL 8 Bockleigh Drive Trenton 08628

LAWRENCE DANBURY JR. 3 Monroe Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

ICHAEL GERASIMOWICZ 220 Brookside Avenue Trenton 08638


WILLIAM GO£RLICH 12 Berkshire Drive East Windsor 08520

DAVID HOFMANN 19 Coldspring Road Trenton 08619

JOANNE KECK 141 Park Avenue Hamilton Square 08690

CARMEN GOMEZ 233 Grand Street Trenton 08611

MARTIN HOLSNECK 53 Sherbrooke Road Trenton 08638

KATHY ~EELAN 16 Shellflower Lane Hamilton Square 08690

THOMAS GOODSTEIN 68 Tudor Drive Hamilton Square 08690

KATHRYN ANN HOUSMAN 25 Bakun Way Trenton 08638

MARY ALICE GRAZIANO 220 Edinburg Road Trenton 08619

MARGARET HUG ES 437 Parkway Avenue Trenton 08618

JOSEPH GUTH 1562 12th Street Trenton 08638

JENNETT INGRASSIA 12 Glen Clair Drive Trenton 08618

DENISE HAMLET 121 Broad Avenue Trenton 08628

RAVINDER JAGANNATH 630 Centre Street Trenton 08611

KATHLEEN HARDING 17 Jill Lane Trenton 08638

MICHAEL JASIEN 55 East Welling Avenue Pennington 08538

WILLIAM HARLICKA 6 Glen Mawr Drive Trenton 08618

JULIANNE JONES 11 Hereford Drive Princeton Junction 08550

LUCILLE HEARNEY 972 South Broad Street Trenton 08611

ROBERT JONES 12 Perro Place Trenton 08690

JOHN HEBELER 70 Pine Knoll Drive Lawrenceville 08648 JEFFREY HECKMAN R.D. #4 Box 466 Princeton 08540 ELIZABETH HEINZEL Drakes Corner Road Princeton 08540


DEBRA KACZANOWSKI 25 Michigan Avenue Trenton 08638 JOSEPH C. KALE JR. 3020 Nottingham Way Trenton 08619 MARY KANDA 13 Rocldand Road Trenton 08638

LARRY HEMINGWAY 94 Vine Street Trenton 08638

EDWARD KARAS 371 Second Street Trenton 08611

JEAN HERMAN 722 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

SABINE KARLOWITSCH 9 Wharian Court Yardville 08620

RUSSELL HOBSON . 430 Ewingville Road Trenton· 08638

THERESA KEAGY 71 Hardwick Drive Trenton 08638

PAUL KEHLER 11 Cumberland Road Hamilton Square 08690 ELLEN KELLY 17 Riverside Drive Trenton 08618 KEVIN BARRY KELLY 226 Trenton Avenue Trenton 08619 CAROL KEMLER 154 Second Street Trenton 08638 BRIA KING 76 Albemarle Road Hamilton Square 08690 LISA KIRIKIAN 7 Twin Oaks Drive Trenton 08648 RONALD KISSEL 152 Robblnsviii•AIIentown Rd. Robbinsville 08691 CONSTANCE KLIWINSKI 207 Parkway Avenue Trenton 08618 ARGUERITTE KORENZ 17 Sabrina Drive Trenton 08628 ELIZABETH KORPUSINSKI 14 Tartan Court Trenton 08648 MARIE KOSCO 33 Cold Spring Road Trenton 08619

STEPHEN KRAWIEC 820 Brunswick Avenue Trenton 08638 CYNTHIA A. KRECICKI 947 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638 KAREN FRANCES KRISA 61 Vermont Street Trenton 08648 KARL KRUEGER 551 Atlantic A Trenton 08629 BILLIE ANN J. KUBAUGH 24 Deerwood Drive. Hamilton Square 08619 MAUREEN KUC.HARSKJ 34 Weslegan Drive Trenton 08.6 90

ALEXANDER LADNYK 7 44 Centre Stree Trenton 08611 LEA LANDOLFI 151 Richardson Roecl Robblnnllle 08611 JOSEP" LANGER 1030 North Olden Avenue Trenton 08638 EILEEN JOAN LANIGAN 127 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638 JAMES LANIGAN 127 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638 FRANK LENARTOWICZ 1410 Princeton Avenue Trenton 08638

MICHAEL KOVACS 95 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08618

SUZANNE LENGYEL 2006 Brunswick Avenue Trenton 08638

DANIEL KOVAL 908 Lamberton Square Trenton 08611

JOYCE L. LEONARD 371 Union Street Trenton 08611

LINDA ILENE LEPPER 18 Bakun Way Trenton 08638

MARIA LYNN MARUCA 1308 Prine ton Avenue Trenton 08638

MAUREEN MC QUADE 3260 ottingham Way Trenton 08619

VIRGINIA MURPHY 702 Daniels Avenue Trenton 08690

LYDIA LESH 194 Dodds Lane Princeto 08540

MARY MASICK 7 Salem Place Trenton 08619

TIMOTHY J. MEAGHER 2 Alyce Court Lawrenceville 08648

NANCY MUZYK 327 Ellis Avenue Trenton 08638

FRANK LEV DOWSKI Perrineville Road Robbinsville 08691

11 Macon Drive Tr nton 08619

COLETTE V. MEARS Longhill Road Neshanic 08853

209 Hillhunt Avenue Tr non 08619

CYNTHIA MESSINA 810 Brunswick Avenue Trenton 08638

ANTHONY MAZZELLA 127 Washington Road Princeton 08540

KATHLEEN 41 White Road Trenton 08690 MA

LISIECKI 1028 North Olden Avenue Trenton 08638 NE MACOVITCH 1 Kennedy Lane

KATHLEEN MCCARTHY 446 Princeton Avenue Hamilton Township 08619 MARJORIE MC CARTY 14 Lakeview Avenue Kingston 08528 JANET MC DONALD 1 New Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08638

teiJton 08638

LEO H. MAHONY JR. Hopewell Woodsville Road Hopewell 08525 SHARON LYNN MAKOHUZ 1805 Cheatnut Avenue T;enton 08611 LAURA MARY MALONEY 1 Maddock Road Trenton 08628 LINbA L. MANCUSO 17 Allegheny Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

RICHARD MC DONALD 119 Pearl Street Trenton 08609 WILLIAM MC GLONE 164 Churchill Avenue Trenton 08610 ROBIN MC KITHEN 11 McKinley Avenue Trenton 08609 KATHRYN MC LAUGHLIN 89 Clayton Avenue Trenton 08619

SUSAN MIELE 324 Montan Aven e Trenton 08619

KEVIN MYERS 57 Dawes Avenue Trenton 08638 RICHARD NABINGER 16 Sedgwick Roacl Tren on 08690 MAGGI NAPOLEON 109 Richardson Road Robbinsville 08691

JAMES MILLER JOSEPH NAVARRO 20 Kilmer Drive Trenton 08638 MICHAEL MILLER 76 Laurel Avenue Trenton 08618 SANDRA MISCAVAGE 344 Jencohollo Avenue Trenton 08619 MARTIN M. M CKLER VIllage Road Hightstown 08520

PAMELA NERWINSKI 833 Plum Street Trenton 08638 LINDA M. NICOLAI 336 Green Lane Trenton 08638 GARY NIGH 125 Hawthorne Avenue Trenton 08638

KATHLEEN L. MORAN 10 Scott Avenue Princeton Junction 08550

ROBERT NOTTA 38 Federal City Road Trenton 08638

MARY ANN MORREALE 305 Buttonwood Street Trenton 08619

VERONICA NOWACKI 918 North Olden Avenue Trenton 08638

MARY TERESE MULLANEY 21 Lopatcong Drive Trenton 08638

JAMES O'BRIEN 64 Beechwood Avenue Trenton 08618

MICHAEL MANCUSO 17 Allegheny Avenue Trenton 08638

JAMES MC MANIMON 600 Green Way Avenue Trenton 08618

PATRICIA MULLIGAN 108 Susan Drive Trenton 08638

MEGAN O'DONNELL 4 Middleton Avenue Trenton 08628

GERMAN MARTINEZ 101 School Lane Trenton 08618

JO ANNE LYNN MC MANIMON 734 Indiana Avenue Trenton路 08638

BERNADETTE MURPHY 212 Ewing Street Princeton 08540

PATRICIA ANN OLYNYK 10 Fairview Road Robbinsville 08691


CARMEN ORTIZ 161 Federal City Road Lawrenceville 08648

THOMAS M. PETRO 30 Kino Boulevard Mercerville 08619

MARY LOU RA 6 Hon.,._.. Lane Trenton 8


J. JEFFREY PETROZZINI 12 Euclid Avenue Kinpton 08528

CHRISTOPHER T. RAYWOO 104 Woodside Avenue 路 Trenton 08618

EILEEN PHILLIPS 41 Myrtle Avenue Trenton 08638

GEOFFREY A. RAYW 104 Woodside Avenue Trenton 08618

WILLIAM PICATAGI 78 Pennwood Drive Trenton 08638

RICHARD REGAN 177 rayson Avenue Trenton 08619

CAROLYN PI ECHO SKI 632 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

ROBERT REILLY 9 Llanfair Lane renton 08618

ROBERT PLOOF 25 Carlton Avenue Trenton 08638

MARK IDGE 9 Jonathan Drive Trenton 08619


704 Rosedale Road P on 08540

N NCYPAOUNI 23 Nassau Street Trenton 08 38 JACQUELINE PAPP 10 Darby Court Trenton 08628

OLEH J. PLYS 625 Adeline Street Trenton 08611

STEPHEN RITTER 27 Pinehurst Drive Cranbury 08512 ED A D ROCHE 937 Bellevue Avenue Trenton 08618

LAURIE POWELL 66 California Avenue Trenton 08619

THOMAS ROCHE 5 Beechwood Avenue Trenton 08618

STEPHEN PAPPATERRA 510 Farragut Avenue Trenton 08629

VIRGIN A PRZECHACKI 155 Review Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

KENNETH ROGOZA 778 Beatty Street Trenton 08611

HELENA PASTUCHOW 66 Brenwall Avenue Trenton 08618

KATHLEEN PULCINI 138 Lowell Avenue Trenton 08619

GERARD RONDINELLI 30 Macon Drive Trenton 08619

DAVID PAULASKI 24 Kilmer Drive Trenton 08638

DIANE QUINLAN 135 Edinburg Road Mercerville 08619

KENNETH J. ROSE II 890 Spruce Street Trenton 08611

CYNTHIA C. PAYTON 97 Chestnut Avenue Trenton 08609

BRIAN RAFFERTY 1100 Lower Ferry Road Trenton 08618

JOHN ROSSETT 212 Mill r Street Trenton 08638

DONNIE L. PETERS 1046 Southard Street Trenton 08638

FRANK J. RAGANY R.F.D. #4 Old Road Box 756 Princeton 08540


MARTIN PAPPATERRA 510 Farragut Avenue Trenton 08629


ANGELA PLUMERI 24 Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619


53 Pollmann Avenu Trenton 08619

SHERI SHENK Box 171 Wln,-•:.n Hightstown 08llO

STEPHEN L STEWART JR. 95 Richardson Road Robbinsville 08691

MARTINE J. UVEGES 30 Deerwood Drive Trenton 08619

BARBARA M. WALSH 42 Bakun Way Trenton 08638

MICHAEL A. VAGNOZZI 17 Buckingham Avenue Trenton 08618 RICHA. AMES SULLIVAN JR. I Florlster Drive

Tret'lton 08690

J HN E. VANSANT 8 1 West State Street Trenton 08618

NICHOLAS TAMASI 49 rdman Avenue Prince n 08540

THOMAS M. V NANZI 12 Verona Avenue Trenton 08619

GEOFFREY C. HOMPSON 82 Hillcrest v n ue Trenton 08618

Fackler Road R.D. #3306 Princeton 08540 PATRICIA SMITH 5 Corey Drive Trenton 08628 DANIEL SPALLUTO 9 Aster Road Tredton 08190

• ROSEMARY SPERA 23 DMrter Street

Trenton 08.38

SUSAN THORNT N 12 Twin Oa Drive l r ce ill 648 JOANNE THURMAN 1 Oliver Avenue Trenton 08618 JOAN M. TIFFERT 110 Saybrook Avenue Trenton 08619 CARMELINA TODARO 2292 Spruce Street Trenton 08638 GARY S. TOMPA 35 Norcron Circle Trenton 08619

G. STEPHAN I Allee Way Trenton 01138

CATHERINE VANDEWATER 222 Young Road Trenton 08619

JOSEPH A. SZEDULA 391 EWirigvllle R renton 0863

NICHOLAS F. TANCORDO 366 Regina Avenue ercervllle 08619

MICHAEL WENCZEL 1958 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville 08648 NEIL WESLEY 572 Bellevue Avenue Tren on 08618 SUSA WID ANN 44 VIne Str Trenton 086 EW J. WIER

NICHOLAS VENTURA 317 Maple Avenue Trenton 08618

KAREN LYNN WILSON 114 Race Street Trenton 08638

KAREN VERNON 24 Winterset Drive Trenton 08690

DAVID J. WISNIEWSKI 245 Garfield Avenue Trenton 08629

CYNTHIA VOITEK 23 Lopatcong Drlv Trenton 08638

JANET WNUK 375 Green Lane Trenton 08638

DEBORA VUKOVIC 323 Second Street Trenton 0861

B. CELINE WOJCIECHOWSKI 629 Ohio Avenue Tren 08638

HALINA J. WALCZAK 857 Indiana Avenue Trenton 08638 KEVIN N. WALDRON 1 1 Morningside Drive Tren on 08618

CHERYL ANN WOODING 90 Evans Avenue ·~~-~~ Trenton 08638

MICHAEL: WALDRON 321 Clearfield Avenue Apt. 18 Trenton 08618

CYNTHIA TOPOREK 29 E gewood Road Robbi nsvllle 08691

FREDERICK L. WALLACE 74 VIne Street Trenton 08638

DAVID JOHN UNGRADY 722 River Road Trenton 08628

DONNA MARIE WALLITSCH 20 Aquetong Lane on 08628


35 Dawe Avenue Trenton 08638

JOHN WOODS 179 Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619 ROBERT F. WYSIENSKI 12 Orne Avenue Trenton 08638

102 Houghton Avenue Trenton 08638

Well , I never!

All I need now is a tutu!

A little too tight, Father!

I've had it! Did you see what I saw? Hey man, what's happenin'?

Page 214/Top Left: Jeff Schrader. Top Middle: Sister Charlotte . Top Right: Jeff Heck- . man, Ginny Przechacki . Middle Left: Fay Bozsolak. Middle: Lucy Fonda . Bottom Left: Nancy Cianfrano . Bottom Right: Joe Kale . Page 215/Top Left: Ray Zak. Top Right: Mark Stephan . Middle Left: Kathy Owen. Middle: Cindy Antoniewicz . Middle Right: Jill Holsneck. Bottom: Anita Avolio .

I got it! I got it!


Sure was good!

I find these jumping jacks a little too difficult.

I must. J must




Now you ' re gonna get it!

Look ma, four arms!

I don't believe it!


• ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ... As I turn the pages of this book, I think of all the time, thought, devotion and love th'at fill each one . The work that went into putting this book together is unimaginable unless you were there with us on those long weekends when we struggled to meet our deadlines. I only wish more people could have shared those moments with us and discovered how a group of mere acquaintances can turn into a beautiful team . I would like to thank the following people for the part they have played in making CANTICLE what it is: Mr. Frank Ball, our yearbook representative, for his smile, concern , and punctuality; Don, our photographer, for his "back in a flash" pictures and reliability; Sister Pat for her calmness, reassurance , and quick comments ; Miss Giampet for her worrying, little extra reminders , and the everlasting coffee pot corner; all the editors: Lois, Sarabeth, Mauree.n, Martine, Mary Lou, John, Dave, and Patty for everything they have done to make CANTICLE 1976 a real success; and especially those faithful members _of our staff who are not always recognized but are always appreciated as a vital part of the CANTICLE team. A very special thanks to Sister Charlotte for typing us out of many mazes with her nimble fingers; Kevin Waldron whose question mark symbolized our tomorrow ; and John Deodato whose senior candids filled the pages with faces of today to be remembered tomorrow. To the future CANTICLE staffs, I can only leave one thing , our 1976 book, the greatest thing that was ever put into print. Laurie Christensen Editor-in-chief


Page 216/Top: Miss Theresa Giampetro. Bottom: Mr. Don Syers . Page 217 /Top Left: Sister Patricia Rooney . Top Right: Laurie Christensen . Bottom: Mr . Frank Ball , Jr.

Sports photographs on pages 155-15 7 are courtesy of Steve Mervish and Bill Ryan of the TRENTON IAN .


Words from songs on pages 5, 7, 9 , and 11 are printed with permission from Cherry Lane Music Co ., Englewood Cliffs , N.J . and Irving Music Co . Inc. , Hollywood, California . .•


Index -


Abou -Sabe . Emad 60 Adam . Dorothy 60 Adam . Jane 174 Adams. Guy 60 Adams . Scott 76 Adams . Todd 46. 68 Agocs . Chris 76 . 97. 104. 147. 149. 157. 174 Alley . Ton1 60 Alatsas. Ellen 76 Alba. M1chael 60. 146 Alessi . James 68 Alexandrowicz . Stanley 68. 135 Alfqrd . Kenny 76 Allen . Bill 76 Allen. Kathleen 174 Allen . Mark 60 Allen . Maureen 60 Allen . Patricia 174 Allen . Wayne 60. 134. 135 Allgood. Ervin 91. 99. 127 . 174 Alston . Alecia 76. 150. 151 Alston . Kim 60 Amari . Anthony 76 Amari . Mary Alice 43 . 92 . 172. 174 Amaro . Jackie 60 Anderson. Tim 144 Andreoli . Kathy 76 . 106 Andrews . Andrene 174. 186 Angebranndt . Louise 90. 174. 202 Angebranndt . Mary 58 . 60. 90. 135 Angel . Gerald 97 . 174 Ansley . Daryl 68 Ant~noro . John 47 . 60. 141 Antoniewicz . C~ndy 76. 162. 215 Antoniewicz . Jeffrey 76 . 163 Apai . Anne 68 Apai . Greg 99 . 174 Aquil~no . Maria 76 Archer . Mr . John 42. 141 Archer . Mrs . Margaret 27. 95 Ardery . Mr . Vincent49.164 . 155 AnstogUieta . Elizabeth 68 Arnister . Carolyn 60 Arn1ster . Mrs. Celia 12. 52 Art Department 23 Athanas1us . S1ster Mary 46. 47 . 99 Atkinson . Patty 60 Atwood . Michael 175 Atwood . Steven 76 AV Department 32 Avellino . Scott 68 Avol1o . An1ta 175. 215 -- B --

Babeck1 . Matthew 68 Bacs1k . Chns 76 Bacso . L1sa Ann 60. 135 Ba1er . Karen 76 Ba1er . Lawren ce 60 Bailey. Frank 68 Baile y. John 1 7 5


Baker . Mr. Jeffrey 40. 41 . 49. 134. 135 Baker . Laura 134 Bakos. Elizabeth 68 Band 135 Baran. Kimberly 175 Barbarics. Miss Patricia 36. 49 Barber. LeeAnn 13. 91. 107 . 175 Barber . Sallyann 68 Barbiero . Russell 60. 146 Barbuto. Cindy 68 Barlow. Susan 76 Barlow. Thomas 68. 138 Barna. Maureen 98. 100. 147. 175 Barna . Neil 60. 105 Barnard . Jackie 68 Barrett . Melissa 68. 155 Bartolino. Mr . Alex 94 Bartolino. Ken 175 Basketball . Boys· 152 Basketball. Girls ' 155 Bath. Mary 76 . Battis. Robert 76 Bautista. Roel 68 Bautista . Romeo 76 Baxter . James 76 Baylog. Patricia 28. 102. 104. 14 7 . 148. 17 5. 155 Beale . Christine 175 Be~ston. Mildred 52 Beauchamp. Charles 68 Bedard . Edward 159. 175 Bedard. John 152 Beelitz. Alan 76 Beelitz. Paul 60 Belli . Daniel 41 . 68. 135 Bencivenga . Theresa 169. 176 Benedetti . Carlo 60 Bennett . Marianne 60 Bennett . Valdery 60 Bentz. Elaine 68 Bentz. John 176 Beres. Theresa 76 . 107 Bernard . Wanda 68 Bernhard. Larry 176 Bertone . Kevin 144 Bertone . Mark 31. 144. 176 Bertone. Timothy 60. 146 Betz . Kathleen 107. 176 Beumer. Irene 96. 99. 100. 176 Bezek. Jennifer 76. 119 Bezek . Mary 68. 95 Bezek. Sara 60 Bianco. Janet 176 Bielski . Casey 81 Biesecker. Nancy 68. 92 Bigham . Coreen 68 B1gham . Jerome 76 Bilotti . Carmella 176 Bilotti . Frank 68 B110tt1 . Jenn1fer 68 B1rd . Dave 94. 176 Black Awareness Club 99 Blake . Dav1d 68 Blake . Meg 68 Bllsko . Paul 144. 145. 146 . 159. 176 Blusnavage . John 76 Boatwright. Saundra 99 . 176 Bobko . Joseph 68 Bombery . Elizabeth 60. 111 .

. ns

Bonan . Car roll 150. 151. 177 Bontya . Karen 76 . 88

Boone. Jacqueline 60 Boone. Phillip 68 Boozan. James 107. 177 Bordenga. Joe 68 Borne. Beverly 60. 150 Borne. Gary 177 Bowden. Barbara 60 Bowditch . Mr. Timothy 27 . 28 Bowker. Steven 60 Bowser. Jacqueline 58 . 60 Bozsolak.- Fay 68. 214 Braun. Celeste 58 . 60. 116 Breimann . Nancy 97. 142. 177 Brenna. Carolyn 60 Brennan . Judy 76. 157 Brennan. Kevin 60. 135 Brennan . Terry 177 Brenton . Virginia 60. 156 Brian. Debbie 46. 76 Brooks. Sarah 68 Brown. Dawn 60. 84 . 88. 128 Brown . Kelly 68 Brown . Pierre 76 Brown. Richard 60 Bruccoleri . Steven 76 Bryan . Mrs . Geraldine 35 . 96 Bucci. Edward 68 Bucci. Paula ·177 Buchanan. Christine . 177 Buchanan. Christopher 68 Buckley. Michele 36. 76. 96 . 98. 150. 151. 17 5 Buckley. Joseph 60 Buckley. Lisa 60 Buckley. Virginia 177 Bugdal. Mr . Robert 20. 90 Burch. Deborah 68. 135 Burch. Eric 60 Burke. Debra 68. 86 Burke. Patricia 76. 148 Burkhalter. Louis 81 Burns. Kathleen 60 Burns. Robert 76. 144 Burrell . Michele 68 Burrell. Robert 152. 153. 178. 154 Busi-Business Bulletin 101 Business Department 24 Butera . John 174. 178 Butler. Phillip 60. 154 Buzzelli . Christopher 76 . 135

- CCairo. Frank 68. 135 Calabrese. Lisa 68 Calamia . Elizabeth 60 Calamia. Mr . Gerald 94 Callaghan. David 60 Callaghan . John 128. 129. 142. 143. 178 Callan . James 46. 68 Camastra . Joyce 60 Camastra . Ted 68 Cameron. Debbie 76 Camilla . Sr . Mary 49 Campbell . John 60. 141 Campo. Alessandra 76 . 91. 103 . 174 Campo. Julie 47 . 60 Canticle 102 Cantwell . Chris 68. 142. 161 Cantwell . Michael 158. 178 Capp1ello . Lo1s 81 Capnotti . Laura 68

Capnotti . Patricia 123. 1.50. 178 Carella. Tom 68. 139 Cariello. Denise 76 Cariello. Lynn 60 Carini . Lisa 60 Carlin. Anne 76. 95. 148. 157 Carlisi . Linda 178 Carmel . Sr: Mary 36 Carmichael. Keith 68 Carmosino . Dawn 60. 106. 107.. 135 Carnevale. Tina 76 Carney. Beth 76. 91. 113. 126. 174 Carney. Stephen 178 Carreras. Luis 68 Carter. Gayle 60 Carter. Josette 60 Casey . Katie 48. 68. 147. 148. 155 Cashel . Mark 68. 153 Cashel. Nancy 22. 60. 111 Castaldo . Anthony 178 Castaldo. Anthony 32 Castaldo. Caren 76. 104. 147. 148. 156. 157. 164. 155 Castaldo. John 68. 139. 152. 153 Castranova . Guy 142. 143. 175. 178 Cebulko. David 107 . 179 Cebulko. Sue Ellen 60. 111 Celli. Robert 50. 89. 95. 178. 179 Centomain. Susan 179 Cheerleaders 150 Chepiga . Barbara 101 . 179 Chess Club 106 Chianese . Chuck 68 Chidzik . Karen 60 Chidzik . Stanley 179 • Christensen. Laura 97. 98 . 102. 103. 179. 206. 217 Christensen. Lois 179 Christensen . Marcia 68 Cianfrano. Loraine 60 Cianfrano . Nancy 92. 150. 151. 172. 179. 214 Cianfrano. Phyllis 68 Ciasullo. Diane 60 Ciccone. James 76. 119. 138. 141. 152 Ciccone. Susan 25. 68. 91 Ciccone. Susan 76. 157. 165 Cirillo. Joe 68 Clancy . Erin 104. 147 .. 157. 169. 179. 155 Clancy . Michael 81. 139 Clarice. Sr . Mary 44. 45 Claver . Sr . Mary 47 Cleary . Patricia 179 Coffee. Barbara 76 Colacello. Albert 60 Colavita. Anthony 68. 139 Coleman . Karen 68 Coley . Kell~ne 169. 179 Colligan . Lorraine 68 Color Guard 135 Colosimo. Marie 177 Coluccio . Gary 13. 76 Comfort . Nancy 60 Confoy . Karen 76. 96. 98 Confoy . Kevin 60. 105. 128. 141 Conley. L~nda . 76. 88 Connell. Mr . Kenneth 45

Connelly . John 179. 207 Connolly, Maureen 76 Contento. Anthony 60 Coppola. Graciela 96. 173. 180 Corbin. Sandy 180 Corkran . James 81 Cortez . Carolyn 76 Corvino . Mary 100. 180 Costa . Christopher 180 Costigan . Donna 92 . 180 Costigan. Lynn 60 . 59 Cotman . Denise 76 Coty. James 60. 135 Cowell . Elizabeth 180 Couch. Deeann 68 . 163 Coyle. Denise 25 Coyle . James 60 . 68 Crivelli. Judith 76 Cromwell . Michele 60 Cross. Clifton 52 Cross Country 142 Crossland. Daryl 68 Croux. Archie 180. 183 Croux. Christopher 61. 141 Csogi . Kathleen 76. 84 Cugasi. John 52, 68. 158. 159 Cuiule . Antoinette 76 CuiuiE'. Joseph 68 Cunningham. Faith 68 Cuomo. Teresa 76 Currie. Mildred 180 Curry. Mary Ann 180 Cychowski. Jane 77 . 96. 98 Czajkowski. Walter 69 Czartoryski. Theresa 69 Czerna. Susan 180 Czerwinski. Genevieve 61 Czerwinski . Sophie 77 Czikota, Maryanne 77



DaBronzo. Christina 52. 69 Daddio. Marietta 69 Dadura. Thomas 181 Dale. Karen 69 . 92 Daly, Jennifer 61 Dambro. Mr . Gary 42. 159. 178 D'Amico. Charles 181 Damroth. Christine 77 Damroth, Donna 61 Dant5ury .'Carl 44. 144. 146. 181 Danbury, Mrs. Katherine 24 D'Angelo. Maria 61 Daniels. Deborah 61 Danka. Bob 77 Dahko. Angelina 96 . 181 Danko. Carolyn 30. 61 . 111 DeAngelo. Charles 179. 181 DeAngelo. Lisa 69. 104. 155 Darcy. Sr. Catherine 39. 163 Dearden. John 69 deBiois. Valerie 61 DeCara. Loretta 123. 150. 181 . - 187 Decker. Maryann 181 Decker. Nancy 181 Decker. Susan 181 • Dec off. Janice 69 Decowski. Albert 181 Defeo. Daryl 69 DeJoie. Anthony 87. · 182. 198 DeJoie. Michele 61 . Dekis. Barry 77. 144 . DeiBalzo . Maryann 77

DelCastillo. Julio 77 Delorenzo. Frank 61 Delorenzo. Pat 182 Delorenzo. Robert 141 Demarest. Brian 61. 106 Dembeck. John 61 DeMille. Anne 30. 61 DeMille. Joe 182 Dennehy. Frank 69 . 161 Dennehy. Michael 69. 144 Deodato . John 182, DePuglio. Mrs . Mary 35 Derr . Miss Teresa 45 Derry. Donna 61 de Sales. Sr . Mary 39 Descoteau. Nancy 77 Destura. Cherry-Marie 61 . 107. 148. 156 Destura. Manny 77 · DeVincenzi . Laura 69 DiBella . Frank 61. 141 DiBella . Joanne 61 DiBella. Michael 77 DiBrizzi. Diedre 61 DiCiurcio. Carolyn 40, 69 Dickson . John 182 Dickson. Martin 77 . 86. 144 DiDomenico. Anthony 77 Diehl. Scott 61 Dietrich. Chris 41. 77 . 135 Dietrich . Jane 61, 105. 134. 135 DiGuiseppi. Mr . Frank 39. 68. 66 Dileo , Dave 69 . 144 Dill. Jeffrey 182 Dill , Susan 77 DiPierro. Nicholas 61 Direske. Karen 61 . 111 Dirk , Judith 61. 156 Dirk. Linda 69. 15 7 Dismas. Sr . Mary 38 . 39 DiVia. Elaine 77. 96. 98 Dlabik, Edward 61 Dombroski, Diane 69 Dombroski , Paul 61. 141 Domurat. Barbara 76 . 91. 96. 174 Donaher. Michael 69 D'Onofrio. Reverend John 44 Dorner. Mr. John 39 Dorozinsky. David 138. 140. 152. 179, 182 Dorozinsky, Maryann 69. 157 Dougherty. Mrs. Mary 32. 33. 107 Dovgala. Donna 77. 95. 147. 156. 155 Dovgala. Elizabeth 61. 104. 148. 149. 155 Dovgala. Kathryn 147. 182 Doviak. Dana 69. 104. 105. 128. 129 Downey, James 182 Downey. John 61 Drama Club 104 Drazek. Carol 77. 86 Drill Team 135 Driver. Lisa 61 Dublas. Kathleen 52. 61 DuBois. Liz 69. 91. 66 . Dubusky. Mary 52 Ducko. Dale 77. 85. 86. 88 Dudeck. Brian 61. 141. 165 Dudeck. David 44. 144. 183 D'Uiisse. Aurora 183 Dunn. Kathleen 69

Dura. Sharon 81 Durcanin. Carl 69. 152. 153 Durcanin , Christine 77 . 107 Durnan . Carol 69 Durnan. Thomas 183 Dutko. Donna 61. 135 Dutko . Robert 77 Dzieminski. Elinor 69 Dz1eminski. Michael 61 Dziemmski, William 77. 86 Dziura . Mrs. Jane 53 Dziura. Kevin 69. 142. 143 Dziura. Michael 77 Dzurko. G~orge 69

- EEastmead. Constance 61 Ecker. Ann Marie 77 Ecker. Teresa 69 Edinger. Thomas 50 . 144. 146, 183 Edwards. Mary 77 Egan. Sarabeth 77. 98. 102. 103. 148 Ehret. John 173. 183 Ehret. Mary Ellen 69 . 148 Ehret. Michael 61. 146 Elie. Celia 77 Ellis. Lionel 142. 143. 163. 183 Elmo . JoAnn 25. 77 Elmore. Johnny 183 Enerson. John 61 Enerson. Julie 77 Eng, Art 91. 114. 168. 183 Eng. Art 68. 144 Eng. Katharine 77 English Department 27 Enourato. Mark 61 Erdie. Matthew 61 Erkoboni. Richard 184. 204 Eskridge. Mark 61. 146 Eure. Sherri 69 Eustace. Joseph 61 Eustace. Kathleen 69. 87 Evans. Eileen 77 Evans. Gregory 69 Evans. Jeffrey 184 Everett. Ann 61 Everett. Michele 77 Everett. Tim 184

-FFabian. Nancy 61 Fabrizio. Victoria 61 Fagan. Edward 69 Faherty. Dennis 184 Faherty. Robert 61. 146. 154 Falsetti. Brian 69 Falzone. Coach 146 Faraone. Barbara 61 Faraone. Frank 40 . 184 Faraone . Joanne 69 Fares. Georganne 184. 188 Farrell. Monica 77. 96. 98 . 148 Fasanella. Margaret 91 . 168. 184 Father's Club 94 Faz1o . Sharon 61 . 150 Fecak . Diane 168. 184 Fechter . Margaret 169. 184 Feldenzer . Chnstopher 61. 141 Feldenzer. Frank 69 . 139 Fell. Thomas 77

Fernandes. Glenn 86. 184. 204 Ferrara. Larry 69 Ferrara. Cindy 84 Festa. Frances 81. 91. 96. 127 Fidanza . Patricia 50 . 77 Field Hockey Team 147 Fifer. Donna 107. 185 Fiorello. David 69 Fireall. Edwin 69. 152. 153. 154 Firetto. Mary 69 First Aid Club 107 Fisher . Doug 77 Fithen . Keith 61. 141. 59 Fitton. Lois 77. 97. 102. 103. 150 Fitzpatrick. Anne 185 Fitzpatrick. James 77 Fitzpatrick. James 61 Fitzpatrick. Marie 69. 148 Flowers. Charlotte 77 Flynn. Eileen 77 Flynn . Kevin 61 . 86. 87 Fonda. Lucy 77. 214 Fonseca. Andrea 135. 185 Football Team 144 Foran. Patrick 77 Forman. John 77. 102 Foundos. Charles 77 Foundos. Patricia 61 Four Winds 100 Fowler . Frances 77 Fowler. Pamela 77 . 99 . 174 Fowler. Vernita 40. 99 . 115. 135. 185 Foy. Patricia 97. 176. 185 Foy. Robert 77 . 144 Fracassi. Mrs. Linda 27 . 104 Fraczkiewicz. Robert 52 . 69. 91. 104, 66 . 67 Francimore, Douglas 61 Franzoni. Beth 69. 157 Franzoni. Eric 185 Frascella, Thomas 61. 141 Fraulino. Ellen 69 Frazier. Antoinette 77 Frazier. Tanya 61 Freeman. Russell 77 Fremer. Kathy 69 French Club 98 French Honor Society 96 Freshman Class History 58 Frial. Josephene 61 FSA 101 Fuccello. Carl 61. 146 Furman. Vickie 69

- GGAA 104 Gagliardi . Jo Ann 69 . 91. 151 Gaines. Danita 69 Gall . Donna 185 Gallo. Boni 40 . 77 Gallo. Eugene 77 Gallo. Gregory 61. 146 Gallo. Ralph 158. 159. 185 Gant . Terri 77 Gant. Willie 61. 135 Garcia. Eric 69 . 106 Garcia. Flor Erlinda 61 Gardner. Nancy 69. 134. 135 Garofalo. Anthony 185 Garrahan . MaryAnn 69 Garrison. Mrs . Phyllis 27


Garry , Gary 69. 153 Gates. Beth Anne 69 Gates. Mark 77. 96. 99 Gavin . Maureen 69. 157 Geis. Mary 34. 77 Gerasimowicz. Michael 185 German Honor Society 97 Giampetro. Miss Theresa 49. 51. 102. 216 Giancola. Rosanna 185 Gill. JoAnn 12. 185 G1llin . Ed 69 Gillin. Mary Beth 77 Gioe . Vincent 58. 61 Giordano. Gregory 77 G1ordano. Thomas 61 . 146 G1ovacchine. Carmen 41 . 135 G1ovannetti. Robert 61 Giulari . Bruno 77 Glackin . Barbara 77 Glep don . Miss Ellen 27 . 28. 126 Gnandt. James 47 . 61 Godbolt . Gregory 69 Goedertier . Edmund 61 Goeke. Thomas 77 Goerlich. Steven 61 Goerlich . W1lliam 186 Golab . Eugene 81 Golden . John 61. 146. 154 Goldstein . Mrs. Alice 12. 24 Gomez. Carmen 107 , 115. 186 Gonzalez . Alberto 77 , 144. 159 Gonzalez. Aldo 61. 146. 161 Gonzalez. Anna 61 . 111 Goodstein , Thomas 186. 188 Gramegna. Anthony 77 Grant. Ed 52 Grant . Miss Patricia 12. 49. 50. 126. 168 Gray. Francine 62 Graziano. Catherine 62 Graziano. Mary Alice 186 Green . Linda 69 Greer . Maureen 77 Greiss. Jeffrey 69 Greiss. Robert 62 Gnbbin . Mrs. Margaret 24. 25 Grice . Mark 62 Gnffin . Kathleen 77 Griffin . Michael 62. 146. 161 Griffith . Mary Ellen 62 Gnmsley. Anthony 78. 99 Griscavage . Peggy Ann 78 Grochala. Donald 81 Grochala , Joanne 62. 92 Grochala . Mrs. Theresa 52 Grodzki. Sr . Charlotte 35. 36. 59 . 214 Grogan. Anthony 62 . 141 Grogan . Charlene 69. 135 Grula . Miss Pauline 45 Grussler. Mr . John 43 . 47 Grussler. Pamela 69 . 78. 86. 135 Grussler. Patricia 86. 135 Guadagno . Lori 69 Guidotti . Renee 78. 150. 151 . 174 Gummel . Delores 69. 86 Gusc1ora . Mr . Richard 47 Guth . Joseph 97 . 186 Guth . Marlene 70



Hagadorn . Tom 78


Haggerty. Beth 78 Halasz. Jennifer 70. 92 Halko. Donna 62 Halko. Judi 78 Hall . Harold 78. 152. 153 Hall. Kelli 62 Hall. Robert 78. 144 Haller. John 70 Halliman . Robert 58, 62. 91. 146 Hamersky. Kim 70 Hamlet. Denise 99. 186 Hanak. Christopher 70. 142 Hancock. Allen 78. 144 Haney. Darlene 70 Haney, Donald 62 Harcar. Mrs. Anne 23. 126 Harding, Kathleen 96 . 99 . 186 Hardy, Helen 70 Harlicka. Bill 186 Harney. Colleen 78. 147 Harrell . Arthur 70. 152. 153 Harrell . David 142. 162. 154 Harrell. Mr. John 21 Harrison. Angela 7& Hartman . Jim 139 Hartman . Theresa 70 Hartmann . John 81 Hartt . Paul 78 Haskins. Elizabeth 70 Hayden . Nancy 62. 149. 156 Hayman . Maureen 78 Health Careers Club 107 H~arney. Catherine 78. 87. 96 Hearney. Lucille 32. 186 Hearney. Mr. William 32. 33. 87 Hebeler. John 94. 95. 187. 193 Heb~ler. Vicki 62. 149 Heckman . Jeffrey 90. 91. 94. 98. 120. 187. 195. 214 Heckman . Lisa o78 Heffernan . Shauna 62 , 59 Heinz. Karl 70. 144 Heinzel . Elizabeth 24. 91 . 122. 147. 168. 187 Heinzel . Lucy 78. 148 Heitzman. Edward 62 Heller. Mary Ann 25. 70 Hemingway. Larry 31. 187 Hemingway. Stephanie 62 Hemphill , Mr. John 52 Henkel . Miss Karen 26. 27. 100 Hennessy. Kathleen 62. 105 Hennessy. Mrs. Mary 39 Herdman. Denise 78. 119 Herman. Jean 134. 135. 187 Herman . Joseph 70 Hess. Mr. Donald 47 . 152 Hickman . Antoinette 62 Hill . Wendy 26. 47 . 62 Hobson . Russell 187 Hofmann . Dave 187. 190 Holmes. Kathy 78. 99 Holsneck. Jill 70. 215. 155 Holsneck . Martin 144. 145. 187 Homa . Barbara 70 Home Econom1cs Department 30 Horesko. Rosemary 78 Hornyak. Frank 62 Hose . Margaret 70 Houck. Edltraud 62 Housman. James 70 Housman . Kathryn 117. 120. 135. 187. 201 . 67 Houston . B1ll 78. 142. 175

Houston . Kathleen 73 . 148. 157 Howell . Barbara 70 Hubal . Debra 70 Hughes. Alison 78 Hughes. Reverend Joseph 12. 13.18. 20.116.155 Hughes. Margaret 187 Hughes. Robert 62 Hughes. Tom 41. 62 . 135 Huley. Sr. Margaret 45 Humphrey. Michael 62 Humphrey. Rita 70 Hunt . Mary Claire 78 Hunter . Edward 78 -

I -

lmmordino. Angelo 70 lmmordino . Joe 70 lmmordino. Joe 78. 138 lmmordino . Joyce 62 lnglima . Josephine 70. 84 Ingrassia. Jennett 104. 148. 157. 188 Inocencio . Maria 62. 105 lnnocenzi . Darlene 69. 91. 66 Inverse . Frank 78 Ippolito. Carl 78 Ippolito . John 70


J -

Jagannath . Ravinder 188 Jancola . Sr . Dorothy 106 Jaouen . Colette 62 Jaroni . Mr. 144. 145 Jasien . Mike 188 Jasienski. Jacqueline 78 Jenkins. Edward 78 Jets 99 Jingoli . Stacey 62 , 117 Johnson. Steven 70, 153 Johnston. Deborah 70 Johnston. Linda 70 Jones. Brian 78 Jones. Jeff 70. 144 Jones. John 69 Jones. Julianne 188 Jones. Robert 188 Jones. Starlet 62 Jos( Sr . Marie 38, 39 Junior Class History 74



Kaczanawski. Debbie 188 Kahny . Tina 78 Kale . Colleen 70. 157 Kale. Joe 94. 152. 165. 188. 214. 154 Kale. Terrence 70 Kaminski . Halina 62 . 135 Kanda . Bernadett e 70 Kanda. Mary 188 Kane . Kathy 70 Kaplan . Mrs . Christiane 34. 35 . 127 Karas . Edward 188 Karlowitsch. Sabine 188 Karolkiewicz . Christina 70 Karpik . Diane 62 . 149 Karpowich . Donald 78 Kaytus . Diane 78 Keagy . Theresa 189 Kearns . Eileen 40. 70

Keck . Joanne 189 Keefe . Ellen 31 . 62 Keefe. Gregory 62 Keefe. Julie 70 Keelan , Kathy 189 Kehler . Pa'ul 87. 189 Kelly, Mr . David 45 , 127 Kelly . Ellen 路 189 Kelly , Kevin 91 . 94, 96, 169. 189 Kelly . Maria 30. 78 Kelly, Maureen 70 Kelly , Michele 62. 150 Kelly . Mrs. Suzanne 24 Kemble. James 62 . 146 Kemler . Carol 189 Kennel Club 106 Kerekes . Edward 62 Kerins . Sr. Geraldine 24. 25 Kerr. Jeanne 78 Keyes . Deirdre 62 Key Club 95 Keyettes Club 95 Kiernan . Patricia 78. 150 Kiernan. Randall 70 King , Brian 189 Kirikian . Lisa 189 Kiss. Beth Ann 40. 70 Kissel . Ronald 189 Kite. Clare 62 Kleber . Margaret 78. 86 Kfeber. Sara 70, 151 Klein. John 78 Klein . Joni 70 Kleinmann. Gloria 78 'Kieinmann. Ralph 70 Klim. Jennifer 78. 96. 98 Klim. Megan 70 Kliminski. Daphne 62 Kliminski . Stephanie 62 Kliwinski. Constance 98. 100. 189 Kliwinski . Joseph 70 Klucewicz. Michael 70 Kluxen. Cara 78. 150, 151 Kluzner . Edward 78 Kluzner . Laure 62 Kobes. John 70 Kochis. Deborah 78. 101. 119. 135 Kochis, Linda 70 Koinonia . Club 92 Komlosi. Laurie Ann 70 Kondash. Mary 70 Kondash. Joseph 78. 96. 139 Kondash. Stephen 62. 146 Konopka , Elizabeth 78 Kontorowicz. Christina 路78. 148 Kopec . Doug 78. 159 Kopec . Stephen 70 Korenz . Margueritte 169. 190 Koreyva . Stanley 78 Korpusinski. Elizabeth 97 . 98. 100. 101. 173. 190 Kortschmaryk. Ostap 70 Kosco . Marie 100. 115. 147. 149. 190 Kosco . Patti 78 Koschek. Mrs. Sandra 42. 156 Kovacs . Cheryl 36. 78. 96. 98. 100 Kovacs. Michael 196 Kozakiewicz . Lynn 78 Krakowski . John 62 Kramarz. Frank 62 Kraus . Celestine 70

Krawczun . Richard 70. 161 Krawiec . Stephen 190 Kreci cki . Cindy 190 Knsak. Edward 78 Krisak. Karen 101 . 190 Krisanda . Marcia 78 Krosnick. Jaye 62 Krueger . Karl 190 Krupa . Chris 62 Krupa. Foster 70 Krupa . Sheryl 78 Krystaponis. John 78. 144 Krzywkowski . Valerie 62 . 142. 156 Kubaugh . Biilie Ann 97 . 98. 191 ' Kucharski . Maureen 191 Kutch . Karen 70. 151 Kwietniak . Alfred 35 . 70 Kwietniak . Diane 78



Ladnyk, Alexander 191 Laird . Therese 62. 135. 156 Lalloway , Sr . Virginia 46 . 47 . 174 Lambert . Kimberly 40. 70 Lammerding, Joanne 70. 151 Landolfi , Lea 23 . 84. 191 Lane. Paul 62 Langer . Joseph 191 Language Department 35 Lanigan . Eileen 191 Lanigan. James 191 Lanna . Augusta 78 , 92 . 101 Lanzoni . Eugene 70. 142 Lanzoni . Michael 62. 86 Lanzoni. Thomas 70. 134. 135. 67 Larkin .' Jeremiah 78 Larkin. Stella 52 Leadem . Richard 70. 161. 162 Leadem . Susan 78 Ledger . Debbie 78 Ledger . Victoria 70 Leiber . Karol Ann 78 Lemire. Tom 62. 134. 135 Lenartowicz . Frank 191 . 203 Lenartowicz . Michael 62 Lengyel . Sue 191 Leonard. Darlene 71. 157 Leonard. Joyce 40. 191 Leonard. Li z 62 Leonard . Racine 62. 128 Leonard . Raymond 71 Leonie . Miss Patricia 22 . 23 . 27 . 88 Lepper . Linda 191 Lesh . Andrew 62. 141 Lesh . Lydia 48. 148. 191 ·Lesh . William 71 , Levanduski . David 85. 8i\•192 Lewallen . Joanne 62 Lewallen . Sharon 71 Lewis. Carol 192 Lewis. Irma 63 Leysath . Margo 78 Liedtka . Donna 63 . 92 Liedtka. Jane 71. 148. 155 liedtka. M1chael 192 Lieggi. Peter 63 . 146 lind. Susan 71 . 84 Lmtott . John 63 Lmtott . Kathleen 192 lintott . Monica 78 Liptak . Miss Mary Ann 27

Lisiecki . Marlene 192 . 123 Lisnak . Dolores 71 Lloyd . Karen 71 Loatman . Mr . Ri chard 40. 41 . 89 Lopll ato . Mr . Robert 42 Loptin . Debbie 71 Loughnane . Mike 71 Luck. AlliSOn 71 . 86 Lugo . Jesse 71 Luther . Kenneth 79 Lynam . Tom 144 Lynn . Sharon 79 Lynne . Erin 28. 71



Mac Donald . Jeanne 63 Mac Donald . Joan 71 Maccaroni . Cheryl 79 . 104. 119. 150. 162 Maciolek . Theodore 81 Macovitch . Marlene 192 Madden . Jane 63 Mahony. Leo 94. 95 . 144. 192 Mahony, Tim 71. 94. 144. 161 MaJor . Mrs. Barbara 12. 42 . 43 . 147 . 148. 155. 157. 165 Makohuz. Sharon 44. 192 Maleski . Mary Ann 63. 79 Maloney. Laura 91. 192. 127 Mancuso. Linde;~ 115. 193 Mancuso. Michael 193 Mangone . Mario 12. 58. 63 . 91. 154 Mangone. Richard 63 Mangone . Robert 40. 66 . 73 . 91. Ill Mannix . Joseph 71 Mansfield . Mrs . Doris 30 Marchant . Mrs . Cynthia 29. 126 Maressa . Janelle 63 Marion . Richard 81 Marion . Timothy 71 Markman . Gail 79 Marshall. Evelyn 63 Martillotti. Joseph 138. 141 Martinez. German 180. 183 Martynowicz . Hedwig 79. 98 Maruca. Debra 79 Maruca. Domenic 79 . 144. 174 Maruca. Joe 31 . 79 . 144 Maruca. Maria 23. 193 Masick. Mary 193 Mason . Martha 52 Massi . Ann Marie 63 , 150 Mathematics Department 39 Mattonelli . George 95. 144, 193 Maty. Diane 30. 63 Maty . Donna 71 Maurer. Regina 79. 86. 96 , 135 Maurer , Stephen 87 . 193 Mauro. Judith 71 . 106 Mauss. Patricia 79. 1'75 Maxwell. Lorie 79 Mazzaros. Sue 134. 135 Mazzella . Anthony 144. 193 Mazzella. Theresa 63 Mazzoli . John 86 Mazzoli . Michael 63 McCabe. Joanne 63 . 149 McCardell . Edward 71 • McCarrick . Lorraine 79 . 101 McCarthy . Kathleen 192. 193 McCarthy. Tern 71

McCarty . Maqone 193 McChesney. Sr . Cathleen 26 . 27 McCia1n . Ann 63 . 150 McClam . Bryan 41 . 71. 135 McCreedy . Dav1d 22. 63 . 141 . 154 McCue. Jeff 71 McDermott . John 63 McDonald . Chns 71 McDonald . Cynthia 71 McDonald . Denise 79 . 175 McDonald. Janet 193 McDonald . Lee 63 McDonald . R1chard 87. 191 . 193 McDonnell . Sr . Joanmarie 21. 117 McDonough . Rita 71 Mc Donough . Tom 79 McDowell . Michael 79 . 98 McFadden . Sean 58. 63 McGlone . Kathleen 71 McGlone . William 194. 197 . 158. 160. 161 McGraw. Enn 63 . Ill McGuire . Sherri 147 McKee . Kathryn 71. 84 McKeever . Jeanine 40. 79. 84. 86. 88 . McKinney . Ralph 71 McKithen . Robin 194 Mcleod . Elizabeth 63 Mclaughlin . Kathy 100. 194 McManimon . James 119. 194 McManimon. Jo Ann 194 McManimon. Tom 79. 144 McNab. Fawn 25. 71 McQuade. Maureen 71. 84 McQuade. Maureen 104. 194 McQuade. Michael 71. 139 McRoberts. Debbie 79 McVeigh . Carol 79 McVeigh, Maggie 63. 111 Meagher. Beth 40. 71 . 117 Meagher. Gerard 79 . 138. 141 Meagher . Tim 138. 140. 194 Meagher. Mr . W1lliam 94 Mears. Collette 194 Mears. Mike 35. 71 Mezzaros. Suzanne 71 Meckel . Douglas 79 Medical . Department 32 Melker . Florence 81 . 150. 151 Mendola. Alfred 63 Mendola . Vincent 50. 79 . 86. 144 Mercurio . Dave 63. 154 Mesday. Darlene 79 Meskill . Donna 79 . 175 Messina . Cynthia 150. 151 . 194 Meyer . Melanie 71 Mica1. Mr. Kenneth 47 M1chalak. George 81 Michlewright. Sandra 71 Mickiewicz. Father Bill 116. 117 M1dura. John 63 . 141 Miele . Dawn 71 Miele . Susan 194 Mihallck. John 71 M1hok . Donald 63 MigUit . Paul 81 MllmowiCZ , Mr . Dav1d 49 . 152. 153 Mllitig. Kathleen 71 . 157 Mllit1g. Nancy 63 M11ito . Joseph 63

M1ller . James 190. 194 M1ller . Maureen 79 Miller. M1chael 195 Miller. Patncia 79 M1ller . Roy 104 M1ndling. Sr . Cathenne 44. 45 . 123 Miscavage . Sandra 195 Mis1olek . Chnstme 81 M1ssert . Dennis 79 M1tchell . Sharon 63. 156 Mockler. Martin 195 Molnar . Sharon 63 Montgomery. Donald 63 . 146 Moody. Lynn 63. 149 Moonlight. Terry 63 Moore. Colleen 63 Moore . John 63 . 141 Moore. William 71 Moran . Kathleen 195 Morello. Pat 71 Morreale . MaryAnn 195 Mornson . Joan 79 Morrison . Mark 79. 139 Morton. Lawrence 31. 79 . 144 Moschera . L1sa 31. 63 Moses. Richard 63 Motchnik. Karen 71 Mouran . Sabenna 71 Mudd . M1chael 79 Muehle1sen . Regina 79. 97 Mullaney. Mary 195 Mulligan . Barry 41. 63. 87 . 135 Mulligan . Patricia 135. 195 Murchison . Annette 63 Murdza. Gary 71 Murphy. Ann Mane 62 . 111. 135 Murphy. Bernadette 195 Murphy. Catherine 79 Murphy, Frank 63 Murphy. John 79. 139 Murphy. Lmda 81 Murphy. Vingin1a 44. 195 Music Department 40 Muzyk. Nancy 195 Mydlowski. Manbeth 71 . 151 Mydlowski. M1chael 79. 174 Myers. Kevin 49. 95 . 144. 184. 196. 122



Nabinger. R1chard 113. 188. 196 Nagle. Karla 79 Nagy. R1ta 30. 63 Nalbone . Mark 63 Napoleon . Maggi 194. 196 Napoli. John 71 National Honor Soc1ety 98 Navarro. Deborah 63 Navarro . Joseph 152. 196 Naylor. Susan 79 Nealon. Sara 66 . 73 Negron . Thomas 63 Nelson . John 59. 63 Nelson . Michele 71 Nemec. Mary All ee 148 Nerwinski . Frank 71 . 139 Nerwinski . Pamela 196 Newell . Gregory 63 . 146 NICOlai , L1nda 86 . 88. 91 . 98. 104. 147 . 155. 196 Nicolai . lisa 71 . 104. 147 . 148. 149 Nigh . Gary 113. 172. 182 . 196


Nm1 . Gemma 63 Nm1 . Joseph 71 Nolan . Fr . Walter 44 . 45 . 94 . 110 Nora. Sr . Mary 24 . 92 Nosal. Mi chael 73 Nott a. Robert 113. 196 Novatkoski . Susan 50 . 79 Nowacki . Veron1ca 196


0 -

Obal . Debbie 79 Obdusk1 . Karen 48. 71 Obdu ski. Teresa 71 O' Brien . Chris 71 O'Brien . Jim 196. 122 O'Brien . John 71. 139 O'Connell . Ed 63 . 86 O'Donnell . Maugha 71 O'Donnell. Megan 197 O' Donnell . Patricia 63 Olech . Diane 79 . 104. 147 . 148. 149. 164. 155. 156 Ohnski , Deborah 63 Olszak . Stella 52 . Olynyk , Patricia 197 O' Reilly , John 154 Ort1z . Carmen 96 . 98. 100. 197 OrtiZ, Cesar 22 . 63 Ort1z . Manuel 79 . 95. 96 Orzol. Roman 72 Osborn . Jennifer 81 O'Shea . J. Brian 197 Ottagio . Marie 52 Ott aunick. Chris 72 . 160. 161 Ottaunick. Don' 39 . 197 Owen . Cathleen 79 . 165. 215 Owens . Den1se 101 . 197



Pacera . Steve 63 Paglione . Joseph 72 Paglione . Lisa 63 . 150 Paixao. Mrs. Judith 30 . 31. 116 Paixao . Lee 72 . 119 Paixao . Marie 63 Paleqzyk , Charlene 197 Palenchar . Mrs. Mary 34. 35 . 97 Palmer . Teresa 197 Palutis . Joann 79 Panella . Mr . Wilham 36 Paolini . Nancy 135. 197 Papp , Beverly 25 . 79 Papp . Jacqueline 197 Pappaterra . Martin 198. 203 Pappaterra . Steve 188. 198 Parham. Karla 63 Parham. Linda 79 Parker . Richard 63 Parno . Linda 63 Pasierb . Stephen 63. 105 Pastuchow . Helena 115. 198 Pasun . Michael 72 Patricelli . Chene 79 . 147 Patri celli . Scott 64 Patrizi. Diane 64 Patrizi. Lawrence 79 Patrone . Susan 79 Paul. Brenda 79 . 100 Paul . Margaret 64 Paulaski . Dav1d 113 . 198


Pawlukewich. Patricia 72 Payton . Beverly 64 Payton . Cynthia 198 Peoples . Leslie 72 Peoples . Jennifer 22. 64 . 150. 91 Peoples . Mrs . Carolyn 24. 25 Perez . Amaury 64 Perez. Rolando 79 . 96 . 99 Peroulidis . Spiro 79 Persichilli . Dino 64 . 111 Petercsak. William 64 Peters . Donnie 113. 135. 198, 168 Peters. Jim 64 . 146 Peterson. Pamela 79 Petrino. Alexander 79 . 96 Petrino. James 79 Petro . Robert 22 . 64 . 141 Petro . Thomas 96 . 181. 198 Petrozzini. Jeff 198 Petrozzmi . Judy 42 . 72 . 128. 129 Petrozzini. Scott 79 Pfeffer. Sr . Veronica 21. 35 . 36 Phillip·. Sr . Mary 35 Phillip, Eileen 198 Physical Education Department 42 P1catagi . Bill 144. 198 Piechowski . Carol 101 . 197 Pierce. Jonette 79 Pigot', Mr. Shawn 38 . 39 Pillon . Mrs . Pearl 53 Pirone . Pamela 64 Pirozzi. Jack 64 Pirozzi . Stephanie 80 . 147 . 149. 155 Pitonyak. Elaine 80 Ploof . Bob 138. 140. 141·. 164, 198 Ploof . Joann 64 . 149 Plumeri. Angela 199 Plunkett . Barbara 80. 95. 155. 174 Plys. Oleh J. 98 . 100. 112. 173. 199 Plys. Yarko 64 Pogorzelski . John 63. 111 Poli. Mr . Joseph 35 . 36 . 96 Porcaro. Erminia 64 Porcaro. Vito 64 Post . Mrs. Geraldine 53 Potocki. Lorraine 64 Potocki . Sophie 52 Powell. Jacqueline 80 . 98 Powell . Laurie98 . 101.173. 199 Powers . Kristine 64 Prasad . Shailendra 46. 72 Proccacini . Mary 80 Project '76 105 Proniewski . Chris 72 Proniewski . Sharon 64 . 135 Provenzano . Jamie 64 Pr zechacki. V1rginia 98. 148. 195. 199. 91. 127 . 214 Pulcini . Kathleen 199

- QQuigley. David 64 Qumlan . Diane 134. 135. 199 Qumlan . Patn cia 72



Rader . Mrs . Jeanne 29 Rafalski . Cheryl 80 · Rafalski . Michele 72 Rafferty . Brian 199 Ragany . Frank 96 . 98 . 172. 199 Ragany. Deborah 64 Ragany. Richard 80. 96 . 98 Raines . John 80 Raines. Sabrina 64 Rak . Lorraine 36. 80. 96 Rak. Ronald 80 . 96 ." 97 Ranfone. Louis 72 Ratico. Mary Lou 100. 103. 199 Rawls. Monyette 40. 80 Ray. Bill 72 Raywood. Christopher 135. 188. 199 Raywood . Geoffrey 134. 135. 200 Reali . Renee 80. 148 Rebbeck. Elizabeth 64 Rebman . Jim 80 . 99. 107 Rebman . Tom 64. 146 Recine . Domonic 80 Reed. Debbie 80 Reed . Robert 64' Regan. Richard 200 Reh . Deborah 80. 92 Reilly, Robert 200 Religious Studies Department 45 Renascence 100 Repole. Donna 72 Reres. Jean 81. 94 . 95 , 91 . 157. 174 Rhoades . Colleen 64 . 150 Rhoades . Robert 80 . 138. 139. 140, 122 Ricciardi. Anna 72 Riccio. Carl 72 . 144 Richardson . Frank 80 Richardson. Gwen 80 Ridge . Mark 96. 200 Riley , Hugh 72. 135 Ritter . Stephen . 200 Rivera. lsmael 80 Rivera. Nancy 80 Robles . Wilfred 64 Roberson. Jacqueline 80 . 99 Roberto . John 72. 161 Roberts. Sylvia 72. 92 Roche . Ed 200 Roche. Frank 64 Roche. Janet 72 Roche. Judith 64 Roche . Tom 200 Rogoza . Kenneth 200 Rojas . James 80 Rojek. Mary 72. 151. 91 Roland. John 81 Rondinelli. Gerard 200 Ronyack . Jody 72 Rooney . Sr . Patricia 27. 102. 103. 217 Rooney . Mr . Patrick 27. 139 Rose. Kenneth 152. 154. 201 Ross. Dyanne 64 Ross . Swillie 64 . 154 Rossetti . John 201 Rossetti. Mr . A. Thomas 45 Rovello . Mrs . Margaret 42 . 104. 148. 149. 157 . 165

Royster , Brenda 64 Ruberto . Tim 80 Rudge . Catherine 80 Rudge. Michael 64. 87. 96 Rueschman. Lori 72 Rugarber . Jeff 72. 139 Rugarber. John 138. 201 Rugarber . Michele 64 Ruiz , Elvin 80 Russell : Mary 72 Russert. Diane 201. 91. 127 Russo . Gary 201 Russo. Trudy 64 Russo. Simone 64 Rutkowski. Kenneth 87. 201 Rutkowski. Lori 64 . 149 Ryan. Christine 64 Ryan . Jacqueline 80 Ryan. Joan 72 Ryan . Matt 64 Ryan. William 64, 146

- SSabatino . George 64. 141 Sachetti . Mary Lynn 80 Sagedy , Terry 31. 64. 135 Salewski. Kenneth 72 Salvadore. George 64 Salvadore. Kelly 141 , 154 Salvadore. Tony 80, 94. 103 Samonski . John 201 Samonski . Susan 80 Sampson. Joni 96. 201 Sanfilippo. Eileen 80 Sanford : Ann 52 Santarsiero. Marianne 72 Santiago. Cecelia 64. 135 Santoro. Anthony 64 Santoro. Elsa 201 Sapienza . Debra 115. 202 Saraceni , William 80. 86 Sargiotto. Sal 64, 146 ·sary. Merry Ann 64 Sauvage. Linda 64 Sawieki. Christopher 72 Sawka. Walter 202 Sbarra. Joseph 72 Scalrpon . Robert 117.144.199. 202 Scales. Angeline 64 Scales. Dean 80. 144 Scales. Jean 80 Scarna. Ron 64 . 146. 161 Schaefer. Cathy 28. 72 Schaible. Leonard 80 · Schaible. Chris 72. 144 Schanz. Jim 72 Schmierer . Stephen 72 Schrader. Jeff 80. 99 , 144, 214 Schrader. Ken 81 Schreiber. Chris 202 Schuler. Bill 152. 153. 199. 202 Schuler . Don 72. 138. 139. 140. 141 . 152 Schwarze. Ellen 58. 64 Schwartz. Danny 72. 144 Schwartz. Dolores 202 Sciarrotta. James 64 Sciarrotta. Ronald 72 Sciarrotta. Mr . Salvadore 35 Science Department 47 Scoggins. Selena 72 Seale. Peter 72

Sebast1an1. Mr . Ronald 39 . 144. 145 . 191 Secretario. Janet 81 . 91 . 94. 95 . 127, Se1fert . Debb1e 72 · Se1fert . Mary 80 Se1ler . Lori 64 . Seller . Margaret 80 Sen1or .Class H1story 168 Ser afine. Donna 81 . 135 . Serock. Joann 11 7 . 202 Sero ck . Patricia 64 Serock . Sandra 80. 135 Sever ino . Barbara 72 Severino . Vincent 80 Sevill a. Anthony 72 . 144 Shanoskie . Ed 202 Shanoskie . John 64 Shelly . Mrs . Helen 53 Shelly . Jackie 64. 149. 156 Shelly. Maureen 80. 120. 15 7 • Shenk . Shen,135. 199.202 Shon ak . T1monthy 135. 203 Shurgala . Donna 80 S1gafo O'S. Carol 203 ·s1kor sk1. Mat thew 64 Sikorski. Nancy 64 S1lver . Belmda 72 Silvestr i. Fllomena 64 S1mko . Joseph 203 · Simone , Jeffery 203 S1mone . . Mr . John 42 . 47 . 48. 246 Simone . Regm a 65 . Sine . Mr . Leon 52 Skorupa. Janet 72 . 91 Slowikowski. Ken 203 Sm alls . Linda 65 Smedley : Deborah 65 Sm1th. Dawn 72 Sm1th . Diana 65 . 105 Sm1th . Di anne 72 ..,; c Smith. Don 80 . 139 Smith . Gena 99 . 203 Sm1th. Gladys 72 Sm1th . JosepH 80. 99 Sm1th . Kathleen 80. 150 Sm1th . Lmda 72 Smith. L1sa 65 Sm1~h. Maureen 97 . 147 . 203 Smith . Patricia 203. 168 Sm1th . Steven 65 . 146 · .Sobon . Stanley 72 Soccer 1'38 Soc1al Stud1es Department 49 Sodomin . Theresa 65 Solarski . Jay 72 Sophomore Class 66 -73 South . Karen 72 Spalluto. Bob 65 . 141 Spalluto . Dan1el 86. 203 Span1sh Honor Society 96 Spera . Anthony 80 Spera . Rosemary 203 Spirazza . Carl 142. 143. 159. 199. 203 Spirazza . Gall 72 Spires . Karen 65 Spnnger . Bob 138 Spnnger . Donna 96 . 203 · Spnnger. James 139. 140 Spnng Sports 162 Stage Craft 87 Stankowski . Debbie 72 Stec. Maryann 48 . 80

Stephan. Peggy 81 Stephan. Mr . John 26. 27. 144. 145. 191 Stephan. Mark 144. 188. 191 . 204 Stevens. James 65. 105 Stewart . Kim 65. 135 Stewart . Steve 180. 204 Stockman . Maura 72 Stockman. Melissa 65 Stoka . Mrs . Mary B. 24. 101 Stoy . Pam 80 Streeter. James 104. 128. 204 Streit. Lori 65 . 147. 148. 149 Stroman. Lorrame 65 Struble . Grace 72 Struck. Bernadette 72 Struck. Elaine 72 Stryker. Michael 80 Student Government 90. 124 Stumbaugh, Johanna 65 . 149 Suffern. W1lli am 80. 87 . 142. 159 Sullivan. Dennis 80. 135 Sullivan . Mary 72. 135 Sullivan. Ri chard 199. 204 Sunshine Club 92 Swangier. Martin 65 Sweeney. Catherine 65 . 149 Sweeney. Mary Ann 65 Swistak. Janet 80 . 96 Syers. Bruce 72 Szedula. Joseph 32. 87 . 198

- TTaka ch. Gwen 80 Tamasi . Henry 65 Tamasi . Marisa 65 Tamasi. Ni ck 196. 204 Tancordo. Nick 22. 204 Tattory . Carol 80 Taylor . Anthony 80 Tejeski . Maureen 65 Theer . Debbie 65 . 149 Thomann . Sharon 80 Thomann . Janice 65 . 92 Thomas. Barbara 73 Thompson. Geoffrey 204 Thornton . Eileen 73 Thornton. Susan 96 . 98 . 100. 172. 182. 204 Thurman. JoAnne 135. 204 Tierney. Kathy 80 Tiffert . Janet 80 Tiffert. Joan 204 Tobias . Mark 65. 154 Todaro . Carmelina 204 Tompa. Gary 205 Tomsho. William 81 Toporek . Cindy 34 , 205 Toro . Lysette 73 Torres . Nancy 39 . 73 Toth. Charles 65 Toth . Julia 81 Tovar . Ri chard 65 . 146 Trakowski . John 81 Tramontan a. Usa 65 . 156 Tran 1. Peggy 73 Treadwell . Dav1d 81 . 159· Treadwell . M1chael 65 Tuccillo . Joseph 81 Tucc1llo. Michael 58. 65 Turczyn . Mar1an 34. 81 Turner . Jacqueline 65 . 149

Turner . Nell 73 Tursi . Norma 65. 149. 156 Tye . W1llie 52. 73

- UUllrich. Ed 81 Ungrady. Dave 102. 138. 139. 140.152. 175.205 Ungrady. Paul 99 . 138 Upakhayula. Aruna 65 Ussia. Lori 81 Utley. Clarynda 81 Utley . Monique 65 Uveges. Marti'ne 98 . 102. 205 Uveges. Marybeth 65



Vagnozll . Donna 66 . 73 . 151 Vagnozz1 . M1chael 142. 189 . .205. 159. 160 Valatka. JoAnn 22 . 73 . 135 Valatka . Theresa 81 . 155 Valeri. Joann 73 . 151. 91 Vandewater. Catherine 205 VanHa vere . Patrice 65 VanPelt . Michael 73 VanSant . John 135. 200. 205 Varga. Carl 65. 146 Velez . Anita 73 Velez . William 81 Velez . Yolanda 65 Venanzi . Ann 52 Venanzi . Thomas 135. 205 Ventura. Nicholas 205 Verdel . Mr. Albert 144 Vernon. Bill 65 Vernon. Karen 205 Vernon . Ronald 81 . 144 Vernon . Sue 73 Veronica . Sr . Mary 27 V1rgil . James 65 . 141 V1ttoriano. Larry 73 Voitek. Cindy 40. 205 Volen . John 65 VranCik . Ann 73 . 157 Vukov1ch . Deborah 206 Vukov1ch . Helen 30. 65 .- W -

Wagner . Mr . John 49 . 51 . 138. 164 Walczak . Halina 98. 101. 206 Waldron . Kevin 44 . 206 Waldron . Mike 206 Waldron . Sharon 81 . 92 Walker . D1ane 65 Walker . John 81. 139 Wallace. Frederick 31. 206 Wallitsch. Donna 206 Wallner . Miachael 73 Walsh . Barbara 107 . 147. 206 Walsh. Kelly 65 . 146 Walton. Mary Jane 65 Ward . Chris 65 . 141 Wasielewski . M1chael 81 Wawcza k. Ellen 81 Weasner. Dave 144 We asner . Jill 65 . 149. 156 Wea sner . R1chard 7 3 Webber . Russell 81 Weglarz . Jane 73 . 135 Wenczel . Arthur 73

Wenczel. Lisa 65 . 119. 150 Wenczel. Mike 138. 206 Wendrzycki . Ray 81. 99. 161 Wesley . Beth 73 Wesley. Neil 206 West . Keith 65 West. Lawrence 73 . 135 Wetzel . Dave 81. 91. 113. 121 . 174 Whalen . James 73 . 139 Wharton. Francis 81. 106 White. James 73 White . John 65 White. Mary Jean 65 Whypp, Bill 73 Wiacek . John 81 Widmann . Richard 65 Widmann. Susan 207 W1erzbowsk1 . Andrew 134. 135. 207 W1ldblood . Karen 81 W1ley. Frank 73 Wilkes. Salvatore 7 3 Williford. Tab'1tha 65 W1lson. Miss Janet 23 . 88 Wilson . Karen 40 . 207 W1lson. Marc1a 65 W1l son . Mon ique 66 . 73 W1rth . Mi ss Darlene 47 . 105 Wisniewski, David 207 Wnuk . Janet 87. 207 Wojciechowski . B. Celine 97. 207 Wojciechowski . Ren ata 81 Woloff . Ira 81 Wolsk1 . John 73 Wood . Mr . Robert 34 . 35 . 96 Woodmg. Cheryl A. 99 . 207 Woods . Betty Jean 65 Woods . John 207 Woods . Helen 73 Woods . Kathleel') 7 3 . 151 Wrestling 158 Worek . Mike 65 Wszolek . Sandra 65 Wyers . Mr . Joseph 42 . 142. 154 Wys1enski . Robert 207



Yaros . Mary 52 Yeager . Dawn 81 Young. Joe 65 Young. Judith 81 Young. Sandra 81 Young. Sharon 65 . I l l Young. Vicky 65 Yousko . Carol 81. 92 . 101 Yousko . Michael 65 Yuhas. Michael 81

- ZZak. Dav1d 81 Zak. Raymond 65 Zegarsk1 . John 138. 139. 207 Z1rkle . Cmdy 40 . 81 Zoltansk1 . Gregory 81 . 107 Zukas . Edward 81


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