Notre dame high school canticle 1977web

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. . . . . . . .8

STUDENT LIER .............. 48 SPORTS .................... 100 UNDERCLASSMEN ......... 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

I . I


Our Dedication For Your Dedication

Page 6/Top: Sister Joanmarie. Bottom: Sister Joanmarie, Father Hughes. Page 7/Upper Left: Eric Garcia, Sister Joanmarie. Middle Left: Sister Joanmarie, Pete Seale. Middle Right: Michele Buckley, Cheryl Maccaroni, Sister Joanmarie. Lower Right: Sister Joanmarie, Mr. Palmer.


We who form the Notre Dame Community are fortunate, more fortunate than we sometimes realize. There are many people who care about us here and among them is a Vice-Principal who has confidence in our abilities and determination to help us realize our potential. Sister Joanmarie has shared herself with us in so many ways. She's given us a firm hand when we needed one, but her interest, dedication, and genuine concern have shown us that for the last six years, she has been the inspiration and drive behind Notre Dame's success. Perhaps her most obvious contributions, however, have been her own personal growth and her attempt to motivate us, all of us, to be the very best we can be. With these thoughts in mind, we extend a long, overdue thanks. We dedicate the 1977 Canticle to one who's listened and has indeed heard the "Song of Notre Dame':, Sister Joanmarie.


Laying The Foundations

The Most Reverend John C. Reiss, CD. Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton

Reverend Thomas Luebking Superintendent of Schools


For Quality Education

The Most Reverend George W. Ahr, S.T.D. Bishop of Trenton


ADMINISTRATION . . . overseers of our education, spiritual needs and athletic endeavors . . . finding_ leadership in the priest and principal, Father Hughes .. . tackling both big and little jobs to make things run smoothly . . . listening, discussing, evaluating and then deciding in the best interests of all .. . at the counter in the morning to greet students and teachers ... attending department meetings to keep up with changes .. . seeing a perfectly scheduled day end up in a frenzy . . . "How 'bout that!" . .. Sister Joanmarie, doubling as teacher and administrator . . . desperate talks with Mr. Harrell to get out of an impossible course ... Mr. Verdel enforcing the big "0" - "No! It doesn't stand for defense" .. . crossing your fingers when giving Sister Veronica a note to get out of school .. . encouraging interaction between departments . .. always available and wanting to help ... inspiring confidence and promoting a value-conscious education . . .


Striving For Excellence

Page 12(Top: Father Hughes. Bottom: Mr. John Harrell, Second Vice Principal. Father Joseph Hughes, Principal. Sister Joanmarie McDonnell, First Vice Principal. Page 13(Top Left: Mr. John Harrell. Top Right: Sister Veronica Pfeffer, Administrative Assistant. Bottom: Sister Joanmarie.


ART . .. A new look at Art . . . Sister Judith Ward DRAW spelled backwards ... revitalizing the curriculum . . . meeting the needs of different levels of ability .. . solving a new problem each week - "Are you sure there is a solution to this week's problem? " . . . frantically rushing on Tuesday night to complete Wednesday's assignment . . . talent peeking through and being recognized ... looking inside yourself and creating what you see ... doing something out of the ordinary every day . .. cartoons, caricatures, oil paintings, monograms, word pictures, fashion design ... "No, I don't think she'll get mad if you tell her you spilled water inside your desk" . . . developing your talent to its utmost ... a special, different way to discover who and what you are . . .

Page I4/Top: Chairperson Sister Judith Ward, Julie Stockman. Bottom: Linda Bennett. Page IS/Top/ Business Department: SEATED: Sister Lynn Marie Arigo, practice teacher Miss Eileen Murphy, Chairperson M rs. ' Margaret Gribbin, Mrs. Suzanne Kelly. STANDING : Mr s . Mary Stoka, Mrs. Alice Goldstein, Mrs. Carolyn Peoples. Bottom Left: Bonnie DiBrizzi, Mrs. Peoples. Bottom Right: ' Sister Lynn Marie, Harold Hall.


Teaching The .A.rt Of Business


BUSINESS . .. striving to teach individuals, not just subject matter ... learning all aspects of business from Typing to Accounting, buying to selling ... straining to keep your " eyes on the books and feet flat on the floor" in Mrs. Kelly's class ... typing with carbon paper - making one mistake but correcting it twice ... Mrs. Gribbin reminding her Steno Classes that "cannot" is one word, not two .. . "Doesn't anyone know how to spell congratulations?" ... Accounting .- working o~t your t~ial balance an~ p~/ayi~g t~at deblts equal credlts ... Slster Lynn Mane addlng a new dimension to the department ... feeling important as president of the New City Telephone Company in Economics class ... constantly striving to "check it out" with Mrs. Goldstein ... learning about poise, personality and good grooming from Miss Coudre ... Co-op and Distributive Ed. students getting a double education - in school and on the job . .. becoming better acquainted with the secretarial field through Mrs. Stoka and the F.5.A.... reading the Busi-Business Bulletin with a sense of pride and personal satisfaction ... finally being recognized ~nd honored during National Secretaries Week ... "Have a happy!" ... meeting the needs of today's students to prepare them for tne business world of tomorrow ...



Page 16/Top: Mrs. Goldstein. Middle left: Miss Coudre~ Gwen Takach, Jean Scales, Cherie Patricelli, Middle Right: Mrs. Gribbin. Page 17/Top: Mrs. Stoka. Bottom: Sandy Young, Debbie Kochis, Florence Me-Iker, Patty Mauss, Denise Herdman, Augusta lanna, Pat Fidanza.






ENGLISH ... appreciating the creativity of others . .. "with hand grip only I'll grapple with grammar" . . . Sister Cathleen's Senior Honors class suffering through Job and J.B . ... evaluating basic skills, STEP by STEP .. . "la-di-da-sis-boomba-ing" in Sister Veronica's class . . . Drama - knowing your lines but tripping over your feet . . . Mr. Hummel making The Canterbury Tales "perfectly clear" . . . Miss Liptak directing the "Theatre of the Absurd" ... book reports - "double, double toil and trouble" ... sharing vocabulary from cartoons . .. "drop everything - Literary Cavalcades are here!" .. . being insulted by analogy records ... expressing ourselves .. .


Getting Back To Basics

Page 18/Top: Sister Cathleen McChesney. Middle Left: Sandy Wszolek, Mike Yousko. Bottom Right: Mrs. Fracassi, Monyette Rawls. Page 19/Top/English Department: FRONT ROW: Sister Mary Veronica Murray, Chairperson Sister Cathleen McChesney, Mrs. Phyllis Garrison, Miss Mary Ann Liptak. BACK ROW: Miss Ellen Glendon, Miss Karen Henkel, Mrs. Linda Fracassi, Mr. John Hummel, Mrs. Marge Archer, Sister Patricia Rooney. Bottom: Ted Maciolek, Mrs. Garrison, Kevin Bertone.


Learning Through Research

Page 20/Top: Mr. Hummel. Bottom: Scott Petrozzini, Lucy Fonda, Mrs. Archer, Joann Palutis. Page 21/Top: Head Librarian Mrs. Jeanne Rader, Assistant Librarian Sister Margaret Huley. Middle Left: Kathy Andreoli. Middle Right: Lee Paixao. Bottom: Beth McLeod.


LIBRARY . .. supplementing classroom education . .. Mrs. Radar re-acquainting students with the workings of N.D.'s library . . . Sister Margaret Huley - the new "edition" to the staff . .. receiving an overdue notice for a book you don't remember checking out ... nine library assistants daily faced with such questions as, "Can I reserve a reserved book?" .. . signing in and forgetting to sign out . . . being sent to the Library to do an English paper and reading Seventeen or Sports Illustrated instead . .. "There is to be no talking in the Library!" ... working diligently to the "dentist" music ... an atmosphere conducive to reading and sleeping . .. waging bets on whether the Xerox machine will work . . . "Mrs. Rader, for whom does your bell toll!" .. . searching beyond the encyclopedias ... providing opportunities for independent research and study ...


GUIDANCE . . . working toward the development of untapped potential . .. trying to establish realistic career goals .. . meeting the needs of the individual student . . . a growing department with new, enlarged facilities - " Miss Giampet, what happened to your homeroom? " .. . new faces ... Sister Charlotte adjusting to a changing schedule - rushing to German and Psychology classes between student appointments . .. Mr. Bugdal finally being able to say authoritatively, " I am not a disciplinarian!" ... untypical days, unpredictable situations ... "Sister Joachim, did you say everyday was 'hell' ?" . . . settling confusion over a new grading system - "Do you mean I can get an 'E' and still not fail? Try to explain that one to my father!" . . . answering questions, writing transcripts, listening to problems . . . everything being done under the supervision of Sister Mary Carmel .. . bringing students, parents and teachers together ...


Some Sound Advice

Page 22/Top: Sister Joachim, Mrs. Peggy Miller, Cindy MacDonald, Sister Carmel. Middle Left: Mr. Bugdal, Spiro Peroulidis. Middle Right: Miss Barbarics. Bottom: Ron Vernon, Sister Charlotte. Page 23/Top/Guidance Department/ FRONT ROW: Sister Mary Joachim, Sister Mary Carmel. BACK ROW: Sister Charlotte, Miss Patricia Barbarics, Mr. Robert Bugdal.


The Practical Art Of Domestic Science

Page 24/Top Left: Elvin Ruiz. Top Right: Bonnie Di Brizzi. Bottom Left: Dom Maruca, Ismael Rivera, Elvin Ruiz. Bottom Right: Deborah Johnston. Page 25/Top Left: Diane Kwietniak. Top Right: Mrs. Judith Paixao, Michael Strycker. Bottom: Debbie Oba!.


HOME ECONOMICS . . . uncovering the art of "domestic engineering" ... Mrs. Paixao giving 34 guys lessons on "Survival" .. . field trips to Robert Hall to check out the latest in men's fashion ... Miss Coudre' trying to change us from sloppy Sams into dapper Dans 路 .. oiting into a huge piece of pumpkin pie only to discover that the chef forgot the sugar - "Oh my God, I think I'm gonna be sick " 路 .. Joe Maruca finally completing his incredible American flag - Betsy, baby, you've met your match ... making a Christmas banner - each student designing his own square . . . giving the foyer that stained glass look .. . Sister Veronica giving instructions in the culinary arts ... making hors d' oeuvres for the Octoberfest and Mercy Day festivities . .. coordinating a fashion show with the P.T.A. mothers and daughters sharing the spotlight 路 .. sewing by hand or, in some cases, to your hand . .. 'I don't think I'm going to want to wear this when it's done.' ... auctioning off a beautifully handcrafted doll house at the language festival . .. really understanding why there's no place like horne . . .


Welcome To Our World

Page 26!Top/Language Department: Sister Charlotte Grodzki, Chairperson Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Mrs. Geraldine Bryan, Mr. Sal Sciarrotta, Sister Mary Philip, Sister Veronica Pfeffer, Mr. Robert Wood, Mrs. Christiane Kaplan. Middle Left: Mrs. Kaplan, Eileen Houston. Middle Right: Sister Veronica. Bottom: Mrs. Palenchar, Alan Dill, Rob Donaher, Terry Moonlight. Page 27/Top: Michele Kemo, Mrs. Mary De Puglio. Middle Right: Bob Petro, Mrs. Sciarrotta, Bottom: Jim Stevens, Brenda Royster, Chris Ryan, Mr. Wood, Bob Reed.


LANGUAGE . . . experiencing a different world without ever leaving the classroom . . . "Wie geht's, Schwester Charlotte!' Quâ‚Ź Pasa, Senora Bryan!" .. ; Mrs. Palenchar, our cheerful, concerned and" convivial" chairperson ... thinking you'd never learn those dialogues yet remembering them - four years later! . . . Mrs. Kaplan and her stories of past French trips . . . "au tableau, au tableau" . . . failing French but having the best accent in class ... Mrs. De Puglio, from Guidance secretary to Spanish teacher in one easy step . .. the language lab - shedding its carrels and becoming a real live resource center ... What ever happened to pig latin?" ... converting the gym into an international pavillion for the language festival . .. realizing that it's truly a small world after all ...



Page 28!Top/Math Department/ FRONT ROW: Mr. Gary Richard, Chairperson Sister Marie Jose: Sister Frances Hewitt. BACK ROW: Mr. Frank DiGuiseppi, Sister Catherine Darcy, Sister Dorothy Jancola, Sister Mary Dismas, Mr. Ronald Metzger. Bottom Right: Dawn Brown, Mr. DiGuiseppi. Page 29/Top: Mr. Metzger. Middle Left: Joe Mannix, Karen Kutch, Sister Frances Hewitt. Middle Right: Sister Dismas, Bob Foy, Paul Ungrady, Carl Ippoliti, Alberto Gonzales. Bottom: Larry Morton, Mr. Richard.


A Mind-Boggling Experience

MATH . .. promoting the development of logical thinking ... trying to look at things positively . . . Sister Jose' solving the problems of the department ... traveling westbound at 55 m.p.h. with Sister Dorothy ... word problems appearing as clear as mud ... wondering if anyone ever does the "Extra for Experts": .. . d~riving satisfaction from conquering problems . .. Mr. D. covering all the angles ... "Let's go! Let's go where?" .. . "Don't forget to show your work!" ... seeing just how many questions you can ask during a test ... "Does this sound familiar?" ... hoping you made a mistake figuring out your average ... missing a "B" by 7/10 of a point . . . frustration ... N.D. making its mark on the Math League ... Sister Dismas never abandoning the team ... successfully drawing your first parallelepiped . . . Mr. Richard insisting that everything is "duck soup" ... accepting the challenge ...


Lending A Helping Hand

A.V . . . . adding a new dimension to learning . . . breaking the monotony of classes through movies, filmstrips and videotapes ... a new " warehouse" located on A-corridor . . . Mr. Hearney - the prevailing force behind it all . . . " Does he really use all those keys? " . .. You want it WHEN? .. . hoping your MediaProduction class meets at 11:30 so you can watch " Happy Days" .. . watching the football games from the press box . . . attending ALL home basketball games . . ~ the School Play - A-V' s pride and joy .. . assigned to lighting and lear~ing t~ ignor~ y,~~r fear. of heights . .. What s a scnm . . .. nIneteen students discovering that A-V involves much more than a forty-minute class . . . through sight and sound .. .


MEDICAL . .. insuring the physical well-being of all students .. . N.D.'s compact version of " Medical Center" ... Mrs. Dougherty, our resident Florence Nightingale ... hearing more complaints in one day than Dear Abby and Ann Landers combined .. . Medical Assistants - relating technical terms to practical application . .. printing names in the big black book .. . "Band-Aid? How do you administer a Band-aid?" .. . "If you sprained your right ankle, why are you limping on your left foot? " .. . being told that your weight is just right - for a 7-1/2 foot male ... walking down A-corridor, always curious to see who's being sent home . . . "You, again! - what class is having a test today?" .. . being sent to the green room to recuperate .. . "Oh, I think you'll live." . . . a place to go to catch up on last night's sleep . . . treating as well as preventing injury and illness .. .

Page 3O/Top Left: Dom Recine, Joe Eustace, John Wiacek. Top Right: Mr. William Hearney. Page 31/Top: Mrs. Mary Dougherty, Bryan Keyes, Middle: Juan del Castillo. Bottom: Renata Wojciechowski, Dawn Yeager, Mrs. Dougherty.


Creativity Shines Through Music

Page 32/Top/ FRONT ROW: Saberina Mouran, Kevin Flynn, Terri McCarthy, Nancy Cashel, Allen Hancock, Eddie Hunter, Dennis Sullivan, Kim Lynch. BACK ROW: Martha Paixao, Gail Spirazza, Maureen Shelly, John Mazzoli, Joe Sirak, Luis Carreras, Judy Petrozzini, Cindy Antoniewicz. Bottom Left: Mr. Loatman. FRONT ROW: Barry Mulligan, Iris Petranto, Keith Burris, Chris Kowalski, Paul Levin. BACK ROW: Chri s Buzzelli, Mike Wasielewski, Chris Dietrich. Bottom Right: M r. Biancasino. Page 33/Top: Cheryl Rafalski. Middle: FRONT: Mr. Loatman. FIRST ROW: Carolyn DiCiurcio, Nikki Wilson, Beth Ki ss, Sabrina Raines, Beth Haskins. SECOND ROW: Erin Lynne, Sue Lind, Lori Amari. Bottom Left: Mr. Loatman. Bottom Right: Chris Buzzelli, Sue Meszaros, Stanley Alexandrowicz.


MUSIC . . . and now for your listening pleasure . . . Mr. Loatman - new chairman with a voice of gold . . . " How can he sing four parts and play the piano at the same time? " .. . N.D.'s marching ensemble finally having cause to play the victory march Mr. Biancasino and Mr. Schaeffer keeping the troops in line . .. breaking in new uniforms .. . "Practice at home? " . . . a group of talented, dedicated musicians for N.D. to be proud of . . . looking forward to third period chorus . . . voice warmups . .. " Get rid of the gum!" . . . " I can't hear you, ladies!!!" . . . finally harmonizing correctly ... " Oh, it sound so good when it's right!" ... Come to the Cabaret" . .. Richard working hard to build a fantastic music department - and succeeding.


PHYSICAL EDUCATION . . . forty minutes a day of exercise and recreation ... mixing up the sexes with co-ed volleyball ... a male ego buster - getting spiked by a girl .. . What will tney think of next? Coed showers??? .. . a male gym teacher - a good reason to keep the girls' locker room door closed .. . breaking your nose playing speedball . . . giving Annie mouth to mouth resuscitation . .. First Aid classes taking care of archery victims . . . address your target - " Hi there, target!" '" draw - aim - release . . . running the cross country course to make up points . .. Mr. Lop - "hot showers" ... learning to "flash" in Drivers' Ed .... "What do you do in case of a blowout besides pray alot?" . .. finding out just how co" ordinated you really aren't . .. discovering that fitness can be fun . . .


Educating The Whole Person Page 34(fop: Ann Everett, Jane Dietrich, Mrs. Koschek, Ginny Czerwinski, Middle: Boys' Gym Class. Bottom Left: Girls' Gym Class. Bottom Right: Saberina Mouran, Mrs. Major. Page 3S/Top Left: Mr. Simone and his class. Top Right: co-ed Gym class. Bottom/Physical Education Department/FRONT ROW: Mr. Robert Lopilato, Chairperson Mrs. Barbara Major. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Sandra Koschek, Mr. John Archer, Mr. Gary Dambro, practice teacher Miss Karen Danley, BACK ROW: Mrs. Margaret Rovello, Mr. John Simone.


Finding God In The Classroom

RELIGION ... the continual search for and development of oneself ... discovering temperaments - handing in a blank homework assignment saying, "You see, Sister, I'm phlegmatic and _ _" ... interpreting the Bible and knowing you have a 1 in 100 chance of being right ... Miss Valentino celebrating life at N.D .... Sister Clarice presenting freshmen with a Challenge ... seniors discovering the joys and traumas of marriage - "Mr. Connell, we want a divorce!" ... learning about faith and security through the trust walk .. . telling Mr. Kelly you'll report on The Source when the movie comes out ... Miss Grula inviting us to watch "The Traveler" ... laughing at Father Nolan's jokes to keep warm in the Chapel ... squeezing lemons ... Show me ... looking forward to Father Frank's discussions ... wishing Religion study periods would come out of extinction ... values, maturity, interaction ... Religion - not simply a subject but a way of life


Page 36/Top Left: Kenny Klek, Sister Katherine Cairone, Jim De Lorenzo, Hugh Smith, T.J. Faherty, Robin Fazekas, Ken Yu, Tom Keefe. Top Right: Father Frank. Middle Left/Religion Department; FRONT ROW: Sister Catherine Darcy, Sister Katherine Cairone, Miss Bonita Valentino, Miss Pauline Grula, Sister Mary Clarice. SECOND ROW: Mr. David Kelly, Father Walter Nolan, Mr. Kenneth Connell, Father Frank Iazetta, Mr. Fred Crugnale. Bottom: Miss Valentino, Rita Nagy, Page 37/Top Left: Mrs. Beth Gray. Top Right: Lorraine Rak, Susan Samonski, Mr. Connell, Cathy Rudge. Middle: Sharon Lynn, Linda Swangler, Janet Swistak.


Page 3S!fop/Science Department/ SEATED: Mr. Gerald Collins, Mr. Donald Hess, Mr. John Stephan, Mrs. Lynne Scarpiello, Mrs. Kathleen Giovannini, Mr. Joseph Gray, Mr. Richard Gusciora, Sister Mary Athanasius. STANDING: Chairperson Sister Mary Claver, Mr. John Grussler. Middle Left: John Krystaponis, Bill Allen, Sister Claver, Bill Dzieminski, Douglas Meckel. Middle Right: Mr. Collins, Bottom: Mrs. Scarpiello, Mike Erdie, Steve Kopec, Gail Spirazza. Page 39!fop: Nuclear power demonstration given by Mr. Chuck Knolls of Oak Ridge Atomic Plant. Bottom: Mrs. Giovannini.


Discovering Through Experimentation

SCIENCE ... a never ending search for knowledge . . . J..!IJIAL



courses demanding preciseness and conciseness . . . a mind tickler ... Sister Claver, our new chairperson, lending a hand to veterans and rookies alike . .. discovering what makes the world go in Physics . .. Mr. Stephan helping us to see beyond the numbers and equations ... Einstein's theory of relativity - is that the law which applies to a Mother-in-law's incessant unannounced visits? .. . forever remembering lectures about Di-Da-Di-Da-Di-Da .. . Chuck Knoll's electrifying and super visit to N.D .... Biology - a matter of life and death . .. "Isn't it against my reli~ion to dissect this frog?" . . . Sister Athanasius 'Are you with me?" - "If Physics is phun, is Chemistry chool?" ... getting a good lab partner is half the battle . .. those fragrant aromas coming from C and D-corridors ... Mrs. Scarpiello and her honeycakes .. . delayed reactions - silver nitrate spots . .. trying to share a grand total of three balances among a class of thirty . .. Mr. Gus and his anti-society lectures . .. &etting the worst looking sludge in IPS .. . Mr. Grussler trying to explain that there's no such thing as cold, only degrees of warmth . , . moving from the "closet" on D-corridor to a new, respectable resource center - a small step for Sister Claver, a giant leap for the department . . . being grateful for teachers who feel that no scientific question is ever stupid ... scratching the surface . . .


T racing Our Beginnings

SOCIAL STUDIES ... who, what, where and why - these are the questions ... trying to develop a critical mind ... Miss Grant escorting her classes to Ellis Island to see where it all began 路 .. Mr. Wagner giving us the inside stories "Would you believe that John Quincy Adams used to skinny dip in the Potomac?" ... explaining to your parents that they don't elect the President but the "electrical college" does ... giving your support to the "Ford - Mondale" ticket ... Mr. Milinowicz and his notorious vocabulary lists ... learning Arderyisms" - "OK, who can explain the Pendulum theory?" ... Coach Moore tackling the MCVS students ... Social Studies - more than just u.s. History ... Miss Giampet introducing freshmen to the ways of the world 路 .. writing research papers on the Sociology of the teddy bear ... Psychology experiments going to Burger King to play Carleton the doorman ... Sister Charlotte and Miss Barbarics stressing the importance of applied knowledge 路 .. learning about ourselves and our heritage in order to better understand others ... searching for our own answers ... 1/


Page 40/Top/Social Studies Department/: Miss Patricia Grant, Mr. David Milinowicz, Miss Terry Giampetro, Mr. Charles Moore, Miss Patricia Barbarics, Mr. John Wagner, Sister Mary Camilla, Mr. Vincent Ardery, Sister Charlotte Grodzki. Middle: Mr. Wagner. Bottom: Mr. Moore. Page 41/TOP /Miss Giampetro. Middle Left: Mr. Milinowicz. Middle Right: Miss Barbarics, Karla Nagle. Bottom: Bob Fraczkiewicz, Sister Camilla.


CAFETERIA . .. food glorious food - hot pretzels and mustard ... freshly baked cookies for breakfast ... Mr. Hemphill and the Cafeteria crew ready for anything . .. freshman brunch ... beating the crowds to get a head start at bulking up . .. round tables - a new perspective . . . chairs - the hottest items in the room ... give us this day our daily french fries ... Tuscan milkshakes - McDonald's, look out! ... Pigging out on candy and ice cream ... the change machine - the only known thing that rejects money ... give us a " happy birthday", Mr. Verdel! ... The new teachers' lounge - too close for comfort ... hitting the garbage can for two ... "yolet's go!" ... a disaster area by 12:31 . . . unquestionably the best liked room in the school ...


Service With A Smile

omCE ... the center of activity ... broadcasting - live from WWND ... "We have just a few announcements ... Mrs. Dziura - N.D.'s very own Ernestine at the switchboard . . . Call for Action, 882-7900 ... each classroom having a "hot line" to the office ... Mrs. Pillon - our gal Friday ... endless typing of attendance sheets, news bulletins, and letters ... being summoned to the office for the liverwurst sandwich you forgot on purpose ... trying to slip past the office wearing an illegal sweater - being snagged by Sister Joanmarie . .. carpeting - a touch of class ... a secret passage from Guidance ... the door is always open ...

MAINTENANCE ... workers whose day begins when school ends ... facing minor problems - doors that slam, burnt-out light bulbs, overflowing garbage cans ... handling major repairs - bathroom walls covered with students' literary accomplishments . .. "Did you say forty broken windows?" ... finding the cafeteria in a dire state of emergency ... Mr. Palmer m'a king sure the job gets done .. . wondering if Joe ever lights his cigar . .. the three o'clock shift - N.D.'s white tornado ... leading the broom brigade down D . corridor ... providing for the upkeep of our school.

Page 42!Top: Mrs. Stankowski, Kathy Dickson. Middle Right/Cafeteria Staff/ SEATED: Mrs. Sophie Potaki, Mrs. Stella Larkin, Mrs. Theresa Grochala, Mrs. Margaret Stankowski, Mrs. Celia Arnister. STANDING: Superintendent of Food Services Mr. John Hemphill. Bottom/Maintenance Staff/ FRONT ROW: Jean Bogdon, Mary Yaros, Mary Dubrisky, Stella Olszak, Ann Venanzi, Mildred Beaston. BACK ROW: Martha Mason, Mary Campbell, Marie Ottagio, Ann Sanford. Page 43/Middle Right/ Mr. Hemphill. Bottom/Office Staff! SEATED: Mrs. Pearl Pillon. STANDING: Mrs. Helen Shelly, Mrs. Jane Dziura, Mrs. Dorothy Olech, Mrs. Margaret Miller.



SISTER jOANMARIE MC DONNELL First Vice-principal: American literature.

MR. JOHN HARRELL Second Vice-principal.


SISTER CATHERINE DARCY Religion I, Geometry; Girls' Track.

MR. FRANK 01 GUISEPPI Geometry, Individualized Geometry, Algebra I-Part 2; Junior Class Moderator.

SISTER MARY DISMAS Algebra II/Trigonometry, Advanced Math, Senior Math; National Honor Society, Delaware Valley Math League, Colonial Valley Math League.

Administrative Assistant; Spanish II, Spanish literature I, II.



MCVS Religion III, IV; Freshman Softball.

Health and Physical Education; JV Soccer


MRS. MARGARET ARCHER American Uterature, Secretarial English, Communication Skills; Sophomore Class Moderator, Keyettes Club, Discipline Board, Creative Writing Club.

MR. VINCENT ARDERY U.s. History Advance PlaCement I,ll; Athletic Director, Varsity Baseball, Statisticians Club.

School Nurse; Orientation to Health Careers; Health Careers Club, Red Cross Club, First Aid Club, Discipline Board, Policy Committee.

MRS. UNDA FRACASSI People in Conflict, American Literature, Trouble Shooters; Freshmen Class Moderator, Assistant Director of School Play.

MRS. PHYLLIS P. GARRISON MCVS English III, IV, D.E./Co-op English.

SISTER LYNN MARIE ARIGO Bookkeeping, Accounting; Cheerleaders.

MISS THERESA GIAMPETRO U.S. History I, World History; Canticle.

SISTER MARY ATHANASIUS B.s.C.S., Biology; Junior Engineering Technical Society, Black Awareness, Policy Committee, Discipline Committee.

MISS PATRICIA BARBARICS Guidance Counselor, Psychology; Discipline Board.


MRS.GERALDINEBRYA Spanish I, Spanish 11-' French IIA, French Conversation and Composition, French Uterature II; French Honor Society.

MR. ROBERT BUGDAL MCVS English III, Co-ordinator of MCVS Program; Key Club, Coordinator of Fund Raising Activities, Club Co-ordinator.


MRS. KATHLEEN GIOVANNINI Chem Study, Classical Chemistry.

MISS ELLEN GLENDON World Literature, Communication Skills.

MRS. ALICE GOLDSTEIN General Business, Business Math, Consumer Economics, Business Law, Distributive Education I, II; Co-ordinator of Dist. Ed. II Students.

MISS PARTICIA GRANT u.s. History II, Sociology.

MR. JOSEPH GRAY Religion II, Physical Science.


Religion I; Missions.


SISTER MARY CARMEL Chairperson of Guidance Department; Curriculum Committee, Policy Committee.

SISTER MARY CLARICE Religion I; Chaplain's Council, In-service Committee.

MRS. MARGARET GRIBBIN Chairperson of Business Department; Stenography I, II, Executive Secretarial, Secretarial Practice; Co-op Coordinator, Busi-Business Bulletin, Arbitration Committee.

SISTER CHARLOTIE GRODZKI Guidance Counselor, Psychology, German Literature II; Student Government Moderator.


SISTER MARY CLAVER Chairperson of Science Department; Basic Electronics, Harvard Project Physics, Classical Physics.

MR. GERALD COLLINS Introduction to Physical Science; Varsity Football Assistant, Freshman Basketball.

MR. KENNETH CONNELL Chairperson of Religion Department; Religion IV; Cross Country.

MR. GARY DAMBRO Health and Physical Education; Wrestling.

MR. JOHN GRUSSLER Introduction to Vocations, Physical Science, Driver Education; Stage Craft, Photography Club.

MR. RICHARD GUSCIORA Biology, Environmental Science.

MR. WILLIAM HEARNEY Media I, II, III, Bookkeeping I.

MISS KAREN HENKEL English Reading I, English Fundamentals I.

MR. DONALD HESS Biology, Scientific Math; Varsity Boys' Basketball; Chess Club.



REVEREND WALTER NOLAN School Chaplain; Religion IV; Koinonia, Parents' Club.

MRS. JUDITH PAIXAO Chairperson of Home Economics Department; Sewing I, Cooking I, Interior Decorating, Survival; Fashion Show, Costumes For School Play, Bulletin Boards, Koinonia.

Assistant to the Librarian.

MRS. MARY PALENCHAR MR. JOHN C. HUMMEL Trouble Shooters, Major British Writers.

REVEREND FRANK IAZETIA Religion IV, Psychology Oub.

SISTER DOROTHY JANCOLA Algebra I, II; Kennel Club, Discipline Board.

SISTER MARY JOACHIM Guidance Counselor.

SISTER MARIE JOS{ Chairperson of Mathematics Department; Algebra I, Algebra I-Part II; Book Store Manager.


MR. DAVID KELL Y Religion III; Senior Class Moderator, Chaplain's Council, Koinonia, Producer of the School Musical, Theatre Arts.

MRS. SUZANNE KELLY Stenography I, Typing I; Chaplain's Council, Koinonia.

MRS. SANDRA KOSCHEK Health and Physical Education; Freshman Field Hockey, Varsity Softball, Driver Education.

MISS PARTICIA LEONIC Major British Writers, 'English I.

MISS MARY ANN LIPTAK World Literature, Honors English II; Cadet Teaching Program.

MR. RICHARD LOATMAN Chairperson of Music Department; Acting I, Choir, Music History, Musical Comedy, Band Ensemble; Cabaret, Director of School Musical, Celebration, Ski Club.

MR. ROBERT LOPILATO PhYSical Education; Driver Education, Varsity Tennis.

M S. BARBARA MAJOR Chairperson of Health and Physical Education Department; Physical Education; Varsity Field Hockey, Varsity Girls' Basketball.

SISTER CATHLEEN MC CHESNEY Chairperson of English Department; Honors English III, IV.

MR. RONALD METZGER Algebra I, Geometry; Wrestling.

MR. DAVID MILINOWICZ U.5. History II; JV Boys' Basketball.

MR. CHARLES MOORE U.5. History I, II; Varsity Football.

SISTER MARY VERONICA MURRAY Major British Writers, Drama, Cooking II; Theatre Arts.

Chairperson of Language Department; German I, German Conversation and Composition, German Literature I, Latin II, Latin Poetry, Latin Independent Study; Four Winds, Latin Honor Society, Roman Banquet, Language Festival, Discipline Board, Policy Committee.

MRS. CAROLYN PEOPLES Economics, Typing I.


MRS. JEANNE RADER Head Librarian; Student Library Assistants.

MR. GARY A. RICHARD Mechanical Drawing I, II, Algebra I-Part I; Outdoor Club.

SISTER PATRICIA ROONEY Honors English I, English I Fundamentals, English I; Canticle.

MRS. MARGARET ROVELLO Health and Physical Education; JV Field Hockey, JV Girls' Basketball, Girls' Athletic Association.

MRS. LYNNE SCARPIELLO Classical Chemistry

MR. SALVATORE SCIARROTIA Spanish I, II, Spanish Conversation and Composition; Spanish Honor Society, Trip to Spain.

MR. JOHN SIMONE Health and Physical Education; Freshman Soccer, Freshman Girls' Basketball, Baseball Assistant.

MR. JOHN STEPHAN American Literature, Harvard Project Physics; Varsity Football Assistant, Varsity Club.

MRS. MARY STOKA Typing I, II, Secretarial Practice; Future Secretaries Association.

MISS BONITA VALENTINO Religion II; Celebration, Co-ordinator of Liturgy and Liturgical Music, • Chaplain's Council, Koinonia.

MR. ALBERT VERDEL Dean of Discipline.

MR. JOHN WAGNER U.5. History I, American Political System; Varsity Soccer.

SISTER JUDITH WARD Chairperson of Art Department; Introduction to Art, Drawing and Composition II, Painting, Design; Scenery for School Musical.

MR. ROBERT WOOD Latin I, Latin II-A, German I, II; German Honor Society, Policy Committee, Discipline Board.

Notre Dame Proudly Presents Peter Pan

Page SO/Top Left: Dom Maruca, Mr. Peter Foy, Mr. DiGuiseppe, Maureen Greer, Scott Avellino, Jim Housman. Top Right: Jennifer Klim, "Nana" Beth Meagher. Bottom Left: Maureen Greer. Bottom Right: Joe Sirak, Patti Kosco, Dale Ducko carrying Jerry Larkin, Julio del Castillo. Page 51f T op Left: Theresa Wells, Laurie Jackson, "Captain Hook" Julio del Castillo, Kathy Csogi, Vicki Fabrizio, "Peter Pan" Maureen Greer, Nikki Wilson, Judy Petrozzini, Toni Fulimenero, Daphne Klaminski, Edeltroud Houck, Joe Sirak, Mary Ann Valeri, Fay Boszolak, with other "lost boys." Middle: Mr. Hearney, Father Hughes, Mr. Peter Foy, Mr. Loatman, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Grussler. Bottom Right: "Peter Pan" Martha Paixao with: Front Row: Maureen Shelly, Judy Petrozzini, Vicki Fabrizio, Mike Meagher. Back Row: Theresa Wells, Mary Ann Krawiec, Jackie Reed, Aleda Kontorowicz, Barry Mulligan, Carolyn DiCiurdo, Ed O'Connell, Russ Lyon, Nikki Wilson, Jennifer Tweed, Patti Kosco.


CAST (in order of appearance) Jennifer Klim Jerry Larkin Donna Repole Chris Besle Boni Gallo Julio del Castillo Maureen Greer, Martha Paixao Julio del Castillo Kevin Flynn Debbie Agabiti

Wendy John Uza Michael Mrs. Darling Mr. Darling Peter Pan Captain Hook Smee Tiger Uly

PRODUCTION STAFF Stage and Musical Director Assistant Director Producer Choreographer Set Designer and Decorator Set Construction Moderator Technical Director Costume Designer Make-up Coordinator

Richard M. Loatman Linda Fracassi David P. Kelly Joan Morton Lucas Sister Judith Ward John Grussler William Heamey Judith Paixao Kim Ducko Williamson

Page 52 Top: Jennifer Bezek, Debbie Agabiti, Cheryl Maccaroni, Beth McLeod, Jennifer Peoples. Middle Left: Martha Paixao, Michele Arbitell. Middle Right: Jennifer Klim, John Lynne, Mike Mazzoli, Marueen Shelly, Cindy Antoniewicz, Jerry Larkin, Patti Kosco, Dennis Sullivan, Barry Mulligan, John Mazzoli. Bottom: Maureen Miller, Jennifer Peoples, Michele Kelly, Beth McLeod, Cheryl Maccaroni, Dawn Brown, Maureen Greer. Page 53/ Top: Kevin Flynn. Middle Right: Mary Ann Valeri, Franco Biscardi, Julio del Castillo, Dale Ducko. Bottom: Dale Ducko, Julio del Castillo, Kevin Flynn, Franco Biscardi.


Peter Pan . .. Fly with us to the world of fantasy . . . first area high school production ... Richard - Mr. Everything .. . the incomparable Mr. Peter Foy and his fabulous flying machine ... "ug-a-wug a meatball?!" . .. Maureen and Martha - the fearless flying aces . .. Tiger Lily and her ten little Indians . . . Mr. D's flying crew jumping off chairs to lift Wendy, Michael, and John .. . Mr. Grussler - "infallible" ... Sister Judith Ward creating a "painting-by-number" neverland .. . skipping meals to attend band practice . .. Mr. Hearnev and his "Electric Company" . .. costumes custom-made by Mrs. Paixao ... Your heart will fly on wings in Neverland . . .


Page S4/Top Left: Sister Judith Ward. Top Right: Mr. Hearney, Catherine Hearney. Middle Left: Barbara Homa, Darlene Haney, Mary Sullivan, Pam Grussler, Regina Maurer. Middle Right: Mr. Grussler, Mike Lanzoni, Bill Saraceni, Bill Dzieminski, John Krystaponis. Page sS/Top: Barb Homa, Mary Sullivan, Darlene Haney, Regina Maurer. Bottom Left: Ron Rak, Mike Woods, John Wiacek, Mr. Hearney, Lee Rose. Bottom Right: Bill Suffern, Mike Woods.


I 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Catch The Spirit



Page S6(fop/FRONT ROW: Peggy Seiler, Maureen Shelly, Katie Smith, Susan Samonski. MIDDLE ROW: Tony Taylor, Kathy Tierney, Sandy Serock, Jean Scales, Joe Smith, Dean Scales, Janet Swistak, Linda Swangler, Elvin Ruiz. BACK ROW: Bob Springer, Jeff Schrader. Middle Left/Frosh-Soph Volleyball Game. Page 57(fop Right/Mr. Kelly, Saberina Raines, Gwen Richardson, Peter Seale. Bottom Left: Lauren Koch, Dawn Olson, Laurie Jackson.



Come To The Cabaret

Page 58 Top: Saberina Mouran, Martha Paixao, Gail Spirazza, Terri McCarthy Maureen Shelly, Nancy Cashel, John Mazzoli, Alan Hancock, Joe Sirak, Ed Hunter, Luis Carreras, Dennis Sullivan. Middle Left: Chris Buzzelli, Sue Meszaros, Stanley Alexandrowicz. Middle Right: Debbie Agabiti, Maureen Greer, Kevin Flynn. Bottom: Terri McCarthy, Sister Charlotte, Kathy Csogi. Page 59(Top: Debbie Agabiti. Middle Right: Debbie Agabiti, Vicki Fabrizio, Kevin Flynn, Alan Hancock, Maureen Shelly. Bottom Left/FRONT ROW: Debbie Agabiti, Michele Kelly, Martha Paixao, Gina Masserini, Beth Kiss, Carolyn DiCurcio, Maureen Greer. BACK ROW: Cindy Zirkle, Alex Petrino, Dale Ducko, Barb Thomas, Nancy Cashel, Saberina Mouran, Luis Carreras, Jim Cashel. Bottom Right: Judy Petrozzini.


CABARET ... boredom tomorrow, Cabaret

tonight ... Musical Comedy class earning the grade ... tryouts, tryouts, and more tryouts 路 .. talent never before seen ... two exciting afternoons of rolling tables down the corridor 路 .. Richard - what HE did for love ... the band playing their best and sounding fantastic ... both nights - - S.R.O .... Agabiti and Arbitell - Barbara Streisands back to back 路 .. explaining the background of the song and then forgetting its name ... great moments in literature - "EAT IT!" ... witnessing your first unobscene obscene phone call 路 .. acting your heart out and realizing the spot light is on the wall . .. Wawa, Savage, and Crum shouting the news for the deaf ... a great beginning with an even better ending


And The Band Played On Semi Formal ... "Autumn" . .. planning and decorations courtesy of the cheerleaders and Sister Lynn ... trying to transform the cafeteria into an Autumn scene - and succeeding ... music provided by "The Sands of Time" ... dancing the night away . . . capturing a moment with a photograph ... using candles as flashcubes ... a spotlight dance for the best athletes ... a time to remember .. .


American Rhythm Band . . . looking forward to a second coming - December 3rd ... turning the beat around ... being proud of their moderator - a Notre Dame graduate ... helping finance a trip to Disney World ... booking the band for a "Special" Christmas party . .. moving to the beat of Earth, Wind, and Fire ... That's Entertainment - Part II ...

Page 6O/Top: Michele Cromwell, Sister Lynn, Sara Kleber, Lisa Calabrese, Anne Marie Massi, Debbie Burke. Middle left: Caren Castaldo, Bill Suffern, Marlene Guth, Maureen Greer, Joe Martillotti, Gerry Meagher, Janet Secretario. Bottom left: The Sands of Time. Bottom Right: Barb Domurat, Father Hughes. Page 61: The American Rhythm Band.


Sharing Our Christmas Joy .

Page 62/Bottom Right: Lori Ussia, Cherie Patricelli. Page 63/Middle: Mr. Loatman directing N.D. Choir. Bottom Left: Cheryl Rafalski.


CHRISTMAS . .. following the star ... the smell of evergreens inspiring holiday daydreams ... some seniors dressing down and others dressing up - as elves ... selling 50-50 chances to help out area needy families ... "only 2 more testing days 'til Christmas" ... the cafeteria tree sporting a new decoration everyday ... N.D.'s choir coming together with Hun for a Winter Concert ... spreading Christmas spirit at Morris Hall ... "What fun it is to ride and sing on a big, red firetruck" ... the perfect Christmas present - an extra day off ... Koinonia having a "special" Christmas party ... Home Ec students giving their season's greetings of baked goods to the maintenance people ... Miss Valentino's angelic voice singing out our joy at Midnight Mass ... finally finding the star and realizing that Jesus has come ...


Yankee All Stars And Freshman Boys Dominate

Page 64/Top Left: Diane Olech, Dan Vernon, Jill Holsneck, Dave Mulryne. Top Right: Fran Healy, Mr. Ardery, Willie Wilson. Bottom Left: Father Nolan, Jeff Torburg. Bottom Right: T.J. Faherty, Donna Dovgala. Page 6S/Top Left: Roy White. Top Right: Jill Holsneck, Dave Mulryne. Middle: Mr. Milinowicz, Mr. Hess, Willie Wilson. Bottom: Mr. Milinowicz, Jeff Torburg, Johnny Briggs, Fran Healy, Willie Wilson.


. I

Yankee Game . . . N.D. Coaches getting a chance to prove their skills against "The All-Stars" . . . Swish Ardery, Dandy Don Hess, John the Foot Wagner - What talent! . . . "D - A - M - B - R - 0, we want Dambro!" ... half time - a chance to get Roy White's autograph . .. "Is there a hot dog on the court?" ... a defeated N .D. team - "Did you say our team was one of the toughest you ever met? " .. . with a coach like " Knuckles" Nolan - ! ... a battle of the sexes the Girls' Varsity Basketball Team finally meeting its match . . . high expectations shot down . . . overcome by a strong freshman defense . .. everyone pitching in for the N.D. Athletic Department . . .


Broadway's GODSPELL Comes To N.D.

Page 66/GODSPELL/Middle Left: Father Hughes and Godspell friends. Middle Right: Karen Coleman with performer from Godspell. Page 67: Godspell Performers.


Godspell ... "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" . . . an old parable told in a new way . .. plowing through the snow to get here .. . "Is this the beginning??" . . . audience participation ... having Mary Magdalene sit on your lap .. . "Kick the habit Sister!!" . , . being baptized a second time ... tin foil basketball at intermission ... autographs .. . a standing ovation .. . sneaking in for the second show "We Beseech Thee, Hear Us" . . .


Page 68 and 67: The Cast of GodspelJ.





50's Week A Hit


Page 70/fop: Father Hughes. Bottom Left: Jennifer Klim, Debbie Agabiti, Alex Petrino. Bottom Right: Paul Ungrady. Page 71/Top: Michael Mudd, Jean Reres, Alberto Gonzalez, Janet Secretario, Ed Ullrich, Cathy Owen. Middle Left: Gus Lanna, Dennis Sullivan, Lucy Fonda. Middle Right: Jimmy Ciccone, Joe Martillotti, Stan Koreyva, Tony Salvadore. Bottom /SEATED: John Krystaponis, Bob Foy, Jimmy Ciccone, Jean Reres. STANDING: Michael Mudd, Cheryl Maccaroni, Larry Morton, Tony Salvadore, John Raines, Ed Ullrich, Donna Dovgala.



50's Week . .. reliving those Fabulous Fifties ... hula

hoops - not as easy as they look ... a whipped cream moustache ... 17 people in a Volkswagon?? ... bobby socks and saddles ... red lipstick?? ... Tshirts, leather jackets, grease Su perman - mild mannered Dave Kelly ... Marilyn, Mae, and the Marx Brothers ... entertainment by the MaryLou Sisters ... swallowing five goldfish and regretting it in Gym class ... Marty Dickson eating his prize ... best costume - Jean Reres on roller skates ... "We should do this more often!" ... a blast from the past ...


Scientific Methods Prove Successful

SCIENCE FAIR Page 74/Middle: Sal Sargiotto Second Place, Upperclassmen. Page 75/Top Right: David Waldron, Third Place, Upperclassmen. Middle Right: John Kocsis, Second Place, Underclassmen. Bottom: Joyce Wang, First Place, Underclassmen.



Seniors Savor Sun, Surf, And Sand

SENIOR CLASS TRIP ... departing at 5:30 A.M. for "hot fun in the summer sun" ... and away we go in a "Whisper" . .. knocking somebody over to grab your luggage off the conveyor belt . .. the Constitution buildingN.D.'s home away from home . . . discovering you have a phone in your room and putting it to good use .. . Space Mountain and the speed boats - group favorites . .. searching for a beach where you won't be thrown off ... Dr. Ruderman coming to the rescue in severe sunburn cases . . . wondering where the chaperones are at 4:00 on Sunday morning . . . Mass by the poolside ... looking at the situation from all different angles in the Monsanto building . . . coming together for the banquet . . . endless photographs ... a toast to Mr. Kelly . . . surprise guests - the Disney characters . . . getting down with the sound . . . a pizza pool party to top off the night ... Monday morning - " so soon!" ... finallyadm itting to yourself how tired you really are .. . hoping your tan won't fade before you get home ... being greeted by a cold and miserable Trenton ... a happening in the past to be remembered in the future ...


Page 76/Top: Cheryl Kovacs, Joe Maruca, Bill Dzieminski, and Sharon Dura with Mickey Mouse. Page 77/Top Right/ SEATED: Cindy Ferrare, Denise McDonald, Maryann Stec, Nancy Descoteau, Cathy Murphy, Jennifer Bezek. STANDING: Allen Hancock, Debbie Brian, Mr. Archer. Middle Left: Maureen Greer, Beth Carney, Denise Cariello, Gerry Meagher, Janet Secretario, Ismael Rivera. Middle Right: Mr. Kelly and Pluto. Bottom Left: Linda" Swangler and Eileen Evans with The Big Bad Wolf.


12A Spikes Opponents On Volleyball Night


Page 78/Top: Anne Carlin, Mike Mudd, Manuel Ortiz. Bottom-Winning Homeroom 12A/Front Row: Judy Brennan, Kenny Alford, Patti Burke, John Bedard. BACK ROW: Jeff Antoniewicz, Bob Battis, Chris Bacsik, John Blusnavage, Paul Brown, Sister Dismas. Page 79/Top Left: Carl Ippolito, Jeanne Kerr, Brian Jones, Frank Inverso. Top Right: Kenny Alford, Patti Burke. Bottom Left: Kenny Alford. Bottom Right: Dennis Sullivan, Jim Petrino, Steph Pirozzi.


Government O( By, And For The Students

Student Government .. . washing cars and dogs in July . .. " I thought school started in September!!" . .. bagging books for 1300 . .. B100 - the " shady" Student Government room ... representing Notre Dame at Leadership Training Camp ... Charlie Brown introducing the freshmen to N.D . . . . Blue and White Day - "Only the door - PLEASE!" ... 650 students at the first dance - "Is that a record?" . . . building up the treasury . . . flowers for the Sisters on Mercy Day ... the "Quarterly Moon" - an S.G. digest ... forever changing bulletin boards ... giving students " A Night on the Town" . .. looking to moderators Sister Charlotte and Mr. Bugdal for guidance .. . Tony in the driver's seat of the " Big Blue Machine" .. . giving the faculty a WILD party . .. Mr. and Mrs. Claus and their elves . .. an $.G. Christmas party with poisoning side effects . . . co-sponsoring a sock hop in the middle of a blizzard ... Father Hughes backing our ideas ... working toward a change for the better ...


Page SO(Top/STUDENT GOVERNMENT/ FIRST ROW: Cindy Antoniewicz, Starlet Jones, SECOND ROW: Cherry Destura, Kathy Csogi, Martha Paixao, Nancy Driver, Cindy Serafine. THIRD ROW: Maria Inocencio, Racine Leonard, Dawn Olson, Dana Doviak, Diana Powell, Dennis Sullivan, Liz DuBois, Bob Fraczkiewicz, Fran Festa, Mary Angebranndt, Fil Silvestri. FOURTH ROW: Sister Charlotte, Debby Sales, Chris Ryan, Beth Wesley, Karen Coleman, Mike McDowell, Tony Salvadore, Barb Domurat, Ali Compo, FIFTH ROW: Julio Del Castillo, Monica Lintott, Jennifer Bezek, Janet Secretario, Beth Meagher. Bottom Right: Mr. Bugdal. Page 81(Top Left: Barb Domurat, Beth Meagher. Top Right: Cherry Destura, Racine Leonard, Starlet Jones. Middle Right / Executive Board: Fran Festa, Barb Domurat, Tony Salvadore, Cindy Antoniewicz, Mike McDowell. Bottom Left: Dennis Sullivan. Bottom Right: Dennis Sullivan, Mike McDowell, Dana Doviak, Cherry Destura, Beth Meagher, Karen Coleman, Ali Campo, Maria Inocencio, Fil Silvestri, Darlene Innocenzi.


Page 82/Top: Maryrose DeMille, Fay Bozsolak and students form the New Lisbon State School. Middle Left: Sister Catherine Darcy, Father Nolan. Middle Right: Cara Kluxen and students form the New Lisbon State School. Bottom: Dale Ducko, Matthew Carlyle, Paul Lane, Daphne Kliminski, Martha Paixao, Dawn Carmosino, Michele Kelly, Maryann Krawiec, Miss Valentino. Page 83/Top/KOINONIA/ FRONT ROW: Kathy Burns, Peggy Paul, Maryann Krawiec, Kathy Latham, Sue Lind. MIDDLE ROW: Sharon Waldron, Cheryl Craig, Fay Bozsolak, Kathy McGlone, Barry Mulligan, Paul Lane, Matthew Carlyle. BACK ROW: Steve Pasierb, Miss Valentino, Mrs. Kelly, Sister Catherine Darcy, Father Nolan, George Bozsolak, Bob Battis, Dawn Carmosino, Valderie Bennett. Middle Left: Sue Lind, Matthew Carlyle, Miss Valentino. Middle Right/ FRONT ROW: Kathy Latham, Peggy Paul, Maryann Krawiec, Sue Lind, Miss Valentino, MIDDLE ROW: Bob Battis, Dawn Carmosino, Matthew Carlyle, Valderie Bennett, Barry Mulligan, Steve Pasierb, Paul Lane.





. Koinonia Plans Activities To Benefit Others

Koinonia . .. extending Christian awareness both in and out of N .D ... . Father Nolan conducting Sunday night meetings and Masses in the chapel ... monthly visits to Skillman, "Just to talk" ... a successful new experience -holiday " specials for special children" . . . collecting and distributing food baskets to area families at Thanksgiving ... attending the John Denver concert at the Spectrum ... Christmas carollers arriving at Morris Hall on a fire truck . .. contributing our efforts to benefit others . . .


Clubs Encourage Participation In

Page 84/Top Left/BLACK AWARENESS/ FRONT ROW: ~ylvia Roberts, Rosalyn Sherman, Terry Masters, Starlet fones, Frances Fowler, Bev Payton. MIDDLE ROW: Toni Frazier, Donna Derry, Ruby Hickman, Sabrina Raines, Antoinette Hickman, Sherri Eure, Valderie Bennett, Debbie Daniels, Kathy Holmes, Kim Lynch, Jackie Bigham BACK ROW: Rusty Freeman, Ed Hunter, Anthony Grimsley, John Raines, Keith Burrows, Allen Hancock, Dean Scales. Top Right: Tony Salvadore, Mr. Simone. Bottom Left/KEYETTES/ FRONT ROW: Donna Halko, Judi Halko, Jean Reres, Peg Seiler, Vicki Fabrizio, Joann Valeri, Toni Ailey, Maureen Kelly. MIDDLE ROW: Cherie Patricelli, Maryanne Dorozinsky, Diane Maty, Caren Castaldo, Sarabeth Egan, Monica Farrell, Patty Atkinson, Mary Bezek, Sharon Molnar. BACK ROW: Sue Ciccone, Pat Burke, Lorraine McCarrick, Jill Weasner, Jackie Boone, Jackie Powell, Anne Carlin, Barb Plunkett, Mrs. Archer. Bottom Right: Jim Ciccone, Tony Salvadore, Rob Rhoades, Janet Secretario, Mr. Kelly, Manuel Ortiz, Domenic Maruca, Pete Lieggi, Joe Martillotti. Page 85/Top Right/KEY CLUB/ FRONT: Joe Martillotti, Kelly Salvadore, Carl Ippolito, Ed Ullrich, Tom McManimon, Mr.Simone. MIDDLE: Rob Rhoades, Jim Springer, Gerry Meagher, Jim Ciccone, Bob Foy, Tony Salvadore, BACK: Dave McCreedy, Pete Lieggi, Tim Ruberto, Joe Kondash, Joe Maruca, Tim Mahony, Manuel Ortiz. BOTTOM RIGHT: Barb Plunkett, Caren Castaldo, Mrs. Archer.


School And Community Activities

Black Awareness . . . developing a pride in the Black Heritage .. . Sister Athanasius and Toni Frazier - working together to unite the club .. . Easter egg hunts at Skillman . . . workshops at Stuart Country Day School ... travelling to minority career days in Philadelphia and Newark .. . raising scholarship funds ... seeing Bubbling Brown Sugar and becoming aware of Black art . . . students discovering their "Roots" ., . Key Club ... the muscle men ... Tony compiling back breaking agendas . . . hoping to repeat as state basketball champs . .. "tables on wheels - at last!" . . . giving Allied Van Lines tough competition .. . setting up for College Night ... fighting frostbite while cutting down the Christmas tree . . . doing a job willingly . .. Keyettes ... providing indispensable woman power around the school ... supporting the teams with posters in the gym . . . sharing in the fun at the Christmas party for special children ... Caren, Barb, Janet - competent officers ... spreading the Christmas spirit with a visit to Morris Hall and Lawrenceville Nursing Home . .. assisting at the performances of "Peter Pan" .. . adding a feminine touch . . .


Students Investigate Careers In Health

Page 86/Top: Gregory Zoltanski, Cheryl Kovacs, Lori Maxwell, Jim Rebman, John Forman. Middle Left: Mrs. Mary Dougherty. Bottom Left: Mrs. Dougherty, Gregory Zoltanski, John Forman. Bottom Right: Mrs. Dougherty, Greg Zoltanski. Page 87/Top Left: Cheryl Kovacs, Jim Rebman. Top Right: Greg Zoltanski, Kathy Eng, Chris Kontorowicz. Bottom Left: John Forman.



Red Cross/Health Careers/First Aid Clubs ... broadening our knowledge of the Medical fields ... John and Greg - resident C.P.R. experts ... bringing Christmas to the pediatric ward at Mercer Hospital ... members always on call .. . checking the BP of students and faculty . . . raising student awareness with film presentations ... making preparations for the Health Fair ... clubs built on concern for others . . .


Engineers, Athletes, And Intellectuals

Page 88/Top Center/NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY/FRONT ROW: Michele Buckley, Cathy Hearney, Regina Maurer, Lorraine Rak, Jennifer Klim. BACK ROW: Ali Campo, Alex Petrino, Jennifer Bezek, Monica Farrell, Karla Nagle, Rich Ragany, Chris Agocs, Stan Koreyva, Cheryl Maccaroni, Colleen Harney, Sister Dismas. Bottom Left/G.A.A./ FRONT ROW: Lisa Nicolai, Lisa DeAngelo, Katie Casey, Lisa Barrett, Kate Hutchison. BACK ROW: Cheryl Maccaroni, Donna Dovg~la, Chris Agocs, Sue Ciccone, Diane Olech, Caren Castaldo, Mrs. Rovello. Bottom Center: Karla Nagle, Sister Dismas. Page 89/Top Left: Toni Frazier, Chris Agocs. Bottom Right/JETS/FRONT ROW: Ray Wendrzycki, Paul Ungrady, Mark Gates. BACK ROW: Frank Richardson, John Trakowski, Alberto Gonzalez, Tony Salvadore.



National Honor Society . ,. an elite group of students .,. being on your best behavior during the evaluation period . . . Sister Dismas - our new advisior . .. giving our time to those who need extra help . .. "How can I tutor when I don't know how to do it myself?" ... wearing your pin with pride . . , Advanced Math - the real killer . .. evaluating student teachers receiving deserved recognition

G.A.A. . .. promoting interest in girls' athletics ... .contributing to the fund for the school sign .. . a renovation in the point system - earning points for out-of-school sports . .. Diane taking charge ... new softballs, bats, time clocks - courtesy of the G.A.A . ... presenting the " hottest" talents in May ... "You've come a long way, Baby"

JETS ... exposing students to the creative application of Science and Mathematics ... Sister Athanasius recruiting future Goethals . . . "Sister and the Jets" . , . taking the NEAS - the engineers' version of the SAT ... officers Jim, Tony and Ray leading the group at industry tours ... visiting RCA's David Sarnoff Center ... acquainting interested students with the opportunities of Engineering . . .


Students Excel In Foreign Languages .

Spanish Honor Society . .. excelling in Espanol . .. Mr. Sciarrotta, the Spanish Groucho Marx, leading the group ... coordinating the Language Festival .. . brief meetings - arriving at 2:05 and missing the whole thing ... contributing articles to the Four Winds .. . Joe Mart, Immo, and Barb - sharing the duties . . . an organization of outstanding Spanish Students.


German Honor Society ... recognizing achievement in the study of German ... bringing a small part of Deutschland to the Language Festival ... hoping to begin a tutoring program for first year students ... sponsoring a trip to Montclair State in the Spring ... getting in the spirit of Christmas at Cathy Schaefer's house ... Herr Holtz - our moderator ... T schuss ... French Honor Society . . . the cream of the crop ... not many parties, but a lot of planning for them '" Sarabeth dressed as Mickey Mouse at the Halloween Party ... putting a lot of work into the Language Festival ... learning the "Notre Pere" for the induction ceremony ... trying your hand at decorating the display window .. . planning a trip to the Metropolitan Museum in New York ... having a good timewith a French twist! ... Latin Honor Society ... exploring the Latin Classics . . . the Junior Classical League reborn ... drafting a new constitution '" Bryan laying down the laws ... taking part in 路 the Language Festival ... a 'chance to . wear a toga at the Roman Banquet ... livening up the "Dead" language ...

Page 9O/Top left: Mike McDowell, Mrs. Bryan. Top Right: Barb Domurat, Joe Martillotti, Mr. Sciarrotta, Joe Immordino, Middle/SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY/FRONT ROW: Cathy Rudge, Fran Festa, Barb Domurat, Ch-eryl Maccaroni, Joe Immordino. SECOND ROW: Maria Aquilino,jim Ciccone, Alex Petrino, Joe Martillotti, Carl Ippolito, Mr. Sciarrotta, Cathy Hearney, Mary Bath. BACK ROW: Manuel Ortiz, Joe Kondash, Mark Morrison, Regina Maurer, Kathy Eustace, Frank Richardson. Bottom/GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY/FRONT ROW: lisa Calabrese, Chris Agocs, Gloria Kleinmann, Beth Gates, Lisa Nicolai, Maryrose Quigley. BACK ROW: Mr. Wood, Cathy Schaefer, Patty Grussler, Elaine Struck, Alan Beelitz, Tim Mahony, Mark Gates, Chris Hanak. Page 91/Top: Bryan Keyes, Mrs. Palenchar. Middle/FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY/FRONT ROW: Elaine Di Via, Michele Buckley, Monica Farrell, Sarabeth Egan, Karen Confoy, Ali Campo. BACK ROW: Mrs. Bryan, Jane Cychowski, Cheryl Kovacs, Jennifer Klim, Mike McDowell, Lorraine Rak, Julio Del Castillo, Cathy Hearney. Bottom left: Mr. Wood, Cathy Schaefer. Bottom Right/SITTING: Ostap Kortschmaryk, Mary Bezek, Jerry Larkin, Joan MacDonald, Linda Dirk, STANDING: Bryan Keyes, Maryrose Quigley, Michele Rafalski, Mrs. Palenchar, Anne Vrancik.


Business, Language Students Utilize Talents

Page 92/Top/F.S.A.: Darlene Haney, Marlene Guth, Barbara Homa, Susan Samonski, Lorraine McCarrick. Middle/FOUR WINDS STAFF: Cheryl Kovacs, Maryrose Quigley, Julio Del Castillo, Bryan Keyes, Karen Confoy, Ronald Rak. Bottom Left: Mrs. Gribbin, Lorraine McCarrick. Bottom Right: Mike McDowell, Mrs. Palenchar.


Top/ FOUR WINDS EDITORS: Mike McDowell, Michele Buckley, Jen Klim, Cathy Hearney, Jerry Larkin, Joan MacDonald, Sharon Lynn, Barb Domurat. Middle/ BUSI-BUSINESS BULLETIN: Barbara Homa, Marlene Guth, Lorraine McCarrick, Darlene Haney, Mary Rojek, Mrs. Gribbin.

F.S.A. . . . making definite career plans . .. Sue and Debbie as secretaries to the Trentonette Chapter . . . varied programs - from astrology to memory retention . .. karate demonstration - providing for future protection? . .. alternating with three member schools in turning out the monthly bulletin ... attending a luncheon during National Secretaries' Week ... working toward a goal .. .


Four Winds ... spanning the globe to bring you a constant variety of literary entertainment . . . a change in format ... Regina's drawings and Kathy's pictures decorating the Christmas issue . .. attending a Columbia press workshop in New York ... Michael- chief coordinator of confusion . .. racing to meet last minute deadlines .. . Sharon's fingers in constant motion ... a production to be proud of .. . Busi-Business Bulletin . .. bringing the school up-to-date on Business activi., ties . . . Editors Lorraine and Carol assisted by a staff of juniors .. . Mrs. Gribbin -leadership with a smile ... realizing how much time and effort is needed to produce a paper . . . applying the skills acquired in class . . .


Canticle Captures The Year With Words And Pictures .

Page 94/Top/ Beth Meagher, Kathy Houston, Sister Pat, Sharon Lynn, Carol Drazek, Miss Giampetro, Colleen Harney, Maureen Shelly. Bottom Left: Maureen Shelly. Bottom Right: Carol Drazek. Page 95/Top/ Left: Sara beth Egan. Middle: Beth Meagher. Bottom Left: Colleen Harney, Cathy Houston. Bottom Right: Sharon Lynn.


Canticle . . . L - I - S - T - E - N . . . headlines - a new innovation ... identifying hundreds of pictures - "Have you ever seen this person before?" . .. experiencing a grueling deadline without Frank's help ... having paper fights to relieve the tension ... Beth establishing her "priorities" .. . one small step for man, one giant LEAP for mankind - you lose, Father! ... Sharon - our gal Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday ... our own Rona Barrett - embarrassing people into buying year books ... going to the beach in the dead of winter to take our theme pictures - Sarabeth and Colleen getting pneumonia ... Joan i'the Hat" MacDonald discovering that she's been doing layouts wrong for a whole year ... converting the Canticle room into one giant locker ... secretly wishing that Mike Wasielewski's horn would "Take five" ... Kathy patiently listening to the irresponsible literary people - "You're too nice to them, Kath!" ... "Don't let Chris work on headlines!" ... Maureen's staff disappearing each time a payment rolls around ... Carol stepping in at midseason ... wondering if it's all worth it ... "I resign!" ... Sister Pat and Miss Giampet sticking with us through thick and thin ... it was definitely worth it ...




Where's Your Favorite Hang-Out? .



Do You Remember When . .. ?


Page 98/Top: Patty Kiernan, Kara Kluxen, Anne Carlin, Bill Dzieminski, Cathy Murphy, Bob Foy, Cheryl Maccaroni, Jim Ciccone, John Krystaponis, Ed Ullrich, Jean Reres. Middle Left: Yankee All Star Fran Healy, Mr. Collins, and fan. Middle Right: American Rhythm Band member. Page 99/Top: Katie Casey, T.J . Faherty. Bottom: Godspell Cast. Middle Right: Godspell performer, Stephanie Hemingway, Maryanne Valeri, Lauri Bonfrancesco.


Irish Find A Winning Combination FOOTBALL . .. it started as a dream . . . triple sessions

· .. finding the right position . . . "Tread" at tight-end? · .. drills, drills and more drills ... the largest coaching staff in Mercer County . . . "Get to your stations" . .. finding out our good and bad points and then correcting them . . . scrimmaging some of the best teams in the area · .. "What's the harness?" - finding out the hard way · .. learning that Mr. Moore meant business ... Vern mastering Coach Moore's multi-play offense . . . discovering our answer to an awesome ground game in Fuccello, Schaible, and Schrader . . . a rugged defensive unit built around Larry "Moose" Morton ... upsetting Trenton High 17 to 15 . . . Kenny Alford's super boot with 3 seconds remaining .. . unveiling our offense against Steinert ... learning the thrill of victory . . . forgetting the agony of defeat .. . our first loss handed to us by the Blue Devils ... "Keep your composure" . . . Coach Collins building our O-line .. . John Krystaponis becoming the premier guard in the county ... playing Hightstown with everything at stake ... coming from behind with a last minute prayer to win 15 to 14 . . . getting psyched up for St. Anthony's . .. defense tightening up . . . "Juice" exploding for 3 TO's ... becoming Co-C.V.C. champs · . . Larry named defensive player of the year . . . Coach Moore getting "Coach of the Year" Honors ... playing tough Red Bank Catholic for the state championship ... never giving up . . . Jeff winning the scoring title . . . not winning the game but being able to say, "We made it" · .. a lot of blood and sweat but happy tears . . . it started as a dream but it became reality .. . The MIGHTY IRISH are SUPREME{ .. .

Page l02/Top: Ron Vernon, Larry Morton, Dan Schwartz. Middle: Jeff Schrader. Bottom Right: Ron Vernon, Chris Schaible, Larry Morton.


Page 103/Top: Coach Moore. Middle Left: Kenny Alford, Bob Greiss. Middle Right: Ron Vernon. Bottom/VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM/FRONT ROW: Jeff McCue, Alberto Gonzalez, Flip Faherty, Bob Foy, Larry Morton, Jeff Schrader, Barry Dekis, Russell Freeman, Dave Wetzel, Tom McManimon. SECOND ROW: Jim Housman, Lou Ranfone, Tim Mahony, Mike Griffin, Jeff Jones, Marty Dickson, Joe Eustace, Kenny Alford, Carl Riccio, Jim Kemble. THIRD ROW: Bob Hall, Ron Vernon, Steve Smith, Rich Weasner, Chris Schaible, Dave Treadwell, Tom Goeke, Dean Scales, Tony Grimsley, Dan Schwartz. FOURTH ROW: Randy Kiernan, John Krystaponis, Tom Lynam, Greg Giordano, Pete Lieggi, Art Eng, Joe Maruca, Bob Halliman, Jim Peters, Bob Greiss. FIFTH ROW: Tim Bertone, Russ Barbiero, Tom Giordano, Mark Eskridge, Daryl Crossland, Don Montgomery, Carl Fuccello, Dom Maruca, Allen Hancock, Anthony Sevilla. BACK ROW: Mike Dennehy, Carl Ippolito, Bill Ryan, Kevin Bertone, Dave Dileo, Mr. Collins, Mr. Massik, Mr. Freccia, Mr. Stephan, Mr. Jaroni, Mr. Moore.


NO 17 31 17 21 14 14 15 16 26


Trenton Steinert Ewing West incisor Hamilton Lawrence Hightstown Princeton St. Anthony Red Bank CathoDe (State Tournament)

15 12 41 7 6 6 14







Page l04/Top Left: Anthony Sevilla. Top Right: Dave Treadwell. Bottom Left: Carl Fuccello. Bottom Right: Ron Vernon, Jeff Schrader, Tom McManimon . Page lOS/Top/FRESHMAN FOOTBALL TEAM/FRONT ROW: Pete Danese, Ed Lind, Dan Danko, Paul Crowell, Richard Johnson, Bill Perna, Ernie Lampkin, Peter Ryan. SECOND ROW: Ken Link, Ron Fiori, Steve Ratzlaff, Mike Roche, Charles DiBrizzi, Michael Tkacs, Mark Watkins, Frank Kopp. BACK ROW: Mr. Jaroni, Berto Pirone, Tony Miele, Peter Brescia, Paul Tamasi, Philip Faraone, Ed Schrader, Mark Stephan. Middle Left: Varsity Football Team. Middle Right: Bob Hall. Bottom: Kenny Alford.


Harriers Gain Experience For The Future CROSS COUNTRY ... long races, hard practices ... punishing pre-season work-outs ... Mr. Connell - a new coach and a "dece~t" one 路 .. new frosh with old names - Vagnozzi and Breimann ... "You need more speed work!" ... having enough injuries to open up a wing at St. Francis ... combining races for our dwindling team ... Kev and Dave - all CVC team .. . "C'mon fellows, let's run the Rider Course" ... a taste of victory - St. Anthonys' and Princeton 路 .. "Someone get the cones!" ... Suff as Mr. Cross County ... being proud of a personal best time . .. "You mean you stopped the clock 777" 路 .. "Dave, you big punk!" ... sub-zero temperatures at West Windsor ... wondering if you're first, last or lost ... Kev, Dave, and Chris - all Mercer Honorable Mention ... Jean placing first in the county ... Mr. Connell bravely taking the team out to lunch ... six returning lettermen "J ust wait till next year!"

Page l06!fop: Dave Harrell. Middle Left: Kevin Dziura. Middle Right: Rich Breimann, Pat Vagnozzi. Page 107!fop Left/CROSS COUNTRY TEAM/FRONT ROW: Chris Cantwell, Jean Reres, Pat Vagnozzi. SECOND ROW: Mike Humphreys, Gene Lanzoni, Jerry Coriano, Joan MacDonald, Kevin Dziura, Rich Breimann. BACK ROW: Chris Hanak, Ivan Page, Chris Tocatlian, Doug Fisher, Dave Harrell, Bill Suffern. Top Right: Ivan Page. Bottom Right: Chris Hanak.





32 43

19 50

41 38 45 34

37 -26 50 30

31 49 15 30

Allentown Hightstown St. Anthony Trenton lawrence West Windlor Hopewell Valley Princetown Hightstown St. Anthony Steinert lawrence West Windsor Hopewell Valley Princeton Ewing


15 26

15 20 20

16 21 U 19

15 15 15

15 30 15

J.V. RECORD - 2-4


Irish Boaters Miss Their Goal

SOCCER . .. hoping for a third consecutive State Championship ... making that mile on the first day and almost getting sick ... tri-captains Joe Mart, Meags, and Ung ... tying the first two games of the season ... Frannie keeping the team afloat ... Mr. Mart our number one fan ... Rhoadsie out for a month ... heading for the CVC crown ... five guys injured at one time ... Mr. Arch - new JV coach ... "Way to be, there, Don" ... doing a rain dance and getting the sought after results - an indoor practice ... "The track's too wet, Mr. Wags" 路 .. the daily fullback competition, .. Anthony's golden right foot ... "How did we lose to those farmers?" ... Mr. Wagner's lucky clothes ... the cutoff date getting closer ... "Let Mac throw it in" 路 .. blowing out Princeton 5-0, hoping to turn the season around ... Pepe, the Uruguayan Wonder 路 .. O.B; with a left footed rip from 25 yards ... "Oh Dearl" ... shooting for better than .500 season 路 .. getting aced by the Cards . . . Gerry and Joe tied for Mr. Soccer ... Spunk, Jim, Gerry, and Joe receiving All-County honors ... 6 - 8 - 4, a disappointing season ... not quite reaching our goal ...



0 1 4 1 4

3 5 1

1 2 1 4

2 0 6

OPP. Council Rock Trenton Hightstown St. Anthony Ewing Peddie Lawrence West Windsor Hopewell Princton Hightstown St. Anthony Steinert Lawrence West Windsor Hopewell Hamilton Princeton

0 2 1 3 4

0 3

0 3 1

1 3 4

2 1 3 5


J.V. RECORD - 10 - 6 - 2 FRESHMAN RECORD - 9 - 4 - 2


Page 108/Top: John Castaldo. Bottom left: Bob Springer, Frank Nerwinski, Ted Camastra. Bottom Right: Mike McQuade. Page l09/Top left: Bob Springer. Top Right: Anthony Castaldo, Mr. Wagner, Mr. Ardery. Middle/VARSITY SOCCER TEAM/ FRONT ROW: John O'Brien, Gerry Meagher, Tom Barlow, Ted Camastra, Mark Morrison, John Antinoro, Bryan Keyes. SECOND ROW: John Castaldo, Frank Nerwinski, Don Schuler, Jim Virgil, John Murphy, Joe Martillotti, Bob Springer. BACK ROW: Francis Wharton, Jim Ciccone, Anthony Castaldo, Steve Kondash, Paul Ungrady, Mike McQuade, Jim Whalen, Joe Immordino, Mr. Wagner. Bottom: Tom Barlow, Joe Martillotti.



Page 110ITop Left: Steve Kondash. Top Right: Joe Immordino. Middle: Don Schuler, Steve Kondash, Joe Martillotti. Bottom/FRESHMAN SOCCER TEAM/FRONT ROW: Mark Williams, Andy Siekanowicz, Jim Martin, Tom Keefe, Tom Porcelli, Mike Woods. SECOND ROW: Kenny Klek, Paul Sapienza, Vince Martorana, T.J. Faherty, Mark Hagins, Brian Kerns. BACK ROW: John Kocsis, Kurt Borne, John Scarpiello, Mike Meagher, Mr. Simone. Page 11I/JV SOCCER TEAM/FRONT ROW: Dave McCreedy, Steve Kopec, Bob Mangone, Chris Ward, Tom Frascella. SECOND ROW: Jack Moore, Tom Carella, Bob Delorenzo, Kelly Salvadore, John Midura, Keith Fithen, Jeff Rugarber. BACK ROW: Anthony Colavita, Bob Petro, Frank Feldenzer.


Field Hockey Fortunes Fluctuate .



FIELD HOCKEY ... "Hail to thee, dear Notre Dame" .. . suffering through tryouts in ninety degree weather .. . facing stiff competition in the new CVC league ... tough "0" holding Princeton to a scoreless tie ... "I thought Sunday was a day of rest!" ... dressing up for practice in kilts ... "You look like a bunch of bananas!" ... looking for the winning combination ... getting it all together at the Ewing game ... an inter-team rivalry of offense and defense ... "Talk!" ... committing "sticks" and paying for it - "five extra laps??" ... indoor hockey with socks - Sockey? ... routing Hamilton 7-1 - Diane getting five .. . earen and Donna stealing J.V. cookies .. . playing Monmouth in the State Tournament but coming up short .. . Mrs. Major's postseason gift - a knitted hockey spike complete with shin guard ... finishing the season with a respectable 6 - 7 - 5 record . .. "Onward to victory we shall fight" ...

Page 112/Top Left: Diane Olech, Caren Castaldo. Top Right: Stephanie Pirozzi. Bottom/VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY TEAM/FRONT ROW: Caren Castaldo, Cherie Patricelli, Chris Agocs, Diane Olech, Sarabeth Egan, Katie Casey, Mary Ellen Ehret, Caroline Forcina. SECOND ROW: Dawn Cariello, Vicki Hebeler, Donna Dovgala, Michele Powers, Barb Glackin, Katie Hutchison, Lisa Nicolai. BACK ROW: Monica Farrell, Renee Reali, Bibber Dovgala, Mrs. Major, Stephanie Pirozzi, Patti Burke, Anne Carlin. Page 113/Top/J.V. FIELD HOCKEY TEAM/FRONT ROW: Sharon Mitchell, Jane Liedtka, Valerie Krzywkowski, Ginnie Brenton, Mary Alice Nemec. SECOND ROW: Norma Tursi, Lori Rutkowski, Diane Karpik, Erin McGraw, Lynn Moody. BACK ROW: Mrs. Rovello, Jackie Shelly, Nancy Hayden, Lisa Tramontana. Middle Left: Diane Olech, Donna Dovgala, Katie Casey, Michele Powers. Middle Right: Mary Ellen Ehret, Stephanie Pirozzi, Caroline Forcina. Bottom: Donna Dovgala, Katie Casey.


Page 114/Top/ Cherie Patricelli, Carolyn Forcina, Stef Pirozzi. Middle: Caren Castaldo, Donna Dovgala, Katie Casey, Diane Olech, Michele Powers. Bottom/FRESHMAN FIELD HOCKEY/FRONT ROW: Lynn Masslmi, Sara Krzywkowski, Rita Christenson, Donna Holsneck, Karen Bilotti. MIDDLE ROW: Donna Inverso, Alicia Kontorowicz, Lorie Burke, Diane Dutko, Amy McGarrity. BACK ROW: Mrs. Koschek, Loretta Mancuso, Chris Kowalski, Diane Collinson, Debbie Tursi. Bottom Left: Carolyn Forcina, Stef Pirozzi. Page 115/Top/V ARSITY CHEERLEADERS/ FRONT ROW: Alecia Alston, Cheryl Maccaroni, Sara Kleber, Maureen Kelly, Katie Smith. BACK ROW: Judy Brennan, Donna Vagnozzi, Michele Buckley, Donna Repole. Middle Right: Karen Kutch, Michele Kelly. Middle Left: Michele Buckley, Cheryl Maccaroni


D 2 3 1

o 2 3



o o o 3 7

Villa Victoria SO Hiahtstown Steinert Allentown Ewing Lawrence Weet Windsor Hopewell Princeton Hightstowa

PecIdie Hamilton

1 3

o 2 1

o 3 3

o 1 1 1




1 3

Villa Victoria Lawrence 2 West Windsor 2 Hopewell Princeton 1 o Monmouth County (State Tournament) J.V. RECORD - 5 - 7 - 4 FRESHMAN RECORD - 2 - 9 -




2 2


Irish Spirit Echoes Loud And Clear

Cheerleaders ... "You can't beat this Irish team!" .. . cheering through the rain and cold ... planning, presenting and making "Autumn" a success .. . Alecia - "Can I drive the bus?" ... Mrs. Milinowicz's Christmas party for Varsity and J.V .. . . Katie and Donna making the newspaper twice! ... "Laps" ... "How come Cheryl's never late?" . . . getting corsages from the teams - feeling appreciated .. . Donna Vagnozzi balanced on Maureen and Sara's shoulders - "Don't let me fall!" ... Sister Lynn and her lollipops . .. Varsity confiscating J.V.'s megaphones .. . Judy - our basketball expert . . . Roll Call- Check it out . .. "Wait I'm not limber!" . .. Michele's solo - "Hey, you!" . .. more than a squad - friends . .. laughing and sharing, really caring - building a spirit that can't be broken ...


Page 116/Top: Judy Brennan, Michele Buckley, Cheryl Maccaroni, Maureen Kelly, Sara Kleber, Donna Repole. Middle Left: Michele Buckley, Cheryl Maccaroni, Judy Brennan, Alecia Alston. Right: Mary Rojek. Page 117/Top Left: Maureen Kelly. Top Right: J.V. CHEERLEADERS: Michele Kelly, Michele Cromwell, Bev Borne, Jennifer Peoples, Lori Seiler, Lisa Paglione, Ann McClain. Middle Right: Varsity Cheerleaders. Bottom/FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS/ FRONT ROW: Karen Maciolek, Donna Mahon, Kim Lynch, Linda Bennett, Ann Marie Giancarli. BACK ROW: Cynthia Herdman, Beth McCarrick, Donna Holsneck, Kathy Elek.



Girls' Basketball . . . We're gonna "Do It Our Way" ... "Go up strong and hang tough!" ... the year of the injured fingers ... "Know man, know ball" .... professional looking sweatsuits ... taking a first in the Christmas Tournament ... Diane Player of the Year with over 1,000 rebounds, breaking all school basket ball records . . . another jam "Get the Visine out!" . . . Caren and Diane making first teams All-County and All-CVC ... 4 OT's against Hightstown ... Mrs. Major - Coach of the Year ... Donna's tough "D" . . . refusing a day off from practice ?? ... "B.L." ... a close call against Ewing .... finishing 25 - 0 - another fantastic season ... corsages for the seniors . .. "Making our dream com-e -true" .,.


Irish Girls Roll To First Undefeated Season


N.D. 70 58 59

49 40

70 74 71 60

61 45 69

52 fI7 66

46 66

32 73 50

52 55 70 80 41

Delhaas Hunterdon Central Trenton Steinert St. Anthony Delaware Valley West Windsor Lawrence" St. Anthony Hamilton Steinert Princeton Hopewell Valley Ewing West Windsor Hightstown Lawrence Hightstown St. Anthony Steinert St. John Vianney Princeton Hopewell Valley Hamilton Ewing


31 19 33 37 18 18 29 45 28 35 47 1~

35 33 23 37 29 48 45 29

40 37 36



Freehold Township M nmouth Regional South Plainfield

J.V. RECORD - 17 - 4 FRESHMAN RECORD - 13 - 0

20 28 52-

Page 118/Top Left: Jill Holsneck, Donna Dovgala, Caren Castaldo, Mrs. Major. Right: Diane Olech. Middle Left: Maureen Gavin. Page 119/Top/VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBALL: Lisa Nicolai, Coleen Kale, Elizabeth Dovgala, Donna Dovgala, Michele Powers, Caren Castaldo, Katie Casey, Mrs. Major, Lisa DeAngelo, Lisa Barrett, Jill Holsneck, Diane Olech, Jane Liedtka, Bob Hall. Bottom Left: Jill Holsneck, Bottom Right: Caren Castaldo, Donna Dovgala, Diane Olech, Mrs. Major.


Page 120/Top Left: Katie Casey, T.J. Faherty, Donna Dovgala, Paul Levin. Top Right: Donna Dovgala. Bottom Left/FRESHMAN GIRLS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Lynn Massimi, Mimi Elliott, Rita Christensen, Missy Wenczel, Sara Krzywkowski, Darlene Jacobus. BACK ROW: Mr. Simone, Debbie Tursi, Kate Hutchison, Carolyn Forcina, Lisa Hall, Kash McDonough, Rosemary Recine, Loretta Mancuso. Bottom Right: Tom Porcelli, Katie Casey. Page 121/Top/J.V. GIRLS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Beth Franzoni, Brenda Royster, Jill Weasner, Lisa Smith, Valerie Krzywkowski, Sharon Young, Ginny Brenton. BACK ROW: Mrs. Rovello, Cherry Destura, Darlene Leonard, Betty Jean Woods, Sharon Mitchell, Maryann Dorozinsky, Katie Hennessy, Norma Tursi, Lisa Tramontana. Bottom Right: Donna Dovgala, Caren Castaldo.


Cagers Use Speed And Teamwork As Keys To Success

Page 122/Top/VARSITY BOYS' BASKETBALL: Mr. Milinowicz, Don Schuler, Anthony Castaldo, John Dearden, Kenny Alford, Mark Cashel, Harold Hall, Ed Fireall, Swillie Ross, John Bedard, John Castaldo, Mr. Hess. Middle Left: Ed Fireall, Tom Keefe. Middle Right: Harold Hall, John Bedard, Ed Fireall. Page 123/Top Left: John Bedard. Middle Right: Kenny Alford, John Castaldo, Harold Hall. Bottom Left: Tom Keefe. Bottom Right/J.V. BOYS' BASKETBALL/ FRONT ROW: Mark Tobias, Willie Tye, Flip Faherty, Chris Ward, Dave Mercurio, BACK ROW: Mr. Milinowicz, Dave Harrell, John Dearden, Mark Cashel, Swillie Ross, Anthony Castaldo, Phil Butler, Mr. Hess.


Boys' Basketball . .. entering the season with uncertainty ... getting off to a good start with four straight wins ... experiencing a big setback with the loss of Art Harrell . .. hanging tough with Trenton for three quarters before bowing out in the fourth . .. Madman, Harry the Hat, Razzle Dazzle - team aliases .. . " up, cones, miles, money" ... "Baby, we were born to run" - endless laps and timed sprints . . . Tom Keefe gaining varsity experience as a freshman . . . speed, teamwork, and a fullcourt press - effective weapons against opponents ... going into the Hamilton games as underdogs and coming -out as winners ... three big losses at the hands of the Iron Mikes .. . Ed "the sparkplug" Fireall gaining first teams All-County and All-CVC . . . exceeding expectations . ..


Top Left: Kenny Alford, Harold Hall, Ed Fireall. Top Right: Ed FireaU, Tom Keefe, Harold Hall, Don Schuler. Bottom/ FRESHMAN BOYS' BASKETBALL TEAM/ FRONT ROW: Jerry Coriano, Roger Nevius, Tom Porcelli, Danny Vernon, Dave Mulryne, Pete Brescia. BACK ROW: Joe Zamborski, Ken Klek, Tim Slavin, Bob Donaher, Frank Kopp, T,J. Faherty, Paul Levin, Mr. Collins.

SCOREBOARD OPP. 80 57 74 63 63

81 54

43 54

67 78 54 54

61 67 75 73

65 81 63

43 48 62 46 72 57 52

Council Rock Holy Cross l:Iunterdon Central Delaware Valley T enton Allentown St. Anthony West Windsor Lawrence St. Anthony Hamilton Steinert Princeton Hopewell Valley Ewing West Windsor Hightstown Lawrence Hightstown St. Anthony Steinert St. John Vianney Princeton Hopewell Valley Hamilton Ewing Pope Paul VI (state tournament)

J.V. RECORD - 18 - 6 FRESHMAN RECORD - 6 - 16


53 52 52 60



61 37 47 69

61 38 58 55 82 48 59 53 47 67 73 47

68 47 65 64


Matmen Develop New Talent

Top/VARSITY WRESTLING TEAM/ FRONT ROW; Chris Cantwell, Doug Kopec, Angelo Immordino, Frank Dennehy, Dan Frascella, Chris Ottaunick. BACK ROW; Tim Mahoney, Ray Wendrzycki, John Ippolito, Dave Treadwell, Rich Mangone, Mr. Dambro Top Right: Angelo Immordino. Bottom Left: Pat Vagnozzi, John Ippolito, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Dambro, Dave Treadwell, Rich Mangone. Bottom Right: Chris Cantwell.


Wrestling . .. New faces build the team ... commanding the right of way during laps around the gym and getting it ... creating a breeze .. . persistent coaching from Mr. Dambro ... "Cross face!" ... taking a disappointing second in the Christmas Tournament ... "Tread" inspiring the team ... IBlaps to a mile ... Mr. Metzger makes his debut ... losing to Allentown by three, again .. . soph standout Rich Mangone ... J.V. team - "The Rookies" ... countless oranges quenching the grapplers' thirsts ... "Sprawl!" ... searching for that last ounce of strength ... getting your second wind ... looking to the future with high hopes ...


Page 126/Top/J.V. WRESTLING TEAM/ FRONT ROW: Kurt Borne, Art Tranter, Pat Vagnozzi, Frank Lewallen. BACK ROW: Mr. Metzger, Frank Sikorski, Steve Pacera, Mike Griffin. Middle Left: Mr. Dambro, Angelo Immordino, Mr. Metzger. Middle Right: Rich Mangone. Page 127/Top: Chris Ottaunick. Middle Left: Frank Dennehy. Middle Right: Art Tranter. Bottom: Chris Cantwell.


N.D. 28 60

22 35 12 25 24 33 14 13 26

Allentown Bristol West Windsor Lawrence Steinert Hopewell Valley Trenton Hamilton Ewing Voorhees Princeton

31 9 37 18 54 28 37 19 36 42 32

J.V. RECORD - 4-7


Spring Athletes Shine


Page 12S/Top: Lucy Heinzel, Renee Reali. Middle: David Harrell, Cheryl Maccaroni, Mr. Hess, Mr. Milinowicz. Bottom: John Bedard. Page 129/Top Left: Dee Ann Couch. Top Right: Sue Ciccone. Bottom: Bob Battis.




Page 130/Top Left: Lenny Schaible. Top Right: Paul Ungrady. Middle Left: Ed Ullrich. Bottom Right: Daryl Ansley, Jeff Antoniewicz. Bottom Left: Mrs. Koschek. Page 131/Top Right: Karen Kutch. Top Left: Lori Maxwell, Jackie Bigham. Middle: Kathy Owen, Cookie Struck, Diane Olech. Bottom Right: Ed Kluzner.


Juniors Gain Status As Upperclassmen

Page 134/Top Left: Sherri Eure. Top Right: Beth Kiss. Middle Left: John O'Brien, Middle Right: Class officers Karen Coleman, Darlene Innocenzi, Beth Meagher. Bottom: Jim Schanz, Bill Whypp, Greg Evans, Stan Sobon, Larry Ferrara. Page 13S/Top Left: Junior Ring Day. Bottom Left: Mr. DiGuiseppi. Bottom Right: Sara Kleber.


Junior Class History . .. "the po-

tential to be great" ... feeling old and experienced ... getting right down to the business at hand - planning for the future . .. selling Bright of America Products for our fund raiser "Can I interest you in a Christmas candle?" ... Ring Day bringing us together as a class ... "We May Never Pass This Way Again!" ... Mr. D. faithfully sticking with us for another year .. . Darlene taking care of endless details ... voting on a Prom meal- "What exactly is a capon?" ... accepting upperclass responsibilities "We are great!" ...

Top/IlA/FRONT ROW: Lori Amari, Stan Alexandrowicz, Cindy Barbuto, Todd Adams, Jackie Bigham, Matthew Babecki, Liz Battis, Meg Blake, Kelly Brown. BACK ROW: Tom Barlow, Mary Bezek, Elizabeth Aristeguieta, Dan Belli, Fay Bozsolak, Joe Bobko, Frank Bailey. Middle leftl IlA/FRONT ROW: Phillip Boone, James-Alessi, Scott Avellino, Chris Buchanan, SECOND ROW: Doreen Bigham, Lisa Barrett, Sarah Brooks, Betty Bakos. THIRD ROW: Jennifer Bilotti, Nancy Bisiecker, Anne Apai, Elaine Bentz, Debbie Alavrado. BACK ROW: Daryl Ansley, David Blake, Charles Beauchamp, Roel Bautista. Middle Right: Chris DaBronzo, Rita McDonough, Linda Kochis. Bottom: Donna Vagnozzi.


Top: Joe Nini. Middle/UB/FRONT ROW: Theresa Czartoryski, Karen Dale, Michele Burrell. SECOND ROW: Laura Capriotti, Lisa Calabrese, Lorraine Colligan, Debbie Burke, Deeann Couch, Marietta Dadio, Debbie Burch. BACK ROW: James Callen, Ted Camastra, Luis Carreras, Darryl Crossland, Keith Carmichael, John Cugasi, Matthew Carlyle, John Castaldo, Chris Cantwell, Frank Cairo. Bottom/UB/FRONT ROW: Sue Ciccone, Denise Coyle, Katie Casey, Chris DaBronzo, Marcia Christensen, Joe Cuiule, BACK ROW: Walter Czajkowski, Anthony Castaldo, Chuck Chianese, Tom Carella, Mark Cashel, Anthony Colavita.


Top Left/lIC/FRONT ROW: Kathleen Dunn, Elinor Dzieminski, Theresa Ecker, Maryann Dorozinski, Carol Duman, SECOND ROW: Kathleen Eustace, Dana Doviak, Carolyn DiCiurcio, Janice DeCoff, Linda Dirk, Lisa DeAngelo, Mary Ellen Ehret. BACK ROW: John Dearden, Darryl DeFeo, Michael Erdie, Mike Dennehy, Carl Durcanin, Art Eng, Edward Fagan, Kevin Dziura, Michael Donaher. Top Right: Cindy McDonald. Middle/ lID/ FRONT ROW: Mary Ann Garrahan, Lori Guadango, Danita Gaines, Deirdre Hamilton, Ellen Fraulino, Patricia Grussler, Charlene Grogan, Delores Gummel. BACK ROW: Maureen Gavin, Vickie Furman, Eddie Fireall, John Haller, John Genovese, Art Harrell, Eric Garcia, Helen Hardy, Beth Gates. Bottom/ lIC/ FRONT ROW: Liz DuBois, Dave Fiorello, Diane Dombroski . BACK ROW: Frank Dennehy, Joanne Farone, Frank Feldenzer, Sherri Eure, David Dileo.


Top/UD/FRONT ROW: Kim Hamersky, Darlene Haney, Marlene Guth, Mary Firetto. BACK ROW: Jeff Greiss, Linda Green, Ed Gillin, Beth Franzoni, Bob Fraczkiewicz, Marie Fitzpatrick, Chris Hanak. Middle Left/UE/FRONT ROW: Theresa Hartman, Maggie Hose, Bernadette Kanda, Sara Kleber. SECOND ROW: Beth Meagher, Chris Karolkiewicz, Beth Haskins, Barbara Homa, Karen Coleman. BACK ROW: Rita Humphrey, Karl Heinz, John Ippolito, Terry Kale, William Hickey, Joe Immordino, Colleen Kale, Maureen Kelly. Middle Right: Katie Casey. Bottom Left/UE/ FRONT ROW: Jim Housman, Mary Ann Heller, Randy Kiernan, Kathy Kane, Joe Herman, Jeff Jones. BACK ROW: Kathy Houston, Jill Holsneck, Debbie Hubal, Darlene Innocenzi, Beth Kiss, Julie Keefe. Bottom Right: Mary Ellen Ehret.


Top left: Barbara Thomas. Top Right/llF/FRONT ROW: Steve Kopec, Rich Leadem, Tom Lynam, Mike Lochnane. SECOND ROW: Darlene Leonard, Ossie Kortschmaryk, John Kobos, William Lesh, Tom Lanzoni, Sue Lind. BACK ROW: Delores Lisnak, Allison Luck, Meg Klim, Karen Kutch, Sharon Lewallen. Middle left/nF/FRONT ROW : AL Kwietniak, Karen Lloyd, Ray Leonard, Mary Kondash, Foster Krupa. BACK ROW: Joe Kliwinski, Joni Klein, Linda Kochis, Vicki Ledger, Cel Kraus, Kim Lambert, Erin Lynne, Jane Liedtka, Gene Lanzoni. Middle Right: Jim Whalen. Bottom/llG/FRONT ROW: Jim Mihalick, Judy Mauro, Jeff McCue, Joan MacDonald, Mike McQuade, Sandy Micklewright. BACK ROW: Karen Motchnik, Cindy McDonald, Donna Maty, Melanie Meyer, Tim Marion, Rita McDonough, Tim Mahony, Ralph McKinney, Joe Mannix.


Top uC/FRONT ROW: Kit McKee, Bob Mangone, Michele Nelson, Roy Miller, Dawn Miele . SECOND ROW: Mike Mears, Maribeth Mydlowski, John Napoli, Sue Meszaros, Pat Morello. BACK ROW: Bryan McClain , Bill Moore , Kathy McGlone, Frank Nerwinski, Saberina Mouran. Middle / llH / FRONT ROW: Maugha O'Donnell, Lisa Nicolai, Chris Proniewski, Michele Rafalski, Patty Pawlukewich, Judy Petrozzini, Janet Roche, Maryrose Quigley, Tom Nizolek. BACK ROW: Joe Nini, John Roberto, John O'Brien, Mike Piechowski, Hugh Riley, Joe Paglione, Carl Riccio. Bottom Left: Diane Smith . Bottom' Right/UH/ FRONT ROW: Karen Obduski, Donna Repole, Mary Rojek, Jody Ronyack, Anna Ricciardi, Chris O'Brien. BACK ROW: Terry Obduski, Leslie Peoples, Bill Ray.


Top/ lll/FRONT ROW: Chris Schaible, Barbara Severino, Cathy Schaefer, Peter Seale, Selena Scoggins, Debra Stankowski, Maura Stockman. BACK ROW: Joseph Sbarra, Joan Ryan , Anthony Sevilla, Diane Smith, Don Schuler, Debbie Seifert, Chris Sawicki, Karen South. Middle Left: Tim Marion. Middle Right/ MCVS/ FRONT ROW: Mike Wallner, Laura DiVincenzi, Linda Johnson, Bobbie Howell, Greg Evans. BACK ROW: Rich Krawczun, Bill Whypp, Larry Ferrara, Stan Sobon, Jim Schanz, Steve Schmerer, Angelo Immordino, Roman Orzol. Bottom/ lll/FRONT ROW: Linda Smith, Ken Salewski, Jeff Rugarber, Jay Solarski, Mary Ryan. SECOND ROW: Dawn Smith, Marianne Santarsiero, Janet Skorupa, Gail Spirazza, Belinda Silver. BACK ROW: Jeff Schuster, Grace Struble, Ron Sciarrotta, Gladys Smith, Dan Schwartz.


Top Left: Kathy Kane. Top Right/ uJ/ FRONT ROW: JoAnn Valatka, Jim Whalen, Salvatore Wilkes, Elaine Struck. SECOND ROW: Nancy Torres, Eileen Thornton, Bruce Syers, Bernadette Struck, Monique Wilson, Donna Vagnozzi. BACK ROW: Willie Tye, Sue Vernon, Archie Wenczel, Peggy Trani, Larry Vittoriano. Bottom Left/UJ/ FRONT ROW: Anita Velez, Rich Weasner, John Wolski, SECOND ROW: Barbara Thomas, Mike VanPelt, Joann Valeri, Anne Vrancik. THIRD ROW: Mary Sullivan, Kathy Woods, Chris Tocatlian, Beth Wesley, BACK ROW: Jane Weglarz, Jim White, Helen Woods, Bottom Right: Tom Lanzoni.


Class Of '79 Stays Alive And Well

Sophomore Class History .. . trying to establish our identity ... Mary Angebranndt - an experienced president ... N .D.'s biggest class ... selling candy as a fund raiser satisfying everyone's sweet tooth . . . holding our own in after schol activities, especially detention . . . struggling through Biology and Geometry . . . The great volleyball rivalry with the Freshman .. . feeling "silly" .. . Mrs. Archer - involved and concerned . . . making a name for ourselves . . .


Page 14S(Top: Terri Laird, Terry Sagedy. Middle Left: Josephine Fria!. Middle Right: Jay Krosnick. Bottom Right: Deb Daniels. Page 14S/ Top Right: Carl Fuccello. Top Right: Class officers Maria Inocencio, Mary Angebranndt, Cherry Destura. Middle Left: Kevin Confoy . .. Middle Right: Moderator Mrs. Archer. Bottom: Diana Walker, Tanya Frazier, Mary Angebranndt.


TOp/lOA/FRONT ROW: Mark Allen, Russell Barbiero, Michael Alba, Neil Barna. SECOND ROW: Maureen Allen, Carolyn Arnister, Maryann Bennett, Beverly Borne, Dorthy Adam, Sara Bezek, Toni Ailey. BACK ROW: John Bejko, Tim Bertone, Linda Barbiero, Jackie Boone, Pat Atkinson, Barbara Bowden, John Antinoro. Middle/lOA/FRONT ROW: Steve Bowker, Paul Beelitz, Zachary Alvin, Guy Adams, John Boscarelli. SECOND ROW: Marcia Barber, Jackie Bowser, Valderie Bennett, Mary Angebrandt, Beth Bombery, Maria Inocencio. BACK ROW: Cherry Destura, Jackie Amaro, Carlo Benedetti, Celeste Braun, Larry Baier, Lisa Basco, Carolyn Brenna. Bottom Left: Carl Fuccello. Bottom Right: Mary Alice Nemec.


Top Left: Gina Masserini, Nancy Cashel. Top Right/ lOB/ FRONT ROW: Karen Chid-

zik, James Coyle, Kevin Confoy, Joyce Camastra. SECOND ROW: Gin Czerwinski, Diane Ciasullo, Michele Cromwell, Jennifer Daly. BACK ROW: Virginia Brenton, John Campbell, Elizabeth Calamia, Kevin Brennan, Nancy Comfort, Anthony Contento, Jim Coty. Bottom Left/ lOB/ FRONT ROW: AI Colacello, Eric Burch, Phil Butler. SECOND ROW: Lynn Costigan, Sue Ellen Cebulko, Lisa Carini, Dawn Brown. THIRD ROW: Kathy Burns, Lynn Cariello, Julie Campo, Dawn Carmosino, Nancy Cashel. BACK ROW: Richard Brown, Dave Callahan, Keith Burris, Chris Croux. Bottom Right: Rob Greiss.


Top/lOC/FRONT ROW: Deborah Daniels, Michele DiJoie, Elizabeth Dovgala, Donna Derry. SECOND ROW: Anne DeMille, Donna Damroth, Bonnie DiBrizzi, laura Diaz, Marie D'Angelo, Caroline Danko. BACK ROW: Bob Evans, Bob Delorenzo, Nick DiPierro, John Enerson, Paul Dombroski, John Downy, Brian Demarest, Mark Eskridge. Middle left/lOC/FRONT ROW: Connie Eastmead, Jane Dietrich, Joanne DiBella, Donna Dutko, Karen Direske, lisa Driver, Ann Everett. BACK ROW: Michael Ehret, Joseph Eustace, Michael Dzieminski, Matt Erdie, John Dembeck, Ed Dlabik , Frank DiBella . Middle Right / lOD / FRONT ROW : James Gnandt, Flip Faherty, SECOND ROW: Greg Gallo, Nancy Fabian, Kevin Flynn. THIRD ROW: Catherine Graziano, Flor Erlinda Garcia, Patty Foundos, Josephine Frial, Edmund Goedertier. BACK ROW: Douglas Francimore, Chris Feldenzer, Aldo Gonzales, Robert Giovannetti, Mark Grice. Bottom left: Rob Spalluto.


Top Left: Diana Walker, Top Right/ 10D /FRONT ROW: Barbara Faraone, Jim Fitzpatrick, Sharon Fazio, Keith Fithen, Victoria Fabrizio, Steve Goerlich, Yvette Graham. BACK ROW: Bob Greiss, Vince Gioe, Carmen Giovacchini, Tom Giordano, Tanya Frazier, Carl Fucello, Thomas Frascella. Middle Left: Kevin Flynn. Middle Right/IOE/FRONT ROW: Tom Hughes, Mike Hickey. SECOND ROW: Stacey Jingoli, Stephanie Hemingway, Diane Karpik. THIRD ROW: Antoinette Hickman, Edward Kerekes, Ellen Keefe, Mike Humphreys, Nancy Hayden, Clare Kite. BACK ROW: Vicky Hebeler, Michele Kelly, Ed Heitzman, Donna Halko, Frank Hornyak, Stephanie Kliminski. Bottom/IOE/FRONT ROW: David Harrell, Shauna Heffernan, Donald Haney, Edeltraud Houck, Greg Keefe, Wendy Hill. BACK ROW: De Keyes, Joanne Grochala, Katie Hennessy, Joyce Immordino, Daphne Kliminski, Michael Griffin, Colette Jaouen, Halina Kaminsky, Starlet Jones, Mary Ellen Griffith.


Top Left: Patrice Van Havere. Top Right/IOF/FRONT ROW: Jeanne MacDonald, John Mazzoli, Stephan Kondash, Racine Leonard. SECOND ROW: Elizabeth Leonard, Diane Maty, Jodi Lewallen, Gina Masserini, Anne McLain, Anne Marie Massi, Paul Lane. BACK ROW: Victor Ladnyk, Mike Lenartowicz, Rich Mangone. Middle Left/IOF/FRONT ROW: Jay Krosnik. SECOND ROW: John Lintott, Linda Lakatosh, Pete Lieggi, Donna Liedtka. THIRD ROW: Irma Lewis, Laure Kluzner, Mario Mangone, Frank Kramarz. FOURTH ROW: Chris Krupa, Joanne McCabe, Michael Mazzoli, Mary Ann Maleski. BACK ROW: Kathy Mahler, James Link, Terri Laird, Tom Lemire, Theresa Mazzella. Middle Right/loG/FRONT ROW: Joe Militio, Sean McFadden, Mark Nalbone. SECOND ROW: Ed O'Connell, Rita Nagy, Mary Alice Nemec, Colleen Moore. THIRD ROW: Sharon Mitchell, Sharon Molnar, Erin McGraw, Sheila Murphy, Lynn Moody. BACK ROW: Richard Moses, John Midura, Gregory Newell, Mike Mosner, Terry Moonlight.


Top/loG/FRONT ROW: Donald Montgomery, Lisa Moschera, Jack Moore, Maggie McVeigh, Francis Murphy, Deborah Navarro, Al Mendola, Anne Marie Murphy. BACK ROW: Gemma Nini, Dave McCreedy, John Nelson, Beth McLeod, Barry Mulligan, Annette Murchison, Dave Mercurio. Middle Left: Nancy Fabian. Middle Right/lOHG/FRONT ROW: Joann Ploof, Diane Patrizi, Iris Pet ran to, Jennifer Peoples, Sabrina Raines, Lisa Paglione, Lynn Parno. SECOND ROW: Rich Parker, Ivan Page. BACK ROW: Lori Potocki, Dino Persichilli, Robert Reed, John O'Reilly, Jack Pirozzi, Steve Pacera, Jim Peters, Scott Patricelli, Beverly Payton. Bottom/lOH/FRONT ROW: Peggy Paul, Marie Paixao, Pam Pirone, Erminia Porcaro, Pat O'Donnell, Sharon Proniewski, Jamie Provenzano. BACK ROW: Bob Petro, Tom Rebman, Steve Pasierb, Debbie Ragany, Carla Parham, Debra Olinski, John Pogorzelski, Yarko Plys, William Petercsak.


Top Left/lOI/FRONT ROW: Merry Ann Sary, Miriam Rivera, Judy Roche, Michele Rugarber. SECOND ROW: Trudy Russo, Lori Seiler, Jackie Shelly, Ellen Schwarze, Lori Rutkowski, Terry Sagedy. THIRD ROW: Colleen Rhoades, Kelly Salvadore, Bill Ryan, George Sabatino, Ed Roland, Swillie, Ross, Wilfred Robles, Cecelia Santiago. Top Right: Steve Bowker. Middle Left/IOI/FRONT ROW: John Shanoskie, Tony Santoro, Ciaran Sheehan, SECOND ROW: Simone Russo, Brenda Royster, Ann Scales, Pat Serock, Christine Ryan. BACK ROW: Sal Sargiotto, Frank Sikorski, Mike Rudge, Jim Sciarrotta, Frank Roche. Middle Right: Jane Dietrich. Bottom/lOJ/FRONT ROW: Rob Spa 1luto, Diana Smith, Richard Tovar, Lisa Tramontana, Henry Tamasi. SECOND ROW: Debbie Smedley, Karen Spires, Mike Tuccillo, Mary Sweeney, Matt Sikorski, Teresa Sodomin. BACK ROW: Marisa Tamasi, Lisa Smith, Linda Smalls, Nancy Sikorski, Regina Simone, Mike Twamley.


10J/FRONT ROW: Debbie Theer, Steve Smtih, Cathy Sweeny, Steve Sommers, Lori Streit, Jim Stevens, Norma Tursi, Art Tranter, BACK ROW: Martin Swangler, Janice Thomann, Mark Tobias, Leslie Thomas, Aruna Upadhyayula, Fil Silvestri, Melissa Stockman, Lorraine Stroman. Middle/ 10K/ FRONT ROW: Yolanda Velez, Jill Weasner, Diana Walker, Sharon Young, Mary Jane Walton. SECOND ROW: Lisa Wenczel, Patrice VanHavere. BACK ROW: Vickie Young, J. Michael Young, Jimmy Virgil, Raymond Zak, Susan Wall. Bottom Left: Celeste Braun. Bottom Right/10K/FRONT ROW: Betty Jean Woods,Mike Yousko, Keith West, Michael Worek, Monique Utley. BACK ROW: Carl Varga, Helen Vukovich, Sandy Wszolek, Bernadette, Wozniczka, Mary Jean White, Mary Beth Uvegas, John White.


Frosh Make Their Mark At

Page IS4/Top Left: Magazine Drive Assembly. Top Right: Moderator Mrs . Fracassi. Bottom Right: Class officers Nancy Driver, Diana Powell, Dawn Olson (missing from picture). Page ISS/Top Left: Sheila Schultz, Michele Arbitell. Top Right: John Kocsis. Middle Left: Dan Frascella, Middle Right: Tony Miele. Bottom: Freshman Orientation Assembly.



Freshman Class History . . . welcome to the halls of N.D .... Mrs. Fracassi - our new moderator ... Nancy in the "Driver's" seat .,. wandering through the halls - ''I'm confused" . .. beating the mighty seniors in the magazine drive ... slavedriving a senior for a day ... Mrs. Koschek's homeroom capturing Blue and White Day honors ... well-coordinated freshmen with blue and white socks ... making friends with grammar school rivals ... convincing yourself you're hungry for lunch at 9:30 ... "We've got the itty-bitty freshmen on our side!" ... Frosh Girls' Basketball going undefeated ... the class of 1980 scratching the surface .. .


Top Left: Patty Fanelli. TopRight/9A/FRONT ROW: George Bozsolak, Anthony Bottoni, SECOND ROW: Rita Christensen, Elinor Bath, Karen Bilotti, Diane Cairo. THIRD ROW: Chris Beaulieu, Susan Bertone, Toni Amari, Michele Arbitell, Linda Bennett. BACK ROW: Kathy Butler, Pete~ Brescia, James Biesiada, Richard Breimann, Jim Cashel. Middle/9A/FRONT ROW: Michael Caddell, Valerie Blue, Dawn Cariello, Charles Bonfanti, Ronda Bowser, Daniel Busz, Jean Bezek, Kurt Borne, Linda Marie Caporusso. BACK ROW: Rose Marie Atwood, Audrey Bralynski, Karen Bornemann, John Bordenga, Lori Burke, Franco Biscardi, Lauri Bonfrancesco, Ricardo Bautista. Bottom/9B/SEATED: Maryrose DeMille, Susan Costa. FRONT ROW: Katherine Dickson, Lisa Dooling, Juan del Castillo, Carol Dzieminski, Nancy Driver, Alan Dill. BACK ROW: Frank Cloward, Stacy Downing, Jeffrey Downs, Roseanne Dale, John Coyle.


Top/9B/FRONT ROW: Celia Culliton, louis DiFoggio, Diane Dutko, Elaine Dietrich. SECOND ROW: Peter Darese, Paul Crowell, Charles DiBrizzi, James Delorenzo, MaryJo Drazek, Mimi Elliott, Michael Donaher, Jerry Coriano, Cheryl Craig, Kathy Ellek. BACK ROW: Patricia Corradi, Mark Dilorenzo, Elizabeth Daly. Middle left/9C/FRo.NT ROW: Mark Fagan, T.J . Faherty, Philip Faraone, Frank Graziano, SECOND ROW: Margaret Gale, Carolyn Gill, Vicki Garcia. BACK ROW: Rachel Gonzalez, Huguette Fondeur, Gary Gates, Jim Giovacchini, Russell Guarino, Joseph Fontanazzi, Annette Festa, laurie Gilleo. Middle Right: Robert Milonig . Bottom Left/9C /FRONT ROW: Michael Feddish, Daniel Frascella, Victor Fria!. SEATED: Gladys Gonzales, Carolyn Forcina, Carolyn Fountain, Carolyn Fitzpatrick, Anna Marie Giancarli. BACK ROW: Timothy Gibson, Hedy Finckenauer, Robin Fazekas, Patricia Fanelli, Carolyn Gray, Debra Giguinto, Chris Grygon, Kevin Giovannetti. Bottom Right: Kathy Elek.


Top Right/9D/FRONT ROW: Tracy Keirn, Eileen Houston, Paulette Horsting, Jacqueline Karlovich, Kate Hutchison. BACK ROW: Kevin Hayes, David Hines, Thomas Keefe, Francis Holt, Jamie Hughes. Middle Left/9D/FRONT ROW: Mark Hagins, Scott Heckman, Robert Henk, Brian Kerns. SECOND ROW: Louis Hanyecz, Darlene Jacobus, Donna Inverso, Michele Kemo, Donna Holsneck, Cindy Herdman, Richard Johnson. THIRD ROW: Lisa Hall, Ruby Hickman. FOURTH ROW: Mary Hendrickson, Laurie Jackson, Maria Immordino, Rosemary Hildebrant, Debbie Howarth, Angela Ingrassia, Connie Hitt. Middle Right: Diana Powell. Bottom Left/9E/FRONT ROW: Mary Kobos, Frank Lewallen, Cheryl. Kowalewski, Kathleen Latham. SECOND ROW: Ernest Lampkin, Irene Ladnyk, Paul Levin, Kathleen Leszczuk, John Kocsis, Kim Lynch, Joan Kim, Edward Lind. BACK ROW: Karen Maciolek, Kenneth Klek, Donna Mahon.


Top Right/9E/FRONT ROW: Tom Kliwinski, Chris Klim . SEATED: Jean Lynam, Lauren Koch . THIRD ROW: Barbara Lewellan, Loretta Mancuso, Kim Kiernan, John Lynne , Sara Krzywkowski , Mary Ann Krawiec, Alicia Kontorowicz, Mary Kiernan. BACK ROW: Al Kleinmann, Frank Kopp, James Martin, John Klimes, Jeff Kocsardy. Middle Left/ 9F / FRONT ROW: Rosemary O 'Neill, Mary Lynn Maziarz, Dawn Olson, Mary Midura, Kathleen Mongan, SECOND ROW: Gina Martorana, Sherry Lynn Nalbone, Susan Mihalick, Kelly Opdycke, Susan Moschera , Amy McGarrity , BACK ROW: Kathleen McDonough, Theresa Mungro, Stephanie O'Connell, Michele Moreau, Beth Anne McCarrick, Lisa Mattozzi, Mary Jo Mathews, Lynn Massimi. Middle Right: Julie Stockman. Bottom/ 9F/ FRONT ROW: Denis McLaughlin , Daniel O'Donnell, Scott Nabinger, Brian McClellan, Michael Meagher. SECOND ROW: Vincent Martorana, Roger Nevius, Bob Millonig, Anthony Miele. BACK ROW: David Mulryne, Gregory McClaine, Patrick Metzger, Wesley Orzol.


Top: Rich Breimann. Upper Middle/9G/FRONT ROW: George Rojas, Pam Robbins, Mike Roche, Nancy Pirone, Alan Parr, Dodie Polinski, Lou Ritter, Martha Paixao. BACK ROW: Lisa Ostrowski, Linda Piffath, Diana Powell, Bryan Ruehle, Rosemarie Recine, Brian Petruska, Theresa Quindlen. Lower Left/9G/FRONT ROW: Bert Pirone, Diane Pupa, Robert Pilato, Jackie Reid, Lisa Pontoriero. SECOND ROW: Thomas Porcelli, Cheryl Riggins Steven Ratzlaff, Maria Polar, Nina Osowick, BACK ROW. Keith Pyontek, Michele Powers, Timothy Riley, Cheryl Pickens, William Perna, Bogumila Pietranik.


Page 160/Bottom Left/9I/FRONT ROW: Patrick Vagnozzi, Debbie Tursi, Margaret Taylor, Cheryl Whitt, Melissa Wenczel, David Watkins, BACK ROW: Joseph Zamborski, David Twamley, Kenneth Yu, Mark Williams, Patrick Walsh. Bottom Right: Ruby Hfckman, Judy Russert, Ann Marie Giancarlo, Jenny Tweed. Page 161/Top Left/9H/FRONT ROW: Cheryl Stevens, Janet Ryan, Paul Sapienza, Judy Sherrill. SECOND ROW: Judith Russert, Cynthia Serafine, Darryl Smith THIRD ROW: Roslyn Sherman, Michael Sterling, Donna Sobon. FOURTH ROW: John Siwczak, Geraldine Smith, William Shaw. BACK ROW: Peter Ryan, Anthony Sikora, Scott Sellers.

Top Right/9H/FRONT ROW: Joe Sredin ski, Hugh Smith, John Scarpiello, Kevin Sullivan. SECOND ROW: Brenda Stevens, Belinda So to, Sheila Schulz, Julie Stockman, Theresa Seifert, Debra Savles. BACK ROW: Amv Siekanowicz. Tim Slavin. jose ~antia~o. Joseoh Sirak. Middle Right/9I/FRONT ROW: David Waldron, Dave Woloff, Gregory Swangler, Bernard Toth, SECOND ROW: Mark Watkins, Theresa Wells, Susan Terwilliger, Joyce Wang, Miriam Toro, Kathleen Walsh, Paul Tamasi. THIRD ROW: Maryann Valeri, Rosemarie Szedula. BACK ROW: Steven Walta, Christopher Walthy, Michael Woods, Michael Tkacs, Daniel Vernon, Jennifer Tweed, Vincent Scott, Paul Varga, 'Raymond Ward, Richard Szypulka. Bottom: Martha Paixao. 161

Senior Class History . .. looking back on that first scary day and laughing . . . Sister Charlotte drawing us into the web of life at N.D ... . 40 minutes for lunch - that doesn't mean you have to eat the entire time . . . red and blue groups for Religion and Gym ... "What do you mean, this isn't blue Gym?" . . . there's nothing quite like starting at the bottom 路 .. Sophomore year dawning on us suddenly .. . a new principal and another fresh start ... wondering if your math teacher's middle name really is Euclid ... writing a proof entitled, "How to make a circle square" . . . " Mmmm, this formaldahyde sure smells good!" ... off to L:;reat Adventure for just that .. . at long last, junior year .. . "If Only You Believe" , you can sell Stanley Products .. . the new schedule boggling our brains temporarily ... PSAT, NMSQT, SAT, ACH, what does it all mean anyway? ... new drivers and terror on four wheels .. . amazingly enough, senior year arrives and the end's in sight ... a dance in the gym with Little Jimmy and the Starlighters .. . 50's week - "What do these goldfish taste like, anyway?" 路 . . writing essays for colleges and wondering where they got those awful topics ... mauling the mailman everyday after March 1st .. . an acceptance notice and a sigh of relief 路 . . getting married in religion class - " Don't you think we're a little young for this?" . .. Mr. Kelly behind us all the way . . . some bittersweet memories . . . "The Times of Our Lives" -Yes, we'll remember . . . an extra day in Florida 路 . . graduation . .. " I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today" . . .


Seniors Create A Year To Remember

Page 164/Top Right: Father Hughes, Jennifer Bezek, Mr. Bezek. Top Left: Linda Conley and Date. Middle Right: Mr. Kelly, Tony Salvadore, Janet Secretario, Dennis Sullivan, Bill Allen. Page 16S/Top: Franny Festa, Alberto Gonzalez, Jeff Schrader, Gerry Meagher, Janet Secretario, Colleen Harney, Tony Salvadore, Pat Burke, Chris Agocs, Ali Campo, Karen Confoy. Middle Right: Joe Martillotti, Mr. Kelly, Jim Ciccone, Rob Rhoades, Manuel Ortiz. Bottom: Janet Secreta rio, Kathy Csogi, Ali Campo.


Top Seniors Take Their Places

TOP TEN/Page 166/Top Left: Christine Agocs, Second Place. Top Right: Lorraine Rak, Third Place. Bottom Left: Catherine Rudge, Sixth Place. Bottom Right: Alexander Petrino, Eighth Place. Page 167/Top Left: Ronald Rak, Ninth Place. Top Right: Stanley Koreyva, Fourth Place. Middle Left: Cheryl Maccaroni, First Place. Middle Right: Sarabeth Egan, Fifth Place. Bottom Left: Regina Maurer, Seventh Place. Bottom Right: Monica Farrell, Tenth Place.


I路 I


Page 168/Top Left: Susan Dill, Honorary Science Award. Top Right: Margaret Kleber, The General Mills "Search for Leadership in Family Living" Award. Bottom Left: Alan Beelitz, National Merit Scholarship finalist. Bottom Right: Father Hughes with William Velez, winner of the Daughters of the American Revolution " Outstanding Citizen" Award. Page 169/Top: Gerard Meagher, Jeffrey Schrader, William Dzieminski, National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists. Bottom Right: Patricia Kosco, Voice of Democracy Award.


Seniors Win Special Recognition


Debra Agabiti

Christine Agocs

Ellen Alatsas

William Allen

Aleda Alston

Anthony Amari

Cynthia Antoniewicz

Jeffrey Antoniewicz

Maria Aquilino

Scott Adams

Kenneth Alford

Kathleen Andreoli

Sharon Dura, Donna Serafine


Steven Atwood

Christopher Bacsik

Karen Baier

Susan Barlow

Romeo Bautista

John Bedard

Kevin Bertone

Jennifer Bezek

Marty Dickson, Bill Dzieminski

Mary Bath

Alan Beelitz

Robert Battis

Theresa Beres


Casey Bielski

Jerome Bigham

John Blusnavage

Cindy Antoiniewicz

Karen Bontya

Judith Brennan

Debra Brian

Paul Brown

Steven Bruccoleri

Michele Buckley

Patricia Burke

Pierre Brown


Louis Burkhalter

Robert Burns

Christopher Buzzelli

Deborah Cameron

Alessandra Campo

Lois Capiello

Denise Cariello

Tina Carnevale

Dennis Sullivan, Julio del Castillo, Jerry Larkin


Anne Carlin

Caren Castaldo

James Ciccone

Susan Ciccone

Michael Clancy

Barbara Coffee

Gary Coluccio

Maureen Connolly

Shawn Conway

Beth Carney

Barry Dekis

Karen Confoy


Linda Conley

James Corkran

Carolyn Cortez

Denise Cotman

Judith Crivelli

Kathleen Csogi

Anthony DiDomenico

Teresa Cuomo

Antoinette Cuiule

Jane Cychowski

Sophie Czerwinski


Robert Danka

Barry Dekis

Julio del Castillo

Christine Damroth

Nancy Descoteau

Emmanuel Destura

Michael DiBella


Martin Dickson

Anthony DiDomenico

Christopher Dietrich

Susan Dill

Elaine DiVia

Donna Dovgala

Barbara Domurat

Dale Ducko

Carol Drazek


~cDQwell ,

Donna Dovgala, Karen Baier, Jackie Jasienski

Christine Durcanin

Sharon Dura

Robert Dutko

William Dzieminski 177

Lucy Fonda

Patrick Foran

John Forman

Russell Freeman

Bonita Gallo

Eileen Flynn

Frances Fowler

Charles Foundos

Robert Foy

Pamela Fowler

Antoinette Frazier


Eugene Gallo

Mark Gates

Mary Geis

Mary Beth Gillin

Gregory Giordano

Bruno Giuliari

Renee Reali , Sue Leadem , Elaine Pitonyak , Anne Carlin , Mi ss Grant

Barbara Glackin

Thomas Goeke

Eugene Golab

Alberto Gonzalez

Anthony Gramegna .


Maureen Greer

Kathleen Griffin

18 2

Jeff Schrader, Lawrence Morton

Anthony Grimsley

Peggyann Griscavage

Donald Grochala

Pamela Grussler

Renee Guidotti

Judy Halko

Harold Hall

Robert Hall

Allen Hancock

Colleen Harney

Angela Harrison

Maureen Hayman

John Hartman

Lisa Heckman

Catherine Hearney

Caren Castaldo, Maureen Shelly

Rosemary Horesko

Lucy Heinzel

Denise Herdman

Kathy Holmes


William Houston

Alison Hughes

Martha Hunt

Mary Claire Hunt

Edward Hunter

Joseph Immordino

Frank Inverso

Carl Ippolito

Jacqueline Jasienski Linda Swangler


Brian Jones

Donald Karpowich

Diane Kaytus

Elaine DiVia

Maria Kelly

Patricia Kiernan Jeanne Kerr

Bryan Keyes

Margaret Kleber

Jennifer Klin John Klein

Gloria Kleinmann


Joseph Kondash

Cara Kluxen

Edward Kluzner

Deborah Kochis

Stanley Koreyva

Elizabeth Konopka

Douglas Kopec

Christina Kontorowicz

Patricia Kosco

Janet Secretario, Kathy Csogi, Ali Campo


Cheryl Kovacs

Lynn Kozakiewicz

Edward Krisak

Theresa Beres

Marcia Krisanda

Augusta Lanna

Sheryl Krupa

John Krystaponis

Diane K wietniak

Karol Leiber

Jeremiah Larkin

Susan Leadem

Debra Ledger


Monica Lintott

Margo Leysath

Cheryl Maccaroni

Sharon Ly nn

John Maleski

Theodore Maciolek

Gail Markman

Jea n in e M c Keever


Joseph Martillotti

Debra Maruca

Domenic Maruca

Joseph Maruca

Lorie Maxwell

Lorraine McCarrick

Hedwig Martynowicz

Terri Masters

Joh n Hartma n

Regina Maurer

Patricia Mauss


Thomas McDonough

Michael McDowell

Jeanine McKeever

Debra McRoberts

Carol McVeigh

Gerard Meagher

Florence Melker

Vincent Mendola

Darlene Mesday

Denise McDonald

Thomas McManimon

Douglas Meckel

Donna Meskill

Caren Castaldo, Steph Pirozzi


George Michalak

Paul Migut

Joe Kondash

Maureen Miller


Christine Misiolek

Joan Morrison


Mark Morrison

Lawrence Morton

Michael Mudd

Regina Muehleisen

Catherine Murphy


John Murphy

Linda Murphy

Michael Mydlowski

Karla Nagle

Susan Naylor

Susan Novatkowski

Debra Obal


Bryan Keyes

Diane Olech

Manuel Ortiz

Jenifer Osborn

Cathleen Owen

Mary Beth Gillin and her father

JoAnn Palutis

Beverly Papp

Linda Parham

Cherie Patricelli

Lawrence Patrizi

Susan Patrone

Brenda Paul

Rolando Perez


Pamela Peterson

Spiro Peroulidis

James Petrino

Alexander Petrino

Jonette Pierce

Doug Fisher

Scott Petrozzini

Stephanie Pirozzi


Elaine Piton yak

Barb.Ira Plunkett

Jacqueline Powell

Richard Ragany



John Raines

Cheryl Rafalski

Lorraine Rak

Ronald Rak

Lois Capiello, Debbie Reed, Julie Toth, Debbie Maruca, Linda Murphy, Maryann Stec, Debbie Reh, Sue Naylor with M.C.V.5. instructor.




Renee Reali

James Rebman

Domenic Recine


Deborah Reed

Deborah Reh

- Jean Reres

. Frank Richardson

Gwendolyn Richardson

Ismael Rivera

James Rojas

John Roland

Ted Maciolek

Nancy Rivera


Jacqueline Roberson

Timothy Ruberto

Robert Rhoades

Catherine Rudge

Elvin Ruiz

Mary Lynn Sachetti

Tony Salvadore

Susan Samonski

Jacqueline Ryan

Eileen Sanfilippo

William Saraceni

Paul Ungrady


Jeffrey Schrader

Deane Scales

Jeane Scales

leonard Schaible

Kenneth Schrader

Janet Secretario

Bob Springer

Mary Seifert

Margaret Seiler


Donna Serafine

Sandra Serock

Maureen Shelly

Donna Shurgala

Don Smith

Joseph Smith

Ken Schrader

Kathleen Smith

Anthony Spera

James Springer

Maryann Stec

Margaret Stephan



Dennis Sullivan

Pamela Stoy

Michael Stryker

William Suffern

Linda Swangler

Janet Swistak

Gwendolyn Takach

Carol Tattory

Anthony Taylor

Sharon Thomann

Kathleen Tierney

Celia Elie


Janet Tiffert

Michele Tkacs

Lorie Maxwell

William Tomsho

Julia Toth

John Trakowski

Joseph Tuccillo

Marian Turczyn

Edward Ullrich

David Treadwell


Paul Ungrady

Lori Ussia

Clarynda Utley

Theresa Valatka

William Velez

Ronald Vernon

Sharon Waldron

John Walker

Michael Wasielewski

Ellen Wawczak

Raymond Wendrzycki

David Wetzel

Lenny Schaible, Eugene Gallo


Francis Wharton John Wiacek

Ira Woloff

Debbie Agabiti

Dawn Yeager

Ju~ith Young

Sandra Young

Carol Yousko Michael Yuhas

Gregory Zoltanski

Cynthia Zirkle

Edward Zukas 203

SCOTT ADAMS 340 South Logan Avenue ;?~:, : 111_" 路08629

Senior Directory SUSAN BARLOW 1083 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville 08648

DEBRA BRIAN P.O. Box 82, 54 Laurel Ave. Kingston 08528

MARY BATH RD#l. Bradford Road East Windsor 08520

PAUL BROWN Rock Road, RD#l, Box 170-D Lambertville 08530

CAllE CASTALDO )1 Plntlnalli Drive


I"SS路路 t'W!~NE



venue .a..t_lClMtllll 08648

Trenton 08690 BAVTISTA Trenton 08625 JOHN BEDARD 422 Vannest Avenue Trenton 08618 ALECIA ALSTON 33 Laurel Avenue Trenton 08618

ALAN BEEUTZ RD#4, 26 Taylor Road Princeton 08540

ANTHONY AMAlt 208 Phillips Avenue Trenton 08638

THERESA BERES 129 Grand Street

Veer Drive ."-'VdtllClh':iUe 086t8

GARY COLUCCIO 148 Cedar l.ane Princeton 08540 KAREN CONFOY 62 Carlton Avenue Trenton 08618

CYNTmA AN'tONIiWICZ 712 Pine Street Trenton 08638

LINDA CONLEY 8 ... Trenton 01618

JEFfREY ANTONIEWlCZ 711 Pine Street Trenton 08638


MAUREEN CONNOllY U Mario Drive Trenton 08690

MARIA AQUILINO 1668 Route 33 Trenton 08690


SHAWN CONWAY 126 State Blvd., Apt. K172 Trentoll 08610

STEVEN Am'OOD 257 Hollywood Drive Trenton 08609


Lawrenceville _ _ JOHN ILUSNAVAGE 251 HiBhland Avenue Trenton 08618

LOJS CAPPIElLO 224 Hazelhurst Avenue

CHRISTOPHER BACSIK 15 Cold Spring Road Trenton 08619 KAREN BAIER 7 Mattatuck Lane Trenton 08618


JAMES CORKRAN 26 Forman DrIve Hamilton Square 08690 CAROLYN CO TEZ 8 Martin Lane Mercerville 08619

JUDITH BRE NAN 249 Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619

ACARNtVALE 190 Baynaad


Princeton 08540

DENISE COTMAN 211 West Hanover Street Trenton 08618

JUDITH CRIVELLI 325 Montana Avenue Trenton 08619

CHRISTOPHER DIETRICH 3 Cardiff Lane Trenton 08690

CELIA ELIE 869 Bellevue Avenue Trenton 08618

PATRICK FORAN 26 South Main Lambertville 08530

KATHLEEN CSOGI 129 Albermarle Avenue Trenton 08638

SUSAN DILL 529 South Broad Street Trenton 08611

JOANN ELMO 13 Shelton Avenue Trenton 08618

JOHNF MAN 9 Jeffers Road Plainsboro 08536

TERESA CUOMO 166 Unden Lane Princeton 08540

ELAINE DI VIA 252 George Dye Road Hamilton Square 08690

JULIA ENERSON 301 Paxon Avenue Hamilton Square 08690

CHARLES FOUNDOS 221 Sherwood Avenue Trenton 08619

ANTOINETTE CUIULE 321 Ellis Avenue Trenton 08648

BARBARA DOMURAT 1410 Ohio Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

KATHERINE ENG 35 North Warren Street Trenton 08608

FRANCES FOWLER 64 Evans Avenue Trenton 08638

JANE CYCHOWSKI 131 Hoover Avenue Trenton 08648

DONNA DOVGALA 116 Columbia Avenue Trenton 08618

EILEEN EVANS 4 Sequoia Road Trenton 08619

PAMELA FOWLER 54 Kelsey Avenue Trenton 08618

SOPHIE CZERWINSKI 45 KJaa P.O. ~x 5225 Trenton 08638

CAROL DRAZEK 140 Roxboro Road Lawrenceville 08648

MICHELE EVERETT 29 Perdicaris Place Trenton 08618

ROBERT FOY 54 Brockton Road Mercerville 08619

CHRISTINE DAMROTH 8 Coventry Circle Princeton 08540

DALE DUCKO 197 Applegate Drive Hamilton Square 08690

MONICA FARRELL 30 Balsam Court Lawrenceville 08648

ANTOINETTE FRAZIER 228 Spring Street Trenton 08618

ROBERT DANKA 63 Macon Drive Trenton 08619

SHARON DURA 278 Regina Avenue Trenton 08619

CYNTHIA FERRARE 18 Alton Road Trenton 08619

RUSSELL FREEMAN 124 Huff Avenue Trenton 08618

BARRY DEKIS 148 Allentown Road Robbinsville 08691

CHRISTINE DURCANIN 78 Wolf Drive Trenton 08610

FRANCES FESTA 24 Bent Twig Lane Trenton 08638

BON ITA GALLO 157 Abernethy Drive Trenton 08618

JULIO DEL CASTILLO 19 Scudder Road Trenton 08628

ROBERT DUTKO 1006 Parkway Avenue Trenton 08618

PATRICIA FlDANZA 39 Oriole Drive Trenton 08628

EUGENE GALLO 11 Flower Hill Terrace Trenton 08638

NANCY DESCOTEAU 6 Huron Way lawrenceville 08648

WILLIAM DZIEMJNSKJ 1319 Indiana Street Trenton 08638

DOUGLAS FISHER 23 Devon Avenue lawrenceville 08648

MARK GATES 11 Scudder Road Trenton 08628

EMMANUEL DESTURA Station A Sullivan Way Trenton 08625

MICHAEL DZiURA 764 Bunker Hill Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

LOIS FITTON 138 Roxboro Road Lawrenceville 08648

MARY GElS 1526 Marsha Terrace Yardley, Pa. 19067

MICHAEL 01 BELLA 2155 Princeton Pike Lawrenceville 08648

ANN MARIE ECKER 121 Rutledge Avenue Trenton 08618

JAMES mZPATRICK 24 Sunset Road lawrenceville 08648

MARY BETH GILLIN Sycamore Lane Skillman 08558

MARTIN DICKSON 6 Robin Road Robbinsville 08691

MARY EDWARDS 177 Rosemont Avenue Trenton 08638

.lLEEN FLYNN 33 Tekening Way Trenton 08690

ANTHONY OJ DOMENICO 6 Kennedy Lane Trenton 08638

SARABETH EGAN 103 Woodside Avenue Trenton 08618

LUCY FONDA 75 Rockland Road Trenton 0fl638

GREGORY GIORDANO 99 Richardson Road Robbinsville 06691 BRUNO GIULIARI Trenton 08638

ALLEN JlANCOCK 3 Lucerne Drive La~ceville 08648


6U Greenway Trenton 08618

mWARDHU 128 uff Aveaue

Tnnton 08618

CARA KLUXEN 143 Oak Creek Road East Wi dsor 085

ORDINO Avenue lawrenceville 08648 4

EUGENE GOLAB 538 Second Street Trenton 08611

ANGELA HARR 159 Rosemont Avenue Trenton 08618

fRANK INVERSO 37 De r Street 38 Trenton

DEBORAH KOCHIS 242 Grand Street Trenton 08611

ALBERTO GONZALEZ 28 Ardsley Avenue Trenton 08638

JOHN HARTMAN 78 Oak Lane Trenton 08618

CARL IPP ;'[0 1702 fourth Street Trenton 08638

JOSEPH KONfDA,SH 20 Hillside Road Lawrenceville 08648

ANTHONY GRAMEGNA 13 Shellflower Lane Trenton 08690

MAUREEN HAYMAN 14 Scarsdale Avenue Trenton 08618

MAUREEN GREER 27 Dunmore Avenue Trenton 08618

CATHERINE HEARNEY 972 South Broad Street Trenton 08611

KATHLEEN GRIffiN 6 Barbara Lane Titusville 08560

LISA HECKMAN Box 466, R.D. 4 Princeton 08540

DONALD KARPOWICH 2088 Klockner Road Trenton 08690

CHRlsnNA KO 74 Nancy Lane T rentoa 08638

ANTHONY GRIMSLEY 214 Wayne Avenue Trenton 08618

LUCY HEINZtL Drakes Comer Road Princeton 08540

DIANE KAYTUS 715 Winchester Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

STANLEY KOREYV A Tartan Court renceville 08648

PEGGY ANN GRISCAV AGE 2264 North Spruce Street Ext. Trenton 08638

DENISE HERDMAN 74 Sadie Street Mercerville 08619

MARIA KELLY 209 King Avenue Trenton 08638

PATRICIA KOSCO 33 Cold Spring Road Trenton 08619

DONALD GROCHALA 726 Mulberry Street Trenton 08638

KATHY HOLMES 3C17 Tioga Street Trenton 08609

JEANNE KERR 32 Coldspring Road TrentOil 08619

CHERYL KOVACS 95 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08618

PAMELA GRUSSLER 862 Oakhill Lane Yardley, Pa. 19067

ROSEMARY HORESKO 76 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638

BRYAN KEYES 69 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638

LYNN KOZAKIEWICZ 195 North Hamilton A venue Trenton 08619

RENEE GUIDOTTI 955 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville 08648

WILLIAM HOUSTON 178 Dorchester Drive East Windsor 08520

PATRICIA KIERNAN 1586 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville 08648

EDWARD KRISAK 27 fleetwood Drive Hamilton Square 08690

JUDY HALKO 1952 North Olden Avenue Trenton 08618

ALISON HUGHES 3 Jefferson Court, R.D. 4 Princeton 08540

MARGARET KLEBER 525 Hinckle Avenue Trenton 08628

MARCIA KRI A 14 Duncan Drive Hamilton Sq re 08690

HAROLD HALL 244 Euclid Avenue Trenton 08609

MARTHA HUNT 470 Genesee Street Trenton 08611

JOHN KLEIN 62 Cranbrook Road Trenton 08690

SHERYL KRUPA Princeton Ct., Bldg. 738, Apt. 149 Mercerville 08619

ROBERT HALL 130 Merline Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

MARY CLAIRE HUNT 12 Columbia Avenue Trenton 08618

JENNIfER KLIM 23 Tudor Drive Trenton 08690

ELIZABETH KONOPKA 65 Bakun ' Way Trenton 08638

DIANE KWIETNIAK 11 Drive Cranbury 08512 AUGUSTA LANNA 10 Stacy Avenu Trenton 08619 JEREMIAH LARKIN 535 Grand Avenue Trenton 08628

DOMENIC MARUCA 1308 Prlnc:eton Avenue Trenton 08638 PH MARUCA 1308 Princeton Avenue Trenton 08638

HEDWI MARTYNOWICZ 190 Girard Avenue Trenton 08638

6ERAItD MEAGHER 2 Alyce Court

Lawrenceville 08648

MICHAEL MUDD 906 Carteret Street Trenton 08618

DOUGLAS MECKEL 304 South Broad Street Trenton 08608

REGINA MUEHlEISEN 42 Ardsley Avenue Trenton 08638

FL NCE MELKE 832 Revere Avenue Trenton 18618

CATHERINE URPHY 13 Johnson Road Lawrenceville 08648 H

MU PHY lane Trenton 0861.



DEBRA LEDGER 37 Wardman Avenue Trenton 08 8

REGINA MAURER 2&» Hillhunt Avenue Trenton 08619

DARLE MESDAY 142. Gary Drive Trenton 08690

UNDAMVRPHY 33 Christoph venue Trenton 08618

KAROL LEIBER 12 Oak Lane Trenton 08618'

PATRICIA MAUSS 1817 Chestnut Avenue Trenton 08611

DONNA MESKILL 220 Landing Road Trenton 08611

MICHAEL MYDLOWSKI 13 Hartman Drive Trenton 08690

MAROO LEl'SATH 409 North Hermitage Avenue Tre 08618 '

LORIE MAXWELL 23 Prospect Street Trenton 08618

GEORGE MICHALAK 930 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

KARLA NAGLE 535 Centre Street Trenton 08611

MONICA UNTOTr 47 Whitehall Road Hamilton Square

LORRAINE MC CARRICK 802 Estates Boulevard Trenton 08619

PAUL MIGUT Old Barracks, South Willow Trenton 08608

SUSAN NAYLOR 1008 South Clinton A venue Trenton 08611

S ARON LYNN 11 Laurelwoocl Drive Lawrenceville 08648

DENISE MC DONALD 41 Ivy Lane West East Windsor 08520

MAUREEN MILLER 110 Gedney Road Lawrenceville 08648

SUSAN NOVATKOSKI 764 Pear Street Lawrenceville 08648

CHERYL MACCARONI \ 2.4 Hollyknoll Drive Trenton 08619

THOMAS MC DONOUGH 3 Scottie Court Trenton 08619

PATRICIA MILLER 719 Pine Street Trenton 08638

DEBRA OBAL Alexander Street Princeton 08540

THEODORE MACIOLEK 611 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

MICHAEL Me DOWELL 38 Carter Road Princeton 08540

CHRISTINE MISIOlEK 807 Mulberry Street Trenton 08638

DIANE OlECH 2.8 Clover Avenue Trenton 08638

JOHN MALESKI 18 Stratf~rd A venue Trenton 08618


DENNIS MISSERT 423 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville 08648

MANUEL ORTIZ 161 Federal City Road Lawrenceville 08648

JOAN MORRISON 71 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638

JENIFER OSBORN 2.8 Hardwick Drive Trenton 08638

GAil RKMAN 1 Cypress Court East Windsor 0852.0


JOSEf MARTllLOnl 63 Eldridge Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

DEBRA MC ROBERTS 238 Sherwood A venue Trenton 08619

MARK MORRISON 83 Nancy Lane Trenton 08638

CATHLEEN OWEN 411 Fenwood Drive Trenton 08619

DEBRA MARUCA 34 Sherbrooke Road Trenton 08638

CAROL Me VEIGH 19 Downing Road Square 08690

LAWRENCE ORTON 1419 Edgewood Avenue Trenton 08611

JO ANN PALUTIS 519 Ewing Street Princeton 08540


BEVERLY PAPP 10 Darby Court Trenton 08628

BARBARA PLUNKETT 8 Drew Lane East Windsor 08520

FRANK RICHARDSON 63 Taylor Terrace Hopewell 08525

EILEEN SANFILIPPO 534 Klockner Avenue Trenton 08619

LINDA PARHAM 103 Miry Brook Road Hamilton Square 08690

JACQUELINE POWELL 19 Exton Avenue Trenton 08618

GWENDOLYN RICHARDSON Station "A" Trenton 08625

WILLIAM ~ARACENI 117 Newell Avenue Trenton 08618

CHERIE PATRICELLI RD I, Box 580 Pennington 08534



DEANE SCALES 56 EIIIworth Avenue Trenton 08618

LAWRENCE PATRIZI 2SO Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619



Humbert Street

Princeton 01540

YL RAfALSICI parbide A


Treaton _ _


.,.,.11ncIaI1 Road RobWnMIle 08691


SUSAN PATRONE 148 Homecrest Avenue Trenton 08638

ROJAS Rosemont Avenue Trenton 08618

JEfFREY SCHRADER 1036 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638 KENNETH SCHRADER 301 HIllaest Avenue Trenton 08618

BRENDA PAUL 722 President Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

JOHN RAINES 117 Huff Avenue Trenton 01618

ROLANDO PEREZ 192 Spring Beauty Drive Lawrenceville 08648

LOIlRAlNE RAK 34 fe8ral City Road Trenton 08638

JOHN ROLAND 110 woocIsicIe Avenue Trenton 08611

JANET SECRETARlO 7 Beverly Place Trenton 08619

SPIRO PEROULIDIS 107 Lee Avenue Trenton 08618

RONALDRAK 34 felleral ely Road Trenton '08638

TIMOTHY RUBERTO 88 Harmony Avenue Lawrenceville 08648

MARY SEIFERT 31 Monroe. Drive Trenton 08619

PAMELA PETERSON 907 Pennington Avenue Trenton 08618

MONYEnE RAWlS 315 Reading Avenue Trenton 08618

ROBERT RHOADES 76 Stonicker Drive Lawrenceville 08648

MARGARET SEILER 3831 East State Street Ext. Trenton 08619

ALEXANDER PETRINO 34 Sycamore Way Trenton 08690

RENEE REALI ~ feanington Road 11 on 08638

CATHERINE RUDGE 1 CameUa Drive Lawrenceville 08648

DONNA SERAFINE 147 Hamilton Avenue Trenton 08609

JAMES PETRINO 213 Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619


ELVIN RUIZ 295 Third Street Trenton 08611

SANDRA SEROCK 21 Langmoore ~ve Trenton 08638

JACQUELINE RYAN 26 Boudinot Street Trenton 08618

MAUREEN SHELLY 11 Woodhampton Drive Trenton 08638

MARY LYNN SACHETTI 157 Wayne Avenue Trenton 08618

DONNA SHURGALA 57 Hancock Street Tr...,ton 08611

TONY SALVADORE 1088 Lawrence Road lawrenceville 08648

DON SMITH 993 Terrace Boulevard Trenton 08618

StlSAN SAMONSKI 116 Houghton Avenue Trenton 08638

JOSEPH SMITH 27 Bayberry Road Trenton 08618

SCOTT PETROZZINI 12 Euclid Avenue Kingston 08528


683 5ec:onc:I Street TdIdon 08611

SR MAN _Gle Avenue tawrenceville GI6I8 NICRECINE

1m Parkway Avenue 1NRton 08628

JONETTE PIERCE 227 West Hanover Street Trenton 08618

DEBORAH REED 13 Charles Way T...ton 0N09

STEPHANIE PIROZZI 179 Applegate Way Trenton 08690


ELAINE PITON YAK 102 Bloomfield Avenue Trenton 08618

JEAN RERES Berkshire Drive Windsor 01520


RAH REH Vincent Avaue

Mercerville 08619

KATHLEE SMITH 37 Dixmont Avenue Trenton 08618

ANTHONY TAYLOR 206 Morning Side Drive Trenton 08618

LORI USSIA 112 Second Avenue Hightstown 08520

ANTHONY SPERA 23 Dexter Street Trenton 08638

SHARON THOMANN 61 South Hermitage A venue Trenton 08618

CLARYNDA UTLEY 148 Boudinot Street Trenton 08618

JAMES SPRINCER 24 Allwood Drive Lawrenceville 08648

KATHLEEN TIERNEY 9 Shawnee Drive Hamilton Square 08690

THERESA VALATKA 656 Shady Lane Trenton 08619

MARYANN STEC 14 Alton Road Trenton 08619

JANET TIFFERT 110 Saybrook Avenue Trenton 08619

WILLIAM VELEZ 1012 Terrace Boulevard Trenton 08618

MARCARET STEPHAN 6 Alice Way Trenton 08638

MICHELE TKACS 34 Turpin Street Trenton 08611

RONALD VERNON 24 Winterset Drive Trenton 08690

PAMELA STOY 300 Evelyn Avenue Trenton 08619

WILLIAM TOMSHO 2104 Princeton Pike Trenton 08638

SHARON WALDRON Plaza Boulevard Morrisville, Pa. 19067

MICHAEL STRYKER 6 Fisher Avenue Princeton 08540

JULIA TOTH 56 Brophy Drive Trenton 08638

JOHN WALKER 88 Acres Drive Trenton 08690

GREGORY ZOLTANSKI 761 Second Street Trenton 08611

WILLIAM SUFFERN 44 Western Avenue, Apt. 6 Trenton 08618

JOHN TRAKOWSKI 44 Myrtle Street Trenton 08638

MICHAEL WASIELEWSKI 801 Mulberry Street Trenton 08638

CYNTHIA ZIRKLE 21 Sheffield Road Highstown 08520

DENNIS SUlUVAN 5 FIorister Drive Hamilton Square 08690

DA VII) TREADWELL 491 West Hanover Street Trenton 08618

ELLEN WAWCZAK 17 Wallingford Drive Princeton 08540

LINDA SWANGLER 538 Dutchneck Road East Windsor 08520

JOSEPH TUCCILLO .3 Cardinal Road Trenton 08619

JANET SWISTAK 472 Rutherford Avenue Trenton 08618

MARIAN TURCZYN 33 Heil Avenue Trenton 08638

GWENDOLYN TAKACH 603 Lamberton Street Trenton 08611

EDWARD ULLRICH 99 Ridgewood Avenue Trenton 08618

CAROLTAITORY 5 Allen Lane Trenton 08648

PAUL UNGRADY 722 River Road Trenton 08628

RAYMOND WENDaZYCKI 827 Indiana Avenu Trenton 08638


DAVID WETZEL # 50 Bayberry Road Trenton 08618

11 Renee Court

JOHN WIACEK 1448 Stuyvesant Avenue Trenton 08618

RENATA WOJIECHOWSKI 629 Ohio A venue Trenton 08638 ~WOLOFF

.. AMmethy Drive

T...... 08618 Avenue 29

JUDITH YOUNG 18 Iuk Street Trenton 08618 SANDRA YOUNG 953 Beatty Street Trenton 08611 CAROL YOUSKO 243 Sherwood Avenue Trenton 08619 MICHAEL YUHAS 624 lh Second Street Trenton 08611

EDWARD ZUKAS 33 Titus Avenue lawrenceville 08648

And The Joke' 5 On

Doin' the basketball bump.

Come up and see me sometime, big boy!

Up, periscope!

A Fred Astaire he's not! Aw, but I don't wanna be a guidance counselor.


Look, Ma, no teeth!

There must be an easier way to win a race.

I'm going to kiss you, my dear.

I feel a sneeze coming on.

Hi, I'm a little pip squeakl

This is the way we wind our clock ...

Page 210/Top Left: Mr. Hess, Mr. Milinowicz with Yankee All-Stars. Top Right: Carol Drazek, Upper Middle: Paul Sapienza. Lower Middle: Sister Charlotte. Lower Left: Father Nolan, Cheryl Maccaroni. Lower Right: John Mazzoli. Page 211/Top Left: Barb Plunkett. Top Middle: Mrs. Bryan. Top Right: Sister Pat. Middle Left: Mrs. Kaplan, Eileen Houston. Middle Right: Mrs. Kelly. Bottom: Jean Reres.


Is there something hanging off my nose? 211

Canticle Editor Expresses Gratitude

Page 212/Top: Mr. Frank Ball, Jr. Middle: Lois Fitton. Bottom: Mr. Don Syers. Page 213/Top: Sister Patricia Rooney, Miss Theresa Giampetro.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ... I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for the part they played in the production of Canticle 77: The 1977 Canticle is much more than the words and pictures that fill its pages. It is the people who cared enough to spend long hours working toward a common goal. With this commitment there came many responsibilities and the task was not an easy one': But the satisfaction of seeing the book in print is much greater than the frustration that accompanies its production. Mr. Frank Ball, Jr. for his deadline day cheerfulness, and his advice; Mr. Don Syers for his terrific pictures and punctuality in developing them; Lois for coming through in the clutch with poems to fit our theme; Brenda Paul for her music notes to decorate our cover; The Administration for cooperating with our efforts and showing an interest; The few, dedicated staff members who came through when we needed them; The editors - Cathy, Colleen, Beth, Sharon, Maureen, Carol - for getting tough when the going got rough. And especially to Sister Pat and Miss Giampetro for their constant dedication and concern. To all these people I say "thanks" for making Canticle 77 happen. Sara b egan th E Edi tor - in - Chief


Index -AAdams, Dorothy 146 Adams, Guy 146 Adams, Scott 170 Adams, Todd 136 Agabiti, Debra 58, 59, 70, 170, 203

Agocs, Christine 88, 89, 90, 112, 165, 166, 170

Ahr, Bishop George W. 11 Ailey, Tony 84, 146 Alatsas, Ellen 170 Alba, Michael 146 Alessi, James 136 Alexandrowicz, Stanley 33, 58, 136

Alford, Kenny 78, 79, 103, 104, 122, 124, 170

Allen, Mark 146 Allen, Maureen 146 Allen, William 38, 164, 170 Alston, Alecia 115, 116, 170, 179 Alvardo, Debora Anne 136 Alvin, Zachary 146 Amari, Anthony 170 Amari, Antoinette 156 Amari, Lori 33, 136 Amaro, Jacqueline 146 Andreoli, Kathy 21, 170 Angebranndt, Mary 80, 145, 146 Ansley, Daryl 130, 136 Antinoro, John 109, 146 Antoniewicz, Cindy 32, 80, 81, 170,172

Antoniewicz, Jeff 78, 130, 170 Apai, Anne 136 Aquilino, Maria 90, 170 Arbitell, Michele 155, 156 Archer, Mr. John 35 Archer, Mrs. Margaret 19, 20, 84,85,145

Ardery, Mr. Vincent, 40, 64, 109 Arigo, Sr. Lynn Marie 15, 60 Aristeguieta, Elizabeth 136 Arnister, Carolyn 146 Athanasius, Sr. M. 38 Atkinson, Patricia 84, 146 Atwood, Rose 156 Atwood, Steven 171 Avellino, Scott 136 -BBabecki, Matthew 136 Bacsik, Chris 78, 171 Baier, Karen 171, 177 Baier, Lawrence 146 Bailey, Frank 136 Bakos, Eliza beth 136 Barbarics, Miss Patricia 22, 23, 40,41

Barber, Marcia 146 Barbiero, Lydia 146 Barbiero, Russell 103, 146 Barbuto, Cindy 136


Barlow, Susan 171 Barlow, Thomas 109, 156 Barna, Neil 146 Barret, Melissa 88, 119, 136 Basco, Lisa 146 Bath, Elinor 156 Bath, Mary 90, 171 Battis, Liz 136 Battis, Robert 78, 83, 129, 171 Bautista, Ricardo 156 Bautista, Roel 136 Bautista, Romeo 171 Beauchamp, Charles 136 Beaulieu, Christine 156 Bedard, John 78, 122, 123, 128, 171

Beelitz, Allan 90, 168, 171 Beelitz, Paul 146 Bejko, John 146 Belli, Daniel 136 Benedetti, Carlo 146 Bennett, Linda 14, 117, 156 Benn~tt, Mary Anne 146 Bennet, Valdery 83, 84, 146 Bentz, Elaine 136 Beres, Theresa 171, 187 Bertone, Kevin 19, 103, 171 Bertone, Susan 156 Bertone, Timothy 103, 146 Bezek, Jean 156 Bezek, Jennifer 80, 88, 164, 171 Bezek, Mary 84, 91, 136 Bezek, Sara 146 Biancasino, Mr. Jos. 32 Bielski, Casey 172 Biesecker, Nancy 136 Biesiada, James 156 Bigham, Jacquelyn 84, 131, 136 Bigham, M. Doreen 136 Bigham, Jerome 172 Bilotti, Jennifer 136 Bilotti, Karen 114 Biscardi, Franco 156 Black Awareness 84 Blake, David 136 Blake, Meg 136 Blue, Valerie 156 Blusnavage, John 78, 172 Bobko, Joseph 136 Bombery, Elizabeth 146 Bonfanti, Charles 156 Bonfrancesco, Lauri 99, 156 Bontya, Karen 172 Boone, Jacqueline 84, 146 Boone, Phillip 136 Bordenga, John 156 Borne, Beverly 117, 146 Borne, Kurt 110, 126, 156 Bornemann, Karen 156 Boscarelli, John 146 Bottoni, Anthony 156 Bowden, Barbara 146 Bowker, Steven 146, 152 Bowser, Jackie 146 Bowser, Rhonda 156 Boys' Basketball 122-124 Bozsolak, Fay 82, 83, 136 Bozsolak, George 83, 156

Bralynski, Audrey 156 Braun, Celeste 146, 153 Breimann, Richard 106, 107, 156, 160

Brenna, Carolyn 146 Brennan, Kevin 147 Brennan, Judy 78, 115! 116, 172 Brenton, Virginia 113, 121, 147 Brescia, Peter 105, 124, 156 Brian, Debbie 172 Brooks, Sarah 136 Brown, Dawn 28, 147 Brown, Kelly 136 Brown, Paul 78, 172 Brown, Pierre 172 Brown, Richard 147 Bruccoleri, Steven 172 Bryan, Mrs. Geraldine 26, 90, 91, 210

Buchanan, Christopher 136 Buckley, Michele 7, 88, 91, 93, 115, 116, 172

Bugdal, Mr. Robert 22, 23, 80 Burch, Debbie 137 Burch, Eric 147 Burke, Debbie 60, 137 Burke, Lori 114, 156 Burke, Patricia 78, 79, 84, 112, 164, 172

Burkhalter, Louis 173 Burns, Kathleen 83, 147 Burns, Robert 173 Burrell, Michele 137 Burris, Keith 32, 84, 147 Busi-Business Bulletin 92, 93 Busz, Daniel 156 Butler, Catherine 156 Butler, Philip 123, 147 Buzzelli, Chris 32, 33, 58, 173 -CCaddell, Michael 156 Cairo, Diane 156 Cairo, Frank 137 Cairone, Sister Katherine 36 Calabrese, Lisa 60, 90, 137 Calamia, Beth 147 Callaghan, David 147 Callan, James 137 Camilla, Sister Mary 40, 41 Camastra, Joyce 147 Camastra, Ted 108, 109, 137 Cameron, Debbie 173 Campbell, John 147 Campo, Alessandra 80, 81, 88, 91, 165, 173, 186

Campo, Julie 147 . Canticle 94, 95 Cantwell, Chris 107, 125, 127, 137

Caporusso, Linda 156 Cappiello, Lois 173, 195 Capriotti, Laura 137 Carella, Thomas 111, 137 Cariello, Dawn 112, 156 Cariello, Denise 173 Carini, Lisa 147

Carlin, Anne 78, 84, 98, 112, 117, 174, 181

Carlyle, Matthew 82, 83, 137 Carmel, Sister M . 22, 23 Carmichael, Keith 137 Carmosino, Dawn 82, 83, 137 Carnevale, Tina 173 Carney, ~eth 174 Carreras, Luis 32, 58, 59, 137 Casey, Katie 88, 99, 112, 113, 114, 117, 120, 137, 139

Cashel, James 59, 156 Cashel, Mark 122, 123, 137 Cashel, Nancy 32, 58, 59, 147 Castaldo, Anthony 109, 122,' 123, 137

Castaldo, Caren 60, 84, 85, 88, 112, 114, 118, 119, 120, 174, 183, 190 Castaldo, John 108, 109, 122, 137 Cebulko, Sue Ellen 147 Cheerleaders 115 Chianese, Charles 137 Chidzik, Karen 147 Christensen, Marcia 137 Christensen, Rita 114, 120, 156 Ciasullo, Diane 147 Ciccone, James 71, 84, 85, 90, 98, 109, 165, 174 Ciccone, Sue(sr.} 84, 88, 129, 174 Ciccone, Susan(jr.} 137 Clancy, Michael 174 Clarice, Si.ster M. 36 Claver, Sister M. 38 Cloward, Francis 156 Coffee, Barbara 174 Colacello, Albert 147 Colavita, Anthony 111, 137 Coleman, Karen 66, 80, 81, 134, 139 Colligan, Lorraine 137 Collins, Mr. Gerald 38, 98, 103, 124 Collinson, Diane 114 Coluccio, Gary 17.4 Comfort, Nancy 147 Confoy, Karen 91, 92, 145, 165, 174 Confoy, Kevin 146, 147 Conley, Linda 164, 174 Connell, Mr. Kenneth 36, 37 Connolly, Maureen 174 Contento, Anthony 147 Conway, Shawn 174 Corkran, James 175 Coriano, Jerry 107, 124, 157 Corradi, Patricia 157 Cortez, Carolyn 175 Costigan, Lynn 147 Cotman, Denise 175 Coty, James 147 Couch, Dee Ann' 129, 137 Coyle, Denise 137 Coyle, James 147 Coyle, John 156 Craig, Cheryl 83, 157 Crivelli, Judy 175 Cromwell, Michele 60, 117, 147

Cross Country 106, 107 Crossland, Darryl 103, 137 Crowell, Paul 105, 157 Croux, Christopher 147 Csogi, Kathy 58, 80, 165, 175, 186

Cugasi, John 137 Cuiule, Antoinette 175 Cuiule, Joseph 137 Culliton, Celia 157 Cuomo, Theresa 175 Cychowski, Jane 91, 175 Czajkowski, Walter 137 Czartoryski, Theresa 137 Czerwinski, Ginny 34, 147 Czerwinski, Sophie 175


DiDomenico, Anthony 175, 176 Dietrich, Chris 52, 177 Dietrich, Elaine 157 Dietrich, Jane 34, 148, 152 DiFoggio, louis 157 DiGuiseppi, Mr. Frank 28, 135 Dileo, David 103, 138 Dill, Alan 156 Dill, Sue 168, 177 DiPierro, Nicholas 148 Direske, Karen 148 Dirk, Linda 91, 138 Dismas, Sister 28, 29, 78, 88 DiVia, Elaine 91, 177, 185 Dlabik, Edward 148 Dombroski, Diane 138 Dombroski, Paul 148 Domurat, Barbara 60, 80, 81, 90,

Elmo, JoAnn 178 Enerson, John 148 Enerson, Julie 178 Eng, Arthur 103, 138, 178 Eng, Katherine 87, 178 Erdie, Matthew 148 Erdie, Michael 38, 138 Eskridge, Mark 103, 148 Eure, Sheri Ann 84, 134, 138 Eustace, Joseph 30, 103, 148 Eustace, Kathleen 90, 138 Evans, Eileen 142, 178 Evans, Gregory 134 Evans, Robert 148 Everett, Ann 34, 148 Everett, Michele 179



DaBronzo, Christina 136, 137 Daddio, Marietta 137 Dale, Karen 137 Dale, Roseanne 156 Daly, Elizabeth 157 Daly, Jennifer 147 Dambro, Mr. Gary 35, 125, 126 Damroth, Christine 176 Damroth, Donna 148 Danese, Peter 105, 157 D' Angelo, Maria 148 Daniels, Deborah 84, 144, 148 Danka, Bob 176 Danko, Carolyn 148 Danko, Daniel 105 Darcy, Sister Catherine 28, 36, 82,83

DeAngelo, Lisa 88, 119, 138 Dearden, John 122, 123,"138 DeCoff, Janice 138 DeFeo, Darryl 138 DeJoie, Michele 148 Dekis, Barry, 103, 174, 176 delCastillo, Juan 31, 156 delCastillo, Julio 80, 91, 92, 173, 176

Delorenzo, James 157 Delorenzo, Mark 157 Delorenzo, .Robert 36, 111, 148 Demarest, Brian 148 Dembeck, John 148 DeMille, Anne 148 DeMille, Mary Rose 82 Dennehy, Francis 125, 127 Dennehy, Michael 103, 138 Derry, Donna 84, 148 Desco!eau, Nancy 176 Destura, Cherry 80, 81, 121, 145, 146 Destura, Manny 176 DeVincenzi, laura 142 Diaz, laura 148 DiBella, Joanne 148 DiBella, Michael 148, 176 DiBrizzi, Charles 105, 157 DiBrizzi, Dierdra 15, 24, 148 Dickson, Katherine 42, 156 Dickson, Martin 103, 171, 176 DiCiurcio" Carolyn 33, 59, 138

Donaher, Michael 138 Donaher, Robert 124, 157 Dooling, lisa 156 Dorozinsky, Maryann 84, 121, 138

Dougherty, Mrs. Mary 30, 31, 86 Dovgala, Donna 64, 71, 88, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 177

Dovgala, Elizabeth 112, 119, 148 Doviak, Dana 80, 81, 138 Downey, John 148 Downing, Stacy 156 Downs, Jeffrey 156 Drazek, Carol 94, 177, 210 Drazek, Mary J 0 157 Driver, Lisa 148 Driver, Nancy 80, 154, 156 Dubois, Liz 80, 138 Ducko, Dale 59, 82, 177 Dunn, Kathleen 138 Dura, Sharon 170, 177 Durcanin, Christine 138, 177 Duman, Carol 138 Dutko, Diane 114, 157 Dutko, Donna 148 Dutko, Robert 177 Dzieminski, Carol 156 'Dzieminski, Elinor 138 Dzieminski, Michael 148 Dzieminski, William 38, 54, 98, 169, 171, 177

Dziura, Kevin 106, 107, 138 Dzi ura, Michael 178

-EEastmead, Connie 148 Ecker, Ann Marie 178 Ecker, Theresa 138 Edwards, Mary 178 Egan, Sarabeth 84, 91, 95, 112, 167,178

Ehret, Mary Ellen 112, 113, 138, 139

Ehret, Michael 148 Elek, Katherine 117, 157 Elie, Celia 178, 200 Elliott, Mimi 120, 157

Fabian, Nancy 148, 151 Fabrizio, Victoria 59, 84, 149 Fagan, Edward 138 Fagan, Mark 157 Faherty, Robert 103, 125, 148 Faherty, Todd 36, 64, 99, 110,

Foundos, Patricia 148 Fountain, Carolyn 157 Four Winds 92, 93 Fowler, Frances 84, 180 Fowler, Pamela 180 Foy, Robert 29, 71, 86, 98, 103, 180

Fraczkiewicz, Robert 41, 80, 139 Francimore, Douglas 148 Franzoni, Beth 121 Frascella, Daniel 155, 157 Frascella, Thomas 111, 125, 149 Faulino, Ellen Ann 138 Fracassi, Linda Mrs. 18, 19, 154 Frazier, Toni 84, 89, 180 Frazier, Tanya 145, 149 Freeman, Russell 84, 103, 180 French Honor Society 91 Freshmen 154-161 Frial, Josephine 144, 148 Frial, Victor 157 FSA 92 Fuccello, Carl 103, 104, 145, 146, 149

Furman, Vickie 138

120, 124, 157

Fanelli, Patricia 156, 157 Faraone, Barbara 149 Faraone, Joanne 138 Faraone, Philip 105, 157 Farrell, Monica 84, 88, 91, 112, 167, 179

Fazekas, Robin 36, 157 Fazio, Sharon 149 Feddish, Michael 157 Feldenzer, Christopher 148 Feldenzer, Frank 111, 138 Ferrara, larry 134, 142 Ferrare, Cindy 179 Festa, Annette 157 Festa, Frances 80, 81, 90, 165, 179

Fidanza, Patricia 17, 179 Field Hockey 112-114 Finckenauer, Hedy 157 Fiorello, David 138 Fiori, Ronald 105 Fireall, Edwin 122, 124, 138 Firetto, Mary Ellen 139 • Fisher, Doug 107, 179, 194 Fithen, Keith 111, 149 Fitton, lois 179, 212 Fitzpatrick, Carol 157 Fitzpatrick, James(soph.) 149 Fitzpatrick, Jim(sr.) 179 Fitzpatrick, Marie 139 Flynn, Eileen 180 Flynn, Kevin 32, 58, 59, 148, 149 Fonda, lucy 20 71, 180 Fondeur, Huguette 157 Fontanazzi, Joseph 157 Football 102-105 Foran, Patrick 180 Forcina, Carolyn 112, 113, 114, 120, 157

Forman, John 86, 87, 180 Foundos, Charles 180

-GG.A.A. 88, 89 Gale, Margaret 157 Gaines, Danita 138 Gallo, Boni 180 Gallo, Eugene 181 202 Gallo, Gregory 148 Garcia, Eric 7, 138 Garcia, Florerlinda 148 Garcia, Victoria 157 Garrahan, Mary Ann 138 Garrison, Mrs. Phyllis 19 Gates, Beth 90, 138 Gates, Gary 157 Gates, Mark 89, 90, 181 Gavin, Maureen 118, 138 Geis, Mary 181 Genovese, John 138 German Honor Society 90 Giampetro, Miss Theresa 40, 41, 94,213

Giancarli, Anna Marie 117, 157, 160

Gibson, Timothy 157 Giguinto, Debra Ann 157 Gill, Carolyn 157 Gilleo, laurie 157 Gillin, Edward 139 Gillin, Mary Beth 181, 193 Gioe, Vincent 149 Giordano, Greg 103, 181 Giordano, Thomas 103, 149 Giovacchini, Carmen 149 Giovacchini, James 157 Giovannetti, Kevin 157 Giovannetti, Robert 148 Giovannini, Mrs. Kathleen 38, 39

Girls' Basketball 118-121


Giuliari, Bruno 181 Glackin, Barbara 112, 181 Glendon, Miss Ellen 19 Gnandt, James 148 Goedertier, Edmund 148 Goeke, Thomas 103, 181 Goerlich, Steven 149 Golab, Eugene 181 Goldstein, Mrs. Alice IS, 16 Gonzalez, Alberto 39, 71, 89, 103, 165, 181 Gonzalez, Aldo 148 Gonzalez, Gladys 157 Gonzalez, Rachel 157 Graham, Yvette 149 Gramegna, Anthony 181 Grant, Miss Patricia 40, 181 Gray, Caroline 157 Gray, Mrs. Beth 37 Gray, Mr. Joseph 38 Graziano, Catherine 148 Graziano, Frank 157 Green, Linda 139 Greer, Maureen 58, 59, 60, 182 Greiss, Jeffrey 103, 139 Greiss, Robert 103, 147 149 Gribbin, Mrs. Margaret 15, 16, 92, 95 Grice, Mark 148 Griffin, Kathleen 182 Griffin, Michael 103, 126, 149 Griffith, Mary Ellen 149 Grimsley, Anthony 84, 103, 182 Griscavage, Peggy 182 Grochala, Donald 182 Grochala, Joanne 149 Grodzki, Sister Charlotte 22, 23, 40, 58, 80, 210 Grogan, Charlene 138 Grula, Miss Pauline 36 Grussler, Patricia 90, 138 Grussler, Pamela 54, 182 Grussler, Mr. John 38, 54 Grygon, Christine 157 Guadagno, Lori 138 Guarino, Russell 157 Guidotti, Renee 182 Gummel, Delores 138 Gusciora, Mr. Richard 38 Guth, Marlene 60, 92, 95, 139

-HHagins, Mark 110, 158 Halko, Donna 84, 149 Halko, Judi 84, 182 Hall, Harold 15, 122, 124, 182 Hall, Lisa 120, 158 Hall, Robert 103, 104, 119, 182 Haller, John 138 Halliman, Robert 103 Hamersky, Kim 139 Hamilton, Deirdre 138 Hanak, Christopher 90, 107, 139 Hancock, Allen 32, 58, 59, 84, 103, 183 Haney, Darlene 54, 55, 92, 93


Haney, Donald 139, 149 Hanyecz, Louis 158 Hardy, Helen 138 Harney, Colleen 88, 94, 95, 165, 183 Harrell, Arthur 138 Harrell, David 106, 107, 123, 128, 149 Harrell, Mr. John 12, 13 Harrison, Angela 183 Hartmann, John 183, 189 Hartmann, Theresa 139 Haskins, Elizabeth 33, 139 Hayden, Nancy 113, 149 Hayes, Kevin 158 Hayman, Maureen 183 Health Careers Clubs 86, 87 Hearney, Catherine 54, 88, 90, 91,93, 183 Hearney, Mr. William 30, 54, 55 Hebeler, Vicki 112, 149 Heckman, Lisa 183 Heckman, Scott 158 Heffernan, Shauna 149 Heinz, Karl 139 Heinzel, Lucy 128, 183 Heitzman, Edward 149 Heller, Mary Ann 139 Hemingway, Stephanie 98, 149 Hemphill, Mr. John 42, 43 Hendrickson, Mary 158 Henk, Robert 158 Henkel, Miss Karen 19 Hennessy, Katie 121, 149 Herdman, Cynthia 117, 158 Herdman, Denise 17, 183 Herman, Joseph 139 Hess, Mr. Donald 38, 65, 122, 123, 128, 210 Hewitt, Sister Frances 28, 29 Hickey, Michael 149 Hickey, William 139 Hickman, Antoinette 84, 149 Hickman, Ruby 84, 158, 160 Hildenbrandt, Rosemary 158 Hill, Wendy 149 Hines, David 158 Hitt, Connie 158 Holmes, Kathy 84, 183 Holsneck, Donna 114, 117, 158 Holsneck, Jill 64, 65, 118, 119, 139 Holt, Francis 158 Homa, Barbara 54, 55, 92, 93, 139 Horesko, Rosemary 183 Hornyak, Frank 149 Horsting, Paulette 158 Hose, Margaret 139 Houck, Edeltraud 149 Housman, James 103, 149 Houston, Eileen 158, 210 Houston, Katheen 94, 95, 139 Houston, William 184 Howarth, Deborah 158 Howell Barbara 142 Hubal, Debra 139 Hughes, Alison 184

Hughes, Jamie 158 Hughes, Rev. Joseph 6, 12, 60, 66, 70, 164 Hughes, Thomas 149 Huley, Sister Margaret 21 Hummel, Mr. John 19, 20 Humphrey, Rita 139 Humphreys, Michael 107, 149 Hunt, Martha 184 Hunt, Mary Claire 184 Hunter, Edward 32, 58, 84, 184 Hutchison, Kate 88, 112, 120, 158 -1 Iazzetta, Reverend Frank 36 Immordino, Angelo 125, 126, 142 Immordino, Joseph(sr.) 90, 109, 110, 184 Immordino, Joseph(jr.) 139 Immordino, Joyce 149 Immordino, Maria 158 Ingrassia, Angela 158 Innocenzi, Darlene 81, 134, 139 Inocencio, Maria 80, 81, 145, 146 Inverso, Donna 114, 158 Inverso, Frank 79, 184 Ippolito, Carl 29, 79, 85, 90, 103, 184 Ippolito, John 125, 139

-JJackson, Laurie 57, 158 Jacobus, Darlene 120, 158 Jancola, Sister Dorothy 28 Jaouen, Colette 149 Jasienski, Jacqueline 177, 184 Jets 88, 89 Jingoli, Stacey 149 Joachim, Sister Mary 22,23 Johnson, Richard 105, 158 Johnston, Linda 24 Jones, Brian 79, 185 Jones, Jeffrey 103, 139 Jones, Starlet 80, 81, 84, 149 JoS'e, Sister Marie 28 Juniors 134-143

-KKale, Coleen 119, 139 Kale, Terrence 139 Kaminski, Halina 149 Kanda, Bernadette 139 Kane, Kathy 139, 143 Kaplan, Mrs. Christiane 26, 210 Karlovich, Jacqueline 158 Karolkiewicz, Christine 139 Karpik, Diane 113, 149 Karpowich, Donald 185 Kaytus, Diane 185 Keefe, Ellen 149 Keefe, Gregory 149

Keefe, Julie 139 Keefe, Thomas 36, 110, 123, 124, 158 Keirn, Tracy 158 Kelly, Maria 185 Kelly, Maureen 84, 115, 116, 117, 139 Kelly, Michele 59, 82, 115, 117, 149 Kelly/ Mr. David 36, 57, 84, 164, 165 Kelly, Mrs. Suzanne IS, 83, 210 Kemble, James 103 Kemo, Michele 158 Kerekes, Edward 149 Kerns, Brian 110, 158 Kerr, Jeanne 79, 185 Key Club 84 Keyes, Bryan 31, 91, 92, 109, 185, 192 Keyes, Deirdre 149 Keyettes 84 Kiernan, Kim 159 Kiernan, Mary 159 Kiernan, Patricia 98, 185 Kiernan, Randy 103, 139 Kim, Joan 158 Kiss, Beth 33, 59, 134, 139 Kite, Clare 149 Kleber, Margaret 60, 168, 185 Kleber, Sara 115, 116, 135, 139 Klein, John 159 Klein, Joni路140, 185 Kleinmann, Alfred 159 Kleinmann, Gloria 90, 185 Klek, Kenneth 36, 110, 124, 158 Klim, Christopher 159 Klim, Jennifer 70, 88, 91, 93, 185 Klim, Megan 140 Klimes, John 159 Kliminski, Daphne 84, 149 Kliminski, Stephanie 149 Kliwinski, Joseph 140 Kliwinski, Thomas 159 Kluxen, Cara 82, 98, 186 Kluzner, Edward 131, 186 Kluzner, Laure 150 Kobos, John 140 Kobos, Mary 158 Koch, Lauren 57, 159 Kochis, Debbie 17, 186 Kochis, Linda 136, 140 Kocsardy, Jeff 159 Kocsis, John 75, 110, 155, 158 Koinonia 82 Kondash, Joseph 85, 90, 186, 191 Kondash, Mary 140 Kondash, Stephen 109, 110, 150 Konopka, Elizabeth 186 Kontorowicz, Alicia 114, 159 Kontorowicz, Christina 87, 186 Kopec, Stephen 38, 111, 140 Kopek, Doug 125, 186 Kopp, Frank lOS, 124, 159 Koreyva, Stanley 71, 88, 167, 186 Kortschmaryk, Ostop 91, 140 Koschek, Mrs. Sandra 34, 35, 114, 130

Kosco, Patti 169, 186 Kovacs, Cheryl 86, 87, 91, 92, 186

Kowalewski, Cheryl 158 Kowalski, Christine 32, 114 Kozakiewicz, Lynn 187 Kramarz, Frank 150 Kraus, Celestine 140 Krawczun, Richard 142 Krawiec, Mary Ann 82, 83, 159 Krisak, Edward 187 Krisanda, Marcia 187 Krosnick, Jay 144, ISO Krupa, Chris, 150 Krupa, Foster 140 Krupa, Sheryl 187 Krystaponis, John 54, 71, 98, 103, 187

Krzywkowski, Sara 120, 159 Krzywkowski, Valerie 113, 121 Kutch, Karen 29, 115, 131, 140 Kwietniak, Alfred 140 Kwietniak, Diane 25, 187 ---.:LLadnyk, Irene 158 Ladnyk, Victor ISO Laird, Therese 144, ISO Lembert, Kim 140 Lakasosh ISO Lampkin, Ernest 105, 158 Lane, Paul 82, 83, ISO Lanna, Augusta 17, 71, 187 Lanzoni, Eugene 54, 107, 140 Lanzoni, Thomas 140, 143 Larkin, Jeremiah, 91, 9~, 173, 187

Latham, kathleen 83, 158 Leadem, Richard 140 Leadem, Sue 181, 187 Latin Honor Society 91 Ledger, Debbie 187 Ledger, Vicki 140 Leiber, Karol 187 Lemire, Thomas ISO Lenartowicz, Michael ISO Leonard, Darlene 121, 140 Leonard, Liz ISO Leonard, Racine 80, 81, ISO Leonard, Ray 140 Lesh, Willie 140 Leszczuk, Kathy 158 Levin, Paul 32, 120, 124, 158 Lewallen, Barbara 159 Lewallen, Frank 126, 158 Lewallen, Jodi ISO Lewallen, Sharon 140 Lewis, Irma ISO Leysath, Margo 188 Liedtka, Donna ISO Liedtka, Jane 113, 119, 140 Lieggi, Peter 84, 85, 103, ISO Lind, Edward 105, 158 Lind, Susan 33, 83, 140 Link, James ISO Link, Kenneth ISO Lintott, John ISO

Lintott, Monica 80, 188 Liptak, Miss Mary Ann 19 Lisnak, Dolores 140 Lloyd, Karen 140 Loatman, Mr. Richard 32, 33, 63 Lopilato, Mr. Robert 35 Loughnane, Michael 190 Luck, Allison 140 Luebking, Reverend Thomas 10 Lynam, Jean 159 Lynam, Thomas 103, 140 Lynch, Kimberly 32, 84, 117, 158 Lynn, Sharon 37, 94, 95, 188 Lynne, Erin 33, 140 Lynne, John 159

McCarrick, Beth Ann 117, 159 McCarrick, Lorraine 84, 92, 93, 189

McCarthy, Theresa 32, 58 McChesney, Sister Cathleen 18, 19

McClain, Ann 150 McClain, Bryan 141 McClain, Gregory 159 McClellan, Brian 159 McCreedy, David 85, 111, 151 McCue, Jeffrey 103, 140 McDonald, Cindy 22, 138, 140 McDonald, Denise 190 McDonnell, Sister Joanmarie 6, 7, 12, 13

-MMaccaroni, Cheryl 7, 71, 88, 90, 98, 115, 116, 128, 210, 167, 188 MacDonald, Jeanne 150 MacDonald, Joan 91, 93, 107, 140 Maciolek, Karen 117, 158 Maciolek, Ted 19, 188, 196 Mahler, Kathleen 150 Mahon, Donna 117, 158 Mahony, Timothy 85, 90, 103, 125,140 Major, Mrs. Barbara 34, 35, 112, 118,119 Maleski, John 188 Maleski, Mary Ann 150 Mancuso, Loretta 114, 120, 159 Mangone, Mario ISO Mangone, Richard 125, 126, 150 Mangone, Robert 111, 141 Mannix, Joseph 29, 140 Markman, Gail 188 Marion, Timothy 140, 142 Martillotti, Joseph 60, 71, 84, 85, 90, 109, 110, 165, 189 Martin, James 110, 159 Martorana, Gina 159 Martorana, Vincent 110, 159 Maruca, Debbie 189, 195 Maruca, Domenic 24, 84, 103, 189 Maruca, Joseph 85, 103, 189 Martynowicz, Hedwig 189 Masserini, Gina 59, 147, ISO Massi, Ann Marie 60, ISO Massimi, Lynn 114, 120, 159 Masters, Terri 84, 189 Matthews, Mary Jo 159 Mattozzi, Lisa Anne 159 Maty, Diane 84, ISO Maty, Donna 140 Mauro, Judith 140 Maurer, Regina 54, 55, 88, 90, 167, 189 Mauss, Patricia 17, 189 Maxwell, Lorie 86, 131, 189, 201 Maziarz, Mary Lynn 159 Mazzella, Theresa ISO Mazzoli, John 32, 58, ISO, 210 Mazzoli, Michael ISO McCabe, Joanne ISO

McDonough, Kathleen 120, 159 McDonough, Rita 136, 140 McDonough, Thomas 190 McDowell, Michael 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 117, 190

McFadden, Sean ISO McGarrity, Amy 114, 159 McGlone, Kathleen 83, 141 McGraw, Francine 113, 150 McKee, Kathryn 141 McKeever, Jeanine 188, 190 McKinney, Ralph 140 McLaughlin, Denis 159 McLeod, Elizabeth 21, 151 McManimon, Thomas 85,103, 104, 190

McQuade, Michael 108, 109, 140 McRoberts, Debbie 190 McVeigh, Carol 190 McVeigh, Maggie 151 Meagher, Elizabeth 80, 81, 94, 95,134, 139

Meagher, Gerard 60, 85, 109, 165, 169, 190

Meagher, Michael 110, 159 Mears, Michael 141 Meckel, Douglas 38, 190 Melker, Florence 17, 190 Mendola, Alfred 151 Mendola, Vincent 190 Mercurio, David 123, 151 Mesday, Darlene 190 Meskill, Donna 190 Meszaros, Suzanne 33, 58, 141 Metzger, Patrick 159 Metzger, Mr. Ronald 28, 29, 125, 126

Meyer, Melanie 140 Michalak, George 191 Micklewright, Sandra 140 Midura, John 111, ISO Midura, Mary 159 Miele, Anthony 105, 155, 159 Miele, Dawn 141 Migut, Paul 191 Mihalick, John 140 Mihalick, Susan 159 Milinowicz, Mr. David 40, 41, 65, 122, 128, 123, 210

Militio, Joseph ISO Miller, Maureen 191 Miller, Patricia 191

Miller, Mrs. Peggy 22 Miller, Roy 141 Millonig, Robert 157, 159 Misiolek, Christine 191 Mitchell, Sharon 113, 121, 150 Molnar, Sharon 84, 150 Mongan, Kathleen 159 Montgomery, Donald 103, 151 Moody, Lynn 113, 150 Moonlight, Terry 150 Moore, Collen 150 Moore, John 111, 151 Moore, William 141 Moore, Mr. Charles 40, 103 Moreau, Michele 159 Morello, Patricia 141 Morrison, Joan 191 Morrison, Mark 90, 109, 191 Morton, Lawrence 29,71, 102, 103, 182, 191

Moschera, Lisa 151 Moschera, Susan 159 Moses, Richard 150 Mosner, Michael 150 Motchnik, Karen 140 Mouran, Saberina 32, 34, 58, 59, 141

Mudd, Michael 71, 78, 191 Muehlei.sen, Regina 191 Mulligan, Barry 32, 83, 151 Mulryne, David 64, 65, 124, 159 Mungro, Theresa 159 Murchison, Annette 151 Murphy, Ann Marie 151 Murphy, Cathy 98, 191 Murphy, Francis 151 Murphy, John 109, 192 Murphy, Linda 192, 195 Murphy, Sheila 150 Murray, Sister Veronica 19 Mydlowski, Maribeth 141 Mydlowski, Michael 192 -NNabinger, Scott 159 Nagle, Karla 41, 88, 192 Nagy, Rita 36, 150 Nalbone, Mark ISO Nalbone, Sherry Lynn 159 Napoli, John 141 National Honor Society 88 Navarro, Deborah 151 Naylor, Susan 192, 195 Nelson, John 151 Nelson, Michele 141 Nemec, Mary Alice 113, 146, 150 Nerwinski, Frank 108, 109, 141 Nevius, Roger 124, 159 Newell, Gregory 150 Nicolai, Lisa 88, 90, 112, 119, 141

Nini, Gemma 151 Nini, Joseph 141 Nizolek, Thomas 141 Nolan, Reverend Walter 36, 64, 82,83,210

Novatkoski, Susan 192


-0Obal, Debbie 25, 192 Obduski, Karen 141 Obduski, Teresa 141 O'Brien, Chris 141 O'Brien, John 109, 134, 141 O'Connell, Edward 150 O'Connell, Stephanie 159 O'Donnell, Daniel 159 O'Donnell, Maugha 141 O'Donnell, Patricia 151 Olech, Diane 64, 88, 112, 113, 114, 131, 192

Olinski, Deborah 151 Olson, Dawn 57, 80, 159 O'Neill, Rosemary 159 Opdycke, Kelly 159 O'Reilly, John 151 Ortiz, Manuel 78, 84, 85, 90, 165, 192

Orzol, Roman 142 Orzol, Wesley 159 Osborn, Jennifer 193 Osowick, Anine 160 Ostrowski, Lisa 160 Ottaunick, Chris 125, 127 Owen, Cathleen 71, 131, 193 -PPacera, Steve 126, 151 Page, Ivan 107, 151 Paglione, Joseph 141 Paglione, Lisa 117, 151 Paixao, Lee 21 Paixao, Marie 151 Paixao, Martha 32, 58, 59, 80, 82, 160, 161

Paixao, Mrs. Judith 25 Palenchar, Mrs. Mary 26, 91, 92 Palmer, Mr. Howard 7 Palutis, JoAnn 20, 193 Papp, Beverly 193 Parham, Karla 151 Parham, Linda 193 Parker, Richard 151 Parno, Linda 151 Parr, Allan 160 Pasierb, Stephan 83, 151 Patricelli, Cherie 16, 62, 84, 112, 114, 193

Patricelli, Scott 151 Patrizi, Diane 151 Patrizi, Larry 193 Patrone, Susan 193 Paul, Brenda 193 Paul, Margaret 83, 151 Pawlukewich, Patricia 141 Payton, Beverly 84, 151 Peoples, Jennifer 117, 151 Peoples, Leslie 141 Peoples, Mrs. Carolyn 15 Perez, Rolando 193 Perna, William 105, 160 Peroulidis, Spi~o 22, 194 Persichilli, Dino 151 Petercsak, William 151


Peter Pan SO-55 Peters, James 103, 151 Peterson, Pamela 194 Petranto, Iris 32, 151 Petrino, Alexander 70, 59, 88, 90, 166, 194

Petrino, Jim 79, 194 Petro, Robert 111, 151 Petrozzini, Judith 32, 59, 141 Petrozzini, Scott 20, 194 Petruska, Brian 160 Pfeffer, Sister Veronica 13 Pickens, Cheryl 160 Piechowski, Michael 141 Pierce, Jonette 194 Pietranik, Bogumila 160 Piffath, Linda 160 Pilato, Robert 160 Pirone, Nancy 160 Pirone, Pamela 151 Pirone, Umberto 105, 160 Pirozzi, Jack 151 Pirozzi, .Stephanie 79, 112, 113, 114, 190, 194

Pitonyak, Elaine 181, 194 Ploof, Joann 151 Plunkett, Barbara 84, 85, 194, 210

Plys, Yarko 151 Pogorzelski, John 151 Polar, Maria 160 Polinski, Dodie 160 Pontoriero, Lisa 160 Porcaro, Erminia 151 Porcelli, Thomas 110, 120, 124, 160

Potocki, Lorraine 151 Powell, Diana 80; 154, 158, 160 Powell, Jacqueline 84, 195 Powers, Michele 112, 113, 114, 119, 160

Procaccini, Mary 195 Proniewski, Chris 141 Proniewski, Sharon 151 Provenzano, Jamie 151 Pupa, Diane 160 Pyontek, Keith 160

-QQuigley, Maryrose 90, 91, 92, 141

Quindlen, Theresa 160

Ratzlaff, Steve 105, 160 Rawls, Monyette 18, 195 Ray, William 141 Reali, Renee 112, 128, 181, 195 Rebman, Jim 86,87, 195 Rebman, Thomas 151 Recine, Domenic 30, 19~ Recine, Rosemarie 120, 160 Reed, Debbie 195, 196 Reed, Robert 151 Reh, Deborah 195, 196 Reid, Jacqueline 160 Reiss, Bishop John 10 Repole, Donna 116, 141 Reres, Jean 71, 84, 98, 107, 196, 210

Rhoades, Robert 152 Ricciardi, Anna 141 Riccio, Carl 103, 141 • Richard, Mr. Gary 28, 29 Richardson, Frank 89, 90, 196 Richardson, Gwen 57, 196 Riggins, Cheryl 160 Riley, Hugh 141 Riley, Tim 160 Ritter, Louis 160 Rivera, Ismael 24, 196 Rivera, Miriam 152 Rivera, Nancy 196 Robbins, Pamela 160 Roberson, Jacqueline 196 Roberto, John 141 Roberts, Sylvia 84 Robles, Wilfred 152 Roche, Frank 152 Roche, Janet 141 Roche, Judith 152 Roche, Michael 105, 160 Roese, Corinne Rojas, George 160 Rojas, James 196 Rojek, Mary 93, 116, 141 Roland, Edward 152 Roland, John 196 Ronyack, J ody 141 Rooney, Sister Patricia 19, 94, 210,213

Rose, Lee 55 Ross, Swillie 122, 123, 152 Rovello, Mrs. Margaret 35, 88, 113, 121

Royster, Brenda 121, 152 Ruberto, Tim 85, 197 Rudge, Catherine 37, 90, 166, 197

-RRader, Mrs. Jeanne 21 Rafalski, Cheryl 33, 63, 195 Rafalski, Michele 91, 141 Ragany, Deborah 151 Ragany, Richard 88, 195 Raines, John 71, 84, 195 Raines, Sabrina 33, 57, 84, 151 Rak, Lorraine 37, 88, 91, 166, 195

Rak, Ronald 55, 92, 167, 195 Ranfone, Louis 103

Rudge, Michael 152 Ruehle, Bryan 160 Rugarber, Jeffrey 111, 142 Rugarber, Michele 152 Ruiz, Elvin 24, 56, 197 Russell, Mary Russert, Judith 160, 161 Russo, Simone 152 Russo, Trudy 152 Rutkowski, Lori 113, 151 Ryan, Christine 80, 152 Ryan, Jacqueline 197 Ryan, Janet 161

Ryan, Joan 142 Ryan, Peter 105, 161 Ryan, William 103, 152 -SSabatino, George 152 Sachetti, Mary 197 Sagedy, Terry 144, 151 Salewski, Kenneth 142 Salvadore, Tony 85, 111, 152 Salvadore, George 71, 80, 81, 84, 85, 89, 164, 165

Samonski, Susan 37, 56, 92, 197 Sanfilippo, Eileen 197 Santarsiero, Marianne 142 Santiago, Cecilia 152 Santiago, Jose 161 Santoro, Anthony 152 Sapienza, Paul 110, 161, 210 Sargiotto, Sal 74, 152 Sary, Merry Ann 152 Saraceni, William 54, 197 Sawicki, Chris 142 Sayles, Debbie 80, 161 Sbarra, Joseph 142, 161 Scales, Angelene 152 Scales, Dean 56, 84, 103, 198 Scales, Jeane 16, 56, 198 Scarpiello, John 110, 161 Scarpiello, Mrs. Lynne 38 Schaefer, Catherine 90, 91, 142 Schaible, Chris 102, 103, 142 Schaible, Leonard 130, 198, 202 Schanz, Jim 134, 142 Schmierer, Stephan 142 Schrader, Jeff 56, 102, 103, 104, 165, 169, 182, 198

Schrader, Kenneth 198, 199 Schuler, Donald 109, 110, 122, 124,142

Schulz, Sheila 155, 161 Schuster, Jeff 142 Schwarze, Ellen 151 Schwartz, Dan 102, '103, 142 Sciarrotta, James 152 Sciarrotta, Ronald 142 Sciarrotta, Mr. Salvatore 90 Scoggins, Selena 142 Scotto, Vincent 161 Seale, Peter 7, 57, 142 Secretario, Janet 60, 71, 80, 84, 164, 165, 186, 198

Seifert, Debbie 142 Seifert, Mary 198 Seifert, Theresa 161 Seiler, Lori 117, 151 Seiler, Margaret 56, 84, 198 Sellers, Scott 161 Seniors 162-203 Senior Class Trip 76, 77 Serafine, Cynthia 80, 161 Serafine, Donna¡ 170, 198 Serock, Patricia 56, 152 Serock, Sandra 198 Severino, Barbara 142 Sevilla, Anthony 103, 104, 142 Shanoskie, John 152

Sheehan, Cearan 152 Shelly, M. Jacqueline 113, 151 Shelly, Maureen 32, 56, 58, 59, 94, 183, 199

Sherman, Roslyn 84, 61 Sherrill, Judith 161 Shurgala, Donna 199 Siekanowicz, Andrew 110, 161 Sikora, Anthony 161 Sikorski, Frank 126, 152 Sikorski, Matthew 152 Sikorski, Nancy 152 Silver, Belinda 142 Silvestri, Filomena 80, 81, 153 Simone, Regina 152 Simone, Mr. John 35, 84, 85, 110, 120

Sirak, Joseph 32, 58, 161 Siwczak, John 161 Skorupa, Janet 142 Slavin, Timothy 124, 161 Smalls, Linda 152 Smedley, Deborah 152 Smith, Diana 152 Smith, Dianne 141, 142 Smith, Darryl 161 Smith, Dawn 142 Smith, Don 199 Smith, Geraldine 161 Smith, Gladys 142 Smith, Hugh 36, 161 Smith, Joseph 56, 199 Smith, Kathleen 56, 115, 199 Smith, Linda 142 Smith, Lisa 121, 152 Smith, Steven 103, 153 Sobon, Donna Marie 161 Sobon, Stanley 134, 142 Soccer 108 Sodomin, Theresa 152 Solarski, Jay 142 Sommers, Steve 153 Sophomores 144-153 Soto, Belinda 161 South, Karen 142 Spalluto, Robert 148, 152 Spanish Honor Society 90 Spera, Tony 199 Spirazza, Gail 32, 38, 58, 142 Spires, Karen 152 Spring Sports 128-131 Springer, James 56, 85, 108, 109, 198, 199

Sredinski, Joseph 161 Stankowski, Debbie 142 Stec, Maryann 195, 199 Stephan, Peggy 199 Stephan, Mr. John 38, 103 Sterling, Michael 161 Stevens, Brenda 161 Stevens, Cheryl 161 Stevens, James 153 Stockman, Julie 14, 159, '161 Stockman, Maura 142 Stockman, Melissa 153 Stoka, Mrs. Mary 15, 17 Stoy, Pamela 200 Streit, Lori 153

Stroman, Lorraine 153 Struble, Grace 142 Struck, Bernadette 131, 143 Struck, Elaine 90, 143 Stryker, Michael 25, 200 Student Government 80, 81 Suffern, William 55, 60, 107, 200 Sullivan, Dennis 32, 58,71, 79,

Ungrady, Paul 29, 70, 89, 109, 130, 197, 202

Upadhyayula, Aruna 153 Ussia, Lori 62, 202 Utley, Clarynda 202 Utley, Monique 153 Uveges, Marybeth 153

SO, 81, 164, 173, 200

Sullivan, Kevin 161 Sullivan, Mary 54, 55, 143 Swangler, Gregory 161 Swangler, Linda 37, 184, 200 Swangler, Martin 153 Sweeney, Catherine 153 Sweeney, Mary Anne 152 Swistak, Janet 37, 56, 200 Syers, Bruce 143 Szedula, Rosemarie 161 Szypulka, Richard 161

-TTakach, Gwen 16, 200 Tamasi, Henry 152 Tamasi, Marisa 152 Tamasa, Paul 103, 161 Tatory, Carol 200 Taylor, Anthony 56, 200 Taylor, Margaret 160 Terwilliger, Susan 161 Theer, Debbie 153 Thomann, Janice 153 Thomann, Sharon 200 Thomas, Barbara 59, 140, 143 Thomas, Leslie 153 Thornton, Eileen 143 Tierney, Kathleen 56, 200 Tiffert, Janet 201 Tkacs, Michael 105, 161 Tkacs, Michele 201 Tobias, Mark 123, 153 Tocatlian, Chris 107, 143 Tomsho, William 201 Toro, Miriam 161 Torres, Nancy 143 Toth, Bernard 161 Toth, Julia 195, 201 Tovar, Richard 152 Trakowski, John 89, 201 Tramontana, Lisa 113, 121, 152 Trani, Peggy 143 Tranter, Arthur 126, 127, 153 Treadwell, David 103, 104, 125, 201

Tuccillo, Joseph 201 Tuccillo, Michael 152 Tursi, Debbie 114, 120, 160 Tursi, Norma 113, 121, 153 Turczyn, Marian 201 Twamley, David 160 Twamley, Michael 152 Tweed, Jennifer 160, 161 Tye, Willie- 123

-UUllrich, Ed 71, 85, 98, 130, 201

-VVagnozzi, Donna 115, 143, 136 Vagnozzi, Patrick 106, 107, 125, 126, 160

Valatka, Joanne 143 Valatka, Theresa 202 Valentino, Miss Bonita 36, 82, 83

Valeri, Joann 84, 143 Valeri, Mary Ann 99, 161 Van Hevere, Patrice 150, 153 Van Pelt, Michael 143 Varga, Carl 153 Varga, Paul 161 Velez, Anita 143 Velez, William 168, 202 Velez, Yolanda 153 Vernon, D!lnny 64,124,161 Vernon, Ronald 22, 102, 103,

West, Keith 153 Wetzel, David 103, 202 Whalen, James 109, 140, 143 Wharton, Francis 109, 203 White, James 143 White, John 153 White, Mary Jean 153 Whitt, Cheryl 160 Whypp, Bill 134, 142 Wiacek, John 30, 55, 203 Wilkes, Salvatore 143 Williams, Mark 110 Wilson, Monique 33, 143 Wojciechowski, Renata 31 Woloff, David 161 Woloff, Ira 203 Wolski, John 143 Wood, Mr. Robert 27, 90, 91 Woods, Betty Jean 121, 153 Woods, Helen 143 Woods, Kathleen 143 Woods, Michael 55, 110, 161 Worek, Michael 153 Wozniczka, Bernadette 153 Wrestling 125-127 Wszolek, Sandra 18, 153



Vernon, Sue 143 Virgil, James 109, 153 Vittoriano, Larry 143 Vrancik, Anne 91, 143 Vukovich, Helen 153 -W~

Wagner, Mr. John 40, 109 Waldron, David 75, 161 Waldron, Sharon Anne 83, 202 Walker, Diana 145, 149, 153 Walker, John 202 Wall, Susan 153 Wallner, Michael 142 Walsh, Kathleen 161 Walsh, Patrick 160 Walta, Stephen 161 Walton, Mary Jane 153 Walthy, Chris 161 Wang, Joyce 75, 161 Ward, Chris 111, 123 Ward, Raymond 161 Ward, Sister Judith 14, 54 Wasielewski, Michael 32, 202 Watkins, David 160 Watkins, Mark 105, 161 Wawczak, Ellen 202 Weasner, Jill 84, 121, 153 Weasner, Richard 103, 143 Weglarz, Jane 143 Wells, Theresa 161 Wenczel, Arthur 143 Wenczel, Lisa 153 Wenczel, Melissa 120, 160 Wendrzycki, Ray 89, 125, 202 Wesley, Beth 80, 143

Yeager, Dawn 31, 203 Young, J. Michael 153 Young, Judi th 203 Young, Sandra 17, 203 Young, Sharon 121, 153 Young, Vicki 153 Yousko, Carol 203 Yousko, Michael 18, 153 Yu, Kenneth 36, 160 Yuhas, Michael 203

-ZZak, Raymond 153 Zamborsky, Jr. Joseph 124, 160 Zirkle, Cynthia 59, 203 Zoltanski, Gregory 86, 87, 203 Zukos, Ed 203


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