Notre dame high school canticle 1975web

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CANTICLE Notre Dame High School Trenton, New Jersey Volume XV


Many new and good things came to Notre Dame this year.





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page 50


Student Life


page 88

page 174 5

Rushing through the halls, But never rushing through our lives A twinkle in his eyes Always full of smiles and always a " Hello! " A belly that shakes when he laughs with us Over another Jersey City punch line Walking into his one class loosening his collar And never closing his mind Open to us whenever we need him, Even when he doesn' t really have the time Always a million things to do Choosing to talk with someone Instead of doing something that should be done . .. " That can wait. " Chaplain, not only at Notre Dame, but with us in Florida, Or St. Augustine's or anywhere we go A whimsical sermon Bringing a smile into the serious . .. Waking up those who are nodding away in Mass Guaranteed to keep your interest " Koinonia" founder, not only the club " Community - fellowship ," Trying to bring it to us 路 Revamping the chapel Making it a place where we can all be comfortable A new office, No longer a closet down the hall to the left In the middle again, Three signs by the altar, one, " Father Nolan" To say it all, A person we all recognize, love, and thank.



We' re Seniors, what can be said? " It' s been great" " We' ve had fun " " Keep in touch " " Remember me always " " Good-bye- Good Luck" Our memories filled with laughs and tears, we' re leaving N.D. , but N.D. will never leave us.


Page 10/Upper Left: Patt y Nes tor. Upper Right: Coll ee n Quinn . Middle: Ma r y Quinlan . Middle Right: Greg Winkl er. Lower Left: Vin ce De ll e Grotti. Lower Middle: Kath y Marczak. Lower Right: Jim Grebe r. Page 11/Upper Left: John Wilkie. Upper Right: Nan ciann e Doyle, Adriann e Glappa, Mark Rutkow ski , Gr eg Mr a w, Ed Crane , John Wilki e, Geo rge White, Vin ce De ll e Grotti. Middle: Bill Borcsik. Middle Right: Karen Pazdan . Lower Left: H ank Smith, Ch eryl Shipley.


Lynne Agocs

Katherine Amico

Julie Anderson

Ernest Andreoli

Mary Beth Andrews

Michael Angelini

Doreen Applegate

Lawrence Arcioni

Barbara Ball, Barbara Triantafilloo, Moy Eng


Diane Aug

Sharon Avant

Duane Babecki

Dave Steward, Tom Dolan, Jim Sevi ll a, Mike Frascella

Broderick Barber

Jeffrey Bartolino

Barbara Ball

Eleanor Bautista

Eloisa Bautista

Margaret Baxter

Cheryl Beagles

Irvin Beauchamps

Keith Beauchamp

Karen Rouba, Joan Osborn


Robert Bennett

Bruce Bennett

Karen Cashel

Mary-Lou Beumer

Roberta Boscarelli

Thomas Boyd

Marianne Beumer

William Borcsik

Mary Bilotti

Rosemary Boyer Kath y Brown


Barbara Branges

. Karen Breimann

• Pamela Breller

Anastasia Brophy

Patt y Palumbo, Bert Smith, Jeff Heckman, Linda Matecki, Bob Be rnasco, Mich ele H a rn ey, Kev in Costigan , De bbie Wi e rzbowski, Kev in De ase, Liz Moore, Lorraine Supel, Tom Dolan, Kevin McManimon, Sandy Corbin

Kathl~en Brown

Yolanda Brzozowski

Margaret Calamia

Frances Cammarata

Maria Campo

Regina Cantwell

James Carella

Mary Carlin 15

Cathleen Carroll

Cynthia Caserta

Stephen Casey

Karen Ann Cashel

Kathleen Cebulko

Susan Chiantese

Philip Chiaradia

Thomas Cianfrano

Michele H arne y

Miche le H arn ey

Kimberly Cifelli 16

Margaret Cirillo

Mary Colavita

Angelo Conti

Camille Conway

Carol Conway

Luciano Cortina

Kevin Costigan

Linda Matecki

John Everitt

Darlene Cracker

Edward Crane

Brian Croke

Nancy Cubberley

Ronald Cunningham

Debra D' Angelo

Valiant Croux

Annemarie De Angelo 17

Rosemary Decowski

Marie De Forte

Vincent Delle Grotti

Constance De Blois

Bernice Delozier

Mrs. Cevera and Senior Psychology Class

James De Mille

Diane Diehl

Daniel Dileo

Thomas Dill

Thomas Dolan

James Dorozinsky

Barbara Doughman

Kevin Dolan


Nancianne Doyle

Michael Driscoll Joseph Drulis


Claire Dzieminski

Donna Fasoli

John Everitt

Tyr~ne Wayman

Linda Marie Ferri

Margaret Fedorko

Denise Fazio

Patricia Fecak 19

Rosemary Fitzpatrick

Donna Marie Ferry

Barbara Franken

Catherine Flynn

Gail Militig

James Fruscione

Michael Frascella

Joseph Ganie

Marie Garnich

Stacy Geisel

Ilene Geoghan

Nancy Gagliardi


Mary Ann Geppert

Denise Gersten

Barbara Gervasio

Eleanor Goeke

Evelyn Gierula

Donna Giordano

Adrianne Glappa

Francis Griffin James Greber

Lawrence Grimsley

Mary Ann Griffin Hank Smith


Arleen Griscavage

Catherine Grochala


Jo]o Tella

@).· t



Tracey Groomes

Linda Guarnieri

Ellen Hanak

Joan Hanson

Barbara Hart

Joan Hatrak

Catherine Hardy

Michele Harney


James Heffernan

Loretta Heinzel

Alice Henk

Kathleen Higham

Kenneth Hill

Hope Holland

Carmelita lnverso

Charles Inverso

Monique Jacobs

Angela Jantos

Stephen J arkowski

Leo Jasien


, Jo e Valeri, Jim H effe rnan , Jim Manley, Frank Schuster

Rona Jeffries

Michael Johnson

Cathy Hardy, Sharon Roj ek, Bob Bennett, Mary Carlin

Patrick Kahny

Pawel Kalinowski

Robert Kalinowski

Michael Kall

Paul Karns

Elizabeth Kearns


Lynn Kelso


Alyson Keyes

Neil Kissel

Michele Klek

Linda Koenig

Ellen H ana k

Joe Ganie

Edward Korenz

Richard Koreyva

James Kriegner

Thomas Krisak

Thomas Konczos

Cheryl Beagles

Joseph Kovacs 25

Brian Kuzma

N ancianne Doyle, Claire Dzieminski

Edward Laird

Janet Latham

Annemarie Leadem

Dolores Leadem

Paul Lieggi

Christine Lisiecki

Gary Lubieski

Joyce Lubieski

Gary Luck

Patricia Lynam

Mark Maccaroni

Patricia Maloney

Albert Mandl

James Manley

Katherine Marczak

Mary Markman

Helen Mastrangelo

Mary liz Mackin

Hugh Maguire

Sharon Parham

Linda Matecki

Patrick Mathes


George Keefe

James Me Guire

Eileen Me Keever

Susan Means

Lawrence Mercantini

Jeff Bartolino


Leonard Matte

Carl Maze

Patricia Mazarella

Mark Me Grath

Joseph Me Manimon

Thomas Meagher

Kathleen Mesday

Barbara Meskill

Gail Militig

Yvonne Miller

Mary Mis

Barbara Moore

Elizabeth Moore

Paul Motchnik

Glenn Metzger

Denise Milecki

Eleanor Geoke


Charles Nagy

Constance N emchick

Gregory Mraw

Kathleen Napoli

Patricia Nestor


Joseph Nickels

Leo Jas ien

Mark Nestor

Susan Nitti

Martin Novak

Walter Obal

Michael Oberding

Karin Obermeier

George O'Donnell

Margaret O'Donnell

Martin Olech

Stephen O'Neill

Debra Onofri

William Orson

Joan Osborn

Shirley Ru ssert

Charles Osifat


Ana Ottaunick

Barbara Pajak

Lisa Palinkas

John Palmer

Sharon Parham


Pam Bre ll er, Kath y Cebulko

Kei th Beau ch amps, M ike Ange li ni

Patricia Palumbo

Julianne Pane

Francis Patrone

Karen Paxdan

Joann Perferi

Richard Pesce

Jessica Petranto

Daniel Petrino Kathleen Petro

Annette Pfieffer

Kenneth Pieslak

George Pietrow Anne Pilaro

Debra Pirone

George Pitonyak L a rr y Arc ioni


Jane Plunkett

Darlene Polinski

Timothy Potocki

Joanne Piunno

Kathleen Price

Michele Powell

Moira Colleen Quinn

Jessica Petranto, Mr. Panella

Mary Ann Quinlan

Regina Ragolia

Philip Ranfone


Christopher Rankin

Peter Ratzlaff

Barbara Triantafilloo, Becky Stec, Mary Ellen Roche, Cathy Grochala

Benny Recine

Andrew Reres

Barbara Riccio

Thomas Ritter

Raymond Rivera

Mary Ellen Roche

Natalie Rogers

Michael Riccitelli

Sharon Rojek 35

Carol Ryan

Robin Salvadore Dee Leadem


Thomas Ronyack

Karen Rouba

Moy Eng, Linda Guarnieri

Celeste Rousseau

Stephen Rudge

Shirley Bussert

Mark Rutkowski

William Salem

Salvatore Sano

Nancy Schrader

Francis Schuster

Claire Serinaldi

Kevin Costigan

James Sevilla

Kathleen Shelly

Chery l Shipley

Ursula Sidur

Debbie Zucze k

Marie Sienkiewicz

Anna Marie Silvestro 37

Marianne Slackter

Albert Smith

Carol Smith

Francis Smith

Horace Smith

Pamela Smith

Joan Osborn, Kath y Petro


William Salem, Darlene Polinski

Jeffrey Smolka

Mark Snyder

Wesly Sokolowski

Helen Somlyay

John Stawicki

Kathleen Stec

.Kathleen Stevulak

Rebecca Stec

•. -·~. •r7, .






. •··· ·....·..·_··. ••

David Steward

Richard Stout

Nancy Struck

Sylvia Suarez

Nancy Swistak

Evelyn Gierula


Gloria Szubrowski


Marianne Szwedo

Marie Tackacs

Myron Tantum

Josephine T ella

Terese Thomas

Siobhan Tierney

Thomas Toporek

Marie Toth

Connie De Blois

Stephen Tkacs 40

Rose Marie Todaro

Barbara Triantafilloo

David Troiani

Lorraine Turgeon

Elizabeth Ullrich

Eva Ungrady

John W n uk, AI Mande l, Joe Gan ie, Greg Apai, F ran k Schu ste r, Mi ke F rasce ll a, Joe N icke ls.

Lisa U ngrady

Joseph Valeri

Dolores Velivis

Marlene Viglione

Geraldine Valatka


Frederick W allitsch

Nancy Vrancik

Donna Walachy

Roberta Walbridge

Tyrone Wayman

Sophie Weglarz

Carolyn Wenczel

Cynthia Whalen

George White


Colleen White

Paul Kalinowski, Linda Fe rri

Deborah Wierzbowski

John Wilkie

Terri Wilson

Mi ke Riccite lli

Gregory Winkler

Mary Ann Wirth

John Wnuk

Patricia Woodcock

Mary Lynn Yaros

Katherine Zabawa

John Woods

Deborah Zuczek

Caro l Conway


SENIOR CLASS WEEKEND It all started in the late Spring of ' 74 when as Juniors we fill ed out questionaires for our s ee m~ ingl y distant Senior Class Trip. That summer Miss Grant and our class repres e ntatives and office rs were alre ad y working to make our Senior Class Tnp something to reall y rem ember . We cam e back in September as might y Seniors. On a first-come , first-serve basis, 路seniors with deposits hurri edl y sig ned up to be included on an almost already filled list, for a 3-day trip to DisneyWorld in Orlando, Florida . Finall y, Frida y, February 14th, Valentine' s Da y, arrived . Two hundred and ten Seniors, plus chaperone s and luggag e wavered between the dark parking lot, the hall, and the gym, during the crowded Steinert basketball game, anxiously a waiting the arrival of the buses . When they did come, it took little time, but much confusion, to load both students and bag gag e and get us on our way to the Philadelphia airport . Once in Phill y it seemed onl y a few minutes be fore we were seated on Delta 727 whisper jets. For almost all of us it was a first- first time flying , first time visiting Florida, or first time going so far away with so many friends . Already nervous passengers buckled up with anticipation of our late night, early morning take-off and flight . Lift off was smooth as many students strained their necks to see the city lights at night from the sky . As the " oohs" and " aahs" qui e ted down, ears started popping and students tried their own remedies to cure it, from chewing gum to holdin_g noses. It didn' t take long for us to feel at home as we searched for friends to ta k to and drank soda and ate dry roasted peanuts. It went well except for an occasional queezy air-pocket. Before we knew it, two hours later, we were landing in Orlando, Florida. Once on the buses many 路of us fell off into " dreamland ." We weren' t the quietest bunch when we arrived at the hotel looking for our rooms at 4 a.m., but it wasn' t long before we were all in our rooms and in our beds fast asleep. Saturday began with breakfast served between 8 and 10 o' clock. With rumors of snow in Trenton, it was strange to wear shorts, feel hot and see green palm trees in the middle of winter. Soon we were headed for DisneyWorld, looking like t ypical untanned tourists, with admission, ride, and meal tickets close to our trusty cameras . We climbed aboard the Monorails to get our first real look at Disney World. It was too great to put into words . Our travels produced encounters with such well known Disney characters as Mickey and Minney Mouse, Donald Duck, and even the "Big Bad Wolf." Everyone was affected by the Southern hospitality, the friendliness , and most of all the Southern draw I. Exhibits included the famous " Small World" , with puppets of children from all over the world; 20,000 Leagues U nder the Sea, a submarine ride ; the Hall of Presidents, and the famed " Sky Mountain'.' , a roller-coaster lover's delight . By nine o' clock that night students gathered at the buses with tales of the day and packages of souvenirs , about ready to . collapse. 路 At 11:30, back at the hotel, Mass was offered by Father Nolan. We were a motley-colored, sleepy-eyed bunch as we gathered in the dining room . We were becoming closer because of-the trip and Mass was uniting us more. We found out later that some of us had not quite learned to accept responsibility. We were to stay in our rooms that night and the next night and had lost some pool privileges over a few inconsiderate companions. The next day was a free day to spend wherever we chose, provided we were out of our hotel rooms by 11 :00. Some of us went back to DisneyWorld, while others stayed at the hotel pool. We all met at the Contemp-o rary Hotel in Disney World for a final dinner together. From there we took buses to the airport. There, two hundred and ten sunburned Seniors waited for their flights as they took their last look at Florida and warm weather for quite a while. Soon we were back in the air, back in Philly, and finally on buses back to Notre Dame. We were greeted there by cold weather and happy and warm famil y and friends. It didn't all end there. The sunburns lasted a few weeks, while the pictures and souvenirs will continue to bring back memories with every glance. There' s one thing that will echo with us always, and that's " Thank you for flying Eastern 'The Wings of Man.' Y all come back now, ya' hear?"

The Haunted House


Welcome Sign outside the International Hotel

J oe D. and littl e Poo

Ms. G ra nt a nd admire r

Diz a nd D oze

Three goo fs, Lynn , Ty rone, a nd Na ncy, with Goo fy

Mi ckey w ith hi s fa ns, Ba rb a nd Mi c he le

Th e M ag ic Kingd om F e rry

Page 46/Top: Karen Cas he !, Miss Grant. Middle/ FRONT ROW: Sharon Rojek , Dee Leadem , Greg Winkler. SECOND ROW: Joe Valeri , Joe Kovacs , Myron Tantum , Tom Meagher. THIRD ROW : Robin Salvadore, Bernice Delozier, Karin Obermeier, Nancy Vrancik . FOURTH ROW : Kath y Petro, Kathy She lly, Cathy Hardy, Karen Breimann, Mary Carlin. BACK ROW : Kathy Marczak, Debbi e Wierzbowski, Barb Moore. Lower Right: Dee Leadem, Greg Winkl er. Page 47/Upper Left: Adri e nne Glappa and Ted Cashel, Pam Smith and Mike Driscoll, Robin Salvadore and Fred Wallitsch . Upper Right: Miss Grant , Barbara Triantifilloo, D ee Lead em, Kath y Petro. Middle Left: Jim McGuire. Middle: Alic e Henk. Middle Right: Greg Winkler. BOTTOM : Class Mass, June 1972.

SENIOR CLASS HISTORY We came to Notre Dame on September 8, 1971. There was still a war in VietNam, and most people had never heard of Watergate. 1975 seemed a long way off. Our freshman enthusiasm was boundless as we elected officers, held bake sales, celebrated Masses, sponsored a trip to a 76ers game, supported our own teams, and trounced the rest of the school in the ad drive. We celebrated our first N.D. Christmas by sending cheer and chocolate chip cookies to servicemen. The year ended with the planting of our tree and a wet but fun picnic at Washington' s Crossing. Sophomore year saw us a little older and a little wiser to the ways of N.D. Admittedly, we often stared out the window to check the progress of the new wing when we should have been reading American Lit or learning the Pythagorean Theorem. We danced at the Soph Social, baked more Christmas cookies, and sold pens as our major fund-raiser. The split sessions may have dampened our spirit a littl e, but we were guided by our banner," If only we may grow .. . firmer, simpler, quieter, warmer. " Two down and two to go : Junior year. We started to think - or forget - about college after SAT' s, but fortunately most of us were more successful with our drivers' tests. We shared the happiness of N.D. when the football and girls' basketball teams won the County Championship, knowing that the Juniors were well-represented . Our treasury received a big boost after the bike raffle and light bulb sale. We tried to save " Time in a Bottle" as we got our rings, and enjoyed the warm "Sunshine" on our shoulders at the prom . Suddenly, we were at the top. Now we were looked up to by underclassmen . Now we were captain of the team or president of the club .. . but sometimes we still felt like freshmen. Everything was a " last" for us; last game, last Christmas, last exam, last dance. Some of us were just marking time, waiting to get out. Others felt like Jim Croce when he sang, "there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them. " So, we tried to make the best of our senior year at Notre Dame. We chanted " We' re # 1! " with the soccer team . We studi ed hard for marks that counted . W e stayed late aft e r school and showed up at more and more basketball games . Our more memorable business venture was selling Mrs. Smith' s pies for fun and profit . . . even if they didn' t have Lemon Meringue. The Senior-sponsored Bob-Shoo-Bops concert was an opportunity for the whole school to relax after midterms. Over 200 of us took a four-day holiday to Disney World ; on May 25, we had our Prom. We graduated on June 1, 1975 ... we' ve only just begun?


WE, THE GRADUATING SENIORS OF NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL, BEING OF SOUND AND DISPOSING MIND AND MEMORY, DO HEREBY MAKE, PUBLISH, AND DECLARE THIS TO BE OUR LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, ON THIS FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 1975 . .. I, K. Brown, hereby leave one autographed picture of Julie Eisenhower to Mr. Milinowicz. I, D.D., hereby leave my giggles to Mrs. Major and a "holy jump up and sit down" button to Sister Claver. I, Ilene Geoghan, hereby leave Mrs. Carolyn Peoples to the most deserving and spirited homeroom, I, Ilene Geoghan, hereby leave a bushel of apples to Debbie D'Angelo. I, Gary Luck, leave my sanity here. I, Marianne Szwedo, hereby leave all my overdue library slips to Mary Liz Mackin. I, Tom Dolan, hereby leave a $10 gift certificate from Burger King to George (Fat) Keefe. I, Myron Tantum, hereby leave the Mercer County "A" Championship to the 1975 Notre Dame Football Team on the condition they kick the (expletive deleted) out of Steinert, Hamilton, Trenton, and especially Ewing. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Paul Kalinowski, hereby leave my Physics notebook to Joe Kovacs. I, Mike Frascella, hereby leave a box of cream donuts to George Keefe. I, Jim Fruscione, hereby leave my hair to Tom Toporek. I, Pete Ratzlaff, hereby leave a stuffed turkey to Mr. Wood. I, Regina Ragolia, hereby leave my plastic layout blocks to the 1976 Canticle layout editor. I, Hank (Cannonball) Smith, hereby leave one day's supply of used tennis halls to Mr. Lop and the Athletic Department. I Rick Stout, hereby leave my shillelagh to Mr. Rooney and all my zeroes to Mr. Damhro. I, Ursula Unsad, hereby leave all my hooks to whoever wants them. I, Carole Smith, hereby leave the presidency of Sister Claver's . homeroom to the bravest junor. I, Kathy Stee, hereby leave my crown of stockings to Ms. Wilson. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Bert Smith, hereby leave Notre Dame H.S. to the next undeserving victim who'll accept it. I, Frank Smith, hereby leave my body to the Science Department. I, David Steward, hereby leave my stringy racket to Mr. Lop. I, Mark Snyder, hereby leave Sister Claver happily. I, Gloria Szuhrowski, hereby leave my sense of humor to Mr. Robert Bugdal. I, Sylvia Studious, hereby leave all my secretarial classes to a well deserving junior. I, Nancy Switak, hereby leave all the photostatic copies I made for history to next year's seniors. I, Gypo Nolan, hereby leave a membership card for the I.R.A. to Mr. Rooney. I, Terese Thomas, hereby leave my parking space to my non-driving sister. I, Terry Typist, hereby leave my typewriter to Sister Nora and all my scrap typing paper to any junior in need of it. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Nancy Struck, hereby leave my homeroom duty to the next "lucky" junior. I, Kathy Stevulak, hereby le;ve my itchy cheerleading sweater to Mrs. Wood. I, Barber of Saville, hereby leave a razor to Mr. Rooney. I, Helen Happy, hereby leave all my D.E. assignments to Mrs. Goldstein. I, Siohhan Tierny, hereby leave my seat in Sister Claver' s homeroom to the next deserving senior. I, Hughie Maguire, hereby leave nothing to nobody. I, L.R. Matte, hereby leave one tired old worn out projectionist to Miss Liptak. I, Barb Meskill, hereby leave Miseries to Janie Fasanella. I, Kathy Marczak, hereby leave my tamhorine to Kathy Housman and Joann Serock. I, Yur Nairn, hereby leave watt to hoo. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. I, Paul Motchnik, hereby leave my old clothes and one razor to Mr. Rooney. I, Hack, hereby leave my stash to Moon. I, Denise Milecki, hereby leave uncorrected tests to Mr. Shaun Pigott. I, Greg Mraw, hereby leave one formal report to Mr. Ardery. I, Linda Matecki, leave my subscription to "Ms." Magazine to Ms. Glendon. I, Phil Ranfone, hereby leave my braces to any underclassman with an underhite. I, Andy Heres, hereby leave Mr. Rooney the class term papers to help him fulfill his thesis for college. I, Mike Riccitelli, hereby leave one sock to Mr. Damhro. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Barb Riccio, hereby leave my light-headedness to my brother with the hope he will keep up the good work.路 I, Michele Powell, hereby leave my thermos bottle and bus tickets to Timmy Anderson. I, Sal Sano, hereby leave the fire hydrant I took Freshman year to Fr. Hughes, for a table lamp. I, Sal Sano, hereby leave one green flag to Mr. Rooney to put up with the American Flag at foothall games. I, Darlene Polinski, hereby leave my mortgage payments (1~ 1 to Kathy, and my lemon pie to Butsy. I, Joanne Piunno, hereby leave my Steno Notebook to the Secretarial Department. I, Colleen Quinn, hereby leave my "lone clap" to the 1975-1976 Soccer Team. I, Karen Rouba, hereby leave my Environmental Science Book (with the year I put into it) to Mr. Gusciora. I, Claire Serinaldi, hereby leave my brand new, never-used History Book to Mr. Ardery. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Marie Tackacs, hereby leave a choice of three lockers: 103, 381, and 1276 to Christine. We, 12C, hereby leave our Spirit to Mrs. Peoples' 75-76 homeroom. We, Joan Osborn and Peggy O'Donnell, hereby leave one dozen moles to Mr. Wagner. I, Walter Ohal, hereby leave one blank sheet of paper to Mr. Rooney. I, George Pietrow, hereby leave my fantastic German IV skills to some lucky Junior. I, Ana Ottaunick, hereby leave my worldly knowledge of Physics to Sister Claver. I, Bill Orson, hereby leave my Chevelle to Ed. I, George O'Donnell, hereby leave whatever I have to whoever gets it. I, Marty Novak, hereby leave Ms. Mary Ann Liptak to all 11th graders in Notre Dame. I, Nino Alfonzo, hereby leave my sweaty gym suit to Mr. Mazzone and Mr. Damhro. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Daniel Petrino, hereby leave my Algebra and Trig, book to Sister Dismas. I, Rich Pesce, hereby leave my Modern Introductory Analysis Book to Sister Dismas, I, Martin Olech, hereby leave the QBP to John Callaghan. I, Anne Pilaro, hereby leave a copy of "Welcome to the Monkey House" and "Slaughterhouse 5" to Sister Veronica. 路1, Annette, hereby leave my history notebook to Mr. Wagner. I, Patty "Nose" Nestor, leave my daily "Sports" announcements to a reliable source under the supervision of Mr. Ardery. I, Kathy Petro, hereby leave Mr. Rossetti to anyone who can really understand him. I, Jane Plunkett, hereby leave a sweatsuit and two pair of spikes to Nancy Breimann and Jean Heres, next year's Cross Country stars. I, Barbara Pajak, hereby leave my tired Polish dogs to next year's Canticle Literary Editor. We, Adv. Math, Per. 5, hereby leave all the pertinent data in our repertoire to Sister Dismas' next year's Advanced Math Class. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Jim Kriegner, hereby leave every xeroxed and extra credit report to Mr. Ardery. I, Mary Ann Geppert, hereby leave my transcription hook to any Junior secretarial girls. I, Mark McGrath, hereby leave a zero to Mr. Dam bro. I, Nancy Schrader, hereby leave my Blistex to all the chapped lips of the school. I~ Sharon Rojek, hereby leave worn-out saddles and a cracked voice to the Juniors on Varsity Cheerleading. I, Barbara Gervasio, hereby leave my free 7th period to anybody who needs it. I, Linda Ferri, hereby leave typewriter D-7 in Bl04 with its margins locked on 25 and 30 to next year's typing-notehand class. I, Marie Garnich, hereby leave my "trusty" locker 507 to some deserving student year's 12-C homeroom. I, Eleanor Goeke, hereby leave my pointless basketball to Mrs. Major. I, Jim DeMille, hereby leave my Senior Math hook to somebody who can understand hieroglyphics. LAST WILL AN.:D TESTAMENT I, Adrienne K. Glappa, hereby leave Mr. Rossetti's Religion Class to all lucky juniors. I, Donna Ferry, leave my World Lit. hook to anyone willing to become an English scholar. I, Diane Diehl, hereby leave my well-used Physics hook to any Junior who thinks they can handle Sister Claver's class. I, Jay Doro-

zinsky, hereby leave my soccer rowdiness to brother Dave. I, Danny Dileo, hereby leave my designated seat on the football bench to an unlucky quarterback. I, Joe Drulis, hereby leave my Jim McGuire psyche-out cheers to Jeff Petrozzini. I, Patricia Fecak, hereby leave my gym bloomers to some worthy soul like my sister. I, Barbara Franken, hereby leave a stale pretzel to next year's S.C. president. I, Mike Johnson, hereby leave my unused brain to Mr. Rooney. I, Denise Fazio, hereby leave my gym sneakers to some worthy sole. LAST WILe AND TESTAMENT I, Nancy Galgliardi, hereby leave my parking space to Joann. I, Rosie Fitz, hereby leave one red carnation to Toots. I, Donna Giordano, hereby leave my typing ability to a deserving Typing I student. I, Claire Dzieminski, hereby leave a clean table in the Cafeteria to Basia Domurat. I, Donna Fasoli, hereby leave my time to Mrs. Goldstein. I, Evelyn Ann Gierula, hereby leave all my History assignments to Mr. Ardery. I, Michele Klek, hereby leave my dead snail to Jack Woods. I, Robin Salvadore, hereby leave Sister Pat and Mrs. Wood to the 75-76 Canticle Editor-in-Chief. I, Barbara Branges, hereby leave unlimited credit at DeLorenzo's for mushroom-sausage pizza to the 75-76 Canticle staff. I, Thomas Boyd, hereby leave memories of the Army-Navy game celebration and the duty of carrying on this traditiQn we started to Marty Holsneck. I, Michael Angelini, bequeath Sister Claver to Laurie Christenson. I, Mr. Fine Field, hereby leave my Physics Notebook to future Seniors as a model of the forsadness of ... I, a stuck-up senior, hereby leave a hello to Sallyann and Meagan. I, Tom Dill, hereby leave my permanent position on the soccer bench to any incoming senior who is capable of filling it. I, Brock Barber, hereby leave my height to William "Buckwheat" Moore. I, Lorraine Turgeon, hereby leave my worn-out hockey spikes and memories of the 1974 hockey team to "Mom Major" and the future Hockey team. I, Paul Karns, hereby leave a ticket to Ireland to Mr. Rooney, also fond memories of all my teachers, friends, and coaches who helped me through N.D. I, Lisa Keyes, hereby leave directions and a road map to Anne Fitz. I, Bob Kalinowski, hereby leave Mr. Bugdal to all the new major probated students. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENTS I, Mike Kall, hereby leave T. Squ~e to Brian Jones, John Klein, Steve Carney, and Gary Carluccio. I, Anna Leadem, hereby leave my little brother to Varsity Football '75. I, Cheryl Shipley, hereby leave my wornout typewriter and 52 reports to Mr. Ardery. I, Joyce Lubieski, hereby leave Notre Dame High School to anyone who wants it. I, Denise Gersten, Mathematics Genius, hereby leave my repertoire of pertinent data to Sister Dismas. I, Barbara, hereby leave a messed-up worksheet to Mrs. Danbury. I, Kitty Flynn, hereby leave my skiing knowledge to Greg Apai. I, Mary Lynn Yaros, hereby leave a peach pie to Mr. Gusciora. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Lisa Ungrady, hereby leave a pile of exciting journals to Mr. Rossetti. I, Colleen White, hereby leave my Spanish Honor Society to the next victim. I, Hotfeet Shelly, hereby leave my nose to Patty Baylog. I, Mary "Mouse" Carlin, hereby leave my stat board to anyone who can keep assists and rebounds at the same time. I, Beth Kearns, hereby leave the Ski club to Karen, Maggie, Theresa- you try and keep J.W. from going hysterical. I, Neil Kissel, hereby leave Sister Dismas to some other misguided juvenile. I, Joe Kovacs, hereby leave my guitar talents to Colossus II. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Edward Laird, hereby leave my spoiler to Frank Schuster. I, Sharon, hereby leave all my History maps to Mr. Wagner. I, Rich Koreyya, hereby leave my French 4 translations to whatever poor student takes it next year. I, Paul Lieggi, hereby leave Pascal's Triangle to Sister Dismas and the 1975-76 Advanced Math Class. I, Chris Lisiecki, hereby leave my gym suit and other educational materials to my sister Marlene. I, Brian Kuzma, hereby leave ashes of burnt test papers to Mr. Milinowicz. I, Thomas Krisak, hereby leave my joke book to Mr. Ardery. I, Larry Grimsley, hereby leave Notre Dame High to whoever wants it. I, Tracey Groomes, hereby leave my ingenious way of getting out of class to the Junior class. I, Barbara Hart, hereby leave D.E. to Goldie. I, Cathy Hardy, hereby leave the Santa Claus suit to the "Jolliest Junior." I, Chuck lnverso, hereby leave 10,000 term papers and assignments to Mr. Ardery for future references. I, Michele Harney, hereby hang-up my track shoes (for life) to Mr. Dambro. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Alice Henk, hereby leave Physics to Sister Claver. I, Stephen Jarkowski, hereby leave my parking sticker to whoever gets it off my car. I, Angela Jantos, hereby leave psychology to Mr. Rossetti. I, Monique, leave all my research papers for Mr. Ardery and to whoever can afford to pay for them. I, Loretta Heinzel, hereby leave my history notes to any unfortunate student of Mr. Ardery. I, Jim McGuire, hereby leave my Italian voice to Mr. Mazzone. I, Larry Arcioni, hereby leave my total19 c.arries to next year's fullback. I, Boo-Boo, hereby leave my great hockey knowhow and my big mouth to Bugs. I, Doreen Applegate, hereby leave my legible handwriting to Mr. Ardery. I, Rosemary Boyer, hereby leave all Mr. Ardery's work to whoever can catch him in his office. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Roberta Boscarelli, hereby leave my buttons to Sister Nora. I, Jeff Bartolino, hereby leave a subscription to Wrestler's Weekly to Mr. Dambro. I, Miss Nobody, leave my Accounting Book with all my wrong answers to Mrs. Danbury. I, Bill Boresik, hereby leave my Senior Math Book to any nut who is qualified for such a weird class. I, Bob Bennett, hereby leave a set of barbells to Mr. Lopilano. I, Diane Aug, hereby leave my dirty gym suit to Mrs. Major. I, Margaret Baxter, hereby leave all my junk to whoever wants it. I, Mary Beth Andrews, hereby leave my long legs to Susan Patrone. I, Julie Anderson, hereby leave one set of brand new dog houses to Sister Pat and Mrs. Wood. LAST WILL AND TESTAME T I, John Wilkie, hereby leave 65 ¢for a pack of cigarettes to Carlos Gonzales. I, George White, hereby leave my pair of dirty sweat socks never washed in the 4 years at N.D. to Mr. Wood. I, Tom Toporek, hereby leave all my time outs and head fakes to Boomer Reilly. I, Fred Wallitsch, hereby leave all my unfinished laps to Ken Rose. I, Cindy Whalen, hereby leave a can of ajax for their boots and a bottle of aspirins for their headaches to the Notre Dame Drill Team. I, Carm Inverso. hereby leave my terrific leadership ability and big mouth to the Notre Dame Drill Team. I, Nancy Vrancik, hereby leave the privilege of being a senior to my adopted sister Gin Murphy. I, Katherine Zabawa, hereby leave all my charm to Mrs. Goldstein. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Terri Wilson, leave my cousin Bart Wilson to Miss Harcar. I, Tyrone Wayman, hereby leave a headache to everyo e. I, Greg Winkler, hereby leave my notebook to Sister Claver. I, Patty Woodcock, hereby leave my wild socks to Mr. D. I, Donna Walachy, hereby leave my Accounting Workbook to Mrs. Danbury. I, Regina Cantwell, hereby leave all my James Joyce headaches to Mr. Rooney. I, Joe Valeri, hereby leave a picture of Tom Meagher to Ms. Grant. I, Betsy Ullrich, hereby leave unlimited use of padded cell free with purchase of Physics books to Linda Nicolai. I, Frank Patrone, hereby leave all my lates to Miss Liptak. I, Barbara Triantafilloo, hereby leave Zorba the Greek dance to any future drama student. LAST WILL AND TEST AMENT I, Rona Jeffries, hereby leave luck and success to all the students of the graduating class of "76". I, Cathy Hardy, hereby leave ...


Read, write, listen, and think - and we learn that's why we' re here - to study, grow, and learn amidst teachers, fellow students, books, and our thoughts.


Page 52 / Top Left: Mr. Kaytus, Chris Raywood. Top Right: Mr. Anthony Cola vita, Joanne Gagliardi, Connie DeBlois. Bottom Left: Bill Picatagi. Bottom Right: Connie DeBlois, Debbie Wid li cki, Margaret Baxter, Gail Militig, Mrs. Harcar. Page 53/Art Department/Top: Miss Patricia Leonie, Department C hairman Miss Janet Wilson , Mrs. Ann Harcar. Bottom: Mary Hunt, Beth Wesley, Miss Wilson, Arthur Thomas .


ART An Art room and its supplies of paint, clay, charcoal , plaster of Paris, and papier m1che were waiting to be transformed into works of art when we arrived in September. We didn't let them just sit there. We used them, taking advantage of the opportunities, maybe because there was something for everyone . There were the quiet times of learning form, color, design, shading, selection, and arrangement, and then the more rowdy rimes when we applied them. We learned to appreciate the feeling of mud-like clay squishing between our fingers and green paint in our hair. Finding out that your best friend wanted to make a plaster of Paris mold of your face made you wonder about your choice of friends . The school itself has benefitted from the ambitions of art classes. Corridor murals now give N.D. walls a museum-like feeling, adding a cultural quality to the school. The front foyer has hosted many creative displays of talent. Art clubs gave opportunity for all to take part in contests ranging from photography to window decorating. The June art show let anyone and everyone display his or her original art treasure . This is just the beginning. Art is changing and on its way" in." No one can stop it ; no one can refrain from enjoying it .


Page 54/ Top Middle: Joan Osborn, Peggy 0 ' Donnell. Top Right: Gary Lubieski, Mary Ann Wirth , Mike Riccitelli , Tom Krisak , David Steward, Mrs. Danbury. Middle / Business Department/ FRONT ROW : Sister Gera ldin e Kerins , Siste r Mary Nora , Mrs . Mar y Stoka . BACK ROW: Mrs. Suzanne Kelly , Mrs. Carolyn Peoples, Mrs. Ali ce Gold stein, Mrs. Katherine Danbury, Department C hairman Mrs. Margaret Gribbin.

BUSINESS DEPARTMENT "Okay, ready girls- TYPE" "Sister, uh , excuse me, you have a phone call" " Book# 31 - missing" "Please hand in all jobs at the end of the period" -"You've got to be kidding" -click, click, tap, tap - " Hey, you - you got an eraser?" - familiar sounds that echo on B corridor. These sounds • reflect the hard work that goes on in the Business Department. The Business Department continues to reevaluate its curriculum regularly and expand its scope in order to meet the challenges and demand~ of the future . Various courses prepare students for their individual vocations in the outside world. The operation of standard office machinery, trips to industrial agencies, and a realistic office setting give insight into chosen professions. Clubs, the BusiBusiness Bulletin, and co-operative work programs make any student an active part of one of N.D.'s finest departments. A staff of highly professional, dedicated teachers led by Mrs . Gribbin, Department Chairman, set an example, give encouragement, a smile, a laugh, and a touch of elegance to a busy, hectic day of experience and learning. One thing for sure, you really learn to laugh at your mistakes-" Oh no, not again. I spelled' the',' t-e-h! " and to accept criticism as your own. Perhaps" B" does stand for Business.


Page 56/Top Left: Mary Russel , Adrienne Kamas, Philip Boone, George Dzurkoc, Frank Wile y. Top Right: Michele Harney, Lynn Agocs, Kathy Shelly, Karen Cashel, Dee Lead em, Mary Carlin . Middle/English Department/ FRONT ROW : Sister Mary Veronica, Mr. Patrick Rooney , Sister Gertrude McDonnell, Department Chairman Sister Mary Grace Kelly, Miss Ellen Glendon, Mr. Erasmo Ciccolella, Miss Margaret Bornheimer. 路BACK ROW : Miss Linda Fracassi, Mr. Steve Wilfing, Miss Patricia Leonie, Miss Mary Ann Liptak, Miss Karen Henkel, Mrs. Cynthia Clancy, Mrs. Carol Wood , Sister Patricia Rooney. Bottom Right: Miss Liptak. Bottom Left: Della Marchildon, Mr. Ciccolella. Page 57 /Middle Left: Mrs. Wood , Maria Kelly. Bottom: Miss Glendon, Kath y Brown, Mike Frascella, Jim Fruscione, Jim Kriegner, Carm Inverso, Jim Sevilla, Bert Smith, Terase Thomas, Hope Holland, Regina Ragolia, Ken Pieslak.



" Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! " " Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker ... " " When in April the sweet showers fall ... "

If these lines have a ring of familiarity or if you recognize the names Bigger Thomas , the Joads, or Demian- you've been paying attention in English class. The English Department, however, does not aim primarily for names or memorization. If, when you graduate from Notre Dame, you can write a clear sentence, you sometimes pick up a good book to read , you recognize the names of a few literary greats, you know how to think _" critically," and you can tell a noun from a verb or a conjunction, then the English Department will have accomplished its purpose. Headed by Department Chairman Sister Mary Grace, the English Department has stressed anew the importance of the basi_cs of English -correct grammar and punctuation, good speech habits, vocabulary, and writing. Along with this, English teachers attempted to add variet y to their classes with plays, video-taping, library explorations., word puzzles and games, and audio-visual aids . Mrs . Fracassi' s Freshman classes re-enacted the trial of Creon - with interesting results, and Sister Veronica' s senior Drama classes wrote and performed original one-act plays. Sophomore English students explored American Literature - from John Smith' s version of the Pocahontas story through Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address to Wilder' s " Our Town," - frequently recognizing and comparing the development of American values. Juniors became aquainted with the giants of English literatureChaucer, Shakespeare, Shaw . In different electives seniors studied such diverse authors as James Joyce, Herman Hesse, John teinbeck, and Isaac Asimov . Probably very few of us will become literary geniuses, but perhaps we will have been touched by those who were .


Page 58/Top Left: Mr. Wilfing. Top Right: Mr. Rooney. Bottom Left: Miss Bornheim e r. Bottom Right: Miss Henkel, Jacki e Ryan, Ton y Spera, Donna Melker. Page 59/Top Left: Mrs. Rad er and Mrs. Clancy. Top Right: Kathy Allen. Middle: Erin Clancy, Janet McDonald, Mrs. Clancy .


LIBRARY At the beginning of each period the Library slowly fills with students. Many head for the most current issues of Sports Illustrated, Seventeen or the daily copy of the. Trentonian. Others browse, trying to kill time and put off really working. After being in the Library a few minutes one realizes that the golden rule is quietness. "There's no talking in the library." Nevertheless, the quiet talk that persists seldom disturbs anyone determined to use the library seriously. Our Library always has new books, enlightening series of Britannicas and even new magazines. One is never lost for an interesting paragraph or even a crossword puzzle. When the term paper deadline creeps up a bit too fast , the N.D. Library can be a most resourceful friend . It is then that all that quietness pays off. This year, the new program for Library Assistants provides the students with class credit fo路r their time and work . Our Library is just a quiet room full of nooks, crannies, and people, doing whatever is their thing. It holds a wide range of possibilities for the person interested in being well read, informed of the daily jokes, or philosophizing about a theory proposed by Dante's Inferno or Freud. Don' t forget to read your horoscope or the Sports page. There may be something you don't yet know.


Page 60 / Top/Guidance Department: Siste r Marv Alexander , Depa rtm en t Chairman Sister Ma ry Carmel, Mr. William Panella . Middle Left: Sister Mar y Carmel, Connie Kliwinski . Middle Right: Chris Dabranzo, Si ter Mary Alexander. Bottom: College Night. Page 61 / Top Left: Tom McDonoug h, Mr. H earney, Marie Sienkiew icz. Top Right: Ken Hill, Mark Ridge. Bottom: Ken Hill, Sal Sano.


GUIDANCE "Hang in there, Baby" is the message we have seen on the walls in the Guidance Office, one we often need to hear- keep trying. It is also a message that guidance counsellors themselves must need for encouragement, facing piles of records, SAT sc9res and tests, college transcripts, and students in need of help and direction. Seniors panicking about choosing the right college or job, juniors wondering about PSAT' s, and sophomores and freshman beginning to worry about what it's all about - all find Guidance the place to go for direction, a listening ear, and hope . AUDIO- VISUAL DEPARTMENT The A-V Department helps teachers in providing a variety of learning experiences, from video-taping plays to playing a recording of J. F. K.' s Inaugural Address on the right speed. These" extras" help classes to be more interesting, more relevant, and more fun. The A- V Department also offers interested students an opportunity to learn more about audio-visual equipment and this year provides course credit for A- V activities. It is A- V regulars like Liz Moore, Marie Sienkiewicz, Sal Sano, and Andrew Reres who keep the sound system working through assemblies, design the lighting effects for the play, and rush to help a frenzied teacher with a broken film strip projector- if they survive the effects of pipe smoke pollution. Two departments that influence the quality of education at Notre Dame are the Guidance Department and the A- V Department. Both are truly motivated by a concern for our education and growth.


Page 62 / Top Left: Sue C iccone, Mauree n G ree r, Ba r ba r a Co ff e e, L ind a Murph y. Top Right Home Economics Department: Mr s. D o ri s M a ns f ie ld , H om e Economi cs Departm e nt C hai rm a n Mrs. J udith Pa ixao. Middle Left: Beve rl y Papp, Kati e Smith, Patt y M auss, Mrs. Pa ixao. Middle Right: J ac ki Rapp, Mrs. M a nsfi e ld . Bottom: S u e Ce nt omai n , J oa n ne Pa luti s, Lo retta D eCa ra , J a ne t H a nso n. Page 63 / Middle Right: Ba rb a r a M oo r e , Mr s . D oug he rt y. Bottom: Mrs. M a ry D oug he rt y, D oct or J ohn T aweel . 62

HOME ECONOMICS The familiar pleasing aroma of homemade cookies tempts the appetites of students and teachers who pass by the Home Ec. room . " Could you sneak me one of those cookes?" " These were made for the faculty , right?" "No, this batch of yummies is for the patients at Morris Hall. " Home Economics courses this year not only emphasized the practical skills of cooking, sewing, interior decorating, and child care, but also reflected thought, concern, and service for others. The Interior Decorating class gained helpful knowledge in home decorating skills while visiting Park Lane Furniture Store, helped Father Hughes settle into his new home, and for Christmas designed and decorated the foyer with a mural representation of" Mr. Willowb y' s Christmas Tree. " After mastering the intricacies of threading a sewing machine, sewing students became so talented that they helped to design and make the costumes for " Oliver" and surprised us all with their poise and creativity by modelling their best works in the spring fashion show. Having mastered the art of diaper folding and the basics of babysitting, the Child Care students then offered their services to those who needed a night away from the kids. The experiences of Home Economics courses will be long remembered and appreciated - while many a casserole burned in class and many a seam was sewn crooked, valuable knowledge was gained for future reference .

MEDICAL The Medical Suite - the busiest place in the school? You must be sick! Go to Medical. We find it over-flowing with ILLS from ripped pants to runny noses and gum-in-thehair to headaches. Mrs. Dougherty or one of the thirteen Medical Assistants will gladly offer you help- maybe a quiet room to rest, one aspirin, a band-aid, or a gym excuse, but definitely you will feel better soon . Helping with Medical records, observing the new doctor, administering vision and hearing tests, and testing for blood pressure has 路 provided practical experience for the M edical Assistants this year. We often find that Medical serves as a welcome relief when we just can ' t make it through the day. Both Home Economics and Medical provide experiences for students to acquire practical skills that may be useful in helping themselves and sPrvinl7 othPrc


Page 64/Top: Sister Charlotte, Kim Hamersk y, Elaine DeVia , Maryann Czikora, Melanie Meyer, Marcia Christiansen. Middle Left: Mrs. Kaplan, Cheri e Patricelli. Middle Right: Mrs. Fracassi. Bottom: Mrs. Palenchar. Page 65/Top/Language Department / FRONT ROW : Mrs. Geraldine Bryan, Mrs. Christine Kaplan , Department Chairman Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Sister Mar y Philip, Sister Veronica Pfeffer. BACK ROW : Sister Charlotte Grodski , Mr. Joseph Poli, Sister Gertrude McDonnell , Mr. Salvatore Sciarrotta , Mr . Rob e rt Wood , Miss Theresa Giampetro, Mrs. Mary D e Puglio, Mrs. Linda Fracassi. Middle: Margaret Kleber, Jeffrey Raywood . Bottom: Mrs. Palenchar.


LANGUAGE We' ve all had those days when for some reason or another we only catch a small part of what's really happening, those days when a really funny joke goes around after first period, and you don' t start laughing until the middle of sixth. That's how you might feel during German, Latin, French, or Spanish class on the first day of school. It can be quite a shock on that first day, just back from vacation, to walk into a language class and hear only that language. If you keep your ears open and your mind working, however, things will start to sound familiar and suddenly you' II know what' s going on- you' II understand another language! What may shock you even more is being able to use passive voice, participles, and sixteen tenses in either Spanish, French, German or Latin, and then fail an English grammar test. Frustration can work the other way too, like taking a test written in German knowing that you could do it perfectly well in English, but it' s in German . Led by the " convivial" Mrs. Palenchar, the highly " convivial" Language Department attempts to promote not only a working comprehension and ability to use another language, but also to provoke an understanding and appreciation of other cultures and ways of life. Baking German cookies, preparing tortillas, relishing the taste of crepes , learning Christmas carols and folk songs in other languages involve the students more fully and make language courses more exciting . Teaching students of Polish, Irish , and Italian ancestry other foreign languages is quite a challenge, but one that the Language Department meets quite well.


MATH DEPARTMENT " A" corridor finds busy Math students and teachers, pondering brains, erasing, asking questions, crossing out, becoming frustrated , checking and rechecking and finally achieving an answer. Everyone at N.D. has at one time or another encountered these feelings in a Math class. Some da ys students feel like they are caught up in an" equilateral" nightmare, but other days the equation seems to balance. New courses with new texts, such as Individualized Geometry and Introduction to Analysis opened a different aspect of Mat h . Mr. D. brought a little bit of Italy into his classes along with man y smiles, while Sister Dismas and her unusual approach to teaching seemed to make even " Pascal's Triangle" enjoyable. Other Math teachers, led by Sister Jose took their tudents from algebraic terms to theorem and analysis and introduced them to a new and mystifying world that enabled them to use their reasoning both now and in their future.


Page 66/Top Right: Sister Dismas, Lisa

ngrady. Middle: Sister Dorothy Jancola, Miss Mary Rowlands, Mr. Sean Pigott, Mr. Frank DiGuiseppe, Mr. John Dorner, Mrs. Buelah Ball, Sister Katherine Darcy, Sister Mary Dismas, Sister Marie Jose. Bottom: Sue Vernon, Sister Katherine, Anita Velez . Page 67 /Middle Left: Sister Dorothy, Stanley Alexandrowicz. Middle Right: Miss Rowland s. Bottom: Mr. DiGuiseppe, Antoinette Cuiule, Gail Markman, Cheryl Macaroni.


Page 68/Top: Music Department Chairman Mr. Jeffrey Baker. Bottom: Dawn Yeager. Page 69/Top: Eugene Gallo. Middle: Ostap Kortschmaryk. Bottom: Tim Shoriak .


MUSIC Here at Notre Dame we have our own little world of music. Its sounds frequently travel through the halls, especially during seventh period when the band practices special arrangements of " Hogan' s Heroes," " Jesus Christ Superstar," and "Shaft. " It' s funny to laugh at yourself when the song catches you walking to the beat of the music. The Music Department - alias Mr. Baker - has much to offer. There are courses like Theory and Harmony and World Music that either inform the musically inclined or fill up an otherwise empty class schedule. We have our band that played at the football games, entertained us and cheered a rowdy crowd at pep rallies. This year, they got new hats and what' s this? a drum major dressed in blue satin and carrying a baton, led the ensemble. The band played the music for the play, melodies such as " Consider Yourself" and a searching " Where Is Love. " Even though the Music Department does not yet involve many students, it is definitely an important one. We remember the songs and the beat, the practices and the bandroom. Where is the music her路e at Notre Dame? It is the song we walk to, talk of, and keep the beat of in our daily lives.


Page 70/Upper Left: Mr. Robert Lopilato, Mr. John Archer, Mr. Joseph Mazzone, Department Chairman Mr. Gary D ambro . Upper Right: J ohn Walker. Middle Left: Bob Hall , Mr. Archer, Bob Ba tti s, J ac k Wiacek, D ave Rembows ki . Lower Right: George 0 ' D onne ll , Mike Frascella. Page 71 / Upper Left: Jud y H a lko , Jud y Young. Upper Right: Mrs. Be tt y J ane LeBl anc, D epartmen t Chairman Mrs. Barbara Major, Mrs. Margaret Rove ll o. Middle Left: Mary Ann Santarsiero, Mrs. Major, Angela Trapani, Ann Ri cc iardi. Lower Left: Maria Aquilino , J ac ki e Robe rson, Ca ro l Yousko .


PHYSICAL EDUCATION Rowdy shouts and mocking laughter emanate from the depths of th e dungeon locker room. It's the roar of N.D. men arming thems e lves for th e Ph ys ical Education challenge of the da y. With classes made up of eve ryo n e from ninet y pound weaklings to Mr. Muscles, the gym teachers have their jobs cut out for them , building both the physical and the mental foundations of these prospective athletes. Everything from " busting a gut" lifting weights to thinking up new excuses for not taking gym are part of th e" gym" experience. Battling for survival in co-ed volleyball games, th e girls tried to fight back b y " reall y" spiking th e ball. In Health and Driver's Ed. all have become masters of tourniquet bandage tying and Mr. Lop's hand-over-hand turning technique. On th e other side of the castle wall the " damsels in distress" groan at the m e re thought of squat-thrust exercises. Read y for gym in th e ir glamourously designed uniforms and non-form fitting bloomers, the girls trudge out of the " aromatic" locker room . The imaginations of" Mom" Rovello, " Boss" Major, and "Aunt Betty" LeBlanc keep the gals more than on their toes. Taking role for both third and fifth period classes with over a hundred girls in each is an exercise in itself. Routines to " My Girl," drawing witches on Halloween, having bab y powder fights , being thrown in the shower on birthdays, and getting lollipop rewards produce a personal , friendly atmosphere. Such well known activities as timed track events, crab volleyball, soccer, scooter races, marching, softball, gymnastics, and even touch football helped us all to keep our girlish figures and our manly physiques. We thought we were only having a good time, but we were becoming physically fit . 71

RELIGION Remember that day back in August when we all came to pick up our schedules, and we thought we were going to have Religion five days a week? Remember having the feeling that impending doom and boredom were about to come crashing down? Then September came and a strange thing occurred in Religion class. It wasn' t that bad; in fact , it was pretty good. With a great sigh of relief, seniors and juniors learned that -Religion class would be only three da ys a week - and those three days involved us in ways we didn' t think were possible. Suddenly we had to trust our classmates to be our seeing-eye dog. Freshman began to investigate different aspects of the Bible, while sophomores attempted to clarif y their ideas on values and the meaning of morality and worship. Seniors examined the ideas of dating and marriage (both in class and out of class) and the ethical questions of abortion and euthanasia. The movie, " The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter," left us with mixed feelings either of how great we had it being able to talk, hear, and see, or of total helplessness because we couldn' t be up on the screen to stand by Mr. Singer and comfort him. Would we really have stood by him? Was he a Christ symbol? Exploring these questions challenged our usually easy answers and forced us to see some new, revealing possibilities. Mr. Connell, as head of the department, with several new Religion teachers , added interesting, new approaches to classes. By encouraging us to rethink our values and ideas, to become more aware of the problems that confront us, and to become involved more in living the answers, Religion, this year, has convinced us that God is alive and well at Notre Dame.


Page 72/Upper Left: Joann Valatka, Hel e n Wood s, Avi s Willi a m s. Upper Right: F ath e r Nolan , Lynn Agocs, H ope H o lland, Mar y Liz M ac kin , Robe rt a Bosca re lli, M a ry Quinl a n, M a rl e ne Vigilion e, T om Dill, T om Kri sak , Rose m a ry Deco wski . Middle: Fathe r J o hn D' Onofri o, Hugh M c Guire, T om Konczos, Mik e John son. Bottom: Siste r Eil ee n Smith, C ind y Ant oni e wi cz, N a ncy D e scote au , Anthon y Gram e nga , T om M c M a nim o n, Maria Aquilin o, Da le Duck o, C hri s Bacs ik. Page 73 / Middle / Religion Department: Siste r Mar y C lari ce, Mr. D av id Ke ll y, Sist e r Eil ee n Smith, Si ste r M a rga ret Hul ey, Mi ss M a ry Rowl a nd s, De p a rtm e nt Ch a irman Mr. Ke nn eth Co nn e ll , Mr. Th om as Rossetti , Mr. J ose ph W ye rs . Bottom: Si st e r Cl a ri ce, Vi c ky Led ge r, J oe H e rman, Suza nn e M azza ros, Ke n Sa le w ski , J esse Lug o.


Page 74/Top Right: Mr. Wagner, Barbara Franken, Claire Dzieminski. Bottom/Social Studies Department/ FRONT ROW : Department Chairman Mr. J ohn Wagner , Miss Patricia Grant. SECOND ROW : Sister Mar y Camilla , Miss Theresa Giampe tro, Mrs. Kathle e n Cevera. BACK ROW : Mr. Jeffrey Baker, Mr. David Milinowicz, Mr. Vincent Ardery. Page 75/Top: Pierre Brown, Miss Grant , Maria Kell y. Bottom: Miss Giampetro.


SOCIAL STUDIES When, where, how , and why are the questions that the Social Studies Department answers , not only in World and United States History classes, but also in Psychology and Music History. Understanding an undivided nation, a culture, a written history, a civilization with its sounds and feelings, learning to be a contributing member of society these are the goals of the Social Studies Department. We could now be sitting next to a future president, representative, governor, or even another Freud . Each class inspires us in different ~ays - from you-knowwho' s infamous term papers to the more exciting and interestng end-of-the-week news quizzes. We' re even learning the psychology of why we're doing what we are in class . No matter whose class you are in, a greater awareness of what's going on in our country and world is brought out to us . We are a part of tomorrow and we need to know what mistakes and successes others have made - so that we can be part of the answer, not part of the problem . Through our learning of the why' s and how's of the past, we find we' re ready to be a part of tomorrow's history by living and learning .


Page 76/Top: Mis s Patricia Grant. Middle Left: Mr. Jeffrey Baker. Middle Right: Mr. David Milinowicz. Page 77/Top: Mr. John Grussler, Mr. Kenn eth

M ica i, Mr. Ri c ha rd Sc ho fi e ld , Mrs. 1a ne Sch ofi e ld , Mr. D onald H ess, D e p a rtm e nt ch a irman Si ste r Mar y Athana siu s, Mr. Ri chard Gusci o ra , Mr. Harr y M cC los key, Siste r Virg inia Lall o wa y, Siste r M a ry C lave r. Bottom Left: Mr. M cC los key. Bottom Right: 1oyce Le onard , Siste r M a ry Ath a n as iu s, 1oa nn Thurm a n .



Page 78/ Top: Mr. Schofield. Left: Debbie Hubbal, Mrs. Schofield. Bottom: Sister Claver, Steve Rud ge, Fred Wallit sch. Page 79/ Top: Ra ymond Ri ve ra . Bottom: Sister Virginia.

SCIENCE Science is an interesting field and there can be lots of fun and discovery involved in stud ying a science. It is full of involution, evolution, life, and molecular structures. Learning about the science behind these terms provides us with a better understanding of the environment in which we live . This year, N.D.' s Science Department had a lot to offer: interesting teachers, labs full of experiences, and even a few breakable test tubes. The approach in scienc e classrooms is one of learning usable knowledge and always there are the same basic formulas to memorize. The Biology lab looks upon pinned down frogs , Chemistry has shells of atoms to ponder, and in Physics, there are strobe lights and giant silver balls that remind one of the setting of the latest Frankenstein movie. Environmental Science class uses the pamphlets on pollution and recycling rather than equations and chemical analysis . Students seem to prefer the murky interiors of sewage plants to just the classroom laboratory. After a year or two or three of N.D. science courses, one feels like Dr. Jekyll just never did get it all together. Did he ever figure out how to make yellow paint?


Page 80/Upper Left: Sist e r Ve roni ca Pfe ff e r, Second Admini str ative Assistant. Upper Middle: Fathe r Jose ph Hughes , Prin c ipal. Upper Right: Fathe r Hugh es and Siste r J oanm ari e. Middle Right: F athe r Walt e r N ola n, Spiritual Director. Bottom Left: Mr. Robe rt Bugdal , First Admini strative Ass istant . Bottom Right: Mr. Albe rt Ve rd el. Page 81/Upper Left: Si ste r Joanmari e M c D o nn e ll , First Vi cePrin c ipal. Upper Right: Mr . J ohn Harrell , Seco nd Vi ce- Princ ipa l.




1 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Enter the Office through large glass doors, your attention diverted by notices, posters, and funny signs of" Stay Involved" . Notice the hustle and bustle 8:00 A.M. brings. Hear busy typewriters and a clicking time clock. Green walls, a black couch, and warm smiles provide the setting . This year, our school administration has had a new beginning with Father Hughes providing a breath of fresh air. There have been new ideas and renewed spirits in both students and faculty. Problems, big and small, are treated with smiles and concern, openness, a listening ear, and a joke or two. The administration is busy keeping things going, not only in the everyday business sense, but also in the progress being made both for today and tomorrow . Even though our administration works together, the people involved are still very separate personalities. You frequently have heard Mr. Verdel' s " Yooooo" in the cafeteria and have seen Mr. Harrell chasing a school bus or pulling a surprise fire drill. Poor Sister Veronica Pfeffer has telephone-itis from calling parents about unexplained absences. Mr. Bugdal is still trying to make himself worthy of another yearbook dedication like the one he got last year, and we all know that Sister Joanmarie was the organizational wizard behind the scenes. All these individual differences only add to the feelings of warmth and personal touch the administration has this year. We find that Father Hughes is a man not often found in his office, but more often he is out among the students and the nitty-gritty of everyday problems, the people, and the laughter of Notre Dame. Our school administration indeed puts forth its best effort to help N. D. become the school it should be. This year, the y have, in the words of Robert Frost, " taken the road less travelled" - and that has made all the difference!


Faculty Directory SISTER MARY ALEXANDER Gu idance Coun selo r.

MR. JOHN ARCHER Ph ys ica l Educa t ion; Freshm an Socce r, Va rsit y C lu b.

MR. VINCENT ARDERY ni t e d Sta t es H isto r v I I, Advanced Pl aceme nt C~o rdi­ na t o r; Ath le t ic Direc tor , Va r s it y Socce r Assistan t, Va rsit y Baseba ll , tat ist icia n C lu b.


MRS. KATHLEEN CEVERA Gu idan ce C oun se lo r; Psycholog y.


Geometr y, Algebra I, Algebra 1- Pa rt I.

H onors Eng lish Ill, IV, Briti sh W rite rs I I.

MRS. CYNTHIA CLANCY (MARCHANT) Lib ra ria n; Eng li h I.

SISTER MARY CLARICE SISTER MARY ATHANASIUS h a irm a n of Sc ie nce D ep a rtm en t ; Bi ology ; Bl ac k Aw a re ness C lub , H o rti cu lture C lu b.

MR. J FFREY BAKER Chairman of Music Dt•partment ; Theon· and Harmonv, Mu!)k Histo~y, World Musi~', C.S. M.E.; Band Director, Sta~e Band. ·

MRS. BEAULAH B LL lgebra I, Algebra 1-Part I.

MISS MARGARET BOB HEIMER British Writers II, English II, Journalism; School ewspaper.

MRS. GERALDINE BRYA French IIA, IliA, Spanish I, IB, II; La-Societe Honoraire De Francais, Le Cercle Francais.

MR. ROBERT BUGDAL Coordinator of tudent ctivities, First dmin trative ssistant ; tudent Government, e Club.



Modern European History, United State Hi tory I.



Chairman of Guidanc Departm ; Guidance Counselor.

Re lig ion IV.

Re lig ion I.

MRS. MARY DOUGHERTY School Nurse : Nu rses' Aid s, H ea lth Ca ree rs C lub , Red C ross C lub .

MRS. LINDA FRACASSI Eng li sh I, Spani sh I; Fres hm a n C hee rleadin g Mod e rator.

SISTER MARY CLAVER Ha rva rd Proje<:t Mod e rn Physics .

Phy s ic!> ,

MISS THERESA GIAMPETRO n it e d St a t es H is t or y I, Spanish I.

MR. KENNETH CONNELL Ch a irman of the Religion De pa rtm e nt ; Religion l, IV .

MISS ELLEN GLENDON World Lit e ratur e, Briti sh Writers I, British Writer II.

MR. GARY DAMBRO Chairman of Boys' Physical Education D e p a rtment ; Physical Educa ti on ; Wrestling, Track, Pi ng Pong C lub .

MRS. KATHERI~E DANBURY Accounting, Bookkeeping I, II; Cha irman of the Booster Drive.

SISTER CATHERINE DARCY Algebra I, Albegra 1-Part II ; Girls ' Track, Freshman Cheerleading Co-Moderator.

MRS. MARY DE PUGLIO French IA,IB,l, II, . Spanish IA, IB, l,JI, Spanish I.

SISTER MARY DE SALES Geometry; School Store.

MR. FRANK DIGUISEPPE Individualized Geometry.


SISTER MARY DISMAS Advanced Math, Senior Math, Algebra II. Trigonometry.

MISS ALICE GOLDSTEIN Di stributiv e Edu c ation ; School and Work Coordination .

MISS PATRICIA GRANT United Stat e s Histor y II, Afro-Am e rican Studies; Senior Class Mod e rator, Drill Team , Color Guard, Majorett es, J. V. Softball.

MRS. MARGARET GRIBBIN Chairman of Busin ess Department; Stenography I, I I, Executive Secretarial; Cooperative Office Education.

SISTER CHARLOTTE GRODZKI German I, IIA, IliA, II, IV, V; Freshman Class Mod e rator, German Honor Soci etv, Freshman Cheerleading C ~­ Moderator.


MR. JOHN GRUSSLER Patterns and Processes, Introduction to Vocations;· Camera Club.

MR. RICHARD GUSCIORA Bi o l ogy , Sc ie nce .

E n v ir o nm e nt a l

MRS. ANNE HARCAR Oi l P a intin g, Sc ulptur e, D ra wing a nd C omp ositi on; Art lub .

MR. JOHN HARRELL eco nd Vi ce- Pri ncipa l.

MR. WILLIAM HE ARNEY Med ia Reprodu cti on, Boo kkeep ing ; A. V. Club .

MISS KAREN HENKEL Reading I, II ; Re nasce nce .

MR. DONALD HESS Biology, Sc ie nce Math ; Va rsit y Basketball, Chess Club, Physical Fitness Club.


SISTER DOROTHY JANCO LA Algebra I, II ; Indi vidualized Alg e bra Il / Trigonom e tr y; Kennel Club, Di sc iplin e Board .

SISTER MARIE JOSE Chairman of Math e mat ics Department ; Algebra I ; School Book Store.


MR. JOSEPH KAYTUS Mechanical Dra wing l, 11, Ill ; Draftin g a nd D es ign Club.

MR. DAVID KELLY Re lig ion I, 11.

SISTER MARY GRACE KELLY C h a irm an o f th e E ngli s h D e pa rtm e nt ; Briti sh Write rs I.

MRS. SUZANNE KELLY G e ne ra l Bu sin e ss / Bu sin ess Math, Typ ing I.


SISTER VIRGINIA LALLOWAY Chern . Study, Concepts in Chemistry; Junior Class Moderator.

MRS. BETTY JANE LEBLANC Physical Education ; Soccer Intramurals, Girls' J. V. Basketball, Varsity Softball.

SISTER JOANMARIE MCDONNELL First Vice-Principal; National Honor Society.

MISS MARY ANN LIPTAK World Literature, Business Literature, British Writers II ; Cadet Teaching .

MR. ROBERT LOPILATO Physical Education, Driver Education; Varsity Tennis.

MRS. BARBARA MAJOR Chairman of Girls' Physical Education Department; Physical Education; Varsity Field Hockey, Girls' Varsity Basketball.


Concepts of Chemistry, Introductory Physical Science; Koinonia Club, Koinonia Choir.

MR. DAVID MILINOWICZ United States History I, II; Assistant Varsity Basketball, Assistant Varsity and J. V. Boys' Track .

REVEREND WALTER NOLAN School Chaplain ; Religion IV; Athletic Moderator, Koinonia Club.

SISTER MARY NORA Business English ; Transcription ; Secretarial Practice, Stenography II; Sunshine Club, Ad Book for School Play .

MRS. JUDITH PAIXAO Chairman of Home Economics Department; Interior Decoration, Child Care, Cooking I, Sewing I; Bulletin Boards.

MRS. MARY PALEN CHAR Chairman of Language Department; German I, II, III; Latin III, IV ; Four Winds, Junior Classical League.


MR. HOWARD PALMER MR. JOSEPH MAZZONE Health, Physical Education; Assistant Varsity Football Coach.

MR. HARRY MCCLOSKEY B.S.C.S., Biology; Model Rocketry Club.

SISTER GERTRUDE MCDONNELL Latin I, Introduction to Language, French I, English Fundamentals II; Catholic Students' Miss ion Crusade.

Latin II, Spanish I; Student Scheduling.


MISS PATRICIA LEONIC Drawing and Composition, English Fundamentals I, English I.


Superintendent of Main tenance.

MR. WILLIAM PANELLA Guidance Counselor.

MRS. CAROLYN PEOPLES Typing I, Consumer Eco路 nomics Business Law.

SISTER VERONICA PFEFFER Administrative Assistant; Spanish II, III, IV, V.

Algebra I, II, Ski Club .

MR. JOSEPH POLl Spanish I, II, Spanish Honor Society.

MRS. JEANNE RADER Librarian, Library Assistants .

SISTER PATRICIA ROONEY English I, English Fundamentals I; Canticle.

MR. PATRICK ROONEY English IV , Honors English 11; J.V. Soccer.


MRS. JANE SCHOFIELD Patterns and Processes; Project 75.

MR. ALBERT VERDEL Cafeteria and Corridor Discipline, Varsity Football.

SISTER MARY VERONICA British Writers I, Drama IV.

MR. JOHN WAGNER Chairman of Social Studies D epartme nt; United States History I, II ; Varsity Soccer, Assistant Varsity Baseball.

MR. STEVEN WILFNG English II; Drama Club.

MISS JANET WILSON Chairman of the Art Department; Drawing and Composition, Design, Crafts, Independent Study; School Play Director, Drama Club, Ski Club, Assistant to Liturgical Choir.

MRS. CAROL WOOD English I, II; Canticle, Varsity and J. V. Cheerleading Co-Moderator.


MRS. MARGARET ROVELLO Physical Education ; Girls' Athletic Association, J. V. Field Hockey , Freshman Girls' Basketball.

MISS MARY ROWLAND Religion I, Geometry; Varsity and J. V. Cheerleading Co-Moderator.

MR. SALVATORE SCIAROTTA Spanish II, Ill ; Spanish Club.

SISTER EILEEN SMITH Religion II, III; Co-Moderator of Koinonia Club, Sacristan of the Chapel.

MRS. MARY STOKA Typewriting I, II, Typing N otehand; Future Secretaries Association.

German I, IB, II, Introduction to Language; German Club.

MR. JOSEPH WYERS Religion II; Cross Country, Freshman Basketball, Golf.

DIOCESAN ADMINISTRATION Our ties with the Bishops and the Diocesan Education Office are symbolized each year by picturing these people in the Canticle. Though somewhat unfamiliar to us , they are each important to the functioning and life of Notre Dame. These people deal with the school and make more decisions than we realize. Besides financial dealings, they suggest and evaluate courses for the upcoming year. The Bishop, with his advisors, acts as president of a large corporation , and N. D. is an alive and important part of that corporation.


Page 84/Upper Right: Siste r Jo anm a rie, Siste r Ma r y Cl a ud e, Supe rvi so r o f Schoo ls fo r th e Siste rs o f Me rcy o f N e w Je rsey. Middle Right: Siste r Ma ry C la ud e vi siting a N otre D a m e cl ass. Bqttom: Bish o p Ahr, N an ciann e Doy le, Ba rb a ra Pajak , Reg in a Rago li a, Bi sh o p Re iss . Page . 85/Upper Left: . Th e M os t Beve_re nd Jo hn' C . Re iss, C. D ., Auxili a ry Bish o p o f Tre nton. Upper Right: Th e Mos t Re v e re nd G eo rge W. Ahr , ' s.T. D ., Bi sh o p o f Tr e nto n . Bottom: F a th e r Th om as Lu e bkin g, Supe rinte nd e nt o f Schoo ls.


Page 86/Upper Right: Mariann e Griffin, Be rnice Delozier, Beth Kearns , Mr. Milinowicz. Middle Left: Mrs. Bett y Costantino. Middle: Mr. Joe Tomolonis. Middle Right: Kim Cifelli, Ed Crane. Lower Left: Mrs. She ll y. Lower Right STANDING : Mrs. Ste ll a Larkin, Tim Potocki, Mr. John Hemphill. SITTING : Mrs. Margaret Stankowski, Mrs. Sophie Potaki, Mrs. Celia Arnister, Mrs. Theresa Grochala. Page 87 /Top FRONT ROW : Mrs. Mary Ottaggio, Mrs. Martha Mason, Mrs Ann Sanford, Mary Yaros, Mrs. Ann Venanzi, Mrs. Mildred Beastnn BACK ROW : Leon Sine, Ed Grant, Christian Klein , Leon Samson, Clifton Cross. Missing : Mary Dubu sky. Middle: Mrs. Gerry Post. Bottom: Mrs. Dziura, Mrs. Toporek.


MAINTENANCE As we leave Notre Dame each afternoon we seldom notice those coming in: The Maintenance people. In the last fiv e or six hours we've scuffed the floors , dropp e d things, fingerprinted the windows, missed thos e across-the-room basket shots, and left general disorder behind us. The maintenance staff th en arrives and attacks the dirt with white tornadoes brooms and mops , Mr. Clean and Scott towels to put the school back the way it was before we came. It is no easy task and one that is not always acknowledged, but very much appreciated. CAFETERIA The cafeteria is the place we come for our favorite part of the school day . One reason it's so enjoyable is the hard-working staff that is always ready and waiting to kill our hunger pangs. When lunch time comes it isn ' t that much fun for this group of people, a they see their neat array of lunches turn into total chaos. They work long hours, arriving usually unnoticed before us. Though sometimes a tedious task, the s~aff provides us with a nice atmosphere so that lunch becomes a time of getting together with friends , talking some and laughing a lot. OFFICE Secretaries, bookkeepers, and switchboard operators are the people behind the scenes busily fulfilling their daily routine duties. The room called the " Office" we pass by so often without noticing is always hustling and bustling, with morning attendance sheets, inquiring phone calls, and students ' questions . Their paper work, smiles and genuine concern are the qualities that definitely help make Notre Dame a better place.



Time to spare? Not any more for all of us who are an active part of clubs, sports, and activities. We've gladly traded our time for good times, laughs, friends , and memories.


Page 90/Top Left: Cathy Hard y. Top Right: Lisa Ke yes, Carol Smith. Middle: Roberta Walbridge. Bottom Left: Barbara Franken. Bottom Right: Mr. Forman. Page 91/Middle Left: Marty Holsneck. Middle Right: Nancianne Doyle.

COLLEGE AND CAREER NIGHT Juniors with early decision on their minds and still-searching seniors came to Notre Dame on October 28th for College and Career Night, a night when representatives from colleges all over the country and different occupations came to show us what they had to offer. We found out we didn't always have to pay the whole bundle for college expenses - federal grants, loans, and scholarships could help us " foot" the bill. Public service jobs and positions and opportunities in the armed forces , along with training schools and business schools provoked our thoughts about the future. As designed b y the Guidance Department, College and Career Night helped us to look at our futures more concretely. Many thought they were sure of their plans for next year until this night when they started really thinking about it, while others became onl y more certain that their plans were the right ones.


Page 92/ Upper Left: Kath y Stev ul a k, Bo b Be nn e tt. Upper Rig,ht: Th e Semi-Fo rm a l, '' Wint e r Wo nd e rl and ... Middle: Jess ica Pe tranto, Ka rin Obe rm e ie r, C hri s Ka ro lki e wi cz, Cath y Sch ae ffe r, Ernie Andreo li, Mi ss Wil son , C a rm Inve rso, Li sa Keyes, C ind y Wh a len , Gr eg Winkl e r, Siste r Joanm a ri e. Lower Left: T o m Yoyd a, Fa the r No lan. Lower Right: F a n s a t th e Th a nk sg iv in g ga m e. Page 93 / Top: Alumni and fan s. Middle: Specta to rs at th e foo tb a ll ga me. Bottom: T om Edinge r.


THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Weekend here at Notre Dame is a very pecial occasion for everyone. This year was no diffe re nt. The good times began with a blazing bonfire, complete with fire engines and cheers enough to put everyone in the mood for the traditional Thanksgiving Day football game. Granted, we lost the game to Saint Anthon y's, but we tried hard, fought well , and the holiday atmosphere never left. We saw old classlllates and friends , and the alumni seemed to enjoy themselves as much , if not more, than we d路id. For many people Friday night was highlighted by excitement and a chance to get really dressed up for the "W inter Wonderland" Semi-Formal sponsored by the Varsity Cheerleaders. Th~ snowflake-cover~d ceiling and sparkling lights provided an atmosphere that was only heightened by the music of" Free and Easy. " The Semi- Formal w~s one of those special times shared with 'friends that we will long remember. The fun and happiness of the we.ekend gave Notre Dame folks much to be thaQkful for this , Thanksgiving.


Page 94 / Top: Juni o rs a ft e r rin g ce re m o n y. Lower Left: F ath e r Hu g h es, M a rt y H o lsnec k, M a ry Ali ce Graz ia no, Sa nd y Co rbin , Liz H e inze l, KevIn k e ll ey. Lower Right: Fath e r Hu g h es, Ca rm e n Orti z. Top Left: Fath e r No la n, Ka re n Kri sa k, M a rl e n e Li siec ki , Ca ro l Lew is, Joyce Leo na rd . Top Right: F a th e r Hu g h es, Virg ini a Przech ac ki .


JUNIOR RING DAY The excitement and anticipation of Junior Ring Day actually started a year earlier when we were first measured for our school rings. We began thinking about wearing our very own school ring- engraved with 1976. Our choice was more difficult than usual as we had sizes, styles, and several types of stones to choose from . Inflation hit us with another choice: the traditional and more expensive gold or the new, and more economical silver. Because of so many choices, it seems as if no two Juniors have exactly the same rings- everyone' s ring is special. After a restless half-day of regular classes, the Class of '76 assembled in the gym for Mass and a riqg-blessing ceremony, followed by the distribution of our rings. Finally they were ours - and on our fingers. Following tradition , we eagerly found 76 friends to turn our rings . Seventy-six turns later, our fingers were sore, but our hearts were warmed- proud to finally be wearing our Notre Dame class rings.


DAY OF RECOLLECTION Fears of an all da y prayer session came to our minds when th e Da y of Recollection was announced . Each morning for .seve ral days, we heard about the upcoming visit with 'father Kenqeth Roberts over the P. A. system. 路 Arriving at school that morning no one seemed very excited about t'he ~hole idea. We all fil ed into the auditorium filled with'n mingled with anticipation , wondering what Father Rob e rts could possibly say. As his stories of" life before pri esthood" developed, eve ryo ne seemed to show genuine int e res t. We all sa t th e re rapt, not able to close out hi s words. We start ed to feel shak y, wondering if we'd aU become priests and nuns. Father Roberts put a question in our minds as to the dual meaning of the white cross on the blue background. He urged us to see the white cross, not the blue squares on a white background. It was obvious however, that most of us were still seeing the squares at that point. We arrived back in homeroom still wondering what he had in mind. What did he hope to instill in us? Through our discussions we found a personal meaning in Father's blue and white banner. Needless to say, most of us were anxious to return to the auditorium and hear more. During his second talk, he showed us something that will remain with us forever . He prest::nted a picture of the shroud of Jesus Christ and gave us facts to verify it's authenticity. The face we saw was a gentle one, but had signs of great suffering on it. Everyone sat up, their faces intent, listening to what Father was saying. Afterwards the chapel was filled with students trying to get a better look at the picture. We stood there, believing, maybe for the first time. It was a scary feeling that ran through us, an emotion very new . When we returned for our final meeting with Father Roberts, we celebrated Mass together. Oddly enough, everyone seemed to participate. It was familiar, yet not really. Our day of recollection was far from worthless. As he left us, we knew that he left so much of himself. He left some questions and told us to find the answers; he left some answers and told us to find the questions.


Page 96 / Top Left: Father Roberts . Top Right: Chris Kontorowicz , Patty Burke ,


Sharon Lynn, E laine Divia, Doug Meckels, Gloria Kleinman. Middle: Maureen Miller, Father Roberts . Bottom: Sister Joanmarie. Page 97 / Top: Freshman and Sophomo r e Day of Recollection. Middle: J oe Maruca, J ohn Krystaponis, Jerry Levandoski, D ominic Maruca, Ed Krisak , Richard Marion. Bottom: Regina Mulheisen, Alessandra Campo, Barbara Plunkett, Co ll een Harney, Father Nolan .


Page 98/Upper Right: Joe Kal e. Middle/ FRONT ROW : Barbara Ball , Kare n Bre ima nn , Robin Sa lvadore. SECOND ROW : Karin Obe rm e ie r, Kare n Cashe l, Kath y Sh e ll y, Coll ee n Quinn, J oe Druli s, Ma ry Carlin, Mi che le Harn ey, Cath y Hard y. BACK ROW : Sharon Roj e k, Dee Lead em, Mar y Ell e n Roche. Bottom Left: Robbi e Fraczki e wicz . Page 99/Upper Left: Bill Schul er.

CHRISTMAS What makes Christmas . . . some good times, good friends , a holiday tree, a story to warm your heart, helping someone else, and sharing a Midnight Mass? All of this and more were found at N.D. this year. It all started with the cool windy breath of the snow queen . Maybe if the art classes had placed her on the front steps we might have had a white Christmas. The quaint little town in the display window had one, but at least we had th story of Mr. Willowby' s Christmas Tree on the foyer wall to make up for any lack of snow. Mr. Willowby couldn ' t have been prouder of this year' s tree. Each homeroorr. donated a hand-crafted ornament, and there were enough lights and Christmas balls left from previous years to decorate another tree in the cafeteria. The Thursday before vacation brought lots of entertainment. Th e drama club presented a tho'ught-provoking play to the upper classmen, and the stage band performed at both assemblies. Then Pink Panther, Santa, and his elves led us off to lunch and lapsitters' rewards of candy canes and a smile . We had the tree and the atmosphere, and as Christmas came nearer the good times got better. Only Father " Santa" Nolan could incorporate caroling into a Sunday night Mass. We sang our way through Morris Hall, then boarded two fire trucks and a bus for a rowdy musical tour through Lawrenceville. Christmas Eve brought echoing voices and crowds of people to Midnight Mass in the Chapel. Father Nolan' s request for a wall-stretcher would really have helped. Christmas kisses, carols, candles, and cookies added a memorable touch to our Christmas Eve. The Varsity Basketball and Wrestling teams added even more to the holiday spirit. The grapplers came out on top in their county tournament, and a barnburner with St. Anthony' s brought the Irish Invitational Basketball troph y back to Notre Dame. Our special Christmas was complete. We had good times, good friends , lots of sharing, and the joy of success.


Page 100: National Theatre Company. Page 101: Bob-Shoo-Bops Concert, sponsored b y th e Senior Class, J anuary 26, 1975.


SPECIAL ~ROGRAMS There were two outstanding programs this year: the American Theater Company and The Bob-Shoo- Bops Concert. One morning early in the year those of us who chose, and there were many, filed into the auditorium to see the American Theater Company's presentation " Mimika ." Some knew what to expect from last year' show, while others went only because they felt it was better than sitting in class. Once the show started everyone was amazed at the talent of these two men and two women. Using littl e or no props, they conveyed imaginary walls, caves, ar:td even sticky feelings of bubble gum to us. We saw things that weren ' t th e re through their skillful actions. Tugging on a rope and carrying a bucket of water seemed so real that the audience fea red a fall or spill. At the end of their performance we were given the opportunity to ask questions while they gave us pointers and tips on pantomime. As we went back to class it wasn't unusual to see many a stud ent building an imaginary wall or trying a bit of pantomime for himself. Maybe you were one of the lucky students who bought a ticket for himself and a friend for the Senior Class sponsored Bob-Shoo-Bops Concert. The crowd gathered on a January Sunday night in the N.D . auditorium . The Bob-Shoo-Bops, an a ll male, strictly nostalgia group, covered such greats as th e Bea chboys and the Coasters. If the Fifties music didn't get to you, then their costumes or act ions would . Dressed as the" Bob-Shoo- Bet.t es" they did a rendition of a" Supremes" number, also. It was a memorable night as we saw that the kids of the 70's are ab le to enjoy the music of the 50' s.


LA TUNA Wh at could La Tun a poss ibl y be? That was a qu es ti on that a lm os t eve ryone as ked a nd t o find out , m a ny purchased a ti cket fr om th e Spanish H ono r Soc iety. Th e prog ram was open t o a ll Spa ni sh stud e nt s a nd a n yone in a third or fourth ye ar of lang uage stud y. Arri ving in th e a udit orium , stud e nt s found out th at La Tun a was a Spa ni sh ba nd co mp osed o f fi ve me n, a ll from th e Un ive rsit y of Ba rce lona a nd a ll spea king in b ro ke n E ng li sh. Th e g roup gave two pe rform a nces, one in pe ri od six for juni ors a nd se ni ors; one in pe ri od seve n for fr es hm an and soph om ores. Th e m e n we re dressed in bl ac k ve lve t capes with multi co lored ribb o ns strea ming fr om th e m . Th ey e nte rt a in ed th e stud e nt s w ith th e Frito Bandito Song a nd se re nad ed Patt y Lynam , g iving he r one of th e ir ca pes to wea r. Throug h th e ir e ntire act, th ey dan ced to th e bea t of tamb ourin es a nd at th e e nd th ey co ntinu ed th e d a nce, coming int o th e a isles and leaving in sea rch of ne w loves. Th e N. D. g irl s ga ve th e pe rfo rm e rs bl ac k ribb ons in a ppreciati on o f th e show. Late r th e g roup so ld a lbum a nd talked w ith stud e nt s, som e even posed for pi ctures with m a n y stud e nts .

VOLLEYBALL GAME It all sta rted w he n th e m a le fac ult y iss ued a vo ll ey ba ll cha ll e nge to th e Key C lu b, w hi ch th e Key C lub g ladl y acce pted . At th e gam e, th e wom e n on th e teaching sta ff m a rched , ca rrying libe rati on a nd protest sig ns. And so, in retaliation, the wom e n iss ued a challe nge whi ch th e Key C lub accepted . Siste r Joa nm a ri e led th e att ac k in a ha bit a nd bobb y soc ks, a lth oug h she suffe red a brui sed ha nd . W e wa tched Ms. G le nd on' s he roic att empt s t o se rve, kn owing ho w h a rd it could rea ll y be. Mrs. H ess a nd Mrs. Wilfing jo in ed th e fe ma le facult y in th e g am e. T om Do la n, pl ay ing for th e Key C lub, was appa re ntl y a little co nfu sed , as he ke pt heading th e ba ll. But as an obse rva nt offi cia l, Greg Winkl e r neve r fa il ed to ca ll a foul on e ith e r tea m . Th e final sco re was 22-2 1 in favo r of th e wom e n although sco re keepe r, Mr. Gru ss le r could not account for an ex tra te n points whi ch a ppea red in th e wom e n's favor. But, ne ve r th e less the wom e n' s goa l had bee n achi eved and th at was t o prove to th e me n th at a woman' s cha ll e nge was ju st as good as a m an' s. FACULTY-ALUMNI BASKETBALL GAME Th e facult y-alumni ga m e w as pl ayed imm edi ate ly aft e r the vo ll eyba ll ga m e. Th e facult y had bee n practicing a ft e r scho ol and we re co nfid e nt of a w in, a lth oug h th ey h ad n o co a ch . Man y fo rm e r standout s re turn e d to pla y fo r th e a lumni , am ong th e m W a lt Kocobinski . Va rsit y coaches, Mr. H ess a nd Mr. Milinowicz we re th e hig h score rs for th e fa cult y. Mr. Ard e ry, Mr. Wagn e r, Mr. M orri s, and Mr. D orn e r also pla yed for the staff. At th e e nd of th e third quart e r, th e facult y led , but in th e fourth qu a rte r th e alumni closed in and finall y beat th e fa c ult y, b y a sco re of 92-91. Wh e n Mr. W ye rs arri ved during the second half, the chee ring started . He reall y gave the spectators a g ood sh ow, proving him se lf fast a nd agil e . It was a gam e pla yed for fun , which it was- because even the losers came out smiling .


Page 102/ Top: La Tuna Group. Middle Left: Member of La Tuna, Mr. Poli: Middle Right: Member of La Tuna. Bottom: Member of La Tuna. Page 103/ Top: Wayne Sokolowski , Mr. Dave Milinowicz, Bob Gutkowski , Mr. Don Hess, Walt Kocubinski , Mr. William Panella, Mr. Vince Ardery. Middle Left: Mrs. Hart. Middle: Mr. Dave M ilinowicz. MidcHe Right: Sister Joanmarie .


STUDENT GOVERNMENT WEEK This year, Student Government Week was held in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week and the theme was " Get it together. " But how did this apply to us? The week gave us an opportunity to draw closer as a school , get involved in activities which were both enjoyab le and profitable, and to assess our feelings about life at N. D . The week bega n with an eve ning Mass on Sunday to ask for a success ful week and possibl y, some inspiration . Monda y, we opened the day with an assembly. Our guest speaker was Sister Regina Ryan , who put the students in a re flective mood by giving us a challenge to reach out and help those who are in ne ed and stressing the valuable experience of a Catholic education. Tuesda y was a full day of fun , learning , and lots of laughs. The seniors had an assembly with a h ypnotist which included imitations of Mr. Dambro, impress ions of people clad only in their underwear, and a re ndition of " Ring around the Rosie", sung and danced to by a group of unnamed (to protect the innocent ) participants. The juniors had ~ Karate demonstration, the sophomores chuckled to their cartoons and the freshmen reacquainted themselves with each other at a midday social. On Wednesday, because of an unexpected snow da y, the traditional Student Teacher Da y was completely cancelled. Thursday was the da y for an Open Student Government Meeting , where five representatives from each homeroom had the opportunity to air any feelings of support, suggestions for improvement, or any disagreement with present school policies, activities or rules . That night, Student Government sponsored a movie entitled " Executive Action" for the whole student bod y. Although attendance was slim , the movie was good and the evening was filled with friends and the chance to share a laugh with each other. Friday, we had a pep rally which boosted our morale and encouraged spectator participation for athletic events. It was a busy, fun -filled week. Quite a bit of preparation went into it : Frequent meetings with " Bugs" and Student Government members made it possible. Student Government Week was designed to benefit the students and its purpose was served. Many of those who were not involved in Notre Dame life before, felt more included by the end of this week. Although Student Government Week has been an annual event for several years, it changes as fast as the students who participated in it do. We saw many changes in it this year and these were made to give us a better view of our school, to broaden our horizons, and to give us experiences to grow from during this week.

Page 104/ Top: G reg Winkl e r sp eaking a t th e Ope n Stud e nt Gove rnm e nt D e bbie M ee ting , Mo y Eng , D' Ange lo, Karin Obe rm e ie r, L ynne Agocs , M a rk Rutk o w s ki , Virg ini a Przec h ac ki , J e ff H ec km a n , Be th Carn ey, Li z DuBo is, Mr . Ro b e rt Bug d a l. Middle: Mr. Ar c h e r, Mr. Dambro , Mr . H ess, a nd Key C lub m e mb e rs in th e vo ll ey b a ll ga me . Page 105/ Middle Right: Roy Miller.


Page 106 Student Government Week/Top: Junior Assembly, Karate Demonstration . Middle: Karen Pazdan, Den ise M ilecki, Kitty Flynn , Ph i1 Chiaradia, Carol Ryan, Dr. Ross, Nancy Swistak. Bottom Left: Sister Charlotte at th e Frosh Social. Bottom Right: Sister . Regina Ryan , Guest Speaker. Page 107 / Top Left: Dr. Norman Ross, Hypnotist. Top Right: Mike Frascella, Ilene Geoghan, Lawrence Grimsley, Karen Pazdan . Middle Left: Frosh Social. Middle Right: Karate Demonstration. Bottom: Sophomore Assembly. Mr. Wyers, Sue Barlow, Beth Hagge rt y, Renee Guidotti, Barbara Coffee, Maureen Ha yman , Jan ette Pierce.



MR. DIAMOND What can be said about a man who d evoted 57 yea rs of his life to education and got so man y favorable responses? Mr. Constantine Diamond will long be remembered by those of us whose lives he touched during his fourteen year stay at Notre Dame. His 路unique style of teaching and holding students' attention made studying Science an enjoyable experience. " Magic tricks" started classes asking questions - wanting to know ' how' and ' why.' " Connie" kept students captivated and made them want to learn. He was moderator of the National Honor Society and an avid N.D. basketball supporter, being titled as N.D.' s# 1 fan . He took a genuine interest in the people in the school - he got involved, he cared. He ended his teaching career in October of 1974, headed for a very active retirement. The facult y presented him with a charcoal sketch portrait done by Mrs. Harcar. He was honored at our first home basketball game with a well deserved trophy from the students. Notre Dame was just a small part of Mr. Diamond 's teaching career, but he was a big and special part of our learning.


Page 108/Upper Left: Mr. Constantine Diamond . Upper Right: Mr. Diamond. Middle: J oe Kale, Mr. Diamond . Bottom: Mr. Diamond. Page 109/ Top: Marlin Diamond, Mrs. Diamond , Mr. Diamond . Lower Left: Karin Obermeier, Mr. Diamond, Mark Rutkowski . Lower Right: Mr. Diam ond .


HOBBY CLUBS Som e clubs a t Notre Da m e g ive one a c ha nce to find a new hobb y or build on a n old one. Th e re is a fri e ndl y, info rm a l a ir about th ese club s a nd yet th ey a re seri o us a b out th e ir hobbi es. M e mb e rs a nd m od e ra tors pl a n acti viti es d es ig ned to in c rease th e ir a wa re ness a nd oft e n th ey go o n fi e ld trips. Mr. H ea rn ey a nd th e A. V . club have bee n bu sy thi s yea r, pre p a ring film s a nd ta pes to prese nt t o th e sch oo l. Thi s ye ar th ey have a lso pre p a red a nd sh ow n a slid e sh ow on life a t N. D. t o se nding g ramm a r sc hoo ls. Th e A. V. C lub is in strum e nt a l in broad en ing our fi e ld o f kn o wl edg e . Th ey've he lp ed teac he rs pl a n int e res ting edu ca ti o na l suppl e m e nt s. Th e offi ce rs, Eliza be th M oo re, Ke n Hill, M a ri e Si e nki e wi cz, a nd Sa l Sa no, with th e res t of th e m embe rs h av~ w ork ed ha rd to m a ke th e c lub a success. Th e goa l of th e Ke nn e l C lub w as to in crease th e kn o wl ed ge of its m e mbe rs a b out d ogs. Th e m e mb e rs a re d og-o wn e rs wh o a re ge nuin e ly int e res ted in lea rning m ore a bout th e b ac kg round , p oints a nd fea tures of va ri ous breed s. Th ey a re willing to sh a re tra ining a nd g rooming sec re ts with oth e r me mbe rs. Th e ir m od e ra to r, Siste r Do roth y, has he lp ed th e m with th e tr a ining d e m o nstration s p e rfo rm ed on th e d ogs be lo ng ing t o m e mb e rs. Th e o ffi ce rs of th e c lub, Ca th y Andreo li , J a ne t M c Do na ld , a nd Liz Co w e ll pl a nn ed a Spring Show th a t all th e m e mb e rs e nj oyed . Th e d ogs w e re shown a nd judged o n th e schoo l g ro und s. At th e show, we sa w th e m rea p th e fruit s o f th e ir la b o r, ob edi e nt d ogs. Thi s yea r, w e sa w th e e ff o rt s o f th e Mu sic C lu b, first in a m a rchin g b a nd a nd late r in a co nce rt a nd stage ba nd . Th e m a rc hing ba nd he lp ed to ha rm oni ze a fa ll seaso n of sp ort s. Th e conce rt a nd m a rc hing b a nd s bro ug ht u s a w o nd e rful Chri stm as co nce rt , a pprec iat ed by a ll. Th e stage ba nd has trave led to e le m e nt a ry sc hoo ls a nd bro ug ht a littl e joy to pa ti e nt s in a rea h os pit a ls. Th ey a lso pe rfo rm ed for u s in seve ra l jazz a nd roc k asse mbli es. W e a ll e nj oy hea ring th e m e lodi es of Mr. Ba ke r a nd th e M usic C lub. Th e Dram a C lub is curre ntl y in vo lved in turning out futur e sta rs o f sc ree n a nd stage. Me mbe rs practi ced basic m ove m e nts a nd sp eech pa tt e rn s th a t a re comm o n to acting. With th e he lp o f th e ir mod e rat ors, Mi ss Wil so n and Mr. Wilfing, th ey have pe rfo rm ed in a one act pl ay a nd eve ra l pa nt omim es. Th ey rev ie wed th e pl ays produ ced a t Tre nt on Sta te Co ll ege and we re in vo lved in th e produ cti on of a c hildre n's pl ay, " Th e Mag ic Sh op." A c lub whi ch neve r rece ives mu c h a tt e nti o n is th e Stage-C ra ft C lub. Th e Stage-C raft C lub is res p onsibl e fo r th e co lo rful sce ne ry a nd prop s used in th e sc h oo l pl ay. It w as orga nized in late Ja nu a ry und e r th e supe rvisio n of Mr. Gru ss le r. Alth oug h th e club is a te mp ora ry on e, fo r it di sa ppea rs a t th e e nd of th e pl ay, it is a n import a nt one. W e a re g ra te ful to Mr. Gruss le r a nd th e me mbe rs fo r he lping us m a ke th e pl ay a su ccess. M a ny peopl e find som e thing w ond e rful in th ese clubs a nd it is not ha rd to see wh y. Th ey laug h, w ork togeth e r, a nd lea rn tog e th e r. Th ey w o rk ed to find a comm on goa l a nd w e ca n see th a t th ey have achi eved it.


Page 110/ Top: Mr. Hearney, Sister Athanasius. Bottom / Stage Band: Tom Lanzoni, Steve Pappaterra, Nancy Paolini, C hri s Buzzelli, Tim Shoriak, Geoff Raywood , C hri s Dietrich, Tom Vananzi, Mr. Baker. Page 111 / Top/Chess Club: Francis Wharton , Will Lesh, Mike Wenczel , Keith Beauc h amp . Middle/Horticulture Club/SITTING : Renee Rea li, Jean Reres. STAN DING : Bob Rhod es, Mary Alice Amari, Debbie Reh, Lucy H einzel. Bottom: Miss Grant, Mr. H earney .


Page 112/Top Left: Martin Olech, Mike Wenczel, Ed Zuckas. Top Right: Bill Salem, Maureen Greer, Maryliz Mackin. Middle: Display Window . Bottom: Joseph Kliwinski, Mike Wallner . Page 113/Middle: Stage Band. Bottom: • Rocketry C lub Exhibit.


11 ~


ACADEMIC CLUBS We have a growi ng num be r of acad e mi ca ll y o ri e nt ed c lubs a t N. D . Eve ry wee k a sm a ll a nd c ha ng ing few m e t w ith M rs. Kap la n a nd M rs . Br ya n. W ha t m ad e th ese m eetings d iffe re nt was th a t th ey sp oke onl y F re nc h. Thr oug h inform a l co nve rsa t ions, th e Fre nch C lub learn ed how to re lax w ith th e ir new language and a littl e of w ha t it mig ht be lik e if th ey w e re stra nd ed in Fra nce. Ac ross th e court ya rd on eve ry oth e r Tu esd ay a la rge r g roup of stud e nt s m e t w ith Mrs. D oug he rt y to op e n up broad e r in sig ht s in the hea lth fi e ld . Th e m eeti ngs of th e H ea lth Ca ree rs C lu b we re of m a ki ng p lans a nd lea rning fr om g u es t spea ke rs. A slid e prese nt ati on a nd inform a ti o n on th e duti es of th e Red C ross Vo lunt ee r or a d e m onstrati o n o n th e m e th od s of a rtifi c ia l res pira ti on add ed va ri et y to th e ir m eetings . Qu es ti ons ex pl ored th e p oss ibiliti es of h ow th ey mig ht fit int o diffe re nt hea lth ca ree rs. Co ll ecting food for a pro pe rl y ba la nced Th a nksg iving bas ket a nd rea ping th e rewa rd s of a vigo rous fund ra ising ca mpa ig n we re m ore ways th ey wo rked as a c lu b. As a club th ey he lped eac h oth e r w ith th e q uesti ons a nd d ou b ts in each oth e r' s mind s. N a ti o na ll y th e re a re som e int e res ting club s ori e nt ed t o ca ree r edu ca ti on. A ne w club for us was th e Juni or E ng inee ring T ec hni ca l Socie ty, kn own as J ET S. Twi ce a m onth th ey q uizzed spea ke rs o n th e w he re' s, w he n' s, a nd wh a t' s of th e e ng in ee ring fi e ld . T oge th e r th ey lea rn ed how t o a ppl y orn e b as ic prin cipl es on th e d es ign, resea rch, a nd executi o n o f e ng in ee rin g projects. On e Sa turd ay m o rning th ey m et to test th e ir pote nti a l in thi s sc ie n ce . Siste r Ath an asiu s administe red th e E ng in ee rin g Aptitud e T es t and anxio usly awa ited th e result s along with th e m e mbe rs. J ET S wo rked to di scove r and eva lu a te th e ir ow n a biliti es, a ptitud es, and int e rests in e ng in ee rin g. Th e peopl e a nd th e ir culture during th e class ica l pe ri od in Rom e and Greece a re a compl ete m ys te ry to som e. W e ca n now ex pl o re th a t tim e in hi st ory as a p a rt of th e N a ti ona l Juni or C lass ica l Leag ue . Mrs. Pa le nc ha r as m od e ra t or est abli shed th eN . D. C ha pt e r of thi s club a nd w ith th e he lp of Ali so n Keyes as pres id e nt th ey wo rk ed ha rd t o fost e r int e rest in c lass ica l tim es. Lati n stud e nt s had a spec ia l int e res t, but eve ryo ne was we lcom e to join. H a rd w o rk a nd h ours of pl a nning res ult ed in a w e ll -e njoyed Rom a n Ba nqu e t. Th e Juni or C lass ica l Leagu e has ope ned thi s ho nored p e ri od of tim e for di scove ry b y N. D. stud e nt s. Acad e mi cs d on' t have t o b e onl y b oo ks, classes, a nd teac he rs. Th ey can a lso be lea rning throug h ta lking, qu es ti oning, and sha ring expe ri e nces throug h acad e mi c c lubs.

Page 114/Top Left/Health Careers Club: El oisa Ba uti sta De bora h Wi e rzbowski . Top Right: Pa t C lea ry, M a ry Lou Be um e r, Spea ke r Mrs. Ph yllis Drisco ll , M a ryann Griffin .

Bottom Left: Pa t Capriotti, El ea nor Ba uti sta . Bottom Right: Lisa Ke yes. Page 115/Middle/ Junior Classical League: Steve Casey, Bryan Keyes, Lisa Ke yes , Irvin Algood. Bottom Left: Mrs. Pale nchar.


Page 116/ Top Ten/ Upper Left: Joa n Ha nso n - First Pl ace. Upper Right: Arl e ne C ri scavage- Sixth Pl ace. Middle Left: Na ncia nn e Doy le inth Pl ace. Middle: Kath e rin e Ma rcza k - Third Pl ace. Middle Right: Robin Sa lvad ore - Second Pl ace. Page 117 / Top Left: Ell en Ha na k -F ifth Pl ace. Top Right: ancy Sw ista k - Te nth Pl ace . Middle: Ba rba ra Doughm a n- Seve nth Pl ace. Bottom Left : Ja n Plunke tt -Fourth Pl ace. Bottom Right: Moniqu e Jaco bs - Eig hth Pl ace.


Page 118/ Top Left: C oll ee n Whit e. Top Ri ght/ Spanish Honor Society: C a th y C a rr o ll , Ali ce H e nk , J oa n H a nso n. Bottom / Future Secretaries Association/ FRONT ROW : Barba ra Doug hm a n, C ind y Wh a le n, D onna W a lach y, Rosem a ry Boye r. MIDDLE ROW : Lind a Ma tec ki , H a lin a W a lcza k, Li z Korpi sinski , Mari a nn e Ge pp e rt, Ba rba ra C he piga. BAC K ROW : D e ni se Faz io, J oa nn Piunn o, Ka re n Kri sa k, Mrs. Sto ka, Ca rol Pi ec howski . Page 119/ Top/ French Honor Society: H a lin a W a lcza k, Robin Sa lv ad ore, N a nci D oy le, J a ne Plunke tt , M a rtin e Uveges, Ell e n H a na k, M a ri e G a rni c h, N a ncy Swista k. Middle: M o niqu e J acobs, Ell e n H a nak , M a rtin e Uveges, N a ncy Swista k.


HONOR SOCIETIES The honor societies at Notre Dam e recognize students who exce l in languages, secretarial studies, or all-round academics. This yea r th e memb e rs tri ed to break down th eir " excl usiv e club" image with more service projects for the school. Most societies offered tutoring, and were res ponsibl e for the induction of new members. Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and e rvice are th e four criteria for m embership in th e National Honor Society. Realizing that these qualities are vague and often misund e rstood , society m em bers ex plained th em in presentations to facult y and students. Those of us who were student teachers came under the careful scrutiny of N.H.S . evaluators. The Society also instituted a special Honor Roll for most-improved students. E>elta Epsilon Phi honors those who have attained exce llence in German after a minimum of two yea rs' study. Schwester Charlotte's group put together a slide show for Club Da y to let eve ryo ne see a little of Germany. Christmas is a time for celebration - no exceptions here . Both the French and German Honor Societies sponsored holiday wine and cheese parties for members . The German get-together featured Zuckerzahnbowle, a flaming sugar, rum , and wine punch. Le Societ~ Honoraire de Francais, alias the French Honor Society, swung into its second yea r e nthusiasticall y. Les gastronomes enjoyed a lunch at Chez路Odette, and ran a raffle at the Language Fair. Mr. Poli and the Spanish Honor Society shared their Hispanic culture with all of us . Their year began with the celebration of a Mass en Espanol , and continued with a stomach-enriching Spanish dinner and and ear-enriching La Tuna Concert. The language honor societies also reflected the new spirit of unit y and cooperation that was so evident at N.D. this yea-r . The groups combined to organize the school-wide Language Festival, and decorated the display window with the theme " It's a Small World ." The Future Secretaries Association honored high achievers in business courses. Tw e nt y Notre Dame girls became members of the Trentonette Chapter of F. S. A. because of their A- B averages. The girls moonlighted as producers of the Busi- Business Bulletin to keep us informed of their activities. It's so nice to know that there is an honor society at Notre Dame for anyone who really tries. It's always nice to be recognized.



Page 120/ Top: German Honor Societ y banner. Middle: Cathy Ca rr oll, Linda Ferri , Rob Wysienski, Ed Laird, Alice H e nk , Darl e ne Polinski . Lower Left: Sister C ha rlott e, Mr. J ose ph Po li , Mrs. G e raldine Br yan . Lower Right: Mari e Garnich , Frank Raga ny. Page 121 / Top: Hank Smith. Lower Right: J ane Plunkett.

Page 122/Top: George Pietrow, Terri Wilson. Middle Left:/Busi-Business Bulletin: Mrs. Gribbin , Barbara Doughman, Donna Walachy, Joan Osborn. Middle Right: Barbara Ball. Bottom/Journalism Club/FRONT ROW: Colette Mears, Cathy McCarthy. Margaret Fechter, Maria Maruca. MIDDLE ROW : Regina Cantwell, Sharon Avant, Jennett Ingrassia, Delores Schwartz, Patti Smith , Lee Ann Barbar, Marlene Macovitch, Pat Allen, Cindy Messina, Ken Rogoza. BACK ROW : Ed Bedard, Jim Streeter, John Zegarski, Patty Baylog, Bob Wysienski, Dave Ungrady, Alex Ladnyk. Page 123/Top: N anci Doyle. Bottom: Debbie Zuczek.


PUBLICATIONS We often find the means of expressing and challenging ourselves in the various publications. The Busi- Business Bulle tin, Four Winds, Renascence, and Canticle are basic outlets for our selfexpression. All thes e publications are uniqu e in their own ways . While the Busi-Business Bulletin is published primarily for those involved in the Business Department, the Canticle is our yea rbook, composed of memories and photographs for the entire school. Four \\' inds publications are written in four foreign languages, whereas the yea rl y Renascence magazine includes our own tidbits of culture consisting mostl y of poetry and literary essays. Our publications have provid ed us with a chance to create something original from within ourselves and maybe even also see our names or those of people we know in print . These separate and ye t commonly known publications are student run, student written, and for the most part , student edited. Th e harvest of friendships and learning experiences we reap from the time spent on " doing our own thing" or from creating entirely new images are often invaluable to us. The moderators and editors-in-chief of these publications work untiringl y, yea r-long with their respective staffs. However, the end products are worth the time spent. When we receive our periodical Busi-Business Bulletin or Four Winds booklet, the pride we feer is. the same as when we take that first peek at the Renascence magazine or when we finally get our yearbook in June. We all have the chance to participate in the creation of these publications. Creating our new ideas and expressing them through our talents and interests make these publications the worthwhile causes that they are. Within the various publications there is always something for everyone. Quoting Thoreau , " If a tnan does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer; let him step to the music that he hears. " Surely we all found our own unique beats within the public~tions . The drummers were those who expressed it in whatever literary or artistic form they used.



Page 124/Top Left: Barbara Branges. Top Right: Cheryl Shipley. Middle/Renascence Staff: Maureen Barna, Miss Karen Henckel, Barbara Triantifilloo, Steve Casey, Nancy Swistak, Linda Matecki, Mary Mis. Bottom Left: Regina Ragolia. Bottom Right/Four Winds Staff: Lisa Ungrady, Cathy Grochala, Irving Beauchamps, Loretta Heinzel, Chris Lisiecki. Page 125/Top: Bobbie Pajak: Middle/Four Winds Staff: Ann Pilaro, Carmen Ortiz, Cheryl Shipley, Steve Casey, Pam Breller. Bottom: Elaine DiVia.


SERVICE CLUBS Sympathetic teenagers li ten patiently to the grievances of the lonely and unfortunate. Guitars and voices coordinate to stimulate spirits. Crews provide the muscle work necessary to move tables, chairs, set-up or take-down the remains of a morning assembly. Fathers unite to make the dollars needed by the Athletic Department. These are all prime examples of Notre Dame' s Service Clubs in action. The Sunshine Club, moderated by Sister Nora, is named appropriately. It isn't easy to make someone happy or to listen to the ramblings of an old woman. The real expression is " smile" and extending a special type of warmth to others . A new club, organized by Father Nolan is Koinonia - meaning " communion." Here lies the warmth of a community spirit - caring, sharing, inging, laughing. Re ponsible for the many thought-provoking, meaningful activities during the year such as Christmas Midnight Mass, the club makes us feel the need of love in our lives. Koinonia helps us " get it together. " The Key Club, influenced by its moderator, Mr. Budgal , is a spirit-oriented ervice organization. Members are called upon to do many things- set-up, take-down, remove, rearrange, direct traffic at football games and the school play. When, where, how- the Key Club always seems to be there when needed. Together our parents form another very beneficial organization. Presided over by Mrs . Jospeh Kaytus and the Executive Board , the P. T. A. - a joining of all parents and teachers in the sole effort to aid the students of N. D. - sponsors social events and fund-raising activities to finance useful school projects . They play an active role in improving the education of all students . Working along these same lines is the Father' s Club, another organization of helpful and involved parents who raise money to support the activities and needs of the Athletic Department. Football weather brings red-faced fathers carrying hot tea and coffee to sell at the refreshment stands. The Flea Market and Car Raffle are other yearly projects taken on to make our athletic program possible. Students? Teachers? Parents? Involved? Caring? YOU BET.


Page 126 / Top Left /FRONT : Helen Woods , Joan McDonald . BACK: Rita Humphrey , Patty Pawlukewich, Carolyn DiCiurcio. Top Right: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rutkowski. Bottom: Jim Heffernan , Greg Wink l er. Page .127/ Top: Leon Sine, Jim Heffernan, Steve Casey, Tom Dolan . Middle: Mrs. Rick, Mrs. Dziura, Mr. Zuczek, Mrs. Shanoskie, Mrs. Higham wit h other members of P. T. A. Executive Board . Lower Left / Sunshine Club: Kathleen Eustace, Darlene Haney, Sister Nora, Erin Lynne, Sue Lind .


Page 128/Upper Right: Bob Ploof. Middle Left/Intramural Soccer/FRONT ROW : Connie Kliwinski , Rit a McKeever. SECOND ROW : Barb Plunk e tt , Kar en Confoy, Pegg y Seiler, Cindy Toporek, Maureen Greer, Patt y Burke, Cheryl Rafal ski. THIRD ROW : Bre nd a Paul , Sharon Lynn , Theresa Valatka, Mar y Roj e k, Kath y High am, Len a Sola, Kath y Napoli. Middle Right: Kath y Napoli, Barb Plunkett, C he ryl Rafal s ki , Sharon L y nn , Mary Roje k . Bottom/GAA/FRONT ROW : Karen Cashel, Linda Nicolai, Erin Clancy, Marie Kosco , Maureen McQuad e, Tracy Groom es. SECOND ROW : Kath y Dovgala, Mrs. Rov e llo, Diane Olech, Cherie Patrice lli, Lorrain e Turgeon. Page 129/Top: David Steward, David Ungrady, Bob Ploof, Andrew Bodnar. Bottom: Patt y Burke, Connie Klinwin ski, Barb Plunkett.


ATHLETIC CLUBS AND ACTIVITES N.D. ' s Athletic Department provided students with a wide variety of clubs and activities . Trainers and managers, both male and female, were important team members, supplying players with tape, bandages, equipment , and conce~;n. Statisticians , with pens writing as fast as sneakers running, tried to keep team records straight. The GAA was involved in many things this year. They used their hard-earned money to buy survival oranges for the teams during the games. The GAA also sponsored the annual Spring Talent Show , awarding winners with prizes , memories , and school-wide fame . The " girls" also paid for the sports banners displayed in the gym commemorating all the well-earned championships won by recent teams inN . D. ' s history. During any day of the week you could usually find members of the Ping Pong Club, headed by Mr. Dambro, waiting for a chance at the tables. With a little encouragement and practice they might ev en be able to take on the Chinese. The Fall season brings Soccer Intramurals for girls who have joined together to try their skill at booting a soccer ball. An added attraction this year were games involving other schools- just for fun , of course. The Ski Club made two trips to Vermont and col lected memo• ries that won' t melt for a long time. There were the usual broken bones and tires muscles but you couldn' t find a happier or more contented group on the ride home ; at least they seemed that way, either sleeping or singing all the way home. These clubs kept the athletically inclined happy and active in the sports they enjoy the most.


OLIVER On one December da y our frenzied musical leaders, Richard Loatman and Janet Wilson, chos e the cast for " Oliver". Over one hundred kne -shaking, trembling, petrified , auditioners soon found out if their hopes and efforts paid off when all the chorus and lead parts were posted . Rehearsals began late in January, increasing in number as they came closer to the April performance dates. " Consid e r yourself at home, consider yourself one of the family ... " became more than just a line from a song; it was a command to the entire cast to be a family at home on the stage . Sights and sounds of the play spread throughout the school. Seventh period was the official announcement time for the February Ad and Booster . Drives. Money came in slowly, but steadily enough to count, especially for the seniors, the winning contributors. On stage the harmonizing language of NA, NE, Nl, NO, NU, echoed loud and clear. Leads and choruses, including the second soprano freshman boys, began to sound like the real thing. The orchestra pit changed into a craftsman' s shop for making workhouses. Soon the stage resembled the stree.t of London were Fagan " picked a pocket or two ." Good voices and flowing music weren' t all that made our play. An old clothes drive in sc hool brought in some costuming basics and Mrs. Paixao' s committee finished the hand made costumes for our Londoners. After the long hours of wo rk and all the scenery, costumer, music, choreography, and acting were brought together, the performances were given. Even though the stage is not empty, the last measures of " As long as he need me" will always echo in our memories.

Page 130/ Right: Maureen Greer. Lower Left: Linda Nicolai, Jeff Heckman. Page 131/Top: Members of the Stage Crew . Middle Left: Debbie Agabiti, Eric Garcia, Ervin Allgood . Bottom Left: Maureen Greer, Jeff Hackman. Bottom Right: Kathy Petro, Miss Janet Wilson, Director, . and Mr. Richard Loatman, Musical Director .


CAST Oliver . . ...... . . .... ........ Eric Garcia, Linda Nicolai Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . Maureen Greer Fagan . .................... Dale Duck Dodger . . . . . . . . . .. Jeff Heckman Sikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Chiaradia Mrs. Bedwin .......... Linda Nicholai, Ana Ottaunick Mr. Sourberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Rutkow ki Mrs. Sourberry . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... Ana Ottaunick Mr. Brownlow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Me Guire Mr. Bumble . . ................ . . Ervin Allgood Mrs. Corney Debbie Agabiti Charlotte . . . . . ... ......... . ... .. .. Ann Pilaro Noah Claypole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob Celli Bett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eva Ungrad y Charley Bates Jeremiah Larkin Dr. Grimwig ............... George Pietrow


BAND O ve r th e p as t few yea rs No t re D ame ' s ba nd h as g row n and improved steadil y. T hi s yea r th ey becam an abl e comp an y of mu sician s, du e to th e ir in creased confid en ce and th e profess ion al g uid an ce of Mr. Jeffr ey Baker. Th e m a rching band p arad ed at foo tb all gam es whil e th e ir stage counte rp a rt h a rm onized at th e scho ol pl ay " Olive r" and th e sp ecial Christm as con ce rt. In addition, th e b and tr ave led to a rea g ramm ar sch oo ls to g ive yo un g listen e rs a tast e of N . D.' s uniqu e mu sical talents. Th e tun e of th e jazz solo ists was infectious, en co ur ag ing th e audi en ce to " boog ie" right alon g . W e often h ea rd th e ir seventh pe riod jam sess ion s, rang ing from saucy jazz to th e roc k hit Superstar to th e tr aditi on al N .D . fight song. Pe rh ap s th ey' re not ye t th e Phil ad elphi a Symphon y Orch es tra, but we appr eciate th e ir supe rsta r effort . W e can b e sure th at th e sch oo l band is a ve ry acti ve, ve ry alive p a rt of Notre D am e life.


Page 132/Upper Left: Notre Dam e Band pe rforming at the Christmas assembly. Upper Right: Chris Raywood, Mike Wasiele ki, Brian McClain, Allan Beelitz, TofTI Lanzoni , John Van Sant. Bottom Right: Chris Ra ywood. Page 133/Middle Left: Jeff Raywood , Dan Belli, Tim Shoriak, Nancy Gardner, Hugh Re ill y, D awn Yeager, Chri Dietrich, Allan Beelitz, Warr n Musselman, Brian McClain, Eugene Langzoni. Upper Left: John Van Sant, Tom Lanzoni, Eugene Lanzoni, Frank Cairo, Brian McClain, Steve Pappate rra, Warren Musselman , Dale Ducko . Bottom Left /N otre Dame Band/FRONT ROW : Dale Ducko, Frank airo, Steve Pappaterra, Tom Lanzoni, Eugen Lanzoni, Warren Musselman . SECOND ROW : Nanc y Paolini, Sue Meszciros, Michele Powell, Dawn Yeager, Su e Gardner. THIRD ROW : Je ff Raywood , Chris Buzelli, Stan Alexandrowicz, Eugene Gallo, Tom Venanzi, Eugene Golab, Chris Raywood. BACK ROW : John Van Sant, Andrew Wierzbowski , Mike Wasieleski , Chris Dietrich, Tim Shoriak.


Page 134/ Top/ FRO T ROW : Charlene Grogan, J anet H anson , J oann Yalatka , G loria Kleinmann, Mary Sullivan , Karen Bontya, Pam Gru ss ler. BACK ROW : Cerri \ 'a latka, Diane Quinlan , Patty Grusskr, Cathy Carroll , Joan H an son , Patsy Quinlan , Cathy H earney, J ackie Papp. Middle Left: Caro l Ann Louis , Co-Capta in Kathy Hou sman , Ellen Franlino. Middle Righ t : C ind y Whalen , Carm Inverso . Bottom: Francis Fowler, \'ernita Fowler, Ro semary Horesko, J ean H erman , Dale Ducko, C hri st opher Buzzelli, Steve Pappaterra . Pa ge 135/Top Left/F RO TROW : Maggie H ose, Sand\路 Scrock, Rosemary 1-lorcsko, Patti Mulligan , J oA n~ Thorman . SECO D ROW : Katie Smith , Man路 Ru sse ll , Ellen Franlino, Debbie Ko chi s, Jo an~ Elmo . TH IR D ROW : Caro l Ann Louis , Kathv Murph y, Karen Wilson , Frances Fowler, Ka thy路 Griffin . BA C K ROW : Vernita Fowler, Ka th y Hou sman , lean H erman , Della Marchildan . Top Rig ht: Kare n Bont ya , Cat h y 1-l earney , J oann Yalatka, Dian e Quinl an . Middle: Linda Lepper. Bottom: Connie De Bloi s .


DRILL TEAM, COLOR GUARD AND MAJORETTES Under the demanding, watchfu l eye of Miss Grant, th e Drill Team, Color Guard, and Majorettes survived practices that started early last summer and produced almost flawless halftime shows this fall. Many hot and cold hours were spent sweating and freezing , not only for our football shows, but year-round parades. Working together with the band and putting individual routines to music was an ever-present goal. A first-time fund-raising project, selling confetti at the football games, was a financial success: the bleachers and the fans were covered with multi-colored dots. The Majorettes, with Connie DeBlois as Captain, combined cold, numb fingers with fiery batons for quite an impressive effect. The Color Guard, armed with guns and sabers, skillfully avoided stabbing and jabbing one another during their routines directed by Joan Hanson. The Drill Team sported new uniforms and shakers, and follo wed Captain Jean Herman in time to we ll-coordinated movements. The three squads tramped to" Hogan ' s Heroes, " shook th eir shakers to " The Stripper," saluted to the Victory March, cheered the team , and added a lot of spirit to Notre Dame.


STUDENT GOVERNMENT The Student Government is a ve ry vital part of life at Notre Dame. Members of Student Government have worked very hard this year. A lot of time and dedication have been poured into all their activities, helping to generate a thriving school spirit and pride. This year we saw many members of previous Student Governments return . We also welcomed some new faces , including that of Mark Rutkowski, Student Government President. Everyone elected last spring had new and fresh thoughts and all were eager to begin working. During the summer vacation much time was spent planning special events. They were determined to make ' 74-' 75 a very special year. We welcomed another very important newcomer this year, Father Hughes, our principal. We were quick to find that Father was anxious to hear the thoughts of the students and was very receptive to new ideas proposed by Student Government. One of Student Government's new endeavors was to establish a separate homeroom for representatives. It gives the S. G. members a chance for informal discussion everyday. Each Monday an open meeting was held there in B-100, making working together much easier. This year, Student Government also undertook a project to beautify the school. One of the most beautiful sights we saw in the Fall was the placement and completion of our long awaited school sign. Also members planted bushes and tulip bulbs on the school grounds. They planned display windows and put up bulletin' boards, informing everyone of school activities. They sponsored a dance, giving the students an opportunity to socialize with their friends . They also held a pep-rally on Blue and White Da y, hoping to make all the students aware of the athletic events of the Fall season. Student Government Week was held in conjunction with Catholic Schools Week this year. During the week of February 2, we shared in many different activities from Mass in the school chapel on Sunday evening right through to the faculty-Ke y Clu volleyball game on Friday afternoon. Despite skipping Student Teacher Da y because of an unexpected snow holiday, we came away from the week with the fe eling that sincere efforts were being made to " get it all together. " This yea r has been an important one for Student Government. They have shown an honest desire for improvement and have tried to make N. D. an enjoyable place to learn. Tremendous amounts of ingenuity and energy have been displayed . Student Government had one major goal this year and that was unity. They have worked hard to accomplish this.


Page 136/Top Left: Steve Casey, John Stawicki, Fra ncis Griffin, Greg Winkler, a workman, Joe Ganie. Top Center: John Stawicki, Steve Casey, Greg Winkler, Francis Griffin, Martin Olech, Father Hughes, Sister J oanmarie. Middle: Jud y Hanson, Fran Festa, Sue Lead em, Barb Triantifilloo,. Mr. Bugdal, Cind y Antoniewicz,Jim McGuire, Virginia Przechacki, John Stawicki, Cheryl Maccaroni, Liz Dubois, Liz Heinzel, Mike Nosal, Bob Frackiewicz, Sara Nealon, Jam es Olessi, Kath y Shell y, Greg Winkl e r, D ee Leadem, Jeff Heckman, Beth Carney. Bottom: Barb Triantifilloo. Page 137 /Top Left: Greg Winkler, John Stawicki. Top Center: School Sign . Middle Left: Ka rin Oberme ier, Lynn e Agocs, Mo y Eng, Mark Rutkowski, Debbie D' Ang elo. Middle Right: Barbara Triantifilloo, Virginia Przechacki, Jud y Han son, Sue Leadem. Bottom Left: Mark Rutkow ski, John Stawicki. Bottom Right/SITTING : Liz H einzel, Judy Hanson , Fran Festa, Barbara Triantifilloo, Lynn Agocs, Sandy Corbin, De bbie D' Ang elo, Sue Lead em, Karin Obermeier, Kath y Shelly, Cheryl Macaroni, Louise Ang ebrandt. STANDING: Kevin Ke ll y, John Stawicki, Jim McGuire, Mark Rutkow ski. 137

Page 138/Upper Left: Jane Plunkett. Upper Right: Guy Castranova. Bottom/FIRST ROW : Kevin Dzura, Diane Smith, Jean Reres, Nancy Breimann, Cindy Antoniewicz , Chris Cantwell. SECOND ROW : Mike V;1gnozzi, Bill Suffern, Mike Kall, Mark Ridge, Mike Mydlowski, Matt. Stec. THIRD ROW : Coach Mr. Joe W yers, Gu y Castranova, Lionel Ellis, Bob Reilly, Ralph Gallo, Carl Spirazza. Page 139/Upper Left: Doug Fisher, Mike Vagnozzi. Middle Right: Pat DeLorenzo, Lionel Ellis, Doug Fisher. Bottom Left: Jean Reres .





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CROSS COUNTRY Th e lea ves c run c h, th e ta wn y colors of Autumn fla sh by a nd th e bri sk a ir nip s as th e Cross Country T eam run s th e tw o a nd a half mil e course for th e third tim e in on e da y. The d a rk fo res t be hind N. D . is a路 m ys te ry t o m a n y, but thr ough th e season it b ecom es' well kn own to th ose wh o run e ight t o te n mil es thr ough it eve ryd ay for practi ce . The c ross-co untry rec ord of 2 w ins, 17 losses fa il ed to re fl ec t th e tim e a nd ha rd wo rk thi s t ea m put forth b e hind th e sce nes. Th e practi ce did su cceed in building three State runn e rs: J a n e Plunk ett , J ea n Re res, a nd N a ncy Bre im a nn . Mr. W ye rs led th e tea m through th e ir c ri es of " M y d og s ca n' t brea th e! " and th e long tre k bac k to . D. a ft e r th e La wre nce m ee t. J a n e Plunk tt a nd Mik e Ka ll we re titl ed Mi ss a nd Mi ste r C ross Country a t th e S mi F o rm a l. Alth oug h th e seas on was not a winning o ne, it was w orthwhil e as th e runn e rs wo rk ed not onl y for th e m se lves, but for th e spirit of th e ntire tea m.


Page 140/Top/Varsity Football Team/ FIRST ROW: Jeff Petrozzini, David Treadwell, Tom Boyd, Steve Casey, Leo Mahony, Brian O' Shea, Jim McGuire, Joe Drulis, Carl Danbury, Marty Holsneck. SECOND ROW : Larry Arcioni, Mark Bertone, Tony Mazzella, Paul Karns, Bob Celli, Myron Tantum, Alberto Gonzalez, Tom Edinger, Jeff Schrader, Kevin Myers. THIRD ROW : Coach AI Verdel, Bobby Scarpon, Danny Dileo, Mark Stephen, George Mattonelli, Ken Hill, Dave Dudeck, Paul Blisco, Ed Laird, Larry Morton. Middle Left: George Mattonelli. Middle Right: Dave Dudeck, George Mattonelli, Kevin Myers. Bottom: Joe Kovacs, Larry Arcioni. Page 141/Top: Mark Bertone, Coach AI Verdel, Tom Edinger. Middle: Carl Danbury, Mark Stephan, Tom Edinger. Bottom: Joe Drulis .


SCOREBOARD Trenton Steinert Ewing Pemberton Hamilton Lawrence St. John Vianney Princeton St. Anthony

OPP. 24 35 55 63 29 48 44 20 26

FOOTBALL We have to face it- it wasn't a good year for football at Notre Dame. Varsity lost every game. J. V. only won one. We broke only one record - we had more points scored against us than any other team in our history. But, as is so often true, scores and points and wins do not tell the whole story. The teams worked hard. On those crispy clear, cold Autumn afternoons you co~ld see them practicing, hear the counts to their exercises, and smile at their tired jokes. Drive and enthusiasm remained strong despite losing records. Their spirits were high, they never stopped trying, and most of all, they never lost their senses of sportsmanship and humor. Coach Verdel and ~he captains struggled to think of ways to improve, ways to rework plays, ways to defend more effectively, ways to keep the fans interested. The cheerleaders and supporters remained loyal, following the teams to games both home and away- faraway , like St. John Vianney. All the energy and enthusiasm put forth by the team has not gone to waste . They learned how to lose well, and to appreciate a hard-earned touchdown even more. So, it was the support, the work, the friends , and the effort that describe the 1974 football season , that tell the full story .



Page 142/Top Left: Brian O' Shea, Leo Mahony. Top Right: Anthony Mazzella. Middle Left: J. V. Football Game. Middle Right: Larry Arcioni. Bottom/J.V. Football Team/FIRST ROW : David Treadwell, Tim Anderson, David Wisniewski, Frank Dombroski, Barry Dekis, Tom McManimon, Alberto Gonzalez. SECOND ROW : Ronn y Vernon, Joe Guth, Robert Hall, Mart in Dickson, Bill Picatagi, Jeff Schrader, Dominic Maruca. BACK ROW : Coach Mr. Joe Mazzone, Vince Mendola, T ony Ta ylor, John Kry staponis, Joe Maruca, Lawrence Morton, Bill Tomsho, Alan Hancock, Coach Mr. Ralph Shedd field . Page 143/Left: Coach Verdel, Joe Drulis. Right: Steve Casey, Mark Bertone. Bottom/Freshman Football Team/ FIRST ROW : Bruce Syers, Carl Riccio, Joe Bordenga, Brian Forcetti, Tom Lynam, Jeff Jones, Chris Shaible. SECOND ROW : Rich Weasner, Dave Dileo, Lou Ranfone, Bill Ray, Dann y Schwartz, Tim Mahony, Anthony Sevilla. BACK ROW: Coach Mr. Bob Fossum, Joe Herman, Chris Ottaunick, Anthony Bronner, Lawrence W est, Bob Mangone, Coach William Simmons.


FIELD HOCKEY The air was crisp and slightly tinged with the smell of freshly-cut oranges . Faces were red with chill and exhaustion: the Girls' Field Hockey Team was at work, practicing or playing. Each day brought new drills and skills to acquire and perfect. " Drive and dribble at the goalie! " Co-ordination drills were meant to produce evasive footwork, but often ended in stumbles and falls. The team favorite - sprints -resulted in improved endurance. Veteran Captains Lorraine Turgeon and Cheryl " BooBoo" Beagles, the " Black and White Scotties" kept after the team, encouraged them, helped them, and worked with them. Linda Nicolai, Marie Kosco, and Lorraine Turgeon demonstrated the new strokes they learned in summer hocky camp, and sophomore forward , Diane Olech, made all Mercer County . . Mishaps plagued the 'team as two Varsit y pla yers , Kathy Shelly and Patty Nest or, suffered broken noses, . and Cheryl Beagles got a locked jaw (a possible blessing in disguise?). Despite these misfortunes, coaches " Barbie" Major and " Mom" Rovello came through with winning teams. Varsity wound up with a 6-5-1 record, respectable considering that N.D. was the only parochial team in the tough Mercer County Conference. J. V. had what can onl.y be described as a" tying" season. The season as a whole was fun, tinged with well earned victories and the knowledge of sportsman-like defeats.


Page 144/Top/J. V. Field Hockey Team/ FRONT ROW : Mary Mullaney, Jane Liedtka, Anne Fitzpatrick, Lucy Heinzel, Pam Smith, Janie Fasanella, Sara Nealon, Colleen Harney . SECOND ROW : Lydia Lesh, Ann Carlin, Maureen Shelly, Renee Reali, Chris Kontorowicz, Sarabeth Egan, Sue Lind, Ginny Przechacki. THinD ROW : Stephanie Pirozzi, Lisa Nicolai, Katie Casey, Adrienne Glappa, Maureen Smith, Monica Farrell, Jeanette Ingrassia, Coach Mrs. Margaret Rovello. Middle: Sheri Maguire, Diane Olech, Erin Clancy . Bottom: Karen Cashel , Lorraine Turgeon, Sheri Maguire . Page 145/Top: Lorraine Turgeon, Mary Carlin, Linda Nicolai, Erin Clancy, Diane Olech, Karen C::ashel, Sheri Maguire. Middle/Varsity Field Hockey Team/ FRONT ROW : Erin Clancy, Maureen Barna, Lorraine Turgeon, Cheryl Beagles, Diane Olech, Patsy Baylog. SECOND ROW : Chris Agocs, Mary Carlin, Patty Nestor, Kathy Shelly, Karen Cashel , Sheri Maguire. THIRD ROW : Coach Mrs . Barbara Major, Barbara Walsh, Linda Nicolai, Liz H einzel, Cherie Patricelli, Marie Kosco, Liz Moore. Bottom: Erin Clancy.


Page 146/Top: State Tournam e nt Troph y. Upper - Middle Left: Luch Cortina, Jim H eff e rnan, Tom Dolan. Upper - Middle Right/ FIRST ROW : Jim Heffernan, Glenn Metzger, Lou Cortina, Tom Dolan, Joe Vale ri , John Rugarb e r. SECOND ROW : Tom Meagher, Tom Dill, Bob Ploof, John Zegarski , Jeff Bartolino, George Keefe. THIRD ROW : Coach Mr. John Wagner, Dave Ungrad y, John Woods, Paul Kalinowski, Dav.e Dorozinski, Jim Dorozinski, Charlie In verso, Frank Schuster. Lower -Middle Left: Bob Ploof. Bottom Left: Glenn Metzger, Dave Ungrady. Bottom Right: Dave Ungrady. Page 147/Top: Glenn Metzger. Middle: Coach Mr. John Wagner. Lower Middle Right : We are Number 1!.



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SOCCER This year we all followed the ups and downs of the Varsity Soccer Team. Our spirits were high with those of the players as we marched through an eight game winning streak at the beginning of the season; and we suffered along with them when, for a while, it seemed as if we couldn' t win. We celebrated at their fantastic 3-1 win over Lawrence and followed them to the Steinert field on a freezing day for one of the most exciting games of the season, which resulted in a frustrating 1-1 tie. We were all shocked and disappointed through a difficult clash with the Ewing Blue Devils, an unexpected defeat, maybe a defeat for that reason - we didn' t expect it. Through two state tournament games with St. Peter' s Prep and Essex Catholic, we groaned with every bad call, ached with each bruised ankle, and shared in the pride and joy of accomplishing both wins. By the day of the State Tourna路m ent finals at Mercer Park we were hungry for the big victory -we wanted it. From the stands we followed each kick, each " head," each pass- and both goals . The precision and skill of Lou Cortina, the power of Tom Dolan, the spectacular saves of George and Charlie, the coaching of Mr. Wagner, and the determination of the entire team earned the State Championship. As the team ran . wildly around the field , lifting Mr. Wagner to their shoulders and showing off the new trophy - the victory was theirs- but we shared it with them .


Page 148/Top/J.V. Soccer Team/ FIRST ROW : John Hartman, Dave Wetzel, Jack Woods, Bob Rhoades, Mike We ncze l, John Walker, Tom Jacobs. SECOND ROW : John Ehret, Gerry Meagher, Joe Immordino, Jimmy Ciccone, Joe Kondash, Don Smith, Tim Meagher. THIRD ROW : Coach Mr. Patrick Rooney, John Murphy, Bob Springer, Stan Koreyva. Middle Left: Dave Ungrady. Middle Right: Jack Woods , Jim Ciccone, John Walker, Joe Martillotti. Bottom: Dave Ungrady, Jim Dorozinski, Dave Dorozinski, Jeff Bartolino, Tom Meagher, Rick Stout, Glenn Metzger. Page 149/Top Left: John Zegarski. Top Right: Lou Cortina, Tom Dolan, George Keefe, Jim Manle y, Glenn Metzger, Jim Heffernan, Joe 路 Valeri, Tom Dill, Tom Meagher, Rick Stout, Charlie lnverso. Upper Middle: J. V. Team. Lower Middle: The First State Tournament Goal. Bottom/Freshman Soccer Team/ FIRST ROW : Mike McQuade, James Kaline, Frank Feldenzer, Eddie Bucci, Jimmy Whalen, Mark Zegarski, Jeff Rugarber. SECOND ROW : Chuck Chianese, Anthony Castaldo, Tom Barlow, Frank N erwinski, John Castaldo, Gary Muraza, Don Schuler. BACK ROW : Coach Mr. John Archer, Anthony Colavita, Archie Wenczel, Ted Camastra, Mark Cashel, Mark Leadem, Rich Lead em, John 0 ' Brien, Steve Kopec, Mike Miccio.


Page 150/Top Left: Greg Winkler. Top Right: Joanne McMannimon. Bottom: Kathy Stevulak. Page 151/Top/ Varsity Cheerleaders/FRONT ROW : Captain JoJo Tella B~rnice Delozier, Loretta DeCara. MIDDLE ROW : Joanne McMannimon, Cindy Messina, Sharon Rojek, Carol Bonan, Captain Kathy Stevulak, Michele Klek, Patty Capriotti. BACK ROW : Greg Winkler, Nancy Cianfra-no, Phil Chiaradia, Frani Cammarate. Middle: Michele Klek. Bottom: Phil Chiaradia.


CHEERLEADERS Our cheerleaders at Notre Dame do more than the spectators may realize. Although cheerleading is not recognized as much as the other athletic teams, this group of untiring personalities stimulate the spirit which keeps the " Mighty Irish" on the move. The Varsity Squad has an extra attraction, Greg and Phil, the only two male cheerleaders in Mercer County. They generate the crowds with cheers chanted through megaphones and help the girls for special lifts and cheers. Also, this year, both the Varsity and J. V. Squads appeared in new basketball uniforms, thanks to Father Nolan and the athletic fund . Despite cheering for two sports each season in front of sometimes less than enthusiastic crowds, the long, tiring bus rides filled with spirit, getting worn-out saddles and laryngitis, these " rah-rahs" always keep going. In addition to leading the Irish fans at games, the cheerleaders also sponsor the Fall Sports Semi-Formal, this year'路s "Winter Wonderland". Cutting out and hanging up hundreds of snowflakes for the Semi, losing voices, braving the cold, cold, football and soccer games, receiving corsages, and ending it all with a smile, these are the things that compliment the Cheerleaders of ' 74-' 75.



Page 152/Top/J.V. Cheerleaders/FRONT ROW : Co-Captain Michele Buckley, Captain Cheryl Macaroni, Co-Captain Jennifer Osborn, Patty Kiernan, Monica Lintcott, Lois Fitton, Cara Kuzen, Denise Carriela, Renee Guidotti, Celia Eli e. Bottom: Sharon Rojek, J oJ o Tell a, Patty Capriotti. Page 153/Top Left: Nancy Cianfrano. Top Right: Frosh Cheerleaders. Bottom/Freshman Cheerleaders/Left: Joann Valeri, JoAnn Gagliari. Middle: Maureen Kelly, Colleen Kale, Karen Kutch, Darlene lnnocenzi, Mary Rojek. Right: Maribeth Mydlowski, Donna Vagnozzi.

.D. 66 60 58 54 63 59 47 65 76 61 50 58

33 7

52 54 49 43 37 34 56 52 72

OPP. 76 41 52 49 35 53 54

Lawrence Hunterton Central Delaware Valley ishop Egan St. Anthony's Gloucester Catholic

60 9

renton Ewin inceton it. M ry' s Elizal>eth St. Anthony's amilton Steinert Trenton Ewing St. Patrick's West Windsor

53 57 57 66 55 65 67 81 5 67 36 62 60 56 63

Page 154/Top Left: Varsity Cheerleaders and Basketball team. Middle Left: Bill Schuler. Middle Right: Pat Kahn y, Tom Toporek. Lower Right: Joe Kale. Page 155/Top Left: Tom Toporek. Bottom/Boys' Varsity Basketball Team/FRONT ROW : Bill Schuler, Dave Ungrady, Chuck DeAngelo, Jim Fruscione, Joe Navarro. BACK ROW : Coach Mr. Don Hess, Fred Wallitsch, Joe Kale, Tom Toporek, Pat Kahny, Brock Barber, Assistant Coach Mr. Dave Milinowicz .


VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL At the start of basketball season, it looked as if the Irish would enjoy a very good year. The Varsity team defeated six out of eight of their early opponents, which seemed to promise a winning season. A successful combination was formed with several newcomers joining members of last year's Varsity team: Pat Kahny, Tom Toporek, and Joe ale. Team morale, school spirit, and support seemed incredible. Everyone was geared for victory. The Irish continued to win, dropping only a few of their early games. They swept the Christmas Tournament, emerging as champions. Team captain Tom Toporek was voted Most Valuable Player of the tourney. One of the high points of the season was the St. Anthony's game. It was an away game and there we saw the tea m in possibly their best performance of the year. The teamwor~ exhibited was terrific and the Irish fans went wild with appreciation. Although the team trail ed at halftime, we saw them pull up and pass St. Anthony's in the second half. The game continued to b e close right down to the finish. Finally, after a very close overtime, the Irish took the game. The following Friday' s loss to Hamilton was the beginning of a discouraging eight-game losing slump. The team seemed to experience difficulties in getting together and playing well. However, the team rallied and came back to beat Steinert in a very important win. Again, the team received the support they needed and felt that maybe they were on the winning track again . Looking at their reco rd , it was not one of the better yea rs for basketball here at N. D. Maybe not the worst, but definitely not the best. The team' s record in County action was 3-8 and their overall record was 10-13. Several playe rs really contributed to the winning part of our season, among them Bill Schuler, high scorer. Jimmy Fruscione was also a motivating factor on Varsity with his ability to fire up the team and get them mo.ving . The J. V. team was slightly more successful than Varsity, coming up with a 10-8 record. The membe rs of J. V. managed to pull together and play well, particularly in their later games. High scorer on J. V. was Jim Ciccone. The bo ys' freshman team was the most successful of the boys' teams this year. They had a lot of talent and used it to their full advantage. The most exciting game was the match for the county championship at the end of the season with Fisher. The boys were dominated by the he ight of Fisher's team but fought hard against them. Although the y lost the game, they felt that they had played well. High scorer was Ed Fireall. The Irish teams fought hard for each victory and deserve a lot of credit. The incredible spirit they have shown has gained them a lot of supporters. But the students here at N.D. are the ones that are most proud of " The Fighting Irish ."



Page 156/Top Left: Chuck De Angelo. Top Middle: Dave Ungrady. Top Right: Fred Wallitsch, Joe Kale. Bottom/J.V. Basketball Team /FRONT ROW : Chuck De Angelo, Eric Franzoni, Chuck Foundous, John Bedard. SECOND ROW : Trainer Anna Ottaunick, Dave Dorozinsky, Bob Burrell, Tony Salvadore, Jim Ciccone, Harold Hall, Fred Wallace, Don Karpowicz. Page 157 /Top/Freshman Basketball Team / FRONT ROW : Carl Durcanin, Anthony Castaldo, Ed Fireall, Don Schuler, John Cast ado, Willy Moore. SECOND ROW : Coach Mr. Joe Wyers, Mike Micciu, Arthur Harrell , Sam Turner, Mark Leadem, Mark Cashel, Roy Miller, Gary Garry, John /Dearden. Middle Left: Fred Wallace, Bob Riley. Middle Right: Bill Schuler, Joe Kale. Bottom: Tom Toporek, Joe Kale .


GIRLS' VARSITY BASKETBALL This year was a dream come true for the girls on Varsity Basketball. They worked together with Mrs. Major to make this year' s team a successful one. Even at the start of the season, the girls knew they were going places, and the crowds grew, following their victories. The girls proved just how good they were in their opening games. The girls eagerly responded to support, giving the spectators a chance to view a fast , exciting game . The girls on the team possessed a very special kind of spirit. Their lockers were jammed with slogans, pictures, and streamers that lifted the team spirit and gave encouragement to the girls . The season' s rival proved to be Hightstown. Everybody looked forward to this match anxiously. The girls were psyched for the game and for the first time ever, a busload of cheerleaders and fans journeyed to Hightstown to see the team play. The girls tore Hightstown apart on their own court. The girls already had a high rating in both the county league and statewide but after the game, their rating soared to seventh in the state. But the second time the girls played Hightstown, they lost in a heartbreaking game. They dropped the game by only one point. Barely two weeks later, however, the Irish girls beat their rivals in a tight game, the third round of the State Tournament. The girls traveled to Sayersville to take on Asbury Park, a high ceeded team, in the semi-final round of the tournament. There the girls suffered a resounding defeat, but felt that the experience was a valuable one. The girls' record at the end of the season was 16-1 in the county play and their overall record was 22-2. For the second year in a row, the Irish girls ended up as Mercer County Champs after a late season loss by Hightstown to Ewing . The team members were outstanding in their own right this year. The tri-captains, seniors Kathy Shelly, Eleanor Goeke, and Karen Cashel, blended experience with leadership to form the basis ot a strong team. Diane Olech was the outstaning scorer with over 400 points this year. She now holds the school record for the most points scored overall, a record formerly held by Ella Hughes. Sheri McGuire and Erin Clancy also contributed to the Irish move for first place. Most girls, including a number o~so hom ores, will be returning next year to play for the ish . It was almost a perfect season , one at everyone dreams of. It was not just the girls' record wh~m足 pressed everyone, it was the spirit and dedic~ which shone the brightest.

SCOREBOARD N.D. 53 69 66 40 50 42 75 53 43 63 59 96 60 41 92 71 54 47 74 60 58 47 48 29

North Burlington Lawrence Hamilton Morrisville Montgomery Ewing Princeton Hightstown Hopewell St. Anthony Steinert Lawrence Hamilton Ewing West Windsor Princeton .Hightstown Hopewell St. Anthony Steinert STATE TOUR AME T Matawan J.P. Stevens Hightstown Asbury Park

OPP. 24 31 21 34 16 27 39 29 26 29 35 36 27 35 26 44

55 34 27 30

33 38 46 77

Page 158/Upper Left: Scoreboard - Hightstown Tournament Game. Upper Right/Center Jump- Diane Olech, No. 22- Sheri Maguire, No. 53- Erin Clancy. Upper Middle: Diane Olech, Karen Cashel, Erin Clancy, Caren Castaldo, Sheri Maguire with one second left in Hightstown game . Lower Middle: End of Highttown game. Bottom Right: Crowd at end of Hightstown game. Page 159/Middle/Girls' Varsity Basketball Team FRONT ROW : Donna Dovgala, Eleanor Goeke, Karen Ca!>hel, Kathy Shelly, C*en Castoldo. BACK ROW: Linda Nicolai, Mary Carlin, CoAch Mrs. Barbara Major, Sheri Maguire, Lisa DeAngelo, Vitginia Murphy, Diane Olech, Erin Clancy, Theresa Valatka, Patty Baylog, Lorraine Turgeon . Bottom Left: laney , Karen Cashel, Sheri Maguire, Diane Olech .



Page 160/Top/Girls' J.V. Basketball Team/FRONT ROW : Marie Kosco, Vanessa Green, Judy Young, Maureen McQuade, Beth Carney, Jean Reres, Judy Brennan. BACK ROW : Katie Dovgala, Chris Agocs, Mary Beth Gillin, Beth Haggerty, Sue Ciccone, Tina Kahny, Anne Carlin, Barb Plunkett, Coach Mrs. LeBlanc, Maureen Shelly. Middle: Diane Olech. Lower Left: Kathy Shelly, Karen Chashel. Lower Right: Eleanor Goeke, Erin Clancy. Page 161/Top Left: Karen Cashel , Sherri Maguire, Dian e Olech. Top Right: Diane Olech. Middle/Girls' Freshman Basketball Team/FRONT ROW : Lisa Nicolai, Katie Casey, Anne Vrancik, Maureen Gavin, Rita McDonough, Linda Dirk, Beth Franzoni. SECOND ROW : Chris Da Bronzo, Kathy Houston, Lisa Barrett, Jane Liedtka, Jill Holsneck, Kathy Militig, Maryann Dorozinsky, Coach Mrs. Rovello, J oni Klein. Bottom: Karen Castaldo.

WRESTLING This year the Notre Dame matmen produced a very good overall record, 10-7. Under the supervision of Coach Dambro and Assistant Coach Jan Beck, they worked hard in practices and their efforts showed up in matches when the Irish overpowered manyof their opponent . Captain John Palmer enjoyed an excellent season this year, experiencing only one defeat which came at the end of the season . John had an overall15-1 r cord and another senior standout Jim Sevilla, had an ll-5 record. The Notre Dame wrestlers participated in a Christmas Tournament with eight other teams and displayed their talent and strength by winning . In individual achievements, four Irish wrestlers won second places, three took third, and one placed fourth . This year the N. D. grapplers beat the Princeton team for the first time in Notre Dame history. Their record in county action was 4-5. The Jayvee team also had a good year emerging with a 6-7-1 record. Bill Suffern ended the season with a 10-3 record . Even though our wrestling team had only a few loyal fans , they were able to come up with a very good record and make us proud of them. At Notre Dame, wrestling is a sport which was just gaining popularity at the end of this year, but next year it will hopefully get the recognition it deserves .


N.D. 18 56 28 62

37 60

10 48 15 40

12 30 48 6


2 20

Allentown Bristol High St. John Viann y orrisville Princeton St. Patrick's einert South Hunt on Hopewell Valley Lawreace rg Catholic Phili Trenton High Hamilton Delhaas Gloucester Hunterton Cen

OPP. 34 9 27 2

18 0 37 121 39 19 40

21 8 51 14 41 29

Page 162/Top Left/Varsity Wrestling Team/FRO T ROW : D oug Kop ec, J e ff Gre iss, Ed Bed a rd , Mike Vag nozz i, Jim Sevill a, Ralph Ga ll o, Bob Sca rp e n . BAC K ROW : Bill McGl one, J ohn Pa lm e r, Albe rt o Go nza les , Mik e Ri cc it e lli , Mik e Bodn a r, Ka rl M aze, Ca rl Spirazza. Top Right: J ohn Pa lm e r, Jim Sev illa. Middle: John Pa lm e r. Lower Right: Jim Sev ill a . Page 163/ Middle / J.V. Wrestling Team/ FRONT ROW : Kev in Dziura, C hri s Ca nt we ll , Pa ul Bodnar, Tim Ma honey, D a ryle De feo, J ohn Cug a si, J o hn H a nso n. BAC K ROW : Jo e Ma ru ca, Ri ch Lead em, Scott Petrozzini , Leo Ma honey, Don M a ru ca, Bill Suffe rn , Anthony Sevill a. Lower Left: Ed Bed a rd . Lower Right: Mr. Dam bro.


Page 164/ Top / Varsity Bowling Team: FRONT ROW: Tom Venanzi, Dawn Meally, Lenny Matte, Marty Pappaterra. BACK ROW : Don Smith, Albert Mandel , Bob Duck o. Steve Pappa t e rra . Lower Left: Lenny Matte. Middle: D awn Meally. Right: D on Smith . Page 165/ Upper Left: Albert Mandel. Bottom: Tom Venanzi .


Princeton Ewing Ewing Lawrence Peddie Bordentown Lawrence ed ie rincet

VARSITY BOWLING It can never be said that parents are not involved with students and Mr. Matte was living proof when he led the bowling team through its season. Tuesda ys and Thursdays became their meeting da y. Their da y for keggling at one of the area lanes. Away games for most teams meant traveling anywhere from twenty to ninety minutes. Our bowling team's awa y games were usually just across town. Their 6-4 record included wins over such consistent rivals as Ewing and Lawrence. The one long trip the bowling team took was to Bricktown to represent N. D. in the State Tournament. Although the team as a whole didn ' t do as well as they had hoped, AI M and I, a veteran of two 200 games, converted a 7-9 split. Highlights of the season also included Steve Pappaterra' s 200 games, Kevin Costigan's 7-9 Splits, and Dawn Miele, the female addition to the team . Together the team created worthwhile bowling , scoring , and winning .



Page 166/Top: Joe Kale . Lower Left: Joe Kale Page 167/Top: Jot• Drulis. Lower Right: Assistant Coach Mr. John Wagnt'r, Pat Kahn y.



Page 168/ Track Team / Top Left: Barb ara Plunkett . Top Right: D ave Ungrady. Bottom Left: Karen Breimann. Bottom Right: Donnie Peters . Page 169/ Top Left: Liz Heinzel. Top Middle: Patty Nestor. Top Right: Jane Plunkett. Bottom Left: Joe Nava rro.


Page 170 / Top / Girls ' Softball Team / F RO T ROW : Cath y Ow en, C he re Patri ce lli, Pe)!;gy Se il e r, Je n n ife r Beze k. MIDDL E ROW : Dia ne Ol ec h, K a r~ n Cas he l, Ca re n Casta ld o, Lo rra in e Turgeo n. THIRD ROW : She rri M ag ui re, Virgi nia M u rp h y, Coac h Mrs. Betty J a ne Le Bla nc, The resa Va la tk a. Lower Left: La ura hri ste nsen. Lower Right: Pe)!;gy Se il e r. Page 171 / Top: Ca re n Casta ld o. Middle L e ft : J enni fe r Beze k. Middle Right: Ca th y o,,路e n. Bottom: Cath y O we n.



Page 172/ Top Left: Brian Raffert y. Top Right: Hank Smith. Bottom: Mr. W ye rs, John Stawicki , Jack Woods, Wa lt Sawka. Page 173 / Top Right: Walt Sawka. Lower Left: Walt awka . Lower Right: Walt Sawka.


As Underclassmen, we've begun our collection of learning experience. friends , and memories. Together, we ' ve gone this far and with each other' s help we' ll go farther still .


Page 176/UpperLeft: Loretta DeCara, Patty Capriotti. Upper Right: Junior Class Meeting. Middle Left: Erin C lancy, Sherri Mcguire, Mary Carlin. Middle: Sue Czerna. Middle Right: Anita Avolio . Bottom / F RO NT ROW : Mary Masick, Father olan, Joann McManimon , Maureen Kucharski, Lea Landolfi , Margueritta Korenz . SEC0 D ROW: Linda Lepper, Linda Mancuso, Joyce Leonard, Carol Ann Louis . Page 177 / Middle Left/Mercer County Juniors FRONT ROW : Jean Herman. SECOND ROW : David Hofmann, Maureen Kucharski. THIRD ROW: Jeffrey Dill, David Witkowski , John Connelly, Steve Stewart, Archie Croux , German Martinez . FOURTH ROW : John Wolfe, John Rossetti , William McGlon e, Frank Kelso , Mark Zuezek. FIFTH ROW: Stanley Chidzik, James Boozan, Micha e l Gerasimowicz, Jim Miller, Ronald Kissel, Edmund Shanoskie. Bottom Left: President Virginia Przechacki. Bottom Right: Junior Pi es.


JUNIOR CLASS HISTORY ' Juni o rs" Th e ve ry th oug ht o f th e wo rd m a k us fee l o ld e r, wise r, m o re impo rt ant. W e h ad t wo yea rs ove r th e und e rclass m e n an d onl y on e to go till we beco m e Se ni o rs. W e st a rt e d w ith split session s, saw a n ew p a rt of th e sch oo l built, and cam e to kn ow a nd use it. We fe ld m o re co nfi d en t w ith o ur se lves durin g o ur third yea r fr om findin g o ur c lass roo m s th e fir st d ay o f sch oo l w ith n o troubl e, to kn ow ing teach e rs from th e yea r be fo re o n a m o re p e rsona l bas is. W ith th e h e lp of Siste r Virg ini a La lloway, we d eve lop ed an h on es t inte res t in our class and in o ur sch oo l. We pl ayed an impo rt ant p a rt in athl e ti cs b y co ntributin g a m a jo rit y o f m e mb e rs to th e Va rsit y Footb a ll T eam , as we ll as str ong invo lve m e nt in o th e r po rt s. Senio r co mp e titi o n gave u a h a rd tim e se lling Mrs. Smith ' pies, but we reach e d o ur goa l. G e ttin g o ur rin gs gave us th e pro ud fee lin g o f be ing a p a rt o f N .D. We h ad to st a rt thinkin g a b o ut co li ges, som et-hing th at seem ed so fa r away. Co llege Ca ree r N ight gave us so m e in ig hts and id eas a bo ut wh at to loo k fo r. We wo rri ed and swea ted th ro ug h PSAT ' s and bega n to prepa r fo r SAT ' s soo n a ft e r . Ra ising m on ey fo r o ur Juni o r Prom began ea rl y in th e yea r and included a er ie o f su ccess ful b a ke sa les. A d a t e was ch o e n a nd pl an s we re m ad e. Th e big nig ht fin a ll y cam e as co upl es a rrived at th e We t Tre nto n Ba ll Roo m , smil es re fl ecting h a ppin ess and dr ss re fl ecting th e m ood , m a kin g b ea utiful m m ori es of a bea utiful night . We d on ' t kn ow h ow th e yea r slipped b y so fas t, All we kn ow is th at n ex t yea r "Seni or" w ill h o ld ano th e r spec ia l fee lin g fo r us ju st as " Juni o r" did thi s yea r .


11-A/Upper Left/FRONT ROW : John Bailey, Pat Allen, Carmella Bilotti. SECOND ROW : Gary Borne, Leanne Barber, Saundra Boatwright, Maureen Barn a. THIRD ROW : Patt y Baylog, Christie Beale, Jan et Bianco, Andrene Andrews .. BACK ROW : Irvin Allgood, John Bentz, Tom Boresik, Paul Blisko. Upper Right: Patt y Capnotti. 11-A/Middle Left/ FRONT ROW : Larr y Bernhard , Greg Apai, Theresa Bencivenga, Carol Bonan . SECOND ROW : Andrew Bodnar, Irene Beumer, Kathy Betz, Mary Alice Amari. THIRD ROW : Anita Avolio, Mark Bertone, Edward Bedard . FOURTH ROW : Gerald Angel, Mike Atwood, David Bird, Ken Bartolino. BACK ROW : Kim Baran, Jane Adams, Kathy Allen . li-B/ Lower Right/ FRO.NT ROW : Nancy Breimann, Virginia Buckley, Lois Christen sen, Diane Czepiel. SECOND ROW: Mar y Corvino, Paula Bucci, Barbara Chepiga,Nancy Cianfrano. BACK ROW: John Butera, John Callaghan, Chris Costa, Dave Cebulko.


11-C/Top/ FRONT ROW: Scott Echevarria, Katie Dovgala, Angelina Danko, Nancy Decker, Loretta De Cara, John Deodata. SECOND ROW: Chuck DeAngelo, Tom Duman, Jeff Evans, John Dickson, Tony DeJoie, Dave Dudeck. BACK ROW : Bruce Evans, David Dorozinski, Carl Danbury, Pat De Lorenzo, Tim Everitt, Art Eng. 11-B/Middle Left/ FRONT ROW : Patty Capriotti, Patty Cleary, Erin Clancy. SECOND ROW : Liz Cowell, Mildred Currie, Chris Buchanan, Susan Centomain . THIRD ROW : Anthony Castaldo, Robert Burrell , Donna Costigan, Mary Ann Curry, Linda Carlis, Lauri Christensen, Graciela Coppola. FOURTH ROW : Terry Brennan, Robert Celli, Mike Cantw II, Guy Castranova, Stephen Carney. 11-C/Middle Right/ FRONT ROW : Tom Dadura, Joe DeMill e. SECOND ROW : John Ehret, Aurora D' Uiisse, Maryanne Decker, Sue Czerna, Sue Decker. THIRD ROW: Jim Downe y, Lionel Ellis, Rich Erkoboni, Charles Damico. FOURTH ROW : Albert Decowski, Tom Edinger, Frank Dombrowski. LOWER LEFT: Nancy Breimann .


li-D/Upper Left/ FRONT ROW : Bill Goerlich, Kathl een 路 Harding, Vernita Fowler. SECOND ROW : Frank Farone, Julie Giordano, Andrea Fonseca, De nis e Haml et. THIRD ROW : Lucille Hearney, Donna Fifer, Patricia Foy, Carmen Gomez . BACK ROW : James Ferry, Glenn Fernandes, Anthony Garofalo, Dennis Faherty. li-D/Upper Right/ FRONT ROW : Sue Fuccello, Donna Gall . SECOND ROW : Gigi Fares, Mary Alice Graziano, Rosanna Giancola. THIRD ROW : Diane Fecak, JoAnn Gill, Margaret Fasanella. FOURTH ROW : Eric Franzoni, Kevin Haggert y. BACK ROW : Ralph Gallo, Joe Guth, Tom Goodstein. li-E/Middle/ FRONT ROW : Connie Kliwinski, Lisa Kirikian. SECOND ROW : Margaret Hughes, Margueritta Korenz , Kathy Housman, Jennett Ingrassia, Elizabeth Korpusinski. BACK ROW : Ravinder J agannath, Joe Kale, Mart in Holsneck, Russell Hobson, Mike J asien, Brian King, Ed Karas. li-E/Lower Right/ FRONT ROW: Carol Kemler, Joanne Keck, Kathy Keelan . SECOND ROW : Julie Jones, Ellen Kelly, Mary Kenny, Mary Kanda, Debra Kaczanowski, Marie Kosco, Sabine Karlowitsch. BACK ROW: Theresa Keagy, Paul Kehler, Robert Jones, John Hebeler, Bruce Hughes, Larry Hemingwa y.


11-F /Top/ FRONT ROW: Linda Lepper, Karen Krisak, Sue Lengyel, Joyce Leonard, Marlene M acovitch. SECOND ROW : Lea Landolfi, Mary Masick, Lydia Lesh, Billie Ann Kubaugh , Karl Krueger, Daniel Koval , Frank Lenartowicz, Steve Krawiec, Joe Langer, Alex Ladnyk. 11-F /Upper Middle/ FRONT ROW : Laura Maloney, Maria Maruca, Sherri Maguire, Della Marchildon, Carol Ann Lewis. SECOND ROW : Sharon Makohuz, Marlene Lisiecki, Kathy Lintott, Linda Mancuso, Eileen Lanigan. THIRD ROW : Cindy Krecicki, Michael Kovacs, Frank Levanduski, Michael Liedtka, Michael Mancuso, Jim Lanigan, Leo Mahony. 11-G/Lower Middle/ FRONT ROW : Joanne McManimon, Kevin Meyers. SECOND ROW : Janet McDonald, Maggie Napoleon, Rick Nabinger, Cindy Messina, Nancy Mazyk, Barbara McDonough, Virginia Murphy, Michelle Masserini. THIRD ROW : George Mattonelli, Maureen McQuade, Cathy McCarthy, Patti Mulligan, Pete Minneci, Steve Maurer. 11-G/Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Tim Meagher, Michael Miller, Richard McDonald. SE<::OND ROW : Colette Mears, Robin McKitchen, Mary Ann Morreale, Sandra Miscavage, Mary Mullaney. THIRD ROW : Martin Mackler, Sue Miele, Bernadette Murphy, Kathryn McLaughlin, Kathy Moran, James McManimon .


11-H/Top/ FRONT ROW : Nancy Paolini, Angela Plumeri, Eileen Phillips, Linda Nicolai, Pam Nerwinski, Donna Post, Laurie Powell. BACK ROW : Jackie Papp, Donnie Peters, Jeff Petrozzini, Brian 0 ' Shea, Bob Ploof, Bob N ott a, Jim 0' Brien, Bruce Pierson, Carol Piechowski. 11-H/Middle/ FRONT ROW : Carm Ortez, Cindy Payton, Helena Pastuchow, Denise Owens, Terry Palmer, Patty Olynyk, Charlene Palejczyk, Megan 0 ' Donnell, Veronica Nowacki. BACK ROW : Martin Pappaterra, Steven Pappaterra, Oleh Pl ys, Gary Nigh, Tom Petro, Bill Picatagi, Dave Paulaski, Don Ottaunick. 11-1/Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Edward Roche, Billy Schuler, Brian Rafferty, Kenny Rose, Bob Reilly, Tom Roche. SECOND ROW : Geof Raywood, Jeff Heckman, Chris Schreiber, Gerard Rondinelli, Robert Scairpon, Ken Rutkowski, Frank Ragany, Chris Raywood. THIRD ROW : Kathy Pulcini , Diane Russert , Debbie Sapienza, Virginia Przechacki, Mary Lou Ratico, J oni Sampson, Diane Quinlan, Elsa Santoro. BACK ROW : Walt Sawka, Mark Ridge, Ken Rogoza, Steve Ritter, Gary Russo, John Rugarber, Richard Regan, John Samonski.



11-K/Top/ FRONT ROW : Halina Walczak, Debbie Widlicki, Barbara Walsh, Cind y Voitek, Celine Wojciechowski , Janet Wnuk, Karen Vernon. BACK ROW : David Wisniewski, Jack Woods, John Zegarski, Mike Waldron, Nicholas Ventura. 11K/Middle Left/ FRONT ROW : Andrew Wierzbowski, Tom Venanzi, Robert Wys ienski, Kevin Waldron . SECOND ROW : Louis West, Sue Widmann, Donna Wallitsch, Debbie Vukovich, Cheryl Wooding, Karen Wilson, Cathy Vandewater. BACK ROW : John VanSant, Michael Wenczel , Neil Wesley, Fred Wallace. 11-J/Middle Right/ FRONT ROW : Maureen Smith, Donna Schwartz, Joann Serack, Susan Thornton, Gene Smith, Cindy Toporek, Dolores Schwartz, Pat Smith. BACK ROW : Mike Vagnozzi, Nick Tamasi, Joe Szedula, Ken Slowikowski, Jeff Thompson, Ncik Tancordo, Danny Spalluto, Jeff Simone. 11-J/Bottom Left/ FRONT ROW : Joanne Thurman, Rosemary Spera, Joan Tiffert, Carm Todaro, Sheri Shenk, Carol Sigafoos, Martine Uveges, Donna Springer. BACK ROW : Richard Sullivan, Jay Simko, Jim Streeter, Tim Shoriak, Gary Tampa, Carl Spirazza, Dave Ungrady, Mark Stephan.


Page 184/ Top: J ea n Re res, Lu cy Fo nd a. Middle: Jud y H an son, Ci,nd y Antoni e wi cz. Bottom: Je nn ifer Beze k, Mi ch e le Bu c kl ey, Al essa ndr a Ca mp o, J ac ki e Ro b e rt s, Ka th y Murph y, J oe Smith , D ave W e tze l. Kath y Csog i, T om J aco bs, Sa nd y Se rac k, J e nnife r Klim , J a ne t H a nso n. Page 185 / Top Left: H a ro ld H a ll. Top Right: Co ll ee n H a rn ey. Middle: J e nnife r O sbo rn . Bottom: Ke nn y Alfred , Alan H an coc k, T e rr y Be res, Ma ri a Acquilin o, Ka re n Bo nt ya, M a ry Ba th , J ackie Ro be rt s.


SOPHOMORE CLASS Lack of spirit? Not us sophomores . Led by Mr. Joe W yers and our officers, Cindy Antoniewicz and Beth Carney, we refused to fall into the expected sophomore slump. In the magazine drive we brought in thousands of dollars and for the first time in recent years we outshone our freshmen competitors. An all-sophomore J.V. cheerleading squad gave us a loud and determined supporting voice at al l the J. V. sports . That support didn't go to waste for we were well-represented on the field , the court, and the mats . Like all sophomores before us, we came face to face with certain obstacles . Formaldehyde filled our lungs in Biology, and Geometry remained a confused cong lomeration of lines, angle , and theorems . But somehow Gym and lunch stayed at the top of our list of best classes. Choosing and ordering our class ring had us really looking forward to being upperclassmen. Hopefully it will be just as we anticipated, for the best is yet to come~


lO-A/Top/FRONT ROW : Anthon y Am eri, Cindy Antoniewicz, Jennifer Bezek, Ellen Alatsas, Debra Agabiti, Alecia Alston. SECOND ROW : Steven Atwood, Christopher Bacsik, Bill All en, Jerome Bigham, Timothy Anderson, Michael Bodnar, Kenny Alford, Sue Barlow. THIRD ROW : Chris Agocs, Edward Barcla y, Rom eo Bautista, Mary Bath , Robert Battis, Theresa Beres, James Baxter, Jeffrey Antoniewicz, Scott . Adams. BACK ROW : Karen Baier, John Bedard, Kathryn Andreoli, John Blusnavage, Marie Aquilino, Alan Beelitz, Casey Bielski, Karen Bontya, Kevin Bertone, Alien Hancock .


lO-B/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Maureen Connelly, Beth Carney, Sue Ciccone, Ann Carlin, Pat Burke,. Shawn Conway, Debbie Brian. MIDDLE ROW : Tina Carnevale, Linda Conle y, Denise Cariello, Chris Buzzelli, Debbie Cameron, Michele Buckley, Jud y Brennen, Lois Cappiello, Karen Confoy, Barbara Coffee. BACK ROW : Jim Ciccone, Fred Bowman , Michael Clancy, Louis Burkhalter Pierre Brown, Vince Campo, Ali Campo, Gay Chiarello, Steve Bruccoleri, Gary Collucio, Bob Burns.

10-C/Top/FRONT ROW : Carolyn Cortez, Antoinette Cuiule, Donna Dovgala, Ann Marie Ecker, Susan Dill, Den i e Cotman, Kath y Csogi. M IDDLE ROW : Robert Danka, William Dzieminski, Michael DiBe lla, Christopher Die trich , Robe rt Dutko, Julio d e l Castillo, Michael Dziura. BACK ROW : Sophia Czerwinski, Mary Ed wards , . Nancy Desco tea u, Jane Cychowski, Elaine DiVia, Carol Ann Drazek, Barbara Domurat, Theresa Cuomo, Chris Durcanin, Sharon Dura, Maryanne Czikora.

10-D/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Sarabeth Egan, Joann Elmo, Cynthia Ferrare, Monica Farrell, Patricia Fidanza, Lois Fitton , Katherine Eng, Mary Beth Gillin, Michele Everett. MIDDLE ROW : Lucy Fonda, Bonita Gallo, Greg Giordano, Julia Enerson, Mark Gates, Antoinette Frazier, Patrick Foran, Celia Elie, Terri Cant, Eileen Flynn . BACK ROW : J ames Fitzpatrick, Chuck Foundas, Pamela Fowler, Ru ssell Freeman, Robert Foy, Thomas Fell, Doug Fisher, Eileen Evans, Jacqueline Gaines, John Forman, , Russell Freeman .


10-E/Top/FRONT ROW : Jan e t H an so n, Pa m Crus le r, M a ur ee n H aym an , Colleen H a rn ey, Li a H ec km an, Renee Guidotti, Kath y Horan, Vanessa Green e, Kath y Holm es, Jud y Halko. MIDDLE ROW : Alberto Gonzales, Bruno Ciulari, Ton y Grimsley, Harold H a ll , Bob H a ll , John H a rtm a n, Ro be rt H a rhig h, T om Goeke . BACK ROW : D eni e H e rdman , Kath y Griffin , Paul Hartt, Eug e ne Golab, Tom Hagadorn , Anthon y Cramegna, Don a ld Crochala, Peggy Criscavage, Lucy H e inz e l, Kath y H ea rn ey.

10-F/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Doug Kopec, Bill Hou ston , Brian Keyes, Carl Ippolito, Joe Immordino, Stan Koreyva, Jeanne Kerr. M I DOLE ROW : Patt y Ko sco, Patt y Ki e rnan , Marge Kl e be r, L ynn Kozakie wicz, Je nnife r Klim , D ebb ie Kochis, Mar y Hunt, Gloria Kleinmann , Cheryl Kovacs, Elizabe th Knopk a, Cara Kluxen . BACK ROW : Edw a rd Klu zner, Don Karpowich, Brian Jones, Diane Ka ytus, Tina Kahn y, Ali son Hugh es, Chris Kontorowicz , Jacki e Jasi e nski , Darlene Irvin, Frank In verso, Joe Kondash, Tom Jacobs.


lO-G/Top/FRONT ROW : Pat Mauss, Gail Markm a n, H edwig Martynowicz, Je re miah Larkin, D e ni se McDonald , Margo Leysa th , D ebb ie Maru ca, Sheryl Krupa . MIDDLE " ROW : John Kryst aponis, Dom e nic Maruca, Edward Kri sa k, Ke nn e th Luth e r, Richard Marion, Jero m e Levandu ski , Jo e Martillotti, Jo e 1a ruca. BACK ROW : D e bbi e Ledg e r, Lorrain e McCa rrick , T e rri Ma ste rs, Karol Le ibe r, Reg ina Maure r, T e d Maciol e k, Sharon L ynn , Augu sta La nn a, Ma rc ia Kri sa nd a, Lorrie M axwe ll.

10-H/ Bottom/FRONT ROW : Darlen e Mesda y, Ka rl a Nagle, Donn a Meskill, Florence Melker, Joan Morrison , Christine, Mi siol e k, Pa trici a Miller, Susan Novatkow ki . MIDDLE ROW : Vince nt Mendola, Micha e l McDowell , Linda Murphy, D eb ra McRoberts, Donn a Melker, Cathy Murphy, Reg in a Muehleisen, Maureen Miller, D avid Navarro, Lawr e nc e Morton . BACK ROW : John Murph y, Thomas McDonough , Thomas McManimon, Mark Morrison , Mike McKenna, Gerry Meagher. Warren Mu sse lman. Dennis Mi sse rt, George Mi ch a la k, Mich ae l Mydlowski, Pau l Migut, Douglas Meckel, Mi ch ae l Mudd.


10-1/Top/FRONT ROW : Kathl een Owen, Monyette Rawl , Elaine Pitonyak, Lawrence Patrizi, Richard Ragan y, Debra Obal, Cheryl Rafal ski, Mary Procaccini, Stephanie Pirozzi. MIDDLE ROW : Cherie Patricelli, Susan Patrone, Linda Parham , Pam e la Peterson, Jennife r O sbo rn , Beve rl y Papp, Joann Palutis, John Raines, Barbara Plunkett. BACK ROW : Rolando Perez, Alexander Petrino, Lorraine Rak, J acquleine Powell, James Petrino, Manuel Ortiz, Ronald Rak, Scott Petrozzini, Janett e Pie rce, Diane Olech. Spiro Peroulidis, Brenda Paul.


10-J/Bottom/FRONT ROW : Nancy Rivera, Jacki ] yan , Bill Saracini , James Riv era, Jim Re bman , Jean Reres, D e bbie Reed . MIDDLE ROW : Jeff Schraeder, Cath y Rudge, De bbie Reh, Mary Lynn Sachetti, Jean Scales, Jackie Roberson, Sue Samonski, Gwan Richardson , Renee Rea li, Mary Run er. BACK ROW : I h Riv e ra, Jim Rivera, Frank Ri chardson, Len Schaible, D an Seales, Kan Schraeder, Tony Salvadore, John Rol and , Jim Re bbeck, Robe rt Rhoades, Domenic Recin e, Jeff Rice, Dave Rembrowski. Tim Ruberto .

10-K/Top/FRONT ROW : Kathy Tierney, Linda Szedula, Maureen Shelly, D avid Shaddow, Vincent Severino, H ermione Thomas, Janet Swistak, Jan e t Tiffert. MIDDLE ROW : Margaret Seiler, Katie Smith, Liena Sola, Peggy Stephan, Sharon Thomann , Janet Secretario, Donna Serafine, Denni s Sullivan , Sandra Serock. BACK ROW : Pamela Stoy, Carol Tatory, Gwen Takach, Rob ert Springer, Anthony Taylor, Michae l Stryker, Don Smith, William Suffern, Joseph Smith, Donna S~rugala , Michele Tkacs, Linda Swangler.

10-L/Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Ira Woloff, John Trakowski, Greg Zoltanski, John Walker, Ray Wendrz ys ki, Ed Ullrich , Bill Tonsho. SECOND ROW: Kathy Ungaro, Sharon Waldron, Sandy Young, Jud y Young, Marian Turezyn, Clarynda Utley, There sa Valatka. Kate Walsh, Julie Toth . THIRD ROW : Joseph Yaro s, John Wiacek, Mike Yuhas, Bill Velez, Karen Wildblood, Karen Zuczek, Carol Yousko, Ellen Wawczak, Renata Wajciechowski, Dawn Yeager, Francis Wharton, Paul Ungrady, David Zak, BACK ROW : David Wetzel, David Treadwell , Mike Wasielewski, Edward Zukas .


FRESHMAN CLASS Th e Fr es hm a n C lass gree ted Notre D a m e in Se pte mb e r with t imid smil es, eag e rn ess, and n e w a nd brig ht p e rso n aliti es and faces. W e fe lt a littl e sca red a nd e ve n un easy a t tim es. It w a o ur ch a n ce t o prov e ourse lv es as th e e nthu sias ti c c las of ' 78 we wa nted to b e. Aft e r e lection s, Pres id e nt Mik e osa l and Vi ce -Pres id e nt Li z DuBois began imm edi a te work on proje cts. Th e fr es hm a n- soph om o re m agazin e driv e produ ced profit a bl e res ults. At Thanksgiv ing tim e, we coll e cted food b as ke ts for th e poor and a t Christm as boug ht clo thin g for ne ed y fa mili es. With e n courage m e nt from o ur mod e ra to r, Siste r Charlotte, we gre w into Notr e D a m e lif e and it s activiti e s. W e h ad own sp o rt team s and ch ee rl ead e rs. W e found ourse lves involv e d in pl a nning p e p r a lli es, fr es hm a n dances, and inform a tive asse mbli es. W e tried ve r y h a rd , as fr es hm e n u su a ll y do , to ove rcom e n e w and puzz lin g situ a ti on s and rol es at Notre D a m e. W e lea rn ed a lot - it was a b eginning.


Page 192/Top: Mike Nosal, Frank Bailey, James Alessi, Bob Fracziewicz, Sue Ciccone, John Roberto , Bob Mangone, Joann Gagliardi, Maureen Kelly, Colleen Kale, Sister Charlotte, Mark Zegarski, Darlene Innocenzi. Middle: Banner. Bottom: Frosh Da y of Sharing. Page 192/Top Left: Liz Du Bois. Top Right/ FRONT ROW : Mary Rojek, Donna Repole, Maureen Kelly, Donna Vagnozzi. BACK ROW : Maribeth Mydlowski, Darlene Innocenzi, Colleen Kale, Karen Kutch, Joan Gagliardi . Middle: Bob Fraczkiewicz, Mike Nosal, Liz DuBois, Sa~a Nealon , Darlen e Innocenzi, James Alessi. Bottom: Mrs.Major, Donna Vagnozzi, Mrs. Dougherty.


9-A/ Top/ FRONT ROW : Sa ll y Ba rbe r, M ary Beze k, D av id Bl a ke, M atth e w Ba b ec ki , Pa ul Bodn a r, D a r y l An ley, Je nnife r Bilotti, Ann e Apa i. S C O N D ROW : D an Be lli, Jacqu elynn Bigh am , Do reen Bigh am, Philli p Boone, Jam es Aless i, F rank Ba iley, Me lissa Ba rre tt, C h arl es Bea uch amp. THIRD ROW : Sco tt Ave llin o, N a ncy Biesec ke r, M eg Bl a ke, F rank Bilotti, Joe Bo rd e nga, W anda Be rn a rd , Roe ! Bauti sta, T om Ba rlow, AI Aga biti. BAC K ROW : Stan Alexa ndr owi cz, E la in e Be ntz, Ch e r y l Blu e, Robe rt Beaston, J oseph Bobko, C ind y Ba rbit o, T odd Ad a m s, Mik e Nosal.

9-B/ Bottom/ F RONT ROW : C hri s Cant we ll, Lisa Ca lab rese, De bbie Bradi h, Joseph Ca rli si, Joseph Ci rill o, C hri s Buch an an, Cath e rin e Cas y, Ke ll y Brown, Ph ylis C ianfrano, Jam es Call an. MIDDL E RO W : Ed Bu cc i, Le wis Ca rre ra , M iche le Bu rre ll, Ma rcia C hri stensen, Karen Co le m an, De bbie Burke, La ura C a priotti , D e bbie Burch , Th e resa Campbe ll, Lo rr a in e Co ll igan, Dee Ann Co uch, Su e C icco ne, T om Ca re ll a, N ic k Cicchin o. BAC K ROW : Fay Bozso la k, John Cas ta ld o, Anthon y Cast a ld o, An thon y Co lav it a, Frank Ca iro, M ark Cashe l, T ed Ca m astra, T om Ca rro ll, T on y Bronn e r, Ch a rl es Chi anese, Sa rah Broo ks.


9-C/Top/ FRONT ROW : Th e resa Czartor ys ki , Lind a Dirk , L a ur a Dol a n , C a ro l Durn a n , Elinor Dzi e min ski , Karen D a le, Ma rri e tt D a ddi o, Th e resa Ecker . E 0 D ROW : Li a D P An~ e l o , Geo rge Dziurkoc, John Dea rd n, Micha e l De nn e h y, Carl Durca nin, Jani ce De o ff, Cary Crivelli, Laur a D eV in ce n zi. THIRD ROW : Elizabeth DuBo is, Christin a Da Bron zo, MaryAnn Dorozin s ky, D e ni se Coyle, Jo ph D a l y, Darr y l D e feo , J ose ph Cuiul e , John C ugasi, Ka thl ee n Dunn . BACK ROW : Mi ch ae l D onaher, D av id Dil eo , Walter Ch ajkowski , Di ane Dombro ki , Carol yn Di Ciurcio, Dan a Doviak, Ke vin Dziura.

9-D / Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Sh e rri Eure, Vicky Furm an, M a ry Firetto, Joann Gagliardi. MIDDLE ROW : Be th G ates, Mar y Ehret, Jo ann e Faraone, M a ri e Fitzpatrick, D anit a Gaines, Ell e n Fraulino, M ary Ann Garrahan , Lind a Gouss , Be th Franzoni, Nancy Gardner, Kathl ee n Eustace, M aureen C ov in, Kath y Galambos. BACK ROW : J ohn Ge novese, Frank F e ld e nze r, Eddie Gillin, Larry Ferrara, Bob Fracz ki e wi cz, Carlos Gonzales, Rocco Giquinto , Eddie Fireall, Greg Evans, Edward Fogan , Gregory Godbolt.


9-E/Top/ FRONT ROW : Kim Ham e rsky, Angelo Immordino, Jeff Greiss, Mary Ann Heller, Derri Grencavage, Lori Guadagno, Josephine Inglima, Margaret Hose. SECOND ROW : Jim Housman, Jill Holsneck, John Ippolito, Karl H einz, Arthur Harrell, John Haller, Steve John son , Debra Hubal. THIRD ROW : Barbara Homa, Charlene Grogan, Marlene Guth, Elizabeth Haskins, John Hanson, Theresa Hartmann, Dolores Gummel, Patricia Grussler, Jennife r Halasz, Joseph Immordino. BACK ROW : H e len Hard y, Rit a Humphre y, Kathleen Houston, Darlen e Innocenzi, Darlene Haney, Barbara How ell.

9-F/Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Bernadette Kanda, Averie Kamas, Adriene Kamas, Kathleen Kane, Deborah Johnston, Mary Kren ,


da Kochis. SECOND ROW : Megan Klim, Richard Krawczun, Joseph Kliwinski, Randall Kiernan , Sara Kleber, Julie Keefe, Celestine Kraus, Joni Klein, Michael Kluciewicz. Eileen Kearns, Wayne Kamas. BACK ROW : Colleen Kale, Beth Ann Ki ss, Terrence Kale, Ostap Kortschmaryk, John Kobos, Jeffrey Jones, Ralph Kleinmann, Stephen Kopec, Mary Kondash, Christine Karlokiewicz, Maureen Kelly .


9-G/Top/FRONT ROW : Foster Krupa, Ra y Leonard, Karen Kutch , Lou Ann Landolfi, Colleen Mathes, Dolores Lisnak, William Lesh. SECOND ROW : Karen Llo yd , Michael Lou~hnane , Alfred Kwietniak, Richard Leadem , Mark Leadem, Timoth y Marion, Thomas Lynam , Jan e Liedtka. THIRD ROW : Jesse Lugo, Allison Luck, Robert Mangone, Pame lla Ledbetter, Debbie Loftin, Thomas Lanzoni, Sharon Lewallen, Joan MacDonald Tim Mahoney. BACK ROW : Donna Maty, Erin Lynne, Darlene L~onard , Jo ann Lammerding, Victoria Ledger, Judith Mauro, Eugene Lanzoni.

9-H/Bottom/ FRONT ROW : Teresa McCarthy, Elizabeth Meagher, Saberina Mouran, Suzanne Meszaros, C ynthia McDonald, Patricia Morello. SECOND ROW : Rita McDonough, Mary G. Mcfadden, Maureen McQuade, Edward McCardell, William Moore, Karen Mobl ey, Dawn Miele, Elizabeth McKee, Sandra Micklewright, Rosemary Mazure k, Michael McQuade, Brian McClain, Melanie Meyer. BACK ROW : John Mihalick, Christopher McDonald, William Mullin , Karen Motchnik, Ro y Miller, Michael Miccio, Je ffrey McCue, Ralph McKinney, Kathleen Militig, Gary Murdza, Michael Mears .


9-1/Top/FRONT ROW : Mar yro se Quigl ey, Dais y Negron , Les li e Peopl es, Maribeth M ydlow ski , Lisa icol a i, Mich e le Rafal ski , SECOND ROW : Teresa Obduski, Sara Nealon, Thomas Nizolek, Michele Nelon , Michae l Pasun , Chri tine Proniewski , Karen Obduski , Joseph Nini . THIRD ROW: Christine O' Brien, Michael Piechowski, Louis Ranfone, Maugha O' Donnell, Patricia Quinlan, John O' Brien, Frank Nerwinski. BACK ROW : Shailendra Prasad, Lee Paixao, Roman Orzol, Migdalia Negron, Judy Petrozzini, Patricia Pawlukewich, John Napoli, Joseph Paglione, Christopher Ottaunick .

9-J / Bottom/FRONT ROW : Stephen Schmierer, Barbara Severino, Donna Repole, Mary Rojek, Anna Ricciardi, Jody Ronyack, Joseph Sharra. MIDDLE ROW : Janet Roche, Chris Sawicki, John Roberto , Jeff Rugarber, Lynn Schnorbus, Stac y Rice, Selena Scoggins, Mary Russell , Debra Relak, Anthon y Sevilla, Hugh Rile y, Maryann Santarsiero. BACK ROW : Catherine Schaeffer. Don Schuler, Pam Rittenburg , Carl Riccio, Ronald Sciarotta, Jame Schanz, Peter Seale, Kenneth Salewski, Sylvia Roberts, Chris Schaible, Dan Schwartz .


9-K/ Top/ FRONT ROW : Di ane Smith , Ma r y Ann Sullivan, Eilee n Th o rt o n , Be rn ad e tt e Stru c k, N a n cy T o rr es, Mit z i T o ft , D a wn Smith . SECOND ROW : M a ura Stoc km an, G race Strubl e, Gl ad ys Smith , Bru ce Sye rs, Je ff Shu ste r, J ane t Sko rup a. Lind a Smith , Arthur Thom as. THIRD ROW : Ann Staniec, Mary Sulliv a n , An ge la Th o mp son , L yse tt e Tor o, M a ri o T am as i, D e br a Stankows ki , D awn Sista. BAC K ROW : ' tan So bo n, Ka re n So uth , Ma tt Stec, El a in e Stru c k, Jay So la rski , Ba rb a ra Th om as , Ga il Spirazza .

9-L/ Bottom F RONT ROW : Ange la Tr apa ni , JoAnn Val e ri , Dina Turne r, J a ne W eg la rz, Jose phin e Va latk a, Moniq ue Wil son, H e le n W ood s, Ann e Vranc ik, .i.Jonn a Vagnozz i, J ames Wh e lan. MIDDLE ROW : Mi ch ae l Va n Pe lt, Kev in Zak, Mark Zega r ki, Sa lyaro re Wilkes, Lawre nce W est, M a rg aret Trani, Kathl een W ood s, E lizabeth W es ley, Ste phe n W yso kows ki, Rich ard Weas ne r, John Wo lski , Anita Ve lez. BAC K RO W : F rank W il ey, J am es White, Samu e l Turne r, Ange la Von Boe hm , Su e Ve rn on, M ichae l Wa ll ne r, Arthur W e ncz I, Willie T ye, La rry Vitt o ri a no, Willi am W h ypp, Avis Willi am s, Ne il T urn e r.




Mr. and Mrs. H . Achtzen and Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Leo Andreoli Mr. and Mrs. Angebranndt Ann and Je ff Mr. and Mrs. E. Appl ega te Mr. and ~Irs. Vincent Arden路, Beth , and Kell y . Marv Y. Armonia Mr. ~ nd Mrs. W. Bail y Mr. and Mrs. Frank Banke t Jennie and Nick Bartolino Mr. and Mrs. John Bartram Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. William Benne tt and Famil y Wanda Bernard Bob and Eddie from the mailbox Mr. and Mrs. John Bogus De bbie Borden ' 72 Mr. James V. Broph y Stella Bruno Anne and Abe Burroughs Lu c ia and Jim Cahill Cathv Calamia ' 72 Mr. ~nd Mrs. Dominic Carte II a Karen Cashel P. Colleen Cashel Mr. and Mrs. William Cleary Mrs. Cathy Consoli The Continental Sandy Corbin Mrs. N. Cracker Mrs. Robert Cruser Mr. Gary Dambra Mrs. Joseph D' Amico Mr. and Mrs. J. DeBlois Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dela Rossa Mrs. Betty Descoteau Karen Dietrich ' 71 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Di Guiseppi Pasquale DiMeglio Bill, Donald and " Th e Good Old Days" John W . Drake Carmela and George Drummond Miss Teresa Ehmann Mary and David Emge Kath y" Ping'' Eng Ewing- Sherri The Fasoli Famil y Mary Ann Fasoli


Marcia Federico ' 74 Mr. and Mrs. Larrv Fild es Frazier " The Cha~p" Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gagliardi and famil y Jam es Ga llagh e r and Jo yce Nancv Gardner Gail Gareis Mr. and M r . John Golia Mr. and Mrs. D. Granaldi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grochala Carmen Guagliardo Rose Guarneri Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph V. Guarnieri Marlene Guth Marjorie Harbourt Beth Hasking Mr. and Mrs. William Hearne y Ill Pamm y and Holly H ee nan Mr. and Mrs. Arch Henry and family Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hitt and famil y Kenn y Hornig Mr. Micha e l Hudak 1974-75 Incarnation YO Incarnation CYO Incarnation CYO Incarna tion CYO Rose Infanti Jac ki e's A.C. Martin Jantos Mrs. Nancy Jantos Master Glenn W . Jeffries Mrs. Lillian Jeffries John and D e bbie Joseph Charles Kale '76 King' s Palace, Hair St yling Karla and Mike Kevin Kolenut Sue Kowalski ' 74 Adam Kusy Pat Leonie Mr. and Mrs. J. Lini 路 Ed Lowndes Bill Lucas Poll y Lucas Mr . Mary Lumbie Mr. and Mr . Timoth y W. Mabes Mr. and Mr . J. Maruska, Jr. " Melanie" Sue Meszaros

Michael Midoulis Jam es M ilitig Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller Kath y Miller, R.T. " Millie" and" Margie" from the " Mayfair" Mrs. Kathryn Molnar Mr. and Mrs. J. Montervino Sharon Molnar "79 Susan Molnar ' 6 Joe Moore Mrs. amuel A. Mount Miss atherine ag Y, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O ' Donnell Mike and Bobbie Onofri Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parzial e Patt y N. and Jim S. Lesli e, J e nnifer, Valerie Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Picare llo and family Th e resa Picarello ' 73 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Przechacki Mr. Richard Ransom 路 Iren e Regan and Maurice Thomas Miss Harriet A. Reynold s " The Roadrunner" Sal' s Continental, Hair Styling For Men Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Sapp Mr. Martin Sca rpino Lawre nce A. Schrader 3 Seasons Sporting Goods Co. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slatino Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sleep y Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H . Smith Hank Smith Mrs. Horace A. Smith Kathv Smith Mrs ..Thomas Smith .. Sports" - P. est or Stasia and Beth - Mr. and Mrs. Ra ymond M. Stout, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond M. Stout, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Struck Richard , Karen , and Michael Swieconek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Swistak Mrs. Stella Synodinos

Stephen and Gus Tackacs Thelma and George Mr. and Mrs. W . Tienken Stephen Toboz, Jr. Rarh Triantafilloo and Evan Fragoulis Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Triantafilloo and Barb Mrs. Margaret Tuccillo Donna and Nancy Van Alst Vince Verducci Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warasky and Debbie ' 72 Barrv Weiss Mr. ~nd Mrs. Charles F. Whalen Karen Wojtowicz '74


Mr. and Mrs. Steph e n Ag ocs and famil y Miss Gloria Amburg Mary and Al ex Bartolino Mrs . Jos e ph 0 . Baur Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt Beaston and Famil y Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bonczkiewicz Mr.and Mrs. Arthur E. Brown Mr. a nd Mrs . Ge rald Cal amia Mr. and Mrs. Rob e rt B. Carroll Ed , Paul, Mik e and Steve Case y Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cashe l and famil y Mr. and Mrs . D. N. Cifelli · Mr. and Mrs . N. Cifelli Dave and H elaine Mr. and Mrs . Thadd eus P. Delozi e r De Vine' s Pharmacy, Tre nton Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donoher F elician Sisters at St. Hedwig' s Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Garrison Cia' s Deli, Trenton Tom Giordano The California Goekes Mildred ' 62 , Robert ' 66 • The Trenton Goekes Mom, Dad , Tom ' 77 The Washington Goe kes Mary Anne ' 62, Gerard 73 Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson Mary A. Hart Hightstown Mobile Station Ralph Tuccillo David Neal Hull III Raymond, Charlotte, Miche le, and Dianne Laird Lawrence Towing, Carme n Gagliardi Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lead em Richard and Jim Lead em Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Le Blanc Mary Ann Liptak Mrs. Elizabeth McDow e ll Mr. and Mrs . Harry Manl ey and Famil y

Gary Elmer and Helen Mastrangelo The Meleg Family Jack, Betty and Pamela Merkel Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Moore Mr. and Mrs. Louis Onofri Mr. Russell R. Petranto Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Petro Regina Ragolia

Mr. and Mrs. E. Sobolewski and Donald Grochala Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tress Barb Tackacs ' 71 Marie Tackacs ' 75 Mrs. Wm . Tkacs Uncle John Miss Monica Urbaniak

Janice Radice and Renee Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schrader Harvey and Emme Selmestrelli Mrs. Ann Slatino and Mr. J. P. Kennedy Bob, Marie, Michael, and Scott Smith Charles Snyder

Kathy Woodcock '74 The Yaros Family LittleJohn Zahorsky Rev. Francis L. Zgliczyuski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zuczek and Debbie ' 75 Miss Jenny Zuczek Paul Zukowski



TO TWO PARENTS, MR. AND MRS. TADEUS M. GLAPPA From your Loving and Devoted Daughter PATRICIA A. GRANT HOUGH FUEL 340 Fourth St. Trenton, NJ MR. GEORGE P. HORESKO,. 1955 Kinter Avenue Trenton, NJ ITALIAN PEOPLES BAKERY and DELI MR. AND MRS. EDWARD J. LAIRD, SR. Ed ' 75 terri ' 79 MR. AND MRS. F. X. LEADEM Anna ' 75 Frank ' 77 Mark ' 78 MR. AND MRS. THOMAS S. MARCZAK 4 Royal Oak Road Trenton, NJ MR. AND MRS. MITCHELL J. MASTRANGELO





MR. AND MRS.DONALD A. GIORDANO Donna '75 Greg '77 Tom ' 79 Mary Beth '87 IN LOVING MEMORY OF STELLA GLAPPA/ MISLAN From the Glappa Family


REV. JOHN J. O'KNESKJ REV. JOHN O'KNESKI 1545 Pennington Rd. Trenton, NJ




Page 208/0utstanding Senior Achievements/ TOP LEFT: Tom Dola n - 1st T am All Ame ri ca n, Middl e Atl a nti c Region ; 1st T ea m All-Count y; 1 t T ea m All- tate. TOP MIDDLE: J oe Druli - All Me rce r Co unt y; De la wa re Va ll ey Schola r - Athl e te omin ee. TOP RIGHT: Lou o rtin a - 1st T ea m All -Count y, All-Pa roc hi a l, AllSt a te. BOTTOM LEFT: Ka th y Stev ul a k - Sc ho la rship awa rd ed b y Ka th e rin e G ib bs . BOTTOM RIGHT: T om C ia nfra no - 1974 2 nd T ea m All-Count y Base ba ll. Page 209 / TOP LEFT: Lind a M a tec ki - Gr a nt to Rid e r Co llege Sc h oo l of Bu sin ess. MIDDLE TOP: ha ron Roje k - Ewin g T ow n s hip Boa rd Int e rn. MIDDLE LEFT: Coll ee n Whit e - E w ing T own ship Boa rd Int e rn . MIDDLE RIGHT: Betsy !!rich - Prin ce t o n Pac ke t E ssa y Co ntes t Winn e r. BOTTOM LEFT: Barba ra Doug hm a n - Pe r eve ran ce in Hi g h Sc h oo l Bu s in ess du cati on, a wa rd ed b y Be rk e ley Schoo l; D onn a W a lac hy - Outsta ndin g Achi eve m e nt in Hi g h S c h oo l Bu s in ess Edu ca ti o n , award ed b y Be rkl ey School.


Senior Directory LYNNEAGOCS 128 Upper Ferry Road Trenton 08628

JEFFREY BARTOLINO 7 Bolfmar Avenue Cranbury 08512

ROBERTA BOSCARELLI 926 Bear Tavern Road Trenton 08628

KATHERINE AMICO 1817 Nottingham Way Trenton 08619

ELEANOR B. BAUTISTA Station A T.P.H. Hospital 08625

THOMAS M. BOYD 1 Suffolk Lane Princeton Junction 085.';0

CATHLEEN CARROLL 618 Westmoreland Drive Trenton 08618

JULIE MARIE ANDERSON 108 Kensington Avenue Trenton 08618

ELOISA BAUTISTA Station A T.P.H. Hospital 08625

ROSEMARY BOYER 843 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

CYNTHIA CASERTA 317 Montana Avenue Trenton 08619

ERNEST ANDREOLI 136 Glendale Drive Trenton 08618

MARGARET BAXTER 57 Montadal Drive Princeton 08540

BARBARA BRANGES 1830 Greenplace Terrace Rockville, Maryland 20854

STEPHEN CASEY . 14 Academy Street Kingston 08528

MARY BETH ANDREWS 4081 Nottingham Way Trenton 08690

CHERYL BEAGLES B.D.# 2 Box 649 Ridge Road Monmouth Junction 08852

KAREN BREIMANN 591 Dutch Neck Road East Windsor 08520

KAREN ANN CASHEL 85 Smithfield Avenue Trenton 08638

PAMELA BRELLER 57 Whitehall Road Hamilton Square 08690

KATHLEEN CEBULKO 10 Clive Court Trenton 08638

ANASTASIA BROPHY 211 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08618

SUSAN CHIANTESE 71 Falmouth Road Yardville 08620

KATHLEEN BROWN 55 Brophy Drive Trenton 08638

PHILIP CHIARADIA 27 Metekunk Drive Trenton 08638

YOLANDA BRZOZOWSKI 882 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

THOMAS CIANFRANO 34 Macon Drive Trenton 08619

MARGARET CALAMIA 26 Century Way Hamilton Square 08690

KIMBERLY CIFELLI 448 Paxson Avenue Hamilton Squ!lre 08690

FRANCES CAMMARATA 38 Irven Street Trenton 08638

MARGARET CIRILLO 114 Edinburg Road Trenton 08619

MARIA CAMPO 717 Brunswick Avenue Trenton 08638

MARY COLAVITA 83 Eldridge Avenue Trenton 08638

MARY BILOTTI 106 School Lane Trenton 08618

REGINA CANTWELL R.D.# 1 North Post Road Lawrenceville 08648

ANGELO CONTI 62 Myrtle Avenue Trenton 08638

WILLIAM BORCSIK 11 Delotta Drive Mercerville 08619

JAMES CARELLA 4 Verona Avenue Trenton 08619

CAMILLE CONWAY 53 Chase Street Trenton 08638

MICHAEL ANGELINI 33 Pintinalli Drive Hamilton Square08619 DOREEN APPLEGATE 94 Clayton Avenue Mercerville 08619 LAWHENCE ARCIONI 69 Stonicker Drive Trenton 08638 DIANE AUG 15 Bayberry Road Trenton 08618 SHARON AVANT 252 North Warren Street Trenton 08618 DUANE BABECKI 12 Currier Way Trenton 08628 BARBARA BALL ll5 Woodside Avenue Trenton 08618 BRODERICK BARBER 26 Rolling Lane Hamilton Square 08690

mVIN BEAUCHAMPS 1408 Pennington Road Trenton 08638 KEITH BEAUCHAMP 35 Fogarty Drive Mercervilte 08619 RUCE BENNETT 46 Dunmore Avenue Trenton 08618 ROBERT BENNETT 107 Winslow Avenue Trenton 08619 MARIANNE BEUMER 80 Lochatong Road Trenton 08628 MARY-LOU BEUMER 80 Lochatong Road Trenton 08628

7CrownRoad Trenton 08638

CAROL CONWAY 8 Village Court Trenton 08690

VI CENT DELLE GROTTI 285 Mercer Street Trenton 08690

MOYENG 180 West Hanover Street Trenton 08618

LUCIANO CORTINA 1107 Parkside Avenue Trenton 08618

BERNICE DELOZIER 2926 Nottingham Way Trenton 08619

JOHN EVERITT 155 Bull Run Road Trenton 08638

STACY GEISEL 7 Worchester Lane Princeton Junction 08550

KEVIN COSTIGAN 38 Pintinalli Drive Trenton 08619

JAMES DE MILLE 59 0ak Lane Trenton 08618

DONNAFASOLI 29 West Paul Avenue Trenton 08638

ILENE GEOGHAN 28 Theresa treet Trenton 08618

DARLENE CRACKER 130 Ashmor Avenue Trenton 08611

DIANE DIEHL 22 Cold Spring Road Trenton 08619

DENISE FAZIO 850 Indiana Avenue Trenton 08638

MARY ANN GEPPERT 160 New Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08638


EDWARD CRANE Cherrybrook Drive Princeton 08540

DANIEL DILEO 34 Windswept Drive Trenton 08690

BRIAN CROKE 2273 North Spruce Street Trenton 08638

THOMAS DILL 81 Fairfield Avenue Trenton 08638

VALIANT CROUX 1437 Edgewood Avenue Trenton 08618

KEVIN DOLAN 31 Pinehurst Drive Cranbury 08512

NANCY CUBBERLEY 34 Tappan Avenue Trenton 08690

THOMAS DOLAN 3469 East State Street Ext. Trenton 08618

RONALD CUNNINGHAM 320 Brinton Avenue Trenton 08618

JAMES DOROZINSKl:' 223 Maple Avenue Trenton 08618

DEBRA D'ANGELO 2232 Pennington Road Trenton 08638 ANNEMARIE DE ANGELO 47 Dawes Avenue Trenton 08638 CONSTANCE DE BLOIS 5 Garden Road Lawrenceville 08648

BARBARA DOUGHMAN 946 Terrace Boulevard Trenton 08619 NANCIANNE DOYLE 327 Westmoreland Drive Trenton 08618 MICHAEL DRISCOLL 36FarmRoad Trenton 08638

ROSEMARY DECOWSKI 2614 Quaker Bridge Road Trenton 08619

JOSEPH DRULIS 191 Berwyn Place Trenton 08638

MARIE DE FORTE Trenton-Harbourton Road Pennington 08534

CLAIRE DZIEMINSKI 1319 Indiana Avenue Trenton 08638

PATRICIA FECAK 146 Gainsboro Road Trenton 08638 MARGARET FEDORKO 212 Parkway Avenue Trenton 086111 LINDA MARIE FERRI 99 Regina Avenue Mercerville 08619 DONNA MARIE FERRY 96 Johathan Drive Trenton 08619 ROSEMARY FITZPATRICK 49 Bayberry Raod Trenton 08618 CATHERINE FLYNN 33 Tekening Way Trenton 08690 BARBARA FRANKEN 73 Robbins-Edinburg Road Robbinsville 08691 MICHAEL FRASCELLA 187 Atlantic Avenue Trenton 08609 JAMES FRUSCIONE 736 President Avenue Trenton 08638 NANCY GAGLIARDI 84 Eldridge Avenue Trenton 08638 JOSEPH GANIE, JR. 433 Princeton Avenue Trenton 08618


MARJE GARNICH 604 Greenway Avenue Trenton OAAI ~

DENISE GERSTEN 6 Hawthorne Lane Hightstown 085!0 BARBARA GERVASIO 95 Harmony Avenue Trenton 08638 EVELYN GIERULA 910 Lamberton Street Trenton 08611 DONNA GIORDANO 99 Richardson Road Robbinsville 08691 ADRIANNE GLAPPA 68 Groveland Avenue Trenton 08638 ELEANOR GOEKE 13 Patton Drive Trenton 08618 JAMES GREBER 7 Gloucester Lane Trenton 08618 FRANCIS E. GRIFFIN, JR. 6 Barbara Lane Titusville 08560 MARY ANN GRIFFIN 208 Greenland AVenue Trenton 08638 LAWRENCE GRIMSLEY 214 Wayne Avenue Trenton 08618


HOPE HOLLAND 7! Upper Ferry Boad Trenton881

80 Saint Clair Avenue Trenton 08619

GEORGE KEEFE 21 ChewaUa Boulevard Trenton 08619


37 De:der Street Trenton 08638

523 Berwyn venue Trenton 08618 ALYSO KEYES 69 ancy Lane Trenton 08638

142 Elmore venue Trenton08619 MO I QUE JACOBS 2 Windmere Path Trenton 08690

NEIL KISSEL 152 Robbinsville Road Robbinsville 08691

ANGELAJA TOS 655 Rutherford Avenue Ttenton 08618 JOA HA SO 52 Hillside Drive Ro'hbinsville 08691

69 Harrison Street Princeton 08540 MIC ELEHARNEY 612Gr nway Avenue Trenton 08618

PATRICK KAHNY 271 WalnutLane Princeton 08540

AmLEEN HIGHAM 39 Albemarle Road Hamilton Square 08690

J. KENNETH HILL 10 Garden Road Lawrenceville 08648

THOMAS KONCZOS 803 Pine Street Trenton 08638

RO AJEFFR S 2 Oliver Avenue Trenton 08618

201 Crescent Avenue Trenton 08619

225 Elmore Avenue Trenton 08619

LINDA KOENIG 31 Myrtle Avenue Trenton 08638

LEOJASIEN 55 East Welling Pennington 08534

MICHAEL JOHNSON 41 Jonathan Drive Trenton 08619

Drakes Corner Road Princeton 08540


STEPBE JARKOWSKI 51 Beil Avenue Trenton 08638

AHART Running_Broo Road Trenton 08638

186Foch Avenue Trenton 08638

119 JencohoJlo Avenue Trenton 08619

PAWEL KALI OWSKI 15 Glen Mawr Drive Trenton 08618

50 Heil Avenue Trenton 08638

EDWARD ORENZ 17 Sabrina Drive Trenton 08628 0

RICHARD 17 Tartan Court Trenton 08638 JOSEPHKOVA 95 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08618 JAMES KRIEGNER 23 South Walter Avenue Trenton 08609

MICHAEL KALL ll West Front Street Trenton08808

THOMAS KRISAK 61 Vermont Street Trenton 08638

PAUL KARNS 57 Harrop Place Trenton 08618

BRIAN KUZMA 15 Wineberg Place Trenton 08638

ELIZABETH KEARNS 2 J ochris Drive Princeton 08540

EDWARD LAffiD, JR. -276 Clamer Road Trenton 08628

Trenton 08838 EMARIE LEADEM 15 Lopatcong Trenton 08638 DOLORESLEADEM 17FarmRoad Trenton 08838 :PAUL LIEGGI 30 Rossa Avenue Trenton 08638 CHRISTI E LISIECKI 1028 orth Olden Avenue Trenton 08638 GARY LUBIESKI 1 Bradford Avenue Trenton 08610 JOYCE LUBIESKI 37 Dixmont Avenue Trenton 08618 GARY LUCK 11 Lakeview Avenue Kingston 08528 P TRICIA LYNAM 11 L1 nf ir ne Trenton 08618 ARKMACCARO 24 HoJlyknoJI Drive Trenton 08619 MARYLIZ MACKIN 367 Regina Avenue Trenton 08619 HUGHMAGUffiE 5 Blairmore Drive Trenton 08690 PATRICIA MALONEY 56 Thoreau Road Hamilton Square 08690 ALBERTMA DL 155 Hoover Avenu Trenton 08619

:KATHERINE MABCZA:K 4 Royal Oak Road Trenton 08638 MARY MARKMAN I Cypress Court East indsor 085!0 HELEN MASTRANGELO 7 Clover HiD Lane Treaton 08838


ATECKI 14 Columbia venue Treaton08818

204 Prince Street Trenton 08638 KATHLEEN MESDAY 142 Cary Drive Trenton 08690 BARBARA MESKILL 748 Putnam Avenue Trenton 08838 GLENN METZGER 202 Marshall Avenue Trenton 08819

MARINESTOR U Federal City Road Trenton 08838

JOAN OSBORN 28 Hardwich Drive Trenton 8

PATRICIA NESTOR 22 Federal City Road Trenton 08638

CHARLES OSIF AT 151 Marlboro Road Trenton 08638

JOSEPH NICKELS 13 Doreen Road Treaton 08690 SUSAN ITTI 2 Princeton Pike Treaton 08638

DE ISE MILECKI PATRICIC MATHES !35 Pusoa Avenue Treaton 690 LEO 3 Irwin Place Treaton 08638 CARL

70S Spruce Street Trenton 08838



JAMES MC CUffiE I Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638 NMCKEEVER 331 Berwyn Avenue Trentoa 0 61 R

JOSEPH MC MANIMON 734 Indiana Avenue Trenton 08638 THO AS MEAGHEB I Alyce Court Trenton 08638 SUSA MEA S 360ak Str t Treaton 08838

LISA PALINKAS t017 Brunsww Avenue Trenton 08838

311 Pingree Avenue renton 08618

BAR ARAMOORE 34 Holly knoll Drive TrentonO 19 ELIZABETH OORE 137 Columbia Avenue Trenton 08618

KARl OBERMEIER 1! Glen Stewart Drive T-reaton 08818 GEORGEO.DO 8 Springwood Drive Princeton JunctiOQ 08511 MARC

TO' 6 Whitehall oad Treatoa 8690

5 Sedgewick Road renton 08690


BARBARA PAJAK 163 Hou n Trenton 08638

GAILMILmG 311 eAcloo Avenue Treaton-19


MARIMCGRATH 11 Trotter Court Marietta, Georgia

A A OTTAUNICK 4 Monticello Avenue Trenton 08618

GREGORY MRAW 86 Pennwood Driv Trenton 08638 CHARLES NAGY 19 South Westfield Avenue Trenton 08618 KATHLEEN NAPOLI 26 Albemarle Road Trenton 08690 CONSTANCE NEMC IC:K 122 Pearl Street Trenton 08609


TINOLECH 28 Clover Avenue Trenton 08638

STEPHEN O' NEILL 47 Spring Street Princeton 08648

SHABO PARHAM 103 Miry Brook Road

Trentoa 08e80 FRANCIS N. PATRO E 148Homecrest Avenue Trenton 08638 KAREN PAZDAN 1233 North Olden Avenue Trenton 08638 JOANN PERFERI 238 Youngs Road Trenton 08619 RICHARD PESCE 710 Centre Street Trenton 08611

DEBRA ONOFRI 934 Lamberton Street Trenton 08611

JESSICA PETRANTO 316 Hamilton Avenue Trenton 08609

WILLIAM K. ORSON 850 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

DANIEL PETRINO 34 Sycamore Way Trenton 08690


KATHLEEN PETRO 25 Cain Avenue Trenton 08638

MOIRA COLLEEN QUINN 233 Maple Avenue Trenton 08618

THOMAS RONYACK 222 Miller Street Trenton 08638

CHERYL SHIPLEY 10 University Way Princeton Junction 08550

ANNETTE PFIEFFER 129 Brian Avenue Trenton 08638

REGINA RAGOLIA 7 Clementon Way Trenton 08638

KAREN A. ROUBA 52 Federal City Road Trenton 08638

URSULA SIDUR 941 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

KENNETH PIESLAK 6 Wakefiled Drive Trenton 08628

PHILIP RANFONE 222 Wayne Avenue Trenton 08618

CELESTE ROUSSEAU 167 Harrison Street Princeton 08540

MARIE H. SIENK 243 Ellis Avenue Trenton 08638

GEORGE PIETROW 42 Mechanics Avenue Trenton 08638

CHRISTOPHER RANKIN 1202 Kloclmer Road Trenton 08618

ANNEPILARO 29 Quaker Road Princeton Junction 08550

PETER RATZLAFF, JR. 400 Homan Avenue Trenton 08818 BENNY RECINE 119! Parkway Avenue Trenton 08828 ANDREW RERES 5 Berkshire Drive East Windsor 08561 BARBARA RICCIO !07 Brookside Avenue Treaton 08638

515 Market Street Trenton 08611 DA E EPOLINSKI 68 Central Avenue Trenton 618 TIMOTHY POTOCKI 478 Lawrence Road Trenton 08638

THOMAS RITTER 17 Pinehurst Drive Cranbury 08511

STEPHEN RUDGE 1 Camelia,Court Trenton 08638 CAROL RYAN 1500 Stuyvesant Avenue Trenton 08618 SHIRLEY RUSSERT 155 Richardson Road Robbinsville 08691 MARK RUTKOWSKI 19Keswick Avenue Trenton 08638 WILLIAMS 773 North Clinton Avenue Trenton 08838 ROBIN SALVADORE 1088 Lawrence Road Trenton 08838 SALVATORE SANO 261 Evergreen Avenue Trenton 08618 NANCY SCHRADER 308 Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08618


ANNA MARIE SILVESTRO 5 Samantha Lane Trenton 08619 MARIANNE SLACKTER 44 Stout Avenue Trenton 08638 ALBERT SMITH 326 Westmoreland Drive Trenton 08618 CAROL SMITH 42 Steinway Avenue Trenton 08818 FRANCIS SMITH U7 Garfield Avenue Trenton 08609 HORACE SMITH 356 Gardner Aveaue Trenton08818 PAMELA ri'II Riverview Terraee Belle Mead 08501

FRANCIS SCHUSTER 121 Review Avenue Trenton 08638

JEFFREY SMOLKA 718 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

MARY ELLEN ROCHE 5 Beechwood Avenue Trenton 08818

CLAIRE SERIN LDI 100 New Hillcrest Avenue Trenton 08838

MARK DE 132 Cornwall Avea e Tr nton08818

NATALIEROGE S 715 Hoffman Avenue Trenton 08818

JAMES SEVILLA 79 Dover Avenue Trenton 08638

SHARON ROJEK 54 Hardwick Drive

KATHLEE SHE Y Woodbamptoa e

Trenton 08611

l ', _....tua



TERESE THOMAS 40 Cadwalader Terrace Trenton 08618

DOLORES VELIVIS 31 Heath Street Trenton 08638

TEBBIWILSO 300 Rutherford Avenue Trenton 08618

KATHLEEN STEC 14 Alton Road Trenton 08619

SIOBHAN TIERNEY 9 Shawnee Drive Hamilton Square 08690

MARLENE VIGLIO E 1985 Arena Drive Trenton 08610

GBEGOBYWI KLEB 18 Sunset Boulevard Trenton 08690

REBECCASTEC 8 Glen Clair Drive Trenton 08618

STEPHEN TKACS 1020 Division Street Trenton 08611


KATHLEENSTEVULAK 221 Weber Avenue Trenton 08638

ROSE MARIE TODARO 2292 Spruce Street Trenton 08638

108 Meridan Avenue Trenton 08618

DAVID STEWARD 774 Princeton-Kingston Road Princeton 08540 RICHARD STOUT 241 Redwood Avenue Trenton 08610 A CYSTRUCK 30 Thoreau Road Hamilton Spuare 08690 SYLVIA UAREZ 315 Second Street Trenton 08811 NANCY SWISTAK 4'11 Rutherford Avenue TrentonO 18 GLORIA SZUBBOWSKI 40HellAve•e Trenton 08118 MARIAN E SZWEDO 903 ewYodtAvenue Trenton 08638 MARIE TACKACS 988Parkway Avenue Trenton 08618 MYBO T


• ·#4 • 1711 Old Trentoa Road Trenton 08681

THOMAS TOPOREK 29 Edgewood Road Robbinsville 08691 MARIA E. TOTH 56 Brophy Drive Trenton 08638

BARBARA TRIANTAFILLOO 312 East State Street --~.........Trenton 08608 DAVID J. TROIANI 110 Franklin Street Trenton 08611 LOBBAI E TURGEOI' 161 Balcort Drive Princeton 08540 ELIZABETH ULLRICH 99 Ridgewood Avenue Trenton 0 18 EVAU GRADY 7U River Road Trenton 08628

CYEILEE VRANCIK 236 Grand Street Trenton 08811

DO A MABIE WALACHY 633 Brunswick Avenue Trenton 08838 ROBERTA WALBRIDGE 2615 Princeton Pike Trenton 08838 F

DERICK WALLITSCH, JR. 20 Aqueton1 Lane reaton08G8

TYRONE WAYMA 801 Hoffman Avenue Treatoa 08618

GEOR WHITE 131 Westem Avenue Trenton 08618

VI CE ALE 551 Clinton Avenue Trem.D08611


JOSEPH LEBI 88 Eldrfdge Avenue Trenton 08638

)0 W 1818 Riverside Drive Trenton 08618



Trenton 08838

JOH OODS !13 Hollywood Drive Trenton 08809

DE RAH ZUCZEIC 126 Rutledge Avenue Trenton 08618

CYNTHIA WHALEN 19 M·arip Drive Trenton 08690

GEBALDI E VALATKA 656 Shady Lane Trenton 08619

PATRICIA WOODCOCK 59 Asbury Street Trenton 08611

Tr nton

CAROLYN WENCZEL 1958 Lawrence Road Trenton 08638

COLLEEN WHITE 3 Allison Avenue Trenton 08638

JOB WNUK 375 Green Lane Trenton 08638

Trenton 08838

SOPHIE WE LARZ 1034 Ohio Avenue Trenton 08638

LISA NE UNGRADY 91 Armour Avenue Trenton 08619

MARY ANN WIRTH 108 Edinburg Road Trentoa 08619


The Editors would like to thank all those who were involved with Canticle and made this book what it is. Our special thanks go to everyone who has helped in any way.

~ lb

Page 216 / TOP LEFT: Mr. F ra nk Ba ll Jr., Re prese nta ti ve of yea rboo k comp any. TOP RIGHT: M r. D on Sye rs, ph ot o~ r a ph e r. Page 217 / TOP LEFT: Sr. Patri c ia Rooney. BOTTOM LEFT: M rs. C a rol W o od. BOTTOM RIGHT: Robin Salvadore, editor-in-c hi e f.

Index -AAdams, Jane I 78 Adams, Scott 186 Adams, Todd 19-l Admini stration 80. 81 Agabiti, Albert 19-l Agabiti, Debra 186 Agocs, Christine 145, 160. 186 Agocs, Lynne 12. 45, .5 6. 72, 10-l, 137 f Alatsa s, Ellen 186 Alessi. Jame s 19:3. 19-l Alexander. Sister :\1. 60 Aiexandrowicz. Stanley 67, (:3:3, 19-l Alford , Kenny 18-l , 186 Allen , Hill 186 Allen , Kathleen .5 8, liS Allen , Patri c ia 122. 178 Allgood , Ervin 115, l/8 Al ston. Alecia 186 Amari, Anthonv 186 Amari, :\laryA iice ll"l, l/8 Amico. Kathl ee n 12 Anderson. Julie ;'\I arie 12 Anderson , Timmy 142. 186 Andreoli. Ernest 12, 92 Andreoli. Kathlee n 186 Andrews, Andrene 178 Andrews. Mar y Beth 12 Angebranndt, Loui se 13 7 Angel, Gerald I 78 Angelini. :\I ichael 12. :32 Ansley, Daryl 19-1 Antoni e wicz, Cindy 72. 136. 138, 18-l, 186 Antoniewicz, Jeff 186 Apai , Anne 19-1 Apai, Greg-ll, 178 Applegate. Doree n 12 Aquilino. :\!aria II, 72. 18-1, 186 Arch e r, :\I r. John 70, 10-l, l-19 Arcioni, Lawre nce 12. 3.'3. 1-lO. l-12 Arclery, :\lr. Vincent 7-l. 10:3 Athanas ius. Sister :\1. 77. 110 Art Department .52 ..5:3 Atwood, :\I ichael l 78 Aug, Diana 12 Avant, Sharon 12. 122 A. V. Department 61 Avellino, Scott 19-l Avolio. Anita I 76, l 78

- BBabccki, Duane 12 Babecki, :\latthcw 19-1 Bacsik, Christopher 72. 186 Baier. Karen 186 Baile y. Frank 19:3. 19-1 Bailcy. John l/8 Baker. \Jr. Jeffrey 68. 7-l, 75. 110 BaiL Barbara 12. 1:3, -l.5 . 98. 122 Basketball ( Boys') 15-1 . 1.5.5. 1.56. 1.57 Basketball (Girls ') 158. 1.59. 160. f() I Baran . Kim l 78 Barber, Broderick 1:3, 1.5.5


Barber, Lee Ann 122, l 78 Barber, Sallvann 19-l Barbuto, Ci;1dv 19-1 Barclav, Edw;rd 186 Barlo\~·. Susan 107. 186 Barlow, Thomas l-l9, 19-1 Barna. :\Iauree n 12-1, l-l.5 . 178 Barrett, :\lelissa 161, 19-1 Bartolino. Jeffrey 13, 28, l-l6. 148 Bartolino. Ken 178 Base ball166, [(";" Hath . i\lar~· 18-l. 186 Battis, Bob 70, 186 Bautist a, Eleanor B. [:3, 114 Bautista, Eloisa 13. Il-l Bautista, Hoel 19-1 Bautista, Hon1e<, 186 Baxter. Jam es 186 Baxter, :\largaret 13. .52 Bavlog, Patricia 122. l-1.5. 1.59. 178 Beagles, Chervl 13. 2.5. l-1.5 Beale, Christi~e l/8 Beaston , Hobert 19-1 Beauchamp. Charles 19-1 Beauchamp, Keith 1 ~3. 32. Ill Bea uchamp s, Irvin 13. 12-l Bedard. Ed\\'ard 122, 162. 16:3. 178 Bedard, John 1.56. 186 Bee litz, Alan 132. 13.'3. 186 Belli, Dani e ll 33. 19-1 Bencive ngo, Theresa l 78 Bennett, Bruce 14 Benn e tt , Hobert 1-l. 2-l , 92 Bentz. Elaine 19-1 Bentz. John 178 Ben·s. Theresa 18-l, 186 Bernard, Wanda 19-1 Bernasco. Bob 1.5 Bernhard . Larrv l 78 Bertone, Kevin 186 Bertone, :\lark 140, 141, 14:3. l/8 Hetz. Kathleen 178 Beumer, Irene 178 Beumer, \larianna 1-l. Il-l Beumer, Mari e 1-l Bezek, Jennifer 170. 171. 18-l. 186 Bezek. :\lary 19-l Bianca, Janet 178 Bielski, Casey 186 Biesecker. iiJancy 19-l Bigham, Doree n 19-1 Bigham, Jacquelynn 19-1 Bigham, .kromc 186 Bilotti, Carmela 178 Bilotti. Frank 19-1 · Bilotti, Jcnnifer 19-1 Bilotti, :\larv 1-1 Bird. David .C. I 78 Blake. David 19-l Blake. :\lcaghan 19-l Blisko. Paull-lO. 178 Blue. Ch ery l HJ-l Blusnavage, John 186 Boat\\'right, Saundra 17H Bobko. Joseph 19-l Bodnar. A. Sergius l2D. 178 Bodnar. :\I ichal·l 162. 186 Bodnar. Paul 16:3, 19-l Ronan . Carroll 151, I IS Bontya. Karen 1:3-l. 18-l. 186 Boone. Phillip .5 6. 19-1 Boozan , James I 77 Boresik. Thomas l/8 Borcsik, William II, 1-l Bordenga. Joseph l-1:3. 19-i

Borne, Garv 17H

Bornheime~. :\1 iss :\largaret .5({ .58 Boscarelli, Roberta 14. 7.'3 Bowling 16-l. IG.5 Bowman . Fred 186 Boyd, Thomas :\1. 14, 140 Bon'r, Rosemar y 1-l , 118 Bozsolak. Fav 19-l Bradish, Debbie 19-l Branges, Barbara 15, 12-l Brrimann, Karen 15, -lG, 98, 168 Breimann. Nanc~· 138. 178, l/9 Breller, Pamela 1.5, 32. 12.5 Brennan . Judith 160. 186 Brennan . Tern· 179 Brian . Debbie .l86 Bronner. Anthonv 14 ~3, 19-l Brooks, Sarah Brophy, Anastasia 15 Brown , Kathleen 14, 1.5 ..56 Brown. Ke lly 19-l Brown. Pierre 7-l. 186 Bruccoleri, Steven 186 Brvan , :\Irs. Gerald inc 6.5, 120 Brzozo\\'ski, Yolanda 15 Bu cc i, Edward 149. 19-l Bucci. Paula 178 Buchanan . Christina 179 Buchanan . Christopher 19-l Bu c kley, :\lichele 152. 18-l, 186 Buckley, Virginia 178 Bugdal. Mr. Robert 80. 10-l, 1.'36 Burch . Deborah 19-l Burke, Debbie 19-l Burke, Pat 96, 128, 129, 186 Burkhalter. Louis. Jr. 186 Burns, Hobert 186 BurrelL :\I ichele 19-l Burrell, Hobert 156. 179 Bu s i-Business Bulletin 122 Business Department .5-l ..5.5 Butera, John 178 Buzzelli, Christopher 110, [:3.'3. 1:3-l. 186


-CCairo. Frank 1:3:3. 19-l Calabrese, Li sa 19-l Calamia, :\largaret 1.5 Callaghan . John I 78 Callan , James 19-l Camastra. Ted l-19, 19-l Camcron. Deborah 186 Camilla, Sistt'r \1. 7-l Cammarata. Franccs 1.5. 1.51 Campbell. Theresa 19-l Campo. Alessa ndra 97. 18-l. 186 Campo, :\larie 1.5 Campo, Vincent IH6 Canticle 12-l Cant\\'ell. Chris 1:"38, 16:3, 19-l Cantwell . Regina 1.5, 122 Cappiello. Lois 186 Cappri~1tt i, Laura 19-l Capriott i. Patrici a II ·L 1.') I. 152. 176. 178. 179 Carella. James 1.5 Carella, Torn 19-l . Cariello. D e nise 1.52. 186 Carlin . Anne 1-l·L 160. IS6 Carlin. :\lar~· 1."5. 2-l. -16 ..56. ~)8 . 1-l-5 . !.}~) . I 76 Carlisi. Jmeph 19-l Carl isi, Linda 179

Carmel, Sister :\1. 60 Carnevale. Tina 186 Carney, Beth 10-l. 1.'36. 160, 186 Carney, ·Stephen 179 Carreras. Luis 19-l Carroll, Cathleen 16, 118. 120. 13-l Carroll, Torn 19-l Caserta, Cynthia 16 Casey. Katie 1-l-l. 161. 19-l Casey, Stephen 16, I 1.5. 12-l. 12.5, 127, U36. 140. 143 Cashel, Kare n Ann 1-l, 16. 46 ..56, 98. 128. 1-l-l, 14.5, 1.58. 1.59. 161 , 170 Cashel. :\lark 149. 1.57. 19-l Castaldo. Anthony 179 Castaldo. Anthon y l-19. 1.57. 19-l Castaldo. Caren 158, 1.59. 161. 170. 171 Castaldo. John 149, 1.57. 19-l Castranova, Cuv 138. 179 Cebulko. Davict" 178 Cebulko, Kathleen 16. ~32 Celli, Roberto 1-lO, I 79 Centomain . Susan I 79 Chajkowski, \\'alt e r 19.5 Chepiga, Barbara I l.S. 178 Chess Club 112 Chianese, Charlt•s 149. 19-l Chiantese, Susan 16 Chiaradia. Philip 16, 106. 1.51 Chiarello. Cav 186 Chidzik, Staniev 177 Christensen, L;ura 170. 179 Christensen , Lois 178 Christensen. \larcia 6-l. 19-l Cianfrano. Filomena 19-l Cianfrano. Nanc~· Lee 1.51 , 15.'3, 178 Cianfrano. Thomas 16. 208 Cicchino. Nicholas 19-l Ciccolella. :\I r. Erasrno .56 Ciccone, James 148, 1.56. 186 Ciccone, Susan 19.'3. 19-l Ciccone, Su sa n 160. 186 Cifelli. Kirnberlv 16, 86 Cirillo, JoeJr. l9-t Cirillo, :\largare t 16 Clancy, Erin 58. 128, 1-l-l. l-1.5 . 15& 1.59. l6Q 17~ 179 Clancy. :\I ichael 186 Clarice, Sister :\I. 7:3 Claver, Sister :\1. 77, 78 Cl(•ary, Patricia Il-l , I 79 Coffee. Barbara 107. 186 Colavita. Anthonv .5 2. 1-19. 19-l Colavita. :\I arv IG Coleman. Kar~· n 19-l Colligan. Lorraine 19-l Color Guard 1:3.5 Coluccio. Carv 186 Confoy, Karer; 128, 186 Conk~· . Linda I.% Connell, :\I r. Kenneth 7:3 Connellv. John I 76 Conrwllv. :\Iaureen 186 Conti. Angelo 16 Con\\·ay. Camille II Con wa y. Carol I 7. -t:3 Con way, Sha \\'n 186 Coppola. Craciela 179 Corbin , Sandi 1.5. 9-l . 1:37 Cortez. Carolvn IS/ Cortina, Luciano I 7. 1-16. l-19 . 208 Corvino, :\larv 178

Costa. Chris 171i Costigan . Donna 1/9 Costigan. Kevin 1.5. 17.:3/ Cotman. Denist• II>/ Couch. Dt•t•ann Hl.J Co\\'ell. Elizabl'th 119 Cm·le. Denist· HJ.5 Cracker, Darien<' II Crane. Ed\\'ard II . 17. 1>6 Crhelli. Can· 195 Croke. Brian. l7 Cro ss. Clifton HI Cross Country 1:31>. 1:39 Croux. Archie 117 Croux. \ 'aliant 17 Csogi. Kath~ · lli.J . lli7 Cubberlt'\ . \' ancv II Cugasi . John 16:3. 19.5 Cuiuk. Antoindte 67 . IHI Cuiule. Joseph lfl.5 Cunningham. Ronald 17 Cuomo. T e resa I Hi Currie. \I ildred 179 Currv. ;\I an· Ann 179 Cydto\\ski. Jane II>/ Czartory ski. There sa 19.5 Czepiel. Diane 17S Czema. Susan 176. 17fl Czer\\'inski. Sophie 11>7 Czikora. ;\laryantH' 6.J . IS7

- DDa Bronzo. Christina 60. 161. lf).5 Daddio , :\laridta 195 Dadtira. Thoma s l/9 Dale. Karen W.5 Dalz. Joseph W.5 Dambro. ;\lr. Can· /0. lO.J . 16:3 IYAmico . Charlt•s. l79 Danbury. Carii.JO. l.JI . 179 Danburv. :\Irs. Katherine5.J D ' Angeio. DPimt l/ , IO.J . 1:37 Danka. Bob II>/ Danko, Angelina 179 Darn·. Sister Catherint' 66 De Angelo. Annt·nwrie II De Angelo . Charles 1.5.5. 156. 119 De Angelo. Lisa 15fl. 19.5 Dearden . John 157. lf).) DeBlois. Constance I H. .JO. .52. l3.J De Cara. Loretta 151. 176, 17fl Decker, :\lary Ann l/9 Decker. \: anc\· 179 Decker, Susan· 179 De Coff. Jan ict' 19.5 Deco\\'ski. Albert I 79 lkt·o"·ski. Ro semary II>. /2 De Feo, Darryl 16:3. H).) De Forte. \larit· lH De Joie, Anthonv 179 Dekis. Barr\· l.JZ Del Castillt;, Julio 11>7 Delle Grotti. \ incent 10. II. II> De Lorenzo. Pat 1:39 . l/9 Delozier. Berniee lb . .J6. 86. 1.51 De :\lillt·. James 18 De ;\lille. Joe 179 Dennehy. :\lichael19.5 Deodato. John I 79 De Puglio. \Irs. \I an 65 DPst'OIP:tll , ;>,; :lltl'\' 72. IHI De \'incenzi. Laura lfl,5 Di BPI Ia , \I ichael 181 Di Ciurcio. Carolvn 126. 19.5

Dickson . John 179 Diehl. Dian<' II> Didrieh . Chris 110. 1:3:3. 187 Di Cuiseppl', :\lr. Frank 66, fii Dilt•o. Dannv 18. I.JO Diko. Daviti l.J:3. 19.'5 Dill. J<'ffn·,· llfi Dill. Susan !HI Dill. Thomas II). 72. l.J6. I.Jf) Dirk. Linda 161. 1[).5 Di sma s. Sister \I. .J5. (i(j Di \ ' ia . Elain e 6.J . 9fi. 12.5. l S7 Dolan . Kevin IS Dolan . Laura 19.5 Dolan. Thomas 1:3. L3 . 18. 127 . J.Hi, I.J9. 208 Dombro s ki. Diane 195 Dombroski. Frank l.J2 . 17[) Dommat . Barbara 187 Donaher. :\I ichal'l 19:3 IYOnofrio . Father John 72 Dorner. :\I r. John (i(j Dorozin sh . David l.J(i. I.JH . 1.5fi. 17[) Dorozinsk\·, Jim 18. l.Jfi. I.J8 Dorozinsh. :\larvann 161 , 19.5 Doughertv. ;\Irs. \tan· 193 Doughman . Barbara IS. Ill. 118. 122. 201> Dm·gala. Donna 159. II>/ Dovgala. Katy 128. HiO. 1/H Doviak. Dana 19.5 Do\\'tH'Y· JanH's 119 Dm il'. N anciamH' II. 19. 2fi. H.J . 91.116. 119. 122 Drama Club 112 Drazek. Carol 11>7 Drill Tl'am l:J.J Dri scoll. ;\I iehal'l 19, .J7 Drulis. JosPph Hl . .J5. 91> . I.JO. I.J I. I.J :3. 201> DuBois, Liz lO.J . l3G, 19:3. 19.5 Ducko. Dale 72. 1;3:3, 1:3.J Dutkck, David I.JO. l/9 IYUlisse. Aurora 119 Dunn . Kathleen W5 Dura. Sharon 11>7 Dureanin. Carl 157. 19.5 Durcanin . Christine II>/ Durnan , Carol 19.5 Durnan. Thomas l/9 Dutko. Robert lfi.J, LH'i Dzil'minski. Claire 19. 26. 7.J Dzit•minski. Elinor 19.5 Dzieminski. William II>/ Dzima. Kevin 1:31>. 16:3. 195 Dziura. \I ichat•l 187 Dziurkoc. Ceorge 56. 195

-EEchevarria. Scott 179 Ecke r, Ann ;\larie 187 Ecker. Tert'sa 195 Edinge r. Thomas 93. l.JO. l.J I. l/9 Ed\\'ards . \tan· 187 Egan . Sarabeth I.J.J . 187 Ehret. John I.JS. l/9 Ehret . :>.larv Ellen 19.5 Elie . Celia .181. 1.52 Ellis . Lionel Jr . 138. 1:39. l/9 Elmo. JoAnn [:31, LHI l~ lmore , Johnnv Ent'rson , Julia 11>7 Eng , Art 119

Eng , Katharine 187 Eng . ;\lov 12. 19. :36, lO.J . 1:37 English l)ppartnwnt 56 ..5/ . .58 Erkohon i. ll.ichard 179 Eure . Shl'rri Ann W.5 Eustael'. Kathleen 127. 19.5 Evans. Bruce l/9 Evans. Eileen 181 Evans. Cregon· 19.5 Evan s. Jdf [j'g Evt•rett , ;\I idwle 187 E,·erl'tt. Timoth\· l/9 EvPritt . John 17. W

-FFaherty. Dmnis ISO Faraon<>, Frank ISO Faraom·. J oannl' W.5 Fan•s. Ct•organne ISO Farrl'll. \lonic:i l.J.J . 187 Fasanl'lla. Janie l.J.J. lHO Fasoli . Donna 19 FathPrs Club Fazio. Denise 19. liS Feea k. Diane 180 Fe ea k. Patricia Hl Fecht e r. \largarl't 'l22 Fedorko, \largarl't W Ft•ldenzer. Frank I.J9. 19.5 Fell. Thomas IS/ Fernande s. Glenn lHO Ferrara, Larry 195 Ferran>, Cindy IS/ Ft·rri. Linda \larie 19 . .J2. 120 Ferrv. Donna \larie 20 Fern·. James tHO Festa. France s 1:36. [:37 Fidanza. Patricia 181 FiPid Hockey I.J.J . I.J:) Fifer. Donna lHO Firl'all. Ed\\in 1.57. 19.5 Firl'lto. ;\I ary 19.5 Fisher. Doug [.'39 . 181 Fitton. Lois l.S2. 187 Fitzpatrick. Anne l.J.J Fitzpatrick. Jim lSi Fitzpatrick. :\Iurie 19.5 Fitzpatrick. Roseman· 20 Fl\'lln , Catherine 20. 106 Fh nn . Eil(' ('n 187 Fogan. Ed\\'ard 195 Fonda. Lucv 18.J. 181 Fonseca. Andrea ISO Foothalll.JO. l.Jl. l.J2. l.J:3 Foran . Patrick 18/ Fore<'lti. Brian l.J:3 Forman . John 18/ Forman. ;\I r. 90 Foundos. Charles l5fi. ll>"i Four Winds l2.J. 125 Fowl e r. Panwla lSI Foldl'r. \'ernita 134. ISO Fo\·. Patricia ISO Fo,·. ll.ohert LSI Fr~cassi. \Irs. Linda 56. 6.J . (i.5 Fraczkie" icz. ll.oiJt>rt 91> . l:3(i. 19:3. 19.5 Fran ken . Barbara 20. /.J . 90 Franzoni . Beth 161 . 19.5 Franzoni. Eric 156. 180 Fra,cPIIa. :>.I ikt· 1:3. 20 . .t I. 5fi. 70, 10/ Frau! ino. Elll'n Ann I :3.J . 19.) Frazier, Antoinette lSI

Frt'eman . Russell 181 Frt·llch ll on or Socil'l\' 119 Fruscione. James 20 ..5fi. 15.5 F.S. A. 118 Fuecello. Susan ISO Furman. \'ictoria 19.5

-GC.A .A. 121> Gagliardi . JoAnn .52. 1.5:3. HJ:1. HJ,j Gagliardi. :S.:ann· 20 Cainl's. Danita HJ,j Caines. Jackie lSI Cal:unbos. Kathleen HJ,5 Call. Donna ISO Gallo. Boni 11>7 Gallo. Eugene fi8. 13:3 Gallo. Halph 1:31> . 162. lHO Ganie, Josl'ph Jr. 20. 2.5 . .Jl . 1:3(i Cant. Terri llli Cardner. \:anc\· 1:3:3, HJ.5 Garnich. \Iurie 20. 119. 120 Garofalo . Anthon,. I HO Caraltalt. \laryAnn HJ,5 Carn·. Cary 151 Cat<' s. lktlt Ann 195 Call's. ;\I ark lSI Ca,·in . \Iaureen lfil Geisel. Stacv 20 Genovese. John JH.5 Geoghan . Ilene 20. 101 Geppert , :>.lary Ann 21. 118 Gerasimo\\icz, ;\lichat•ll/7 German Honor Socich· 120 Gers!Pn , DPni se 21 Gervasio . Barbara 21 Giampetro. \!i ss Thert•s a (i.5. I.J . 7.S 'Giancola. Hosanna 180 Gi e rula. Evelyn 21 .:39 Cigiunto. ll.occo IH5 Gill. JoAnn ISO Gilli11 . Ed\\'ard 195 Gillin. ~larv B<'th HiO. 187 Giordano. Donna 21 Giordano. Gregory 187 Giordano. Julie 11>0 Giuliari . Bruno IllS Glendon . :-.1 iss Ellen .56 Clappa. Adrianne II , 21 . .J'i. l.J.J Godbolt , Gregory 19.5 Gm· ke. Eleanor 21 . 29. 159, l(iO Gol'kl', Thomas ISH Goerlich . William ISO Golab. Eugene 1:3:3. lHS Colds!Pin . :>.1 rs . Alice ,j.J CornPz. Carmen 180 Gonzalez. Carlos [[).5 Gonzalez. Allwrto l.JO. I.J2 , 162. IHS Good ste in . Thomas lHO Co'" '· Linda W.5 Godn . \Iaureen 195 Cram egna . Anthony 12. 188 Grant . Ed S/ Grant . \!i ss Patricia .J.5. .J6. ~7 . 'i.J . 75. 16. Ill Graziano. ;\laC\· Alice 9.J. 180 Greher, James 10. 21 Greene . Vanessa 160. lHH Greer. :>.laureenii2. 12H Grl'iss. Jeffre y 162. I% Grencavage , De1-ri HJ(i Gribbin . .\Irs. :\largart't .5.J . 122


Crillln . l 'rarn·i, 1':. :2 1, l ')(j Lriffur . 1\. atldl '<'l• I:H u.,s ( :rdlln \Ltr\ . \1111 21 ..'if>. Il -l < :run . . ll ' \ . :\ntlturr\· I">S <:rirml, .,., l .a \\lt 'lll'l' 21 . lUi Cri,c.t\ ..11.!1 ' , Arlt't' ll :2:2 i lb <;, j,,.a, .t l.!.l '. l't 'l! l!\' """ IS.S Lruclr . d.t ( :atllt'rirlt' 2:2 . :).), 1:2-1 ( : rul'lralo.~ . IJ,,n ..dd ISS <.rudtki si,tt•t <:lrarl••tll' 6 L fi.3 . 120. HJ.) LJ<>I.!,.ur . Utarlt-n1 · I:) I. IH<i Cro<IIIH ' ~ - Tr ~llT\ 22. 12S ( .nd<t , ~I j,, l'.11tlint' 7:) ( :n~..,,l, · r . \lr Jul111 77 Cm ,, l, ·r. l'.tnwla ) :)1. ISS (.nr, , l, ·r. l';tlti l' i.t 1:)4_ IHh <.u ad al.!,llll . l.ori IDb < :ll .tlltH ·ri . :2:2 . : ~() Llltd..trtl't' lkpatln H· rd bO Luid .. tti . Ht ·rw c 107. J.'J2 . I~S Ltrrrllllc ·l. Dl'lort·, l!Hi C"'''ior..t . \I r Hidtard 77 Cutlr . '"'''Ph 1-12 . ISO Cutlt . \larlt · r~t · IHfi <:~ 111 Dt · p ~trtnll'lll ( Bm , ) :-o c, 111 lkpartlllt'lll ( Cirl, l 71 --- II ll.t!!.Hiorrl. Tlrnrna . , IS'-1!.l.!. t·rt\ Bl'tl, 107 lhO!~'' t' . 1\.t ,.i11 ISO II .d . , •I J 1'1111 i ft.r H)l) ll.d kn l11d r 7 I I ~S ILdl. ll.arold l.'ih. lSI. lc"'S it.tll. Hoht·rt/0. 1-1:2 . 1.-.,:-., llall.-r . John lHii ll.llnt ·r, k\ . 1\.inr hL l!J(i I Lruwlt. D··""'' ).")() ILIIt .ck Fllnt22. 25. 117. 11!1 • llantt•t·k. :\II"" 112 . lc"l-L ll';b llarrt' \ l>arknt· 127. H)() llar..,ort . J.mct 1-H . lSI. 11-;S II amon, Jo a n :2:2 . I W . II S. I :)-1 llan,ou , lulrn l(j:) . fH(j llall,orr. Jud~ l:)fi. 1:)7 . IS-I llaH ..t r, \lr' . Allrw .32 .) :) !larding , 1\.atltlt•t•n ISO I Ltnh . Cathl'rint• 22 . l-1 . ·W . 00. HS

llar<h . llt ·lt• n IH6 ILtrlrigh , Bob ISH llamt ·,·. <:olkt>nH7 . llt.IS-L ISS llanH·\ . \lid~t · lt> 1.3 , I() , 2l , 1.) . 56. ~JI'i

ll .urt ·ll . Arthur 1.">7. Hlb ll a m ·ll . \lr John ~I II a rt. Bar b.t r ,, :2:?. Hart. \Jr, _ Jt·annt · Ill:) llartmanr l, John liS , t.~S ll.trt t. P..uti 1.1-,S IJa,kllrs. Flizahdh HHi llatrak . Joan ll lla\lnan . ,\ laur t· t•Jt Ill/ . 1/'iS lll'anrt·v. Catht·r inl' 1:3-L IKS llt·atllt' \·. Lncill e ISO llt ' <llll e ~ . \lr \\ ' illi a rn fi I, 110. Ill I kalth C;m·t·" Club Il -l llt•lll'lt ·r. Jolut IKO llt-vkrnan . Jeff 1.1 . 101. 1:3(), ll'i2 llt·ekrnan. l . i ~ a ISS lldft.r!lan . Jarn cs :2:3, :2~ . ll6. ll7 . I·Hi. J.HJ I kinz. Karl l!Jb


llt·irw-1. ElizaiH·tlt 9-l. l:)fi. l :r? . ll.). 16H 11<-inzt.f. Lor<'lta :2:.1. 12-l Hci11zcl. l.ucy III. I-ll . ISS Heller. :\Ian Ann !H(i llemin~wa\' , Larn .\ . ISO llt-nk. Aliu' l :l liS. llO. IIi HenkeL :\li~s Karl'll 31i . .3s. 1:2-1 llt-rdman. lkniw IS."l Ht·rrnan ..It-an 1:3-l. 177 IIerman . J••seph 7:), 1-1:1 Ht•ss, :\Jr. Do11ald 77 . 10:3. 10-1. 15.') II h.dr am , Katltlt•l•n :2:3. llS Hill. J Kt> rll)('th l :>. 61. 1-10 lloh~•HI , Huss ISO Hofmann . Dadd 177 Holland . llopl' l :3. ,' )(j , 7:2 llulmes. Kath~· ISS llulsnt'l'k . Jiii7S. lhl. Hl6 llol~neck . \lartin91. 9-1 . 1-10. lhO lloma, Barbara IH6 lloml' Ecollolllil·s Dq>arlliH'lll 6:2 Horan . 1\.atll\· IHS llt))'(·sko, HoSt'IIJan J :~-1 llmt '. \Ltrl!arl'! 1:3-1 . l!J(j llou"nan . J a !Ill's I ~(j llnmrna11 . Kathn 11 I:H . lbO Hou.,torL 1\.athlt ·<·fl 1111. 19(} llou,torr. \\' illianr lbS II II\\ t•ll . Barbara Hlli lluhal. Dl'hra7S. IH() llui!IH·s. :\li..,un ISH lludrl's. Brucl' 1/'iO llndtl's, Fathn Josq>lr HO. H~ . 1:)1) llught·' · \lar~ard LHO lluft.,-. Si,ll'r :\largard 7:3 llnmphrl' \', Hita llb. 19b llu11L \Ltrd :larrt· .'):3. I/'iS - 1-

illllllllrdillo. Artl!t ' lo IH!i lmr11ordillo. Jo..,<:ph l·lb. lbl-i lnrnwrdi11o. Josq>lr HJ(j illl!lima. Jo"·phirH' HJ() lnl!rassia. Jt·nndt Ill . 1-1-1 . ISO lnnoc<•nzi. Darlt•JH' 15:3. (H:). 196 lun·rso, C.trmelit .t l :~ . .')(), Hl . 1:3-1 lm•t•rso , Clrarll's :2:3, 1-16. 1-19 lml'rso, Frank ISH Ippolito. Carl ISS Ippolito. John 196 Irvin . Darlt•n<· ISS


Jacob .... \lo11iqtH' l :3, Ill. I W Jacobs, Thomas l-IS , LS-I . ISH Ja~annatlr , Ha\ i!ldl'r IHO Jancola. ~i s lt • r l>omtll\· 66. 67 J antm. AIIC:t'la :2:3 Jarkm\ ski. Stepht•n l :) Ja,it•fl , l :3, ;)() Jasit•n. :\like ISO Jasil'mki. Jacqtwlirl!' ISH Jl'!frie s, Ho11a :21 · Johnson , \like l -1. 7l Johmoll , S!t'\'t'll 19(i Jol11rston . Dl'horalr HJ(j JorJ<·s . Bri a n ISS Jont·s. J d!rt·y 1-t:), HHi Jollt'"-· Julian11e ·I so Jones. Hobt>rt 1/'iO Jose~ Sistl'r 1\larit• 66 Jourrralism Club ll:2

Junior Clas"ical l.t· a~tll' I 1.'1

- KKaczallo\\ski. Debra lbO Kah11~· . Patrick l-1 . l;j.t, 1.3.3 Kah11,. Tina HiO. It-iS Kale. Collee11 1.'):3. HJ:3. I~J(i Kale . Juwph C. _lr. % . lOS. l.j-1 , 1.5.3 . 1.3 7. ISO Kale. Tt·rT<'Ilct· l~Jfi Kali11c. Jaml's l-1~) 1\.alirto\\ ski, Paul2-t , -12 . 1-16 KalillO\\ ..,ki. Hol>t·rt l-1 Kall. :\I idra<'ll-1 . 1:3s Kanda. Bernadl'ltl' l~)(j Kanda . :\lar~ · IHO Kant• , 1\.atlrlt'l'n l ~)(j l\.apla11 . \Irs . Chr i. . tin< · ()-1, (j.) Kara s. Edward lbO Karlowihch . Sahi11e ISO 1\.arl!as. :\drit'llt' 5G, HJ() Kamas , :\\'t·rit• 196 Kamas , \\'a~ ne H)(j Karns . Paull-!. I-tO Karolkit' \\' kz. Chri,tirJ<• ~Jl , HJ(i Karpowidr. Do11ald (:j(j _ IHS Ka\tus, Diane ISS Ka~tus , \lr. Jos<'ph .3 l Kea).!y, Th<'resa ]!')() l\.ear11s. Eileen IH6 Kearns, Elizabl'!h l-1 . /'ifi Kl'ck . .Joalllll' ISO Ket·ft ·. Ct•orl!t· l-1 . lb. l·Hi. 1-19 ' Ked<' . Juli<' A1111 1~)6 1\.<·<·lall . 1\.atln ISO 1\.l'lrler. Pa1tl ISO Kt·lh·. :"\lr. Da\·id 7:3 Kelly . Ellvn 11:10 Kl'lh·. Sis!t>r Gran· .3 () 1\.t•ll, , Kt·,·ill ~J-1 . 1:37 Kelh·. :\I aria .56. /.'j Kell~ . :\lauree11 1.'):3, 19:3. HHi Kelk :\1 r, . Suzan11e .3-1 Kelso. Fra11k 177 Kt·l"' · L\'lllll-1 1\.erlller. Carol ISO 1\.cllllt' l Club Kt•IJJI\', :"\lar\' ISO Kt>ri11s. Si ster Cnaldi11e .5-l Kt>rr. Jea1111e ISS Key Club 127 Kt'\'L''· Al\'son 2.5 Ke\'l's. Brvan 11.3, )~I; Ke\<'s , Lisa 90, 92. 11-t. 115 Kiernan , Patril'ia l.5l. ISS K it·nran , Hanth IH6 Kin~ . Brian ISO Kirikian , Lisa IHO Kiss. Beth Arlll HJb Ki"sel, :\'eill.') K issei. Ho11 177 Klebl'r. :"\lar).!arTI 65, LHS K.leher, Sara J all<' HJ6 Klt•iiJ , Christian Hi Kll'ill . Joni l()l, 196 1\.killmallll , Gloria 96, 1:3-1 . I /'iS Kkilllliaun. Halph 19(i . Klt·k. :\I ichele l5 . 151 Klim. Jl'1111ift.r IH-1 . IHH Klim , :\h·l!an W6 Kliwimki. Co11stance 60, llS. ll9. liS. I SO Kliwi11ski . Jm<'ph Ill. 196 Klucc\\'icz, i\1 ichal'l HJ6 Kluxen, Cara 15l, l~S

Kluwl' r. \\'. Edward ISH Kohos. John 196 Kochis . Dt•borah 1:3-t ISS Kochis . Li11da 196 _Koenig , Linda ;2;j Koino11ia ll6 Kont'Z<is. Thomas l.5. 7l Komlash . Joseph I-tS, ISS Kondash . :\lary 196 Konopka. Elizalwth ISH Kontoro,,·icz. Christine 96, l-t-1. ISS Kopt't:, Douglas ISS Kopec, Stephen 1--HJ, 162, HJ6 Kon·nz. Ed\\'ard l5 Korcnz, \I argueritk 116. ISO Koreyva , Hichard :2.3 Korey\a , Stanley l-IS. ISS 1\.orpusinski. Elizabeth LIS, IHO Kortsdrmaryk. Ostap 68. 196 Ko"·o. :\larie llH. 1-1.3. 160, IHO Kosco. Patti ISS Kovacs , Cherd An11 ISS Kovacs , Jost'l;h l.3 , -16. 1--!0 Kovacs , \I ichael lSI Koval, Dallielll-il Kozakie\\'icz, L~· nn ISH Kraus. Cclestilll' W6 Krawczun. Hidrard HJ6 1\.ra\\·iec, Stepht•IJ IS I 1\.recicki. C\'llthia 181 Krt·r;, \lary A1111 196 Kriegner. James l5 . 56 Krisak . Edward 97 , IS9 Krisak. Karc11 9-1 . 118. lSI Krisak . Thomas l.5. 5-t. 7:2 Krisa11da . :\lar<:ia IH9 1\.rut'\.!t'r. Karl LSI Krupa , Fostt'r Hli Knrpa. Sheryl 18~) Krystapo11i s, John 9(), 1--!l. IS~J Kubau).!h . Billi<· Ann 181 Kucharski. :\lauree11 176, 177 Kutch. Karen 15:3. 19:3. 197 Kuzma. Brian l(i K\\'i<'lniak. Alfred 197

-LLadnyk, Alexa11dcr 1:2l. lbl Laird. Ed\\'ard Jr. 26, 120, 1--!0 Lammerdin).!. Joann 197 Landolfi. Lea 176. IS I Landolfi. Lou A11n 197 Langer. Joseph lSI Language Department 6-t. 6.3 Lani).!an. Eileen 181 Lanigan. James IS1 Lanna. Augusta IH9 LaliZoni. Euge11c Jr. 1:3:3. 197 Lanzoni, Thomas 110. 1:32. 1:3:3, 197 ' Larkin . J<•rt•miah IS9 Latham, Janet l6 Lead<'m , Anna :\laric l6 Leadern. Dolores :26. 36. --16. :.ti. 56. 9S. 1.'36 Leadem. \lark 1-19, 157. 197 Leadem , Hichard 1-19. 163, 197 Leadem , Susan [:36, 137 LeBlanc. \lr~ . Betty Jane 71 , 160. 170 L"dhl'tter. Pamela 197 Ledgt'r, Dl'borah 1~9

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