notre dame high school trenton, new jersey volume 11
dedication The memories of this year were created and are possessed by a wealth of people; people who freely gave what they now fake away with them - an essence bound between the covers of a book . • Our remembrances of the past year do not belong exclusively to us, but to the hundreds of parents, teachers and friends who were essential to their creation. It is for this reason, therefore, that we, the graduating class of 1971, dedicate our yearbook to ALL those who care about us, to ALL those about whom we care.
senior class officers
President Ronald Carabelli
Vice-President joseph Fallon
james Leuper
joan Del Femine
Joann Sorento
Richard Molnar
jack Stephan
Christopher Mancino
Robert Zuczek
John Zamborsky
Frank Zuczek
George Zimmer
Michael Zikos 10
Debra Zamparelli
Maria Zagorzycki
Nancy Wucinski
Patricia Wood
John Wolak
ROBERT ZUCZEK • 1769 North Olden Avenue, Trenton • German Club President 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Sports As sembly Club 4; Baseball 2. FRA K ZUCZEK
29 Pershing Avenue, Trenton
GEORGE ZIMMER • 121 Saybrook Avenue, Trenton • Proctor Committee 4; Ski Club 3, 4; German Club Vice - Pre sident 4; Sport s A ss embly Club 4; Varsity Club 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. MICHAEL ZIKOS
296 Homecrest Avenue, Trenton
Kathleen Winiarski
School Play 3.
JOH ZAMBORSKY • 25 Upper Ferry Road , Trenton • Homeroom Vice President 3; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Varsity Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Basketball 1, Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. DEBRA ZAMPARELLI • 289 Regina Avenue, Trenton • Cheerleader 2, 3; Liturgi cal Choir 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4, Coronet 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Modern Dance 3, 4; Canticle 4.
Joseph Wisniewski MARIA ZAGORZYCKI • R.D . #1, Box 21, Trenton • National Honor So ciety 3, 4; Coronet 3, News Editor 4; Renascence 4, Literary Editor 4; Four Winds 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Treasurer 3. A CY WUCINSKI
822 Indiana Avenue, Trenton
Art Club 1, 2.
PATRICIA WOOD • 917 Spruce Street , Trenton • Proctor-Social Committee 4.
James Willie WOLAK
335 Ellis Drive, Trenton
JOSEPH WISNIEWSKI • 331 Rusling Street, Trenton • Trenton junior High School #4- 1; Trenton High - 2; Varsity Club 3; Football 3, 4. JOHN WIS IEWSKI KATHLEEN WINIARSKI Pennsylvania
827 Cherry Street, Trenton 838 South Pennsylvania · Avenue, Morrisville,
JAMES WILLIE 218 Nancy Lane, Trenton Homeroom Treasurer 1; Homeroom President 3; Track 1; Baseball 2; Soccer 3, 4.
John Wisniewski
Nancy Widener
John Wetzel
Gabriela Werner
Cynthia Welch
Laurette Walsh
Francine Vizzini
Frank Veasey
joseph Tramontana
Rosemary Toto
Hockey 2, 4.
116 B nning Drive, Franklin Park
JOH WETZEL • 50 Ba yberry Road, Trento n H oly Cr oss Hi gh Sc hoo l 1; School Pla y 3; Jersey men 2, 3; Co ro net 3, Edit or-i n-c hi ef 4.
Michael Weber
49 Windin g W ay, Trent on
CY TH lA WELCH • 707 Trumbull Ave nu e, Tre nt on 2, 4; Library A ss istant 2, 3.
Canti cle 4; Sk i Club
2711 Prin et on Pik e, Tr ento n
49 Ea t Paul Ave nu e, Tr ento n
FRA K VEASEY • 550 Lawr ence Ro ad , Apt. 7-A, Tre nt on School , Ab secon, .J. 1, 2; Cro Co untry 3.
• Ho ly Spirit Hi gh
JOSEPH TRAMONTA A • 243 W eber Ave nu e, Tr ento n • Spo rt A ssembl y Club 4; Ski <;:lub 2, 4; Soc ial Committee 4; Foo tball 1, 2; Wrestlin g 1, 2, 4. ROSEMARY TOTO • 88 Harri s Road , Tr enton • Futur Canti ce l 4.
Anthony Viteritto
Marietta Viglione
MICHAEL WEBER • 8 Maco n Dri ve, Tr ento n • Ho meroom Treasure r 3, Homeroom Vi ce- Presid ent 4; K y Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Spo rt s A e mbly Club, Chairman 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 4. ANTHO Y VITERITTO MARIETTA VIGLIONE #2, 1. JAMES TRAMONTA A MAUREE TRAI OR Teach ers 3, Secretary 4.
james Tramontana
Maureen Trainor
Robert Tiscione
Timothy Tingo
Teachers 2, 4;
434 Hughes Dri ve, Trent on •
1985 Arena Drive, Trent on
Ski Club 2, 3, 4. Tre nt on Juni o r High
1000 Prin ce to n Ave nu e, Trent on 19 Al exander Dri ve, Tre nt on
Canti cle 4; Future
61 Hillhurst Av enu e, Tr nto n
Ba se ball 2,
78 Main Boul evard, Trenton
Football 1, 2.
CATHER! E TARANOWICZ • 810 Lawrence Ro ad , Trento n Ho meroom Pre sid ent 1, 2; Future urses' Club 1, 2, Vice- Presid ent 3; Sodalit y 1, 2, 3; ki Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4.
Catherine Taranowicz
Collette Suffern
Carol Tamasi
Eileen Stansky
Barbara Tackacs
Evelyn Spitzer
Kathleen Szymelewicz 14
Catherine Stryker
Susan Swieconek
COLLETT SUFFERN 44 Western Avenue, Apartment 6, Trenton Maria Academy 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 4.
CATHERINE STRYKER • 6 Fisher Avenue, Princeton • Canticle 4; Drill Team 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Softball 2.
john Stephan
CAROL TAMASI 487 Ewing Street, Princeton Canticle 4, Proctor-Social Committee 4.
Future Teachers 2, 4;
El LEEN STANSKY • 120 Keswick Avenue, Trenton • Soda I ity 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Girls Softball 2, 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4. BARBARA TACKACS • 988 Parkway Avenue, Trenton • Assistant 2, 4; Drill Team 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Softball 2.
Canticle 4; Library
EVELYN SPITZER • 102 Lewis Brooke Road , Pennington • St. Pius X High School, 1; GAA 3, 4; Executive Board 3, 4; Art Club 3, 4; Softball Manager 3, 4; Drill Team 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Gymnastics, 2; Leader Corps 2; Basketball 3, 4. KATHLEEN SZYMELEWICZ
212 Mulberry Street, Trenton
SUSAN SWIECONEK • 151 Sherman Avenue, Trenton • GAA 2, 3, President, 4; Coronet 3, Sports Editor 4; Four Winds, Assistant ·Editor 4; Sodality 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, 3. JOHN STEPHAN • 6 Alice Way, Trenton • Student Council, Class Representative 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 4; National Honor Society 3, Vice-President 4; Trainers Club, Treasurer 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4. MARK STANKEVICH • 17 Ewingville Road , Trenton 1, 2; Track 3, 4; Cross Country 4. ROSEMARY SPERA • Tennis 1; Softball 2.
18 Dexter Street, Trenton
Rosemary Spera
Key Club 3, 4; Band
Homeroom Treasurer 2;
ELIZABETH ANNE SPITZER • 102 Lewis Brook Road, Pennington • St. Pius X High School 1; Art Club 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Soccer' Manager 3, 4; Softball 3, 4; Drill Team 3, 4; Leader Corp 2; Gymnastics Club 2; Basketball 3, 4. JOANN SORENTO 326 Ellis Avenue, Trenton Student Council, Class Representative 4; Spirit Committee Chairman 4; Homeroom President 1, Homeroom Secretary 2; Four Winds 2, 3; Renascence 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3; Softball 2, 3. DOLORES SOPKO • back Riding Club 4.
Elizabeth Anne Spitzer
47 Pennsylvania Avenue, Trenton
Softball 2; Horse-
113 Sherman Avenue, Trenton
Dolores Sopko
joann Sorento
Paul Sobon 15
Patricia E. Smith
Patricia A . Smith
Mary Smith
Mark Smith
john Simone
Kathryn Siko rski
Carol Smith
Robert Skarpetowski
Nicholas Simzak
DONNA SHEPARD • 22 Ardsley Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom Treasurer 3, Homeroom Secretary 4; Cheerleading 2, Captain 3; Basketball 1; Proctor-Social Committee 4. \ MES SHARP
88 Upper Ferry Road, Trenton
NNA SEMETA 707 Spruce Street, Trenton Coronet 1, 2; Sodality 1, , 3; Drama Club 1, 2; Art Club 1, 2, 3; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Library ssi stant 1, 2, 3; Mission Representative 1, 2, 3. COTT SEILER
36 West Church Road, Lawrenceville
Schoo l Play 2.
Donna SI;Jepherd
james Sharp
Anna Semeta
Scott Seiler
Ron.ald Sebastiani
Suzanne Scott
KONALD SEBASTIAN! • 22 Whitman Road , Trenton • Homeroom President 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Coaches Club 3, 4; Trainers Club 3, 4; First 1\id Squad 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. U ZANNE SCOTT • 2q8 Clover Avenue, Trenton
• Art Club 2, 3; Softball 2.
65 Chase Street, Trenton
~!CHARD SCHELLINGER • 211 Pingree Avenue, Trenton rreasurer 4; Ski Club 4; Sports Assembly Club 4; Football 2.
German Club,
·YARLOTTE SCARNA • 119 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • Library Assistant 2, 3. TRICIA E. SMITH • 922 Lawrenceville Road, Trenton • GAA 3, 4, Executive .oard 4; Cheerleader 1, 2; Color Guard 3, 4, Co-captain 4. \TRICIA A. SMITH 4; School Play 3.
27 Walton Avenue , Trenton
Hea lth Careers Club
<\RY SMITH • 336 Ellis Avenue, Trenton • Service Committee 1, 2; Future 1ehers Club 3, 4. ARK SMITH Fackler Road , Princeton National Honor Society 3, 4; :!Y Club 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; arsity Club 3, 4; Track 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Cross Country, Cap.. in 3, 4. -AROL SMITH • 2151 Princeton Pike, Trenton • Canticle 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; rt Club 2, 3; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4. ' OBERT SKARPETOWSKI iasketball 1, 2, 3, 4.
• 35 Wilson Avenue, Trenton
• Varsity Club 3, 4;
-.JICHOLAS SIMZAK • 410 Sutherland Avenue, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, 3.
Maryann Sciarrotta
Richard Schellinger
Charlotte Scarna 17
EILEEN SCARANTINO • 3805 Quaker Bridge Road, Mercerville· Modern Dance, 1, 4; Canticle 4; School Play 2, 3. CHRISTINE SADKOWSKI • 1512 Cornell Avenue, Trenton • Nottingham Jr. High School 1; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 3; ProctorSocial Committee 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Drill team 3, 4. El LEEN SAUMS • Route 518, Blawenburg • GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Art Club 3, 4; Softball Manager 3, 4; Drill Team 3, 4; Gymnastics 1, 2; Leader Corps 1, 2.
Eileen Scaranti no
KATHLEEN RYAN •14 Metekunk Drive, Trenton· Library Assistant 1, 2; School Play 1, 2, 3; Canticle 4; Coronet 1, 2; Art Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3.
Christine Sadkowski
JEANETTE SAP RON 1 • 2315 Spruce Street, Trenton • Proctor-Social Committee 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2, 3; Library Assistant 1, 2, 4; Soccer 1, 2; Gymnastics 1, 2. CAROL SADKOWSKI • 1512 Cornell Avenue, Trenton • Proctor Committee 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; School Play 2, 3. CHARLOTTE ROBINSON • 39 Allison Avenue, Trenton • Canticle 4; Future Nurses 3, Treasurer 2; Red Cross Club 3, Treasurer 4; Bowling 2. RONALD RUTKOWSKI
222 Upper Ferry Road, Trenton
JUDITH ROBILLARD • 10 Chesney Avenue, Trenton • Football 2; Softball 2. THOMAS RUSSO· 8 Bywood Lane, Trenton· Salesian junior Seminary, Goshen, N.Y. 1, 2; jazz-Rock Workshop 4; Coronet 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3; Cross Country 4.
Eileen Saums
PAULA ROMANO • 163 Natrona Avenue, Trenton • GAA Executive Board 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, President 2; Canticle 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Proctor-Social Committee 4; Cheerleader 3; Leader Corp 3, 4. ROBIN REILLY
Kathleen Ryan
145 Kendall Road, Kendall Park
SUSAN RESMICK • 846 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom Secretary 3; Future Teachers Club, Treasurer 1, 2, 3; Sodality 2, 3. • LINDA RUTKOWSKI • 4 Stownian Drive, Trenton • Spanish Honor Society 3; Canticle 4. HENRY RICHTER • 813 Lawrence Road, Trenton • Canticle 1, 4; Coronet 4, Photography Editor 3; Renascence, Editor-in-Chief 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3. FRANK ROMANO •13 Compton Way, Hamilton Square· Homeroom Treasurer 2, Vice-President 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Key Club 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4. DEBORAH RIGGS
416 Ewingville Road, Trenton
jeanette Saproni
Linda Rutkowski
Henry Richter
Susan Resm ick
Carol Sadkowski
Charlotte Robinson
Ronald Rutkowski
judy Robillard
Thomas Russo
Paula Romano
Frank Romano
Robin Reilly
Deborah Riggs
MARY ROSE PROKOP • 3552 East State Street Extension, Trenton • GAA 1, Executive Board 2, 3, Corresponding Secretary 4; Leader Corps 3, 4; Coronet 1, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2, 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Softball 4, Manager 3; Gymnastics 1, 3, Manager 2. JAMES POCETTI • 824 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4. CHRISTOPHER REEF
Mary Rose Prokop
Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Foot-
9 Hamilton Avenue, Princeton
MARY ANN PIERZANOWSKI • 946 Mulberry Street, Trenton • GAA 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Red Cross 3, 4; Softball 2, 3. MARGARET RAYWOOD • 104 Woodside Avenue, Trenton • Trenton Junior High #3 1; C.E.A.S.E. 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4. JOHN RANK
714 Ohio Avenue, Trenton
PEGGY QUINLAN • 135 Edinburg Road , Trenton • GAA 1, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3. JOSEPH PULITI 843 Bunker Hill Avenue, Trenton Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2.
Surfing Club 3, 4;
RAYMOND PROCACCINI 2313 Route #33, Robbin sville Homeroom Treasurer 3; Homeroom President 4; Sports Assembly Club 4; Track Team 3, 4. DOUGLAS POTKAY
1708 Lawrence Road, Trenton
MARIA PONTANI • 151 Natrona Avenue, Trenton 1; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2. JUDY POCETTI
james Pacetti
Basketball 1, 2. Homeroom Secretary
• 709 Pine Street , Trenton
Canticle 4.
EDMUND PINELLI • 262 Mount Lucas Road, Princeton • Homeroom VicePresident 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1. PATRICIA PICCOLELLA Committee 4.
244 Homecrest Avenue, Trenton
ROCCO PUGLIESE 1550 Princeton Avenue, Trenton Homeroom Treasurer 1; Assembly Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Baseball
1, 2, 3, 4.
Christopher Reef
Margaret Raywood 20
Mary Ann Pierzanowski
john Rank
Peggy Quinlan
joseph Puliti
Raymond Procaccini
Douglas Potkay
Maria Pontani
Judy Pacetti
Edmund Pinelli
Patricia Piccolella
Rocco Pug I iese
Joann Petito
John Patrizi
Vincent Petersack
Angela Perfetti
Maria Pecena 22
Diane Pazdan
Craig Parson
Nicholas Pappa no
judith Paixao
Geraldine Panacek
JOANN PETITO 146 Deerwood Drive, Trenton Homeroom President 3; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Coronet 3, 4; Proctor Comlllittee 4; Social Committee 1, 2; Mission Representative 1, 2. JOH
250 Elmore Avenue, Trenton
Kathleen Ostaszewski
CRAIG PARSO • 120 Lawrence-Pennington Road, Trenton • Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Jazz-Rock Workshop 4; Wrestling 1, 2. VI CENT PETERSACK 2291 Spruce Street, Trenton Vice-President 4; Varsity Club 2, 3; Wrestling 1, 2. ANGELA PERFETTI Ed it or 4.
2100 Princeton Pike, Trenton
Cantice Business
33 Western Avenue, Apartment 8, Trenton
DIANE PAZDAN 1233 North Olden Avenue, Trenton Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Homeroom Secretary 4. ICHOLAS PAPPANO
6 Mario Drive, Trenton
GERALD! E PANACEK 3. 4; Drill Team 3, 4.
Michael Paglione
Canticle 4.
37 Brighton Drive, Mercerville
Art Club
JUDITH PAIXAO • 436 Lawrence Road , Trenton • Student Council1 , Recording Secretary 4; GAA Executive Board 3, Recording Secretary 4; Leader Corp s 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Red Cross 1, 2; Homeroom Vice -President 2; Play 2, 3; Proctor Committee 4; Liturgical Choir 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2; Gymnastics 1, 2, 3; Softball 2, 3.
Maureen O'Mara
KATHLEEN OSTASZEWSKI • 911 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton • Choraleers
3, 4. MICHAEL PAGLIO E • 17 Shawnee Drive, Trenton • Student Council Class President 2; Homeroom President 1; Varsity Club 3, Vice President 1; Baseball 3. 82 Sadie Avenue, Mercerville Liturgical MAUREEN O ' MARA Commission 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2; Canticle 4; Art Club 2, 3; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Hockey 2. EMMANUEL OTTAGGIQ
1.631 Roberts Avenue, Trenton
Emanuele Ottaggio
Band 1, 2.
Karin O'Hara
Joann O'Donnell
Cynthia Obduski
Stephen Notta
Bambina Nini
Carol Nigh
Joseph Napoleon
Urs Nager
Walter Murawski
29 Cherry Bro ok Drive, Princeton
JOANN O ' DONNELL 8 Springwood Drive, Princeton Junction GAA 1, 4; Library A ssistant 1, 4; Four Winds 3, Art Editor 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Secre tary 1; Horseback Riding 1, 2. CYNTHIA OBDUSKI 23 Miry Brook Road, Trenton Co -captain 3, 4; Leader Corps 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3. STEPHEN NOTTA • 1257 Princeton Avenue , Trenton 1; Proctor Committee 4.
Majorettes 2,
Baseball 1; Football
Nancy Nizolek BAMBINA NINI • 76 Spruce Street, Princeton Homeroom Secretary 1, 2.
S.oanish Honor Society 3;
CAROL NIGH 125 Hawthorne Avenue, Trenton GAA 2, 3, Executive Board 4; Sodality 1, 2; Hockey 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Basketball 2, 3; Ski Club 2, 3. JOSEPH NAPOLEON • Richardson Road , Robbinsville • Homeroom Vice President 4; Sports Assembly Club 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Football 1, 3; Track 2, 3, 4. URS NAGER • Bunker Hill Road , Princeton Key Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Audio-Visual 1, 2, 3; Coronet 3, 4; Wrestling 2. WALTER MURAWSKI • 65 Lanning Street, Trenton • Homeroom President 2. NANCY NIZOLEK 731 Mayflower Avenue, Trenton Four Winds 3, Layout Editor 4; Canticle 4.
21 Brocton Road, Trenton
Paul Nichitel
Christiopher Nelson
Renascence 1, 2;
25 Holt Circle, Trenton
Audio-Visual 2, 3.
JOYCE NADLER • 30 Lawnside Drive, Trenton • Leader Corps 2, 3, Secretary 4; GAA 1, 3, Executive Board 4; Proctor Committee 4; Renascence 2, 3, Busi ness Editor 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1. TIMOTHY MURPHY • 90 Westcott Road , Princeton • Student Council Class Representative 3; Football 2, 3, 4. PALMA MUKA
23 Kilmer Drive, Trenton
School Play 2.
EDWINA MRAW • 86 Pennwood Drive, Trenton Proctor Committee 4; Coronet 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4. RICHARD MOLNAR • 126 West Farrell Avenue, Trenton • Student Council Class Representative 4; Homeroom President 4; Varsity Club 4; Golf Team
2, 3, 4. JEAN MILLER • 70 New Street, Mercerville • Proctor-Social Committee 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, Exchange Editor 4; Canticle 4; Bowling 1, 2; GAA 2, 3.
joyce Nadler
Timothy Murphy
Palma Muka
Edwina Mraw
Richard Molnar
jean Miller
Barbara Michalczyn
Darrell Miller
Elizabeth Menschner
JoArrn Milinowicz
William Meagher
Gail Milinowicz 26
Eugene Meskill
Louis Midura
) Rosanne Meshanko
BARBARA MICHALCZYN • 431 Rutgers Avenue, Trenton • Proctor Committee 4.
EUGENE MESKILL • 748 Putnam Avenue, Trenton • Forum Club Vi~e-President 2, 3, President 4; Art Club 1, 2; First Aid Squad 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4 .... Darrell Miller • 13 Morningside Drive, Pennington • Forum Club 2, 3, Vi ce- President 4. Elizabeth Menschner • 292 Lander Drive, Trenton • Homeroom Treasurer 3, Homeroom President 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Spirit Club 2, 3, 4; Cheer leader 2, J.V. Co -Captain 3, Varsity Co-Captain 4; Proctor Committee 4. Jo Ann Milinowicz
138 Norway Avenue, Trenton
William Meagher • 2 Alyce tourt, Trenton· Service Committee 1, 2; Canticle 4, Sports Editor; Trainers Club 3, 4.
Kevin Meighan Gail Milinowicz • 1315 North Olden Avenue, Trenton • Future Secretaries 4. Louis Midura
52 Dawes Avenue, Trenton
Rosanne Meshanko • 181 Weber Avenue, Trenton • Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Leader Corps 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Homeroom Vice-President 3. Kevin Meighan • 229 Regina Avenue , Trenton· Audio-Visual Club 1, 2, 3. Charles McKenna
Griggstown Road, Princeton
John McCreedy· 2775 Princeton Pike, Trenton • Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4. Cecilia Mazzella· 127 Washington Road, Princeton • Library Assistant 1, 2, 3. Sandra Maurer • 256 Sherwood Avenue, Trenton • Proctor-Social Committee 4.
Charles McKenna
john McCreedy
Cecilia Mazzella
Sandra Maurer 27
Ronnie Materniak
Eileen Masterson
Anthony Massi
Sharon Maruca
Stanley Maglowski
Stanley Maciolek
Timothy Lyons
Thomas Mancuso
Christopher Mancino
RONNIE MATERNIAK 21 7 Phillips Avenue, Trenton President 2, 3; Co-Chairman 4.
Ski Club 4; Vice-
EILEEN MASTERSON • 75 Green Lane, Trenton • Homeroom Vice-President 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3; Canticle 4; Art Club 1, 2; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, President 4; Assembly Committee 1, 2, 3. ANTHONY MASSI • 24 Coral Drive, Trenton • Key Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Soccer 1. SHARYN MARUCA • 3 West Long Drive, Trenton • Homeroom Secretary 2, 3; Coronet 1, 2, 3 Feature Editor 4; Four Wind s 3, German Editor 4; Forum Club 1, 2, 3; Stagecra ft 2, 3.
Kathleen Lyons
William Lynn
Marianna Luizzi
Andrew Logan
Gerard Loftus
Karen Littwin
THOMAS MANCUSO 510 Donald Drive, Trenton Student Council Representative 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, Soccer 1. CHRISTOPHER MANCINO • 6 Brigham Way, Trenton • Student Council Representative 4; Homeroom President 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; Stage Crew 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1 STANLEY MAGLOWSKI
333 Clearfield Avenue, Trenton
611 Ohio Avenue, Trenton 325 State Highway #33, Trenton
90 Groveland Avenue, Trenton KATHLEEN LYONS team, Secretary 4; Proctor 4. WILLIAM LYNN
• 28 Carr Avenue, Trenton
Canticle 4; Drill
Football 1; Soccer'!; Baseball
1; Track 2; Wre stling 1. MARIANNA LUIZZI • 70 Vincent Avenu e, Trenton • Homeroom Secretary 4. AN DREW LOGAN
123 john Street , Princeton
GERARD LOFTUS • 65 Pennwood Drive, Trenton Club 4; Football 1, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4.
Key Club 3, 4; Varsity
KARE LITTWIN • 53 Smithfield Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Renascence 1, 2; Layout Editor 3, 4; Canticle Co -editor 4; Art Club 1, 2, 3; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 1, 2. MAUREE
• 1 Alton Road, Trenton
GAA 3, 4; Drill Team 2, 3.
MARK LEVANDUSKI • Perrinville Road, Robbinsville • Homeroom President 1; Football 1; Chess Club 1, 2. JAMES LEUPER • 8 Toth Lane, Rocky Hill sentative 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Football 1.
Maureen LiMato
Student Council , Class Repre-
Mark Levanduski
james Leuper 29
Varsity Club 2, 3;
RICHARD LABELLA 46 Dawes Avenue, Trenton Homeroom Vice-President 4; Cross Country 2, 3. EDWARD KOZAK
• 107 Houghton Avenue, Trenton
• Soccer 2, 3; Track 2.
CONSTANCE KRAMARZ • 724 Indiana Avenue, Trenton • Future Secretaries Association 4; GAA 1, 2.
john Leadem
John Lane STEPHEN KOVACS 812 Pine Street, Trenton Canticle Layout Editor 4; Key Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Homeroom Presi dent 4; Track 2; Cross Country
207 Parkway Avenue, Trenton
KAY KNOBLAUCH • 30 Roxboro Road, Trenton • Trenton Junior High #2 1; Homeroom President 3; Forum Club 4; Secretary 2, 3; Canticle 3, Photography Editor 4; Coronet 2, 3, Photography Editor 4; Renasce nce 3, 4; Four Wind s 2, Assistant Spanish Editor 3, Assistant Editor-in-chief 4; School Play 3. ROBERT KLEMANN· 41 Norman Avenue , Trenton· Trenton Junior High #3 1. LYNDA KENNEDY • 30 South Olden Avenue, Trenton HENRY JARKOWSKI
Sheryle Lawrence
• Trenton High 1, 2.
51 Heil Avenue, Trenton
JOHN LEADEM • 17 Farm Road, Trenton • Student Council 3, Vice- President 4; Proctor Committee 4; Coronet 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Basketball ln tramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.
Steven Kubiak
SHERYL LAWRENCE · 141 Lawrenceville-Pennington Road , Trenton • Ursuline Academy 1, 2; Coronet 3, Copy Editor 4; Cantic le 3, Picture- Page Editor 4; Four Winds 4, Asst. French Editor 4; Ski Club 3, 4. DOREEN LAPENNA JOHN LANE
29 Cain Avenue, Trenton
• t Homeroom treasurer 3.
39 Kedney Road, Trenton
Deca 4.
106 Susan Drive, Trenton
EILEEN KOTZAK • 148 Cuyler Avenue, Trenton • Stagecraft 2, 4, Assistant Director 3; Art Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 4; Softball 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 4. IRVIN KELLY
1042 Pennington Roa9 , Trenton
DECA, President 4.
MARY LOUISE JOHNSON 14 Clover Hill Circle , Trenton Homeroom Secretary 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4.
Doreen LaPenna
Eileen Kotzak
Irvin Kelly
Mary Louise Johnson
Richard LaBella
Edward Kozak
Constance Kramarz
Stephen Kovacs
Gregory Kliwinski
Kay Knoblauch
Robert Klemann
Linda Kennedy
Henry Jarkowski
JAMES HUNT • 1438 Lawrence Road, Trenton • La Salle Military Academy 1, 2. NANCY HUGHES 437 Parkway Avenue, Trenton Elizabeth City High School 1, 2; Canticle 4; Drama Club 3, 4; jerseymen 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Softball 3, 4; Basketball 4.
Mary Ellen Hutchins
jOSEPH HUBAL • 20 Clover Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom Vice-President 3; Varsity Club 4; Football 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. 1568 Prin ce ton Avenue, Trenton
STEVEN HATRACK • 201 Crescent Avenue, Trenton • Track 2, 4; Football 1. MARIANNE HARDING
• Ellis Drive RD#2, Belle Mead • Choraleers 2, 3, 4.
28 Hollyknoll Drive
Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
MARY ELLEN HUTC~INS 340 Ellis Avenue , Trenton Homeroom Vice-President 2; GAA 1, 2, Executive Board 3, 4; Cheerleading 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4; Track •2, 3 Manager 4; Leader Corps 2, 3; CEASE 3, 4; Four Winds 2, 3, 4; Renascence 2, 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Future Nurses 1, 2; jerseymen, VicePresident 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4. NORMAN HENK • 225 Elmore Avenue, Trenton
• Soccer 1, 2, 3; Track 2, 4.
BARBARA JANSEN • 3923 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square • Homeroom President 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir; President 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4.
Norman Henk
BRUCE HARMAN • 6 Bedford Road, Kendall Park • Varsity Club 4; Coaches Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Manager 4; Audio-Visual Club 1, 2; Proctor Committee 4. DALE JAMMER • 1 Greenwald Avenue, Trenton PATRICIA JAKUBOWSKI • 859 Indiana Avenue, Trenton • Canticle 3, 4; Forum Club 2, 4; Future Secretary Club Vice-President 4. ROBERT IWAN 121 Clover Avenue, Trenton Photography Editor 4; Stagecraft 1, 2, 3.
Canticle 3, Assistant
ELIZABETH INVERSO • 1462 Pennington Road , Trenton • Cheerleader, CoCaptain 4; Spanish Honor Society 3; Four Winds 2, 3; Canticle 4; Future Teachers
1, 2.
Bruce Harmon
Barbara Jansen
Dale lammer 12
Patricia Jakubowski
Robert lwan
Elizabeth I nverso
James Hunt
Nancy Hughes
Joseph Hubal
Marie Hohmann
Steven H atrak
Marianne Harding
Anthony lmmordino 33
Karen Harcar
Patricia Greer
Donna Haney
Russell Guarino
Gary Grab 34
james Graziano
Bernadine Gramness
Mary jane Gordon
Alexander Goosen
KAREN HARCAR • 89 Ridgewood Avenue , Trenton • GAA 1, 2, 3, Vice President 4; Coronet 2, 3, Alumni Editor 4; Canticle 3, Picture and Page Editor 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Leader Cofps 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Committee 1, 2; Proctor Committee 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. PATRICIA GREER· 27 Dunmore Avenue, Trenton· Homeroom Vice-President 1, 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Hockey 2; Cheerleader 2.
Constance Gibbons
JAMES GRAZIANO • 220 Edinburg Road, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4. DONNA HANEY RUSSELL GUARINO
33 Fran Avenue, Trenton 14 George Street, Trenton
GARY GROB ~ Cherry Hill Road, Princeton • Varsity Club 2, 4, President 3; Football 3, Captain 1; 2, 4; Wrestling 1, Captain 2; Baseball 2, Captain 1; Homeroom President 1, 2, Vice-President 4.
Phyllis Golden
B.ERNADINE GRAMNESS • 80 Hillview Avenue, Franklin Park • GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, Co-Chairman 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Softball 3, 4; Canticle 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 3; Proctor Committee 4. MARY JANE GORDON ALEXANDER GOOSEN
8 Walton Avenue, Trenton 223 Mt. Lucas Road , Princeton
Maureen Geoghan CONSTANCE GIBBONS • 1 Bridgeport Road, Belle Mead • Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Renascence 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2; Softball 1, 2, 4; Gymnastics 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; Leader Corps 1, 2. PHYLLIS GOLDEN • 707 Kingston Road, Princeton • Student Council, Corresponding Secretary 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Four Winds 3, French Editor 4; Leader Corps 2, 3; · Homeroom Secretary 1, 4, Treasurer 3. MAUREEN GEOGHAN • 33 Montgomery Road, Rocky Hill • Spanish Honor Society 3; Coronet 1, 2; Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Softball 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 4.
Elizabeth Goeke
ELIZABETH GOEKE • 13 Patton Drive, Trenton • GAA 1, Treasurer 2, Corresponding Secretary 3; Cheerleader 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 1, Recording Secretary 3; Basketball 1, 4.
Vincent Garofalo
Ann Marie Galati
Joseph Furch
Maureen Freda
Nora Flanagan
Barbara Fisher
Edward Fedorko
Anne Fechter
Luanne Fares
12 Birkshire Road, Trenton
4 Alton Road, Trenton
22 Forest Avenue, Trenton
MAUREEN FREDA • 34 Erdman Avenue, Princeton • Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4; School Play 2, 3. NORA FLANAGAN
12 Fleetwood Drive, Trenton
Basketball 4.
23 Devon Avenue, Trenton Canticle 3, 4; Spanish BARBARA FISHER Honor Society 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Red Cross 2, 3.
Gail Francimore
EDWARD FEDORKO • 212 Parkway Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom President 3; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 3, 4. ANNE FECHTER • 17 Cold Spring in -chief 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1, Council Treasurer 4; GAA Executive 2, 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3; Drama Library As sistant 1, 2, 3, 4.
Road, Trenton • Four Winds 2, 3, Editor2; Student Council Treasurer 1, 2; Student Board 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Choraleers Club 1, 2; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, 4;
LUANNE FARES • 2759 Nottingham Way, Trenton • Cheerleader 2, 3, Captain 4; Modern Dance 3, 4; School Play 3; Spirit Committee 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4. GAIL FRA~CIMORE
22 North Hamilton Avenue, Trenton
Robert Fidanza
Karen Festa
39 Oriole Drive, Trenton
KAREN FESTA • 266 Brook side Avenue, Trenton 2, 3; School Play 1, 3.
Football 1, 2. Modern Dance Club 1,
12 Li sbon Avenue, Trenton
BARBARA FARRELL • 331 Westmoreland Drive, Trenton • Canticle 4; Proctor Committee 4; Social Committee 1, 2; Drama Club 1, 2; Gymnastics 1, 2; GAA
3, 4. FRANK FANNING 2, 3; Captain 4.
18 Thoreau Road, Trenton
Varsity Club 4; Soccer 1,
JOSEPH FALLON • 23 Vander Veer Drive, Trenton • Student Cou neil Vice President 4; Class Representative 3, Homeroom Vice- President 1, 2; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Forum Club 2, 3; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4. MICHAEL FAHEY • 10 Kinney Drive, Trenton • Varsity Club 2, 3, President 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. PAUL EVANS
Mary Fasanella
Barbara Farrell
Frank Fanning
joseph Fallon
Michael Fahey
4 Sequoia Rd., Trenton
Audio Visual 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2.
Paul Eva ns
james Egan
Kim Ebrahim
Diane Esposito
josephine Dutko
David Esposito
Linda Dunbar
Karen Ernst
Gary Elmer
james Dzomba
KAREN ERNST· 9 Hilldale Road , Trenton • Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Coronet
865 East State Street, Trenton •
103 Woodside Avenue, Trenton
Marist Preparatory 1, 2.
KIM EBRAHIM • 23 Taylor Road , Princeton • Student Council President 4; !(ey Club 2, 3, President 4, Lt. Governor 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 2; Football 1, 2, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1. DIANE ESPOSITO· 51 Franklin Road, Trenton • Homeroom Treasurer 4; French Club 4, Spirit Club 2, 4; Tennis 1. JOSEPHINE DUTKO
Robert Durst
1031 Indiana Avenue, Trenton
DAVID ESPOSITO • 51 Franklin Road, Trenton • Homeroom President 1, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 1; Wrestling 1; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. LINDA DUNBAR
Josephine Dutko
1196 Pennington Road, Trenton
JAMES DZOMBA • 11 Lopatcong Drive, Trenton • Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 4. ROBERT. DURST • 35 Monroe Drive, Trenton • Renascence Literary Editor 3, Co -editor 4. JOSEPHINE DUTKO MARIA D' ULISSE
1031 Indiana Avenue, Trenton 18 East Paul Avenue, Trenton
Tennis 1.
CAROL DUCKENFIELD • 1246 Carlisle Road , North Brunswick ·Canticle Underclassmen Editor 3, Literary Editor 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society Treasurer 3, 4; Forum Club 2, 3; Secretary 4; Band 3, 4.
Maria D'Uiisse
Carol Duckenfield
Kathleen Driscoll
Karen Dreves
Kathryn Doughman
Guy Diviaio
David DiStefano
Frederick Dickt
Margaret DeForte
Marke Dilks
Karen Dietrich
Dennis Diehl 40
joan DeiFemine
KATHRY DOUGHMAhoJ • 659 Ohio Avenue, Trenton· National Honor Society 3, 4; Cheerleading 3, Captain 4; Art Club 2, 3; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, 4. 405 Cuyler Avenue, Trenton
DAVID Dl STEFANO • 23 Monument Avenue, Trenton • Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2. MARKE DILKS· 119 Keswick Avenue , Trenton· Varsity Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. KAREN DIETRICH • 31 Dunmore Avenue, Trenton • State Student Council, Executive Member 3, 4; Student Council Representative 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Canticle 2, Underclassmen Editor 3, Co-Editor 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 1, 4. DE
22 Coldspring Road, Trenton Hollow Road, Skillman
Juliann Dawidowski
James Davis
Cynthia Czigler
Joanne Czenis
Nancy Czaplicki
Michael Czahur
School Play 3. Coronet 3, 4.
MARGARET DE FORTE· Trenton-Harbourton Road, Pennington· Modern Dance 3, 4; Jerseyman 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4. JOAN DELFEMINE • 16 Rutledge Avenue, Trenton • Student Council Representative 4; Chairman - Proctor Committee 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, Executive Board 4; Coronet 2, 3, Managing Editor 4; School Play 3, Student Director 3; Spirit Committee 2, 3, 4; Cheerleading 2, 3. JULIAN DAWIDOWSKI • 75 Ewingville Road , Trenton· Homeroom Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Canticle 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor-Social Committee 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2. JAMES DAVIS • 1540 Pennington Road, Trenton • Stagecraft 3, 4; ~ed Cross 3, 4; Proctor-Social Committee 4. -CY THIA CZIGLER • 104 Fieldboro Drive, Trenton • Lawrence High School 1; Spirit Club 2, 3; Future urses 2, 3; Drama 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Hockey 2; Basketball 2; Gymnastics 2, 3. JOANNE CZENIS • 600 Pine Street, Trenton • Future Secretaries 4; GAA 1, 2. NANCY CZAPLICKI • 722 Indiana Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Canticle 3, Typing Editor 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Red Cross Club 2, 3; Future Secretaries Association 4. MICHAEL CZAHUR MARY CURRAN
84 Harrop Place, Trenton 10 Lopatcong Drive, Trenton
Stagecraft 1, 2. Choraleers 2, 3, 4.
SHARON CUNNINGHAM • 2 Allwood Drive, Trenton • Ski Club 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 4; Co-captain, Color Guard 4. HENRY CULLITON • 14 Brenwal Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom Vice-President 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2.
Mary Louise Curran
Sharon Cunningham
Henry Culliton
JESSICA COTA 204 Ewing Street, Princeton Homeroom Treasurer 3; Co ro net 3, 4; Canti c le 3, 4; Liturgical Commi ssion 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3; Choraleers 3, 4; Proc tor Committee 4; Hockey 2. ANNA COPPOLA • 610 Lawrence Road , Trenton • Four Winds Spanish Editor 4; Future Teachers Club 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society Vice Presid ent 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4. CAROLINE COSGROVE • 13 Colonial Avenue, Princeton junction • Marillac High School , orthfield, Ill. , 1, 2; Proctor Committee 4; Canticle 4. GERALDINE CONWAY • 8 Village Court , Hamilton Square • Choraleer s 3, 4; Canticl e Bu siness Editor 4; Majorette s Co-Captain 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; Horse ba ck Riding 1, 2; Art Club 2, 3. ANNE CORNELIUS • 6 Clover Hill Circle , Trenton • Hockey 2; Homeroom Treasurer 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, Secretary 4; Mission Committee 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 1, 4; Canticle 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4.
jessica Cota
JOHN CLA CY 607 North Olden Avenue, Trenton Ba sketball 1, 2; Golf 3, 4.
Anna CoppoLa
55 Stoniker Drive, Trenton
Varsity Club 4;
618 Westmorland Drive , Trenton
Key Club 3, 4.
PATR ICIA COOPER • 88 Mountain View Road, Trenton • :._eader Corps 3, Co -Chairman 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice- President 2; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4. ELIZABETH CONNELLY Sharon Road , Robinsville Color Guard 3, Captain 4; Red Cross 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4.
Ski Club 2, 3, 4;
KEVI CONNOLLY • 12 Mario Drive, Hamilton Square • Varsity Club 3, Secretary 4; Sports Assemblies Club 4; Baseball 3, 4. LAWRENCE CLARK • 3416 East State Street, Trenton • Proctor Committee 4.
Kerry Cosgrove
• 22 Cain Avenue, Trenton
• Homeroom President 3.
Geraldine Conway
ROSEMARY CERMELE • Keefe Road RD #1 , Lawrenceville • Missions Club 2, 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; Proctor Committee 4; Hockey 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 1; GAA 2, 3, 4. A GELA CASTRANOVA • 126 Eaton Avenue, Trentoh • Homeroom President 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Art Club 2, 3, 4; Spirit Club 3, "4; Basketball 1, 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; GAA 1, 2, 3, Executive Board 4. MICHAEL CASEY • 14 Academy Street , Kingston • Student Council , Class President 1; Liturgical Choir 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3; Key Club 2, 3, 4; School Play 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. RONALD CARABELLI 159 Elmore Avenue, Trenton Student Council Class Representative 2, 3, Class President 4; Homeroom President 1, Vice President 3; ational Honor Society 3, Treasurer 4; Ski Club 4, President 2, 3; Proctor Committee 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Golf 3, 4.
Jo h n Clancy
Anne Cornelius
j ae Ca rter
Robert Carroll
Patricia Cooper
Elizabeth Connelly
Kevin Connolly
Lawrence Clark
Deborah Chalker
Rosemary Cermele
Angela Castranova
Ronald Carabelli
Michael Casey
DONNA BURKE Cranberry Road, Princeton Junction Club 1, 2; Library Assistant 1, 2, 4. JONATHAN BRUCCALERI ball 2.
16 George Street , Trenton
Future Nurses
Soccer 2; Basket-
Donna Burke DONNA CAPONE 375 Paxson Avenue , Hamilton Square Homeroom Secretary 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2, 4; Proctor-Social Committee . 60 Ridgewood Avenue, Trenton KENNETH BIRKHEAD Football 1; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4. SHARON CAMERON 1, 2; Canticle 4.
514 Sutherland Road, Trenton
56 Ridgewood Avenue, Trenton
Band 2, 3, 4;
Future Teachers
Art Club 1, 2.
SUSAN CACALORI • 934 Indiana Avenue, Trenton • Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Canticle 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4. ROBERT BUTERA 48 Kino Boulevard , Trenton Club, President 3; Varsity Club 4.
Football 1, 4; Trainers
TERESA BUELL 103 Glen Mawr Drive , Trenton GAA 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Proctor-Social Committee 4. SHEILA BUCKLEY 270 Buckley Lane, Robbinsville Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Jerseymen, President 4.
Choraleers 3, 4;
jonathan Bruccoleri
RITA BUCKLEY • 81 Brighton Drive, Trenton Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Homeroom President 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4, Captain 2; Softball 2, 3. VERENA BRUNNER • Carter Road, RD 3, Princeton • Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Canticle 4; Drama 1, 2;- Hockey 1, 2, 3, Captain 4. THOMAS BROWN 55 Brophy Drive , Trenton St. Anthony H.S. 1; Seton Hall Prep 2; Proctor Committee 4; Assistant Lighting Director of School Play 3; Golf 3, 4. JOSEPH BIRD
• 55 Armour Avenue, Trenton
• Audio-Visual Club 1, 2, 3, 4.
DENISE BURNS 34 Sedgwick Road, Trenton Homeroom President 2; Canticle 4; Leader Corps 2, 4; Drill Team 1, 3; Proctor-Social Committee 4; Basketball 1, 2.
Kenneth Birkhead
Donna Capone
Sharon Cameron 44
Patricia Caccamis
Susan Cacalori
Robert Butera
Teresa Buell
Sheila Buckley
Rita Buckley
Verena Brunner
Thomas Brown
joseph Bird
Denise Burns 45
john Billie
joseph Bianculli
Patricia Betz
Peter Belza
Simon Belli
Bonita Bejma
Luann Balestrieri
john Baylog
William Baxter
Carol Bailey
JOHN BILLIE • 50 West Long Drive , Trenton • Homeroom Vice - President 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4. JOSEPH BIANCULLI • 3 Toth Lane, Rocky Hill • National Honor Society 3, Pre si dent 4; Coronet 3, Sports Editor 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4. PATRICIA BETZ • 33 Cold Spring Road , Trenton· Future Teachers 2, 3, 4; Horseback Riding 1, 2; GAA 1, 2, 3, 4. PETER BELZA • 228 Sherwood Avenue, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; Baseball 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4. SIMON BELLI • 14 Sunset Road, Lawrenceville • Lawrenceville Prep 1, 2; Tabor Academy 3; Ski Club 4. BONITA BEJMA • 429 Pleasant Valley Road, Titusville • Hopewell Valley Central H.S. 1, 2; Future Teachers 3, Vice-Pre sident 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4. JOHN BAYLOG • 60 Mabel Street, Trenton· Trainers' Club Vice-President 2, 3.
Edward Bacsik
Joseph Bachalis
Earl Babbitt
Randi Aug
Edward Arnister
William Argust
Pamela Alexandrowicz
Philip Ackermann
WILLIAM BAXTER • 57 Montadale Drive, Princeton • St. John the Baptist H.S. 1; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Sacristan 1, 2, 3, 4. JOANN BALESTRIERI • lppossum Road, Skillman • Red Cross 1, 4; Choraleers
2, 3, 4. CAROL BAILEY • 68 Saybrook Avenue, Trenton • Student Council Class Representative 1, Class Vice-President 2, 3; Canticle 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Softball 2, 3, 4. EDWARD BACSIK • 15 Coldspring Road , Mercerville • Coronet 1, 2, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1. JOSEPH BACHALIS • 30 Burning Tree Lane, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Proctor Committee 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Bowling 4. EARL BABBITT
27 Rockhill Avenue, Trenton
15 Bayberry Road, Trenton
EDWARD ARNISTER • 703 Mayflower Avenue, Trenton· Liturgical Commission, Chairman 3, 4; Sacristan 1, 2, 3, 4. WILLIAM ARGUST ·50 Hoover Avenue, Trenton • Trainers Club, Secretary 3, 4; Stagecraft Club 2, 3, 4. PETER ANTONIEWICZ • 712 Prhe Street, Trenton ·Class Vice-President 1; Class President 3; Key Club 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4. PAMELA ALEXANDROWICZ • 49 Main Boulevard, Trenton • GAA 3, Executive Board 4; National Honor Society 3, Secretary 4; Red Cross Club 1, 2, President 4; Play 3; Modern Dance 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 4; J. V. Cheerleader 3, Varsity Cheerleader 4. PHILIP ACKERMANN· 62 Whitehall Road , Hamilton Square· Notre Dame High School , West Haven, Conn . 1, 2; Sports Assemblies Club 4; Audio-Visual Club 3, President 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Cross Country 4; Track 4.
Peter Antoniewicz
â&#x20AC;˘ sen1or class history
This year proved to be a milestone in senior memories. Under the leadership of class officers, President Ronald Carabelli and Vice-President Joseph Fallon , the senior class left its mark on every phase of Notre Dame life. On the scholastic side, seniors Joseph Biancu IIi and Mark Smith gained semifinalist status in competition for National Merit Scholarships, while twenty-two seniors achieved membership in the National Honor Society. Seniors also excelled in sports. Val Zamborsky and Frank Fanning made the All-County soccer team, and Joseph Fallon was named to the All-County football team. John Stephan was presented with the Scholar-Athlete Award . Seniors figured prominently in the school play, in leading roles, the chorus, and stagecraft activities. Senior complaints and suggestions were aired during an open forum in December. Pretzels were sold during the lunch periods as a fund-raising project for the class gift to . the school. Senior spirit was especially manifested through the senior float, presented during the Homecoming festivities. Excitement mounted as the holiday season approached with the anticipation of college acceptances. This mood prevailed as Seniors awaited that sp'2cial event, the Senior Prom, held on May 14 at Cedar Gardens. The culmination of all efforts, graduation, followed in early June. The class of 1971 set out to face the world with lessons learned and experiences remembered from their years at Notre Dame.
.can you remember?
homecoming Notre Dame's first Homecoming was off to a spirited start with a bonfire on November 25, the eve of our traditional Turkey Day game. On November 26 the crowds assembled in the stands eager for a victory, but N.D. had to surrender the " brown jug" to Trenton High after a bitter defeat. Floats representing the different class levels路 were paraded around the field during half time as part of the Homecoming festivities .
pep rallies
Pep rallies were presented to acquaint the students with the different teams and to arouse student involvement and spirit. A pep rally, held on the football field, introduced the football and soccer teams. A second pep rally served to teach new spirit songs to the student body. A sports assembly in the auditorium honored all winter sports, and stimulated the students' enthusiasm . Another pep rally was held for the spring sports.
Christmas spirit was spread throughout Notre Dame through the efforts of the Art Department and the Student Counci I. Artistic messages decked the halls, while a Christmas tree was erected in the foyer. A Christmas Mass, with appropriate Christmas carols, was prepared for the student body by theâ&#x20AC;˘ Liturgical Commission. During the day, Santa Claus and his elves visited the classrooms and spread holiday cheer. A special program finished the day, with entertainment by the Modern Dance Club and the "Lord Dawn."
assemblies Entertaining and informative assemblies were presented to the student body. The Jerseymen sponsored a program in October with Mr. George Gallup Jr. , nationally known pollster, as guest speaker. In November, the Music department conducted a Talent Show in which Judy Ku liczkowski took first place. Dr. Karl Franzoni talked with the seniors on the topic of " Sex and Marriage," in January.
you can't take it with you
On January 14, 1971, Our Lady of Sorrows Teen Club presented You Can 't Take It With You, a corfledy which dramatized the conflict between a family relationship based on love and one based on money. Notre Dame students who performed in the play included Dennis Diehl, Colleen Kendall, James Gardener, Liz Capriotti, Bob Ferri , Ellen Diehl, Karen Diehl, Pat O ' Reilly, Mary Rose Pica, and Joe Pica.
Many and varied were the themes which were adapted for use in this year' s liturgy. Project Cooperation, initiated at the November First Friday Mass, was concluded at Thanksgiving with a con celebrated Mass during which the students presented their gifts for the elderly at Morris Hall. During February, Catholic Press Month , another Mass was offered for the school publications. Masses were also offered for deceased members of the families of the faculty . The Liturgical Commission was responsible for the preparation of the liturgy.
student-faculty game
• •
tJ : I
From behind the desks and podiums of N.D., the teachers and students once again changed the scholastic atmosphere to one of athletic competition. Spirit was high on both sides as the students and teachers battled on the basketball court. This year, however, the students proved victorious, with a final score of 34-24.
new jersey symphony
An introduction to the classics was presented to the student body when the New Jersey Symphony, conducted by Henry Lewis, performed in concert at Notre Dame on March 4. Some of their arrangements included the well-known " William Tell Overture", com posed by Rossini, and the less familiar "Enchanted Garden" by Ravel. The assembly also proved to be an informative experience as a practical demonstration of the principles of orchestration and the various stages of musical development.
junior ring day
March 5 was a very special day for the Junior class as they received their long-awaited class rings . A Mass was offered, after which the rings were distributed individually by Father Joseph Thul. Early dismissal followed the ceremony. Further celebration was held on March 13, the date of the Junior Ring Dance.
tutoring A group of ten volunteer students from Notre Dame, directed by Brother Cullen, offered their services as tutors to students from Parker School in Trenton . These tutors spent their Saturday mornings helping 4th , 5th , and 6th grade pupils improve reading skill s needed for future education. The program lasted approximately eleven weeks.
The auditorium of Notre Dame High School was transformed into the great midway when Carnival was presented on March 18, 19, 20 and 21 . The play was the story of an old, broken-down carnival and a young girl who brings new I ife to it. Under the direction of Mr. Joseph Hayes, a veteran of many Broadway and television preformances , the students of N.D. brought the audience to their feet. Assisting Mr. Hayes in this production were Musical Director Mr. Frank Jackson, Assistant Director Mrs. Daryl Hilt, and Student Director Michael Casey. A first in N.D. theatrics was initiated by the stagecraft and lighting crews with their special effects such as ultra violet lighting and use of slide projections, creating a more real is tic carnival atmosphere throughout the entire theatre.
Lighting Crew : George Zimmer, Phil Ackermann, Urs Nager, Gene Sredinski
Make-up: Sister Regina Grant
Costume Committee: Diane Grazuil, Evelyn Sabolchy, Mary Chapuk, Katy Barlow
Fl RST PLA CE Karen D ie tri ch
top ten THIRD PLACE Maria Zagorzycki
Fl FTH PLACE Eil een Stan sk y
Fl FTH PLACE Kathryn Doughman
SECOND PlACE Angela Castranova
In any institution of higher learning it is fitting t~at those students who have achieved excellence in academic standing be recognized. The students presented here have, through their outstanding scholastic record, earned a place among the "top ten" students of the school.
SIXTH TO TENTH PLACE Front Row: Carol Sadkowski, Elizabeth Menschner, Pamela Alexandrowicz, Sheryle Lawrence, Karen Harcar, Joanne Czenis , Rita Buckley, Carol Duckenfield Back Row: John Stephan, Ronald Carabelli , Thomas Russo, Ronald Materniak, Robert Zuczek
This year, under the direction of department chairman Mrs. Judith Ann Paixao, the Art Department broadened its curriculum with the addition of an Art History course. The numerous activities sponsored by this department included the decoration of the school bulletin boards and the show case. Art students were encouraged to enter various contests, including the Elks Fund Poster Contest, in which Bill Plank and Maureen O'Mara took first and third places respectively, and the Broad Street Bank Christmas Card Contest, in which Notre Dame Students placed in al l divisions except second place. Randy Salewski received first prize in this contest. Girls interested in the useful art of sewing were guided by Sister Mary Stella, chairman of the Home Economics department. Their creations were modeled at the annual fashion show.
â&#x20AC;˘ sew1ng
Preparation of students for the business world was undertaken by the Business Department. Business students attended the Future Business Leaders National Convention and the Distributive Education Convention . Various programs conducted by the department gave business students the opportunity to practice their skills. Senior girls participated in the Co-op program, while Junior girls served as faculty secretaries. Eleven boys were involved in the Distributive Education program. A ~new Roneo mimeograph machine and new typewriters were provided for student use.
english Visual aid materials and a variety of professional and entertaining books were additions to the English Department this year. New courses open to Seniors included the Novel , Modern British Writers, Drama, and World Literature. Stu dents put their English skill s to work as entrants in the " Hire the Handicapped " essay contest, while Sister Mary Grace Kelly, department head, and the subject teachers arranged field trips to supplement the curriculum .
New courses and techniques created a diverse Social Studies Department. Afro-Asian and Modern European History were added to the curriculum this year, under the direction of department head Sr. Mary Alexander. Students Robert Durst, joseph Mclin, Eugene Meskill, Barbara Jansen, Eileen Masterson and Verena Brunner were chosen to participate as board members for Channel 52, the state-owned broadcasting system. \!Vithin th~ social studies classes, independent study courses were conducted. New audi-visual aids were used to supplement these programs.
New texts and methods were introduced to language students by the Language Department, supervised by chairman Mrs. Mary Palenchar. French, German, Latin and Spanish were offered in the language curriculum . â&#x20AC;˘ The Language Resource Center aided students engaged in language study. A tape recorder, record player, and eight student listening posts were included in its facilities. Many opportunitites for using their language skills were presented to the students. A Roman Banquet was sponsored by the Latin classes; German students participated in contests sponsored by the Declaration of Germans and the American Association of Teachers of German. Trips to Europe provided a most exciting way to study and learn the cultures and languages of France and Spain.
Books, periodicals, tapes, filmstrips, and other research materials were provided by the library as an incentive to student interest. Librarians Mrs. Jeanne Radar and Mrs. Cynthia Clancy, with the help of student library assistants, kept the library in good order and rendered their aid whenever needed. The Audio-Visual Department, headed by Sister Mary Philip, supplied filmstrip machines, over-head projectors, record players, and other. audio-visual materials for classroom use.
New faces were seen in this year's Guidance Department. Assisting department chairman and senior counselor Sister Rosaire in aiding the students were Father joseph Thul, who advised juniors, and Miss Kathleen Peoples, who helped Sophomores and Freshmen with their problems. Among other clerical duties, records were maintained and transcripts were mailed by the department secretary, Mrs. Lee Theile. A variety of tests were also conducted by the department. Among these were SAT, Achievement tests, NMSQT, and various reading and IQ tests.
math Students were presented with greater challenges this year by the Mathematics Department and department Chairman Sister Regina Grant. A new course, Elementary Algebra 1 , and tape lessons on probability were two additions to the mathematics curriculum, while a cassette-tape recorder was available for student use. The department was also invited to participate in a Science Bowl which was held at Immaculata College.
physical education The Physical Education Department, headed by Mrs. Barbara Major and Mr. Gary Dambra, gave students the opportunity to participate in various sports and activities. G iris' sports ranged from the more conventional field hockey and basketball to crab soccer and even track. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, track, and wrestling were included in the boys' curriculum. A course in mental health was conducted for Seniors while Juniors learned the intricacies of driving through Driver Education. Sophomores were taught the rudiments of first aid and the Freshmen were alerted to the dangers of drugs.
â&#x20AC;˘ sc1ence
As chairman of the Science Department, Sister Mary Wendelin had succeeded in adding new courses and projects to the curriculum . The Freshmen were given the course Patterns and Processes , which introduced the modern concepts of science. Harvard Project Physics, an in- . dependent study course, was made available to the Seniors. The Biology classes had undertaken such different activities as an exotic fish breeding project and the hothouse revival, while the BSCS classes had made use of new investigatory kits . Participation in the Notre Dame science fair, the Trenton science fair, and the Delaware Valley science fair was encouraged. The Science Department was invited to attend a Science Bowl held at Immaculata College. The outstanding science student received the Bausch and Lomb Science Award.
Front Row: Joe Mclin, Jim Pacetti , Mike Casey, Bob Butera, Joe Fallon, Jerry Loftus, Joe Bachalis, Coach AI Verdel , Second Row: Tim Murphy, Pete Belza, Ed Fedorko, Chris Mancino, John Stephan, Bill Place, Scott Maylander, David Esposito Third Row: Wayne Ranke, Dan Allen, John McCreedy, Bill Lawyer, Mike Spitz, Chris Enourto, Mark Cuzzato . Back Row: Joe Wisnieski , Bernie Austin, Frank Przechocski, Tom MacDonald, Dave Hart, Gerry Goeke.
The Notre Dame varsity football team of '71 won 4 of their 9 contests . Players satisfaction could not be found in the win column but in the sense of discipline instilled in each player by head coach AI Verdel and assistants Chris â&#x20AC;˘ Pretuczia and Jim Place. The highlight of the season was an Irish victory over arch-rival St. Anthony by a 13-7 score, in the first night game by the two Mercer County teams in ten years. Irish fan support plus player morale were the ingredients to victory. Players achieving county recognition were Joe Fallon, first team (DHB), John McCreedy (OHB), Pete Belza (LB), Will Place (OG), Gerald Goeke (DH B), second team. Honorable mentions went to Mike Ca.sey, Chris Mancino, Tim Murphy and Dave Hart.
0 14 12 7
10 6
19 8 14
Opp . Essex Catholic Steinert St. Anthony's Mater Dei Hamilton Bishop Eustace Ewing Princeton Trenton
40 6 7
0 28 28 8 41 50
Front Row: Tom Fallon, Bill McGinely, Bernie Austin, Eddie Schrader, Mark Holcomb, Bill Lawyer Second Row: Dean Fasoli, Bill Long, Frank Prezechalki, Mark Cussato, Mike Spitz, Jim Rafferty, Tom Yeakle, Bobby Ru sso, Tom MacDonald, Gerry Goeke, Bob Szejner. Back Row: Ray Rein, Wayne Ranke, Bill Ridge, Rick Jaekle
Front Row: Coach Gary Dambro, Tom Day, Tom Root, John Taylor, Larry Stumbaugh, Joe Falzone, Greg Schrader, Manager joe Bach , Andy Calabrese Second Row: Coach joe Wroblewski , Mike Stritzki, Mario DeVincenzi, Danny Del Vecchio, Danny Collins, Mike Shaddow, Sam Pastorello, Mike Zigler, Reynold Reali , Tom Bruccoleri Third Row: John Swatkowski , Steve Luck, Donald Dubow, Bill Zamborsky, Joe Loh, AI Petruccio, Tom Geoghan, Craig Chiarello Back Row: John Cota, John Gerdes, Pete MacDonald, joe Phillips, Bob Livingston, Bob Aviolo, Keith Ebrahim, joe Falsetti
Front Row: Russ Metzer, jim Graziano, Capt. Val Zamborski , Co-Capt. Frank Fanning, Stephen Reid, Ronnie Carabelli Second Row: Pete Wallbridge, Bud Carella, Pat Chati vite, Rick Hoffman, jerry Dicola, Carl Carella . Back Row: jay Billie, Ed Pinnelli , Mike Boitson , Terry Clarke , Paul Rulkiewicz
The Big Blue Machine left its mark on the school circuit this year with special surprise Parochial Class A state championship, the fifth in the career of N.D. and coach William " Stu " Clark. Led by Captain Val Zamborsky and Frank Fanning, the Irish boaters brought what appeared to be a mediocre team to all state status. The season opened with a 4-0 victory over Wall Township and it closed with a 2-1 victory over Roselle Catholic, thereby winning the school' s fifth state crown .
The Irish overcame a mid-season slump and finished with a 12-5 record. The team pulled what turned out to be the biggest upset in the newly assembled Mercer County League defeating Trenton High with a decisive 3-0 score. Trenton high had beaten the boaters earlier in the season. The N.D. team posted two positions on the all Mercer team, Frank Fanning and Val Zamborsky, both of whom also received All Area and All State honors.
3 2 0
3 4 4 4
1 0 0
2 0
Wall Township St. Anthony's Cathedral Trenton St. Anthony's Hightstown Cathedral Princeton Ewing Lawrence Hamilton Trenton Steinert Hopewell
Opp . 0
5 0 1 0 1
2 5 2 0
3 0
Front Row: Joe Pontani, Brian Smith, Terry Clark, John Feldenzer Second Row: Bob Gardiner, Artie Karascony, George Able, Dave Erkoboni, Chris Meagher Back Row: Coach Larry Kuser, Mike Greber, Bruno Martalotti , Kevin Clancy, Danny Coluccio
J.V. soccer
cross country
Front Row: Jim Dzomba, Tom Russo, Phil Ackerman, Mark Stankevich, Steve Kovacs, Mark Smith , Pete Antoniewicz Second Row: Terry Faherty, Dave Kurlander, Kevin Behan, Mike Franco, .Rich Kowal. Back Row: John Leadem, John Wiley, Bill Rader, Don Frankiewicz, Lester Kychieleski
24 22 15 15 22 15 21 20 20 15 18 16 20 21 15 23
Bristol Hopewell Valley Bordentown Lawrence Hamilton BMI Hunterton Hightstown Holy Cross St. Anthony Trenton Delaware Valley Morrisville Princeton Ewing Steinert
31 33 40 40 33 40 34 35 35 40 37 39 35 34 40 32
N.D.'s 1970 harriers, coached by John Ungrady, ran their way to a 16-0 season and the Mercer County Championship. Led by Senior captains Mark Smith and Pete Antoniewicz, and Senior harriers Steve Kovacs, Mark Stankevich, Phil Ackermanr:1, and Tom Russo, the runners avenged last year's four defeats by trouncing Bristol, Hopewell Valley, Hunderton Central, and Holy Cross. Other highlights of the season were shutouts over Ewing and arch-rival St. Anthony. The highest point of the season was the capturing of the County Title at Washington Crossing Park. Mark Smith, Kevin Behan, and Les Kisielewski placed 3rd, 5th, and 7th, respectively in that race. All the members of the team displayed sportsmanship and a strong sense of unity throughout the entire season, during practice as well as races . The continuation of this fine spirit and the return of talented underclassmen Kevin Behan, Les Kisielewski, and Mike Franko will enable Coach U ngrady to extend his team's current 22 meet win streak. 127
j. v. cross country
Front Row: Tom Russo, Phil Ackerman, Mark Stankevich, Steve Kovacs, Dave Kurlander Second Row: Jo hn Burke, Kevin Byrne, Tony Holop, Dave Fair, joe Krempecke Back Row: Steve Agocs, Brian Sikorski , Jeff Mazurek, joe Wojek
hockey Sitting: Jan Falcey, Nancy Widener, Maureen Nosal, Miriam Stetler, Terry Barth , Maria DeiFemine, Marty Rodweller, Jill Bielawski , Kathy Potkay, Meg Franzoni , Mary Liz Cahill , Pat Cooper Standing : Managers Susan Bennett , Linda Angelini , Celeste Buzzelli, Co-captain s Rosemary Cermele, Bernie Gramness.
Coach Mrs. Barbara Major faced victory as well as defeat with her girls' hockey teams this year. The varsity, led by Co-captains Bernie Gram ness and Rosemary Cermele, completed its season with a 1-4-1 record . Co-captains Carol Nigh and Rena Brunner assisted high scorer Mary Jean Frick in sparking the J.V. team to the best season yet with a record of 4-2.
Sitting: Tricia Furman, Amy Barth , Ret Festa , Patricia Leadem , Hannah Rodweller, Patty Evans, Leslie Smith, Rene Frick . Clare Baxter, Marianne Hinkl e, Holly Fabain, Co ll ee n Harcar, Maryj ean Fri ck, Andrea Franzoni , Carol Nigh, Rena Brunner
Front Row: John Logan; Kurt Ebrahim, jerry DiCola, john Course n, Bac k Ro w : j erry DiNatal e, jack Stephan, D enni s Ro ba ck, No rm Cook, Mik e Fahe y, Gene Ryfinski , To m Man cuso, Bo b Bot!to ni , Sand y DiMartin o, Ro n Sebastiani , Coac h Willi am H ogan
73 44
32 60
63 41 56 43 51 47 63 64
OPP. Peddi e C. B.A. St ein ert Cath edral Burlin gt o n Town ship Fl o re nce Mat er D ei Gloucester Catholic St. Anthon y's Trenton Hamilton Ewing
64 71 50 66
N.D .
57 34 34 51 53
54 44 52 49 50
86 64
53 It 42
31 55
OPP. W all Township C. B.A. Ho ly Cross Hamilt on W est Gl o uces ter Cath oli c St. Anth ony's St ein ert Ewing Tre nton Cath edral Ho ly Cr oss
56 68 88
58 56 59 66
76 69 70 55
varsity The Irish cagers did not post an i mpressive record this season ; however, they proved they were indeed the fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Thi s N .D. squad , led by co-captains Mike Fahey and Tom Mancuso, was coached by Bill Hogan. Mike Fahey' s fine shooting and action under the boards earned him a spot on the all-city team, while Tom Mancuso 's explosive defense in the backcourt assured him a place among the city' s best. juniors Mike Franco, Norm Cook and john Coursen completed the starting five .
Front Row: Gene Mydlowski , Gerry Goeke, Bill M cGinl ey, Danny Coluccio, Stephen Tella, Mike H offma n Back Row: Gerry Di atale, Paul Rulki ewicz, j ohn Logan, Gene Ryfi nsk i, Terry Clark , Mik McCard II , Dominic DiBiasi , Tim Ungrady, Coach William Panella .
This year the Irish seconds came away with a 5-16 record. Despite this, the hustling ND five, under Coach William Panella, were never really counted out of any game till the final buzzer. Spearheading the team with identical 8.0 averages were Paul Rulkiewicz and Steve Tella . With Gene Ryfinski, john Logan , and Walt Morrissey switch ing off to control the boards and jerry Goeke and Gene Mydlowski alternating as floor generals the jV team should contribute heavily to next year's It varsity.
junior varsity
Fr o nt Ro w : John Farrell , john Festa , Tom Brucco leri , Mik e Ho ffman, Mark Hoyer, Tom Hou sman . Ba ck Ro w : Coach Vinc ent A rd ery, Anth ony DiPa stina, Frank D' Uii sse , Tom Voyd a, Bob Li vingst on, Phil O ' Reill y, Keith Ebrah im, John Ryfin ski , William Bennet, j osep h Badard.
The " winningest" basketball team in the school, the freshmen ended the '71 season with an impres sive 17-8 record . Behind the coaching of Mr. Vincent Ardery and the outstanding performances of Tom Geoghan and Co-captains Tom Vayda and Keith Ebrahim, the squad fini shed third in the Mercer County junior High School League.
girls' basketball Front Row: Ella Hughes, Patty Greer, Karen Harcar, Sue Swieconek, Nancy Hughes Back Row: Coach Mrs. Barbara Major, Marty Rodweller, Marianne Hinkle, Maria DeiFemine, Loretta Festa, Mary Liz Cahill
The 1971 Irish Colleens closed their season with a 9-2 record, the best yet for coach Mrs. Barbara Major. The team, which went undefeated at home, was characterized by the play-making of Sue Swieconek, the shooting of Mary Liz Cahill, the constant hustle of Loretta Festa and the rebounding of Ella Hughes and Maria Del Femine. The J.V.'s, led by co-captains Karen Kiehl and Alice Agocs, posted a 6-4 ~ record.
39 39 39 53 49 44
31 45 33 38 29
OPP. Ewing Hopewell St. Anthony Villa Victoria Princeton Hightstown Ewing Cathedral St. Anthony Princeton Cathedral
31 25 30 23 51 68
23 34 18 20 23
Front Row: Miriam Stetler, joellen Houghton, Alice Agocs, Karen Diehl, Maureen Nosal, Peggy Gillin Back Row: Harriet Smith, Col leen Harcar, Holly Fabian, Laurel Daunis, Susan Haskins, Veronica Andrews, janice Huff
wrestling Front Row: Keith Holcomb, Ron Carabelli, jimmy Mansfield, Mike Holcomb Second Row: joe Tramontana, Bill Place, Carl Carella Back Row: Coach Gary Dambra, Frank Romano, jim Pacetti , Tom Fallon , Ron Sebastiani, George Luther
N.D. 32 3rd Place 32 39 13 21 21 27 51 16 9 15 5th Place
Bristol Christmas Tournament Lawrence Morrisville Hunterdon Central Hopewell Valley Regional Ewing Northern Burlington Allentown Bishop Eustace Delaware Valley Regional Princeton District 17 Championships
OPP. 14 12 12 30 24 24 23 5 30 33 31
Notre Dame has come a long way in the field of wrestling in the oast few years. Under the coaching of Mr. Gary Dambra and Mr. Richard Miller, interest in the sport is growing rapidly both in action on the mat and in spirit among the fans. The Irish grapplers, under the leadership of co-captains Jim Pacetti (8-3) and Frank Romano (7-5) posted a 5-7 team record along with a third place finish in the Christmas Tournament held at Lawrence High . Outstanding performances by freshman Mike Holcomb and junior Andy Mangone in that event resulted in first places for each in his respective weight classes. The high point of the season, the District Tournament, was held at home this year with Carl Carella and Andy Mangone each placing fourth in his weight division and Frank Romano becoming the first wrestler in the history of N.D. to take second place attaining this distinction in the 168 lb. class .
Front Row: ick Schrier, Bob De Martin, William Lloyd, Paul Mooney, David Pacera, Mark VanSant Second Row: jim Root, joe Loh, AI Petricio, Tommy Carroll, Pat O 'Grady Back Row: Coach Gary Dambra, Tim Moran , Mark Holcomb, john ::;iordano, Pete Burns, Mark Wesley, Bill Turgeon .
wrestling pep rally
The sophomores worked to promote school spirit for the wrestling district finals by presenting a wrestling pep rally on March 5. A skit which dramatized the more common misconceptions of the sport was performed. After this demonstration Coach Gary Dambra introduced the wrestling team and spoke to the student body about the future of interscholastic competition in wrestling and Notre Dame's place in this field.
bowling team
. D. 4 4
3 3 0 1
2 1
3 4
OPP . Princeton Princeton Peddie Peddie Ewing Ewing Lawrence Law re nce Pennington Pennington
0 0
3 2 3 1
After a slow start Notre Dame's keglers came on strong to post an impressive 6-3-1 log. The three losses came at the hands of well-disciplined Ewing and Lawrence teams early in the season. The team, under the guidance of its coach, Father Maurice, consisted of Ken Miller, Frank Nalbone, Fran Przechacki , Steve Denarski, Jim Nadler, George Chapman, and Frank Lay, the only returnee from last year's club.
girls' softball
Girls' softball was one of the more popular sports in the spring. This year the group became an official team under the supervision of ,. a new coach, Mrs. LeBlanc. With seniors and underclassmen who did a fine job last year, combined efforts of the girls helped produce another good season.
The Student Council served as a co-ordinating center for students and administration to work for improved student-faculty communication and learning atmosphere in Notre Dame. The Council, moderated by Sister Andrea Jeremy, had thirty-three members elected by the students. The executive officers President Kim Ebrahim, Vice~~oPresident John Leadem, Corresponding Secretary Phyllis Golden, Recording Secretary Ann Paxiao, and Treasurer Anne Fechter planned numerous projects with the council. As part of their service to the school the Student Council sponsored our first Homecoming Weekend, dances, and charity projects. They also hosted a meeting of the State Student Council Executive Board and participated in Problem Clinic and Discussion Group associated with the New Jersey Association of Student Councils.
student council
The encouragement and recognrtron of scholarship, service, leadership, and character were the aims of the Bishop Ahr Chapter of the National Honor Society. This year, the Chapter had forty-one members with officers : Joseph Bianculli , President, John Stephan, Vice-President, Pamela Alexandrowicz, Secretary, and Ronald Carabelli, Treasurer. Mr. Constantine Diamond served as moderator. The Society was a service-oriented organization . Members assisted th~ Guidance Department with plans for College Night, Career Day, and the Freshman Orientation in September.
national honor society
Front Row: Joseph Bianculli , John Stephan, Pamela Alexandrowicz, Ronald Carabelli Second Row: Kathryn Doughman, Angela Castranova, Maria Zagorzycki , Karen Dietrich , Carol Duckenfield Back Row: Karen Harcar, Mark Smith , Nancy Czapli cki
spanish honor society
Front Row: jerry DiCola, joseph Fallon Second Row: Diane Pazdan, Carol Duckenfield, Sandra Coppola, Anna Coppola, Sharon Cunningham Third Row: janet Skwara, Lorraine Vaccarro, Marianne Bernhard , Marion Zukas, joan Duckenfield , Carol Smith Back Row: Mary Rose Pica, Vera Perris, Maryann Piunno, Paula Arcioni, Linda Brennan, Kathy Blake, Diane Behan
Canticle Editors: Sitting: Karen Littwin, Karen Dietrich, Carol Duckenfield, Karen Harcar, Angeli! Perfetti, Sheryle Lawrence . Standing : Steven Kovacs, Kay Knoblauch , Robert lwan, Evelyn Sabolchy, William Meagher, Nancy Czaplicki.
Canticle's Business and Typing Staffs: Front Row: Elizabeth lnverso, Bernardine Gramness, Catherine Taranowicz, Patricia Jakubowski , Nancy Nizolek, Charlotte 'Robinson, Nancy Krol, Eileen Scarantino Second Row: Patricia Picco lelia, Cathy Stryker, Barbara Farrell , Karen Dreves, Barbara Tackacs, Mary Carol Fruscibne; Meredith Esposito Third Row: Business Moderator Sister Patricia, Business Editor Gerri Conway, Martha Rodweller, Elaine Kovacs, Barbara Ciprietti, Susan Cacalori , Judith Pocetti , Leslie Smith, Caroi 'Smith . Back Row: Cindy Welsh, Barbara Fisher, Patrice Garnish, Barbara Brennan , Sharon Cameron , Jotm Miller, Nicholas Pappano, Tom Bremer, Rick Kazior
:anticle's Layout, Literary and Photography Staffs : Front Row: Kerry Cosgrove, Nancy Hughes, jessie Cota, Linda ~utkowski , Mary Clare Moran, Cheri King, Eileen Masterson Second Row: Kathleen McGrath , Barbara jansen, \1\arianne Hinkle, Maureen Trainor, Nancy Egan , Mary Ann Pierzanowski , Paul Van Sant Back Row: julie Dawidowski , Anne Cornelius, Carol Bailey, Linda Mikita, Marijean Frick, Elizabeth Mershon, joan Duckenfield, Ken \!\iller, Henry Ri chter
This year, traditional yearbook patterns were eliminated as the
Canticle attempted to create a "new look", utilizing more informal candids, diversified layout methods, and a modern cover design. Moderators Mrs. Lori Garry and Sister Patricia Rooney, and co-editors Karen Dietrich and Karen Littwin assisted the members on the different staffs in co-ordinating their work. The result of their efforts, the 1971 Canticle, recorded both the important and the everyday events in student life at Notre Dame.
Coronet Editors: Sitting : Sharyn Maruca, Maria Zagorzycki , Joseph Bianculli , Sheryle Lawrence , Karen Harcar, Susan Swieconek Standing: John Wetzel , Jean Miller, Joan DeiFemine
Coronet' s News Staff; Front Row: Donna Pitonak, Cathy Connor, Karen Deodato, Joanne Zagorzycki , Patricia Furman, Mary Gorman, Mary Ellen Hutchins,_ Nancy Hughes, Kathy Rak, Mary Rose Pica, Second Row: Mary Rose Prokop, Maria DeiFemine, Marianne Hinckle, Cheri King, Martha Zagorzycki , Mary Anne Kocan, Kathy Monahan, Meredith Esposito, Pat Latham Third Row: Mark Zagorzycki , Ronae Keiser, Tom Russo, Peter Antoniewic, Nancy Egan , Mary Fitzpatrick, Harriet Smith, Kathy Bird, Joan Mackin Back Row: Patty Borden , Anne Cornelius, Laurel Daunis, Robert Ferri , Bob Shelley, Thomas Bauer, Mark Ennis, Henry Richter, Robert Moore.
In agreement with its policy of " serving, protecting, and advancing the welfare of the students at N.D." , The Coronet expanded its news and feature items to issues prevailing beyond school activities. Aided by moderato"r Mrs. Geraldine Bryan, Editorin-Chief John Wetzel and Managing Editor Joan DeiFemine attempted to present read ers with a broader student voice, using many new journalistic techniques. New textured paper, improved copy and layout, and more photography were just a few of these improvements.
The Coronet 's Circulation Staff: Front Row: Elizabeth Vereb, Mary Fitzpatrick, joyce Nadler, jessie Cota, Debbie Warasky, joanne Spitz, Mary jo Wetzel Second Row: Martha Rodweller, Patricia Mulryne, Armida Mattonelli, Barbara Brennan, Cathy Si elski , Debbie Lawrence, Leslie Smith Back Row: Eileen Masterson, juliann Dawidowski , Edwina Mraw, Michel e Everett, Grace Benham, Maureen Mahony, Kathy Symmelewicz
four winds Front Row: Joanne O'Donnell, Kay Knoblauch, Anne Fechter, Moderator Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Linda Mikita, Nancy Nizolek, Phyllis Golden Second Row: Marie Hohmann, Anna Coppola, Evelyn Sabolchy, Lorraine Vaccaro, Lorraine Wendel , Sandra Grazuil, Sharyn Maruca Third Row: Carol Nigh, Sheryle Lawrence, Janet Skwara, Patrice Gorman , Diane Grazuil , Mary Ann McManimon, Jean Miller, Paul Van Sant. Fourth Row: John Pietras, Steve Barczay, Richard Kazior, Richard Stewart, Ken Miller, Richard Schellenger, Meredith Esposito Fifth Row: George Clark, Kim Matte, Mary Ellen Hutchins, Mary Kay Manley, Harriet Smith Back Row : Terence Faherty, Robert Zuczek , Frank Wolski , George Zimmer, John Miller
Four Winds, Notre Dame's multi-lingual newspaper, gave students the opportunity to display their literary efforts in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. The staff of thirty-two members, headed by Editor-in-chief Anne Fechter and Assistant Editors Kay Knoblauch and Linda Mikita, published three issues this year, with the assistance of their moderator, Mrs. Mary Palenchar. The staff members helped with the editing of the magazine and its distribution, as well as writing articles. Creative ability in photography, writing, and art were presented in Renascence, the school literary and art annual. Moderator Sister Katherine Mroz and Co-editors Robert Durst and Henry Richter tried to present the best creative ideals, interests, and talents of the students in their publication.
Front Row: Cheri King, Charles Scarn<.., Timothy Funari, James Tallman, Nancy Hughes Second Row: Evelyn Sabolchy, Lew Nicholson, Co-editor Henry Richter, Maria Zagorzycki, Joyce Nadler Third Row: Betty Mershon, Marian Zukas, Barbara Brennan , Laurel Daunis, Sheryle Lawrence , Connie Gibbons, Kathy Littwin Back Row: Michael Spitz, William Dalton, George Clark, Paul Van Sant, Mark Ennis, Richard Stewart
future business leaders Angela Maffei, Mary Delaney, Debbie Warasky, Linda Klemann , Elaine Kovacs, Hedwig Wierzbicki , Patti Pastor, Moderator Sister Mary Nora, Cathy Sielski, Marianne Bernhard, Linda Shelingoski , Nancy Krol
future secretaries ..1oderator Mrs. Mary Stoka, Caroline Mandel, Hedwig Wierzbicki, Vicky Kliwinski , Debbie Warasky, Kathy Sikorski, 'atricia Jakubowski, Nancy Czaplicki , Maryann Price
future teachers ront Row: Marybeth Stachowicz, Kathy Forman, Paula Fasanella, Donna Pitonak, Charlene lnverso, Sharon Shipley, :arol Spehar, Mary Ryan Second Row: Concetta Masiello, Catherine O'Neill , Adele Arcamone, Mary Clare Moran, -'\arie Paradis, Theresa Picarrella, Sandra Grazuil Third Row: President Mary Smith , Secretary Maureen Trainor, Treasurer :athy Funari , Maria DeSisto, Maureen Woods, Kathy Doughman, Robert Wilson , Kathy Krystaponis, Anna Coppola ack Row: Pat Betz, Alice Agocs, Lorraine Vaccarro, janet Skwara 159
key club
Service to the school, the community, and the country was promoted by the Key Club. The forty-one members of the club were directed by officers Kim Ebrahim, Peter Antoniewicz, Michael Cas~, Kurt Ebrahim, and Terence Faherty, and moderator Mr. William Weis in such varied activities as a cushion sale, a pancake breakfast, preparation of school facilities for dances and College Night, and numerous fund-raising activities to provide equipment for the school.
Front Row: Chris Meagher, Paul Moran, Charles McGrath , Bill Rader, David E5posito, Michael Spitz, Bob Gauthier, Michael DiMaio, Michael O ' Brian, Robert 路Car,路oll Second Row: Thomas Russo, Duane Rouba, Tom Yeakle, Gerard Loftus, Jerry DiCola, Terence Faherty, Urs Nager, Bill Long , Bruno Martolotti, Moderator Mr. William Weis. Third Row: Francis Carella, Frank Romano, Kim Ebrahim, Steven Kovacs, Tom McDonald, Kurt Ebrahim , James Pacetti , Michael Weber, Michael Casey, Bill Place, Anthony Massi Back Row: Chris Enourato, Lew Nicholson, Mark Smith, Mark Stankewich, James Leuper, Peter Antoniewicz, Carl Carella, Kevin Behan, Richard Schellinger.
Front Row: Thomas Brown, joseph Tramantana, Robert Zuczek, Philip Ackerman . Second Row: Michael Paglione, Kevin Connelly, George Zimmer, Richard Schellenger, Mark Smith. Back Row: Emmanule Ottagio, Lawrence Dickt, Val Zamborsky, Michael Weber, Joseph Napoleon .
varsity club
Front Row: Val Zamborsky, Kevin Connelly, Michael Paglione, Michael Fahey, Joseph Bachalis, Mr. Vincent Ardery, Second Row: Edward Fedorko, Ronald Sebastiani , Timothy Murphy, Christopher Mancino, Michael Casey, joseph Fallon, James Pocetti , Ronald Carabelli, Back Row:: Andrew Place, Anthony Massi, Joe Nclin, Edmund Pinelli, Frank Fanning, Gary Butler, David Esposito, Peter Antoniewicz, Lew Nicholson
spirit club Nancy Hughes, Joann Sorento, Luanne Fares
leader corps
Front Row: Mary Ellen Hutchins, Kathryn Doughman, Betsy Menschner, Joann Milinowicz, Maureen Geoghan Second Row: Ann Paixao, Bernie Gramness, Joyce Nadler, Patricia Cooper, Paula Romano, Rosemary Cermele Back Row: Pamela Alexandrowicz, Carol Nigh, Denise Burns, Nancy Hughes, Karen Harcar, Roseanne Meshanko, Maria Pontani , Donna Shepherd
red cross club
Front Row: Kathleen Rak, Evelyn Midura, Joanne Spitz, Charlotte Robinson , Sandra Cappola, Karen Deodato, Alison Anthony, Joan Caivano Second Row: Mary Labowicz, Betsy Vereb, Pat Williams, Armida Mattonelli, Pat Latham , Grace Benham , Debbie Lawrence, Mary Skorupa, Moderator Mrs. Betty Jane LeBlanc Back Row: Karen Zabawa, Mary Ann Pierzanowski , Mary Ann Kocon , Maureen Mahoney, Wen Shen , Michele Everett , Elizabeth Gettler, Luann Balestrieri
forum club
r:ront Row: Susan Witkowski, Patricia Borden, Joellen Houghton, Joan Caivano, Diane Fair, Susan Ranfone Second Row: )atricia Jakubowski, Moderator Sister Eleanore Yavarone, President Eugene Meskill, Moderator Mrs. Daryl Hilt, Darrell v1iller, Carol Duckenfield Third Row: Kim Ducko, Sandra Cappola, Joanna Zagorzycki, Joan Mackin, Mary Gorman, ~obin Echevarria, Jane Folmer, Pat Burns, Mary Labowicz Fourth Row: Robert Opsut, Guy Aquilino, Rick LaBaw, Mark :nnis, Joseph Nizolek, Alan Mcleod, William Dalton. Back Row: George Luther, Tim Ungrady, Charles DeAngelo, )avid Ecker, Tim Faherty, Robert Szejner.
Proficiency in public speaking and debate was fostered by the Forum Club. Members of this club were expected to participate in high school speech activities in order to qualify for membership in the National Forensic League. Speech coaches Sister Eleanor Yavarone, Mrs. Daryl Hi It, and Mr. Robert Wood, and 路 debating coaches Mr. Joseph Scholes, Mr. James Scott, and Mr. Ralph Pagano were available for consultation. Under the leadership . of officers Eugene Meski II, President, Darrell Miller, Vicepresident, Carol Duckenfield, Secretary, and Robert Opsut, Treasurer, the forty-five members participated in many speech tournaments. These tournaments included the Aquinas Invitational Debate Tournament, the NFL District Finals, and the Catholic Forensic League Finals. The Forum Club also sponsored a dance to provide funds for these activities.
color guard
The entertainment of fans during football half-time was provided by the Color Guard and the Majorettes. Headed by Gerri Conway, the Majorettes worked hard and long perfecting their routines . Captain Bette Connelly supervised the Color Guard.
Captain Bette Connelly, Sharon Cunningham, Terri Lane, Cynthia Welsh, Anne Lenhardt, Debbie Courtney, Sue Quinlan, Vera Perris, Barbara Paglione, Arlene Check, Debbie Connelly, Janet Gorski , Pat Gervasio
Co-captain Cindy Obduski , Janet Saville , Diane Behan, Sandy Barlow, Linda Kolezynski , Virginia Bezek, Cathy Calamia, Sue McCormick, Kim Powell , Barbara Zimmer, joanne Babecki, Linda Johnson, Debbie Borden, Beth Furch, Mary Skorupa, Laurie Salbego, Lynn Sutton, Kathy Palejczyk 165
drill team
Front Row: Jackie Huff, Nancy Cogan , Ann Lewandowski, Karen Stankowski Second Row: Debbie Warasky, judy Osborn, Sue Stec, Hedwig Wierzbicki Third Row: Marie Choromanski , Eileen Resmick, Patrice Van Hise, Valerie Babeckie, Fourth Row: Maryann Price, Lucy Bednarski, Janice Huff, Debbie Bonagura Fifth Row: Judy Jackson, Amy Thomas, Pat Saville , Caroline Mandie Back Row: Cathy Miller, Joan Pu-lcin-i, Kyle Connolly, Cathy Sielski
The twenty-six members of the Drill Team, led by Captain Judy Osborn and Co-captains Sue Stec and Colleen Kendall, performed routine drills during the half-time activities of the football games. They also participated in parades and com petitions.
Maria DeiFemine, Maryanne Prokop, Colleen Kendall , Karen Harcar, Susan Swieconek
Front Row: Patricia Smith, Lisa Spitzer, Teresa Barth, Chris Sadkowski, Lynn Spitzer, Mary Federico, Rena Brunner, Mary Rose Prokop Second Row: Paula Romano, Anne Fechter, Carof Nigh, Eileen Saums, Martha Rodweller, Angela Castranova, Susan Bennett Third Row: "1ary Ellen Hutchins, jane Norton, Betsy Menshner, Colleen Kendall, Maria DeiFemine, Sue Swieconek, Harriet Smith , Nancy Egan, joanne Babecki, Michele Everett Back Row: bebbie Connelly, Anne Lenhardt, joan DeiFemine, Mary Lou johnson, Karen Harcar
Varsity Cheerleaders: Captain Luanne Fares, Co-Captain Betsy Menschner, Lynne Maira, Mary Ellen Hutchins, Kathy Fares, Mary Rose Prokop, Roseanne Meshanko, Anna Dubaniewicz, Angela Castranova.
J.V. Cheerleaders : Front Row: Pamela Alexandrowicz Second Row: Betty Ann lnverso, Third Row: Patricia Smith, Tessie Worth, Debbie Hogan Back Row: Sue Christensen , Valerie Runfola, Kathy Doughman
Sophomore, junior, and senior girls were given the opportunity to join the Varsity or Junior Varsity cheerleaders. Moderated by Miss Jacqueline Cevera, the cheerleaders tried to further school spirit by making posters, organizing motorcades, and encouraging participation in Blue and White Day. Under the leadership of Varsity captains Luanne Fares and Betsy Mensch ner, and Junior Varsity captains Kathryn Doughman and Betty Ann lnverso, spirit tags, penci Is, and candy were sold, and bake sales were held to provide funds for new uniforms.
lla Front row, Janet Cammarata, Maria Celli, Marianne Bernhard, Barbara Brennan , Guy Aquilino, Debra Bonagura, Fran ces Brooks. Back row, Bernard Austin, Mario Battista, Robert Cauvana, Karen Bowers, Kevi n Behan, Steve Arku szew ski , Stephan Benham , Catherine Calamia, Donald Allen, Francis Carella, Tom Bauer, John Bergen, Kathleen Betor.
Front row, Donna Carney, Monica Buckley, Patricia Bradway, Andrea Calabrese, Alison Anthony, Deborah Borden , Lucy Bednarski , Joanne Babecki , Charles Brayan. Second row, Anthony Caserta, Gary Butler. Back row, Michael Baylog, Richard Barlow, Steve Barczay, Tom Bremer, John Arbitell , Carl Carella, Dave Burton, Leonard Alvino.
Front row: Edward Choromanski, Donna Courtney, john Chojnowski, Sandra Coppola, Maria Cugasi, Kim Davidson, Michele Dilks, Debra Ciesielski, jerry DiCola Second row: james D'Errico, Frank DiGuiseppe, Gerald Di atale, Pasquale Chiavatti, Frank Cipullo, Denise Cosgriff Back row: Beverly Chielieski , Mark Custo, joan Duckenfield, Vincent Chiaradio.
Front row: janice Di Lorenzo, Karen Deodato, Diane Di Stefano Second row : William Dawidowski , Mathew Daunis, Kathleen Cellini, George Dominak, Nancy Cogan Third row: Susan Christensen, Barbara Ciprietti , Michael Dubuque , Tina Clark, Charles De Angelo, Leeanna Croft Back row : Eugene Chebra, Terry Clarke, George Clark, Norman Cook, William Dalton
Front row, David Ecker, Jan Falcey, Patricia Elmer, Ma'ry Fitzpatrick, Bernadette Folmer, Rose Ann Ferrara. Second row, Jerald Fasanella, Timothy Fechter, Lewis Nicholson, Meredith Esposito. Back row, Pat Evans, Michael Franko,
Debb1e Gill , Patrick Greber, Janet Gorski, Maryjean Frick , Joseph Franken, Karen Emma, Chris Enourato, Frances Firetto, Russell Garruba.
Front row, David Erkoboni, Dorothy Geppert, Terence Faherty, Mary Fruscione, Catherine Funari , Nancy Egan, John Gioroano. Back row, John Genovesi, Rosemary Frascella, Joseph Ficci, Meg Franzoni, Marylou Elmo,
Mark Ennis, Sandra Grazuil, Thomas Fallon, Constance Funke, Patricia Gervasio, Kurt Ebrahim, Patrice Garnick.
Front row : joseph Hawryluk, Robert Gauthier, Elaine Kovacs, Deborah Houghton. Second row : Thomas MacDonald, joseph Kaytus, joanne Kemmerer, jeanne Kearns, Sheryl Hunt, joseph
Franken, Douglas Hughes. Back row : Richard Kazior, Dave Hart, judith jackson, Robert Jones, Kathleen Hagan, Marianne Hinkle, Deborah Keuper, Michael Kalafut.
Front row: Anthony Halak, Charlene lnverso, jacquelynne Huff, Kristine Kaminski , jane Hartley, Frederick Hetzel. Second row: Linda johnson, Cheri King, Victoria Kliwinski, Patrick Kent,
Anthony Konizos. Back row : Mark Holcombe, Stanley Kazior, Kenneth Miller, David Hovemeyer, William Kalinowski, Diane Kliminski , Linda Klemann .
lle Front row: Cynthia Mahony, Concetta Masiello, Evelyn Means, Lynne Maira, Wendy Leadem, Angela Maffei, Mary Kae -Manley, Kathleen McGrath . Second row: David Kurlander, Toni Lane, Anne Lenhardt, Barbara Kuzma, Kathleen Monahan, Caroline Mandie, Adrienne Logue, Sue McCormack, Mary Labowicz. Third row : Pete Mantuano, Alan Mcleod, John Micklewright, Kevin Militig, Frank Krecicki , John
Miller, Kathleen Miller, Elizabeth Mershon, Linda Mikita, Mary Ann McManimon, Kathryn Krystaponis, Patricia McGowan, John Langer, Andrew Mangone, Charles Kowalski, George Luther. Fourth row: Richard LaBaw, Mark Michalak, Richard Kowal, John Logan . Back row: Joseph Krempecke, Albert Markulic, Raymond Krainski .
Front row : Nannette Perrine, Mary Clare Moran, Mary Joan Olszewski , Judith Osborn, Bernadette Petroni , Bernadette Ostrowski , Maribeth Murphy. Second row : Debra Oliver, Barbara Novak, Maryanne Pfieffer, Patti Pastor, Melanie Piekielniak, Catherine O 'N eill. Third row : Robert Opsut, Kenneth Ozga, Brian Newman, Ray Plaag, Jon Moran, Robert
Petrus, John Notta, Michael O'Brien, David Murawski, Richard Petro, Frank Nalbone, Martin Picarello. Fourth row: Joseph Nizolek, Michael Ostaszewski, Dean Muskewitz, Andrew Place. Back row: John Pietras, Raymond Orzol , John Ostrowski, Stephen Wisnieski .
Front Row: Edward Schrader, Ann Marie Schmierer, Eileen Resmick, Nancy Prouty, Virginia Ryan, Susanne Rocco, Claudia Smith, Sharon Shipley, Nicholas Schreier. Second Row: james Rafferty, Paul Plumeri, Martha Rodweller, Harriett Smith, Cathy Sielski, Maryanne Price, Kim Powell , Susan Povlitz, William Rader. Third Row: Richard Ryan, john Smith , Patricia Saville, Evelyn Sabolchy, Valerie Runfola, Linda Shelingoski, joan Pulcini , John Safranko, Charles Reilly. Back Row: Herbert Ruehle, Anthony Plumeri , James Shelly, Duane Rouba, Samuel Scopelletti, james Quinlan, Brian Sikorski, Frances Prychecki .
Front Row: Hedwig Wierzbicki , Aileen Tennyson, Carol Spehar, Debbie Warasky, Karen Stankowski , joan Struck, Patricia Voyda , Patrice Van Hise, Susan Stec, Lorraine Vaccaro. Second Row: Ann Toomey, Nancy Syzmelewicz, Leslie Smith, Marion Zukas, Maureen Woods, Sharon Stankowsky, Eve Wiaczek, Marianne
Swiecki . Third Row: john Wilkes, William Turgeon, Frank Wolski, Raub Smith, julius Ziemba, Mark Wesley, joseph Turco, Peter Walbridge, Thomas Yeakle, Michael Spitz. Back Row: Ronald Stewart, Richard Stewart , Ronald Trakow ski , Alfred Veltri , Michael Wozniak, Timothy Stives, Paul Van Sant, Edward Wilson.
junior class history The juniors introduced the school year with an open forum . The discussions, led by Guy Aquilino, junior President, gave the students the opportunity for voicing complaints and suggestions. Vice-president Bud Carella organized a program whereby students aided the aged from the Donnelly home to chuch on Sundays. A vast majority of juniors were also involved in the making of their float and were well represented in the school play. Finally after a long wait the rings arrived . The day was climaxed with a Ring Dance. Through the co-operation of Mr. Wroblesky and his committee, a dance was sponsored to draw funds for the most anticipated junior event, the junior Prom which was held this year at the Holiday Inn .
lOa Front Row Virginia Bezek , Kathy Blake, Connie Carella, Teresa Barth. Cynthia Alberts, Clare Brunner. Second Row Theresa Biache, Beth Butler, Mary Liz Cahill , Elizabeth Capriottii, Linda Brennan, Clare Baxter. Back Row Roseann Calla, Alice Agocs, George Abel , Robert Bottoni , Dominick Arruzzo, Dennis Bird, Brian Arena, james Carlin.
Front Row Valerie Babecki, Grace Benham, Jill Bielawski, Susan Bennett, Agnes Bernhardt. Second Row Celeste Buzzelli, Diane Behan, Sandy Barlow, Paula Arcioni, Linda Angeline, Barbara Bernhard . Back Row William Appleget, Robert Cameron, Stewart Barrow, Peter Burns, Mike Boshanski, james Bianculli .
lOc Front Row: Nancy Elmo, Paula Fasanella, Ellen Diehl, Kathleen Fares, Linda Fechter, Kathryn Forman, Diane Fair Second Row: Ute Ertelt, Claire Lee DiGiorgio, Kimberly Ducko, Mary Federico, Linda Federico, Pamela Feenan, Anna Dubaniewicz, Karen Diehl . Third Row: Mary Ann Flynn, Holly Eddinger, Michele Everett, Patricia Doyle, Elizabeth Driscoll, Susan Farr. Fourth Row: David DiGiovacchino, john Feldenzer, Andrew Ferrara, Timothy Faherty, David Fair, Gregory Foley, Richard Donnelly, joseph Fidanza, Donald Fraczkiewicz . Ba ck Row: Joseph Ferrara, Michael DiMaio, Stephen Foundos, Larry Elias, Richard Ferri , Robert Ferri , Dominick DiBiasi , Dean Fasoli , Gerald Festa .
Front Row: Timothy Cochran, Matthew DiBenedetto, America Delorenzo, Sean Coley, Daniel Coluccio, james Czahur, Keith gory Christensen. Second Row: Laurel Daunis, Marie Choromanski , Margaret Cochran , Deborah DeForte, Maria DeiFemine, Carol Cellini. Third Row: Faith Clark, Catherine Dekis, Deborah Chiarello, joanne Carroll, Kyle Conley, Mary Delahanty, Kathy Row: Paul Delozier, George Contento, Thomas Csolak, Egidio D.eSisto, Donald Damiano, james Croke, Kevin DeVaney, Stephen Denarski , Antimo Cesaro .
Connolly, joseph Colavita, Gre-Deborah Connelly, Mary Carrig, DeBloi s, Ann Marie Ciafrei . Back r Thomas Carroll , Terence Clark,
lOd Front Row: Lorie-Ann Juranic, Deborah Hartley, Susan Haskins, Elizabeth Furch, Mary Herb~rt, Janis Huff, Debra Hutzel, Kathryn Freda, Elizabeth Gettler Second Row: Joan Hoffman, Sheila Heffernan, Joanne Funke, Colleen Haney, Deborah Hogan, Eletta Giordano, Mary Gill Third Row: Christopher Golden, Kenneth Harper, Mark Johnson, William Jaeckel, William Kale, Raymond Jarkowski, Thomas Henk, Rolf lilian, Keith Holcomb, Gregory Hritz, Jacques Garâ&#x20AC;˘riga Back Row : Dennis Hubal, John Keim, James Furch, Robert Gardiner, Gerard Goeke, James Geoghan, Attila Karascony, Carmine Genovese
=rant Row: Sandra Maciolek, Victoria Korona, Ronae Keiser, Victoria Loreto, Judy Ann Kuliczkowski, Patricia Latham Second Row: Paulette Kliminski, Mary _eadem, Kerry Kerns, Kathy. J\:'ladola, Terri Lane, Ann Lewandowski, Kim Matte, Martine Landry, Janet Lloyd Third Row: Lester Kisielewski, Stephen , Thomas Konstantynowicz, William Long, Dennis Kuhn, Eric Lander, Frank Lay, James Mansfield, Michael Lenhardt, Marc Kelly Back Row: Julius Krawiec, oseph Lanigan , James Matlack, Kenneth Koreyva, Thomas Mattaliano, Donald Kreuz, William Lawyer, Donald Martin, Joseph Keister
lOf Front Row: Paul O'Donnell, Maureen Nosal, Nancy Murnin, Christine Mis, Edward Olinski Second Row : Scott Maylander, Patricia Mulryne, Jane Norton, Elizabeth Miller, Debbie Lawrence, Betsy Murnin, Ann Nyzio Back Row: William Lawyer, Thomas McKenna, Eugene Mydlowski, Peter Nicholson, Michael McCardell , William McGinley, Charles McGrath, Robert Moore.
Front Row: Rosetta Mendola, Patricia McDermott, Pat O'Reilly, Armida Mattonelli, Elizabeth Orendorf, Carol Morgan Second Row: Luanna Moore, Evelyn Midura, Christina Murdza, Jane Michalczyn Back Row: Michael O ' Donnell, William Long , Christopher Meagher, Paul Moran, David Morgan, Edward Ottaunick, Timothy Mooney, james Means, Dominic Nogare
lOg Front Row: James Patykula, Maria Pietrow, Timothy Phillips Second Row: Kathleen Papp, Vera Perris, Maryann Piunno, Kathleen Rak, James Pontani , Raymond Ranallo, Marie Paradis Back' Row: James Pinto, Gary Probola, Michael Pontani , Mary Rose Pi ca, John Potocki
Front Row: Eileen Palenchar, Edward Raybuck , Suzanne Quinlan , Mike Perone, John Pappano Second Row: William Plank , Michelle Pappano, Joseph Petersack, Barbara Paglione Back Row: Debra Owens, Theresa Picarello, Douglas Petrozzini , Carol Purcell , Tom
Regan, Stephen Reid , Beatrice Raywood.
lOh Front Row Marianne Salewski, joyce Schreiber, Catherine Schuster, joanne Spitz, Karen Sobon , R<;>bin Stemmer, Christine Rooney Second Row Karen Sanderson, Patricia Shento, june Reimer, Christine Simone, Mary Sue Ribavaro Third Row Wen Shen, Pamela Sista, janet Skwara, Susan Sharp, Marianne Speran
Back Row Eugene Ryfinski , Paul Rulkiewicz, Randal Salewski , Earl Simkunas, james Rosenburg , Michael Sheehan , Brian Smith , Timothy Ridge, Lawrence Rouse, Edward Stavitski , james Root , Raymond Rein, Gary Schuessler, Robert Ryan , Robert Russo, Robert Silvestro
Front Row Amy Thomas, Elvina Tomasi, Terry Zikos, Deborah Walters, Mary Beth Stumbaugh, Donald Strizki, Melanie Ujanowski, Lorraine Wendl, Debra Talerico Second Row Robert Watters, Paul Tocco, Robert Wetzel , joe Wozcik, Pat Williams, john Wylie, Elizabeth Sujansky, Keith Ungaro, Anthony Toto,
Sigmond Zegarski, Elizabeth Vereb, Stacy Theodorakis, Susan Theele Back Row Tom Yates, Bob Szejner, Russell Vizzini, Bob Turgeon , Richard Tramontana, Mark Zagorzycki, Robert Walter, Keith Surdich , Larry Tuliszewski , Mike Young, Steve Tella, Paul Zukowski, Wayne Turczyn, Timothy Ungrady
sophomore class history
The spirited sophs exhibited their enthusiasm during the homecoming weekend by taking first place in the float contest with their "yellow submarine". Led by class officers, President Bruno Martillotti and Vice-President Brian Smith, and moderator Sister Mary Carmel, they sponsored fund-raising activities, including a bake sale, a movie, a candy sale, dance, and a skating party. Wrestling spirit signs made by these loyal Irish fans decorated the halls. The Sophomores also started a prom fund, looking forward to the time they would be seniors instead of almost upperclassmen.
Front row: Edward Bush, john Burke, Karen Banish, Victoria Bradley, Patricia Borden 2nd row: Margaret Balestrieri , Adele Arcamone, joseph Bock Jrd row : William Bennett, Michaela Arbitell, janet Buckley, Kathleen Bird , Maria Bernhardt 4th row: Kevin Byrne, joseph Bedard, William Alvino, Ann Boshanski Back row: Mark Ackerman , Sharon Bombery, Veronica Andrews, janice Betor, Robert Brook s
Front Row: Paula Apgar, Theresa Byrne, Bethann Bremerman, joseph Bednar, joan Arnister, Darlene Branges, Dennis Cacalori. 2nd Row: Bruce Angerbranndt, john Antinoro, Kathleen Burno, Maryanne Bertone, james Barger, Sandra Allen, Mary Barth, joseph Bruccoleri . Jrd Row: Katherine Barlow, joan Antoniewicz, Patricia Burns, Thomas Bruccoleri . Back Row: Stephen Bolge, Robert Avolio.
Front Row: Cindy Cochran, Maria Di Sisto, Patricia Di Benedetto, Mary Chapuk, Linda Ciampa, Veronica Culliton, Monica Chiarello, joan Cai vano, Catherine Connor, Victoria Czerna, Diane Calabrese, Lisa Costanti na, Maribeth Cziegler, Rosemary Caskel 2nd Row: Debra Courtney, Lu Ann Dill , Patricia De Lorenzo, Donna De Cara, Paula Christensen , Mi chele De George, Cynthia Dempsey, Ann Marie Cirillo, Coleen Cashel
Jrd Row: Mario De Vincenzi , Daniel Del Vicchio, Mark Diki s, Christopher Carrig, Kerry Clancy, Timothy Devaney, Casey Confoy, joseph Campos, john Cota Back Row: Anthony Di Pastina, john Di Colo, Dani el Collins, Craig Chiarello, Nichola s Cream , Robert D e Martin , Michael Campo, Thomas Day, Robert Chromsak
Front Row: Angela Fruscione, Loretta Festa, Timothy Funari , Christopher Frawley, Thomas Elmer, Edward Francis, Thomas Esposito, joseph Francica, Donald Dubow, Kevin Funsch, Mark Freda, joseph Forman 2nd Row: Andrea Franzoni , joseph Falzone, joseph Ecker, Gail Donnelly Jrd Row: Marcia Federico, Diane Franczkiewicz, Mary Louise Dorio 4th Row: john
Festa, Rita Fitzpatrick, Susan Durst, Kathleen Faherty, Rosemary Durnan, Clare Flesch , joseph Falsetti 5th Row: john Farrell , Maureen Frick , Robin Echevarria, Marianne Dzomba, Elizabeth Dymowski , Holly Fabian Back Row: Henry Flynn, Robert Ernst, Anthony Ferrara, Albert Drueding, Robert Fisher, Keith Ebrahim
Front Row: Alison Hayman, Maureen Hazen, Mary Hines, Tanya Kapla, Joann Gray, Antoinette Guarino, Maureen Haney 2nd Row: Emma Green, Margaret Gurdak, Kathleen Garfalo, Diane Crazuil, Colleen Harcar, Catherine Hall, Lisa Hatrak 3rd Row: Lizabeth Hatrak, Mary Gorman, Ann Marie Hannan, Patricia Furman, Margaret Gillin, Joellen Houghton, Karen Greber, Kathy Gavigan, Kathy Gauthier 4th Row: Thomas Furch,
Thomas Hagerty, Peter Groffie, Michael Holcomb, Gary Hannon, Thomas Garruba, Stephen Harmon, Jeffrey Horan, Thomas Geoghan, Willia.m Kene Back Row: Michael Hofmann, Brian Humphrey, Thomas Housman, Mark Hoyer, Ronald Jakubi;in, Michael Hetzel, Richard Haas, John Gerdes, Jean-Pierre Gerasimowicz
Front Row: Gregory Keyes, Donna Korona, Susan Kowalski, Phyllis Maccaron, Kathy Kirkuff, Marilyn Mandie, Lorraine Mannis, Nancy Leonard, Joseph Kramer 2nd Row : Michael Kolczynski, Colleen Kilcoyne, Beverly Kupiec, Donna Kissel , Linda Kolczynski, Karen Kowal, Diane Kmiec, William Lloyd 3rd Row: Robert Manducko, Susan Maleski, ancy Lehmann, Eva Maest, Kathleen Littwin, Kath-
leen Lynam, Maureen Mahony, Patricia Leadem, David Kucharski 4th Row: Henry Lenartowicz, Robert Levandoski, Joseph Loh, Kathleen Kovacs, Joan Mackin, Mary Kocan, Nancy Kwietniak, Timothy Kasony, Fredric Malley Back Row: Robert Livingston, Peter Mac Donald, George Krebs, Carl Maglowski, William Ke.lly, Joseph La Penna, Steven Luck, Thomas Lanigan, Phillip Maglowski
Front Row: Nancy McCordle, Robert Mulkyn , joan Meriweather 2nd Row: Philip O'Reilly, Kathleen Moore, Arleen Nitchitel , Sharon Nalbone, Chri stopher Maurer, Theresa Pendor, Emanuel Morrelle 3rd Row: Lorraine Opdycke , Bernad ette Nadler, Paul Mooney, Keith Myers, Ann Marie Miles, jeffrey Mazurek
Front Row: Linda Moeller, Eugene Norton, Patricia Owens, Michele Naphen, joann Mislan, Theresa Miller 2nd Row: Paul Markman, joanne Mirabito, Deborah Massei, Denise Maruca, Brian McLaughin , William Morici 3rd Row: William Morri son , Bill McCormick, Kathleen O 'Grady, Susan McGinley, Karen Mantuano, Linda Nelson, Martin O ' Brien
Front Row: Kenneth Platt , Debra Parr, Reynold Reali , Felicia Povio, Henry Reynolds 2nd Row: Susan Pallard, Michael Rousseau, Delore Persichilli, Kathleen Palejczyk, joseph Salmestrelli, Margaret Ridge Back Row: joseph Pica , Diane Putkowski, james Plunkett , Donna Pitonak, judy Saia
Front Row: Barbara Roslowski, Theresa Pender, juliann Petrone, Linda Paulaski, Michael Phelan 2nd Row: Catherine Potkay, joyce Pypcznski , Corey Reef, David Pacera, james Pietras Jrd Row: Raymond Rutkowski , Ann Pietras, Hannah Rodweller, Rhonda Rossell 4th Row: Samuel Pastorella, Thomas Root, Anthony Polito, Robert Purcell Back Row: Stephen Sadley, jack Santarsiero, Anthony Pacetti , Stephen Proniewski , joseph Phillips, Albert Petruccio --
Front: Felicia Sevilla, Marybeth Stachowicz, Donna Secretario, Myrian Stettler, Janet Saville, Lynn Sutton, ancy Santoro Row 2: Kathleen Stanish, Mary Scallon, Lisa Strohaber, Ann Shelly, Beth Ann Smith, Kathleen Sweeney, james Sierputowski Row 3; Mary Skorupa, Johanna Sranoskie, Adell Smith, Kathy Stewart, Kathleen Smith, Denise Strycharz, Sharon Stuadinger, Sandra Strycharz, Row 4: John Scarantino, Robert Sikorski , Tom Scarantino, Chris Scoropolis, Lawrence Stumbaugh, Dominic Schioppa, Michael Shaddow, Charles Scarna, james Shelingoski Back Row: James Semonik, Stanley Sikorski , Chris Spiropoulous, john Sweet, Ken Stankowski, Robert Stawicki, Joseph Sodomin, Thomas Schreier, Joseph Sedia, Ghram Smith
Front Row: Irene Vazlosh , Sonia Wend I, Valerie Vagnozzi, Joanne Zagorzycki, Mary Wetzel, Mary Ann Wolski, 路 Debra Taylor, Anna Toto 2nd Row: Maureen Ward, Karen Zabawa, Sharon Wenczel , Karen Wojtowicz, Susan Witkowski , Martha Zagorzycki , Joan Volen Jrd Row: Barbara Swiecki, Pamela Witkowski, Susan Tysowski , Elizabeth Wokoun , Kathy Zabawa, Barbara Zimmer, Donna Winston 4th Row: Theodore Zegarski , Mike Szymelewicz, Michael Veasey, Robert Ziegler, Michael Van Hise, Henry Tuliszewski , Thomas Wozniak, Douglas Tatusko, Back Row: Ronald Waszolek, ). Broderick Yeakle, William Zamborsky, Ken Szepesy, John Taylor, Edward Szymanski, Henry Ziemba
freshmen class history
With the aid of their moderator, Sister Gertrude McDonnell, the Freshmen soon adapted themselves to school. routine. Class activities began with the elections of Robert Ernst as Class President and Joan Antoniewicz as Vice-President. Under their direction a float was entered by the class of '74 in the Homecoming festivities. The new year brought new activities. The freshmen basketball team attracted attention throughout Mercer County. To honor these players, freshmen pep rallies were scheduled. Dances were held throughout the Spring to promote class unity. Thus the Freshmen Class brought a close to their first year at Notre Dame.
His Exce llency The Most Reverend George W. Ahr, S.T.D. Bishop of Trenton
His Excellency The Most Reverend John C. Reiss, CD. Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton
The Most Reverend Bishop Ahr, as the chief pastor of all parishes in the Diocese of Trenton, was responsible for the educational facilities for the students of the diocese. The Most Reverend Bishop Reiss was the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, and assistant to the Most Reverend Bishop A hr. Monsignor Frain, as the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, was responsible for interpreting the educational policies of the Bishop and putting them into effect. Sister Mary Dorothea, the community supervisor of the Sisters of Mercy, visited our school and offered comments and constructive criticism in order to better the classroom situations and standards.
Very Reverend Monsignor Thomas j. Frain, Ph. D. Superintendent of Schools
Sister Mary Dorothea Secondary School Supervisor for the Sisters of Mercy
Revere nd Thomas A. Coffey Principal
The administration's aim had been to insure that the students received the best educational background. Not only did it allocate funds for school projects, but it also planned the day-to-day routine and provided a guidance service for the students. Newcomers to the administration included Mr. Albert Knight, as administrative assistant, and Miss Kathleen Peoples and Father Joseph Thul as guidance counselors . Sister Veronica Pfeffer served as ct.trriculum co-ordinator. Matters of discipline were referred to Sister Mary Claver and Mr. Albert Verdel. The faculty of Notre Dame High School throughout the year guided us, giving their time and encouragement to direct scholastic and extracurricular activities. Lt. Col. Albert R. Knight, U.S . Army, Ret. Administrative Assistant
Sister Veronica Pfeffer Curriculum Coordinator
Sister Mary Claver, Dean of Students
Mr. Albert A. Verdel, Dean of Students
Sister Mary Rosaire, Guidance Department
Reverend Joseph T. Thul, Guidance Counselor
Miss Kathleen Peoples, Guidance Couns lor
Sister Katherine Mroz
Mrs. Constance Wokoun
Mr. Michael McNutt
Sister Mary Grace
Mrs. Daryl Hilt
Sister Mary Veronica
Sister Mary Patricia Rooney
Miss Patricia Leoniec
Mr. George Schleck
Miss Margaret Murphy
Mr. Ralph Pagano
Brother Cullan Herold, 0 .5.8.
Si ster Eleanore Yavarone
Father Maurice Rudiselle, 0.5.8.
Mr. james Place
Brother Immanuel Vernon, 0.5.8.
Sister Andrea Jeremy
Mr. ]ames Scott
Mr. Joseph Wroblewski
Mr. john Hennessy
Sister Mary Alexander
Mr. Vincent Ardery
Mrs. Lori Garry
physical education
Mrs. Betty jane LeBlanc
Mrs . Barbara Major
Mr. Henry Gorczycki
Mrs. Margaret Rovello
Mr. William Pan ella
205 Mr. Gary Danbro
Mr. Constantine Diamond
Miss Ja net Sav ille
Mrs. Bernice Lagasse
Sister Mary Claver
Sister Mary Wendelin
Mr. William Weis
Mr. Richard Gusciora
Mrs. Jeanne Rader
Mrs. Cynthia Clancy
Mr. Jeffrey Baker
• Dr . Bernard Milner
Mrs . Mary Dougherty
Mrs. Geraldine Bryan
Sister Gertrude McDonnell
Mrs. Christine Kaplan
Sister Mary Philip
Mrs. Mary Palenchar
Mr. Wolf Rainer
Mr. Osvaldo Regalado
Sister Veronica Pfeffer
Mr. Robert Wood
Sister Mary Carmel
Sister Mary DeSales
Miss Mary Elizabeth Mihalow
Sister Mary Valerian
)ister Mary jose
Mr. Lawrence Kuser
Sister Regina Grant
business Sister Mary Francine
Mrs. Margaret Gribbin
Mr. Norton Millner
Sister Mary Nora
Mrs. Mary Stoka
Miss Jacqueline Cevera
Mr. Joseph Scholes
Miss Gloria Signorelli
Mr. Robert Aubert
Mrs. judith Paixao
â&#x20AC;˘ sew1ng
Sister Mary Stella
office staff
Mrs. Joan Costigan
Mrs. Lorraine Weitz
Mrs. Lee Theile
Mr. John Campbell
Mrs. Rose Andrews
maintenance and cafeteria staffs
Mr. John Hemphill
Mr. Howard Palmer
Mrs. Ann Radlinsky, Mrs . Madel ine Cartilidge, Mrs . Marge Stankowski, Mrs. Marie Agoes
Mr. Michael Haddix
Mrs. Sophie Potocki
Mrs. Virginia Ackers
all that we love deeply becomes a part of us
In the beginning of this book, we dedicated our efforts and work to hun dreds of people, each individually important for what they gave us and what we could give to them. Now, at the end of our work - certain people stand out, requiring special recognition - for what they gave to us. A most sincere thank you to -
Administration - for th eir understanding, perseverance, and generosity in allowing specia l days for our deadlin s, collections days and candid days.
The D ans of Di ciplin e - for their patience and often needed excuse slips. The Faculty - for their coope ration in allowing us to cap ture them as they really were - people
capable of being happy, angry, funny, helpful - human . Students - for their interest, concern and support - who by just "being themselves" allowed us to produce a whol e book all about them .
Our Friends - for thinking highly enough of our book to financially assist us. Mr. j o hn Prignolli - for hi s experienced photography and " well rehearsed" jokes. Miss Shirley Vetter and Lorstan Studios -
For their assistance in developing our pictures without
which there could be no book. Su-Kim - for all their valuable help . Mr. Frank Ball, }r. and American Yearbook Company -
for their patience and advice and for Mr.
Ball ' promptness and calm on each deadline day. Pat Williams and Roge r Nichols - for the use of their so ng " We've Only just Begun".
fa h of th
Editors and Staff Members - for the unselfish giving of their time and talents, for their warm although not always agreeing personalities - for everything.
Mrs. Lori Carry - for being that special someone needed to hold us together; for her warm and
enthusiastic personality that absorbed the tension and eased the strain for all of us; for developing her interest in photography to speed up our production ; but most of all for deeply caring for us. for being "S ister Pat", the tiny person who was always around to lend a hand , "s traightening up", correcting our grammar, proofreading our pages, for solving indeciions, having unwavering confidence in us and a contagious optimism - for giving so much of her elf.
Sister Patricia Rooney -
. . . Before the rising sun - We fly So many roads to choose We start out walking and learn to run And yes we've just begun ~ Sharing horizons that are new to us Watching the signs along the way Talking it over just the two of us Working together day to day - Together And when the evening comes We smile So much of life ahead We 'll find a place wh ere there's room to grow And yes we've just begun To live.
Copyright 1970 Irving Music, Inc. (BM I) Words : Paul Williams and Music: Roger Nichols
senior family patrons
MR. and MRS. HENRY j . ACKERMAN Brother Henry, CSC, Sister Marialice, ASCW, Bruce, Philip, Mark MR. and MRS. STANLEY ALEXANDROWICZ Pamela, Stanley MR. and MRS. STANLEY ANTONIEWICZ Carol , Peter, joan, jeffrey, Cynthia MR. and MRS. ANTHONY ARNISTER SR. juanita, john , Edward, joan MR . and MRS. F. K. AUG Randi , Diane MR. and MRS. JOHN j . BACHALIS John, Anne, Daniel , joseph MR. and MRS. FRANK BAILEY Francine, Carol , Frank MR. and MRS. ROBERT B. BAXTER Anne Cigarran , Elaine Tracy, Robert , julie, William, Clare , Margaret, james MR. and MRS. WALTER L. BIRD Mary Ann, Walter Thomas, jo se ph , Dennis, Kathleen, David MR. and MRS. KENNETH BIRKHEAD Kathleen, Kenneth MR. and MRS. ARTHUR E. BROWN Arthur, Thomas, Kathleen MR. and MRS. FRANK BRUNNER Bill , Paul, Mark, Sandy, Rina, Clare, Lori
MRS . MARY P. BUELL Tere sa, Denise, Dian e, Patri cia MR. and MRS. jOHN L. BURKE Donna MRS. HELEN CACALORI Barbara, Richard, Susan, Denni s MR. and MRS. ALEXANDER CAPONE D onna, joseph, Pet er, Thomas, Chri stine MR .• and MRS. RICARDO CARABELLI Ricardo Jr., Ronald MR. and MRS. G. j . CARTER jan , jae MR . and MRS. RICHARD j . CASEY Edmond, Paul, Michael , Stephen MR. and MRS. GUY CASTRANOVA Angela jo, Guy j . MR. and MRS. MARK CERMELE Anthony, Mark, Mary, Rosemary MR. and MRS. WILLIAM CHALKER Debbi e, Eileen, Bill MR. and MRS. JOHN E. CLANCY JR . Donna, john MR. and MRS. JOHN CONNELLY Elizabeth, Deborah , john
senior family patrons
MR. and MRS. EMERY COPPOLA Anna, Sandra, Graceiela, Emery MR. and MRS. A. J. CORNELIUS Pete , Joe, Anne MR. and MRS. FRANK T. CZAPLICKI Marie, Robert, Nancy
MR. and MRS. ROBERT FISHER Barbara, Bobby, Doug MR. and MRS. JAMES GIBBON James, Connie, Cliff THE GOEKE FAMILY Mildred, Carolyn, Robert, Mary Anne, Elizabeth , Girard, Eleanor, Tommy
MR. and MRS. STANLEY CZENIS Stanley '67, Joanne '71 , Rob ert
MR. and MRS. FRANK GRAZIANO Anne, James, Mary Alice, Frank , Thomas, Theresa, David
MR. and MRS. STEVEN R. CZIGLER Cathy, Cyndie, Mary, Judy
MR. and MRS. PAUL HARCAR Karen, Colleen, Mary Jo
MR . and MRS. JOSEPH DIETRICH Kare n MR. and MRS. HAROLD DOUGHMAN Kathryn, Barbara
MRS . IRENE KOVACS Stephen, Elaine, Kathy MR. and MRS. WALTER B. KRAMARZ Patricia, Constance MR. and MRS. PHILIP L. LAWRENCE
MR. and MRS. A. V. DRISCOLL Kate, Mike, Bet, Mark MR. and MRS. WALTER DUCKENFIELD Carol '71, joan '72 MR. and MRS. JAMES DZOMBA J. C., Rita A., Marianne, Thomas
MR. and MRS. JOSEPH LITTWIN JR. Karen, Kathy, Michael MR. and MRS. LEO L. LYONS Terrence, Kathleen, Timothy THE J. MARUCA FAMILY Joseph, Ronald, Sharyn
MR. and MRS. JOSEPH FALLON Joseph, Thomas, Robert , Christopher, Anne, Patrick
MR. and MRS. R. FARRELL Jill , John, Richard, Patrick
MR. and MRS. MAZELLA Robert, Cecilia, Anthony
senior family patrons MR. and MRS. WILLIAM H. MEAGHER Theresa, William , Christopher, Thomas, Timothy, Gerard, Elizabeth, Michael, Mary, julia, Ann MR. and MRS. A THO Y MILl OWICZ Thomas, David, Robe rt , Gail , William MR . and MRS. LOUIS A. MILLER Susan, Monica, jean, james, Thomas MR. and MRS. MELVI 0 . MILLER Darre ll , Eileen, Melani e MR. and MRS. MOL AR Ri chard
MR. and MRS. ANTHONY POCETTI judy '71, Anthony Jr . '74 MR. and MRS. JOHN PROKOP Frank, Norma, Michelle, Betty, jim, Maryrose MR. and MRS. BER ARD A. RAYWOOD Margar t, Bernard, David, Christoph r, Geoffrey MR. and MRS. JOSEPH REITHER JR.
MR. and MRS. STEPHEN C. MRAW Stephen, Elizabeth, Edwina , Gregory
MR.and MRS. JOSEPH MUKA Jose ph, Palma, Elizabeth
MR. and MRS. KONRAD j. RICHTER Grandmom O ' Donnell , Henry, Mark , Kurt , Adreinne, Konrad, Kenneth, Matthew
MR. and MRS. JOSEPH S. ADLER jo e ph, Joyce, Jame s, Bernadette, Gail MR . and MRS. URS F. NAGER Urs, Tanya, Eric MR. and MRS. JOH C. O' DONNELL Mark, Joann , Paul , George, Dorothy, Mary janice MR. and MRS. JAMES B. O 'MARA Maureen , jim, Kerry, Brian, Megann MR. and MRS. WALTER) . OSTASZEWSKI Kathleen, Michael , Steven MR. and MRS. ANGELO PERFETTI Marie , Angela MR. and MRS. JOSEPH ). PETERSACK james B. Vincent )., joseph R., Maria Lynn, Ronald, Gerald, Karl M. , Loreen
MR. and MRS. JOHN PIERZANOWSKI john '68, Mary Ann '71
MR . and MRS. JOH Deborah
MR . and MRS . CHARLES L. ROBINSON Eleanor '66, Charlotte '71 MR. and MRS. FRANK ROMA 0 Frank , Paula MR. and MRS. JOH S. SCARA TINO Eileen M. , John W., Thomas ). MR . and MRS. CHARLES SCAR A Charlotte '71, Charle '74 MR. and MRS. )OH M. SCOTT John, Kathy, Suzanne, Fred MR. and MRS. SEMETA Eddie, Anna, Raymond
senior family patrons
MR . and MRS. DONALD SHEPHERD Donna, Craig, Leslie
MR. and MRS. CHARLES TARANOWICZ Bernadette, Barbara, Patricia, Catherine
MR. and MRS. STANLEY A SIKORSKI Patricia jean '64, Kathryn Anita '71
MR. and MRS. B. MARK TOTO Rosemary, Anthony, Anna, Paul
MR. and MRS. JOH H. SMITH Ill Carol Ann , John H. IV, Kathleen MR . and MRS. LAWRENCE J. SMITH Kevin, Patricia, Kathleen MR. and MRS. MICHAEL SOPKO Michael Anthony, Dolores Marie MR. and MRS. SALVATORE SPERA Rose Mary, Anthony, Rita MR . and MRS. HENRY STANSKY Janet, Eileen MR. and MRS. WILLIAM R. SUFFERN JR . Catherine, Collette, William MR. and MRS. TED SWIECONEK Ted, Richard, Sue
MR. an路d MRS. PHILIP VIGLIONE Carol , Mary Ann, Marietta, Marlene MR. and MRS. EDWARD F. WALSH Laurette, Patrice, Teresa, james, Mary Grace MR. and MRS. CHARLES WELCH JR. Charles Ill , Cynthia MR. and MRS. JOHN F. WETZEL John, Robert, Mary jo, David, Steven MR. and MRS. FELIX WUCINSKI Susan, Nancy MR. and MRS. JOHN ZAGORZYCKI Maria '71, Mark '73, Martha '74
MR. and MRS. FRA K SZYMELEWICZ Frank , Kathy, Michael
MR. and MRS. J. C. ZAMBORSKY Val , William, joseph, jane
MR. and MRS. ANTONIO TAMASI Carol Ann, Marisa
special friends
Carol Bailey
Mr. and Mrs . Richard DiPaola
Mr. and Mrs. Birdman
Mrs . Ethel M . Edward s
Bon Vivant Package Liquor Store
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fidanza
Pau I Boyer - 1968
Harvey Z. Fishstein
Mr. and Mrs. William Burbay
Mr. and Mrs. M . Franco
Hugo Bzork and Company
Fr~n c hie
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Chebra
George E. Claffey, Jr.
The Condorousis Family
Gaetano Guarino
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grudziecki
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Croke, Jr.
Lynda Hasbrouck
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Cunningham
Lee Herbert
Sharon Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hertert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Silvio D'Uiisse
Frank P. H erig stad , Jr.
The DeForte Family
Mr. and Mrs. Le ster W . Hohmann
The Del Femine Family
Mr. P. Kubiak
Mr. Mark Newsome
Mr. and Mrs. Henry jarkowski
The O'Hara Family
John Kamrad
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pajnowski
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keffer
Mr. John Parkinson
Michael Kemo and Grandchildren
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Pontani
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Knoblauch
Eugene A. Potkay
Mr. and Mrs. E. j. Krasny
In memory of Barbara Ann Prokop
Mr. and Mrs. Chester LaBella
Richardson Realty
Mr. and Mrs. joseph Littwin , Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lucarella
Mr. Nell ie Seitz
Vanessa, Valerie, and Victoria Lucarella
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simko
Mrs. F. Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvestri
Mr. and Mrs. Savario Mangone
Michaelangelo's Haircutting For Men
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miloszar
Darrell james Mi ll er
Mr. and Mrs. joseph Napoleon
White Eagle Printing Company
Tony Albano Mr. and Mrs. Leo Andreoli Mrs. William D . Atchley Peter Baranowski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bralynski Jr. Mrs. Gladys Buell Stella Bugay and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fabian ]. Burger Donna Burke Mr. and Mrs. john L. Burke Mr. and Mrs. jon M . Carter Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chrzanowski Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. David Costigan Mrs. Robert E. Couture Mr. Denis Croke Sr. joanne Czenis Dot DeForte Grace Del Aversano Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dimira Dr. and Mrs. William ]. Dougherty Kathryn Doughman Martha Dubaski joan Duckenfield Mr. Charles Dutko james Dzomba Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dzomba Mr. and Mrs. joe Ercolano Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fasanella Felix the Cat The Ferrante Family Mr. Ed Francise
notre dame patrons
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Freda A Friend Gabe and john Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Galati Miss Pauline Galati Connie Garuba Kenny Goodwin Mrs. Mary Grocott james Graziano Mr. and Mrs. jerry Guadagmo Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Guadagmo Mrs. Marie Guadagmo Mitchell Hackel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harcar Lee Herbert Mrs. Bernice Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ianni Mr. and Mrs. Phil lmmordino Mr. and Mrs. james I nverso Miss Iris Inverse Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lwan Frank lwan - F.B.I. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jaskulski Karinâ&#x20AC;˘ and Mike Karlyn and " Rat " Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kelley Kenneth Kianka A. Ray Knight Heronium G. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kroehling Peter Kutenits
notre dame patrons Debbie Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc Donald Macciocca Mr. and Mrs. M . Maciejczak & Family Mr. and Mrs. James Major Mala Connie Margagliano Anna Matascaco Theresa Mathews John S. Materniak Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Maziarz Mr. Michael B. McNutt The Mikita Family Jennifer Lynn Milinowicz Darrell James Miller Mr. and Mrs. M . Morelle Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morley Mr. and Mrs. November Mrs. Gloria Paslawsky John Pazdan The Pecena Family Peggy and Raymond Miss Kathy Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Louis Piccolella Mark Pizaro Christine Pontani Dennis and Marianne Pontani Miss Martha Pontani Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poreda Mr. and Mrs. Tony Prokolysken
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Race The Rack Osvaldo N. Regalado Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rovello Herbie Ruehle Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rulkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Russo H. C. Sands Michael John Scott Pat Sikorski Mrs. Mary Sliwa Sophie Snyder Mr. Michael Anthony Sopko Sue and Mike Mr. Joseph Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. John Szalony Mr. and Mrs. Emil Szymelewicz Lee Theile Miss Christine Trakowski Miss Frances Varsplona Albert A. Verdel Mr. and Mrs. Wesna Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wilk Mrs. Loretta Willgus Mr. and Mrs. Orin Winters Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wszolek Danny Yelito Mr. Vincent Zarra Mr. Edward J. Zuczek
To you, Publishing this book, from start to finish, was not unlike any other book. We had a purpose, a special message we wanted to give you. Our generation is a symbol of a progressing society, a society striving for a "new brotherhood." It is found in expressions of "peace and love," and in songs such as "Everything Is Beautiful," and "With a Little Help from My Friends." So we began. We modernized our cover, our layouts, our approach. We then looked at our subject matter- YOU. You see, you were the "beautiful people" about whom we were thinking. Beautiful didn't mean perfect to us; rather, it meant truly human, with good and bad points, but mostly good. What was it that each of you had to give to others, to make life better? This idea became our theme. It was a feeling, an emotion that could be captured so well in pictures. Words couldn't express what photos could show. However, to see people naturally, as they really were, candids were essential. Posed pictures would only destroy the truthfulness and sincerity of our beliefs. We have now presented to you our results- a book telling the story of youtogether - sharing your personalities with one another. We tried to show the
good times and the bad - the happy moments and the sad -the need of everyone to be with other people a路nd yet the need to sometimes be alone. Most important to us was to give you a yearbook that would please YOU, that you could enjoy and cherish. We wanted a book which portrays the real feelings each of you possess. So now, as we seniors leave, we cannot forget one another completely because we have left some part of ourselves with each other.