Notre dame high school canticle 1992web

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putting \t J\\\ Together\

Blue And White Day Spreads The Spirit Michael Bartram

Blue and White Day is usually one of the most exciting and anticipated days of the year, and Blue and White Day '91 was no exception. It is a single event which is made up of many exciting parts, and when put together, the Blue and White Day puzzle is a memorable and enjoyable experience. The day really begins the night before at the Blue and White Day Dance when the whole school gets together and gets warmed up for the "many pieces of the puzzle" ahead of them to be put in place. It is also the first experience the freshman have of the friendly and sociable atmosphere here at Notre Dame. After the dance, the real fun begins the next day with the traditional "Battle of the Homerooms," with each room decorating their door and creating a cheer according to the theme of their level. This year presented an original spectrum of

Page 18/Top/ I ... 2 ... 3 . . : STUDENTS UNDER THE HYPNOTIST' S power. Right/BLUE AND WHITE TEAM/ Nick Russo, Christina Rovselle, Tanya Revilla, Jennifer Ranucci, Lakeisha Quinn. Page 19/Top Left/ SPIRIT OF NO: Jim O ' Neill, Mike Pietras. Top Right/ THREE AMIGOS: Kristen Alia, Beth Joyce, Amy Andrako. Middle Left/ IRISH SMILES: Tara Suntato, Rebecca Fitzgibbon. Center/ DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY: Sophomores enjoy the Blue and White Day Dance. Middle Right/ TWIST AND SHOUT: Katrina Blake and Erin Bradburn. Bottom Left/ SENIOR SPIRIT: Melissa Mate, Lorette Schroth, Nicole Gaffney, Robert Gominiak, Ricky Valenzuela, Ben Chrnelich, Chris Breining. Bottom Right/ BRING IT HOME: Pete Santiago at the Blue and White Day Dance.


themes: the Seniors at the Movies, the Juniors in the world of Hanna-Barbera, the Sophomores Traveling Through Time, and the Freshman being in the Funny Papers. Much pride goes into the competition with bragging rights to the winners! As always, the auditorium entertainment is a highlight of the day. 1 ... 2 ... 3 . . . 4 ... 5 ... the guest hypnotist was a big hit, showing the hidden powers of the mind. With his talents, he was able to 'defy" the wills of those students whom he chose to "control". Yet afterwards, none of these students held a grudge after being his "living puppets" on stage before their peers. It was all for fun! Following the show, the "wild times" began with each level getting its chance to show its school spirit at the pep rally. Along with honoring and showing support to the fall athletes, it was a time to show one's class pride to the rest of the school.

. . ( Perhaps one o f the most mterestmg events of the pep rally was the official debut of the newly formed "ND Spirit Club." The Spirit Club was formed this year by• a group of students with the help of Mr. Carr. The Spirit Club came about to help boost school spirit and to show support of our teams at various athletic events . Each activity piece taken individually is ' a good, fun time, but when they are put together to form one huge event that encompasses two days, it's an indescrib¡ able puzzle picture! All in all, Blue and White Day '91 was a real big success,: getting everyone involved and pumped up! It was a fun-filled day that makes one feel great to be at Notre Dame. After all, aren't the friendliness and school spirit I the glue that holds the ND puzzle together?



Page 20(fop Left/ CHRISTMAS, BLUE AND WHITE STYLE: Irish show their spirit. Top Right/ READY, SET, GO!: Fall sports teams compete in the worm race . Middle Right/ JUNIOR FRIENDS: Margaret Lumia, Mike Matar, Chris Murray, Annette Marrero, Elana Reznick, Cindy Fiori, Christine Savelli. Bottom/ CATCH THE ND SPIRIT: Mr. Carr and Students at the Pep Rally. Page 21/Top Left/ GET DOWN! : Chris Mathews. Top Kight/ SCHAFFER'S CREW: 10-A and Mr. Schaffer. Middle Left/ TAKING A BREAK: Lisa Muehleisen. Middle Right/ GOING FOR THE GOLD: I 1-K takes pride in their homeroom . Bottom Left/ EXTRA, EXTRA!: Brendan Dougherty. Bottom Center/ FRIENDS FOREVER: Jenn Wyers and Danielle Choquette. Bottom Right/ THE ROARING 20'S: Sophomores decorate their homeroom door.


A Perfect Fit By Teresa Tilton

The moon was full, the autumn air was crisp, and the leaves were rustling. These are just some of the pieces that fit together for a perfect Halloween party. That's how the pieces fell on Oct. 30, 1991, the seniors were ready to celebrate Halloween. As the moon was shining over N.D. the seniors were arriving for the "seniors only" Halloween party. Many attended, impersonating the "Cat in the Hat" to "Beauty and the Beast" and everything in between! The party was held in the cafeteria, the lights were low, and the music was playing. "The music was


good, and we were really getting into the Halloween spirit," said Albert Einstein who in real life was Ricky Valenzuela. Everyone was dancing, and preparing their skits for the judging that was about to begin. The costumes were all very creative, and it was going to be hard to tell who would be the winners. The final hour arrived for the judging. First place, in the "most unique" category, was "Beauty and the Beast". Mark Laurinaitis was "the Beauty" while Chris Nitti was "the Beast". "Mr. and Mrs. Bush" also won for "best couple". The "Presi-

dent" was Eddie Kopera and the "First Lady" was Mike Abaid. The "best group" was the "pool balls and cue". Last, but not least was "Howdy Doody" who won for "best individual." Who could forget Scott Stemmer as "Howdy Doody"? Not everyone may have won prizes but everyone had a good time. It was a time to get together with friends and enjoy Halloween as we did as kids. The autumn air, the creative costumes, and most of all, the seniors, fit perfectly together for a great Halloween Party.

Page 22/ THE THREE AMIGOS Mike Swieconek, Timmy Stout and BenCh rnelich Page 23/Top Left/ GIFfS FOR ALL OCCASIONS: Sarah Voorhees, Lesley Farkas and Chrissy Shinn . Top Right/CAT IN THE HAT Teresa Tilton Bottom Left/ MR. AND MRS. BUSH : Mike Abaid and Eddie Kopera Bottom Right/ BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Mark Laurinaitis and Chris Nitti



Dwarfs And Vampires. by Michael Bartam

Perhaps the biggest puzzle of the year may be when, at Halloween time, everyone tries to figure out who is who on Junior Costume Day. People may not even be able to recognize their best friends on this day! This year, there was a vast array of costumes from the traditional favorites such as vampires, monsters, cowboys and babies to more contemporary or "different" costumes such as mobsters, Mutant Ninja Turtles, sundaes, or dwarfs! Once everyone solves the scrambled puzzle of disguises, the fun part of Junior Costume Day begins with the Costume Contests. In the contests, prizes are awarded to winners in each of three categories: single, couple, and group. In the single competition, Annette Marrero won as " Cleopatra" for the day. In the

PAGE 24/Top Right/CRAPS! Mike Matar and Elena Reznick. Middle Leftj RAGEDDY ANN AND ANDY! Sunny Saprano and Missy Famoso . Middle j MUSIC AND TERROR! " Jason " and Aaron Double. Middle Right/ JUST SAY CHEESE! Suzanne Toporek.


couples contest, the first place prize went to Laura Heinz and Kristen Chebra who were those little chocolate candies, the Hershey Kisses. The heated battle was in group division: would it be the Banana Splits, the Sesame Street Gang, or those ever-so-cute Seven Dwarfs? The eventual winners were the Sesame Street Gang: Julie Altiere, Renee Cirillo, Becca Fitzgibbon, Alison Kakstis, Meghan Keiling, Megan McGiinchy, Caryn Moran, Nikki Tweed, Liz White, and last but certainly not least, Chris Fava, who got the crowd jumping with the "Sesame Jamboree." Junior Costume Day was very puzzling, a lot of fun, and shows the diversity of students' personalities and how each is a different piece of the Notre Dame Puzzle.

Page 25/Top Left/SHOWING OFF THEIR SCHOOL SPIRIT! Mike Bartram, Nick Barbosa, Lou Crivelli, and Anthony lnverso. Top Right/POOR BABY! Jaime Bonanni. Middle LeftjCAN YOU SHOW ME HOW TO GET TO SESAME STREET? Julie Altiere, Renee Cirillo, Becca Fitzgibbon, Megan McGiinchy, Meghan Keiling, Caryn Moran, Nikki Tweed, and Liz White. Middle Right/LET THE PARTY BEGIN! Bill Goertz. Bottom LeftjMEOW! Cheryl Eitzen, Kerry Cristfoletti, Kristen Branham, Gina Mangonon, and Babs Brilliantine.


Hardiman's Hammers Spike Their Way To Victory By Janice Plunkett And Teresa Tilton If you are looking at Notre Dame as a puzzle, there would be many pieces involved . One part of the Notre Dame puzzle is the Senior Class Volleyball Night. Senior volleyball night is important to Seniors because it gives them the opportunity to show their spirit and to play a game that they enjoy, while getting away from the pressures of schoolwork and


college preparation. On November 6, 1991, Notre Dame Seniors came by the car loads for their last class volleyball night at Notre Dame. All came to win and every homeroom played well. By the end of the night it came down to two teams. After an exciting match, 12E, Mrs. Hardiman's homeroom pulled ahead of 12D, Mrs. Grissinger's

homeroom, and won. They became the best Senior Volleyball Homeroom. Mrs. Hardiman's homeroom may have won the tournament, but without the participation of other students and faculty that helped out, the puzzle would not have been complete.

Being S.A.D.D. Isn't Always B.A.A.D. By Lou Crivelli Social life is a big piece of the Notre Dame puzzle. For many students, social life involves house parties at friends ' houses. All too often there is alcohol at these parties. The Notre Dame Students Against Drinking and Drugs (S.A.D.D.) is aware of this and is willing to do something about it. The S.A.D.D. club held an assembly in the auditorium on January 14 that was attended by its members and given by a group of students from Rider College. These students are known as Bronx Advice on Alcohol and Drugs (B.A.A.D.). They are called this mainly because the majority of them are from the Bronx area of New York. They spoke to the audience about the consequences of drinking too much at parties. In a teacher-free auditorium, they acted out scenes and then talked to the students about what was happening, what would happen next, and what could happen in the long run. B.A.A.D. didn't preach

\ S.A.D.D. President Teresa Tilton addresses the student bod y.

to the students and tell them not to do anything. Instead their message was: " If you 're going to do something at a party like drink or take drugs, just keep in mind the consequences of your actions. " Also, they heavily stressed responsibility at these social events. The assembly was effective with the students partly because they could relate to B.A.A.D. , who are students themselves, only at a higher level, and who experience things first-hand. Members of B.A.A.D. are college athletes, so students identified with this aspect of them very much. The students from Rider got their message across and the students from Notre Dame really understood what they were talking about. It was evident that both groups of students connected and came to an agreement that the puzzle of Notre Dame can only be finished if the pieces are responsible.

Members of B.A.A.D. from Rider College.


An "Evening Of Theatrics" Spent In ''OUR TOWN'' Bridget Bradburn Our Town, by Thornton Wilder, is a story about life, love, and death as seen through the eyes of Grover's Comers, an early 1900's, small town in New England. On November 22, and 23, the after school Acting Workshop Class, under the superb direction of Mr. Spain. performed "Our Town" for Notre Dame's "Evening of Theatrics." The story is narrated by the stage manager, a role shared by LeRon Rogers and Kristin Chebra. Matt Kasprzak and Lisa John- 路

son played George Gibbs and Emily Webb, the two young people in the story who together grow up and mature in many ways. Anthony Huchinson and Heather Cyms played Mr. and Mrs. Webb, while Sal Polizzi and Adrienne Coe played Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, the parents of the two main characters. The play is written to include a bare minimum of scenery and props, but due to the superior quality of the acting, the audience had no trouble imagining a

Page 28/Top Left/JOKING WITH MR. SPAIN: Stephanie Sliwinski and Maura Sutterlin joke with the director Robert Spain. /Top Right/ GETTING THE POINT ACROSS: Anthony Hutchinson. /Bottom Left/HERE'S YOUR BREAKFAST!: Lisa Johnson, Janice Tyne and Heather Cyms. /Bottom Right/SAY WHAT?: Kristin Chebra and Janice Tyne.


complete set. Hard work for more than six hours every week over a period of two months definitely paid off, making the play a success for all involved. Much like a puzzle, this project took determination, commitment, and concentration to "put it all together" and achieve an inspiring and meaningful picture. It was evidently a fun experience for everyone involved with the play, as well as an enjoyable evening for the audience.

Page 29/Top Left/ A STEP ABOVE: Matt Kasprzak and Melanie Kravetz . Top Right/HOLDING THE BOWL: Heather Cyms. / Bottom Left/ YES PA!: Matt Kasprzak and Sal Polizzi. /Bottom Right/IN DEEP THOUGHT: LeRon Rogers.


Christmas Is The Season To Bring Us Together by Chris Castagna

What is the season that brings the Notre Dame community closer together than at any other time? Why, Christmas of course! Christmas puts us all into a giving mood. We feel that we can really make a difference and all become closer to each other more than usual. The excitement in the air cannot be denied! The season of Advent, preparing for Christ's coming, was very special this year, as it always is. Every morning to start the day, we lit Advent wreath candles along with saying prayers. The daily prayers also reminded us that Christ is coming and filled us with a sense of anticipation. On Wednesday evening, December 11, the auditorium was filled with students, families, and teachers to see the annual Christmas concert. This year, the show was much different, however. Instead of purely having singing and the concert band, there were many acting skits


mixed in. The spectators seemed very impressed with the show. As one student said, "It really had a lot of imagination. It also brought back many memories of childhood." Many people, including the teachers, joined in singing Christmas carols at the end of the concert. It seems that next year's show will require a lot to top this year's!! Being that Christmas is the season of giving, the service program again helped to bring a little Christmas joy to those people who might be without it. Notre Dame carolers went to both hospitals and nursing homes to try to cheer the patients and residents. Notre Dame also hosted the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Christmas party. Notre Dame's "adopt; a;family" project through Red Cross continued successfully this year as well. Notre Dame's annual candy cane sale in school is perhaps the student's favor-

ite part of Christmas. It gives us all a chance to send a special message to friends: for freshmen, it is to new friends; sophomores are happy to be becoming better friends; juniors are cherishing good friendships; seniors are starting to be sad about having to leave their closest friends. The Christmas Liturgy is perhaps the climax of all the ND Christmas activities. Fr. Dennis' homily included the annual Christmas mime and narration starring the freshmen. An extra-special part of the Mass this year was the Offertory in which sheets of paper containing what talents of ours we would give to Jesus were presented at the altar. Christmas is always a special time of year for us. Notre Dame helps to bring Christmas joy and spirit to both ourselves and others, and this truly helps to complete the big Holiday picture!

Page .30/CONCERT CHOIR: Todd Caruso, Lorette Schroth and Adrienne Coe. Page .31/Top Left/ Gena Migliaccio and Adrienne Coe. Top Right/ BACK ROAD TO CHRISTMAS: Melissa Chiarhiaro, lan Spagnuolo, Erin Donnelly, Rollie Jones. Middle Right/ MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Bottom Left/ A SONG IN HER HEART: Lynette Marrero. Bottom Right/ SMACK! Katrina Smith wails into Derek Arfsten .


Juniors Add Friendship by Bridget Bradburn On Saturday, December 7, the Junior Class of Notre Dame celebrated our friendship, and added another piece to our ever-growing puzzle of friendship, in the annual Junior Ring Ceremony and Mass. Alot]g with our families and teachers, the Juniors joined Fr. Dennis Apoldite in celebrating Mass and blessing our school rings. By using the analogy of the book, The Giving Tree, by Shel Sil-


verstein, we reflected upon the support, encouragement, and guidance we receive from our parents and teachers, as well as the friendships and love we share with our classmates. The Mass concluded with the distribution of rings and a slide show capturing moments of friendship in the daily life of the Class of 1993. Following the Mass, a reception was held in the cafeteria. Spir-

its were high, and the mood was festive as each Junior had his or her ring turned 93 times, for good luck, by parents, teachers, and friends. In all, it was a night of remembrance and a night of vision into the future. It was a special occasion celebrating the puzzle that we continue to construct through the unity of friendship in the Class of 1993.

PAGE 32: Top Left: Chrissy DiLiberto and Chris

Fava model their school rings. Top Right: Nicole Regan and Cory D'Angelo turn each other's rings. Bottom Left: Amy Wolochowicz and Joy Smith are full of smiles. Bottom Right: Faculty members let their lights shine. PAGE 33: Top Left: Chris Fava reads at the Liturgy. Top Right: Father Dennis celebrates the mass with the help of Neil Potter and Gary Wasco. Center Left: Greg Dubow, Pete Santiago, Anthony Rotundo, Dan DeJonge, Matt Pribila, Rob Liberto, and Joe Rego show off their rings. Center Right: Todd Caruso receives his ring from Mr. Carr. Bottom Left: Rebecca Fitzgibbon and Chris Goodrich participate in the family Mass. Bottom Right: Mr. Rotundo calls Juniors to Receive their rings.


Women With Attitudes By Kory D'Angelo Challenge, hardwork, and fun are all a part of Notre Dame's spirit. On November 27, the juniors and seniors showed how they fit into Notre Dame's puzzle with their annual spirit: playing the Powder Puff football match. Powder Puff football is a game where the girls play football and the guys are the cheerleaders! It was a cold, autumn night, and the girls came out onto the field ready. The juniors ran out of the locker room psyched up for playing a "new sport". The seniors confidently strolled out onto the field, tearing junior shirts the seniors had on to demonstrate that they were going to tear the juniors apart. At halftime, the senior cheerleaders formed a pyramid, and the other senior cheerleaders jumped over it. However, the junior cheerleaders did something different. They went into the middle of the field and danced. Both the junior and senior cheerleaders showed their spirit! "I felt that the cheerleaders did a very good job, and added to the excitement and fun of the game", commented one of them. The game was very intense. The seniors scored, and then the juniors scored, keeping the game close. "It was great because it was such a close game; you didn't know who was going to win!" exclaimed Kerri Lorbeck, a junior defensive end. The final score of the Powder Puff football game was 44-42, when, with less than a minute left to play, the juniors scored to win. They were ecstatic and everyone was running onto the field screaming! "It felt good and added to the excitement that the first year we came to play we won," said Jen Cole, one of the victors. The seniors then congratulated the juniors on their great game. "It got intense on both teams, but at the end, everyone took it as a game and had fun with it," said Kelli Murphy, a senior "powder-puffer". This year's Powder Puff football was a lot of fun for the junior and senior teams. "There was no Powder Puff about the game, it was 'Power Stuff', enjoyable, exciting, and volatile," said Mr. Schaffer, the announcer for the game. Everyone at the game was full of excitement and spirit, yelling and rooting for the players they wanted. The players worked hard and played tough. Spirit, one of the biggest pieces in Notre Dame's puzzle, was shown abundantly by the players, cheerleaders, and fans. Page 34/Top/JUNJOR POWER PUFF TEAM / Middle/ Shante Grady/ Bottom/ Terry Moran, and Susan 34 Schmitt/ Page 35/Top left/ SENIOR POWDER PUFF

TEAM/ Top right/ Coach James/Middle left/ Dawn McGrath./Middle right/ JUNIOR CHEERLEADERS/Bot-




Let's Go Back Down To The Picnic Grove Amy lmmordino

When the last few days of September arrive, this means the Frosh/Soph picnic will be coming up! This year, even though it was windy outside in the picnic grove, it did nothing to stop the fun activities and students catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Some freshmen thought it was nice to meet people while others just loved listening to the DJ's music and dancing un~ der the pavilion. There were sports to

play like volleyball and soccer, but a lot of people just walked around enjoying themselves. One freshman boy said, "It as great to get out of classes; I wish we could do this more often!" This annual event is just one of the many things that brings out and puts the Notre Dame students together. Just like in a puzzle, all the pieces fit when everybody comes together to enjoy themselves after a very interesting, beginning month. Even

Page :56/fop/JUST HANGING OUT; Jacqueline Nowak, Lisa Muehleisen, Ann Monaco, Kristen Pappas. Bottom Left/CHEESE!; Kristen Keating, Bridget Joyce, Chanley Layton, Katie Chrnelich, Adam Smith. Bottom Right/LET'S CHAT; Chris

the teachers seemed to appreciate the afternoon: you could look around and find the teachers also getting together and talking with one another. This was the last year for the sophomores to walk on down to the picnic grove, but it was a fabulous experience that the freshmen can look forward to next year. As one ninth grader put it, "It shou1d have been longer, and free sodas given out!"

Van Horn, Melissa Chiarchiaro. Page 37/f'RIENDS f'OREVtR: Marlon, Heather Williams, Angel Jones, Ka-Mara Mcleod, Tamika Stebbins.


ND Dancers Strike It Up The Notre Dame Chorus, Madrigal, actors, and actresses are all part of the Notre Dame Performing Arts Program. The dancers are a very important piece that completes the Program picture at Notre Dame. Notre Dame's Dance Performance is integral to the Performing Arts Program. On January II, the Notre Dame dancers made their talent known. Under a new dance choreographer, Lisa Twamley, the students displayed dance styles ranging from classical ballet to street dancing to dirty dancing. There were 16 girls and 3 guys, all from different grade levels, involved in this year's Dance Performance. The only senior, Amy Andrako, remarked, "The dance show was a lot of fun. It was different


under a new choreographer, and was a new experience." The Dance Performance is more than just an extracurricular activity though. It is a group of people who have the desire to dance. With this one thing in common, it has brought people from all grades together as one. In preparation for the show, the dancers worked hard and spent a lot of time and effort perfecting each dance and making sure everything was flawless. The week before the performance, the dancers rehearsed every night until II :00 P.M. They were committed and supported one another when a member got hurt or sick. Their hard work paid off at the performance. Though it was not a full house, friends and family supported each and every dancer.

By Angie Garcia While the Notre Dame dancers may be overlooked at times, they still do their best. The Dance Performance happens only once every year, but all the dancers have memories that last throughout the year. The Dance Performance can be compared to a completed puzzle in which every member is a piece of that puzzle. Everyone has a part to play, no matter how small. If a piece is missing, or not willing to make a commitment, the Dance Performance would be incomplete and the faith and trust among members taken away. They take their talent seriously and should be recognized for their time and effort. The Dance Performance is a hard working group of people. Congratulations to them on their performance and hard work!

Page 38/THE DANCE PERFORMANCE: Back Row/Kim Kauffman, Lauren Fares, Tom Janukowicz, Lyric Fitzgibbon, Sabrina Pullo, Michele Krencicki. Front Row/Janice Tyne, Katie Lynch, Manoly Farrell , Amy Andrako , Angie Garcia , Chris Lewis. Not Shawn/Tracey Cooper, Gena Migliaccio, lesha Quinn , Melissa Fato, Kathy Provost, Tom Andrako, LeRon Rogers. Page 39/Top Left/REACHING FOR THE STARS. Top Right/OFFERING A FEW WORDS OF ADVICE. Choreographer, Lisa Twamley. Middle Left/A PICTURE PERFECT BALLERINA: Amy Andrako poses for the camera. Middle Right/IN BALANCED STATE: Kim Kauffman. Bottom Left/SHOWING FLEXIBILITY BUT FEELING NO PAIN . Bottom Right/LIFTED TO A HIGHER PLACE: Manoly Farrell and Tom Janukowicz.


Sorting Out The Spiritual

Puzzle For many seniors, completing the puzzle of High School life, may be a difficult and challenging experience. It involves getting to know and understand the individuals around you and also adapting to new and challenging environments. Although senior year may be exciting, memorable and fun it can also get very stressfuL sad and full of hard work. Whatever the case maybe there is definitely one event which brings all seniors closer together; their senior retreat. This uplifting experience involves a series of talks and group participation exercises which leave a definite impression on each individual who takes part. Every student learns new and exciting things not only about themselves but also about their other classmates. Many seniors who never really come in contact with one another get a chance to share their experiences and open up to each other. It creates a bond between seniors which leaves a lasting impression on each of their lives. The retreat itself involves an overnite trip to an abbey in Newton, New Jersey


where Father Dennis coordinates the activities which remain confidentiaL so as not to ruin the experience for future seniors. The trip is a time for bonding and renection which should not be missed by any Notre Dame student. It gives everyone a chance to realize how special each one of their classmates are. One senior commented that " It was a terrific experience. I laughed, I cried and overall it lett a deep impression on me. I not only got to know myself but my other classmates, as well. " As one can tell the Senior Retreat is a very special event which sets apart Notre Dame and its senior class from all other high schools. The experience in itself does not only connect the senior class but it also helps them to complete their memories of a great high school career. One of the most important pieces in " Putting It All Together" is that of the uplifting Senior Retreat!

PAGE 40/ENJOYING THE MOMENT: Tonya Revilla , Teresa Tilton, Nicole Santowasso , and Beth Joyce. PAGE 41/TOP/BREAKING BREAD: Fred Proccini, Mr. Anderson , Fr. Dennis, Randy McVaugh, Eric Nolan, and JeffLiwacz. BOTTOM LEFT/BEAR HUG: Kristen Kelley lifts Jen Kelly. BOTTOM RIGHT/ WAITING FOR ROOMS: A group of senior girls hang in the hallway.


Senior Government Is The Link


By Kate Hess

The seniors are, in many ways, the cornerstone of Notre Dame. They are the varsity athletes, the editors, the club presidents, and often the leads in school plays. They serve as experienced role models. They are a very diverse and special group of students. For this reason, it is a challenge to represent them. The senior Student Government officers have risen to the occasion. The senior officers are a very important part of Notre Dame's Student Government. They hold key positions: Todd Kauffman, the president; Ricky Valenzuela, the vice president; and Michele Tritt, the secretary. The other officers are Chris Breining, Brendan Duff, Chris Heitzman, Jessica Kurst, Chris Matthews


and Kristin Simms. Just as seniors are traditionally the leaders of the school, the senior officers lead the Student Government. Michele Tritt says, "They look up to us. We have more responsibility." President Todd Kauffman describes his duties by saying, "I really like to organize things and help people. Mainly . I am responsible for running the meetings and planning activities. They rely on me. When something goes wrong, I get in trouble." Student Government does have its perks. Michele Tritt reflects, "I have been able to meet a lot of people through Student Government." While most of the officers agreed that the elections are partly a popularity contest, they have proven to be very dedi-

cated. Student Government is mainly a way for students to express themselves. Jessica Kurst points out, "It is a way to give the students what they want." The seniors have the larger role in planning activities and in running the school. They organize the dances, Spirit Week, and run the carnation sales, for in- , stance. Senior class moderator, Mrs. Burzachiello, says, "They have taken on responsibility and leadership roles. They are a very diverse group with many different personalities." The officers. of the class of 1992 are not only central pieces in our Notre Dame puzzle, but they are active leaders in putting it all together.


Page 42/ Senior Student Government/ Todd Kauffman , Brendan Duff, Chris Breining, Michelle Tritt Jessica Kurst Kristen Simms, Chris Matthews, Chris Heitzman, and Ricky Valenzuela. Page 4.3/Top Left./ Future Leaders?1 Chris Matthews, Michelle Tritt and Todd Kauffman run the school. Bottom Right/ Expert Advice j Mr. Mil linowicz and Ricky Valenzuela . Bottom Lefl:j Waynes World / Todd Kauffman . Top Right/ Look Out Einstein / The Onmiscient Chris Breining


ND Takes To Slopes By Chris Fava After school on Wednesday, January 15, skiers and snowboarders from every grade set out on a bus trip to Vernon Valley /Great Gorge ski resort in Vernon, New Jersey. Mrs. Cevera set up and headed the whole gig with the help of Mr. Perone. About five exciting hours were to be spent swooshing down the slopes. Groups of friends gathered together to ride up the chairlift and take their trial run. The snow conditions were good and plenty of fun regardless of just four trails being opened - due to the pesty snoWJilaking machine. Everybody

was bundled up head-to-toe because the temperature was below freezing, and the wind wasn't exactly from the tropics! After 2-3 hours, just about everybody went to the cafeteria to eat and relax. After that, we ventured out again to be welcomed by the many lights illuminating .he slopes. Night skiing is very different from day skiing for many. For one thing, it is harder to see the monguls, and the result is the infamous wipeout. But some of us got by without falling. As the hours passed, it was time to prepare to leave. Around 10 P.M., the bus left


Vernon Valley to return to Notre Dame. Being so late in the evening, one might think the bus would be quiet due to the exhausted skiers, but this was not the case. Many people were talking about humorous incidents that occurred on the slopes. However soon the bus was quiet and everyone was conked out from the long, fun day of skiing. Putting it all together, the ski trip brought people together to have a blast on the slopes of Vernon Valley.

Page 144/Top Right/ READY TO GO!: Donna Schwartz, Frank Donofrio, Christine Campana. Middle/ I CAN 'T LOOK!: A Notre Dame skier readies herself for the slope. Bottom Left/ TAKING A BREAK: Mary Beth Moscarello and Jeffrey Wig. Bottom Right/ HERE I COME! Chris Fava braves the slopes. Page 145/ Top Left/ SNOW BUNNIES: Andrea Baker and Jamie Bonanni. Top Right/ MIDRUN BRAKE: Alex Sargent and Alison Kaksitis. Middle Left/ WAITING IN LINE: Dave Gater. Middle Right/ FINISHING THE DAY: Melissa Marue and Rebecca Krollman. Bottom Left/ COMING DOWN: Rebecca Fitzgibbon. Bottom Right/ TOUGH DAY ON THE SLOPES: Nick Barbosa.

Homecoming: A Piece Of ,92 By: Rebecca Fitzgibbon November 8th was an exciting night at Notre Dame High School. Homecoming, which is an important piece of the "Notre Dame Puzzle", took place, and students, parents, and alumni came together to join in 1991's Homecoming festivities. The Irish bleachers were packed with football fans. Everyone anxiously awaited the announcement of the new King and Queen. The court consisted of: Mark Laurinaitis, Tim Stout, Todd Kauffman, Chris Heitzman, Brendan Prophett,

Michelle Tritt, Kelly Kerwick, Kelly Farrior, Dawn McGrath, and Kristen Alia. Each member of the court was escorted onto the field by either their father or mother. Brendan Prophett and Michelle Tritt were crowned the Homecoming King and Queen of 1991. The two, then, were driven around the track amidst applause from fellow classmates and the fans. Varsity fall athletes also took part in the night's festivities. Before the game, they were honored by parading across the

football field. The Irish football players finally came running onto the field, ready to blow away the Lawrence Cardinals. Notre Dame emerged victorious, 46- 18. Mr. James, an assistant coach, summed up the game well by saying, "It was a total team effort." The Homecoming activities were also a total team effort, uplifting the school spirit. Thanks to all who participated.

Page 46/Left/WHO WON?: Mark Laurinaitis and Todd Kauffman anxiously await the results. Top Right/HOMECOMING QUEEN: Michelle Tritt is crowned by Jen Stevens. Bottom Right/HOMECOMING KING: Ms. Ivins congratulates Brendan Prophett. Page 47 /Top Left/GOOD JOB: Kelly Farrior shakes hands with Jamie DiMattia. Top Right/WHAT A GAME: A bunch of Juniors intent on the game. Middle Left/THE BEST CHEERS OF OUR LIVES: Cindy Santo and Missy Cefalone enjoy each others company. Middle Right/OUT FOR A SPIN: Brendan Prophett and Dawn McGrath ride around the track. Bottom Left/PROUD DAD: Kristen Alia is escorted by her father. Bottom Right/KEEP ME WARM: Students sit close together as they cheer on the football team.




What Is All This Hype! By Michelle Balik Scooter races, sack races, volleyball, and even a basketball game! What does all this add up to? Well, let's try and solve this puzzle! It's Notre Dame's Sports Night during Spirit Week! One sees a crowd of spectators cheering on their favorite team. The Blue Team battles the White Team, and even the teachers become involved! Some of our courageous teachers challenged students from each grade level to a game of basketball, and this year the faculty team won all four " court bat-


ties". Mr. Gatto said he enjoyed watching the enthusiasm the students brought with them. He commented, "Even the people with old bones had a good time!" (could he mean the teachers?) Sports Night is one that all the students at N.D. look forward to. Mr. Schafer and his crew made this night a success. They worked very hard to organize the event by making plans and scheduling practice for the participants. Thanks to all their hard prep work and

their exciting announcing at the microphone, the night ran quickly and smoothly. The Juniors upset the star Senior Basketball team, and for the fourth year in a row, the Seniors lost the tug of war contest!! Well , by now, I am sure you have figured out where the Sports Night piece fits in. It's just one highlight of Spirit Week, Notre Dame 's " night of challenges. "


Page 48/ JUNIORS PULL THROUGH FOR ANOTHER VICTORY / Rebecca Fitzgibbon, Jay Fowler, Elandra Farrior, Tim Schnall and Mike Pietras. Page 49/ Top Left/ TOGETHERNESS IS THEIR GAME/ Top Right/LET'S WALK THROUGH THE MOVIES/ Megan McGiinchy. Bottom Left/ DON 'T TRIP! / Mike Pellegrino and Adam Bendas. Bottom Right/ HEADS UP!/ Mike Murray and Mr. Gatto


Smells Like ND Spirit By: Amy lmmordino

Where could you see the return of the Supremes, Family Feud being played live, and all Notre Dame students screaming their hearts out? You could only catch all of this on Spirit Day at Notre Dame High School, a central piece of our annual Spirit Week puzzle. Unlike many other high schools, Notre Dame gives students the opportunity to "get crazy" for a day. By having Spirit Day, it helps every level come together to fit in as one complete puzzle picture of ND pride and spirit. The day began with everyone going to the auditorium and watching various music acts in the Talent Show. After that, Frosh and Sophs played the Family Feud, responding to questions and answers drawn from polling of students and faculty previous to the day. Then, it was switched around so that Seniors and Juniors played the Family Feud, and Sophomores and Freshmen had lunch. During the day, students could also get their pictures taken "freestyle" with their friends in the gym. The finale of the day came when everybody gathered into the auditorium one more time. First, there were some "crazy contests" after which the results were announced, with the Blue team winning over the White team. But the best was yet to come . .. Mr. Gibilisco and Mr. Dennehy came out in suitcoats and sunglasses and did a rendition of "Brown-Eyed Girl," which had everybody on their feet, dancing and singing along. The most surprising performance was put on by "The Supremes." Those "Motown Girls," were actually Mr. Schafer, Mr. Perone, Mr. Wroblewski and Mr. Gatto all made up! It took two days to put together the act, and it left the whole place breathless with laughter and cheering. Mr. Schafer, who coordinated Spirit Week and Day, said, ''I'm glad everyone enjoyed the show." All in all, Spirit Day '92 left us wondering: What will Spirit Day '9.3 have in store for us to top this?

Top Left. / WE NEED A STUNT DOUBLE: Mark Jablonski and Lou Crivelli double as Indiana Jones. Bottom Left/FLOATING: Junior Mark Abbot competes in Family Feud. Middle/STJNGARING ADINGDING: Carl Meuhleisen performs in the talent show. Bottom Right/ PIGGY BACK: Catherine Kontoyannis gives Nicole Leland a lift.


Top Left/ JUNIOR HOODLUMS: Pete Singelakis and Mike Bartrum. Top Right/ I THOUGHT WE WERE COAL MINERS?: Becky Cyms and Angela Blundell on the farm. Middle/ CLOWNING AROUND: Matt Rhoads performs with Spiritual Sky. Middle Left/HOOKED: The Wrobos get in the spirit. Middle Right/ AYE AYE MATE: Micaelle Balik and Chris Fava are right out of the movies, Bottom/EXPLORE: Cindy Santo and Missy Cefalone scout for spirit.


''Cotillion Festivity'' By Heather Cyms Every year, students of all levels look forward to the Winter Cotillion. It is just a small piece of the giant puzzle of events making up Notre Dame's year, a piece shaped by the excitement and anticipation of each student. Frosh add a little nervousness; So phs add the "spunk" ; Juniors add the friendliness, and Seniors add the experience and good times. Like last year, "King's Caterers" in Bucks County, Pa, welcomed Notre with great music, plenty of food, and a place


to just have fun. The bitter cold of that February first, and perhaps a wrong turn or two, didn 't stop Notre Dame students from coming for a great time. The food was served from a buffet and wasn 't all that bad, compared to previous years elsewhere, commented some students. The D.J. was great and gave some students the chance to show off their "great" singing voices by giving them the microphone! The classic "Chicken dance" was dedicated to the seniors,

and left some underclassmen laughing because they had never seen it before. The spirit of all present was festive, and many looked forward to parties afterwards. The Cotillion gave Notre Dame students a reward after a week of midterm exams and a place to have fun. This year's Winter Cotillion was filled with fun , festivity, and love, perfectly fitting into the puzzle of student life at Notre Dame.

Page 52jTopjTHE GIRLS NITE ON THE TOWN! Our Girls Track Team takes the nite off. Bottom Left/SWEETHEARTS! Mike Pietras and Carla Volk get close and personal. Bottom Right/ LET'S VOGUE! Chris Fava and Robin Schiedeler strike a pose. Page 53/ Top Left/ A SENIOR SPECIAL MOMENT! Shante Grady, Lekisha Quinn and Adrian Davis celebrate together. Top Right/A CUTE COTILLION COUPLE! Michelle Tritt and Neil Potter are so happy together. Middle Left/ LEAVE A TENDER MOMENT ALONE! Christine Lewis and her date Dave Noel share a special evening. Middle Right/THE THREE AMIGOS! Nick Barbosa, Angelo Mitala and Lou Crivelli are ready for the party. Bottom Left/DANCJN ' THE NITE AWAY! James Bertan , Brooke Perone, Jen Welsh and Eric Murtha get a little closer. Bottom Right/ KEEP SMILJN '! Brendan Duff and Chris DiLiberto share a smile .


Page 54/ Top/ SENIORS LAST COTILLION / Bryan Misier, Lisa Wojtczuk, Jen Ranucci and Jeff Liwacz. Bottom Left/HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS THING? j Brian Hand and Kelly 1\erwick. Bottom Right/ A CUTE COUPLE/ Jeffrey Lane and his date. Page 55/ Top Left/ A NIGHT TO REMEMBER/ A group of cotillion couples have time for a picture. Top Right/ DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY j Becky Giersch and her date. Bottom Left/ SAY CHEESE!/ Beth Joyce and graduate Dave Santowasso. Bottom Right/ SITTING PRETTY/ Sue Schmitt and Jen Pesce.


Rebecca Fitzgibbon and her special friend.

A Piece Of Mind By Jennifer O'Donnell Although it probably seems like we live each day in complete chaos, we usually find a way to pick up the scattered pieces and keep ourselves glued together. When we have gained control of our own lives, it is easier to help solve the problems and puzzles of other peoples' lives. One way in which Notre Dame students try to make life less difficult for their friends and community is through the various tutoring programs made possible because of dedication to helping others. Martin House is a Trenton inner-city learning center where children from local public schools are provided with a positive learning environment. Every Thursday after school, a number of Notre Dame students volunteer there, offering assistance to grammar school children who need help with their studies. When asked about her experiences at Martin House, Bridget Bentz com-


mented, "The best thing about Martin House is that we provide students with individual attention, which they might not receive at school or at home." This year, through our extensive service program, N.D. has "adopted a school in Trenton. Sacred Heart School is the beneficiary of much time and energy from Notre Dame. One of the many contributions we have made to Sacred Heart students is an after-school tutoring program. Much like Martin House, except on a larger scale, a group goes every week to help the kids with their work. Mrs. Salcewicz, the N.D. service coordinator, is very enthusiastic about this endeavor. She said, "The most exciting thing about the Sacred Heart program is that it is a meeting. of hearts as well as of minds." Notre Dame students have formed warm friendships with the children at Sacred Heart. We provide them with positive role models, as well

Mike Celentana gives a helping hand to Neil French

as with academic encouragement. Besides extending tutoring services to the community at large, Notre Dame students provide help for those within our own community. The National Honor Society is responsible for organizing and running a peer-tutoring program . Every morning at 7:30A.M., the Honor Society room opens to give help to anyone who needs it. Regardless of the subject a student is struggling with, there is always an Honor Society member who can help to bring about an understanding of the problems at hand. Upon request, tutoring is provided for fellow classmates without hassle, and quite willingly. Notre Dame students have a lot to offer. By sharing a piece of themselves with others, they help to complete the big picture called life. Working together is the only way we can survive in this world. Hopefully, through tutoring, we have helped to make a difference.

Janice Tyne looks over some notes.


Oklahoma! O.K.!! Yow!! By Marisol Cintron "Oklahoma!" "Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends!" chanted "Pa Carnes" (Lou Crivelli) at gun point in Notre Dame High School's '92 musical, "Oklahoma!" Over eighty students participated in recreating the life of tum-ofcentury Oklahoma territory folk in this humorous, romantic musical. Essentially, "Oklahoma!" centers around the Jove of "Curly" (Todd Caruso), a cowman, and "Laury," a farmer's daughter. By refusing to admit their love for each other, they humorously entertain the audience with the help of "Will Parker" (Matt Kasperzak) and "Ado Annie", who also are in love. N.D. parents, students, and families witnessed a rare explosion of talent. In fact, for the first time, NO's Drama Department divided the two female leading roles "Laury" "Ado Annie" between weekends: Performances on March 6 and 7 featured Laura Heinz as "Laury" and Kristin Chebra as "Ado Annie"; performances on March 1.3 and 14 featured Lorette Schroth as "Laury" and The combined result was a spectacular outburst of song, brightly-colored ginghams and a first-hand view of Squaredancing and the "Two-step", making everyone eager to participate in the celebrations. "It had a lot of energy, " said Roger DeiPrado, a chorus member. With all it's power and excitement, the play expressed the theme that although the farmer and the cowman were seemingly different kinds of people, both shared a love of the land they lived on, and there was no reason why they shouldn't be friends. This is something to be remembered, especially in these violent times where prejudice often leads to acts of violence and hatred. "Aunt Eller", played by Adrienne Coe, wryly summarized the thought when she sang, to her people, "I don't say I'm no better than anybody else, but I'll be damned if I ain't jist as good!" The Drama, Music and Theater Tech Departments, with the help of parents, teachers, and community all fit together to form a large piece of Notre Dame's performing puzzle. Because of the drive, desire, dedication, and determination of all involved, "Oklahoma!" was a huge success, fascinating all who saw it and making memories to last a lifetime. " You did fine, Oklahoma- you're ok!" Top Rightj OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING! Todd Caruso as Curly Middle / SURREY WITH THE FRING ON TOP: Laury played by Laura Heinz and Todd. Bottom / GOT A DREAM WORTH KEEPING : Lorette Scroth as Laury with Todd .

Victoria Czarnik as "Ado Annie". Mr. Lou Gibilisco, the director, explained, "There was a lot of talent, and it would be a shame that the girls missed the chance to perform such good roles simply because the roles were never divided before. All the ladies deserved it." Because each actress brought her own unique style it was a difficult adjustment for the other actors. Todd Caruso ("Curly") explained, "Both girls acted from different angles: one was serious, the other was comic." Often, scenes had to be redone to fit each individual actress, which meant a lot of hard, long, and strenuous hours full of work for the technical crew as well as the cast. Frequently, the entire cast worked right after school until 6 or 7 at night, as well as on weekends. The technical crew sometimes worked harder than the cast, working long hours on sets, props and scenery. Crew member Tommy Farrell commented, "The work we did was excruciating, and though crews often don't receive enough credit for it, it was worth it."

OKLAHOMA- Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and the singers and dancers show their talents.

Top Leftj" l DON 'T WANT HER EITHER!" Matt Guarno and Matt Haenni. Top Rightj" MY TARTS FLOAT AWAY " Lorrete Schroth and Lisa Johnson. Centerj TAKE MY DAUGHTER: Ali, Matt Guarno, PA , Lou Crivelli and Ado, Vicky Czarnik. Bottom Leftj" POOR JUD IS DEAD " Todd Caruso and Matt Haenni. Bottom Rightj Kansas City, Matt Kasprazak.

Page 61 Top Leftj LET'S DANCE: Adrienne Coe and Matt Kasprazak. Top Rightj Todd Caruso and Laura Heinz. Middle Lett; Ado Annie , Kristen Chebra and Will Parker, Matt Kasprazak. Middle Right/ Aunt Eller, Adrienne Coe. Bottomj THE FARMERS AND THE COWMEN SHALL BE FRIENDS!



1991 . . . Soviet Union is officially dissolved . . . Magic Johnson tests HIV positive . . . Perone wins State Championship ... Bush hurls in Japan ... Wayne's World conquers the silver screen . . . Tyson Knocked out in the ring and the courtroom . . . Letterman's lOth Anniversary ... Sexual harassment . . . Beverly Hills 90210 . . . Bills lose-again . . . Studs . . . Where' s Waldo? . . . Hammer drops the MC . .. Middle States sparks rapid repairs . . . Is Pat short for Patricia or Patrick? . . . David Duke dives in Louisiana . . . I'm Too

Sexy . . . Liz Taylor weds for the 8th time . . . Kiefer jilts Julia . . . U2 comes to town . . . Archer shaves his moustache Oliver Stone resurrects JFK ... William Kennedy Smith acquitted of rape . . . Bryan Adams does everything for you with the theme to Robin Hood . . . Hannibal Lecter has a friend for dinner in Silence of the Lambs . . . France and Spain host the Olympics ... The Young Neutrons unite Yearbook staff goes to pieces.

s .


Michael Abaid

Lori Adams

Ahmad Ibn Ali

Elvis Alicea

Amy Andrako

Calista Andrews

Cara Angelina Susan Barcarola

Michael Abaid "Pro-basketball has turned into 路w.restle-rnania', which is why I like college basketball and high sdlool basketball. Actually, it's why I like baseball."

Lori Adams Why do piglets always squeal, maybe It's because they or maybe they just Because "piggies' Ahmad All From the words of tbe immortil sweet daddy: When all is said and done, there's nothing left to do or say.


Kristen Alia

Patrick Baker

Kristen Simms

Deborah Bakun

Susan Marie Barcarola

Shawn Beihl

K.ris Balerna

Jeffrey Baylog

Angela Bellardo 71

John Belz

Bridget Bentz

Adam Bendas

Jon ~ym If it hurts, quit, unless you can see the finish line.

John Robert 8elz "Anchors Aweigh!" Adam T. Bendas Landscaping-it's not just a job it's an adventure!

Michele Bersch 1 have seen enough of this world to know wbat Is good and bad, 1 don't want to look back in time, ill1d thinl< of what I could have had.

Jonathan Beym 72

Michele Bersch

Terry Moran, Sarah Hedgepeth and Nicole Gaffney

Joseph Bires



key to perfection

is merely the imperfect.

Brendan Blruk When am I going to stop Dave Bolster When your radar



Brendan Biruk

David Richard Bolster

Hope Brennan

Christopher Breining

Marcus Raymond Broach

Chris Sieben

David Brenner

Hope Brennan If we spend our and the proble which to liver

Cynthia Brower

Phillip Buckley

Neil Brunner

Jason J. Bugter 73

Justin Burroughs

Tammy Bush

Theodore Cachola

Jennifer Calianese

Todd Campanella

Stephen Campbell 74

Jason Bugter

Leigh Campbell

Katie Caperna

Vanessa Ann Carabelli

Christine Marie Castagna

Amber Cherny

Benjamin Chrnelich

Jennifer Ciaccio

Jill Coley

Lisa Johnson 75

Douglas Coluccio

Sean Cox

Kristina Coluccio

Amy Cutchineal

Tracey Anne Crawford

Jill Czyzyk

Bob Gominiak

Doug Coluccio "If I close my eyes forever, would it all remain the same? Or would I just get those little crusty things in the comers of my eyes?'' -Ozzy Osborne Kristina Coluccio Who knows! Michelle Constance Hey you guys! This is B Halll 1 wanted :to be in D Haul confused! sean-~

As you travel own the road of life, don't fall asleep behind the wheel.


Michelle Constance

tracey Crawford • There are times when Leroy Brownlow Amy Cutchlneal "And as you go down the ~tting pats on the back Y reward will be eated the man in

Adrian Davis

Sean Deasy If life is a play, and we are the actors, why is life so complicated? Donna DeMarco I just love parties ... the stimulating conversation, the fascinating small talk, and the witty jokes. But enough about my contributions. David DiBenidetto ' 'I'm Hying in Winchester Cathedral; it's hard enough to drink the wine; the air inside hangs in illusion but given time, I'll be fine." -Crosby, Stills, Nash Brendan Duff Now as I almost cross the bridge of high school, I look back and think that if I had to do it again, I'd JUMP!

Lori Eardley To me, the most beautiful people in the world are those who are not afraid to be themselves. Don Eigenbauer How do you plea? Guilty . . . with an explanation! Lisa Ercolano I love all my friends that I've gathered here on this tiny raft. Christine Fanelli The only bad thing about being a good sport is you have to lose to prove it.

Sean Deasy

Donna Demarco

Jerry Foley

David Dibenedetto

Lori Eardley

Donald Eigenbauer

Brendan Duff

Elisa Ercolano

Christine Fanelli 77

Tori At~tt-l'errls "enjoy tdc:lay, for Yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow a .Oream." Frank Fanning

Lesley Farkas

Kelley Farrior

Rachel Ferencz

Laura Schwala

Shannon Fitzgerald

Tori Ann Ferris

Shannon fitzgerald "In a world full of people, only some want to fly-isn't that crazy?" Jerry foley Everybody always tells med to "be-have." How would you define "have"?

Krls frascella "I used to be snow white . . . somehow I drifted"

Jerome Foley 78

Kristine Ann Frascella

Steven Gappa The reason it took me so long to bury the cat is because it wouldn't sit still.

Nicole Gaffney

Jennifer French

Marvin Garcia Of all the scholars I have known, that shining lilflt has still not been shown. But maybe, one day, 1 will come upon it, then rejoice and spit upon it.

Steven Gappa

Marvin Garcia

Nora Moustafa , Lori Eardley, and Amy Andrako

Kristine Gaynor

Donna Gawroski

Kristine Ga)'nor I don't et lt. Becky Giersch The wave of the future Js avoid it, ride t.



dances without music.

Rebecca Giersch

Christine Giglio ?9

Marian Tanglaw

Eileen Giglio

Justin Gilli

Alison Goeke

Robert Gominiak

Justin QIJii Credit must be given to Bron- Yr路 Aur, a small derelict cottage in South Snowdonia, for painting a forgotten picture of true completeness. Alison Goeke Look famous, be legendary, appear complex, act easy, radiate presence, travel light, seem a dream, prove real. Robert D. Qominlak The harder it gets, the easier it is; the easier it gets; the easier it is the harder it gets. David Gorman If the odds are against you, take the points. David Gorman

Christina Greco

Christina Greco Love is love. No matter how long or short. Time is not the question. True love is keeping that love Inside ypu Then time is the answer. Kelly Gregory You're not the only one who's made mlsta'k&. But they're the only things that you can truly call your own. Nick Grodzickyj Forward ever, backward never, prepf3re for tl,hatever and always stay clever. Kelly Gregory 80

Nicky Grodzickyj

Rebecca Hartpence and Steven Storie with Mike Sosa.

Jason Gutierrez

Jason Guzman

Matthew Guarno

Christine Guido

Matthew Haenni

Brian Hand

Rebecca Hartpence

Sarah Hedgepeth 81

Holly Heenan

Christopher Heitzman

James Hogan

Garth Hudson

Holly Heenan Will you stHI love me when I'm down and out? In my time of trial, will you stand by me? Chris HelUman "Don't ~If IQr answers, Just take your chances, Don't aSk me why."


Ann Marie Iannaci

Brian Jackowski

Andrew James

Amber Jancola

Bridget Bentz

machines, and most forms of higher evil.

"Beth JOYce '"These are the times tQ remember, becalJ;Se they will not last fore~r." 路路...-rw.....UI3 '

Lisa Johnson

Susan Keehn

Elizabeth Joyce

Michelle Kafer

Lidia Kara

Todd Kauffman

Leea Kean

David Keiling 83

Richie Kekesi

Kristin Kelley

Kristin Kelley It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. Jen Kelly I used to play water polo . . . until my horse drowned. Kelly Kerwick You have to laugh to keep from crying!

Alyson Mangini

Cathy Kontoyannis If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get" don~. Eddie Kopera My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted. 6ecky Krollman The things that come to those who wait may be the things left by those who got there first. Good Luck Class of '921

Erik Klotz 84

Catherine Kontoyannis

Jennifer Kelly

Kelly Kerwick

Edward Kopera

Rebecca Krollman

Michael Kunst

Jessica Kurst

Nicole Lauandos

Mark Laurinaitis

Michael Kunst When's this due? Jessica Kurst Did you ever wonder if the last fruit loop in the bowl gets lonely?

Nicole LeLand

Alan Levin

Michael Livio

Jeffrey Liwacz

Nicole Leland It ~rps the ones w


Anne Marie Musicianni and Chris Fanelli.


David Loftin

Scott Loh

Nicole Lorentz

Patti Lupinacci

James Lynch

Margaret Ellen Lumia

Erik Lyman

Nope Brennan And Nicolette Manahan

David LOltn Often Imitated, Rarely Intimidated, Never buplicated.

Scott Loh "In prosperity, our friends know us; In adverstly we 'know our friends." John Churton Collins Nicole Lorentz I haven't said anything wise In the fOUr years I've been here, so why should I start now?

Brian Malloy

Patti Lupinacci Never say good-bye because gOOc;l-bfe$ are foreverl

erik Lyman Trifles make perfection, and perfection Is no trifle. #31 James Lynch Did Adam and r;ve have navels? Brian Malloy "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein


Nicolette Manahan

Alyson Mangini

Christopher Marchetti

Jeanne Markman

Jette Manahan

Small in stature, but if I reach . .. I can touch the stars. Alyson Man9fnl I don't complain; I just whine lOUdly.

Jeanne Markman "So many faces In and out of my life: some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos and byes; I'm afraJd It's time for goodbye again." 路Billy Joel

Melissa Markulec

Nicole Markulec

Periklis Martakis

David Martinez

Nicole lladwlec I'd rather be hated for


Melissa Marue


Melissa Marne

Melissa Ann Mate

Christopher Mathews

Dawn McGrath

Sophie Maxwell

Anne Marie lannaci And Kristina Coluccio

Randy McVaugh

Melissa Marue Many people come and go through t.he dOors of my life, but my friends will stay forever.

eche Mode

Chris Matb I can't walt-~ntll tomotrOw because I everyday.


Sean Maxwell


Jean Marie Meagher

Alysoa Meehan "Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicityl"•l'horeau



Eric Micai

Alyson Meehan

Shivani Mody

Anne Molignano

Jeannie Schiefer, Tori ferris, and Michelle Bersch

Thomas Moorcroft

Anne Mollgnano "Hold on to sixteen as long as you can, cause changes come around real soon that make us women and men."John Cougar Mellencamp Terry Morart "Wake ~· Wake up and look around you; we're lost in space, an the time is our own/'-"Serenade" Steve Mi~r Band Kate Moran lfl see a bird and it walks like a duck, and swims like a dud{ and quacks Hke a duck, I call that bird a duck.

Thomas Mooreroft "It Is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." ·Thurber

Kathleen Moran

Theresa Moran 89

Nora Moustafa

Carl Muehleisen

Eric Salva

Timothy Mullany

Brian Mulligan

Kelli Eileen Murphy

Ceasar Napolitano 90

Anne Marie Muscianesi

Brandon Navata

Brandon Navata If you're at the end

or your

Chris rtltti Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect. Beth Ann Nowak Your young life lies before you like an untread path of snow. Be careful how you live· it, for every step will show.

Beth Ann Nowak

Christopher Nibbs

Christopher Nitti

Jennifer O'Donnell

Michael Ogiony

. .... . . ·..·:,· . . . .........··:··· ..:.. .. , . ·. ' ... '


Christine Ostrowski

Sang Pak

Mike Oglony You can tell the man from the boys by the price of their toys.

Sang Pak My one aspiration: to forget what lies behind and strive toward the goals.

Chris Matthews 91

Theodore Palfalvi

Jennifer Panfili

Kristin Kelley

Joseph Panfili

Chris Pastor

Michael Pellegrino I have a dream What's your dream? ~veryone has a dreamr

Kerry Pearson

Michael Pellegrino

Jen Pesce It's not easy being

Jennifer Pesce 92

Michael Petito


Chris Pinelli 1 couldn't think of one.

Anthony Piscopo People who live in the past will never see the light of the future. Janice Plunket Don't walk In front of me, I might not follow; don't walk behind me, I might not lead; walk beside me and be my , friend.

Christopher Pinelli

Anthony Piscopo

Carole Plumeri

Janice Plunkett

Jerry Foley

Salvatore Polizzi

Darren Pogoda Love is like a sneeze: It's hard to suppress It comes from within, and It touches those around you. Salvatore Polizzi As I think back, I realize what a long, strange trip it's been. Fred Procaccini Don't look for tomorrow because tomorrow may never come.

Fred Procaccini

Vito Paul Procaccini 93

Brendan Prophett

Carrie Prunetti

Lek~Staia Quinn "To the dass and alumni of 199J. I, Lekisha Quinn, you one spare rib and a Q路tlp. ''

Jason Puca

Lekisha Quinn

Jeffrey Pypcznski

Sal Polizzi And Donna Gaworski

Andrew Radosti

Jennifer Ranucci "Your life 11es bdlll''fou be careful how ypa trell it, Charles Ramsey, Jr. 94

Jennifer Ranucci

Heath Reed

Mark Reggimenti

Stephen Rendek III

Denise Keres

Matthew Rhoads

Kathy Kontoyannis

Tonya Revilla

Sam Ricco 9.S

Annmarie Romanczuk

Danielle Rossi

David Rossi

Christina Rouselle

Christopher Rule

Eric Salava 96

Marcus Broach and Mike Sosa

Amaris Sanchez

Nicole Santowasso "I don't know Where I'm gGihQ, but J sure~ow where I've been." 路Whltesnake Dominic Sarglotto Success is never ending, and failure is never final. Tamml Scannella A friendship is like chlnaware, beautiful, rich and rare: When broken, mar be mended, but the crack is always there. Robin Schefdeler "Opportunity for distinction lies in doing ordinary things extraordinarily wetl.n

Nicole Santowasso

Dominic Sargiotto

Robin Scheideler

Susan Schmitt

Lorette Schroth

Angelo Chrysoulakis

David Seiler 97

Kimberly Sentek

Christine Shinn

Bharati Sharma

Natalie Silvers

Chris Seiben

Kristen Simms


Laura Lee Shwahla

Doug Coluccio

Richard Singh

George Smith

Michael Sosa

Robin Scheideler

and wandering the face of the earth, won路 OUr dreams might me worth, teaming that I for a limited time.'' 路Rusb

Brian Stevenson There are things that a known, In between our doOrS.

Tara Spaine

Richard Spiegel

April Spooner

Scott Steinmuller

Scott Stemmer


things that are un-

Brian Stevenson 99

Steven W. Storie

Robert Stewart

Timothy Stout

Joe Welsh and Michael Pellegrino

Robert Stewart Life is easier to take than you'd think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the Indispensable, • and bear the Intolerable. Steven Storie When love and skill come together expect a masterpiece Tim Stout "Life is simple; it's people that make it complicated." Jason Stults '.'How would you feel about life if death were your older sister." -The Sandman

Michael Swieconek 100

Daniela Taddeo

Jason R. Stults

Mike Swieconek "Some people may try to tell you different, but you must never forget your original teacher." Daniela Taddeo Come meet me east of the sun, west of the moon, and break on through to the other side. Jennifer Tandy Not better, not worse, just different. Marian Tanglaw No one understands the heartache No one feels the pain No one ever sees the teardrops When you're crying in the rain.

Jennifer Tandy

Marian Tanglaw

Teresa Tilton

Carmen Terrnen

Cynthia Triolo "Friendship may end in love, but love end friendship, never." Michele Tritt How well you preserye yout; memories depends ~ you keep them.

Usa Elizabeth Tusay "Cha~

IS the one true God." 路Beo

Beth Joyce

Teresa Tilton "Count your life by smiles not tears; count your age by friends not years. Shaheen Timmapuri It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded. Chris Tozzi "Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing Then Beauty is its own excuse for being. Why thou wert, 0 rival of the rosel I never thought to ask, 1 never knew. But, in my simple Ignorance, suppose the self same power that brought me there brought you." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Christopher John Tozzi

Cynthia Ann Triolo

Shaheen Timmapuri

Rochelle Torres

Michele Tritt

Lisa Tusay 101

Daniel Twers

Richard Valenzuela

Nicole Lorentz

Jennifer Vargas

Paul Vidal 102

David Von Bargen

Bryan Vasti

Sarah Voorhees

Colleen Walsh

Douglas Ward

Jill Walsh

Susan Weed

Brendan Prophett

Brian Wehr

Jill Walsh "Tum a different comer# and we never would have met.路路 ..Qeorge Michael

Doug Ward I will ta)\e the Rrst and I might be the But when I get ug I will laugh at yo t Brian Wehr Everybody stop crying,


come back to visit.

Joseph Welsh 'To be, ot not to be;" TIU*t always confused me.

Teresa Wiley

Joeseph Welsh

cca Wisor ..We never put back into the t what we took out of it; We had given him nothin~ and it made me sad.''Scout, "To Kill A Mockingbircf' Dawn Witkowski If you are the ultimate perfect one, wen then you can goS$1p about me, h4.1Wever" I don't think that you're god so ut up and mind your own business.

Rebecca Wisor

Dawn Witkowski 103

Lisa Diane Wojtczuk

Dionne Worthy

Ashmond Ali

Scott Zielinski You're in love with me; You just don't know it yet. Kevin Ziolkowski None of the above. Michael Zola "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. Jeff Zygmunt 1won a little; 1 lost a little. 8ut one thing is certain: I did it my way.


Patricia Yuncza

Beth Ann Yurgel

Scott Zielinski

Kevin Ziolkowski

Michael Zola

Jeffrey Zygmunt

Jen Kelly, Kris Gaynor

Scott Stemmer

Leea Kean, Dave Keiling

Jennifer French , Tracey Crawford, Chris Castagna, Carole Plumeri

Eric Nolan, Adrienne Coe

Doug Ward , Scott Stemmer, Sean Maxwell 105

Best Friends A c








e n t

Page 106/ Top Left and Right/ BfST FRIENDS: Jill Walsh and Jill Coley, Todd Kauffman and Chris Pinelli. Bottom; ACCI· DENT PRONE: Anne Molignano and Chris Nitti.


Most Likely To Be Famous

Most Intellectual

w 0


s t D

r •



e r


Top left/MOST LIKELY TO BE FAMOUS: Donna Demarco and Brendan Prophett. Top right/MOST INTELLECTUAL: Eric Micai and Bridget Bentz. Bottom/WORST DRIVER: Nicole Gaffney and Brian Malloy.

M 0


t D r

a m

a t •


c Top left/MOST DRAMATIC: Sal Polizzi and Top right/ Lor· ette Schroth. Bottom/CLASS CLOWNS: Brian Malloy and Laura Schwala

Class Clowns



M h o


s t

e t •



Most Artistic

Best Laugh

Ricky Valenzuela

Lori Eardley


Debbie Bakun, Frank Fanning. Jill Czyzyk

Eric Salava

Sara Hedgepeth

Ben Chrnelich

Jeanne Markman and Michele Bersch


Page 114/ Top Left/ HIT A HOMERUN!/ Nick Russo, Chris Rouselle, Darren Pogoda, Jen Ranucci and Tonya Revilla . Top Right/ Michael Jordan or Adrian Davis? Middle Left/ BEST BUDDIES/ Kris Kelley and Becky Krollman Middle Right/ Joe Welsh smiling pretty. Bottom/ WHAT DO I WANT TO EAT?1 Ricky Valenzuela , Danielle Rossi, Leea Kean and Chris Rouselle.


TOP LEFT/NICE SMILES: Hope Brennan and Nicolette Manahan . TOP MIDDLE/ Sitting pretty: Tammy Bush. TOP RIGHT/THE HAPPY COUPLE: Lori Eardley and Chris Marchetti. MIDDLE LEFT/ THINKING HARD: Chris Mathews. MIDDLE RIGHT/ SHOWING THE SPIRIT: Becky Krollman , Kris Alia , Kristina Coluccio and Dawn Witkowski. BOTTOM LEFT: SHARED KODAK MOMENT: Mike Swieconek , Sr. Joachim and Mike Pellegrino . BOTTOM RIGHT/ Reading away: Teresa Wiley.


Michael Abald Congratulations Mikel We are so very proud of you . May all your dreams come true and may your future be filled with success and happiness. We love you muchol Mom, Dad, Kristy and Gram Ahmad All We are very proud of you and wish you the very best in all your fu ture endeavors. May all your hopes and dreams come true. Love, Mom and Dad Kristine Alia Dear Krissy: Remember this!? We borrowed and altered it a little. May it be a longlasting reminder of the success we know you will have. God Bless You! Happiness be yours. The Woman Who Dares The woman who decides what she wants to achieve And works till her dreams all come true, The woman who will alter her course when she must And bravely begin something new, The woman who's determined to make her world better, Who 's willing to learn and to lead, The woman who keeps trying and doing her best Is the woman who knows how to succeed. Much Love - Mom, Dad , Phil and Danny Amy Andrako This little ~irl made me proud everyday, This beautiful woman is amazing in every way. Thank God for giving me-you Remember I'll always be there for you. Love, Mom Good Luck in College, Tommy Hank Angelucci To our son, Hank Wherever you go, Whatever you do, Always remember your family loves you . You give us so much happiness and joy, And we 're so proud to call you our boy! And. when you become old and gray, Take the time to look back on graduation day. Maybe you 'll even read this note And again you 'll see this quote: " HANK, WE LOVE YOU 50 MUCH !" God bless you in all that you do. Love Always, Mom and Dad Patrick Baker It's been a hard struggle, but you made it. I'm very proud of you . Good luck in the future , in whatever you may pursue. Love, Dad Deborah Bakun Debbie. We have always been proud to call you daughter ,and sister. You future looks so bright. We want only the best for you, and will support you in all that you do. You will forever have our love. Good luck in all you endeavors. Mom, Dad and Bill Jeff Baylog Whatever road you travel or path you follow, we 'll be there to support you. Put you whole heart and self into your dreams and they will become realities. WE love you! Mom, Dad and Grandmom Shawn Robert Beihl It's so hard for me to realize that you 're nearing the completion of high school and soon leaving for college. Yes, you 're becoming a " young man " that unfortunately I can not put Into words how proud 1 am of you. Love your buddy - " Dad " Angela Bellardo Congratulations! Your hard work and devotion has given you a good foundation for the road ahead. Make your dreams a reality. We love you and are very proud of you. " our little girl ". Love. Mom and Dad and brother Joe John Belz Congratulations! We love you and wish you a future of clear skies and calm seas. Love - Mom , Dad, Erin ~ Meghan Adam Bendas We love you so much more than you 'll ever know. Son of ours we thank God in the stars for giving us you, who has gone so far. Love Always. Mom ~ Dad Bridget Bentz Baby Boops (You know who you are!) Your high school record has made us proud. We wish you success and happiness in college. God Bless You Always. Love You Lots. Mom , Dad . Mary, Richard , Charlie, Peter and Ellen Jonathan Beym We are so glad you are our son and we are so proud of all you have achieved, although we don't always say it. We hope the future brings only the best for you because you deserve it. And remember you are our sunshine and you always will be. Love, Mom and Dad. Jeff and Chris From your nursery school days to your highs school days, I have loved you dearly and have been very proud of all your actions. May you have a happy and prosperous life, and may all your dreams



come true. I love you very much . Grandma Christopher Breining We have watched you grow and mature into the fine adult you have become. Follow your dreams but be true to yourself. Keep that smile of yours even when times are tough . Be happy. Good luck In all you do. Anything is possible when you try. We love you and are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Bob, Kelly and Noelle Hope Brennan You have made us all very proud. You are a great daughter and sister. We love you , Mom, Dad and Jaclyn David Brenner David Richard , Congratulations! We are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished . Good luck in all of your future endeavors; our pray-

~~v:.r~~~~ b~~.a~~':fs~~pher,

Melissa and Andrew Raymond Marcus Broach You have done so much to make us proud of your every accomplishment. Most of all we are proud of you. All you have become and will become in the future has been achieved through hard work and your willingness to persevere. Under all this was the prayers of your family and friends believing God would help you make It If you tried . It is again that we encourage you to take this determination and belief into your future as you continue to scale the walls of success. Graduation from high school is another great beginning of which you should be very proud. The best is yet to come. Marcus, always be certain that we are behind you In spirit and support as you go forward to realize all your hopes and dreams. The future Is yours. With all love and support, Dad, Mom, Jared , Jason, and Gina Nell Brunner You are about to take a big step into adulthood. Always remember how much I love you, how proud you have made me, and that I will always be here for you if you need me. The world is a brighter place because of you . Love, Mom Jason Bugter Congratulations! We know it's been a struggle and we 're very proud of you . Your individuality makes you stand out and your caring nature makes you a special person. We 're sure that you 'll succeed in whatever you choose to do. Take pride in yourself always and remember we love you very much . Mom, Dad and Chris Ted Cachola You bring us happiness and laughter in our life and we are proud of you. May God continue to guide and inspire you to attain your ambitions in life. We love you. Dad and Mom Katie ~lien Caperna You are a fine young woman. beautiful inside and outside. For making us proud. and for being you, we LOVE YOU . Always hold on to your dream . . Mom, Dad, Greg and Julie Katie You have done so many things that make us proud of you . You are kind and honest and beautiful. You are our very special granddaughter. May your dreams always come true. Love, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Vanessa Carabell Nessa: As daughters go, you are a dear; You 've made your family proud; And to all of us you 'll always be; Far above the crowd! Love, Mom, Dad , Terri, Janine, Anthony and Nana Christine M. Castagna Congratulations! You 've worked so hard and we are all so proud of you . May the joy, laughter and happiness that you have brought into our lives be returned to you a thousand fold. We all admire your determination and may your goals and dreams become a reality! Good luck in everything you set out to do - we shall always be here for you . May the happiness you have brought to us follow you forever!! We love you and God Bless! Mom, Dad , Kathleen and Nana Ben Chrnellch We are so proud of you . Follow your heart, keep your dreams alive and never forget you will always be one of our MVP's. Our love will be with you forever. May all your wishes come true. Love, Mom. Dad , Amy, Katy, Michael and Molly Adrienne Coe How can we condense into a short verse how very special you are to us and how lucky we are to have a daughter so beautiful and so talented as you are. The words on paper may be brief but the love and pride we feel are deeply etched in our hearts. Live your dreams. Adrienne, you will succeed . All our love, Mom and Dad Tracey Crawford Love, hugs and kisses for a job well done! Your future is bright and

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limited only by your Imagination. 路 Love always, Mom , Dad and David Jill Czyzyk You ' re a very special person. Don 't ever let that spirit go or that laugh . Most of all that laugh . We wish you the best in the futu re, Its all up to you. Now the work begins. Love You, Mom and Dad Jill, You are not only a sister to me, you 're my best friend . I wish only the best for you in whatever you do. Keep smiling and never stop laughing! What?!?! Love Ya, Christa Donna DeMarco Our love and good wishes go with you as you follow your dreams. Don 't ever lose your sunny personality and sense of humor. Love, Mom, Dad, Debbie and Dana Lori ~rdley We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished . We wish you continued success In the future , and may all your hopes and dreams come true. We Love You, Mom and Dad Christine fanelli Congratulations! You have made us so proud . Believe in yourself and God, and your dreams will come true. We Love You . Love, Mom, Dad, ~ Stacy francis John fanning, Ill We remember when you were a babe, We thought you 'd never behave, And then you grew, and who knew! You 'd tum out so sweetl Here you are a grad You 've made us all so glad! May all your dreams come true Always remember we love you! Mom, Dad, Alison, Michael and Scot Lesley Lynn farkas You are a wonderful daughter, who has made us proud every day since you were born . Your brother and sister join us In wishing you the very best that life has to offer, because you certainly are deservIng of it. Love, Mom, Dad, Lauren and Tommy Jerry foley May your future bring you all the happiness you brought to us. God Bless You . Love, Mom and Dad Krls frascella Dear Kris, We love you very much. May all the dreams you have come true. You can become anything you want in life with hard work and determination . Love, Mom, Dad, Kim and Tony Jennifer french Dear Jennifer, Our " Little Girl ", you have grown Into a beautiful. caring young woman . As you continue to grow, always keep God In your heart; and know our love will always be with you. Congratulation, keep smiling and be happy All Our Love, Mom, Dad and Jim Nicole Gaffney Stand tall , reach for the stars, accomplish your goals, gain success, happiness and love. We will always be proud of you and love you. Love Always, Mom, Dad ~ Jen Marvin Garcia You have made us so proud. Good luck In the future and may all your dreams come true. Love, Mom , Dad, Marisol. Arturito and Javier Kristine Gaynor Congratulations! Much success in your future endeavors. We are very proud of you and love you very much . Love always, Dad, Mom, David and Karen Alison Goeke Congratulations, Alison . We are very proud of you and all that you have accomplished during the past four years. We know the next four years will bring continued success. We love you very much ! Love, Mom, Dad, Jen, John Bob Gominiak Congratulations! We are very proud of all your accomplishments. Reach for your dreams and discover the true meaning of your



talents. Ttie world is yours! Much love and success. Love, Mom, Dad, Jack '87, Matt '90, and Beth '93 David Gorman Congratulations! May all your dreams come true. We all love you . Mom, Dad , Patricia and Brian Nick Grodzlckyj You are everything we could hope for in a son and a brother. Please stay that way always. We are here for you in good times and bad . We love you very much . GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES. LOVE, MOM , DAD, LYDIA AND CHRIS Nick, Good luck and best wishes to a wonderful nephew, godson, cousin and grandson . LOVE, Lisa, Andrew, Andrei, Bobi, and Didi Matt Guarno God has blessed us in many ways and you have been a special blessing and the cause of much happiness in our life. We wish you the best of health , happiness and the peace of mind that God can give. Always keep your kind heart, love for everyone and stay close to the Lord always. Love, Mom and Dad Christine Guido Dearest Christine, Words can not express all the love and joy you have brought us since July 4 , 1974. Now here it is 1992 and you 're a young lady graduating from high school and entering college. You have made us so proud in everything you say and do. Keep that beautiful smile that lights up our lives. God Bless you for being you and congratula· tions with our love and blessings always. Love, Mom and Dad Matthew Haennl Congratulations! We couldn 't have asked for a more special son and we are thankful to have been blessed with you. We are proud of you and will always love you. God Bless You . Love, Mom and Dad Brian Hand You should be happy and proud. We are. Our wish is that you continue to grasp what life offers - with enthusiasm. Love, Mom, Dad and Jennifer Holly Heenan You have given us many happy memories. We are very proud of the caring young woman you have become. You deserve nothing but the best. May all of your hopes and dreams come true. Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad Dear Holly, We are very proud of you . You are very considerate and caring. Wishing you much happiness in the future. Love Always, Pop-Pop and Nan James Hogan Dear Jim: You are truly a gift form heaven, above every parents dream. You give so much of your self and we hope it all returns to you . We love you very much , you are the best son and brother. We are truly blessed and we wish you all the best life has to offer and may all your dreams come true. You have made us so proud . All Our Love, Bob, Mom and Kris AnnMarie lannacl You have made our life worth living for. We are so proud of you and may you have health, happiness and success as you go thru life. Love, Mom and Dad


AnnMarie To the most wonderful granddaughter in the world. You have made me so proud of you. May God always watch over you. Love, Grandma


Brian Jackowski We are all very proud of you! You deserve the best of luck in the future years to come. Keep up with all the goodness you have in your heart. You 're a great son. Love, Mom, Dad, Steve, Joe and Krls Drew James Congratulations, Drewl You have worked hard and accomplished much . WE have always been proud of you. Take what you have achieved and build a future that will make you happy and the world a better place. With Much Love, Mom, Dad, Peter and Maura Amber Jancola Dear Am, Congratulation on all you 've achieved . We 're very proud of the beautiful young woman you 've become. You 've brought our lives such happiness; may you enjoy every happiness life has to offer. Believe in yourself because the future is yours. You will always have our love and support in all you do. Remember that as long as you 're you, you 're perfect! Love, Mom and Dad Beth Joyce Congratulations, Beth! We' re so proud of you . We wish you the best that life has to offer and may all your dreams come true. Love, Mom , Dad and Bridget Beth, " In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." May all your dreams come true. Thank you .


Love, Miss Wargo Michelle Kafer You sure were worth the ten year wait. We are so proud of you. All Our Love, Mom , Dad and Buddy Lidia Kara You have taken your first step toward adulthood . May God bless you and ?.rant you everything you want. Good Luck. i~~ L~u~~~mily, Mom, Dad , Luke and Vic Congratulations, you have made us so proud of you. Your individuality, warmth and sensitivity are gifts form God that will help you make the best of any situation. May your future bring you as much joy and happiness as you have given us. Love You Always, Mom and Dad Todd your warm smile and gentle nature helped your brother through many trying times. Those same qualities welcomed me into your family and made me understand what love truly is. Many men work years to gain the strength of character that you are naturally blessed with . Take pride in all of your accomplishments no matter how big or small. Love, Ray and Lisa Leea Kean You have never disappointed us in your achievements or endeavors and we look forward to your accomplishments always. With you wherever you may bel Mom, Dad, Christine and Alexis Dave Kelling " In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." I hope that all your dreams come true. Hard work will take you there. Good Luck! Love, Miss Wargo Rich Kekesl • You have made us all so proud . We support you in all that you do, and hope your future is happy and successful. Congratulations and Good Luck. Love, Dad, Mom , Attilla and Kris Kristin Kelley You have made us so proud . You should be very proud of yourself for being such a nice person and for all you have accomplished and achieved . We know you worked hard for everything. Good luck for a future in which all your hopes and aspirations become reality . With All Our Love, Mom and Dad, Peter and Matt Jen Kelly " In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. " Here's to hoping all your dreams come true. Thank you. Love, " Biondie" Kelly Kerwlck You are very special to us. You have brought us much happiness and an abundance of pride. Our love will be with you always. Good luck in all you do. Love You, Mom, Dad and Tracy Kelly, Keep reaching for the stars. They are there for the taking. Love, Nannie and Pop Pop f:.ddle Kopera We are very proud of all you have accomplished at Notre Dame, but what we are most proud of is YOU! Love, Dad, Mom and Jaclyn Becky Krollman We are very proud of all you have accomplished and pray for your continued success. May the road you travel in the future be filled with happiness and may all your dreams come true. Love, Mom , Dad and Rick Jessica Kurst Dear Jessica : As we write this we can 't believe that 18 years have nown by and the time has come for you to take off on your own . We were always so proud of you and everything you did · We are so proud of you and the young adult you 've become· And we always will be proud of you in all that is to come. We love you and our one true wish for you is the one thing that truly makes for a successful person · HAPPINESS. Love, Mom and Dad Jessica Congratulations! You finally did it. I'm proud of you .Good luck in college · wherever you go. I'll miss you and I love you . Love, Jenn P.S. I got your room! Mark Laurinaltis Through the years, you have given us so many happy memories. We ' re very proud of all your outstanding accomplishments and determination. We hope your future is filled with happiness and success. Believe in yourself and those dreams will come true! Love Always, Mom , Dad and Jill Nicole Leland Your smile, your thoughtfulness, your caring, your love for life should help make all your dreams come true. We love you very much and support all your endeavors. You will always be our little girl. Love Always, Mom and Dad Scott Loh Thank you for making us so very proud of you , for all you have accomplished in your life and the time you have given to all. You are the joy and love of all our lives · We wish you the best of luck,


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health and happiness in all you set out to do. The medical field will be getting one of the best · they are the lucky ones! All Of Our Love - Mom, Dad and Michael Scott, All our best wishes to a wonderful grandson for a happy and healthy life· You bringjoy and happiness to all · Always know how proud we are of you! Much Love, Mom-Mom , Pop and Sis Margaret Lumia Congratulations! You did a great job at Notre Dame. we·re proud of you , Mehitabel. Keep up the wonderful job in college. Love, Mom, Dad , Joe, & Fahrfie Patti Lupinacci You did it. We knew you could . You could do anything you set your mind to. We are all so proud of you. Our beautiful little girl has grown into a beautiful young woman . We Love You! Mom, Dad, Louie, April and Amanda says " Me tool! " ~rik Lyman Play hard , work hard , love soft. You have the maps and all the roads lead " Home". With Joy and Fun and Love, Mom and Dad Brian Malloy Congratulations Brian! We wish you success and happiness in all that you aim for. May God continue to bless you. With Love and Pride, Mom and Dad '61, Kellie '86, and Melissa '94 Alyson-Joy Mangini You 've made us so very happy. Dad and I are ever so glad you have come into our lives. Love, Mom, Dad and Vince Christian Marchetti Christian, Co'ngratulations! May happiness, health and success follow you all the days of your life. Good Luck. God Bless You . Love, Mom and Dad Melissa Marue Well , you did itl We 're very proud of you. Whatever your future holds, we 'll be here for you. Love, Dad, Mom and Jennifer Melissa Markulec It has been a long hard road but you did it. We are so proud of you . Good luck in the future . Just remember we are always here for you. We love you very much . Love, Mom & Dad Chris Mathews Congratulations, where did the years go? It seems like only yester· day you started kindergarten and now, graduation from High School. We want you to know how very much we love you and how proud of you we are. May your future be full of Health , Love and Happiness. Love Always, Mom and Dad Chris We are so proud and blessed to have the greatest grandson anyone could ask for. We wish you the best always. We love you now and forever. God Bless You , Gram and Gramps Sean Maxwell The last four years you have worked so hard. You are an inspiration to your brothers and sister. You have made us so proud . God bless you , and may all your dreams come true. Love, Mom, Dad, Jason, Matthew, Michael, Nicholas, Jennifer, and Christopher Dawn McGrath These past 4 years have been a wonderful journey for you and us. We 've watched with pride and love as you 've learned to embrace your own life. You have been a precious gift. Our wish is for your college years to be as rewarding for you as your N.D. years have been. Remember while you 're away to have God close to your heart and He will hold you in the palm of His hand . Love, Mom and Dad Randy McVaugh No matter how hard you thought we were it was for you - just to make life a little easier. God gave you the talent-it's up to you what you do with it. Our love and support go on long after you leave the Halls of N.D. Will always be your Mom and Dad Jeannie Meagher We love you and are very proud of you. On your ways off to college don 't forget to Frog the Door. Love, Mom and Dad , Katie, Billy, Sarah , Mary Fran and Mikie


J fl 11 7

r:rlc A . Mlcal You have been given the opportunity to fulfill your " Dreams In The Distance ". God fulfilled our dream when He blessed us with you . Since that day, you have always made us proud . Continue to believe in yourself. May God always be your co-pilot as you " soar with th e birds ". FATE? FATE All Our Love. Mom. Dad and Lori r:rlc, May God be with you always. Love. Baba r:rlc, Celebrate you! God created only one you, precious in His sight. You r are unique. A joyful creation . Lo ve, Gra ndmom Micai Anne Marie Mollgnano Congratulations, Anne! You are very special and talented and bring joy to all you meet. We love you and are proud of you . May God bless you always and keep you happy and loving throughout your life. Love, Mom, Dad, Michael , Catherine, Francis, and Patrick Tom Moorcroft Congratulations Tom, we are so proud of you . Now that you look forward to college and the rest of your life. may you be happy and successful. Ou r wish for you is the love and joy you have given us. Love Always. Mom . Dad, Joe and David Kate Moran You are· Knowl edgeabl e Affectionate Truth ful Honest Loving Endearing Enthusiastic Nice Kate. we're all very proud of you. Congratulations on a job well done! We wish you happiness and success in college. Love. Dad. Mom and Ryan


Terry Moran We h ave all enj oyed your high school days at Notre Dame. Your happiness and laughter are contagious. We wish you continued success as you enter the college of your dreams and know that for you , " The best is yet to come ". We love you and thank God for the joy you have given to us. Love, Mom, Dad, Carolyn, Joe, Bobby '82 , Michelle '85, Christine '84, Anthony, Tricia '85, Drew '85, Carry and Mary '88 Nora Moustafa Years have passed by and before our very eyes, we have seen that o ur beautiful daughter is fulfilling her dreams. With all our hearts we wish you the best of everything. God Bless You. Love. Mom and Dad Brian Mulligan Wh en we describe you , our youngest. the one word we use most is " SPEC IAL". You have so many unique qualities and have brought so much joy and love into our lives that our memory of your growing up is filled with love and pride. The years ahead will be a m ixture of adventure and challenge for you. Remember always to walk with the Lord and He will never let you fall . We love you always. Mom and Dad Kelll r:lleen Murphy You Light Up Our Lives! You have given all of us so very much happiness in the past eighteen years. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments at Notre Dame. May your years at Marist be happy ones. Reach for the highest. brightest star and hang on. Remember we are always here for you . You are so loved. Mom and Dad and all the Murphy's Dear Kelll , Wh at lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. Strive to make the very most of your ta lents and abilities. You are destined to go far. All My Love, Megan Briana Kelli " Belli " Eillen, My baby sister! You have been a joy in my life since you were in Mommy's belly! My favorite childhood memory Is th at of your birth . You have filled my life with such happiness. Thanks! As your oldest sister, my words of wisdom to you are; " Believe in the Sun even when it isn 't shining, Believe in fun even wh en th ere 's no one there. And believe In God even when He is Silent. Believe in miracles. there will always be a way. Nothing Is impossible, all th ings are possible with God " Have a fun-tastic llfe-1 Lo ve You ! Sheila Anne Marie Musclanesl We are extremely proud of your accomplishments while at Notre Dam e and look forward to your continued success in college. May all of your dreams come true. We hope you find as much happiness in th e fu ture as the joy you have always brought to our family. Love. Mom and Dad Anne Marie , ~~p~~~~~~t~~~~d~~~;~~k in college and may you have a happy, Lo ve. James Beth Ann Nowak We are so proud of you . Beth Ann . Our " surprise package" contin -

ues to delight us as each year unravels another treasure of your personality and character. Always know that you are a most special part of our lives! DOUBLY LOVED, Mom and Dad Jennifer O'Donnell We are all very proud of you and the many achievements you have made. You are a wonderful daughter and a great sister. and we wish you ali the blessings you deserve. May God watch over you as you begin the next step in your journey. Love, Mom, Dad. Bobby and Megan Michael Oglony You will always be my " Shining Star". I hope your future Is as bright as you 've made my life.


Mom We 're so proud of you and of all that you 've accomplished. You set your goals and went alter them with dedication and perseverance. May you achieve all you want out of life, and have fun in the process. Love, Mom , Dad, Lido and Christopher To My Big Brother Joe, You taught me how to hike and kick, You taught me how to shoot and pin, You taught me how to feel 10 feet tall , You taught me love. Your biggest and best fan. Christopher Chris Pastor Congratulations! We are very proud of you and your accomplish ments. Knowledge is the tool to success, learn how to use it. We will always be with you in spirit. Love, Mom and Dad Michael Pellegrino Congratulations, to a very special son, who has brou~ht us so much pleasure and joy. We are so thankful to the Lord for g1vlng us such a wonderful gilt, the gilt was you . You have a special way of touching everyone you meet because you are a sincere, sensitive, and caring person . Never underestimate what your abilities are, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. So go out in the world, reach fo r the stars, and always remember how much we love you . God Bless You Always, Love - Mom, Dad and Lisa Jennifer Pesce Congratulations! We' re so very proud of you . Keep that smile on your face and sparkle in your eyes always. You will always have our love and support. Go Red Foxes! Love, Mom and Dad, Chris, Brian and Sugar. Jennifer. We are so proud of your accomplishments and best wishes for your future endeavors. • All our love, Nana and Pop-Pop Jenny- You are very special to all of us. Congratulations - the best is yet to come! Love, Aunt Joan and Grandma Michael Petito We pray that God will always have you in the palm of His hand. You are a wonderful , loving son, and we are very proud of you . Stay close, we love you a lot. Love, Mom, Dad, Tony and Lisa Chris Pinelli Congratulations, Chris! We are all so proud of you. You 've turned into a fine young man. Continue to be your own person and hold true to your morals and values and life will be good to you . We wish you success, but more than that, love and happiness. Follow your dreams! We 'll always be here for you. You ' re the best! Love, Mom, Dad, Cheri and Donnie Congratulations, Champ! We're so proud to have such a fine grandson. We love you and wish you success and happiness. Grandmom and Grandpop Congratulations to a grandson who is special. who has integrity and respect for his elders as well as his peers. You 'll always be a champion to us, Numero Uno! We wish you success and happiness always. Love, Grandmom and Grandpop Carole Plumer! Congratulations to our beautiful daughter! Right before our eyes, you are blossoming into a rose of great perfection . You have brought joy to so many and have achieved much more than we could have dreamed for you to accomplish . May great happiness, peace and success throughout life be yours. Lovingly, Mom, Dad, Cindy and Bosco To one of my favorite nieces. Dream what you want to dream . Go where you want to go. Be who you want to be . ... And remember to enjoy each and every step along the way. Love, Aunt Carole Carole Best wishes to someone whom everyone finds a pleasure to be with .

--- ---- --



You have the unique quality of being able to fit in with any age group with whom you associate. May you never lose th is quality or the charm that makes you such a delight. We shall miss seeing your smiling face and unique playing style at Tuesday's volleyball games. The Alexander School All -Pro Volleyball Team Janice Plunkett We are so overwhelmingly proud of you. You have exceeded only your own expectations. We knew you could do itl Just remember all your goals can be reached when you work at it. Good Luck Always. Love, Mom , Dad, Kathleen and Laura Darren r:. Pogoda To a really wonderful son, first of all we want to always let you know how very much we love you and will always be there for you. You have worked so very hard to achieve what you so richly deserve. As you come to another crossroad In your life, please never stop believing In yourself for, within you, there is someone special, someone wonderful and successful. Your accomplishments are beautiful that even a word of congratulations is not enough . Work hard and your dreams will become your realities. We are so very proud of you and remember " Love is like a sneeze" ! Loving You Always, Mom, Dad, Tammy, Keith and Yulie Darren our loving grandson-First. kindergarten graduation, onto grammar school graduation, and now, your completion of high school where you have maintained over the years excellent achievements (scholarly and athletically). We are very proud Darren and so fortunate to watch you grow into the fine young man you are today, May God continue to watch over you in all of your future endeavors. Congratulations Darren . With all our love and best wishes, Grandma and Poppy Pogoda Brendan Prophett Dearest Brendan It is said that we are judged and judge ourselves by our greatest achievements! We are so very fortunate to have had each of our five children and you are one of those .. . Wishing you love and laughter and God 's blessings with each step you take. God Bless Love and Hugs and Kisses, Mom, Dad , Chris, Carrie, Seth , Philip and Zackl Carrie Prunettl Congratulations Carrie; We are very proud of you and know that you will be successful in whatever you choose to do. Look to Jesus in time of need and whenever you are troubled. May you be happy and content in your life always. We love you very much and Good Luck! Love always, Mommy, Daddy, ~ Colette Jeffrey Pypcznskl Dear Jetrrey, We couldn 't have asked for a more talented , loving, loyal , comm itted and sincere son who has grown beyond our wildest dreams and expectation . You ' re great and we love you . Congratulations Honey· We 're proud of you and your accomplishments - The future Is yours!! Love. Mom, Dad and Kevin Heath Reed " To our absent minded professor". We couldn 't be any prouder of you. You are smart, talented and very handsome. Now that you are graduating form high school and will be going off to college, you will be missed around home. (At least all the pictures will stay straight) Hal Ha l Whatever path you take in life, remember we love you very much and will support you all the way. May all your dreams come true " H" Bear. Love, Always, Mom, Dad, Donna and Tim Mark Regglmentl Dear Mark, You continually make us proud of you both personally and your accomplishments. Because of your dedication, we know you will achieve all that you strive for In the years to come. Good luck. and please remember we will always be here for you . Love, Mom, Dad and Kara Michael Rego Congratulations! Now you begin the most exciting part of your life. Good luck in the future . We 're proud of you . Love, Mom, Dad, and Joe Tonya Revilla Honey, you 've made us so proud . We love you so very much . Good Luck In the future. You 've grown up to be a good person . Lots of Love, Mom, Dad and Peter Tonya, You 've been my angel since day one. Go for the best out of Life. And always be happy. Love You Always, Nan





Matthew Rhoads Dusty, Remember always " Where there is a will· There is a way" We love you, Always the " Way" - Mom at the Markster Sam Ricco Congratulations on a great effort and continued success in the ~~~;~-M~~~~c~~~ college. We wish you the best of everything. Sam, We are so proud of you . God bless you always and be happy in whatever you do. Love, Grandmom and Grandpop Tyler Sam, Congr~tulations l We are so very proud of you and your many accomplishments. You are a success waiting to happen . Follow all of your dreams and make them come true. You deserve all the best. We love you. Tracey and Dave Annmarle Romanczuk High ~hool Graduation is a time for reflection on the 17 years we have lived together as parents and child. We look back on many happy memories and realize the amount ofjoy you have brought to our lives. We know our family will never quite be the same from this day forward . We must now look to your future, and though we will not always be present at your side, we want you to know we will alw~ys be there for you. We wish you Jove and happiness as you begm the next phase of your life. Love Always, Mom and Dad Danielle Rossi There are not enough words to express how proud we are of you and how much we love you. I know you will excel in whatever you set out to do. Good Luck and God Bless! Love, Mom, Bill and Brindle tool David Rossi We are so very proud of you, more than you 'll ever know. we wish you good luck in the future and we know you ' ll do your best. Love Mom, Dad at Rachel Nicholas Russo There are no words to express my Jove for you . You are my very . special son, my baby! You have made both Michael and 1 so very proud. We want only the best for you and pray that your life will be blessed with happiness. You are very special. Use all the gifts God has given you and your future will be assured. With all of our love and prayers, Mom and Michael You have mad me so proud over the years that my respect and admiration for you continually grow stronger. May your college years be blessed with all " A's" and the rest of your days with health , wealth , success and happiness. From the heart, Nick, 1 wish you all of life's wonders. Love your Godmother, Louise Ann We have watched you grow from childhood into manhood and we are proud of you. We wish you all the best in your future. You have to know, Nick, that we love you and if you ever need anything, we' re here for you. Congratulations Uncle Louis and Aunt Donna You are more like a son than a grandson. We love and respect you more than you 'll ever know. You have made us proud in everything you have done. We loved watching you in school plays, Halloween parades, baseball and football games. You will always occupy a very special place in our hearts. May you always have days blessed with love and happiness. Nona and Pop You have grown to be an excellent young man. I remember babysitting you when you were 3 and you drove me crazy. Ravioli's for Breakfastll We' re all very proud of you and wish you only the best in your future. I Love You, Uncle Ray trlc Salava You can never imagine how proud we are of you. For how much you 've grown and developed and matured into the young adult you are today. We wish you the best of everything, and never forget that we are always here for you . Congratulations with All Our Love, Mom and Dad Nicole Santowasso Congratulations! You are very special, we' re proud of you and the person you arel We all wish you continued success with your college education and beyond. Our own precious little " chubbie cheeks" is really steppin out! Hold on to your values, beliefs and dreams, work hard , and you can be whatever you want to be. As you look to your exciting future, always remember we believe in you and Jove your Love, Hugs and Kisses, Mom, Dad and Lisa Tamml Scannella We are very proud of you . I hope your future holds all that you are after. Love Always, Mom, Dad, at Shawn Heather Scheldeler Your accomplishments you have earned. We are only your spectators offering our love and support. Love Always, Mother and Daddy Jeanne Schieffer As we have always told you, your lovely smile makes a cloudy day seem sunny. You have a special gift of brightening the lives of others, especially ours. We Love Youl Mom, Dad, Alanna, at Erin Susan Schmitt You are a very special part of our family. We've laughed, cried and


confided in each other as a family. Never lose your warmth , sensitivity or compassion • they define who you are. Never Jose sight of your dreams and never settle for less than you deserve. We are very proud of your dedication and hard work. Wherever you go - know that our love follows you. Mom, Dad, Colleen, Kristen and Meghan Kim Sentek Your father and I are very proud of you, Kim, for being an outstanding student for the last four years you attended at Notre Dame. We wish you all the best in college and in your future. Love, Mom, Dad, Sheny and Max Chrissy Shinn Congratulations Chrissy! We have watched you grow into a beautiful young woman who is caring, sensitive and full of laughter. You are a wonderful daughter, and we are proud to be your parents. Our wish for you is that you achieve your goals and that you find happiness in all you do. We love you and wish you the best. Remember, we will always be here for you. Love, Mom, Dad and Mark April Spooner Princess, You are one of the three most important things in our life. You have made us proud from the beginning. Follow the same path to make yourself proud and your dreams come true. Love, Mom and Dad Dearest April, We wish you good luck in your college years. You are a very special granddaughter and we love you very much! Thank you for always being there for us. All Our Love, Grandma and Grandpa April Lynn The future belongs to you - so - Just Do Jtl Love, Pam Rob Stewart Congratulations! You deserve the best life has to offer. Go for it. Don 't ever stop loving, stay close to God, don 't ever stop dreaming your dreams. Never stop believing in yourself. For within you there Is someone special , someone wonderful and successful. As you pursue your dreams, be assured that you will always have our Jove and support. There's little in life we cannot share. For our Jove has no conditions, son, this is what we give to you. Be the man you long to be Grown from the child so dear to me Follow the footsteps set by those before Never settle for less, always long for more. All Our Love Always. Mom, Dad, Ann and Susan Steven Storie To our son and very best friend- We are proud of you and what you have accomplished . You have a great future with your lawn patrol, and remember - Plant Your Trees at 90 degrees. We Love You, Mom and Dad l 'm Stout 1 \\ th joy, pride and love we've watched you grow from birth to y1 ung adulthood. Our dearest hope for you is that you become all thdt you are capable of being. Thanks for all the warm memories you. have given us and may happiness and success follow in your footsteps. Love, Mom, Dad, Shawn and Hany Mike Swleconek Congratulation on your high school graduation. As you start another phase of your life, always remember we are here for you if you ever need us and that we are and always have been very proud of you. Our wish for you is that all your dreams will be realized in your lifetime. Teresa Tilton Congratulations to a terrific person . We are proud of all your accomplishments during your four years at Notre Dame. Follow your dreams. you are very special. May all you do be blessed by God. Love Mom, David, Nanny, Uncle Bob, and Aunt Carla Shaheen Tlmmapurl Our Dearest Shaheen, Congratulations for all your achievementsll You have made all of our dreams come true. We pray to God that all your dreams will come true, too. Love, Mom, Dad, and Shireen Michelle Tritt We are very happy to have you graduate from Notre Dame. Good luck and success in the future. Love, Mom, Dad, Mike, and Muff Dan Twers When I look at you. tears till my eyes, not out of sadness but for the pride and joy in seeing what a loving, responsible adult you have become. May your life be filled with all success and happiness you richly deserve. Love, Mom I'm proud of the way you have worked hard to pave a way for your future. In doing so, you have shown great appreciation for your educational opportunity. Best of Luck with your college endeavor. Your Friend, Steve Ricky Valenzuela We are so happy an<;l proud of you. We wish you all the best for the

~- - -

future and may God bless you always. Love, Mom, Dad, Anthony. and Albie Jennifer Vargas You have made us very proud. We know there are great things out there for you and it's within your power to make them happen. We believe in you and know you have what it takes to follow your dreams. All our love, Mommy and Liliana Bryan Vastl Bry, We are so happy, and tilled with so much pride and Jove for you, that we could have written a book, but we hope these few lines will express how we feel about our son. Bryan, You are such a wonderful person. You have so many tine qualities, you are kind, caring and loving-and you can also play great basketball tool Our lives have been so enriched by you . God could not have blessed us with a better son. We hope you attain all you want from life, because there is no one who deserves it more than you , Bry. We Love You, Mom at Da Sarah Voorhees Repeat after me: God is good, He gave us you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Steven Colleen Walsh You made it just as we knew you would, sometimes you doubted · but we knew you could. You 're the last of four to graduate, we' re happy, excited, and we bet you can 't wait. You think you never " got the gold", butjust remember what you 're told: We're proud of you and all you do, we wish that all your dreams come true. Reach for the stars and don't settle for less, and always remember to try your best. We know you 'll succeed in whatever you do, - and always


Karen, and Mike Jill Walsh Your long and winding road has only just begun. You can do so many things with your life. Choose the right path for yourself. We Love Youll Mom, Dad, and Katie Brian Wehr Congratulations! We love you and are proud. Good Luck! Love, Mom, Dad and Weez We are very proud of you. Congratulations! May only good things come to you. Love Gram, Gramp, Nan, and Pop Rebecca Wisor Congratulations on a job well done! Four years of good grades, hard work and good friends. Our graduation wish for y,ou Is that you see your wonderful writing ability as the spirit within you which is able to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others. We 're so proud of you - Good Luck! We Love You. Mom, Bob, Grandma, and Pop Dawn Witkowski May God continue to bless your life as he has ours - with the gift of you- our precious daughter. We pray that you ' ll find happiness and contentment in all you choose to do. Know that we are very proud of you, and that we are all here for you and love you always. Love, Mom, Dad, and Stacey Lisa Wojtczuk Dear Lisa, It is great to see you graduating from Notre Dame. Lis, you have always made me very proud. You have chosen a difficult profession, but with hard work, prayer, and a little luck I know you will be successful. You will always have my support. Follow your dreams, honey, and you will have a happy life. Love You, Mom I am very happy to see you graduating from Notre Dame. You have made me very proud with your good grades. Good luck and much success in your future. Love, Grandma Michele Kevin Ziolkowski We hope your dreams of the past become the realities of the future. Best of luck to a great person we love very much Mom - Dad - and Kristin Jeff Zygmunt It was a long hard struggle but you made it. We are proud of you . Love, Mom and Dad


Finishing First Academically

Academically number one in the senior class is Bridget Bentz. She is president or the -National Honor Society and Editor oCthe Writing Irish literary ma~ne. Bridget Is a member of the Languag~ ..._, Society, Red Cross Club, Math LeaF artl SAOD. She has received the New Jersq: Manuracturers Scholarship and has been named to the Trenton Times' All Academic T~m. Bridget is a finaliSt for the fireside Scholarship and a commended student ror the Na路 tiona I Merit Scholarship. She plans to attend Oeorgetown University.

Number Two: Amy Cutchineal

Number Three: Shaheen Timmapuri

Number Four: Nicolette Manahan

Number Five: Carole Plumeri

Number Six: Benjamin Chrnelich

Number Seven: Eric Micai

Number Eight: Jennifer O'Donnell

Number Nine: Darren Pogoda

Number Ten: Tracy Anne Crawford

You've Got The Cutest Little Baby 路Face!



Juniors Marc Abbott Maria Agabiti Julie Altiere Michelle Amari Vincent Ardery Sandra Argumedes

Paula Bacso Brenda Bailey Alan Baker Micaelle Balik Tiffanni Ballarotto Mary Elizabeth Banfield

Nicholas Barbosa Michael Bartram Sammy Battista Eric Baxter James Bertan Chad Biruk

Katrina Blake John Bochiaro Jill Anne Bodnar Jamie Bonanni Bridget Bradburn Kristen Branham

Warren Brelsford John Brennan Ryan Brennan Barbara Brilliantine John Brophy Tanya Brown

Adam Bucon Jacqueline Bugdal Melissa Butera Elizabeth Butler Vincent Buttaci Alyson canan

Susan carroll Brendan cartlidge Todd caruso Melissa cattani Melissa Cefalone Vincent Cereste

George Cevera Kristin Chebra Nicole Chebra Christina Chiarchiaro Deborah Choquette John Cimino 126

Juniors Joanne Cipullo Renee Cirillo Jennifer Cole frederick Collender Daniel Comer

Sarah Conboy Robert Contento edward Conway Jennifer Corban Kelly Corboy


Bill Moore, Jen Smithson and Paula Basco are hard at work.

Juniors join forces.

Rose VIdal.

Juniors Kerry Cristofolettl Louis Crivelli Christine Cseh Jennifer Cubberley cara Cutchlneal Heather Cyms

Jeno Czabafy Michael Czako Victoria Czarnik Koren D'Angelo Christi Danberry Jason Dane

Michael Davies Michael DeOaglla Daniel DeJonge Nicholas DeMaio James Decello Roger Delprado

Dorian Demski Jane Desfosse Joanne OiNofa Patricia Christina u•a.•U'IIO··~

Karen Dominguez frank Donofrio Aaron Double · Brendan Dougherty Gregg Dubow Jason D

&ltbet f'lelds Cyrlthia f'lorl Fitzgibbon Theresa fitzpatrick John floyd Mary foster


Juniors Jason Fowler Jonathan Fregans Melony Furda Kristina Gallucci Angelica Garcia Erica Garrett

David Gater Martin Gilbert Amy Glahn William Goertz Sean Golden Roberto Gonzalez

Christopher Goodrich Shante Grady Debra Grasso Michael Grazziani David Gruska Richard Guarini


Michael Guglielmo Meredith Guhl Michael Gulyas Christine Gunson Edward Gutierrez David Haas

Anastasia Hal rston Parnell Hamilton Megan Harkness Keith Harris Megan Hayman Bridget Heinz

Laura Heinz catherine Hess Christina Hiner carrie Ann Hritz Anthony Hutchinson Anthony lnverso

Mark Jablonski Glenda Jean-Louis Jennifer Jung Kerrie Kadlec Alison Kakstis Matthew Kasprzak

Meghan Keilfng Jennifer Kelley Kareem Kelsey Christopher Kempisty Brian Kerins Rebecca Kinellski 129

Juniors Kristian Klotz Brian Knott Michele Kopen Kaiopie Koutouzos Karen Krajacic Alexandra Kraun

Allison .K ubick Meredith Kuhlman Steven Ku risko Geoffrey Lane Daniel LaPerriere May Ann Larraga

Joseph Latini Joseph Lech Seung Young Lee Christine Lewis Robert Liberto William Lloyd

Juniors Have A Lot Of Class By: Chris DiLiberto The Junior Class is a great puzzle in itself, with each piece being_ contributed by each student. Being among the most spirited and united classes at Notre Dame, the Juniors definitely possess something special. With knowledge and experience, they elected for themselves Student Government officers to help head the forming of their puzzle picture. rrom candy cane sales to cotillions and proms, these chosen few have dedicated themselves to challenge and imp rove the Class of '93. Each officer with his or her own individual talents and qualities has joined to

form a group made up of leadership, athletics, academics, humor and overall, friendship. The council itself consists of veterans Lou Crivelli, Anthony lnverso, Joe Latini, Gina Mangonon, Neil Potter, and LeRon Rogers; the newcomers being Chris DiLiberto and Mark Jablonski. At the head of this bunch stands the one lady with the "class", the spirit, and the nack for putting it all together - Ms. Ancrum. The Junior officers as well as the entire Junior Class would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Ms. A. for all her help, hard work, and dedication .. We gave to her our ideas and plans, and ~he

molded them with our leaders into spectacular year. The Juniors are in debt to her for all she has given to her care and guidance, and always smile on her face, we were able to ize the Junior Volleyball Tourname• bond during our Ring Ceremony, great Spirit Week, and party at our With high expectations and looki ward to next year's activities, the Junior Class wishes to extend than Ms. A. and the Junior officers for support and dedication in "putting it together."

Kerri Anne Lorbeck Shannon Mack Edward Maddock George Madeya ,Jonathan Mahler naMangonon

Michelle Matthew carol Ann Annette Ma Gregory Martin Reynold Massenat

Harry Master Michael Matar Kristie Matto~ Jason Maxwell Jill McClure Michael McD

Megan McGiinc Brook McNich Katbleen Me&Qher fhftlfp Meisner Jadzia Mellodge Matthew Michaud

Juniors .Kristine O'Keefe James O'Neill Andrew O'Rahilly Jason Okulicz Laura Okum Suzanne Ostrowski

Keisha Owens Jaime Papa Tanya Marie Parrotta early Paver Jill Pazdan Crystal Pemberton

Tania Perez Brooke Perone Nicole Peterson Katherine Pferiffer Michael Pietras Irene Plishchuk

Karen Popowski Neil Potter Matthew Pribila James Primerano .Katherine Provost Lynda Przybo rowski

Pamela Pukala Kyle Pultorak Nicole Reagan Joseph Rego Elena Reznick Albert Rhodes

Leron Rogers Anthony Rotondo Rebecca M. Rottkamp James Russo Beth Ryfinski Iris Sabree

Patflcia Salcewicz Dympha Santiago Pedro Santiago Cynthia Santo Ruby Santos Alexander Sargent

Christine Savelli carol Scanlon Kathryn Schell Barry Schenck Susy Schiano Timothy Schnall 132

Juniors Heather Schneider Jennifer Segretario Richard Selfridge Thomas Semonlk Michael Shapson KimberlJ mpson

Peter Sin Maria Slrak Stephanie Sliwinski Joy Ann Smith Klnten Smith Jeffrey Smith

Juniors, You Said

• • •

Hey, Juniors! Here's how you view your place in the Notre Dame "puzzle":

The sports you play: Number of clubs you are in: 1-2:50% none: 28% 3-4: 16% 5 or more: 7%

none: 35.25% Track (Winter & Spring, Boys & Girls): 28% Tennis (Boys & girls): 9% Football, Basketball and Softball: (Boys & Girls) 7% each

Your favorite teacher: Mrs. Gavin: 17% Mrs. Regan: 7% Mr. Schafer, Mrs. Hage: 5% each Mr. Perone, Mrs. McGraw: 4% each

Your favorite class: English: 16% Math: 11% History, Lunch: 9% each Accounting, Gym: 8% each

Number of sporting events you attend each week, as a spectator: one: 42% none: 30% 3: 25% 4 or more: 3°/o

Do you do more than the required service each quarter?

How often you attend other NOsponsored activities: often: 12°/o sometimes: 42% rarely: 32% never: 13%

What kinds of service do you do?

Yes- 50.36% No- 48.2%

Active- 64.75% Supportive- 10.79%

Science: 7%

What rules would you like to change at Notre Dame? Uniform- 47.48% Absent/Late Policy- 8.63% Hair Length/Facial Hair- 5.76% Detention- 5.04% Service Requirements- 4.32% Teacher Dismissal from Lunch.3597%


KeonSmith Jennifer Smithson Sherice Soganic John Solan Sunny Sparano Mark Staffa

Matt Stefero Stacey Sullivan Tara Suntato Maura Sutterlin Edward Swan Ryan Szakacs

Melissa Szul Helen Jean Telles James Thoennes William Thomas Suzanne Toporek Edward Totten

Thomas Troy Nicole Tweed JaniceTyne Christopher Vaccaro Lori Van Emburgh Vanessa Vaughan

Domingo Vasquez Rose Vidal carla Volk Sussannah Walsh Michael Warner Gary Wasko

Mark Watson Oscar Watson William Weisgarber Jennifer Welsh Elizabeth White Mark Wiechnik

Jeffrey Wig Eric Wills Tiffany Wingate Vincent Witkowski Amy Wolochowicz Jenna Woloszyn

Ellen Woody caroline Zaleski Gregory Zaleski Andrew Zdenek frank Zemcik 134

Page 135/Top/T AKE A LUNCH BREAK! A feast of friends . Bottom Left/ SURPRISED YA ', DIDN 'T I?! Megan McGiinchy and Liz White get caught looking their best! Bottom Right/A TWEED, A TWIN , AND A TOPOREK! Niki Tweed , Colleen O ' Keefe and Suzanne Toporek share a smile.



Top Lett/ ALL ALONE: Debbie Grasso. Top Right/YO! CHECK US OUT: Neil Potter and Ryan Brennan. Bottom/51 DEBET: Juniors place their bets.

Top/STEP BACK!: Kareem Kelsey. Bottom Left/ WHAT??!!: Frank Donofrio. Bottom Right/BOYZ II MEN ... NOT!: Pedro Santiago, Oscar Watson , and Chuck Ramsey



Jeff Abitabilo Julia Alexander Melissa Alfano Jennifer Amico Margaret Angyal Jeremey Applegate

Derek Arfsten Salvatrice Armenti William Agustin Diana Azzaro Joseph Baker Christina Baldino

Lorena Barria Daniel Bendas Jason Bender Karen Bernhard Stacey Bernhard Brian Binder

Kelly Blackburn Melissa Bogda Theresa Bonanno Amber Boswell Joshua Boucher Stephanie Bovasso

Anthony Bozowski Erin Bradburn Aileen Brennan Christopher Brenner Chris Breza Jared Broach

Katherine Brown Jonathan Bucchere Ian Budd Ryan Burke Mark Burnett Ann Marie Burzachiello

Jason Byers Kevin Ca1laghan Christine Campana Julie Lynn Caperna Anthony Carabelli, Jr. Michael Celentana

Leigh Celentano Craig Chapman Melissa Chiarchiaro Mark Chmiel Danielle Choquette Amy Chrnelich 138

Sophomores Michael Cifelli Marisol Cintron Ashley Cipriano Susanne Clausen Sohail Coelho Jennifer Colon

Ryan Connolly Tracey Cooper Christa Czyzyk Kathleen Daumer Michael David William David

Sophomore Student Government

Seth Davino Nicole Davis Susan Dawson Johanna Decker Michael DeJonge Kathleen DeSandre

Michelle Deverell John Dominczyk Aronya Downing Nicole Dudley Francis Duffy Laryssa Dugas

Kevin Dunne Wendy Dzbenski Katherine Egloff Maggie Elrashedy Vincent Farina Arthur Farkas

Manoly Farrell Melissa Fato Ralph Fiasco Lyric Fitzgibbon Alasia Fiumenero Brighid Flood

Tina Fontana Richard Francisco Alysia Franzoni Neil French Jason Gerepka Donald Gilbert

Michael Glikas Christopher Gojaniuk Mark Golab Beth Gominiak Peter Gonzalez Anna Gorczyca

Amy Lynn Gore Victoria Gray William Graziani Gia Graziano Chad Grecsek Michael Gresko

Nicol Grillo Michael Guido Lynn Guiry Michael Hackett Kristen Haney Jennifer Hand


Sophomores Kyle Harding Kelly Hartmann Scott Hewitson Christopher Hodnickf Michele Hogg Christin Hoopes

Carol Hoover Catherine Jannaci Salvatore Jannaci Amy lmmordino Geraldine Isme Jonathan lszard

Thomas Janukowicz Celeste Johannes Kimberly Johannes Matthew Johnson Angel Jones Shawn Jones

-, L f S S

Sophomore soulmates

The 6uddy System

Sophomores Karl Jung Michelle Jurgens Michael Kaczorowski Kimberly Kauffman Christine Kean Thomas Keller

Laurie Kennedy Sam Kenworthy Lisa Marie Klein Courtney Knox Dona Kondash Michael Kuebler

Robert Kurisko AmyKyte Eric Lampkin Denise Larsson Alicia Lassiter Nancee Lauandos

Susan Lawrence Brandi Layton Jennifer Lewis James Lloyd Brian Lockington William Loften

Sam Lubrano Joseph Luther Kathleen Lynch Todd Maklary Melissa Malloy Francesco Mannino

Romaine Marable John Marchant Christopher Marino Matthew Massimi Kenneth Mathis James Maziarz

Jennifer Mazur Jaime Mazza Kevin McElroy Ka-Mara McLeod Christopher McDonnell Jennifer Meade

Jason C. Mears Jodi A. Meszaros William B. Mezick Jennifer Middleton Gina Migliaccio Ann Monaco 142

Sophomores Joseph Moorecroft Jason Moore Rebecca Morehart Samantha Moses Stephanie Mosticchio Paula Motkowski

Kathleen Mount Robert Mucha Lisa Muehleise Daniel Mullen Brian Murphy Denis Murphy

Marion Murray Michael Murray Thomas Mustakas David Nash Jehanzeb Nisar Elizabeth Noble

Mara Noble Eugene Norton And rea Notte Anne Nowak Magda Nowak Robert O'Donn

Michael O'Malley Jennifer O'Shea Imani Omowale Ann Lisa Pak Leigh Ann Pampanini Kristin Pappas

Brian Pesce Jessica Peters Kelicia Peterson Robert Piechota Matthew Pieps~~a~ Amy Pinard

Anthony Pizzimenti Michael Plishchuk Christine Plotka

Sophomores Shawn Robbins Christopher Robinson Keesha Robinson Charles Rotondo Kevin Royster Nicole Rullo

Ad rianne Ryba Daniel Sadley Mark Sanvardine David Sass Nicole Schiaretti Donna Marie Schwartz

Sophomores Said Compiled by: Cristln Hoopes

Has sophomore year been better than freshman year? why? How do you fit into the puzzle at N.D.? 1) Above the freshmen 2) Top right hand corner 3) The missing piece

What has your favorite song been in 1991?

I) O.P.P.~ Naughty by Nature 2) Everything I Do:. Bryan Adams 3) Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana 路4) Lets Talk About Sex- Salt-n-Pepa '5) You Could be Mine- Guns-n-Roses 6) I'm too Sexy- Right Said Fred


Yes 143 No28 Undecided 22 Some of your answers were: 1) Yes, because we're not freshman 2) Yes, because you know more people. 3) Yes, because you know your way around.

What has your favorite movie been in 1991? 1) Terminator 2 2) Robin Hood 3) My Girl

4) Silence of the Lambs 5) Boyz in the Hood

Sophomores Mark Shinn John Simonetti Joseph Simonetti Ronald Si rak Frank Smith Eric Sokolowski


Kevin Sopko Ian Spagnuolo Jennifer Spalluto Brian Spence Tamika Stebbins Kevin Steinmuller


Susan Stewart Jonathon Stults Linda Sullivan Thomas Sylvester Dana Tanzola Alexander Thorne

Shari Thurston Stephen Tkacs Megen Anne Toaldo Michael Usmlanl Tomas Valines Krista Van Brunt

Christopher Van Horn Tracy Veltrie Rebecca Ward Kim Waropay Erik Weber Matthew Wiechnik

Heather Williamson Sara Wolfe Tyrone Woodward Heather Wright Jennifer Wyers Adam Yeager

Susan Yeller January Young l'rankZado Shabana zaidi Diana Zeisky

~==~~~== r-----------------------------------~--~------------~------~L: ~~n~er

Michael Chad Zita

Page 146/Top/ AGE OF AQUARIUS: Sophomores show their class spirit. Bottom Left/ HELP, HELP I'M STUCK: Christina Rivera j Bottom Right/ MIKE AND FRIEND/ Page 147/Top/"WHAT CAN I DO TO GET AN A?"jMr. Schaffer and Alysia Franzoni / Bottom Left/CHEERLEADING BUDDIES: Melissa Chiarchiaro and Christine Ann Kean j Bottom Right/"HEY WHERE ' S OUR FOOD! " : Gina Migliaccio and Brian Pesce.


Freshmen Victor Aconi Daniel Alia Lisa Altobelli Roger Alvarado Heatherlinn Alvarez Daniel Amaral

Thomas Andrako Jennifer Arnold Jason Astbury Joette Aversano Christina Azzinaro Andrea Baker

Joseph Barta Darren Beihl Meghan Belmont Erin Belz Orrin Bennett Gregory Bilinski

Anthony Bisaccia Angela Blundell Nicole Bocchini Christopher Bock Brandyn Bowden Janine Bowling

Anthony Bozek Stacy Bozowski Courtney Brennan Jennilfer Brennan Alexander Brown Glenn Brown

Jerry Brown Matthew Brown Leonard Bucchino Nicole Bummara Robert Burns Michael Burzachiello

Steven Bu rzachiello Aaron Byers Kimberly Byrne Jason campana Jennifer campbell James cardiello

Nicholas Carlisle Marcia carroll Kathleen Carson Ryan Cartlidge Peter Castellano Kathryn Chrnelich 148

Freshmen Simeraldo CifeJii Heather Cirillo Daniel Coleman Sean Coley David Coluccio Kathryn Comer

Steven Conrad Amy Cooke Nicole Corsi Kevin Cristofoletti Marco Crivelli William Cseh

By: Kory D'Angelo An important piece of Notre Dame's is the freshman class. Among the there are leaders: the Mudent ment representatives. "The student government ind the IIK)th~~r members are the bac~ to stut activities," remarked Ms. Martin, freshman student .eq.vemment moderator. This year, the freshman lttldent gc.yt路 emment election gave all Of the fresW.

men opportUbitia~ to classmates, .,... to see leaders of the dass. Adam ly elected student govern said, "I think the elections We got ;to make speeGhes, and .it gives more people the opportunity fo win." Tom ko, another student goyem路 ment man, hil responsi路 bilitl the d "~to lead them activik$ and the

Freshmen Rebecca Cyms Tara D'Errico Chris Daly Dwayan Daniels Scott Daniels Brett Darchuk

Edward Darchuk 路 Joseph Davis 路 Kareeme Davis Sherri Davis Lisa Dearden Anthony Delorenzo

Robert Derstadt Crista Rose Dimarco Kristin Dolina Erin Donnelly Drew Dow Edward Dowgin

Sharon Dubow Karleen Duca Timothy Eller Gardea Elliott Anthony Fanikos Lauren Fares

Thomas Farkas Thomas Farrell Vi rgina Feely Jennifer Feniello Lorenzo Field Jana Lynn Flore

Ayana Ford John Forte Christina Franckiewich Brandi Frederick Richard Freit James French

Arthur John Fritish Brian Gallagher Michelle Gallo Karen Gaynor Lorrie Gerstnicker Jamal Glover

John Thomas Goldman Shontice Green Millicent Gutierrez Brian Hammer Jennifer Hanlon David Harkness 150

Freshmen Samieqa Harris Mary Heitzman Madruge Henriquez Gail Hen riqueze Thomas Hoepfner Rebecca Horton

Kristy Hughes Mary Beth Hughes Alezander Hunter Nicole Iannacone Christopher Illuminati Diana Inverso

Jeffrey Ivins Kalia Jackson Jeffrey Jacobs Jennifer Jasionowski Nicole Johnson Richard Johnson

Matthew Jones Roland Jones Bridget Joyce Jeanine Kakas Thaddeus Kalinoski Thomas Kasprzak

John Kay Kristen Keating Edmund Kemler Devin Kerins Craig Kiernan Kelly Kjersgaard

Tracey Kohl Athena Kontoyannis Demetrius Kontoyannis Amy Kowalick carrie Kowalik Chloe Kraemer

Gena Kramer Melanie Kravitz Michele Krencicki Matt Kroiss Brian Kuebler Jennifer Kurst

Lakesha Lamons Michelle LaPerriere Chanley Layton Elizabeth Leh re Frank Liberto Joshua Loftin 151

Freshmen Lisette Lopez Allison Lubina Michael Lucchesi Joseph Lumia Danielle Magrisi James Maisto

Thomas Maisto Roman Maksymow Ryan Mannion Angela Marcus Nora Markley Karen Maroney

Lynnette Marrero Frank Marrone Megan Massimi Helena Matelski Jennifer Mattei Julie Maurio

Brett Darchuk and Kenny Owen make their bodies good.


Freshmen Correen May Kerry McCarthy Peter McCarthy Margaret McGann Megan McGul re Lisa McKenna

Kevin McKinney William Meagher Erin Melican Julia Mendez John Mendola Tara Michaels

Renee Midura Christopher Miksa Stacy Miller Jennifer Minch Luis Mingo Victor Miranda

Rory Monohan JodyMoore Ryan Moran Timothy Morozin Sara Morris Yuri Nadraga

Michael Nagy Deana Napoleon Melanie Napolitano Alexander Negron Jason Nugent Meredith Nugent

Ryan O'Connor Jennifer O'Neill Jeffrey Orihel Kenneth Owen Anthony Palma Melinda Papp

Gena Pellitteri Martin Peloquin Jana Petrosini Jeff Phillips Shawn Phillips Matthew Plumeri

NathatJ Power Sak.inah Pritchard J~nny Profy Peter Provenzale Daryl Pullen Flavia Pullo


Freshmen Iesha Queen Amanda Radosti Elizabeth Rarich Alison Reed Michael Reznick Cori Richards

Kimberly Roberts Blaine Robinson Kelly Robinson Lyron Robinson Kamisha Rogers Rachel Rossi

Kelly Rovner Allyson Rowe Sabrina Russo Jason Ryan Prem Saggar Sean Salcewicz

Salvatore Scarlata Alanna Schiefer George Schlieben Kevin Schnall David Schuler Jessica Schultz

Christie Schwab Michael Sherman Elizabeth Sieben Ricardo Silva Elizabeth Simon Thomas Simpson

John Sink Adam Smith Katrina Smith Patrick Snyder Joseph Soltys Christopher Spadora

'1arc Spagnuolo Melissa Speigel 1ichae1Spooner Joseph Stanley Tracy Stanton Shonna Stark

Maria Steffero Dange Stillitano •hannon Stinson Brian Stratton Nicole Strauss Michael Strouse 4

Freshmen Alison Szakacs Scott Szul Jobena Tabron Patricia Tammaro Joyce Tanglaw Keri Tarantino

Samuel Tennell MindyTerng Thomas Thom~n Kerri Toner Steven Toporek VIncent Torano

Study Is the name of the game.

Freshmen Karen Totten Danielle Trani Kathryn Triolo Elizabeth Turnbull Jason Tyne Greg Osberti

Andrew Osmiani Brian Vannozzi Daniel Vasil Michael Vasil Julie Walsh Denna Ware

Sleeping Beauty: frank Uberto


Freshmen Raymond Ware Brandon Weigand George Weil Brian Weingartner Nicole Weisgarber

William Whartenby Andrew White John Wiedemann Farrah Williams Diane Wi11is

Sean Wollert Patricia Yosua Melissa Zachow Jason Zarzycki Mark Zelinski

Ms. Herrick and her 9-F smurfs.

Freshmen Athletics: A

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL: Front Row/ Lenny Bucchino, Brian Kuebler, Andrew White, Mike Burzachiello, Steve Burzachiello, Jeff Orihel , Vince Torano, Mike Vasil, Kevixn Schnal, Frank Liberto, Jeff lvans. Second Row/Coach Oldan , James French, Tom Kasperzak, Matthew Plumeri, Joe Stanley, Brian Gallagher, Craig Kiernan , Dwayne Daniels, Jerry Brown , John Mendola , Andrew Usmiani, Ryan Moran, Coach Heilman, Coach Winter. Third Row/ Drwe Dow, Dave Schuler, Darren Beihl, Dave Colluccio, Brian Vannozzi, Rich Johnson, Josh Lofton, Tim Eller, Marco Crivelli, Ed Dorchuck, Blaine Robinson .

BOYS SOCCER: Front/ Danny Amaral, Orrin Bennet, Tom Frakas, Aaron Byers, Second Row/ Martin Peloquin , Chris Daly, Tom Farrell, Sam Terman , Pat Snyd er, John Kay, Steve Toporak. Third Row/ Ryan Cartlidge, Rory Monohan, Kevin McKinney, Chris Spadora , Demetrious Kontoyannis.


BOYS BASKETBALL: Front Row/ Darrel Pullen, Jim Cardiello, Sim Cifelli, Chris Daly, Ed Darchuck. Second Row/ Chris Spadura , Kevin Cristofoletti, Kareem I Davis, Kevin McKinney, Blaine Robertson, Brian Vannozzi, Dwayne Daniels.

Smaller Piece Of The Puzzle

GIRLS SOCCER: Front Row/ Kelly Robinson, Courtney Brenner, Lisa Dearden Second Row/ Andrea Baker, Jen Mataue, Kerri Toner, Caryen Gayner

GIRLS BASKETBALL: Front Row/ Danaee Stillitano, Jessica Schultz, Chanly Layton , Katy Chrnelich , Second Row/ Amy Cooke, Lisa AltabeiiL Allison Reed , Samekkah Harris, Third Row/ Erin Belz, Meghan Massimi, Stacy Miller.

CHEERLEADERS: Front Row/ Lori Gershnicker, Lisa Mckanna, Nicole Weisgarber. Second Row/Shantice Green, Jen ONeil, Michelle Gallo, Sabrina Russo, Gale Henricz. Third Row/ Jana Fiori, Amy Wallach

FIELD HOCKEY: Front Row/ Meghan Maguire, Bridgete Joyce, Lauren Ferris, Second Row/ Jana Petrosini, Meghan MassimL Nicole Stross, Kristin Keating, Megan Massimi, Chanley Layton, Joelle Aversano, Third Row/ Mary Heitzman, Elizabeth Turnbull, Megan Belmont Lisette Lopez, Mrs. Rusert, Stacey Miller, Erin Belz, Kelly Rovner.







Cast- A By: Kate Hess

History Explorers: Front Row/Gina Mangonon. Donna DeMarco, Teresa Tilton, Alyson Meehan, Rochelle Torres. Kelly Gregory. Jill Coley. Middle Row/ Alison Kakstis. Julie Altiere, Marian Tanglaw, Tim Mullaney, Rob Kurisko. Steve Kurisko. Kelli Murphy. Katie Caperina. Back Row/Debbie Bakun, Colleen O'Keefe. Rose Vidal. Dave Loftin, Jen Pesce. Jill Czyzyk. Aaron Double, Carl Muehleisen.

The History Explorers Club, called "HEX" , is a new addition to Notre Dame this year. The moderator, Mrs. McGraw, began the club because she saw genuine interest on the part of the students to learn "hands on" about history. Last year, during a trip to Gettysburg, a group of students proposed the idea, and the History Explorers Club was born. The main purpose, as explained by Junior Rose Vidal, is to explore historical sites in the area. Mrs. McGraw remarked that many students have not visited these sites since elementary school. "We took a trip to the New Jersey State Museum, and many people had never been there before. That's so close to us," she said. She pointed out that we are very lucky to live so close to such history-packed areas like Washington 's Crossing, Tren-

Junior National Honor Society: Front Row/Rose Vidal, Jackie Bugdal. Melissa Cefalone, Michael Shapson, Liz White. Kate Hess, Megan McGiinchy, Janice Tyne. Middle Row/Bridget Bradburn. Chris DILiberto, Bill Moore, Paula Bacso. Nick Barbosa. Tanya Parrotta, Kerri Lorbeck. Back Row/Michael Bartram, Beth Ryflnski. Chris Vaccaro, Matt Pribila, Tim Schnall, Jim Primerano, Anthony lnverso, Ryan Mullen, Sussannah Walsh.

The History Explorers on the rise-Front/ Mrs. McGraw. Middle/Brian Stevenson. Jill Czyzyk, Katie Capema, Susan Weed, Carl Muehleisen, Tim Mullaney.

Debate Team: Front Row/Greg Usberti, Janice Plunkett, Teresa Tilton. Back Row/Rob Kurisko, Michael Kunst, Joe Lumia, Joe Bires. 162

Spell ton, and Philadelphia .. Most people agree with Seniors Marian Tanglaw.and Katie Capema that the best part of the club is the trips. They also said they enjoy Mrs. McGraw's insights. Justine Murison said she really enjoys Mrs. McGraw's stories. Julie Altiere remarked, "It's a lot of fun. Mrs. McGraw is the best!" Most of the members seem very enthusiastic. Katie Meagher said, "I really feel like I know more about history and our area now." The HEX Club officers, Niki Tweed, Coleen O'Keefe, Alyson Meehan, and Gina Mangonan are busy planning for the future. Everyone is eager to go on a camping trip to Williamsburg, Virginia. The proposed future trips include the New Jersey Legislature and Ellis Island in New York. The History Explorers Club is helping to join past and future pieces for the Notre Dame puzzle into a personal present for students.

"HELP, I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UPf' '-Carl Muehleisen.

SENIOR MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: front Row/Jill Walsh, Tracey Crawford, Lori Eardley, Leea Kean. Dawn McGrath, Melissa Mate, and Michelle Tritt. Second Row/Kristen Simms, Lisa Johnson, Marian Tanglaw, Amy Cutchineal, Bridget Bentz, Jen o路 nnell, Scott Stelnmuller, Chris Marchetti, and Drew James. Third Row/Darren Pogoda, David Brenner, Alyson Mangini, Kristin Kelly, Bob Gominiak, Rochelle Torres, and Jasbn Gutierrez. Fourth Row/Ben Chmellch, Eric Micai, Chris Mathews, Brandon Navata, Tom Moorcroft. and Carole Plumeri.

MEMBERS OF THE HOPE CWB: Front Row/ Marian Tanglaw. Amy Cutchineal. Nicolette Manahan, Michelle Tritt, Robin Scheideler, Nora Moustafa, Beth Ann Nowak, and Jaa elsworth. cond Row/Eileen Giglio, Tanya Revilla, Margaret Lumia. Tracey Crawford, Jill Czyzyk, Chris Oastagna, Rochelle Torres, and Kerry Pearson. Third Row/Jill Coley, Debbie Bakun, Kelly Oregol')'# Krl~ Simms. Donna Demarco, Don Eigenbauer, Carole Plumeri, Chris Rouselle, Ricky Valenzuela, Meghan Kelling, Chris DiLiberto, and Jill Walsh.


Pieces Of

Young Republicans/Front Row/ Jen Rannucci, Jessica Kurst, Bob Gominiak, Kelli Murphy, David Keiling, Jen Smithson, Second Row/Christine Lewis, Christa Czyzyk, Catherine Iannaci, Rose Vidal, Liz White, Colleen O' Keefe, Third Row/ Harry Masterson, Jay Moore, Anthony lnverso, Dan Comer, Mike Bartrum, Nick DeMaio, Lou Crivelli.

Who has to put more pieces togethe than a club that specializes in looking t the past in order to find pieces of ou culture and other cultures? The Notre Dame Anthropology club is a club tha meets to discuss the physical and cultural studies of man. Mr. Anderson, the moderator, commented, "the club is a good idea for people interested in all studies." The club has universal appeal to students from all classes and all grade levels. I has students from religion, social stud路

Young Democrats/ Front Row/ Rebecca Fitzgibbon, Vanessa Vaughn, Sophie Noncent, Tanya Brown, Keisha Owens, Second Row/Tiffany Wingate, Shante Grady, Keon Smith, Keith Harris, Sophie Maxwell. Alyson Meehan is president of the Anthropol Club

Amnesty International/Front Row/ Katie Meagher, Justine Murison, Melissa Bogda, Jackie Nowak, Second Row/Daniela Taddeo, Marisol Cintron, Tamika Stebbins, Eileen Giglio, Lisa Tusay Third Row/ M. Mcinerny, Susan Barcarola, Mara Noble, Jen Amico. Missing/ Megan McGiinchy, Marybeth Moscarello, Katie Capema, Marian Tanglaw, Dana Tanzola, Nichole Peterson.


Our Past By: Nick Barbosa es, language, and anthropology. Alyson Meehan, the president, and the enior class really took the club and ade it what it is today: a regularly eeting club that discusses common deas, listens to guest speakers, and is Ianning to visit a local archaeological ig which includes a search through artiacts and areas recently excavated. Anyone looking for pieces of the puzle of humanity's past might just want to heck out the anthropology club. Business Honor Society/ Front Row/Colleen Walsh, Jen Kelly, Vanessa Carabelli, Doug Coluccio, Tim Stout, Mark Laurinaitis.

r. Anderson is the Anthropology Club moderator.

Future Business Leaders of America/ Front Row/Kristen Alia, Chris DiLiberto, Beth Ryfinski, Sussannah Walsh. Second Row/ Michael Petito, Doug Coluccio, Ben Chmelich, Tim Stout, Pete Santiago, Ed Conway, Ed Gutierrez. Third Row/ Mark Laurinaitis, Jeff Liwacz, Chris Mathews, Brook McNichol, James Russo.

Anthropology Club/ Front Row/ Mr. Anderson, Jill Czyzyk, Denise Reres, Kerry Pearson, Joanne Cippulo, Rebecca Hartpence, Second Row/ Patty Yuncza, Mike Petito, Alyson Meehan, Tara Spain, Melanie Furda, Nicole Laundas, Brian Jackowski. Third Row/ Paul Procacini, Rich Kekeski, Jason Puca, Doug Ward, Natalie Silvers, Bryan Vasti,, Jeffrey Zygmant, Steve Storie, Fourth Row/ Fred Procacini, Sean Maxwell, Adrian Davis, Bill Thomas, Eric Salva, Mike Pelligrino, Rich Singh.


Blue Who are they? You've often spotted them at football games decked out in blue- and- white face paint holding up bright signs proclaiming "GO . .. FIGHT ... WIN." From many miles away, you can hear their spirited, enthusiastic cheering. This vibrant group of stud has been sighted at many Notre Dame fall and winter sports outings, standing by the athletic teams in many of their toughest battles, never bowing down to rain, sleet, or snow. Are you still "puzzled?" As you might have already guessed. this crazy, wid crew is known as "Notre Dame Spirit Club". Headed and supervised by Principal Carr, the newly formed Spirit Club has become an integral piece of the N.D. puzzle by new life to the school's many and di路

Spirit Club/ front Row/ Craig Chapman, Nick Barbosa, Melissa Cattani, Michael Shapson, Ruby Santos, Lou Crivelli, Rose Vidal, Michael Bartram, Micaelle Balik, Liz White, Colleen O'Keefe, Bridget Bradburn. Second Row/ Matt Manion, Caroline Zaleski, Chris DeLiberto, Heather Schneider, Angie Garcia, Karen Krajecic, Kate Meagher, Kate Hess, Heather Cyms, Lyn Przyborowski, Mr. Carr. Third Row/ Adam Bucon, Chris Fava, Kristin Kelley, Alyson Mangini, Aaron Double, Anthony Jnverso, Dave Brenner, Mark Jablonski, Kerri Lorbeck.

freshmen Orientation/front Row/Babs Brilliantine, Jackie Bugdal, Gina Mangonon, Jen Cubberly, Melissa Malloy, Beth Gominiak, Catherine lannaci, Jill Walsh, Annette Marrero, Jen Elsworth, Second Row/Gary Wasko, Joy Smith, Kelly Hartman, Jenn Wyers, Kim Waropay, Jackie Nowak. Chris DiLiberto, Janice Tyne, Courtney Knox. Third Row/Mike Bartram, Lou Crivelli, Neil Potter, Matt Kasprzak, Chris Fava, Anthony Jnverso, Jessica Kurst, Kelli Murphy, Dave Kelling, Craig Chapman.


Anthony lnverso, Kristin Chebra and Mr. Carr.

Faces? By: Liz White verse activities. Throughout the year, Junior 路 Anthony lnverso, student president of the Spirit Club, often holds meetings to prepare for sporting events, during which many bright, imaginative posters are made for upcoming athletic events, and also during which the club plans new and interesting ways to "rev up" the fans. When interviewed, Anthony had positive things to say about the Spirit Club, "The performance of an athletic team on the field has a lot to do with the amount of fan support in the stands. The Spirit Club tries to provide the encouragement that our sports teams need." Throughout its first year in existence, the Spirit Club has become an important part of the N.D. puzzle.

Writing Irish/ Front Row/Chris CasUigna, Jill Walsh, Cynthia Rafferty, Usa Muelheisen, Jackie l"owak, Justine Murison, Theresa Bonanno, Kristin Chebra, Salvatrice Annenti. Second Row/Kristin Haney, Adrienne Poux, Jen O'Donnall, Jill McClure, Pam Pukala, Jen tlleiWorth, Lisa Johnson, Christine Murray, Niki Tweed, Chris DiLiberto, Christine Plotka. Third Row/ oopes, Bill Augustin, Michael Shapson, Greg Martin, Scott Stein muller, Kate Meagher, Kate Hess, B Bradburn, Sussannah Walsh, Meghan Keiling. Debbie Grasso, Alison Kakstis, Jim Thoennes, eel Gutierrez. Fourth Row/ Mark Jab路 lonski, Joe Welsh, Darren Pogoda, David Brenner, Bridget Bentz, Nick Barbosa, Rebecca Wisor, David Kelling, Donna Garowski, Matt Fede, James Russo.

Writng Irish ~ltorial Board/Front Row/Darren Pogoda, Nick Barbosa, David Brenner. Mike Shapson. Back Row/ Bridget Bentz, Justine Murison, Jill Walsh, Rebecca Wisor, DebbfeGrtsso, ~ O'Donnell. Bridget Bradburn shows spirit

They -Add

Rainbow House Support: Front Row/Lynda Przyborowski, Karen Krajacic, Katie Meagher, Robert Gominiak, Christopher Pinelli, Jessica Kurst, Second Row/Mrs. Salcewicz, Eileen Giglio, Rebecca Wisor, Annmarie Romanczuk, Alyson Mangini, Kristin Kelley, Bridget Bentz.

Notre Dame's puzzle pieces a scattered throughout our commun As N.D. students, we leave pieces ourselves to show how much we for others in our community. though our pieces are scattered, gether we make N.D. a whole pictu A fairly new piece to the N.D. u•~ILUI"'-~ is a new support group to Rainbow House. Rainbow House only a year old, and its purpose is care for babies and teenagers AIDS. Rainbow House is located West Trenton and currently has teenagers and one baby who born addicted to cocaine. In the fall the Rainbow House port group went to the home a planted bulbs that will bloom Spring into vibrant colors in the c;:h~uullll! of a rainbow. The support group is

Koininia: Front Row/Jill Coley, Jill Walsh, Deborah Bakun, Beth Ann Nowak, Rebecca Giersch, Jessica Kurst, Alyson Mangini, Alison Goeke, Second Row/Kelly Gregory, Denise Reres, Robin Sheideler, Michele Tritt, Kristen Simms, Kristin Kelley, David Keiling, Kelli Murphy.

Above/ Rainbow House club leaders Ann Romanchuck and Rebecca Wisor.


Color . Teresa Tilton Mrs. Salcewicz. "It's -i nspiring to N.D. students reaching out to a that many others would ig". The group is very new but they ave big plans for the future. One of e projects is going to be a prayer Father Dennis and students I put together a prayer service on eo in honor of Rainbow House. ong with the prayer service, the vidwill be packed with the daily life of .D. students. We may not be able to cure the rid of AIDS, but we can show our re and concern for the ones who are icted with it. The only "cure" we ve right now is to show that we are ere for support and that someone is inking of them. The world could use re support groups like N.D's RainHouse Support Group.


Senior Members of the Red Cross Club: front Row/ Amber Jancola, trlc Murtha, Jill Czyzyk, Rebecca Giersch, Tracey Crawford, Christine Castagna, Tori Ann Ferris, Irene Plishchuk, Second Row/Leigh Campbell, Deborah Bakun, Kelly Gregory. Jill Coley. Kristen Simms, Beth Ann Nowak. Jill Walsh, DOnna Demarco. Nora Moustara. Colleen Walsh, Jeanne Markman, Third Row/Kathleen Moran, Carole Plumeri, Christopher Pinelli, Kelley Farrior, Robert Gominlak, flleen Giglio, Nicollette Manahan. Teresa Tilton, Cynthia Triolo, Kerry Pearson, Alyson Meehan, Lidia Kara, Mrs. Salcewicz, Fourth Row/Robin Shiedeler. Jessica Kurst, Michele Tritt. Alyson Mangini, Dawn Witkowski, Kristin Kelley, Kelli Murphy, Alison Goeke, Jennifer Pesce, Rochelle Torres, Jennifer Vargas, Fifth Row/Jason Gutierrez, Scott Loh, Darren Pogoda, Christian Marchetti, Joseph Welsh, Brian Wehr, David Brenner, Bridget Bentz, Brian Mulligan, Dewtd Kelling. Rebecca Wisor, Susan Schmitt, Annmarie Romanczuk.

Junior Members of the Red Cross Club: front Row/Joy Smith, Patricia Difalco, Goodrich, Eric Murtha, Christopher Marino, Anthony Carabelll. Anthony lnverso, caelle Balik, Second Row/Marius Sirak, Christine Cseh, Stacy 6ozowski. Michele LaiMenrlet'•e, .J•:nnnQ Wyers, Laurie Kennedy, Marisol Cintron, Ruby Santos. Melissa Malloy, KimWIIOJ;~y. Karen Dominguez, May Ann Larraga, Third Row/Mary Foster, Retle<l(:.t ftott-IJ), vntlli::ot:•z. Bumara, Robert Piechota, Mark Sanuardine, Jill McClure Suzanne • Gina Mangonon, Beth Gominlak, Megan McOIInchy, Kaliope Koutouzts, Marie Tzacs. Melissa Cattani, Christine Diliberto. Fourth Row/Anthony Palma, James Russo, Kristin ChefSJ'& Nicole Tweed, ~han Kelling. Alison Kakstis. Babs Brilliantine,. Kirsten Smith: Angelica 08td8, Kate ftess, Paula Bacso, Brook McNIchol. Fffth Row/James Thoennes, Aaron Double, Michael Shapson, Mafk Staffa, Caroline zatOkl, Nicole Regan, Ellen Woody, Karen Krajacic, Rose Vidal, Heather Cyms, Koren D'Angelo, Sixth RoW/Dan Comer, Nicholas DeMaio, Lou Crivelli. Frank Zemcik, Melissa Famoso, Jenna Woloszyn. Pamela f Ia. Patricia Salcewicz, Kerrl Lorbeck, Lynda Przyborowski. 169

The Art Club By: Marybeth Moscarello

The Art Club

Were you ever puzzled by who did the paintings around school, posters for NO activities, and props for the play? Well, it must be the talent around school - the Art Club. Mrs. Bernadette Caucci is the modera· tor of the club. She is the new art teach· er this year. She has been very busy get· ting to know the students and rna the art department stronger. Mrs. Caucci said that the art club, which meets every Tuesday, caters to interested artists, either veteran or ama· teur, that enjoy working on fun, more relaxed projects. It also offers students without art electives the opportunity to involve themselves in ND art. "It is only the second year of the art club, so we are trying to get it off the ground," she states. ·'It is just a matter of time until we get more activity in the club." Mrs. Caucci enjoys the club because of the students' interest and enthusi· asm. They enjoy working on projects such as the showcase, and Mercer Street Friends service projects. She feels the club offers her the chance to m eet the

Concert Band: front Row/Karen Maroney, Virginia Feely, Melissa Zachow, Nicole Lorentz, Janice Tyne, martin Peloquin, Tom Maisto, Scott Davis, Tricia Tammaro, Marian Tanglaw, Rose Vidal, and William Lloyd. Second Row/Margie McGann, Mary Beth Hughen, Laura Heinz, Mindy Temg, Jim Decello, Pat Baker, Dave Vonbargon, Alison Reed, Prem Sagglr, and Pete McCarthy. Third Row/Mr. Oibilisco, Mark Staffa, Joe Davis, Julie Walsh, Jeff Wig, Steve Campbell, Rich francisco, Jeff Smith, and Gregg Dubow. rourth Row/Matt Haenni, Ron Ali, Matt Oaamo, Jim Hogan, Joe Stanley, Lynda Przyborowski, Brian Kerins, Kerri Lorbeck, and Tlffannl Ballarotto.

Intent on drawing: Hembers of the art club: Lisa Tusay and Frank Donofrio, add the final touches to their art work.


dents on a more personal basis. Mrs. Caucci also comments that this is e only school that wants' to expand eir art department and try to enhance rather than take budget cuts. The prom is more college-oriented which ps her offer the more professional • .,...,,.t+;,..., of teaching. As far as the students are concerned, e art department is wonderful this r. Students comment that they enjoy e teaching and the extra curricular aces that they can use their talents for. Finally, Mrs. Caucci said, "Enhancet of the arts is very important and it her duty to keep it that way. With the lint·pre·sts of the students, and her joy of ching, she feels that the art departwill grow quickly. There is much ...,.,............; ... , in the school and she wants to it out, whether it be in the club or the classroom. Artists, are yet another aspect of life fit into the puzzle of talent at our ool. We appreciate the life and color ey have contributed to our Notre me picture.

Concert Choir: front Row/Tara Michaels, Melissa Cattani, Laura Heinz, Kristin Chebra, Adrienne Coe, Paula Motkowski, and Elizabeth Rarick. Second Row/Mr. Oibilisco, Kalia Jackson, Jana Fiore, Margi Angyal, Cynthia Triolo, Elizabeth Butler, Jobina Tabron, and Jen Jasionowski. Third Row/Lynette Mar· rero, Jen Kurst, Jen Corban, Victoria Czarnik, Catherine lannaci, Eileen Giglio, Patty Difalco, and Rachel Rossi. Frank Donofrio, Matt Haenni, Anthony DeLorenzo, Bill Augustin, Matt Kasprzak, Amber Jancola, Elena Reznick, Helena Matelski, and Mikki Chebra.

Covenant Notre Dame's Covenant House Support Group does its part to help piec together those peoples "puzzles" which have fallen apart. Started two years ago with the inspiration of NO' Performing Arts Presentation of "The Me Nobody Knows", the group does what it can to help the runaways at Trenton's branch of Covenant House. They have run many projects to help them. Last year, they sponsored clothing drive that literally filled room in the nurses suite. This yea they put together a coat drive which brought in over one hundred coats

storytellers: Front Row/Colleen Walsh, Lidia Kara, Irene Plishchuk, Second Row/Eileen Giglio, Nicole Lorentz, Lisa Johnson, Jen Cubberley, Jen Ellsworth, Margaret Lumia, Tracey Crawford, Chris Castagna, Micaelle Balik. Third Row/Christine Plotka, Sabrina Pullo, Kim Sentek, Kristen Alia, Christina Frankeswich, Amber Jancola, Jen French, Suzanne Toporek. Back Row/Mrs. Martin, Jenna Woloszyn, Anthony Jnverso, Greg Usberti, Anthony DeLorenzo, Greg Usbenti, Carole Plumeri.

Folding away: Covenant House Club members: cole Lorentz and Lisa Johnson, fold clothes Covenant House.

Covenant House: Front Row/Lisa Johnson, Janice Tyne. Back Row/Nicole Lorentz, Meghan Belmont, Donna Gawroski.



upport y: Michael Bartram heir next project will be to put toether a snack drive involving local upermarkets and "Seven-Eleven" to res. "It is a really great feeling to help eople in their time of need" said enior Lisa Johnson. In the words of oderator, Mrs. Riley, "Lisa is the riving force behind the group." Covnant House is a caring group of indiiduals who are trying to make the ives of their peers who need it a little it easier. Their loving attitude is one hat holds the caring picture of ND ogether.

Kids on the Block: Front Row/Carole Ann Maroney, Jackie Nowak, Patty Salcewicz, Karen Popowski, Jen Ellsworth, Sal ArmentL Heather Wrigkt. Back Row/Heather Wright, May Ann Larrage, Popie Koutouzos. Tom Semonik, Cyndi Fiori, Rebecca Horton, Mrs. Martin.

Sign Language: front Row/Mrs. Salcewicz, Jill Walsh. Middle Row/Jill Coley, Beth Ann Nowak, Kristen Simms, Kelly Gregory. Back Row/Denise Reres, David Kelling, Jessica Kurst, Kelli Murphy.


Solving The

Latin Honor Society: Colleen O'Keefe, Mike Bartram, Tracey Crawford, MlchaeiShapson, Melissa Cattani, Lou Crivelli. Jen Cubberley, Tom Moorcroft.

Not every puzzle is as easy to solve as "fitting piece A with piece B;" sometimes it requires X, Y and Z. For Notre Dame's Math League, X, Y, andZ are often lines, points, and angles. There is a variety of competitive tests offered part of the Math League. The New Jersey Ma League and the Catholic Math League tests a given several times, while the Annual New Je Math Exam and the American Math Exam are onl presented once a year. The results of the tests a exchanged with other schools throughout th State. Notre Dame also offers freshman contests which are only competitive within Notre Dame. Notre Dame's top math performers are eligible to participate in the four Colonial Valley invitational math competitions, which are held at various high schools in the area. "Being away from Notre Dame gives us an excellent opportunity to compare our

French Honor Society: Front Row/ James Russo, Greg Martin, Laura Heinz, Rebecca Rottkamp, Christine Lewis, Nicolette Manahan. 8ack Row/ K~stin Ktlley, Alyson Mangini, Beth Joyce, Kristen Simms, Bridget Bentz, Rochelle Torres, Ltdla K.ara, Bridget Bradburn, Chris DiLiberto, Beth Ann Nowak, Kristin Chebra.

Spanish Honor Society: Front Row/ Gina Magonon, Nlki Tweed, Marian Tanglaw, Amy Kerry Pearson. Second Row/ David Brenner, Kate Hess, Angie ~arcia, Caryn Moran, Christine Murray, Katrina Blake, Lori Eardley, Third Row/ Mike Swteconek, Kate Meagher, Sophie Maxwell, Rose Vidal, Anthony lnverso, Nicole Regan. Fourth Row/ Jenna Woloszyn, Pam Pukala, Megan McGiinchy, Jason Okulicz, Heather Cyms, Liz White, Dave Gater. Fifth Row/ Tanya Parrotta, Mark Jablonski, Kelly Gregory, Chris Matthews, Brandon Navata, Adam Bucon. Andr~ko,

Shaheen Timmapuri solves the puzzle of math.

uzzle Of Math By: Michael Shapson

ath skills with those of students from other chools," said Caroline Zaleski. Math League moderators Ms. Lynch and Ms. ampo are delighted over the recent increase in oth the number of students who take the tests nd the improvement in their results. At its birth, he Math League consisted on only a few students ho were mostly concerned with earning extra redit. For many students today, the Math League as grown into a fascinating challenge where "A Ius B does not always equal C." "What I like most ¡ bout the contest is the discussion the contests enerate. The scores are not as important as the athematical ideas being developed," said Ms. ynch. Junior Lou Crivelli reflects, "Though the Math eague is challenging, I enjoy the satisfaction of orking with the problems to put it all together."

Math League: front Row/ Cindy Rafferty, Gina Magonon, Marion Tanglaw, Vanessa Vaughan, Michelle LaPerriere, Christine Murray, Jacqueline Anne, , Robert Piechota. Second Row/ Jill McClure, Amy Wolochowicz, Ruby Santos, Bridget Bentz, Rose Vidal, Angie Gracia, Victor Miranda, Drew James. Third Row/ Chris DeLiberto, Michael Shapson, Caroline Zaleski, Karen Krajacic, Katie Meagher, Meagan McGiinchy, Mark Staffa, Ted Swan. fourth Row/ Nick DiMaio, Harry Masterson, Lou CriviiL Mike Bartram, Michael Celentana, Nick Barbosa, Chris Fava, Jenna Woloszyn, Tanya Parrotta, Frank Zemcik.

SADD: front Row/ carmen Termen, Scott LOll, Dave Gatet. Dave nez.ll}cole Pearson, Rose Vidal, f:ric Murtha, Robin Scheldeler, COlleen Walsh. Second Row/ Chris DiLiberto, Kate Hess, Heather Cy!fls, Caryn Moran. Abthony lnverso, Tere$8 Tilton, Jen Ranucci, Megan McOiinchy, Kerry Pearson, Nora Moustafa, Rochelle Tottes, ristlna Fransckiewich, Lidia Kara. Third Row/ Gia Graziano, Leigh Celentano, Paula i, Dan Comer, Alyson Meehan, Nick DeMaio, Harry Masterson, JasOA1 Moore, Jes Babs Brilliantine, Jill Walsh, Beth Ann Nowak, Mike Rego, Ch1~ Kraemer, Bill chol, Anthony Palma, Micaelle Balik, Christine Murray. fourth Row/ Chris 1'8 Santos, Amy Pinard, Catherine lannaci, Christa Czyzyk, Dawn Witkowski, Kelli M y, Ann Molignano, Kristen Simms, Patricia DiFalco. fifth Row/ Adam Bacon, MatU1annion, Michael Shapson, Mike Bartram, Lou Crivelli, Joe Welsh, David Kelling, Pam Pukilla, Jen Ellsworth. •

Piece Of By: Michael Bartra

Chaplain's Club: Front Row/ Crystal Pemberton. Teresa Tilton. Scott Steinmuller. Chris Marchetti, Jason Gutierrez. Second Row/ Ruby Santos. Esther Feilds, Chris DILiberto, Nick Barbosa, Bob Gominiak, Tim Stout. Third Row/ Jenn Wyers, Dawn Witkowski, Ben Chmelich, Mike Bartram, Ed Kopera. Fourth Row/ Michael Shapson. Anthony lnverso, Lou Crivelli, Joe Welsh, Adam Bendas, Mark Laurinaitis.

Our Monthly Liturgies are a very cial and beautiful piece of NO's spiritual life puzzle, but does 2"""' 1~"~~.­ know who puts it all together? Fr. "~,........ z.and his Chaplain's Club do! The Ch lain's Club doesn't get as much publ as some other NO clubs, but it is d nitely one of the busiest. The club formed by Fr. Dennis so that he cou involve more students in all the as1~e<:r.. of liturgy. "Through the club, the are part of the set up, serving, readi ushering and cleaning up, which gi them a better feel for how much the Masses are and how important sonal involvement is," said Fr. Dennis. The Chaplain's Club does more th just liturgies, however. It also takes of display windows, Thanksgiving Drives, the Lenten Soup line, ke•~oitn~ the chapel in order, helping in the pi ning of the underclassmen Spiritua Days and many other projects within

Above/Father Dennis gives thanks and for the Chaplain's Club.

YearboOk ~itors; Front Row/ Beth Joyce, Jen Kelly. Second Row/ Michael Shapson, Ms. Wargo, Chris DiLiberto.



Heaven Notre Dame Community. The club allows for more students to be involved in one of the most primary aspects of stu<tent life which is sharing in the communal religious experience. Fr. Dennis does a good job of getting all the club's members involved in a fun way. There is never time for Fr. Dennis to rest because, along with Liturgy, he also counsels students and takes care of the Senior Retreats. Therefore, he depends a great deal on his club members. I'm very appy with what the club has done because it really has helped me to build a better relationship with more of the students, which is just great," reflected Fr. Dennis. The Chaplain's Club may be one of the little-noticed pieces of the overall NO picture, but it is very needed and appreiated by its members, its "guiding rl~ight" Fr. Dennis, and by the entire NO family. 路

Senior Yearbook Staff: front Row/ Lidia Kara, Colleen Walsh, Jill Walsh, Teresa Tilton, Cindy Triolo, Nicolette Manahan. Second Row/ Nora Moustafa, Melissa Marue, Jen Kelly, Beth Joyce, Janice Plunkett, Christine Castagna, Donna Gawrowski.. Third Row/ Darren Pogoda, Ms. Wargo, David Kelling, Jennifer O'Donnell.




Yearbook Staff: front Row/Ruby 5antos, Patricia DIFalco, Gina Mangonon, !tin Belz, Mk:aelle Balik, Christine Kean. Second Row/ Greg Martin, Suzanne Toporek, Koren D'N.ageto, PultQiak, Crystal Pemberton, Annette Marrero, Angie Garda, Justine Murison, Amy Pinard, Jill Dawson. Third Row/ Chris DiLiberto, Amy Wolochowicz, Caroline leskl, Babs Brilliantine. Bl'ktllet Bradburn, Julie Altlere, Colleen O'Keefe, Niki Tweed, Mary Beth Moscarello. fourJh Row/BID Augustine, Mike Shapson, Heather Cyms, Lou Crivelli. Mike Bartrum, Nick Barbosa, Chris Fava, Kate Hess, Katie Meagher, Rebecca Fitzgibbon, Kristin Hoops, Frank D'Onofrio, Chris Goodrich, VIctor Miranda.






Religion Baby Boom By Bridget Bradburn

Hey Juniors! Have you noticed a "puzzling" personality change in some of your friends this year? You may call it a certain gentleness, a warm serenity, a peaceful happiness ... These are the symptoms of new, first-time parents. That's right, BABIES, the smallest pieces of the Notre Dame puzzle! "Potato Patch Babies" to be exact. Anyone who was in Mr. Reither's Junior religion class for the "Loving" course could be seen, at some time this year, with their "little bundles of joy", made of 5-pound sacks of potatoes, plus many materials useful in constructing arms, legs, and a head. Working in


groups, the "parents" named, dressed, cuddled, rocked, and occasionally fed and played with their babies. By the end of the "parenthood project", many "parents" claimed that they felt a certain sentimental affection, or emotional attachment, to their baby, or babies. Research was done to determine the cost of delivering a baby, and then providing him or her with clothes, toys, food, furniture, medical supplies, and other necessities. The purpose of this astonishingly successful project was to teach a few parenting skills, as well as to experience the planning, responsibilities, hassles (such as

finding a reliable babysitter at a moment's notice!), concerns, joys, and privileges that are a part of parenthood. Evidence of child neglect resulted in a "classroom trial", and a "fine" of a 10page research paper on child abuse! Anyway, Juniors, not to worry! The symptoms of the "rookie parent" are only temporary, and not at all fatal (this time around!). In fact, a heart-felt "Congratulations" are in order for all of Notre Dame's new "parents". You really will make fine parents someday!!

Page 180/PROUD PARENTS Kaliope Koutouzos, Jeff Lane, Shante Grady, Christine Cseh and Rich Selfridge. Page 181/Top/Chris Goodrich, Tina Hiner, Rebecca Rottkamp, Meredith Kuhlman and Christine Cseh Page 181/BottomjTHE POTATO PATCH KIDS!


Putting Together Our Future By Teresa Tilton

In the past Russia and the United States have not fit altogether perfectly. If the two countries cannot, at this time, be at total peace, maybe we can have peace among our schools. After all, schools are a place for change and a place where our future begins. We should have our schools "fit together" and work as one. On Oct. 7, 1991, Mr. Schultz, senior Spanish class began putting together a scrapbook which they are sending to Russia. The scrapbook is a collection of pictures, articles, and drawings of life as a student in New Jersey. The scrapbook is going to be sent to a high school in Russia that speaks Spanish, since the scrapbook is written in Spanish. "When the students heard of the pro-

ject, everyone was excited", Mr. Schultz said, "There was 100% participation from the class". Marian Tanglaw was also very excited about the project and said, "I hope this will bring us closer to people in Russia, and we can even learn about the different customs and traditions that they celebrate. I really hope we get a response". Katie Cape rna was also among the excited bunch & said, "I put together pictures and articles about Princeton and the people ... I hope we can become pen pals and develop relationships with them". Mr. Schultz said that the feelings were mutual throughout the class, and that everyone is hoping for a response and the opportunity to become pen pals. The reason behind the scrapbook is for

A proud senior class shows their stuff.


Russian students to understand and get a feeling for life as a student in the U.S., particularly in New Jersey. We are also hoping for a response so we can get a feeling for life as a Russian student. This is a great experience for learning and understanding and bringing together two cultures. We as a school are "Putting Together our FUTURE" by starting in our high schools, a place where change and growth are always taking place. On behalf of the Scrapbook Committee, we would like to thank Mr. Schultz' class for all their time and hard work and also everyone who participated in "Putting TOGETHER OUR SCRAPBOOK". THANKSr!!!


Top/ The seniors show off their finished product. Bottom/ Mr. Schultz visualizes how to " Put it together"


SADD And Eagles Get Together Teresa Tilton

Notre Dame strives in every way to educate and help students become more knowledgeable. Another piece which adds to their puzzle of awareness is the Students Against Drinking and Drugs group. "SADD" had been working very hard, and with strong leadership were able to hold a special assembly for students in October. Through many hours of work, constant phone calls, and a plea or two, they watched their work pay off. Two Philadelphia Eagles players came to Notre Dame to speak about alcohol and drug awareness. At the assembly, Mike Golic and Clyde Simmons of the Eagles shared with students their encounters with drugs and alcohol. Teresa Tilton, the president of SADD, was able to meet them and introduce them.

Mike Golic began by sharing his stories from "back home" with drugs and alcohol. He then continued his story through college and professional years. He told of friends and colleagues that experimented with drugs or alcohol and the sad consequences of doing so. He wanted his message to be clear that drugs and alcohol are dangerous. His message was rather important and powerful. He was followed by Clyde Simmons, who had a much more mellow approach to his talk. He had many of the same views, but conveyed them in a more humorous way. He feels that it is COOL TO BE CLEAN and that people should stay away from drugs and alcohol. His message was abundantly clear as well. The speeches were followed by the student body questioning the athletes. they answered multiple questions proficiently

which varied from the glamorous field play to the more personal locker room experiences. The assembly was taken well by students. Considering the number of "Giants" fans, there still were lots of appreciation for the time and effort the men made to come. They were thanked profusely and were appreciated along with the organizers of the assembly. The speeches held an impact on the students and the honor of having professional athletes under our roof will not be forgotten. The assembly was successful and necessary to make the students aware of the dangers involved with drugs and alcohol. The assembly encompasses a small part of what it's like to be involved in Notre Dame's puzzle.


Page 184-Top Left-BEEFING IT UP! Clyde Simmons and Mike Golic pose with Teresa Tilton, Doug Coluccio, and Mike Pellegrino. Right: Ms. Wargo You're so small! Bottom Left: Smile! Mike Golic smiles at the crowd Page 185-Top-WORDS OF ADVICE-Our two guests give information to students. Left-" I eat lots of beans "Clyde Simmons explains how he got his large body Right-Mike Golic stresses how important his speech was.


Pieces Of Academia


Top Left/Waiting to be fed : Diana lnverso. Top Right/ YUM -YUM : Freshman enjoy their Seder Meal. Middle Left/ Sitting Pretty: Dange Stillitano and Marco Crivelli. Middle Right/ Joining the Freshman: Mr. Carr shares the Seder with the newest members of the Notre Dame Family. Bot路 I tom/ Are we done yet?1 Freshman finish their Se路 der Supper.


Around The School

Brain Pesce praying for an answer.

" Wow this class is fun! " Katie Caperna, and Justine Murison.

FIGURE IT OUT-Diana Azzaro, and Stefanie Bovasso. 187

A Song Is In Their Hearts By: Mike Shapson

The spotlight breaks through the darkness and rests on a vacant, white riser. Slowly, an elegantly- dressed group of young ladies and gentlemen quietly settle themselves in the spotlight's hollow glow. Then, as the audience's captive gaze falls on the ensemble, the Notre Dame Madrigal Choir sets free a beautiful harmonization of vocal delight. The audience applauds, and the Madrigal singers gracefully take their bows as everyone exalts their flawless performance. The Notre Dame Madrigal Choir can be found putting the pieces of their musical puzzle together every eighth period in the band room. Madrigal Choir is a special audition group, composed of 20 musically- gifted students. It is being offered as a regular class for the first time this year. This gives the choir the time that is necessary to practice and perfect the selections for their performances. The singers perform regularly at school Masses, along with a variety of functions outside of Notre Dame. They have sung at the Middle States dinner at Notre Dame, the Boors of Philadelphia, the Hyatt in Princeton, and the MicKai House in Hamilton. They also give a Fall and Spring concert, and have plans to sing the national anthem at Veterans Stadium in Philadel-

Page 188/Left/ PRACTICING HARD: Members of Madrigal Choir hit the high notes. Right/ALL DRESSED UP: The Madrigal Choir performs at the Christmas concert.


phia and at Yankee Stadium in New York. The Madrigal singers will be performing at the Mercer County Teen Arts Festival this spring. "Madrigal gives us opportunities to travel to different places, and sometimes to hear singers from other schools. We can judge our abilities by how people from different walks of life react to us," says Victoria Czarnik. This year's choir includes three bass singers, three tenors, seven altos, and seven sopranos. Of the twenty choir members, only four will be graduating this spring. "With as young a group as we have, it is always a little more difficult to get a good blend of the voices. We have worked to develop a proper mix. A real highlight has been watching the voices develop," says choir director Mr. Gibilisco. In addition to the voices developing, the Mad riga I Choir has developed a wide range of musical styles. They perform such pop hits as "Everything I Do, I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams and the Righteous Brothers' "Unchained Melody". Their repertoire also includes traditional classical and jazz pieces, and even crosscultural selections, such as gospel songs. "Madrigal is an unforgettable experi-

ence because of the wide variety of music we are exposed to," says Frank Donofrio. The perfect complement to the group's refined sound is their polished look. The ladies wear royal blue, silk gowns, while the gentlemen don a tuxedo look, with matching cumber buns. "There is an old adage in show business that people hear with their eyes, so, particularly with the new costumes, we have the audiences' attention from the beginning," says Mr. Gibilisco. One of the keys to the Madrigal Choir's success has been the tight friendships they have knitted with one another. The closeness becomes especially important because of the long hours of rehearsal they spend together. "Everyone loves the class because the friendship between the choir members and the director is so close. Mr. G is the ideal instructor because he teaches music while encouraging us to do the best of our abilities," says Melissa Canttani. The musical puzzle of the Madrigal Choir must be put together note by note. Only through time, dedication, and exhalent musicality can every piece fit in perfect harmony.


Stretch, Impulse, Act! By Susan Keehn As with every year, the administrators of Notre Dame try to change the curriculum somewhat to provide variety and possible interest. A new course, Acting, was added this year, formerly held after school beyond the regular day schedule. This had caused problems for those who could not stay and wanted to take the course. However, this year because it was added to the regular day, it was used as an elective. It was open to all levels, filling two classes, consisting of upperclassmen and an overwhelming population of underclassmen, especially freshmen. The class is taught by Miss Wargo, who is also the English and the public speaking teacher, as well as an actress herself. She starts off her classes with specialized breathing techniques, rhythm and synchronicity exercises which make the body responsive to the introduced techniques. One of her students remarked that "mind and soul calmness is essential for proper awareness and relaxation." On December 11, the acting class, in conjunction with the Madrigal Choir,

acted out skits at the Notre Dame Christmas Concert. The participation was purely from the students, written and performed. Two of the students that wrote skits were seniors, Nicole Lorentz and Lisa Johnson. Each quarter the students are responsible for performing a monologue, keeping a journal (analysis of character and critique of other monologues), and the critique of a play outside of school. During class, the students sometimes go on stage to learn on-the-spot training. Lisa Johnson remarked, "Miss Wargo works oneon-one with the person. She's willing to spend extra time with the students who may need more help. She has helped me for all my college auditions, taking time out of her busy schedule to help anyone who asks. She makes it interesting regardless of the grade level. She talks to everyone on a professional level." Acting is one piece of the puzzle that adds to the performing edge of Notre Dame.

Top/! CAN'T SEE IT: Period five during their concentration exercises. Middle Left/I ' M IGNORING YOU: Carrie Hritz. Middle Right/FATHER FIGURE: Sean Deasy flaunts his stuff to Tara D'Errico/ Bottom Left/I' M STUNNED: Sal Polizzi and Nicole Lorentz/Bottom Right/MAN, WOMAN AND BABY: Sean Deasy takes the stage while Kathy Provost and Miss Wargo' s Chelsea watch.

Get A Piece Of The Rock By: Babs Brilliantine

For the first time, the Notre Dame Literature Department developed a trip to Massachusetts to enhance students' experience of their Literature studies. Mrs. Hage was the director of the program. This trip was instituted as an experiment to evaluate if the idea was workable and beneficial for the students, determining future Massachusetts trips for years to come. Just as a puzzle is different pieces put together for a finished product, the trip was different events pieced together and recognized by the students as fun, educational, and full of fond memories. The journey began after school on November 12th. The students piled on Bus A or Bus B with their luggage and with great expectations of fun and excitement. The bus ride there and back would be where most of the memories were made during seven long hours of travel. "I found that the bus ride, itself, was really fun. I learned a lot of good about history and about my classmates," commented Junior Christen Cseh. After the long ride and many stops to Mcbonalds', the crew arrived at the Tidewater Inn in Plymouth, Massachusetts to stay the night. A swimming pool was available to students wishing to swim while other students looked the place over. That first night was great, from room-hopping through the slide-in doors to the get-together in Room 99. The next morning, the students got back on the bus for sight-seeing. They had the opportunity to visit the Mayflower II, a replica of the real Mayflower. It had the "passengers" imaginatively living in 1620, and Plymouth Rock was situated in the same area. The next stop was at the Ocean Spray Cranberry


World which grabbed the students' attention, mostly due to the I superb information given. Next was a quick stop to a monument and on to the final stop, Plymouth Plantation. At the Plantation students walked through Pilgrim Village where people really acted out living in 1620. The students were able to see the homes and other material traits from the Colonial Years as well as better understanding the values and beliefs of the people then. A dinner was served, Colonial-style, to every student, but the food, being unfamiliar to many, was not appetizing and another trip to McDonald's was necessary! The students, for one last time, boarded the bus for their departure back to Notre Dame where they were to be picked up by their parents and tell of all the fun. "Lots of memories were shared, and there was lots of fun in all the events that took place. Hopefully, classes in the future can experience the same," commented Junior Cheryl Eitzen. In conclusion, the Juniors that went were grateful to Mrs. Hage and to the other faculty for their help. Everyone may not have enjoyed all of the same events, but everyone did come out of the trip with a little something in their hearts and minds to remember. "It was a bonding experience among peers. I thought the trip to be educational about our history because history is important for planning for the future so we don't repeat the same mistakes. Also, the motel was great," commented Junior Pete Singelakis. The Colonial Years proved that hard work and patience bring people great pleasures, just as our year-round, hard work will add pieces one day to make great acheivements in the puzzle of human history.

Page 190/ Left/ TOURISTS: Amy Fell and Sean Golden. Right/ GET A PIECE OF THE ROCK: The Plymouth Rock. Page 191/ Top Left/ SMILE PILGRIMS: Mary Foster and Amy Fell. Top Right/ ALL ABOARD: The Mayflower. Middle Left/ MASSACHUSETTS OR BUST: Jill Pazdan, Crystal Pemberton, Patty Difalco, and Susy Schiano. Middle Right/ DO WE LOOK LIKE PILGRIMS OR WHAT?: Carol Scanlon , Mary Foster, Christi Danberry , Megan Harkness, Amy Fell , Kerry Cristofoletti, Christine Cseh, Cheryl Eitzen, and Babs Brilliantine . Bottom Left/ THE THREE MASSACHUSETTEERS: Theresa Fitzpatrick, Maura Fitzpatrick, Maura Sutterlin, and Stephanie Sliwinski.


Pro - Life Students March With A Message By: Bridget Bradburn Statistics show that 61 째/o of young Americans are pro-life; that is, they oppose abortion. Notre Dame has its own pro-life contingent, which was representeo on January 22 in Washington, D.C. Several Notre Dame students joined prolife advocates from across the nation on the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade case to "March for Life". Their day began early, with a long bus ride to the Cathedral at the Catholic University of America. They then took a train to meet other marchers and to hear speeches from President Bush, New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith, and Senator Henry Hyde from Illinois. The Pro-Life signs, banners, and slogans were met with faint rebuttals from a small Pro-Choice group across the street. All the marchers were handed pamphlets containing graphic pictures, descriptions, and statistics. Some of the more "popular" slogans of the day were: "Pro-Choice is such a Lie ... Babies Don't Choose to Die" and "Only Half of those who Enter an Abortion Clin-


ic Come Out Alive." After the march, the NO students went to the Rayburn House Office Building to meet privately with Congressman Smith and Senator Hyde, who answered their questions. Smith, in particular, is enthused with Pro-Life support because " . . . the young people have rejected two decades of pro-abortion propaganda and deception, and are with us." This was an emotional and inspiring day for all who participated. According to Erin Bradburn, who attended the march, "At the March, we met other people who shared our beliefs. No one was afraid to say what they thought because we all believe so strongly in the cause." One marcher who has strong opinions on the issue is Caryn Moran. "You need parental permission to put holes in your ears, yet many minors, through abortion, commit murder without anyone every knowing. There is no difference between killing your baby three months before or three months after birth-- it's still murder. Simply offer the baby up for

adoption, so at least it has a chance at life." Liz White is also passionate about the issue, and said, "This was the fifth year I attended the March for Life. This year it was particularly amazing to see so many people (roughly 75,000) so devoted to such an important cause. The March allowed us to see the sights of Washington, listen to speeches by ProLife leaders from all over the nation, and also to visit Congressman Smith's office, where we listened to him and Senator Hyde speak about the horror of abortion. Abortion must be put to an end, and the March was a good way for Notre Dame students to stand up for the rights of the defenseless unborn." By acting as informed and concerned citizens, these students represented our school and showed the nation what the Pro-Life piece of the Notre Dame puzzle loo like.

Opposite Page/ Erin Bradburn, Liz White, Colleen O ' Keefe, Su 路 zanne Toporak, Megan McGiinchy, Caryn Moran, Nicole Grillo, and Titfanni Ballarotto prepare to march in front of the Cathedral at the Catholic University of America. Page/ 19.3 路 Top Left/ Erin Brad路 burn, Caryn Moran, and Megan McGiinchy voice their opinions . Top Right/ Suzanne Toporek, Titfani Ballorotto, Colleen O ' Keefe, and Nicole Grillo March for Life. Center/ Congressman Chris Smith answers questions. Bottom/ Caryn Moran , Megan McGiinchy, Erin Bradburn , Liz White and " friend " join Pro-Life advocates from across the nation.






State Title Comes To Perone And Crew By Nick Barbosa When a puzzle forms a picture, you know it's put together right. In the same way, when you have a successful year as a team, you know that the team is a unit that fits together perfectly. The Notre Dame Soccer team fills that completed puzzle mold, and with the help of Coach Perone and his staff, the guys played a season that was worthy of the State title that it won in the end. This year, the team played with intensity and came out with a superb nineteen wins, two losses, and one tie. "The two losses were perfectly placed," said Mr. Perone. "If I could have chosen two times that we had to lose, I would have chosen those times," he added. Indeed, the early loss to Steinert and the loss to Lawrenceville, just prior to the State Tournament, kept the team alert to their weaknesses. There were also a number of other tough games that were only won by the skill of Notre Dame's defense, one of the major strengths of the team. The Cap-

tains this year really brought leadership to the team. Captains Mark Laurinatis, Justin Borroughs, and Scott Stemmer, along with other seniors Chris Mathews, Chris Breining, Ben Chrnelich, Sean Cox, Tim Stout, Alan Levin, Mike Swiecone, AI Rhodes, Carl Mulheisen, and Bob Gominiak guided the team and brought it close with friendship. A special word should be said for Scott Stemmer: DEDICATION! This senior last year was named one of the top sixty players in the state, but due to a knee injury early this season did not play a game this year. However, though he was out for the season, he continued to be present to support the team. In their last game of the season, the State Championship match was between NO and Don Bosco Prep of North Jersey. The Irish played their hearts out, but only to tie their opponent and be named CoState Champions. It was a great season, with wins over Holy Cross, St. Joe's

Varsity Soccer Mike Hackett, Carl Mueleisen , Matt Michaud, Scott Sterner, Mark Laurinaitis, Ben Chrnelich , Chris Matthews, Mike Swieconek, Chris Breining, Bob


Metuchen, Trenton, and other good teams. The seniors who have played three years varsity will truly be missed, and maybe returning players, like goalie Mike Hackett and Chris Goodrich, will be able to come up with that key piece of the puzzle that is so often hard to find and be successful next season. According to Mr. Perone, this year's team was one of the best he ever coached. In the past three years, they should have made States three years in a row, and the seniors, since freshman year, have lost only eight games. It was a mature team on the field, and when they discussed their game, they always gave Mr. Perone positive feedback. He liked 路 coaching them and felt a special relationship with them. When they graduate, he will miss them as new "team pieces" are added to the guys' soccer team picture next year.

Gominiak, Justin Burroughs, Sean Cox, Alan Levin, Tim Stout, Chris Goodrich , Jon Bucchere, and AI Rhodes.

Page 197/Top Left/Come on Chris Goodrich, you can do it! Top right/GREAT JOB GUYS! Justin Buroughs, and Sean Cox. Middle left/Socceritis with Laurinitis. Middle right/Burroughs to the rescue! Bottom left/Stemmer and Soccer, Perfect together!


Left/THIS ONE'S MINE: Scott Stemmer prepares to head the ball. Top Right/HOT ON HIS TRAIL: AI Rhodes sticks close to his opponent. Bottom Right/SHOULDER TO SHOULDER: Chris Matthews keeps the ball away from his opponent.


Girls' Soccer Kicks In! By Kory D'Angelo With their hard work, skill, spirit, and camaraderie, the 1991 girls' varsity soccer team created a perfect puzzle. They learned to put the pieces together by their leadership. This season, the team ended with a 10-7-1 record, making it through the first round of the State tournament. The captains, Christine Fanelli, Dawn McGrath, and Kristin Kelley, along with the other seniors and players, brought the team through many battles. Kelly Murphy said, " We kept fighting until the end," and Dawn McGrath remembered, "I think we had a young team that struggled a little, but had a lot of fun and ended with a decent season." The team had many injuries which hurt them , but in the end, it made them stronger. Kris Kelley thought, "We had a

lot of individual skill, but never came together as a team until the end of the season." Michelle Kafer added, "We should have been better, but we had a lot of injuries all at the same time, which held us back." An unforgettable game for the team was against Hamilton. "Because I was hurt most of the season and didn't get to play much, my most memorable experience was scoring against Hamilton. It was our first goal of the season, and was a game winner with under two minutes left to play," recalled Chris Fanelli. Dawn McGrath also agreed that this was a memorable moment for her as well. Another exciting game was the 2-1 victory over North Hunterdon in the first round of the State tournament. "When I

was hurt in the North Hunterdon game, I assisted Tara's goal- a headball to give us insurance to win the game!'' exclaimed Kris Kelley. Ending the season with a loss in the State tournament to their rival, Ewing, seemed to be tough for most of the team. Jen Pesce thought, "It was sad to see the season come to an end because we just started to get motivated. " Anne Molignano said, "We all got along with Ms. Koschek, and played really well together." Ms. Koschek, the coach of the girls' varsity soccer team, thought, "We had a young team where everyone got along, and there was a lot of team work." She is the final piece to this successful puzzle. She added her knowledge and skill as a coach to this hard-working team.

GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Back Row/Gwen Caldwell, Anne Molignano, Jen Pesce, Nicole Johnson , KatieTrinellic, Allison Reed , Tara Fiandica, Amy Trinellic. Middle Row/Kelly Murphy, Catherin e Kontoyannis, Jen Jung, Nicole Davis, Crissy Gunson , Michele Hogg, Denise Larsson . Front Row/Kim Roberts, Lisa Klein , Dawn McGrath, Chris Fanelli , Kristine Kelley, Laurie Kennedy.


Page 200/Top Right/1 THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN! Kelly Murphy, Dawn McGrath. Top Left/ HUNGRY FOR A HOGlE! Michele Hogg. Bottom Left/HEY, WHERE'D EVERYBODY GO? Dawn McGrath, Kelly Murphy, Laurie Kennedy, Michele Hogg. Bottom Right/AM I THERE YET? Katie Trinellic.


GIRLS JV SOCCER TEAM: Back Row/Coach Kathleen Fallon, Yadzia Mellodge, Kelly Robinson , Carrie Toner, Erin Mellican, Courtney Brennan. Middle Row/Rebecca Ward , Erin Bradburn, Laura Okum, Amy Kyte, Jen Mattei. Front Row/Lisa Wigger, Katie Mount, Mary Foster, Beth Gominiak, Karen Gaynor, Amy lmmordino.


Amy Kyte gets her head into it while Beth Gominiak watches!


The Puzzle Of The Pigskin by: Nick Barbosa As the Notre Dame football team ended their season, we saw that Mr. Moore still knows how to put together the puzzle that is the "Fighting Irish". This year the team had a sucessful record of seven wins and four losses. This was due to the many problems that plagued the Irish. Several key players were injured early on in the season. Martin Gilbert and Chris Nitti were both looking at starting positions when they were hit with season ending injuries. Other internal squad problems arose, but the team rose above that to play as a unit and be like brothers to one another. One major reason the team came alive was the great leadership provided by the seniors. Shawn Beihl, Joe Panfili, Brendan Prophett, Erik Lyman, and Dave Loftin, the captains, stood out and they


led the team, but they were not the only leaders. During the early part of the season, Mr. Moore pointed out that, in order to win leaders must emerge, and that's exactly what happened. They emerged not only in the form of captains, but also in the form of senior players. Richard Spiegel, Nick Russo, Jeff Baylog, Brendan Duff, Mike Ogiony, Drew James, Dave Bolster, and Brandon Navata. With spirit and leadership, one more thing was needed to complete the puzzle. The coaches at Notre Dame, year after year, are a kind of Rolls Royce of coaching. The "Johnny Coaches" always put great amounts of time and effort into the team and this year was no exception. Long hours were spent in preparation only to pay off in the winning season. This year, the NO team emerged from

the season, not as a team but as a family. With an early loss to Hunterdon Central, the team started off slow but gained momentum after solid wins over Princeton and Steinert. The momentum continued through the Trenton game until a last minute catch gave Trenton a victory. Then in the first round of state playoffs, they played Holy Spirit and lost though playing a great game. Next year, Notre Dame looks to improve on their record and put yet another piece into the puzzle with returning starters like Tim Scnall and Mike Pietras, but, for this year, the puzzle is finished and Notre Dame's Fighting Irish say farewell to not only a great team of seniors but a tremendous group of friends.

Top Left/HE'S GOT THIS ONE: Eric Baxter in the clear. Top Right/LISTEN UP: Coach Jaroni talks about " mental toughness." Bottom Left/WORDS AREN'T NECESSARY: Brendon Prophett. Bottom Right/FOLLOW ME: Mike Ogiony leads the way.


Top Left/HUDDLE UP! The offense gets the play. Top Right/WATCH OUT DESMOND!: Jeremy Applegate with the ball. Bottom Left/HERE YOU TAKE IT.: Bill Moore handing off. Bottom Right/OUT OF THE WAY: Eric Lampkin picks up another first down.


Field Hockey: A ''Major'' Puzzle By Chris DiLiberto In putting together the athletic puzzle of Notre Dame, the fall sport of Field Hockey contributes an important piece. Determination builds the starting piece of any athletic team, and this year's Varsity Field Hockey squad would definitely agree. After struggling through regulation games against the top eve and area teams, continuing on to several overtimes, and dealing with untimely injuries, the team placed second in the Colonial Valley Conference. "It was definitely a different season," commented Barb Major as she finished her 23rd year of coaching here at Notre Dame. "There were a lot of disappointing times, yet lots of good ones as well. Regardless of the situation, even after the injuries to Sarah (Hedgepeth) and Chris (DiLiberto) the team picked each other up and worked harder to improve." The most memorable contest for the team as a whole, for both positive and negative reasons, was the game played at Hopewell Valley High School on October 26th. The combined effort of everyone on

the team held off Hopewell in regulation time and pushed the game into an overtime. Tragically though, two key players were lost to knee injuries. Captain and senior "sweeper", Sarah Hedgepeth, fell in regulation time and was unable to complete the rest of the game. Yet luckily, she returned to play an outstanding game in the State Tounament against Red Bank Regional weeks later. The other injury was sustained by the goalkeeper, Chris DiLiberto, in the last minutes of the first overtime. She, unfortunately, was unable to compete in the rest of the season's games but witnessed her team pull together and put forth a great amount of effort and dedication in working to move on to the State Tournament. Determination once again proved evident as Notre Dame forced Red Bank into yet another overtime contest. Headed by senior captains, Sarah Hedgepeth, Alison Goeke, and Lorette Schroth, the team battled aggressively until the final whistle. Although Red Bank walked away with the win, our Varsity Field Hockey team came

back knowing they had put forth their best effort, and the memories of the 1991 season would last a lifetime. Dominating the team, the seniors each left their mark on the group, the sport, and their coach. Mrs. Major looked back and remembered her "socialites": Alison's "eye", Sarah's "knee", Lorette's "bomb of a car," Tritter's "look of unbelief after stopping a sure goal," Robin's "laugh", Nicole's "forward momentum which got her into a bit of trouble" (and most of the times into the ground). Natalie's "great attitude", Lekisha "the enforcer on defense", Annie's "quickness" and Lori and "all her girlfriends!" Thank you, Notre Dame Varsity Field Hockey, not only for a season of great performances and competition but also for the memories of laughs and lasting friendships. You have all definitely added to the puzzle of Notre Dame by putting it all together in 1991. Congratulations on a season well played!



PAGE 206/TOP LEFT/DISCUSSING STRATEGIES; Goalie Chris DiLiberto and Jackie Bugdal contemplate the game. TOP RIGHT/HERE IT COMES!; Lorette Schroth attempts to stop a bouncer. MIDDLE/BRINGING THEM ALL TOGETHER: Seniors Lekisha Quinn, Michelle Tritt, Nicole Gaffney, Robin Scheideler, and Natalie Silvers share in a group hug. BOTIOM LEFT/JUST KICKIN' AROUND: Alison Goeke knocks the mud from her cleats. BOTIOM RIGHT/TAKE THAT!; Jill McClure takes a swing at the ball while Sarah Hedgepeth backs her up.


PAGE I 07 /TOP LEfT/FLASHING THOSE PEARLY WHITES; Michelle Tritt races to the ball while trying to keep her mouthguard in place . TOP RIGHT/THE CHOP!; Alison Goeke fights for possession. MIDDLE LEFT/THEY ARE GOOD!; That crazy scorekeeper Chris Fava shares stats with Megan McGiinchy. MIDDLE RIGHT/MAJOR'S MOST WANTED: 1991's Senior pack share not only the sport but also their friend ship. BOTTOM/JV Team; Front: Gina Mangonon, Caryn Moran, Captains Tara Suntato and Jamie Bonanni, Karen Bernhard, Stacey Bernhard. Middle: Jen Colon, Melissa Alfano , Jacquie Kane , Alasia Fiumenero, Cathy lannaci, Bridget Flood . Back: Kelly Hartman, Alison Kakstis, Rene Cirillo, Jennifer Hand , Catherine Scotto, Kristen Branham .


A ''Rowdy Pack'' By Chrissy DiLiberto

Step by step, piece by piece, the Notre Dame Cross Country team strove to "put it all together" in their 1991 season. With a new head coach, Joe McLaughlin, and a lot of new talent, the boys team placed first in the Colonial Valley Conference and the girls took second. After three years of being assistant coach, Mr. McLaughlin took hold of the reigns passed on by Mr. Sewnig and became the leader of this "rowdy pack". "Being head coach is a lot of fun but more difficult than I anticipated", remarked McLaughlin. Junior runner, Liz White, stated that, "Although having to adjust to a new coach might seem to be difficult for some, this was not the case this season, since Mr. McLaughlin has been our assistant coach in past years." With his knowledge of the sport, McLaughlin was able to accomplish a great goal in defeating his alma mater, Steinert High School, as well as his former high school coach. The boys' win over the rival Spartans led them to an


undefeated season on which their coach commented, "In the eyes of many, our guys had a great season, finishing 11 -0, but the team, along with myself, had built up such high expectations that it was disappointing to lose County's. In the back of your mind, there are always thoughts of what could have been." Unexpectedly taking third in the county meet and running impressively in tight situations, junior Jim Primerano looked back on the season and ahead to next year's, commenting, "Although our team goals fell short of our expectations, we had a good season. Next year with four of our top seven runners returning, hopefully, we will pick up some underclassmen and build on this year's performance." "Our girls' team, on the other hand, was never given the chance to reach their potential," remarked their coach. Plagued by injuries, the team began with nine runners, dwindled down to five, and at the end of the year, three girls strug-

gled to complete their season. With a record of9-1, up and coming sophomo re, Jen Middleton, stated, "The girls proved they could work as a team and overcome personal obstacles and pull together. " Senior captain, John Beym, and junior captain, Liz White, provided leadership by voice and example throughout the entire year. Being one of the top teams in the county was not the only honor given to the team. Many of its members were placed on the All-County team, including captains, John Beym and Liz White, as well as teammates, Jim Primerano and Jen Middleton. With John's undefeated dual season and Liz's overall records, each led their teams to successful seasons. Through meets, mud fights, massive puddles, and the long home stretch, this year 's Cross Country team helped one another put the pieces of the "Notre, Dame Teamwork" puzzle together and came out on top!

j :>


Page 208/Left/ HE WINS FIRST PLACE: Jon Beym. Right/ HEART AND SOUL: Jen O'Donnell. Page 209/Top/ 1991 BOYS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM/ Front Row: Ryan Brennan , Jim Primerano, Christopher Heitzman, Tim Mitzen , Matt Pribila, Adam Smith . Middle Row: Brendon Biruk, David Martinez, Frank Fan ning, Eric Wills, Joe Bires, Michael Shapson, Coach

2 10

Joe McLaughlin. Back Row: Ted Fanikos, Jamal Glover, Dorian Demski , David Gruska, Jon Beym, Ryan Mullen. Center/THE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM OFF AND RUNNING. Bottom/ 1991 GIRLS CROSS COUN TRY TEAM/ Front: Bridget Bradburn , Jen O ' Donnell , Kristine O ' Keefe . Back Row: Colleen O ' Keefe , Liz White, Jen Middleton , Coach Joe McLaughlin . Page

210/Top Left/ A STRIDE TO THE FINISH: Brendan Biruk. Top Right/ A HARD WON VICTORY: Li z White finishes strong. Bottom Left/ A SOLID RACE: Kri stine O ' Keefe . Bottom Middle/ A POWERFUL FINISH : Frank Fanning. Bottom Right/ BREAKING AWAY: Bridget Bradburn leaves the pack.

ND Girlls Tennis: A Smash Hit At the start of the fall sports season, the Girls Tennis team had a great deal of hard work ahead of them. The team spent the season doing just that: working hard. Throughout the season, though, Coach Greg Schafer and his girls managed to have a lot of fun in the meantime. It was definitely a season of "putting it all together." The team had to rebound from the losses of first singles player, Colleen MacNamara, and three other team members to graduation. Mr. Schafer thus referred to it as "a rebuilding year." Throughout the season, seniors Chris Guido and Melissa Mate were very valuable to Mr. Schafer as both skilled players

and experienced team leaders. Mr. Schafer was especially pleased with Chris Guido's performance. He felt that she was left with very big shoes to fill (MacNamara's), and she responded well when she stepped up to the first singles position. Team members seemed to agree that the 1991 season was an enjoyable and rewarding one. Junior Julie Altiere, a first-year member of the team, enjoyed the experience and said, "I made lot of friends and had a good time. Mr. Schafer was a good coach. Overall, it was a fun season." Another team member, junior Niki Tweed, also had positive things to say

By Liz White about the team, "This was my first season of playing tennis. I think we all worked hard and had a good time. We all improved greatly throughout the season." The Girls Tennis team concluded the 1991 season with a record of 5-9. Although it was a rebuilding year, it was a year of great strides for the whole team. According to Mr. Schafer, "All of the girls improved drastically in spite ofthe coaching. We didn't have a good record but we had good people which makes a good foundation. So look out next year!" The girls tennis team should definitely cause a 'racket' next year, since they have "put it all together" during the 1991 season.

Top Left/FABULOUS FRESHMAN FOREHAND: Michele LaPerrier breaks out for the match. Top Right/THE SECRETS OF OUR SUCCESS: Mr. Schafer, Greg and Eric help out the team. Bottom Left/EVIL: Mary Moscarello isn ' t just evil for Halloween. Bottom Right/GOD, PLEASE LET THEM FORFEIT: The team before a match .

2 11

Page 212/Top Left/SHE PLAYS BETTER THAN SHE DRIVES: Chris Guido. Top Right/SHOW THEM YOU'RE A TIGER: Shaheen Timmapuri. Bottom Left/HELLO MARIAN!: Marian Tanglaw. Bottom Middle/CAN WE GO SCROUNGE YET?: Leslie Farkas. Bottom Right/NET WOMAN: Rose Vidal. Page 213/Top Left/WATCH OUT HERE SHE COMES: Niki Tweed. Top Right/THE GIRL'S TENNIS TEAM. Middle Left/PLANNING A STRATEGY: Julie Altiere. Bottom Left/OUR OFFICIAL CHEERLEADER: Nicole Weisgarber. Bottom Middle/WILL IT BE I, 2, OR 3?: Melissa Mate. Bottom Right/WATCHING HER PARTNER: Kate Moran.


Pieces Of Ice By J . Kelly

What do you get when you put a leprechaun on skates? You get Notre Dame's Ice Hockey team! This year, the Ice Hockey team was made up of a lot of young players. With their help and the assistance of the "oldies", team ended their season with a record of 9-9. The two captains for the team this year were seniors Tom Moorcroft and Chris Pastor, whose efforts will be missed, as well as all of the other senior players: Angelo Chrysoulakis, Brian Malloy, Jason Puca (who unfortunately suffered from an injury and missed the majority of the season), and Eric Salava.

Page 214/Top Right/All by himself: Angelo Chrysoulakis. Middle/THE ICE HOCKEY TEAM / front row: Chad Biruk, Angelo Chrysoulakis, Tom Moorcroft, Chris Pastor, Oscar Watson , Eric Salava , Mark Zelinski, Jason Asbury, and Yuri Nadraga. Back row: Coach Henry, Jon Mahler, Seth Davino, Brian Lockington , Michael Kuebler, Brian Malloy, Rory Monahan, Tad Kalinoski, Glenn Brown , Rich Freit and Coach Mr. James. Bottom/ Warming up before the big game: Eric Salava and Seth Davino.


Since the team was young, they will have a lot of returning players such as Mark Abbot, Seth Davino, Jon Mahler, Yuri Nadraga and assistant captain Oscar Watson. The team, on the whole, was very hard-working and dedicated. When asked to comment on this year's season, Assistant Coach Mr. James replied, " This year, as a whole, the team got better, as the year went on. Because of the senior leadership, the younger players got better, and we should be good the next couple of years" . With that spirit, they fit into Notre Dame's puzzle of athletics perfectly!

Page 215/ Top: Chris Pastor and Oscar Watson race to recover the puck. Bottom left/ For the shot: Chris Pastor. Middle/ Going for the slap shot: Rich Friet. Bottom right/ Going for the gold: Tom Moorcroft.


Top Left:/ Oscar Watson fights to win the face-off as Jon Mahler waits for the pass. Top Right/ Stopping the puck is Brian Malloy. Bottom left:/ Making his move is Mark Zelinski. Bottom right/ Taking practice shots: Yuri Nadraga.


Wrestling; Matching The Pieces By Jenn O'Donnell

It is puzzling as to why wrestling is a sport which is unfamilar to many people. It is a sport which keeps spectators glued to their seats, filled with excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. tis incredible to watch the strength, determination, and skill ~xhibited by wrestlers. This year the Notre Dame wrestling learn has done much to promote their sport. They have publiFized it by talking about upcoming meets with peers as well as py extending open invitations to meets with posters and flyers. Their efforts were rewarded with a significant increase in the stands. This year, the wrestling team has shown an impressive record of ten wins and three losses. This was accomplished both through team work and the efforts of the individual. Eric Micai, a senior varsity wrestler, attributes their success this

year to a number of factors. He commented, "Everyone gave their best in every match; sometimes their best was enough, sometimes it wasn't. However at the beginning of the season, we had set a lot of goals, both for the team and personally. We reached most of them, That's what's important." Eric also mentioned that Mr. Gary Dambro, who has a coaching experience of twenty-three years, was huge inspiration to the team. "Mr. Dambro has always pushed us to the limits. When we thought we were tired, he pushed us even harder. He knew our potential, and wouldn't accept less." The wrestling team promises to be even better next year as the underclass members keep improving. The ND wrestling team, although tearing themselves apart, they helped to put the ND puzzle together.

NOTRE DAME'S VARSITY WRESTLING TEAM/Top Row/ Mr. Dambro, Sean Cox, Chris Sieben, Andy O 'Rahilly, Jim Hogan, Brendan Duff, Eric Micai. Bottom Row/ Joe Rego, Ed Maddock, Matt Rhodes, Joe Panfili, Ted Fanikos. Jason Dane, Chris Kempisty, Caesar Napolitano.



Page 218/TOP LEFT/ I'VE GOT A HOLD ON YOU: Sean Cox goes for the pin. Middle Left/COME AND GET ME: Brendan Duff preparing for a challenge. Bottom Left/ TIGHT GRIP: Chris Kempisty attempts to overpower his opponent. Top Right/ Eric Micari gets to work! VICTORY: The spirited wrestlers cheer on their teammate. Bottom Right/ WORKING WITH A SMILE: Jim Hogan takes down his challenger. Page 219/Top Left/ AN INTENSE STRUGGLE: Joe Panfili takes control of the match. Middle Left/ ON TOP: Jason Dane flattens his opponent. Bottom/ The JV Wrestling Team: Top Row/ Robert Contento, Chris Hodnicki, Thomas Keller, Anthony DeLorenzo, Mr. Denneh , Anthony Hutchinson, Jeff Abitabilo, Michael Burzachiello, Roger DeiPrado. Bottom Row: Tom Simpson, Pete Catellano, Martin Peloquin, A.J Frith , Toni Fanikos, Anthony Bozowski, Frank Marone, Jeff Lane. Top Right/ SLEEPING ON THE JOB: Joe Rego catches his opponent off guard. Bottom Right/ ALL TIED UP: Martin Peloquin works his way out of a tough situation .


Making A Splash In Mercer County By Bridget Bradburn

Among a county of teams nicknamed "the Pirates," "the Hornets," "the Spartans," "the Cardinals", and so on, the Notre Dame Swim team could appropriately be named "the Nomads." Having no body of water to call home, the Diving and Swimming Irish borrow a pool wherever and whenever they find one with a few hours to spare. This makes for a very hectic and irregular practice schedule. Because of this, team members must be committed, and determined. This year, a group of more than fifty athletes fit into this corner of the Notre Dame "puzzle." As a result of several freshmen and transfer students, as well as the improvement of many "veteran" team members, both the boys and girls enjoyed successful seasons this year. The boys finished with a 6-1-1 record, and the girls with a 5-2 record. Meets, in general, proved to be more exciting and competitive than in years past. In fact, the Irish swimmers and divers created a certain "shock value" in Mercer County this winter. However, the team philosophy, repeated again and again by the coaches, is one of self-improvement. "When we go after our best scores and

times," says Coach DeSandre, ("Mr. D.") "winning becomes a fringe benefit. Once the emphasis is only placed on winning, one becomes a first place loser." As in previous years, the team's sights were ~et on the county meet from day one. This was the ultimate goal which brought the swimmers through a seemingly endless season of training. Yes, the long season, hectic schedule, and difficult workouts were physically, mentally, and emotionally draining at times. But when the work became taxing, the hours long, and the water cold, the swimmers and divers pulled together and became friends. Mr. D. is especially proud of the maturity displayed beyond athletic competition, particularly in a "crisis" situation. He commends the divers and swimmers for bringing themselves up to a level of meeting the roles of young men and women. He appreciates the memories that have been created and shared among the coaches and athletes. Ask any swimmer or diver about their experiences on the team, and you are likely to hear such key words as: "friendship", "family", "fun", and "excite-

Front Row,(Left to Right)/ Brian Binder, Joe Lumia, Katie Comer, Kristen Pappas, Heather Wright, Kerry McCarthy, Jen Ellsworth, Stacy Bozowski, Liz Lehre, Michelle LaPerriere, Ashley Cipriano, Cindy Rafferty, Karen Popowski,. Standing at (Left)/ Ralph Fiasco, John Sink, Caryn Moran, Chris McDonnell, Rachel Rossi, Bridget Bradburn, Mark Jablonski, Bridget Joyce, Theresa Bonanno, Kevin Steinmuller, Lisa Muehleisen, Nicole Peterson,. On Bleachers/ Top Row/ Scott Dzialo, Frank Zemcik, Nick Barbosa, Danny Bendas, Julie

ment". No swimmer or diver will dispute the fact that this atmosphere is created by the superb coa<;:hing staff. Mrs. Kyte does much of the behind-the scenes work: scheduling, statistics, paperwork, and organizing. Head coach Mr. DeSandre and Assistant; Diving coach Shirley Moran are very much appreciated and respected for personally working with each individual, encouraging everyone to reach beyond what they feel capable of , and being understanding and patient. They show great dedication to and respect for the team, and the athletes return those same sentiments. Assistant coaches Bill Morehart, Rich "Spider" Hileman, Mr. Cartledge, and Mr. Steinmuller, among other parents, help to bring humor and order to the confusion that often results from the combination of 50-plus students and a pool. Because of the time sacrificed by these selfless adults, the Notre Dame Swim team has had the opportunity to grow and flourish over the years, and will continue to do so, if the will power, concentration, dedication, determination, respect and concern remain between the swimmers, divers, and coaches.

Caperna, Melissas Malloy, Brian Stevenson, Ted Palfalvi, Brendan Carlidge, Anthony Bisaccia. Middle Row/ Amy Kyte, Eric Weber, Amy Wolochowicz, Debbie Choquette, Tara Suntato, Liz Noble, Scott Steinmuller, Chuck Ramsey, Dan LaPerriere, John Goldman. Bottom Row/ Kelly Neall, John Solan, Bridget Heinz, Becky Morehart, Lorette Schroth, Jen French , Margaret Lumia, Katie DeSandre, Chloe Kramer.

Top Left/ Senior Swimmers: Lorette Schroth, Jen French , Captain Margaret Lumia , Chuck Ramsey, Ted Palfalvi, Brian Stevenson and Captain Kevin Steinmuller. Top Middle/ Mr. D. in one of his famous meet shirts. Top Right/ Caryn Moran performs with grace and skill. Center Left/ Bridget Heinz, Ryan Cartledge, Brendan Cartlidge, Brian Stevenson , and Scott Dzailo relax between races. Center Right/ The ND Swim Team Celebrates another victory. Bottom Left/ Chloe Kramer, Theresa Bonnanno, Ashley Cipriano, and Becky Morehart celebrate a winning relay. Bottom Right/ Liz Lehre concentrates before the race.


Top Left/ Frank Zemcik and Scott Steinmuller warm up for a meet. Top Right/ Eric Weber flies to the finish . Center Left/ Bridget Joyce explodes off the block. Center Middle/ Lorette Schroth prepares for the backstroke. Center Right/ Ted Palfalvi enjoys the water. Bottom Left/ Mr. D gives Bridget Neinz a hand after an impressive race. Bottom Right/ Frank Zemcik works hard at practice.

The Irish Have The Magic Touch By Michael Bartram

12 pieces: 1 puzzle: 12 guys: 1 team; that is the best analogy for the 1991-92 1 Boys Basketball Team. The Irish en1 joyed the best season that third year 1 coach , Mr. John Simone, has seen. Led by Co-Captains Adrian Davis and Eddie Kopera , the Irish finished with a record of 17-8.. Coming off a 1.3-1.3 campaign last year, expectations were high because 5 starters should have been returning to the line-up. However, because of injuries and pursuits of other sports, only Kopera and Davis remained. Reflecting on this situation, Coach Simone said, " It was shocking and caused the coaching staff to re-evaluate, but we couldn 't be happier with the play of the juniors and sophomores. " This year, the team's main goal was to take the program to .the "next level", Iand they did. They achieved wins over

such powerhouses as McCorristin and Ewing, took .3rd place in the Wildwood Catholic Christmas Tournament, had 2 tremendous showings against a great Trenton team that came up just short (including a thrilling overtime game at Tornado Alley) , and they made their third straight appearance in the State play-off. Coach Simone said, "Our goal is to get better every year, and we've done so. I credit a lot of this to the senior leadership and the experience the players have attained. We've had many close games, we've won some and lost some, but I feel that we're to the point where we'll be winning more than losing." Through the gutsy and "never say quit" attitude with which they played, the team garnered much respect, a respect which was well-deserved because they were ready to play every time they

laced up their sneakers. "This season has been great because of all the hard work over the last three years. It's great to see us finally get recognition in the County, I hope it is a good sign of things to come for ND Basketball," said CoCaptain Eddie Kopera. Having only three seniors to look to, the underclassmen were forced to mature faster than normal and did so admirably. Next season, Coach Simone will look for Waymon Newkirk, Mike Warner and Vince Ardery, Jr. to lead the team. The Irish have improved their record each of the last three years, and with the very talented team that is returning, there appears to be no end in sight for our Basketball team's success. With each shot that falls into place, so does a piece of the ND puzzle, a puzzle which gets better every year.


Page 223/ Top Left/ Giving it all. John Buccheref Top Right/ And so we pray. The ND Varsity Ba~ketball team; Page 224/ Top left/ Ed Kopera goes for two; Top Right/ Shooting the Noops. Mike Warnerj Bottom left/ Looking for a shot. Adriao Davis/ Bottom Right/ Boys Varsity Basketball/ Front row/ Mike Warner, Jon Bucchere, Ed Kopera , Chris Breza , Chris Potash, Waymon Newkirk/ Second Row/ Eric Lampkin, Mike Hackett Jeremy Applegate, Coach Simone, Adrian Davis, Vince Ardery, Marcus Broach.


Page 225/ Top left/ Just inches away! Eric Sokolowski/ Top right/ Chris Breza, tri es for a shot!/ Middle left/ JV Basketball team; Top row/ Mike Citfel i, Eric Sokolowski, Chuck Rotondo, Shawn Jones, Jared Broach / Bottom row/ Donald Gilbert, Chris Breza, Chris Potash , Brian Pesce, Jeremy Applega te/ Middle right/ We got it, We got it going in! Jared Broach/ Bottom right/ Finally , almost there! says Brian Pesce.


Slammin' In The Pieces By: Heather Cyms

This winter season brought about many changes for many sports teams. The Girl's Varsity Basketball team was just one of them. After losing the majority of their key starting players to graduation last year, the team spent their season rebuilding. Such players as Seniors Alison Goeke and Susan Schmitt, Juniors Elandra Farrior, Liz White, Paula Basco, Kerry Christofolletti, Melanie Furda, Beth Ryfinski, and Carol Scanlon, Sophomores Kelly Blackburn and Jen Ress, and Freshmen Jen Hanlon and Amy Cooke made for much new progress. Senior Alison Goeke was an outstanding floor leader, and was one of the best defensive players on the team this year. Sophomore Kelly Blackburn, with her great outside shot, emerged as a very valuable player for the Irish and looks to be so in years to come. Such dominant Junior players like Elandra Farrior, Beth Ryfinski, Liz White, and Kerry Cristofoletti


gave the team much hope for an even more promising 19929.3 season. After a disheartening early season, the Varsity Girls Basketball team showed their talent in the game against Trenton. This victory of 54-46 gave our growing team renewed confidence. The win was not expected, and it boosted the hopes of the team as well as of their co-coaches, Sharon Mitchell and Anne DeMille. The Girls' Varsity Basketball team finished the season, after all the long hours of practice and many intensive games, while looking forward to an even better season next year. The changes and rebuilding of the Notre Dame Girls Varsity Basketball team showed the strength and will of Notre Dame athletes who contribute their stamina and skill as pieces of the great picture of Notre Dame athletics.

Page 226/ Varsity girls Basketball/ top row: Elandra Farrior, Amy Cooke, Liz White, Kerri Cristofoletti, Kelly Blackburn, Carol Scanlon , Paula Bacso, Melanie Furda. Bottom Row: Beth Ryfinskim Jen Ress, Alison Goeke, Susan Schmidt, Jennifer Hanlon, Jennifer Cubberly. Page 227 I Top left/ Watch out girls, here I come! J{el/y Blackburn goes for a pass. Top Right/ You can do it: Liz White! Bottom left/ Reach for the stars: Jen Ress. Bottom Middle/ Amy Cooke jumps 'to strive for the points. Bottom Right/ J. V. Oirls Basketball: Top Row/ Jody Meszaros, Dona Kondash , Arienne Poux, Rebecca Ward. Bottom Row: Brandy Layton, Michele Armani, Babs Briliantine.


Top Left/ Lining up her shot: Sue Schmidt shooting a foul shot. Top Right/ Air Ress: Jen Ress goes to the hole. Bottom Left/ Give me that: Beth Ryfinski gets the rebound . Bottom Right/ Look at that form: Kelly Blackburn takes a shot.

Track: Don't You Get Dizzy? By Chris DeLiberto In putting Notre Dame's Vinter Track team together, ·ach and every individual had o " rise to the occasion". hroughout the year, that's :xactly what they did. The oys went on to complete yet nother undefeated season •th a record ofll-0, while the iris turned out a good showg of 8-3. Coming out on top the Colonial Valley Confernee, these teams brought deermination to their sucesses. "We've been through it all: now, heat, hallways and tairs. We worked hard to get here we are", commented ior Steve Rendek and Don nbauer. A boys' squad packed with iors, this Irish team domited the County and continits undefeated streak of wins in the past 2 v2 years. n Beym, Sean Maxwell, Rendek, Brendan Biruk,


Don Eigenbauer, and John Belz compiled the Senior strength while Jim Primerano, Pete Santiago, Ryan Mullen, Eric Wills, and Anthony Inverso made their contributions to the team as the dominating Juniors. Always striving for improvement and success, the team came but points away from Notre Dame's first State Title. Although the crown went to Woodrow Wilson High School, Notre Dame was proud to have two State Champions among its athletes. Jon Beym and Eric Wills walked off with the State Titles in the one- and two-mile events. Congratulations on an excellent performance, guys! Turning to the girls' side, they really "put it together" this season as well. Surpassing most expectations, their season was one to be proud of. Defeating arch-rivals Stein-

LEAP LEIGH! Leigh Campbell flies over a hurdle.

ert and Hopewell, each individual made the difference. Standing out among the pack were Senior Leigh Campbell, Junior Rose Vidal, Sophomores Jenn Middleton and Denise Larrson, and Freshman Nicole Johnson. With pride and leadership on their side, these girls stood out as one of the most competitive teams in the County. Highlighting this past season by standing out as top scorers, Jon Beym, Sean Maxwell, Rose Vidal, Denise Larrson, and Jenn Middleton put forth their best effort in every meet and excelled in their individual events, as well as leading their team to victory. Of course, no team, no matter how strong or talented, can be ultimately successful without the dedication and leadership of coaches. Notre Dame was lucky to have three of the best coaches in the

County head this talented group of individuals. Coaches Joe Wroblewski, Joe McLaughlin, and Tim Heitzman not only gave their support during meets, but they also trained individually with their athletes, scouted other competitors, determined what was needed to win, and gave their all in helping to unify their teams. In doing all this, they put together a track team like no other. The mixture of personalities, characteristics, and talents only added to the teams' uniqueness. All in all, the 1992 Winter Track team not only "put together" an outstanding season, but they also stood out as prime examples of Notre Dame's fine athletic ability and true, overall talent. Congratulations on a GREAT year, everyone!!

HE' S UNBELIEVABLE! Sean Maxwell-always in prime form!


Page 230/ Top Left/ A HOP, SKIP AND A LEAP! Don Eigenbauer jumps over a hurdle. Top Right/ IN FULL STIDE! Pete Santiago goes all out. Middle/ 1992 BOYS WINTER TRACK TEAM: Front/ Ryan Brennan, Jim Primerano, Dennis Murphy, Tim Mitzen, Ed Totten, Antony lnverso, Mark Burnett, Nick DeMaio, Mike Celentana, Jim Thoennes. Middle/ Eric Wills, Chris Hietzman, Dave Martinez, Pete Santiago, Justin Burroughs, Mike Swieconek, Adam Smith, Matt Mannion, Mike Gresko, Arrow Double, David Greska, John Belz. Back/ Coach Wroblewski, Jim Lynch, Jon Beym, Steve Rendek, Jerry Nisar, Dan Mullen, Dorian Demski, Don Eigenbauer, Mark Reggimenti, Ryan Mullen, Lou Crivelli, Mike Bartram, George Schlieben, Coach McLaughlin. Bottom Right/ A MILE OR TWO LATER Jon Beym and Eric Wills take a breather. Bottom Leftj LEGS DON'T FAIL ME NOW! Denise Larrson takes her place on the line. 0




Page 231/Top Left/ NO PAIN , NO GAIN! Jim Primerano runs his heart out. Top Right/ LEAPING TALL HURDLES IN A SINGLE BOUND! Ryan Mullen cruises over a Hurdle. Middle/ 1992 Oirls Winter Track Team: Front/ Kristine O ' Keefe, Niki Tweed , Denise Larrson, Leigh Campbell , Erin Bradburn. Middle/ Sophie Noncent, Mary Heitzman, Colleen O 'keefe, Courtney Knox , Julie Altiere, Rose Vidal. Back/ Statisticians- Kate Hess and Chris DiLiberto , Glenda Jean-Louis, Vanessa Vaughn, Beth Sieban, Jen Middleton. Bottom Left/ COMING UP FROM BEHIND! Mike Swieconek passes an opponent. Bottom Right/ I THINK I CAN! Courtney Knox races to the finish .


Bowling: The Completing Piece The pins were knocked out of place as our bowling team found their position in the N.D. sports puzzle. The Notre Dame bowling team's rolling enthusiasm and effort brought it great success this year. Mr. Steve Schultz, the team's coach, credited their achievements to the team's "cooperation and teamwork as well as a very competitive spirit." The record for 1991-92 season was very impressive. The boys' varsity average ranged from 150-170, and the girls' bowled an average score ranging from 115-136. The highest scoring males

were Brook McNichol, with a 169 average, and Sammy Battista, close behind with a 165 average score, as highest. Mr. Schultz recalled the most memorable matches of the season. For the boys, it was when they shot a 943 series, the highest in five years, against Hatboro Horsham, and for the girls, they took total pins by three points over, also against Hatboro Horsham. This year the boys team ranked sixth out of fourteen, and the girls ranked fifth. Sammy Battista reflected his view of this sport by saying, "It's an excellent sport, and I

By: Caroline Zaleski

think that more people should participate in it." Now looking towards the future, Mr. Schultz said, "My bowlers are serious about this sport for college teams, intramurals, and, of course, for fun." Mark Watson, a junior on the team, is also looking forward towards a dominating season next year. N.D.'s bowling team is helping us complete the N.D. sports puzzle through their talent, spirit, and the desire to achieve the very best!

Page 232/ WOOOOOSH! Kevin McEieoy. Top/ BOYS VARSITY BOWL/NO TEAM: Front Row: Bill Whartenby, Kevin McElroy, John Bochiaro, Sean Coley, Mike Guglielmo, Mr. Schultz (coach) Back Row: Adam Bucon, John Marchant, Mark Watson, Sammy Battista, Todd Maklary, Jeff Zygmunt. Bottom Right/ TAKING SCORE: Sammy Battista. Page 233/ Top Left/ GIRLS VARSITY BOWLING TEAM/ Front Row: Alex Kraun , Chris Guido, Chris Plotka. Back Row: Angel Jones, Sal Armenti, Lori VanEmburgh. Top Right/ GIRLS J.V. BOWLING TEAM: Kathleen Carson, Nicole Bummara, Tanya Brown, Denna Ware. Bottom Left/ AND IT'S OFF! Alex Kraun. Bottom Right/ PERFECT FORM: Bill Whartenby.


Puzzle Of The Pom-Poms By Michael Bartram

Who are the busiest pieces of NO's athletic puzzle? Is it: a) the coaches, b) the players, c) the fans? The correct answer is: none of the above! Rather, the busiest people in ND sports are the Cheerleaders! They are the only ones who are part of a two-season committment. Not only are they "permanent fixtures" at soccer and football games in the fall, but they also attend Boys' and Girls' Basketball games in the winter. Cheerleading is more than just "standing on the sidelines and looking pretty"; it is a full-time committment that requires a tremendous amount of dedication and enthusiasm. Junior Jamie Papa said, "Many people may say that cheerleading is not a sport, but how can they, when we practice and attend games just like any other team?" The cheerleaders never have time to rest. If they are not cheering, or learning new routines, they are making banners or baking for the


players, for example. This year was an extra-special year for our cheerleaders because, for the first time ever, there was an All-American Cheerleader among them: Senior Kelley Farrior. Kelley was named "All-American " by the National Cheerleading Association, and she was one of fifty girls chosen from over five hundred contestants. The honor was bestowed upon her at a camp which was attended by the team this summer. Reflecting on this honor, Kelley said, "It's something that really made me feel great because I never thought that I could do it. I was so proud to receive that honor." Kelley was one of the Fall Captains, along with Dawn Witkowski. This year's Winter Captains were Kris Frascella and Kris Coluccio. Perhaps the most important person to the Varsity Cheerleaders is their coach, Mrs. Miller, who is in her eighth season as the team's mentor. It gives her great

pleasure to do what she does. " I love what I do, not for myself, but for the girls; they're happiness is first, " said Mrs. Miller. When asked why she does it, she said "Through all the long hours, the inclement weather, and even the defeats, Notre Dame Spirit is what it is all about." Mrs. Miller's attitude reflects the heart and soul of the cheerleading program. "We just have a lot of fun which makes it so special because we've been together for four years. We're great friends which makes it all worthwhile," said Senior Becky Krollman. Not to go unnoticed, however, are the Junior Varsity and Freshman Cheerleaders who hope to one day be like their " inspirations" : the Varsity girls. For as much as they move and as busy as they are, the cheerleaders always see to find a way to fit in their important piece of the NO sports puzzle just fine.

Page 235/ Top Lett/ Varsity Cheerleaders. Top Right/ We 're too sexy: Kyle Pultorak and Jen Segretario. Middle Lett/ Pyramid Power. Middle Right/ The All American, f{el/ey Farrior Bottom/ J. V. Cheerleaders










Mary Liz Ivins Assistant Principal

David Milinowicz Assistant Principal

Sister Mary Harold Administrative Assistant

Mary Ann Liptak. Dean of Academic Studies

Reverend Dennis Apoldite Chaplain

Vincent Ardery Director of Athletics

Kathleen Cevera Director of Guidance


William Wnek Business Manager

A Day In The Life Of Sister Josita By Chris castagna

This is a person that you have definitely seen before, whether she was helping you to find information, assisting you with books, or even asking you to quiet down and do your work. Who could this person be you ask? Why, Sr. Joslta, of courser Without a doubt, Sr. Josita Is one of the most important people in the school. Mr. carr says "Sr. Josita has a real sense of dedication. She really cares about our students. She is a very positive person, and this makes talking to her an uplifting experience. Her presence commands a lot of respect." She helps to fit many of the academic pieces of the puzzle together. Mrs. Marchant, Notre Dame's librarian, feels that "without the services of Sr. Joslta, I would be lost." Sr. Josita grew up In the Trenton area. She attended high school at cathedral High School. She then went on to GearCourt College and Fordham unlverShe says that she loves the Trenton because of "being born and raised In area and having her whole family rby." Notre Dame has been lucky enough to Sr. Joslta for the last eleven years. has been assistant librarian for all of ese years. Before coming to Notre· , ...,...,....,• .o., however, Sr. Josita worked at

many different schools. She worked as Assistant Principal at camden catholic High School, she was Principal of Phillipsburg Catholic High School, and Guidance Director of St. Mary's in South and Perth Amboy. She also taught at Holy Spirit High School in Atlantic City. In addition she also taught the sciences at all of the above schools, her favorite subject being Biology. Sr. Josita describes the way she started working at Notre Dame as a "happy accident. I had been working at St. Mary's and it was shut down because of financial reasons. The reverend Mother approached me and said that Notre Dame was looking for someone for the library and asked if I would be Interested. I was delighted because of the school, and I also wanted to be in the area with my family again." Notre Dame is very fortunate for that "accident." As Assistant Ubrarian, Sr. Josita's duties include "a little bit of everything:'' She works in the circulation of bookschecking them out and taking returned books, helping students with reference material, and finding books, and she is also responsible for helping and working with classes that come Into the library. Sr, Josita says that she ef\joys Notre

Left: Smiling pretty Sister Joslta. Right: Sister Jostta helping Steve Storie.

Dame very much. Most of all she job. She enjoys the interaction ulty and students. Sr. Josita says jokingly that what amazes her the most about Notre Dame students is th~r ability to work through research m ial in three to four minutesl Sr. Josita loves her job especi~be­ cause of her co-worker Mrs. Marchant. Sr. says "I work with her, not just for her. Mrs. Marchant is truly tireless. Our relationship is perfect. We are extre Jy close and very compatible." Obviously, Mrs. Marchant expresses the same view, "I respect and admire Sr. Joslta. She is a dear friend and my 'therapist'." In Sr. Joslta's free time, she lov travel. Among h favorite trips site has taken have e Holy Land and St. tea orne. She has travPeter's elled extensively in Europe, Asia, Mrica, Canada, and all over the United States. She says that she would love to go back to all of these places. Notre Dame Is lucky to have such a wonderful person as Sr. Joslta In our community. She truly deserves the gratitude of all. Without her the Notre Dame puzzle would not be completer

Faculty JohnArche Physical Education Department

Eileen Ancrum English Department

Carl Anderson English Department

David Argese Math Department

Josephine Burzachiell Bernard Boyle Business Department

Robert Bugdal Co-Director of Development

History Department, Discipline



Math Department

Susan Coppock Science Department

Bernadette caucci


Art Department



Religion Department

English Department

Michael Dennehy Religion and Guidance Department

OaryDambro Physical Bducation Department

Patricia Dempsey Language Department

Mary DePuglio Language and Guidance Department


Oiampetro History Department

f'rank Oatto Guidance Department

Sheila Oavin English Department



Oibilisco Performing A Department

Faculty Deborah

Oottuso Language Department


Grissinger Math Department

John Orussler Audio-Visual

Richard Ousciora Science Department

MarieHage English Department

Marlbeth Hardiman Business Department

Karen Henkel English l>eJ:llrlment

C •


Religion fiepartment

Bill James History Department

Sister Mary Joachim Guidance Department

Beverly Bailey Keams Science Department


Kelly Religion Department

Oloriann Kyte Math Department

Eileen Lang English Department

Sister Marie Jose Math Department

Sharon Karplck Religion Department


Leonard Marbury Margaret Lynch Math Department

Barbara Major Physical Education Chairperson

Language Department

Cynthia Marchant Head Librarian

Donna Mcinerney History Department

Mary Lynn Martin Religion Department

Jean McGraw History Department

Charles Moore Co-Director of Development

LoisOml Elsie Moore Physical Education Department

Sister Josita O'Hara Assistant Librarian

Science Department

Michael Perone Science Department

Unda Regan Business Chairperson

Norma Persinger Public Relations

Nancy Pica Math Department

George Reither Religion Department

Louis Rotondo History Department

Brenda Riley English Department

William Romano History Department. Discipline


Margaret Rovello Physical Education Department

Mrs. Salcewicz ... Our ''Service Lady'' By Nick Barbosa

What does service, dedication, and Notre Dame have in common? The an ~ swer to that puzzling question can be found in an out-of-the-way office in B-hall near the cafeteria. Mrs. Judy Salcewicz, alias "the service lady," is the key piece in one of the most proud parts of Notre Dame activities: the service program. She "puts it all together" when it comes to reaching out to serve the needs and con~ cerns of people in the Trenton area. Mrs. Salcewicz first came to Notre Dame in 1972 after graduating from Tren~ ton State College as a teacher in the English department. After two years, she took a break from teaching to have her first child, Patty, now in her junior year here, and then, Sean, a Notre Dame freshman. Mrs. Salcewicz grew up in the same area as another ND teacher, Mr. Wroblewski, in South Bound Brook. Five more years went by, and Mrs. Salcewicz decided she needed to get back to work as a teacher. She again applied as a teacher at ND, which was under new administration, and was lucky to be hired as a Religion teacher because of the shortage of teaching jobs at that time. This all took place eleven years ago. When Mrs. Salcewicz was asked about her position as "the service lady", she said that receiving it was by chance. She said that one day early in the year, she was called down to the new principal's office, and Fr. Hughes told her about a new service program. The only catch was that she was the one to organize and take control of it! The service program started

off struggling with only nine people in her single service class. Even when it was just getting started, she applied all her efforts and helped it through that first stage. As the years went by, enthusiasm among the students grew and so did her honors service classes, which can be taken senior year and are in charge of setting up the various ND service projects. Mrs. Salcewicz likes her job because of the people around her. Unlike many other teachers, she is in contact with students throughout their high school lives and is able to watch them from the time they first "get their feet wet" to the time they are involved and enjoy doing service for others. She also likes her job because she thinks it's important, because it exposes people to the problems we as a community face. Mrs. Salcewicz is a great example of self dedication, or so our local "holy man" says. Fr. Dennis spoke of her ,as "a guideline of how we should commit ourselves to the work we do." She is a teacher, a mother, a friend, and "the service lady". Even with all these activities, she has found time to author a book. She put together Notre Dame's service program and runs it today. It was Mrs. Salcewicz who began putting the puzzle of service together and still adds the new pieces, we students, today, and for that ND says, "Thanks to you, Mrs. Salcewicz!" She also won the award of an "outstanding volunteer administrator for the state of N.J."

Physical Education Fitting Us Together By Babs Brilliantine

"Line up in your squads!" These words often start off yet another class of Phystcal Education for Notre Dame students. As for the teachers, they have already started their day with preparation for all of their class activities. These teachers are ever ready to affirm the students in that everyone has athletic ability. These teachers help "put it all together," the students' talents, to make a quality player out of every student. The Physical Education Department consists of: Mr. Archer, Mr. Dambro, Mrs. Koschek, Mrs. Major, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Rovello, and Mr. Simone. Each of these teachers contributes a great amount of time and talent to Notre Dame, and they host other activities here at NO as well. When not teaching in the gym, these teachers keep themselves helpful in other things involved with Notre Dame. Mr. Archer teaches Driver's Education, First Aid, and "Behind the Wheel," along with supervising detention. Mr. Dambro coaches and is the driving force behind the winning Boys Wrestling team and also teaches First Aid. Mrs. Koschek teaches Driver's Education and is also the successful coach of the Girls Soccer team.




Mrs. Major is the coach of the victorious Girls Field Hockey team (both girls' coaches celebrated their 200th wins as coaches last year). Mrs. Moore teaches a Sports Medicine class which the students have said is a complete joy having her as a teacher. Mrs. Rovello was the Girls JV Field Hockey coach until this year and now contributes by her tidiness around the gym equipment. Mr. Simone is the Boys Varsity Basketball coach as well as being part of the Guidance Department. These "Grade A" teachers do many other activities and teach everything from learning how to check a pulse to "digging" in volleyball. They believe in every student and feel that all of their students are capable of anything if the student is willing to learn. A Physical Education teacher's day is filled with "little victories" throughout the events taking place. For the teachers, seeing a student accomplish something in class about which they were lacking confidence is just one of those successes. The classes get so exciting sometimes that the teachers get as involved as the students. Their control over the students has never been a problem, and disciplinary situa

takes a break from her day.

tions are highly irregular. All through the day, these teachers walk in and out of their offices and teach the students not only athletics but also self-confidence, spirit, and how to work as a team. Reassurance is another one of their qualities which they give to the students. If a student has a hard time, the teacher takes the time to walk through it with them step-by-step. This year a new system was enacted to concentrate on the cardio-vascular system. The teachers felt it would help get the hearts of the students in better shape since the students' hearts are so valuable for their future. This system includes leglifts, cross-country, sit-ups, push-ups, and many other exercises. The students check their own pulse between exercises. Patience is a virtue to some, but to these Physical Education teachers, it is an everyday practice. Their patience is only part of the puzzle that completes the wonderful finished picture of ND Physical Education. They are always willing to contribute more than expected to make their Physical Education Department the best it can be.

Mr. Archer or is it Father Archer?

Faculty/Staf Judith Salcewicz Religion Department

Gregory Schafer Math Department

Paul Schirmer Religion Departmenf

Steven Schultz Language Department

John Simone Guidance Department

Bernice Tattory School Nurse

argo ~llsh

Department and Performing Arts

Robert Wood Language

Joseph Wroblewski Science Department

Margaret Wroblewski History Department

Mary Ann Hoch Principal Office

Patricia Jingoli Attendence

Teddy Meagher Tuition

Peggy Miller Ouklance Depa ent

Beverly Klek Athletic Office

Harriet Lloyd

Dorothy Olech Guidance Department

Irene Palombi Main Office

Dot Riley Maintenance Department

Harry Riley Maintenance Department

Linda Wright Main Office

Linda Wyers Discipline


The faculty's Newest Pieces By Kelly Neal And Chrissy DiLiberto

As a person putting together a puzzle finds new pieces, so too did Notre Dame's faculty find new members to add to their family puzzle this year. Accepting six new teachers into the close-knit community of faculty was an adjustment, but one welcomed by both teachers and students. Bringing with them unique personalities and fresh new ideas, these teachers were able to adapt quite easily to their new surroundings, yet there were always some hesitations. As Mrs. Caucci, the new Art teacher stated, "Thirty pairs of anxiously waiting eyes are looking at you to fill their minds with knowledge. This can be quite a challenge, especially with the extra pressure of being a new 路 teacher. "

Ms. Omland Ms. E.oppock

Others brought into our Notre Dame family this year included: Ms. Coppock, Mr. Czajkowski, Ms. Gottuso, Ms. Herrick, and Ms. Omland. Many of these newcomers mentioned their enthusiasm in becoming a part of Notre Dame. And often teachers remarked that " the transition was made much easier due to the well-disciplined students and their eagerness to learn." Although their positions as teachers held a great amount of authority, they felt close to their students and easily communicated with them on a daily basis. Even though being a new face in a strange place can make things a little difficult, as Ms. Omland stated, "It's like riding a bike, once you learn how to do it, you 'll never forget."

Mr. Czajkowski Ms. Herrick

Just as students move on after a year of learning and experiencing new ideas and talents, so also do these new teachers graduate from being the "freshmen" of the faculty and blend in with the wellknown Notre Dame community. As six pieces are added to our puzzle, the picture of Notre Dame's education comes to a whole. A word of thanks is given to all the teachers who have dedicated themselves to helping their students advance, not only in school, but also in lifer You have given us the keys to the world so that we may open the doors to the future. We thank you for all that you have done!

Mrs. Caucci Ms. Gottuso


P. R. Persinger! By Michael Shapson As September brought freshmen eager to take their first steps as high school students, Ms. Persinger was anxious to put Notre Dame's public relations department on its feet. Public relations is a new department at Notre Dame, which officially opened September 16, under Ms. Persinger, herself a Notre Dame Graduate, Class of 1979. The department was created in order to inform the community on the major affairs that occur within Notre Dame and to attract future students. Ms. Persinger enjoys her position and also delights in the strong "family atmosphere" that pervades throughout the school. Ms. Persinger works to see that the pieces of the Notre Dame puzzle appear in place for the community. "I like the position because it is very people- oriented," said Ms. Persinger, who is gifted with the talents necessary


for dealing with the public, such as her creativity and being very personable. Promoting the school to the public is the first order of business for the department. This is done through publicity and press releases which she writes herself. Ms. Persinger, a rapidly advancing, novice photographer, also takes the pictures that accompany each release. In order to attract future students, she visits with the eighth grades of parochial schools where she speaks to them of the benefits of a Notre Dame education. "Notre Dame has a solid academic curriculum, balanced with a strong sports program," Ms. Persinger said. The visitation of elementary schools is not the limit of Ms. Persinger's efforts to draw students to Notre Dame. She also consults with local relocation agencies, meets with prospective freshmen par-

ents, conducts the open houses, and informs the newspapers of important events Ms. Persinger would like the newspapers to associate Notre Dame with a wide variety of areas. "My biggest challenge is to get the newspaper to cooperate in exposing our name more often with things outside of sports," Ms. Persinger said. Her goal is to help people "find out how good we really are" and "not just believe it from hearsay". Ms. Persinger will also expand her department to work with development and alumni through events such as reunions. "I feel I have the advantage of having gone to school here because if you are going to promote something you must believe in it first. And I believe in Notre Dame."

Mrs. Olech


It All Togetherll By Caroline Zaleski

The student body of Notre Dame -appre~ dates each member of the faculty and staff, but one stands out in their minds: Mrs. Dorothy Olech. She helps the seniors 'put it all together' for their journey to the college/post~high school way of life, and what a "puzzle" that is! Mrs. Olech joined the Notre Dame fam~ ily in 1974 by becoming a volunteer. In August of 1975, she began working fulltime in the Guidance Office, preparing the seniors for college. Among her duties, she makes sure that the teachers write and give senior recommendations and that the seniors have filled out their applications and tran~ scripts for college. Her guiding way proves to be helpful, as Chuck Ramsey, a senior, said, "Without Mrs. Olech's help I would not have been able to get organized." When asked what she loves most about her job, Mrs. Olech said, "I love it when a student gets accepted to the college of their choice and also giving work to the counselors, like senior transcripts, applications and school report forms." When

asked what she likes least about her job, she replied, "When seniors hand me lastminute applications ... " Mrs. Olech has been happily married for .38 years and is the mother of two children. Her most fondly remembered experience takes us back to 1977, when her daughter, a senior, played basketball for Notre Dame. "It was the last quarter of the game with Jess than a minute remaining, and Hightstown was ahead by one point. Then my daughter shot the ball, scored, and we won!" said Mrs. Olech. Maybe this can explain Mrs. Olech's in~ volvement with the senior class and "her helpful concern for all those who need it," as one senior said. "And it's her generosity and a very, very friendly personality that helps us get through the day," Mr. Dennehy put it. The dedication, time, and effort Mrs. Olech has put into her job is "invaluable" as Mr. Dennehy shared. Notre Dame would not be the same place without her. So, we say, "Thank You, Mrs. Olech!" for ajob well done and especially for helping us 'put it all together' for our futures!!

Mrs. Olech. The seniors would like to thank-you for all the time and effort you have put in organizing and helping us with our application and transcripts for college. Thank-You!


Abaid, Michael 70 Abbott.... Marc 126 Abitabilo, Jeff 138 Aconi, Victor 148 Adams, Lori 70 Agabiti, Maria Angela 126 Alexander, Julia M. 138 Alfano, Melissa 138, 207 Ali, Ahmad Ibn 70, 170 Alia, Daniel 148 Alia, Kristen 70, 104, 165, 172 Alicea, Elvis 70, 96 Altiere, Julie Ann 213, 177, 162, 126, 231 Altobelli, Lisa 148 Alvarado, Roger Edward 148 Alvarez, Heatherlinn 148 Amaral, Daniel E. 148 Amari, Michele 126, 227 Amico, Jennifer 138, 164 Andrako, Amy 70, 79 Andrako, Thomas 148, 174 Andrews, Calista 70 Angelini, Cara 70 Angelucci, Henry Jr. 71 Angyal, Margaret 138, 171 Applegate, Jeremy 138, 225, 224 Ardery, Vincent 126, 224 Arfsten, Derek 138 Argumedes, Sandra 126 Armenti, Salva trice 138, 167, 173, 233 Arnold, Jennifer 148 Astbury, Jason 148, 214 Augustin, William R. 138, 167, 177, 171 Aversano, Joelle 148 Azzaro, Diana Maria 138 Azzinaro, Christina 148


Bacso, Paula Helen 169, 126, 162,227 Bailey, Brenda 126 Baker, AI en E. 126 Baker, Andrea E. 148 Baker, Joseph J. 138 Baker, Patrick 71, 170 Bakun, Deborah 71, 168, 169, 163, 162 Baldino, Christina 138 Balerna, Kris 71 Balik, Micaelle 166, 169, 177, 172, 126, 175 Ballarotto, Tiffanni Dawn 170, 126 Banfield, Mary Elizabeth 126 Barbosa, Nicholas III 166, 167, 177,176,126,162,220,175 Barcarola, Susan Marie 71, 70, 164 Barria, Lorena Ivette 138 Barta, Joseph 148 Bartram, Michael 164, 166, 177, 176,126,162,230,174,175 Battista, Sammy 126, 233 Baxter, Eric 126 Baylog, Jeffrey 71 Beihl, Darren 148 Beihl, Shawn 71, Bellardo, Angela 71 Belmont, Meghan 148, 172 Belz, Erin Eileen 148, 169, 177 Belz, John Robert 72, 83, 230 Bendas, Adam 72 Bendas, Daniel S..138, 176, 220 Bender, Jason 138 Bennett, Orrin Paul Jr. 148 Bentz, Bridget 72, 82, 167, 168, 169, 163, 174, 175 Bernhard, Karen 138, 207 Bernhard, Stacey 138, 207 Bersch, Michele 72, 89 Bertan, James 126 Beym, Jonathan 72, 209, 230 Bilenski, Gregory E. 148 Binder, Brian 138, 220

Bires, Joseph 72, 209, 162 Biruk, Brendan 72, 209 Biruk, Chad 214, 126 Bisaccia, Anthony 148, 220 Blackburn, Kelly Lynn 138, 227 Blake, Katrina D. 126, 174 Blundell, Angela 148 Bocchini, Nicole 148 Bochiaro, John 126, 233 Bock, Christopher R. 148 Bodnar, Jillanne 126 Bogda, Melissa 138, 164 Bolster, David Richard 72 Bonanni, Jamie L. 207, 126 Bonanno, Theresa C. 138, 167, 220 Boswell, Amber J. 138 Boucher, Joshua T. 138 Bovasso, Stephanie 138 Bowden, Brandyn 148 Bowling, Janine 148 Bozek, Anthony 148 Bozowski, Anthony 138, 220 Bozowski, Stacy 148, 169 Bradburn, Briget 209, 166, 167, 177,126,162,220,174 Bradburn, Erin 138, 201, 231 Branham, Kristen Lynn 207, 126 Breining, Christopher 72, 196 Brelsford, Warren Jr. 126 Brennan, Aileen M. 138 Brennan, Courtney 148, 201 Brennan, Hope 73, 86 Brennan, Jennifer Susan 148 Brennan, John 126 Brennan, Ryan 209, 126, 231 Brenner, Christopher 138 Brenner, David 73, 166, 167, 169, 163, 174 Breza, Chris 138, 225, 224 Brilliantine, Barbara 166, 169, 177,126,227 Broach, Jared 138, 225 Broach, Raymond Marcus 73, 96,224 Brophy, L. John III 126 Brower, Cynthia 73 Brown, Alexander J. 148 Brown, Barbara G. Brown, Glenn 148, 214 Brown, Jerry 148

Brown, Katherine 1.38 Brown, Matthew Barrett 148 Brown, Tanya N. 164, 126, 2.3.3 Brunner, Neil 72 Bucchere, Jonathan 1.38, 196, 224 Bucchino, Leonard A. III 148 Buckley, Phillip 7.3 Bucon,Adam 166,126, 2.3.3, 174, 175 Budd, Ian 1.38 Bugdal, Jacqueline 205, 166, 162, 126 Bugter, J. Jason 7.3, 74 Bummara, Nicole 148, 169, 2.3.3 Burke, Ryan 1.38 Burnett, Mark David 1.38, 2.30 Burns, Robert 148 Burroughs, Justin 74, 196, 2.30 Burzachiello, Ann Marie 1.38 Burzachiello, Michael 148 Burzachiello, Steven A. 148 Bush, Tammy 74 Butera, Melissa Ann 126 Butler, Elizabeth A. 171, 126 Buttaci, Vincent 126 Byers, Aaron 148 Byers, Jason M. 1.38 Byrne, Kimberly A. 148

----e-Cachola, Theodore 74 , Calianese, Jennifer 74 Callan, Alyson 126 Campana, Christine 1.38 Campana, Jason 148 Campanella, Todd 74 Campbell, Jennifer 148 Campbell, Leigh 74, 169, 2.31 Campbell, Stephen 74, 170 Caperna, Julie Lynn 1.38, 220 Caperna, Katie 74, 164, 162 Carabelli, Anthony P. Jr. 1.38, I 169 Carabelli, Vanessa Ann 75, 165 Cardiello, James 148 !carlisle, Nicholas A. 148 II

Carroll, Marcia 148 Carroll, Susan 126 Carson, Kathleen Patricia 148, 2.3.3 Cartlidge, Brendan 126, 220 Cartlidge, Ryan 148 Caruso, Todd M. 171, 126 Castagna, Christine Marie 169, 75, 105, 167, 177, 172, 16.3 Castellano, Peter 148 Cattani, Melissa 166, 169, 171, 126 Cefalone, Melissa 162, 126 Celentana, Michael 1.38, 2.30, 175 Celentano, Leigh 1.38, 175 Cereste, Vincent 126 Cevera, George 126 Chapman, Craig 1.38, 166 Chebra, Kristin 167, 166, 169, 171, 126, 174 Chebra, Nicole M. 171, 126 Cherny, Amber 75 Chiarchiaro, Christina 126 Chiarchiaro, Melissa 1.38 Chmiel, Mark 1.38 Choquette, Danielle 1.38 Choquette, Deborah R. 126, 220 Chmelich, Amy 1.38, 199 Chrnelich, Benjamin 75, 196, 165, 176, 16.3 Chrnelich, Kathryn 148, 199 Chrysoulakis, Angelo 75, 97, 214 Ciaccio, Jennifer 75 Cifelli, Michael 1.39, 225 Cifelli, Simeraldo 149 Cimino, John 126 Cintron, Marisol 1.39, 164, 169 Cipriano, Ashley M. 1.39, 220 Cipullo, Joanne 127, 165 Cirillo, Heather 149 Cirillo, Renee 127, 207 Clausen, Susanne 1.39 Coe, Adrienne Marie 75, 105, 171 Coelho, Sohail 1.39 Cole, Jennifer 122 Coleman, Daniel James Jr. 149 Coley, Jill 75, 168, 169, 17.3, 16.3,162

Coley, Sean 149, 220 Callender, frederick W. 127 Colon, Jennifer 1.39, 207 Coluccio, David P. 149 Coluccio, Douglas 76, 98, 164, 165 Coluccio, Kristine 76, 88 Comer, Daniel C. 127, 164, 169, 175 Comer, Kathryn B. 149, 220 Conboy, Sarah 127 Connolly, Ryan 1.39 Conrad, Steven 149 Constance, Michelle 76 Contento, Robert 127 Conway, Edward 127, 165 Cooke, Amy 149 Cooper, Tracey L. 1.39 Corban, Jennifer 127, 171 Corboy, Kelly 127 Corsi, Nicole Marie 149 Cox, Sean 76, 196, 217 Crawford, Tracey Anne 72, 105, 169, 172, 16.3, 174 Cristofoletti, Kerry 128, 227 Cristofoletti, Kevin 149 Crivelli, Louis 164, 166, 169, 177,176, 128,2.30, 174,175 Crivelli, Marco 149 Cseh, Christine 169, 128 Cseh, William R. 149 Cubberley, Jennifer Marie 166, 172, 128, 174 Cutchineal, Amy 76, 16.3 Cutchineal, Cara 128 Cyms, Heather Elizabeth 166, 169, 177, 128, 174, 175 Cyms, Rebecca A. 150 Czabafy, Jeno C. 128 Czako, Michael 128 Czarnik, Victoria 171, 128 Czyzyk, Christa 1.39, 164 Czyzyk, Jill 76, 165, 169, 16.3, 162, 175

D'Angelo, Koren 169, 177, 128


D'Errico, Tara 150 Daly, Chris 150 Danberry, Christi N. 128 Dane, Jason 217, 128 Daniels, Dwyan 150 Daniels, Scott 150 Darchuk, Brett 150 Darchuk, Edward 150 Daumer, Kathleen 1.39 David, Michael 1.39 David, William 1.39 Davies, Michael 128 Davino, Seth 214, 140 Davis, Adrian 76, 165, 224 Da~s,Joseph M. 150,170 Davis, Kareeme 150 Davis, Nicole Marie 199, 140 Davis, Sherri J. 150, 170 Dawson, Susan 177, 140 De Gaglia, Michael 128 De Jonge, Daniel J. 128 De Maio, Nicholas S. 164, 169, 128, 2.30, 175 Dearden, Lisa 150 Deasy, Sean 77 Decello, James 170, 128 Decker, Johanna 140 DeJonge, Michael 140 Delorenzo, Anthony L. 150, 171, 172 Delprado, Roger 169, 128 Demarco, Donna 77, 169, 16.3, 162 Demski, Dorian 209, 128, 2.30 Derstadt, Robert T. 150 Desandre, Kathleen 220, 140 Desfosse, Jane 128 Deverell, Michelle 140 Di Nola, Joanne 128 Dibenedetto, Da~d 77, 101 Difalco, Patricia 169, 177, 171, 128, 175 Diliberto, Christina 205, 165, 166, 167, 169, 177, 176, 16.3, 162, 128, 2.31, 174, 175 Dimarco, Christa Rose 150 Dinatale, Jennifer 128 Dolina, Kristin T. 150 Dominguez, Karen E. 169, 128 Donnelly, Erin 150 Donofrio, Frank 177, 171, 128


Double, Aaron G. 166, 169, 162, 128, 2.30 Dougherty, Brendan 128 Dow, Drew L. 150 Dowgin, Edward J. 150 Downing Aronya N. 140 DUQOW, Gregg Anthony 170, 128 Dubow, Sharon 150 Duca, Karleen A. 150 Dudley, Nicole 140 Duff, Brendan 77, 217 Duffy, Francis T. 140 Dugal, Jason 128 Dugas, Laryssa 140 Dunne, Kevin 140 Dzbenski, Wendy 140 Dzialo, Scott R. 128, 220

Eardley, Lori 77, 79, 205, 16.3, 174 Egloff, Katherine Eigenbauer, Donald 77, 16.3, 2.30 Eitzen, Cheryl 128 Eller, Timothy M. 150 Elliott, Gardea 150 Ellsworth, Jennifer 166, 167, 17.3, 172, 16.3, 128, 220, 175 Elrashedy, Maggie 140 Emde, Edward 128 Ercolano, Elisa 77

Famoso, Melissa A. 169, 128 Fanelli, Christine 77, 199 Fanikos, Anthony 150 Fanikos, Asteris 209, 217, 128 Fanning, Frank 78, 209 Fanning, Michael P. 128 Fares, Lauren Marie 150 Farina, Vincent 140 Farkas, Arthur 140

Farkas, Lesley 78, 218 Farkas, Thomas N. 150 Farrell, Manoly 140 Farrell, Thomas R. 150 Farrior, Elandra 128, 277 Farrior, Kelley 78, 169 Fato, Melissa 140, Fava, Chris166, 177,128,175 Fede, Matthew 167, 128 Feely, Virginia Eileen 150, 170 Fell, Amy M. 128 Feniello, Jennifer 150 Ferencz, Rachel 78 Ferris, Tori Ann 78, 89, 169 Fiandaca, Tara 199, 128 Fiasco, Ralph Jr. 220, 140 Field, Lorenzo 150 Fields, Esther 176, 128 Fiore, Jana Lynn 150, 171 Fiori, Cynthia H. 17.3, 128 Fitzgerald, Shannon 78 Fitzgibbon, Lyric 140 Fitzgibbon, Rebecca 205, 164, 177, 128 Fitzpatrick, Theresa E. 128 Fiumenero, Alasia 207 Flood, Brighid 207 Floyd, John 128 Foley, Jerome 78, 77 Fontana, Tina 140 Ford, Ayana 150 Forte, John 150 Foster, Mary Elizabeth 201, 169, 128 Fowler, Jason A. 129 Francisco, Richard 170 Fransckiewich, Christina 150, 172, 175 Franzoni, Alysia L. 140 Frascella, Kristine Ann 78 Frederick, Brandi E. 150 Fregans, Jonathan 129 Freit, Richard S. 150, 214 French, James 150 French, Jennifer 79, 105, 172, 220 French, Neil Thomas 140 Fritsch, Arthur John 150 Furda, Melony S. 129, 165, 227


Gaffney, Nicole 79, 72, 205 Gallagher, Brian 150 Gallo, Michelle L. 150 Gallucci, Kristina 129 Gappa, Steven 79 Garcia, Angelica 129, 166, 169, 177, 174, 175 Garcia, Marvin 79 Garrett, Erica 129 Gater, David 129, 174, 175 Gawroski, Donna 79, 94 167, 177, 172 Gaynor, Karen L. 150, 201 Gaynor, Kristine 79, 105 Gerepka, Jason 140 Gerstnicker, Lorrie 150 Giersch, Rebecca 79, 168, 169 Giglio, Christine 79 Giglio, Eileen 180, 164, 168, 169, 171, 172, 16.3 Gilbert, Martin L. 129 Gilbert, Donald 225 Gilli, Justin 80 Glahn, Amy 129 Glikas, J. Michael 140 Glover, Jamal R. 150, 209 I Goeke, Alison 80, 205, 168, 169,227 Goertz, William John 129 Gojaniuk, Christopher 140 Golab, Mark 140 Golden, Sean Martin 129 Goldman, John Thomas 150, 1 220 Gominiak, Beth 201, 166, 169 IGominiak, Robert 80, 76, 196, 164, 168, 169, 176, 16.3 Gonzalez, Peter 140 Gonzalez, Roberto 129 Goodrich, Christopher G. 169, 129, 196, 177 Gorczyca, Anna 140 pore, Amy Lynn 140 Corman, David 80 prady, Shante M. 129, 164 rasso, Debra M., 129, 167

Gray, Victoria Ann 140 Graziani, Michael 129 Graziani, William A. Graziano, Gia 175 Greco, Christina 80 Grecsek, Chad 140 Green, Sontice 150 Gregory, Kelly 80, 168, 169, 17.3, 16.3, 162, 174 Gresko, Michael D. 2.30 Grillo, Nicole 140 Grodzickyj, Nicky 80 Gruska, David 129, 209, 2.30 Gryziewicz, Robin Ann 140 Guarini, Richard E. 129 Guarno, Matthew 81, 170 Guglielmo, Michael 129, 2.3.3 Guhl, Meridith 129 Guido, Christine 81, 21.3, 2.3.3 Guido, Michael 140 Guiry, Lynn 140 Gulyas, Michael 129 Gunson, Christine 129, 199 Gutierrez, Edward 129, 165, 167, 169 Gutierrez, Jason 81, 169, 176, 16.3 Gutierrez, Millicent 150 Guzman, Jason 81

Haas, David M. 129 Hackett, Michael P. 196, 224 Haenni, Matthew 81, 170, 171 Hairston, Anastasia D. 171 Hamilton, Parnell 140 Hammer, Brian A. 150 Haney, Kristen A.167 Hand, Brian 81 Hand, Jennifer 207 Hanlon, Jennifer M. 150 Harding, Kyle Robert 141 Harkness, David John 150 Harkness, Megan Elizabeth Harris, Keith Obreen 164 Harris, Samieqa Ayana 151 Hartmann, Kelly 141, 207, 166

Hartpence, Rebecca 81, 165 Hayman, Megan 129 Hedgepeth, Sarah 81, 72, 205 Heenan, Holly 82 Heinz, Bridget Lea 220 Heinz, Laura 170, 171, 174 Heitzman, Christopher 82, 209, 2.30 Heitzman, Mary Elizabeth 151, 2.31 Henriquez, Madruge 151 Henriqueze, Gail 151 Hess, Catherine 21.3, 166, 167, 177, 162,2.31, 174,175 Hewitson, Scott Joseph 141 Hiner, Christina 129 Hodnicki, Christopher 141 Hoepfner, Thomas 151 Hogan, James 82, 170, 217 Hogg, Michele 141, 199 Hoopes, Cristin M. 141, 167, 177 Hoover, Carol Ann 141 Horton, Rebecca E. 151, 17.3 Hritz, Carrie Ann 129 Hudson, Garth 82 Hughes, Kristy 151 Hughes, Mary Beth 151, 170 Hunter, Alezander E. 151 Hutchinson, G. Anthony 129

Iannaci, Ann Marie 82, 88 lannaci, Catherine A. 141, 207, 164, 166, 171, 175 Iannaci, Salvatore A. 141 Iannacone, Nicole 151 Illuminati, Christopher 151 lmmordino, Amy 141, 201 Inverso, Anthony 164, 166, 169, 176,172, 162,2.30, 174,175 Inverso, Diana 151 Isme, Geraldine 141 Iszard, Jonathan 141 Ivins, Jeffrey 151


Jablonski, Mark G. 166, 167, 220, 174 Jackowski, Brian 82, 165 Jackson, Kalia 151, 171 Jacobs, Jeffrey Quinn 151 James, Andrew 82, 163, 175 Jancola, Amber 82, 169, 171, 172 Janukowicz, Thomas 141 Jasionowski, Jennifer 151, 171 Jean-Louis, Glena 129 Johannes, Celeste 141 Johannes, Kimberly 141 Johnson, Lisa 83, 75, 167, 171, 163 Johnson, Matthew A. 141 Johnson, Nicole 151, 199 Johnson, Richard 151 Jones, Angel 141,233 Jones, Matthew T. 151 Jones, Roland C. 151 Jones, Shawn R. 225 Joyce, Bridget151,220 Joyce, Elizabeth 83, 177, 176, 174 Jung, Jennifer 199 Jung, Karl 142 Jurgens, Michelle Ayn 142

Kaczorowski, Michael 142 Kadlec, Kerrie 129 Kafer, Michelle 83, 93 Kakas, Jeanine 151 Kakstis, Alison Marie 207, 167, 169, 162 Kalinoski, Thaddeus S. 151, 214 Kara, Lidia 83, 81, 169, 177, 172, 174, 175 Kasprzak, Matthew N. 166, 171 Kasprzak, Thomas J. 151 Kauffman, Kimberly 142


Kauffman, Todd 83 Kay, John E. 151 Kean, Christine Ann 142, 177 Kean, Leea 83, 105, 163 Keating, Kristen B. 151 Keehn, Susan 83 Keiling, David 83, 105, 164, 166, 167, 169, 177, 173, 175 Keiling, Meghan A. 167, 169, 163 Kekesi, Richie 84, 165 Keller, Thomas V. 142 Kelley, Jennifer Kelley, Kristin 84, 92, 199, 166, 168, 169, 163, 174 Kelly, Jennifer 84, 105, 164, 177, 176 Kelsey, Kareem 129 Kemler, Edmund 151 Kempisty, Christopher 217 Kennedy, Laurie 142, 199, 169 Kenworthy, Sam 142 Kerins, Brian F., 170 Kerins, Devin Patrick 151 Kerwick, Kelly 84 Kiernan, Craig 151 Kinelski, Rebecca Kjersgaard, Kelly 151 Klein, Lisa Marie 142 Klotz, Erik 84 Klotz, Krtstian 130 Knott, Brian 130 Knox, Courtney142,166,231 Kohl, Tracey 151 Kondash, Dona 142, 227 Kontoyannis, Athena 151 Kontoyannis, Catherine 84, 95, 199 Kontoyannis, Demetrius 151 Kopen, Michele L. 路 130 Kopera, Edward 84, 176, 224 Koutouzos, Kaliopie 169, 173, 130 Kowalick, Amy 151 Kowalik, Carrie 151 Kraemer, Chloe A. 151, 220, 175 Krajacic, Karen A. 166, 168, 130, 175 Kramer, Gena 151 Kraun, Alexandra 233, 130

Kravitz, Melanie 151 Krencicki, Michele 151 Kroiss, Matt 151 Krollman, Rebecca 84 Kubick, Allison 130 Kuebler, Brian 151 Kuebler, Michael Patrick 142, 214 Kuhlman, Meredith Ann 130 Kunst, Michael 85, 162 Kurisko, Robert 142, 162 Kurisko, Steven James 162, 130 Kurst, Jennifer 151, 171 Kurst, Jessica 85, 164, 166, 168, 169, 173, 175 Kyte, Amy L. 142, 201, 220

Lamons, Lakesha 151 Lampkin, Eric 142, 224 Lane, Geoffrey 130 Laperriere, Daniel 220, 130 Laperriere, Michelle R. 151, 169, 213, 220, 175 Larraga, May Ann 169, 173, 130 Larsson, Denise M. 142, 199, 231 Lassiter, Alicia 142 Latini, Joseph John 130 Lauandos, Nancee Margaret 142 Lauandos, Nicole 85, 165 Laurinaitis, Mark 85, 196, 165, 176 Lawrence, Susan D. 142 Layton, Brandi N. 142, 227 Layton, Chanley 151 Lech,Joseph S. 130 Lee, Seung Young 130 Lehre, Elizabeth L. 151, 220 Leland, Nicole 85 Levin, Alan 85, 196 Lewis, Christine 164, 130, 174 Lewis, Jennifer 142 Liberto, Frank 151 Liberto, Robert 130 Livio, Michael 85 Liwacz, Jeffrey 85, 165


Lloyd, James 142, 1.30 Lloyd, William M. III 170, 1.30 Lockington, Brian 142, 214 Loften, William 142 Loftin, David 86, 162 Loftin, Joshua 151 Loh, Scott 86, 169, 175 Lopez, Lisette 152 Lorbeck, Kerri Anne 166, 170, 162, 1.30 Lorentz, Nicole 86, 102, 170, 172 Lubina, Allison 152 Lubrano, Sam 142 Lucchesi, Michael Anthony 152 Lumia, Joseph John 152, 220, 162 Lumia, Margaret Ellen 85, 220, 16.3 Lupinacci, Patti 85 Luther, Joseph A. IV 142 Lyman, Erik 85 Lynch, James 85, 2.30 Lynch, Kathleen 142

Mack, Shannon 1.31 Maddock, Edward C. 217 Madeya, George 1.31 Magrisi, Danielle Marne 152 Mahler, Jonathan A. 1.31 Maisto, James T. 152 Maisto, Thomas J. 152, 16.3 Maklary J. Todd 142, 2.3.3 Maksymow, Roman 152 Malloy, Brian 85 Malloy, Melissa 142, 166, 169 Manahan, Nicolette 87, 86, 169, 174, 16.3 Mangini, Alyson 87, 166, 168, 169, 174, 16.3 Mangonon, Gina 207, 169, 162, 174, 175 Manners, Michelle M. 1.31 Mannino, Francesco 142 Mannion, Matthew C. 166, 2.30,175

Mannion, Ryan P. 152 Marchant, John V. 142, 2.3.3 Marchetti, Christian 87, 169, 16.3 Marcus, Angela 152 Marino, Chri~opher142,169 Markley, Nora E. 152 Markman, Jeanne 87, 169 Markulec, Melissa 87 Markulec, Nicole 87 Maroney, Carol Ann 1.31 Maroney, Karen M. 152, 170 Marrero, Annette Marie 166 Marrero, Lynnette 152 Marrone, Frank 152 Martakis, Periklis 87 Martin, Gregory 167, 174 Martinez, David 87, 209, 2.30, 175 Marue, Melissa 87, 88 Massenat, Reynold 1.31 Massimi, Matthew 142 . Massimi, Megan 152 Masterson, Harry 164, 175 Matar, Michael Jr. 1.31 Mate, Melissa Ann 88, 21.3, 16.3 Matelski, Helena Marie 152 Mathews, Christopher 88, 91, 196, 165, 74, 16.3 Mathis, Kenneth M. 142 Mattei, Jennifer A. 201, 152 Mattozzi, Kristie 1.31 Maurio, Julie 152 Maxwell, Jason 1.31 Maxwell, Sean 88, 105, 165 Maxwell, Sophie 88, 164, 174 May, Carreen 15.3 Maziarz, James 142 Mazur, Jennifer 142 Me Elroy, Kevin 142, 2.3.3 Me Lead, Ka-Mara 142 McCarthy, Kerry C. 15.3, 220 McCarthy, Peter James 15.3, 170 McClure, Jill 205, 167, 169, 175 McDonnell, Christopher 142, 220 McDonough, Michael S. 1.31 McGann, Margaret T. 15.3, 170 McGlinchy, Megan E. 205, 164, 169, 174, 175 McGrath, Dawn 88, 199, 16.3

McGuire, Megan 15.3 McKenna, Lisa H. 15.3 McKinney, Kevin Michael 15.3 McNichol, Brook 165, 175 McVaugh, Randy 88 Meade, Jennifer 142 Meagher, Jean Marie 88 Meagher, Kathleen E. 164, 166, 167, 168, 162, 175 Meagher, William H. IV 15.3 Mears, Jason C. 142 Meehan, Alyson 89, 165, 169, 162, 175 Meisner, Phillip R. Jr. Melican, Erin 15.3, 201 Mellodge, Jadzia 201 Mendez, Julia 15.3 Mendola, John 15.3 Meszaros, Jodi Ann 142 Mezick, William B. 142 Micai, Eric 89, 217, 16.3 Michaels, Tara Ann 15.3 Michaud, Matthew 196 Middleton, Jennifer 209, 2.31 Midura, Margaret 89 Midura, Renee 15.3 Migliaccio, Gina 142 Miksa, Christopher 15.3 Miller, Stacey 15.3 Minch, Jennifer 15.3 Mingo, Luis 15.3 Miranda, Felix 1.31 Miranda, Victor A 15.3,175 Mirelli, Jennifer 1.31 Mitzen, Timothy Ryan 209, 2.30 Mody, Shivani 89, 205 Molignano, Anne 89, 85, 199, 175 Monaco, Ann Vera 142 Monahan, Rory 15.3 Moorcroft, Joseph P. 14.3 Moorcroft, Thomas 89, 174, 16.3 Moore, Jason Robert 14.3, 164, 175 Moore, Jodi 15.3 Moore, Richard 1.31 Moore, William Charles II 162 Moran, Caryn L. 207, 220, 174, 175 Moran, Jennifer 1.31 Moran, Kathleen 89, 21.3, 169


Moran, Patricia 131 Moran, Ryan 153 Moran, Theresa 89, 72 Mordock, Jeffery 131 Morehart, Rebecca 143, 220 Morozin, Timothy 153 Morrin, Daniel Francis X. 131 Morris, Sara C. 153 Moscarello, Mary Beth 213, 164 Moses, Samantha 143 Mosticchio, Stephanie 143 Motkowski, Paula 143, 175 Mount, Kathleen A. 143, 201 Moustafa, Nora 40, 79, 169, 175, 163 Mucha, Robert Jr. 143 Muehleisen, Carl 90, 196, 162 Muehleisen, Lisa 143, 167, 220 Mullaney, Timothy 90, 162 Mullen, Daniel P. 143, 230 Mullen, Ryan P. 209, 230. 162 Mulligan, Brian 90, 169 Murison, Justine S. 164, 167 Murphy, Brian C. 143 Murphy, Denis 143, 230 Murphy, Kelli Eileen 90, 199, 164, 166, 168, 169, 162, 175 Murray, Christine 167, 169, 174, 175 Murray, Marion 143 Murray, Michael James 143 Murtha, Eric T. 169, 175 Muscianesi, Anne Marie 90 Mustakas, Thomas J. 143

Nadraga, Adrian 131 Nadraga, Yuri 0. 153 Nagy, Michael F. 153 Napoleon, Deana 153 Napoleon, Nick 131 Napolitano, Caesar 90, 217 Napolitano, Melanie 153 Nash, David 143 Navata, Brandon 90, 174, 163 Neall, Kelly 220 Negron, Alexander 153


Nemeth, Susan 131 Nevin, Paul 131 Newkirk, Waymon E. II 224 Nibbs, Christopher 91 Nisar, Jehanzeb 143, 230 Nitti, Christopher 91 Noble, Elizabeth 143, 220 Noble, Mara 143 Noble, Eric 91, 105 Noncent, Sophie 164, 231 Norton, Eugene S. III 143 Notte, Andrea 143 Nowak, Anne Jacqueline 143, 164,166,167 Nowak, Beth Ann 91, 168, 168, 169, 174, 175, 163 Nowak, Magda 143 Nugent, Jason Vito 153 Nuva, Meredith A. 153

O'Connor, Ryan 153 O'Donnell, Jennifer 91, 209, 167, 163 O'Donnell, Robert J. 143 O'Keefe, Colleen 132, 209, 164, 166,231,162,174 O'Keefe, Kristine 132, 209, 231 O'Malley, Michael 143 O'Neill, James M. 132 O'Neill, Jennifer 153 O'Rahilly, Andrew B. 132, 217 Ogiony, Michael 91 Okulicz, Jason 132, 174 Okum, Laura 132, 201 Oldani, Gregg Omowale, Imani 143 Orihel, Jeffrey Paul 153 Ostrowski, Christine 91 Ostrowski, Suzanne 132 Owen, Kenneth T. 153 Owens, Keisha 132, 164

--p--~ Pak, Sang 91 Palfalvi, Theodore 92, 220 Palma, Anthony 153, 169, 175 Pampanini, Leigh Ann 143 Panfili, Jennifer 92 Panfili, Joseph 92, 217 Papa, Jaime C. 132, 235 Papp, Melinda 153 Pappas, Kristen 143, 220 Parrotta, Tanya Marie 132, 162, 174, 175 Pastor, Chris 92 Paver, early 132 Pazdan, Jill 132 Pearson, Kerry 92, 165, 169, 174, 163 Pellegrino, Michael 92, 100, 165 Pellitteri, Gena M. 153 Peloquin, Martin A. 153, 170 Pemberton, Crystal 132, 176 Perez, Tania 132 Perone, Brooke 132 Pesce, Brian 143, 225 Pesce, Jennifer 92, 199, 169, 162 Peters, Jessica 143 Peterson, Kelicia 143 Peterson, Nicole L. 132, 164, 220 Petito, Michael 92, 165 Petrosini, Jana Marie 153 Pfeiffer, Katherine C. 132 Phillips, Shawn 153 Piechota, Robert 143, 169, 175 Piepszak, Matthew 143 Pietras, Michael Jr. 132 Pinard, Amy 143, 175 Pinelli, Christopher 93, 168, 169 Piscopo, Anthony 93 Pizzimenti, Anthony 143 Plishchuk, Irene 132, 169 Plishchuk, Michael 143 Plotka, Christine 143, 167, 233 Plumeri, Carole 93, 105, 169, 163 Plumeri, Matthew 153

Plunkett, Janice 9.3, 162 Pogoda, Darren 9.3, 167, 169, 16.3 Polizzi, John 14.3 Polizzi, Salvatore 9.3, 94 Popowski, Karen 1.32, 220 Potash, Christopher 14.3, 224, 225 Potter, Neil Joseph 1.32,166 , Poux, Arienne N. 14.3, 167 Power, Nathan 15.3 Pribila, Matthew 1.32, 209, 162 Primerano, James Steven 1.32, 209, 2.30, 162 Pritchard, Sakinah R. 15.3 Procaccini, Fred 9.3, 165 Procaccini, Vito Paul 9.3, 165 Proctor, Rita 14.3 Profy, Jenny 15.3 Prophett, Brendan 94, 10.3 Provenzale, Peter 15.3 Provost, Katherine Anne 1.32 Prunetti, Carrie 94 , Przyborowski, Lynda 1.32, 166, 168, 169, 170 Puca, Jason 165 Pukala, Pamela T. 1.32, 167, 169, 174, 175 Pullen, Daryl G. 15.3 Pullo, Flavia 15.3 Pullo, Sabrina 14.3 Pultorak, Kyle Renee 1.32, 2.35 Pypoznski, Jeffrey 94

---2--Queen, Iesha Monique 154 Quinn, Lekisha 94, 205

Radosti, Amanda 154 Rodosto, Andrew 94 Rafferty, Cynthia 14.3, 167, 220, 175

Ramsey, Charles, Jr. 94, 220 Ranucci, Jennifer 94, 164, 175 Rarich, Elizabeth 154 Reed, Alison 154, 199, 170 Reed, Heath 95 Regan, Nicole D. 1.32, 169, 174 Reggimenti, Mark 95, 2.30 Rego,Joseph 1.32, 217 Rego, Michael 95, 175 Rendek, Stephen III 95, 2.30 Reres, Denise 95, 165, 168 Ress, Jennifer 14.3, 227 Revilla, Tonya 95, 16.3 Reznick, Elena A. 1.32 Reznick, Michael J. 154 Rhoads, Matthew 95, 217 Rhodes, Albert 1.32, 196 Ricciani, Jeffrey 14.3 Ricco, Sam 95 Richards, Cori 154 Riley, Christian 129 Rivera, Christina 14.3 Robbins, Shawn Casey 144 Roberts, Kimberly Anne 154, 199 Robinson, Blaine T. 154 Robinson, Christopher 144 Robinson, Keesha N. 144 Robinson, Kelly 154, 201 Robinson, Lyron 154 Rogers, Kamisha 154 Rogers, Leron 1.32 Romanczuk, Annmarie 96, 168, 169 Romanczuk, Shane Rossi, Danielle 96 Rossi, David 96 Rossi, Rachel 154, 220 Rotondo, Anthony 1.32 Rotondo,Charles144,225 Rottkamp, Rebecca M. 1.32, 169, 174 Rouselle, Christina 96, 16.3 Rovner, Kelly C. 154 Rowe, Allyson R. 154 Royster, Kevin 144 Rule, Christopher 96 Rullo, Nicole 144 Russo, James 1.32, 165, 167, 169, 174 Russo, Nicholas 96

Russo, Sabrina A. 154 Ryan, Jason P. 154 Ryba, Adrianne 144 Ryfinski, Beth Ann 1.32 165, 162, 227

---------- ~ --------Sabree, Iris A. 1.32 Sadley, Daniel 144 Saggar, Prem 154, 170 \ Salava, Eric 96, 90, 165 Salcewicz, Patricia 1.32, 169 Salcewicz, Sean 154 Sanchez, Amaris 96 Santiago, Dymphna M. 1.32 Santiago, Pedr 1.32, 165, 2.30 Santo, Cynthia Ann 1.32, 2.35 Santos, Ruby Anne Eliz. 1.32, 166, 169, 176, 175 Santowasso, Nicole 97 Sanvardine, Mark 144, 169 Sargent, Alexander 1.32 Sargiotto, Dominic 97 Sass, David J. 144 Savelli, Christine 1.32 Scanlon, Carol 1.32, 227 Scannella, Tammi Lyn 97 Scarlata, Salvatore 154 Scheideler, Robin 97, 99, 205, 168, 169, 16.3 Schell, Kathryn 1.32 Schenck, Barry 1.32 Schiano, Susy c. 1.32 Schiaretti, Nicole 144 Schiefer, Alanna 154 Schiefer, Jeanne Marie 97, 89 Schlieben, George T. 154, 2.30 Schmitt, Susan 97, 169, 227 Schnall, Kevin J. 154 Schnall, Timothy D. 1.32, 162 Schneider, Heather 1.3.3, 166 Schroth, Lorette 97, 205, 220 Schuler, David Gregory 154 Schultz, Jessica 154, 205 Schwab, Christie 154 Schwartz, Donnamarie 144 Scott, Shonda Marie 144


Answers To Baby Clues By Chris DiLiberto Page 122

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. l 0. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. l 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.


Alyson Meehan Brandon Navata Brian Hand Eddie Kopera Tracey Crawford Amy Cutchineal Vanessa Carabelli Cynthia Brower Jill Coley Lorette Schroth Patti Yuncza Dave Loftin Rebecca Wisor Jen Tandy Tori Ann Ferris Kerry Pearson Amy Andrako Chris Mathews Kelly Gregory Margaret Lumia Eileen Giglio Daniela Taddeo Calista Andrews Christin Castagna Carl Muehleisen Susan Barcarola Adrienne Coe David Keiling Susan Keehn Angela Bellardo Ann Marie Iannaci Cynthia Triolo Chris Pinelli Tim Stout Eric Micai Rochelle Torres Alison Goeke

38. Nicole Gaffney 39. Shannon Fitzgerald 40. Todd Kauffman 41. Ann Marie Muscianesi 42. Brian Malloy 43. Carmen Termen 44. Rebecca Giersch 45. Kelly Kerwick 46. Donna Gawroski 4 7. Doug Coluccio 48. Kelly Farrior 49. Lisa Wojtczuk 50. Jen French 51. Beth Ann Nowak 52. Hank Angelucci 53. Teresa Tilton 54. Rich Kekesi 55. Marian Tanglaw 56. Mike Ogiony 57. Becky Krollman 58. Carole Plumeri 59. Ahmad Ali 60. Amber Jancola 61. Jeff Zygmunt 62. Don Eigenbauer 63. Chris Heitzmaq 64. Michelle Tritt 65. George Smith 66. Nick Russo 67. Teresa Wiley 68. Jerome Foley 69. Adrian Davis 70. Jeff Liwacz 71. Robin Scheideler 72. Mike Abaid 73. Lisa Johnson

Page 123

l. Lisa Tusay 2. Nicolette Monahan 3. Janice Plunkett 4. Shaheen Timmapuri 5. Mike Petito 6. Tara Spaine 7. Tanya Revilla 8. Frank Fanning 9. Chris Fanelli l 0. Kristine Coluccio ll. Donna DeMarco 12. Alyson Mangini 13. Susan Schmitt 14. Kris Frascella 15. Michelle Kafer 16. Dawn Witkowski l 7. Jenn O'Donnell 18. Jenn Vargas 19. Katie Caperna 20. James Hogan 21. Kelli Murphy 22. Chris Nitti 23. Debbie Bakun 24. Holly Heenan 25. Leea Kean 26. J en Kelly 27. Lisa Ercolano 28. Ann Marie Romanczuk 29. Denise Reres 30. Kim Sentek 31. Melissa Marue 32. Tom Moorcroft 33. Kristin Kelly 34. Jon Beym 35. Mark Lau rinaitis

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Patti Lupinacci Lori Eardley Christina Greco Leigh Campbell Anne Molignano Kristen Simms Darren Pagoda Beth Joyce Lori Adams Jason Puca Chris Rouselle Nora Moustafa Sarah Hedgepeth Amber Cherny Kristine Gaynor Jen Ranucci Christine Guido Terry Moran Cara Angelini Danielle Rossi Jill Walsh Colleen Walsh Bob Gominiak Jeff Pypcznski Melissa Markulec Chris Sieban Bridget Bentz Christina Giglio Jessica Kurst Jason Gutierrez Nicole Markulec Chrissy Shinn Nicole Lorentz Sophie Maxwell Mike Kurst

Scotto, Catherine Ann 207 Segretario, Jennifer 1.3.3, 2.35 Seiler, David 97 Selfridge, Richard 1.3.3 Semonik, Thomas G. 1.3.3 Senetra, Holly 144 Sentek, Kimberly 98 Sferra, Daniela 144 Shapson, Michael 1.3.3, 209, 166, 167, 169, 176, 162, 174, 175 Sharma, Bharati 98 Sheluga, Matthew 144 Sherman, Michael Jason 154 Shinn, Christine 98 Shinn, Mark 145 Shwahla, Laura Lee 98, 78 Sieben, Chris 98, 7.3, 217 Sieben, Elizabeth 154, 2.31 Silva, Ricardo 154 Silvers, Natalie 98, 205, 165 Simms, Kristen 98, 71, 168, 169, 174, 175, 16.3 ; Simon, Elizabeth 154 ~ Simonetti, John 145 i Simonetti, Joseph 145 , Simpson, Kimberly A. 1.3.3 1 Simpson, Thomas A. 154 Singelakis, Peter 1.3.3 Singh, Richard 98, 101, 165 I Sink, John 154, 220 Sirak, Maria Eugenia 1.3.3, 169 Sirak, Ronald J. 145 Sliwinski, Stephanie 1.3.3 Smith, Joy Ann 1.3.3, 205, 166, 169 Smith, Kisten B. 1.3.3, 169 Smith, Adam Daniel 154, 209, 2.30 Smith Frank 145 Smith, George 99 Smith, Jeffrey T. 1.3.3, 170 Smith, Katrina 154 Smith, Keon P. 1.34, 164 Smithson, Jennifer 1.34, 164, 169 Snyder, Patrick 154 I Soganic, Sherice Ann 1.34 ' Sokolowski, Eric 145, 225 Solan, John 1.34, 220 Soltys, Joseph S. 154

Sopko, Kevin Christopher 145 Spadora, Christopher 154 Spagnuolo, Ian M. 145 Spagnuolo, Marc J. 154 Spaine, Tara 99, 165 Spalluto, Jennifer 145 Sparano, Sunny Marie 1.34 Speigel, Melissa 154 Spence, Brian A. 145 Spiegel, Richard 99 Spooner, April 99 Spooner, Michael 154 Staffa, M~rk 1.34, 169, 175, 170 Stanley, Joseph R. 154, 170 Stanton, Tracy 154 Stark, Shonna L. 154 Stebbins, Tamika A. 145, 164 Stefero, Matt 1.34 Steffero, Maria 154 Steinmuller, Kevin C. 145, 220 Steinmuller, Scott 99, 169, 220, 16.3 Stemmer, Scott 99, 105, 196, 167 Stevenson, Brian 99, 220, 162 Stewart, Robert 100 Stewart, Susan Helene 145 Stillitano, Dange 154 Stinson, Shannon 154 Storie, W. Steven 100, 165 Stout, Timothy 100, 196, 165, 1 Stratton, Brian 154 Strauss, Nicole L. 154 Strouse, Michael J. 154 Stults, Jonathan 145 Stults, R. Jason 100 Sullivan, Linda 145 Sullivan, Stacey J. 1.34 Suntato, Tara L. 1.34, 207, 220 Sutterlin, Maura 1.34 Swan, Edward M. II 1.34, 175 Sweeney, William Swieconek, Michael 100, 196, 2.30, 174 Sylvester, Thomas J. 145 Szakacs, Alison Paige 155 Szakacs, Ryan Edward 1.34 Szul, Melissa Joy 1.34 Szul, Scott Gerald 155

--7-Tabron, Johena Renae 155 Taddeo, Daniela 100, 164 Tammaro, Patricia 155, 16.3 Tandy, Jennifer 100 Tanglaw, Joyce 155 Tanglaw, Marian 100, 80, 21.3, 164, 162, 174,175 16.3, 170 Tanzola, Dana 145, 164 Tarantino, Keri 155 Telles, Helen-Jean 1.34 Termen, Carmen 101, 175 Termen, Samuel 155 Terng, Mindy 155, 170 Thoennes, James C. 1.35, 167, 169, 2.30 Thomas, William J. 1.34, 165 Thompson, Thomas J. 155 Thome, Alexander B. 145 Thurston, Shari 145 Tilton, Teresa 101, 169, 176, 162,27,175 Timmapuri, Shaheen 101, 21.3 Tkacs, Stephen 145 Toaldo, Megen Anne 145 路 Tone~ Keri E. 155, 201 Toporek, Steven 155 Toporek, Suzanne 1.34, 169 Torano, Vincent P. 155 Torres, Rochelle 101, 169, 162, 174, 175, 16.3 Totten, Edward D. 1.34, 2.30 Totten, Karen 156 Tozzi, Christopher John 101 Trani, Danielle 156 Triolo, Cynthia Ann 101, 169 Triolo, Kathryn Mary 156 Tritt, Michele 101, 205, 168, 169, 16.3 Troy, Thomas P. Jr. 1.34 Turnbull, Elizabeth 156 Tusay, Lisa 101, 164 Tweed, Nicole E. 1.34, 21.3, 167, 169, 2.31, 174 Twers, Daniel 102 Tyne, Janice M. 1.34, 166, 170


Tyne,Jason M. 156

Usberti, Greg 156, 162 Usmiani, Andrew J. 156 Usmiani, Michael 145

11-Vaccaro, Christopher M. 1.34, 162 Valenzuela, Richard 102, 162 Valines, Tomas Javier 145 Van Brunt, Krista 145 Van Emburgh, Lori Ann 1.34, 2.3.3 Van Horn, Christopher 145 Vannozzi, Brian 156 Vargas, Jennifer 102, 169 Vasil, Daniel T. 156 Vasil, Michael T. Jr. 156 Vasti, Bryan 102, 165 Vaughan, Vanessa 1.34, 164, 2.31, 175 Vazquez, Domingo 1.34 Vidal, Paul 102 Vidal, Rose Anne 1.34, 21.3, 164, 166, 169, 2.31, 162, 174, 175, 170 Vierling, Rachel Lynn 145 Volk, Carla 1.34 Von Bargen, David 102, 170 Voorhees, Sarah 102

Walsh, Walsh, 169, Walsh,


Collen 102, 165, 169 Jill 10.3, 166, 167, 168, 175, 16.3 Julie 156, 170

Walsh, Sussannah 1.34, 156, 167, 162 Ward, Douglas 10.3, 105, 165 Ward, Rebecca 145, 201 Ware, Denna 156, 2.3.3 Ware, Raymond 157 Warner, Michael 224 Waropay, Kim 145, 166, 169 Wasko, Gary M. 1.34, 166 Watson, Mark 2.34, 2.3.3 Watson, Oscar Lewis Jr. 1.34 Weber, Erik Christopher 145, 220 Weed, Susan 10.3, 162 Wehr, Brian 10.3, 169 Weigand, Brandon 157 Weil, George F. 157 Weingartner, Brian J. 157 Weisgarber, Nicole Maria 157, 21.3 Weisgarber, William Jr. 1.34 Welsh, Jennifer L. 1.34 Welsh, Joseph 10.3, 100, 167, 169, 175 Whartenby, William 157, 2.3.3 White, Andrew 157 White, Elizabeth Ann 1.34, 209 , 164,166,162,227,174 Wiechnik, Mark 1.34 Wiechnik, Mathew 145 Wiedemann, John c. 157 Wig, Jeffrey 1.34, 170 Wiley, Teresa 10.3 Williams, Farrah 157 Williamson, Heather 145 Willis, Diane M. 157 Wills, Eric B. 1.34, 209, 2.30 Wingate, Tiffany M. 1.34, 164 Wisor, Rebecca 10.3, 167, 168 , 169 Witkowski, Dawn 10.3, 169, 175 Witkowski, Vincent 1.34 Wojtczuk, Lisa Diane 104 Wolfe, Sara 145 Wollert, Sean 157 Wolochowicz, Amy B. 1.34, 220, 175 Woloszyn, Jenna 1.34, 169, 174, 175 Woodward, Tyrone 145

Woody, Ellen 1.34, 169 Wright, Heather 145, 220 Wyers, Jennifer 145, 166, 169

-~-Yeager, Adam John 145 Yellen, Susan 145 Yosua, Patricia Ann 157 Young,January145 Yuncza, Patricia 104, 165 Yurgel, Beth Ann 104

Zachow, Melissa 157, 170 Zado, Frank 145 Zaleski, Caroline M. 1.34, 166, 169, 175 Zaleski, Gregory 1.34 Zarzycki, Jason 157 Zdenek, Andrew J. 1.34 Zeisky, Diana 145 Zelinski, Mark A. 157 Zemcik, Frank J. 1.34, 169, 220, 175 Ziegler, Stefanie A. 145 Zielinski, Scott 104 Ziokowski, Kevin 104 Zita, Michael Chad 145 Zola, Michael 104 Zygmunt, Jeffrey 104, 165, 2.3.3



Top Left: Jen Kelly, Beth Joyce, Chrissy Diliberto and Mike Shapson Top Right: Jen Kelly, Ms. Wargo, and Beth Joyce Middle Left: Yearbook Editors: Beth Joyce, Mike Shapson, Ms. Wargo, Chrissy DiLiberto and Jen Kelly Middle Right: Chrissy DiLiberto Bottom Left: How much more do we have to do -Rebecca Fitzgibbon Bottom Right: Thank God we're done- Jen Kelly, Beth Joyce, Chrissy DiLiberto and Mike Shapson


Thanks Be To The Canticle could never have been completed without the help from the staff as well as the people who helped out here and there. We'd like to thank an of the faculty, teachers and coaches who helped us with interviews and with identifying pictures especially the gym teachers who were always there to lend a helping hand and to Mrs. Riley for providing us with pictures. We would also like to thank Mrs. Palombi, Mrs. Klek and Mrs. Wright in the main office for trusting us with their office supplies. A special thanks to Dot Riley and the maintenance staff for putting up with our irregular hours on our hectic weekend deadlines. To Frank Ball, our Jostens representative who has been so patient with us as we rushed to complete our Monday morning deadlines. Also to Christine, our Prestige representative who helped get our pictures to us on time. A speciallhanks goes to Mrs. Ivins, to whom this year's yearbook was dedicated to. Her patience with scheduling yearbook happenings was much appreciated. Without her we

• • •

couldn't have "Put it all Together." The yearbook staff is made up of many dedicated, creative and hardworking students, without their efforts the yearbook would never have been completed. Especially to Babs Brilliantine who designed this year's cover, the alphabet soup typists, and to Chrissy Diliberto, Mike Shapson, and Mike Bartram who took on the tedious task of putting the index together. Most importantly, we would like to thank Ms. Wargo and Mr. Schirmer, our yearbook advisors. We really appreciate all that they have done for us. We would like to thank them for devoting their time and for their patience as we rushed to get our jobs done. They've not only been our advisors but our friends. The yearbook takes a lot of time and effort and we would like to thank all those w o contributed to it. We hope we did not overlook anyone if so it was unintentional. We would like to thank everyone for "Putting it all Together" -The Canticle Staff.


Senior Editors

Ms. Diane Wargo Mr. Paul Schirmer

Beth Joyce Jen Kelly

Junior Editors Chrissy Diliberto Michael Shapson

Resident Artist Babs Brilliantine

Staff David Keiling Colleen Walsh Teresa Tilton Cindy Triolo Nora Moustafa Christine Castagna Darren Pogoda Ruby Santos Gina Mangonon Micaelle Balik Greg Martin Koren D'Angelo Crystal Pemberton Angie Garcia Amy Pinard Amy Wolochowicz Bridget Bradburn Colleen O'Keefe Mary Beth Moscarello Heather Cyms Nick Barbosa Kate Hess Rebecca Fitzgibbon Frank D'Onofrio Victor Miranda


Lidia Kara Jill Walsh Janice Plunkett Nicolette Mananhan Melissa Marue Donna Gawrowski Jen O'Donnell Patricia Difalco Erin Belz Christine Kean Suzann~ Toporek Kyle Pultorak Annette Marrero Justine Murisen Jill Dawson Carolina Zaleski Julie Altiere Niki Tweed Bill Augustine Lou Crivelli Chris Fava Katie Meagher Kristen Hoops Chris Goodrich Matt Brown


frosh Cotillion, S.O.S. F.T. hat Stemmer's basement truth or dare?, use the ladder, Sorry, it didn't go as planned. Love ya- Me Mike. " You are 5000 cool!" S.A .T. class- Good steep? Wit's ladder- "I got you Murph!" " Truth or Dare" at Stem·s- ~njoy the pole? " Power Windows... Thank you for all the laughs! I love you, Murph Sorry about the strong group thing. It was a lot of fun working with you. Cindy, Lisa and I still think you 're a male----1 Good luck in college and with baseball. Love. Chrissy Shinn You Fat ?#I# .. I#? Thanx For N.C. nice friend. " Dude ... would never do that to you ... never... Now take the S.S. . .. anyone else you want? hugh? slob. '"I love to eat . . . 1 love it" No .. you ' re a good guy anyway ... fat . but good. - " Yo dude. she can 't kiss .. eww... C'mon man set me up with her! I'm so good at·raquet ball lbeat everyone- I'll miss you fatty. Love ... M.J.P. Someone want to help me with R this. Elvis Ma Ma Mrs. N.H.: How do you know my mom P's Bill's. Give me another. Basement Grams Madden I'm the real champ. GnR's. My manager has the best. That's not your bike. You·re 16. 1:00 let's get started. Great Adventure What movie's this fall over fences much . - N.f. Mike- thanx 4 making me laugh and 4 telling me u were only joking all those times. Good luck next yr. K.I.T. Luv ya, leea Sid, Fr. Soc.. baseball, basketball- Square my shoulders. Elec. Play- ground- guido, fT whipped, KPT's Pool Champ, Talapins, LBI '91- Tttere's JD's house-" Crash . '921?!. Gram's, Roy, Sleeping at G{!(R., 11%- Not fat, b- Champ!- Larry University Heights; Reynolds; Notre Dame ... 10 yrs. of knowing you. 98 mph Curve Ball ... 11.4% body fat. (your still fat) Video Village (MFL CHAMP) Let me drive your car .. 1 L ve McDonalds ... Wake-Up Call in LoBato (HAND) Mark lets go to MRPATS {!(live there (No Bills!) Drink a Little More Dutt. lops Opsus (Pugs) 7-11 (Nearly Jumped) OUT A HERE LIKE lambeer (3-Peet baby) LORI ADAMS Get out of my locker! Just kiddinT. Remember, we'rejust friends. Couldn't write much more cus I wrote this in the balcony. Your mean to me so I don't love you- sorry! If you were yourself. maybe we'd be better friends. But I do love my girlfriend. Alicia. You messed up. Tell Mike{!( Greg I said " Hi." With friend love, Christian Tomorrow. Okay? I'll be waiting baby. Stay beautiful and always remember the Great International. " Hey buddy" Piggy? Oink-oink- Popcorn for lunch and Virgin lemonade-! love itl Gerth- Evian? Taco Bell? Your the best! -Theo OK. Here we go. last year- Wrobo's gym class, lunch wf Piggy. J Prom{!( "Lonster"- never would have made It thru wfout yal This year- TM 's back porch- BONDAGE- fridays at TM 's- Grab a Helnel KR· another mistake. '"censored movies... DT and Don Juan- " LOV~ VAN," Run -for the border. TC's house {!( the cellar (Bob Martey)Oh·thanks 4 the Xmas present! Longnecks wjlemon {!(Old E. TB. TDL. LPL. Pull an AC, a CZ, an lA ... speaking of which, no- Angels don't have wings! (Even if they're hot as helll)71 love Danny, you love Mike. That's alii Love always. AC. P.S.·SAB or PAP forever! S.A.B.. P.A.P., F.A.f .- you 'll team it someday.-all the fun times. Gus to loves you. Just jump in the deep end- no need to be afraid of water. lost in Ewing Twp, " Trojan Mobile... " Gun-man Joe, " Proven fact " All guys J.O ." Smokehouse. forge- Aughl -what a nightmare. J.A. makes me Ill. Ms. L's Lit class-Mr. Fingers.{!( Baymes, old times in C.Z.'s Aries, baby sunglasses, feteman 's vet·CHEvette, Great Adventure- pile in G.G: s car. " Piggies" Keep Roscoe off my butt! Tell Chrissy that I didn't mean to polish her feet. Raider! oh- "ldon't get it" -do you? I'm lost- " you' re always lost. .. Ewing Crew. DonWhon. Ewing Deli -my trademark. I haven't hit anymore wooden horses, have you? By the way -those curbs jumped in front of m "Hurry. clean up," she's " coming.'' T.M. {!( L.A. -hide behind br from C.Z. Tom 's back porch -total bondage. S.A.B.. A.C., K.G., L.A, T.M. B.S. -what exactly are you staring at? nails -NOT. she's so fugly. LOVE- Kris " the Great" Gaynor Chrissy z.- Even though we've had tough times, we made it. Don't forget to visit me at college. Don't worry about " TNT" it won't last much longer. Just go out and have a good time but don't lose respect of your " temple." Blow It In My face! "Mega Hit. Man!" ason '"Gums" Peters (You Love Him!) The All Nlghterl -That's what's wrong with me now. Friends Forever- LOVE YA, LORI. MIKEYou will always hold a special place in my heart. Sorry about all my mistakes. Forgive Me? Maybe in time. (l.l .U.) Boss Man- "Let's Chill!" (Guy) -1 told you I'd be " Trouble." sara- I officially remove ny blame from you of getting me into-rouble, but we had fun oing It! Even though we don't talk that much, I -still think about you! Love ya, LORI. G.G.. will you still marry me? KRISTEN ALIA Kris, thanks for always offering me a piece of your lunch - even though I rarely accepted! You're a great friend! KIT. Love. Nicolette Retreat Your sweet 16 Our lunch table. Halloween Party. I'm so lad we've stayed friends stay as sweet as you are and always keep an touch. Love ya, Teresa Kris. you really are a great friend and a great person: you were tways there when I needed someone to talk to! I'll never forget our xperiences in either A.P.I or A.P. II. Good luck In everything you edde to do; but I know that whatever you do, you'll outshine veryone else. Love ya. Hope. Sorry I dropped you on your head! hal hal Luv ya. K.f. Always remember calc class and gym (how we love to serve) We !ways have fun together- remember our night at Chicken Holiday nd all our driving. The retreat was a lot of1un. Thanks for always listening to me. B-B-BII Keep in touch! Love, Beth It's me. the social butterfly, oh by the way thanks for getting my at moved . . just kidding. I'm really glad you and E.N. are going ut. somebody has finally controlled him. Thanks for all the great times. I wish the best of luck to you and E.N. KIT -Jeff You are a great person and a great friend. Remember Wildwood reshman year, and all the guys you have gQne out with. You looked reat at Homecoming, you're queen in my book. Good tuck In liege. Love, Chrissy s. Thanks for everything! Math class wouldn't have been the same. .t.T. Luv, Tracey Kristen. I'm really glad that we became friends in high school! I ust wish that we had more classes together this year! I'll really miss ou. KIT. Good Luck. Love. Shaheen Pds. 3-7, G.A .. jumping in deli, Eric bumping our heads, all my robs and your optimistic advice, "I can't stop talking about him!" 0/31/91, Bob Nelson, sea turtle, "water go down the hole!'' 2/14/ 2, your first date w /him, Chicken Holiday, miniature golf? MC Park, 'City Slickers, " calming me downjcheering me up. ··He can do it oo. ya know. " Knees shaki~ songs on my machine, your little lendar. my calendar, adopting your family, don't forget to spy, nalyzing EVERYTHING! walking to classes, SKNNK. X-mas video, ric cutting your hair. all the laughs and tears, " where is she?" 'Should I call him?" "We' re gonna get married.", someone·s In my pot, reading lips, my fave people. rotate your tires, much more ... rhanks for being a GREAT friend! I love ya ·Love, Kim Hey my Big dopey brown eyed girl. thanks for the eight best nonths of my life and for the rest to come. You made this the best ear of N.D. for me. You' ve been so helpful and I will never forget it. ou know we still have to go on that hayride, although the park was tter. You got to watch out for those Big fish. A lot of crazy thinks appened there. "Big Bats. Big fish, Big trees Oh my. " Computer :lass would have been dull and boring speedy. One day 1will catch Jp and beat you on the keyboard. The places we' ve gone. the things ·ve done, the things we said. "Boy I am 500000 bored," and the hings we called aech other, right "spunky monkey" were lots of aughs. I'm just glad I was a part ofltall. Our cooking sessions are !ways a trip. and tasty. Love those trips Toys 'R' Us. "Hey. 1have a

headd" How about those cartoon characters. "The buzzert" The shore was fun I can't wait to go some more. It cracks me up how we think of the same thing a lot. Remember those matches, who knows, someday it might come true. That would be nice. " Aunt Kristen " HaHa. And thanks for all the other things 1 haven't mentioned, you have been wonderful to me. " Kiss me you fool " ... " I don't wanna go" ... " nosey" ... " Waha " ... " Got to have those .warm thoughts" Love Eric N. ELVIS ALICEA No! You can 't borrow my gym uniform. -Ron Another hype calc. buddy with a fake ID. EL 1pave dogged some hochies out da boxll I'll never forget that huge Spanish party with your unclell We had a blastll .CHRIS To a special friend t' has been kind to me. Love, Tania From 6-12, {!( hopefully at Rutgers U. My splc·and-span amigo. Had a moustache since 4th grade. The times at Jr. 4, {!(Mr. Cooley's class. And Calculus and 12th grade lunch. All those cracks-l'm sorry:Justjokes. Even though you a wetback, you still my man. Love caucasian bro. Chris LL· You better not forget us when you're the big man on campus next year! An a s, remember all the fun we had .... LL Get funky, New Years Eve, Dorney Park, Carnation Day (sorry). cardigan sweat· er, Kool-aid smile ... Joke, you can't drive a stick shill ... running through yellow lights 100 mph ... Este Roca ... "She's really nice, I admire her". " What 2 girls from our school?" ... And don't forget all of the fun we had at the fizz .. Thanks for being a great friend. We're gonna miss you next year. Gotta G-0 love, Gla and Leigh RON ALl Alabama Porch monkey Not! Talks of alterizations- flirting will get you anywhere, stay sweet. Love Ya -Nicole, Nix Nix Today·s not your B-Dayt Prove it!- We got it, we got It goin' on! You 're a great guy. Thanks for everything sweetie! Love. Amy A. Hey Sweetie, All my classes with you was great. I'm gonna miss your humor Don't even forget English especially with J.Z. I'll miss you! Love, Jen T. Roscoe! Today Right? When U gonna let me get wit dat?l Aller School Right? Don't Touch My Buttll The Gulf McMuffi Feminine fat, feminine Fat. you like the girties who are Feminine fatlllntemational Smoke Out! Just let me be "Blunt" with you! -Hee!Heel Never! Never! Never! -Not that I never thought about It but It was better this way. LOVE Always, Lori Hey! Grill You better stop grilll Love ya ·Tara You want my oranges or should I send them to Africa? -Bryan Yo brother, been a quick few years. Don't forget adventures at CYO! ·Hip, Hab, stanky-a - Antonio, smokin' herbal tea, 6c basketball every day. Thanks for the tapes -Promos. Member that day at lunch-webusted on everybody-even Mr. Dambro -Hal Love you brother. Chris AMY Al'IDRAKO Dear Amy, Hey cutiel Thanks for making history class so fun. You 're a real sweetie{!( a great person. Thanks for helping me cope wjthe stress of Liptak some days! Remember florida! Thanks for being such a good friend over the years! Love ya. Susan Bio-P.P., Typing. G.Z.. orange checkers, where are my toe shoes? Love, A.J. Hi Amy. I'm so glad I'm friends with you.-Keepctlng, keep singing. and keep smiling! KIT. Love, Nicolette Hey roomie! Thanx for always being someone 1 could count on! Never forget- Mrs. Gavin's class, prom, your party, Barefoot In the Park-1 mean Gym, our knees last year, Mrs. Tat's office and bonding on retreat. Good luck and keep in touch over the summer and next yrl Love Chris Stop biting your nails! Spanish class was loads of fun. Five rows of seven please! Mrs. z. and that easy A-plus class called-calculus. You 're a special person and don't forget it. Keep dancing away and good luck In college and everything you do. Love, Marian Amy, I'm glad we became good friends this year, I've teamed so much from you, I hope you achieve all of your goals, you' re ex- ' tremely talented. Good Luck and stay in touch! Love Manoly How's Greg? Rem. Humanities? Keep on dancing! Andrako Woman. no gum. candy or LOLLIPOPS in my class! 1 know your phone number now! Let's suppose. -Noll Love Katie Hi Roomy! " Nice" History sub! If you don'tjoln me, don't forget me and all the fun we had this year. Good Luck in College! See ya next yr. (If not KIT) Love Jen Always remember -twins. 10/9. Sweet 16. Hon. Eng. Ill, App irth· day 4/9. wetweat. I got my hair stuck in the door!, Jr. Prom, your house. friends. Love. Kate let's see where do I start ..... Freshman year: TC, the Rootytooter. Todd 's hygiene products, Mr. Mulligan's Art class, "the wind Is like a tunnel!" BP on your bus soph year, your parties. EP, the wooden fruit. making cookies. stomping the butter. your killer hamsters, Retreat etc etc. You're a special person and a great friend! I love yal Always KIT! Love ya ·Christina Grease '91, Oklahoma '92. Both were totally awesome In their own messed up, dlmented way. The dances were awesome, cool. gnarly! I ·Matt H. Amy. mi amiga. como estas? .. Spanish class was great-Stop talking! -5 rows of 7 ... Depends (Sha-heen Tlm-ma-pu·ri) .. ' 'I'm too sexy" .. Stop biting your nallsll ... English class (did you understand the story? Neither did II) ... Thanks for being such a great friend! I'll miss yal KIT . .. Good Luck! Love, Shaheen hey Cabrlni girt. Let's talk about malnutrition! Donahue. ratio of boys to girls. Retreat. Depends Commercial, Aloha!, oxidation energy. goggle lines, watch out for the dinosaur! -Good Luck!, KIT I will miss you! ·Widener Woman The first person I metl How about the friend situation? All the guys I liked! Locker buddy! Always complaining about somethingll YoO're a great friend, Luv ya -cara I don't know if we'll be talking or ignoring each other by now, but no matter what the situation. always know that I love you and will always be here for you! ALWAYS! You may think that I had replaced you or forgotten about you but nobody did or ever will or ever could take your place. There •sn't and hasn't been anyone that I could call my best friend-no one! I wish I could share things with you and that you could share things with me. But as I said before, no matter what the situation, always remember the great times we had -dance performances, musicals. cotillions, our many crushes, sleepovers. Brucie, your pool, Raggedy Ann{!( Andy, NKOTB. Hershey kisses, Ballet. Teddy Bears. Sweet 16, driving, homeroom, Mrs. Gavin, Calculus?!, TC, Rick. Youth Group. Kym's pglll and last but not least. Gregory Zak himself. Through ups and downs, tears et laughter, I hope that by the time you read this we will be close again. Friends Forever -no matter where we go! I love you! Love, Kris P.S. Let me know when the wedding is -Amy Zak- it has a nice ring! Hi! Never forget everything. GZ, AJ, CP, CC, Jf, M, good luck in all you do. and don't you dare forget the prom or retreat. Love ya, Tracey The wind is like a tunnel. Love, Beth Ann Holy Cowl Sprinkle, sprinkle. Ski trip. Jr. prom-my nose-Jen's foot. Good Luck KIT Carole Always remember Wildwood with the orange soda and pizza. that was a lot of fun. You 've been a great friend. Good luck In college. Love, Chrissy S. Art class. Who always first? Snow storm! need a ride? G. Zakl Locker, thanks. Skiing- Jump! S.G. youth group. Lunch! mud! Margaret Lumia That "place," Painting. Art class wfBIII. see you in the future, Good Luck, yf. Luv, Jeannie S. CALISTA ANDR~WS "Your nls is growing and it sure looks nice!" Strut! .. Nis man" Boppin in the elevator, Paisley silk boxes ·in your pool? Joey! Fizzno more dancing with four guys (BFI) Andrei Nice driving In Phill.

Kaboomsl What would the trooper say? Kevin. lick tock ya don't stop: 'Revenge: Go Jeep! Little old lady. Fountain jumper! TRUANT!!I Fuzzy! " Which way did he go, George?" Hello! I haven't got much to say- But what an .. Awesome" driver you are! Good Luck! KIT. Luv. Jen Hey babe. you've been such a joy to know. Junior prom was loads of fun. Maybe for you.) Senior Volleyball Night{!( the talk of " Rico Suave ... You 're a crazy driver{!( some advice " Don't stress yourself too much!" You're a beautiful person {!(don't forget it. Please call me & I hope we'll still be friends through college. Love, Marian Well Andy, its been a trip. Never forget: Library, mas problemas. two by four. Lunch with me, you and Lola and Library. do you have any money?, can I borrow some change?, Danle- the biggest mooch!, let's get some junk food!, Can you take me home?, Trust me I'm gonna miss you a lot not because you supported my eating habits but because you're a great friend, Good Luck at Rutgers, I'll see you on Wall Street! Love ya -Danie Hey babel I'm really glad we ve become such good friends! Never forget our coot job at Kinney's Elvis is alive, we want John(we were flirting), 101·5 rules. all our interesting talks!, MBOOM-driving all over. Dancing in BK parkin$ lot. going up Roosevelt Blvd. the wrong way ·Thanx for almost kilhng me (Ha,Ha) Thanx for being such a good friend to mel You better KIT next yr.! Love. Castag Dear Calista, (Look at the birds!) Hey babel Elvis rules! Remember the rides home with Daniela 6c me Impersonating everyone in the world. Elvls-we gonna win the race? "We're gonna win that race.)" James Brown- HEY! Thanks for laughing at all my jokes 6c always having a smile on your face! Love ya. Susan God loves you! -1 love the way you talk! -say that again -our wonderful lunch table ·retreat. Love, Amy. " Where's my mirror?!?" Never mind I don't want to know. Luv, Tracey Ello there! You're "not the mama!" Tate-o -Tara Watch out for the Brits! Hide your cars! You 're so uptight! Luv You Math class, why won't this lock open? Physics. Lunch! -Margaret Lumia CARA ANGELINI Hey girt. You're a great friend. FP is outta here. Are you glad?? Me tool! GA wf the boys- do you like him-do you like him?? Trip to shore -ooh that was fun! Maybe next time. let's go look for a partyNah it's dead around here. BG Is he cute -well maybe. Chemistry was- an experience -but you know who was there. Jr. Prom. Moviestrip to Tom's -how outta place we feel. Thanx for everything. Summer will be great. You ' re the best. Love ya, Tammi Always remember the junior prom when we were at LuAnn and retreat. Thanks for being a great friend. Love. Chrissy S. I've been Tartuffedl, Darth Vader, When Bambi met Thumper, That's not a flower. that's a butterfly! Good luck in college -with the men. -Anne Marie Homeroom, lockers, geometry class -we managed to become great friends. -Gross. I smell like smoke! -my dally routine of checking my chair in HR. Thanks for everything. Keep in touch! Love, Amy English -help me cheat? Lunch I I'm glad I got to know you. -Katie HANK ANGELUCCI 12/20/91. Bon Jovl. LBL The witch woman, NWA---she Swilwd It," 92.5. New Years Eve-The Quality Inn once a cardinal. always a cardinal ... RU a cardinal? Splashl1f29f92, " So Blessed," Hoopdie, Misty, Snappte, Well son, I'm not gonna be a b--·. -member that night -thanx, Ultimate Warrior. YZ-"Tower w1 the power" -I love you baby! Really? ADC: eenle meenie mlenle moe, SMD & 55, F-um shoulda been there, That's what I think trix R4 kids·Bj sR4chicks. Skippy. Zeus, honey, Plymouth rocks, 2/21/92 Will Love You Till The End Of Time. A mere bag of shells, I'm too sexy. 3/4/92-that was the best. mushy spaghetti your sauce. 7/11/92-7/18/92 The ~gles Valentine's Day: the ticket- y were U tailgating, Hank? 2/28/ 92: Hank wore jeans! Mr. Dobollna, Mr. Bob Dobolina. We're boxln' Zeus tonight, baby!"Bad Love" EC: Thanks4 absitlvely. posotutety everything! I treasure you cuz you made me whole again. Love always. Debbie Need lunch money? now what about that chocolate syrup? move your carl a Tum off that alarm! New year's eve! nice gym pants. What's up with him! Love, Jen Take time to search the past: TRU. Sam Goodies, Uncle Sam's ware house, Lunch, School Raffles, Zt's house. All the drive bys, fly bys- and don't forget Mr. " I don't know what happened, the can just didn't stop!" and Mr. "How did this ftre start?" You never gain when you take from T.R.U.P. ·Kaboom buddylll -George 2T's house, Cisco, my brother's dorm. listening to between the sheets, Villa Rosa's The Butcher's Wife, Accidentll Todd's sister's house, golf course. Rambo, Punk, Wha'd I say about you this week? Luv. Brat Hankablo-Nice Hoopti da-da-da-da-da-da-Anybody want to go to the Quality Inn? -How about all the 6 classes we had together. Can't wait 'til summer. You {!( Deb are crazy. "Warrior bless you" and keep In touch unatractlve female. -Angeload Nice carl Anatomy-awesome- cheater! MR2"7 never1 ·Theo(Storm) Thanx 4 the Genesis and all those games. Toys R Us. Mr. Honest Job. Locker Smashings-A·R.C·H·E-R. Happy B-Day. Where·s the Ultl· mate Warrior? Snap into lt. Snap Into a slim jim. Do Buena Cabeena· ask Debbie. Good Luck NEXT Y~AR .Chris PAT BA~R Well, the show must go ont Thanks for All your help-bass, amps, fellow musician support. Oood Luck "While she's running around with a circus mind, fly on Little Wing" - Carl So many memories we've made together! Too many to write. Meeting you was such a great addition to me. Like you said, In the long run we will be together rorever. Love you and only you sweetie! Save your love - G.White, LW - Nicole HI Dad! Paul, frank. Dan, lzikial. brotherlove, you {!( Nix-see ya around, Spiritual Sky forever (Brady Bunch) From (mom) Jeannie


Spiritual Sky rocks! Keep It up! - Theo Toh Bone, chats on the phonenfuslon? Some days yes. other days no, MMMQ. Go Away-U out-you're an awesome guitarist-Keep with it. Pattycakes 6c Nix Nix. Spiritual Sky will reign forever. Also, I hate SM-she's dead! Always remember-l'm not mean 2 you·Yout? love - Michele Good Luck, but don't forget about the monkey dog! - Matt Guamo I want to kiss you In Paris, I want to hold your hand In Rome. Justify My Love-Baker How's the Sheppards wife? Let's go to the cars and leave during gym class. Do you have some spare doubage for a poor old man? So long frank{!( KIT. Petertosh ·Bolster Spiritual Sky-Fried flounder, A Little Bit of Youtl You Suck What? Maybe later, Fat Cheese {!( Be Merryll • Dave " Mr. Volleyball" I've always had this secret passion for you. Not taking gym waz fun when you didn't. we had some good conversations! Come on over, Loue·Mrs. Volleyball #2 • Kris Gaynor D~BBI~ BAKUN "D" -4:43. number one SK. superwoman at the library, gum on hanger, "I shall ..... Jing. "How much do I want to ... ?" track lesson, moldy bread, Ts-first SUB, dragon pants-thnx M Pub. catch· lng a baseball, LBI. "Will you marry me?"t A Ring?, Shark-the movie. S·sguared. " I prefer the wisk", Do you think he's cute? Can you take us home? wax on; wax off. "HI RU Funny?" K:M:: B:P. "obses· sion" don't you want me? farm course, wannahunnawhat? Hoagie Is Hot/1 Love You ... do I sound like ... 7 " The Bear", the J. Walk. Doobage, pd. 8. CCC, times have changed, but you're still the first person 1 tell " everything to {!( bjc of that we'll be Bff. Thanx for " everything"-you know what I mean. I love you Dab{!( could trust you with ANYTHING, KIT Love Always • OOZ Do you have anything that I can hold my hair up wf? I'm s_cared of ML. So how are our friends? Is MS too late? Junior 6c Senior Prom

Dinner-Triple date Alein's house·l Never at funny Duck. So, how many people there did you go with there Good Luck wI Ff !\IT Love Always, • Michele You mother, how's Frank. " The Doggiey" ScanengerHunt '91. Business will never be the same without you at my side. OK! quoted Sally. Move over bakun there's something leaner. • Michael Pelle· grino Debble·G.T.G.P. green Is your color, shall I repeat that so It would be written twice? 7-up, fizz. Rib-It, fred, Ka·boom, Powder Puff. your house. our senior bOys = funl Junior Prom, junior year, English class, we hate you know whol Ohnkayl That'ud be so nycel you at Franklin. our fwing friends, gravity hill, rapids, scavenger hunt Ben's house, PRRPI our stalk In my neighbOrhood. that's Dominic, retreat .. . where were you ? LeLorenzo's,maklng F feel stupid, cotillion, " clique", Xs $1ft exchange, my " surprise" party plgsl nor· ida here we .. . you dnve stick beautifully, where's Waldo? my bay present. how did you know? sleeping out, Sally you are too much for words. cheerios on the floor, ohnkay, ohnkay(sorry) It's been so much fun, you are the best. I LoveYoul ·Kristen Thanx for always being there when I had a problem with a girl. I didn't know you could torment a person with 3rd degree burns, I was wrong. Thanks for Pretty Woman because she's my favorite. Please call me sometime when you get a chance. Who Is my new love this week? UHH·AHH • SZ Sophomore . . . . I got to know that locker personally thank you very much • Drew Tommy M. Mannlnos hold on to tubes WW life guards/balconies My Boob Itches, Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. Tom T. First Friend-bOwling Feb l·SW French Braid, DO at MS, our loves, St. Joe Who's Denis, Joanna is Fat at has orange hair, yellow cup Are the flowers blooming? can't always get what U wantl the shore x we were at weren' t supposed to be there SZ, sunburn couldn't get up, suck at blow, Drnkn' games, Alans house DL?Il can't do that to Deb· b BC Shorts on S x on the Beach, Church together, 2glrls I still consider myself a V chin hickles DB DB Love • Jill Deb, 4:43, bOnding, "secrets" at your house, Sr. Prom and tent after, dinner at your house (AI=oofy), puzzle on your table, I luv your dad, why doesn't your mom like me? Slow songs make us cry, Beauty at the Beast. gyrnper 8, Sally we're seniors! tell Frank to knock it off already, we luv FF at AL, never forget M.S.L.K.B.W .. lluv ya. Good luck at KIT Luv - Leea P.S. Jewish guys do It bestll D.L? Scruples, Scavenger Hunt FIZZ, service, surprise visit at WWC, history, Dominic, Okaayl Sayen Gardens, takln~ off your jewelry at the end of class so It wouldn't get-stolen, " That ed be so nice" New Year's Eve-DO, baking calculus cookies, Ka·Boom. GTGP, your house. Love • Beth Ann Lucky Y. Good to GoP. Nice colors In your room. You are the automotive expert woman. That's a sweet truck! What size radials? Teach Frank how to drive nicely. Sally, Scanenger Hunt FIZZ, Ka· boom. retreat. Bad Mustang Boys Bambi! love • Jill #2 " Lucky 7", gtgp, green, cops! mustang bOys, ocr. Dominic, 4:43, LBI.FIZZ. Rib-it. Kaboom, scavenger hunt. where's Waldo? oh Doghairs,what time Is It? Spanish. Sally, YMCA, Mercer Soccer·, Princeton. Winberie ·s our own special room, that'd be so nice, cotillion, retreat. let's give It a clap, Wendy's Yeahi Bwing park, car alarms, 707 sguirrels, taking my train to school, It wasn 't me, hH'm Kristen, I'm a china girt yellow light-kiss the roof, wee hi to our paper man, JT you 've got a friend, Calc. don't pass me the chalk, FPEFZE! knock on wood, microphones, the hillbilly couple. I love you! • KELLY Doobage. Gym-Pd. 8. Ronald McOOnaldo you seperate. Get your bOyfriend away from mel KIT Love Ya ·TM Lucky 7. Christoff, Pat at Burger King, you mother hen. LBI·you finally told me the truth! UCP, we are such good little Catholic girls! That's Dominic. Halloween '91, Potatoe Heads, Happy Meals at McDonalds-Oreen, " Yahooo" -er puff practice. Great room at Win· berries-there were cameras behind those pictures! " GIGP" I tell you an awful loti " G" talk in the car, Mustang Boys, Frtos, Rib-it Fred. Good luck from the bird! I'm done now, do you have anything to say?? I Love Youl · Donna Jane fonda workouts. Do you get leaves In your pool? Wilson, Trampoline-can you hit the ceiling? Calzone on the wall. fish-eyes· noo. AM messages, Good h·up song, NK n' Andy. Joyride. Hanging off the trees, Where'd whoo go? John 1,2,3,4 Are the flowers bloom· ing? Donuts Galore, Dude your-is hanging out We love BW at MS's· NOTI Silverfish, KLF: Am I smiling funny? Pt Pleasant sleepovers, dinner. New Hope at prom with LK at MS Nice Chln,ping in MS's street, Dragon Pants, you won 't remeber this in the morning, Mommy Pub. notonmy basement floor. NKOIB, pictures. our Boys, Beer Pong, where·s the vib? FaHening bk rides, WORD V·ball scene, engaged? Sparkling Cider, KIT. Good LucklLove You! .Christina You are the Doodle Howser & I'm your bfVinnlel You are a cocker spanlell ?Como Xesta tu familia? Resplra uno dos tres ... Clndi's party, we'll walk. Hillbillies, Anna the disser, Skipping class & get· ting caught, Terri 's, BW's house-hiding from gmom, no whipped cream. " HI Mrs. Bakun" leg up, we're going all the way! Joan's, Babyslttlng·St!CM. sleep over MS's Holy Cowl Pool with CR. LBI '91. junior P, Scavenger Hunt, good to go P·nlce name doll. Green, you are a frog, Let's paint you. pictures from N's, Sallyyl. plug ln. touc s. FIZZ, Rib-it. & Fred. Nice belly button, LBI at Ala s Calc & Spanny, SZ-you are mediator-what are their deals? l'y dollar.Jenga. I love SK, Dooble Brothers. Mr. 00 Is cute. laririzry on my roof at your yard. my bfriend at PP. cute blond umbrella bOy, shopping for f' dresses, kat 56's-car ride home with Jill at JO. Yesterday, Aeber light. rg Dairy bfriends, stealing seashells, UCP, Ff I Love You Pubbiel LoveJill #1 xo DENIED. peffectglrlfriend,late night talks, CR party, Nov 2. not on my basement floor. fiestas. Wlndberries, cotillion. Bf, My H. V? Always a comeback, Dec6, '91 GMYS, take my B away, We had many special x ·s together. Let's never forget them. I'll always be here for yal Love Always • Tim KRJS BAL~RNA DebOrah·"! think you better think abOut It" Are you going to walt for me?, It justk keeps getting better. K.B. N.D. " It took me four years. halrthe Notre Dame Girls. a girlfriend, 275 detentions, but I made It" To all the gl.rls you know my number. Bomber tor Jl· Mischief night, The true Kings of the Beach, mom· lng after Leigh C., never did make It to your house frosh summer. 6ball at Nattlngham, hoops, the tape, Super Bowl 1001. Did the braves win the world series yet? retreat, Medieval times, late night hochey and your helmet, night of Selben's, hochkey on reservoir Ogiony's car 1111 zap Krls, you're the best thing that happened to Debbie besides mel I'll be sure to keep her In trouble while you· ,re gone! When your In town stop In Bagel Street for a sweet treat! Miss ya, luv ya Tara Can I bOrrow these shorts I swear I'll put them back! thanx 4 everything· UR the best and It won't be the same around here next year w1out U 2 make me laugh; MC Isn't too far · yeah your butt! Where are we anyways? What's the score gonna be zo-o?J RU really going 2 be a garbage man? Your radio sounds really good! Did you ever do a Rip in the ocean and loose your pants? How many monthsll? Late- Love Debrah P.S. Free Dummy Are we playing today?; original waxman: chicken holiday; sun· deck LBI: Lynea; Allentown B·ball; Ketch Club; FREEDOM! Ricky Valenzuela Kris·lt was really fun when we were friends . . . orange parts, summertime, " salley dance" , morp?, Allison + Janlne, I'm not on a hanger. J. Crew Cody. cute little whiskey. Snoopy ... thanxl too stubbOrn? 12/19/92 dud you go to ND? Good luck whatever you dol Love Claire. " are you fighting WI Debbie again?", Remember the catch and the summertime, B. G. house on New Year's Eve, they were great. Yo. what's that under them umbro's? We spent alot oftime together and became good friends. lets look back on these years and remln· Ice when we go on to college. This summer Is when the fun starts.

Good luck when you go on to college. K.G.? Thanks man Later Zol " Yo so what are you doing tonight? Are you working? Wanna shoot some pool?" " I'll take the 100 piece chicken" R.K. " Set BaJema " ·Sir Video how nasty were we? Joe Picone tell him I said " HI ". VUokay. Flannigan were the best. Mr. Phillips I can't stand. GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR • Chris Rematch CN. ML vs. ss. CB anytime my house. fight with AI. Goutea Larry " Water Bird"; M.O.M.; T. Beav; Pucka; Big Bone; " You forgot Chris Nlttliilll"; " yo hair''; " Don't go to college! "; Teach you Brown Bully; " BEEP. bye" ·DR RCA adapter; 1111; Radio Shack sink. ·Caesar You down wit O.P.P.? Stay cute and alwayze remember mel Luv yal Kelly F. You got any tacos? Remember Rich 's house? We are the best at pool. How bOut Zola's whale belt? ·S.Z. Let's race! Blllardsl See at the shore! " heool. Bellerna" S. school is No. 1, " Tito, Dena is mine. I luve her and I hate you"; I didn't mean to go with Gaff ... really": " ugh one ugh two. ugh three?"; I love to surf and I'm the best at surfing" It goes up and down .. up and down" Balerna your a good guy mon . .. K.I.T. next year, Love you Man . . . M.J.f'. ·What's up Greg? BAU? Nok Hockey? MCCC fair· thanks for the duck· Espo Butt! Sorry abOut the plant!· So Ashley must be 21 by now?· Peter, Paul,? BALAU· we had great times? You 're a good friend-Love McGrath SUSAN BARCAROLA HI Sue. I'm glad I got to know you better this year. It was nice sitting D at the same lunch table. Skiing was fun. KIT. Love, Nicolette Sue· just remember the oochle cootchie girls' skiing trip and our movies with truck drivers! Love ya. Bridget Hey Babe, well its been a great four years and I think that from here on in things can only get better. I'll never forget our many memo· ries, such as our first day as freshman and the days we got our drivers license, our 1st accidents, 1st dates. and the first time we drove to school together. Everyday was an adventure! I've known you for close to 10 yrs. and each day you get to be more like a Xslster. We've been there when we needed each oTher. when we were scared or excited. We' ll always be close and you will always be my best friend . Love ya, Hope B. Well, well, well. how are ya Jivin'l Let's first delve into memory, beology. frultflies. psychowoman. Alpha-beta, Prom '91 and broc· coli fest '91. are you gonna eat that? It's so cold you c hang meat in here, salemi. July 4. '91 • What bOmbs? You've got omepln' near your nose! Tidal-wave, Where's Susan! geesle-duckies, Big Dadd· Frank. retreat. phlsolopher·Hegel. Catalina, napollani·babba, stop snoring, Thr Me you, Hope Crue concert. Carlo. aerobics, let's eat,· 11 wat. Enterprise· tire!, butter, you gonna eat that?. Delorenzo's, hold it for mel. South Street. Motown ph illy, Bagwan, bye-bye party, 976-Frank. Toooo Sexxxyl, Scooot. JAck D., CC. mo money, Elvis. Chuck? G. Keep on rockin' In the free world!. So many memories so little timet Let's eat. Thanx for great times. we'll always be great friends! Love ya always and see ya in Hamilton! We 'll always be best friends and thanx for all the times! Love ya, Daniela

JEff BAYLOO You smelly fanatic. ("?!@ your pants much) Jeff don't yack (I never yack). •u hole blaaa. Smelly piece of ·- . Nice smell. Toobig to5fat . .. You fat curry eatln Beer Eater . . . Later Got to Go (75) Brains, mbrainsll They don't make movies like they used to. Now that we·re out of school, we can put all those dreams we had Into effect. We'll be the biggest things ever to siege a city. Also, I never will forgive you for setting me up with K.C. and a special out. boom to yall· George " Jeffie Pooh " My fifth grade love· Sixth grade too. We've had some really great memories all through Incarnation and up to now. Thanx 4 all your help and advise. I hope we'll stay close.- Love Kris SHAWN BEIHL 10127/9l·lt seems like forever. You' re the best thing I could ask for. " My Masterpiece". Remember " Ace" 114192. Seven? '? Well I'm the lucky Slllove you (as you are) 4-eva. always sweetheart· Jaime Shawn, TGIF. do you have any food 4 me? Good luck In the fut el Luv ya Leea· P.S. don't pick on Jaime too muchll (J.K.) LBI '89'· ML. 56, FA· the 10 mile walk· FA the surfer. Parties.· Larry All problems are resolved. (Barbarian Bros. are Back for Summer '92) LBI (your house) Ski Biscuit. A? II Birds, The Speed Van, DY.namlc DJ's, fERRAZZI, (Guido soph yr.) The Playground (friday Ntte) The First Party . . . Hiding kegs In the woods (Are they still home) YES!! Layton's front door (Dented) HAMILTON FITNESS EVERYDAY ... FOOTBALL(DL Rules 79,75,57) Baylog, In the buck· et ... La Casa chick ... ERNIE ... Sieben's party ... there's so much more. We're In this like Prego ... • ( #75) Drive much,(FERRAZZI) Sea Rays, Electric Playground, The Burgi (Stay Away) ERNIE! II Thanks for everything-clamming, trying to water ski, Lobster din· ner? Love • Michele Had a lot of fun last summer. We have to hang out this summer. pick up some babes and get it. Remember " Every time I get It up you leave" JB. All the parties, The z man on the Beach with all the Babes. When he flipped my car and said It was a truck, or how abOut the hot babe that dropped me off when the motorcycle broke down, Those were the days. Good Luck with the new house this summer. Maybe I'll see you. I'll bring the car phone even though it doesn't work anymore. Don't forget the sea-doo In the ocean that was great. and remember Jumping Off the back of the boat and all of our fake Jabs this summer, those times wer7e great man. Don' t forget Them. And don't forget when I was Ping out the van door. Later • Rego Remember Mrs. Wargo's classll How abOut our old racketball days at the gyrnl Then the parties at your house, hangln' at LBI. carrying the heavy Jet ski, Last but not least. Don't ever forget chilling at the Fairview down at Wild woodll 100 bucksll You're definitely a friend! • Chris Having a party? I thought you were sailing to SIC(NEVER). bond· lng in gym balcony-yes. my butt Is ftnel Car rides to KC's hpuse· Thanx. KIT Love Ya • Terry Moran Hey slick! Thanx 4 everythlng-4 listening 2 my complaints ~just being there. Ur the only one I know who shares my brain! U blonde bimbO! REM: ur parties, my party-where were U? the lost keg-new found, always lifting, Eng. classes, nice car. Ur a crafzy kid who always makes me laugh. my valentine· The football King-not jlk Love Ya • Clndl ANGELA BtLLARDO

Hey June! The hallways at Notre Dame will never be the same without you. We can't go around yellin TRUT and 'nis' anymore. we won't see the 2x4 any more and you won 't be ab e to make your comments abOut people anymore. When you go away to college keep your hands to yourself (remember look but don't touch, that's my job) and if you get a jeep CALL MEII We can go and flnd Kevin, Be moderately good! Love • Andy Lunch ~ your favorite person. Ed Cotillion. Good Luck • Carole I'm so happy I didn' t have to put up with you In every single class this year. I think 3 Is enough. Actually. it wasn't that bad. Never forget Kaplan. Calc with BN, What about history? I don's care abOut insurance! Hey we bOth fall Eng together. Thanks for all the Ewing gossip. • Kristin Kelley Hi Angl I'm really glad we've gotten close this yearllt's been fun. never forget-nice driving in Phllly. FIZZ. KABOOM, nls. BK parking lot. visiting you guys In work and lunchl Good Luck and keep In touch! ·Love, Castag f'.S.·I Love FR. Hi! Well we finally made it! How? I don't know. This year was a lot of fun . Do me a favor teach CA to drive in Ph illy? After that we'll go again Good Luck in school and K.l.T .• Luv Je

Oh my Lola, LaLaLaLaLolal Well Lola I'm gonna m Good Luck in college and with Mike. Never forget: library. two by5r. " phone", Prom '91 ', me. you. and Calls at lunch . Honors English Ill· what a class! Good Luck In Co I ·m gonna miss ya. Always keep In touch· Love Lola 112. Danie Dear locker buddy, Rememeber Gizmo and f# @? you Billy. · John JOHN BtLZ History. Massages! Seals. Always the Quiet ones! Paint guns. Physics labs! • Margaret Lumina • " Help" I hate him. " Keg party?" Great Adventure? Good Luck and IU.T. ·Love ya. Tracey Belzlll How it hanging? four years of school and now It's over. My brotherll Remember an year. lunch. Wildwood. Dorney Park. and Retreat. Don't go biting Into soda cans anymore and don't show anybOdy those feet of yours. Never forget the tanks and boats at Dotney, I'll never have another gunner! I don't think that I've ever drank coffee or been completely wired in my life while on retreat. Stop eating so much saltllf I ever find you or TM breatJng the tab off my soda can ever again, I'll kill you bOth. My greatest high school accomplishment: Totally rejecting you In volleyball. Oh, by the way, were you the one throwimg spit balls up there? This Is my rifle. this Is my gun. This Is for fighting. this Is for fun. Schwingll Shyeeeaahhl RRIIGGHHTTI I wish you all the luck in the world while in the Navy. Don't get yourself killed. You always knew how to make me laugh. Gonna miss ya you redneck! KIT. Forever your driver· Jay A.K.A. " EI rene" Hello! Too bad norollerblades· baby! Your a lotoffunl Thanks for your help and friendship! Good Lucft and BE CAREFUL at the Great Lakes! KIT·Love· Jen Hey locker buddy! Never forget all of the times we had-both good at bad. Thanx for always being there. You' re a great friend! Good luck in the navy! !lake sure you write and keep In touch! Never forget the til lion-admit it. It was a good time especially for you the walter! I'll give you a towel for over your arm. Never forget Gizmo and Belllel Never forget indent! Love Yal Bon Voyage! Good Luck! Call me when you get back · Matt Cuamo Yo Befls·where's my history! You look sexy in a Tux! Let's experi· mentl Can I take you home tonight! Perverts are we. · Donna John, you're a great guy and I'm really glad we have become friends. I can always count on you to make me laugh ! Good Luck and I know you 're going to make it in the Seals but you better keep lntouchl Love· Chrts Well John we are finally done! d now we are off to set the world a· blaze I know that you can be the best Navy Seal(next to David of course) if you want to. You 've always been there when I needed you and I never told you how much I appreciated it. You ' re a great guy. Keep in Touch after the sun" ! I'll love you always! Love · Hope ADAM BtNDAS TK. Cf', 60, TS, MZ at LS; Wheel of Fortune, where's my pizza? Fedlmorel Liz· I lost that Iovin' feeling, BR lost his hair, Mr. Kelly lost his job! Peace let's protest and barbecue! Senior Girls (KM. HC) Grey Ghost, Impala Caprice, Jeep. 250. Bass, accesores scanner, NFC, Gomonlak, Tackleberry, Howdy Doody, Riehle Cunningham, Sally at Service, let's have stew, Bendas never gets sick in Nov. What's goin' on tonite? Beers at Bobs. riot in Hamilton, scagg, Bob cat. lawnbOy. LBI. Levin's house, 2 in the morning, hurricane, 60 tk JM New Year's Eve! JB retreat and Big D thanks you 're great. There's always a party at LSI Dissed by all for Installation dinner dance! What's going on tonite? LS EM Best lillie house In Hamilton! Jim WATCHOUTI Deposits, Russia falls, Todd falls, Grey Ghost stalls! Schwala & BaJema shore blanket 58 '91 Bud Bowl! Dlssed by KM kim be forgot he $.raduatedl CP ~ AB dlssed In LBI by '91 " girls" . Shore house '92 Retther shaves his beard! BG Is really Bob Villia. Stout put your teeth In! TS never cheats just share's! MZ trades In RT for RB !#@%? LSiet's go look at carl VA Is down that's too bad . .. I was upset .. I didn't hit him in the head, oh well, next time! Coppock we're going outl McGraw's camping adventure, Anderson see at Re-hab, Did MZ go tot school here In 9th and lOth grade? Joey's pizza, chased In Montgomery! Radng down 95 wi TK and PRTI TK Jet's get our books signed, let's go to AW and see if KN Is there! CP, RS, TM, OW, SH, TK, KS, Lf, AC, KN, AR, BG well .. . anyway! BG see ya a t the White House. CP at BG crash! Desert Storm! Ben where' the flood! Electric Playground, Peals sucks! Why ask why? Thomas Sweets, Rold Golds rule! TK. BG, host! MZ·Ram tough, CP gets ripped·ya right! Ticket In LBI, Hard Rock. Mercer. wawa runs. NIN, pm. stussy, vegetable burgers, Nirvana, TK cuts his hair. LS Imitates KNITS settles down, YA RIGHT! DC keeps a secret-say what! BOYS SOCCER #1 Stout has car for two days! VA 39 errors! BASKETBALL Rules! ST JOE'S Blows, RT loves Fabel Cotillion '92, Schwa las KB tk AB. JC·Willlams. Caesar In converse, CS PASSED OUT, Johnson has too much magic, BG is still lookin' for the showi Bendas break dances! BH dissed by AW, BASEBALL. Tucci, TAKE YOUR HATS OFF. WAYNE'S WORLD, 60 gets a shamrock, MZ AB pound LS drive way. to all good luck. peace and see ya Mercer! To all my Junior Friends· Where's Potter, 3rd base. we only talk on Jrd basel SN some day It's not over yeti AW 4 years and what I think we should write a book I LOVE YA. PEACE, and to Af My Best Friend In the Whole Wide World Good Luck with your relations next year. I'm only around the corner at Mercer or the Firehouse, Thanks, BARB, Dissed Twice, Let's do pool, Halo Farms, Library and of course Fred, and the firehouse I do want you • AM How's chemistry coming along1 Bus partner, c-chlp cookies. the Rose. when R you taking me to the firehouse? Sleeping with your scanner. your business card-sorry. Thanks for all the rides. You've been a great friend, have fun In NC. Love · Amy wawa man. 6-ball at U heights, Martin House, Pd 7. " Am I shaving you head?" Retreat. fireman. • Ricky Valenzuela We had some really great times. I don't hate you. Love you Rochelle Nice to rob my house at 3 am w1 JOI Thanks for picking me up at MFW. ·K· bach, Wendy's History Class. KIT Doll Love - Jill Coley Adam bend you #@I? Adam Bendover. 5ay It loud·l'm black and I'm proudll • Tara Spaine Lost UR development twice, Cotlll nlte KB at SW, Party@ Shwah· las! • Love Chlzm Next time you go four wheeling, control yourself· Fred Procaccini Sorry. I can 't choose which girl to take. I'll try~ help you out the best I can. Next tine you get drunk at my house I'm not driving you home In you truck. Or don't you remember that! Just Kidding. I also like cool chicks. Z sodas, I straw • SZ Station 17, Dempster Center, f250. Sterios, Jan '91, YOU· Chris Pinelli 4X4 Rabbit, Pinelli 's Super Bowl Bash, Eagles are great. Let's play pool sometime U heights Basketball In the snow-really smart! Good Luck. • Beymer Lawn bOy, " How's Satan?" Kitchen Talks, tree jumping . . Shwahla men, Pizza Hut • Love Ya Always · Laura Shwahla " Bendass' Are U In? SKagl SoU got a date w1 KMc, NOT! Miller, Monoman. :Catch" Do It yourself Cherokee! Pool Shark1120 proof, Ping Pong Fest, Do U wanna go to KN's, Signatures 4 yearbookl Hey Bob where·s Bendas? HP Sparky! etc ... Keep on, Keepln ' on ... • TK " Let's toast to . . . " history class, the top ten movie rentals. you 're a really great guy! Never Change! Love • Kelly Hey friend. never forget our talk In the Cherokee on our fun for gum. you ' re a great guy. Sorry abOut Ka·Boom dis, Dunkin's Don· uts. honey-dipped R my favorite, we love draining cans. save those labels, scanner, get those potatoes out of the drain! Senior Yr. is the best! Call 1·900 .. I give good root! I Love You! · Bean Scott Zelinski's house, thanks for the Dunkin' Donuts! Love · Beth Ann Fireman Bendas • Remember all the fun we had in Frosh. Soph, Jr. Sr Yr. 1can not believe you got an Eng scholarship to Edinburg Ul

I'll see you there. The Stadium. fireball ·but where·s your date? LS driveway pounding. You and CS make a great couple. What to order 9 pizzas? Later · Zol Yo dude. I'm a snail, don't touch my shell. All the performances such as rap at Scott's house. You were always the life of the party, you gotta keep Station 17 under control and maybe one day you can be a baby Bull because we all know I'm Big Bull. I'll never forget when a pitch got away and VA right in the chest. those were the times to recollect. Take It Easy! · Michael Pelligrino 8RJDG~T 8~1'1TZ

Don't ever forget what to do if a certain class bores you·you can make up a U2 page·l never had one, thanks for tolerating an annoy· ing red·headed hispanic that we all know and love {not) Look for the Baron at Georgetown, I!Jl let me borrow your physical education award. from the Honor Society Member most likely to be tossed • Dave Martinez To the Calc Class-you are the greatest. I've had so much fun wf you in 4 years-from Gee I'm a Tree to Mrs. Z and gannez. Our Calc parties.I!Jllocker room jokes were the greatest! Love to everybody! To the Breakfast Club-What an awesome homeroom we had! People just came to tutor and stayed all year-Thanks Guys! To the Martin House Crew-Red Roxy. Riverta, Sexless, Chris. Ellen I!Jl every body else; What a great service project-Love from Elvira Hey dude! Remember the ski trip wjthe oochie coochie girls! The home movie of the truck drivers! Nicolette's editing techniques! Our lunch table Pd 5. Liptak's class Pd 6, the legacy lives onl Stories about contact! "Amtrican Woman" (Bye! Bye!) Nice face Bridget! Thanks for the memories Bridge. I know you'll be a success at whatever you do. Good Luck! Love ya, Oh don't forget Bob Dylan· "WHAT" · Susan If our marriage doesn't work. you can have custody of the English notes. Good Luck. Have fun in college. Your Hubby · Mike L. #1 baby, world famous thrift shopper, crossword puzzles. frenchJ.<:Iid we ever know what was going on? 98~ shoes. rollerskat· ing. You're such a rebell Angel-hooker by night, student by day, Do you know anyone who reuses their gifts for other people? Suzy K's in the house! • Alyson Congrats #11 You deserved it. · CP Hey Bridgl So who says smart people can't have fun·NOT US! Bustin' out baby! I had fun·what about you? I love your crossword puzzles and artistic cartoons in French. Boy, did she hat us! I still can't parley·vous franzee. can you? Never forget skiing=falling. I think we should stick to roller skating. At least. I should stick to driving! You and your Hor·moblie, mol I!Jl my "toy". Are you ready to hit 90, baby?! Maybe I'll see you in college-if I get into one of the 8 colleges I applied to. forget it·l'm ~olng to be a race car driver-No. a soap opera writer-No, a movie d1rector. Hey did you see Oprah yesterday or were you watching your favorite channel. Jukebox, while eating minestrone soup, ice cream, licorice, and a Macintosh apple. Eagle 106. Don't for~et about Sally! I don't know if you realize how much of an inspiration you've been to me. The entire Manahan family is proud of you! KIT I!Jl Oochie Coochle. girl! Love Always · Nicolette "The Speed Demon" Calc has been great and so has the whole year. Never forget Amy and your one nite of prostitution. Your favorite pimp. Good Luck next year. ..Chris S My favorite M love slave, WI marathon of perverse poems. chick· en fillet. The Mayor AKA The Pathological Liar. rollerskating. Tom's new Furry mammal nickname, the beautiful boxers I'll have by the time you read this, and my ~ hour FIZZ trip. Love the B·MAN Bridget. you're a genius. You better do good in college I!J/1'11 vote for you for president. Get yourself a man and take it easy-don't over burden yourself. You need a vacation. But you're sweet so stay like that. Be a good wife! Love you Calc Neighbor · Chris Hey Bridge. Over the last 2 yrs we have gotten closer and I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all the times you 've been therefor me. You area lotofjun and I love to spend timewf you! I'll never forget the Violent Femme concert or the many, shall we say strange!. experiences at contact. You 've worked so hard for all your gonna shine in college and I'll always feel extremely proud to say that you are my best buddy! I'll love you always. KIT (my prospec· tive Yale nerd) Love • Hope Dude! Do you remember In Soph yr. in gym dass? We used to cheer during those soccer games? It was so funny. Yet those days are long gone. You're a great person and good luck in whatever you do. Love • Marian Well, Ms. President. the NHS room was fun . . . Math League (Aaaah!)·l know I can get a 101-We have to get the trophy! .. stories about Judy . . History last year (scratch, scratch) . . Gym Class (Yeahi)·Sweatin' to the Oldies-Can I play volleyball or what?! . Never forget BN. or. I!Jl BC (How could you?) I'm really gonna miss you! You're a really special friend. Good Luck In all that you do! KIT Love • Shaheen BRIDGE! My mother almost name be Bridget. Imagine that! We have had the best tines! Never 4get; Mrs. Anderson. Miss Liptak. 1'\rlmpet. physics labs, Ben (mooch!) Pres. Vf. WI. Homeroom. NHS, tutoring slackers. wrestling meets. St Joe's Soccer game (nice to fall off the bleachers) calc II midterm (Ecto- Cooler llt brownies!) Gee I'm a Tree. Go fly a Kyte, Calc JI!J/11, Mrs. z. Brandon Christina. Calc Parties, Go's, "Three women and a Big Baby" your bruises, your salvation army clothes, you can't spell. $1.95 shoes. your read back pack which always got all over everything when it was wet. you falling out of your chair in Sally's class. last minute speech writing (thaxl) my procrastination problems, 89.5. but "I want you to work harder next MP. so I'm giving you a Bl" SallyjJudy escapades; "poof, you're a Chrtstlanl", bad posture. plug in, touch bases, singing to us. hippie pictures. Where·s Waldo? acrobatic sitting positions. OOOKA Yl the " Bull". and all of her other quirky ways. Remember-Baby Project. Mr. Reither?? {delivery room doctor!) mar· riage project; our banner I!Jl thankx for the cough drops! ... Soup 1'\itchen '92; we make a nasty stew! (nice to keep dumping burning hot stew on everyone's hands!) I love how your hair always used to change colors! wingtips, study parties. our lab table; you, me. Nick I!Jl Michele; Green Eyes! (Ben got kicked outJ) . . . My birthday and your birthday; 2/15 I!Jl 2/17 Thanks for coming out to millstone for my BDay '92; You, me I!Jl Natalie; chess, ziti, chocolate cake I!Jl Taboo! Kojak socks, Chris' wrestling meet when you said, Is Ruth here?! really loud and she was sitting right behind you! (the intelll· gent aimeadl) (DUHI) Bridget. we have had so much fun the past 4 yrs. You are the most giving person I know-always thinking of others first. I know you'll be successfuJ In whatever you choose to do. I Love You! · Jenn (Odie) (YP) Bro! He's the best! Remember the cupcake! Remember all the good times in the past 4yrs, we met In Gee I'm a Tree, we didn't see each other a lot Soph or Jr Yr-George Gilbert. Suziek. BRO·BALLI gym award, wrestlers getting favored. You should've tried out for soccer. This yr you have changed for the better. You are so much fun to be wf. Your hair color changed, too. Karen Is cooll Lippy Is high on herself, and is moody. Sally makes me laugh, the way she walks. don't gossip. "Did you here about Bridget!" Calc is the best. We are such a family! You. Jen 0 and I are the best group. BN is my dreamboy. Why d.Jn' t you tell him to shut upl Go pts. save mel I have U2 tickets and you don' t. Larry from Soup Kitchen, Salvation Army·rugby for $2.99 Where's read white and blue? Plaid boxers you made! Make my summer wardrobe. I hate cats! Love my body, not must my mind! Is It past your bedtime? Perry St I!Jl South Broad· street of bargains. Marsha, dads, pajamas. Keep your foot on the gas! Violent Femmes, bruises-also from accident. Trying to lind rollerskating. Driving the Hor-izon! Mercedes Bentz. Pippy Jill #2. Jill v., can I be one? You're #1. AC is #2. Stalling In intersections. Can you find my new house now? in the dark? No one comes to M· ville. You 're a slacker! Prospective Prom date. Me saying "He's such a dorkl" I hate DP CLUB! You're the best, see you at BC. PS Have you been lifting? Love • 1'\rlstin

MICHELl! BtRSCH Well, we did It! I'll never forget. Wildwood '89. Atlantic City, See bret. QBM·hockin· wf caps ... Ant's undies. herr, Konng Kong. he· lloo·hll We were so wild and got away with It all-Remember fire· chick! Good Luck with Stevie! Thanks for being there for me, you're a great friend. I'll never forget you! KIT after we graduate. Love Ya • Tori Mega Sis. Sepultura. PB, Mega WK. tuna, Aphrodite, fat A.• night caps (basement) motell Of MICE AND ... , foolxlo. cigs xio. DVB· snowllako? Malacci, City Gardens. NO NOII've had It-lose a wheel, Where's nicole? Metalllca. memories, Way too many-Love Ya Sweet· ie ·Nix Nix Thank you for your support! • Chris Sieben Meechelleel Mrs. Campo's class was the greatest, I wouldn't have survived without you. Thanks for all the great memories "Hammer" Good Luck wjSCI KIT OOOOKAAAYI • Jelf "Rack em' up" many classes together, "Yo Sucker!" Him? Write me a note! Visit me In Rhoe Isle! • Theo B#1 now and forever-vacuuming your car. Horseflies at the shore, that big red surfboard in your car, Bathroom scene at TSC (that lady was In there) Gerri· "Love Is silly" Banging my head on your bed, Andrew falling, fruity pebbles 1:00AM. I'll flexjl'll flare-Alright B#2 let's gol SNOBS! Being sick tgthr·snake movie, REM·" Ioslng you WHAT?" volleyball. me I!Jl your bro. ff MC ~-forever! Mlch at Steve/ TLF Love·Jeannle Bean Thank you thank you thank you for the Metalllca Tixl Call me. we'll eat Chinese! • Dave JOI'IBI!YM TM: Watch out for that ditch · too late, Myrte Rules, KH and JB duh. NO more flips. Beach V·ball. faggots flshln'. KFC finger Lickln' good, wanna play pool? Belle Mountain $x$, I know the way. Bow· mans Rules, 8 hours recorded time. Radar Detectors Thanx, 2 cars and counting. Coastal Ca Is Ivy League! Joe M I!Jl Wrobo "get out of her Moorcroft"! Shmaltz?? You speak slovac? TO: Idiot! I'm really grant fuhr • Little Chris. Dave Burgess-funny Guy! THE RABBIT Is #11 the Nissan·NOI! ~ crashes-Dads carl Mr. Obrian! Hey Brenner got a license? Jl'\ I!Jl CL Maryland PRT rules, Black sheep, mix, see no evil. Hear no evil. Robin Hood! DB, OS, Jf and crew·l rule at volleyball! BH·settle down. thanx for the Gap. need a ride, Let's play balll Clemson I!Jl M Jordan are the best! Af·What's my next class? BB·Nice Arm, Slippery Rock. Robocop, wanna throw? Skiing! Joe Bires, Mrs. Campo, treadmill. Af·agaln-where did I take LS? JB-You suck! TK·Remember B·ball, I broke your knee-l feel guilty? AR..Qet a GTII CP I!Jl Jf·Basketbaii·SuperBowl, Kyte Jf·the foleymer llt RPT CP·I want your carl and your system! JF, cr. BG I!Jl all doubtersEagles Rule! BB agaln·Double B, water pistol, Yamika, Am I speakin' Greek?! EI'\·Mad Oog·watch your eyebrows, light socket-twice PV·I'II kill you at tennis. Kerwick·want me to hurt Sean? MS I!Jl KB·Rabblts Rule KG·I beat you to School all the time! The AF I!Jl CD Klan·Let's play pool ALL THE TIM Ell SHAFITZ·you're the best. I like your short hair ff·Nice muffler, I've got a 350. 90cam, 42 header, 90 hp, awesome engine In the Rabbit BG·Nice Car. Af I!J/1 will kill you I!Jl Mf at pool-anytime. Wrob-1 Love Track! The football Crew-Don't hurt mel SM·Lers Race! Mrs. Leonlc·Record 400 ec points TM·Shore after the SP, Joey Pizza llt the lroc. What's a blk sheep? What's a Shmaltz? Dave S-Lover the BelAir, truck, skiing. Ike to Jf, Cf, MM. NG I!Jl CN·Mrs. Leonie, what's for extra credit? Krls f·Remember Patience Is a virtue. I know you want me, Hodge· <ton't visit! EKI!J/KB· Mercer Park EK·B-ball. stick wfit. Moravian, see you In the NBA, you·re nasty! Liz W-NB is gorgeous. ND Girls Track (JM, DL. BB I!Jl EB I!Jl others) LIGHTEN Ufl I know you all Jove me·Jen M·Scrunchle Jf· I'll kill you in the 800, Wanna Race, Alfro man RB.Ylper, Harry, you're awesome dude. hurdles, Good Luck, MBK at UPenn • JON Hey Jon. you wanna race! • Drew Yo, thanks for the Indian hat. I'll treasure it always! Keep practlc· lng B-ball cause I'm gonna play you some day. PROMISEII See Ya • K. Kerwick You little #@I?· Seiler You know you like the Pippensl Remember how you "ate Steinert for breakfast" Remember how the Eagles can't win a playoff game. Patience is a virtue Stay Cool· foley (Jon, you won't hit him!) You are just SO cool. I really want to be like you! (Yeah, Right!) Thanx for the ride home! Next time try driving with your hands and not your knees! Why would you come to MY house after the cotll· lion? I love so far away, next time I'll pay for your gas. {Maybe) Well. keep being a jerk it ftts you so welll C·YA Chrissy D. 1 want a race. Morgan. St. Paul's Todd's hurt. BK. fool, CD I!Jl Af the rabbit, 4X4. game cock Is WHAT? Super Bowlsll I Luv MO I!Jl JB • Bendas I want a Rematch! • White Thanks for the memories • yeah whatever! Bridget I!Jl Jen You are the sweetest guy I know! Don't ever change! Good Luck in , the future Love · Erin It's been " interesting" knowing you. Just wait till the egg is raw · O'Keefes I'm the ones who wrote the poem!· Tweed JOSEPH BIRES Did you study? You've got a test next period! carry on with your brotherly philosophy • may you find the ultimate meaning ... to whatever! • Carl 8RI!NDAI'I 81RUK Remember Soph yr. when we were biology partners. Well now Looked at us· we were Chem partners. Thanks for letting me copy! · KK Univ of florida jacket? Do you want It? · Theo Man. that soph . yr was doozie. Glad we stayed friends through all that, Never forget all those long afternoons on the track In Plain· field. You're a good mom. Good luck In the future. Remember the Flyers will always be better than the Devils! • Drew DAVID BOLSTER I love you because you're so sensitive and understanding! LAW 8C SOCIOLOGY were GREAT! Fight the power and don't believe the hype "D" Ohl and don't kill anybody either! The Fugitive (Tell the devil I said hello) I could swear you are Satan in student form! • Seiler Volleyball Posse-you are all freaks of nature! You're a bully and a homewrecker but still you are a great guyl • Matt Guamo "Hi!" Stop grabbing my arm and writing on my notebook! • Darren 01 You Looked In The Hole! · Dave Von Bargen CHRIS BREII'IINQ To all my friends at ND good luck next year. Cl-you're so beaut!· ful·maybe we can go out sometime. N5-2f28/92 GRJCE·SWEET DREAM5-SWEETHEART. BH·Thanks for going to the Jr Prom. Wild· wood Boardwalk. APOLOGY Llst·JC, MT. LK, BP·I'm really sorry. Zola bail me out next time·lf a party gets broken up don't hide In the closet. KC·Loglc SZ·Bad Timing. You I!Jl Jaime dissed me on that paper. Cops in Ewing. Suck I!Jl Blow. Pool. GOOD LUCK Next Year· MM. KH. DC, CJ, NS, Tf, BL, KM, MG, JC. Where's Duane fenni· more? #1 babe of ND·Mrs. Ivins ... NOT. Mr. Mil I want my sing back. ST. JOE'S . . . STINKS! Sieben's Party. WONDERFUL TO· NIGHT· KD What's the difference between a "babe" and a "pig"? Not much after a bottle of Cloco. Ben-Regulator's, Mount Up. 104.5 "Between the Sheets"·Think about me. MS Dorney Park. Wildwood. LBI. hit lists, When in Rome do the Romans, Sean Cox's New Years Eve·~ man, Ben's 8 girls llt a pole, pay backs. Electric Playground· freshman Yr. Ice Skating. HoJo's, WAYNE's WORLD, SNL. friends· BC , CS. BD. sz. MS. SL. BS, SS. MP, JB. Cant's wait till the summer· NO SOCCER GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR! Missy·! never hocked W/ a corpse! Ashes to Ashes, Dust to dust. Life Is too short to Party we , MUST! I saw the "One" at Drew, DM The Cure, State Champs. Life is Short Play Hard! · CHRIS

You didn't hit your low at Drew. Never forget Natla..Ciaudia. Have fun at Stevens. Think about your jeep. Great Sr. lunch table! · Chris Sieben 1 never though I would go with younger girls than you but some how I did • Rego Thanx for the movie! Mr Alexander I!Jl the ruler (I sat next 2U) I only talk to you when I have cramps! Good luck next year I!Jl KIT Luv Ya • Leea Hey! Thanks a lot for always getting me in trouble In Physics. for smearing green paint from the table all over my face llt in my ear, l!t for trying to throw me out the window In English! Nice brush bristles for earrings! REM all of the good times: helpin Kerry remain con· scious at Chris Sieben's party, Sean's NYE party, the lime we were at Kerry's house I!Jl watched "Point Break" (cool movie·l feel asleep!) Nly 'smelly feet" Senior Auction (that was a waste of my $2.00 . . . it would have been worth it if you had worn spandex!) TCBY (nice to pay for Kerry's yogurt!) Playing pool. looking down Kerry's shirt (I saw U) and all the others I didn't mention. Remem· berwhen you threw me in Chris Sieben's pool wjall my clothes on? Thanks . . . 1 was really hot anyway! Keep In touch at keep smiling! Love · Jenn {Odie) Stop sweating mel Man stop fronting mel Why you got to be fronting like that. T MACK attack. boyz of summer. Mitchell Dogs, Need a VIsta to catch that one. MELTON+ HODGE. Yo, dude watch my retinal OK "BoY!" · Michael Pellegrino What would you do for $5? How many ties have we been pulled over? Vets, Danberry's we just want to talk. Some great hook·ups. NYE '91·WOWIIIiked the wall, nice to hook with my chick, definitely not worth the trouble. Wayne's World. Boh Rap, My van, If you could do It all over again ... ? Top ten lists, would you? Late nights at my house, we have similar tastes, Grice I!Jl NS. how about HH? Stan· zione·s I!J/8H ·you got me backl You're a great guy·nicejeepl Love Ya- Ben Eric Clapton, Wonderful Tonite . . 58's Party . . Gingerbread house .. Waterbed . . Card Game .. CS's Party. thanx .. "Excuse me, are you gonna pay for that?" .. Pool, I see you looking .. Late Nite Movies .. Where's my dinner? .. SC's party .. Sitting in your car . Our Talks . . thanx for the rides home .. Don't forget the memories .. Thanks for being a friend. I Love You· Kerry HOPE BRENI"'AA'' Hey hopie-dopiel What an awesome friend to have! We've been best friends since 4th grade. There' so many memories. Remember the ski trip wf oochie coochle girls! The ski lift (the attempt) Bob Dylan- "What" Everybody must get stoned! " American Woman" (Bye. Byel I'm gonna leave! I'm gonna goool" ON MY GOD YOUR FACE! the cotillion '91 My ding·a·lingl Carnival people! Elderly Pe· destrlans. Look out! NO, NO. NO! Watch! Watch! BIKERI Your cheesecake. B-DAY the Hope-Mobile. Who am I this week? Who are you dating this week? Junior Ring Thlng·My Shoe! Remember grade school· Suey! Slap! fd ~comatose. Cerebral shutdown! But remem· ber we're all Individuals I!Jl nothing works for everyone! Sister "Charles Bronson" I!Jl Sister "I lose control of my bodily functions" • and blame it on someone else. Bus rides freshman yrl What do you comb you hair with a pork chop! Ay captain shall I harpoon ltl the three Amigosl Hello! Thanks for all the good times I!Jl for being there through the bad ones. You'll always be like a sister to me. good luck in the future. See ya at Penn State! love Ya · Susan Gym buddy. I!Jl Reither student I'm glad we became friends GOod luck at Pen State wjyour BSI'II!J/ medical school if you want to go Hey I want my BSN I!Jl do everything you're going to do. Good luck In everything you're going to do Love-Marian To my friend I!Jl favorite Hopeless person! Always remember: Log· lc aerobics, uncoordinated, your B-day, philosophy-yeah right; your car window, yes· license mel ~ amigos, me you Susan, I could go back to freshman yr. History. but you know me. I can't even remem· ber what 1did this morning. you've been a great friends, good luck at Penn state I'll miss you but we'll always be great friends I!Jl we'll always keep In touch! Love-ya·Daniella Dear Hope, I wanted to thank you for all your help wjmy career choice It was you that helped my Stay wjlt I!Jl not chuck it. Thanxk you I!Jl Hoo Yahi·John Hope I'm sorry I almost killed you in the plot. Religion class was stimulating so was History class last yr. {I think rve got an Itch!) You' re a great friend! Good luck In all that you dol I'll miss yal KIT Love· Shaheen Hey Hope. So how's your love life? (Pretty good compared to non· existent 1) I!Jl how's work? (You know I got laid off) Still eating your yogurt I!Jl pretzel Oh? I!Jl now what's wrong w;your car? At least we don't have to ride the bus any more·we all know how much you love the people on itl Thanks for talking me skiing I!Jl laughing at me when I feiii!J/ fell at felll!t ... It was a blast! How's the lean mean V1 ball Queen! Good Luck at Pen State You'll do great Dr. Brennan·! mean you're the sanest 1 bjtween you. me I!Jl Bridget. Congrats on the A in English. If I ever need to make an excuse, I'll call you. I!J/1 don't wear BUTTONS! By the way you may be quick on the track but on the open highway, EAT MY DUST, BABY! KIT Love always. Nicolette the one wjclout Remember (ditching) Contact? Talking to Christ (or Is It Jerry) What Is your name llt why are you breathing like that? She (the chick whos mom beats her up b/c she won't eat her broccoli) Christian clowning wfPred. Singing the Conga Beat Oh Kiroki, American Woman (Bye, Bye· "Oh my God you're contorting your face!) How about Rod. the farm animal guy from Contact? The Violent Femmes concert. APII·Roberta-doing Karate, wearing those red shoes! Bruises. rollers skating. more bruises, green hair, bug faced counselors, logic (al) hand skills (see also Contact) "Bum Tam Rock Buml" Carnival attractions, men wjout teeth I!Jl the pig w; 9 heads (which 1 did not pay to see)- Skiing (Held trip for the oochie coochie girls) and making movies of truck drivers Thanks! Lots of Love • Bridget Twitch, homeroom, lunch talks, Glampetro, AP History. Ander· son. Mil. chem· yeah right! Henkel, Ms. Kelly all of our classes together, our loves and our; heartbreaks. your stories. the hotllne. Andrew. Bridget & her clothes, our Jr. Yr.. your Jr summer! friends Forever. no matter where we go! I Love Ya Love· Kristen PS • Potato Sack! DAVI! BRtNNI!R Brenner-you sexy stud· You can write me poetry anytime you want "Impale me on your pleasure·well·nevermind" WI poetry corner (fluffy bunny warriors are we) How about the Mayor walking In on our rhymes? You are the master of tutoring, stay strange, slow down for no one! Keep purchasing walls! I long for you · Bridget Nice Green cast! • Bolster How's It going. David 871 See any cops In your rear view mirror lately? I'll definitely miss hearing you EXAOOERATED driving stories! Thanks for attempting to teach me how to skill thank I'm ready for the Alps, don't you? At least look for me in the next Olympics· the slalom! Next. 1think you should teach me how to play Wallyball· what do you think? I'm tough enough! I did survive the head wound from getting my head rammed Into my locker. didn't I? Oh yeah. the baby Is yours·just kidding! I'll miss our 7::SO Honor SocPossel By the way you're not so tough! You're like a big bear. a big Teddybearl (or a big brother) Shake that little tush, you sexy babl KIT Always remember that you've got a friend In fA·vlslt mel Love· Nicky (The nickname U gave me) Dave you 're a really great guy! I'm glad to know you. Never forget Chem. Physics Calc I!Jl History last yr (scratch! Scratch!) I'll miss you I!Jl 1know you'll miss me tool Just remember: Although we may be apart we·u always have Rider college! Love·Shaheen (AKA Sha or SHEENA) Rider '91 was a blast! Wanna go again In '92? HA·Sophie The only person I know who can match at surpass my perversity (besides Rebecca) Remember spring on your neighbors who had 50 people living in their basements I!Jl writing those deep I!J/Inslghtful poems w;BB in WI long live the Mayor. Good luck next year 8C

congratulations on your superior driving record. Your smartest er funniest friend·David K You 're cool You & Ms. Kyte trig. 19961-<lood Yr. lluv ya stay sweet & get a new color cast :S/5 Luv·Kristina Dude you don't even know. you're just the man Mercer Country Park lake ftreworks at Palmer Stadium, N. star parallel to Rtl, driving w; out a license. 15 min in WW.W/ball. coed-naked twister-When are we going to play? Summer of '9Hhe best er worst of times but we got through it all! how's your inflatable woman? what really under your bed? Seaside after the Jr prom, the shining-! still haven't seen It all. Never forget how much I care. I'll always be there for you, even when all else falls Love-Aiyson Remember When I slapped you across the face? Punched you in your broken rib? This has been an extremely violent relationship! you are a lunatic- but you 've managed to make life at NO a little more exciting· Wl-chicken ftlet!l Never 4-get Lippy+ NHS mornings I think We've kept each other from Insanity (Thanx) See ya, baby, Love-Qdenheimer (Jenn). I wish I was as insane as you, but I'm only human. I do it for Dale, Harolds. the 209, wallyball, skiing, the tennis match of all matches, the countless mercer volleyball games, the raw speed, has rubbed off on me, thanks for IntrOducing me to all these great, wonderful activities. You are truly an Individual, and that must be respected and admired. Dave M. You are an incredible madman Who doesn't know w.hat the hell Is going on. You may attempt to follow in my footsteps, but it Is impossible! -Davey S. Yo Brennerll A license is required for driving in the state of New Jersey. NOTI!I Chemistry, Physics, Gym, English were great. Never forget " UNCLE L". You are the King of GYM II Hope you have great time In college. By the way, you Selgerll Wehr made the best videos. KIT. Jay A.K.A. " Ben" 'How many points do you have? Can a Porsche really outrun a cop? 28 days with license pulled over 1:s times. Parents find out yet? Speed limits Who needs them? See you in San Quentin. - Chris RENOB 12P WW DIS IB the van has to go to the shop. Your Aunt house Love- Malloy Wolleyballlsn't all that great. Thanks for showing me how to be a stud. I hope your parents don't destroy you!- Foley. Walleyball Is awesome. PO 4 Jr Yr Mg 2 Trig was not. Our volleyball team was good·lt was all me, since i am the gym god. I don' t like the health salad, I just want fries. You 're A psycho "You're faith has healed you! " - bang Drive Carefully! Good Luckl • Uncle L. Hey Dave, lets take a DRIVE down to Wildwood for the day. No. walt I think Its Montana, you know Why ... ·cause Montanna is Friekln Huge. Poconoes. talks about women, Reither Projects, the 209, Harolds. Did you know that Marty Is a distance runner. Krem· pet on Physics, A journey to tasting Nirvana Pathfinder, the LeBaron, how could I forget WallyBall, Super Bowl Study Marathon, Ecto-cooler (KK) The wrath of Rita. So many memories, I'll never forget you "8", thanks for them all • Drew Dear Dave (I can't drive 55) Hey sweetie! Thanks for making these years great! Remember Reither's class at homeroom. When you think of your Sr class mates just remember Dave that most of us will be drinking before you'll be driving again! Thanks for being such a great guyl Don't change. Good Luck! Love Ya • Susan I always knew you to be the "English god", Lime-green jello, sheets on ceiling, inflatable love chicken. "NO ONE knows the pain I go through!", sleeping over after Jr Prom, Wildwood, tickets (many in 2 weeks) almost getting caught, waiting for the mail, beach volleyball, swimming at my house. 'Tm the magnificent" driving everywhere, TS. DQ, Poconos, HDJ·average hot dogs, Hickory Licks, 209 Diner, Top of the World, Wallyball, Bill & Ted's, Yogurt Girl-cone box, steelheart, KLF Video, YO·YO, talking at 2:~ am, staining your house Russel Brown, requesting Forever Young, Summer '91. eating hoagie on roof. getting on the roof, Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie, loyal fan for soccer, Get a new pair ofjeans & a new Harvard sweatshirt, Lab group, physics study group, Suzie hates us & teaching physics, The feeling is mutual. Macaroni & Cheese. hot pickets, Crisplx, Lippy solves all problems NOT! ComIng after me w1 a knife! Skiing, Intermediate for 1st time, I own the Delaware, My laceration Which required 7 stitches, I'm forever scarred! French Fry at Denny's, Flowers don't work! I need a neckbrace after driving w; you when you drive stick! Don't fall into the " TRAP!" Molester. Attitude thanks for understanding my words & my actions. Thanks for being there. You 're an -. No; butt I have a cute one! Love· Kristine " K" CINDI BROWCR Hey cutie pie! Your the best. LoLa-my girlfriend! Never forget: BE.· Abdul! (Red Bye) Everyday B.r:., The Tribe (Our Music-the best) Laugh-(you not me) It's like butter, oneilgone, F. and D.-Notl B.E. At like 12-drive through (I got changed) Classic example of a ... , Fizz. rm cute! control Tt from the top of your jeans (the possee wrote all over them) Cind-there was so much more but walt until this suerl Thats Where it will all begin. I Love Ya, Nikki L· Clnderblockhead: Bird-Rem: WW-4:00: fr.yr.table: I'm stuck: "Get the Mop", your dream. r:.Sal.; Aly M-lost it: " Ankles": Gus: Cot-Fell 69: Cot. Lev "Poke"; Lunch"fltes": Guys (AL, VA, Tuch, Mooch. Canadians, Sass, OW, Ll't Jf, MC, BS, BD. PS + JS! UrGuys: ES, PK, CK. " Butch", Don S. many more) " Let's travel", Drag on chair: Ch.Ch.Cookle; Broken NL=nurse: Espanol: Sch.mole: Nene! ... Alo: Venga aqui rrontol·muy comical: folder with spring; Detention· Mr.B ... What's your name? Kev. cai.-Ha: " Let's feed" Jen Gil>- VA's locker: Slap=M. Gat; Gr.fest·train dance-conga line: Sr.yr, lisence; Tallone's·BF ' 'I'm cute": TA-dlssed-JS I Luv ya; PY+MM; CB+DS; NL+JS; CE+JS " Hooks"; DrDr; " Biir in Bag"; Mr.Ynza; Tennis Ct (CB, PY, CK, Nm) 2Giz: frankMils·fk ldz·Retreat: water flte; BK. Shake in trash: Sorry! Spitball In Sean's ear. Cinder bloc! You're the woman! Never forget all the good times! I'm gonna miss you! I love you. Becky! ·Keep Smiling -Theo You are a very intelligent girl, don't let anyone tell you different. OK Bird Women. Remember my surprise party, You and Eric those were the times to remember. I never stop telling blond chick jokes, you and Patti were my favorite girls or should I say ladles at Notre Dame. We had some great memories, I hope you hold on to them. Stay Sweet. Love ya Michael Pelegrino 1-800·U pick the last! Matt+Chuck, SB's party- nice driving! S .. . on the beach -The drink. Natural! "LGBNF" " Treat them like they want 2 B treated " DY taking Parkway home. Denny's, football games, +parties. Start looking 4 PY 2hrs. before. Maura on chair· My mouth at ur party! No one listened. U stay home when I go out. BB2, Natural, the walter at Denny's. This summer will be great! What pants?! tamp. locker buddies. Luv Nicole bird dream world HOLE?? " can I ask you a guestion?" u scare me every time Who moved the counter? Where's the door? Archer likes us gym = friends Denny·s BSMF DRINK zoomy GoOd Apple pat the gas station TGIF bunny pix p-bondlng at the pit no more SOCO Bandaid on mirror #1 kiss-your room peach s. is good refill for Dad beep beep-wave the other way how you move your hips? heanfakes yeah right remember church lady-Mom Cot. '91 I sat home: my gift to you froh. yr. u used It In good health ES. PK. NF. butch. BM. BC. PM-good date. JM. 2sexy thanx for It all Love Jess Hey kids. I just want 2 say I had the best years of my life w; all of you. Bridge Posse & eva: PY, CR. NL + me. I love u guys, keep on dancin'. And Z·JK, NT, MM, PL. II, RC, AI, BK, CF, -good luck In everything. Peace, Love + Bappiness 4eval Love u all·ME -Sinner, "So Bappy" Awooal Parties at 660·1, 2. + 3 . Jacuzzi party! Phil, Ricco. Butch, Ant. Where's the Reg?Blow me down! It won't go up! WW. Incognito. DO dance. "The bridge posse" Bell niCe I, 2, :S, 4, ect. Natural. QooDooB. cannul 1.2.1-backseat. Funnels. cardance. Sub.Jeg. Burri S.frust. squat blh Byndai-''.}x's" ZOOmy. Tal· one's par-ties. New Years. Kurt's house. Drip dry. Wrest.grppy. "Soin-Trouble" Denny's, blah. walk lch? Cot.from hell. Where's my hole? Cinzar thanx 4 alwaYs being there 4 me. I luv ya. Couldn't make It w;o you. D'r 2 liglt 2 quit. 8B2 forever. I 4 got -ankles, Ous-

Retreat ect."ley Buddy" BBF forever. Did I ever tell tou tour my hero-your evrythg I wish I could bi·D'r the wind beneath my wings. Love, Peace + Bappiness Tish '92 NCIL BRUNNCR Hey hunnie. Than.x 4 everything. esp. 4 all ur books u " lent" me + not having them for the rest of the year. Dr the best locker buddle a person can have. Dr smile always brightened my day. Thanx 4 being there and putting up w1 me-always " In a way". Stay Sweet. I'll miss ya. Or static guard. Love ya-clndi Nice Jeep. Ba you looked. So. When are you going to get that system back? Nice lunch. Call me this suer·Angelo Try to stay up In class " Got any cookies" Fred Procaccini You fit the perfect definition of a friend. Good luck and I know you will keep in touch-Matt Guamo Hey Neil. Bow bout them apples. Potted plants are hard to look for. Marty finally got a piece. I got to ask you a question: Where's Waldo? sz Better go back to your Batre and pick up your butt. Bolster Thanks for giving me an "eye-full"! When are you gonna my ? ·After School? Never!Never!Neverl Stick it in 1fieW!ii: dow~" Love, Lori We had great times In lunch never forget " Get bff my fries!" Your Jeep Is awesome. Are you still dealing? Stop getting me wl that hand game. Thar:ks for the memories good luck in the future. Jeff PHIL BUCKLCY Yoooo Buckley! Enjoy the many positions! You Algebra NERD! Ia! Ia! Susan loves you. Love Donn JASON BUGT£R Johnny Boy wasn't me. Holycow. Alot. EWh. F.M.I. The Kitchen table. Don't forget In front of Melissa's house-first kiss, Mid-evil times starts ball rolling. Car first time AS Walt drives. Never on a " aterbe; " AD Battleship. Court in 8-town " let's cook", never mind, stomp. You're my man forever. 5-2·91 "Angel Baby" 1 Love You Path JUSTIN BURROUGIS Yo! It will always be Booty Time. Remember all the fun we had in gym Always keep In mind, the best way to celebrate the new year is with a raccoon. 60W!!I SZ "Backdraft" y ·re not as fast as Sean.M and thaks for always keepen him on his toes about me. Miss ya K.Kerwlck ' Til remember the vollyball net!" ·Theo Hi! I'm really glad I know you. Bave fun playing soccorl Well, ym sister + I are definitely different! I miss you In English. Love Katie Thanks for the lessons during lunch, I don't think I'll ever eat an ice cream sandwich the same again. State Champs. When 1 say Falcons, You say f"fl'&s. Holy Cross-t-o Burroughs-Shoots he scores. GOOD LUCK AT MOMOUTI. See you In the pros-Chris You are the best soccor player I know. Retreat was alot of fun. I'm still waiting for the Press Conference when you sign. Good luck in college you 've been a great friend. Love, Chrissy Shinn TAPIMIBUSH Hey girl I have a picture. illZIII Retreat couch and M.R. eating all our food at the dinner table. Trig. Is great wlo the guys. (I wish) Remember T.W.+C.R. In the Ice Roomll Luv, Jen JCN CALIAN£51! Hair down, cut nails! -Theo Good Luck in the future, you retard. KIT ·Love Ya, Michelle Well Jen we ore finally done (think Uod). I just wanted to take the chance to say farewell and to wise YOU success in everythinG you do. I'll miss you and I'll remember the times we've had. ·Love Val Hope Hey sweety, rub my back. "Nice nails, you could hurt someone with them ". From, stupid move by me, didn't know What I let Go, Guess Ill never know". Keep In touch! ·Luv Va, Randy TODD CAMPAI'tCLLA We have been good fi ends for such a long time. Let's not let our friendship end after graduation. Good luck In all you do. -Love Always, Amy Theo Storm, you want to go to Athenian, Where's the party yo set me up! I'll always have the Sam ad. Thanks for the ride home when the Supra was In the shop. ·Angelo " Yo dude, Where·s the party set me up". This kid doesn't know how to drive. Don't ~rry Ted I'll have you home in 15 minutes. Work on snow boarding. You were always the Hawaiian Dude with the most "Gerth"! • Love. Lori Vernon, flame it! How was that back side? Monte- smoke em. Ac· counting homework. OH Lork it's Nicole again. r:.L.l Where's the party. Is there a party this weekend? Set me up! Burger King~ hour wait, thank you. NOT! ·Later, Randy Wayne! Love Trig class. Broadway show ok? Homeroom's awe· some. I still hate Depeche Mode. U2 Tickets- ott well. I need help. Party! Party! Party! You 've been awesome. KIT always. ·Adrienne Post freakish misery hour with wild frantic nefarious hair! Hlp hop with notes of industrial drums, acoustic guitars and walling voices. Carl Where are the docs.? Brasil chic, stay hip and on top of the industrial and alternative scene, you're a doll. -Love Nicole·Nix Nix. My buddy! Writing from Hawaii, thankx for the leigh, Campo, Robo, and now lunch, shopplnq at Men. Hark never happened but neither did the calls, U make me smile, What's your #? I'll never 4 qet U· thankxl ·Love, Lisa Flyinq nllplno. Hey Maw where's the party, hook me up with a ride. Your volleyball team Is the beat. NUt'! Deep crusin In the Rice burwer, we'll race someday, and thanks for the memories. qood luck In the future. ·Jeff You are the wanna be Baltimorean not me. Let's Go to a Game toqether'? Homeroom was fun. Stop challenqlnq me with those questions. ·Love Katie Oh Ted- take me to bed! Always remember " Much Girth," the oldfashioned roadside vlrqin (keepinq pure), " caress", and everythinq else. -Love always, A.L. M.U.- Wanna skor?l LCIQH CAPIPBI!LL G·N·R, Journey Where·s the piano? Olive Garden and Band the B . .. "I qotta qol"· " Ne're making a banner" Stay cool Lehigh. ·Laura Shwahla Forbidden Wine #11!1 Bondlnq Again. Your Housel Fanelli's house's ·fruit Punch, we drank it alii Towel at Ann's house! Your the Greatest! I Jove you! -Jen You drank a. s on my bed. Your ma doesn't like you that's Why she let you at my house. Nice coin bell. ·Dawn Wit Hey, Screwed Up! Track· Whata joke! Keep in shape (Yea. Right!) Best of Luck and don't screw up! • C·Ya Chrissy D Remember soph . yr. hanging in SB Fanelli's higher Bob- we were the worst! Bodine's, the Greek, GISH cut the heat! Klnkos, 5-Q, chillidog, . .... . I Good luck with What ever you do! I'll miss you.· C Ya Anne fenelli 's party, hurdlinq the fence. I have to lose 50 lbs I'm on a diet. Who do I like? His hands are so nlc.e. We're going to go skiing one day! Theme day Thursdays. Ms. Kyte's class. Pia. Dilorio always wearing the same units outftt. the black one- she looks like a bear. Who am I Going to the cotillion wi~? Who am I qolng to the prom with? Ahhan (I hope that's how you spell lt. I can't think of any more, but I am sure there are many more. ·Love, Nicole You 're an awesome chick, what can we do, good luck with CG. Love, Michele Leigh, always remember retreat, Dorney bus ride, Liptak period 4. UR a cutie and I luv yal K.l.T ·Luv, Leea I'm sorry for eating you out of the house When ever your parents

went away· We' ll go food shopping. I promise. I never kissed Todd Bodin· Right! sorry about the mailbox, Bryon P. had a problem that night. " The rose is dead" ·I think Ha Ha· Not ·Miss Va, K. Kerwick Leigh· High· Cambell soup. SPS nice. sweaters. Parties- not at my house. Falling off your back porch . Tercel Rules! 12 years too long. Dr. Ruth· My head Is cauqht in the garage door. GNR· Where shirts MUCH! Were making posters! I Love U. ·Usa SNAFU. Upside down peace sign. HONESTLY. Anne·s- drink the whole thing- got sick much? Here's a toast· Female Bonding. It's all in the trunk. Where'd you put the crow bar·ln the Garage· can 't ftnd lt. New Year's Eve· It's all gone, someone stole it. My house· you, Pesce and Ann· fruit punch + v· you guys were the worst. Sociology· how annoying. Glad we hung out this year. -Love Ya, Fanelli 4 years without a fight! "Is this Leigh Campbell's house?" Holy Dude. Cow. I'm on keyboards. Go Tercel, Well, aaalrriqhtl Power steering is for wimps. Let's be Frank, Brown Eyed Girl- I'll jump In the closet! Your dad was Mr. Big last night. Cool beans. hot apples, frozen grapes. Hole in the wall. Code names: Fireblrd, colt. John Cougar Melloncampbell. Small. " I know how to get there, I'm good with directions ... Leigh, I still love your butt, the beach 4 :~. jet skiing. I Love You. 12 yrs. fitton! Parties· B.C. (Joker!) "I wonder if the party was a go!" Go Tercel. Leigh, stop studying! You're so defensive. Sure· I knew you could . M.J. Thriller dance. Stay away from S.B .. guys! Jr. Prom. K.B.· "You're so ugly!" Dis means disrespect! (loser) Your dad was Mr. Blgg last night. ·Love Ya, I.M. To My friends: S.N.A.f .U. Crew· (upside down peace) T.M .. C. F.. T.f., A.M., K.M. and to the girls: S.S., L.E., L.S.. J .P.. M.M., S.F, D.W., K.F., D.M. senior bonding pasta party- eggs, take the dog for a walk, "Honest· ly", " Power steering is for wimps!" J .F.· RU serious?! track: WT hurdlers· It cut! E.B., K.B.• .} Amigos, K.B.· UR forever my running buddy! Slut days, I'm gonna miss u all· Keep on running! Here's to good friends! L£1QH CAMPBELL Is that Jay? Erik Hartz? Is that Ken behind us? Robocob. Agua. no pun intended, let's paint the town red. cough . .. cough . . we will, we will rock you. is Devan there? No outlet, please do so, punch tries, Vicki's Secret, many moons ago, you wanna go park? Give this to Lorette, let's share a malted, Shoemaker, hey no problem, on the morrow, ·-· poker, Jesus Jones, I realize that now, the ball's in your court, Long John Silvers, -een, Leigh campbell, absolutement. 1know you are but What am I? you 're the driver, NEVER! So you guys are close? It's good, sure, excuse me, I love it. II fait froid, and I'm psyched up. Dee, give it the gun, Susie Howsell M.D., I've got bad Karmi. what do you mean my nostrils are flaring? I say everything twice (squared), Blanking Banks, his eyes are a direct line to his soul, those tomatoes rally flein. no horseplay in the car, I'm ~oing to the bathroom, you know it is When your Leigh Campbell, watt- let me take my shirt off. Junoir year, okay then, colt, cOde name Wildfire. don't give me an ultimatum, take the Initiative, And re· member ... (halrclub) ... champion saYs yes, dudge, no freakin ' way dude. yee- haw, um okay um, dude· he's like such an oager, Small Frome, for Ford's sake, Lipsmack. Dave Smack, Little Man Tate, Boner, okay· how many of my boyfriends called. Bobis, fran· kenscense and myrr, you don't want to work there, JFK. Deep Thoughts. Shar? Murphy, Oh? Ohl I think he pulled the wool over everyone's eyes, Ladies and gentlemen Miss Leigh Campbell, your mom's . ., Hellooo, holy dude cow, I lost my head, I'm just looking out for you, I fell like a pepsi, I farted (repeat), The Sahnster ... Shanarama . . . Shanmeister . . . , Normy. Shiny Happy People, pressure, Tom Petty, Luke's back, crazy butt. Thanks for all the memories. -Love, Sharon I am going to miss you so much next year • the three amiogos won't be the same! Katrina and I will try to survive without you! Always remember: Roller skates (rice not to wear them), Slut Days, Chocolate Chip cookies! We had so much funl Please keep in touch with mel O.K.? Love ya- Erin STI!VI! CAMPBf:LL · HI Honey-It all started 6/14/ 90-can't believe it. GA, GO & JB NOT! Surfing 5am·wnds down-BH-s··t xmas time, ring lost sorry! BK ST G CR Nl·MK me more steve! YR PARTY-Spiritual Sky· Grtrde·bk yd. You R the best thing that evr hpned to me. I'll love you forever· my baby. Love 4ever ·Michele "Love's silly, Ya know What I mean?" KNG Rules. Drive by sweet and sour chicken bombing. Late! · THE STIXMAN What a volleyball team! - Chris Sieben I'll mega kick ... , omlets. make me move Steve, " Shwanda", "Trebllnka", KNG, NTOB Summer '91, drumstick drop mega NO! Gerry like you . . . . Notes! Love Ya STEVEWIN • NIX When is the next GWAR concert? · Theo Pouring sOda on my head·Thanxl That officer near Edinberg. you and JT in 8th, KNG rules (Okay?) Michele & Stevie 4everl Cheeze Cheeze Cheezell Love + Kiss Jeannie

om ·

KATII! CAP£RI'IA A great friendship always. ADD and the stang. cotillion ~ prom, BK days + Emilio (pucker up), 4th of July & flreworks-ooh. ahh, SHUT UP. Braids on our plays, MilK, Pop Goes The Weasel, " Buddha·B·B·Buddha", FIZZ at how we got In (we' re from Maryland), MAFB, Great Adventure (Hotel california & I'm crazy for you), the mall w; Alex & Eric (It was more like a scavenger hunt-Where did they run off to anyway?), soaking in your hot tub. TGIF's(are those desserts really plastk?), the circus at PMF (elephant doo-doo), and many other memories. Keep In touch always-1'11 see you next year at MCCC an):Wc)y. I Love Ya • Susan · Native BaiHmorean • NOT! Orlol~ tickets-! want them-Alex? 20% off GAP.· Theo Katie t:llen·la clase de espanol con Senor Schultz·muy divertidocarbonemlstry-little bird· "There will be no candy, gum, or Ioiii· popsl" -can you multiply by 9 's on your hands?-Family Fedu-The NKOT8 concert at GA-we were crazy to stand In that rain! Keep In Touch•! Love your chem partner· Amy Hey Katie r!llen, wasn't Chern. great this year?! Cotillion '92, Sunday, Well, It's been real. I hope your hair grows back! • Anne Marie HI Katie t:llenl Remember lunch table Sr. Year. that was fun, but we had more room When you were skiing. t1ow about English? We wee never paying attention! Just wanted to say HI! Luv Ya, - cara Hey Roomie-can 't walt ror Morida. Homeroom wouldn 't be the same w;out you. What's nine time flve7 Just kidding. I'm glad we 're still friends. KIT • Amy Katie, we really got to know each other during the rides to school! (Men Suck!) Spanish class·5 rows of 7-bleh, blah, blah . .. 1 won't explain the story, you figure it out·blah, blah. blah .. . I love that cJass-NOT!• You are terrific person and friend! I'll miss ya. KIT ft Oood Luck! Love • Shaheen Katie. you're the only person I can look stra!Qht in the eye-that's because were the same height. I love your halr. Stay Cute! LoveNkolette We have so many great memories, Where do I start? Remember Wildwood~ the pizza, Mark~ Pat at camp. I have to say something about Alex. I hat him. I'm glad we are such good friends. See Ya at Mercer. Loft ·Chrissy S. I'm so glad I got to know you this year, It's been a lot of fun when I'm around you-you are a great person, The Ground Round, New Year's r:ve, Amy·s birthday has been fun. I hope to see you around· Dave Martinez Katie Ellen. Gym was fun. Watch out for the B-ball, It might hit you, Your hair Is beautiful. so don't worry about lt. Have a fun summer & behave. Love Jennifer-Lynn Katie, One of my ftrst friends In high school. There were the Josh's, Alex's, frank's. Ray-man. Henry, EB, DV, 81lly Wnek he's sooo cute! 1 still say he likes me better. Market Fair with the guys rollowing us. That guy W/ your hair cut at Roy Rogers. Our long lost

spectrum leader. where did she go? Last year library almost every· day. Do you want to hear a long joke? JOOKKEE Maggie, where's your shoe? Maggie. Go get the shoe, Cotillion '91 loads or fun . Halloween '91 wasn't the same without you. I'll miss you. Katie. You are a friend for a lifetime. Stay true and always believe in yourself. Only you can take you where you want to go. So all the " friends" who couldn 't give what was expected. They' re not worth our time. You' ll go far in life. I know it. Love forever · Marian Always remember OLS. K·8, the NO 9-121 Karate! Joe Cole, band camp, pomx NKOTB, fruit punch In the phone, Bell Mountain· Ouija(wee-gee ), MM Agency, " Jingle Bones", Top Gun! making tapes. celebrity toilette, Alex! your hot tub party, etc. etc! It's been 11 great! Always KIT! LOVE Y A • Christina 11 Mitzi, The Bus, frank D. l love you and will miss you! Thanks! Justine·l'm going to miss you. Spanish 3 l!t 4. Would you do it again? OK·no more guys from your math classes. I'm glad you found your Skater. Thanks for the lntro to new music. M om. Dad. Greg 6t Julie I Love you all more than anything! Thanks! VANtsSA CARA8f:LLI ~ Hey Girlfriend! Holly-no. Chrts·no Vanessa! Whoever you are! I II want Charlie! I love those jeans! Good Luck l!t I'm gonna miss you! Love, Becky or Is It Chris? Girl, you are going to be a starr We both know what kind thought Seriously I only tease you because I like you. You 're a very nice girl I~ and you deserve the best. Unfortunately, I am taken but 1 do try to F keep you from doing stupid things with stupid peoplell Need 1 say morel Stay Sweet · Chris Girlfriend! JK, Pete, Scategories, mystery punch, dream se· quences, rolaids, Dance Party USA, Mofta, the FIZZ stories, typing class·who 's printing? My sophomore love. GO ON Girl!· Anne Marte Yo! Tell him why Girlfriend! Bike Talks, Scorpions #1 , November 3rd Happy B·Dayll Team #5, Marsh mellow treats, winning a couple games off your head, Retreat, No Picture, we know we were there! House Party. How does my hair look? "The flip", the walk dancer I'm going out with you guys this weekend. yeah righU • Melissa M~;.~e~~~t~~~~-oT~~wn" Happy 21st B-day· 42nd St. special. Rem: evrythln; Partiz; we' ll meet soon; Bobby G: McGee: Cirillo, neva forget Roger, L. Myones(cute), (Stnrt Griz) we luv 'em not; cafe· morning NS·Soph: my ravorite·yf r Elvis+ Sassman= twins (crush) many more. Thanx 4 evrythin't Luv Ya • Cathy K. Nessa, Girlfriend! Where·s the party, " Either love us or hate us", Yo fellas-BURPI so attractive, BOYFRIENDS/ GIRLFRIENDS, ww '91, '92, QV's, B·whata J-ofll Condoms Available Here, Denny's P·Lot BK Drive·ln, limelight scheme When the .. , They' re gonna get fat. Bike Talks, house PARTY, where are the B·friends? Walk, Walk, NewYrs. Eve from Hell! ·"Let's House Chris .. " Cot. '92, C·"Stop looking at me" Jealousy, " Check the Light" , Roger over~ outr That's right! Bust out·Biondes Have More fun, and remember "He's my baby now! Luv Ya Girlfriend! • Lor Nessa·Always remember all the fun we had In Wildwood '91, Quo Vadis, the " boyfriends" and the " girlfriends", driving around look· lng for parties, Gabby's wonderful party and her rhinestone jacket. Either you Jove ·em or you hate ·em! BG l!t JP(JO posse)·we'lllove them forever! " He won 't even talk to mel" Can't wait 'till Wildwood '92 at my house! Thanks for being such a good friend. KIT and I'll miss you! LYLASI · Sunny Sunny·"sunster" -glrlfriend·We Luv BG and JP(JO's)·wildwood· QV's·Norm·s-cotillion·House Party·" Come Into my arms" ·fight In my room-<:+C·" It ain 't over" ·ST6tRG, "Let's not fight over me"· " Either 'ya love us or ya hate us·but what's not to love" ·Stay Sweet· Luv Ya forever· Nessa Hey, girlfriend. Can't wait for Florida, I bough an outfit. Earrings, pocketbook, Plck·Pocket·either you love It or you hate it. A l!t P-did you do It? You did what? Did Bobby ever return the favor? Lunch talks, Christopher, you 're so mean, ha hall Just hit him. AG·I have J. no clue. A new story every week. Fake ID's. Can you teach me? Get me a straw, a napkin, and throw this out. Vaness, you 're so funny. I Glad we're friends. Love • Guido Mom and Dad· this Is a little note to let you know that I couldn't have done It without you. 1 love both of you very much! • Nessie Nana·thanx for all you do for me·you are the best grandmother anyone could ever have·! wuv you·Nessie Neenle, Ter 6t Ant( and Muffin too)·Thanx for all your love. support and guidance-you're the greatest! I wuv ya 's ·Nessie CHRIS CASTAGNA Fred·Whoops·ls the moon blue, yeh·BFS·DD·the walls are too dose. Evil twins Ml!tM·kiii·SMASH the Hate RW~RM Space·we can't even find where we are-Homecoming far side D·Damn Good Jack VIC Rabbit Myer Peaches Strawberry whip, UPS YES Kitchen f. Puck Later·He doesn't like me·BFS McCrhis' good time note books emotional outlets-what a joke, BASEBALLS, Religion Books·Morals· huh? You know nothing. I'm a wrestler juggler·Let me PARK BK parking BAM-QUACK 4 am calls. Microwave TV dinner open Ramps! Hate tapes-the look·the sklrit, Anything for you while the devil WTFMINBOHC-that's what I get-He can really slam his ball oral exersices, phones. SS Thanx for being such a great friend and for putting up with my mood swing you better keep in touch! Remem· ber Kill him and all of the DO an BP Love always · Giglio AMBER CHt:MY Its been a lot of fun, keep wearing that Jafra makeup and have fun In college. Love, Chrissy S. Dear Amber. Frosted flakes. John " Caress me, caress me, now!" Trying to get it back· Virgin Lemon· ade. Later buddy! uGaynorAdams·Methe best! Neil? ·Theo ··sKOR" Bars are more reliable! Get Mountain Dew! The Love Van· 2 Pocket Books! Don't run when your Impaired! I can't take you anywhere! Lost earring In Bob's bed! N.B. is sexy! Taco Bell-Picking food out of your hair, nose, ears, etc.·~Traysl Tom·s Backporch· Bondage (A.C., S.A., K.G., T.M.) T.M. and X.R. ·Nude with one sock on the third leg! Hurry, clean up the reeB and put your cloth! on, "she's" coming overt Some "angels" don't come from heaven! Yuck! Passion flylnl! Always remember to "pull, an Amber Cherny" and never a Lori Adams! That's our secreUJ Sshh! frlen': = Forever· LOVE LORI Remembers: Mr.G· Thanks for never blowing my cover· It's not easy being a nard when are you leaving your Wife for me?! Seriously, thanks for making me laugh! ... Chrissy·we started off bad, but now we're dose. I'm glad we put the past to rest. If you ever heed a roommate you know who to call . . JB. JB Cotillion (luv'ya). TB·no regrets! DC·saved the best for last. My favorite redneck hick·New Year's Eve·~AM "I need a pack of dgs"· 6AM "I need a dgl I I" wishbone; gray sweats, letters, letters. letters. 2 years, 19 weeks. can 't walt till 2f93. Miss you, wanr you. need you, love you . .. S.A.B. we really chonged you. Stay clear of angels! Taco·Bell· let's run for the border. but. don't trip. lee Cream on your shirt. " Whore· gum" -oh "this is supposed to be a drug free school zone." Feeling good for over a week. Picnic on B. G.'s B.R. floor. L.A., A.C., T.M.·, "Hurry, dean up "she's coming" total BONDAGE on Tom's back· porchA.C. 71K.G., L.A., T.M. Cober It with a sock. " I don't get it.'' Try not to fall anymore. Love· Gaynor I do believe In Captain Crunch, for lam the Frizzle Fryll ·Dave You are my awesome friend! I've had so much fun with you • always remember all the rides to the mall, the cotillion vi John, f.F. party when we stayed out too, too late wf E.N., s.z .. D.W. and that guy Bill . The bathroom at that pizza place· "can we please use your bathroom?" that was so funny· what the heck were we doing? I still have Scott's shirt and sone of your rings. Most memorable· that weekend· Vinnie . . . Vinnie where are you? Chore boy. Ice cream and oreos, shicken fried rice, muenster cheese. spagetti-o' s, tropicana twister, sausalito cookies, salad, your living room, we were dancing. 0 love your brat Amber, help mel The Exorcist the b'7by we made, we have to find all the caps. Amber, what did l dol "Do you walna not take gym?" All the fun times we've

had in ~m. you can serve now! My white sweater. the earrings from Silver Vasions, Victoria 's Secret, Jaffra, we got caught·! got kiled, McDonalds, 7·Eleven, Choices Videa Store, we went shopping at shop-n·Bag. The play Grease, the time after the play when we saw those hot guys at Wawa and they followed us, cartwheels in your backyard· that stupid movie· Postcards from the Edge, John's box· ers, " not now Vinnie, we're doing our nails" , chinese reataurants, counting your change. driving thru the cemetary, McDonalds cook· les. fahitas. Never for{Jet all the fun we've had! 1 hope 1 go to TSC and can be reunited With my " fun ' buddy ... can you imagine? Les BEN CHRrtt:LICH " It was a pleasure to have met you, all Yours!"· Darren My shorts are on New Years Eve· how many? U Love my mom Love Jill Fresh· man year, " THE PARTY" ; I'm a snail het off my shell! football, we ruled. Mike " PEPPER: GREEN 0 , Wildwood and didn' t leave a tip, my mouth Is burning. We gotta tell the girls the mext time while In the shower at 5.2. or we might scare them, Shamrock-Scavenger Hunt '91 WATCH MY RETINAl Michael Pelllgrino LBI91· me and EE. You and JC. Want a piece of gum? Stay out of my p·bookl Calc fights. Can we have a G.O.? FIZZ. Scavenger Htlnt. Rib· lt. Sally-ox. plug in, touch bases. "Scratch my back. " Sleep over at my house and your house. Truth or Dare. H·room. I'll miss you! Love. Jill Coley Remember all the times at your house. Lots of food. 6ft. hoagies, B.L. or shall we say J. off. Remember the B.L. Handshake and when she wanted to walk home. Dom't forget she's our Brown Eyed Girl. Don't forget about the fun we have at my house every wed. Lets hide the b - r in the freezer. Whats your mom doing home Rego .soph. chich are cool but Best friends are better. I know I have proof. Don' t forget Waynes World, the second time can 't believe Steve was there. Mrs. G's Is the best, Spring break and WI. Thanks for all the rides from the soccer games. OH Yeah don't forget all the times you hooked with J.K. on New Years. I thought I heard leaves moving around. After the cotillion. How long were you in the bathroom. I'm sure there's more, real sex on HBO. Hey Billy l know your sister loves me. Rego Scavenger hunt. Jill W's house, Shanrock·PHEWI!, fizz, Rib-It, your house, truth or dare, Calc, religion, class and Sally. Love Kelly Water tower Clro's halloween 91 #246 bathroom: wrong time· good times enough said! Ben, you brownnosing user! l know I said a lot of things to you this year (and I meant all of them!), but l must say· you make life quite Interesting (to say the least) It wasn 't easy for me to write this (I'm not that smart, you know) After all, I'm only.} ranks ahead of you! Shaheen P.S. Even though you made me so mad in the past. l still wish you luck In the future. Hll Thanks for everything! You rea great advice giver-Problems? BC, CB, ML, CN, n:, NP Alan's beach house, Cotillion '89 and '92, basement games, pool games, who Is it now? I live your brother, hidden places (I.e. Club House) Me liking you ~ never knowing. I owe you so much! Who would you marry? KIT Love you always, Michele, Tritt, Tritter, etc. Ben, Sue Weed's party, sidewalk (walk a straight line), bushes, running from cops, dlssed 4 Cotillion, blkerldes, heart2heart talks, we were on T.V. together, Sally, Calculus and studying for exams, OR my life-saver (A.P. His.), busrldes, secret lovers (how many did you have?). famous hook·up=JK, nice that you talked 2 my dad all night. morning car rides, screaming on the phone, US= most com· patible couple, the bio. I never had, secrets, T.N., C.B., my shoulder to cry on, "big mouth" (J/K), OR the best. I couldn't have made It wfout you, thanx 4 everything. I luv ya, Leea , How about a little "Bahomelan Rhapsody"? Van Parties.High Spirits· OK Daniel son that will be $7.50. Shot down the next night. Revenge-sorry buddy. Why do we always "hook up" with the same people? Soph. Party·M.M. State Champs. Player of the year·Times. Don't worry there's plenty of room on this side. B.L. Garage. Gravity Hill. I •-r• Gretchen, hard. T.F. I want my sweater and blanket back. Veteran 's Park Cop- "We're just going back here to talk. " M.C.· thanx 4 the lelp. Ewing cops. Suck and Blow. Rego's Basement· pool· watch you balls. Matty O's basement feb. 14, 1992-<:.J. Is incredible. I wish I had "hooked up" with that corpse. HoJo's • I promise I'll never do that again. Promise broken· I won't look. l think l missed the toilet. Stop that, Ben. J.!'. New Years Eve.S·J.O. K.P.J.M. C.F.T.F. J.K., the door, the pole. I beat the he•1 out of you. WAYNES WORLD· I can't walt till the summer. See you at NYU· Chris '91 State Champslll16 shupOuts. Soph party·AB the snail. Magic· Canada. '91 Halloween. Catholic Comer, Career Night. where's the flOOd? Larry BEN· There Is SO many I don't know where tO begin. Here's a few any way· Mr. C. wake up! Shore, S.H .. N.Y., Lehigh, Retreat, Woodhaven, Morp, Cotillions, Prom, fizz. St. Joes, State Champs, 4 years of ball, all our classes, Eggerts, Gravity Hill, Study· lng for exams, N, Ba, L.B., f.T .. C.J.. B.D., T.M., S.R .. G.N., R.R. S.K., ?.K .. ?.K.. ?.B., W.J .. D.O., S.K .. Scavenger Hunt Shamrock, J.W.H., Rib it we've had some tough times but we've gotten through them together lets look forward to the future B.f. ·Tim Thanx to everyone who made HS great, Mom, Dad, Amy, Katy, Mike and Molly. u guys are great. Thanks to TG, SK, LR. SG, as and of course BZ for all those great classes. JC· keep your pants on, Cox want a car? Bakun·Nick was great, DL got bored, Stanzione's, fuzzy Duck. To the best guys In the world, you made everything worth It: TH, MS., MR. CB, ML, AL, SC, MP, CM and the big cheese MP. • Ben ANGt:LO CHRYSOULAKIS Look guys I bougftl my own food today" "Set me up with some money" Fred Procaccini What is a da-da-di-da·da? Love Tritt Rice burners rule! Campo's was tremendous· Look me up In Rhode Isle! Athlnlans-Princetonl Theo Always remember Kermit, your suprise party and the cake, Mrs. conroy and the yearbook deadline-you're a needed man! Racing on 95. Thanks for the ice cream· Love, Beth ~~gelo bought food .l/2/92, .l/.l/92, 3/4/92 • .l/5/92 ...whln will it 001\AAY Mrs. Campo. Your suprtse party was great, we got you. The human wrecking machine on Ice. I still can't believe your 21 you look much younger Manny, I mean Angelo. Thanks for all the memories we have to go out one night I need somethings. Good luck In the future, Jeff When are we going to a bar together, George? I still owe you one from your suprise party when Jen got cake In your face. You got her then she got me because It was my Idea. What's that chicken noise I hear? Don't drink anymore Peppermint Schnapps without me. How's florida? sz Heyl Phy. Bud. ·7th period was un4getable. So when R U coming to visit me at workl"l prOmise I'll come." Yeah-QK. Wanna help me pass out some desserts!· l think I'm go-a cry. Tests· back of the room, as far back. Sharing Phy. knowlldge. It didn't take us too far. We tried. Sorry 4 bing mean In 11th. Thanx 4 the memories. Good Luck. Luv, Nora I'll try to keep this short, because the things I want to say could be evidence In court. So I'll just say thanks for being a friend and give ya a boomlll Ha Ha -oeorge Always remember; Plunkett, Dermit. Surprise It's your birthday! Ange, how's that cake? The Plunkett MobHe. Good luck next year! Keep in touch! Love, Plunkett Ang· Backdraft. 6/15/91, Turning Japanlse, venus, thanks for making me dinner, still wanna play? Surprise, you look good with

~~~~?~~~~~~~~ ~~.:·~ :~u~~~~~-'3=:::!:.~!;

did you like the movie? Ice hockey, #5ls l!t1. Junior mints. Don't forget the"'i'&fi':"'Rke Hickey. Thank for always being there. I'll never forget the last year together. Wanna rent a movie! I love you! Love· Jen Jr:N CIACCIO Jen, I'm really glad that you 're lnmy class this year. Never forget the movie party and all the fun times In Contempory Issues! Love, Chris Retreat. Thanks for supporting me. Sue's b-day. The key chain. You're a really great friend: thaUthe one good thing I got out

of retreat. KIT Carole Br:N CHRr:rtLJCH Never forget NYC, the limo, my manners at TCC, your tree on the deck, my alarm. the dance, all o f my tapes, our move with " the beat", your dad's radio as we went over the hill, and finally, all our long talks. You are a great friend and I'm really glad we became so close this year. Thanks for everything! Good luck ·Missy Cef ANGr:LO CHRYSOULAKIS Thanks for being so good to mel I will never forget everything you have done and have said to me. Never forget all of our long talks. 1 will love you always and I will miss you so much next year. No matter where our lives take us, you will always have that spectal place In my heart! I love you· Woody. JILL COLf:Y Spanish-skip l!t get caught, great skits. Mr. o·o, s. likes u. but not A.. Doobie Brothers, M.S.L.K. l!t B.W.'s g·mother, M's party, roof tanning, s·lng 4 Pdresses, HI Mrs. 8-legkick, JM·male l!t female, Hammocks. A.B. after S. B.· s party· ewwwl ··yesterday", babysitter hates us, I love Joan, walk to C.B's pa~. friends with pofice, boyfriends at Burg Dairy, Domlnlel, Stealing seashells- waving to JPOD, just call me Dooble Howser, It was my dollar not yours, driving past SM 's house, f!Oing all the way, Cocker spaniel, " como esta tu familia?", whipped cream. I'm not a Hillbilly sleepover party after babysitting at M.S.'s house with S.Z.· Jenga and Nintendo • we pulled It ofll our picture in F's locker, your Impersonations of Mrs. S. and Wayne and Garth, country squire to A.R.'s pasta party, your pool club with Charlie, I don't know why Kelly and I laugh at you but I guess we can 't help ltl I love ya Vinnie ·Dooble Jill, Good Luck · I know you 'll definitely need It ... Never forget LBI '91 and you and Jill #2 teaching me the affection talk, Okay Doll Face .. . Honey Bubbles ... Love . The LBI Kelly Girls and definitely your accident. Love ya, Jol:;ln JC, JW, KG, KS, DO, DB, BN, ·Lucky 71 Best friends always! LK, DR, JC. EE, ·Rossi Posse! JC· I'm to cool for you? Never forget LBI, Our walk on the beach, BS's boat. our fights. l was not whipped. Wanna go out sometime? Me and Jill harvest you? Glad we became close. Thanks for always being there for me. I'll m iss youl CG· Glad we stayed friends through everything that has hap~ed. Always re· member Nintendo, LBI, your good moods. 6fll/9l" What a night· I'm sorry. Thanks for always giving me good advice'even though I didn't take it. You better keep In touch. I love you Qlrlsl Mrs. R.· LBI your house! Lunch was great! I still wanna ~e prom pictures! Lou· I am not a renegade! Thanks for everything. I guess I don't have to say KIT. See ya camping 6t In LBl DOLL! ss- Nice to steal my pants. Remember all our great dances. KIT. Klki Weed and J!Ji Seed, " All 8 classes together", Bev Sally ... okay!, " and Johnny said ... " , " Lucky 7", yellow, lazy b, Spanish queens, senorita D. .. peace! Boom bullseye ... 2 pts, weight room . . . touch the pipe, what's happening posse, crusher, calc ... "don't pass me the chalk!" , pelo verde, VBP, sharing lunches, " fries w1 a cup of cheese please" , shoot for chup chops and SZ, spit your gum (not In my hair), skipping gym, talking to religion classes, " do we ever see each other?" . UCP, subs, hagehead, Leonardo . .. "girls, can you stand It?" that'd be so nice, get a life, renegades, where's Waldo?, fizz Rlb-lt. Scavenger hunt, Bens, Dominic, Domino's, Pumpkins, Carebears. tulip, slurpees, Ewing Park, 707 squirrels, pIn w wf our liashlight. Ewing boys, JG loves us, touch his b-bag cotillion. wrestling at TS and MS. I pinned you, Jr. p, sr. c, LBI, midterms ... v l!t oJ .. s.z .. clgs and b. " watch that staircase, It winds, ' 'I'm going to guidance for a schedule change, retreat. JT you ve got a friend, FREEZE!, mobil gas station. Jill your the bestl We've had so many great memories! I love your Your China Girt Kelly Jill #1 (Jill)2 Same name, Same eyes. GJF SIC We love TO TO dead on the couch. Bon the D. L in the T. 7·11 phone calls Lulu lost. 7 am or pm? Doll, Dollface (T's of A). HI How are you? Great. Ok. Bybye. LBI no tan Beach 10·5. OPP Heavy D. Yo-Stick your hand in the hole. No man ... :500 times Fishermen wf big house. Boat Lady Rose No shoes to church or carnival. Polly's Shiver. Locked In GSB·room. T, C and Mona 1/2 T. No boats in front of SS. CS, LeB, Pony. KK's In vents. Emotions. If you say my eyes ... BTS, MAD AP Lullaby LK-what are those words? Everybody's a little bit awful/ precious. Precious Moments. Somethlngs go to break this S. Should we quit our day jobs? LK and BW on the beach . Awful LBI boys. Cute boys upstairs: MM, JH, CS. friendly's-TJ . GR·my dad. CS the big Drifter. Stephen King. Leo-BB at prom? CR and BJ. JC. DOw1 F and J. Janet .l's Co. Simpson's Nat. A. 55-not! Geese Slaylngs, Parking LOt, Stork37, Blish, SC. Sally Ohl\ay. and Johnny said. And Johnny said. MDT·Jill 2 Dominici A little. Awful. And another thing .. . What do you think about that all? Do you know what I mean by that? Get a life Rich and John Go out alone. DP ·no hooking on rides. J l!t A over 2-4 am. Followed from KB. Honk JC on MW JQ. CG moods. Summer Summer Summertime. Don't try to fix it. Born to be Wild CS. Sunset Blvd. Scotty Tyrone Woley. Nip it In the Bud. Don't flip you lod. Worst and best ever. Black Jeans 5 buttons. ~ jackets. Blue Babies. Retreat S of M. Talking durfng movies. Ph lilies game. TCBY, Flamingo's. Bert and t:mle. SM 50 chics. Graffiti. New boy. AI. Jr P. Sun withdrawal. Cow Worshipping. Tanning on roof. No S and A. Sr Cotillion. Centennial .. Gallagher chair. Emmet Otter. Staring Dog Girl. Untied Outlet. Dangerous Eyes. Bf at AF. 51st tt 52nd st. Showcase. How old Is Jay? Pee Wee, Joanle. OIC Best friends. Love ya Jilly. Love, the other one, J.ll,l #'l. (twice as pretty, smart and funny) PB·X LB Yellow is your color. prolusion partner! We've come a long way wf .. Booger, Herbie, mimicking. " thrash ," convent re· cllner, "Gentle Woman," Anna 's car ride, bins! incense, champ, OLS posse, chicken fights, b-day parties, playground rules, rolling down, pushing me down the hill. Sr. John, NO posse, 7-up, clique. I broke a duh, Jr prom, Cotillions, JANET! that'ud be so nycel Ohh· Kay! do those Imitations, Sally we love you, Nlntendo song/ dance, senior boys= our boys, Country Squire, pony. stallion, HAVE MER· CY, three finger movement, Ewing friends, fizz, Rib-It, Fred, doll, scavenger hunt rapids, gravity hill, LBI ... we won 't mention that! Ohhkay . . . that's Dominici ewl you are so ugly! Sleeping out wrestling matches, glmee those ears!, anayomy, Jill did you sign up for reading to the deal? retreat, X·mas gift exchange, my " surprise" party, where's Waldo? our dance, Rita=me, my beautiful rings, let's take the shortcut ... NOT! OLS reunion @your house, she's such a grandmother, BA you 're a good kid! Momll was gonna call but ... your ugly thing wf arms l!t squlshed face l!t eeyykkl dance recitals, ground round, Aunt Polly's, not enough seatbelts, ugghhl anyone want a cracker? We are seniors! Jill thy don't have nursing here, Clro's Gun! We are the best. I love you! ·BP Marky, don't Jose the laminated picture! Your mother! hey A, Hey Bay. I swing my pocketbook ... No more Elliot talks (RA was bad for us anyway) That's Dominici Microphone-tum it down a couple of notches. Ewing park bathroom· not an obstacle, just a factor! Yel· low, "LB" , Rib-it: fred· his napkin flower. Jill. Its' getting old! We have gorgeous dance faces. Whitney Houston voice-ridiculous! James Taylor concert· "Winter, Spring. Summer or Fall, all you have to do Is call . . . . " I love you to death! ·Donna Miss Clark, Sally "OK" Yeah God, JG, U crying, Don't get me wrong. Can't keep anything from me, that'd be so nice, Mario mu· sic, Bf=Soph·Jr=who Ru Sr=Bf let's leave It at this, fizz. you H, My h, JWH, NYE, Cotillion, Gravity Hill, Chucky Cheese, I love you to death dollface. Bf (5 out 7)·2 I'll always be here for you. Love always ·Tim Thumbs in SIC. Come to a party wf me-leave In 5 min. Cookie dough Ice cream. Summer boyfriend. Okay,· Go Sal! Terrence Trent. See ya Love· TM KRISTINA COWCCIO • Z's class l!t Lit ·I'm have no clue what I'm doing ... Chuck's and


Brown Eyed Girl. Florida ... who do you like? .. . I want B just like U. Love Kaf Cheerleading is over! Beware of the funky fish I Good Luck to all new varsity cheerleaders! Have a great year! Kelley·! don't think so. varsity don't play that! Becky-Do you really care what other people say about you? Krls f·lt's bee one hell of a year. Dawn-We are finally outta here! Tara F·you are such a plgl HAl Hal Hal CB..Ciilf·are we going to hear about your accidents today? Your stentch lingers! Dykes-you know! You're the best! David C·have fun riding the bus next year hal hal Love All You Guys! Let's not do this cheer! hal hal I bet you talk about me like that! How could you be nice to her? Stay cool & really I don't talk about you. just freshman Yr Hal Hal Good Luck w1 foley! Love yal· Kelley f Didn't law always smelll? I still do hate you·JK·l never did! Love ya·Tara I'm glad we had something in common .. we love to eat! FOOD! Where is gravity hill? I'm determined to find it! I wish you remem· be red how to get there. Singing in Princeton Market fair parking !ot, singing at dances. the only time I talk to you at lunch Is when AM isn't there. NOT! I'm glad I like you now blc I didn't before. Love • Kristin Jr. Yr. Alg 2 Trig-what a memory. We are just the masters of math. Good Luck. • Mike Llvio Not only am I writing this Jetter to a cheerleader. humanitarian. sports fan, volleyball player. scholar, sportsman. domey park dwell· er. good music lover(at least some of it) Chrysler driver. greek goddess like person of all people, I'm also writing this to a friend who 1could always count on to laugh with me-lt's been a great Sr Yr. - Dave Martinez I'm glad we've become friends. Gravity Hill, PMf parking lot· singingBoyz II Men. Us walking in the hallways. Love Yal • Fanelli Babe, you' re the greatest. Nuf said! • Darren We had some great times in cheerleadingl Thanx for making me see the good in mel What would I do without you? Always remember St. Anthony's-my pocket book, Wildwood & Jr Yr Pasta Party! I love you, am gonna miss you! ·Becky Did you watch those debates last night, french-like we know any! Gravity Hill-we WILL find itl swing those hips baby, doublemlnt twins ·Aiyson Yo Colucc, Remember; the Kudo, me-yelling f·thls. f-thatl Pizza Hut wiAMI BK. MM & me, look, 1 have hives-the hamburger. what a bdayl Women are Superior! Good Luck w1 everything KIT I Just walt til FL&WWI Love· Holly There are two faces to everyone right? Is it a "good Hair Day?" KIT, WHO ATE MY KUDOS BAR!? ·HH Daydreaming in Confoy's class. Love • Kris Gaynor Remember 2/14192-24 hrs of paradise. the dedication, the flow· ers. balloons l!lC candy. Remember Spirit Day(Brown fyed Girl) l!lC how excited I was. Wanna watch some Giants tapes? The cotillion was perfect-thank you l!lC thanks for 11:27 2/29/92-the best thing that ever happened to mel Remember all our songs I've got sun· shine . . . fATE! Love Always l!t forever!· Jerry Remember .. 16th Surprise '91, '92 cot. WW Llfeguards·Skebo. So bigiBoard walk-the mall 100 dates. 2 Richies, shrimp ZOidiak Killer. Summer '91, PO SB·white chick, Conquest, Coke floats, Amigo Strike It up. Jeff & dinner at the Coluccio's, U owe me NIOI Turtle man LBI MO Car, MM. Come on, come on, feel it. feel lt. OA Security Guard Keys in Car. Jogging in WW, OA divers. Seashell, Is Beach. Jingling Baby, Booming System-No Bass, PE #1, DeLoren· zo's, Cruising. J Prom-How fun RP. Jf our new loves. Giants, KE #21 shortstop, Mets, WW Guys R #1. Always Eating. Where the f Is OH. We're so bad! Bf's Always & forever! Love Ya Babe • Ann Marie Tf:D CACHOLA Oh Ted take me. Always remember "Much Girth.'' the old ·fa· shoned roadside virgin (keeping pure), "caress." and everything else. Love always. AL. P5-wannan skor?l Where ae the docks? Brasil Chic, Stay hip and on top or the Industrial and alternative scene, you're a doll, Love, Nlcole·Nix Nix Vernon, flame Itt. How as that back side?, Monte· smoke em. Accounting homework. Oh Lord it's Nicole again, r:.z.t. Where's the party, is there a party this weekend?, Set me up!. Burger King :S hr. wait, Thank you NOT! Later, Randy You are the wanna be Baltlmorian not me. Lets go to a game together? Homeroom was fun. Stop Challenging me with those questions. Love, Katie My Rh. Is. buddy! Writing from Hawaii, Thankx for the leigh, Campo. Robo and now lunch, Shopping at Men. Park never happened, but neither did the calls, U make me smile, Whats your #? I'll never forget U • Thankxl Love, Lisa Wayne! Love trig class. broadway Show ok? Homerooms awe· some. I still hate Dep Mode. U2 tlckets·oh well. I need help. Party! Party! Party! You've been awesome. KIT always • Adrienne Flying filippino. Where;s the party? hook me up with a ride. Your volleyball team is the best, NOT! Keep crusen in the rice burner, we'll race someday. thanks for the memories. good luck In the future! elf JILL CZYZVK Neil· hippy store. U2 tickets save sheldon be careful at those tree farm parties. Can you bring me to school. Maybe someday we'll have the right timing. Christa· We're grounded Learn who to WhaU???! Clueless Bucky Beaver K.K. Go start the carl Pete! U love everyone I threw our the furniture UR too cute love· Does she know what It Is A.D.B. ur mu B.F. Dope! Hoi We cannot be late. Love yal John· U Jove me. Tweezing ur eyebrows. Just punch mel please? Putting ur top downwhen Its 20 out. I warned you! Do your tires smoke much? Plno's suck, OK honey. Don't get me wrong. Base· ball! You're unbelievable I'm really glad we became so closet Thanx for everything Love yal My boob Itches, T.T.·abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. bowling. I'll hold on next waterfall, R.K.-T.T. stories -I wontbother you. Are the Rowers blooming? sesame street, yellow cup, Choc. Chip cookies. LBI trips·SB's house· SZ hook· let the Beat hit r:m. S.R.. we shared D.J., B.C. hooks down the shore. sleeping at NL.'s house· not! keep your shorts on! D.O. and M.S. our loves, french braids INXS concert, interruptions. my chln·a bruise, DBDB· I love that. Keep on laughing and Good luck with everything you dol I love ya • Debbie To my J.R. friends· J.C., N.P.. J.W., K.B., J.C .. A. f .. B.R., S.N., J.f.,

~-_cc/~·:p~·i:s~·~:R:ts.~f;/·g:c~·~:f~-~-,:,~:.M~·~:o~?s~·: Mlstn. boys!! You are all great. Mrs. K.-thanx for the summer of 90 Mrs. Wrobo (Peg)-1 don't know! everytime I play w;my hair I think of U, Thanx for all your help. Love ya. Mrs. R. - LBI thanx for lunch and putting up with me. Acct l!lC Bus. Mang. Your too great. Mr. A.· Guns ·N· Roses, I'm not related to your Hipper. Mr. J. Mr. A., Mr. Oat. Mr. Gus· I'll miss all of your jokes! Jason Maxwell (lembeck) • Don't sleep in any more linen closets! The finger suckee Peils-yuk!l Tree farm koo-kool Cotil night & mor· nlngwrekedu have seen us all naked now! New Years· that's awful. Drinken at Palmer Stadium all summer, ABC ya get the f outta here, Love ya. Chism Mike fanning K.K. candles, fiesstas. D.O. Shl, Accounting. B.M. • Linda loves us. cleavage, Explorer?. Wlndburies. Kristine Kelley. N.Y.f.?. De· nied, P.O. + J.C. + T.S. + D.B. = fun • you have to admit. When· ever I need anyone or a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here for U. Love you always - Tim Action In the cars ·tell the whole bus, DO • Gym shorts howw evil • a whole case· where·s our money p missing the bus= friendship pool ball famous hooks (2 many) thief- this Is a drug free school zone- yeah p on the s & p shakers bus talks· water guns D.M. could've been a good ride home! french ·how can we cheat or cut • Kaplan was the best. "Wrobo hates me" thanx for every thing •

Jessica OAR rules ... me axl hose! The brunch was great! Gym was too fun • let's do push-ups! Good luck • I luv ya • Leigh Jill • Thanks for always listening to me. all the time ... Making me put my top down in the middle of february . . . All of the phone messages I never got ... Do you still love me? Stanley • the power drill . . . Chit the Chat ... Your annoying laugh . . . OH·your cute . . . Tripping out of my car. "Your bringing me" ... Love Always John To the other best scorekeep ND has ever had. Although we're just voices in a dugout, we are still the best. I'm sure you will never forget: your '91 "baseball obsession"; INXS: Rod Stewart: and homeroom! Good luck always! Love ya, Donna Oiz • phenetic spelling. Nice laugh! Back parking lot. K.B.'s ·You re a rebel! Are you grounded again? Millstone parties. Retreat · secrets. Orlando's, N.L.'s party • you hate mel Glad we·re friends. Love ya· T.M. You can borrow my shoes ... Did you get a detention today? ... Tree farm .. . Peer leader buddies ... "Poof. you're a Christian! I Jove your laugh. I'm glad we became friends this year! Thanxl Good Luck! KIT. Love Always. Kerry ADRifNNf: COr: If It wasn't for you I would have never remember to write to all my friends. Good luck, and I hope you get a "flobee"l • Matt Ouamo ' 'I'm lost" "Help me" fellow Thesbian "You look tried" "Club Campo's" Anatomy Remember! Encore! Standing Ovation! ·Theo Thanks for always trying to get me to SMILE. Even though you always failed. Thanks for being a form of inspiration was well. I always admired your strength to keep on going through all the things you do.· George. SCAB- St. lggy'sl Remember C.Q.·what a hoi Age· I'm in love with you! JfKI Thank God I didn't go to your party! No. Mrs. Heenan I don't know where they're at! The stain on your carpet! Good Luck. rm gonna miss you! Love, Becky! I just want to be loved is that so wrong! Yo, Adrienne! I never see you this yr. You are so preppy! NOT! Friends since frosh yr. Why do you wear your hair so high? Remember sleeping over your house and rewinding :S men and baby over and over to see the boy? Love Kris Kelley 8118190 never forget BUSTED "hi Mrs. Heenan" no mom they're soda tabs $500 dumper Ms. Sally get some sleep and food. Stay sweet Love Jessica. Hey "foam·Demes". Grease '91, Oklahoma '92 Awesome! Fun times at Ground Round. Hey, let's go to Princeton! Mr. o·s Italian Sl? +2 fits. It's been a blast the past 2 years. How's the "Scumball from Bristol?" Just Kidding! He's gotta be coollfhe's going out with you. What else Is there to say. Good luck in life. Love ya always. Sammy. Jud, Kaka Matt Haenni Hey! What's up? I know we never were in eachothers classes but we still had fun In the halls. You are so funny I love that voice! You are going to make a great actress. L'll come to see all your shows. good Luckll Love Your friend Always, Colleen S.P.. P.W .. what's up buddy? Pittsburgh. cheesey J.D. Chris. fric. Bill. Todd. Jim, Pat, felix. Eddie In the yellow iroc. Jeff. Mike and Mike. wow we're in high school. hi I'm huge. big hair, ti~ht clothes, Philly, Roosevelt Mall, fizz. Prom Night-the shore. Cotillion. ski trip, Fuzzy Navels, Margaret and Lenney, Wildwood. Senior Week, Karoke Sing along. dream cat. Party wagon. Todd's pants or shorts? r:cono Lodge. Trevin Luv ya Brat Yo Adrlennell We've 9one through so much these last 2 years· I can't believe it! Here's just a few memories: "Grease"· our Intense Just for you know who (especially me). all of my food and cast parties. It was the best. Me finally getting my license then always getting lost (Thank God you have a sense of direction because I don't) Madrigal, Mr. 0., "Stop it. you're embarrassing mel" Our Town- smell my heliotrope, "short and plain· like you." I heartinly sope so. "Oklahoma" I don't believe it ever started! You're an awesome Aunt filer. Wish I could say as much. The killer note that I can't hit. Princeton's cool. The Comedy Club 'Ts Buick Dayll" Do you think that I look like I'm twelve? Laura and I like Jim, reallyll I can't think of all the stuff I should write here. You've been a great friend always and I'm going to miss you Sooo much. What will I do without your 1 Jove this girl. 1 Jove her. Thanks for everything. Age. You're one of the best friends I'll ever havelll Love ya always, Krts JILL COLf:Y· JILL. Notl Has anyone seen my Jilly? Where's Waldo? Ootta find ·em. Scavernger Hupt '91, the cactus Is still in my car. Do you have my shirt? Your a little "awful!", "I saw you put that candy on the desk" OK! Michael Pellegrino Gum. is It Cinnamln? Thanks for tha long lasting taste. What's your dog's name: Moose. Do you like the top or bottom and why? Look out for winding staircases. Did Kelly finally get the gum out of her hair? Remember my house. M.S.'s house. Jenga. Wrestling Is always fun with you. We still have to do it in Jell-<>. We should try the peanut butter and chocolate thing we talked about at my house. The cat is ~ratlching at the door (knob) NOTI Scott z. Library. PBl!CJ. B-Ball game. U.S. History Mrs. McGraw, HI Doll TCBY. D.L. 2 o'clock In the morning. H.f.W. History, Scott's house, religion exam (Rif.THER) L.B. 1.. Circus. KA BOOM, soup kitchen, summer, Mr. Sipos. Bendas QQQQQQQ: Sleepovers every weeekend: Sex on Sunday; in bed on the phone; Wodworth's pictures; "Chee..Chee" and your ugly p~ "from a Distance"; Double Dribble; Thanks for retreat: Love· NOSS Kay 0 Kay: Bull's eye; the Birds are not safe; Beaver: How does It Ring! : Garth: Who's Garth?; Shirley: What's •.,appening; Hey Hey Hey! Glad we are friends. Love Yal Usa Moo - Moo • Remember "Rotation, Rotation, Ro-Ro-Rotat ion" "Coach London" & Go Jilly, Go Jilly, dancen with the B girls In the bathroom Soph yr. Miss ya. K. Kerwlck Blue, Hens on horses. Beaver Danger. A.R. loves us. fnd of the Summer· did you go with him ·liar? 4/4/91. B.W.'s. g·mom. farina. Wrong way at M. C .P. Whipped cream. • Does CO live here? Cleaning the Buick. I want your sex Smoking. Matching socks· Horsewoman in a bikini· pictures In LBI. Jr. yrbk. JM wl Pick it out. Play lt. KIT. Love ye -christina Happy hump day! Do ya think we'll meet If the tide is low? WW 1990 Rossi Posse "Can't Touch Me" Okay? Byel Slap, Slap! Nice! Duff. ya friekll Give me body! Come. Stay! Jf, Jf Rsmbol My Acci· dent. We luv ballet! The sequence! "Pump your body." Spaghetti dinner w1 C & Jl Pretty Woman LBI, AL house! Is Beach! Junior "P" Ramllton Semi fun? Not Dominos. Threatening letters from me and Nossl Bonding at Retreat! Love ya: Heavy "D"I HFW The Jill's Linda J's hou~ Yo! Randi Kyte AL's house U l!lC ff run! Show Place can we please go to the Beach? We love Genie Mett the grump The Air's onl?l Reuben the dancerlslnger KfC dr1ve thrus My Jeans are too tight! Don't be too late! natural cur1s and friss Can u please move your seat back! JR fat Pigll Are u down w1 OFF Why o( course look out for stop signs w; boats hlddlng them Pier 18 cheese fries l!lC choc. chip cookie dough IC UR Great JC· nice Love Ya. Jill C. Ritz. Judy,~ Suer warning to f: r. H's picture, Sandy· 2 outs, set a tab DZZZDZZZ. "Let's try for 12 days. " "Junior boys... "hot. " bad boy, Tishone, "Don't do dati" Put the pen down, " fizz, Scavenger Hunt, Ken l!lC Gail. jacuzzi In Vermont. Comlnlc, "THat ed be so nice. "A.J .. "take the short cut. "Typing." Jeeel. "LB. you're a ~rand­ mother." "bye ·bye 101.7," farmer Bill, "and Johnny said, ·tim· berr. Hoffebbawes, SAT course, ride to school, 890-0828 call this # if you want a date. Love. Tish·Beth Ann Ho CO! Carley Simon Party, VBP, armslength, "Rotation, Rota· tion, Ro, Ro, Rotation, " Johnny, service comer, plugging In and touching bases. spinning you In f.f. .. on my shoulder spike. Cotillion dis. send in the clowns. BS wannabe. Over and out. HI Remember Mr. Anderson's class where's Rick Kekenskl, cheating on religion tests. my seat getting moved to the front. hanging out in



the pit. RK Jill #1. Steve and Jill' #2. you makin' me the middle man. Thanks for the shelter on New Year's Eve. I can't open my locker, please call Susan or the janitorial force. Too bad we're mot together 1 In the yearbook. Mrs. Z's class was awsome. Yo. get your huge bags off my locker. Cool poneyl Why don't you ever drive It? Good luck next year. Dog Jill-we should double date more often, high hair, watching last five mins. of games, Halloween, NYE junior year, I know you were jealous of my sweats. K.I.T. ·Love always: Bek Jill (Tracy a.) Cotillion Soph. yr.. limo, Junior Boys, Senior girls love us, Ba·Bye, Rossi Posse. Who do you think UR·Batman?. S2nd St. posse (J.S.W.D.B.) Lu-Lu at 7·11. L.B.I.=nice weather. who R they on the beach? Ditch and dog. I kissed your bro. G. H., Give me body, can' touch me. Pretty girls, Lep. and Ash. BK not my lover, DoMe, broken stickshift and logflume, Bookbgatprm? nice hairjnalls. S.I.C .. what 1st bed. backdoor. Walter, flatliners·l'm trying to watch the movie! a beermiester anyway? M.S.J.Q.J.O .• bonthed, linthet, nice. bad,- kisses at S.K .. burlars at .3am. Puffy. yeah hot. Dorney running in the = rain, camping, Joch, Jacob, Ben, Mikel Bad Boy Billy. Annie In B·rm, RU Jewish?. Y do U shave your chest?. TAN, Can you use aT yet?. helping U put I in (how funny), We love Les. nice facer. Sally-QKAY. p-ing in woods during ftball game. drip dry, movies at your house, aerobics above our room, Clover, Brady Bunch, my "secret", CC's house, come stay, sh t up already .. dance, hot damn, UR valley girl, Carebears. Kelly's Coupon Cutters, Holy Thursday (TK thinks we're gay). ARC, typing, lipstick, nail polish that writes. Play that Funky Music, Posse up Posse down Posse all around, Poison. Tom Dooley, HFW w1 Prince, We love Duke, IM Tangeneva, Rosemary's Baby and The Shining. Thanks for everything. I luv yal Cood luck. KIT Love, Leea (Lucy, Leo) Okay. Bahll P.S. No more weather channel Glad I got to meet you. You're a nice person-but you are still the worst drfver I've ever met! Remember all of the times at lunch! And most of all remember Phlllyl KIT Hey. work camp was great. Don't get tied up too much in college. Remember paying hot potato, playdo pizza. pizza party. hearing rats. fritzzy, Marc, Cathie. April. Carole being a dope. fritzzy ~ I getting married. You love Joe, Carole loves Marc. KIT YOU STOP MEl Love· Jen Chris-Martin House was so much fun this year: playing concentra· tion. Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with Riverta(Justine). the sexlessone(Shannon) and Red RoryIEivira(Mel) it was a lot of fun! Love • Bridget Castagl Waz up? Had a blast at your'party'l We'll have to do it more often! We've had so much fun t~ether I don't know think I could forget it all ~ I don't want you to etther. Good Luck at School & KIT. Love Ya Jen P.S. Wait! Where's your cars? "Help I'm a psychopathic god" What are you doing this weekend? "My hitory paper!" "Tell mom and dad I'll be over X-mas morning, so the trucks can unload all my presents then." Never forget all the great times we've had. Retreat. parties, shore, prom. Cotillion! There is so much I could write. but I don't have enough room! Good Luck Ya • Tracey Although we didn't have any classes together this year we have remained great friends. Good Luck In all you do. Always remember English class Junior year and our last retreat. Love · Amy A. Castagl What's a cline? "friend" LBI, Halloween Oineil Washing· ton XIng Park. Is your hair dyed? Gapman fiasco! freddy's Dead. Hot Coco and cheese. New Year's '91 and '92 blue moon. Silly song. champagne! White berettal • Margaret Lumia. 1 So when are we going back to Phlly? I promise I'll stay in the right lane! You're no in such a hurry to get back are you? I guess as long as you're not following me, you've go a 50/50 chance of making it l~ back alive! I'll miss you Castagl Love. Andy Lean back and open up! White baretta. white bikini. LBI. ice fight. seaweed@: What dog? "Let It be". frltzy, April. Marc, Kathy Quak· ers. Tandy,llike Marc? NOT. You're all tied up. Yoga. I did not drop the poon. Sandbox. You l!lC Joe. Little Mermaid. Beauty & Beast. SAY IT . . . A 1..(\ROf ORANOf DRINK!! Hello? UA party. Horns GAP. Hannibal. fruit salad. knives. shh. we're in Allentown. What a fiasco! Best friend? NOI Mike squared. blondy. popcorn. Abomblnacooklel Born before the 1st Olympics?! Joe. casa Lupita·My jaw hit the floor! Oh .. . God! He can't be. fried ice cream. Under the bed ... Boo! Your B-Day. Surprise. Where's your car? Candles. You have a little· in you. Me and flania's crystal. Lost to your house. Good Luck. KIT. Carole I'm so glad we stayed friends all these years. You're a great person and will always be one of my closest friends. Always rem em· ber ... SAS, straight lines, summer NYC. Blue Horizon, Noel, You're got a friend In PA. SPEDS, veggles, LBI .. . Jim from NY, Alias (J name dude) Dave, Saddam Hussein, The Gap- what a fiasco! How would you've survived w1o me? Fresh cotillion. Barnum, NKOTB. Cows. Pizza man, the witch .. . Bizarre talks ·what time Is it? ',1 .3 AM, up south. old Jersey, whales. stud muffins .. . wetweat, Spirituality Day that wasn't ·Tracey's. Ground Round, optional mass?. Jr. Prom, Amy's, Parallel Parking. godguys·DJ . .. Mock Trail , .. . College bOOk . . . Service world. excellent! Homework Buddies undulating Ranger tickets! Love ya. Kate · Hi, we have had some great times. never forget them! Junior Prom. Sophomore Morp, April 19-June 1-\(0ood days. huh?) Twin Peaks. Beverly Hills 90210 Gap, LBI w1 Carole (the worst driver) Margert. Mike Vago. Me l!C you. Ice fight. miniature golf (I am the best ... NOT) Ron Jon wrong way on the one way, beach, white 1 bikini. Got a package In the mall today•... Uh. where's your bikini? freehold Raceway Mall around once and back home again, Noel. Peter Gabriel. Edward sclssorlland, Gap, Chris 0 .. The Ground Round, In your f.yes. Mannequin II Well I hope you and me stay friends forever. don't ever lose touch, good luck in college and in the future, friends forever. Love, Mike To all of NDHS ·It's been a cool4 years! I'm going to miss all yasl Thanx ~good luck to the class of '92i JL & fN· Never forget the SAS days. I'm glad we're still so close. To my underclass friends: Hello Cleveland, We've been through a lot, too much to say here but through it all, we've always been friends & I'll never regret anything. Ditto! El, Always cheering me up. you've been a doll! Njf McDonald's duffing it. car screaming. Immature men. J's line. opposite day. Philly nite. I don't know what I'll do w1o u next yr. visit mel Have a great Sr. yr. K5- Thanx for being a good friend nlf car talks. To my cousin Liz Thanx for always being there, ·member when we were 27 To the MH- It's been a lot of un, keep on going. we do make a difference, I'll miss our Thursdays! Thank you to all my teachers, especially Ms. Liptak, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Wrobo. Jiss Wargo. Ms. Lynch. and Mrs. Gavin! Mom. Dad and Kathleen· I love you! Love CaSta A

t 1



JILL CZVZYK Yo Chism, We really can get a lot accomplished when we put our heads together. Like studying for exams and watching Point Break. Your the best Czyzyk with that laugh and your personality. I'm sure we will see each at MC:S or Unlbersity of Endinberg Rd. Love ya. Michael Pelllgrino I'll never forget you, your family or any of our Marrazzo's memories. Thank you for everything you did for me and Good luck In all your future endeavors. Love. Drew Chizm, That's Insane. "Is this it? It looks like a bike pump!" Youre buggin' out. Take Care of that laugh for me. We'll hang- What a SAD relationship we have but . .. It's (JRfATI Be good whatever you do. I'll CYa. Anne Chisim, all the times were at Lauras w1 Erich and her. The beach. your laugh. you and Pacty what a perfect pair! Well babe it's been fun and there's been much more KIT Let's have a blast at the beach. Love Nicole TOO DOPfl Mrs. McGraw's class! Milstone Parties· tree farrnsn Will you ever drive mem Sophomore year • TT - Love of your life! Thanks for all the fun times! Keep In touch! Jen Nice Christmas glft·How did you find us in Hamilton. My house-get


off your hands and knees you won 't find It! Power Puff we forgot our shirts. She's a little run away-Paging you at the Bowling Alley! DO NOT elevate you mind- so happy Nicole's 9 hrs. long. Thank youretreat not enough words! Love you, Lisa Mercer? Apartment?; Did you get your sneaker back yet?; BD and Matt- get a lif•e!; Stephanie - we'll be back! Love DR My dad, spec. olymplcs, #.:50 pizza, "'elevating our minds", The Becky and Lisa Hotel, CCC, we've had some great times. I'm always here for you and I'm glad I could say the same about you. KIT I love you Czyzum All my love-oo7 Yo! What happened to us! Just always remember that I will always be here for you. I will never forget "the laugh"' Always remember: retreat what you told me (thats on tape. ya know) P.S.- Yours mine- I guessed we shared hum-Huh? (NOT) You In Millstone for the first time! (anyone In Millstone of the 1st time! (Ha, Hal) I love ya Jllly Bean! Nikki L. Jill Marie- Marrazzos. eating everything, Ginger's finest, owl my foot. hiding In the freezers. don't tum purple, we luv Ople, June·s house. Buck, Mrs. sM and purple flowers, LBI. YMCA, eternity, T.K. and P.O., lights, no one better get our cars, leader of the pack, failing history, A.M. calm down!, Religion class, Sally, TS secrets, your a great S.O.P.f f .O.C. Sun bloody Sun- Rod, Guns, Walden Woods?-QC-pinchle bugs :·1 lnhailed"- I didn't hook wf him"'Bowzer··-skl biscut, Tom·s R.lver-·Tm not mad B " Chlzm, 2 drunk on bus, 6 yrs. says It all-Love ya Laura SCFiWiiliTa The Jills. LBI. \'Yo Jill! R•KI"' Lunch with Linda. HfW. Where do the prettiest girts work? We love Genie. OPP is us. Keychain sayings, JO is teally pretty. Matt the grump. Is the air conditioner on? Am I sitting too scole to the dashvoard? Kill that parrot! reuben's funny. Hungry? No more cheese fires. Alan 's In LBI- me and EE In next bed. You and BC. Nice initials, JCI NP Is bad. Late to work much? I'.FC closed after 10 minutes. Our curls are natural. can we go to the beach please, now? Noo Noo. Cookie dough. Your jeans are to big. My mon's a hippy. " Rub it inr· Ballet Studio. Paper dolls. Mercer ne.1tt year? I'll visit you at work. I'm glad we've become good friends over h.s. Love you doll! Love. Jill Coley L.K. eating. What? Jetson Dresses. Joe o. My uncle hung upon you. Those R.E.M:s R flyln'. Egg's for breakfast, s.o .• and M.M. Be rude. 60YSI Their side In p 6- banned. Van . .. LBI polaroid. Myrtle Beach. Poconos. Mood Swings. P-Passlon. Aerobics. Marie. "Lisa " E·Bunny picture. B. Tommy T. Counter top. O.G. O.W:s earrings? Scene. J.C. n N.P. Bf.F I Jove yal Christina We used to have so much fun together. I think we've forgotten the good and remembered only the bad. Lets try and remember the good OK. Remember New Years at Beckys house and the pillow. I really hope we could become Good Friends again OK. Don't forget buying things from me. " Can you get It for me Mike. " Mrs. Regans class and the pieces of paper I threw at you. The shore when we stayed up all night on the beach, the cop who asked us If we were drinking and lots more. Your great Love Rego You are so cool. Sorry I was so annoyln to you at Anne's. Always remember Horbachs class Jr. year and our project we did together (newspaper) and how I did the WHOLE thing (Just Kidding) Love yal Fanelli Chizm, PooiBalls (we won), need help wj History?, helped U fail , IM only 12 make U snort, Millstone men do It better, SM's butt. dimples, eyes (U told him), Powder Puff-who do we hate? We should've won, retreat, crying In AL, Mr. Levin luvs u, where'd fries go? lunch (we're not cool enough), Lucky 7 . . . Not! "'our side" of lunch table. lluv ya chick! UR the best. We'll hand out next yr. Good luck and KIT Luv, Leea You ' re an awesome chic, LBI trip, trying to ski. Beach house maybe, Neil? Good directions-to the post office. Love, Michele Art Institute, catch a Rising Star, My rhymes are made up. Don't take it too personally. Love Caesar Eric The Back of ow·s Jeep our talks- Coors Lt. can Tree Farmthe shore (the boat) where's Laura and Eric? Give her a bottle she'll pass out Rod Stewart- backseat·UR sick our haircuts shaving my head slamj jam-video tape Jem coming home during UR SOP-MD In my shower Danny B and Josh B- Washington loves us Gym class has been great Josh - our VB Team- maybe we'll win one time Love Jill DOUG COLUCCIO D.C., f.D., M.S.. S.M.·Boys since Kreps. We've had some awesome times. Remember: '"You guys go ahead. Yo, how much Is a dog?" '"I'm sorry Mr. Barlow my printer broke." The Winger in Little India and Jacqule's back yard. " He's go a gunl''·bad decision. ''Gimme that Cholcoi-BIIss. I'm callin, the cops. L.K. is an anchor, drop her! Totally Hidden Video- I saw it. I swear I saw ltll Jeff, a little lower. 2 on 2 B-Ball-lntense. The roach at Grand Slam. Valentino Is a loser. "'Oh, I love those little beetles." Look at this motley crew. J.M.Punkl Why don't you come here and find out, Bennet!" Tabasco-the eternal practical joke. D.O.. J.D.-profttable addition to the group. You ' re cuttin ' your own throat. " MURPHY!" Rich and f .B. The Wildwood Waverunners. Macaroni salad and lemonade. All the hooch· MandA, D and J, sand E, F and L, NOTI " It's my birthday, carmel: ' They had a girl. we named her Brenda. Real Cool Sugarbombl '"drop your gun, stick the knife In me," They 're whipped, they're all whipped. Guys its cool we've stayed friend through the years. Thanks. My locker buddy! Get your B-bag out of my way! Never forget NYE 91-Were you comfortable? Doug or is It '"dog"? Gym class and Algebra Jr. Year. Sally-QKI "Doug. where Is Jill #2?" H·room was fun. Vote for home coning king and queen? - Love always, Jill Coley Clooch. '"Hey, shut that back door!" Phone conversation. Are there @ L's In your name? Bop-such rhythm. JR. Prom. NY EveThanx for the help! fr.-Soph. Plchk-it was a long walk. You can't sit at my lunch table. Last minute rides to school. Thanx for always being there, I LOVE YOU! • T.M. Penguin tie, '"Wayne's World" , wrong directions. fBLA. Chicken Holiday, I never get jokes!. pds. 1-6, I'll believe anything, cold hands, Kin Ben, Bert and Ernie, Trish, Sparkle, cook for me?, bubble letters wf a heart, my lovely drawings In your notebooks, B&T bashing, putting my foot In my mouth, your mom knows my bad friends, 1 prayd for you. explaining, football, my do Is sensitive. Sol'm werld. ·Luv Ya, Kim Jelly Beans, Great Adventure- We were In Texas. My directions, The Cemetery; "Quick put it in reverse, lock the doors!" CotillionWe got a picture on the big chair. Howard's My mistakes. Big Al's station wagon. ·My space suit dress-! still like It! Sorry about your birthday· Bert balloons. Chicken Holiday! Thanks for always being there for me. Good luck, I Love You. What can I sat about Blo. Class? Wouldn't have been the same without you. career night talks. - Larry Thanx for all your homework, I couldn' t have done It without you. You are the wortd's greatest lab partner. -Dumer Never forget my first driving days; Good Luck and K.I.T. ·Love. D.R. WHERf:'S MY PICTURE? Miss Ya. • K.. Kerwick I saw a guy walkin' down the street with one eye and three arms. Remember ··my wife. that fat smelly, baboon." Be good or I'll stab you with a screwdriver.· Bolster Tell Liz I said "HII" - Sleep at Howard's lately? We have to go there again again. Don't do lt. You'll regret it in the morning. Thanx ~ tu Coors. Rain Man's In my homeroom. But I haven't hooked up in a while. You the funniest guy ever. Good luck at Johnson l!t Wales. • Chris You still go to N.D. Your funny as hell man. Glad I knew ya. - Drew SIW"' COX Rem:aiwaz- Spitball In the ear Luv Ya,cathy '"Muqe Cox" I didn't knock the wood burning stove over- hell of a bash!- Theo Will you play with my hair? Thanks for all the times you did in Eng. New Year's Eve was the best- ask Sean M. Ha. Ha. Miss ya, K.Kerwick

(Pinkl) never forget Pin, and the BBB at Coach M's house. Rafertylll. aw man he missed the mat again. Good luck In the future and watch out for those parked cars, they'll hike up your Insurance every time. Drew New Year's Eve. Trenton High. Just like Trenton, Sean. Car count Is at 4. WAYNE'S WORLD· she's a babe. shwing. If she were Presi· dent, she'd be a "'babe" , raham Lincoln. You have the right to remain silent .. . Don't get out of the car. Ewing cops. Suckl!t Blow. GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR· Chris In the palace of the virgin· lies the chalice of the soul- and It's likely you might find the answer there. Long live Led Zep! -Dave Von Bargen TRACtY CRAWI"ORD toads GB lab partners, toilet balloon. prune. little-big-mouth, rig· or mortis on Ice, baseball. LBI, your telephone pole lncldent,Chris's b-day, Mass optlonal.-carole TC get off my bald spot! Thanks for being my Eng. partner for .3 years. I would not have passed wjout you. You must tell our prob· Iems more often. Thanks for all the great memories. See ya at TSC. • Jeff ""Hey that"s my HR tool" I'm glad we met the 1st day at ND when I was such a nervous freshman! member homecoming l!t Mom bought us Ice cream? Don't forget all the fun we've had together!· JV softball and the attitudes!, the bras.. and all the rest. Love ya Jen Hey Shorty, What is there to say but. we're done, finally. or at least I am. Have fun In college. I don't know what to say, we'll keep In touch . John You were one of the first friends I made at ND. I'm glad we're st.ill so dose. It took you long enough to remember the Who's Who Book. Anyway, the Walk for Hunger was fun. Dave Is a great guy, cute too. Working wj you at Open House was fun. Good luck in college. KIT. Amy We have been friends all 4 years here at ND. I always knew if I needed anything you were always there. Thanks 50 much. Keep in touch! Love, Amy A. Mr. Gust My bio-partnerl The fish ftn volleyball?! DS, LBI, your boat. What's a cline?! Env. Sci. I can drivel Under the Bronco. Hit the pole! -Margret Lumia so much to say, soph. (5th per. especially). prom, my obsessions, do you still have my picture?, meeting Frank-thanks, '"I don't belong In this class" , yelling at the Gat-man, who are our true friends?, letter on retreat·thanksl, Mr. Gus constantly picking on ust say HI to Dave, guys suck, blonde jokes-- I never got them, explaining everythIng to me. stop screaming at me, where are you going to school?, more to say! Love ya, Kim Trace, I'm really glad we became good friends. Always remember . . . , Spirtuality Day that wasn 't. Ground Round, optional mass?, weird talks, retreat, Help!, I've got my hair stuck in the car door!, Kool Aid, cheesy 70's songs. PPM rules, JR prom, senior lunch, AP History, What color Is the golden gate bridge?, service wortd , friends. Love, Kate Tra. thank you for being one or my best friends· even though all of our tights we are there for each other and get through it. Njf last yr. when we were lnseperable, I'm nice by myself but unbearable when I'm with you and I got this attitude from your All my men l!t all your men before Dave, I used to have to call and pretend that you didn't know and your talks W/ the chaqlan, " I've never seen a whole football life In my game y1 '"I absolutely positive that it's impossl· bier· Alex and Alisha. Hanging out at Dave's, ·•f've got butt cheek fever" , The shore, watching the war, ribbons. Route 66, boogie woogie, Labor day weekend, "the bathroom's 2 miles back", Maryland· running over birds. the hotel( disturbing and we could have taken the radio), "rent a room " , long phone calls, 'Tm scared" , " Good momin$- sunshine", "Tell Mf I'm really upset", I'm a pscho· pathic god, " Lmcoln was a hypocritical hypocrite", Mom and Dad love you more, you 're Jewish, ramps, Powder Puff, pinebarrens. Franklin Mills, Me crying over the card you gave me, Spirituality Day and Retreat. I'm really going to miss you next yr. KIT Love. Chris AMY CUTCHII"'tAL Giants Rule! uper Bowl 25 Champsi Phil Simms is the greatest. (Death to the Eagles. Hail to the Giants) Hey· AC's party, Mike P. sr.yr.,· Jim, Johnll Have fun! KIT· Age All our classes, all our problems, What would I have done without ya? Good luck and stay in touch! Luv, Tracey Devils are now and always will be better than the Flyers. Sony 1 was absent so much- eveyone said you kidnapped mel All-Star game was awesome. Roberta 's class-- fun. See ya, Good luck. Mike L. What can I say? You've been a good friend. Always remember your party at Guido's, retreat (maybe not), the deal with Chris, tie got off his high horse. Good luck in college even though you really don't need it #2. Love, Chrissy S. HR, Hockey Games- get their numbers right? Florida· roomier 1 can multiply by nines on my lingers. Blue l!t White Day '921 Katie Thanks for sharing the hamburger at GR. Rangers suck! Flyers are no.11 Never forget setting the car alarm off at the spectrum. ND Ice hockey games. Thanks for being such a great friend. Love. Jen Kelly Stop having an affair with my man! Hidious Hudson. Celtics Rule! Nice hair. Meet you In the parking lot at 2::501 The Flyers are on. Have to got Where are my Alpha Bits? SF Giants are gonna get beat. TFA loves JMR. Philadelphia teams stink! Duke Blue Devils #1. Christian Laettner and Bobby Hurtey, Physics is cool. Love. Kristin Baby, Honey, Sweetie Pie. Thank you for the Slxers Game at the Spectrum. Physics Is Ph in. Dr. J Is Just totally cool. Call that wonder· ful game of pass the chalk. The Ground Round's, Olive Garden, l!t your party. Don't forget poor Dave. The auction and his marvelous costume. Amy, you are the master. You' re the best and I'll miss you. You 're a special person with a brite future ahead. The guys in high school weren t worth your time. Stay true roomie and never change. Love forever, Marian Mon Arnie from Mo'vUie· keep speaking french (I'll keep doing crossword puzzles). I'll miss our class (maybe) and you (definitely). Love, Bri~et My favorite arch-rival, It's been fun, and has always been fun to argue with you· I wouldn't have It any other way· but you can be sure one thing- I will never ever concede defeat. l hope Phllly crumbles to the ground, like their sports teams, and the birthday card was not sent from mel Nice Valentine- Dave Martinez Amy, Are you the baronness or the LeBaron?! You're so "gener· ous" l ... did you eat the glue stick? .. History last year (scratch, scratch) . . . retreat was awesome .. . lunch, calc., Anatomy, and Physics were phun. I'm glad we're friends! Good luck in the future .. KIT Love, Shaheen I just want to wish you all of the luck In the worid for college (like you need it). Have tons of fun and come back to visit every once in a while. I'll miss ya. Don't forget about me but then again how could you?! Esther Cutch, the Butthead! How's the Deep Sea Fishing? I think you need new bait· you haven't had a bite all year! Never forget (I know you have a bad memory, but try) our late, late, late night phone calls. Thank God it wasn't a toll call. You know I love you, excuse me, Tolerate your Never forget the cute one, the sweetheart, the annoying one (Mr. No Butt), and the pain In the neck· and we all hnow who your favorite is! "It's the time you spend on your flower that makes It unique." You are responsible for what you tame. "How's my favorite brownnoserjclass pet?" "Geez, your nose Is 5000 brown that it's practically black!" It's 9pm on a Thursday nlte· what are you watching? Ring. ring- OOPS did I call during a Flyers game??! Don't forget to invite me to your wedding 15 yrs. from now· I can't wait to see little re-headed DJ's running around! By that time I hope you 've given up your bad habits of mooning people on Rt. 1 and Kidnapping Mike. The following are things that need no expta· nation: Jr. Prom, being rude, Ms.Kaplan, Roberta, the "Keychain" , Sr. retreat, counting on fingers, your broken VCR, thank God for call walling, Physics class, big mouth, writing papers over the phone, my parents and you. The Ground Round Gang-ENOUGH SAID!.

Thanks for helping me to experience some of my firsts- my first hockey and baseball game (What did you think I was going to saywhat a sick mind you have!) Maybe we'll go to the same college unless you follow your love Interests. There's still so much to write but its .3am amd I'm tired. If you want to remember anything. just call. I'll be there. I'll know Its you as soon as the phone rings- I'm psychic remember. '"It was nice talking to you. " KIT. Love always. Nicolette. Where should 1 start! It's been 5000 long, I feel like I've known you forever· 1 have though. We've been through so much together that I can't even remember it all, and let me tell you the way my memory goes!. OK let me start-Grade school, Dumbo. Richard, me, 1 felt like T12 the mediator. High School-l'm the greatest. the smar· test ect., all the honors classes, my pursuit of happiness, Phillies games. cow milking country, hate or hockey, Prom' 91, me and the dream boy (Rocco), you and Randy, retreat- talk about being weird, Summer '91, 2am, pizza, taking me to airport, bye, bye. Honors English 6-0h God!, Flordla, SAT's- breakfast. your dad, goln ' to Europe· you gotta come. the pursuit of finding " a good man", I got one know, Harvard here 1come, really I could go on until my death, I'll stop, 1 wtsh ya the best of luck, always keep In touch and RMA because there aren't many like me float.lng around! Love ya always Daniela-claol Always Remember: Where's my lock?, Why Is my lock sticking out like that?, Double standard, hypocrite, too fast for you! Good luck next yr.! KIT! Love always, Janice Babe, Chick. woman . .. all your pet names. This year has been quite Interesting. SOB, stood no chance. cape Fear, checking out AC, New Year's Eve, Joe talks, English, A l!t P. Tell me, Tell men Are you sure you don't like SOB? Now I dol Your B-day, You owe mel You always look In the mirror: nag. nag. All these new adventures. Glad we' re friends. Luv ya, Guido ADRIAN DAVIS The things you say make me think, but I just don't know why? The feeling is mutual, and you know what I mean. But like I said I just don't know Yll • K.f . Hey, chl!mistry l!t physical science was fun. You 're a sweetie. Don't forget J .Z. scratching l!t I'll miss you! Love - Jen You need to chan~k5 or your outlooks on situations. Stay cooll!t don't try to flaunt tile bod too much! - T.S. It has been a great year knowing you. Good Luck In Basketball, wherever you go. You know I'll take you to the krop ANYDAY. BostCeltics Rule Baby! • Bryan '"Bird" Vastl You are the pimp!! A DADDY of all times. One day you 'll IInde right woman, and even If you don't have fun lookmg. (Hal Hal YeahRightl) It wasn't meant 2B - we're alwaze close friends! Remember the elevator! Luv Yal - K.f. Sf:AN Df:ASY We got close fast and far even faster, planning your life, no shoes inside lucky, dinner with your parents, food shopping, Lisa who? cute butt, Thorn Mean shoes, borrowing dads coat, pds 3 7 l!t 8 , studying 2gether, sews, cooks, cleans, lroms • I'll Cry Ul, huge closet, walking around In a towel, the play, losing my #. I'll Never Forget You! Love - L My Kansas City partner! I'm glad I had the chance to get to know you as well as I did. Always remember Oklahoma l!t Calc class. Love ·Amy A. Oklahoma '92. It was awesome! All G's Italian Anger Fits! Glgl (( Jaime! Good luck In life Have f In college =Jod • Matt Haenni Sean. In 1970's there was free love, In the 1980's there was monogamy! In the 1990's there iss with Naddonna and Luke PerryiThe tum of the century - I'll rock everybody's world! • Donna Hey babe, yes, you can borrow a pencil in calc. class. Bnjoy your year off and enjoy the Olympics In Barcelona, but be careful. History has always been forever joyous and gym was a lot or fun. Good Luck In everything you do, l!t we would definitely have to to get together over the summer! Love • Marian DOI"'NA DtMARCO Double D. that's it you 're dead, Sounds great but, kids these days·no morals, B.F.. fngllsh, N.Y.E.. H.J. says HI. 5perbowbutdg Hunts, Turkey ltfter, Richard Simmons, K·Boom, Fizz, Chucky Cheese, rp, Fveryone's houses, SHI Poophead, Father D.. Rich, L.X. Bens H-Brother, lights off on the tree1please, Gravity Hill, Stats. Stubboum, but still I Love You. 0 mean TONS to me. S for everythIng sis. Love Always • Tim DB, JC, FF, KG, BN, , KS, TS, JW and our fwing boys; We are NOT a clique-We' re best friends! I'll never forget all our great times and how special each of you are to mel I wish you the best of luck. I will always love you guys! ·MF CLASS OF 1992: We are definitely the best! Never forget how to do the " chicken Dance" ·lt's our song! Remember my birthday Is June 8th. Good Luck to all of you! Love - Donna " that's it you're dead!" Scavenger Hunt, OKAY. New Year's Fve, waving to you In Mr. J's class, You Mother!, " Love You " Scattegories, " Dominic" playing at Steve's booth in WWC, Ground Round, Knock on Wood, FIZZ, Ka·Boom, "I see" CSNH • Love • Beth Ann Kumquat ... Teri s. Neighborhood Legion Game in Hopewell. Dinola. Jr. year was great. Homealone. K.C. n A.l. - Glad to have helped. Love Ya-chrlstina You cracker hooker ripper, he's a ritz, no a saltine. Gotta watch whose In the bath tub at S.Z. How's frank A. DeMaroo quoted Fanning. We Jove your tree. Sweet- Where's Waldo? • Michael Pelllgrino " Can you work fo ?" RICH-you can have himl Our Pretty Picture, Denise Austin or Jane? ·ner I Good Luck l!t KIT ·Love • DR That's it your dead you mall love you. You're so great! Ms MiUor better restock. Gym wouldn't be the same. Oood Luck net year I'll miss you you Funny Glrtl CYA • Anne LBI Volvo nightmare, all of our talks, scaring you on the Wash trip, INXS turkey lifting. and the evil twins! Love - David Baseball Rod Stewart·INXS..BLK Turtleneck. Blu Tank Top-there yours?-WW-sea pointe-Racial lts-1 need a party! ·Mr. A. ·alrheadFrroress who, Curtis-which way Is he going? WlngUps-Who's the prettiest girl? Ouess What Feb 5th Is? Feb 7th, June 8th ·State Champsi! Do they ever stop touching each other? Love • Jill You Can't Buy Me Love!!l Love· caesar captain·, love those socks "K "too funny you are. Just for the records I was the better Captain- Ha Ha BIG BIRDS! See Ya • K.K. Donna-Yo fellow SAFTTYI pod puff (we ruled) ~:4.3 bonding at my house, famous line " we'll take It" , safety dance, luch Pd. 6, lluv ya chick! OR 2 fuuny Luck l!t KIT Luv - Leea ' Lucky 7, Blue· MP freshaan Yr. Clap-A Volvo, Yeah Right Mare. We Like That. We'll Take lt. We Accept lt. (Soccer Game) Roberta. Kay? It was a volcano, PP defense-It's not our fault. DO with BJ l!t FD. Kill BK for me and MT for you. Bad fish. SUnshine l!t Chlnkerbell. JC. 0 license plates. Cl·everyone looking at me. BA'sjacket. Love ·Jill #2 4:431 NYf Junior Yr keep being funny l!t Kif· Love · Becky You 're dead, •• , think you should get a haircut" par.3 #1, your so crazy "We'll take it" QB with AM DW DO Kf Too Great You are the best! My 7th pd. buddy! Never forget-sueeer at TJS, my house you ell (on hall don't know) Prom'91· Oeorge (you loved him) the chicken dance (Rickys got a tie on) our agrams of everyth· ing on your bookl My other partyh My Oodt-that party. You are the funniest person 1 know! Love Yout (nice line) GjL wj everything!Nikki L. Why doesn't she just give herself another pat on the back. What a huge egol Did Lippy wear that outfit before? Purple wj deep purple, doesn't match! Brown Shoes! Lennie, you are the loudest In gym. Robin Hood. I taught you well.- Kristin Kelley NONE of that stum Luv • K.f. Donnie Wahlberg! Your Mother! No Yours! We are the best dane· ers ever.ourdance faces. Love You! Our secret My awful phone call.

Thanks! LBI '91. Cotillion. "W, S, S, f . .. " "Get A Life" that's getting old. "Donna, go back to My dad fixes doorbells. Eeeewl Pick It Out! Gym dances. Rotation, Rotation, Ro-Ro, Rotation. Love our Homeroom. Vball, bull's Eye. WE LOVE ARCH! What's happenng? Hey hi·hl Dwayne. Love • Jill Coley XO Glsh, cut the heat! Dry Is better. Remember New Brunswick= KIN· KO'S .. . Psycho·he was hype. Get the 8·ball rollin' Stay Cool Lis 6c don't get beat! I'll miss you. • Anne Told me the truth! Mr. Who? Art·fun·soda and food·never again!· probs at home Ms. Cauccii·Soph Yr.-Arch walk out, Bond with me roll down the hill·eat like pigs. That's enough~ pack it up! N.L.'s-1 hate You! Ha·Hafr Forget ITII Always friends! Jr. Yr. Alg-liscences, cheat, my walk, notes of M.S.-I am the best! T.X.'s lust with Berm· bomb. Airplanes out the window, J.C.·what's that?·lube, J.Z. 6c desk. chad , B.C.-you and me-always same ones! Thank You Lisa, Luv Ya Always! • Melissa Condeeshal Where did we get that, anyway? 12yrs. of frlendshlp, control hair, Dr. Ruth phone conversations that no one understod, got my head caught In the garage, SO HAPPY. eggs-it was your car they saw. Good Luck next year, I luv ya forever • Leigh can I have some scrambled eggs? M.M. , 5.0. , M.G.·stay in the car.IL·Room fights. Beaver Danger. Ewwl Pick it out. Pretty Glrls·K.C., S.O., J.D., G.M .. M.M. Stay outta trouble. I'm always here 4UI nove Yal · Christina Your my favorite small four-legged furry mammal (you know which one I mean) making Patty sit out in Vball, rotation, rotation. our TV show titles· "Leave It To Beaver", "No Rogert. NoRe·run. No Rent!" Our fantastic Vball Team and your boyfrlend on it. "Tech· nlque" You 're such a riot and since I know -your whole St. Paul's career, we might as well get married an ave two boys and one b. We can go to Archer's for our honeymoon! ·Love· David Hey Girl! All I want ·to say to you is that I will always be here for you. I love ya so much! GIL with everything. Please be good! Never forget the party I had! Terri-What's the name of the game? Thumperr I LOVE YA • Nikki L. I LOVE your summertime hair. Good Hugs. Love • caesar Col-<le-sack. I'm sorry we're not homeroom buddies this year-but at least now you can't borrow my gym clo(thes. Always remember softball-espedally freshman year and how awesome we were. Love Ya· Fanelli Lisa, retreat. roomies, bonding, pushed out of bed, "where are you going" Powder Puff, back of the bus, Deee·Lite, I need to get·-, passing me arou In back park loti Halloween, Pool Balls(we won), 8ball, eggs. IM a good driver· NOT! RUOK? hanging out my window. sped up slow down. lunch, u like my sandwiches(J/K) "OUR SIDE" of table, Luv Yal Good Luck and KIT Luv Ya • Leea P.S. what about Vanessa? 8·Ball-fall out of any station wagons lately? Holt Ave. tsts; thanx, "bowling" BGfMG, Maggy. Lit., Ms. Kns., LwncShpCtr., BK l!t Jl arresffed. swollen eyes, she's a little runaway, "V", f.Bom, Hit l!t Run. DBDB, "it goes in, It comes out" Cranberry Tlm's-"lt's cool", uno, dos. tres, BC·back porch "Whoa .. . Acme" caryn·s. 3 Muske· teers. Yeah-things have changed, but I still love you and will always be here for you. Don't forget about me-l miss you, sleep." fiZZ and Rib-it. We love fredl Ewing boys G l!t PL. Lucky 7. UCP. lunch fights. Retreat. Ewing park·p In the w Mobile BRoom. "How're the kids" Marky Mark. Gym Shirt-keep It attached. Elliot l!t Aaarish. PA Is bad. Scavenger Hunt. SZ's. James Taylor. Doo Doo Dance. H-room. fr. D "Is t1J coming?" can' t Say No H. Blue. "That'd be so nyce" You like my dog. Jaw protrusion. Slap your knee. Look Away. "Don't get me wrong" We'll take itl Let's give It a clap! Noo. Noo. "That's It" Ashes-and same to you. Love you brother ( NKOIB 6c mm)l Love· Jill


"Lucky 7", csnh blue, men in uniform, oopsl, mustang boys, LBI, waterguns Dominic, hey man!. upsmen, UCP, fizz. Rib-It, Kaboom, Scavenger Hunt. "Who ARE you talking to?" Princeton, Wlnberle's l!t our own special room, take your microphone om I can't watch my friends hkup, NY's Eve, HJ, you've got jungle fever, ox.val.mall, you 're too organized. where·s Waldo? that'd be so = nice, ootllllon, watch out for birds, you love dogs, retreat. your mother holy cow, driving my train to school. thanks for the gym shorts. Ewing park, pin the woods. mobil gas station, SZ house, no I am not. watch out for men in the shower, pull your pants down and fix them, fath. D.. Donna-you've got the juice! Girls, let's have a clap, Rich, Knock on Wood. JT you've got a frlend, yellow light-kiss the rooll wave to our paper frlend we're good with directions, fREEZE! 4:4~. our 5MB'S Never Change! I love you· Kelly BC l!t want to remind always check the shower! Sister-In-law, C.S.N.H., blue Is your color, let's rewind a bit ... summertime, IBI. red or green? red or green? YELLOW! OK we can handle this, seatbelt on? Instant bonding, you are too organized, tnat'ud be so nyce, ohhkay. I'm not saying . . . we are the true leaders, Cotillion, fizz, Rib lt. fred, Ka-Boom, our dance, scavenger hunt. the extra things we put in my trunk, Donna, why are you talking in your sleep? That's nice that you went to church already, SC's house, Ewing friends, Heath Crunch, Erasure, white convert· ible SMB. Chuck E. Cheese. Xs tree lights, LBI daytrip, gravity hill, rapids, bowling. my "surprise" party, retreat, sz·s house .. . is some one In the shower? OK remain seated, in fact I think I'll Join you! Powder Puff, G·talk In my neighborhood, ticket-givers o( Ml· chele Ct. that's Dominici florida planning, you're so good with directions, do you see is beautiful body? 7-up, Xmas gift exchange, name that tune In yuor room, gotta get you home on time, take off your microphone! love those dogs! let's talk LBI some more ... who are these men and where Is David's house, walking the beach the next day. getting lost on the way there . .. WOW! "clique" BEST fRIENDS! my little fruitcake! Florida here we come .. . am I singing into a flashlight? I Love Your Sister-In-Law DAVID DIB~I'U~D~TTO The sky was yellow l!t the sun was blue ... strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hands-woke up in my dothes again this morning . . consider me gone." Loony! · Carl BRENDAN DUI"I" -Well Its been good. I still remember the 1st day we split up Into Jab partners in Biology. We made It through everything, especially wrestling. Thanks for always being a good frlend l!t have fun in college! • Chris Sieben Everytlme I touch the ball we score. LBI-you hit my door. I want her. The Ocean, what a beautiful sight C.l. you're beautiful. Who's a priest? You have prettiest eyes. KP. KK. AG. DREW. All time lowsyou know who! Dorney Park-She's hot but what's that? You're not drunk until you're holding onto grass trying to keep from falling off the earth. Pennsauken ID's Gregory's (you got) TULLLIPAN. Good Luck NEXT YEAR • CHRIS MarRazzo's, all those talks in the car about KP, Texas Ave. Bren we have to go visit Drew U. You're a great guy, Good Luck In the future! • Drew When's our wrestling match? You know I'll beat you! (Yeah. Right) Nice to a poor cripple In the hall·! think I'll just have to break that other hand of yours. The flying pencil that could have killed someone! St GovTs fun! Best of Luck in college. Keep Srnllin' C·YA • Chrissy D. LORI ~ARDL~Y We've had so many good times, I can't mention them all, Proms. Cotillions 4-th Street, what a ball! There is no question In my mind, your pool reigns super, You're alii could ever wish for. an absolute dream! Whether he Is spanish, or she drives a Benz. Through thick and thin, good and bad, we've always stayed frlendsl Your style is unique, one that Is filled with class, How about the time ..... . Through ND you've managed to become Instilled in my heart, We're both looking onto college, a fresh scholastic new start. This last verse is not going to rhyme because I just want to tell you that you are the sweetest girl In the world and I must thank you for everyth·

ing you 've done for me. I LOVE YOUII ·Chris You will always be example "A". Bike talks, Is she pretty? "LionHead", she Is fat! History and Religion. Keep quiet in Rei. you never know who may be listening! The walk dance! House party, retreat. Did he call you last nite? You knew Charliell Lori, guess what happened nowr Just remember never make friends with the enemy! Thanx Lori • Melissa Thanks for the ride baby. And that nice little Birthday gift you got me- Beyond Seven or w atever. Remember Liptak's and especially Ms. Gavin's l!t gym The summer we ha ng much. Don't forget nothin'. Love Ya · Chris Lor· Girlfriend· Always remember· P.C.·Jujyfru ts-Wildwood '91l!t '92· House Parties-All the boyfrlends l!t girtfrlends-Jl!tE =Boriqua Posse·Macy·s Parking Lot·Burpl ·Cluster-You PI - I I ·L.O.T.S.· Check the light! ·fizz·Doo Doo-When the . . . , W·W·when the .. • Club clothes and shoes-PorG-<Ieelde?l·our silver jackets·lealousyC.V.=Who lit a match to her hair?·Retreat-New Yearn Eve !Tom Hell· THAT'S RIGHT·Idon't think so-over and out-What are we doing this weekend?-Gym-Bike Talks·Wanna Cl ?·Denny's P.L.·B.G.(J.O.)·Gotta Luv Urn-Totally shot down-fake I. D. 's·k·lmeigt·e. let's goi-Xmas Party "Get the connection"·llpllner 662-Powder Puff·Bustln' Out-Bold Blond7and Beautifuii·C.M. luvs ya • L(.Y.L.A.S.· NESSIE Yol Loveshack, Baby! It has Been Great.· Robin "What Is she thinking"? Does she think that looks good or what? She mu wake up and say • Yea that looks good today, I'll leave it. "Go Glrlfrlend" If I ever get her alone In the bathroom • I'll kill her! "Old you see her make-up?" "Oh, Girl" Nevero through the amber light· Lori, get out and look to see If everthlng is O.K. · "I can't move, Kef" "I hope no one saw us, my father will kill me" Thanks for all the rides · K. Kerwick Cheetah Woman · Love, caesar Hi Beautiful. Ga' head girlfriend. JokerYgross. Summer '91-JQ scandal. J.R. Louder than Luv. After Belhl's ·messed! Camp, Hock· ey, fly Girls, R talks, Pasta with sun-<lried tomatoes, Baaaaaam, Luv Ya friend • Alison Goeke Can You drive me home? • Chris fava Hey Lor, Remember this song: Stuart Country Day School. There aren't any boys here that's why we're a little queer! Virginia v--... you know the rest. Wedges, dancing in the halls, Boston-Williams-


about C.V. Georgie, Joe Quinty-all those ba~eball_games. My Joe"what Is he retarded?" All the glrlfrlends have boyfriends. N.G.=no style! We're the Guidos and proud oflt. Lor, there's so much more. but these things we can't talk about. You've been my best frlend forever and I'll miss not being with you everyday. We've had 50000 many laughs and I'm sure we'll have many more. Oh one last songfirst tou get your nose, then you get your tissue, then you blow It out. then you throw it out, then someone reaches In and goes ooh yuck, ooh disgusting. Luv forever - Guido DON I!IGI!N8AUCR Don, nice last name! I love you! You are the man nobody fever wants. Even though I pick on you. don't distress, it's all in good jest. You throw some wild l!t wholly parties-paranoid but pretty decent. Don't forget our very scenic drive to Philly·"The Revivai"·NOT. Your very wholesome and well mannered frlends, Denny's is always good as a last resort. Teaching me how to parallel park with garbage cans. I'm surprised I didn't fail my test. Remember that you owed your Junior Prom date to me and Jen (your favorite people to hang around with!) You're a loser and always will be but I will never forget you (even If I tried.) Don't forget mel Get A New Carl Love Always· Ani "Tommy the cat had many a story to tell, but It was a rare occassion such as this tthat he did." • Dave Don-it's been cool! Never forget Mr.S .. and Llza(l know you liked her!) Thank you for Prom '91-1 had a really good time! Rem. Jen V.(spazl) and me, and all of the fun things we've done. (Remember when we came over your house before the Prom??) It's O.K. that you ate my dinner for me-l didn't really want It anyway! Keep in touch and good luck • Love • Jenn (Odie) Nice hair, I'll kill you, Smacker, Iicker and the rest. kill your T.V. Lanky= YOU. Kyte. MAD DOG. I hate you Beym, Sure you dol ·Jon The Jets are so bad they can't even get thel wn stadium!· L.T. Maybe someday you will realize that I'm laughing with you, not at you! Thanks for the arguments, slaps In the head, calling for home work. eating my chicken patty, and being a frlend. Think about it and maybe you wi~l find a frlend In me. Love, J.S.V. ·"Sonia" Jets in '92 • Mike Llvio ELISA ~RCOLANO Our life go in circles. Dead ends "It always does that!" They should really cut those hedges . . . " Car supplies-gas, music, . .. Where should we gol? Back parking Jot Party Hook. &ball. Ditch partner-way to get in and pushl Eternal Volvo. Eggs-S.O.M.G.M.M. fall out of any cars lately? Safest car In America 12yrs. SJV-every weekend, J.D., S.O. you're going down. "So Happy" Dancing Bears. Condeeshalll Love You· T.M. Oish, cut one heat! Are we zombies or sleepwalkersll Fanelli's house, Josh-Nice Housel! TOO Great. Softball Rules· "Yeah Right" SO HAPPY! I love Jill TOOl PEACE STAY CLEANIII Love You I· Jen Lisa, glad we became dose! Eggsll "A common cold causes Bloody Noses!" Accounting • I'm so sick of the overhead! G.L. next yr. I LOve You· Murph Lis. Love Always.· Bek Terry's B-Day·The guys from· ... where were they from· "Don't tell anyone he kissed me" Thanx for getting him off of mel I owe you - KKerwick My "Bad friend" The volvo, I can drive stick, fDU·keeps your hands off him, "Stay away from shinny, Intellectual v's" Makeovers, Lipstick brush, 8 ball, House the car, Down with Brown, You Know ltl "Slow Down" To my husband with love. Stay out of ditches and watch those mailboxes-you never know when one will pop out In fret of you. Lisa, take are of yourself·! Love You My Best friend? I'll buyou presents! My woman. A l!t B rules! Our work as artists. Scratchln' 6c palntln' It up. Luv your scratchboard. R l's met, All our talks-Did Ya? I told U we held hands, Crystal Diner-mini-meals, played wrong tunes, How's my mom? Wax lately She loves you too much. Scuse me. can you tell me where the library Is? I'll find a judge that'll .marry us and we'll have that house in the country, I luv Italians. lluv you a lot frlend. Sa Pa fa mmmnnn. ·Alison Goeke CNRISTINI! I"AN~LLI SNAfU Crew (Cf, Tf, AM, TM. KM, JP, LC, Sf) love ya guys, NDG5Senlor Soccer Players Rule (CF, KK, OM, MK, KM, AM, JP)·To all the sophs(LK, MN, AC, LK, NK-especlally LK l!t MH) sorry for being such a pain to ya all-but it was worth lt·l had fun. And to the team I'd like to thankyou for your support for my 1'1)ury, I really appreciate it. To Tf·Bff. Thanks for always being there. We shared alot of great times. Us always slnging-soccarcamp-softball(over summer) couldnt climb mt in snow. That crazy night of ours. Snafu, getting lost all the time. The time I almost flipped you In the van. Theres just too much to name. I really hope we remain friends forever. Love ya KK and AM are so great. Brandi·nlce laugh. N.L. Miss ya Ill never forget soccer with you Mud. Your so great. glad we still -keep in touch. Thanks to everyone for the memories. Soph. literature A. Ms·B-<Iay lots a food and fun. Cruising In Prine. law-stupid ques. Where the f Is gravity Hill? Nice push. Pizza Hut present. Singing In parking lot. Boys 2 Men, Me sing, Not! Chucks· Wings. Senior Lit class- Always in trouble, Always balling. Love ya Ann Marie Pulled over hell let you go this time. Caught s, lng by all of them around the mall. Your party busted Mr. Peter class- "Mr. Pete Sure wa? neat Wrobo, she likes you- frosh year health. Have you taken anymore 4-a.m walks drive slow! call mel Love Gaynor I have known you all of my life. 1m glad we have ftnally went to the same school. Dont forget Mr. A's class especially the great halrdyes

I gave you, Ha Ha Our fights with the water gun In chemistry and your great questions In religion. I know we will always be good ~~~~::~You still have to come swimming. Bye Love your friend

Did I know you frosh. yr? Soph yr your party the rocking chair! Put the garbage In the van! You and Tf at my house fighting. Tfs house Ghost' dont cry! Nice Glasses! good Luck! lm gonna miss you! Love Becky SNAFU AMS Infamous nightts. Dead ends (lx) softball? Notes in Biology You feenr Where r we going this weekend? Break into any trunks lately? Where did the V go? (I dont know) never forget OL is poison! Love TM forell, Ralph!· my soccar Queen SNAFU Benny do you have a light? So hard to say goodbye to yesterday. Annies casa. Pulled over twice! II Braking Into the trunk! llove you Murph Law and Soc were the best too many stupid questions! Honestly SNAfU crew forever, your soph. party, New Years Eve· where'd the stuff go? I love you Leigh fanel Great Party. How bout Coes (mom. deodarant. get on) Nice English class. CS for all tests, whens the next party? z ops on !\nee Ghost forever! Good Luc I and KIT· Love Holly Party van just sit on anything ticket sho down 2x KK and Me R good luck charms. beach after Jr. prom 4- am walk-cold air is healthy lost "help us" p at the Getty, Adrienns deodarant stain!?! HI Mrs. Heenan- Key to unlk the door-no-just dimb in the window. thanx Love Jess Rolfhi, softball rocks not remember Wildwood and being burnt like a lobster 4a.m. walk sound familiar? Alyson Gravity hill dont let them pass Chucks Boys 2 Men, Market fair parking lot. Drop your habit. stay cooll Luv, Kristina fanell. I was the first person to Introduce myselfto you at tryouts. frosh. yr was hell wfGC. Weve been great friends since frosh. yr.. Weve had alot of un. Talking about someone that night. Watch her eat! school play then Dennys. 4 a.m. walks caused by you. you were chased by a van. Superbowi bets. Travel and Indoor soccar. Togeth· er every year for News Years soccar campi Total Eclips of the Heart (our act) Go -GOs. Runaround Sue. Joy and pain, Jr. Prom, please try to Quit! Captains-finally. You are a great frlend, singng in PMF parking lot. Misty, just a walk In the park! Debbie Gibson, H300· Bethany, freddy all over the walls. Your awsome party, 1 slept n next to Ed· cute! cops coming. Getting pulled over w1 me in car, 1. m bad luck! Spagettl every night. f /f Kris Can I have some water? ·DR fanell, Great Party, How bout coes (mom, dedarant. get on) Nice English class. CS for all voc. tests, whens the next party? op. s. on Knee Ghost forever! Good luck W1fall and KIT·Love Holly SNAFU Dont forget soccar ND girts /1. Ewing sucksll Heres to good times cause tonight Is Kinda speciall Dont 4get hell night 92· Marraws. lets break In your truck ror those brews. My knee ~~~{~'!:~~ ~~,!:tc~:- .:!:~'!'~~"were alot alike (proms, SrtAFU Parties at Annes, Leigh house Soph. yrl WOWI All nightersl l"alllng at bars! T Rules- softball, soccar, Mlsty-Dogl lwill miss youl I Love you Jen Knee 1'1)urles are contagious! Why did you give it to me? Oh well, make the best of lt. Good luck In t ever you I softball Rules (when your actuall able to play!) Keep Smilen C·ya Chris

D. Sorry about the carl Remember soccer (my freshmen yr we talked about It for hours. Never forget the mlle.Want-me to go to the-store with you? Role the windows down all the way. Bfl"· no matter what sweetie! I'll miss ya. Love Tara Awsome Partyl Moor Hockey In locker room! Janet J concert Blast. Chris Tamasola-my house-myexi-Age LtSLtY I"AR.KAS Thank you for everything and all that you have done. All the outings were alot of fun. especially retreat. Dont forget the fizz and our secret connectlo ns. Oh Yes. that Ferrick Kid from Ewings tennis team was looking at me. Good luck In all that you dol Love forever Maria Lets go to the races! Thanks for the advice. I was dumt. What will happen to all the guys we have llkelfd? Sorry you got annoyed at tennis camp. Les-you make me laugh, Katie London- look theres big ben! IT: 30 am shower, flashing neon sign, night o on the town· seltzer. Paris· C.H room It ~. Les Mes. If you will, roll em up In S.Orange, Theres a porshe coming up your driveway! Good Luck Ill miss yal· Emery Lesileeel Remember the times bad we were bad! My Jon, Your Elliot· "NY Men" My house your Chinese Kicks, Muenster cheese, spagettl d's chore boy "lUI make you feel good I All the things we got away with-earrings rides In the car w;chore boy . . All the things we did not get away with· Well always remember tee parent phone call Is ... 4am "She said she'd be at your house!" We got thru It ok. What more can I say? "Do ya wanna not take gym? "Love always, AC Hey Les to bad we hvejust started hanging out this year. Its been the most fun. Tennis season Marias Lunches. Hightstown parties Danny Yuki DAryl-how sweet he was JG loser Battery died What to do? Late nights groundings. Hlg h phonel bills then Joe my dream guy yeah right! Halloween night. how awkward lOB. turned out to be the sweetest. Lets Not forget A.C. schltzolll Casa Luplta. Cries In Ground round. TGI fridays nothing to say- Help! She thinks your stupid"oopsl Lonely nights without J, M. at to do? D.Ms house walking ln. Lesley can you call him, please! lm In love or thought with a loser No car no job no llscence watching the soaps. How boring. Crying forever S buddy week. We need to find more parties. for 5 monthS and now this! What mistakes but what fun! Taking S hours to get ready. Sprln$ lake, wind blowing in our halr-Qh what a feeling. Jaszerclse. card1o funk. All our new frlends this year, turned out to be or not to be. Retreat ·how emotional. "why are you cryingll?" Shut your mouth-just kidding. Hope we stay good frlends. Luv Guido Hey whats upl You have really been a good frlend. I cant bellev school is over. Hopefully I'll hope to see you at T.S. Remember all the fun we had. Always keep in touch Remember Gym- your great running and our religion classes. Colleen I dont think there is enough room In this yearbook to write all that has happened to us. Always remember the bus (Thank God we dont havt to ride It anymore) C.M. and his daily haircuts A. f. and her life story every morning, Bagels (can I have your cheese?) Mr Leonard. "thats right" two poops! Chrissys looks all the guys I liked but never got! J.L. , f. f. , P.B., R.X. (sex), Warren, "tart cart", retreat the fire, tennis, your sweet dog Chelsea (she really talks), my bour· lng, Sues dod-hoppers, Greese, fizz, Matt and Eric (the Marco boys), Micky. the guy I met In florida Paris how could we miss each other! C.H .. you pen and water fights, Getting bepped at on Penning· ton RD .. Halloween fRosh. yr. (what a nightmare) Chrissys daily calls at 2:30, cotillion, Dorney, Wildwood, "purple". the tennis van. Qulk Check, Wawa, the herse, these seats are so low! O.P.P.. ground round( can we have a table for 25 please) "I feel like pizza Hut'' a salad and bread sticks, we snuck out of play practice to go to 7·11, Pushing Clndys car out of the snow, parkirm space #91, "I hate parking In the back", Sitting on the gear shift on the way to Mercer Street! My nightmares at Chrissys house, you see through bathing suit (Jeff will never be the same again) our pet peeve about Chrissy You would not believe what I heard, Oh sorry I cant tell you. Our llllgal blue skirts, our business trips, Joe fell up the satalrs In American Relliance, we have to go back to school it might snow! our name calling: slut. hussy, street walker, call girl! Thanks for staying with me when my parents went away! There Is so much more but I cant go on forever, You are the best! Always remember that there is no guy good enough for youllhope we always keep In touch! NO wouldnt of been the same without youl your greatest best frlend a person could ever have! I'll always love you! Remember Never do anything I wouldnt d Love Sar To all my frlends: S.W., C.T., L.K., C.W., A.M., K.C .. N.S.. B.J., J.K.,

J.P., T.T., B.Y., M.T. , J.R., l.W. -YOUR ALL GREAT, lve had so much fun with all of you·thanks for all the memories Always remember our fun times· Fizz, you sweet 16 party, crayons on Halloween all your men, micsief night with the toilet paper on ENs car, my hicking boots, etc. Thanks for being a good friend. Love always Susan w. Door nying open, save the whale, carnival, white bathing suit sunburns. sympathize, things that make you laugh, legs out sun· roof, retreat silly string. .. i Dont Know", power puff, driving in the snow.. presents. purple, kyat pool commercials youdid. Cotillion, wildwood, running in therain at Dorney and dont forget Waynes World, party time, Excellent, Studying for French, the hard way, Red Lobster, Ground Round, Casa Lupita, something Leslies not, Ta· boo, purple bathing suit and CM. The Fs I got in Confoy, do you want my shirt. the prom, Villa Maria and I was sick. and all the times we walked to the video store, you finally got your liscence after .3 times. Remember when you always saw sex, Fizz when we smug· gled our way in and sex was there. Remember Brians party with the man who pulled down his pants and the turtle pillow. The turtles rule Beauty and the Beast and the little Mermaid, when we fell asleep in HE said She Said. when we went party y hoping In the summer with Guido and you wanted to go to that party, Always remember Daryl and Frank. More than words and the guys fromm Hi~tstown trouble! You and Sarah are my best friends. thanks for bemg their. Love Chrissy fRANK fANNING • Frank!! Take care of the Dogie and the MD. Stop by later ok. Ceasar I dont know Frank, lm rolled up In my steeping bag and getting bit by mosquitoes. Hey Frank·you want to go out this week· end? I cant man I havt to be with Debbie. summer 92. Late! K.B. Yo DEMARCO, Hows the Doggie? Time spent in your presence. The fighting with D.O. and the Cottilllon and after we had a lot of good times, stay cool buddy. Michael Pelllgrino Mlstn parties, Retreat back of the bus. We are always grounded Bakuns yours Love Chris Frank· Everyone thought we would never be good friends, I guess we proved them wrong. lm really glad we did not get the Debthlng in the way. Weve been able to become great friends. Thanks Dude! Late Stouty Frank· Retreat back of bus (your eyes match the seat) dinner at Debs and my house, Beauty and the Beast, nice glass U gave AI. slow songs. U make mercy when you whisper in my ear, can U please get off Deb? (JfK) Me and you = whipped, per. 8 gym, me on TV. who do I like? nice stiches In hand, my boy luvs your hair, .. whats wrong with my car?" I love your booming system! I luv yal Good luck and K.I.T. Luv Leea Ufluv, Deb I love al 4 ever Never forget all the fun we have had Ill always love you! Les Teachers Pet. Yeh Wanna hang out this weekend? lm going out with Deb tonight. Remember the shore when we slept in the doggie. All man there gonna F with us. Where were you freshman and Soph. yr. Remember the senior retreat and all the fun we had hanging out. Good luck man. Later Zol Jr. year ~··theoodyear tire" Someone here hes looking right up here! e Old U go 2 period 5 today? wax man, .300Z, Kech Club from R cky Vanezuela You are so funny. We are all best friends, Fizz, Rig it. Fred. Kabbom dont kick me in the but like that! Love Dooglel sleeping out. Delorenzos, so who was the Frank? Your the 6est1 I love you! Kristen Ronald McDonald nlcejogl Gym back seat retreat·, secrets! Mill· stone parties ticket for drop off (N.L.S.) Its been fun. Love ya T.M. What are byou all about? The Hooker! How many people on one night 4? Maddog. dude my amp dude. Did anyone ever through gum at you nose? 1wear 52 jeans· wanna hopln? Is that for real? The Dogie. Its been real· Good luck! fat and Torooskl F· thats it your dead, you mother! How many times have you been dead. Someday I will team new moves. but my verbal abuse will always be better! When are you going to match your tie and your socks? Hows was Debbies hair for the Cutilllan? Take care of Dogie. Ill miss her! I love you to death! Donna Hey Frank: Thanks for the soggy sandwich: I cant believe Deb caught us (J/K) Domy Park, Jr. yr. Good luck wjeverythlng and K.I.T. Love your H.R. Buddy Bek fizz, Rib-It Bens, Kabbom. Homeroom, lolllpos at lunch. you and the dogie one day Ill beat you you and Debrouehlllblllles, sorry I was afraid to drive with you! This years been great hanging out with you dont ever change Love Kelly (KIT) Me and your G mom are n~hborsl Come over sometime! Always

r~Z'~~~~;~~~ a~~~~~~re h~-:.~~e~~~~~~r:r: :~~~:. 8~

vibrations behind your seats. Lollipops at lunch. sz·s. Your bro thinks I a cc. Nice. Good Luck always. Love Jill #1

KELLY FARRIOR Willy waterbug in full effect! Keep the me of yours In cheek: lm outta here! Mario Honey. I shrunk the Kids! we gotta S hit and Schat sometime! Too funny! Was I green? Per. 6 Chern. Alter the prom! St. Anthoneys my pocketbook! Jr. yr. Pasta Party·D.R.· moving the Ouijll wildwood· Pizza Hut! lm gonna miss you like crazy! I love you, Becky! Thats it your dead mother! Per .3 gym· It was the best! Mrs. Major, wheres the candy? I love you to death! Donna 1st All American at N.D. GK· #40 1st team all County Football· LB hes my sweet-t Luv at 1st sight ·EP's Kf luvs GK 4-everl Ohland I cant forget OMAR. I luv you like a brother! Dwayn D.B. yourself NOT G·Lol and stop beaten on girls! JR. Cheerleaders Good luck next year! MC CS, TH. the 3 musketeers. JD· dont walk on anyone elses back! I want a pot belly pig JP· bd cool 58 Is 4-eva JS· next all american Cheerleader and will you please stop crying! KP stay sweet and always with BV. Girls!! watch the funky fish smell next year Luv KF Campos class. BV, FF, EK, BB, major clowns, Gym Period 3 OW, KF. BK, __ .. You Lazy Rah Rahs" AM. DO. ·wanna B cheerleaders All american cheerleader too great FB captains #1 Coma And Horse, Geri and Barbi. CT adventure ride, New Years at KFs, slee· pover Ill miss you, we suck Love ya Dawn Wit Lunch table Kf, LQ, TS, PH, AD, EF, • 'lake my tray up please" EF· " Can I have your chesse" Couples of92· KF and GK. SG and OW, EF and 8S. KB and LB. or MM. LQ and S, D. M. J, EJ, take your pick ha hal OK and AP, RS and VD. TS and the mystery man?? Whats his name? OW and KZ LQ really wants EP and AD Is still confused SG through thick and thin, were friends 2 the end! Childhood friends are 4 eva! Good luck with ow Ocscar .... Will you leave me alone!ll (chris) Denise· "All 1 want 2 know is like Michael J said to Jermalne J. Why you wanna trip on me" I thought I was your girl? Class of '92 Is all a dot plus a bag of chlpslll Cookie. your a great chick. You know I wanna be an All American Like you are! Remem· ber Per• .3 gym posee me you wit. Donna and Nat Slivers "'fonda" Good Luck with Wes Ill miss you. Anne All American!! Down with Brown! Too great! I will miss you! Keep in touch wjall your sneakers. PEACE! I love you JEN lve never seen a girl quite as beautiful and Intelligent as yourself and your always ready to throw down. maybe you can teach me to fight. Peace·Ron Hey girl! If your not the mana and not the pada who are you? Your friend and Mire. Tara Mrs. Miller, thanx 4 everything! The year wuz tough but we made It 2 gether. Advice 4 next year Is Authority and 2 getemess. Everyth· ing will B OK Luv ya fAce RACH~L f~Rf:NCZ

Party, share love fishing fresh yr· B-room smoking trouble. Nix car. screaming-QhOhhhhl lve had it. Love ya KIT Love Michele

Your still a sweeetlel Dont forget our memories! Sorry. things changed You can still count on me. I'll miss you! KIT Love always, Kerry Jesus loves me ... Phone talks, disco fever, speed racer, purple passion. Marvin. brillo pads, clogs. PBmaxx, S.R.·mega, locked in 41ife. Fugzzi, Death Metal bopping. mousey. Detentions 10, Love ya Nix Nix Art class, the Convent accldent(Ha) your vanilla oiL R.M.A. Love ya Jeannie ··runny thing about the weekends that dont mean quite so much when your unemployed! Except you get to hang out with Your Working friends." Later Dave Von Bargen To the strangest person I know besides myself. Its been so fun in art and making fun of you·know. Remember "shes a hoe" your letters to slick and his big secret (slashes too) Well "Pudge" have fun next year. Love Susan (Dutch Boy) TORI rf:RRIS All our memories. WW·Fresh. year· guys, hotel parties, NKOT· GA· 10 hours! Rain Teddy!. Vacuum cleaner, my party. fight ACI BUng. Firechlck its OK! Prom '91, tapes made. KZ·p.l.· Clttone· Good luck Best friends KIT love Michelle Checked pants 1. 2 . .3. 4., JBJ. Sayreville, 89 and 91, backing up driveway seaside, Chile, egg toss, cherry pie flipping over, ring and pliers. A. C.· Mr. Kelly, spitUng Ice tea on eggs. Ms. Subo Jules, Wpst party, GILB, Get off my skirt, El floral, 1 In a million, lost In south river, kid on Rt. 18, Wildwood, Trixter. nea market, Well we made it! Good luck and remember Words cant ay what a friend can do, Ill be there for you KIT· Anne Marie Hey Sweetie, remember our diets, exchanging weekend stories Joey T.L.F. losing 10 pds? Ill never forget you! KIT R.M.A. Well I think Ralph. Jeannie Heytor, wouldj like some tuna? Or some chedder? But anyway. I just wanted to tell you . . friends are fun and your a fun friend! Remember senior retreat: the wallpaper, after dinner mints, the window In our room, the sound of Music, all of our heart to heart talks, and the urinals! Gym class, lunch, homeroom, bathroom visits. snausagesl dally errands, christmas shopping. all your Xs willows at night, summer 91 dldnt see you much lm sure lm forget· ting so many but this should do, this has been the greatest year ever! Good luck in all you do and remember I love youl Leigh Small Fromme Sharon. concave chipmunk and dime stove slut, writing on my wall. your fire and my burned skirt, sweatpants-in Gym, Ms. Confoy cramping our testing style. Uncle Bob, Psycheman staring at thr blank pole. may failed summer night visit. and Tricla are twins, I love all our friends more than you, our hand signal. our phone calls .. my wonderful advice. our Italian restaurant. gym spin, 8 ..-. talk bonding W? archer. I hope someday we get married and have children with large pores. (just join) Love David Lunch-buddy· Can I have some fries, please Remember our little

ch~~~ :=,~ft~~~~::ur;r:e~ in SE Smack, Jim, these SB man.

RALIEIGHRD. Remember unllscenced driving McD's, stalling to much. the Boat Clint. Andy the frogpit.. Ha Ha but we were to dramatic but. have we changed? Stoning. Klnglsy park. smoking on Wades Rd Clarice yeah! D.O. and over 3 way relationship What is the question, That Is the answer! Well weve been friend for ten. Ill miss you next year. Good luck. One more summel-1 Cya there. Anne Judy Porky Rules, Phllplp why are wearing shoe boxes Get out of the Balcony get on the freeway get out of town and while you at It let down you hair thanks I mean it Love ya Usa Mad Dog. Old you get your hair cut. I love It Chipmunk, Blow up the chem. Lab Jon! Can I drive the Rabbit! Pickup- Md. Chern pd 7=Jon T.S. free·bee? A test drive never again! ·Theo Can I touch your face? Love Ceaser What would we do without each other? Fromm junior years romances to senior francais hows that iguana doing and the reseptionest? I bet ya shes only using him for the , n'est-ce pas? Danielle, RacheaL Heather, Joyce bonnie, Drane:-sfiaron and Kel. mmkay. do you know my name? Sharon is that you lying horizontal on that desk? Kaplan let her back to the front of the room .. Evil what did we ever do? (Ks leg on the desk) Time to change seats if you are already French then dont take Itt someone please talk fire drill arent you commlng? bring In your pliars tommaroe, acient audio machine. 7mln. 4.3 sec. to go. P.P. P.N. your the best, ewl Bye Love Qu'elle Lets take a ride to Princeton. Little man Tate! Break out of your shell, lets look at the pros and cons. S.S. and S.N. Round the bases. Phillip, I love toothpicks. We dance the same way, Wrapped up like ad 1 aaaah·haaa! Teach me how to roll my tongue. Yeeh haah! lm on keyboards! lm glad we are friends. I love ya Yor pen Is dry! Ill never forget any of it! Senior year was better because of you. lm glad we shared so much together I d feel this way but as far as lm concerned lm glad I got the chance to say that I think I do believe I love you ... Oh and if I should go away, well then close your eyes and try to feel the way we do today and then if you can remember .. Keep shlnin, keep smllen, knowing you can always count on me, Oh for shore, come on tell me, Thats what friends are forllm gonna miss you! Good luck with Joey! Always KIT! "You are the wind beneath my wings" Love Christina SHANNON fiTZQ~RALD My freshmen poem to you. How crazy was I four you? L.M. Why do I like Jeeps so much? Presumed Innocent. Vollyball we were better once I calmed down! Thank you for being my friend for these past 4 years. I think I will always care for you even when we arent close anymore. Tell ..Trisha" I said HI! C.M. Mr. O'Brian. KIT Good Luck· Ill always love you· Chris 7th grade was a hoot! Sorry I had to break your heart like that. (only kidding) TTFN· Love Darren T. Sweets. Pd .3, Jomarl Nice Haircut! Ann M's J·Crew Girl, 98 Ricky Valenzuela H.W. in H.R.· help M.C. Soph. stud huhll.c. horse summer! Mifatl What Ice-cream or chocolate the sw: Bobby G. Shan Shan Shaan. Pan Pan pizza Dlzza, Little Man Tate· long ago! Hang out with Sophs.? Momlg stops to s. Fresh· please take my Credit Cardl Love ya T.M. Shannon you dont have to put out the red lightl I love you dude you are my truest friend You go one good friend, you hate dude I said your a flat head I If you ask her she will go! meet you at the coat rack! Super sleeve eater Got you last. Melissa Deep thoughtts: shanster, sheanster. sean, Heather? Colt. Smack. Never Handmurals. Bad Karmi. Hair club/Champion Banks, Shiny Happy people, your dad. . . L.N.I Lets be frank Glory Days Video nove it. Jesus Jones! PB Brownies sklien, yeehaat Ahaas Hey no Prob, give It the gun But officer I know ur but what am I ? oh? oohl frankensence and Muur, And Jm psyched up stealing neigh· bors bike on the Morrow, no frekln way dude, holy cow dude, take the lnltuative give the ultimative. Junior year with Norml Shar? Hellool (unknow whos mom) YiPeeh Ki yeah!, Punch aires. Henda man where does he work? your van please do so. I rellze that now, numero un, bien, u dont want to work their, Bobs. Procrastinator, Sure! I created a monster, Um. Ok, um, Look I goota go, How many of my boyfriends called? Its good Hemingway Balls In your ct. JfK, L Man Tate, Smelly. John Ritter, S. chariot. cold heat game, !say everthing twice? Wanna get some Jcecream? Laying on desks In French s. shower and shave. What do you mean my nostrils are naring? Stop honking the hom I Is that ken? P poker. !lost my head, Give this to Loreette. wanna park? shoemakerjJeepster Jf:RRY fOLr:Y Giants #l·maybel Tve got sunshine ... : 11:27, Raiders #l·you got it!, Not all guys are Jerks, 'When I'm with you', Wildwood '92·, I found you out. Ann Marte already told me, It's feb. 8, Wanna watch

the Giants tapes? You work to much! But remember·! love you! Love Always, Kristina The man that every woman wantsl You're just sooo sensitive cutler The man who buys food and gives It away. The cafeteria chair thiefl At least I can count on someone wisltlng me In jail. Dave ..Wanted dead or alive" Brenner Duke Blue Devils #1. #:32 Christian Laettner. Giants are alright, nothing great You're such a sweet guy! Love. Kristen Kelley Christmas trees duded, 50 points· I love Leonie, the club, Bulls Rule. Pippens, Kyte, Lets graph, sultan ofslmplifylng.lkensmaker.l Jove Christina Brothers Academy-Jon Never did have good taste in professional sports teams, psychol· ogy class Why? Good luck, Go Eagles! #11 E.K. Hey Jerry, Are you working tonight? Hamilton Is deflnately better. Ms. Leonie Is great, love that extra credit Good luck with school and with your giri·Brown eyed girls are bestl Love yal Jen Giants #1, Mets #1 KE cot. 91· Nice surprise. Delorenzo's, thanx. Bowling, Should I get her Roses? I didn't tell her! Nice Room PE #1 The streets of Trenton. KC's B-day momnouth game. CHinese fire drills-let's leave them next time-Love You Ann Marie How could I ever forgive you for that blind date with that girl Valerie? No, actually I had a good time, HAll My lunch time buddy and all around love advisor·Davey S. Superbowi XXV Giants, could not have been better· Giants, Yanks, Rangers, and Knicks are the best! from NO's 2nd biggest Giant fan·Dave Martinez Thanks for always being there to listen to all my silly boy problems. You really are a good friend· I'll see ya at MC 2 Kerwick Calestenics ... Thousands of push·ups .. . I You are a prime example that If you really want somethln!l (and you have enout:lh money to impress her With) you can get 1t. I'll always be your Triend. Love Carmi To my best friend and My Wildwood boy. You know who really Is the best basketball ever, Bird not Magic. Rich Flair Woo-Woo. Your Friend Bryan To JB, EK, BB, and 8H, you are all frustrated Eagle fans. All I have to say Is • No Good! Wide Right!· Giants Wlnl To the man. ya gotta beat the man·Wooooool KRIS fRASC~LLA Kevissy! freshman year·Best friend! Market Fair. Elect. Play.! CN, DH. JDIII Behave Keveissyl Take me! Times have Changedlll Rent movies. fall asl~p- We were party animals! We don't look allkelllll love ya McGrath KF and KFTime in time out queens ain't nobody better baby! Luv yal Kelly F. A.M.'s many memories. Fizz Taylors: are we ever gonna make it? Jeff fell· Is he alright? Glad we're friends. Love Ya Terry Krls. four years together! Hotels, anne's Laura's, Wit's Hotel. Wild· wood. L81 St. Pat's Day· ''I'm a Leprechaun"ll CN· Stomach droppager "hitch·hiking to Anne's" .. Posse"! Mb Lights Gym 2pts offill REtreat glad we go dose! I love your Murph we·re late because I hit a deer, Best friends since first grade, nerds 1 and 2 Bodine·s, EPG, TGI's Stemmer's, Seaside with SS and CP Protest '90, so·s Nitti's four am Ciro's, Houston's, Homecoming 90 your house Gormans. Raffs irish tavem, LBI, Leigh's Beihl's. too high? STadium. NCA WW 91 fizz, Red RSH, Buch's, flamingo, Posse sun SAt·No q4 Cox's rego's what street? It's 2 2ho should we call you know! Dawn Wit Shwalz Posse Drives In Nikki's care Mercer County winter swim Sleep E Hallow, Wt Patty's Kay LOve ya freshness. LS four am Denny's. Noon over ny Hammie, Our Twin Bougriends, ·•tt's the Pizza Men" C·Ya! keeping Touch! Yol too great you are!! Never forget all the fun times . . Your Housel!! LBI grams, talks at night . . . Hotels, prom. catillions. I love you Krissylll Jen Remember Roy's, renting room and all the fun we had. good luck next year. Thax for always letting me crash at your house KIT Anne Thanx for leaving me alone in your room. I'll hide In the Bathtub ... Brive Much (EP) you were guldo too. Love Nick Ca;; Owprd at 5:00 Wove! You tell everything, Promises, out se· crets Flamingos TCBY Headlight. Jf:NI'Uff:R rRr:NCH To my Lunch Table: Thanks for the laughs, don't forget Wens l!t Carole's written jokes! I love all you I To My Underclassmen Friends: Ryan. What do you want to do? I don't care. What do you to do? We've had some really good times. Fate hates US! But we'll get over that! ·thanx Love· Jen Frank l!t John·Nat'ls Whoa! Hot Stuffi Good Luck next year! You're both great guys-believe It or not I'll miss you I Love Jen Jim, my bro·Be careful, kind and considerate 8t you'll do just fine. Good Luck through HS. This Is the last time I get to say thls·"Freshman" 1 love your To everyone who I have forgotten (Sorry!) Thank you for the memories! Good bye! To the Class of '92·We're the best! It's been fun, thanks for al the memories! I'll miss you alii GoodBye! Love • Jen I told you I'd write to you. What do I say? You're a nice person eta good friend Remember Dorney Park, Retreat l!t JB. I'm glad we are friends. Good Luck In college. KIT • Jay Jen, do you need a "dgawette" I'll never forget that night as long as I live and you better not either. 1don't know what I would've done in Physics without you. Love • Calista Bedpostl Ryan's breaking out! Remember the Cotillion-it was in· terestlng! Remember the wild l!t crazy times at lunch! You make me crazy! Can Calista drive? NOT. Remember KaBoom's. Castag drives worse than Calista Jr. Prom, Amy·s house ... my nose ... thanx. Cotillion. Who's your date? Ed. Good Luck • Carole MIP Summer! Oranges, TS, math class. getting lost on Rt .3.31 New Years Eve! SG • Margaret Lumia Mr. Fishy died, Pd 3, parking lot (Rag Shop), finnegan·Beglnigan, Physical Science Love • WJ Thanks·TSfOS. MR freshman Yr. Aunt Doll. JB. Oh, no It's another frames Games! Pool parties, volleyball(not agalnl) RQ .. paint In the butt" Softball rides home, "Mom gave me the blazer" Why? Super· bowl26. never forget all the great times, especially the prom! By the way, you look much better wjout the black eyes. Love· Tracey Hey Cabrinl Girl! We have been such great friends·! know we always will by-your roommate (hopefully) • Amy CG, A8. CA. CC, EW·"H need a tlgawett! .. Never forget what fun Is like. We had the best of fun, then l!t that was only a highlight of the yrl Just Imagine! Sweet & Innocent NOT! What Momma don't know won't hurt her. Retreat was awesome! Can't wait till graduation. We've got to keep In touch over the summer. Have fun ln college, Good Luck In Life! Love Ya Always • Matt Heannl HI! I'm glad we are friends. always remember .. Spirituality day that was not. ground round, optional Mass? Jr Prom, Amy's, Chris'. Lunch . . friends. Love · Kate Jen, so what do you think? Overall, I give high School a thumbs up. It sure did fly by didn't it? I never know what to say except thakns for all your help, but don't think you're done, you know what my future holds l!t rm going to need someone for support. Have fun In college. • John WORMS-he can't he can't Gym-again always late-the long talks· you can't I could·lunch always sucks·llghtlng not US.Smoochle· Smoochle. I'm wearing a skirt. Out on a school nlte·next time you drlve·thakns for being such a great friend, we had fun w1 all those worms during gym! Love Chris Giglio Thanx for being an awesome friend. Never forget all our fun times: Pd2 Soph Yr. Mr. At's class-cheating. 5 million notes about how 1 loved JW, Soph Cotillion. our B-Days·we're almost twins, parties, lunch, you deficiency, Spirituality day-optional mass, "oh no there's Mr. R. stop the carl" your aunts In GR, the prom. picnic In Veterans l!t your brother, all our men probs, Collegestories, parties, Powder Puff·Rendel· KABOOM·wrong way on Roosevelt Blvd dane· ing in BK parking lot. home at SAM. We gotta KIT l!t visit nex yr. so we can party! Love • Castag f'S·No Miss Liptak

NICOLe OAffl't~Y LBI this summer! Infamous hook- stay out of closets! You have " High Spirits" Love Teny B.B., L.B. I. watergun. billboard, ski biscuit, wine coolers, " Once my sister ... " lawn art, tanning? Nails? Hair Dye?. " Yeah I drive stick"·ski trip at much more. Love ya, Laura Shwahla Hurdling the fence at C.F.S. and sleeping over, u-sony. Thurs. theme days. who do u luv? Let's go skiing! Yeah-maybe. " uh-huh! ". with the ugly face, did u lose your 50 lbs? " Should I get mand M'S?, 1 Tm on a diet- again" , thanx for everything. Good luck, and I luv ya! Leigh What do I say ... LBI was freezing, get off my chest! " Do you have anything" " any what" ... I'll get some plastic wrap. M.A. is nothing but Fat. Diamonds Is #1 " one more try" Didn't work, . .hugh? Cruise Is coming. " Our first" ·wow. You and I have great memories, .. I love you, M.J.P. " Michele just walk In front of the tawnmower.", Tollboothe from Sarah 's house to New Jersey, What's that on your foot. ohjust your bikini top!" how come your shirt's Inside-out?", Making sand pies· L.B.t. , Belmar- 12 min. going 120. Skiing at Petito's ·Primadonna1 Officer my friend dropped her wallet on the exit ramp. Devlin get off of me, Robin at Nora let me in the car, Well Nicole I don't know what to say. We 've been through a lot I'll miss you. Robin Beep as you drive by! Busy signals. Our ALMOST accident. Keep in touch! Nicole, TSC (never again) Gin and teddy bear, I DON'T CARE on toilet, fall over any wheelchairs lately?, UR room ... hide itlf listening from bathrm. dissed at HghSprts running around Wh W/ Stem (afraid of dark), what are we doing after the game?, A.S.M, C. = disaster! Chinese food-where's my soda? called M.P.M.A,, aerobics, gym per. 8, Is this a dream?, it better not be 4 Scott. back of Todd 's car. (what do we want to do?) No friends that night. bthrm at school. St. Anthony's game memories made, Hearns class. retreat. Shrimpkingchat, poem, we're living 2getherll lluv ya. Glad we be· came friends. UR awesome. Good luck In the future and K.I.T. Luv, Leea P.S. Never 4(\et N.M and A.L. " Nikki"; K. Greg1nson: cold game; take care of my dinosaur; me steeping in your club house; spying on JO;Iet's study at the library every night; Macy's one day sale; my porno partner: Me and Rob-gas that his name? Love • Dikki Vince Ardery· BYE Super student! Miss ya, Love Nicole Slut, Let's fight (woods at St. Joes) Boys B-ball game.(whoops) Biruchs Lawn (D.W.I. check) Holy Smoke. Nice Driver. Best West West em. (directions) Down the shore. (watch your chest) Nice water skiing( whoops) Your quite the looker, Later. I'm gonna kick your Butt. Love you (Nick) Gaff· lluv u when u drink B.B. I didn't take ur coolers English-Soph $50 hair stuff shore house shopping. Love Chlzm Tell me when you're on the road at I'll get off It! Field Hockey was great. Your head imprint is forever embedded' in the goal postl Stay on your toes-not on your butt! Camp- Carole Impersonations and rock drawings. Hark a lark. Dying through the park, SPLAT! No more wheel chair rides· I really want to liver Thanx for the laughs Keep smilin' and Best of Luck! C·YA "Red" Nikki. All of our memories at my old house-moped, David stealing moped, our joke on Jill-leaving Mallory home alone and you and Anna(Robin) fighting. the diary (I'm so fat) Popcorn in pan and HaUe cleaning it. Spider on my leg, Mario 3, Snowmobile accident. Water· gun. Shooting g on bike and the lady pulling us over. After school specials. Scaring my dad. Michele's summer calculus party, Out to eat. Pizza Hut. Locking keys In your car, Great Adventure-packing our unches and eating on a blanket in parking lot. New Years eve 1991-Chinese party. Watching ball drop at Cartwrights. Dressing like gas for Hatie and Christl. Pillow People costumes. Getting ready for 20 hours before Ben's party. After Junior prom falling asleep in Church. Telling David he locked your keys In trunk. Your Grand· mother's car. Getting pulled over and crying to get out of ticket. Dropping me off at JC's house. I am engaged. My mom and Mindy· study nerds. Index cards, Parking Lot of friendly's when we thought the lady was being arrested for kidnapping. Mrs, Martin's class freshman year, Your shoe out the window, You and PC, Me and BC, Love ya doll, Love, JIJI(YOG) Hil What's up? Gouch, Gaff, Nlc Total Opposites, Never really liking each other Strip Poker, Barbie's head popped off, Mike run· ning around naked· Don't tell Mommy Imagination. Dressing Box. KB. Spin the Bottle ~ 7 minutes. Z/2 of my chocolate bunny meet me half way, twas thinking that you could sleep over here. friss vs. Brut, 5th grade·Best friends, Bobby In garbage can. nove BJ-one week relationship- don't tell anycne. 8th grade dance date?, first kiss KB at DJ, Relationships· Me-GC , BJ YouKS, Mf, JO, ETC .. LBI Summer, losing the minnows. losing our tops. playing Tom 5awyey, girl Scout closet, BC· totally competetlve·me·AG You·? NH·fights Thanks for staying with me, Pt. Pleasant Dead Man, Boy confus1on· Why are they like this? Sweet 16·tlevator Rides, Being so sick, Bel Mar· Clubhouse, Whispering sweet nothings Is better than sex. we were sick from Mexican food - Run x-tra faps. 12 minute car ride, Dancing and Peeing on Parkway Keith Bregman·whale report, Where should we sleep. No-steep- 50 hours, Peach Snappes on beach with Dawn, Truth or Dare, Sneaking to Wayne-Really t~ll date, You and Michael· My back seat, Prom- bracelet. Seanls house-so drunk-can't stand up, Slapping Nick firecracker In my eye, going with Scott, Clamming. llove Tequila - esp. with Brother's friend's, Alan 's house, I never game, question game, If our parents only knew! sleeping on beach-so-o-o cold; earl>.: morning drives, hockey camp. skiing wj Michael. Chris falling offhft, Memories under green umbrella, Denise's, where did It start?, Robin's ski trip, Jacuzzi7wj Scott, It helps to ski with o ski's Nicole. I owe you so much for always standing by me. I'll miss you alot next year. Always KIT, Classk Hooks: Ma·BC, CB, BD. TD, BW, MH, PB, Miss. Man, SZ, ML, TS, NP. CN, n:, etc. .. . . YOU MP, Kf, , Nf, Cali. Man, MA, f from TSC, and many more7 I love you • you' re the best. Tritt, Tritter, Squeaky, etc ... Girls Just wanna have fun, Skipping school· kissing game· finally, Sneakfng out, B/F/A/F Love, Michele To all my friends - I'm going to miss you all. We had fun. To Erich and Pete 6B will mid miss you guys next year, stay cool and have fun. Senior year get off the fiels. Nitti and eddie, Tritt and I won but we'll give you guys a rematch E.K., C.N .. M.A. M.L., N, R. AND 8.0. Sega doesn't rule-Purple passions rule. Becky· I want my cats t·shlrt back. Juice, Leea·s house looks like a hotel (HoJo's) Super student· miss ya next year, speech was fun and you'll always Jove little glrlsff Teny· please hook up with my date. Love ya all. BYe. ST~Vr: GAPPA You're a great friend Gappa and I hope that for every generation there Is a Gap-pa. Matt Guamo For the last time: "NO, I won't sell you my car!" · Darren

DOI'fi'IA OAROWSKJ Donna you are one of the most rude, crude and funniest people I know. History was historical, high school was a blast. tell thoughs who you really hate to pucker and kiss your ... yeah. John Wit can certainly say that this year was unforgettable. I still think that you are a NPMI Believe whatever you like! rm sure you 'll make history In college( it just depends on what list you want. to get on.) Love April CHRISTII'IA GRr:CO Gym class was a blast. Mike, Mike, Mikel I'm still welrd-ok. Gay Bee· I just want to be loved, is that so wrong? Prom Dress-didn't I see that before? KIT· Luv Adrienne ST~vr:

GAPPA Smackalapagos. my car will kill you • Seiler What's up Frank? as you drive down the road In the Z28 try to keep it under a buck 30. If by chance you do break a buck and you see a pig crawl in' up your tail step into It and get off at the next exit. Save yourself $66. Bear. Tell the ball and chain hi and try to get

some sleep. Dave Is Gappa in the House? · Dave MARVJI't GARCIA

Never forget our wonderful lunch table· Calc. class· our discus· sions In Espanol· Thanks for all the great times this year. Love, Amy A. Lunch! One fry please?! You take the trash! Liptak!? Chemistry! Red! Margaret Lumia " Never board a ship unless you know where it's going." Litera· ture, sports· strange combination- you seemed to solve it easily. Thanks· obscurity knocks loudly. ·Carl Tater, thanks for always making me laugh! Don't forget all the great times· Chris's NYE party· nice first impressions, your x·tra credit pt., the phone call " Hey Baby!", our sick minds, beating each other up. my jr. gym class, Casa Lupita, Me and Chris's notebooks and the prom! Keep In touch and invite me to the wedding. You better take care or my bud. You' re a great guy, stay that wayl Love Cas tag Hey Jew! Jerry #11 Take good care of crusty· she's a nice girl. Good luck! Remember the shore! KIT. Thank you for the letter In retreat. It's nice to know you care. You' re a special person. Don't forget it. You 're one of the few guys I know who know what a friendship is. Stay true to yourself and work hard for what you want. The best or luck in everything you do. I'll miss you very much . Love Marian I Love you always· tater tots- you' ll never find out OMar NY • Beach · Whare are we • Not Now · Jenys kids • cheny pie please thank you very much Auto Bus • talking all night· Phone S S. Me CT Dimitri· 1wouldn't do that • mall Macy·s meow Roof NJSL museum. Red 6 CT RB fruit punch kill BW stars, that's a girls sweater, cellar lady In Red, you heard me? Dec. 27 Don't wony were rich I'm hungry May 30 movies. Lord and Taylor's makeup, Denny's, KFC. I'll beat you at hockey. Crusty loves you. F.M. OMar Goal 20. Good Morning DC. Walking home. BASt. Well you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You 've made me so happy. Remember notes 96 my favorite No one I. H. Yesff from · guess not· where the B.R. you are a dream come true. I will always love you. We had so many good times together and I'm looking forward to all the fun we will have in the future. Remember how much I love you and thanks for loving me and helping me. Love your C.T. Crusty ChrisS P.S. Phone calls from Honduras. KRJSTtl'fr: OAYNOR Karen U R A Brute! my big. Little sister, f .A.F.· U R the best! want 2 share a room • NEVER · Hands off Sean! we.made G.S. laugh, I Love you! Mr. JW· I'll miss ya, maybe I'll see ya when I drive by. Grand· Ams are the Best! Chrissy Z.· " ya down wj Krlssy G." 7 /19/91· Peteman·s Brew Scott, some doda? rub down wj lalalalotion, B.P.P.O. wj 6.J. sleeping in heat while I freeze to death! Busted 4 times In one night! " Tormented and toum apart." LBI '91 = " the chair" forgotten pillow. " she's my best friend." J.A.· is nothing special. K.G. + M.Z.·at Carol's ·watch them· the tub talked to them. First kiss with B. f . · Lokking for a light switch. who really has the right of way when making a left tum?· " It's Just a fantasy.'' Bobby Gum • "Feed Jake" swimming 2gether was the best! I'm a better v.ball player! Skittle fights, "Loser" 500 Rum. Shoe-Fly fie· groselt love you, you 're the best! Thanx 4 everything. Love· "Gus." Mom l!t Dad • I love you v. much! thanx 4 everything! Never forget: 89 summer, OC, Attie, 1st time, Bums from FL l!t BU, How 'bout some shampoo • KS, Pg. v·ball, fad woman, NK concert, Mh's roses, CM dike. porch chairs, "Keep on moving", tootles, Waju. OTR. MADA, EKIM, spit on M at Mall, throw up in pool at on A· hall. frosh cot. at after. crawling by door so CM would leave. Umpa· lump, Rolli Polll, " HI MUfFIN" · miss her!, punching bag. IBTC forever, KG. HH, at SK always. Leaving B l!t W dance, Thank SB for accident on PO v-ball night, PB parties, DP l!t moped, Jr. P. I danced w1 BP, Pizza at LatP at tooties. spilled drink at movies, KP likes you, my neighbor too, football wj BG l!t CH, bike rides, taster break wj HA at OS· who's listening to us? or following us? We've got real men now! JM at HH. KG l!t ST Always! I " L" ya BFF Al!tf " Krlssytlme" • Love Holly Nothing 2 write faker " did you hear that" I'm going to the famous room • so proud of creations. KUDEOI "somebody's watching me" probably reading ~is now· hi George wejnow your there· tapped phone calls. neighbor naked. "shoot I dropped my clg out the window" SAB PAP out of that (good) out of It· did I go to the lib? M.O. gone forever· no bracelet K.G. l!t S.T. forever 4 years= great friends thanx for ~erythlng • even those early morning calls ~long massages Is Tammy a good babysitter • Tim calls you! Thanx for being a friend. Love Jessica Remember when you thought I wanted to beat you up? That was frosh year and that's how we became friends. 4am walk, linoleum. brick, wall. rug F II Everybody say "HOI" Hoagies, Halloween wj lodined knee. Conversations from the bathroom. Nintendo Jeopardy. Tal!Ung at 3 am Talking to your machine. saying HI to your dog. Making your b-day signs. That's the way I like it. Mada, Veecha, G.S.f Never forget mooching french fries from Kafe. swim· mlng In your pooll You can always trust me and count on me. Whenever you need me I'm here. Love, Kristin. Hey homeroom buddy. Never forget our fun times. Kristin's • spoons· twister· 4 am walk (sony), my party ( thank you so much for bringing frank) softball for B'town over summer. Frosh softball. Love yal Fanelli " I don't get It!" TM 'S back porch • BONDAGE· Your love for Gus, sneal\ a clg · " do you have any gum?" " Trachea"· sony for all the garlic bread! This summer· "tum you outll" PAP, SAB. Teach me how to fAfl Only once? I can't believe it? (think about It, you 'll get ltl) Love Always, AC ST at KG = 4eva • 10/10/91 • I don't want 2 know U or him· TB 10/5/91 • Fir. Kis. JA • coming between us • NEVER! UT party· R U coming wj me or not? Fine just leave. 5.0 breakup.ll/14 ·mine 4 yours, Taco Bell heart attack. Gazebo ·12/ 13/ ·"It broke" M.O.Is history. Parks· McD's trash, Cruze wf Karen· she's cool, fights over radio, I know I always babysit but· I love them. B at C are the cutest! Steeple dog (muffin) tears· you saw them. I know. Thanx for being there. 6.5 wow. Karen saw sunshine! she loved it! 3/29/92· Oh no you're not. you'll be with me. hockey games "I better not catch you with my daughter again, boy" stay away from JA, you said she's nothing special. I Love Youll0/10/91 ·Gazebo· times W/ Gus at little KG, S.B.C. all the times I needed u and you weren't there- JK • SL ~ BB. me dancing over Tom's, NO JA 4Mel " things will get easter" Blue Dowered PJ's S.T.O.P.E.P.C. ~c. Keep away from MO. BG, Bf, and TB. Congratulations! I Love You, Always l!t 4eva • STW • Sean B~CKY GI~RSCH

Thanx 4 all your help and advice. Soory about that 5aturday night. but thanx for understanding! Did you grade our marty essays? Does my hair look really bad? Love ya Melissa. Sweetie! Thanx for all your advice! Remeber our per. 4 alg. talks! Really, I'm gonna call you! Thanx for your shirt · day after Senior from! Boy was I sick! Thanx for everything! Good Luck with Hoagl Keep In Touch! I love you, 6ecky2 Wanna go on a double date? Nott. soccer games. Your pretty sweatpants outftt. Getting dissed. falling asleep. Pretty girts at games - Indian. No more SM. Nott. Social. NYE and Halloween at your house. We're always on time. JO secrets. TS Good Luck with Haag and with everything! Love always, Jill Coley XO H·team hook. feky splurge. tou know 2 much. wet t·shlrt. Our men; JB, DW. MK. JO. Dragon pants. MZ and Jl. M.M.'s at G.M.'s walk. NY Glrls·NOT. STWNL·NMW. Retreat· wallpaper. stolen ring. My ticket. Nice coat· DEROSS. R U related. Security officer. soph . cotillion. Cop chase. I LOVE YAI KIT Chris Hey. Petey we've been through alot together you guys, "Seth", my sweatshirts. my girls, we've cried to each other. crunch berries, Lucky charms "BIG BOWLS" and don't ever forget New Years at your house 2 In 1 Babe. I really wish It was none. Remember all the

fun times in Chern. with Tena. The first time we met ate. We've don so much together, and have so many things to rememb er. You 'v been a great friend and I'll always remember you . If you ever ne anything, I'm here just call OK. I hope we have lots of fun thl summer. I love you Petey! Love Smoothie It all started with a LitUe Italian ... Skiing ... Mad·s party ... Bra are worn under the sh irt .. Revival-Beck lures me ... Freezing an windblown In EG'S car ... Your Dad's .. Soph . gym ... Hoag, CN Jon, James, Rob, Christian, Loni ... G.A., " Hey did you just spit on my shoe?" · Bar, Scram Machine . . . Tabetha . . IW Skating .. chocolate chips ... Your bro .. I didn't see anything!? .. " you wanna see me surf' ' ... I know there are so many more memories. I'll miss you! Friends Forever. 1 Love You, Keny Leea ·s house, 4:43 am, homeroom, you and hoagie. " need my gym clothes?" Sally and religion class. You're a great friend ! Never change. Love Kelly Yo Bek. What can I say·lt's over. Never forget ... red ligh, green light. the Rider party ·(throwup) " carrottop" (E.A. Ron(not), meln· balls. " bald eagle" all summer hangln ' oursecret. my problems(oh God), driving home from LBI (nuts) cotillion 91 & 92 Prom 91 (two times In a row)· Whatff the lipstick (orange) lollypops-everyday, Me llth·holy cow-not for long. 1:30 In the morning· what- KS. Air Supply, (never get that back) Never forget my life W/ all of the(HuH?) Yours we can 't even bang, " we are too cool! " Well 1 could go on~ , on! I Love Ya So Muehl G/ L wj Hoag. BFF·Nikki L. Pool ball applications halloween EGGS·those hockey games were great! Wo daddy can u hook us up? how do u move your hips? RSO· oman) French· new ways to cheat " tresjulle" " ferrne Ia bouche" we know those words well • thanks • it's been great · Juice Thanks for being there when I needed to talk to someone, you really helped me get through some tough times. Remember the fun we had at your parties or just hanging out. M at R·you don't always get what you want. Leea in the am. " Yeh " nice laugh . Keep In touch over the summer and good luck next year in school . Thanks for being such a good friend. Michael Zola. 007 Pool Balls UR Parties Backy l!t Lisa hotel elevator UR mind Library secrets The kid with the jeep Bowlinq· l mean really bowling L~~~eJ~ur Dad D.B.D.B. Thanx for everythmg especially UR Casa Readak, dancing on bead in dark, George Carlin, Pizza Hut wf J ~ H, Hamilton Library, Baggy eyes. Never will forget any of it. Love Ya Caesar Holt Ave. Everyday-Law shop. Center 8-ball(not) White T·shirts wanna go bowling? The Three Musketeers. B.C. Back porch . Wanna go on a trip? I'm not falling! We can be one Shawdow. We stole youhit cars much.DBDB-Shmoo The Minute Man· Not my first BGfMO. English for same reason this class is so long! Cranbury Tim's . . is cool! Dot's on the calender. Coming to America ohh, ohh, ohh. Mall-smack, punch, cuffs! I love you thanxl USA 21791 : MCFME, Learn 2 slam it. Jefferson Thomas. plastic cookie. Mario paper cups, I'll race you. "F Pig", MC· mushy tongue, I'm driving the bike. I X Drink-maybe alii, "Kiss her", " Yearbook" in the dark, Br. Llght·Lt. Bright. Awesome, Slap hands, flying Qrtrs. Mommy's talk(who knows?), I'm dead, Times 9:30- Yah rt?, Brt Dzb's ok MC wuz better, Ch. Parfayz, Crackerbarrell, MA + CN ride home • I'll come over!. Leak· I'm prettier. Letewalt, Skrota Jx's t life, Duck Bob, I'll have a bump, 103191: Eggs-Govboots. r::r: Falls out of the car. LK·slow down Bek + Leak= BFf, obsession, mall wj me? Lucky sks, pizza from ' hell . 4:43, beach, secret rrn, burgs at dr. " twins", first sis, midgets. per. 8 gym, ditching cops. snort nolz, pft. 69 cents, weluvALHoag 4· eva, OPP, Loven' Pickles, whperrnhtoil. CWAMdance, whozinktchn? my fake boobs (one night only), NYGsuxnsodoesGmig. wherz the cds? cdbrk·eyez match b-rrn title, poopfield, magettes. luck 7 .. NOT! shplng cart, playing cards ·n " Secrets", Halloween(UR house) my car got egged (so did T.B.M.G.'s houz), Is Lisa ok? rm a good driver, At's sls(Stoncch), my car 3 am. brdsht on my butt, Explorer (U wish. don't wony 1 day), Peg Gribbin, soccer games. NYE party in my car. Pool balls(we won), 00 (clothes on fire), Doritoes, cryi (my fav thing), mass and servers, LSBS, nlgettes, cotillion, T party:wet t-shirt contest. field trips, ·cause I'm a blonde. R U related LaSalle. Brandon-90210. pit stop on Darrah Ln, waving 2 cars. Derossett reborn. Rouselle Olrting wf security, gum n hot dog?, sweatewr dress, nice coat, broken glass on Hoor, Hoag = evil in middle of st. looking at lights, "Bek ... come here," " Give me my keys!" Gand M = yukll wanna go 2 NY or MORP? 6ranez (EWWW). Koala bears. tsts, slow song tapes, my basement, 4some, slee· povers. world's gonna end In 8 yrs (yes I'm serious!), choc. chip cks., getting pulled over, don't pretend to care. time 2 wake up. mistakes made, advice given • not taken, your room = spotless, we hate TH, heart 2 hearts, What can I say? lluv U like a sis. Thanx 4 all U do $ me. U R my shoulder 2 cry on, friend 2 laugh with, my confidant. my listener, my support in all I do. 2gether we R gOOfy and laugh at the stupidest things! OR n NOR, BF ALWAYS. I love you Becky. Good Luck. I'm here 4 you no matter what. Love and Pickles, Leea P.S. Was that really Juan Valdezm All dreams can come true, but eventually you have to wake up and come to reality. Hot chocolate: 18·101A, tcono-5: PMTRY = Jwbdgt. " Was that you or the dog?" , LBI • the dock, round' table, " Cody + Rosyln", 4:43, blind bowler, mini golf, food fight. 815, 78, 511, " I got beefwj you.'' Hoag·s Manual, Devll's game, NYGLSSUK, HTSTf, " Mean Finger", MCP In the rain, " whoa· killer", Female Rooster, shwr, "Pft· owwllf" NYE· resolutions, " When rm W/ you & Masterpiece .. punched 3 times & no feeling ·" was I ... ? Christmas.Ciairborne. tttshts, vladimir the cow, 10 yrs- wedding. soccer field In All., bubble game, " dessert platter" , candle-light pizza, LaMir, St. on ch., the "s" word the magnet, Ferret. " Get outa the roadlll" shocks, diary, ate ... etc ... etc ... we have been through so much and hopefully we'll have so many more times together. Thanx for being here through "everything" ·you really are the best thing that ever happened to me l!t and no one can change the way I feel about you. 1 Love You Hoagie Wright ... BFF. Love at Pickles: Rebekah. P.S. Hugs and ~butterfiy. eskimo. elephant at IIUie) kisses. And for the last time- Yeslll I'm your baby. Gaff-do you want your shirt back?, TS (PEP) • We're old (yeah anyway), want a piece of gum?, BC ·limo ride, thanx for listening. Jl· real guys, LBI. 3 musketeers. Get arrested lately? I still love you JUly Bean!, RK-we love l5B·NOTIIl, fORD- If she never came . . . IB . You 're huge, CK· We're twins. I love yallf. MK · Thnx for never taking gas money, UR a cutie: stay that way, Ts-m, JM cubed, CT. 60, SR. SB. SM • See ya In the summer. NL • Alii have to say is: BFf, Al·your secrets safe W/ me, Leak ·BFF, HAIL, BABS ·anytime you wanna borrow my pink shirt, yellow pants, orange shoes, ~ purple socks· just let me know, " Psycho v·ball team " Rules!, Mom and Dad thanx for everything, I love you. (Thx Tom at Liz), Dru. Donnie. Cookie~ Tasha, I love you too, and To all my friends • Thanks for "under· standing" and thanks for all the good times, I LOVe YOU GUYSIII CHRIS GIGLIO Anti-moe, fruit facer Red·n·Tater Tot! Chemistry, watch dog. the twit! Remember fred/ the " ice" has melted & the "shark" had died! the toung and the stupid! Silly string. blue moon, church-New years '911 a whole bottle of champagne! Hair spray? Margaret Lumia Remember Tony he's great? What's the smell! No. I won't do that! Is it died! Don't even Peel the Straw! Kill the bush woman! Rernem· ber I WUV you I I'm only 4ft tall! Remember the phone at .l am. Chris, my dear bestest friend. What would I do without you? You have been there for me through and through. All the tears and broken hearts that we shared. You thought you couldn·t get p boyfriend, but Marvin came and made you happy. What ever haP. pened to that blond so called friend of ours? Oh. well! 8th gradp· atlon dance • they weren't worth it. Remember, Henry? God, did lje stand me up. The pictures. the basement. T·man. the phone calls and the special bond that gets the other when truly needed. 1 1~ you so much because your family to me. I wish you the best of tuck in all that you do. Love forever, Marian


Scab . . can I pick on you? All of your nicknames. Lunch. Your favorite person. You ' re funny faces. Spanish class. Chris's b 'day. Candlelight. Good luck. Carole KIT Hey, Red! At least you don't have to take big F. yellow anymore! When I cam here you were my first friend . During these last 5 1/2 years of friendship you 've helped me to adjust to a whole different life here. so summers almost here so lets make the most of it because hell awaits. But when you do go away to college remember me and triple lane highways In Phllly. Morten H. and the girl that always needs a " cigarette". Remember I'm always here for you! Love fuzzy Retreat. Marvin. " what gorgeous roses", lunch, Gus, keep In touch. Love Tracey Hi! I'm really glad you were in my HR. You 're loads of fun! Good luck in all that you do! KIT Love Ya Jen Go Bum! Crusty! Nis deficiency Again??! Jerry's wife. Omar-good tuck with kim! Keep him straight! Remember the beach-my shoes. driving through Kew ville, any pennies? Any more blankets? Junior prom-after prom-my house-5:00am! Limo-1 1/2 his? Nice noise. Late again? fuut punch. Bayan TC for guys. Sears-go Moitl Liz· expected gadget. shootln rubber bands! Wheres the nos? Squirt. squirt nls alert! Nice music. Bathroom-Is my wall ok? tcecuaml To my evil twin, UR the greatest friend anyone could have, thanx for always being there for me especially when no one else Is and for knowing exactly how I feel! N/ f·Depug, SAT classes (lost in space) Rider-burp. " We' re in HS" " Tater doesn't like me" " Make a move" WHOOPS! All my men fiasco, Gap man, FM. BFS and Puck! Swing room, homecoming '90, stocking shopping, quack, baseball, moods, notebooks, ms. Chuns, McChris's, UPS man, open ramps, driving, Myer, Yam phone calls. religion books-my poem, lating, Hate tapes, " We love Jack & Vic" Algebra oral exercises, Dialogues w; Puck. all our quotes, sophs, jugglers, wrestlers. 69, " Here we go ... here we go ..... NYE '90·blue moon, wall too close. the cops, orange juice Is too strong· Were you girls drinking? No, the shores(S· 'mores and· screwdrivers) our night In Ph illy, My gym class last yr. watching Puck (thanx)·the LOOK/ S w;tater And I better be In the wedding! GL next year,! don't know what I'm going to do w; o you so KIT! Love ya babe, Castag PS there's so much more but not enough room here and I'll know we' ll remember it all! f.ILf:f:l'l GIGLIO Long talks after school. MC. WRC intimidating? Nahl Good Luck. Love Tracey Eilleen, you 've been a great friend . Never forget all the fun times: Algebra , the shore, NYE. movies and going out to eat. You' re really nice person, stay that way! Love Castag Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart. You are one of my oldest friends and I will never forget that day In 1st grade when I didn't have any friends and I started to cry. Then you and I started to play rock, scissors, paper. I was so happy. I'll never forget. You 're a beautiful and special person. I hope we'll stay friends through college and after. Good Luck in everything you do. Love Marian Jf, Lf, JS, MH, RS, SK, BM, RS, CM. CA. MM. MT, TT, RD. FO, MS. SP, ML, AJ. OG, SG, Jf, KD, TS. CP. MS. EB. CC, SA, TC, MS. I love you all and you can call on me any time. Remember· don't take any BS fT w & live your own life and be happy. All that you see and touch is all that you are. Domination is the name of the game. It's been fun. FTR. Everyone get FUBAR. Love as always Eileen. M. Giglio JUSTII'I GILLI I'll see you on Sunday(well ... maybe in '73) . Wake up Dudeski. Who 's next?·John (Dave) Bohnam Of Mice and fri - in Men! Lemmy. Love found you! Always KIT· Spiritual Sky will reign forever! Love Michele Generals gathered in their masses. Just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction Sourcorors of deaths con· struction In the fields a body burning as the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds. Bolster ALISON GOf:Kf. Goek·we·re so beautiful! JQ Scandal, Beihl's party '91·so gone, Fatty's Joker Lips. RD FH 92. JR luv his mouth, BUST OUT. Sex him up!, so cheesy. nice purple lipstick. Bam Unforgettable, Go Head Girlfriend! fly Girl Possee! Luv Ya. KIT Lori Gogol. Crystal Diner-gravy fries? Hook me with SR. JM's friends' cute? Bring them overt Love ya Terry frosh and Soph summers· down the shore! Soph Summer· LK. KB, PM! PM was hot! Remember Ghost? Always remember KB, PM, BP. JD, ML, MK, MM and all of our other menl frosh year In Jove with MLI I'm gonna miss you! Keep in touch! Love Becky I still remember that poem about your mind over your body in Mrs. Gavin's class . . . Because it is so true! ·David Seiler Basketball 4 yrs .. Peach moisturizer, hands smell like butt, captains don't say good luck. Petie. smoke, pasta parties-pigging out. your cat farted on my pillow, the klss(yuck), Goek. you're the rea· son I got through it ·I love yal Keep In touch! Ali· what can I say? Remember me crying In UR car, cotillion, talks w; me, U. Dawn (Whatdowedoabout DeRoss?) ltuv Dan R (U went w; him-knee), orange blazer (it wasn 't ugly after all) U tuv Jamie, I luv Alan 4·3va. Good luck in the future and KIT. Luv ya, Leea Goeke, you beaver. Can I borrow your lab book, can I see your physics problems-where does It end? Do we have english home· work? Jamie talks, s- talks, he's so mean to her. I thinks she looks like she would smell. She's such a dork. I can 't look at her. I'll call you- YEAH RIGHTII That'll be the day. Joe mystery man. Wish you met him. Shh .. it's service oh, no now everyone knows. Homework-what? I did my history in Physics. We had fun. This time we'll both have to pick up the phone. Glad we're friends. Luv, Guido BOB GOMII'IIAK snowball toss In Princeton-Stadium chewing· Wrestlemania· U2? Love ya Laura Shwahla Gomo, (such a privileged name) You 're a goofball but sweet. You know you wanted Ms. Confyl Mr. Wood 's Latin class, toupe, Home! Never ending notes! You are a shidley soccer player. volleyball too. Remember all the classa we were in together and all the trouble you caused. You 're beautiful. Don't change. Love Ani Les Miserables. God Bless You! Pd.7. Retreat, Martin house. " Go Maniac" She was checking you out huh? What's up Rob?! Pasta party with boyz and a fea ..... Ph illy Fade" Spirit day 92, HP Trips to Fla. Jimmy B. Grey bomb! Butt naked! etc . . . Kepp on, Keepin on. TK To A. B. C. P. T. K. M. Z. K. B. L. S. T. S. B. H. and evryone else· PU • cantelever! service with Sally . . . covert operation II SAY WHAT?? sun with Amy·SAT tips? Long live the GRAY GHOST! radio, what radio, HOMEY AND THE HARD PACK! wheel of fortune, pizza any· one, period 4 lunchlll an apple for throwing not eating! siren time TKJ AR glmme a break!! DWI·alex. rd.· A. B. C. PI oh would I like ... Kf! Let's stadium? I'IHS·what a joke? MZ·norm. " HSAGSOGC", Learn to drive. FYD, suzy k. here comes ceclll '91 soccer pine. match for the line· MPIII snowballing In Princeton, ctahoun and clinton-great streetsll Rabbi Levin! SWII'IG! I want a happy meal and a . . and a .. . Ill swimming at Hyattlll ML· see ya in sept.· notlll RESPECTI!l MOTHER G. FOR 3 YRS LOVE YA 4EVER KITI!l Z·llled the time was rlghtll retreat with Fr. D. .VR GREATII sr. girls '91-left without calling? Labs wf AL, BH. TS ... • gavinlsm uncomparablell THANKS 4 THE YRS C·YA 11'1 THE WHITE HOUSE fRES. BOB 11'1 2<>.32111 hove mono · ABI the magic will be found. TIME WILL TELLII have a BUD CP·notll wher·s Duane? T5-class flirt 1 not enum THOM· AS SWEETS CHOC. GIRL DISSEDII1 roll golds and wanwa, what a combo? huhlll HI Is Laura homw? the real # 1 please, HE IS I'IOT ONLY PRES. BUT ALSO A CLIENT Of HAIRCLUB fOR MEI'I•III Ms. W = d·tent 6/17 right!!! been caught cheating freshman year. BC· watch for rising tide. BEI'I D JERRY'S C.C.C.Dl who hit who. cecil

or the maroon mama? EK·keep shootln', get a TO baby ROCK AND ROLL . . . and now a word from our sponsorll JB what a dance Ftft~ner! Pt. PLEASANT BEACH STINKS..M.M.? share it George share DAVEGORMAI'I Jockey of con-artists. future bookie president of America, Watch out for the big payback. Me and Goeke make a good couple. huh? · Seiler CHRISTII'IA QRJ!CO We have been In school for thirteen years together. It has been fun . We stilldldn't get to go the club yet. Well someday we just have to get directions. We better stay good friends. Don't forget that you still have to"introduce me to your car, Ha, Hal Well. See ya. Your friend Colleen Hey girlfriend. Wow this year went by fast. I'm really glad we became such good friends, you·re really special - Remember want some tuna ... I Bail on my . . . I Good luck wkth Mike. you're so good together! We're gonna hang out this summer! Thanks for being there for mel Good luck in all that you do, may all your dreams come true! Tf+GG = fun friends! Love Lori The rooty·tooterl, every class but 2 together freshman year, art class. the wind Is like a tunnel, sophomore year cotillion, bagel with cream cheese, retreat. We always had a great time no matter what we did. You 're a great friend . Let's not let our friendship end after graduation. Good luck in all you do. Love Amy Soph. yr. Blo I;( Span .. Francois. Hoppy, Mr. Crayfish, Jamadan notes, men suck, Junior english, prom, my obsessions. joke books, gossipl!! EnviScl. gym, Eng, Explaining jokes to me. encouraging me to talk to him, letter on retreat, your suitcase purses, if it's real· it's not mine, your notes to Tom, I LOVE MIKE on your hand, clothes after the prom. the pageant. your hair getting caught on the chairs, Powder Puff, your nail, my watches, sleeping In class, SKANK. more to say I;( more to come·Thanx for everything. Love Kim Mike, Chris, Bill , Paul, Todd, Fabian. gym class. guy problems, fizz. Cotillion, Sharma-Greco? Luv ya Bharati We were cut christmas trees! KARATE! Stay crazy· Love Katie GREKIEI Art wouldn't be the same without you. Remember all our drawings. conversations, etc. Good luck always with Mike. Love ya· Susan W. (" Sugen ") KRIS GAYI'IORI Don't Get It! • Well neither do II Teach me how to f .A.f. You are the F.A.f. Queenll S.A.B. was fun even though I had bruises after!! " Don't let me drive like that!" Jumping curbs In " Gus". Don't be so paranoid when you bond"! Everybody knowsll P.A.P. Is sexy! Squint on glasses and in halri·Hee Heel Dogs that walk backwards are the best! Tom 's Backporch·Bondagel (A.C .. L.A .. K.G .. T.M.) Sean· " That's ---up, Man!" And always remember that laughing gives It away. Friends forever· Love Lori Hey buddy· Remember Anatomy· It was fun· Joe W.?· Theo Tball. Incarnation lip sync contest. your sleep over In grammar school, religion dass Keep in touch and I can't believe we·ve been friends since 1st grade. Love, Teresa T ALISOI'I QOf.Kf: Memories of Rugby in the lot. now that's all of you I've got. maybe it's better this way. Love, Lori " High 5"· never did you ever give me one gOOd High 5· ya had a problem I think. Hey· remember our talks about J.D. and S.L. Thanks for all the advice. Miss ya, Kerwick A&B Boys Rule-could you tell me where the library Is? Our eye connect. Your mom wants mel Crystal Diner. Let's go paint it up! Cucci. Cucci, Cucci! Sa va da hal I Love you Lisa "I though Senior year was my year?" It could have worked out. Junior from. Senior Prom? K.B. Well uhm ... Will you· what I mean to say is ... well ... I'm really nervous ... But uhm O.K. Chris Fava Your mom · the best! I TOO GREAT! I will miss you and all the fun we had. Jamie #111! I Love You! Jen "Gokie" Hey Fly Girl! Watch out for nervous score keepers wanting a dat to the prom! I'll send you that cheese bread 'recipe! field Hockey Rules! Best of Luck I;( Keep smilln'l You 're Great! C·Ya Chrissy D. Thanks for trying to help me with my problem. Pasta parties. Prom dresses. Hockey season. Thanks for all the encouragement. Have fun in college. I' ll miss ya. Love Amy Where do I begin? We are scheming!! Longfeather and a little hom (there are guys!) Halloween· my garage! There our friends! Be care· fulln the snow. Byeeee!l Antenio's It's a date. Bye· Bye now Bye-Bye Bye·Bye nowll Love Story· I'm a cryballl Remember Bethany ·Candy Kitchen, Passing out at Libby's those dam hosts! Jogging everyday· what were we thinking avout Goeke HURRY UPIII Soph. Cotillion, Jr. Prom, Senior Prom (yeah RAU) Paddle Ball· we're the champs! Little Spats· Don't saugh at mel McGrath· you should write a book. Ugle faces! Bye-pin on shoulder and two time shoes! Nice Make·Upl Over all your're the greatest there ever was! I love you foreverll BAUI P.S. Yo. comer sushes What the FA! Where are they? OW-kitchen noor, tm a tried bull! Mcb get up! Cookin chew for Wayne and Garth. Tutonka! Stands w;a PAUl Smiks a LAUI What's up Beaver! Mucho Beren. Midnight Caller, SUNIGI Be there at 7:07 and 10 sec. cruising in the shadow. freskln; Plssheadl Most Triumphant Dud~! Going back to Calef Bob Urich Sally Jesse What do you sat to someone who has been the best friend you' ve ever known except I love you II McGrath To my class of '92, my teachers. my coaches. my family, all of my friends. Good times die hard. Thanx for the memories! Thanx for everything! lluv you guys. Love always, All To all my Hockey chicks; Srs. SH. LS, LQ, AM, MT, RS. I'IG, !'ISLE, CD, Rf. AW. JB, JS, MM. JN, JS (the baby) and Cf. our stat stud. fly Goris Rule! 1 luv you guys! Good luck nest yr.I love All To all my B·ball girls; KC. CS. Ef, KB, JR. MF, LW. PB, BR, JH, AC. I love U guys! Good luck next yr.! Love, Alison J.D.· Scissor hands. Silence of the Lambs· your house after. Bone #1 and #2. April1991. Prom. Sensation. The Hut. Sandpaper blan· ket. Up til 6-0 your fault. Summer '91. LBI. Kiss me baby. That night by the boats. My shorehouse·kitchen·just getting lee tea. Aunt Ter· rie. The lake. The Egg. Saying goodbye for the Burg. Letters. R talks. Friends. Driving me home late. Phantom or the o. !'lew Years. Cotillion '92. Velcro. M.C. park. My trips 2 the Burg. Valentines Day. Bath? Conte's. New House. I could go on and on. You 're my boy and I luv U. Ali BOB QOHII'IIAK Hope you get Kf. Princeton Snowball run. Stay abnormal. You me and Todd in florida.· Chris Pinelli Too funny for words, you always brought me up when I was down Thanks· I'll miss you Kerwick BOOO BBI Mr. Red Head. Ta S. MATT QUARI'IO Oklahoma Dude, tell me it wasn 't cool! Mr. G nippi gout. My God! She's Incredible! It's been 4 lond and crazy, sort or perverted years knowing you. But its been a blast. You really must find out the name of the care in Princeton. We gotta hang out over the summer. I'll bring the honey If you bring the babes. Have fun with life! See yal Jud, Matt Haennl Matt: Remember Blood Brothers, Keith on the 4th of July, Tom's "Skunk" party and keep In touch damn it. Belz Oklahoma, you 're awesome Klddo. little dewdsds. garters, be· hind the scenes. 7·11. Laura's house, the unforgettable journey to hell· what else could happen? Laboratories· kill babies? Can we write those directions down?·l'lo!ll Gargolls by freak homes. The kiss was great! Thanx for being wonderful. KIT always· Luv Aunt Eller, Adrienne. JASOI'I GUTif:RRf:l Jason How do you describe our four years of lunch pertods. Unreal? Insane? I'll go with unforgettable. Belz Alright, we have to get the scoop, the thread, one of those stop·

watches, a faucet. a bunsen burner. Junior year· gym period· Wow! I am the gym god. But remember· we both struck out on the last day! Jets· Super Bowl Champs in '92. My nesh Is burning! Lab· if you get it in sometimes within the marking pd. you're okay. Some advice· don't take Princeton Pike. Donnell will be a serious 3 pt. threat In the I'IBA. Good Luck in college. Mike L. JASOI'I GUZMAI'I No more Espanol with Mr. Shultz! Tara You doo-doo eatin. pre· martial sex havln, gasoline efficient turkey hoagie eatin, tic·tac needin. four big toe havin, forever unemployed cool mo-fo. Keep hope alive-Ron !'liCK GRODZICKY Nice shoes! When are you getting a car? Sorry I didn't call you back, I fell asleep. M' m not depressed, I'm just mad! Skins s-·. N.Y.G. #1 get the job done· Big Daddy MATT HAENI'II tm glad we met. You' re very talented, sweet. and funny. I'll never forget you. I hope you have nothing but good luck, Love ya Manoly Hi Matt. " Grease" is and will always be the best. Jenne's house· Swinging munchkins. the sarcastic Clapping family, inanimate ob· jects, " it that the sun?" You were a great sonny You must always remember that I got my license before you did. Hah. Law was great· Sociology is alright so far. Let's talk like Mrs. Wrobo okaaaay?? " Oklahoma" ·Pore Jud is Daid (good). You're an awesome Jud· the makeup is definitely you. Thanks for being a good friend. Have fun but don't commit any heinous crimes. Luv Ya·Krlsten (Jan 6( Ado) Great job In the shows. Grease-foam Domes Tom's party· I was not stripping! learning to inhale. Grease Lighting· Santa's Sleigh .. . cast ... Oklahoma!! Laura s party. you give a mean back massage. Thanks for being a great friend. KIT · Aunt Eller via ~drienne BRIAI'I HAI"'D Handy·re ya? fingers! Stay off the couch you pervert. Is she your woman-what a shame! Thanx for the jacket KIT Love Ya J.M. Pool hustler, natural hair. serious talks-so many. All in one lin· ens. At your locker much. Thanks for the Roses and the chance. Good luck in the future. Love A.W. Hello sexy. Walk this way baby. You got what I want! Love ya. Tara "Hide the gun-they know" Ha Ha " It'll be alright Spirit" · Remem· ber the Hamilton Library with the sunglasses and gum behind hour ear· Can we do It again sometime soon? Park, this summer • I'll be there· Call! Kerwick Thanks for the Junior year fun and memories. (Ed Asner has a waist size of 40.) Mrs. z and Mrs. K's classes would've been nothing without you. Best of luck, buddy! ·Dougie C. Next time you ' re gonna die, tell me put the window sown ... Smoke much?numan garbage disposal ... Stop stealing our fries ... GAP boy forever. Revival· here s a secret. Becca had a crush on you! Surprise! Where is that abandoned gas station? flzz·KABOOM. infectious ear. Big warm heart. We love you! the terrible two-somes Rebecca Wisor, AM Romanczuk HOOCHIE COOCHIEI; GAP man; New Y's 92'; Amy o 's S·Year; S. St.; fizz: Revival; Academy Theatre; KABOOM!; Market St. exit: Three farm·Jos ..... ; Retreat; Marin House from Ricky Valenzuela BRIAI'I HAI'ID I pity the people who will sit in front of you in the future. Epeyteptic spasms In religion class. Brian try to stay on your feet during soccer. Keep your cool in volleyball· remember to wash your Mickey Mouse shirt. Tickling! Physics and Chemistry • Dont ever forget. Love Ani Bf:CKY HARTPf:I'ICf. Keep him in line· Fred Procaccini Bff: Remember the Wkckoff stories? WOW I All those sex stories! Always Remember H.R. ND-NOT Ewing Guys are Hot! I want Da· veNay! Ewing High Senior Prom-Yes! Don't forget fisher! How's Tammy? It's been 3 years of Hell! I was almost a godfather. That a cruel joke. Keep in touch over the summer. Luv Matt Haenni. Becky: I am so gals that we got to be friends. I hope that everyth· ing works out for you and that you get all your want-you deserve It Bee good to yourselfl Love April To my Hero I ... Remember Poconos ... black bears ... LBI . .. Love . . . Hmmm ... Rosedale . . . NY . . . Pg.6 . .. You . . . Black Lake ... ~orever & Always · Your Princess SARAH Hf:DGf:Pf:TH Hockey-4yrs.. falling down your stairs, Hockey camp. Spitting through space. Defense Is the Best! Sr. yr. Lunch. Fruit Loops· Luml Thanks for all the great memories! Love ya. Nat Silvers football games. Halloween '90-Bom to B Wild. Camp Roomies. Hockey. Fly Girls. Heavy D. All R talks about U know what. Sinead O'Connor. Nutty Bars I;( Star Crunches. If you're seriously shopping for lace ... You are so beautiful to me. I tuv thy ·- my than a summers day. True Colors 4·EVA·Keep ·em shining through! Luv you friend, Love Always, Ali. Hi Lunch buddy· We had a lot of fun times this year· I'll miss ya, but KIT. " LOVE YOUR HAIR" K. Kerwick field hockey, Mo" ville, Pryor's, ice cream fights. "What do you mean we can' t take a shower?" toes. Margo. debates about hair· cuts. " Sarah " (you know the voice). I'm a terror with children! Reading Sunday paper at breakfast. Peanut butter french toast. " Is there meat In that sauce?" "Yes, too bad .... Franklin Mill can die. Senior Retreat. 'Til do your hair. baby." Shopping the Maclinden way. Swimming· pool party. freshman loves (and subsequent hates). pretty nails, Peg 6( Bill, frozen bagels. I love ya Sarah! (my oldest friends). Rebecca mark up! A.B. Mammas bread. Thanks for listening. Love A.W. Ms. Sophisticated! I wish you would get rid of my sneakers. SIKEI Love TaraS. linguine with clam sauce. more food. groundparents. LBI she really doesn't know where the Big dipper is. Field hockey ..... you·re awesome! teach me to pitch, Balema, Ace. p2, All my girls. retreat, JAMES TAYLOR KIT Bendas Sarah Hedgpeth, My girlfriend. New Year's 90·91 only fun. Baseball/ Softball. lyr. Thanks· Chris The fly Girls Rule! field Hockey's been great· Knee Injury Buddy! Get your butt out of my view! Best of Luck! Keep Smllinl C·Ya Cris D " Red " BAM! She's such a Cowl f.H. '92, the PROM. BUT OUT, Sex Him up·<:.P.. We Love your Chris sl. Senior yr.. Jr. Lunch with Da Boys. WOW, Ga Head Girlfriend! on the phone with J.R. at camp, me, u, l!t Allison-BRAT PACK! fly Girl Posseel Luv Ya. KIT Lori P.S. I Luv your Latin Class· HOLLY Hf:f:I'IAI'I " ATTIE" FLASH" Pacl·woman·rag. drag. "Back· Boobs". B.G., WAJU, I.B.T.C = H.H+S.K., can I get you something ... Shampoo?· K.S., "Face 4 punch bag," HARPO, Boy In the Box. Rklln on B.G.+T.M. handle bars, football behind bank· B. Gum, T.B., C.H.+M.P., 5-12·89- Peg Glib- M.O.+A.W.·we dnot nees those flor· ence or Burling. BUMSI Tootles- Easter Vac "What a break ·in with G.S. + H.A. Jr. Prom-ourjerks. Ocean City 89-Moon·Lisa in front B.R .• Back of neck OI'ILY. M.H. is a phony, fR. sftbll stat-girl. Every body say hoi Mr. J.W. Ioves me l!t U know lt. A.W.·II'I through the window, M.O:s convertible boat. M.O:s license· the neck, Jr. Powd. Puff· M.O.+B.P., C.M.'s pool, Behind Anthil-1\.G.+M.O., "Hey little girl you want a piece of candy?" "Making funnies ... -QTR· "Come With me to the machines," I'I.K. concert '89 our moms· 2ft. away+ the roses. Planned Weds, J.M.'s a real nice guy. Heath Bar Ice Cream. "Hi MUFFINS.'' We all miss her, she was he best! P.l.f .. Ftbll. games with B.G.+W.R. -did we really s.m ellllke old ladies? A·hall· throw·up by my foot. Yuck! Did you ever lind out what happened to

that Kudos bar? Thankx 4 always being there. C.M.· go back to Calli, Right Into Neighbors car· I only bumped it. X·MAS·at mall with D.F. stealen ties, Running up the down steps, B.H. (mom) read moming paper-POOF. '"Yoking," K.Z·C'.I.D. No end to our memories! 1 love You. BEST of friends· 4eva 6th gr. Attie our Sci. proj = Best Bud· dies. Love·KRISSY- TEEN. Hey Bud· Terry • AC's party. Your mom oh my Godl Busted. Slumber Party was awesome. Have fun In school love ya·Adrienne All I can say is sorry and I Love yal baseball games, swimming, Casa Lupita, skiing, Parties. Pink Lemonade, retreat. Take that Damn Jacket offi! Love Ya Melissa You were never competition to me. You ain't nothing! Jon, Hives, Ground round. B.C. ·NOT!. Fla., Wildwood, Nice Mouth! Luv Kristina I thank Pam for our great friertdship. Remember our talks in Gym, our F's in Confoy your accident, and Wayne's World. Good Luck In college. Love, Chrissy Shinn HOLLY HffMN JM l!t HH 4-12·91· Forever 1st Date TMNT2, the flower. Bl!t + B· Best movie, June 1st · best time ''Have we caught up with CP&MT yet?" My little JC. Shawn Ray Rules, NO ice hockey. which #. 10 or .}? SB'sparty, Jon its your song! Sleepover. SA never again Don't worry about KS·never again. " Let's talk". Ride you bike over. CL left you. Dracks you. DB&BP at EL ·fire extinguishers Steph at handy, lost my watch, oh well .• I hate G -go get him! locked keys in the car. The Civic. " Who's cookln bacon?" Lobster ·you, CL is a maniac, my Xmas gift. Don 't wipe it on me, Not in the mud. The vent · no more, Dinner at A & B. Chuck's -dropped hamburger, PU icehocke game, Channel 52· the place. Philly. Manor's, Collie High-tears, full hefty bag. " Have a nice trip", PMF pic .. the jag, throw fc at me, Go Shave. Get a 9, fight with JP, NO MORE MM or MF, B-··es, I Love Jon, A at F Thanks for always helping me out. And especially for your trust. loyalty and belief when it came to K.G. I'll never forget it. You showed me you were a true friend. Thanks! George O.C. KA. CW·Iate. BR's haircut. Movies. Mens B-room. 2 tickets, Steve Millerband. Parties. the phone, Express yourself Victoria 's Secret, look everyone. I got hives Not paying for Hamburger PE #1 Bass· I got none, NY. 90, Lots a men, Liquor, at fun Elliot, your sugar daddy. Does you mom have a b-friend·ya, my dad. U lost that luvin feeling. Transsexual in street. Who's K.S. Nice mouth, F·this, F·that. Princeton. Mrs. H DR w;o heels Friends Always· Love ya Anne Marie Squeeze Jl you left me: pizza in your face TGIF bunny pix those men R bad 4 am walk " U 8 my Kudeo " beach 2 boring-mile run hove Adrien 's " mom's here" BUSTED· deodorant-lunchtime with popcom didn't know It stains liverhunting good way to phrase it: Depeche Mode stolen candy Kick but 4 SJ sigh UR SUPERWOMAN! Thanx for being there Jessica The 1st time I heard or you I was at Ewing people came up to me and said Rego Hook with H.H. then I met you and when I did 1 though you were Beautiful Don't ever forget that day. My basement. The mark I pout on you for what was it 2 weeks. That was great. If I had it all to do over again I'd take it slower and not rush you into anything because you deserve more. Don't ever forget all the bus rides home with me and Ben and how we tortured you. You knew we werejf k. Well Holly If I had it all to do over I'd treat you Right. Don't Forget to call me. Love. Rego 4a.m. walk-sorry we caused so much trouble. Coe's was great· deodorant· you mom. Spoons at Kristin 's. No I am not having another party! A lot of great times-can' t name them all. Love yal fa nell CHRIS HfiTZMAN You know I was awesome in xc! Thanks for making it easier with your smile. Never forget good times with Lippy, l!t hard times with Physics! (Remember the time when I broke the mirror during a test??) I love the color of your car & I'm glad you got it vack! (can I have it??) If not. I understand! Keep smiling. & good luck. Love, Jenn (Odie) Track, JV rules, too bad your sister isn't older. Good Luck in college· Vidal Sorry you didn't grab my food fast enough. No·l didn't study You ' re the stud stay cool-foley Want to go to the prom with me?···NOT!I Thanx for the morale booster! St Gov't·Why bother? Best of Luck! C·ya Chris D "History," Hail Heitzman. who sings that?· Let's keep it that way. Marino?·NOT. Good luck In college! Luv, Kristina Bow to your superior basketball player. ping pong player, runner, scholar, gentleman wallyball player O.K. maybe you can beat me in ping·pong, but that's it. 10 seasons of Running have been fun, Don't slow down, I might pass you Hey Paw Kill. The pearl is in the River, the computer is due tomorrow,·that's it learn It yourselves· Dave Martinez HI CHRIS! I'm glad that we became friends this year. Don't forget New Years, retreat and Casa Lupita. " Its not a bird." Good Luck in college. Love. Chrissy Shinn Heitz·stud Chris Heitzman. What else It to be said? The dirty minded little boy who always whispered answers behind me in English and was always right! ·S The man the myth the legend. I love Alex and Gloriann. BUDDHA LIVES! The cute huy with-the devil inside! We know who you are and I thought I'd let you know that the circus people are coming to get you and take you back home, even as you read this. LBI VBall Rules. you are KING OF THE BUMP. Born a stud without women. It's O.K. I'Ll STILl LOVE YOU TO DEATH! Dave B. JIM HOGAN 1st year wrestlers Senior Year. Zilgion. See ya later-caesar Friends as kids but tom apart. but even now your still in my heart. Tying shoe laces under bus seats? First kiss and firs girlfriend? Best Buddy Forever? love, Lori Thanx honey for always being there. Your the sweetest love ya Patti H.C.M. go run track ARCH said ONGA BONGA, wrestle Love Malloy Jaymz, summer '91 surfin LBI. Fresh yr pizza. Jeff's party. Gerry's party. my parties, Spiritual Sky " Baker" Nl • Big Fight· evtlng ok. YRMDELJMR K & A ·summer '92 I know It! DL! cat a Cl. Thanx for all your advice. KIT at have fun at the shore. love-Michele Only 10 houses away and the only time I ever see you Is passing through the halls. Noe what's going to happen? I'll never see you. Tell C.W . I said hi! -come over! I miss youl love·Kris Think you can get back to Steve's house without getting lost for Yt hour? Just kidding Man. It's been real. see at the camp grounds! KIT ·VonBargen Hey Comrad. Say hi to Bob for me. Backfllps. mom and the attic· whack. you were in my art class. can I use you phone? you finally did it·congrats. No nothing wrong. Shut up. Skiing-never crazy Jelfy. spitting. Your a great guy don't ever change. Love Amy James Hogan-cruiser-killer board· worth every penny-Vernon car· vena too hard·Theo (Hawaiian) Come hang with the ball busters down the shore and as you go sown try and keep it under 90. bolster It's been great knowing you. I hope we can keep In touch so we can have another Chinese Connectlon·Matt Guamo Hogan, Paintball Always. This is my rifle ... Brecz Don't ever be disappointed or feel bad about wrestling, you did it! Great year. good luck with your Future . ..Chris Siebon Fine don't say hi, Summer '91, tatoo talk, kick in eye, am I r~~~~~icl~ase be friends·P.B. glad we're friends again· forever, " Wont' a fishhook? No thanks. not today." Thanks for always ~~~~~~~er me in N.D. I don' t know what I'd do with out you KIT

ANN MARif JANMCI Cat·can I borrow your boots? Shopping. Credit cards, our little Mo, Mo. He's so bad. Women rule the car Stick Sal in back. Cl~an the B·rooml NY '9.0. Drinking. Rod Stewart-Was that him? Elliot your Sugar Daddy. Is. Beach. WW. Sal·shut up! I will not drive you at Ant's Wash my car, go downstairs. Giants #1 Dan Morino. K.E. Mets. To my little Ugly·llove ya! I'll buy you a car. Cat, Sal '94' Good luck. Jove ya both· The rents', Wildwood '90 ...• LBI?, Jeep, Strike it up. Not! S.B .. G.A.• Amigo. White chick, Lodlac Killer. 'Good Vibrations', EAt. 'Snake', Not 3 :.}0 am, OWl?, El Camino. Twins. Shrimp. corvette, Bowling, let's walk. Bruce. Gravity Hill, Shea Shell. No Windows?, Dinner, No Keys?, College?, Syracuse, Who am I going to the prom with?. Do you like It?. Terminator 2. Twin Hype. Bassi Bet Friend Forever. Kritlna Remember all the fun we've had. Retreat. Gravity Hlll·where Is It? PMF Parking lot·Boyz 2 Men. In your car In P'ton with top down. freezing out. Watching rou eat. When 's your pasta party? NY' S eve Jr. yr. " Hey how ya dom?" Love yal Fanell ·So when Is your pasta party? Never! Where the heck is Gravity Hill? Will we eer find it? FOODI Singing in P'ton Market Fair Parking lot. don't leave me in gym! Why do you stop when there isn't a sign or light?- Go when the light is green! Isn't it funny how 1 never like you and now we' re such good friends? Hey Mickey! Love· Kristin We've been friends since Kindergarten, and I hope that never changes. We had a tot of fun times. never forget them. Good luck In college Love, Chrissy Shinn Some great times! Never go for hot guys they treat you bad! Remember M.O. and C.B.! At least M.O. Isn 't engaged! C. B. What a jerk! NY's '921 The Champagne! What about the answering machine message! Sorry about the trouble with M.M.l But, I Still love youl Becky Gravity Hill, Where Is it?. food hog. Why do you stop when there's no light?. They' re jingling baby. Marky Mark. doublemlnt twins· Alyson Remember the Cotillions and the limos·Good vibrations. N.Y.G. #1· Mets S Yankees #1. Good luck w; R.K. Thanks for helping me wf K.C. U R a great friend· Love Jerry Where to begin. 1st I' m so glad we' re still friends (no more KS· yuck!) OC always, Steve Miller, KA + CW·Iate, RK x·mas gift (nice necklace). lost earring under bw·found (nice, real nice) " Need a car stero?" Drinking H20 at parties ·SB, New Year's, NYC-Evelyn + Elliot (my sugar daddy) Getting S. at amsterdams, Grahm·buy you drink, " Kevin Elster #21 shortstop METS" Me-nice mouth. " They' re jingling baby" Gym class. Hives at Colucc's b-day. PE#1, Don't forget Anythingi·Love, Holly BRIAN JACKOWSKI Even though I Couldn't get to the shore house all the time I still had a lot of fun. We have to eat at Mcdonalds again. ·Matt Guamo What's up Frank? When is the next time the ball busters will gather? S.G., B.J., D. B., P.B., M.R., M.G., J .H, and all the dudes from seaside. Remember to buy a gappa and not a lemon. I forgot about storm and mom at your house. Don't go sleepin with any pigs. • Bolster Rack em up Jack. My 6. Father told me to watch 8B. ·Malloy 0! You looked In The Hole! ·DAVE VONBARGEN DReW JAM~S You can always come to me for how to be smooth with women. How about those garter belts?·SEI. SEI, SEI. Drew, frosh. yr. h·rm, first week "puppy love:· MORP w; my sis. U.R. a great guy. Glad we stayed friends . Good luck and Luv ya, • Leea Marrazzo's buddy. Kate·n·you me-n·? Our probs. Mike. Look out for lockers Retreat. Christmas pty's. J .O. Good Luck Come n see me·n·Katel Love ya Drewy, ..Christina. Hi Drew. Gimme five! I'm glad I got to know you better this year· especially during the skiing trip. I'm sorry I almost killed you. but I wamed you not to get In my car, didn't I? But us fellow Toyota drivers Have got to stick together. Don't forget about volleyball in gym. KIT. Always remember that you' ve got a friend in PA. love. Nicky. Harry. I hate you!! .. . love always, Sally You are a stud and a Y>l in my book, you have been a great friend, and an awesome cotillion date. We've had so much fun (esp. when I grabbed your butt! Sorry!!). Rem. when we went to the mall togeth· er? Oh well-no baseball hat. but that's life. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice-cream, re.JYllniscing about past loves, ... Rem. Cotillion '92: Dave K's car troubles, K. P's house· (cool movie), you better still remember how I helped you out w; Rochelle ..... Drew, it's been great. If you need a friend, you can always count on me. Love. Jen (Odie) God Drew! It's been 4 yrs since then. Can U believe It? Thanx 4 all the memories. Good Luck. luv Nora Drew I'm forever saying HI to you·even when you walk right by mel You are so sweet, so nice, and I' m sorry for that chair maneuver, me and Odie pulled on you last year. Watch out! We might try it again! Good luck in the future. Don't forget to say HELLO. and never say GOODBYE. Love, JEN V. Always remember your senior year retreat. You're a great guy and a very special person, good luck In the future. I know you'll be a success in anything you put your mind to. Love, Amy A. Drewboy, physics study party, you do better when you study w; only me and Alyson. How's Candy, your secret woman, you know the one you have re dezvous w;. Best lab group. physics exam party, tostitos w;jalapeno cheddar dip, ectocooler Is the best. It gives us energy. I'm glad someone can comprehend to my car and financial troubles. We have no luck w/tires. last year you were News Quiz God. AI~ and I voted you to have the cutest butt. Anyway, I'm glad we're such good friends this year. You're a great guy. love. Kristin To the 1991 NO football team. You guys are the best, I love you guys and than you for allowing me to be a part of it. Drew Your friendship means a lot to me, I know I don' t act like it sometimes I'm sorry for that. thanks for all the goodtlmes. Joy's Butt. Jan's Sweet sh , last day of school. Pinch & Putt, B·Ball ~ames . Good luck in all that you do, see you in Fla sometime. keep m touch ... Jackie Bugdal I'm Sorrylll ... Katie Mount fV Posse, Baby powder, the flaming terriers, BBB at Mike's house RR thanks man, lot of track memories. Peace Man . . . . Pedro Santiago You wanna go out Saturday Night? ... Jennifer Welsh You are every thing for m~, thank you for teaching me so many lessons about life. thanks for keeping e around. Good l4ck In whatever you do. I am always here for you. I love you .. Kathleen Pan fen Frosh Year ... Batman ... Morp ... R.T ... Sr. Cotillion ... M.G.K. and everything else. Things will never change. Thanx for everything. Friends Forever. love always . . . Kerry AMBf:R JANCOLA S.G. Skiing in Vermont. Physics·ahhl Swimming. Same taste! Prom Soph yr Margaret Lumia I'm glad there is not longer any hostility between us. A lot has happened. like us having the same " ex" , but I'm happy we became friends in the end. Good luck In College. and don't don anything I wouldn 't do ... luv, Elena. Well after all the take about leaving-we're ftnally gone. Always remember Comp.-lf it weren 't for you I wouldn't of passed. Don't forget the cotillion, Florida. from . Remember SO. RD. MK, EK. and JB. But most of all, DG. and everything I told you. Maybe we'll see each other in NC. Good luck w;everythlng, love April. ... Oklahoma-what can I get for his B·Day?·Biology·Hey, we don't look alike-your swim party summer of Soph year. Keep In touch! love Amy ....

Hi! We made it! We've had our ups at downs.-so forget the downs! Gees! This next part is hard! Where do I start? St. Gregsl Nahl 'member frosh year?·how nervous we were on our first day here? Retreat. Campo's class, Physical science Mr. Pete. GZ, BT. DG, RM, MK. TS, MR. BB, and all the rest! Go find more but save the best forever! Thanx for dragging me into swimming! I'll miss you! K.I.T. Love ya, Jen. LISA JOHNSON Hey dude, the thing I can recall most is in sophomore year you signed my yearbook " Tales of the darkslde." How odd 1 though but beyond that you 're a great friend you you' ll go far. you ' re an excel· lent thespian and if you continue with the arts. the best of luck. love Marian Chickie, hal, R.E.M.·That's me in the comer, chem., Bessy and Fred. Clap! ... Nuclear war. Blond jokes ... my jokes. Sue's seven· teenth B·Day. Good luck, Actress -carol Kit How do I explain the past four years! Easy! Men older than 171 Remember the U2 concert we never saw? Let's pick up men at the FIZZ! E.P.T. Scares! Who could forget the cotillion? My date love Big BOOB Meagan B.B.S. ·:SSD How 'bout those choc·o-diles? We always talk about •?If # Doctors prescriptions-.. Remember my home video w; K.B. and P.D.·it'll become a floppy disc on cable someday! Junior Prom ·NOT!!s? My life w; cwyckolf·strictly physical! Remember how 1 (overdosed!) Well-threw up on the Retreat? the devil boy can perish! Do you have anymore #?/•. TTD-GTVC· always love Donna P.S. Who could for~et late night talks about Kriss? AI. Joe, Pat. Donny, Chuck and Ch1p-Senlor Promfllquor Blood Red lipstick? Love Don· na BfTH JOYCf Hey Chipmunk! Always remember: Hello, bonding, Twix. Neato libido. chicken nachoes, stupid head. Got any jokes?, Kermit. Nark (on the floor) , Teresa is stuck in the tape deck. Hold my Quarter! Good Luck next year. Keep in touch! Love always. Janice. You want some ice-cream? Nice cheeks! I had a pretty good party huh?!! Thanks for everything, and good luck next year ... Aigeho I've missed you this year. did you even get my picture! Did 1 get yours?? Love . . . . . . . Katie This year has been great. Remember the cotillion (Dave) and JK party over the summer. You have been a great friend Good Luck in college Love. Chrissy S I will always be scared of the plant in your living room. You are a wonderful friend! Never lose touch! Always remember J.l. (what's that girl's name again?) Thanks for helping me get the job at GapKids! Please stay in touch! good luck in college! I' ll always love yal Love .. ... Sarah V. BBBBBBBBBB!l!l!ll lshimeel! Retreat, g.l rl talk, Volleyball, the Cotillion Dave, ?1?1?1?1 Calculus-hlp! I am too sexy for my cat. poor pussycat. friends forever-no matter how far away we are! I'll miss ya! Love Kristen Our lunch table, Retreat. Casa, getting my finger stuck in your car stereo·No, not the butter knife! the cotillion thanks for always being there for me. Always keep in touch, Love . . . . . David Howdy. BBB, frog-lady, Do I have Bubble-gum? Don't put your quarters down anyone's back! WorkingGirl·seen .} fugitives yet? Donahue again. yearbook, foster higgins, K·mart's parking Jot. " Him" . " He has a hole in his butt" She swallowed. Senior retreat wanna race-in my Dad 's car of course Bridget's B·Day parties. GapKids. Always put your parking break on. Luv you always, .... BBJ. Mrs. z ·s Alg. 2/Trig class·Aithough we didn't have any classes together this year, we are still good friends. letis keep in touch after graduation. Good luck In all you do. Love, . . . . . . Amy A. Your a great friend and sister, always remember those long trips to Chicago! NOT!I It was nice being In the same school as youlllll " Add an extra room"; surprise party at Ground Round; Powder Puff1; from; Cotillion Soph . & senior yr.; lunch periods; spirit days; retreat; Assh-1-; party at my house; group sleepovers; football games: Wildwood: Dorney Park; Double dates wf BIII at Dave: "Dave" Getty; Saturday football game; dinners; lunches; Anatomy. WL, History classes; "eat"; Flem·town;-··-·" who buys the gum?"; " He Is so stupid!"; skiing; fair; limo ride; 2/ 1 mer vs cat por; Burger King; the "hat" ; "my tum to drive"; Dave· house; Bill's house; ''I'm late'; the " owl"; shopping for prom: Allie hates me; Ship-Loy; visits; " look at him run"; " he Is really cute"; sports night; Final Analysis; senior auction; "Is there hair on my back?; Thanks for Grandpa; KIT; I love ya!; . . . . . . . .. ·Nicole MICHf:LLf KArfR Kafe-cakesl Wanna borrow my lipstick? Now we can look back and laugh. How could you catch and play goal? I hate it! Don't change. love, Tara Nice direction to GH. Homeroom. Chucks, let me tell you how to buy an Automobile History·love ya. AnnMarie Lit. Calculus. EAT, 'Joyce' Fla., P.B. , Wafers, Chuck's·Don't you hear it? Calc.2? NOT! luv. Kristina Lost pat the Getty cops came to school·Troy or Is it really tree! Ice hockey games Depeche Mode thanx for everything. Love Jess MICHEllE! Calc class was great. Why do you always get me in trouble? What are you laughing at? Remember how 1 always get myself in deeper whenever I tell a story. Thanks for always being in a great mood. love. Beth Tackle football , Troy-my husband, we' re getting married. Coke on his Yankee jacket. Muppets Christmas Carols. Soccer. Softball. Try· ing out for basketball frosh year. Teams were pre-determined. Mis· ty. Make sure you spell w-·, correctly! Ewing stinks! Mooching your friends fries, Eating a hot dog everyday! Love Kris K. Frosh softball-me, stats. MC·Big B-.. , Lipstick! That was the best. " F.W." forever! Retreat at how Florida to come! We'll have so much fun! Good luck w;everythlng·Love, Holly With 2 " LL's" ·my " homeroom buddie" Bordentown softball· Farnsworth Deli·the best say hello to Mr. Kaf. Don' t lose that bracelet. Froshyr. health-<:.F.· " Wrobo, she likes you " K.I.T. you 're a great friend ! I love those dimples! Love · GAYNOR· "Bordentown Buddies" Hey Julie, listen to this it's Important, 60 seconds, where are my glasses? I'm gonna get a revolving door, MGK, Go to the mimeograph room and make photostat of yourself so you won 't get yelled at anymore-thanks Chris! IGT5-AnneMarie I'm really glad we've been friends so long. St. Mary's-The Great Teacher Dodge. D.G. concert-me backstage. Our football games with Kristin and Troy· insnow all those times-our annual Halloween game (Except this year) and at school. The time we got lost at Foxmoor with TF and JK. Ewing girls-lipstick (I can 't believe you did itl) Shore alter from. climbing that Mt. In the snow. We had a lot of memorable times. love yal Fanelli LIDIA KARA Hi! What's up? We can 't break tradition now can we. Ha, Hal I'm really glad that we've met last year. You have become such a good friend to me. It is never going to change. Always remember Big· truck, the Eric theater, always picking the sad ones, being babies and making fool of ourselves, Petunia. Speedy and Apples, and don't forget our one class together. Well 1 hope we get to room together or even get In Trenton State. Well See Ya later. Love your friend Always. Coleen Hey Linda! Moore's class was great. Thanks for always being there. Gym was a lot of fun, your swing Is Great You 've been a great friend. Good Luck in college. love. Chrissy s. Hey lid-did we do anything in history? Do we have to walt for them? Get math yet! Save me a chair-are you going up! Homeroom Love you always-Jen Kelly Thanks for saving my seat at lunch, it really helped. All our classes were fun especially certain ones we won 't mention. I'm sure I'll see you at the Market. Good luck w; everything. Love, Jen Always remember: Hello, Kaboob, laCucaca, no more soda. Twlx bowling, punch punch, ice skating, Don't walk into that volleyball net! Good luck next year! Keep in touch! love always. Janice

TODD KAUffHAl'l Peace to all! JB u got me hurt Run, Run, Cya In the NBA, DL c ya on PVA; BB Gun, PU Possie, Alabama Slammer, Cut the POOP! Cuddy Homeslice. Fresh P- BH hook me up wf a discount, wax connection. Where's Brian-u don't weight that much. New Year's want to bit your neck! RV Attentions: New Years. Schlits; gotta go 711 . u get all the good 1'sl Skate or Diet SG Not! KB can' t stop !aughln. Crazy boy' Beastie Boyzl Where·s BaJema. PU. Hockey! Give my Dog a Dip! OW got any gum bet some ice. your a fighter huh. Honor Student. MZ whats up 2, where's Doug? Trouble In the +6 Caf. -FF Toddy. lie down in the +6 back! I am stuck! Period 5 lunch, Not. -DC your in trouble. noll Chopstick Connection. SM well! Ha Hal KK your the woman, dance 4 me. many luv. Did u get a car, did you get a Dog. Kerwick. -KM cross my line. What's up babel RK pool shark, what's up Mary! MR Clown man, Algebra and Chern. Nay. " Who are you " Did u get back in CM keep spin nih . wax hookup MP Tito. wanna do something. Hook me up. stylln EK. breakln ankles serious ups. RA get a cut! Your all that! Peace again to all: Seeya, and wouldn't want to B ya! Summer of 92 . The Garbage man KB RU the G from the JS place? Stopng by. Horoscopes. So Happy. Her hair got in the way. How dp is the oc? How hi is the sky? I'm the mag. New pictures on ur new car. Life is just full of supz. Sit bac and tak it all in. Sue it up and take it as it comes We r having a jammy jam? .:5 Shrimpfetand Chick, Terr. GRND RND, Piceh games, Phila , AM, FHtf. sst. ceo play. Scanticon and Sachettes. Hyatt. Did you say jacuzzi? CC cookies. I think I like you. Sat 23rd. Good things come 2 those who wait. Fix the ... be4 ... You did it. UO me big. I'm overwhelmed. Your fav. woman from Slobolia. PS-dld I evr tell u how cute U R? LOVE, ANNIE Toddy baby, What's up? hat the haircut! Tara DJ. spin the what wheel! What a home-hyena earrings. Mr. GQ-do you work in those clothes? STUN RUNNER. Organic fest ... Mr. M. yells at Martin Mouse. TODD pendls. Are you gonna eat those cookies? Love yal BECCA Tom 's River " Never tear us apart", Wrestlemania. Princeton with Phil-2 much 2 write from Kindergarten to now- Love ya, Laura Shwahla Todd-Jason l!t Keith Skateboarding in Florida. Where there was a fad we went through it in SG's-(hris Pinelli Pd. 4: S.St; KABOOM!; Academy Theatre: Fizz; B-ball; Skater at heart; Les Miserables: Martin House; Retreat; Attznciones From: Ricky Valenzuela LEtA KtAN To my friends who have made the past 4 years full of joys and memories-do I cry too much? Rossi Posse and Pool Balls = #1, Halloween (my driving). Retreat. bonding, Dorities'n O.J .. and so much more. I love you guys. thanks for everything!! To my junior friends: J .L.-rememberdesigns in ACC, we luv J.S. and A.L.. Love is .. , writing on your bks. Good luck wf soccer at KIT. G.W.-watch out 4 flying bks. U like my sis better than me?! thanks 4 cheering me up in Ace. hitting U that 1 time (forgiven?) Good luck. I'll miss yal J.C.What does CR stand 4, thanx 4 the$. phone conversations, " dream girl" (NOT). UR pants. Good luck next yr. I luv yal e.G.-never 4get our " list" at my front door. UR house last day of school closetwho'd ya want 2 hook up wf? U R a sweetheart. Good luck and KIT Va-n ice dis! " I know how it feels', thanx 4 buying me. I'll miss yal KIT Em·wanna go to the malll I'll meet ya there. I'll miss yal DDwanna go X-mas caroling? KIT Back parkinglot crew: thanx 4 the hugs when I needed them and for cheering me upll 1 luv ya ac I'll miss yal Yo-! came to see you at girls stater I Love " ?" We had fun together. " AL rules" " I love to be in beauty contests" I am so hot, little " Mrs. New Jersey" Love you MJP Want to go to the mall? No. Nice to be too cool. Even though you don't like me anymore I still love you. Your old friend? Leak: 4:4.:5, pzafrnhell. beach. MNCL, pd. 8 . our mass and servers NYE party in the wagon. who 's in the kitchen?, " midgets", twins stnch .. explorer, 3 punches. Darrah Ln .. Lasalle-nlce jacket. TUL-weird. LS, laugh in the AM-Leea Shut uplL we're going to NY, Nigettes: buy one get one free", " Dd, Clm. -scrtrrn. " Halloween: eggs: plbls: " cwam ": dnce. tsts. " Gum + Ht. Dog please?, You are the one, field trips, swtrdrs., " WBMW&TWFAR", BBMAR, BC. I'm blonde", wet tee shirt, storybooks- (Sorry Alexis). Mdstsdin, Magettes, MORP, Juan Valdez· " You' re the guy on the train." Cotillion. " Hg.-Get outa the roadl" I need Doritoes, OPP-EPT, losing cops. lucky socks, oil, "obsession", BBB. napkins on fire· bdsht. on your pants, sitting in the aisles, Rouselle l!t the security guard, secrets, Le-I could go on forever. We have shared so much. thanks for everything-! Jove you Leea Kean. "CR + NOR" = BEST Friends Forever. Love and Pickles·Bek P.S. -I literally took a bite outa the Hoag. (Sharyn's)-LK + AL-BG + CW: double wedding bj c we get along so well whenever we go out. JjK. I Jove you Leak! Okey? Byel WW 1990. Rossi Posse! Give me body! Can't Touch me" We' re prettier! ALand CN. Best of times· NYE at SS house! Leea 'R"U' dizzy? The basement. "its so cold " CN- " Just think about it. walkin and my room is the first one on the left! Should we go? Leea. how was my bathroom? Jr. "P" nice date? NKOTB concert! How many fights? RD is a Jordan look alike! LBI Al's house wjMOl Cops Psycho! dinner with BP and MO RB b·ball game. the walk Leea "U" cheated? No way! Trenton F-ball game! Hide. there's NR! Basketball game. It smells In here! Toot ill le toot! Lucky " 7" -nice lunch table! ILY 4-ever Dan Leea, Leo is your name. OK, buh, Ba-bye! LBI '90. Jason and Stephan. 52nd St. Posse. " Junior boys". Junior "P" Your secret. My name secrets. Billy Jean. Getting dissed-kissing SC Dooley. SIC was the best. The sun's always out on our vacations together (not) Bon the D. I can't use a T. Flatliner- 'Tm trying to watch the movie!" Peeing at f-ball game. Aerobics above us in LBJ. No weather channel please! Rossi Posse. GH-Lucy and Scott Tracey and Ashton. DeMossett! Dog and Ditch. ARC. WW with MandT. Stick Shift. Sophomore c-cs and BD. limo! #1 Typers Pretty girls. TK- we are gay. Yo bye!

~~fr~~~~~~:J::~~~~~ ~nt~:~~~~~:g~~~~ g';~~~~

We love Duke. JW-Lady of my heart. Play that Funky Music. Bart Simpson, Humpty Dance Give me body. Tangenlva HFW and Prince. Clover lipstick Writing np BB episodes "You're bad" "Who do you think you are? Batman?" Valley girl. Hot damn! "Shut up. already· dance!" Polson Do me. Logflume Posse walk. Lou Lou. TO-Dead on couch. 7-11 phone calls. Can't Touch Me. Broken bed Bbag at Prom-nice nails' nice face. 2 kisses at Sk's, robbed at 3am-AB and JO. Yeah rot. Annie in b-room, Deer. Tear. Gear, etc. Riding surries in LBI Pitch a tent. Cards with Seniors. Renegade. Duffy In rain. " Parents", " Rosemary's Baby", Junior cotillion at GR. CG's -our fight. Leea I'll miss you. FFI Love. Jill XO Accounting was fun. Be a Booty time member for life. I think your mom likes me. Are you crying? Income to your house and we·n have a good laugh. You don't have a fat a. And you not as. But you will always have Big B. Are you fighting with AL? Let's play pool. Rememberto say hi to your sister for me. SZ "Are you mad at me?": Double wedding?; Florida friend. Love-or bread 6c butter pool balls· Winner LK + AL 4-ever ha GM how do :,: move your hips! drive away wjo Lisa-slow down rollin. rollin rollin' EGGS homeroom Sally pockets in the front peer class does nothing no more classes 2gether-UR 2 smart TSO here we come-yeah just to visit ul AI no more tears please new positions new places gym "We're seniors" retreat " RU my friend " beaches is the movie AL, SS, SM. AR, BM. JM, BC, we're 2 sexy ok-bye thanks for it all Love Juice Pool Balls u make me snort! History Exam help?! thanx Mlstn does it better. u love his dimples. butt+eyes+l told him Mrs. H. knows what his looks like Lucky l!t not! Retreat chapel cry+ Bus our side of the table-Hide UR lunch P.P. we should've won Mr. Levine Loves Me covered all positions UR Lettin' loose Love, Jill Frosh yr. homeroom! Are we ever gonna have homeroom together again? Bread and Butter always! Or Is that Bread, ham. and Cheese Never forget Soph summer-down the shore! With AG, KB,

and PM PM was hot-Ghost! Walk to Roy Rogers! B-camarol Senior Prom-School the next day! Beaches-don't cry JK What about MM. ML. and MK? I was in love! AL. and all of our other men! I'm gonna miss you! Never forget all of our good times! I love you! Becky OR from the b-friend I beat up. SM stairs. NY grls and GM sux-lit. Pool balls. J 's dads F-cur. Where has that finger been? I think a shower or 2 . LE falling out of your car. What does CR stand for? LYD-security, Nice coat DeRoss. LaSalle, 90210. my ticket. Darrah lane. Cuz I'm a blonde. Sorry for bumin$ you. Kit I Love Yal Christina Hoi Gym-pd.S Good dnving skills with eggs?! Pool balls-we won. Fights-AL Retreat-backseat bondin~. Senior Girls·Jr. are going down! PP·We still won. Sr's. sr·s. Sr sl Love ya, Terry Frosh bus rides. Sue Weeds, the comer. Ciro's, Sept 77-Want to go to the Cotillion- Nice to dis me. How's AL? Are you crying again, TV show! Let's go on a picnic. your Dad 's the best. TN· Can I ... ? Thanks for the retreat letter. you BD present. Calc Exam·we studies a loti Thanks for everything-Love. Ben First week of school Freshmen year. my dream girl, Geometry Mr. Alexander. you l!t Alan. Scared sister MORP. Its been a great four years knowing you, Good luck in the future. Drew Remember our history nightmares. your tears and stress pills, homeroom and our locker buddy SK. Don't have a nervous breakdown in college and why be a nurse when you can be a great doctor? Huh! Love. David Hi! What's up? TSC-Teddy bear. I never hated you. Confusion. going for friends-me-opps .. can' t wait till beach! Thanks for everything. Love, Tritt Leea. " Ho" ·Good dance move! Girls State Rocks! When's your date with DR? Sally "we don't like you either" Alan likes my B bsl All our secret talks! I love you I Murph Why don't you go hrcreTrl the secret room. " I wrapped these all by myself." Love, Caesar Hey my little appetizer! I love being matchmaker! 2:00 em-Gotta Go! Olive Garden-Don't be late! We're not flirts!! AP History BYEEEEI Do you have a tissue? Watch Donahue! Soph Cotillion- Where are they? WCDB!I Retreat-Better a late letter than no letter! I love you!! McGrath I DON'T CARE. TSC-gln-such a teddy bear, so cute you on the toilets. MT and my underwear purple passions are so good. You're so confused which one? Jim's country diner (6 eggs) Chinese food rules. I don't like onions and peppers how about you? Todd's car to game (they hated us) Girls bathroom at game (WC's). my bedroom WC's Love ya hope we have fun at the beach Love, Nicole Rem: 1st friend in ND-1 came late: PMF·ride home; HR; OJ, Fr Yr. -morning travels; Steve Repko-Hal; parents+us= same: I don't like AL: skipped Riley's class-tearz: 103191: good driving? Elisa falls out of the car; Egg=Govan, Boots; Boyz: (MD, CB, LM, AL. etc) history (oppression): TJ + Stienert boyz (many); soccer Gina M·How NUTS?: many classes. Chris R's house. Thankx-1 L. Ya·Cathy K. Dominos, care bears, prettiest in homeroom, fat and skinny. 4:4.:5, Iii' girls. our friends KK and NY, stop flirting!, crying I got bullseye!, SR girls, jr boys. bras. and numbers, TK and AL, haunted phone. Your the best. Thanks for everything! I love you! Kelly Yo! Your a cutiel Never forget: 95 (you, me, and bek-pulled over what!?!) You wanted (MSSM-get it) How's SS? Cotillion '92 bek dissed us after. All the good times we had! Always KIT I Love ya hon. Nikki L. We were never friends before junior year! Aren 't buffalo wings made from buffalo? Love playing the piano at Sco~t's . The Infamous 4:43am at your house. Power Puff '91, .. " Safety Dance" We'll never understand wrestling. Good luck always! Love, Donna Leea. do you have that English paper? Our own special sauce. Pasta Party and Power Puff. Pool Balls. The car that stalls after neutral. Good Luck wj Alan and everything else. Luv Ann-Marie The Color of Buddha. Dominoes, our movie picks. your black blouse. Doritoes & orange juice, Junior boys. typing, the 1,000 leg bug, our study sessions, " Hi Leea" -arms+squeaky voice Love Beth Ann Drive Much-let people fallout of your car lately? Retreat Roomie we cried, we laughed, my head hit a table. Where RU going! ARC Do the Lisa dancer Thanks! Love yal Lisa Leea, Was I invited? Just kidding . . . your house, our senior boys=funl We are nurses with no clue! You 're a great chic. Billy Bob Joe. my house and the prom. I'm not flirting with Alan. stop by and visit me in the future. I love your Kristen Fr. homeroom, Remember who 's god? Marriage, baby and food shopping. Your mom. I'm not mean. Never letting Al out with the guys. Larry Thanx 4 the movie. If you ever need a friend just LEAN ON ME. I was a jerk. SORRY. Mr. Romano's history class. DON' T 4GET ME. LOVE ALWAYS- Chris , 1 love you little bear and Jewish boyfriend! Stay "satisfied" Love ya. Laura Shwahla Don' t Flirt. OL Here· s a tissue Blow your nose. AL Rules. Lets copy. OM late. I' m poed Chris. you are my sister and best friend, I love U wjmy whole heart, thanks 4 everything. UR the best and 2 good 2 me, Always Remember: pee on carpet, Sun. naps. family gatherings, matching outfits (Eww), Brady Bunch. CPKs and Pound Pups Jennifer-can you come over?. jungle gym, Barbies. " Billy, Billy, Billy, won 't you take me home·oh please!", the rock, Ghostln Graveyard. Bubble gum tag. Killer Wink, pool path, dead shakes. tunnel and creek, Michael Jackson (Thriller), swing, sandbox. hammock. Beat It dance. nice hats. Poconoes and the store (She's always there!) camping-Josh, Jacob, Ben, Mike, FINLAND (we thought we'd die), Pauley, Jon, and Tommy. TAST, singing in the room. bees. Naked Gun 2\h • we love smelly men on buses, waving to people. funny face!~. Wiz. of Oz dance. It's a hard knock life ...• Aunt Laura's and AC. Dip Stix and com dogs. Incarnation, Joey D=she works hard 4 the $, our many men. we hate fat gir1s (the list Is top long), our 1st Cotillion together (what a hectic night), stocking and underwear=sexy. Gen. Hos., AMC (hide your eyes), Chipwiches and Doritoes. crying and laughing. Julian Lennion, My Girl (funeral scene) , old songs. WCAU FM. nutcrackers In the morning, Campbell 's soup is good fooooodl, Do you really want to hurt me?, McD's biscuits on Easter. Possum's on the way to the bus stop, red light. green light. Matthew Chrtstepuppy love. Break Golden Gate. Girls just want to have fun by Electric Shock. I luv yal Good Luck in all u do. I'm always here for you if you ever need anything. Thanks 4 making me laugh and listening 2 me. Always believe in yourself, you have so much to offer the world. Love, your big sis, Leea SUSAN Kr:r:Hl"' Your surprise B-day party. Yuck-retreat. Worst joke Wed. Anat; Phys. FIJI-in: G-L-M-T-Q. (Take a guess. I haven't got a clue) blond jokes, sally. Good luck! Carole KIT DAVID KEILINO What's up volleyball! Beaver-Beaver everything. Gym is weat. OK Rogerl I'm really glad we became friends. Archer he hkes mel Thanks for making If fun Love ya Beaver! Lisa SexyBeastl. love weasels, beaver. pinch my butt 20 times a day dance music maniac, pet the panther, Who's that woman in your Iockert?. "you're my fantasy come true". My car backseat is still waiting for you- the shocks were tested everything is ready! Alyson PP-" wanna see my ... ?, $30 pizza. buy one get one free, coffee hourwj old ladles, Where·s Waldo?, Nexttimeyou need togo to the clinic, give me a call. KIT. I Love you P.P. Love Always, Bear. " Stop taking my gym clothes" Don't forget the group in the back of Religion class "Where is Waldo" "Is Rick Kekenski here? So what's above our locker?" I did beat you that night wf my mom's car, Remember the good food we had on Retreat RF " The studliest guy ever, you got more moves than a U·HAULI" Darren Davey-cakes·Remember our first date! We were in 1st grade, Me· gan was in K, we held hands across the parking lot . . . time for Confirmation, David Is that you? you look at your audience so well, nice look Kristen. afro, let's get a perm we can 't handle. glasses

braces .. . it certainly paid om FF to high school, we meet again you moved? you look the same! Kristen (shake (our head) chauffeur I need a movie returned, sure I'll get out o the shower. put that ladder away! dam girl following me around HT, phlegm? Paul Simon where did you go? ·nympho" duck! the blrd's out! Is that a knife she's holding while standing on the counter? "Flower for flour but love for prunes... Speaking of flowers, Happy Halloween! Come here my little whaski boo-boo, Bun-Bun I'm gonna feed you. Nintendo, Shall we move on to summer? Hey I've got an Idea, let's go to LBII ... In a gold Volvo ... red light, green light. Gol or was it the other way around? " Christian, I'll drive you home ... not!" nightmare we won 't forget. Waldo Is that you in my backseat? Red hot #s, Rl· ta=me= dangerous. insuatlons. shall we go to MCP? That duck hlssed@mel how does that mud taste? put your pants on. get up! Hope we make it home, my fluorescent shorts will lead the way ... ohhkayl you made our year Sally! can you get me a straw? ewl you have a tail, ewl let's go running .. . Q tip u can come tool yawn, NOT! I said fix the visor. not break it. a tape deck. if only we had a car to go with it. P.U.P.B. no I don't want a sub. steering wheel locked? car blocking the neighbor's driving? get out of that flower pot, Gumbyl Anglo-Saxon boys· names only, I'm going on an errand, wanna come? Sr. John we love you. Mrs. Robinson. hey Lou! come on in, I'll just get under my bed for now. rocks at your window, Ewl You 're so ugly. NOT! Davey thanx 4 everything! I love you! BQ/ Rita Hey. If it isn't the B-man himselfl You are the most morally cor· rupting person I know, but I love you anyway. Dave. I can't possibly write down all the $ood times we·ve had, but I'll try! Remember, " Arachnophobia ", 1ce-cream sundaes, the big-back burner prom dilemma (sorry), Ben and Jerry's Ice-cream. " Heathers" (me trying to analyze the whole story), "Whore" (my 1st lead role), buttpinching, animal noises at lunch table, Junior prom:nice to borrow Mr. Pearson's shoes + give them back 6 months later! Dorney Park '91-you. me. Rochelle, Ester: (could I please have my white T-shirts back??). the time I almost killed us all after Junior Prom (I thought the road curved the other way!!). " The Big Dis", Don eating all my food at Junior Prom, sally's Class: bad posture, bad clothes, bad hair. bad jokes. Where's Waldo??. hippie pictures. singing to us. 'Til do it my way", Bridget falling our of her chair, Library for the Blind, the " Bull ". " Poof you 're a Christian!". nice to kick me off your bowling team wjo even asking, OKAY, plug in, touch boses etc.. etc ... Cotillion '92. your stupid car, you're fight with your parents. " you 2 little angles can do whatever you want!" . me losing every round of _ _ _ hole, my little .. explosion", Encore, " Mobsters· spinnin~ me around on the floor. Me falling down the stairs!. water gunjwh1pped cream fight wjMr. Pearson. WI. (Chicken Filet!), Jen V's house, "Dying Young". me + Mike Shapson visiting after cross country practice. rolls in the hay. National Merit Scholarship (almost), You on top of my car, Roberta stories " Krlmpet", walking me to lunch everyday ... Dave, the list goes on and on forever. You are a true friend. Maybe 4 more yrs. at TSCI By the way, you and BethAnn still owe me dinner!! Love. Jenn (Odie) Dave. me+u=best History students (NOTII) Always remember Mil, Sally and Liptak. Good Luck. Kit Luv ya, Leea PS-Got any stress pills? We 've been friends since Kindergarten. It's been a lot of fun. forget retreat and Sheipdog. Come visit me in the Video Store. Love, Chrissy s. THANKS FOR THE SHIRT! Sorry mine was too small for ya. Kerwick Bomb scare, let's go to the mall; Dave. Davy; take your book· bag off the table: WALDO LIVES; don't yawn; Me and PM Dawn; caty dissed for Cotillion; Bye Love-Kristy Allen-OR " yeaah ", 15, Sound of Music. Hatchet face, lesha. lesha. "he phone's for you mom". Dilemmas, " your glowing", Adios amoeba, wwc. The Name Game. "Where do you want to go to school Jim?" , Geraldine. the #3. "my flower broke". Dukes of Hazard, thanks for carrying my barf bag. Conroy's English comer. turban taxi cab service. the mud ball in my backseat. Paul Burroughs. Fruitboy patrol after AISJebra. "I don't want to go to Holly Cross", Snug as a bug In a rug. K 1s a B. glowing In Bordentown, Sally's maroon outfit. St. Patrick' Day Parade, Ice cube lamps. "you live in a cave", "don't go past the bathroom". we're going on Oprah. T's head, MK in BLR, AvE AvE Ave Maria. zeno's earthing me. RAAAAyl. NY's Eve, OLS departure, tonedeaf, our sing alongs PIEROGIE, No problem:)ust smile all day long. fop. Curse-deflect, your 24 hr. naps, the Bears. Love, Beth Ann JOD-The road goes this way not that way ... Jr. Prom, Big disl . .. JV's house ... top of J.O'D's car ... friendly's ... Sr. Cotillion ... Beaver ... Sleeping over ... Movies ... you can Jay next to J'OD ... " Touch bases" leg hairs ... Nice eyes glasses . .. My Dad's shoes. I've had a lot of fun! Don't change you brighten my dad and make me laugh, Thank. I'll miss you! KIT Love Always, Kerry Dave whenever I need a bodyguard I now who to calli My Hero- What a guy. Mr. Wood's class, Homo, toupee Notes (aided on tests) Did you do your paper? 5x Notes In Blo, Mr. Kytes Math class Princetonian Diner-Dinner! You are such a great guy. Cotillion; Prom Nice date Ani! Beaver Jokes and drinking games! Sleeping with the Enemy, way to scare everyone. cause a scene. Your sarcastic humor is something I always laugh at Always remember me and keep In touch. Love Alwa~s. Ani B-man, B·master. Beavers+woodchucks are your favorite furry animals. Soph. English. Our lockers are reunited! Pet the Panther GOF. squeezing my butt. Following Karen+ Brenda. Driving you home from school all the time. Heathers! Is your jacket dark green. navy. or black. Love. Kristin Kelley Hey Dave! Peggy Mayne. Florida, Scott P. Sitting in Basement for .:5 hrs. Because of BobQ. Driving w;o license on wet tar on wet tar on NW and getting stopped. Buttons and Bows. True Stories. Thanks for taping Freedom Fest. Breaking AP's horse from England. Softball picnk·plctures+camera falling in pool. 3 George concerts. Car lost in fog. Hitting my dad wj raft in pool. Me cutting your hair w; electric ravor. Making awful drinks for Joseph and Elizabeth. Magazine from La. Block Parties JC. I guess that's about It! Love, Jill B. Mater- I love you for your sweaty palms, your demented poetry (You are poet Lariate of the WI you fluffy bunny warrior you!) and the B. Critters you rove me. Somebody next year I know you'll write and tell the Mayor how wonderful she was. Until then. you can talk about her, + Judy. and Roberta (like you even had her) your (slave) forever B to the 5th power- (Butt Is in there twice) You are so huggable ... and no .. . I'm not anorexic. You make me laugh, Dave. Thanks for that. Remember Prlncetonian Diner, BIO class, the movies Little Shop of Horrors. Gym and the talks of naked athletes. Nightmare Date. and my house. We hardly talk yet I know that I could run to you any time. Maybe I'll give it a try. Don't forget to give me a hug! Love. Jen V. Turquoise Underwear 7th grade. U were mine Windshield Wipers on Volvo's LBI YMCA 8th grade leader of the pack grad. party wj pool special Olympi<:s $600 Pizza Do you know where MSF is? KKCLuck 7 notll Drooling at poor boys Miss sally I lost Waldoll back comer pd. 2. We Juv hippy chic Bye Bye Toyota Love Jill (Chlzm) Calling the cops on you with my moped. yelling at you for locking my keys in the trunk, always calling you and saying we were Anna. Crashing CS dad's car. Calling AM for your parents car. getting pulled over on a newly paved road-BYE Love Nicole Purple Skl Pants. Bizarre XMas Gifts. Bite-It doesn't Hurt. Sugarcubes, mini recorders. Are you sure you weren't in AP2 last year? Roberta AP exam review. good for doughnuts Can your mom come over? Jan Spaz wj a beer-" allke?" WI meetings-fleet bad poetry, Pizza$, Arcadia Fan (at heart}, 1st to drive home wf me. Walk Home-l'm sleeping. Wrestling. Twin Peaks. Snow Days Potato Chip-Emerg. Breakthru? 1 am your female counterparl. People will think we' re together. Music Mac! I Love you. Kylie Minogue (locomotion) That produce againlll Wise Rebecca Wisor Sally. Where's Waldo, sign up sheets, Gym. VBP, floss your teeth. Fizz, plug ln. touch bases. leader of the pack, Kristen Is Rita, I'm pool queen. YMCA. thanks for the rides, Dominic, FAME. Boogie, sorry about the Toyota, Rib-it SGS. LBI. Never forget the memories! Love. Kelly 1have 1thing to say-1 am not BS. Always remember VBP. you're a

vb leech. Dissed for Cotillion? Spinning me on gym floor. Sally-QKI " And Johnny said .... " Hi Ki. HoCo Coca-Coley Rich petition. Back of room posse. No Raj. no Ree-Run. no rent. Hey hi hi I am Shirley. Carty Simon party. Stewarts. go to the C w; CS? OLS Mrs. M.-don't do that Put da pen don" Scaring BA, candy apple. Good Luck always. I'll miss you. Love. Jill #1 Grammar school days: Aijons- It's not far! I can't feel my feetcarry mel! I'll never get up the driveway! Soup Kitchen! Burger King, Nutcracker! We had fun! Love ya-McGrath Two words sum it up: jajealways playing. don't know how and haganoga-never playing, but we know how Love ya-You 're a lot of fun Remember only 1 to a chairMissy David, I'm glad I got to know you-your quite Interesting! " wedding -ring", ~-legged B-ver" ll All the abuse In the hallways!" Long live the Neutrons!" Love-Murph Beaver: Stop pushing my chair! Mil's class-thank God I'm out! Never forget my red glove or me and ow and Tee-Ball! My dad was the coach! Are you the kid that used to drool a lot? Good Luck, I'm going to miss you and your Beaver! Love, Becky RICH KfKESI Are you still going out with Nicole? You don't care though light: Yeah that's what I though . Don't ever forget that night In the Poconos with those 2 cases I will get BJ for you an Scott. Remember all those late nights at Denny's and fighting with the drunks. Scott has butter on his head. Let's play Back and red. 1only got 14 right. After graduation, lets go pound somewhere. Bathroom is outside to the left. SZ KABOOM: NL's; Tree farm: Billiards; fizz; Orlando's; MM's Tullipan's; Karpattl's' Denny's; V-ball at BB's; MCCC: Too many . .. ": LBI '92; 1st drag. from Ricky Valenzuela You 're as cool as ice!!! I'm too sexy for my cat!!! Love ya, Patti Rick Keneski pd. 2. back comer u left us. The Pit NL Party 11 you passed out. JR TM-shh Flipper waiting in the driveway for you 20 mins. UR great glad we had 20 classes together! love. Jill Yol " What's going on? " History class-Romano, Wrobo, Chappyl- incredible! You and Rick race-St. Joe's·i won;too fast ·Ever in Rhode Isles look me up! 8 ball in the side plcket·Heineken-delicio us never bitter-Theo Ever since the 1st day I saw you I thought that your were the hottest guy-its a shame you 've always had a girlfriend we could have had some fun- we still can --·LF pd. 2-Where·s Rick Kekeski? fun class huh? Jr. yr. C204, what a madhouse. We had the most fun. Remember all the times we played, pool, hung and talked about girls. Yol Who's Melissa. good luck next year! Later Zola Hey, locker buddy! This year is the best! I'm glad you came Soph. year and became 1st in homeroom. Remember slapping our hands to hard last year. How's your girlfriend? Why does that girl come to your locker? Who's camera is that? Can I have it? It's been fun! Love, Kristin Rich, where's my shelf anyway? do U have any gum or money? thanks Good Luck in the future. Luv ya, Leea One day I want to be just like you, yeah right you dork·Seiler Contessi? Kyte, per. 5 . .. wanna thumb wrestle? Crucial Trig InfoMillstone Ride. Just a bid sense of direction?!? Always remember that we're being spoonfed. " The Weasel " . Weezer Retreat. you snor· ing like a b--·· , Katzenbach drag racing (that I won), seat change In Sally's class, my petition. JC's hyena laugh, Where's Waldo? All I can say is that I would be taking Gym naked if It wasn't for the convenient location of your locker and that you better not snore in Florida. I hope to whip your butt In pool sometime. your locker· mate, David KRISTIN KtLLfY 1am so glad we've been such great friends all 4 yrs. here. I can 't believe its over. Where did all the time go? I still remember the first time we ever spoke. At soccer try-outs Frosh yr . . And I said to you (I talked 1st. not you) " Are you Matt Kelley's sister?" We've had alot of great times together. All of o1.1r NYE's at Dawn's Frosh yr.. Wild· wood, Jr. Prom. 4am walk at your house (sorry about that). Our football game. Go-Go's, Gravity Hill. 1-800-BETHANY (Me. you, and Pesce) TOTAL!! Ewing girls lipstick. NY (Me, you, AM, DJ. DB, OM) Our fun times at soccer camp- always getting in trouble-Tara and Liz with the skittles. Our team ruled last yr. Singing in PMF Parking Jot· Boys 2 men. Never forget soccer·Frosh yr how we always got yelled at and how mean GC was to us. Me and you right and left fullbacks. Sophomore yr. was the best · the senior players were great that yr. there was so many great memories but I can't write them all. You 're a great person and friend and I'll never forget you. We'll KIT. I love ya. Fanelli PS·Why were we never in the same lunch I Love you I We have had nothing but good times for 4 yrs. Sorry If I was a snot In Freshman Geometry. I hope I've made ups for it by now! Never forget: My BDay party fresh. yr. (you went crazy w; your camera), Gee I'm a tree, Go Fly a Kite. calc 1·2, GO's, Brandon, you, me, + Bridget (.3 amigos}, you+ me-calc. Study parties ALWAYS, ecto· cooler, procrastination, crazy socks, me shaving your hair (oopsll), Baby Project Video, marriage project Andrew's ti es, Sieben 's wrestling matches, Bridget falling out of her seat Is Sally's class, thumb wrestling wf BethAnn, Tritt's locker room joke in calc, your many men ... mostly horror stories!. your surprise B· day party sr. yr .. my Incredible driving skills. getting pulled over at 12am in Hlghstown (55 in a 25 and not even a warning!} How did I pull that one oft? vtsiting Alyson when she got her wisdom teeth out. Ms. Henkel, Miss Liptak, Krimpet, Sally + all other wonderful teachers we' ve had, bear hugs, They Might Be Giants, Soup Kitch '92. my moods (sorry), you and your brother's phone wars, silly putty B·Day present, softball tryouts freshman yr.-you were my part· ner, remember??, Our english skit In Miss Henkel's class, #11 you, me. Nick, and Jen v., and all of the good time we've had very day!! Kristin. 1 will miss your smile+ c:ominess so much next yr. You better KIT Thanks for being such a great friend! Love, Jenn (Odie) " She's Always Happy" Dude, you're the bestl Never forget BRO! bro-ball and the Gym award. Math is the greatest-from Gee I'm a tree wf Clndy+curls (remember that), skip soph yr. w; Gloriann, to 2 yrs. of Calc: " Shut up Kristin Kelley!" , "Bridge, tell Brandon to shut up!" I would have but I'm too damn nice·oops, lockeroom language making fun of BN and CS sometimes. Andrew's ties+studying for the exam W/ Jenn+the echo cooler (You Kept me up past my bed-time!}· Re· member the soup kitchen (1991) when we mat Larry Hogs w/ the steel tip boots. How about in '92 when we missed the U2 tickets? Shopping at the Salvation Army, trying on clothes w;o dressing rooms ... •· When are u going to drive me home?" . . . " Do you think Sandy will recruit me for soccer? " .. . " You tell him sister!" ... Remember George Gilbert+ the baby video, Kojak sock home· made shorts, rollerskating, and (of coarsel) Judy. " Do u want to see my bruises? I have enough-falling off my chair in religion on+ th· rough the bleachers at the soccer game. How about driving stick shift in the Nor. ·Halloween: Pippy turns s- , You always knew I worked on Perry St. Never forget my $6 phone bill, mornings wj Karen, and stealing Lippy's candy. Hey if I ever change my name to Kristin would you call me Kristin to the 1-'1 power? Get back to me on that! Oh! 1 almost forgot to mention South Broad Street·my shopping district. Love ya dude! love, Bridget Hey, say, what's up "K" ? What an adventure its been. How many times can you drive to Wildwood in one day if you don't get out of the car? (Except to get the parking tickets on hour windshield. Volleyball on the beach, by your house, swimming all summer long. HOT DOG JOHNNY'S RULES! Beaching· man! the dishes are done man! Me the dark-tan man, painting with Russel Brown., Hoagies on the roofl Dairy Queen every day, Yogurt all night. Wallyball! (WHO'S THE DROOLER?) Lime greenjello? #1 Girl's Soccer Fan. (boy was it cold at night games!) TRENTON STATE· What a cute leprechaun! What do you do w;Denny's cheese fries? (Stick them under the cushions) SKIING in the rain, boy what paint My name's Jeff if·you need me I'll be waiting down in the Ski Patrol Building. ALL·NATU· RAL SKI BUNNY (not a Kamikaze Manahan) Gotta be the Instructor.

Christman shopping l!t no card! NOT A AIR HORN LOUDER THAN YOU. KRISTIN the photogenic Wildwood person SEASIDE AFTER THE PROM, Becky and the garbage can. SURPRISE Party, with 800 tons of confetti. Through all the ups l!t downs you 've been like another sister to me, someone who carps, critizes, and is great to argue with! HAHAHAI (NAHI it has truly been an experience and friendship I will never forget! Dave " the sympathy seeker" Brenner P.S. As you travel down the road of life, watch out for the curb. 1miss my morning hug. I think that you're the only person with a bigger mouth than me. Rocky loves M & M's. Thanks for always being there! Love " T" ND girls soccer #1 I'll miss Ul Gd luck Anne. Fellow LeBaron Driver l!t English scholar, what fun I had this year, because you were a part of it. You are a fun person to be around, thanks for being there, for myself for sharing part of the N.D. exper· ience like kickball, and Physics. See you on the Road, or on the soccer field· Dave Martinez. B·wardlll, being mean to you on the phone, being Friend nice this year, AM, BA. me and you in English. BA's elf shoes homeroom memories, snooping In your room, por· nopix, head shaving. Heather's at my house, Cotillion, your Ius· clous behind, WPST, my hook-up Inquiries pet the panther, GOF, Kekissme, Sally's unique teaching style, Where's Waldo?. tailing Ms. H + R. I know I'm forgetting a million thins but I just had to tell you that you always being there and supporting me through thick and thin. Call me. Chris Sieben My Mom's a jeep J.B. T. Satan. You are a friendly person. R. Test K. from Cron. Your Un bel. The song UR Un bel WW was a fun trip Love Malloy Thumbwrestling. elf shoes, Confoy's English comer, front row seats for Sally Love BethAnn Gravity Hill-maybe, s- 1 U2, Monmouth, exercise-NOT! What are you guys eating today? Luv, Kristina Bratty, Ms. Clark biology class Sophomore year: Eigh deen. Lunch Jr. yr. every Monday I had a story for ya. Big hair Luv Ya Brat Kris· Will you please learn how to spell your last name the correct. Irish way! It's KELLY, Not Kelley. I missed not having our lockers next to each other this year. Never forget Sr. retreat. you drive too fast! Don't forget homeroom. Cards rule always, Mets sucklll Good luck next year· I'll miss you Love·Jen Kelly Frosh year I hated your Fighting over BP, were we nuts? Fanelli party· the rocking chair· I love him! Jr. Prom-the shore-the garbage can. Post-exam Shin Dingl4am walk-not too cold! Our parties! Don't run through my land scapingl I'm really gonna miss you-my shopping buddy! Thank God we got over Bob! Never forget all our good times! I love you. Becky You are so cool and a great volleyball player. Good luck In col· lege. Come visit me in the video store. From the best server Love, Chrissy s Where the F is Gravity hill? Good Vib. Gym. Always Eating AM 's BDay. History, Homeroom Love ya Babe AnnMarieHey Kristin, fellow VP! Stop messing up my hair·l know you think it's funny but IT'S NOT!! I was so upset that you weren' t in our homeroom this year·NO, I wasn't. Then, I would have had you and Alyson picking on me early in the morning. By the way I'm not your personal messenger. I won 't deliver this note to Alyson and I won 't keep track of her anymore:}ust kidding! Skiing was a blast-or should I say falling was a blast. I don't think what I did could be called skiing. How's your scar? I'm sorry I scared you with my driving maneuvers-especially since It was your first time driving with mel And I'm not Midori Ito. Thanks for the letter on retreat-it meant a lot. Florida will be-should be·was FUN!! KIT. Always remember that you 've got a friend in PA-visit me! I'll always remember that I've got a friend who can do a wicked airhoml Love, Nicky Frosh yr.· "Are you Kris Gaynor?"·please don't beat me up. Sr. yr.·" what's your problem" by the way-Happy B-day. Sorry.4am who wants to go for a walk. " that's the way It has to be ... cause that's that's the way I like it." HOAGIESIJI You know everything nowl Shhh! I stopped it all! B52 's for 2 live crew. My Sherburt Shakes, Jeopardy on Nintendo, Say " Ho" ·VEECH·Aughl MADA·the bracelet. CM·"this has got to stop" per. 6. Fireplace F , wallf , aluml· num chair f , waiting for Mr. D to pttch the ball, chasing the ball In the WOOdsl'iiJJ of ticks. Fanelli's party· " my legs feel numb." Thanks for always being there 4 me-l love you·and of course, Peter, too. I'm his love slave! he loves me, too, he knows itl Love·Kris Gaynor AJ&KK BFF, sweetheart, pumpkin, " Mr. Thumb" , pig, pa· diddle, thumper, rabbit, frisky, teddy bear, driving wfo a llcense·l'm just the rebel! headlights, parking, honey, BRIGHTS Wildwood and being sick, chocolate peanut butter ice cream, funnel cake, DBQ raspberry Mister Misty, " More than Words" , " She's got a Way" , 1 love your smulwe-,1", " Just the Way you are", Lenny, lane change, Oliver Raseo and Bongo, Louis and AJ, 4am walk, beach volleyball, Lebaron convertible-NOT! Denny's bodes. Squeeze, Guess what . .. Guess what . . . cuddling. " this is the life!'', summer of '91-it was the best. carting your butt around all summer!, Miss Henkel. Krimpet Miss " G" II, physics study group, softball rots! Cherry cheesecake· Golden Dawn • $2.00min. per person; yeh right!, J. Crew presents, Duke #1! Me want hug!, please don't take my sunshine away, BM, EW, EM-all your men, I can't take it!, raspy, sleeping in my car after RT's party, Mermaids, Mystic Pizza, 101 Dalmatlons-b--·in dude! you 're awesome and I wouldn't change you if I could· You're the best! Love Always, Alyson Mudprints in the landscape-4am walk, U2 +Alarm= friendship, Dep· eche Mode wall f.-you 're sick·l'm smelly " party van" ·ticket " I don't want to smell I'm sitting-oh s .. .1" mel!tu r good luck charms· remember beach after jr. prom-volleyball-killer pyrmaid· home· room-killer hugs-thanks for the memories-Jess Stop clapping! Who's driving?, Can you get a ride to my house! Behind captains· not in front not even-BEHIND! My arms are sensitive! I hate passing wf you! Wanna race·NOI PAL·I shut you down: (HAl!) Some say love it Is a river· DO DO DO DO DO DODO DOl High School was great! Good luck In college! Love, McGrath I'm glad we got to know each other this year. English class was a lot of fun and retreat was the best! You always seem to know the right thing to say-you always kept me smiling. Thanks so much! Good luck in all you do. Love, Amy A. What a difference a year makes!? Stud( groups, Davel!tAiy· son, NYC Christmas time, EctoCooler, Bamb, Labs, Krempet on Physics Give me a scream, Skiing. wallyball; LeBaron comparison Martinez is a distance runner, did you know that. Picture this Kelly l!t James auto Repair shop, What ya think! Thank you for always listening and trying to understand my screwed up life. Good luck In the future, If you ever need me I'll always be there. Love, Drew How many classes have we been In together since soph year? Junior year, I saw you ever pd., everyday! Remember French W/ Mrs. Kaplan, Calc wjMrs. Z, clueless chemistry wjMrs. K, History WfMr. M, and gym wjMr. Bioi Glad I got to know you. Keep working on your graphs! Whenever you need English help. call meTin-Wow! We made it only because of the Indigo Girls, my board is cleaner, you make me laugh. ewl Nice look! Please learn to spell your name! I love youl Ten 1·800-Bethany-lnformation Line?? Behind Bradeless·Yes I did! Wayne is one Resti·You Love himl Soccer+ Softball Rules! I Love your Pesce 4am walk, REM rules, Depeche concert (Backing up on highway) U2 " Kris Kelley Jelly Belly" " Did ya kiss him?" JKI HAl HAl Good Luck w; everything! Go find GHI Love Holly If you were gay·l'm not saying you are, would you be attracted to a gay bee? I just want to be loved-Is that so wrong. Your such a poopll Love ya cutie, Freshman cuts for B ·ball oh well I luved your slum· ber parties-truth or dare. Are you + AI getting married? I'm jealous ok?·iuv Adrienne I would like to thank AM for always being there for me. You are my best friend always and forever. Thanks KG, LK, CF, TF, DB, DJ, EM, BM, BB, for always being there when I needed you AJ, DB, DJ· Physics Lab Group and study group-we are the best! Well love Suzie! NOT! JK. BK, HH, Cf, AJ, KG·4am walk, my shing dings, SHAG, wall, brick! Calc. class-We've had the greatest family since frosh year. BB&JO·BN Is mine, he's going to be my tutor (personal) CF&DM· captains wf total control! S~ thanks! Tara, " T", I'll miss you next

year! please quit! M&'Ms w; your dog, soccer camp, attitude, nice hair! JJ are you going to play ~oa f? EM-loosen up, dude! BM· UNBE· UEVABLE. Sally, Karen, l!t Ltppy, Krimpet loves physics! Thanks again sunshine! Thanks to everyone, its been funl U2 Rules! EW· Why do you run? Love, Me JtN KELLY To Plunk, Beth , Cindy and Angelo: Don't you ever pull that stu with Kermit again. I will never forgive any of you, especially Plunk frog! Love all of you-thanks for everything! even the Trig was fun. Mr. M. really knows what' going on. Good luck G luck wf Ang. and with school. Love Jen Get your foot out of my " butt". How about that Senior Retreat. Religion and Gym class. Fred Procaccini My name is J·e·n·n+f·e·rll How's the jaw, want another twinkl maybe you 'll finish eating before the bell rings chipmunk chee My hom fell out!! Thanks for all the laughs. r.<>ve, Lidia Will som body put the F'n cap on the DAMN mayonnaise jar!!! Eternal PMS Editor-we loved ya anyway. Best of Luck+ Keep Smil ingl C·YA " Red " Chrissy D Hey babel Jeeeennn Keeeellllyyy. YOu are the babe. Stay wonder ful llc kind. Good luck in everything you do & the best of luck in th future. Love, Marian Football games: surprise party at Ground Round; PowderPuff I retreat; Wildwood; Dorney Park; spirit days: lunch pds.: my party movies; ~inners: " Bill vs. Angelo"; ''I'm late"; gym; religion class: ~~-~c~:tt; group sleepovers: Thanks for Grandpa; KIT; 1 LOV " Red", " Don't call me Jennifer!", What would I have done wf you on prom ni~ht (we should've gone in!) Nice to get the guy 1 to like! ~ustjokmg) . Thanks for always being there for me. You are ~~~~e V~l friend ! Please stay in touch! I'll always love yal Love, Gap Kids· I kept that job long! Remember who you saw at your b stop. Gym, Lunch! Love, Katie Jen Kelly, always remember you party, mini golf, and all the fun we had. Good luck in college. I know we will always be good frien Love, Chrissy Shinn Logic class, Powder Puff Jr. Park and Party, I can 't believe you ' maki~g me wear thl~" Why did you stick your finger in Beth's stereo, walt I ve got chapshck Gap vs. The Limited. I'll miss you Jen but we'll always KIT + I know we'll always be friends. Take care + Love ya always Teresa Hockey is the only sport that counts, remember thatl l'm glad you made it to the party, sorry you couldn 't stay longer. 1 predict that the Flyers will win on Sat Flyers are #1 Good luck in college l!t w{ Angelo, KIT Amy What can I say to the red-head from St. Louis who has the same last name but spelled wrong? Our lockers have always been next to each other. I'm glad yours got stuck this yr. Always remember history wf you drooling over AC It's good you guys got together. Thanks for always beating me up. Wisdom teeth don't hurtl Really! You 're cool! Don't change! Love, Kristin Hey chipmunk! Always remember: The Plunkett mobile, Fran·s party. Plunk, " She chews like a cowl", Hello, Woody, get your foot out of my -·1. Strike 2, Twix, " Hey you big stud ... ". inspector lJadget. stupid head, Kermit. Kim who?, Nark (on the floor) , Teresa IS stuck in the tape deck!, wrinkle, " Bessy milked in her pants again, you have to put l'flildrive to move know what 1 mean Jellybean?, Ready Freddy!, " I never even saw that car!" Good luck next year! KIT! Love always, Plunk Leprechaun, frog lady, " give me a name" drawings in notes, Do 1 have bubble gum? We skipped mass-once, softball , candystripping. Paul on the stairs-your scream! Bad luck W/ lunch tables. the Donahue Show. The nark, Jr. Park+ Party-you were so excited! Powder Puff, the quarter Incident, how is 'he' doing? Blonde Jokes, bad jokes, Gap Kids, Neato Libido! Dad Vall Regatta, Kermtt! Betsy milked in her pants! Wisdom teeth. yearbook dead·lines. Racing on 95. Teresas in my tapedeckl Your many looks. BBJ + BBB. You 'll always be my best friend. Love BBB Jen I really don't know what to say. but I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for me and all you mean to me 1thank you for all the support you gave me throughout our relationship. Remem· ber the accident. what an ordeal! 1just wanted to say I love you, and I will NEVER forget you. Good luck at Elon. Love ya babe!l Angelo Kr:LLY KtRWICK HI Maxine Salimander. Cool man: NOT. Remember Chicken ai· ways give you flem, HA Hal Mrs. 0 , if you gaine Its neg, if you lose its pos. Better keep that Itch under control. We've had a lot of great times together. I've enjoyed every single moment with you. Even the time you got a flat tire on Rt 1, when you hit that curb. 1 can·t walt to got to Europe to find myself and open up a tattoo place. Remember Christmas night by the tree? What about the pit. I got mono that weekend. Mr. Wrobo loves you. Stiken smoke. Skunk Cabbage. We will go horse back ridding this summer. Lets go pick up Mikey. first time we went to the Pit to see NY, was your first date. KKK . .. Chop Buster. What's up buttercup. Can't have ice cream wf o whipped cream. Love ya, FOREVER Seanyll Don't forget about the man who taught " Wendy" how to do a back flip. How about those fun memories at the playground!! The Guido girl that I really like, totally changed, but guess what. 1 still like that great kissing girl!l-<:hris Thank you for letting me wear your beautiful shirt. I'll never wash my torso again. Love, David " the lockmaster" Kelling Hey Kell: You dissed your man l!t that was cold. Don' t do it again OK? All those mornings, all the rape dreams, & when you spit on the floor. We was even in homeroom together once. Remember those talks about mast- tion on the bus. Take some singing lessons· (Just kiddin)l Love, Chris Thanx for running the track sheets over! I hope Kelly Kontagious Kerwick feels better Best of Luck+Keep Smllln'! C·YA Chrissy D. Wassup girl? Thanks for being real cool to me. Thanks for totally losing that button In my carl-take the bus. Woody: Kelly Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. How's Scott? Jr. Prom was cool, but we are loser. We need more people at the table! thanks Kell Doug. " Owen has no friend" Basketball, "What's this in the sink." Your favorite bracelet. " Let's dig a hole In the sand." Tense moments at Seaside SL, RM, (JL) Summer '91, The Highstown Game, " If I don't do this I'll never forgive mysetr· " Kmiec, lmav" " Get off my leg Larry" . Rice Pudding. catch a Rising Star, water at Seaside " If the girls weren 't here'" Get out and push the jeep + we'll take off in it Kel. thanx for being there 1 love you. Kerwick· " What's that Noise?" ·Darren Many classes+homeroom: gym wuz fun: long talks: guy troubles (Fell Scot. Sean) Alwuz late; changln In b-room; Kos. dissed; Glad we're friends: KIT: L. Ya·Cathy K. Remember when I fell down the ramp? Scott's Jeep, Did you Jay out today? CC and SuperBowl at Locane's, New Year's at Tom·s history notebook, What is she thinking? EP when 1cried over vasti, Walt until I get alone with her in the bathroom! KIT, FF, Luv Lori Hey girl! You R the ultimate reformed burger-bit! Never forget Manesquan and that guy that fell in luv wf U, when you hooked w{ Le capitol Bon for the 1st time, your Rosey dreams that died-The Rose Is dead!. the snoring boy, Jamming in the dark by candle light. Brown eyed girl, R U gonna run track?·NOT, We've had a lot of fun times, you 've been a great listener, and know that I'm always here for you! (especially at lam) good luck in everything. Jluv yal Leigh HI K2. there's no pressure to take control, I'm flexible, I like aggressive women. I'm too funny honey! It's the truth, Ruth, Kelly, I feel like I've known you for 10.5 years, If I'm lien I'm dlelnll Jay, what's that on your nose? It's my way or the highway. 1 like those eyes kisses. You 're a cutie. Do you have butterflies? Remember our songs: DOO DOO Brown, can't have Ice cream without whip cram, she lives on love street! What about my dad telling me to get good job because you eat too much. I think you're hiding me from your friends. Non neckless wearer. I guess that's the difference between you and me. You owe me REEB, NOT. You are probably saying.


Yeh hello" You don't owe you REEB. maybe. if you don't get me some that's OK I'll just be mad for .:5 days. then after that I'll be fine. That will be the last thing you 'll do. Can't have the cake and eat It too. Better put socks on we're going to the pit. When you get home you can you can put my slipper socks on. We have a doodly band. but we're not going to use it. Lets go on the floor. This bed is too noisy. Shh. Want some soda pop. Just wipe the cherry off. Later XOXO can't stop XOXOXOI Maxi

fRIK KLOTZ What's that smell! Drive faster! Remember cows kick! What's that # again! My manager d isturbed mel Thanks for becoming a PAL. Next time it will be an hour and a half. Thank you for the rides and for the half hour. I'm glad I finally go tot know you-Good luck and kill your f. Love, Chris Giglio PS.Cows kick I Freshman Football, You ' re the dirtiest!! Physics was fun. Lunch Tables were the best. Guess who was there before you were?·Ha·Ha· Ha·Hal!! Scott Hey Nazi! I know you' re a war criminal . Never forget Mrs. Mcgraw's class. so much fun . Keep selling those shoes. Jeff CATHY KONTOYANNIS Mom + Dad: Thanks for your support. I Love you. Athena + Oemetrios: Best wishes + success in years to come. 1 love you. 0: Spit on window-yuck; f.fites in front; frts-52/ lhr. clicker Hte; broken collarbone+ broken nose+ broken leg=what's next? NYE '91; strait Alke-neva forgetll C'mere C'mere C'mere WHATI·Hal Irene T·blg visia; dream-everybody back in SpSh. Thanks for ever· ythingl A:hangin'up-it was Kathy PI-phone fites: clothes fites. UR not a mistake!. Jx's dwn stairs-hold on tight! Bald Eagle Now what?· ALO; Now-wake upll' m tried!! How much$ do I owe you? Thanks for everything! NL, PL. CB. JK: Thanx 4 bringing me + " my·family" everywhere! I appreciate itl Mom, o , A. NL, CK: door windows watch in' CO across st.·spylng!JRS: SO. G. Times (PS) small fltes,l'll call u back! (U. KC, I'Y. CB, Mel-Track! Thankx 4 everythln': LYACathy MF: I won't tell . I promise. I can 't believe U did that! 0/L JM: Hey sweetie. I'm gonna miss ya. Thankx 4 ur watch. U + PY? Nuts 0/L AR: Sen. Auct. $4mewhy? You' re a cutie. I'm ~onna miss ya. KIT. I'll come see ur soccer games! G/ L W f Everythmg LYa-cathy OW: Soc wuz fun . •NP+MC 4eva·NOT: getting in trouble pds. 1. 7, 0/L JF: Call at 12:.:50dmk: Funny! Nice to stop by 0 / L James B: Fr. Yr., Soph. Yr.• long talks, gym meetings. (U. Me. Bek. Tuch) U+MarieT-u no u liked her; U+Bek: Me+VA (prom) didn't work-Qh well! Bek mess up (NOT) "What's the occasion" ? Notes-1 ALWAZ wfb don't tell BP! Call c;w John F. 12:.:50 A.M. dmk; U neva stopt buy " I called U" . Thankx L. Ya. Cathy. Vince A: JRYR (Crush) Jen Gib - U want her; talks. notes. mooch. hooch. hangin out. TM-Hook. Yearbook message ULM uno it. I'll always care. Thanks for everything. I'm gonna miss you. G/L l. Ya - Cathy. Pete S: Rem: late talks. hangin out " Yesterday" "Retarit" (Many more) calls dwnstrs: Mom hates me! Rem. Lawrenceville Park (Meeting place) thoughts our bet; goals by end of year; "dream girl" Hal My house. ur house-1 havta B home by 10:00 4/R UR girlz (KC, LS. KN, NL) Sue 0 . introduced us; mer 0. helped; f • ballgames; Ciro's r fltes; notes; tapes; songs. " We belong" "save up all UR tears" U want my sis; rides home; KB • hates me, dirty looks "The media, combat boots = firemenll; GRK GRLZ = best. house husband. hour wedin; U complicate things . . . U little r BIG MIS.. TAKE .. . Uno it ... it'll click! Thanks a lot I'm gonna miss you o;L. Ya ·Cathy. All U JR llt Soph Girlz: NS and rest. U no who UR I L. Ya . Not! Jim Car: Hi! Glad we met. Ur a cutie. Don't change GL w; everything: L. Ya ·Cathy. NL, CK, PY, CB: " Take It to the Bridge" Posse I love ya Guys. Thanx 4 the memories. BFFI MM: 1 XW anymore: U2R cute Gf L wf him. Don't hate me OK? Acntlng wuz fun. Rem: R dirty looks. fttes·many, finally frenz; diet talks: Thank L. Ya Cathy OH: Law wuz fun. Pen shoots into oblivion. Teachers: Mr. Rotondo, Miss Liptak. Mrs. Regan, Mr. Gus, Mr. Schultz: Thanks for your support throughout the years. Cat-Woman! AL + ML-Frosh yr. loves! Men are scum! CB and Hock· ey Games! He's engaged! Ewing girls.Cooi·NOTI P5- He's Hot-Combat boots=firemen's boots! Yeah, I'm going to the wedding. I'm gonna miss you + I love you, Becky You 've been a good friend , sorry about getting you in trouble and hitting u w; the ball in gym. Don't forget " chicken legs" Love, Chrissy Shinn Kath, U'nALfroshyr.• 1st friend (U were late). PMF, parents + us=twins. History (oppression), all classes 2gether. Halloween, eggs IMagooddriver. where's Lisa? skipping Riley (me crying), CB, ow. OJ, MO. LM. chasing Steve Repko. TJ n Stienert boyz. soccer games. GMig (what a mess!). lluvyall UR the best. Glad we R friends. KIT Luv. Leea Can 1 P w; o u? RU Kathy K? Our bet BM·BS I got mine where's urs better off w; o ·em beep beep wave-the other way homeroom secrets (2many 2 serious)-JB " oh ha ha·YiaSou" BM, BC, JM, BS, RS. PS. WG, SS, JS candien men-big phone bill·men 2 many problems. LM·hey Jill A is my friend Cot'91 I'm not there-than" mom Ice skate Halloween EGG5-go Boots-no throw- " ok. I need your advice" -it's always the best. basement movie JK. RS + KK. PS gotta get d 2gether Rouselle's doesn't count! RU going home after sr. prom? U can live w; me. homeroom, 4yr.=best of friends UR my life thanx Love ya always. Jessica Yo Katenna, CatWomen. eggroll, hairy. It just goes on!. " good" driver, mujer con nene, the priest Let's feed, ur chair. gettln' on my nerves-what fun!. my cuz·JS. Mikey·s house, sirl?l, the Canadians. ur taping answering machine, "let's cut", Prd. 6 mole string in face. Bl\ fites. the frosh dream, fallin table, ankles, in gym class+ Hallway+parking lot. nice hair, Denny's spit ball. my wild folder spring. R ya ready get?? oh gotta take a shower. our men: BS, VA, JF, LK, LM. PS. BG, JS+ ES. NR, PK, NF, KK. OS, etc . . . Will we ever learn? Urgettin loud!. ya-1 can fitel Berry-mellow, Cotillion:Jr, yr., drenched at every event!, snowday wj JF-him getting mad at u saying " hi". There's just so much, u ·ve been one of my bestest friends. thanx 4 all the memories+ ur ear stay sweet 4 ever-u greeking, love ya Cinderfineggrollblockhead Kath·Aiways remember-talks in the moming-HouseParties·what's going on this weekend?·NS+sophs-Gotta luv 'urn (NOT) BG, MM. MC. MC (JO)-The Boyfriends-ER·Football game-Retreat·lunch·Summer- Some Nott. girls-cool Steinert girls-stink LuvYa. Vanessa Halloween Jr. Yr. UN, BB. NM+CK-M+Ms YOu can have OK. Boring! Wrestling matches Alan·Rich 21 Oh Please. Old you discet yet? Yes! Pick the losers. Wrong finger Mr. Kl Lots more 2 Luv Nicole Kontoyannis- " are you sure your father isn't zeus?" • Darren Hi hon-Well a lot has changed these past four years. For the better. Never forget: The car games. .:5 strikes and you 're out, JS+JS (yours and mine) Oissed all the time. BK " I don't have to answer to you " Our BO arguments (We were stupid) " I think I'm cute " PS, BS, MC and A. t, o , o , w, b, g. o (Franklin Mills KFIOS) Prom '91 w; the water Me hooking up w; DB, The Parties C.B.P.Y.C.N.L. • The take It to the bridge possee-Summer 92-s gonna be the best! C· Ya I love Ya Nikki L 2-17: Jefferson Thomas. I sat on that! we RV. Gulp It down, Rubber Cookies, coat jacket. yearbook In the dark. Learn to shoot qrt It's Ginger Ale!, MACNRIOE·I'II come over. Yl cup!. Choc. Pits. scud row. Mario Cup, Green eyes= Beer, across the crowded cafeteria. CNFME, driving lng's, Halloween: EE·falls out a car: Eggs: Govbts, bus rides. soccer games. my " stories" everyday. KIT Cath-we've had some great tlmes-1 love ya·Bek Soc+ law-running down h-ways. Is .:5 all your can drink? Beating up AL, KS. LG, KY, NS, OM, MM, LY. BK·Love 'em all. Look out for people flying through b-room doors. Oissed on Halloween. Sheldon. WG loves you not NS TSChere we cornell Swike·n-Larry Duff· wake up! Constance. 18 is only around the comer. SO. NS. JO, enuf said! Love Ya·KIT Chris Remember when my car got stuck in the mud? Funny wasn 't it. Let's skip Religion, we have prayer. Keep in mind all the fun we had in Accounting even though she wouldn 't let me sit near you. We

should hang out more often. When I was feeling down you cheered me up with your good looks and personality. Thanks a lot. Tell your brother I said HI. SZ ~0

KOPeRA " Keep shooting the rock ZAP" We are the kings of the beach ... Bomber 4yr. locker mater Your the man·So Sexyl Confoy and Sally's class! Never forget all of our fights and all of the good times Good Luck In all you dol I'm gonna miss you and I love you. Becky! What up man? Clearsil and Noxema rule. Sue Is my love. I love her so much! ''I'm #1 in Basketball ... I'm great dude" AL house at LBI .. . I love beer! -Lak Morv·Love M.J.P. See ya in the NBA·Foley At least the tie looks nice; Dude, I'm reall¥ getting a car: Driving down the shore: Legion; Kodlac+Levl; I'm so good at everything: You on National Chew Day; Life In The Fat Lanes; Rap music rules; should I get the C + R CO? the Kackl Killer has great brakes; Double B Is my best friend; I know how to get there, believe me; I'd rather be roommates with Jerry Salzano; Later dude . .... MA Pizza face, kakkl killer. OLS bbaii-Nasty. Fr. basketball, baseball. Search for Conf. II with AL, Never J 'd. o .. shootln pool with Jack. Dominoes Pizza, KPT's and Blll's-Jealous, the clap in MFL, the biggest rap fan and Lier, Sgt. Giles, Million dollar man, NO crazies. Larry ·:58 seconds left 2 down and Long . . . Ed 227 Boot Puss. No Coach I'm not throwing (I'm scared). SISSY!l! We lose (OH WELL) 000- POUND (1. 11, 26, 75) Your still an original Member ... The Brown Block (Ed take it to the hole) You were pretty good in MFL (Lucky) Play Football Ed ... Got Deed up by #5 on St. A. 's Your still NASTY!! though (.:5 Peet In Baseball baby) Do it!! (OUT) #75 It's my last chance to tell you how sexy I think you are. forever "Special Ed". Good Luck with everything. Always Remember 2 yrs of lit 2getherl Love Ya, Holly lAM phone calls-no SS isn't here! ( guess we'll talk 80 you' re not rude! We love you, Eddie! TM Yo do you know what this song is about. Watch out for them Cd's Shooting pool down your basement. khackl killer. I never lie. Mil· lion $ man. Who Invited Oomlnek. I'm saving them up. Your not cocky. Perogles Nit My my Celtic Brother! DEVILS Rule Miss Campo's class was the greatest. 91 92 NBA Champs Boston Celtlcs·"Bird" VAST! Bf:CKY KROLLMAN Thanx to all my friends who have been there for mel I' m off to London next year, but London holds nothing of what this was held for 4yrs. in my heart! I'm gonna miss you alii To my underclass friends: good luck In all you do, I'm gonna miss you ne"t year! E. F.· Mil's class-Thank God I'm out! You're too smart! Gym=how many targets did you hit? You 're a great friend! Thanks for always being there! 1 love ya! P.S.·Jame's class-too much fun! " " -remember? You're HOT! Nice combat boots·it's about time you polished them! I'm gonna miss you! M.H· Men are scum! At least you 're isn't en· gaged! Forget ESI He's not worth it! How many more times are we gonna have to listen to MM about MPI rm gonna miss your To the Cheerleaders: We've really gotten close this year! Always remember all of our fights and all of our good times! Jen Sec. don't cry! KP-My man·BBall coach! I'm gonna miss you! Good Luck to all of you! I love You. Becky. Mom and Dad-Thanks for all your support I love you! Rick-Take It from me its better to be singld Remember when I almost broke your door down? The butcher knife! And snooping for X-mas presents! I love you. I remember meeting you in Oxford Valley Mall before frosh year. Remember soccer tryouts. fighting over BOB! What a toke! 4am walk, running through your landscaping. cheerleading fs not con· sidered a real sport. Magazine captains every year. It only takes you .:50 get to my house! KIT from London! Love, Kristin It has been a great year In Miss Campo's class. Dry gas Is the best 1


~~:~r !~~iv?nryK?;i~~~?~~e; ~~· :a~n~~:.-:~:Jfo~~~~~e~~~i

Beck+Get a real name. Love ya-Bek (the other one) Beaker: lunch: Locker tltes-Ed is the man: Crai~ Is scum: R U going' 2 he wedding? I am; hockey games?! MC Ewmg girls· Yeah· NOT! Fights·where were U? 0/L in Europe: L. Ya Cathy We had a great volleyball team. Good luck in college and have fun in London. Its been great being friends with you. Love. Chrissy s. Hey Beck, I bet they don' t schit and shat in London•! Luv ya KF You so sexy! Gay Bee- I Just want to be loved. is that so wrong? Fanelli's party-can you stfll stand?·AC I don't drool. red glove. me. you. Wit In t'ball. your dad the coach.+ your sexy b-word., Love David Hey, History Buddy! I just wanted to which you good luck in college and have tons of fun in England. When you come back to visit, drop in 'cause I'll be here another year! I'll miss yaf Esther Beck, Bread'n Butter, Beaches, lluvM.O. UluvM.M .. MORP. Car'n wtch'hghmslp. M.L .. at my house (my mom was spazlng), slee· povers at UR house. PooiBalls. LBI, Bitch in' Camaro. PizzaHut. Paul M ·n the boyz on UR porch. Roy Rogers. Ghost. Hm·rm, Sally. Sr. prom. 1 luv ya. Good luck and KIT Luv, Leea P5-Howdo Uknow Jason Kellen·benz? 4am walk-It was a little cold. Me and Tara fighting at your house did we walk everyone? My party·'Tm so sorry" - " Shut up. it's OKI" Love. Fanelli Becky, Becky. Becky Becky Beckuyyy, Becky Trollmann! Are your draws crusty? Nosey! Tara S. Bread&'butter MK. BG. BM. JM. enough said pool ball ice hockey games pink lemonade and v (how could u dump that?) stolen candy go Holly, I get it French class! yell down the ball Bok·how'd I get that you're bed Is 2 hard, who RU? my b.f. LBI "short short· sucee pigs!" -Oepeche Mode-rain-beach after Jr. prom pancakes everytlme What color is Sally's underwear? Your bed Is 2 hard, footprints In the landscape, wall f·, twister, bed talks, friendly dog, cut the grass, McEwans to Moulds what a pair. thankx for everything Love always, Jess Beck Don't ever forget the time we went to that mall In Penn. Whatever tum you on. What turns you on. The Purple Turban and mercer county park when Mel. gave her keys to someone and they left w;o giving them to her Or how about the time when your alarm went off and I scared the hell out of you that was good wasn't it. Beck you need to find a man. I know just the person. He's cool. crazy. and good for you. Well rn miss you when you're away but we' re gonna keep In touch Right. Well it's about time to say Bye .. Love Rego Bee. Lou Bag! would you please analyze this .. . grapes. I really wanted that Pink Lemonade! Zoopl He's engage! Where's the MAC? Pennies, toads, Shopping and never forget eating! Ground Round surfer! Red 's Willow grove, my keys than my mind Santa' Clause he looked fake! Jennifer Oonaleyl25mph Keep your eyes on those seat belts! Ish mel ish me! CB can you fix tapes? Read me my horoscope! TGIF. no you can have him really! Teaching me to ski! Side to side Mel, side to side! Suzi chopstick! Snow angels and always lock your doors!! When you finally fly away. I'll be hoping that I serve you well, never love In vain, In my heart you will remain forever young! See you In London!! I Love You Mel Well, what can I say. We've gone through so much! SB's party Philly + BBO. "Where's the mac?" Chinese w;BJ. ice hockey games. forget CB! me+JM always-My Little Jonny Cat! Full hefty bag, coe·s-WOW. good thing you didn't go. Fanelli's rocking chair, oepeche concert. Larry always. The Man is TS Forever, Walki!ltJ at 4am. KK +wall fart, brickfart. etc., Retreat. BG·ans- wering machine. matching Valentines. me driving the Acura, Worst day-Oct21-my accident! Jr. P w; our dates, Nice! Eggerts Crossing-walk much. Throwing up on hallways-both of us! Well hun, I can't think of everything-Good Luck w;an + In London! KIT! Love Ya, Holly MIK~ KUNST You 're such a slow driver! I'm so glad we are friends. Good luck In college and have fun. Love. Chrissy S. Where Reedmens? Cottmen Ave the video store and lady in the

van " Are you laughing or crying" ' 'I'm to sexy for this song" Logic class, Debate " Why don't you two switch" They have to be little red roses. Dexter Smith and the Soup Kitchen. Brawny man. " Do you know what time it Is" "Want to buy a vowel. ''I'm so glad we became friends and has such a good time. Love. Teresa Don't ever walk in front of me because I will! Remember-you don't know how to work it unless its yellow-Hootervllle forever Always remember: Who? Teresa. Where are the owls coming from? Don't stand In the fire lane, Switch Debate), Got any jokes?, Moo Moo, Invisible Jeanie. Good luck next year! KIT! Love, Janice CAP-I could never handle it. Stop being in my gym class! My sister is something else! Love, Katie Remember the homeroom's we've had together and our English teaches all 4 years! We somehow always got the worst ones. Also remember the prom+ the cotillion the dig. stir the soup paint the fence. Remember our adventure on 95 that night. I still think you're weird! You 're a great friend . Love, Beth Mike. it's a shame we didn't get any classes together but last years' . English class with Ms. Henkel was one of the best. Don't forget Sue's green frog legs. You 're a great friend and a good person. Good luck In everything you do and the best of luck. Love. Marian History, Vermont-8hrsl Skiing. Do you want your CO? The Bus. Did you do . . . . . ? Sledding The Hemmes kids. car races, Math class, Physics Parties! Margaret Lumia Just wanted to say hi! How about Chemistry? That was always interesting. Remember Retreat, I couldn't find my way back to the room. Tic Tac Toe! Remember lunch table Soph. year? the blondhaired kldl (Carrie) KIT·Luv, Cara J~SSICA

KURST Cows R the BEST! 4am walk pool balls R winner EGGS r meant to beaten RS (1-o man)-1 am innocent; tic tac (sweetest thing) pat the pit·p anywhere EDWARD. retreat, how do you move your hips?· some please tell me peach s #1 no more soco. BM. BC. AB. MF. RS. DC. BD- interesting to all my friends- you are the best I'll never forget you Thanks·bye Jess-Juice MomlltOad thanks for all your support llt love: thanks for everything·! love you, your daughter Jess Jen-my little sis-high school was fun beep beep wave·the other way, yellow jeep accident "dad's gonna be mad" you are not getting my room-COWS are best-NO pigs! does bleach taste good 70 mph, oops missed that light, stopping on the high way-any marks? sibling rivalry BD does r taste good? thanx for being a cool sis I'll miss ya next year Love ya always your sis, Jess Yo girlfriend, Rem: the " Little boogie" joke, cow passions, our men: BM!, r::s, MM. DC. vw. NR, ur rave: OF, ur popped tire, side swipe, ur a true guldo, nice carnation, Soph. year cotillion Last Dance, OS! Zommle Zommie, BSMFO!, cow ship, Never under estimate .. . , Chinese food?. Fried Chicken Movie, my house after the play. cook breakfast?. make a list. nice music. I got U2 tickets-notl, Jessie, Beep·Beep wave, ur pee-pee, Where Is the TP? MF hook up. and can't 4get BC. I just want to say ur the best, keep that beautiful smile. Good luck in everything. Love ya-Gin Jess. always remember Poms and Miss K. Thanks for being a good friend. Love, Chrissy Shinn Juicy. Backing parking lot-you don' t deserve to be a officer. Gym Pd8 Stay away from BC-bad newsl Love, TM 4a.m. walk. Frosh year when we met In line for gym uniforms. Alarm·Raln in the Summertime. U2 rules! Never forget walking through Becky's landscaping or wall farts, brick farts. We had the best time at these sleepovers or shlngdings. Never forget historyhow could you. A car is the worst Investment! Love, Kristin So Co-Qh yeah! " I wish that I had Jessie's girl" LGBNAF MSplts· Bum! fits in up C hall! You. 05-nice picture. Lunch table. Moo-llove cows, Gym 1st yr. Your great! Love, Pattll-800-upickr the last! Our ups + downs. Lock doors+roll down windows. Too much SCat PY's house. On table all night. 17th b·day license. Jr Prom SZ+ PM. the beach . P w pants. Never U.E. power of Jess. BS+our 0 . ... movies, Maura-Evill Love. Nicole We love Edward's hands; Gimme more WATER·OR Juice, we' re senior! BreadlltButter. Beaches. gym; aerobics pelvic bone. Sally, retreat. " can I talk to Leea?·she just left" (you saved mel. rolling down hills. crying, Love is ... BM, AL. ss. AB, BC. BO, SM. Mf, JM. etc ... Pool Balls (we won), Halloween at Bek's. H·rm, peer class. position, stupid fights, famous hook-ups (BM and BC), thanks 4 always making me laugh, how can U w;your small mouth?, eggs. Is Lisa OK, 1 luv ya chick! Good luck and KIT luv. Leea PS·My house is a hotel!l! Coe·s -deodorant. The party van. Speeding to Tom o ·s. foxmoor?- getting lost (I though you know how to get home from there) Pat Getty's Sleban's·RS ~et awayl4am walk. Twister. Shore after Jr. Prom. I'm really glad were friends. Love ya! Fanelli SG-Noone likes me. Boy problems, Are you sure that you are awake Edward. StealIng other's Boyfriends. Rt. :53, How do I get to K·Mart? Beach will be awesome. You are the best! KIT always, Sorry so short. Fanelli's Rooftop. Love. Michelle Tritt Hey you blonde beautiful babe! You great In #7 sunglasses If you got It flaunt Itt You are deftnitely one of the wildest If no the weirCiest people l know. but what the hell it's , fun! St Gov't·what's there to say?! Best ofLuck+Keep Smllln'! C·Ya " REd " (Chris 0) Jess·How about those games?. doing apps., plbls, Kaplan. ex· changing " stories" . "Hey Dad; wanna hang out? We're on the same 'level', pd.8. KIT. 1 love ya Juice. Love Always: Bek 1st cig. Pool balls. RS-t:ww. Edward-hands. Kumquat. We want #6. Egging-MM not BM My probs Mike M T·hups. Yuck. Chris F's van. What's on his lip. Be good my hom-ball. Love Ya·Christina Last year buying Nolan Ryan Picture, our little ftght in lunch! Texas --1 Pink Lemonade. Bugs. Beach balls anc:t Pizza. Thanx for all the times Melissa Let's see, where to start? Squeeze (OK, RW, Jl) Fanelli's (OW· WOW) Coe·s (TI . Jay, watch Cf Go) Uh oh Mom·Oeodorant), LBI (TS's House, JS + BM) bunny pic., Stolen candy·HH to the rescue, St. Joe·s HH to the rescue again. " Just call me Rocky" Oepeche concert back up on highway. good Luck + KIT-Love Ya, Holly Adt (How do you get to Kmart?) the gook on your lip! Your so curious about things. Edward Scissor Hands Female Bonding night. Sneak out Bsmt window Michele going to Nitti's. All our talks about the only thing we walk about. Love ya Nicole Bri will always be your number 1. Go 2 or maybe 21-I.H. games. Our little talks. walt Its nothing big. You 're a good friend. Problem you paid attention· Thanks KIT w; me Love ya Patti FakeF'er" , SAB we don't need thatllate night (ear1y morning) phone convos. " Old you hear that one!" War that what that noise waz" COWS. Barry Manilow rules! OUr Bob and Brian dele· mas. Ext long. Mach Miss lollipop steal-opps-sale. 4am brisk walk-kk " go back. you Texan - -1" "Who ate my Kudos Bar?" ·HH· us Did you buy your lunch today-or any day? Georgie rorgie·Ooes he still scare you?·not me Tapps. well, does he have you know what or not? YUCK! Jennas crank calls· 'Hello. this Is the Hamilton opera· tor." Keep In touch + out of trouble. "this has got to stop"<M per6. "I always feel like ... some-body's watching me:· going over Jim's and Melissa walt In Grand-am+ can 't tum he hazard'off. OM's egged mailbox· 1Q-~1-90 Love. Kristine Frosh year-when we met? What nerds? Me, you. LK·Bred. ham and Cheese! Nah·just bread and butter! Beaches-you are the wind beneath my wings-forever! Down the Shore-Frosh yr. -why can't I just sit and read? AG above us! Screaming and chastng me down c halll You Texas·-·! Don't ever forget driving by Jim's and Mike's! MM. ML, MK. CB, AB. BC. BMI And all of our other meni At least yours isn't en$aged! Fanelli's party· who are you? The Rocking Chair· 1 love htmf Jr. Prom-the Shore! Don't fall Into the garbage can. Remember our sleepovers-bed 2 hard-pancakes? 4-am-walk. Don't run through my landscaping! MM·party Sorry, about the pink lemonade and v.l Remember MK at your house? Call CB for mel Just hang up! The day after Senior Prom! Per. 5 lunch! Skiing-ice skating! Don't pee your selfll get It French class! Remember all of our good times and bad times. I'll never rorget you. I love you. Come visit in London! Becky

BRIAN MALLOY Hi there. locker buddy? So what if I can't see my lock-1 can open itjust give me a minute. I wish you'd stop patting me on the head every time you see me at my locker. I'm glad we became buddies. Stay goofy and funny, Stop pinching butts and bring your own lunch money! KIT. Love · Nicolette 11 pm calls co'90 #1.0. ~-22-90 TGIF-t.m.n turtles missed pretty woman NY '92-mistakes always friends " love-no I like you u always make me smile! thanx Love - Jessica We've had some fun times together. I had a great time at the Jr. Prom. 4th of July-where should we sit? You 're qa maniac driver. Please stop touching my ears! Thanks for being there. Love ya Christine Bri. you're UNBELIEVABLE! Remember when I requested EMF? Methodists are friendly people. I'm not Satan! Lockers last year. Wildwood. breaking the unbreakable plate. getting caught. Swim· mlng In my pool. soccer games. walking to religion and per. 6 together, touching my ears. squeezing my love handles. Do you have my Turtle? My mother Is part Cherokee ... She's a jeep! Egg In your hair, hockey signs, Bothering Ms. G Thanks for your hugs! You 're a great guy Love · Kristin YEAH GADDOY, FLAMBOY, MALLOY MALOY MALLARD, DADDOY GASEILER, GUS, S, SEILER IS GAY " you 're such a goofl", butt·pincher, Cameron! BACHOO, JACKSON, SLAPPQA, GA SEILER, RENOD, ONGA BONGA HOGAN and IHB #14, #16, #10. #17 and everyone else see you In the next life. Love • Malloy NICOLEITE MANAHAN calc Thanks for being a great friend. Good tuck KIT.Carole You are so devious. Everything is sexual. Just kidding, you 're a great person. Anyway, pd. 6 English-my favorite class!! UR the calculus goddess AP History too. I guess Physics must be lonely when I absent. Ha Ha Good Luck In College • Mike L. Hey speed demonl What can I say about the girt that I can 't even keep up with on the highway! Since freshman year we've been buddies and now we have to say goodbye. At least we will always have our memories of our ski trip (and you on your butt most of the time) I know some day I'm gonna see you on the national downhill ski finals! your a great friend and there Is never a dull minute being with you stay as sweet (yeah right) and innocent (yeah Right) as you always aret (P.S. I'll never see another baseball cap again w;out thinking of you!) I'll miss you Love you · Hope Your party-Fun! Thanks for the ride to the soccer game. You are a great person Love·K.atie Hey you little speed demon! Remember Liptak's class and per. 5 lunch. The ski trip with the oochie coochle girls. entreat '92. Thanks for the fun times and good luck In he future. Love ya • Susan VOLLEYBALL! Our favorite spot! t wish I made it to your sweet 16 but I didn 't so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You 're sweet, nice and friendly. Good luck in the future, I hope your dreams come to life. LOVE · Jen


Ankles In gym by AI. Were you embarrassed? Martinez and his cute too-too. Physics, Spectrum was awesome. Just us girls! NHS homeroom. Isn't It a treat when that certain person stops by for no odd reason? Remember achievements when he came over and you said " Oh my god" " Best buddies" Ground Round and Olive Gar· den, New Year's Eve and Amy's party You are such a loyal friend (NOT). It's OK I forgive you for spilling the beans. Retreat baby and our group session. You are a gift" You're a wonderful person. My message to you Is the message I gave you on retreat. It's true and It will happen. God luck In all that you do and you will definitely visit me at college Love forever - Marian Your are devious under such a cute exterior no one would ever know, I'm glad I know I like the devious side. Nice stunt with the egg. I like it a lot, nice valentine also. Thanks for all the Kisses you gave me at Christmas t thought It was a sweet (not devious) thing to do, unlike the egg and the valentine • David Martinez La petite Nlcollette·speed demon· The Hershey's almond taste est (there Is a difference b/t peanuts and almonds), Drawing car· toons In french , crossword puzzles, meeting Cord at OxfordValley, APII·Roberta (scratch , scratch), rollerskating, comparing bruises (I think I win) ... you are the littlest pervert (definitely Frustrated) .. Remember the accident and the Ice cream afterward? I got a mega bruise! ... " Why don't you rap the big speech?" Never forget the oochie coochle girls' ski trip-our awesome movie of the truck driver and your awesomer Steven Spellberg editing techniques! How about those recycled presents? you know the ones! and your sweet 16 party. You are the best alternate officer that the NHS and the Breakfast Club ever had! I'll miss you Love· Bridget The junior prom was a lot of run remember what we did after and the soccer game you drove to. Good luck In college and have fun, Love- Chrissy S. Locker buddies Florida trip (torture) ankles, perverted wild worn· en, french goddess· I think not!, High 5. Midorllto look alike skiing, you know you worship mel rollerskatlng, Blue and White day I'll get you back, Have you been thrown In the garbage lately? Eng. quiz cheater! maniac driver Do you know anyone who reuses their gifts for other people? pee-wee, I guess you could beat me up!, Why do I have very class w;you every year·l suppose to torment me. Don't ever change. Georgetown roomies-could you imagine? Oh by the way when It starts go get dark put your headlights on they might help! • Alyson , Hey Midori Ito, What's up? Torturing you at the lockers last year. Fellow vice-pres of french HS. Sorry I never help in the nurse's office. Rollerskatlng, You drive like a manic. I'm scarred for life (mentally and physically) You almost kllledd me in the foreign carl The seat doesn't go back. Skiing, who was the better teacher ... DB or OM OM· I'm right behind you! We had the best time! Physics rules I'll never forget you! Nice accident 1\ept us from the game! Love • Kristin To one of my closest, dearest and loyalist friends (yeah right) Well what can I possibly say? I must say that I'm very pleased that you developed an appreciation for hockey this year. It's about time. The flyers· game was great. I know you'll never forget the prom, who was that gorgeous date of yours? (his read hair sparked the eternal flame In me) Humiliating Dave was one of the highlights of Senior year. The tu·tu was the perfect touch! You 're so easy to talk to. We've had some great conversations. Florida is going to be great run. I know you can 't walt. We mist go to a Ph lilies game. Don't ever call during a flyer's or Eagles' game. That time is scared we all know. Well just think of we're lucky we could both be in Durham this time next year. I'm so glad we're still friends. I knew you'd still be #4 after all you couldn't let a character from TMN Turtles beat you now could you? well but urn my love you know what comes next. We must always KIT Love·Amy Nicollette, you vulgar woman. I'm so glad we're best friends. We've been through sooo much. I tried to sum It all up. Here goes: by not conforming are you really conforming? . . TELEVISION .. . gotta watch my SOAPS ... VCRalert! ... Tennis at the Spectrum .. . driving·aaaahl ... stories about 5aly ... History class (I think I've got an itch!) ... College applications (and essays) . . SATs! .. bonding on retreat ... BH90210 ... gotta help those injured people ... MADONNA ... physics labs (where were ours always wrong?) . . . 51\ thinks you have a sense of humor . . . ankles In gym! .. things that make you go hmmml NHS alternate officer . . Is it coincidence or was It planned?! .. , button your collar .. Never forget: BC. DP. BN. " The Flirt", Family feud (I only messed up twice!), and esp, "The Butt!" ... " gotta go-phone bill's too high!" ... Mickey rules!! .. Thanks for being such a great friend. I'm going to miss you a lot! We have to KIT after graduation! Love ya, your BB· Shaheen (Sheena) To all my friends, famil~ and teachers: Thanks for making these the best four years of my hfell really appreciate all the love. support and lau!Jhter you've given me. I couldn' t have done It with out you! I'll chensh every memory and I definitely won't forget you! I'll miss you all. Keep smiling and stay forever young! Love·Nicotette

ALYSON MANGINI Highlights Where's Gravity Hlll·l'll drive, NOT! Monmouth Out to Eat Your B-day Lotsa food Love ya·Ann Marie Never forget all of our good times! What about your B·day when I didn't know I IOU a present-me and Adrienne! I'm gonna miss you! LOVE • Becky! Yo baby what's happeninl We been locker buddies for the longest time! can 't say there was any better. Don't yell at Ms. Hardiman so much you should go with Brenner-He's you size! Hope 1 see you out of school; well good luck. Love ya baby· Chris Ben History, Calc and Alg II. Thanks for being a good friend Glad I got to know you Good Luck ·Carole #1 stage manager, I Luv ya AI. Gay B I just want to be loved, Is that so wrong? you and J<.ris make an awesome couple. Chinese Fire Drill, Jr. Park and Party, man hunt at your slumber party was great. Remember Janet Jackson concerti! ·Adrienne I'm speechless! Wallyball, NYC, Study groups (we do have a better average than Brenner) Will you and Dave ever stop fighting? Banbi, Lab group, I finally did give you my picture, are you feeling OJ<. Jet me get you some dairy products on citrus Fruits I'm sorry I mean hotjalepeno cheese, you are so unique. Where do you get all those gadgets for your bedroom walls. Thank you for listening, thanks you for giving advice and most of all thanks you for being my friend . Keep in touch us sexy Italian have to stick together. Love· Drew AI you are like no one I have ever met and I just wanted to take the chance to tell you that I think you are a great person. I've always considered you a friend and 1 want to wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do. I'll miss you! Love • Hope 8th grade·tough St. Paul's girl, Frosh Cotillion farmer dancing. B..... wash·trip rumble w; guys from Buffalo, fortune cookie and bathing beauty statue you and JW got me from Wildwood, all the times I went to your condo in WW-oops I've never been there, our porno shots, your neat room gadgets. your diglttaly receptive but· tocks, stop sign running at your house. Cotillion day head shaving, Sr. Cotillion table (st to eat) eating 50 hot dogs at my sister's BBQ, pet the panther, GOF, KiiUoy, Mangione, your too much for me to handle. I hope someday you can find someone who can satisfy all your needs Love · OK. or rollar coaster I don't feel good. WW fun Love-Malloy St. Joe·l'm Rocky! White pizza, always spilling some· thing on you, you 're so skinny, so many things in your room et so many clothes! Crazy driver· Rt. 1 Good Luck next year and KIT Love· Holly How about those debates? that was inevitable, Gravity Hill·l knew where it is. Nice Driving. gave any good ride$ lately? I know all about you! Luv·J<.ristina Thanks for inviting me to NY it was great. It's been a great senior year. long with the whole NO experience, Thanks for Including an often annoying red-haired Hispanic in some of it. your car is faster than mine. but I still like you. fellow soccer fan· Dave Sorry you lost your drawers! Heel Heel watch out for WILD THING and Softball rules, Your volleyball team sucks MANGINI the goddess of tech crew. Best of luck Keep Smilln' YA·Chris DILIBERTO Go-Go's and JJ Concert Retreat-our ~roup was the best. Ny· where do we get oft? Not here WE will Fmd Gravity Hill Riding In P' ton·top down ~V1 out WW· me locked out l!t burnt to a crisp. Jr. Prom Freezing at the shore the next day (moon In car on the way home. Softball the sun was in my eyes·The ball was wet The wind took it. Glad we're friends-you are so awesome Love Ya· fannelll Hey All How's my locker, homeroom. French. Physics Calc, gym. lunch, English, Religion and all around good buddy? Yes, you are my idol, my mentor, my hero! What would I have done w;out you these past four years! I still would have been the same short, quiet, uptight. shy freshman. But thanks to you I'm somewhat loud, lose, happening person that I am now (Except I'm still short) Break out the winter coats I may be even COOLER than You! I know it's corny There are so many things I'd like to write or actually say to your face but I don' t think they could print It That's OK. I'll Jet your imagina· tion work overtime-It could probably think u worse things than I en. Thanks for rubbing off all your bad traits on men except on me they're not that bad. I learned from the master (of what I can 't write here) Don't forget the pie (BON Appetite) but I'm sure I won't forget Florida (or ankles) If I don't live to tell about Florida this will be my last will and testament-Just kidding! T+You would never do any· thing to hurt me, Right! Thanks for the letter on the retreat-It meant a lot finally you may be taller but I'm stronger You know you only pick on me because you can't pick on anyone your own size. But you know anywhere, anytime I can pick you derriere! Especially w1 out your sidekick thhe to help you throw me in the garbage! Thanks for helping me to bust out of my shell, babe KIT and stay healthy. Visit me In PA Love·Nicky Alyson·Why can't I be you? Maybe because I shop on S. Broad St. work on Perry St. l!t drive the Hormobile instead of a Taurus, hey-do you remember when you let me drive the Taurus? (I did.-t't crash it either·Nicollette probably would have) ... Remember (Sleeping in) french, doing crosswords in AP History-the Roberta Experience. English w/Lippy" I know 2 people who recycle presents" ... Hey watch It if you 're not nice to me I won't show you my bruises (you know the one when I feel off my chair in Religion and on the one when I fell through the bleachers) I won't Jet you co-host any more of my service projects either! How about your trouble w;Mary Liz· banned from the -:> room! Karen was the coolest for defending you .. Do yo evergetjealous of me bfc I buy my shoes for less than $2? I know you idolize me bfc I drive stick so well (And you wish you could have been me for Halloween right?) Love Always-Bridget Hey Alyson·you·ve got to admit that If We survived Robert we can survive anything! I'm glad we got to know each other, bfc If we weren 't friend I think I'd be afraid of you: you are the queen of sarcasm!! Thanx for the good times· I Jove you mom! sorry for messing up all the puzzle sin your room. Never forget Lippy. Sally or K.rimpet. and or good friend Kristin! Try to always keep a smile on your face; trust me it makes life easier! good Luck Love·Jenn (Odie) WHAT TO SAY, WHAT TO SAY! WW was great (the 7hrs worth of it I saw) Faneli the beet. Malloy the unbreakable dish II could 've made It in an hr and ten min. If the directions were good! Roller Coaster summer (BEST Of MY LIFE) the shore, "K." s house and pool. Hickory licks! Walking in Princeton. Palmer Stadium. Yogurt, movies. TONS Of FUN! (There's the North star, No it isn't Yes lt Is, How can you tell? It's parallel to Rtll) Jr Prom (yeah we'll be down In a couple of mins to watch TV) POCONOSI Cotillion (riding wjthe whiplash man) Dancing till the dress started to give. Massages, sore feet, neck shoulders, back and getting sick (all the things that make you so adorable!) Volleyball/Wallyball· what an experience, huh? Winter of despair and the sporing of hope, through It all you managed to shine. an exceptionally won· derful person. Thanks for everything Alyson, it's been great. Love· DaAJyou are the best friend that I've ever had and ever will have. I love you like a sister and you mean everything, Remember all our good times since Soph yr, 4am walks, BH. brick fart, helping mew; English testetpapers, 1st time I slept over, competing for 1st base, walking home from Princeton bfc General was on, canoeing, pre· sents from J. Crew, Sunshine, Oliver Hilly, Lenny, Flower, Pig Spun· kles. bodes, boogies, huggles, the guy calls the dog butch , cud· dling, no sympathy. total exaggeration 2 biscuits. medium Sprite. l!t that's It! Sunburn on Mem Day, Germans, rule Denny's-on b-days. Honey! Mr. Thumb. double brights. Chinee·nee woman, Shore after Jr. Prom, driving w;.out license, garage door on trunk! Padiddle punch buggy, near accidents, parking, I love curbs, reading In my office. phone all night. phone bills even W/20hrs. special rate. More than Words, Anything I do I do it For YOU, All for Leyah, She's Got a Way. paradise. Groove Is In the Heart, When I'm w;you, top Gun, Shag, Mystic Pizza. Beaches, bambi. You can call me flower If you want to-1 don't mind! Perty Flower. BIRD! Summer of19, WW, beach volleyball, funnel cake sea shll chocolate peanut butter, mini golf (I beat you!) REM, U2, Billy Joel. PRT, TS Raspberry Mr. Misty DQ cheesecake, plaid, mozzarella sticks w;out sauce, sweetarts.

swings. loyal girls's soccer fan-Thanks! fighting-constantly, Where is Gravity Hill? SQUEEZE! cute ears frozen yogurt, I have no $ Bopsie Twins, Frlcketfrack. Physics, best lab group l!t study group, Lippy, Krimpet. Karen-1'11 help you wj calc someday. Sally j umping around·OK! Admin stinks! Something In the air. McGrult-getting pulled over. No clothes to borrow. carting my butt Thanks for al· ways being there, you mean alot! IWUV Your smile! Don't ever leave mel Best Friends always et Forever·K.ris CHRISTIAN MARCH~ITI Howya doing locker buddy? You know I'd mrry you any day ofthe week-Just kidding. Thanks for always making me feel special-you 're not so bad yourself. You 're the only guy who took me to the heart of Trenton and I survived! Oh yeah I finally admit it·l did smack your butt! Here· a smile right back at you babel KIT Always remember that you 've got a friend in PA Love·Nicolette My brother my main man, the mao of the hr. to sweet to be sour. Our friendship has grown over the yrs. and hopefully it will keep growing. Always remember CYO free swims & pork roll sandwiches, even though I couldn 't eat them-Ron Hey you 'll always be my guy. If you don't remember me in years to come oh well But anyway you 're a nice guy I'll always remember you in calc and playing w;my stuff In Eng Have a nice life I cared for you but you didn't care. I was obsessed wj you that's why I starred. My feelings for you were very dear. that's why I lived in your locker for 2 yrs. You treated me like poop but I understood, you put up w; me the best you could. You didn't take me serious but now I hope you do, I'm sorry it took so long for you to figure out that my love for you was true! I'll never forget you "p~ "l ILU! Last night of summer . . . intellectual conversation . . . litmus configuration ... carnivals ... I'll see you at Rutgers. Chris ... Carpe Diem. Never forget where you came from bud. I love you. PS .3rd leg syndrome-carmen FORGET EVERYONE ELSE I AM ALL THAT MAITERS B/ C YOU ARE MY LOVE CHILDil DAY I'LL HAVE VERY RECORD EVER MADr: YOU ARE TRULY MR. SMOOTH. NAME YOU KID AFTER ME OR I'LL FIND OUT·Seiler I know we had the best lunch table ever, We better keep in touch after school, you have been a great friend-Bryan Christian, Calc was so much fun ! you 're rely sweet guy even if you do make run of Brandon and pinch people Love-Bridge I'm glad to have know you. During retreat I began to know you better Thank you for everything I'll try not to be so personal when people say things like b"" Or w"... I know you 're only joking You're a special person I wish you the best of luck. Love-Marian It all started fresh yr. Mrs. Martin still can 't get our names right·its been a great experience, If you ever need anything you know where to reach me. lfyou need wj balltessons, you can count on me-Dave Martinez You are my HR Homeboy, Hoodlum Friend That come complete w; funky attire. We've been calc buddies for some time now. I don't have to remind you which one of us is smarter or better looking!! We both know the answers et anyway I don 't like to rub things in. How about the time down the shore at the trailer parkl-cHRIS Car accidents, Liptack's tests, parties, the shore, summertime. MS. Gavin's class, Oh s-1 Would U do her? Sly l!t the family Stone. Tequila shots In the Limo. Ya think I have a BIG BUIT? you on point tip? Stay Funky & thanks for being my co-pilot in the mornings! P.S. Strip my Kimono! Luv·Eardley Where did " Piggie" come from anyway? DT's broken tooth on your head H waz my privllago to b in your history class. LORI LOVr: YOU! GOOD LUCK., love-Kristine Gaynor JEANN~ MAKMAN Jeanie you and A tyson are my locker women. Both of you guys were perfect. Don't forget those nights in lOth grd. I had to call you for help. You cheated off me In MR. SCHIRNER's dass girl. Get orne real music quit smoking! stay away from those crazy men. Love· Chris Prom, day after, jack/ PB? gym class, advice-always. let's hang ~r~N~:ver. you didn't! intense) talks. t·talk, aerobic. Stay sweet·

Accounting wuz fun·K.IT you live 2 mins away Love-Michele




Pd. 7 Gym, Bike talks. I'm so Luv, M J Off! Don't ever talk to ,, the enemy, ex. A, Mr. J 's pd. 2 History,BIGBUTT, No, she's UGLY!. ,. Are U coming out w;us or not? Luv·LorLena Well here it is almost graduation. I guess we both had our dis· agreements but we always were to good to fight I just want to share few memories w2jyou like TX on Seaside Heights beach wt Tim l!tBecky, " Only In Amenca · Jr. Prom Friends forever, your corny WW '91 K.essl!tEiaina Royal Hawaiian, Cape Cod The sea Serpent Sorry for all my stupidness, Thanks for the memories we've shared. Thanks Again-Michael Pelligrino What's up my Chemistry buddy Thanks for letting me make a 2nd impression on you. You always have 2 sides to a person. You 've always been cool to me. So all that JAZZ won't phase me thanks for being a FRIEND-George Cotillion. Rm#246. Rego·off the bed, M·Tritt I didn't know you were like this-sweet&innocent? Love·Tritt Go back to TX! uj k I love You. Where to start? Don't color on the ir::. wall! 6 flags MM. PB. MNar.' every time. Pink Lemonade and Volk. kill Krollman! PizzaetH.H. In her face. Twins-NOT! I WON'T fight ur · battles Luv Ur Cuz • Nicole TX Kisses HoJo's·under the blanket. heart to heart talks. I don't know what' in here but it sure messes up your mind. Mitchell Daviscome see 2bros Is that the way Texan reaJiy kiss? GOOD LUCK LOVE YOU CHRIS i< Hey babel Tell 'urn why girlfriend I·The walk " rotten eggs" BG&MP ~t:,: (JO'S)·BIK.E TALK5-GYM·Vjball-''l hit my head"·House Party-Scor· 1 ,:\:· pions rule·NOV. ~-our B-days-we hate Sops (you know who)·Does r · · my hair look OK? Retreat-We never got in the picture Can't wait till ww I know he loves you forever Luv Ya·Nessa " Hello my skinny friend!" PS your friend is the daughter of God· Darren overproduction, no encyclopedia, all our tories, horoscopes in i f~ His, chats after school w;Mr. J . " Yes, your hair hooks fine" Those Sophs·ughl watch him for me " I hate him he's such a jerk, gossip, balcony, songs In gym, SMNK., 844· ... , Groover, " What do you think I should do?", " She's ugly!" weight room. Mr. J's Brother j: Becky's brother, TX, sunglasses. " Who will he ask to the prom?" trying to read lip. we never got to see " THTRTC " Love ya· Thanx for the shirt Cotillion ROOM! Old Tew-go home. Love ya Klt·Terry Moran Pregnant wjbb, pink lemonade av·we're such Inventors· or just ~. desperate! how could she pour it down the drain? friendly dog~· country music" go home you Texan s-"" McDonalds·how do I get ~; back on the highway? you 're 1 of a kind·Jessica moo-bag! Hey! Is that Jimmy? where' Trenton State? Ground ::. Round·nah let's go swimming! Acutrim diet exercise, water, grapesCandy! What's my horoscope? Don't analyze it! I'm tried! Don't fall asleep-rm talking to you! Forever young! That's what friends are ~~ ~ fori MP. BG, CB, HA, GJ.·HOT·l!t all of out other disasters! Men really ) suck 1 is he engage? Hockey games! Don't get your tape stuck C8 '-' ~ can you fix It? Acura dealer Rt 1 Black bullet The speed limit Is 231 ~ OK Dad! you TX...I Snow angels at lam FGT)MR_an hr to get homel .~ Jennifer Donally..Colleen·who's she? TGIF·~ favorite names Really YQ.!:!. can have him! Very drunk in London! Forever fat! K.Fl!tl'f-fight at my house! Harbach! Hey! where's the MAC Machine? Lock your door 1 lshltshl Mel Mel lsh·mel Ish-mel Where·s you get me from? Burger King! Let's play tennis Beach ball baby-take it out to answer the phone. How are those bugs doing? Sorry about the Pink Lemon· adel Sr. Prom-the day after! Harbach 's class a different shirt The Reese's peanut butter cups, Lunch-can you walk straight:; Jr. Prom· BC's house where'd you and MP go anyway? So much fun, OF what have you been drinking? Poor MK Dunham's Skling·Nfl!tMP·the old t

one@! Taco belli I'm gonna miss you! I love ya·Becky Metis-I'm glad we became so close even lsfyou did dis us. I'll miss lit&:the stories we always share I hope I helped 1can 't believe t got a B+ on Marty! Look in the hall there he is KIT when you go to TX I'm coming to visit Good tuck you know what I mean ·PS Get picked ·up by any parents lately? Love Always-Bek Hark! t love ya Meg! waw! my little problem! that rhetoricalll Toad slice bread! Ryan walk like a man. SS they are only a phase! connect the dots! making videos and reconstructing pictures Lunch in Prln· ceton Hark and Mark forever! tell me about my surprise party, Christmas lights ice skating brown eyed girl Jenn " Sec" Thanx for everything Hola! Mr. M, Mrs. D~Mr. B. last yr. 1 think 1 made the wrong choice JB Amy-l love yal Thamt for everything baseball games, shore! Rebecca·Jr. Prom Great Adventure Shore twice! that ~:1Jr thing never worked!! LF TT my bathing suit Babs Here it is !"'ICOLf; MARKULf;C LOBNAF ICE·T, Denny's hard that hurt! Chillin behind the school Natural car dance check 2hr. bf fwe leave-bushes? Party at660 Abandon house NM + BS Sweet Law-QKIII Peace! 1L Twinkles lunchentos Owl She bit me! key car Love·Paggi 4yrs GFF Scrmr's dass (notes) wrest matches AlCon+ RCon·NOT worth it! Baba-God! (message played 2him) :5 kinds of men key chain. Golden D H20 glass on floor! I hav all ur tapes! Cot 90 (fell· H20 spilld·tears shed-69 aalev " poke" , Moris) Paul-rem: hlm?·(nic chem: Sandy G, maura many favorites! NOT) WW·U feel OK? Retreat GTimes U + Bri 4Eva-1stlst; did U dissect yet? jello wrestling; liteslast 5min glad we' re still friends Thanx 4 everything: Lya Cathy We have so much to remember! TX ¢flags mud pies ~ many fights. pink lemonade Pizza HH phone call at :5 in the morning Please always fight my battle for me 8C Thanx for sharing your school w; rne for 2 yrs. I Love yaH~Ielissa I leave you wf this question to ponder "When cow laugh does great You know Brian love me watch behind you cause I'll be looks like mine! good luck babe! Love-JmR " ow. quit it! " Chern, accounting mood swings " muscles" "I don't have your purse. He took it" religion 29 Ha I beat ya! I'm going to miss you. you 're really sweet. KIT Luv La·Randy Can i borrow penny? Yeah right!! always pick looses TDS they are the 1st peppermint Mel's body doesn't take wel Nice shirt B·town never had ito god RM. EO, JT, WW, BG , BS. BN 1st boys of B·town Walks at night let's talk, about somebody anybody ss'91 met the guys look but don't touch Palm read live Uti 81 15 yrs of friendship lots of tights If you car can take my you can too. Only driving 5 times man I'm good Bff KIT Love Ya·Pattl Yo girlie! REM: Denny's the poor waiter Ding Dong no one's home • Sea ide our fortunes our men-Mattl!CChuck gotta visit them "the" men·park karas BS, PK·Iets take turns keeping him up. F·me eyes my party ·ur mouth~ who the hell' that? torm! Maura on the chair the nite u laughed. LGBNAfl " Treat'em Right" Don't hit the dogl· donr ye;; at me. Thanx 4 the rides home and just being u Stay sweet ~ funny Love Ya·Cin 17th B·Day= friendship driving to the beach-dumb we locked the door w/ the windows down 2 many fights silence rearendn. big truck is my car on fire attractive men at the carwash lost In Fort Dix hey but you could 've gotten married DO bad ssbeach new men II the sweat shirt Denny's" #1 B...... your men DK, DP, AC. forget them all BSforevr thanx for the good Prom date spit some broccoli or bad time but they always tum out good thanx for being a friend Love-Jess Hey girl I'm happy to say that it was great getting to know you and that it keeps getting better. Even though we've had our ups and downs it has always worked out for the better. I think that you are a great girl and that there really isn't anything w;you You have the best qualities and don't let any tell you different. You 've made this year a great year and even more for me. You 've helped me when t am down and even when I didn't know it These are the best years so don 't forget them alii want to say Is that I love you! and always will PS Do you wanta? Love-Brian DAVe MARTINEZ Thanks for the rides-say off those curbs! Where·s my pen? Just kidding! you always seemed to keep a smile on my face especially when I was down. Thanks It's a shame we didn't get to know each other before this year. Good luck In all you do Love-Amy A Who Is that LeBaron driving fool? Red-Haired Spaniard slaves the day Shawnee, now did he do It? He' a distance runner that's how! Harold's health-salad rules! TOTAL YAHOO! Baby we were born to run! NO WAY! Born to WALLY! Marty Mart 8C the Wally Bunch LBI VBall. White for life! Non-tan man! If he only had a Vett. then maybe he'd be set 20 diner Rules SKI OR DIE! you' re my main Mexican!· Dave " Wally warrior" Brenner Calc, Eagles #1·1 know you like them, Rod Stewart, Paul Simon, Genisis, Woman are a superior race! Luv-Kristlna My favorite red-haired XC runner Thanks for everything: Billy Joel, Gatorade, rides home visits to foodtown Moking me keep running even when I though I would die JV captain #yrs in a row ... You 've been a great friend Dave I couldn 't have done It w;out you Love· Jenn (Odie) Daleeeeee. Boot bag. yahoo! the LeBaron you distance runner you Physics good luck In the future you Irish-Spaniard-Drew I'm glad we became friends Remember the ground round, casa lupita 8C NY's Good luck in college CMB rules You can't hit me w;the car anymore. Love-chrisy S. Let's compare our LeBaron's Yours Is blue, no tapedeck8C4doors mine is white w;tapedeck8CTURBOI Who's I better! who cares If you 're a distance runner Never forget Karen wfDr. Homer-Physics· do you have a clue? Thanks for coming to my soccer games, skiing I own the mountain ' 'I'm right behind you!" yeah right! you sklied right past me and watched me wipe out That was the best Thank for the great times You ' re a col guy who look like an oompa·loompa when you tum red. Have a little confidence In yoursetfW/ball Lippy is a . sol suziek Love·KrisUn Kelley Well what can I sat the giants are terrible-Phil Simms Is a crybaby You wish you had a quarterback as great as Cunningham 1must say you looked great on slave day t couldn't have asked for a better B· day present by the way I will cherish that B-day card forever. It's been a great 4yrs. I've enjoyed exchanging Insults w;you 1must ask you 1 thing though so who Is the real baroness o( your LeBaron?

Yo~~ia~g~t~ ~~~~~~nR~~~EW~!s~re~he superbowt in

'9:5-Amy Don't worry my brother I know you 're not GAY! get yourself a woman preferably black-she'll teach you a thing or 2. We been through many dasses 8C the same WALLYBALL TEAM (W/Jeff we was nasty Maybe I'll see you but in college (and cute butt at that} hopefully our the mack! Love-Chris " Booker T. Washington 8C WEB DuBois were .. . " ·Darren Marty Mart 8C the wally bunch you' re not joe u2 "the week" 1

~~~~~~~~:cCf~~ r~ba o~u~~!~ ~~~i~r~~- ~~.~~~~ ~~

gruel at lunch. " What do you think you ' re doing?" Color me Ho Jets, Nets, Devils rule, I guess o tell me how much t guess so I gue5S so you can tell me how much I guess so Good Luck In college-Mike L. The only guy I know who in SPANISH yet has red halrl!Cblue eyes. Remember Sister Jose, Anatomy&Physics what do you think you are doing? GIANTS #1 superbowl XXV champs Gotta have the Buffalo Wings The secret Ingredients In Little Caesar's Pizza The LeBaron Good luck In college KIT-Jay AKA my name Is NOT Ben Dave! Forget Roberta and all the DBQ's for APil forget about your music pages In Chemistry Wfball the giants Newtown~Dr. Homer exual Remember 1 thing If I ever. ever get 1st row tickets to Phil Collns I will never In a million yrs. give them to you (Not for billion S's ~the LeBaron!} & I don't even like Phil that much! Love-Bridget You 're crazy but that doesn't matter Nothing matters! Except for

Genisl cars ... thanks for the rides-they were true adventure face It Dave your car's an automatic Thanks for being a good friend you Red·halred Puerto Rican! Love·JEN v You are such the long distance runner Remember it does not look like Lahn ~ It will never look like Lahn! you are a riot although you tend to babble on endlessly when started. You're a great guy Mr. Wood's class was a pleasure! toupe homo-Don't break your skiing ~ buy a ne pair remember If you see a pair of black blizzards they're mine! 1 day you will get It together Newtown rules Love-Ani! Oh you 're such a jay to annoy Really if you can't take It any more of us busting on you we'll honestly stop We had so much fun nominating you for the egg Roulete on Spirit Day You know you loved It Just as well as Color Me Badd. your all time favorite Marky Mark Way to go Davel and let's not forget that special someone who proclaimed her love for you on Valentine's Day wished to be your "'LeBaroness of you Lebaron" Oh! the humiliation for the senior auction. I truly loved the spandex You don't have a peat you have a brother. Remember don't touch him unless he hit you 1st Thanks for the laughs Good luck in all that you do I the future. Love-Marian Hey Red where·s the Jel-o?? That's OK I do itall the time!! What do you think you are doing? It's not a love story! You should have gone to Great Adventure! CooiWhlp-Why Is It cool? How many cubic inches do you have? let's write a book! What about " Regarding Lynch " ? The LeBaron Is wounded!! Tarzan~ the jungle Hey Rob are you still fat? Sr. retreat~ we will all go down togetheri!·Scott Hey Dave the track star! I hope you 'll be able to sit still long enough to read this message-it's probably all the orange juice you drink that makes you o hyper. So did you get any good valentines lately? And did you figure out who wanted to be the Baroness of your LeBaron?! Don't forget about the egg on your face and the sr. auction-the complete humiliation. By the way, 1 lie you hair au natural. Skiing was fun even though you left me on the mountain ~ didn't warn me about that steep hill. But you know t drive better than I ski. So what that I didn't see I was on the wrong side of the yellow lines! So how's the V/ball stud-you know you couldn' t spike on mel So what if you' re going to U2·walt until Bridget~! get Genlsls tickets-then who will be laughing?! Remember my fling on the stairs. And I want my pen back! I'm glad you were in my HR this yr. & we got to be locker buddies. I'll definitely miss your rd hair, red face, your ties. your sln~ing. and your sense of humor. t know Ms. Henkel ~the HS will miss 1t too. But seriously. you' re 1 of the sweetest guys I know (when you' re not actioo like a jerk) Don't change. Stay as facetious as always! I think you 'll be fine as long as you stay away from Amy (or should I expect a wedding invitation in the mail .) Finally, you ~ your Baron, ~ me & my Toy-well, I think I can take you! I guarantee you'll be EATING MY DUST! KIT-especially since 1 expect a B·Day card like Amy got! And the next time youre playing W/ball come visit me (but don't get lost) Always remember that you 've got a friend in PA (your favorite state) Love (moving up from your frlend) ·Nicotete Mr:LISSA MARUE I know we've been through a lot ac it was fun but could have been better. If you forget everything else about me, remember Trot New· man. Don't forget all the fun we've had but always think what could have been. Always Mike (s)? How's the Red Roof? You're such jerk, right? If it hurts put Ice on it. Don'tget into fightw;your parents bfc you know how easy that is KIT BYE·BYE oh walt, keep in mind those 5 times my hand was smacked away. Stay In touch-Scott z Art, Algebra-A 27 yr. old guy? TK+ Miss BomBerger. What's that; Banana-where'd that come from? Mon :SJ<heesesteaks Jzart.he desk NL Party w;sz a tittle fight? UR walk MCCC·here we come you're to great Love-Jill Nice Banana Love-Caesar NOT until May·Nicole's party sorry-Mrs. Kyte's class-Airplanes out the window-what does that mean·JZ Rock the desk. Archer walkout. Ms. Bermbomb she's so cute-cuccl, cucci glad we' re friends remem· ber May! Love ya·Lisa Zal we love ya , Don't forget the car talks the courts w;everyone we too there. peppermint yuchfl JP just say hi FYI JBard your fights. the pit in millstone the time we stalled on the way to NL STOP ahead Jr Prom missed ya Edwin Girls ewh yuck!l NC+GP stay by Ide thanks, Best friend always Love ya·Patti Never forget Arch Soph yr. TE, Jl, LJ, CC+IB Cotillion MM8CGM I would have never met Jl if It wasn 't SUR pty. That's OK KIT Love Ya· Christina Hi han! Never forget: Prom '91-after 2 when your car got over heated wfPL coming to my house my party Josephine snoring or was it Mike? (HA) The " F" man·what was his last name·ln the pitt you in the front m~ +in the back 27 what or what It 24-Go Melissa KIT Always Love Ya·Nikkl L. PL. NL. LE, JC. CR. DB, PY, CB, NM ~ LM I luv you alii SZ I know the 2. I will be at the prom! I love bananas 1 t luv him DB-you know that Thank you LM for everything my 2nd homel We love Ml Beretta, beretta back rds. Dear God-Texaco! What else! I love Ms. II Mr. Who?? Can't wait to leave! KK·remember freshman yr. Public Speaking. Debate JP·we have been friends since Kindergarten 8C nothing will ever change that! Luv Ya! Mr:LISSA MATE got any guy trouble? pt. pleasant beach·where's that? sister! 2 bodies 1 brain! big " He's a Guido" . "who passed ou?" U of Penn·He's not Jer" pt. rules· ··He doesn't even surf'·Sapl Love Ya·Laura Shwahla pshan· pshanl Hair color! MA or DA-declslons decisions! It still can show in FL Keep In Touch wlggin out! Our friend from J-crew on the beach " Jer" Stone, Shari's dying, mel the Diamond! CA growling at skate-rats Mike-how are you? the monkey 999 Oswald 7 Marshin you got 1 god friend-you 're pretty hate dude & you need to get outl for serious? surely 8C don't call me Shirley, Sharon, you like It don' t you 8C you look good In It too-t have a confession to make! When I vacationed to your house In Lawrenceville Fatty bumbalattl the Go-Go' how ya living! Uvlng large! There's o much more to be said, but you know I feel w;out me having to tell you I probably would have tot my mind these past 4yrs. if it hadn't been for your advice. I love you ~ I thank you for your support! PS remember that you are necessary! Love always· Shannon 12yrs, together! PT. Pleasant was the bestl " Ralph the mouth" I'd like a military man and a side of fies" Good Luck next yrl Love·Kelll Remember our night at Eddie K' Oh my goodness-It was fun while it lasted How many time did my mom call your answering machine that night? I'd never do it again If you know what I mean. I'm sure you wouldn 't either HA HA AH Mls ya-K Kerwlck ... and thank you for your supporti·Anne YOU ARE HANDS DOWN QUEEN Of THE NERDS-David Seiler Ya want a burgeri·Bendas Point, surfer girl! RM stabbing you in the face Uh the best good luck & I luv UI·Leigh Sleeping out for u2·soldout! Wayne's World Clad we' re friends you beach chick 1 when you are going out w;my next door neigh· bor? love Ya·Terry Moran CHRISTOPHeR MATHf;WS I want my CO's back Baseball catches I still bated better than you swimming Arts video camera going to the well Bike rides movies alabies What's up Homiel For many yrs. you've sat behind me in Calc & release the awfulest gas. Take some Gas X or something damn you sUnk Don't forget my tender loving at your house in you basement· SIKE! Gimme my tapes back! Sly 8C the family Stone & that black· one~ my Nlntendo tape, Keep that hair shining ac have fun at Rider· HAl love you my pup-Chris So when are we going to get together with Mrs. McGraw & Mrs. Confoy? Love ya·Tara S yo! you made my frosh yr. We had a tot of good times together. I let you win that day when we played B-ball cause I knew you 'd be

disappointed w;the outcome-Rematch Oh-do you have Scott's haHa·Wendy (KK) Boy friend! WW·QV's-Nico's party-awesome tapes-Art's It ain't that small! Taylor' Fizz CR~M the men House Parties cotillion night ··what About Bob?" sost. such a kidder· " I don't look like!" Fake ID's What JO! retreat " glmmie a piece of gum" cram cheese on the face CM&LE=TLF x-mas party '91 you LE, BE me His, Rei. Eng. Lunch I hope you 're used to me ·cause you 're gonna be stuck w;me for many more yrs· TSBD here we come! Luv Ya·Nessa Chris what would I do w;out your generous details in lunch? I wouldn 't know anything how to ... you 're so lazy get up ~ do It yourself She's out of uniform Chris you 'll be the 1st I'll tell I'll miss not seeing you 7 hearing your big mouth remember THE NUN or you might be going to hell We've had fun stay your sweet self YEAH SURE!! Luv-christlne forever yours 8C forever mine, NYC " Gimme Ganool!" , SIC 4th St. cops. FF Forever, 8/28/89, QV's, Kitchen Table. SOTB ~ not the drink, Philly nights, 4am WW scheme, Down the shore. "I dress better than her" Can I have a kiss Please?, Louder than Love. Just remember we're so sweet together, I'll always stand by your side, I'll always give you hugs and kisses and I Love Youl·L SeAN MAXWELL Sean-nice dimples, eyes ~ butt secret rom whose at the door? retreat letters'ncards Dean Clam we were friends-had fun Glad things worked out wfKK (U deserve it) Good tuck next yr. Luv yal Track man; Tree farm; Slosh: M·Stone Lake camp out·Ricky Vlen· zuela sctrm Halloween·Leea's laugh In the am good Luck~ KIT Love· Bek St Rose, tree farm. keep on running~ good luck in college·VIDAL We did everything. and will do more We dream too much-ceasar Thank you for all the great memories you've given mel Xmas, NY's Eve~ day. but most memorable are: My B-day weekend, 'Let's hang out in the pit" Go get Mikie Did you shave today? (He He) want a can of soda pop? Roses are red violets re blue-l!C Maxine sa Iaman· der Loves Your. That's the truth Ruth, Let's study Chemistry (He He) She lives on love st., think I'll ever do the dope jam?·DJ·NOTI. Tiptoeing through the Tulips fr/Tiny Tim, Land of Lost, Peppermint Patty!?! What's up buttercup, If I'm llelng, I'm dlen. If I tell you, I'll have to kilt you " Get that out It's bad for you STINKEN SMOKE Bone structure-yours Is the bet ever! The ITCH ~ the GROWTH·Ha Ha I'm telling your mommy! Your a TINKER 8C GUTTER-MOUTH, Will you dress M .E?Our 1st date, " The Pitt" ·It was the best, but cold! smell my hair? HELLO, Let's play pool. please! Put your seatbelt on, lock your door & call me when you get home. Will you take me to the bathroom??, ovaries are swollen. Can you come pick me up? HA·HA I think I have the chicken " pats" Answer the beep, bye, were going to the movies, too SEXY by far, We can't kiss for the least 4 months STEVE-That's what friends are fori For what did he ever say? I think he was drinking. Let's go on the floor. 10.5 yrs. Robo. Don't mess w1 his head-What's he know-not too much, Drag it out for :5 days Why don't yua! My hand are cold, Can I change the radio station? Jay, what's on your nose Ha Ha Bonnie & Clyde-they like you a lot, It's 5:02 ~ t miss you. MTV·I've got It~ you don't! That will be the last thing U do " Yehl Your dad & my dad-clones! BUSTER Cal bin 8C Hines SLIPPER SOCKS..THANKS A BUNCH Oh before I forget Leea·Our best FRIEND! Ha Ha I have to stop writing bfc I'm sick W/MONO·STIN KER, K2 the undecided 1· Kelly SOPHIE MAXWeLL You can walk in late to class whenever you want to-Tar Where have U been? RMA 8C LaDebu, Ms. Goodwltch! KIT love ya· Keddy Aloha! can you tell me how to get to Sesame St? big Bird, Snufalufa· gus, Schultz falling off desk, senior portrait shoot stirrup man, body roll, Dr Pepper. Pringle, Lou-Lou. Sandy, laughing In confes· slon, The COT nuestras Chicas poder cualquiere cosas, correcto Barbiel·Anne Marie DAWN MCGRATH "Yo · Way to stay close friends" . K.B. Don't lay out with out aluminum foil. I'll miss you. Love, Dawnle Wit Dawn, you'll always be my Majltal "Innocence turned Rebellious" Soccer " my jaw" , San,dy K • she always liked you mostl "Bread maker· M. 7" N.R· there'sjust something! Car accident· Nice K·tuml Sally· okay! " McGrath the window's broken!" so much for service, gym • " sexy lingerie" , " The dollar exchange!" " Really bums my bve", " I wet the floor! " , Thanks for listening! I love you! Murph UR THE CUTEST THING I EVER LAID EYES ON. I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR U. U FLIRT 2 MUCH. UR SO TALL· HA! HALLOWEEN ... BOOTS. K.H. DA. DA. BASEMENT B.R. JEALOUS. R.M. ~ O.L. DA. WHAT'S DA MATTER? I LOST IT . .. GROSS 2 year COTILLION . . . OBSESSION. NICE SUMMER I LOVE YOU, D.L. Soup Kitchen, Aijon·s. dragging you and your bladder home, Dobbie Brothers, History dropout. and Russ1an ballet. Love, the Leader of the Pack The short time we spent so closed was memorable! Soccer was great! It's 2:30, do you think she's brushed her teeth yet? Doubt it. I wish you luck at St. Joe's, Stay sweet and keep in touch! Cya ·Anne The Fizz, Burger Freak. D.L. 8C B.P. Come pick me up but don't get lost. 1 left my keys in the jacket • sorry! Senior citizens House Party! Have fun at St. Joe's! U·Drips, Soccer Rules! Bread woman! BB • Please help herll Never tell Accidents!! ... Nick, listen to my problems. (D.L. is gonna kill mel) Down with Pigliwlggles ... nice car. (You had an interesting summer) In a rush . . . Love ya • Nick McQuatro; we've been fiends now for 1:5 yrs. the famous line: peeing in my car: oink "test" In my room; DL lifeguards 89. sex talks, Pityriasis rosea, hooking at LS 8Cin the "field" your giggles; sneaking In LS" pretend you 're sleeping!" CC Cookies; mario Is calling; funny notes; LBI friends-NOT -can you play? bringing ice coolers to parties; oreos then apples Quatro 4ever: "Bu!" Love· NOSS AP his fiends not fair U got out millstone party goofy In UR room (we were so exited!) matchmaker secrets your little appetizer, soup kitchen = nice outfit (JK) 00-don't Blate. "2good" thrifty drgs, tsts Cotillion Soph yr we were late mll~cookles after. sleep over~eave at Jam, Sally service. Pee on floor. DI..8CAL Iuvus 4·eva phon econ· versatlons, crying (splash cold water on UR face It works) fighting retreat pretty bye fat girls (Y does DL luv them?) Deross 8C U when I was wfhlm soph yr. (I hated U) we ~ealous, thanx $being there 4 me. UR 1 of the best friuends I have ever had 8C lluvU Good luck In all you do KIT ALWAYS Luv ya·Leea (U+DL = Mf+AL I wish they realized that) 9 yrs. ~ still going-self formulated speech malfunction-Wrestle· manmia Halloween Knock Hockey-council session-get the cream grandma UW·Sn prom pass out satan mobile should we take It? vs. I love you-Thank youi·Laura Shwahta McG-nashback to soph yr. Nintendo Pk:tlonary, your basement V1 ball .. . now let's see there's Mr.M for me Y for U NOT MEl I can 't believe you Absolutely nice Cotillion dress, you want to ask me that question 1 more time? You're sucha dork. I love youl·hussy SGS mozzarella sticks at Allons, our lights our dances soccer camp, our sweet 16 party 8Cafferwards friends since 4th gr. Dawn you 've always been a great friend! Good luck In the future LoveKelly Hello fellow capt. Just wanted to say hi& let you know what I think you are so great. Never forget soccer frosh yr. &how scared we

~~~~ ~t~~::Yt~r~; ~~~~~!~\:ew~~~r:;:~t~g~Yr;~e~~~~~~

captains everyone else was behlnd·so stay behind! STAY BEHIND THE CAPTAINS!! DON'T CUT THE CORNERSI! none listened Yot;~r

house NY's Eve was fun (me you. KK. MK, KF, KG) Nintendo sooa bottle exploding us being very loud &'up all night talking Thanks for being there when I was hurt. I love ra·Fanelll (Rolphy) Remember guarding each other m PAL basketball? We hated each other& my team was always better! Never forget the 1st day of tryouts when I came over &'we and nothin!:J to talk about. Carpool· ing. NY Eve, videotaping of it frosh on varsaty goosers kidney prob· lem. going through hell w;gc GOALS toasting muffins on toaster Don't let him see you-Back to Future2 All of us In 1 room Some say love it is a river Peter Paui&'Mary, Kreps wall . my arms are sensitive Captains finally w; total control. your stinky radio choices Mariah. Bolton. Laddy-da! Diane Is a brute! WE've had some greta times, stay away from HIM! Love-Kristin Frosh yr., .. best friendsmix·ups. thanks for the advice .. but I didn't listen your casa (set nites) TGI" s Market Fair Parties drink too much getting sick I love ya 4ever·Kwissy Gym Ooor·:5rd gr.jumprope. ET's me you 're too good SJU·partles forever! room mates·ntol come tomy house before we go out Prty at SB's shore house Lie to go to BK's in SB ride to football game W/ Loftin's gossip dinner at Olive Garden! Freakin Pd. 7 Go Sal love YA • see ya next yr. Unfortunatly Terry Moran We have too many memoruies, BYE best friends was our destiny Soph yr. Eng I stared Wewere friends R talks my date-you 're weak Did he kiss your freaks Bob Urich we' re a rock duo Bethamy '90 '91· be at my house :5 days early so we can pack the car In 7 mlns. 5 ~sees . McDonalds. Ferry. Sea Colony. Fish, Hitchhikers. candy Kitchen. Chocolate Chip cookie dough, beach at night. cigs. Ro· mance on the high Seas. Sally JesseR. Libby's • Tumms. Min. golf. B·walk, bumper freaks. Haunted House. " Goeke, you 're so slow can 't you tell when rm mad?" Step on, Into the Mystic, Pet Paul and Ma. Si l!i Ga. Groove is in the freak, Cat Stevens. " To my special friend, for someone especially nice." Lions feather. Little hom. SCHEMES · We're absolutely the best. Halloween, comer at 2 a.m., Dinner 4 Wayne and Garth, My house, your house. gatherings, etc.. etc .. . .. Our boyfriends just like us. We're a good pair. Midnight callers. Love Stroy. Sirens. Savin!;J Sewnig's baby from destruction. Mrs. Da . Boron. What the Fa? Sharmey's on the bleachers. All Rau Bau. The Linda's. Azafata. Tatonce, Stands with a Fist. Kicking Ba, Smiles a lau, John dunbarrrr. Shadow·crash. 12. Foogt. Panic. Phone? I'm sprlntin$ to WaWa. Ambulance • are U on an emergen· cy? Cop· no help. Lmds G· " Be home in v, hr. " YEAH RAU. Fran 2 rescue. Cotillions, Proms, Dances, f·ball games. Perseppi's, Bur· gi's, Carfagna·s. Cox's. Chicken Divan for A.G. Onion Bagel for D.M. Crackers don't pull out. Linda M's gaseous state, Pups? Ms. L's orange jawline and everything else. I hear a noise pounding. foot· steps of Big Foot. Gymshirt • lean. Don't eat my fries. No gum. I could go on forever. All our good times, our talks, our cries. our laughs· all our memories. I will never forget. AMB and TRAE 4 EVA, I LOVE McGRATH • GOEKE To all my friends · 1don't have any gum. Seriously, I love you all so much and I'm going to miss you! AG. DR, LS, LK, JP. AM, KM. TM, KF • you guys are the best!! Soccer chicks • #11 Hoagie, Kennedy, Murph, T. Nikki · Big D!!l Koschek · Thanks for being a great coach and a great friend! Thanks also for the never taken advice!! (Hal) Good luck Class of '9:51 Class of '92 • thanks for all the memories! I love yal! RANDY MCVAUGH What's up. Nice truck. Never know when someone might set the alarm off. You go skiing to God damn much. Keep those ND sweat· ers you like so much. ·SZ " want to rent a boat?" Is that our pizza? What'd you do with the beer, movies. D·Pizza at 1:00· deliver to window please. A five dollar tip. K.E. NOT. Monte S.S. Watch our for Sabbs. 110 mph. Heather, Dawn. Jackie, Sandi. Boys and their TOYS. Yo I blew my radio and my amp. Baseball tryouts. Skiing. " Wildwood ". Chrlsita and Kate. Getting stuck 4 wheeling. Mall. The strip. car stereos. " Yo Is this Bob's house." Radio Shack. Bum outs in the neighborhood. " So now where." Jen who. which Jen." Meaningless Wildwood trip. All country utility " ?" Point Pleasant. " This beach Is made of stones". Seaside "Where are you going. I don't know" . " Not coming home. " Eegs Benedicks. Melissa. Christmas Trees. " Watch out for the trees" . Football chicks. "Just give me map". " Are you sure you don't want to rent a boat." My house, Your house. " Yo this church really smells." " No Way" " What do I have to write on my shirt?" Running the mile. What's your name " Fred" Fred what. Fllnstone. " The Bat" ·Pool hall Vernon· carve you out-accounting ·Monty· Hard boiled eggs- deli· cious You love it!· Theo Randy· let me have a fry. " Go get me a soda" Nice lunch period 5, Why don't you bum out a couple of more stereos, call me this summer, and thanks for busting Jen's chops In Gym Class. Angelo. We had a great time in homeroom. You know you' re the e" Typew· riter Bandit" I just got blamed for all of it. Sit on my ... . welll Could you help me install my radio, what? You blew your whole system. I'll get Fred to help me. Randy the greatest baseball player ever. We must have embarrassed you all season. I'm glad school's over so I won't get my fingers stuck in my locker bjc you always slam it shutll If you still have the Monte after college, I'll buy it. Good luck In the future and thanks for all the great times. Jeff (Leaquy Snotz) Art class was great. but keep working on those colors. Black and white don· make brown, either, and It wasn 't me that said that. Good luck on your air brush! Eric JeANNIE MeAGER Yep .. . that'll dolt! How's my hair? How many days were you absent? Math notes. Goodluck. Donch think? KIT! Carole ALYSON Mr:EHAN Alyl (Can I call you I really didn't get to know you until this year, bu to know you Is to Jove you, and I do love you! I love you because we can be crazy and not care If we are making fools out of ourselves! Remember all the good times: Slackwood School , " Hi. my name Is Joel I have a wife and three kids . .. " ,shopping before Cotillion '92, Victoria 's Secrets (Can I look??), looking endlessly for shoes, getting caught In CVS WITH LIPSTICK, our 50's prom plan. looking under cars for people with knives. Princeton, hats, you hating every piece of clothing I loved, frozen yogurt with Strawber· ries, pizza with thin crust. SALLY'S CLASS!, soup kitchen '92, our Dance·A·Thon plan (Oh, well!), City Gardens (Ramones), Your priest·friend Doug, " Been Around the World Tonight, I Can't Find My Baby!", Sacred Heart, Carl (S.O.S.), and all the other times. You are a special person and friend. I hope we keep In touch . Thanks for the laughter and smiles! Love, Jen (Odie) " Let me Explain . . . no-there is too much . . . let me sum up" Singing choirs. Watership down. The Purple Man, Another Illegal Reproduction · Symphony: bar. living room picnic, Bromley • Is that the top?, Full moon skating, Interview with . .. . • Message In a Bottle, Quest. U2. Thanks for It all. " There's a world outside your window ... " Your friends, Carl. Always remember your Jon, my Jon. (Real men· the scrubby type!) Secret confessions in my living room. Superquick catch-up talks In the hallway (I'll call you!), the endless adventure in the snow. and B&'J Ice cream in MCPark (" ltjust makes sense!" ) Alw<\)'s know that if all else fails, VC love your Love always. AC Keep denying it, but I tell you, we WERE friends soph year! You are so sweet, so special, so funny. don't forget that. Ever have pineapple? cherrles?!!l Watch out for slippery noors, unzipped zippers•, " annoying people" . food in your teeth, smelling too much, and too much sugar! We are so much alike! (Scary, huh?!) So, keep in touch. keep smiling. and follow your dreams . . . . Love. Jen v. (P.S.: Axl Rose. MESSED UP PEOPLE ... ) Alyson. don't ever change. You are the most hilarious person I ever met. Keep eating those fruits. Remember Wildwood, dinner at T.G.I.F.'s with Paul B. and MW. Senior Year lunch table, you made it memorable! Love. Ani

r:RIC MICAI " Did you ever get your class rank?" Good luck In life, Keep in touch. ·Darren Colonial Division champs, sectional bid. Couldn't ask for much more In wrestling. We got throu~h four years of practice right? We deserve medals of honor. Well. at's been a great year good luck in the Air force. • Chris Sieben " Did you Oy that glider yet? Crash and bum! Homemade piece of junk I made, wouldn 't ny. unbalanced. Future holds great things for you. man. I know you 're going to be a great success. Later· Randy Mr. Top Gun · you big baby, you looked great In those stupid striped PJ 's and he bonnet · you won us the prize for best home· room! The N.H.S. breakfast Club is the best, so Is Bro &' Bro ball. Remember the Kojak socks? Good luck in the Air Force! Love, Bridget Hey! I didn't know you very well until this year, but rm glad we became friends. 1 didn't know you were on the drill team. What instrument do you play? (ha·ha·ha) Calc was a lot of fun especially that certain South Brunswick fellow. I know deep In your heart there is a small amount of " likeness" for him. You can tell me. Ms. McGraw and her crazy history class and you always mocking Bren· ner in the morning. Good luck in the academy and the best of luck in everything you do. Love. Marian U.S.A.F. doesn't know yet what a great guy they' re getting. Con· grats of all of our hard work and success. Too bad aj b .006. but hey. that's life, right??.Never forget: Top Gun. " Three Women and a Big Baby", NHS, you l!i me late everyday. my shoes that needed to be spit shines, Lippy, physics, and all of our other fun times. Thanks for the lollipop, and for your friendship. Good Luck • the future holds great things for you. Love, Jenn (Odie) Air Force Man. that Is a f18, no a f14 plane, T2, I saw It with you. gym award, your soccer skills, you got an A+ on Chern. bfc your dad Is a Chern. teacher. he favors you bj c your a wrestler, Palmer Stadium for :5 hrs .• July 4, B.C .. Thomas Sweets, Princeton, legs of steel, great DJ at the cadet ball. Van Halen stinks!. Beverly Hills, volleybalL wallybally, pull your shorts up! You have to be more open. I'm glad were friends and so close. Youre a great guy and you mean a lot. Loosen up. More good times are yet to come. Love, Kristin You're a really nice guy! I'm so glad I got to know you In the NHS room this year! We had fun In Anatomy, Calc. Religion; and English! Good Luck in all you dol Love. Shaheen You Damn fly Boy! Tell the guys at MacGulre to watch radar for the Bel. and another thing. you never do any work In lab! I have to do everything! • GUS MARGIE MIDURA Good luck with the future and everything you hope to accom· plish. B·ball was fun ! It was nice being friends for the past 4 years. Love, Jen R. It's a shame things happened like they did this year. I'll never forget the things we've been through. I wish you the best of luck with everything! Love, Lisa SHIVANNI MODY " My fellow UNC rejectee. hey it's their loss!" • Darren Shhh· I'm trying to do my Latin. If I ever find you skis I'll tell you. Let's visit Mr. Wood this summer, he's such a fun guy! Without you to help me study for Latin, I would have failed this year · thanks! Always remember throughout life. no matter how far behind you get, rm at least 10 ft. behind you. Love, Dave. YANNI!! You lazy, lousy jav thrower, can 't handle the distance wimp! Never forget · ERNST! or our History thoughts of Wisdumbl Hockey Camp and Carole's Rocks! Best of Luck and Keep Smilin' l C· ya, Chrissy D Jr. Prom, Sr. Cotillion, our beverage games. the diner, your jilted lover. Latin 11 and II, A.P. II, Sr. Jose, your hair on my head. Always stay the same sweet. psycho, and swinging babe that you are now. Don' t forget our b..... memories. Love. David " Are U having a party?". BIG MOUTH: period 7. S &'the B concert, " Where's the Tower?" Love Ricky Valnezuela Field hockey, control yourself Ani, benchwarmers. watchout for that screen door. very surprised at surprise party, Indian princess, spies like us. Prom Scandal. Cotillion, Laura look·alkle. Will you cut that damn hair? The all time question: Ani, are you ever gonna get your llscence? You ' re forever laughing at the stupidest things· that's why I LOVE YOU! . . . Rochelle Ani. Snob, Horse Back Riding. skiing, thanx teach, Junior prom, M.W.. CONCERTS, Mad;s House, Nice to get lost. Motorcycle Man, B.B.W.. Revival, Driving to Phily, Garbage Can?!?!, Mad's dead. it wasn't me, " How old do you think I am?" , M.K:s living room, films?!?!?. Hammer·time. glow in the dark bra, watch out for screen doors!. It's been a lot of fun! Thanx for the memories! I love you. K.P. Long and Squiggly, Reebok and Adidas, ANUS. Juvenile Delin· quints. Teacher's Nightmare, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. THE FOUNTAIN, " I don't want to grow up!", Soccer terror, sing-songs, HAIL MARY, I'm a lose. shlneheads, " Well then I daontl". lne asprin equals one small head, Nlke, not Adldas! Hand and Franz, Your Pop· so sexy. horse back riding. screen door, sounds • TNT, " You have a nice gum line!'', G.M. Viet.. the CLOSET, Podium· BANG!. Jennybottle. Big, Bad, Boss, ROSA'S, VIRGINIA BEACH!, hot tub, :57 ABC Guys, Navy or Marines?, Towels, keys, change, chicken, pollee, b-sults ·not!. THE ELEVATOR, DUCK. Park·rest. smell something? T.V.?, Boy toys, Mini-golf, Pizza Hut. " Shut Up" , " Whaaaat?" , " Hit Reality yet?", MY PANTS, Capt. Ood·loof, Gopher Girls, WAVEl duck! AQUARIUS HOTEL, RM 210. 520, ... . " Let's ~o watching!", Pool, 'Tm gonna tell on you! BUTT BUDDIES, Perfectang our lying. motor· bike·, LICK IT! VASELINE. Shower Curtain, " Going down to Brooklyn, Brooklyn", singing. Houlahan's, " How old do you think I am?", MOTH BALLS • yum! That man of yours, WOOLWORTHS, Spraying and Trying, TAKE FRUIT!. cheesecake, pineapples, deten· tion, um ... .. You 've got the rest. Being with you makes my stom· ach and jaw hurt! I've never laughed so hard! Thanks for everything, Love, Jennifer V. Ani, you are so crazy l!i I love you for It! We've had some pretty interesting times together, wouldn't you say? Remember always horse·back riding. track, skiing. me wanting to help everyone who fell , me winning down the slopes. 99 bottles of berr on the wall, picking up those awesome guys, Chris Seiben's party when we both got thrown In the pool wj all our clothes on! Coming back to my house at 2am l!i getting me in trouble (thanks a loti) Me driving backwards down the highway just so we could get those hot dogs! " Tainted Love" (you, me &' Jen V playing it over &' over &' over again . . . ) Doing homework by your locker after school, physics Slackwood: " Hi my name is JOEl" PROCRASTINATION, Cotillion '92. Kerry's house after! " Whore" Encore, ···hole (nice for me to lose everytlme) me falling down the stairs. my little " explosion" whipped creamj watergun fight wf Mr. Pearson, David me&' Kerry protecting you from you·know·who at TSC soccer game, riding in the police car, and my infatuation wf Hammer's friend who's name I can 't remember right now! Remember Lippy. Krimpet l!i Sally/Judy and remember always Perikles! Ani. It's definitely been fun. We're going to have a great summer! Keep In Touch and don't hurt yourself (KLUTZ!) Love Ya · Jenn (Odie) NORA MOUSTAfA Nora·Well. " I love Terek . . . I love him. " You drunk at Robin 's house. " Your In trouble ... When 's dinner at your house?" u are great. Good luck, Love Ya. • M.D.P. Sorry about April 19th • limo· crooks· chaffeur· should have hit him· I owe you a party! Had big fun! • Theo Physics would not be the same without you. So, when are you working at the Marrlot. I'll visit you in the gift shop. Keep In touch with me. · Your buddy. Angelo Energy Dances, Screendoors, Lakewood, I can 't tum the hazards om Did the cat scratch your lip? Rider Sklt·NOTI Fri. Dec. 1:5-slapper.

Tropicana Twister. Punching bag in your face, need new tires? Macy·s make·up and jewelry counter· Bent El Keld. Chicken Diane· at grandma's, for rea l! lollipops, I'm looking for my gold earrings. Red Bikini. No he doesn't need a ride Home! " Are you asleep · rea peat what I said!" Sliding board. Skid-marks at Cedar Gardens. Lee at zan·s· Cotillion Dress, Black jeep while sunbath. Let's run through the sprinkler. Momma 's gonna knOCk you out. Summer in Florida-great. Tile man-Where are your clothes! Super tackler· I'll call you for your work schedule. Well, I don't know what else to say. THe time has gone by so fast. I'll Miss You. · Robin Remember positive attitude· actions will follow! Cl!iC. my first train ride. a key to great friendship is trust ~ honesty-we have a great friendship!. L.B.I.· I could have killed you, Chern. helpThanks. I lost my shoe·l haven't found it yet. We' re such great detectives! " Prom 91", 2 toots on the whistle and nash on and off lights, shot gun both ways, " Brown Eye Girl". " Stretch It, Stretch It· Flex It, Flex It", Thanks for al the great times! f / F ·Love Ya, Nat Silvers It's been a lot fun. Math class, Thanx I would not have been able to do it without you . .. Me, You, and R.S lunch Jr. Year . .. . watch out for bleach! ... " Is there anything on the back? . .. " I have to shave. " ... My Secret Passion ... Tarek. Oh God! . . Homeroom ... " touch Bases" ... We'll get through It! ... Teach me how to drive a stick. Never forget all the memories. I'll miss you. Good Luck! · Love always K.P. P.S. The One and Only! T~RRY

MORAN To My Friends t Here I come, SIC! Senior bonding: S., L.C. L.E, C. F. S.f, A.M. L.K. J.P. K.f .. K.M, M.M, D.M, L.S, D.W.·We're the girls! Miss the fights T! SNAFU CREW: " Here's to good friends ·cause tonight is something special" 20j2Q- Time to take the dog for a walk! Ditches are dangerous! Bambi is evil! Good Times· Millstone Crew: J .M.. S.M.. D.O., M.K., C.N. , E.M .. P.S. Pervert· It will never work! When I drive I'm skilled?!! Memories of K. . Party! Never Forget the Class of '92! • Terry Moran Moram·n·Rosel! Pd. 5 Calc.·Thank God its an elective. Does S.O. like her eggs cracked? I know M.M. does. Powder Puff and P. balls. Nice dis on Halloween semi·hook·nlce to share. Say to L.K. at St. J 's. Be good! • Love Ya. Rosel We don't do this In TeKas!l We only milk the cows! " Ole Tex." Get a gym shirt!! • Melissa Parties· To great You&' sue. Have to stay over again! · Love Ya, D. Wit Lake Shmulivitz· Can cord it· Thurs. theme days · " Who wants to play the bird game?" • NOT· Psych test· Love Ya, Laura Shwahla Out of the heat! Softball Rules! TOO GREAT!I Terracota is the bestl Cotillion Night· Sue just let me talk to your for a minute!! Leave her alone! TERRANC~! New Years Eve! Cheeseball. Chuck Rules. I will never forget you I Love You!· Jen Annie. Annie, why ya buggin? Locker buddies for 4 yrs. ya like tat alot Doddi! SNAFU. Remember the first day of school frosh Yr. Band RM. l!i Friends ever since. " Hand" Partying and Passing out. You're always the First one. Well, good luck at St. Joe's. I'll miss ya but I'll CYA ·Love Ya, Anne You you always knew how to get me mad. Any time you wanna fight you know who to call . I'll still love Ya. why· I don't know · Love, T " Bodine Wave " . " SNAUF·watch out for the Shmitt's!" statistic· 1 know your jealous! Sally-quite an eKperience, OKAY! Your the Best!" • Murph " Your hair Is awesome!" Dataram. My Backpack, " Ma. can you tum up the radio?" (Thanks for taking care of me) BRAD PITT! Cotillion '91, Lost in Philly R.M. &' M.C.· Cool Beans, hot apples, frozen grapes· Happily Ever After! The P·Diner: Cheese Fries &' Banana Split: OUR WAY!ff Terracotta. Bronze Goddesses! Scotl's· " Go. Sue"·as I got thrown out the door! Terry, lfit wasn't for her·l'd be In love with you. I Love N. Y.·NOT! Hunderton Central· going. going. gone! Hamilton, The Hltchiker, 2 burnouts· M.K.· 1 still can 't believe that! Rounding second base. Pickups·l . 2, ... 25. we're on " the radio", "Hot Stuff" . Blues Traveler! Mercenary. Photo, Widen· er, Delaware-Go, go's, "you' re really turning me on!" (What a Geek) Jetting in Kyle's kitchen· " Get It off. He's your boyfriend." " Look you guys, it's the pizza men!" •Bambi?!?!?!" Stay out of ditches! 1 Love you Terry. thanks for sticking by mel See you at the altar!· SUE How long have we been friends? 12 yrs.!l Toom Many memories . . . Mrs. Kashhammer·s chair incident. ET and ME. is that diarhea? Ms. Reen 's pocketbook findings, Patty m. accident that remaired, Back of fltten's class, famous sunset. non-Birthday cards, Palmeri and Mt. Airy fights. library with Ferdinardi. Trest Violent Femes, cheerleadlng, Junior Prom, Sure· I knew you could, 1 wonder if the party was a go! Bodine's Party John Denver, Haley's comel, earth tremor. your friends wj S.S. and me In the middle, S.S. never leave me alone. 8th grade graduation and the parties that followed, Par· ish dances, scratching Maple's back, S.N.A.F.U., why don't you drink O.J anymore?, Let's make toast!, Thanx so much for the shotgun! Ther are so many more I can't think Remember always that lluv you, and let's make our phone bill high next year!· Leigh SNAFU· Here's to good friends tonight is something special. Sen· lor Female Bonding. Let's have a toast (for an hour). Where's the V.? It's gone already?? Lynch's class· We're really not stupid. What homework? Col-de-sac. Softball ·Mr. D- nice pitch. Groundball to outfield, oh bounce overhead. It's gone!! Bio. Soph. year • Nice teeth· don't stare at me· Don't throw notes! " Are we SNAFUing this weekend? Yeah! Where? I don't know we'll find a place. ". Yeah right. Themeday Thursday • the tailgate was the best. Glad we' re friends.·Love Ya. Fanelli (Finster) Terrance·HO!I Spinach. close your moth and natten your hand. Sally· we won' t like you either, jokes in gym. retreat bak of bus, crying in chapel, let's go see Fr. D. I was on T.V. seniors! aerobics, per. 8 gym, Liptak fiate's us. midget joke, Indigo girls, Pool Balls (We won), I'm a good driver. eggs, is Lisa O.K.?, get her in the car·NOW!!, famous hook·ups (M.S.M.C.) lluv ya! Always remem· ber me as the Keanerator in the Keanermoible. Good luck and K.I.T. • Luv Ya. Leea P.S. Wanna run. track at Princeton u. again? Yo, we've had some serious H.S. memories. " I think it's so cute how Mr. R calls you Coluch just like your brother." Our freshman romance-ended. " Get out of my lunch table." " Hey Coluch, shut the back door." " Sure Bill." Croonchy Stars. Jr. Prom disaster. L.C:s house·" Get off me you drunken fool. " Is this your cruchy thing? This is an excellent song to bop to. How's Pee·Wee? Asleep on the phone. Those awesome trips to S.B. Ending up in the ghetto. You makln' me the middle-man. That was a pretty good note. Coluch or Clooch? Hi Magie. " Do you want your bracelet back?" But I want M.S. to come·Smack! Mrs. Moran is awesome! Mary my French partner. Thanks for everything. • Love, Doug Why did you lock the door? :5rd grade gym ftoor-QOPSI Ms. Hall· man· She loved us! Jump rope! 10 yrs. and now college- get away! I'm stressin' bigtlme. Get excited!l Look out next year! Terry, wake up! Did you read . .. good. me neither! You' re driver, when you drive (HA, HA). Bathroom staii·Ms. McQui·EEEW she's wrinkly! ET &' MEl I know there will be bigger and better memories! I Love You! • McGrath Retreat • You hogged the covers. N.L's party W/ R.K. Brahum's backyard. Back parking lot. All my nicknames· you call me. • Love Ya. Chlzm WE have roots, girl. Molly. 8th grade yearbbok· tree story. New Years at NG's· I Love You Mother Tess. I call when I get to the shore (HA). Terry telephones to talk thesis terminology. Per 8 English· lnterpollate, jocular. Germane (Jackson). Lackadaisical. Yes. I am an avid reader. Okay? La Dl Da Dl. Great wall of China Display. That Pltcher-cather Bond. Great Adventure· Nick's Van. I Love Yal RubesjMollyjBec. · Rebecca Wisor Orlando's: NL's: SO HAPPY!: fingers: Peer class partner: Slosh Woman • Ricky Valenzuela Halo Farm's. Howard J's. Pool ball. EGGS. " Juicy drive ya crazy". Drug free school zone-Juice You always know how to get me mad. Any time you want to fight.


you know who to call. I still love ya, why- I don't know- Love, T Terrance, I never , The eternal Volvo, pd. 8 , plbs #1, Halloween, ··elevated minds··. JG, Caryn's, Chern.- we learned alot. K.J.T.· don't forget about me- 1 love ya Ter. - Love always, Bek Terrance Trent D'Arby! We love SIC, hitchhiking. party pooper. fall over any fences lately? Junior r .- our talk, my secret in the closet. We are definitely hanging out over the summer!- Love, Jill Coley XO Never forget you B·Day and those guys from- I'm not sure- " Mad Clog" MaMa. We' ve had alot of fun in the past 4 years- Remember all !he memories. TheJ. Promwf Nick-I knew you 'd makeup with him. All Leigh 's parties. All of SueS. stories about all her men MaMa. I'll iss you - K. Kerwick T-Ter. Our life is one Big Cui-de-sad They should really out those. e eternal Volvo. How that Red Jetta. 12 years too long! Birthday ountdown Time. It always does that. Got any money-lleft-Hi Chris! ool balls. No Bird Game-Niine. SJU Every weekend. S.O. how about ose eggs! -Love Ya . Lisa uldesac. Treefarm, Ski Trap, Knee Things, 1Love You . .. Pervert The worlds last V. The world 's biggest moron. JR. Park and Party. rown eyed girl. Pool Ball, Pinhead. Chris Montiero? 1 know him. 95 95. CR party. Puke? Samking. I know him 2. Singing Kareoki, sta party, and powder puff. B-Day balloons etc. Hands off my bro. our favorite Q stick - Romanchick Kate: you are the worst driver! Lose any tires lately? Remember e shore! That was fun! Remember lunch! KIT! Kate- The last 6 yrs. have been a lot ofun. Never forget the SAS ys, Noel, Blue-Hortz~n . N.Y.C., the the beach, veggles. EPG, the ain, SS Seaport. pool at :SAm, pizza men, EC, the :s name dude. r loves ac hates, colleges. Barnum, whales, clocks, my uncle s the Rangers. NKOTB, Great Adventure, crying at movies, et 16s, parallel parking. Jim from NY. I have a mend in Penn .. chen table tal~. doing our homework together (which Is the 1st), rd conversations, prom, frosh cotillion, Spirituality Day. that sn't. sur peer class, " this is not a Jove story and the mock triaL " ~e fun n~t yr. You've been a great mend-thanx Love, Chris P.S. e re no gomg to be able to do our homework anymore. Kate Moran: " Le!'s whisper" What am 1 going to do? Kate, what ppened to the t1re of my car? tree, car, J.S. history-yuck! Who eds it? Not mel " We-tweet" Hi, Elmer! Good Luck! Luv, Tracey Kate Moran: Kate and her date were late. Great! Jr. prom. lunch ble. WorstJoke Wed. Chris's B-day. Oh. god. Your driving. Yoga. tie Merrnald. far Side. You at college. Good luck. KIT Carole Kate Moran: Prom! Amy's. Homeroom rio U2 tickets! your tire. ~/arklng lot-mud! Env. Sci. Limo! The car alarm! Margaret ~~: ~fetennis girls and Schaef it was funl Good luck next year.

OM MOOROCROI'T It's been a great 4- years. wouldn 't you say?? Never forget the times: Ms. Confoy·s class soph. year, Contilllon '92, Beaver,-· Je, (thanks a lot for making me lose everytlmel). My little "explon" (oopslll), and all of our other memories: " W have" - the ultiate movie! Good luck ac Keep Smiling!! Love, Jenn (Odie) Tom Moorecroft: flyers are awesome L. Bashing. Poked? l.':nglish ass is awesome. Don't forget the retreat. Thanx for being a great end-KIT Ac Tom Moorecroft- My Flyers paL All of those Flyers· games were reat fun, as was the Carnival. Good luck w; college and hockey. yers are #1 and so is Rod Blind' amour! KIT Amy Tom, Retreat & your Liptak bashing. Physics is phun . You 're so I like Dr. J. Mr Reither & that great philosophy class. Calc was n wf Ms. z. I'm glad we become better friends. Good luck in the ture & all that you do. Love. Marian To: Tom Moorecroft roft-Moor


Tom: ERNST! Never forget our History Words of Wisdumb or our cks on Mr. Mill! I'll see ya at Iceland! Best ofluck & Keep Smilin' l -ya Chris D Tom: Cotillion game at Kerry's, our favorite word that I can 't te, AP1&11 and all the times Ms. 0 though you were cheating. e day I quit Iceland, seeing your family In the church basement er since I was 7. and numerous other things that I can't recall as I there in detention writing you this message. I'll hopefully see you ext year and maybe we'll finally go hunting together. Your mend. avid Tom: Remember to do you Physics and history. Thanx for being y cotillion date & locker buddy. Remember your endless beaver okes & being my vice-president. One day I will participate In our abs. I promise. Fix your car so it doesn't keep stalling! And always member that a paper can never be tooo late! (History) JKIT Love ni. Tom: Thanks for the tree· slammin' on your court, I was domint. Remember- 125 ac most important- Jeopordyl Stay cool- foley To Tom Moorecroft .M.-Iockers, cotillion, suzyk, labs, AP (it's over). AC- where's " L" ?, 2 (too smart), flyers, A.S.G.. Spectrum 20 min.! suzyk; A.B .. c.r.ere's the fire? L.K. WH. AP, Calc., Liptak, it's all over; T.R.- Sk ng. St., G. , nin, Buzz cut; B.G-St. 0, SAP, suzykVB, GL@ HC; R.V.. G, D.J.- Let's race, r:s. suzyk, Reither, see ya In jail; D.S.- VB.. 'Step to mel" cool car, Tim Dog. Reither; B.W. = Harold's, 209, either, Grooville, Yes Mrs. Gavin, Jearn to ski; Marty- too red, nice eo. nice car, track, Don't hit S.L., Rabbit vs. LeBaron; S.L.- Watch t for Marty. F.P., on Sundays; CH- who stole the car? Paps- stop aying w; the girls; J.B.-Myrtle, LBI. Is. B., Md., 14hr. tour NC .. ulls, Va, Mr. M and art, Mr O'B, Soccer, xc, track, Street hockey. am·n:Jam. rap mixes. Chris, Jeep and pizza, K.H. J.B., Honda 625 Y> hrs.). Rabbit. Realistic, which one do you want? watch for 50, min' System. J .K.. J.H .. J.D.. W.B., O.K.. K.f .. KFC, LUNCH. A. F.. .s.. C.D .. Bunkerhill, R.B.. Bouman's Tower, mudslide. stove sh, m.c.p., R.H.. SNE·HNE, reunions, J.S., pool, BUB, I.L.. rectory, . Tom, J .B. vs. L.W .. " I let him win "EW, Op. 3 St Chp, Nat. St G.. k8n. surfln', J.B. (b-ball), Nice ditch I found, clean orr the grass, and D., C.T. and T.O., Mr. Phipps. Nice life Maria, SR. (BB, TM, JB. K? ), Good Luck Bud; R.B.- FM. B. no my hand's on fire. B. T.. M.C.P.. c . track; R.W.- frosh yr.. health food, Liptak; K.S.- Ho, Ho, Ho, It ost too much; ES, Retreat. K.I.T.; Fr. D- stay cool, thanx A.C.Iptak. Retreat. What's up rna? B.H.- slam·n:Jam, hockey, suzyk, hill out. thanx for my tape back. wash @ P.J.'s; O.K. -r:.s .• Beaverunting, A.K., E.K. -Great Season, Good luck; NO lee Hockeyat's up? B.M. -art, homeroom, movies, BB, B.V.- how'd you land er? norida In a w. ch .. Leprechan, A.F.. M.S., C.D., S.N., J.o·o. ve ya , homeroom. never seeing ya, contillion. Beaverhuntlng. hhhl, the pit, T.D.; J.B.-B.M. 4x4-, Yes. I speak Slovak; D.S .. D.B, .B .. J .P., E.M.-T.N. and J.B. ruJe VB .. A.f.. M.S.. C.D., S.N., pool. pslral carpets, BB: J.C .. o.w. stay orr the net: J.B., -K.B.. Grands, Mello Yello, Columbia, Sumter. G.C.. $3.50 what happen to inimum wage, Pedro, Beymer, Opie, STX; o.r:.- your a fool , let's h; B.C. - wipe your nose. Un-n-nb (yeah Liz); J.P. - you 're too t. slow down for us mortals; B.M.- Do the turtle, don't go over the ue line, D.B. -you have the power (just don't bum your hands off) oley- Celtics and Giants suck; B. H.- How's your head? (mine has a uge goose egg); D.E. - Nice Peace Mobile, Elghenbrower, Eigenower, Eigendorker, El~enSmacker, EigenSmuck, STOP twitching, ax and take a chill, E1genmosher; L.W. · :S bagels, nice car (dean p the meat); T.K. -n·A.R., A.R. nicejeep, we'll have to go Bajaing on e 501st mile; J.B. Let's bring In the mail again sometime soon. hanx to all my teachers. esp. S.K.• B.Z.. R.W. RWO, Sr. J .. Sr. H.. .R., D.B.. WROBO, M.C .. S.O., Thanx and Good Luck to M.A .. K.B., ·.B.. B.B., A.B., C.B., B.C.. B.B. T.C.. J.B., L.C .. K.C., A.C., S.C., J.C., .D., Baker, foley, A. f ., K.G.. J.O., T.C., K.K., B.K., E.K., J.K, Larry, .L.J .L.. A.L. B.M. K.K., A.M., C.M .. C.M., I.':.M .. R.M .. C.N., C.P., C.P., .B.. Proph, E.L .. J.P.. J.N .. Hawkins, E.S .. L.S.. S.S., S.S.. M.S.. S.T., .w., P.V.. K.Z., Thanx Mom and Dad. and God! -We're outta here, e ya T.M.

Dear Tom. You owe me your life to me for all those free drinks I get you at the snack bar, but then again I owe you my life for all those action-packed rides home! Thanks Love, Meghan K.

Yo! What do I say to someone whom I have been schooling wtfor 12 yrs? Let's start wfReither pd. 7 &those zany crazy video religion projects. High Rocks was the best. Martinez7rendek surprisingly stopping by Tor our video. Sorry a certain person hurt you. We'll find those people like us (Hopefully soon) Puns are phun. Next time you become angry please don't leave the cfeter1a & walk Vzthe fteld outside. Ms. McGraw & that crazy cas of hers NJ State Museum baby & retreat. Master of cuts You' re the bestest person & I'll always be thinking of you. The best of luck In everything you do Love foreverMarian Vampire tendencies! my wrist! Liptak!? retreat-Lunch! you're so funny don't ever change! -Margaret Lumia Next Year we'll send a " Message in a Bottle" the proper way! LATEI-DAVE

ANNE MOUGI"tANO SNAfU Crew in effect. Great times at your house. It's all in the trunk, I don't care how you get it out-CROWBAR! Senior Female Bonding- Here's to good friends, tonight Is something spedal. I have a toast! No shoes, you 're outta here! Col-de-sack. Our unlucky lucky night. {me, you, T.F.. K.M .. J.P.• K.f.) Never forget that! Marazzo's meeting place. Soccer-Injured knees not in effect. Our team was jinxed!! Therapy from hell. At least you were near the ball. Never forget our confrontation with Ewing. We are the same. Sorry It ~~~,'!~ ~~W~:~ ~~~~~~~i~~~~!: Love ya always. Fanelli (Rolph) AJ'IrtE MARJE MUSClANfSI "There is a crowd of people . . . ", your parties, " There's a party Big Bird& Snurrotufugus. Sunny days! Chip Ahoy Pringles, &Dr. going on right here". new posse, "yes that's my shirt on the fan!" Pepper, What a cool combination. Anti-frizz Is deflnatel~ needed! " Anne, we' re lost In S. Brunswick ... " . Love ya, Laura Shwala Dave get the screwdriver! How's George doing? Hope you win the Annie B., Ammo, Rachel, whatever! Flux Capadtor, okay I have gold in the baton twirling event! Depend ... She's going Into labor no pride. S.B. Card games, no way dude-Yuo're an ape. what Is the fn the supermarket! Alohac como Fueres? Remember Helene .. . question, that is the answer, 17 year old high school dramatics, Hal what do you got to eat-banana cream pie!! You 're very cherry, and I D- -K! PS-MRP-KIT-Love Ya-Michele. like the sprite in you. Raggedy Anne and Andy, Clint legs, Po Po, Mr. Sherouski, Carl's got . . , geometry, party people in the place, Tate, Rose hips, you 're the only one who will understand this. come bring down the house, Woolworth 's, P. Science, Give my love to on Bessie, a piece of your car In my driveway, Clarice ... yeah Benjamin-Nix Nix. unlicensed driving. Raleigh Rd. (One too many times) Answering So which accent Is today? " Ah oh Alloe and 'ow 're you this fine machine messages. Kinglsey Park, hey-this is our song, what a &vuluptous momln?" Good luck it's been a fun fourr-carl. drecker, oh yeah? You think you can beat us?l Let's go up to the I've known you for 1:S years-almost my entire life- I can't believe it. stores. Why does everyone have their lights on In the daytime? You Always remember-" You look like a drenched rat", " Wooden nickdress your Mammy, Monica Lomer. Weill thought I'd "save the best els", " Get ready for class. you 're going home", "Fall orr the conti· for last" - the other two significant others go unsaid! You ' re my nent", the liberator. We are going to have to adjust again next year. oldest friend and I'll love you always roo. Poo, you 're the one I love. Keep in touchlll Good luck-Mike Uvio. Bye now! Love, Shannon Remember English class with Katie Ellen. Ch, Ch, Ch,l That's not AANNEE! JV Softball - Mr. Hughes was awesome. Terry always a flower! Tell me how to get to Sesame Street. Jeffll Lunch table Jr. started with mel - Why don't you help rakel Wanna go? Orlandosl year. You' re a great friend, Luv Ya- Cara. You helped me keep my sanity uring soccer. Love T Well what can I say, 4 years, Remember-cherry pie checks, Glib, I.S.S. Cream Bong!! Is this it Bathroom windows- Backyards. Do you have .. ? Jules, Bridge of doom! JBJ's house. sayreville! The You 're buggin me out! Ten mlns later. Late to graduation? Wacky Hyatt-HW-Trixter, ZlOO. No wayl!l Holy . . You' re one In a million. stum Senior Prom. we might be therel?l Soph gym Chrissy gave me Good luck to all you do! We're gonna make It! Reach for the stars! a crumb! Love ya , Chizm Thanks for being there for mel Never say good bye! love ya·torl. " Can I say I'm staying at your house?" ; come to my softball I won the gold. tripple toe loop. nice to steal my hat and ear game, it will be fun and you can get tan!; Remember Mr. M's sweat drops! D.R. muffs. cartwheels In gym. Mary-ellen Jeff is yours George is mine 90210. nice hair! ten after seven look. summer olymplcs. Carmen Our gym talks were the best! His name is Greg not Wes! Luv, K.f. Ellen. nice psych. class. we're better than Tanya and Nancy. good You and your Imitation pumps! from: Melissa luck winning the bronze! Love ya-Jennifer Lyn. Anne, 4 yrs. of soccer. Sandy K. - "How does she know everythHi! Remember all of our classes together espedally the ok dass. ing?" ! Camp roommates· nice cot ehlj.p.-"free ride" . DominiqueYou are a really good friend, don't ever change. Are you with me-Ha "What the hell are tubes?" ! Skl·trlps, hotels. Jakes house-" Fr. Hal It's hard to stay awke. Don't forget the sound of music. Well don't let other Fr. listen to tapes drunk" I and the "Passion Room " , anyways keep In touch. Love-colleen. " Bill. like what's up?" - "Practlco Jewelers" . Wlldwood-72 hr. gig· " Don't steal the soap!" Always remember JK's sleepovers! gles! " Cruisin the strip", "Are my arches falling?" , " We're all bun· Thanks for being such a good mend! Love ya-Sara V. nies, but It doesn't have to be that wayl" . Oabe-or was he mine? Sunday bloody Sunday! You're a great figure skater, don't fall. Twins·Why?? " You could have a dinner party on his bott" l Counter· Don't ever do Chemistry without me. Love-Katie. top talks! Honestly! I love you. B/F/f Kelll It's been so much fun! Bathroom talks BJ and JR- lunch talksGEE. you ' re late? Remember soccer- SK- I Hear You!ll We hate bagels and creamcheese-coruettes-sleepover party-Halloween baeveryone!! BB - Have fun in college! I'm here for you when those bles-typing-ny accent-" Oh yeh·break It down." -Whose the new man spells of utter frustration take over! Love ya lots, McGrath now? -Gonna miss ya·Nessa. OISH RULESII TOO GREAT!! Never forget all the fun we've had. How are the kids? I'm at 14:S now since Jamaal fell out the roller· Best friends always. Please someone, give her some breath mintsll coaster! Love-Tara. Mully!! Annie from Jndianna. Chuck Rules! Jimmy Is the one for He Widner woman! Let's learn to dance In religion class-the you!! How many . . . One! TRISH! VENEPAL. Indian Fest!! You' re the Sound of music wall on retreat-Look out for the Dinosaur! -La c1ase greatest!! Cut the heat!! SNAFOOII WE are not zombies, we are de Espanol Tres con Senor Schultz- What is the girl to guy ratio? sleepwalking! MW TOO HOT! Down with Brown! Girl Bonding - NO! Get back into life with depend! ·Ask the Mad scientist! -Where's Friends, are they really? Wildwood - MM. Oabe (Nice Hair). Proms, Katie Ellen? -Keep in Touch or else!ll -Cabrini girl. Cotillions, your house 2 a.m. Never forget mel Coolness, posses it! BABY RUTH! I will always love you Oishi Jen TIM MULLANU Gish·Cut the heat! 5-4-3-2-1 PLAY! Friends again- this time for It's been extravagant! " Outen morgen, hast du gut geschlafen?" good! Retreat bonding, K.M.S. Sunburn at the beach, your parties, Rise, cry & lift your eyes above the purple clouds above! -Carl. my frosh party-didn't see ya much! OUr favorite movie - The Deliv" Unneccesary Mosh!" Good Luck! Late! ·Dave. erance, J.M. forever. hanging with the S.B. boys- chiefl. ride home Dude! you never say hll retreat. candles, the camera. Luncheon from seaside- use the shoulder! It's up to Leigh. Frosh soccer, party chats! You never called! Lost on the stope! Physics labs. Don't fall. pooper. "Like where u girls goin, Cranbury?", " Well, ALRIGHT I" Wash. xing park. -Margaret Lumia. T.C.! An eternal flame, C.F. Party, "Higher Bob!" "Personally, I couldn't see" , K.I.T. next year, I'll mis BRIAN MULLIGAN s you, glad we're mends after everything- I luv u forever! Leigh face it Bird is anciet! I'll save you a seat at Madison Square Yo girlfriend, I f lng love you OKI?I OK. Glad we became Gardens when Ewing dunks over him. Take It easy-Theo. mends this year. You and your cheezy girlfriend are the best. Good I'm so glad I met you when I did. You are one of the good guys. Luck with lm. !love your little red car, even If it doesn't have a radio. Get you car fixed or I'll might have to break out the bel-air repair kit. Your party was great, I know you want to french me, but I'm not a Don't rush into marriage with that 30yr old girlmend of yours ... Jesbo OK. You know how it is. Good luck next year and I'm coming Seller. to visit. See ya glrlmend. Love Jen Cole That's it you' re dead, you mother! Period :S gym was the best! Call me Harry .. . Celtics are tops . . . Basketball buddies. I'm glad you 're my friend, even though you' re not Italian . . . (bench Great " mating" call we had! Where's the candy Mrs. Major? Watch out for the medicine ball! " The proof is In the people at Iona (or , warmers). Troyola)" I love you to deathl Donna I'm really glad we're friends. I understand what you meant about Parties - Your house (NEVER!) . Why ya buggin? No more rates. retreat. Thanks for being a good friend. Don't forget you party the turtles rule. I hope you have a good time in college Love- Chrissy S Dead ends. Bonding In the car· friends again. Retreat. Softball PS·Helloll NOTI (We are outcasts in left field) 5-4-3-2·1· PLAYillove J.M.I You u luv the 6ersll hat the Celtics-esp Bird, Sally's class is awesome. are married - we hate each other. SNAFU! "Here's to good times Good luck wf your woman!- AC cause tonight Is something special" Dig in trunks much? Never Good luck wf Kim! Maybe I'll see U at the "Nit's" ! KIT Love- Kris forget the good times! Love ya, Terry Moran. P.S. '92 '92 '92 . Anne, Patti's basement (girls' nlte), awesnap, Wildwood '91, Red You 're not man enough to handle the cheese! ·Remember the chase. NYO #1 & the Mets s--1 Good luck wf Kim- Foley Ronfin it all over again, Afro, bonding nite, your parties, wrecked, and it stone me. (V.M.) Love always, Krissy You' re been a loyal mend for 4Yrs even through the bad times. Overall you ' re a good guy but Its' hard to overlokk that one giant Accounting period 7- cluck. cluck (chicken), staying up with Tom character flaw-you are a Celtics fan. Anyway, I'm glad we're such at your house, " One time my cousin ... " giant bagel. I told you It good friends. Retreat was fun. I would go nuts In religion class if it would be better after smoking. Anne Is my prettiest mend. Love. Missy wasn't for you. Good luck wf Kim ac school. Bri, for old times sake, say HELLO! Love ya- Amy P5-Sixers are #1 (don't forget It) KIT Thanx for helping me at M.O. . . . Now look at yourself, you got problems. Skiing was . .. wow ... J .P. and hercheezy f .T's ... ittle K~LLI MURPHY field mouse. "I love Jim" "my knees shake" - Love you - Tito Missy C·"Who's the Fonze?" Nice rubber bands! Jalme's-"Oiorla • " Owen has no friends" - I'll never forget that and Sue's dad have a nice rn dayl• " " Aw, I'm living the free llfell" Good Luck next cleaning it out of the sink - Alright. alright. alright. Driven around yr. I'll miss you! Love • Murph with Jim and urn . . . I forget who else, but it was fun. Miss Ya. K. co-" Mock Trial, Laura's 4am, "mom; me Mark & Alan are coming Kerwick homei" Good Luck wf soccer next year! I'll miss your Love- Murph Oish cut the heat, Olsh Is drip .. .. you wall flower. Yeah -I'll meet NR-Lunch was cool. Good Luck next yr. I' ll miss youl Love· Murph you there - rocked the boat! We are not zombies, we are sleepwalkMissy f·" We're dealing W/ cal herel" "Stumpy" Thanks for all the ing. 5-0 5-0 Chill dog. Chili dog Kinkos, kinkos, N ... N ... Let go to bagels! Glad we got close. I'll miss you. Love - Murph Rider we'll find her! Jimmy Cap! Peace! Love Ya, Lisa BD & VA-Giad I got to know you guys this yr. Cotillion was fun Bl ... please. your house too great, I want rock-n-roll. HO-TEL we " Good Morning Vietnam" "$7.50 for 1 pc. ofwatermelonl" I'll miss were, oh God which one? We'll do fine with a case OK? Patti's, K.f., you both. Good luck next yr! Love • Murph K.M., J.P.. D.W.. A.M.- Wildwood '91. Kubie, we'll kick some-like at TF-"Don't rock the carl" "My brother will kick your butt!" Good Golden Dawn- "alright". J.M. too great. Florida. Love you Anne · luck W/ Soccer! " T" "Waive your hand!" I love your- Murph Dawn Wit KK. DM. AM. JP, MK, Cf·Soccer was great we had a lot of laughs! Wit. Pesce, Murph, Fresh - To the red roof crew. Wanna rent a " Lipstick" "Hills" "Whoop! Goldberg" Kr1sten-nlce butll Good luck room? Jr. yr. love you guys. I'll never forget our fun . Peace TM, Kf, to Soccer in '92! AC-"rlght in the net" MH & LK-" Big D" make me L('; Dead end smokes! Senior soccer possl· JP, KM. KF, KK. OM, MKproud! I Love You Ouysl We rule! "T" - I love you. Good Luck. We'll miss you. Ewing sucks!! To the Group; Annie, Pesce. Wit. Fresh. Dawn, Shwalz, Proph, C.P. You got beat. SNAFU CREW !!Ill Never forgetl Borek I didn't 4-get Mike, Dave, Nick, Kittl. Abald, Stem. Petito. Mark. Terry Stouty, you, I love yal Famoso- bagelsll Cal loves Anne. Dougherty - Pd. 6 Fanelli. Leea, Alan = Thank you for the past 4yrs. The memories and 7 wouldn't be the same. Come visit me next year. I'll be home will stayw; me forever! I love each &everyoneofyoul PEACE- Kelli HA! I'll missyou! Peace. Big Seniors. I'll miss you guys! Jimmy, :S yrs. Sleep Hollow was too great .. feel my #@J- . . Oh I love SM Thanks 1 Love You!ll Good Luck Frank '96 and Patrick '2001 ANNE (TAYLOR) coming home (Nice to leave me up In the room (ALONE) (OK I hide In the bath tub) Purple Passion (So, Great) Lingerie CARL MU~LH~IS~rt HI Carl. Heard any good sting songs lately? You ' re really cool and Display .. Nice Message PONY TAIL (:S of em) doMo SI.':ITNAR (Old a nice mend KIT Love-Nicolette Lady) (Moon Me) BoJo (OK Let's Practice. on the top field) GYM Post-Modem-the best luck out-concert tickets keep you collection CLASSES . . Get a dress yet?! (guzzle, guzzle, Go Long) HA HAl A Jot more to say but I forgot Love You XX 000 XO When we gonna do it going! Physics-torture-liberated-transfer Fahrvergnugen? -Theo (Love · #75 Thanks for ruining my retreat picture. vampire! Good luck w1 your There are no village people. Nice forhead, the Chalis, soph morp. vampire tendencies. You' re great-carole " Pad Woman" Land of Confusion, Pizza sodas, U lost that Iovin You 're too cool for me. Okay, maybe I'm only a 4¥1. • Larry feelin, movie wfRR& friends, OW-cherry tree, we grew apart but the You lost my bookbag! New Year's Eve. we were two of a kind. RMA Luv Yal- Cookie memories will always be close to me. Thanks & good luck in school your Bf-Tim KAPLAN SHUT UP. Princeton. Guido ta's, Stemmer's basement. from threats wfchapstlck to "voice from gymnasium" Thanks for " TOI's anyone? Posse up. Law. Parties, Manfredi we kicked butt! nice b-day, weed? bra's on fan. every weekend sleep at wit's motel, NT being a pal . Love-Julie

ran me over, don't wiz on street, LBIL calls, chicken fried rice? God Bless ma, 14, never forget Bodine's, what time is is? Prom Nite '91. Denny's KZ she wants milk, MJ, when in doubt throw the ladder, spy, we 're dead now man, my closet. best memories best 4 yrs. Love you always - Dawn Wit Miss St Patrick's Queen! Love Ya - KK You rebbel " Look .. it's a wolf ' " His grandma walked in" " I Love Cream" SB boat . . great time .. taking a leak on the cement. ewwll Love Ya- MJP Yes, 1 am strong! Didn't you know I was a black Shera?l - Tara Spaine Our date w; Thumper-we can go to the pool hall. Crying at the Jacobs. Stealing cookies l!t soda from lunch lady. Lunch w; all you guys. Powder Puff- we won. but you still deserve respectl HAl Thanks for " taking care of me" Love Ya Murph - Missy Shwalz Posse-Prom Nite '91 feace-oK. no wait I mean AlrightBallet-UR RAfF- Do you have any balloons shaped like . . Wits 4 more memories-Buddies Always - Laura Shwahla Camp 89 hell-hole, Love Spoken here, friends don't let friends .. SNAFU. Chris Jacobs = appalled-NAN, Always remember. whose butt could we have a dinner party on? Jr Yr. LBI changln ' names, Crank's at Fresh's, Kitchen counter bonding, WW '91. 78 hr giggles, Nice suicidal hook up. Qabe-nice hair nipple-head. CYA at da sh-re. NOOI Good Luck - Anne Don't ever change the attitude. Soccer-don't ever mess w; our defense. Shelly! Now you can tell her what you think her. Love Ya -T Mu!P.h · HOI! Girls State= #1 . Sally (we don't like U either) Y does Alan hke your pocketbook so much? " before I go down, I need 2b introduced", SXtlks about MJ t!( AL, I got 1 (finally) can openers, we like McGrath's outfit at Soup Kitchen, you making fun of me everyday. 1 luv ya Chickl Good luck l!t KIT. • Luv - Leea PS thanx 4 teaching me how 2 smoke at as HOI Bodine wave. Pd 7-QKAYI Go 5all Climb in trunks much? You love ARC guys. Glad we're friends. Love Ya- Terry Moran PS-Statls· tics are your style Majltal Acct-don 't skip; NR-It's just something! -4. sh--1 We are participating That really bums my beavl Black man! Black Man! ARC-where is everyone? Your window's broke-just relax! Do you need a tissue? 1 looked good at the SKI ARC-monkey dance, my name is alex-GO AWAY! At least they have protection! Soccer '911 can't move my jawt At least you never lost your temper on the field! JA. MC·our best friends! SK-How does she know everything? I hear you! Beware of courts! Love ya lots • McGrath "Like. where u girls goin', Cranberry?" Never forget sunburn-how can U? KB party-"UR so ugly!" Let's make cheesesteaks. what happenned to my door? SNAFU-Honestly. Good Luck l!t I luv ul - Leighhi Murph! You cheeseballl Thanks for always being there. Prom Nite '911 MJ is the man! NOI TOO GREAT! Cotillion Nite! Who did I go with? Talks In car. Thank you, I love you! - Mark Murphy #1-Same bed! Nlck-sq D Ski Trip . . Soccer-too fun, SANDY KOI Hitting men on haystacks! SM-TOO RUDEll I Love Youl KIT- Jen I don't care if you tell your parents, call the police, the fBI. the CIA, or the KGB. You 're going to be my wife if I have to drug you, tie you up. lock you in my trunk, drive to Las Vegas, hold a gun to your head, & threaten to throw you in a pit our favorite :s-l~ged friends. No hard feelings. OK? Love. David " The B-Master" Ke11ing SNAFU-Senior Bonding·here's to good friends tonite in something special- Let's have a toast. Marazzo's-meeting place. Our luckiest unlucky nlte ever (me. you, TF. AM, JP. KF) Orlando's-Tara in back seat l!t parking lot·Me Falling Denny·s·Beverly's got the check! I am not getting In that car. Soccer-Ewing girls-who's go the lipstick? Never forget soccer! I'm so glad that we've become good friends l!t that we started hanging out this year. Stay Sweet. I Love Yal Love • Fanelli (Rolphy} Murph. hook-ups. Dawn's closet. my room New Year's Eve, Bodine's, L. Parties. smokes l!t coolers. Aqua Beach Hotel, Wildwood '91, Billy's Pub, :s .. 2 .. 1, St ratty's Day '91, Blinded by the light. Two out three ain't bad, Prom nite '91. end of the Innocence. Luv Ya 4ever- Fresh




SANG PAK Sanger. Sa, Sa, Sanger sang his last song for he has sung his life away. " Sing Your life " Best wishes in zoo olympics - show 'em! It certainly has been fun. Thanks! - Carl 5ang fak is . .. Hard to kill, marked for death, destined for a gold medal • Seller TtD PALfALVI Hey Jeff, are you gettin' good grades? South. America map. finger snap. miss W. bowling class. Tokyo, I'm going to Annapolis tonight. Junior Year History Teacher. See ya in the friendly Skys. -Anne Marie It won 't be the same without you next year swimming! Best of Luck in the future. Hope you come back to visit us. We'll miss ya. Love, Tara l!t Debbie Super S rules the vplleyball domain of mortal men. - S From Wood to ~nkel to James! Bead fights. The man who shot the man . . . PS acceptance letter. Energy plus - I told you they worked! Honors drop out Henk per.8 • interpole, jocular, germane Oackson), insert my name wherever a pronoun Is found within poems - it boosts my ego! J-ove ya, ace, swimmer. Wisor. The ceiling! Swimming, thebusl Water guns- oh nol When are you getting your jeep? Candles - fire. Amen! • Margaret Lumia Jtl'l PAI'IfiLI Panafil- cruzin through the bergl. Hail to ye ON WADEl. Bobbers who!?l?. Wade Is my GOD, Oogobilllehoblowshow, eggs anyone?, Stakeout in front of poodles, Tanln, Pizza Hut Jeeps. MR. 2's, Where R U from? N.Mex .. Russia!, Greg #1 l!t #2, Piscataway here we come, little Mage smokes, Mage 4 eva!, Mts., 9 in the car, waterbed. smoke. straw anyone?. wade shoes, arm around me- no list for mel. RAZMATAZ, fatal attraction case · case who?, Free lipstick -stop following us!, who stole my M.ween candy?, nice car- who 'd u steal It from., School is a - bad word 4 ul. Lots more. Love. Lisa Body heat. crawling down Cummings Ave. & F's lawn. firecrackers, posse's on he prowl. eggs anYone?, the burg, foconos, got my 9. butcher knife, Me Intosh. Tan-in, TSC guys, your party, How old are you?' , get out of jail FREEl. getting thrown In the pools, club tapes, " shotgun! ", Where's West State St.?, W. Park, basketball at :s a.m .. Pizza Hut, Gravity Hill, STAKEOUT!!, dogged 'em STRONG!, " I know karate! " , BH. KM. MB. can I buy your picture?, devll's advocate, me & w·s fight. all my stories, the go gobilllenobloshow, Thumper, car chases. Ice. Club 14, always caught ·em In the act, peej. riding fhll's bike, JEEPII, the shore. SKANK, our phone, chlpwich. war talks, the alarm, Johnie wanna play?. why the makeup today?, r u ever In school. much more. Love ya, Kim Nice to see you; I forgot what you looked like. Lets eat in the kitchen O.K. I'm glad you could make it today; Nice of you to come on retreat w; uslllt was fun. Nice lunch table Jr. year; When you came to lunch/ you got the wrong salad dressing - take it back./ you trouble maker· (ha. ha)/ Everyone was trouble mader to him. Good luck & watch your boyfriends. Love, Tammi JOt PAI"tflLI

Practice your jump shot. -K.K. How's my Borkntown Bud doing. When ya come from a burnt out place full of burnt out people. We have to stick together. - aery We made it through wrestling. Thanks for hanging around and working with with me. Good luck. - Chris Sieben CHRIS PASTOR Huge - your truck - swampers - Baja - off road • channel 52 - gotta go!- Theo Keep wowing lawns with those scags. Oh give me the big number

12 this weekend. Its a goal to strive for. - Chris Sieben Are you awake yet? I'll never forget Mrs. Me Graws class. well actually I might because we slept through It all. I wonder why we

~~~~~sh?t~t0t~~u~ i~~~~?rJt~~:. ~~:iY

games were great, you You're lucky I never hurt ya! - Darren WAKE UP! !I - Tara S. Let's 4 wheel yo get dirty scag, B.C., FZ50's rule, Grover's stay crazy, keep cutting - Bendas Let's go 4-wheelin ' in your truck. Wipe the lipstick off before you lift. We got to curl man! Remember how fun Campo's class was. Yeah Right whatever. See ya on the way to Florida. Not - SZ KERRY PtARSOI"t Thanks for listening to me and giving me advice. - Chris Sieben 1 thought this would be a convenient time so I decided to write you a message. Rememb all the clothes you lent me, our Jr. prom dis (who will remain nameless}, our Cotillion er game, Jen almost killing us after. the movie, playing tennis in JV's street. and our favorite movie- Whore. You 'll always be my favorite B. Love. David Jill Me- What can I say .. . Bus . . . Car-pool.. .Trish's Parties .. . GAP men .. B.C ... lunch ... New Year's Eve '92 ... Soph. Espanol . .. J.O.D.'s house . .. Millstone. I'll always remember our talks. Good luck! I'll miss you! Love always, Kerry Eric, Jason, Pete. and James - It's been alot of fun. Don't forget our memories! You guys are great. Good luckll'll-mlss you! K.l.T. Love always, Kerry Ker: Remember the revyval. Joe, Hoag, & all our other men. We've had some great times, thanks for being such a good friend. ~ sure to keep In touch. Love always - Bek Pocahontas! I love It when you 're angry with me (for no reason). Prom. Fatal Attraction, The Replacements, Sorry Ker, but you can be a moody Bit_ sometimes! Cotillion, can I just have one. strawberry?. The Big Accident- Rochelle to your rescue. belly buttons, Kerry's famous sleepovers, sleepwalking at the mall, Oh. I get it similar experience. birthday surprise at casa Lupita's, my fascination with your tread mill . SWEET 16 PARTY!, Thanks for always being there to listen to all my problems. I'm always here for you. Let's create more memories .. . Love you. Rochelle Frosh.- field hockey. lOth grade - beginning of a great friendship, ups & downs, 0 .0 . - so much in common, Go-Go's concert, Hands up, movies, sleepovers- O.B.N.'s, So glad we have a trusting relationship, I Jove your family. New Year's 92 - " Just a little", my cousin, Replacements. Powder Puff- Pa ra·s Pizza. Kerrle- You have enough Cotillion dresses? Long talks at Roch 's, Frosh. gym class. S.T.'s, So much morel Thanks for always being there! F/F Love ya. Nat Silvers How did we become friends? I don' t remember, but I'm sure glad we are. Remember all the good times we shared together. Your waterbed is so comfortable. New Year's Eve. drinking games, my car, Brendan's interference. Sieben's my fault you were like that, but I took care of you. You owe me dinner. Slave for a day or n1$ht. ATTITUDE. Pool- " I can see down your shirt" - but I wasn't lookmg, 1 swear. T2, Point Break, Ginger Bread House, OM concert- I'm not Kerry, I'm Jaime" Where·s the rest of your cotillion dress. Your the best. CB & Kf's Fav. song = Wonderful Tonight. Don't ever forget me. We are very close let's not fall apart because regardless of how fqr away we are we'll always be together In my heart. I LOVE YOU Chris I'm sorrt I wasn' t as good of a friend as I could have been. I wish you all the best. Love, Drew B strong! I was. Spanish; RM - JR. lunch; math Sr. Yr. -forget It; the one and only will always remain. but life will go on; same with JA 4U; we can 't help it; so many long phone talks - the best; "she" was annoying, but now I laugh; did you do your h.w.? No!; Thanx 4 all. from U I learned that honesty and trust exists. Noral Nora! No It's Kerry. Luv. Nora focal Scary Kerry! 501 Bl1.1es, perverted? me? nose, lips, and sonal. CHEETO MAN!. I'm funny!, talking to myself, EMBARASSED?, pretzels, lluv dem balls, blue balls. " Virgin Beach '!. moods, f-face, my house, your house, and the phone, SACT, red dor specials. annoying people, no need to be shy, Love Letters, I'm lobsidedl. J.A.'s hand, mm mm 1 feel so refreshed, the RAT PACK. Elmer Fud, sloppy kisses, " You 're Ulyl", Is he retarted? PENNY LOAFERS at City Gardens. 'BE HONEST'. and so much more. It wasn 't until recently that I saw and felt the value of our friendship. Thanks for listening, and especially understanding me. Keep in your heart always. that you h~ve a friend In me . . . Love, Jennifer V. K - 12. and still good friends. It's been great Kerry. It's weird to think of not seeing you everyday. Never forget: Bathroom hangouts, portable curling iron, long walks home, gum in hair, Fred. bus (Dan), Bignose. Ruth: " Who Is that girl??" , Ramones, Replacements. (Preppy out of place in her penny loafers), Dave Kelling on top of my car, beaver. your movie collection, " Point Break" w1 Chris B.• Rochelle, Trish's boring parties. the time you fell down the ramp, missing the bus mort than we made it Rochelle and Bahama mama, Rochelle and Priest, " The big diss", Big or Small debate. miniature golfing w; Joe, horseback riding. O.A., Bill (Va. Beach), macaroni and cheese, Elllos pizza, " Hands up baby!" . " HI my name is Joel . .. ". driving everywhere zgether, your accident, (oops!), sleepovers, CB. CS. your dad throwing water ballons at us from the roof. skiing w; Shlvani. Becky & Natalie. me falling off the ski lift, the kid who almost died. Doug problems. Jaime's sweet 16 (me In the pool w; clothes on), and again at Chris S.'s party, me & Chris B. having to practically carry you home, you & me & Rochelle t!( Rob. (" City Slickers" }, from '91, Cotillion '92 (your house, hole, (you l!t me losing every time!), me falling down the sta1rs. Encore, my " explosion" , our " lock-out" fiQ!lt, my whipped cream fight w1 your dad. thank you for keeping me posted, Rem. when you, me, CS, CB helping w; went to TCBY l!t CB didn't pay for youl Pool hall studs (we should have went backl) I love you, Flinstone Feetlll Friends forever and ever. Love Jenn (Odie) The infamous screen door - next time I'll see it. Eat those pineapple's t!( strawberries! Dad maniac man water balloons from roof. Playing AHole. 1 m not a snob. Susie Tower. Homo's, Let me drive damnitll'm was not lost. Horseback riding- I'll teach you how to ski. Hammer · last resort. Cotillion '92. from '91 - call me when you're having a sleepover - never ending movie supply. HAWAII - It will happen. Kerry -you'll get killed -Trent. State Joe- the man - Loser for not going to Florida! Chocalate Chip and Elise and You. Love. Ani


MIKE PELLEGRINO Thanks tor hooking me up w1 B.C.! Remember all the good times w; me and M.M.! Good luck in all you dol Love, Becky Mike · " Paci Woman " , JC l!t RR, Sr. Regina. " Inc. Posse" , pizza socials, lost that loving feeling. basketball games, land of confusion. road dept.. true love. mailbox, taps. MM & RR, R.C.M.H .. retreat. prom, state champs, I eyed Willy, dlscruntled, your jeans, where's Waldo?, Gravity Hill, My H, Scattegories. rib·it. Scott's H, Chucky Cheese, Banchoff, car alarm, scavenger hunt, You'll always be the greatest friend I ever had. B.F. • Tim To the best fb player in WT! That dude still owes me $ for soph. party. Wildwood. where's waldo. who sIn the shower, Richard Cere wannabe! Head of Custodial Dept., you dated some hot ones. riving to great adventure! way to match • remember swallowing pepper In WW? Can you stay over? Majic shows, Limo home from NYC • I'm going to . . . l'ts been great - Love ya • Ben Your the best Michael! Always remember all the fun times especially Washington and Gym! Don't ever change! Love Always, Christa Pellegrino we' ve had lots of fun this year. The contest, Ben's house. the scavenger hunt, and especially Gravity Hill. We had lots of fun together but we also had some trouble and I realize she wasn 't worth it and Isn't worth as much as our relationship as friends Is worth. Sorry man. Let s forget about the problem and

remember the good times we've had throughout the year. Don't forget I'll hook you up, O.K. It's time for C. to give you a B.J. Well I'm sure we 'll keep in touch. Later, Rego Mike - " andjohny said ... .. We love Sally - OK! Your funny laugh. Wayne's World. " NOT!" FIZZ. Scavenger hunt - we won! Cotillion. Wrestling. Kiki weed and lyi seed - all 8 classes! SZ's, Ewing Park, scattergories. Mike, you are so sweet and funny. Don't ever change. Love always. Jill #1 xo homeroom, New Year's Eve, Gravity Hill. scaverger hunt " do you have a FIZZ card?'", Where's,, Waldo?", scattegories, Tim's house, Okaay. Walsh 's house, " Dominic", " And Johny says ... , Katzen· bach . Sally. Love. Beth Ann. Try to find Waldo & always remember our good friend Mike Sobke. Your friend , David Hey brainsurgeon. Got any more blonde jokes? Rem.: the Fizz l!t B.K. w; Abdul . Nice eye. Keep on dancing. Stay sweet l!t keep on smiling! Love ya - Bird Scavenger hunt rib-it. Chuck E Cheese. Where's Waldo?, " and Johny safd", Sally " Okay!" Ewing Park. Wendyls. Where's Dave?, its Newton not Darwin. one and one, cotillion, JG says hil, " discrun· tied" is it a word?. your a great friend and the best stick driver I know, just remember to put the emergency brake down II Love You, Kikl Weed (Kelly) Your the most intelligent guy I know. Thanx for the blonde Jokes and for New Years. My body guard! Stay cool Pel! Love, Pattl Mike- I'm 18 and I'm writing to you! You are the best Sorry about your jeans, blame It on Mr. S.. thanx for the nickname Fertility. retreat letter. we're dangerous on the dancenoor, where·s waldo?, Fizz. rib-it. Fred we love you!. Retina surgery. sleeping out. love your laugh , that'ud be so nyce, ohhkayl. and Johny said ... , scavenger hunt, cotillion. is there a fire anywhere? Remember me when you are the mayor of Ewing. You 're the greatest. I love you! Fertility / Rita Your Fronting. man; T-Mack is back; Erin, Rob. Mike. Lance l!t the boys of summer; Post 182 - Mad Dogs; stop sweating me: dugout cracks- Lance you couldn 't catch a cold if I sneezed on you; Tim " the natural wonder"; Ryan Melton- you nasty, Hodge; he hit that ball 50 far It needed a visa; you swallowed it; Tyrell; you going to pitch again; ~-21 Capln. Ewing should have fought; Were going undefeated this summer, captain Yeah Rightll; Watch my Retna; Washington D.C. - 2 Legit; I want Cathy - maybe we can double date; 200 hr. of service, Sally must love you; If we win are we going to the PRT concert; ROCK THIS FUNKY JOINT; MD FAV. SONG - Kill the white people; We're going to be Nasty - Chris r. skiing Fun N.Y. we were in r. Yeah right c.c. not F. C.C. more fun - Love, Malloy N.F.C., W.T.V.F.C., Baseball, Audery's down. who cares. can't throw a strike. , can 't catch a ball, Czyzk. still owe ya 4, take your sun glasses off in the hallway. I m a serial. where's my shell rescue one engine three, Bull!! See Ya in Trenton - Bendas Washington loves us Surprise Party Pictures! My sis I'll Break ur legs Mr. A's classes Flipper Rego loves me Super Bowl Sunday We studied alotl u r great! love ya. Jill Czyzk Thanx for all you taught me. It was a real learning experience. Melissa Mitchell Davis - great team! Where·s Waldo? Scavenger hunt; Cotillion '92: Sorry I didn't take any pictures of you but it was definitely FUN! Scott's 2/92 - I can 't believe you were in the bath· tub!! I love you anyway! - Donna JEri PtSCt To all my Jr. friends MC. ME, NRII BD- I will always Love you even though you dissed me after one Cotillionlll Yo girlie! What's up? No matter how hard I tried, I could never forget you, because you always have that goofy grin that no one will ever forget! But it's cute and I love u R.M.A. Keep smllin' You down wit O.P.f.? Luv yal - Cookie Hey babyyyl Pesceeee, Defeche Mode baby! Love, Tee 4 years of softball w1 you was fun. I'm glad we got to have classes together. Have fun in college. Hope to see you after. Remember the clown costume. Love, Jen I DONT HAVE A SQUARE "?@I You cheezie Wench ! (Love ya) Nick. (Smooch) Ppyyaal You 're too cute! Where·s your lipstick? Brother- A.M.D.W. (Nice) SNAFU - Retreat - bonding. Friends a ainl Softball. Hair scrunching. Pass out much? You cheeseballl Fizz - Taylor's never happened) Good times. Love ya, Terry Moran Jenny. Mr. Fanelli's softball team. Anne's - a little heartburn?! You 're sweet. don't change. Love ya. T Jenny Craig, New Posse·, little bear. " u r so dome" l!t I love ya. Luara Shwahla Pesce, bristin out Dope, cheazy, Off, Wildwood 91 , Murphy's mine, B-town men, wax in, cheers to me. hang outs, what s mine is yours I love you, Krissy / Thanks for all your hugs. Breakfast after Sr. Prom. Accounting W the chicken. Lunch was fun. Love. Missy Jen, " Not easy being cheasy.'' " Oh snap!" skiing- " Get up you lazy b hi" Hotels, Anne's, service projects, all the rides home and our talks! " B. Town drugdeall" " Beverly's coming" . Soccerfree ridel ''I've hit an oppossum" l Mark Murphy - " he looks like a chicken " . "Is it really so wrong?" I Jr. from · fashionable! " Mrs. Kats - Oh God" ! " M.B. 's l!t coolers" ! I love you! Thank you for everything! BJFJF Murph Luv ya cheeze, Q102, #1 driver. I can 't smoke -quit, WW91 ow. KF, KM. AM. JP. forever friends, so great. rent a room, Cox's, OR, dude - not. backseat of your car- bro hal Thanks for everything, I luv ya always, Peace - Dawn Wit Yo Girl ... What's Up? We had the best time skiing. You and your F.T.'s. Go w; M.L. ok. Who has the worst breath? ewwl " It's a wolf' I love you, you!@?•- MJP 1-800-Bethany. Call information all night. Wayne jokes. Behind Bradlees. Him thinking he's Donnie. Soccer! Softball. We've had such good timesl Love. Kristin Kelley Yo! SNAFU Rules. 12 yrs. of school together- that's a long time (too long). Always remember our great St. Mary·s days. Never forget that great night of ours- My car, Tara in back seat - that whole night was too funny. 1-800-Bethany. Weill just wanna say that I'm glad we've been friends all these years and hope we remain that way for a very long time. Yo1.1 're so cute! I Love You! Fanelli Coochie Keen, you 're so great, gym class- I get the good shorts. Dick, Pure Poppy. you 're great for hugs! Softball days - let's bring our makeup to the bench. " Mr. Romano, my leg hurts". Red lipstick. It's not easy being cheesy! OFFROADINO - hitting your head on the mirror! That was great! I Love you, I really do! I'm gonna miss you Cooch. keep in touch . Hi - Oish we are not zombies - we are sleep walking - inn - let me lean on you! 5-0, 5-0, chili dog, chill dog kinkos. kinkos N ... your a sweetheart! Smoke house- thanks for coming. Wanna go to taylors? Anyway, Love you! Peace! Lisa 1 really will drive to a party, I Tree farm w; coors can Millstone Parties Parties In general Maybe just once you won t bum me or spill something on me History! Try to park in just 1 spot U R too great! Love. Chiz Jenny. Cheezyl Every moment I've spent w; you has been a memorable one. I dunno where to begin. Always remember Coolgirl. rlnnnin' through reds. " This is for you . . . " SNAFU. PYEAHI Taxln & Waxin. Don't forget whose the crustiest? Breathmint? It'd be nice. Operation Breakaway - Thank God It worked. WW91 Red Roof all over again. Bathroom time = serious time! No Brother Lovin. MM " No one touch him, he's mine." There are so many more t!( more to come, I'll miss you nxt. yr. You 're like a sister to me. Thanx for being there when no one else was. I Love you. Pf.ACE. don 't be so mean . . . Anne (Qish) mel! No What's up Blossom! EEEEWWI II Stop making fun Germs! Get away from my gumllll Hey grandma! Nice umbros - pull urn down! Finnegansl BB ·There Is no escaping! Soccer '91. I love you - Me Grath You 're my girl and I luv you alot. My mom luvs ya 21Tell Judy I


said hi. Good luck next yr. K.IT. Love always. Alison Goeke Hey Pescey. what ever u'do, never lose your forbidden wine - the ultimate!. inh so great. and we are the best at Parties together. never forget the ride toN. Brunswick wj Gish. friends again, A.M. towel we used, and all the other great times. Good luck In all you do. and remember that I luv you! Leigh MIKE PETITO Pub. Spk. guido's, first Love? I.O.U. forever guido as .. I love you I'll miss you thanx 4 being a friend Love · Dawn Wit k ·Cream" Your such a " rubel"' Skiing, Stem· Michael, " 0 mer's. fitness Club, the beach. You deserve the best- make sure you don't settle for lessl Lockers: singing and tickling! " My Nana lives In Roselle Park!" I love you! Murph Your a sweetheart! I'm glad we became such good friends! Always remember· you're TOO good! Don't ever change at keep In touch! I'll miss you! Love ya! Sunny " You 're such a Rubble " Love ya, Laura Who would ever think we'd hang; Flammer; nice hair; let's go to your cousins; waterbed; are you going to pay for them things; raquetball; nice hair; let me use your sock: I still got it; I'm con· fused; nice t.v.; Elvis rules; prepjgweeto closet; nice tan. Nit Hey cutie! four years at we stayed great friends through it all.' Mikey I love ya so much! I've really gotten to know you as a person, and you are such a sweetheart. Never forget: when we went out to dinner (Chinese)· that night was crazy· Huh? N.Y.C. • (you white trash) 5.5. ·(you got beat!) G/ L wf everything. And don't forget I will always be here for you. Love always. Nicole L. You·re the best! Thanks for all one fun we've shared In home· room!! Ski trips rule. D.Creaml!! I will never forget you and everyth· ing you mean to me. I love you! Pesce Choking on celery, Mrs. Devine. Andrea in Mrs. Pew's, Snowrnobl· lin at Asslnpink. skiing wj Scott. please don't get sick on anymore bananas! " The loft , funky glasses • L.B.I. Look Nora. no pants!. calling Nora's Dad on the telephone • Rod Stewart singer. ceiler pictures. skiing accident. Jealousy. depression drivers • can' t let go .. Gloria Estephan - look at those idiots • they mis:;ed their train! Calamari after effects, almost to Fizz. Cotillion twice, meka leka hi. Oh no guys, not again (can I have a peach ). frosh. yr. · bus· three· seater threesome • hum that sounds familiar. One more try - you were dogged big time. oh well you can 't win them all. Michael I'll miss you alot. We' ve been through so much . Love, Robin Hi! What's up? Thanks for everything! Ski. trip, Chris falling off lift, It's too crowded, you never know what can happen· it will work out for the best no matter what. anti-abortion badge, Michael Jackson shirt. me trying to do gymnastics, 8th grade dance. Thanks. Love, Michelle (Tritt) Mike · U R such a sweetie! Never 4get: If u say my eyes r beautiful. inr car ~ I lost my earrings. the tlsh store, strawberries W/ necklaces. Thanx for making me smile when I was sad. Good luck & K..I.T. Luv ya1 Leea Cousins, " sick to my stomach " . Macy s. hair in the ear. pet farrot. HFC rules · tanning beds. Sneak in your cheek. College • 30 min away. Larry Mikey, skiing was an experience. don't forget D.cream. feild· mouse, that was a ride home alright! " Jim does to school there!" Jen at her fat T's. Per.1 wouldn't be the same wjolnt you. Do the shake" like at my house. I'll miss you. Good luckatJ~W.IIove you ... Anne " It goes up at it goes down" "Can you work for me tonight?" K.B. You short P.O.S.!!; Got enough gel in your hair?; I love Stemmer; My mom is so holy; your aunt Is so tall; Welcome to Chicken Holiday; I gotta go tanning; My doctor sucks the zits offmy _race; You sh<',Uid see this bathing suit I got for Cancoon; Kim Bodine's I've had one too many Wine coolers; Attivo·s #1; Good Luck man ... M.A. Sunny · Hey Baby • What's up? Glad I got to know you, you 're a sweet girl. Nave a great senior yr. I know you 'll miss me. Love ya, Petito Mom ~ Dad • Thank you for everything! You have always been there for me through it all, I love you both! Love your son, Michael Can you believe it • 4 yrs. since 5.5. It went by so fast. Never 4get 5.5. especially the office. Oreo cookie. I'm glad you never trans· ferred in sixth. Banzai· the rear defogger. lOth ·the bus talks need any peaches! Green sock and boots. I don't think so. feel how cold my hands r. M.P. you're the best. luv. Nora Mr. 0 can I go to practice wj Nicole? Michele & l's talent show. my fights wj Karen you In your jewish beany, your abortion arm-band, when you brought in your mom's bra; we all hated you in 5th & 6th grade; Robin chasing you around the playground trying to kiss you: Washington trip. back of the bus; Frosh. yr. • you were sitting all alone In gym class: Michele's basement closets I didn't hook wj O.W. (that time) our buble gum fight in my car; the trampoline: Michele's car you cut my lip; 1cut something else; which Nicole do you like? the beach Saran wrap; Micheall'm so cold! All of our lights me just always blowing up at you; Geraldine's hcuse: N.Y.C. friendly kiss N.l. (I hate her); Robin's house (party); Beach Shawn Biehlsmy driving; running out of gas Michael there are many more but I can 't list them all. Love ya always, Nicole ~

CHRJS PINELLI Giants Rule! • Darren B·ball Pd. 8; Wa Wa rules; firemen; Do I have headers?; Pd. l, 2. 4, 6, 7. 8 · Were you in any or my classes?; Martin House; Retreat. Ricky Valenzuela " Hello" Harvey Cedars Shell. fish Co. SAT course, Not; Tone! Cars of old. Remlnlsslng daze of old. U wrestled a shark! Calhoune St. · I feel sick! H.P. Cokes at the Hyatt. Super B. parties. What a hole, W/ a tunnel! Keep on, Keepin on. etc ... TK Well cuz. it's our last yr. together. Nope to see you at all family parties. I'll miss you. Thanks alot Love Jen " Who's on 1st. what's on 2nd, where 's 3rd" Will anyone ever know? Not! Good luck In the future, keep in touch, Later Randy 1truely love you but I won 't miss you because I'll never Jet you go! You are the best as a friend ~ a person! Laura Shwahla So are you really going to be a psychiatrist? I advise you not to! Love, Tara S. Wanna play some pool? Now's wawa treating you. night court, under the blanket. " Can I borrow this tape?" letterman, Super Bowl Bonanza's Giant's Nahl Rangers Nahl Mr. Mechanic, love that car, watch your temper! Baseball. late night hockey. Good luck Mr. Kopera Remember Princeton junction & how we've been leading parallel lives. Eagles S . Let's go, Rangers · clap. clap, clap. clap, clap. Giants ar~t ever' - Beyms. Kopera. Blrik, & Hand are just frusterated Eagles fans - Faley (aluminum) I will never forget New Year's 1990--91 either, (you will probably never let me) Oct 12. 1990 is the day. Maybe I really am an airhead. I won't be too sentimental wj this, but cotillion '91 was "unforgetta· ble". So was Prom at cotillion '92. This isn't too long, but I can't sum us up in words. Love ya · Sarah Laura · Rambo. 12 yrs .. ali that time and I still don't understand you. · Chris Pinelli What I have to say: Balarna's party/ Bendas loses girlfriends/ 1 find a girlfriend/ hunted in Montgomery1 Doug~ Tom flip jeesj cr loses AD on LBif AB & BG unlucky at CatchjLS, TK.. & CP talk on Beach/ AB cant see the Big Dipper/ SN "nice leg"/ AR. TK. BG. & MW fall asleep fishing on beach/ Mike P. " W.T.f.C./ ChrisP· NfC/ Adam B • NFC/ Doug Ward · WTFC/ "You just got hit by a drunk driver" 1 Laura S • what happened/ Wa Wa man/ AB·Maintanance Man/ PRT · race to Princeton dinner1 Jerry Foley· " Giants Forever" 1 Jerry f . ChrisP. Jon B ·Basketball/ Super bowl25/ Old girlfriends· Terry Moran, Robin Schidler. Dawn Witcoskij SH • INKS/ SH Slap in face/ coming soon · summer '92 I'm still an explorer!

TONY PISCEPO I'm not a snob!. Robo, gym, Campo, waving hand In face, a man who cooks, ducktales & Addams family, How's bear doing?, clean your rm. cat hater, need new shoes, speeding Is bad· don't do ltl, I'll never forget you. Love, lisa " Watch out for telephone poles" "Are You homeless" " If 1 told you I was madly In love W/ You would you marry me "HI Grandma" " Can I bum a ride home" " front seat or my mon car" " Fred meet Jen & Jen & Jen" " Tell Eric to cut his hair:· "Wake up Fred, It's only 12:30" " It's the bunny hill right sure it Is" Thanks Tony the mt. was 3 miles long. Try not to pass me on the shoulder anymore alright. Don't forger save a room in the house for me. fred Procac· cini CAROLE PLUMERI R.Z. ·my party. whiskies, Halloween, Tanglewood, " rug" Love, AJ Miss G's. papers. Super X. Youth Group, R.G. ~ baseball. Ice skating~ misery, Grease, B.C. " Kiss up" "You beat him" " Prune" St. Gregs & M.V., " aah, static" S.M., ooh , he looks good! Love. Tracey Congratulations on being ranked #5. You really deserve it! Good luck In the future I know you 'll do line. You 're a good friend. KIT. Love, Nicolette Carole· you are a great friend . CONGRATS ON BEATING BENI!I Love, Bridget Oh how I love calculus, it just makes my day - especially how my pen falls every day. Well, It's over! I'll have to relax more like you told me in Eng. Good luckl Mike livio Carole: Spell It W/ an El Remember lunch time. Who looks the best in spandex in pd.51unch? No more meetings wj Me. Gatto this will get year. OK? Good luck in the future. Maybe you & together. Remember the Cotillion. Tell Ed I saki ·fi,·. KIT. Admit it. I'm smarter. · Darren Hey, well I'm glad we became friends again. or course after 2 yrs. of not doing anything. Remember SC on lap. Work camp w1 fritzg, Marc. Cathy, ~ April. Tying up CC Plato & Pizza. Sound ofrato. 9th gr. yr. KIT I'll miss ya. U stop mell Love, Jen Hi bralniacl Sit!, Ubu. Sit!, good doggy! Your mom makes great cookies! From St. Gregs to here. I'm glad we made it. Thanx for all your fun! You 're a great friend! Good luck at Trenton St.! love, Jen P.S. KIT I'm so glad we became friends. You 're so smart~ funny.l 'm sure college will be great. Always remember ... Jr. Prom, I was late; do you have any Grey Pupon?, Yimoc, Amy·s ... service . . . retreat letter (I meant it) .. Chris' party ·little mermaid, yoga ... lunch. bad jokes! Love ya, Kate L.B.I. ice fight! fruit salad. Carving err sc car ride • Mark · Jeff. shark! spying; owhaa what's the answer to #33? death. manic de· pression! airplane. there's no Roy Rogers! Fla .. B/F/f art env. sci. Ray oh·no. Escher. that's nlc·ohll don't drink! white Beretta! Meg. • Margaret Lumia Well this it! I can't believe It! let's not let our friendship end after graduation · KIT • Good luck i Always Rem.: The "W" word. Got any jokes?, seen any good silk lately? " the blue carl" , you never get picked on! Good luck next yr.! KIT! Love always. Janice Hey Carole!! Do you want to TOUCH my crystal?? Luv, Elena Carole, we' ve been through alot over the yrs ... since I would 1111 pages if I listed them all, here are some highltghts: Chern. labs• History (scratch. scratch), anatomy (can I borrow your notes?). Eng. (did you study? No!) . . . Congrats on your #5 rank you know why I'm so happy!! Thanks for being such a great friend! Good luck in all that you doll I'll miss ya! Please KIT Love, Shaheem Hey fred! Thanx for being a wonderful friend to me and for always being there for mel Well Bye, just kidding! What happens is there have been so many great times • lunch conversations, Jean back & open up, prom, summer of 91 • white Beretta, carnival • 3 hrs. carl Beep, picnic, baseball, 12 swines. sleepovers, Blinegoo. MIRke • " Tum it up" "Are those Bugle Roy leans yollr wearin" , mini ollln, chasing me wj the knife, LRI- Ice fight. my white bikini, the lunch· meat, seaweed, singing In car. " We can't do that. we're in Allen· town" . spiked fruit salad, rap, 104.5, Wat dog? (Thanx Car) you & Mike's week seperatlon, your nose • I'm your sister, no I punched your. our younger men & dilemmas - what a fiasco·, danceffs, par· ties, your dad parking, oh god, Work camp • nice knot. you're stopping me, toys, Bang-car's In the kitchen. I'm blond • olymplcs, this tastes good. look! Noms. Christmas Concert- the blacko,, t, YF · Caroles drinking?, long phone calls. Cotillion, ownership. Car, if It wasn't for you me~ Mike would probably not talk anymore - Thanx. You are a really special person. I know you don't believe that but you are! I'll miss you, C.L.• KIT! Love, Chris Hi! Well your the only one who was smart enoueh to stay in N.EJ. wj mel Yeah! Don't forget the good times we had like: LRI, dip, great adventure, Tues. Wed. at Thurs., Mike Vago, Foxmoon. Chris wj knives~ dogs, my house, scan I drive?, Austere Penellcient. cad~n· erous concoct. crass, de base, deserete, desist. disconcert, gran· doise. in consezuentlal, makrancy·s, my moffs, bears. food. (!( photo albums. teachers confrence, Hi Carole, can I have a ride to .. • rap, how many different ways can I change my room? Cotillion 1991 · Dip. Margert, Chris, Mr. Vago, me and you and our ice light down at LRI, going the wrong way on a oneway. ron jon, Ben at Jerrys, the runaway train & rolling thunder. & last but not least. The Jr. Prom. wj youmose at any's. well we have plenty of time to double this list. Good Luck in the future & every thing you do, friends forever · Love, Mike JANICE PLUNKtTT surprise party at Ground Round; football games; Powder Puff 1&2; group sleepovers; retreat; Wildwood; Dorney Park: spirit days; lunch periods; my party; movies; dinners; KIT; I Love Yal · Nicole What's up plunk? Thanks for the party (what a surprise). I wish you luck in the future. and ffgood luck at college. Angelo Logic was great. Love those indepth talks W/ Joe. Good luck wj the future. Love Jen Hi Jan. rm so disappointed that we didn't have any class~s to· gether this yr. But we'll always be Eng. buddies! · you know I h1t you last wj my voc. book. You 're a great friend! K.IT. Love, Nicolette Silk worm- 1wish It would rain on him. Mr. Cbs Blond jokes, worst joke wed. Your car. KIT Good luck. Carole Plunk. a JK word. Thanks for always being there when I needed someone to talk to. Remember the deal W/ JK over the summer, If she knows everyone does. Good luck In college F/f. I will get you when you least expect it. Love. Chrissy Shinn I miss spectrum! Thanks for the advice. Love. Katie Plunk. mld·nlte calls. make a farm animal sound. she chews like a horse. wanna get lost In Mlllstons. you'll always be right. Plunkett mobile. putting my car In the park. West Pt .• who? Janice stopll You scared the out of me. powder· puff ·(we'll win next yr.) yrbk. ice hockey games. need a tissue. Sr. retreat. key stuck again? cards ~tter than mets. Giants suck. do you get math? gotta blonde joke. kermit. wanna go to Sports Bam. Ang's surprise party. Love always. Jen It's been a fun 4 yrs. Gym is full oflaughs. You must teach me the correct way to lock my gym locker. (you got a big laugh out of that. I know) The Giants are terrible, a bunch or crybabies. I flope you enjoyed you hotdog cause 1will never lose another bet to a Giants' fan again. Just remember, the EAGLES are truly #1. I love the earings! Love, Amy You are my ultimate life counselor! What would I do wjout you to tell ali my problems to? One day my time will come (yeah right). Remember ff's party · "are we going the right way". Avon Skin-sosoft! If you ever need anything just calli Please stay In touch! I'll always love ya! Love, Sarah V. Kaboobl H·E·l·L-Q!l Don't walk into the volleyball net. Wow can you believe It's finally over. no more lunch. or gym just memories. I'll miss Plunk!! Love Lidia Retreat was the best· Thanks for everything· you're a great friend

and a special person • never change. Love, Amy A. Janice. Thank you for the support during Jr. yr. ~ this yr. Spec· trum was good for all of us. Don't make such a schedule. You're such a good friend except when you sped away from me when I tried following you. But hey, It's o .k. I forgive you. But it's been hard for all of us w;out or so called spectrum leader. Where did she go? Who knows, we'll never know. Oh well, you've given me 500 much Ja· nice. Thank you. Good luck In everything you do. Call mel Love forever. Marian Typing class, blonde jokes. the nark, Kermit! Did we ever go camping? Bonding time, scary movies. Jens shirt, Rutgers Football, chicken nachos, most embarasslng moments. yrbk deadlines. re· treat. stupid head, Kaths book in her room. Ang's party. Teresas In my tapedeck, you know who! Do you have any kleenex? a hood from hell! Thanks for all your great advice. Love always • Beth DARREN POOODA Thanx for keepin classes Interestingly funny. sprout Hill After Grad. look out for these things: lllegaly parked Mercedes Benzes. Moving Dodge Datonas ~don't drive south on 206 next to yellow busses. Guess who? Can I take driving lessons from you?! Best of Luck at keep your eyes on the road! C·ya. DILiberto No class will never be the same wjout yor comments. Skiing Is awesome. Stop confusing mel I will get my liscense at a job. OK? Love. Katie · Dearest Darren. rm glad to have met you. I love your cracks. They're always funny. I think I'll miss that. Calc. was good wj Ms. Z. Retreat was nice because I learned more about you. Don't be so naughty over the summer stay away from abandoned psychiatric institutions. Good luck In everything you do. & the best of luck W/ school. Love, Marian To my line friend " Red " , I love that name. Karen Krajacic • you & the math league rule the world, but please be careful in those matches. Adrienne ·good luck In basketball. Melissa Chiarchiaro • love you last name, thanks for all the memories. Good Luck, and KIT. Christina Chlarchlaro ·Stop beating up on people in the hall· ways, and say hi! to me. WI was fun. Dave Nass ·Class was great. but your party was better. Say hi to your neighbor for me. To everybody · I'm really a safe driver, don't believe those rumors! Thanx to all my teachers at friends you made it all a great time. Eill miss you all. And finally to my skinny friend Ellen Woody "Boyd" . Ply "Woody", Dim· pies, etc. Thanx for being a great friend, you 're one of a kind. I'll mess you. May our bad luck come to an end, I'll get you that tape. Use my sr. quote at drive safe. K.IT ~ never play leapfrog wf a unicorn. SAL POLIZZI Sal, did you get your Prom dress yet? Bendas Sal, thanks for the slice of pizza last year. You're a crazy person. Stay out of trouble this summer (& dinrin our lifi ) See ya at Lees's Or! Love Marian Sal: How do you tum these blasted hazard lights out? • Black Peter. many sheets, or colorful lucid paper & many hrs. of musical fun & guitar swinging & drum bashing! oh the sweetest thing! · Carl 2 Da Players- Alii M. ·Thank you • most sincerely· for killing the clutch on my jeep/ D.O. ·Hey freddy· cozmic Charlie on the move/ Carl M. I want U2 tickets. Where R U goln w1 dos dam hazzard lights. Nice hat. Peace to da Sting Stangl/ Chris P. 12 yrs. is a long time, Peace/ Ceasar (!( Laura • Da 2 coolest I dol I've ever had. Let's go see da Next fall tour. Ded Heds • 4ever Peace/ Rich K. • see you at Matt's place. Your rack. 8-baJI-cC./ Plnell ·move any jeeps latley • 206 or Busted. Old boots rule do roots./ Pelllgrlno: U & me, the top scholars of N.D. Peace/ Sang· still got a H.O. for K.P. ·that's Wrong· I can still klk yer but Peace/ Deasy • Have any Parties yet. Need da Gulf C. C. for da fla. trip/ Boo min system/ e.s. ·let's tube down to Seaside· Mustangs suck Peace/ Tim M. · KIT. dude when R ya gonna tell me whatz goin on 1 weekend?1 I.T • when am I gonna meet this dude Joe?1 M. • see ya at LPx/ Jon R. • so what? you're still gonna read C.B. 's 2 that 1 sat.. shutlnp. Christa, rwas cool./ C.B. ·I got ya wondrin', don't 17 Just kidden were ood boys Love ya both/ Madi • R U still hungry. Mr. Polizzi still loves ya. (both of Bass Crew • & U know· who youR· keep it boomin • Toyatas still suck. R.M. P. • Peace let's race/ T.F. & J.P. • U 2 start drivln real soon, too soon. Tell Paul 2 shutup Peace/ 2 da warriors of l 2 - as we sruggle for a ring we must not sheet, I mean cheat. fat. I mean fate/ D.W. at Bob S. • nx 4 da knowledge; support. help, & 4 just puttin up W/ me. It was hell, But it was fun. Peace 2 da Casa Lupita Hustlln Crew! We rule table time. P.S. What did I learn? Not much ·C·Ya Sal· I'll miss our talks! Take Carel Love · D.W. fRfD PROCCACII'INI cab ·cold, " ncomfortable - ystem • not loud enough! Skiing! Viper? · Theo Hey Fred. let me borrow a quarter. 1 liked All of your girlfriends! (He He) You have a boomln system and keep It up. Angelo Stop looking at my butt! Senior retreat! Get your foot out or my butt! Gym class. never forget religion class! I don't understand you! SPS! Love · Jen " You want to rent a boat" How about a pizza, or maybe a bear. Noll See Side, Wildwood, Monte 5.5., You want to race. Saab, pull over. we're going to die, she really likes you call her, I'm coming over!, Sandy, Jackie, Heather. Dawn. etc. Not!, Viper Armed "Too loud" Stand Back, " what, do .J have to write it on my shirt!" Wild· wood storm, B·Ball in the rain, were we drunk? Not! Nuts yes, what ever happens man hang tough. Love ya! Later. Randy F.P. we've had a lot or great times together especially in lunch & on retreat. Can I have a blow ... pop. Wait let me get my batl And please stop egging my car. I know you carry a dozen W/ you at all times. T = D Bag etc. etc. best thing you ever did. I like your truck Mr. Dabaliwa don't total it Watch out for those mailboxes. Good Luck in the future (!( thanks for all the great memories. Jeff Lunch & the retreat have been great. Do you have a Blow . .. Pop. Let's go to a b-ball game together again. I'll drive, we will cut the time in half again "Daytona 500''. Let's not tum around in parking lots. we might get pulled over by that cop again. Eric PAUL PROCACCII'I.NI Yo Haitian! Whats up? Vito· I've known you for too long. You better not get your fumer upl Yo! Did you hit that! I'll miss you next year. Love YOU? Cuz (lisa) "What's up Haiti" , Hit list many peeop, les at the game. I'm out your mom Is lushlous, "Varavada" 5-0UT " gotta get my hungers up· " stank veeje" " crevices" "set Iombardi up" I got you!Theo (Ying • Yong) BRtNDAN PROI"HETT Eng. class· frosh .. Soph., Jr., yr. Cotillion '91 • passed out on my couch. Breakfast. Good times. You're a great friend ~lluv ya. Good luck next year. Love always, All Proph, just think.. .we'll always have Olive Garden, dinner at Dan's house, & cold nights. fla. St. = #1. Good luck in the future. KIT luv ya. Leea The Prophl, frosh. yr., football; blocking for you was a prlvelage, baseball back to back. Think big you 've got what It takes! " All Windex Team Baby" We will always be friends & Celtic fans no matter what happens. Celtic's rule baby. Vasti u se the ladder, all-star. stay yourself. bfc you're a sweetie. Good luck! Love Wit Dog Pound (Waitin for summer '92) Kiwi at grape. (That bites) Pennsbury football sucks (could have taken them all) 6·4 285tbs?!? #26 2fast. Princeton camp waz helpful? (NOT) " Special Ed" on the beach (I got it made) " Na Seals" "Fax Me; Please" 1, 000 yards: Get held up In TRENTON much ... (what did Ogiony sa? fight w1 Ladys Much? Gum (No) Twix Wrapper (escort): I'll throw some salt in your game!! Truth wf M.T. (she dropped the Bomb) I'm out of here like

... vtadameer. (#75) Thanx for the 4th of July. Good luck nxt yr. Anne " Tequilla Sunrise" . Duck behind the bed because I know he didn't see your LBI • learning how to pass a car. " Bull Durham!" I never got that rose, I'll meet you on Rt. 27. " Forever Your Girl." We never went to that lake, right? I Love you Proph, you' re the greatest & I'm not evil & I'm not selfish! Frosh . Baseball, Basketball. LBI '90. 55 asleep at 9 p.m., KPT '5 · $.60 for half, morning Beam's, LBI '91 • wrestle mania '91 at AL • The Crash . Stealin LK from AL • Messed up. Larry Yo! You have to be the hottest white boy I know. You have the best body tool If 1 Ever caught Jungle Fever, I'd want to catch It w1 you. after I catch it w; Kris BaJema! ha!hal Luv yal KF Proph, D·ramp: " your brother Is on my wall " · who knew we'd become so closer Non. Eng.· solid " C" I LBI: caravan· "pull over", mad dog· Pit bull, runs on the beach !II Mike Ogiony • " Yo, you like that ha?' 'l Your crush on Mrs. R • " Woo" !! I'm always here for you, I love you! Murph Do you live here or at Stem's. Ph ill Collins Big Bon. Yo Al's in the tracker. Lou White Jr. yr. lets hit buttland. Dead Pool. RBI w; Abasd. Your house w; Stem & bros. ftiends. ON 1 forgot the chick moved. Wit Prophett's Prarie dogs, I can 't seem to find my Salt 6c Peppa tape, Dog pound· #26 still going strong, I'm broke. Brent Leigh 's dog really did like me. Blue & White • dog walked ins that night. finally got thatjeepl Simone's B·ball camps, turkey hoagies. soph. night on the beach, keep lifting. remember Ogiony, Frosh. football, Is It free? Could have used ya for b-ball, our ftiendly game at Alan's shore house (MD) Good luck at the preps, former Dog pound mem· ber EK Woooh! Pine Barrens • Don't fall asleep! SIC for 5 hrs. Cotillion • bet mad much? slap me • why don' t youl Water·bed night • what happened? "Look at us . . . Frosh. Eng. detentions: cops at Market Fair. Soph. chicks are cool?l? U2 sleepout • Sold Out! Fights? there have been many, glad we got thru them alii I love you. TM Best Prom date ever, good luck in life. • Darren When are we going out? Thanx for all the talks. Dont't change. Good Luckl K.I.T. I'll miss your Love always, Kerry Well 8 yrs. of a great ftiendship. Thanx for everything you did. I'm sorry for all the fights we got into. Let's try to keep in touch during college. I'll never forget you. Love Jen Lunch will never be forgotten between us talking about DQ and the next table w; chocalate, money, and pa er. Now could you forger It?? Remember retreat & the party (if that's what you called It in Penn. Carr! Such a Glrlftiend • , wear the hat, BK drive through • " I can 't feel my hand" HOUSE PARTIES, NORMS DOG, Let's Go!. "sto g your smoke In my face! ", Cot. '92 what a dater. what's the name Cherry Flip? WW '92 -such the summer, curb hugger, you Lush, "Nessa are you sure she can drink that much?" carr · what's going on this weekend? FF love ya Qirlftiend • luv. Carrie · B.F.A.· what a glrlftiend! what can I say?· where's the party? · you lush! ·Wildwood • QVs ·boardwalk· Ane • M.M. & B. G. • gotta luv um · S.F. • slims • "fallen angel" • Me D s • 11/16/91 • Nottingham social · (sleeping at M.C.'s) • always airheads· all the boyfriends and girlfriends· C.R. · the man· who was It this weekend? · house parties · we hate sophs. (M.S.) ·let me slap her! • O.C. ·Dan • M. c & B snacks, cheese flies. Cot. nlfJht ·Norm's ·bra tops· Coco. Muff, Prince. & Demetrius • Taylors, f1zz, ltallion princess' • alnt we beautiful?· L.L. • 662 • wingtips • 11/09/91 ·big night · F.f. & Q ·my accident. your accident· spray shampoo · curb hugger • Dennys p.l. • J.R.'s party • bustin out • Marilyn • Barbies • K.D. • " tan pants" • ' Jelly on the feet" · you wannabe a what?· no more· that's right· well, let's go! C., T.. L., C., v , = F.F. I wuv ya • Nessie JASON PUCA " Let's go Devils" Rangers S • I'm glad we became good ftiends this yr. & I WART MY TAPESII Vasti Jay · What can say? Just u were always there 4 me • Thanx. Remember all our conversations secrets 6c good times!! Good luck 6c KIT Luv ya, Leea Emergency break-through from " Bubbles" ! CR 6c CN I still owe you! Not really! How many arguments did we get In? No Jay I won't do your homework 4 " U"! Good luck A 6c fl Friends 4 ever. Where's my charm? "Jtallian Princess Prtzel boy. Bob's Big Boys. brother Jake, side of the house, the watches. Larry Jasaford: Thrift Drugs shopping, the magnet · NOT!. NYGLSSUK, Strwbry, swimming, our talks· Syn. PK., Me Donalds · leaving me in the rain, TRyST, lesson, Crunch Berries, Bekroleum. Thanks for everything. We'll be ftiends for " ETERNITY", I love you Jason Puca. Love always. Farfignugen Remember a poem you wrote me in Jr. yr. Well it was true 6c has true meaning for us. When there's someone who makes my day brighter, makes my joys greater, my heart lighter, when there's someone I want to live for, I have that something called love. Even though I didn't write it, it's still has special meaning for us. I will miss you 6c KIT please. Love, you know wholl Alyssa·n·Dylan. NY Grls • Sux. Lenox on CLOTHES Dryers & con· struction sites. Pucde Bear in tne toilet. 1/20/88 • ? 2:41 p.m. Wednesday. The King & his princess. Playing In the snow. Grape bgum. At the same time? A definite '10'. Jacobey 6c our kissing fish. Footsies w; guys in 7·11. B.W. hitting game. Behind Tommy T.'s shed. Concussions. Talks & fights. R's on tables at Mc·D's. Our many disses. Mannino's on Wednesdays. Songs on machines. X· Mas tree dancing. " I'll' always love you • TRUELY". Ice Skating. " Running". Your bro's b-ment. UR ear. Hanging wall paper. Drawing pictures. UR name In the months. Dancing in the street. Lobster dinner. " Nana", Renting movies. Holding on to the grass. How long has Scottie been gone? Marrazzo's manager of produce. "Jerry & Lisa". Sleep-overs. Don't steal coral. D.R .. C.N .. J.P., C.R. • d-dates. My " E·ring". 69 ch.burger. Me • serious, never! I love you Pucde & always will! Christina J~ff

PYPCZI'ISK.I You know I hate you because you have a different glrlftiend ever week. For me it is a never·ending battle! Anyway, you shall be defeated by me in straight sets one day so look out!! Seiler Emotional Rollercoaster .. . (Hey, Jeff .. . yea, right) ... Theater has it's positive aspects . .. Vollayball, I mean Wallyball! Never forget me, 6c our personalities wher we're In the same room. Love you bud. P.S. Seinfeld Hey Jeff · It's Bulk Dayll We had an awesome time at the comedy club. Tekkies are cool • " Oklahoma" always. Have fun • I'll miss ya! Luv ya • Kristin Jeffrey, hot lips. You a white mack. Watch out for the ones w; no butts. We nasty at Wolleyball w; Martinez. Mr. Moore's class· yeah right! Mrs. Wrobo's last yr.· Me, you 6c Andrew& Sieben 6c Mathews, Have a fun cousin. The retreat. Love, Chris Why do we always meet at my house? You've been a great friend, it's been a lot of fun. " I don't know" Remember, the prom, Ground Round. New Years. Friday's, & don't forget. .._ _Bri, _ _ 1" I will kick but! Good luck In college. Love, Chrissy " Just walking along, singing a song· I'm ready, I'm ready for laughing gas. Remember it alii" Your ftiend • Carl Hey. where·s my Mike? Laure 6c you are awesome! Grease was a blast. now Oklahoma! You never got my sprite! Hey give me a call • or did you forget my number • AC History Is definitely our nap time. Why does he talk about the dumbest things? Borrowing my pens w;out asking. Gym dass Is the best. Are we ever going to play tennis on Tues. w; Mrs. Koschek? It's been fun! Love, Kris Kelly You are the best tennis player I know? Thanks for the help but. I'm hopeless. Blue 6c White Day • were you really embarassed? The Serpent 6c the rainbow that got me In trouble! Spanish .3. Katie We really got to know each other through the plays & my dance performances · You' re a great guy. Thanks for everything. Keep In

touch. Love. Amy A. Jeff, you are so wonderful!, I can 't explain how close I feel to you now. I'll miss you terribly next year. I'll always be here for you If you need me. Love ya, Jeff·bearl Love always, Manolinski (Manoly) Jeff, What can I say? You break my heart. I never really under· stand you but since it's the end of the year I guess It doesn't matter. Yet I would like to thank you for the marvelous time I had at the spectrum. (I still think we should've asked good ole' Pete to get together w; us). All those tennis talks in the van. Sorry if you were always busted or abused but hey you deserved it. Hopewell Vally last yr., I think you should've won, I don't know, if you talked to yourself more, maybe things would' ve been different. Retreat was good, you never looked more beautiful w; the letters. A word of advice to you, ''Things never are what they seem to be" and " Don't try to find things that might make you happy when usually they 're right In front of you. " The best of luck In everything you do. Love forever, Marian Tech . director, yeh, I guess sol. ''I'm set", don't forget our little light booth affairs, Ken & Barbie lemon. you know you love mel LAKISHA QUINN EJ. Shaneed, Darren and all the rest of the posse. You even entertained Adrian. It was fun and so will college be. You 'll come back w1 a Lyman if you know what I mean. Prom and Deb ball are going to be remembered 4ever regardless of who you take. Marb Keep hope alive, baby doll. You 'll find the right man some day, maybe it'll be me. Yeah, we could get married and live in New York and have a million, billion. trillion kids. and even if we don't, we could keep on trying to have those kids. ·Ron If you never find the purr-feet guy I'll alwaze B the pur·fect ftiend! Why in alwaze doln' that dancell Luv ya! K.F. Keesshhaa! Keep Smilin Hockey Woman! Shake, Shake, Shake. Shake your bodyl Best of luck! C·Ya Chissy D Kreisher! I'd advise you to stop spending an hour on your hair because it's going to fall out. fRIC SALAVA Hey hunnie. Thanx 4 all the memories. Rem: 3·22·90, 4:30, our picnic·Where·s the chicken??, teach, me to skill. drunk 4 1st time, what coffee?, and so much more. U R the best guy I know, so stay out of trouble. ya rite) Good luck in everything and stay sweet and cute. ·Love ya, Cindi BA BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM 2 Q trouble. The rat eats the cheese. Race Face.·Love. Malloy . Since freshman year we had been like best ftiends. then come along two young ladies that we fall over and kinda diss each other for. We had our quarrels but we were too 1good for that. We worked througl! it. I'll never forget the Poconos and spending time with the guys arm your family. That Is great. I'm glad that after all of our ups and downs that we still remain great friends. Keep In touch while at college. ·Michael Pelleogrino RUBY SANCHfZ I wish you would stop wearing the same clothes every dayU!-Tara is ~~~f.~u~n ·The New Edition to the family. Our ftiendship


NICOL.f SAI'ITOWASSO You' re a great ftiendl Stay as sweet as you are. and good luck with your babycakes Biii!I·Bridget Joyce Remember all of our talks! Stay Sweetl-love Dawn Wit Could you get the hair off my back? ?It was always so funny when you said that. Thanks for being a great ftiend. Good luck in college!· Love Chrissy s. Did you get it yet? Bill vs. Ang: Thanks for all the details. Gym class and religion would have been so boring. You are so loud· I bet that's what Bill says! J/K·Don't forget Powder Puff and all of the parties. Senior retreat was the besti·Love you always-Jen Pecan pie, Ft. Nix, History class Swing. " What was your mom doing in the car in the food store anyway?" , trying to get on a double chair lift and knocking the two guys off. Retreat, Vowder Puff, Dorney Park, Your party, Cotillion. my Sweet 16 party, dancing on chairs, weaving in front of me while skiing. cup of noodles. pepper, lunch table; Thanks for always being there for me and good luck with everything you do. We'll always be great ftiends! "SPROUT" ·Love ya always, Teresa Bio class. Football games, car rides w;oave, Kurt, Horror; film, flem fair, Bill-taciturn. Who's tum is it to buy -gu....,m=?,-...c..,..o""'ti"'"lli' on!! (on 95)·separate them! Colleen-Pat, 1 think I've found the love of a lifetime! Sprout. Sludge. Cole. notes in anat. retreat, How do you get to Dave's again?, Bowling, the guys playing football. guns and deer! Steve! Shud up! Do you have reason to be worried? Bad jokes. Don't corrupt Beth. Mr. fall at Dave's, The Getty, the pizzallace. the owl! Neato Llbitol TWitchy~ · Your skin t~:~ot o your bones! The reflector. Meet me at your ocker. ·Love DOMINIC SARGIOTTO Thanks for all the rides home!! !·K. Kerwlck TAMMI SCAI'II'IfLLA We've had a lot of fun these past four years. Hope you and Tom are really happy-you boyh deserve It! psych was fun·NOTI Good Luck in school. Stay Sweet. Love·Jen Never forget our wonderful classes! Good Luck In all you do. Keep in Touchi·Love, Amy A. Remember Geometry? How about Chemistry? That was fun. How about the trip down to the shore! (Pennsylvania)! Remember ever· ything that happened!·luv ya, cara Lived it, Loved it, Lost it. Later! " NOT" Say hi to your mom, Tom, Bob, Craig. Gary, frank. etc., etc., etc., .... Yo Tam. what's up! You don't have to thank me for all the time I've spent listening to all your problems. That's what I'm here for. Lets stay ftiends in the future so I don't have to wonder about what problems you 're having. Ya know what I mean? Thanks for being there for me. Even though I'm not one to talk about things. I know you were always there. -George His., not strong sub.. pranks, nosey-stay out of It!. can I have some fries· with that shake?. hey sexy!. gum, swallow, retreat, talks, nerds, choc., pretzels and cheese· ·bagel of at. hows George( Bob) doing?, your hair looks fine!. Thanks 4 being herel·love, Lisa T,f.U.B. ·T.L.C.(z) Enjoy it while It lasts! Shawn: You're a brat. but still the best. Stop wearing my clothes. You can't have my phone! Ha·J'm not going away. Be good ·you'll get here someday. ·Love ya·Tammi Mom and Dad: You 're the best. Good and bad times. I'm a big girl now. rm still your little girl. F.P. ·he was trouble-you warned me!ll Thanx for all you have done and I'm sure still will do. ·Love Ya's, Tammi Tommy Babe, you're great. F.P. dilemmas. Nice ftiends we have. NOT. You 're goofy. Summer will be great. I'm not going away. Thanx for being there. Cotillion was great! Sr. Proms· even better! 10/20/92-6/9-he won. Love your family. Good luck and thanks. Hi Klmmy. ·Love ya, Tammi ROBIN SCH.fiD.fLfR " ROBBIINNI" I guess I should let you pass, maybe not!! Hockey Camp-Shake, Shake, Shake your boobs, now shake your boobs! Keep smiling and never lose that laugh! Best of luck. ·C·ya, Chrissy

D. HI! What's up? Mrs. Hartshorn's, Bel Mar, TSC, Hockey camp, secretary in your dad's office, can 't wait till florida. Thanks for everything. KIT always. It's not that deepi·Michele WE(SS, MP, RS) have got to go " skiing" again and play "cards", ' 'I'll make the cards. Robin.", you need help ... we are nuts . . . TC down my stairs . . . " nice view'' . . . " look. aren't they bigger than? . . ? .. " I'll miss you . .. ·Love. MJP

Taking turns ·to shoot the crowd·no privacy is best! Keep It secret! A. store·where·s K·mart?? What were some of those objects?·Jessi· ca Rubar. Rob. Mud pies at the beach . Locking me out of the shower. You knocking the sunglasses over, short of change at Wawa, ring pops, Oh Rob that wave isn't that big. slamming my finger in the door, water skiing, Belmar, KL, Oh Mr. Scheid., we 're staying at Agatha 's, playing secty in d .'s office. Basement. Playing house in playground tires. You and Andrea always fight. Ching Chong Ching. Strawberry Shortcakes. TSC. All our fights. Michele going to 8 dance with BJ Wad. Jailbreak. My clubhouse(BC). Knocking AnnaL. off the stage. Singing in Mrs. V's class. crank calls to BL, cult video. me punching you in the eye. your ribbon barrettes, hanging out in the closet in Girl Scouts. meeting Chad at beach, table downstairs spinning. Rob's drunk place bath·room floor. cold compress, com· ing home from BaJema's. Robin, there' are so many others . • Love Nicole Vicks·mountain? Lwood 12 many. find a way . .. C·side. J:30 Cotta Go! Isn't this special? 4 YRS T·TALKS. How can we 4get? Bev. Hills Cop. ·What was it about girls? Mthr. Goose- Nevr again, please. LBI '90-shotgun-what?? phone? no phone. Time 1/ 2 hr. back, Tu·Tu Skippy. BPkhaki. Parents. ·flo. ·We were the only ones.·helicopter. Fri. IJ. " Buddy wake up the girls R here ... April Fools. Thanx 4all the memories. All 4 H.S. YRS. ·such great ftiends. Never 4get the vette ride .Cedar Gardens. IS that them?. " GOI! R.S. " Guess" ·5401· Luv Nora 8 YRS of friendship· what can I say to my A.T .. from burning lichorish, ·to a cord·to cookies, " Soul man" on the dock. Your shore houses, LBI. TAN, TAN, TAN!. Riding into the bay1 " Cool Jerk" . " Wild, Wild, West" , Hockey camps and seasons, Lenny Kravitz· dancing in sports bras, O.P.P., hysterical laughing, P.P.. YUMI· tastes like grape sode, Finally a shore house together-Living on pasta, pizza, and bagels, nervous breakdowns. " Material Girl", knocking out screen. church-nursery, Gidget and Laroo· Surfer Girls forever! Our 7th grade idol. K., C. married. " Brown·Eyed Girl ", " lp your Eyes", Bayview Diner, babysitting-haunted house· surfing on counter-Great food at Fowler's· Cameo's Surfer Prince bedtime story! So many crazy times . . . . Thanks for them alii· Love ya, Nat Silvers JfANNf SCHif:ffR Are you one of those ..... ? Art class would not have been fun without you. Word of advice: Don't buy any hamsters! " Bubbles" · Eric HI Honey! It's finally over! I'm so glad I met someone like you .. this year was great! You make my days a little brighter! Remember all of our Inside jokes-pimples, the hand, all our guys. Summer '91. we're so bad, I Love It! 'The Nasty' l! Good Luck with Barr. Wish me tuck ... you're coming to the wedding!! Good luck·Don't forget me!· Love ya, Tori Growl. watch the rails!. Barry-smiles, hex, chile-every meal. snor· ing, summer '91, bad brains, I am skin and bones .... Cycle Burp. big fat hairy afro .. . . , Advice Columns-Love Ya Babe· NixNix I'll flare·B#l my ftre sil. lfe mx bwl offrt! 1M, PN in Bt. T5- broom. PS·JY. Reither· AHHHNI TB·bnging hd on bd·Damnlt Bwling· Jf Bfeter. Ners Prblms. BBMJ. JKY units·alws REM· I HATE SNOBSI!· Love ya. MicheleB That place! Oh NOI·Never forget the great times we had in Mrs. Caucci's class! Love, Amy A. It's been fun knowing you. Art wouldn't be the same without your " morbid" artwork·J /Kl Well, never forget our talks and laughs, your trip to Wash. D. C. ·maybe I'll see you at MCCC next year!·Love Susan W. " I went to see your pictures·! spread them across the floor· so this Is where they are shown-Now They're probably saying to you·" If you..keep it up you 'll bed born "·But you won 't ever listen· I'll bet .. . .. -Dave SUSAN SCHMITI "Holy Schmitt!", Mike says "Hi!" ·Darren Me C. Carnival, you and Terry sleep over. The doors locked! Love and Miss ya·Dawn Wit "Can I borrow it?" , Nice scrunchie 1 OK get on-break!, Florida trip·Not too wrecked·hairspray ... sure! Love ya Schmitt-ness-Laura Shwahla Cheeseballs rulell Who do you really like?? Love triangles!! Gym rules! WOI TOO GREAT·Dope. Softball is the best· Did you put your lipstick on?? I Love You! Keen Rules!·Jen Did you hit the deer? Stay out of ditches! Do my hair. Do my make-up. FDU weekend· never happen. Religion-kay-o. kay. Smoke. Smoke what? You have a hair bone . ... Blonde-Brown? Why is your phone always busy? Ya down w; Ept ... Brown(yes). Gimme a kiss· on the lips! Thank you for everything! I Love You!·Lisa Let's eat. B-Ball, boyfrlends·EK and JB. captains. smells like butt. Speed-skating. St. John V. ·smooched on the mouth. Good luck next yr. KIT. ·Love always. Alison SMITTY! Well what can I say? There's been some fond memories; Ending up In the S Brunswick ghetto. " Reverse? I can' t find the reverse!" You and AB- no comparison! Dagl Slapped JM the moose· boy right across the face! My B-Day Jan. 22? Thanks for the Cotil· lion. nobody else would 've. Spendin' the night at Howard's house, although I didn't see you most of the time. EK-Anything yrt? Tell Rich I said hi. What's your name? Wheezer. That's a nice name. GET OFF!I didn't see BP much that night either. Thanks for everything. Without you I'd probably be at HNS now. -Love. Doug What if I turned into a horse and • started naying and bucking down the hall? !.Chris Fava Sue, I still have your hat! If you want it come and get it. Alone. • Love Rego Just a little advice to get you through life: Never try to attempt a murder, and watch out for curbs .. they just jump out at you! The trip to NO was better in the morning when you were in the car·Dave Martinez Hey cheeseballl Who would've known on the Expose that we would be ftiends now?! Driving home from schooi·U. Me. and Shan· non doing the Who song, John Denver. Seaside, and sleeping on the beach, me the next day, Ba·haing w; Rich, my strategies for U uhat in never follow!, Jules· SB bus, " Well ALRIGHT". Going to GT's house instead of mine. Now many guys do in like Sue?", yee' haaal Punch Aries game, your guido musuc vs. my classic rock·will we ever agree?? Holy dud cowl Senior year was definitely the greaTEST Thanx so much for always being there. I'm going to miss you nex year! " I Luv You, I Really Do" .. Good Luck and ·I Love Ya· Leigh" Owen has no ftiends" • "Sue. what's all this stuff in the sink?" , "It burned when it came out my nose. Alright. alright, alright. al· right. Rich and Scott fighting in Princeton:· Seaside with Scott' Jeep ... Kmiec rm a . . . NICE GIRL! " I'll call you tomorrow. Kel " Never forget all the advice we gave each other· " Don' t do It", " L him call you". " Go with everyone", " Don't worry about it, it's you senior year!" I'll miss you and pleased keep in touch. ·See y " Kerwlck" Volleyball was awesome, Leo nics class was boring but fun .. T bad we didn't have any classes together until Senior year, but guess we can't change that now. Retreat was so cool . Remember t honk everytime you drive by my house. Stay sweet and cool. G luck in life, and have a blast in college. ·Luv, Matt Naenni Banana Splits. -c .. V., S. "I can 't make U love mel" Stay out ditches. Weddings?? Cotillion-What happened!! Widener nights. G ao·s, photo, (You teasel) Donna Summer: "On the radio". " Hot Stuff' (Oh. are youl) Secrets!l! RM, EK, BP· infamous triangle. M. loves me· forget NY! Centerfield·Neverl Fights- we'd be great room· mates. Driving ability!! No wet nuts! Do you Sfll9ke?? Nice haircut· twins! Let's EAT! What should I wear? There are so many things to say. I Love Youl! BF' S Forever! P.S . . . . Cool beans, Hot Apples. Frozen Grapes. Love ya, Terry Moran. Chris fava: Sorry I couldn 't find your classroom! Czu . Tsu, Sioux, spandex shorts, chemistry I What if I turned Into a


bucking horse?!?! Carol Scanlon: Watch that curb! P'ing in Jen·s street. Jen Ress: You 're the worst. don't ever get in my car again! MH· ~~f!.~i~~vY~~~!!Pasta party, Let's go shopping, matching scrun· Melanie Furda: Ya Brut! Beth Ryfinski: SO how was your date? KC, CS, BR. KB, MF, EF, JR, AC. JH • ..... I Love You Guys!! II LORmE SCHROTH Thank you for going to the Cotillion with me JR year. You were a good friend and I'm glad that we are friends. You make a better Laurie. Sandra Dee. Beauty and the Beast: 1would have cried if you wem 't there. I hope we stay In touch because you really are a great person to be with. GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR. even though you don't need it. You' re good at everything you do. ·Love Always Chris I might steal those pearls off your neck! Hal Sikei·Love ya. Tara Spalne " LORETTEEEEEI" It was a pleasure to have met you-all mine! • Darren Did you sing the National Anthem? Oh, walt. Let me take a picture of you . .Chris Fava Thanks for a great swim season. You made our relay a lot of fun. Good luck in college and come back and see us!· Chloe Kraemet HI LORETTE! SMILE! It's been great sitting next to you in Madrigal· I hope I've helped you with at least some of your boy problems. " GREASE" '91 and " OKLAHOMA" '92 forever. I'll miss ya next year· stay happy(like me) and keep breaking those swimming records!· Luv ya. Kristin " Grease" '91. " Oklahoma" '92. What will be of '93? Who knows and who cares? eligion was interedting. Madrigal was cool In a weird sort of way. Good luck with all you do. · Luv. Sonny, Jud. or Matt Haenni DAVID SEILER BIG S: For all the girls we've dreamed abouL Be Cooi·VIdal YOOOOOOOO G A SEILER!! BA BOOM! V. B. W. B. ·Love Malloy Nice hair-really! Do you want my friesn Does that girl go In your line just to see you? - I thought sob. Stay Cool. ·Foley Thanks for the 'cool' lessons. I can't believe we survived the Geek Convention!! (Thanks for keeping me sane!) Never forget computer viruses. my secret affair wf Mr. A .• rap. WORD, BET, BEEF. YO, etc.. etc.. SHHHHHI Be quiet or the fire Is gonna get you II OS and JO'D are cool as h I Dave· you' re incredible. Good Luck and don't forget to smllel·Love Jenn O'Donnell (ODIE) You are so BAD! I love your hats! Where did you get the purple one?? Rap Maser! Wallyball godlllove your new hairstyle. Lippy: we are both going to kill her by the end of the year. Studying for english exam . . Bad chips and dip! ·Love Kristin Kelley You 're one of the most unique people I know. I remember soph. yr. in were a quiet guy I sat behind in bio. You never said one word to me. But Jr. year in histoey class. that was so much fun! You and Jeff were always at it Sorry about miss· ing the tournament at the Spestrum. Those are the · "pitfalls" of life. You're a good person and I'll miss you If much . ·Love, Marion King Yahoo himself. Joe Blow, Yahoo serious, and quite possibly the best all around wallyball player ever to live. the man who has done everything. and drives a great car with a huge back seat. like a booth in the 209, the gouda was great. remember Dale. ·Dave Martinez Sei. Sei, Sei: Poconoes, MM. Should I take her to the Burg and a movie or what?. RR. A Journey to tasting Nirvana. Wallyball, Tim Dog ... So what did you do Black Sheep. the Bei·Air. LBI. talks on women. It's all in the way you do your hair. You are the man. Good luck and keep in touch. ·Drew Si-snappin' necks. cashin' large checks, never fear Acme-man is

~~~~~~~~~'foe;~ ;,~1 ~~rii~g:O~~a~~i~~~~~:.:·~~~e!~ep~~e:;q~ the Bel Air headed to play VBall in MC park. El Si, epic hero of NO. Don't grate the cat. GUDA· "No. whatya thinkin '?". LBI VOLLfY· BALL. WHO' S THAT MAN WITH THE " S" ON HIS CHEST? "meet the Hammer Brothers· Jack and Sledge!" Lippy· " It's late in the evening ... " You ' re my SECRET FANTASY. Frost's house of style. SKI SAW CREEK! Wuz up money grip? WALLYKING. Montage. CHICKS, NO

""th....,e"'bed~""'r:-::oo-:-:-n!.~~~ ~~~~~~~k::u" ;i~~~t ~~rci'r?~~~rr~ ~f~~

cook then so can you! We Are the Pirates! Thnx for every·thing " S". Always an adventure. you ARE the MAN! Never Forget.· Dave " Rap" Brenner

KIMB~RLY Sf:NTf:K Girls State was so much fun. I'm so glad I got to know you and Tara both. You guys are the best! Good Luck in all you do and KIT. ·Love Jenn O 'Donnell Hey you!·too quieti Always smiling thoughi·Theo Wayne's World-awesome! Don't believe anything you hear. al· though the guy with one eye and three arms is true. You're a great person. I hope it all works out for you. Best of luck always-Doug Hey gullible. What? I don' t get it! Rem. Wind Beneath· my Wings· on the kar machine. Jim's house. Rider college: try· ing to work the keycord. Jr. yr. Prom. etc.• etc .• KIT·Luv Age Thanx for always being there for me. Like Mr. James says, if you can count at least one true friend. you're a lucky person. Well, I'm a very lucky person, because I know that you 'll al· ways be there when I need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to cry on. I love you. Kim. We went our separate ways in NS, but we will never be that far away. You'll be great at whatever you do. Do you think Sr. Josetta still thinks I'll never make anything out of my life? We should go see her some day. Well, I love you.Chris Always remember the " Gonads" , soph. blm7 .• our Jamaican talk mon!, Hoppy, Mr. Crayftshie, Test E. Twins. Mr. 1. B. Corny, Mr. I. M. Corny, Marcus! 1 Our green and purple shopping trip, heart· to • heart talks, " The Skank", etc, etc. I'm gonna miss ya! Good luck. Always KIT. I Love Ya· Christina. Glad we've become friends. Good luck with Doug. I hope we don't have to go spying! Good luck in college!·Love, Jen I finallr. spelled your last name right. Amazing. 1 think your car needs 011. you better check lt. Oh yeahl You don't know how. Thanks for all of the great times in per. 4. You're really a good friend, and I hope everything go r-way for once. Good luck with the man, the penguin, the X. Don't forget: We will do lunch some· day. Thanks for being one of my best friends. ·Love Jeffer Our talks have always been so much fun. Its been great having a locker next to yours. I had a really nice time at retreat. I'm glad you were in my group. ·Love Chrissy S. Calc. hist. env. sci. 1 eng. geo ..... How would it.XKXX. have been without ya? I've never met anyone like you. KIT and If you ever need anything.CALU·Love, Tracey I could never have started the mornings without you letting me hold your keys. I'm glad we got to know each other th'ls year. because I really needed to hear all of your concern and medical advice. You know what I mean. If you ever need anything. don't hesitate to call or call me backt-<leorge Someday you are going to meet someone that talks more than you .. No. I doubt lt. You and randpa. Keep warm, your hands are like ice. ·Eric Periods 1. 2. and 7, believe me he always looks at youn call me tonight! I'll call you back! Yeah right. How·s my hair look today? Our talks in gym then after school. Little sophs yuck!! ·Melissa Honey I'm home, house sitting. party every night, Mts, no neck, Deb, need food-go 2 Kim's, retreat. tears, morns letters, Robinhood is a great guy, Everyone's friend, noones lover: yeti. Sr. J's office Is a closet, lets call David. 2nd grad. 2gether and Jen may make this one too. 1 one thing I can borrow Is your sit stuff, Mt. St. M's, St. B's· Now there's a reason 2 go 2 1 of them! Thanx for lending a shout· der. Lots more!·Love Lisa SKANKI Love connection, gym talks, IWO, which watch todayl

Motor mouth! You and grandpa, he and wants me, you make me nervous when you drivel I told you son Dying Young ($5.90) you have good donuts at your house, King 8., Calculus-yeah right!, But why Ms. Henkel?? What symbolism?? IWD. IHO, IWO, IHO, SKANKI Life goes on, business class·what a joke! Penguins! City Slickers. Hellooo. Norman! Me and Eric getting together (Thanks) Ms. Optl· mlstic vs. Ms Pessimistic. your sensitive dog, Marcus the a (fill In the blank), mooching food at CH, your sister. answeiing machine songs, trying on dresses with Tara, FBLA I'm going to K·mart to buy a box of clues. Pick one up for me too Friends Forever. wherever we go. ·Love ya, Kristen BNARATISHARMA Your car rocks·! want it! " fizz is Fabulous" ·Pittsburgh· lame-Penn State!!Hheo All starred out?? Nails or no nails· you still found me fascinating to look ati·Fin2 BRATTYI!Ms. Clark's bio. class soph. yr.• 18-AIDE~N . Take me to the FIZZ. All your guy stories. Please wear your hair flat sometime. Plaid rules! You prep. wear argyles. ·Love Kristin What's wrong ajthis family?. F.O.L. 9/6/ 91. Comedy show. Benedito, N.Y's E 1990. Ground Round, police station, which guy was that?. retreat!. listening to those probsl. " He/she's in this class?!" , all the obsessions, switching homerooms. R in eve In uniform?, shave?. SKANK. Wildwood. Florida, Jim's house. uncle called, Ma· lines. all of OUR stories and probs., Rider(S + B game) watch those curbs, 1st time-smile. 2nd time-smile ... , football games, poems, " How funny was that?" , prom date, overreproduc.tion. Todd's pantsj shorts. " maybe I should apoligize to your mom" , firecrack· ers. " Buckle up little camper, " FfF. ·Luv. Kym Hey Brat. Lunch was great. especially those wonderful talks about C. 1 and araT. Are you going to Fizz? Probably see you there. "Ya right. " ·Eric We've made it! Finally. I can 't believe It Is over. Don't ever forget our hallway walks in the morning. Don't forget spanish· I don't appreciate that Bhartsl. We have to keep In touch. even though you live in another state! Ha, Hai·Love Y/F/A. Colleen Remember all those memories we have since frosh year? Right. Regardless of how long we know each other, you always come through for me. Ain't none of my other friends gonna give rna that kick In the A when I get out of line. Don't forget retreat. you driving my car. me driving my car. me driving my car off the road. and all of good and bad. -George " Brat" , never forget dandn' at the fizz, and Dan. Paul, Bill, Mark etc. , etc., All of our heart-to-hearts in gym class, CN, MB, constantly being mistaken for each other, Junior and Senior yr. Cotillions, Mrs. c ·s English soph. yr ..... It's been great. and you 've been a great friend! KIT alwaysi·Love ya, Christina Accounting and psych-ohh, fun! Let's get a gun. CN and fP-go away. Cotillion: nice table. Stop causing trouble. You ' re a snobjtell that short little girl I said hl/1 egged the truck/ yeah right. Midnight callerstit wasn 't him. Some should butt out II T. N. T. he s so sweet and childish. right? Let your accounting book· Let him see it/volley· ball what a joke. This was the worst year/We don't love them. Stay Sweet. KIT· Tammi NOT!. S.P. -def Margaret, Wow-highschool. No·Si. Adrienne's hook up party·yo how many guys wast at Brat?, still pure as white snow. I'm getting my llcense·NOT. Fake 10? Bac Breezers. f . Navels, Rossevelt Mall, Andy's pants. Eddie·scrawny ·ll;hink so. Chris- Lord help us. Dom o. Fizz! in luv Marc, Mr. Alexanders Oeo. class· AGHHH. Let's settle down. Bab. Lin-coln. Junior prom, thin walls, cold, shore, still pure!, what a shame. Getting caught. Trevin 's mom-dark basement. Summer go! Pat, Wildwood. New Years Eve·B. B. Halloween 91· fcono L. in·haling. Still no license and almost through senior yr. Looking to fklht. Running track. Acting class, Dance class· what next? Nice Jr. Cotillion. - Retreat. Pitt. Sr. Wk. • mace?? thanx for being there always· I look forward to more memories! ·Adrienne CHRJSTINC SHINN Happy Birthday ... "Carm, you are crazy. " ... Chrissy. Chrissy. Chrissy ... love your dog, and your dog loves my shoes ... Whimsi· cal Chrissy ... When was the last time you were questioned by the police? I love you and your jerky laugh. ·Carmen Remember halloween night and how uncomfortable you were In that costume. Remember the parties and the football games. You are a lot of fun to be with. Good luck next year. Love Beth Beat me with a volleyball; make me sit by myself· What next? gjl wfchicken legs: LUV YA-cathy. Hi Christopher, it's finally over NO more history and name calling. Day :57, 8, 5 .. March 3, 1992. History· no Law ·no. You 're a natural what can I say. Except. I'll mls you. Love. Lidia New Year's was fun and so were the times at the Ground Round. Too bad we weren't In the same lunch. You're a great friend . KIT. Love. Nicolette Football games: "Is there hair on my back?" ; Anatomy class: " Bill" : all your men; cotillion senior yr. ;prom: spirit days; lunch periods: KIT; I love Ya!; Nicole ' Hi hun! Guys are all weird. Don't forget M.G.K. and "It, t gotta stop." We learned a lot in Trig. C. H. Is still obnoxious. It's unbeliev· able, un·un·unbelievable. We're outta here. Love Jen Homeroom together for 3 years. should've been four. Marching Band, History last year, Geometry sophomore year. English frosh year. Mothing this year. But a lot of memories. --Bri- ·Brl, Jeff's red ears. That song was music to my ears. Spectrum and those guys in the 2nd level. Fizz and our secret connections. Swy. in homeroom. Remember men suck. Thank you Chrissy for everything In the past four years. You're a friend for life. Good luck in all that you do. Love forever Marion Retreat 921 er chemistry, that was fun! Me and Mike do not look cute together! Shopping for Jr. prom dress. Could never make up your mind about the guys! Luv ya, cara Chrissy Shlnn·what more can I say. Do you get Math? Never with Kyte. Sorry for all the jokes, I never really meant " all" of them. Don't forget Senior lunch and goln~ to the Ground·Round • 24 of us. Which guy do you like now? Go WJth Mike. Love you always · Jen Kelly It's been a fun 4 years. Everything form your pool party to New Year's Even. I'm glad we're strtl friends. Casa Lupita and Ground Round were great fun. Gym Is fun, our team Isn't bad. Retreat was interesting to say the least. Thanks for Beauty and the Beast. It Is my most cherished present. The movies were fun. What else js there to say? It has definitely been a fun-filled 4 years. Good luck with college. KIT. Amy Chrissy. I' m so glad we met way back In seventh grade . . . I'm even more glad that we stayed friends!! wish we had more classes together in h~h school. At least we had lunch! Thanks for being such a great ITiend! I'll miss yal KIT Love, Shaheen Do you have any questions about his schedule? It's a shame we didn't have any classes together this year. Always remember the great times we had together. Keep In touch! Love, AmyA. Don't leave home without your knife! Make up your mind • you heart· breaker. Gossip, Gossip. Does it ever stop? He's like kissing your brother. but you're meant for each other. Forget the other one, you nut case. so it was said. I'll meet you at your locker. Glad we've become good friends. hope we stay that way. Luv, Guido Thanks for being a good friend: always remember Grease, the fizz (how we lied to get in), Les's sweet 16 party (and dumping off that brown bag w/Sar), Singing grease songs In your den, your pool party last year. and most of all - try to hold on to your soda In the future (Ground Round) Well, $ood luck always. Love • Susan W. Thanks for New Year's Eve, 1t was nice of you to just let us show up· it's been a great senior year· from the Ground Round to Disney World • It's been a lot of fun for me - I hope it has been fun for you too, rm glad I got to-know you, and I'm also glad 1 dusted you

with the Baron Dave Martinez Christian or Chris Shinn? Wildwood • the pizza with the orange soda. Band Camp· Mark and Pat! The phone call from the bath tub! ~~~~i:O<;~Pu,=s:~':~\~~:~~i';,~t~ti~ou told. Burger King. Alex. Always remember: Ground round. why is Amy's lock sticking out like that? Double standard, hypocrite. too fast for you! . . . Good luck next year! Keep in touch! Love always. Janice. Cindy. thanks for always being there when I needed someone to talk. You are the big sister I neverhad. I love ya! Kelly. thanks for being such a good friend, I know that I can always tell you anything. Have fun taking the bus nextfl year. I love ya and I'll miss you. Mark thanks for being a good brother and friend even though you are annoying. Love Ya Oh Geeze ... 1 don't knir "You're too close to the right" I'm not looking. Thanx for calling me back, yo babe ... not! Your pool· last summer • " Save the whale" • FF andAB St. Gregs carnival • I'm not going! Studying for french exam • our half sunburns • my white bathing suit • Jeff look, can you see anything? The junior prom, cotillion • what fun! Senior retreat • look there's sexl PMf and parking lot - the snowball fight' with BW and JP News Years Eve· the string. Carmen doing push·ups In the street, you guys all watching ne and Daryl out the window. My commercial ads In your pool. my legs out the sunroof· the gas station guy. Guess what? · oh I can't tell you that. Our favorite teacher Mrs. Confoy and all your weekly reports. Wayne's World • Party Time - Excellent! I'll be your date for the prom! Remember all the tennis skills I taught you. The rain at Domeu, Wildwood. all our walks to the video store • when are you getting your license? When our " boys" ran away from home • AC and OM. the play· grease • our poodle skirts • the lake at MCP • I gotta be home by 121 My party· "Les, I wanna go home" , orange drink. All our guy problems· " let's get drunk · but Chrissy you don't drink- oh yeah I forgot. " My silver earrings you still have, I owe you $3.50 for the cliffs 1 swear I'll pay you back. The fizz • yes we are from out of town really ". Your obscene blue skirt, halloween. pre· sents, when I fell In the road. Party hopping with Guido, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast. driving with the car door open, purple ... purple, kiss my butt, shut the h up! Chrissy you really should get a boyfriend Chrissy. you are one of my best friends In the world • you 're always there for me and I'll always be here for you • we will never lose touch with each other • you have to be one of my bridesmaids when I get married • I'll love ya forever. LES Where do I start? I'm 5000 sorry about your hand! Always remem· ber: your pool parties, Lesley's see through bathing suit. Ground Round(table for 25 please?), Father D., retreatll, JP. CH. MA, CN, MS. VA, TC. AB, "How many people do you like this week?" video village, "can you get me a soda?", watching TV while on the phone!. Dorney, Wildwood. "Can you get the hair off my back?", boy talks(daily), " Kiss my butt" , Tyler, Chrissy-GET OfF THE PHONE!!!! I'll call you back!. Jeff likes me! NO. he likes mel, Beauty and the Beast. Little Mermaid, Ninja Turtles. our shopping spree in Lernerl, GREASE. fiZZ( can't believe we got In!) All the guys I liked but never got. JL, the closest I ever got, my 1st date, 1st kiss(you were witness to it all), it only took me how many years or playing hard to get??, Cotillion. Sr. Pro (my fingers are crossed!) We're going with Padre! (bas·ic black), Wayne's World, partytime. EXCEL· LENT!. Galileo! Mamamial Grades mean nothing! I'm going to MCCC and rm proud ofit! You are really something. Thanx or being such a wonderful best friend! I'll love ya always!·Love Star LAURA SHWAHLA Hey Laura, what's up? My most prettiest and funniest friend! Are you just gonna go to class . . . kay. see ya later! Bif. what were we thinking? Thanx for Fla. souveniers, frog and alligator, homeroom with Julio and Sanchez, meet you at Spaceport. male species? JC and JH and HZ. I OVE YOU! Good luck with your little bear. fun times at your house soph. yr.. we love to m make fun of others. 4yrs. would not have been the same wjout in . ..... I adore your humor and I Love You! Love your Binky NATALI!: SILVCRS Torrtilla talks you 've got the right#, but the wrong friend, post· tive change· never let it go! Manninos · "Nat5? Prom '91. LBI '91 "I need water" ! Pirate t!i Pumpkin, Halloween C+C, train ride. No, I don't think what you ate was a lot. Math+ snow. Rt. 33 • Nat's only route. J·nef·J ... very fine. Shotgun both ways. Secret detectives • we were the best. Thanx r all esp. 4 being there. Luv Nora CHRIS SICBCN Thanx for the talks in English! Follow your heart! Don't give up! Friends. K.I.T. Love Always, Kerry NATALIE SILVCRS You are one lost girll"Can I tell you something?" 2·112 minutes, no 3 .. . index finder. how useful it Is, I'm so hot. I can 't breath! Our big. belly lunchtime friend, LAMBADA, handsupl, not big enough? Hmmm ... Kerry's house, and the game. Food, glorious food! No, Nat. I'm not home! floor crawls, electric slide, Halloween candy. Psst!. Sorry Charlie. " Don't tell herl " · TGIF's. have you touched? and thank you. I've learned a lot· through our friendship Nat. re· member to do as your heart desires, and you'll be forever happy. Thanks for everything ... Love Jennifer V. Dancing in video store, cool Jerk. 'Tm going to dinner tonight. really!" But Klmmiel • Blowing bubbles down the isle. Broken toe while flipping. Singing with Lenny in Sports bras. " Who's that hot rodder?, Soul Man. bagels on the beach, Madonna dances Red light - Ha, Ha. Make a left on Red In Princeton t!i then get caught by the cops In the park. A.S. - soph. year. like· a vinegarette·salad dress· ing, battery park. Nat Never forget the memories. Stay in touch. I'll miss you. Robin. • Field Hockey • Watch out for that fence! Camp driving adventures wfdad to camp, finger fanning, psssst . .. Sorry Charliel, the star of Fatal Attraction. I'll have a bagel. spies likes us get brush bum, Joey Baby, that's just the way it is baby, DMV date, she's having a dandng convulsion. bellybuttons. benchwarmers of America write. You ' re a true sweetheart. Thanks for always being there for me. Don't forget I'm always here to listen . . . lova ya, Rochelle Nat, You can haveem ... Ballerina Fall . . . Hands up, G.A. and Parking lot ... Party Buddies ... Sleepovers ... " We're gol~ to a club! " . . . GoGo's and Replacements . . . Videos . . . 'Only more days!" Skiing; " I can't get up!" . . . O.W.P's, -wh-:--o.,..·s""t:-u-rn-..,.is It? ... Ts are better than ... Howdy Cousin ... Stairs with R.S . ... Jr. Prom, Jeff's car ... Bellybuttons . .. Those crazr. faces ... "I can't breathe!" Steve Miller ... "Guys, I can't reach! · ... Same old boring speeches ... The sun's out. Natl . . . Biology with J.H. Casa l..upita. Don't forget mel Good luck in Texas. I'll miss you! I love you, K.P. Nat the Bratl Jen the Pen! Freshman year· nice 2B mean 2 me In religion and only talk to me when you wanted 2 borrow my mirror! I'm so glas we really got 2 know each other soph. yr. Remember; electric slide, Oprah, "Nands up BabyT", "I just want 21ose 10 lbsl". J, perverted smiley face, Doug's B -day '91 (sorry!). ROB, Prom '91 • your "mystery date' '. the Bulldog and the Turtle, the replacements, dancing (I wish I still danced), sleepovers at Jen's house. my house. Kerry's house, you making me eat at your house before we went 2 the mall. searching for CotiJllon dresses. our car getting searched for the transvestyte;murderer, Crystal Diner wjfaul Vidal. St. Anth· ony·s basketbal game. my 8-day '92 wjBridget: Taboo, ziti, choco· late coke ac chess! Church • 5are you one or those glrlles who don't sing??', "Somebody". Cousin Nat. nude beach??: you acme: lunch· time loners. phone bills, the time me ac Jill got maced t!i you took care Of us, Powder Puff (Break Defense!) floikla Baby!, "C3n· I just tell you something?", "I can't breathll" (index ftnger). Nat you are great. and I love you. You better not love Texas so much that you never come back to visit mel (Taco-Jaco!) J/K. Friends always ac Jove always, Jenn Lodle Well It "seems" we are out of here ... Next year I'm gonna throw· up. "The next time is the real one" "Yea ... I'm Hurting with you." Gymnastics rules. " How will I know?" (ha) Best of Luck W/ 0. W. at In

college. Love M.J.P. Its been a great year with lots of memorys. Your locker friend. Good luck next year. Chris Sieben KRISTeN SIMMS Choo Choo Charlie, Ia Ia lump. See ya Dawn Wit Ok Kristen " I will call back" K.B. Kristen You were invited! crying at my house, Jr. Prom (me and AI walked over), Dominoes. Liptak and Sally. Good luck in the future and K.I.T. Luv ya Leea Remember OM (Generous Motors) and that his wife ate 9 cheese· burgers. A wudgeon has 7 petals, right? Ew ugly got to go. Bye! Let me feel your Knee. Stop playing with your hair. Did you ever see three dummies on Jepardyl SZ " Binky" Sanchez and Julio. Wrestlemania, Florida Sovenlers. Homeroom chats Luv ya Laura Shwahla 4 years In religion your so Awsome. Have fun in college. Chris Sieben Your queer. Wheres Waldo. Scavenger hunt 91, " lm 18 yrs old, I cant be bothered with this! lm still waiting for my Lasagna. How Is Mr. Mrs. Simms? Ootta watch that nail, hate when that happens. Ootta watch whos In the shower watchen you. Mike Palegeano. " FATAL" Mr.M. loves you, Everyday is a devildog day! 2 yrs in a row at MCCP, " dont laugh at David!, Q·Tip, Love DR Princess Volvo accident thats not Kelly it l .N. Love ya Jill Csysyk Mr. Shaffers Mousse, try to play tennic· 4 wheeling in MCP wj whiskey· Tritt?Simms Street Sign· Flowers, Junior Prom· dates! G.B. Scarry man at SO Picnic, Double date (NP, JC, MT. KS)? Just to nice· Ohhh Abba shanama·Broken heart, DL at water fountain, Are there any cute ones? can you ask a question for me in Algeba? Get what you want· Whos the mystery man? Silk F-T Aweful thought KIT $1200 a month on comics. Sometimes you feel like a nutll Love Michel Whats up hussiel hows your Yl just kiddlngll! Shut the window NOW! M ·likes mel Absolutely!! I love ya McGrath Ten, Never forget studying math on the phone while listening to the Indigo Girls. That was the best. calc wjB.N. repeating everyth· ing she says. CS having a spaz attack behind you. Erasing your half off the board. Sally Is so funny. Her stories and jokes are the best. lm glad to see she annoys someone else besides me. " Tin" When do I get my chancel Do you think about me? Thanks for all the times you came over ... Bye " Honey Suckles" You know you love my hands. Your secret admirer-Love Ceaser Schwalas driveway . . . popcorn gum. lets talk potatoes, green beens, I can open 3 cans, circus Disser elephant chips. Scotts house. Sallys Service Dunkin Donuts, P.L.s on Friday LBI. prom. summer, 1·900-DENIST. good root! TS wheres Bob?, Honey cov· ered, Boyish, Hi Is Kelly there . . . Whats your # again? Peace Bendas BF Dec. 6. J.W.H.·do I know you. Prudence. chastity, fertility, goddess, Ardvar K.-3. Christmas lights. Scavenger hunt. Fizz K· boom, Bens H. J .C.H., Chuck cheese-1m 18 too cool. Cotillion. My H.7, N.Y.E. Hows Eries bed! Y-day Deleranzos, your ring. ur so gay, Wheres Waldo? Ticking of the clock, girls accident on dad. turtle, lear whiskey, 7teal tie. whatever whats wrong? probley my fault. vulnerable. ref lexes, luv your face and throat. dont slap my face, rude your right. NO, taken? U may be cold as Ice but I need to be cooled off sometimes. How we met is weird but lm glad we did. These are some of our memories together and hopefully there will be many more. Thanks for being there for mel Love ya lots Tim lucky 7, LBI· Was It red or green? Yellow Volvo. Thats Dominic! G talk in the car. Yellow convertible SMB (your beach car) Rib It, Fred. Portuguese Bluejay, Scavenger hunt. University heights. Neighborhood watch, I know tum down my microphone! Red " Rw" Its up to me and you to pick the seats-wee the leaders! Great room at Winberries·they had cameras on us the whole time! Thanks for covering me in the bathroom at Scotts! Youll always be my fruitcake at Christmas. I love you sisterln·lawl Donna BP and PB forever-What does that mean? Have mercy! " That U'd be so nice!" Love those earlobes-stay om Sally Okl Plug in and touch bases. " And Jonny said .. " " Put the Pen down. Nov come on" "Jimmy go to the bathroom" Herbie and Booger. " I bruk a da" Dissed by the " J 's Dominic you dissed us! No krimpet. OLS girls are the best! Janet· motorcycle mama, nice diss" Were doomed!. Protruder Nirvana. lntoduce the scrunches. " freeze!" fBev.Fall· ing down hill. Cfs Papinchme. fizz. Pet Patrol. Scavenger hunt. Jr.Prom. Senior C. Red rotten " w" fRob base. Our wagons, That ponys not a stallion! rich the incence burner. SZ's mom we love you! Funky town. " Ba, your a good kid " LBI 2 retreats. HH stripers. " Get a life" Eyeball earings. wheres waldo? Ffll Jove you! Love Jill #1 XO Gee lm a tree. go fly a kite, Calc. I and II, We did ltl (2 gether) KS and BAN and JOD = YBall Queens. (aka Michelle. Ann. and Teresa) Shower days, Beth Ann-so violent, la71ck of equllibnum, your little flowers are beautifulll, let me know when you Jearn how to write ·left handed, Sally. (there are know words) Soup Kitchen 92, " Motown Ph illy" jmmm.mmm,yeah, yeah! (I know youare secretly a clu· bette). Kristen you could win a sarcastic contest If you werent com· petlng against mel Please remember all of the laughter and dont forget to smile! KIT,bjc Ill miss you Love Jenn O'Donnell (Odie) Where do 1 begin? Wait are you Kristen or Kelly? its tough being exactly the same, beautiful and perfect? Is it possible? " lucky 7" . red. rottenh, prudence, feet. soph. c, cucarachas, etiquette, horse hammy, casey; casey, OPR, sprockets, pat, toonces, mouse, Waynes World, Billy Joel Is ours sorry K, ftip Hopps, check my rump and my teeth. we are psychic, Kris got your. Krimpet, chem .. queens of the class, Tanya we love you. you love Paul, R before either, jrc, jrp .. best table, ·were not snobs right. stoneharbor. Rita your dangerous, tp on your ft. " I love this machine, LBI, Land L from L. chlpwiches. guys, Fairfield, thumper, "were tine Just walk this line" I didnt pass out Ercle. chazz and Bob, "call me i you can" , we hate everyone, OM and his white tu, CO and TK. Htwn boys. Bev, getting hyper, Sally, us turning purple, getting under our beds, tulip, lm u·haul queen, get your coat. intoduce your scrunchles. Tyrone and Natisha what will we do with them?, sweet radials, this is ancient, SHOTGUN, d.t.,Okay, alright. shwing, fmh, moo moo lands, Dominoes. carebears, Kaboom, rib-it, Fizz, Scavenger hunt.. Bens, Dominic, your Surprise party. were you surprised? sr. c. running ARC areoblcs, s.z.s house were Anel Wildwood getting our toll paid, Kel and Krls .. v'sl Retreat, J .T. youve got a friend, naked gun, movie shop lengo. Maury and Connie, FREEZE!. your driving my car ... what smells?, breaking down at ox. val. mall, what are you doing here? you look great! Ewing am, Pricton, Wlnberries . .our own spe· cial;room, take your microp1one om were never going to the g,knock on wood. our SABs, BAO II the wagon. attitudes. be ter late than p .. , always remember the rest of our times! thanks for always listening to me and crying with mel Your the greatest. I love youl Kelsey (the china girl) Dear BQ, BBQ, YBA. Wita, Our first date. cofirmatlon video. LBI, Pam memoriesmudslide. duck feeding! 1st flying duck, the pig. Frisbee, ice walking. abounded house exploration, dont press the button! Anglo Saxon boys name (no fictitious or psuedonyms) Friz· bee. "flower for Flower, but love for prunes, " Gumby, bloomlngout of your Flowerpot, poor whiskey, s surgery. Deb and Neal, hiding in your bushes. late night ladder visits, Waldo, SNL, Mario. Mrs. Robin· son, " Hey lou.l" dive-bombing parakeet. yawning. "Ewh. you' re ugly!." you under your bed, lunchtime strawslave, evlldogdays, McDonald's drive thru, wake-up calls, your sickening dog·talk, nymph, dragging meon SO errands, your starving rabbit, hang-ups. Paul Simon tape, " Do you want anything from PB's?," our farewell to summer, UH shifting practice. PC prom Invitation. JC +HZ, Oeral· dine. NUOOYII!. your " surprise" party, Lucky 7. Rotten Wh·-. RWQ BEEFAlO. There's a little bridge right past Mercer Mall. Head of SO. If you want my picture, buy a yearbook. Yo Yo Yol Rog. Maroon Leather Jacket. Kool Aid Games. Instrument in Chest. Clap for Volvos. Orangina caps. Qtip. Nice outfits. "There were oranges EVERYWHERE! There was nothing I could do. I didn't know their names! "Please dismiss our table. Mr. Teddy Bear Pumpkin Man.

Cafeteria Wh--·. Two tone Shirt and hlghtops. MN and MJ best friends at BB game and us staring. Red. Boris at WB Mall Scavenger Hunt: " Paint one toenail " MR's Feet on your floor. Retreat group: Drawing flowers. Guidance bashing. KS and JP talk for 25 minutes. Olympics· Shr so ugly! Why did she enter? She'll never win. OM and JC Don't spend money with Important datas. love Jill #2 its raining", Willy Patty, Uh·oh its 7:30" , perfect fit. " whos Sher· ry?", Bottle cap, games at lunch, Felipe, Marshmellow and Pippa, Mr.P·Mr.W·Mr.D·Mr.G·MR.M·Janltor. scavenger hunt. RYEN Ace· ounting office, " were 18", Katzenbach, " Co-no-no-me in America " Fizz. Thomas·ABCDEFG, "Can birds drop candy canes and dance" " thats why we have calenders, Pirana, Dominic,the praire tier, Pru· dence, " Through him. with him, In him" , RH. Murphys Oil, PRES. SURE, JB breaks out of prison on the Music awards, Y·Ball monitor· lng. Our Olympics, bullet proof vest. the cruise, " let me go, B2, WWC plans, your tum in the showers.Miss America, Were at our lockers", our A·Hall walk before gym. the bug in TKs hair, " Thated be so nice" our cats and dogs. " dust it off', The oranges are everywhere. Maria, the missy doll, steam roller, Pyramid girls, ARC Aerobics, Dont do dat·Stephen pu the pen daan" Lady in red, Dangerous. " lm a grandmother" Krlsbeth cafe, Little House, green blanket stealing. " Dessez" ·mol unmouton". Molly and Ribbon, pa· per cup fortea , c-courage, What would NO be without JD?. cool girL your pearls In English, KB toy hobble, Phil and Olona, " slip sliding away. you have no equilibrium. Love Beth Ann To the senior " clique" I love you all and never forget our memo· ries, KG. ·BN, JC. JW. DO, DB, TS, MP, ff, Ewin~ Friends, and everyone else, Thanks to everyone for putting up wtth me. CG.JC· you guys are the best. CC I will never forget us or George. JC you make me cry, honysuckles. TK thanks for the sophmore Cotillion! To anyone I have forgotten, I love you, these 4 years have been the best. LAURA SHWAlA Swastika! Distant neighbor, Diner break· fasts, My car is falling apart. Dizzy. Steeltippers. Open windows. Voodoo dous. " Laura. why can't you be more like REBECCA?" Mutual therapy. Simple love!?! GROCERY SHOPPING • LIP BALM. Bonnie Tyler eclipses as we find fame In my prerogative. Duran? Boy,it's hot in here. 60 In~ 25. Honk. Got your PBA card? I love ya Shwala ·You are real! Love Wizzor Get out of my way. It was great having a locker next to you for 4 years. Always have fun I know you will. Love, Chrissy S. I'm your little bear, we love E.M.S.M.A.L., Sally's class, HOI!, We hate fat. ugly-girls! (U· know-who) SWS, retreat. " our group" (me ,U, Chlzm), dance performance (Yeah Kim I · too funny), I'm Jewish boyz girl. thanx 4 the laughs when I was sad. lluv yall cod luck next year. K.I.T. Luv, Leea carpe Diem. Your a righteous chick. Thanx for letting me crash Jr. yr. Pron night.91 Peace! NO CLIQUES! Good Luck. C·Ya Anne It was great lockerlng next to you for 74 years. Chris Sieben You 've got to be the funniest person I know. Slam Jam video, your house ... for all the times you made me laugh. • VIdal " Can I have some lipbalm?" Golfu'. fishu '. Hang · Man • Can I borrow IT this weeken4?1 What can I say Buddy? Be Holy Maybe? Keep in touch . Stop In if Your ever in the stone.! Belzie Q·Bert; our video tape: fast fwd . rewind; Evil mistress; "No. tum It back!"; 18 Dynasty retakes; Me Donalds in punk out fits; video junky; Wrestling, every weekend; Love, Noss. just to make you laugh at my name • Love. Denise Doug's Rock?, S.O.P. -cool, DON, whips and chains, LIGHTENING, BATS, SUMMER, L.B.I.·boat-close?, slam jamathon 91, Klmmy P. one moretry, Walden, cotillion night 92· un-conditional, salutary neglect· phase. THE BEST ... You know how it is • Rocket There is a tree In my front yard, Time Capsule. Unique Home. diamonds, it was to fun to explain so lets do it all again. love Ya Caesar Once my sister .... leigh Campells house (our art decoration) me falling asleep driving, Please go pick Eric up. You wanting to go home so bad at mocktria Let's lighten your hair. put fake nails on and go to the tanning salon, Gaff moves· Tripping falling chairs hitting curbs when driving • Jim coming home • you were in the shower. Michelle and I picking that tractor. Is this your Jizum ... walking down the boardwalk with casino cups in our shirts. Shoot· ing those guys with the watergun. Psycho Joe who was going to kill us . I feel like a Rebell ... sleeping on Beins boat· me swimming all the way to shore for water skis Traing you for Hockey Season, cutting school. Well Irs been fun, let's have an awesome summer! I'll miss ya next year. Love Gaff Little Bear Rules! Thanks for all she fun times! Your the greatest. I Jove you! Pesce Everywkd. ·Princeton and your house. order out, TOt's Posse' will always rule, Sunday sessions never so drunk, Buffet, jeep man. KIKI, Gyuidol. Pre· prom· cotillion. morp, wasted Is better. K.S. and EM too alike, stay with It· will · become true trust me. Remember your life in sequence wjmlne, grounded again· Life sucks. luv ya always, true friend sober's no fun. Stay crazy! Peace· Dawn Wit Shwal, your cash. LBI. Parties Princeton, Stadium, the tight. Party ON! Volcano (Buffett) Bathroom hide out. wasted,24 hr. buzz. the ideal guy, PEACE-love YA FRESH Laura " OK ... no wait, I mean alright!" " Posse" steallng·bikes. cars. 7·11 aprons! Ballet hopeless, my teacher of mind games. Hold ONTO the rock (or just get a piece of It) Eggsll "Lick my CL ous" I admire your strength-but It never fooled me. I saw right through you· I liked what I saw! B/f/f Murph CHRIS SieBEN· Have another party tt I bring 3. Always remember that old man· whose pants are hiked up to far. Don't diss any girls from Freehold. Oops! Too late. During soccer season I will always be your father.


Lunch • me. you, and (J.M. Yeah, I'll come watch you wrestle. Rope swing. Good luck in college. Love, A. W. Lunch fun wf A.W. All our funny talk. McDonald's ·no were not together! Ice fights, J.O. and your many probs. lets go see Kevin. R.R.·it was close last year. Sorry. Thanks for the ride, you're a great friend. Good luck, J.M. Hello! I know Mrs. McGraw's class Is outrageously bOring, but you have to STOP SLEEPINGII Love, Tara Your the classiest pimp ever· Cale Is the best W/ Brandon. locker room jokes, Andrew's floral ties, and Mr. z., Bro ~ broball are the ultimate! Love. Bridget Soph . Cotillion, Soph. Morp, I guess we liked to go to dances 1When am I together. our talk about your favorite subject s coming over to ride your horses? Chern. and Gym wf Bro ..... its because you 're a wrestler! Calculus . . . calm down! B.N. is so an· noying. 0.0. pts.. You are still one of my best friends and you mean a lot to me. Good luck in all you dol Baby Video. Love. Kristen Kelley Thanx for the talks In English! Follow your heart! Don't give upl Friends K.l. T. Love Always, Kerry I guess the best way to sum p the last 4 years Is to say thank ·you for all the laughter and the love. Every moment has been lncredl· ble. I know our friendship will last forever .... it can only get better! I Love You . . . Jenn Congratulations Champ (20·3, that's 20x as many wins as I ever had) Race to Mamet Fair. Who ran the light? Who almost caused a pile up? 3 lanes in a 1 lane road. Party at your house • best of the summer. I don't want to watch the Keg. South Street. Scott's Crazy. NESHAMINY PARTifS. Me, you. and Brendan are tied now. Ruth Is great. UYA or VA; Tech· College life will be great. DREW UNIVERSITY • New Low. Robm Hood . .. Did you see It? K.M., M.H .. C.Y., B.L. Gordon's Y.O .• trick chair. I saw the " ONE" , I want my shoes back. Hlghstown 17 MDI· What can I say I'm nasty. GOOD FRIENDS· CB, BD, CS, SZ. Pizza Party. Parties at Behil's. L.O. Isn't really, DORNY PARK ....WOW!! Brendan(4) CV, JW, KK. KW • probably more.

Me(4) JC, KM, MC, NS. Sieben(4) KM, Bl, NH, CY · It's a tie. Good luck in Virginia, K.I.T .. Chris BRIAN STEVENSON Yo what happened to our fifteen minutes71?? ·love Yl Patti 11/ 19/ 91 NM&'BS 4f ever $900· $60 I owe you! 1/10/ 92 Never forget! movies, dinner. parties, football .games, Denny's, etc .. 15 min. wf PY- NEYER! 2/ 14/ 92 dinner, roses (12) +a movie. Does it tickle, here? Yesl " Someone", Cot. '92 E.S. 2 hrs., family qather· inqs, " Otay down ... ", 2·5:30 AM b· ball w; my dad, Late niqhts on the phone, shave for counties, cute speedo, your hair! Only our socks! Wash my car?! I want top! PY's Halloween· 1st kiss. Where's ur wife? New Year's at SC- Sorry I got ,sick. Do you want to? Yeaf No - I don't know! + lots more. I love you always ·Nicole Thanks !or a great swim season! You were a lot of fun to be with! Will miss you next year! ·Bridqet Joyce + Chloe Kramer ROBERT STUART Lunch II hope you 're hungry! Have you got a cigarette to spare my brother? Cousins! -cart No you cannot borrow a pen or pencil. ·Tara Spalre To one of the best buddies. Will you please fix my car? You have many talents that make your personality greater. I love you. Re· member this year for one good and bad thing· the lunch table. I hope I can cut your hair again. Keep calling bud. ·Peace, love and Ska. M squared. " Brother", What's up? Take no prisoners. " If you want it bad enough, you can have It!!" Don' t Loose Touch! Catch you late! · Dave P.S. The Grateful Dead Rule! Str.YEN STORIE Steve, Thank you. You might not know this but you 've done a lot for me and it's nice to know there are people who really care. Do you remember last year the fight wj Sue'? I was upset and you were there. You didn 't know what to do but it was to know you cared. 1 know you loved my classical CD that you kept soo long. Don't worry I liked yours too. Thank you for everything neighbor. ·Love forever. Marian 4 years of torture. Campos Class Junior year. What a bummer! You and Becky look cool together. I can't believe I was almost a godfather! Scared the Hell out of mel Never do that again. Can't beleive the Crue and Polson broke up! What to do'? Oh well! See ya over the summer. Stay cool. ·Matt Haenni BH· I love U 4-ever. L. Patrol not T.L.C. " Punch Buddy". Nmmml Your truck is a toyl ·Dave Yon Bargen It's a shame your truck Is only Jrd best! No system, no lift, no nothing. Oh wait it is protected by Viper. ·Jeff " Nice Truck", Viper, Thrift Drugs. The bumper, Myers. She should try shaving. Jen the square route. ·Fred Procaccini TIM STOUT Hey Til Are we going to be on the dance tloor ALONE, dancing the niqht away?! ·love Tee To all the yearsl ·Carl Best Friends. Lucky ~. fwing Boys. Big Secret. Pens in your hair in Religion. Salley. Ohkayl That'd be so nyce. Fizz and Kaboom. Scavanger Hunt. Ribblt. Dominic. Nice Gym Class. I'm glad we be· come good friends. I love you doll. ·Love. Jill #2 Timmy, Thanks for all the times you let me head youll! Okay, Okay· don' t diss me! Your a sweetheart. Good luck and I love you! ·Murph That's "Dominic" ! I talked to the Elizabethtown baseball coach even though your playing soccer. Steve Muller, One and One, damn zebra. Where·s WAldo. You mother. This car is protected by a viper. ·Michael Pallegrlno Tim: We had fun but you had more: M.T., D.B.• D.O., K.O .. K.S., J.C. + J.C. Thanks a lot! ·Rebecca You are " THE" Class Flirt! We ore very photogenic. ·Love Ya, T.M. Scattegories. FIZZ. Scavenger Hunt, Shamrock. Pee· Wee. Shirley Temple. "That'd edbe so nice = That'ed be so nice," Chunky Cheese. service, your house. " What's up Doll face", movies, Wendy's, Gravity Hill. "Where·s Waldo?", New Years Eve, Scruples, Choking Kristen. " That's It your dead," OKMY, " And Johny says ... " Ka· Boom, Rib- it, Fred. ·Love, Peanut (Beth Ann ) Wow I can't belelve it's over already. Seems like yesterday that 1 was maming you when we played the Rockets. Never forget the shore. A crab just bit me. donuts in the morning, carry's house, A.T.!!, swimminq in the ocean at 4:00AM. Who was Gretchen any· way, and of course· " Where·s Swieconik?" Mike watch out for the fans! Junior year was cool. Mrs. Gavin's exam! Let's thank Mrs. K for all her help on tests. If only my basement walls could talk, Arena Dr # never ... , the question game, M.C. dancing, NO 1, St. Joes o. What a game! Weekend at Lehigh was great. Fiesta Parties! Thanks 4 the assist! The snail. Drives to Jibitzville,'· " Mr. Chmelich watch out!" Let me sleep on It, Retreat was great. Stouty, you 're the greatest. 0 love ya. Lehigh could be cool next year. Whats more accurate, coaches pick or TT? We' ll never know. Remember· RB, FT, BD + RD. TM- TM. DO, OK, CM, SM, WJ, CJ. TA, ?K, KL, CJ, SK, SR + SR. FA, LB. HB, KJ. HH, BK, ?0, ON, CJ, HS, + all the rest. Love ya. ·Ben Tim, Best Friends! lucky 7. Our secret. Halloween at BG's. Wres· tling matches. FIZZ. Rib- lt. Scavenger Hunt. Salley· Oh Kay! We love Calc. We have the same problems· KS and JG. Straightening me out. Callinq you crylbg. " And Johnny said ... " Truth or Dare at BC's. 5 out of7 of us· I was #21 Tim. I can lie to my mom, but I can't lie to you!" The many nights hanglnR at your house with " the ~~ue ". Mario music. Keep In touch T mmyl ·Love always. Jill 11 Let's go to Denny's and cause some trouble! Physics wj Suzie K. or Krimpet. Soccer Rules! ·Love Kristen Kelly Asparagus, asparagu. asparagus- enough said. ·Jess '91 state champs, Magic. Fr. bball, who's #15'? jacuzzi, BC's Floods, BHS· wow. ·Larry Incarnation, lip sync contest pizza social. Mrs. Pad Rellqion class. Good luck with everythinq you do and I'm qlad we've stayed friends for so long. ·Love, Teresa T. Thanks a whole lot for helping me with 0 , C and w problems. Not to mention M M's problems. Put in a good word for me will ya. Your bird took a In rny hair. oh I was just kidding. Always remember when Adam got that bottle cap stuck to his butt at Rich's house. Party at my house? Let's find something to do. Did you drive around all last night? ·SZ Scavenger hunt, Shamrock. Ben's, Fizz, Rib-It Kaboom. Where·s Waldo?. BEST FRIENDS, tht'd be so nice, NY's Eve!!. JO cotillion thank you!. Ewing Pam and car alarms, Wendys Yeah!, your house, shopping, RR and TK. your brothers, late night talks, " Donna can we tum the christmas tree liqht off?", " Tim did you call me, or was It Scott?" , y=n and n=y. safe?, I hate you!, my earring. Thanks for always being there for me, your the best and I love youl! ·Kelly That's it your dead, you mother (quote Donna) So much haS happened since the MORP ... You did wwwwhat? You kids today have no morals! You need a shovel to get out of the you're ln. English, period •. " Yes" or " no" slips of pa-pe-r""'(""'ltS......,.th-e best way to solve problems) Who am I talking to? I don't talk In my sleep! Leave the Christmas tree lights on! (NY eve '91) Is this a figment of my imagination? Tie and socks· great match! Still lifting tumeys ... Cotillian '92'· FUN! Ben's after the Fizz· never again "brother''! I love you! ·Donna A.B., B.H., B.O., K., K.B., S.2 .. M.2 .. Snail, Y.A. chest, b-ball, Halloweens. Miss Clame, Susie K· Krlmpet, Scott's H, Chemistry Phys· lcs labs, B.G.· trip over white lines. RETREAT, Sally· O.K.· yeah OodU guys are the best. Many more x's to come. I will always be there for U when you guys need a budy. thanks. ·Stouty AI+Laryy M.S.· Ham vs. W.E., 15,4 yrs. of soccer· unstoppable, Lunch, Ben's floods, Wood Laen. we are goinq to get into a acci· dent, Jewboy. Kim B.. M.T .. D.M. + Accounting. Cousin, l.B.I.. W· Wood, Retreat. labs. Magic, Ben's Party. St. Joes. State Champs, Good luck guys. I'll never forget all the things we did. U guys mean a

lot to me. See ya at the parties.B.F.·Stouty The guys· A.L., M.l., B.C., S.S., C.M., C.M., M.S., J.T., S.C., C.B., B. G.. J .B.• all 4 yrs. unstoppable· Holy Cross- no problem. St. Joes· go back to your boyfriends, Don Bosco- you know we are the true STATE CHAMPSI Good luck next year·A.R., M.M., J.L .. B.S .• M.H .. J.B., C. G.· unsung heros· magic middle· wizards orthe midfield, and everyone else. Class of92· 4 yrs. has come and gone too quick to belelve. ltjust shows that U have to take time to enjoy life because If you blink you may miss something. We knew how to have a great time. Noone will ever top our class. ·Love always, Jim "Stotity" R.R.· I'll never forget all the times we shared starting w1 the rain at Lacey. I'll nev'er forget u + all the times we shared. Sorry. I'll always be here for you. Thanks for being there for me but most of all thanks for just being you! ·Love always, Tim Tim- Whoah! 12/14. nice to meet you! I think I've seen you around here before ... scavenger hunt, ~ravity bill, rapids, ardvark. fizz. sleeping out. Happy N.V.! the big d1s, cotillion, my "surprise" party, Ewinq friends. BEST FRIENDS, "whatever". x·mas lights. don' t think, just forget it, so what's the deal? ·3 and? cold, am I? don't tell me what to dol that'ud be so nyce! Where·s Waldo? Sally, god/goddess. ew! bye! baby food contest too close? wrestlinq matches. qive up? NOI slap across the face, attitudes .. . never mel taking the family out to dinner? why are you so quiet? 1 don't care, your bird loves me, don't you own any notebooks? where did Cln· derella's shoe go. Rib- it. Fred. Chuck E. Cheese, ewl I'm. 181 Ka· boom! service projects;Weny's, Delorenzo's, what color is my cotil· lion dress? not teall "fertility", a challenge, vulnerable, The memo· ries are endl~, what's wrong with .you? tuberculosis or parrot fever? I admire you and appreciate your trust more then you will ever know. Thankx for coming to and being there for me. I love your ·Prudence Chastity JASON STULTS RJS. To many great times In your future - Good Luck. Remem· ber that you will succeed in everthlng you do. Remember VW, Chips. Stew's haircut. all the rides home. weekends, naked lunch. mighty miqhty bosstones. LGB. and the Pixies. Baum Shanka! Peace, Love and SM. ·Love Nell (M squared) What's so funny 'bout Peace, Soul. and SKA? ·Dave MICHA~L SWI~LON~K

Swic what's up. HI. Don't forget the time at your house with Coley and Deb drinkinq cherry brandy. Good wasn 't It'? Not! Can't forget Jenga + all the fun we had with that. Keep In touch. Help me get my car out of the mud. 2 Sony pullouts? Watch out for those drive by shootings. ·SZ Mike· sorry about your windown Nice that U liked my dad better than me. Good luck next year and K.J.T. ·Luv ya. Leea Yeah Riqht when monkeys grow winqs and fly out my butt. But seriously fellow Javer its been great senior year have fun In colleqe. ·Chris Sieben What's up neighbor? Nursery School Friends Wayne's World· She's a babe, Schwing. Ribbed for her pleasure. Ewwww. S·W+C·O· N+K. Soccer champs. K.B. "fastest girl in the county" I'd be whipped too. Pool at M.R. skip balls off the table. Basement Party. HoJo's. HMW. Ben's car· how scared was J.O.? He ran a stop sign and red tiqht. Good luck next year. .ChrisfK.B. #1 44·92 '91 State Champs. Magic, Wildwood. track. ·Larry Hey you 69 whose 70? The shore, I always pick the pretty girls. We gotta go again because you and I get the chicks body·boardinq. Man your good. Yo D.J. spin that wheel. Big Bob. Junior prom surprise· my cousin. Cool man. your awesome. ·Michael Pallenq· rino Do you hate me? five classes together! Always remember me and DB bbsitinq. sleep over with sz. Jenga. Our Spanish skits· win lose or draw. Halloween at BG's. Mike you're really sweet. Good tuck always. I'll miss you! ·Love. Jill Coley XO Halloween. NY Eve. My shins. Gym class wouldn 't be the same without you. Stop hittinq me. Try not to lose touch. okay Michael? I love you bro + your mom. Billiards club· what fun. Good Luck· I'll miss ya . .Chris Rouselle Wildwood is amazing. Remember the hum on the bike? Nice guyl Cherry Hill Chick. Want a ride in my Supra? L.B.I.· Aren' t there supposed to be 12 In here? Are you coming out soon? Suck It up cheese, watch out for the fan! Who could forget B.L.'s? Ever been woken up with pots and pans? Who's Gretchen? Hunting In my backyard. family Service Hours· It w~ts worth itt Reqo·s basement, my basement- Ng. Your basement· JC Wayne's World· High School was the best. Love ya. ·Ben No. It is my YOGURTI!I How bout all those times down on the boardwalk!! But the best remains to be the 50 mllllonll .Chris Don't forget all the fun we' ve had this year. "Rego pick me up at 7· 11." Your such a stud dude. All the chicks want you man. But your whipped now so the girlies will have to walt. How about your mom doesn't like me. Don't forqet my new car I got on Christmas. and don' t ever forget the tomato with wheels. It only cost $200. Remem· ber P.Y .. N.G. and whoever else. Don't forget Waynes World and when 1 almost knocked you out. What round Is It? By now were probaly in the 100's and your still losing. Remember throwingjav. last year, and how 1 invented the pushup throw In that one meet. Don't forget all the things I've told you about my girls and how much fun we had at the cotillion and then how much fun we had after. Your best friend. ·Rego I'IICK GRODZICKY WHAM, BAM, DAMN can that kid SLAM. The Wallyball Wonderboy. PIZZA HUT· "Could we get some breadstlcks? You don't have any? Well then, could you get us some bread-sticks?" Always with wom· en but always alone. TOO NASTY FOR WORDS! Bom to SPIKE! Take It slow "G". ·Dave B. P.S. Drop the Hammer! Yol What's up? "Don't call me tonite cause Leroy Is coming over... "Love. Peace. and your fine Cheeks." "Down with Brown:· "My mind Is playen tricks on me." We had some great conversations at hope they continue. I'll See ya at MC. Miss ya. ·Kelly K. Make up·NY eve. You never call me, huh?! You love me. How much is that camaro-money from modeling·NOTT Now's Sandy .. They're baked" Nyqull-coma's a good word. Jr. Prom?! KIT Love Ya ·T.M. Hey sweetie! You have been so great. I remember the first time I saw you: Miss Conroy's class soph. year.! Never forget the good times we've shared, esp. our English skit in Miss Nenkle's class, which you added such "color" to with your own special touches! Rem.: "Come sit on my lap .. . we'll talk about whatever pops up!!'·, and New Year's Eve '9' at Sean's house. (Thanks for being such a good friend when I needed one, # for looking out for mel) Do you remember Ground Round after Powder Pull?? I know you say you don't need anyone. but if you ever change your mind. I'm here for you! Love.-Jenn (Odie) My locker buddy. thanks for the shelf. love that flower!, "have any gum?" "No, it's my car", Calc. GO's, "please don't pass me the chalk!", henderson road. You're a great guyl Good Luck In the future! Love -Kelly The only white kid I knew who listened to the Raw Deal. You got soul coming out your a"holel Nope by now you got yours . .. .. camaro vs. Bel Air at Atlantic City someday.·Davey S. The Party, Why she bring them anyway? You wanna catch a movie? Turkey Subs. See Rrdes to school, See ya around 10:00. The cemetary "Quick. Put it In reverse". Stop Into work, okay! You' re a sinner, go to church, You never your licence to begin with. Let's study for Sally. Slick Rick, Brand Nubian. Basketball at the park, ON MY GOD, I forgot, let's stop at acme·Bert Balloons Nice to leave the soph. lunch table because you couldn't take a joke. So happy at the Jr. Prom -not. Cartln' you around north Jersey. What does this lever do. Now we In da ghetto. Dawin·punk. Mrs. K.-owe 91abs. This fish better do tricks. Get outta here-SMACK I Hi Jacll.. Do not be alarmed, its only my pet fewret. Oh. I wemembah you twom wast time. BUFFET. 1 can't believe I ate the whole thing.

Nice camaro. Gee, Doug, 1haven't seen you In two months, how·ve ya been? Up with the farmers to give you my car. The punk at Orand Slam. I will have the winning tally sheet. Nere·s your deficiency. Doug. I think I got it right this time. Noagie Naven. Chuck's wings. His body Is decomposing In my locker. Faces of Death. Dice! I would like to deposit some cash monies. Hey. look, that kids got a Bud! Oh, General Tso. Brown sauce. Oh. like spaghetti. Now's M.T.? Thanks, man. ·Doug MATT GUARrtO Nice to be late on 3/6/92. Nice tooth you midnight toker. Gotta come down this summer and hook with some Kinlsh from S.B. • Bolster Hello klddo. Thanks for all those Persian Goodbyes and the rides home. Your stories freaked me out at first but now I know you better so its no blggie. You are such a terrific Ali Nakim· really!! The play wouldn 't have been the same without you and your stories. You are the funniest person I've ever met!! Thanks for everything. luv, your little sis-Kristin (Short Ado) "How do you .. . blood .. . out of .... little .. . .. panties?" It's been a blast. but late! See ya on the Sex Farm! ·Dave DANieL TW~RS Twers·nlce glrlfriend·Darren. Holy Cowl!l I can't believe it Span· Ish, spanish and more spanish. Football gamesl!l Physics were phunl TWERP!!! Yo Lynch! 120 Average-oh pleasell Scott Loe La clase de espanol con Senor Schultz·muy divertldo·the cotillion 92' You're a great guy-stay sweet. Good luck In all you do. I'll miss you next year! Love. Amy A. CARM~N T~RMfN

Mr. Harbachs English class! How's Harry? You always make me smile. Love Katie Well, I can't say it's been fun. bfc It has'nt; but at least It's over. I only have 1 thing to say; I know she's mine. not yours. See ya around buddy boy· J Ball Hey honiel Well even though you never come to B·Ball you were a great friend. 3 years of knowing each other. Wow! I'll miss ya and I LOVE youl Love Jen You will marry Harry Connick Jr. one day! ·Seiler. Hey Carmen. Cheer upl • Kristina Old blue eyes can sing his heart out. but you're the man. Keep the faith. ·Ron All thatjazz!l frank is a WHINOI Remember the "picnic" You're a great person and friend. Celtlcs babylll ·Your friend Brian Hey Carmen! Still listening to Harry, I guess-even though I think you're cuter! You' re one ofthe sweetest guys I knowDon't Change!! And are'nt you glad I don't block you locker any· more? KIT Love, Nicolette Carm, what can I say? You have been a great friend. Always remember the summer, les's white bathing suit, New Years, Dorney and Retreat. Good luck in college! Write me. Love Chrissey. You're a good pal, and thanks for all that you've done. Ray was a joke. I was so stupid! You should have straightened me out! That's o.k. Try not to do too many push ups. It might be good for you, but the meaning behind it concerns me. Stay true to yourself and good luck with all that you do-Marian Clem. Carmen Ellen. Nice Butt. When are we gonna make water balloons? You 're soooo Fatll Tell Bobby I said Hi! Stop playing chess. Get off the merry-go·round. Where are my cookies? But you don't have to. Stop punching mel Good luck, have fun. don't fight talk to you on Mon· day! And as always.UNBEliEVABLtll Love, JMR I want to rock with you! Night before 12th grade·mugged at the gas station. Thanks for every RIDEII You helped me with my Alicia trouble but you dissed me from Jen·PUNKI Kidding! That day at lunch ... De Ia Soul ... OODLES of o·s ... put that onion between your thighs ... the shoulders need help . . . all that jazz! See you at Rutgers. With Italian love, Chris Carmen Termen·Kyle. I'm your man, not Bryan . . he can't eve walk .. . rm the best man ... All my love, I wish you happiness with (you know who)•# THtR~A TILTON The prom. Physical Sci. The Limited· Do you still work there? I like your car-Katie How did you get in my tapedeck? Casa Luplta-chlck· en nacho Ghost stories. My first and last ski trip! The cotillion-did you get hit again? Dancing on the chairs! You are great to talk to and run to be with. Love Beth It seems like it was just yesterday when we were in public speaking class. I still remember your long blonde hair. I'm glad you never held our debate against me· I knew I should'nt have beaten you so bad. -George senior cotillion; skiing trips; "pecan pie surprise party at Ground Round "Joe" "Bill" "mt" history classes, group sleep overs. Powder Puff lat2; football games; retreat; Wildwood Domey Park; "my mom ran Into .. ... spirit days, lunch periods. movies. dinners. my party. your party. "Bell" prom, your "outfits" ski slope "mirrors" wiping out at blue. male ski lnstructore and patrol. Thanx for Granpa. KIT ·Nicole Hey scooter buddy-we were so good! Never forget hitting my car. My neck still hurts!! The Gap will always be better then the Limited. Gotta Mirror? Love your sense of humor! Jen

JtN TANDY You're stopping mel Never forget the work camp-tying my sleeves together Jen loves fritf forever! That was so much fun. Chris The 2 things that I'll remember the most Is halloween and senior slave. I can 't believe I was talked into that! I still have the cookie. These were one of the many times I was to be embarrasses. Remember lunch at the next table? we had NO mercyllll The time has come that we've waited for! Good luck In college-don't get drunk tooo much. April Hey B·Ball coach. Slxers here we come. History failed! Never study together. on a bus? Alex again? Train station. banana pudding, V-day·l LOVE you. candy, pelce of gum? racing on the h. way I Won II It may have started 8th gr. but we'll be friends for eva!! I'll never 4get U Lisa Yo hunnlel Thanks for all the fun! I'll miss ya next year! ·Pesce Santa, Martin Ho1.1se. and Quakers. Marc. fritzy, April. Kathy. I don't like Marc!! You like fritzyll Chris tied up! Sand· box. Playdough. Good luck· Carole P.S. Thanx for not coming to my B-elay partylll!!l!!llll! My buddy for 4 years. History has been memora· ble and fun. chew that gum Don't forget you love who sits in front of youlll Godl Get any closer and you could smell him. Thanx for everything Marian Yo ho its the Gorgeous onel But seriously! RM Is the coolest, loudest and funniest! I've known you since ND day 1 There are too many laughs and not enough time to write them all. Good luck Ill miss ya! But remember I'll always be laughing! Ciao amigos Danie To all my underclass friends; Thanx for everything. Chris C. Chemistry was awesome. I'm sorry for everything I did. Jen Wyers-I'm still going to court. Don't ever go over 25m.p.h. I'll miss ya Ryllnskl. Wow last year together. Hope to see you when I come home. Kristen p. yo girl its time for me to go have some fun next year. Kyle P. I told you. Well' have a great senolr yr. Remember accounting and laughing. Jen Tandy CINDY TRIOLO "you are such an airhead". Remember Grease. New Year's tve, and all the fun we've had. Good luck In college. and keep In touch. Love Chrissy 5. Don't forget our sleepovers. retreat. yearbook dead· lines. and the one time you could'nt make It! Our adventures In Princeton, the cotillion. and anat. class. love Beth "Surprise" party at Ground Round, prom. powder puff lat2. cotillion senior year, Scott. lunch periods. spirit days. retreat, party at my house. football games. Wildwood. Domey. "Billy" frosh yr. I LOVE YA KIT Thanx for Orandpal ·Nicole Dance to the rhythmic beat of hard core punk

~~~!:i~!~~~s~~d~~~t~~~~~~~k~a~:~~"£1 :~a:~~ candle burning at your feetl!! Do you really expect me to be emotional? "Catch the Breeze"·Carl Always remember Hello, Be careful driving!! Can I see your ring? Good luck next yr. KIT·Janlce Glad we became friends! I still have to meet Scott someday! You're so cool. Just kidding. Just kidding about Just kiddingll Love ya dear, -Guido How's Scott? Should we be proud of what we did? Proms, cotlllionsll Why did I like him soo much? Sue's B-day dinner--DISASTtRIIII U.B. Love ya ·Katie A·wata colo's. keep up the good art work S. W.·always remember Denny's, the howling girls; loser-tennis queen; J.T.· Chem. queen, Hola remember where we met; all·fove peace and

party!!!! Congratsl Good Luckl .Chris Since freshmen yr. baby! Don't forget the Senior auction frosh yr. when I bought Henry! That was a Jot offun; then he stood me up! Cotillion 91' MRS. McGRAW and that fund history class! Grease. Oklahoma, Buddha and High Rocks! Thanx Cln. Work hard at TSC. I'll miss yal best of luck! ·Marian Sorry about all the jokes-even though they were good ones. Don't forget Windberles· nice picture! do you know how to use the phone? Never forget coming to my house late at night. Always use your parking brake. God knows you car could roll backwards and start a chain reaction. Don't forget Kermit! Love ya Jenl I had the hardest time thinking of something special and unique to say. I finally realized the most special thing I could say is . .. You are my best friend and I'll miss you. It appears I have never told you that, therefore. It can be considered unique. I'm looking forward to vlsltlng-NOTT One last thing· OH NEVERMINDIIIIIII .Chris "Gee guys, nice to ask me to go" "You like to ride on the shoulder, don't you?" ·How many accidents Is that? Breeza, Great Adventure, Wildwood. Domey Park., Catch a rising star. Colleen. getting lost In Flemington, Asthma, Riding with mt t-tops off. I'm glad we've been friends for soo long, thanx for my 18th b-dayl Love Theresa My buddy. So many memories! DM and Morrissey concerts, Cotillion and prom, DS at LBI • We owe alot to DM t·shlrts. NYE 1990. "Sleeping with the enemy" and afterwards the car stalled. Joe -our date with Tony and Rob. your "sleepovers" the mall and the movies. your pretty arbs· I SWEAR I fit Into that pink one. eating pizza with VB and MC In your dining room. your chink shoes. I wore out my welcome In them. Beer and "fags"· talks with Mr. G (our personal dear Abby) Grease. choir, etc; Revival· We'll get there someday. long talks and hard cries We've been through a tour ·Susan SHAH~~N

TIMMAPURRJ Sheena·We've suffered through so much together; gym vollyball, the weight room, and of course, MATH L~OUE. Remember the traveling H.L team? "Tell me that kid ld not just take out his retainer and put It on his desk" The NHS Breakfast Club-we won the homeroom prize for :5 women and a big babylll You finally yelled at Bf:NII (Thank God somebody dldllll) Remember laughing at Brandon and guidance! How about APIL·Kelly showing us Reberta doing karate (scratch, scratch) Thanx Shaheen !II Love. Bridget I forever owe you gas moneyl!! Spanish AP exam? Thanx for the tutoring. Can I bor· row your backyard? Love, Katie Aloha .. . 7 Como reres? Sophie AnatomyjPhysiology note exchange. I BfAT BfNIIIIIIIIII Thanx for your support! Good Luck! Love. Carole You have been a great friend. You always make me smile! We've always had great times starting with my first day or school when I sat with you on the bus. Good luck In college; I know you'll be successfull Love. Chrissy 5. I'm glad we've got to know each other. NHS has been so much fun! We've survived the best of them: esp. Mrs. Anderson and Honors English lVIII Never forget the "Three women and a big baby" and all the good times we've had. You are a special person and you de· served the best! Good luck, Love Jen (Odie) Thanx for everything Sheena! You're th best! Always remember Ia clase de Espanol con Senor Schultz·muy dlvertido·running to calc class·rinnglll OH tf• #I It all went by so fast! Good luck in all that you doll know you'll be a success In anything you put your mind tol KIT Love. Amy A. "Psssst . .. . . will you check my ..... "Yeah, we are a lot alike. Don' worrylll 1don't mean that way ... But of our self conscience ways. You're so sweet! Thanx for beirnt my class companion and listening to my goooofy stories. Good luck In all you do and achiever Love, Jen v. You're a great friend! Retreat was terrific! Remember, when blondle asks you say NOOOOIII Good luck In college! I hope no one In particular follows you when you go to Lehigh. Thanx for being such a loyal friend. KIT Amy Sheena, Queen of the Jungle well maybe not quite! Great religion movie (NOT) It's been fun this year. through Mr. Reither, physics, english. as it has been a blast through the years. Keep up the excellent studies-If you don't I might catch upl From the most likely to be tricked out of NHS ·Dave Martinez Hey babel We made It and we make it out alive! (except for the time we almost killed each other In the parking loti) I just wanted to wish you the best of luck In all your "adventures" to come. and most of all remember . . . don't wear red shoes with everything. My words of wisdom as you embark on your college journey!) Love Valli Hope Hey Sheena! I don't know how you kept from going insane between listening to Marian and 1-but I guest you were the most well In· formed person In the school. You were the first person I met in public speaking class-boy I have learned how to speak publicly bfc of Alison. Never rorget the DBQ"S for APIL. Never forget my stupid quirks· my new rotders, pens, pencils, my key chains, blood. my frog wallet. and my other little toys. We'vew talked about almost ever· ythlng Including Marian's latest loves. Except I don't recall discuss· ing a love Interest of yourslll Was there one? If not, I guess we'll have to find onel (STOP BLUSHINGI!!) Do you realize that if I studied as much as I watched T.V. I could've been smarter then . . . .. YOU· just klddinglll "Did you know that you're my hero" There's to mush to write· I know I'm forgetting something! (my nuerotlc mind run· nlng overtime) If I did you lived through ltl ~perfenced ltll'm sure you'll rememberll! You don't need me to remlng you. Good luck Dr. Timmll! "B.B.'' Forever KIT Nicolette The person I admire the most! freshmen year with Mr. Romano's class. Sophmore year with Mrs. Keams. Tennis baby with those nice, good wholesome WWPand Princeton girls. NHS and SHS. 5 rows of 7 pi easel! Splrot day and the committee. Sheena. you're the bestl!l Reither and that academic classl Don't forget the rules for religion! We thought we were thinking John the Baptist in Levl'sm Tennis @the spectrum baby! Was BADIIIII Thanx for everything! It's been a long 4 years and I'm glad I've known you! You're a friend for lifelll Stay true and beautiful! Marian, I'll leave you with a few memories to make you laugh and to remind you of me and my big mouth - Honors English Ill-GO T~CHIII Senior year Is the best! Anatomy· Where are you all the time? English. fngllsh. Engllshl Philosophy· I think that's what Ill dol NHS here I comel Retreat-bOy was I nuts! What else Is neW? 1 could write forever, But I probably will forget everything bfc of my cerebral cortex; oh walt don't forget my hypothalamus on control of my appetltelll Oood luck and I'll miss youll Ciao Danle DANI~ TADDW Lola! Last yr In lunch was greaU Oolng to the library, laughing. talking about the little oklladyllt sure was greatl Anyway. wheres your favorite sock? KIT Well, still in front of me In H.R. Now In the graduaUon line. Don't forget NKOTB. I'll miss yal Jen Don't kick me anymore! Stop eating all that food! Your too tick· llshlll Hey Elvlslll Oolng to oraceland this year? This year definitely been an experience wTth youl You've been a great friend; always someone who made me laugh. When you go to college. look out for the birds and stop using automatic redial. on the phOne. Have a great timet I'm going to miss your Love Andy Danle, I'm really glad we met freshmen ye year. I would have been lost wfo you! I go to know you really well In Anatomy this year. I'm so glad I dldl Thanx for being a really good friend. Good luck In the futurel KIT Love shaheen. P.S. stay out of courtlll Well my Italian- friend, What can I say? we really have aloIn common bfc we're both crazy! You're a good friend and a great person! We don't get to spend much time together but you are great funl and we three sisters( Sue, you me) (3 amlgos) will be together always. I'll miss you next yr. and I'll always remember the llttle(U) Italian Pizza Maker. Love ya Hope My Italian friend, since freshman yr we've had lockers next to each other. You've been a good friend to me. Remember freshman yr at the senior auction when I bough Henry Z. and never showed up to escort me to class?l 1• That.s o.k. I had good friends like you, Jen. and Chrissy w. by my side. You're a beautiful persona and that hunk of man is out the re somewhere. You'll find him I knoW you will. Retreat was funny in our group. I'll miss ya Love Forever. Marian I dont know what to say. We write everything in our yrbks. So I guess I can go reread them. The hlghi!Qhts Include our pizza lunches, the video store. and the friendly's Tee cream sundaes. I loved o• r talks, Thanx for helping

me Wlite that letter. Our Phlllies games were great fum. We have to go again this summer! Mitch Is gorgeous, all pitchers have a great butt. Let's not forget our lifelong ambition: to go to ITALY TOOeTH· ER!II Good luck at BCCC KIT always love AMY C. Hey·-is for horses! Hoopty cart 000 000 BROWN!II l"m a total woman. Fed mobile. femininity Dumbo's·retreat 92' Big Bry. Soph yr at the APT. Prom 91' Broccoli fest wf the coin man. Pass the butter( air mail) Cotillion 91' Rocco and Ertel. Scott Ertel memories. forever man. Levitown parkway The shore Labor Day wknd. Nice 11oatlng deviceslll What's that hanging from your nose? Tidal wavell You might want to look out! Hamilton crew-f.T. 0.0. s.e. O.K. S.T. and brother Stan "the man" Wow man can I touch tat? Scott "fertile Ertil" Is going away! Party. Krueger as In "Freddie" ooh! Owl Well waltl o.k. everyone stop breathing! Oeesel duckles•l Dla11·900-976·DODO. 0.0. and mel! O.K. amd mel! Anthony and mel Enterprise volenteer fircomp. Station #14 the Klockner crew, love those fire fighters! fire? What Fire? -·The Catalina mobilel!! Elvis IS allvel Elvis has just left the building! Joumey songs In the summer. Sonic Hedgeltog SEGAl You gonna eat that! Ouja board and Timmy T. Elvis 1 the crue concert. The ring thing thang 0.0. and the"chicken" Amnesty goes to Princeton. Keep on rocking in the free world 4th of July., Party. I hit an amigol!! Mr. Reither's class and period .3 fruit files! Heller skelter: Klinefelter! It's 5000 cold you can hang meat In here. Sala· mi is the breath or life! The men of our dreams! Frank and Anthony! Hamilton forever. Thanx for the memories Love Susan. ROCHELLE TORRES You are a great person. Cotillion. cute nose, calculus. I'll take you rowboatingl Love ya Vidal T.O.I. Frigays· thanx for the dinners. Geometry class, history class, My house, your house. the movies. I did'nt mean to steal you. I think you owe me something. Your party. So what are we going to do about our contract? I'm beginning to think you're a teaselllll! Don't forget mel Love always.Chris Hey girl, I'm gonna miss you! Good luck In Florida and college! I'm here for another yr. so when you come by to visit. stop byll! PLEASE KIT Esther I LOVE YOUI!! (there is nothing else I can say!) Love Drew (Harry) To the world in our eyes as we see It! Climb each rock wf a good solid grip··what Is any or these suppossed to mean? I don't know' so go give a flower to a friend!#'? ·Carl Lobster dinner, party. tack up those sheets, empty that keg. call Jim M. no hook, tennis, bike ride Stephanie! Collect calls to my line··A.B. N.F. D.J. B.M. B,C. Jim M what a manl#'? Your black shoes thanx for It alii!! Love Jessica .3 yrs of field hochey, crawling on the rug spying. You come over momings before hockey. Sleepovers·O.B.W.'s. movies. mode· long, yea, anyway. my car what a trip, Replacements, snow storm· your dad and I trying to start my car. Ice cream sundaes. And so many more memoriesll Thanx for them allll Love ya·Nat Silvers Roach! Don't tell anymore that name Field hockey "Goalie" What a sport Surprise B-day party (not anymore) Grab that check only me and you Les Mis. Get off my halrl#"? wheres Rochelle? hmmm ..... BEDROOM!II fabian Swinging party! knife m.w. and me outside. Window watching sleeping over after school Prom and cotillion Paul and (S) Dave MENII! Are you Deaf? Field hockey camp at Rider. Yes Day Camp-··CHEAPII!IIIIIII There will be a joke that 1 day you will get Maybe well maybe not! Lunch table·AIIson·No more needed to be said II Love ya Ani roach ... Virgos Rule ... Replacements ... Your many men ... Tom, D.J. A.B. PAT, C.B. B.D. JOE, -·-·JEDm ... Similar Experience ... Ministers?!?! P.M . ... chics ... "Who wants the check?" Windburrles ... Chic ... "OH ROCHELLE!" movies .. sleepovers . . . older men are better . . . Accident . . . Thanx ... Casa Lupita. It's been 5000 long, but it only feels like It has been a couple of days. Good Luck! I LOVE YOU! K.P. Rocky! Ping Pong! OEO HAir sniff sniff, B·room. Want an Omlet? Chomp, Chomp, push a button! Eat my shorts! do YOU have a pencil? Fatal by the pit· Eugene avoid Haitian guys, FOOD! OH NO ADVICEim? flat chest vs. big Bust. chia pet plzza face. problems? --·not quite the bulldoz· er. bad dee<J for the (b) day! The PRIEST. tug, tug. Houlahans, Sinbad, EXPERIENCES, pickles, UFO Hotline, Rooftops, You're a nutll That's why we're friends. You make me smile, laugh, cry, and even get mad! Yeah me--the mom. I'll always be here Roach Stop Poutlngll Love Jennifer V. a SWAHILLIIIII (I am soo gullable) Frosh gym: you me, mdd, Kerry. REM: all the great times. Cotillions; (89, 91, 92) Jr. Pro~ (nice to steal my date, Rochelle) I guess this just would'nt be complete If I dldnt mention your many men, all of whom I had to counsel youm about. T.W. D.J. A.B. C. B. FABJED BRI JOE neighbor etc. Remember when we called the guy who was the waither at tne party In NY ?? Nice to lead PV on you big teasell Thanx for all the times you've tried to hook me up. I might say that Pat H. was awesome! (Chet tool) REM "Your get together" -Jen V. going crazy Secret keg, rape?? Jen telling your dad to l?$#l!c'ing sit down. (OOOOOOPS) You always trying to find the women in me. Sexy, cute debate! Definitely SEXY you and I. the small-chested ones· who says great things dont come In small packagesm Who says bigger is Better anyway? Pink shorts, peach lingerie: Roach. Michelle, Ra· quel, Swahili ..... Rochelle, I just looked at your list again you DO Get around. dont you? JIK you always take me too seriously! REM Ice cream sundaes, your new haircut, "arachnphobla," your Ice cream cake for me and Jen V. food. food. food. and p-ng, while talking to me on the phone. Sweet 16 wf KP Girls nites, Cindy Crawford's hair. B·52's hair ls'nt he a good ·---·m Shopping. checking under cars for men with knives, Jen V. + Bulldozer = disaster!! Laughing crying, singing at home alonem No matter what. I Love yal Love Jenn (ODIE) MICHELLE TRITT TROOP BEVERLY HILLS. now. there's a good movie. I'll always be #2. Hojo's somebody's touchinfme. Sorry I wasajerkl4 yrs ofS.O. wf you have been great. Don't forget me Trittbfc I'll never forget you . .Chris (E.P) Nice B·Day party. (you let Nicole drive your carNuts) I love C.N. Yea. I just bought thigh highs too Field hochey rules #75-NICK Still friends after all these yrs. lets keep it that way· Drew KIT You had your share of guysTritt - M.H. M.L. C.N. B,C, If I didn't know you I'd think you were #!?'Sharon school rules M.T. and M.G. ·nice dance. Lots of luck next yr. Love M.J.P. "Micki" can I pull your hair? Tennis? Keep practicing; Dominoes, Guy problems? Edward In your basement; Rutgers Boys·Jf DL SULLY, and OSCH, and. of course. "Odie" You and Rick? Me and Rob! Love DIKKI Passing 90mph and driving -40. Neil I never hooked w1 him It's great to have our little calc. talks. It's been a great yr. filled W/ memories. Good luck! ·Chris Selben My B.F. Jover·Did you get something to hold your hair up with? J.C. Its hugelll L·room fights. Edward Jr. + Sr. Proms Lose any gum lately? Dinner, Triple date. nice DISIII Socks-Mr. 0. We like keeping people a secret. Good luck Tritty I LOVE Ya ·Christina Despite some circumstances, we had some good X's together. Congrats on Homecoming! If different circum· stances-who knows. I'll always be there when you need me. Love always Tim Hey! frosh track was great wf youll must be crazy still doing It! You' ve been a great friend! Good luck in all you dol ·Leigh were friends·Terry Tritt, crank phone call, TSC • .3 man. how do you get In the B·rm? Olenn(oh please) IDON"T CAREl! teddybear, Is this a dream? If the door opens, getting lssed·nice, we hate men. Sr. prom. tent. my date wanted U underwear, A.S.M.C. = disaster turned down at hghSprts Shrimpking chat. Jim's Country Diner. 6 eggs retreat, confusion? What R we doing after game? Glad we got closer this yr. You didn't get beat up after alllluv, Leea nremen In the clubhouse! jump Into the bushes ·a Jeep Frosh parties at Mexl· can food! Guys I meant to fall off the ski fiftH C.M. florida will be fun I'll miss you. but hopefully we:ll see each other during college· Robin Mr. Gus· class·talks about everything except sclencell It would be nice If you showed up! He loves you. My old house. Pillow people customes and making them in your basement. All the times we went out to eat. Pizza Hut. Stop eating so much I New Years Eve 91' Chinese party and you dancing. Watch ball drop at C·Wrights. Summer-dropping me off at JC's house. Me on your lap everyday to school. Love Jill Tritt. Its been great! OUr timing for romance was simotaneous. Jr. yr. holy cowl Eagle we forgot to feed you again?!

Feet movements· necklaces on noses. stop tapping and annoying us - Late? erase that mark on the board. Math = unbelievable, calc project ... Rider. TSC .. get a new halrcutll S.O. would'nt have been the same wto us! fountain at JR yr. S.O. picnic. BOYS We'll just talk about our parties. problems, people and attitudes, when we're happy! Mr. Schaffer loved our drawing. thanx for the erasure did you like the ruler? Do we have a clue about anything? ABIBANA Thanx for being there. I LOVE YA Flower Sueell How do you move your hips? Leave me at 2am EDWARD secrets· whats on his lips? Last American v..-·sll Be Proudll Come to TSC thanx mom. where's K· Mart? Howard or Lisa Johnson? florida here we come! St. gov't X· mas flowers Whats there to say? Thanx 4 everything. Enter Into your diary anytime. Love JUICE My 1st high school glrlfriend·skatlng at MCP. get togethers. Frosh Cotillion, Nicole's pool parties, Who's the newest· Stay away from TSC. If you had to get married ... . . Phys· ics labs, My BASEMENTIII Your mom makes great dinners. HoJo's your stairs are slippery! Nicole's treehouse! Truth or dare. van rides to get pizza, you're the oldest to get it. Did you and NO miss your train? BMW and Mercedes Benz. Tritterl I'm glad we've stayed so close. Than)( for everything! ·Ben To all those people I missed· thanx for everything! To all the guys (SS MA MP CN BD ML EK NP) Sega doesnt rule. watch out for all the vases. Purple passion, WP are the best. To EK and CN we won at football-Rematch?? To Dicki-do you want any water. tennis or do· minoes? To db and cr·Dinner, anything to hold m~ hair up with! and our friends· To BC Thanx for listening to everythang. so who would you marry? Sorry about soph yr. To everyone at the frosh get togethers(MM RW SH AO RS RV TK(bartender)BH OW KB NO BC AB) TO LS sorry about frosh yr. I'm really happy that things have gotten a lot better! To SS good luck W? You're awesome. so dont change drive by's and beeping. To OM Thanx for all the advice soph yr. So how id everything? To JC· date before the end of the yr? To NP SO Scuba. New Hope. Tuscany. Francesco's not just _ _ _ _• • liars everywhere Sorry about everythin$. To everyone· thanx agajn I Love You all Good luck W1 everythang. KIY Beach Anyone? Love always, Tritt MARIAN TAI'IGLAW Love that smile! You're too ticklish. Thanx for the gum. Remem· ber what I told you! Love ya !? #'This next film Is about a young man who finds himself in a world where they're special. They make life possible for everyone else$impossible for themselves until one day they meet .... follow your heart! ·Carl It all started w1 band. You have been a very good friend·dont forget RZ BW KZ and OS. the tennis tournament. retreat. the Ground Round. and New Years. Good luck in college! Love Chrissy S. 4 yrs and youre still behind me. Thanx for being there. Adopt a grandparent.. and all the others that you did with me. I'll miss you! history was a blast wf you. KIT Dont worry about men! ·Jen We have been friends for a long time! Thanks for putting up with my I?#' all the timet Your men will will come. Remember Paris Concord Dreams. Pictures· No Fllmll Cheer· leading. CANDYBARS. We will always be friends Marian. C.O. If someone would please just tell me your# or Wlite It down bfc I'll never remember it. It's comforting to know that I have soo much support from 1 person We should go out somewhere ...... Paris perhaps P.S. I'll Treat ·Carmen Calc. class. Ia clase de espanol con senor Schultz. Stop biting - Mrs. McOraws class-oh Xmas toad· lunch period 6. Oklahoma-Amy A. Hey Roomie! Florida Is going to be a blast! No one plays the clarinet as well as you dol Lunch would be dull wfo you. The slxers games was great! Sorry I could'nt make the Pro Indoor. Maybe next yr. Good luch in College. Amy Thanx for keeping me In line. BW· Is so cute. Cotlllion91' ggod date. prom 91' bad date The same date!! • Alexlll He hates me. The Rlzz. Ray. Raul etc: Spanish skits. Lets pick up guys. = TROUBLE I LOVE YOU! ·Katie P.S. Want to hear a long Joke? Jooooookel What can I say but guys, guys, guys. and more guys. Never forget BN DP etc. tennis In the fall tennis in the spec· trum ..... pictures w1 Haarhuls .... "I'm too Sexy" ..... Color me badd ... Physics labs ... fun!lll Spanish classA + no problem .... ... Stop singinglll More religion homework? let's climb a mt. Long talks on the phone ... h.r.... h.r. ... does my hair look o.k.? I'm going to miss you !I Sheena O.K. so maybe all women aren't evil: but most are. We will settle this on the tennis court. Thanx for the concern after all the tricks you have played on me, especially the raw egg. But I wouldnt have It any other way. Thanx for being such a caring person. Dave Martinez You're one of the nicest people I know! Remember Blo class? (watching his hand?) Yeah, now you know what level my eyes are at. Maybe I'll be seeing you at whea· ton, maybe not. Either We'll still be friends or in memory we'll keep smiling! Heyl You owe me a Safety Plnlll Jen V. Thanx for the good friendship we had. Always remember the cotillion (our video. the bee·hive hair you didnt like. the fight that almost broke out In basemmt.) Tennis times. walks and talks, "I got the pretzels. you got the cheese!" oatmeal packs, PUNCH BUOOIES!IJJ I hope you drive one someday! Just kidding! Your neighbor ·Susan Weed HI there Miss Tanglawl So what's the latest? What? What? I heard ... So who do you have your eyes set on now? ·What·ls this love interest#2031? Just kidding! But you are the biggest flirt I know I Maybe as much as . . . . . (Dont get mad o.k.) You're just being friendly, just being Marianlll You know I'm just busting on you bfc sooooo easy to do! Dont get discouraged W/ guys Mare! Someday they'll see you for the gift you really are (senior retreat) Maybe I'll see you at Wimbledon in a few yrs·and maybe Ill have front row tickets!!! Don't ever change! You're truly sweet. kind, funny, and SPECIAL. Thanx for always making me feel special too. I'll miss you and I won't forget you. KIT·Nicolette Marian, Marian, Marian. Where do I start? I probably should start at the point I remember-on no! Then We're in trouble! But seriously. Thanx for the great friendship for 4 yrs. I'll miss your laugh and smile, but you should miss mine morel Good luck In whatever you do. I'm sure you'll be a success. Whenever you' re In Italy just stop by and see me! If you forget

~~~rytf~~~~~;~~h~n~~~~f~~~J~f~~~~e~~~~ ~~~ 2~trr

Papa, You're everything to met When I needed you. I felt you with me. You must feel so proud while I feel so honored. I miss you very much. and I'll always love you !I Your dau!lhter forever, Marian


Mom, Dab thanx for all your support. I love you. XOXOX To "the Bridge Posse" C.B., N.L.. and C.R.·Rolllng. Rolling ... Clnzar·all I can say is I'm "So Happy" we made it I luv ya "little girl" BBF always. Oer Bear-big sls·thanx 4 just being you. BBF-4ever! Megs· My fav. cuz·Stay cool chief Cannui·"Unforgerttable·thats what you are" 8-2-91 And the class of 92' Lot's of lucklll Patrlsh: Tlsha: Twinkles: Rem: WW:4:.30: Soccor: 2-Girts: Wreck: school: stopper; cartwheels down fields: "BIQ feet". run dnfleld = smak across face: mlsh for; Maryland 8th grade, fr.yr. table fell: Get Mop. MM mirror broken: not worth it; R.MZIC; Pavillion: Runawaz: Jer trouble: Ice Rink fites·Tronney: St.O.Cam., wrest matches·stats MCT: Danny D; Notngham: Canul(memrls) yrs+4eva; hang in there; wedding; I'm coming; Gus· class: "mammals": "east coast": U+Cin lite: Sr.yr. swik (U, NO, JC, manimor RB-pleasel) Why? TZ· Stnrt girls: Rounds(lncognlto):Biowmls, Snysters, Maars. Reds, San· tos. ect ... Canol's Luchentos·loct keys: till 1:00; "Ill B Home 4 Xmas" ... 1 hopei "BiuBiuXmas" Tallone's (PY+MM, CB+DS, NL+JS. CR+JS)"HOOKS" Berinbg: DrDr.; Can I drive-NOT: Frank· Mll-fk.IDZ Retreat: water overflows: BR: sqasht burger; shake In trash·sorry: PINtfloor: Beep-look around: Berkleyz class·Ankles; kid stole chair·U broke it: spitball In Sean's ear; J Max.-hook, Ltak trouble. Orin sit, Deniz: Cold Car: Zoomle·Zoomie:Gold Dawn ·wait· er: H20 glass; many memriz Thankx 4 everything II...Ya-cathy Don't let Fred and Randy get you down, they're stupid too. Your Anthropology Companion, Tara S. Theres something on tour shirt. Just kidding we all love you. Thanks for all the laughs. pd 5 lunch· Jl, EN, RM, fP, NB, AC, TC Natural! Dlng·Dong No one Is home. In PaUl's head! Dummy. I Love Eggyl Where is Patti? - check the bushes. behind the school.

I wa,. good gJrt, "008Nfl" c;ggs...... and fP,Ihe b<a<h. 882, PI I DP DH DR. She bit mel (MS) No 15 min. Denny's(that poor waiter' the abandon house. 4/ever. Cot. '91·ur house. Y R the lights orft NM+BS, NM, PY, CB, CK. NL, BS. NR, SC. MS. SZ Friends 41evt Thanx for everything! Luv. Nic Yo-girl. What can I say that maybe I'm cute! Never forget. M, basement (Shh ... ) How funny was that? Abdui(Red·Eye) The Flz (the beard guy·yours·What about mine·Yuk) J .S.·nice dis for m Huh?·Take It to the bridge posse. contrd It from the top, yeah ' might join track. (franklin Mills), Pitt, (your boot) (cigs).3/lf92·MII (thats gonna get us no·where(C.P.)·thats about it. Well hon·then• was so much more and even more to come. I Love Ya. Nikki L. My fellow cowgirl. Twinkles, Tish·Tosh·to the best friend a persc can have. Theres never a dull moment, but the brightest had to b< " So Happy, So In Trouble". incognito!. Si or no?. Hell nite part I, .3, .. . • Wildwood, car dance. Jacuzzi party, my party. Ice-cold ca our men: Butch. Ricco. the Italian Stallion-love 4eva. PK·Capt. . King. Ur-get·2gethers(wfcrowbars?) , scaling walls, mischief nit dum dance. our dances·. Abdul!, Escort Service?. Low·RI-der, he mom, ZOOmie Zoomie, BSMFDI. squatlng around the car, wrestling groupies, " oops 1.\'e felll5. Denny· 5-the poo waiter, Ding·Dong·no one's home .. , Denney's spit ball, "11at"tir ankles in gym. headfakel. Abby + Gertrude, LOBNAFI. Hallowe nite. sharing the same brain, lets go running-Not Fizz. Bridge ross Rules!. double team Cannul? hal. Rollin', Rollin1, our singing, pa on·There's so much 2 say but never enuff time, Ur the best. keep smile and ur sense of humor. BB2 4eva! Peace-Love ya.Cin~r P.S Ant said lm better. You are the smartest most intellectual chick In our graduatin class along with Cindy. You girls were my best friends and when ever you fought It hurt me so I always had to be the peacemake Please hold on to the memories we shared our four years of hi school. Stay cool Mastermind Love ya. Michael Pellegrino SOCO parents bed-check the bushes! Denney's who home BSM DRINK Zoomy Zoomy. reverse to hit the car at a gas station cot "!1 runny shoes 5.5. beach p on the highway stat pollee soccor 2-girt (but not friend) running .0001 miles and out of breath I need a cio lquit·yeah right picture U Headfake In gym-what an excuse ow It wii areal trip thanks forthat perfect prom date what a winner nice bltre underwear problems with Oer and Steph·stay at college girls! AC: MM, RM. Swike. BM. AB, CP, BC list goes on-forget 'em thanks fi every memory Jess BETH VURGEL

New Hope. John. PB. JO, Gizmo, he's hot ... Not. • Keys in an Danmar. frustration talks. Stay Sweet·Love ya NlxNix Pants? Never·Snowplow·Big Truck? Meatheadt·Theo Good luck w1 John·hope to see you in the future! Love ya Michele 1 told you 1 wrote something to you. English was fun this ye Even when you were there. Just Kidding, Stay cool stop smokin George Beth. I just want to say that you are a great person and that I hop that everything you do is successful. good luck In the future! Lov. ya. Hope


"Calestenlcs". 101 dalmatians. Juanita wn the shore) • 15 year old man. You win some, you Jose em all. Scarlet knights next year f stay cool. ·Foley.

RICKY VALENZUELA Pldiddle. pool, he thinks what· no. Have fun in college. Love w wo. Get some Docs • license 11"4"91 • piece of cake • chalkboai,. eraser? Philp or nip? ·Theo. Thanks for always being a friend. S.G. homeroom. I'll always your Famosabutt! ·Love, Missy. Tree Farm was great. Medusa hair in the morning. ·Caesar Remember: lunch time. spiking on people in gym class: shooUOl pool at Billiards. "So what's up with tteather?ll, getting tume down at Karpatty's and Tullpans, ka·boom. ·RI Peer partner· you go first! NL's basement· nice finger! Orlando's pass out on the floor much? Glad we're friends slick! Love ya· TM Cool and sexy ... Nov.2.3 ... the AO 'do ... S.St· Tuesday .. , Orand Prix ... squeaky frame. frozen shell? EO's ... A:.30AM ... "we're lost ... Amy squared ... wo-wo and Kelly ... mediocr poetry ... sleepovers. Love, always and forever. your "flamer"ll Ego. NY 1991. Am's kitchen, heart to heart· wine cooler? ·"Atten· tlones", back porch, softskin. psycho women: nerves it Benetton. 5 grain burgers, Bev per .2. Rescue squad stories. drawing spider webs. Millstone· next time get the directions straight. "I hope I don'f call him Miami", ask the deaf folks, Contessi. thick head of hair, gross tasting wax. Thanks for lending an ear (and a mouthful ot hair) when 1 most needed lt. fS.. glad Ibm your friend. not your lover!! ·From Rebecca Wisor. Orlando's. Tum left here. It'S on this road somewhere. Walte1 more water please. NOW. Retreat. Hello Teenage America. psychQ path magnet. You are not what you wear: and you are not us so sto1 trying to be. Death Look. NewYs 92 in the Jovemobile. ETC. To th! past pres and future Thanx4evrythng. I love you! ·Annmarie. Big Mouth· Freshman Year. Where's the party~ when Is It? Revill al· Philly/Eiise dancing on stage. The Tower, Susie. wonderfu' Sara's singing. Denny's, getting lost. my driving abilities. Martin House, heater ~ homeless people. taking a walk for food. Reli class· the greatest. You are a sweetheart. stay that way! Don't drift! Love always, Ani.

JENNIFER VARGAS "Okay. Art isn't all that bad ... ·Darren. HI JENNI ·Drew. Jen. we have 5000 much In common its scary! (Did you ever fe like ... Yesl Exactly!) ·Is my skirt up?! Did you do your paper? Y are a really great frlendll I'll miss yal KIT. ·Love, Shaheen. Hi. Jen. Remember History, English, Anatomy ~ Algebra lifT You're such a nice person ~such a good friend. You will never t> forgotten. Hope you liked the rose. 2116 will be with me forevet Thanks for never hanging up when I called you. Good luck f college~ KIT. ·Jay. My dear friend. Last year In homeroom was awful. But we becam better friends l!t I'm glad about that. Wheaton here we come. (m be). I'll always remember how every morning you sat near yo locker and studied. How studious l!t conscientious you are! You a~ one of the nicest people I know (I don't know many who are). You·r a good person and I hope well 1 know you'll go far in life. Good lu with everything l!t we will definitely have to get together during th summer. ·Love for ever: Mar lan. You are one of me brightest people I know. you have helped m through so much at ND. I just want to say thank you. You are a gre person who will be successful wherever you go. The ride in th1 morning was a lot better when you were in the car. It was really 11" problem driving you those few days. Thanks for being a good frle ·Dave Martinez. You just said hi to someone else. Where' s the salt. pepper, suga 11m not oblivious and I'm not defensive. Who us. analyze peopl Intense phone conversations, very weird dreams. Slnbad? Are y sure AB? Eat my shorts, smiley, smifro. Hush Ll'l Baby, Push Button. Oeo.·Penclls. James Bond stunl Do you smell somethl Ha Ha. He He, Ho Ho, He.'s a nice guy, Rosa's Cafe· Candid Came Hatian Delight. Want an ommlette? Down by the pit, Oh, HI Torres . . . Hercules!, Rochelle's Pub, I want to marry him. yo dream date, Oh no- Mr. Bill! Jen, gotta go to the B-room, Prom, I"a Attraction. Get your kicks on Rt. l, pickles, Hershey's mlnlatu cottage cheese. allen depiction of me on your wall. Watch out fi morning tractors. Hey· he's not bad looking. everyone give yo soda tabs to Jen, Want a picture of me? I really don't think I working. Where·s Rochelle?· she's still in Fla. City Gardens. Uf Jen· let go of me, Is that your house? Thanks for all the ad

mom. F/f I love you. -Rochelle. F-Face, My SACT, Red Dot Specials, Cheeto Man, Yipee Skipee, BBW, Pervert, 501 Blues. Scary 1'\erry, "Is it me or did that woman just tum into a man?": Horseback riding: Elmer?!?!, Great Balls of Fired Running in the rain, Big Wet 1'\isses: Virginia Beach, Don't Drink. chased by fat men, pool pros. ig Head, Lunch table buddy, We're the rejects, Hands Up, GA and parking lot. 'Tm funny", Houlahan·s. our mind game, Casa Lupita. There Is so much more I have to say, another time. I'll miss youl I love you. -KP. Singing in Spanish with you and your cousin- Christmastime, Dancing with Opera, listening to Spanish music. Lambada! My dream, our prep. for Sr.yr.. movies, sleepovers- GBN's, hands up Frosh Field Hockey, my complaining- same old story? r. T understanding- gets on nerves. 1FT· yeal. growing?!, N- workouts, Major D&B's, crawling on Roch's rug- "Jen go like this". "Jen are you home- where?" "You guys I can't breathe" Ha Hal Our health week together! Patti-cakes at 1'\errie's, me hitting you- I'm so sorry! Jen's baked ziti, Babysitting-candy! Thanks so much for being a true friend! F/f. -Love ya. Nat Silvers. Jenny bottle, long l!c squiggly, Nikey. Hans or Frans? Guy on bike! Jewelry- Meet ya at Brooklyn- it exists I swear! Jen are you limping? Hail Maryl (laundary sht) Realityf'Eievator, 1 was walking (briefly), Great Balls or Fire. I'm a loser! podium (first time Sr. Hs. smiled) your pants. I love your gumline. Hs.bk. riding. Chris ~ Dave. ABC ~uys- naked. Hot tub (feels good huh?l Let's play chicken- my •maginitive mind- stop lying- shut up sonal Cute, funny dn't repeat it! Philosophy-Theology· well than don't! (thanx) Big. bad, etc. On my own- I tried (hard) Biology Pervtd. Nto Ravel Jen-come in the room • now, leave the yl lust . . . Gatorade. Is someone in guhe closets no, no, rely no- oh alright! Clean your contacts! I'm getting the wilt (dirty mind) Don at lunch run away. Jnr prom, nice date! NINO PIZZA guys. Nice canned fruit. Jen keep yr clothes on. Lets kp the towels, Gopher Girls! Watch out for tractors! Water fountain· surprise I meant to do that. Don't eat anymore mothballs· yummy! Stay off rooftops· sunbathing- precalc· feel smart yet shll faillll I'm awake. really! Jen, where.·s your tid. hck. shck? Sst Hse. no need to say more. Mr. Dambra- soccer. Will you grow up? The Man. uniform detentions. James NY city. Boys side of the room, les. We might act crazy but we don't smoke crack- chill to the maxi video camera, mafia, mad. Bthrm. Parents shwerl- It was Jen or 1'\erry, not mel JomarjMike Brwn Eyed Girl! Points, get an AI- we want it. Elevator walls. papers- NOT! -Love ya, ? My Buddy! I could not have asked for a better friend. Remember always all the CRAZY things we've done. Jen: COLLEGE = OURTURN!! We don't need men! Self-sufficient women. 15abyl Rem: Condom-iniums. Reeses P--!? (what?!) Cotilion 69- what a dilemma! Our "Friend" at the same time! Juliette (I love her), piano: music, music, music, Procrastination (you taught me the art), sniffing hair. bonding nights, eating out. eating In, watching Rochelle eat. listening to Rochelle eat: Elvis Costello, Desperado: The Rose (pinkones), super berry. horseback riding, mad"red, Jen V +Bulldozer = Disaster. I did not almost kill you guys after prom!, your "sur· prise" welcome-home-from-Bolivia party. ping-pong, the motorcycle man, hot dogs In shape of hamburgers??, yes = no, no = yes. DJ's butt (mushy!?). Bignose (cut it oft). rem. when she pulled the chair out from under you? Ouch! Funhousel Hampster wheel, bump, bump, bump- "We're gonna miss the bus!" ear-piercing dilemma, "You're crushing mel"- you lost your wallet. Don, Elmer, Chris. Jason: we are psycho! (purple marker, short skirts?!) Prom 91- thanx for setting me up! SS ~white-out. stuck in the mud, phone bills, you ~ me analyzing everyone. "I don't mean to sound like a shrink or anything . .. , my depressed stage. my obnoxious stage, Birds splat on the windshield!), "Tainted Love", nice for Shivani to show up at my house at 2AM, thrown in the pool (black bikini-no-black bra!) sexy;cute, 7 1, ( Everybody's All-American (me). Rob (lluv him), Themeal I made for you. your mom ~ Nat. Electric Slide, Oprah therapy, Maury, OM, Bloody noses, Rochelle's big toe, pictures, collages . . . Jen, it's been great. I love you so much! we·, II be friends even when were old ~ gray. I LOVE MACr\RONI AOND CHEESE! -Your friend forever~ever, Jennifer. BRYAN VASTI You gotta be the biggest punk I know. -Seiler. Ok, he's pretty good for a white guy. NBA, homeroom. Yankees #1. -Vidal Did I get it right-Bryan? KYLE!! -if that's right. -Tara God bless you! Per 6 Chern! Dry gas- doesn't work! I love yal Just kidding ffPI -Becky. ELEVEN TO 01 You stink buddy. Ha ha. Ok. You beat me, but I'm still better. We'll see this summer at Wetzler. -1'\erwick By the time you read this message you'll finally be off those dumb crutches. damn. Well, anyway- I'm glad I got to know you, you're cool. even though you like Larry Bird. PS..keep sending those oranges to Africa. -Ron. To my fellow Celtic buddy; always remember the legend #.J.}, Let's go devils, Campo's class, see you at the Meadowlands, 1904 World Champs. Good luck. -#11 El'\. Crutch! You owe me $17, 505 for my services. Stick with your woman. Basketball at Wetzel. I'll school your With kisses, Chris. Well it's been a great 4 years. BEAT LA- NOTI We're both Mercer bound- life's great Remember the Phoenix game et NO GOOD! WIDE RIGHT! GIANTS WIN! Let's stay best friends forever! -Foley. Brother .. . Paisan ... I'm Sicilian & you're not ... One of the few people who laugh at me for no reason ... "I don't like rides" ... "I have to do my homework' Remember I'll always be here for you. You are like the brother I didn't get, but would have wanted ... Respect .. . Love . and admiration to you .. . I'll be tooting my hom . . . -Carmen. Bry. I've known you for so long. I cant believe were graduating. It all went by so fast! I'm glad we're still friends. Good luck with 1'\yle. 1'\eep in touch. Love always, Amy A. Hey, stop laughing. English class waas great but gross. Remember JZ picking and scratching everytime. During USA Hockey game. Eyeing you up and down. Kyle knows! -Jen. Remember when I liked you freshman year and when we were at Wildwood, that was a long time ago. Remember "Every Little Step". I'm g that we're friends. Good luck in college. Love. Chrissy s. Bry, I wish you all the best in the future with whatever you do. Always remember all the memories in the past and the ones to look forward to In the future. Dont ever forget: Wildwood, LBI. GOG Posse BV, KP, JL, JS, 3/1/91,4/19/91,4/1/92 (lyear), 5/1/92, and 5/22/92. In Your Eyes, Love of a Lifetime, More Than Words, two less lonely people in the world!! etc, meatloaffor dinner (HAl HAl) 1 love you more! NA! I love you more!! Whoever thought it would be us? Thanks for everything! llove you, Always and forever Vastll 1'\yle. Kyle, this has been the greatest year of my life. You make me feel so special in so many different ways. I love in forever. Remember Melissa and our first date at the play. And you better remember the GOG posse. Love. Bryan. 1'\yle, I thought I would write again. There is so much to say about how I feel about you. You mean the world to me and I know that we will be together forever! I hope. This past year was great spending all these past holidays with you. This past Cotillion and Prom were fantastic. I have so much love to give you and I will keep giving it to you forever. I will love you now & forever and you better not forget that. I love in! Love always, Bryan. PAUL VIDAL OOH . . . Miss 1'\yte! -Secant. You have been a great friend. This year was a lot of fun. Never forget retreat. Good luck in college. Love, Chrissy s. Yankees suck. Mets will win. Don't forget that Pauly. -Love Jill. Partying at VIdal's while he Is there ~ while he is not. VidalViddlle. -Love Caesar. No matter what I say or do to you, never doubt my friendship. unchtime, so Paul. is it HEAVEN or HELL! Well, you are The Man!

Yeah, and it's all in the hair! I love your smile. so keep smiling, and keep me as a friend. ·Love JenV Just a few memories. Bus. carpool, Senior Cotillion, SAT course, lunch. Millstone, You're definitely sexy. Don't take me so serious all the time. I'm just kidding with you. Good luck! It's been fun. Don't be a stranger. -Love always, Kerry. Paul Mann You are such a stud! We have had such a good time, don' t ya think?? Rem: lunch tablejr. yr.,junior prom (thanks for the ride), the movies the next day (I did not come close to killing you guys· I had total control!!!). the St. Anthony!. NO basketball game {thanks for the massage), and the Crystal Diner (nice turkey sandwich. Oh well- it was only $61). You are a wonderful person and a good friend. Good luck in all you dol -Love. Jenn (Odie). Pauly· we love you. Don't ever forget that. No matter how much we pick on you, deep down Inside· we really mean it. Jl'\. You are our most favonte male at the lunch table (the only one but that's 01'\). You make my life joyous! Make sure you don't lose touch when school ends. Don't forget, If you don't look good, we still will! -Love always, Ani. To all my junior Millstone buddies: EM. PJ, JM. Tree farm, tennis. come up w;a scam. Jacuzzi. "Bubbles'. Peace! My best friend xatrina: You're the best! I love you! -vidal. DAVE VON BARGEN Hostllie? Mega Mobile. your face in a snowf lake. Fanclub man~?:\~~~J~sr8~o~~- stay strong with Spiritual Sky. -Love ya Nix

Religion class, you hiding in the cellar, Good luck with Spiritual Sky, VIolent Femmes. See you around. Love, Yjf, Jeannie S. I'm gonna miss you. You're a lot of fun to hang out with. You're a great drummer and a great guy. Stay sweet Love ya, Linda. SARAH VOORHEES football games, Anatomy class, Cotillion senior yr., lunch periods, spirit days. sports nlte, 1'\IT. I LOVE YA! -Nicole. Always remember our sleepovers, the plant In my Jiving room, how much fun we had In Anat., the Cotillion. Gap !'.Ids~ Lisa- eww! You are a great friend· keep in touchl -Love, Beth. We had fun on retreat. You're so sweet. Good luck w;everything. You're gonna do great. Love ya! ·Jen R. Where are the men? Not In NO, that's for sure. Let's talk about sex baby, fizz and our secret connections. New Year's Eve @ Olive Garden. Ground Round. Sarah brownie from Schaef ·s son. That was so much fun. Tennis season. Grease. Incarnation Church. You're beautiful Sarah. You 've been a good friend ~ I'll miss you. Thank you for everything. Good luck In all you do. ·Love forever, Marian. I have bruises on 50% of my body from you always punching me . . for some strange reason, we get along really well, though •• Sarah, you are beautiful, and you're funny ... but only because you hung out with me. Lots and lots of love from me to you. -carmen. We met in Humanities! I miss you already. Seen Mr. Potatoe Head? Gap Act! Matt- Cotillion? Fun? You are wonderful. -Love, Katie. Hey "Poopstick". got some Skittles? You 're a truly great friend. Remember our neverending hike at MCP to the bathroom? When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. It's been so much fun- gym class- "one good server", "I thought I did", "Yeah right", me and Cotillion, our "topsecret" handshake, all our laughs in English, etc. Take care of Betsy and yourself too of course. Best of luck next year and please stay in touch. -Love, Susan and "friend". Always remember: Hey babel We are so alike it's scary! I wish you could see how cool you are! Thanks for all the memories! Good luck next year! Keep In touch! -Love always. Janice. English all four years together. we should have crashed the junior prom! Wanna go to Friday·s- mow let's see- who can we talk about now!?! You never write me notes! Thanks for being such a great friend! Remember all of our "guy talks". Don't forget Lou! Love you always. Jen. We've had some pretty hysterical times In gym, on Halloween 89toilet paper decorating, Paris 90 in Louvre at same time. My sweet 16 party, fang, my love of soph. yr.. and of cou~e "I wish I had a little bar of soap." Be good- I'll miss youl -Love a, AnneMarie. You have been my homeroom buddy for 4 years. Even though you're always in front of my locker I forgive your Ha Hal Don't forget us getting our seats changed & our volleyball team. You've always spiked the best. You have been a really great friend. You're such a sweet person. Don't change. Don't forget serving for fun at the movies.' Ohl You never found my house! -Love, Colleen. Hey Sarah sweetie. You're so sweet. "Do you ever get mad?" Here's a silent laugh for you. I brought foodtown on the bus. It was so heavy. Check your knife. Your dream date- did you kiss him? I'll tell you about my first· oh please don't. New Year's Eve. casa Luplta. I like him so much. Do you think he's cute? Are you sure? Sarah, It's been fun, glad we're friends. -Luv, Guido. Sar, it all started with you slamming my hand in the locker. Les' legs out the roof, your Saab, kiss my butt, presents, crayons, pow· der puff. Cotillion, Dorney, Wildwood, "I don't know", "Oh Jesse", pressed nower thing. our stay with Fr. Dennis., retreat and how we talked about ghosts. the 5 of us in one room. Ground Round, Casa Luplta. fizz when we smuggled our way In, turtles rule, Beauty and the Beast, Little Mermaid, visiting Katie at Burger Klng, playing tennis, my pool. Tyler, the date with JL, Les' party whan I drank orange drink, New Year's this year and past, Taboo, when you liked JP. Golden Dawn after the Cotillion and we sat In Les' livmg room and froze to death. Don't ever forget me and all the memories we have made. You and Les are my best friends, thanks for always being there. -Love, Chrissy. Where do I start? Art class, my impression of marching bandrifles, globe baseball, our shopping spree at Franklin Mills with Chrissy, spring track. tennis every morning at MCJ>. Your library job, the fizz, "Do I have lipstlek on?", Our sleepovers, rice krispy treats, my legs out the sunroof, the ride to Mercer St. Friends with CM, BM, CS, and JP. I was on the gearshift. our love for Mr. Leonard- two poops, poop or scoop and that's right. All our fun rides to schoolyou hit MP and denied it. PMF parking lot we met Warren, tart cart. My sweet 16 party. Jr. yr. Halloween· you were a nerd. FF pit party- I stayed out all night and my mom called you. Mercer County tennis camp- DD. you loved him! The Cotillion· your "girdle," what If he tries something? Do you have any food? All our fun gym classes- the mile. feb. 28- what day was that? Our business management tripsJoe fell up the steps. We had to go home early- it was snowing ... not. The play Grease- all our fun after the play In your huge herse. Your bow ring- now mine, the star bursts on your table, our sunning ollt the roof· the wasps. Halloween- the presents that took forever to make, New Year's Eve, do you want your parking space back? Can you get me a chair? ~row this away. Pizza Hut- breadsticks, senior retreat- I hope my car's OK. "Les- we gotta gol" How do you spell booger? All our nerd words, CM on the bus and all his haircuts and remember I loved MS? The party Chrissy and I gave you- and the ice cream cake which melted, all the times we we relate to tennis and almost missed our matches, the tennis van and our makeovers in the balcony. Sarah, you are one of my best friends in the world, I'll always be here for you- we will always keep in touch with each other forever. I'll always love ya. -Les. BRIAN WEHR Yo Brian- It's Buick Day. I never laughed so hard. The light is green-that means go. (I'm good at telling people that) Tekkies are great. Have fun next year· the play won't be the same wjo ya!Love ya. -1'\rlstln. KEVIN ZIOLKOWSKI My flesh Is burning! I am the Lab god and the track king. Wally· ball. Attendance, what a joke. "He's got a gun!ll" See Ya. Uncle L. POPZICKELS! wally/VOlley monster. GYM 1'\ING. Skiing was great (THUMP! What was that? Just an animal go back to sleep!) Martinez

crashing into your car and the' fight at PIZZA HUT. Frankl (What was really in the soup?) 1'\evin Hood and his Merry band of Psychotic Sociopaths. (Archery) It's been reall Dave B. About 4 times a year is good - I only average once a year and they call me the king. Lots of Jello - red, chite, and blue Jello. Watch out for Steve and Heath, I thind they are eyeing you. Found On Road Dead, can probably outrun the Baron, Don't ever drive backwards on a highway. Always play the walls, we'll ressurect the team in 10 years for a hall of fame game - Dave Martinez SCOTT ZIELINSKI "Can you pick me up a some" "So what happened last night?, The usual" Remember getting Into fights at Denys, getting ripped in the pool room. What ever did happen at N.L. house that night. Hanging out in the Poconos, skipping class, seeing Padre, sleeping over Stephanie's house, getting your carpet all muddy. hanging our with Jim! me crashing Into that guy's truck, four-wheeling in your car. "your pants are falling down" - R.l'\. You're hue! -Vidal 1 like your old house better. Sue & Moose, J.W., K.C. Cisco, Everclear - Your Room's on fire. Do your want to drive? POOL. Who's the biggest mooch? rn just have some of what you ~et. South STREET - Payphone, Bars, B.B. Guns, Hit him - I was ust kidding. S.M. What color were they? BLUE. DENNYS, Sugarbush at. Dah 69. HARLEY. Hass's ~Orlando's- what happened that night, I sure don't remember. Race to five, you got to win by two. Booty Time all the time. Pull over Scott. I'm going to be sick. GOOD LUCK NEXT- Chris Lunch, Girls, Mr. Moore, It's bootie tl:nel - Or Will you cluck like a chicken for me? ya want some peppermint shnapps? Thanks for the party - you want some cake? (Ha Ha Had How about those bars! I'll call you - Angelo Rem: when you hit that girl; phone # notes In lunch; Prom '91: Spitball in Sean's ear, hangln' out CK, PY. CB, NM, BS, MS, SZ: party in new house: head lites; dancing; rm scared; MR ~ CB • paranoid; car sruck in mud: let's skip = Fr. Den.; many classes- Mr. Wood "''m not up there!!' many laughs et good times cjm thanks -L.Ya- Cathy can you get up wjo sunburn? Your 2.J? thank God or I would be really thirsty. Suck~ Blow I literally suck at it! LBI Love, Jill Czysyk 1st day license - almost lost It • taurus head on? Not your fault - It was funl Moose! Booty time! Helneken - never bitter - Theo "Did you call me or was it Tim?", "What did you want to talk to me about? Stop scaring mel", Wrestling- jello or mud?, your house "let's toast to .. . ",gym In my hair· thanks for getting It out. I'm Kelly NOT Kristen. This year was great! Thanks for all the fun memories! Love, Kelly "KLF." Am I smiling funny? Mike w·s. pty. We love L.K. Clothes dryers R mine! How many In this wallet? My cousin. Be good. KIT. Love ya - Rouselle D-15ag, You want to go skiing this weekend, Party, thanks for getting me sick, here eat my hamberger. Great Adventure, can· t believe you got me on the Scream Machine. Seven times in a row. Girl at gate. you. want to go to party? Not! Artie room -crazy' = You got something on your chin D-Bagl Good Luck man Later! • Randy Never forget all the fun we had, especlall1 In religion class "haput". Maybe someday I will give you that money "Ya. right', Let's go four-wheeling again, this time we can use my car, but you have to look out for those deers. I have bad luck with them. especially going in to turns. The next time you're on the road at night PAOlOOLE- Eric SCOTT ZIELINSKI Scott· Hey friend! I'm glad we likeG.M., bears, finances. and other O.K .. open the window, nice list of chlcs, draw a folwerjwudgeon, let's write with our left hand, twist that hair, smile!, jello-wrestllng anyone? don't touch my kneel You're great! I Love You! - 1'\risten Scott - Always remember your house • cinnamon gum - How did you know? Hallway. Ya gotta watch that staircase- it winds. Hold on to the railing. Jenga partners. Wrestling:)ello? Sleep over at MS's wf DB. Keeping me awake. Moosehead or Duffy? HEW. I'm glad we became friends this year. Good luck always- 1'\IT. Love always, Jill Coley KO I'm at a loss for words. This year has been wild. Booty time, Party time, Old man time, all the time. Hey want to go throw paper airplanes, oh you already did. Yea why don t you get to class on time. Try and keep out of psycho relationships. Oh last but not least THANKS (EE) - Chris Sieben The Z man. I have had a lot of fun wf you, you're the craziest guy I know. Thanks for being a great friend and good luck in the future. Haputl- Jeff Sony about the cake- God I got you good- well thats what you get for not protecting me. Love - Jen You drive me crazy! Wanna rent a movie? Put Ice on it! Seatbeltsl Troy Newman, cellca ·cross my s, t, reetl M.S. ·Great Guy! "Talks", always keeping track of mel "Everything I do . . . Let me write It down! N.D. Halloween Party - your hand? Want to dance? Sr. yr. cotillion - lots of funl Hate fihting? Want some gel? Jr. yr. gym shorts. softball. I was good! U Love Julia. N.L. s - L.E. - C.B. me scream .} hrs. Water down my shirt. Red light, Red Satin. Got any Peppermint? My favorite! The Porch - stand up, go Inside - my key! Hangln' out the window, grab your hand. Allright, Bye Byel 1just want you to know that wherever you are, whatever the future holds for us. I will always want you to be a part of lt. Thank you so much for everything. you mean so much to mel I Luv Yal • Melissa MIKE ZOLA See you In Halo farms. Next time we party in Ewing, we're going to leave when every-body else does, O.K. - I could have outrun those cops. Gellerg party. B. Ball at Psycho Institute. Football Mccc. Have you seen Duane In school lately? GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR Chris P.S. - 15all me out, next time. "I can't help It man. girls just dig me .. . "Sleeping in the Ice-Box. "Yo Sola you think that girl is impressed with me as much as I am." Summer '92 - K.B. Remember = History class, basketball games, han In out In the "pool room" and in detention "did you write the apple juice thing yet? slurp slurp" - Rl'\ To Joanne Cipullo: Through the years you made me realize the Importance of a solid relationship. You mean so much to me and 1 will always cherish the moments I spent w; you. The times I spent w1 you were the best in my life. Thanks for everything you did for me. I love you. - Mike T.K. - How's that leg. How's Ann Marie In ... ? R.V. - Now's Heather. Nice car C.P. - You really are Joanne Liebler (Home lm· provement) C.B. - Next time get the hell out of the house. B.O. Norm • This old house. Party on Bob Wayne's World Where's fennimore? He drank what? ... L.K. - nice laugh, you woke me up, thanks for the blanket. K.l'\. - hope we keep in touch. "try walking down the hall next time", Remember when you kicked me in my ... Good luck next year guys. Later ZOI MR- talk, nice zipper. OC. scrtrm., do you have a phone?, Body Chern., Leea in the morning (her cuz.), slip on anything lately?, Kitchen garbage can (NYE), thanx for everything • I love you Michael. Love Me. Bek. B·ball; Honda Accord; Married man: I thought you were growing your hair out?: Pd. 3; Martin House • Ricky Valenzuela Hi cutie -you're the best! Jo -there are signs for Trenton all over • were not lost! Snovel the show! Pudding gives you high choesterol • Pitch &c Putt- who's ball was In the hlway? The Black Diamond· Get me the ski patrol! Sol the Poll Who am I ~onna play solataire with? 1 wonder why they didn't hear me knocking at the door at Katzenbach? Where are we gonna go after the cotillion? CLOVER! It was planned! Nice Lipsl Who do you think I got this cold sore from? 1 hate this piece of junk! Wicked Gamel If you have questions call Mike at Halo farms. Watch out MC.J here comes Mikel Love ya Always - Joanne

MIKE ZOLA L.B.I. • '91 ·Chrissy in the chair· or out of it. z. popping. Jet's take tums. " this looks like a good one" Why are you so late? "Joanne forgot her pillow". all of those curbs jumped in front of me. before I could move. Don't forget to take your keys out of the cor before you lock it up. Our creation ot Noller's, what we did w; our dinner, getting washed away by the waves· jelly-fish. Gus still has a head· ache from that speed bump. Driving w;out your license?· getting lost wf C.Z. 8t T.B. milage = 666. See you over the summer. Love· Kris "Gaynor" "Can't lind it7 Look Here" ANG~LA B~LLARDO

So has anyone kicked that metal thing under your desk lately? (Chem)· Eric BRIDG~T B~NTZ

The first thing on my list for graduation gifts is not a stereo or a car, its a pair of those stylish Kojak socks. ·Eric DAV~ BOLST~R

Try and remember, don't get to close to the fire because your hands just might bum. ·Eric DA~ BR~NN~R

If you build it. he will come! The lion is at the WAWA. watch out. LB12:00 am it's raining. It's cold and I can 't fall asleep. By the way. I think you need to drive through the park one more time because the last 5 TIMES I was sleeping. The pigs are always awake when I'm In the car (Old Trento Road, 529) Its been really great. ·Eric Lf:IGH CAMPBELL C·N·K Freak me Axt Rose Waking up to Welcome to the Jungle Gym Being frisked you getting away Love Jill CARABfLLI Hi Girlfriend, Vanessbal!, Beaches, Best Friend forever, Ocean City "90", Dan, Tight Dresses. The Fizz "Miss Hair", Summertime, the shore, Ocean City "91", Arie, Wildwood, QV's, Boardwalk, Wednesdays at Nottingham M.M. and B.G. Love ·em forever, Not· tingham Social. sleeprng at M.C., The Pink Landles, and T·Birds, N.S. and all those Soph b we hate, V.S. Friday & Saturday parties. Monday· "any parties this weekend", purple passion. "C.R. the Man", J.O. "Gotta Love 'em", The Girlfriends· J. V, C, L. T. C, The Boyfriends· C, c. D. E. J, J, N, Sequence, the Cotillion French twists, " Acromegly", "Wear the red dress", "Jelly on the feat", "Tan Pants", MCCC· Here I come, "Kazam" My big accident, "Vanessa. you curbhugger", Taylors. our beloved pets· Muffin, coco. Prinz, Einstein. Miss Monroe 8t new Dobie. Marilyn I love you. Blond hair, Driver License, String Bakinl's & Florida 8t graduation to come. Love ya forever. Carrie. VAN~SSA

DONNA Df:MARCO Fman year· football game (M.P.) then the play. bust stops missed, Crissed offl L.K.·what a problem!. Gavin's class -my 90 ·your 88, I know the "truth", you say "Bye" 1st. phone talks & laughs. You mother!, splurge and have some cheese with your cracker next time. How many times did we just sit on the phone and lau!lh? Dominici That's it ·you're dead ya mother!! Mother henl The FTzz. Chuckle Cheeze's, Kaboom, sleepouts, I'll take It! Holy Cowl no pun intended. Thanks for always being there to make me laugh and fight back more or F might kill your I love ya· Debbie LISA ~RCOLANO Algebra· I don't have my homework cause I left home. Gym pd. 4 I'm $reat at volleyball. My moms sunroof. I'll meet U at K·mart or was 1t Roma Savings? N.L.'s party S.Z. $15 lunches. M. lights. skippin classes Running away· sorry. Palmer Stadium back Parking lot. New Years Eve. Jilts car 2x. I Found you in Hamilton! Mrs. Keams! pool balls! rm hungry -munchies! Comin back to my house only to get BIG surprises, s.o. How do ya like ur eggs. Ur buggin me out. The Red Moon's a rlzen English ·easy A. Art class· we can't even draw. Peg • History she loves us D.B.D.B. Shmuul Flipper! Did U tell Mrs. Keams? I'm so glad we became good friends. MCCC here we come! Love Jill CHRIS fANf:LLI Getty Station, lipstick· FW. soccer, softball, Accounting-the over· head breaking .. Open the window a little more please, my speed· lng ticket, getting pulled over. Jr. Prom (nice date. huh!) Love Kafer Mr. Harbachs-projects Gym 8t Religion Movin~ to the back comer pd. 2. Anne's house ·talk much? Religion mov1e projectjhangover. Shaved heads. Love Chizm

BtTH JOYCI! BEEEEETH . . . Locker Buddy #1, fellow ignoramus. JGTSN ... Mitzubuchi. Hey, stop laughing at me . . . Coupons ... Dont smile we'll get in trouble . . . He hate us ... WW B·ball game with AI l!r getting on TV. jokes . .. z·s and C's classes. rs so confused. the "Twitch" Good luck Love Michelle. Speed Demon. Look out for that paper ball. This has got to stop. "Twitch" T.P. MICH~LLt KAff:R This has got to stop! Volleyball in Confoy's class. Hit Beth with the paperball. Mitzubuchi, Thanks Chris, Number next. Where are my glasses? Michelle Shut Up. Nice Shirt and Tie. T.P. L~r:A Kr:AN Well, Well, Well. The best were the dinners at my house and yours with A.L., F.F, B.G. and Hoagie. Gym class was a blast· all our talks were the best. Mrs. K. was the best class. Good luck! love. Debbie KRIST~N Kf:LL~Y

We had some great Umes that I will never forget. I always thought, who Is this strange girl sitting next to me in Chem class. My legs are STEEL. PalmerS. (shot down) That was the best DJ I've ever head at McGuire AfB. DUDE! Mr. Misty. Misty Creager. Two things you like so much. (well. one out of two lsn"tbad) Watch out for that curb, it's dangerous. I'm still trying to figure out what that stuffed animal is. You will have to come out and ski sometime, just wear a chin guard and don't use poles. "Everyone Is bom right handed, only the great can overcome it" Lets keep in touch ·Eric JtSSICA KURST I'm glad we had our little group in gym so we didn't feel left out in some of the talks. The spilt-up between you and your sister·you definitely got the best of it. Thanks for always smllin cutely-and don't worry I'll keep your secret M.F.'s? I love ya. Debbie DA~ MARTIN~l

Distance runners are weak; those guys running back in the woods. Wrestlers are superior. Doesn't the LeBaron have a 350 big block in it. ·Eric RANDY MCVAUGH Wow look at It fly. Oh no. I think the wing folded In half. Here it comes spiraling down from 1000 feet right into the ground. Better luck next time. Maybe sometime we can go up In a real plane. ·Eric ANNI! MOLIGNANO Thanx for being such a pal. Glad we became friends and lunch table buddies this year. Good luck with everything· Luv ya Missy TtRRY MORAN To my one and only L.O.V.E. in the world· I don't know what I would've done without you In gym. Remember Becky G's party· her room was fun. All the gym talks were great· and I'll tell everyone In the future not to give you ankles! I love ya ·Doobage. MURPHY Never forget our lunch table and all our laughs. Mr Rob Daballna, flashing Paxon Ave., Law and Sociology, calling Sean. and remem· ber Kel· Call me! Love ya • Missy Cef. K~LLY

MARII! MUSCIANI!SI Jen, can you go to the mimeograph room and make me a pho· tostst. Number next. FYI, MGK . .. If 4 people in the back would hut up. CR "Ohh, Ohh pick me" .. ... , can't dress myself'· CM .. . Omar 60 seconds Mitzubuchi .. . JGTSN· Love Julie (Michelle) The Gulf War, This has got to Stopl Whats so funny back there? Nice shirt and tie. Mascianesl does Moscow. Thanks Chris. Mrs. w·s song "I can't get no satisfaction" HI Hon, Non-Intercourse Act. Tieyota, Number next. He doesn't know how to rotate. Omar the camel. T.P.


ANN NOWAK Sleepover parties· Sorry I didn't say Byel rollin~ backwards at Stewarts, Sayer Gardens. Princeton trips· Dominici Htstory class was a blast. One Up for the future· take your jewelry off before you walk In the haiti I love ya· Debbie B~TH

Jf:N O'DONNI!LL • Were you In one of those Robert Palmer videos? You know, the girls with the pulled back hair. I love that mirror In your locker. Maybe sometime I can polish you shoes. It has been really fun working with you In the NHS. We should have one first place for our homeroom. I'm never wearing a baby costume again. ·Eric

fRANK fANNING Where do I start? OK· when you called me in the summer· not, house calls when I was sick, Band W day dance· how many hooks? 4?. 10/2/91 Hightstown soccer game· the bet. gym class hugs, the dinner I made for you, Alan and Leea. all the times you snuck over my house, Olive Garden. the Fizz and then Ben's all the movie's we rented and went to see. snacks after school. the Cotillion· sleeping at Timmy's· then my house. the talks on my bed, therlde home from dinner at L.S., when I'm With You. Barunbear, Take My Breath Away, Kaboom· then Timmy's house, I have a good idea· next let's go to school. House party· not. I'm sure the best is yet to come. Thanks for being there for me and loving me. I love you· Deborah

Tf:D PALfALVI How's your fingers .. Jeff, Mltzuchi. These individual conversa· tions. JGTSN, What's so funny back there. Oh, Oh, me pick me. I know the aswer, Finger snap. Mrs. C· What was I talking about again .. Omar the volleyball game. the "twitch" ·Kaf

BI!CKY Glf:RSCH I prefer the Wlsk. guy problems, foot stomp. superwoman, B. G. + K.S .. 00711 Wildwood· M.F. + my man. OK · M.G., M.Z., S.D., J.P., M.D, J.H. Gum on the hanger. K:M::B:P, Matts, Scoots, LBI trips· beach-star· T.J. Wannahunna what? Florister Fred. Sal-duh? Nil R U funny, Javier UR Steve Tyler, Greg·LBI, T.S.· 1st? S.R. what was I thinking? Wake up! 4:43· what? Jing walk, thanx for the track les· son· I think I'm a pro now "Obsession"· Thank God you're over thatl gym class talks were fun. Good luck with Hoagie and with everything In the future! llove ya· Debbie

So glad we had lunch together this year. It was great. Thanx for all your hugs and never forget those yummie rice cakes.

DAVI!GORMAN David Gorman alias David Leterman. Are we having fun yet? HEY BABY! I don't think that anyone could top your great imperson· ations. You should definitely go into business, maybe with the WWF. ·Eric Kf:LLY GR~GORY Oh Dog Hairs! We had so much fun this year! All the secrets we've shaved. car rides and talks to and from school. Kaboom and the Fizz the sleepovers, the Cotillion, and we don't g with o.p:s b's Dominic! Princeton trips, LBI in your car. Good luck and Thanks for the memories! I love ya ·Debbie HOLLY Hf:~NAN Chemistry. retreat, florida, HR. Halloween. Hersey Kisses, B· town. Hives at GR. Sleeping with the Enemy. Love Kafer CHRIS HtiTZMAN· To bad that you were in so few of my classes senior year (yea, right). It's like I never saw you. ·Eric ANN~ MARl~ IANNACI Rember gym . . Where's gravity hill, your mother, WW B·ball game and Chuck's ... Let me tell you how to be a millionalr by the time you're 65. love Kafer DR~W JAM~S

So how Is your heater holding up. Hugh? ·Eric


Oh kay!! Not· Wayne's World, B.M. class was lots of fun but keep your eyes on the board not the teacher, The fizz. Chuckle Cheeze's ~~~e~;~~p;r Hunt· we won II We had lots of fun· don't ever change! J~N PtSC~

Ml~ R.tGO New Years 91' pillows Mr A's class New Years '92 our fight! I hope we can always stay friends thru all our fights like we've overcome the ones In the past. love Jill Hey Jr. Prom date! do you wanna go get your shoes upstairs so you can ask me already? WE had so many fun times together· left. right. right, left· I wanna see U up, Scavenger Hunt· you didn't have to go that far l!r First snowfall at your house. Thanks for all the memories! Love Debbie

CHRISTINA ROUSf:LLf: Wilson! Where'd Whoo gol4 Johns. Ester hooks, Barry's p., Not on my basement floor! Jr & Sr. prom· tent party. Hook-up tape. talk on da phone. string hanging! Budda tape, watch out for that mall· box! Do you get leaves in your pool? mommy Deb, We Jove Mike s·s. soccer boys, dragon pants. Can U Take me home? FryOuy. S. Y. love you, fish eyes & Boo, L.K. arM.S.· New Hope. ft. Pleasant, slee· povers. pool parties, N.K. 8t Andrew. N.K. concert, movies, T.T.·no pizza! A.M. messages M.K. hanging out. manino's trips, "the din· ner", hook-up song. polaroid and B.W.'s bed pictures, bike rides, spkling elder and graphes. don't worry-you won't remember this In the morning. Calzone on the wall at Manino·s, So many memories! Good luck! love ya ·Debbie DAV~ SI!IL~R

The Bell is one BIG piece of machinery. I don't think anything could beat it. Love your great stereo. Newton. 9:00pm, It's dark and we're trying to rip a muffler off. LBI, the beach, the sand, the water, the net. the IGUANA. I like dati ·Eric KIM SfNTf:K Mom, Thanks for everything! I love you! Love Kim SIMMS I am funny· but only when I repeat myself. car talks about the G l!r


d·ing, T.S.· I thing we have in common, introduce scrunchles, R class· I'm speechless. Dominici all the fun times we've had· 1 couldn't possibly list them all ·but here's one ·V-day at Delorinzo·s · 1 how many times wee we there? Don't change and good luck in the future · I love ya· Debbie GI!ORGI! SMITH Key buddy, smile more PLEASE, explaining everything to me, you dog· do you give her tylenol? T2's, experiencing your driving. the play, Rider at how you hated it, writing on all my books and papers. you never say that word, your shoe's untied, playing with my hair, football games, gain some weight. Thanks for being such a great friend to me. Love ya. Kim TIMMY STOUT Acct. pd 1 B.M. pd. 4 Linda loves us. Clevage our hair· Affro K.K. candles Baseball (D.O.) Big Mouth u made me cry explorer· maybe! no more chin hlckiesl nice car ·the back seats do what? Alan's house Kristen Kelley I'm not Coley. Fiestas. O.P.P. Jove Jill (Chlz) Denied! U don'tjump at movies, not on my basement floor. my chin, Jr. Cotillion, what's the best part of breaking up? decorating with . fiestas. your weekend plans because 1 did better on PSAT's. BM class·keep your eyes on the chalkboard, fizz. Kaboom. Scavenger Hunt. all the sleepovers, G's class -we all did our own work. finding a different bone everyday, and last but not least· the shore· don't ever forget my dominic's and . . you know. Thanks for all the great times! Love. Debbie (a.k.a. Eggs) MICHI!L~ TRITT I think we shared some of our deepest secrets· I won't ever tell. Next time Mike L. comes over I'll call you· maybe we can all hang out. Always remember out dinner 8t sleepovers at M.S.'s house with B.W., L.K. and C.R.· those were the good times, The Sr. prom and all the wondering about those two. We had Jots of good times· Good luck In everything! I love ya· Debbie JILL WALSH Hi doll. Umm .. the Fizz 8t Ben's ·the game, the attempt to go to fizz but instead Chuckle Cheez·s. Fred from Rib-it, Dominici car rides and talks in Kelly's car -you really make me laugh. Good luck In the future! I love ya- Debbie Rf:BI!CCA WISOR Interpolate me. Wisor! JKF, Compares Upon Ms. Henkel's class. T.P. DAWN WITKOWSKI Always remember cheerleadlng camp, our meetings, your car and the twelve of us in it, Kris holding your radloin the front seat Jamie's before the game. my phonecall to Kevin. Kevin. Thanks for always being such a great friend. I'll miss you next year at the lunch table! Love ya ·missy Cef SCOTT Zl~LINSKI Whhattt? Let the Beat Hit Em, S.B:s shore house • too bad you had sunburn, suck l!r blow· the card game, a new girl every week· maybe you'll decide soon. never forget all the talks on the phone· our lists. I'm sure P.A. loves you and wants to marry you. Give best to Moose. Good Luck· I love YA ·Debbie RICKY SPI~Gf:L Period 7 Calculus II Class: Well guys our time together is coming to a close. We've been through a lot together. It was fun to harass Brandon and always laugh at Matthews. lam grateful to you all for helping me whln I needed it and for your support. And I especially thank Mrs. z. for all of the time she has devoted to us after all that she has been through. See ya all in 5 years! To: the Jr. lunch guys ·JS, FZ it was funny to say the least. Always remember . Jr. Prom, Amy's, Grey Poupon. Blond jokes, bad jokes, friends Love Kate To Kelly, Dawn, Dawn, Anne, Jen, Sue, Krissy, Anne Marie, Kris· tina, Danielle, Eddie, Mark Timmy, Alan, and all the rest of the class of "92" Thanks for all the memories, the laugh and the great friends. I wouldn't have made it without you guys. To Lisa: Never fof$et B.G. Halloween party. Sneaking out! Just making sure everythmg is OK! We made itl Who said I can't jump fences? Yo Lis. I was driving and I fell asleep for% min! Do "U" like my hair "do" = "slick" Sr. trip to Fl. roomies! I smell smoke, is It you "no, of course not" Luv Ya, Danielle Niki. Babe, you are it! Man's world, man's world. excellent. excel· lent. Beat that fat chick from Ewing. The love during the tennis season was striped. You're a great person and we'll definitely get together. Enjoy life. Love Marian SHAWNBI!IHL You're a real good friend. Thanks for 4 yrs. or football "n" Fun. Racquet-ball. CHRIS NITTI Hey. no joking around hear, I've know you for 7 yrs., it went by too fast. and 1 wish I could have It back. Dowde' esta? CHRIS TOSSI Yo T.O.Z.I So you finally graduated. Thanks for the laughs. don·t make too many movies. Thanks for the words of advice. "Need a Ride". I'm glad we because such good friends and I hope it stays that way. JEff BAYLOG "The tog", "The law", no "The log", your house during camp. Nick's house. Elves in your car. OAF. New Jeff Baylog. "I can eat a rat"'. Life In the Regal. Brandy's house. Nick's house. Pith "n" Putt "Shut up Schanall" Dear Anne Marie, Hey hon,.How are ya? Well we've had a lot oC good times which I will never forget. Your summer house, all are men, don't forget Cooputon, Pringles. chips Ahoy, Dr. Pepper. Me and You driving down route 1. The "91" Cotillion. the bus rides and many more. Don't forget Banfield Anne Goodrich at school. You'll be missed. Take care and watch yourself I love ya hon Marybeth P.S. Don't forget all our men, and many more. Red tie forgot. Oh my God. JUSTIN GILLI Hope to see you later in life.· Matt Guamo SMITH "Fingers". Sleepovers, basketball, football. En~lish class, "Not", Da Da Dada da da. Gym class. Drive byes. Tooties house.


f:ILI!EN GIGLIO rm really going to miss you Eileen. We haven't seen much oC eachother this year but I know you've been a good friend to me from the start. Take care of yourself. Love Andy ANGfLA NIS Beach, Boardwalk Shore crying NIS man work suckssmoothie & spitti· kill Inspector Gadget! NIS Depletion· Cherry Pie please 120. no one is awake· my music doesn't suck· thank you for always being there Remember all of the fun swimming· Lets Get Ice Cream! Your bathroom so nice! Love Chris LORI ~RDL~Y HI hon! It's been so much fun knowing you. You made school so much more pleasant. You know I'm always here for you. Here are some memories. Shorty. midgit. too high, 1 hat her, my bike. and finally Chris going to the well. I love ya hun, you're a great friend. and I hope we stay that way.

MAITG. I'm really glad you did the play this year. You 're very funny and ~~~; ~eet. You have a true talent, good luck in everything you do.


Amber. I'm glad we've become friends this year I'll never forget Acting class. You 're wonderful and I'll miss you terribly, Good Luck. love Ya Manoly Ad rein, I'm glad we 've become friends this year, you 're Incredibly talented. I know you 'll achieve everything you set you mind to. Good luck in the future. I'll miss you. Manoly Tf:DC. They call me " the lawnmower man" ! Ryan, What are you going to do without me? Probably get in a Jot less trouble. Always remember you really are smart. You 'll do fine good luck with b-ball and football. love. Kate Jess: Rem: U can P. w; o mel I'm CK.; u saw me DMK; BET:BS+BM·you 1, Beep Beep· Look other way; HR: 4 yrs. Meriz Prom- PH-Or. date! NOT " Kalinikta " ice hockey, where·s Leea? (slept over ... ) Ramashimi Mahinnduw; lost comin ' 2 UR house (construction): D.St.: staying' out pr.; long talks: analyzing; advice; good times Boyz (BC, JM. BS, BM. MF. PV. CC. RV. PS. JS, SS. WO, Candadians, Jay P, LM, DJ, DW, Jf, VA, Mooch, tuch, JS, PP, etc.) Crush: ML. CN . . . More Cot. 91 I mist ya. Ice sktng(len, fell, morris) 103191 Oov· boots; EE fell out a carl Lea: slow dwn: movie JK+ RS. CK + PS: Thanx 4 all 4 yrs. = BFF· l YA: Cathy MIKr: ABAID . Sid, Good Luck in Grease Band, slimfst:)ust couldn 't to it. MFL CHAMP, Mr Movie. Thrift Drugs. Kodiak. baseball. "Watch out for thejette" Korpaty King. fan club crazies. Can I have some water w; that? Southpaw " I don' t car" carrot sticks at Pizza Hut. sweat much chair throwing incident. looked good in WMMR commercial, Bor: bora l!t George Bush. baseball practice after the prom. dinner at Gram's beer pong. black wig down the shore, favorite place to eat· well the list goes on l!t on. "You're Dirt" "I Love It" ·EK CALISTA ANDRf:WS Fuzzy-always crying-US lie Never-Fizz l!t KaBoom·NIS·Dreads·U2 movies-Marten loves you-thank you for being a friend when 1 really neede you-Thanks for putting up w; my constant mood swings-the Summer No More Big F Yellow-HA-HA The mums car·TA·what's a la<!der·leam to drive on the right side of the road MM, Parking lot. Dnves Oh 701 Clam down Eileen! White Cars! Olive Garden-never over the speed limit! You better KIT! Love Red· Chrissy CARA ANOf:LII"'I We've known each other for so many years now, l!t it keeps getting better. lunch was great. Thanks for waiting for me at my locker. Remember ' 'I'm not gonna say a word!" Keep Smiling! Love - Jen CHRIS 8 You want to settle this contract? Then stop being a cheap #@J•& buy me dinner . . Love · Rochelle MARVIN GARCIA It's your favorite Brit! Even though I kicked your butt a lot I'm going to miss you l!t your sense of humor. During the summer take It easy on "cow" bashing, Okay! Take care of yourself l!t Ted! Love· Andy JIM HOGAN Stay calm-don ' t get exited. it's only a game, Pd 4 gym·n·Arch, be good·n·stop flirting. KIT Love Ya· Chris Rouselle LAUANDOS Mega sis! 1 week stay-nightcaps! 1.000.000 cis-shore bum·t to a crisp! Sepultura, Patty Cakes-Spiritual Sky, Of Mice l!t Men, Gill· "You Bad Boy" Steve-Love oflife·make me more-mega braids-Mega PART 3am-big bowl of ice cream-Dave's car-screaming·'Tve Had It!" Love You! Mega Sis!- Michele NICOL~

NIITI always did have a big head. Cowboys Nah! car comer, teach me how to dance. crashing cars in WW, fan club crazies, Ouch my left kneel Ping. MFL Champ NOT! Help, there's a q·tip stuck In my ear, remember what you did in Stemmer's mouth, what do you have against clowns. "Watch out for the vase" Bill is my friend. you are supposed to sleep in your bed, not the sink; Kopera special. Jr Prom nite, your basement. Rave 4, Soph nile on the beach "Who can tell me what this song is about?" phys ed. CHRIS PIN~LLI Hello! Pheoworm, FSU camp, Plastic Man. Model Man, City Slick· er, Charles, Josh. Stick Boy, Baseball was fun. Summer Legion. Tell your dad I need a hair cut. MARIAN TANOLAW I've known you for almost sy, yrs now & I'm really sorry to see it come to an end now. We all have to get together & do something ~~~i~::e summer. I'm really going to miss you next year. Love· CARMf:l'l T~RM~N To my Harry-thanx for everything you've ever done for me-you're a wonderful guy w; exceptional TASTE! I'll never forget all the fun we've had-especially in AC w; Harry All My Love ·Jill • LF MICHtLr: TRJIT Beep as you drive by! We were pathetic. Let's go to Delaware-NOT! T-state never happened. Keep calling who can stay on the phone that long? KRIS BAL.tRI'IA Alton Olen. K.B, KF, AO, MP. scandal. Margo's. Golf dates. Next time bring all your parts. Black stockings. Jr. Prom. After Christ the K we had tea. WE've had many good times and good laughs. 1know there will be more. You'r my boy and I luv ya. Good luck next yr.. Love always, Alison Chicken Man, let's eat· I'm hungry!! Where's the nachos? It seems like with out "tenderness" there's something missing. Which costed more your car or your system. Gee, that was a great Ice Hockey gam· thanxl Remember U can always borrow my Vlllan· ova sweat pants with a grey stripe, my short shorts and my tinsel socks. Don't u love it when you get a good piece or curb? Take care of Debbie and thanx 4 being the big brother I never had· and never ~~~/~fve. "Dirty D" P.S. I have 2 go and dance In front of my Kf:LLY GRr:GORY Come here I have to tell you somethin. Just kidding. Next time your at my house be careful because It's very dangerous to toast to everything. Plus you might have to ask Swlckanlc if he was wearing a blue coat. Are yoy on the phone, BYE. Oh, wait, 1 think you have gum in your hair. Is this me or Tim? SZ Hey Kiki weed, ailS classes together. OK quoted Salley. Yo how's H. did he spend the might I know he is pretty close with you and your family. One and One were having fun, you mother humper. Haws Darwin ·Michael Relleguno Kelly, we are in h·nn, nice haunted phone, Sen. girls love us. Junior boys, K.K. and N.Y. (yuki). stop flirting! Krempasky and Kite, ski!"ny and fat. Dominoes, lil' Girls. number in bras, 4:43, bullseye. crytng at my house, snotty friends. Sr. prom. sorry about the tent. Alan and Todd. I luv yal K.I.T. ·luv. Leea "Is it about time." K.B. Our boys, brown eyed girl. No more engagement 4 me. p. 4 gym.

Hickey H. All the times at my house. Thanx for the rides! Marrazzo's. KIT Love Ya. ·Christina My little Kikl weed. all 8 classes. Weed and SeedOirls· can you stand it? Boom Bulls eye. 2 Plonts. Swing my p· book. Sally· OK, plug ln. touch bases. " And Johnny said . .. " P.p. VBP, VCP. Share SZ· let's shoot for him. Junior P.· pink dresses. Senior C. LUcky 7. LBI91 . Get a life. Exams· V and OJ. Ewing Prk· pIn thew, flashlight. 7D7, Squirrels. " Jr. Boys" leonardo, Mickey. We are Renegades. That'd be so mycel Spanish queens. Shoot for the chup chups. Fries with a cup of cheese please. Dominic the Disser. You are Chinese· nice pictures! Senorita D- peace. 52 's. Cs and B and we. Rid· It and Fl22 . OUr peppy religion class. NOT! WR. ceiling Wayne's World. Hot to Trot H. Purple and yellow. Pelo Verde. Spit gum. Scavenger Hunt. Arch loves us. Where's Waldo? Slurpees. KB KB. KB KB KB. Wrestling at TS's and MS's· You pinned mel Tulip. Wanna borrow my shoes? JO loves us. Care Bears and Dominoes. Re· Run. Pretty Sophomore girls. Crusher. So much more, but I never see you! FF·Weed and Seed! I love you Kikl • Love, Jill #1 XO Lucky 7. Best Friends. Ewing boys. Purple. We love feet. needles, Algebra and Chemistry. Freshman year when we both loved DW and were scared of NS. Plumber and Farmer. Pink and Red. Sr. Jose. Please, no roses. Bad T and S. Our twin moms, " did she make dinner tonight? " Bad Cops. Honk for JC and NW. We'll pay for everything (Holloween costumes) Don't harp on It! How many boys did you talk to last night. 39 in a 25. Bad Musta~ Boys. Race Sheepdog everyday after school. Fizz, Kaboom, Sally Ohkay. Re· treat. Rlbbit. Love ya Doll. ·Love, Jill #2 lucky 7: Pat at Burger King; Waterguns In Princeton (we have good aim ) Knock on wood. That's Dominici LBI nose incident! Purple: OCP. Love men In uniform! I know, tum down my microphone. Thanks for all the rides. Which way is north or south? Don't ask us to get anywhere! Mustang boys: no more tickets or driving to school for you; Convertible SAAB: " 0 " talk In the car. Great room at Winberrie's· they had cameras on us the whole time! Rib- It; fred. Holy Cow (no pun) University Heights Neighborhood Watch; leave the Christmas tree lights on! (NY eve '91 ) Cotillion '92· slit rip! " HTTH" I can 't watch my friends hook up! Who am 1talking to? you are not a good liar! I Jove you! ·Donna DBJCDDFFBNMPKSTSJW· This year was the best with you guys. You made my year so mush fun! Thanks for always listening to me and for al the memories. You guys are my BEST FRIENDS and I'll never forget you! I love you all! Good luck with your futures! Love. Kelly lS. Nirvana. Sorry about the locker incident. Love, Kelly CO. I'm so happy we became gOod friends. Thanks for always being there for me and for listening to me. Thanks again for washing my car in the freezing weather! Love, Kelly KB., summer 90', JG, poll at my house, billards ... I let you win, Denise's Reeboks. we're Kings of the beach. SH. our vw·s. Love Kelly Yo, St. Greg's buddy! Remember AUons· Mozz. Sticks! That van is following us. Burning up, whip it. Footlose- We were great dancers! Sorry about the stain! We had good times! Best of luck in college! • Love Always, Dawn Kelly Anne- Marrazo's eating everything Blk. cake Gingers Finest hiding in the freezer 50 lb bucket on ur foot Buck Kelly love frank Katies' sticky buns lBI YMCA ETernity T.K. and P.D. Christmas presents my house Thanksgiving Todd· nice to dabce with Kelly· tight!! Nonone better get my car leader of the pack. Failing history T.S. secrets! A.M. she's too hyper UR great. ·Love Ya, Jil Marie "Frack"; Florida 88' and 90'; louisiana or Canada?; Gordo and Chibon: X·mas cookies; Kemal, SK, Orono, Fruity Pebbles. Kermit, Darnell, shane, laundromat boys- room 632; fishing with grand· pop;SQ; "I want a Pop Tart!"; " Mom, please later than 2 a.m.!" Yes. 1do go to your school!; There's too many more· refer to 8th grade card for morel; Don't forget me. ·Love 4 ever, " Frick" B.F. , Dec. 6, Frac, Ering. Shoppong. J.O., shamrock, SCavenger Hunt. tum of the Christmas lights. N.Y.E.!? Where were we? J.W.H.· only it?. color with my bros. Fizz, J.C .. K·Boom. Ewing Pack· Car Alarm. Chunky Cheese, Scategorie&- Fleeper, wendy's yeah!. Mas· sages bets, R.R. + T. K.• Wow, Kell· Hi. Chink. Where·s Waldo?, My H.· safe? Y = N N = Y Bems H., Did U call me?, Thanks for being there for me. I love you and always will. ·Love always, Tim Kelsy- H.T.T.H, purple is your color, Shwlngl Uk, alright! Remem· ber always ... yours and mine, horse Hammy, Casey and Cassy, ewl hat is shef he looking at? Contillion here we come, cucarachas, CPR cerifted, FEET! Toonces, Care Bears. Sprockets, Billy we're on our way, France, Spain. "boils", Aerobics. is that toilet paper I see? Attitudes, be Ia tha , the big V's, etiquette?, gonna make those skirts, Jr. year. rm so annoyed! history newspaper. mmkay, Krim· pet what are we doing stop tapping my desk, what? no one told em! acing the make· up test. pass for the whole period· yeah! red cray· on, those dam goggles, marriage/ baby projects, we deserve our A+ , watch her eat. Damble we love you. I love this machine. best pitchers. ewl undershirt! Jr. Yr. cotillion? Kara. S.H. here we come. lBI. conv't golf ball, Rita = dangerous, smile, how am I? NOT ME! mither, tulip, knock on wood. what? What've you been doing here? You look great. don't think about it and It won't happen, did u tum purple? erase that mark on the board, romance?, UOOHH!, don't compliment me, l+L. 7·11. Chazz + Bob. Take· home pasta. ride home from wwc. Fairfield U . . . wow! B.A. D. bathroom nearby? how about this house, thumper! look at our feet! U.D. Fiesta passout, train ride. quarter anyone?, just break 1200. Ercle we love you. Dominic! Stop turning pages. our tape, Max, rm the girl ... called it. inside our lockers, we don't like ul D.T.. P.P .. Fizz, retreat, ... RibIt, Fred, Cotillion 92. modem Cinderella, Lord please'ret Connie dis Maury, what's your piont? F.M.H., Ounl. my " surprise" party, get under covers. call me it u can. that'ud be so nyce. radials, sweet! U· Haul. tennis. I won 't even tell you ... me tool Bun· BIJnl I turned purple, Salley!, mouse, K+E, K.+H, O.K.. O.K. we can handle this. Ciro's, oh, no. are we on three way? call me back, I'm sleeping. sleeping out. wrestling matches, Boris, I know 1 forgot so many things ... Florida here we come with our U· Hauls, We are the same person Kelsey, I love you. ·Kirstie CHRISTINe GUIDO Mom and Dad this Is for you because you mean so much to me. 1 love both so much. I could never have done it without you. My childhOod has been the best and now I must go off on my own with the values you have instilled in me. You have always been support· lve and when I had a problem you were both there to listen and we worked through it. I hope to make you very proud parents of a Pharmacist. You helped me work for my dreams and feel confident in myself. There will never be enough that I could say about how much you mean to me. I could just say, I love you so very, very. very much. • Love always, Your Daughter, Christine I'm gonna be no. 1 in tennis! All our dinner outings- Martla's, Ground, Casal I think they know us by now. The bam· should we go in? We drove around with 3 strangers in the car· Daryl screaming Leieeeeyl All the Hightstown crew· Daryl, Joe. Scott Aaron, Danny. The battery died· whatta we do? How do. we get home? Daryl the perfect guy ... NOT! J .M.·what a jerk. He had to many problems anyway plus no license, car. job. money, etc. You know the rest· I didn't want to write the rest- all I need is Hightstown guys alter me. Gee· I hope his face doesn't scar! Deep down he really loves you! We gave our numbers and they called· Danny· major low life scum, uh· hi Christliilnel The crying at the Ground. Go for Scott· he won't hurt you· you can be his pen pal in Arizona. He knows alii Our fun trip to Spnng Lake . .. excuse me do you need to be dressed to eat here? Will someone wait on us? The guy in the SMB doing 90 m.p.h. and we're keeping up with him· old heavy foot! The wind In our hair· we passed Eric l!t Kristen. New Years Eve· why didn't you wear your sequined fruit bra· you know the one! Amy's " birthday" party· I think, sleepover. Joe and Daryl on the sofa with us·whatta doin? Your shoulder· I'll finish it tomorrow. Did he? Disaster date. what are you stupid? Kicking under the table, you said if I called him

you 'd do anything for mel Oweed we are going to find the ULTIMATE party· someday and our dream guys will be there. Maybe we'll ftnd them this summer! Oweedle· I'm so glad we' ve become such good, close friends It took long enough! I want to always be great and I know we will· I know your mom wants to adopt me· I love her tool Stay your wonderful, sweet, adorable self forever· I don't know what I would do without your I'll love ya forever • Les Always carry a knife. Remember your parties. New Years, Ground Round, Casa Lupita and the guys from Hightstown(what trouble), and the fun we had at retreat. You have been a great friend . Remem· ber Joe. Scott, Daryl and Aaron. Remember in the summer when we went from party to party and remember Ciro's and the football games. Good luck in college · Love, Chrissy Guido, Thanks for the party, it was great. I'm so happy we became friends this year. Our weekends with the Hightstown guys were interesting to say the least. I would wish you gOod luck with Scott but by the time you read this he will probably be a distant memory. Anyhow, Good Luck at PCPS. I'm sure you'll be quite success. Good Luck · Amy What a Girlfriend! Prep School. ''I'm so rich ", SIC 91, boatrides, s = vacations. 3 A.M., I can 't believe U want to call your mom, Did you do it yet? Delish, our convertibles, nosecheck, I hate Hummel, Check the back of my pants, Finally, it happened to me, WOW, C.N.· nice clothes, Oh, my God what's In your nose? Lunch JR. yr. w; Da Boys, " Don't staart It yet", I'm still not funnyll B.F.F. I Luv Ya Girlfriend· LOri xoxo I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell everyone you know that you cheated your way through High School and that's how you got to college .. . No, I'm kidding . . But please do think of me some· times .. . Glad we're closer ... stand up ... HA·HA .. . You love me too much to be mad at me• ..Carmen To my favorite locker buddy, I'll never forget Ya. I'm gonna miss you, you sexy fox . K.J.T. · Jay Guido, Yo Baby! What's up! Can't believe It's almost over. It's been a wild three years knowing you. You've added to whatever class I' ve been In with you. Thanx for all. Have a blast In college. GOod luck In all you do. -Love, Matt Haennl Guido, I still look at the picture or us when we were in line at kindergarten or sometimes I'll think of little red riding hood and me, the big bad wolf. We've been friends since we were three feet tall. Now. I look forward to beating you in pool. Your a sweet girl and I'll never forget the time you threw a cup of soda In my face. Boy what special memories.ll · Chris You're a beautiful person and a great tennis player. Don't forget to wear sweatpants during the season. Gee, I wonder why? Retreat was alot of fun, and all those dinner out with everyone and Amy's birthday party. Remember men stink. Good luck in everything you do. • Love, Marian Kopack. Per. 7 talks Boyfriends. Dinner at your house· AO, JD. LE, CM, SS, lAHANA. Huge mosquito In the B-room. Do you have a mirror? Is my lipstick OK? SHe looks like she smells. Good luck next year I'll miss you. KIT • Love Always, ALison Goeke Ouidyl no. 1 tennis player!, " Silent laugh" , Hummell, tennis van, Foodtown, retreat. " is my make-up OK?" Hightstown boys (what a mess). New Years Eve, Thanks for being a good friend! Please stay in touch! I'll always love yal ·Love. Sarah V. You history drop out! Couldn't take the pressure. the risk, the work, the test. the papers. e exams· what a Wimp! Now that you're out of A.P.· oh, how I envy your Best of luck l!t Keep smilin'l C·YA • Chrissy D. Hey Girlfriend! Short and Sweet! B l!t J talks· Nottingham Wednes· days· Cas lupita Carabelli picnic· A anp P, Ms. K. Lunch, franklin St. Party, Market Fair, " Finally"· Did you do it yet?· J.O . . instrutions • Luv Ya. Nessa

Putting It All Together



p p L

19 E M E



Goodbye To Seniors, Class Trip, Europe At Best, Spring Athletics, Prom!

It's An ''Honor'' To Contribute A Piece

Spring Arts Festivities Fall 路 Together -



Bolli our Europe 路 Part of Notre Dame's spring activities did not occur on homeland. Amongst sports, dances, proms, and graduation were the two special and very unforgettable European trips. Teachers were able to organize two trips. One went to Italy and Switzerland, the other to Germany, Switzerland, and France. Both groups left at the start of Easter vacation for 9 to 10 days. During the time there they engaged in activities widely ranging from castle and palace hopping to camping out in hotel hallways. Accompanying the teachers and students was a very helpful group of tour guides who knew an abundance of information about the countries. Although the time abroad was busy and enthralling, it was tiring. The consequences ofjet lag and tedious hours riding by bus left everyone asleep at night. Generally speaking, the knowledge that everyone learned on the trip was informative, historical, and intriguing. There is a vast range of history that transcends American impression of Europe. By seizing the opportunity to travel and learn, understanding Europe grew for the newly cultured ones on the trip. This aspect of Notre Dame's puzzle pieces together one of the final points of the 1991-92 school year.


by Marybeth ' Moscarello


Wildwood Trip

A Banquet Of Friends


Gindraux Runs With Girls' Track

It's Been Great~ Wrobo! 路


Softball Swings



Through '92

Baseball Busts Loose

Golf Is In

Schafer's Love

Junior Prom ''In Your Eyes'~

A Night To Remember

Seniors "Saved The Best For Last''

Page 18/Top Left/ Kristen Alia and Eric Nolan Top Right/ Jerry Foley and Kristina Coluccio Bottom/ Jeff Pypcznski, Laura Heinz, Kyle Pultorak, Brian Vasti, Ed Kopera and Jerry Foley Page 19/ Top Left/ Beth Joyce and Scott Steinmuller Top Right/ Jason Fowler and Janice Plunkett Bottom Left/ Dave Bolster and Meredith Kuhlman Bottom Right/ Kelly Kerwick and Sean Maxwell

The Award Winning Piece .





Graduation 1992: The Final Piece








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