Notre dame high school canticle 1993web

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A Time To Remembe



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Blue and White Day is the day traditionally set aside for spirit and fun. Everyone gets psyched and shows their school spirit. This year Blue and White festivities began with the most-attended dance of the year! The dance was held Thursday night, and as always was enjoyed by all. Friday morning Blue and White festivities continued. Homeroom competitions began the day. The themes for each level were very creative: the Freshman theme was on " Holidays, " the Sophomore theme was "Where 's Waldo?" The Junior theme was " In a League of Their Own. " The Senior theme was " Super Senior Citizens. " Each homeroom worked hard to create masterpieces of their doors. The day proceeded with an awe-filled show by a scientific entertainer, the classic club rush , and the pep rally. The club rush gave many students, especially freshmen, a chance to join clubs. And , of course, the finale of Blue and White Day, the pep rally. Seniors Karen Dominguez and Crystal Pemberton both agreed that the best part of Blue and White Day was the Pep Rally. The Pep Rally gives all the students a chance to show their spirit. The screaming contest between the levels is always fun. This year, not surprisingly, the Seniors won. The Pep Rally also included pie eating contests and egg crushing contests to create more laughs. Students left school on Blue and White Day with a great sense of pride. It left everyone with a greater sense of enthusiasm within the school.

By Heather Cyms 18

Page 18:. Top Right/ CLASS SPIRIT OF 12! Lower Left/ " JUST ONE OF THE GIRLS. " early Paver and Meredith Kuhlman with Leron Rogers. Page 19/ Top Left/ " NO WAY!' ": Mike Murray and James O 'Neill. Top Right/ SENIOR GIRLS: Kristen Chebra , Melissa Cattani. Suzanne Toporek, Caryn Moran, Joy Smith , and Rebecca Fitzgibbon. Middle Left/ Super Seniors of 12 are ready to take on the world! Middle Right/ Ms. Giampetro is ready to board the S.S.N.D.! Bottom Left/ Smile for the picture: Chris Lewis, Caryn Moran . Megan McGiinchy, Jen Smithson, Liz White . Bridget Bradburn. and Kate Hess.



Juniors Get In On The Action





Freshmen Find

Their Place!

By: Nick Barbosa

The first words out of my mouth when I pass Mr. Schafer on a Monday morning usually sound something like: "How bout them Eagles?" or "Temple's got a great team this year huh Schaf?" The tall, sometimes goofy, geometry teacher is essence what Notre Dame is all about, Spirit! Mr. Schafer can take it as well as deal it out, as many find out in his classes. Assorted long nose, ugly face, tree stump-legs comments always litter his classtime. Mr. Schafer is the man, the one and only, who provides us with the up to date, sometimes, no most of the time corny, and off the wall morning announcements, as well as the play by play for most of the school activities, that are soo ... interesting. During his childhood in Levitown, Penn. and during his years at Temple University, Mr. Schafer developed a unique attitude that gives him the ability to get up in front of us, the whole student body and, well make it ... interesting. He believes that as long as he enjoys what he is doing, that he will not worry about how others like or don't like it. In other words, he's having fun and he does not care if some kids think that he is being foolish. This outlook has given him the ability to breath spirit into the school since his arrival in 1981 . Mr. Schafer sees Notre Dame as a special school just because that's what it is, special. Its special because the students, the faculty, and the administration have spirit and can make the best of what they have. That special mix of people is what has made him, his wife and their two boys stay here, that special attitude that is a factor of Notre Dame and that holds the school together as a family. Schafer has helped bring about this image of a spirited school by means of his own inventions. Sports night, and much of spirit week are his own ideas, as well as the great game of family feud. Who will ever be able to forget the many memories that Mr. Schafer has brought to us as students? Mr. Schafer, the man of the Eagles, the Phillies, and the Owls, we forgive you for those faults and thank you for all the great memories that you have given to so many over the past twelve years. Thank you and we hope you can continue to share you gifts which make you sao ... interesting with the future of Notre Dame.


Page 26/Top/ SPIRIT MASTER/ Mr. Schafer leads a pep rally. Bottom Left/CHERRLEADERS?/ Mr. Schafer can even make seniors look like fools. Bottom Right/CONFUSION/Jason Byers and Mr. Schafer. Page 27 {fop Left/WHAT THE EAGLES ACTUALLY WON?/ Mr. Schafer smiles. Bottom Left/ALWAYS THERE/ Mr. Schafer gives some help . Top Right/TEACHER FIRST/ Mr . Schafer during a lesson. Middle/HOLY COWl /judging Junior costume day. Bottom Right/1 AM OUTIA HERE/ Mr. Schafer punches out.



NuffSaid! By - Erin Bradburn

It was a misty Wednesday evening when the eager and aggressive Seniors challenged the rookie Juniors to a "friendly" game of Powder Puff Football. Many came out to watch and enjoy the .exciting game, in which the Seniors put the Juniors in their place, with an impressing final score of .30-15. Although the Seniors won for the second consecutive year, the newcoming Juniors played a respectable game. Coached by Mr. Bill James, the Juniors learned previously foreign plays, and executed them perfectly. The Seniors, who were anticipating a very physical and somewhat rough game, were coached by Mr. Frank Gatto and Mr. Bob Jaroni. All in all, a good time was had by everyone, whether you were an athlete, a coach, a cheerleader, or a spectator. The Seniors leave victorious, and the Juniors are hungry for next year's game. Watch out Sophomores!!

TOP: SENIOR CHEER-Senior Girls share in the fun of the game. MIDDLE: WE 'RE TAKING OVER-Junior Girls resume the space seniors leave behind. BOTTOM LEFT: ACT-ION: Amy Wolochwicz runs the ball. BOTTOM RIGHTLOOt\! WE 'RE ALL MUDDY! Chrissy Di Liberto, Meg Me Glinchy and Caryn Moran share a dirty time together.


Top Left/SENIORS SMILEjHelen-Jean Telles and Cathy Johnson share in the fun . Top Right/ SACK 'EM!j Mr. James coaches thejuniors. Middle Left/KEEPING AN EYE ON THE GAMEj Mr. C. and junior players want the win. Middle Right/SENIOR ALLSTARS/ Speed Demon Shante Grady and defender Elandra Farrior celebrate VICTORY! Bottom Left/ CHEERING ON/Jill McCiulre applauds seniority! Bottom Right / YOU CAN 'T SAY IT WASN 'T FUN!jJuniors Beth Gominiak, Julie Capema dn Erin Bradburn , although part of a losing effort, had a great time trying. 29

Who Will Be Neighbor? By Matt Johnson On the night of December 2, the Junior class assembled to receive their class rings. Students, teachers, and parents alike joined together in ritual worship. It wasn't equal to any ordinary Ring Ceremony because it served as a bond that will remain with us always, even after we graduate and depart from this high school. It was a night most won't be able to forget and a night many will cherish. The ceremony started with the distribution of candles which was to serve as a light to guide us during the night. The words of Mr. Dennehy rang loud and clear as he reminded us of the significant meaning of these rings. The rings that we received are a symbol of togetherness, friend-


ship, and family spirit. The celebrant, Father Dennis, told us how the rings served as a bond between us and a reminder of our friends and memories that we've shared. As we all lit our candles and stood in prayer, I realized how right he was. Then we received our rings! If you attended the ceremony, you could see the look of accomplishment on the faces of the Juniors. As my mother looked at me with pride, I really felt good, and I know that I had done well. Everyone looked at one another's ring and admired it. This was surely one night where no one made fun of one another; a night where we all appreciated each other, and showed our deepest respect. That was the purpose of the night- and it was fulfilled.

page 30/ Top Left:: Danny Bendas receives his ring. Top Right: Brandi Layton and Jodi Meszaros. Bottom Left:: Laurie Kennedy and Melissa Malloy. Bottom Right: Melissa Malloy , Jen Wyers , and Danielle Choquette. page 31/ Top Left: Alasia Flumenero. Top Right: Erin Bradburn , Jen Hand, and Jen Wyers. Center Left:: Student Government officials light their candles. Center Right: Juniors show off their rings. Bottom Left:: Mr. Breen . Bottom Center: Father Dennis. Bottom Right: Mr. C.


Cancer Walk '92 By Kristin Chebra & Chris DiLiberto Whoever said service projects are no fun, must not have been at the Mercer County Cancer Walk these past two years. This is one activity which everyone truly benefits from. Those who ' choose to walk enjoy a day of food, friends, and fun while those we are raising funds for delight in our support of their cause. " The Cancer Walk is great because we can raise 1noney for a good cause and have a lot of fun at the same time ", stated Melissa Cattani, one of the many students who joined in the walk. The Walk in itself benefits hundreds of people in our area. The funds raised are put into researching this deadly disease

and constantly looking for a cure. This disease which affects us all more than hits home when it involves our friends, our family, or even our teachers. Mr. Joe Wroblewski, coordinator of the event, biology teacher and track coach at Notre Dame, is one of the lucky cancer victims who can stand tall and proudly state that he is a survivor. His tremendous fight and will to live are a definite inspiration to us all. "I wanted to show my support of both Mr. Wrobo and a great organization. I was more than proud to walk for the second year and be a part of the Notre Dame team," commented Mike Bartram of the event as a whole. On October 18th Notre Dame students came out to help in the fight against cancer by participating in the Cancer Walk at Mercer County Community College. The event itself raised over $40,000 for cancer research, while Notre Dame, through a dress down day for the Cancer Society and pledges from students and teachers who attended the walk, raised over $4,000. Notre Dame was proud to be a part of this remarkable event and due to our significant response and support we received awards for being the top fundraising youth group in Mercer County and with over 100 walkers Notre Dame also had


the most participants of any other youth group. " It was great to receive the awards but I think we were all more than happy just to be able to help out. It was a pleasure in itself to see all the support generated by the students," commented Chris DiLiberto on the great turn out from Notre Dame. Mr. Wrobo also felt that everyone had a good time and was pleased and impressed with how well Notre Dame came together as a school to support a very important cause. " You guys should be proud ", he stated and most definitely WE ARE!

PG . .32/Top Right- j Mrs. Major and Mr. Wrobo share a smile with Olympic Gold Medal winner, Nelson Deibel. Middle Left- / REGISTER HEREj Mrs. Wrobo and Mrs. Kearns help Ryan Brennan register for the walk. Bottom- j Notre Dame students show support for the American Cancer Society. PG . .3.3/Top Left- / PSYCHED TO WALK j Coach McLaughlin and runners Jen, Erin and Bridget Bradburn Top Rightj THANKS! j Chrissy DiLiberto receives a trophy from Mr. Wrobo . Center Right / BLEEP BLEEP1A group of students talk to a robot at the cancer walk Center / WALKING AWAY THE DAY ; Friends walk along happily Center Right jOH LA LA! j Megan McGiinchy sports a balloon hat to keep the spirits high Bottom Left / WE 'RE NOT TIRED YET j Many people were not tired or ready to go home

Mavin' Right Along! 33

Adopt A School In August of 1992, a devastating hurricane ripped through Florida, destroying almost everything in its path. The town of Homestead was one of the most severely damaged areas. Students of Notre Dame wanted to respond by helping those in need and "adopted " a school. The school we adopted was the St. Lewis Elementary School. It consists of 550 children in grades kindergarten through fifth. These children are quite young, and most of them lost their homes, as well as their school. To help cheer their lives, Notre Dame began the program of having students here pair up with an individual child, by sending them a letter and a gift. The response from Notre Dame students was exceptional. Letters came from many and gifts ranged from talking books to footballs and stuffed animals. The student director of the entire program, Paula Bacso, commented "I was moved by the thought of losing total security and felt the need to do something special for them. However, I could not have done it without the support of Notre Dame students." Since the letters and gifts would not arrive before Christmas, banners were made for each grade and a video of smiles and student life at Notre Dame was sent in the meantime. For all the overtime work put into this project by service students and especially for the extended time and efforts of an outstanding organizer Paula Bacso, a great amount of appreciation and gratitude must be given to her for all her care and concern. Thank you Paula and students and faculty as well, for making this project so successful.

Top I GETTING IT TOGETHER I Paula and her crew put the finishing touches on . Bottom I KEEP WRAPPING I Babs Brilliantine, Bill Moore and Julie Altiere finish wrapping presents for Florida .



Party Its a windy Friday night, the night before Halloween. Mischief night to be exact. Those who weren't doing mischief were out having a ball, dancin the night away at the Senior Halloween Dance. The wild beat of the club music lured many students up the ramp and into the school where Ms. Liptak, Mrs. Merchant, and Ms. Campo recruited them to sign up for the nights costume contest. All action seemed to be on the dance floor after that. Entries paraded in front of their classmates and the judges, Ms. Campo, Ms. Liptak, and Mrs. Marchant. The singles category held four divisions: most creative, ugliest, prettiest, and .funniest. Lori Van Emburgh won for the most creative as a jellyfish. Anthony lnverso won for the ugliest as a Hula Girl. The prettiest was one by Laura Hines who was a Flapper, and the funniest was won by Vanessa Vaughan who was dressed as a ND student nerd!! The couples category was won by Suzanne Toporek and Heather Cyms, dressed as the two sweet angels. The group category was a tough choice according to the judges. Each group put on a short skit, though some were very involved. The prize finally went to a group of guys, Lou Crivelli, Mike Shapson and Mike Bartram, dressed as Denny's Cooks! Overall, the night was a success. The seniors showed off their Halloween 路 spirit for the last time at Notre Dame.



By Suzanne Toporak

Top Leftj DARTH AND FRIEND? / Matt Kasperzak and Rick Moore Top Rightj i ' LL BE BACKj frank Donofrio and James Russo, Middle Leftj WHAT A COUPLE??j Anthony lnverso and Kate Hess Middle Right/ SPOOKY / Nikki Chebra and Bill Goertz, Bottom j WHA T'S COOKING? / Mike Shapson , Lou Crivelli. and Mike Bartram . 35

• " It was an awesom e feeling. Nothing ca n rea ll y describe it. It was just NASTY!" -Lou Crivelli

• " I was truly surprised . It was definitely one of the best days of m y life " -Heather Cyms.

Homecoming 1992 By: Bridget Bradburn In the crisp autumn night air of October 23, 1992, students, teachers , alumni, and parents of Notre Dame gathered on Fr. Walter Nolan field for the annual Homecoming festivities. The evening began with the parade of the fall varsity teams, with the Senior athletes and their parents being featured. Attention then turned to the football game, which was kicked off by the Madrigal Choir's performance of the National Anthem. The highlight of the evening, of course, was the halftime ceremony. The homecoming court was announced and presented as anticipation and excitement mounted for the crowning of the king and queen. The court included Jackie Bugdal, Heather Cyms, Tina Hiner, Kyle Pultorak, Nicole Regan, Lou Crivelli, Chris Fava, Anthony Inverso, Jim Primerano, and Pete Singelakis. Each candidate was escorted by a parent, after taking the traditional ride around the football field. Finally, after mounting suspense, the King and Queen for Homecoming 1992 were announced. Lou Crivelli was named king, and Ms. Ivins pinned a boutinneire onto his football jersey. Heather Cyms was named queen and was crowned by Michelle Tritt (Homecoming Queen 1991) and Kim Bombery (Homecoming Queen 1989). She was then presented with a bouquet of red roses, and took 36

her place next to Lou in the car, as they once again rode around the field with wide smiles and bright eyes. Following the football game, there was a dance in the gym where former students were reunited with old friends, and everyone shared in the Homecoming 1992 celebrations. The spirit and festivity of the evening were felt by all present.

Opposite Page: Top/ The queen 's court. escorted by their fathers- Jackie Bugdal , Heather Cyms, Tina Hiner, Kyle Pultorak and Nicole Regan Middle: Homecoming 1992 King, Queen , and th eir courts. Bottom/ The king's court, escorted by their mothers- Lou Crivelli, Chris Fava , Anthony lnverso, Jim Primerano, and Pete Singelakis. This Page/ Top Left/ The waiting is the hardest part. Top Right/ And the winner is . . . Lou Crivelli! Second Row/ Left; the suspense builds. Right/ Kyle Pultorak and Heather Cyms share tears of joy. Third Row: Left: Michele Tritt (' 92 ) crowns the new queen. Right/ what a cute couple! Heather and Lou are " King and Queen " for a day. Bottom Left/ former queens return to their alma mater: Kim Bombery (Homecoming '89 ) and Michelle Tritt (Homecoming '91) . 37

Opposite Page: Top Left/ Chrissy DiLiberto, Caryn Moran, Megan McGiinchy, Joy Smith and Mary Foster enjoy the Homecoming festivities. Center/ Right/ Madrigal Choir members sing loud and proud. Bottom Right/ Senior girls celebrate Homecoming 1992. This Page: Athletes, Parents & Coaches: Top Row/ Senior Varsity Football PLAYERS. Senior Varsity Cross Country Runners. Second Row/ Varsity Boys Soccer Players. Varsity Girls Soccer Players. Third Row/ Varsity Field Hockey Team. Varsity Tennis Players. Bottom Lettj Senior Varsity Cheerleaders.


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full In November, Thorton Wilder's "The Skin of Our Teeth" was performed by Notre Dame's Acting workshop. Led by their director, Mr. Robert Spain, the cast succeeded in conveying Wilder's intricate message. This comedy is about the Antrobus household of Excelsion, New Jersey. George Antrobus is an average American confronting life's trials and tribulations with an unrealistic optimism. The Antrobuses have survived fire, flood, pestilence, the seven-year locusts, the ice age and the black pox. The family has survived all of these disasters by "the skin of their teeth." In order to achieve its full effectiveness,

Left/ ARE WE HAVING FUN YET?/ The cast practices a scene. Top middle/ DIRECTING/ Mr. Spain directs the cast. Bottom middle/ MEMORIZING LINES/ Heather Cyms and Jan Defosse practice. Top Right/ ACTING/ Jason Tyne gets the actions down. Bottom Right/ HEY BIG BOY / Vicki Czarnik and Anthony Hutchinson rehearse.



lttiit Rnd lttiisdom by: Amy Pinard

Mr. Spain triple casted the play. Each act introduced a new cast and audience interpretation to the characters. "The reason why 1 did triplecast was to give more students the opportunity to have roles. There's a lot of talent in the school and in this case, the division wasn't going to affect the pieces' continuity." All the Acting Workshops' practices and rehearsals were rewarded by the audiences' resounding applause. Thanks to the guidance of the director, the technical and production assistants, and the cast, the Evening of Theatrics production made for a most enjoyable evening.

Top Left/ HOLDING IT ALL TOGETHER/ Elizabeth Butler. Top Right/ ALL SMILES/ Matt Kasperzak and Janice Tyne. Middle Left/ THE CAST/ Acting Workshop. Middle Right/ THOUGHTFUL/ Kyl e Harding Bottom/ PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT/ the whole family.


A Harvest Of Halloween Tradition By Amy Pinard

Junior Costume Day, 1992 was filled with much fun and excitement for everyone. Many disguised Juniors competed for prizes in individual, partner, and group categories. The anticipation heightened until the final judging by teachers during the last period. Donna Schwartz, who came dressed as Cat Woman, won first prize in the individual category. Laurie Kennedy and Brandi Layton were awarded first prize

partners for their rendition of " I Got You Babe" as Sonny and Cher. Mike Murray, Jim Maziarz, and Mike DeJonge had the crowd going wild as ZZ Top clones. For their routine, a first place prize was given to the group. This year's costume day definitely boosted Junior class spirit and enriched the Halloween tradition at Notre Dame.

Page 42/Top Lettj l GOT YOU BABE! j Brandi Layton and Laurie Kennedy. Top Rightj THRILLER! j Shonda Scott. Middle Lettj TRUE AMERICANS! j Arienne Poux and Dona Kondash. Middle Right/ UNDER THE SEA / Courtney Knox as Flounder. Bottom Right/ DARLING DALMATIONS j Michelle Jurgens , Laryssa Dugas, Theresa Bonanno, and Lisa Muehleisen. Page 43/ Top Lettj SWEET SMILES!j Jen Middleton , Beth Gominlak, Jen Hand, and Jen Meade. Top Right/ NEW FASHION STATEMENT / Ryan Connolly. Middle Lett / AHOY MATES! j Bill Augustin . Middle Rightj ROCKJN ' MEN / Mike Murray and Jim Maziarz. Bottom Lett / STRIKE A POSE! j Jenn Wyers. Bottom Right/ HE' S PSYCHO!





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Each year, service has grown more important in the Notre Dame community. In this service program, they have adopted Katzenbach Sports nites, that has continued to grow in popularity. Every Tuesday nite, sports nights are held from 7 until 9 pm. The ND students work with the deaf from Katzen bach by playing volleyball and Basketball. The other major activity is socializing. Most people who go attend on a regular basis, and have made many friends. This is one of the most popular service events in school this year. Almost 30 students sign the list to attend each Tuesday. The students from Katzenbach were limited with conversation to the students from Notre Dame. Mrs. Salcewicz decided to make ND students come one half hour earlier to learn the basic sign language skills. Not only should Mrs. Salcewicz be credited for these plans - Tara Suntato and Deborrah Choquette are the managers of this program through the Honor Service Program offered to Seniors. Many people have benefited from this great program which has involved hundreds of students who definitely feel as if they have contributed a part in making Notre Dame service work for all.

Senior Volleyball What do you get when you add research papers. SAT's, lab reports, tests, report cards and college applications? The answer is a stressed out senior! At a time of the year when seniors are concerned with grades and college application deadlines, a night of fun with friends can provide a needed break in the day to day hectic routine of high school life. 路On November 18, 1992 the senior homerooms battled it out for the coveted Volleyball title. When all the friendly competition was over 12 H, Mrs. McGraw's homeroom had captured the crown. Mrs. GauvinTharney's homeroom, 12 J and Mrs. Coppock's homeroom 12 K finished a close second and third. The event was well attended and each homeroom was well represented. All seniors seemed to enjoy their final volleyball night at Notre Dame. Brian Knot stated that "Volleyball Night is always a fun event that I look forward to every year." Chris Fava echoed this sentiment, "Even though I almost got fired from work to get off early to come play volleyball with my homeroom, which came in last, I was glad I went, even though I missed the last part of The Jackson Five." It seems to be unanimous, Senior Volleyball Night was a big hit!

By: Liz White

" Even though I almost got fired from work to get off early to come play volleyball with my homeroom, which came in last, I was glad I went but I missed the last part of the Jackson 5 ." -Chris Fava


By: Erin Bradburn And Beth Gominiak Who will reign supreme, the Blue Team or the White Team? That question answered during Spirit Week, which began on February 16 and culminated with Spirit Day on February 19. Spirit week was coordinated again by the incomparable Mr. Schafer, beginning with the ever-popular "Bounce for the Ounce" in which the twb teams battle to outweigh each other, and "Sports Team Sweatshirt Day." But the major battle was fought out on Sports Night, held Thursday night of Spirit Week. The Blue Team, made up of the Freshmen and Seniors, competed with the White Team, the sophomores and Juniors, in such events as the foul-shooting contest, three-legged race, sack and scooter races, and Basketball and Volleyball games. For many, the highlight of the evening was when the Junior Tug of War team beat a senior


team that had been undefeated for four years. That victory gave the White Team more points and an advantage when Spirit Day came around. Spirit Day began with an assembly for all students featuring the "Give and Take Jugglers," Dave and Steve, who amazed and amused everyone with their talents. The rest of the day involved the all-time favorite, Schafer's Family Feud, in which students answered such questions as "Which ND Sports Coach would make the best ballet teacher?" (Congratulations to Mr. Gatto, the #1 answer.) Students were also entertained by various bands in the gym and auditorium, including the Sensational Creations, let by our very own Mr. Givilisco, and the preview of the school musical, "Guys and Dolls." But what most considered to be the

most memorable part of the day was the musical entertainment by a group of seniors, who performed "What I like About You" and the song "Gaston" from "Beauty and the Beast," namely Bill Goertz, Anthony Inverso, Mark Jablonski, Matt Kasprzak, Dan LaPerriere and Alex Sargent as Gaston. The day was ended on that humorous note, with the White Team winning Spirit Day by about 50 points. Spirit Day was dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Zahorsky, who truly embodied the "Spirit" of Notre Dame. Thanks should be paid to all who put energy into making Spirit Day a success, especially Mr. Schafer and the students of ND, who showed their school spirit not only on Spirit Day, but throughout the whole year whenever they show pride in Notre Dame.

Opposite Page: Top Left/ Bouncing Balls on Spirit Day. Top Right/ Becca Fitzgibbon, Michelle Amari, Stephanie Sliwinski, and Meredith Kuhlman are all smiles. Bottom Left/ Niki Tweed and Lyric Fitzgibbon. Bottom Right/ Mr. James and Mr. Grussler enjoying themselves. This page: Top Left/ Melissa Malloy and Jiii Dawson. Top Middle/ Mr. Juggler making music. Top Right/ Super Sophs. Middle Left/ Freshmen sensations. Middle Right/ Senior Tug-of-War Team . Bottom Left/ Too much spirit for Megan McGiinchy. Bottom Middle/ Julie Caperna , Becky Morehart, and Jen Hand. Bottom Right/ Ashley Cipriano.


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Do you hear what I hear? Music, music, and more music with a little bit of acting thrown in is what you would have heard if you were at the Notre Dame annual Christmas concert on December 15th. The concert began with two pieces by the Concert Orchestra, which was followed by the Madrigal singers, who sang songs ranging from Brahms to Carol of the Bells. Then, the actors took the stage with their skit "Peace Not War" about gang violence. The percussion ensemble drummed their hearts out before a second group of actors came out to perform a skit, "Orphan's Christmas" about the true meaning of the season. Later, some Christmas favorites were heard when the Concert Choir took the stage, singing " Winter Wonderland", "The Little Drummer Boy", "Do You Hear What I Hear?'' and a medley of carols. The highlight of the concert was yet to come though. As the guitar ensemble played, Santa Claus was ready to make his appearance. As he emerged, scattering candy canes through out the audience and performers, Santa spread Christmas cheer to all present. He ended the concert by conducting everyone in a sing-a-long of popular carols. Todd Caruso, who has been in Madrigal for four years, was very pleased with the overall performance. "Because it was my last Christmas Concert, I was satisfied with all performances, from the choirs to the acting and band. Everything clicked!" Thanks should be paid to Mrs. Caucci, Mr. Spain, and most especially Mr. Gibilisco for putting , together and enjoyable and memorable Christmas Concert.

Page/50/Top Right/HIITING THE IVORIES/ Janice Tyne at the piano. Middle Left/ SWEET SOUNDS/ The clarinets and flutes. Middle Right/ FIRST CLASS/ The orchestra performs. Bottom/SING/The whole choir. Page 51/Top Left/ LIFT YOUR VOICES/ The choir sings. Top Right/ GUITARS/ Practice made perfect. Middle Left/YO HO HO/A secret Santa Middle Right/ ACTING / The actors play a scene. Bottom/ GLORIES STREAM/ The madrigal choir.



Some Enchanted Evening: Winter Cotillion 1993

By Bridget Bradburn

This year's Winter Cotillion was held, once again, at King's Caterers in Pennsylvania, on Saturday, January 30. After a long, grueling week of mid-term exams, Notre Dame students were ready to blow off some steam and have a great time. After some students experienced some confusion as to exactly how to get to King's, everyone arrived in excited anticipation of what the evening would bring. The ladies looked dazzling in their dresses, and the gentlemen looked sharp in their suits, as fresh flowers in the form of corsages and boutonnieres adorned everyone. The flash of cameras added to the sparkle and glamour of the evening. A buffet-style dinner offered many delicious choices, and was enjoyed at tables adorned with royal blue and silver decorations. After dining the dancing began and continued late into the evening, thanks to the services of the D.J., who played a variety of tunes. At the same time, formal portraits were being taken as a special way to remember the evening. By the end of the evening, everyone left the Cotillion tired but happy, looking forward to whatever post-Cotillion party or activity they would be enjoying. A special show of appreciation and gratitude is deserved by the student government members and faculty moderators, who planned and organized such a magical event. Thank you!


Opposite Page ... Top/ FRIENDS FOREVER: Liz White, Caryn Moran, and Chris DiLiberto. Center Left/ Lisa Muehliesen and her date share a special moment. Center Right/ Matt Kasprazak and Liz Butler dance the night away. Bottom Left/ Jamie Papa , Helen Telles, Carol Scanlon, and Sue Ostrowski looking glamourous. Bottom Center/ Sue Nemeth and Mike Czeko take a seat. Bottom Right- Heather Cirillo, Amy Pinard , Cathy lannacci and Kelly Hartman enjoy the evening. This Page: From Top/ " SO HAPPY TOGETHER" Heather Cyms and Lou Crivelli. Right/ Track stars are dressed to kill : Kelly McCabe, Maureen McGiinchy, Karen Middleton, and Mary Heitzman. Left/ Chris Vaccaro and Tim Schnall look ever so smashing. Center/ Neil French and Ashley Cipriano get close. Right/ Amy Chmelick and Gary Wasko take a break. Left/ Freshmen Jen Eisenman and Chris Spadora enjoy their first Cotillion. Far Left/ Bridget Bradburn and Brian Knott smile for the Camera. Left/ Don't they look special? Jen Wyers, Danielle Choquette, and Jill Dawson strike a pose. Above/ Kate Hess and Anthony Inverso practice their new moves.


~t y I


Page 54j GOTCHA SMILIN 'jChris Fava & Caryn Moran spend a fun filled evening at the '9.3 Cotillion. Top Right/ BRAT PACK '9.3! Shine & sparkle. Middle Left j CHOWIN ' DOWN / Chris Vaccarro & Joe Latini enjoy the food . Middle/ A THOUGHT ... Jon Fregans & James Bertan spend a nite on the town . Middle Right/ SWEET SMILESj Jen Mirelli & John Floyd . Middle Bottomj FRIENDS & COUPLESj AJ Nadraga, Jen Cole, Mike Czako & Sue Nemeth hold onto the nite. Bottom Left/ A TABLE FOR 4!/Mike Graziani, Jen Corban , Maria Agabiti & Sammy Batista take a dinner break. Bottom Rightj DANCIN ' THE NITE AWAY j Kyle Pultorak & Stephanie Sliwinski got the beat! Page 55 / A CLASSIC COMBINATION / Mike Pietras & Carla Volk create happy memories. Top Right/ CONVERSing ON THE COUCH / Alex Sargent, Dan LaPerriere, Matt Kasprzak, & Mark Jablonski put their best foot forward. Middle Leftj JUMPIN 'AROUND!Aj Nadraga, Mike Fanning, Chris Goodrich & Barry Schenk. Middle/ & Left/ SERIOUS STUDSj Martin Gilbert & Ryan Brennan keep their cool. Middle Bottomj iT TAKES TWO TO TANGO! Jen Segretario, Joe Latini, Missy Cefalone & Matt Michaud get into the groove. Bottom Left/ A TRIO OF SMILES! Cindi Santo, Tara Suntato & Missy Ramosa. Bottom Middle/ ALL DRESSED UP AND A COTILLION TO GO TO j Jen Welsh & Debbie Choquette. Bottom Right/ A CLOSECOUPLEj Mitzi Kopen & Nick Napolean share a nite to remember.

The Steady Beat Of Dancing Feet We at Notre Dame have an outstanding reputation for our performing arts. If you attended our dance performance program on January 16, it was made quite clear why we hold that reputation. Under the direction of choreographer, Lisa Twamley, 22 girls of all grade levels used their various talents to demonstrate four different types of dance. During Lisa's second year at Notre Dame her choreography consisted of forms of jazz, hiphop, lyrical ballet, and classical ballet. the girls meet weekly to work on


these forms of dance, as well as to attend a dance technique class. As the show grew closer, their practices grew longer and harder. The dedication these girls had was evident around 10:30 on a Tuesday night. Although practice was intense, the supportive atmosphere and willingness of the people in it made the work worth while. The dance performance is a great way for people of different grades to meet one another. Freshman, Esther Gonza-

lez, concludes, " Dance Performance really helped me meet new people. All the people in it were willing to help me with whatever I needed, and that really improved my dancing. ' ' Although Dance Performance is not given nearly the credit it deserves, we appreciate the perseverance and hard work, the dedication did not go unnoticed and the result was a beautiful performance! Bravo! By: Bonnie Clawson

PAGE 56 I Top Left I THE DANCERS PUTTING ON THEIR SHOW . Top Right I LOOK HOW HIGH I AM!: Manoly Farrel. Bottom Left I KIDS , DON 'T TRY THIS AT HOME!: Chrissy Lewis and Angie Garcia. Bottom Right I DANCERS DO THEIR STUFF. PAGE 57 I Top Left I A FLUTTER OF WINGS : Tracey Cooper. Top Right I LIGHTING UP THE STAGE: Chrissy Lewis and Angie Garcia dance to St. Elmo 's Fire. Middle Left I ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE: Kamisha Rogers cheers on her classmates. Middle Right I DANCING DOVES: Chrissy Lewis and Tracey Cooper perform ballet to When Doves Cry. Bottom I FUTURE ROCKETTES: The girls do a line dance.


Guys And Dolls The house lights darkened, the orchestra began to play, the curtained opened, and the audience magically travelled fifty years into the past. It was a typical street off Broadway in New York in the 1940's, with the customary assortment of tourists, movie stars, professional athletes, pickpockets and other Broadway characters native to the city. This was the era of wide- brimmed fedora hats and fishnet stockings, where the pastime of many, regardless of its legality, was gambling. The stage was now set for Notre Dame's 1993 spring musical, Guys and Dolls. When it comes time to find a place for the secret illegal dice game, all eyes fall on Nathan Detroit (Matt Kasprzak), since it is well known that he runs the "oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York". His fiance of fourteen years, Miss Adelaide (Kristin Chebra; Victoria Czarnik), however, is eager to have him give up gambling and settle down with her. His coterie, NicelyNicely Johnson (Lou Crivelli), Benny Southstreet (Bill Augustin), and Rusty Charlie (Frank Donofrio), and the rest of the gambling society, are sure to see to it that he find a place for the game. Nathan then thinks of using the Biltmore Garage, which would be fine, except that Joey Biltmore (Kyle Harding) requests a thousand dollar fee in return. It just so happens that "the highest player of them all" Sky Masterson (Todd Caruso) is in town, so Nathan seizes the opportunity and makes a thousand dollar bet that Sky cannot take Sarah Brown (Laura Heinz) of the Save A Soul Mission to Havana, Cuba. As it turns

out the game does take place, and has to be moved to a local sewer in order to continue with what becomes a twenty four hour engagement. It is in the sewer that Sky (having made a wager of his own with Sarah) picks up the dice and bets the gamblers one thousand dollars in cash against one prayer meeting at the mission. The eyes of God smile on Sky, and the fellows end up in the mission, where they learn of Nicely's dream, as tells of the valuable advice he learned when he was told "sit down, your rockin ' the boat". All ends well for Nathan and Sky, as Adelaide and Sarah follow their own advice and "marry the man today". A tremendous amount of time, energy, and dedication, was needed to produce such a high level of performance as was displayed by the cast and technical crew of Guys and Dolls. Many late nights were spent building scenery and rehearsing. Number by number, scene by scene, each piece involved the process of learning the music, learning the stage directions, and giving it the lively emotion it demanded. For Anthony lnverso, who played Big Jule, and his partner in crime Harry the Horse (Roger del Prado), this meant becoming street tough gamblers, who were not afraid to give a little scare with a revolver if necessary. Joe Lech gave a good performance as he stumbled across the stage, and into scenery, as the wino- bum. The cast gave an all around vivid- performance, as Guys and Dolls will be a long remembered part of Notre Dame's stage by all those who saw it performed.

Page 58/ LOOKING FOR A PLACE FOR THE CRAP GAME: Matt Kasprzak. Bottom; THE CARNATION SCENE : Bill Augustion , Frank Donofrio, Kevin Sopko, Kyle Harding, Michael Shapson .

As the curtain closed, the audience gave a standing ovation, and was brought back to 1993. Most definitely having become better people for having made the trip. Because, in addition to being delighted and thoroughly entertained, they learned some valuable insight to human actions. For the next time they see a man "waiting out in the rain " , or someone who "smells of Vitalis and Barbasol ", they may " call it sad" or "call it funny, but it's better than even money that the guy is only doing it for some doll. " By Michaei Shapson



Page 60/ Top Left: Matt Kaspzak and Todd Caruso. Top Right: GOOD OLD RELIABLE NATHON . Top Left Center: Todd Caruso, Laura Heinz, and Kristin Chebra. Bottom Left Center: Joe Lech , and Laura Heinz. Bottom Left: Bill Augustin , Lou Crivelli, and Frank Donofrio. Right Center: Kristin Chebra , and Matt Kasprzak. Bottom Right: Bushel and a Peck Chorus Line. Page 61/ Top Left: Laura Heinz and Todd Caruso. Top Right: Kristin Chebra . Center: Frank Donofrio and Melissa Cattani. Right Center: Laura Heinz and Todd Caruso. Left Center: Lynnette Marrero, Laura Heinz, James Russo, and Victoria Czarnick. Bottom Right: Lou Crivelli, Matt Kasperzak, and Bill Augustin. Bottom Left: Michael Shapson , Anthony lnverso, and Anthony Huchinson.


Seniors Have A Retreat There are numerous highlights which you tend to remember about your "Senior Year". From college acceptances, the Senior Prom, and finally graduation, senior year brings a time to laugh, and a time to cry. Fortunately, through thesenior retreat, you are able to experience both. The retreat leaves a lasting imprint on yourself and the views of your classmates. Throughout the year Father Dennis organizes several retreat times, so students have a chance to attend the retreat with friends, at a convenient time. The retreat is held at the Queen of Peace Retreat House, in Newton, New Jersey. Seniors leave school on Tuesday at .3:15 pm. for an overnight stay at the monastery. Teachers are selected to go on a retreat, to guide the group activities Fa-

ther Dennis coordinates each of the activities, which must remain confidential, so not to ruin the experience for others. Much of the time is spent sharing experiences and really opening up with the people in your group. Senior, Sarah Conboy, commented that, "The retreat helped me lift certain prejudices about people and learn who they really are, it was truly a terrific experience." The senior retreat is definitely one of the most memorable aspects of senior year. Everyone laughs and cries a little, but most importantly, this is a time for bonding and reflection, to learn more about your classmates and yourself. This is a really uplifting experience that everyone should attend to complete the memories of "Senior Year!"



Page 62 Top left/ Isn 't this fun? Tara Fiandaca, Mitzi Kopen, Steph sliwinskL Kyle Plutorak, Irene Plishchuk, Gina Mangonon, and Erica Garret. Middle leftJ That 's what friends are for! Tina Niner, Carol Scanlon, Missy Famoso, Cindi Santo, Joanne DiNola, t1elen Telles, Brooke Perone, Kathy Johnson, Sue Ostrowski, Jen Welsh, Kristen Branham, Jamie Papa. Middle right/ Where 's that sweatshirt from? Brook Perone and Babs Brilliantine. Bottom right/ Kodak moment with Caroline Zaleski, Brian Keams, and Jeff Smith. Page 63 Top leftJ Joe Latini and Chris Fava take a slide down the hallway! Top right/ God's neat Let's eat! Esther Fields, Bill Moore, Pauls Bacso, Gina Mangonon, Jackie Bugdal, Erica Garet, Katie Pferiffer, and Amy Glahn. Middle leftJ Amy Glahn, Dave Gater and Father Dennis take some time to chat! Bottom leftJ Bonding time with Chris Fava and Debbie Choquette. Middle right Rebecca Fitzgibbon and Tara Suntato squeeze for a photo!





Maria Agabiti You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. Julie Altiere If tomorrow morning the sky falls ... have clouds for breakfast. Michele Amari There is something I wanted to say before leaving but I can't recall it just now ... Maybe it was goodbye.

Marc Abbott

Maria Agabiti

Julie Altiere

Michele Amari

Kris Klotz and Joe Latini

Vincent Ardery

Sandra Argumedes

Sandra Argumedes I'm glad I'm leaving, but I'll miss dancing for the school! smile Paula Bacso The most important things in the world can not be seen or touched, They must be felt with the HEART.

Paula Bacso 68

Brenda Bailey

Alan Baker Some people pick their nose I pick my ears. Micaelle Balik "Life is full of chances you just have to choose the right one ... Words of wisdom from Micaelle" Marybeth Banfield Diamonds are like friends; you cherish them forever. Nick Barbosa Look back and see its good Look forward and make it better.

Alan Baker

Micaelle Balik

Tiffani Ballarotto

Mary Elizabeth Banfield

Debbie Grasso and Alison Kakstis

Nicholas Barbosa

Michael Bartram

Mike Bartram Most people will sit and bore you with what they hope to achieve I hope to excite you by telling you what I will achieve. Sammy Battista If I was you I'd wish I was me.

Eric Baxter Okay, you have a thermos. It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold-how the hell does it know? NaRf

Sammy Battista

Eric Baxter 69

James 8ertan "You should never let the doctor put those funny looking sticks in your mouth until you know who ate the ice cream." Katrina Blake The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future. John Bochiaro My mom and dad sent me here for an education. I don't think it work much none! Jillanne Bodnar "Why ask Why?, Smile don't cry!"

James Bertan

Katrina Blake

John Bochiaro

Bridget Bradburn

Kristen Branham

Chad Biruk

Jamie Bonanni

Jillanne Bodnar

6rl~t Bradburn

"Nothing is more important than the rest of today"

Kristen Branham To my O路friends and B路friends: Never say good-bye: You and me and my old friends, hoping it never end.


Tim Schnall



Warren Brelsford Roses are Red Violets are Blue and this BUD's for you John Brennan It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people suspect that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt Ryan Brennan You can build the mansion but you can't live in it Your the fastest runner but you're not allowed to win ... No one ever is to blame-Howard Jones John Brophy Get in, Sit down. Shut up, Hang on. Barbara G. Brown If my mind can conceive it my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.

Ryan Brennan

Barbara Brilliantine

John Brophy

Barbara Brown

Warren Brelsford

John Brennan

Jen Mirelli, Caryn Moran , and Jill McClure

Tanya Brown

Adam Bucon

nyaBrown ~ven

though times were hard I always knew to keep moving on. There was always a bad apple in a crowd, But no I've moved on. And I have my name to carry on. AdamBucon "It's okay for other people to make mistakes because God knows I don't have to make them all myself.''

Jacqueline Bugdal

Melissa Butera

Babs Brilliantine What is pqgi{Jar is not always right, and what is .right is not always p~r. I m happy to say I'd rather choose to be right. 71

Elizabeth Butler

Vincent Buttaci

Alyson cailan

Susan carroll

Todd caruso

Brendan cartlidge

Keon Smith

Melissa cattani

Melissa Cefalone ,

Elizabeth Butler Looks can be deceiving ... It's always the quiet ones. Vince Buttacl for every Jesus, there eventual~)' comes a Paul to explain what he said-John Gardner AJyson Callan "It Is what it Is •.• "

Susan carroll Don't say nothing, Keep your hands on the wheel D(>n't tum around. This is for real.


Brendan Cartlidge Nothing behind you matters. Todd caruso "There is nothing worth the wear of winning but laughter and the love of friends." Melissa cattanl "Sometimes the very things you're looking for, is the one thing you can't see." -Vanessa Williams

Melissa Cefalone The future belongs to those who believe In the beauty of their dreams.

:Kristin Chebra "I have a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better tHe more people you share it with. u -Kermit the Frog in "The Muppet Movie" Nikki Chebra Honestly I'm not lost, I'm just not sure which way I'm going.

Deborah Choquette HDon't walk in front of me I may not follow, Don't walk behind me I may not lead, Just walk beside me and be my friend." -cam us John Cimino In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends. Joanne Cipullo So many faces in and out of my life. Some will last Some will just be now and then Life is aserieS'6f helf08 and goodbyes I'm afraid its time for goodbye again.

Christina Chiarchiaro Show me your soul but know it can be copied or stolen.

Vincent Cereste

George Cevera

Chris Vaccaro

Kristin Chebra

Christina Chiarchiaro

Nicole Chebra

Deborah Choquette

John Cimino

Joanne Cipullo 73

Renee Cirillo

Jennifer Cole

John Cimino and Jim Primerano

Frederick Collender

Daniel Comer

Renee Cirillo If you can dream, then dream aloud. -U2 IBN Jennifer Cole Not all of you may have seen me, but I know you all have heard me. Jen Corban If I fail, if I succeed at least I'll have lived as I believe -Whitney Houston


Sarah Conboy

Robert Contento

Edward Conway

Jennifer Corban

Kerry Cristofoletti

Kelly Corboy

Kate Hess

Christine Cseh

Louis Crivelli

Kelly Corboy I don't remember who met who first, or who fell in love th who, all I remember is all of us being together. Kerry Cristofoletti Say you can and you will because if you can't, you won't. Louis Crivelli A wiseman once said: 'Td rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotamy. Christine Cseh If you love it let leave, If it returns it was meant to be.

Jennifer Cubberley

Cara Cutchineal

Jen Cubberley "So many years come and gone, And yet the memory is strong. One word we never could learn ... goodbye - I will remember you!" - Amy Grant Heather Cyms "A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn." Jeno C. Czabafy Anticipation of an event, can be more exciting than the actual event itself.

Heather Cyms

Jeno Czabafy 75

Michael Czako "There are things know and there are thing unlffiown, and ln between arethe doors." Jim Morrison Victoria Czarnik One more day on my own, one more day with him not caring. What a life, I might have known, but he never saw me there. Koren D' Angelo "Never say more than is necessary." Christi Dan&ny lt won't mean a thing in a hundred years."- Blues Travel Jason Dane When bad times hit it's like a hurricane. It comes suddenly, it's unpredictable and it hits hard, but eventually it will go away,~ and you will see the sun again.

Michael Czako

Koren D'Angelo

Victoria Czarnik

Christi Danbeny

Mike Fanning

Jason Dane

Michael Davies

Michael Davies Throughout my dealings, I have cavorted with kings and queens, gadded with Jacks, and tangled with Jokers. Yet after all of my endeavors and reception, I was still considered the card that rendered the deck worthless. Michael De Oaglia I've loved, I've laughed and cried. I've had my fill, my share of , losing, and now as tears subside, I find it all so amusing. To think I did all that, and may I say not in a shy way, "Oh no, Oh no not me, I did it my way!" Dan DeJonge You have to love what's lovable and hate what's hateabJe. It takes brains to see the difference.

Michael De Gaglia 76

Daniel De Jonge

Nick DeMaio If you want to look tall and thin, hang around short fat people. Roger del Prado "So long and farewell. I will see you at the reunion. I'll need someone to park my car." Joanne Di Nola I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

Nicholas De Maio

Roger Delprado

Dorian Demski

Jane Desfosse

Patty Di Falco Diamonds are forever; As are the very best of friendships. Yin Yang Always- "P.

Chrissy DiUberto No one can take away your right, to fight and to never surrender. Jen DiNatale Breaking up with a boyfriend is a million times easier than breaking up with a boyfriend. CH KP JD HS

Dorian Demski Don't give up your fear ... but don't give in to it either.

Joanne Di Nola

Patricia Difalco

Jamie Bonnani

Christina Diliberto

Jennifer Dinatale 77

Karen Dominguez continue to grow. Continue to learn. Continue acquiring more memories that stay forever following you wherever you may go and whomever you meet. Frank Donofrio It's a dog eat dog world out there; isn 't it a pain in the neck when your a cocker spaniel and everyone else is a german shepard. Brendan Dougherty !!YO!!

Aaron Double

Brendan Dougherty

Scott Dzialo

Cheryl Eitzen

Karen Dominguez

Frank Donofio

Gregg Dubow

Jason Dugal

Gregg Dubo The best part about this time in your life is the unpredictability. Scott Dzialo Keep the motor running head on down the highway. Cheryl Eitzen Offer up your best defense, this will be the end of innocence. Tara Sunta to


Jennifer Ellsworth

Edward Emde

Jam e O ' Neil

Melissa Famoso

Asteris Fanikos

Jennifer ellsworth " Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last you create what you will. " Missy famosa Time is a train, Makes the future the past. Leaves you standing in the station, your face pressed up against the glass.

Michael Fanning

Elandra Farrior

Elandra l'arrior " You can't be afraid to make mistakes; You've go to go out and play the game aggressively. " Chris Fava Why can 't life's problems hit us when we 're seventeen and know everything? Matthew Fede " I didn't do it .. . It wasn 't me .. . You can 't prove anything."

Christoper Fava

Matthew Fede 79

Amy Fell

Tara Fiandaca

Esther Fields

Cynthia Fiori

Rebecca Fitzgibbon

Theresa Fitzpatrick

Amy Fell WHAT! They're here alreadyH Tara f'iandaca Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember. Seneca Esther Fields Follow your heart because it could lead you places your mind never could.

Cyndi Fiori Constant laughter is not bad just as long as there is always something to laugh at ... ME. Rebecca Fitzgibbon If the birds forget their songs . . . Listen to a pebble instead -Cooper Edens

Theresa Fitzpatrick "If you don't like reality, come live in my world." John Floyd No! That's not a banana in my pocket, and yes! I am happy to see you. Mary Foster I'm not aware of too many things. I know what I know if you know what I mean.- Edie Brickell

Jason Fowler What the Notre Dame community has created within the last 35 years, the class of '93 has unrecked in four.- NO's finest, Jay, Tip, Mike, and Ed Jon Fregans "Life is like a one way plane ticket, no way back."

John Floyd

Mary Foster

Rich Selfridge, Nick Napoleon, and Rob Liberto


Jason Fowler

Jonathan Fregans

into our lives, leave footprints on our r ever the same. - Flavia

Tina Gal Thank you Mom and Dad. I love you. Angelica Qarcla "Materialistic minds cannot grasp, or be interested in, adventures of the spirit."

Erica <lanett We are the authors of our own lives. We live in what we have created. Melony f'urda

Angelica Garcia

Kristina Gallucci

Erica Garrett

Michael Bartram David Gater

Martin Gilbert

Amy Glahn

William Goertz 81

Sean (l)ldeD There would be no great ones If~ e were no little ones. #33

Roberto Oonztdez "I just want to get out of here fast, man." Christopher Ooodrlch Champions aren't made In gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep Inside of them - a desire, a dream, a visiOn. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have tot.ave the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. • Muhammad Ali

Sean Golden

Roberto Gonzalez

Christopher Goodrich

Shante Grady

Martin Gilbert

Debra Grasso

Michael Graziani

Sllan.'Otacty AI be a leader, never be a follower because the blind leading the blind always takes the wrong road. remember me and bear me in your mind. Let

say what they may, speak of me as you find.

Ifyou dtdn't think that I was the funniest, craziest loudest and the most exciting ~son to be witb then you never got to know the real me.

David Gruska 82

Richard Guarini

Michael Guglielmo

Meridith Guhl

Patty Salcewicz

Christine Gunson

Michael Gulyas

Michael Guglielmo The guy who laughed last didn't get the point. Meredith Guhl Keep your heart free from hate, Your mind free from worry.

Chrissy Gunson "The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity- love. And the story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It Is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity."- Helen Hayes

Edward Gutierrez

David Haas

Dave Haas I never knew in school suspension could be so much ftm with my baby in the same room. Thanks Ms. lvans

Anastasia Hairston The problem with the future lstt always becomes the present, tomorrow never comes.

Anastasia Hairston

Parnell Hamilton 83

Megan Harknes "Harvard won't know what there missingl" Megan Hayman Youth's like diamonds in the sun ••• and diamonds are forever.

Bridget Heinz Don't think someday it will happen, cause it won't. Think one day it will happen and it will.

Megan Harkness

Megan Hayman

Keith Harris

Bridget Heinz

Kerry Cristofoletti

Laura Heinz

Catherine Hess

Laura Heinz "If the whole world's a stage, I want a lead." Kate Hess God gave us our memories December.

so that we

might have roses in

Tina Hiner "I want to be a veterinarian cause l lOve chlklllbt~

Christina Hiner 84

Carrie Hritz

Anthony Hutchinson

Anthony Inverso

Mark Jablonski

Glenda Jean-Louis

Anthony Hutchinson There are three kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen . . . those who watch ! hings happen . . . an,d those who watoC-}1 re-runs of "What's Happening". Anthony Inverso Life's full of chances, you take a chance getting up in the morning, crossing the street, or sticking your face in a fan. Mark Jablonski In every moment of every dawn when light floats, there is the possibility of magic. - Douglas Adams

Kathy Johnson

Jennifer Jung

Kerrie Kadlec

Alison Kakstis

Olenda Jean-Louis Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the Jaw, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery - Malcolm X JenJung "For those few people that understand me, now the sun is shining in my worldu

Alison Kakstis He ho does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words. Sammy Battista


Matthew Kasprzak

Meghan Keiling

Jennifer Kelley

Kareem Kelsey

Helen-Jean Telles and Jen Welsh

Matt Kasprzak "Women' you can't live with em' ... Pass the beer nuts." Norm Meghan Keiling Don't you carry nothin' that might be a load, Come on and ease on down the road. Jenn Kelley Everybody wants something, but I want everything ••• and I usually get it.

Christopher Kempisty

Brian Kerins

Chris Kempisty iWhen you're on line just think ' •• be the person behind you. Brian Knott "Don't waste the present recapture the plst, let

Kristian Klotz 86

Brian Knott

to die for a friend, as to find a

Karen~lc "Armin doesn't automatically 1:~ my respect, he has to get down in the dirt and beg {t)r, ., • Jaclt Handy

Michele Kopen

Karen Krajacic

Kaliopie Koutouzos

Alexandra Kraun

Pete Santiago and Rob Liberto

Allison Kubick

Meredith Kuhlman

Alexandra Kraun Hold on to what is old, Make room for what is new. Mix the best of the old and the new, And hold on to what is true. Meredith Kuhlman The more people I meet, The more I like my dog. Geoffrey Lane "High school is just another part of life that passes you by"

Steven Kurisko

Geoffrey Lane 87

Joseph Latini

May Larraga

Daniel Laperriere

Joseph Lech

Christine Lewis

Seung Lee

Ed Emde

William Lloyd

Robert Liberto

Daniel LaPerriere


When facing a difficult task, act as though It is impossible to fall. If you're going after Moby Dick, take along the tarter sauce. May Ann Larraga ,, "A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Joe Latini If you can walk on a playing field and play with both your head and your heart, win or lose you will always walk off the field a true champion. JoeLech My private life Is private - and I ain't even lying.


Seung Young Lee It was the best of times, It was the worst of times, But it was mostly the worst of times. Christine Lewis "What is important to a relationship is a harmony of emotional roles and not too great a disparity in the general level of intelligence." - Mirra Komarovsky Robert Liberto The year is finally over but "Life goes on". William Lloyd There is only everything and the only thing that Is that everything is .. your dream.

Kerrll..orbeck "Though I sit down now, the time will come when you will hear me." - Benjamin Disraeli Edward Maddock Pain Is temporary; glory ts forever.

George Madeya "In the long run, it's not Important whether you but how well you cheated that counts."

Missy Cefalone

Kerri Lorbeck

Edward Maddock

Jon Mahler You can love me or hate me but just don't stand there. Michelle Manners Through the good and bad times we've seemed to pull through. Matthew Mannion In Llf'e, you can't wait for opportunity. for opportunity does not come to you You must go out and get IL carol Ann Maroney A smile can open-a heart Quicker than a key can open a door.

George Madeya

Jonathan Mahler

~··. t(''. ~~·. ~.

•• ':/ ,. • _;a

Gina Mangonon

Michelle Manners



Matthew Mannion

Carol Maroney 89

Annette Marrero

Jason Maxwell

Gregory Martin

Jill McClure

Reynold Massenat

Harry Masterson

Michael Matar

Kristie Mattozzi

Mike Davies

Michael M Don't do without ay Trying to save for tomo Because you never Your're going to walk out In The street and get hit by a b 路 Megan McOJinchy It is our responsibilities we sho selfs.

Michael McDonough 90

Megan McGlinchy

Brook McNichol

Kathleen Meagher

Meredith Kuhlman

Phillip Meisner

Jadzia Mellodge

Phillip Meisner "Time just fades the pages in my book of memories" Jennifer Mlrelli boW: Is li lei Dower. You find it in the most unusual places.

Matthew Michaud

Jennifer Mirelli

Felix Miranda

Kelly Neal and Chris Fava

Timothy Mitzen 91

Richard Moore

William Moore

Caryn Moran

Jennifer Moran

Rick Moore If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! Bill Moore Love, football and baseball; the three best things a guy could ask for. catynMoran You only live once, but if you live right, once is enough.

Patricia Moran

Jeffrey Mordock

Daniel Morrin

Marybeth Moscarello

Jeff Mordock "Trust me, I know what I'm doing" Dan Morrin If a tire is rolling down a hill at 51 mph, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse? Marybeth Moscarello "The only alternative to coercion is persuasion and education." Roger del Prado


Ryan Mullen "Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time." Justine Murison Your power means nothing at all.

Christine Murray "I'm just beginning to feel, I'm just beginning to give ... I'm just beginning to live." -Bil1y Joel Eric Murtha Why can't life be like a beer commercial?

Ryan Mullen

Justine Murison

Christine Murray

Eric Murtha

Mark Staffa and Greg Zaleski

Nick Napoleon

Adrian Nadraga

Adrian Nadraga And on the eighth day God created me, smiled, and said, "This Is good." Susan Nemeth An innocent girl in her malden teens Knows per well what eve means. -D.H. Lawrence The Jeune f'llle

Kelly Neall

Susan Nemeth 93

Paul Nevin "All I remember were dogs and flashlights" Sophie Noncent Don't be a victim of society You can't put yourself in a position to be neglected And disrespected You have to do what's unexpected Alright. Colleen O'Keefe "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress is a result ofthe unreasonable man." -George Bernard Shaw

Paul Nevin

Waymon Newkirk

Colleen O'Keefe

Sophie Noncent

Kathy Johnson

James O'Neill

Kristine O'Keefe

Andrew O'Rahilly 94

Jason Okulicz

circles, because hearts just break-but

Barry Schenk

Laura Okum

Suzanne Ostroswki

Tanya Panotfil Walk with <lOCI.

ly function when they are

Keisha Owens

Jaime Papa

Tanya Parrotta

Carly Paver

Jill Pazdan

Crystal Pemberton 95

Tania Perez

Brooke Perone

Lou Crivelli

Nicole Peterson

Michael Pietras 96

Katherine Pfeiffer

Irene Plishchuk

Karen Popowski

Neil Potter

Matthew Pribila

James Primerano

Katherine Provost

Lynda Przyborowski

Matt Prlbila To be all you can, dream of being more.

Jim Prlmerano Who said nice guys finish last? K athy Provost "Always remember to forget the things that make you sad, but never forget to remember the things that make you glad." L da Przyborowski "Love and action is harsh and real, unlike Love and dreams." Dorothy Day

Pamela Pukala

Kyle Pultorak

Nicole Regan

Joseph Rego

Kyle PultOFak "Life has taught me that it is not for faults that we are disliked and even hated, but for our qualities. "Bernhard Berenson Nicole Reagan Life is filled with hopes and dreams but only you can make them happen.

Eric Wills


Paola Rendon

Elena Reznick

Ta ra Fiandaca

Albert Rhodes

Leron Rogers

Elena Reznick To the class of '93: Another chance hello, another gOodbye, and so many things we'll never see again, days Ufe that seemed so unimportant, seem to matter and count much later on. "It's all to easy to take so much for granted." f'adlng Lights" Genisis. AI Rhodes Always remember somewhere someone is W9( hard, running twice as fast, and lifting twice路ta:JQIP:ri

Leron Rogers I entered the cocoon of high school a caterpiWlr and now I leave its open shell a lovely butterfly. Anthony Rotundo

Rebecca Rottkamp

RebecCa ROf;t;IWpp Better by far you should fo ang remember and be sad. Christina James Russo "As I walk back into the future and along the highest hills and I lauglt about It Cummings

Beth Ryflnski My body could stand the crutches, but my body could the sidelines.

James Russo 98

Beth Ryfinski

Iris Sabree

Patricia Salcewicz

Dymphna Santiago

Pedro Santiago

Iris Sabree "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the {vave." Pete Santiago Life is like track-a continuous circle of winning efforts that won't be revealed until the end. Cindi Santo I haven't committed myself about heaven and hell; you see I have friends going both places.

Cynthia Santo

Ruby Santos

Alexander Sargent

Christine Savelli

Alex Sargent ••• Libby, Libby, Libby, LibbyLibby-L-1-B-B-Y. Why? Because you're Libby, Libby, Libby, Libby ••. Thanks for everything, Llbbl Christine SaveiU non~ hate me because I'm beautiful.

Sandra Argumedes and Tanya Perez


Kristen Chebra and Melissa Cattani

Carol Scanlon

Kathryn Schell

Barry Schenck

Susy Schiano

carol Scanlon Ask me about Maury, and I'll kill yal Susy Schiano Good times, bad times, we've made it tl}ru. take the good times while they last and save the best 1 Heather Schneider "And SO WHAT if I Jove the sparkle an4 NOTtry to see things from a different @l'fgle? 'til you shout loud, I AM WHAT I AMI"

Timothy Schnall

Heather Schneider

nm Schnall If your parents didn't have any children, there's a good chance you won't have any either. Jennifer Segretario Time may change and people may change but true love is always forever! Rich Selfridge Hurwee up! Start wunning Mr. Selfritz! Hit dat Twack!

Jennifer Segretario 100

Richard Selfridge

TomSemonik "Don't worry-Be happy" MichaeiShapson "The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of infinite glory." Kimberly Simpson My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die-Queen Pete Singelakis Just remember; when you think you have a lot of homework to do; think of those honors kids.

Thomas Semonik

Kimberly Simpson

Peter Singelakis

Maria Sirak

Stephanie Sliwinski

Michael Shapson

Bill Goertz and Andrew O'Rahilly

Joy Ann Smith

Kirsten Smith

Maddie Slrak " ... And the soul who is always afraid of dying, never really learns to live Stephanie SOwinski A heart full of joy and gladness Will always banish sadness and strife. So always look for the silver lining. And try to find the funny side of life. Jeffery Smith "Damn the torpedo-es-full speed aheadl" Joy Ann Smith Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection, the lover, the dreamer, and me. Kermit the frog

Jeffrey Smith

Keon Smith 101

Jen Smithson "Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live if there were none." Hubbard Sheriee Soganice To believe in dreams you have to be a dreamer. John Solan Like the story we wish was neverending we know sometime we must reach the final page. Still we carry on just pretending that there'll always be another day to go on. Genesis

Jennifer Smithson

Sherice Soganic

John Solan

Sunny Sparano

Michael Matar

Mark Staffa

Matt Stefero

Mark A. staffa Is thisthe real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality. Queen Tara sllntato Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. -Will Rogers

Stacey Sullivan 102

Tara Suntato

Maura Sutterlin Advice is like kissing. It cost nothing and is a pleasur~ to do. Ted Swan If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull. Ryan Szakacs It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, then it's just fun. MeUssaSzul The future fairly startles me with its impending greatness. We are on the verge o undreamed progress.

Maura Sutterlin

Edward Swan

Ryan Szakacs

Melissa Szul

Irene Plishchuk

Helen-Jean Telles

James Thoennes

Helen Telles I'm dangerous on the dance floor! Jim Thoennes If at first you don't succeed, get Gertz to break his legs.


William Thomas "Pleasure has been the business of my life." Suzanne Toporek Sometimes you Just Can't Help It. l"or Tears May fall of The Way It Used to Be.

William Thomas

Suzanne Toporek I


Edward Totten "Only those who attempt absurd can achieve the impossible." Thomas P. Troy, Jr. "As things to wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low and the debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when life is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but don't EVER quit." NikeTweed "You miss too much these days if you stop to think."-U2

Edward Totten

Janice Tyne "I expect to pass this way but once. Any good therefore that I could do Let me do it now and not defer from it, For I shall not pass this way again."

Thomas Troy

Janice Tyne

Nicole Tweed

Gary Wasko

Christopher Vaccaro

Lori Van Emburgh

Christopher Vaccaro "To be all that you can be, you must dream of being more."

Lori VanEmburgh All those who try to soar in life occasionally fall. So wear a well padded suit and practice getting up. Vanessa L. Vaughan "If you have confidence you can win even before you start the race ... Why I never won half the time, I still don't knowl" Domingo Vasquez We must dream In order to be, we must believe in order to become.

Vanessa Vaughan 104

Domingo Vazquez

Rose Vidal

Carla Volk

Mike Pietras

Sussannah Walsh

Michael Warner

Ross Vidal Every man has a side to him that is known only to himself and behind these furtine lies Is a child bewiling the.lack of trust of " society.

carta Volk My taste is simple, I only want the best. Sussannah Walsh Cast a cold eye on ife, on death •••

Gary Wasko

Mark Waston

Oscar Watson

William Weisgarber 105

Jennifer Welsh "I'd rather have a minute of something wonderful, than have a lifetime of nothing at all." Liz White "You've got to run between the raindrops if you want to see the sun." Mark Wiechnik No one ever scored a run by stopping at third.

Cindi Santo

Mark Wiechnik

Jeffrey Wig

Jennifer Welsh

Elizabeth White

Scott Williams

Eric Wills

Tiffany Wingate

Vincent Witkowski

Scott • • to think thjt the one, you love could hurt you now is just

tt UWe hard to believe. 6ut everybody, Darlln', sometimes bites the hand that feeds • ~ is how he handles adversity. This Into a man'' Wrobs 2/25


Amy Wolochowicz

Jenna Woloszyn

Ellen Woody

Caroline Zaleski

Amy Wolochowicz I don't need a clique to make my clock tick my clique is the world, the world is my clique. Jenna Woloszyn "care enough to make a difference" Ellen Woody "Without the heart, there can be no understanding between the hand and the mind." CaroUne Zaleski "If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you will never learnl"

J on Fregans

Gregory Zaleski

Andrew Zdenek

Greg Zaleski for as long as you love, and as high as you'll fly, and smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry, and all you touch, and all you see, is all your life will ever be.

frank Zemclk They say man can live for five days without water, but not if he's on the swim team

Frank Zemcik


Senior Picks B

e s

t F r •


e n d s

Best Smile


e s

t H

a •

I Top/ BEST fRIENDS: Vince Ardery and Brendan Dougherty, Caryn Moran and Megan McGiinchy. Bottom Left/ BEST SMILE: Kyle Pultorak and Jim Primerano. Bottom Right/ BEST HAIR: Neil Potter and Jamie Bonanni.



We>rst Driver

A c p Mc • r 0



s d n t ee n t

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s eB t


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Top Left/ MOST ACCIDENT PRONE~ Martin Gilbert and Paula Bacso. Top Right/ WORST DRIVER: Gina Mangonon and Neil Potter. Middle/ MOST LIKBLY TO BE FAMOUS: Laura Heinz and Todd Caruso. Bottom/ MOST ATHLETIC: VInce Ardery and Liz White.

t •


c 109

Most Artistic

c 1 a

s s

F I •



t s

c I a s s

c I 0

Most Intell Top Left/ CLA LIRTS: Gary Wasko a Corboy. Top Right/ MOST ARTISTIC: Kelly Neall an reg Martin. Bottom Left/ MOST INTBLLEOT'UAL: Bridget Bradburn and Dan LaPerriere. Bottom Right/ CLASS CLOWNS: Carol SCanlon and Joe Lech.


w n


Best Smile

c a M 0

f f

e •

s M 0

e d

s nI s at t a t e d t e d

Jock Block

Brat Pack Top/ CLASS COUPLES: Heather Cyms and Lou Crivellt Joe Latini and Jen Segretario, Bill Moore and Paula Bacso. Middle/ ~RAT PACK: Kristen Brartbam, Jen.-Cole, litrlen~Jean Telles"'!Sue Ostrowski, JamJe Papa, Jen Welsh, KeJJy Corboy, Kathy Johnson, Ca,rol Scanlon, Meredith Guhl, Sunny Sparano, Jen Kelley, Joanne DiNola. 6ottomj"'JOCK BLOCK: Chris Go~dricti;, ~ , Rhod~, John Cimino, ,{ieU Potter, R}'an Breunan and Jim Prlmerano.


Michele Amari Congratulations, Michele, you made it!! You are very special and we 're so proud of you . Keep playing that basketball! We hope all your dreams come true . GO FOR IT ALL! ! YOU GO GIRL! Love, Mom, Dad , Melissa and " Peppe " Vince Ardery You 've made us very proud . May life bring you happiness and success. Love, Mom, Dad, Beth '87 , and Kelly '91 Alan Baker Dear Alan , we are proud of you and love you . Work hard and remember anything is possible if you try. May all your dreams come true and your future be full of success and happiness. Keep that beautiful smile! With much love, Mom and Dad Alan , Good Luck in college - where ever you go. Love Andrea Micaelle Leigh Balik Dear Micaelle, Since the day you were born , you have brought so much joy into our lives. We love you and are proud of you. May God Grant you peace and happiness all through your life. Love, Daddy, Mommy and Danielle Marybeth Banfield Dear Marybeth , Congratulations to a very special daughter who has brought us much happiness and joy. You are a very warm , sensitive, caring person . You have worked hard and we are very proud of you . Good luck in college. Try your best and know your family is always here for you . We love you , happy little one. Love, Mom, Dad , Joy, Deirdre and Baby Christopher Nicholas Barbosa, Ill Congratulations, we are very proud of you . We wish you continued success in each step you take towards attaining your goals. We know you will succeed in whatever you do. Good luck in Lafayette and may all your dreams come true . Love, Mom , Dad , Kelly and Tosh Michael Bartram Michael. Congratulations! We love you , we are proud of you and we couldn 't have asked for more in a son . Your accomplishments have been many and our problems few. Thank you for all the joy and happiness you have given us throughout the years . Love, Mom and Dad Michael. We want you to know how very proud we are of you and how very proud your grandfathers would have been . We love you . Love, Grandmom and Grandmom Mike - You 're a great brother and I love you . I'll miss you when you go. Can I have your Sega and CD Player? Love, Janine Paula Basco Dear Paula , We can not believe that our baby girl is graduating from high school. We are so proud of you . You have done well in school and at the sometime juggled sports and service to the community. We wish you all happiness. We know you will succeed in all you do. You have all of our support and love. A special good luck wish to Bill Moore. Thank you both for all you have done for the Basco family. With all our love, Mom and Dad . Sammy Battista Sammy: you know what you always wanted and dreamed of so go for it real hard we know you can do it. We 're very proud of you . Love you , Mom and Dad Sammy: You may think you 've reached the end of the road , but it's really the beginning. Pursue your dreams, and make them come true . You 've got what it takes . Love, Sissy Sammy: I'm just so very . very proud of you -That 's not an opinion - it's a fact!!! Love, Sissy

Katrina Blake It hardly seems possible that you are ready to finish high school and go on to college. You have been through a lot during this time and have not faltered . You have made you family extremely proud of you in both your academic and athletic achievements. I know that whatever goals you set for yourself in the future, you will get because you are not a quitter but someone that constantly forges ahead . I love you with all my heart and wish you the best that life can offer you always. May God bless you and give you strength in the years ahead . Love always, Mom John Bochiaro Congratulations to a wonderful son! We are proud of who you are and all that you have accomplished! Love, Mom, Dad, and Mary. Jillanne Bodnar Dear Jillanne: We would like to begin this note by stating how much we all love you . This past year, as always, you have made us extremely proud of you. You have proven to us that you have the courage to stand by your convictions, and although we may not always agree with your thoughts and ideas, we respect you as an adult, and will continue to stand by you , as you have consistently stood by your family and friends. Putting down on paper how sorely you will be missed when you go off to college in Florida is very difficult since even though your leaving home is virtually inevitable, it is something that none of us that you 're leaving behind want to think about or accept. Your presence has always been a bright spot in our lives since day one, and not seeing you daily, will be similar to a light going out in our lives. Now, regrettably, the time is upon us that we will be havin~ to let you go, but please know that our unconditaonal love goes with you , and again, we will always be there for you. All our love across the barriers of space, time and life, Mom, Dad , and Joey Bridget Bradburn Dear Bridget You are our " shining star. .. We are so proud of you and all your accomplishments. Keep shining keep reaching and " may God hold you in the palm of His hand ... We love you , Mom, Dad, Erin and Caitlyn Kristen Branham Dear Kristel1': We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Don 't ever stop believing in yourself and the heights you can attain! Always continue to reach for the stars and never settle for anything less!! A big, bright, wonderful world is waiting for you ..... go out and enjoy it!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Jill & Debbie John Brennan Congratulations! We are all very proud of your accomplishments! Good luck next year. We miss you already! Love, Mom, Dad and Family Adam Bucon Congratulations! You have worked so very hard, and we are so proud of you . You are a wonderful son and a beautiful person! Always believe in yourself- we do! We are your family and we will al ways be here for you! We love you , Mom, Dad , and Sarah Jacqueline Bugdal Congratulations! We love you! The years have past so quickly. We thank God for blessing us with you. Our little girl has turned into a wonderful. beautiful. loving young graduate, and we are so proud of you . Only by .allowing yourself to be all that you can be will you allow your future successes to be all that they can be. May God Bless you with good health and much happiness. Love, Mom, Dad , and Melissa

Melissa Butera Dear Melissa: We love you and are proud of you as you graduate from Notre Dame. May your future be filled with God 's blessings and guidance and may you successfully achieve the goals you set for yourself. Love, Mom, Dad, David, and Trisha Alyson Callan Even though you will always be our little girl. we have watched you grow into a very intelligent, caring and beautiful young woman. You are strong and stand up for what you believe in, and we ad mire that. You have achieved many goals in your life and graduation from high school is one other to make us very proud of you. We are excited about your plans for the future and we will be there for you , whenever you need us. We treasure you ... Love, Daddy, Mommy and Laura Todd Caruso Congratulations, son, we are extremely proud of your accomplishment at ND and hopefully you are as equally proud . You have given us much happiness watching you grow into a fine young man. We wish you health and happiness in your future years and may God bless and watch over you wherever life may take you . Love, Dad and Elaine Melissa Cattani A message to Our Wonderful Graduating Daughter, Melissa Cattani Your senior year at Notre Dame is coming to an end It's also time to bid farewell To each and every friend . Your high school days have been so great. already it's four years. For graduation 's almost here, we know you 'll shed some tears. You 're heading off to college soon , our love you will be taking. We 're proud of your accomplishments and the progress you 've been making. And even though your life will change, qthings won 't seem quite the same. But you 'll always have fond memories of good old Notre Dame! Love and congratulations, Mom and Dad . Vince Cereste Congratulations and best of luck for a successful future. We are very proud of you . You worked had and deserve the best that life has to offer. Love, Mom and Dad George Cevera Congratulations, George - May your future be all downhill , rock-free .... and no mud!!! Kristin Chebra Congratulations! We are very proud of all your accomplishments, your zest for life and who you are! You're a wonderful daughter and sister, and a beautiful person. We love you very much and wish you every success in life. God bless you always, and may all your dreams come true . Love, Mom, Dad and Lori. P.S. You 're super cali fragilistic expiali dociousl Deborah Choquette By your first day of Kindergarten you smiled . Bravely through the tears as you let go your tiny hand . Through all these years you have been our joy and our laughter. We are so proud of the beautiful young lady you 've become. Now the world awaits you. Stay close to God and He will sta y close to you . All our love, Mom, Dad, Danielle and Michael John Cimino Dear John: We are extremely proud of you in all of your accomplishments. You have given us much joy. We know that your graduation is one more step that you are taking that will help you fulfill all

of yo ur dreams. Reach for the stars---they will be yours! God be with you, Love. Mom and Dad . Dear John : To our '' little'' brother. We are proud of you . We love you . Good luck always. Love, Noel and Nikki Joanne Cipullo Congrtulations You made it!! Follow your dreams and reach for the stars-We believe in you. Love , Mom , Dad . and Jennifer Frederick Callender Congratulations Fred . You have made us all so very proud of you. Keep up the good work and you will certa inl y achieve all your goals. We love you. Mom . Dad . Jennifer and Nikki Sarah Conboy Congratu lations to a beautiful and spirited young lady who brings such joy and pride to our lives. May God always hold you in the palm of His hand. Love. Mom . Dad , John . Bridget and Pete. Jennifer Corban Dear Jen . I am so very proud of your accomplish ments and of the wonderful person you 've become. You are very special and have a unique way of bringing joy and happiness to everyone that knows you. Don ' t ever change. Remember to always listen to yourself and follow your dreams and you ' ll never go wrong! I love you more that life itself. Mom xoxo Dear Jen , I'm so proud of you! You are a beautiful young woman both inside and out. What ever path you choose. enjoy the gifts that God has given you and use them well. I love you , Mom -Mom Kerry Cristofoletti Dear Kerry - We 've given you roots and now it is time to give you wings. We are so proud of the young lady you have become. Hope your next four years at college are as happy as your last four at Notre Dame. Always keep smiling! Love always, Mom . Dad and Dennis Jeno Czabafy Dear Jeno. Life takes many turns. but we are sure that you will succeed in everything you do. God bless yo u. Love always. Mom , Dad and Lauren Michael Czako Michael. To our Z-Man! We are so proud of you and thank God every day for giving us such a special gift- You. You ' re very special , Michael! You 're loving and caring to your family and friends. You have so much energy and enthusiasm. that we know as you graduate you will accomplish anything you set out to do because you are your own person and work so hard! Congratulations Michael! We love you very much and we' ll always be here for you . Love, Mom, Dad . and Rachael Michael. You have come a long way. Little Professor. God bless us for having a great grandson like you . Love ya-Grandmom and Grandpop. Jennifer Cubberley Congratulations , Jen . You have successfully climbed another step up life 's ladder. We are extremely proud of you and your achievements during your Notre Dame career. May your future be bright and limited only by the quality of our dreams. " Carpe Diem " With love and pride. Mom, Dad and Zack. Heather Cyms Best of luck in all your pursuits. One piece of advice . try and use mass Transit. Love. Mom and Dad Heather. We love yo u . Best of luck. Your sisters. Rebecca . Elizabeth and Maggie. Koren D 'Angelo Dear Kory , Congratulations, you made it! You are ending four great years and beginning many exciting more. We are proud of you and all that you

have accomplished . Remember, no matter how many times you read the fable , the tortoise always beats the hare. We are happy you are one of us. Love, Dad , Mom, Danny and Misty Christi Danberry Christi D. , your mother and I wish you sincere happiness and the best of wishes . too, on your graduation day. We are so very proud of you and we pray, the years that lie ahead bring you much happiness. success and your dreams are answered. With all our love, Mom and Dad Nick DeMaio Congratulations. We are all very proud of you . You have worked hard these past years and we are sure you will achieve your goals - good work- We love you very much . Mom , Dad , and Patricia Dorian Demski There must be a dream, for it to come true, and He who would dare, must learn how to do. Mom, Dad, Sister Melanie A family 's love that made the boy the man he is today. Aunt Ervina , Aunt Gene, and Uncle Arthur Christina Diliberto In school and in sports #1 was the role You 've made us so proud we 'll cheer you out loud . We ' re sure you ' ll go far despite crashing your car. Congratulations on your high school success We wish you nothing but the best! Love , Mom and Dad Your car's a wreck Your knee 's a mess But you ' re our sister And we ' re really impressed . (Please learn how to drive! ) Love Joey & David Joanne M. DiNola To begin to write what I feel and put it in one message is very difficult. I can only wish you the very best life has to offer. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige. but on relationships with people you love and respect. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts. Just follow your dreams. I love you. Mom. Aaron Double We are very proud of you . Here is to the future . We love you . Love, Mom and Dad Greg Dubow Dear Greg Anthony, To the greatest son and best brother and family can have. We know you will always make us proud. Follow your heart and be happy! Love always, Mom, Dad , and Sharon Lisa Dear Greg. Thank you for being the best big brother anybody could have. I'm glad we are such good friends and 1 hope it stays that way . The sky is the limit! Love, your little sis! Scott Dzialo To a great son , I wish you the very best in the years ahead of you. Love. Mom Cheryl L. Eitzen We are so proud of the young lady you have become! Our prayer for you is that you hold fast to your beliefs. ideals and dreams, reach for the stars. Congratulations, good luck and may God bless you . Never forget we love you very much!! Love Mom and Dad Jennifer Ellsworth Congratulations! We are very proud that you are our daughter, You are very special to us. May your future be bright and all your dreams come true . May God bless you always! Love. Mom. Dad , Kathleen and Kenny

Elandra Farrior Dear Lon , this is one of your special poems. " DON 'T QUIT" When things go wrong, as they sometimes will When the road you ' re trudging seems all uphill. When the funds are low and the debts are high And you want to smile. but you have to sigh . When care is pressing you down a bit . Rest if you must. but don 't you quit . Success is failure turned inside out . so stick to the fight when you ' re hardest hit. It's when things seem worst that you mustn 't quit. Keep on , Keeping on . Love Mom and Dad and your older sisters. Christopher Fava Congratulations! We are proud of you and your accomplishments and love you for what you are. God bless you and bring you every happiness. Love. Mom and Dad Matthew Fede All our Best wishes to a wonderful grandson for a happy and healthy life - you bring joy and happi ness to all -Always know how proud we are of you! Love , Grandma and Grandpa Matthew Fede, You are important - believe it know it. Allow your realization to radiate among your fellow man . Be yourself and try to be the best you can be. May your dreams become reality . Love Mom , Dad, Kevin and Brian Rebecca Fitzgibbon Becca, our Sunshine - Don 't let the clouds throw you. Just keep on shining. Love, Mom, Dad , Gen and Lyric Theresa Fitzpatrick Dear Theresa, Congratulations! We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. You began N.D. a young girl (gee. it seems only yesterday . . ) and have grown up to be an independent. dynamic young woman. May you continue to set high goals for yourself and achieve them! We wish you lots of luck and success in all you do in the fu ture . Keep smiling! Love Always, Mom, Dad & Tommie John Floyd We are so proud of you and hope this will be the beginning of many happy and fulfilling years. There is nothing you can 't achieve, once you set your mind to it. Aim high . strive to be the best and never let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goals. We love you very much and God bless you . Love Dad & Mom Mary Foster Congratulations, We know how hard you have worked . We are very proud of your accomplishments, never under estimate their importance. You will always be our " Lizzie Bet. " May you achieve all your dreams and " goals. " Love Mom and Dad. To the best little sister we ever could have hoped for! You 're even better than the Holly Hobbies Pocket books! (only kidding) . You grew up to be a beautiful young woman Mary. We love you more than we could ever say! Kick butt where ever you go! Sue and Kathy Jason Fowler Jay. you are a fine young man. Keep God as your light. and you will always find your way. We love you. Mom. Dad, Dee. and Ric Jon Fregans Hey - WaTus!! We love you and are very proud of you . Remember to set your goals high , because we know that you can reach them. May happiness. health and success be yours forever. All our love. Mom and Dad Dear Jon , Thanks for paving the road for me at ND. I hope it's not too bumpy!!!! Congratulations

and best wishes from your " little " brother. Love, Brandon '97 Tina Gallucci Dear Tina , We are so proud of all your accomplish m ents these past few years . you have grown into a wonderful. caring person and we know that you will be a success in all that you do. Good luck in college! Love Mom , Dad , Clare Ann and Michael Angelica Garcia Graduation is such a beautiful word . Congratulations Angie , We are so proud of you . Good luck to all your endeavors. We love you . Mom and Dad David M. Gater What makes a mother and father proud? You . Your life and ours have been woven together with many happy memories, along with Stephanie. have given the term " family " special meaning to us. Continue to work hard and success will surely come your way . Love you always, Mom and Dad Congratulations! I can 't believe my little brother is actually graduating! Even with the hardships of high school. you have accomplished many great things. I'm sure that when you go to college you will be able to take on anything. College has alot to offer. and I know you 'll make the most of it. Good Luck! Love, Stephanie. Bill Goertz Dearest Bill. Congratulations to our: Son, Brother, Grandson. Uncle. Brother-in-law. and friend! You have become an: Eagle Scout. guitarist. artist. col lector, Style Setter. Volunteer firefighter, explorer, and the unique individual that makes you " our Bill " - With Lots of Love, your family Sean Martin Golden Congratulations! You are a wonderful son and cool brother. We love you and are very proud of you . Sean , you have a special gift of caring and concern for others. Never give up on your dreams. You can do it. May God bless you with love, happiness and fulfillment. Always remember that we are here for you . Love, Mom. Dad, and Kelli Chris Goodrich Chris is the greatest!! Says who? Says Grandpa and Grandmom Goodrich . The past 18 years have gone by so quickly. You are very special to us and we are proud of all that you have accomplished . May all your hopes and dreams come true and may your life be filled with happiness. All our love to a terrific young man . Hugs-Mom and Dad Debra Grasso Dear Deb: To a truly special daughter who we are so proud of: We know that you will be successful in all future endeavors. May your life be blessed with peace, love. happiness and contentment. We love you very much , Mom and Dad Richard Guarini At this most auspicious occasion it is good to pause and reflect upon life's journey, and the various crossroads we all come upon. The choices made truly shape one 's life. In a world where peace eludes us still , those choices are momentous . Our prayer for you is that you always make those choices keeping in mind our support and Christ's love. Love. Mom , Dad, John, David, Elizabeth and Thomas Congratulations! Best of Luck in all that you do. We 're proud of you . Love. Christina and Doug Michael John Guglielmo Congratulations on a job well done! It seems like only yesterday that you were our " little bean " heading off to your 1st day of school. Now you are all grown up, and successfully graduated from high school! When you go off to college we will miss all these splendid days and evenings at the ballfield. We are very proud of you , our son . who

has matured into a handsome young man of many gifts and talents. Never lose that wonderful (and sometimes weird ) sense of humor . Always remember that you can be, and achieve anything that you set your mind to! May God bless you with a life of health , happiness and good fortune . Our love and support Always, Mom, Dad, and Steve Meredith Guhl Congratulations! To a daughter bright and beautiful. It's been a long four years with more than our share of ups and downs, but we survived-closer now and better friends. You are a very special young woman and I'm so proud to have a daughter like you . Love Mom Congratulations to a very dear granddaughter. Best wishes for the future. God bless you . Love, Gram. Christine Gunson Chrissy, congratulations on your graduation . We are very proud of your accomplishments . Wherever you go in life, hold your head high and be proud of yourself. Good luck in your future endeavors. Love always, Mom, Dad and Kim . David Haas Dear David, Congratulations! We 're very proud of you and we love you. Always remember that we love you. Remember also that the secret of success is HARD WORK and persistence. Always keep trying. Never give up! Love, Mom , Dad , Jonathan , and Daniel David our Grandson is warm and lovable, He is strong like King David his namesake, He will be successful in everything he does. Love, Nana and Poppy Dear David, Upon your Graduation, may you real ize your fondest ambition but most of all. we wish you health and happiness. Love Nanna and Papa Keith Obreen Harris Keith , we 've always known that you would be successful. Now, you have another milestone to accomplish , and that is college. We know that you will nourish in your next milestone and go on to a prosperous career. We love you , we 're proud of you , and we 'll always be there for you . Congratulations and God bless you! Love, Mom and Dad Con!;\ratulations and may God continue to bless you m your ftJture attainments. Love, Nannie and Pop-Pop Megan Hayman Dear Megan , Congratulations! We are all very proud of you and wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Some advice as you embark on your new adventure: " Whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. Love, Mom, Dad, Chris, and Kevin Laura Heinz Congratulations! We have so many reasons to be proud of you . You have given your sisters a loving friend as well as a model to emulate. It's been a joy to watch you grow into an accomplished young woman. Follow your dreams and remember that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and trust in God. Don 't be afraid to reach for the highest note! We love you always, Mom, Dad, Carrie, Meggan, Grandma , Grandpa and Nanny Kate Hess Congratulations Kate! We are all very proud of you . Our best wishes for good health and happiness to a wonderful person . Love Mom, Grandmom, Aunt Mary, Uncle Chel , Ciocia , and Grandad . Anthony Hutchinson Congratulations, Anthony- you 're a really special kid- stay the way you are- we love you. Good luck on T.V. Love, Mom , Dad , Rob. Tom . Bill and Janice.

Anthony lnverso Anthony. you are a truly special young man and son . You have made us Thankful. Happy and Proud. Stay a considerate, respectful and kind person . Your sense of commitment and responsibility will bring you the success you deserve. so aim high and go that extra step! Congratulations and good luck at Penn - We love you very much -Mom and Dad Mark Jablonski Happy, Proud and grateful are we to see you stepping so eagerly and firmly into the future . Embrace it with an open and inquisitive mind- shape it and be shaped, remembering that God always walks with you. We love you , our gentle giant. Kathy Ann Johnson Kathy Ann : You made it! We 're so proud of you! Love Always, Mom and Dad Kath , Best of luck you 're grea t! Love Craig and Chris Alison Kakstis Congratulations, Alison! You 've worked so hard and we are all proud of you . Always know you are special. We love you , Dad, Mom, Jen, and Daisy Matthew Kasprzak Dear Matt. Congratulations on this milestone!!! Matt. of all the great acting parts you had, we are most proud of the one where you play the good humored leader, outstanding teenager, and loving son, and brother that you are .... EVERYDAY! Unending happiness is a state of mind created by what you give to others . Best wishes for continued success in all you do. We love you! Love Al ways, Mom, Dad , Tom , Nicky. and Mary Jennifer Kelley Jennifer, This time of your life has been an important stepping stone to your future . Remember it. cherish it. and draw from its experiences in attaining your goals and dreams. Congratulations! We love you and are very proud of you!! Love, Mom and Joe Brian Knott Dear Brian : I've been your protector, provider. and counselor, nurse, and cheerleader, picture toting. doting, sometimes critical. loving mom. 1 look forward to being your friend . Go out there and catch a wave that will take you wherever you want to go. but always remember home is where the free food is. Hang-Ten . Love, Mom Michele Kopen Congratulations! You did your job and you did it well. When times got tough you never fell. Our hearts are bursting with such pride, that you can take life in its stride. As daughters go. you 're a Perfect A, you 've shown us that in every way . Though school days now are in the past. your memories will last and last. About your future. only God knows for sure, just do His will and keep your heart pure. As we 've been to you , you 've been our crutch , And we can only say we love you so much . Love ya! Mom, Dad , Jill Popie Koutouzos Dear Popie, Congratulations! We love you. Have a great time in college. We will miss your great sense of humor and Howie too. Love, Mom and Dad, Christina, Manoli and Helene. Dear Popie, Congratulations from all your family in England. Have a great time at college. F.B. your cousin F.B. Love, Aunt Ann , Uncle Male and Grandpop. Dan LaPerriere Congratulations! We love you- we are so proud of you and all you 've accomplished. You have brought us so much happiness and pleasure. Never underestimate your abilities. for you can accomplish anything you set out to do. Continue to

be your own person and hold true to your morals and values and life will be good to you . May great success. happiness and peace be yours through o u t li fe. The best is yet to come! Love, Dad , Mom, Shell y and Nikki

Kelly McNichol To Kell -bell : May you accomplish all you set out to do! All our love, Mom, Dad, Richie , Heather, Mike, Aunt Helen and the NcNichol clan .

Mary Ann Larraga Congra tulations! We 're all so proud of you , and may you succeed in everything you do. With all o u r love- Mom , Dad and Armand

Jadzia Mellodge My Jadzia - Congratulations- you made it! The best is still to come! Live every moment seek pleasure in everything that you do! LOVE- Mom, Dad, Nikki , and John

Christine Lewis Congratulations Chrissy! We 're so proud of you . and wan t to take this chance to say thank you for making our job, as parents, so easy. We 're so proud of your success and know you will succeed in wh atever you decide to do in life's journey. We love you and your special smile and laughter that gives so much joy to everyone. Love, Mom , Dad , Karyn and Ronnie Robert Liberto Robert, Congratulations! We are very proud of you. Best of luck and much success in your future . God bless you . Love Always, Mom and Dad. Kerri Lorbeck Kerri. we love you and are very proud of you . Ma y all of your hopes and dreams come true. Remember, we will always be there for you . Love. Mom. Dad and Joey. Gina Mangonon To our sweet and lovely Gina Mangonon, congratulations and best wishes on your graduation . You have been an inspiration to us. Keep up the good work and we wish you the best in college. We are really proud of you . Just remember, we are always h ere for you . Love and Kisses, Mom and Dad Dear Gina , Congratulations and good luck in col lege. We know you will have fun and headaches too but we know you will make it. We love you . sis. Tess and Alex Michelle Manners Congratulations- We were Blessed to have a daughter like you . We are very proud and love you very mu ch . May all your dreams come true . Rem ember we will always be here for you . Love, Mom and Dad In the past four years I have seen you grow into a fin e young lady. I have seen you fall and 1 have seen you pick yourself up and start again , Michelle if you appl y the same in the future you may accompl ish and succeed in all you do. I am very proud and I love you . Your Aunt JS Mi c helle , Congratulations , it ' s finally over " School. " Good luck in the future. I'll miss you when I go in the Marines. but I'll always be thinking about you . Love, Smoochie Bear Michell e. Good luck in the future, its a jungle out th ere , be careful. Congratulations, you got this far don 't give up. Love you , Your Sis Jen. Michael Matar MichaeL fore ver love, support and guidance to lead you to a happy, healthy and successful life. Mom and Dad Mike, To m y whale hating brother have a great time in college. Try to leave the whales alone. Love. Lisa Megan McGiinchy Browning almost said that a woman 's reach should exceed her grasp ... or what's h eaven for? You 'll always be a shining star in our lives. Con gratulations on four wonderful years at Notre Dame. Love- Mom and Dad Brook McNichol Brook: Well son another chapter is closed . Soon a new one will open . We hope it holds for you all your hopes and dreams. If the road gets too rough just remember we are always here for you . We are very proud of you . Love, Mom and Kim

Felix Miranda Felix: Congratulations. We are all very proud of you . May your goals and dreams become a reality. Our love will be with you forever. Good luck in col lege. God Bless You !!!! Te Queremos Mucho. Mom, Dad , and Vic Felix: You have made us very proud of you . Believe in yourself and God, and your dreams will become true. We love you very much . Uncle Mike and family, Uncle Victor and Family, Uncle Tony and Krissy Jen Mirelli Your years at Notre Dame have served you well. When you started high schooL you were a little girl. Over the next four years we watched you become a fine young woman. The loving nature and warm personality that God has given you is a special gift. We know that you will always use that gift wisely in whatever you do in life. We love you more than you can ever know and are very proud of your accomplishments. Mom and Dad Bill Moore Dear Bill. You have always made us proud to be your parents. You have brought us many happy moments. Our love will be with you always Mom and Dad Richard Moore Congratulations, Rick! We were truly blessed when you came into our lives with your kind and sensitive spirit. Those qualities have helped you grow into a fine young man. Take pride in all your accomplishment no matter how big or small because each one has made a positive difference in you and all those around you . Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations! Good luck and stick with all your dreams. Megan Jeff Mordock Jeff, Congratulations; Dare to dream and set your goals high. There is more virtue in the partial achievement of difficult goals. then in complete achievement of lesser goals. When in doubt trust in yourself and God. Always do what you think is right. Hopefully, you will enjoy a little of the luck of the Irish . Love, Mom, Dad and Amos Jeff, You 're a high school graduate, so what! What do you think you 're some kind of smart guy now?!? Love, Craig Dan Morrin Congratulations on your graduation ! Good luck with the rest of your life! We wish you happiness, Jove, and laughter always and forever. Our Love, Mom, Dad and Andy Christine Murray Dear Christine, Congratulations! We are all very proud of your outstanding accomplishments that you worked so hard to attain. Remember to reach for the moon, if you miss, you 'll catch the brightest star. Thank you for 17 beautiful years. With love, Mom, Dad, and Robert Eric Murtha Eric, Congratulations! We wish you the best of everything in the future, with much happiness, success and peace. Try your best always and have fun too. You are a special person! Love you , Mom and Dad

Adrian Nadraga Dear Adrian , We have been thanking God everyday since you 've been born. You 're a loving and caring person so never change. Set your goals high and go for it. You can do anything you set your mind to . We love you ! Mom, Dad , Yuri and Oriana Nick Napoleon Dear Nick, we know our persistence in the past four years was hard for you , but it was for you . Dad, Deana and I are so proud of you , not only for today but for being loving and giving person you are. We love you and wish you all the happiness and success in a new beginning. Love and God Bless, Dad, Mom, and Deana Susan Nemeth Susie, we searched and searched for the perfect words-words that would express how proud we feel -words that you would remember later in life. We found the perfect words were simply, We love you! Mom and Dad and Kris Jason Okulicz Jason, you are a special fulfillment to our family. We love you and are very proud . May all of your dreams be the life that you lead. Congratulations! Love- Mom Dad and Wally Jason, You always make me proud and you 're good on the eyes too. God Bless You! Aunt Bernie Jill Pazdan Dear Jill- It is so hard to believe your high school days are over. It has not always been easy but you made it and we are so proud of you . You are so special to us and we hope the future is so very good to you! You deserve the very best! Love, Mom, Dad , Brian and Taylor Dear Jill- Congratulations!! We are all proud of you! All our love- Aunt Pat Uncle John and early Dear Jill- Where did my little granddaughter go? I'm so proud!! Good luck and God bless you ! Love, Nan Kate Pfeiffer We send you our hopes and wishes for a happy and successful future . You have always filled our hearts with love by your contagious laughter and perky manner. Remember that you will always have our support and love for all of your ambitions and whatever lies ahead. Love from Dad , Nanny, Poppa, and Tyler. Matthew Pribila We have enjoyed all your success and we know that this is only the beginning. Congratulations! Love-Mom, Dad, Eugene, Katie, and Sarah James Primerano Dear Jimmy, Eighteen years ago God gave us our greatest gift. A son. You! Words cannot express the Jove we have for you. Our pride in you is unlimited. Uncle Nav said to make sure you become the best of what you could be and we know you have and will. Jimmy, your dreams are our dreams, your hopes are our hopes. Race for the stars for they are yours for the winning. Forever, Daddy and Mommy Dear Jimmy, I cannot believe that you are going to college. I remember all the days we 've spent together and all the fun we have had . I will remem ber and cherish them forever. I love you . Love, Lauren xoxoxo P.S. I'm proud of you. Dear Jimmy, On August 25, 1975, I was blessed with a precious gift. A grandson. You have grown into a wonderful young man. I am so proud of you . In September you start a new challenge in your life. Always remember 1am here for you and that 1 love you . Love, Grandmom Franny Dear Jimmy, Congratulations. May God continue to bless you in all that you do. With Pride &: Love, Uncle Bill, Aunt Cris, and Kyle Dear Jimmy, Good Luck to My very special Godfather! Love, Dylan

Dear Jimmy, As you graduate, we can ' t help feel ing very lucky that most of the dreams we had al most eighteen years ago have come true . We are grateful to you for making that happen, and we can 't begin to tell you how proud you have made us. If the rest of those dreams come true, you will continue to do your best and have a wonderful life. Remember, we'll always love and be there for you . Sincerely. Grand mom & Grandpop Dear Jimmy, You 're the best Nephew an Aunt or Uncle could ever have. We 're so proud of you in so many ways and for so many reasons. You have grown into an exceptional young man with goals and expectations for a bright future. Stay on the path that you ' ve set for yourself and always remember that if any hurdle seems a bit too high , we 'll be right there to give you a boost. All our love. Aunt Anne & Uncle Bob Lynda Przyborowski To our LuLu: There are no words that could ever make you realize just how much you mean to us. We see your beauty but more importantly we see what's on the inside and that's what makes us so proud . So go out there, and always remember we 're here for you; But most of all believe in yourself. We love you . Love Mom Dad and Adam My Dear Lynda : We've spent lots of time together, and with each day I love you more. Make me proud and don 't let your stubborn side get in the way . You 're a wonderful. beautiful girl. Love Grandma Pamela T. Pukala It seems like yesterday when you stood center stage and said " well here we are, all ready for graduation. " Well here you are . a very special and loved daughter and sister. We couldn 't be more proud of you as a person. Your accomplish ments are outstanding and deserved . We wish you continued success, happiness, and a life full of dreams coming true. Good Luck in college!! Love always, Mom. Dad and Joey xxxooo Congratulations Pamas you graduate from High School. We love you and we 're very proud of you . You are our joy. Love Gram. Gram and Pop Pop Kyle Renee Pultorak We're glad to have a daughter like you. Remember, always try your best never settle for less. be true to yourself. have confidence in whatever you do and you 'll be all that you can be plus more. We are so proud of you , Kyle , Congratulations . Go for it all. You will always have our love and support. Never lose your beautiful smile. LUV YA BUNCHES MOM AND DAD Time has flown by so fast. we pray the rest of your life is filled with Love, Loyalty. Friendship, Laugh ter and Success. You deserve the best. With pride and love, Your brothers Donald & Kevin sister Janet & Tami says me too . Always hold fast to your goals and ideas while following your dreams. The future is open if you reach for the stars. We love you and are so proud. Never change inside. Always stay as sweet and caring as you are. Keep on smiling . Your loving Memom & Kiddo

Elena Reznick Dear Elena : Congratulations! Job well done! Now you 're off to college. May your college years be as happy as your Notre Dame years have been . We are very proud of you and we love you very much . Mom&Dad P.S. Let's go shopping this weekend! Leron Rogers Congratulations to my wonderful son . You have just completed another milestone in your educational journey and we know you will do well as you climb the ladder of success. Remember, success is not measured by who you become on the outside, but by who you are on the inside. We love You , Jody, Mom & April Anthony Rotondo Dear Anthony, From the moment you were born you have been the source of a great deal of love, pride, and happiness. Nothing on earth could ever change that. Love, Dad , Mom , Dannie, Chuck, Emily, and Jeremy Rebecca Rottkamp Congratulations Rebecca Rottkamp! J .R.. R.B.R.. P.R., P.N.D., L.E.D., M.R.D ., R.R. , P.R., and MAD. Congratulations Bee! Please tell me you 're not busy this weekend. Mel Gibson. Congratulations Rebecca Rottkamp! Good luck in college stay as sweet as you are NOT! REL, M.A.L., A.M .L., K.A.L. , M.R.C. , C.L.L. We are very proud of you . Love, Mom and Dad James Russo " To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but believe:路 Ana tole France. You have always made us very proud of you . Continue to be the best that you can be! Love, Mom & Dad Beth Ann Ryfinski Beth Ann , You have always been a great source of happiness and pride to us , whether it was on the court or off. We know this will never change. Al ways keep in mind that our love and support will be with you both now and in the future . Good luck always and may all of your dreams come true . We love you! Dad and Mom Roxanne Sanmniello Dear Roxanne, Life is sometimes an uphill climb . Sometimes you have to keep at it. work hard and learn from your mistakes. I'm very happy with all that you ' ve accomplished and you have a bright future ahead . Be successful - I'm with you , all the way. I love you , Dad Clndi Santo Dear Cindi. Mom & Dad are very proud of you and everything you have accomplished . Good Luck in the Future. Our love will always be with you . Alex Sargent ALEX- Just keep paddling, only nine more miles! Love, Dad, Mom, and Amy Tim Schall Tim, You have been a continual source of inspiration and pride. May all your dreams come true and may your future be filled with success and happiness. Congratulations! We love Ya-Much . Love Mom& Kevin

Nicole Regan " To be a star. unto yourself, You must shine your own light. Follow your own path , And ignore the darkness;------For that is when stars shine brightest" Nicole Congratulations! Your work and dedication to your studies has resulted in your reward -your High School Diploma . Keep up the good work as you continue your education at college and always remember we are so very proud of you . Love Mom&Dad

Katie Schell Dear Katie, Congratulations on your Graduation . Next is college after your schooling may be Congress working your way up to the First Female President. Good Luck in whatever you choose . Love Mom , Dad , Kristie, Karl & Megan

Joseph Rego Congratulations! We are so very proud of you . Good Luck in everything you set out to do. Joe, the future is yours! Love Mom , Dad & Mike

Barry G. Schenck The Dreams we've shared each passing day. The precious moments, too, The laughs, The tears. along the way,

Those crazy things you do. We love you , Barry, You 're one of a kind , We 're proud of all you 've done, Our best to you, always keep us in mind , You 're a great friend , brother and son . Our love to you now and forever, Mom, Dad and Tara (Jazz, Sa mi. Phyl. Beamer and Barni ) Rich Selfridge May you always do the best you can an have th e best life has to offer. Good Luck! Love Mom & Dad Jennifer Segretario God gave us a special gift-you . Congratulations! We are very proud of you . Good Lu ck and success in the future. Love always, Mom . Dad , Denise. Gery, Barbara & Pat Michael Shapson We have always been proud of everything yo u have done, or have tried to do. Your accomplish ments in school were always greater and greater year after year. Every year you set your goals higher and higher, and always seemed to far pass them . The pride you have in yourself is your future success. We love you always. Congratula tions. Love, Mom, Dad, Bobby, Brian, and Little Matth ew Stephanie Sliwinski Steph - You have always been a source of pride to your family, Our love, prayers and all our best wishes are with you now as you face the challenge and excitement of college. Always be the loving and caring person you are now. Love Always, Mom and Dad Steph - you are the greatest sister! we love you hope you 'll always be happy. Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart-because you have all it takes to be a success. Love. Chris and Beth Jeffrey Smith We love you Jeffrey. Good Luck in the Future and may God Bless you always. Good luck in the Navy and Congratulations! Love and prayers always Patti. Daddy, Kristen , Kathleen Kirstin Smith Congratulations to my Dear Daughter Kirsten Who is as beautiful inside as she is out. I'm so proud o f you and your way of embracing life with an open hand . I know you 'll be a wonderful and compassionate nurse. Always remember that I love you as wide and the sky and as deep as the ocean. Your Mother May you always enjoy sunlight days and moonl it nights, bright stars to gaze upon, and ocean breezes to warm you . May you always enjoy smooth oceans to sail. new lands to explore, ra inbows to follow the showers, and blue skies forever. May you always believe that there 's love to be shared, for that will make hearts warm and true. May you always believe that the flowers will bloom , for perhaps that's the reason they do. And may you always believe that your dreams will come true in a beautiful wonderful way. Fo r whatever you really believe in your heart is yo urs for the taking today. Love Alwa ys, Aun t Joan Kirsten Smith My Wishes For You , Dearest Kirsten May you always enjoy sunlit days, moonlit nigh ts. bright stars to gaze upon , ocean breezes to wa rm you . May you always enjoy smooth oceans to sai l. new lands to explore, rainbows to follow the showers, and blue skies forever. May you always believe that there 's love to be shared, for that will make hearts warm and true. May you always believe that the flowers wi l l bloom, for perhaps that's the reason they do. And may you always believe that your dreams wi ll come true in a beautiful wonderful way. For whatever you really believe in you r hea rt

Is yours for the taking today. With My Love Always, Aunt Joan Jennifer Smithson We ' re really proud of your accomplishments in high school and your academic success. We ' re even prouder of how you 've grown to be such a wonderful young lady. We 'll miss very much not having you with us all the time as you move on to college and the rest of your life. We know that your success will continue. We will always be there for you . With all our love Mom & Dad Tom Somonik Congratulations! You finally made it. We ' re very proud of you and know that you will continue to strive for success. Good Luck in all you do and stay as good a guy as you are now and you will go far. Love Mom . Paul Brian and Ritchie . Sunny Sparano Sunny: You are a woman of the 90's-smart vivacious. sensitive and definitely determined . You can have it all!!! Today, as always. since the day of your birth you are the sunshine of our lives. We love you! Mom & Dad Sunny: Congratulations! and best of luck in the future . We love you and will always be there for you . Mom -Mom & Pop-Pop Matthew Stefero Always knew you would succeed-Congratulations, Matt Love you Always! Mom and Dad Way to Go, Matt! Hope you like snow! Congrats. Sara and Nick Maura Sutterlin Twenty years from now you will not be disappointed by the things you did , but by the things you didn 't do. So follow your dreams. reach for the stars and know that you will always have our support. our confidence and most of all our love. Congratulations-We are very proud of you. Love Mom & Dad You have a wonderful ability to touch people 's hearts, to make someone laugh and to show that you care . You have this world a better place and you ' ve made our lives joyful from the minute you were born. Love Mom, Dad & Mike If you should decide you want to tend bar and pick coconuts in Tahiti. Just be the best bartender and coconut picker you can be. Do it with style and a smile! Love Bubbles Ted Swan Congra tulations! We are both so very proud of you . You have become such a fine young man . It's an honor to have you as our son . We wish you love. happiness and success. May all your dreams come true . You are very special. We love you. Mom and Dad Ryan Szakacs Congratulations Ryan . we are so proud of you . You deserve the very best that life can bring. Keep smiling! Love You , Mom, Dad & Alison Melissa Joy Szul Melissa , You have brought so much joy to our lives and made us so proud of you may all of your dreams & wishes come true for your future . Al ways remember we ' re here for you. Love Mom , Dad & Scott William Thomas We hope that our Lord will look over you in the years ahead and grant you health . happiness. success in life. Mom . Dad , Lisa Eddie Totten Eddie: Congratulations on your Graduation . Best of luck in college. and in all the things you do. God bless you . Love Mom , Dad and Shelly

our " Griswold " vacations and Dad 's terrible snoring. Good luck in college. I love you , Nicole

Thomas P. Troy Jr. Dear Tommy Just Do It! Be Happy! We Love You! Mom, Dad and Jimmy Niki Tweed Niki - " We ' re proud of you . and we love Love, Mom & Dad

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Janice Tyne Dear Janice. We love you very much! Good luck to you in all you do . Love, Dad , Mom, Jenny, Jim & Jason Chris Vaccaro Congratulations to a very special son . Since the day God blessed us with you , our lives have been filled with joy and pride. Chris. look forward to each new day with great anticipation. Success and happiness lie ahead for you . May God continue to bring you abundance. We love you and are so proud of you. Mom & Dad Vanessa L. Vaughan Congratulations! We are very proud of you . As you enter college remember. " In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your Paths." Love Mom and Dad. Thank you Vernice Vaughan Domingo Vazquez My dear son Domingo: It has been very rewarding to watch you grow, learn and accomplish so much . You are a sensitive and caring person and I'm very proud of you. Best of luck for a happy and successful future. I will always be here for you . Love always, Mom Son. I'm very lucky to have shared so many wonderful moments with you. If I criticized you when you didn 't do well I want you to know that I am Sorry. You are smart and very talented . I love you and I'm very proud of you . No matter where you arc, you ' ll always be close to my heart. Love always , Dad Carla Volk Carla, We are so very proud of you . We wish you the best life has to offer. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. Believe in yourself and your dreams will come true! Whatever you choose to do we ' ll be there to support you. We hope your future is filled with health , happiness, success and Love. Love, Mom and Dad Princess Cruster: I am very proud of you . I wish you a lot of success in everything you do. I love you! Good luck in college . Love, Little Princess Cruster Michael Warner You have come a long way and may you always keep planting the seed of your dreams. if you keep believing in them . They' ll keep trying their best to blossom for you. I'm very proud of you. Love Mom Mark Watson Congratulations-You did it! We are so proud of you and love you so much. Whatever you want is out there waiting for you . So " carpe diem " and go for your dreams. We wish you back tenfold all the joy and happiness You 've given us. Love, Mom. Dad and Amy Bill Weisgarber Dear Billy. Congratulations on your graduation. Our hope is that you will follow your dreams and accomplish the best you can in life, not only for yourself but for others. You are the twinkle in our eyes, our first born and our first love. You 've only just begun. Love, Mom and Dad Billy, You ' re my favorite brother and don 't ever forget that. Thanks for letting me tag along with you . I appreciate all the rides you gave me, except making your tuna fish sandwiches. Never forget

Elizabeth White Dear Liz, Cheers and congratulations to our little " Running Chick," the last of the six Whites to graduate Notre Dame. These past four years certainly have been power-packed. You have put forth incredible effort and the results speak for themselves; a distinguished scholar and an outstanding athlete. - " Young Girl. " always stay as sweet as you are and remain steadfast to your principles and values. You are one terrific daugh ter and sister. We love you very much and we ' re very proud of you. We wish you every success and happiness in all your future endeavors. Love , Mom, Dad , John Steve, Greg and Chris Jeff Wig We are very proud of you , your love made us very happy. Looking forward to enjoying college with you , " Keep in Touch ". Dad and Kathy Ellen Woody Congratulations, Ellen! Love and Best wishes to our future author. from Mom, Dad, Beth , Mary, and David Caroline Zaleski Congratulations! We love you and are very proud of you and your accomplishments. You are unique and special person. Good Luck in college and may all your dreams come true . God bless you. Love Mom&Dad Caroline. Congratulations on your Graduation from Notre Dame. You are the best. May God bless you always. With much love, Babcia & Dziadzia Gregory Zaleski Greg, I'm really proud of you . I know times were rough but better ones come along. I know you'll make something of yourself in college. If you need anything I'll be here for cause I'm your big brother. Congratulations Greg I'll love you always. Big Brother Dave Your personality, your great smile. your sense of humor and talent are such a special joy. with these gifts may your dreams come true. Love Mom &Dad

Finishing First Academically

Number Two: Daniel LaPerriere Number Five: Sussannah Walsh

Number Three: Esther Fields Number Six: Justine S. Murison

Number Four: Jenna Woloszyn Number Seven: Anthony P. lnverso

Number Eight: Megan E. McGiinchy

Number Nine: Stacey J. Sullivan

Number Ten: Rose Anne Vidal



By Michael Shapson

On crisp autumn nights, the crash of football helmets and the cheers of the crowd pierce the cool air. When the colder winter months approach, the squeaking of sneakers and the pounding of basketballs reverberate through the gymnasium. As the days become warmer, the chatter of ball players fill the warm spring afternoons. With the coming of each season comes a new variety of sport$. Although these sports may be vastly different, at Notre Dame there has been one factor uniting all of them. That is the fact that for nearly the last quarter of a century all the sports at Notre Dame have been under the direction of Vince Ardery. Mr. Simone described him as, "an aggressive administrator of athletics, who always did the best thing to put Notre Dame in a positive light in the community." When Mr. Ardery first became the director of Notre Dame athletics, the sports program here at Notre Dame and throughout Mercer County were relatively small. There were only a few sports available, mainly just football, basketball, and baseball. Mr. Ardery strengthened the sports program at Notre Dame by adding a greater variety of sports such as track, swimming, golf, tennis, wrestling, and ice hockey. He also helped bring sports, such as ice hockey, to Mercer County. Mr. Ardery also established a competitive girls sports program. He founded the Mercer County Athletic Tournament, which allowed sports teams to compete for county championships. His tremendous amount of work was rewarded as he was named the Dean of Mercer County Ath-

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letics Mr. Ardery is also a member of the National Baseball Committee. Mr. Ardery has also been successful in helping Notre Dame athletes reach higher levels of competition. He has developed a solid network of college level coaches and is able to bring these coaches into contact with the athlete, and help the athletes pursue college scholarships. He also prepares students academically for college through encouragement and help in improving their classroom performance. He also touches students directly through his work as a history teacher. The greatest quality associated with Mr. Ardery is his intensity and commitment to not only strengthening Notre Dame athletics, but his commitment to strengthening Notre Dame as a whole. This intensity and commitment is present in all aspects of Mr. Ardery's life, from being a husband and father of three, to being a state championship baseball coach and athletic director.

Page 126/Top/ AN EYE ON THE FUTURE: Mr. Ardery teaches his HISTORY CLASS. Bottom Left/ AN EYE ON THE GAME: Mr. Ardery watches his baseball squad . Bottom Right/ LOOKS GOOD!: A final check on the scorecard.


Page 127/Top Left/ PART OF THE ND FAMILYj Mr. Ardery, Miss Ivins, and Mr. Breen celebrate homecoming. Top Right/PROUD TO BE AT NDjMr. Ardery celebrates his daughter Kelly' s graduation with his wife. Middle Left/TALKING THINGSOVERj Mr. Ardery discusses with Father Nolan. Middle 路Right/ AHEAD OF THE GAME! j Coach Ardery leads his team to victory. BottomjTHANKS & CONGRATULATIONS! j Mr. Ardery achieves 400 wins as Varsity Baseball Coach.


football GwUtg It T~ All by Michael Bartram

The 1992 Edition of Fighting Irish Football enjoyed a very successful season. Despite falling in the first round of the Parochial "A" Playoffs, the Irish finished the season with an impressive 6-3 record. The Irish were inspired from the first day of training camp and kept that high level of intensity throughout the whole season. The team received a huge emotional boost by having Mr. Moore return to the sidelines after suffering a heart attack over the summer. "Having Mr. Moore back really inspired us it made us want to win for him," said senior Brian Knott. The Irish were led on the field by their captains: Fred Callender, Mike Pietras, Tim Schnall, and Bill Moore. Notre Dame once again continued their success in Mercer County losing only one game. Their only other setbacks were to Hunderton Central and eventual State Champions Holy Cross. The team was probably best known for their tenacious defense and their overpowering running game. The defense was led by seniors Mike Warner and Chris

i 2tl

Vaccaro. The defense was so impressive that it finished the season with the number one rated defensive unit in the county. The team, however, was potent from both sides of the ball. The team once again ran their famous Delaware Wing-T offense which was characterized by a very impressive running game. Led by a senior dominated offensive line with senior running back Eric Baxter running through gaping holes in opponent's defense the Irish racked yard after yard. Looking back on the season Mr. Moore said, "I was pleased with how the team played, they really played to their potential." One of the most exciting things to Mr. Moore this year was being able to coach his son, Billy, in his final season. "It was nothing less than a sheer pleasure," reflected the older Moore. Look out for the Irish to be successful in the years to come with many talented players returning such as: Dave Sass, Eric Lampkin, Ryan Connolly, and Anthony Pizzimenti. Mr. Moore stated that next year the team will be "reloaded" for action .

Page 128/WAS IT WORTH IT?J Martin Gilbert and teammate after a long game. Page 129 Top Left/GENTLEMEN TAKE YOUR POSITIONS!/ Varsity captains meet their opponents. Top Right/AND THE GUN IS LOADED! / Quarterback Billy Moore gets ready to unload. Middle Left/ DOWN AND DIRTY J Will David dives for a tackle. Middle Right/FOCUSING ON THE GAME/ Anthony Pizziment stretches out before the game. Bottom Left/ RUN LIKE THE WIND! / Eric Baxter sprints off with the ball. Bottom Right/CHARGING ON THROUGH / Martin Gilbert flies past an opponent. 129

PAGE 1.30/Top Leftj Listen Up! Mr. James talks to the defense. j Top Right/ This Drinks for you! Howard Williams j Middle LeftjTaking Control! Billy Moore giving the play. j Middle TopjTake a knee! Ed Emde. j Middle Bottom j Pile On! The Irish Defense.jBottom j Ready To Goj The Defensive Line.


Page 1.31/Top Leftj Jukin Him! Chris Vaccaro.; Top Rightj Yea Baby! Tim Schnall .jMiddle Left / This one's going to the house! Billy Moore and the offensive line! j Middle Rightj ln The Clear! Michael Ciffeli. j Bottomj You can 't run on us! The Irish defense makes another stop.


ross Count by Erin Bradburn

Running in bitter cold weather at the mountainous Holmdel course, a new found friendship with Varsity Field Hockey, County Champs, broken records, pasta parties, painful practices, injuries and sicknesses, disappointing defeat and exhilarating victory. All these things encompass the true Cross-Country experience. This year, the Boys and Girls teams had winning seasons, due in particular to the superb coaching talents of Joe McLaughlin and the support and cheering from the Varsity Field Hockey Team. Although the boys were unable to maintain their undefeated title, they were able to perform to their best ability, under the leadership of the seniors. Captains Eric Wills, who shattered our own Notre Dame course, Ewing course, Veterans Park and Mercer County Park courses, and placed

Page 132/ Top/ VICTORY !: Coach McLaughlin celebrates his county championship. Bottom/ PRE- RACE ACTIVITY: Liz White and Bridget Bradburn hold up Kristine 0 ' Keefe. Page 133/Top/ THE FI NAL QUARTER MILE: Pete Santiag prepares to sprint to the finish line. Middle/ A GRAND CELEBRATION: Coach Wroblewski joins Coach McLaughlin and the girls in celebrating their county championship. Bottom/ A NEW RECORD: Eric Wills astride to another course record.


second in the Parochial A Division, Jimmy Primerano, who placed third in the County meet and captured first in the Pumpkin Invitational, and Ryan Brennan, who proved to be a crucial factor in virtually every meet, led their team to a winning season. Fellow senior teammates Dorian Demski, new-comer Pete Santiago, Tim Mitzen , Mike Shapson, Jim Thoennes, Dave Gruska, Matt Pribila, and Ted Fanikos provided the depth that was needed to cause just enough upsets in the county. The Girls Cross-Country team had a sensational. season, despite the constant obstacle of injured and ill teammates. By overcoming their arch-rival Steinert, the girls were able to focus on winning counties; which is exactly what they did. In the Steinert meet, Captains Liz White and Jen

Middleton both placed ahead of Alissa Brotman, Steinert's number one weaselI mean "Runner". At the county meet, Liz, Jen, and freshman wonder Kelly McCabe placed in the Top Ten, and the remaining girls in the Top Twenty. Seniors Liz White, who was rebounding from severe stress fractures from last Spring, Bridget Bradburn, who easily beat many second, third, and fourth runners from opposing teams, and Kristine O'Keefe, who nicely performed despite her late joining to the team, all agreed that capturing the eve Title, and advancing from Sectionals to States, was wonderful, and each was happy to be a part of the winning team. The successes of the Boys and Girls Cross-Country team proves the theory of Jimmy P: "A team that wins is a team that cuddles."


Page 134/Top LeftjRUNNING TO VICTORY: Liz White runs ahead of the pack. Top Right/OFF AND RUNNING: Jim Thoennes runs a strong race. Middle / LOOSENING UP: The cross country team stretches before the meet. Bottom / A FINE DAY FOR A RACE: Mat Pribila enjoys all 3.1 miles. Page 135/Top Left j HEART AND SOUL: Ryan Brennan eyes the finish line. Top Right/ A SOLID RACE: Dorian Demski runs strong. Middle Leftj A WELL BUlL T TEAM: The girls build a victorious pyramid. Bottom Right/ A CAPTAIN'S SMILE: Liz White before the race.



field Hockey We are Family, all my field hockey sisters and me! More than proud of all their accomplishments this year, the 1992 Notre Dame High School Varsity Field Hockey Team was overjoyed to have been able to form such a vast and supporting family atmosphere; not only among the players alone, but also through their parents, fans and friends , as well. With Ms. Major once again at the helm, in her 24th year of coaching, her team of seniors, sophomores and a junior jelled just well enough to become one of the top teams in the county, the area, and the state! Every game posted a new challenge to this group of more than talented individuals. Meeting one of their goals day to day and game to game, the team continually grew in the sport and in each other. With determination and a constant level of intensity, the team battled their way through the

Colonial Valley Conference rankings and eventually were able to become the first team in Notre Dame history to be undefeated CVC Champions! Proudly they notched a 16-0 hold on the title and more than enjoyed sweet victories over arch rivals West Windsor Plainsboro and Hopewell Valley. Leading this Irish team of Champions was; Captain and 3-year Varsity Goal Keeper Chris DiLiberto, along with Co-Captains Rebecca Fitzgibbon, a stand out at center link for the past 3 years and, Jackie Bugdal, one of the most aggressive offensive players on the team. All three added not only to the quality of the team, but to the spirit of the group, as well. " Throughout our psyching nature walks and our emotional attachment to one another we bonded for the better. It was definitely a season not to be forgotten. " reflected Becca Fitz. Making up the rest of this powerhouse team on defense were; seniors- Meg McGiinchy, Joy Smith and Tara Suntato with sophomores Mary Heitzman, Kristin Keating and Goalie Meghan Belmont. Holding up a strong midfield senior- Amy Wolochowicz and sophomore Lauren Fares. The crew on the front line consisted of seniors- Caryn Moran, Renee Cirillo, and Jill McClure with junior Jen Colon and sophomores- Erin Belz, and the dynamic duo of Jess Schultz and Chanley Layton. With their combined efforts of skill and speed, these two sparkplugs ignited the offense with numerous scoring drives and offensive attacks. This outstanding team had enough drive and heart to make their way to State competition . Now although Wall Township took the title of " undefeated " from the Irish , the team stood strong and awaited their final game in the Mercer County Tournament. Bringing together for the last time this group of strong-willed and determined individuals, Mrs. Major and her team knew what had to be done to finish off the season and go out with a bang. Arch rival West Windsor Plainsboro was the one thing standing in the way of a County ChampiThe 1992 Undefeated CVC and Mercer County Tournament CHAMPIONSHIP Field Hockey Team/ Jackie Bugdal, Jill McClure, Coach Major, Amy Wolochowicz , Joy Smith , Lauren Fares, Meg McGiinchy, Jen Colon , Kristin Keating, Erin Belz, Mary Heitzman, Becca Fitzgibbon , Jess Schultz, Chanley Layton , Caryn Moran , Meghan Belmont, Chris DiLiberto, and Renee Cirillo

onship. Through strength and perseverance Notre Dame made their coach proud. With a will to win and a bond of friendship the Irish took their talents to the field and definitely put out their best. Defeating WW-P for the third time, a sense of confidence and completion lay in the minds of the seniors, as they realized their high school field hockey careers had come to an end. However sad it may have been to leave that field in the midst of all the guts and glory, the cheers and tears, the smiles and the hugs, knowing all our hard work had paid off- We left that field with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts, love for the sport, love of the game, love for our coach , our parents, our friends and fans, but most of all love for one another! The 1993 Fighting Irish Varsity Field Hockey Team has a lot to be proud of. For they know that " On any given day" they will be able to look back and see their progress, always remembering the laughs, the work, the tears, and the desire, and know that this was definitely " The Time To Remember. ''




Becca Fitzgibbon

Caryn Moran

Renee Cirillo

Megan McGiinchy

Amy Wolochowicz

Tara Suntato

Jill McClure

Jackie Bugdal

Chris Diliberto

Joy Smith

Page 1.37 /Top Left/ SUCKIN ' THE JUICE OUT OF LIFE/ Erin Belz and Kristin Keating enjoy an orange. Top Right/WALLY WACKS IT GOODj Becca Fitzgibbon drives the ball cross field. Center/ SENIOR STANDOUTS IN 1992! Middle Left/HEY GIMME THAT! / Stickin ' it to 'em Merry Mary Heitzman fights for possession. Middle Right/TRUE INTENSITY j Amy Wolochowicz. Bottom/GETTIN ' SOME PRESS / Becca Fitzgibbon and Megan McGiinchy discuss the game with Trentonian writer Jim Davis . 137

The Power To Win

Must Come From Within!

Page 1.38/Top Left/ ALL RIGHT! j Tara Suntato and Stat Keeper Chris Fava celebrate a milestone win! Top Right/ THE LEADERS OF THE PACKj Coach Barb Major instructs her captains Rebecca Fitzgibbon , Jackie Bugdal and Chris DiLiberto. Middle Left/ RESTORING ENERGY / The Team indulges in a needed water break. Middle Rightj OH BOY JOY! j Joy Smith defends her position . Bottom Leftj GETTIN ' AGGRESSIVE/ Jill McLure battles her way to the ball . Bottom Centerj MOVIN ' RIGHT ALONG / Chantey Layton races down field. Bottom Right j STEPPIN 路 UP 1Jackie Bugdal strips her opponent of the ball .

On Any Given Day

Page 1.39/ Top Leftj GIMME A BOOST!j Rene Cirillo gives Caryn Moran a lift. Top Right/ A WORD FROM THE WISE j Coach Major advises Jessica Schultz. Middle Leftj FLY BALL, FLY! GOOD BALL!/ Meg McGiinchy scoops it up. Middle Rightj iT DOESN 'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! j The Mercer County Tournament Champions Celebrate their history making WIN! Bottom Left/ UP AND COM路 INGf JV Team/Back Rowj Jen Hand, Kelly Rovner, Jana Petrosini, Julie Caperna , Ashley, Melissa Zachow, Megan McGuire, Beth Turnbal Middle j Mellissa Alfanno, Cathy lannaci, Joelle Aversano, Megan Masismi, Catherine Scotto, Nicole Strauss Frontj Karen Bernhart, Meghan Belmont, Brigid Flood . Bottom Right/ ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO!f The Irish defense hustles out on a corner.

Boy's ~occer C>ometimes You Kick When the 1992 high school boys soccer season commenced, Notre Dame was again thought to be one of the favorites to capture the CVC championship. Although the team lost twelve seniors and six allcounty, players, head coach Mike Perone managed to reload for a shot at a repeat state title. With only five returning letterwinners Mr. Perone was often shorthanded with his available substitutes. The Irish managed to have a very successful season, compiling a 13-5-2 record. The team went on to become CVC runners-up and state semi-finalists. They were led by All-state performer AI Rhodes, as well as All-county performers Mike Hackett, Chris Goodrich, Matt Michaud, Neil Potter, and Kris Klotz. The seniors' leadership was very evident throughout the year, as the team started seven seniors. According to Coach Perone, " ... this year's team was one of the most dedicated I have coached. They knew they


would have to work extremely hard to match last year's successes, and they responded to the challenge." Mr. Perone was very pleased with the performance of this year's team, citing the 1-0 win over arch-rival St. Joe's of Metuchen as the highlight of the year. The Irish suffered a heart-breaking defeat at the hands of Christian Brother's Academy in the semi-finals of the state tournament. In a game which was played on the mud soaked surface of Mercer County Park, still came up one goal short. Joe Latini summed up the team's discontentment by saying, "We're upset because we felt we could have gone one step further. In the beginning of the year people from the county didn't think we could get this far. But, in our minds, we knew we could play up to anybody. The heart of the Notre Dame team once again was defense. Goalie Mike Hackett, who was first-team all-county

performer and one of three captains of this year's squad, had the lowest goals against ratio in the league, for the second straight year. The defense gave up only 16 goals through 20 games, also topping the CVC charts. Senior tri-captain AI Rhodes, who played the same stopper position that All-American Mark Lauranaitis played last year, had very big shoes to fill. However, Rhodes came through for the Irish, garnering third team All-state Top 51 honors, as well as first team All-county honors. Rounding out the defense were senior right fullback Neil Potter, junior left fullback Brian Pesce, senior sweeper Matt Michaud, junior Kevin Steinmuller, and seniors Frank Donokfrio and Gary Wasko. Both Potter and Michaud gained second team All-county honors. Notre Dame also had a strong midfield and offensive unit. The offense scored 38 goals and was led by Kris Klotz, Joe Latini, and tri-captain Chris Goodrich, who each had six goals. Also adding to the attack were seniors Mike Fanning and Barry Schenck, juniors Jon Bucchere and Jason Bender, and sophomore Demetrius Kontoyannis. Goodrich was awarded first-team All-county honors and Klotz received a second-team All-county selection. Although they did not capture the coveted state title, the Notre Dame boys soccer team will have lasting memories of this successful and enjoyable season for years to come. "It was a lot of fun. I thought last year would by our final shot at the South Jersey title, that we wouldn't make it there this year. But a lot of guys on this team played with a lot of heart. I am glad I was able to be a part of it," said Rhodes. I'm sure he speaks for the entire team. Congratulations to the team and Coach Perone on another successful season! by: Matt Michaud

Page 140/Top/Pointing his team to a victory: Coach Perone instructs team members. Bottom/BOYS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Back Row/ Gary Wasko, Brian Pesce, Demetrius Kontoyannis, Barry Shenk, Matthew Michaud, Kevin Steinmuller, Joe Latini, Frank Donofrio, Jon Bucchere. Middle Row/Neil Potter, Christopher Goodrich , AI Rhodes, Jason Bender, Kristian Klotz, Mike Fanning. Front/Mike Nackett. Page 141/Top Left/ DON 'T WORRY, I GOT YOU COVERED: Mike Hackett, AI Rhodes and Matt Michaud. Top Right/LOOKING FOR A PASS: AI Rhodes decides where to pass the ball. Middle Left/ MOVE IT!: Jon Bucchere reaches around a teammate in an attempt to head a ball. Middle Right/ ON NIS TOES: Matt Michaud is always on the move. Bottom Right/ Do The Joey: Joe Latini invents a new move. Bottom Left/NAVE NO FEAR, FANNING 'S HERE: Mike Fanning, ready to defend. 141

Page 142/ LettPagej Top Lett; BOOT: Barry Scheneck. Top Right/ TNAT'S MINE: Chris Goodrich. Center/ KICK TNAT BALL: John Kay. Center Right/ IN TNE STRIDE: Kevin Steinmuller. Bottom Left/ OUCN TNAT NURT!: Jay Bender. Bottom Right/ TEAM UNITY. Page 143/ Right Pagej Topj The J .V. Soccer Team . Center; OOF! AUCN! A RUMBLE FOR TNE BALL: Josh Bucher goes after the ball. Center Right/ AND TNE BALL IS OFF!: Steve Toporek. Bottom Lett; " D" WINS TNE BALL BACK: Demetrius Kontoyannis. Bottom Right/ GO FOR TNE GOAL JONN!: John Kay




The girls' varsity soccer team had another winning year. They closed the 1992 season with a record of 12-6-1 and reached the semifinals in the State Tournament. A relatively young team, as it boasted only two senior players. Jen Jung and Tara Fiandaca led the team as captains along with Juniors Laurie Kennedy and Amy Chrnelich. Junior Lisa Klein led the team in scoring with fifteen goals while Freshman Lauren Sellers came in second with 11. Freshman Jennifer Hutchinson scored the lone goal in what the team feels was the key game of the season. A night game on October 28, it came in the form of a 1-1 tie against Steinert. "Steinert is one of the toughest teams to play, and we tend to have a tough time playing to our ability," said Tara Fiandaca. "Against Steinert everyone worked together. Everybody gave 100%. We really put things together. Mrs. Koschek was happy." The team consisted of many young stars including Klein, Sellers, Sophomores Athena Kontoyannis and Katy Chrnelich, and Freshman Jen Hutchinson. "We had a lot of talent and a very young team this year," said Jung. "With the talent returning next season, I believe they have a great chance to go far.

Page 145: Top Right/ IT IS MINE!: Katie Chrnelich . Top Left/ HERE IT COMES!: Jen Jung punting the ball. Bottom Left/ GET OUT OF MY WAY: Amy Chrnelich . Bottom Right/ WHAT A CLEAR!: Laurie " Rambo " Kennedy clears the ball.



Page 146: Top Left/ Lauren Sellers, Laurie Kennedy, Michelle Hogg. Top Right/ Michelle Hogg ready for action. Bottom Right/ Laurie Kennedy clearing the ball. Bottom Left/ The ND Girls' Soccer Team. Middle Left/ The Captains: Laurie Kennedy, Amy Chmelich, Tara Fiandaca and Jen Jung. Page 147: Top Left/ Allison Reed in action. Top Right/ Katy Chrnelich , Lisa Klein , and Tara Fiandaca preparing for a game. Bottom Right/ Athena Kontoyannis. Bottom Left/ Tara Fiandaca.


Girl's Tennis Whit A RfJI!/ai% By: Marybeth Moscarello Notre Dame's girls' tennis team went through a period of rebuilding this year. They may not have been Mercer County champs like many of Notre Dame's other teams, but they never lost spirit. "Whether the odds were for or against a win nobody ever game up. The underclassmen are real fighters. Mr. Schafer never gives up." says cocaptain Kate Hess. Even though the team lost many Seniors this year they also gained some promising underclassmen. Chicago native, Margie Failoni stroked her way to second singles, Michele LaPerriere quietly picked off older opponents at third singles, and Freshman Stephanie Scrouse had a great season at first doubles and presented a singles upset. Although the team refuses to make excuses the competition in Merecer County was fierce. Opponents included Hun, West-Windsor and Stuart. Much praise goes to Cocaptain and first singles player Rose Vidal. While playing the toughest girls in the county she held her own. This includes a surprising upset of Steinert's Becky Allen. The team went through many changes in the lineup. "This season was rough for em, although I enjoyed it. It is very difficult to realize that you do not play as good as usual. When Schaffer switched me to doubles, my season really picked up quite a bit." said Marybeth Moscarello. "We ended the season on a good note. I am glad to have been part of this team. We

ND Tennis, Breakin Strings and Opponents' Hearts. Irish Tennis ain ' t no Blarney, Makin a Racket in the CVC.-Deep Thoughts from Mr. Schaffer

always have fun, whether it's food fights or scrounging." said Niki Tweed. Loosing Seniors will hurt next year. More interest in the team is essential for growth. Hopefully home court instalatin in the future will gain new prospects. Next year's team will have a lot of promise. We are 'Never reloading, simply rebuilding'.

Page 148/Left:: QUIET POWER/Michele LaPerrier gets the ball. Center/ GET TO IT j Julie Altiere makes the shot. Right/ FRESHMAN FORCE / Stephanie Scrouse shows her stuff. Page 149/ Top/ THE GIRL 'S TENNIS TEAM Middle Left:/ FIRST SINGLES/ Rose Vidal. Middle/ FOLLOW THROUGH JKate Hess. Middle Right/ CHICAGO ISJMargie Failoni Bottom/ POWERjMarybeth Moscarello.


Page 150/Topj SENIORS SAY GOODBYEj Niki Tweed , Rose Vidal, Mary Moscarello, and Kate Hess smile with their little elves, Greg and Eric Schaffer. Middle Left/ AIR MICHELLE/ Michelle LaPerrier jumps for a shot. Middle right/ BONO ' S TENNIS/ Niki Tweed . Bottom Leftj OUR HERO j Mr. Schafer. Page 151/ HOT SHOT / Mary Moscarello. Top Right/ BRING ' EM ALL BACK j Niki Tweed with graduates, Chris Guido and Leslie Farkas . Middle Left / WATCHFUL / Stephanie Scrouse waits for a shot. Middle Right/ A MOTLEY CREW Nicole Weisgarber, Anne Burzachello, Niki Tweed , Kate Hess, Mary Moscarelo, and Michele La Perrier. Bottom Left/ THE LITTLE ONES/ Michelle Laperrier, Joyce Tanglaw, and Alison Bach , Bottom Right/ FOLLOW THROUGH / Julie Altiere watches her return .


Track And field .. By: Michael Bartram There are certain times in life when you meet an individual that is stubborn, but to meet a whole team of these individuals is very unique. This year the Boys' Winter Track Team was stubborn . . . stubborn about losing. They were a team which just out and out refused to lose. No matter how tough the odds or how difficult the opponent, they always found a way to avoid defeat. They finished the season with an impressive 12-0-1 record winning the Colonial Valley Conference and Mercer County Championship each for the third consecutive season. That's right, they three-pea ted!!! The team all season was led by seniors Jimmy Primerano, Eric Wills, Pete Santiago, Ryan Brennan, and Ryan Mullen. These seniors were the backbone of this impressive squad. This year was not only highlighted by the team's success, but also by many outstanding individual performances. Primerano won the county title in the 800 meter run, placed 2nd in the 1600 meters, and ran one of the most memorable third legs of a 4x400 meter relay ever, in the process he was named the MVP of the meet. The U. of Penn bound senior also placed 2nd in the Group III state meet in the 800 meter run, setting a school record and assuring himself a place in Notre Dame ttistory as one of the best half-milers ever. Eric was a double


county champion in the 1600 and 3200 meter runs, then came back as the second leg of the winning mile relay team, and was cited as the meet's Most Courageous Athlete. The future Princeton U. Tiger also advanced to the Meet of Champions in both events after impressive showings in the state meet. Eric's season was highlighted by his 2nd place showing in the prestigious Meet of Champions. During his very successful season Eric also reset his own school record in the 3200 and set a new county record in the 3000 meters. Ryan Mullen was the county high jump champion and also placed in the Group III 60-yard high hurdles which allowed him to compete in the Meet of Champions. Perhaps, however, the most prestigious honors was for the Distance Medley Relay Team of Primerano, Wills, Santiago, and Brenn~n to be good enough to advance not only to the Eastern States Meet, but all the way to the National Competition held in Syracuse, N.Y. On the flip side of the coin our girl's team also enjoyed a great deal of success losing only one meet and placing 2nd in the county meet. They were led by seniors Liz White, Rose Vidal, and Katrina Blake. With junior sensations Jen Middleton and Denise Larsson, super soph Nicole Johnson, and phenom frosh Kelly McCabe returning next season look for them to be serious compet-

itors for years to come. As a note, not to be outdone by their male counterparts the girl's DMR Team of White, Middleton, Larsson, and McCabe also advanced to Nationals and joining them in Syracuse was Rose Vidal who competed in the pentathalon. Reflecting on the season Coach Joe "Wrobo" Wroblewski said, ''I'm real proud of what both teams accomplished. We were not as gifted this year as we have been in the past, but we always worked hard. Much of the credit has to go to our Seniors who really took charge and set the tempo on and off the track. I'm really going to miss this class. The good news is that we have a lot of underclass talent in both programs, so I feel we should be competitive in the future." Not to be forgotten in all the success assistant coach and distance mentor Joe McLaughlin should get special recognition for the amount of good success both teams enjoyed. Re-focussing on the guys with the development of underclassmen Mike Sh'erman, Jerry Brown, Bobby Shapson, and Matt Maxwell look for the dynasty which has produced a three year 42 meet unbeaten streak to continue. Congratulations to both the Boys and Girls for terrific seasons and good luck to all the seniors who are continuing their careers at the next level!

Page 153/ Top Left/ THE FAMOUS KICK: Jimmy P. give it his all. Top Center/ LIKE A GAZELLE: Eric Wills in control. Top Right/ GETTING NAKED: Ryan Brennan lookin good. Center Left/ A MEETING OF THE MINDS: Stat Girl Chrissy DeLiberto with coach Joe McLaughin. Center Middle/ HE'S OUR MAN: Pedro Santiago cruises to another victory. Center Right/ WITH A LITTLE UMPH: John Cimino puts the shot. Bottom Left/ QUICK OUT OF THE BLOCK: Jimmy Primerano races in the 55 meters.

Page 154 I Top Left I A STRONG RACE: Freshman Kelly McCabe. Top Right I RUNNING TO VICTORY : Denise Larsson . Bottom Left: AN EYE FOR VICTORY : Mary Heitzman and Anthony lnverso watch the sprints. Bottom Right: CLOSING IN : Ryan Brennan gains on an opposing runner.


Page 155 I Top Left I CLEARING THE LAST HURDLE: George Schlieben. Top Right I A STRONG START: Vanessa Vaughan out of the starting blocks. Bottom Left: AN UNFALTERING RACE: Jen Middelton . Bottom Right I A LEADING PACK: Tim Mitzen and Jim Thoennes astride with the leaders.


Boys Basketball

" By: Michael Bartram Few things are as sacred in our county as the changing of the guard in boys' basketball. This season that very special event occurred. In an area which has been dominated in the past 15 years by two teams a third team was added to that very elite list. Our boys' basketball team enjoyed one of its most successful season's in the history of the school. Dropping only one game before the New Year they went on a run which could be defined only as complete and total dominatinn

Led on the court by Senior tri-captains Vince Ardery, Mike Warner, and Waymon Newkirk, the team finished the year with an impressive final record. Their phenomenal run included a 14 game winning streak which included 2 wins each

Page 156/Left./Big in The key/Vince Ardery goes up for two more.jRight/The Varsity Basketball Team/Front Row jEric Lampkin, Waymon Newkirk, Mike Hackett/Second Row/Chuck Rotondo, Don Gilbert, Chris Breza, Jarred Broach./Third Row/ Dan Brown , Vince Ardery, Brian Pesce.jBack Row/Kevin McKinney, Kevin Cristofolletti, Mike Warner, Jon Bucchere.


over a very talented Princeton High squad and the always impressive Tornadoes of Trenton Central. The most exciting game of the year easily was the stunning and surprising win over Trenton at their home court, a place in which we have not won in over 20 years. This season the team's leader was Junior point guard Eric Lampkin. Eric did a phenomenal job 路 filling the vacant shoes of graduated star Eddie Kopera. Lamkin emerged on the scene as one of the most highly rated players in the county. Next season with Lampkin returning along with Juniors Mike Hackett, Jon Bucchere, and Chris Potash look for our boys to enjoy more success and stay in the upper echelon of county basketball.

PAGE 157/Top Lett/Nothin ' But The Bottom Of The Net/ Michael Hackett/Top Middle/ It's Good/ Mike Warner./Top Right/Way to go coach j Coach Sylvester celebrates after a win./Bottom Lettj Big on the insidej Eric Lampkin./B~tom Right/For Three j Brian Pesce .


Top Left I AIR JARRED 1 Jarred Broach takes a jump shot. Top Right I LISTEN UP! I Mr. Simone Gives his team the strategy. Middle Left I HERE YOU TAKE IT 1 Michael Warner dishes off to a teammate. Middle Left I GIVING IT ALL HE'S GOT 1 Eric Lampkin makes a diving effort for his team . Bottom I AIN 'T NOBODY GONNA STOP HIM I Mike Hackett goes up strong for two .


Top Left I AN EASY TWO I Waymon Newkirk with a layup. Top Right I RISIN ' ABOVE THE REST I Michael Hackett goes up for a basket. Middle Left I WORKING THOSE BOARDS I Jarred Broach with a big move on the inside. Middle Right I WIDE OPEN FOR A THREE 1 Jon Buccherre takes a shot from downtown . Bottom I HE ' S ALWAYS WATCHING 1 Coach John Simone keeps a watchful eye on his players.


1 ' 5 k tb 11 • G1r S as e a

NO's Girls Varsity Basketball Team has successfully achieved in their ath· letic endeavors beyond all expectations. The relatively young team has been rec·

ognized by local newspapers as the number one team in the county. Unde· feated in the coloial Colonial Valley Conference the Girls are expected to travel to the Stat Rotondo anticipate the team to be State Champions, they as well as NO Family are exhilarated with their accomplishments this season. Lead by five seniors, Michelle Amari, Kerry Cristofoletti, Elandra Farrior, Mel· ony Furda and Beth Ryfinski, the team consists of three juniors, Kelly Blackburn, Cindy Fijlkowski and Jen Ress, four sophomores Katy Chrnelich, Amy Cooke, Jennifer Hanlon and Alison Reed and finally one freshmen, Jen Hutchison. The Team attributes their success to their team work and desire to be the best. Coach Demille and Assistant Coach Rotondo agree that team's success is due to the maturity of the team members both mentally and as players. They also agree that a great deal of the success is merited to the outstanding leadership of the senior players. Their experience has helped the younger play· ers in their adjustment to the competitive varsity sport. As well the seniors have provided a healthy learning atmosphere that al· lows the younger players to succeed in the tradition of the sport. The most crucial to the success is teamwork. Jenn Ress points out that " Every player has a role that leads the team to victory." Coach Demille states " There are no superstars but every mem· ber has been a star at one game." While there is no superstar on the team, the members are all superstars amoung the NO Fam· ily. Their hard work has added to the Legacy of NO Athletics and to the sport as well.

The Girls Varsity Basketball Team: Top Row: Jen Hutchinson, Amy Cooke, Michelle Amari. Alison Reed . Middle Row: Kelly Blackburn , Ka ty Chrnelich . Kerry Cristofoletti. Jen Hanlon . Front Row: Melony Furda , Elandra Farrior, Beth Ryfinski. Jen Ress. Cindy Fijlkowski.


Page 161 I Top Left I SENIORS SHARE A SMILE: Top Row: Kerry Cristofoletti , Michelle Amari. Bottom Row: Melony Furda , Elandra Farrion , Beth Ryfinski. Top Right 1 LISTEN UP! Coach DeMille and Coach Rotondo talk to the team. Bottom Left I UP, UP, AND AWAY!! Meiony Furda takes a shot. Bottom Right 1 Jen Hanlon under pressure.


Page 162 I Top Lett I I'LL TAKE TAKE THAT! Beth Ryfinski grabs another rebound. Top Right I GOT IT! Melony Furda pulls in the ball. Bottom Left: 1 Elandra Farrior looking to pass. Bottom Right I NO YOU DON 'T!! Kelly Blackburn tips the ball from her opponent.


Page 16.3 I Top Lett I DON 'T TOUCH! Jen Ress holds the ball from her opponent. Top right I J .V. GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM : Top I Lisa Altobelli. Samieqa Harris . Middle I Katy Chrnelich , Ra chel Rossi. Janine Giovanni. Kristy Hughes, Alison reed . Bottom I Jodi Mezaros. Jacqueline Mc Call . Arienne Pou . Rebecca Ward. Middle Left I Kelly Blackburn looks past her opponent. Middle Right I Kerry Cristofoletti takes control of the ball. Bottom Left I JUMP ! Kelly Blackburn strives to score . Bottom Right I El andra Farrior in the face of her oppon ent.


Wrestling Toh It TO'

T~ Mot!

By: Arienne Poux And Dona Kondash Wrestling is a sport built on determination, hard work, & a lot of sweat. The Notre Dame wrestlers were unafraid of this sweat as they ploughed through a 6-8 season. The head coach, Mr. Gary Dambro, who has had 24 years of coaching experience, had to say, "Even though the team didn't have a winning season, they were a good team to coach because they were willing to learn & work hard." The Notre Dame wrestlers had a very active season with 2 tournaments, both

the Steinert and Mercer County tourna- Rego, Ted Fanikos, Jason Dane, Ed ments, as well as participation in the 路 Maddock, Anthony Hutchinson, and districts. Some notable wrestlers were Andy O'Rahilly. Joe Rego, Ted Fanikos, Jason Dane, Ed Yet with these losses Mr. Dambro reMaddock, and Frank Liberto, who all mains optimistic, "The underclassmen achieved personal winning records. for next year's team have a lot of potenThe team had a very strong group of tial. "Mr. Dambro and assistant coach, senior wrestlers, who will be sorely Mr. Dennehy, are very eager in anticipamissed by team members and fans. Se- tion of next year's season and look fornior Jay Dane commented on this by ward to working with the strong core of saying, " The thing that was nice about underclassmen. Good luck senior wresthis year was that we had a solid group tlers! of seniors." These seniors were Joe

The 1993 Wrestling Team: Top Row: -Tom Keller, Mark ChmieL Chris Hodnicki, Dennis Sullivan. Middle Row-Jay Dane, Ed Maddock, A.J . Frich , Frank Liberto, John Sai. Front Row-George Barnock, Tom Simpson , Bryon McCall , Martin Peloquin.


page 165/Top Left/ Chris Kempesty tries to hold onto his opponent. j Top Right/ HOLD ON: Tom Simpson j Middle Left/ GO, JOE!: Joe Rego j Middle Rightj GO GET HIM , FRANK: Frank Marrone; Bottom Right/ Chris Hodnicki attempts to get out of a hold .



Page 166 I Top Left I HAVE A SEAT : Chris Kempesty sits on his opponent. 1 Top Right 1 Tom Keller stares down his opponent 1 Middle Right / I THINK I CAN , I THINK I CAN : Jay Dane / Bottom Left / CLIMBING TO THE TOP: Joe Rego tries to take down his opponent I Bottom Right / THE BRAINS BEHIND THE WRESTLING TEAM : Coaches Dambro and Dennehy. page 167 1 Top Left 1 A STRUGGLE: Mike Burzachiello / Top Right / READY FOR A BATTLE : Ed Maddock / Middl e Left / GO HUTCH : Anthony Hutchinson / Bottom Right / GOT A HOLD ON YOU : Frank Liberto / Bottom Left / I THINK I' M STUCK: J eff Abitabilo


N.D. 5owlin8 ~ltlJp! Mr. Shultz, the head of the language department, has been coaching the Notree Dame bowling team for ten years. Since he restarted the bowling program in 1982, averages have been on an upward trend, and membership has increased from 14 people in '82 to 45 people at this year's tryouts. Varsity boys had a 7-3-6 record this year, with an unusual number of ties. Mr. Schultz said this is due to a lot of close games, and high scores. The boys team captains, Sammy Batista and Mark Watson, are both 4 year varsity starters, and re-

ally showed leadership as well as talent this year. The girls varsity team had a 5-7-4 record this year, thanks to team captains Lori VanEmburgh and Alex Craun, as well as Chris Plotka, Sal Armenti, and Robin Gryziewicz. Other performers on the boys team include John Marchant, Bill Whartenby, and freshman Brandon Emery. Both Varsity Team 's records earned them a place in the NJSIAA (state) sectional tournament. Meanwhile, the JV boys finished their season with an incredible 13-2-1 record, while the girls finished 10-6 for the sea-

son. Mr. Schultz feels that the bowling team is now better than ever. " They really kept up their spirit" he said , " they were dedicated, and worked well as a team. " In the future, look for a younger, but still talented boys team, accompanied by a restructuring of the girls team. This is due to graduating senior talent. Mr. Schultz thinks that bowling is experiencing a resurgence, and he hopes this will make more people try out for the team.

The Varsity Bowling Team : Top Row (L to R)-Shaun Julian, John Marchant Sammy Battista, Mark Watson , Todd Maklary, Lori VanEmburgh, Bill Whartenby, Wes Trunnel. Middle Row-Scott Daniels, Brandofl Emery, Mike Billups, Frank Bardachino, Paul Andreas, Mike Guglielmo, Kevin McElroy. Front Row-Alex Kraun , Christi 11e Plotka , Sal Armenti, Karen Dominguez, Robin Gryziewicz


Page 169/Top Left/ Senior Bowlers: Alex Kraun, Sammy Battista , Mark Watson , Lori VanEmburgh .jTop Right/ Sammy Battista j Middle Left/ Mike Guglielmo; center; John Marchantj Bottom Rightj Sal Armenti j Bottom Lettj JV Bowling: Top row- Pete Armenti, Matt Sheluga , Frank Zado, Rich Czyz, Josh Hage, Bob Povia . Bottom row-Amy Bourne, Andrea Gervasoni, Jay Bless, Margeret Pltoka , Kristina Gonzalez



Page 170/Top Left/ Sammy Battista j Top Center/ Christine Plotka j Top Right/ Pete Armenti j Center/ Alex Kraun j Center Right/ Shaun Julian j Bottom Left/ Mark Watson j Center Bottom/ Robin Gryziewicz j Bill Whartenby j Page 171/Top Left/ The Seniors keep score.jTop Center j Lori VanEmburgh j Top Right j Mark Watson j Center/ Mike Billups j Bottom Left/ Frank Bardachino j Center Bottom/ Karen Dominguezj Bottom Right/ Alex Kraun


Ice Hockey

What happens when you put men on skates, give them sticks and you tell them to play? A lot of trouble or the Notre Dame Ice Hockey team. That's right, the skating leprechauns are back. The team ended its season with a record of17-10-.3. The team was lead by its captains Oscar Watson, senior and Seth Davino, junior. Oscar Watson made the AII-CVC team. The team is coached by Mr. James. Coach James feels that overall the team did well, "We had some very high moments, we had a losing streak where our youth showed, but over all we can only get better." The team will be losing

Oscar Watson, a valuable asset to the team, but the team is young and with players such as: Anthony Pizzimenti, Yuri Nadraga, Mark Zelinski, Rich Freit, Jason Asbury, Rory Monahan, and more. The school will not be without a strong team for next year. Mr. James feels that next year the team will only get stronger and more competitive. So to any of you that might doubt the abilities or skill of the Ice Hockey team, let's see you get in the rink and do what they do. By: Victor Miranda

Page 172/ ICE HOCKEY TEAM : Front Row: Coach Henry, Coach James, Robert Freit Chris Robinson, Brain Lockington, Anthony Pizzimenti, Ciriste, Michael Nagi, Mike Codirille, Dave Moorecroft, Tad Kalinowski, Rich Freit Mike Keubler. Back Row: Victor Aconi, Jason Asbury, Mark Zelinski, Seth Davino, Oscar Wat路 son , Rory Monahan, lan Budd , and Yuri Nadraga.

Page 73/Top Left./WHERE'S THE PUCK?: Vince Cereste and Chris Robinson search for the puck. Top Right/GET OUT OF MY WAY!: Oscar Watson shoves his defender. Middle Left/SKILLFUL MOVES: Mark Zelinski handle the puck well. Center/NOTHING GETS BY ME!: Yurt Nadraga blocks a shot. Middle Right/PREPARED TO DEFEND: Michael Caldarella. Bottom/SCORING MACHINE: Jason Astbury and Brian Lockington are ready to score.





Lett Page I Top Lett I WHAT A JAM! I Captain Oscar Watson tries to move the puck. Top Right I A LONG STRETCH I Anthony Pizzimenti reaches for control. Middle Lett I SKATING HARD I Assistant Captain Seth Davino skates through his opponents. Middle Right I HIGH FIVE! I Seth Davino and Mark Zelinski congratu late each other on a job well done. Bottom Lett I FIGHTING FOR CONTROL I Irish skaters are hungry for a goal. Bottom Right I MEN ON ICE! I The team gets a break . Page 175 I Top Lett I HE St100TS HE SCORES! I Brian Lockington prepares for the shot.

Top Right I STICK IT TO ' EM! I Irish fight for possession. Middle Lett I HAND , EYE , STICK, PUCK COORDINATION I Tad Kalinowski gets control. Middle Right I INTERFERENCE BOYS?! I Brian Lockington holds back his opponent. Bottom Left I CAUGHT IN A JAM I Irish players get rough . Bottom Right I SLIP SLIDIN ' AWAY! 1 Seth Davino scrambles on the icc.


6wimming (6 Diving

If you're looking for a good example of will power and determination, look to a Notre Dame swimmer or diver. They will tell you about the cold waters, the long hours, the late night practices, the many tedious laps, the sore muscles, and the lack of a home pool. One may wonder how swimmers and divers endure a long winter season under these conditions. For this year's team, the incredible hard work and dedication of every swimmer and diver paid off in big ways, creating wonderful memories and (almost) erasing some of the more painful ones. The girls swimming and diving team finished their season with a record of 7-5, and finished third at the county

swim meet. The boys swimming and diving team finished with an 11-2 record, and took second place at the county swim meet. The swimmers broke a total of 17 school records, between the boys and girls teams, at the county championships. At the county diving championships, the first place finish by freshman Ryan Warchol, second place finish by sophomore Joe Lumia, and third place finish by junior Chris Brenner allowed the boys diving team and their coach, Shirley Moran to claim the first place trophy. In the girls diving championship, senior Caryn Moran finished second, helping her team to a third place finish.

The Junior and Senior members offered this year's swimming and diving team experienced leadership and fine examples of spirit, hard work, and dedication. Additionally, many talented newcomers and younger athletes hold the promise of a strong team in future years. Overall, the swimming and diving team has a depth that helps to foster friendship and support among the teammates, as well as helping to intimidate the competition. Of course, the driving force behind the victories of the swimming and diving team is the superb coaching staff. The organizational skills of faculty moderator Mrs. Kyte make the team run like a well-oiled machine and make the season virtually hassle-free. Head coach Henry DeSandre not only physically prepares his team for competition, but through his words of wisdom, helps his team to learn valuable life-lessons. Assistant and Diving coach Shirley Moran offers an element of comfort, friendship, understanding , and sanity when it seems that the rest of the team and coaching staff has lost it! Also, volunteer assistant coaches Mr. Morehart, Mr. Steinmueller, and Mr. Cartledge selflessly offer their time, talent, senses of humor, and advice throughout the season. We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts!

Front Row/ John Sink, Ryan Warchol, Katie DeSandre, Katie Niewsand, Ilona Ahern , Brendan Cartledge, Jason Butch , Liz Lehre, Karen Totten : Second Row/ Dan LaPerriere, Chris Brenner, Amy Kyte, Kelly Dunn , Jen Ellsworth , Coach Shirley Moran, Matt Brown , Coach Henry DeSandre, Liz Handschur, Julie Caperna , Caryn Moran; Third Row:/ Bridget Bradburn , Paola Rendon , Kelly Rovner, Alanna Schiefer, Jen Foley, Marie Egli, Lisa Matar, Bonnie Clawson , Cindy Rafferty, Katie Comer, Ashley Cipriano, Chloe Kramer; Fourth Row:/ John Zefutie, Jarred Fredericks, Ralph Fiasco, Lisa Muehleisen, Stacy Bozo176 wski , Kerry McCarthy, John Goldman, Joe Lumia, Debbie Choquette, Amy Wolochowicz, Becky Morehart, Coach Bill Morehart; Back Row:/ John Solan , Mark Golina , Ryan Cartledge, Brian Binder, Mark Jablonski, Frank Zemcik, Stephen Wolochowicz, Anthony Bisaccia , Kevin Steinmueller, Erik Weber.

Top Left/ Chloe Kramer is happy that practice is finally over. Top Center/ Ralph Fiasco pushes himself to the end. Top Right:/ Mr. D. worries about the meet. Center Left/ Liz Lehre takes off in the backstroke. Center Right/ Becky Morehart is so happy to be practicing! Bottom Left/ Brian Binder (left) and John Sink (right) relax between sets at practice. Above/ Mr. D. gives the team a pep-talk before a meet.


Opposite Page- Top Left/ Seniors Swimmers and Divers . . . Captains Debbie Choquette, Brendan Cartlidge, Bridget Bradburn , and John Solan; (middle row, left to right) Caryn Moran, Amy Wolochowicz, Jen Ellsworth , Paola Rendon , Back Row/ Dan LaPerriere, Mark Jablonski, and Frank Zemcik. Top Right/ Brendan Cartlidge catches his breath after finishing first in the breaststroke. Center Left/ Debbie Choquette warms up for the backstroke. Center Right/ Theresa Bonnano (right) and Lisa Muehleisen relax before their races. Left/ Liz Noble and Amy Kyte show support for each other. Center/ Jen Ellsworth works on her breaststroke. Bottom Right/ Katie DeSandre and Ryan Cartlidge-breaststrokers extraordinaire!


This Page-Top Left/ The Notre Dame Diving Team Caryn Moran , Julie Caperna , Back Rowj Ryan WarchoL Bonnie Clawson, Ilona Ahern , Coach Shirley Moran, Joe Lumia, Chris Brenner, Coach Henry DeSandre. Top Right/ Caryn Moran practices a dive. Second Row: Frank Zemcik (Left) and Kelly Rovner Oy through the water. Third Row/ Dan LaPerriere waits for the gun. Kevin Steinmuller works through a set in practice. Erik Weber waits for the next set. John Goldman: " Please Mr. D. Can we skip this set? " Bottom Left/ Kerry McCarthy gives 100% BOTTOM RIGHT/ The cause of great controversy and the sign of success.



By: Bonnie Clawson Who are the most spirited at Notre Dame High School? The Notre Dame cheerleaders that is who. The cheerleaders are hardworking, dedicated girls that practice two hours everyday to assure perfect form, simultaneous movement, and flawless rhythm. Not only that, but who do you think is responsible for those beautifully painted posters in the hallways. If you haven't checked them out already, our cheerleaders

have spent extra time and artistic talent in what they do. Our cheerleaders keep the spirits high on the Notre Dame Sports teams. Ms. Miller the coach and Varsity captains, Jamie Papa and Joanne DiNola prepared a thrilling demonstration of all the cheerleaders talents at the seasonal pep-rallies. At the pep-rallies they do choreographed numbers and their enthusiastic smiles and dazzling perfor-

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS: Top Row: Chris Kean, Jen Wyers, Kim Waropay, and Carol Hoover. Middle Row: Amy Pinard, Danielle Chouquette, and Jill Dawson . Bottom Row: Melissa Cefalone, Joanne DiNola, Jaime Papa , and Jen Segretario.


mance is always exciting. Cheerleaders also have the longest season of any sport at Notre Dame. They bring their spirit to both football and soccer in the fall and they continue straight through to basketball in the winter. Many people take cheerleaders for granted! But we at Notre Dame think they are an important part of sports and we appreciate their spirit.

" CLAP ON . . , CLAP OFF .. , CLAP ON CLAP OFF THE CLAPPER" : Jen Segretario

Page 181/ Top Left: J .V. CHEERLEADERS: Top Row: Jen Feniello, Shari Thurston , Jana Fiore, Middle Row: Nora Markley , Angela Marcus , Michelle Gallo, Sabrina Rosso, Bottom Row: Lori Gersnicker, Lisa McKenna, Gail Henriquez, Christina Dolina. Top Right: TINA IF YOU ARE GOING TO JUMP USE A ROPE!: Tina Hiner. Center Left: IRISH POWER! Center Right: COME FLY WITH US! Bottom Left: IF I CLAP ONE MORE TIME SO HELP ME ... !: Jill Dawson and Amy Pinard



page 182/Top Left:/ HOMECOMING FUN! Top Right:/ CHEERLEADERS DO THEIR THING . Center Left:/ TIME TO PAINT: Jen Wyers and Chris Kean. Center Right:/ A FESTIVE ROUTINE. Bottom Left:/ OUR CHEERLEADERS LENDING THEIR SUPPORT. Bottom Right:/ WE GOT SPIRIT HOW BOUT' YOU. page 18.3/ Top Left:/ J .V. FRIENDSHIP: Jana Friore, Sabrina Rosso, Lori Gerstnicker, Michelle Gallo, and Gail Henriquez. Top Right:/ THE POM-POM PAIR: Nora Markley and Lisa McKenna . Center Left:/ SHAKE IT!: Carol Hoover Center Middle:/ STOP! CHEERLEADER TIME!: Missy Cefalone. Center Right:/ BOOM! I GOT YOUR BOYFRIEND: Jamie Papa . Bottom Left:/ READY O.K.


Lorena Barria Oa. . Bendas JaCm Bender KarenJSernharcl s~"'Bernhard Brian Binder

Kelly Blackburn Melissa Bogda Theresa Bonanno Amber Boswell Joshua Boucher Stephanie Bovasso

Anthony Bozowskf Erin Bradburn Christopher Brenner Chris Breza Jared Broach Katherine Brown

Jonathan Bucchere lan Budd Ryan Burke Mark Burnett Ann Marie Burzachlello Jason Byers

cthristlne Campana JulieCaperna Anthony Carabelli Michael Celentana Craig Chapman Hark Chmiel

Danlelle Choquette .\my Chernellch Michael C~llf Marisol Cintron Ash-ely Cipriano susanne Clausen


Juniors Sohail Coelho Jennifer Colon Ryan Connolly Tracey Cooper Christa Czyzyk Kathleen

Michael David William David Seth Davino Nicole Davis Susan Dawson Johanna Decker

Michael DeJonge Katie DeSandre Michelle Deverell Aronya Downing Nicole Dudley Francis Duffy


Juniot Thomas Janukowicz Celeste Johannes Kimberly Johaf\Res MatthewJohdSOn Angel Jones KariJung

Michelle Jurgen Kimberly Kauffman Christine Kean Thomas Keller Laurrle Kennedy Sam Kenworthy

Lisa Klein Courtney Knox Dona~

Michael uebtei Robert Kurl$ko AmyKyte

Linda Layag Brandl Layton Jennifer Lewis James Lloyd Brian Locklngton William Loften

Sam Lubrano Joseph Luther Kathleen Lynch Todd Macklary Melissa Malloy Francesco Mannino

John Marchant Christopher Marino Matthew Massimi James Maziarz Jen Mazur Jacqueline McCall

Kevin McElroy Ka-Mara McLeod Jennifer Meade Jason Mears Jodi Meszaros William Mezick


Brian M~tphN Denis''Mu"*" Michael Muqay MariOQ Moti'ay Thomas l'{ustakis David Nash

Junior Jehanzeb P1isar Mara Noble Elizabeth Noble Eugene Norton Anne Nowak Magda Nowak

Robert O'Donnell Michael O'Malley Gina Ogitis. Gregg Oldani lmani Omowale Leigh Ann Pampanini

Kristen Pappas Brian Pesce Kelicia Peterson Robert Piechota Matthew Piepszak Amy Pinard

Anthony Pizzimenti Michael Plishchuk Christine Plotka John Polizzi Christopher Potash Arienne Poux

Rita Proctor Sabrina Pullo Cynthia Rafferty Jennifer Ress Jeffrey Rlcciani Christina Rivera

Ali Rizvi Shawn Robbins Keesha Robinson Christopher Robinson Charles Rotondo Kevin Royster

Nicole Rullo Daniel Sadley Mark Sanvardine David Sass Nicole Schiaretti Donna Schwartz

Shonda Scott Shirelle Scott Catherine Scotto Holly Senetra Daniela Sferra Matthew Sheluga 191


~ -~路

Thomas Andrako 4ennifer Amokl Jason Astbury Joelle Aversano Andrea Baker Joseph Barta

Darren 6elhl IWieghan Belmont Erin Belz Orrin Bennett Anthony Bisaccia Angela Blundell

Nicole Bocchini Christopher Bock 8randyn Bowden Janine Bowling Anthony Bozek Stacy Bozowski

Courtney Brennan Jennifer Brennan Alexander Brown Matthew Brown Jerry Brown Daniel Brown

Leonard Bucchino Nicole Bummara Robert Bums Michael 8urzachiello Jason Butch Aaron Byers

Kimberly Byrne Jason Campana Jennifer campbell James cardiello Nicholas Carlisle Marcia Carrol

Kathleen Carson Ryan Cartlidge Peter Castellano Kathryn Chmelich Simmie Cifelli Heather Cirillo 194

Sophomores Sean Coley David Coluccio Kathryn Comer Steven Conrad Amy Cooke Nicole Corsi

Kevin Cristofotettl Marco Crivelli William Cseh Meredith Curcio Tara D'errico Christopher Daly

Scott Daniels Brett Darchuk Edward Darchuk Kareeme Davis Sherri Davis Joseph Davis

Karleen Duca Timothy Eller Gardea Elliott Anthony Fanikos Lauren rares Thomas Farkas

Thomas Farrell Virginia Feely Kevin Feller Jennifer Feniello Lorenzo Field Jana Fiore

Ayana Ford John Forte Christina Fransckiewich Brandi Frederick Rkhard Freit James French

Arthur Fritsch Brian Gallagher Michelle Gallo Karen Gaynor 1i8nie Gerstnicker 'tanine Giovanni

Jamal Glover John Goldman Millicent Gutierrez Brian Hammer Jennifer Hanlon David Harkness

Samieqa Harris Mary Heitzman Gail Henriquez Madruge Henriquez Thomas Hoepfner Reb'ecca Horton

Mary Beth Hughes Krlsty Hughes Alexander Hunter Nicole Iannacone Christopher Illuminati Diana lnverso



Matthew Jones Roland Jones Jeanine Kakas Thaddeus Kalinoski Thomas Kasprzak John Kay

Kristin Keating Devin Kerins Craig Kiernan Kelly Kjersgaard Tracy Kohl Athena Kontoyannis

Demetrios Kontoyannls Amy Kowalick Carrie Kowalik Chloe Kraemer Gena Kramer Michele Krencicki

Matt Kroiss Brian Kuebler Jennifer Kurst Lakesha Lamons Michelle Laperriere Chanley Layton

Elizabeth Lehre Frank Liberto Joshua Loftin Lisette Lopez Allison Lubina Michael Lucchesi

Joseph Lumia Danielle Magrisi James Maisto Thomas Maisto Roman Maksymow Ryan Mannion

Angela Marcus Nora Markley Karen Maroney Lynette Marrero Frank Marrone Tito Mason



Jodi Moore Ryan Moran Anthony Morocco Timothy Morozin Sara Morris Yuri Nadraga

Michael Nagy Deana Napoleon Melanie Napolitano Alexander l'iegron Meredith Nuva Jennifer O'Neill

Ryan O'Connor Jeffrey Orihel Kenneth Owen Anthony Palma Melinda Papp Gena fellltteri

Martin Peloquin Jana Petrosini Shawn Phillips Mark Piazza Cheryl Pine Matthew Plumerl

Sakinah Pritchard Jenny Profy Peter Provenzale Daryl Pullen Flavia Pullo lesha Queen

Amanda Radosti Elizabeth Rarich Alison Reed Michael Reznick Cori Richards Kimberly Roberts

Blaine Robinson Kelly Robinson Lyron Robinson Kamisha Rogers Shane Romanczuk Rachel Rossi

Kelly Rovner Allyson Rowe Sabrina Russo Jason Ryan Prem Saggar . Salvatore Scarlata


Sophomores Alanna Schiefer George Schlieben Kevin Schnall David Schuler Jessica Schultz Cristie Schwab

Michael Sherman Elizabeth Sieben Ricardo Silva Elizabeth Simon Thomas Simpson John Sink

Adam Smith Katrina Smith Patrick Snyder Joseph Soltys Christopher Spadora Marc Spagnuolo

Melissa Spiegel Michael Spooner Joseph Stanley Tracy Stanton Shonna Stark Maria Steffero

Danae Stlllitano Shannon Stinson Brian Stratton Nicole Strauss Michael Strouse William Sweeney

ScottSzul Jobena Tabron Patricia Tammaro Joyce Tanglaw Keri Tarantino SaueiTermen

MindyTemg Thomas Thompson Matthew Tombari Keri Toner Steven Toporek VIncent Torano

Karen Totten Danlelle Trani Kathryn Triolo Elizabeth Turnbull Jason Tyn!! Gregory Usberti 200

Brian Vannozzi Michael Vasil Daniel Vasil Julie Walsh Raymond Ware Brandon Weigand

George Well Brian Weingartner Nicole Weisgarber David Wetzel William Whartenby Andrew White

John Wiedemann Diane Willis Sean Wollert Patricia Yosua Melissa Zachow Jason Zarzycki

Mark Zelinski

Freshmen Kristy Abaid Ilona Ahearn Lia Alexopoulos Melanie Alfano John Amaral Melissa Amari

Paul Andreas Lynn Aridgides Peter Armenti Rosanna Avallone Allison Bac Frank Bardachino

Mike Barnes George Bamock Edwin Barreto Jennifer Beirne Jaclyn Bendas Janlne Bennett

Jason Berger Matthew Biernaski Michael Billups Jessica Bires Brian Bisogno Jason Bless

Amy Bourne Nicholas Brachelli Christen Brady Michael Brenner Russell Breuninger Kelly Ann Bryan

salvatore Cannizzaro Joseph caserta Cynthltcastaneda JeUtCa Cattani Re~ Q1audhry M~l Clchalski

freshmen Jennifer Coleman Kevin Coleman Monica Cook Crawford Cuttre

Mathia Davies Thomas Davis EbonieDay Laura DeLellis Kevin Denton o Peter

fdward Domino Sharon Dotta Mary Dougherty Meghan Duly Monica Dugas Kelly Dunn

Freshman Holly Feehan Michael flabane Michael field Jennifer Foley Ross Francis Jarred fredericks

Robert Freit Kevin french Tamara Frith Kathleen Gana 1eather Rose Garland Andrea Gervasoni

Natalie Gilbert MarkGolino Esther Gonzalez Kristina Gonzalez Stephen Grabowski Stephen Graziani

5allna Griffin Catherine Gutierrez Joanne Gutierrez Joshua Hage David Halajko Thomas Haley

Leslie Hall Elizabeth Handschur Matthew Hardiman Katie Hartmann Janel Hayden Kevin Hayman

William Hearns Katherine Heenan Steven Hildebrand Amanda Hillman Valerie Hines Melissa Hodgson

Corey Hribar Emily Hughes Jennifer Hutchinson Thomas Hutchinson Gregory lnverso Jed lsme

Matthew Jacob Elizabeth Jancza 路 Megan Jones Terrance Jones aun~aQ

Jdfey~~ ~~~~~------------------~~~--~~~~~~~===-~~~~~------------~

freshmen Talaya Kelly Timothy Kelly Jason Kelsey ~ yte R . . . .a Denise Lal\\Oureux

Daniel Lemole Thomas Lento Dana Marie LeoP.;trdi Robert LewandoWSki Jessica Lopez 11f:rik Lutk

ksalina Maiden Noel Manahan Neill Manahan Bruce Manda Dina Marinelli Carissa Marrero

Martin Matar Maxwell McCabe Stephen McCarthy Michael McGann

I.路L-' MPII;~niiP

Freshmen Megan O'Donnell Jennifer O'Malley Bernard O'Neill Michael O'Reilly Patricia Pawelczak Daphne Perry

Margaret Plotka Robert Povia Kendra Powell Kathryn Pribila Jaqueline Proctor Kevin Pypcznski

Michael Rafferty Andrea Reed Michael Reilly Patricia Rhodes 路 Lisa Rivera Jennifer Ross

Preparing For Some Swell Times

By Marybeth Moscarello

Part of the Notre Dame reformation this year has been the reconstruction of the duties of our classmates. Each person has a responsibility to themselves and the school simply by attending. In addition, certain elected official students have always gained an extra duty of service through student government. In previous years, the class levels meshed and collaborated in their specially assigned homeroom and after school meetings. They have abandoned their embryonic ways and emerge as more efficient characters. Many believe this is a popularity contest, yet it truly is the opposite. There are numerous duties placed upon the students. They each set an example for the school, gather opinions of classmates, and share them with the moderators, faculty, and administration. The student government representatives meet bimonthly to talk as a group. During the meetings, the students


plan events, talk of bothersome issues, exchange ideas among class levels, and work together for plans to evolve the school. After this agenda, they divide into class levels and speak with the moderators about events such as the prom, Junior Ring Night, candy cane sales, carnation days, and the Winter Cotillion. It is here, many ideas are invented and planned to make Notre Dame a social teen festival outside of class. The members do not just plan, however. There is much work after the infant stages. Decorations must be purchased and assembled, donations taken, tickets sold, and refreshments provided for these occasions. the willing members always are there to support the needs of a growing occasion. They also must be prepared to clean up after other students. Another popular event with student government is planning Spirit Week.

With the guidance of Mr. Schafer, activities such as Blue and White day, Sports Night, and Spirit Day can be planned. These students are often in the spotlight, but also take a part behind the scenes. To continue the growth of Notre Dame, members of the Student Government team have a plan. To make the school more mature, they will initiate activities that have been discussed at their meetings. Most of these are of interest to the faculty and students. They plan to meet with the faculty to have better student 1 teacher input and cooperation. Also, they hope to become a part of the discipline board to make suggestions concerning the welfare of the students. This year the officers of Student Government are Lou Crivelli, LeRon Rogers, and Gina Mangonan. They all have a great responsibility to serve the school, and accommodate of students. Looking back, Student Government has made our lives easier by providing fun, entertainment, and easier rules throughout the school. Looking forward, they will become more active with faculty and administration. Overall, they have learned, changed, and evolved; just like every aspect of Notre Dame life this year.




Answers On Page 246


Barry Breen Principal

Mary Liz Ivins Assistant Principal

David Mllinowicz Assistant Principal

Kathleen Cevera Dir

of Guidance

Those We Can't Live Without Education is the light and hope of the ' 路world and teachers are the candles. Teachers share the knowledge that separates humans from animals. NO is fortunate to have the finest and most dedicated teachers. Among the elite of our faculty are the Class Moderators. These five teachers Mrs. Burzachiello, Mr. Czajkowski, Mrs. Wroblewski, Mrs. Martin and Ms. Bourne are an essential component in student's daily life. Their guidance and energy help to create the unsurpassed environment of ND. In conjunction with student government, Class Moderators responsibilities include fundraising and organizing recreational activities such as Spirit Week, Blue and White Day, the Junior and Senior prom as well as many other activities. These activities require both time and dynamism which the Class Moderators willingly give to the students. They create a relaxed atmosphere that is ideal for learning and growing. Most importantly the Moderators give students outlets for their inordinate School Spirit which makes NO unique. 1

Mrs. Burzachiello & Senior Student Government

Mr. Czajkowski & Junior Student Government

Mrs. Wroblewski. Sophomore Moderator Mrs. Bourne & Co-Freshmen Student Government

Mrs. Martin, Co-Freshmen Moderator

Faculty Eilieen Ancrum English Department

Carl Anderson English Department

Tracey Bourne Religion Department

Bernard Boyle Business Department

Joseph Cafferky Religion Department

Roberta And,rson History Department Chairperson

John Archer Physical Education Department

Robert Bugdal

Co-Director or Development

Josephine Burzachiello History Department. Discipline

Bernadette caucci Art Department

JaqeConfoy ~nglish


Susan Cop~

Science ~t

Walter CU\Jkowski Religion Department

Michael Dennehy Religion DePartment

Mary Depugllo Language And Guidance Department

OaryDambro Physical Education Department

Patricia Dempsey Language Department

Faculty Sheila Gavin Englisl1 Department '·

Theresa Giampetro History Department

John Qrussler Visual Arts Department

chard Qusciora Science Depannent

Pamela Grissinger Ma


Maribeth Hardiman Business Department

Karen Henk4eltll English Department

Jack Karnatski Language Department

•stlne Herrick eHgion Department

ister Marie Jose Math Department

ndra Koschek Physical t:ducation Department



English Department

Margaret Lynch Math Department

Faculty 6arbara M•OJ;; Physical Education Department

Cynthia Marchant Head Librarian

Not Just Run Of The Mil Did you ever hear that deep, booming voice over the loud speaker during morning announcements and wonder to whom it belongs? Did you ever ask yourself who is responsible for scheduling the classes of approximately 1100 Notre Dame students every year? You may have seen him walking the halls or possibly observing one of your classes. Assistant Principal, David Millinowicz, is an integral part of Notre Dame High School. A native of Trenton and N.D. Class of 1967 graduate, Mr. Millinowicz went on to major in History and minor in Education at Providence College. He returned to N.D. and began teaching in September of 1971. During his 22 years at N.D. he has served in the capacities of both teacher and administrator. For the past four years he has served as Assistant Principal. A sports enthusiast, when not at school he can often be spotted at a basketball game coaching or spectating. In fact, from 1971 - 1988 Mr. Millinowicz coached basketball at Notre Dame. During his eight years as Varsity Boys Basketball head coach he compiled an impressive 134-67 record. He also coaches his two sons in recreational basketball leagues. However, basketball is not his only area of expertise. He has also coached the Varsity Golf team for the last thirteen years. Mr. Millinowicz can often be found on the golf course either coaching or playing for pleasure. Both students and faculty members have positive things to say about "Mr. Mil."

Caryn Moran, who had Mr. Mil for Advanced Placement History II, says, "Mr. Mil is one of those teachers who after you have him he is still there for you if you need him. If you need some advice, someone to talk to or even some goldfish he will always be there. He is a good teacher and a good friend." Kate Hess echoes this sentiment, "Mr. Mil is always very open and willing to help. I think his students really appreciate this." Assistant Principal Mary Liz Ivins says, "He's an incredibly hard worker and people don't usually see it because he does things so quietly." Mrs. Wright says, "He's a nice man, he's willing to do anything. He's the best."

By: Liz White

oscare11o Marisol Cintron Steven Schultz Language Department

John Simone Guidance Department

Bernice Tattory School Nurse

Lisa Twamley Performing Arts Department

George either Religion

Dep;lrtment 路

Chris DiLiberto Michael Shapson /\ate Hess Michael Bartram Rebecca Fitzgibbon Marybeth Moscarello Marisol Cintron

Aladdin, Clinton '93, Basic Instinct, Olympic Rings, Dream Team, Hurricane Andrew, Adopt-A-School, X, Pearl Jam, The Heights, Wayne's World, Shwing! Coke-Taste It All, Letterman Leaves, Nome Improvement, Cowboys rope a Bowl, Chicken Dance, Oil Spills- Again, Lindross-A Flyer! Iraqui attack, Hussein is Back! Melrose Place, Lolla Pallooza II, Zoo TV Tour, Duke, Between the Sheets, Worst Joke Wednesdays, Jammi Jam Flops, Achey-Breaky Heart, Page 6 Girls, Nome Alone II, CHEERS! Spin Doctors, We Want MOORE, Amy Fischer Story, Madonna-what else can U say? go Perot, Guys &. Dolls, Fergi

& Di cut the cord, Soda 65¢! Alphabet Soup-@#!*, Swing Kids, Somalia, Rock the ,Vote, YBNA, The Bodyguard-! Will Always Love U, Whitney Finally has her child, Eric Clapton-Get Enough Grammys? Lunar Eclipse, Clear Pepsi, Hello-Norman, R U Mental? Spike fest '93, Field Hockey makes History, Montana Trade? Mr. Ardery steps down, Mr. Breen Steps in, Duran Duran Come Back, Honor Guard 4 "Z", Retreats, SENIORS '93 - 'Nuff Said!

Abaid, Kristy 202 Abbott, Marc 68 Abitabilo, Jeff167, 186 Aconi, Victor 194 Adams, Christie 194 Agabiti, Maria Angela 68 Ahearn, Ilona 202 Alexander, Julia M. 68, 186 Alexopoulos, Lia 202 Alfano, Melanie 202 Alfano, Melissa 186 Alia, Daniel194 Altiere, Julie Ann 148, 151 Altobelli, Lisa 194 Alvarado, Roger Edward 194 Alvarez, Heatherlinn 194 Amaral, John Paul 202 Amari, Melissa Ann 202 Amari, Michele 68 Amico, Jennifer 1.86 Andrako, Thomas 194 Andreas, Paul W. 202 Angelucci, Brian 194 Angyal, Margaret 186 Applegate, Jeremy 186 Ardery, Vincent 68, 108, 109 Argumedes, Sandra 68, 99 Aridgides, Lynn 202 Armenti, Peter c. 202 Armenti, Salvatrice 186 Arnold, Jennifer 194 Astbury, Jason 194 Augustin, William R. 4.3, 186,59, 60,61 Avallone, Rosanna 202 Aversano, Joelle 194 Azzaro, Diana Maria 186

Bac, Allison M. 151, 202 Bacso, Paula Helen 68, 109, 112 Bailey, Brenda 68 Baker, Alan E. 69 Baker, Andrea E. 194 Baker, Joseph J. 186 Baldino, Christina 186 Balik, Micaelle 69 Ballarotto, Tiffanni Dawn 69 Banfield, Mary Elizabeth 69 Barbosa, Nicholas Ill 7, 69 Bardachino, frank D. III 202 Barnes, Michael 202 Barnock, Oeorge M. 202, 164 Barreto, ~win 202 Barria, Lorena lvette 186 Barta, Joseph 194 Bartram, Michael 7, 11, 69, .35


Battista, Sammy 69, 85 Baxter, Eric 69, 129 Beihl, Darren 194 Beirne, Jennifer 202 Belmont, Meghan 194 Belz, Erin Eileen 137, 194 Bendas, DanielS . .31,186 Bendas, Jaclyn J. 202 Bender, Jason 140, 142, 186 Bennett, Janine 202 Berger, Jason Charles 202 Bernhard, Karen 186 Bernhard, Stacey 186 Bertan, James 70 Biernaski, Matthew 202 Billups, Michael R. 202 Binder, Brian 186 Bires, Jessica 202 Biruk, Chad 70 Bisaccia, Anthony 194 Bisogno, Brian E. 202 Blackburn, Kelly Lynn 186 Blake, Katrina D. 70 Bless, Jason 202 Blundell, Angela 194 Bocchini, Nicole 194 Bochiaro, John 70 Bodnar, Jill anne 70 Bogda, Melissa 186 Bonanni, Jamie L. 70, 77, 108 Bonanno, Theresa c. 42, 186 Boswell, AmberJ. 186 Boucher, Joshua T.186 Bourne, Amy 202 Bovasso, Stephanie 186 Bowden, Brandyn 194 Bowling, Janine 194 Bozek, Anthony 194 Bozowski, Anthony 186 Bozowski, Stacy 194 Brachelli, Nicholas 202 Bradburn,Bridget19,.32,70,110,1.32 Bradburn, Erin .32, 29, .31, 186 Brady, Christen Anne 202 Branham., Kristen Lynn 29, 70, 112 Brelsford, Warren Jr. 71 Brennan,Courtney194 Brennan, Jennifer Susan 194 Brennan, John 71 Brennan, Ryan .32, 71, 112, 1.35 ~renner, Christopher 186 Brenner, Michael 202 Breuninger, Russell202 Breza, Chris 186 Brilliantine, Barbara 29, 71 Broach, Jared 71, 158, 186 Brophy, L. John III 71 Brown, Alexander J. 194 Brown, Barbara G. 13, 71 Brown, Daniel 194 Brown, Jerry 194 Brown, Katherine 186 Brown, Matthew Barrett 194 Brown, Tanya N. 29,71 Bryan, Kelly Ann 202 Bua, Rosanna 202 Bucchere, Jonathan 140, 141, 186 Bucchino, Leonard A. III 194 Buckley, Joseph 202 Bucon, Adam 71 Budd, Ian 186 Bugdal, Jacqueline .36, 71,137, 1.38, 1 Bummara, Nicole 194 Burke, Michele 202 Burke, Ryan 186

Burnett, Mark David 186 Burnett, Tammara 202 Burns, Robert 194 Burzachiello, Ann Marie 151, 186 Burzachiello, Michael167, 194 Butch, Jason 194 Butera, Melissa Ann 71 Butler, Elizabeth A. 41, 72 Buttaci, Vincent 72 Byers, Aaron 194 Byers, Jason M. 186 Byrne, Kimberly A. 194

Caldarella, Michael Vito 202 Caldwell, Kristin M. 202 Callan, Alyson 72 Campana, Christine 186 Campana, Jason 194 Campbell, Jennifer 194 Cannizzaro, Salvatore 202 Caperna, Julie Lynn 29, .31, 1.39, 186 Carabelli, Anthony P. Jr. 186 Cardiello, James 194 Carlisle, Nicholas A. 194 Carroll, Marcia 194 Carroll, Susan 72 Carson, Kathleen Patricia 194 Cartlidge, Brendan 72 Cartlidge, Ryan 194 Caruso, Todd M. 72, 109, 111, 59, 60, 61 Caserta, Joseph A. 202 Castaneda, Cynthia 202 Castellano, Peter 194 Cattani, Jessica 100, 202 Cattani, Melissa 19, 72, 61 Cefalone, Melissa 72, 89,111 Celentana, Michael186 Cereste, Vincent 7.3 Cevera, Oeorge 7.3 Chapman, Craig 186 Chaudhry, Rehan 202 Chebra, Kristin 19, 7.3, 100, 111, 60, 61 Chebra, Nicole M. 7.3 Chiarchiaro, Christina 7.3 Chmiel, Mark 186, 164 Choquette, Danielle .31, 186 Choquette, Deborah R. 7.3 Chrnelich, Amy 145, 146, 147, 186 Chrnelich, Kathryn 145, 194 Cichalski, Michael 202 Cifelli, Michael131, 186 Cifelli, Simeraldo 194 Cimino, John 7.3, 112 Cino, John 202 Cintron, Marisol 186 Cipriano, Ashley M. .31, 1.39, 186 Cipriano, Lea M. 202 Cipullo, Joanne 7.3 Cirillo, Heather 194 Cirillo, Renee 72, 137, 1.39 Clarke, Erin M. 202 Clausen, Susanne 186 Clawson, Bonnie R. 202 Coe, Daniel Ryan 202 Coelho, Sohail187 Coia, Dylan J. 202 Cole, Jennifer 72, 111, 112

Coleman, Jennifer Elise 203 Coleman, Kevin David 203 Coley, Sean 195 I Collender, Frederick W. 74 Colon, Jennifer 187 Coluccio, David P. 195 Comer, Daniel C. 74 Comer, Kathryn B. 195 Conboy, Sarah 74 Connolly, Ryan 43, 187 Conrad, Steven 195 on ten to, Robert 74 onway, Edward 74 ook, Monica 203 ooke, Amy 195 ooper, Tracey L. 29, 57, 187 orban, Jennifer 72 orboy, Kelly 75,110,112 orsi, Nicole Marie 195 rawford, Andrew 203 ristofoletti, Kerry 75, 84 ristofoletti, Kevin 195 rivelli, Louis 36, 75, 95, 111, 112, 35, 59,60,61 rivelli, Marco 195 seh, Christine 75 seh, William R. 195 ubberley, Jennifer Marie 75 urcio, Meredith 195 utchineal, Cara 75 uttre, Joseph 203 yms, Heather Elizabeth 36, 40, 75, 112,46 Czabafy, Jeno C. 75 Czako, Michael 76 Czarnik, Victoria 40, 76, 46, 59,61 zyz, Richard A. 203

Denton, Kevin 203 Derrico, Peter Daniel203 Derstadt, Robert T. 196 Desandre, Kathleen 31, 187 Desfosse, Jane 40, 77, 46 Deverell, Michelle 187 Di Nola, Joanne 77, 111, 112 Difalco, Patricia 77 Diliberto, Christina 7, 32, 29, 28, 38, 77, 137,138 Dinatale, Jennifer 77 Dolina, Kristin T. 196 Dominguez, Karen E. 78 Domino, Edward F. 203 Donnelly, Erin 196 Donofrio, Frank 78, 140, 35, 60, 61 Dotta, Sharon 203 Double, Aaron G. 78 Dougherty, Brendan 78, 108 Dougherty, Mary 203 Dow, Drew L. 196 Downing, Aronya N. 187 Dubow, Gregg Anthony 78 Dubow, Sharon 196 Duca, Karleen A. 196 Dudley, Nicole 187 Duffy, Francis T. 187 Duffy, Meghan 203 Dugal, Jason 78 Dugas, Laryssa 42, 188 Dugas, Monica 203 Dunn, Kelly A. 203 Dunne, Kevin 188 Durling, Taja Joyce 203 Dzbenski, Wendy 188 Dzialo, Scott R. 78 Dziessiuta, Corinne 203

'Angelo, Koren 76 'Errico, Tara 195 aly, Chris 195 anberry, Christi N. 76 ane, Jason 76, 166, 164 aniels, Scott 195 archuk, Brett 195 archuk, Edward 195 Daumer, Kathleen 187 David, Michael187 David William 129,187 Davies, Mathia 203 Davies, Michael 76, 90 Davino, Seth 174,175,187 Davis, Joseph M. 195 Davis, Kareeme 195 Davis, Nicole Marie 187 Davis, Sherri J. 195 Davis, Thomas P. 203 Dawson, Susan 187 Day, Ebonie 203 De Gaglia, Michael 76 DeJonge, Daniel J. 76 e Maio, Nicholas S. 77 ecker, Johanna 187 eJonge, Michael 187 elellis, Laura Jean 203 elorenzo, Anthony L. 196 elprado, Roger 77, 92 emski, Dorian 77, 135

Edwards, Jeffrey 203 Egli, Marie c. 203 Eisenmann, Jennifer C. 203 Eitzen, Cheryl 78 Eller, Timothy M. 196 Elliott, Gardea 196 Ellsworth, Jennifer 79 Emde, Edward 79, 88,130 Emery, Brandon Robert 203

Faloni, Margaret 149,188 Famoso, Melissa A. 29, 79 Fanikos, Anthony 196 Fanikos, Asteris 79 Fanning, Michael P. 76, 79, 140, 141 Fares, Lauren Marie 196 Farina, Vincent 188 Farkas, Thomas N. 196 Farrell, Manoly 29, 57,188,59 Farrell, Thomas R. 196 Farrior, Elandra 13, 79 Fato, Melissa 188 Fava,Chris36,79,91,138

Fede, Matthew 79 Feehan, Holly A. 204 Feely, Virginia Eileen 196 Fell, Amy M. 80 Feller, Kevin 196 Feniello, Jennifer 196 Fiabane, Michael P. 204 Fiandaca, Tara 80, 98, 146, 147 Fiasco, Ralph Jr. 188 Field, Lorenzo 196 Field, Michael James 204 Fields, Esther 80 Fijalkowski, Cindy 80,188 Fiore, Jana Lynn 196 Fiori, Cynthia H. 80 Fitzgibbon, Lyric 188 Fitzgibbon, Rebecca 19, 80, 131, 137, 138 Fitzpatrick, Theresa E. 80 Fiumenero, Alasia 188 Flood, Brighid 13, 31, 188 Floyd, John 80 Foley, Jennifer M. 204 Fontana, Tina 188 Ford, Ayana 196 Forte, John 196 Foster, Mary Elizabeth 38, 80 Fowler, Jason A. 80 Francis, Ross 204 Francisco, Richard 188 Fransckiewich, Christina 196 Franzoni, Alysia L. 188 Frederick, Brandi E. 196 Fredericks, Jarred M. 204 Fregans, Jonathan 80, 107 Freit, Richard S. 196 Freit, RobertS. 204 French, James 196 French, Kevin Joseph 204 French, Neil Thomas 188 Frith, Tamara M. 204 Fritsch, Arthur John 196, 164 Furda, Melony S. 81

Gallagher, Brian 196 Gallo, Michelle L. 196 Gallucci, Kristina 81 Gana, Kathleen Lyn Marie 204 Garcia, Angelica 81,57 Garland, Heather Rose 204 Garrett, Erica 81 Gater, David 81 Gaynor, Karen L. 196 Gerstnicker, Lorrie 196 Gervasoni, Andrea L. 204 Gilbert, Martin L. 81, 109, 110, 128, 129 Gilbert, Donald 188 Gilbert, Natalie 204 Giovanni, Janine 196 Glahn, Amy 81 Glikas, J. Michael188 Glover, Jamal R. 196 Goertz, William John 81, 101 Golab, Mark 188 Golden, Sean Martin 82 Goldman, John Thomas 196 Golino, Mark 204 Gominiak, Beth 31, 43,188


Gonzalez, Esther 204 Gonzalez, Kristina P. 204 Gonzalez, Roberto 82 Goodrich, Christopher G. 82, 112, 140, 142 Gorczyca, Anna 188 Gore, Amy Lynn 188 Grabowski, Stephen 204 Grady, Shante M. 13, 82 Grasso, Debra M. 82 Gray, Victoria Ann 188 Graziani, Stephen 204 Graziana, William A. 188 Grecsek, Chad 188 Gresko, Michael D. 188 Griffin, Salina 188 Grillo, Nicple 188 Gruska, David 82 Gryziewicz, Robin Ann 188 Guarini, Richard E. 82 Guglielmo, Michael 83 Guhl, Meridith 83, 112 Guido, Michael188 Guiry, Lynn 188 Gulyas, Michael 83 Gunson, Christine 83,111 Gutierrez, Catherine 204 Gutierrez, Edward 83 Gutierrez, Joanne 204 Gutierrez, Millicent 196

Haas, David M. 8.'5 Hackett, Michael P. 140, 141, 158, 188 Hage, Joshua 204 Hagestad, Nancy Britt 188 Hairston, Anastasia D. 8.'5 Halajko, David 204 Haley, Thomas D. 204 Hall, Leslie Joan 204 Hamilton, Parnell 8.'5 Hammer, Brian A. 196 Haney, Kristen A. 188 Hand,Jennlfer29,31,43,139,188 Handschur, Elizabeth f. 204 Hanlon. Jennifer M. 196 Hardiman, Matthew P. 204 Haftllng. Kyle Robert 41, 188 Harkness, David John 196 Harkness, egan Elizabeth 84 Harris, Keith Obreen 84 Harris, Sa a Ayana 196 Hartmann, Katie 204 Hartmann, Kelly 188 Hayden,JanelC.204 Hayman, Kevin 204 Hayman, Megan 84 Hearns, William G. 204 Heenan, Katherine Anne 204 Heinz, Bridget Lea 84 Heinz, Laura 84, 109, 59, 60, 61 Heitzman, Mary Elizabeth 1.37,196 Henriquez, Gail196 Henriquez, Madruge 196 Hess, Catherine 19, 75, 84, 149, 150, 151 Hildebrand, Steven 204 Hillman, Amanda M. 204 Hiner, Christina 36,84

Hines, Valerie C. 204 Hodgson, Melissa Lee 204 Hodnicki, Christopher 188, 164 Hoepfner, Thomas 196 Hogg, Michele 29, 146, 188 Hoopes, Cristin M. 188 Hoover, Carol Ann 188 Horton, Rebecca E. 196 Hribar, Corey 204 Hritz, Carrie Ann 84 Hughes, Emily 204 Hughes, Kristy 196 Hughes, Mary Beth 196 Hunter, Alexander E. 196 Hutchinson, A. Thomas 204 Hutchinson, G. Anthony 40, 85, 46, 167, 59,61 Hutchinson, Jennifer Lynn 204

'1-Iannaci, Catherine A. 29,188 lannaci, Salvatore A. 188 Iannacone, Nicole 196 Illuminati, Christopher 196 lmmordino, Amy 188 lnverso, Anthony .36, 85, 35, 61 lnverso, Diana 196 lnverso, Gregory 204 lsme, Geraldine 188 lsme, Jed 204 Ivins, Jeffrey 197

Jablonski, Mark G. 85 Jackson, Kalia 197 Jacob, Matthew J. 204 Jacobs, Jeffrey Quinn 197 Jancza, Elizabeth 204 Janukowlcz, Thomas 189 Jaslonowski, Jennifer 197 Jean-Louis, Glenda 13, 85 Johannes, Celeste 189 Johannes, Kimberly 189 Johnson, Kathy Ann 29, 85, 94,112 Johnson, Matthew A. 189 Johnson, Nicole 197 Johnson, Richard 197 Jones, MatthewT. 197 Jones, Megan P. 204 Jones, Roland c. 197 Jones, Terrance Anthony 204 Julian, Shaun 204 Jung, Jennifer 85, 145, 146 Jung, Karl189 Jurgens, Michelle Ayn 42, 189

Kadlec, Jeffrey W. 204 Kadlec, Kerrie 85 Kakas, Jeanine 197 Kakstis, Alison Marie 85 Kalinoski, Thaddeus s. 174, 197 Kasprzak, Matthew N. 41, 86, 35, 60, 61 Kasprzak, Thomas J. 197 Kauffman, Kimberly 189 Kay, John E. 197 Kean, Christine Ann 189 Keating, Kristen B. 137, 197 Keiling, Meghan A. 86 Keller, Thomas V. 166, 189, 164 Kelley, Jennifer 86, 112 Kelly, Talaya S. 205 Kelly, Timothy A. 205 Kelsey, Jason Lee 205 Kelsey, Kareem 86 Kempisty, Christopher 86,166 Kennedy,Laurie31, 42,145,146, 189 Kenworthy, Sam 189 Kerins, Brian F. 86 Kerins, Devin Patrick 197 Kiernan, Craig 197 Kjersgaard, Kelly 197 Klein, Lisa Marie 147, 189 Klotz, Kristian 86, 140 Knott, Brian 86 Knox,Courtney29,42,189 Kohl, Tracey 197 Kondash, Dona 42,189 Kontoyannis, Athena 147,197 Kontoyannis, Demetrius 140, 142, 197 Kopen, Michele L. 87 Koutouzos, Kaliopie 87 Kowalick, Amy 197 Kowalik, Carrie 197 Kraemer, Chloe A. 197 Krajacic, Karen A. 87 Kramer, Gena 197 Kraun, Alexandra 87 Krencicki, Michele 197 Kroiss, Matt 197 Kubick, Allison 87 Kuebler, Brian 197 Kuebler, Michael Patrick 189 Kuhlman, Meredith Ann 19, 87,91 Kurisko, Robert 189 Kurisko, Steven James 87 Kurst, Jennifer 197 Kyte, Amy L. 189 Kyte, Robert 205

---~---Lacava, Rena 205 Lamons, Lakesha A. 197 Lamoureux, Denise P. 205 Lampkin, Eric 158,189 Lane, Geoffrey 87 Laperriere, Daniel 88, 110 Laperriere, Michelle R. 148, 150, 197 Larraga, May Ann 88 Larsson, Denise M. 189

Lassiter, Alicia 189 Latini, Joseph John 88, 112, 140, 141 Lauandos, Nancee Margaret 189 Lawrence, Susan D. 189 Layton, Brandi N. .31, 42, 189 Layton, Chanley 1.38, 197 Lech, Joseph S. 88, 110, 59, 60 Lee, Seung Young 88 Lehre, Elizabeth L. 197 Lemole, Daniel Francis 205 Lento, Thomas M. 205 Leopardi, Dana 205 Lewandowski, Robert H. Jr. 205 Lewis, Christine 19, 88, 57 Lewis, Jennifer 189 Liberto, Frank 167, 197, 164 Liberto, Robert 80, 87,8 Lloyd, James 189 Lloyd, William M. III 88 Lockington, Brian 175,189 Loften, William 189 Loftin, Joshua 197 Lopez, Lisette 197 Lorbeck, Kerri Anne 89 Lubina, Allison 197 Lubrano, Sam 189 Lucchesi, Michael Anthony 197 umia, Joseph John 197 uther, Joseph A. IV 189 Lutkus, Erik 205 ynch, Kathleen 189

Maddock, Edward c. 89,167,164 adeya, George 89 Magrisi, Danielle Marne 197 Mahler, Jonathan A. 89 Maiden, Icsalina 205 Maisto, James T. 197 Maisto, ThomasJ.197 Maklary, J. Todd 189 Maksymow, Roman 197 Malloy, Melissa .31, 189 Manahan, Neill 0. 205 Manahan,NoeiC.205 Manda, Bruce 205 Mangonon, Gina 89, 109 Manners, Michelle M. 89 Mannino, Francesco 189 Mannion, Matthew c. 89 Mannion, Ryan P. 197 Marchant, John V. 189 Marcus, An~ela 197 Marinelli, Dma 205 Marino, Christopher 189 Markley, Nora E. 197 Maroney, Carol Ann 89 Maroney, Karen M. 197 Marrero, Annette Marie 90 Marrero, Carissa E. 205 Marrero, Lynnette 197, 61 Marrone, frank 197 Martin, Gregory 90 Martin, Melanie A. 205 Mason, Tito B. 197 Massenat, Reynold 90 Massimi, Matthew 189 Massimi, Megan 198 Masterson, Harry 90

Matar, Lisa M. 205 Matar, Michael Jr. 90, 102 Matelski, Helena Marie 198 Mattei, Jennifer A. 198 Mattozzi, Kristie 90 Maurio, Julie 198 Maxwell, Jason 90 Maxwell, Matthew 205 May, Carreen 198 Maziarz, James 4.3, 189 Mazur, Jennifer 189 Me Elroy, Kevin 189 Me Kenna, Lisa H. 198 McCabe, Kelly C. 205 McCall, Bryon A. 198, 104 McCall, Jaqueline 189 McCarthy, Kerry C. 198 McCarthy, Peter James 198 McCarthy, Stephen M. 205 McClure, Jill 71, 90, 1.37, 1.38 McDonough, Michael S. 90 McGann, Margaret T. 198 McGann, Michael G. 205 McGinniss, Kevin 198 McGiinchy, Maureen 205 McGiinchy, Megan E. 19, .32, 28, 29, .38, 90,108,1.39,1.38,1.37 McGuire, Megan 1.39,198 McKinney, Kevin Michael198 McKitish, David 205 McNair, Talaya 205 McNichol, Brook 91 McQuillan, Shannon 205 Meade, Jennifer 4.3, 189 Meagher, Kathleen E. 91 Meagher, Sarah 205 Meagher, William H. IV 198 Mears, Jason C. 189 Meisner, Phillip R. Jr. 91 Melendez, Victoria 205 Melican, Erin 198 Mellodge, Jadzia 91 Mendez, Julia 198 Mendola, John 198 Meszaros, Jodi Ann .31, 189 Mezick, William B. 189 Micale, Michelle 205 Michaels, Tara Anne 198 Michaud, Matthew 91, 140, 141 Middleton, Jennifer .32, .31, 4.3, 190 Middleton, Karen D. 205 Midura, Joseph s. 205 Midura, Renee 198 Migliaccio, Gina 190 Miksa, Christopher 198 Miller, Regina Marie 205 Miller, Timothy D. 205 Minch, Jennifer 198 Mingo, Luis 198 Mingo, Mahogany M. 205 Miranda, felix 91 Miranda, Victor A. 198 Mirelli, Jennifer 71, 91 Mltzen, Timothy Ryan 91 Molignano, Francis 205 Monaco, Ann Vera 190 Monahan, Caitlin 205 Monahan, Rory 198 Moorcroft, David M. 205 Moorcroft, Joseph P. 190 Moore, Jason Robert 190 Moore, Jodi 199 Moore, Megan 205 Moore, Richard 92, .35

Moore, William Charles Il92, 112, 129, 1.30 Moran, Caryn L. 19, 29, 28, .38, 71, 92, 108,1.39 Moran, Jennifer 92 Moran, Patricia 92 Moran, Ryan 199 Mordock, Jeffrey 92 Morehart, Rebecca 1.3, .31,190 Morocco, Anthony J. Jr. 199 Morozin, Timothy 199 Morrin, Daniel Francis X. 92 Morris, Sara c. 199 Mortellite, Russel 205 Moscarello, Mary Beth 92, 149, 150, 151 Moses, Samantha 190 Mosticchio, Stephanie 190 Motkowski, Paula 190 Mount, Kathleen A. 190 Mowenn, Kamah A. 205 Muehleisen, 'Lisa 42, 190 Mullen, Daniel P. 190 Mullen, Ryan P. 9.3 Murison, Justine S. 9.3 Murphy, Brian C. 190 Murphy, Dana L. 205 Murphy, Denis 190 Murphy, Jaclyn 205 Murray, Christine 9.3 Murray, Marion 190 Murray, Michael James 19, 4.3,190 Murtha, Eric T. 9.3, 111 Mustakas, Justin 205 Mustakas, Thomas J. 190

Nadraga, Adrian 9.3 Nadraga, Yuri 0. 199 Nagy, Michael F. 199 Nagy, Raymond Jr. 205 Napoleon, Nick 80, 9.3 Napolitano, Melanie 199 Nash, David 190 Neall, Kelly 91, 9.3, 110 Negron, Alexander 199 Nemeth, Susan 9.3 Nevin, Paul 94 Newkirk, Waymon E. II 94 Nieswand, Katherine M. 205 Nisar, Jehanzeb 191 Noble, Elizabeth 191 Noble, Mara 191 Noncent, Sophie 1.3, 94 Norton, Eugene S. III 191 Nowak, Anne Jacqueline 191 Nowak, Magda 191 Nuva, Meredith A. 199

()---O'Connell, Kelly 205 O'Connor, Ryan 199 O'Donnell, Megan Elizabet 206 O'Donnell, Robert J. 191


O'Keefe, Colleen 94 O'Keefe, Kristine 94,132 O'Malley, Jennifer 206 O'Malley, Michael191 O'Neill, Bernard James 206 O'Neill, James M. 19, 79, 94, 111 O'Neill, Jennifer 199 O'Rahilly, Andrew B. 94,101 O'Reilly, Michael c. 206 Ogitis, Gina 191 Okulicz, Jason 94 Okum, Laura 95 Oldani, Gregg 191 Omowale, lmani 191 Orihel, Jeffrey Paul199 Ostrowski, Suzanne 29, 95, 112 Owen, Kenneth T. 199 Owens, Kdsha 13, 95

Provenzale, Peter 199 Provost, Katherine Anne 97 Przyborowski, Lynda 97 Pukala, Pamela T. 97 Pullen, Daryl G. 199 Pullo, Flavia 199 Pullo, Sabrina 191 Pultorak, Kyle Renee 36, 97, 108 Pypcznski, Kevin M. 206

---:2--Queen, lesha Monique 206

~-Palma, Anthony 199 Pampanini, Leigh Ann 191 Papa, Jaime c. 95, 112 Papp, Melinda 199 Pappas, Kristen 191 Parrotta, Tanya Marie 95 Paver, early 19,95 Pawelczak, Patricia 206 Pazdan, Jill 95 Pellitteri, Gena M. 199 Peloquin, Martin A. 199, 164 Pemberton, Crystal 95 Perez, Tania 96, 99 Perone, Brooke 96 Perry, Daphne L. 206 Pesce, Brian 140, 191 Peterson, Kelicia 191 Peterson, Nicole L. 96, 59 Petrosini, Jana Marie 139, 199 Pfeiffer, Katherine c. 96 Phillips, Shawn 199 Piazza, Mark 199 Piechota, Robert 191 Piepszak, Matthew 191 Pietras, Michael Jr. 96, 105 Pinard, Amy 12, 29 ~ne,Chery1Marie199

Pizzimenti, Anthony 129,174,191 Plishchuk, Irene 96 Plishchuk, Michael103, 191 Plotka, Christine 191 Plotka, Margaret 206 Plumeri, Matthew 199 Polizzi, John 191 Popowski, Karen 96 Potash, Christopher 191 Potter, Neil Joseph 96, 108, 109, 111, 112,140 Poux, Arienne N. 13, 42, 191 Povia, Robert 206 Powell, Kendra Lynne 206 Pribila, Kathryn 206 Pribila, Matthew 97, 1.34 Primerano, James Steven 36, 97, 108, 112 Pritchard, Sakinah R. 199 Proctor, Jacqueline 206 Proctor, Rita 191 Profy, Jenny 199


Radosti, Amanda 199 Rafferty, Cynthia 13, 191 Rafferty, Michael E. 206 Rarich, Elizabeth 199 Reed, Alison 147,199 Reed, Andrea 206 Regan, Nicole D. 36, 97 Rego, Joseph 97,166 Reilly, Michael 206 Rendon, Paola Andrea 98 Ress, Jennifer 191 Reznick, Elena A. 98 Reznick, Michael J. 199 Rhodes, Albert 98, 112, 140, 141 Rhodes, Patricia 206 Ricciani, Jeffrey 191 Richards, Cori 199 Ricketts, Abbey-Gayle 186, 191 Rivera, Chtistina 191 Rivera, Lisa M. 206 Rizvi, Ali I. 191 Robbins, Shawn Casey 191 Roberts, Kimberly Anne 199 Robinson, Blaine T. 199 Robinson, Christopher 191 Robinson, Keesha N. 191 Robinson, Kelly 199 Robinson, Lyron 199 Rogers, Kamisha 57 Rogers, Leron 19,98 Romanczuk, Shane 199 Ross, Jennifer 206 Rossi, Rachel199 Rotondo, Anthony 98 Rotondo, Charles 191 Rotondo, Emily 206 Rottkamp, Rebecca M. 98 Rovner, Kelly C. 139, 199 Rowe, Allyson R. 199 Rowe, Jamie 206 Rowe, Lisa Michelle 206 Royster, Kevin 191 Rullo, Nicole 191 Russo, James 98, 35, 61 Russo, Sabrina A. 199 Ryan, Jason P. 199 Ryfinski, Beth Ann 98

Sabree, Iris A. 13,99 Saggar, Prem 199 Salcewicz, Patricia 99 Santiago, Dymphna M. 99 Santiago,NoeiA.206 Santiago,Pedr87,99,133 Santo, Cynthia Ann 99,106 Santos, Jennifer M. 206 Santos, Ruby Anne Eliz. 99 Sanvardine, Mark 191 Sargent, Alexander 99 Sass, David J. 191 Savelli, Christine 99 Scanlon,Carol100,110,112 Scarlata, Salvatore 199 Schaefer, Christopher 206 Schaeffer, Michael David 207 Schell, Kathryn 100 Schenck, Barry 95, 100, 140, 142 Schiano, Susy c. 100 Schiaretti, Nicole 191 Schiefer, Alanna 200 Schlieben, George T. 200 Schnall, Kevin J. 200 Schnall, Timothy D. 70,100,131 Schneider, Heather 100 Schuler, David Gregory 200 Schultz, Jessica 139,200 Schwab, Christie 200 Schwartz, Christine 207 Schwartz, Donnamarie 191 Scott, Shonda Marie 42, 191 Scotto, Catherine Ann 191 Scrouse, Stephanie L. 148,151,207 Segretario, Jennifer 100, 112 Selfridge, Richard 80, 100 Sellers, Lauren 146, 207 Semonik, Thomas G. 101 Senetra, Holly 191 Sferra, Daniela 191 Shapson,Michael101,35,61 Shapson, Robert 207 Shaw, Heather C. 207 Sheluga, Kris 207 Sheluga, Matthew 191 Sherman, Michael Jason 200 Shinn, Mark 192 Shoemaker, Jason J. 207 Sia, Jonathan R. 207, 164 Sieben, Elizabeth 200 Sierra, Alejandro 207 Silva, Ricardo 200 Simko, David 207 Simon, Elizabeth 200 Simonetti, John 192 Simpson, Kimberly A. 101 Simpson, Thomas A. 200, 164 Singelakis, Peter .36, 101 Sink, John 200 Slrak, Maria Eugenia 101 Sirak, Ronald J. 192 Sliwinski, Christopher 207 Sliwinski, Stephanie 101 Smith, Joy Ann 19, 38,101,137,138 Smith, Kirsten B. 101 Smith, Adam D. 200 Smith, Frank 192 Smith, Jeffrey T. 101 Smith, Katrina 200

Smith, Keon P. 72, 101 mithson, Jennifer 19,102 Snyder, Kevin 207 nyder, Patrick 200 oganic, Sherice Ann 102 okolowski, Eric 192 olan, John 102 oltys, Joseph S. 200 opko, Kevin Christopher 192 padora, Christopher 200 pagnuolo, Ian M. 192 pagnuolo, MarcJ. 200 palluto, Jennifer 192 parano, Sunny Marie 102, 112 peigel, Melissa 200 pence, Brian A. 192 taffa, Mark 9.3, 102 tamataros, George 207 tanley, Joseph R. 200 tanton, Tracy 200 tark, Shonna L. 200 teadman, Danielle Marie 207 tebbins, Tamika A. 192 tefero, Matt 102 teffero, Maria 200 teinmuller, Kevin C. 1.3, 140, 142, 192 temberg, Erin Richman 207 tewart, Susan Helene 192 till ita no, Danae 200 tinson, Shannon 200 tratton, Brian 200 trauss, Nicole L. 200 trouse, Michael L. 200 tults, Jonathan 192 ullivan, Dennis 207, 164 ullivan, Linda 192 ullivan, Megan K. 207 ullivan, Stacey J. 102 un, Loretta 207 untato, Tara L. 78, 102, 1.37, 1.38 utterlin, Maura 10.3 wan, Edward M. 1110.3 wanhart, Lisa M. 207 weeney, William 200 Sylvester, ThomasJ. 192 zakacs, Ryan Edward 10.3 zul, Melissa Joy 10.3 Szul, Scott Gerald 200

ifabron, Johena Renae 200 ifammaro, Patricia 200 jranglaw, Joyce 151, 200 ITanzola, Dana 192 arantino, Keri 200 aylor, Jaimy 207 Telles, Helen-Jean 10.3, 112 Tempone, Mary Anne 207 Termen,Samuel200 Temg, Mindy 200 Thoennes, James c. 10.3, 1.34 Thoennes, Tom 207 homas, William J. 10.3 Thompson, Thomas J. 200 Thome, Alexander B. 192 Thurston, Shari 12,192 hurston, Shawn 207 Tkacs, Stephen 192 oaldo, Megen Anne 192


Tombari, Matthew Douglas 200 Toner, Keri E. 200 Toporek, Steven 200 Toporek, Suzanne 19,10.3 Torano, Vincent P. 200 Totten, Edward D. 104 Totten, Karen 200 Trani, Danielle 200 Triolo, Kathryn Mary 200 Troy, Thomas P. Jr. 104 Trunell, Wesley 207 Turnbull, Elizabeth 1.39, 200 Turner, Travis207 Tweed, Nicole E. 104, 150, 151 Tyne, Janice M. 41, 50, 104, 59 Tyne, Jason M. 40, 46, 200

---u--Usberti, Gregory 200


Vaccaro, Christopher M. 7.3, 104, 1.31 Valentino, Christopher 207 Valines, Tomas Javier 192 Van Emburgh, Lori Ann 104 Vannozzi, Brian 201 Vasil, Daniel T. 201 Vasil, Michael T. Jr. 201 Vaughan, Vanessa 1.3, 104 Vazquez, Domingo 104 Vidal, Rose Anne 105,149,150 Vierling, Rachel Lynn 192 Volk, Carla 105

Wetzel, David 201 Whartenby, William 201 White, Alvin J. 207 White, Elizabeth Ann 19, 106, 109, 1.32, 1.34,1.35 Wiechnik, Mark 106 Wiechnik, Mathew 192 Wiedemann, John c. 201 Wig, Jeffrey 106 Williams, Cassaundria 207 Williams, Howard Jr. 129, 1.30, 207 Williams, Kelly Ann 192 Williams, Scott C. 106 Williams, Tdakonteez 207 Williamson, Heather 192 Willis, Diane M. 201 Wills, Eric B. 97, 106, 1.3.3 Wingate, Tiffany M. 106 Wisniewska, Barbara 207 Witkowski, Stacey 207 Witkowski, Vincent 106 Wizeman, Matthew R. 192 Wolf, Ryan 207 Wolfe, Sara 192 Wollert, Sean 201 Wolochowicz, Amy B. 29, 28,107,1.37 Wolochowicz, Stephen 207 Woloszyn, Jenna 107 Woodhead, Jason 207 Woodward, Tyrone 192 Woody, Ellen 107 Worrell, Gary John 207 Wright, Heather 192 Wyers, Jennifer .31, 4.3, 192

t-Yosua, Patricia Ann 201 Young, January 192

---~...-.--Walsh, Adrienne 207 Walsh, Julie 201 Walsh, Sussannah 105 Warchol, Ryan Michael207 Ward, Rebecca 192 Ware, Raymond 201 Warner, Michael105, 158 Waropay, Kim 29,192 Wasko, Gary M. 104, 105, 110, 140 Watro, Ami L. 207 Watson, Mark 105 Watson, OscarLewisJr.105, 174 Weber, Erik Christopher 192 Webster, Erin Margaret 207 Wehr, Kevin Andrew 207 Weigand, Brandon 201 Weigand, Jane E. 207 Weil, George F. 201 Weingartner, Brian J. 201 Weisgarber, Nicole Maria 151,201 Weisgarber, William Jr. 105 Welsh, Jennifer L. 29, 106, 112

Zachow, Melissa 1.39, 201 Zado, Frank 192 Zaleski, Caroline M. 107 Zaleski, Gregory 9.3, 107 Zarzyckii, Jason 201 Zdenek, Andrew J. 107 Zefutie, John J. Jr. 207 Zeisky, Diana 192 Zelinski, Mark A. 174, 201 Zemcik, FrankJ. 107 Ziegler, Stefanie A. 192 Zola, Michele 207 Zoladz, Jason Michael 207


Baby Collage Answers by Chriss DiLiberto

Page 210 1. Sharice Sognic 2. Michael Czako 3. Sussannah Walsh 4. Amy Glahn 5. Mary Foster 6. Jillanne Bodnar 7. Barry Schenck 8. Helen Telles 9. Michael Shapson 10. Susy Schiano 11. Edward Gutierrez 12. Chris Fava 13. Renee Cirillo 14. Stephanie Sliwinski 15. Adrian Nadraga 16. Heather Cyms 17. Liz White 18. Chris Goodrich 19. Jen Cole 20. Jennifer Welsh 21. Kristin Chebra 22. Lou Crivelli 23. Dan DeJonge 24. Brooke Perone 25. Christopher Vaccaro 26. Bridget Bradburn 27. James Russo 28. Caryn Moran 29. Nick Barbosa 30. Jen Corban 31. Suzanne Toporek 32. Christine Lewis 33. Micaelle Balik 34. Joanne DiNola 35. Glenda Jean-Louis 36. Chrissy DiLiberto 3 7. Megan McGiinchy 38. Ellen Woody 39. Becca Fitzgibbon 40. Sarah Conboy 41. Katie Meagher 42. Chelsea Wargo


Page 211 1. Michele Amari 2. Martin Gilbert 3. Kerri Lorbeck 4. Jennifer Kelley 5. Melissa Szul 6. Meghan Kieling 7. Annette Marrero 8. Tara Fiandaca 9. Jen Mirelli 10. Chrissy Gunson 11. Matt Stefaro 12. Katherine Pfeiffer 13. Tim Schnall 14. Patty Salcewicz 15. Jill McClure 16. Jenn Ellsworth 17. Kory D'Angelo 18. Karen Krajacic 19. Nicole Regan 20. Tania Perez 21. Esther Fields 22. Gregg Dubow 23. Jane Desfosse 24. Keith Harris 25. Sean Golden 26. May Ann Larraga 2 7. Eric Baxter 28. Anthony Hutchinson 29. Debbie Grasso 30. Irene Plischuk 31. Tanya Brown 32. Patty DiFalco 33. Carly Paver 34. Matt Kasprzak 35. Karen Dominquez 36. Michael Bartram 37. Jennifer Cubberly 38. Tom Semonik 39. James Bertan 40. Lori Van Emburgh 41. Jaime Papa 42. Crystal Pemberton 43. Joy Ann Smith 44. Cheryl Eitzen 45. Tanya Parrotta 46. Laura Heinz 4 7. Jamie Bonanni

Page 212 1. Christine Savelli 2. Jonathan Fregans 3. Frank Donofrio 4. Elena Reznick 5. Christine Cseh 6. Christi Danberry 7. Adam Bucon 8. Shante Grady 9. Jadzia Mellodge 10. Meredith Kuhlman 11. Colleen & Kristine O'Keefe 12. Willie Lloyd 13. Nicole Peterson 14. Kimberly Simpson 15. Kathy Johnson 16. Dan LaPerriere 17. Jenna Woloszyn 18.Jill Pazdan 19. John Brophy 20. Rebecca Rottkamp 21. Kyle Pultorak 22. Nikki Chebra 23. Cara Cutchineal 24. Lynda Przyborowski 25. Sammy Battista 26. Anastasia Hairston 27. Vanessa Vaughan 28. Anthony Inverso 29. Michael Pietras 30. Todd Caruso 31. Rick Moore 32. Jason Okulicz 33. Michael Matar 34. Jen Smithson 35. Missy Famoso 36. Rose Vidal 3 7. Julie Altiere 38. Beth Ryfinski 39. Melissa Cefalone 40. Tara Santato 41. Kelly Corboy 42. Ed Conway 43. Cynthia Fiori 44. Nichael Gugliemo 45. Christina Chiarchiaro

Page 213 1. Theresa Fitzpatrick 2. Sandra Argumedes 3. Sunny Sparano 4. Vicki Czarnik 5. Jackie Bugdal 6. Megan Harkness 7. Nick DeMaio 8. Joe Latini 9. Tina Gallucci I 0. Heather Schneider 11. Marybeth Banfield 12. Michele Kopen 13. Alexandra Kraun 14. Joe Lech 15. Caroline Zaleski 16. Robert Liberto 17. Babs Brilliantine 18. Joanne Cipullo 19. Michael Graziani 20. Anthony Rotondo 21. Deborah Choquette 22. Janice Tyne 23. Katrina Blake 24. Kate Hess 25. Mark Staffa 26. Bridget Heinz 27. Gina Mangonon 28. Warren Brelsford 29. Kerry Cristofoletti 30. Kristen Branham 31. Barbara Brown 32. Maria Agabiti 33. Popie Koutouzos 34. Carla Volk 35. Marybeth Moscarello 36. Dymphna Santiago 3 7. Jeff Mordock 38. Melissa Cattani 39. Megan Hayman 40. Melissa Butera & Maura Sutterlin 41. David Gater 42. John Cimino 43. Michelle Manners 44. Sophie Noncent 45. Jennifer Segretario 46. Elizabeth Butler 4 7. Angie Ga rei a 48. Pamela Pukala


Alphabet Soup MARIA AGABITI Sammy, Hey babe! Well we finally made it. and look at usl Who would have ever thought " me and you?" It's hard to believe, but I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that it happened! It's kind of strange how we never really talked before this year, but then again I was just too " high classed" for you (please)! So, how many times did it take you to pass that written test anyway? Just kiddin, but thanx for all that " study time!" How 'bout this 1· " I just called to let you know I got home safe!" or "wrapped around his little finger! " (sorry. bad memories)·So. have any salt and pepper water lately? How about tea at Golden Dawn? Thank God you finally did get your license or we'd probably still be standing outside in the cold (that was an experience)! Don' t ever forget: 11·29·93 " Sometimes Love Ain 't Enough" sorry it took me 2 days! But hey, you should be willing to wait for "the best" ! (kidding) don't get mad, just one of my conceited remarks! AI· ways remember Andy the Ant Apples and Bananas and franky the freckle, Cotillion, late talks till 3 in the morning (if you were lucky, because I still can 't stay up as late as you), our water bot· tie fight and chasing me around the house threatening to tickle me to death II I guess we've actually had some pretty good times together and I know there will be lot's morel Thanx for putting up with me and just for being there. I must be going now· oh yeah OJO (you and Matt can figure that one out) Just want to say a~ain how happy you 've made me and that I'm really glad thmgs worked out! You mean a tot to me. Don't know what I would do without you! But I'll always love you and don't you forget thatlll P.S. ·Good luck with that Lamborghlnill Luv always, Maria Lech, Hey Gandhi how's Shabba doin? Well babe, never forget: Cotillion 91, I was sick so don't blame me for .Just sitting there you should have been more aggressive {just kiddin)l We had fun In Wildwood except for when I was mentioning Billy every 5 sec· onds, and after when I was "tired" . Sorry hon, from the sounds or this I just about put you through hell!l But we've had some the best times together too like: Prom 92·to bad I didn't decide be· fore who I really wanted to be with. • talks on and in your HUGE GREEN car outside or Melis' at like 2 in the morning. and going to Burger King and how it took both me and Melis to close the door! That's O·K I like your car Lech·reallyl How bout the hole in Joe's Basement walt I guess that was caused by me too. and our serl· ous talks that you said you never had with anybody else!! Well babe, you 've given me lot's laughs and good times, don't ever forget them. Good Luck In your garbage man career. I know you 'll be successful in It! Thanks for everything especially putting up with mellluv ya honl GJG See Ya·Marla P.S. • Be nice to Erin, she's a sweetie! Jennifer. Hey babe! Wow. were do I start? I guess the begin· ning. freshman year would be best! Wildwood is when all our fun started with BD Go Jen! That was lot's of fun and laughs espe· cially when he fell out of the roller coaster! But this year has been so much more fun and we have so many more memory glands·ha ha! How 'bout Perry Street and looking for those things on the comer (great idea Jenl) Don't forget Mastorls and making buildings with our forks! " Excuse me I don't have a fork" Oh yearh, "See my T ..• you know what to do with itl" That still was the best time for mel What about you? Oh yeah. it definatety was with CMI Don't forget the Cotillion and everything that happened! Golden Dawn. (God we go there alotl) Going to 7·11 at 2 in the morning (tradition) Snapple and Chocolate Chip dough ice cream! Our talks about CM, CC, JB, TC, SB, VK, BR! WOW, and what stories they were! Your fishy mobile and I can't wait till Sa· mantha's born! So, who's kid Is it this week? Always remember how much a certain someone loves you! ALOT obviously! Wash· ington was an expertence. standing in mud ail day freezing! Never again! How 'bout fD's house and the man grabbing you! Sorry about that babel That ni!lht I guess is hell for you to remember! But guess what, it's hell for someone else tool! Don't ever forget " were so cute, I love us" well it's true! All our very conceited re· marks especially to certain peoplei ·Our motor cycle driving up MD's legs and deciding "who gets the middle?" I'll take it if it's not already occupiedlll I should get slapped for that! But God. there are so many memortes I'll never remember them all! I gotta get going now! Just a few more things to sayl Thank you so much for being there for mel You are always around when I need someone to just talk to or cry to and always remember I'm al· ways here for you tool I know the rest of this year and summer are going to be the best ever! Don't forget what were gonna do with your movie camera on the beach! Always stay as sweet and as cute as you are and I will tool (Had to get a snotty remark in there just for memory sake) But always remember that I Iuv ya like a sis and we will be friends till the endll! GfG Luv you! f JF·Ria Jenn. Hey hon! Well we finally made itl And look at us! We've been through so much! Just want to say I'm sorry for all those stupid incidents that kept us from really being friends, we all know who we can blame for that! At least you finally realized how she really is too! Thanks for being there. especially lately with the accident and stum You've been really understanding and it made me realize that there's no real reason why we should have never been good friends. Never forget the Cotillion 92, RL. JL, MA and all the fun we had after at Metis'! That was crazy! Well babe. I GJG! Keep in touch and Good Luck! I Luv Yal See Ya·Ria Todd, Hey buddy! Well. this year has definitely been an experi· ence for both of us! We've become better friends and we know each other a tot better. I'm really glad that happened! I hope I was some help with all your problems with JC and you helped me through some of the SB problems too. Never forget fD's house and everything that happened (that was crazy) Never for· get Jen's great idea of going to Perry Street at 12:00 at night. Re· member when you and Sammy played basketball at 2 in the morning in the snow while me and Jen froze on the swings! (thanx guys) Well babe, I 0/G. thanx for everything! Your really a great guy and don't let anybody let you believe different! Keep In touch and keep on slngin!ll See Yal Love-Marla Martin, Hey honey! Well, first I just want to say thanx for beln such a great friend! I know things didn't start out very good wjVC and stuff (that was an experience) Sorry about that! But we be· came closer after that and you 've helped me through lot's of stum Never forget: Halloween and how me and Melis left you at Jf when he wasn 't even home (sorry) and going to the mall and you being embarrassed because me and Metis were cats! How 'bout the time we got you food after one or the games and we ate almost all your cheese fries! We' ve had lot's of great times. Don't ever forget them! Make sure you KIT and stay as sweet as you are! Good Luck and thanx again for everything! Luv Ya! See YAI· Maria Dan. What can I say! WE really just started talking but your a real funny guy, I can tell you that much!! Never forget that night at Melis': "I can play anything, give me the song and I can play itl" (nice try Dan) How 'bout the Cotillion? We had fun and I stm love your housel Always remember " hey Dicky" and how "cute" me and Melis say ltl Well babe, we've had some really great times and don't ever forget them! I gotta get going now1 KIT and good luck with your piano playing! See Ya! Luv·Marla Annette. Hey babel Well we have lot's of memortes and they all started a long time ago so I doubt I'll remember them alii But never forget: our lunch table last year and MH always coming to talk and bother you! This year with everything that has happened with that one particular person! thanx (or always being there for me and I'm always here for you tool Your really a great friend and don' t ever forget that! Make sure you KIT and stay sweet! I GfG




but thanx for everything hon, and Good Luckll! Luv Ya!·Marla Veck, WOW, where to start? I guess I could just look in last year's Year Book! Never forget: my white sheep sheets and who you were talking to when you found the error! Biology soph. year, " Vicky. don't talk to Marla. she's a bad student!" poor Rial Being mimes for Halloween when knowbody knew what we were, trick· or-treating as a family and VK as a priest. Bad memories and long talks about BR. good memortes about BR and VK like the day all 4 of us lost something (that was kinda strange). hey, that's what started you om See what he did to you I Our lunch table junior year with MH bothering us everyday. the " hottness line" and Ria loving one particular person in that line! Eating yogurt that looks like the stuff that " comes out" YUCKIII Mf and Veck hating him, I think the feeling was mutuall SM on my porch and my party and getting stuck in MB's car (were you still there?) " E" language. Seaside and sun poisoning and crying Veck on the way home. Veck's crazy drtving, us almost getting killed after the Ground Round when JD's car stalled in the middle of the road, your won· derful BLUE BOMBER and me and Maura making sure that AR and BP knew it was your's and not ours at the football game, church at 1 in the morning and using It as an excuse to leave those guys we met, did they ever end of believing us? Bus rides and hooking up with CP, the scummy house on the comer with thousands of people coming out or it, bus stop waiting. across the street neighbors looking into Ria 's bedroom window with a telescope, (good old Stewy) ice·skatlng at MCP and St. Greg's carnival with Jot's of guys, Dominiques and DA. BHVfH and how he drownded and we didn't even try to save him. all our " EGG" stories and happy blrfday egg all our stupid, little fights that we always got over, and lately with everything happening with VK in Antioch, all our woderful stortes about him. (you can have him) just klddin, all the other stories about CC and how I get a card for every occasion (is there anything he wouldn't do for me?). sick Veck at fD's house, all your guys: JS, JS. VK. CC, MP, CP. and the rest of the crew. up to 21111 Well babe, there are lot's of great memories and always remember them all. I know there were lots more but you know you can't let Ria think too hard or something might explode or somethlnglll So, just want to say thank you so much for being such a great friend to me, you are always there when I need someone to talk to and you were there when I needed to cry to you about BR and VK· we both crted over him. God, what a waste of tears! Anyway. always remember I'm here for you and you really can trust me with anything (you should know that by now) I'll always luv ya like a BF and don't ever for· get that!!! I know we'll KIT after graduation. But Good Luck in ev· erythlng especially singing, maybe someday we'll both be on " BROADWAY" G?Well.IGJG. LuvYa Always Love, Ria Marc, Hey babel Well what can I say? We 've had some great times, especially the Prom. That was a real interesting night but it was fun !I Never forget after at Lech ·s uncles, although you most deftnitely forgot, but do you remember what you kept asking me? " Yes Marc, you can call me after tonight! " Remember now? Well hon your a really great guy! Always stay as sweet as you are Yes, It is me calling you sweet. I know it's hard to believe after all the tormenting at my locker and all the stress you give me. but be· sides that I luv yal! GjG· Good Luck and KIT·Love·Marla Mike. Hey babe! Well we've had so much fun In such a short time! Never forget how I make you laugh on the phone and you never stop (I never knew I could be so funny to someone) I'm re· ally glad you and Metis are together. She's my girl so you better treat her good! Hey, I never did get those roses, How 'bout I love your carl Thank God Todd was a little careful that night at my house when he almost hit it! I bet your whole life flashed before your eyesl Wait. Doesn't that only happen when you think your gonna die? Well if your car got crashed up then that would be your cars life not yours, UNDERSTAND? Never mind! Any way, never forget all our fun times like: Cotillion, when I spilled butter on myself when we weren't even there for 10 minutes! God. you can't take me anywhere. Golden Dawn 2 times and cheese fries with gravy (me and Melis get them all the time )Ill Well hon, we've had great times and I'm glad I give you tot's of laughs Always stay as sweet as you are and try talking a little more. Mike, we just can never shut. you upl That's O·k, you stay out of trouble when you keep your mouth shut! (I should learn to do that more often!) I GfG now! Good Luck with whatever and KIT! Luv Ya· Marta Maura, Hey babel Well. were finally seniors! Remember soph. year when we thought we'd never make it? That was a long time ago. but it seems like yesterdayll Never forget all our fun times like: St. Greg's carnival and MF asking us if we were best friends and we didn't know what to say·DUH! And the guys. SC for you. and SM for me. Remember " kiss me right here, right now" Yeah right. I guess I'd do that! And when we didn't go to the Cotillion and we stayed at your house all night eating the fruit that stupid, SM brought over. and painting each others nails. my party and getting stuck at the gas station at 2 In the morning (were you still there?) On the way home from the mall hearing " sweet talkln girl ", Roman Hall after my show and our wonderful mixture of food and water YUCK!II Our exciting answering machine mes· sages. and going to the shore almost everyday in the summer, that had to be THE BEST! Those " amazing" guys on the boardwal.k"'HI" ·" OH, HII LOVE YOU " ·" THANK YOU! " -good one Maura "THANK YOU " . your top falling down and you looking like a beached whale laying nat on your face and me laughing at you. (sorry, but that had to be the funniest thing I ever saw!) This year with Tf and her stupid remarks about everybody, and her 1 friend! God that's a shame! Well. we've had some or the best times and this year, especially summer, is gonna be great! ~ust want to say thanx for everything! You've been such a good fiiend to me. Your always there for me and always remember I'm here for you tool Thanx for listening to all my problems and putting up with all the stories I told constantly about BRI I know we' ll KIT al· ways and you 'll always be a very special friend to mel Good Luck In everything you do and never forget all the fun times we 've had!ll Love Ya! GJG See YA·Ria Metis. Yo babel WOW. where do I start? I guess the beginning would be best! O·K here goes. starting Sophomore year: walking to dad's store and bagels, ice-skating at MCP and meeting " Gapman" (KM) who originally was Dave something. -Qh yeah, let me just remind you that these are all gonna be out of order because that's how my brain remembers them!· answering machine mes· sages. 6:4-0 AM phone calls. ski trips and meeting and going out with the 2 wonderful " freshman" RS and rs. always grounded, ' Tm losing my witts and falling off my rocker' ' (illustrations on back,) pictures offeet and toilet bowls. underwear on the ceiling fan, " I eat feet, WAT do you eatl" , drivers ed., senior guys OW, MS. MR. Morp 91, Cotillion 92, Prom 92, all the guys we·ve ever loved: BR. VK, Jf, JB. RC, JM, JL, JR. MA. MP, FS, RS, and those 2 In particular people that you know we 'll always love and all the good times we· had with hem like: rocks thrown at your window at 2 in the morning and all our trips to Mercer County. being left stranded for about 2 minutes but then being picked up again and having some of the best times we've ever had. " because were stupid" , all the songs " Under the Bridge" , "I Still THink About You", "forever Young" " Everything I do" and all the BR memo· Ties that go along with that song, Easter vacation 92 and never knowing when the doorbell was gonna rtng. (that still is the best vacation rve ever had). OUR pool, OUR house, OUR boyfriend. OUR car (It's demolished now but Ria will share hers), you get· ting your license and going to the mall everyday, me trying to get

my permit (It only took 10 years) the two clueless wonders. Ses· ter Mess and Sester Rea reporting for duty, Why you do that. what is my name anyway, OMIGOD we have the same hands. hush boy, I'm confused. I don't get It?, What, my cat ate my home? Tasha hating you, all your pets: Jaque, jMax, Crocket. Princess, precious and finally Lady·l've met them alii Sacramental Amne· sia, Raaaaaa ... stop Melis she' ll think your a Lesbo-good old Mom! RL's never gonna get it, Mr. Wall. TJ's and the crew·RC and the CURE obsession , Our license plates "' WATEVER .and WHTEVER. yes. as a matter of fact we do share a brain, yeah yeah. EWWWWWI. screaming at red ll!lhts and stopping at green lights, " What are you waiting for a different shade?", GLORY and EM. Mess picking nowers at PMf and almost getting arrested, " 69" green, you know what It means", OUR sewer and everything in it imaginable, Hamilton Pizza, SoCO, Hotel California, Andy the Ant Herman and Sherman. ·ouH freaklnidl jerk, pd. 7 soph. year, I'll do a solo. Eureka. my name Is Droopy Dog, It's so Hard To Say Goodbye to Yesterday, Oh.jesus. what do you want now, New years Eve 91·92-93, Doobage. I hafta Go To The Bathroom. this years boyfriends- MG,SB Oh yeah how 'bout that night at your house with me. you. Jf.AZ.MC. SO, JR·that deftnatly was crazy and how I called MC a P .... I didn't really mean It Roman Hall and our mixture. car songs and my AM stations.Halloween this year with MG and all the trips to his house just to say " HI" , hating JK, Tf.SM and lots more people,Snapple, bar none. choc· olate chip cookie dough lce-<:ream CC and how he'll do anything for me, we realized that wehn he went to buy us food at 11:00 at night and how he let us drive his car. washing Ria's car In 20 de· gree weatherlll There have been sooooo many times I'll never re· member them alii but I think there's enough memories In here to write a booklll Now for the sertous stuff (I thought I'd end on a se· rious note) just want to say thank you so much for everything. You have helped me through so many ruff times when I thought I couldn' t do It on my own and your always there just to talk to when I need a friend. You listen to my problems and help when I need a shoulder to cry on. I can 't thank you enough for that. AI· ways Remember that I'm always here for you too (although I shouldn't have to remind you) But never forget all our great times together and the many more to come. I guess we'll both be going to MCCC I think maybe we should warn them that were coming so they'll be prepared with ropes and chains. God. were crazylll Well babe, I'm gonna go now. Always remember the good times and not the bad and I guess I'll just see ya in " HOLLY· WOOD" Bff;love ya like a slsl Love·Rla JULIE ALTIER.E Hi Alison! Remember freshmen Lunch·You were my savior . . frlday·nite movies . . . the beach for a weekend . . a night in New York ... " the Train ride" ... a real bonding experience for usl Friday·nlte dinners . . but I only ate a tacoll Brunch at Prince· ton .. . and many afternoons there ... Alison you're always been a friend I can count on right up this year . . . Morning carpools .. afternoon eating fits ... Rider College and many sleepovers ... your license ... our rides down 206 ... stop and go ... now gym class ... " Let's get In shape" ... Let's Runl ... Yeah Rightlll My Contacts ... Alison, Honey Dear: " You 're my best friend" ... Se· nlor re·trtatll Remember It Allll and anything else I forget ... such as U2 concert ... winter track and the HEX Clublll Have fun in college and don't forget to write! Love. Julie Hi Meghani Remember all the fun we had . . remember when you ask me for a dime for the phone·that was the first time we talked ... The Storytellers Club ... Ushers for the play ... REM· tour tUm ... Darjeellng tea . Powder Puff football-a very weird night . . . " the Train ride" ... wired. pumped. jarred. jolted ... You. me and Alison ... Than there was the U2 concert ... that was AWESOME .. Painting your bedroom . . James ... Soup Dragons ... Word Upll Remember Ned's ... or maybe not ... a coot eveing . . Senior lunch . . . sugar attacks . . . Remember it all II Have fun In college and don't fo~et to wrltell Love Julie HI Nlkill Remember All the FUN ... tennis .. tennis camp was so much fun Jill ... Danlelle ... Shuko ... were the bestllll can 't believe I went back . . . Remember our summers we always man· age to have some fun . . . Long phone calls ... playing tennis at the college . . . movies and the many times I slept over . . . Then there was track .. Wrobo ... need I say more . . . parties at your house ... Our music ... U2 ... Midnight Oil ... The Beatles kick . .. which brings us back to our Sunday afternoon visits to Prince· ton ... And the Kinks ... I think I'll keep the tapei!Niki·your a fun person and I know you 'll have alot of fun in college ... but don't forget to writelll Love. Julie Hi Vanessa·Your one of the friendlest person I know .. you made track the best and I'll never forget you singing to me on my birthday ... and now ... gym class Is the best ... Remember our basketball games ... Your the Bestll Love, Julie HI Chrissy Lewis-Remember our table freshmen year it wasn't the best but I remember having fun . . . I'm really glad we are friends again ... Senior lunch Is the best ... you, me, Jen and Meg are the tablelll Remember the laughing fltsll Don't forget to write next yearlll Love. Julie Hi Mark! Remember my tennis matches junior year ... then it was our first date ... Princeton ... it was very cold ... Christmas was fun .. . the Cotillion, prom ... Thanks for the great memolies ... the summer ... the beach, picnics. and Lollapalooza it was terrlficll Mark, I had a great time and will never forget you. I'm s<> glad we got through rou!lh times but now our friendship Is stronger and I'm very happy for that. Have fun In college and don't forget to write. Remember our promise to meet every four years ... hahahal Your friend! Love. Julie Hi Rebecca·SUNSHINEIII Remember it all . . . freshmen year Public Speaking and your silly infatuations! . . gym class ... solving guy problems and recognizing our feelings and emotions about certain Issues-we had some good talks . junior re·treat ... Are you frustrated? ... my birthday party ... lee cream cake . . . Remember the U2 concert . . . WORD UPIII 6ecca·your the best and we had so many good' times and I will miss youll Make sure to writelll Your friend, Julle-oolle Tiffanni·We've been friends for so long ... since the sixth grade ... Remember the summers .. playing at your Mom·s nurser ... we were so younglll Now high school and we are still friends and have many memories. I'm very happy for that! Don' t work to hard next year and be sure to wrttel Love, Julie HI Jen·Remember ... "David were are you?" ... Senior lunch is the bestlll Don't forget to write next year. Your friend, Julie HI Kate-Remember playing Barbles . tennis at Rogers and all the other silly things we did ... I'm glad we are still friends ... Tennis was the bestlll I hope you enjoy college and don't forget to have funll Your friend! Love, Julie Hl Debbie·I have one word for you: EXPLOSION Jill HI Liz! WE've had many fun times, Liz. Do you remember Bioi· ogy . . . Spanish ... and course tracklll It was all funll But 1 can' t forget T.J. Hooker was the best alllll Our wierd voice, lunch buddies and many other silly things we did in hallslll Liz your the best person and we had so much fun. I will miss your Don't study to hard In school ... remember to relax! Don't forget to write! Your friend, Julie Hi Chrissy Dl Remember the track gods and all the silly things we didll Have fun and keep smillnll Your friend, Julie HI Mary·You made tennis a lot funll 1 enjoyed talking to you about everything. Remember all the silly things we did. Your a RAD girlll Have fun in life and remember to smllell Your friend.




Julie HI Chris! Your a great friend and remember religion class .... it was fun ... homemade chocolate was great!! Your a great art· ist and I'll finish that picture one dayll Have fun and don't stop smiling!! Love, Julie Hi Dan! Remember ... tennis practices ... the beach ... your house alter the Cotillton and prom .... it was all FUN! Good Luck in collegell Love, Julie Hi Julie! Everything up until ... february 7, 1993. The begin· nlng·PERFORMANCE. "Now my head Is spinning; This time you've gone too far! "·first dubbed version, The rapids, Crystal Diner, your little cluster constellation. Sometime when Orion started appearing· JAMES, " A Nocturnal Night in New Ho~" 'High ROCKS: night & day. This is all the starting point·no mid· dle·no end. Soon a day m the life or New York City; Phantom Come to me. " We are the music makers and we are the dreamers . of dreams-Its the spring time, the ringy, dingy, dingtime, sweet lovers love, a ringy ding." God Bless Wllly Wonka! Love, CM MICHELE AMARI Kyle f'ultorak·Well, even though I could write a novel I don't think there's enough room in the yearbook. But I will say how much J Love l,JI and you 're the greatest friend anyone could ask for! You 've been there for me through thick & thin and I'll never for~et that! You 're the best don't forget our Qood times! Can you believe we' re graduating! What a 4yr. expenence b/w guys and all that other stuff. I'm glad we're still close friends! I Love You with all my heart. You better K?I?TI Don't forget PISARI Keep Smilin' Love ya, Michele Amari Michele Kopen·Well here it goes. Remember all our memories. Remember all we've been through especially wjNick & all my guy problems. I Love You so much. You 're the greatest friend anyone could have. Thanks for always being there when I needed you the most. I'm glad we' re still close friends. I Love You wfall my heart! You better keep in touch. Love, Michele Amari Melissa Szui·Well we' ve been through a lot together. Through thick tk thin you were always there. We've been together since kdg. Remember all the goofy things we used to do In grammar school. Vou 're a great friend. Make sure you keep In touch. I ..t.,ove Ya Michele Amari - Steph Sliwinski·Well we've been through so much this year. Re· member our mustard fights in lunch and the lonely table next to us. Remember " Secret Lovers" (halhal) I just want to tell ya how much I Love Your You 're a great friend. What a 4 yr. experieoce we' ve had. I'm glad we've become such good friends. I Love Ya wfall my heart! You better K/IJT. Love Michele Amari Melony furda·Hey girl. So, our High School years are over. We had 4- great basketball seasons. Don't forget our oa . zy weekends w/ Munl f! Rich, Jamie, Marc & Ann, Tohl & Margie how can & ther of us forget them. Don't forget our l'!lghtmare Prom (halha) Don't be a stranger make •mre we still hang out. Your a great friend. I'm glad we've gotten so dose. Always remember " K" I & Andrea! I Love Yal Love, Michele Amari Maura Sutterlin·Well the Past 4 yrs have been great. Remember my dream. Sorry 1didn't set you up W/ someone else. Thanks for being there when I needed you. Always remember NICE HICKEY MICKEY & KINO & JESTER. Love Michele Amari Loni Farrior·Hey Girl, What's up? Remember our great basket· ball season and all we've been through. Thanks for making me stick to It & stay on the team. Love Ya, Michele Amair Kerry Crlstofoletti·Hey girly girL This year was great. Algebra was the best. Remember our awesome basketball season. Good ~~~e~~~ing. Make sure you keep in touch. Love Ya, Keith Harris-Remember all the fun we had this past year. All the dasses we've had together. Especially gym with Melony and "K". It was the best. You' re a great guy stay that way. I Love You. Keep in touch. Love, Michele Amari Mihe Ougliemo·Remember all the fun we had in gym class wj Datnbro & going to the movies, you 're a great guy stay that way. Good luck in all you do. Love, Amari Sammy Batista·lt's been a great 4 years. Remember all we've been through! We had fun at the Cotillion. I Love Ya don't ever change. Don't forget our mustard fights in lunch w; Steph. Keep in touch. Love, Michele Amari Keon Smith·Well the years are over. Remember all the fun we had this past year. Remember Gym w; Keith & Melony. You're a great guy stay that way. Make sure you keep In touch I Love You! Love, Michele Amari SANDRA ARQUMEDES Tania·Te quiero un monton. I say that because you' ve been with me since freshman year. Your a great friend and a fun person to hang out with. You' ve come a long way since I've met you. Believe me Tania I will always be there for you in the hard and bad times. Guys and homework and dancing was a great part of us I hope you remember it all, just like I am going to remember forever. l've had my doubts about you but you have proved me wrong and I'm glad you did. No one at Notre Dame knows you as well as 1 do and I feel honored to say that about you. However, you will always be kept in a special place in my heart and believe that every star shall be admired by someone. Please remember that. Now in our senior year we've had a lot of fun. I consider you my little sister and Twill try to always watch out for you. Yo baby! Your making me cry while I write thistoyou.lloveyou and I wish you the best In years to come. I will miss you always. Sandra Ia local Tina·Yo babel You so crazy. I have to let you know that your a great friend. Our friendship has grown a lot since my sophomore year. We' ve been through craty stuff together. I'll always remem· ber you as part of my Notre Dame memories. 1'11 try to visit you next year. I Love you Dlno Iatino. I leave you my laughter and my crazy dancing because you need to have everyone remember me in the years to come. I Love Youl Your Spanish friend Sandra Rogie·What's up? Well I'm glad we've met. Your a nice guy (not kid but guy). We've had a lot of disagreements and have fought against them. I hope you find the person your looking for be· cause you deserve a nice girlfriend. I've found what I've wanted and I've matured ever since. l will miss you. You've been one of my best guy friends 1 will always remember you and care for you. Remember me always. for example Shicken, Shurch, Snow melnl Take care. Your Good friend Sandra Merdith·Hey girly. I can't believe we've finally getting out of here. I really will remember you because your crazy and wild and that is hype! I Love You. I appreciate the times you've been there for me and I want you to know that you will always be remem· bered for all the fun times we've had together. I wish you the best In the years to come. I hope you and Danny last forever. Remem· ber the Fizz because that was crazy?-! (Guess) Because 1 can't write that down. I Love You and Don't forget me Sandra Nicole..Oh my goodness! I'm finally graduating I want you to know. I thank you for all the things you;ve done for me. I hope you, don't forget me, le quierol I will come back back and visit you. Cool aid I'm really going to miss you. We've had great times together and I'll never forget it. Love Sandra Sammy·Yo baby! I can't believe we are out of here! We've worked our eyelashes through out 4 yrs. Because we're cool like that. I want you to know I'll always remember you. You've been my dance partner for a long long time and just because were graduating doesn't mean we ain't going to party anymore. Re· member I'm your dance queen! If you weren't my beSt guy friend god knows you would be my future husband because your the type of guy any girl would want. Your smart.cute,a genUeman and a great dancer! I Love You Sammy and don't forget that. Love Sandra Lorena·! leave you my looks my dress code and dancing be·

cause it's better to leave it to no one than my cousin, Lorena tu eres una muchacha mu)' bonita y qulert> que ~s que.te quiero como sl fueras my prima <fe verdad. I'll be baCk to visit and we'll bug out all over again. Have fun while I'm not around but remem· ber me when you do because I would. I Love You. Sandra PAULABACSO Bll1·#12 ~football Watch out! didn' t miss 'a game. Look at mel TD Moore Hunterdon Central=ribs, car ride PO !Trenton-sorry about your leg. After game meals-chocolate cake&apple pie. AKA . . Billy's girl, Mrs. Moore, coaches. Oreo ZJg Good Luck kiss. chain and charm PoWder puff #1 5rd. #18 Rf·baseball Del· ran-bathroom 210 pds. Homerun. Hum·babe. Snatched th~ ball. Teasing Scholar Athlete. Proud.lloveyour eyes. Dance ""Kiss( a!· most) " Hardto kill" 8:30 pm 2/15/90. I don't know. friends heartache. Aspen, Co skiing, knee-ad surgery crutches. Snow bunny on my hair. New Years r:VE•..Oirls B·ball. Kfss butt. Par· ents-freedom, HA l!t c Names. Joshua and SARA 11 girTs ;1 boy Farm-shotgun 3 wheeler. Mountain house "relax·• flshln$ I got one! snakes and spiders. Oidgetdry her om Prom 92 Pretcy m Pink LBi·mQOnllght walks late night talks Jet ski 1St balck at re<t.waves bikini. sunglasses, JS. JB,CR,EM,f10. Watermelons. Cotillion· EM&JS. Hibernating cub. Tlgger, Pa.tunia. StoJ)!thaf I hate you Your so mean Driving Parallel ParktngStealth, Surprise party Car . Shoe Sega·Oenesis-John Maddens I wool Ring Btue·Topaz tears, fights sorry: English Brown eyed girl flyers·Brawi, Lidros& Zezal. Gary Eye. Accounting absolutely essential. 6'5N he¥ !o¥atch out. Massages. holding hands. Willie. Chuck, candlelight <ffnner. money, presents jacket. Elizabethtown, Gettysburg COllege. Comcast. Miss you + 1 = 1 3 years Jessica Undsay. Uncle Billy. Eric Air Force. Dunn's, morp short dress. Ryan, Great Ad· venture, Love is . . . Ooflng f'itch and Putt Miniature do it over again. Jack swtrpming PILLOWS. Maktn up, Headstrong car Race. BOw Ups Raging Hormones Retreat meant alot. Most important thing. Thanks for sharing November 15: I Love You. You mean the world to me " trust and honesty" communication ''I'll be your everythingiAiways & 4ever till the end of time·• ''True Love" So proud of you. I do. YOU ARE MY Bf;ST fRIEND Mr. & Mrs. Moore·Thank you for everything you have done for me. You both mean a lot to me & will always have a special place in my heart. I will miss you both very much. You will always be In my thoughtsJSnd prayers. Monlca·telephone talks. thanx for being ther. fights, teaR>, an· ger. Homework studying, nerd. Parents! BM & fC sickness Bas· ketball KP.JS,JS,CV, Tf,.CD,EM. General AMC YatR Tom Cruise. Cathy lreland.Kelly, Brenda, Sega Genesis-John Madden's, Foot· ball Dallas vs. Eagles, ND Mrs McConnel I am Sorry! picking up guys, money. work, cars. children, cats, safety, consen~ng adults, party problems college Atlantic City Flyers Trust all men are pains we are always right thanx for listening to me your a great friend. don't know what I would do w;o you. KIT don't for· get to " RELAX" easier said than done retreat. Jennie-you are a great person. Never change. Thanx for being such a great friend, you mean a lot to me. remember BM, :&'ball= kiss butt·bench sitter. announcer, softball. parents, honors chemistry-thank god Its over. english good luCk next year & wJ Sam. you guys are a great couple. thanks for the flowers and bal· loons. knee ACL-surgery, crutches. What a pa y in ..touch I don't wantl to lose this friendship. you better relax at en· joy life Its too short. Next year freedom. Keep I Meg-we have been through so much. can you be leve that we are seniors. thanks for being my friend and sticking by me through BM si~atlon and my dad. B.Jlalt Mr T, Dad rice krispies, help yourself, magpie, softball·figbts. swimming. exam. cats& dogs. accident prone, Billy Joel. Bon Jovi sleep over, my house, come over quick didn't know It was me sp ... much more ... thanks friends forever KIT Mike B-glad we met. Secret man. 1am going to break up wJBM and go out with you. Thanx for being Csuch a greatfriend. Your a , great guy. Qood l.,uck superbowl party, your sister, football. You better kit. I'll miss you, never change Anthony-Pooh bear! we finally made it. Good luck next year. Don't forget about me. you will alwa)'s belike a me. m~·t forget about b-ball Ltz, Dan, HftUoween tand SOda 'tight ...


Llz·l will never forget all the fun ttmes we had OLS Anthony, Joe c, pinky, walks, home, telephone. own signs , b-ball. Mr. T. brothers, parents music laughter. Vinny KO, Mrs D. Mrs J$,endall and so rnucb more. Sorry! 1 really mean that MD B-ball kisS butt Olad you were there. Good LUck Liz Stay In Touch MICALLe BALIK Tlffani Ballarotto-Oood luck next year! Always remember aerobics, B·BOp Cafe (when we. went ou.t to dlnne~, Oh no. Danlelle wrecked the carl Who's going to tell mom? 1 am glad we R friends. Good luck next year In college « don't get youR>elf Into any trouble! U know what I mean. I'll always remember our hom· eroom talks. Luv, Micaelle Christina Chlarchlaro-Well, 1 have known U all my life &. tam glad we are friends. r still wonder what that man said who took. out' nursery school pictures! Our mouths R wide open. !'If never forget the Millstone bus rides & the talks we have had. Good luck next year, Luv Michaelle Fred Collender-1'11 never forget 01 Bspecially since we )iad En· gllsh together with U know WhoT WelL 1just wanted to say good lucktoU. Sarah Conboy·Hey Satan, whats up? Well, I'll never forget when we ran track together & I'm still asking myself why t did it. Good luck next year« see u In Flortda. Luv Mlcaelle Martin Oifbert·l have 1 thing to ask U. Where is the toilet paper? Welt good luck in college tk watch out 4 that bald spot on your head! Maybe 0 shouldn't wear a hat. Luv Mlcaelle Heather Cyms·WeiL I don't know where to begin. We have been friends 4 such a long time l!t have so many ll;)emorles together. Let's start wjthe board walk, dancing, St..Rose's, the bui. slee• povers, late nlght talks, the telephone,partles,etc .. Thanks 4 beIng there when I really needed U. Especially soph year. U R 1 of my greatest friends, & I know that whenever I need U, U will be there. I have always admired UI'Oood luck next year. I'm going to miss U alotur Never forget mel 1 want u to know that I am here 4 Ul Maybe you'll come visit me In A.Z. We both have changed tk grown up l!t our lives often move In different directions. Although we may be far apart U will always be close to my heart. Luv Mlcae· lie . Debra orasso-Hey ~bble what's up? 1 arn glad that ..we are friends, I will never forget U. Always remember retreatlunch, the Cotlllian, "the dress... I can't wait til florida because I'm going to hang w;U. u R a very special & sweet person! Good luck next yearl Love Micaelle Kate Hess-Well, I just wanted to say good l~ck next year. rm glad we became friends, I'll never forget Halloween 4lC our Banana split costumes or staying up sewing them! We had so muCh fun together in high school. Oh.words of advice, watch out for cute hunky. but not chunky guys! Luv Mlcaelle Alison Kakstls-Well, I'm glad that we are friend$. 1 can't w~it until Florida. 1 had a great time wfU in LBU Let's go get a guyt 1;11 misS U next yeari Good lu<:k at school & we will definitely hang out this summer. Always stay sweet! Luv Mlcaelle f'eter Slnglakls·Wel we have known each other 4 such a long time. I just wanted to say that l ' m going to miss seeing U every once in a whlle!Qood luck next year & tbankX4visiting me when 1 really needed a friend. I will never forget that! U R really a great friend because u were there 4 me. I want U to know that J am al· ways here 4 UJ Love MicaelJe Suzanne Toporek·Well buddy I don't know where to be§ln. We have shared so much together. Can U believe we have *~mown

each other since nursecy school Well here Is a question, "What's \1imples?" u .have alwar,s kept me laughing. especially going to the Cotilllan this year. 'Why don't we dO aerobics?" "My halr'S .on firer· I loved that video. How about mine wfLove Shack. Remember when the toilet overflowed. Mlcaelte I hit a tree! Well we have shared laughs at crys together. Thankx 4 being there when l,;fleeded qr u R friend will always bel I am going to miss u & Suzie Ql "I guess 1 am not a welrd.o , will u ever forgive me 4 that:l? (Soph. year) "I hope u know I will always be here when U need mel Through good times & bad times we have been . o!llng up. Well I'll see . U in flor· t.o· gether. I can't believe we .R growl ida. WhY don't we get iJ salad at foodtownl Oh, remember when 'We walked out of RudY Tuesdays? Or when U fell down the steps at the mall & the escalator stopped. I have had such a good time ~ ~~~~gM~~:~~~el Don't ever change Suzanne! Love, your


,MARYBIITH BAJ"'I"IELl> Dear Karen·Hey glrfriend, well I can't believe we're finally done. Well we have had some really great times together. at U R a great friend. Never forget Princeton, foodtown, cars, Patty's house. me screamiQg 'about Belleville. Hey 1\aren I met someone this week· el'ld. Neverfol:'get all our escapades In the hall. Never forget your locker or mine. Well girlfiiend thanx 4 always being there 4 me. ~eep In touch. friends forever. Love ya. Many P.S. thanx 4 the rides, I owe U one. Dear Jad1;ta·Hey gltlfiiend Wilt hon.we made it. . english & lunch ruled this year. Never forglt lily singing In lunch. J like the middle part of the cookie I'll take olf the ends. fires tOday. they're cold. Well we've had some real fabulous times. Don't for· get Princeton & your men. Or mine. Oh I met this new guy. He's great. Never forget our phone calls. Jad Mellodge all your men y,elling « llnglng « gp$Sip. Thankx 4 lettfng me move Into your locker. Also remember the radiator. I'll meet U there. Welt girt, we have togo out thfs summer. the beach of course. Oh,wellJ)ey maybe I'll even take U up to Belleville,of course fiiends forever. LuvU.Mary near Crystal-My glr[(rlend,you R the best. Qym ruled W/U ~ · I wish we hM acting together. But anyway thanx 4 putting up w;me. rtever forget the hallways & lockers me at U fkthtlng all the time but U know lluv U. Thanx 4 everything. Never Torget all our good times er me talking about Belleville, at an my men. Take gar~ of y . ends forever. LUV U, Mary Dear e ·Hey gh1fiiendl I'm so glad we ftnally had classes together. Accounting was great. Thanx for helPing me. Gym was even better. Well I can't believe we're almostJUOne. It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen. u better keep in touch this summer.J'IJ have . u up to BeUeville Anyway I've .had a blast this year w;u. 4 eVerything. friends forever. Love you. Mary Dearest Kyle-G1rtfriend, U R the best. Never forget luch. It was · · .j& dancing 1n lunch « sharing fab doll, never forget our singing flies. I'm sp glad we be<;ame suciLgood frleOds last year,4le even better fiienos this yeat., Never folQet ~llsh <:lass Junior year at our lunch Senior year; Never forget the hallways at yelling. ThanJt 4 everything. Keep tn touch. friends forever. Love you. Mary Dear Irene-Hey glrl,accountlng & of courselunch was the best. Thanx 4 everything. u- R such a good friend. Well tbls was the best year With u In some classes. Than" 4 all the great times. friends forever. Keep in touch Love you,Mary Dear Susy-Hey hon,history & lunch was great. Never forget our memories, football games, letting me drtve,the retreat. Well you've been a great friend. t-t~nx 4 eve.r ythfml. Never forget lunch me & U starting. Well hon keep in touth. friends forever, LuvU, Mary Dear Sarab-Hey Girlfriend, religion was awesome, never forget that. Hey hon, U 1001\ Ured. too much work 4 ya. walking the haJis, talking. yelling In the halls. Well han we're almost done, tha)'U( 4 everything keep .Jn touch.l rlends forever. Love you. Mary To all my Mends. thlinx 4 everything. You guys were the best. I luvUguys. To all my underclassmen frleOds-Junlors·Diana z Laryssa D Jodlm,Cindy R; JOb.anna D. 'Qtanx guys 4 everything. I luv u. Sophomores-Attl~ ·:K. Jen Mather, Usa •.McKenna, Christy A, ' Beth T. thanx 4 everytlllng lluv U To my period 7 Actfrnl Class U guys ~e the best Tom Simpson. Thanx hon lluv U. Russ Good luck« thanx,Luv ya ~all the rest or u guys don'Uorget the memories. Thanx. lluv u an. Dear 5hel1ce· Hey Qt~,we made .it. 4 long years. l'rn .so glad I met u freshman year, you have been such a great ftlend to me. Don't forget all our good times together. l"reslnnanMs. An· crum,Mr. Rotondo,er all the rest. Never forget Senior History or Gym. Well than" for always listening to me. U better keep In touch . I'Ttends forevetlluvya Dear Tania•Tania Fera;,well wttat can I say,u R suCh a sweet· heart. Stay ln touch. Never forget all our memories. Well any· way,stay In touch. Don't forget about me. Me at U always starting fights. Thanx. l luv ya Dear Sarnrny~Hey hon.we're,tlone. 1can't.l>elleve lt. It feels like just yesterday we were In Ms. AnCJurn's dass,Mr. Rotondo. Never forget all our good times. Say sweet,keep In touch. friends forev· er,lluvya. Dear Dlana·l dedded to write U. Because your such a great fiiend « u thou$ht r .~as gonna ~st on tJ. wen anyway the bus wouldn't tie· the same without me,U.~ Laryssa. ThaM· We will have to go out thiS summer. ttuv ya, take care. Have a great st· nloryear. Dear La~·Dugas,well babe,thanx 4 everything. Stay sweet. Never fo~ all our 1f1$$ rides, don't forget me. Have fun next year. 1ruv ya, Dear Tom·SJmpson Hey honey. Wetll'm leaving U,but It will be ok 1 promise, thanx 4 everything. Acting class wouldn't be the same without u. Try not to break anymore finuers next year wrattlng ok. Thanx evet'Yfhlng. Keep In touCh. friends forever,



To everyone, l didn't foreget l,J. I luv "93" we were the best. Simply the best.

u au. Take cate.Cias$ or

.NIC.HOLAS BARBOSA111 1 can't really say mud~ because roy typ1cat vocabulary would most likely be censored. So to an my friends, you know what I'd say If I could say lt. so J wish you all good luck. even you Ha!'fY .Masterson. Peace. NICk 8, 1


sk,lppy,Snacky.Serch,Coa<:hy·Whothe heH am l?:My Boyz ;N.8,L.C,A.I,B.K,M.S.;S.O.:so cloSe, yet so .. , : Wtobo, McLaughHn,McOee-Track forever; Senior Tra<:k Crew; R.B,J.P,P.S,r:.w. ·I'll miSs you ~:1992 Track state Champl• Ofl$;What 1. Feellngl:etitope.Th~ tl r hjd. Thanks Wobs; ''Yofl·ve Lost That LoVIn' l"eeU l)' 4, 1992;T.F.: Thank Vou for everythlng. you are the best, there Is no way my senior year would have been u memorable or as great If you were not a part of my life. Good Luck Jn all you do~ I Mow you will


and keep you a special part of my heart.;U.S.rt..A.:Wish me luck. I'm gonna need lt.; "WeD folks. these have been our high school years a are ouU..:t~.eren" fau1 re the flfst person J ever met at N.D., an<~_ I'm real happy at we dld.Retnember 'dense-head'; you an<f Blll are a great couple, but 1 still think you 'WOUld have been better off with me;J'II never forget you, make sure we K.J. T. .Nick 6~---- - - - . I ' m "'tck Barbosa!; Dlss; Boy's ~tate, Football <:amp:t>ennls;tattri' .:S: Jr. Math: Alg.2 f'l.,a1s Stud)'



Session:House Searching-so what if it doesn 't have a sink;"She laughed at me!"; Chappy;the Yawn Move; I Never;Wendy;M.E.H.· Yours and mine; 4th of July;Qulck Chek; Dress like B.K. Nlght;LBI·You lelt me; " We're in Jadwin! "; " Be Nice"; 34-A· SHHH!;"I knew you wouldn 't " ; " If I'm lying"; Unholy Alliance; Re· ligion Workshops·WHY?;Skippy. Snacky,Siappy,Siurpy; AHHH ... NO!; Want me to lock it?";A.I.·Need some money?"; Welcome to Jamaica , Have a Nice Day; and Nick-Just one more ques· tion:What's your point? Sammy· " Get outta my way! " Bridget·Sept.6;Yawn Move;Nick's;Sclssors;Talk to me;" Honest nothing is going on·right" ;our White Picket Fence and Cottage In the woods;"You have to lighten up!" Jackle·N.H.S.;Grease Band;Why Hlm?;Nice shoes.Joy" Well did you dump him yet?" Mellssa·S.J.S.;the MORP;Cotillion'92;Lou's NYE I; " Yes, I would mind";My party-you ruined lt;" Yes,l'm mad";Well Non, You blew it! Kristin • Lou's house ... and again: "''m really leaving this time";Wildwood:Watking in the woods;ttie FIZZ;! hate people,parents and cars;LBI;Beach Haven Auto Parts; my man Ray! Lou ·WOW! ; Europe· We heard it was fun ;Heltzmanlsm; Disc Rules;Parties at your house;The Doors; Jlm;SNL;Latin J ;"You took what!"; " We forgot Nicki";"What are you doln' tonight?";"! hate you all 1 thank no one but myself ... " ;3.2999;Tommy D.;"Come Over;New Years Eve;B·Ball at Wetzei:Pat's;""l ain't bathing hlmi";Ang·" " Are you open";Unholy Alliance;Atlantlc City;OH,WELL! Nick-Unholy Alliance;Lovitz;"l took like - - - - - - 1" ; " Yes, we did bathe you!"; " You owe me your first bomi";RUSTY!l Chrissy D.·l don't even know where to beglni;The Laughing Guy;HA. HA, HA!;Yearbook;Cheese Porkroll and bables;the 4th of July;Loitering in Quick Chek; Mint Cookies and Cream:Green Eggs and Ham;My favorite stats glri;LBI;Labor Day;JFK;3 hours and I totally behaved myself; Skippy;Red; Oavin;More than any· thing I really wished I learned how to skil;the Office; the lee· ture;Boggle on Friday Nlght;Hey Chrissy, dont worry I won't ask:You know there has to be so much more. we've been through everythlng,but this Is all I can remember. Just please know thls-rve always thought you were the best and no matter what I could never forget youllll Love You Ill Kate-Homeroom has been quite an expertence:Zeena:Year· book; Power Trip;"Lose the gumi";"Let It go natural babe!" ;Deep down, you know you always loved mel Anthony·Tony,Toe·Knee:Unholy Alliance; " I don't think I have any money";WinterTrack:4x200; " You the guys . .. " ;Basketball; Mahr;Rider Camp;YMCA;Atlantlc City;" You can shoot around" · O.K.; " You've Lost That Lovin' Feellng" ;Only The Lonely;He swung at me; My Buddy;Boy's State; Naked Oun;the Flnger;the In· visible Swordsman;the Seven Dwarves;Sprtng Track Forever! Karen·RU ,RU ·BABE,RU ster·no;Amo;the Party:'Tll answer it";Shootlng Pool-You're the trend Setter;Oood WIII;" School's al· most over"; Marriage·You'll see;Eiy & Irene;" ! can 't believe she doesn't like mei";Candyman, Candyman, Candyman, Candy· man, ... ·"Have you seen Alladln yet?";Cotllllon'9J; Welcome to Philadelphia-City of Brotherly Love;Deep Thoughts;" ! can 't be· lieve it. they gave me luggagei";"Can't talk, comln' downl";that escllator that went nowhere; Wayne's World;Phll Hartman cam· eos;"You know. contrary to popular belief . .. " ;our Feris Day; "If we played by the rules.we'd be In gym";ln Your f!.yes-sorry;No regard for your feelings; 55-65 minute walt; " Give me a name": Frosh Eng.,Soph Eng.,Jr. Eng.,Sr. Eng.·where were you?: Promise Me you will always keep thlnkln';Remember: You' re good enough , you ' re smart enough, and dog gonnit people like you:" Well. I guess I'll let you go ... cllcki" Kate· " Contrary to popular belief, I really do like you!" Kristine-Well, can you tell me yet?-Never mind. I don't want to knowl;Denny's nights out; drivin around: O.K.·call me right at 12:.30;6 weeks without her; I told you he would write you a Jetter! Beth·51:01rl's B·baii;Who owes who:lO.O I let you win;Soph. Yr.;J didn't want to help you around anyway;the schooi;Chrtst· mas greeting;B·Day gifts;mspiration;60 ft.;talkie forever; maybe you've proved youself;J.B. couldn't have done it without you ;" How does this keep happenlngl"; ' 'l'm not complaining" ;that shirt really is the best one you own! Michaei-' 'Oood Evevenlng.and what can I tell ya?";Latin 3;Ad· vanced Comp:the Office;class·what's that?;Pat's;" l can't believe we can't find Pennsylvania!"; B·ball In Wetzei;"They call me tsmaei " ;" We' ll do the movie this weekend!"; Dlstance;Top Tens;"Do I have any lipstick on me?";Fiashback 1992:THE DOORS; Jlm;SNL;New Year's Eve;Dennls Miller;Odle,Ms. Wargo passes;"We forgot Nicki"; Boy's State;" You do anything and I'll kill yai";Dave's Lab Book;How about that Poetry Club;Ticket Sales;Jr. Math;Hey Mike, See ya at the office(Bartson, that is!; This Is THE END-Beautiful friend THE ENDII Liz-Dizzy Lizzy;Aiexia;Car pooling Freshman Year; Old Eth;Tenon;the Scud Mlssle Launcher;NHS;I can't believe I don't have a spare;Cheese Porkroll; THE WAY;4th of July;" So Liz,do wan to go down the shore?";You lost me: " Quick here they comeJust pretend!"; I can 't believe we're loitering;Welcome To Jamaica. Have A Nice Dayi;"You know that we really do make a great cou· pie! Mr.Wroblewski·Wrobo:l would like to take this opportunity to publicly recognize you and thank you for everything. I find It so comforting that in today's society there ARf!. In fact people that can be looked to with both admiration and respect The lessons you have taught me on the track have been numerous but are In no way comparable to what you have taught me off the track. Your lessons have shown me a great deal about who I am and how to live a successful life. Thank You for your Inspiration and constant support.x·Sklppy. Mom and Dad-Thank you for all you have done. I appreciate all you do. I love you both! To All My Other Friends Who May Have Been Overlooked· I apoligize if I missed you.but there were so many memories It Is lm· possible to remember all ofthem.Thanx for the past 4 years. and good luck to all of you In the future. Dear Chris·Murray,U R a nutty 1. Thanx 4 everything. Keep In touch. Friends forever.Luv ya.

Heather Cyms·Your really the Greatest. I just want to thank U 4 all your help listening to all my problems about S. T., T.F.. S.S. & J .B. Thanx 4 being there 4 me. I'll never forget U. I really hope we always keep in touch alter we graduate. I know we wit because you 'll be married to Lou. Just remember when I get married U will be my first Invitation no matter where U are. Well alter Lou finds out I wrote U this U mi$ht never see me again so HI Lou & Good-Bye. Thanx for everythmg Heather. U deserved to be Home Coming Queen. Luv always, Sammy Melony Furda·U 6c I have had some really fun & crazy times to· gether. Out of all my friends U R probably 1 of the best to talk to. I think the reason why I like U so much is because U have the same attitude as me. We had some really great times In Chemis· try together & U know it. Thanx for your help & advice wj J.B .. & M.A. Your the Best. Someday your really gonna find that special man for U. We had setiously better keep In touch when we gradu· ate because life just wouldn't be right w; out Melany Furda. Your a Great Friend 8C I'll always Luv Ya. Luv. Sammy Matt Prablla·Gettlng to know U has been great. U & I have had some really fun ac interesting conversations over the past couple years. Like talking S.S.. S.T.,T.F., & J .B. Thanx 4 all the help. Our lunch table was the best last year. Don't ever forget the party af· ter the Morp soph . year. Working at Antonlos has really been great,& we've had some great conversations there too. We will definitely keep in touch alter we graduate. We will go golfing together, 6c go to some Ph lilies games. Good luck wherever U go to school & wjK.P. Thanx 4 the hat. Sammy Michell Manners-Well we've been together 4 17 years having the times of our life. I wouldn 't have chosen anyone other than U to spend It with . Your really a great friend & I'll always luv ya. I don't even have to say, " J hope we keep In touch when we gradu· ate," because I know we will. I'll always remember playing hide & go seek w/U & hiding under my cousins bed w;u. I will also re· member go{ng to my cousins B-day party & U asking me to sit with u . We've had some really great times together that I'll never forget 6c I hope U won 't either. Ill never forget U. Love always, Sammy J.C.·Belng friends W/U has really been great. We've had some really great times on the dance noor together. Never forget all our really late talks on the phone, 6c all the questions we would ask each other, " More Questions. " I hope we keep in touch alter we graduate so we can go out dancing together. R.M.A. Sammy Sandra Ayrimedes·Well my dance queen we're finally graduat· lng. U 6c I have had some really great times dancing together. U R 11 will never forget. Thank U 4 all the help wfSpanlsh & all my other homework. I hope that we keep In touch when we gradu· ate, so we can go to the night clubs 6c dance together. Don 't ever forget me when we graduate. Luv Sammy Todd Caruso-Well Chief we're finally done 6c maybe now we will finally be done with our u know what problems. Good Luck wjJ.C. Thanx 4 all the help junior year w; S.S.,T.F.,S.T., 6c J.B.& thanx 4 the help senior year with M.A. & J.B. Remember when U make your first concert I better get good seats. I'll always keep the autography U gave. Remember when U ever need your teeth done for free U know where to come. U 6c I have had some really great times that I know we will never forget. When we graduate we will keep in touch 6c maybe we will go to the night clubs even though U can 't dance, but U can watch me. Sammy lsiah Thomas-Being Best friends w; u has been the best. We've had some real problems adopting to something more. I'm glad we're so close, & I'm really glad that your not as stubborn as me or we probably wouldn' t be talking now. Thanx 4 all your help cheering me up when I was down & staying up late helping me w; my problems even though U were half asleep. I had a really great time at the prom w;u ~I'll never forget it. I'm really glad U realized what took U almost 2 years to realize. I had a great time being down the shore w;u 6c being on the beach at 2:00a.m. In the morning. The cantalope & the honeydoo was really great. Never forget when we watched Goodfellas 8C don't forget our little Sammy's 6c John Oott's & maybe you 'll get your Mercedes & my Lamborghlni. Make sure U never forget the Greatest Team ever the Philadelphia 76ers. R.M.A. Thanx 4 the Champion shirt & Sweat Shirt C·YA Love, Sir Charles Marta Agabaill·l'm really glad we got this close. I wish we could have gotten closer the 1st :5 years of school, but U were just too high classed 4 me. Just Klddin! Maybe I was just too high classed 4 U. NOT! fven though It took U 2 days to answer me, I'm glad U did but U could have answered me when a better song was on. not like Love Just Alnt Enough. I guess that one will do. I had a great time at the cotillion even though U were mad because I went to another party. Sorry U had to be cold at the football game the first time we sent out but I guess U made up for It by putting salt. sugar & pepper In my water. As long as U remember me rm sure you 'll never forget the Big Boy, or Big Buhubafa. AI· ways remember no matter where I go to school next year we will always stay In touch. Make sure U never forget Frankie the Fukel. or Andy the Ant. & Eating Applies & Bananas. Senior Year was fun being together w;u & don' t forget the 0.1.0. Remember November 29, 1992. Luv Sammy

SAMMY BA1TISTA Shabba·We have had some really great times together. I'm still really for the problems I caused U Junior year. I'm glad we made up & I still Luv Ya. Thanx 4 all your help, your a really sweet girl. I still have the poem U wrote me & I will never throw it away. I realize It Is hard for u to trust me now but I hope U will, because I would still like to go to the shore wJU 6c take U In the ocean wjme. I'll make sure never to bring up, " R" again. I hope weal· ways stay friends 6c never get into a Mustard fight again. Remem· ber me always 6c keep In Touch. Luv Sammy Kyle Platurak·U & I have had some really great times together. I sorry for taking a picture or your butt. I still think It's one of the nicest though . u have c~"eally been a great friend.thanx 4 all the help. l'llluv ya always Babe. K.I.T & smile Luv Sammy Michell Amari-I'm really gad we became such good friends. Even though U like the Eagles & the Bulls I stlllluv ya. I had a re· ally great time at the catlllion & I'll never forget it. Your a really sweet girl 8C I hope U never change. We better keep In touch when we graduate,so give me a call U know the#, 1 hope U al· ways stay in the "B.B.B.Ciub." I now U will Luv Sammy Suzanne Taporek-Gettlng to know U has really been great. I'm sorry things didn't work out between us. Final Analysis was a good movie though. I'll always remember U when we graduate. I really hope we keep in touch so we can go out dancing. Just re· member I luved taling to U & burning up my phone bill because U always did have really, .. Pretty Eyes." Luv Sammy

CHADBIRUK Sean Oolden·' 'who's that kid?" Ooldengirl, Southern Comfort, burled Fort Knox. Hockey at Mercer, very wet. LBI 91', wetsults. Can U give me a ride? Retreat. What did U do in my room? jw1 who? Cotta stop punching holes In doors. Surgery+Sympathy. Jeep wjPear1 Jam. Broken radio by c.c. Driving alter that party. I might have to drivel! Sherry. " But that's OK" OQ Golden. She wasn't 1411 Melonhead & his sister. Man.U knocked the .... out of that carl Typing, soph year, LBI 92' " Get any parking tickets lately" Florida, Internal tan, cold water "Make sure he shares•· " I don't know what It Is but I will surely wake U up" "I hope Harvey Isn't giving U any trouble back there" Nice phone booths " Put It on the back burner" Cotillion soph year, "U know U had a ball! Walking tree. Meeting Goldie Hawn. Bob's Big Boy & Dennys wj RL.ML,KH,RM,NN. Yo cuz It's been awesomell Chad Joanne Clpullo-Ropequeen, In my room w;---.u R the worst driver I know. Hayride In the rain, birthday card,retreat letter,history class.Jane's class. Chad A.J. Nadraga·Cotllllon 9~' " Yo what's up?" I got the horse that's crazy,Peron's party,volleyball. Don't tell your aunt any· thing It will get back to my moml A.J. your so unattractive (K.B.) Later, chad Carty Paver, To my once bride to be. You 're a really sweet, Itchy kind of person, but I still love ya. Don't ever forget all those late talks on the phone with that peaceful voice. Don't ever forget the little drink your parents were going to mix for you, It would

JAMfS BfRTAI'I Yo Jon, you better drive dude, everything Is In slow motion . .. All right. who Is giving the finger here? (Golden Dawn) Woods took II ... L.B.I. outside the house wj chalrs.SoCo,Rhlnegold and chicken ... Crick . . . Quick check ... " Is the bank still here? No the bank moved dude. Anyd" 'what?!?" I'll see you man, I don't believe he kicked me ... Hey Brendan let me get a dlp,dude? All right. Dog's driving. Here's an Idea, tell your dad your staying at Jimmy Beltran's house when we go to the party. U can stay at my house & sleep . . . Yeah.rlght. Midnight Dragon,Regulations "Let's Ride.'' The hole, ready twist.back & drink. " When all U have Is quarters,buy a crazy horse" Gym Volleyball Baby! Debble-Thanx for always being there, that means more to me than U can ever Imagine. "Hey Chrissy uh ... have you seen ... uh ... Jon,Jon Fregans he's ... uh ... supposed to bring Deb· ble home. Deb, It's them,get down! Do U think they saw us? ... Oh that was Mary from Mlflstone. I'm glad we've gotten so close again. I love U now & I always will. Luv always, Jones. P.S. What's your deal? Dude

have been really fun . What ever you do, don't wear any tight skirts like the body Glove or those " 0 " strings at all. I hope we keep In touch, I'll always love ya babe. Love, Sammy Tara Flandaca, Well Hara. I haven't know you very long but now I'm really glad I do. You and I have had some really great times In Gym class and especially on Retreat. Thanks for all the help with you know who. Don't ever forget eating all those peaches, or the nickname Hammy. You 're a sweet friend and I'll always love ya. Love, Sammy Joy Ann Smith, I haven't known you very long but I'm glad I know you now. Thanks fof all the help you gave me and all the good advice. Don't ever forget our Gym class, and how we stayed up late alter the cotillion, or how we went for that little ride and woke up your neighborhood. I'll remember always to have an ex· tra car key on me. If you ever need help, I'm always here no mat· ter what. Love Always, Sammy Maddie, You're a really sweet person, I'm glad we became such good friends. Thanks for all the compliments. I hope you'll never forget all the fun we had skating at Mercer County. Don't ever forget how I tried to keep you warm at our Retrtet. You are a really great friend. I hope you never change, becuase you are one of the sweetest people I know. I'll always love ya. No matter where you move to I hope we always keep in touch . Love Always. Sammy Melissa Butera. " Fred. fvil Canival, Ghost, Big Boy" Oetting to know you has really been crazy and really Interesting. Don't ever forget all those late talks on the phone, because you and I were the only ones up at that hour. Thanks for letting me drive your car, and making me scared out of my mind while you were drivIng. Whenever you want to switch jackets again just tell me. AI· ways remember George Lamond, " Where does that Leave Love. " Whenever you need help, for any reason, you know you can al· ways come to me. You 're a great friend and dorn ever change. We had better keep In touch alter we graduate, so we can have more crazy times like going running at 3:00a.m. Love, Sammy Art Rotondo-' Tm warning U don't ever ride w;me ~In, " just ~!~\r~~~~r the prom. please don't sue mel! Sorry the accl· Sue Ostrowski·Soph year. r:tephant Woman, after the morp. Jan's class. Those Hamilton girts R alter u & Jenl Birthday card. Pass the chalk, catllllon w;B.CII Let's do extra credit for English. U, better get rid ofthatattldue (O.T.'sclass). Love, Chad JILLANI'ff BODI'IAR Patty Salcewicz-d.d. we're going 2 Disney World, playing In Happyland,ls Jill chilly Willy? Hotel Callfomla,llfe Is a hlghway,we share a braln,down the shore,what happened 2 Rob? Lunch Tlme.Oh Ia Oh Ia Ahh Happy Oday Babyl (Chex HI diddle dee dee,notes,Whlte Clty,Booger,Scutter Falls . K . K.P.A . Sun· burn, Free I"Jowers,Picnlc Grove,! got dishpan hands howbout U? Lawrence Prep.PC+JB Bjf WI r:,M.S. I stlllluv Silvio I am pulling your leg. Hope Is nlce.Jesslca's baby shower, E.M.F. Nerds. or. Prom.Homework who knew? 3A, I am going 2 l"'a·thls time 2 live. Iss your Fault,Po Folks-NOTIMike's house,Roach In Frtes,your not breaking,U don't have 2 go 4 Sl & Charlie's sake Led Zepplln, Russia, I am In the play.James yard.rtY Homeless guy Polish Princess-You'll never get ltl VIdeo camera, U & Char11e-mlschlef nlght·ftght. Wendy's, Precious Momemts,Super Fresh,Mom+ Dad fights In car,the rose,your new tape player,Nelly & Speedy! Sl's parties, don't touch the merchandise. Smile God luvs U & so do II Just don't go to the getto,Luv always~ forever B/f/ F·Jilll Tonya Brown·U must meet Sl & Charlle , my mom , your mom,MIIton, Okiahoma,Guys & Dolls,Donna-Got 2 luv herl U need a ride? Tonslls,Stay Sweet,l Luv U.Smlle God Luvs Ul Jill Bodnar Heather Schneider-Steal a fry . your 17th B·day par· ty,xmas,cholr, Oklahoma,Guys 6c Dolls, the pig squealed! Good luck S.O. luvs U Tonya Parrotta·Sclence Mag. Precious Momments,A's,coffee. chocolate, staysweet,smlle God Luvs Ul Jill Bodnar Bill Llyod·Soph yr.Fight w; our lunch table U live across the street from me? Rellglon,always talking. Yes I still like that kidl Wedding proJect,we got a divorce, pattycakes, c u In Disney· WorldLuvJIII Jeff Merdock·Heard any good K.K. jokes? Top 10 list Alge Class, skin of our teeth,prolife,hows patty, Smile God luvs U, Luv Jill Karen P. Pam, Janice, Jen E. Jen L. Kallople,Carol Ann, May· Ann, Cara C & the rest of U crazy kids. good luck, U guys R a stock 2gether bunch thats why I put U all 2gether lluv U all. Janice & Jen E.. It was fun doing Oklahoma & Guys & Dolls wjUI Karen· even though soph yr. we got Into a fight your still sweet,Kallople ·Fresh ur was fun doing our debate & U ~ Carol Ann at Pat's party & the people we don't like burning In the fire. Karen. Cara, 6c Carol Ann choir was a lot of fun. MayAnn·lt was a lot of fun working w;u & Karen, Jen E. & Kallople wjklds on the block puppeterrs. 6c 1st but never the least Jennie c. You're one of the nlc· est persons I ever metl Smile God luvs U KATRli"'ABLAKf Mlkey· (Honeybear) • I can 't Imagine what life would be like without you and Speedy! You're my one and only ... I love you now, and I will forever. Love always. Tree. Gimpy· Well, It all started with the Turtle. Since then we've shared many other memories: frozen fruit bar,chlchen lady. Fed· eral City Road, Maryland, running away . . . those were the bklgles ( could go on with this Jist. but It would take forever) . Oh yeah, don't forget It's all because we're " alcoholics". I love ya like a sis Kelly, thanks for always being there. Dymphna· Hey chlcl We've been through a lot together. Jar· od's a cuttle, he looks exactly like you. Don't ever change, you're one of the best! K.B. Jackie · We have a lot In common. It took us four years, but now we finally know who our real friends are. K.B. Katie· Hey Hoochlel I'm glad that we've become such good friends. Stay cool and good luck at TSC. Erica· Thanks for sticking by me when I needed you (Chris, I'm glad that's over with, what a disaster). I hope that everything works out for youl Notre Dame Girl's Track Team· I don't know where to beqin. I want to wish all the Seniors Good Luck, both In college and fn fu· ture running events. To the remaining runners. I sure hope that you all get a new track. Don't forget: cinders covering you from head to toe alter a hell practice on the track. the adrenalin flow just before a race, making deals with the coach to get out of one 200. and all the memories that we created and shared together. Good Luck Olrl'sl Remember, running Is an addlcatlon, once you start you can never stop (no matter how much you want too). Mom· 1 love your Without you, I wouldn 't be where I am today. You deserve all the credit! You' re the BEST! JAMII:BOI'fAI'II"'I Becca· remember the night everyone stayed over and In the mid of the nlte we scared Olenda and we all tried to get to the stairs.· Will you ever be able to come to a place I work and not to walt an hr. to talk to me (LBI)· Don't ever stop using your psych. advice on everyone.· Geez, don't 4 get C.rt .. the crash, so awful.· tutoring was fun w;o the twins.· 4 get that whole Incident last yr. wjN.Y.C.· don't ever cover for me again.· I'm always here for you If you ever have a need. I love ya always. Babs· Detroit always ... Don't ever 4 get Mrs. C and J.C.·how she adores him, but who really cares, she can have him.· Why you take me seriously, I'll never know, lighten up.· It's a shame I can' t wear my tscape anymore, ya know. Oh well, whenever you think Detroit, think Jamie ... Take Care ... Mrs. Lyman· LBI, ooh does your mom read the yearbook?·

Don't ever-\ get the whole E.L. vs. J.F. incident. But how can you? Oh and you know nothing about the J.C. affair and I mean that literally. Best of luck ..... Rain· it's raining it's pouring. There are clowns all around. AMrghhh. Don't ever 4 get R.F. speeches, even though they are very right. Campo's class is going down in history· snort.snort. Oh well. Take Care .. Willie D.· Take care of J.P. for me or else. Don't ever 4 get our trips to Cadwalader P. Peace .... Luther· don't ever 4 get Victoria 's Secret. Keep trying for R.P.· maybe one day. ya know. Don't ever sell the hooptie. Peace .... Davies- to one of the sweetest people I have ever met. You're such a natural. Cheer up, it only gets worse. Good luck next year. Keep in touch and take care or yourself ... Mel· Was Chern just great or what? Double Dis. One kicks the other one out of the equation- will it ever happen? I'm glad you and K.S. are still close. I can 't believe K.B. and thing. Keep shooting hoops like u do. CCCC·YA Glenda· many memories. Remember Becca·s that nite when we kept waking you? Always remember the Drew.,Wow, and 1 always thought u were so shy. Ya right! Take care .... Alyson· I hope everything is straight flnally. Always remember Retreat wj the 2 roomies. Stay wjlt. It's worth it. If u ever need me, I'm always here. Don't be a stranger. Be good to A.B. actu· ally both of them. Love always ... Keith Obreen· what's up? Always remember the good ole days, I hope we keep in .touch -\ ever. don't 4 get me and take care of your own self. Peace ... . See Me No· Don't 4 get the half a mile affair okay. It would be a shame. I hope u become JAC one day, for real. One more thing· why the attraction? Huh? 0 well. Take Care .... Jacqui· my littlest faux cousin. take care and I will miss u next yr. Take care of the Mosc. for me· u 2 will happen one day. Don't let any Nicki's hurt you. bye sweetie .... An· so many memories. Always remember the b·day party from hell. All of our tears and fears and happiness in there some· where. I'll never let anyone hurt you like K.S.· I tried to tell you. I'm always here for u 4 ever. Keep In touch and remember 1 love ya4 ever ... Lamp- stay nasty at all u o. Please 4 get about R.P. and A.B.· not 4 u. Trust me. You'll be nasty at whatever you do, I know and remember, I'm always here for you whenever u need me. I'm your sis. don' t 4 get that. Find someone special . .... Prib· so much to say. The Prom when I was throwing the tennis ball at you. B·ball. rm nasty, ya know It too. What to do about this crazy sit? Oh sure, it's real easy. Thanks 4 the help w;every· thing. Good luck W/KP . . Love ya kid .. ... . Lon· you cheat. OOh you're bad. Slke. Remember M.W. fresh yr. what a mistake. Get rid of that yr. long cold. Stay wjBri and don't cheat. I know it's really hard 4 u. I wonder If I'm going to FLA. I hope. Take care of you ... . K baby· so many things to bring up. You are everything to me. Remember LBI, Lyman's house. all the times I've been pinched, all interferences like J.P. and the crew but that's okay bjc I have u. Remember the beginning when I turned u down too many times. The Mad Dog Incident, all the people u want 2 fight, Lamp's fickleness. and everything else. Know that I love you ... Miss- remember the shore when the boys were floating away at sea. Miss W. 6th grade Miss Holly 7th grade .. The nursing home for our confirm. project. And finally, me throwing your pen In ceo- oh yah what does that stand for? Love ya, KIT .. 4 ever Alan· so much confusion and memories all In one. Can't ever 4 get good ole Belle Mt. What about when u came to LBI 2 see me? or how about that walk after ash and K getting the wrong idea. What about BSS, youth group, oh geez ... I'll always love you al· ways and 4 ever. Edinburgh Baker, friends 4 ever. Love Me ... Rits· Remember the party (January 25), E.L. A.D., M.W., K.S .• M.F. J.O., and everyone else ... remember all of our probs and how well we got thru everything. Remember Cad. park when we fell. The list of people r.ou've gone through. Have fun next yr. and KIT. I love you lots R1t and I'm always here for you. Stay crazy and take care of Jacqui. Bye cuz. Tar· how did we ever live thru the year? Where do we go from here? Don't ever forget C and the probs u had. I guess u really can't. Always remember K.K. vs. S.B. and u vs. her· the talk of se· nior yr. Good ole Italian families· madon a mi. Remember the A.C. A.B. situation and how many times we both said can we die now? I'll always be here for u. remember our deal and thanks 4 taking me 2 ND· Parents can really put a damper on things huh? I love you always· stay close 2 home and me . .. . Severino. Sir Charles· wow after 2 yrs. I finally came around. AI· ways remember Detroit rules the world, Slxers are 2nd. LBI. din· ners. parents, the prom, hrs. on the phone. batting cages. Lisa, Sammy and samantha. our big problem, M.P. trying 2 help, our big fight, M.A .• M.F., running to Alaska, u beating around the bush, me playing stupid, that we are the same person, and that we share the same brain. All fond memories of the past and also M.P. wanted me 2 remind u of Butchy. on the phone. Is Georgi· ana ever not gonna be on that phone? Is our wedding arranged yet or is your mom working on it along wj mine? Detroit will al· ways be the best no matter what. We have 2 find a way sam. Let's go to Las V. Okay? Oh well, lots of love ...... .

Wasn't the " Holy Grail" a great movie?!?! Only 5 more minutes! Thanks for being a cool pall Caryn· Grape Ape! We'll form a play group and live next door to each other; dress shopping (7 miles?!?!), " Pretty Woman" dream dress: what's the difference between a mug and a stien? Thanks for not quitting diving-no one can count a 500 without giving me a headache except youl Thanks for all the swimming advice (especially at HoVal): "Rocky Horror Picture Show" -great ideal you dlssed me 1!1 I dlssed you-we're even,OK?I?I Thanks for always being a true Midwestern Girlfriend 1!1 for inviting me to join the club even though I'm not a native-born member! f5- I quit Ross in Oct. (sorry about the boots) Megan·Someday we will have a blank tape party at LW's house: I'll never forgive you for quitting diving: don't open frozen sodas on a bus: nothing like changing a Rat tire in the cold, dark 1!1 snow! We will make an 8:00 movie: let's sing Billy Joel songs re· ally loud with our great voices-we'll be like LWI Quick·Find a 4th roommate for Florida! Heather· Let's meet CD 1!1 CM In the bathroom at Point Pleas· ant; at the shore·l don't want to get wet! Remember our Ice cream fight at NT's birthday party? Kidnapping the O'Keefe's·l need ice. frosting 1!1 candles: How do you sleep through so much noise 1!1 snoring?!?! Calculus confusion! thanks for being there for me-you're a sweetheart! Be sure to keep Lou in llneli(JK!) Eric· Thanks for always reminding me how pathetic BK &I are! Do you have any gum? Stay near the closet in case my parents come downstairs-they never hated you; farlez·vous Francais? Parlez·vous creole? Budwieser·King of Beers? King of America! What do you get every weekend? Matt-<lod Bless You for driving me 1!1 BK all over NJ 1!1 PAl we never would have made It without you! Stop letting BK mooch off of you; RIBBITII think you finally convinced my parents to let me watch "Cheers"· now work on "Tom 8t Jerry"; Are you sure the flue Is open?l?l Kids R Us parking lot·football·shopplng cart rae· es·Denny'sll We finally got to see the U2 concerti "she's running to stand .. . STILL ... " Kristine- slut dresses at Macy'sl Thanks for giving me your Ross interview; you can run away to my house any timet gotta love sister fights! Ahhh·the XCjspring track memories! Sleeping out for U2 tickets-Denny's at 2am-qulte an experience. but well worth It; It's CHILLY·NIPPERSI!I how many days 'til Christmas?!?! You owe me a secret! Michael- Where Is my father's Doors/Who tape?l?l Thanks for being my running buddy and for making me laugh! Kate· go ahead, say the " 5-word"·you can do Itt Sting buddy· sorry you had to sit SO FAR BACK on the lawn! I'm glad we finally had our dance together at the Cotlllion·l hope BK 8t AI aren't jealous! Sorry about all the hair cracks! Are you In unlform?l?l You're not chewing GUM are you?l?l Anthony· You were a great father to Mllez 1!1 Emily! How have you put up with KH for so long? you must be a saint or some· thing! . Lou· You snore too loudl!but you have good hair in the mom· lngl So how many more New Year's Eve parties are you going to be able to handle?!?! Rose-l can't believe we actually survived History this year! We had a great study group, though! So, what mass did you go to the day after the Cotillion? (your mother was gulte concerned!) Your hot tub is the greatest! I'll always remember sleepovers and birthday parties at your house ... playing Encore, watching your home movies, playing with all the ''toys" in your house! And we can 't forget all our spring track memories! We must KIT Thanks for being such a good friend Kristen· be careful when you fall to your knees In prayer! We should form a club of our own so that we can finally hold posi· lions of power (rather than taking orders from KH·are you in unl· form? Is that gum I see?) How about the YBNofA club? Is the Golden Asp behind a body shop or The Body Shop? Am I really disruptive in History? Fava· "HI·ya handsome!" You·re annoying at sleepovers, but you make me laugh anyway! Have fun at your sister's "burnt· toast" weddlngl I want a tennis rematch this summer! Too bad that helping each other on History papers didn't get us better grades! Oh well-we survived! Kevin 8t Scott- The easter Egg tradition must never dieiWe must have many more sibling nights-bowling, The Ground Round. Singlngjdanclngjplaylng Jenga on my porch until the wee hours of the morning .. . you guys are so much fun and I'm glad we've become such close friends. Jen M· You are a sweetheart ... why 8t how do you put up with my sister .. . "is It okay to hate your best friend?" Thanks for all the XCjspring track memotjes·from running/walking our 1st egg· erts practice to bus rides to Holmdel! Keep the running Chick tra· dition alive . . . everything's gonna be "OK". ThankS for all the advice and for being a true friend. KIT. Celeste, Kelly, and running chicks everywhere-it's been a blast! Keep beating those green weasles 1!1 keep McLaughlin In line! I'll miss you all ... KIT! Mom, Dad. Erin 1!1 Caltlyn· I love you all, even when I can't say it or show lt. I wouldn't be what I am today without you-Thank you!

BRIDGET BRADBURJ'1 Brian·"The love you have, you take it with you" I love you for· ever. Nick-So how many people on the st can we tolerate? March for Life: "I wish we had time to go see . .. we'll take a day trip! Wish I could visit you at the shore this summer: sorry I distract you In history: "Top Gun", sleepovers: pizza in the hottub: don't worry· my parents still like you! you know I look better than any swimmer you ever pointed out to mel Palmer Stadium; we'll do New Year's Eve again some year when you don't have to work and LW is healthy: 12345: Jenga: "Love Is a temple": Where is K.lngs? Thanks for being one or my truest friends, I love you (pia· toNICK) even when you're a jerk! mmmmwwwaaahhhhl Stop sleeping with my boyfriend! Do you have any moisturizer? Liz· Will you teach me how to play chess? Just say "check· mate!" "Break up with him for a week . .. It works like magic!" Sorry I have such a big mouth! Running chicks rule: everything's gonna be" OKI" IBC root beer, we'll go visit CD at KREAN college this year (add an " R" , take an "R" away ... ) WOOF! riding polar bears, empty fountains. microphone men, no-seat biker. always less pie than Ice cream, Jet me explain the joke one more time .. should I draw a picture? 12~51 "Just because I don't wear clothes from Bennetton all the time . . . oops!" driving to Mlll· stone (balloons?! goody bags?!) how long 'til we leave? Your mom is a sweetheart, even if she hated "City Slickers", Tell me a story-we really are the gossip queens. Thanks for listening. un· derstanding 1!1 giving great advice! You are a super friend (even though you're too Republican for your own goodUKI) Take your ~~~~~/~~~~~~~g'~~E~8~~~eady to brakel Quick-get 4 roomSkippy-white picket fences; "The Blues Brothers"; do you want an alphabetical list of the movies I've never seen?l?l You're going to Ohio,too? OK, I give in . .. it was Sept. 6 and It was the grass not the sidewalk: I will never forgive you for a certain answering machine message or for using a certain term when telling TP stories . . but thank you for forgiving me· I can't tell you how sorry I am-really! Thanks for being there for me and for being a true friend Chrissy-<lood luck at KREAN college and try not to break as many traffic laws on your polar bear as you do In your carl Bath· room rating books. IBC root beer. seatless biker. microphone men, WOOF! Anyone for a mudfight? Stop playing with hangers! I'll meet you in the bathroom at Point Pleasant; we lost the kite!

JOHN BROPHY Wlgg. Remember. never drive drunk, and look both ways be· fore hitting Steve with a Blazer. Oh, yeah, and never, ever pull the front break on a dirt bike In the mud. Put down that camera and get this thing off my akle. This summers going to be great. especially M.B .. Oh, yeah, green means go unless theres an As· trovan there. Never fortet my grill, It was a trooper. It lasted till that one fateful night when It met the KMART SHOPPING MRTI Theresa bomb at N.D. And I'll take a fish sandwich. a biscuit, a linger toy. curly fries, onion rings, and a Dr. Pepper. Wanna by a 76 Rlcclanl? Sleepless Dog? Awesome band .... One hickle. two hlckle . .. .. . Frank. No Frank don't. theresa cop there. Screech. Get off206. before someone sees us. Smack. Kick my car again, I'll kill your rat. We had fun fun until daddy took the Jeep away (or at least threatened to). Look out for the Honda ... THUMfl Now It won't start. Colleen, let your hair down .. . No. •&%@ youl Strike Four. Smack. I'll consider letting you do some driving to M.B. (Shaa .. . ). Screech goes the rat. Staffa. Eureka, E=ma, pi = 22/1. and physics Is fun (schaa). No more projectiles please. Tic Tock goes the lego clock until Coppock breaks it again. Have fun breaking things In a college lab. I know I will. HI Mark, HI Mark, oh fine, don't say hi. must be that time of the month. Got a gobstoppel'? HI Dave .. . . Sleepless Dog? Awesome band, the name. Ahhh .. Tennis. Sleepless Dog? I'll never understand. Jim Is standing on a seesaw, and a 10000N rock Is dropped on the other end. If the seesaw Is 5.2x10 to the 23rd mm long, and the fulcrum Is upside down 2m to the lett of the right of the center of gravity. will Jim a) go flying, b) go swimming, or c) does Jim care as long as he's thrown clearofthe physics lab? HI Dave . .. Brennan. Terminal Velocity? What? I'm going to fall. Actually you did . . Calc that is. Have fun In life and keep making things complicated, It's the only way to get things done right. Remem· ber, Mrs. Campo hates life, and she thinks I'm you when It comes to deficiencies. DeGaglla. No Mike. put dOwn the gun, no Mike drop the knife, drop the orange. leave Ricclanl alone, no Mike stop shooting lire· works. Mrs. B wants you again. And watch out for the unseen ditches and lnbankments that will just kill a Lincoln Mark VII. No more neutral drops, they can mess up UV, CV. JV joints and such. Remember-Insurance fraud is bad, not good. Don't let Michelle drive anymore, and there's a bomb at N.D. New power steering pumps cost allot. and maybe by the time you read this

you'll be able to stop kissing up to Michelle forgoing to N.Y. Fede. No matt, that the foot peg, no matt thats the clutch. no matt thats the front break, no thats the kill switch, no thats the back break. YES, thats the kick starter. Now remember, dOn'tjust let go of the clutch, slowly, slowly, ka·dunk. Try again. K.a·Piunk, again. Ka·Piunk, again, so on 8t so forth .. . Yes you got ll Matt . . . Matt????? Wheres he going, . . Matt . . . CRASH . .. . BBRROOPPHHYY. I'~ FALLI'~N AND I CAN'T GET UP. Get up ~1!1#@, you the fMT not me. Stop yelling out my windows. stop blowing my hom, stop shooting fireworks out the window. Remember, Hitler Is the bad guy, and equality Is the answer. Would you mind helping my lower and tint my car? There's a bomb at N.D., Frank Is dying of FluroCiourHydrocarbln Jeep pot· soning, and I'll write In by hand the rest of the stupid stull' you'll do after I write this. Stitches . . . Flick . .. Ahhhhhhh . . . KICK ... . Hay Paul. got anything to drink? Wanna by a Rolex. .. Ed. Cuddle. Buddy. SMACK I want that blonde girl I embar· rassed you In front of In Q6Mall. SMACK. Stop throwing things out the window. Confoy will fail you (SHAHH, maybe you'll get a c, everyone else dldl). Remember, nobody read Catcher . . Rye. but we all got D's anyway(ldunno). KRIST~N


Kathy Johnson-My B.f. F., #1 stew G.D., S.B. crew,fubllc Affec· tion. Let's Jam! Mustang,hotel partlesJalllng-driveway.air condl· tloner, sneaking In 8t out.Greg·1st time. never talk to him again. the park. let's spln.smoke our 1st trip,LBI, the beach, Steve Miller, serenade, fizzle out. Oh no,mom,they' re coming to get us.crapples. Tony, Pods-the beater. Ever clear 3 shots,llfe· guards.Chrls 8t Steve. Dad's car-T-tops lout out men. 91st street· parties-kegs-the girts. The old boat, the old 6uc...favorlte spot. party.··· hole. Sean Murphy Luv's you. I'm sleeping at Steve's· bye·next day-the pool. Roy Rogers, the baby-she's coming • guys.don't come thls,6.8 car; the hole-l'mnumb. I hate Fantasy Island, the jeeps,Aron et Jan. fishing at the bay. We luv beer-4· Eva·the windshleld·N.F.the Millstone boys,S.M.,r:.l"' .. J.M.,P.S., C.N., Pit, tree farms, flres,good old days-smoking IW. 8t S.M.·I like him. so much,Rutgers. B. f. on S.M. get away. Black is my fa· vorite color. Ha Ha ·Halo T.S. er K.S. U luv them. Too many men,l need help-<:ontrol. Me almost dying. Bacardl-woods. S.W.· P.M.F.,sottball the next day. B.S. Party. C.B. corpse. HoJo's our parties, let's drink Alex-white Grlngo's-His so weird. STUSSY·Doc Martins, there mlnel Our fights, what would we do without them? Me 8t H.T. list IIghty at G. D. I'd winl Sleeping In the car-driving for 5 hrs. Models the beach-got It going on. Girlfriends-Brat Pack· 9.3-on yeah. Boyfrie~ hate us. Their lose. K.K. walking home catilllon nlte·U brake too many hearts. Always remember soph yr. Toplcs·Shaf·Luv ya. Skipping school·splrlpday· stupid1Jetting caught. Orounded from K.J.C.S., H.T., K.J .. K.8-the stews 4-r:ve. It's my dog! Your summer parties, Oeo-let's drive, steve Yuk. True fine Luv·S.M'.B.·AII our lights-we're too much allke,don't we look like sisters? We arel4th of July parties at Johnson's, I'll miss em-putting on fake nails-my house. My parents luv U like their own-1 swear. We know a millionaire-Let her buy the shore house. Feb 5, 199:S • Millstone-Pita. This Is the life- COPSIII They're com· lngl Thoms Where's r:rtc? Below zero weather· Let's chill for a couple hrs. Peak/ngtnsane·Hell on earth·They'll be waiting for us. FORD THUNDERBiRD, who cares? They've got Seanl Our Jour· ney-bonding·K.J.,K.B., E.M.,S.O., 8t T.C. Thank God for Tracyshe's straight! Tree Farm-sleep-It's too cold. It's snowing, can anything else go wrong? Let's slide our way home· I'm STRAIGHT EDGe, so R Ul Hey. we're 17, we don't need thlsl It's a night· maretthat's definitely the last time for me-Surel Well Kathy-so many special times we've shared, both good 8t Bad. I loved every minute of them. I wouldn't wanted to have done anything differ· ently. Your my best friend, you've given me so much, I'D never forget u evert Thanx for everything, you'll always hold a special place In my heart! We're out of herel lluv u · KJ • Luv ·Kristen Sue Ostrowski·#l Girt I luv U. P.S. class. let's be friends? L61· 91st street. U girls R great,smoklng way too mueh·your keg par· ty-out of control. S.6.-summer Luv·lt stinks. L.S. Is she nuts or what? Let's kill herl Powder fuff-<:hamps Jr et Sr. year-<lo on girl. Chern. Class,Mrs. K. She hates me. Who cares. We luv W.N.·Let's find his#. Hooking up. Halo boys. T.S., let's not forget the Unl· versa! Techniclan,ktng original hlmself·K.S. Black is my favorite coJor,Ha Ha·What do I always get myself Into this? I need your help! Glrlfrlends·rule, too bad we have no Boyfriends·HoJo's our parties- Hey-guess what? 1 got the mud flap,er the blinkers. New Years·U 8t J .M.I'm not finished wjU. What a jlgalo. Retreat-our talk In the bathroom-let's make a change·for the better-yeah rightl Me Barbara,hear me Roar,Beast-<lyrn pd.1. Brat Pack 9.3' K.6.,S.O.,K.J., H.T .. C.S.,K.C., J.W .. J.C.,J.K., J.P.,M.G. Oh Yeah.Well G.lluvU · Forever·Don'teverchange. Luvya-Krlsten Vince Ardery·U R my boyfrtend.·Math class 8t Rei. Jr.yr. Let's write on each other's backs, Rock·n·Roll groups,stateuams. fun,fun,fun. Clnn·a-burst gum-your ravortte. Thanx for sdllnQ my watch.·Hope U like that T-shlrt.used to be my favorite. f luv Adrian Davis·Ha Hal Luv all your halrcuts.too cute. Don't ever for· get Catllllon·M.G.·I know 1 won't! Your the man. Sitting together during SATs. No wonder why I did so great. I needed your help. HaHa. lluv U V.A.·Don't ever change. Good luck wjyour sports career. I know you'll do great. Miss U·K.I.T. Luv·Branham fete Slngelakls·Spanlsh Class,me carmen, U Hugo. I can 't be· lieve U thought,that was my name. Crazy·lt was luv at 1st sight. Millstone Is great. pit. tree farms,dead end streets, where does It end? My 8-day dinner- It was great • I::WOK-our night there, hang· lng out·fearl Jam·Jeremy-smoklng·beer. The Morp-your housethanx 4 my birthday party! Our talks. I won't ever forget them. your always there when I need someone, It's always meant a great deal to meJust like u do. ".L.,your glrlfrlencH hated herl Af· ter school at Branham's let's shave some heads·mlnel HoJo's,our parties. have to leave It up to the girts, If u want anything done, right the truck-1 got the mud flap-Who got the blinkers? Your my best've never let me down,we·ve definitely had our rough Umes,but rve never doubted our friendship. So anyways when R we going to hook? Come on. Thank u 4 every· thlnQ you've given mel So've made me realize the per· son Tam 8t want to be. You've never let me down. I will never find someone to ever hold the place. U hold In my heart! Welt we'll be friends forever 8t forever, lluv U. Luv-Branham. Scott Williams-My boy for 4 years.l'm glad your back. frosh yr. the movies. 1st kiss-never forget it. Brldgette's party,the woodscarrying me Into the car·J.B.-1 need a 11ck-where's she at7 U luvd her. Mr. Marbeny-Roj.·Hey·What's happenlng.Acddent. I almost loSt U:but almost,your still here. Jaw wlrecH.e'ts hook, this sum· mer was nuts. BatmaOiJO ahead-pass out. It's OKI My hoUR. I won't forget u. Our flgtits.l don't know,sometlmes. Homemade contraptions, In my car,lt wa~ great. u er H.T. SompJr.<razyl Har.s.out at schools at pa~. your little gigs, the b8semait. Brea hearts • dOn't do ltl I hate your notes-sound ramlllar? Well S. . lluv u- Don't ever change Luv·Branham Sean Golden-Where to bellln-slood question? Somp. Yr my house. where It began - CatllliOn. 0 hated me. Went on ror awhile. Dan Berry's party·! won't forget a thing U said. It's been a rocky road betwen us.always ending In dlsastors. AI I can say Is I'm SORRYinlt will never be hoUR X·Mass-watcblna my neighbors,! do care about u,more than u may ever knowl l>on't hate mellluv Ull will never,ever forget you • Kristen Babs 6rllllntlne-ls 12 yrs. enough? Good old St. Hedwlgs-we've been through It alii friends-not friends-which Is It this week? N.D.-Call me Babs-Nol l"'y favorite is Barble-hey It's cool! Somp. yr· hanging out w;c.c. r:wtng Crew-two New Years In a row1 Randy 8t .Erik R·h yeah-where does the fun end? Hal the storm·! want a Cellca spoiled Brat. too funny:)ust sleep at my house! I just like watching Ul fating-cookies-No No's • Milk ·Cupcakes • Branham, u got any food? LBJ • No where to go • let's drive · 4 hrs • sleeping

in the Geo·nuts • I can 't get comfortable! Me Be K.J. · veach 5:00 am • were models. Uncle Willy's • Where to now? the Buc • here we come! Sorry about burning your carl Accident I wasn't on any· thing! the beach-look at that headset-my girls a D.J .. K.J.'s house · pools (Chris) go Babs·get on that·Jeep with the New Yorkers.· Mrs. Johnson sorry. can 't go out! Could have been great! Your house Monopoly-talking in my sleep. D.H.·what Is it about him? Good luck! Our trips to Millstone·!' II drivel Opps-must of run over that tire! Good thing U weren't with itr·LBI·Our trip in the Mus· tang·l 'm burning up! Towels on the head! H.T. , B.B.. T.H. , K.B. It was great! Shop Rite-Halo Farms-quite the jobs·your a quitter. Hey black's my favorite color·T.S. Be K.S. Hey·l'm coming back though,! promise Dad·it's OK! Your a millionaire· Mom · Babs Is on the radio-newspapers & news-1 know her! Black sheep-your car· I'm smoking again-my house-see who could smoke their pack first! Talks wj your slster·fun·l'm a real comedian. Gossiphated It! Too many men·l' m out of control. We're out of here· thanx for 12 great yrs. It's you who's my best friend! Thank U for carting my butt everywhere Be anywhere. Your the best! Luv·Kris· ten Helen Telles·Weii,G, It's been a roug_h _4 yrs. but we·ve made it· still friends-Amazing. Somp. Jr. let's fight over K.J. • who's her better friend? S.W. ·the Morp ·My date M.C. · Oh yeah! Mark K. • Eternal senior! Crazy. My house·lets drlnk·call M.._rk • Front porch· wicker fumiture-.3rd·lt happened. I liked. Good old Scott! B.B. Be Chris G. He wants U·that's nuts! Jon B. I'll hook ya up. Not a problem! LBI-Going home sick! I hate U·your friends wjthem. Mass. trip-fighting· Greg's house·U called me a slut-our first real fight. I wonl!l Sneaking out in S.B.·Bobby·the band· lets Jam! B.T.·New Years hook·Yukl M.H·Bra·l just lost itt Dork. Let's skip Eng · where's Shaf.? He's the man. LBI 91st street·thanx 4 the parties It was great! Murtha·what is it about him? U need a man? Just ask me , so true·Proph·STEW Crew K.B . • K.J . H.T.& C.S.,B.F.F.·but it's my dog · HAl Prom night · we're friends again! Eric's · I want him· barfing in the bathroom sink. Too great! Soft:· baiH' m quitting · A. C. • she stinks! It was fun while It lasted! My favorite color Is black. Ha Hal T.S.(Halo boys) K.S. Why? I need help! Fr. Dennis-we have a problem! Retreat! Let's bond! Your the best Gllluv U. Thanx 4 ail your help w;everything. All your yell· ing helped! Well maybe notll'mm miss U ·F.F. luv ·Kristen Eric Murtha·Millstone-thanx 4 the experience! Pit.tree farms, dead end streets, lakes, where does it end? We've been friends for 4 yrs, how·l don't know? My B-day·EWQK·H.T.·that's a problem! Prom· your house-it was great! After school at Branhamscan I have a M.B.? Who's getting their head shaved first? that would be me-or course! My boy works at G.A. with BodnarjFeb.5. 199.3-Pit·thoms·where's Eric? He's my security. Lets chill for a couple of hrs·sleeplng tree farm-Nightmare! Insane·! know just shut up! " Once U go, U never come back." don't worry I'll be back! " Give me a hit" ·strobe-shades U Millstonlans have taught us all alot·how to party rlght·thanx B.Y.O.B. Always. Your a great guy, & 1 of my best fiends-It's been great • I luv U Murtha. Luv· Branham Tina Hiner·" T" ·B.T.M.·7th pd. gym " out of control" Luv those orange legs·Hee·Hee Maxwell-it was nuts-the shore-our 1st trip to Millstone-hey she's one of us! I enjoyed converting U Into 1 of us. Retreat-your letter·thanxl Sleepovers·we need 1 of our talks! How do U clear a party? Mom's gone-party at T's house! lluv Matt.D. Jealousy·! hated U·let me buy hlm·$25-Why? Me Cheer leader! U go girl! Big Ragu? I luv her! Park·n·party·U driving probe in rain·oh Not Where's your glasses? Our fights·What happened? U.R. Great T· lluv U lots·thanx for being such a great friend? Luv· Kristen Keon Smith·U R so STUPID! Come over to my cabin· STEWY·Ioves Ul Segal ' 'I'm on the phone-can I call U right back?" Sure! The Universal Technition. King Original-that's my boy • Please talk! I'll never wash that sweatshirt! Well King, it was great while it lasted. until I got DOGGEDIII Thanx, it was an experience! Luv • Kristen (your stupid friend!) Jason Maxweii-Thanx 4 welcoming me Into your home·MIII· stone. It was all great • Pit. Tree Farms. deaD end streets, etc. Af· ter school, gig at Branhams·B.Y.O.B. ·Let's hang out! Tina ·quite the experience-Huh? Go on! Your a great guy Jay and a great friend ·don't ever change! Luv ya • Kristen! Mike Fanning·Physical science last yr • crazy! Millstone • thanx 4 the experience! Don't ever forget :your house • my car. Oh.your so rude. I loved it. wouldn' t change 1t for anything. It's a joke ·It's cool right Fanning? Your accident · don't pull that again • thank God your still around. Kelly Corboy • your girl stick with It! I'm here if U need advice. M.M. • don't let her play U like a game! U deserve better! Jamie. she's the best! Ho Jo's ·the truck! Our game. I got the mud flap, who got the blinkers. New Years 9.3· Scott F.. Only gave him 1 • let him pass out, I'm sorry! Well Fan· ning·your 1 of my best friends·thanx 4 being around when others weren't. Your a Special Guy! Luv ·Branham JOHN BRI!I'INAI'! Jim Tennis-UR EEEvil. That's not funny. Your cool U hang out w1 all da cool teachers n no all about stonehenge Ores Z·N Joy Swlssorland John Brophlactic·l wanna let loose a vein n bleed all over your test. less cut write to da chase. I'll put the cards on the table, I hate my life. Fetus-When I come back no more Mister nice guy. There Is a bomb in N.D. Mike D·llost my keys Dave Grusatla (Greskkkka)·U can knot play darts for chips Senior Gonzales· Como esta? Muyn bien Gracias. y tu? I just gotta get atta here fast man. Warren Bresford·Ba Ba Booym Aaron Double-How is your sister. Is she as big as I hear. U·Tum on the highway. Barbara Brown·Molestor pestor. Jeff M.·Save Dave! Great time n school. The crooked cross Its black n red do you know y? Did I tell you about the railroad car In France? John Bochearrow-Where is your forehead will U go to the prom with me Flre!ll Marcus Staffa·UR not just the president. your a client. BARBARA BROWN T.W.·I know U don't care. A.H.·Are U still excited? T.B.-1'11 miss your loud mouth. S.S. ·Save some food for me. V.V.·Can I have peanutbutjjelly sandwich? S.N.·Who are we sleeping with? G.J.-Get some professional help you compulsive liar J.P.·Contlnue to be scared of me. D.P.·Keep J.P. In check like how I would. M.J.·Will you "Remember the times... because I will A.B.·My one and only . _. where's the ring?f S.C.·Love those talks about M.D. T.P.·You go. girll P.M.-Did you take your pictures yet .. . Not! K .C . ·Maybe dying your hair will create a better brain function(Ha·ha). M.C.·Love those h.s. talks! S.B.·What a big b - - - you have. Sis P.H.-Just leave me alone R.D.·Heartbreaker K.R.·Thanx you noticing I was cute. J.B.·Don't watch any scary movies before going to bed. Mrs. Martin-can I help you change the world?


TANYA BROWN Michael Warren-even though at times U never really say nice things about me deep down inside I know U R a nice person· peace out! T.N.B. Kareem Kelsey·Do I smell yal Waymon Newkirk-Why R U so quiet! T.N.B. Oscar Waston & Shante Grady-1 was shocked at first but now I see U R a good couple. Keep it that way. T.N.B. Keon Smith·U know what since high school we really said any· thing to each other so good luck in the future. T.N.B. Glenda·Jean·Louis·Heyl Johnson girl remember that well any· way U know we have to keep In touch . T.N.B. Sophie Noncent·Whatz is up? So Anastasia Halrston'"Love ya like a Sis." Tiffany Wingate-Good remember's to U Be your family. Stay strong Vanessa Vaughae-Cookle eating self. Crystal-My softball partner stay strong for me. Jill Bodnar·Well. this is It aren't U excited. Boy I know to go to Florida soon. Brenda Balley·even though U just got here at Junior year U R 1 of the nicest friends I ever met Barbara Brown-well this Is it. it's about that time. Sgt. Is Jamie B.·thanx 4 helping me out last year in history class. Iris Sabree·Ever since kindergarten & know we made it. ADAMBUCON Sue Caroii·Sue, E.T. or Is it Chucky! Matt & Cindy Ordeal. HJow's heath? SHELUGA and gym class. Barbara Billingsly Be my mom! Sorry about calculus. Lost in Dorney! The cotillion·U looked HOTIII Pizza Hut-Dave Gretskyf A.P. History. My cowtier AI· llgator postcards from SC. Lost In Dorney! See I didn't even lau!lhl Luv U forever! Mlke Guglleno-Doughboy, (Mike) We want 41 Chicken,Chlcken. Beans.Rolls, Rollsf Omnl·sexual. Does she really do It with cam· els? Our little spill at GAl Moo! Mool Becca's baby! Esther, the nice old Indian woman. Beer in Baltimore! Don't drive drunk & stay In schooll " The Beater... Mrs. Beaver. Watch out for the old man, the seagull, Be don't forget the pig! Look at that old man dancing! Stoma to Stoma, baby! Bowling·shhhl Sorry I walked out! Bimbo Bowlers from Buffalo. Make eye con· tact wjU know who. FATE! Goodbye Alex, hello Melissa! LBI·Wa· terfights wjChristlne at whatshemame Be their cellular phone. Don't flirt w;my mother! Our environmental job! Lindsey Me· Corkle Ann Salay. The human Pear. Our journey to the nurse. The Big Wart Cox's Comer. Great American Dime. You' re right. her legs R fat. Your hat on the runaway train. Breaking Into Matt's car. Rene Clrlllo-Raln, Prom was great: U look wonderfull After 4 yrs at ND. can U find your way? Thanx to U the old man, the seagull, Be the pig R probably all dead! Lost in Dorney! Mastorl's. Straw· berry Cheesecake balls at GAl YMCA. Our compatabllity test! Don't ever call me for a ride, until U can find your way! Sorry about ISS! Melissa Szui·Melissa, Keep your gum in your mouth at off my legs! U do have nice eyes! Nice Laugh! Our day at Great Adven· ture. Come over swimming again this summer! Matt Mannlon·Matt. Sorry. U R not God! Carey & Janette. walk· lng across the highway to QB Mall G·stringllt's been fun hanging up on U. Bill T. Be U In bed in Bostonf JeTe Rodriquez! Brenda's engagement. " The Human Turkey. " The flood at LBI. Christine, the waterfight. Be their cellular phone. My can at the soup kitchen. " Easy" Yvonne. The luv of your life, " JM.'' It's gotta be FATEl Kit kat at MatM's, " Perfect together.'' lan Baker DS·Homball, get off my radio, stop pinching me. I want all my clothes back, stop being moody, moose. I still want dove where is Wilber. There not my little girfriends. Don't clean my room, stop eating all my food. No more movies from west coast. stop making fun of me, long hair dirty men w/ripped jeans. I hate cheese sticks, where R my roses. my little sweetbutter cup,what.what. what. No more massages. Stop mooing don't spit on me. You scratched my car. Don't be such a baby lluv to tight. 80 In a 55. Don' t forget about Aug lOth. Dark brown curly hair, your breath either smells like onions or garllc,watch that side mirror. No serious. I luv the cold do U hate me,do U remember nasty Dean. Hurricanes a mix, remember the senior citizens ball our first klss,cook something for me. don't call me moana. come on shut up. Alan I'm hungry. Get your hair stomach hurts, I have a headache. That really hurt me,your dad flexed for me, watch that curb,don't forget tum off the faucet.thls Isn't sub· urbia, I want baldness, hello who dis don't call me burt. snuffle. smile, ammmmm. Guess what? chicken butt, up your - - around the comer & down the block. Am I sweaty.Hi AI what's up honey, because I'm black rlghtlust because I'm black. I'm going to sleep. REMEMBER ME ALWAYS,! LUV U ALAN B. BABS BRILLIAI'tTINE Teachers: Mr.Schafer, Mrs.Kearns, Mr.Archer, Mr.James, Mrs.Gavln. Mrs.Wargo, Mrs .Martin, Mr.Rotondo. Ms.Campo, Mrs.Wrobo, Mrs.lvans. Mrs.Confoy, Mr.Moore. Mr. Perone . Mrs.Regan. Mr.Romano, Mr.Schultz and especially Father Den· nis· Thankslll Mom and Dad, I Love You Both even if I don't smother you with the saying! NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS to us. we are still the best family In my eyes! I appreciate ALL you both do for melll And let the Bradys handle their boring lives any way they want to! ·Babs Debbie, Thank You for Everything you've ever done for me. That will Include the Science Projects. I Love You and I will al· ways be so proud to have you as my Big Sister! Babs Lee. Keep working on that JAWS game. You'll beat it. I Love You and I never want you to forget that! Your Big Sister, Babs Tigger, Tobie, and deceased Whitey, MEOWII LV Ul Babs To Everyone of '9.3. Its been an experience! Hope to keep in touch with many of you . Life ' s not one Big Joke, It's 7,274,512.609 little ones all strung together. Have a good one and Have funl One more little Important detail "I NEVER WENT WITH PNIII" GOOD-BYE! Kathy Johnson, MEOW! LBI·BB.KJ.KB. Your cousin's friend, set the porch on fire with The OI'Buck, sleeping In my car. Chris and you Lifeguard formal. HoJo's. Pizza Dayl Buy me a slice so I don't look like a pig. My wallet. " Wanna see my family?" and my ID in there. Nice to let KK walk home. $$$· Unbelievable! I rode that old rusty bike from your house to the AMACO station. "You're coughing a lot. have another cigerette." Peg Gribbon Volleyball Night· Meredith's car. drink of water at my house. Party at my house before Football game with the spread eagle picture of you. Raclstl You beUer KIT and take care of yourselfbecause you can be anything you want. Remember thatlll Love Yal Babs Krlstle Matozzi. Confoys, Mr.Ardery and our passing tests, Stinky. I mean Barba~ Brown and her engagement ring. Stories on the Softball bus about your Granny. Our black cats· Tobie and Taylor. Then theres Tlgger. Good Luck with Nick and KIT. Babs Jenn 1\elley, I've got the A In Confoy. It's been great knowing you and hopefully we'll KIT. Morning Prayers-Thank You. Babs Kristen Branham. I've known you now for 1:5 Y~ARS but I'd say that I really only got to know you in the past :5 years. All in gram· mar school we hated eachother. Donnie and Jason liked me In the 2nd grade then Jrd grade you took them away from me. With your beauty of course! Basketball In little league, Father Mike throwing eggs, rubbers thrown around on SHS, and you coming down to my beach house· played quaters with Deb and Art. Su· per-Dooper· PooperScoopert Your B-day party· I'd like to make a request from the Jets to the airplanes. Then Highschool. We were with the Ewing glrls and you always best-friends with Peter! All the times at PMF and TGIF's. Tina Gulluccl's party· me with that

grusome guy. My Hlckl from being on the pattio furniture. New Year's Eve with Cseh and Danberry·l was riped and back to your house where I called everyone In your phone book. Night Helen was there then Kmiec bros. and me chasing CG· then getting all upset later. Riding down to South Brunswick with NIRVANA play· ing then coming home In the snow· 2nd week of my license. " can you see?" " No. Why? can 't you?" " No" Us and Kathy getting a ride in that guy's van- he almost hit a dog then a man. Messed-up. I was trying for that guy Let's hurry to Kathy's party! Stuck on Rt.l for an hr. All of our trips to Milestone· good driving! EXCEPT when you hit that tire and It got stuck under my carl Last Summer- Thunderbird cruslng down Bay Ave playing Metalllcal You with Steve. Kathy with Chris, Me with the sand. Kathy's place. skinny dipping. you with her girl-beater cousin and me with his friend . Lit up her porch with Everclear. The guys In the JEEP· let's hangout In front of the pollee station. I got Bret at a later date! Going down to LBI at night to drive around til :sam · sleeping In the car. Kathy freaking out so you 2 became models on the beach. THE BUCKANEI!R. The 01' Buck! A hole in my seat·Party with Dickie. Steve, and friend. Almost got a ticket for

~~~r~~a~:::e~~~:~o~~ :u~ r~~v~~~~~;Yu,~~~~l.

Crackers • she spit them up In my hair. Powder Puff Defense #1. Kristen Prophet! HoJo's with HALO talking all night. truck parts. Jay hurting his ear. Sue's hubcaps, Mudflaps. BRENFISH. My house before the football game. Goodnight my little G·frlendsl Tory and that eplsode.Jen Cole will kick the b . . y outl Halo Farms Is your place. Shop Rite was mine. I love cats. Hit you in the head with can of soda In lunch. Pete's Tree House. B-day party for you at Pete's-everyone wanted to be Invited! Appreciate what you told me at that cafaterla service. Shelly from around your house· made her cry about the alligator. 6 ft. of gum in our mouth 's at once. SO· You broke his heart. Danberry's parties- Me and Danny -Qppsl Brooke's Tent Party- You took my blanket and I NEVER WENT WITH PNI 6th grade· malls every friday night but we never went up to guys. Sister's Mustang convertible· BB.KB.TH,HT. "We're Burning Upl" TH and HT with towels on their head, dancing. You In All Black! Clothes I meant You smelled good when you had that Smoker's Patch . Rides to school Every morning. I really tried not to be late. $$$. Unbelieveablelll We' ve been through more than I can Write. I believe in you now and I do know how great of a friend you are to me. Please take care of yourself and always know how much I care for you. Thanks for Everything! !\IT ALWAYS and I Love You Lots Girlfriendl!l ·Babs Tina Hiner, Pd.8 GYM· CS,8B.TH,DH. Volleyball and SB helping you with Archery. Would you rather be called Dink or Dunk? Dust particle name Babs. Clndl's munchkin team. Clndl's punches DON'T hurt. yours DOI"What's that S .. ton your face?" I swear I don' t like HIM anymore-SURE! My house before the Blue and White Dance. Gary (Barry) gave us a ride but whose Ice Is that? $.3.50 for that mllkshake. I made you pay me back the 2 dollars. Soph Yr. Religion class got caught cheaten THANXI Brooke's Tent Party· you stole my blanket then made up a Rumor. I NEVER WENT WITH PNIII Going to the beach In my sisters Mustang Con· vertlble, BB,KB.TH,HT. on ride home the song Burning Up came on. We said " We're Burning Up.'' Wrapped your heads with towels and danced. Wrong tum, another hour. Buger King· the story about my cat! HoJo's· truck parts, us and Sue staying up all night talking in the hall. you cleaning the place. Halloween at Em· ie's·KJ + TH dancing to the DOORS. Powder Puft' Defense #1. Our bad breath cancellml eachother out! Tutl and fruti :sam phone call. Your Mom read the note I gave you- Great 1st Impression. Retreat, rooming with Jane Doe, staying up til 5am talking and puUing up with Missy's leaslngs of her fumed Salsa sauce. Unforgettable 18th B-day. Thanx again for the little party. The card was unreal. Sing either 1Wo Princes or I Want You Now. Our talk about playing school and ftlllng out forms. The walk around your neighborhood. Bagel Street and the seeds that are always stuck in your teeth. Awh Bobs! Bobs can read. I' m not at Tina 's I'm at the Mall or anywhere else but her house. I'm so sorry! I'll call everyone I know to tell them I'm going to your house. Whos Buddy Simpson? How did I ever get to the other side of the bed, next to Cookie? can me If you ever need a ride to the hospital. The talk in your Mom's room about families. $$$·Unreal! Made me eat McDonald's downstairs by myself. Cards. We'll get Karen one of these days. Todd = Mr.GQ. I changed my mind you are probley In the WILD ZONE! not boring. What do the stars mean? MF,TH.BB talking in your room about old friends! Riding that old rusty bike from Kathy's to the AMACO station. Locker near me Soph yr. Always heard Matt's conversations. BB,TH.CS.MF.Bf· The Women of Today. How nice do I smell today? If I'm ever dropping off a vidlo In Hamilton for my Dad I'll stop by and we can talk for 5hrs. That was such the bonding experlencef I really enjoyed that. I'm SO happy we're good friends and I really hope It continues throughout the years! I've had some of the greatest times with all of you and I am going to miss YOU A LOTI Take care and Thank You for Everything! KIT ALWAYS and I Love You Lotslll Babs To My Underclassmen. JODI MESZAROS. B-BALL was great with yal I'm gonna miss calling out JODII BRANDl LAYTON· the elephant and Mr.Rotondo, B·BALL. E"'oyl KELLY BLACKBURN· you are the coolest player alive! Tell your sweet parents I said HELLO! JEN RES§- You still owe me for taking you home, I hit the curb! MIKE O'MALLEY· say HI to Matt for me and enjoy your last year! Caroline Zaleski. carollnkal D .. knosel Lemonheadl Me with Donnie and Jason. You with Teddy and Chad. Alfroyo and Su· ezentence. Playing school. clowns by your carpeted steps falling all over the place. Phone since the age of eight Mrs.Lund 2 yrs. in a row· ARTWORK! You were the only one one my side when the Rainbow Club was vs. me. Then we moved on to Ararnls and Luis. Your glasses and braces and my braces· same Orthodonist. Dr.Hoffman. You saw me when I walked out of the doctor's olftce after geUing 4 teeth pulled then braces. "HI Barb.'' " Ugl" X·MAS CAROLING I Safety Patrols who took care of ringing the bell and allowing the kids In school. the front doors til after homeroom. the nag in morning and after, the ropes for the playground. We were never In class and still were the favorites! Dlssed the Lute· nient position from Mrs.Toth· remember the teeth, coffee and smoke smell. deep voice, always telling Neally to tuck In her blouse. We swept the awards up you only by .2 of a point. That math and science nun that always picked her nose. She told my Mom I was a troublemaker when it was you who sat In back of me. You OOOFING·Up that Geography Awareness Map thing. GE· OGRAPHY SQUARES-she loved rtl Sr.Rosallma In 5th grade when we cleaned the closet (Sneeklng out the side door everyday) From 2 to 2.30. Then got caught In bathroom and said we were cleaning off the wall because someone wrote something about her. Duty to close the window. Neatly decided to help us In the closet and she threw the rag up and It got wrapped around the light on the ceiling just as Sr. walked ln. That jar full of Bugars we found and her limp hand that she would hit everyone with. 2nd grade Neally's piece of cheese got stuck. in the alphabet. Me and Kristen hated eachother. Ursula's 5 bill stuck In door-oppsl Then In the 8th grade Mrs.Toth was mad and as she walked out of the room she said there wasn't to be a sound. You turned and smiled at me and I politely smiled back. and she saw me In the glass door relectton- came running In screaming at me. Me and Ted knocking off all of your books and moving your desk around. I pulled your chair frOm under you and you fell· of course the teacher saw and I made some fabulous excuse that I didn' t know you were about to sit down. Spelling dittos In our desks during the test. Grad. Dance- Allsha's butt when she danced. The way you danced In general. the butts of all mothers. lzzy in your pool· have to clean that dirty water. Shore· Neatly's bowl of ce·

real . SCREECH!! Jadzia and me at the motel • only 15m in. try .3 hours. Justin and Steve· Hide and Go Seek! Your dull, boring cousin who wasted our time wanting to see fireworks. You came home that night all mad and your Dad got mad at you for being so evil. You were slaming everything down on the table hoping to wake her. SNAPPLE BOTTLE· first what was in it. next is when I threw it. SORRY!! Jon and wonderful Kevin at your house with Ellen. Veterans Park. Your pool and our Hawlian Tours. Your swing set and our Mud Tea. Nice try at volleyball in your back· yard. Ted and your experience with him. Nintendo. No more car accidents. No more newspapers. MR.PUFF FOREVER! TIGGER. TOBIE, the late WHITEY. the gone POOCHIE.and deceased CHEWY FOREVER! Our teacher experiences· Mrs.B . . ch or Lynch. Drawing on the yearbooks. 1.3 YEARS OF FUN! Good Luck in everything you do and I'll be right next to you no matter what! Thank You for Everything! KIT ALWAYS and I Love You Lotslll Babs, Barbie. Barb. Basha Cindi Santo, My Watch which helps me remember your name. You wrote in my yearbook· Pd.8 GYM (BB,CS,TH,OH) • Munchkln team. Love triangle to a square. My volleyball course. I hate that man, I mean girl! " What's that stuff on your face? " Be nice to BC, Sammy with Tina in Archery- "Let me show you how to do that. " Oust particle named Babs. Are you Dink or Dunk? ••m just kid· ding. Yeah I'm just kidding too. I've decided you are in the mid· die of WILD and BORING! Stole my cigs at Kathy's. I rode that Rusty old bike from Kathy 's to AMACO. I had my first Bagel Street dream· You ARE obsessed!! What are you doing woman? My wet look· I need a hairdryer. Never repeat the following; Cheese and Rice. Baking Powder. Unforgettable 18th B-<lay and the little party at Tina ·s- the card was great! That night at Deer Park " That car has .3 headlights, no, thats a spotlight." Courageous Brooke and me upset in the bathroom with you and Sunny ·Thanks for the hug muchly needed! My house before the Blue and White Dance BB.CS.TH.BP. Gary drove us but whose ice is that? Phone about MF for .3 hrs. Should you call him? You have the most shoes. Meredith 's party· No Jay 1 did not Queevel What's wrong with Cindi again? You better stop that!! It smells like s .. tl No. thats Chinese food . Another PAOIOOALf The Ground Round· almost but next time is definite, just ask for that guy. $25..:56 for Poison Ivy. Overdue library book, Guess what? Oh forget it, nothing! ' 'I'm running my bath water." I swear I really don't like him any· more-SURE! I just ate Garlic so excuse my breath. Brooke's tent party· " I NEVER WENT WITH PNlll" I have the best times at Buger King· the story about my cat then us and BP with the ashtray and Nicole's Kid 's Club card. Awh Doug, Awh Bobs. Bobs can read. Are you making fun of me? Sleeping with your shoes in my back. 2 Cigs at once BB.BP.CS.MZ. Sing either Two Princes or I Want You Now. Picture if Jimmy's car. Your mom pays me to hang out with you! Actually you 're going down hill. I don't think we should be friends anymore. Why don't you and Tina go skip school. Smarties candy wrapper from the mall. Whistle keychain. Powder Puff Defense #J.. At the game mud in the mouth and everywhere else. I fell going up the stairs at C·hall. You must beat Carol to Golden Dawn. John. Brooke and Us in the car In front of Scott's house. And then there was this BRICK, CIGERETTE. and DOG. Your Punches DON'T hurt. Retreat· up til five In the morning with Missy and her products of eating too much Salsa sauce. Cars at my house. Don' t sit on Jane Doe at the Football game. Bran is good for you. Ever read the National Enqr? $$$-Unbelievable! Blockbuster Puk. Brooke's snoring. Cln Where·s your garbage can? BB.CS.TH.BP.MF· The Women of Today. If I'm ever dropping a vldlo off for my Dad in Hamilton. I'll stop by. That day, me. you. and Tina talking for five hours In her room. That is definitely one of my best days evert I always have fun with you no matter what we do and I just want you to know that 1 appreciate everything you do for me. 5o Thank You for Everything! I'm going to miss you SO much! You better take care of yourself because believe it or not I care what happens to you. KIT ALWAYS and I Love Ya Lots!!! Babs Missy Famoso. Fr.Yr.StudGov. Forgetting my B-<lay when I showed you and Sue the pin you remembered. You kicked me out of your locker. You 're funny election posters. Clit and Cleave. Phone call from Dave I mean Mike. hitting the bar at Brooke's· moving my car through the mud. don't step on Jane Doe at the football game. Break up many tights lately? start your car·EEKI Morris Hall· baking cookies. John, Dana Bruce In Spanish dass. Bagle Street. Salsa sauce on the Retreat-pueweel Yawn, I mean Mr.Ardery· my sister's tests, the art of cheating. Call me for a bed· time story. BB,TH.BP.CS,MF· The Women of Today. Tree farm In Cindi's car for 2 hrs. Crystal Diner after Jr. Prom. Your imitation of Judy at Peter's. Your great B-<lay at Brooke's, Ever read the National Enqr? $$$-Unreal. Pool table, I NEVER WENT WITH PNI I know where you live now! Its been greaU Thanks for Everything Misl KIT AlWAYS. Love You lotsl Babs orB .. bs Dave Haas. Our ride to Ellen's house- where does she Jive for an hr. driving. then all of us back to my house. Chemistry· teacher just didn't like you. notes on Matozzi's back in Lit. Gym Pd.8. VOLLEYBALL· Tink the ball. Kerry' s hair Just Isn't happen· ing today. I made you laugh for real. Thanks (or always making me laugh. and for adding to my memories! Love ya. Babs Carol Scanlon, B·Ball. how many times did you have to run around the gym? Guy at Ciros-lt must be cold in China! Need a ride to work, tour of Princeton, pass out on my living room floor, drove your car to F·ball game. Where·s Morey? KIT and Luv yal Babs Helen Telles, Cheerleader dance at HoJo's. my house before football game then HOUST on my back. I never picked the songs at BK, night at Kristen 's with CG and me upset. Sister's Mustang convertible BB.HT.TH.KB Towels wrapped around your heads. Burning Up song. " We' re Buring Up" Hickl· I have a picture! KIT you S Brun. chick! Luv yal Babs Chrissy D. Writin~ on the Anatomy board about the blow·up dolls and Timmy M1tzen with his farm animals. So when are we going to talk about that rigged election? Your Surprise party, Ms.Yearbook, Congrats with Field Hockey! I MAP NESS joke. Thanks for the memories! KIT and Good Luck! ·Babsy B Liz White. B·Ball and all of those dreaded memories! our tights Fr.Yr.TENNI5- I will beat you, I will. Naked Gun Part 2. your brother at the gym. I could always tell when you were going up to Mr.Rotondo's desk because I heard your shoes clicking. Thanks for being so Honest. and stay in touch. Maybe we'll meet again In a Marathon or something! You 're a great friend. Love yal Babs Debbie Grasso, Anatomy with AB,SC.HC. Heather's shirt in the sunlight. Gym class with IT. Building muscles at the GYM. Happy we became friends. Good Luck with Hank and KIT! Babs Alison Kakstls. Don't pinch my sides. Carving punpkins. When am 1 going to visit your Shack of a home? You Are from Austr· silia. me and Nick N decided. I haven't gone to the gym lately. LBI· I saw you 7am working at Uncle Wills. KIT and see ya soon! Babs Brooke Perone (Butt), FrYr.soccor-1 broke your nail. Your tent party-THE BEST PARTY I've ever been to. I NEVER WENT WITH PN. picture of you and Keith Harris, your the best t:tostess for a party. My house before the Blue and White dance (BB.TH.BP.CS) got the ice. then your tight with SS. Singing " Everybody must get stoned!" and 2 cigs at one time with BB.BP,MZ.CS. Then Us and Mike "POPI" "SWJCH!" Disturbed Missy. "I have an Interview at B. if you don't stop that I'm not taking you home, Mike." little " pops". I will go in there. Buger King ashtray and Kid's Club- can I fit anymore In my shirt pocket? My firstS .. tat Tina 's. Sorry but I like the Cellca betterll Thanks for my little B-<lay party. that was an unforgetable night. You were brave and I was a coward. But hey, we were safe. Bagel Street. Squirting water from our mouths. Awh Bobs! Beach Day to startoffsummerof '92 BB,KB,HT.TH.BP, JC.EM.JM. SW.PN,MC. Blockbuster Pukl Give MZ balloons, your snore. BB,BP.MF.CS,TH· The Women of Today! KIT and thanks

for all the memories! Love ya lots! Babs (B .. bs) (Bobs) Sunny Sparano. Sunny 104.5. Deer Park·Unforgetable night! Thanks for coming to get me in the bathroom with CS. Talking to my sister and Mom at Express. JrYr. Religion. If I ever need some· one to protect me I know to come to you . Too bad I wasn 't down the shore last summer, but Summer '9.3 Is gonna be great! Hope we continue to be friends, so you better KIT. We have Something in our lives that Is very similar to eachotherll Guess What? Luv YAJBabs John Cimino, I will never pull your finger againlll·Babs Amy Wolochowltz . Pd.8 Gym All-Star Volleyball Team (BB,PS,KN.AW). Our monthly notes· which you said were so funny! Thank you. Night back from Milestone in Kristen's car BB.AW,JC,KN.KB. I had a ball sharing a clg with you,. KIT and have fun in Hamilton all summer! By the way I liked your elon· gated note about field hockey. You've been a pleasure to know. Love yal Babs Peter Singalakis, Baboogala! Mr.Ardery and his perminant creases in his pants. BB always! Where·s my Squeeze-Bottle from the MORI'? You took It away and said " Don't you ever quit?" Your advice has always meant much. Gym Pd.8 All-Star Volley· ball Team (BB,KN,PS,AW). Maybe I will be a stand-up comic " Is anybody here from Newark, anybody from Newark?" Your Tree House. Our B-<lay party for Kristen. Mass.Trip party in Rm.99. Lots of memories. Thanks! Love yal Babs Kerry Chrlstofoletti, Hey. what period English are you in? I'm in fifth period. so you must sit in the back with all the nerds. Where's your sock headband? All of our tights· End to friend· ship- No Way. Maybe you should go see your Guidance Counselor. I'm not mad that you went with Him to the Cotillion· SURE. Basketball· bus rides, practices, pasta parties, sitting during games. Fr.Yr. religion class·! laughed at your bible falling and got in trouble. Let's rate 1 to 10. $$$-Unreal. My little problem with K, so I wrote her a bad note. that was mean. Nice to be a flirt! Your note was right on time. Thanks for Everything Kerf You 've always made me happy and Are a True Friend. ou better keep in touch II Love You Lotslll Babs (Barb,Barble) Cheryl Eitzen. What's that dance step I did at your B-day party? Our talks on the phone· so what have you done? Oanberry's house· this Is your best friend the toilet, I pushed you up the stairs. Massachusetts trip and your quote. The note Fr. Yr. asking if you hated me. Cats! KIT. Luv yal Babs Amy Fell, Didn't I see you In KNG? Suzy's Halloween party. My beach house·BB,AF,CC. Talking til four in the morning. you hit that pole. and that Guy. WOWII! Babs Jamie Bonnanni. My perfume Eternity or Escape, JC· Remem· ber that. You use so much toilet paper. Bulls 2.3 beat your PIS· tons and I won ten dollars. Calm down I wasn't talking about you. Babs Jackie Bugdal , Bugs! Your bible Fr.Yr. with my poems. Jackie Is a rose In a pile of prcks. All of our walks to lunch· first we stop in your dad's office. Let's say Hi to people In the hall that we don't know just to see their reactions. Notetaker #2. Have fun at TSC and KIT! Babs Nicole Regan. I'll call you when I'm having trouble with math. the picture of his exglrl that I gave to you. Let's plan a wedding and change the song on everyone. It's been greaU Most definitely KIT. Babs • Gary Wasko, Hey Neighbor! I always seem to be there when you 're talking to HER! Thanks for driving us to the dance. Where·s my SNAPP tape? Good Luck Fireman! Babs Oanberry, All of your WILD PARTIES! Playing pool. DS in your bathroom-oppsll PMF and TGIF's. All of our classes FrYr. Buom· chicka·Buomerderdentl What can 1 say? Glad we survived ea· chother. KIT and be good! ·Babs Neil Potter, Having all those glorious classes together Jr.Yr. Jane Confoy to Mrs.B .. ch I mean Lynch. Neil Peter Potter· I said It and messed up your FrYr. school picture. Thanks and KITI ·Babs Meg Harkness, Chemistry = failure- theres one equation I know! Sorry I didn't have fun at your house after the Prom. HAl KIT· Babs (GOO) Jadzla, OORK BABY LIVES FOREVERI!Il Erik Murtha. I promise I will never go paranoid again like the night of the Not·Golng·To·Cotlllionl But once I got to Meredith 's It was OK. I really didn't pick those songs at Buger King. Deer Park, Milestone Land, Tree Farm· lots of drinking memories! Too bad we got-such good grades on our Lit. papers that were illiglt while everyone else failed! KIT ·Babs Jay Maxwell, HI. Bye! Thanks for driving everywhere In Mile· stone with mellts too bad you 're mean to me so much. I can ac· tuallr sometimes hear you laughing in History. One last thing· Who s your Hero? MAGYVERII Remember that? KIT -Babs Jamie Papa. Pops! Teach me and Kelly Trig at the lunch tablel Like my new ring? SIKEI KIT and I'll see ya this summer! ·Babs Joanne DiNola, THIEFIII You and Joanne's scandal to steal my pictures. Are you In my Physical Science class? ·Babs Tara Suntato. Thats quite the talent you have there with Squirt· lng Water! Baking cookies at Morris Hall· You said you never liked me in the pasu That didn't hurt· SNIFF! SNIFF! Oil of Olay not the tanning salon. KIT· Babs Jen Welsh. That little note from Retreat was The most heart· warming thing. I'll room with Jane Doe. You telling off that girl at • the F·Ball game. Fr.Yr.Soccor·surel HoJo's. Lunch chats! That perfume you were wearing In the car that day smelled so good· Paris. We have to hang out this weekend. Sorry if I got Snotty and thanks for telling me. Thanks for Everything. You ARE the sweet· est girl I know. KIT Glrtfriendl Love yal Babs Ellen Woody. Love Triangle. You go with him. no you go! Caroline's with Kevin Naaho. Studying for Chern and Algebra. Dave and his slogans. What on earth are you doing? OK girls Settle. never clean mess up in Lab. Our leather gloves on that wonderful bonding night. KIT and see you at Church! ·Babs Kelly Neall, Blue Eyeliner chick! Designated A .. hole forever! Drive to Brooke's tent party. Finding my charms at the dance· Thanks! How about that Chern Exam? Old I tell you I almost hit a possum going to the soccor game? Pete's Tree House. Gym All· Star Volleyball Team (BB.KN,AW.PS) Try and KIT OK? Luv yal Babs Maddie Sirak, Aren't you suppost to be In SC? Its too bad you had to leave. I hit you In the back Accidently then I became the volleyball that you were hitting. So Barbara I at the soccor game. All ol our talks and the advice exchanged. JL then JP problems. My Interesting life. Controllng Cseh that night at Danberry·s. You were always there for me and I'll never forget that! Thanks for Ev· erythlng and KIT ·Babs Rebecca Rottcamp. Suzy's Halloween party. Anatomy class. Hi Neill J.K. You' re a really sweet girl. stay that way! KIT· Babs Martin Gilbert, always glad to help ya out. All of our conversa· tlons about Her. Thanks for the ride home from your house. KIT. Babs Sue Nemeth. Oanberry's parties, party after the MORP, Gym class with Us SO,OC,AW. Lunch· BB,SN.KJ· Soph.Yr. Halloween Party at your house. what was I doing at Your house? I had a ball watching Amy and Rebecca. KIT and be Good! Babs Kelly Corboy, Your clog fell off In Trig. Your stuffed beaver, Joke I MAP NESS, Like my new ring. SiKEI I really didn't pick those songs at Buger King. I work at Jerry's Frozen Yougarts. Girlfriends! You slapped JC In the face In lunch. Picture with the candy cane, The Kellmister·Kellarina, Ask Jamie to explain Trig to us. " Sure God created man before woman. But there's always a Roughdraft before the final Masterpiece." Helping me to school with my broken ankle, wait. how did you break yours again? Cows! Try and KIT ok? Later Queen St. Pat! Love Yal Babs Cseh, You 'll always be Cseh to me. HairCseh. My house· You on the phone with SG. hold on, PUKI Put you In the shower. Nice

show at Pete's with CB. All the times at PMF and TGIF's. Going to visit the hospital and your station wagon slid. Where·s my Sweater? BB.AF,CC, with Jeep guys at the beach. Oanberry·s house Danny-QPPSI Sitting around the comer of her house trying to drink everything. Talk about tampons. Nice dis at beach house. Even better dis after the Cotillion saying nObOdy was sleeping over. KIT and Be good! Babs Katrina Blake. I'm a Notetakerl Races to lockers after History. Why does he always hollar at me? Yarnball In 8th grade· I DID NOT throw ltll Good Luck and don't woft( too hard. Babs Brendan Cartilage. Worst Joke Wednesday! Big Money Thursday! Gym class with Cindl and Tina. CS will only talk to you If TH is not around. Meredith's party, me, you. and Scott's mix. Retreat! Take care of yourself and KIT. Babs Alyson Callan, The phone for .:s hours, never did team how to play Basketball but did get an awhful lot of splinters. Alysom Cal· Ia h. Deer pam. I'll stop by Leamer's and buy you some vitamins. Soccor and Softball· Yeah I stink there tool Oanberry's bouse with Danny· Mistaken Babs Air Jordan Alan Baker, Biology partners. Anatomy with HC,SC.HC. Heath· er's shirt in the sunllght. Cindi couldn't see us at the Tree farm. Rub my legl I fell at Pete's and you helped me up. KIT buddyJ Babs Heather Cyms, Wake Up! Little Ms. Can't Be Wrong. Queenie· lgures. Sit properly. Anatomy class with the sunlight on your shirt. Psych·Yawnl Gym· volleyball with Dave. KIT In your Perfect Life! Babs Jen Cole. You Love Tom Flynl Shop Rite, Steve. your finger cut while on the phone with me. You fell In between the beds and hurt your leg down the shore. I don't know I just don't know· Mr.Rhym. G·Frlendsl Ms.Oevlantl KIT. Babs Mary Foster, Sleeping on your boat· they were suchjerksl Mas· sachusetts trip, I' ll be seeing yal Babs Debbie Choquette. Videotape of us in the hallway· This Is my friend Debbie! After school waiting for your sister, people said HI to you and not me, Hey Debbs· that top on dress down day. as· sembly on Sex. I know who your One guy would be. Cover while I fix my bra In hall. Soph Yr.· Gym class and notes In Driver's Ed. Skiing BB,JC,OC. Brian. Hit the blue barrel In the trees. Make an attempt to KIT. HA HA. Love yal Babs Joanne Cippulo, Fell down the stairs like good ol' Jeff. swlpt a dime from your lunch table. Psychology· <lirlsl tk was always rubbing her back. Walt, Lori has the answer! Some people would give the class their whole life story·J and M. Let's walk to class together. Thief who stole my pictures. Rocky with TS. Worldng out with the old men. Sunny and us talking In Balcony, THIEflll Danny Schuster oppsl BJ. Skiing with BB,OC.JC. Brian. KIT Babs Sue Ostrowski. Howle the Chicken I I accidently scratched your table spinning the vase at the X-Mas party. fr.Yr.StudGov. tights every day In homeroom, You stepped on Jane Doe at Football game. Pizza man at Kristen's, McDonald's vase of flowers from Tip at Helen's-<ouldn't get the screen door open. Rm. 1.30 at HoJo's· me you and Tina talking In the hall all night. Halo. and your hubcaps! Story about my cat at Burger King. Junior Prom- Chris and Ben were late. Retreat· watching the movie. Girlfriends! Thanks for all you've done for me. I'm confident now, thanks and Love yal Take Care out In Virginia and KIT! Babs JACKJf: BUQDAL To the 1992 Varsity Field Hockey team: CO, Bl', RC. TS. JS. AW. CM, JMc, MM, MB. JS, Lf. MH, KK, CL, JC. EB. Totrer, ~ Lyric Thanks so much! We we're unbelievable this yeartll. To the se· niors-thank you so much ~ I'll miss you a Jot; to all the others· Good luck next season~ I'll definitely be back to see you play. Chrissy at Becca - all 4 years of hockey together. don't ever forget the fun times we had at lluv yal! Mrs. Major - You're the bestll! Thank you for being a great coach at for all you've done for me. Joy Ann - Where did the 4 years go? Don't ever forget the pink cow, Miss America pageant. Chris B. at Jay f . and out after· school water fight. Axle Rose look-a-likes. Pitch·N·Putt (W/ Jeff. Jeff, at Dave). trying to get you at Troy together. your sul\)rlse Bday party at T.O.I. l'rktay's, the beach W/ Jill's wonderful sun· bum, Sea Isle guards"'Oon't talk to her, she's a flirt". the toll col· lector (had to have been a guyl), Hot Rod Rob (running from him), Nova Scotia men, Paul Simon concert- Does Ablngton Prep ring a bell?. Scattergories, ping pong ball fmhts, chicken pox-which I wljl never forgive you forll, mini goif on the ww boardwalk w; Mike, Rob, at l'reddy at your asthma attack, soft· ball. field hockey, camp W/ "Billy"~ Todd, Drew beating you up In my basement-All the memories! Thanx for being a great friend. Definitely keep In touch! Jill - I can't believe we made It thru all 4 years! Don't ever for· get our talk In the CC locker room at the Blue at White dance (we should have went to the TSC·Drew field hockey game Instead), Freshman yr. Spanish wf Darren at Steve Campbell (oh myl), all our skits In Schultz's dass. same English dass for .3 years at the same grades. Shlrmer rellglon·Prodanov In Shlrmer's room after schooll. AP Typing II, Great Adventure W/ Eric at Bobby (what a day!) Pitch·N·Putt, You beating me w; the club, your sunburn In Sea Isle "I never get burnt!" YEA, RlGHTIII "Don't make me laugh". Hot Rod Rob In Sea Isle. Vince, Joe Q, Eric s .. Mike H. (should I continue?). field hockey (get "loony") at all our bruises. We are the best Jack~ Jill ever at always will bel Keep In touch. Megan McGIInchy - How about the night out for Clapton tick· ets w1 my boyfriend II will never forgive you for that Oust kidding) Remember all the fun times over the years-softball. field hockey, Biology at our notes about Mike Mctwan, (I think we should have tried out for pole vault, we spent enough time there!) lluv yal Tara flandaca - ''Do you have Anatomy?" Remember His· tory, Psychology, our skits in Spanish.~ all the run times. Thanx for talking to me thru all the times I needed help~ getting out of detention In Cevera's class was so much run. I'll nilss you-keep In touch I Katrina ~ Katie - Thanx for putting up W/ me In Ac:countlna. Never forget the 2 lovers behind us who were SO annoying ~ don't ever forget PUR<:HA·StSnl (He, Hel) Katrina. don't l'oiget your 2 buddies In the hatH know you are bat Mends with them (Just KlddlngUI) Oood luck with Mike. Katie, I KNOW I will see you next year. 1 really hope rooming together workS out-that would be great! You guys are the beSt! We cldnltdy have to get ~ether over the summer. I love yalll Kris Chebra - Oood Luck In all that you do, especially In act· log. Thank you lOr ~ such a great friend ~ for being there when I needed you. Don t ever forget Calculus Mm. Z ~prom nite at my house~ all thejokesiiNHS homeroom was the best· breaking In w; credit cards at alllllove a~ ~y kup In




Missy Cef ~ Matt Michaud - Thank you or being such great friends! Missy. you cldnltdy helped me thru Chemistry ~ Calculus-w; out you I wouldn't know what to doll Don't ever forget our talks about Brady ~ Craig. You have always been there when I needed someone to talk to~ chat with In dass. In the halls~ all the time In lunch. You are truly a very special Mend-next year definitely won't be the same. Matthw. you're great. don't ever change! I wish you~ Missy the best of luck together. Don't evety forget all .3 years of math dass together ~ wonderful Chemistry class. I'll miss you next year· Keep fn touch I Frostle Vlpples - (He, tkll) TttanM so much for being a great friend. You were always there to listen to my problems ~nelp out. Don't ever forget your surprise 8-day party at my house, the sophmore year after-school party w; Drew. softball freshman year. playing Nlntendo (Mario Bros.). ~all your men over the years. You will always be my big sister (only by .3 days, though!) I love ya at I will miss you a lot. Good Luck next year ~ keep In


touch! Ted Swan - Don't ever forget all our talks at all the fun we had at the Greaseband dance. I am really glad that I got to know you much better at become really good friends this past year. Good luck next year & keep in touch. To everyone else - all my teachers at friends - thanx so much for all the memortes! Craig Smolar - Thank you for being my BEST friend! Thank you for always being there for me thru everything. We've shared so many fun times together at you mean so much to me. I'm al· ways here for you at I love you very much!! Melissa -You're the best little sister anyone could ever have! I love you very much! To my parents - this is for you because ou mean so much to mel Thank you for all that you have done or me. You've always been there when I've had problems & we've always worked them out. You 've helped my be successful & feel confident in myself at all that I do. There's not enough words to say thank you, & llove you both very much!!! E.LIZABE.TH BUTLE.R Here's to the ones that we luv, and here's to the ones that luv us but if the ones that we luv aren't the ones that luv us, forget all ofthem,here's to us! Cattani·HI Fluffy (Frosh yr) "We gotta have a talk babe" All our classes were the best. esp.pd 8 Ha Ha. You're the best, even if you do always forget your one line. Remember all our great times & never let anyone make U feel less than U are.special .. Nikki Cheb. ·We gotta go iceskating again lover. "STOP STEEL· lNG ALL THE COVERS"! Maybe we can have a mary kay party again,notl Cherish the good times,l'll always luv U, at so will Buba. Take care and good luck!! Kristin Chebra·l spelled it ri htl You were a great Adalaide, General. Ado,& Pink Lady, and I'll never call U cute when U Wear pig-tails again. Being Alto buddies was fun. I'm glad we made mistakes together. let's remind each other not to do it again OK! Keep Smilin. Take Care,Luv Ya Roger-Yes I'll help U study .. Math was great. Thanx for all the advise you gave me.lknow girls are a pain. Some day I'll beat you in one on one. Love Always Elizabeth Patty-Retreat Roomi, P.O. Maybe I'll take U to a Bruce concert someday. Don't ever forget History, oh, how could you.New Year's Ricky, Rumbuseats, Dumbo, Mike, Oklahoma!, Uptown Weirdos, retreat. certain people we luv to hate. I will try and be· have myself, but,you know mel Love Always Lizzy Karen·What's his name this week? I'm not going to tell you about the baseball game,and no juicy details. Rumbleseats. Hal· loween, Keith. Ricky, the ugly one, at all the rest. We'll have to get together and count them all up sometime. Jadzia·What color is your hair going to be this month? Just kid· ding. How's Denis? Don't forget Matt. Retreat. football Crystal Clear· Rumbleseats, Herb.Halloween, New Year's.Luv Ya Ruby· " It's Monday" I Physics, retreat, Rumbleseats. ' 'This glass Is dirty,! want another one." Take Care, Keep Smllinl! Ally·Cat Start worrying when U start getting Love Letters! Jablonski. Nikki's really mine, are you jealous? Matt-You're the best friend anyone could have. Mr. Spain and I both agree that you're a great actor to. Never forget basket· ball.getting lost In your own wods,Ariel. iceskating, Cotillion '93,dance class with Mr.S, Love Always Betsy Elena-see ya in West Chester! Solan·Never in a million years. Keep dream in!! Janice·! had a dream my life would be . . . Well.maybe some day. Trisha·Hey little sis. you better be good when I'm gone!! Boz·You're my best buddy,U know I tell you everything. If you ask me the question again someday,! might have a different an· swer,but.rtl always luv you. ND Tech Crew '9.3·You guys were the greatest. Who's going to boss you around when I'm gone? Anyone up for pizza? Hoffa, where are you? Spraypalnt. To TOM,you cannot drive my car it might break down. Wehr "Guys Help my foot's stuck on a nail" I Luv You Guys·from the #1 tech chick·Liz.the power tool queen.


VINC~ BUITACI Domingo Vasquez: Dominic Vasqueegi. Hit the ball like a little piece of bachangal What are we doing tonight? planning ahead! So you want to go home? I'll take you home. after this! This is the INS! Do you have a green card? "Life it seems to fade away .. .. Drifting further every day" Don't touch my hlarl!!l No fear be· cause you only die once! Remember Multus Strangeus Bachan· gusll Nick DeMaio: G.G.P. in full effect, Death to the Anglos! Take the Express Lane It will get us there faster. Uh Nick I think your gonna have to cross the median. ''Guys I only have five dollars." "You boys ain't from around here. are you?" Swimmers beware theeir's a shark in the water. Black Berry Brandy. Gus's class, scalpul. "I won't touch a dead grasshopper." The trips to get the machine. There are only so many times you can play "Knocking on Heavens Door"! Anspo Saxons Can't Cook or make Love! Here's to gullible rich gtrls that live down the shore and idiots who can't drive golf carts. Eric Baxter: Baxter you stinking yamooll New Years and S.W .• The 4th of July down the shore. "Vince I can't see!" "What did you say your name was?" The Concoction: What the hell are we drinking? Gurba's house, Calu's back, Orca Man, Jose's class, Gavin's class. Karen, stuffed frogs, The Second Coming on Labor Day, My cousin, The Board Walk Video. "Just got out of the shower! Just got a wee weer· Greg Martin: "That l@#$ !@#$ isn't gonna tum!" "I don't think so", Where did the hamburger go? "''m not drunk!" "I hate you,ll" Riding to school with Harry, "I could break my nose", Renegade Cop vs. Lizard Man, Caddy Shack: But father, "Bull my name's Jim!" Your a man of God, "There Is no God!"; Old faith· ful. The Tank. and The Shark, "Carol Ann's In the T.V." St. Ann's platter control. Franswa the Walter. Loti's grandmother, "Greg's black!", Cannon Ball Run: "I don't think so J.J." "No thank you". Scott Kemlc, "Would you like some candy little girl?" Goats, Trips to the shore. "Roy did you say anus?" "I said heinous you dumb I@#$ hillbilly", Stem In the morning, Lori's house, Up against the car Leroy Brown. "Die piglll!ll"; "She better not have a dog!" Not pool again. Kim, Jose, and Kerins, Haas's Party. Stef· ero's car.Yacking in my bathroom. Harry Masterson: The Forgotten American. Renegade Cop, The Richie Cunningham Mobile, The truck, Sabba*h Melissa Wigel, next time find your own date "Got a dollar", "What's an A chord", Been a long time hasn't it. The fight I would have kicked your!@#. Melissa Butera: You're a sick girl, You emotionally scarred me for the rest of my life. You drive like your dog, Graz, "She will never find out" Happy Trails Chris Vicaro: "I can't take It any morel", "She discliminates against Italians!", G.G.P., The Godfather, lunch sophomore and junior year, "The Eagles!", "Are you boys In the mafta?" Dan Comer: "I have pimples more attractive than you!" Leron Rogers: You got another ticket? "What are you getting racial?", well packaged, educational films, "Are you sure you can drive home?" "Ron sing something sexy." Stay away from my girl friend! the band, skeezers. the lunch table. complaining about Henkel. fight stories, drinking adventures, your punctual· ity. fruit filled crepes. and our plans always getting screwed up. Later buddy. Mike Pietras: Mr. Pietras I've got a plan, You want to buy a Jot· tery ticket?, "We need to make money with out working It Is part

of our lineage." Maybe my cousin has a job for us. Halloween Ju· nior year. Best ofluck with Carla. Ed Emde: Thanks for all of the racial comments, I never knew there were that many names for an Italian till I met you. Mike Davies: Hllliili Mike, Hello!, Not pool again, "I never met anyone whose name ended in vowel before I moved here. I never met any ltallnas before." Reefer Madness, Shaft, "Levar the black kid" "I just did not find that funny", hanging out at the 7 Eleven. obstacle pool. the Ground Round Dracula. Nick's sister, Greg's dad, Mike Davies the lounge singer, your strange taste in music, and most of all Sinatra Is God! Byyyyyye Mike Jackie Bugdal: For old times sake, "Buck up little trooper it will be okay." Martin Gilbert: When are you gonna hook me up? Matt Pliblla: "You know you are a wonderful girl and I really re· spect you so what do you say we. you know." "No take me homer·, 'Til take you home after this !II" Carry on my legacy Kyle Pultorak: I know you have lost all respect for me, I just want you to know I was only joking. Sorry and Happy Trails. Reynold Massenat: Big Ren thanks for all the advice on life and game predictions, you should become a booky. 'Tm not lazy. I'm a business man." Carla Volk: I will never forget Martin's class, the woman scared the hell out of me. Best of luck with Mike (Try to keep him out or trouble) Eric Wills: The fastest white man alive, the lunch tables carry on my legacy of slapping. fred Callander: " What do you want to do noW?" ALYSON CALLAN Mark Jablonski • Wait don't move • there's an eyelash • got it. Total satisfaction. Let's get married. Always remember that an· noying person who sat behind you in every class: Will you help me? A.J. If you smoke, you'll choke, then you will croak. Matt's par· ty· Crying over JM and NP. Mistake. Tuesdays at Service not watching movies. What movie? Keep dippin that chew. Call me, we'll do lunch. Little Ceasar's. Brendan· Stay away from my locker Babs· Oh. excuse me. air Jordan. Well, let's see benched at soccer. basketball and softball. Jay· Thanks for the prom· Sorry about my disease, even though you got Into my school· you're still a great guy. Vince· Denny's. Let's go dancing. Way! Wayl Ya busy. let's talk all night. My car is about to fall off. Good job on the truck. Beth· You need help with the guy situation. JS definitely NOTI Stay away from Navy guys with other girlfriends. Gomez is the man. Nick· One of these days. Ouch· nice hair. I'll rip every hair off your leg. I'm smarter than you. Watch tOr an oncoming door when someone is pulling on your bookbag. You may get hit. Jamie· I'll always cover for you If you need me. God we look the same. have the same probs. AHHI Tara· I hate this abbreviation stuff· whats up with it? Don't for· get long drives to about everywhere. I hate school. everyone. I'm hungry. let's go to Chuck's. Avoid houses with one light on· you may get killed· Go for it. Don' t change. Stay away from men wj wives! Missy· "PARTY"· That's what its about. Forget clgs. I like cl· ~sn·s~l~e ~~~- remember sophomore year· canT say 1 do· Missy Cef· You touched my back, now scratch itl Susie· Wait· who did I meet you? Whoa! Avoid slippery stairs· you may fall. Whats all over your face. Aww puppy love: SG, SW, BH, PP, RK, KK. JB, MG the list goes on· need I say more? Limit your phone calls-someone may be trying to call you. Need Me· Donald's, cool ranch? Remember who taught you everything you know. Alan· Twinkle. What month are you? Say hello to Wilber for me. 1hate you. Ya big baby. Always remember 5/11/92 and 8/10/92. Answer the phone, I know you're there wj .... You're not wear· ing that are you? Ever hide In a closet before? I'm a nasty girl· AI· ways keep a special place for me In your heart. I love you! Want a dove bar. "What??'' Bert. I want pizza. Joanne Clpul!o • need a cotillion date. Why don't you ask Mike. Stay away from guys- there're too many. Remember tuesday's service. Don't drive too fast. After this no more throwing certain things away in sct}ool garbage cans. Don't ask me to go to the drugstore. Aerobics anyone. Want to go exercise? SU~CARROLL

Ellen· Journalism bud. gym wfCarrie, I don't have plains. strawberry fields, so many stories. You're the best. I love you. Carrie· Freshman gym, The wh~ell Adam. Setting my shoe on fire. The Indigo Girls. EMILY!! Thumbsucklng. Gym wfNellle. I don't have plains. Teach me about sex. New Year's Eve and the cotillion. Miss Clark sayings. so many other memories. Stay In touch (call me on your video phone). Matt· God, Cindy-maybe not. New Year's Eve· missing for 2 hours, 69 cent nuts, Yvonne· I never knew. Carvel· missing Seln· feld, whipped cream, "hugging," Cotillion wjAngela, my couch, pickles, driving lessons. My obsession wj candybars, Take care or my best friend. Adam- Homeroom. lost in Dorney Park, X·rated lunch talks. Carrie, Pizza Hut, Mr. Gretsky. Ward and June. Chris, Barbara and A.P., the unmentionable sport at our matching bookbags. Krlstlo- So many men, so little room. Heath· ooh baby. Our fave teachers- Clark, Kaplan, Gianpetro. Henkel. shocking con· vos. Province Line Rd. and the Sunblrd. Todd· EW. Don't forget all our memories and don't forget mel Mike at Melissa· Good luck and inyite me to the wedding. Suuu· uue! Amy- Never forget all those cool rides in the Astre. Kathy· Hope the future brings better luck with men. DiNatale- MOOI Barbara· Jungle fever, religion buddies. why did your man stop wearing shorts. I'll see you after graduation. I'll bling you Andes. Angela· 10 years of friendship can't be put in here. I love you, never forget me or any of our memories, or laughs, or tears, or men (Chris). or stupid talks, or dreams. Mom, Dad, Margaret, Katie. Walt, Terry at Tricia: Thanks for Everything! TODD CARUSO Jennifer Corban: HI Beautiful, well Its finally here. the end of the rope, time to act mature . . . NEVER! July 22. 1975/ our birthday! Cotillion, the best night of my entire life. Do you always eat your pizza with fork and knife. Can I have something to drink Jen Devoe's ... WOWI Stop Todd or I'll choke, Sorry. How did you drink that so fast? Saturday night at my house watching Dirty Dancing. Laura's house, Rolling Rock bottle with rose, what a good Idea. Hey, nice to drool on my hand. Jr:RMI Don't ever again eat the sausage off my pizza, you don't like it. Airs show and car races, 103..3- I didn't forget about you, I thought you were dead! More questions. tell me a story? Our island on St. Martten. December '91. oops! Oklahoma was the dumbest show, but the cast parties were pretty good. Having to watch me kiss somebody else (HA HA)lll! -4. March 6, 1992· I love you, ssh no words! Do you need a haircut, let me get the Flowbee. Stop tripping over those yearbooks you clutz, but was It the wall. Jen, my dad's here ··1 don't care!" Madligal class is a joke. we sound so bad. Nice blue dress, just kidding, I hate my tux but you don't. #7 In the cellar .. . #11 and counting. I promise l will never flirt again. Sophomore year religion class. you were scared, thank god the lighter worked. Golden Dawn. Mastorls· you and Marla have got to behave. _I ordered a coke not coffee that dam walt·

ress. foot locker. forgot to try the shoes on. whoops. I think I

=~~~~~i~~~~ ~~"3;e ~~~:~ ~~~~ ~~~':~~'.> r~~~: 0

the man! I beat you In basketball Pair and square. Valenftne's day sophomore year, your crazy. The Sean Miller Incident. Its a bruise really. That was so romantic standing in the rain hollering at each other. Are you ever going to get that car painted. "I want a Miata," thats all I heard. Well enough fun memories here comes the serious part . . . Jennifer, what would I have done without you. the moment I saw you that night or the cotillion I knew there was a bond. these past two years have been so re· warding for me. you have always been there for me. through the shows. through other relationships, and most of all helping me with my moments about my mother. I wish she could have met you What we have shared I will cherish for the rest of my life. I know we've had our bad moments but I just can't seem to hate you, this I believe Is because I love you so strongly. Every lime I see you even talk to you I get a sense of warmth and belonging. I don't mean to get all serious but I just need you to understand that my life can go on with you near. And you didn't want to talk to me ever again, what are you crazy. I must say before I leave that our love I will strongly chertslt till the day I die, even If we are never together again. I Jove you Jennifer Lynn. No Matter Whatllll Love always and forever, Toddster. Frank Donofrio: What up cool? Well four years have pasted and I still haven't gotten you back for pushing me down In front of T.H. I liked her you jeri\. I think back and laugh though so don't worry I won't kick your butt. I will beat you someday at one on one, I will. Don't ever forget Grease. Oklahoma, and Guys and Dolls. The cast parties, sleeping over your house and Roger and me always getting sick the next day. So many women so little time. Never did get on that damn soccer team, oh welll Chris Bark·at·the·moon. what a mistake. You never did like J.C. with me, did you? Sorry man. I Jove her. But anyway. let's take a ride in the Cherokee . . . oops sorry almst forgot fllpl Just kidding. your alive that's all that matters. Senior retreat. Wildwood, Dor· ney . . . I must say that we've been through alot. Th8fes lots more frank, but I just can't remember. I owe so much to you for always being. Stay In touch and we're brothers forever. PEACE. Roger Del Prado: Whats up cool. still hate me? I think youre the only person I hated the first two years and was like brothers the other two years. You've been a really good friend, don't ever rorget playing baseball at all the fields In Ewing and Basketball, football games at Matt's. The "Three Amigos" In Madrigal. Get· ting ready to fight everybody that was gonna kick my Remember Oklahoma and Guys at Dolls. what a great time. Senior retreat was a great experience, thanx for keeping me calm about J.C .. I would have lipped his head olf. the Super Bowl party. VIcki stop ltl Me never watching G.J. Joe. Roger thanx for being there for me. since I'm going to Mercer when you come back from college give me a call. Brothers forever. PMCf. Sammy Batista: Whats up chief? Hey, nice freakln' halrt Just kidding, I think we have collectively had more female problems than anyone in New Jersey. But we've survived, but hey Doot~· dool Thanx for keeping me calm during Physical Science pd. 2. Golden Dawn, Mastorls. will Melissa, Maria and Jen ever behave. Going to the fizz. beating you In Madden football, your mom's pori\ chops, your no fat diet, bowling at Colonial and trying to pick up every chick In there. hustling me at pool. sleeping over In that closet of a room. Just kidding, well Sam I'm gonna jet be· cause I don't have a good memory but It's been a good four years, good luck with Marla or whoever you're with. I never know anymore. and I'll Jove J.C. forever, who knows what will happen with that. Keep In touch and don't ever forget our friendship. LeRon Rogers: What up my brother. hey guess what?l We made lt. You know, for half of freshman year I thought your name was fl Ron (HA HA) Football at Frank's, slipping and sliding around the field. Oklahoma and Guys and Dolls were the best. at least for one of us! Damn, you sing like a Soul Brother, Mac Daddy! Crystal Diner and Martins the morning of the delay. Helping me through problems with S.S., singing or the karaoke at Steph's. Student government '9.:5 rules the world. Havana scene. what a joke! Hey Ron A.M. has a nice don't you agree? Prince and the N.P.G. Is the best group around. Sitting In your car singing to the Christmas tape. Tom Domlncik's party, I didn't need to stay an extra hour. As soon as you get the motorcycle. I get to drive. Thanx for being there for me. brothe"' forever. PMCt. Maddie Sirak· Hey Maria. just kidding I know yap hate thatl Well never knew you could become such good friendS with some· one In a year and a half. DOn't ever forget our lntellectural talks at the parties. What kind or cigarette was that anyway? Hopefully 1 won't have to write you a yearbook supplement this year. Do you still have that? I love the hair even thoUQh I didn't know who you wer~ when you stopped by my work. Nk:e laugh, yes all ten of them. Hey you want to go to the movies? Thanx for giving me your cold. 8111 hates me doesn't he? But you saki It, not mel Don't ever forget soup and gartk bread. our excursions to the mall ... every night slnrong Sinatra and Harry Connick Jr. to you, and foremost the Cotililon, had a great time! That last piece of goopy cake was mine. Thanks for always being there and don't ever forget me .. . how can you, I'm too cute! Laura Heinz: Hey friend, whats up with my leading lady for the past two years. We've been good friends since freshman year when you asked me something In Religion class, and I was scared of you. Don't ever forget all the fun from the three shows and of course the cast parties. Ccchammmpl Our long talks about your guy problems and my girl problems . . That fettucinl Alfredo was delicious. Hey lets go get some Dunkin Donuts. Assistant Tech Director . . . yeah rightn Just kidding, well I don't know what to say, your one of my best friends and I thank you for always being there. Don't ever forget me and keep In touch. Thanks especially for helping me with the Jen Situation. I guess I'll alwyas love her. Please stay the way you are and don't do too much of that Buns of Steel. Its not good for you. Matt Kasprzak: Hey. guess what .. . No more years of this hold The Me Nobody Heard Of Grease, Oklahoma. Guys and Dolls the Bestl football. Basketball . .. I will beat you one on one someday. Phlllles games and watching the Flyers in from row seats think they would play a game. Oh by the way you sounded really good last Friday. football pass It on. That beast you went out with last year. Did you pay her or what ... just kidding. Good luck with Liz and see ya in Mercer. Victoria Czarnik: Hey kid what up. I must say Its been swell. ~ we friends yet?! I don't look like Sean AstJnr The show were great. 1 think, Madrigal was okay, The Atlantic City show. Mary Ann. Stop pushing my knee from behind. I'm serious, letS do ltl Hey thanks for being a friend.

~f!~ .:a".:yg; :.::. ~up~~: :;:n~~{~

great, I think. The Ch~tmas'lajama Jammy Jam ... Sykel Glvfng me rides to the parties, Foster's house. don't let me jump on any other cars. I will always beat you in pool. Junior and Senior lunches the best. heywalt your a traitor. What else can I say but Yup-yup. snap-snap (over the head). Good luck with Lorena. In· vite me to the wedding, keep running. K..rlstln Chebra: Hey kid, what's up! Well. It's been great thru years. Thanks for being a ~ood friend. Grease. Oklahoma. Ouys and Dolls, Madrigal .. . we re still alive! What ever happened ~ tween you and B.W.? Just don't forget that Its Buick Day and I think you need a haircut, let me get the flowbeel Good Morrow Kate ... SMACK! Don't let It happen again. Don't ever forget me and sorry I didn't remember more but 1have a bad memory. Lou Crivelli: Are you talking about my guitar? I will never forget that. You've been a really good friend ever since freshman year soccer tryouts. So many women. so little time ... well hold on. I still have ten minutes! Grease. Oklahoma. Guys and Dolls, stu-

~:~~r_e~~n~~~~~e~g~!~ 'aV::~ ~~~(e~ubi~ i~~1t~~~~~~~ wedding! Mike Davies: What up Jack Frost! Hey Mike, theres a seat for you in the comer. Hey Bud, you 've been a really good ftiend but you gotta stop breaking bones. Mr. C as we say the man with SOUl! Freshman year Spanish, Senor Boooothl Chrissy Shinster, what a kooky kind of girl, but hey she as all8 of them. Junior and Senior lunches were the best, throwing food at the yup·:yup table with Nibbs. Stay cool and always worship Sinatra. Oh by the way, thamt for taking me home Junior year! MeLISSA CAITANI Micaelle- Ana; Physr I love Mrs. Keams. Miss Campo. I hope I can go to Millstone one of these days ... Michael Bartram· St. Joachim's great colors· green and gold! Cotillion '92· Love that tie. The MOrp. Latin Ill· WHY? I'm really gonna miss ya. Sammy Battista· My life buddy· do you follow me everywhere? I got my license before you! HAl HAl Too bad you drive more than me! Liz Butler· Madrigal! What a joke. Disney World· so much fun! Matt . .. Miss Campo's class. Guys and Dolls! Mr. Breenm & Runts & Gobstoppers!!! Kristin Chebra· Greese! Oklahoma! Guys and Dolls! Mr. Rei· ther· in and out! Mrs. Coppock (my two favorite students) Madri· gal! I hate this lunch ... Single White Female· I just hope there's a man in there!!! New Nope-Pinky. Ford Tempo. Cancer Walk· then dinner at TGI Friday (Have I got something for you!) New Year's Eve! Two people can 't fit in that chair! Love Ya! Forgot the Fizz! Lou Crivelli· Thanks for all the rides to Millstone: 80mph com· ing home! Homecoming King· and afterwards at Michael's. New Year's Eve! Latin Ill. Cotillions & Proms. The Saab! & don't ever forget the Smurf car. Sit Down, you 're rockln the boat. Heather Cyms· Disney World! Work it, work It Baby!· the open· lng. Homecoming Queen- what a night. The Cotillion & Prom! He remembered our 1 year. Trying on dresses· the Madonna one looked good on you! I love Mrs. Keams! Oklahoma and Guys & Dolls. The Olive Garden· what is Suzanne laughing about? The Probe! Love Ya! Victoria Czarnik· Good almost best friends· Victoria Czaaaaamikl Biology Class· the star spangled banner! Choir Girl· miss perfect! Guys & Dolls/Oklahoma;Grease. Mr. Loat· man. Let the River Run! One Moment in Time! Mariah. I will al· ways love you· Whitney. Back Rubs. Honors Religion·Mr. Reither F· oh my god· I'm not much better! Roger DeiPrado· It's been a fun year· Madrigal. the play, math class, Mr. Reither & Mrs. Martin. I'm glad we 're mends. Frank Donoftio- Havana· don't drop me! Madrigal· Hal Hal Chemistry and Physics' " I have no clue what I'm doing!" Mike really likes you, just not with me! Kate Hess· Swap Gum! Guys & Dolls! New Hope- I'm the pretti· est!! Pinky! My mom didn't even know! The Party for the 16th Birthday- your anniversary! Anthony lnverso· Mr. Reither's Philos· ophy Class· the uneduring questions & Man's Search for Meaning. Mrs. Martin. Big Jule· 'Tm out 50 g·s so nobody leaves" · "Sit down you big water buffalo"· the singing and dancing specialist!! I know you like my boots!! Matt Kasprzak· Sam " Rebecca, what will you marry me. O.Kf" The love of my life!! Do you have a tissue? in Madrigal· Little Mer· maid. Aladdin· I hope I see it soon! "If I was your boyfriend . . . " Harry Masterson· " In the name of the father, and to the son, and to the Holy Spirit, Santa. " Mr. Reither· our " New Dating Game" film. Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, DeeDee Lane, and Chuck Woolery. Colleen O' Keefe· Never go in dark alleys with a guy named Pinky. Latin Ill· what a joke, but we still have the honor society. 1 know you'll miss me and my big earrings. Kristine O' Keefe· Never forget Czajkowski & K.elly for religion. I'll miss you next year. Suzanne Toporek· The Fizz· what an experience. Disney World rooms- oh NO!!! Shopping· I don't know how to get to the mall!! Halloween- Devlll!!l2 Angels. Nick? Sammy? Jason? New Year's Eve! The Cotillion- where·s your date? AnajPhys.· Kiss up!! The time me & Kristin slept over- came home 4:00am!! Love yal Niki Tweed· feet! Boy George is God! History class- Darwin would be amazed! Guys & Dolls· I can't believe I have to do that in the opening! Have I got something for you- TGJ's. Right up front in "Sit Down." Driving· you have to gradually mer~e. Michael Shapson· " Saved the Best for Last. " " Don t you just Jove Prince?" Pretty Woman and the Little Mermaid· .Did we see that? Aladdin· Terrific. Cotillion '92· Prom '92· Cotillion '93· switched datesll Disney World. My Basement! The kitchen! Lou's Attic! " I will always love you. " Channel 3? Homecoming·WOW! Ill The phone bills. I'll drive to Millstone one of these days! Bonnie Raitt. Guys & Dolls! Point Pleasant· I can go! Your House. The Of· fice· NC CARPET· NICE BUITJ Latin Ill! Michael Jackson. Obsession· the swing. Call me on Thursdays, I'll call you on Tuesdays. New Year's Eve· I know you liked my shirt (red) . The Fizz. Our One Year· ABU. College· Don't worry, I LOVE YOUII MELISSA CErALONE Becky Rottkamp- Hi! Well. where should I start? Never forget Tim and all his " other" women, all of our fights with Moe at esc, following Joe down the road and waiting In the parking lot for him, all our crazy parties, Volleyball nlght. Denny's and the morning after, Wayne's World and the van ride there, coming in to work late, junior cotillion and the switch-deal afterwards, NYC and M.P. on the ride home. B.C. parties, going out to J.M. and the fungus cup, you telling me M.M. had a glrlfiiend· who cares, bound to get him. M.Z. and all your hooks, the beach, coming in at 4:00, my scrunchies-oops sorry, " hello!", J.M. staying 4-ever, go home, ... too much! Jove ya forever! Love, Missy Cef. Jen Segretario- Well, there's so much and in so little timel You've been the best so far, however, you don't have too much competition! Just Kidding. Never forget your letter that started It all. cheerleading and MOler, we knew we'd get lt. we did, you can 't love Joe, only kidding, you guys annoy me, we're just like ya. Christmas Break, what should we do, you had all the an· swers. our phone calls, Amanda Jackson, was she In a movie?, lying to make our men happy-Joe I'm just kldding so don 't get mad, coming over at 11:00, crying forever, trying on them jeans, Jesus, we hate them, they hate us, we're cool. they 're jealous and how ugly? WOW, her voice got higher, yeh right, our mJAtual jean shirt, want $100, later, history. our trip to the mall, yo(l're a great driver. going outside to cheer. Friday night games and dinner afterwards, soccer season, well, I could go on· I love ya for· ever, you ' re it· Love ya· Missy. Junior Cheerleaders· Never forget our season together. We loved you and we had fun. Never forget Miller and be good to her. we did a lot and we'll miss you guys. Us cool college girls we'll come back & see you guys. Remember it all; the practices, the rainy games. and all the brawls! Love ya guys· Jen & Missy. Jill Dawson l!!l Daniel Choquette· Never forget dancing and cheerleading. We all stuck with them both and this is it. You guys better not give up next year. My solo's here and I won 't be with you guys next year. Keep up with everything and good luck with Packy and Chris. Never forget Miss Joyce & Miller. we put up with !!~!~~ood luck with Senior Year. we'll keep In touch! Love- Missy Ester Fields· Thanks for always helping me out in all of your classes. Religion, Gym, and Calculus would never have been the same without you. Good luck in college and never forget all of our good times senior year! Love ya· Missy Cef

K.ris Klotz· Never forget our quick rides to school. We had a lot of fun! All of my great music and all of our talks, me beeping & you still sleeping, our dates to Ground Round! Good luck in whatever you do. Love ya- Missy " Cef ' Missy Famoso· Well. maybe you were here first but I'm deft· nltely Missy #).. It all started sophomore year with Mr. Levin. Never forget our cool lunch table sophomore year with Jeff, "Cef:y- Cely• Cefy," all of the dates and stories on our Blo note· books, junior year & all our parties, Brooke's house In our cars, John's grandma's and your aerobic outfit me l!!l you sholng Matt, Clndi drying, Zerroti's house. signing the wall. Jill's party and the ride up. who farted? Mrs. Coppock junior year Chemistry, Matt on the roof. tar all over his pants, Volleyball night at Goodrich's, you & Neal telling me to go to sleep, there has been so much! Good luck in college and with everything you do! Love· " Cefy" Jill McClure· How could we ever forget the fungus cup down your cellar, all of our parties at your house, Ben stealing your tapes, Bee having a tough time on your steps, Bee jumping on her car, our safe ride to C.S. to pick her up, me & you at the jam· min party at C.D., we left and got a ride to grandma's, M.H. Goo· drich 's party, do you need a break, the morning after, Denny's and our breakfast that didn't come on time, all of our mends, WOW I, why did he leave that in your refrigerator, S.B. house and the pita bread, our trip to the shore, you're so tan. what about J.M.. J.M .. J.M., J.M., etc. Never forget It all, I Jove ya and good luck forever! Love ya· Missy Cef Debbie Choquette & Tara Suntato· You guys have been great in Religion and at lunch . What would it be without mine and Tara's outbursts. Debbie, you lady!l Never forget Goodrich's cotillion night with the Samoan Indian. Dancing would have never been the same without you. Deb. Either would have Homecom· ingfll You guys have been great mends, good luck and love ya foreverfll· Missy Cef Kelly Corboy· Sophomore year was the best. Remember your house and the macaroni and cheese, flied hot dogs, and that great ice·tea. Cheerleading was fun and our pinky swear was the best. Maybe we haven't stayed as close, but good luck in whatever you do with yourself. Never forget the kick at the table· It's over therell" We were so corny· our talk in Cero's was the best·flrst klssesll We made it! Love yall Missy Cef Sunny Sparano- you big mouth!ll At least I never got to fight youlll Never forget S.S. and our ride to Seasidell At least we stayed for about a minute. You are crazy, but hey that's youll AI· ways remember putting missy's jacket on the polish remover and doing my nails for the junior prom. You are nuts, but good luck in all you do and never forget sophomore lunch table with the underclassmen II Love ya· Missy Cef Matt Michaud· Well, what would have been senior year without you. You have made my year the best with everything we have shared. Starting at Goodrich 's, throwing the fan across the room. Well, maybe even before that In Chemistry, Who rocked what???? I did, our long talks and changing a fretndship Into an everlasting relationship. Never forget 4·8·92, Brooke's party and our venture to 7·11, we got a little lost, Bee's house and Lochatong Dr.. my Aunt Wendy and my mom with all of their talks, our prom the day after, Danlelle busting In down L.B.I., we all learn, the beach , the Friday night games and dinner after, all of our walks through Princeton, the stadium, where did you throw them?. falling asleep with my mom and dad every night. " 7's" ~nd rummy, cof· fee and some nutter-butters, stopping by your gram's, dinner at mine, before and after dancing, I'll be there, our stupid fights. I'm always right, the other one-what a joke, how jealous, .oh welllf. Florida and the plane ride, Just me and you and our trip, all of our plans, you are my best friend! You know everything I'm say· ing, their memories that will last a lifetime. We have so much to look forward to in the future. My mom thinks it is perfect· 12·21· 200111 I love you forever. Missy Joanne Dlnola and Jamie Papa· Well, I am glad that we have become so close and started such a ftiendship. Never forget cheerleading with all of the girlles, our little sleep overs, decorat· lng the cars and driving In, religion class with Judy, the tonka toy, our talks about the men, camp at Delaware, sharing~ room, the circles that Joanne has. how did they get like thatJamlem. pig· glng out at Varsity, wings, Ice-cream, chips, st.lcklng it out with cheerleading, always being there for each other. It has been great. I love you guys and we all better keep in touchffl· Missy Cef Jen Kelley- I couldn't ask for a better ftiend. I am so glad we have become close this year. You are a doll and !love Yal Never forget our sleep-overs at Jen's and Bee's and all of our long talks, History. Religion, and Gym would have never been the same without all of us, our volleybaiJ shuffle. Mrs. Anderson yelling at me only, you getting mad at me for always making fun of you. Jon getting mad at me and Jen, our night that we waited for Bee till 1:00. We will have so many more to share, 1 love youlfl You are a special ftiend that I don't ever want to lose. ·Missy Cef Jackie Bugdal· I am so glad that we have become mends. What would classes have been like without each of us there. Never for· get Mrs. Coppock and how we made It through that class, Mrs. z., and Mrs. Gavin. Our classes were great an even though we didn't have any senior year, I am glad we have remained friends. Good luck in all you do in the future and with Craig. I will never forget the fun times we have shared. Love Ya· Missy Cef KRISTIN CH'EBRA Miss Laura· I don't even know where to begin. I guess "Grease,"· the Sarcastic Clapping Family. Hershey kisses, "Our Town," Phllly trip (don't worry, I have mace), "Oklahoma" and the short cast. Princeton, the Comedy Club (It's Buick Day), your house (the Flowbee), dance class (pas de bouree), and of course Italy! Carlo, Wrobocop, our best ftiend, Stefano, CHA, 3 Coins, Gelato, that night In Venice! wow. The karaoke at Adrienne's house, Peg, the Gourmet Club, the feast. the Skim of Our Teeth, Prez and v.r. of Madrigal. Mr. G, our fav rite person In the whole wide world (peanut butter), New Year's Eve (1 worry about you). Every time I get in trouble I' m with you, picking a play, Advanced Comp, " Guys and Dolls. " There are a million things that I am for· getting, but all of the memories are In my heart. You have always been there for me, and I really appreciate that. Thank you for be· ing such a good ftiend to me-the best! You are wonderful and don't ever forget that! Nlki· Don't ever forget the lunch table, sick jokes, the Little Mermaid, cruising in the Saturn, Brown Eyed Girl and the 4 black guys. phone bills, water Ice, Skippy, "Lucky, you bit my fiiendl" Single White Female, Twin Peaks, mixes songs that have slgnift.. cant meaning for me, just doing nothing, parties, the Aura, Hal· loween, your surprise party, karaoke, my secret Santa. New Year's, Retreat, explaining things to K.ate and Colleen, "Guys and Dolls," singing, and a hundred million bazilllon other things that I can't think of right now. You are the best! I don't know what I would have done without you. Thanks for always being there· I loveyal Melissa· I'll keep it short (like our phone conversations· NOT) Just remember all our talks and confessions, New Hope with Pinky, The day It rained In New Hope, "K.rlstln, yoU' can tum off your windshield wipers," Lou's house and the Michaels (who could forget?) , the Swap gum conversation, Secrets, Single White female, the plays and Madrigall New Year's Eve, Mrs. Coppock's class. Mr. Reither with Anthony and the Enduring questions, Bentham's pleasures, Mutual experiences, and lots of other things, I don't think that you're a ditz. Stop complaining, though. Thanks for always listening. K.ate· First off, thanks for all the rides. I've known you all my life and I'm glad that we're better fiiends now than ever. I know I shock you metimes, but I just like to keep you on your toes. Don't forget our car ride discussions (checking for you know what), New Hope, the luau. Sportland, Joe Clark Driving School.

Willow Grove Mall, all the traffic jams on the way to school, Re· treat (breaking the news to you on the bus, pictures In the tree), Roommate problems, Homeroom, Ms. Henkel ("I just want to make sure that you're happy, K.ate"), fngllsh class ("Does Aristotle always full pride?"), Desiree's Baby, singing, "Guys and Dolls,'' or an lng else. I am not the kind of person you think I am (I hope), hanks for always listening and trusting me to listen to you. You are fabulous. And by the way, I'm an excellent driver. Sue· My confessor! Thanks for always being someone I can tell everything to. Don't forget sophomore year· all our classes to· gether, Province Une Rd. Henkel's class (for 2 yearsn. "The Maxi· millan Affair: · all the notes I wrote you, my house. Journalism, and so much other stuffl I have always been able to talk to you and I hopefully will always do the same. Don't forget all the fun we had with Ms. Glampetro, and don't forget mel Lou (Doody, Pa, Nicely)- We've gone through so muchl Don't forget " Grease"· Jenne's house (Inanimate objects. "a donut without a hole Is a danish"), "You mean my gulta11" My broken finger. Tom's, Matt's and everything else. "Oklahoma" • you dwarf mel Madrigal, your parties, The Phlllles Game (your birth· day), the feast, Ms. Henkel's class, "There's no snake boy.'' " Kristin and Lou· stop talking," "Guys and Dolls" (Walter Is the man· even though he looks like somebody's ther). The Mental Health Players· take charge. They blamed you and me! " And then there were Nuns" ·we're both pros now, Sister Syblll Don't forget all the stuff we've gone through together. You've always been there for me and I really appreciate It I know we'll always keep in touch. I love ya always! Your loving daughter; Jan; Adelaide/ Sister Wally. Colleen· my Republican pall Don't forget Chris Smith's offlce and Angelo, New Hope (Pinky), Halloween, track meets, New Years and of course Retreat (our interesting conversation)! I'll always be here to explain things to you. To K.ate, Liz, Jackie, Skippy, Nick, Bridget, K.atie, and whoever else happened to be In homeroom: Remember to be here at 7:30 on the dot. don't leave. don't come after 8:05 (especially you. Bridget), and most Importantly, DON'T CHEW GUM! Never forget our fun in Henkel's palace. TO all "The play people": Thanks for making It memorable for me. It was always worth It because of all of you. " Grease," " Okla· homa," "Guys and Dolls'' forever! Madrigal· you are all very special to me. Don't forget all the fun we always had, no matter what. Thanks so much I To my underclass buddies: LM· you are wonderful, continue the legacy l!!l say hi to Aunt Tracey (Its all yours next year). KR·It was great sitting next to you In Madrigal. You're very talented. I'll miss ya. Good luck! Jf l!!l MF· You're great dancers. I love ya l!!l all the He girls. DU· Dorlto, Cotillion, Track meets. you're great! We always had fun! All the underclassmen· Good luck! Have fun next year! To all of my teachers (especially Miss Giampetro; Mrs. Wrobo, Mrs. Gavin, Mrs. Coppock, Mrs. McGraw, Ms. Henkel and of cour Mr. (G) Thank you so much for everything. You all have meant so much tome. To everybody· Thank you so much for making my years at Notre Dame so special. Always Remember that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and when you wish upon a star your dreams will all come true. I'll miss you alii Love always. Kristin. Mike (Skippy)· What can 1 say? Lou's house, Wildwood, f1zz, what a coincidence that 1was In Washington the same week you had Boys' state. AdVanced Comp, (I'll be a teacher If I can't get a better job,'' and all the other times I put my foot In my mouth track meets, and of course we can't forget the exciting day we spent at Beach Haven Auto Parts with Ray the Mechanic (the only time you ever had car trouble), There's been so much that's happened with us! Thanks for everything-You are wonderful and don't let anyone tell you differently. Don't ever forget me (like you could). I'll always love yal P.S. You'll always be president of the YBNA In my eyes. Shapson, my history pal. 1 hope that If 1 ever make It back to your house, I remember to take the keys out of my car before I lock lt. Remember History Class· the Maximilian Affair, McGraw's stories. Lou's house. "Guys and Dolls" Is the best (Don Pardoe). You're a great fiiend. Thanks always. Jackie· Don't forget running around Notre Dame when we were 3 years old· I'm glad we're still fiiends after all those years. Jr. Year lunch l!!l slnglng, ater the prom, homeroom. etc. I love ya, babel Heather- Don't' forget our experiences with the Mental Health Players. retreat, evening of Theatrics '90, '91, '92, "A few GOOd Men. " etc. I'm glad that we've become good fiiends. Suzanne· New Hope, Great Adventure. staying over at your house, (Melissa's home at 4 a.m.) Jr. year lunch. Don't forget me· you 're great Kristine· Don't forget July 4th I I'm glad we've become fiiends. Thanks for beiJ1g my history buddy! Matt· My Will and My Nathan· you are wonderfull Don't forget practicing for "Guys and Dolls" all the time (How manr times did we sing "Sue Me" on the ramp?), post-cotillion (Spina Tap Is the movie), Singing, I finally married you this year (Instead of just fooling around In the hay)l Thanks for everything. Love. Ado An· nie (The sweetest 110 pounds of sugar In the territOry)/ Adelaide ("pigeon") Todd, Hey budl It's been so great MadriGal (Todd« the Tenor· ettes), Grease (the sarcastic clapping amity, Chchchchampl Tom·s, Jenne's, Matt's), Oklahoma (It's Buick bayt Laura's party with B.W., the ll~el), Guys and Dolls, (that fac:e In the thong). How could I forget A.C. "Good Morrow Kate/' How am 1 supposed to live without you? SLAFI (Is my handprint stlll on your face?), that nasty girl you had to kiss. Thanks for always being there. Love yaJ frank· THt PLAYSI MADRIGAL! Sarcastic CIQDPing family, Chchchchamp, Inanimate objects, the munchkln, hOok ups, the Oowbee, your house, Spaceballs, busting on Melissa, Physics, etc. You are wonderful! Love yal Nikki· You're the best cousin In the · dl Thanks for every· thing, Chebl Dan· Do you have your keys? Don't forget our two history classes, Advanced Comp (One word a day), the Cotillion. Thanks for everythinat



Liz· Jr. Year Lunch· I hope you Sdmeclay understand. Blow Dry· ers. Keep running fast. I'll mtss ya. Anthony· Don't ever forget all our classes together. Miss Clark's Blo: Anton~! _Schirmer's Religion. "The fanner and the Cowman" ''Dem's ~tlng won:ls," slngtng In lunch. the enduring questions, Bentham s pleasures, and man's search for meaning. You're awesome, BlgJulel Bridget· I'm glad 1 got to know you thts year. HomeroomPlease be quiet. Advanced Comp ts the best class. McGraw- "You are getting to be really obnoxious"· Nick said that! We have the same oplritons about the same peopte-l know because we make races at each other across the room. We'll hang out sometime. KIT Sunshine « Rain: Don't forget sophomore year lunch! I love you guys! Sta... Christina· CHIA Pr:TI Sorry I ditched you In homeroom! rlorida will be awesome! Wlechnlk· Retreat, Physics class, Henkel's class junior year. The Bears?? r:agtes are better. You're wonderfia!. Nick Barbosa· Maximilian himself. Never fOrget Qlampetro's Class, McGraw's class, Henkel's, Gavin's. Try to be happy. Stop moving my chair and picking on me. You never know· I might be in one of those moods. Katie Meagher- Chuckle Cheese, Sportland, Retreat, Physics.


Advanced Comp, homeroom. I only come to the food meetings. Do your homework! Liz B- Madrigal! All the plays. You're a goOd stage manager. Pre & Post Cotillion- Whoa! I'll miss ya. honl To Kate, Liz. Jackie, skippy, Nick, Bridget, Kate, and whoever else happened to be in homeroom: Remember to be her at 7:30 on the dot. don't leave. don't come after *:05 (especially you, Bridget}, and most importantly. DON'T CHEW GUM! Never forget our fun in Henkel 's palace. To all " The play people": Thanks for making it memorable for me. It was always worth it because of all of you. " Grease," " Oklahoma," " Guys and Dolls" forever! Madrigal- you are all very special to me. Don't forget all the fun we always had. no matter what. Thanks so much! To my underclass buddies: LM· you are wonderful, continue the legacy l!t say hi to Aunt Tracey (its all yours next year). KR·It was great sitting next you in Madrigal. You're very talented. I'll miss ya. Good luck! Jf l!t Mf·You're great dancers. I love ya & all the NB girls. DL- Dorito. Cotillion, Track meets. you're great! We always had fun! All the underclassmen- Good luck! Have fun next year! To all of my teachers (especially Miss Glampetro. Mrs. Wrobo, Mrs. McGraw, Ms. Henkel and of course Mr. G) Thank you so much for everything. You all have meant so much to me. To everybOdy- Thank you so much for making my years at Notre Dame so special. Always Remember that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and when you wish upon a star your dreams will all come true. I'll miss you alii Love always, Kristin. NIKKI CHfBRA Mark- I'm so glad that we are going out you are the best thing that happened to me. I'll never forget --- v·ball, gym, grunt. peach, notes, Mr. Mark, baox. Dan, BANZAI, Cotillion, 1,2.3-0K, cut down the tallest tree with a herring. seton sdrawcab rou, Spi· nal Tap- yea that was a funny movie, Lethal Weapon :5, Spike, DORK, ugly Martin, I have no mother, pooL 1:5, Wednesday. beater. :Sk's, bored, lunch, jangal bah is. my spike from the last row- sorry about that! Dracula?? Kick dog off bed, Thore, dog beater, girl- play piano, guy- look impressed, converse, it's been a great 3 months and still counting, please don't ever change, we'll do lunch. With as many happy thoughts as jellyfish in the pacific --- (yea. that's my original line NOT)!IIIIIllOVE YOU! Liz- Bubba, BANZAI. Bessy, Mary K, New Years. #1 tee chick, hoomroom, cotillion, our surprise, 5:30· I won! !If Can I take that for you? sparklln' apple elder, Skin of Our Teeth. Guys N' Dolls. I'm so glad that we became so close you are a true friend and I will never forget you or the great times we had together even though I may have forgot to write them all down. Never changelf Loveya Alex- BANZAIII Turbo gulp, could you give me a ride to my car? Son have I got a little story for you, V-ball, Marks notes, Aaron· hallo. Iceland- Gretski, Thanks for always being there for me, and I'll never forget· Cotillion, Converse, religion class (boohoo), vol· leyball, we 're one great big happy family, your smoky house, camping out. parkin' buddies. See yaf!l Dan- DANI!III Blockbuster, RUN AWAYIIII!, gym class, COLDme-mark-you- alex-matt·liz-mrs. k· oh hell the world! Thanks for everything you are a great friend and I'll see ya over the summer. Matt- COWBOYS!IIII What do the Eagles and Stevie Wonder have in common? They both didn't see the Super Bowlll HAHA· HAHAHAHA Banzai!!! I'm so happy, Iceland you guys keep this up and your time on the Ice will be limlted!lll'm So happy. You are an awesome friend and if it weren't for you I'd be driving on the wrong side of the road in Mercer County Parkll Don't ever change, luv ya buddy!l Lennard- Ape woman, WWF, pardon me, Mr. Antrobus, Help line, chicken, ahll, o, pen, up, so, u, Ken. comb, N, Wargo's class,

~g~~:Je~~m~~~r:,~-u~derta~~r.oo~~-~~~r~·~~!~ :!~~a~o'::~ ever change you are a great Guy and a great friend. We'll have to get together and go video store hopping againiiii\.IV· AW Chris- CAS, vito, wlnberries, 0 , Princeton, where lost In PU, backroads, I know this is short but I'll see ya next year in Cabrini. Luvya. Frank- Spazz, Schirmer, esta-she, asta- he, star wars, Halloween dance, Haenni's cast party- I'll never regret It, .3 years in reli· gion class together, WOW! This is probably very, very short next to yours but oh well I can't write anything else- It's against my re· ligtonl Luv· ON BLONDONE Mary- Gimme a ''L," our 2 lunches 2-gether, gym·HA, U & J, Me & M, Dusty, stew, Jim, Pat. Look Rick your beads on fire, our Sat· urday Night Fever. NP, well can' t write all. Not enough time, space, nerve, Don't change you're a cool cat! Stay rad l!t remem· ber- No matter how far apart we may go- there will always be us HA Rick· never forget all the great times. Ooh Hoo- speech class. Luv ya.

DI!BORAH CHOQUETTE Danlelle· " Weezy" u ·ve always been here 4 me, u·r my best friend l!t I love ul Never forget all the fun we 've had together: dancing. SAS, Hulk. LBI, dancin' in the morrow wf KB, Banzai, dinner w; CG & EM. Europe!, florida, MC. JB, ff, Mf, and now CG, "I swear I felt it in my knees, " fins 2 the left· fins 2 the right. HC concers, Phantom 2/26. " our cot-tables, " nachos, tinsel socks, there is so much I want 2 say bfc we've shared so many good x & there will B more 2 come. Thank U 4 everything- I love U! T.S.- Tarboskyl Fatti boombalattil 4 down l!t no more 2 gol Do U believe I used 2 hate U? Always remember: lBI. Fang, Jen dan· cln', Ouss, Hulk l!t our walks, the ketch l!t " unbelievable,'' gOd. daddy's caddy?, oh, you were just lying down right?, KB l!t Ff Princeton wjDW, tanning on the roof. PMF. MO l!t CM- the cops, MA & BR, U & U're fights, Doug S. l!t Matt G.. this summer MZ & CO. Joe pops, Gilad, aren't I cute?, angels in the stones, Maria!. 7-11. b-ball game wt BD l!t TS. rejection. my car· EM l!t JM, Oroovel. Ah push Itt. N.P. party w; JC l!t JP, a butterknife?, zippers. nachos, our bf. J.W. smelling around, my house .. . parking lot kisses, swimming, clogging a tent at B.P.. damb, " letters" from LBI, I like 2 ride my bicycle, cot 93' EL· shh shh shhl, Rr.:v· lon. pink elephant, what's got Into that cat, AMC, this is 4 u- EW Jf BR Jl GO JM SM BD MH TE AN JP MO KK ML MA ff AR BS DO BJ LM AB SAR- need I go on· oh l!t the booty bandit! Thanx 4 everything- what would I do wjout U? 26? love ya! Jo- school became boring when our friends left .• . Never forget the fun we had wj KB {!I{ MZ. golfing. movies. Princeton, I'll have the filet of fish. the hayride, Valentine's dinner, baking, my b-day gift· how long?, Camden ag.. Phil. -got 2 go into the oty 2 get 1. wasn't that the exit Jo?, cot. l!t our plans afterwards, proms, what do U want 2 do· what do U want 2 do, fats. this summer, 7·11, like a dungen dragon, Maria, Nutcracker W/ EM & AJ. my house- sometimes you need 2 get but l!t roll in the grass. U did what wj who? rythm is a flancer. he called my house R U

~~~~~~i·9~~~ g~~~t~r~~n~=~a~~~~e!~~ ~dr:a~~hrit~


2-gether· I know there will B more. I love yal Oh & boom I got your boyfriend· James· Through everything U've always been there 4 mel Never forget the time we've shared; Banzai, cot 91', no collar, upstairs, B-hall, Raul. 11 red l!t 1 white, when was my 16th b-day?, .3 seasons. MC park- have you uh um seen uh Jon um fregans he is um uh her uh ride home?, LBI w; Jf at my house· blanket across the street. noxema. dog biscuits mustard hot peppers, buried in the sand,)langln wf KB· great this is only medium full, dirt/ bl. chestnuts, 9/22, B l!t wh dance, in'the den by the couch, my uncle's gym· what about that bet? 1 wk. fr. yr., the last min.

wedding date, do u want 2 go skiing? U got :5:5 l!t u were so great, shopping, punching bags, min. golf. walking on the beach, this is my friend w j potential. Kat., U can B replaced, spit who is the champ?, ducking down in the car, that was Mary from Millstone, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, I'm tired, so do u want to go skiing. leather pants l!t celery, cot 9:5' EL, egggs, sh , sh, sh, 2/ 26/9.3 Phantom. mints, baked cookies 4 some broken knuckels, why R U late? I was down at the station .. . , so dude· what's your deal? After all these yers some things never change l!t some never will. Thank U 4 all you've given me & yo dude- just let it ring once· Love al· ways, Deborah Missy· Do U ever stop smiling? Wait, hold on, my nail is stuck in my leotard!, eating chocolate l!t brownies at my house, B.P. par· ty· have you seen Bee's car, dancing, Judy's class, lunch, so do U want 2 come over l!t cry 2gether? LBI, is Duffy here?, U can't park there, Ice cream & Fran, Me, Bee l!t our friends. gossip gossip, oh u bup?, just ask Miss B. she'll know how, thanx 4 always being such a great friend. Never change l!t never stop smiling! I can't walt until our big night . .. KIT always. I love ya Bee· Do U realize how much we have In common? I told U 2 have patience. Never forget all our friends whom I miss so much this yr., Europell LBI· she did what on the beach? U know Duffy? U can' t park here, ice-cream & Fran, hayride, French class, B.P. party. your car- where is It? your car- it wouldn 't start, soccer game w/ f:M l!t JM- did TS just drive by? KG KO KG KG! go in' late to b-ball games· meet me by the phones, Jr. prom, our table, pull up your dress please, we've shared so many good times 2gether· you're one of the best! Thank you- KIT· love you! Bee, Sue, Mary, Meg. Cheryl· alii have 2 say is r::uropel never, ever, forget all the fun we had- remember always, Pizza Hut. le metro, Hard Rock cafe coffee, swiss bar, r l!t coke, Burger King 11:00 am l!t we had what?!, my job is 2 protect my bambinos- I am tough, tough . tough, pictures w; strangers, BS In Bee's hair, salt mine, what's 4 breakfast- oh a " rock l!t roll breakfast," red kooler, 200.00 4 a pizza. Mrs. Griss falling & jumping up, Easter in Austria, "bye-bye Miss America Pie," castles, paddle boats. the Alps, do they take showers?, me & sue getting frisked, 50.00 2 use a sauna, French commercials, guys! Bavarian cream, mugs l!t a dish, Edward & Gerhart. Moven Picks, Mona Lisa, followed by lt. men. • I had so much fun- thanx 4 making the trip the best! Mary your hair looks fine! Amy f· Our Fr. Exam- at my house l!t u still got what?, Jr. prom, senior prom, B. tower, PRT & all the others, gym class. JB & KB & those rabbits. New Hope, M.L. class & xtra credit; never change l!t never forget the fun we had· love yal Amy W· My swimming partner· where would I be wjout U 2 ttelp me through It? Always remember: LBI· where RU staying? BP par· ty· in my car· once again I look after U, dinner w j T.K. l!t K.B.·stop laughing this Is for real, Jr. prom table- did you see her dress?, 100 fty once again, go, go, go, x 3, surprise haircuts. secret dresses, gym class, every year; almost. J.H. - what Is he doing? T.K. - oh he's shy? HAC. summer meets, getting lost, Groove, what's the matter; you got the jitters?, U play pool. your b-day party (fr.) yr., do U know who wore that hat?. have you looked at KS's bOdy lately?, your shore house, my shore house, their shore house, what st. was that party on· I'll go 2 the door, T.M.thank U 4 all the times we've shared l!t thanx 4 pushing me dur· ing our tough season· love ya· KIT f:ric- Yo-hi- can I just tell you ... do U smoke?, Laura from Kat., Org.F ., me driving your car. S. Kitchen , hayride En.Sc .. French, Ouy. Billy Joel concert?, N.C., dinner& bowling?, dlnnerwj CG l!t DC, where was the lettuce from· J.K.. Singles, Aladin, my houseJoanne dipping, walking Hulk, my car· driving home, building a playground, you get an A I get a B, SAT •... , our psycho friends, Nutcracker, Eric- that was the exit ... we had a lot of fun together: thanx 4 being such a great friend & always there 2 talk 2. Chris- Hwwww:S ... our talk at BP- thanx, Kat., basketball, gam· bllng. spit, dinner w; EM· where did U get the lettuce?, he's a friend wf potential· thanx, John Secada?, Banzai, 2/26- Phan· tom!. do U ever eat?. Danlelle· moody· never!, billiards, she In· vited you over- its going to snow, well we're walking out the door right now& my hair Is wet so ... thanx 4 bing so great 2 Danielle & best ofluck in all u do- love ya. John· I'm so cool· my top down· my sunglasses on· billiards. my house- bas.ketball, gambling. " red shoe diary," N.P. party. a butterknlfe?. fix your mirror, last minute wedding date, bOdyguard, the soundpf a zipper. my do- U were always there 4 me & you've been a great friend· thanx· 5500· Jove yaRyan· Yo- we're goin' out. pinky hold or pockets, H. C. concert, billards- all of NO, I'm ftexlble & I'm willing 2 try new things, dancin', En.Sc., 35 was the highest test grade, gambling at my house; you're the sweetest l!t funniest guy· don't ever change l!t thanx for listening 2 me. Love yal Anthony- SAS; Wetzel field, every rose on your front porch, best ofluck In all U do- love ya! Jaime· SAS, boo-boo, M.C. & the green bomb, morp, deli walks, matching outfits, unicorn, devil, big M. coloring, after all these years some things never change· thank u- love you always Kelly· Do U know how long I've know U· way back when U had red hair· green stuff out of my arms thanx a lot for the scarel, SAS l!t all the fun wj It, talks that got us In trouble. hayrides, don't ever change· KIT- love ya " gOdsister" ... Dan- So do U want to go skiing this weekend? Fred· Tuesday nights· leave em' open Jen Cole- D. does Dallasllll Purple. evilness forever, cell eaters, make an amoeba· not by Fred. sleepin' at your house, broken glass, make-up time. shakln' the chair, the A+ math girls- what happened, swim practice, hayrides, lunch, best of luck In all U do· try l!t calm down ·I love ya. Babs· Do U smell perfume? So You're my friend?, gym class, h.r., our secret & good luck wflt. relax, are U tanning. so take a shower ... best of luck· love ya. C.R., N.F.n {!I{ C.P.· My junior boy· friends· love ya guys Jtll D· Try l!t eat something please. J.W.- The Blond sister I never wanted- J.K.- beflave l!t stay sweet. Love ya. AI- Our handshake, 5/3- always, billiards- I really am good, chem. partner. our secret looks, walking down the hall, look there's KB·, stay sweet and handsome· love ya. Neil- " our friends", N.C. concert, need 2 talk call my mom, the sweatshirt, Pontanls, Texas T., LEI, running 2 my house, ice cream, J.C. l!t J.P. your room, Basketball, gambling at my house, 45 is down- nice try, hangin' w; the bass player, " yo· you're mama fell down l!t kept runnln" , red shoe diary, thank U 4 always being there 2 talk 2- KIT· love ya. Brendand C· Swim practice, s. thing, best walk. thank U 4 always being my big brother· love ya. Brendan D· basketball game, Olga, chicken salade. 2:00 am phone calls, who Is supposed to get the A In the en<l· behave l!t best of luck. Chocolate mousse Krls K- You are GOd JoeL· Hi How are Ya? AJ· Do U smell them? Nutcracker-It Is a ballet! Wasn't that our exit? You're a sweetheart, never change! JeNNifER COL~ Sunny Sparano- Hey little pumpkin what's up?! 1st time driving home beeping the hom the whole way. The smoking music· let me drive. 1st time at LBI we drive down 2gether SUe hit us. Leav· lng me at the Catch Thanx. Jimmy's lectures. can that song make U cry? Our great tatoos. Swimming in the ocean. SO. SS, JC. Bath time has been great. Knocking the ice tea over. Cat woman. Hanging at your house. Cloe. The Deerlield, Getting caught. Driving my car. Almost killed me twice. Revenge of the French Fries. Want one? No one is ever sad around me it's

against the rules. Oolng through red lights. Blowing fuses. " Dom· lnator," Head Strong Techno Tape. 91st street, says It all. lnl! Starting fires In your kitchen. I always have money. Poolhallswe·re the best. " Jen I love U. I know I dol" Jen Kelly Is our mother. Probably studied for exams. " It's all me." This summer should be the best. Our room will rule. James Dean (Jimmy f.) . Hi Beaver (MomMom) Tell red we are mole sisters l!t my check Is in the mail for my rent. Your casa is my casa. No home 4 me so I'm moving in or did I already. We've had the best times 2gether & only more are 2 come. Love Jen Cole. r:vilness will always prevaill Brenden Dougherty· I love ya little boyfriend you're the greatest. You can have the parking spot. Mrs. Rovello loves you. The shore this summer 2 come will be great. I'll miss you next year l!t we'd better keep In touch. Love. Jen Cole Vince Ardery· U were my 1st boyfriend In high school I'll never 4get Y. The Cotillion l!t Morp were fun l!t you're not coming over my house. Thanx for disslng me 4 J.D. Good luck next yr. KIT love Jen Cole P.S. I'm not afraid of your dad anymore. Love Jen Cole To Jen Colgne. Oood Luck next yr. You'd better visit me down the shore. M.A. small Isn't he. Go ahead knock me into my locker l!t don't apologize. You'd also better come up l!t visit me next yr. You know my #so give me a call. KIT Love Jen Cole. Jon Buccerehe- Thanx for saving me last yr. l!t going to the prom. We'll have to go out sometime. Your welcome down the shore at our house anytime. KIT l!t good luck. Love Jen Cole. Courtney Knox· Don't worry about U know who It's not worth It l!t I'll protect u . Oood Luck l!t give me a call we'll hang out. Love JenCole Jen Mate· Oood Yr. I was never mad at you l!t I don't hate u. Love Jen Cole Laura- Did U hook up wjhlm? Let me know Love Jen Cole To Tim Eller l!t the HOJO Bunch. Give me a call the next time U guys are there maybe we'll hang out. Just don't get caught. Good Luck Next Yr. Guys. Love Jen Cole Adrian Nadraga· What upllt's all me. B-frlends l!t O..friends rule. Yes I am mad at you, so stop asking. The BodyGuard l!t Toyssucked (J/K) Ground Round 1st time. The Booger Man. Rose· anne Barr. probably act like her. No P.D.A. I'm the princess. Where's my presents? I am not a gold digger. A.J. R U going 2 polish you're ling 4 me? can I wear you're varsity jacket? u kiss 2 loudl Cotillion night we had fun. I was the best date U ever had. Thanx 4 hooking w1 Tracey. 2 bad I saw U do It so U can't deny It You're not my man & I'm not fighting K.f. even If U think she likes U. Everything I say goes. I don't think we should talk any· more. I hate U we're not fiiends. Nice 2 break the antenna. S.S: s remote control dog l!t fake food. Ask K.C. 4 a picture. I'm not givIng u anyll am a gOOd driver. Stop making fun of me all the time. You love It when I belch. Thanx 4 the carnations. So where·s my roses? Your not my boyfriend (J/K). 0 yeh by the way mom, dad, this is A.J. I picked out a real nice bed 4 us. Yeh right U R proba· bly bumming at my house (J/K) I'm really glad we've gotten closer. You mean a lot to me ~ I hope It stay this way 8( If not I enjoyed the time 2gether. Love, Jen Kelly Corboy· You man, what up? I'm good. Kelly Do 1 kiss 2 loud? 2 many fights. Do I look like a bodybuilder 2 U? You're car· wind tunnels suck, Noradlo- Do U remember that old familiar place? (our song) Child Abuse! Please help mel The blue l!t white party, wawa, open window's w; clothes hanging out. Rena l!t Maryanne. The craftmatlc beds (your house l!t the shore). Being locked in a dark bathroom sucks. Leaving me at the catch· had to hitch a ride home. Steve MUter Concert. my house l!t all the parties. playing spades till 2 In the mom. (p-t) r:.xpress M.W. goIng 2 Del. 2 visit. S.M. at Rena's. 91st st. the best1 S.R. pulled It out l!t 4got 2 throw It away. How many accidents did U get In, Telling Doug off. Let's swim to Russia. Atlantic City Swim. The ride home from LBI the guy I got 2 follow us. Hey let's drive 2 Pete's l!t throw plates all over the lawn. Chrissy locked her keys In the car. Dispatcher 14. It's still your fault I fell off the Jetty's. U laughed 1 could have had to have an operation. S.P., 1st. Now about U fell In your room. never laughed so hard In all my life. Is this the Raba residence. Lou, Lou. 0 no Its the dadl What's that sneaky Joke about the Raba residence. B.C. he really Is possessed. M.H. when U hit him. Cotillion '93, Morp '91 going 2gether was fun but the attic was better. Scarecrow hiding under rugs. I'm the princess not U. Could U polish your ring. How about your varsity jacket. Kelly we've had so many great times 2gether l!t your 1 of the b/f a person could have- lucky enough U R 1 of mine. Thanx 4 everything. Shore '9~ should be great. I love ya Kell Love Jen Cole. P.S. Evilness will always prevail. 1 thought u looked lonely so I came over to say hi B/fJF Jen Welsh· Evilness will always prevalll Wet Welsh. vie held out the longest fr. yr. lunch table, soph. yr. food fights. Bad mood days. Chasing me around the cafeteria. cheese gTrl. M.A. little Cal· llcy. Cot. night we stick 2gether. Tip's party jumping fences. Carla's, the message on the a.m. I am the queen Knives. Lunch 2gether Jun. Yr. What would U do If something happened 2 me? Jun Ring Cer. dinner wj parents afterwards. I'm glad you liked your ring. You finalfy went w; r:M 2 cot. Ren l!t Stimpy you're basement W/ JM l!t fM. Ya down w; OMD Sue couldn't hold it ln. Olrls night out 1 (l!t only 1) Parking in between cones. The camary, The Cow. Our new wave tape. Secrets. U know what I mean. Bushes. tights U always made the 1st move, we're both stubborn. Smoking on my deck. 91st st. we made up. Got closer. Best Buds. 4 o 'clock mom. rides. Snapple at Wawa. Coup the camera. Thanx 41eavlng me at catch. The ride to LBI. our pic· tures. I always come 2 your house 2 eat what else. The hours spent on the phone. lizard. Prom night almost didn't go. But thanx to JB l!t KC we went. U lost your necklace. Stories told 2 your mom. No we really do hang out on Perry St. Your dad finally yelled at me. JD's exchange Party, glad U liked the gift. It meant alot 2 me 2 give that 2 U. We've shared so much. Jen where did all that go. Please don't everything It kills me 2 see It all fade away. You were l!t are the best friend I ever had. I love U & won't ever 4get the times we had. I hope we can change what's happen because U mean alot. Love Jen Cole Best Buds l!t Best friends. ~~- ~::i t>t ~~~~yfriends. Anthro Class- I hate him. GymSue Ostro:Jl- 1st friend at N.D. field hockey J.f. loved us. Our lunch table fell how many times. Leroy Control. Chasing me around the cafeteria. Cheeseglrl. No I did not lose my religion. J.O:s parties. Hey where's Sue? Writing all over your legs In per· manent marker. Little falllcy. Your hose Cot '91. Snoopl. Blender Bimbo's knives. U want 2 learn how 2 smoke. O.K. ust don't throw up. KB l!t I In the bushes. Junior Powder Puff. 1... • Is a psycho. U. me l!t TN got caught at SW's l!t I slapped f6 across the face. New Year's r::ve. How was that rubber ducky? Don't go to bed I'm not finished w; U yet. Did U bum your butt? Wildwood. Matt my cuz. the Bart doll. No parties at my house not wjout me. (SM l!t PO) Great Adventure· never ending fight. Jun. Ring Cer. dinner w; mine l!t yours l!t JW's parents. How much does that painting cost? Sue wants to rap Ul The toilet bowl on the front lawn. Ya down w; OMD yeh U held It In good. Jun l!t Sen Cotll· lions. Your dress ripped. 91st St. says It all. Thanx 4 leaving me at the Catch. The lollpop motel. u R definitely a great expert on ponytails. U never take showers either. CR Is this the Raba resl· dence? Lou, Lou, 0 no Its the dad. Bo. 1st day U had your license U went down a 1 way st. the wrong wajl1 Sen. Retreat Grp. We've shared so much over the yrs I hope It never ends. Love Jen Cole r.s. fvilness will always prevail! carta Volk· I am the Queen. fish guts. Your the jltz queen. friends till the end. " carla stop talkingjlbberishl" It was all your falut I fell l!t cut my foot. That awful man offered to carry me. Still afraid or fireworks. The 3 strange men at the door hiding under the beds. We are 2 beautiful lemonheads. Yeh All right! Jen-

please don't! Come on Carla beg me. Carla U look like Elvira. Mr. Harbach I did scare him huh? Tip's party being thrown over fences. The answering machine message. I am the true queen U admitted it 2 me. U Bt JW saw my, Carla I feel U should be awarded most athletic. So does Mrs. Rovello. Exorcisms. Talking in different tongues with our hands, & eyes Bt songs. Dan Rafferty. U always did scream 2 him from your windows. Stealing exercise equipment from JL:s party. Carla U love to walk every· where. Hey Carta Peace! I love to scream at U. Carla airmail. We've had a great 4 yrs Bt it shouldn't end here. You've been a good friend 2 me Bt I hope U know that You had better KIT w; me or I'll kill ya. Love Jen Cole James Bertan· little Africa. Devil. Devil, Devil. Boom I got your boyfriend. Love Jen Cole Kristen Branham- Trips 2 Millstone. G·friends Bt B·friends. Teaching S.O. how to smoke. bushes. Get out of my house. Telling stories 2 your mom. Only neutral works in the silverado. (The Chevy). Me Bt JW pushed your car out of the parking lot Driving on MF lawn. Flirting w; the cop. The Shore trips. Throwing things at Bab's car. Our fight in BB's car. Sunglasses. BTM's on the premises. Hooked on phonics. Yo cuzl L.S. psycho. Tree farm. getting caught the 2nd shore house overflowing toilet bowls. Falling in between beds. Throwing signs In the bay. You have to have some respect 4 yourself. Your a great person Bt its time to learn that. Your a good person Bt a great friend always remember that & Evilness will prevail. Love Jen Cole Tina Hiner· BTM's on the premisls. Blender Bimbo's Cause I'm a blond yeh, yeh, yeh. The week I spent at your house. KIT Love JenCole. Cindi Santo- I'm glad we became friends again. V.A., not worth it KC's party. MA little falllcy. Soph Baseball stats. Your room w; JP. U only take bath's You are welcome anytime at the shore house this summer. KIT Love Jen Cole Brook Perone· Tent Party. almost killed on 206. Left here no up further shoulders of roads. Shore trips. Tttls summer's shore house welcome anytime. Never studied 4 finals. I am not a mooch, well OK maybe a little. BTM's on the premlses. Girls Night Out JW. JK. JC, BP. The deerfield. SM party who's blanket is that Ever fix your car door. Boy Brook your car Is really dirty. For real. no for fake. Boom I got your boyfriend. Brian gradua· tion. Going out 2 dinner w; your parents the waitress was a girl· friend. How many miles have you put on your car since June what's your dog's name Ruffus,Druffus. Drtffus? Hey Book we've done alot 2gether. And it all meant alot 2 me. We've kind of gone in our separate ways but U still mean alot 2 me. Love Jen Cole Mlssa famosa- Peer Pressure! Peer Pressure, Missy! Thanx for letting me drive your car. Love Jen Cole Debbie Choquette- Debbie does dallas, detroit, Denmark, etc. Fr. yr. Alg. Class make-up time, shaking your desk. Pat trying to light MP's hair on fire. PR always throwing paper through the windows, swimming. breaking glasses In my house, throwing it In the ditch. Cell Eaters. MA little fallicy, Hlstory. Mr. M's class. I'm a part time student. Mrs. Rovello's my little girlfriend. Retreat letters. Homeroom· 3 yrs. Driving up curbs. Causing and accident. Wasn't my fault Becca did It & Eric was swlrving on the road. Deb· bie I'll miss you next yr & I hope we can keep in touch. Harassing you has been the best Love Jen Cole Joanne Cipullo- Mrs. Dilorio's dass- where we met. Mrs. Rovello hated us. Miss Clarky loved us though. Building walls was an experience but Miss Clark knocked It down. Cell Eaters. Volleyball teams. Homeroom 3 yrs. DW he's an alcoholic. I could al· ways tum to you & that means a lot I hope we always stay friends. You understand alot more than most people can Bt you don't give In to cliques which makes you a bigger person than most. Always remember me Bt the good times we had. I will. Love JenCole Tara Suntato= We were b/f for 2 Bt a half yrs. Boliva ruined it but I still love you. Wildwood, s. Carolina. the long drive down. Matthew my cousin. Jay & Myles. I did tell my whole family. Rem. When Jay got jumped. Getting stuck on the sea serpent. Our fight breaking my glasses, throwing them In ditches. Swimming. Debbie calmed U down & conformed U. But I'm still kicking. I'll mlss you Tara & I hope you know If you ever need to talk about any· thing I'm here. Love Jen Cole Carol Scanlan- Carol Jane· how'd U get so squeaky clean. MB & U In the ocean. I did try Bt stop all those guys from molesting U. The 1st night on 91st st. JOANNE CIPULLO Mark Abott· SKITZER:notes in history & religion; lwanna be a fireman; What ever happened to Morton Downey Jr. any· way?U:30-where were you? A big fat cannon. crusty people- gee I have never been around this part of Trenton before! Our bet, who could win faster-ME!Inever told you lillYour the bestlllllove you Chad-Nice friend; Sorry !really didn't mean what I said; V.C., You did what with S.G. Billiards· Picking u up for school-75mph or more· hayride· GOOD LUCKIIII Kristin Branham-Play It, Play itll O·friendlllthe beast; are those fake L.A. Gear? M.A.·kicks the ball, Mr. D sees the Whole thlng!ll 'm not like that, If I think someone's ugly· I'll say "hey, ~~~d~~~~-~~·2Jrowls like the beast UR the best·luv yai!IIIG· Babs-glrls; focus your attention somewhere else; chla head; you got kissed on the neck? Psyc; here feel my muscles; don't fall down the steps; oops; nice to push me; why do we always walt for everyone to leave the class? D.H.· always falls In love with the girl next to him: are they together? did you spill perfume? daycare In the oo·s. I love yallll Alyson- a P-test; good thing I knew the girl; rides to katzen· bach; $55 or $3? fats· I hate him; who do I like today? Little Cae· sars; "69- Who's this?black phonebook;chapman· great Ill be get· ting a call tonite; softball- when I played; I drive slow;A.N.-1 really liked him-honestlllllluv yalllll Deborah- May 3 . yo- Its your b-day? Cotllllons-1 almost dldnt go; feb .14·dinner aquarium, franklin instltute;ring throwing;when in a fight·K.B. call me;proms; Mr. Window Pane, cook· ing-u made the salad. I made the smoke alarm go off; house party-yours;Rhyhem Is a flancer, new hope; zoo; b-ball games:the fatties; wlldwood;shopping; steinert boys and summer;prlnceton: katzenbach; haunted hayride-who told them my name?:NYC· lit· tie Italy: you did who? nutcracker-When do they talk?;they have lightning; 10 hairdos In 1 minute;whale; our frlends·JC,MA,AG, SS. BP.CK,LS, AG.TM, Boom-1 got your boyfriend; I left my wallet in El Segundo-! gotta get ttl; NY, North Kackalacka, and compton:GRR·IIke a dungeon dragon;do you want me to Introduce you?lfyou cant get the guy you want go for his best friend-grass, Why lslt In your halr?;l dlpped·l fell to the ftoor-lwatched EM-pee on yourlandscaplng; cell eaters;your my bestest friend- ILO~ YOU SO MUCH-John·fattle;locker buddle;the third locker·Janes class; our talks abOut your future wife· remember not to talk to or trust any· one-GOOD LUCK SKIPPERIIIIIRhythm ls a flancer Colewoman-eager beaver:cell eaters;ameoba;Ms. Clark and Dl· lorio-hayrlde- our little talks·fredlllll V-ball nlte- I love youllll fred· you know what they say about big feet? Who's your Tues. nlte? D.C. Cole-what a nut-what did comer say?GOOD LUCK!IIII Comer· files for dlvorce-3 klds-skllng-1:00 phone calls-what about the size of your foot? STAY IN TOUCH-maybe Ill see you on the slopeslllll Kerry- softball; Mrs. Omie; Our labs and our lab partners; Rum· ~=_g~~ rL~k~tng goodbye-sleeping at CS;you are a great Cseh-1 love your bro; fights with the e.-crew: SG·2 tlmes?MH· What a fight! Bendas;cotlllion;Fizz; pool;driving a little too fast;law;all of the fun we had you are a great person-stay In touch Ill!

Danberry·retreat;you really did that? dont say a word; your fav. person-NO, CH, JRI FIZZ: gym-you really cant stand her;hicklsyou always being grounded-you are a great frlend-Jlove yalllll Sean-well lets do It just for the heck of lt-okiMC·park-walks· Vet· erans park-you peeing on the trails-worst driver-volleyball·rtdellke a cowboy-cotillion-you looked mighty fine-fighting with cc and MH·l am out fixing my car·NOTIIIII hope we keep In touch· remember·(l'm #6) Meredlth·law;rel:your friend Steph;coletla:dreams or the truth about a fat girl In Coloradollll keep slipping on your feathers· Brian waht a guyllleipzlg· You are so much fun-keep In touch IIIII Megan-Rod·lunch;the debators:flghtlng with CS over SGIIITOif·the ewing crew· you drive too fast-cotillion-where are our dates?who cares? the big chalr-Psyc JS and M5-who cares? party at Haymanslll again? it was worth itiii!Mr. D·you are a great friend-so glad everything worked outlllll Jen Kelley-fresh catch; ragg with powder;fish down the shore· Holmdel guys; running away-smelly· you are the bestlll Dont forget Clara Cumadellll Berto-dont forget our little talks-your like one of the girls· skltzer-sq.(HAHall) legs. MA-l love that kid· dry season-drought·! havent taked to my date,oh well-you hate chad-rides home·AN· burger king· finding me a date for the cotillion;you are such a great frlend-1 can tell you anythlnglllll know we'll keep In touchlll P.S. teeth Kristle-cafeteria tights· gossip, gossip, and more gossip. dry your hair lemon tea-talking about everyone-you kissed butt to get that grade HaHAIII Florida. Nick buying you anything; his parents; Mike Raymond;our lunch dass and jane's You are the best!IIKeep In Touchllllll Eric-whale· thar she blows·A.N.·the nutcracker-our phone con· versatlons-they always seemed to be about the same thing· laughing gas-Lechters-1 owe you dinners-little mlss. cant be wrong(DC)everyone I llked·fights-confoys dass talking to DC for you-the mall· haircut-dipping-watching you outside-passing outOust about) on DC kitchen floor; ankles EWWWWI!Iwho rented that movie anyway? who do you call? (CS) hahallll you are a great person thanks for going to the cotillion with mellllll A.J.-why do your fingers smeii?The nutcracker-DROOPY· notlllour relationship- that never happened·THANX for the X· masglfHlirting In Jaw and hlstory-A.B. and A.C. always flghtlng·s Is that purple llpstlck·llttle caesarrs·you are a really great guy keep In touch !Ill Jen Sec· gym; dambro-he loves me-our little talks-your firstpizza hut· finding out each others gifts from J.L. and M.Z.IIIour lit· tie talksabout everyone In our schoolllllllove you Ill Sue-gym' dambro; the beast; our cute little teammate; that kid that talked about you (than again who dldnt) JUST KJDDINGII!Piay lt·M.A. kicking the ball foot violations-Jets see-who should we talk about today??? stay In touchll Scantlcon-rumpleseats, gossip, clay masks, A.B.-dld you get that dress back, tacos, patty. NATTY BUMPO. our favorite topic, you used to be so good-every guy a different nite-im only like that In the summermrs. clean;your dog-let me shoot ltl·sleepovers- you went to what part of New York last nite?joe and marlene: your surprise b-day party; treasure hunt; john tralolta·tglf mike raymond-so mant other things I LOVE U SO MUCH DONT EVER FORGET ALL Of THE GOOD TIMESIIIIIIII Tara-cafeteria fights-A.N. why Is It that every· do some· thing everyone finds out-things on the b-room wall; D.C.get together·! woke up with brulses pizza hut S.G. TGIF lit dass, all of the other good times· you really are a great personlllll keep in touch! Brooke-Fats: your Fav. person N.S.· jabou: cotillion plans; Acct.l; Rei; The N.D. girls always at Steinert! Your the best· Jove ya John Floyd-winking across the room; rides home-where are you? Gym-fighting w;smelly Mlrellll Who do I like today? Talking about everyone possible- if you can't play v·ball·sit downl Good Luck! Kris Klotz·you did what on Tues. nlte? plg:Just get out Bt leave me alone- I'll see you at 8:00· lm grounded· blisters from Walking 6 miles· confoys class, Accountlng·Whale·(You know who)I .Your a great guyll Good Luck! Jen Moran· Who sat on your read? Sure. have my rice pudding·I don't want Itt! being louder obnoxious In Dambra's class- I'll set· you splkel Stay in touch II Anthony·KH sleezy she did What wfK.K.? She changed the whole story- Biking- Confoys dass- A.N. I really liked hrm-what happened? Frank hates K.H. so do II Your great! Keep In touchll P.S.-whale woman! Rf:1'1EE CIRILLO Michael Guglielmo: Dorney Park-oily shoes-waiting the longest for the worst ride-butt naked lambada partners-getting me ISSLost?Who me?·Pigglng out at the Junior Prom Nicholas Barbosa: I picked you In health class to do my report and both our lives were changed forever by only a few words ... Echo and the Bunnymen Peter Slngelakls: Did anyone ever tell you you look like Bono? Just a thought. Nikki Tweed: U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 FOAD U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 Bono Bono Bono Bono Bono Bono U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 Edge Edge Edge Edge Edge U2 U2 U2 U2U2 U2 Larry Larry Larry Larry U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 Adam Adam Adam-skipping to call Eagle 106-sleeping out (waht a nlghtmare)·U2 night-Bono's mouth· U2 concerts-obsessed Is too weak a definition·! bow to your shrine!· May Bono be with you.


live?· You never cleaned my locker.·! never made the honor roll.· Stress Queen Adam Bucon:Homeroom·Domey Park-first ones on the dance floor • Hello? Adam? Uh . . . I mlssed the bus, can you pick me up?· Hello? Uh ... This Is Adam . . . I'm lost. ·Seagull ·hitting an old man - ending up In Trenton and not caring. Varsity Field Hockey: I love all of you. Thanks for the walks in the woods and making me laugh alot. I hope I kept the bench nice and warm for you. Thanks for making me feel like part of the team. I'll never forget you or our undefeated season. Glenda Jean-Louls: Boystealer·How dare you say Drew Is ugly then the next thing I know he can 't remember my name and has yours tatooed on his arm. Oh Well. Allis forgiven. But you just remember who Introduced who. Meghan Kelling: Peace March-Greenpeace·You were there when I fell fOr Antoine-sleeping through Mexican food·U2 Katie Meagher: See I know your last name-Hope your having fun sitting at the U2 concert and by the way can I borrow your blnoculars?-Gee I coulda sworn I didn't ask to be In the Writing Irish-Getting caught sleeping out. Julie Altiere:Sklp to the left-Skip to the right-Skip any dass where Mr. Archer Is In sight. Kristin Chebra:Starwoman-We never did see Naked Gun 2v2 together ·Your end of the year parties-singing In lunch ... "A Is for . . . " reherslng the play with you-chemiStry partners Joanne Clppullo:Its been a real experience getting to know you and your variety or boyfriends-Locker buddles·Blsexuallovers Babs Brilliantine: Snow-cut down on the perfume will ya? Sue Carroii:Running through Dorney Park when we didn't have to -drinking Snapple every morning Chris Fava:Field hockey-za ... Woohooa ... Kawalla-volley· ball just wouldn 't be the same without you and your narrationWhat If ... ·the true class clown-stick girl Carrie Hritz:My crush on Dan.Was that his name?·Trylng to make you stop smoking Jamie Bonanni:Frog Lady-snow volleyball-killer clowns-same

brain waves-Jacobs ladder-toilet paper stuck to my shoe-QMDpoem starters-beeglr1s on Halloween-Drew Barrymore-chinese food Italian-field hockey fronters. I know these weren't the easl· est four years for you. I really look up to how strong you are and how you seperate your beliefs from others. I hope we never lose touch. Love Always. Noni:Chlapet-Watch out here comes sockman. 1 wonder If he Is any relation to Mr. foot·Antolne.Kevin.Dave, Ryan,Dom.·AII Seven and well watch them fall-Its the end or the world as we know It and I feel fine-lady In Red-All 1 wanna do Is zooma zoom zoom and a boom boom·Allve-tum the light on a few more tlmes·l've got a knlfei·Winona Rider-the bOyfglrl twins-What are ya burnt? the campground-The cynlc.The reallst, and The optl· mist -no knees-FOAD-Who's day Is It to be mad now?lfyour ever feeling unloved look me up. If I'm not home there Is always my brother. (your cue to fall on the floor) Rebecca:There are shades to black-The New laugh·Jomar·U2 concerts-Bono's sweat-Erasure concert-Peace March-crying over U2-gettlng obsessed with U2·sleeplng out for U2·Paul Simon concert-Laughing through the Hlstory exam-deciding to take a year off-procrastinating-decision making-Bert and l'!mle-Sunshlne and Rain-field hockey-spiritually moving music-Getting too serious abou guys who weren't serious about us-calming me downcheering me up-FOAD-What If everybody laughed like thls?·Loner lunch table·8ringlng crackers for fundi-my orange-paper vollcybaii·Mine and Nonl's testing of your eternal optimlsm-poems-nat· ural h!Qhs..Christmas card contest·New Years eve-movie posse disser-Calvin and Hobbes· (campground)·analyzlng everything· Polterglst lady-People are strange-slUts In your dad's ofllce (para· nold)·Best friends forever! LOYe ALWAYS TO ALL MY I"Rie1'1DS, Renee (Rain) 91st st. says It all. My house & all the parties. You'll never get your necklace back. So when am I going to get those jeans. Thanx for making me give my # to that kid at the Under· ground. He did call ya know. Express. U R definitely bowlegged. Y don't U pull your underwear up. Scarlon liove U !t I love to pick at your food Love Jen Cole Helen Jean Tellus- u R definitely dangerous on the dance floor.

~~~"l~~rft~ee:Oef~!!t~:~:~~~rJ~,:;:.~~ ~n~

just as much your fault too. Beer Wall. lS- definite psycho. Helen I can outride U anytime on Rt. 1. Little- Helen Jean I'll miss you Love Jen Cole Joanne Dll"'ola· cabrinl here we come. I had red finger nails from your blood· because of VA. 91st st. the best. Nice to leave me at the Catch. Good thing I laughed huh. U can have a picture of James Dean as long as I can have 1 of a Harley. We never did have a bed or room at the shore did we. Giving U pointers • your driving test. SM we both made some mistakes. So false Cousin Hayes Yo. Yo. Peace out. Rlgatonl on the ceiling. I won't miss you because I'll be with you. Love Jen Cole. R • Blender Bimbos Nicole Reagan- Nicole you want to bring me home so NO can't ask. Why? Why do you say that? Tell me everything he said. Love Jen Cole. P.S. Who's that remind U of(theques.) Domingo Vasquez- 6rooke's Tent Party. Your going to owe me 20 bucks after thls summer· because I'll win the bet Did U ever use that bag full of goodies I gave U? When can I have my poem? I'm glad we became better friends thls year. even If your forbid· den to talk to me by Sunny. You've been a great friend & I hope It always stays that way. Love Jen Cole Amy Wolooowlz· Swimming was fun· yeah right. We had fun hanging out. Ground Round talk. Let's play a game of pool on Sunny. Your welcome down the shore anytime. I loved your Cotillion Dress. I'll mlss u. KIT Love Jen Cole Jam Maxwell· Buddie Lembeck. Never 4get Ren !t Stlmpy. New Year's Eve Bt her rubber ducky hanging In the bathroom. The lollpop motel. When me Bt JW wrapped your locker In pink paper. Sleeping In your car at 6rad's party. Always giving you kiss marks w; lipstick. your Neck & Paul Nevin love for Miss Bellhelmer our ~,:e~J~~~r'f'~~~ve Jen Cole P.S. getting caught at the r:rlc Murtha- The lollpop motel. New Year's r:ve. Junior Yr. rm sorry I bit your face. I'm glad I got to know you last yr & we were such good friends. It dkfn't really work out but we had a lot of fun . Good Luck Bt KIT Love Jen Cole Christine Cseh· You fell in a hole with Joe Welsh. I never wrote on your neck In all my life. You wear your earrings backwards. Who ties your hair In knots. Mr. Harbach's class was the best. KIT Love Jen Cole Jen Kelly· I love to U. Parking breaks should always be down. Running home. Secrets. Hiding In bushes. Thanx 4 all the rides. I bet U R married & divorced 4 x before I even get married once. J.K. Love ya Evilness prevails. Scott Williams- Driving on 206, driving on shoulder of wrong side of the road. Mr. Rhym's class. Deerfield. Your a good friend 2 me. KIT rem. Toys. Love Jen Cole.

I"RJJD COLLf:NDI'!R Me· Thank youl You mean alot to me. I love youll CV· Rclaxl John Madden, football. ducking food at dinner, " Damn It Jim," " Hey you guys," alrwolf, 1 got your back. T5- football, soup kitchen, keep your car out of ditches, look out for those Illegal cut blocks. MP· "Where's my nose spray?" football, " ssfank," Gettysburg. mlssions, " the tall midget, only me can survive the trenches. Ee- football, cheep shots at practice, "sorry about the knee," " Steddy Eddie," Gettysburg. missions. JO· "Tip," your party got a little out of hand, Jane's class. the f club. "spew." JM· Sports Medicine, Chuck stories, mobil. RM· "You Iii%¥, -ss," gossip, snacks. lunch talk, Religion class, Bob's Big Boy. 'Right Black at you." DM· ''J\OundbOy," football, Accounting class, A· team van, Genesls #1. DANCOMf:R Mike Davies· She wants me, Throwing up on the Pathfinder, I'm the gym class hit man, GRAs• tools, I'm too handsome. hungrt? I don't know you. Mrs. G's dass, orr roadlng. hair contest, Shalt fat kid, volleyball, Shootln' pool. Slim fast. You crazy manl Your favorite song. Belle Mt.· 1 ski, HATt the grunge look and SN's shoes, she slept on a pizza, carrying books. I wasted 2 months on that girl, Doc· I need a perscrlptlon ... Nick. Stop sign, where's Jeff, Oh well I got to sleep for the next twO weeks, 2 jeeps 1 liked the green one more. stn rses- top secret, bodyboardlng glr1 wings. La Mirage, polo, have fun at Lehigh ... If I had the Bronco, lunchtables sorry If I was lsgustlng. Vince the Prince. Mike McD- hangln out Jr. summer. Mike S.·Atomic field forever, ex neighbor. P~e- thanks for the rides to school. Greg· BMW. way out of Great Adv . . Joanne- good marriage. sony about the Cotillion but I had to go .. . Fred, God, 1'1onnan. Bigger Is Better ... Pete Santiago- Square Root, Mrs. Oris's dass- 51""' . . . HI Sa· rah ... Sue Nemeth· get new shoes.

SARAH CONBOY Kate-ooh, I love your hair, can l touch It? Tltxter, I hope u no I sacrificed a nlte of passion with the band member of my choice just2 get u home on time, u can repay mew/ mike, del. at christ· mas w; your family, me u and kk at the cellblock. deadline, that freak that was starlng at us, but he was cool, Sandman! and that Incredibly gorgeous singer on stage. Fred-nick, sex god, u no Who u r, I b leave It was a pow-wow at a late nlte lb game wen I was first graced w; the lite or your presence, we've come sooo far, from powwow 2 sand crabs 2 kk 2 el ect. and I still love u, u get that beach house and I'll love u even


morel u no your welcome in our home anytime, even if i dont want you there! our home videos, tach me 2 drive your jeep! I no you'll never 4 get mel Suzanne·NYE and the time span that followed, werent we graced? u will always b the first person who took me guldolng. wat a nice crowd that hang out in those clubs. we werent 2 over· dressed, cottilion shopping, car accident yearbook saratage, Bon Jovl concert, how do we get rid of these men?. Col· u r evil, smile joey and joey love u, have u ever completed a season? u r a bitter, hateful, resentful human being, how I idol· ize thee! XC camp, denny's, I could beat u any day, Boston rules esp. w; me ac ur Justine·U r the ultimate fulback Marybeth· sweetheart. Florida, call keanu reeves dad! Matt Johnson-youre a male ho, but i love u anyway! Sophhores, KN, Cb·foadllll Riki·mony. key, ect. we outta here. 7 yrs, TP,et:,CMM. SW. that was then, TP. TJ. AI. MW.DI. ET.DI. TOMGODIHL shood I marry dave or snake? I have all our videos. HEAVENS EDGE, I want GG, lepracaun.el did smell. It did more than that redhed, blonde. brunette, lm versatile. slam ya into a coupla walls maybe? Trix· ter. nice of QG to get hurt that day. our luck. our lay your hands on me video, twisted sister too, slammin to metal church in my living room. smoothup wat did he say, mom dldnt like that song heathers. bomb the gym, 3 way sueside, drums. pep pills, mani· fest destiny. werent u supposed 2 marry riki? debbie gibson. sweet 16, the Ramones, my hyper active friend , don't touch that cafeinel. did i talk u into coming here, silly me, u r so naive, bike rides to Sayerville. Thanx 4 everything ya no I love ya just stop hugging me in publici! CC fava· u no wat It means now. lets trip on a little exstacy with our good friends debbie gibson and jennifer capriati. Blazon. how do u say that? Babs· I want to be like you I. except for the anorexia and those constant drug cravings, So how bout the hot guy In english at princeton. huh? MW· Vanessa· i love your. and mb toolli miss my girl already, oh ya u kissed a black boy!? how did the bed seen SOUND? Stacey· we can go now, but dont get excited, i want to remem· ber the cynical side of you! Chrissy· my obnoxious twin sis, lm just glad that I got the good looks, Prom Class. Maura· Paris, is that where we were? AB DB, go girl, chucks cafe, darker shade of man, boob fairy, our favorite psycho kn. my gosh we have a test i have to leave i seem 2b having an Asthma attack! she doesnt where It all the time (hint), learning to drive stick, bacardl. fone calls 2joe baker. ps, ab, i cant remember the restlskipplng down to princeton, trying on prom dresses. Ice cream and that hot guy, I b leave we were somewhat robbed, and that lovely ride home w; the evil one! Katrina-XC camp. pop tarts and favorite roomiell Bridget-freshman yr retreat. the beginning. endless trips to the mall to see that disgusting piece of trash,Tony!l!l Europe, Hard Rock Cafe, the bouncer guy that loved u, werent there 2 of them? u r such a flirt. but u did manage to keep me in line in Europe just like ang asked u 2, rite? Alan-shine a lite on u shine a lite on me 8C heather 8C babs. In· eed u now, i want u now, thru the vent in the bathroom, rebels sneaking out to the stairs. ooh u r so bad, hard rock cafe, lost on subways. mrt ftirt. and all those great memories! F.I.N.E.· trixter. OnR, skid row, joe nice fone call 2 mike oops sr., heathers and our plan to blow the hole place up, novaks, three way sueside, blak toothed red hed, Tom Kadlek or Tom· god. endangered species=belial a good name cant disguise true trash, Jim Morrison lives in my closet, the doors wj tom 8C damien, the way cool ans. machine, goody got·ta puik, silence of the lambs u dont no us dont look at us. BK PB TK EL AM DR u got the iron cross SM w; CO dablmbo stain pete nellson D Pk guy 91 pool bilder man, Matt K's teeth, the mall, rok dreams, choices wfMIKE &mark. ya no I mean Its a beautiful thing, ladles 8C gen· tlemen i give u tommy skeoch, I wishllollapalooza 92 dum secu· rity guy. u a clepto, freak shows 8C cantonlze food dont mix, quit my job. call me out cottillon 9~, troublemaker, metal 2 country 2 guido wat hapened? trippln on exstacy, freshman history u me tracey & mr R, shrink anyone? penn 4 u, star In my winning rell· gion project, thanx 4 all except 16b-dp! C·ya. Dude! S.o.t.Mind·stay away from those poor defenseless fruitfliesl Nando, Nando, I no wat you did 2 Derry r 31 Scott ave. at easter wat a beautiful site. French men named pierre and phlllepe, ice pick, chains. semi-automatic, alcholol. rented cars.shades up. and all those other International laws we broker Wheres my EMf PLATE? Pd.4 explain the joke to liz, U2 SUXI that gets the official u suk cheer. grasshopper got the power. yearbook savatage, trout fishing in america, jesus jones, neds atomic dustbin. New years eve, our brews, clog woman, admit it u did ltl. S.o.t.Body. Mlcheal Davis· I LOVE U 50000000 MUCHIII!III Junger:)ump on them. I no u wood, dark meat xtra thick. 1993 quest for the Ms. u r the greatest driver, golf on the 12th hole. no I prefer a grand plano, shabba, omar, cuba. DAVE, morris, MJ lm ready. sarah unlok these. sarah? tee-T my man, trespass, BNTH, juice, NJC, WPST pool anyone? lunchtime hockey, mikes locker a wo~ of art like him. francis, Marcus, James I dont think sol, me 8C ru drivin home from sportland, german class, my chauffer. use them b4 they use u. survey mel, walt til this summer! sure I'll do service w1 ul bonding on retreat u r a terrible Influence on me. thanx 4 all (phys 8C calc esp.), secret admirers!, Sto Caroline-watch out for that stop (crash) sign! just get on, nice attitude, Mlssuorri7! Brian. Brian, Brian, EWWWII did I ever get to taste that hot fudge? wat good r the keys wen the lok Is in your trunk far far away? lunchtime gossip w; mrs. coppock. nice of stew to think i like dave cuz of u or course, cotUIIon 9.:S,u done It again. secret admirers, mikes locker was a masterpiece, phy,chem, calc, math L, I cant get away from you. gym too, I love volleyball. bond on retreat In 11 ~ 12. and we arent done yet. Rubabe·techniklll, oktober,splritual sky, dodgitm bellai,Minls· try and your hell story, only a fool wood were kedsf. deadline en· ter sandman goodwill, LBI, sg with marichlno chen1es & pretzels & monty python w; those clapping coconuts. start the new year rite, nice 2 steal jen's date, go blue thunder go. EMf thats all I can say. Mr. Argese can u explain this joke it seems ru mlspelled the punchllne, P.4 we love ou mr. A, eww spit spit, pool room thats not a monkey I see wing at your back Is It? Although we've cooooome 2 the end of the roooooooooad, u sing hi I'll sing low, my singing buddy! 1 week 1 summer! Moshl Denny's Rules!. !'luanda! Caryn- haulfrahauselll best room in germany, hot feet cold head on the autobon, MRLII curfew, wat curfew? I'm not drunk but give me sum gum. Alan I need u really bad rtte now. sneaking out to the stairs & getting heather In trouble, REBELS, flooded bathroom, falling out of the tub, how bout those Italian gay bars In Switz .. nice adaptors,but he used to drive me to soccer prac· tice. 1 ml him so mr. wood! calling cards that dont work, 8C all the other stuff thats In that book you BORROWED from mel Laura· my other half. wat will i do If they ask me to think w;o u? Honors classes, did u do my homewo~? Sinister Shy 8C endan· gered species (to err Is human!),Todd & Matt Karchewveskl, or something. werent we supposed to transfer to peddle, Happy new year or so is said as I tar at the little fools around me, A little trig· ger happy with the pepper spray r we? Guido dancing but a little overdressed, c u at cheerteadlng tryouts, not! stay away from mike he's mine 8C Watwood I tell the children! Perry Street! LN·my drinking buddy, who needs alcohol wen I have u?'Aill can say Is EMf, that Is lfu remember! may B u dont want to, flor· Ida. the memories we make. u ac dave can use them free of charge. only cuz I love you so.

Harry- new years i spent w1 u twice, sorry bout the bums, thanx 4 getting me in trouble In p. 7, nice first impression u made on my mom, socio law his u r such a hard worker! love ul even tho u dldnt believe me about the nail! Chris Vaccaro- calm down chris its okay. Lola·i hate u and your childish spitball lites, hahal JENCORBAN Mom, Well now you have one grown up and one in diapers! Sa· mantha really doesn't know how lucky she is yet, and I didn' t re· alize how lucky I was until recently. No one will ever know how special it is to literally grow up together like we have. I thank you for being my strength, my supporter and making my every dream a reality. I know now you're not only my mom . .. you're my best friend. I love you I Mom·mom, I don't know what to say, you're the best and coolest grandmother ever, without all your love and support (lit· erally) I'd be nowhere. I love you and will always walk with you, right by your side through anything and everything. Aunt Deb. It's my tum! You've been so much more than an aunt, you're someone I can look up to and laugh with . You're a worse clutz than mel There's so much to remember but the ones that stick out are: Symptoms of true love (where's the pizza?) That's not my house. but I don't think they'd mind If you washed your hair! Our "thing" (I hope it doesn't get bigger!) So many men so little time ... I think Alexa's still the best out of all these, I want her to know lluv her and get ready to shopllll Mariah. Even though you 'rejust a bit of a girt, you mean more to me than anyone. You're the most beautiful baby sister In the world, and I love you so much. You're my little blond hair and blue eyes anget••• Daddy and Arlene, You guys are the best. Dad you're really special to me and every time I see you we get closer probably bjc I'm not such a " brat" anymore, thank God you have Arlene to keep you in llnel!llove you both very much. Chris, Even thou you're far away right now the love you send In each letter keeps us close. We've been together a long time and you've taught me a lot and are still teaching. I believe in you, I miss you and I love you (:5 squeezes!) Tlnkerbell, I know we've had our differences this year but we will always be close In our " little girl" way .. . Here's to the mem· orles .. . when we met (thanks Wendy) smiley face shirts, September fest. " Twins'' Dad's green buggy w; the gospel songs. My b-day W/ JD, TJ, SO, RT, SS, Dom & omi. Oh don't forget AM. Dress up+ dance. Alyson's rose . .. My names talking Tina, I don't think I like you . .. Drinking In the playhouse In the living room ... Kerokee w; Matt + Chris we sang summer Iovin ... Your surprise party (sherries the photographer) . . . florida, Shannon (a night to remember) Oramps Is so cute, he had to eat over newpapersll!ll miss him. Sleeping over Rias our deepest se· crets came out! In Oramps bote, swimming in the golf, crap! Sharks! Tee can't get in the boatll! Our diary. To all of our past crushes, Mixed up we were (RT, S?, JM, TC, TJ, CB. MD, Jf, PP, BD. RK, DL, CO, and many more) . . .. You me and Joanne, Noah 's Ark, Goliath. SharkAiert. Jo's famous appearance In the polka dot boxers, heels and a bun . . . fresh yr. Marshmellow llght. NACHOS + ICE CREAM . . . Our made up drinking game (Animal interpretations) I'll sing you lip sine! Dance Performance uggggghl! "WERE BLONDS!"' We always had to order pizza the frlgs are empty! Monster Mash. How about eating lemons and taping our wonderful singing???? " HEY BUDDY" The Oakley's, Ooops I thought they were yours, honestlll! " Don't leave me hangin" I don't want no troublel!l Let's listen to slow songs and cryl! There's so much more but I'll leave up to the mind to remember. Tell Wendy I luv her + mom too and you know I'll always luv u. LuvJENJEN Joanne, Hey hon here it goes .. . The 1st day U were at my house, Noah's A.rK was boml! Then Goliath and shark alert .. . Never forget you me and Tina: cox-co - , Dickson • Dl • and Hiner· hiney .... We all luved your beautiful appearance at my house, the polka dot boxers. the heels and the bun. your crazy! July 2lnd my b-day, you + me + tina AM, SS, RT, TJ, so. omi + dom. Your a great friend, good luck in everything you do and In· vite me to the weddlngll You and SD fje .... . Todd Michaels. There Isn't enough paper to say everything to you. you mean so much to me, I know you'll never forget that . .. Rose In a Rolling Rock bottle-· " NO MATTER WHAT " 103.~ my feverhead. " It wasn't me and It wasn 't the wall" Heinzs cast party 2/7/92 #1 " move" HaHa Grease, I was scared to say hll Soph yr. cotillion (the 26th) ... Sorry about the Jr. prom, I was stuck be· tween 21111 Besides you were thrilled w. your date ha ha. Pizza w; forks Its the only way! Oklahoma. us 2gether + 2 cute. Hey I dropped CM for you· for a few months anyway. Shinners religion: the prayer. I was shakln! FRITZ··- Coming to the door w; roses. Callbacks: " leave the room . .. NOW!" OUR ISLAND. What ever you do don't make the sad race w; the eyebrows. Harry or Is it Frank??? Nah its Todd Michaels. Our 1st date· the cotillion: hey you knocked Whitney over· not cool. BasketbalL I can beat you. I luv you In those black pants. Tell me a story . .. please, you can't say no to me. "Whats a libido?" #4. U better stop punching walls! I'll take u down. Golden Dawn, Mastories, did you order coffee or a coke?? Once again you couldn 't say no to me . .. •·t want to go to Perry St. and see a real prostitute. " Can you do it. I'm knocking on the edge of the door . .. were so cute . . Give me my way or I'll .... Never talk to you again ha ha. #7· basement. Lit: who Is the teacher??? I don' t get it (blonde). Snorts + animal noises-· me, ria + mells. Quick talk Madrigal talks. 1 told you, just tell her you have a girlfriend and a wlfel!ll Give me a body rub k·babe? And the latest . . . " the Clia r that swallowed me- only mel" The unexpected show at the cotillion, lets dirty dance· Hey you seduced mel Well Todd. Tadd, Toddster you already know how much you mean to me, need I say more???7n?? Codes .. I. K. Y. K. H. M. Y. M. T. M. I. L. Y. F. 1\, A. S. N. M. H. F. Love you al· ways 8C forever ME (as If you wouldha know) P.S. July 22, the best day! (our b-day) I'm older 2 Y.t hrs Ill = 4 Sammy. All I have to say Is "more questions" ..• (high pitched voice). Talks till 5 In the momlng, U and Ria R the BEst! "The In· former" I want to see a real hooker! Mastories + Golden Dawn (we saw mommy + daddy!) HBOIIICaverlccls. Don't you ever give her an empty snapplel!ll Our tennis match outside my house - I can play really! Squlshln Into mom's car on the way to the sur· prize party ... 300VI - now Its "Can you do it. I'm knockln on the edge of the doorlllls It sammy or samuel??? u::r:~::g, eaooo you have weird wayslll The cotillion, sam, their not like us! Lets go for a jog, I'll just take off my heets. Well buddy you've been the best, all I have left to say Is (HAND MOTION) .. DO DA DO and with that I'm outta here. Your like a brother + I LUV YOU! Luv J.C. Oh yeah tell mommy Hll Ria. freshman yr.. Wildwood, computer pic. Can you do it I'm knockln on the edge of the dOOr! A.M. raldo· 123 cha cha cha . . . Your hot pick toothbiUSh + fishle soaps. Chris videos: "Sony plqqy'' ... Golden Dawn you, me, TC, SB. I want to see a real prostfttitelll " we're so cute, I love us!ll" Orandpop's car- ut oh problem on Dubee road· How do you buck In an automatic only you ria. VIdeo on New Years Eve- UH· Angela hit mel Snapple- lets you, me. + Mells sing Sound of Mu· sic or "In Your Room" on my machine, hey lets go to Matts and drive motercycles up his legs· who got the middle, NOT MElli Snorts and animal noises- lovelylll Madonna (deeper and deeper) + Prince an 7 and we watch them all ... yeah I know the words. Oxford Valley Mall· the search for the perfect cotillion dress! My 1st fight at the gas station· UH, I did break a nail . .. ha ha. Mast· bries. Chris almost killed U on the Way home-- he's so cutelll! 7·11 2:00 every time. The informer. Last minute cotillion planslll Washington: one scary afternoon. Hey ANT over here, our accl· dent, what an experience! ... Member all of our fun, there's lots ahead: summer, college .... tluv youl!ll

Melissa, Lets go to tras and play Tetresl Put me and Sam on the phones again! Snorts and animal noises. Hey don't forget the pooteesr Ria almost killed us lOOx driving gramps car. Was he a good kisser? ..can you do It? I'm knockln on the edge of the doo( ' Golden Dawn - thats enough said on Its own. Lets go to the fizz· ha ha. Pigs In a blanket anyone? Will you drive 1he motorcycle up the middle???? Lit· who's our teacher? Snapple. Ney ant over here . . .. EUR~MIIIl Our crash! We make cute eosl Your a great friend luv ya J.C. Jen, Hey chaufferll Where to begin? Huh how about this sum· mer I say you at the party. do you speak english? Thank GOd 1 found a faillar face. I'll be your designated drfver, but only If you can walk next tlmelil PLEASE STOP SMOKING, It gags melll Ma· donna (EROTICA) fooTee. Water. water. I want your sex· George Michael. The party at my house Alex was a flirt, hey how about joe, and jeff+ tom, dick + harry dropped em all hehm Stick w; Tom hes a sweetie. calls from florida .. . All our problem talks about men .. . are they really worth It?? Polaks· hey they have nice cars! C.Cs vette. All of our switching of clotheslll Our Lord·N· Taylor interview! Picking up my car at Chris's, Learning not to buck In stick! Bring the cover up I might need it. Me· Donalds stops. and sc much more your great. lluv yallll Kristie, HI bet! You've been a great friend. I know well keep In touch! Remember the nights of you, me, nkk and chrlsllll How about then leaving the balcony door open and hearing our con· versation, Nah we weren 't to embarressesdlll How about fighting In the car. Pizza Hut. from stelnert at Perrysl Washington. what a trip. OUR 2 boys, dragging em to the cotllllan. hey crfs and I sure enjoyed to dance floorlll After the cotllllan (where are we goingm??? We never knew!) Well when my other halfs back well hang out. hell we'll be In the same schoolllll Micelle, Hey hun! Its been wonderful! You and jason are the best! Tell (Jakie) I said hill! Well we both have marine menll hey lets Go out and drive around all night. I promise I wont buckl Thanks for getting back the key chain Its where It belongs no . .. with mellll All the probs w; TS, CK. and more I don·t know who wanted to kill CK morellll But thats ok, we got them! When are you gonna get your licesenece???? Us doing so well In Trig, what a joke . . . Thanks for all the ta ks and listening when I needed It the most, your a sweetie (and a country gal) I won 't let you Jive It downll Jen Ben Night. keep In touch. We had some great tlmesl Jen Ben Daylll Mlkey D. -your crazylil Ant. hey, you got us together· thanx! Remember all our talks, slngln sessons andour Great Adventure Trip wanna squish In the pack of an MO?? Sorry you got caught alter the partyl!ll Your the sweetest guy and I luv youlllll Curty Swan, Stay with your manllll But do stay away from polish won· derslll This summers Thunderbird ride! Convertabllzlng on New Years The snakelll Bowling, Hey It was fun! Want me to sing for you and your whole family??? Thanx, Engaged, WOW. Pootee. .l ways helps In alot of sltuationsllll your a doll, r know we'll keep In touch. Kell, the dinosaur underwear, my mom still loves you. Me getting J.f.s number ohhhh big moment I'll trade ya curts for the straight anytlmelll Dancing class at the college thing that day was the best. Keep In touch Ill B.C.. Like you said everything will work out In the end, oh your so right, Thankx Budllll D.M· Quick cotll· lian preparations, but It was fun· can't walt to see the epic· Ha Hal Hope I didn't forget anybody ooopsl KeLLY CORBOY To all of my friends at ND: thanks for four years of fun and a lifetime full of memories. To all of the 9lst street girts thanks for all of the corruptlonll'll miss you all. Good luck In all you do. Branham • Hey G. How about those bargain hair pieces? I sure fixed mlnel My convertable In ten degree weather on the way to the firehouse. Well we all know you went black and you'd better come back! Just remember who loves you. Later G. Kell Babs • Its the Babsterl Hey I like that ring, how much was It? Thanks for the life savors! Love ya Kell Brendan Cartlidge • Look out for that published book of all of your poems In my honor. I dont think anyone treated me like more of a queen. How about our walk on retreat· It meant Just as much to me as It did for you. See you In the mall right befOre we ride off Into the sunset Happily ever after we will be. You're one of a kind Bren and one thing that I am certain of Is that I will never forget youl Don't change and stay sweet • and most of all don't ever miss a sunset. I love ya Kelly Missy Ceff • Pick It up and move It over. Scott Stemner time, Put It In We couldn 't believe you did it. All those slumber partie at my house. Cheerleadltm soph. year New years eve Denny B. He's 251 Special Olympics r:<Iward Joseph Hopkins .. All my life... All the gatherings at JC's house. what a blast! I'll miss that laugh of yours love Kelly Cole· 'Just remember our old familiar place." You can be so brainwashing Screaming out of my wind tunnel. Frosh year " HI l'fll Jen" thats nice get me out of 9c Jetty I don't want to get stitches Shargo Late night swims on 91st street • rigotoni sling· lng, EVILNfSS will always prevail mystery hook up · I'll never tell. My broken foot the emergency room Parties at Cole's, the golden arches, Ralph and Church, Pete's Grice glrtfrlend. late nights at Bob's wortd. Rena and Maryanne WAWA parking lot Anthony's house, we need a night IIAhtl two words OC. Senior colt. smooch! Jen will you wear my ring1 Kell stop! we shared a place of pation. All of our fights about selfishness and rides. Its been great and I could write forever. I Jove you and 1 know we·n always be close. thanks for all the QOOd times love Kell Mike Davies· oft wise one • my Anatomy partner. I loved being your shrink even If I am a prostitute of vlgorf See you In LBI they'll all want our great bodlesllove ya Kdl Joanne· Slicked? I agree. You're obsession with JD Nell's party 2 • .l, 4 can we count that high? Can I borrow your sister's barret? I'm moving ln with Dad Kelly cracked com and I don't care. Rob that weirdo, we thought he was all that. Nights out with Pauly. Sure Dad, we stayed at Susan's shore house. Cousin Hayes In dreds and your underwear, Your cousin Bobby studf. Slim Jl. too hotl91st street two years In a row. )"hlch was better? Joe yuked over the balcony what an aroma! o the beach coupled • me, DD Jf and 8S PDAI JD and DB and llWe Dom with CM. frosh year at Jaime's hOuse how many times did you guys change? fly girts 91' We doubled at the Junior prom nice date· funltts been great thanks for sharing ramlly experiences. You're the best! Oh yeah fly like an eagle 1!:1\ bye. I love you Kell Chrissy Gunson • All of those ski trips the electric slide • dolt\ convention Dunken doughnuts, Bell Mountain Sue's jacket. Old McDonald • Roy Rogers ''Will ~go to the prom with mer· ~ In your foot. All those Ia nltht calls to the pay phones, taking your car for a spin, lying to your Dad • I felt so bad. Our date with Paul you were so man. Your parents skiing, don't laugh I Howar Stem and Slash great party! Trent hotel anyone? all those cock· roaches. Trying to put my top up on my first day driving stick. We had to wrap ourselves In swadflng clothing. Well Its been great never forget all of the good times and good luck with Chris! I love ya Kell

ad~~~~e~~'l!t~: ~=tftm~~~,~~ti~:~:=

scoop, you always had It alii I'd hit that with a honda. All of your pathetic get on's. Thanks for 4 years of love friendship and good times. Just remember who wanted who· frosh year. Its all mel I'll miss your NEV~ lose touch love you Kell Chris Goodrich • Never forget soph year, we were so dose. The colt. that dresslll Oetting ready for Kyle's party at Jen Sees. Watching that scary movie on halloween whDe you masaged my feet. JC's grandmother's and Brookes tent party that was long over due • Our date with your mom. she sat In the back. Its been fun. You know I've always loved you. Good luck In the future and keep In touch! love Kell

Meredith -the day before frosh year first day, do we really need a lock? Lamar. Derrick, pitang, pltang. New year's eve frosh year chaimpalgn anyone?. candle sticks, can you teach me? All of your deep dark secrets and how many were there? BUTTER! Bruce!, Bruce!. Bruce! Is she a model, Well its been great. can't think of a ything else to write .. Never forget all the good times. We're going to have a blast at the shore See you in Bocca Rotonl Love you, Kell Tina Hiner - The map of Aftica. Dancing to the oldies In my room. Making cookies with grandmom, and pork roll sandwiches with Grand pop! It was great! Keep In touch, Love Kell Kathy Johnson - I don't know what I just smoked. That goofy lifeguard Chris. The clud on friday nights I've got boobies! drink· ing beer like irish girls.have fun at Brookdale, love Kell Eric Murtha - all your pathetic get on's, and your confessions the morning alter. summer 92.our walks on the beach. my dads boat. steve miller concert. baking cookies. Brooke's tent party scratch me, I love you love me?love Kell Cindi Santo· all those three way conversations soph yr.your love triangle with V.A. and BS,your callander.JC's house get to· gethers.Kelly looks pale,is she slck?Dennis Gallagher!IIHallow· een soph yr. cheerieading,i dont think her hairs all that.scratch my were such a pain my sweet weren't wet· come!im not carrying the pretzels.n w yrs sr. yr.blastlll never forget all tliosegood times,good luck in the future,if your brains not too Kell Helen · Mr. levin.shore 91,GREG11Jthe neighbors next door,lets sky write it,i hate greg,hl gregii!Scott wrote my number on matches the kissing god rum and coke.coverlng for me while I was at the neighbors.driving a strangers car while under age.hooking w; CO on the beach.1 y, hours late for curfeu.belly conquest list easter vacation.the Joofah.TN fixed your toilet. what a guy. babysitting at Matt's,flooding the laundry room.teaching you how to dance,llfelong process. LBI (@Arrie.i wanna dance,Quo VAdis our monthly phone calls.trip to Princeton,CVS. calling M.A.,) so whats new???Express.B.P.,will you ever figure him out?BJTEm i love you,see you at Mercer,tove Kell Jen Welsh • scratch, scratch.Jen, beverly hills is on,get out of the bathroom.SZ's house,MOOSE. vocking.those down wfCMD?im keeping Merldet bra.midnight walks in our nightgowns,sharing stories of our,ftrst YMCA on the beach.l'll protect you from shawn.tum those lights showers. you'll never forget my birthday.Oid you do your history. I love you Kell Scanlon · enter here mike brown's shoulders you pulled it too hard, pull daddy's finger the club, we feel the same way about guys. express.monicas pet. uh ... not were you going to college? summer 9.3 is gonna be great. Love ya Kell Gary · can l sing to you on the phone? the night before Jr. prom. tcried. chicken pox.J'm 5.0 puggy bunny.who do you like the best? our ftght.the princess loves you. Love Kelly Michael • what's up man nutln'? Oct. .3l .. how does BP kiss? frosh and sr. cotillian. I trust you. soowrong! my moms art class thanks for breaking my bed. my b-day.dinner with family tlnglles! roses,how many? wanna sleep over? your parents caught us up stairs. the shrink. YUP!It has to be done. the lettuce mastories my mom: hey Mike do you have a but? do you come here often? Alladain. Thanks for all the times it was your treat. where are my keys? will you go out with me? well I don't know where it's going, but it's been great so far. I know we'll always be close. By the way, you don't smell! Love you Queenie Jenn Sec • Where do I statr? so much to write. so little paper here are some of the highlights: Msr. Mac. Mr. Mason scrapin ra· violi.slster dennis.stealing lunches.pawn.shut that ugly mouth fern-no rabbits. Kell stop ... Jen your punnlshed. MCCC have none go away. now did I do that?eliminatlons and Initiations wild· wood K MANDL INEED A CUP Of WATER. my fear. we shared the first same kiss. and second! were playln with the rug Jaim. I am going to Dolphs If I have to walk. cream wagon. who? mario love and marriage. stpo, cataberate and listen. so many men • so little time. M.m. did he know the words to that song? the Irish soccor team. grand crack. my bonnie lies over the ocean I could go on forever. All these years and we're stll close I'll always be here don't ever forget that. Never stop being you I love you, KILLER Jalm • Where do I begin, I guess 14 yrs ago on that fence. toneetes. you cried over that damn marble. fame-teachers pets your omamet always brokewhen we gonna finish those fans-we have to finish them! Greese,barble dolls. teaching you how to dive. all the meals you fed me·nans salad, pops meatballs, moms ketchup. were the mature one,initlations. we made you. those puppy dog eyes. finding the hidden condems, and trying to figurethem out. JS AND r:Dprete ndlng on the noor ED, was he woth all the trouble? who did he really like? raiding his house, trouble on the phone. crusaders. I hate my life and To· niann. power failure .. . no way! H party,blue lips SH. me and AR· he never laid a hand on her. my 1.3th b-day party. nice date. my surprise sweet 16 great planing. rrosh yr-you hermet ny girls 91. yonk the wonk. your 1st intoxication. Greg( he winked at me) Richie Rich. the yacht. Meatloaf. you and Bs (pda) dd his sob story.9lst street 92;your b-ftiend was our mom. lets convert. should you have taken the chance with Zig? I still say yesl no disrespect! our fake fight to sue and gary. late night conversations,me show· ing up at your house with that glow,you knew right away. they were both shawn·s. all our winter trips to LBI colgate.! love It I love it baby. New yeras 92. I could go on forever and the thing is, we will go on forever There are so many more fun times ahead and I can't waltl Thank you for your support. friendship, advice, love. and for being you. You are my one and only best ftiend and always will be. I would have never made it through life without you. Thank you for making my life complete, without you. I dont know where I'd be. I'll ALWAYS be here for you no matter what! !!I Dont ever leave. I love you Kelt KERRY CRISTOfOLETTI Jen Mirelli· Bus ride to school. All your boy problems· PP, MB, JR. BM. OM. JL. 56 guys rule (CH, JR). Maybe one day we'll dou· ble. St. Joe's Dance, U always bring a purse, our long talks, The Hammock (broke). cs- messed your dad's vacation pictures. Wil· lows, we babysit to much. It's been a great 4 years w; you. Re· member all our fun tlmesl I'll miss yaH Love ya, Keny Jimmy Primerano- Bucky, I'm rally glad I got to know U better this yr... Your all that Bt then more" Remember nice guys don't always finish lastl Lunch/Gym were fun. Good Luck In all U dol Keny Dave Haas· U called me last. All our classes together just can't get enough ... Okay Bye" Your so honest! Lit· never did work. Mt. St. Mary's here we come (we hope) Thanks for listening to all my problems. Your a great friend! Thanks for always making me laugh. Love ya Keny Babs Brilliantine· Barb, barbie. we have been though a lot together. never forget our fun memories! Keep my marker, should have worn green shorts, softball, Basketball, 5oph· Lit your fa· vorite person K.B. Our many differences. We never fought. U wouldn't let me In your room. Your true love 4-ever DH ...The big money" Go see your G.C. I told Mr. Rotondo! Just remember I'm here for UJ Thanks for everything your a great friend. Never lose touch! P.S. What do U have pertod .3?? Love ya Keny Ryan Brenna· Bucky. favorite shows 911, 90210, Catilion night (what fun) Okley Man, How excited U were for your cross-country trip! The play, Tempo's rule, your a crazy driver. Grease, Walt· den, I got bageled, Only U understand me when I talk! Compar· ing Ret. grades. Thanks for always listening to my problems at keeping your mouth shut. Your a great ftiend at you mean a lot to me I'll miss ya! F/f (Vanilla) Love Ya Keny Amy fell· Period 6 lunch, history we are soo lost (VA, BS) Catch. Chicken·n·egg! Bump on a log! New Yrs. Eve. Christi's

Party! This summer is gonna be the best! Thanks for everything! I'll miss ya next yri .. Ewing girls rule" Love Ya. Keny Jill McClure· Jilly Jill· Gym, VA. My stories, Coming to my aunt's house. you drove CR home· got lost. MH· your true love. Jr. yr· stop following me. Ms. G's class. Thanks for always listen· lng to my problems. Your a great friend I'm gonna miss you next yrl KIT Love ya Keny Christine Cseh· Your coming to every party w; me. Put soda in my drink,·Rob, Christl Bt Bee's house· thanks. Homeroom, Catch, Beach U l!Jc JW (Christine where are U) We can tan forever! Hal· loween· U ran alter those Kist PP. This summer is gonna be great· Thanks for everything I'll miss yai Love Ya Keny Christi Danbeny· Homeroom, Bowling. J.S., Ice skating. Catill· on;Morp switched dates. Leaving me at the gas station. Girl Talk, Catch. Rapids· Cops, Shore. Chicken·n·egg. SS U had mel Jr. yr. cookies every day... Pick a #",Dolly, Miller, P.S. Diner, "Soph's" Stomach aches, Parties, you getting in trouble, tell me every· thing, ND·parklng lot. Pat's house, .. What are they doing in there" Summer nights in cars, U l!Jc JR are friends 4-ever! I'm big· gerl! CP· u loved him, visiting me babysitting. MW· shore. N.Y.E, Ground Round (MK.) Walks in Princeton, slept over at my aunt's house, Princeton football game, FIZI Thanks for all the great memories! Your a great friend! This summer Is going to be great! I'm really going to miss you! Ftf Love ya Keny Megan Harkness· fr. yr. gym· Hammer, St. Ann's Halloween Party, foil on chicken, Bacon on a roll. Long talks, Nights we cried, Pauly· should have went for him! Gas station stranded, Get in the car, u pushing them outl Rapids· cops, Visiting Scranton, Ice hockey locker room (BS). Fighting K.R. first cg., Cranking MJ. Nights in cars, P.P-guys, Excuse me, Excuse me. U like a chat· lenge, Night U made me go out w/ MJ Bt BM. "Sophs"· what were we thinking, Rei. p.4. Burger King· U· me l!Jc DO. Nights we hung out, Ground Round, shopping. Visit CH· we're so slick. Talked to him till .3:00am. You snore! Boots, BM is Eric's cousin, Paula- hit her w. her tennis racket. coming over your house before practice. Bagels· yuml Night I couldn't find U l!Jc Christi! Nights I slept over. Visit me babysitting. Jr. Lunch· b-room every day. Night went swimming w; BG, ES. BM· I thought I was going to drown. LBI. 1st time I slept over, Bowling (JS) Scranton sweatshirt, JD- 6th grade love. N.Y.E· soo much fun! Thanks for all the great memories! You have been a great ftiend to mel I'm going to miss you next yr. Were friends till the end babel! f /F Love always. Kerry Gina Manconon· Remember all our X·mas l!Jc Noll. parties, vid· eotaplng. Maganonia, physical science fr. yr, sharing lockers, being lett at the gas station· we had so much fun that night. Cheryl cut your hair, Dad's car stalled at Pizza Hut! Thanks for all the great memories! Never Jose touch! Good luck in all you doll Love ya Keny Helen-Jean Telles· We have been friends for a very tong time! Mew; the braids. turning your room into a church, took your mom's clc's Bt hid them! Switching shoes, You got your mouth washed out w; soap! Sundays· always spent w; your family l!Jc mel Young people's day camp, lstt day of 2nd grade· who's that, who's that? Always baked cakes. I'm not allowed on Rt. 27, Soft· ball· Angels, KM· 6th grade, Life guarding, Willows, Rummy Cubs. Put the M.B. in my napkin, Slept over at ate so much I borrowed all your clothes, Dress up each other· locked me outside, tennis on the road. tanning, watertight, Our long talks, Princeton Re· view, M.M· U guys were great together. 7th grade fling· RH You taught me all I know! Your Michael Jackson Jacket, We have had so many great times together, remember all our memories. Thanks for being such a good friend to me. We'll always be good friends· we came this far didn't we? FfF Love Ya K.eny Carol Scanlon· Tuti· we have had some great times together. You can be the boy or dog, talking on your machine, swimming in your pool. shark, tanning. my stomach is tanner. 8th grade flings BM Bt MG. Countdown. Your shoes smell, B·ball, Scavenger hunt your great tuna sandwiches, Virginia. Wore my coat in Grammar school. Our fun talks on the phone Lifeguarding, Wil· lows. We have had soo many fun times l!Jc great memories which I'll never forget. Thanks fore being such a good friend! F/f Love Ya Kerry Meg Ham;yman· Meg·a·moo-, legs, N.Y.E. Christi's Party, My prom pictures, Who's that girl Megan? she is soo prettyllt's been a great 4-yrs. Thanks for everything! I'll miss you ne"t yrl Love Ya Keny Maddy Sirak·l'm glad you came back to NO! Remember all our fun times! Thanks for all your advice w; MVI You have been a great friend! Thanks for everything! I'll miss you next year! Love ya Keny Cheryl Eitzen· wsc. All our loves, Poindexter, Penelope, The park. the rapids. God's must be crazy II, "69, Sally from Texas. All our prank calls, Bus ride to school. our dream to hang w; SB guys, SB· baseball, basketball, football games· saw UV. Fri. nights· brownies, burnt popcorn walked a mile for iceman, drive around looking for SB guys, food town· u, me l!Jc CS. "Duck"· CS driving w; out looking. Dayton· hot guys, Shore, Catch ...Can U feel your nose?" fell asleep on lifeguard stand, Drives down to BLI. PW· house. NO· parking lot. N.Y.E. Christl's house, "Over," Hang out that w; PW, MV Bt friends. "Can I open the window?" Slept outside CS house, "Antile" PS· came to my house, Cailtlon shopping. Lost going to soccer game· almost got killed .l times, There's my aunt. fender benders, Carnival, Zipper. Prom· too bad CS, Sauce on my dress, Call Randy, N.Y.f· your house, crying in your sleep, slept w; the phone, lost in Trenton, Princeton· same night What we do for men. The park· I never was so scared be· fore, Bob. Thanks for ankel bractet. Urisinus football game, u, me Bt CHat movies, UR·house. Parkside Diner, No one laugh's at our jokes. my brother's b-ball games. slept outside in your tent. You love to laugh, we need a place to stay, their bald, bringing up the gilts, slept outside in tent w; OH, ME. My whistle, balcony, Poll· position· Kez, Chicken·n·egg. Who disted who, Homecom· ing. drive w; EB up. Getting pulled over· so lucky. St. Joe's Dance, Being followed to CS· house, U l!Jc Pat. 55- ..Where's my gift?" CS· swimming· where here, SB· possee Rummy Cube, AAU· games, Shange in PH. U2 l!Jc BS concert, Cutting my hair. Carnation BH, Gap shopper. Our bets, Reading contests, SS Party. finally· got our license, .. What if I did this?" flz· great driv· ing, Thought we saw Greg Sowbean, Videotaping ourself playing b-ball. Boogie Boarding, SB· girls love us. Trips to the beach. Pushed you oft' the coach. Great Adventure· No dates, Well, we have so many great memories together which I will always cher· ishl You have been a great Bf to me. Thanks for always being there! I'm going to miss talking to you 5 times a day! I luv ya! B.f.F. Love ya always Keny Jay fowler· Nice to ever calli Maybe one day I'll get your poem book. Remember lifeguarding, your favorite saying. "Are U seri· ous" Good tuck in all you dol I'll miss you! Love ya, Keny Joanne Clpullo- Jo·Jo· Remember all our fun times In Rei Bt Chern. Rumble seats. Lab, broke the beaker, Chern· BB Bt KK· al· ways took your homework, Our favorite Jr· JCI Retreat! Good luck In all you dol You been a great friend! I'll miss youl Love ya K.eny Mary foster· Softball· Fr. Yr. SHore, Catch, •·cr", Chuck's house, your rap around CP little finger. RM l!Jc MJ will we ever dou· ble. "K.R l!Jc MK", Black rose. WW· U got sick on the ride, Mar· maduke, BS.. concerti Those guys followed us home, Chinese f.D. Bee's house· U taught me a loti! Left our coats at the Cal· tlion, U drove my carl We have soo many great memories. We are going to have soo much fun this summerll You have been a great ftiend to mel Thanks for everything! f /f Love ya Keny Rebecca Rottkamp- Fr. yr. Hung out at your lockerr N.Y.E. SHore, catch. Beeped 10 tiems at Tim's house. Christi's party, U at NP are great together, MS· too cute! Fr. yr. Physical science· at· ways knocked my books over. Our night out w; RB l!Jc JP! Night out PS Diner, Eating pretzels in hallway! We have had ssoo many

great memories together! This summer Is going to be great! I'll miss you alotl Thanks for everything! .. Ewing girls 4-ever" Love ya Keny. Underclassmen Kim Waropay· Klmmy· So glad we became such gOOd friends. Remember all our fun and good times: Gel, Moose. Walks down D· Carte. Sprinting down halls, Your love 4-ever JL. When will he ask you to the Caltllon?? Waterflghts, Pictures. Pictures. Can I borrow your black Jeans? Softball, Singing Crist .... I'll miss ya next yr. Never lose touch! Thanks for being such a gOOd friend! Loveya Keny Matt Jones· We had alot of good times together! ND- parking lot. PW· house, our long talks, that night at the rapids, your biO was always higher, CaUtion night. In the neckll Aller everything we have been through I'm glad we remained good friends! I'll miss you next yrl Stay out of trouble! Love ya Keny Chuck· Maybe one day I'll drive you homel Thanks for destroy· lng my aunt's house! Remember my great laugh w; no sound! Thanks for always making me taught I'm going to mlsss you! Good tuck next yearn Love Ya Keny Kevin Crlstofolett· I'll miss driving w; you to school every day l!Jc stopping at Bagel Express. You have been a great brother. Good luck the next 2 years! Love ya Keny Jodi Meszaros· remember our trips to practice, looking for An· drew's truck. Late for practice. got dressed driving! Kelly Blackburn· We got to do Pistol· one of these days Elandra Parrlor· Thanks for picking me up when I was feeling down Michelle Amari· Shelly· What's our goal for this season? Melony Furda· VCR· your secret Is safe with me. Beth Reftnskl· Channel 2 News Is next Mf. BR. JH, JH, AC, JR. Cf, KC. AR· I'll miss playing W/ you guys! You guys mean alot to me l!Jc I'll never forget you! CHRISTINE CSEH Amy f: Trenton State College, MO, What a night! Pool Party, Cake fight. Gym Class, Wanna smoke a cigar? Basement broth· ers. Talks about Brian. Lets go for a drive. Westchester. Summer 92", Now who's driving your car? You did what with Riehl Who's on the hood of our car? Stop eating my food, Nadal fair!, Shafs class, Les, Ben's house, Up against the car, Doing my nails. sled· ding, Chlllln In my car, LBI. Better stop at the Stop Sign, Give me back my clothes! Ufeguards. 7-r:leven, Eddie In the Vault· what were you doing mack there? What? No really I am a CJ, Hug the bowl lately? Catllllon Night 9:5'', Can't you ever stay homel. Noll Old you quit yet? Neveri Want some Buffalo wings? Christl: Las Vegas, My house summer 92", L81. The Ketch, Aren't you from last night!, Alan, New Hope, Princeton, Parties. Air Hockey table, SM, Wanna go for a drive? New Years, Where's my lighter. Great Adventure, Lifeguards I want my clothes, Too bad your parents came home, Are you grounded? Stop eating my food, Nice hair, Wanna go bowling, look there's Justin!, let's go to Moody Neds Atomic Dust Spin, Theres lipstick on the Zepplln. Track· what a jokel, Did It hurt? Stop touching me, no more breadstlcks for you! Westchester, Are you guys still fighting? Nice to lie to me, Craig Bag. 7·Eieven, MM. Nice hair!, You can't drive stick, Bum you're hafr lately, How's your back? PJ's Pancakes! Sophomore Guys!, Brook's Party, Knock down a fence lately? New Hope· Wanna fight?, Dad, you found what In my cart There Is Gum on your bedl Meg· Mike and Ken, Proms, Valentine's day. Wild Flowers, Mus· sets· yuki, Fizz, Skiing. Give me a Helnyt, I salute you, After prom, Seaside, LeBaron, How's that trash can?, Lean this way, your house, Christi's Party. Mike Dwyer, I don't remember, Bordentown Girls, all the long nights at my house. LBI, Surfers. Life· guards, Put your clothes on backwards lately? Gym class, fro volleyball player, Ole, CaWIIon night, How's that bottle sound? Watching MS Soccer game, 8m, You can get with this or you can get with that!. Chad's Bathroom No really I bring In your sweat· ersl "I am gonna call you know whol" I'm Prettier! You can go faster than 55 mph! Just Klddlngl Hark: Eric, Bob &t Jeff, what a summer! Mrytle Beach. Getting tan, Pennington Boys. Chad, C8tllllon night. Prom night. In the laundry rooml He Is such a Jerk. Math Class. Get a Clue, who got the bed, Lets go bowling. Yeah right, Nice hair. Our diets, NOT! Look who got him, Dave, BM. New Years, Eric's Pool. Don't lie to mel South Brunswick. Where were you the summer of92"? Slim fast, Low Cal fOOd, Do you want a sandwich?, Late to school again, J.S.S. • not yet, Oreos, Throw Pizza In his tap lately? Hockey games, Wheel of fortune, Nice to push AB • I out of the bedl, Dancing In your carl Lets cruise the Ewtrm strip, JP at 7· Eleven, Don't I sing great! NOT! Let's call CO, Tell him the truth yet. He thinks he's Godl Late to school agalnl We'll start tomor· rowl Harvard doesn't know what they are mlsslngl fall under my Dad's car lately? Bee: New Years· what a night. Keith, could of, should of but didn't, Oh well, Christl's Party. Bump your head lately, Summer of 92", LBI, Beach Party, Ocean at night with Slrak, Uneles house. Mike at Dustin, Sony 1 left a mess, Beauty and the Beast, Don't give In, Trenton State College· What a night, TS. Cseh face, NP, Incarnation. Miss Yell. forever Young, Thats what friends are for, Don't Cry, What an attitude! The fizz. Missy's car at .3 a.m. Give me your scrunchlel Boy you 5agJ, Just Kidding Well you fl· nally got who you wanted! HAl HAl Ben's house. B.W .. Boy you're Hushed, Don't fall oft' the stool. Chuck's wings, Where·s my black bikini?, Car break down lately! Track, Library. In front of you're Fireplace, Lets clean the bathroom! Mary· Blood sister. Incarnation. Snowball fight with ~ Sleepover, RM, Kf, a dozen roses then never talked to again, what a waste. Ry Guy, What a Jerk. your bathroom, Was I thought loud?. our drives to Millstone, Do 1 have enough gas, the Hayride we never got to, Help we need Oasl What a night. L81, J.K.. D.O., nice to knock the fan overt Thanks for lettlna me Christen your boat! My shore house, the Ketch; your dock, i'he Bea<:h, 7·tleven- l'tlce to screw up- Where's the party?. My house Summer of92", What a week. Thanks for t'ertlllzlng my bushes, Qrat Adventure, Megan's Party, Coach. "Me you done yet?" Ice hockey, Shelby. Crutch Environmental class, Halloween 92", Trenton !ltate Cot· lege. How's Jackson, Who? ~mow more knee surgery. "I don't care if you talk about mel'' Susie: Lehigh. She can't dance, One to many that qlght, How was the frat? Sony about the car ride hornet We're golrig to Slz· zler, Halloween 91" My head hurts, Gym class Gossip, She better stop looking at ust. 85, Megan's party, OM, No you're legs aren't fat, walks In the rain, water fight with I:K. So .how's CO, Thos gOOd or Wetng Boys. Christl Party, LBI, The surfers. Who stepped on Katie's head? Walk of Shame. fK)TI Party On Babel Marlu· Lehigh, Ben. Hector, How many have we had?, What a night, Old 1 stink up your car?, Sixth Oracle, I had a nice ram, In· carnation, Walks to the Bus Stop. Lets go swimming. Lose a ftlp flopl, Can you ever be on time? caterplllares- Yak, 8roke your wrist. OUCH! Lets play In the sandbox, JL, JF, 8arry's party, JC. co. Jaime, Remember Hlml, NOTI Mike Shaw- Neverl, Kerfs play. can you wrtte my essay?. Nice to take my sneakers, The Fizz· leave us alonet Sledding, Hot chocolate. I want a capacclnol Golden Dawn, eed Oas Money? He can dance, 17, thats alotl History Class, Chicken Pox. S.C., Sprinkler. Take care of my goldflshl, 8any's Party!, Kegans house. AR Car. Dwyer·s· what funl Lets play Barbie, Dress up my cat, My pool deck, all our tears, Don't leave. I'm coming to visit. Shane, Brooks, Kurt· they're

~~I":,~~~~:;,~~~~ ~~~~~~f~j,:'~te~srs~ ~~

bed, Tony looks good In your dress, Craig leave her a lot, Ski trip, threw up on my pillow. You look pregnant, catllllon dress shopping, Did I drive you crazy? I know I Can't spelll 8est friends 4· evert Luv Yal

Joanne C: Our fights with Mtt & SO, The Fizz, Jet's play some pool, Me & you & Meg· what a night, all our talks about U know who. If she only knew, AJ, Law class. nice or our dates to diss us! Chads house, leave me alone! CS, he's hot, So who do you like this week? 85 mph on Ewingville Rd. Sorry I dissed you that night! Brother: Doors, Zepplin. My car. Party People in the house, Jackie· she's my favone, nice to hit me with a stapler. Summer 92", our house, LBI, Lips, ALl the times we saved each others' butt. All our talks, family Vacations. Don't lie, There is too much to be said but know lluv yal Cheryl: LBI, the Ketch, you said I will do what!, Halloween. I'll get your candy, Spin doctors, All the Guys, the beach . Megs Party. you beat me that night. dont' fall off the stage. Math class. my house summer 92", Pat. Great Adventure We never fought, I'm not Zilla, PN, MP, Belmar. Secret Santa 92", New Years- what a night. don't touch my car. Put that club down, It's been 4 fun years! Kerry: I'll be your friend, I made your drink better New Years, So How's Rob? Oh he has a girlfriend, Homeroom, I'll do your hair, LBI, MJ, Soda, MD. Cris & Rob at~ am, OS When are you going to hook me up with a S.B. boy? Yeah I've corrupted you, NOT! LuvYa! Babs: I still have your sweater, LBI, Barry's boat, Mary's boat The Jeep ride, Beach In the rain. Christi's baathroom. OS, Nice hair! I never forgot your b-dayl Cold Shower, Nice to hit me in the head with your phone! Buccanee. Are you sure you don't go to the tanning salon! A.J.: Mass. Trip, Bus Ride, Law class, Stop pinching me, Don't write on my leg, You 're cool, Right! It's like this a that and a this! Wait for me, OK, We're gonna be late for religion class. No I am not a Hoochiel Jen C: Yeah I did fall In a whole, evilness will prevail, Did you write on my neck? Ms. Grissinger, My earrings are on backwards, Mr. Harbach, What a joke! English Class 4 yrs. Todd C: No I am not stupid, Nice to write on my shoe, Yeah you have a clue, Not! History Help, Home Alone II, Nice laugh, Cotton Candy, Harry Connick Jr, I will get an A. Joe R: The Park, LBI. Rob's house. the beach. you got grounded. ~am. ocean at night! Crab got my toe, my house this summer, party in the street, your car, McDonalds Chad: Volleyball. fete's Party, The Deck, Religion partners. your get togethers. Rob's house Mark A: No I don't have any change! The Park, Rob's car, Mike Sip., Sneaker Cellare, Crazy Horse Sean: Track, Brook's party. Steve Miller· what a night! Your Jeep, the Park, Rob's house. Ping Pong, Christl's Party, Wild· wood, Bus Ride, Trenton State College, School Parking Lot, Can you fix my speakers? Teaching me to drive stick! Morp night, Jean's party, LBI, The Ketch, No I am not Miss Purity! Behind your house. 7·11, Megan's 1st party, Thanks for the memories! Rob: Trampoline, Hot Tub, The Pool. Mike Sip., LBI, Ping Pong, My house. Summer 92", Thanks for the tatoo, Volleyball, Movie Store Mike C: Homeroom. Pete's Party. what a night for both or us! Fell's house, our walk, Danberry, Math class, LBI. Beach. our talks, Sizzler, I like your tiel Stay away from those tanning salons! Barry S: You can really throw a party! Your boat· what a night! LBI, Jeep Ride, Neds Atomic Dust Spin· What a Concert, Volley· ball team· I wasn 't that bad! Crystal Diner. Neil: When are you coming to Dwyer's? Kelly and Erin say hil, Nice shades, Hit a horse lately? Don't ya just love Ewing! Not! I saw you more last summer than the past 4 years! LBI Gina M: Halloween party, Secret Santa, Video Camera, lncama· tion, Law Class Jackie B: friendly's, Family Picture, Catillion Night. Thanks for the stockings, the Mall, Adam, My Brother, Our talks. Don't do It! Best of luck with high school! J~NNI~ CU88~RL~Y


Paula Bacso- Hi dolll Thanx for all the great memories we have shared- typing, english , chemistry, physics, history freshman year ... I couldn 't have made it without you. Thanx for always being there for me and always being so nice. You are the bestest friend in the whole wide world! Good luck in all that you do and KIT, okll am going to miss you terribly! Thanx for always listening to me babble! B·ball and softball were great! Good luck with Bill! And remember that you mean so much to me and that we will be best friends forever! Keep smiling and I love yal Love, Jennie C. Janice Tyne· Dear Janice, Hi Sweetie! Thanx for sharing 6 classes with me In freshman year, 4 in soph, 1 in jr. and 5 sr. year! It has been a blast! Mr. Levin was a blast· don't you miss him? Not! I have not seen many purple elephants lately Janlcell Thanx for being one of my best friends! Thanx for always being there for me, always being willing to listen and helping me In my classes! Janice, you have a lot of potential· you dance. sing and act really well! Stay cool, and good luck in all ya dol I love ya and good luck! love ya, Jennie C. Pam Pukala- HI sweetness! Well, we are finally seniors! Softball has been great! We survived Ms. Kelly! Thanks for the fun in chem· those labs just drove me wild and crazy! Religion this year was fun! Thanx for the fun with our taping project! I definately will have to go sking down you Alps! lunch was fun! Good luck in life and keep smiling! I'll miss yal Love yal Jennie C. Jen Ellsworth· Hi honey! Wow! We are finally seniors! Thanx for the memories in physical science (at least no one has thrown up on your purse lately!), Ms. Kelly's boring class· I don't know how we got through It! Mr. Dennehy's class was the best, and I hope you left spaces in your notes! Mr. Reither's class was fun, especially that tape we did! Mrs. Gavin's class was hysterical! Psych· well that was a different story! That woman Is crazy! Girls State '92· thanx for taking me with you· It was so much fun! Except for Stellar and the lectures and Stellar's sodarl Don't ever forget the fun we had there! Jen, I want to thank you so much for always understanding and listening to mel You are one of my Best Friends, and always will bel Don't forget the SEXY LADIES· and by the way, when Is the next meeting? Good luck In all you do· Jen, you have much potential; You dance really good! Thanx for always being a true friend to me and helping mel Keep In touch, and keep smiling! I love ya, from your sweetcakesl And remember that I will always be here for you! Good luck with you know who! Love, Jennie Karen Popowski· Hi dear! To a great relationship buddy and wonderful friend! Lunch has been great! Laura was hysterical with Pepel I wonder how much those lollipops cost and If they are good. Our little talks have been great! Good luck In all that you do and thanx for always being a great friend to mel Keep in touch, ok! I will miss your And remember that I love you! Jennie May Ann Larraga· HI sweetie! History was a real sleeper. wasn't lt? Your little letters gave me something to dol We were so bad in there! Mr. Sipos was hot· definitely notlll We survived Ms. Kelly! Mr. Dennehy's class was fun! Lunch was dandy! We were so mean to Lori! Well, good luck in the future! I will miss your Keep In ·touch, and I love ya! Jennie C. Popie Koutouzos· Hi dolll Thanx for the fun In lunch! We had lots of fun the past years! Your party was great! Thanks for all of your letters. I love mall! You are a reatsweetie and a great friend and 1 thank you muchly for your kindness! Keep in touch and good luck in all that you dol Good luck with Vince- I hope he come to his senses really soonl Keep smiling and writing to mel Love yal Jennie C. Carol Ann Maroney· Dearest Carol Ann, Thanx for all the fun we have had! I love your dog! Thanx for always being a great friend and always listening to me!You mean so much to me· we have a lot in common! Isn 't Mr. Wood weird? Deflnately! Lunch

has been great· especially Junior year with Laura and you know who! Keep in touch, okl Good luck in the future! I will miss you! I love yal Jennie C. Cara Cutchineal· HI doll! Thanx for all the memories In our weird homeroom the last four years! Religion freshman year was different! Thanx for the fun In Mrs. McGraw's class this year· I could not have made It without you! Thanx for all the little laughs we have had- you always made me smile! Lunch has been fun! You mean so much to me caral Thanx for being one of my best friends and always being so nice, caring, understanding. and always willing to listen! Bob Is so cute- don't ever forget how ob· sessed we were with him! Good luck in all that you do, and keep in touch, ok? Keep smiling and !love ya! Jennie C. Liz Butler· HI dolll History was fun this yearrThanx for sharing lunch with mel Thanks for all the memories, and good luck in all that you dol You are a really sweet girl- stay sweet! I'll miss you, and love yal Jennie C. John Stults- ttl dolll Lunch was fun this year! I loved your sto· riesl You always made me laugh! Good luck next year and J'll miss you! Jen C. Nick Barbosa· Hll Thanks for the fun in Latin ~I And thanks for the pretzel you bought mel Good luck In the future and I'll miss you!JenC. Adam Bucon· HI dolll It has been great being friends with you I Thanks for being such a nice, sweet, understanding person you are! You mean somuch to me, Adami Don't ever forget Mrs. Wrobo's history class or Psychology· they were just a ballll couldn't have gotten through without you! Thanx for going to see Michael Bolton with me· It was so much fun! Good luck in all that you dol Keep In touch and I will miss your Love yal Jen C. Jackie Bugdal- Hi dolll I want to thank you for being my friend and always being there for mel You are a very nice and considerate person! Thanx for being so nice! Thanx for all the memories we have had In the classes we have had together! Good luck in the future! I will see you around Trenton State! Keep in touch and I love yal Jennie C. Melissa Cattani- Thanx for all the fun we had In our classes and all the memories we have has! You mean so much to mel Thanx for being a great friend and always being there for mel Stay sweet and nicer Good luck In all that you do and keep in touch! Love yal JenC. Kory D'Angelo- HI dolll We have so many memories over the years! Thanx for being a good friend and always being there when I needed to talk. I appreciate your kindness, sweetness and understanding, Thanx for being my bus buddy! ¥ou mean so much to me Kory! I could type a book of memories that we have had! Good luck In the future and keep In touch. and remember that I love yal Jen Roger DelPrado- HI sweetie! I am so glad that we have become friends! You mean so much to met Thanx for being a friend, and for being so nice, kind, and understanding! Ad, Comp and reli· gion have been great this year! Keep smiling! Good luck In the fu· ture and keep In touch! And If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always willing to listen II will miss you and love yal Jennie C. Mark Jablonski· I will never forget when you tripped and almost fellll know that It wasn't a pencil· you can't fool mel Be careful, okl Thanx for the fun! Jen Cubberley Mike Guglielmo- Hill am glad that I got to know you this year In sociology and history· you add spice to the classes! Thanx for al· ways making me smile and laugh! I will never forget you or your cough! Keep smiling and good luck In the future! Jen C. Laura Okum· Hi girlfriend! We have had so much fun together· If you want to call it that! Youth group (yuck!), the hell on wheels, Ms. Confoy's class. Ms. Kelly's class, Mr. Dennehy, lunch ... I How's fepe? Thanx for always making me smile and laugh! You mean so much to me, Laura! I value our friendship! Thanx for always being so nice. understanding and sweet! Good luck in the future, and keep In touch, okl And I will see you around boring Bordentown! Jen Cub. Beth Ryflnski- HI Bethlel Thanx for all the memoriesll You mean so much to me Beth! Basketball was a blast! Thanx for be· lng such a great friend, and always being there for mel Your kindness, sweetness, and understanding Is greatly appreciated! Thanx for always being there to listen to me babble! I couldn't have made It through physics wfo yal Let's hurt Ms. H - , okl And thanx for the bandald tribute! You always make me smile and laugh! Keep in touch, and keep smiling! Love yal Jennie C. Heather Schneider· Hi dolll Thanks for all the fun in all the classes we have ha<1 together! It has been great! Do not forget the great times we have had! Good luck In the future! Thanx for being a friend to me- love yal Jennie Sue Walsh- HI sweetness! Thanks for being a great friend to mel Your friendship Is greatly appreciated! Thanx for all the fun In physics, and ad. comp.l Good luck in the future and keep in touch II will mtss yal Thanx for always making me laugh! Love yal Jennie C. Jenna Woloszyn· To a great highway buddy! Thanx for being such a sweet and nice friend! You mean so much to mel Keep In touch and keep smiling! I'll miss yallove yal Jen C. Tanya Parrotta- Hi dolll Thanks for all the fun times we have had In classes we have had together! Good luck in the future! Keep in touch and I love yal Jennie C. Tara Michaels· HI dolll Thank you for being a great friend to mer I am so glad that I got to know youl You mean so much to mel Thanx for all the memories we have had together· especially with you know who! I couldn't have survived without yal Keep smiling and keep In touch II will miss you terribly next year! Good luck next year! I love yal Keep singing· and stay beautiful! Jennie


To the varsity basketball team(girls)· Thanx guys for all the memories! You are all the best! I am going to miss you all next year! Stay great and never forget mel Love ya guys· Kelly B.,Jen Hutch, Jen Ress, Melony, Michelle, Kerry, Lonnie, Bethie, Cindy, Jen Hanlon, Amy, Katy, Alison,; you all mean so much to mel Keep winning and keep smiling! Jen Cubberley To the varsity softball team· thanks for all the memories! It has been great the last4 years! I will miss you all next year! You are the best! Good luck to you all· Tara, Jen Jung, Amy, Kerry, Dona, Megan, Pam, and the rest of yal Love you guys! Jen Cubberley To all of my wonderful friendS and acquaintances· thanx for all the memories- it has been the best 4 years of my lifel To all of my friends I did not mention- I love you alii The class of 199.3 Is the best! To all my underclassmen friends, good luck next year! To all that have lnftuenced me, stay beautiful and I love you alii To all that I have forgotten. I am extremely sorryl Goodbye and good luck to alii Jennie To my mom and dad· Thank you so much for always support· lng me and being so understanding. You are the best parents In the world! I have to thank you for all that you do for me. I am sorry that I can be a real pain sometimes! Thanx for everything. Lovingly, your daughter, Jennifer Marie. I love you both, and you too lack! To all of the teachers and faculty at NO.· thank you for all the memories; I will miss you. To all of my coaches· thanx for the memories! And to my boyfriend Sam, I love you with all my heart, You made my senior year even better! I could write a book about all of the fun we have hadl And remember, I love you, from Jennie. You mean so much to mel To Kris O'Keefe· Hi Dolll Thank you for keeping me company In Sociology and !awl wfo you, I would have died! I am so glad I got to know you! Good luck In the future! Love, Jennie C. To Caroline zaleski· HI Sweetie! Thanx for the fun in Latin? I am so glad I got to know you! Stay sweet and beautiful! KIT! Love Jen To Jen Jung· Hi doll· B-ball and softball was great! Thanx for

being a great friend! We've had many great memories! KIT and Good luck! Jennie CARA CUTCHINI!.AL To Jennie Cubberley: Hey Jen. you have been such a great friend· I appreciate all your help through the 4 years. Remember homeroom always· McGraw's class was fun· "Cahoots" · remem· ber Gary' favorite word. ·Mrs. McGraw singing· her southern ac· cent· " Don't chew your cud". Always remember " Bob"· my little sweetie, his great hair. Good luck at TRENTON STATE· me must KIT. florida or NY· I don't know maybe both- FL. West Palm· with the Kennedy's- fun· NY State· Cold. Good Luck W/ Sammy.· Your friend always- Cara " Cutchle" To Laura Okum: Vol Laura· you ar,e just to complex· anyway· always remember the laughs we had and the talks· try to get your life together OK· so I don' t have to visit you In the mental hospl· tal· Remember MR "A" • KIT whereever you go. ONum· your friend, Cara. To Roger DeiPrado: Remember homeroom always· campo's class was a blast- your hair looks good· always remember the fun we have had and all the laughs· Good luck wf whatever you decide to do. Love yal cara T-<> Pam Pukala: Pamuuuulllllaaaa- Gary always said- Remem· ber Confoy's classes always· Don't forget all the great times· your party· your dog running around the pool· over the fence, those crazy people In the mental institution· Cara "Cutchle" To Carol Ann Maroney: Hlal yeah Its be "Evil"· remember. AI· ways remember choir· Phantom of the Opera· McGaws tests 8t quizzes questions- "Brat" Right. Remember my sweetie Bob- his great hair· my Incarcerated friend· Rod. " Those fills". KIT & Good Luck! Cara "Cutchle" (Evil) To Janice Tyne: Hey Jan-Iss- always remember Sports Medicine (Schmedley)· my favorite human· SK. McGraws class was fun- are we In cahoots yet or what? Don't chew your cud. Always remember my "Bob." Good Luck!· Cara " Cutchle" (Evil) To Nick Napoleon: Hey, Nick wake up class is overt Nick you sweetie, gonna miss yal Remember all the classes we've had together- all the laughs- your a great guy· Good Luck In whatever you do. Love cara To Heather Schneider: Hey Heather- Always remember choir at Sports Medicine (shmedley)· My favorite human SK and (schmedley Jr.) Good Luck- cara "Cutchle" · To Jane DesFosse: Hey Jane· are you awake Jane? Hope you make It to graduation. Always remember Conroy's class she was great· Choir was fun· Don't forget homeroom· What about my ren Jane? Ohl Well· Good Luck wf Whatever you deckle to doyour friend· cara. To Kallope Koutouzos: Hey fople. Guess who? No, No, you 're wrong, totally wrong· would you try and get It right for once! Yes, now you have It· It's me, Anyway It was great that we could be good friends, even If you were only In my lunch- we still talked. laughed & had fun. ·How many days till rlorlda? Well you'll be In Orlando W/ Mickey Mouse and I'll be In West Palm Beach W/ my best friendS the Kennedy's· yeah who's gonna have a better time? While your at Mickey Mouse land I'll be at a party over at the Kennedy Compound- Don't worry I'll wear a whistle· Anywayy Good Luck wf college- we must KIT. Your friend cara " Evil" " Cutchle" To Karen Popowski: Hey Karen, It's " Evil" here! Always remem· ber choir· Phantom of the Operall· Mr. Q's yelling, slamming doors, cracking the window- TAKE COVER! campo's class was the best! What's a Parabola?· Good luck at MW & Good Luck with Greggle Poo. Your friend cara " Cutchle" To May Ann Larraga: Hey May Ann· how's It going?· Yes It's tl· nally over! Always remember Confoy's class- she Is the best! TARTUFfe· he's a great guy· huhl campo's was a blast· What's an ellipse? Have a great time In college I know I will· Good Luck· cara " Cutchle" To Mark Staffa: Hey Mark· yes Its me caral Well Its tlnally overt Always remember Confoy·s class. She was the best! I'll always re· member your great tlesl Good luck In college- stay out of trou· blel-cara To fatty Salcewk:z: Patty, what's up? Choir was a blast·Mr. Q's yelling, slamming doors, cracking windows. Telling me about your life. "those l'llls"· Jokes, fd, Sean & Mike- Always KITGood Luck W/ fd. Remember " EMMA" · Stay out of trouble- yeah right. • cara "Cutchle" HI!.ATHERCYMS Louis: I found you, babel MORf, well Maybe?! Love your poems! Never drive In Phllly, I'll go nuts! Phantom and N.Y., I know what really happened! Belle .Mt. tops all. fizz. Turkey Swamp. My house=board games! Shave! Too much to sayl Love you always baby! See you tomorrow! Let's rent a bad movie. Suzer: Whear the right shoe! Rehoooth. The barrier! Your " spl· der" bite. Bike Rides. The cemetary. Watch out for Lady. Bon Jove, My pool or your brook? Which guy is it now? M.C.: Love our talks! Are you allowed out? Whaaat? How do I get home? Mr. G. I got lost. Fizz, we really went! Who are we rooming with? Stop fighting W// M.S. M.B.: Made it! INXS too cooll Thanks for party. Love you to death I Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry .. . C.C.: Me, you, Tiff= scared You' re awesome. Your house= movies "Y'all the homiest bunch of white people I've ever seen" Kris: You call, you're Ideal Your kitchen floor. MC park= the stars, the lights· It was a witch. Break Into your house recently? Kate: How much do I owe you? Your prices are getting high! Becky and Trying to dance. Mommy, can we go to the park? Skip work lately? See-food. What color Is your hair? Ant: No one is as Intelligent or Inquisitive as you! Love the way you wear balloons at TGI. Rico Suave and soph Eng. Class. Your arms are hairier than mine. C.M.: Ac Vltutil Germany was blast. swiss dance club. Joy: I'm awake! Infatuation Goople cake! " Sit down your rockln the boat" Rei. Notes. VBalll M.S.: Where are we going? Who's driving? You kept me sane wfLou. We never sang. D.C.: No More Ridesl Tift': Germany roomates- Old my face change? Scared at Chris's. The hotel with your mom. Sam: When's the wedding? Luv your eyes. Good luck with the girls. I can't believe you took ltl N.D.: " Millstone, baby Millstone." I did have fun! Watch for deer. Don't frequent Lou's bathroom, you don't deserve it. Nlki: LBII WfSUf, we wish! ~urojoumal , What didn't you write. INXSI SLITS no more. M.J.: Sorry about the gumballs. Where's the " Fisher King?" C.D.: Where's the tupperware party? K.C.: " Evenings" were greatl Miss your volcel We almost col· llded. Deb: Our walks and talks In gym. Anaton. B.B.: Beach was great! Soph sweet 16 surprtse was the best! Colleen: Don' t hurt your slsl Luv your evil looks In class. Babs: Too bad you 're not mel Just Kidding! Luv you and your " antics." I'm not sleeping! Thanks for the tip: don't wear white when the sun's out In Anatomy! T.F.: HELPII CLU~LESS IN CALC! LAW RULESI E.f'.: Need a Ride? See you at Lou's! Kyle: Honey you are the sweetest! Homecoming! M.G.: Need advice, give me a calli V.V.: Denlne= hell. Miss U Much Vanessa-besl Everybody: Luv you all. Never change. Miss you all II MIKECZAKO Susan· who would've guessed? Not me. 2 years or sweat. It was worth it. LBI beach with AB & AC. Wine coller breath . I love your

eyes. Our fountain in Princeton. The Grand Prix, the Bronco, The Z-28. Cleaning my room. STOP CRYING. Visiting you down the shore. Roses and Roses. Super Ninjas. TGI Friday the first time going out. Bench in Quakerbridge. Powder Puff Football. Mercer County Park. Senior Cotillion. Mountain View Golf Course. Veter· ans Park. " Get that hair cut." Not forgiven our forgotten. I don 't know anything anymore. I love that neck. Europe Trip· Loved the Note? Christmas time. Trying to talk to you Junior Lunch. School around the comer. can I see a movie I like? Rudolph. Your friend Pokey. Learning about cars? The Real Deal. That pesky cat. Driv· ing to PS's house to see me. Basic Instinct. Akwardness after Special Olympics. Waiting at the Gap. LAW class. CC's sweet 16 party. Trying to start a fire. Reading Auto Trader together. Getting your tattoo. On the beach with PN and MH. All the times to· gether, I Love You. Michael. Kerry, Sophomore Cotillion was fun. Haging in Homeroom been cool. Good Luck CZAKO. Dorkberry· had fun at soph. morp. Been cool in homeroom. Thanks CZAKO. Foster· Junior Cotillion. Chipped tooth . Fun over Rob's. Bus ride to Mass. Who knows? Thank you CZAKO AJ· Driving to Seaside. The cool necklace. Going to Point Pleas· ant. Getting lost. Every class junior year. Burning Incense. The book on sensual massage. St. Greg's Carnival. BS's after the co· tillion. A double dis. Senior Retreat. Been Cool CZAKO Rego· Egging houses. Fun in wildwood. Beer In an ashtray? Jesus sandles. LBI. This summer. Racing on 5.39. System in the Brondo. Sue's stereo. Making dinner soph . year. Fun in your basement. Junior girls. Kickin system 's. NICE BRAIDS. Piss in a cup. Plymouth Rock Spit Contest. Later CZAKO Rotondo· Giants School Dance. I killed you In ping-pong. Sum· mer playing Volleyball at your house. Fun in ISS? Crazy at Ciro·s. Are you Accident Prone? Love CZAKO Pete. Sorry about your PARTY. Hanging last summer. Harry Connick Jr., Ice Tea, and lawn chairs, waiting for the fun to begin. Good Luck CZAKO Michael Davies· Mellow, why are we so handsome? Play Party, chased by cops. then back to my house. It"s been cool. Your mel· low fellow. CZAKO Berto- Dr. Laub. Pier 18. Summer LBI. Your house all soph year. Your house all junior year. Sweet 16 parties. BS party. Rob· ert DeMaro. BP's big party. Cotillions and Proms. Crusin the Brat. Its Jaws In the water. 12 Chicks with Boogie Boards. BS gotta be good for 4 months. hit a parked car. Hanging with the junior chicks. 49ers. System In the Bronco. Fake ID's. RJ's on JR's. U2 camp out. Wheel falling of the GD. Play party and then my house. Super Technobowi. Look sober. Clros after F·Ball games. F·Ball at NA-NA's house. 2 weeks on crutches. The big L. Junior Prom. Fun at school dance. St. Greg's Carnival. Racoon eyes. f·Ball and B-Ball . Drive back with your DAD. Sleepovers. Fun In the basement. Prodigy. Chicken Holiday? Later CZAKO. Golden. Mrs. Cannon, Peanut Butter sandwiches, and Ice cream sundies. Mrs. Gribbon and Sister Helen. Then ND. Pier 18. 4 months of being good. LBI. Crulsin In the J. Robs house all year. Sweet 16 parties. KB. Your Buddy, PS party, Bass guitar, and Ambers profession. Hockey that night. f·ball followed my stitches. Burrled Bronco. Surfboards so we'll look bad. Hanging with the junior chicks. Ears pierced. Mass. Steve Miller concert. Pearl Jam songs 1, 2, and .3. Fun with Neen? Hou about In Flor· Ida? SEATBELT TAN LINE. Crulsln In he Hearse. Hanging out an shooting Pool. WAY too much more. Peace CZAKO Joanne- Fun at Doc's. Thanks for everything at ND. Good Luck. MikeCZAKO Klotz- Thanks for telling Sue how you saved our relationship. Thanks for letting me put my trust In you. CZAKO VICTORIA CZARNIK To Maura: hey bfj sista(CB)2 What R U doing lady? (sound) hey buddy (sound) ya wanna consume (sound) We gotta go 2 7-112 get some suticals (heh-heh) Well, checlet, we've had 4 very interesting years 2gether but I will never remember everything for this ABC soup. I'll just do my best. Let's C, where 2 start? We luv CH & Oscarf Fievel; eve. of theatrics'89: CH's sexy tights! (front row) soph yr. Ah, my public how they love me (kiss. kiss) The Acad· emy Award goes 2 Ariel, the Little Mermaid! eve. oftheat. '90, fun w; Denine, cotillion worries & we STILL luv'd 0/F (did we ever stop? Well I guess I didn't, obviously) I luv'd OfF did we ever stop? Well I ~uess I didn't, obviously. lluv'd Joe M. wfmlstletoe you 're standmg on my foot! Harry books (hot beans/big black pot) and the book U wrote me. The great Shelly plan! Don't re· mind me about Michael. June is bustin out all over & Oklahoma you. Also Oklahoma at Trenton War Memortal (The guy in the pink shirt & Ms. W's brother!) what happened Jr. yr.? Not much I think xcept the tight This yr. there's 2 much I eve. of theat. '92, Sabina's: fishnets, little black costumes, last bows. Hanging out in E. Windsor w{the guys (the twins- which Is which? coat switching J&J who?) Tom's basement, one big, happy family, whip cream & cherries. Street fighter 2, yippee! (JS)2 house· please make the world stop spinning, DB l!t me, m: how R U? Mr. S: bet· ter than U, honey! That stupid sister, cursing at Mrs. Sjgrandma. Golden Dawn- rules R rules, laughing at{U not w{U, 15 of them, 5{ 96 w{ bun In oven, free coffee, those other waiters. Hanging wf AII!t mary Jane. Swede's tree l!t lawn, driving the USS (not the boat) New Year's, separate rooms, putting on clothes at 12. John-John/ 2guys (eachl and Nick telling his mom!) Walking around the block b4 party, warm weather, get out of this room! John l!t ugly girt, if U could just take a nap for 1hr ... kicking my head, who drove us home? (Walt's cousin) Other E.W. adven· tures: the door (oh oh oh) the gum (Its on your jacket) the park (my arm is 90 miles long! I'm Gumby{Piastic Man, 1 can touch the stars. I'm talking like HS, Sailing Sailing over the ocean blue) Jim's (call Tom, who is Tom, our schoolmates and Rocky's Bath· room Joke) ugly McDonald's man (do U live in the comer house? NOll) Walt's truck (Dutch Neck Rd.) Outside Swede's (garage; porch party. eggs & tree branches? popping gum, fizzing soda, " LAD," getting rid of puchase) after LB (55 min., driving around 4eva, return trip wfchurch songs, disappearing bike man and crazed gunman, shell) We luv cute Iettie (play) boys, Nature. nothing like a good piece of cheese, where's my hors d'oeuvres? Dad's water{creme de mint, Mom's remote control camera, Joe & DH (??!)creating memories (c-log somebody) did U tum on the heat like I asked? Windows, horns, cops! Ouys·n·Doils (when u c a guy reachjstarsjbetjboat) Bonding pegs w;man in moon: sister should have had bun in oven (do 1? It's pink, she's fighting w; my brother) p. (nee) slapper (Harvey the genetically disor· dered bed/4) Soph. SO carnival· Sean{Angelo; pdf 5 rabbi and no bun! Well this was much longer than I had Intended but 1 re· member ed lots more. What else can I say xcept how glad 1 am we R so close now l!t 1 hope we go 2 Monmouth, get hitched, have kids, etc . You have come 2 mean so much 2 me, 1am so happy we R bfs. We better always KIT but if not. honey, always remember Cave Bears-n-candy Bars. 1 luv u. Veck. p.s. R~D ROSES and a guy full ofjeeps To Anna hey sweetie (my little goomba) we've had a great time growing up 2gether starting at SPS, crying in 7th in the witch's oflice and Ms. X (It was U) Remember 1st aid (R U OK, R u OK, help, help; Private Victories; Annie manikin) we were class leaders w; our fav. teacher! Bad News, the ITCH, and track talks about AI· fred, Bernie, and Calvin. frosh cotillion (Marto) and Jr. Prom (peach dresses, red roses?!, limo, I hated John but he luv'd me) 2 bad we had 2 find out the hard way who our true friends were. Reckless driving? Oklahoma, sleepovers & spiders, can 1 still be an honorary Marrero after NO? Halloween 92, fvita (Dante Is hot), R U OD? evil lau~h. Don't worry U will probably marry #~ in a few yrs. KIT. sorry •f 14got stuff, good luck, lluv U· VIctoria To Rea Oees lawees) hey check- I'll never remember this stuff, U can refer 2 Jr. yearbk. I think that says It all xcept this yr. stuffl

Always remember " E" language, VK;B. (Emest)R. (11/11/91) the beach (sun stroke) Mike's stekhouse. CC & his pants! yeppie (hands) same time when we were fighting, nice, nice boys, U luv Sammy! Well sorry 4 whatever 1 4got but 1 gotta go 2 bed now. KIT/good luck. luv always, Veck To Mells: Dagwood Bumstead beautiful (not uglyful) twin cuz dud bfs frosh yr. Vlckster;Mellstermlnt/VIIIssa;Mellkkl Sanjoe finding Jaques, Tylenol In toilet. Staling underwear? Ben l!t Jer· ry's mint choc. chip, T·U·R·T·L·E power! Harry books (hot beans; black post) casey. NN/MG This yr. fensy and erasure! Sorry 1 4got a lot. KIT good luck, luv always, Veck To Franklin Eyer since the lusty rat days of freshman yr. U have been one of the best friends I could ever ask an I will never 4get U. Please KIT, good luck lluv U, Vlcklin To Melissa catttUanl: Hey good·almost·best·friendl Thanx al· ways being there when I needed someone 2 trust. Remember science classes w;Mr. Levin's dirty jokes and Mr. Gus! dissection labs (U cut. I'll write!) we got A's so who cares? Well good luck I hope you lind what you and Mlchale were " looking for. " Furchtet each night and Let the River Run love " Victor Czaaarrlk" To Nick B. Well kid it's been cool growing up w;u. Somehow I think we'll always be In touch. When 's the next SPS reunion? Maybe someday I'll actually come swimming. Thanx 4 under· standing my twisted mind and 1 know you got thatjoke just now. Sometime In the future maybe you will find out ff there Is any truth In the rainbow ... love, Vicki To Nick N. Yes I did prank call you, it's time you knew the truth. Oust kidding) I know we will KIT after NO since U R eternally in· debted 2 me 4 saving your life l!t your license. Lucky #7 always comes through! That was a cool.3 hr. phone conversation l!t I will always remember your sensitivity. I hope you found out you could trust me, bfc I found a lot of trust In you. Good luck in the future. I hope U work w; animals. Oh and thanx 4 driving me home that one time and 4 telling your ma about me & Maura on New Years. love, Vicki To Jennifer. Hey sweetie U R too crazy, LA, PLA· I'll always re· member how close we were soph. yr. and though we have grown apart. I stlllluv Ul Good luck In all U do KIT love, VIctoria To Sammy: Hello Sammy (low voice) U R such a nice boy and I am so happy 4 U·n-Rea. Remember soph. relig. good luck In the future, please don't break every bone In VK's body! KIT, sorry If I've been 2 loud 4U luv, Veck. To Mitzi/Michele Lynne Angela: Well, although we have grown apart we did have some really great times over the past 5 yrs. Church (12 every Sun.) Trevor (206 Sarto Lawns , . . ) Ouija (OBO and Pedro?) Mark's comic strip (bingo!) Frisky/Sam, Doml· noques's{Eiectric Playground, Dad's story about that red haired girl on TV who pulled her pants out who reminded him of mel Our psychic powers. dreams, and booble sisters. You have been such an Important part of my life and I'll never forget you. Good luck and please KIT. lluv U, Vlcki-torla To Sep(aratlon) It all started soph. yr. in Schafer's class on his top 10 llstl We have been pretty good friends and rm glad about that. Remember eve. of theatrics 92 (anyway I think you ou~ht to know Henry hit a man w;a stone ... ) and all our Reither Philosophy ABF antics. Good luck In the future KIT and always remem· ber Ariel. the Little Mermaid! Love, Vicki To Jane: One of your hairs Is out of place, you look like a total dorkl We've had some really fun times and rm•gtad we got closer this yr. Looking for money In my car (we were always broke every time we went outt) going clothes shopping and almost having like 600 accidents! KIT after ND we'll have 2 go shopping! love Vicki To Louis: Hey L, how R U doing? We' ve had so much fun the past 4 yrs. starting In Sr. Jose's class freshman year. You were great as Doody. Pa and Nicely· you ought to continue singing/ acting U R very talented. I'm glad U were In Henkel's w;me so I wouldn't be the onlyone who never did papers! KIT alter ND l!t good luck! Love, v . To Matt K: Hello Will/Nathan darling! You have become a dose friend and I'm glad. You are an Incredible actor and your singing voice has Improved 100% since the play nobody knew or Cared About! KIT after ND so I can visit U 4 U 2 give me backrubsl Good luck, love, Vicki (tall Ado/Adelaide) To Todd: Well I must say this has been quite an Interesting yr. and If somebody had told me freshman yr. that some of this stuff would happen I probably would have fell down dead right then. However, I'm glad we've stayed close friends and 1 have no re· grets. I will always remember your apple tree song Frosh yr. and "The Load." Also Blue l!t White Dane " Shower Me with your love" because I think that Is hysterical. Atlantic City was quite an experience and I wonder by the time the yearbooks come out if I will have my Christmas tape back. Well, thanx 4 always being there when I needed somebody, and 1 hope I did the same 4 U. KIT and please remember 1will always believe In you. lluv U. Victoria To LeRon: We may not have always agreed on everything but we have had some really great conversations I will never 4get. Thanx 4 always being there when I needed U. I'll miss going to Comic Rellefw{L (not) When you get famous, don't forget the Lit· tie People, OK? KIT, Good Luck, love Vicki. P.S. What ever did happen Sports Night? To Eric B.: When R we leaving 4 Canada? U have kept me walt· ing 2 yrs. already- gosh by this time 1could have called U back or something! Well Big Bax. the past 5 yr. have been fun xcept 4 the co-ed bathroom experience which launched that enormous feud . Oh well everything else was cool I still have all your notes. KIT, good luck, love, Big Vlck To Roger: hey Dude (I mean . . . ) Well we don't always get along and I'll admit 1 do have an attitude, but we really have some cool memories such as the cotillion l!t pizza after. 1 did have a good time and I want 2 thank U again. Also tell George 1 say hi. You are very talented as an actor and a singer and you ought to pursue that. Well, KIT buena suerte, con mucho carino, Victoria To Ant I. Hey meanle, you Spanish "2" . It was great fun serving on the same administration for the Span. Hon. Soc. with you (as If we did anything). You were great as Big Jute but 1 don't thing anything could top your performance In Oklahoma as a " singing, dancing, fighting, acting, them 's flghtln words speclalistl" I know you will do so well in your future so I won 't even say good luck! KIT, love Victoria " 3" p.s. you really did shine as Dr. Boorsteln, too .. To Katie M. You are too smart and way too ugly. I sincerely wish you would marry some guy named Mr. Portion because that would be so Incredibly interesting. Sorry I had to beat you In 2 spelling been. Guess you're not as smart as the prevalent opln· ion believes. If you every use anything we were taught In Mr. Argese's class ever again, write Immediately and let me know (thls way I fully expect never to hear from you again!) Well, KIT, good luck, love, VIctoria the adventurous. To Michael S: I wanted to write you a whole note full of generic letters, but they don't have that kind of a typewriter. You shoued Invent that and make millions of dollars. You were smashing In your theatrical debut. Good luck in the future, KIT since I've ~~~:."vl~k~ since second grade and 1 used to like you in seventh. To Theresa (Tree) Well for a while there I thought we'd never be friends but I'm glad we are. Remember Mrs. Mac's freshman yr., Mr. Argese jr. yr. and Mr. Relther;Mrs. Martin. What crazy classes! Good luck in all you do. KIT, love, Veck. To flandra: hey Lonnie· who would have guessed we would start out w;Henkel freshman yr. l!t end up there sr. yr.? I'm glad we got to be friends l!t 1 will think of you every time I see the name Desiree or see a cryptoqulp. Keep singing! Good luck, love, Victoria

To Skippy. It's been cool being friends w;u. U R such a nice guy and I'll never 4get the fun we had In Gavin's. By the way I still feel like chilly willyl KIT Love, VIcki To Michelle A. I'm glad we got closer this yr. Where's all the money U owe me? (Joke) Good luck In all U do, Love Vicki To Sandra, Querfda, I'm glad we got 2 B friends and I'm sorry we haven't stayed as close as we were. You can still call me whenever you need anything. Remember crazy dancing at the Playground w;oeorge Lamond and all our talks In Spanish! U R such a sweetheartl KIT, con mucho carlno slempre, VIctoria To Christina c. Hey ugly! I'm so glad we've been friends. I'll al· ways remember the plays at Allentown ~ how we've had the same taste DKI Thanx 4 all the help soph. yr. wfJI. KIT, love Whitey To Kristin: We have had an Interesting 3 yrs. sharing Ado ~ Adelaide, tenorettes and Atlantic City. Sorry we're not as close as we were, but I hope you do well In the future. Good luck, love, Vicki. To Martin: Hey, what's up? I'm glad we became friends this yr. Too bad you never know who I was before. Remember the people under the stairs and cape fear, It was klnda funny when he bit her cheek! Well KIT l!t good luck being a psychiatrist. Love, Vicki To Rob, Weill never call you but at least I'm writing this to your You should have been In the play. you 're a good singer. I'm glad we started hanging out (were we ever seeing each other?) KIT 8t good luck love, Vicki To Mlrelli: I guess we've had our differences but I'm glad we got 2 B closer this yr. Remember our fun lunches and school plays. KIT 8t good luck. Jove, Vicki P & K: It's too bad we couldn 't stay friends since SPS. I guess we all changed in different ways. I don't hold any grudges but I can 't forget what happened either. Well, good luck In the future, I'll always remember you both as an Important part or my child· hood. v. To Brio: Hi my little poor·poorl Always keep smiling and re· member all our fun times In the play. I Luv Ul KIT l!t good luck· Victoria To farrell: What can I say? I'm so glad you've been a part of my life the past 2 yrs. even though you always confuse me. Keep teaming Spanish or I'll kill you. KIT, lluv U, Vlctorta. p.s. When R we gettfng those kids? 9 million? To Kevin: hey professor. I'm glad we're friends even though U broke my fav. necklace. Good luck wfLatin class~ Mr. Wood. Don't get l ebrtus. I'm not your ancllla. love, professor VIctoria To Lynnette: U R such a sweetie w;a beautiful voice~ U should get the lead next yr. It's been fun growing up w;u l!t I know we will KIT love. Victoria. Laaambert/we care a loti To Manoly: hey glrifrlendll'm glad we got 2 B so close, remem· ber all our heart 2 hearts. Good luck, keep dancing, KIT, love, VIctoria To John K; You are so nice (but not 2 nice) and I'm glad you put up w;all my teasing this ;yr. I'm happy we got l B friends. Good luck, keep actlngjslnging or whatever It ls that you do. Don't ever make of my car again I Love, VIcki To Jackie: Well kid, you've grown upll'll never forget Ms. Shad· dis and Choir at SPS. You are a sweet girl and I hope everything goes well 4 u. Don't let anyone step on u. especially those dumb guysl KIT, love VIcki To Tommy A. Hello Thomas Jayl By this time I don't know If we'll be fighting or what. 1 don't even know what to say except that you will always be special 2 me and I'll always remember 6/8/92. All my feelings 4 U are still In my heart, and everything I wrote In your yearbook last yr. will always be true. I'm sorry things couldn't work our better but I'll still B here 4 U whenever U need me. Say hi 2 Joey 4 mel Love always. Homle. To everybody I might have forgotten, I'm really sorry and I hope you forgive me. I'll always remember NO, and good tuck 2 everyone In the future. Love, Vicki CHRISTl DAI'fBI!RRY Christine Cseh:Sumrner of '92 your house,Steve Miller Band. G.A. wjPW,RS,BC.TI", BM,SM,CI!,MF, Sportland, LBI 1 week@ your summer house Mary's boat wjChristian Beach w;Sean ~AI· lan,Barry's Boat,the catch you l!t Cheryl. My house you ~ MS, Gum on the bed, Meg H's party BG,Beach @ LBI. Jay Wal· lace,New Hope;"Way to start a fight" Thanks 4 ride to PW New Year's Eve. Cseh, Do uo dod·-? Ski Trip -co Amy Fell; JB, my house podl Spin Doctors,Summer of '92 @ LBI, SM party Jay Wallace;thanks 4 letting me sleep at your house. BM lover,New Hope. Princeton last year Bridge Water Commons wfMS 8c I. Night at my house, nice clouds of smoke, My table where Is the top? fM l!t VB l!t JM. 7·11 parking lot. Dissed by SM l!t BM. Our drives, what a dorkl Us being lost W/ CR In Hightstown, does my hair look OKm Miller homes. City Oar· dens, C.D. Rebecca Rottkamp: house Jan '93, Rudnick could've but you didn't. Your summer house at LSI. Sorry for leaving a mess but Is was worth it. My outside bushes. Me taking your car, It drives great. New Year's l!ve. sorry for being a B-. City Gardens, our dentists visits, Me at MS house after Olive Garden, I should've gone to BC, U w; BW. I really do go to Mt. VIew to visit you, yeah rightl Ski Trip, C.D. Mariu Sirak: What a year! You l!t Me school, yeah rlghtl Parents In Florida, Partylll Maxwells at my house, no problem even though 1 had to take the bus. New Hope, Princeton, PJ's Pan· cakes. Seaside, Cotillion l!t Prom Night. BS at MH party. CR your best friend, right! Your bumper, thank God It was 4:00 pm. Our stash, pool, the Pit. w. Windsor· Roy Rogers. Bob's Big Boy. thanks 4 covering me at RR's shore house. Cure Concert, fizz, co too bad you dlssed hlml TN· your adresses. My house was clean then! Ski trip, CD. Mary foster: J.R. your favorite person. LBI your boat the old days EW. JM, the H.O.R.D.f. RUFrliiM&M's, Inhale, drives to Hamilton. summer house w; CS, you and JM, way to wear my mom's shirt, KF at my house. Lizard Lady~ Jesus. C. D. Kerry: ND parklng lot. MJ's house, New Year's l!ve, Homeroom, JR. Cotillion night. summer of 92 LBI, I still went to meet MB. sleeping out, park you lost In !!wing. C.D. Cheryl: freshman year, never gave you a chance. SUmmer of 92, PW house, GA our confessions, New Hope; SM party. HH party you w; PM, MK. DS, TSC night, walt 10 more minutes. my room, you l!t PW fighting, night at beach w; MW the H.O.R.D.I!., too bad we didn't have anyl Vf concert, 1:00 am leaving, sleeping out. Rapids, Park. nice rlng17·11 food, Mary's boat, Bary's boat· sorry. City Gardens, C.D. Meg Harkness: BG, JP, ts. what asummert JR my friend, our dinners, Pennington Prep guys. INHALI!lll New Year's r:ve. Cl! get together. Dave. will he hook me upm C.D. Meg Hayman: Your party, 7·11 I should've qtlled OUMI CH I wanted him, no I don't car. PH you'll get him. JB's party MN, My house KW. Prom night, H.O.R.O.I!. Get that oft' my blanket. C-4 where's Fisher? Sexy legs. CR I'll always love hlml C. D. Sue: Halloween '91. my house Valentine's, CR, VB, 8c I!M. our tong walks, where's KR, you water light, Sus ride, where's the r:wlng bus? New Year's Eve, The fit. Am lin Egypt? C.D. Mike Czako: Steve Miller Concert. Morp, Hath Class. home· room. LBI pizza, Sophomore Cotillion Limo, C.D. JoAnn: Retreat, Dorney Park "The Stick", Gym class, Fizz, Golden Dawn, CD. KORI':N D'MfOf:LO KL·Iceskating 91·93, toe heel,throwlng me Into guys,Smlley ~ Tubs the Nurse. Next time I won't break a finger.Bowilng;the 4 Ks, sorry wrong hand,whoops, I didn't mean to trip,Our prom date of· fer-loved that hunchback.AII the movies @ ur house.New Years Eve'92. The potential prom date @ the after school Program, " Kill


the girls" .I'll remember 2 put on my headlights.Pizza Hut·follow· ing those guys. Don't forget to send me"the underwear"Basketball wfJoey.BJ appreciated me.Doing every· thing from the heart.Thank UR parents 4 feeding me.lluv ya like a sis!Good Luck next yr.l know we'll KIT KK·Hey, Ru babel Fresh yr. lunch,always eatting french fries. Bowling;KKetK,I didn't mean to bowl wfthe wrong hand. Our Chi· nese lunch, almost hitting the bus.Good·wiii.My physics, calcu· Ius, and history buddy. Great study group, I got the D. That pig, those perverted poems.My cookies, Karen had a cow TGifrfdays. the birthday cake & gay walter. The sexy lipstick. we still didn't get to see a leaqgue of their own.Sr. Yr Junch.Pat & Derk Master. Ur a sweetie,J'm glad we became GREAT friends & I hope we KIT. LP·Lynnie, even though I'm better than U,I'JI wrtte something 2 U.SR YR lunch buddy.TGIFiidays.Ur fake Bday,the maltball cake. not seeing a league of their own.our gay waiter I wlite perverted poems. lceskating,trying to throw me into cute guys.Homecom· ing.high on chocolate.U drive like a maniac,almost hitting that truck,! hear et know everything.! hate Korky,but life goes on; Good luck next Yr. I'll miss Ul JW·Hey babel Soph Yr.throwing my lunch around, the sexy look. our spitflghtgetting thrown out;suspended by sister Joachim.WIIdwood'92.almost finding that money.SrYR service girls. New Years Eve @ Kerlis, Calculus class.Basic Instinct-dose Ur eyes. We better KIT,or I'm going to come over & kick ur butt bfc 1 know where U live.Good luck whereever U go! BR·Hiya Bether!Aiways remember the sexy look,reeling it on In & do U have a coke in UR pocket or are you just happy 2 see me?Wildwood '92 Don't forget our least favolite person,sorry about coming over ur house on orientation.Minature golfing,! won a free gamelfocus Pride Hustle Defense Win·l got It right. KIT & Gl in basketball & all ur endeavors(my vocab Is improv· ing)PS·I know we've had our ups & downs, but thru It all,l'm glad we became great buds. HS·Poodles always piddllng.Myrtle BeachJ wish I could've gone.Ground Round dinner et Friendlys.Jen et I the best clue partners ever.Soph Yr.lunch & dam,J wish I could've been there.GL next Yrl SS·Hey Stacenthllceskating.tubs et Smiley.Thanks 4 taking off my skates.U & KL searching 4 the man on the bike.Speclal Olym· pies-our prom date offer.GL next Yr & we better KIT Remember to always do everything from the heart. SW·Hey Sue!We've had a Jot of good times 2gether.Wildwood '92,Soph & .Jr yr Junch,the sexy look.our great lunch talks, I hope we KJT,GL next Yr. I'll talk 2 U later. KM·U Rjust 2 perfect.Derk Master & Pat;physlcs class,our chi· nese lunch.hating tea & coffee.our great study group,U got the A & I got the D,Good·will,the best bargains.Me teaching U calculus.GL nextYRI JC·Excuse me miss, do u have any Grey roupon?The bus rides " Kory Ann" We've been in school a long time et U better KIT. To All My friends·lluv U all & G.L. next Yr.! MICHAEL DAVItS


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bunny; Summers on L.B.I., I think I saw you ONCtl; That might have been the meanest thing you ever said to me. Vince Buttaci: Hllllll VINCE! hello, hi; The Vince Buttacl Experi· ence: The almighty fight with Harry; How is Lara doing?; Do you need anything forged?: Faster, play it faster! Todd Caruso: Mr. C., as we say, the man with soul!; Jack Frost; Quit acting like a little choir boy!; There's a seat for you over there in the comer!; Harry C., Frankie S.; You are the only other person I know, who was listening to Harry before he became an· other N.D. trend .. keep singing! Dan Comer: Two can!: Vommlt on my car. why don't you: She wants me; Seller; That has got to be THE ugliest tie I have ever seen!; Hungry?, operation restore hope, I don't, know you!, all mixed up, 1 am just too good looking! (all Ferraro): Oh, where did 1wake up?: Oh. your mother?; Stop playing!; Your'e the man. I'm just visiting; You crazy man?; D • M.F. • D; The gym class hit man; Just pop it: Cookie head Jenkins, 3 brothers with guns?; B.C.C.; Are you driving into school yet?; I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR SISTER!: Hang out with Shapson lately?; AHH . . . pardon me, but ah, how many quarters can I get for a dollar over here? Kelly Corboy: My anatomy buddy!; It's too bad about you and Superman. I'm sure it would have worked out.: Thanks for helping me sort out my problems with ''you know who."; You better hang out with me everyday on L.B.I.; Oh, and don't tell anybody that you're blonde on the way out! Lou Crivelli: I'm looking for alob, when do I start? I worked 18 years on a race car. rm the BfSTI: Take carejerkey, and do yourself a favor, marry Heather. Nick Demaio: Officially • Nicholas "little Alfonse" Carmine Ger· vaslo DeMaio; Sinatra • NO BUSINESS!; Guy: Pasqualle; But I'm talking bout Shaft!: I reek of talent; Ah L41h Lah • Ph ansi Em God· ini (Ladysmith Black Mambazo); I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR SJ5TfRI; 01 Vee!; Lovitz ·(who made It up?): I don't need to talk to you.jerkey!; 1973!11; . .. So I says to myself, John I says . . . ; Oh. but it looks good on you!; Now I know why tigers eat their young; Selnfeld; Crazy Joe Devolal; RERUN: Black Panthers hotline; Bar· basuba; fache brut!; Nicky, did you do that? Yeah you moron, I toilet papered my own house! John floyd: You are the greatest person that ever walked on . the face of the planet! Need I say the words . . . l love you!; Every neighborhood had a kid wore a purple shirt and ran real fast. you know him. don't you? ... No we don't; The eviction of spanky; (I know who you are.) Greg Grant lives! Laura Heinz: I am really glad that you like frank Sinatra and bananas. You're right, I dont know everything about you. In fact I knOw very little about you, So I wont try to figure you out. You are probably the only perso111 know. who hates people as much as I do; Down. down, down. down!; Don't kidd yourself. that is really interesting; ALIVE was really bad! Mmm. Hmm . .. Him! Don't for· get that I am hitching my wagon to your star! Mark Jablonski: Did you ever just ... you know. okay. Well did you ... alright. you understand.; Your philosophy books will guide me through my life.; You are ajerkey tough guy; Look me up and we'll do the lunch thing. Greg Martin: Keep It up Greggy, I'll hit you in the head with a can of tuna so hard, you'll wake up selling penc;lls: Oh, 3 or 4 . .. EEfEEfl; You looked Just like J.J. from Good Times!: RIOT. RIOTI; They make me faugh .. . HEH; Peg.Peg. that's my song; Cardboard; You know why? Because I'm from the streets.; Mmm Hmm him; That's funny stuff; The other vermon; George l like you, GO A WAY!, WHAT DO YOU WANT?, I'm going to stand over here now; Yo man, I wonder when Breakin's comming onl; Death ·can't be this busy: Do "I" have any money I can lend you?; If GUY ever speaks to me like that again, He's gonna be spiting out little white Tic • Tacs; Firecracker, Firecracker. Shish. Boom, Ba: What Pete, is there a mess at your table?: Little Miles; I think I'm going to wear my purple and go see Aladdin: Frank; Oh, okay George, cause me and you. we're friends. right George?; Right black at · you!; He smells so bad: Oh yeah. that's a real surprise!; This time 1didn't forget the grayy; I say Clay. Joe the policeman, from the what's goin down epiSOde ofThats My Mama. He aint lying. That boy's good! You must be crazy. He's good! You must be cra2y. Ahh Haaal: Heh . . Cicero: It's so greasy; Manny, Moe, and Black · - Hey that's pretty funny!; You·ve got Martin, he's the cynic. You've got Laura, she's In the play. You've got . . . . LEVAR Ill; Mike Davies just watched 72 straght hours of Starsky et Hutch. Matt Pribila: IT'S GOOD Ill: The king of all servers; Yo I am not sitting next to him! Breakfast alter exams; Golf, you're In the swing of things; keep playing volleyball! Harry Masterson: What's up with little Jesus in the garden?;

faster C.L. VS. Ph ish; Eric Wills: What can I say about a man who likes bananas AL· MOST as much as I do? Good luck with running and keep eating those horrible lunches. ROGCR Df!LI"RADO Rose Vldal-1 missed U this YR We weren't in any of each others classes.U R a beautiful person w; a beautiful name. I wish U great success in UR life. Love Roger D Stephanie Sliwinski·Hey Steph.l'm going 2 miss U.Thanks 4 caring et helping me out thru a rough time in my life.There R not 2 many people like U.Have a wonderful life et keep smilin.Love RogerD James Russo-! remember U last YR as someone who hardly said a word.! never talked 2 U & I must say I regretted it.U R a good guy U R also talented. We have 2 play football again some· tlme.Good Luck Love Roger D. Leron Rogers-Like I said once before.U et I R similar In a lot of ways.U did get dissed in the play. but guess what? U R going 2 B a great actor or broadcaster. Don't stop chasing that dream .I know U can do it.MayB I'll see u on the tube sometime.MayB. I'll be sit· ting next 2 U. Love Roger D. Tania Perez-Hey Giri.Whats Up?l never told U this but I know someone who thinks UR flyll guess u·n never know who? Love Roger Tanya Parrotta·Well. we're off 2 college. Some of us R going 2 B actors,others R going 2B engineers. I would wish U luck but U re· ally don't need no U can't have my fingers! Love, Roger D Rick Moore-Hey Mr. rennsbury.Yo, I have 2 tell U.U R a good guy,but U have 2 project it more 2 the opposite sex. We have had fun hangin out.Especially at UR 2 great parties (NOTI)Have a great life et stop dliving before u kill someone. Love Roger D Joe Lech·l know we didn't like each other much In our first :5 Yrs of high schooi.But people mature. I'm glad I got to meet the real Joe Lech.Stay Funny,bfc U got that down.Gl Love Roger D Michelle Kopen-Hey, It Is the other half or the M&M's It was great knowing one or the sweetest person In the world for the past :S yrs. Don't change. Love Roger D Matt Kasprzak·U've been a kool person to harm out wf.Thru all our football,basketball & baseball games we've ·earned each oth· ers respect & friendship.Stay w; the acting thing.U R'nt half· bad.Utah Give me two! Love Roger D Mat'K Jablonski·Wasn't fisher heli?Well, we have made out of there & out of high schooiGL wfUR future. Love Roger D Anthony lnverso-1 didn't know U the first 2 yrs of my high· school life but I guess we were destined 2 meet for our last 2yrs.U R a good guy Ant.Remember all the good times we've had(the shore)& all those good fball et bball games we had. Don't change. Mr. rnverso u R going 2 hit it big someday. Love Roger D Kelth Harrls·Whats up Kelth?Yo. we've had fun these past 4 yrs.Don't 4get all those booming parties U were at but I never was.l'll see U down the block. Love Roger D Roberto Gonzalez·l'm glad I met u.u R a really nice guy but alot of people don't see that. Don't worry about them bfc r know UR going 2 B successful in this life. Good Luck Love Roger D Melany Furda·Ht.Mel.l still say I could whoop u lon1 et proba· bly by now I have.l hope U get a basketball scholarship.& U R not dropping out or chemlstry.Mei.UR a smart person.Just stop talkJog 2 Sammy & look up at the board once in a whlle.Anyway.J'm glad we met.& don't be sweatln' no guys.Bfc If they don't want U then they R stupid. Aaron Double·Whats up "Artist of the week,month,year"U have a talent Aaron.Now if U can only put down the airbrush long enough 2 DoUR history.GL love Roger D frank Donofrio-Hey bud. "''m beat"sound familiar. we have been good friends 4 :S yrs.J must it was rocky at times but we R still here.U R a great person et a person I looked to for advice. counsel & friendship.Don't forget me frank. Or I'll have to whoop UR butt. Good Luck at Syracuse. Love Roger D Lou Crivelli·Hey goes It? U R a ggod guy.Lou, one of the nicest I've metHope u kick UR way Into the NI'L.U know what they say.U never know? Love Roger D Todd caruso-Yo,Kooi.Whats Up?Even though we didn't like each other for a time,U've been a good friend. Remember all the good times we have had & don't 4get those good, Juicy inside jokes we have. When R u & Jen tying the knot?B?C 1.1 know I'm going 2 see it. Don't look now, hut here comes life hitting us straight in the face.Good Luck w;everythlng.Love Roger D Elizabeth Butler·U R really tough. I don't know any girl that would have taken that punishment from guys.Don't Jet anybody make fun of UR voice( Except me of course)& one more thing.UR doo looks "sexy" Good Luck Love Roger D Barbara Brown· "can I have a piece of gum"Does it sound fa· millar.U R a wonderful woman. Don't change at aii.GL Love Roger D Sammy Battista· doctor.whats up?U R'nt dumb Sam· my.Stop thinking that before U start becoming it. Good Luck In college Don't change Boss. Love Roger D Sandra Argumedes·What can I say that I haven't told U al· ready.U have been very Important 2 me. We have been thru good & bad & we have wfstood It all.l thlnk?UR problems R'nt as big as u think they R.Don't worry so much.l'm going 2 miss UR rami· Jy.l'm going 2 miss UR walk.l'm going 2 miss UR "SQUEAKI"But 0

m~~~fJ~·~~~!¥g r.,~~huer~;ji ~~:~e~~~!rl thank u 4 UR caring thoughts & UR big heart.! appreciate it.Have a wonderful life. Love Roger D Jen Corban·Hey Jen.We have had a weird relationship. We talk alot sometimes & then we don't talk 2 each other at ali.U R a re· ally sweet woman W/ a poets heart. Good Luck & Don't Change. One more thing.Never lose UR silky hair. Love Roger D. I'IICKD~HAIO

Vince 5uttacl-GGP rules-me you Vacco.You stabbed meW/ a scapei.Anglo Saxons can't cook or make Jove. "Semsei Buttaci""NO thankyou"bom in east LA.l still have scars from New Years. Homdel were ln.good luck w;your band and 1 hope you enjoy the next 15 guitars your dad buys for you. Lou Crivelli· OM concert wfMalsto'sdncing EM I' got can· celled.Jody #12,the unholy alliance.John Staglolano Is our hero.Rusty sez your deadr"you're outta order,he's outta or· der,the zebra's outta order. this whole place Is outta orderi"La Bamba,born in fast LA.Ooodfellas.that store on route 3J.New Year's eve . . .. muff said.Golng to the toilet after getting Into col· lege. Late night studying for anatomy."thls Is the Rusty room·•. 10:35 PM"uuuuugh'' 11:00·9:00.Grandadci¥ bellbottoms.Gettlng bombed at the feast with Abbott. My classic photos from the morp and New Year's eve. Hold on, senSOdynel We broke Goo· gle's basketball net.the Infamous 3 hour tape.Meathead rulesll Going out w;Ange and Freddy supplying us on New Year·s.We've had a lot or great times,good luck In college. Mike Davles·''who is the man who would lisk his neck for his brother man?( SHAFT)" oh but It looks good on you.Wanna make fifteen dollars the hard way? what did somebody step a duck?This steaks still got marks from where the jockey was hit· ting it. He's a good kid.a real good kid . . .. now I know why tlhers eat their young.Oh danc;e of the living dead. "Nicky, did you do that? . . . Yeah, you dummy, I toilet papered my own house"MatUew Sweet, October :50, 1992. "no,no business" Abe Levin's the man. Don't kid yourself. Where·s fat kid? Skeezerl the dlceman:"youre outta order. he's outta order, the zebra's outta order, this whole place Is outta order."faUng wings at the groundround and then dancing like Rerun "how many quarters can 1get for a dollar?" all of my classic photos which have baptizes as little Alphonse. "01 veyl" Jerky tough-gut. Kramer Is God! "Barba·sooba" Hey, can we get that removed? Straight outta


sayreville. Guy Martins friendly attitude and warm friendship to all who enter his warm home. OOH doc, It's tearing the a - outta me.Stanley Spldowski.Sum dumb guy at the concert. "fatal attraction" Snaggletooth for best smile"Andy are you goofing on Elvis?"LATKA the mall guy. "do It Acapella" Ladysmith black Mambazo "Schweet. what up, d-kl" Christopher. how's it hang· ing. a little to the left. playing pool and skiing the Bump. We've had the best times, me you vinny,greg,tom,mc funna (Just kid· ding). and harry, stay cool and good luck in college.·Nick AI· phonso carmine Gervasio De Maio. Dan Comer-fatal attraction. Ferraro's one-liners, the accident wasn't my fault! rerraro's famous last words:"look out.stop sign!. ""Andy are you goofing on Elvis:· My 3 hour tape. Don't kid yourself. the stone Roses rule. Getting bombed at the feast with abbott. Going to "Sieazeslde Heights" Dipping for the first time. Diner with the "pre-pubes" Have fun In Bermuda. Meghan Kelling·! had a great time giving you rides to school. even though we were late everyday. We had the best soundtrack going: frasure,the Stone Roses,Temptatlons. the Jackson 5, sunscreem. and of course f.lvis Presley. Dan Laperrlere-you are the man. we had the posse In f:ngllsh: me you okullxz,harry and vaccaro. Thanx for helping me pass Math for the past 4 yea~. Good luck in college. George Madeya·"Andy, are you goofing on Elvis?" dog boy rules. Harry Masterson-renegade cops coming to town. little Jesus in the garden.Jammlng w;vinny, playing pool and watching quality movies.! know yu won't orget that terrible nU:e In l"rinceton w; those two. New years eve. "bum In hell" Masterson.Mr:ATHEAD Argese·s class with me, you fred, vaccaro, Pliblla. and Dubow. You've had the best jobs: dell boy,golfvendor, garbage man. rec· tory receptionist, rythm guitarist, etc. I still remember yur mega· phone rap on "fight for your Right" english class with Jay,Dan, Vaccaro,me, and you.Gym dass, playing "bro-ball" Good luck In college. don't drink too much. Greg Maltln-<luy Martin is a great guy."ls It fat, Is It greasy, I'll take lt"No, I don't feel like playing pool with Otis and the boys. Smoking stogies. the super bowl party. Homdel·we·re in,STAIGHT OUTTA SAYRf:VILLEI "yup,yup" you want a piece of this? (anthony) how could you fall your driving test/ no than· kyou. new year's eve. MEATHEAD we·ve had the best times hang· ing out with vinny,harry,tom and mike. Good luck In college. Chris Vaccaro-OGr rules-me you and buttaci. anglo saxons can't cook or make love. will dot and harry please come to the main office Buttacl's total lack of coordlnatlon.Jason "uncle fes· ter" Okullcz. "eeeeeeeooooooo" she has no eyebrows! Harry, you really can't heop those things. "the brophenator" 8roball W/fred and Harry's running style, circa 1972. tngllsh class posse with dan. you. me harry and uncle fester. It wasn't me It was chris. How come you guys always pass, but I always fall the labs. Chemisty and Physics were great. We've had a lot of great times, especially lunch soph. year with conway, crazy ted, tech rich wills vinny, domingo. me and you.Qood luck, glruo. Jason Okulicz·you are unde fester. JNXS c;oncert sophoinore year busting on me In Schaffer's dass, conroy's class with the un· holy Alliance nad Googles.this year's lunch table was Interesting to say the least with me, you paco, vince, rat. sung. phil and Of course, annie. goood luck at rutgers and make sure you lock the bathroom door. PA1TY DifALCO Roger HI, rrank· Just Joking! You do have a good voice! You're a great guy! Gum anyone? Save one for later huh? Stay Sweet! LuvPatty Chris Chlarchairo STUPIDIII What's up? Remember me for my "yin yangsl" You're an awesome artist! STAY COOL! Marberry's Spanish class? What a jokel Religion· what will she do today? See Ya STUPIDII Luv Yal Luv Patty D. frank D'Nofrio HI, Roger· just Joklngl Stay cool, frank· Homeroom's been, well It's 6eeri "There". No, really It's been fun! Take that PORSHr: out will yal Let rtte drive It pleasen Remember "flying gum In enallsh· Jr. Yr? Luv Ya· Luv Patty D. Christen Savellf:' Chris· we met in gym- Fav. class. NOTI Suf· fered through english 2 years in a rowl Tharut but no tharutll You in I"·Town • meeting G. Me. you. Crystal, Karen on the radio. Thanx for listening to my "J" problems. We've had fun going ev· erywhere and will have more fun this summer! Cotillion '92· I'll never forget our driver· too hot or what? My "LII green Sportie car" and your "White Sportie qtr" go well together. You're a great friend and I Luv Ya Lots! Luv· r., r.ddie, ratty, ratrlsh Liz Butler· Ardery for History· boring· I'll take a nap! We made that class fun in a way! Rumbleseats loves us- we alve him good business. We've had fun, going out, on Retreat andhanaingl Glad we got to know eachother better· and that we're friends! Luv ya lots Tin Lizzy· Luv "P.O." • Patty Tania Perez, Glad we became better friends· This year's been fun! "You go Girl!" Luv, Patty Ruby Santos, Ruby· What can I say? Your a blabber mouth· I mean you're always talking and you're nosey! I'm just joking. you're really nice, glad we're friends. You don't drive too slow just not fast enough! Just Kidding Yal You're cool· stay sweet. Luv, Patty Sunny Sprano. You're a nice person. English senior year has been the best· NOTI Us cheat? No Wayl Good Luck In all you do. Luv· Patty D. Marybeth Bansfield, HI honey! You're too nice. Just Joking! Glad I know you better. When are you gonna drive that sports car of yours? I Love ttl Stay Sweet. Luv Patty Christen Murray. You're a great person, despite what some think! Hang on to Marco-don't let others push you away from him. You guys are good together! We've had lots of fun· every·

~;r:~~o~:~~OO: ~~;s:u~e~t::~~

we met. Nuttle Math guy· Wlerd En~h guy. We made the ~gllsh lady leave? Nol Re· member how the english guy said "Of·PO·SITES"? the math guy didn't like you. You at my house every weekend, any Ill party that could have turned outta controtr r:ngtlsh· our fav ctassl You in P· TOWN· met MW. nice car, smooth talker, not for Jadz huh? Maybe, we'll see. Me and you at the mall again? Why not? All your rings. My yin yangsl Denny's ·you love ltl Your best pals 8. and the nlr1 with the freckle! Yuki All your problems, all my com· plaints! R"Oh Well", "I don't care", "I see". You'll get a Saturn and a hot dog someday· I knOw you willllll know you'll never ror· get Jan.:50th. Where's Den Den? We'll get him for youl Tharut for coming to all the PHS games. Why do I like M? or Dumbo? I'll never know! "Are your hands cold?'' Probably! All the times at Great Adventure, my house. my car and everywhere have been fun. More fun to come this summer! Luv ya Jadzll Luv- ''P", "~ die", ratty, Jadzl, don't forget all your menll Crystal l"emberton, came in 4th grade· ever since· You·ve disrupted my life· SIKr:l I Luv ya honey bunch! "Crystal Clear" Lunches on Wednesdays, Library after school· getting kicked outl Me. You, Ms.Whalen on lightning loops at GA-In stll wade! Sis Jane with her teeth tapping in 6th. Mean Ms. Reen In 7th· Looney Tunes in 8th. Graduatlon:rlnally. 1'10 here we come! The BU5YUK· we suffered together on those hot, cold, sweaty. snowy, muggy days. with all Ihe 8US I'IUTSI New Years r:ve '92 ln my carl ~e know who to thank for that! You staying after school. Bug· glngl Me at Hinkson's worklngll Me, you, and Karen became Iiiseparable! Summer '92· LIJah loved HH· rtot mel All your guys D.R,T.M, and A. Does the State Tennessee ring a bell? Hanging in P·TOWN MW's SM8 AL's Pathfinder. we thought they showed olll The ''Oys" beinQ pests! 54? Me beeping at hlml The bench ... yuk hes splttlngl He sent you off on his bike. RUM5LESEATSI Been there enough? What about Ground Round or friday nigJts at Denny's. You i"7th 8-day party with Courtney, Fun with Hunll D

with Jadzla· where were they? My guys· M.Mouse, Dumbo, Duckie, M, T, T, Susy·s cousins, thanx for listening to all my prob· lems! Who's uptown tonight? Rikki, Etwln, Marquis, Marcel· Yuk the gay guy from the Yougart Place. Hr didn't like you. Driving In my car. We always had fun· "Lil green car"! Halloween '92, "is that your hair?" asked to you by Dumbo. STUPID!! Beach '92. You meeting whats his name, me and Karen meeting Israel and Asia. We'll have to do that again! We're finally enlors· We rule the school! Us driving to PHS after school· Me you TITi running into eachother there· Dumbo doesn't see us! Buzz book· some nice houses· some weird ones too! Jetta anyone? You and Karen· the two car twins. Nice car. Please STOP at eight sided red signs OK? TY would be happy! We'll have many more memories to make· Luv ya CeCell Luv "f" "Eddie" "Pato" Patty Patricia. Thanx for coming to all those PHS games! "Hello. operator speaking," "Step to mel" Susy Schiano, All those times I stayed over. Chinese food. your cousins· I'll never forget they've given me experiences I'll remember just by talking with them. You Pizza place!l,. Your Sweet 16 • I keep my mouth shut· I was shocked weren't you? Bowling with Tony ... I won 't forget him· soo cute!! Us and Karen taking' thousands of pictures! Trish? Whos that? Patty's my name· "P." If you want to get specific! Us. Maggie. and Hanna will never forget that morning, will wen It was fun! Copperfields· they had hot guys! FIZZ· Too crowded· Rikki friendly with all the guys! Susy I'll always be here for you. don't forget that! Luv ya Susyl Luv Patty. P. Karen Dominguez. Remember Tammy? She IntrOduced us. You 2 had the same lltUe blue shoes. "Ciud 9?" and Clpilli and me In the hall for talking? Celery stix for a science project ~ yrs. in a row? Your B-day party at Mickey D's· sorry about your arm in the door. The multiplication wheel! Phonex? Out to lunch- Hot Foods to Go "Cheez Fryz" every Wednesday· Me, you. CeCe, and Joey. To Library " Be Quieti"· Who us? I think not! Me trying to ski? Yeah right! Me, you and Joey Community Park Pool· High dive! My house after school· all my catsl AI the parties at CP's, ss·s. PJ's, and NB's· They were the thin~ to dol Who has to comb Miss Maple's hair tOday? Sis Jane tappmg her teeth! They watch soap operas at the conevant? Ms. Reen- Whaalll Gum on my nose· NOT-Detention for a week· you too. Your B-day party at MF and OR· Fun! We saw DD first time with S and A. Looney· nuts as always. Us cheat? Never! Knew all the History notes · yeah thats it. Confirmation· what H . .. I Panic Huh! The retreat at LBI· the bed broke- my sneakers got soaked so did your cords! Never for· get Both "Manny's" graduation" Finally outta St.Paul'sl Off to ND· Mr.Ryhmm·s homeroom. FD· remember hlml What about you liking FD- still do?? NKOTB used to be the thang but not now! Going to EP, Fizz. Kaboom. Copperfields. all the concertsGeorge Lamond, Suave and others. OUR FIGHT· LASTED LONG· What was It about? Oh well it's over now! You went away for the Summer '91 having fun· me bored! Jr. Yr. we made up finally. You bugged me - I gave up and talked to you· Thanx for not giving up our friendship!! DRIVING TIM f.! The best my car- 2 seater? I don't think so! The one ride in the FOX on Route 1. WE'LL NEVER forget. Us, CeCe became closer- hung after school. Me to work- Yuki Ring Ceremony- our HS rings! You went on stage with your coat and big red scraf- Susy tripped! I'm surprised I didn't! Getting hit by Hank· Jerk and Ty on the shish· what ice? finally the Lil CRX was fixed and became the Lil green carl The Summer '92· What a time!! Hanging in f·TOWN. Us, CeCe every nite· 9pm Ul 12am or so- Danny's taxi's· watch out for spies. Bringing our friends. Jad· zla. Chris, Chris, Mary and Ruby. Meeting people· Mickey Mouse, Dumbo, Goofy. Eddie Murphy to the lOth power, the Nutll HH· YUK· not for me- OK maybe the pastrami. 54 and 56? HISTORYIII You and your men· M, M2, Den, Joe. Juan, G, Carlos, Isreal. Lotion, whoever else! CeCe's people T, R, D. A, M. My guys, MM, J. B, D always. We saw all the skaters every nlte. The "Oys". f.dwin. Rikki and all the Boyz of P-town- and then there were the saltines. Cotillion· we came late and left late- Had the best driver!! That made my nite. After Cotillion- We won't forget· It was fun! PR and " B" from ThOr. No I don't think sol I liked the Grease Moneky a lot· oh well! What about the ITALIAN lmmlgamt that left me? Tony? Susy·s cousins? They proved to be experiments on what to say and not to say to guys! Yeah you got an awesome carl JETTA red with black trim. Very Hot. We'll be patroling P-town In that a lot! Halloween 92 what a waste! Those 2 were too boring for us. they had to D . . . to have fun and talk. All the times you slept over. theo? Where·s she? "Weezie" being, not nlcel Your dad bringing us everywhere. The Beach '92- Us and CeCe. CeCe pick· ing up guys on the boardwalk. One for each of us! At the beach house- me sit down? Our little shirts. Me and you driving, watch· ing TV, shopping. movies, guys on phone, clubbing- we do It all· Perfect Together!l Luv ya honey bunch. What would I have done without you all along? Luv ya TITill Luv, P.. Pato. Eddie, Patricia, Patty. You Go Girl! Your 18th B-day • us. Sherlce. CeCe. and RICK !I JEN DINATALE Jen Corban-We've graduated!What can I say?Thls Yr has had its ups ~ downs,Chris Leaving,Thanksglving of SR YR.Wanna drive my car?Conquest alert.Can I borrow that outfit?Wake up Jennifer. Seriously though.l'm glad we became such good friends this YR Who else would've driven me home from Ed's Xmas party?Even though we've graduated we'll still hang-out 2gether.U've been a great friend all YR Don't ever change.UR such a blonde! Love. Jen D. Kathy Provost-oh my god.frosh,Soph,Jr.~ now SR YR. We're fl· nally seemed like It would never happen. We have been thru so much 2gether.AII the flghts.all the good times ~all the bad. Where should I start.Tomac the Polac,walklng up stairs by Crystal Diner,the football games.Matt,Joe,Rich. LONG DONG!Rocky Horror. wanna go bowllng?Ed's xmas party,f.d's Halloween Party,Chocolate chip cookles.Mars needs meniMany more good times ahead STORK! LuvSkooch CARRif. HRITZ·Hippie Chick. What's going to happen wiU leaving us~ going 2 Ala· bama?Who's gonna go with us 2 the RHf'SJIRemember all the good times though.The football games.Crystal Dlner,our lltUe $e· cret between me,U.~ Jeff Wigg.the dead end ~ our scare w1 Joe.Jeff, Me,U.~Sean!Never 4get me & make sure U call me when U get home from college! Love, Jen D. (Skooch) JOANNE DINOLA Dan Morin • all your nicknames - Piggy ~ Boars Head are the best. Eng. class. football games, TS ~ you better stop teasing me. Not all of the cheerleaders are ugly, It's a shame I can 't say that about the football team! Good luck next year. Love JD Chrissy G. - Never forget all of our trips to USMA (West Point) JF·I tried! Bowling. Karoke. f'il:Lqles·you down wit OMD? Prom 92 ·the lollipop. "Should we get olrthis exit~ meet those guys?" CT ~ SD forever. I love you! Carla ·Lying by your pool, my obsession for JD, LBI..Cuz Hayes in front of Panzones with those stupid rubberbands In his head. our hatred for the twit will never end! Typing w1 Mr. B·he hated us-Jabbeljawsll gave him the finger. Why does Mike always tease Toe? I'll never know· I'm not that short! I'll miss youl Love always, Brooke · Hey Burdurkel Never forget our fight over CB-even though you already have. I'm the - - - w / the Welsh's! You down wit OMD? Point Pleasant, Physics, Cotillion w1 KDI I'll miss you next year! Mike Czako- our trips to Doc's office & our terrible homeroom are 2 things I will never forget Rob's house- the pool. trampa· line. playing pool. "I failed my driving test!" I'll miss you! Rob L. • Hey neighbor! I can't believe how fast time has gone • I remember my mom taking pictures of you. me ~ Josh the 1st day of school frosh. yr. Never forget the bus ride WI Lorraine· the

worst! Hanging at your how w1 MC, SO, JR.~ CB. Babysitting by your trampoline. I'll see you whenever I'm home since you're only 4 hrs. away! Love JD Anthony fizz - Is It frank or Anthony? After 7 yrs. I'll never know. Good luck next year! Mike fanning· You're sweatln her· that's alii have to sayl Kristle M. • The march for life-never again. you were my savior that day. Nick~ Scott are Steinert men. Love youl Kathy J. ·all I have to say is DUMP THE DUD! I can't believe he wore a ski jacket to the Cotillion. LBI·91st st. Brat Pack 92·9~. I love you! Bye little OJ Jamie • We have so many memories. Your SAS party w; JP ~ fF. Slim Jim. do you like it better slicked? 91st st. 2 yrs. in a row. Dan. Cort. Doug, ~ Brian at lifeguard races. Cuz Hayes ~ dreds. Joe blew chunks~ he's passed outll drove DB's car through the balcony ... It was stick! You down with OMD-duckle? NCA camps . . . Jeff (strawberry quick) our buddies·Marsellious, Shelly. & Vicki! Jayson·red shirt & boots-marriage! LSU. Knock. knock, knock, who's at the door? NCAI Do da Do da. The toilet over· flowed-call maintenance! Prom 92' - Lollipop - JD Iced Tea. Pur· pie Passion & shotguns, the beach. The G-friends on 91st st. the Ketch. Brooke's party after Wildwood-funnel queen. Brat Pack 92·93. Sat. night w1 OW at my house. I love SD you love SB. The RATS! FATAL! The Putt Putt~theJewbarullloveyoul Sunny • Hey baby! LBI 92~3. 91st st. WI MO,JW,JC, KC,JP,CS.HT,JK ~all the G's. Cotillion WI MB-JM. I hate NT-only a little bit, bfc I hate Jeff more. Seton Haii:Just blc of MAl I love you Sunshine. Meredith • get me a manual I can't do It w;out one. LBI 92. Lamar, Derrick, ~ the whole crew. Cotillion night. Hey camper! "You look like Madonna!" I love you! Jen Kelley- R.L.'s house, Ground Round, the Salt House. MG's party. your cousin's wedding, I love SD·we'll be cousins one day! Our Subaru's ... I almost got hit by a carl Sally's class. LBI 92' never again! Brat Pack 92·93. Let's play spit one more tlmel Love You. Eric M. - soph. yr. - dinner at your house • It's Good 1"11. & you're feeding me meat? So ~ MA In your room. beer bread. I owe you dinner· Wlnberrie's? f'ink floyd· the Wall· you made me watch it. I'm always gonna stay the big v. Vince· hey Big Vinny- BB w1 Tuccle- I was the best stat girl Frosh. yr. love. You'll get your own cheer one day. Is BD really gay? I know he's not. Love you! Kelly - my Irish queen - the dress worked! MF forever. SAS er SGS days· JP's 8th gr. party JP ~ FF. Cheerleading. LBI-every summer together. Brat Pack 92·93. Your brother's shore house. RW ~ Sf at soccer game, are you Jewish? Cuz Hayes, DB. BB. DD, CM ~ Joe The Ketch, Blff ~ his buddies. There Is so much more but no room. I love you. Jen Cole • Hey roomie! cabrtni, purple carpet. LBI 92~.3. far· ties, everyone Shared the same Illness. stop stealing signs! I promise we'll never leave you at the Ketch againl Cuz Hayes. DB, BS, CM, DD. ~Joe. You hate DB. I love you! Gary- a.-force- you'll always be my O·bear. I'm going to miss you so much. Never forget ARC rep Club. Sat. nights at my house w1 Jf', Mrs. Sally hates you, all of our flghts·most of them my fault, the Firehouse. EMT·you are the eternal fireman, I can't believe you hit me w1 you boat (car). The D-wagon forever, the March, your flashlight or beater-whatever you want to call it. I'm off like a prom dress-your favorite line. I refuse to let you move to Trenton to be a fireman-unless it's In the Burg. I love you O·bear, you'll always be my Bfl (Besides SD) Mom~Dad - I can't thank the two of you enough for all that you have done for me. I hope you realize how much I appreciate it. I love you both so much. Thank You! Sue er Nina Jo - The "BRAT" is finally off to college. I'll miss you guys next year. I love you. Scott • I can't believe I'm going to college. 2~Yl yrs. now. 7· ~-90 • .l-~·91 to forever, West Point. jump over the couch game, the shore, Oreat Adventure-! hate that Scream Machine. are you gonna? My Sport Wagon . . . your green machine. My BFF. WYMM? Please say yes. Cotillion 9~'. f.verythlng I do .. . Ariel, AI· addln, ~Beauty. Solitare or Ms. f'acMan? Saga. Fruity Pebbles or Count? My homemade raviolis, my den, your basement. The tick· ling game-i always Jose-it's not fair. dorkity lorkity. Thank you for always being my best friend. I love you forever and always. Missy Famoso - Bagel St.. MV & the Hamilton gang, gym class, Cotillion 9.3' at MG's & RRI. I'll miss you next year. Love.JD Jen Corban· Society Hill days, Noah's Arc, Goliath. my ugly outfit W/ the bun, I don't want no trouble! I love SD-you love CM. March for life - that bus ride. I love you! JD carol • I hate you - so muchl You are my one ~ only idoHor· ever LBI 92-Brat rack 92·9.3, the Ketch. G·ftlends. I hate you! Bu seriously· I love you A.ltl Nicole • Hey baby · we're finally outta here. Never forget Christ· mas exchange at my house. My wallet Is the best. The BOdyguard, EL&SD. See ya in LBI! Love you! Jenn, Danlelle, carole, Kim, Amy. ~ Chris • good luck next yr. girls! I'll miss you guys next yr. & remember • If the toilet over· ftows ·CALL MAINTENANCE! Kristen B. ·hey little-GI Never forget our trips to the mall, x· mas exchange at my house & most of all • LBII I'll miss you G· Brat Pack forever! I love you I Brendan· Hey B·Dog ·I'll miss you In homeroom. 8B stats. You owe me dinner. My gym shirt stinks, your accident WI Roxy . .. she's obsessed, I knew you couldn't quit • I won. Lifesavers. Weird Science . . . funniest movie. Blues Bros. I love youl Helen • My little Jeannie .. . sometimes the snow comes down In June-but I saved the best for last. You down wit OMD-duckle? LBI 92-91st st. the rose, crying In the rain, the shower nozzle. Nardl's·what receipt? Your J)artfes. the big bagel D. Eng. class w; KC ~ KB. Brat Pack 92·9.3. Bf' ~ SD. Your etemallove . . . I know. I love you Buttercup & I'll miss you so much! Suzzanne • We have so many memories, but never forget NCA. WI Jeff, Your Halloween's together,~ most Important· LBI 92. You er BS, rigatonl's on the ceiling. Sf'IT ·we are the champions. shaba Raba, SB, Blff & Mlke-dld you REALLY see a whale? NP's party • LK. tK, er JQ. I'll miss you:Just don't tum Into a hickl Love you always! Jen Sec- Cheerleadlng for 3 yrs. NCA camps WI Marselllous. Shelly, & VIcki • but what about Jayson? LSUI Our gossip trips to friendly's, Varsity. & Pizza Hut. Ravioli's ~ Quesadeas. Your fa· thers omlets. 88 games at McC frosh. yr. Sleepovers. JL & SD for· ever. My letter sharing w1 you. Trig w1 Ms.C The toilet overfiowed at campi Boku & our trip to Delaware. Do da Do da. SAS vs SGS • JP & fF In 8th gr. I love you! Jen W. • 7 yrs. have flown by. SGS days were the greatest. LBI 92. Brat Pack In 92·93. There Is so much that we've shared that I don't know where to begin. All I can say Is never forget that night on the phone w1 the BALD EAGLEI 91st st. • my boogie board"~ your chain vanished. The Ketch, the Big BAOLE D. cr: or JIS? The outside shower. I'll never forget you In your silk PJ'sell over the house. Rklatoni's are all over the ceiling! I Jove you so much & I know we'll always be friends. I'll miss you next year. Tina • 7 yrs. since we first met In SGS. Frlck/frack TJ SD • each other. Fla. w1 so~ KM, Weekle Wachle. SISff WI SS. The 5 B's, Society Hill - don't flaunt yourself In front of Rob's. Tic Ta<: Toe. Switching outfits. Heels In the mall. MD Is fatal attraction •


~~e:~.~~~~~fs~: ~~~'S~;t~f~~-~~~~~~~~ev~~~

Sandy & Rizzo. The dressing room In fl. - wizz, the Tub • both of us now!, Sega at SO's w1 TJ~DP. NYC- New yrs. eve- not mel .. . There's more to come . .. 1 love you ~ I'll miss you next yr. I'm sorry things have changed so much since SOS. Esther· You're the only one I know younger then me. Never/ forget Miss Sally's class, our trip to the mall ·forget Rider, Span·

ish w1 Shulz. I'll miss you next yr. ·good luck at U of PI Missy Cef • Cefalona • never forget our cheerleadlng experl· ences. NCA camps w; Marselllous. Shelly,~ Vlckl. Jayson & LSUI Jeff (strawberry quick) Delaware . .. do da do da ... the toilet overflowed ·call maintenance. OUr gossip trips to l"riendly's, Var· slty ~ Pizza Hut. Fried Ravioli's and Quesadeas. Nallene nails are the worst- so my nan beds are large. We hate D.P. soccer games, St. Joe's·MM & JL are stars. Miss 5ally's class· when!'s the cheat sheet? I'll miss you, good lucki Keep your eye on SO If you go to TSCI Orams • Thank you for all you have done for me. I'll miss you so much next year. I love you! Rich Selfridge - HI Richie! I'm going to miss you next yr. Never forget our car rides to school. W/ E.T.I You looked at~ we drove by. Night W/ s.o. er J.P. at your house. JB's ob for you. BB stats frosh. yr., VA loves JD • I told youiUust wont DO IT! I'll never charge-sort)'! You & SL at my house alter I failed. The Saab. My engine purrs. All the great times we had at RL's house. Foodtown chlckies are WILD. Aladdin makes you romantic. I'll never forget you Riehle! Love. Joannle. To All My O·l"rtends - I love all you guys and I'll miss you so much next year. O..friends forever! Mrs. Miller - Thanks for everything you have done for me. 1 know It's been a tough yr. but we've made It through. Oood luck next yr. I'll miss you! Love always, Joanne Debbie· This year Is the 1st that we have had classes together. I'm so glad we grew closer & I'm going to miss you next yr. Never forget Sally's class, Charlie from Katzenbach, r:nv. Science- we

~~~-e~:z:~:c:~::~ =~e ::r\?.~~~:~:=::r

Oood Luckl Love. Joanne Tara S. - Hey chicklel Bagel st. JW's house after the Indian hit me ·It was .Just a scratch. Sally's class- Charlie from Katzenbach - DC & I tofd him you were a flirt. JO stares at my Bf in church kill herl You & BD - those ugly boots that you bought hlm. I'll miss you next yr. Love, Joanne Kyle· Hey Kyzer! I'm going to miss you next yr. Four yrs. of Rah Rah. We hated prac. Stress walks, love tr marriage, your heel 16. WI JP. Our comparing BV ~ SD. Homecoming 92'. I'll miss you next yr. ·smile- & best of luck In all you dol Love, Joanne Neil • Well, 7 yrs. have flown by ~ things between us have changed so much sl~ SOS days. Never forget all of the memories we share· NeD Boy, "I live for your love", Lissie hated me. my den in front of the VCR. 1st love, 1st kiss. ND memories • soccer games· we beat st. Joe's Your mom is "Blossom", AD ~ the Steinert crew. I'll miss you next yr. • please KIT. I love you Nell Boy! Joanne Jennifer Cole - This Is alphabet #z because there Is so much I forgat & It's bothering me. Where should I start? 9lst st. sounds good • rigatoni's on the ceiling, the big baQel d, we left you at the Ketch, Beaver queen, Cvllness, SM & Cr: • Fm sorry. Rena tr Mary· anne. My exchange party, our fight at the shore -I was only look· lng out for you • you didn't have to run bardoot for 3 hrs. Our wagons. Rutgers-denled-Cabrinl- YES! JW's car was stolen. AJ aecret lovers yeah. The Lollipop You down wit OMDI Sue couldn't hold It ln. I can't say I'm gonna to miss you next yr. cause I'm going to be living WI you. Thanks for always looking out for me· you are one ofthe blfs 1 have I love you. f'.S. Blender Bimbos forever· me, you. tr T,H. Clndi Santo • 4 yrs. of Rah Rah down the drain. You are SO's lit· tie sister. Prom 92 • the Lollipop • you guys locked me out ol the room. The shore. Cotillion w; D. f. I'll miss you. Love, Joanne


KA.Rf:l'f DOMll'fOUCZ CeCe, I still remember meeting you for the first time. You had puffy pontalls and bucked teeth. you were really funny looking. psych. We went out to lunch every wednesday, and remember when we went skiing and you came down the wrong hill. What about when we took the bus. how embarasstng. or recently when you almost killed us with your driving, If It wasn't for P grabbing the wheel ... If you hadn't made me go to Foodtown that day to buy basketball cards 1 would of never applied. Oolng to the movies every l"rtday while f' was at play practice. You and ca11os at the beach, me and ISrael, our little talks about life and giving you advice about Ty. Andy's Is so c;ute, you better take him before I do. How about D, me and P saw him In his boxers. Your cousin from Call. She's really nice. Oolng to Kaboom, and the Fizz. You and Mike tills, I hooked you up remember. You always black and blue, me at the stadium and the bus. Were tied okay. Meeting MW, MN, Edwin, his girlfriend, lotion, m(squared), M, Rlcky.Squarly and everyone up town. and the food IIQht we had their, meeting that walter and taking pictures whldi would of never happened If It wasn't for Re Re. Asia, Israel. carlos, and Mike posing for pictures. You In that back room. I don't know Crystal. House of Pain. and ~ and 56. P's bro's party. Oolng to breakfast you two geWng caught Me getting my Idler. Seeing Juan again. The Jr. prom what a mess. Little b conf'uslon and us trying to fix the situation. So much has happened and through this we have become doser, thanks for everything. Hopefully we will continue to be friends for ever and keep our trlO together. P, Well we've known each other for 12 years, bOy that's a long time. Between then and now though we've spent a lot of fun times. Being Introduced to you though was the best thing that's happened to me and I'm glad Tammy Introduced us. SinCe then though we've collected alot of memoftes. something I will always treasure. Remember the tag game we made up In first grade. How about Terry's walky talky, or the birthday party at Me· Donald's. Jeff capilli, making run of Manny's hair. It toOk him for ever to get his hair cut. Remember all thoughs school PlaYs. the flute lessons. plano, and the ukalaly. The trtp to <lreilt Adventure, me going out with Manny and fkihtlng with him and the ftaht you two had. My blrth~rtyat <IR and Ml", Hard Rock cafe. Mount Alre, going roller (on the carpet) In your case. and renting skies and not using rn. WUI Hoopes l wonder what happened to him and Juan. rteshman year started and we were late to homeroom because we got lost. Oetting Into our light. Oh. by the way I dkl think about you when I went to C.A.. Then bugging you on the bus, that was fun, 1 can't believe 1111e tldualfy waited in that bitter cold fOr that bus and It had the nerve to atop for ten minutes at the brtdge. How about the Ume when It broke down and the three of us hlld to walk to Princeton. I can't believe both buses broke down In one day. Your sweet sixteen party, camaro and playing meeting Re Re and 0. Ce-Ce and me In pool. Oolng to ScantaaJn and you and Re Re were looking for us. Oolng to the beach lbr two days and staying at Hershey's. Oetting tans while Ce Ce was with car1os. Meeting Israel. Asia, and Mike. Going to their house and I~ to mustc and Ce Ce over heard everything we saki. You heaVy metal nutt. Why ,tldn't you sit down? Oolng to the nuai.ame and having them can you Eddy, get the hell out Ia and then pusldng )'Our patty wagon down the hUI. Is the call distance, I'm on the phone you can't use lt. Oolng to b before school and you tw getting caught for not showing up. Oolng up town and meeting M, 56, M(squared). M, DS, AL. MW, Auitl bOy. Roy. Troy, Hay Mickey. your so fine, your so fine you blow my infnd. hay Mickey. the date I went with John and we can't forget lotion. You like AL. don't clenle lt. Ce Ce with 1'y Wade, me with 56 and you with ~. oh and Jadzla with OS. Thanks fOr covertng for me and helping me out with lotion. M(squared), and J8. Oh and don't forget the parties although to many to mention. they were all fun. You meeting Daft and Dan, the two bikers you and CS met. DP and you on cotiUion nlghL You going with John to the cotillion. Going to your brothers h8lloween party. and the cowboy. Chaz, why did 1 do that? eating at Hlt. There's just so much to wrtte and I'm sure 1 forgot somethtngs, what ever It may be. things have been great an<f I'm sure were going to have many more fun times.



hopefully at Rurger·s. Chris. Thanks for being their, It seems that every time that we get together we always have fun. Like when we first met. I used to bother you in Spanish class. I was always bored in that class. gee I wonder why. How about when we went skiing and I kept falling and that cute guy came over. or when those guys were talking to you from the chairlift. Remembe when I first got my license and I almost got us killed, going to Rumbleseats, movies. golf, tennis and B·ball, the walk down the canal with NE and MJ. Shogun with MC. and the comedy dub, the prom mess (disaster), the retreat. wildwood. meeting up town, service projects and after eating at RR 's. Sleepping over my house, why didn't you use the Jacuzzi, RR and LM> I can't believe you. I'm not one to talk though. Ka· boom and missing each other at the Fizz. one day we'll get it right. BSC on your b-day and the movies. The fight between you and the little one. Exchanging christmas gifts. Actually sleeping at your house, meeting Dave at GRand giving directions. Your a really good friend and thanks for listening, why does it seem that I'm turning into the old one. Hopefully we will always keep in touch. maybe we will both go to Rutger's. Mary, Your always in a good mood, too much sugar I think. You have always been their for me and I hope to one day do the same for you. We have had fun times, remember when you came over P's house and met 56, and Ricky. How about that time I picked you up and It took me forever to get there because the road was closed. we went to MD and to that guys house. Your pool party and wildwood. Your always with your cousins. florida was a blast. I'm sure we will have even better times, always keep in touch. Jadzia·We met at soccer then again thru P.Remember Rum· ble Seats.6R,Hun Party(What really happened?),uptown(U had MW blew it),instead got together w;DS(I never thought it was possible).not liking ugly kld,Cotillion hair,taklng U home,our Little talks(actually guessing games),being picky,to bad the common sense didn't SPRING in. It's been fun I'm sure there's plenty mare fun times to come. Sue-We've been friends 4 a while now,thru go times and bad. Thru this time we've been to the movies,taklng pictures at ur house,borrowing ur clothes. doing my hair,introducing me to Geraldo. what a mistake,going to the Pizza store, running in Man· ny's MR2,coppertlelds,renting tapes, ur bday partys(always fun),wildwood,&: now Florida,sorry 4 being rude to U @timeS but always remember I'll b there 4 u if u need me. Ruby·UR really sweet fun 2b w;.Remember when I took u home, or going to Ptown meeting MW,cracking me up at there· treat soccer(u always fell). Thanks 4 being u, there's not many honest people left, I'm glad that I'm friends wtone. Uz·u work 2 much,everytime I went 2 RS, ur always there.! al· ways brought a different guy everytlme.l still like Dave,ur w; Rlcky,me wj56,the movies,the retreat, playing bumper cars In the parking lot in ur go cart,Halloween party.u met M(Squared) We always have fun, Keep smiling don't ever change. Tanya·J'm so glad I met u @ Lunch last year, remember the service project we drove to the Pizza,cotton candy,U go girl. Anatomy class.the FIZZ,Kaboom W/Eivis, working W/ U,ar· cade,planning 2 go 2 Rutger,Jr. Prom.U so sweet kind. Thank U for listening the advice.Aiways keep In touch.Eres una buena Amlga. Roger·UR a great cousin,everytlme we go out we have fun,re· member the batting cage,shopplng,drlving around,baseball game. Sesame Place. Hershey Park,Great Adventure.lce skating. Sharice·lunch,Religion,part of Math 2gether Engllsh.UR re· ally nice I'm glad we became friends. Laura·! tuv those cheese steaks. Thank God history Is over,what a drag.Rellglon was fun I'm sure U know my combo # by now.stay sweet lntellectuai.EG,I hate U,U bother me 2 much,l could never concentrate.U owe me astory Suzanne-Thanks 4 helping me insult ED when he got obnox· ious.l hope U have a wonderful life career.KIT don't ever change. Annette·! don't know what happened but I guess it was meant 2 b.We had alot of fun.Driving around,Denny's, falling in the rlver,our Walden,the music which Mrs. Hage didn't like,Sieeplng over ur house,playlng Atari,Wheel of Fortune,trlck or treatlng,St.Pauls,PJ, Nelson.Matt, Vinnie,watertlS;!lt In the sum· mer,English.Math Religion class 2gether.l'm sorry 4 everything I hope maybe we can become friends again. What I said in the Xmas card still bholds,the retreat was touching.2 bad we never worked things out.l'll always see u as a good friend which I will treasure 4ever.l hope we KIT. Thanks for the good times.




a: a:













fRANK DONOfRIO Roger delfrado. Remember Sophomore year in Boi with Mrs.Ciark. "Believe It or not" Mrs.Ciark is a rejected Simpsons Character with bad acne. Your obsession with JD. (not the drink) What's red and goes around and around? A baby in a garbage disposal. HAl HAl Wildwood and Dorney Park. Hanging out with Vlkkl, Tina, and Krista. OKLAHOMA and confuclous. MC (sorry about setting you up with her) Going,to Dominques and meeting Jenn probley not because you never went but Todd thought you did. Lisa (sorry about seting you up with her too) Chris Bark Out Loud. Quakerbridge Mall and all the times we had there. Bobby Brown and what ever happened to Pebbles? JEW. Basketball. Baseball. and Football with Todd, Matt. Anthony, Lou, John, Tom and James. Cotillions. Stlenart Social (The Best Time of Our Lives) Stienart's Play. Wayne's World " Cream ofSom Yong Qui". Caitlin. My sister (your wife· NOTI) STAR WARS (you female you) Lori Eardley. Guys and Dolls and The Times to Come. Madrical. Art Club. school dances. School dancers. Remember our fights. But most of all remember our friendship. I'll always be here! Tod~ Caruso. Remember the beginning of Freshman year when we hated eachother. I pushed you in front of Tina. Pat and his crazy stories. Art class. Grease. The parties like Tom's, Jenn·s. mine (or don't remember mine because you went over Corban's house for: the first time) "Todd don't do that I'll choke." Sleeping In my basement and getting sick. Poptarts. Walking around Lawrence at ~am and the peopleat the PrepSchool were following us. My or your Eagle hat. My will and my jacket It was almost your Bud! The clamp. Peanut butter (It spreads so easy) The shadow puppets In Madr1cal. Sister Kristin Chebra (Sister Act) OKLAHOMA. Parties· mine, Laura's, and Matt Haenni's (although I won't remember: If you remember correctly) My party and Jen and Kim with the 2 chairs. What are you crazy? Basketball. Baseball, and Football with Rog. Mat. Lou, Anthony, Tom and John. Delemas with your Jen and my Jenn. The Last Boy Scout (actually you don't remember because thats the night we went to Lisa's.) The fun in Guys and Dolls and the fun that will come. 5 tears down the road; and we haven't talked for a year or two don't be afraid to call because you're a great friend. Always stay in touch. Rick Moore, Remember STAR WARS, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, RETURN Of THE JEDI HEAIR TO THE EMPIRE, and DARK FORCES RISING.Road Piza. American Ninga 1 through 3. Stop thinking with your . Chris Bark Out Loud. The toilet. Don't re· member Mr.Spain and Mr.G. Remember Kelly Corboy (I won't) Nl· kki and Kelly (New Years Eve) Steve being cool with gy, weeks. DEF LEPPARD and the 75 dollar date. Tennessee Buck. Whistleing Dr. Who. Clear Pepsi. Remember what Steve and I did when you were in the bathroom. The cookies. The party with "no women" women and the party with women. Van with no window. Jenn's party. The flip. "Your pants don't make you look fat It's your butt that makes you look fat." Jenn, Robin and Caitlin. Re· member the many things that I could write. Remember Me casa su casal Always stay In touch . Don't forget me when you ' re mous. Victoria (Vicklin) Czarnik, Remember when we met Freshman



yearat the dance. Rat Boy. " At least I wasn 't the one lusting over a rat all last year." Your trust In me, my trust in you. Grease. OK.I..AHOMA and Guys and Dolls. All the parties. All the friends we have and please remember my Phone number because you' re a friend I want to keepll Melissa Cattani. Remember Jonie Cuningham. Remember that I'm your brother and your my sister. Remember you liked me. Grease, Oklahoma. Remember I liked you. How I hated Michael for leaving you on a string for so long. Rebecka Howl. Guys and Dolls. The red shirt. You're my dance partner. Remember that I will always be here If you need a friend to talk to. Nikki Chebra, Remember our friendship from Freshman yr. Mr.Sherman's class. Oklahoma. Matt's party. Remember that you and Mark make a great pair don't let anything mess It up. You finally have a guy. Mark, that will treat you right. Guys and Dolls.Remember the times to come. Remember me as a friend. P.S. HI, oh Blond One. Kristin Chebra, Remember Jan. Remember Grease, the par· ties, the Flowbe, Ok.lahoma, the trip to NY and Guys and Dolls. Remember our production of Guys and Dolls. Remember our friendship. Matt (Kasper·lner·outer·acker) Kasprzak, Remember playing Basketball, Baseball and Football. Our split basettenor. Amber and the knife. Grease. Oklahoma. and Guys and Dolls. Remem· ber at every party you fell asleep. Ph lilies and Eagles. Dan Molo. All of your women. All my women (my record still stands 7 In 2) Allaidln. Remember that you're a Bud so keep In Touch. Laura Heinz, Your famous quotes. 1) From Oklahoma· " Frank, Pizza Is like s.x you can never get enough." For Grease· Rem em· ber you helped me make one of the best decisions of my life and I thank you. You make the best cookies that I've ever had. You smell better than any other woman In this school. Grease, Okla· homa, Guys and Dolls. Remember the parties and Remember that I will always be here If you need a friend to talk to. Anthony lnverso. Def Leppard. Basketball. Baseball, football with Rog, Matt, Todd, Jlhn, Tom, and Myself. Parties at Rick's house.The plays, the play parties. Remember that You will at· ways be a good friend. Sammy Battista, Dr.Love, Remember all the women problems, the dances. Remember It took you four years to settle down. Good tuck with Maria. James Russo, Remember the fun times In 0 ahoma, Madricat. the best class we ever had Campo. Physics, Mr.Boyle. Guys and Dolls. The parties and football. Remember our friendsll!P· Lou Crivelli, Remember Grease, Oklahoma. Quys and Dolls. "You mean my guitar?" The parties, Football, Super Boll Sunday at Roger's house. Remember Vlcely and Rusty were always friends. Heather Cyms, Remember that you could always make me smile, thank you! Remember that we've been friends since Freshman year, I hope we stay friends! Aaron Double, Remember Football, 4 years of homeroom, Madrical, Syracuse. If you ever touch my hair I'll kill you. I hope to see you next year at sun Melissa Butera, Remember Freshman year. You. Vikkl, and My· self. Sophomore. Remember at the dance with you and Marla. Don't remember our fight. Remember Senior year. Never lose touch and stay friends forever! To the Soccer Team, You people really make a person feel wanted (for the Idiots I'm being sarcastic!} To all the people who I did not write to. Jen D, Karen D. Pattie D. LrRon R, Bill G, Vince B. VInce c, Mike G, Lech, Alex K, Sandra A, Jim (Fish) D. Tania (Tony) P, Steph S, Joy S, Ellen W, Jen C, Jay D. Hark J, Anthony H. Cate H, SueT, Crystal P, Jenn M, Alex S, Vanessa V. Mark W, Gary W, and Rose v. Thanks for the fun times, I will never forget you Ill Caitlin Monahan, ever since I met you I knew you were some· thing special. Remember when I first met your dad, I'll never for· get that! Remember half time. Remember what happened with Robin. I hope you will never forget the Cotillion and I hope we stay together for a long tlmell OReOODUBOW Dan DeJonge·Shweet!Cop·lt satisfles.Jams at my Dad's.Let's play Madden. Nebraska trip-got snagged.Drlving In the old Eli.Weddlng reception.Awesome bachelors party·Notl Days w; DeaverJammlng In the garage,Holy Diver.all the crazy nights. Sylers Woodstock. Racing to school·still haven't won. Schmak· ka·wackma!'s classes wjlan.Night w; Meredith-the sa· lute.AII the basketball games.Crazy partles·RK on the car ride home.Watchlng Nebraska games w;Kenny·the funnel craze.Ail the great parties this yr.·yeah right! Late night talks In your room.come hear and smell this one. I P freely. To the memories and good tlmesiLove ya,Oregg Anthony Rotundo·15·13,even better,20·19,Norwood chokes!Your hair Is messed up. Get my cymbal from Dave's.Tecmo Bowi·l'm still better.Ping pong craze·Nevin's par· ty·late night at your house. Veterans Club-NotiYou scab. ISS prac· tlces-get focused guys.We at Dave's-shweet voice. Let's go back to Clro's w/ DeJonges.MetalllcaiJF's spaz out·rip· ping up his flnger.Your girl problems-hang in thereiYou,me, KK at GO wjKW and BL,what Idiots! Shooting videos-stay evil and don't change. Your friend,Gregg Jason Maxweii·Lembeck·Dubow can you give me a ride to school?Plt jams· awesome football games-not! Shweet bike rid· lng·nke arm. Tree farm.secluded, colt·a·sack,big lake,horse traii.St. Rose parties. Let's get Mikey.The Dookles Nice glasses. To all the parties and memories. Keep MS alive. Your friend,Gregg Eric Murtha·Lunch chews· power tower climb. Your nifty hats.You got any dip. I'm DD.AII the parties and times we hanged·DaBut John Floyd:)ams at your brothers,muslc class and all the fun andjokes~reat guidance manager.Zepplln rules!Da·Bow Scot Williams-All the jams at your house or my house. Club Wil· IIams bombs. Metalllca concert.Save Nevln,Let's hang in MS.The Posse·James Dean. Don'tchange·Yo!Gregg Greg Martin· What up -lAnd the Hlp of the finger.I'll always re· member gym classes w; SO and all our stupid jokes. Your awe· some pictures.Detentlon w; Shlrmer,JM comic strip. Don't change little maniGregg Harry Masterson·38 mlnutes!Angese·s class was the best.Shooting pool·what a walk!The awesome golfjob! We got to do that again. When you wanna jam?Soon buddy· I promise!Gregg Adrian Nadraga·AJ·Bio class soph.yr. History jr. yr. Whatever senior yr.Bob Marley Is my hero. Ice Cube rules. Let's get wicked. Crazyhorse. Beastie Boys are beastly.We'll hang this sum· mer! DuBow

CHI!RYL I!ITZCN Kerry Cristofolettl: "Folettl" The Willows is where our fmdship started along w;grt memsl My faults,lcesktlng: pushing each other dnlNYE:u + 1 dancing while CS Is on the couch!My push gave u a fly across the gym flr, Mets game. Roc center,Mass trip: I left my schl,u taking a shower In ur bathsult runlng out w;suds on ur head!Siplng In my tent(ur bro team all new)Sec· San,JrProm:u, CB,SG +I oh Its ok- u made me feel this smiAR's hse:u pushed me onto the flrt,once again somel Is after ur date (MF)GA:(DISSED)u +I had funttaklng my car out In the rain:wlpe· lng It w;towelslRunlng at P.StadlumiSB bball games:drving in the rectorytSBguys: PS + JVinfatst.U + CH, following PS 2 DC+ turning my Its off up the st.Bag exp stops,pretzels+soda on Sat nts!Call· lng RK 41nfol Fdtown:CS droped us off so we could c CH + MBI.Un· der brt Its at shogun spying on the guys!, MldCountyfair: that ride made me so slcklgoing wjJR, CH, RV, JS+JSI,SB bsktball game: CW walked in w;usiMY lnfats were there!Droplng u off+ we saw JV + screamed(ur mom could here us),Swimmlng at JR's hse

w;our shlrts!FIImlng CS,U +I at GBP playing bsktbaii!Writlng who we tuv on ur wlnslll,ur luv bk w; my bro's plciThe stop on Rt !(there was no need for 2).Followlng ugly guys on Rtl 'McDsiRumbleseatsl Dusats'HoaglesiU2con:U need IDlMy #Is 821(green lt),Our dance step(only step we knew),Bing lost In TRNTNilRUberto's trampoline! Got lost on 295 b/c we were mad at Mfi,LBI;fr yr my bch hse: u.CS +I up on the balcony whisteling 2 those kids! Walking home, It was my whlstlelslplng In a tent w; CH + MBI(expectlng something!) We need a place 2 slplls she In a bad md or just shy?,Ketch:trylng 2 teach u In the bath· rm,CC + l(there Is no reason 2 b mad)CC on the dance flr w; that guyl,our dally change In ROY'SJ.our drives dn slnglng.U want that anklet?,RR's unc's:passed out on the llfegd stnd u wake me up 2 talk 2 CD!Ew:slplng outside CC's hse In my car,PW's hse:slplng over,wrestllng, U+MJ,golng to the diner, driving around all ntl Bing followed trying 2 find Bfark, slplng at ND(by myselfl),nts at Pmctn:NOTI.Mf,KP, DH,JF,U +II Jf picking up the guys In the backi.Drlvlng at HCI,Pfuff:she just hit mei,Snr Retrt:phone call,my moml?t.BScon:CC+ I almost lost the tiksiNYf::lst time MD's 4u(wjcoke),CH came back 4u!Nol else laughs at our jokes except us!Making bmlesjEatlng them b4 they were put Into the oven!Telllng my mom everythlng!Boogle Brdlng at Man· sqwan,The old guy yelling at me b/c of my spdll luv 2 taugh!There's so much more, I'm going 2 miss u vey muchlWe'll always b best fmdsiThks 4 always bing there 4mellluv yal Best of LuckiYour BFA Cheryi"Cher Cher" Mary Foster:There Is never a time when u don't make me laugh! Europe:AD+I(Bing a bad rori)Oerm: trying 2 find the metro,$34- for plza+soda.followed by 12 yr olds, beer at BK.where·s the plza hut,what?the pollee laughing at uslEaster In Salz:U were homeslck.slplng during mass,salt mine sllde,U +I trying 2 snk out 2 go 2 the party In rm 814,horse carge rkle dn the mntnsiSwitz:MovenplckiR u afraid of hts? Paddle bt rkle on the lk, Paris:traln rkle,HRCafe:the drlnkslltal guys-this Is ur flr(push),no 1 hurts my BamblnosiShut up Maryllf I commit suicide u guys will know whyUr Prom: Drm Datei"Cholr 8oy"Ar's hse,SUM OF '921:DH almost killed u going 2 Pnctnl7/4 Qeolr do u want a ride?, waving 2 him,7/5 Murph+hls fmd.Do u live 4 MTV?,we'll b back.Angelo-ur world cup datelwhat can I do 2 leave them alone?Delran boys:! am swim,18+go 2 collegelwe actually called themiLevlng u at the rnovles(HaHa),U +JM at CC's hse:lf u need a mldnt snack I'll b In the llvrmiThe lktht we had over a song!Levlng u w;that guy while CC's hklng up Tn the btiMetuchen kids roof In the ralnl HORD&on: LlzLady.Jesus,sec contiiWk at CC's hse:who's hse am I slplng at?OkayiPUKf POTII JL.JR.JS(u) PW,PN(u beat mel) (brought the wrong side out of mel2 be 4gottenl)our talk 2 MH's hse,GA:KevCal tgnored u-but I told him he was rude at the Ketchi,MH's party:DO,SW + COACH I(I beat u that nt)Cseh's hoopty stalled on Rt195,Rufusses hsejpar· ty.Laf:pongjbong gameiNHope:CC started a flght.l know karatethey have knlvesi,TSC:where did Mary go? gamelBScon:those 2 old drunk guys tk our seats! Llvecon: how did u get that nat tlre?Den ' s the weird ladyiNYI:::our little talk!CD's get2gthr: " HOLDEN"u r so aggresslveiQNO:stoplng at every 71 ll.secretsl Thks 4 everything -Mar,lluv ul Miss ya very much,Best of LucklFf' Cheryl "Cher Cher'' Christl Danberry:Never gave each other a chance fr yriSec· San,Cot wjCR!Drlves 2 NH.Pnctn.Cure con,HORDfcon:Liz Lady ,Jesus.Sec contl7/ll:hlding on crates.our dinner meals,MM+CRIILB1:1wkwjSMI RR's unc's hse:MW+U.lets lk at the starsll'm passed out on the llfegd stndiSittlng In front of Mf's bt eating hot dog's when she wasn't even thereiMf's bt:Levlng her w;that goof while CC's on her btiU+I pick up the hlchkrs (BAD JDEA)Levlng Mf+BB 2 go sip on BS's bt(l was sound asleepi)Wk at CC's hse: a nt 2 b 4gottenlall we would dnk were MD'sFLOWERCHILDISM siting on ur lap, OA: our confs+ nt af· ter!BC's slaplDrvlng around r:w, Vfcon:levlng ear1y 2 find SM+PWIWe snked out until •amlPW's hse:slplng over.cked 4 them,watched that stupid movie+ left b/c we were mad!SM's par· ty:TNI.he kicked us out bjc u went up to his glrlfdiU + SM not In a fight?l?flghtlng over cheese + hltlng my bro's carl stplng bhind NDIHSrunsiRpds after lball gamesUH at the gas statloniUr get2gether:ln the same rmiLive con:SM on the flriDenny's the weird ladyiNADBcon:U +I In front of Bee's hse,Af's car!Golng 2 the diners after PW's hseiU +1 had some fun timesll'm going 2 miss u very muchiBest of Luckllluv yal Cheryl Rebecca Rottkamp:first hit+ run at LBURoss + RyaniDMcon:CS came In pk pldlburp TN heard over the tele when u were In the other rm!Sipovers on BW diqiJCot W/NPI HH: P.B.PIEI. Cheers dol· phln crutse(VANCE)OC:flshlng In the momjwhile I played wfthe sandiSecSan,Europe:ADI8K's $34- for pizza+ a SOda I,where Is plz· zahut?what, the pizza hootl12 yr olds following uslbd cp In ur hair! Movenplcksl MFafrald of htsiShut up Maryl HR Cafe:drlnks.Jtal guys,BamblnoiOC:seacrets:we were served ban daq's!U + "Emillo"U,MH/Mf +I still have 2 wrestleiLaf:pong game(so you thoughti)TSC:2 of us on the bunk,lf ony u knew what happened b4 we wentiONO:stoplng at every 7/lli,NADBcon:CD+I outside ur hseiBec,Thks 4 everythlngll luv ya+l'll miss yal Best of Luck! ff Cheryl Christine Cseh:"ZILLA"U ran after my candy trickjtreating!LBI:ur bch hse,Mf getting u Into trouble! Showing up at 12am1Mary's bt:U+Chris,the Ketch free-IWHATI?INY guys at BB's hseiSiplng on BS's btl the wk at ur hsel MS.DS/ PN + PWiwhose hse am I slplng at,u had 2 go get my stuff from Mf hse +CD passed out so u got BIIIIOA:all of us,MF,BM,RS +I lost all of u on 2951KC +I slplng outside ur hse In my cariHS runs!The wagon:stalled on 195,how do u tum ur hazards otr?Ryanl, hltlng the pole W/12 people In ur cartLaf:pongiNH:the fight u started·

~~~::~~1 k~~~:iTt~t: I ~:t ~~frt.!o~~~;~;SA~~s~~:~ cretslstoplng at every 7/lliQiad u + 1 bcame frndsl8est of Lucklgonna miss yalluv Cheryl Amy Fell:lst hlt+run In LBIIall the letters we used 2 wrlteiLaf:pongJbong gamelwe went bk 4 secsiTSC:our snails dn the hall,runnftig Into the boys bathrm u flew across the haliiLive con:thks agalnl, Drove 2M homesiNADB:ur cariU+ I up frontiLBI:drivlng dn llpm picking up the Pl'siCseh's hse: BM + RSINYE:l've got 2 get my tol lev upiWe've had alot of fun! Best of luckiMiss yajLuv yal Cheryl Megan Hayman: ShelbyiHORDEcon:LizLady,Jesus,throwing M + M's 4 u 2 talk 2 that guyteurope: AD,U + 1 lost In the air· portlltal guys:no 1 hurts my Bamblnoslthe shoes u had 2 get,HRC: Bing followed by 12 yr oldsiBeer at the BKICC's hse: I wasn't going 2 hit u w;my stlcklthe big guy+ur umbrellaiLive con,CD's hse:t want 2 try someiUr party:U+SOII Secsan, Sen Cot OLEIBest ofluckiMiss ya;Luv ya Cheryl Megan Harkness: What would u do ... ?U missed out on all the funiGNO:stoplng at every 7/111 paying u +CD $1 2 find out lnfo!Pennlngton:Chad, Spitchi,Sec.San.. beating u up In gym classiU,RRfMF+l still have 2 wrestleiCD+SM,BM+U.PM+I the night at ur hsei!We had a lot of fun! Best of Luck! Miss ya Luv yal Cheryl Sue Nemeth: r:urope,we had alot of funiOiad I got 2 Ju1ow u!Best ofluckl Miss ya;Luv ya Cheryl Babs Brilllantlne:LBI was funiSorry about that I night It didn't tum out all that wellll'll always remember the talks we hadiU + UR luv!CD's get2gether:DS In the bathrmll.} guys from NY :U + CC had ur fun !I Thks 4 everythlngt u·ve always been there 4 met Miss ya; Luv ya Cheryl Kristen Pappas: Best of luck In everything! Kevin Cristofolettl:l day Kerry + I will drive Scott + U down the shorelBest of Luckt Bill Cseh:Oiad I got 2 get 2 know u this past summeriUr slap across CO's face won't be 4gottenll never would of met PW If It werent't for u!We've had alot of fun tlmes:ur hse,NHope.LBIIOh NOll wish u the best ofluck In everything! Luv ya Cheryl

John Mendolla:Locker buddy!Giad I met u this past sum· mer!When I first met u I thought u were Scott U +Mary down the shore(HaHa)Han$ing out at the Cseh's.We've had alot offun!Best of luck in everythmgl Luv Cheryl Alyson Callan:PReview!Justin K is our man!Giad I got 2 get 2 know you!Best of Luck!Miss ya Cheryl Joanne Cipullo:We had a lot of fun timesiCS's hse:the masksll'm gonna miss yal Cheryl Debbie Choquette: Europe:We had a lot of fun, Bambino! Gonna miss yal Best of luck! Luv Cheryl Maddie Sirak: Bestofluckl Sean Golden:The Junior Prom was fun and u made it spe· ciai!Giad I spent it w;utNice to diss Kerry+ I+ not go to Great Ad· venturelJJ!We had a good friendship in Alg. class, what happened?Best of Luck! Miss ya Cheryl John Floyd:We had a lot of fun In Alg.One day I will visit you at work!FefelThanks for always listening! Best of luck! M1ss ya Cheryl Gina Mangonan: We had A LOT of good times! I wish you the best of luck BIG G! Miss ya Cheryl Rob Liberto-the trampoline, I love it!Giad I've got 2 know Ul Best of Luck in everything! Gonna Miss Ya! ·Cheryl JfNNiffR ELLSWORTH (These messages are in no particular order so no one be of· fended if you're towards the end.) Karen Popowski· Can you believe it's been 4 years? Thanks for being such a great friend and always being there. Never forget all the memories: Mike, " We have no friends ... ", swimming. "Horsier·. "Jane's got a gun!", Mr. Bill and the IM look, the cute guy who sings and the awesome · breast·stroker. and anything else I forgot. Keep in touch! Jen • Hey sweetcakes! I'm really going to miss you, but I'm sure we'll keep in touch. Don't forget the Sexy Ladles, the After Mid· night Club. Girls State, " We love you Stella ... ", Mike, Sam and whoever else. Bob. all our funny and boring classes, those great teachers (you know who I mean), the wedding etc. Stay sweet and be sure you write and call mel Thanks for being the great friend you are! May Ann~ Hi Marianne (Ha. Hal) I'm really glad we got to be· come friends. Don't forget all the fun times in history, religion, and most of all. gym! I'm still determined to make you run around the track. Now you know why I always complained about junior year English. Wherever you go, make sure we stay In touch! Janice· Hey Dude! What's up? We're finally done! Everything's been great Brainwaves, religion class, Oklahoma!. Ouysl!cDolls. Bill, the Jims, Mike (mine ~ yours), Redrum, scissors, Horky Dory, and have a nice life! keep dancing. singing. actin , piano playing etc. Also, remember the purple elephants-very lmpor· tant. Thanks for being such a cool friend and listening to me complain about whatever. Keep In touch! Popie · Hey Popmiester! It's a shame we didn't become good friends until last year in that cool, fun gym class. Just like I said to May Ann, now you see why I complained so much! Even though we've been good friends for just 2 years. plenty has happened; such as gym class, coolers, all that running. Pennington Market. Great Adventure (the shock wave), Mon1ssey (he does not look like Vanilla Ice!) Anyway, you're a great friend and I'll mlssyal Carol Ann · It's Miss In B. Tween! I bet you're glad we're finally done! Don't forget all the cool stuff that has happened; Mike ~ Christie ~ the famous Mike tour. where we stood waiting to give him the note. I know what you were doing when you "cut gym class". plaigarism (yeah right), we're murderers!. and of course polka! Stay sweet and keep in touch. Pam · Nil What's up? Can you believe we've been going to school together for 1.3 years! I can't. Anyway, never forget, lncar· nation. very, very, tiny. all our famous stupid jokes, 'Til say tomato . . ", the full .JOO, Mike ~ "twirl your partner round ~ round!", your squeaky shoe, the gum you sat in at the football game, Pamula!. and whatever else I forgot. Well, good luck In ev· erything, but I'm sure I'll be talking to you. You're an awesome friend and keep in touch! Adam • Hil I'm cold! (as usual) History~ Psych. were just so fun, weren't they? Beware of coolers! Thanks for listening to me and all my Mike stories. Be careful driving and don't hit anything else (such as parked cars. old guys walking across the street etc.) Brian Knot· So, how are you feeling? Told you I'd never let you forget itt Next time you feel sick, make sure there's no one in front of you with a pocketbook on their chair! (halhal) Rebecca Fitzgibbon • Well, homeroom's been great. but An· thropology ~ our ever·so·intelllgent class was even better. Never forget the Smurfs ~ the yellow bus (Walt a minuter I thought we were going to Atlantic City!") and the Mon1ssey concert weal· most went to. You've been a great friend. Stay sweet and keep In touch. Ken1· Wasn't Girls State great! I just feel so political now! (yeah right!) Stella ~ all that delicious food! History was a real blast. I'll try & give you a picture. Have fun skating in North Carolina! Even though we've only been good friends for a year, it's been great! Keep In touch! Liz· Well, we almost had 4 years of English together. Me, you~ Chris cheating in Lang's, sleeping in Confoy's; we were great stu· dents! History was cool(conehead!), acting was BORING! Hope some-day you get a lifetime supply of Dipsy Doodles! Rachel Rossi · We missed you at swimming! Never forget Adam, Ted, Vinny Boy!, the prom, P.Ana Key, Christmas caroling. Okla· homa, our dresses that looked almost the same, Koren trying to drown you at the swimming party,~ whatever else I forgot. It's all been great. I'll have to have you visit me In college! Mark Jablonski • Thanks for all the rides to swimming. Bring your own adv. comp. book! Those 2 English teachers seemed to be REALLY good friends! We'll have to do lunch sometime!! Ted • HI! What's up? Homeroom's been cool. Religion was the best though. Good luck wherever you're going~ stay in touch! Matt Kasprzak • Well, 12 yrs. of school together ~ it's been pretty coot. Incarnation was a blast, but what really tops everything was chemistry! You're a really awesome actor so stay with it! Be sure to keep in touch! All my friends from swimming· Karen Totten, Karen Popowski, Lisa, Theresa. Cindy, Katie (Peachy), Llz(Lizzy, thanks for the maps!), Kerry, Liz (Queen Leer!), Bomie (CholcelPicklesl Sha· moo!). Joe, Ilona. Stacey, Alona, Lynn, Marie. Jen, Kristen, Katie, John (Goldman ~ Solan), Mark, Dan, Gary, Jared, Brendon (thanks for helping me wf the breast-stroke), Pala, Matt. Lisa (ghosts!), ~ anyone else I forgot. You guys have been great! Thanks for always cheering me on ~ good luck If you all keep swimming! Angie ·Thanks for taking notes for mel English was great ~ we both passed! You're a really great dancer so never stop! Good luck in all you do~ stay in touch I Tara Michaels · HI! What's up? I can't believe I'm leaving! Never forget Oklahoma, Ouys&Dolls, that time we kept calling each other back but never actually getting through, Adam, Mike, Rich. Jan. "mommy's little angel", From The Air, " Oh what a shame"(yeah tight),~ whatever else. You're a really great singer so don't let any certain people who THINK they're better say you aren't The grass is green! Pala · I am very glad that we became friends. I think you are an awesome friend ~ a really good swimmer. I have a lot of respect for you because it must be really hard to be an exchange stu· dent. You fit in so well with everyone probably because you are one of the sweetest persons anyone could ever meet. Never for· get all the fun times at swimming!

Katie Comer · How are you? Just Peachy! I'm sorry! I don't believe you're moving! I'll really miss you. even though I'm going away too, It's not like I'll see you when I come home. Be sure we stay in touch! You've been such a great friend~ I'll miss yal John Solan· Hey dorkl What's up? Never forget Period 8 with Depuglio, wasn't that boring! Heather Schlender· Well, everything's been great, but I'm glad we're graduating. "Life styles of the rich ~ alienated", Sorry about your vocab. book. Good luck in college ~ remember to stay in touch. Rick Moore • How many hours did we waste In chemistry? I'm glad 1 didn't take physics! Anyway, you were a cool lab partner (even though none of us had any clue of what was going on)~ a great friend. Mr. Reither's Pd.5 Honors Rei. class· Werthersl Karen Totten • Well, we've been friends for over 10 yrs. now~ I'm leaving. I'll really miss you because you're probably one of my oldest ~ best friends. We've got so many memories; roller skating on your driveway, biscuits. dancing to your dad's tapes, sleddlg, tiding bikes, Memory. Peter from the theater, Harley Weewax, Care Bears on the bus. the lake, Wildwood. Guess what kind of cake we brought Ghost Busters, the Monkees. New Kids, Maniac Mansion. Carvel on my B·Day, Hope Well. sing to the fish. Ravine, what do ya sayl, Kevin, piles of water, swimming. I hope my rap doesn't cip because if it does I'll be In trig boubte. the lood guckthair hlngy, water filled with goggles track, your light. walking to see Mike, Theresa ~ Eric, Horsiel, Noel, Really!. the ice cream truck, SeaShell ice cream, the Wilderness f'amlly, Froggle Went a Quarten. the night we ran out of gas, yearbooks. the Mike page, the joke picture, Coach 0., Mr. D. Mr. Bill, the Breenster. Cover-dish dinners, Parkway on Christmas fve, sau~e pizza,


tire Mike tape etc. Anyway, you've been such a great friend~ I'll miss you very much. But. I'll deflnately have you visiting! Patty Salcewicz • We're down to the final days. thank God! Kids on the Block was just too cool ~ so was history. Stay sweet ~ keep In touch! Lisa Muehlelsen • Even though things were a little rocky for a while I'm wad it all got pretty much worked out. Almakay Wahl· bentyre, Thomas ~ Kayas, the cruise, cards, Christmas night, Sept. 7, you broke a glass at the Woolworth restaurant, the camp-in, "I was a science teacher. I touched lots of creepy, crawly things!", meeting in the snow, "Mallage is what bllngs us here togetha today", the New Kids concerts, oh yeah!", I should've had U81", the gay thing, Noel. Mike(~ everything con· cemlng that), Christie, Mlrusia (Hello), swimming, the bug posse, Herro. Craig. blue umbros, Mumsy·s an -------1, "don't take any wooden nlckles", ''I'm going wowwer bwadlng with my fwlendsl". Karen ~ Brenda, Bill, the pizza. " Coyness is nice . . . ", Mon1ssey, running out of gas, ''there once was a guy named fd ... ", potato soup, Incarnation, "This is the song that doesn't end . . . " ~ whatever else I forgot. Have you talked to Mike? Anyway, you've been a really cool friend. Thanks for listening to me talk about Mike~ putting up with me constantly asking about him. Keep in touch I Alona • Oh Nollt's a fake fire! Are your shoulders clicking? We got so lost going to Brendon'sl How's your man? Don't forget fd, the prom, ~of course, Adam. • Laura Okum • Older menl, Mike, Christie. them laying in the hallway. Writing Irish, journalism, love phones, history, Market Falr(need I say morel), the toilet bowl effect, etc. You make me crack upl Jalmy Taylor· horseshoes!. sledding, be careful you get in the right cart, Miss Liptak, AI Albert, Guys&Dolls, the mission band, ~ all your cool B-Day parties! I think you are very talented ~ I wish you the best ofluck in all you do. Be sure we stay in touch! Sue Walsh· English~ adv. comp. were pretty cool. How are you? I think Mark's still waiting for an answer. Don't forget all those great times at lncamatlonl(yeah right!) Matt Brown • I'll never forget you because you were the first friend I met when I moved in. I'm glad we're still friends. Never forget Star Wars, when Libby bumped her head after falling off your bunk beds, when we were really little & I threw away your fa· vorite gun, playing shark in Shayla's backyard, blastmg the Beasty Boys on Nicole' a gymset, the Ice cream truck, swimming, my breast-stroke partner!, and you're a basketcasel Sorry if I forgot anybody. Good luck to all of you in everything you do and thanks for being such great friends! I'll miss yal eD~MD~

James O'Neill- Hey Tip. You wanna buy a watch! Chicken Parm dip Isn't that bad. Boz and the Red Rocket. Partying with Teddy. Partying with Jonny w. Black ~ MOD. Garbage day in Hamilton. The Hyundal ~ Tom's Truck. Sl?eed up on German Shephard's. The midnight Missions. Can I have a sheep. Gropp Ave. Rules. How's your brother feeling? The final mission awaits. Your Bot· Emmitt #50 Mike Pietras • The Burg, the feast ~ Dalno. The attack of the killer bees! Look it's a bird, It's a plane. no it's a German Shep· hard. The 79 Le Bomber. Princeton Camp. Partying with MOD ~ J.W. Black. The sheetrock car. Zip~ John at Lawrence~ Bi$ fd. Whose are those? Koolald from Cindy. The midnight Mlss1ons. Irish Football 92'. There's nothing like a Wonder Wop. Driving the Hyundal on Route 1. Nice lane change. Sandy' s bathroom. Good luck with Carla ~ football in college. The final mission awaits. Your Boy • Emmitt #50 Dan Morrin • Nice van. The Adventures of Round Boy~ Fat Dan the Clown. Keep picking on Ziggi. ~

MISSY r'AMOSO Cindl·suburban on Wed .. New years frosh yr,Ooddrich's,JC g· moms,Summer 92·Tina's RM.RK,MV,Univ Heights EM,JM me ~ PS.MGDL bottles. high spirits order for the white saturn. 7·11 na· chos ~salsa .fats on the cement.deaning, your going away party, Lollapalooza8/15 crazy posse, 1st time In effect. NP ~ MZ Mosslc St. Wiles Berre pa is everywhere. Is the blanket over the cooler? Han1sburg?l! my back wflce Cube, sharkblte sideshow $40 okay $~. I have to call my parents, U2 9/2 crazy posse II Tina's mom. Lite In the parking lot,the wan1or broom but we live In Jersey.the caravan, Anthony ~ the balloons. shot down at the vet $4.50, Hi. how old are you? Do you go to hopatalooga? CindiiMissy 3, vet boyfriends, passion supreme Chris ~ Guy W.Chester BP 9/9 Beachwood Motei·Sucatach, celery wawa·lf thats his car I'm leav· ing Pyne,lmean Jacoby. drink some bears, marines in the mom. Bagel Street at 5 am. Emerson-big lookin ----.·its not a job,lts an obsession.! wannabe a stelnert spartan, Tara's a spar· tan, nippers a spartan ... wouldn't you like to be a Spartan too. LBI wfcal. jet ski is jungle fever JS talk withMJ. U ~ BP to pick me up at LBI. MV and BUM Equipment. JD downhome puncp swim· mlng In the ocean-a need to shower. Tara· my fifth grade friend Tara Lynn Theresa Koveloskl Sun· tat. My daughters name is Tara too. Morgan w;szellch. Mr. Pin drumland, DN did smell coWbells and congos, BO practice kiss PM~ MV parties at BE,CC,CH. DC,AV,MO.~MF. Spin the bottle-we were cool. Tara, your a big girl now,go call momn1y all by your· self, laying out on the roof. field hockey, boys practice in the mud, PS and your retainer. Virginia-Frank Lee ~ Sean. my baja, Rodeway Inn. Bagel Street. VIlla Maria and Flamingos MA's Street-what an obsession, Brooke's on my bday cheesesteak In my car. telling AR stories in the tent. I luv you darling and would want none other to be my 5th grade friend. love melissa ann catherine famoso Jamie Bonanni· CCD 5th grade Miss Klank she liked me best my pencil that you insisted on throwing. grice w; Williams and who could forget Mr. W. and most Importantly Belyoung and

copying the Imp. facts at the end of the chapt. 6th grade nursing home, LBI and all your stories of your men.Luv Missy Tina· 11:11 I hope I stay beautiful, There is a hole in my sock fthphl Ooodrich's- Tina MD is here, summer parties. MODL high spirits and the white saturn, driving my car. you look like you stole your mom's clg..chllll and cheese at 7·11. Spartans Is T having a party? sleeping In your moms bed cotillion and RRH'm glad, happy they like each other, next time we will bring a ra· dio.Thelma at Denny·s.bagelstreet. Nell·frosh cotillion. rubberbands were flying. soccer prac In the mud. new year's at my house, the Rod stewart anthology, I a sWI waitng for my b-day pres. from frosh yr.your help with cq. Did I ruin your soph year? Goodrich's I've never seen anything that big, my b-day, Clndl's parents are lighting and she's very upset, lortapalooza-crazy posse 8/15 cs tit MZ "%$# c%t!t Ice Cube,my back, Moosic St. Harrisburgll I'm driving all the way. It was your fault. you went to sleep, crazy posse at the light. sheldon and Murray, JC Omoms-her -wants me. Missy's Muff, the bottle on tape at Ooodrichs hope we stay friends, you're a sweetheart. Love Missy Babs·frosh sg homeroom-sorry we forgot your b-day.soph spanish class-dempsey and of course dana bruce. history wf mr. ardery It was amazing how well we did on the tests·thanx to deb. he was almost as Interesting as all your phone calls. Although I may have fallen asleep, I was still listening! junior prom-crystal diner with cq, me and me· what an exciting night but nothing is comparable to the tree farm, my Idea or fun hanging out in the freezing cold. thank god you were there to experience It with me. have you played pool lately? It Is about time that you admit to PN, after all you can admit to RL.maybe I will have Dave, lmean Mike, call you aagaln. remember our fun at frosh cotillion table. you can come visit me any day at 65, cinnamon raisin w; butter, right? do you have an extra copy of the ~qr.or perhaps globe.Retreat and hanging In my room eating salsa and also re· leasing salsa! Attending Moms Hall,bakinQ. cookies and hanging wreaths. John Domanski my boyfriend. well cleave, I'm glad I got to know you, don't be so hard on yourself. I do believe that It was Confoy's class that we started thls cleave stuff, that Is prob. all we learned. I love you darling and tell Clndl's mom to stop your payments when you go away to school, anyway what do you need$ 4, It Is just mere changell Love, Missy fava·lt all started In 6th gr. at B~. you chose MO. so It was your fault 8th grade and hair spray girls, many night with worms popping out of the celllng. I mean the lamp. pump up the pogo ball. all of barb's parties and our love for one another. your need to be popular and my fav. nose In the world. it was swell to remain friends with you all these years, and If you ever need my calc. don't hesitate to ask, but don't leave anything In my locker. Love ya. Scott:lust wondering If It has happened to you again since 6th grade, or was it just me. remember sleeping on my rug and the rash that SO ~ I got Mrs. Coppock-tanx 4 all your time. I would have never passed all of our early talks over bagels, we still have to do lunch I'll come visit you I love ya Missy Brooke·Daaaaaave, or Is It Russell? smoking butts at barry's with CN. we still owe him a pack. Wildwood and harming out with RC ~ MD. summer at Una's. trips to 7·11. you should have let me drive your car home JL. my b-day at your house-It was alot of fun. driving home from l:mie's on the 2511\ph turns apply pressure to the left pedal. accelerate with the right. the notebook at T's. U ~ cs picking me up at L61, you both were so welcome-fantasy Is· land, drinking downhome punch-swimming In the ocean.MV ~ BUM Equipment. your basement with Spartans, hanging over Zer· ats· u~ MZ our friends at Moms Hall. Mr Ardery's class, how much did you learn? our attempt at Cancun. Bagel Street· I will forever charge-ask Clndli Love ya Daaave- Missy sue· Frosh sg homeroom. Brian Suth you were always so pleasant Held hockey we were the best. Our attempted party-you have to leave. HI Debblell Bob Villa putting up the lnsulation.replaclng the coolers, Is there anyone that we didn't call? JB and Christophers McD's playset. LBI w; Robin and over Kim's. L61 and the tacos/ Bagel - - - - . u l!t PS, sw over my house, our rashes. suprise parties for each other. I am waiting to get my coat back that U borrowed. Love you. Missy Debbie-please tell your mother to shut up, but don't pronounce the "t" properly, okay? rem. Brooke's listening toTS tell· lng stories In the tent. Missy·Missyl, biolog.y and comparing dates-you may have beat me w;superfresh. lunch W/ our frosh boyfriends. sticking up for Jeff.55-what a great guy. JC g-mom's rem. how the guy threw the red ball at you and sleeping, we almost froze! Missy, wake uplll volleyball night at Goodrich's Missy, there Is - - - - all over by shirt. the bottle on video tape. Do the l'undangoiiMrs. Coppock's class and your secret desire for MM, well It used to be a secret. Mrs. z·s class, 1will fight It till the day I diell GO Miss, You called about the calc. would you believe he had the odaclty ... calc parties, HS J could watch her for hours.RV concern for OPA. tell g·mom to make ham and cheese bread. when we get our II· cense beeplbeept driving to LBI.non·frlendS, Denny's, your heart warming retreat letter, just klddlnglll'm glad everything Is all bet· ter. crystal diner after Junior prom. Lola, walks like a woman talks like a man·thats you, but you don't really walk like a woman, you sure don't eat like one, plus our manners are minimal. we live for bake sales. Love you mlssyll Kim and Mlke·lt Is great to work with both of you. Kim-just to put It on the record, I waited on 2 people. Matt·frosh geometry·you were not my fav. that changed and we became practically best of friends.l'm sorry It Is not the same. calc wf Mrs. z and the exciting calc. parties. your welcome for doing all your chem labs. petting goliath at Ooddrich's. something all over MC shirt. do you know what It was. my love for TM. Gene· sis at the Vet.CQ tuved U. you were worth fighting for·l hope. Love ya and I'm always here. like I always was. Love,Ptlssy. Sunny-to the original dtiQulta. bike fides on Wed. for food of course. food·the 1 luv we shareln common. JP tit MV. rtdlng to the burg and you getting nm over. baths ans salads. eating dinner over every nlgfit. mias eve-eating to much. driving your g(a· thers car. SAT class. hanging out W/ PW tit CQ. PW the b8ck basement eating at Olive Garden. shopping and the lunch bags. you (or should I say 6lg 1:) payed my phone bills. our nlgtlt out with 55 and you know who. Dr. Rorro. cotillion and the hOspital wfCQ l!t ST. camn at KZ. Missy get the bucket! oeny.u still owe Robin ~ I, clam sauce. u are a swell friend,call me the next time you make a salad.luv, snookumsl MAY GOD 6L~ MRS. ZAHORSKYII


CHRJSrAVA Kelly rteall:l shimmied up the hill like I've never shimmied be· fore. Let's fall Into the Baltimore Harbor. 12 years-a few memories. You're my #1 preppy frlend.8th grade hair s~e.Ms. Lengel· SUPERl.fANTASTICI.Your sliding krieec:ap.Skld.dlnd down the mountain on your body.The germ lilted .Jacuui.bebble Olbson.l can't go In the pool til after 9.·1t's a family rule.Art trip-someone just got Into an accident and theJr car Is on fire. What's my OPA,I have to calculate It for semester, and next year.U'II never know what's in the last clra•r.Amy's vkleocamera. Clndl Santo:lf u can take the coolness go Into the llvln· groom.Truthful, truthful.shlrt In water. Grownup, grownup.stlck your foot In meat. Your momma throws spaghetti on the black· board. Udldn't study and got an "A",·I studied tll3a.m. and got a "C". I slaved over hot scissors all day cutting out our allen and a map of the u.s .. Foolish Beat Liz Whlte:U R achlckenhead Rupubllcan·so am I. Meg McOIInchy:engllsh 93'. Why don't you just hit a garbage can.Oh ya and how can I forget when you kicked the ball out Of


the goal at the west windsor game or when u scored against Nottingham. Chrissy:Oh my Goodness u've gotten in an accident-how surprising. Eric Murtha:Let's dip some more on the bus. Let's tape our art trip e"perience. Ch ris Kean:Any Questions?NOOOBOOOODY. 7, 7,7. 7, 7, 7. 7 Pool Anyone?Finlandia . Wonkahucka Leekaraquany .Throw something In my mouth CK says" Sit near me In Law,sit near me in Sociology.Sit near me In Lunch." BRAMT. Where's you sisterWhere 's my medicine! Let me tell you something Wish for some· thing·Maybe.Definitely, Spin Again. Amy Wolochowitz·llove sticking my head In the fan . Let's point a mural. Art Trip·walt near the stone steps. Throwing grapes at people at lunch junior year.Need a ride "home-from the shore,from the football game?Remember when I flung my body at you in my room. Tim SchnaiH waited in that fin flowershop for lhr l!t 45min·She better have liked that Damn wrist corsage. Rose Vldal-.3am-aaahhh·l still got a D Go jump a hurdle. Let's play tennis. Jessica Schultze·Score another.You are the best.lwanna see #25 by end of Senior Season. You sparkplug.You gave us some e"citing games.·PDS-score In OT·WWP·2goals I'll never forget 'em. Ale"·Do you want to play today?" No l!t that goes for every other day tool" Chanley Layton-The other sophomore sparkplug.#25 by end of Senior Season for you too. 1st goal in 1992 in CVC play in County. Dunane-1really don't know your last name but I sure you 're tt!e only Dunane. Gym class is fun.Lets jumprope·The American Lasso Double Twist. Alyson Callao-Lets compare grades·l'l always be smarter,Re· memberr our stupid year-well your stupid year in freshman En· glish. Missy C.-We the funniest together.! know you're my twln.OK Lets GO! M·A·T·T. Megan K.·l'm a better artlst AH HA Alison K·You·rejust perfect.Nothing I say could be enough Oh Yah l!t same for you megan.llove you guys (HE·HE) Mary M.-Lets go play. Joy Smlth-ooooo Smaaaackl 110% Caryn Moran-Beeejon Manlkshauna Ohhh B~on Manikshau·

~t3~r~{jo~4~:o~~~7. ~~:S~h~tf.t hd~~-~ ~~~ ~~ ~~cf ~~e ~a~ 0

together thruout high school. Melissa F.-QOOOPS Guess What.A worm just popped out of the celllng,the lamp, & the waii .Can I have a bagel& your calculus test.? Rebecca Rottkamp-Uniiilted Staaaaates.You're the best.l'll never forget you well maybe I wiii.JK Don't forget meeeeeee-1'11 be living In the Unlliiilttted Staaaaates for reference. Jill McClure-Junior Lunch-Throwing grapes at people l!t inmy mouth.Our field hockey days.You get a drink of water and you sit while we practice, You're a scoring machine 1. 2. ~. 4 , 5, 6. 7, B. 9, 10, 11. I loved your letter It made me cry-no really.Dam ~am in the morning l!t I still got a 65(out of the kindness of her black· heart). What's the definition of a limit of F(X) as X approaches A? What if they asked you that in an Interview? Coast to Coast Sr. Jose''l hope your talking to Laura about Math" Shaaaary l!t Christine-LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!Thanks for throwing all that food in my mouth mall Sharry from Long Island? Debbie Choquette-Where Is my sweatshirt-Qh I'll bring it In tomorrow.Exactly 427days later you got it. Freshman year history· you were pretty then.JK Whoopee .I' m sure you've gotten 30 people to write to you like your retreat letters so I'll say no more. Nikki Tweed-Tennis Rules. I can 't believe I froze & just stared at Capriatl. That whole day was so fun. Please, please can we play today.Nikkl says "NO, its only 85 degrees out. " We're both two fisted wonders. The Paula Abdul Concert. Can I scalp your tick· ets?-ls she your little slster?CVC math league Nerd Meets·You were finally Invited·! can't see why you wouldn't want to go bjc they're sooo exciting! Rebecca Fltzblubben • Type. type, type. type.type,type type,type, type.type,type, tpe,tep,tye.tpe.type this line baby! Hah,Hah. Have you found me out yeti NOT. Lets get mad at each other in home· room. Whoa It's 7pm it's R.F.'s bedtime. Rejerka Joe Latini - Kristl Yamaguchi Lives. Our friend who did a triple toe loop into the camera pit · MIDURIITO. Remember the retreat. Eagle 106 reciting the definition for an Eclipse - I was a star. Never forget Sr.Jose. Mrs. Kyte, & Mrs. carrol. Fred Callender- You 're a dork Just kidding. What's the defini· tion of a function, a limit as f(x) approaches a. I looooove your mustache I mean mustang. Did you just get another haircut? field Hockey Team · You will always be #1. 110%. WWP • 3x, 4· 2,1.0,2-Q, Stuart 2x, 1-Q,2-Q, HoVal3·1. Conwell2·1, PDS 2·1. EwIng's poop field. Superstitions. Jess' letter-aaahhh. History mak· ers • MCT champs. eve champs 17-1 (Can you tell I'm statboy) The time I almost fainted from pressure during the WWP game. Seriously you guys were the best l!t I'll never forget any one of you. When I go to college that first fall Is going to feel empty be· cause there will be no field hockey team. I'll always remember you and think of the good memories. for the seniors • good luck and the others • don't lose that drive & determination because that's what makes you guys great. Carry on the tradition l!t kk:k butt!! I'll miss you gun. S~~~ people forgot to write to • SHUT UP • 0000000 MATTH~WRDE


M.D.·Is It really true that you have a different leather jacket for every day of the year? What tight security In the school! How Is It that we can open any door on campus? What tight security In this school! The Dally News-Tuesday, April 28. 1.992(WHEN I COME BACK .. . NO MORE MR. NICE OUYI), he'd be 104 this year. What tight security in this school. Thank You for the walkman. What tight security In this school. free lunches every day. What tight security in this school! I sWI think the Director or Student Life should shave. What tight security In this schooll The sign and the picture for your grandma. What tight security In this schooll The Hudson River Club was great! (Psst. isn't that your dad over there.) I still can't believe I drove a car on the turnpike. doing 133 mph, from the passenger seat, while you sleptHI(the troop· ers must have been at D. Donuts.) Make a right at the precinct onto Canal St.. at the third light make a left, now make a right. I said right! Why did you go on the FOR drive1 Is it just me, l thought 112 St. was in the middle of Harlemlll Some people really do walk around NYC at 2:00 a.m. Into the ditch, outta the ditch, into the ditch, outta the ditch, WATCH THE TREE! That's right, all this and much, much more. And we don't even have a record. It's a shame more people don't Jive the omerta.(poor Un· cle John) We'll have to visit him some time. I'll be your VP. $$$ Stay In touch $$$ J.W.·It's taken me four years to invest In a pair of safety glasses. Really, I'm no National Socialist. I voted for Reagan and Bush. To you, I shall give a copy of my will. I Leave: a down suit at the discipline office, they'll need It If they continue to discipline as they have in the past To DeGaglla, my NCIC record, maybe he could explain It to my parents. To Zippy. the boWe of fro so soft. he can put it to better use than I. To Asteris and his girlfriend, $100 to buy a slurpee for everyone. To Frank, a case of PBA cards·he'll need them If he keeps on getting pulled over. To Brenna. Oh golly golly, I can not tlnk of anyting.. To staffa, my Legos. he can build my casket out of them. To Brophy, a case of

10.40 motor oil and " One-Thousand and One Ways to build a bomb" . To Leonard, a copy of the Lincoln-Levin Conspiracy, au· tographed by Levin, a genuine clapper(circa 1985), and a Hulk Hogan doll, I'm positive he'lllike the doll. To John Bochalro, ev· ery object In my room, it should make up for everything I threw out of the car window. Sieg, well you know. We'll have to take Fred to lunch. John Brophy·lt was your credit card. According to the Statute of Limitations he can still sue us in 1999. My lips are sealed. Where's the brake! Brrooophyyyl I'm an EMT for God's sake, not a crash dummy. Thanks for teaching me how to lock the hubs. now I know there're on the front tires. Call me over the summer. my Louiseville Slugger is always ready for mail box baseball! TF·When you go to Greece bring me back a case of Ouzo. To Hell with Plato, Aristotle, DeCartes. Yeats, Wilde, Miller. Hu"ley, Melville, Ogden, Conrad, Shakespeare, Benet. Steinbeck. Chek· hov, Faulkner, Hawthorne, and Tennyson! You made English irri· tating, pronlgated, rotten, degenerate. tacky. and down right bor· ·lngl G.L.·What Is a Burger King ash tray doing around your neck? You say, sfgfdsf ghhg uggh and bah blah skjds? Translator! Translator! G.Z.·I hope that with a high school diploma you realize that Princeton Is not located by the Lawrence Rehab Center. F.Z.·Am I your brothers keeper? She was wrong, that's impossl· ble, you don't have a brother. real men don't shave their legs, even If they do swim. Have a great life,#@l%head E.G.-And you didn't think I'd call up Immigration. T.M.-Love that 'vette. It's brown. but it's still a 'vette. My phone number is unlisted cause I think you'll try to blow everyone away. By the way, you may want to try Pampered Pets for a new do, my shltzu came back really funky and I thought you'd like that.·Mat· thew · John Bochairo·Thanks for all the rides to school. And you didn' t think I could pull some one over. That BMW must still be wondering why he got tagged. I still think I can steer better then you can, hey, we never hit nuttln', that Is If you don't count the cars In Hamilton, Clro's, ND, the kid at the Bus stop, the gux who though his muffler was dragging, and all those cars that I h1t with soda cans, rocks, loose change. flaming towels, and your CO's. Don't forget to tum on the airpack before you enter. a building. Join Kendall Park, its closer. One of these days I'm gonna teach you how to drive in the city. Stay in touch. Remember, I don't discriminate, I believe In equality. I equally crack on people of any race, color. creed, sexual preference, and nationality. And no· body's come after me yet-Matt ~LAI'IDRA

r'ARRIOR "!ted" • that was my rebound, love ya, thanks. eo-captain Kerry· when you get It, shot. you 're the best!. Beth -you're bound to be a wizard, keep posting. Michele • I've finally met my match. Jen Ress - I guess I don't have to ask how . . . nevermind, love·yal K·Lynn ·even though you're evil. you've been the best. thanks or being there, love ya. varsity girls B·ball • the hands that " Rock the Court!", !love all of you, I'll miss you. Chris Lewis- "I got you first. I won!" Shante Grady · even though the road has been rocky, we made.. it through holding handsllove ya. Keon • The universal technician-your music Is not the only thing with a funky beat. you 're best, you're still my IIWe brother, loveya. Keith· That kiss was too wet, try again I love ya. Banana • I won't ever forget those heart-toheart talks about the

bo§~e1g~~ ~~·.;~c/ri~~~·to the end. Waymon- I'm working on those lay·ups. glad 1got to know you. Vince • You 're just the man, what else can I say except that you're really cute. Mike w. ·I love those Pretty Brown eyes. Eric· you've got the nastiest handle ever. Kareem K. - You're one ofthe craziest people I know, also one ofthe nicest. Victoria Czarnik ·I'm still trying to sing. I'm glad I got a chance to know you. Meghan Kllint ·No you can 't have any, It's not my fault! Liz White - I wish you played on my team. Paula Basco· mrssed you 're hussle. Cookie Monster - It doesn't hurt to smile, I'm working on that assist. Jen Han· I'm glad that attitude is gone, you're really sweet. Mike fanning • You know my whole life, I'm going to miss my locker neighbor. Anyone I didn't mention you're still great, love ya. Iris l!t Klsha ·I had fun at the lunch table. Jennl Cubberly ·you're a big part of our team. Class of '93 ·It's been fun. love and miss· ya, K.l. T. BYE TARA fiANDACA Jamie Bonanni • I just wanted to thank you for always being here for me. I know now that I can come to you with all of my problems and you'll always understand. I also realize that you are a true friend and I'll always be greatful for that. Don't forget. I'm always here for you no matter what - don't go too far l!t al· ways keep In touch! Thank Ood we're out of this place though, huhl No more ragging on everybody· why they look the way th~ do l!t talk the way they talk. How 'bout Confoy·s class Soph. y r. you shouldn't have been so mean to her. And all the times you were caught by your parents. If you think about ft It's really funny that no matter how hard you try or how good ;ypu think you're doing (at keeping things from them) they always find out In the long run. Well, maybe not FUNNY. can I do tt now? Life's really messed up. How 'bout AB·what a baby l!t SB-what a sweetheart. KK·well I don't know the answer to that one or cc. JC-that's easy-Jerk. Do you need to go to Burger King first? Still locked up? Can I shave my head now? Lisa Klein· I'm gone! you11 not, you sWI have another year-hah. Don't worry Sr. year flies by • and I'm not going too far. Thanks kiddo for always being there. At least now I know if I need some· one 3 o' clock in the morning you'll still be up staring at the walls! What's this button for· pops it started your dads car. the Library? c'mon. Movie anyone? 1 think I'm going to cry. Ouess what • you have another year of soccer· hal Good Luck. 1think my dog likes feet can I have my new dog now? You're not dumb, you just don't have any common sense • yeah that's It • you Idiot. What was that? I'm home alone & I heard a noise. let's patrol the house! Oh and by the way· I hate soap operas (In case you didn't know)l Wpnna go to Drac's house? Jen Jung • Yer Yungl Ha. How 'bout my mom thought they said yqur name In that song·huh. How long's It been? ATTITUDe· dOn't ever lose itllt's about time we're outta here. No more soc· cer, no more typical coaches· no more nothing· freedom! AI!.'SOn canan • 1 know we've had our ups l!t downs. but I just want to thank you for always being there for me. Even though you hated me at first. ''Alice in Wonderland". 6 classes together -1 don't know how I put up with youl Remember Mr. Levin • front row. what an adventure. All our lovely names we had for each other· fat girl, pig . •. so many memories we have from the past years together. I hope we have many more together! I'll always be here for you· Dorkl Jackie Bugdal • I'm really glad we remained friends over the years. You're a sweetheart, don't ever change. We've had a lot of good times, History l!t Psych. were a riot. Don't ever change! Christina Chiarchiaro - Chia Pet! I'm glad we got to know each other this year. You 're a great person. Don't ever lose your

uniqueness or your creativity. Rebecca Fitzgibbon · Bee, you're a great person. Your values and out-look on life are very special. My only wish Is that others benefit from your view the way I have. Good luck In everything you do - you deserve lt. Jason Fowler • Through the years you have remained special to me. We've been through a lot together & even though (at ftrst) things didn't work out the way you planned. we had a friendship that was so spedal that could never be replaced. I love yal Sammy Battista - I'm glad we got to know each other this year Sam. Your a great guy. Your such a sweetheart at any girl would be lucky to have you. Keep In touch Hammy! Missy Famosa ·It's been four years Miss. It's been good going through H.S. with you. Remember Schafer's class. Too crazy. And Jr. year · partles at Anne's. Me, you, l!t Cal boy was that fun. Good luck with everything! Esther fields- Homeroom was fun this year. You 're a great kid with a good head on your shoulders. Don't ever change fsther. Jo- you are serious! Ha. Babs Brilliantine· It's not good to talk about people! Why are you always butting In on my business? I think the reason we clashed were because we were too much alike. Meet me In the parking lot ~'clock· we'll seWe It once and for all. Just kidding Babs • you're not all that badl Take care. Want to try on my jacket? Kristle Matozl· History was great- yeah O.K. Glad we become ftiend cocker. You're a sweetheart, take care l!t don't go to any more car washes alone. Amy Glahn • How 'bout that computer class • what a joke. We're finally outta here! Thanks for leWng me take my bad moods out on your Have fun & watch the railings on the highway ·OK! Mary Foster - four years of homeroom. Thank Ood 1can finally get rid of you! Anatomy· Mrs. Keams was too muth. You & that knee. Thanks for going with me to the peer class. (I know you -, wanted to). Have fun klddol Amy !"ell - Amy tripped l!t fell • are you okayl How many times have you heard that one. We're outta herellt's about time· huh. Enjoy; freedom! Joe Latini ·Joseph! What did you do without me In History this year? Did you have anyone to "help" you? Hal You're great. Not! Take care. Matt Priblla • Chemistry • what a joke • FC • what a jerk sometimes. Remember when you put the water on his seat. or when you guys got those points off your labs before we even started! How about Mr.Levln's class - rice tie huh. You 're a sweetheart Matt. don't ever changer Mike Davies • Hey crlpl You 're no joke. You're the one with a " potty mouth ". Nice legs! You're a sweetheart · love yal Kelly Corboy • CangratuJatlons mashed potato queen! Ha • It's been real. Sally's class· how fun. Good luck with everything Kel! To those who graduated last year: I missed yal ND wasn't the same without you, but thank God • I'm outta here! CC ·always l!t forever. I know one day It'll all work out for the best. To the class of 9~ don't mind my attitude. I wish you luck! Peace· we're outta herel e8THr:R fll':LDS Theresa Fitzpatrick· Hey where's the key?l Stlll can't find It! Iceland, Hightstown. Wowa. Tree, thanxs for everything especially with A.L., D.J., E.S., J.O., T.M., l!t S.M. Remember Rochelle's party and talking all night with Chris! Since then we've had so much fun and become good friends. College night (B.C.). M.G.'s party, J.T., sleepovers, wrestling match (I don't understand!). Kathy (Hal), and Oklahoma. You urk me. Oood and bad times. Mrs. z. I love him (Oh well!). thanxs for listening all of those hours and running up the phone bills. Haunted bridge, poor rabbit. Alladln. Beating Lawrenceville finally!, the rock. Allof those rides home. Crazy driver just walt till I get it. Love ya always Es. r.S.AII of the notes and Shultz's class. Jason Fowler · finally becoming friends. thanxs for listening to all of my problems and being there for me. Cowboys won I Don't forget my dictionary. Chrissy, New Years Eve. the listof65 girts at N.D. You're a sweetie. Sorry for the attitude. Oood luck In your fu· ture with electricity. Love ya and I'll miss ya Esthe[ Sammy Batista • Than" for all the rides. I still want a system like yours! Esther Kelly Corboy • Haven't seen ya much this year but you're still a good friend . Thanx for listening and Introducing the " new kid " to everyone· You really made my first year alot easier. Nice to call back Oustjoklngl), Dress shopping for the prom. Driving around for party's. Junior spirituality day. going to Jamie's. the prom. Hanging at your mom's house. All of those sweet 16 parties. Thanx for being a great friend and good luck Ms. St.Patrlcki Keep in touch • Love ya Esther Martin Gilbert • Purple corvette, 6th gear. my mercedes, Long talks. I'm glad we ftnally started talking again. My ftrst days at N.D. Dinner. My personal psychologist. Your cotolllon party and M.J. My treat for dinner when I'm rich and famous. Good luck In college and with football. Keep In touch. Love ya Esther Melissa cattani - Are you finally driving? No more bus. Lunch at Groundround. No more obnodous Sophomores. Early mornings with Ms.Henkel. How do you solve thls problem? Is he going to ask me?(you're crazy). Oood luck l!t than" for all the rides to school - fsther . Maddie Slrak - St. Joe's game and the ride home. No more Spanish class. Competition at Rider. Who read off the paper! We'll kill herl Hanging at the mall. Warning me about guys. B.C. and T.C. New kid at school. Keep In touch Love ya fsther Lou Crivelli • Finally all of the papers for Ms.Henkel are lnl • Old you finish yours?! Thanx for all the tides to school. Remember the summer with Angelo. Oood luck In college. with Heather and with football • Oh, congrats homecoming King- tsther Nell Potter· thanx fOr being there after Sean • I'm glad we became friends even though you make a horrible ftrst lmpresslon oustjokingl). good luck W/ Bee. keep In touch Love ya fsther Joanne DINola • Well I'm the last one to get my license • can you believe we made lt through Spanish - remember Rider and who read off the paper?!· we survived rellglonl ·good luck W/ Scott and college· Keep In touch -Love ya ~er Rebecca Rottkamp • r.T. on Saturday mornings • miss It yet?l • we survived religion and anatomy • I'm glad we started talking last year in Ms.Henkel's class • St. Joe's game • Amy fell's lklay party • good luck w1 Nell • I'll miss ya next year • than" for being a great friend • love ya ts Tara flandaca ·can I borrow your shoes?· ~er Melissa ramoso • I know we were not that close but I'm glad we became friends • Mrs.Z's class was the best • thanx for being there· good luck in P.T. school homeroom buddy· Love fsther Heather Cyms • Spanish Is over! tstemporaneous with Schultz. Thanx for being a great friend. Oood luck with Lou. We even sur· vlved Mr.Mil's class. Stop over this summer! Congrats on being homecoming queen. Remember the Ground Round. Tell Michelle M. I said HI! Keep In touch Love ya ~er James O'Neill ·Thanks for everything. Love you, Chk:ken Melissa Cefalone • My first days at N.D. thanx for helping me out. Mrs. Z's class was the best. I'm glad we became better friends this yearl Oood luck In college and with Matti Keep In touch, Love ya Esther CYl'IDI fiORI cas· TOIOI Wv ben threw It alii Dn't 4-get all the x's wv hd 2· gether. MN in OLS • Hussy! Who me?? MA Trip. 8r1an, Don, Cyn wht R U Doln 2nltelll 8-siWng at the ~. You me A&D. I Dn't be· neve my I'sll The Y. Wayne BerJ. Watchln The Oreat Gatsby.

CCCD ice cream! My Ma's car. Rember the Ferern Feelln Horn-y on Rt 3.3! - P-ton - G - zoo loo Loser WPRB Robbin the Record Store! The studio RM w; tapes! The Iroc guy. By ma goln 2 get the mail!! Playin softball w; F.~ ur sister's friends Mikell at the Yl Ya Right. Vito • enough said. Oh my • NYEU The R-lnn. America 's Funniest Home Videos. I Won! NOT - Oh Dan such nice hair, oh Vito your goatie AHG!! B-in late. umm my skirt got caught & ripped off & I had to drive home and I got stopped by a uTo ... MY FliVER. Radio what radio. Balger-dashf Me, you, Dan, shadow & popcorn! Shadow - Oh Dan would you like to c my soccer skills. I missed the bus. · POOL • Blllards, I'm ambidextorous u r passing skills. So what I was a little closet Football games - what we have to play! But I need gas. What a Tripi Look out FL. Here we come! Plane what plane! Laser show & Chinese. Can 1 have aknire? And everything else. That wv been threw- WW trips. Boyfriends etc. BF 4eva & eva. I Luv U! KIT Look out GCC here I come. Look out Cabrini her comes cast Good luck always! I'll miss you! Katie Schell - Hi Kate oh excuse me Kat-eeel Rember track! Dougle. CC, MD I met Mlnut Bowl. Oh My God! Taco-Tequila Tuesdays. Laser shows Zept Do u like that · scream ···Aaaggghhh Shut up! Mary, Stew, Pat ~ the gang. I'm melting! sure I know how to get home! maybe not directly but I'll find my way. Did you know 95 north turns around! Your father is having what?U My su· perb driving skills. MlssC. My cute little laugh-Not The lunch ta· bles - I luv ND! HA HA HAl Dn't 4-get mel I'll nvr 4-get ul See ya In OC. MDI KIT!! ~ Elena Reznick - How many yrs has it been MN calling me a 'Hussy· Mel My on going luv triangle K. R ~ mel That has been going on 4 yrst 15 about. We will get married. Just wait! Nvr 4-get the MA trip! Everything was bolted down! My 8th grade grad. party. What a joke. my laugh, my bear joke. pikln me up at my bus-stop. the balcony. Mike S. & Mike D. ~ John S. Glad you went out w; the & not mel I'll miss ut KIT. I Luv yal PD. KD. ss. CP, JM. RS • lluv ya guys. Dn't ever forget mel I won't forget youll luv Non. Good luck In future. Chinese food, Laser show, VITO! Dan, P·market Fair. Body of evidence! TGIFI Drag racing down Rt 1. all 3 of us KD,PD .~ mel PD - MG what a jerk-om Physlc.sll my laugh. The lunch table, CS is so gulliblell Mary - Chheerleaders. ND, the whole senior class good-bye you bunch oh ---holesll We love our school. Gym class. my thumb, Mrs.Confoy Jr. yr. your lunch table. I'll be right over! HI Dave. The laser show. Seeln you ~ Jay In P-tonl what does m squared stand for. I'm sheltered. MAKE-UP In the play, ruby red lips, ~ cheeks for the guys --Hush hush square dancing behind the certains. We were great stage managers! Remember every· thing KIT. I'll miss you GL. To everyone else- Look out here you come! REBECCA FITZOIBBON Renee, you are not really in my story. ~that is because you are in my story, every part of It- catch my drift? You are me~ 1 am you. So hold your horses, I'll get to your message later. Fresh· man year began w; hockey. A big curly head girl was positioned next to me - we bonded right away cause our mind Is one. Jamie's her name ~ she's the girl who told me: " when you need a shoulder to bawl your eyes on call me, if your angry call me, If your hurt call me. but if you just want to go for a bike ride through thorn bushes- don't call " . I re-met a crazy redhead who danced to the band during practice. Chrissy became my connec· tion to Meg, Caryn & Liz (4 of the funnest people I ever met In my life). (Guys: remember what I told you at Denny's when I got all sentimental • I mean it, you've kept me sane • humor is the best thing to have) Jamie ~ I ran Into 2 guys on a bikeride, one told us to go back where we came from but the other, our hero. said don't listen to him. this Is our world~ you can ride wherever you want We shared a million notes ~were taught by purple eyelids. Soph. Yr. comes along & I met someone who shared my views, we went on a peace march and I pushed my big-headed baby In a shopping cart. Iceland entered my life. Meg K. ~ I became Bootlegger fans. I received the name Sunshine as a 2nd hand gift from Meg. MeG linch was in my gym ~ I discovered how hilarious she is (ya know. the quiet type who blurts out funny comments, klnda like Eric Murtha). I met Noni in Marburry's class- deflnately · wacky t!t defflnately a wonderful person. The Butt Possee was formed ~ Jamie, Rain ~ I piled up the stairs as Caryn slept· walked towards us. We cracked up for about 7 hrs. straight at my table that night. camp was at Chestnut Hill, Chrissy. along w; Renee cracked me up: :5 beds pushed together. Crazy by Seal w; hands thrown in the air, singing In the showers. dancing in the hallway~ outside· electric slide, food fight w; Lisa, pisslng cafeteria people off, & Chrissy • I wonder If they ever discovered who changed the word In Mandatory Skit Night! Paul Simon #1~. all muddy~ wet. Jr. Yr. brings w; it a tragedy of a lifetime· sleeping out~ selling out!! A group of anti-socials formed at Briget's party (a finger & a sniff) ~ Neil decides to name his baby Burpee the Boy. I bonded w; some new people at spirituality day (we survived group 7, come play w; the feel wheel. are you frustrated?). U2 #1 & Renee declares her love: "Bee help me see them as humans again. I'm desperate. ask your dad for advice". The whole dam world starts working at Iceland and so the following events occur: 1)Angus makes fun of the way Meghegan said mother 2)1 spread mustard on Meg K.'s face :5)Nell lies about U2 concert 4)Tony Zambonle 5) Snowball fights In back 6)Stlpe ~ I help chop snow 7)Lyric imitates Dave's dance 8)Certain people com· pare ~ measure certain things 9) "The Rose Day" big bonding, encore every 1/2 hr. lO)White shirts on the head ll)Bathroom chats w; Laura 12)caryn is dared to do her special hello, customer receives a " Hi Corey, HI Coreylf" 13)Linked arms, Irish Step dancing~ really loud voices all behind the counter 14)The day of my emotional breakdown· 'Tm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry ... Oh yes I am" • So off the the bathroom we go· me then Caryn then Stipe then Meg then Chrissy who I really confused 15)0peratlon #1 & operation speak 16) Hey Caryn, how bout a klsslf Dead Poet's #2 w; guests~ beat up bodies. Renee, Non I ~ I played a very violent. quite competitive game of Trouble & Rain yetis out of nowhere, "''m gonna give you some trouble!" . I threw my books when 1said hi to Mal1\ so It became a rit· ual (sort of). Meg M. Amy, Topher. Chrissy~ I were crulsln Hamilton one night; MGHI It's green Meg, slow downll Where are all the damn red lights when ya need one?? how bout we pretend we stalled, put on your hazards meg • took me 4 tries but I finally asked • I can do anything now! Chinese fire drill, I rolled across the hood. Chrissy says she's gonna walk up to a car, open the door & sit In It, yeah right! I had math again w; Jamie Jr. yr.~ she always managed to get me In trouble. caryn gets a rash from body boarding so I let her borrow my shirt, she puts It over the board. It keeps falling off· after about 50 tries brilliant me gets an Idea - why don't you put the shirt on caryn?l camp at Rider be· gan the best team bonding I've ever experienced. Tara & I couldn't look at each other w;out cracking up, Amy becomes a better friend (I never knew she'd be the one to start those relar,s>

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that some jerks stole. wrapping Todd's car In paper ~ tooth· paste. meals which we couldn't eat cause we hurt from laughing. ~ yes Jess, Renee does like gins an awful lot. During my Sr. yr. so far: I've rolled down a hill w; Mary. became a twin power w; Amy. trived off or Chrissy's 2 slaps of a stick. screwed up our pregame psyche (woops Chrissy, sorry for stealing your words • But I am not Superstitious, It would NOT have jinxed anything). 1 learned how very understanding ~ protecting Mrs.Major is. We bonded w; Cross Country team (thanks for all your support). we had a sr. hockey party where we flew In the air on each other's feet ~ Jill made a big boo-boo ("I broke it, 1 really broke it!" ) I became attached to every single person on the team. (I LOVE

you all sooo much I can 't even describe what you all mean to me · I'm at a loss w;out you) We laughed so so much. we never got trully serious- too many goofs on the team ·but we showed them all what friendship among a team can do. Thanks Thanks ~ more Thanksll Meg almost got us killed driving to Triad (Meg, we didn't mean for you to make a U·tum in the middle of the high· way~ then pull out in front of a truck-Geez). I forgot " throw her a roll ", caryn ~my walks~ talks, hangln In the phone booth w; Meg (It's getting hot in here) and Stipe, there is a pad on the Ice· land window, tan discovered it! Noni's Inspirations of the day. Jamie. our " life" is starting over. (sorry for poking a hole In your hand w; my pen, I was just so excited. Jamie we have everything written on notes & If not there, then It's written In our hearts. I love you so much, I'm drawn to you, & the best thing about you Is that you care so much for people, you can be having the toughest time and you still worry about me ~ want to listen & help me. I never really wanted you to worry about me so I shared less of my grief w1 you, but now I know it can go both ways, you can take a little weight off my shoulders also. cause that's a true friendship • give AND take Thank You! O.K. Renee, I'm done my story so here's the moment you've been waiting for (I'm so afraid I'm gonna forget· but then I remind myself that we've got the rest of our lives to remember): Rain/ Bruce~ Corey; Piggy/ " It's a Hard Knock Life-cleaning 5th grade/ you move away, you move back/ feet fights on the couch/ Erasure · our dance; " We'll be together again ... 1 Look out N.D. here we come; Ramonoville the great guy himself/ Sleepovers. uncontrollable laughter. Shhhl (as I laugh)/ Atarl played w; enUre bodies; field hockey, 2 slaps of sticks started by us; warm water fight ("Rebecca, go home right now!" )/ gooky glumpy food fight/ exploring~ de· stroylng new bulldingj Arch, oil man. pervert - ran up to softball field ~ all the guys ran after him/ I told Arch off/ you figured out Ms.Hardlman; you ran Into Scott at home plate/ Italians who couldn't talk - Bee who couldn't talk. Renee, is this word pronounced parmlgana? f cranky lady on the turnpike who wouldn't let us pull away; home movies· " People Are Strange", WE are strange; I hung out w; Jomar. Nany. nany boo·boo./ rm emotionally ~ physically drained/ U2 U2 U2 U2/ " Bee, look It's your boyfriend" (and his name Is farmer Ted)/ Steamrollln " why Is the light out?" 1 hanging the camera on the tree to video volleyball -didn't quite work/ " It's damn good"/ Peace march/ " Daffy you're my favorite duck!" Great Adventure, spaceship to Free fafl " Are you choking?" 1 Our laughs • the new laugh/ Minute Maid fruit punch/ DON'T BE SO LITERALII/ no junk food • so de· prlvedjit was dark brown Renee, you were WRONG/ whad'ya burnt?!/ corny jokes, my dad is the king of corny (he's actually sitting here right now telling me what to write - something about you lfke bananas~ ther's skin on your face)/ you are the poem master, Jamie ~ you both are so creative at those things; yes PauL girls do burpll/ U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 I told you It was splritu· alll!jToadjFOAD/"I like brocolll" 1 posotive, negative. we compll· ment each other; RETREAT- thank you for my letter; You are the funniest person I've ever met in my whole entire life. I love your sarcasm & I tell everyone how funny you are. Renee, things were getting too serious for a while, there were things we needed to work out ~ I think we did. Especially this year I've teamed even so much more about you, I've accepted so much more about you. I love our relationship ~ know that It is always gonna grow. Retreat made me realize what I meant In calling you my BEST FRIEND. I am sorry that 1 always got so mad at you so easily, I was never fully accepting or you · not fully, now I will never (well almsot never) be offended by things you say. I understand that they are not to hurt me, I didn't understand this before. Gosh I am really blabbing, I don' t know If I'm making my point, It Is 10:10, :5 hrs. past my bedtime! I think you are wonderful Renee, ~ I wish you 'd believe that you are (you gotta BELIEVE!) and I love arguing w1 you most of the times, especially when you make a point that doesn't make sense cause you had to think qulckll/ Damn the people who've left you in pain! Nonl ·Paul wants to know if you'd go out w; him, you didn't have to faint about ltl Best lunch I've ever had, three's company -You are NOT the third wheel, you are part of us, we go together. New Year's Eve, Renee's boobs In camera, "shut up about that damn killer sock" -or whatever the heck It was whe"'we were tryIng to sleep (It's useless Nonl), Campground, steamroller · rejected! I admire your courage & bluntness so much II admire you · don't let people get you down so much. You are a very generous person, I love you Nonl, thanks for all my thoughts of the day. Glenda: Nursery-12th/ plant watering on fridays. watch them pee; "anyone want to trade a sandwich for a pretel?";us fight· lng/ sleeping over ("Glenda, do you always wear that thing on your head when you sleep?" )/ Adelijgolng our separate ways in N.D. but knowing were still as close as ever· I'd never feel uncomfortable around you even If I haven't seen you In 20 yrs.f Ice· skating. B-elay's ~ I love your purple sneaks. Topher ·Sorry for being so happy/ you~ your what ifs ... /1 am not superstitious, no such thing as a jinx/ yes I have " figured you out" whether you like It or not; I'm the Snob of the world ~ you 're the Snot of the earth!/ Thank you for my 8-day sign; Thank you for your humor; And It's ok to let people see the other side of you even though you hate me for saying it/ LoveHate relationship/ They'll never ever be another anyone like you Chris Fava ~ I love yal Tara Flandaca • There's something you did for me that changed my life, you wrote me a letter. All I can do Is thank you for telling me what you thought cause It kinda shocked me, ya know? coming from someone who I don't know a whole lot. Well I can't really explain what you did for me. but thanks-! was very touched. Amy W. ·Twin Power/ colorful mouths (no Jill you can not get a black one!)/ lcelandjN.Y./ I'm now a thrift shop-a·holicl/ "Look up there In the sky. It's a bird, it's a plane, no ·It's homeless man . . . 1 same haircut (sort of);~ lipstick will never look good on me.jBoom Shackerlackalacka-Ho Ho Hot Amy Glahn • homeless man . . . 1 " I want you to have my kidS"/ If you ever decide to hurdle any more unsuspecting ju· niors, .lust make sure you don't get stuck on their back ... you almost made me pee my pants (I'll never stop laughing about It) Ryan Brennan • cut down on the coffees ~ clggaretsjlawn mower, you 're awful/#1 hockey supporter, thanksl/you make me laugh even w; just a facial expression; I'll be talkln to ya In ten years! Nell· You 're such a jerk making us believe you had lOth row to U2 l!t didn't even caret And don't ever tell me about another group that you KNOW I'll love cause you never let me borrow themlj J.T. • Tracey Chapmen; You are the musk: connection; SCA dissed us; loony man In Ph ill./ The Giving Tree; "Nell, I can take a .toke now" I'm learning. Sorry ror being so serious all the time • £hat's just the side you knew, ~ sorry for getting so emotionally attached, 1 was so often stupid. Thanks for helping w; Cotillion dress shopping. I believe In you, always. Alan Baker • Frosh. yr. fake voices on the phone, you tricked me one too many times· I helped you~ you helped me· Thanks. Adam Bucon - Thanks for the best b-elay gift I've ever gotten· Kraft Mac.8(Cheesell Mike Davies • Sorry for being a jerk frosh. yr. I think you're awesome. Brendon Dougherty· My Indian Spirit will be w; you always. Autumn - Hello, (Dave) may I have a glass of water? • Sure. here you are, Chrissy. (we couldn 't pull It off)jTennis in the park/thinking you 'd be over Meghan's every day or that summer, but didn't get there onceljBeautlful Choreography! ·Love me Katie Meagher • "She won't come back ... will she??" knock, knock. knock on the window of my van! - Now she hates me, I never lied before ... but she does say hi in the halls ... maybe

there's hope after alii!/ Thrift shopping all the way, N.Y .. here we come ... /Triad Eric Murtha • If you ever join a cult. I'll kill you before they do . . . Thanks for the comments ~ ques. that crack me up In every class. Brislhld Flood • no memories, just a thought . . . You are so genuine: you're very easy to talk to, fun , friendly,~ all that good stuff. You just come across as humble~ not In any way fake- the qualities I admire most · you're just plain real, thank you for you I Kevin Stelnmuller • The first thing you ever said to me was something like, " good game yesterday" - It had an affect on me cause I never saw you In my whole life but I could tell you were sincere. That Is how you seem to me • like you care about people, anyone who Is a friend of yours Is very fortunate. 1 just wanted to make sure 1told you this before I left. Bye Mary Heitzman • rolling down our 1st hill together at a football game; sharing It w; the team; Oh my goodness look at all the trees, I love this place· I'm driving you home In the fall!/ lce·skat· ing on your pond? (the question mark Is cause, as now 1 don't know If we got to go this winter, but we will eventually). Screech • All these Ryans - there's just too many themlj We think ~ feel very much alike/ " Sorry Bee, was my phone fartlng again?" Rebecca Mooreheart • 1hate someone having my name .. . ex· cept. of course. you. You're cool enough to be a 8ecca tool Julle-Qolle • To the best listener I've ever had, I remember when I sat down on that bench In gym l!t told you my " life" story. 1got such the feeling that you really understood. You are a wonderful person.; U2 U2 U2 • Oh my goodness we're on the noorlll/ A skip. a hop ~ a slam Into a pole, !ij)in around It and fall down laughing.; Our group (a finger~ a sniff). Julie Oolle, you're so cooII Jen r:tsworth ·my true locker buddy, we suft'ered through class together (Anthro.) and I admire your courage; we were almost at Morrissey, almost. Jamie - I forgot to thank you for not dropping me the second I spit out lettuce on your lapj Yes I AM a spltter, I just can't help It ~same goes for pen chomping! Seasame gang • Seasamee jamboree! We were the best These messages are not In an order· In case you were wondering Lyric: Lilac, Mini Sunsltlne, Words, La·La. Gen. you~ I sitting at the table, me ci'YI.rln my eyes out until you go • " enough or this emotional ·crap'(". Mom ti'YI.rln to be coolin Oen·s leather Jacket, Your Imitation of my weddfng meditation • (leg out pointed toe at beating a drum) mix ballet ~ an African tribal dance. Repe, repe, repe, rapay,rapay,rapay, catorce,catorce· UGH,UGH,UGHI. Das's doing the fake accent again. "Dig those fruit stands over there" . Dad singing us to bed. Dancing to Oodspell around the house. strtng around the furniture. BSS. " you two argue too much" ·Ajyeah. Jumping off the stairs onto the giant pillow. Out to dinner. feeding you toes. Iceland. The Rose. Genny·s sar· casm. Peace marCh. Home videos. (me. you ~ aaud " blame It on the rain". someones callln us, you are quite confused-make a face " keep dancinf:llyrlc" l) Click to other line click back l!t talk for about 2 min. before you rellze you 're talkin to noone. U2 U2 at U2. Oen do you have any Jewish frelnds? Yeah her name's Robin . . . and here's how wonderful you are to me, walt a sec, 1st I'll tell you 1 yr, that this year I've just realized how much I respect~ envy your calm ~ coolness. 1 wish I could be so much more like you. 1 used to think you didn't care ~ that's why you didn't fight back, but now I know that you just react totally dlff. than me • I love It~ 1 want to learn from your OK: Sitting on rocks In Aruba.

or or


~m~~ ~~tys~~~~~~re [g.~~ In -~:~~~he ~o= crashing wave, "Wow perfect" • sfapped h::it-5. "God's temn us somethfng Lyric, God's tel lin us something". I love you so much & you are NOT stupid ~ I hate hurting you ~ don't know why I do. You are such the listener, you are so corny~ you crack me up. All these yrs. If I didn't have a friend that would listen or un· derstand, I had you. You are " AMAZING". Dad • the com Is green ~ you have two ears. I have white dots on my fingernails ~ Pluto is my favorite planet. Mom • you know me like the bottom or my foot·Dad rubs off. I love when you laugh so hard that you cry-really cry, but It con· fuses me. Hey DAD • look up, look down. look at my pinky - gee you're stinky. You're a fart smeller Dad, oops you know what I re· ally mean. Oh Yeah, one more thlng·RENEe, Good Luck! THelmSA MTZPATRJCK Esther· Valevictorlan. That's you! #11 Geez. Remember: Roch· elie's Party- Where we met. Chriss. AL,BC,CB,TM. Junior Prom, Ice-skating. Hightstown, Ed, JT. the key· still can't find it. Mrs. Z, she's the best. ~Ish Ill wj Schultz. SB, Sean senior Yr., AI· adlan, driving everYwhere, MG·f:S-JO·BC • 4 guys. Week at my house, the haunted bridge, the bunny, Ice cream In Princeton. :5guys at Ice-skating • wawa, SINOLE White l"emale, boundary lines, wrestling· how boring, our cotillion nlte • 5:00am, feb. 14 -boo-hoo, Nlssan's Rule, my car • you driving. senior yr. lunch, studying. Hamilton, Marchlle • r1nally, Tip. florkta, Drew. Jf, KP. bagels, the whining, college nlte, strechpants, 8C, Urslnus. MH. soccer, the footbaH games, the BIG DISS. the lipstick, A whole New World, Martin's after coWllon, HA, the phone bills. fruit, non-rat, ooh look at him • Nahl The dlfuser, Retreat • letters, shopping. my pocketbook, baseball ~ all the times to come. Thanks for everything. 1 love ya. (Probably the only onel Hal don't change. Love ya Theresa

~~~J. ·:r:r~z. ?'t!:~~t ~=~~~ :,.r~.;:.~-~ =~rft:~

gold, homemade pizza, MB Scooter, Mike P • eoph. year. The cotillions can you drive me home • fr. yr.? Senior year, wo!1( Greece, The rain • r:rtc, Socks. chinese food, our war movies Glory • Born on the fourth july. our pictures, Ice cream In New Brunswick, getting lost, Ice-hockey, Don't ever forget the good times and the bad times (w/CK at ISH). Stay as sh and sweet as evert Love yal B.f.f. Theresa Rebecca Rottkamp • We finally did itl Remember all the good times with BC and TS, I'm glad we becamtr frl Oood luck next year and In the ruture and always remember the times we've shared. Love Theresa Maura Sutterlin • 1 don't know where to start. Remember: Chuck, BC,CB.BS, i"'k:ooe, Wlld\\1)od • the party • the 4-guys, ~ow­ der Puff, BL«JC, DB, Your ~trip, Jr. Yr. hall~. SB • was It worth It? all the tOotball games. blue ~ white dance • Jr. yr. Soco. lunch. the sweater, hls blanket, Diamonds, all the sleepovers,Jean shorts, V-neck sweaters. sw.PS. ~ JM ·Jr. yr VIctoria Secrets, shopping. the security guard, Coed naked t-shlrts, the delaware river · jr. yr.. gym class w; Danburo, pd. 6 lunch· how often was I there? Are we there yet? helium balloons, Ice-hockey, MorkMtlndy, my llp.stlck mlr· ror; Hotel california, Dave H'$ party, Tree goes timber, KMICT • Jr. Yr. cotillion, MASS. the hockey movies, your bean-bag chair. Thanks for being there for me, I loved us being best frfends. I wish we could get back to where we were. Good luck In college and In the future. Keep In touch! Love ya, Theresa Heather Cyms ·can you believe we're done? I had a great time getting to know you. Remember Spanish W/ Shultz and calculus and Law this year. I'll always hate sociology and be confused as anything In calc. Do you understand It? GOod luck next yr. you homecoming queen 1 told you • you'd win. Oood luck W/ Lout Keep In toucltt Love Theresa. Sammy - cangradulatlons on graduation! I know we haven't gotten a long so great sr. yr. Sorry for that. We h a lot or good times and Its only 19 miles away! Remember: th knives, Robin Hood • the movie. am I? • all our late nlte talks, the phone bills, the Delaware River junior year, the Junior prom. can I pay? Keep In touch • I will always love your Love Angel.



AI Rhodes · Thanks for the great time at the Junior Prom. You were a fun date. Good luck next year in school and with soccer Love Theresa. Jenn Mirelli · Well. We've become good friends Senior year! You're a great person stay that way. Thanks for EVERYthing. Can you drive? Don't ever forget; BM. DM.PP,JT et all the rest. Good luck next year! Love Theresa P.S. Stop smoking! Melissa Buttera ·hey girlfriend! Can you believe it's over? Remember: BC, et JR at JL's house, Blue&White Dancejr.yr.• All the football games, Lunches • Fries, the phone bills, Gilad at 12noon, Grr . . . , Are we there yet? Are we there now? helium balloons, Ron, JF, MG, sr.yr., gym SB&MAI hal Stacey • ew. the roses, the jewelry and everything I've forgotten. Good luck next year. Keep in touch I Love ya Theresa Martin Gilbert · Yo • You're the man! Don't forget Esther Egg, Jane's class, your house after the Cotillion. all out talks, the week she was at my house. Good luck next year with school ana with football. Love Theresa Fred Collander • hello! I'm glad we got to be such good friends. Remember Spanish II w1 Ms.Dempsey, Kevin Z. • I blew it. Mr.Argese. Mrs.Coppock, all our classes together, gym, lunch, the exchangeng of homework, Mr. Moore's class • Hardcastle & McKorrnickl The Brady Bunch, Mrs.Carroll • Marsha. and all the rest. Good luck in school next year and with football. Keep in touch! Love Theresa. Helen Kathy et Carol • Remember all the times frosh . yr. · my birthday, smoking et everything else. Good luck next year et the years to come. Don't ever forget all the fun with Greg & Bobby et the whole crowd, all the times at St.A's, and the Senior yr. rides. Keep in touch, the South Brunswick Girls. Love Theresa Stephanie Sliwinski • I know you're probably flipping, but I just wanted to say sorry for all the bad times · but remember the good ones: Ms.Lang·s English class, Mike&Ben's Ring ceremony, Pretty Woman. Ice-skating. all our classes except pd.7, Janehow often did we skip? Soph. & Jr. yr. Cotillions your mood ring, the fireman. Matt, Nf,KK. Your birthday dinner at Windberries, Armond in Thomas Sweets, and everything I've forgotten. Good luck next year! Love ya Theresa Kerry Cristofoletti · Thanks for everything! I've had n since 7th grade when we met. Jersey city! You finally got C.H. Good luck next year in school and with basketball! Love Theresa Cheryl Eitzen · Thanks for all the rides and for waiting in the mornings. I'm glad we got to meet finally since we just live so far away {a whole five houses). Good luck next year. Keep in touch! Love Theresa John Floyd • Yo • it's been great to go to school with you. my locker buddy. Good luck next year. Keep in touch Love ya Theresa Jason Fowler • Yo • Sorry for dissing you the past 4 years but we are better off as friends. Good luck next year as an electrician and good luck with Kathy. Love Ya Fitz MARY fOSTER Cheryl • L.B.I .. My Boat. Murphy & Angalo, "Cheers" at Mur· phy's house, Stockton State & Lynchberg 'Oh My Goodness; Do you live for MTV? Ryne & Joe. yeah dad it was a long movie, The Catch. Golf w; my neighbor, on a rooftop in the rain, Lion man. thanx 4 leaving me at the movies. Europe, My Bambinos! A.D. the escalator· 2 high!. Ita lion men, Hard Rock Cafe Shut up Mary! The Phillles Game. H.O.R.D.E. Bark· are you ok? Penelope, Aero· postale, Rufuss, Soph. Cotillion, Jr. Prom, Ants house. Chrlstino down the shore· sorry John. Party week at Christine's Pat, Puck· Pot, Zilla. Valley, Falling on Amy's car, Great Adventure, Pink Bear. Lafayette where are the cute men? Cigars and stuff?! Rory·s house, Your invisible boyfriend, My house driving T.T's car. Christine & JllY bathroom Running out of gas, fight In New Hope, Gavlty Hill. TSC, Jackson. 3 somes, Wayne's World New Year's, driving at 2:JOam, 3man. Christl's Her mom's shirt on back· wards. Bruce! Live concert, Denny's Cotillion '93, Martin's Brady Bunch theme hotel hopping, my honeymoon. Love ya Katie· We have some great memories· Mike Fanning's, the pit, dinner at Pete's, unwanted visitor. Barry's Cotillion '92, Barry's, chipped teeth. thanx for the swee 16, long talks. many men, my boat the pirate ship & that guy, movies. never watching SNL, fish terds. 1st teddy, HOOCHIE! Sally Jesse Raphe!, nice socks, Thanxs for being the best of best friends Love me Christi • LBI, My boat. Chrlstln's House. The Catch, Barry's boat w1out me. nice picture, Halloween at Sue's House Lion man, Allen, Hogan, Hair weave, Tatoo, HORDE • Bark • are you ok? Lizard Lady, people in front of us yeah I know this song, your party's, getting caught w1100 people still coming. your hockey table collapsing, 7·11, tight in New Hope, Bicycle men, Chinese Fire drills, the park. Party weed at Christine's, Scott, Puck·Pot. Zilla, thanxs for the ride 2 school. Live Denny's, Megan's party, Conch, Backetball, Kenny's house. fixing your ceiling, clean up, tight! VULTURE. Cotillion '93 your car, Martin's, Pat's Diner, Brady Bunch theme hotel hopping, house party Susie· It's been great ever since Incarnation. Your old house Halloween '91. pass word, Rebecca falling out the window, girts night out. Europe, Shut up Mary! My Bambino's, Burgers at lOam. Pizza Hut, Bird crap in Beck's hair Italian men. Sauna, Hard Rock Cafe! Good Luck, Love yat Me T. T. • My boat. Thanxs 4 Christlaning it, The Catch, your house, Bugging your brother and his friends, Party week at your house, pucking on your bushes, shots, falling on Amy's car. So many men, so little time. Great Adventure, running out of gas, Chrtstianlng my bathroom 2, Lafyette. gum on bed where are the guys? driving your car, hitUng the telephone pole. the fight in New Hope (not me), TSC, who ever won? Jackson, 3man, New year's eve. Gravity Hill. Dwyer's and food deliveries. long talks In· stead of work Environmental, Mike Fanning's, your dad lost, Rory's House, Barry's party· 'someone control her!'. Cotillion '93 Adami Telling off Ry-guy. Powder Puff '92 • nice try. Good luck • Loveyal Me Kerry • Thanx for saving my life at Friday's, high way chase from Jane's, New Year's eve, Christi's & her mom's room, The Catch, Jr. Prom. Ant's house, BRUCe, old men In our seats, Phil· lies Game Men trouble • Thankx · Cotillion '93, Hotel hopping me driving, our coats, Martin's. Good Luck· Love yat Amy • English class, Locker buddy, Lafyette, cigars & stuff where are the cute men? New Hope. Bicycle men, that shirt Live concert. Christine's house. falling on your car. Megan's party, Christi's party, sitting outside In the cold at house party. Jncama· lion to N.D. Good Luck· Love yal Rebecca • Europe. My Bambino's, Long talks, the Sauna Italian men. Miss Grlss falling, Hard Rock Cafe, the escalator • 2 high, Swiss Alpe, me crying, Shut up Mary Halloween at Sue's '91, fall· ing out the window, Gravity Hill, New Year's eve, 3man, Great Pic· ture's, cleaning up TSC, sneaking out, Jackson, bad picture, LBI '92 my boat, your uncle's, the catch, Cotillion '93 when was that movie Neil • We had some really fun times together, us soccer game Billy Joel concert, parties. holidays, movies. Jr. yr. should be for· gotten and I'm glad we got to be friends again. Good luck next year Love yat Jay · I never used you but I did have fun, to bad things never worked out but I'm glad we got closer thru the years, Good luck, Love Mel floyd • you're the greatest locker buddy ever. Although the jokes & sarcasm was a little much you always made me smile. Good luck, Love Me Joy • the years have been fun, freshman softball, soph. morp, Troy's grad. never meeting Devin the beach· we've been thru a lot. remember the memories Good luck, Love Me Jackie • thanks for being there for me when I needed someone ever since frosh. softball. We've had fun. good luck at TSC. Love

Me Todd • thanks for the memories, Jr. Prom, Anthony's the drive my mom, Golfland, Pool {I wont) English class 2 yrs. Good luck· Love ya Babs ·thanks for sleeping WI me. I hope it wasn't too uncom· fortable Joanne· TAARRTI Erica • Inc to NO • thanx for the memories and friendship, you 're the greatest. Good luck· Love ya Hark • glad we got to be good friends, hockey games Ewing days· parties, late to school Pennington school· Dave=Dork 1 time tanning· I'm burnt Good luck· love ya Hey mon • Inc to NO, Europe, burgers, Shut up Mary! My Bam· bino's, Italian men, 2nd floor bye!, Hard Rock Cafe, $40 pizza, su· ana, those shoes. your party. coach rug stain, the jeep so. kick· lng us out, the H.O.R.D.S. 3-some, M&M's, your blanket. Live concert, fun ride, New Year's eve, LBI, Good luck at LaSalle Love ya! Maddie • Glad you came back • sorry I threatened you Hay· men's party, Christi's party, New Hope ride's home. Good luck m SCLoveyal · Rory • Ruffuss, Live Concert. Denny's & that chick, the Muppets Flying fish Man, never finishing a movie. long talks In the drive· way. never letting me go home, X·Mas. dead fish, 1st kiss up·top your stairs. Cotilllon'9:5, Mcintosh honeymoon suite. hotel hop· ping, Martin's, Christl's car Pat's Diner. hockey, limp crew. your fat but Marge • We 've had some great times I'm so glad we met. You mean a lot to me and I'll never forget you. I love you, you'll always hold a special place In my heart. Luv me Debbie· Europe was the best, french was awful. My Bambino's Italian men, 2nd floor push, ride up the Alps, Shut up Maryt, Su· ana, $40 pizza, boys following us, Mass In the cold bird crap in Bee's hair, Hard Rock Cafe. Burgers at lOam, Pizza Hut, Miss Grlss & that old man, me & my hair. bread & juice everyday rain in Parts, train ride from hell, Love ya : Mike D. • Anatomy was the best • limp buddies • nice card mine's better • 100 on some test • come visit this summer. LBI Good luck w1 college thanx for the support Love ya


JON rRIGANS James Bertan • Duden Are you ok, all those good times Some we don't remember andy's house over the summer. Halloween! Later!H Slow motion The creek Salt House. fells. Keep In touch II Andy Zderek • "We'll be back brave one" . What . . the Creek Halloweenll Salt House fells Keep in touch!! Brendan D. • Are we going. The Creek Halloween Salt house Keep In touch!! Sunny Sparano · "The Pepporoni Bread, It was full now It's all gone. Your house at 12am Are you going to get sick. Salt house LoveYalll Jenn Kelley • The One ... You'll always be my Little Girl. A Rosel Your basement Sr. Cotillion. Dinner at my house Sleeping over. Were you a good girl! What Is wrong with your car now Jenn?? Sayne Gargens. Mercer County Park all those late nights on the beach. My shore house. Mrs.B's office Jennifer!H Jon let me see what you are writing ... Come On!H Salt House Out to dinner. Your isters house Jenn do you want to learn how to drive stick? our not going to go w1out me are you. Jenn you ~~~6'8n~·, The fortune teller at L.B.I. Your mine forever. 1 MeLONY fURDA Michele Amari· Well the yr. Is over and we are finally out of N.D. I am glad we b-came so close U·R·A good friend to me. Remem· ber all our good times-prom night. U and Rich P. Tony and the "Burgerbit" crew. Tony going after Harry, walking to Hamilton Pab at 2 a.m., loosing mh pocketbook, waiting at Quick Check 4-a ride. My Blue Malibu, Margie M and Jay Taylor Hal hal Remember Basketball and our great practices and not to 4-Qet our conversations on the Bees Rides! . . . Pollana and Marls hal hal Our Halloween Dance, you and S.B. IHOP. Keep those memories with you and Keep In touch with me I Love ya girl I Lonnl· my girl, here It is graduation can U Believe It? It was fun wasn't It all the stuff we didl All our grat "Bonding" talks all the advice we shared with 1 another, doctor's appointments, B-Ball camp, Derricks house, Virginia. crackln or Jenn Ress (hal hal) with our low jokesl Calwader park. Night our with Keon and Cam· eron picking up A.p. Cotillion night at UR house. Super Bowl at my house. Our past a parties and sleep overs at my house me getting you out to sleep at B.S. house. Beating each other up at practice. UR pizza with ancholves (yuck) our wonderful conversa· tions, but most of all don't 4-get the fun we had. Hope we stay In touch. Thanx 4-belng a great friend. U have helped me out so much with a lot of things and I Love ya 4--lt. And guess what I saw Christopher !@#I a Columbus Kelly "sly" Blackburn I'm gonna miss ya girl it was fun. Don't 4-get me have fun next yr. and be good don't do anything I wouldn't do (ha that don't leave much) Remember lawrence's house and sleeping at my house. Buggln out at Derrick's. Cool· ing wlth Keon and Cameron But most of all complaining at Bas· ketball practice. Remember me a stay Slick I love ya K.B. Kerry· my "part·time friend", joking. It was great being friends and I hope we stay friends. Basketball was cool {syke) we had fun especially talking about people taking other people's men hal hal Don't 4-get never hang on the VCR shelf It just might Break and I don't think Dot would like that hal hal Stay crazy "crazy legs" and Keep in touch Love ya and Keep smiling Hal Hal To Miss Celtics fan I hate 2· Be the one to tell you but the L.A.· Lakers are #1 and Magic is 100% Better then Larry Bird. It was great playing ball with U we had fun don't 4-get all our wonderful practices and awesome games good luck 2·U Keep In Touch with me we R·rtght around the comer. Little Miss "Love" girt I'll miss cracking on you I really will. We had fun remember Dan and Dave in Cynamlson and don't·4-get Jamie and Tony M. your pillow and plate. Paying poker at Rich's house with Jamie and Tony and Rich. Our llttfe arguments, B·Ball practice Derrick's house. Driving my car to 7·11 and all our man hunts hal hal Call me If ya have any 4--me O.K. And don't do any· thing that doesn't Involve (hal hal) and don't 4-get our trip to watch Cameron Taylor play Ball ... M "Burg" himself I love ya too Death Bou and I hope by now you said C·ya. God did we have fun huh. Chemistry with J.B. and our chemical Bondlngs and dis· placements. Religion with Polla~. and our Halloween Dance you and M.A. In my room {hal hal) All the tights you almost got me in. All our chats, trying to find me a date 4--the Cotillion. You and UR damn women problems. You and J.B. being so stupid and blind. sam we had fun and now we R finally outa here so good luck and Keep In touch or I'll Kick UR Italian Sweet I@ #IIIII Love ya Baby. Miss Jamie· hey Babe what's up. Glad we 6-came friends we are so alike Its not even funny and we R· Both so damn stubborn when It comes to anything. Chemistry was a blast even though I didn't know a thing. Weill hope you said C·ya If not dO It now you and S.B. Belong 2-gether you's R· like a puzzle a perfect flt just like a "T" Keep In touch and don't loose your attitude. Love ya and next time don't take so long to realize UR feelings O.K. Ed "mr. attitude"· It was interesting knowing you. We'll never knOw how things could have been B..C U· were so stubborn and hooked on Sandy. Who knows maybe you'll come around. Keep in touch O.K. Love ya and don't 4-get how I always Bugged you. Boy wasn't I a nag? (Hal Hal) My Cuz Kyle· We R·butta here thank god! Lunch and religion were a blast huh. Wh had some great chats about people huh! Good Luck in all you do and good luck with Brian Keep In Touch Love UR Cuz Always Roger you and me a one on one Ball game. Bet I think UR to scared to play me B..C U know I'll kill ya (hal hal). Chemistry was

cool hope we get together after graduation and hand out UR a great guy Keep in Touch O.K. Kathy· hey girlfriend how·R·U. We R·out of N.D. thank God don't 4iJet hanging out in the woods with Tommy. Joey and Cart and most of all don't 4-get my little accident with the telephone pole. English a Law were cool we made it fun. Good Luck with all UR guys we'll go man hunting sometime O.K. Pokl· Graduation is here I can't believe we made It We had our ups and downs but UR always a friend. Don't 4-get going to Patterson 4· Tony.O; Swimming in the River U and Mike always fighting, all the times you slept over my house fighting with All· cia, all our talks about Joey Stout, and the crew. Don't 4-get the "Bogarts" and all that I@ II and all our tights boy were they fun. Keep In touch and let me know when U and Mike get married 0. K. I better be In the wedding. Don't 4-get prom night how It was fun. Hal hal Miss Manners our friendship may be gone but our memories are always here to stay remember Mike Chlattl and Tony 0 .. me running away, us sneaking out to go to Tony 0. and Mikes house sleeping In the dog house and truck B-C we got locked out. Breaking the cellar window to get ln. "Kiss the Damn wall". Deliv· erlng my newspapers, going to electric playground. Kevin Ed· wards, Steve Stackhouse, Babysitting Luis and John-John, Joe Welsh, Jerry roruly and UR Bday with Chris (hal hal). Us sharing Boyfriends (hal hal). All our sleep overs. Our B-Ball times and all our arguments. I don't know what happened with us we were the Best or friends but we are both I@@#! and very stubborn huh good Luck In all you do and who knows what will happen with us K.J.T. and If we don't ever speak again just remember the friend· ship we once shared WAS GeNUINE. To "My name Isn't In It Keith"· Religion was fun and our talks were Interesting. You are a sneaky person. Gym was fun too. Don't 4-get the men sweating you ath the Soup Kitchen (hal hal) graduation Is here and I hope you Keep In Touch with me I'd be pretty mad If you 4-got me. Never 4-got me. Never 4-get UR once In a life time Volleyball block It only happens once: IN UR CASE c·ya Urkel {Hal hal) It all started in our 11th grade religion class when you used to make me laugh and then we became really good friends. This yr. we got closer and I am happy 4 that. Don't ever 4-get all our good times and all our letter writing and our phone conversations. Don't 4-get the soup kitchen, U making fun of my Blue hunk of junk car, All my B-ball games you came to watch, driving my new · car, you at Calwader park fighting with Cameron In the middle of the street, complaining about UR ripped sweater. "Adrian" Me Snealdng over at 4a.m., Coming over on Super Bowl, playing BBall, our fun gym class and don't 4-get Boring History together. Oetting UR tape covers done {ha)! We had a lot of good times together boy and 'II always remember them! I llke you a Jot "K" but you just don't seem to realize it. We shared a lot of things and I'll keep them close to me hope you remember them as well. Friendships can last 4-ever and I hope this is one that will. Just as long as you don't mess with R.P. (Ha) things will be O.K. hope we keep In touch and still continue to be friends even though you played me out like that! I Love Ya. Mr. Rotondo "Cone Head" I am gonna miss you the most. You R·so terrific and I Love you with all my heart. I'll remember all our good times 2-gether me going to the shore with you and you being there to talk too. You have helped me out so much and I am so grateful to have you in my life. U·R· my coach and also my friend and you make me feel good about myself. I thank you for all U have done 4·me and 4 all the advice. I know I am stubborn at times but It does sink in I hope we Keep in Touch with one an· other I Love you Mr. Rotondo and don't U 4-get It ya hear mel!!

TIMOALWCCI M + D·Thanx u 4 the gret educ. u abled me to have these past 4 yrs. If It wasn't 4 u I wouldn't of lasted the full 4 yrs. U were there 4 me through thick+ thin. Thanx again II LOVE U BOTH! CA + M·Even though u guys always teased me about how much I talk on the phone believe It or not I did dO some sch. work. CA thanks 4 being the best big sis. anyone could have. Mike thanx 4 always listening to all my stories. Even though we don't get along at all times, thanx 4 being a big brother 2 such a bimbo. BB·Love ya your fav. BB , . 0 + P·Love yas w1 all my heart. Thanx 4 all the great dinners. 0+ Mr.K·Thanx u Mr.K 4 the Beautiful Woodwork. Gram thankx 4 always there 2 listen 2 my probs. M.C.·You·ve seen me grow up these past 17 yrs. You 've been the best to me. thanx. • J + M·U were always there 4 me 2 talk 2,thanx. nove you both. e +A· u are the most coolest peo. 2 hang out w1+ talk 2. Ms. Wargo-Your the most undrestandlng,cartng, loving + greatest tech. that any student could ask 4. Ms.Majors,Mr.James, + Mr.Dambro-1'11 never forget gym class! Mrs. B·Even though we had some good+ bad times In class. Your class was my rav. his. class In my 4 yrs. at NO. Ms. Dempsey·Your span. class was the greastestl Mrs. J. SaH learned many things In your class. Mr. Boyle-I'll never 4 get RK class. Ms. 0· Your the greatest HR teach. Mat+ Oeo-l'm glad we became frds this yr. Hei·Maybe next yr. u will HA·HA. Ja+Ric·The biggest pervets I know. U guys are the funni· est,never change. Great·Your a great frd.Love BB Nlc·l'm glad we are frds. thanx 4 always being there 4 me. Car·l'm glad we r frds after everything we went through.OL w; Brt. . T ·Thanx 4 being my frd. +being able to put up w1me. Love Yal Rach·U r the most craziest person I've ever met.never change. I hope we're frds till the end. Jen M.·Never forget RK + ACC class. KIT Brld·l'm glad were frds. Thanx 4 always listening 2 me. OL w; Tony. See ya at your wedding. Mer·l go there e.d.,o.s. I forget the other one.don't 4 get 2 pack your bags.Mems.shore.bowllng, shooting pool.+ Brl's house. friends rorever.KJT. OL w1 Dan. S.O.·MAYBE YOU'LL GROW UP·NOTJIII P.O. to all the b+a who were ever mean to me.(esp. S+ S.O.) Fran·U r cute,never change. Mlch·U r the greastest Bf' anyone could ask 4. We have shared many good mems. Don't ever forget them. Summer-shore,boy talks + all the crazy times we went through.Don't forget-gossip sessions. We are the prettiest glrls·HAHA. Bob- POOPY, mems. from ftowers.rtng, to a diamond necklace etc. Thanx HONI U r great 2 me, u mean the world 2 me. Never forget the Nov. crash + fri. night b.s. at Laurie's and games at Cindy's. ~RICA GARR.CTJ' Amy· Never forget all our great Urnes in history. Remember. We II do our history together .. . We've been through a lot these past three years· Lenny and Stan .. flelen ... all our men, all our parties, all our problems: but we made It (Just barely). Always re· member· I love you (Kerrnlt voice) and I'll always be there for you, your friendship means alot to me. Kate- Never forget our seven classes together Freshman year, our long phone conversaUons, Barry's party, my party. Phameas. NINe, wedgell. Old you just brush your teeth?, He 5afd, She Said, (great movlel), our best pal rose (yeah rtQht). my obsessions with T.P. and M.B., your obsession with C.P. 'this past summer was Interesting and traumaUc (menll). Remember "And then six years later you find yourself singing "Surry with a Fringe on Top' In front of I raJ" You're the best fi1end anyone can have. Good luck

at T.S.C. I love ya! Joe· Never forget all great times we·ve been through. I look for· ward to the many more to come. Thanks for always being there for me. I will love you always and forever. Mary· we·ve been friends for as long as lean remember. Never forget all our great soccer teams and our fun times at lncama· tion. You·ve always been a great friend when no one else was. Thanks for all those Anatomy notes. You're the best, llove your Katrina· Thanks for all those rides last year and for being con· cemed when I was upset. You're a great friend. Good luck with Mike and at Moravian. Megan· To my best friend and cousin since birth· Never forget all our great times together, especially with Aki and Jim .. . "We're goin" ridin " on the Freeway". and "Guns in the sky" . . . foible and the Geek at home. Thanks for letting me practically live at yourhouse. I love you! DAVIDGAT~R

This is a message to all of my friends. Remeber Veterans Park (Fireworks), and thanks for all the fun times. and the support you gave me when I needed it the most. JayO:Fiamer, Zepplin freak, Play some Skynard, Come clear +sit on my ca-, Remember out·back at my house·1st time, Liq· uid TV, Bobby+ Billy, Beavis+Butthead, Hey who Is it I'm a com· ing, Remember Anderson, Shultz, Martin, +Keams, I get 1 ton of fanmail, Thanksgiving Dinner at Perones, Hallway immature screams. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat. Domingo: Remember Barker's Backseat, SOCO +Dip don't mix, Yeah Right. Ren + Stimpy, Chess and Monopoly wars, the won· derful world of metal+ Oprea?, the J. Ch. factor, Should we go to the mall Dennys or shoot pool-decisions. Dracs house+ the win· dow. Hey lets go skiing. Rose:Don 't ever forget football game freshman year, home· made cards, Perverted notes+ jokes in dass, the Steve years, A dozen Roses, Don't try E··t··y without me. Remember always looking at the stars and the moon over the phone. Vince W:l love your SICK sense of humor, Piece of Strudel , (WHAT), Remember Retreat. Don't ever leave Annie. Get Hoffa for l.lS.

Harry Masterson: Ruby no Booby, Retreat was awesome. Go back to Michigan. Anybody want to go to Denny's, Remember what fell out of your pocket on my stairs, REALLY COOL. party·10 guys + lgirl, A Fist and Seven-what luck, Groundhog Day or 2 hot women and Untamed Heart. Someday you'll see spiders too. Amy G:What! We have a Physics test oh well, Don't go to class without me, Hey what happen to your eyes, You and your amazing butt always blocking lockers, E.T., Physics desk wars, Always stay the same and keep on flirting! VinceB: the Mexican Gardener walked in . .. , Just look at my wrists, Touring the TSC campus with Doritoes. Greg M: your worse in pool than I am. Jeff Smlth:Hey can I borrow your bookbag-hey what's this In· side lt. and get more money for it. Dugal + Brook:! can get you ID's for $10 next time come to me. Nick D:l got to get into LeHigh, I'm gonna plaster your mailbox, eat a Cinnamon-bun for me, Don't mooch any money in college. Remember the carrot fights at lunch. Ryan Z:Sorry about your car. yeah rightll Bill W: I want my ping·pong paddle back! Sarah C: Remember English Class. Retreat, Untamed Heart+ Denny's. Tina G:Remember the U2 concert or what you can recall. + the fun we had with Rachel. Eve, and Chris. Fr. Dennis:Thanks for an unbelievable experience on retreat, I respect your openness and honesty with us. AMY GLAHN Kyte·the square root.remember all those great times we've been through ... apples anyone?Or would you rather go fishing? We're late .. . AGAIN,paranoia,Our private Spanish talks, want to buy a duck?,Trudy·will we ever see her again?, ET Is dead (sob,sob),"Ewing·s in the house",New Yorker. lost in a neighbor· hood , the Steamy,sultry sofa,Dylan "Everybody must get stoned" ." the sky is falling" .Remember everyone near~ear In our hearts· VTl!(JB.TC, " daddy",SS,SKl!(RV(hal), JA,EA,"howdy doody", and PSI love you.Our home in my car, 7-ll,Denny's anyone·Pl..EASEI. CG's,IHOP,Vanessa's· But most of all remem· ber yours truly. I wouldn't be alive today w;out you.God will al· ways talk to us ... Thanks for always being there . . . "And If you wonder what I would do,l would do anything, If I could you know I would." Love, the 2nd part of our square. -GLAHN Vanessa· Obsessions are your passlon.Aiways remember our crazy fresh.fsoph. year·what were we thinking? Manasha quar· tro?AGAIN?No·you don't share! Whose leg Is this? Remember your bathtub·! didn't get Mr. Bubble though. Soundgarden tapes.disco ball (you' re welcome).JBl!(Tc·the best vacation ever!Mouthing conversations, the sultry SOda, Tim's house New Year's . . . my robe!, moon over my hammy, "do the hustle", "TTTOUCH ME" ,Fireworks-we created the fog. dog poop, coming in for a landing. 'Tm going to have a heart attack", "I want more(less)", the DSPI,CRASH!. "Hook me up,hook me up!". And our all time, forever-long joke'"Shamiel, Shamiel . . . Incorporated. "Girlfriend, I will always love you.·Anytime.any· where, anything." ·Love, GLAHN Kel·what's up Shaka?Confuslon· "What do I do?"Aiways re· member everything . .. Ice tea cans In the snow,your safe house for runaways,major muchies, gym wjDambro,psycho mom sto· ries, my unquenchable deslres·lO months?I"'W'·it's OK!We've been through many a funny times-Bloomsburg here we come.Never forget me. Love, GLAHN Wo·wo-Guess who?We "artists" must stick together.Aiways re· member lunch-smashing cans,french fries-no salt l!(our hoagie days.My storiesjproblems-thanks for llstening.Mural painting business??1.25 cigs-Yeah.Getting around Trenton· Love, GLAHN Erica·what can I say??Remember everything-your great parties ... Bancroft ... jello cubes . .. 1st night I slept over·halhal .. . all those men·SS,KS, GJ,CB("did he" . . . )CWl!(CW(ha!) HELfNII don't tlirt! clean sheets mix, well we've been through muchothanks for everything. Love ya, GlAHN Joe-Yes?Are you going to the clty?l promise no more dlssing . Is It 90210 night?Prlnceton In the rain ... sitting by the lake· Kyte·want to go swimming?High phone bills-your faultJWasn't Ride a great show?! .. . Jerkl .. . Don't talk to Skittles . . . picked up from Elmer's conversations about the compulsive liar . .. you've been the greatest-don't forget about me. Love, the ever famous gullible Glahn. David·Burger Klngl, We would've flunked physics w/out each other,never forget all my mood swings, one day I'll quit and you better not start again .. thanks for always being there for me-espe· dally that one crazy day. You better call. Love, Amy BILLGO~RTZ

Kathy Provost·! know, so many guys so little tlmeiRemember that summer I went to New Mexico?lt was one of my favorite sum· mers.Oh yeah and thanx for waiting till I got back-you made me very sad. zaleski·! doubt this Is the last time I'll hear from you, but just in case I don't see ya,you've been a great friend. PS SPIKE and STIL.LETTO live. Jeff Wig·Hey Wigglert!What exactly did I say to provoke the " Sleepless Dog"??Beats me?! PS AARROUGH?? Stalfa·The staffa infection!ha!ha!Waltll'm sorryll'm onl:y foolln' around·Put Down That Barbed Wire Wrapped BatiSorry I just lost control there. Hope we all stick around during or after college for

the "Sleepless Dog. "Oh yeah! PS STOP THATil Carrie Hrltz-Hey Carrie-remember when I didn't want to sing for you guys?l'm glad I changed my mind.! hope ''The Dog" sticks around for a long tlme.Uh Oh gotta go Because .. . "I think it's time for bed!" lnverso-Remember that day in the library when I was "Dream· ing" that I was running in the woods.Uh oh,STOPl STOP! I'm fine I just built walls around me so Bad thoughts can't enter my brain. PS Yes you've heard it before and I'm going to say It again. You have been the best friend I've had since I got to this ft,~~'::k~~~~~~~~ ~~;r ~~~~~that. PSS Donchew ever forget


Bill Lloyd-You've been a great friend. Don't ever forget 9;Y'!l• or was It jlsm class? PS What do you mean you hate DanZJgl I'm sending the Archfiend ofheii-Asteroth to find you and slay you !I Cereste·Remember freshman year. One word. MEGADETHII Thoennes·Holy fragaroii-Keep me outiThanx for the skuii(DAN· ZIG)on my guitar it's awesome. PS Who reads this section of the yearbook anyway and yes, I will break legs if It's not right. Everyone-To all my many friends,flends,and Goertz wanna be's. I love you all very much. You an gave me the best years or my life,well except the hair length rulell know I will probably never see any or everyone ever agaln,our time and place,now It Is gone's time to start a new life for ourselves,and build on that new life What ever any of you become in llfe,elther a street sweeper or an executive,BE THE BfST DAMN WORKER YOU CAN! Always be trusted by people by being honest In your line of life. Martin Luther King Jr. said It best when he said "I have a dream" .If you have a dream.follow it and catch It, never, ever let It slip awayiAgaln I love you all and I'll miss you,good luck and hopefully I'll see you at a 10 year reunion. Thank you. DAN· ZIG·llove yall Mom, Dad,and Bob· I know I'm not that great of a son but I try,l may not say much to you but that Is me.l may never say" I love you", but I do.J may not show appreciation but I do In my own very subtle way. Thanks for everything. Love, Bill God·Thank you the most.for what you have given me in life. Mary-Death ... In Its arms.Aiong wjthe Book.And yes Lobo rules. Everyone again-The senior quote you all read was the best I could do for the day before It's due.So hey this here Is my real senior quote· "When you think of severed heads: think of my face:thlnk of your llfe:because I warned you. SfANGOLDCN Mike Czako-"Hey,who's the kid wjthe big ears?" Peanut butter sandwiches l!( the ice cream.SJEKO or was It Checko?Pier 18. "'s get some wetsults. "Hey guys I los.t my . .. " Hey Mike you hungry-let's go to Rob's. Bert's our boy.Franko, Antonio, etc. What car you gonna have this week?"Why doesn't she just leave me alone?" SIZZLER. 7 years of CZAK. You're my boy. GOLDEN Chad Blruk·Biruuuk. Freshman algebra."Oh Lord." Remember Clark and the Potato Bllght.Burke Is nasty.FRIED OJL.But the jeep Is still golng.Down the shore wjCJ.That chic broke myra· dlo,We ran 22 blocks.why?"ls Harvy giving you any trouble?""! don't know what It ls,but it'll sure wake ya up." Put It on the back burner Martha,we gotta go clean. Many purple hearts.Captain ... , "HIM", Hey Jen,Hey Jen ... come here. "Sean, do you think you could give me a ride?"NO,Oet the $700.Jeep.OASH. Go head Chad. GOLDEN Rob Liberto-Hey guys I lost my ... , I got get. . . . Rob's house is like Disney L.and. Let's go to Tulipan.Pier 18-1 don't think so. " BRAT MAN", How come you never get mad?No more phone calls for Golden.So what are you doing tonight?Football stunk. Maybe we should have kissed a little ... , Yo man I'm rally sorry about CS.Roberto,Golden, Berto-So much to remember. Your boy. Golden CHRIS OOODRICH Sal-Almost in '92,exam study group,Batmoblle, Pool any· one,eggs l!( bacon, the dryer,interior, Yes you cani.Rider,l..BI. New Years Eve.nlce shirt,WPC,No ... No ... No ... • But cat. shoe box,Tamoo,GET OFF,basement (a couple) Ewing,Halfa, dlv· lng,Phll.Top 51. Potter-In Your Eyes,Say Anthing,Ga Go Home,The Bath· tube,OFF the deck,cards, l..Bl,lace up the Blrks,legs,Trltt,Greg l..u· ganls, Sheldon, Stanley,Texas, soccer; almost,WPC(the drive).the Moose(LBI),New Years Eve,Drake,Ewing crew,movies w1 market yourself. Skip-the basement:JC,CR, flag,SS,KK (almost), I'm in love, Why can't you just be happy for me manl,the Toe,LBI,Moose, bear my children, New Years,poot. L.elgh.Switch Cotillion '92,diss,in my house Dude. Jimmy P·Ring ceremony,take me to 91st Street,the ride,l..BI. the wall,runnlng L.Bl,you saved my life man,JC grandparents,SS, (MS,TS)·too bad. whipped on -----,Noel's B·room,AI's bathroom,Ryan(Fireman's carry). Ryan·Toby,presldent, Brewery(New Years).Jlmmy P·fireman's carry,Ga Go Home. building Neil's desk set.the chair,SN·?, pool,coffee, l..BI.(hot dog; hamburgers;potatoes; sausage), an· noylng twins, Pot Tarts,the sleep,playing cards. Amy W-squirrel,basement, movies(Fried Green Tomatoes),SS (almost),the dlss. Whip-its. whip-cream, legs,Jscream,Nice Pants. Debbie-just frlends,dinner, lnconsiderate,moody olga. Big Joe.Mikey, Katzenbach,The Wave,Cimino, SS,JB(the war), " Goodrich said it", bullets.nlce shoes. Missy Cefalone-best friends(91-92),What happens,Cotllllon 92, movies, Thanksgiving 90,Stemmer 90-Leave her alone,mlss you lost my best friend. RR,Valentlne's Day(No Way).nlce try,CS,base· ment, Pa Jammer,Not good at lt,my mom (are you slck),Good luck, I really do miss us.Fizz.nlce smell (Lisa), SORRY. Tara·AI.back seat,Annoy me, BJ, Red Shoe Dairy, Barry,CI.Brook's (the bet),D/(Soclology),floods. Jimmy P,my base· mentdoset. Helen Jean-Freshman McDonalds, your basement, whipped, we call. summer 92,Till 4:30,GOTTA HAVE IT,MORP, MK,MM(whlpped), SORRY! Soccer Boys-JB.JB,BP·Keep the tradition alive,you guys can do lt.Aimost In 92. DanH love you,:5,whlpped,on the Palm,the summer (Dis), User,Finally, (JB,GS), Don't think about lt,Forever, Ballet,the Night (BL.),J'm tlred,Don't go, :5::50, Michigan sweatshirt, the stom· ach,moody,B-Ich,Phantom, the Doctor,ln the basement,New Year·s Eve,rumble seats.! said It 1st.the football game,you al· most lost me. Together forever. SHANTCORADY ~landra, These last 4 years we have had our ups and downs be we have had alot of fun. I will always remember freshman year when we got busted the weekend of my birthday. Well were outha here. I well miss you keep in touch. Love Ya Andra, We did not know each other that well in Ull this year. We did have alot of fun hanging out together. You need to stop car· lng about what everybody thinks and do what ever you want to do. Sorry about your birthday. I will come back and visit you.YourGirl Kelly, I well always remember going to Burger King and bugging out after the football games. Your going to need a whole new lunch table and lunch partner. That should be fun with the Jrs. Oh excuse me Srs. I well see when !come back. See Ya Vanessa, What's up girlfriend we are outha here. No more IWl· ning like were crazy on that hole In the ground. No more hearing Wrobo saying "Suck It up" all the time. !well try to keep in touch when we go to college. Love Ya The Winter Track Girls, Well girls I have to go now I know every· one well miss me. SIKEIII But I well come back and visit. I hope

you have fun with Wrobo and run some 200m for me. Love You Guys Megan, HI Meg. How are you. I am really glad that we became friends this year. But we are finally outha here. We had to deal with Ms. G.T. Ms. L Ms.B and Ms.M but together It was fun.One day we well go sking together even if we have to do It when we are in college on Christmas break. Have fun In college and keep In touch. Love Ya Sophie, What's up evil. 1 know you are happy that we are leav· lng this great place. SJKEIII I just wanted to tell you even though you are evil I steal had fun with you In lunch and English. I well always remember M.s. L class and how she did not like you know who. Remember you always. Your Olrt Glenda, HI crazy. How are you crazy. Don't start laughing In till I finish. I well always remember all those times you would laugh every time Ms. L would tell Tanya to stop talking or when Mr. A would yell at somebody. I hope you have fun In college and keep laughing. Love Ya Tiffany, Hey girlfriend. We are finally outha here. I really don't know about you but I am so happy. No more laughing at Ms. S you know who I am talking about. Don't laugh that's not nice. I well see you when we come back to visit Notre Dame. SIKflll Your Girl Anastasia, Hey girl. What's up. Weare outha here gllfrlend. No more homeroom with Ms. H. No more Parnell getting on our nerves in the hallways. Have fun in college. Your Girl Oscar, HI Honey. What's up. f'or the first part of these 4 years that we have been here you were very mean to me everyone told me It was because you liked me. But I just laughed in there face. But our Jr year you finally told me that you liked me after abusIng me for 2 years. We have had ups and downs. outs and Ins. People In our business and everything else but with our love we managed to stay together. lwell miss you when we go to college. But we well be together forever. Love Always MICHAeL SHAPSON louis Crivelli· Coming over at 2:00 in the momin~ Pat's by 2:15 (too early, the freaks are still at the bars). Late mght drives though Trenton. When you get here (:5:00a.m.) we'll make popcom. The Select Society of Mr. Mojo Risen. Ms. Gavin's Honors English Ill (we answered, what about 90% of the questions she asked) When should we look for that flat in Greenwich Village, we better find one near a small cafe with good poetry. Where Is the piano? Nicholas Barbosa· Since St. Pauls (How Is Joe doing). The beach· Jen and Shannell (Which one do you nt?) Boys State (The food wasn't bad) Nick. do your advanced comp? Physics L.ab! What's my point? Remember, I have permanent shotgun In the jeep.'s go skiing. Michael Bartram- Thank you, good evening and what can I tell you? Except that its been great. ShapTrum and BartSon. which one will handle the video department I suggest we do one enti· tied, "The Sounds of Silence". The Select Society of Mr. Mojo Risen. Ms. Gavin. Distance men never die, they just trade their trainers for a couch (but they keep the flats). Guess what? That's high school and we are outta' here! Anthony lnverso- What's red and goes up and down? A tomatef in an elevator (HAl HAl) BENCH BROTHERS! We survived football. You are the best slngerjdancer;actor I have ever met. EAGL.fSI Daniel Comer· The Timberline Connection. Millstone Little League. The Deli. Friends since we were five. How's Jeff? Mark Jablonski· Onward to Bourbon Street! Sarah Conboy- "Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss. Another flashing chance at bliss, another kiss, another kiss. " T ank you for opening new DOORS. Karen Krajacic· Here are the top ten reasons you are getting this alphabet soup message: 10) Your a great friend. 9) Cotillion '92 8) Ticket for Dave! ... someday. 7) Your eyes match your coat. 6) I was told to do so by little green man with nuclear weap· ons, 5) SCORE! If you loveJesusl4) Our really strange conversa· tions . .3) My name is Michael and I am here to SING! SINGI SING! 2) That beautiful snowflake. And the number one reason your getting this message: You're keen, 'nough said. Kristin Chebra- L.adles and gentlemen thank you for this Tony Award, I believe It will keep Oscar and Emmy company. I would like to take this moment to thank someone who has been Instrumental in my decision to enter the world of theater and acting. She gave me my first break as Napoleon in "The Maxmllllon Af· fair" and encouraged me to pursue a role In "Guys and Dolls". Her encouragement, along with that of my beautiful wife Melissa, have given me the Inspiration I needed. Thank you Kristin, I only hope someday I will have the honor of sharing the stage with a star as bright as you. Heather Cyms· Thanx for being there for those rides to Tren· ton. You know, you are the first streetwalker I ever tried to pick- up. You make a wonderful hippie on organic food. Thanx for your help at Sears. You are a great friend. P.S.· Someday we will record "Obladee Oblada" Chrissy Diliberto- Ever since.. ou sat behind me freshman year In Ms. L.ang's English class I knew that someday you would be a yearbook editor. It has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. Thanx for the Sting tickets, they were the absolute best seats. Kate Hess- Sting! Isn't he cool? Yearbook has been great (most of the time) You are a fantastic singer and actress. Bridget Bradburn· When shall we start the Notre Dame Alumni Cross Country Team? Suzanne Toporek- I have actually known you since plglalls and Millstone soccer, but only started talking to you in high school. Bike riders and walks with Matthew In the woods, taking Matthew out to dinner (you make a great mother). Church- maybe I will sit in the main section. Baby Sitting· those wonderful rum cookies (don't worry, we'll just add water). Greenl Maybe we will have seven. Baseball in your backyard. Thanx for helping me with my shopping. Call me when you are home from college. we'll go out for coffee. You are a great friend. Melissa Cattani- "More than life It self'. You are like Pretty Woman, only more beautiful. Do not worry, I will meet you at the exit of95. RED [green]. The prom(s) and the C tllllon. VIsiting my father In the hospital in our formal wear. 2(1/92. Rush, The CryIng Game- next time you chose the movie 2/7/92. The upstairs office now has carpet. Bonnie Ralt, Whitney Houston· I still nave all of the music mUles you gave me. (I love the "Strange Days" album) Your red car- actually I think you are an excellent driver, parking (maybe). directions (I think it Is best If 1 handle those). 10/24/92. Watching T.V. at Lou's house. All of those conversa· tion In your kitchen. You sUII are In possession of that gorgeous ring I gave you from the vendlnQ machines at Sears, right? Some· day we will trade It In for a real one (a real expensive one!) rdo not worry, I will settle for three] If I have forgotten something lm· portant, that is because I did It on purpose, since I never plan on us not being together. Tottala, lluv you, always. Ms. Gavin, Ms. L.ang· Someday I hope to fill my barrel. Bobby· If you are not In the car when I come out, I am leaving without you! Thanks for keeping me company on those long rides to Notre Dame (Don't worry, you will be right on time for En· gllsh) Do not waste your talents, they are too numerous. Never stop running, Bobby, you were born to flyl P.S. Thank you to Dad, Mom. Brian. and Matthew- I love you all. SUI'tNYSFARAI'fO The Deerfield Gang· EM, JM, JF, PN, SW, AB, PS, KN, AC, AN, BP, CS, BB, Mf· always remember hangln' out on the weekends, the deerfield, getting caught. band practice· stay cool guys! I'll missyal THE BRAT PACK· JD, JP, JK, KC, SO, KB, CS, KJ, JC, HT· al· ways remember the summer of 92' • 9151 street rules, the


"Catch", dinner at my house before the Blue &: White Dance. JoAnn's house over Christmas, There are so many good times&: good memories. We still have this summer together &: make more. I love all you guys and I'll miss you all next year. Good luck and remember guys- we're gonna change the world! Fr. Dennis· Thanks for all the great chats! Not to mention all your good advice. I'm gonna miss not having you around next year! How am I gonna make it through college without you? Thanks again for everything! I love yal Nicole Regan· Where should I start? The poisonous Berries. your grandmothers heart pills, cracking your head on the table, going to the hospital, fights over barble dolls. nursery school· 1 was a bad influence even then! "You left me flat," roller skating. riding bikes. our infamous bike ride to the soda tree, "Stop it· you 're scaring mel", fighting over John Cimino, our obsession with New Kids and Tour of Duty, the New Kid concert, Me&: Mark L. at John's house, you &: Mark L. at Vincent's Pizza. your obses· sion with Doug, my love for Jeffrey- "Watch out-behind the bushes!". he called 21 times. riding down Hudson Street, Roy Rogers. "You'll be back· I told you sol", 17 times was too much, "He was hitting on you at homecoming!" Me, you and rete going to the movies. your obsession with Joe Quincy, "Jigger's cute&: he's really nice tool", Me Matt, you &: Jaimle at the Stadium. Matt· " Nothing compares to you," Bum·our stage· Ray was your boyfriend, Scott was mine, "Maybe we'll meet again?", Sean Mill· er· first kiss! Jay Martinez· "''m not going out with Molly." Riding around with Jay, "More than words can say"= Nicole· this song is for youl" "I can't believe you kissed him!" Go find your hat!, Blue&: White Party, " I hooked up with James." ride to Millstone. "Groovy kind of love" ·"What a liar." He sure fooled mel "How much do we hate him?" "Sunny· I'm disappointed!" DC· she puts on a better act then everyone else! But they're '1ust friends "! You and Erik· the ducks are full of love," "How about my dad?" "I love Lyman· he's great!". it's not my fault· you asked for it! Valentine's Day- House of Shll. Met Tip. Driving Elvis' car (stick shift), Long Beach Island· the guys at Bay Village. Wild· wood· you and Yanlv at Quo Vadls; Always remember me &: Jim· what you went through this summer! Junio¥ &: Senior Prom '92. "After School Naps &: KTT. mashed potatoes. lentil soup, " Beaches," "The Wind Beneath my Wings." There are too many great memories to list them alii You're the best and I'd be lost If 1 didn't have you around! We've been "Best Friends" since we were :5 and It's gonna stay that way forever! Good Luck in every· thing you do and don't ever change! There's so many good times ahead for us! I love ya, Chiquita!· Me Jim Primerano- Always remember May 1. 1992· Junior Prom night· did you have fun with your date? It should've been me and you! There's been good and bad times but forget the bad and re· member all the good· Senior Prom '92. RRI. the butter and cool whip. grandma washing dothes at 3:00 am, sophomore year· "our 1st kiss. " my goofy cards and notes, the night I cooked you dinner. Al's house· the towel rack, John's sister's house· " The bathrooms." Watching movies in your room and listenin$J to the radio. "When I'm with you," "The Search is Over," "Chns· be a friend and take me to 91st Street!," Jalmle's house. picking you up at Neil's at 2:00am. "I hate you Sunny!". your "lectures," (Con' t on page :SOl.) MICHAfL GUGLif:LMO Adam Bucon·EstheriLindsey McKorkle Ann Salay,remembermake eye contact w; Loti,Big Bertha&: her balls. me always talk· ing about Melissa,please don't stop on the yellow llnes,Jody the red headed Nancy &: her tight clothes.Aiicla,gettlng a physical 2gether, Selina Quest. Sabre.Letilla,Yvonne the cow, the real " moo-moo", '"Chicken. chicken, chicken-beans. rolls, rolls "Becca.her" fat legs.floodlng the catering party at GA,halry Larry, JC.kllling the old man, seagull&: plg,getting lost w;Renee. break· ing into Matt's car at GA,when I drove w;my parking break on, '"we want 4" ,the phone # that never exlsted,the big water fight w;the LBI girls.long endless hrs. working at GA.Dave,Ran, Sandy,flov.Fiama. Ray&: food Fair.when you kissed cs. her dad who's gonna kill you,when you kissed Krispy, the girl w;the pink dress,moving away from " them" at the Cotillion,bowtlng w;Mr. S,the thing on "his" nose,bowling wjthe bad people, when me&: Matt told you to leave bowling and you did,winning a radio at LBI,"Shock Em Dead", "Sieepaway Camp",the $15 you lost,when a bee stung my grandma,praylng for writing on your bookbag.your squeaky car, thanx for being a good friend. Atso.l need stoma to stoma Baby! ·Mike Matt·LBI 2 years in a rowiWanna make It :5?0r how 'bout 41Ann Spagnola. Jen M &: her tan pants. when I forgot to tell you to call her, '"we want 4", the girls we met In the flood.the # that's still out of service,free ice cream at your store. trying to get Renee for Adam,Yvonne,your be<l wounds, SabreStacy Anderson.dressing her at the mall.the calendars you bought going to eat chicken wings, Nick's obsession W/himself,volleyball at MCP, Ann at the water slides,speedlng In your car,when we told Adam to leave &: he walked home,when we got jumped going to 7-ll,when me and Adam broke Into your car at GA.when you told Adam you had to be tested for HJV,glad we're friends. ·Mike Melissa-Hey honey! The love of my life. My m. ptincess wjthe "spot", nice eyesf,HIJ Big Bertha &: her balls·you cheated,my poem-can't believe you kept it.ISSYKE JSSYME.golng to mass, the color green.bubble wrap: watching Mr. Blll.lacey, our 9 1/2 hour phone conversations. "squeeze me-please me" ,the movies·Aiad· din,A Few Good Men-what's It about?, when you had to laugh.when I told Mrs. MeG. that me and Adam killed the old guy, the kid on the garbage can behind us at the movies.watchlng you dance·picklng your wedge on camera,my cologne,my sur· prlse,my faces,sludying for History. getting stuck In traffic for 3 hours.the 4 months I waited for you-told you I would,JC,Cotll· lion. talking In my car. the foggy windows. moving away from ''them", prom. when I flirted w;you last year. the log flume at WW,mule·nag.your love taps, soft skln,Geeeeeeee.down-down· down! getting filmed by my uncle,Gary reading your book.walk· ing 2 class 2gether, when we stole Chip,all the wlntogreen you bought me. You're very sweet,you turned my life around.Thanx for the key 2 your heart·l'll always keep lt.Thanx for the great times.l love you&: always will. 1Q-16·92-4ever.t love you. Love. Mike Renee·Thanx for the free Roy'sl,l enjoyed the Jambada.falllng sociology,Mrs. doing anything for a ride home, ·Mike Sue-one thing·'d you put up w;me or talk· lng to Matt a whole year?,KS calling you a troll. personally 1 think you look like ET:Joke,you lau~hing at me and Mellssa,the pointy ~~~~~in the back of your ha r,when I wrote on your bookbag. Mlchele·Amarl!l Hey babel Really glad we became friends, re· member all our high·5s.when me&: Melissa stole Chlp,when Mr D thought we were going outgoing to the weight room,me spot· ting you,Thanx for being a great friend-Never forget me·l won't be able to forget you. I've had a lot of fun times w;you.Oood luck w; Mlke.Keep him-he's got a great name! Make sure you keep In touch·l 'll miss you after this year. ·Mike


Mf:REDITH GUHL Chtissy Ounson·Stupid &: I'm w;stupid,sldeklcks, 12·26·89. smell the bench.skipping schooi.Bulldog &:Turtle. Peachy,Nick's car,Rachei.LBI '90,the sea and the water(CW), I lost the bet.knock the pillows over,outside shower.your pants are on backwards.klcked out of Beach Haven Fishery, the bal· cony, Pat D., FS,cookle monster.TH&:TL·lst loves "Broad",payp· jones. beeper #'s,Richie ' s,Denlse, 12-year olds across the

street,Lamich,the Trent,Lamont (Rico Suave).maced. garbage cans In front of Villa Rosa, Illegal driving, " this Is the Hyundai", stupid jerk.she can crash In my bed, ON kissed me AK &: TL un· der the kitchen table, (FS),EM &: CR.I can 't help falling in love w; you,Seniorprom '92.0ood luck wfChris. Love. Meredith Usa-service project,Hilton Head,LO,lst night-Lisa-what should I doj,Ewing High, the volvo,getting air,after wchool, bathroom pd.6,Newport,smoking the filter, "Believe me. you don't want that bagell",Pd.7 can I sweep?,you're the polnter,River's Edge park· ing lot,Banchoff park. Heather· you want to smoke?, Hazel Merrl· beii.America, Megadeth, Maritha,l'm the steeper JZ's brother can't operate electrical appliances,chocolate chicken, tanning salon,WITHDRAWL.strawberry plcklng,rehab,40 year old men named Kld,manage a twa, Noah-where'd you get that scarl?,se· nlor prom know what everybody's doing in that comer,(Bruce,Bruce,Bruce), Plggly wlggly.All you used me for is and beeper #'s,insecurlty problem.Kwissy, Old you see that cat?. Marty, bad ttip,Coney lsland.sclence projects, child molesters ETC ... Chlsm·JC(CHASTITY)-guy friends never work,Beak,Molly, " Offi· cer,l'm teaching her how to drive stick" . Chinese toutists at the rest socks,Nf (true love),Chaslng Daisy, generic brand soda.she's just doing It for attention.Coney lsland-ya got the bun?,bad lntroductlons.rve never been dogged before-what Is the problem? AJ·SAT classes,retreat walk·hot wax(candles),did you, lose your Crazy Horse?,wake up &: get out of my house. It never~ld happen. Love, Meredith Susie-behind the garage,your mom hates me.7·11 at 4 am, long talks,Chrls Owens-we love hlmll'll miss you honey. Etic-soph. year,NY eve,'"My aura said no",best frlend.don't hurt her,l'll miss you.Etic. Love always. Meredith Mike Fanning-car experience. why can't I stay mad at you? Ask your mom to teach me how to square dance. Love, Meredith 91st Oirls·SO. KC ,JO,J P .JW ,JC,J K,SS , HT ,CS, (KJ&:KB).Chet.Doug, &:Shawn(our housekeeper), Buttercup. wali,Mallbu,Wayne (pumpkinh,ead), Jenn C.-did you ever have one of those vouja de thlngs.Carol(chlna). Kristin TS,how are they? Joanne-sm. your boyfrlend'smy boyscout.the "manual", candlestick lessons at Kelly's,llove your Love, Meredith Jenn Welsk·Who stole your car?Sieep over w;me(SS.MA). searching for JB(lst expetience).Can I smoke In your car? I love you. Welsh! Helen·DW,Who ate my chicken salad?,cheeting at Howard Johnson's,dance lessons,squeaky voice. Suzanne-the beginning, Kelly's sweet 16,LBI'91. fantasy on the rocks,RV,KB,ff, (bathroom on the beach), JH·I'II meet you at 2.shooting stars, funnel,cute cap, so where'd you get that attl· tude? BMW llnes,DJ·"beep him",Phil's factory job.emergency break-through from Jason. EO, tight clothes for Tom,LBI'92· bath· room meditation wjTodd,"Sue don·t go to sleep, I'm excited" , your man Btian,8th,bang.the bedroom we never shared sucking flngers,you saw a whale,whlch guy tonlght?.Howard Johnson·s,Route 1 In the pouring raln,7·11 did I hit that car?, they're hlghbeamlng usl,mlsslng hubcaps,Baslc Instinct, "Is this movie blurry",Marlboro to Newports,SAT classes, you remind him of Madonna,nlce trip? CN Is the new secret love. I love youl Love, "Marybeth" Amy Kyte-BF since 5th grade,YFOCP,Kevin k.,Vln's..·your 1st real love,break from lnnocence,Tl:s house and quarters,under the kitchen table,FS lock~d you in the bedroom.Banchoff park,gettlng searched, the cave.who loves PS?, picnic In Cad· walader gulley,BSS,swlm meets at ravine pool,seafood,Welle boys.Joyce Kilmer school, ETC . . . Behave yourself! Love, Meredith Debbie Choquette·History class freshman year,the turtle and blonde bimbo. Keep in touch Shwakett. Love, Meredith Kelly Corboy·Are you sure I need a lock?.mom thinks I'm a bad influence. NY eve-a glass of champagne.dltferent Stephans no he doesn't have a girlfriend, "No,Kell, You're noy driving home to meet Skip",slt on Big Daddy's Jap,p-tang.p-tang. older men.vir· glnlty,date rape,guy problems,(b/c of divorced parents, Red Roof Inn &: the Budget-are you a model?) I'll get upi.Are you doing a service project?Yogurt plus.volkswagons, no that's not a rock you just kicked-It's 2 people",chlcken salad at the Gaze· bo,SURE,NO,Rider frat·" Were we just asked to leave?" I'm going to pick up Tom-be•back In a 1/2 hour,Nintendo wfRM do you want to go dlrt·blke riding? ... Can't walt till the summer-then I'll miss you queenlel Love. Meredith Tracy Stanton-Little and Big Munchkin,Teach me how to drive stick,! represent everything he's trying to get away from, gym secrets(MF,EM.JF. JB.SR).I want to be an American gladlator(Fireball).green mold, satanic woman,Jody M.·l Jove're cute but you're stoties·whipped creamer butter? I love you Tracyl Jason Byers-Do you know what'll happen down the shore? IF we fall asleep we'll die of carbon monoxide poisoning I'm taking 2 guys to the prom. Love, Meredith Slr·King, my little shore bOy and ugly duckling, Its swan season. One day I will learn how to dtive stlck.You lost my peace offer· lng.l didn't ever think you were 12-really you were my secret love. EDWARD GUTJfRRfZ John Brophy: SMACKIII Hey BropholacUc, what's up?l? What can I say, after four fears, I still hate your guts:Just kidding! Can you believe it. two o Mrs. c. ugh Ill Remember soph. year In Eng. w;you, me JT, NO. and MG.? Well, best of luck In life and beyond. Keep In touch and change that oil in your hair. C-ya tatter Brophll ·Edward G. VIncent Buttacl: After eight years of SAS and four at N.D .. we're still friends, can you believe It? Remember Mrs. Pope and Llndsy and Mrs. C? Well good luck In all you do, C·ya. ·Edward O..ql Vincent Cereste: Hey Ralnman, what line are you on? What do you think about K·Mart? C·yalll ·Ed G. Ed Conway: Hey Ed, nice car, yeah rightll Well best of luck In ~~:CU?u decide to do. I'll C·U latter. maybe. Latterlll - The Dotian Demski: What's up Mr. Track Stud? Lunch was very in· terestlng to say the least. Keep on running your heart out, good luck In life. C·ya. ·Ed 0. Karen Dominguez: HI Karen, I am writing to you so you better write to mel Did you know that you are a very mean person? So, have you seen Juan? Tell me all the ·~ulcy" details and don't leave anything out (I'm sure he didn't)! I'll show you mine If you show me yours! Maybe we'll both get lucky. Religion was alright. Do you remember math last year? Oh well, I better go. I'll see you around. Don't forget to tell me If anything happensllll Best of tuck In all you "do". Keep In touch, sounds sort of "Interesting" doesn't It? C·YAII· Eddie. not Eddy Aaron Double: Hey Double, Double, let's go for up to Princeton for a "SPIN". Yeah right. next time I'll wear my seat belt and maybe next time we WON'T miss the telephone pole! C·yal • Ed· ward Ted Fanikos: TEDIIII The Greek God of studlinesslll How the hell are you? So many memories In such a little ampunt of time. You know Ted. I don't remember meeting youll How did we meet? Soph year was Bf:STJII Pd. 3, Blo and the Sour Patch kids "soating" ;flying across the room! All your extra credit and kiss· ing up. no wonder you got straight A'sl That was the best dass ever, you. Oraz, Thoennes, and I. The group projects with "My pet Oraz", R.I.P., It was a rat not a mouse, no wonder the experiment didn't work. I don't believe I never talked to her that year except for four times! I'm still hooked on her Ted, you know who. Period 4, lunch, two of every one except for you, two Ed's, two John's, two Jim's and two Mike's, I think. Then there was English

with you. Jim, Brophy, Ouglihomo, and yours truly. You kissed up in that class tool You and your numerous poems dealing with war and death and other depressln~ and morbid topics. Then there was OymfDrlver's Ed, w;John, • What's the main Ingredient in Johnny Cake?" Archer! Oh, remember the dally survey question about the above named passed around In Biology? Those were too funnylll How did you do In Oliver's Ed? I got an 80. Then came Junior year and only one class, ENGLISH. UOHII I hated that classlll How abOut the night out wfAdam. Cass, Toni. Vlkl, and me at Pizza Hutl Boy were we loud and obnoxious, I'm sur· prised that they did not kick us out! But It was fun. I hope by now we have gone to the Yatch Club. I hope we go to LBI this summer wfAdam. 1 wish the times would never end. You have been a great bud and I'd like to thank you, I hope we can still be friendS latter on In life. Thanx 4 everything Fanlk. Now Jet's go out and do something! Best of luck In all you do, success will be yours If you be yourself. Now here are a few words from a song by White Lion: " Now It's time to say good bye my friend. I'm glad you stayed until the end. I hope that you've enjoyed the time we spent. Though I know that I'll be back again, I don't know just how soon my friend. Until we meet again just think of me, I'll think of you. It was easier to say hello than to say good bye. Now the bus Is leaving once again, I bid farewell to you. Keep in touch Ted. C·YA. ·Edward G. Roberto Gonzalez: Hey man waz up?· Edward a. Mike Grazzianl: Hey Super Powdered Toast Mann Soph year, Honors Biology, remember? Sour Patch Kids all around the class, thanx for the green ones! I never did ask "her" out. You killed "My Pet Oraz", I thought his tall was to long to be a mouse. Whatever happened to him, MIA? Lunch that year was O.K. Well, after four years, I've managed to bug the heck out of you. I she really your "girlfriend", I hope not. Mike, good luck In whatever you do and take care. • Ed G. Rick Guarini: Renll Hey Rick. we made It four years of being In the same home room and we haven't killed each other! Home· room was great with Oraz, Ougllhomo, Gulyas, you and I. You're such a conservative Rick. Good luck In whatever you do Rick. C·yal • f.dwrd 0. Mike Gulyas: HAPPY, HAPPY! JOY, JOY! Mjke, It's finally overt Four years of the same homeroom has corrupted our already damaged sense of humor. Homeroom was GREAT w/Oraz (Super Powdered Toast Man), Rick (Ren), Ougllhomo ($tlmpy), and Hutch (I forgot who he was). "No sir, I did not like it." The Adven· tures of Captain Hoek and Cadet Stlmpy. It's time for the Muddy Mud Skipper Show! It's LOQI OH JOYI Stimpy's nrst fart. It's been great Mike. I wouldn't trade our homeroom antics for anything. like Mrs. Kearn's board of notes which we "a<t)usted". Ren and SUmpy Rule! It's been great take care and keep In touch. Best of luck In life and keep watching Ren and Stlmpy. Watch out for the dreded Crockastlmpyl C·YAII· Edward 0. Bill Lloyd: Well 8111. we've been through 8 years at SAS and $ here, It's finally over Thanx for the tape and Introducing me to the game In which I Will beat you someday. Have fun w;Joy and I'll see you latter•• Edward a. Katie Meagher: Do your Composition and History homework and hand It In on tlmell C·yal • r:dward a. Felix Miranda: How's the pump, you stud god you?- r:dward 0. Tim Mltzen: Break 11 minutest You're such a track stud Tim. Nice car, yeah right! • Edward 0. Andrew O'Rahllly: Well It's been many years that we've know each other. and I regret every minute of ltl Just kidding. Remember all the movies we saw and the time we, well parts of our body, were In the paper. It's been fun and the concerts were great, though I'm losing my hearing. It's been great. keep In touch and good luck In whatever you do. C·yal • Edward G. James Russo: Well James, It's all over. 12 years have gone by and we are still friends. Lots of memories and good times have gone by. Hopefully we'll keep In touch. Lets go to the TYC. C·ya. you performlng arts stud you. • Edward 0. Mary8eth·My Senior Budl how are you dolng?Thls year was both good and bad. Too bad abOut fZ &: you.wiiiU2eva talk agaln?Comp,Eng tit lunch were fun. Comp was great.There have been many ups &: many downs.malnly downs,but what can you do?Ren &: Stlmpy RULtl Happy,Happyl Joy.Joy! Watchout for the dreaded CrockastlmpyJAiways remain silly tit you will achieve whatever you desire! Good Luck, KIT Jim Thoennes· Nil Bye! ·ED. Al'tASTASIA HAIRSTON Tiffany Wingate· 'Tm hurt, I mean I'm really bad off." Remem· ber ... Keep ft moving! Vanessa Vaughn·"Hey Baby",'"Don't do that It Isn't nice:· .. Vanessa I'll always remember you saying that Barbara Brown·Life's a just have to take a swim In the shore. Remember thatl Tanya Brown-Take that thumb out of your mouth! Glenda Jean Louls-Now;you tell your eyes to slow down while you chew. Sophie Noncent·Ain't nothln~ but a "O"thlng baby! Parnell Hamilton-Remember 'When ain't nObody else around; your "Lunch" Is always watching you.'' Iris Sabree·"What abOut your friends?" Shante Grady·"I'm so tired I can't even get any sleep at night. And no one understands that." Remember you said those words? Well I understand; some day you won't have such a heavy load on your shoulders. Crista I Pemberton..Qet out of my way! Mro.Al"' HARKI'tf:SS Kerry·l'm so glad we've been such great friends all 4 years. I can't believe Its over.where did all the time go? Freshman gym dass.getting to close to K.J. The magic word ... hammer. cool dude.Telllng me everything J.R. ever said about Eric. Christi's party.First pum Nights with B.M. and M.J. leaving them at T.F. to go see C.H.·what confuslon,Qettlng no time to eat. but did we have fun or what?D.H. party E.S. wouldn't let me live It down! When we spent all day In the locker room with J.S. b/c "E" sprained his ankle. J.S.what a cutle he was! B-day at Dorney Park,! almost fainted. No,you can't be.Oh yes you areJCan you please hit Paula w;a tennis racket. Planning what you are going to wear 2 weeks In advance! Driving around all night trying to hit a deer! OEtting lost In Ewing, Thank God for J.R. sleeping out In front of Christine's Don't forget Scranton.Where's your dad? He loved that library Oh he's doing work! The dude that lead the tour, No wayiLove Ya Ker,Meg. Christine-Hey! What can I say,besldes we've been through alot. Myrtle Beach.what tlme Is It? Where is she?w/Patl Oetting as dark as dark can be,Let's go run track.Where·s Chrlstlne.down on the ground. thumbing It back to school. Pictures say a mlllllon words. "'Chavez"f:verybody w;B.O., J.P.,f:.S. Summer of '91 Tak· ing a swim In f:.S:s pool hard to keep the bathing suit on.Let's go out wfLarryl My diet partner we'll start on Mon.tsurell Upstlck on my can·ZOROI I am going to miss you Chrlsl Don't tol1ld cottlllon'93 1"11 be getting pictures back. My 1st ~eat the fizz! Powder Pultttext time get the girl W/ the ball. Meg-Hey Mfg #2,Party#1 awesome! Salute soldlerf I have to stop lying. Don't forget those Honey Roasted Nuts! Cotllllon'93 Who? Heel Driving to S.O's house bOy,what a truck! I'm hungl}l Our little lunch w;O,I mean J. My little locker buddy! Ya Megan ur pretty,let's make a cake ok. Let my brother do It Instead. Dukes of-Hazard! Steph Sllwlnski·We have been friends for a long timet I amjust sorry we really haven't talked muchl always have the memories of our friendship In S.A.S. Good luck In all you dol Love Mfg I'S-Don't forget my Do~ Park B-day and I almost fainted. Chrtssy-1 can't believe Its senior yearl always remember my

house Cotillion'9.3,what kind? No mixed! HR buddies! Chris Is home! Why don't you bring over bagels! I'll miss ya! Best of luck w;u~ chris! Remember come to me if you get bOred believe me I know! The meal at TGIF's was good thanks to Chris! Love Ya Babe! Jen-So you were put on this earth to torment the hell out of me. Great. Pencil fights using my shirt for paper! You've got a great laugh! Weren't you w;mooch that day, 0 my he's lying.Do what?wjwho? no he's so dirty,but who cares he's hot! Shante·Sure we'll go skiing maybe one day! By the time we get you on those slopes it'll be spring. Oh well maybe next yearl Renting movies at the same time. Good luck w;everythingl Espe· dally good luck w;oscar. Melony·AII I have to say is thanks for helping mer There was alot going on Jr. Year w;J.R. but thanks to you I knew everything. I'll miss your bubbly personality! It was awesome all the people you hated I did tooor Good luck w;everythingl Sean Golden-Remember when C.C. &I went to Rob's house and things got a little steamy, so calle dad to pick me upiOon't forget our little talks abOut u know Who! History project somehow getting tricked Into doing the whole thing. "you are so hot" I know you hate that! Hey but ou know what I lie really so bad gotta fix that problem. Keith·Dumb#l or2 Drive by my house and beepiLove your that comb look! your windows are too tinted can't see through them! Why don't you wait till I'm out of Robin's and pop out and scare the ••• out of mel Oh UR cool! HR buddies 4everl "Keith get over here!" Sure its you sister! Why were you following us? Locker wars! The Megs always won! I'll miss ya Kl LOve me. Rebecca-Yo Bee! What's happenin!'J Chic! Can you actually be· lieve we knew each other since Kmdergarten? That's a long time·So P-<1 yourself lately? J?J Not my carl"Christi she's chok· ing" who cares? Stick the butt out In the sunrootl Don't forget MEl's party making a very big spectecal of yourself, Hey that's OK T.S. was a jerk! Girl's night out! I'll race you to the door·No I fell under the car, I get the front seat-Rebecca says no way! Powder Puff· Playing some posltion-J.R. 's long beautiful hairi(Ya right!) Crying at the Cotillion wasn't even prom yeti New Year's '9.3 your house what an awesome party Big funeral line can't get through When M.P.&M.M .• me&E. youM.S. went to football game then to ice cream found out thing never knew before. Having me as your KKnoclue! Amy-Yo Fell! My tanning partner! Trying to smoke w;you but couldn 't quite conquer it.What guy is It this month?Take a ride again let me guess around Ewing just to see B.M.'s window. Let's find that red truck! Environmental Club- I don't think so. Who are you looking for?Sorry don't know him!We need Chinese food! fell, for once make me a sandwlch.Amy scream out the window I think we found love on the highwayiBut hurry get in the backseatiDoing donuts on farm land!What else can we do to amuse ourselves? get a paid dinner at Denny's and bum all our nails off, I'll miss ya Felli I'm not going anywhere M.C.C.HEre we co mel Susie·Prom'92 going to WW the next morning "Salute Soldier!" The trio running to Contemp class haven't gotten a detention yet!"going to the sizzler"gonna have a good time I am hungry Good luck In all you do I'm going to miss ya a whole bunch! KIT Christi-My best buddleiOR should I say my bOwling buddiel been through thick and thin girlie glad we actually made it through. Senior year·but hay l'll be close MCC Yal Telling SG how hot he was! You having a fake or should I say accidental friend· ship w;my bets friendJ.R. Summer of '91 COme on Eric help me out,you tell them who stole the did what w;J.p, Swim· ming in E.S.'s pooL When you liked B.M. and wrote it on the chem table. your little parties where you soon got caught. Going out w;S.M. ~ou,B.M.&me,Pauly and CherHer. watching the doors! Sleeping over my house every other night! Eric Rider throw the eggs Not mel Ya right! A.R. to die for. my Infatuation rut our pretend caps on.You are broke sUII. Will you always be in debt?Millstone party being stuck there 4ever hay at least Mary was happy.The Allentown party C.R. taft me K.C.. G.M, at the gas station wouldn't talk to you for a long time you did what w;hairl That's disgusting! Is MAry mad? Thank God for your driving I met Chadwicki(Ya,Right)q, Matty·Showing up at my house at 10 to go to JC Penny's bjc they had a sale! after prom'92Let's go out to breakfast! Thanks for telling Holly Ho off at community daysl Couldn't have done It w;out you! Buss.CLass-1 needed you to go off on NO for me You are one going off machine I'm gomg to miss you! The only 2 that really hot! Chercher·Hey Hon I am so glad you are In my gym after all who's there to punch me In the stomach? My little hiker. Spltch &you purfect 2getherr Let's go watch the Doors at my house,ya you go ahead take u know who home!What happened?Now I know you have guts going up to C.H. for mel Come w;me to visit Chad! Weill Amy big nosel Let me cut off all your nails. " What Is your problem? said P.N. another little buddy of ours The Kris Kringle party We can't 4get the fizz! I'm going to miss you! and your rambunxious and cheery seltl John-Yo my little love slavel So its a typical Mon. for youl Mrs.---- the midgitl I'll always be your Mega woman. KIT Thank God you finally know who I am I was getting worriediLove me. Jen M. ·When the heck Is your brother coming home from school? let's go out. Burger King lunch my bro paying for it alii You need a ride home? Sure it's OK So how's VA dolng?You bet· ter call shotgun Have a great2 more years,best of luck!Love,Meg. Mary-Hedy Foster Getting out of track bjc of bad knees Oh please just go eat iceiLets be late to school again. Hey you me Holly, &'J.M. best friends 4ever. I told you J.R. Is a •••1 She steals boyfriends for a livingiAre you all ice hockled out? I am Going to J .R.'s house did you hook up? I'll always remember our greta memories especiallly when you started choking inTGIF's and Kerry saved your life Love Ya Maryll'm going to miss yal David-Yo brol I've had a lot of fun taking you to and from school You were always there to stop at 7j11 and get my cherry coke. Have a great 2years These are the times to remember you get the left side of the mailbox while I get the right! Melissa-It was a great soph year when we were in all those classes together esp. religion and frenchJOull(that's alii remember) I'll never 4get we went to pick up the dog-wo what a win· ner,we picked a lucky one! Thanks for listening to me abOut the stupid reasonings behind the ---subject and helping mewjES & doing the same wfJR I am going to miss you KIT Best of luck to the new man of the month! Maria-You silly gi you! We are class buddies! We have been In so many classes 2getherl Jr. yr. Math class druling over JBI Was he a hunk! I am going to miss you best of luck In everything! Babs·To my god! chem was alot of fun,its too bad I never passed it! I'm going to miss your sweet funny personality. KIT Bestofluck in everything! J. Fowler·! hope that paper wasn't being thrown at mel Get out of my way! I'm going to miss you KIT To Eric-We've had alot of really great memories! Thank you for always being there for me. you're a great guy you've got a great personality and I love you more thenanythlng In this world! M~GAN

HAYMAN Susie·BF since 5th gr.lncamation Girls 4ever LS. Cheerleader J.S. Soccer Grad 4ever young fresh year at your house. 1st time for everything.Rosebush . . . never healthier. The Greasy hair Poison at MF's house.S.W.&B.K.·lst kiss J.L. K.K. you always knew.Watchlng E.M. on the phone from into house through window-Quar· ters,Shines,Haloween-so slick.crawllng across desk R.R.hanglng out window w;cig. Supervisors right bjlow-what's the p-word-Susle its your father Canada Stop! Oeorge - time-waterskiing-kin·

da.J.P. B.S. French class-lOmin. late very day·had to lu· vus.LBI'92-Dry week Too many choices, Trolley-leaving me at 7-11 "where the hell are they." Walking from B.Haven to The K.etch,Our lifeguard Sneaking in to beach wjthe silver bullet 3 friends down the st. A. F.'s cake fight and swimming. The B·town party J~o. J.Prom-K.w.-1 salute you. Hank's house-Seaside R.B. Mustache woman. C.D's house-J.m&C.N,My house O.E, S.C. B.B,Pat on the back C.H you shouolda picked a pretty friend. All our PMS crels and tal.ks·M.c Never 4get Europe·Fiiends in Germany hotel They can't be amerlcans"No hablo Anglais"Pizza Hooot. walk back to hotel-stopping at the Roman pic to use broom BusrtdeD.C. Train ride-Mrs.G. PARISI Nard Rock Pans-R&C The Metro-Sally and the Italians-"No touch my bamblno"blrd s•.. In BEe's ahlr.ripped off in Pizza place "VOulez-vous couchez avec mol?" Shut·up Mary! Cotllllon'9.3 More memories to come Look out LaSalle we're on our way Thanx 4 everythlng,lluv ya 4-ever Amy-Incarnation Glrls-cheerleader,soccer,Grad +ever young your sleepovers,c-4 Jeremiah was a b·frog Hlde&SeekwjEarsy and the boys.hldlng C.H's underware-"Will you still respect me?"MAKing my dog p In the halllway" Mr. Clean its In my pocket" Making me cry when she died. Vacume A.A.'s ahir,K.M's scream Schafs clas-ratlng on board·B.WjL.K·fat bOy detention every time-If Schaf only knew B. W ruled Auction lluv tennis walk· ing around my neighborhood 50tlmes a week.Listening to M.S's party through window Halloween at S.N's·bad tacos·rides to schooi..Other side of dividing line-llook so prettY this evenlng·AII

g~in~~~~~;sRi~~~~~r~o::f~~ ri~~h1~~~~~ -~ 1~~~t 5

Buttercup J.B will kill you.l'll walt here.LaFayette.Lehlgh·sittlng outside shower. H.M~B.C Cotillion '93.·Hank's house I can't move Circle of death NY Eve at R.R's Notebook wars·A.F Iuvs D.G Hobby Horse and Trix My house C.O's house your b-day.Cake figh~swlmmlngScavenger hunt·C.G More memories to comesummer of '9.3 retreat-Thanx 4 everything-Luv Ya4·ever. Debble&Danlelle·Never 4get Europe Germany ripped off in Pizza Placeblrd s••• in Bee's hair Pizza Hoot Followed by German guys they can't be Americasi"No hablo Anglals"Look at them nasty tights.Austrla and the cold church.Switz-The roman pic/ The cardinal Bus ride and train ride to PAris Hard Rock cafe-Hard Rock the metro;Ms.g-"get away from me" The Italian guys in the hotei-"No tough my bambino" Voulez vous couchez avec mol? My bag getting stuck on the bus Move Meg We had the time of our lives Never ~et It Luv Ya Chrissy..Chem la6 partneers-Gap·Cottiilon '93 Hank's house Circle of death "Norm" WE will go visit FDU HR·how many 'years? Good luck w;everything-Luv ya Rob L.-llove the shore Heh Hehl Everybody sing Good Luck w; everything luv ya. Michelle-Hey babe Incarnation glris·cheerieadlng and soccer Happy we stayed close Gpod luck w;o.G and have a great senior year. You 'll come visit me next year Love ya. Glna·lncamatlon girls <\ever Grad 4ever young all your parties video taping Halloween-The entire school was there Old neigh· bOr's Good luck w;everythlng Thanx LuvYa 4-ever. Jen Seg·Rel.class-depresslon J.S&J.L 4ever Good luck w;everythlng, KIT Love Ya Suzanne·Chem class-Rel.debates In Mr.C's class Gym class· Glad we became friends-Good luck wfeverythlng Luv ya. Sean-8/92 The beronnlng of a beautiful frlend6hlp cruising Lbl bjc M.C~S.N wanted to get rid of me Leaving me at 7-11 Can we talk? M-v jokes Gotta go iron."LA" leech·C.b's house''l'm sony" How many times did I almost kill you in my car? Crystal Diner Meg·man A·mon,Driving my car In raln,"Biack"~"You've got a frlend"N.G-you know you want her. I failed my driver's test "What a loserwhat a looser what's up? Don't yell at me"l don't know man. Nice friends huh? Thanx 4 all the advice and 4being my friend.UR the best .33 More memories to come ... Luv you always Christl-lncamatlon glrls·Nula Dancln' Covenant&N.s. l.s. Grad 4-ever young S.N Halloween·E·boys that nlte The HORDE.Jesu~Lizard lady get that off my blanket M&M's and the guy In front of us,HORDE'93 Your house gum on the bed-every· one out· The last tlme·thanx4 the scrunchie,Cr&Quarters Thanx4 not letting me. my house#Hdcklng you out. #2·C'mon I'll pay ya C.H&P.H 7·11 you shoulda called gun.S.M's-" She should Just go home" crytn In b·room.S.M. M N Who else? You~SN taking AF's car Leaving you there.B·travelers In NYC on H-weem·we're there next tlme.Live and the semlbelngs at CG LBI~ my car NYEve at RR you Mhe MD-J·PromKW Salute·AB C'mon let me share the pillow more memories to come·FL summer'9.:S Thanx $everything Love You 4ever Chad-Gym class,party-nlce hole In the door Driving you home Good luck In everythlng·Luv Ya. Bec·Incamatlon·hated me till 7th grade IS cheerleaders-Miss Yell IS Soccer Grad 4ever young LBI&' teh bikes·"Look out for teh van Meg" Big Halloween at SN·you hanging out the window-1st time 4everything-My house 2nd tlme·JU you had him K.R CO's house'-'Tm getting KR Bec·hang up the phine.''Thanx againiBanglng head on table.French dass·Jr.yr. She had to luv us.Les Mlserables·shot down-nice French club Never 4get Europe OUr fiends In Germany-look at the nasty tights. They can't be american"'No hablo Anglals"Swlndled in Pizza Place.Swltz-walk to toteHrain ride"Can't walt till Paris"-Hard Rock Paris·The cafe Hard Rock~Sunrise-the metro-Ms.GetSally Sally in hotel w;ttal· ian guys-"No touch my bamblno"Shut up Mary! The time of our lives. NYEve What a nlte.Oood luckwjeverythlng Retreat,EL.and summer of93 thanx 4everything love ya. Meg#l-Megan2-HR4yrs.'Tm hungry"·Honey Roasters?Kelth get over here right now "It's the end <Of the world as we know lt"Ridlng back from B·town wjthe truck-Teh semibelngs-we're all human. J·PRom·KW I salute you-seaside the next day.Crazy lunches. Gym clothes-The beautiful powder-puff cake-"Kick Jr.Butt""HI Megs You can always make me laugh Thanx <\everything, More to come FL&summer'9.3 Love ya4-ever·Meg#2. Christine-Incarnation girls 4ever-graduatlon4ever young· Jr.yr.Aig. Schafer's class-Af'~JC The Flzz·the beginning of an era KW MS soccer games In 30degree V-day at W·flowers·Mussels· My basement your basement-Fighting In the bOwling Alley-Strep throat every day for .3 months Skiing-Hay Pile lqultl The day bjf CN~M My house 1st time-cryfng over MS 2nd time8G Dwyer· Christl's house-Thanx for helping me out KS "I wanna go home" Bee's House NYEve BEimarThanx 4everythlng Love Ya MANU-Incarnation girls 4ever Cheerleadlng and soccer Grad 4· everything young SN's Freshyr. Rosebush never healthier sn'shalloween·RR hanging out window-what's the password? It's your father·LBI·Andy~Joe- the trolley-Billy JetChristiB. JL&cousln. My house 1st time my house 2nd time ar· "Invite all guys and no other girls cd's house l"'zz dnvtng to Lehigh at mid· nlte&driving back. Cotillion'9.:S-NM Hark's house·Jr.Prom·KW I salute you. Seaside teh next day·More memories to come Retreat fl Thanx 4 everything Luv Ya Cheryi-"Just call me shelby" The horde Jesus and the lizard lady Get that off my blanket.M~M's and teh guy In front of usYoga b·hind teh stage.McDonalds on way home-Live and the semibelngs at-Almost didn't get It Never 4get r;urope·Gettlng lost In Germany airport-stuck b-hlnd teh ltllan guys-look at them nasty tights-They can't be American·" Hablo Anglals" Austria Switz-the Ice cream restaurant-walk back: to hotel bus rid~ train ride to Paris,Shut up Maryl Hard Rock·Ms.g.&'Sally and teh Italian guys-"Don't touch my bambino" Plane ride there More memories to come FL Summer'93-Thanx4everything Luv ya 4evershelby. Mary·lncamation girls' <\ever-Is cheerleader co-captains-Is Soc· cer Grad 4ever young-NO Soccer-fun while it lasted! My house"COachl" CO's house Never 4get Euorope-GErmany frlends"No Hablo Anglais Switz· Walk back to hotel bus ride train ride paris Nard rock Cafe "No touch my bambino" The metro-

The Horde.Jesus and the lizard lady·Get that off my blanket· m7m's the guy In front ofus-McD's on the way home·Live and the semibeings at CG RM?KF? carrying your books more to come fL· Summer'9.:S·Thanx 4 everything Luv ya. K.erry-NY~";ve at 5ec's "She's my friend Sode In my MD·I love CN CO's house "Too bad I got him" I need your help "legs-lluv him. Belmar CP Thanx 4teh help Psych class Dennehy's Rtl. Class Mr. c·s condolus debates MJ CH Oood luck next year More memories to come n summer'93-Thanx 4everythlng love ya al· ways. Jill-Glad we became friends Rei. Class depression NoteboOk wars Hobby horse·VA Ground Roun<Ult8en and Jerry's No llfe-8· ball bOys go for hlm..OUr gossip sessions In class Thanx 4Jistenlng Oood luck In everythlng-luv ya 4ever Joanne·Nice to ever call Rod-shake ltl Debates In Mr.D's&Mr.C's class The fiasco In beglnlng of the yr. Frlday·s 611· lards How lronic-Thanx 4everythlng good luck next year More memories to come-I'L,Summer'9.3 love ya always Schnall-<:an you talk to me yet? Keith-get over here now! NR 4 yrs. neighbOr "beep-beep" Dummy looked wars. Oood Luck in everything love yal Meg#2. K.ev-Don't wony I'll be back! Rides to school, Time Mag. I got a peppermint paty Thanx4 always telling on me. Driving my car you are much worse than me. Skiing-Boston-our Parties "While we're In NY let's go to St. Pat's Cathedrall I gotta go to the B· room Good luck I'll see you every weekend but I know you'll still miss me. Mom,Dad~hris-Thanx 4 everythlng-1'11 be back! Mr.R·Thanx 4 the recommendation-you must have said the right thing Thanx4 everything Love ya LAURAHCINZ Bridget Heinz· I can't exactly start from the beginning because I don't remember that far back. I do remember kindergarten after school at Mary's with The Magic Qarden, peanut butter and jelly sandwlchws, and meatball soup ev~y, Remember pot roast houses In your baseand peas and carrots. Take a bweff. ment. Remember teaming to drive stick the mean,green, dashing machine? Going home from Sieben's party with Jake and Shake (when my skirt ripped), Mark Ammatuccl's barbeque (a real thriller), your surprise party freshman year. getting caught sneaking out and going to Dubin's house. Florida sophomore year tennis, tans, and me hitting my sister. Jud and Oary (need I say more). Your party junior year. Note! callfomla, Faithfully and Open Arms. Going to Belmar. The Carnevale Italiano. Duff the Lldduh. Rangers games at the Oarden • Darren Turcotte and Bernie Nlcchols. Breakfast with Sarah and donuts. The Blue and White party at y r house KZ and BS. Mike Stanzione's party sophomore year • bad memories? My Grease cast party. PUttlno. up with your temper. It's OK I forgive you. I love you COusin. l'fl


the Ground Round bad move Laura. This Is a true story from a true book. cast party at Jenne's, at my house. When Jenne's brother crashed her car. Tom's party. My penny. Dineen teaching Jenne and me how to walk. Your blue face. Grease Lightning. Guys can't dance ... neither can wei Pink LadlesiU Fran\ during Freddy My Love , . . Split cast disaster . . . Honorary Assistant Technical Director . . . ~­ plosions In Madrigal ... Peanut Butter (your favorite and mine) please don't wear spandexlll Concert Band . . . Nerbie,the tap dancing flea . . . Brian Wehr . . . ltalyll The plane ride I slept through. Hotel Ritz. THE FOUNTAINIII Showtunes on the bus ... My leather jacket ... Gelato ... Wrobo-Coplll The scary hoteJ In Sorrento ... Matt and Dave's room in Switzerland, those bumslll It's Buick Oaylll No wake up call In Florence ... Oklahoma. OK? Miss Laurey Smartie .. , Blue Moon . . . Faith Prince . . . The Notre Dame Gourmet Club ... Guys and Dolls. I'm sure I'm for· getting to writesomethlng(s), but In my heart and my mind I'll never forget. Todd caruso- My leading man! You, me, and !"rank ... What a combination. Miss Laurey Smartie. I owe you. You talked me Into so much Madrigal, the play, then there was no stopping me. I'm really lucky to have such a good friend as I have In you. Never forget all the good times; they're countless. Just to name a few: around Roun<J, my penny, Tom's party, Jenne's party, my famous parties . . . Beauty School Dropoijt . . . You fighting with Adrienne in Madrigal ... Grease ... Harry Connick ... fettuccine Alfredo (my wayll) ... Cast bOnding experiences ... The Feast . .. Chemistry? Yeah, Chemlstrylll ... Peanut Butter ... Flowbee . . . A true story from a true bookll I hope every day of your life will be Buick day. Remember Brian Wehr and all our fUn. Well Todd, 1hope you never forget the great times we shared. They're precious. so are you. Nild Tweed- We drove on Ood's Iawnll! I not only recommend IL I also use ltl Remember searching Macy's for Jetr? Sarah and her quest for Ang In the Burg. Don't wony, I got mace ... Just Oet In the Carlll The Notre Dame Gounnet Club. Tacos at Tweed's and Laura's Pasta. Remember the book or Great Philosophies. "I suck cow tails and like lt"(real nice Nlkl). The queen of Musical Chairs. You're the best Nlkl, stay as rude and sarcastic as you are. I love It Keep In touch. Mike Davies· Where do 1 start? frank Sinatra will always make me think of you. Thanks for letting me trust again, it's not some· thing I take for granted. I love your honesty and your judgement of character (even though you haven't figured out mine). You were never too far off base. Thanks for believing In me and not letting the light go out In my IIWe star. As long as It continues to shine rour wagon Is welcome. Olen Miller and Nat 'King' Cole and al the rest of our favorites have a special meaning now. I'll always be able to look back at The a.r.A.'s and laugh. Down's syndrome. need 1say more? I'm not going to load this with lnslg· nlftgant phrases and "Laura-Isms." When you think of me, think of Advanced Comp (Just kidding!). No really. think of what a great person you must be to make me so happyUI Lou Crivelli· Hey Lou. Hey Lou • . . Remember when I con· vinced you to audition for the dumb Jock In Orease? Well lOOk where It got you. You have more naiural talent than anyone I know. 1 wish 1 could have taught mYSdf to play the planoll I'll never forget when you bOught Chris fanl and Joanne Moscarello to be your slaves ... The sarcastic clapping family ... Tom's van ... The around Round ... Tom'$ parties ... Jame's parties ... My parties (hey, how come you only come to my house In the fog1) •.. Steven S~l .... Your ponytaR ... Mr. SUbliminal .. . Mr. Spain ... when Wg1 took offhls clothes durtng rehearsal .. . Scene 7 ... "You man my guitar?" .. . New Year's tve at your house (I'll try to forget that one) .. l~ Phantom of the Opera ... Sit Down You're Rockk1 the Boat ... 1t's Buick oaylll There are too many good times to write. 11lneverforget them. Gregg Martin- Annoying Man. Maybe you should follow me to college, be<:ause you of all people know how I can't survive life without a IIWe DeSSimtsm and Insanity. Remember f'l'enchlll with Basler. Your drawing In hts french book. Tiny Toons .•• you watch WAY too much TVUI Do you have gum? Remember when Mike and 1came to visit you. You do have the ultimate wardrobe. Vanllla Ice (what a disaster). I love Cardboard. Sorry I'm not Ntkl Taylor. Remember all the fun In tngllsh and Adv. Camp. All our dear buddies. Keep the sarcastic sense of humor! Lots of love and gum alwaysltll Annette Marrerm- Hey Ladylll We've done too many funny things to name. I'm only gonna list a few, but don·t think I don't remember the rest. freshman year . . . the bus with Matt and Tom, your boys. Soph year . . . Rockyl Junior year,our stupid ftght. Tacos and Iced tea ... Pizza Hut ... 3 Men and a Little bagel ... Am 1 gonna be the Bagel? ... My friends from work ... I like FOOD and food likes MEl ... Oklahoma party and my house ... Flowbee ... Loose Lips . . . Miss Laurey Smartie ... Guys and

Dolls . . . Elton John . . . Matt Jacobs . . . Snaggle Tooth ... We're ~onna have fun in Greece . . . Thanks for being such a great fnend. I love your whole family! Keep in touch always. Sarah Conboy- Most of the stuff I want to say to you they probably won 't print! HaiHal Remember our morbid freshman year with Debbie and the Death Ring . . . Oetting lost on Peny Stre~t ... your wonderful sense of direction ... Football games (when we used to win) ... Donuts ... Ed ... Long haired guys ... Matt . .. Sinister Shy . . . Roamin$,1 Trenton with Niki in search for your man ... That stupid club m Ph illy .. . New Year's ... Hanging out with Suzanne ... There's probably have to go on forever. Never forget our lunch table freshman and sophomore year and all the phonies. I love you Sarah! BRIDQ[T H[INZ Maura.Aiison,Nicole&:Aian B.-GREETINGS FROM EUROPAIIII Hard Rock Cafe' Paris, Marco. Stephen -balloons! Bridget and Maura-Pyro maniacs in the hotel in Switzerland two towels for :5 people?? Guys on the bench· " quick.get·away" have another cigarette Alison !!I Alan, " exqueese melll'' Edward .•. HAl UW shows Chuck's ear piercing .. wrong B-room Bridget adn MAura·that's the men 's room!!! The roses? Where did we get them?? Maura and Danny.Sarah&:Aian Overnight train ride in France . . No shower curtain in France .. What is Bridget doing? Is she washing her clothes In the b-tub? Yes they're dirty! What are you washing them wjshampool! Maura's pronunciation of umbrella .. TINY TOOTH SARAHII HAL.L RATS TILL THREEIIIWHERE'S THE BODY SHOP?? BOHEMIAN RANPSODY DON 'T ASK JUST TAKE IT!! Rolls and tang for breakfast-again . . Top ten lists THE PLANE'S ON FIRE!! WNETRE'S THE SUBWAY?? DOES ANYONE SPEAK ENOL.ISH? BIERI! Missing the tour in Austria. Salt minesTwiggle Nosy people w;joumals Briget's recycleable red sweatshirt .. Water closet .. Our subway photos- Mauras' chewing of the bag on the return trip from HArd Rock= Maura·s Quote· Why Is everyone mad at em? Maura's grat photography w;no film In the camera Can't wait to see how these pictures come out! Bridget's secret admirer But I hate coffee drink it you don't want to insult him-food shopping sleeping In airports-Maura's laughll DC Etiquette! Tobleronel Pizza Hut in France-stealing the menus Jim Morrison's grave " I miss Tony!" To all you guys from me· Maura.Sarah Alison Nicole I'll never forget that trip I think It was the onlyfun thing I ever did in my HS yrs. NO Maura we have to go back to ttArd Rock one dayl To My Cousln- 1989-We were at Aunt Holly's house. we went for a bike ride to Chris Dubin's house. (My boyfriend at the time) ho was there? Carrot Stick I think. Grandma came looking for us ... Saw our bikes In the driveway and sent us home. freshman year-Florida? Amelia? Spring Break? Ring a bellm Do you remember who we met? Gary and Juddll Remember the white Subaru??? Remember what was hanging out the windowm That stupid monkeylll Grandma got so mad at uslll Gave us tickets. and made us go to the tennis matchesllll She was 50000000 mad. Enough about that. What about ..... THE MEAN GREEN HORNETIIIII Let's go dash alongllllll . . . . . Blue and white 1990 ... Proms ... Dinner at grandma's, " what's cookin, the usual, let me guess. PEAS AND CARROTS as the vegatable, Pork or\??? .. ·.; . " ~use ~~e·s my cousl,~l " .. ·.:. " Gayle!" . . . Breet . . . . Flea . . . . the Holy One . . . . uh , Carrie. Uh, Bridget. Uh, Meg, Uh, Hea!lllll" What the ehll AJis ya? Got any gum? Lauara don't ask Questions you already know the answers to of course i have gum I hear Jingling change-Here comes grandpa Don't like it the hellwjya? Farm market life!! Claire's adn VonThun's Meatball mush and PB&:J . . Magic Garden! Simone on the Bucaneerll PRetzles&' water cookies&'mikwkl Doobies· Oh:5or4 Don't threaten me Alii Suneeeeel" Would you please stop the hammering? BZZZZZII Just kidding!! So Longll Love Breet. Tony-I think that by now you should know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I've told you enough and written it in almost every card or letter I've ever given you! Never forget 12/10/91 and 1/17/921 Or Else Seems like you 've already forgot· ten It a couple of times!! I love you Tony Love always. Bridget. Jen-Hey Mlrellil What's up? I don't even know where to start. Shall we date back to 7th grade? Let's you got so mad at me bfc I told Sam you were going to break up wj hlm. But I didn't Just come out and tell him. He got it out of mel! Remember start1W!t express the unit trip?? All thoses stupid outdoor ed. trips Ski trips every Wed. OK More recent stuff now Patll Who needs him? Yeah he's cute&has a nice car but so what? you can do better. Don't be mad but I can't think of everything right now. But be· lieve me everything we've ever done Is In the,back of my mind. But I will tell you something. that will always be in my mind and that holds true tothls day. You are the best friend anyone could ever have, You aren't too good at calling people back but you are still a great friend and hopefully you 'll always be there for me Loveya. Murr·Hey girl! What's up? What shall we start w; our usual topic of conversation Tony&:Marcol well looks like we both found our Jovews of our lifetlmesl Hope everything works out w;you guys In college and all. I know that has been a touchy subject for a long time. Hey if they dick you out you can live w;me. you are getting your own car. Thanks for putting up w; my moods But If you were driving w;the people on route one you 'd be In a bad mood tool! Love Ya Bridge. Carrie-Well looks like you've finally caught up to me and the " Moranerl" It's about time. OtEZZZII Took ya long enough Just kidding Well car.good luck w; everythlng,the band,and the stud! Call me If you have ANY questionsll See YA Love BridgetPS good luck w1Alabama Better writell Moran-Jen,let me just tell you that I hated you so much in 7th grade. bfc you called me 57 Varieties. Now I laugh bfc It's a joke Jen,you're a very sweet person please don't let anyone change that about you. I think you know who I meanll Well good luck w; him anyway Never forget the good times on retreat and that "Mooing" alarm clock In " Norman's" that I was taunting you &:Carrie w;See yal KIT Love ya Bridge. Kirk-Well Jet's just say It's been quite a year. I'm really sony things didn' t work out bf w you and Chris. I'm sure he realizes that he had a good thing going. When he shapes up he'll be back. If you still want him that Is. You can do 5000 much better than him anyway! Well K.lrk See Ya KIT L.ove YA Brideg. Mich-What's up? Well I only have 1thing to say Ulove Jason. I love Tony that's all we need to get through life see ya KIT love al· ways Bridge PS red hot gobstoppers T·Hey shortell What's going on? down under? Well T I'm glad we became closer friends this year stay short&:sweetl See ayl KIT Good luck wj bobll Love Bridge PS I'll always save the purple ones for you I


MTtHtSS Colleen-Hey 'Keefe you are a wild woman and a schitzo. you still think I'm a social dimberl!cl love U for it. Frosh yr.W.wood TCBY-walks.talks. OOSSIP,fight. fights,ftghtsll Denny's·tet's play tennis-The fungus among us. food fights-lost U at M.St.Friends· Seeing Pres.Bush. New Hope-Burger Ktng(We're so refined) you asking MC 'Why does your mother let you dress like that?" KIP-Ireland· the IRA is crazy and kills anyonel!c I am Insanely jealous that you went-really you 're not bitter-Princeton-the bus·5 golden ringsll! splitting the check at Winnberrles-Steallng bread· sticks·TJ Hooker at MS's·The ride In Angelo 's car-4th of JulyM· CP·all your jobs· Kimi·retreat-"people actually do that?" ScottS. was a sweet.,art-nothingjust a note areal letter-Who knew about your secret passions? Great Adventure-getting soaked - I'm going to miss you 4ever. Katie-You are a huge chicken·I hope this isn't long distance·Se· nor Schultz·Fuego·what a comedy-Denni(What a hot stud)

Chucky Cheese KC's kareoke party-you are a bad Influence on me·the macho duck! that never was-free pizza-Retreat-the bus-1 still can't look at them-Just how do people physically do that? Stupid halr·bang you 're dead! " really she didn't look like a hooker" trout fishing there is no reasoning w;you·When you read this you better have gone to the prom w;htm already!! You are one strange chick And I love you for always knowing what I'm seriously Nickd·Lovitz-Good L.uck at Lehigh-Morp·Becca's van to Pete's who's parents were madder? -our fight-l'm sorry-NY's eve Suzanne-Uptown glrl·soaklng wet at great adventure-New Hope loosing your keys at the beach·Domey Park-talks on the track I always have to wony about you. Sammi calling you in the shower and talking about bannanas-Peg Gribbon-Jr. lunch-mustard on Liz's chair· I'm going to miss you -you're the best Caryn·Did you ever find that watch? Senor Schultz zzz .. sony I fell asteep·20 camations·picking on L.iz .. It's just so easy-Rocky Horror thank you·"Where's your neck? Emst·Juliet I will always be your Romeo" ! Skippy-You know I'll always love youll OUr 1st executive deci· slon·no dues-all the girls you think you have-Ybk-Any questions tell them to ask Chrlssy-KOl!cl in thrlftway-does Koolald mix well? Did you ever find that note on you're car? Cotllllon'92 your house Gavin Is a god· You're one of the best people I met here don't change· Shapson·STINOJI" I think I locked my keys In the car". You cany your whole life In that car·Thanks for the talks while making the fL banners-It was very enlightening-don 't wony I never told Cattani that some things are immoral-You are a track god and have the soul of a poet-don'tjust use It to woo women. Lou-Thanks for Ny's eve,the feast·! know I bugged you HC but it's only b/c you are so ridiculously perfect 2gether.Can I borrow your gavel? Markus·rain Is a beautiful gift- I think you finally found the girl to give It back= Hey did you know In the US we drive on the right side? I can 't really say anything-Thanks for being my love stave-I can't believe you set off the alarm at Mercer ST. Emst·No the other Mark-Thanks for all the reassurance about AI Where's your Nbk? tell NC it's her tum to get the donuts-and get some OJ tooH just want to say thanks for always being such a good friend to me&:Al·you are a terrific person don't ever change. fava-You are a tennis stud·Monicalll'Jen both want you-hey wake up! HI ya handsome·Thanks for being our spoon on Jr. cos· tume day·Do the sprinkler lmore time-Rocky Horror-are you tick· elish? Kerri·flnal Anatysis·l still don't get It? Powder Puff· loosing your brother at St.Oreg's Carnival-1st Aid·OCl!Cyour love life· Cross Country-Is It time to walk yet?·lce cream In Quick Check p·lot. My park job at Ground Round·You always tum the guys' heads. You are one of the best people that I met at ND·I wish we had been able to stay closer friends-some of my best times here were w; you. Llzz-hey Dan.Can you even spell honor society? Underneath it all you know what's going on·l told you so-l should have put $on it. you are wea PHYSIC5-talks and trouble-you have a s.l ck mind· What's for lunch? gosslp·OB's just how do you use them? So did I hear you were pro-choice? Oh you don't take a stand at all II All these people can vote next year·ERNST·Mr.MIH think this Is going to be aREALLY greta year·Have you hit a 22:30 mile yet? 6 count them 6 awful classes w;you:Just kidding I love ya 4evr good luck I'll miss you. Julie-GNA to ND·know U4ever-tennis what fun-scrounge-our day at the beach·what a bum-golfland-good luck I'll miss you. Jen s.-fellow honor society pres.·from ONA to here·l finally got my Jlcense·Jr. Prom'91·Denny·s·you let Col touch that beautrful CHerokee-Sesame Summer-Good luck w; everythlng Meg K·Mr. Mil-lunch-catching your eye In Henkel's class,Spln· Drs. your " shooting up" w;lnsllin on the way. Tlff-GNA to ND·flnal Analyisi I still don't get it-all your summer job stories,Spln Drs. Chrissy D-Mr. Mit's office.dld you put the cap on the mayor? I want my cake and my puddlng,you are a devii,Mr. Touvchy feely, Spin Drs. I thought I was going to dle.Meghan's lnsulln.speedom· eter won't go any further,reeeed.reeed, green light. Sting·l hap· pen to love VIctoria's Secret. VlcK,you still owe me. Rocky Horror, slurping In the back seat,ERNST·are you Starvlng,her party we have to be hom& by 9,DP had those same shorts-don't wear them, sonnets to the track gods,am I still invited to your wedding w;McOioughlin? Mltzin-only1 extra lap.class?-no I have ybk. M2's desk,the pumpkin head that wouldn't eat,sneaklng Into football games,be careful w;your Iceland guys,you never listen to me,you worry me, and I am going to miss you so much. Thank you for ev· erythingll Rose-you were 1 of the 1st people I met, 4 yrs. tennis& math. Schaffer's chicks, tennis guys. crush Stelnert·net woman,Chmell ' car,you&:SR, Mrs.Z.aba-sha-na, gossip,MCtoumaments, Thanks for always being there for me.Even when I ttkln't spend alot of time with you I felt like we shared alot. Bridget-will you go to Cotillion w;me? food fight at your house-not me,STINO Wow·#1 again, you make me slck,Morp OO·MB cologne&: pink sneakers,BMBK R just too cute, driving home from RV's party have to be home by 9,watch out for Flori· da.Brian:Just what are the nighttime habits of possums? Aaron-Thanks for all the rides and physics studying,keep up your tennis game. Mitzi·fellow techi,Calc party,Kyie's B-day,llghtlng booth, drool· ing over Chris H.your painted shorts Squeeky,getting locked In the weight room by Brian w. Paula-your party,powder puff quarterback,flortda project, you and BM showed them all Good Luck In everything. Thank you Christlna-Tina,lab partners,you cut I'll watch,pen fights,SO a god,shopping for Morp heels,INXS·' Tm lonely,no you're nof" your party,great fondue, no llghts,great adventure. ''so what If you had a car accident and almost died,! had a flat tire" I got the last p-spot, the obsessed poet that was In Jove w;you. I didn't see you enough but I want you to know you are 1 of the most honest lll' true people I met,Oood luck for you always. Melissa-New Nope-pinkie-Dying Young, Chucky Cheese Is a pervert-my driving. the feast(Mhe time we didn't go). Cotllllon'92 "but I dkln'tgetany,listenlngall nlght.can they hear us?" Jr. costume day,dress shopping-you look better than the mane· quln,congrats you finally got your man,watchlng a camera all night how romantic, swapping gum. Heather-queenle· you owe me$, youlll'KO put me through hell.howllng at the moon,uslng leaves,The best&:worst night of the summer, ST loosing her keys at the beach, Dorney Park. In the rain me wjDP,APII·ERNST,NY's Eve" were thses marks on the floor bjfor? " Cemetary cleanup·Jr. costume day,Cancer walk''can we stop yet? You're Unbelievable-Peg Gribbon. gosslp,Oreat Adventure rain should we walk home? Becky&: the elec· tric slide, At the movies Lou:Heather are you cold? Neather:Oh yes my sweet Lou! GAO you know I love you both,we were dorks Frosh yr. and probably still are, KIT I'll miss you. Kristine-Yu l!C HCl!cour wild night, thrifway"Can you use Hawaln Punch" get paper cups.throw everything away,DMlll' you just walking in the pary·yeah rlght·the beach·ST lost her keys, W.Woodx2,tennis In the street,breaking In your house,pool par· ties, getting Klml in the raln,babyslttlng on NY's eve, you think I'm Immature&: you're right. your sappy movies, You were soot happy when Col came home! gossip & long talks, calling and al· ways waking you up at 1pm, you can never go out b/c you 're do· ing ur halr.AD asks you &'CO to prom&:cotlllion,your slut dress that looked great,4th or JUly mashed potatoe ftghts.You are great I'll miss you. Mlcaelle·INXS,service class,your watch In O'keefe's pool, all

night sewing lcecream,cemetary cleanup,good luck In everything Niki·what can I tell Ya? DPS.where Is my Nell Perry? Neuwan· da,nympho, strlngbeans,mangos. l!cpapyas. Tweed+ Dugal, Bono Is gay,A blonde Is a blond·thank you, green M~M 's, TO's Imaginary van , Man ' s Wortd,Oh Donna , shake the van. scrounge.10 billion served, Schaffers' pet. Chucky Cheese Is a pervert.aura. I'm lonelr.,No you're not M~MBridge.only people under 60,1 swear I won t touch you.hls cousin, measuring on my wall.exerclses to Increase In your kltchen.gourmet club, I love V's secret. tacky dresses, DUion" daaad, Nooolll" $210 phone blll,prank calling KD. "''m never going to college" " I actually felt Bono's sweat" gross,Don't talk or chew In movies, notes on cars,Drug Emporium, that girl anerexic? Trivia pursuit. What Is your favorite color? Blue no green. or what a hormone. your killer dog Spin Drs. Meg's lnsulln,our seats were better,you loved the bird man you know it. cranberry julceMettuclnl, tennis tantrums you have no partner for practice, NY,NY audltion,why are we in the play, are you saprano or alto? diner hopping, Dcell batteries dirty clothes In closet·clean In hamper, SR·thanks for the secret tacky notes, the adult shop,your party water fight. free pizza, " Kate mailbox,Kate, tree,Kate TRUCK". Making that guy take his foot off my car-thank you I will never be quite normal bfc of you. Kristin-our luau,your drivlng,defogger.your spot on Big Oak Rd. Chucky Cheese, Ooumet Club, Uptown Girl, Mr. Touchy feely,just say no.even though you are a girl who can't say no,car gosslp,don't take sides, look at my neck, the very 1st girl ever?· cotllllon'93· the feast·NY's eve-4th of July, We'll leave at 7:1~ well maybe 7:.lO,·Hamllton 4am·note on car. Dcell batteries, He· Loo,Kareoke, breaking Into NHS room, Joe Clark,our bus, the llghbooth,12:01, 12:05 got to make it home, track meets. fngllsh casts for movies, pull the car door hard, New Hope, Just call me Jen, you are ADtL.AID-she wears what size? Is that natural? Don't ever change,l'm going to miss you. Anthony· ... nothing, If It's raining or snowing we must be goIng to Market Fair, What day Is It? the 19th? no the 21st or maybe the ~rd,normal?no.dlfferent? maybe,better? definitely. [ep,Op Ork,Ah,Ahl THANK YOU FOR EVCRYTHING Ybk Eds.-office?keys? food?advtsor? stair? Mr. ~II Is a saint,what happened to our tree? Let's dedicate to Mr.A.censorshlp,did we ever make a deadline? stealing typing rlbbon.cllp art If you are reading this It must have all come together, NHS HR·thanks for putting up w;me you were all great. I think my schedule worked great. quiet people are being tutored, don't use Juniors. 7:30 1st day 7:-'~ next week,there was traffic,Tues. meetings for what? Jackie take minutes on what? Ms. Henkle-at least I kept you guessing. even If It was unexpected I hope you like the real? me. Tennis Chlcks·vanJake our record,PLr:.ASt, Oreglll'Erlc,frosted animal cookles,scrounge, MM-play your gultar,Rasberry Beret.water tights, Frosh get the water, Man's world, evil E's, ABjust 1more kiss for me please,so gotten arrested lately? Ml·you are great don't change,kecp Dan In llne.S5-doubles,Jet's dress the same, Is your head OK? Let's go up,well maybe not·NW-glad you didn't cheer Mr. s.-thanks for everything, Tennis was the best part of high school. I am going to miss the team and you so much. Good luckNext year maybe our pictures will be at the sports banquet. Everyone I Know·l know I am getting mushy,but I hate to say goodbye-! know I forgot alot but I got tired of typing, You have given me some great memories I will miss you ali-good luck In all you do-class of ·g~ and yes blond's do have more fun. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THAN!\ YOU THANK YOUT NKYOU. TINAHIN~R

Clndl Santo-zanadu,whlstle pops esprit sweater.stralght skirts and polyester pants,#llll'2 on soph detention llst.K.lnny's·DL,MO. l!CBP picking us up, TH, CS, MC, JC Under the Board· walk.TH.MC,CS- actJon photos at camp,ralllng talks, " Can your dad bring me home?" go get Kc,"Jt's our partybe'll cry If we

:~~~t-~·L~~J~~R~~~;~ t~f~.~ne~rC:~:~k~~e~~~t~~~~~

CS,KC,JP,KW, CH,JR,DL, MO,BP~8 Bluel!c white dance·TtA Mla,Cia BP Jeep TJ letter,when the cart was away dkll play? BP house The broken TV,Will you call for me? Make a list of things to say, JC party.come back to Tlna · s . khakl killer for$20,0rease.MD's phone calls. I had to go get Clndl.she's cry· lng MD suprise visit on Halloween,llme green kooolald w; MO&:TJ, LBI-gettln~ sick and leaving lt·MD Is ~one-let' s go to LBI

~~~&.fr~~?Mc,~~~~\t~~ ci'~~~-~·~?~: n~~~~~~

slcker,Htstory eum.eonress¥on nlghtlll'pact.Summer'92 at my house, BP,CS,TH,Mr, Ts.!!CStelnert,RM after 4yrs. I'm JesslcaBPMH fight-am I Instigating? That's the alrbag-Ray Anderson's house I like the song,no more ~rUes at my house All those vacum cleaners,your burp,my ftuny In the gym.OOO 000 DOO,The Santo's ... and Tlna,Seton Haii,TH,BP, CS,OW at BB house,No more cheerleadlng,Rlder partyw/Asclcs, What's the logic? Ybk best friends,2princes at BBhouse,We love Bagel ST. TJ,MB.CSlll'TH at my house,Pretty woman,Dirty Danclngl!CCutting Edge,JSS.Never going to schooi.J'II tell on you If you tell on me.Jeff Fell ta halrplace twice,Rummy 500 who do I like· MD,DL.JM.TJ,TE? It's TJ Cln we've had so many great times even though we've had our differences but I'm road the way things worked out.Don't ever forget me. Your best rilend I love you Love Tlna·PS Whoa Hlnersl Brooke rerone·lcla55aclunch every year,sw Party-Let's get more b/f JD,JW see us,Summer'90,TtU!(fJ'x +o TJ house KB,TH,JC,BP girl friends.JM party after your party. Tent party'92 MD's gone·TJ Is here·W.Wood·TH. BP,JC,JM,JF all dayParUes at my house.summer'92, I want to be a Spartan, TH,BP,CS,MF,TSlll' Steinert guys,Did you hit 10 yet? or course, our ftghts, I'm a hypocrite. This Is my house,MZl!CKY your housekey,Rummy500, TJ,TH,BP cards by candelllght.MZ evryday,can I wear your clothes? Do you have any$ no really I want to share.~BP fight bjc of JB Trips to Seton THMJl!CBPlll'PPorMAorSHrrtiDor? ABC game·knlckers,my bum marsk, In your car,We're just visiting a friend, Matt's ring from SH.MD suprise visits and letters, 7·11 for Jhrs. " real quickie" The thing Is BlondM>rown, karoke,Cook· le&Seafood Shanty, MC secret Marla BEastel Boys,Rlder party and the ascls,ll:ll I hope I stay beuutlfut, Dandng In the car"please don't go" Come on Brooke! Like I saki,Bagel St. hangout,Rogaln for your halr,Ramona Qulmby. Mike O ' s eye,Don't bum your hair on the stove" ! do Inhale" Todd's smokIng, Whlc b-room do you want? Poor boys,drlvlng by TZ house,She's fat Hot,l!rgood, arkey ·TN.Br,cs. raunchy,Meow Meow there's no cat. Nacho's chlllcheesc. TH,BP.CS,TJ,DP· coach4- sukatash celery,Natural high. Why do we get so hyper? lunch table pd.61ong talks about JMt'TJ Is It wlndow,Wyndam,or wendei?BTM on the premlses,l'm not a slob! My ran down the stairs <\t KJ,clgarettes around JU dark room, Pretty woman, Work It baby,Well that ' s l l ' ve never been b/fCuttlng edge·Oh Doug, Doug can read·Dirty Danclng,sklpplng school we won't tell on you Ray Anderson's house,that's the alrbag,trlps to Golden Dawn,BB on the bike, your fall down basement steps, Brooke there Is so much more We've had so many great times 2gether and I am sure we'll have many more. Thanks Tor everything, Your my best friend I love YOu Tina. Joanne Dlnola-~way best friends TH,JD,SS,sbf Don't touch that Its my property.The Bs' Barbie Mhe bath?l?l I will never 4get summer'92 SOlll'KM I"L the ~tIn so kitchen, My grandma would think yu were a snob I don t know where I pulled that 1from,l don't want to go"TJ,SD each other DB&:BOMZ It all worked out In the end though,your cousin Bobby cheerleadlng camp. r-mates Lets decorate our room pretty,do you ever stay up

late? Frick l!tc Frack,LBI shore, house'90 JD shore house singing" x+O" on the eback wjBW&SR listenin$ too embarress· ing CV,JD,TH dance class would you cons1der yourselves· friendl!lcg·frlend or acquaitances? Katzenbach wjMK Deaf· bump.Do not leave us alone In the room. freeze modeling, were models,sprite,commercial. Jan. edition of Sassy. um. orange& hot pink outfits . . um we are wearing sweeti6part. TH,JD,JW&BP at Todd's house.Jack Vlaslcs party·Uh.Cindi prom· lse her mom we'd be home by9:30.Great party.Thanks for the wings Bye Big Ben.Parliment,Lunch at Chuck's Silver Bracelet· sand Blue Cheese go great together.wearing high heels tothe mall,switching outfits at the dance,dressing as twins ALL the time.Nice taugh,What haP.pened in Maas,Bros dressing room,or the sidewalk In Society H11t.or just, anywhere you feel like it, Try· ing not to laugh at your house for diner,when you fought wjsls· ter·TH,TJ. SD.JD Bodygaurs. It's the4 of us again. Yayl Joanne there is so much more, We have been through so much 2gether I still mean every word you wrote to me in that peom,l'm sorry we drifted apart. It shouldn't have happened.We were too close friends .I'll never 4get the best friendship we will have for years to come.J miss you Jo and I hope we can pick up the pieces from where we left off I love you Tina. Babs Brilliantlne-oh Babs,Babs.Shmabs, Bbas can read, Mr' Shirmer religion quiz, sorry TH,CS.BB·talks at my house. So you were in the neighborhood right,Babs on the blke,too fall down the stairs who took your car? LBI'92·TH,BB, KB.HT In the convertible Were burning up were lost you have to be home, Towels on our heads 2princes. w;vs at your house Btue&White dance Tent Praty '92 PNl!lcBB·KB and I know what really happened.Gym class pd. 8.JP picture. Nice plaid shirt and black jeans.change much? Your mom loves me,l love your mom, My azma attack.Really if I had a phone I'd call you. How's Jane Doe? BCl!lcCS in gym,Lets ignore Csa-TH,BC? your so funny! I got a whole in my sock? fitt? cheese &crackers,Exsqueeze em.Baklng Powder, Who's back yard for a quartrer? Golden Dawn. I want my $3.50 for the milkshake! I'm glad we became such good friends.Lets keep It that way,Good Luck next yr. I'll miss you KIT Love Ya Tina. Kristin Branham· Who do I like? Sph rellgion.fight over MD gym class pd. 7 out of control. Let's go to Millstone. nice tan legs Talks at my house How do you clear a party? Dial 1-8--· LBI '29 TH.BP,JC,KB,BTM on the premises BB&PN at tent party Let's steal their blanket. then start a rumor.Don't tell anyone shh be quiet P.Sclence,She's too fake. Who know what'you'IJ do Parkl! house,Am I the cheerleader or what? All our notes KJ party-my fall down the stairs. the red ash.BB on bike.JMl!lcSM party.TH,KB.JM all night. sleeping in JM car I'll help you find your car really I will. Golden Dawn.BE mllkshake,HoJolet's steal truck arts,KB.TH. JM.PS! retreat'92 I know we haven't been as close lately but I'll never 4get all our good times I miss you and I love ya love Tina Melissa Butera-I'm glad we became friends we hate JK what a B. you better watch out.Have fun and good luck next year KIT LOevTina. Jen Corban·Hot Pink Happy Face shirt,Sept.fest Next Door neighbor Summer'90 wjTJ,SD,CM, DP.RT,JC,TH,JD We were crazy! Noah·s ark.Goliath monster mash and all our other dane· es.FL trip to see Gramps& Granmps·Hetoved you Jenn· Jenn,swims in the ocean b/f the shark came,rides on the boat,party at jr·SG Is a jerk, hockey equipment, suprise swim w1 Roland.OUr moms,our friends .. after we move, Christmas Eve at your house,Did you steal $G Oakley's or gold chain? The sweatshirt smelled great your baby slster.the 1st time talk,par· ties at your house, JD and the marshmallow fight. CMacTJ 4ever 1 know we've had our differences but we've had to many good times to let them matter I'm glad we've stayed such close friends throughout the years, Let's keep It this way Good Luck next year.llove you Tina. Jason Maxwell-Informer. KJ party-my fall down the porch steps BB on bikr, BP tent party-my 1st clg. What did you get on your SAT/prties at my house hoJo party TH JM KB PS Steal any truck parts lately? I'm glad we're such good friends,l'll never forget ya Jay Keep in Touch Love Ya.Tina John Floyd·Don"t ever 4get all our good times at St. Greg's I'm glad we became good friends again So I'm not Ms. America any· more sorry to disappoint you. rebel who forget her pom,pom Our talk on the bus from Wildwood,l know your secrets.lum:h pd.6 thanks for being a friend Love Tina. Jon Buccherre·l'm glad we stayed friends though I wish we stayed as close as we used to be Don't ever forget our long talks or my house wfJB.GS,CGl!tcTH "What school do you go toCG? "Uh Notre Dame" Good luck next year I'll miss you I'll never for· get our friendship kit love Tina Kim Waropay·l'm glad we became so close.l'll forget all our good times My house b/f cheerleadlng,shopping the mall Pictures w;santa.Best buddies 'I wish you were a senior Cotillion pictures,the dress In Macy's "So who told you about BP&SC?J'Il never tell! How's JL? LBI'91·TH,KW,CS, CH.JR.DL,SB,MOl!lcBPI Was I ever sick? My head and crying all night. Thanks for trying to fix my hair Your friends w;the family Cookie&Russ love Ya I'm gonna miss you KIT Love Tina Missy Famoso-Partles at my house Summer'92 my sister's room TH. MF.BP,CS,TS& Steinert guys We have no friends Bagel St. hang out is Dave there? Parties at Brooke's Chucks71ce cream. "I got a hole in my sock?fittl" My house w.BB Do you want to go to the tree farm your car sounds great!UFO,Cotllllon'9.3 Meredith's party,Red roof Inn Where Is the radio?There friends· yeah! Denny's Moon over my hammy No I did not steal my mom's dgarettes,ijust, key hot &good, don't blow smoke In my face, y,TH,MF&CQ We've had so many great times Miss I'm sure glad there will be amny more, I'm glad we became such close friends, Good luck next year I know we'll KIT Do I have to pay or should I just leave a tip? Jim says I can help myself-yay Love ya Tina John Cimino· I know we haven't been as close lately but I just want you to know I'll never forget our friendship.especlally our late night talks for hours, "What are you wearing to bed tonight? NP&JC TH·3 way for hours,"here she comes Miss America" The Dying saucer AR,MF,TH,CSl!tBP ·Let's follow it I'm going to miss you Good Luck next year Love Tina Kelly Corboy·Fr.yr. best friends I'm scared to kiss a boy-Did you get over your fear yet? My noise In your room,you never thought I'd do It Dance class,Dance class, dancing In your roomJP party 8th grade summer,cheerleadlng competltion,l'm sorry we didn't stay as close as we used to be I'll never forget our friendship Good luck next year Love Tina Jen Welsh-Morning walks.frult roll up man,KB talks for hours and hours on the phone.Sph.guys,fight over MO bjc So and her great big teddy bear hug,you held out the longest,dlnner w; LKacBW.Sph English class, newspaper proJect'"Let's bum It to make it look old" Great Idea. Watch your nall,sweet thing. MS,BW coming over at 3am BS. party. I know we had our differences but I'm glad we were able to become friends again I'll never forget you Jen. We had alot of fun memories Good Luck next year, Miss you Love Tina Jon Fregans·l know your secrets,Miss Augustan our classes stop by·l'll be home,Don't talk to me too much you might get in trouble,Biue&Whlte day party trying to park,watch out for the car.good luck next year Glad we're such good friends Love Tina. CARRif: HRITZ Katherine-What RU gonna do? Charge me wjsmoklng? the let· ters from Religion class &the sunglasses from Wrobo's class Storkl!lcdead head·TOMAK-de-Polack. Kathy worships porcilln gods.put her head In the shower,Mirelli·Jeanette's guest room.Her b-day parties, Too many things not enough room.

Mark·ls this the real life? Is this just fantasy? The lion sleeps tonight,sltting in front of Dave's until he cam out. running over Brant. The water guns.Jell&:BIIH think it's time for bed,stop that sleepless Dog. Bridget and the rings, the obscene cards.1thlng to say .. John ferster Moraner·The Newlywed's guide to the 1st night alone. you good advice. Mary-do feel. ANTHONY HUTCHINSON Mordock· Oh autographed bagsl Stockdaell Yes you are cor· rect sir. "In the name of God Anthrobus you have no shirt" I'm In a sassy sandwlchll'm going to eat your nose CASA LUPITA=Iung meat Clinton Is a pussowwhipo! I'm good enough.l' m smart enough and hey that conrad kid looks just like you. Tare-Gung.bannaners,Pertators,Mr. T has 7donkeys.Luv U later! St N StJLU. Andrew·Power,no power,Hips,Hipsl Home,Home, H·O·M·E! Shoe in my stone.cut Hodnikl's pizza w;a key Schmlr says "NA· TAS" drive acrosst him, I can't stop my arms from shaking. bowl· lng In the cage.eating wonderbreadJlushing volleyballs down the toilet. Who cares? we're gonna loose any way. Grigoroni·Puff " D" as in Dunkey,Aian Alda,Brong boat.Minn. Twine baii.Portzebie.There·s no Fred running 4 stdnt govt. return of bad acting! lnverso-the wind beneath my wingslmow the lawn in a suit Prez o· freehold. Don't park on gumby! 23 people commit suicide 1

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HELLlfrosh student govt election Leonard lost 4tlmesl Stretch your quads or no schneaks!Twlnkeer Marcus-Indiana Jones in gym,oh forgot my hat! Mr.T says time for lunch.glve air Levin my phone! No earlt schneaks w{out a mouth plece,Oh by the way was your card a club? the 6o clubs perhaps? Ape Woman-Let me,oh Penni, upl So?, U ken,COMMINI W.OW.IRAW!My husband I heard owls screaml!lccrickets cryl cut here! I.M. ape woman Here MEEI ROAR? I can't get up,my leg Is broken!! Hi ME Its M~l Well U shouldn't put your hand on my chalr.My what a tasty forhead. Jimmy Lloyd·Thanx for the shirts, the candy,the board,the hair· cuts&the meaning of life ltselfl!ICAKE Frank Zimzam·Sassy,Sassy,Sassyl Peace Hoi Et tu bob? Et tu Wargo? Beguile! I can Oy higher than a colloquaill brief nudl· ty,Carla help us draw a brat MS found In a bottle! Nice cotillion date,lt was good for me was it good 4U?Sassy.sassy,sassy See a sassy sandwich! Wlg·heyl media wizards not av techies,Rule1 make nice,nicel Suck my dustl take it to C4071 Moonlustlng! beat on brotylbox o' junkl Pussowwhlppol Keller-shoe In my stone! Jayl!lcEd·l've been seeing 10 girls 1 wants me to choose HA HA Mr. D.Hipsl Tim-Qh I forgot you're not here anymore.Nevermlndl Warren Warren Brelsford Brelsford·Go hunnlnl Moo contem· porycows. Weasll-only the strong survive! No current event? Me either! ANTHONY II'IV'r:RSO • Kate· Eep Opp Ork Ah·AhliRemember all of our "normal" dates since there are so many and I don't have enough room to write about them. Well,let's take a moment to reflect on every· thing ... Thanx for everything and ... "excuse me. " Oh.and Kate ... nothing. Mark· The last 4 years In review:30 million people commit sui· cide,why?. frosh basketball tryouts, rating the gym class, "we've got the whole school on our side" ,soft flexible one,the line game,the Retreat-the heater,toothpaste,football;commlttees, bumping Into Mrs. MJello wrestling seminar,and anything else.Anyway, yesterday I saw a "zero" wearing a tie at the movies who "played pool" the whole tlme.l noticed he was "Chmlellng it" and he was with Schneeks(The Ultimate Athletic Ma· chlne).When I looked at hlm.he pretended to look somewhere else,probably at Solomon,and I did the same when he looked at me.l went up to him and asked, "will you sign my yearbook?"He replied, "I know you, you're the one who's called on the an· nouncements all the time." Then I said. "Oh,l know y,o u!You're the loser who failed his driver's test" and he replied, "well,that's what Geometry does to you." Then I left to dust my room and talk to my, cousin from Ganna U. before my mom came home ... Well,lt's been all that I hoped for and much,much morel! Lenard· When I was at the movies, I parked my car on Gumby.l "Chmleled It" but I forgot my hat.l put my mouthpiece In and was ready for "early Schneeks. "Then I saw a man mowing a lawn in a suit. He stopped to stretch his quads and I realized It was the Surgeon General who Is also the President of Freehold.He said to me,"-3 million people die each year from smoklng.why Alex· la?"Then he told me that I was his hero and sang "The Wind Be· neath My Wings." I told him to see a doctor because he Is "No· Weii,No·Welll" . . . It's been great knowing you,LeniRemember Seymore,the greenhouse, frosh homeroom.Next year you'll win frosh Student Gov'tl Matt· Utah,get me twollt's been great knowing you and your momiRemember our cellar exploration at the Retreat and the toothpaste. "Let's look good for the glrlsi""Oh no,not again!",Pinky, "Desperate", "You'll never catch me now" the money in the coatJootball, fighting for the couch,and anything else I may have's been really great hangln' with you the past 2 years! Dan· You are a skating godllt's been great hangln' with youiDon't forget the toothpaste,Retreat. beach volleyball, our lab group, "what kind of an Idea Is that?" Good luck In the fu· ture,my fellow afternoon kindergarten classmate! Geortz· You are the man and hopefully will soon be wearing a comfortable palr of shoesllt was great meeting you and I'll never forget locker punchlng.the Retreat(our 150 degree room),"My life is falling to pieces ... ",the stress seminar,and that fateful day on the bus l"rosh yeariGood luck In the future and call me if you need anythifl«.Remember the hand shaken Rick· August 14,1992-the concert of all tlmellt's been great knowing you! Remember Frosh History, "Nose Job",Memorlal Admiration, "The Phantom of the Mall", "Do you live In a nice house?", scenic drive thru Trenton,the "blue Mazda",driving on th sidewalk,the death moblle,and the Annual Bash! Alex· Ouess what I did this weekend?lt's been great knowing you even If I hated you at first!lt's been great hanglng,slnglng. and skating all over you,my fellow Retreat football MVP.Remem· ber "Desperate". your smoke-filled house.Gretzky,and "If you don't settle down, your Ice time will be llmltedl" Shapson· Russ, my fellow Bench Brotherllt's been a great 4 years,especlally football and the playiRemember classic rock and the f:agles jokes,track, "I need another big guy", "Roll' em." Why do firemen wear blue suspenders? - their red ones are dirty! Bartram· Sklppy,Snacky, Coachy,Siappy, Slurpy.Buttram. Have any money?lt's been a fun and Interesting 4 yearsiRemember not to shoot the shadow, "do we have a plethora" .Jim's Country Din· er,Stutterin' John,Atlantic Clty." work on your game",decoratlng the room,YMCA.Boys State, sitting for Varsity,"he was holding me",the pole at Rider."2 polnts"debate, getting dlssed by those "seniors" at shore, the stupidest track team ln America, and any· thing else I forgot. Good luck at seal Lou· "Get off the air you scam!" It's been a great 4 years!Re· member the character.Stutterin' John.History.SO, plays,the fa· mous picture.Wawa,Bernle, Demaio's lncldent.and anything elseiYou are the man ... now on a serious note,drinklng and

driving ... " What's up with that?" Rog· It was great becoming friends with you last yearn had a great time playing basketball, football,and baseball with or against you.The plays were fun and don't forget about Rell· gion,our lunch table,and the great meatloaf.Good luck In the fu· ture! Demaio- Luvitz, always remember the HZ Polka TrloiSoph En· glish was definitely the best. Remember the Dorks, ·'why do birds suddenly appear ... ", the football games,"l love this guyl", "our friends", "look at yourself ln the mirror!" Good luck at Le· highl"You been llftln'?'' Frank· It has been great the last 2 yearsiRemember the great· est concert ever,the lights on the van, "the blue Mazda" ,our foot· ball, basketball,and volleyball games,Star Wars,and the greatest movie ever· "Phantom of the Malll" Russo- It was great meeting you during the play last yeartRemember the Memorial Admiratlon,practlclng in the hall,moving sets,Rellgion and the exciting r:ngtish classiWe are now real ac· torsiAnd remember,the Eagles ... have next yearl Barbosa· Well,lt's been an lnterestlng,but cool 4 years.Remem· ber to always carry a pack of Big Red just In case.Don't forget "nice laugh",the fish, hats,"you·re gonna get dumpedi",Nicote. the deer, driving Wrobo's cart,chalr puntlng.By the way,do you have any money?Oood luck in college! Chebra· It's been a great 3 years my fellow lunch table singer of last yearlRemember the plays and my rise to stardomiNever forget Miss C's Blo class and Rellglon.Thanx for being a great friend and I still want to challenge you In "Encore!" Vanessa· Did you get my roses yet?They must have been sent to the wrong house agalnll really enJoyed talking to you In History and track. You've been a great tTtend the last few years. I'm telling you the truth,she Is only a friend and doesn't mean any· thing tome ... Toporek· Hey clutziThanx for being a great friend the last 4 years.Remember the balloons.Twlster,falllng off chalrs,and especially "Only the Lonely!" cattannnl· Did you ftnd "meaning" yet?lt has been great knowIng you the last 2 ycarsll've had fun busting on you and giving you a hard time In RellgloniRemember my "Endurtng Questions" and never to spread rumors. By the way,you·re boots really aren't that's been great kno~ youl Heather· Thanx for being a tnend the last 4 yearsll've e'1)oyed busting on you and getting busted on.Thanx for trying to help with some of my gh1 problems In the past.Nice hairy arms.Good luck in the future! Paula· It's been great knowing you the last 6 yearsiThanx for all your advice and for being there for me.Remember all our fun times and that "It hurts more In the back!" Good luck in college and in the future! Butt·ler· It was great meeting you last year at Ground Round during the play!You are the greatest "head stage manager" ever.Thanx for your help during the was great knowing you this short timet Aaron· Wake up Scrappyllt was Interesting last year In Gym,Chem,History. Remember our football games and the play. The Other Chebra(Nkkl)· What can I say.the Cowboys got luckyllt was great Ice skating and playing volleyball with you.Hopefully you'll be able to reach the net next tlmel VIcki· You are only a 311Aiways remember our great tspanol classllt's been fun in the play and all our wonderful skim milk butter?Don't forget our Intelligent classmates. It's been a great 4 years! Belz· It's been an fun and muddy yeariRemember to do your ab workout, not to foul.tum your foot, "Anferme" .and Nole.Good luck In the future and hopefully you'll be able to beat me.Jrs been great throwing with you,Biezl A word to the track team- It's been a fun yearll've enJoyed be· lng a part of the best(and stupldest)team In the schooltRemem· ber the b!g snowball fight and how the throwers domlnat· ed!Thanx tOr your support during meets and practJce.Nole,good luck the next few years and you'll never beat mel I've enjoyed throwing with all of you.fellow shot puttersiAiways remember to have confidence and smile because you are all the bestlll To anyone who's name has not appeared on the previous pag· es- I am sorry If I did not write to you.There was limited space and time to Include everyone who has Influenced my life the last 4 years.Thanx for everything and good luck in the future Class or '93!1 MARK 0. JABLONSKI Alex Sargent • Hey, do you know If you were In the army ... HA HA HA HA. "Have you ever had one of those really satisfying bowel movements, you know, the kind that border on mystkal?" Seattle grunge man! I'm gonna miss making a fool out or myself in public with you Ah ... what stories we shall tell our grandchll· dren. "She turned me Into a newt• ... well ... I got better!" Any time you want to know just how Incredible Pearl Jam sounded live in concert. you let me know. I'll be happy, nay ... elated to share it with you. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha tta. Oym Volleyball forever! Chuck Taylor's was a grand Idea, thanks for everything. See you at the third annual summer canoe trip. Take care of yourself, and never forget that "You are ALEXI" Good luck In whatever you do, and I leave you with one crucial piece of advice . . . when you grow up get married and have kids, buy a really big house (built this century) with large rooms and a ftre place that worb. Matt Kasprzak· Run away, Run away, O.K. so It was stupid movie, but It's funny now. Well your parents can stop sending the checks now, school's over, I guess I'll have to get a job or ftnd some other way to get money. HA HA HA HA. You know his real name's Mosely. I hope all my classes are In the gym balcony. Vol· leyball beach partner, we shall tour the coast In the summer of '93. One day you shall find the perfect girl, and I shall be there to steal her from you. What's the weather like, any snow?. I was starting to sweat when we got an Inch and a half, but don't worry, you shall be bobbing In claSS 8ft scum for sixty disgusting KC· onds. It shall be AMBr:R colored scum, how fitting. "Hey guys, lets look good for the girls!" "Whooopsl" hey guys, I thfnk they're leaving. Mr. Baseball ... HA HA HA HA. "What's up with that?" You lying liar. Nice Halrl Thanks for being my best friend and for being there this summer. Best summer ever! A toast, to the Cubs winning the world series and big .... well you know the rest. Chuck Taylor's were a smash. I await the 3rd annual sum· mer canoe trip. Chicago in 93, we'll make the pllgrtmage, I'll try not to hit any cars or crates In the middle of the road; ranember, when we're 39 we're goin« west. "Oooooh rtoooooo, you dummy . . . the answer Is Eepswltch clams!" Good luck In eva:Ytftlng. hope you get rich and famous as an Actor'. And never forget. 1'1"1 MOSr:LY!II Nikki Chebra· Hey beautiful blonde glrtl Thanks for a great se· nlor year. I'm sorry It took us unW senior year to meet. but I'm so glad we did, thanks to Matt and that whole ugly lunch Incident. f:ven though you tried to polson me with an stale peach and a magic mushroon. I lived, Hal Its a good thing too. cause other· wise 1would never have been able to beat you In Snow Wars. Not that I beat you, well 1did beat you but not that way, oh you know what I mean. r:.::,~u In pool any day. I hope you've ftnally overcome this n with the Turtles. Oh. go bite the head of a stuffed cow. and then blame It on your dog, why don't you. Thanks for the CotiUion, I never had a better time. Thanks for ev· erything, your notes, your smiles and even your volleyball noises, stay as bright, happy, and Incredibly gorgeous as you are today. I promise not to lurk outside your windows anymore. Jump with me Into the future •.. when you meet Mr. Right, make sure he's the kind of guy who'll give you a rose on a Wednesday because, well quite frankly you deserve lt. If he doesn't. I'll beat him up, twice. Remember, you haven't Jived unless you've

danced on a low lit neighborhood street, with no shoes, a bright moon, and a song by Journey. We' re doing lunch when were in college. By the way if I never told you what the message on your back said, it was· I love you. Dan Laperriere· That's how I've always spelled your name, and well dang it. right or wrong. after four years, I aint' gonna change it. Unless of course you prefer La Peep or La Pear or Dan Lapeni· erhair .... well you know the rest of that one. so we'll just let that be. Besides its not true, just look at your knees. HA HA HA HA. We've been friends for all four years, starting from Freshmen year. English class, when well. lets not beat around the bush. I'm just gonna say it, the pool)' haired, chipmunk faced, round bod· ied geek talked to the skinny, too tall, awkward, pool)' haired. pale faced nerd. " Uhguuh , time to change seat Uhguughl" Since then we've been the best of friends. Thanks for everything, I can 't sum up all we did for the last four years. that would be wet " In your own words . . . Stupid. But never forget volleyball· " Oh well ."; Canoeing· " pass me a hot dog"; Religion· ·nuff said; Swimming· " Yup any minute now. they should be pushing of the wall, yup, pretty soon now"; the Cotillion· Chuck T's, and any· thing else we did together, which is just about everything. Oh no. its happening. the Great Adventure syndrome. " Out of my way mere ticket holders, 1 have a an MTV pass! " You don't under· stand, I've got a paper duck stuck In my hand! ... and so the guy died. O.K. next topic. Thanks for signing my yearbook ... loser. Pretty soon I'm gonna blast through the infamous Lapeniere de· fense. I've been using " The Machine". Take care of yourself. good luck In college and I'll see you this summer when we en· force the terms of the bet at the 3rd annual canoe trip. Anthony lnverso· Dorito, Como estas tu familia?: Is that you nose or are you eating a hoagie? I am now, and forever will be a bold Toilet Buster; don't squeeze the Charmin, I want to play a game for real men ... Old Maid; who shot the sheriff?; By the way, when you talk to him, do you find yourself unexplalnably drawn to that thing?; What's your shoe size? Are yqu suggesting that coconuts are migratory?; What difference does It make. Hope N.D.H.S. was all that you hoped for and much much more. Question #3 perhaps. The Eagles I love the Eagles. Don't forget beach volleyball, " Let's look good for the ... ooops"; why don't you learn how to ice skate?; Some call me ... Tim. You were the first person I became friends with at N.D., I don't know how we talked with all the noise in homeroom, Never forget shneeeaks, standing up for the flag salute, the Shmell method, all those S.G. things and of course The Seminar (nice job pres.); " Grrrrr hre rrrt". Yes sir, that's right sir, why you crazy little devil sir. See you on loser night at St. G's. Thanks for all your help at those tennis matches. we handled that real smooth. Senior prom in the court· yard, Hanging with the big Jl; The Cotillion was a blast, I heard Solomon was gaining weight, better keep em· trim, just the way you like him, You guys can play pool or something. Oh by the way, you look heinous in a wig and lipstick. Thanks for being there for four years, Good luck In whatever you do and however you decide to do it. And another thing, shut up about the rain! Eric Wills- Oh sure, I'll have that homework for you first thing tomorrow. and which drug have you been smoking? Ah perhaps the day will come when we both apply ourselves. it would rock the world as we know it. Can I see your notebook; What if a but· terfly .... " Umm ... Yes ... officer this is Mark Jablonski, Is there an Eric Wills here? ... Why yes officer there Is. Oh its real easy. just take a left at the first light then ..... " Good luck in colle_l;le and in the Olympics, Mohammed would want it that way. Juhe· Hey girl, hope you had fun this year. Thanks so much for taking a shy, tall, dark haired, bored sociology student and tum· ing him into well, a slightly less shy. even taller dark haired boy with an abstract purpose in life. What's the matter, is something in your eye? I'll never forget you. Thanks for all the memories, I had a great summer. sorry about that sail boat incident. Don't ever forget the shore, goldfish. babysitting, delivering flowers, Princeton. every park. all the movies, and just spending time to· gether In the sun. I'm so glad It was you. Keep those flowers smelling perty and keep In touch, because every two years. we're getting together. Love always, thanks for being a friend and more. Greg Martin· "Oh . . . Hello Lea, I'm soooo glad you could come, I've been expecting you, what'll it be this time 30 or 40 points, Chris, you can leave now. I think I've seen enough." Pic· ture it, a pink butterfly collar shirt with flared out sleeves, a pow· der blue polyester leisure jacket. and that's all. Then comes the disco ball, the deep red quilt and the bed shaped like a heart, I laughed so hard it hurt: Vat, Vat does dat say?, get closer ... closer, valt. tum back TURN BACK! Well even a dumb Polish boy like me knows better ... What the . . . Hey! Stoneface has a sense of humor. "Blah Blah Blah", Yeah Heather ... something like that. You saw him, right .... he wouldn't stop .... I ... I had to do it ... . he, he wouldn't stop. Oooooh cardboard baby, cardboard. lets give that one the old courtesy laugh, Eh heh. One of these days those foul smells are gonna get you In a heap of trouble. and I'm not going to be around to take the blame, " It was Mark I swear It was Mark, stop lying Stabog" Dan Rather's beats his wife. ... so what does Nissan build? ... better cars . . . get It guys ... their foreign ... better ... my Its awful quiet in here ... Ahem. Zen Buddhists were ... Mike Davies· My newest special friend. Yeah O.K. Jerky, I'll come down there and eat circles around you, I'm the best, 85 buffalo wings In 2 hours, you got it Jerky?. fantastic. Good luck In your chosen line of profession and may Allah guide you, (a little muslim humor, I find It eases the tension). Have my people call your people and we'll do lunch next year. Kate Hess· Heya girl. thanks for using me for the past year and a half. the scary thing was I kinda had fun doing it. Your humble servant always. Niki Tweed· Go plant a wet one on a anxious hamster known to a precious few as Egulnaldol And to all you free thinking philosophers out there (you know who you are) I just feel you should know that when I'm thirty eight, unemployed. unshaven, destitute, penniless, and looking altogether quite scruffy, I'm going to publish "Great Philosophies" and get really. really rfch off your Ideas. So thanks. Oh and special thanks to Laura. Mary, Ant. Nikl, Lou. DeMaio. Davies. both Chebras, Wills and The Table, without whom, quite frankly, the book just wouldn 't sell. sarah· U R my hero! GL~NDA


JEAN-LOUIS Parnell Hamilton-Even thouW1 I never say hi I thought that I should give u this message sfnce u r always talking 2 me whether 1answer u or not. ljust want 2 say nice try wftr)in' 2 hook up BB l!t MG,even though It never worked-GJL Oscar Watson·Thanx 4 crackln' on me evry chance u got in an· thropology class-Glenda Waymon Newkirk·??????-Gienda Michael Wamer·HI·GJL Elandra fanior·'Gienda the good witch '-GJL Barbara Brown·R u ever gonna get wjMG?Thanx 4 giving me my own religion l!t catlin me a liar just befc I am an icebreaker. Oh yeah thanx 4 ur help wfJB l!t BR even though neither worked out. Luv ya Glenda Tanya Brown-HI Mom,your kids r finally growing up huh? 'It's not my fault I was born w;a deep voice'-GJL Shante Grady· Why Is she always laughlng?'GJL Rebecca fltzglbbon·Biast from the past:'Mrs. Hammett there's dodo on the globe! That's not dodo that's clay!' Anastasia Harston· U call your father Don Dada? I was about 2say befc that's before the song came outi'·Love Glenda Vanessa VauW1an·U hv neen BROWN BAGGIN' it since 9th grade!! 'What kfnd of cookies do I like well it depends on the

brand, but then again it depends on which store u by them from, but then again it depends on .... •·GJL Sophie Noncent·R U gonna marry the freshman version of Wesley Snipes when he grows up? Dott Is the girl! 'Look at Mr. Gattos shoesi'-GJL Matt Johnson·! am not quiet·GJL Eric Lampkln-Look at Glenda always walking behind Sophie l!t not sayin nothin-GJL Blaine Robinson·l wish we could've had what we dldn't-GJL Keesha Roblnson·U R so stupid Nvr change·GJL Will David·'Look at Glenda w;that Blggety Benda haircut' & Will u r a nice person-Glenda Laura Okum·U need to stop crackin ' on mr. wrobo, mr dambro, mr dennehy &mr archer-Glenda Jared Broach· U R a very good friend . Thanx 4 all ur help w; o In the 9th grade. I'm glad we became friends-Love GJL Jamie Bonanni·Thanx 4 EVERYTHING·GJL KATHY JOHNSON Kristen Branham·Stewys 4evr it all began wtfrosh softball ,wel· come to S:B. G.D. & the boys lets JAM. team to s·m·-by ur house!) out evrynlght. The school. lost samba 's tripping over air condttioners, trying 2 get in my window. all cut up. The l'llluv u 4evr l!tevr my irish in spirit l!t italian through stomach adven· turous friend Luv always Kathy my name Is mil II l!t lam Bemaded &Iii. Helen Telles·8th grade dnt b friends wj EB b friends w;us Rut· gers movies barbie doll dress frobee did u evr hear the sound ur bike make's when u stick ur foot In the wheel? willows so much fun GO l!t BE our lovers KP Jacuzzi & our blue underwear behind A&P when I go home will ft come back out? halloween getting chased by John Cigars mischief night 2 years in a row cotlllion(fROSH) sneaking out the blanket red dots sneaking them in did he go up ur shirt? New Years whats in ur pocket? Oregs socks in ur dryer yuk Tf house no on~ home the break ups 'blame It on the -··-· rain ' the crank calls snag softball pet cemitary what a comedy LBI smoking by the bay hide helens dads here the bumble bee l!t his stinger senior butterfly bacardi sisters gummy bears our pit go to the bathroom there lately? saw creek no swimming or skiing BAD BUNNIES the big fight friends again the turtle on the way to LBI ur mother at pete's party ho jo's 4th of july trouble retreat talk stow song tapes 9lst street the pitcher of be- teaching me how 2 park the night before the test the thunderground what did u do? murder she wrote hey girl 5 months of heaven stopped dead by my mistakes EE song l!t who could forget NORMA l!t LIL I'm sure there's so much more but this about sums it up lluv u so dn't 4-get it friends 4evr Kathy Sue Ostrowski·its weird how close we became this year l!t I'm so happy we did It all started at 91st street smoke another l!t an· other Indian rain dance I broke the toilet again we got served 'the gate' I dnt buy 4 kids hojo's everctear l!t fruit punch yummy 'sit on my face' basic instinct the mess at hojo's #2 the rave me u KC CS mork l!t mlndy poor sue got sick the TAR in my hair dnt know what was In hte -I joe happy happy the thunderground red death kamacozzi EM JM thank god 4 GO l!t RM to drive home the night we took a trip 2 the thunderground wall the bathroom miror the irl who sat In throw up ankles we hate onions we can' t sleep the pitt the trip of a lifetime ·come out or the woods' 'ford thunderbird' I'm so cold my car turned ln2 a roller coaster were so bad but I'll nvr 4-get It all were the only 2 left ur the best luv ya 4evrKathy Kris Klots·i'll nvr 4-get the farm our movies cheez nachos sit· ting In the car getting lost teaching me stick l!t the lake if I only didn't ruin the cotillion well I still had fun am I still queen ur re· ally special l!t I'll nvr 4-get u so don't 4get me KIT I still think u spoiled snappy Luv always Kathy Jennifer Welsh·engllsh she luvs us ball hog u stole my red dress '!don't care I just don't care· Brummm rummm motorcycle girls hojo's basic instinct who cares were seniors Jenn lluv ya Meredith Ouhl·retreat I wanna go home hojo's next time I'll take pic-up truck in the middle of the street Its stuck the Mustang heavy D we r cool Princeton swimming In the fountain. BAD BUN· NYS BUD my buddy Woolworth earings glass cuts thanx stew. LBI 1st year me u l!t HT the Bumble Bee l!t his stinger Walk til the blinking light .. nothing erin andean, mike l!t joe LBI 2nd fishing TA PODS look at all the colors Kristens getting on greg, rainbow puss " Steve Miller Concert Serenade" Tony again 4th of july lee nice guy Peter street sign & fast car Zeplin summer '92' the old buck what a trip ItA HA look at the water, Roy Rogers,makeup lady big baby,flles.dont talk 2 us. party at the buck SP SM u left me no ware 2 sleep but BB's car models on the beach, the hitch· iker then u crashed 91st Street Party and my house w;the beater theTA unstoppable. Slttin on a dock of a bay the windshield oh no let's go skinny dipping the big fight absolutely horrible my fa· vorite stripped shirt frosted mug fairview august parties almost crashed ur car HoJo's the man @ the gas station 'were's ur friend?' the torster nvr again u promise Meridlths party 'am I ugly?' & the end of evilness the Pitt 2/5/93 what a trip that was nvr been so cold in my life my dog ate the Doc's Well stew I can't believe It went so fast I'll love u 4evr &don't 4get it. Bff $ evr lit· tleG Carol Scanlon·from klndergarden til now youv always been the best Rutgers movies running from the Nf:f:HA's. mrs. t on the wrong side of the road Let's ride 16 miles to Burger King my ad· venturous friend to the town center french fries the whole bottle of ketchup and when u get ur u want to cry the red tricycle w;a basket 2 hold the CVS brand ur mentoes all I have 2 say is pizza Ia strada 4 musks coke eggrole & Ice cream PIGS! its OK we'll bike it off I'm thirsty lets go 2 helen's silver plated CS heeelooo monica free pizza & a ride 2 the mall LBI wjthe family foodtown creamer write back up mini check dart guns beekmar pit stop graveyard eyeliner who would have ever thought mllll v nilll 'girl u know Its true' Grandmas camats in ur yard Keiths jucuzzl his toilet paper came In handy new years 90 dn't trip up the stairs run its basketball blackberry brandy boy were we muddy I broke my back on ur fence KC got her friend so did lis this a set up? TF no ones home food fight pudding on the chandalere Kath Its ur mom no Its not crash can we rest alex's party I didn't kiss him will power we missed allttle time but we made up forlt 4th of July at HT's 9lst remlnlslng at the tab e in the room marty l!t Sean what fun the rave Joe he tried to kiss me weres KC and SO sleep· ing In the truck shot down at the rockcy but not at summerset skiing '!can't do It' Taco Bell eat out 'I'm gonna eat u out' late nights at elm street thrs no people the thunderground chris p henchman c car thief drug dealer loan shark( nice guy) red dead kamacazl night Kath I'm gonabe sick too late nvr again yea right well that's not nearly all but close enough the TAB sorry about ur party 'am I ugly' our bad boys they'll come back LBI dn't leave me alone I luv u Kathy Kelly Corboy·you Irish princess LBI the rave joe tar in our hair thunderground our bouncers make us pancakes I don't know what we just sm·-· but Its doing it for me thanx 4 my doo luv ya always Kathy LBI Babs Brilliantine-first I have 2 say meow u cat hung on christ· mas the old buck is monopoly Immature? I get my own bed cr: august at my house ride bikes lately? bring In beauty l!t the beast 4 fem gully thanx 4 the lunch $ fridays pizza day I need ano~er piece welllluv ya to death 4evr ur rich luv Kathy Joanne Dinola-alll have to say is dump the dudll never did lis· ten by the way o christmas frog, o christmas frog why did u jump Into the road? I' ll tuv ya 4evr Jamie Papa-shore house ur so skinny merideths party u&sean 2 cute lm jealous teach me 2 dance please ur going 2 the club I luvu Kathy


Jf:NJUNQ K,KK.RU summer! this one will be better men the sig of the #5 can it be topped? we'll c ur quest 4 SR l!t mine 4 a name I dot hav 2 mention bring some 'friends' along flashing light l!t the night· walk nvr remember a night 2 forget Denny's a total metamor· phlsis pool halls u me l!t SC going crazy white people have no rhythm according to NR do It like this (shake shake) sprinklers learning to drive my car 'thick men· what about the rude realator we must always KIT I'll miss u Hell is over " T" ·what's up soccer is over remember all them talks softball my mom's brownies philly lets roam the streets horsee, I wanna pet the horseee not da momma hope u get barney nvr 4-get ser· vice. ur dad's reportsl!tessays were really good I'll miss u so we must always KIT we will party this summer Luv Ya Blondie·my fellow perverse friend I'm glad I got 2 know the true u very interesting talks lunch buddy ur solution 2 everything nvr 4-get MW secret admirer thr alot of 'thick men' out thr. hope u have a summer KIT be/c I'll miss u missouri chlldiH:razy one how did ur hair get so red u take things beyond the limit quest of MW vito's pizzaman Dave Thomas l!t MB they will one day be fu'~~ ~~~~Wt+ss~~:::~~~~:W hot y so quiet Irish woman have To All The Rest Of The Lunch Group AG,SW,KL.etSS.the cyn· leal 11'11 miss u good luck always 2 the soccer l!t softball players LK u r the soccer woman rambo stay tough AC dnt eat before games OK. Good luck 2 whoever the goalie might b l!t 2 evryl else·AK AR NO LS KA MH KC JH KN MM DL NJ l!t KP. ALISON KAKSTIS Julie Altlere· It all started frosh year w1 our wonderful lunch ta· bles (hal). Did U ever notice all our memories seem to revolve around food? We can always get each other 2 eat no matter whatl It's a good thing we always had track or else I'd be breaking a lot more zippers and you'd havejello legs. Aren't U glad UR polish?! Track was great as long as U were there- our runs with catrina, great talks, singing "I want to be sedated" , freezing, Vanessa with her tissues, sharing a locker with U which always smelled great: will U wash my clothes 4 me? I already miss our morning car rides I don't miss those Pet Shop Boys thought, afterschool at the apt. wfthe ~J NY Super Fudge Chunk, our rides In the late eve, High Rocks- next time we go there I won't wear those shoes!, Cart's surprise appearances, BLT's at the diner, I hate volleyballl, do U really hate DO that much that u leave every time she appears? (Just klddlngl), history class· don't fall asleep!, guess who will never pay us back· In our next lifetime remember to keep a tab, trips to NY· Les Mls, Mrs. Keams- I don't think she'll ever read my grade aloud, our big-breasted gym class· maybe we should get Implants. I need a tan, UR the only 11 know who seriously looks good pale. Will u come to college with me 1 don' t know what I'll do w;o U. What shall we eat next?Go fill the fridge In our apt· I'll see U there In the fall II love your Meghan Kelling· U R the healthiest chick I knowl Don't worry someday they'll growl (Just klddlngl) Never forget all our memories! Our visits 2 Ty In Benetton, Chuck's- where did our boy· friend go?, Thomas Sweet's, gyro's, tceland·when are U going to get me a date w; Doug,don't worry I don't want to get on Mark though Chris H. still looks very good, Adam. Russ. Matt, Dave. Josh, Chris· so little time! I just loved our train ride thru Europe. peeing In Swiss gas stations, being attacked In Germany, easter morning breakfast, our Turkish cab driver, freezing In our rooms·next time let's try closing the windows, good luck getting Into tJte shower!, singing cat Stevens-my rave car buddy, saving my butt numerous times at LBI (RICH), talks at the beach W/ AM. evening walks thru Hamilton, Smartfood l!t Oranglna. good luck getting down the hill, POINT BR~K. playing pool w; David and Todd, U2, sleeping out, my concert budll our beauty solutions· I don't think they worked! Herman l!t Louise· how are they doing? our talks. U solving all my problems, sorry I'm such a nut, leavin' classes early, hangln' w;the nurse, stay away from that Indian food, trips to NY·Iots of 1st's for U thanx 2 me, barlshnlkov, Heathers, Love Story, Thai Rama on Weds.. new year's eve, lunch-It was the best w; JM's food, remember 2 bring mo'money next time we get our hair cut, I promise I'll never get on your bro. swimming W/ big Billy· he'll save Ul Can't wait 2 live on the same street w; u l!t the rest or them l!t carpool l!t colfee clutch! I love Ul Don't forget all our memories since U know I willl Debbie Grasso- Where shall I start·how 'bout nursery school? Who would have ever thought we'd last this long! LBI car trips. gaucamole·mlne's the best!, Rider w; Rego, Mike's snakt!· we'll have 2 go get U 1 since U like to play w; It so much, little mer· maid your favorite, Julie leaving every time U show up- I promise she doesn't hate Ul, go get me a bra w; stars on it. pop tarts, powder leaves and the lipstick (U know the onel), I'm a nut, your a pecanll. eating all of Rich 's fries, our napkin letters 2 frank, 1 promise I won't tellll, when do I get my free manlcure,U w; the boyfriend's, me just getting on, I can't handle relationships!, U l!t ur glitter sunscreen, black nallpolish· it could only look good on Ul, getting lost In Trenton, I finally learned the way to your house, next we need to team the way back from Rich 's, Mr. Wendel, Ali Baba l!t the 40 thieves, Mr. Bob Danallna, NWA· swallow ltl, our matching bedrooms. car trips to Bridgewater. driving home from the beach· walt I don't have a llscencel, senior prom-what would I have done wjo U· UR my savior, remember I'm UR maid of honor. did U set the date yet? R U going 2 come Jive w; me- there R enough bedrooms, can't walt 'til all our kids R playing together while we play cards and talk sex. I love Ul Tiffannl Ballarattowe try eating In front of people sometime, chewing Isn't that hard, just cut the muffin a few more !_Wles,lt'sjust not small enough yeti (Just kidding), Weds. at Thai Rama. soon enough I'll be In shape, our runs to Rider, track· don't U just love it. cat Stevens, Doable Brothers In the Jeep, Inned a scrunchlel nap time at Meghan's house, I need to sleep in the middle! Despite the fact you won't eat I still love you! Vanessa Vaughn· My track buddy! I'll always know who to go to for the tissues. I loved our talks In gym class with Julie and Kristine. Thanx for always cheering me up! I'll never forget youl


MATI KASPRZAK " The Buffalo Wing Champ-1<>0 Wings! " " Utah ..... Get me

Two Ill"

..~~~.~.~~?:a:':!"CtJ;~eM~~:~~~eS mei·~nd to Big T"SI" To Mark: You know his real name's Mosley ..... I'm Mosley! Oooooohhhhhh 1'10000000 ... I'm just watching the final leopardy and a man missed a bible question because he did not know what dueteronomy was ... ooooohhhhh noooooooool You dummy the a~r Is Elpswltch Clams! Why don't you go put your nuts In a microwave?! Oh My God It's earlyll'm Mosely! fake fights. Butts through the wall·l still haven't fixed thaU The never ending dirt road that was almost as fun as canoeing. the pscycho guy walking along that dirt road, the prison on the road. Mud Wrestling. falling off dlft's HA HA HA HAl Dan's big step In eating the Illegally cooked hot dogs. The crazy 30ft Dive Into a two It deep river .... Ouch! We are the next Randy Stoklos and Slnjln Smith In Beach Volleyballl We are the Kings of the Beach as well as School Volleyballl OWWW My Tounge hurts from TSTSTST· STITTSSSSSSSI I'm Mosely! Looking forward to swimming in scum this summer although I'd rather see you and Dan In your underwear swimming In a foot of snow. Thanks for the accident

~~~v:i,~fr'~:~~~mh,~l~ef:'t ~t~l~~~~C!t~~~ lng, Brainless, Hopeless, Dumbest. Sack of Monkey Scrot that he islll The total E·l'actor according to me over the summer was a 31, Except for that Hot 12 Year Oldl "Let's look good for the Glrlsll ..... UUUMMMPPHHHI" But really man thanx rorbeing my

best friend for every year for all four years! We went from being two freshman loser dorks to being two loser senior dorksl Thanx for being there when I needed you, I tried to be there for you man! Thanks again I love you man! . . Not that I want to go pick out curtains with you or anything . . . . See Ya at the Cattle Drive in 22 years! Later Brall'm Mosley! To Betsey: Thanks for all those stories junior year- Every story made me feel closer to you. I hope that whatever you're doing now- you 're happy. If you're not happy find somebody that will make you happy. I had a great time at the Cotillion · You're an awesome dancer. Did you really go to the beach at 1 am?! In my heart. you 'll always be a Betsey to me. Alex: Hey Scrot!Eddle Vedor is the almighty one! Nag Nag Nag That's all you do is Nag! NOOEEELL NOOOEEELLLI Nice Trench! Desperate! History 1 & 2 with Ms. McGraw. Choots. 1 got the shaft! And now that schools finally over and we are out or this Hellhole forever, If I hear one more crack on my mom-1'11 kick youtt!!!lltl! Dan: I will destroy you! Dan you've come a very long way since Freshman Year! You went from being the biggest loser in the world to the greatest stud, one-night stand. witty guy that ever lived! I hope that you're still mad at me for toothpasting you in your sleep! I am still laughing at how mad you were- It was Clas· sic!! " Let's look good for the girl's! .. ... UUUMMMPPPHHHI" I don't believe that you jumped off of that cliff with us then wrestled in the mud! You're amazing! Anthony: Desperate!! You know how much I get tumed on by feeling you up in Guys and Dolls! I hope somebody reads this when you 're president and expiots It all over the papers! Desperate! I always thought that you were a Dork ever since Freshman year and now that we are Seniors and we know 1:ach other like brothers- I know that you're a Dorkl Oh and another thing ... You suck at VolleybaiiiDesperateiNooooeeelllt Desperate: You are the most stuck up, snooty. rich I have ever encountered. Oh Yeah:One more thing ... You're Desperate! Todd: No more years! . . .. . . Frank: You are the King of the Studs! My Hero! Lou: You' re the funniest guy I ever saw . ... . No I mean your looks ... Mellisa: Rebecca! Will ya marry me? I'm still In Love with you! Love. Sam Roger: Utah! . . . Get Me Two! Don Mattingly Is the Lordi Go Yanks! Leonard: You are Dave Letterman! See Ya on T.V.! Mike Googels: You're amazing. But I don't need to tell you something you already know! You are a spiking Machine! Hey! It might snow tomorrow! Jeff Smith: You still owe me $20 from that EaglesjDallasgamel Mark W: Da Bears! My back is till hurting from that massive collision we had on Retreat! Da Bears! Ted Swan: Leam how to play Volleyball! James Russo: Coffee is so good- I can 't Imagine why It isn't a sin! Kristen: I love you and I always will love your I never felt more comfortable with anyone on stage more than you! Never forget our stage memories· in the hay, Finally getting married! You 'll always be my llOpds of Sugar in the Territory! Look Adelaide you're getting yourself upset. You and I are going to be alright! After all we love each other and we're going to get married! Let's see that old smile! That's my girl! See Ya Tomorrow! I love you Kristen! MEGHAN KElLING Ali Kakstls Bubba: Finding a homets' nest. sledding in your backyard, groundhogs, that horrible Snoopy play, Ms. Murphy's class and our little coterie, all of our trips to Wlnberries (birth· days, graduations, brunch), the see-through bathing suit at the cousins. our Valentines day In NY (Tavern and ballet), all our happenings at the beach, fishing with your father. trick-or-treating the night Superman was stalking the neighborhood, our infa· mous night walks, date with John John and Light (where the hell are you All?), our first concert REM and then all the rest especially the night we sang Jeremiah was a Bullfrog. alone at RHCP, U2 (I could spit on him!) seeing Ty at Sinead, seeing Ty period, eating Chinese with Amy and cutting Conrad's friends' hair, getting ready for those dances, all of those times I lived with you, Europe: there Is so much! the coldest room In Germany, How many times did we get in trouble?, do you want another hard roll and cheese?. try leaping into the shower, the train ride to Paris, findin$ our own little berth. it takes two to use the toilet our first night m Munich and all the harrassement we received, running every night for curfew, our Parslan pizza man friend, the cab ride to Dachua, Hard Rock Cafe and walking home from It you guys didn't know you almost killed me, how about that convention Ghandi Bubba Fanni: let's see how many things we can skip, 1 got first world, the floors are really comfy, you always have to be In the middle. that conversation!, New Years 9~: movies, food and toenails, Les Mis you. me and Julie, you are my favorite driving partner because no one can sing a duet like you: Didn't take long to find me (Cat) or tum around bright eyes. let's leave school to get a hoagie or watch Sally, our trips to the doctor and nutrionists (Did you see me pass out?), thanks for being there and having a great bedside manner, retreat: hey Ali are you crying?, Thai Rama. Thai chi: grasp the sparrows· tail, let's get lost In Trenton, get accosted, almost in a near fatal car accident on our way to a service project, In Rl: damn Is that a fire alarm I suppose we have to get up but lets pack first. please don't date anyone 35 until your at least 21, smash In your basement. all of our culinary adventures (Indian), remember your naming your fist child after me, I love you Bubbal Chrissy Lewis. Come here I have a story to tell you, Iceland enough said, your letter made me cry at retreat, "helping" each other In bio, trig I basically slept through it. you are my favorite babysitter, remember cleaning up after, tennis at Mercer, our road trips, I don' t think you've treated me enough at lunch, I love the way you laugh and clap your hands, let's swim and then go to Denny's at three AM, let's sleep out for tickets and leave for Roy's before the crucial moment. I'm having trouble remembering things so I'll just say something corny like you are a great friend and I hope when I have an insulin reaction you're around because you always have money! Julie, You'll always be my favorite florist, so how many times have I been to your house now, twice?, I'm the girl with the pillow in your Religion class, I will always think of you when I play the Sugarcubes. the most Incredible experience in the world you me Ali crushed against a metal fence at U2, James and moshing at Rider. our trips to Princeton, standing In subzero temperatures outside City Gardens, Jet's go to the diner, KiNI, and everything else that elludes my memory! · Bee, March on Washington (we love broccolli), Dances With Wolves. Iceland my God there's too much!, snowball fights, singing, the people (you know), camping: Pine Barrens. my yard, your yard. you, me. Justine, Rain in front of our lockers, warrior paint, pictures In the bathroom, the Bootleggers, Mercer park at night, BooBoo, Bambi. and Thumper, you went to the morp with Joshi. the day I thought I was dying, Project Groovy Train, a certain night at the beach, all of those concerts!, I'm never sleeping out for tickets again, I can't believe we flnally saw them liver Tiff Fanni: Can you imagine if we didn't have !}YlTl together, running to Chem exam, Cat Stevens and your jeep, Conference: skipping sessions, you got ~rd world, conversations in a secluded hallway, we have paralell Jives, we're rollingl, xmas shopping, can you give me a ride, talking to a pickle for three hours (thanks), I can 't believe you didn't see me at the Market, Jet's think of ways to drop hints, music for your class, camp stories, do you have any food for me in your car, our trip to the beach, li·

brary boy, tennis, Europe thanks for helping me back to the ho· tell Debbie, I think you, All and I should go for a car ride in Trenton, Mercer Street and getting hit on, I remember you with straight hair, Writing Irish and reading aloud, we have the best service classes, period 8 wouldn't be the same without you and David, cutting doughnuts in half in a church basement. Deb you always have the best and most shocking stories! Kelly, You are definately my favorite scolio and fellow mathe· matician. God we were pyscho children, St. Mark's, smashing Cabbage Patch Kids, ketchup and twisted sisters, our zany years of religion class together, do you still have that story I wrote. beach memories, swimming, escaping practice and running into the one-armed janitor, guys thats not my father, Groove, that summer night when Amy's Dad yelled at us, boating and me doIng all of the work, Hll (you know) Amy, The time just zips by with you, there Is just too much to write about that. hockey games, numerous infatuations, the god of Iceland. the Rose, I'm the only one who can get your cap on, nursery school we were the best buddies even though you don't remember, summer art class and slipping out the bathroom window, night of terror at swimming. every time I hear Groove I'll think of you and Kelly, you went to the morp with Dave, getting In trouble with your father and then his treat of boating, skating in the dark, eating with the ducks. Justine, Don't move! (hands), my name is Meghan but you can call me Ishmael. she talks so much about you I feel I know you, Lorraine I want the nachos!, Airplane (notjust the movie), I like my coffee black like my men, fireworks at Kailua, Radio Free Ha· wail, Jesus was way cool and look there he Is nowl, goin' courtin ' , I try to get away but she keeps pulling me back in, Waiting Room, remember that awful dream, remember that awful night?, emotionally spent over tea and Fruit Loops, that day In New Hope, every E.M. Forrester movie we've ever seen, Rupertl. all· those great movies we've seen11 Meg: One word: Fantastik. Caryn: Two words: Apple Sauce. Chrissy D: Six words: I'm never driving with you again! Jf:NN KELLY Jon-6/8/01·6-friend and Q-friend.6/91 first kiss. Our songs: "You're the one, I'd be nothing without U Blind Faith. and I'll always love U." W.Hist. class·Frosh year. Destiny Jr. and Sr. prom. Jr. Sr. Cotillion Hottub, Your football games. teaching me how to drive, Brooke's tent party, driving stick, M.C. park. red roses. dinner at your house, Jon·you're zipper is down, Guess what? Nobody love you, doing your h-work and reports, my basement. nlcknames:poo bear, pumpkin, and babou, late niles o the beach, mrs. b's office.fla. trip, Salt House, helping me with the bucket. New Year's Eve another nite and last at the bucket. play· ing cards, watching movies, sayen gardensJr. ring ceremony, good girl. provo, your beach house, rint rint. spending my $, sleepin over your house for the 1st time, your lnltals above my bed, best friends. just being there when needed you most. did you ever know you're my hero, you're everything i wish I could be, I could fly higher than an eagle, for you are the wind beneath my wlngs.l'll always b your little girl, I Juv u, remember what the fortune teller told us - what a future! Rebecca R.·Jen's house, your house at 1 afl'll. gym, history, and svc. class 2-gether, gossip, don't worry, you don't hang low. powder puff, pasta party, bodyguard, you're one of the best Bee, luvya·F/f Missy C.-Jen's house, Becca's house. our sleep over parties, shopping at Stacy's Ground Round, what a nite. your a true friend powder puff, gossip, switch h wk .. table 4 cotillion, matching lin· gerie, Missy! leave Bee alone. really she doesn't hang low, she's just big. you're a real friend F/F luv ya Jen S.-your house, Becca's house, our sleep over parties, doIng my nalls, candy canes, gossip, my car, not disturbing Bee and Neil, ground round, thanx 4 support. IOU your rear is rotten running in the halls. to get 2 Joe, let me see your nech talks about J.L. and J.F. pasta party at Bee's F/F luv ya James B.·many memories good and bad, getting 2 Involved w1 girls, wrong situations. your a true female lover.we had some great timz 2gether, jr.&sr. proms Jr.&sr. cotillions what funli still o.u. $10 from our bet after sr. cotillion, good luck in all you do. Nicole R.-memories, some good, some bad, we'll4get the bad, lunch, Sunny's house, eatlng mashed potatoes. Greece dance, Sr. cotillion, powder puff, driving around looking 4 Econo Lodge, losing Sunny, F/F luv ya Joanne D.-alot of memories, but more to come since UR wj my cuz. U and Scott r t-riffic 2gether, the bus countdowns till S.D. came home and till u got your license, going to the wedding, doing the slide and chicken dance, the catch, our matching outfits, our subarus all classes 2 gether. bowling wjRL,MZ, CB, SO, AND SO, u r a great friend F;r, Juv ya Joanne C.-cousins, Italian band from the Gervasoni, grandparents, Wildwood, your sis's bfriend, the guts we met Ocean Spray, Fresh Catch, Fish. rashes from baby pwdr, Itchy, we had fun, MG and the wacky kid u were w; frosh yr. SW house, leaving home 4 a few hrs., great tlmz, Pizza Hut.F/F luv ya Carol 5.-Wuz up? Wuz up? Wuz up?alst. st. loose your underwear. Pete looks good In them, great timz In trig, private pic of JW wear tlte clothes much,F/f luv ya Andy z.-ur crazy! everybody thinks u r shy, little do they know. the tlmz we hung out, my sis' on New Yearz Eve, the Salt House, your house, your garage. Juvya Gina M and Nicole S.-Behave guys, stay out of trouble, best of friendz in good and bad Juv ya both Matt M.-gym class, your girl Is crazy, you and M.C. r the cutest couple,good luck wjher, thanx 4 everything at Ground Round, u r a great person. luv ya Joe L.·hr, here comes Jen down the steps. helping w1 car. what a muscle man, hattal Ground Round· experience 2 4 get, thanx 4 your comfort. u~en r adorable, good luck 2gether, luv ya Kelly C.·91st st. The Catch, Skip. YMCA, but Skip, show a little more In those pj's, your gorgeous and I'm beautiful. u r a true princess. Miss St. Patty's Day, studying 4 chem, sleep overs wf the girlz, Xmas Xchange party @ your morns. baking choc. chip. cookies W/ Jon. staying@ your mom's the nlte Jon left 4 the Island, shopping @ the grocery store, .. . seeing Mr. C and His g friend, had Jots of great memories. 2gether, luv ya Jen C.-evilness will always prevail, driving up the d·way, JB girl probs, 91st st. b-ball games w; Sunny, Salt House. hanging Wf Jf, JB. AZ, and JW. we had really good tlmez, u r a great listner, luvya Jaime P.--91st st. your bfriend, the care taker, cheerleader #1. Ted C. parties, Roy Rogers broom. F/f luv ya Jen W.-JF and JB r special guys, what great memories W/ them, boom I got your bfrlend, gym class Jr. yr., lies. James'b-ball games, McDonald's Marrazzo's, free food and pictures, Dinner@ the f'regans, going to Andy's, Kim and Michael, the rat lady on Andy's tv, straw. dacks, your cuz at the door, going 2 your dentist. Jon's f-ball jerzees, the pic of us in them, shopping 4 the shore house. Jon's beach house, 91st st. our room, the walk way, our special pic of u, your camera, in the room W/ JB ans JF taking showers, borrowing clothes, 4 of us, memories 4ever, Juv ya Sunny S.-where di I start, WG and JP watching u while JP was away, 3 witch posse, L.A.K.D. and JKjewelery demo, hanging in Trenton, Ted C. b&W party. u and JB hooking up, The Salt House. Olive Garden, Hotel Party, eating @ jon's house, your mom, looking for WW-P high, Distinctive touch. my hair, cotillion dresses, fun W/ JB and JF, the fleld b·hind your house, dinner 4 4, squatting @ salt house. freehold mall, Aunt Annles pretzels, I have Nothing w;o you .. JP your seat belt on, skipping school.

eyedrops in that car. some really good times, u r the best my lit· tie sun shine. luv ya Melissa B.-u can't always get what u want. at least In the way u want it. Jon is the best bfriend, and we luv each other dearly, so just keep dreaming. Brendon D.·New Years Eve Salt House. Jon's house, hanging 2gether, TS is no good, she'd be happt W/ the dog, too much trouble. luv ya Tara S.-Do you like my bfrlend thanx 4 being a great friend, NR is a better friend. · Kristie M.-lce skating, the movies, our video, Steinert dancs, our dances, riding over the bumps, speeding ticket, sleeping W/ the enemy, u have been my best friend 4 9 yrs .. and there Is just so much we've done 2gether, lots have changed since grammar school, still B/F;r. we've done everything 2gether and looked the same sometimes, remember, I'll be your BF If .. when I watch our video I just cry, they were the best times and I miss them and you, don't ever stop talking or being my BF luv ya BFF 8RIANKN01T Bax-Got the munchies boyz? MD 20/20, the angle of luv, the Red Raven Pub, the 4 am cool burst, 1 on 1 games, how many times have we been shot at?, welcome to the terrordome, I hate Steinert, Yardley Morrisville golf course. trtples at Iced tea, 50 Tacos, jabbarball, we had lunch, Gettysburg. never 4get the AEO power hat, XENON, wcu- see ya there? Matty-ovary boy, :5 wins. 352 defeats, #25 debt 4 the rest of my life, U2 baby, do I get my ods back now, Lazer cong snaps, can I bum a ride, We can run anybody In the country In 2 or 2, MR rider, runs to the border, yo we've been thru everything, ur the big Bro I always needed 2 steal my stuff at beat me up. Thanxl Davies-ski bum I yo jack frost, word. u r outragelous, I just got 1 thing 2 say .... . The boat sank. Barbosa-Lets go house hunting, or not. black label, deep boy, a crucial member or the Yardley Morrisville golf course, posse, lets get some com, we need some salt. and a lemon,p'ton camp. u r the man, and I'll always know more than u think Hay Rayl Skippy·slurp, snap ~ scrap, whatever your friggln name Is, you really r the man, 4 as strange things worked out. I couldn't change them, I will take great respect in being one of the major corrupting factors in your life. Swan·You deserve Morrin it's just that simple. My way we're gonna do it my way. Round Boy-Thanx 4 the Red Raven It changed my outlook on lifr. You're one of a kind, I thank God for every night! JOEY! Rose-Never forget your 1st Bf. Jen Ellsworth-1 swear I'm feeling much better now. Ferd-You're the worst 5'10" volleyball player I've ever seen. You're the John Madden man though -cut em. Di Liberto-well you will always be a pretty fed up and wonderful part of my memory, Never did though, I guess u never 4get or get mad at your 1st cow pasture crew mate. to tell the truth I'm still a little worried about thr stylish aliens on fed. City Rd. Llz·welcome 2 the White House, Liz, u really found the perfect man, It's a shame he's Bridget's bfrlend, u r still 1 of my fav women don't play chess chico de espana. Caryn-not Caren or Karen, you were my other cow pasture cr.ew mate, never shall I forget the night. our lunch date are really something equal 2 me, also that offer always stands concerning the dress. Karen KK, whoa. soul friend what can I say. $9000 In phone bills and a dream, will always have these summer nites when I was a young man ld=should have asked you 2 marry me. then I wouldn't look like I do now, I should probably write some Inside jokes, but you prob wouldn't get them a;w. Emde. Pietras, and In Mem of Crazy Ted-you guys are sick. I maen real sick, you should seek help, seriously, no amn, really, you guys r outrageous. Quick Billy Moore-hey u r 1 guy who knows what lbell l.s all 'bout, no matter what anyone has said or says, you r a fball player, but u r still a QB wlmpl (JK) Wills-Shave. wills u r the man, the horsemen shall ride again some sorry day. Mlddleton·l wll not 4get soph yr. You won't either, babe, you changed my life, that's something I'll always luv u 4, you're somethln special girl, don't u 4get that. MFP Mawt-ls It Tues. yet? I gat my oenny ~y part of a shirt. Eb Sls·you mean so much girl, don't get it yet, you not falling 4 me was the greatest thing tha ever happened 2 me I gained a great gfrlend and a great friend b/C oflt lluv u, but. never Jill McClure-my like a girl talk baby, what more can I say? Misc.-to anyone- fill It to the rim wfbrim, green jello, JT Joe Lesticlan's left knee, big hesitation to use heater on Blue Thund., Almo wants u. Vladlmln, I picked out this Ue <1\ u from the dumpster. r u goln to the motherland?, I'm TH~ therapist, you'll be getting my bill, perhaps b4- college, we should really apply ourselves, nah, I could have sworn I saw a payphone here, Luv yaJustln Mlke-tt only took :5 yrs, the ORIG.pool skrk, and founder of the Slmpsons, yes Almo, It's Skippy. happy 50th Candyrnan, who's a Lush, they gave me luggage, AAA hell, flashback 1992, it's called reality-look Into It and I want my $ back. wrong, next l.ssue, did u see Aladdin, mambo lessons at the lift, 1 had a " whole days 2 spare, there's 2 strikes against that song, my 5 pt. Jist. the nlte that never happened what was I thlnkin, weekdays @ 5 than.!( <1\ my positive ex. luv ya RU Nick-grass stains, you ever see the 1st power, no more bets, you let me win, yeah right. 1 only lasted a month aure rtY's If you're goln to sit on my couch, I need your sweatshirt back mine's fallin off. 1st~ last party. sony bout your stereo. what VIolent Femmes tapes, nke trenchcoat. let's go over Qarrett's tease. Sarah-we're so obrox., let's mosh. Johnny, New Yrs ~the Holy Grall & Almo @ my house, we suck @ pool, It's lmpoeslble 2 get 11 quarters @ Denny's, you're satan In dlsgul~, I'm a nun, bat of luck @ Nr:m. if you know what 1mean. Ellen r:MF-ftasco, always rem. Sr. party Invitations, Soph ~I W/ Kmart woman who wants 2 save our souls, sha really need LIS@ WI. u have 2 wonder, I took your Vocab book, Ground Round balloons, can I just take my car, have run w; your man, he was actin like a male. Other Buds-Caroline, math league. It's short arid tight. Mitzi, my gum buddy, we tfme It perfectfy, Kim, Nikki, Kristim Beth, Colleen, Jenna, Alex, Mk:had, Mdlssa, Justine, Meghan, Lou, Heather, Goertz, etc. Thanx, lluv yal MEReDITH KUHLHAI'I Sandra-Sandrita, Nola, Como tsta, Me gusto muchol we've been thru a job. friends. bfrlends, pretty much everything 2gether, we've deftnately had our ups and downs, but thru you ever have a prob, just look me up Bear·Bestfrlenct today's the 1st day of the rest of your foreverGREr:N. To The World-well, ND Is almost history, and I'm 4" taller and 50 Jbs. heavier. but I have alot more 2 show than that I've met some or the greatest people In ly life thus far here, when u look back@ me I may have been a lfl bit crazy. bus only B/C I'm totally Insane. KAReN KRAJACIC Lynnle-6 yrs at countin', rotaUn' bfrienc:ls, and cllmbln walls, LBI and Myrtle Bch, Put-Put 5X in a row-how obvl Where did I pk? Lyn you look finer Tumors,ulcers.and heart attacks. scooter races, Me at 12 yr.olds, I have 2 catch a bus In 5 so . . . . I su~ can pick em, formal dance flashbacks, dress shoppln hell, s·balls, party drive-bys, Busted, peel out at d death by Blue


Thunder. Punch Buggy someday. we'll live 4·eva in discipline. Spirituality day scandal. men are, you know, Noone ever listens 2 me. root of all evil? Me? u corrupted me. shoppin @ CV5-real smooth. l'llluv ya 4eva.BBB Kate·lola, raymond. wow, we've known each other 4 months. my 16th, call me Pam, NKOTB lover, Mr.G. MG,FD,RD,AD. and all the men I loved b4,good flic·bad flic, so you moved your room? but we' re over that. TORQUE, EWI write this down nb, 2 New yrs. eve you saint. that lab was due 2 wks ago, and then it coughed at died, with the chips, your dooty Unc.Art, Almo the chem savior. late 2 ARGESE, sunshine days. the time 2 change @ Filmore Jr. high, groovy. 12 MarAeva. vball, chem, alg, &eng goddess, tis I, Fandango, what a great look! it's a boys book, ok, I'm only 19. punchballs at cir· cus peanuts, I sure could go 4 a danish. wear your hat. snowballs & H20 gunfights, aim 4 Durkmaster. we made H20, lnconceiv· able! Ermagard and Blue Thunder. my collage and short story, soon. contrary 2 pop. belief. Luv yal Junger-S guys. what else 2 say. what a sum. 2nd hiome @ pool hall& 711. LBI, 11 2 4 am, Jungle Fever. sun's shining In my world, Nancy's talent 4 Imagery In writin~. const lites on Ham Ave. sorry 'bout that date I wasn't thmkin strait, or walkin, u taught me to drive @ Steinert, speakin of, I have a bad feelin bout this. just ppe out. men r scum, hustlln @ Borden's. they're knockin down your door, you klepto, Not I. Femmes was the nite, let's do a Dennys run. you r my idol it ali, we've remained good friends. I'll never 4get u. Don't u 4get fizz. And ACACIA. good luck. kit luv, Mer Tina·What up, well Tiny, we have definately had an active bunch-o years, don't 4get 2 pack yer bag, I went 2 Goodroes ev· eryday, oh, sh8t". 14got the other 1. u·re a very special friend, re· memb, the Jr. prom, the cheap motel we stayed @, u sleep 2 many pee-po. Chris Barry, Steve. Brian. Dawn, •Matt, and the list goes on, but noe u have Bobert, and I have Danny. I sure hope thinge r workin out as good 4 u as they r 4 me, remem. Seaside. let's go Bowling, how Bout when you Michelle. and Bob slept over my house when my parents were away. my poor dog was so sick. Bob took her 4 a walk like an angel, we missed u @ the Co· tillion this yr, but at least u' re feelin better, I should hope so it's been what 4-5 mos. remem, Jay Joe, Ed. and all them. wasn't that fun, you better kit over the sum so I have a clue about where u' re goin 2 school so we can hang&make some more mems. Luv ya Mer Crystal-Yo baby. don't u 4get all the funtimes we h d playln sball soph yr. that's when uatl started 2 call each other Honk&Nig. we still do. u're the best. where's my sr.pic, you better kit. Luv always Mer aka Honk Kirsten·Kir. thanx 4 all the advice during the past 3 yrs, u r such a good friend. don't 4get our talks in the broom & in gym. don't 4get that u can come 2 me 4 anythin KIT Luv ya - Mer Carly·wow. car. so many memories, so little room. don' t 4 get LBI the day after Dorney soph yr, I got my 1st speedin ticket. don 't 4get Mlck. Jerry, how bout the time when u me & Kendra went 2 the shore 4 the day & she was a major snot, remem Kevin, Jason,etc., GL w/Brian. wish me luckw? Dan,luv Mer Michelle-Don't 4get the soccer games we went 2 2gether 2 see our boys, although i'm not w.that boy anymore, THANK GOD!Dan is my man. I'm so happy, gl W/ Jason, 1\IT after grad .. I know it'll be hard 4 u after Jason leaves, so if u need me . .. call luvya- Mer Mitzl·hey Mitz. I just wanted 2 tell u that u are so sweet & such a kind person, u have really made me realize that I actually am a good person & u know that sa yin that is still very hard 4 me 2 do. u have always been there 4 me when I had a prob, I hope u know I luv ya & that I'll miss ya after grad. I promise I'll KIT Try 2 do the same Mer Dan·Jan :ro 1991 soph yr. ski trip & our 1st kiss, Dec,2 1992 the Sr. retreat. our 2nd kiss. I wanted 2 tell u not 2 go W/ Court· ney, but I wanted whatever made u happy. which seemed 2 b,but retreat brought out our true feelings 4 each other,! couldn't be· lieve u felt the same way I did, It was all 2 good 2 be true, 4 that 1 moment It felt as If u weren't going out wther. but reality kicked ln. but somehow we were able to see each other even though u were still w/her, then u broke up w/her on 18 Dec., I swear 2 u, I thought I was dreaming, then on the last day b4 Xmas, u gave me my Xmas present. I almost died, that was such a surprise, the necklacemthe charms. and the earrings, I love them, luv u. I had a great time @ your house on Xmas day, getting 2 know your family in 1 day. I admit. I was a little nervous. but everyone made me feel so at ease. I had an even better time on New Years Eve, that necklace you gave me that nlte. it has so much meaning 2 me bfc you made ft 4 me. that 1 has a very special place In my heart. I hope u had as good as time as I did that nite, yeah, yeah, what up D$@, or should I say halrlip.well, I'm glad we don't have 2 keep us a secret anymore, that was hard. gee, I wonder If any· one had a clue that this was gonna happen, Nahhh don't 4get the 1st time I made u dinner. I couldn't have done it wto u. my cousin's house W/ Mike, Melissa, when my little cuz cut meW/his belt buckle, ouch!, tha lake after. all the movies we've seen 2gether and the lady @ a few good men, nice that she talked dur· lng the entire movie, oh yeah. tha eagles vs. the cowboys, al· tight. I give up. have u sucked on any earlobes lately, it was your neck, can we take a nap now, I'll never 4get 18 Jan. when u sur· prised mew1 a half doz. roses, how sweet, too bad my mom and 1 weren 't feeling so hot, oh yeah we were lookin oh so fone, cotil· lion wuz so much fun, than" 4 makin that a nite 2 remember, that tape u made me Is amazln that It made me cry so much the rest of the nlte after the dance, i satrted 2 miss u b4 u even got off my front porch. I listened 2 the tape so many times bfc I missed hearin u're voice, & bjc I luv the songs, they weren't too coun· try,l luv u, there's a part on the tape were Bandit sniffs the speaker and it sounds so funny. Elvis rules. I'm so serei, 4 real Dan, the search is definately over. I luv u so much, how could I ask 4 more when I've got it all. u have made such a great Impact on my life the past 3 yrs., I'll always remember our hs yrs. 2gether, butllook 4ward 2 the years 2 come, u're the best friend I've ever had, and that I could ask 4, thanx 4 always being there, 4 me when I needed u the most, u have always understood me, thanx 4 everything. I will never leave you. the chances we took were well worth it. thanx 4 letting me be part of your life, that means so much 2 me, your family Is so great. your parents r so sweet and your bro Is the one I never had, thanx 4 making my Sr. year so memorable. I hope yours was 2, you know that u mean the wori(J 2 me, and I'll never hurt u. I LOVE YOU. LOVE AL· WAYS.MER


MICHt:Lr; KOf't';N Michele Amari: Friends for life, hugs and kisses all the time. A family like ours must always stick together, forever. Our good times. bad times. kept us together and made us strong. Don't for· get our lunchtimes, our aggravations (T.J.V., J Girls) our eaves· droppings. always dancing even If It's only you and me on the dance floor. I love you so much and now Michael too. Be happy! Sammy Battista: Bowling buddy-strike one for me. I'll scratch your back. If you scratch mine! Sam, Is this a one-way street? first time getting pulled over In front of your house. Getting locked out of Ky's after the Prom. Can I have a piggyback ride? I'll miss my daily kiss at lunch. Look. I'm eating meat! How many calories are In this? Hey Sam, f'OWI!IIove ya Sammy! Todd Caruso: Thanks for being there when I needed my friends the most. We've had so many good times at Stephle's house, shooting pool, playing mini-golf, dancing at the Cotillion, Reli· gion dass·without Stephle would we have passed? New Year's Eve-ripping confetti. picnic·Thad, Jim D .. Things like this must continue. K.I.T. or I'm gonna BIP ya one. Roger Delprado: You 're a sweetie. never change. All I want to

know is what color M&M am I? Jane Desfosse: JANIE. you' re not that much taller! Movies, movies, movies, we always seemed to run into someone! And when we didn't, we went to find them. Thanks for listening and giving me every detail. Who needs Italian guys anyway? • ME, that's who! We've been through a lot and probably always will. together! Just don't ever get a stick-shift car again ·promise me! Remember Erik. Vince, Bill, Brian. Eugene, and of course the only real nice guy · Rob! Love ya hun. f ·f Anthony lnverso: Who 's going to snap with me now? Thanks for always being there and for the cookies you and Kate made. I hope you two are always happy. We must have more Calc. pic· nics! I'll visit you at the park. How's Dan? Your bear hugs are es· sential so we better K.I.T. Xate • I think we should have stayed with Tech, yeah, right! Mark Jablonski: Good momingl When are we going to N.Y.? Did you hire a translator? Traitor-always changing your seat in Math class. It's all right. I couldn 't see over your head anyway. We must go on picnics with our lunchboxes and platypuses now! K.I.T. Popple Koutouzos: Help. Help, Helpl!! 1don't think 1could have made It through these 4 years without you. Thanks for every· thing. Someday I'll get my gym bag out of my locker by myself! Karen Krajacic: Can we go the long way? Oh·look who It Is, what a coincidence. Gym class. volleyball . Rob D. 1 got ya cov· ered at the Cotillion. Our talks. our hopes, our disappointments, all thoroughly-enjoyed. Whenever you need a ride home. I'm here! K.l.T. always! Allison Kubick: Brian better treat you tight or he'll have to an· swer to mel And I'll take you to the Disney Store If he won 't I hope you two are happy forever, you deserve it. You mean so much to me All, thanks for always being here. I love you and hope we will stay friends forever. Just don't dance on Clro·s table anymore, OK? Meredith Kuhlman: You 've been my friend ever since you got my pom-pom back for me! I'm glad you transferred here. You' re an Important person to me. Who else Is as crazy as you and lets me be as crazy as I am? It's been fun parking next to you this year. I'll miss you an awful lot. so please K.I.T . Maybe Trevin and I will come visit you sometime. Thanks for watching out for me. I love you honey-give me a hug! Joe Lech: You've meant so much to me for so long. !love you so much Joey for always taking care of me and making me laugh. Erin's a great girl, you deserve nothing but the best. hold on to her. If you ever need help on a report, just call, I'm always here. KIT 4-ever. And by the way. my dog Is not a MOLE RAT!! Gina Mangonon: Glad we became friends. Us short people have to stick together. The best things come In small packages!! You' re such a sweetie. always smiling. Don't forget retreat and all of our shared talks. Thanks for being there for me when I needed it.K.I.T . . Michael Matar: Doritos, 90210, Twin Peaks? Karen, Trevln, J .. N., lawn fires·Happy Blrthdayl. always redecorating your room·X· Mas lights, fish on door. food In closet, our talks at lunch. You're a great guy, thanx 4 being there 4 me and thanx 4 all the memories. K.I.T. please! Nick Napoleon: Nicholas, what can I say that I don't normally tell you anyway? Religion class-back rubs , History class, Lunch-my shoe is still sticky from the soda! Birthday cake·trlck candles. always putting something down my shirt, food fights. throwing out garbage. destroying or making fun of my lunch, be· ing late for class together-DETENTION, doing homework-yeah, rightl Our talks, our fights-we never fought did we? All of my let· ters, hitting my car-love taps, Isn't that what you called them? Races·l winl. getting my car from the shop. Friendly's-mozzarella sticks, leaving keys In car, my puppy dog chain, always calling when you get home·my worrying too much, In the Still of the Night, Save the Best For Last. One More Try, times at Stephie's house, Kyle's house, shooting pool, partners forever, sleeping over my house-quality conversation-never sleeping. my real ltal· ian Stallion. making me cookies, winning Tic·Tac·Toe·writing on my walls, getting lost to the Cotillion, visiting you at work, my A,B,C,job, growing up together-forever, waiting till I'm 18 ... , AI· addin. sharing tears and laughter, everything together and hope· fully we always will. I know the truth hurts and reality can be pain· ful. but the fact remains, through It all. I have always loved you and I always will. Thanks for being my Knight, my love, and above all, my frlendlll friends forever, Isn't that what you said? Carly Paver: Froll'l English with whatever teacher we have this week. to lunch with all of our wonderful topics of conversation. you always leaving In the middle, I'm still glad we 've shared them together. You 're a wonderful person who truly deserves all the happiness life can afford. I hope you and Brian live a life of love for always. You're a dear friend . whom I never want to lose. see you, if not before, than at your wedding. I love you Carl Irene Pllshchuk: Renie, never forget our get-togethers, our memories, our Retreat-finally! New Year's Eve-confetti every· where, Accounting. English. what fun! These are the times we look back o"' and cherish. You 've been a great friend to me. Thank you for everything! KIT always. Matt Prlblla: CRUSTY! MA1THEWI When did you grow? Why did you leave me behind? Please don't bruise me, I'm little. Stop! Leave a message, don't hang up, but don'tjust breathe heavy el· ther! What are we doing this weekend-movies, I·Hop, Parkway. shooting pool. Kareokee? Whatever we do, we' re always to· getherl You've been a m<Uor part in my life. I never want It to end. Your friendship Is very Important to me. Promise me we'll never lose touch. I love you Matthewtl Kyle Pultorak: It all started freshman year and look where we ended up, best friends! I guess we're the lucky ones, true friend· shlp-slstershlp till the end. Too many similarities from childhood on: ketchup on everything, Dad's at R.C.A., love of dance. love of Italians, same VCR, same favorite songs, same black hat, same problems-esp. In love and friendship, the same tears and laugh· ter-minus the snorting, too much to be coincidence, must be fate. t';verythlng happens for a reason. why fight It? Never forget our rides, our rinnlng Into people, Pooh Posse, all our songsWBMW. One More Try, Mickey, Stand By Me. Lean On Me, That's What Friends Are for-just to name a few. Hearing song equals something Is going to happen. Your Sweet 16-dedlcation, Hallow· een·Mouseketeers-Orease guy, sleepover-snow time-conga line In street. the beach, our apartment with the fish, Florida or here?, OUIJA board-always lies, right Gall?, Your real best friends-the ones In cheerleading, our Retreat-letters, football and basketball games, times at Ciros, best smile. homecoming, I don't think the sun Is that great either. 546, 6425, STED+OII, where Is Egg Road anyway? Pretty In pink. Some Kind of Wonder· ful, Cabriolet Jeep, I'm sure there's lots of things I forgot. but you have the Idea. We've shared an awful lot together and through it all stuck by one another. You mean the world to me Ky. I just want to thank you for always being there for me. for being my bodyguard. and giving me all those piggyback rides. I don't know If! can consider you my big sister, because you're really not that much bigger, but you hold all the qualities of what I always wanted In a sister. 1 couldn't have made It through these 4 years without your hugs and I love you's. Maybe someday I'll wise up and get over Nicholas, but, until then. thanks for putting up with all of that too. I love you so much, Ky and I know we'll always be close forever. You truly are and always will be the BEST In best friends. LeRon Rogers: Well, here It is, our final schoolyear together. Look how far we've come and how far we have yet to go. We've been through so much together, having one another to lean on. I guess that's what families are for. I know you can choose your friends. but not your family. So that must mean that you're stuck with me forever. Aren't you lucky? Actually, I'm the lucky one.

Honestly, I wouldn 't have it any other way. You 're a real gift to this world. I know you will succeed In whatever you do. And I can say I knew you when. I'm not going to list all we' ve been through. J just want to thank you for always being such a big support in my life. You mean the world to me. Your Retreat letter touched me beyond all else. I love you for life and am always here for you, for· ever. See ya In the back yard. Uncle Ronl. Maddie Sirak: I'm glad you came home. It gave me a chance to really get to know you. Never forget, Ms. Henkel and her favorite pupils·Mark, LeRon, you and mel I hear she's still requesting us to come backll Don't forget Psyche either· " Maddie, stop talking!" I hope wherever you go and whatever you do you 're happy. Just one more thing. " can you send hugs through the mall?" Stephie Sliwinski: Steppie, sephle, Sepple, Daisy Lover (Jay 0 .), 6425111, Live and Leam·River Road!! (M.P., N.B., S.B.T.C., T.M.V.), sharing lockers, decorating lockers-getting them stuck. Jr. Prom, going cruising, letting you drive. our almost accident· beep-beep!!. getting lost-always finding our way, all our gym classes-Arch Meister, Susie Coppock, all our shared homework assignments. all your poems, all your listening, all your advice, frtdays·your house-pizza, Italian hoagies, getting tanned during summer-cute lifeguard, naming our billiard balls, get·togethers at your house, what group should we form this week?, New Year's Eve, my picnic·THAD. getting me to like Ice-cream, my new store·Stephle's Closet. LtAR, LtAR, LtARll, all the guys love you, I'm envious of your big chest, don't cut your hair, now I have to cut mine. Rapids party. OUIJA board, and there's so much more that I just can 't type now because I was too busy typing yours. 1 just want you to know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I am so fortunate to have found such a true and honest friend In you. You have been there for me In the times when I needed love and understanding the most. Never forget our SHOULDER TO CRY ON, you 'll never know how much that meant to me. Never forget our drive·thru U's and our famous street near Antonio's, Also remember our first Christmas togeth· er·thlnk anyone will hire us to decorate?. someday we'll get what we deserve. guys catering to our every need, until then, we'll have to learn how to say Noll, you can 't walk all over me any· morel!, I love you, Stephle, friends Forever and a Llfetfmelll. you truly are and always will be the END In Best friends ... Joy Ann Smith: Gym class. Volleyball. our beach bum, AI. chasing Sammy, pulling down his shorts. OH. what memoriesll. Joy, " can I walk you to your locker?" and "No, I'm not just using you. " Don't forget the puddin and an apple for sammy, Remem· ber the Cotllllon..Chris K. and an off shade of YUKI. I love ya Hun. keep In touch always, friends forever. Maura Sutterlin:''! can be Pocahontus. If I want to." But above all, the Pooh Posse stJII rules, Thanks for always being there for the past 4 yrs. Which one of us really did like Todd? Keep In touch always, love yal Rose VIdal: ROSIE BUD! Even though we haven't gotten a chance to spend time with each other lately, you 've always meant a great deal to me. You' re a very special person and I hope we can always stay In contact or at least try really hard. Thanks for always being there for me and listening to me. Whatever you do. don't go to Ewing .. . (hint. the K word)ll. Love you lots forever and ever . .. Amy Wolochowicz: How do my eyebrows look?, thanks for my x·mas present. how much do I owe you. my personal hair stylist for ali of freshman yr. thanx for all the times you didn't let me drown In your pool . .. In all seriousness, I'm glad we've always stuck by one another throughout all of these years. we've been through a lot both good and bad and made memories to last us a lifetime. I love you so much and I hope we'll always KITII Tommy Andrako: Out little family, our dally morning talks, "NOTHING goes outside this carl!", you two are truly flke my brothers, "thanx for everything, esp. listening to my " guy" problems and Beauty and The Beast, need I say more?, Oh yeah I One more thing, "STOP reciting National Lampoons Christmas Vaca· tionl " , I now hate Chevy Chasell Athena Kontayannls: Thanx for always listening to me. the bus rides, gym class, car rldes' "Do you know where your house key Is?", " Did Nick just hit my car?" We had a lot of fun, but without Demit and Pat I don't think It would have been the same. by the way, I'm still waiting to meet Jeremll Joe Moorecroft: Hey, SCUMBUCKETII, We had a lot of fun In the past and even In the present-our choo-choo train. "What happened to Frank Mannino again?", see ya at Joey'sill Deana Napoleon: You're really sweet, I'm glad we met. " Hey D. are you on the phone?" , "How's your man?", " No, I don't want to talk to Nick. I just called to say HI and see If he was home.... " Nick Is doing what?'', "STUDYING???" , "Hurry. take a picture.", K.I.T. Chris Sliwinski: Hey soulmate, one week apart, what time were you born, did you read our horoscope, never forget Aries rule for· ever and lefties are the best. can I do your homework?, I'll miss our hallway hugs, but I'll be over for pizza on fridays so we can still keep in touch. Love ya, Bro. Alex Thome: 4 yrs. filled with too much to write here. Thanx for always being here brother, when do I get your room. thanx for my ALE-TOM, thanx for my car rides, can we just walt for your license first?, wear your seatbelt. I love you AI, for everything, I'm not going to say keep In touch because I know we always willl, t';verythlng for Tommy goes for you too, minus the Chevy Chase part. POf'l('; KOUTOUZOS To May Ann Larraga: Hey Mary Ann{Just kidding). I need some poles. Your system, your deprived chlldhood, the maid person, k.o.t.b., Pepe, trip to Princeton, our trip to Toys 'R' Us, Great Adventure, your calls home, Mr. Schirmer & your desk, sore feet on Student Guide Day, Powder Puff, Senior Retreat. Gym Jr. year, I can't serve the ball. Biology, Barefoot In the Park. SAT's, playing b-ballln your room, Ellis Island, N.H.S. Mrs. M ~our names, flor· Ida. Hope to see you often this summer. Thanks for being such a good friend. Luv, Sloppy Pople To carol Ann Maroney: Dear Queen carol Ann: Your my hero and I'm your hero. Your Latin class worships you, History, Ac· counting, Gumml bears, Patty & Heather's party. where·s my wa· ter from?, Henkel's murder, whatcha do In history today?, park· lng our cars In the pool, your fingers, do you gotta go to work today?, Let's hit him In the head with our trash, how many more days do we have left? Thanks for being such a good friend. your majesty. We're free, We're free. Let's celebrate this summer, OK? Love, Pople To Cara Cutchlneal: Alg. frosh year, Mrs. McOraw, Mrs. Confoy. Sr. Blue & White Day(stupld. stupider, stupidest), whatcha do In History today?, he has problems. Wasn't lunch a blast this year? I wish we could have had a class together this year. You're lots of fun, Cara. Thanks for being such a sweet friend. Keep In touch. Love, Pople To Pamela Pukala: Well, wasn't calculus confusing this year? Hlstory(Christmas toad, Olennnnda), Sr. Lunch, l"ootball games. Mrs. Conroy, your dog going around the pool, Retreat, Your studmuffin #90, It's talkin' to herself, are we Invited to the wedding?, Florida. See ya this summer. Love. P.Koustos To Karen Popowski: Help, I'm at the Pennington markeU Where·s your wallet?, the guy working at R.R. In WildWOod has lt. Frozen banana (Yum.Yum), KOTB, NKOTB. hom on IT's head. check the date on your milk, Retreat. Pepe. the drive back from May Ann's house, do you need some sugar?. I eaHmJust fussy, trip to tills Island, Princeton trip, dancing In Burger Klng, Great Adventure, Jr. lunch, us under your car looking for the hide·away key. Florida, Dlsneyworid. Congrats on Marywood. I can't walt to party this summer. Love. your Real fruit Buddie· the Popmelster. To Janice Tyne: So how are the Purple tlephants?, your dance

performance, your ice cream cone drippln' on the boardwalk, Powder Puff (so what do I do a~in?), Retreat, Barefoot In the Park (how can we escape? by helicopter, by climbing the wall, no wait my mom will save us), florida. See ya over the summer. Luv, Popie To Jennie Cubberley: Color Me Badd, M. Bolton. your Sammy. our letters. V.A., walking me to computer class?, Jr. Lunch, Pepe, are we Invited to IT's wedding?, I wannabe a bridesmaid. Thanks for being such a sweet friend. Hope we can write to each other from college. See ya this summer. Love, Popie To Jen Ellsworth: I'm at the Pennington Market. "This Is your captain ... we are going down." Mike Lover, Morrissey, Burger King. trick-or-treating. "Are you OK? Are you OK?" , Pretzels. do you want a green one?, Gym Jr. Year, KOTB, the thing with the hom on IT's head. trip to Princeton, Great Adventure(Shock Waves 2x), Retreat, Todd's singing, your singing. boring Mrs. Confoy. Pepe, your b-party (sleepin on the patio, trances, cold pizza). the Mike Tour, Florida. Disneyworld. Honk, Honk-that must be Mike drivin' by. See ya this summer. Don't ever changeyou're so sweet and you have a great sense of humor. Love, the Popmeister. DAN LA PfRRifRf Mark Jablonski- We better change seats now he he! Jablonski spike, laser snore. the wonderful asthma accordion. The green beret. The Original-what if I went up to . . . I swear it was funny guys! Mark wears his sunglasses at night. Superspike-Kabooml popcorn king, cologne. We're off to outer space . . . boom didi boom didi boom boom boom. Fwuppy found, With the machine we will get huge Simultaneous happeningsbutton loosing, etc ... Assume the position. Jelly krimpets. Do you have any more snickers bars. Pine Barrens- the never ending dirt road, juvenile detention center. Twilight ZOne, class 5 scum, mud wrestling, hot dogs, cliff climbing. Tennis climbing the fence. f.mpty locker only a sock remains. Most interesting old fellow. 2 o'clOck yearbook. Coffee milkshake. I saw you walking home with a lfttle boy. I'm serious guys, I'm really serious. Excuse me son Is that your big brother over there. Pleasant dreams. the hellish stare. What a pitiful specimen of a tree. What If I cross reference and Interface with thecircult boards of the modem creating . . . I will destroy you! La Perriere defense eekl eekl Stupid, not stupid! No colors only red. Mr. nasal whistler. The great turtle. What bad timing. I don't know why just because. Lucky the pillow broke. Run away ' " run away. Now she wont be able to tell I copied, must be the wtl.iteout. Cotillion pictures what an event. Stupid jingles-Sizzler. Ego minis. The great whale dive. What choices Infertile mutant cannibals. That was sooo, stupid!! Dweeb of the year me? You have really interesting bones. I spit on you. You smell bad. The shore- one eyed driver. You have the crumpled mass booklet. Sob sob. and then there are more scholarships. firecrackers- the whole game blows up. Shot out your contact. The fleas of 1000 camals my armpits noooo! Rollercoasters. Banzai- oops you missed the flipping lemon. And then he died. Oh well! Alex Saegent- Nag. nag nag! I am Alexllllove this guy. Sunday volleyball- you put the big guy down. Shut up Dan. You are becoming like me. The shoes. Killer of Pez dispensing Garflelds. Mark's card suits you well. Get a picture of me. The sweatshirts· the clothes. You are no match for me. I do not use people. What color was that car your getting- hey Matt. Hi I'm Dan I have a sore throat. First impression is everythmg. The legs! Lunch- Chappy, I can not eat. Nick DeMario- The group in the back. We had the connection in gymv-ball. Lou Crivelli- Hey call Mark I'm hungry. The guard duty what a job. How could they give the poor guy a cow. Matt Kasprzak- The guy in the pink shirt, hat. etc . . . Why are you talking to Matt he Is such a loser. Change you, never. At least I'm not the only stupid one In the class. Point Break. The canoe trip. Fear is our only enemy, jump. The hot dogs. The beach· Hey guys lets impress the girls. The park· multudlnous rapid blows to the face. There will always be McDonalds. Where's the phoneKmart. Does your face ever Itch. What a girl. Hockey- fight, fight. fight. You shall swim in scum. snow not In this state. I will destroy you! The pillow fights. How come all of your pictures look the same. D'ont eat next to me. Is that your eye. I'm Mosley!! Toothpaste. Pick up any 12 year olds lately. Mermaid posters looks a little uneven. By the way nice print. Utah, get me two. The E·fac· tor. Anthony lnverso-Say I found you a perfevt Solomon! Got any wings. Christine Lewis-The old French class. 0 great dancing one. 1 should not have brought out my ml~hty hole puncher. The floor lie covered In both blank and numencal dots. The physics group. The handle! will not allow you to pull me around. I will twist the paper. Seen any ardvarks lately. You were an astounding keeper of tennis stats. Frank Zemcik. How about a case of beer. Oh the great rides to swim practice. It was good music. You smell like fish. Nice hat. Never will you beat me in tennis. You want to play some basketball, I didn't think so. Marybeth Moscarello· What a tennis season. An amazing OGAL What a rad gym class. Like the shoes. Garth Is the man. Volleyball for oops the red light. To the stars of the great Confucius film what a file. Julie was the great tiger. To bad we could not be heard. Did a good job with the babies too didn't we. Tiffany, Kristin, and Julie twas much fun. Nikki Chebra- You stole him. We were hoodlums in your workplace. Figures you were the gorglous blonde. Movie carpools what company. I made Mark miss the lemon he he. Kim Simpson- four years of fun you wild and crazy gal. French was the class. Never got to see the beauty and the beast. Thanks for the rides. MAY ANN LARRAGA To all my friends- It's been great knowing all of you and I hope to stay in touch with everyone. It's been a great 4 years. Good luck!!! Popie- Freshman year-Stacy the horse girl; Get yourself a shelf that stays-you need some poles/ retreat roommates; I live all the way down Route 1/ I'll cover all your textbooks for you.;Barefoot in the Park-call your mom to get us out of herem; You got a de· tention for no buttons on your collar?/··· Its been a great 4 years· stay cool! Carol Ann- There will be a quiz on tny life story pretty soon; I'm such a poor deprived child/ I live In South Brunswick not East whatever; It's not cheating. It cooperative learning/ Wildwood· the Sea Serpent-what a rushlll/ Smart and double pierced ears· there's one defense for your sister.; Sophomore Biology pd.5you shot Mr.Gusr; I have a system.; Good luck at Georgian Court! Jen E.· Mike lover; Wildwood-your special ride. 1almost had a heart attack/ first Aid Jr. year-Are you OK, are you OK, the pictures are so disgusting/ Gym class, weight room-birthing machine, stop complaining about your next class; Jen you're such a rebel./ Have a great time In college and good luck with Mike. Pam- Pd.8 English class-are we the only ones awake? jl never forget a thinglll/ I've discovered a sublayer of cheese on the pizza.; Check out the baby pic.-lntemational sign for choking 1 I won't sue you for the iced tea Incident; Are you going to own your own CVS?1 I'll miss lunch and Jon's stupid stories.(Mommy.what's a booby holder?)/ bruhaha; Go to Cook and you can live In my shed./ Keep In touch. Karen- Birthday Buddy-Separated at birth (coincidence, I think not)/ Scream Machine- THE BEST RIDE EVERI!If/ Members of the slowest physics lab group on the face of the Earth-you torque;

Retreat Group; Jen's b-day party-out of body experience; Good luck-remember to keep up that 2.5 Janice· I'll miss the Interesting lunchtime conversations about cadavers and dissections; Flowbee; It's the Tyne bus; Powder Puff- where we first met; Halloween-don't kill yourself on those heels- oh no not another 45 degree driveway; Purple elephants everywhere/Can't walt till the reunion. Jennie C.· Had a really great time In Jr. History and Typing, It's a good thing that we sat next to eachother. Do you think Nick will ever change? It's been really great getting to know you. Good luck In collegelll Laura- Pepe·You'll have flashbacks every time you see the Colonel on the Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket. You should have run him over while you had the chance. Kerri L.· Remember freshman Algebra· Are we friends? JOe LATINI Jennifer C-Yeah I have typing paper.HI do you know who this ls?l can't believe we just did that.l'll be the first to admit it.ok.He's gone COME HERE! FERN. Do you believe I liked her? You are my real first Jove. Oct.23 1990 h.s. that's Jong,l still have that leaf,Cream Wagon.L.A.M ..G.O.G,You Are My All-American. 3/16/92 man that was early. Post 26 nice bleachersjnice slump. goln' to the beach,don't lock the keys In the trunkl Lady In Red,Saved by the Beii,Lancer,Cuddles, Kermit,Water gun Incident-what a richard cranium. I Jove you more. Thanx for leavin' w; my equipment. Overboard-What is that? Wee'kend In Washing· ton. 9392,U hearts,92 what a year. Snowmobiling. Hayball,lced· anclng champs,ls that a fouuest? Angels and blsectors,Denlse's,and all the time we spent there. Mon Don, 1-on-1 your the best. Katie you think? Yup hes nuts. Ground Round. Missy will you stop calling? Whats yours Is mine. Champs· lunches. Soli· taire. Ride to the spectrum. Cotillion 91-93.Morp,Prom 92·9.3. palm of your hand. I will always love you. You make my heart flutter. I'm lost In love with my brown eyed girl. Luv al· ways-Joeseph. Jim Prlmerano·How about you getting thrown out of a fresh* man b-ball game. you're faster than my truck,U of Penn,Study partner,! falled,Levi Garrett. Red Man, you're the best. Work hard and keep winning In all you do. Peace out PIZZ·AII-State Babyl You'll never beat me in Genesis. I am the king of EASN Hockey. still cant beat me In Madden's. When are we liftin'? Need a ride. Nice car,not too fast. Bucc,Bender,Pesce·Gettin the hoochles,slammin the sklns,soccer was fun with you,but thats lt.State champs-just say sounds good. Great stories wrong hole, flapper. e.W.·fast as hell.goin to princeton? me vs. Toach,B·baii.Chemistry.Football games-just chill in. Waymon and Mike-If you work hard enough someday you II be able to run with Donell Lumpkin·Rodman + Bobo peace out. V.A.B.D.R.S,T.O-J.C,·State Champs 93',Cant beat us. Irish Baseball. Ed Totten-We had good Umes.You had a great summer with 26. What a streak, 282.5 who cares Its gone. Water gun Incident on the boardwalk. We got keys to the cage.Ed and Donna. Rich and Jodi? What was that.Hurry up go get my Fungo Post :n,oh please. Dlppin and Slppin. not us. Chris Fava-Biazon.Kristy Yamagucci,she fell in the crowd. You r~~r field hockey? I'll beat you in math. pass th~ chalk. Yomodi ROB LIBeRTO Melissa Catanl·thanx 4 letting me get beat up,your great.! messed up.stay sweet.luv ya. Michelle Amari-dont 4-get anything, the elevator,pattl's par· ty.outslde of school,good luck with b·ball and what ever you do. Campo's class. Michele Kopen-your a sweetheart. dont 4·get home· room,locker shelfs,Nick's almost not a surprise party. Don't change luv ya. Jenn MlreiiH had fun at the cotillion. Joe's after.ln by 3. Chillin In lunch. trig together.dont tickle me.K.J.T. Gina Mangonon-good things come in sm. packages,your halloween party,the .:S Amegos.l had a great time at the cotllllon,homeroom. K.I.T. Joanne Clpullo·Hi hon,l have to talk to you. Who do you like today? Bow leged women. Klt·Kat tooth. Talks about who likes who. It's been dry 4 me. Stay out of flghts,dont worry about S.G. or any others. Stay sweet. Kristie Mattozzi·Been friends 4 a long time. It's been a great U yrs. I had fun at the cotillion. thanx. Sue 0-Yo G·friend you R great. Nell's party,look the bathroom door next time,all the parties were great with you. freshman student gov't,Your sweet 16. LUV YA.. Kyle-My cousln.Dont forget Ice skating In my was great. Your a great friend thanx 4 everything,l'm here if you need me,stay sweet.dont ever change. Brooke P-sorry 'bout your party. It was on. Tell your bro. thanx stay sweet. Marla·! had fun at the MORP. Thanx,keep dancin. Star Search

~raes~ar~~~~~;~~~~~dK~B~l.R~F~Y~.W.~~~.r~: [~t·~t;~c~~~

B.L,M.M,A.P,S.R, C.R,K.W,S.Z-J.B, J.K,and so on. Nick Napoleon-Yo bud,fizz sometime,your almost not a surprise party. Jenn R. jumping out of my car Into yours. Lunch and all the classes 2-gether. Krls Klotz·Yo don't 4-get the high speed chase,my trampoline,sleeplng over, me beating you In pool.keep cool. I'm your Idol. Dan Dejounge-Jt's been great hangln w; U and Mike. Don't 4get the fun times 4th of July,putti,Labri, Loul,clitti,Sweet bud· was great.Ann's party,Biue&Whlte party.K.I.T. Rich & you are a great guy to hang with. your b-day party was great. you lost in Tecmo to me. keep parting. get a car that runs. Don't run off any more roads. your pal Rob. Joe Lech·Yo Joe It's been a great 4 yrs. w; u. I am not mad at you. Don't 4-get the good times. PT. pleasant.crazy horse,flshlng,hangln out.sleepln over,partlng,our lunch table,Peace your friend Rob. Pedro-Pete track,Pete stupid.The pole vault king. Stop throwIng oreo's,stop tickling me,skl trip I fell off the cliff. Your Boy Rob. Marc Abbott-Yo cuz,boys since grammar school. Did you get the eraser out of your ear? Lets play f·Ball at the parK.tceskating and falling In tha lake. My DJ boy. Hlghsplrlts shot down,you skipping Reither's class.T.H. surprise party,you sweating K.C. just a few memories. See ya at MO. your my boy. Sean Golden-Golden.berto. f-ball.lnltlations.C.C sw.16 party look at bonner. The J. LBI pier 18 mall. K.B. problems. You told her. Retreat,HoJo's,Econo lodge. Y did u knock? Senior Cotillion at J.R.'s house. C.D. party&'. A·shop,B.P. party In my tent. P.N. party Is he dead? All fat one's like me. Stitches from f·Ball at my house. Mass. p In the cups and freeze. Quotes-he's an athlete son. Golden can hit. Mailbox at M.B.'s house. Costume day U sexy girl. Ice skatlng,Hangln out.parting #35,the mucho man, Ham. Fitness. your boy Rob. Mary foster·! am not a little man bjc I am taller than U. So there. YouR a real sweetheart,K.J.T. Joanne Dlnola·HI rice krlsple maker. High school was great W1 U. Sorry 'bout Frankl Come swim whenever. your neigh· bor. Rob. Joe Rego-My cuz,R.C. Hope-a-petter.LBJ. I am goin to hide be· hind the garbage cans.PT. Pleasant w; B.l.,M.H,K.W, A.R.the subaru,share our wrestler cuz,Mr. Jotmson,the· ing,Taking care of me at B.P's party,The beach partles.U cutting my hair. The pranks,and everything else since birth. Luv your CuzRob.

Czako-Bonner,My boy,soph yr.pool at my house. Sw. 16 dances,B.S party,sleep overs,B.S boat.LBI. pelr 18 mall. The G.P. then the bronco, then Camaro. Your totally awesome 4 wheel drive vehicle. Hangln wfth B.l.M.H.K.W at J.R's The school dance was great hooked up. Your MORP picture with K.C. Little house on the pralre. Bus pan Sizzler man, Chipped Tooth,U on crutches. U sweating H.T. Rlta.IHrap,sunken bronco, My 1st hair client. boogie boardlngJaws.4 months,chlcken heart,the 2 pimps. Prom crash (stupid but hot),the big LJake ID's,Mike Selke,U·2,stake out,klcked out of r.s. house, the chlcs fell asJeep,skl· ing,225lbs,later spader. Your boy the one u trust. Rob. Anthony Rotondo-Fr. yr. ping-pong,Giants game, burr· led In the sand,me and J.R. taller than you,Do you want a hair cut. PT. Pleasant W/ B.L,K.W, M.H-J.R. You tecmo freak,the 3 pointer I made,the school dance,V·ball at UR house. Lets eat at Delerenzo's(not).49f.RS,#l Gtants stink. How was ISS. Do not mosh at the cotillion. Spanky,Sieep at B.L's. Your band. Chicken heart nlght.Mr. Johnson,the teasers,sleepovers.hlgh speed chases,Comlng In at 2:00 last day of summer.Golden-Berto-Ant· wan,startlng the grill at LBJ. Don't worry 'bout C.J. party on. Tank·up. your friend Rob. KeRRJ LOR8fK S.S.·SMASHI,guy on bike, "run to the car" ,Greece!, always check the b-room, G.A. flume tnen,broken chair(movles),frln In Mc.D ' s,Mo&'Smlley, gas statlon·"lt expired"! L.P.-Fr. yr. mass,7-11 slurpee,f.D. dance H~Lfll,dlsllktlx,pep Band· WHAT?.Ground Rd.-yes we're 18,plzza In the b-room,pool.bonftre at G.M.· BOOMIII,Blrdman,garbage bag.allen,domlnc theory,b-

~~t4v~~~~~m~: ~~~;-:,;~r~~r:{~~l~~ra~~~c~:~~~~~~~

heart,another carl STOfl,lce-skatlrm. toe-heel, prom date A.S.P. setting me up, R.R. crossing-Floor Ttl u have a few more years. J.W. &'S.W.·New Year's Eve(Peachy). where's the arrow? It's 5::50Q,No wheezln the jut-eel Oven ftre. S.W.·SAT class.Mr.T's hand prob.. A.B.·"turkey woman" Kelth?,Lorl?, tie your shoes! J.f.-Girl's State, pd.4. M.M. 4 yrs.of h-room. A. 2%. K.S. H81'5 In the garbage can,ao mlns. of R.A. T.B.- men storles.where's QB mall? Josh Alaska man,pool hall (lights R on),Rlch(soph.) yr. S.S.,L.P.,K.K.. K.D.,K.S.,T.B.. B.G ..C.O.-J.W.. A.B.,M.M ..t!CS.W. I'm gonna miss ya alii!! K.I.T. LUV ALWAYS Kf.RRI. JOeLECH Erin You are the greatest thing that has happened to me sinse 1 came to N.D. I wfll always LOVE you I hope we will always be together, through the good times and the bad· Wf. HA v~ TO STICK TOGliTHeR eVEN though we had a rough start. I sure am glad I met you. You mean more to me than anyone I have ever been with and I hope were together FOR· f.VfRIIIIIIIIIIIUJIIIIJIIIIIIIIUJIIIIIIIIIIIII YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVf YOU A WHOLf. LOT. Please do not ever leave me. P.S. YOU are so Beau· tlfull to me. LOVe JO~ JOe JOe JOE RfGO DAMN YOU CRAZY LliTS GO TO K.f.C.and get a bucket of CHICKEN! Well were ft· nally done 4 years went by fast NOW Its time to grow up NOT NOT NOT NOT!IIIII Keep wrestling good luck with the ladles. You know your my boy, Do not forget M-80's and all of our stories nove you like my brother and If you ever need me just call. CRAZV LECHIITII!II Barry we made It off to college, Do not ever forget our fishing trips and fran and RARAIIII Sklng has been great REMBf.R THE BUS RIDf.S TH~Rf AND BACK. R~MBER the snow fence DO not forget to go slow on the Parkway when the roads are lcey 360's L.B.I. Yf.S YES SUe CHRISTINE and . . .. ... .. IT was all a ball of fun SEE YA LOCH B~RTO CZKAO GOLDEN BAK~R Pf.DRO ABOTT LIVf. LIFE TO THf. FULLf.ST ITS B~fN QRf.AT L~CHUIIIIIIIJH II!UIIIIllllllllllllll!lll ANY ONE f.LS~ I FOR QOTLOVr.: YA LECHII!UIIIIIlll THAT'S All FOLKS Sff YA I CHRJSLCWIS Jennifer Smithson How we met, I have no Idea! Never forget your first jeep-your second jeep, Denny's wj the OK's, SNL, Get a real job, Junior year lunches and the episodes, 5 periods In a game-YOU LIAR,Peanut Butter binoculars, tennis games-Hook me up, Schafl Stealing carsjraclng MCT. Picking up OS In the heart of Trenton, retreat, fmjpp,mldol·merlprin· mylanta-maalox . .. accidents, car alarms, Is that your car(MCP)?.tlckets; "April fools!"; I can't remember anymore, but I love ya l!C we'll talk later. Meghan Kelling Oh my Qodl·so much to remember! Summer plans 91=NOT Blo tests·"lt7S your tum";your nmes: BC; Who Introduced us? Balld, IIISummer 9211!Shhhl My name Is MK-1 have a funny feeling . .. : We'll live In Prtn.-1'11 watch your kids; She for· got her needles, so we have to go back. R's pooi·Denny·s w; DC,R.CD;4th of July; lmpromput,AFStorles;"STOP YELLING!" your door know: "We'll wake each other up every 45 minutes- Oh just forget lt."; RKTenMCP,your surprise party·l'm late.; $20=swsht; Stay back further-ON drama series: David hates David; U2QBM=cold & useless; Cosmo; lunch9.3- finally; tea: Balkl's gift when we were flooded out of CO's MCP party; There's so much more that I can't put In, but we can reminisce later! I love ya babel (PS:J'll take notes today) (everyone look for Meghan's con· tact) Jennifer Mlrellll though you were a b-, now you're one or my best friends. Never forget: "Do you hate me because of P?'' -I was never ever mad; reconstruction, not a job; "you'll be a great mother someday, ccd=hyperkkls: driving to play pracUces 92: PRINCeTON·f.SP·runnlng down sldestreets·sudden urge for fro. zen yogurt-BRENT (JBW)·TS; let's list 'em ... Pf,MM,NN-JR,etc . . . : Our Davids, 1 wouldn't let you drive; Our WW spat; acct.: nails-cotllllon9.:S, "Hey Mom! Guess what Jen dldl": your recoup107; How many best friends do you have?: 1know the list goes on forever and I'll always say, "What did you do now?" I Jove yal (R·f.·&P·f-C·T) Christina Chlarchlaro (Chris #1) key·r-key·arrow; lunch·! hate her, her, her .. • ; Seaside 927= "There's someone In your wfn· dow.". walking back to your house·ten mlles·we need something to drink·Skee bali(TCody); Your famous braid or sophomore year. I'll miss your hugs so much. KIT·I'II be living home. (Your b-day w;no electricity) Rebecca fltzglbbon It's me, Autumn! HI. babe. I just wanted to remind you never to forget crashing Into the guard rail on my street and setting up DN at IL . . . "Can I have some water please?", "Meet In the bathroom!" KIT. Angelica (Hal) Garcia Just DancejMake It work. and I'll write the rest In your yearbook. you better KIT. You know where to find me next year. ThankS for being there ror met Don't forg!!t our retreat (You chicken), carpools, and how you've seen me at my worst. flandra farrier You may have started ft. but I got you last! This Is the longest game I've ever played-maybe we should call Guln· ness. Remember when Mr. Romano caught us? I'll miss yar KIT. Justine Morrison Thank God we got this last year together! Never forget Biology; how people change: notebook scribbles and slanders; JM=BS<check In 2~).CUTei=Mrs. C;"HejShe used to be nice." Don't forget to crash Into me or run me over when we're ln college! I'll be home, so call me. Chris Murray (Chris #.3) Go to RU. Never forget our history classes w; K&J or our freshman year w; Mr. R.(You rewrote your whole notebook?) I'm genlous, you're smart. "Distract MJ while we give f ankles!" Lost In Trenton-What's the plan?; My stance my clapping and my sound effects. "She's so ugly.'' I'm gonna miss you If you go anywhere but RU. By the way, congratulations on dating someone close to your own agel Julie Altiere I hated you our freshman yearl I can't believe ltl


Exactly when did we become friends anyway? I'm so glad we get along now- you're greatl Never forget our senior lunch and envi· sioning our revenge on the tb table. KIT next year- I'm sure I'll see you over the summer. Love yal Alison Kakstus I can't believe youl Never forget your new initials. AF.,wtitlng on Joey in history, talking about CB very loud In hlstory·l think we get along because we are both evil. Anyway. stay out of trouble as much as possible and I'll catch you at Meghan·s. (Don't forget Mr. M's class and quit pickin up guys at Mako's Retired Surfer's Bar) Caroline Zaleski KIT-we must exchange summer stories, but don't tell you know who! We'll talk while you're fixing my teeth years from now. Katie Meagher Nice earrings. stop moving my desk. how many brothers and sisters do you have?, I hate Mr.A. get some normal contacts. I'm gonna miss your evil humor. KIT. Joe Lech Why weren't you in my homeroom the past two years? All I want to do is remind you about Mr. M's class- c. jock· eys and "Take its furry and move ltl" I'm gonna miss you so much. KIT. Mitzi Kopen It's been a long time, hasn't It? Never forget our freshman year. You were my first friend In NO. Thanks for being there and sharing all our secrets. Remember Trevor and Dayo. Our love stories wfMM, NN, DG, l!cJl, when Angle threw up In your driveway after the carnival, Darren, your mom's taxi(Thanks Mrs.K!) KIT Chrissy Deliberto " Are you guys sisters?"; Chris; Chemistry labs. Neil Potter Thanks for listening; Don't forget tennis '92-MCPyou racing Jen's Jeep.


GINA MANGONON Babs- You 've been so great to hang out with over the years at N.D. Nothings ever boring with you. Don't ever forget the memories especially the night at Christi's house. What a night! I never knew It took so long to get to my house. Jen Cole • We might have grown apart over the years at N.D. but I will always remember you as the pretty blond girl that was my first friend at Incarnation. It was so much fun having you light across the-street! We saw each other EVERY day. thats why you'll always be a best friend to me. But I'll have to think twice about having you come over because you might start screaming and open all of the kitchen drawers and cupboards. I'll always think of you when I make Puto (PooPoo). Thanks for being a best friend! I love yal Kerry Crlstofosettl • You have been such a great friend over the years. 1 know whenever I need a smile I can always tum to you. Don't forget our get-togethers. Christmas parties, video tapes, football games, and I'll never forget your help as my manager for Student Govt. sophomore year. I'll always remember you as the crazy one that talked too fast. couldn't say mirror, and walked a thousand miles a minute In the hallways. Thanks for the great times. Mike Davies - Every time I look at you I can 't help but smile. Chemistry class wouldn't have been the same without you, you made it so much fun even If it wasn't. I'm glad we became such good friends. If it wasn't for you I would have never known there was a song named after me. Who else would sing "Geena, Geena" every time I walked into class? Thanks for the good times and memories. Cheryl - We might not have seen each other as much senior year but you've been a best friend to me for quite a while here at N.D. 1 have so many memories of you but just to name a few: field hockey, Big G, Spanish class frosh year, football games and Ciro's, Princeton Market Fair Friday nights, the glorious hair cut you gave me after Halloween. "Gina, I don't know how to study!", sleepovers. your many men such as JL MO TN BH PS BS and so many more, sitting in front of Bee's house till 2am waiting for her to come home, your party at Hard Rock, Bitch #5. Soph and Junior Cotillion, St. Greg's Carnival, sending "the Gap Guy" his Valentine carnation, the red and white polka-dotted tie. the Ew· ing basketball game, Christi's party . ... and so many more but the space and time is limited. You have been a big part of my high school years that I will always cherish. I'll never forget you. love forever. B+h #6 Erica- You 've been a good friend since the days of Incarnation. Don't ever forget the senior Cotillion and thanks for always letting me Into your house when I didn't want to walk home. Amy G. • I'm glad we had gym and religion class during our se· nior year because we became such good friends. I will always remember our talks about all of your men! You will always be the one with the sexy and unusual undergarments especially on the days when your BEAST WOMAN! I've learned so many new and interesting songs by hanging around you. I can't walt for Senior Retreat with you as my roommate. You have made senior year so much fun. I'll never forget or wacky Amy. Rob L.- You were always a sweet guy and a great person to talk to on the phone. Thanks for a wonderful time at the Cotillion sophomore year. I'll never forget having to tell the limo driver whereto go! Joe R. -Thanks for a great time at the Cotillion frosh year. Martin - we haven't had many classes together but I still have fond memories of you. Going to see ?Lambada? freshmen year and leaving halfway through it, Martin House Tutoring, and Senior Cotillion. You are a sweet guy that could always make me . laugh just by being you. Good luck at Temple or wherever you decide to go. Jill - Even though we didn't have classes senior year I still have great memories of you: field hockey. religion class and our baby. lynch's geo. class. Todd - It's been a great year with ya on SG. Thanks for not laughing your head off when I fell flat on my ass! Lou - 1can't remember any Pres. that was as great as you were. It's been funl Rebecca R.- You are one of my oldest and dearest friends. Ever since Incarnation you have always been there for me. There are just so many wonderful memories of you over the years with our numerous ~et-togethers and parties. You may look sweet and In· nocent but mside you're too wild to mention ... and I have many videos to prove it I cherish the tapes because they capture the many fun times with great friends like you. Love yal LeRon • I'm sorry It didn't work out freshmen year when you spumned my love but It was just bad timing. Uust have one thing to tell you ... . I loved you as much as you did and YOU ARE TNt BEST ACTOR I'Ll EVER KNOW. You've been a great friend and companion in SG. Thanks for all of the laughs! One of these days 1 will track you down and scare you like you've done to almost every girl at N.D. I did name you " class flirt". P.S. Learn how to park your car straight! Mitzi- You were one of the most caring people I've known here at N.D. If you have nothing to do after a football game, pick up Nick and Jane and we'll see Consenting Adults again. You were the only one to pull me away when I saw Kim's look-a-like. Thanks for being so sweet. And don't ever grow because "good things come In small packages". MIChelle M. -You will always be a great friend to confide in. I'm so upset we weren't in the same homeroom. You were always my homeroom buddy. Our little talks about Jason and James. Don't forget the night we saw Ghost and got our pictures taken. Mike M. · You were always so much fun to be with In class from Kyte to lynch. We were dueless In both classes! Best of luck at St. Joe's. Kimberly - I'm glad we had almost every class together this year because I really had a chance to get to know you and realize what a sweet person you are. I saw you practtcally every period! One of these days we'll actually have to duck under the volley-

ball nets! Wowl That sun Is SO bright! You would always make fun of the way I said " Shut up" and "Ewww!". And don't worry I never thought you looked like the girl that got kidnapped. Matt P. -Ever since Incarnation days you've been a great friend, one I can always rely on. Thanks for a wonderful time at the Morp. I can look back and think of you as the guy who was the same height as I was until you grew about 10 feet! Kyle - My dearest "Special K" I will never forget the times that we've shared together. You are such a dear friend! All of the times we spent on the phone talking about out men problems. I'll never forget your room plastered with NKOTB memorabilia. You had Jordan and I had Jon. Those were the days! I still have the potpourri teddy bear you gave me. I'll always think of you when I smell and look at it. I will cherish the times we've laughed and cried. Remember "Wookin Pa Nub in Aw da Wong Pwaces" by oi'Buckwheat? Love ya forever- Peanut Katie • Well, Hooch, what can I say except that senior year would not have been the same without you. I'm so glad we became such close friends. There are lust so many memories shared with you over a short period or time such as: our list of guys YOU with Ant. Eric, Maroney, and let's not forget about Jeff and ME with Nick, Joey, James. and of course Joe; sitting at the comer of your street scoplng out Mike's house; stopping in front of his house and honking the hom; Joey:So how's your sister? Uh, excuse mel EWWWI; college applications; shopping for dresses, jewelry, bras, etc. for the Cotillion; Bobbsy Twins; Senior. Cotillion; Retreat; Tyler and Homer; Norm and Barney; Our song "End of the Road"; you almost got run over by a Septa bus; our Chinese cravings; and so many more to mention. We seem to rely on each other for friendly advice or a shoulder to cry on. I know I can always rely on you and vice versa because we're just a hop. skip. and a jump away. Hopefully I'll see you at Trenton State. I love yal Vanessa- You always put a smile on my face. calculus and Physics was always a bali with you there. Whenever I think of you, your "nerd" outfit from Halloween comes to mind. Thanks for all your help. Mary F. - You have always been a friend who supported me when 1needed someone. Thanks for everything. Nick • Over the years our friendship has gone through some twists and turns but we've always come through. We have had so many unforgettable moments: Grad. Dance: Hershey Park; Great Adventure; the playground; Jen's house: melting Ice cream; my living room; finding you at 7-11; all night talks: visits to Parkway Pizza; and too many more to write down. When I hear certain songs I automatically think of you but especially "Hold On To The Night" because It explains a lot and I will always hold on to the times spent with you close to my heart. I really don't think you know how special you are to me. I've shared too many thoughts. feelings, and actions with you to ever just let it go. At times It may seem that 1don't care but 1will always have a place in my heart for you. You have been a boyfriend, a protector, a confidante, a friend, and a wonderful memory. Thanks for every· thing. I love yal Jen C.- My dearest SLAC buddy. So many memories have been spent with you: Atlantic City: our midnight conversations by the lake and the kitchen table; talking till the sun came up; l~vel ~­ Street Level-curb-Building Steps; Mutya moments; numerous Staff Lounge nights; Penns Landing; and so many more not mentioned plus more to come. Through the years I've known you. you've been a friend I can always tum to for advice. guidance, comfort, and a simple smile. We have become such good friends that I only wish we never part. You have become a glorious memory of my high school years. I love you with all my heart! Joe M.- It's only been a short time together but we've shared so much. You are now a part of my life that always makes me happy. Special moments: our Red Star; Penns Landing; the Troc; the night we started talking at Staff Lounge; my Homecoming; Candyman: my Senior Cotillion; New Years; Halloween night; and so many more yet to come. Our relationship might have been unexpected but I'm glad that you became a part of my life. I rarely tell you how much I care but If you were me for a day you would see how strong my feelings are for you. We joke around a lot but I want you to know that you are the only one for me. Why would I want anyone else when I have the best right In front of me? From one Hooch to another: I love you dearly! To my family: You are all an inspiration to me in one way or another. I want to thl)nk you for all of the love and support you 've given me throughout my life, I would be nothing without you all. I love you each with all of my heartl To my MUTYA family: All of you guys are part of my family too. Thanks for all of the llfelasting memories, especially " The Crew" JC,RR,JC,JM, DM,JM.DB, MM,JM,andRN. I love you all! To my Student government Studs, fellow members, and moderators: I want to thank you all for everything you 've done. I've had glorious times with all of you. Keep up the. good work! To the Class of 9:S - Teachers • Underclassmen: I wish you all the best of luck! Thanks for four years or unforgettable memoriesl MICHeLLe MANNCRS M + D Finally here I GRAD. -4yrs. can you stand It! we've been through a lot,thanx for our memories and the more to come Thanx foreverythlng,l LOVE YA BOTHII! Jen U'R all grown upl born (peanut)! Stop thinking of BOYS! IS MY HAIR O.K. GL In the future. Strive for the stars LOVE YAI BABA U've been there for me all the times I needed you thanx I'll never forget our memoriesllll J.,OVE YOU THANX. A.J + A.S Thanx for the talks, and all the times I cried you told me to stop, Things get better .. A.J-curslng In the B·ROOM. Thanx for being therell! I LOVE YA BOTH ... Annette=BIG BOOBSIII GL WfTHe new baby,Jesse+JOE you seserve the best lyn-WHERES THE RINGI!I GL WfMatthew+MATT. You deserve the best. DD YO Nice life sound familiar .. thanx for talks .. GJ., Wjeverything. Shelb Thanx for the talks+rldes GL WfJOHN + future. BRIDG Glad were frnds. this yr. 12x's can't beat that ..

~~~ ~~.;>~~~~o~~~s+.t~a~gE;R~~~:r ~~J t~~~~~ ~~~

1 you at the wedding RIGHT????n? GL W/TONY Wish you the best. KIT JenC Glad were fmds.Many talks·B-FRNDS. GL WfC.M. REM me on6-21-9:5+all our MEM.Bucklng in the CAR+CRYS.Snob, Sue T P.E. class wuz fun. locker room talks·! Tripped I Swear It Was"TheVine" .. J MAX=TARZAN-BUS.MANAG.G/L Mer Glad were Fmds KIT REM our nights out (Mikes Party wf the guy who's drunk! Robbie) H.R. talks. I'm happy for U +DAN GL W;everything. Leigh ANN Glad were FRNDS-QL W/ALLAN REM ME 6-21-93. Lunch Talks were the best thanx 4 being there. Gl Wjeverythlng Rita lunch pd.talks,it wuz fun.REM.Mt. LOR Bus.Mang dirty looks.laughs . nam~ calling rem it aii.GL Mike 0 lunch pd. wuz fun talks=Jas,don't get hurt GL thanx Frank Thanx for talks lunch wuz fun. Rich"' Pervert Matt-H.R. Thanks 4 the mirror Stacy Glad were frnds u·r a sweetie Gl WfMike+future kit rem r talks+ advice love ya. Crystal act wuz fun,talks,looks u'r a cutie rem me. Sammy u've been there through thick+thin, Rem r good times w;Chris+hls B-days since we were 2. u·ve been a Best fmd to me like a bro. GL w;college+future u deserve the best KIT we had some good mems rem it all u·r a sweetie (rem r hand shake) love ya. Kathy K I don't care if u like JAS,I know were cute, I'll forget U cause u'r no worry of mine. MS.P Thanx for the talks.advice U'r a great listener KIT even after 6-21-9:5.1'11 be here love ya I LOvr: JAS TINA u'r the B frnd every-1 wants THANX 4 being there REM r

crys late night sleep-overs,goslp,looks to others talks+advlce OUR x-mas' +every holl RfM It ALL we sharedMf.M GL W/ BOB+ future. kit we live so farl MICH"l" TINA B/f fORI GAlOB YEAH lOOB. WOW YEAH B+W+A can all kiss off who were snotty or to good. P.O. to the S.P. JAS I lOVE U, I'll miss u 6-219:S.Gl W/USMC+future. RfM PARK (SHHH) holldays,sleep-overs u 'r games back rubs talks making up kisses+ hugs ETC. I love everything about u REM r song ALWAYS+ fOR. SWEET 16 party BABA's when we met. thanx -4 being there. REm new yrsB-room (Q.I) Thanx FOR MEM +more to come. Names=SMOOCttlfBEAR=Parfalt.l'm glad we made It this far+keeps growing. I

~~: ~~ ~f:c~~:'c!fti ·!~~u~o:;m~e~v~ :R~~~ ~· r~ u+always will I'll be waiting. LOVE YOU AlWAYS U'R G-fRND fORfVfRIIIIII O~GMARTIN

Mike Davies·" Yeah, keep It up Mikey. I'll hit you so hard with a can a tuna you'll wake up sellin' penclls/Oh $#1@, no really. Mrs. Keams It's legitimate; they crushed a banana In my book.fl really hate bananas, I just hate 'emj"l don't know Mike. I don't think I would use "the" here."fSo, I'm walking Into "Aiaadln". I throw on my purple .... Who sits near me and wears purple?1 Yeah. yeah, I'm HIP.I'm HIPII/"It's coytalns fer you Rocky.coytainsll " ... "Oh yeah, there just adorable. myeah,myeah." fYO,YO,YO,word to your mother's undelf"So, 1 had this dream . . . and Tom tells me a whole bunch of people are trashln' my car and McDoughnuh's with'eml . . . . I go. Me· DOUOflrtUfl/1/f/'Rlot,riotl!l" . . . Lemme push a button, Iemme push a button, please. pleaselll . . . " What did I do, what did 1 do?l" " You ain't done nothin.('smack, smack'),you ain't done nothinlll"f"The Other Verrnln"f(Use Hispank accent here)"Oh. ice cream bar, notheeng can take me away from my Ice cream barlll . .. Eeet eeez not I who am crazy, eeet eeez I who am madlll"f"Firecracker, firecracker, slss boom bah, Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, RAtt,RAH.RAHIII" /Remember this: "Greg. what am I gonna do?! I think I'm beginning to hate this girl."/He has the personality of cardboard.fHe sits there with cigar In hand and screams, " Ummmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahll!" 1 AI Bundy. the man, the myth, the hero: "Peg. Peg. she bit me Peg, now I gotta live forever!" . . . " Outta my way Bohemuthl" . . . " Peg, Peg, that's my songl" ... "AI Bundy, what Is one word you would use to describe yourself'--"Winner." /The entire " Coming to America" movie featurin~ the three barbers . . . "He ain't lylnl" ... "Ah saaay Claaaay.' .. . "That boy can zangl That boy's good!" -"You must be crazy.''/A list of your favorite things: Pearl Jam,Nirvana,Doc Marten's,grunge. nannel,grease.Vanllla,red meat.and trendlnessfLastly. 1 forsee a 1996 carter cam· paign,a Return of the Peanut; It would be nath.f"d'OK Dorge, dough kayl" Gregg Dubow: Hey,what up DlddllOne ftlck of the hand says It all, man.fLate Sophomore Oeomctry(Lynch): "Urn, let me see who can give me the answer.ah. how a about . . . Gregg Doobols. " I laughed till I almost puked, and I'm still laughln' nowlfMaxwell l!c his bird calls 8t animal mating calls. I don't know about you Mlllstonlans;Junlor year Gym: Unga-Bunga man. a.k.a. Captain Caveman with a clipboard and whlstle(you know who I'm talkin' about)/ And there's Scott D. and his lousy jokes and asinine storles("What up Dick" times ten, man),complete waste of oxygen(AHA,HA,HAII)Just plain hllarlous.;Senlor Gym: "Hey Sammy. why don't you run all the way homel" /I'll admit It, I am the sogiest volleyball player ever to walk earth. Later,Dlckl Vinnie Buttacd: from St. Ann's 5th Grade to the p~nt(leez man how many years has it beenl): from Scopa to Henkel(how many teachers have put us thru hellll); from Kim to lara(how many girls has it been!II)/Stem In the Momlng(post" Harry" feud). "Old yooou say ... "Ah said heinous you dumb hillyblllyl" . . . "groid. pick-a-ninny. mulyoon(the Italian version) ... "/Hey Vln. It's 5 to 8 I guess we're gonna be payln' a visit to Ms.Wyers.; Nah man. that (rhymes with "stlch") Isn't gonna make the tuml -quote before the acddent.jcaddyshack: " father. what's the matter?" ... "Bull my name's Jlml" "But father you are a man of God I" .. . "There Is no God.'' ;cannonball Run: "Go ahead. Doc why don't you take It yourself.'' .. . "Ah, I don't think so JJ. Urn. I don't think so, no thank you."fDave Haas' party-the worst night of my life()ust ask your tollet)fAtter School talks with Ms. Henkel.fConversations-"Jeez, I hate him," ... "She's lncredlble,the most Improved, best lookin' chick In school ... " ... " I hate this place and everyone In it. I just want to get the hell outta here!" . . ''I'm just Infatuated with that chlck.(you know who)"/Smile In their faces, and talk behind their backs.fLaurie's grandma, "Greg ... he's black!" /Officer Gocke, come here plggle. plgglelll Harry Masterson: Hey. Harry I need a ride can you hook me up?/I've got a really big campo test, how about breakfast at Denny's?/Racln' on U.S.1 against greasy guidoes and their oily girlfriends. C'mon Harry. Go Harry C'mon manlll . .. Go speed racer,OOIIIj"Whadda ya mean Cindy Crawford's not In lt?l" ... "Stephanie Seymourlllet's go get It ri~t nowlll"fSmokin' stages outside 7-11, phllosophlzing.;Gettfng stared at In 7-11 by strange Chinese men and seeing strange bopping Japs In Roy Rogers/Jeez man, you've got all seven sins ilght ln your bookbaglljlf we're In an accident I'll break my nose on the dash· boardlfDeeply personal thoughts about girts, music. and toilets on the way to School/Does your mom know what you listen to in the car? Black 5abbath Llvesiii/Oh no mom, they're not mine they're my friend Greg's clgarettes.fThe bet's still on, lryou take Amy to the prom I'll buy your ticket! ... Oh. one more thlng.can I use your phone I gotta call my mom. Jeff Smith: Rhymes with sauna. looks like the word " gonna" . .. Who say all black men need to be able to play basketball?1 See ya at Kerins' ,Jerry. Nick DeMaio: Oh, have I got something to tell youl/1 don't krtow what's wrong with me, I mean, I'm a good looking guy. what's the problem?fWings. I gotta get those wings. I'm starvlngll ... Let's go for something to eat. I'm so hungry right nowll/ Yeah, It Is greasy! Good.good, glmme everythirnl you got. glmme It alllll/Ail our favorite places-Chuck's, Burger Klng. McDonald's, Taco Bell(especlally Taco Bell)fMom, Dad, why won't you give me any money?! ... You owe me MONfYIII/Quotes from the greatest fight In history-"I couldn't believe It when they called the cops on me!" ... "And the worst part was that It was a father-son team I"1Oent fan of the decade/Hey l"tlck. why can't we just hang out at your house and rent a movie? f"Who stepped on a duck?" /Hey man, did you bust In the car agaln?tlf"Gregi.Gregl, I got Into Lehigh Ill" ... "Don't touch me Nick.";sayervllle lives. Dan Comer. I'm just too good looking to be In a situation like thls.fl don't like dogs, a.k.a. Barney l'la.j"Some people say my dad acts like Archie Bunker . . . ''I'm not allowed to have anybody In the car." . . . "I don't Hke your attitude.'' - various Comer quotes.;Dan-are you "hungry''?/You and Nick and your damned Stone Roses.j"Comer don't touch me, don't hit me:· ... "I promise I won't hit you."j"lt looks like Operation Rescue Hope for M.Fannlng.''jAsk Nick. "How's rat kld?"/IS the CRX really a sports car or Is th~tlust some gimmick?jOonna move to Bermuda and be a Rastafan?jThe only males to attend Joy Smith's little "get-together"fYC>U and Shapson and Roberto Gonzales have a good time now. you here? Dan DeJonge: What up! Next time I meet you and your brother in the hall you're both mlnelll Teach you to push the little man around.fYou hit me OM more time and I'll be forced to go crazyt You wouldn't like to see me angry. No one messes with me man. not even In the snow(remember that)./l"'o one glva me ankles(comlng In from gym, remember) and gets away with W/ Just messln' around and kidding man. It's been "schweet", ftom a fellow artist.

Matt Pribila: I can't stand it that you 're finally way taller than me. Don't worry about it. I'll catch up soon enough. 1 can still take you in a street fight.fHonors program ain't all that great huh? Suffered thru two years of english. hang in there.fOh yeah, one more thing. you got any change on you? Reynold Massenet: 4 years of homeroom, same seats, same deal all the time.fOossippin' with Matozzi,being late every· day,"Anuk the Warrior", talkln' trash about everybody.('Ren, gone radn ' or skeezin' lately, man?"fNo football? t.aura Heinz: HEYIH . What's Up?f"We' re tiny, we're toony. we're all a little loony. and In this cartoony we're invading your TV!!!" . . . " Diaper go down the hoooole!" ... " Eeeeeoooool" ... " I want to flush it agalnl"·famous Tiny Toons quotes/Four words: french, school. bananas, people. What do they have in common?-you figure it out('He's acting like a jerk." ... " Isn't that why you like him so much?"('You 're having a really bad hair day. " ... " Blue turtleneck, tan pants. hair·spray=good day: white shirt. blue pants. pony·tail=bad day. "f"You CUT your hair!!! What have you done?ll"fYou saw me in my slippers! Way too much TVIfMy favorite flavor is " Vanilla " tyours truly. " Annoy· IngMan. " LeRon Rogers: Live long comic bookslll ... " Aw, man did you see Batman yesterday?!" ... " When are they gonna finally start showing X-Men?! " ('When are they gonna start having plays with black people in it?" f" He hasn't been in school for two weeks, maybe he's dead!" " I wonder how many days he has left for absences?"/One more thing, did you study for that English test? It's gonna be so hard! Brendan C~rtlidge: Kaplan's class freshman year. One word: hilarious.fOym Class Conversations: " Imagine if I just turned and hit that kid with the ball so hard, ... " I hate that big glrllll" . " Look at that big nerd. I'd do all that K.ung·Fu stuff on him." . . . " Crazy man, crazy! Four to five, crazy! " . . . " Imagine if I turned around and just snuck him oncei"/Oood luck with your novel. Thanks for the laughs man. Maddie Sirach : " I can 't believe you came back!"fl.ang·s class freshman year to Cevera's senior year.f"She yells at you for no reason!'' /Nice getting thrown out of Pysch together. should do It again sometlme.fTo the nicest person I know( can never say anything bad about anybody, most of the time). Yours truly. the little black bear. James Russo: Russ Jameson will live forever!f"Hey Russ, do you have the answers to that vocab (or french or religion, take your pick)? /The Undying Legend of Lizard Man ... ·'The tail rips out the back, his eyes tum yellow and the skin gets green and scally ... "/five words: english papers. french, pain, hell-What do they have in common?j"What ever happened to the band?"/ The shame of being from St.Ann'sfOettlng In trouble In Kaplan's class ... remember when I got thrown out because of a certain picture?ft.aughing like crazy In Mrs. Maroney's 8th Orade(same deai)/ The hell of Schirmer's religion classjOh yeah. one more thing. do you have the answers to that French homework? Mark Jablonski: " Stabog", " Ski", " Jablonstaboggan", and anything else but " Mark"fA.P. History2·the all time best class in history ... Mil, the man, the myth . the humor- "I didn't know much back then. I was just a dumb Polish boy growing up." .. " Oh you don 't like this song, and I was all ready to enlist. " ... " Oh Leah,30,4-0,oh no no,50 extra credit polntsl"fEmst(thejoke that changed history) ... (use German accent here)"Oit clozer. dozer. 'If you can read zis you are too cloze.' NO.NO. tum back, tum back!!!" . .. " You escape, vee shoot you. quite zimple isn' t it. " fLeah·" Mark what's your number? Maybe I can give you a ride sometime.(jaw hits the ground now)" ... "You filmed itf I can' t believe you FILMED ITIII" ... 70's music. a strobelite. disco ball, mirrors. and multi-colored lights·fPaper's due on Monday(trans· latlon: hand in 2 wks. from Mon.)fCut from tennis with authori· tyjPure unadulterated boredom in Henkel.jL.H.·" Yeah, go on, run with it . . " .... "Yeah, and this is going somewhere.(clas· sic) " ... " Yeah. and I like you for your mind;both of them."/ " Don't let the fact that I bought those stop you from eating them." . " Hey, got any money?" ... " You know 1 don't like croutons with dressing on them jerk." . . . " How many times have I told you I don't like BANANAIII" ... " NERRRDDDSSI!II" famous lunch quotes.fYOU were the one who lost control that time/Highest humiliation capacity everl!lfThe personality of cardboard ... curtiousy laugh(U know who). Kelly Neall: " Hey Kell, how are you today?"(l must have asked you that a million times)fFour words: Dorian Gray, snore. coma - what do they have in common? ... Oscar is a Wilde queer( HAl that's clever!} .... Looks like you never did get out did you? jfa· mous phrases - " I hate this class. I wish she would die." ... "I don't know what's going on. I'm going to sleep. " ... "Who the hell is John Savage?! " ... " You know everything about me." ... " When is this over?" . . " I have no real friends in this school. " . . . " Why doesn't hair tie In knots like shoelaces?"fDesiree's Baby: " Kell. tum off the TV and concentrate on the project. " from " the funniest guy you know" and the 2nd Most Artistic per· son in school. Eric Wills: (use German accent here) " Ericckh Veells·HIELI"/ How can you eat that nasty. smelly, greasy. yogurt! and Coffee flavor at thatlf"Oh woe is me, I would just have to settle for U of Penn if I don't get into Princeton, and Dartmouth has been nag· ging me all weekl"fEndless laughs in Mil's AP History class(long live Ernst Roehmi)/You were always sleepin' in the back of Ro· mano·s class. freshman year. ya Slackerl!l ... the same thing In' Henkel's classjLoved those stories of how you puked after races !II Brian Kerins: EVERYTHING from 5th Grade to now ... From, "I think they' re chasing us for the bikes!" ... to ... "You just turned your head and made no noise. no warning, and just pukedl"fJust too much stuff to write down. Meet you and Smith at your house later. Domingo Vasquez: (use really bad singing voice here) "Strang· ers in the night, exchanging glances, strangers In the night ... " - pure Frank.f"l think there's a shark in the water. " - Pool talk.f"Aw man. I got Into another fight with my woman:·f"What is this. every party I go to they seem to follow me."fAigebra freshman year(Jose) - " Hey man, she got a ZERO!" . . " No way!!l"fGot cut three times and you know whylfl 'll meet you at Vinnie's.f l almost forgot. " You got any change?" Eric Baxter: English , French, Jose. and Psychology. seen and been through it all.j"Oreg, Greg, draw me a picture?l"/"lf you guys don 't settle down I'm going to move you bothlll" . "Quiet downlll" ... " ERIC, shut uplll" ... Famous psychology quotes./ " Man, I've named every girl I know and you 've said something about every onel!l You make me sick! Don't you have any mor· alsl"fYou still got that picture in your French book?fljust don't like volleyball. can 't play it. don't like it./ " Alright. you ' re telling me everything that's on that test right now!" /"Baxter, you do that article?" .. " No. are you serious? Who' re you kidding?" MICHAEL MATAR Elena Well we are finally seniors can you believe It??? You have been a great friend for the past three years and I'll never forget all the joy you have brought to me do you remember all the great times like ... Youth Group. Father Mike Your secret pass to Great Adventure, FOLLOW ME FOLLOW YOU, Don't Dream It's Over, 0 WE 0 Amber, Kathy and John, Lisa and Lisa, Carole, Karyn. the cotillion junior and senior year at my house before and after the limo junior year and the video camera senior year. Princeton Review ... NOT, all my parties over the summer. my seventeenth birthday party, my sixteenth birthday party, my mom my dad and of course my sister all want to adopt you but you already knew that now didn't you ... one ring, cluck cluck, scream machine shockwave and lighting loops, solan shanklin david and years eve junior and senior year, your little


surprise party for your birthday. feel like having the Phan· tom of the think about it that's how we met Isn't it???geUing ready for JUNIOR COSTUME DAY when the styrfoam started disappearing but hey we still came in second and made it into the yearbook, my name is- · - I spell it • • • • Uh my name is-·-·or how about that shindig with about U people on my bed, Me having MONO for a whole month thanks for helping. me get· tlng my license you getting yours me and my accident ... YA YA YA, The Gap, My parents are way to strict I wish they would be loser so I could have more partlesl!l Kyle's sweet sixteen party. Christine(the blonde)and all the fun and laughs she brought us at the lunch table. Christmas at my house was great this year (Plastic land) the LuAnn Shop,that nice little phone call from M.S.. Bellmont-Abbey. Liberty, Wildwood, Our Hair for the Cotil· lion and Making the video about everybody it came out just fine,love the whale, all the interesting meetings of youth group junior year - How many suitcases can I bring? the Ski Trip Learning how to ski and learning how to Jive In that hell whole. Well it's hard to believe that it's all over now you have been a great friend and I hope you always remain that way so much of my high school memories have you in them you have been great. Don't ever change. Good luck with John. Keep in touch ... Love Always, Mike Jenna It's so hard to believe were graduating isn't it? I can still remember kindergarden when we had our Halloween parade's, you have grown up so much to be such a wonderful person and a great friend . I know that we have had some rough times in our friendship but it's nice to know that we are graduating as friends. I can still remember everything that we have done together all the way back to when we were five years old. there are so many memories do you remember the Lolans and the l'abes or how about In Robinson Miss l'oy and Miss Car or was It Carr? or are fifth grade graduation party singing WE ARE THE WORLD ... Grice was fun although we weren't really close Notre Dame did something to us remember picking up K.yle on the first day to the bus stop freshman year or how about study for those exams freshman year. those walks we all to the lake were great, thank you for being such a great friend for so long your like a sister to me best of luck in college and everything you do In your life. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. Always keep in touch. Love Always, Michael K.yle Well it's finally here. graduation, can you believe 1t. Me and You have had so many memories that I can't even remcm· ber all or them what 1 do remember is what a great friend you have been in all my high school years and how you never turned on me and were always loyal and how I could always trust you with all my secrets. but now all the moments that we have shared together--the button down cafe after orientation, we never did get our cherries or bread did wem or the summer down at LBI -BEVERLY HILLS 90210 parties every Thursday at mine or your house, Your wonderful SURPRISE SWEET SIXTEEN PARTY me and your mom put so much work Into that behind your back that it's a miracle you didn't find out- I must admit that night I had one of the best times In my whole high school years. Let us not forget my closet door even though It may be fading now it still looks great and It should because me and you put so much time and effort into it. Thank you for driving me in every day Junior year and those couple of weeks Senior year. &hank you for all your support when I was down about Jenna you really stood by me during that. You have been such a great friend since 7th grade I don't ever want to lose touch with you. lets always remain friends, good luck in everything you do in the future. Love AI· ways, Michael Mitzi Hey Mitzll well were almost out of here and I just couldn't say goodbye without saying goodbye to you. You have been a great friend to me whenever I was depressed you were there or whenever I needed to talk about Karyn you were there and at lunch when I needed to get away from my table you were there. Although I didn't know you long you have proven to be a great friend, and for that just wanted to thank you ... Let's not forget all the good times that we had together like our 90210 parties or Kyle's surprise parties our TWIN PEAKS yes Mitzi Bob is a tree. One day this summer I will get you to Great Adventure and get you on a roller coaster. But until then thank you for being my friend. best of luck In your life and everything you do. Love AI· ways, Mike Kathy My love, although my time here at Notre Dame is fin· ished in no way should that mean that our love is. Just because I won't be In period 6 lunch next year doesn't mean that I won't be thinking about you. Sure other girls might ask me out and I know for sure other guys will ask you but I feel I love you to much that breaking up with you just because I graduated seems plain out dumb ... over the past 15 months you have showed me a side of myself that no else has shown me you made me find out that I can love someone and feel emotions for them. Kathy I will m~ you with all my heart but in a sense you are not going anywhere but either am I. I am willing to continue going out with you after graduation and while I'm In college but will you continue going out with mem I LOVE YOU, Mike Christine HeY BLONDiellllust want to thank you for all the joy and laughter that you brought to are lunch table. You are a great person and you can make people laugh. OK so your not blond but your funny as hell. Your a smart person and you will get far in this life. And I'm not getting a perm. best of luck In life. K.eep in touch. Love Always. Mike Lisa Matar Little sister I'll be out of your way in a matter of months alii have to say is be the best you can at NO work to your fullest and by senior year you'll be In all honor courses as for swimming your doing just fine work on your turns and never give up or quit. don't over work your body keep it In shape. pretty soon you 'll be getting job remember it's ok to start off at the bot· tom you' ll make It to the top. In three years I'll be watching you graduate. best of luck In High School. my room stays my room but my closet can be yours. Be careful out there your grown up now and it's rough out there. Love Always, Michael Lisa and Nora hey guys just wanted to wish you guys luck for the next two years (good luck that Is) you guys have been great friends never forget all the memories that we have had especially the bus with Dona. Well do the best you can the next couple of years and keep cheering. K.EEP IN TOUCH - Nora I know where you live. Love You Guys, Mike Lisa Mu Hey Lisa, well just a couple little notes to thank you for being such a good friend and taklng your time out to get to know me and letting me get to know you. Don't ever forget all the memories such as the cotillion this and last year. the can of tuna fish all my parties over the summer. youth group meetings my sister, Craig, your sunburn. Bill and John's surprise party. You have been a great friend to both me and my sister. so THANKS. Don't ever change your a wonderful person. Keep In Touch. Love Always, Mike Michelle J Well can you believe that I'm leaving this school !II Well. I've only known you for two years but you have been great. Even though you beat me In the youth group election your still pretty cool. Don't ever forget all the good times that we have had together such as--Gym class last year. your sweet sixteen party, FREDERICA, Youth Group with FATHER MIKe Mike Sutterlin, M.V.. Your house on New Year's Eve- Both year's but of course this was better. All my parties over the summer. The last thing I have to say is - I love your parents I think there so cool. you better watch over them for me. We'll Keep In Touch. I'm sure I'll see you over the summer. Love Always, Mike T.S. Sorry Cindi Even though you can be a little annoying at times I still think your a great person and I guess In a way you have brought great laughter to our lunch table. Best of luck In college and ev· erythlng you do in life. Love Always, Mike

Jadiza I could not finish typing these things without writing to you. You are one of the greatest people I know and I .lust had to share some of our memories with you - Wildwood freshman

;~~s ~i~c;'!:m~~~;n~~ st~t:a~~ ~~r~ J~~~ ~~:;;:~~

nlor year. Anyway don't ever change, keep your hair one color. and keep in touch. Love Always, Mike Patty D Hey Pat.tust had to write to remind you of all the good time that we had last year In public speaking. your a great speaker and our little performance was great Keep In Touch over the summer I'm sure we'll all end up going somewhere. Good luck In everything you do. Love Always, Mike Patty M Hey Patty, We are finally out of PHOTOGRAPHY I think I might just have a party I hated that class with all my heart and I hated him more. On a sad note we are also out of accounting but hey at least Ms. Reagan liked us. Anyway I really think that we should get together one day over the summer and develop our list of HIV posftive and negatives you know Ms. Reagan still wants her copy. Anyway good luck In everything you do In life. Keep In Touch ... Love Always, Mike MATTHEW MAl'ti'IIOI'I Matt-You've always been there for me. through the good times

et bad. You 're my best friend. I feel so close to you. I wish you the

best in life. Love. Yourself Mike O·Hey l'lamer Bob.Jefe.l'reshman History wfa big A.How's Alex?Ha·Ha.Cool Man.~ yrs of LBI.Ann et Courtney·waterslides· Hello Chrissy et K.atle·Puddle fights et phone-no plckup.l'lottlng· ham B-baii.Y-ball·homerun contest.backyard, in your face,V·baii.OA.Sabre's eyes. Yvonne-enough saki, Es· ter.SalinajMellssa S,your crush on NR.mlne on JM et your forget· ful of not telling me to call her.Remember all the good times t!t bad-Alright bye Forever Friends-MATT Adam B·STICK,Big Ouy,How·s the old man?LBI,Chrlssy t!tK.atie.ugly green awesome red one,OA,Sabre.Basket· baii.Try not to hit anyone.Leam to park on dates.Work In fngllsh,Ha.Remember my problems wjwomen.Jike JM t!t oth· ers.Yvonne·haha. Mikes a Flamer,Mellssa's volce.she's Angela, Lynda et me, Eddie go homeiJefe Rodrtguez,no hangupsl Schafer.freshman history w; M.Bush gone.Remember freshman dances.footbaii,OLS W/Sr.Ann et Magic Clrcle.Don't let Sllrah beat you up.To good tlmes t!t good women.Airight bye. friends-MATT Sue C·SueiSusan Ellen Watermelon·plcklebreath·remember lunch table this yr t!t last.fries t!t applejuice.l'rldays t!t the little packet of sugar.Bryan et cotillion. New Yr's fve.Campo.Chuck's chicken wlngs.Oround Round.l'm little angel. The Cindy Ordeal.The Jen Ordeal,wfMelissa t!t friends.Your stupid friend Angela.Haha.Stay sweet t!t beautiful. Keep In touch.l'rldays won't be the same w/out you.J wish you the best in llfe.Love·MATT Michelle M-<ltrl-where would you be w;out me t!t my mirror for 4 yrs.your very sweet.hope your boyfriend realizes your a good friend. I'll be there 4 u if u need me.U,me t!t Tina should go out sometime. keep in touch,l'd hate 2 lose such a good friend.thanx ~~}~~"e~~:'j~~r 4 yrs wflockers next 2 each other.Oood


Tina O·Hey petite thlng:Just kidding-good things come In small packages.hope u stay w; your boyfrlendt!t so does Michelle. Let's hang out sometime. You're a good friend. You 're very funny.Have fun In life. Hope I'll be a part oflt.Love MATT Marybeth M·You're a cool friend-let's skl·3 yrs of English· Har· bach,Leonic,Confoy, Physics wfCoppock. Oym·Volleyball·bow t!t arrows. your cool car, exotic bands, labs after school, thanx 4 ev· erything.You're greatStay wjJay.Hope we stay friends after grad· uation.let's hang out-remember TCBY·have a wild et crazy llfe.Love MATT Lynda·l'm 000 giri.You're a silly goose.English was there w; Adam t!t Kerri.Glad we're friends-remember the closet.Haha. hope we stay friends.4 yrs over t!t off to college. run. Tell Karen I said HIIRemember the Prom. Keep In touch.Love MATT Brenda B·Stay W/John,let's skl.Junior cotillion was cool. reo member English i!r the cool times-when U came over my house.Let's stay friends.! wish U the best of luck In llfe.Love MATT Jen M·where 2 start.Oiad we're friends-remember all the time talking on the phone t!t teylng.trylng hard 2 get U out of the house-finally made It to your house in raln,Deadrat.Your slster.New Yr's Eve, very short·remlnd me 2 beat U up.Serlously I'm glad we're such good friends You're cool.l think your spe· cial.don't let anyone else tell U dlfferenlLet's hang out. After graduation I hope we remain good friends. Keep In touch. Call me If u need someone 2 talk 2.Honestly.Oood luck in life t!t the road that lies ahead. Love MATT Nick D·What upJM.()().MALT5-summer volleyball-tennls·play 4 your run 2 the bookstore,not 4 books.chlcken winQs rule.STONE ROSES.Lehlgh, Villle.OLS·Sr.Ann·Maglc Clrcle,Mrs.Coppock, Jr.yr.6 classes,4 yrs.gone.see u on the court.College llfel Alright bye-Your friend MATT Melissa 5-0ym class-V·ball-qulrky volce·hlt In the face-your cool-stay W/Mike.Let's stay friends.Last yr.Oood luck In every thing you wfsh.Love MATT Mom t!t Dad·thanx 4 everything-thank U 4 bringing me Into the world·l'll make U proud-you watch·thanx 4 Mazda-money t!t all the love u gave me.thanx.Love MATT Angeta·My love,sweetheart.only been 3 weeks.calm yourself. Frldays,Oround Round.90210.101 Dalmatlans.Say Anthlng.Aiad· din chicken fingers.cherry lr.dry chlcken.bathroom. Sue t!t Bryan. stupld·little woman.PID.Jan 14.hope we stay together 4ever. w1 all my love. I'll never leave u.Love always MATT CAROL Artl'l MAROI'IeY study b=math,gym (my personal favorite!) religion (Schlrmerl) Choir, Ish (who was our teacher agaln?)t!t lunch. Ah!Did 1 get them ke sure you're In your seat when the bell ringsiSit on the right side of the tableiPiagartsmt Ohl I'm breaking Into your locker agalniWhat will I do next yr? Oh well? Thanks 4 being such a great frtendiKeep In touch! Study buddies 4everrYour study buddy Miss In B. Tween! Come between anyone latei}'?Say Hors· ie?Well what can I say?lnterestlng musiciScreamlng Trea?But that's ok Are u In your doset?Ouess what?l'm a pliglu1stiAhhl Soph Eng. t.atln 2(t1a)SADD-glrls. why r u late?well.thanks 4 al· ways being thereiYou're a great friendlK.eep In touch !Carol Annie Pammy! It's melthe history bufOremember? freshman en· gllsh!Don't call on rnefwhy did I get moved?remember the missIng gradebook? Thanks 4 your Iockert (lunch t!t dlnnertsuede t!t leather)lloved the goat In shortsiVote RepubllcaniOo BushiYou·ve been a great friendlsee u at IceLand! Carol Ann Janlce,HeyiSeen any elephants lately?Purplelplnkl (uhohl)there's 1 nowlln the llghtslwowlwhat aboutf dance?sure you'll be backiRight?Rightlgym wjMr.Dambro. SltbpstPushupsl are u ok?Are u ok?Hdpotelplhey,what's a contusion?oh.lunch was funiReeses peanut butter cups·wfholes In the middle! (more like In a million pleces)wdl, It's been funl(can u believe I've known u 4 7 yrs?)pretty scary Isn't lt?thankS 4 being such a great friendiiCarol Ann(wjout an e) Pople,my herolhomerooml garbage baQ poodle sklrtsltlnfob heads! PacManlllove your locker! have u round your books yet? don't forget Latin(2) I am a herolthe queen of the class.bow down t!t worship mei9!Hhe curve breakerlyou've been a great friend! Keep in touch!The Latin queenl May Ann(no e)your life hlstory!South Brunswlckii'IYiu grew up on the streetslu poor deprived chlktll remem~.ftnallyl don't forget blolalways carry rubber gloves!(don't leave the dentist of· flee wjout theml)l confessll am the Infamous biology murderer (HaHa)thanks 4 being a great friendiCarol Ann( no e)


Jen,we survivedlit's finally overfwas it really THAT BAD?Yesfl lunch was funfwell.on our side of the table!(new best friends) luckyldon'l forget about plagarism!r u having fun in En~lish? I truly envy u!Haf oh welllrou've been a great friend Bt a temfic per· sonlthanx 4 always bemg there 4 usfwe'll b in NJ. come visit!l~eep in touch!Carol Ann


ANNeTre MARReRO Lynnette:Hey Sister.! know I've been hard 2 handle all these yrs,but u r a trader.Biood thicker than water!BeniBack 2 big yel· low soon.U definitely help make the last 2 yrs of high school the best. Calm down Bt remember 2 smile..36,not.Eww, "LuLu" many more adventures 2 come.Ray's sister looks like a manj Elvis.Hey,l know him 2,he's my cousin. Danny Simon's party! I'll never forget it or forgive u!Cotillion 9.3 lost for3 hours 1t looked great from the car, Burger Klng,Thriftway.lOO mph. mush mouths.Joe's a looney.Aiex is your friend.Hey Mrs. Wood· worth.tree trunk,man.Mt. Bilbo Baggins.You're married.We're sneaks.ES AS A&L·BFF.Frank rules. I'm sorry I made u cry.l can't believe it's our last yr together.Jana Btu can run fast.l'll meet u @ the restaurant-Tavern-Sorry guys.So glad we became so close."Roger" we moved on.where·s my phone?A Jot of great memories.U owe me.l love u always sis···we came a long way," many flghts.Luv always Annette Maria:the past 4 yrs have been great.When do we take gym? Denny's wouldn 't serve us!Single white females.! know we'll see each other next yr.we're going nowwhere. "Roger & Virginia" Art class. Sue's visit what a Joke. How did u get all those bruises!" Star Search 9?" Where's Btllylthanx 4 all your help wjmany problems.None of my classes would have been the same wjout u.How many articles do u have 2 do? ... 5611'11 miss u & your stories about all those guys.Luv always Annette Jennifer:! am so glad we became such good friends.2 bad it was only 1 yr.Thanx 4 everything always being there & listening 2 all my problems.the B brothers Rulell!l know u & SB wi.JI get back.stay sweet.stop smoking & good luck wherever u decide 2 finish· high school.& u will come wjme 2 get my pillow!KIT Luv me. & don't forget I'm a great influence! Sandra: Hey PR sister.! got 1 of those cards 2.We almost didn't stay friends over "Bochinche"But we got over it. Eng class. dance class. Yeah there we go I hated every minute ofit.Stay sweet.An· nette Katrina:lO yrs. of friendship.l'll always remember the baby Bumble B.Swimming at my house. The concert,your dad's house & Maryland,didn't we have 2 get gas 4 the wet jet?&walk a couple of mlles.MS.Air Force.Oood luck Trina.Luv always Annette Fjf Jenn Corban:our solo,starlight.we were great.l couldn't stand it.Okiahoma Bt OuysBt Dolls.the camera in my faceat Laura's. what a way 2 wake up.whlch reminds me I never saw that tape! don't worry Chris will be back soon! Micaelle:Retreat.gym.Did u find a date?what problernslprom 92. I'm so glad we became friends. Vicki:So many memories.! don't think I can remember every thing.let's see . . . bad newsllclass leaders.Darnbro's class 1 yr of running track-20 we came in forth.Halloween 92.Anthony, Mon· mouth.AII your stories how many Umes.l hope I helped u wjall your problems like u helped me.7th grade Bjf.what's your count?2many.she can't drive.prom 92.PJ my Jove.we had our fights.thanx 4 all the good times & bad tlmes.SPS yuck·u left me. What happened 2 the crowd? oh well MJ problems.R u hun· gry? thanx 4: being there. goumba Luv Ana.Hey R U OK, R U OK! "p":Things have changed.There never was a "J" in package! & maybe there shouldn'tve been an "A" But thanx 4 the good times. all the rides 2 Mt.Holly.My bad directions.Rancocus woods. Marco Bt Johnny. Karen:what happened.! guess u jumped on the bandwagon.! never used any of u.Remember the races down my street-Beep at Matt's. Things got so complicated.Mass. My b-day.light the tooth· pick. C. C.-Crystal or whatever the hell u decide 2 call yourself to· day.nice fender bender!Zula & Logan I don't buy've come a long way.where r your rollers?New yr's 92.!s that the countdown.Yes!No!Makea right,no a left.We r Jost.We r the real movie makers.But the music gave her a headache.Sorry we missed the countdown. Sofie Bt Olenda:your art worklthe best. who am I?" Mr. Gatto Mr. Gatto" shut up I hate winnersfgerr.what history teachers,belts,& shoes.1 more thing about minoritles.l'll kill him. Tree:u goofll know there were some really rough times.2 sum· mers ruined.But we moved on.Hell & back. Spite her. Say hi 2 Eas· ter egg.the hospital,lost In the parking lot.Thanx 4 listen· ing.MJ,MB,BM,JM.U blew it.ha ha ha.l'll never let u live It down.AII the trips 2 New Bruns.After all that It was closed.Roy·s.Pizza Hut.Free food.Red lights,stop sign.Where?lce cream 10:.30 pm freezing,no socks,sorry about Ben.CB yeah.Me.u.Kathy·soaked,pool hopplng.tree climbing drunks.Powder Putr.Mass.Friends again.Brandi we'll get her & her little friend 2.Did she just call me a slut. JR.JT,JS.Whatever.Excuse me.can we get served?single white female,all these rules.BC here she comes.B/B/B·I got it. U were breaking & enter· lng, the car wash.Brr.She earks me.Secret ring-It never worked.We made's over & l can't believe it. Kathy hangs from the railing. Cotillion 89 & 9b & soph yr.MP why didn't it work? Greece!! Remember eric. u can have hlm.Secret habits, there in your closet in a box. What a mirror. War movies.! could go on forever. Thanx lluv ya. I hate her.Luv Annie.l hate his OfF. esther-Easter yes people from South Brunswick pass on the nghtl Tommy:sorry I was late. It was your directions & of course your dream. lrene:wjout u I don't know how I would have passed service. I owe how many hours. All the classes were fun.Thanx·A JM:how does it feel 2 lose 1 guy twice 2 the same family? It must run in yours! Debbie:so glad we became such good friends. Retreat. Thanx 2 u & Alison,or else my feet would have froze.Oood luck wjHank. I can't stand those 2. u know who. Thank God u didn't move your seat. I missed u. Laura: hey lady.hey you.Laura smarty. "LuLu" Frank,oh by gosh by golly.Frank goes gold.Begals·TCBY. "elder Boulard" Married w;Children.She wore high heels l'.t really nothing else· holfree food,car washes.your party & Frank wjthat stupid Flow· bee stuff.Rice Krispie Treats.Mr. car stalled Thanx 4 the lesson on parking.! like food & it likes me. my hair it's the weather.! put the cardboard under the doorbell It will never be the same again.! caught up wjMike & Flip.Lamaze.Danc'! classes.She's a ··-!No more back sales. We're all made here·& your family Is catching up. "Men-ol-ly"Retreat the busjvan can u breathe r u alive over there?Walking 2 Rider,scream so people know we're here. Vicki wait. We never made it 2 service.! know we had some bad times but they were worked out.Thanx 4 great memories I don't know what I'll do wjout u.!t's not over yet.More 2 come.Thanx 4: everything Luv the other "Lady"heyu crazy "Lady" who copied who. Rebecca:where r u.HR Frito "Toys" OA the summer rides.Wanna buy a system? or how about ajob.Thanx 41istening 2 all my problems. I'll open my eyes.u owe me 11 picked up Mel. Luvya·A Meredith:! told u so.CK JjK. lunch wouldn't have been the same wjout u.& stop harassing people.Oood luck wjDan & watch out Rox doesn't steal him. everyone on the retreat had no shocks the best way up was fun. MJ:Sorry May .31.92 I love you. Reynold.Keith,&Keon:u 3 really made the 1 to remember. I'm not sure I'll forgive u 4 bothering me Bt harassing me about my butt. But 1 know I won't forget.Luv ya guys "The Warrior"·by the

way. what the hell is "Anouck" Chris:! know we really haven't talked since that last fight but remember both cotillions, Vinnie he dld have a real gun. it wasn't orange.Thanx 4 the memories l'.t good luck. Jen Jas:did u have fun at Marty's house? where's my PBA card? I loved being your taxi. Good tuck 4 the rest of your yrs in HS. Susy:Remember u don't need them.LBJ.Mass.u have me. & Carmen ·love of your wash.U & Lynn ticked me off at Den· ny·s. Trips 2 Montesinl's I'm so glad we became close again.?· 12.They r jealous,cheer up.momlng radio. nice Jetta·u want 1? thanx 4 everything KIT·A Joy Ann:7th grade SPS.thanx 4 helping me thru everything.PJ Ocean City,LBI,thanx 4 being there,5 yrs ofmemories,New yrs at the Klugs Remember the stupid names 4 everyone we hated.AII the songs. " WBNW" always.thanx F/f Annette Jay J:thanx 4 all your help all 4 yrs.Don't know what I would've done w jout u.Aiways here 4 u.Luv·Annie Ant:number 1 study buddy. Kelth:J did have 2 work! & I won't race.SAT's.l never cheated! LeRon:l did fall asteep-1 owe u 1. Court:well things ended up a little different than expected but I will always remember & hope u will 2 .. . Lolly. memorial day weekend,shore,a little aggressionUust a llttle.JH MJ.Jump fenc· es.climp some trees. Henry luvs me-twisted broken body parts yuck Allson.hey that boy gave u a flower, I want l.sensitivity mo· ments,couldn't stay awake, do u like my socks? Bt the bows that match.cupcakes. Have a men: Matty. MJ MP MA Miss Tyson All my big bus flghts.Hockey games.U never accepted the ride. " She's cute does she ?""I luv a challenge" Amazon woman. Pebbles at


your thumb. What did u have that nite?l wanna go home . .. u r home.Junlor,Cabbage Patch Kid. Corny. Corky.He doesn't know our names Bt will never know yours. Dr.Judy figured it all out. that was the wrong spoon.My pretty pearls 4 math.Just call me the evitl "more people more. ""She works under the counter,in the mood,pizza. Reg customer.Just do It-won't mean a thing 2 hlm.track,cough cou~.l never got it.Halfway 2 Laura's.! gave u my intellectualnesss. '"HI my name's Annette r u Kevin" did u & Jenny talk 2 hlm.l dumped out a Jocker.MF JH KC MC MS BP SC JL,the llst.My dad bonded wjmy boyfrlend.A little aggression goes a long way.CJ this 1 wasn't my fault u never returned my caii.Sept 26,sorry.thank u 4 being there when u were.l know sometimes people r so insecure & egos get so big they have 2 walk all over other people & be the center of attn Bt if they're not they take temper tantrums or their moms take over, What happened 2 our friendship.CK=maturityf right? es & AS:hey u.lO yrs many good times & bad 1 luv u both AEAL B/f/f Hey guys thanx 4: all the great times great memories-Annette JILL MCCLURe MC·No not Cortez,AP hlst,Oiampetro,SocjLaw,how many Urnes did JM look at C0?-1 could have dled.AII the times at the McClure house,Jack.Jen,Jim, John,& Judd the dog,don't make fun of our Amish poetry,BC Xmas w what a coincidence·! don't think so,moldy cup 3 wks later,basement parties wjCS.RR.MC, JM·CS 1'st time in RR car.RR jumps on hood screaming,MC too loud,we'll get caught.SB house-1 bread,1 pita·& other selec· tions,use a few napkins,can I have a piece of pita, bamf?cool aid-oh how refreshlng.esp wjout sugar or H20.Howard Stem wjCS SB JM.down stairs wjMO hole in und. v·ball bimbo team· can't believe we lost,CO house-will u ever forget?the bottle vid· eo-less & less-<lo the fundango. tune In tokyo,MF has such s boy· friend,! need a rest.RR In chair,ls she dead? do u think she's ok?shot up inissy,TH taken by MD.dropped on step,see MD boom boom down the steps, RR next day,how'd it get there?JM & CO,MC & MM. CS & JC,CO MM,J'm tlred,l'm sleeping upstairs· how romantic, Denny·s-we want service,bang that clock JM.U lied MM·I didn't I didn't·ok I did. what's that on your shirt-is that supposed Z happen driving home w /RR. Mom we had 2 drop Brecc off before we got 2 Bec's.Do u talk 2 CO,cause I sure do.we're goIng out tonlght,talks around my table WjCS,MP.TS, RR·NYC wjRR CS CF..CF bangs heads.2 am tea party at MC house, pictlonary wjJM MM CS TS.Pizza Hut,love song tape all night, HC Jr·we r in love,JIIl,you're like MH,call him, sure.St HS baseball,CB JM MC BC RR 2 DC party-how bad was it?sitting on st. talking about MH CO MM·tet's go 2 ;aunts 2 see Gram. my apartment wjBC JM eB KB RR CS JO CB MC no I just had milk,? game.RR fell down steps,BC dg,JM BC,funnel in tub, RR crying about getting caught·RR house wjMM KK JM MF CS MC game,shut up JIILsneakin$ out wjMM,stop I'm sleeping,danclng·aren't I good,peekmg Bt knocking, powder puff,no TD on win· dows.prom,after prom-where'd u go? laughing so hard about CO in Eng while I cried-great friend·everyone asking me what hap· pened·JB gram bras,after Eng wjOavin'"why do u laugh@ TP?" MO valentines story-how cute·where's MO (SB house)! need him,Your burping. snoring disgusts me but I love u anyway-Good luck in all u do, I'll never forget u or our great times, love. JM field hockey:Jiuv u glrlsllgood luck next yr,thanx 4 the season of a llfetime.remember on any given day,pasta parties, camp.fruit,beatlng WWP.HV(Ieg cramps)SCDlldon't call me looney, my temper tantrums,wlng across,nature walks.J5- my baby,camp talks all nite·best stories ever.Jocked out 2x In 1 nt. keep Barb in line.good luck next yr & in college, beat up Mer. Weinstein 4 me I'll miss your "bri~t" face JK & your funny storles.CL·rt wing buddy.pass 2 left sf<Je, do we ever do wings across,you're so sweet,l'll miss u LF·u can't mark me.but nice try,nlce dancing.R&J.slnglng,tapes, good luck next yr,play hard. rem. our school-keeps growing everyday MH·hurdle at HH west.tlmes down 7s·thanx 4 the pace,Pialnfleld nightmares,coach O,bimbo.Justln ewwl bro Joe,FH was great 2·keep on hurdling u .3 step girl. EB-thanx 4 carpoollng.always an adventure wjme driving, pull· ing onto 206 is fun.guy at Sloan.MH,good luck,don't be 2 hard on yourself,u r great. JC·my left wing friend,do we ever get the ball,wing across. what· ever u do,don't pass 2 the left side, they kill us-11 goals killed the team I guess,keep back 2 endllne,rush into goal,l'll cross,u de· tlect,homemade goals.slammlng Into goatnice sounq,talks about MH Bt MZ,thanx 4 support when I needed it. rem my singing Bt lyrics 2 live by,l don't want 2 play today,sports bra-do u have 1.u made hockey worthwhlle, good luck next yr Bt always,steal the ball from the rlght,u need 12 goals.the torch is yours.don't let It bum out. Love always.JM · RF·thanx 4 the nature walks,the car,thestream,u always made me feel better,thanx,do I look as bitter as your poster implies,4 yrs of hockey & out w;a bang-swim meets.good luck-love JM Ts-4 yrs of hockey·wow,running laps next 2 u,party barge. don't laugh at my parklng.making fun of me,talks at my house last yr wjCS,MF,MC, RR.·DJ,he's yours.l won't forgive u 4 wild· wood. . CM·hockey great,my fellow AP award winner,we kept our chins up(l guess) we kil the team.wings across,how unusuaUeft side gets the ball a lot.HR winners MrW,MsCJark,MsKyte.MrAnlocker buddies 2 crowded. CD·u kill me·literally.don't mess wjme or I'll rough u up, goal stick on your leg-feels good.bear hugs,clover shopping cart,l almost died soph yr,u don't scare me,camp wjCarol the counselor,dancing in hall,u eat 2 much-good luck luv JM AW·many fun tlmes-makeovers,thanx.tlmes wjKN,FH for 3 yrs was great,crew jackets,lunch wjCF & who knows who else,CS wrestling meet, yelled at by BM,throwing food at banquet. New yrs eve 92 what was that pink stuff anyway,soccer games. DeeLite,WOK.chicken fried soph cotillion nt.air· plane at my senJor pasta party-good luck. I'll miss u·JM

MMcO·Otown lnterview.4 yrs HR bad luck wjteachers,locker buddies me,u.Mlke.BtRoxl sharing answers.Mr W kicking lockers forsh yr.good luck·JM JB-4 ~rs almost every class & hockey together,Span II & lll,ex· temp nots,Schultz never shuts up,skits·pregnant,alrline.& bim· bo,AP typing II.Hardiman sign,rellglon projects,holocaust poster at llbrary,strawberry deals,soph Eng u cheated,save every xyl,dead rat at nurse, pellng face,roamlng halls.BW dance.rP & JQ in Shirmer's room.Jimmy P physlcs.coppock labs,eng wjOavinjLiptak, beach lr yr,hot rod Ron wjleopard pants, miniature golflng.pitch n putt hows your el· bow?OA,porch, 2 yrs,carol Ann.Dr J,left side gets the ball,back me up-good luck at TSC·Iove JM Jen Mlr·Vermont 92.skfing was were the ski lift guy from Minn,same tralls.N Brun game & 8ennlgan's, your men problems. mom & sister problerns,Pat·need I say more. your list of u know more clg,crash wjGavln, locker bud· dies.2 crowded,my music 2 vermont esp ugly kid joe,CO-you're the best & sweetest-good luck always-JM K.C-4 yrs Is long but not wju behind my back everytlme I tum around since soph yr-gym this yr socjlaw last yr·we participate so much.don't yell at me about Jaw grades,gyrn Is great w/VA & u.MH stories-sure I'll talk 2 him,MJ & Chris such dilemmas,CR & CP at aunts.deep talk at aunts.CD party jr yr me.u,MC·JP In gyrn·wlll take care of him. ar· chery,watch your.cheatlng & still can't hit target, hlckey.gym talks no JB,pillow I have 2 pick a no. 4 bathroom?-good Juck,love,JM CR-go Dukelstlll no. 1 In my book,haha I met coach K. lat me hear that flsh group CD,KC aunts house,nice 2 get lost. make me drive 95 mph,l'll never drive u home agaln.Jfl go 2 Colgate come visit me.thanx 4 waking me up 2 talk-good luck.enjoy sr yr·JM M0·2 yrs of ap hlst next 2 each other,what a class-u think you're so smart(Just kiddlng)laUghlng at TP.MMc,MsO.classlc qoutes.Lexus, handouts,JA.EB, pfease enjoy sr yr,don't be 2 stressed.u worry me,sorry me & EB never got u a mickey punch· lng bag.good luck wjcollege,haha I'll be there·luv JM MH·you're hotn KB·we had so many good times-ott well,sorry me & EB didn't have a fist ftght·u must be disappointed-god luck wjMike-are the bells rlnging?·JM MMcd-4 yrs of HR wjthe worst teachers ever-clark's llsp,Ro)( stories & paranoia will live on,Bob Martey postcards frosh yr,rem when that guy always came 2 my locker frosh yr? I'll miss having your locker next 2 mine for 4 yrs,slammlng lockers & my tan· trums,thanx 4 the Smiths postcard-good luck-love JM< CO·J want my hair things back·thanx 4 the laughs in socjlaw· good luck & don't touch my hair. RB-track hurdling buddy.when r u taking me out,bowling after sro prom,prom table esp the plcture,KC aunts house,Contemp Is· sues, I'm not always depressed,thanx 4 all the laughs,the fH fan & the down mix·llove It-good luck·JM JA·ap his,cahoots wjJM MO eB DL,llttle notes, throwIng projectiles.dlomlhl,song lyrics, music fights, Morrlsseyhorse,you follow me,talklng 2 much,ap reading book on fadory fire,TP·I missed the joke.stupld southern jokes,McO yelling at us,Desire? paper stock In binder, handouts, my fights wjMcO, In bathroom wjMcO, looking 4 my mom. I'm a Soviet spy,compex young buck,peach room, facade of FH.NHS,unclean splrtt-1'11 miss ya next yr.Oood luck,have fun·JM RR·so many fun tlmes,AP hls,tlmes at my house.falks at table wjMC,CS,JM,TS,MF.track soph yr,basement partles,moldy cup~ wks later.cs-sorry things didn't work out,CO house-tune in tokyo,bra,danclng. boWe video,were u ok In chalr?Denny's ser· vke.CS driving.uJurnp on hood,MC calling mom-had 2 drop Brec olf,MC doing fundango,blg huge bow,NYC w/CS MC CF Cf bangs head,SHS b·baii,CD party,my apartment wjBC CB ~B MC CS JOfall downsteps out wlndow,my 9 times,? game,crylng about CS,I got caught RR house W/MC MF CS MM KK,fk game.shut up JM.MC left wjMM,prom,after prom,room at 4 am,fightlng wjCS OJ MS friends,dunkin donuts & Pizza Hut.MC snoring so u sleep wjher·l'm glad we became such good friends.J'II miss ya-luv JM KN·vennont.our in nara tralls,melted ski boots,drlving wjJerry,love bagel.beach W/JM·I think I'm gonna throw up-there's the b-room,we made JM cry,cro magnon babe,Heathers esp In pool,swlmmlng wfJM(ha) walks 2 TCBY,tapes.south st 2 buy docs,dyed hair makeovers wjAW, sta· dium wjAB & DB,frosh FH,Mr W-good luck,we had some great times 2 remember·JM Cf·u crack me up,hatlng each other soph yr,lunch jr yr-who were they?throwlng grapes-so dlscreet,NYC coast 2 coast LA-2 Chicago.Aig dass,CS,MsKyte,dld u cheat?calc class wjMrs. Z·Jill please, Chris get away from boarct.our fights, don't put me In col· lage or Mrs Z will fall u,l beat u in calc,ap his I l!t Jl,studylng til 3 am.plzza & coke,do those essays,FH·Jill score,great cheerlng.county toum offtclal says no cheertng.MRO jacket.fH ad· vice,don't scoop at me, driving me home,gettlng lost 2 hate JC the horse.go MS,playlng at Vet park,l'm so skilled.over wall tennls,lntercept balls,DV.K.rlstl Yamaguchi In Alg 11/Trfg. OPA fts,pldure of HJT doing archery,l'll miss your goofiness next yr·you're 1 of a kind-love JM MM-4 yrs of HR.Iocker buddles."C"-don't call me that.don't laugh about CO,MissCiark·making fun of her·l like the tapes u made 4 MC,plctlonary,CO house.RR house-no I'm not annoying in that state,Otown,you're mean 2 me.JjK,we hate ND,good luck,l'll miss u. LH·Aig lljTrig,easy class wjKyteJalled tests,no clue, fng wj Oavin,calc-great class.falled makeup test,grab JZ. front of room, we love Mrs Z,funerai,Mrs Z stories-we'll miss them,CK par· ty-what fun,Rider wjJP & his hot friends (Haha) great party at Rlder(where was lt?)Fiorlda,glad we became good friends,hope· fully no Rutgers next yr-1'11 miss u,keep on actlng,slnglng. & laughing-love JM MH·rel w/martln,dltto partners,ewtng gosslp,don't touch my notebook,rlde the hpbby hose.Af notebook,b-ball games, rrtdays.Oround Round,do we have enough $?popcom,VA storles,CP retreat,MrA goodbye Ietter,c~ teacher,soclal justice· sucha pick me up,SO stories,markef fafr fight at phone,mystlc plzza-2 bad,drlving around,let's goto Lehlah,M5-need I say rnore,KS-<Ioes he like her?Scott at Oap,you·re his IIWe glrtfriend,l want a boyfrlend.JM·L-KH, Af·L·BMc.DO Is so hot, college search,fuberal.wake,l'm glad we became such good friendS this yr.l'll miss ya next yr.Oood luck at La5alle·luv JM AF·Rel wjmartln,MH.Af,JM notebooks.JM·L·KH,Af·L-BM DO is so hot.b-ball prom dress,cotllllon date search,let's go to Lehigh,rkle the hobby horse,contemp lssues.mrsA Is Pat.bor· ing 60s fltms.parent fklhts,good luck next yr-JM JH·FH friend,u love marking me,my rll tantrums,! can be dangerous,enjoy BM next yr,ap fts wjMrsMcO,thanks 4 the animal stick· ers.don't touch me In hallway,CK party-what fun,nlce shoes.l'll miss u,enjoy next yr wjo hls·love JM JP·so many classes together,Jimmy f physlcs,punch Mrs C. Mrs M get rfpped,you're ail that & more,spln me over your head In gyrn,flghts.hls Is so borlng,chem,alg. calc,track stud, CO house jr yr,computers In calc,good luck at Penn.don't falll·JM RV-<Irlving In at 75,M8,thanx 4 buddles,track hurdles,coach o blmbo.AP hls,physlcs.shopplng 4 CK,party was fun.LH at Rlder,out wjJP & hot frlends(ha) at Rlder,where was the party?Menlo at amb & fltch,ban rep shlrts.studylng hist til 4am.mystlc pizza wjHCfllm rests, trampoline,JB VA MH r hot,drearns,muslc,depre:sslng song. hot guy at allerglst,hist binders,DrJ,fklhts wjMrs Mc,thanx 4 calc help, Mrs Z funeral.bus fun,exam vocal> fun,tofu,cookles l!t oranges.we hate RU,talks in phy wjDV &HM.~B 88 RV JM study group,Cf lost in Mlllstone,let's have a hot tub party. tart his. book,l'm glad we've become such great friends,MIIIstone rules,good luck,don't be stressed next yr,but don't go crazy-Iuv JM

Js-4 yrs together,FH was great,CVCjMCT champsl!frosh w; coach Jen,soph w; RovelloJr & sr w;Major,2 yrs camp,Carol Ann,girls from long island,chinese coach,Colleen in mud,danc· ing in halls,Rider,grapes, relays,fruit. Todd,Andy,Shim.Masters of Universe,Ring around Rosey,your a;c fan,aerobics,we were champs,rain during practlce,we went home,Todd's car wjshaving cream,ND·nature walks,the car, shamrock decorations,looney, your pd all the time,me beating up CD,score Joy,left side rules.JJJ lett side cal girls or just JJ,I need help,cover me,left side never gets ball,ralnbow connection,BM yells,all 5 of me need 2 score,#.3 move better,! tried 2 keep my chin up,overtime,why JB in there?wing across,scoop over head soph )!r,stickwork, sprints asthma mm scoops,your dance span· dex frosh yr,white I roc throws up rocks, my parking at practlce*oranges.MrD rhymes,beat WWPjHV,klll Mer Weinsteln.awards at lawrence,i'm still embaras.')ed,driving & singing to dinner,! knew where I was going,TS 12 sprite, water In LF pizza,concentration, superstitlon.indoor, steinert cold,Stuart game interviewJr yr we're one big happy famlbables & old ladies,soph yr sum· mer.thanx 4 helping me drive in reverse,parking in front of house. Erin look,beach wk, guys in jeep,hot rod Ron in leopard pants,jeff.fireworks,wine coolers,creme donuts,sun· bum,MASK,don't make me laugh,What's wrong w;your face?guys across st,want a ?u have space,running, tennls,health green·, house rest ..stone harbour, benetton hat dilemma,aunts nun house,college party,what's in this?all that up there,garbage can,fruit punch,ICEE onsweatshlrt.JMP.I'm a Gtown hockey play· u know my friend at GU?mlddle night episode,! don't rern.DiGel.tylenoLplctures,sr yr,drive bys·need i say more? Romeo l!r Jullet,Ghost,boy can we slng,soccer games.b-ball games,did u see his hair?lunch, chicken parm,plzza,(soph yr w; NP)diner w;Jt.:&TO,yes I can drive good,MG house wjMS, Cape Fear,singing 2 Violent femmes.Edle Brickell tickets, save every xylophone,drive 2 JQ house,Xmas party at my house w;airplane on camera,golfing at pitch n putt.tom & jer· ry.bust a danish.retreat shopplng,lawrence deli psycho,beep 2 guys,my car temp,crash Into sign on 206. all your many men.Wheres a map,clnnamon rolls Icing,! made brownies,Say Anything.people poll,lets drive around,dlsco ball dress,ms crlsis,throw her a roll,many more 2 come.thanx 4 being 1 of my be· stest friends're the sweetestl'll miss you next yr.sorry things changed jr yr,but sr yr went out w;a bang.good luck al· ways· I'll never forget our friendship-It means 2 much-love JMI JL.Christi Yamaguchill!Tennis tts wjCF·JenC Is a ho~Aig II w;Kyte,calc wjMrs Z.Jimmy P physlcs,slap Mrs.Cop,get loose w; Mrs C,£rinjAnthony,l hate u more(J/K) my attitude (that I don't have)Jill,please-good luck next yr·JM EB-all started w;ap hist I & miss G,then track.u made hist fun. I raise my hand higher.she likes me yawning making fun o( TP,coach G,me,u, LC,KB-what happened?ura track star bar· bie.Justin·ugh,DJ hotiMH v·ball nlght·thanxr look extra spe· cial,tennis fri wjDC,have MM MC MH over,my apartment w;KB MC RR JO CS BC CB-sorry it was BC.RR feli.MC snores, trip caught? game.summer·l don't rem much,frosh orientation wf MC·JMstill likes him?wildwood emb,out wjLCthatnUimited dressing room,BPparty,p-ton-we don't have $,we go to Stuart,KB stay home 4 call·what fun,X.C·FH friendsJall In ditch-only you,Mack,daddy·mack, drive-by's, lawrence deli psycho.cookles, LC tape,Hfe just a good mix tape 2 put u In rt mood· 6Boys,Smlths,RfM, U2,TA.Mor,lyrlcs 2 live by.JL,JB,MH.VA,MC,my license,show me K·tum,pull on 206, slurpee.frult punch,TS reg.ribbed shirt,Mobii,EB, drive 2 MG again,stadium,Grand Unlon,below zero LC house, LC mom-a trlp,gas station guy bundle up,no not the chem lab book.AP his study group,30 pg check plus,u have nice time lines..JA MQ JM EB-best hist ever,slam door In MH face, powder pulf·KB,did it have 2 be Jill haha u didn't score,RB down mix,Kelly tape,Paul let's have a ball,unlovable,lf u think I'm strange . . . , MG tape,BBoys y'all,tennis in cts in driveway & st. French Open 92,3 hr no tan on portico.RC, spred 4 dad,u,MrEd,EC is tasty,babysit· tlng,l wouldn't be able 2 handle,world we live in l!r life in gen,dream book·best book on earth.lmmortal poems· seagull,turtle,ice breaking, Capt,comfy on bed,HarryjSal· ly.when·s the movie fest,Heathers,NY Times mag ads,much more 2 wrtte,sure u covered it·u r the funniest person ever-we make great music together(tapes at last) you've taught me many thlngs(life less seriously) I'll never forget.l'll miss u so much next yr.Oood Luck.have fun sr yr·keep MG unstressed 4 me. I'll always love u.& rem u.Good times 4 a change ... love JM TS·don't beep at new drivers.206.religlon help phone calls, we s..• $ in Millstone,enjoy next Xmas,FH support,Mrs Martin, u like my ale friends,hows your leg, I'll keep EB away from u-good luck next yr·love JM BC ·u use me 4 my mom's baked goods(J/K) swim meets,JSjFZ, FZ hooked up?ll how do you get 2 my house?BIIl's hike shop, thanks 4 the ride,apple pie,Contemp lssues,Mrs A looks like Pat, when are we going to KY love JM MEGAN MCOLINCHY Caryn(FB--hey,what's up?J don't even know where to begin.l2 yrs is a long time!Well,here it goes-front seat of the bus ... cool carl ... when you hid at Liz's b-day party ... skateboard tied to the bike-watch out for moving trucks next timet ... diving(when we liked it) ... Kuriskos ... Hotel ... Beach Haven ... laughing moods-running in the laundry room to control myself (sorry about getting you In trouble) ... spit ... b·baii·VOGUEI , .. ten· nis in front of my house . • . hopping over the fence to retrieve our balls(we didn't know our own strength) ... Megan McMus· tardhead . . . Kukaberra . . . The Wild Boys ... diving trips . . . Ia· crosse at Westchester ... toilet bowls of pasta ... car dancing ... ketchup under Wheels ... "Excuse me Mr UPS man,but my aunt In Michigan ordered some border and she hasn't gotten it yet-do you know where It is?"·real slick Caryn! ... our version of the Bobby Brown song-we're naturals! . • . the Clover Incident ·need I say morel?! . . . reverses olf .3 meter . . . driving at.mid· night In the park-you aU exaggerate . . . railroad track jumping . . . "They call me pirhana 'cause I cut through the water·• ..• your hammock . . . C&M clothing designers ... the beach ... cracking up in front of the . • . Greaseband dance l!r Denny·s-It was a simple mistake,anybody could have made it ... ''Run like your heart!" ... "Obviously?" ... 'Tm an ape man.l'm an ape ape man" ... jumping out the window at hockey camp ... finger ... the woman's skirt at Princeton ... McWhite will kick your butt anyday ... Bangles, Billy Joei,Ciapton, raul Simon, Mellen· camp,JT ... Stand ... taking my cousins to church· " Biood,ooh,Bioodl" ... 14 houses ... our meeting place-drive· way of the greenhouse ... Green houses-don't remind mel ... our apartment filled wf ... Ms G's dass"'l started laughing bfc Megan was laughing"·thanks a lotiHow were we the only ones who noticed? ... toilet paper on my shoe ..• Dead Poet's Night . • . sledding , . . Chrissy's slight bladder control problem .•• " He's good-good to-·!" ... shopping cart races (how did you get it stuck In the wall anyway?) ... "He's a he has no-he's a hy· brid" ... "Duckllt's Chris & Linda." "Tum greenl"(what was up wjthat anyway?! still don't get It!) .•. "Now was that necessary?!" ... It's a mother ... Field Hockey ... our missions-they were always accomplished ... "Meg. my mom's pregnant"·stop right there! ... "Is there pulp In your orange juice?" ..• " Thanks tykef" . . . Freedom Rock . . . breakfast before school . . . Rocky Horror Picture Show ... "coloring books come to me now!" .. . the Alcove ... JulesjJewels ... Best Friend picture session .. . "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling"-do you remember the <lance? ... ''I want a pizza NOW!" ... the bungljumpin~ tape,& our story to the pizza man(tlow was the trip we wonjdldn twin to New Zeal· and/AUstralia anyway?) ... our life goals(Where will we find alii· gator wrestling?) ... aerobics class-ouch !I ... ''I'm on the floor!"

... water skiing w;Ntck ... Sesame Street ... "Where's the Uni· verslty store?'' ... body surfing ... "The Rainforest. The Tropical Rainforest'' . . • going through the woods to Clover . . . getting your skirt from the Gap- I hope tt was worth it! • . . "You're runnln!:f through a forest·BAM!You didn't have to make him bleed! . . . 'BS.Megan likes you''·How was I supposed to respond to that one? . . . when the birds attacked you lk Lloz: at WUdwood .. . breaking the screen at 8th grade retreat ... fr Dan m his fJs .. . When we were chased by the men wf guns on Halloween ..• when you dressed up as the gorilla at my sister's party· .. , the Kurisko's popcorn bOwi ..• ·•rtrst I'm going to cut your fingers off. Then-l ' m go in angle you. THeN,we'H e your eyes,THEN,we·n .HEN •.. ~ummy 500 urJilin· lng room table·H<Jw times did you burp? . . banart· as,carrots.dogfood, g fish . , . J«xullng w/Chris . . . white· out incident ... JAWS!(the ultimate 6Tackmall) .•• ca thanks for being such a great friend for the past l2 yrs.l don't know what I would do w;out you.We have so many great memories together{even though there Is not one picture that exists to prove It!) Remember, always 6E BOLD like the eaglelWhat do you say we do lunch at Casa Lupita·but it's my birthdayii.Best Friends forever, Meg(BB) Red{t16)·thank you for saving my life.! don't know what I would have done If you l!r the amusement ride guy didn't pull me up the slide at Wildwood.{! probably would have just gone down the slidei)That was really the funniest thing that ever haptlened to me·& it sure brightened up that guy.He was so d to help me up! . . . MMM(Megan's mucus milk) • , , a ked out of Mrs Nickerson's science class·was there so g• lng from my nose?! .. , "Oh my's Mrs Mull Is Chris" ... Dead Poets night ... sledding , .. did .u refly ••. ap· ples,bananas. carrots,dog food,flying fish ..• "It's sn.oWlng·ft's snowing outside!'' •... Chinese quarters ..• Hooters, concert· weight watchers wall ... What kind of underwear do u like? ... walking thru the woods on July 4th .. , laughlng on the phone ... "Not an entrance"•ls that Spanish? ... "Fu-ctions" ... play· lng sick in Ms Carley's office.sorry lift u there for 1/2 hrl .• , when your dad pulled your car olf the falling bridge ... softball sum· mers-ltstening to Harry Connick Jr ... Mr Keams· teeth .•. freshman softball party·"there's a fiy"('Tucd) ..• Mr X ..• Sr Anne's skits-demon pigs . . . oreaseband dance-we were the entertain· ment on the balcony! . .• "I'm on stage, I'm on •. " Do you want to dance?"(anythlng to avoid you kn f) •.• throwing food around tllose people at Wildwood •. In the ketchup bottle ..• Robin Hood-staying til the end o e credits •.. Christian Slater•"he's short, but it doesn't matter!" , ...• •·can we have the bili,BIU?" ... l"'eld Hockey ... YANKEEMAI"!.[ ... Thanks for making me laugh so much, even though It got me In trouble most of the timell think I could pretty much sum up our friendship In one phrase"'There was nothing attractive about him,nothlng to draw us to him." Remember-that was your fault. 1 knew you were launhlngl! Llz{NB)·you're the best tennis partner I ever had-McWhlte rulesll ... Do u want to room at Georgetown?(By now, we proba· bly both have been rejected anyway!) ..• The birds attacfililg u at Wildwood·! didn't mean to throw that food on you.JtOnestlyl •.. CYO basketball . . . Dead Poets night . . . "pa our wonderful Spanish skb'''Layla & Lola''(how played the nerd!?) .• , ady 6unch buddy • . paper on my Shoe to . Class ... walking thru S on July 4th-Lions & tige bears Oh my! ... apples s, car· food,elephants,tlylng fish , .. "Wbere's my rrison tape!?" • . . NO ga$ . . . Liz Is late .. :racony bridge .• . . wrong tum ... Debbie Gibson ... Tara·snottlred ... DeadCalJtt-" crying" . . . your facial expressions When dancing ... l"'orida ... our synchronized swimming routines . . . spilling your milk all over your OLS uniform . . . Megan McMustardhead . . • The Li.t White Walk ... debates In Mrs Kendall's class,& your good comeback day . . . "string" " pinky" . . . Mr Kalb . . . Thanks for being such a great friend.Sharpen up on your tennis .skilts-we have a long summer ahead of usn Becca(LB)·you are really a great person.Thank you for making me laugh.l'm really glad t got to know you in HS,b[cl .still don't belleve you went to OLS!Never forget the night In the t'wheh I was first ert11ghtened by the "Free to 8e You acMe" never laughed so hardl''lt's all right to cry llttle boy.f lmow some big boys Who cry too" . ... Dead Poets night ... sledding ... the psy· chiatrist tape ... singing "The Rose" behind snack bar ... Paul Simon, Eric Clapton, Sting, Tracy Chapman, George Win· ston..JT,U2 ... field Hockey ... bandanas ... Triad •.. your mil· lion dllferent laughs ..• hiddlng In the telephone booth at the FH dinner ... the peace corps.Thanks for being such a great friend! raula·thanks for being such a great friend!Aiways remember: softball . . . CYO basketball . . . the summers I lived at your house ... the beach .... when Jack tried to wrestle the crab off of my toe(ouchl) •.. trying to teach you how to do a back dlve(Don't stand that wayl) ... throwing cake In your dad's l!r Mr. M&Ms Tandy's faces ... our "concoctlon''·nachos wjcheese . . . Rice Krisple treats ... late night movies ,,, "Child's Play"(sorry about strangling l!r suffocating ut) ... Baltf.~ore tripswitching places on the boat while In the mtddJer of the bayl(thank you very much for staying w;me white f was on crutches!) ... I'm really glad that we are very dose agaln·l know we'll stay that way forever! Topher-"Chlcky·chkky-baby" . . . tennis • . . Wortd Lit . . . put· tlng ketchup packets under all of the cars in the Clover parking lot ... your stupid dances •.. comb your hair ..• 8th grade re· treat -getting up early to go .logging ... " Ba Ba Ba Crazy f'or You" ... your great birthday cards . . . "Give me a surprise party!!" ... 100% ... our field hockey psyche talks In . . . KNOCK ON WOOD! . . . NO gas ..• Lit Is late . . . Tacony bridge ... wrong tum ... Debbie Gibson ... Tara's not tired ... BANG BANG!" Hit the dec.k·they're shooting!" . . . "They are good!" . . . Oscar the Grouch . . . #1 field Hockey manager ... ThankS for making me laugh all these yrs.Remember me after you win Wimbledon! Lauren·Merry christm·a · s from th.e racers! "AI unfortunately blows his birthday candles out While the Oscar Mayer theme song runs through hts head." ... I'm really sorry about Kim Zmeskal ... By the way. did l tell u I went bung! jumping yester· day? Brldget-l'm really sorry I couldn't count for you in the 500 these past 2 yrs,but u did great anyway.Thanks for being such a great friend.(Mhanks for helping us out When Mrs Middleton's car got a flat after the track meet!) Meghan·Do u remember how corny we were when. we were little? Cleaning out my garage & the kitchen set.Aiso remember:Mr X ... hide& seek In the dark in your basement ... my marriage to your brother . . . our extensive barbie collection • . . camping In my backyard .•. Great Adventure ..• spraying f'anta y mouth , , ''She's a beautiful,.beautiful girl.& u won't h . y that too often Is she your older sister?" (Barft) , , . th t .at lee Land that we satd we had 2 remember-do u remern ·iS? I don't. Well, It was funny anyway ... Halloween nt wh . uys wjthe guns chased us ... sledding ... meeting us at the comerthat was great ... ypur mom reading the letter·not so great! ... Why do we always end up limping after we go sl~drng?!Thanks for being a great friend! Jlli·HR buddies for4 yrs . . . Mr Wood trying 2 open my locker freshman yr ... the ankle brace from hell ... your leg cramp ... squat thrusts . . . Christmas dinners . . . l"'eld Hockey . . . "I broke lt.l really broke ltl'' Joy-can u believe we sat next 2 each other for 4 yrs at Jundl& we're both still alive 2 talk about it. I can't think of anyone 1 would rather shake my chocol~te milk!We definitely have 2 s.o.on more plcnlcs,bjc there is nobody in the. Whole world who can cut wa· terrnelonllke L(S.I meap lt·Mw many other peopl~ end.~p w;a



frisbee 2?rl'm sorry about the grapefruit tncldent.l guess I mls· took your face as a juice grinder. My mistake. We are really a great team best hockey defense!We'll definitely stay In touch. Jackie·! teally,really had a great time sleeping out 4 Clapton tickets-If u know what I meaniAnytime u need a lessonJust give me a call.l'll be more than happy 2 teach u everything I know! KIT. Jules·U really made dMng a lot of fun·but not enough 2 keep me on the team,Just klddlngll really missed havtnQpractka w; u.Piease take good care or our alcove.nt come ~ et visit sometime.) hope u have a great senior yr.u have.2 wmevislt me at schooi.Jutes,can 1 ve u some advice?J'1ext. e takes u 2 Casa L · .•they want 2 be nlct 8C 9 $Ol'ne fr~ des&ert.dotrt scr t.he walters, ''It's n<:>t JJIY b Ja)'.lt'$ not my blrthctayl" OK .Now before u read Die or thl& let· ter,makesure u rslttlng down.This is really going 2 Shocku,but 1 feet obliged 2 tellu.My sister Is not adopted.l'm sorry 1 had u be· Ueving me all these YJS,but It was fun while It lastedII 1992 VARSITY l'lELD HOCKEY TMM.CD Rf' JB CM JM .RC AW JS TS JC CL LF MH KK.U M6 JS(my Idol) Topher,Lyrlc,&Mrs Ma· jor·Thanks 4 a greatseason!You guys are all the best. I'm really going to miss u a111000d luck next yr.l hope you have another winning season! Mike McD-It' s been great sharing lockers w(u for the best 4 yrs· although we never dfd knock out all the lockers l!r make 1 big oneiRemember aiJ the electric shocks we got on our locks.8r thanks 4 switching my locks.! really loved not being able to get into m;y lock~tCloq<J !P~ next yrl ' 10

KATE MfAOHeR. Karen·l am fore~ I:Odebted to depugllo ror telling you that you had a deep-rooted problem·therwtse,who's to say What kind Of a person l would Pe tOday? (norrnal,perhaps?)karen roberta kra· jaclc,volleyball.algebra,hlstory, l!r chemistry gOddess,karenl· na,doofus, lombriz,queen of soul,to whom It may concem,occu· pant: I know you Wfll understand this et feel the incredible lntrin· sic emoUon.overwhdmlng as It may seem,I Shall attempt to compie some vignettes so that 1 day when we're Old et ~Y lncre.dlbly content W/OUT lives, we can look at this l!r 5a)' :·Wfl . atdfd that mean?·Who's lynn·ntarie?" It's a book.aU TJ9ht?'1Mybe we should discuss this privately. mrs.coppocl<,mrs. coppock-we made waterl-extend~ metaphor.too extended.WAY too utencted.~attack .of tomatoes-your lxlay party:pam.da mug. new $Ia r dream of becoming an a..v · "ru, you looked on saturday nklht"-e.llpe .error-a million 's class: "hey. let's be on e for dais today" march '12•v . ll:hello·o·ol-the cnlps·dlrkmaster·the march:feet fettered w;frost in dllf claven's car-stop that right nowl-it's a sad,sad thlng-2.3,4 umes a dax.-does this mean that there are no chllled beverages on the premises? ·severe video camera acddenHm in the mood for a dan1sh.(l claim hrothgar)· the playboys: I have no feelings for you brendan-enchanted april· first:,get a mark-that's his hangup man, not mlne.-comy estal what's that mean? you look like a cowl-to usher. you do that so well;as If you' ve practiced-cheez·its,animaJ cradlers-to whom should we send thls ftee sample?·! think he's enjOying that a bit too much·snowblilt ftght In chemlst.ry·hey karen,Wdte that think it wa& . ·.·J.c~.•· ~7800&bey.l moved my roo ... m.(l didn't know l( you'd h~.Hhe kdty diSCC!Ise-commltmel'lts: pause It, N like food-you·re"as ugly as all pause It-did yoq get out-1 can't the Idea of your complicated door· knob<b.eese ar partywjmy <loofy uncle artie-bUt we're over that now·note " you mean we were SUPPOSed to have a note· book?-1 just took a teak·DO NOT BLOCK f!Rf DOOR·! wonder If these taste good:they're all texture·l'm only 19, but I'll be 20 soon·again,he overcomes his fearl-clrcus peanut shoes·new y(s eves-who's the lead singer of spiritual sky? johnnyl·your rabbit died? how old was your rabbit?-chatting w/the manager of kinney about good career moves·! used to think that I knew every· I know I do-199.3:the yr of the frog·l'm fediJtg slightly spamlsh· quick & eas tacos for 5-punch balls In tord ~ taylor 8r all over the mall ha-a•avent-hello,my name In Indigo kill ther.prepare to <ile."9U)'$ on ferris that's appealing to femates?-do you wheel;do you r have to .cha . yeab,lt's wet~-trout fls~Jn9 In arrterlca-1 think I'll utskle now.the summer sOn's calling my name( I hear. you now)..~ got a what? how tonQ you hilld that problem? ·why were you late? uh,the bell rang before I got here.· when are you & billy going to get together?-what can I say, you're the best pal a ga~ could conaJ.see you in the funny papers,you wanton et bus lola Nlki:U2:the mall ftasco.Commltments:pause lt.pause lt.dld you catch that look? -so skim milk Is butter?-oh,you mean that long handled spoon slttlnA next to your sundae Isn't a ketchup spoon? so sorcy.-we WllL go to Ireland someday, after all, Bono was put on earth,Nikl.<.llplalnfngjOkes to Liz In algebra· Sister Act: a tlnematk: masterplec.e-halloweens 91 at 92 et the classlc movies we watdted:how did they manage to Get tbat cam· era angle?·your rtles which turned Into the C.hriy war fk the M&M war·alt2 watch them eat-chUCk t dleest~'s-what are you dot ~ & 5,when Oprah's on'?(maklng $ I hope)-trout flshlng·mllll vanllll notebook.511riky,SJlly ptttty·nlce clogs·nlkl,wake up~tstory's almost over. -who's the lud singer of spiritual sky? jOhrmyl-thls cookie tastes like ftshlno RtALLYftaste ltH know you're not planning to ever see anyone from NO again,but I'll be expecting a christmas card every year.thanks for the wild times and remember,lf all else falls,-. Kate-fuego-It's the funniest stoey you'll ever read. there's no social commentary In lt·lt'sjust a very funny stol)'.l'm a chicken & a wimp 8t It was the biggest mistake of my life ~ I'U regret It un· til my dying dai·are you salisfted?·AII 20 et we'll watch them eat· stop flirting w UfliQrs,Kate.on the bus to retreat:how <to you DO that? 9 cato es;t~ ·iJood thfng to know If you're wotchlng your weight.esp w(your rate of consumption. , Chris Murra '!J h~ U.tq. do all over again, J,rld you have opted for Latl ~ l . · Megllan•lt'$ . thing thillt I'm n<Jt p~tQr: other• wise fd never anytJting in on Ume.Aiways.rec;all the.frlnce. tonlan.Good luc.k·l. ltope you get up to Vennont often. we meet,w; & a chlckm .at Jast.the housemartins: happy hOUr.l am truly Qlad that we have become friends this ate a great gal&l wish you mouncls o' sucx:ess. Lynda-:)'OU bake a .mean meattoaf.not only that,but you're alSO a beautiful person. Jen s-tf you think t'm aonoying, you should meet my evil twinthe Windex Woman Sklppy-oh, you~ that 10 page paper we jus~ .4 kl was supposed to be about l'RUTtt? contrary to popular belief~~· Chrlstlna·l you'te eqJoying l!r fully utlllllng ):OUr marvel· ous gi<JW-In·~tJtllu.IJt. Sarah-pelt\a ' uld wort\ on Y<>Ur ·re ~!>" posed to co paper too.-40 m ng time when you haven iUbr a while-If you ,you've got to do It to th .tala Julie-It was a pleasure at a thrill to be able to spend so many wonderful lunch pedods wfyou.the best thing by tar was the location of our allowed for many lntellecfually stimulating conversations. Nick B-lfterary man;your deeply moVing announcements-spit· ball fights in cak;~!k haS won $0111e awards from several colleg· es-cornposlng poems on the board-40 minutes 1$ a long time When you haven'tdone It for a whbe-lt's b«n tbn~Jolil Nick D-new yr's was blast-we must do It again $0mdlme. Caroline-we are the true math my teeth ever need work,you'ltbe ""e CJI1e I call. Collem· bitter •.• -scent of a womal'l-"Ell''g cla8$:1f



w . • o





katie will stop talking to colleen we can start class.·if all else fails,····. Vicki-thanks for all those entertaining stories·& if I ever meet someone wj the last name of portion,! will be sure to many him just for you. Kory-you are crazier than I am.but then again,i AM perfect. thanks for the cookies and all the calculus help. Justine·well,lt's been an experience I'm sure neither of us feel like rehashlng , but soccer was fun . wait a minute , no it wasn 't.weiiJr yr morality class was fun .no.actually that wasn 't fun,jr yr lunch table was fun. wasn 't it? no I guess· ies In your attic.the sure thlng.jimmy stewart,etc.,gavin's class jr & sr yrs.writlng irish:poems on the board.stlng concert:speclal beat was ten times better. philosophical conversations,my mood swings.thanks for your help.! know I could go on forever,but you get the !leneral idea.we meet.w; & a chicken at some point. i Will return dances w;wolves-as soon as I'm caught up in advanced milk is butter? Kristin-chuck e cheese's, karaoke night·we won trivial pursuit fair&' square ...... ... well .wf very little cheating. Dan L·you own some of the greatest ties known to man. Megan M·well,time 's up.who's nora coombs? JADZIA M~LLODG~ " P"·remember all my getaway weekends this&' last· town & of course Dumbo.Football &'basketball games.My first meeting of #54 ac going to Ptown SAT course,drivers ed, English class. " 92" in your car,going to OA,findlng your car In the raln.Your 2 Dannys calling my house ac getting the 3rd de· gree,finding Mr Perfect,all my problems,my many men. MG. Leav· ing me w; Matt & freckle·THANKSII've got$ & a nice car.Bob " I see" Halloween.the Pep boys " I don't care" Your so cold!Ka· boom.HH my favorite place 2 eat. " Wherever your little heart desires" Nobody listens to me.Stlckers everywhere Breakfast at BB.My silver Satum.Solid gold hubcaps.Eddle. Be back ln 10 mins·NOT!l hour.Nice cars(the Pathfinder (A) & the Saab(M))not houses.J w/ the big lips. Are you sure your not taken? " CeCe" ·'Tm sony." losing your keys.crulsing in your car. STOP!making me go 2 Denny·s.My fear of asking 4 directions. The love of your llfe(A)Tennessee.l got a man.Long live Bruce(don 't think so)watching the couple while seeing B of E.Shotgun!Step 2 me.The woman w;no teeth.The girl wjthe freckle. THANKS A LOT!''IIove u" Are those real nalls? It's Mercer Malllls there something above your lip?Your pa~ing, Lots of ketchup.What a mess.Lemons w;sugar.Coke w;no lce.Hairy chest. TT·My man DenDen.Piease.UKJ my favorite person.nice piece oftln.Micky D's at 2 am.How much can we eat?Your 2 picky. Your #56.Wuz your name?l have a friend from Philly.Wrong way 2 the Fizz.Laneco.Hun basketball game 8c the team wjthe bad hair.Bieach blonde. Chris-Down the shore.Picture In the street.Mike Mike Mike. Party on the beach.Frankinstein. " You look good w;a blonde mustache." Ice cream & fudge.Our tatoos.The man across the street.My fish friend.Me almost getting hit by a car. Cupcakes.Let's sneak out.Let's break ln.Split personalities. " You look evil" My names Tlna.Steak ac chicken.Sweet revenge " G" & spring. " P" men. Ruby-your car. Both of my experiences.Little girls.Soc· cer.Our men DG MB HM AB SR. The guys at Moody.Dilchlng Z & G at D pa~.Spanish class,English class.ISister Mary Ruben.The bus. Brushing your hair. Making those noises.Junior prom nlght. "P"s party.Dennis the menace.Chuck.Help! Marybeth·Meet ya at the radlator,my lOcker.retreat. The outside of the cookie. Mike.Your man,look at the way he walks.Jadz Mel· lodge.Long telephone calls.Lunch.Engllsh, going 2 mass.Your friend Is looking at u.Let's talkl KyleiJO glrlfriendlgo 2 7·1l.Lets share fries.Anthro 8c hist class.Am 1 ever gonna pass a test?My stickers.Where's your best friend?When do you wo~? To all you guys that 1didn't write to.I didn't forget ya.I still love ya & lets keep making the memories. RICK MOOR~ frank·" May the force be with you " Never forget " The Phantom of the Mall" Amy Pinard,me & not you."Caitlin who?" Always re· member the best day of our llves,Aug 14,1992. " Why yes,l do live In a nice house.of course I have a pool,& yes. this Is my mother's car.lf he falls otr the hood,he dies.No frank,Don 't flush me!Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo,your mind powers don't wo~ on me. youmng Jedi.How's your? Mara Jade is a babe. " There can be only one!" Dreadnaughts.Pennsburry chics. "Another time Highlander! " STEVE·Aug 14,1992.8:00 pm.Now you are the ultimate stud, "Becky" so why don't you Karen Is always available. " Pa~ ac Rlde"Turtle rteck.Death Death,Die Dle,Perlsh Perish. Uggh,she's easy on the eyes.l'm an excellent drlver.l hate the camera· man.Larrs.We need a new drummer.Good luck!We are CR!Meertz Is large.Nancy is good looklng.How are you and Becky making out?BJ on feb 22, 1993 Anthony·the last 4 yrs have been great.Hist class for 2 yrs " Hey Joe Boe!'' You're a very attractive cheerleader. " Phantom of the Mall" Do you live In a nice house?Aiways remember nailing the curb.Football in the mud,Star Wars games ac movies,Oklaho· ma!Oood luck In college.So when are you 8c your ball ~chain goIng to get hitched? Conrad-Hey Conrad!You 've been a good friend for the last 4 yrs.How did you enJoy being in the same HR wjbutt?ler the desparate oneiGood luck!C ya later.By the way your car Is a pieceI Matt..Chemlstry,Phlt Star Wars.Don Molo.Damn,where Is that kld?Damn! Damn,DamniHello, Hello, Welcome to Mllange. Nikki-I'm glad we're friends.You are a very nice girl, & very beautlfui.There will always be a place for you in my heart.Remember to KIT after NO. Todd-Not much to say.haven't really been close,or haven' t got· ten along. Glad we' re friends now.Sony about freshman yr.AJways remember what happened to Flsh ac I at my grandmother's house, when you ate the doughnut. Remember Fish at Thrift Drug on his skateboard. Good luck after ND. te~::flt's been rocky,but at least we get along now.Good tuck af· flip-flipped the jeep huh?Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.Look Brlgid, you're a nice girl but your fat ac ugly ac I like your cousin. Hel· lo,l'm a handsome B man.Pautsy!!lln the tech room during Okla· homa.Road PizzaiThls Is the kind of night when people die. luke ~ Mara will be together. Cloning machines. Do or do not, there Is no try.Boba fett.You've never heard of the Millenlum Fal· con?Dracula W/Todd.He's got lt.he's at the 40.the 30, the 20,the IO,Touchdown!ls that just a retart w;a broken hockey mask?Brlgld is buttll am lmortal.l have Inside me blood of klngs.Confoy·s class.J have a lot of pull in that department. you're not as popular & good looking as you think you are. " You wanted the rati"Stop thinking w;your f'ootballln the mudl Stalf·WIII you ac your gracious wife be gracing me w;your pres· ence this yr at my annual party? Michele-You never knew,but I've had a crush on you for the longest tlme.Oood luck:I'll miss ya always.ByeiKIT.


.MATf MICHAUD Krls Klotz· freshman soccer. KH-damn It was cold, Big Ben kids Parliament. soph. year, GERMANY· taxi driver. department stores, Ina. East German club, she had a boyfriend?. tequila shooters. dikes, Hafbrau house, English Gardens, massen, that old fairy and his lover!. butt naked guy In the train station. Her Schwenke's female friend, etc .. soph. golf, we beat St. Joe's!. one game away. two goals vs. Trenton. MCT golf 1993? good luck.

best of friends. You 're the greatest! Matt Melissa Cefalone· What a year· Volleyball night. no more braces, J.B. Winberies. Ben's house. Rebecca 's house, her car, Jann's, Chelsea. dinner at Nan's, Ronnie and Lorri. Frank Sl· natra, Neil Diamond, soccer games, FLORIDA, Cotillion-nice di· rectlons, you spent how much for that dress?, senior prom. col· lege essays, cappucino, It wasn't April 8th, cards· 7's, Mrs. Z·what a lady!. year of up and downs, too quick, Bloomsburg-what fun, did I say florida?, Princeton nights, around round·h:asketball, Frlday's·football, Goliath . PU and TSC, can 't wait ..... I love your Matt Melissa Famoso· we made it through the rough times, you are a great friend, thank you for everything! CRX and z, soph. year, CD's, red bra, volleyball night. Matt Chris Goodrich· Big Ben klds Parliament. Playdrome, State Champsi. St. Joe's two years in a row, soccer camps, your base· . . I guess all good ment· many good times, your boat, LBI things come to an end. Matt Jf!NI'IJf~R

MIRI'!LLI Melis·Hey Babel French class soph. year was the be!Jinnlng. What??? ha .. wha .. Oh well. that's M.F. crazy. Burger Kmg! Co· tillion· bathroom boy, why do they always seem to go together? 2/ 6/93 . . . What did I do Mellsm? Tiny Toons, nice message. Piercing Pagoda-that hurt!! I got home at 3:00a.m . What time did you get home? She's annoying me!! Boy I wonder who that could bellll 15 no, 7 yes ... oops! Pig ... do you ever stop eatlngm J.R. & J.R. wow same initials!! Picnics In the bathroom!!! Playgrounda lmortante, noa goa thlsa way, boy. What an adventure that was, Bamones . . . need I say more !!I 2/ 2/ 93. 2/ 2/ 93, 2/ 2/ 9:5!1 What was that again? J.K.! Guess whatm . . . I got snacked!! (ha·ha). Leonlcs class pd. :5 was the bestl P.r. thank God It's overl!l MELISSA .. . Watch out for those stop signs. Do you want some chips????? Thanxs for everything babe! Love ya. Jenn Lewis-8th grade C.C.D ... you didn't talk to me. P.r. who got mad at whom Princeton-who will we see tonightm We had a blastll Dave's house .. . thanx for the keys. Sony about walking In!! Play Practice- will we ever be on timem J.M., C.L., H.T. Last year .. . well It was good while it lasted. I can 't believe you past me by!!! Why do we always llke the same guys? Nice to call me a !@#!!!!Halloween· you made a great lion. follow the yellow brick road, Follow the yellow brick road High ho the meny oh .. . walt that's not it. Stop laughingllfyou don't have candy then just say so. Midnight Madness!! Nice to let /'ft; driven Thanx for everythln hun, Love ya always, Jenn Carrie· J.M .. C.H.• J.P. together forever. Nice to give me the floor in my own house. Jeanette's B-day party's· they were the best. The " closet" Hey it's hot In here! Mr. T - -- - - - Man· Wait . . . It's not safe!ll Don't forget our walk's everyday. We were just going to talk ... NOT!! Do you want me to go homem Love ya babe. Jenn Bridgette, 8th grade lunch room· Sam Ra· mono- Sony!IJ Don't ever forget those good times in Beta Unit! like under the table in Ms. Fanellles Portable with J.f. EWI!I All I have to say Is Massachusettslll Need I say morem That was a blast. Never forget our trips to the beach last summer. All those hot guys. Long talks over a smokel Our trips to Ninoesll I ended up waiting in the car almost every time. late nights at the library. We bumped Into some good people their!! Study buddies forever. Don't forget sneaking out and S.D. In 8th grade. The rides on you 4 wheeler. Was I scared? ... Never. Sony about the gym shorts babe! Bridgette & Tony forever. Love ya, Jenn Keny· Don't forget all of our cool summers at the willows! Sit· ting their talking to all the guys. I think we lived at that place. Our four years on the big yellow bird were a blast. The time you made Carrie sing. listening to the radio. I think I did have a song for every guy!! Passing Craig Mitchell's house or Megan's house was at· ways very dramatic for me. Don't forget who gave you that awe· some picture of P.S. at the beach. S.B. guys RULEIII Never forget those J.R. story's (for both of us). How bout that mature M.B. stories. I had a story for every day of the week. Thanx 's for listening. S.B. GUYS RULE!!! Love, Jenn Theresa· Hey babe never forget our great times on the big Yel· low Bird. Mischief Nlght·haunted house. Don't you hate when cute guys are with ugly girls!! Car pool buddies forever. I can 't drive without my navagator. Thanx for everything babe. Love, Jenn Helen· Hey babel I can 't believe we used to hate each other. Remember RusheJ • .. I can't believe we both liked him. We had some good talks. Summer at the willows we had a blast. Don't forget our tight on the bus- you beat the crap out of me. Prom with Dave ac Steven. limo Ride we had so much Fun. Our trips to the school play. It was something hew everday with going to practice. Steeling Chrissy's car. The cops· boy was I scared. Than.xs for everything babe. Love, Jenn Jason· Hey budll Don't forget July 15, 19 . . . what happenedm I'm not that bad of a driver am 1m Rutger·s party· I had a good time. Even though we never made it ln. Love ya for· ever Budl Love, Jenn BILL MOO~ Paula·Hrst dance, J.,lz butts In, b·ball games, hard to kill, " I don't know" cotillion, Days OF Thunder, flyers, Tiger, Summer heat. Shore, LBI, Wildwood, red rose, football. baseball. movies (Gummy Bears)skllng. dry me olf. biology homework, Anniver· sary, Josh ac -----. talking. rough times fun times. car races, " Stop it" , "lmean It" " lhate you " EM.MG,JB,CV,LW,CD, JS,JS,JS, ac JL. rc. and ME, TS ac JS skeeball, bathing suit shopping. softball, b-ball, knee. powder pulf, Big C and HA sun· 91asses, pltunla school exams, colleges, Bdays, X mas, presents. Jiffy-lube, car shows, car races. morp Prom, sweet 16 party, poconos, miniature golf, allstar hockey game, air show, wings trust, truth, ryan, bullhead, nieces, fights. making up, laughing, joking, teasing. All thls =Bill + Paula = LOVE CARYN MORAN

Meg·My best friend-12 yrs ac countlng(forever)There'~ so much to say I just don't know where to start. Diving! How we used to love it·we were sick theniDiving camp,tarzan rope tubing, ."do you wanna pop?" ,heating pad,dlmblng out of the window, 'bubbles up: sliding Into vent trying to be first In the shower, 'I broke my elbow: Sammy fights,welts,"Megan likes you ya know" swinging of Hag pole,punchlng time cards ln,out,in.out.Brian & Chris robbing register. Chris Gray cheat sheet. Tetherbaii..:S meter fall ins·lt hurts my head. " Obvlously?" Be Bold.Like the eagle.Kokaber· ra,Duran Duran. 'They call me pirana cause I cut through the wa· ter.' Driving wjBrtan ac running over his arm.V8Julce.Pie In Nick's face. Pregnant lady crossing.Bobby Brown remlx·our version. Westchester-sauna,lacrosse, katsup on Brians pants.The Alcove. I can't believe u quit all thlsiSkate boarding behind bike ~ get· tlng hit by truck.almost.Tennls In the street,"! don't know my own strength. " Games In your pool,colors,whlrlpool. Basketball· strike a pose!Walklng to BK & getting trapped In swamp. Babysit· tlng at beach-my bananas,my bananas.Singlng Ice cream par· Jor.Beach-swimmlng out to sea ac bein!:l rescued by female lifeguard.Trlpplng over foot stool during hide & go seek.Jaws-don't show anyone.Splt.UPS-do you know where the curtains are?Roll· erskatlng.Babysittlng 4 Kunskos .Biood ooh Blood!Mor· tlsha,Splke .Sally ' " Does your orange juice have pulp in it?""Ma'am do you have a quarter" in Clover.Breakfast at Den· ny·s.Meg It's $22.47 not 12:47!We'll have the biii.Bill. TSC.My dad yelling bfc you laugh too loud.Bungeejumplng wjpalnted butts,l want a pizza NOW.what,w;pepperonl. Delivery boy thinks we' re going to Australla.Pizza Hut.tlp,what's a tip?·funky boy giving us a punching slgnai.After champion ·ship toilet bowl of pasta.After mom's pregnant.Stopped dead In middle of

road .wj Shannon-Derosset?! Riding bus 2 school-cool car!White out.NY,Its MRS MULLEN! Casa L,uplta·whose birthday thls time? Ood .walter. Shopping cart races .Monkey lip lady.Free Ice cream.Julle yelling " It's not my birthday!" My hammock.Playlng softball 4 Genie ac space statlon.Jcles at Delorenzo's.BB.Ten· nls,McWhlte will always lose 2 Deloran.Always!lMrs o·s history class,her faces.tollet paper on your shoe.Her hand tangled In shade string.gotta tell Lauren.Seelng Paul Simon at Yankee game-everyone but you that ls.Tigers vs Yankees.Our concerts· Billy Joe1.2x· once w;a slgn that we forgot.Paul Slmon,f:ric Clapton,John Melloncamp-up closell love Mr RoelBlg Bird-Sesame Street Frelnds. Trick or Treating-candy apples. Rocky Horror Pic· ture ShowTve seen It 104 timesl" llove Frankfurteri'You have no neck!!IGreat Play.YesiDriving· losing license 1st day.lceland. Wooh where did that come from? freedom Rock. Mary Popplns ac Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.Christmas Day calls.Cancun wj Bobby· willwe ever go?fleld Hockey was the best.Camp.What day ls lt.l want to go home.Mud fights. 8th grade retreat.Running In mom· ing ac seeing fr Dan In his pj's.Casa Luplta birthday song-we know lt.Coloring book come to me NOWIMy defrosters don't wo~. Pulling visors down at same tlme.Pardon me-do you have any Grey Poupon?Are those Bugle Boy jeans you 're wearing?Why Is he runnlng?Kurskos airplane-did we break lt?Meltlng popcom Into bowi.Hotel. Mrs Barlngton Air HOckey.Can you believe they divorced? Hamilton fltness-racketball-or so we tried.Aerobics class.Meg head for the door.Lylng Hat on the floor."Come on keep those legs upl " Yeah rlghtiTobagglng . Dead Poet ' s night.Sieddlng wjChrissy·are your pants wet from laughing too hard·Did she go on me?Ryan broke all our Jegs.Driving to school.closlng door on your hair, " Gini you know you love me" Nut crackers-who wears the pants In the house,you,what kind of underpants?L.aughlng after laughter.Hoo.go girlfriend down the hallway. Still a vegetarian? Not meiDrlving Into oncoming traffic to Trlad!We were destined to die then.Chrissy had to spit! Family feud 8c summer Olympic game addiction.Ride me, on your blcy· cle!Refflng softball &' doing score box.lceland,the Rose, HI Corey,Hi Corey.My hybred song..'560s In the car.The truck that al· most hit us.McDonalds wjChrlssy ac Llz·Sule,here pig pig pig pig.How many pigs are there?The pa~ at 12:30,but no the pa~ Is closed.l'm not going to Rutgersl5abotage the essay.My blood slster.Meg play volleyball like a guy. " Your fat ac ugly ac 1 hate you " Bingo· fleld hockey team song.Stalrs at Palmer stadi· um.Chrissy runs every llght.Green bagels In r-ton.l want the green sklrt.Meg go get lt.Hidlng the salt from Llz.PJ J)llncake house. I ate everything but one pig In a ac Brlcin were so disappolnted.Sony Meg your just not Murphy.Stuarts root beer.Your flower hat we made In flower garden.Mr D " do you have any condomlnts?" Mr Deliberto-Go ND-score one for me!Go Chorbey hit one Into orbey.Your dad's train whlstle.flnger up?l hate green houses! Love phone-substitute teacher.$2 plus a tip!Dinner at fridays w;L.auren.Runnlng wjfood In hand to mov· les.Can I borrow your crutches.Lenny 8c Dr foot a foot doctor bfc of his name.Dead Calm-Liz cried. The Exorcist Mega .... . . 2 minutes ac 22 seconds-longest burb.Keep the falth.BJ waved to us-he dldlMaureen is adopted.Our power stance,mus· cle pose.(l don't know how to describe lt)Our dance routines In your front yard.Your bad hair cut In 7th grade." They ruined my hair' · I hate feet. Driving w;your mother. Shirley take the wheel. Chrissy-We have been through so much together,red.l know neither of us will ever be able to forget. Deloran-we were the best· they only beat us once ac that was bj c you were in a wheelchalriHB to fB(me).Our butt posse!Hammerette.Monkey lip lady at Casa Luplta,whose birthday Is it this time? Shopping cart races.Spoon, BMW ,ac Banana Billy Joel ac Paul Simon con· cert.How could you sleep through rocky horror picture show?Driving to the beach after the prom.what's In your hand In that _plcture,don't let your parents see lt!You can only tell me about what,your sexy secretsi(Palmer stadium,! saw a shooting stari)Your hammOck. fating really bad pizza In the middle of your street at midnlght.Our deep conversations. Buddy stop.Stop Buddy.Our endless drlves to nowhere-The beach (slept in car) l!t to Hany's 2nd Hand Shop,lt wasn't worth lt.At Meg's the " Coke" can,lts behind the Ivory·! wish .Boggle.Tobagglng.Dead Poets Night. Basic Instinct.Yes Llz ac Nick are back together.SI~Ins· why are your pants wet?l What? Oet olf me then!Human bOdy chalns.JceLand·a meatma~et.Skatlng after hours. " I can't stop." SMACK! field Hockey camp-hot guy.freeso 8c hls frlend.Hillsie.He loves me.The beach-swimming out to sea-getting rescued by woman llfeguard.Jn a cow pasture w;Brlan.Will Matt come back for us?A federal City Rd.Oreg Martln·l'm gonna stab your buttiWhlte out olf your head ac outside.tts Mrs Mullenlf:hren ac Wiii.NY Dell-why don' t they just give us the whole cakellllke the macaroni & cheeseiColoradoi?!How many accldents?Do you even have a license. Double plerced.Dres shopping·! hate lt. Your a wall.let it down.Homey Toad(like a rablr)Sieeplng on n'ly front lawn alter prom.WAS I purple? Can I have this plcture?No.The negative No.Thanks.Party at my house-at your house.all lceLand.New Yr's at Lou 's.Cute guys at OA.I hate myself. I am a bad person.Cheese Slake extra cheese ac a Dr repper.Oxford Valley at 8am.Madonna's book "Sex "·Ma~ ~Marty liked lt.Jeff 8c Sue at Xmas party.Suie, here pig pig pig plg.·lts 4 plgs.My cotillion dress ac Liz's reactioll:Ooh she had to touch lt.HaHa." Your fat. your ugly ac I hate you. " Track meet.s-1 just like to watch him run. Photo session wjSule posse at my house.fleld HOckey-we were,are the best.Orowi as you come out of the cage. Bingo-team song. Lunch at my house-do you do It wjdogs?Stalrs at Palmer·u ran every red lightiLeam the words Br:FORf: u sing the song. We'll have the bfii,Biii.Maklng faces at the baby as food falls out of your mouth !Are they gonna eat that mozzarella stick. Take It take it. Hiding Liz's salt In the plant at Casa Luplta.Driving upside down In Nlck'sJeep.·Loose.Ooh that hurt huh?Cool World-what a stupid movie.fretty Woman-dancing In the theater.lts snowln.lts snowin outside.Rlpplng your book In Biology. " Please don't go" serenading my brother.Twin P.eaks.You are Murphy(but Meg ~nts to be)You·re a dancln fool. (Liz Is the real foolll)flshlng for money at the well In Ma~et Falr.Snooplng at house In Mercer County ra~·told pollee we lost your keysiSt Greg's Carnival· check me,check me,check me,check me·all 4 of us at the same time. Chrissy are you an obsessive ac jealous glrlfrlcnd?Drivlng to beach playing leap frog·raclng the cop at 75mph.What exactly are open cakes?Boogy Board.Suntan lotion behind the ears-how strangelfootball wjeveryone in the ocean.Are u thlrsty.Smug· gllng the drinks out of your house-()ops!WIII )'OU ever admit when your sick?Stuarts root beer.Walklng througtt flower garden. Meg's flower hat. Your dad's cheerlng·hls unique rhymes. Go NO score 1 for me.Oo Chorbey,hlt It Into orbeyl Plctlonary w; Uz.What's a ?Dream a Little Dream-don't analyze It! Uz·My track buddy,my good frlend.l love ya-but slow down on the salt-you'll dle.Track was an experience-that I will never do agaln,but It was fun while It lasted.l .lust like to watch him run!Umplring at track,am I on drugs!? TJ Hooker roJis.Nlce shoes.Do you miss your old shoes?! Jrke your new ones, but you probably miss your old ones.rlght?Bagel St Plzza Bagels. TennisButt Posse NB.McWhlte will never beat Deloran.NeverJCasa Luplta·shopplng cart races.We hid your salt!Meg's party the can of " Coke'' behind the lvory.You are a ftsh.a big ftsh.fat!rt Great Adventure.Ms G's dass-her funny faces l!t hand cau t In the strlng.String Liz whats the string for?Pinkyllunch·Sn rs lee cream bar-you always ate so heafthy.Yeah right.The lunch bag I set on fire!Spanlsh wjMr Marberry,what a waste.Unlcheat sheet for the examiWe all fot the same gradell am not obsessediOuy troubles. You finally got your llcense.2 accidents w;o !tiThe Old Barracks-the guy.Romeo 8c Juliet In ~panoi.Oym class.Do you love Dan?V·ball,play like guysiNlce hair-did you lose the battles w/your hair? Prollfe rally In DC. Your brother likes all the wrong girls. Will Greg ever marry Colleen?Georgetown obsession.

Prom.Cotillion l!i the rip in your dress I had to fix. " Really.! don't want my hands up your dress" The Grenada! Bargain shopping.No defrosters in the Grenada.Stuarts·hot waiter wanted you. Walking in flower gardens.AII the jokes in jr yr math·l had to explain them all to you. Where would you be w;o me?LOST!!You're so naive.Pictionary·what's a ?Sorry you didn't get to the beach last yr. Do you have Lymes disease?BIIIy Joel ac Paul Simon concerts·Oh Oh Oh(The only words we knew at PSi· mon·s concert)Liz in a bikini! I can't believe it. You were the last one out of the water.You were so embarassed,but the biklni looked fine.Why do we shop together our tastes are so differ· ent.You ARE SPOILED.admit it.l'm, going shopping-in your closet! hidden tunnel under your floor.Swimmlng in your pooi.Dream a Little Dream-don't try to analyze lt!New Yr's at Lou's-you slept overiWOWJI you were a fish.Bull you got up out or the chair too rast.You know why you couldn't stand up straight.You watched Basic Instinct w;your mom!Sick.The Lizzy White Walk. Chickie Chlckie Baby.You are the original running chick. Why didn't you tell me you got back together W/Nick?l'm hurt! Shut up about your stupid planter warts. We were the best archery studentsiDid we even hit the target?Wlll I ever get my John Denver tape?Tape 47?What Is it?Do you wanna tlght11'11 win.Erin Blackbum.Eating pita pockets-yummy-sleeping on your hardwood floor.Can I have your porch swing?lntervals.No.Freshman yr-llike your uniform.How many shoes do I have?How many running tights do you have?"They' re so pretty" I am not bulim· ic!You can call her Shirley!Want some Lucky Charms.Dead Calm-you know you cried at the end. LIZ WAS CRYING! Becca·Book. I love all our walks through the park·& all of our comptaining.t know you will always be there for me & vice ver· sa.Can't walt to blade the whole park·notjust the church parking lot!"Short cut through the prickle patch!" ac all the little burrs on the ground.-! hate them.Camping was great-Jumping off the bridge,tubing in cedar water,dancing on basketball court,brush· ing hair for .:5 hrs ..:5 people in a 2 person tenttRoasting marsh mal· tows & your dad's jokes.Gotta love ·em!My beach buddy,my " sunshine" Next time I go to Alcupulco w;you!Swimmlng In the ocean w;the shark ac 2 dolphinstBeing chased off the beach by the beach patroi.Swimming in the raln,cartwheels into the waves.Piayin~ football w;the entire ocean.Open cakes?What are open cakes? Chrissy racing the police.Being sunburned forev· er. "My feet are scaredi"You backseat drlver.Actlon Park·the 2 NY guys. We are poor gladiators-how long was lt·ll mlnutesiWe didn't even make it past the monkey bars.Tarzan rope·Tarza· na!Total Eclipse of the Heart.Tennls,LB (bfc of the boxersi)The Rose. from lceLand."Hi Corey,Hi Corey' ' Tobaginning w;the Dead Poets. Movie Night.My Fleetwood Mac Buddy,we will see themtPaut Simon concert-it was great.Role playing psychiatrist on your video tape·SMACK!Videotaping dancing in your room.Hippychick, my expert drum playing. Do you douche?Splke(eyelashes)We're not obsessed-we're over them.Sieeping on my front tawn.Jamie thinklng I was pos· sessed.Field Hockey!Wally.Golng to the park,the waterfaii.New York, " red white l!i blue" jackets, Salvation Army.Delorenzos plz· za·it really is the best. Spitting problem. Colorado! Meghan·Stipe.Applesauce!Camping·not for us!We admit it.Jumping off the bridge,tubing in cedar water.NJ devil in the pine barrens ..:5 of us in 2 person tent. The beach·being chased by beach patroi.Adam's "love"·his truck.Sieeping on way home in Gennevive's car.Sieeping through your sophomore year-Mrs. G's.Stand up straight!Europe, Hard Rock.Same movie up ac back.Fiight from hell. We didn't want to go home. Need a Hershey bar? Julie·Jewels(Jules) Meet me at the Alcove! Diving was hell. When will we next be eating in the hot tub?Sammy flghts.At-my troll.& your pink lucky Sammy.OK·here·s the truth,Maureen is NOT adopted.But it was a good joke,huh?Oood luck wjCPA·I know I mean CAP. Your "birthday" at casa Lupita.Sorry 1 have to leave you next year·keep on laughing. Chris·Topher!Loved playing tennis wjyou·even though you can't beat me & Meg.Just kldding.Loved all your homemade cards w;plctures ofus.Whlte out flying out the window.The cotil· lion -getting there 2 hrs late,endlng up In Phllly,havlng parking attendant lie your bow tie for you. We will go dancing one of these days. The Chris Fava Dance Showi·Whlrlwind,Sprinkler, Comb Your Hair! Casa Lupita!Freddy·he's so stupid.Your fascination wfDebby Gibson. "What if I smiled like this?" Catching grapes In your mouth off the ceiling. "Le F#@" Chickle Chickle Baby."Hit the deck!" The guard in 8th grade play. Heather·JuliaiEurope was so greatiRooming together was the best.Kari.Luceme·the bar.Wearing Disney pj's·our goofy night· shirt pictures. The balcony.lOl ways to flush a toilet. Our mating caii.Our Swiss names!Lunch in Switzerland ac Mr Wood walked in.Paris·the Eiffel Tower-It was worth it. Were you scared too?The pizza place ac Chuck's friend.! need McDonalds.My 40 boxes of chocolate.Our bar in the room in Germany·"lt burns, it bumsl"Hard rolls for breakfast.ln Paris hotel room·Heather,how do I get it in? .:5 hrs of sleep per night.Concentration camp-the taxi drivers. The overnight trainwhat a nightmare. we never round the prize giving toilets! shopping in Freehold·running out of dressing room-Heath they fit look they fill Jr yr gym class. 1 hated klckball·how often did we walk the track?Mr Schultz Spanish .:5· our Christmasskits·the elves!Hopefully we can do something be· fore New Yr'siBiondleiYour car dying on way home from mall. Sarah·f.uropel8 hr tour w;John through that castle.l ham pizza. Going Into castle that wasn't open.Ciimbing down the mountain bjc we missed the bus. "I need a bathroom." 120 mph on the autobon.The Holfrenhouse.Raln Man.Kari.Perverted guy who stole our only food·the pretzel.! & 1/2 hrs late for cur· few. Thank God for John or we would have gotten caught. Bar in our room!Yes!Running out of hotel in pj's at midnight. Hotel gave us wrong #.I've known John forever!Hard rolls for breakfast. Tang l!i pretzels.Talking to Allen through the vent.Brad ac Karl called!WOW.Taxi drivers to Concentration camp.Switzerland·Mr Wood walks in on our lunch-Sarah grab my purse,Gulp.Wine's gone.Our Swiss names.Matlng call·ac Karl showed up.Your fish watch.The bar at Luceme.·llike the lime.Bus ride-having to go to the bathroom. Where is John now? Bridget-My midwestern girlfriend.We have our own exclusive clubiSwimmlng was heii.Mr D is crazy.Mrs Bendzlcks class-she was so nasty.Counting 20 laps of the pool for you. "Did I hit your feet?' Shopping for our cotillion dresses-it took forever to get there.My Pretty Woman dress,my slut dress. I will wear It someday.Drlving to jr prom-no one knew where to go.Beer mug shop· ping-& the sugar pretzels.! want more. Will we ever be neighbors in the Midwest? TO THE FIELD HOCKEY TEAM-eD RF JB MM JM JS RC AW TS JC JS CL LF KK MH MB EB·thanks for a great season.Good lock next year! Jf.ff MORDOCK John B-NY,Freshman football,nursesJokes.Did I ever tell you about red & black?! can't believe we·ve known each other for 8 years. Patty 5-Thanks for the prom ac good times together.We survived Mr AII I'm glad to know you. Mike D·How's Mlchelle?Remember Jr Litt ac Sr Religion. Rick M·'TM OUT OF CONTROL!" Regis,Siedge Hammer,Skin of our teeth,Homeroom. We have gone to school together for 8 yrs. Anthony H·"ln the name or God!" It's been fun,Letterman, Mr T.David Rasche calling me,Autographs,Ross Perot.Remember: my dad gave away tanks. Greg Z·Trading dates.lunch table.What did Mr A teach us? Something about a wedding, Prom. What class Is thls?Had fun. Dan M-4 yrs of,next yr is the 1st yr we won't go to the same school hard to believe.

Mark S·Lunch,Litt.Ground Round.John eating his straw.Had fun. Jen C-Sociology I'm glad we have become friends this year. Jen M·Homeroom was great!Aiways remember buying lunches. Patti M·Homeroom was fun. Remember Mr A. CHRISTINE MURRAY Bridget-Spring Lake(no more).Pizza Hut.OIIve Garden on Val· entine·s Day.Oiant's game.NBFB games.John J doesn't give up.Nino·s.Skllng.Beadle.Mickey Mouse lover at Quakerbrldge Maii.Marco.Tony.LM. Maybe we'll see you there.Found cam· corder. New Year's Eve. The Retreat. Our little problem. "I was just gonna ask you the same thing." Karen·"! almost hit a deer. "Oven cleaner spray at movies. Talking to spitting guy.Runnlng :5 red llghts.You're gonna kill me.Walks,tennls,riding.capprlcclo's. Hoagie Haven.#54. The sta· dlum ac the bus.Where else have you been?Hacinto ac the gas station.Dave at Rumbleseats.Where am I golng?Matt S. Skl· lng.Movies,Denny·s,KaBoom. The Fizz.Where were you? The Jacuzzi.Prom w;my boyfriend.Good Time Charlies. Rum· bleseats,playing pool & Shogun comedy club wjMarco ac Matt. Canal w;Nick.l thought It was next week?BK·uptown.Guy w; Pathfinder.My favorite muffin.Dump him. Super sports w;KT. " Sleeping" over your house.Halloween. Ground Round & Mike. Get rid of Joe. "Which one?" Our little friend. You're worse than me. We' re gonna have to do something about this. "Help me Chris!" Patty's house. "Crystal,what are you watching?" You're a true friend & I'll love ya forever. Thanks for all the good times & memories. there's more to come.Retreat,WIIdwood, & B· baii.Thanks for being there. Chris Lewis( #2)-Physics & labS. Our disappearing lab partner. Gym,v·ball,great sound effects.How does It go?Stop clapping. FC's heart boxers. "Jadzla,go distract Mr James." The nose,she's so ugly.Being left In Trenton.t'll get you back.Leaving no tip Jumping your car. Looks like a pump .feels like a sneaker. Yq,u kept gym interesting. Sue carrot-We're gonna fight. Jadzia.Chrissy,Chrlsty, Krlslln,Chrlstine. Gym ac lonch.Your red hair.Orange.We match.Xmas colors.You can escape to my house when your sister comes home.Our "friend" the ugly leech. "Where's Kyle?" Tania Perez-Homeless weekend w;Patty.You go glri.Cotllllon night.You want to come w;us?Our good times atlunch.The retreat. Patty D-Back of your car.flying around.Rombleseats. Ground Round.ts your name Mlke?Do you go to West Windsor/Plains· boro? Halloween party.Oven cleaner spray ac movies.Loslng Ruby on the way to the mall. You're a good friend. Thanks for your support w;you know what.KaBoom ac Bennlgan's.Mike G. Susy·Lunch.We have to stop spilling things. Remember the re· treat. Thanks for listening to my garbage.Sorry we haven't been able to go out as much.Don't forget about all of us. Melit·Hey glri.Don't go crazy on me.Remember the good ac crazy times on the bus.Don't beat up on Sohal! next year.Bike rides. BH.Melanle screamlng.Sklttles exdtement.SBF games In the raln.Pizza.Pizza. Shower to shower.Don't push it in.You .:5 have never been so close. Fight wfJR ac Tamisha.Aiex the typical freshman.Good ol' Billy Bob.JO's house."Chris,come here.! wanna show you something." Patty Moran-Our weekend wjthe hypple music & late night pizza. Big Yellow. When are you getting your car?Jason R.Big Yel· low. Ruby·You have to drive faster & not lose us on the way to the maii.Remember religion class & stop stealing pictures from Crystal. Christina C(#l)·Noni.#l,#2,#3.Unexpected sighting of you ac your sister at malls.Starting our own lunch table. Prom '92.1 hate Joe."l want to get away from him." Your party w;no electric!· ty.candles ac your cat.Fondu ..:5 am when Rocky ac Bullwinkle was ending ac theme song to Batman was blasting through the house.Your sister ac those guys at your house. KaBoom 4 Tif· fanie's b·day.We have 2 hang out during the summer. Marybeth B·l still think you're crazy. Sohall·You're a nice guy ac the rides on Big Yellow have been Interesting. Don't ever stop picking on Melissa .I still think you two should get together.Oood luck next yr & getting into the school you want.Don't worry about that 4.1 GPA J/K.Try getting to church on time. See ya. Jen Moran-You're a good friend,thanks for listening.Don't for· get the little situation W/Michelle ac Brlan.HR has been fun but its about time we're out of here. Katie· You are my ldol.l want to be just like you in every way .I wish that I had as stro119 a grasp or the intricacies of the Spanish language as you do. I enjoyed Immensely every moment of know· ing you.God bless and keep you all the days of your life. DA.NMORRII"' Marla Agabiti. Hi Sweet!, wuz up dickie? You are reall cute, the cotillion was fun. Keep in touch and Jots a luck! Luv ya. Michelle Amati. Thanks for being my buddy. AWWW she's like a little teddy bear, yajust wanna give her a big hug. Heres a wur· thers now shut up. Those pens are rare lookin. Luv ya Paula Bacso, Whens the wedding?lnvite mel Eric Baxter, Whatta ya think your big? Tough guy. Lets go to in· flight Ya wanna? Put that ashtray back. Whats the Special? Sher· bet or Blackforest Cake. What ya don't know? Don't get shot at. at Knotts house. Good tuck. Where did Knotty go that night? Jackie Bugdal. He's goofy! He looks like the kid on the Encyclopedia Britanlca commercial. He should be beat with a car an· tenna. good luck luv ya, your a lot of fun. Melissa Butera, Hey dickle. That was rarellldlfferent. Get me a donut. Like my car? part of its still on 206. Yo are so cute, like all of us, well a rent we? RARE. Vince Buttad. Well hello there Vin. Ya know Carla,! don't remember this ride goin up this high, whats this boll here for. George Cevera, Rorgelll Fred Callender. Always remember accounting. The van on river road. Treerushl Let me drive that car. Tell the Mooches I said hi. Whatta ya wanna do now? Jen Corban, Hey cutlet We are so cute! My dates got Pnemonla, gotta dress we'll have fun, bring the gameboyl 96 lines, liar. You are uncouth. obnoxious, and rude, and stuck-up, ha ha ha. Please sir, may I have some more? Joanne Dlnola, To the cutest. prettiest and funniest cheer· leader. although your all good lookln(tell them that please!) Piggy. Pigs are cute. Jump In my hoopty mobile.Oiad ya passed that drivers test Ed Emde. Watch out for them dog's."everybody should own onel" Never knew there were that many words for italian. Let's in· stitute a team hug.Where's Phil at?Steady Eddielllllllll Amy Fell, Is she hurt? John Floyd. I'm betterlln everything. Jay Fowler, Wally Wagon. Nice beeper tip. Remember Mr. Ar· cher (the troll) and Swcafers class. The Ill Fowiers.Eagles in 9:5. Martin Gilbert. Wuz up buddy. I'll put a new system in for a small fee. ra-ting Glad you were one of my best friends this year. Hangin out with ya was fun. Stay cool. Good luncti and you better keep in touch. Well hang out over the summer, ya turkey baster. shhh, I won't tell. Keith Harris, Wuz up Busta? Tina Hiner, Hey Dan can I borrow your glasses. Remember Schirmer? Jen Kelly. Thanks for beln my friend, or buddy, Jon don't get mad! You are one of the nicest people I know. Brian Knott. BRIANII!Ya never know when you'll need a cinder block and a big piece of wood. Let's go to lnflightl Where did you

go anyway? that rice pudding was good. You paid for lt. What Is the special anyway, they don't know. Reynold Massenet. To the only kid In school that got one pic· ture in every yearbook my halls oll.l'm funnier.Face being sec· ondl Bill Moore, When's the dlvorce?lnvite me. Tip, Nice beeper. Nice gun. Want some more ked tea? your nuts West windsor game.There just kidsiWHAT? Martlns'll be jumpln It was cool hangln wit yal Mike Pietras, What'a ya wanna do now?Hey Mrs. Mooch. Glmme my tapes back Keep llftln. good luckl Kyle Pultcrak, HI CorJ(y(from Mutphy Brown) you are so sweet, luvya. Nicole Regan, Thanks for beln my friend, you are one of the funniest girls in school. good luck! Jen Segretario. Thank you. pardon me. your welcome. I know. Ned, Yo uncle Ned. It was great knowin you for 12 years. 12 years?? Grilled Bologna, and tomato cheese sandwhiches, Grilled cheese ala Under. Toney Shoney. Fat boy. Rare, Get the gall Big Ed. that won't get the job done uncle Neddy.peace my nubian brother. Helen Telles, Nice pictures. Chris Vaccaro, WOWI YOU ANGLOW SAXON YOU KNOW WHAT! Carla Volk, "Dan I'm Just kldding. you no" Don't tell Mike about. well you know. Thanks for beln one of my best friends, Mike tool you guys are great. Wildwood was fun. Caroline Zaleskl, Thanks for the fun times. You are great to hang out with. Remember New Hope. good luck buddy. MARYBCTH MOSCAR!LLO Thoughts of a dry brain In a dry season. I am very thankful to leave this institution and become MYSELf. I long to have this, and I attain it. Bye forever. NXJXSXEX. Baum Shanka. Peace,Love,Ska - M2 Justine - School's out . . . . roreverlllf1nally. Am I wrong. or did we have Dr. M's before EVf.RY80DY else? .... And my pencil sharpener shaped like a creme cracker . . . . I'm A .... AI, WI. Young Ones, American U, Marlst. Vyv's World. Madness, cotillion(s), AHHHHHIIIII!peace,love,ska- M2 Brenda - Are you from flnland?l am. SKI Shawnee.! love lndi· ans, especially wooden ones. 1 love the new airbrush techniques. Do you? SHAWNEE MAN! They crucified my blrkenstock wearing! OATMEAL BARS- OOOD fOR YOUR HEALTH. Hot Dog. Johnny. Caged Deer. I'm a vegetarian. John ~ Jay ac Jim ~ Jeff. peace,love,ska, and splJituality - M2 Nicole P. - I can't believe we put up with three years of Grice. then four of THISIIII Good Luck next year. Shelter, Madness, Scofflaws, fugazi. No More Wr:ENI peace,love,ska - the rudle M2 Nlkkl C - Lunch 2 years. Weirdness ~ peace. Tarot cards. I like your boots. Sldac Nancy.Cheeze Vegetarianism, THE WAY. You ac Mark are greaU M2 Melissa - WI ac AI together. Shelter, embrace, TRr:NDitSIIIIJ You always had the besi stories about KK and MT. I love your hair colors and styles.peace,love,ska - M2 Katie Schell - Hey babel I love youl Pantera and Chris Cor· nell. He Is GODIIHe looks great. even without hair! pence,Jove,ska - doc woman·M2 Cyndl - H·N·E·P. What It spell? Want to go to the health club today?! can't. Want to go for chinese?! can't. No $.EVERI You've been great. What does It spell? You've been great! peace,love,ska - M2 By the way, I know where you can borrow a great prom dress. · Jeff - Winter Man. Shawnee, cars, sportland, langhorne skl, this Is deep! X·Men - I beat it 2 times. How many pairs of skis do you have? I have 25 and 14 snowboards. Goin' to Bell? Uh. no George, I go to better places. "What's Happening?" Wildlife re· serve. I am Grape Ape, peace,love.ska - M2 The Music Ride @ Great Adventure. Mark J - VERNIII What happened to Vern? Beebo? Yodal Mark Is the tall and omniscient Buddah. 1 am not a great philosopher. Best luck to you, Volley-QOD. preace,love,ska - M2 carrie - There Is so much to write. Do you feel less than hon· ors? I do. Are you mad? I am. I can't believe Mr. M said that. Anti· Hate. End it. Land it. It hurts! Oh what If my mom saw memm Good luck at NYU. Maybe I'll see you there. peace,love.ska - M2 warren - Why don't you call me? 1 am so glad we met In r:urope. Conlcklence? Nope, necessity and benefit. Good luck Pantera man! peace,love,ska - M2 Eddy Gutlrrez - We are buds, eh? Yes! YIKESII Ren and Stlmpyl HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOYIII Pixies are dead, alive with me. Are you going to talk to him, her? You don't DO anything and she yells! I like your glasses. JC Penney - where everybody works, peace,love,ska - M2 Jim Lloyd - Are you Bill Lloyd's brother? from your favorite daughter of somebody's mother, peace,love.ska - M2 was your hair always dirty? Bill Lloyd - Yahoo! Joy,prom,no RHCP, AHHHI Yikesl Take my food, it's ok. can Kate ac I kiss you? No, No, No. When can 1have your boots you combat man?,ska - M2 Bill Goertz - MISr'ITS MANIAIII You have 20 Eyes. The last time I looked, I did tool You are a real LOBO maniac. Who else could I talk to about comix? Youl Death 2. Sandman, Lobo war· rior, and by the way, - Yolure Shade the Changing Man. Good Luck you darJ(man artist. Happy Black Man. peace,love,ska M2 Matt K. - Even though we don't see each other, we see each other. Good luck with acting. I know you will be great. Red Lobo ster. oh no thanx, I am vegan. You made my junior 7Ur bright where there were lots of dark spots. peace,love,slla.IOIItude. snd equality and - M2 Jim Tennis - No, It's not tnQ!'s Oerman - Thoennes. Are you Jill McCiure?Uh. nope. I don't believe so. Colfee? Ewntually. With vanilla and cream. forwanllt forwan:lll See? You can land those jumps If you lean. Do you dance? Me neither- goodl We all hate ND for the same reasons. My Doa NfWR Is this sedated! New Physics lab buddy. By the way, cUa you do the will? Neither dl!,t I. I love all those cool beeps. 5ee, JQU can evert change the tone of !hem. RUSH,BLUE,SHAWNr:t. I am hftlna cteJusions. 1am airbrushing. Olve me an A. Volleyball c:heas. JObn's motorcycle. Poor electrical systems In for'tls.What Is ft?lagel? Water?fOOd? I think not. Thanksll actually had S01M fun thla year. peace,love.sha - M2 You dtd have the best calculaeor •.. SKASKASKA Alex • It's going to be OK, ~- peace,love,ska - M2 Talk to me man. Pearl Jam,Prong, Alice In Chains. frank z. I still remember when you were nice. Don't know why you aren't civil, but good luck anyway. Eflloy swim.m lng ac 't be too overjoyed when you meet Summer. pace, ve.ska - M2 Pat Benetar. Aaron. AARON'S PORTI'OLIO, A.AROf't'S - . - SCULPTURE, AARON'S ART TO WRmNO IRISH, AARON'S SIUINQ,MRON, peace,love,ska - M2 RJS - Just because.! love you. 0reat times. and a gn~~~t amount of trust and stabftlty. - M2 Mom~ Dad- Thank Youlllll rAM a luckygldJuttbecause you two put It together for me. Thanks to both of you. I love you. Marlst Here I come, and again, you. Thanks for 1etttn« me be my liberal and overly peacey ci1tlcal self. Thanks for the Mg and just being great parents. Mostly, thank you for the love, peace,love.ska - M2 Trtsh - Ringlngoons and Keempsk. You are MUk I am Cheese, and we do as we please, Let's Oo 8owllngll peace,love.ska - M2 TOfU HEAD. Allah -Thank you for your contribution to my faith. Yoga and soul searching has reaUy helped my journey. M2


Matt Mannion - HEY man. It's just too icy to visit you.Lab extra credit. You 've been a great buddy. peace,love,ska - M2 I will always remember you. Baltimore is the place! Jen - A few words - Why did they Invade our tablt without asking? I love you· Karate say yes. Peace,Love,Ska, - M2 JUSTINE MURISON Melissa, Blue~hite day 92, top the scenester.i want 2 get good seats, bad brains, mr. mouthpiece, jawbox, me. you, Mike L., and Tom Pins, Tim, it's not funny anymore, Middlesex, that's not Dave. Mr. Illogical. mozzarella stix 4 $4.50, NOFX on forever. GB 2 song show,(stopl), Mike Benviglibido, l.m going 2 throw up, Nirvana wannabes. Play it again, Shelter, Ney Ray!, Angel face, Bigger Thomas ska (Duh starts a Pit), Bouncing Souls. !don't care about u, Shannon etc., And the crowd pleaser, Bum, Bum, Bum, Erik and Roy, the perfect nite in town. Jon, Carl, Pool restaurants, want 2 go 2 a party, ladies, sit wjus, aughhh. psycho Erik, it's always my fault. Rye Caplno, Mike, Pandemonium and the oven mitts. r u dating Roy?. Fuagzi, breakdown and beat up In the pit, carl. Erik ... she was ignoring me, Reid & Scot and sum· mer memories from hell, Scot, obviously, I don't like ul, why won 't anyone hire me, you smell, don't like Fugazi?, we tum It up, vintage vinyl & pizza 4 me, no town till Nov., Jon goes 2 Brazil. girl's back, Paula, she's the 1 I've been looking 4 all my life.

~~'f~ i~~~nsi~'i:la,t ,N~~n<?~'i'e~~~~Ti~.i~Jl~~ ~.b~~idn~f~~~

it from me, there's 5 of us & 4 of u. look @ that 55 he's got it & he flaunts it. BRAD. Denny's no fun allowed 4 Paula, Scot, and Reid, singing. Promises, give those guys in the comer some H20 on us. Nice Nora and Roy, I'll give u something 2 cry about. Nice Eric, sk8boarding, Middlesex wjBS, Bad Brains, Brem & Bozo Bill sk8 wenches, Pete Townsend, and short shorts, Becky Bacon, I'm the real Becky Bacon, u're calling me when?, New Year's tra· dltion. pizza, hearthrob. bad MTV, who's the fat sheep. pillow lights, biting. Eban playing Rodney, assume the position, Roy. jealous, why?, Ravl's hands, and yucky, Bill's revelations. no way, smoking ac spitting, no preaching Melissa, Justine, ac Bill, hey Matt. r we deaf?. Ren ac Stimpy Is not funny, Matt the popcorn retard, Boing, BK, but we have Sjare sitting wj are eating as we speak, Brad, Vallelly, free cups, BK & Kiosk employees know us. Bazooka gum fortunes, if mom says no, there will always be dad, cotillion hell, line. pick the table next 2 us. but you'll regret lt. Dan Dan the other man. that wacky beret. Pierre, falling asleep at your house until ~::50 am. Lea & Alecks Blow Pop?, here's your tip, be nicer Cape Fear, is It scary, what r u up to now?, oh about 5'7' ', 5'8 ", i don't even dabble in Twin Peaks, vision, finally a show reminiscent of old times, my more than friend Matt. Duh, Clapper, Gaston. ROUND TOY SHOP, aka, I can't breath, roadklll, scarf & barf, claymatlon, face, red tag. Horsey, Dan Conner, Jay the Jam man, Jammer Dan. Dan Dan the ugly man. Dan Dan the other man, Jamie, Pete, Pete Townsend, short stories. Kane Kial· basa. Scot Smell val, we r just nickname misfits, we'll be In school 2gether again in a year, u know u annt 2 go to American and study acting, ha. that is funny, I hope u don't have 2 move, al· waye remember, "Thare·s no time like the present: I'd like 2 hang-out. but who doesn't?" A SONG FOR OLD TIMES SAKE: You~ I In a round toy shop, buy a bag of flamingos wjthe $ lhave. let them go @ the crack of noon, til 1 by 1, they come back. Mary, tripped 4 weekends @ you know who's house, Circle Jerks, Monty Python (It's so gross). & the YOUNG ONES. Do ants go to discos?, OP IV, Primus soph yr.. Fugazl. Vyvyan·s world & Big Trout zines, Ray of2Day and Sammy, me,u, Pat, Brian. Laura, & Neen, " Yo. no se.", Doc Martens, Trendtes, guess what .. . School's out forever. Brenda, Sheep, baaa, religion airheads going to the beach, Re· tardo Suburbia. Evan!, John's seatbelts. gym ac the exercycles. the cotillion, don't get off this road, the BK Chrissy Lewis, soph yr. biology. We planned those schedules so well that we didn't see each other all jr. ¥'·· phys., cute. plug&chug, labs wj Chris, faulty equipment. we don't have enough time. JM·physics bimbo, our phys. lab talks, Dan quietly slips away, bio. labs. what fish is It again? Angle Garcia City Gardens 8c your burning desire 4 Mike Lu· pica, gym. leaning on each other 2 walk, chem. & religion(yeahl), lunch this yr. until u hid from the jail ac english classes until we were moved where's my postcard? Jen Amico you, me, Melissa. ac Emily, collecting digits, Dan Carr's party, Troy. freezing@ my house, your mom will "be there in a minute", Melissa's bday In New Nope, halloween. " Sugges· tion" live, guys over there lau~hing @ each other like u know something u don't know. vamp1res taking care of poor. sick Mel· issa, Katie's xmas party. don't get embarrassed or anything, gen· tie woman. ever @ the funeral, tell those smokers offill Kate Meagher, we meet. with champagne~ a chicken @ Jasti Meghan Kelling, the Young Riders, Twin PeakS. New Hope's Ice cream shop guy. we ate 2 boxes of Kudos, Soph. Eng., blo, geom., & gym., that's me in the comer. bread, ex. fresh., Margaret Atwood, Jane Eyre, all the book exchanges, Hawaii, don't move, I saw Jesus . . and he was in a paddle boat race at Waimea Bay.. You plant. call me Ishmael, Audrey Hepburn • Breakfast@ Tiffany's. funny face, polo match, a room w; a view, Freddy, Waiting Room, your Catatonic state, "Justine. wake up, there's someone outside", My name is Justine, but you can call me Matt, " Janet . . . (say it),l love . .. the skillful way (oh that's brilliant) you beat the other girls (with whips & chains). to the brides boquet(and that 21) RYAN MULLEN Doogie·Bucky·Aibino eth-bro-thanx for not embarrassing me too much being an inferior hurdler & all;work smart not hard/ you need to get some rec'ds of your ownj12'2"/3.3.1sjMaybe you 'll get lucky Longjumps for you. Jess· you're really confusing/he luvs u; he luvs u not; h==-Jo e ===hn he'll probably never changejSophomore love counclling WTrack9~


Karen·George problems/.3 stepped the last meet good job!/ Brenna#2;Freshman ChickjXC traffic controljsta cool Mary · Heltzman#lOfBom wjthat Incredible form;Qulcker QuickerjTim's lectures/Always keep those knees upjThankx for cutting me off in gym in the last wtrack meetjU R the #1 HH of all timej Please don't cry any more Lauren·ARMS;Just hold your shirt; Feb 14? NOT How was that pizza? I'll try to get you to~ step sometime/ HE's only a frosh what did you expect?jl'm here anytimejBreak a legjt10W DO YOU MAKE A RAINBOW? WITH TEARS AND SUNSHINE Denlse· ' 'they might be giants " Nice Muslci{Give up soccer XC's whereits at jDon't eat too much Watermelon though It will give you gas. Air Kelly- " BABE McCabe Life's short play hardjBabe nt jst a 4 lttr wrd whrs th vwlsjYou were my Inspiration to life/always save me a seat on the busjMaybe I'll see you In S.A.JTOOMUCHENER· GY?powerbars are disgusting/Never change/your big bro Ryan Maureen· Will you stop beating me up now/Never Quit Rose·l don't like to talk/Cot 9~/Jacky Joyner Kersey#2jsee you in 1996 olympics I might be therejnot/4'10"·5/10" What's up? Stop winning; the object of hurdling Is to not fall; Bionic WOMANSound In PeddiejSHf took your HJ tlmejWhat HJ time?1 Luvya Jen·l wouldn't do that it looks like you have some fansjYour hips aren' t THAT blglfXC-92 my only goal was to beat youjStud Ryan·Nurdler buddy 1M's are yours I can't handle emjWeath· ers fine up here mb we can hurdle sometime Jimmy·PBest duo to ever run at ND;~rd ain't so bad; 50, 100, 200. 400. 800, 1500, 1600, 4by4, 4by8, DMR What else can you dojl'm really sorry about losing the state meet for you. you de·

served it and I screwed it up Pete-What happened? we peeked at the wrong tlme;@nd duo backing up Jim and EricjBang,bangjlast meet ha;enjoy FdU/ Good luck Eric· Energizers have nothing on youjell.Joy PU/Mid term sacri· lice; Again I'm sorry I couldn't come through in states good luck Nisar- When yopu run the times like we do . . . . 1 Bfg deal it's only a mercadesjSTOP BANG Good job Use your brakes next tlmej6.6 next year George· Give It up she doesn't want you;you don't stink 1 you'll be good not as good as me though/Who's gonna beat you up nowjfreshman Nick-or should I say attltudejW.T.F. it was amuslngjU'6 " NOT;but if you do I owe you 100 dollarsjFDUj400s suck; Exam crams/Shut up. Ant·Malloy NS;TREETRUNKS yet;$2.95 for a suit wowt; Good luck In school. frin·KID·Dummy- Shorty·bOOmer-DUNGEON·AM visits-Pond scum girljCrazy letter1 how was al a dlnjKristen she did read me that letterjHa jlast licksjl'm not a bean polejplyametrics. Kristlne·O·So what If SHE gets all of the HJ time HE don't care; XC / JtlMPUPI/ Why? Corey·! think/ Nlsar really likes you; Don't break no more win· dowsjBig ugy fat guyjjust kiddingjonly a speedo and panthose for counties.

Jane. Thanks 4 giving me the good advice, where·s my cypress hill tape, Your a good friend greek.Attractlve AJ Uke Scott W-The Cult.Beastmaster, Malakal.& the Dragon D.Making all those videos at Ants and In your garage,Ants Morp Party wf Mary & Jane,Our lunch table=Crayflsh,frogs,crickets, You leave us 4 1year and go to Steinert He's back and once again the fun begins. Partying~ hanging out me,you,ac Bake and the hocus pocus.Watchln the playboy video In your parents room,u r a James Dean ac Jim Morrison combined.The Beastie boys.x·wlng feather. Going to see Toys,watchln Ski Schooi,We've been FriendS 4 6years you'll always be like a brother to me luv ya Buddy AJ Alyson C·Smoke,Choke,Croak, Nell 8c Janet=us crylng.Lets go to Katzenbach or Alans house. Me 8c Joan you 8c Alan giving each other Hickies.J am an artlst.Aian I'm Hungry get sum pizza,Oym was great ~ I'm nasty In Volleybaii,Your V·Ball stance is the best.rrosh year Cotillion thanks 4 going wjme.lts been fun party· ing wju.Lets go dip some skoal bandlts.How's your Best Friend Ha Na Na.Your a cool chick I'm really glad we stayed friendS. Debbie c-save the Dolphlns,Sorry 4 yelling In your ear~ scar· lng u,The Nutcracker Ballet was an experience especially those 2 smelly women,Why do u make your brother pay 4 your movie ticket? Your a lousy navigator how many times did we get lost. Your car has the best shocks Gym was fun your hot as hell I just wanted to remlng u Your a great girl AJ

ADRIAN MORAGA Alan· YO Bake,Super Bass·GTI,Lets go to Stuyvesant Ave,How's Gizmo? Smoke a BLUNT!Boo·Ya,U & Allison,Me 8c Joann Watchln that movie or did we? Put on Ice cube,Getting searched by the 5-0 Pigs, Thanks for an those rides.U stink when U fart,Oym was great,The animal noises getting Dambro mad, Yo tose chicks at 7·11 wanted us. Why do U shave your chest Brillo pad man? Yo Bro your a great friend I Luv U man AJ Chad· THE HORSE thats crazy,Gym and Volleyball was fun, Mr. PRO·Beach Volleybaii=He stinks Did you do your history.ANHH NO,Its been fun AJ Mike C·Hi honey,Mrs. Wrobo still thinks we're gay,Mike Where did you put your poms? Hows your chipped tooth,No"V",I can't walt. Watch out for Robs Brat. Mrs Confoys Lit Class was fun. The ride to SS was the best we made It there In 15 min. The Mal Tiki necklace, "Sizzler'' MCCC will be great. "And 1will always Luv U" AJ the Beastie Boy Greg·U cant play the drums.Just Kidding JaN is every· where, Can U get some crazyhorse Giants Stlnk.Da Bow Da Bears, Later Man Your pal AJ Mike F·She wants U.How many times did U drive around my Neighborhood. Fannlng,Fannlng,Fanning lets smoke some stoa· gles Thanks for driving me to the cotillion,Merediths party was great drinking the horse thats crazy & smoking the Phillies,l'm sorry for not leaving the attic, I only have 1 more thing 2 say 2 U WHATUP?AJ John F·We have no mini donuts.go back where U came from YU-Kahn,Whats wrong John? The floyd Mobile riding through MC Park, The retreat,Hey was that U playing basketball that Ukranlan picnic, Dancin w;dave at the cotillion. Never 4-get the ST Greg years we've been friends for a long time ac always will be friends Luv Ya Buddy, AJ Dave H·Did U get BJ.OK lets go Bye.We are good looking guys.the hair Is God,B/C we're COOL,You're a great Dancer, "Groove is In the Heart" The Culdesac drinking the crazy weve been friends since St Gregs, Its been fun growing up and hanging out together Luv ya buddy AJ Domingo-Cypress Hiii,Tennls was great,Contemporary ISS w; Pete was the best Brookes tent party.Lou's party givln your dad directions 2 get 2 my house,the Hotel Party,Youre a great friend AJ K.ris K·rabld dog rabid dog,How about those 2 McCorristin Chicks thinking we're obnoxious.,you know they wanted us na· ked,Chris your going the wrong way It says DO NOT ENTER.THE VIDEO we made at Ants house.Stepl=The chicken heart,Step 2 =Bang the chicken heart.! luv acting like Jerrys Klds.My cheri Mag=Jets go spank lt.The TRAMPOLINE the movies,my hand. sorry It has a mind of Its own,Mewwy cwismas.Mewwy cwismas.The Globtrotters theme song,Drool. M's undys-deliciousjust kidding Ant. Going to Millstone w;the beest.Dad can I sleep over Ants? Nolget home,Nice Guy Huh? lnspection·r~ected. Why does Ant look at the ceiling when U talk to him?The felt great.Later Spader,Jts been great especially following the bum on hisblke.AJ Joe Lech:U crazy bird. Lech u all that ac a bowl of grits. What up Dogboy. Lech Drool like thls,Like that U the Man. Your Homie AJ Sueng Young Lee<lonad,Tennls,Art's Mrs Keams class,Cheat· ing In Shaffs class.Jason shops like a woman Tresspass was the best movie,Your a great friend sueng your pal AJ Rob L· Yo BERT Hows the brat Heh Heh Heh your funny as hell later man Eric M·Mellow Man,its great partying with u,Are u going to Katzenbach? Gym was fun ac 2 years in Homeroom.The re• treat.Weboth got on "0" but when u went a lltl far. The nutcrack· er.How come u didn't tell me It was ballet.SAT classes,Dr.G was agoolbaii.Your a cool guy Your pal AJ Waymon-We R Trenton Boyz,lt was fun partying wju at Meredlths ~by the way My 4 years of knowing u I've never under· stood a word u said just kidding homie later way your Trenton boyAJ Paul N·RIP,to an lrtsh man who got dissed by the system Your Uke Friend Nick N<let those dreads out of your hair,Guldo Man R U ever going to come to homeroom on time? salute Your pal AJ Leron-how many accidents were u ln. I'm cool like this, your cool like that,Gym was great I'm a better dancer than u.Yeah Right, Glad we stayed friends for all these years AJ Jay O·Lit class Mrs. Lang Tennis Van,You Fat pasta eating,pizza f~::':~J:f:t~~k:~tl~ian.The ZIT that could be1Seen around

chicks smelled raunchy,Thanks 4 the Beastie Boys hat I still have your present somewhere,You're a great kisser Law class t~e fJeat your a great girl I had so much fun w ju I'll never 4get u

Anthony R·Span~y Spankln his Spanker,Dont Know where to start. Sophomore year-The Cult beastmaster,Dragon you know what,Malakal & nevin,Lunch table,crayflsh, crickets.& frogs Oh My Morp Party the best getting busted by your dad.Junlor year· The Dragon leaves us 8c goes to the underworld Beastmaster & Malakal ftght over a witch called"K" what a prude we should of never let that happen,9Mos Beastmaster and Malakal lose com· munlcatlon the end of Sllmmer they reunite ac once again rule the heavens,the earth ~ their home sweet home heii,Pick up a retard named Klotz and once again the fun begins,The VIDEOS we made.the B-Ball games we played ~ the retard we dels· played,Mewwy Cwismas,Mewwy Cwismas.the bond the ~ of us have of2 words that show our friend ship & they are Spank lt,Ra· bid dog Rabid Dog 8c chicken hearts 8c the most famous DUMP which was layed In your bathroom by me,it stank,your eyes were watertng,Golng to Millstone wj the Beest.Golng 2 the mall ac movies w;those 2 McCorriston chicks they loved us-Yeah right,Dad can I sleep over Ants House? No get your butt home now Nice guy huh,Ant look at me when I'm talking to u,Mrs Wro· bos dinner.chaslng the bum on his blke,SW walking Into his his· tory class,Per5 lunch table,Ground Round'"Anthony Rotondo will u please come 2 the front desk?" while we were draining our willles,We've been good 4 ~years ~ we always will be great friends Luv ya Turtle-Your friend and fellow satanist AJ AKA Mala· kal 1"5-The sprite can w/the Indentations and slnglns the Beastie Boys on the way to Mass. trip. Pete 5-Prestigious Pete the Greek,Contemp Iss& Lit were fun,lts been great partying wju The Retreat, Thanks for giving me a ride to Eries The Culdesac and the tour of MUistone,Brookes Party u.Domlngo,& me,Um pa Umpa Umpa de do Cheba & Mary·

Al~~nh~~~~ l'~a;;.~ .!a~e~~iheH~~t~~J ~~~n r~:;;e:;=

Jen Cole·My Glri and she's got the ring to prove It G·frlend=my favorite l.lets go trespass,Absolutely not,The 8ooQer Song.Body· guard and Toys. We had a great time but your still a Beva Llcka ALL ME,no presents well maybe on valentines DAy.The cotillion we were the best looking couple there Meredlths Party WHAT UP? drinking the crazy you know u liked lt.Me ~ u on the steps me try· lng 2explaln how I felt about u,Gettlng tired or~ going upstairs to the attic to .tom Mike ac Kelly,Havtng Meredith wake us up and yelling at me & Mike. Me.u.Sunny.~ Scott driving around Trenton wjthe top down In the freezing cold, your hair flying all over the place ac your face red ~ chapped.After that 1 have no idea what happened to us In the future. Hopefully u became my girl ~ we R having a happy relationship ~ I can tell u that I Juv u 20 times.Jen I really had a great time going out wju,hanglng out.& partying wju.Can u make a P ~ J sandwich NO. Ok ftne then no presents.Your a great girl I'm glad we got 2 know each other~ hopefully when u read this we R still together Luv AJ PS-If we're not I'm glad wjwhat we had. Kelly N·The coolest chick alive~ the most beautiful. Thanks 4 giving me advice when I needed lt.Aigebra {!t homeroom were great. Kelly heres my gym shlrt.She talks to Angels.Partying was great wju we had the best of times playing Basketball over An· thony·s.Maklng fun of people at the Ground Round,Lets do some Chronlc.U ac Pete R the best I think u guys should get married.The Beastie Boys R the best.Artlst of the week. The cult your own witch.Your funny 2.There·s one more thing I have 2 ask u "Will u go 2 the Spirit Day Dance w;me this Fri."Your a great Friend I'll never 4get you Sue N·best halr.Mikes Glri.Homeroom all4 years. Your the nic· est glrlln the world I'm glad we're friends Luv AJ Sue O<l-frlend,Your much prettier when u smlle.Never 4get Brookes tent party It was unforgetable Na Ha Ha same pJace,Same date,same hook up.SAT class wjfat Dr G·lt dldnt help.Sr year cotillion was Fun ac Meredlths party was ablast.Sue,l'm going to give u advice 1st of all your a great girl a little 2 self conscious but over all a great glri.U should not worry about what people think of u bfc they're the ones wj the problem. learn to open up w;people ~.tell them what your feel· lng.Your real Friends wlllllsten.Sue your very close 2 me believe It or not. Think of us more than just friends. I'm Glad I know U Luv AlwaysAJ Kelly C·Sr year cotillion was fun The Attlc.Latln class w;Mr Kelly ac Mr Wood.Aiways keep those Irish eyes smllln.Your one or a klnd.Do U want 2 go fly a kite? Luv AJ ChristlneC·Yo What Up? Hoochle.Law was fun thanx 4 being my buddy.Did u get on this weekend? Do u have any gum In your purse what about lipstick. Walt up 4 me.Lit ac Gym were great. How many classes did we have together? Your the best like this like that. Luv Ya AJ Meredith G·U R Madonna, The Retreat. Candle wax mFitlng over your body, Your party was great,sorry 4 not llstenln 2 u but work had 2 be done In the Attic. LuvAJ Tina,Brooke, ~ Cindy-The fashion consultants.Tlna ac her Heiny Bash.Brooke Nl Mama u smell great your tent parties were the best. I Luv u guys Luv AJ Carol-connie Hoe the hell R u? Your the funniest girl allve.AI· gebra w;Mrs G was great. I'm not a pervert just Hungry 4 affec· tlon.Mrs Clean THE RETREAT-why did u give me the gas face was I that good Bow legs-Ha Ha.Y dont u go eat somethln.Can I wear your stussy hat? U know u want me lluv U AJ Sonny-What Up.Cat Woman Meow Hows your remote controlled dog? Do u have any reaJ food In your house.Fioyds truck me, Bobby.lts been fun hanQln out ~ partying wju.Will u please tell me the thing u knew I did and I dont have a clue. DrivIng around In the cold wjthe top down.U ate all my popcorn. I'm glad we became friend Luv AJ MLLYNML Amy W·hldlng the bookS;nalls ~ halr;Prom 5:15 how should I do my hair? The regergltatlrn1·5alvitor;SS ac your midnight fall on Tarheels;The bathtub;me & stephs tollet;SS ~ your back· seat;Cf,me ac wjthe video camem;why read the book.we'll rent the movie;SS,me,u 8c the :560; the Madonna Dress;our tips to the beach;SS & me throwing,stones at your wlndow;me and SS run· ning around UH In towels,then w;o;Deellte:Remember that song,l dont remember how It goes.etc;R u Joshln?;Safety lst;snowboardlng;dlpplng- yum;swlmmlng·telephone booth;my purple halr;The Rose·AHH;It will always be Kelly,Amy.~ stephanie, who needs anything else? I Luv U 4 everything! Amy G·'Tm so confused" arent we all;Cure concert ruled ac so did Dennys. (Remember burping ~ running to the bath· room)Dont 4get the "Smoke".Thanx 4 being a great frlend,u can runaway to my house whenever u want,Stear dear of the guardralls! Peter-"Coolness to the maximum Power''·you'll n~r hear me say it. Our 1st date t2 QB Maii,How romantic. yeah, Chachlks? I'll never under stand u. Millstone Is the place where all the balloons go.Fine Loser; Whitney Houston "I will always Luv U"; you're a big guy!;Mllo;The blsl OJ; memories r 4ever so I hope I will be 2. Our car rides 2 the beach; u only luv me when u cant tell If I'm alive;Many nights In my room {!t my basement ~ yours;l'm not cute;Somettmes I just want to cuddle; Put your hat on backwards. U look so funny standing there wjyour skinny legs, your pigeon toes;! Luv Character roles;The famous ?"So R u married? f·ln bags man;New Hope~ me In the alley way.Oplum·mmm;Whats good 4 the goose Is good 4 the gander.Some Luv 2 llttle.some 2 long,some sell,8t others buy: some do the deed with many tears.& others wjo a slgh:for each man kills the thing he loves,yet each man does not die. I Luv U AJ·I'm glad I have someone cool In homeroom. You're a great guy,dont ever throw away your values-BP's party.Thanx 4 helping me out so many times the Ground Round was a Night 2 Remem· ber,Goodluck. Meghan K·SCOLI Pals 4ever.we will always have a bond b/c of our rods. Try ac get healthy,I know Its hard 4 u.Dont have children I dont want u 2 die. Ketchup slsters;Tresspasslng on St Marks

Playground.(The evil woods) I still hate division! Dr. Bowe Is King. Chris f-1 cant sum up 12 years of our lives in this yearbook.! hope our memories R good enough That u wont 4get them.Nice Hair in the 8th grade; Dont ever change.Debbie Gibson yeah: freddy is God:Cant go into the pool until after 9:.30pm.Ten· nis;Keep shimmying out of those dltches.Dont stick your head in anymore fans. Amy K-Im high as Amy Kyte at I just might ... Yeah.Swimming was a trip,sorry I left u this year.Lunch wouldnt have been the same wjo u. Cont. 2 be the social butter11y that u R. Megan T· u R the funniest girl I know;Lets cont. our Mercer Co. Park runs even after I go 2 college.Remember New Years EveMissing Midnight. Keep practicing making the feet patterns-Zips was a hard one (I Luv your hair) Alan B·Stop calling me TP I am eating;Dinner was great,That was a salad plate. Greg M·We R the Most Artistic! English wont be the same w jo ul SUSAN NeMETH Michael C. D. Czacko·first·So sorry for hurting you, I' ll never be so stuold again. The best times down the shore wfAC and AB. Berry! Berry! Princeton by the fountain-the first an the best! After school-the back pali\ing lot. The Bronco at RS's party·where·s Mike and Sue? LBI.on the beach! Walt someone·s coming! Hang· ing out wfPN-our favorite person-Let's forget about those times! Beauty and the Beast in the backroom. Thanx Michael. Still walt· ing for the Cutting Edge. Woli\ing out at HFC·Yeah right! Law class-Mrs. W always yelling after class-Michael stop,she's look· ing! You loved itt Tell him to cut his hair and take out his earring. I'll never forgive or forget it either.AN,KN-how jealous I was( am)! x-mas party time-A girl's best friend-Did you1>Uy me a puppy? My ears are spali\ling. A VW birthday-still waiting for the real thingjust kidding. Driving around Hamilton listening to the Cure-re· member? DoDo Dol How manr. cars have we hit? Grand Prix, Bronco, Buick, Z28·1 think we h1t all the big ones! I had fun. THE first time. You'll always be #l·AII of them EM,SG,RB, JP,JC,CG.EW· They will never be close to you. I'll love you forever. Please don't forget it. Chief-Later Spader. Amy Fell-Long talks about RB,and JB. I don't like CG. Really Now many times did you - - - - - Oh JB. Countless. Hanging out at Scott Miller's. JW and MK. Yeah girl. Geometry at Pizza Hut. I have no clue. Ff since IS. Best of times. Halloween? Enough said. Quick RR hanging out the window. I love you al· ways. Double date W/JB and RB. Oh those wonderful men In our lives. DE and BB. Senior Prom '92..CS's house·We're there. Driving around the block puffing away? Want one'!? Football games and Ciro's. We're so cool. Water fights wjCC, CD,EM,KR, JM· splashing in puddles outside of KR's house. Those were the days. Pd.4 gym. Me,U, and CS and MH· "Ewl Look at her!" TSC camp and farmer Ted, Whale Watches and campouts. Fighting over CG, HOW GA Yl Bolivia-What a country! Oh yeah, 1 know her. KM·"I can't believe you stepped on me, and AA impersonating Don King. Alaways remember It was the tacos in school. I love you-Susie. Megan Hayman·from the beginning-IS what was it first grade thru schooi·ND·FY·NP·the kid who sits 2 seats behind me in Alge· bra. Him? Isn't he P.P.·Poli\y Nan· gin' out wfJF in lunch, pd.4 remember our table. BN nght next door. Crisco,ctisco! Megan, I love him. Let's write a song! Sopho· more year. Football games, soccer games (JV) hanging out at Ciro's. Freshman year(backtrack) My first party-so gone! MS In the bushes. My garden never looked better. In love wjPS On the phone wfNP and PS·Yeah those were the days. Sure I loved RBhe's so different·! was so stupid. PS's at the MORP. So,so gone, what fun. Sweet sixteen parties. I lost track of all of them. Can't wait till we drivel Junior year. You loved BD·oh that voice, He's hot! VA·there is something about him. In Jove wfRB-again. What can I say·EUROPE·Ail the girls hanging out. German pizza par· tors. That guy speaks English. Saunas,pools. Oetting wasted In Switzerland. Corona wflime. 1,2,.3 shoot! Let's make our own good time. Bus ride to the train. I have to go to the bathroom! Train ride to Paris. Miss Griss In the morning. Blackmail! Walking down Paris streets. Look! The Eiffel Tower. Shut up Maryi-Backtrack·Switzerland. Paddle·boating, up the mountain. Oh no! Mary's afraid of heights. OK! We can't wait to go home! Planes, trains, and Aubomobiles.Junlor Prom. Kul. Oh,l almost forgot about him! Did you have a good time? I really dld·yeah right. Af· ter MH. KW salute the admiral. Down LBI another great day. Sum· mer backtrack-canada-Look ther's George! Boy watching on the golf course. Our one day jogging to get In shape for soccer. Sum· mer junior year·LBI. Walking the streets at 12 am. We should have taken the JT (too embarrassed to write It) We can't get any guys. What losers! Getting stuck In the rain. Walking around the arcade·lt's NP·hidel Cruising in the jeep wjSG. Jean pockets and stassy hats. Parties at CO's and yeah·your house too! Mf W/SM. Does someone want to get on my little brother? We flnally drive. Backtrack-Junior year. Bordentown parties. Yeah·you know. KS and SG. So in love! Kevin, this Is CC, do you know MH?l can't talk. Hang upl Only the best times are coming. LaSalle. U and Me baby. Party. U know it. BF for ~V~R. I love you. (Wooz) Hal Hal Rebecca Rottkamp-rides home from school. Long talks at RJ 's,TJ's,and Ground Round. Europe-Shut up Mary! MH's party? JU-could have had him. Lost chances. Junior girts. JC,KH,all the rest. They wish. Junior year-Miss Grlss.French, Parle vous Francais-Non! Freaky German guys who really speak English. Mrs. Confoy·s class. What troopers. TSC camp, IS cheerleadlng. Suffering wfMiss G. Train rides to Paris. Miss Griss In the mom· in!_J. Paddle-boating on Swiss lakes New Yrs Eve. Stop crying! Fnends forever, Good luck always! Love, Susie Christine Cseh.One word·Lehlgh. She cannot dance. What's that smell? Christine, no more dominos for you. Halloween. Now's that head? Driving stick at Mali\et Fair. Ripping people apart in gym class. Hmmm, look at him· BD.JB,CG,EM. Yeah, I'd take them. AK·Ewl Who is she staring at? Water11ghts wjthe finest in Ewing. Splashing In puddles and getting caught. Don't 4get the best times. Good luck always. Love, Susie Marla Slrak·Nights at Lehigh. Do you want a cappuccino? Long talks and good advice. Halloween: Mrs. Nemeth, It was the tacos. Mrs. Confoy·we survived! Good luck always! Love, Susie Christi Danberry·Big parties. Halloween. Walks in the neighbor· hood looking for KR. New Yrs Eve ·Do you know where my alarm clock is. Dubage queen. Gotta love SM's party. TN·way to go, Din· kleberry, Dutzberry. Good luck always. Love, Susie Mary foster-one word-Europe-best times-Shut up Mary! Ger· man pizza and psycho guys, putting up wjMs. Koschek. We can do anything. Remember TSC camp. Good luck. Love, Susie Sue Ostrowski·Break on thru to the other side! Never forget our best times. Love, Susie Ryan Brennan·Thanx for all the great times. Never 4get the MORP and PS's house after. Junior Prom·Let's not talk about Don't hit yourself In the face high jumping anymore. Do yqu shll want to be a ranger? Good luck In whatever you do. Love, Su· sie Matt Michaud·Thanx for the MORP. I had a great time. Don't forget we had almost every class 2gether soph. year. Good luck always. Love, Susie Meredith Guhi·We had some great times 2gether,and some great talks. Good luck wjeverything. Love, Susie Alyson Callah-lst·How did we meet? Remember tennis w /EM and PS? Your love wjRK and VW? How about Bul? friday nights at TG!Friday's. Man problems, what else? Movies down the base· ment (you know what I'm talking about!) Mali\et Fair wjDavid Sighler. Never 4get our best times. We'll be sure to have so many more. 1love you. Love, Susie

SOPHie NOCENT Vanessa Vaughan: Hey Pookie, We did it! We're tlnally out of here. It's been four long years and having you for a friend made it the best for years. Love You Always, Your Boobie Glenda Jean·Louis:Hi Glendy, It's about time right? Well girl, we're outta here. You 've been one of my best friends and always will be. Stay Sweet. Love Ya,Chlpmunk. Tanya Brown: Ton Ton, we weren't that close this year, but your still my girl. Stay Sweet and keep In touch. Love Sophie Anastasia Nairston:Ney Stasla, We've been through alot this year and I want you to stay string. I know we'll keep In touch so I'll see you later. Love Ya. Chipmunk Tiffany Wingate: Tiff, you 're a crazy, bugged out something, and I'm glad we became friends. Stay Sweet and keep in touch. Love Sophie Shante Grady: Hey girl. what's up? You 're a good friend and a great person. Stay Sweet. Sophie Keesha Robinson: Hey Kee, too bad you have one more year, I don't know what you'll do without me, but I guess we can stay in touch and I know I'm gonna run into your butt, so see ya. Love Sophie Eladra Farrior: Ni Lonnie, it's been fun knowing you. Stay In touch Sweets. Love Sophie Laura Okum: Hey Okum, what's up? You're a crazy friend and I'll miss your sarcastic. See you later Sophie Waymon Newkirk: You still owe me one dollar for homewom BigHead! Eric Lampkin:Are you still mad at me Baby? Kevin Royster: Don't ever ask me for another ride! Will David: That's why you won 't have nobody to beat up on anymore! Parnell Namilton:See you around Big Head! Shonda Scott:Hey Baby Girl. See you later, Have a fun next year. KRISTINE O'Keere Heather-Do you think Kate has forgiven us yet? M.C. Park-howl· ing at the moon at 4am. We never did make it to the beach. Remember lce·flghts, single White Female-get us out of here, and you ask Ang I'm not ding itl Thanks for being a great friend and Good Luck In college. Catherine-Too bad you got caught·lt would 've been great if we pulled It off. But it was still a great weekend·! could never bread Into my house as well as you could. Do you have any African blood In you? Rose-History was fun, yeah right! JM's fourth grade vocabulary and buffalo Jmpresslon=C + 's. Jr. Prom was interesting. I love Beauty and the Beast. Your a great friend-track's been fun these past three years. Tweed·"Ciog Woman" Fellow NNS reject-see you In bartending school. Remember midnight tennis, the two·mlle, and stealing silverware at P.J.'s Pancakes. Getting U2 tickets on the second attempt, It was worth the walt to wallow in Bono sweat. right? MB·Let's do Denny's! ND-congrat on Lehigh. Thanks for all the tides. Suzanne-Retreat was umm fun, right? lam not a morning per· son. Remember throwing Kate In the pool and the cowbell over my head. What happened to your car? Good Luck In college. Denlse·"AII of God's creatures got a place In the choir and the porcupine talks to himself." Remember your "l'leurotlc fits" be· fore your races during your tlrst season? Why didn't you wave when you lapped me? We had such a good time writing history papers and doing vocabulary. K·c Is fun·reallyl Do you still have the silverware from the pancake house? Slow down you move too fast-1'11 miss you! Kelly· you XC studwomanl The track Is our friend. I loved hearIng about hollstlcmedlclne·herbs and rattlesnake powder. You were truly and Inspiration to run with. Did you ever get you ban· danas back? I'm not crazy·its called obsessive compulsive disorder. Your a wonderful person and a great friend·Thanks for the Apricot bars! To my freshman friends· Maureen-running through ice pellets and swamps-we ' d rather do Trenton State, "Corey from Brooklyn"·your lying! and Karen "Celeste-my purple friend "-1'11 miss you guys! Vanessa and "Amazon" Shante- remember, "lm black and I'm proud." Mary- We were the 1st girls to do the 800 breakdown, remem· ber? I'll miss hurdling with you. Nicole- You can't Irish stepdance X-C girls· MC champs-you guys were great. Remember- Holm· del· goose I@#$ and ducks with fur hats. Remember the starting line-walking the dinosaur and "I'm about to". I was the only se· dated one! Good luck next year· I'll miss you all. Coli· Bitter? watch where you aim that javelin! Do you know how to network? I think it's that abrasive personality. JASON OKULICZ Vince· These next five years or so, as long as I have a floor, you always have a place to crash. Just lay off them smokes. Remem· ber: Piece of strudel, numbear two is da heeb. Gater- It would be great If you can go through the rest of your years with a strong character, plenty of cheese, a belief that Aeon flux Is still alive, we are not on Fred's planet, we don't need no education, and most Important a dry mattress. But that's a really big"lf'. Bill· Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk, or what~ver he said. I heard that Celebrities are going to be a collector's item one day. So don't get rid of it. The same applies to Tom, Ed, Phil, and the hundreds of others we know of with this powerful and rare machine. Dugal and Brook- The next time you guys want to go to New Yoffi City to freeze for a half hour on the comer, yell back at a prophet. and get the grand tour of the lobby at the Ramada by six or seven cops, just let me know. I did, however, feel comfort· able with a pocket full of cash. my license, and a jacket on my back when we got home! Tom· I will always be proud to be the producer of your personal license plate. If u go to FDU, come up n c me at RU when u want 2. Always remember our dynasty In period 2 basketball. Phil- Give us back Hoffa! -Just kidding. Ryan s- Did you get that Ry ? (Geometry) That jumper of yours Is lethal. Hey, did I tell you that I saw you at the Greenwood Clr· de the other day? Harry- Call me the next time It rains or snows or something and we'll go and play some golf. Adrian· Let's go and tell Mr. Schafer how many times we've played tennis this winter. Seung· When do you think we will be hearing back from Rut· gers? O'Rahilly· everytlme I go to mass I always think of "all that is seen and obscene" when that prayer comes up, Also, where did Penuckle Jonas come from anyway? Jeff- One thing's for sure, I'll never ask to borrow your book· bag. Domingo- The sounds of typing class will never be forgotten. Religion class was hilarious with the talks of the abuses babies go through before they are born, If you know what I mean. The U.S. Open was awesome. Rose- Good luck In the future! I know that you'll succeed in whatever you do. I appreciate your friendship and sense of humor. Mali\ W· I enjoyed the unusual dialogues we had as we displayed our sick senses of humor in school. I don't know about you, but my back will always be sore- from football, of course. McDonough· She's nuts, I just know it. Nick D· Do you bring any carrots today?

Mali\ J· No Popplcus, not the unknown! Chris Murray· My shins still hurt from those boots of yours! Not that you didn't have a good reason to kick me anyway. Thanks for putting up with me. sweety. Ant I· Keep alive the legacy of vall! JAMES O'NEIL Mike· How ya doln Whopper? Its been a wild 4 years. Lets get rowdy. C.E. Gold- M.O.D. MD 20/20. Sophomore parties, Hey Clndl heres the dog. Ed, dont knock the fan down, Raf tum the Jawnmower off Its 1 am. ~71 Gropp, attack of the killer bees, sooooeeEE, Bah Bah Bah Black Sheep, Teddy and virgil. Hey Poncho wanna watch a heater? The Huyndla, Perv, I wonder how the guy on the lawnmower is feeling? Buckshot must really hurt. The Burgs finest Washlngt Street. Smell these please. KIT Homes. Your Boy. TIP emmlt· You wanna ? Teddy and Tom. Dont forget Terry and Poncho. The Huyndla, No thanks I rather walk. Lets go get Mike At the box on Washington, Mike Sr. wanna go out with us? M.G.D.

ihur':~~·wi~:o~ ~e~e~~~~'!; =~t ~= c~~e~~~V:u~

aaaaal I am being attacked by bees. Give him some water hill never know the difference. r:at chicken parm than dip. Oh know, Ed Is sick. Dice Rules! Got the Caddy. Lets take a ride threw Tren· ton, we will tlnd something to do, ONeill did you smash that win· dow with your head? Nope. The Lawnmower man, I am willing to bet he dldnt finish the lawn that day. Buckshot must really hurt. Throw something at them. ~57 out the window. Ed, should I bring my 9? Should I wet him? Ill let him walk this time. but no more Mr. Nice Guy .. Good luck with sandy and Britt. Your boy Tip Ted- Wish you could of been here for the flnally. 8e back soon enough. C·YA.In a few. Tip fred- You never really beet me In wiffie ball. Got the5.0, Jeans class has been fun. Peace· Tip Bax· Your a crazy? Montgomerey parties were fun. Stay up stairs Tip, theres a ftght down here. Those Marines werent all that. Watch out for the sign. OOOPs, we hit lt.Keep running up field Big Guy! 500()- Tip Billy- Thanks for catching all those flys In right. Keep throwin them INTS.. Tip Round Boy· The A-Team rules. Were on a mlsslon,lf were not starting trouble wer not having fun! Ice Cubes and Ore. Here comes the Predator. Tip

b~~~~rj ~~0::~~.: ~~~~ ~~::~!1ev~~~gea~e~J~~ f~~

Tip Jay- Its been fun. thanks for all the rides. Got a butt, Whres your Zlppo Lets hit LaNoots Or the Tooli?·Tip Wayman-Qulck Draws homeroom was good. Never to early to make fun of Ostrowski, Keep shootin them threes like the im· mortal Lumpkin, then maybe you can hang with me. Carharts are the stupid fat crazy gear. I should have kept your sweatshirt. Love, feace and Nair grease·Tip Ken and Keith· The Tooll, r:nough sald,lll smoke ya bolth·Tip T·Roy- Spending a little time away from famlly,friends.and ene· mies, but we know who will come out on top. Stay healthy and come home to us soon. We all miss you very much. lm outta here like last year my brother- Junior To all the females- You know what time Is, was or will be. Don't do anything I would. Tip To All the Brunswick Bad Boys- 8e good, and If your ever In trouble, don't call me, 1 have enough problems or my own· O'Neill Mom,Dad.John, Trlsh, Kava, Kasey, Jack Jr.· I Love you all very much. Thanx for all your support. I couldn't have made It wjout you. James Michael O'Neil #17 TANYA PA.RRO'ITA Heather Schneider, You spoke a mile a minute but the words always made sense. You did real well for yourself In the past years, and I've always admired the qualities of your personality: I.e .. your sunny disposition. Indeed you are the greatest of pals. And, If math should ever be blah, always recall the famous Ah· BI·She-Naal Lylas, T Jenny Cubberty, Always wnte your essays as though they were for Ms. Gavin, and you can be sure they'll be great. Thanx for all the Christmas cards over the years. The best of luck to you! Love, Tanya Rogello del Prado, You have always been a gentleman, and your thoughts and words have never been less than sincere. Ready for the wortd, we are! Walk with God, my man. Love, Tanya Patty 5alcewicz, You certainly kept things Interesting! Keep focused on the future, because It holds great dividends for you. Just try to be a good girl, okay? Stop laughing. I mean lt. Love, Tanya Jill Bodnar, What a sense of humor, my heavens! Thanx for be· lng my bud In typing. Good luck In the future. Love, Tanya Mali\ Staffa, She called. me the Bad Kld but both of our num· bers almost always added up. If we have any classes together in the years to come, and If I shoould be dumb enough to sit In front of you, DON'T push my seat up, dam ltl Your math bud for· ever, Tanya Janice Tyne, The Tyne's will always be famous. But wtly'd you quit with calculus? No, there ts no good reason - so take It next year, okay? You're a doll, Good luck In the future. Sincerest wishes, Tanya Carty Paver. I had tots of fun speaking with you In homeroom. I like the way you do thJrnls, you know, but I could never allow myself to have that much fun. I simply don't have the money for Itt Good luck, Tanya Anthony lnverso, My throwing buddy, you have good taste In music. But seriously, 1 had to take a good took at your attitude because it always somehow Impressed me. You seem to have It all In order, you know. everything woli\ed out for you. You do well now, ya hear? I have so much faith In you ... Love, Tanya Melissa Famoso, You have always put others ftrsti maybe that's the best way. You always wore a smile: and that ts the best way. May you enjoy all the blessings of this wortd and the next! Best wtshes, Tanya Sussanna Walsh, A philosopher once said, " When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on like helll" But the poetry, the poetry will lift you up as on the wings of an eagle. The path Is open and dear for you. May the wind alWays be at your back and the sun shine radiantly upon your face. Love, Tanya Beth Ryflnskl, the ball is always In your court. You may pass or shoot. It does not matter - you'll most always win. Thank God I'm on your team. Your liiend, Tanya Kory D'Angelo, Times change. Sometimes people do. But I wish you good luck all the same. Tanya Elandra Farrior, Law was relatively fun, wasn't It? Well, you did real well. Good luck In the future, In all that you do. Sincerely, Tanya Laura Okum, So It all has come to Its fruition. I loved your sense of humor and your constant smile. Remember when you used to make Jenny laugh so hard that she'd cry and couldn't breathe? that was the bestl Love, Tanya Jeff Lane, May the waters be calm and free for all our sailors on the sea. 1 don't know why I want to be In the Navy so badly, but when 1 get there, and If you're docked nearby, I'll look you up. Promise! Love. Tanya Anyone I missed, good luck to you. tool Sincerely, Tanya JAIMe PAPA. Kelly Corboy-14 years ago-on that fence.The s s days were cool but NS was even better.Remember all the fun:Tonettes·



those dam fans·when we gonna finish them?Fame.teacher friend battles.Our trip to MAryland· I wanted J.H .. 6th grade bad era·" they're so small we can hardly .. . . " stealing lunches.Halloween party S.H. blue llps.Peeing on the way to the Pizza Plaza going skiing (holding hands) getting stuck on the mountaln.lnitiation at Denise's house.EIIminatlons.A.R.·he never laid a hand on her. so much trouble with hlm(raiding his house.crusaders, phone at T.D. house·")On my floor being E.D. and J.S. your party·D.G. kiss! X·mas caroling we have fun w; out her.Softball, cheering-Power failure-No Way! I hate my life and Tonlanne.Frosh yrM.A.·what's up?Hefty·wimpy.AII the J.C. gath· erings.Neil's party·how many guys?Barry's party(J.C.) Whaling the whale·l got outta class for It and It was worth lt.You came on all my dates:M.C. popeye, lce·skatlng·you watched under the car.Sr. prom·my hair·! hate ltiCheers·love 'n maniage,who? Mar· io.Jr. prom at the lollipop hotei.The Trent.Party at Rennee's house,! was gone·who was that kld?Jibberish. Blue and white party·M.L. in the b-room.New Year's at S.B.'s Rider frat party w; M.R. and S.Z.·he kissed me.My cool parties·M.W. All our sum· mers:W.W.· K.W.MS,and W .blue moon. crying at the bay. your oat-me seaslck.LBI slim on 1st street.Yonk the Wonk· then McKin Greg( he winked at me). the yacht. Rich I Rich and the jeep.You can kfss.(comlng In smashed)You and HT made me what I am. DB and BS on the balcony.Joe hurlln' CM and DD·you told him everything.Me and BS (PDA) fly girls 91.Zig,he was great but I passed it up. under the table drlnklng.blg Zig·"where's JAime?" ·!@#$ my brother.not quite. 91st street. Skippy hitting his truck.Beer waii.Big bagel l@#$.our parties. 1st time·SP,me, and SB.all our trips w; the boys.l love it,l love MO yukin' in the driveway.You and MF·too cute. X·mas eve-a little tlpsy.You and MW·he's so taii.There is so much more. You are bestest friend that I have ever had We have been through everything togeth· er.and you have been one of the most important parts of my life.You helped me become who I am today and I'm gonna die next year w;out you.l have always admired you and I love you more than anything.Never forget all the fun times. Thank you for everything-you are the best and I'm so lucky to have you. I love you.Best Friends Forever. Jaime . Jen Sec-There is so much-ever since 2nd grade.Tonettes.get· tlng together to play.Boo Boo.M.Minelli.TD SmurfS on fhe play· friend battles. Hot stuff Jen.J and J pin· ers.getting our haircut.matching outfits. recitals for your faml· ly.bouncing b-days at MV.gyrn kickover.The closet SH blue lips.Pizza Plaza walks.U and KC's bad era·" they're so small we can hardly ... . " Lindsy, Joey. Robln.gettlng ready for " get togethers". DG BV Wong.DG's house.Halloween party.Your b-day party w; PT.Dana and Llsa.Our skit Veteran's park.Mousetrap. Noname.FF BW SAS cheers.Tonl.power boost.captalns Cyo games.take a look into the future. Bryan,Bryan he's our man ... ED Just a little klss-6-15-90.Aiways.Lost In your eyes. Waiting for a star to fall nlght.Me n DAve-he was dreamlng.Poison.JJ DeV· llle.RG Emaculate Jaime. You will dle.Softbali.MCCC soccer games-have none go away.Ocean Towers. Duffers.our pretend guys.KW MS W LBI,crylng at the bay. Singing in Hebrew. How old are you now?Ghost. Rehab.Biue Moon. Must have been in love.Belng allowed to drive w/ boys.Frl. nights. New Klds.our raids . Denise' s house. lnltlatlons.ellmlnatlons· you were so mean, I never recovered.Leglon b · baii.Danny B .Connle Chung.the Cream Wagon.Now did I do that?Love n marriage Who? Mario.Soccer games.camps.Knock knock . . . NCA.Jeff (straWberry milk). Jason ·LSU our bondlngs-gosslp.friendly's.our s·talks were great. Barry's party·MM and CG under the tree. break· fast at Denny's. You n NP at the morp.KC's house you seeing Joe . . . You 2 are forever.remember I'm the best women!After all this time I can still tell you anything.Thanks for being there and for the friendship.l'm always here for you and I'm really going to miss you(if I don't see ya at Mercer) Remember the good times Bf always.llove you Punky Power.Love always, Jaime Joanne-Thanks for the 4- yrs of cheering,friendshlp,and fun.AI· ways remember: my party frosh yr·JP SGS vs SAS.NCA camps.Jeff(straWberry mllk)Jason·LSU l"riendly's.our bondings and gosslp.our s-talks. winter captains the best.Do Da Do DA.the toilet call malntenence.PM fish for the big game.Neill's party-how many·l can't count that Hlgh.JD slicked·! agree. LBI l'ly girls 91.slim jlm.91st str. 2 yrs.meetlng DB and BS.Joe hurling. life guard races.DD and CM.Cuzin Hayes· dreds.On the beach w; BS (PDA) Gfriends.Your outfit at the Ketch.SM Jr. prom-your cool date.the lollipop hotel. fatal Attrac· tlon.Me and Scotty secret lovers.Sat. night at your house w; GW.You've been a great friend to me through everything and I could ever thank you enough.l'm really gonna miss ya next year,but I'm sure we'll never lose touch.! love you Jo-Love al· ways, Jaime (Pops) Debble·There is so much stuff: Boo BOO.Bkl M wants to eat JAime's braids. Smelly feet.Big foot.Pen Pals-:50 days ... power turned off.Our deli walk. writing w; soda.playlng school.match· lng outftts.5th grade project. my sleepover·flooded tollet,eT on chalr,guns moving. coming swimmers.Jaime·s finale.Pee Wee cheers.your crlmpets.SAS days. l'rosh yr. we never parted.ln the hallway·DW Is hot!You and BM. My obsession w; MA.Remember lan? 61g yellow .. . bright AND Early.the morp,ME and the boat.l kissed him at ;5am. you and CB how things have changed.There·s so much more.l've always admired you,l'm gonna die wjout you next yr.but I'm always here If you need me.Thanks for everything Little Debble·llove you.Frlends l'orev· er·Jalme " cool" Gary·Wf: have been thru so much together.We have so many mernorles:Jr.yr Confoy's class all our notes (you even have your own G-box). "Oh Gentle One". Personal vengences.lce cubes In my hand. You forgot the cross at mass. Waking you all hours of the nk:lht(you loved lt)AII those times you dlssedme·my party· lucky ror you I don't hold grudges.roses for my b-day.Me driving the "Z" ·It wasn't denied. Tonka Toy.Guess what-chicken (I hated lt)St.Joes.the big game.l'atal Attraction. Mind Player.all my problems-from knowing half you learned It all(l think you always knew)My sarcasm" don't take It personal"! don't trust you?·you know I do,AnywayiDinner at Ground Round. 5acriflce.End of the road.playlng pooH always won.The doorbell ringing· It was only MArty.5at.night at JD's house. the tapes you made for me-thanks. I never gave ln.l always got my way-until the end.6est friends I never wanted anything to come bfw that.our month of silence· I'm sorry. You are like a 2nd brother to me.You set me straight rnanr, times and wiped my tears all those nights I kep you up cry· lng·l II never forget that.l made a promise to you(feellngs)-1'11 never go back on that. You built your own space·honest.YOu can always come to me and I love you G·Bear.Never lose touch.friends til the end·forever.Love always, Jaime Missy Cef·lt's been greatiPick It up and move It over.Scott· Stemmertime.SS ftghts.Burger Klng.flrst true love.Soph yr. captains Knock,Knock . . . NCA Jeff(StraWberry Mllk)Trix In your braces.hl.l'm Chucky.Jason. The tollet.OO Da DO Da.our bond· lngs, casadias. gosslplng.our s·talks.St Joes.decoratlng our cars.PM fish smell.drinking w; Wit and Murph.S6's house W/MO " OK dude love Shawn 6eihii"Drlvlng home with MP· "You went wfhlm?" me drylng.V-day at Mlke's.pasta partles.Edward Joseph Hopkins . . . All my life ... we had fun. never forget it ali.Best of luck w; MM.I'm really gonna miss ya.l love Ya babel Love al· ways·Jalme Matt· You're a great guy·take care of Mlssy.Thanks for being a great friend. Best of luck In all you do.Loveya·" Papa 6ear" Helen-My little Jeanle.LBI.Yong the Wonk. Scott McKin. I can't get it.CG on the beach I'll never teii.Dolng my make·up.the yacht.Rkhl Rlch.Lee.91st str.AIIour parties. Bkl bagel I@#$.SE Mr. Mom.The showers. My wrappers.JetskTing at the bay· house.Buttercup.You're perfect(but I'm better) You down w; OMD? Duckles. Cotillion wf BP party at MG

rappln 'You made me what I am today and I love you for lt.Here's to the good times! Love you always, Jaime af k/ a Duckie Chrissy·Thanks for the great tlmes.Never forget:Confoy Jr.yr (we slept lns l de ) Siash and Howard Stern . You down w; OMD?Brooke's party(l'll nevertell)me funelllng.AII those times down the shore·they were the best. Driving down at 5:.30am.Toz's camera.His tlghtles on the beach-how embarrassing!His car stuck in the mud.Jr. prom. lollipop hotei·Sr. prom,asked in a fast food place.91st str.stealin' those signs-what rebels.trip to AC.Wayne.I"DU trip-Staten Island-only Americans in this place. We made a great foursome.Lots of luck and never Jose touch .Frlends forever,! love ya·Jalme Sue·Monopoly·Why don't you play clue?Hermet-our obses· sions.MA and I!.D.SB and the Trent.Crashing my brothers car. Sheltering the homeless.Homeroom reps.Super seniors.Ciep· to.Cotlllion party soph yr..Cheers-we get to keep the bug spray.Sports nlghtjr. year·Ya down w; OMD?Halloween night·the toilet on your porch.How'd tombstones get on my lawn?Your house Is for sale-mine too.Jr. prom at lollipop hotei.BW party at SB MOon the Intercom. Winter trip to LBI MO in the back of KC 's car.Crazy Ted's.91st str.·the best tlmes,Wanna play spit?You·ve always been a great friend.Thanks 4 the fun. Keep in touch and Good Luck.Love you honey.Love always.Jalme(Jim) to serf.·you dissed us on that.Lynch 's class.Thanks for the friendship. I love you babe. Take carer Love ya. Jaime Anthony-My #1 cousin.Remember SAS days.6th grade. you and KC.Polson tape at Wildwood.Remember your fav cousin when your famous.Frosh cotillion KK·studman.Crash any cars late· ly,l'm here If you need me.AI the best. Don't lose touch .I love you · Jalme Rlch·l put up w; you all these drove me crazy but I enjoyed lt.Hey,we went out twice(even lf I dumped you)Remem· ber the SAS days!We've come a long way.Belleve It or not I'm gonna miss ya.We gotta party of luck in every· thlng.C·yal llove ya· Jaime Fanning-Yo dude-who's she digglng?Never forget New Years eve-thanks for driving me to get my boy.lf you need me I'm al· ways here. I love ya Mlkeyl C·ya Jaime " Mama" Joe-Thanks for ali your advlce·it helped me alot.l know I can come to you. Take care of my girt-you 2 deserve all the best. Good luck In everything. Love ya, Jaime Kathy·Hey baby! remember all the good times. BI parties on 91st str.The club I will go sometlme.Lunch table·bite.f lzza day.Cotillion.Queen B·.He walked home?Thanks for being a great friend.Good luck and KIT G.llove ya.Jaime Babs·Best of luck. Remember: the lunch table.Moore and Cam· po's class. " Hey,like my ring?" Thanks for being a great friend. Love ya·Jalme Tina-Remember the good tlmes:SAS vs SGS.My party frosh yr.ff How many times did you change?4 yrs of cheering.NCA·Jeff (straWberry milk). You and JD sisters-Frick and Frack. Thanks for the friendshlp.Best of luck always.Love ya.Jalme Clndi·Never forget the fun tlmes:cheering·NCA camps.Hallow· een In your nelghborhood.Our trip to LBI at SB's house w; DL,MO,and BP.New Years at my house.Smoking. Best of luck in everything. Take ya · Jaime Brooke-Never forget New Years at my house-we were a little happy.HR was great·Super Seniors.Smoking Caprls.Thanks for the friendshlp.Lots oflucki Love ya·Jalme Missy Famoso-Thanks for being a great friend.Remember big bagel I@#$ at LBI.The tacos were great.Senlor retreat.Best of luck always Take care.Love ya, Jaime Tara·You're a great friend.Remember soph yr. MC and his boat.what did I see In hlm?DB and all your men·MM,TE. KIT and good luck.llove you honey.Love always, Jaime Rob-Thanks for the friendship.Remember swimming and the trampoline-your house is awesome.Best of luck·! love ya·Jaime Carla-remember LBI fly girls 9l,Cuz Hayes and the dreds.We had a ball. Eng. class, I hated that class.You and MP are too cute.AII the best.! love yal Love.Jalme Brendan-Let beauty present itself.AII your poetry.#l swim· mer.Never forget me when your famous.Joumalism and Eng. class.You're a great guy and a great friend .I love ya Bren.Best of luck.Love ya.Jalme father D.·thanks for everything.You are the hottest priest I Jen Welsh·Hey Beaver.Remember the fun:SAS and SGS cheers-we were better.91st str.·you and that dam sult.playtng splt.SB P·head.You and JB.the Ketch(poor JC)Chet.Who stole your car-you hldlng.MA's keys.the sleepovers.glrls bonding night at JD's.DB-what do you think you are ·"Perfect" .I'm so glad were friends.Stay in touch and good luck with everything.! love you,beav Love and friendship, Jaime Meredith-Remember frosh yr TG's party-she didn't let us ln.Teaching me to smoke·l'll never leam.LBI 91st str."Who ate my chicken salad?""Pumpklnhead" Cotillion party·Mer,wash the sheets. Thanks for being a good friend and an advice col· umn.You always tell it like It ls·l admire that. I love you.babe·take care of yourself.Love, Jaime Jen Cole·Hey beaverhead never forget the good times.91st str. 2 yrs.Doug, Brlan,and Jeff-you 2 are perfect together.LBI fly girls 91.Mrs Rovlolll. Rklatonl. on the ceillng.Sorry about the Ketch.l love you G.Best offuck. KIT Loveya. Jaime Kristen-() friend, you're the best.Aiways remember sports night jr.yr. at SO's house.LBI-we had a blast.Girls night at Jd's house. Take care of yourself-Love ya babe. Love ya. Jaime Carol-Remember LBI-91st str.No matter what you always made me laugh. Jr. prom·you had the best date. Best ofluck·llove you Connie.Love. Jaime Sunny·l've known you all of my life.You' re a great friend.From dancing school to graduation you've always been there.Remem· ber the good times esp. 91st str.Thanks for everything.! love yal Love always, Jaime Jenn Kelly-Hey G thanks for the memorles.Remember 91st str.Wanna play spit?Our wild party.Our house was so clean. Wayne and Puca Girls night at JD's house.Best of luck w; JR.I know I'll always be your favorite guldo.llove ya babe KIT Love al· ways, Jaime sammy-My little guido·you've got to much style for me.Never forget: our marrtage·l left you broke.our potato baby little franki.My slicked halr.The night at the feast·when it poured.AII our late night talks. Thanks 4 the memories,and the fun.l'm gonna miss ya.lf you Need me I'll always be here.Best of luck See ya in the burg.I love you, dancing guido. Lovealways. Papa Kyle4 yrs of cheering fun.Our stress walks.danclng to the other sides band. You were always my dancing partner.Your sur· prise party,the night before (we ruined It) pasta parties.Sweet 16's,Typlng and computers-those machines always confused us.Smlle special K.Best Of luck.l'm gonna miss ya " happy camper" Love ya.Jaime Nicole-Thanks for the friendshlp.Remember girls night bonding at JD's house(X·mas exchange). The Fizz was great-we gotta go again.rroms and Cotlllions were great w; our 2 cool stud· men.See ya at L61. Love ya babe, Jaime Barry·I remember meeting you when we were at MCHS. You and JS on the Zipper Your wild parties.! was so grossed out.Roe I@#$.LBI summers. Your boat. bike.the Hermit crab In my OJ,Teaching us how know .I'll never forget you • I'm really gonna miss you.Thanks again. I love ya· Papa Darren·My little bro.Meowt Mr. GQ you're always stylin' and profllln'. lfya need ever anything (esp. a ride) you know where to come. I'm gonna miss ya next year.l love you sweetle.Best of luck w; AM.Be good and have fun! Love ya, Jaime Jr. Cheerteaders·KW,DC,CH.JW, JD,KK.AP.thanks for a great yr.Never forget NCA camp.Jason, Dlego.Jake,and Vlcki.Joanne and the toilet call maintennece.PIIIng In JS's car.our lifts.Our X's (who needs them) dancing w; messed up music (every time).ln


the future watch out for those signs (og).Here we go Irish ... (my voice).We had our dlfferences,but came together when It count· ed.l'm gonna miss you aii.Best of luck In everything.! love you guys,Love always. Jaime Mrs. Miller·Thanks 4- everythlng.Sorry all those times we made you crazy.You 're notjust a coach, but a friend.l'm gonna miss ya.Loveya, Jaime To all my G·friends·LBI was the best. We had the best tlmes.Our beer wall. Playing splt.Our clean house.femlnlne wash .group showers .JC and the Ketch. sleepovers.bondlngs .big bagel I@#$.JW bathing sult.all those parties. there is so much more.Never forget the great tlmes.You guys made It worth whlle.l'm gonna miss you aii.AII the best. We'll always be g· friends.! love ya all too much. 1~ BRAT PACK FOREVER.We make a great team. You're the best.llove you always·Jalme CRYSTALF~M6eRTON

Michelle Manners-keep your shoes onllred hot Gobstoppersl" your hair looks great" Stop w; the llpps.Smlle ... Baby of my own ... can't read.l'm glad were friends.G.L.. G.I". To everyone-Thanks for being there for me.A special thanks to B.F. remember Rumbleseats. and NJT w; you In the cold.Ai so KR , my little sis . To anyone I forgot SORRY ! I still love you.BYf:.G.L. w; the rest of your years here. TANIAnRr:z Sandra·Que pasa baby,ahora sl pueden habla de nosotros por escribir en espanol.pero no me lmporta.Yo baby.remember our little parties at Dino's, flzz,the stupid Elvis man.Jr. our days at my aunts w;MIIIIe and Magul.we really enjored those days. No puede habla mucho de los muchachos aqu en NO porque son todos mongos. " Buena suerte" Tina· What's up glri?What's goln on?Hey g·friend remember our days at the basement our little talk In the middle of the night about J + S. It was really great meeting you.l hope we never have to separate or go far I just can't wait for the summer so we can party,hardy,"Yo go girl", Susy·You have been a great friend.we really have had a great time . going out . I hope we stay In touch and still be friends.Thanks for doing me favors. Don't ever forget our study day at your house that all we did was eat . . . Karen D.Patty D,Crystal P.Mary B.Jadzla'"You go girl " What's up? 1 hope 1 didn't miss anyone . . . ya guys have been great friends Don't ever change.Keep In Touch .. . Patty Moran-What's up?You have been a really great friend.! re· ally enjoyed our crazy talk at the stupid conference we went to. Keep in touch glrly .. . Sai·Babe,l'm glad we met and that we got to have a relation· ship,it has been great so " far" .I hope it continues . . . Remember that Sun. we got feft flat by Rob,now we can laugh about it .. that day at Tina's 6-day party.what an awful kissiCaradelata. Nlkki·Baby,what's up? New Years day we got messed up d-. The time at the L·stote we got turned off by the guy.You Go Glrll BROOKE FERONr: Tina Hlner..Cheeze and riceiWhere should I start?Partles at your house or Is It my house?Let me outside. I will never ... HI we ... and you are?Maria·Bust a move. Night runs.guys.I have to go to the b·room."12" or more.Rut·Roh·Rina.trlps to SH·How many?Lock doors-windshield wiper boys. I'm going to SH and I'm

~~~~r~~~~~~~~.:e~~~J. 'f;~.g~~:Ver' a :~~~~

z lts . Daavve . BTM I gotta hole In my sock,I'F~tt.Drlvl ng around .Biock·buster.AAH Doug. Toe Plck.Don ' t tell anyone though .TJ.basement black stuff.W·aah.Goofy·but were fun.What would I do w;out you?Thanks for helping mew; all my problems.and you know I'm always here for you .I might be down·but I'll be there w;you.I just want to say,! love ya to death hun.Thanks for all the great memories and I'm sure many more to come.l'm always here for you sweetheart.l'll be looking for· ward to seeing you next year at Harvard. Or Is It Yale?Love ya al· ways-Brooke Kim Waropay·are you ever gonna tellme?Thanks . Rea l friend. rides to I"B games .Tina ·s· Bears . whlpcream .Don ' t teii.Watch It-You have a big mouth. J·K.We must hang out this summer.As long as you don't rat me out.J·K 1 love ya babe,and call me James Bertan·.:S·17 · 91 . Cotilllon 91 and 92 .Rm . #251.Morp .Don ' t·punch any walls . Jr. prom . late nights.Bam.Do you want to play some pool?movles • We saw ev· eryone out.Gold .. . We had alot of great times together.James Thanks for everything. You made me have the best year and y, of my life-so far. You're a really special guy and I wish you the best of luck In your future.! was happy to be a special part In your life and I hope our friendship will continue through the yrs. There will always be a special place In my heart for you .I 'll never forget you James and please never forget me.I love yal Joanne DiNola·lt's been so long.frosh yr. w; Steinert guys.Do we look alike. Wildwood.Princeton. Geom·tlssue In halr.Camlval. You and your man.Marrled.Careful w; those jugs ofwater.We will go out over the summer,so take a day away from your rnan.and you can drive babes. You're a sweetle.Don't forget to call.llove ya. Jen Welsh·Frosh soccer.Soph guys,HIIton Head.Dorks· Fire.Cold sore. Is It from you?6ri·almost got into a fight w; " our" guys.As a Kyte.Holiday ·JD look alike.Van wf guys we don't know.Kick out of Hyatt.Myrtle Beach-club- Mother fletchers.Life guard.Guys-messed up.Orlando·l"t. Laud .Germans, running Count beeps Thunder storms· l ' m outta here.Surfers.So cooi.Wanna go to a party-sorry.We should have gone.Biue and white party.(soph )Where's Scott? Dogged.No Jen·l didn't want to forget the crunchy dills or little Josll-:1 think I'll quit while I'm ahead b/c we both know we had our downfalls,but we had so much fun In the past and hopefully the future. Never forget our great memories.KIT I love youl AI Rhodes-Don't touch my halr!Sorry for busting on you,but you know I'm only klddlng.Never forget Tlna's.No food.Mulyor cube soup.Chlcken and rice.There's a UFO let's follow lt·to Mill· stone.Of course CS had to wash the windshleld.Oh yeah,do you need a ride home?Thanks for those. Don' t forget to KIT over the summer b/c you can't call me for homewo~.Love yal Cindl santo-Tina·s.Drlve to L81.Brass Monkey.We're wanted.l will never .. . I just want to try . . . I need ... How much have we gone through together?r:very Juv D thing posslble.Not every· thlng.1·17-93.Westchester.Chris and Guy Pyne.l mean Jacoby.Succatash-celery.lf that's his car I'm leavlng.6ears.Rt. lane ends.SH after TO.Who·s winnlng·l have 12,you 10.School cooled us down.ln some ways.Do you have anything Joseph?Bagal Street of course.SHOf:SIRur Rur Cllck.KY and Of at 7·11. Pedld· dlell saw It ftrst.Don't go out w; anyone who drives to close to the wheei.Hole In my sock·l"l"ltll thought you quit? It's Brookes.No ~rob. Cheeze on my car at the 7·11. Ray A. I think that's his

m~~:g~e:!etha~ricesta~~~B B~~i\~~~ ~~7~e~

ers.Don't bum your halr.Put It down . .. . u squeeze me-Baking Powder.Doug can read.There's so much more, out I'll stop.l'm glad we became best of friends.And I know we'll stay this way.We'll have the best summer.Of course we won't miss ea· chother bfc we're going to the same school.l love ya Cln.No kisses. Jen Cole·Devii,Devii,Devii.Study for exams much?NahiLet's go to the shore.BTM on the Premesls.MIIlstone-Shore· Millstone· Shore. Tennessee. " Tum Left" Who's house Is that?CN.Not again Jen.Did we go the shore?Oh walt·will evilness prevall.Hazards· Just don't touch the wheei.Book.l never kicked you out • my car.SW almost killed us on Rt 206 after Tent party 92. Boom I got

your boyfriend . . . Never!Are those some Catholic School things· necklace.Jen-we had great or should I say crazy times together. I hope we can become closer again in the future bfc I miss that. We always seemed to have that best of times togeth· er,Aiways KIT.No matter where you are. I love ya BTM·Brooke Babs·Everybody must get . . . I love that song.Do I have the best of parties?2 dgs at once-so cooi.PopiBK kids club.l B BABS.Tina·s room wf TH. MZ,CS.BustediJP car's yours.1·17·9.J.bad Juck,but good luck . Aah Babs. Babs smabbs.Not the Celica.Ride a bike much to get clgs at 2am.$3.50 milkshake·OD.Oh yea that's no problem now.WeiH'm glad we became such good friends.You always make me laugh Boo . . Babs.Cheeze and crackers?HPN·Tent Party! Missy Famoso·Shore wfCS.MV,Bum.MV dance.What's the # Emerg.Breakthrough. Hubal sent me.Daavve.No it's Rus· seii.Who?Russell. Westchester. Pyne ... I mean Jacoby.Boxers backwards. Yellow car ... I'm leaving.He's a goof,he puts on his hazards.It's probably his mom's car.lce. Succatash-celery.Bears. My house wf CS,MZ.BB·pop.l have a lOam interview.Don't think I won·t make you walk home Mike.PopiDo we have to pay~Yes.No tips.BS. Don't use to many of those Iotter tockets up Mis.l mean Daavve.Don't blow smoke in my face.Do you want to goto Can· cun?Late night swimming on beach in l..BI. " Where's my shorts?" John from MH.Many nights at Tina·s.RK. Shh.WE'II have many more memories to go. and they will be a laugh.l'm glad we've remained friends·= I guess.Just kidding. I love ya and I'm sure we'll be roomates in college. Barry Schenck·Tina·s.Mulyon cube soup.Chicken and rice.Do you have to build a room?ls Mike V. Having a party tomor· row?What do you think I got A·--·?RIDER·nostrils.You're a fun one to party wf even if it's 4 people.Physics.Confoy,KIT over the sum· mer and protect yourself. Love yal John Floyd-Hello John.Hello Brooke.We've had our times good·bad.l'm really glad we've become such good friends. Never forget lunch and Campo. we really wanted to fight. Yeah right.Now we do.Don't forget to stop In Macy·s to say "til" over the summer.l'll do the same to you-only if the scarf guys not there.Thanks for showing you cared on 1·17·93, See John·l re· member it to the day.One story.Jonathani.My name is not Jonathan.Don't be depressed.that's when we flght.And every other mood.J·K.I love ya John. No more ftghts.We'll have a nice.calm.fulfilled summer. Call me Scott Williams-Hanging out at your house.! need cream cheese.Someone get me cream cheese.Where should we say we're going, WAWA or 7·11 ?We're going to get a movie.Ski Patrol, It's the best movie man.Sorry I fell asleep.Toys-1 feel asleep.Did you ... Thats so rude.lunch table. Thanks for the great times.Be good .love yal Sue Ostrowski·Mr P homeroom.TP·he's a winner.AII your men.Hiding from Jen C and JW at AR. let's go to the b-room. The kid wf the mole. Running through the swamp to JC's."Sue I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut up"You know we have to do that more often,except the swamp part.Do I look like a walking corpse?Tent party 1 and 2 for you.My basement. Shh.We will party this summer bfc you have to admit,we have the most fun You best call me this summer so we can remlnlse on past experi· ences.l..ove ya babes! Carol J Scanlon·Well it's been a long way for candy and suzy. They're growing up to be big girls now.Oarbonzas.AII me!Never forget my special move at Powder Puff. You were down.gym class was great· dragging you around.Confoy.Bathroom.Clue· less.You 're a crazy one.Maybe one day you'll have your own Dolly and Mandy.KIT.Love yal Joanne Cipullo·MO is dead.Accounting·we're moved.SB and chick-don't go. That voice.Never forget our talks. We have to go out-and you know where! Call me and we'll kill MO.Love ya hun I Kristie Mattozzi·l..unch Mr A ' s class.Gym.Steinert party ··· OM· walk to BK.ride wl your sister to party·shirt.pic· tures,AAH 2 big truck. Follow WO.etc around town. That's messed up.That was the most exciting night ever. We've been friends a while.lgnore those who lie to you.That's not me.Make sure you call me this summer.llove ya and I'll miss yal Kristen Branham·AII I have to say is BTM on the Premises.Me. you, JC "The Originals". We had great times. Hopefully more In the future. Love ya BTM. MIKf:. Plf:.TRAS Tip-Baseball wf Gat,Gropp Ave, your parties,Poncho and a heater.Ed tore down the fan,underwear on the fan,the big fight! The ultimate mission.sheet rock on the car, Teddy and Virgii.Boz on Cindi's leg,My clothes in Boz's mouthi,Trish and Randy play· ing cards til sunrise. the attack of the killer bees on my face,the poor guy Ted shot on the tractor,He still hasn't gotten up.Sun,Sunday,Sunday Schooi,Sunday Driver,Sonny Bono,etc,Dis Is sots boo!@ #$!,homeroom together!, get rippedl,M Genuine D,Mad D, Chasers, Throw the candy bar at the guy on the bike. Your I@#.,Oym wiArcher,Ted shot Virgil in the ankle. Good luck wf baseball, Your boy,Mike Emmet-Hit a dog wf the car,tear down the fan,get ripped,your !@!,partying WI my dad,Tip's parties,the big light Princeton camp.singing in a certain someone's voice,duck walk for $250 get oni,M Genuine D.Mad D.,Dip and chicken parm,Tell Tip and Raf to tum the lawn mower off it's 12:00,cotton mouth,Ted shot Virgii.Pervert the loser!, Tom the ultimate at Beihl's,the ultimate mission.Oet the wlndmlll,the sea horse bird bath-it weighed 500 lbs.. Booi@#$,and Buz when my Mom went out, bring on the VJ.Hewwy,chew at Frank· lin Park. you broke your grill, Have fun at cooking school. IRLI'm PLISHCHUK Kyle Pultorak·Remember fr yr. when we met we had every class together·! had had Span.Pd.2 Mr. Levin's dass· awesome.Mr Rhy:Poems.hist. Mr R.Math(A20.J).rei·Bible b· baii.Surprise b-day.RTDWJ.KHACO(JPSJ) IHACOJ School par· ties:AII the little talks we had.Volleyball W/ Trevin, When Bri asked you out.HR for 2 years·Yoggie Bear.Stolen Jacket.Gettlng our licenses· Yeah!St Gregs Cam.Powder Puff-were #1.Jr. ring·Sieepwalker.the prom.After the prom, "Oh no,someones out there in the bushes" ·be quiet were trying to sleep.IHOP.WW 92· sandbars:"don't get me wet","l was so dry".Fun house-Mrs R & MrS Mitz NY's party. "let's cut some con· fetti." Retreat 93·will we ever go?IIWell sweetie we've been through a lot these 4 yrs.rm going to miss it but we have the memories which will last forever!Thanks for always being there for me. Love you to pieces Y/F /F lrenie Michelle Kopen·Remember Rei. class, potato bables·war.AII the parties.IHOP.St Gregs Cam.WW 92.Ny's party·B wedding. LP's movie. Accounting World Lit.· Midget Michelle. Love ya.Mitz. Irene MaryEiizabeth Banfield·hey girl you want to flght?tlckle,tlcklel HA HA!cookie crust-"'give me some".Giad we became buds.Your one in a million. Never change.Love ya·lrene Ruby Santos·Hey HuniThanks for putting up wf me.Don't forget Rei and World Lit·"Ruby Red".Mercer St. Jadzia·HI Hun!How R the Fries?Never forget the fun times In Junch.Thanks for being there for me. Love ya.lrene Karen Popowski·Move your buttJLoved having HR wf ya for 4 yrs. Fresh·thumbsiRemember Mr. who came to visit your lock· er. "My lockers stuck"· "Move your foot" .Having a locker next to you was fun INever forget that,lrene Carty Paver-Hi Hun !I'm glad we've been friends from day 1.HR 4 yrs.fresh thumbs!Love ya,Jrene Adam Bucon·Hi!Chem was awesome.HA HAIHistory-80 min.your a really great friend.Never change. Irene Melony Furda·Hey Hun!Gosh these 4 yrs went fast. I'm glad that we·ve been friends for 12 yrs.OYM·LUNCH.Love ya.lrene

Michelle Manners-Hey Hun!Remember First Aid-gym.l'm glad we've been friends for 12 yrs.Never forget the good tlmes.Love ya.lrene. JIM PRIMf:.RANO Sunny Sparano·Sunny,my little giri.Dis't about 5x,stllllove you thou. Do you have something to tell me?"He said I was different"Not different·uniquei.Junior Prom night-finally togeth· er.Obsessive psycho-manlacll!ll'll bring you some cookies .. .. P.W. waiting in the car. I know It was cool whip,but was it butter or margerine?RRI-OH WHAT A NIOHTIGrandma washing clothes at .Jam. Bathrooms. Just kidding.Ryan will kill you."The Search is Over","When I'm With You".My "Jectures".Oood luck in col· lege,you'll do tine. Plus I'll be right around the comer. Thanks for the memories and your friendship.! can't imagine life without you Ill love you ·Jimmy John Clmino·John·my brother·. "I think we can make it"·we could of.LBI 92·"She's on my ·-·I"Let's get some R&B boyiThis is It Cimino,rm dying. I'm gonna start throwing sofas, lamps,and microwaves. smoke detector In Virginia. "Nice bike-Where you put the batteries?" Let's get baii.Looking for a prosperous 93 sum· mer. Good luck next year bucky ·Jimmy P Nell Potter· Nell-I have such luck at your house. "I think we can make It" ·we could of.4x4 up to the ridge. Kill 'n them in the back seat. Do you have a pair of pants In your car?Texas Tara·POWII'm gonna start throwing sofas,lamps.and mlcrowaves.Good luck in college ·Jimmy P Chris Goodrich.Chris,"Be my friend for Once,take me to 91st st. "Taking care of me all summer·thanksl"lt was the most amaz· ing hook" CK lacking indlviduallty·wash my car. Good luck in col· lege ·Jimmy P AI Rhoades·AI,working out summer 92.Starting summer of 92 off right-a week straight. Sony about the towel rack. You're an All· American football player·"Oood luck In college· Jimmy P Ryan Brennen·Ryan·Antlone.How ever you spell lt.Let's get a ball. Talking jlve.Let's get some KFC!What up!Crazy afro.Don't forget all the wars. Chronic complaining "Come on McLaughlin, Good luck in college bucky"·Jimmy P Rebecca Rottl\amp-Bec· "Shut up!" ·heard that enough.Sum· mer 92.The check at Jessle'sl"Pippln" Cotillion 92.1'm glad we got to know each other a little bit better.Oood luck at school year·Love Jimmy Amy Beii·Amy·"Eddie" problems w1 Jon-He's an idiot.Thanks for all the great advice & friendship. Good luck next year & stay in touch.Love, P Pedro Santiago·Pete·Penn Relays 92-on a collision course.Rac· ing In the hallways·wipeout!Good luck In school & In run· ning.Don't lose your heart· it's big & important.Peace.P LYNDA PRZYBOROWSKJ Aua._qhh . . . Help me guys-It's the V-day dance wf Frankl RU· BBB TOrever!Sharon years-climbing walls, "Impressions" ,LBI mems-duck he's got a gunl,paddle ball mania,way to attract those 14 yr olds.Don't forget the minlsteriProm night . ... Kari."The Red Punchbuggy",Oo thunderiDon't hit the curbiOym· nastlcs·tumors,appendlx, scotter races.EI Tenisl"Culdesac and Violated" Pit bull attacksiBiueberry and peach are the best!Anat· omyi"V", locker room hangout.Myrtle Life guardsll'm such a great driver . . . Adventure! l..BI In July . . . coming soon!Love ya,Boilin' Kl..-7·11 slurpees,"Burlar in the f'louse",mass w; Mr.Kelly,dress up night·the garbage bag!Massassolt Soccer Team·AnesseeiMyrtle Beach-the purple gator. Michigan man.the elevator accidentl4 hr. river ride.Frosh year-the domino ef· fect,the windowless door·UOH!I'm thislexicll..ove ya, Lyn Skippy-door opens ... . Screechll'm really a good driver,real· lyll love you,you know you're the oneiGood luck Skip! Lyn Korky·Hey frizzhead,you little munchkiniDon't start w1 mel Miss ya, Lynnie Katie-Hey chlck·you madwomaniYou've been a greatfriend!Re· member the garbage can scare! Love ya,Lyn MM·You studly Ood,youiThanks for the broom closet mems, "Yeah right"! Miss ya, Lyn AB·It's been fun especially wf the turkey woman!OITDC Miss ya, Lynda KM·What an honor it has been!You wild and crazy gai·Your're the bestiBye.Lynda Pam-Hog up all the spacellt's been fun for 4 yrs!Bye. Lynda Lulu loves BooBoolforever yours DopeyJJJ.SS,EW. TB,KS,SC, CF,JW·and all my friends-Love you guysiOood bye and good luck! PAMf:.LA PUKALA To: All of my friends in no particular o <ler. Well,guys and gals here we are all ready for graduation . . . FINALLYIIShall we start to remlnlsce?Well here goes! May Ann-Remember all of those great talks in Eng?Where do the fish and ducks go when the pond freezes?! hope your system never fails,although I think It's Just a bit too neat. What do you keep In that blue bag?l'm sure ifI ask you'll have it. I didn't really get to know you until later at ND. Remember Powder Pulf?l can't drive . . . it's just too coldiThat last part didn't really fit.Oh Well. I'm glad I got to know you.Oeez.this sounds like a kiss. Well it better not beiKIT over the rest of our llves.that shed sounds better all the time. Keep the air mattress handylf7iends forever! Popie Koustous·Hey Popie KoustousiRemember those 3 yrs of math?What exactly Is a function?You're locker Is still a mess or I guess disorganized chaos. I hope when It gets cold your car will startiDon't forget your main man,hey maybe you'll get mar· ried,HA HA HA!IThe beach was greatiHey maybe I'll get a tattoo over here! My what big pizza you buyiOh that dog is just too.too funnyiHow do you get to Pennington Market from here?Well here comes the big klss.rve really enjoyed knowing you these past yrs.Promise to KIT and still be friends! carol Ann:When did that name catch on?Well history buff it's been fun these past yrsiRemember Eng. frosh yr.Why not move my seat?OohiOohl Call on me puhleaseiWell short stuff so much has happened In these past 4 yrs it's hard to remember.Hey what about Lunch and dinner,Raul, and Florida,OH and George!Stay away from those roller coasters especially the Sea Serpent!Never forget all of those great times and KIT Janlce·Hey there he goesiDid ya see him?He was a perfect specimen of a pu!J>Ie elephant.Maybe you didn't recognize him,he had stress rash.Sure it works for me If It works for you.Janlce,I Just don't understand. HEL.P!Ithe video was fun maybe we should be travel agents.NOTIThat pocketbook of yours . . . hey I think It's someone elses Typing was Interest· lng,what's the red button do?Promlse to stay in touch over.well the rest of our lives.See yall Jen C·Hey giriiWow is It over already?l don't know whether or not to be happy? I'll miss ya.Hope all goes well w; S and col· lege.Softball was fun while It lasted.So many great memories so little time.And so little space to write them. Don't forget me over the yrs. or my fantastic stubbomessiAII of our classes together were more than fabulous! KIT Karen-Homeroom Buds ruleiOh god we're going to die. Keep those rollercoasters AWAYIDon't forget all those great times at Wildwood and all those trips on the log flumeJGulp, Oulp,OulpJHey darlln' remember that trip to May Ann's?Don't for· get the raft at my pool.l still have pictures. KIT over the years see ya over the summer! Jen E-Last but not Jeasti.Just what are you going to do wf out my jokes everyday?Hey I wonder If we ever got the joke book done?Fiorida was great!HA HAll guess we've known each other the longest through thick and thln.Remember acting and Eng. and wlldwood?Who could forget?remember all of my stub· bomess and all of those funny lunches. KIT over the years sorry so short. Meditation rules!

To all of my friends who I didn't write to dlrectly·Sorry,but I kind of did this last mlnute.Don't forget any of the dances we shared,Oghts we've had,or compromising situations we've shared.AII of the kicks on the desk. note passing, trips,conversa· tions.and parties we've had and been to are all precious moments never to be forgotten.! hope we can all keep In touch somehow.There are so many memories that one remembers,but hardly enouW1 time or room to recreate them.l'll miss you aii.Y fF Pam Good luck next year to all my ND friends. To Mom,Dad.~ Joey-The best friends a kid could ever have. Thank you for supporting me In every hair brained thing I chose & will choose to do. Memories last a llfetlme,so never for· get these past 17 (almost 18) years! And look forward to a bright and happy futureiLove always, your future PhD. daughter and sis· ter.Pamel Terese. KYLE PULTORAK Michelle A.·Shamu,spelllng bee at McCorrlstin,We lost.we lost,cheerleading competitions. Miss Yell. Bug eyes, I'm so Plsar,all our classes together,BBB card,PENNY'S,Girlfriend, fla· mlngos,Da Bulls,Michael Jordan,The wizard of OZ.the best tin· man,smlley face rlngs,Spanish class Soph. yr,football games. Michael, Bryan.dances, my sweet 16 party, cotll· llons,proms, lunch tablejr.yr., Halloween dance,4 of the 10 people there. WlldWOQdjr. yr.. Hanglng out In the chapei,Homecom· ing.all the great times which will nver be forgottenlthe soup kitchen was a blastlllove you and I'll miss you. Your friend forev· er,Kyle Mary B.·Hey glrlfriendllt's to early to see you,wanna go?l love ya babe. our lunch table.Jaz Mellodge,doll face,who wants to go to the machines?O.~. you do that,hey huni,OIRL.SI,Was upl don't miss me,don't cry now, ya gosta pack of gum?l owe you packs of it.J need some chocolate,BROWNIES,bake sale.go to 7·1l,mlss you. Love ya babe.Kyle Dan D.,Hey buddy,don't ever forget ENG,Gym..and comput· ers,nice triangle socks, thanks you so very much for being there.thanks for being the one to pin my flower on at homecom·'re the man,thank you especially for the dance,lt really meant alot to me,you're a great guy,don't ever change,l'll miss you,KIT.Love, Kyle Jane D.,How do you say your last name?"Janle" ,don't ever for· get Halloween at your house/ WI FC,typlng class w1 l"erd,when you made up fred and Jane about the Morp w; KC,How can we forget?He's In his cari(KR) lunch table.get togeth· ers,dances, parties,all the good times we've shared I will always remember. I love yal Love, Kyle Melony F.-cuzlour classes together,lunch table,! hate that ·-!she's mine, know the ones I meanl,glad we got to go through HS's been great,don't lose touch.see you at a famfly functlon,if you don't dis me (HA HAl) just kiddin' Love ya,Kyle (CUZ) Tina G. - Cheering,danclng,my only big butt slster,Doln the Butt.we got a Big old buttl.don't forget all our talks In gym,the treadmill workoutsl,we've had some great tlmes,Oood luck to yaiLove Kyle Shante G.-Dancing buddies always,"Show stoppers", reclt· als,dance classes,! mlss theml,glad we're still friends.Oood luck in all you dol Keep danclng.Love,Kyle Anthony I.·Ant,many good times,my sweet 16 party.Hows your head?thanks for being such a good friend to me always,don't ever change,good luck w1 all you dol,l'll miss you IKIT Love, Kyle Mark J.·are you having a barrel of monkeys?! hope you have a wonderful dining experlencel,iunch pd 5,you·ve got the best sense of humor,glad we became friends, you're a great guy.good luck. Love, Kyle Rob !...·My 5'3" buddy,your trampoline-your Ice-skating rink,playing pool.all our lasses together,partles, cotll· lions.proms, Morp,lunch pd 5,we'll always be the same height.FfF,KIT,I'II miss you lots. Love Kyle. Reynold M.·Ren,where do I begln?,Physlcal sclence.SD"",Ar· cherl,you are deflnltely a riot,lunch pd 5,you always busting on me, you'd never let me forget that I still think you're sick, I've said it once and I'll say It again you're so BAD(and that's putting It nicely) but I've goota love ya you take care, I'll miss yal.belleve it or not. HA HAl. Love, Kyle Harry M.·Hey ffar,l'll miss those good old folk songs.they truly were the best,keep saving whales, recycle NN etc.,Nk;k D get together, take care.Love, Kyle Chris V·Are you Oreek?History W/ McGraw,you'fe got to be Greek.glad we became friends,you're a really great guy.l'll miss you! ... Love,Kyie Jen W.,GirlfriendiiOur Walden was the best,l'm gonna swing now,l'm swlngln', r:ng. was crazy,mlss yaiLove, Kyle Jon F.,GR.ANTI,Geometry wf Sklppy,your little Skippy jin· gle,Skippy,Skippy, you're the one,you make geometry lotsa fun.glad we became friends, I'll miss yal Be good.NOTILove, Kyle Jimmy P.·Spanlsh frosh year,"Best Smlle",Homecomlng that great car ride,let's go againii,Ciydesdale,Homeroom Soph. and Jr. yr,my sweet 16 party, WBMW,Good luck In all you do,don't for· get to KIT,Flf.Love,Kyle Jadzla M.·Jadz Mellodge,Anthro.hlstory,l falledLI know I falledl.our lunch table your guy problems, can I have a fry?,Are they any good today?,can I borrow your notes?,go to 7·111,1'11 miss you! Love Kyle early P.·Hey,Girlfriend,your Bry.Get togethers,Home· room, lunch table Jr. yr•.Jr. prom,our lunch boxes,thanks for be· ing there, I'll miss you,call me for the weddlng,take care,l'll miss you.KIT,I"/F.Loveya, Kyle Leron R.···cutestutr',Le-Ron,lunch, Psych class,playing w1 my hair,slnglng on my karaoke at stephle's,ripplng up the dance floor,all those beautiful poems thanks for always,alwways being there. boy I'll miss youiKIT.Love.Kyle (cutestuff) Maura S.·Band frosh camp,NKOTB.Jordan K.,babysit· ting, Winnie the Pooh Is gonna get you.chlldren of the com, Pooh Posse,lunch,dances, guy problems, September fest,your silly songs,Mallbu Ken,wrtting notes,Span. frosh yr.. my snow stonn party,doin the Conga,our snowman.we've got so much to look back on It's been great,l'll miss you,KIT.Good Luck.Love Kyzer Jenna W.·taking the bus,and bus stops,slldlng on Ice the whole dam way there giggling constantly, love your sense ofhumor,our friendship charms, my sweet 16 party,the christmas orna· ment,laughlng at things that weren't evq1 funny, Johnny Dep,wrlting notes..all our classes together,my b-days,your bdays,my Koo-Koo blrd,whlch I treasure,gettlng our llcehse,lunch all our jokes,you are a very special friend,l'll never forget you Jen.thanks for always being so great,you're the besti.Klf,l"/ F.Love Kyle , Ed T.-rriends since 1st grade,all the good tlmes,l'll never for· get onel,from grammar school Ull now we've been through alot.dances games,parties.classes together,lunch,the marshmal· low war was the best,belng married In religion, who got the better grade?,lf It Isn't Jove, saying sorry doesn't make It stuffed anlmals.wrltlng notes.the Boston Red Sox hat you gave me, there's tons to wrtte,so many great memories w1such a great person,helplng you DJ etc.,l'll never forget all the memorles.l'll never forget youiKIT. F/f love. Kyle AI R.·Aibert,friends for 12 yrs,we've shared so much,don't ever forget all the great tlmes,grammar school.all our classes,do you havea pen or pencil?. dances,cotllllon soph.yr.. Fiyer's open house,they are #1,all my Valentines, writing notes,lunch, giving you rides to schooi,Why do we leave so early?.BB games,esp. soccer games,we are the champions,dOn't forget who lives around the comeriGood luck #14,don't forget them wabblts and stop killing squales, how about our friend Barry .Bumble Beel.l'll miss joking's been great.KIT,I"/F.Love.Kyle Todd C.·seeing King Ralph,me,you.JC, + BV, the only 4 in


the theatre,! fell asleep,JERM truck,you and BV setvlng me and JC pizza,get togethers at Steph 's.lunch,classes together,your going to be famous somedayldon't ever give up,remember the good Umes,glad we became friends.C·ya!Love,Kyle Jen C.·Singing w; hairbrushes,! touch myself,Jerm truck,get· ting ready for our night w; BV and TC,I don't know if I like him?,Geometry Soph. yr..singing, wtitlng notes,Skippy, C·ya. Love, Kyle Nikki P.·Watching movies,Greece,Pretty In Pink.taplng post modem songs, dances, partles,Chrissy G party,when I danced wfJP,my snow storm party,the conga line,Less than O.St. Elmo's Fire,sleepover at Maddle's,"ln your eyes", the promlse,we couldn 't think of the name of that song,True Falth,the Morp, Homeroom, my sweet 16 party,hanging out at your house.all our talks, I'll never forget the good tlmesl.miss ya,KIT,FfF.Love, Kyle Michael M.·frosh yr. orientation,Button Down Cafe,taking the bus,bus stops, NKOTE concerts,trump Plaza,they forgot Rlkki's chocolate mousse, getting rained out twlce,all our favorite songs.watchlng 90210,Twin Peaks, painting your closet door,our Halloween party frosh yr.,your get togethers, parties,rldes to school.getting our license,our X·mas omament.B-days, holi· days,my sweet 16 party,the best b-day and party ever.thanks for all you did for that.proms cotilllons,dances, smiley faces,eating doritos and pita bread,swimmlng in your poot.those X·mas lights you were so proud of,settlng your front lawn on fire,Michael didn't start the fire,Miatas and cabriolets, me,you,and Jenna hanging out, we had lots of laughs, we've shared so much,we'll be friends forever,thanks for everything.don't forget -all the great times,FfF,KIT.Love, Kyle Nicholas N.·Nicolai,typlcal ltalian,love them nylons,classes together,lunches Homeroom,going out w; MK and FP,dolng home· work at your house w; Mitz,your B-day party,playing guns,cotil· lion,racing to Joy's, Who won anyway?,playlng pool, "chalk me" ,get togethers,parties,Heavenly Hash ice·cream,shnook· ie.the roses you gave to MK,me,and Mom Kopen,sticklng to· gether through tough times,danclng, joking,playing hop· scotch,after breakfast at the crystal dinner on exam day.l hate you so much I love you,hanging out In the chapel.glad we be· came such good friends, I ' ll C·ya.Thanks for being so great,KIT,F/F Love, Kylac Allison K.-get togethers,b-day parties,my Bry,your Bri,the soup kitchen, having talks,glad we've become such good friends,we've had alot of great times together,l'll never forget all the fun we have had, Thanks for being there.F/F KIT Love yal· Kyle Irene P.-lrenie,first day of school as frosh,every class togeth"' er,all our classes, wtitlng notes,guy talks,get togethers,par· ties, my sweet 16 party, dances,Jr. prom,smlley faces,F/F and al· ways,lunch,Homeroom, Homecoming. walking to class,thanks for being such a special friend to me, I will never forget you and all you 've done.we have been through so much,l don't know what I'd do w;out you,my first friend at's been great.I'II never forget all the fun we've had and all the good times we've shared. I love youi,Keep smiling!FJf.Love, Kyle Stephie S.·my one half,B/FJF,tf I could tum back time,get to· gethers,playing pool. the Little Mermald,Beauty and the Beast.and of course Aladdin, A Whole New World,slnglng on my karaoke(WBMW),B/F charms.WIIdwood,St Gregs cam. my sweet 16 party,b-days,hanglng out, the ouija board,good old OBO,wtit· ing notes, In His K.lss,90210,BLOSSOM,our girlfriend Six rules, the Heights,Natalio, she's pretty,The Bodyguard,A League of their Own,Days of Our Llves,your man Shawn Douglass,Another World,playing hopscotch after breakfast at the Crystal Diner on exam day,seeln 546 there,wrltlng poems,proms, cotll· Jions,dances, Halloween dance,3 Muskateers,The Wizard of Oz,racing home from the cotillion, JS house,smlley faces,September fest,guy problems{God knows the res been enough),Homecomlng.going to BB games,the stress talks,Dr. Judy from love phones,cruising.stopplng at Me Donald's,meetlng for pizza,gettlng our license New Year's Eve,My Giri,IHOP, chocolate mllkshakes,Parkway Plzza,BjF charms, Joy's house after the cotillion,plng pong.Nicolal's b-day party,That's What Friends are For,Shoulder to Cry On.Can I just tell Your . . . . , our lunch

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can't tell you how lucky I am to have you as a friend,! love you w;an my heart,we·ve shared so much these past years,and I will cherish all the memories forever,llove you Stephle,keep smiling. Love, Ky Suzie S.·Hey girlfriendlgot to the 7·11 Love, Kyle Wills-Religion was the greatest.glad we became friends,you're a great guy, make sure you keep in touch,l'll miss youiLove, Kyle Mltzi·Best Friends forever,! love you w; all my heart cruis· ing,ride by's, Pooh Posse,watchlng movies,playlng pool at Bil· llards and Stephle's,chalk me, all the songs,esp. WBMW.OMT,ST· BfL, Do Me,Push It, Express Yourself,Wind of ChangeALBI 91),Lean on Me.Stand by Me,Shoulder to Cry on..the shore,shopping talking on the phone,borrowlng clothes,dances, danclng.belng the 1st ones on the dance floor,League of Their Own,The Bodyguard,Aiaddin,A Whole New World In your Eyes,Beach· es,stlcklng together through good and bad tlmes,get togeth· ers.New Years Eve,playlng hopscotch on elQlm day,breakfast at Crystal Dlner,seelng 546 there,De Lorenzos,McDonalds,french Fries,Mozzarella sticks, our B/F charms,the jr. prom,Cotll· lion,Eiectrlc slide,raclng the whole way to Joy's,gettlng our II· cense,partles.b-days,holldays,The Greek,his cousin, Clearly Ca· nadiens,the ou!Ja board,and our buddy OBO,smiley faces,Nicolai's b-day party,playing guns,golng out w; NN and FP,eatlng at Joey's,Hey glrlfriend,seelng MM in the maii,Halloween dance,3 Muskateers.Dalmatlons,The Wizard of Oz,90210.My God jason Priestly looks like 546.Melrose Place.BIIly, If You Leave,Loslng my Rel!Qion,our X·mas pictures,slnging on my karaoke, sleepovers,ffnally having a class together.Psych,Oyrn frosh yr.,can·t Smile W/ Out You,Thats Whats Friends are For,the dance we made up me and my drums, bad hair days,does my butt look blg?.you'll always be like a sister to me,ESP thinking allke,my sweet 16 party,deftnltely a night to remember,you promised, Shop Right.thls Is my little friend Mitzi Ding Dongs,B·B potato chips, Damian In your closet,my snow storm party,our conga llne.Piuto,fldo Dido, Oumby.POOH,all your wind up toys,The Disney StoreJeeps,Friendly's,cabriolets trips to the llbrary,Domlnlcs wtitlng notes,our lunch boxes,short stuff, little one,small fry,TP,IHOP,Parkway Plzza,546 box,Barefoot In the Park,Sept. rest.the Jake.the dancing.all the things we've shared and been through,you are the greatest and I Jove you very much,thanks ror everything. I'll always cherish our friend· ship,Jove yalbabe,takecare ofyou,you·ve got to)eam a llttle,glve a little and let your poor heart break a llttle.that's the story of thats the glory of love. Love, Kyl Jamie P.<heering since frosh yr.,stress walksJammln' to the other sides band,all the games,danclng buddles,classes togeth· ers,espedally typing Soph yr. and Comp, Applicatlons,pasta par· tles.all the bus rides to games, my sweet 16 party.sleeping at your house the n!Qht before,you guys almost sllpped,good luck w; Sean and In aft you do,l'll miss you.Love,Kyzer Nicole R.·Homeroom,NKOTB,concert,tapes, pictures,plns, etc.,they were the best, I'll never forget them,Tommy Page,going to the shore In the Del Sol, Pizza Hut.LBI91,staying w; me on 5th str.,your shaving accldent,Homecomlng. what a great memory,we were so games,my sweet 16 party, slee· povers,get togethers,b-days,wlnky,peace, the wrong symbol,cotlllions, proms morp.Ciro's,soccer games,BB games,wrltlng notes,Frosh·Soph picnics,we·ve had alot of great times and I won't forget any ofthem,l don't know what I'd do w;o you.thanks for always being there for me,l love you,l'll miss you f /f. KIT,Love,Kyle Gina M.-''Peanut" .wook1n pa nub lnawda wong pwaces,partles

at your house,my sweet 16 party.sleepovers,listening to them slow songs,wtiting notes,dances, cotlllions,proms,golng to the maii.When we met at Market Fair,watchlng movies all the talks we used to have,hanglng out,talking on the phone,there's so much to look back on.rm really going to miss you,Little Gina,! can't tell you how glad I am that we're still friends,! love you buches,Make sure you KIT,thanks for being there and for being such a special friend, I'll never forget you,Ff F.Love, " Your Spe· ciaiK" Joy Ann·Joy Ann,we've shared tons.cotllllons,proms,wtiting letters,Pysch class, lunch,talks,hanglng in there for each oth· er,thanks for always being there,! only hope I've been y, the friend you 've been to me,cards you gave me,my poetry books which I'll treasure always, playing WBMW on the planofor me, best of all singing It to me, I'll never forget that. your house after cotillion 93, b-days, bears, smiley faces, good mom· lng slobber kiss, me, you, Bry, and Troy-cotillion 92, you 've got a friend, Wonderful tonight, the poems you wrote for me, hanging out at your house, watching movies, joking around, I'm so glad we became so close, you 've been great to me, I love you bundles and bundles, thanks for everything, FfF. KIT, I'll miss you terri· bly, Love, " Polish Princess" Matt P.· CRUSTYI,homeroom for 2YRS.playing pool, chalk me, lunch, get·to-gethers, parties, class together, Crusty's side of my Rei. folder, Junior prom, shnookle, Joy's house after the cotlllion, racing 85 the whole way there, who won anyway?, I guess you 're cool. trotting upstairs, cracking jokes,b-days.going to movies,IHOP,the place to be,Parkway Plzza,driving Mitzi's car,Bil· liards,we are undefeated stlll,remember who won the gamell, the cotillion, I had a blast,thanks for being a great date, my karaoke machlne,when you and Jimmy named me Clydesdale,couldn't asked for a better nickname,l'm so glad we became such close friends. you're the greatest don't forget to always KIT, F/f. thanks for always being there, keep smlling!,Love, Clyde Chris K.· Love that off shade of yuckl.cotillion,Joy's house,An· thro, you're a riot. Love, Kyle. CRYSTAL PCMBCRTON Patty DiFalco, eddie ... I want half ... chillin up in Nown ~ P.H.S.,my real school gotz to mention Dumbo, Goofy, Mr. Stupid, Dum Dum ~ Togo also Gomez ... LIL confuslous, the kid with the funky blue hair. Herman, Big Boy, A.L. the cough drop boy, Mr. Young, the sumo wrestler V.F.. M.W. kitten car the George Bums twins, J .B. Winberries ·Sept. 13, Lennles on Fri. night. visitIng the great countries like Israel ~ Asia at the beach, the jerk that hit your car at your house T.W., Bridge Water Commons. the one that made us laugh ED, gotz to say PIZZA HUT! thanxs for beIng a great friend even with that scene at T.D. with C.H. and the shopping cart. and cooling with the T.D. possie and your boy Rl· CHARD also the way you saves our lives at the BW clrcle.loon· fountain boxer shorts. O.C.·ll/27 and C.B. 12/23. the up and down looks. Thanxs. Karen Dominguez, TiTI, hey girl like gomer pile youll be sur· prise, surprise, surprise. Gotz to chill on the 56- HEN, K.C. - bone ~A. C. • much troubles vising the fabulous countries like Israel ~ Asia at the beach. P.H.S.f.B. games, My cuz C.f. ... New Year Party· Mlra,Mira, Palmer Stadium, How about those Florida Mar· lins • Did they hit any home runs yet Little B, Hun B. Ball games, the one and only U. K. J. and our walden video at Rumbleseats. and we are the founding mothers of the 93 Jetta possie. You Go Girl Ill skiing. wrong mont. blue boxer shorts foutaln. Jadzia Mellodge, Hey Yc>ushska· Bob, could of had all those Dollors from M.W. but you would rather spring Into In to action. dont forget the crappy houses in the best part of Nown. Bleached blond(red head). carnegie lake. PIZZA HUT my beeps to U.K.W., your best friend C.H., the old people at Bod Of edvi Hun f.B. game WfTrlsh and her bros personal life. Elijah Btu, stress reliving P . . . SKINNY I I I I got a man I I I upper lip hair on


Ruby Santos. Girlie Rider with M.B. your troll with the yellow halr, shanice tape for tltl on k.k., M.D. lunch at T.J .'s watching House Party 2 2gether ~the excltment we had in P-Town I My JO· DEC! tape that you had all summer. Mary Beth Banfeild, leave the R.A.I.D. tape out of my tape>¥ player I Get out of Bellview the mental ward and start hanging In princeton with the rest of us pyscosl remember Gym, Car Wash and others you Bellvule pysco. Merideth Kuhlman, hey dont you ever forget our honk ~ nig thangl rememt1er p.s. 's face when we first did that. The S.B. team with Cln soph year, when we became friends I'm glad we are friends dont change· you know the rest byel Annette Merrero, I kriow thiS ts shocking to see from me but I just wanted you to know that even through everything we are still friends just remember Our Walden, the J·encyclopedla and 91·92 new years in f''s car., the day we visited P.H.S. and Becky K. the great I Liz Butler, The man In the bam ... rick ... holloween 92 party .. too many bunnies rumbleseats .. and G.R . ... Jeffy . .. and K.K. 'sat your house. Michelle Manners, I'm glad we became friends! dont worry about K.K. cause I know that your not I I always remember Spain. Baby Of My Own . . . she cant read. GfL girlfriend II Don't Changell Love Ya!Cutiel Smile! Sherice Sogonlc, loves and kisses, kick my butt I dont think so .. chlllen in Pd 4at6 Mike, well thats O.K. Gym. I guess I gave them to myself !II· Stay off the crack pipe G.F. KATIE PR:Iffl!R To the t:W-cn:w- Amy. Becca, Christie, Christine, Meg. Susie, Megan Harlutess, Maddle-who?, Kerry,~ Cheryl ·lov ya Jots, and I wish you all the best. Erica· 'Til never forget . . . ",You, me, A.R. ~ J .B. with " Lady In Red" In my living room, our "ride" to the mall, "Wedge", "Did you just brush your teeth?", ·the M. Dance, Baby-flsh·mouth, my great 18 hr. stories, and my tendency to exaggerate, there will be a day when I'm early ·1 swear, EXP, me ~ the Express vacuum, my walk around A.R.'s neighborhood, "the HOT guy at MOBIL?", What Is It with me and tall. skinny guys?, "Would you like some more tables?", YO· what number comes before 10?, "Walt. honey, you don't like my bar stools?" , AI B. Sure- "Nklht and Day". Martin· fu ln'l Er, I'll never forget (hel he!) a11 we've been thru togetner:arrthe fights, all the cries and all the Ia ghs, I love you, you're my best friend. Gina - I'm the hoochlel, G, you cannot drive, Gary·Nell· No Nookl, Tyler and Homer - we truly are retarted, "So, how's your sister?'', You, me. Ice cream and our stakeout of Mike's house, our Chinesefood attacks, Parkway Pizza Parking lot • "Katie. put your head down.", "Death Becomes Her", "Excuse Me?", You cannot find a Cotillion dress, "I know, right?", ·I'm so glad you and I have become so close, thank you for always being there when I needed you. You are a true friend and I love ya. This is by far a goodbye, It's a beglnnJn~ ·to a lifetime of friendship. Mary· M.f.'s Party and the 'Pitt", B.S.'s Parties- do I pass out a lot?, your house @ 1 am- "HI! Is there a party here? Someone told me that there .was a party here.''· he was soo cute, too bad your parents busted us, Me ~ Jungle fever?· nah .. LBI and your boat, why do 1have to be so white?, why KMart?, Jomar, Mike K.. you and me- how cool can two gorgeous girls be?, You, N.P., and me L.A. Story· did you like your seat?, Jr. Prom, my one and only crippled pumpkin, have you ever seen SNL?. thanks for the ~s­ ter Basket· how could you guess dad would forget?, Cotillion '92 ~ '93 • 1 should've "got on" both of them, Marge Simpson In the flesh, You ~ Rusus, You ~ Kenny, You ~ ? · Mar. you're such a schemer, N.P. fights . .. Our fights. Mare· my memory of all our little escapades are dear to me, I'll always remember you and ev· erything we've said, and even after all our little squabbles and

even though we don't spend as much time together as maybe we'd like. I still love you and I'll always be here for you. Please K.I.T. Martin · " HII I'm VIc, can I have your phone number?" · Martin likes to play F·Ball, UNreal· I can say It youjust never gave me a chance, Me and my 250 Automatic • What Is that a car?, 2000 Flushes • the remedy for toilet water, your dog stories, Johnny 0 ·How many times can you listen to one song?, Frankenbltch. 5 minutes· I dumped you. Cotillion '93, I make great Ziti, YO!· wuz up DON? Thanks for always being there for me. You 've always known what to say and when to shut·up. I love you· Peanut. Katrina · Hey Babel You and your " Oh Myl" s, J.M. and E.B. can kiss You, me and bagels with cream cheese. ~X-boyfriends Face It you are a Hoochie·wanna·bel· like a stuffed bra· you 're a falsie (hel hel), "Cool beans!", Cotillion '9.3· did we dance?, I'm soo glad we got the chance to be close. You are a great friend and I better be In the wedding! Please K.I.T. Luv, Katie Jackie • Pur-cha·ses. ·had to say lt. I love or Accounting-talk sessions- next time let's not sit In front of 4 yr. olds, I'm glad we became good friends and although we don't have a list of laughs yet· we'll start them In the fall. TSC ·here we come! Luv. Katie Ron • There's no way I can make up for the time we lost as friends. But, I want you to know, I'll always remember how you were there when I was smooshed. I wish you the best of every· thing. Good luck In all you do. luv, Katie. rete • I wanted to take time and let you know that 1 will always cherish the time we spent together. Everytlme I hear an After 7 song, I'll think of you. Lots of love, Pebbles To My EXP Sistas- Carol, Jen. Kelly and Helen· 1wish you lots of luck and I love yas. To the Rotondo's · Thank you for all you 've given and done for me. I'll never forget all you 've shared with me and I hold a place In my heart for all of you. I love you all. Lots of Love· Katie. A.N.- " Do You Remember the Time?"· That song came out when we met, and whenever I hear It I think of you. I wish that we could be that close again. ·Love, Katie M.R.P.·Hey MRPI can I borrow some pens? "HI, I'm locked out can I come over?" ·Thanks for the hospitality~ 4 listening when 1 needed 1friend. You better call~ visit. a lot. Lots of Love! N~ILPOITCR

Gary Wasko-J.B. we mest up. Frosh Soccer. Did U get that girls #? No Nuk SURE. larwence Rd. fiRE. Stupid girls. Frosh K.liiTll· lion. Amy crying No Nukl SURE YUP. When kicked COX. Gym Class. ABE S.G. EPMD Strlckly Business. Didn't wont IT been there Sure NO. NO NUK SURE. Peace MC G V·Ball Champs S.N.L.

~~~~~~~~~~~\~~W.c~ ~:e~r~~irs~m: 1

The Ridge LBl The Streak. Good Luck Ranger RIN. AI Rhodes·HIBo's. gaho go HOME. your sister B·Room, #~ WALKING WOUDED NtD ATOMIC, Pool get me AIR. hmmm BA· CON·Keep away from the pork. Goodrlch-Goody. Soccer 4ever, SAYAthlng. GUTS, that Bleaplng JR.YR. Girls·Down MIX. ST JO~'S LBI. No Drinking VITALE, Kenny Podger The GAMBLER DAN YELL Jimmy P·HOMEROOM. The WEwlng Sports Center TRIP. Yo Dude We can MAK~ IT. Summers at LBI. Girts, BUD DRY,Bal· loons, LIMO, CLV Cigarettes, My Floor, the Ridge, PPant + throw up. I still can't believe U didn't catch that foul BALL Good Luck at U PENN·Nell John Clmino-Johnny Vagas. BASEBALL. Soccer, OUR Parents, NITRUS Balloon, Beer LBI, There's too MANY GJRLS. The 7 AMY'S Catllllon DATE switch. She US~D U. Trfsh + Joanne. Tripping up Stair CUSTARD King, Texas TARA. Kitchen TABLC TALKS ALL Those girls. VIrgin 4 eva Why do they ALL neglect ME. YOUR Sister. First Weekends. IN MARCH. Pete's Steakhouse. Tritt that STUPID Beap. Q102 Amy W.·St. Gregs-cool glasses, HAIR.FACE. Ballerina J.M.T.H. Joann D. field Hockey I so Proud ofU. ICELAND Nice Talking 2U. PAM. The first DATE. Oct 1 "It's about time" John's PAZ secclon, It's not the 8th, New Hope. ICECRr:AM Spoiledness your MOM, my Mom 5 months, lies, cards, flowers, fish. Dumb Dumb, JER· RY'S·New Years AL's. SMOKA, Puka CleanA, New HopeSong·to long-shoes· Modonna·s Book fUN?! John's House, ' 'I'm uncom· fortable", "The ARM" food, Salvation Army Nice Pants, Raising CAIN • LOVE YOU·NeiJ Mary foster·Soccer·Phone<:atllllon·Surprise Party-your sister cathy-Soccer games-morp cool pictures Movies L.A. Story. Teen· age Mutant Ninja Turtles. Hooker W/ John TRISH·NICE KNEES JO MAR.Chinese grandma. Love Ya • Nell Katie Pfelffer·Hi, Holloween Frosh yr., TAPES Catlllion, Bobby Brown Song Love ·Nell Rebecca Rottkamp-March Hows Timmy Stout, Forestal carol House, first Kiss, Catllllon, But Relationship. Nell Diamond moms bed, stupid letters, Home Alone, Groundround, Soccer· gAMES, How's K..R. Trtsh, Michele Down W/ OPP, VallntlmesDay '93, and All the Memories I cant think of. I LOVE YOU Nell·STUD Missy Famosa·you ruined my freshman yr. New years catillion Murray. LALA Polluza. Goodrich's How's Clndl's MOM. CAL Bagel Street. Rod Stewart, Wllberfest. Lobster cheeks. you dis me She!· don-Good Luck-Nell Tara Suntato-gossiP1Josslp- gossip- Dis 4 J.L.llood Luck Love Nell Soph Babes·CL JS AB Screech Good Luck Junior Babes·BL KW JC Good Luck Amy Chmellch-Gary talks·NO NUK right MOLLY, JR MONOP· OLY. Soccer Good luck Love Neil Ewing Posse-KD Mf CC MH SN you guys are so much fun. Ew· lng guys R FUN'2 Amy l"eii·New Year's my CASA, Scr·w U Alright. New Ports Megan Kelllng·"STOP Kicking my chalr''·STIPE, R.E.M. Concert Buddy Barry Sheck·your boat. P.P. NED's Atomic Concerty Soph. BABES Jr. Soccer Boyz·Pesce, Bender. Buch Good Luck Your'JI Need lt. PASTA parties wrong hole. Mrs. Grlssenger·PAM, Hows all those MEN. Wrobo-1 gonna Beat MIMEE+Brlng HOME the STATE Chemp 4 N.D. Perone·your fAT and will NEVER be FASTER. I'M THC HACKER. MAITPRIBILA Sam: Good luck with the marriage. Antonio's was great, thanks for getting me there. Good luck nexy year In school. I'm glad we had so much fun the past few years. Ph lilies Rule. Buchlesouside Clyde: Remember that I'm your favorite crusty. Thanks for the laughs. Thanks for telling me your troubles and more Important thanks for listening to me. Stay dose Cotillion was great. Love al· ways crust man. Mltz:l'll always remember the nklht you drove home crying hysterically,after the football game. Thanks for being so nice all the time, stay that way. Keep In touch. Love ya. Comer ~ Davies: I expect to see you guys on the volleyball tour with me. Remember Bob's has to make some kind of profit, so take It easy. Its good! Butac llt Domlnogo: Do me proud next year. Slap them hands hard every night. Jalm:Remember you gotta do what you gotta do about you know who. Where would you be without me in physics. Thanks for being a gOOd friend,keep In touch, Love ya. Steph:The nickname was a good one. The prom and Cotillion were fun. Stay In touch. L. Heinz: Your still a frultfty and always will be. Dr. Feelgood:lt's been great over the past thirteen years. Maybe we can continue over the next four at Rider. Klotz: Try not to get snagged by the pollee at the range again.

Maybe we'll be meeting each other next year in a match . The past few years were great. Bec:Thanks for the rides. Good luck next year with school. We will still see each other for a long time. Mark: Hey shermyl Wait I think 1 spelled that wrong. Mark J:Don·t mess the hair. its an optical allusion. Miss: Thanks for the rides. If you go to TSC nexy year I may still need a ride. Jimmy P: Good Luck next year with track and School. N. Nap: How bout a schnookie. Keep In touch over the summer, we'll shoot some stick. Dan Dejonge: What up DEEEEEEII 12 laps on the track.! still owe from sophomore year, I'll get you back on the course. L. Rodgers: English and history were great, but the lunch arguments were better. Good luck with the motorcycle. Pheif: I'll take you to dinner. You put up with me for four years,maybe four more at TSC.You've been great. Eric W: Good luck at Princeton with school and track. We have to carry on Vince's tradition. KATHY PROVOST Skooch-Mars needs men!PoloksiTomak de PolakiRapai.Sean. Joe.Roch(LDI} Matt? band . . . ewww . . . frosh yr.the gumbie galslthe bathroom rituals!VK-me.Puke- shower!Carrie carry me!Plants ... hair on tlre!Come on baby light my firer-Morrison my sweater-(bra)Jeff.Jeff.Sal.2 min man.Jon.DANI-bad. The tlero-notlt's a honda.Oh well.l'm just a sweet . . . Rocky!Buc county!Joe F.ooh passion!l wanna her-song. Ed's house-VK's not my friend.Choco chip cookies bfc men are scum.Doors. Jim the man.i could write pages.Bff.Love yal Carrie Hritz-Hippie chick-what?VK and Polaks.Matches. Matches! Give me a match -BAMiCome on baby light my fire!Where·s my tail pipe?Helloooo Mr. Median !!Poison concert!Everyone·s gone?Are you sure you called?! hated them anyway-ha- ha.Joey E. what a sweetie.Your band- awesome.! gotta friend named Jack.Stay cooi.Stay away from Sue-she's tine. HA HA!!!Loveyar Jen Moran-Moraner,Hey hon,we've been through alot this yr.l'm glad were so close now.bathroom bud-look out it's McGrawiAII the funny times we've had. I'm always laughing when I talk to you!Eng. what fun.She's always yelling at us-girls in the back!What a pain.Hage and our Eng. trip.We were just a big cloud . that was great. Wish you were there! Retreat was gret!Sad,but_good.The smoking room-here we come!Stay sweetLoveya. JeffWig·Hey Rocky Horror!Who forgot the hotdogs!You have no neck! . .. wake me up ... not . . I couldn 't. You are a great friend, Thanks for being there for me. If you ever need a thing-you know my number!Love ya! Ellen Woody-Give me a kiss baby.Ha HA-Peaches . .. what a name!You' re a great gaiiHistory wouldn't be the same.Greg must think were nuts.Moore loves us!Good Luck W/ your man.l' m so happy for you.You 're lucky.My men?Don't ask. Love, me Melony Furda-Mei.Hey giri!Find me some men.Need a man-call meLJoe z. Where's he at?What a nightllook out for the telephone pole!Log-whateverya want to callit.The cop-what a jerk. We must go out!Get meniStay cooi.Love Bill Goertz-Goertz,Yo my maniYo psycho!Stay awesomelthe bus rides wouldn't have been the same.You knew every metal song by heartlfrom the words to the guitar solosiYou were always in such a great mood and that's why I love ya! You made me laugh.Love,Me Sue Caroii-Sue,Yo babeiWhat a woman!What will I do wj out you?oh-moo.DiNatale. Woody ' s mine.Would you care to join?(NOTI)Let's not get " carried" away-ha. bad joke.! like your earrings cutieiHa-ha-hallndigo girls-you + car.Gross . Stay strange!Love,me Tania Perez-cricket,Yo ~iri!How's the man?Math+ us every yr.What a past timer It's btg bird-Bia.Bathroom crew.We should have a clg club. What a laugh!Not the club. "Quick-draw-McGraw" the dg snatcher-ha.NOT. lat.Kath I'IICOLf: Rf:OAI'f Sunny Sparano- There's a lot of memories for a friendship that has lasted 14 years.You've been with me through everything. Thanks so much.Where do I start? I still can't believe you took the top off my Malibu Barbl doii.That was so rudeJYou know you left me nat.There was never any soda In that tree.! think those heart pills and poisonous berries you fed me are starting to have an effect.! still love you brother even though he kicked me off your couch. Get that Raggedy Ann puppet out of my face. How's Scott and Roy?When will I be see you again?How bout that heavy metal stage? Tommy Lee and c.c. DeVIlle. How can I forget Jon Bon Jovi.How's Dorothea?Ocean Place and Four Winds In Wlldwood.Quo Vadis.Aarl and Danny.Yneve.What a nose! Do you remember the Yankee game we went to?Steve Sax and Kevin Maas are the best. Electric's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.JP. After AII.Pete's Steak House. Thanks for the rides on Hudson Street. How bout my Dad?Do you remember when me,you. and tric ordered Poor Boys? I owe It all to you for getting us together.NKOTB In concert. How could you every like Danny?Jordan Is the man. Have you tom out anyone elses hair? Who's the best hook up ever?The DC trip in 8th grade.LBI.Nice roller blades. Do you think we coul get into the Tide with my 10? Sweyn from Bermuda.Andi and Peter.Marlboro Llghts.Crazy Norse.Fr. Dennis' office. The conversations we had. Our 8th grade retreat.Do you think Jim could dump me six more times?My fall in front of the Statue of Liberty. You are an utter disgrace and I hope you are happy because you disappointed a lot of people. Valentine's Day 1992.The Mouse of Shih.KTT ASN tverytime we eat together. Did we really drive home from Wildwood at Sam?! love ETLJanis Joplin's greatest hits. Love, Nicole carla Volk-1 guess we won't be moving Into Knight Estate any more. We can still sell candy to Dominic's brother.The fat year picture. Murry up. We have to go to the Feast. Now's Uncle Tony? Blue Moon. Tour of Duty. Tony and Steve.Twin Towers. We are just 2 beautiful women In blkinls.Our journey to the car lots.let's go for a ride on the yellow twinkle.Mr. Mark. NKOTB Jon and Jordan.Ocean City and Atlantic City in our army t-shlrts.How·s Wlll?JeffCimino and Chris Martalucci.Who are they anyway? FHP #1. OurTOD room In the basement.Tell Mike Nar! Love, Nicole Kyle Pultorak- Just think If It wasn't for the New Kids, I reaiJy like your t-shirt. Now's Jordan?Do you remember our sleepovers?The conversations we had.LBI.We had so much fun.How's Peter Yule?Locker buddies till the end.Stop making faces before you freeze that way.The Flyers.The Yankees. D.W. P.S. J.C. Wow. could we write a book or what?Your sweet 16 was the best.l never had so much fun. How about a wink.Scategories.Do you still have those notes In your notebook from LBI?Talnted Love.Nomecomlng. I can't believe we made lt.Our little secret In homeroom. You are a great person Kyzer and even better friend.! can't walt till the summer so we can cruise In the convertible. friends Forever till the end. Love. Nicole Martin Gilbert-Well Martin we've been pals all through high school and you have always been there for me and I won't orget that. Don't ever forget all those great conversations we had. Love, Nicole Mike Warner-To the man who sits next to me In accounting and took all my candy from me, You made me laugh a lot this year. Have a Hershey's kiss. Love, Nicole Kareem Kelsey-If you ever scream -Schnlcken or red again. Erik will have to hurt youllllove ETL. Love, Nicole Tip O'Neill-Dearest Tipper Are you a nice guy?A BIG guy? Does Sunnr. still have your chain?Valentines DAy 1992 and the House ofShth.l'm gonna miss you buddy.NARI Love, Nicole Fr. Dennis-Thanks so much for always being there for me when

I needed someone to talk to. I'll never for~et all your valuable advice. Me and Sunny In your office period SIX.It's a date! You're the best! Love, Nicole Jen Kelley·How are you babel I'm so happy we followed the wrong car.l 'm glad we became better friends this year. We've been through a lot together but that's all behind us now.Sunny's house and her Grease dance.Period 6 lunch mashed potatoes.Our hair and nails.That great tan I BrenCian Dougherty-What's up dog? How' s mix? HA HAl Love, Nicole Joanne DINola-HI sweetle!We had so much fun at your house that night. What a sleepover that was.We all have to do that agaln.How about Kristin's frog.Our lunch discussions.l'll miss you. Love,Nicole Jen Cole-You and me after school at Sunny's House. B.V.R. girlfriend. Love,Nicole Kristin Branham-We had a lot of fun at lunch period 6, the bathroom, Joanne's front porch. Watch that frogl Love. Nicole Chrissie Gunsen-Hey how are you?l think we'll be down the shore a lot this summer.! can 't walt.Never forget our stories. Love, Nicole Carol Scanlon-Now are you?You're the bestll hope you got rid of that folder from freshman year. Love. Nicole Elondra Famor-Dont ever forget english classes and our lunches on the telephone.l'll miss you. Love, Nicole Erik Lyman-HI honl I miss you.can't wait to see you!! AKA B.B. Love, Nicole Sue Ostrowski-What's up? Don't ever forget lunch period 6 and Joanne's house. Love ya, Nicole JOEREOO Joe Lech-Frosh year Perone's class, bow and arrow,crazy Mexi· can,Oy chlckens,erma.fried chicken and ribs,KFC bucket,maklng movies.falllng In Ice water,! broke your bed.rabied dog, Point Pleasant.golng fishing all right, catching !@#$,taking turns sleeplng,LBI B.S. boat, English hogs,HA,HA,U sleeping In the car, stealing someone's check,That's okay you're getting!@#$%, hitting rocks with your car,working at Antonios.llghtlng fireworks with the tawnmower on,golng surfing, cruising In the Green Monster.drlving through leaves, B.I.N.G.O.,crazy as h--1 driver, re· member the subaru,and all the crazy times we had down the shore. From the wrestler.Joe Rego Rob Llberto-HAngln' out at your house. playing V-Ball,LBI. PickIng up chlcks,running for a gettaway well you ran,l wasn 't there.gettin' hammered,sharing chicks.remembering all the times down the shore,gettlng kicked out of Point Pleasant,with B6,K.W.,A.R.,remember ali the times In the I@#$ kicking subaru. later on cuz. Cuz ELENA REZNICK Mike Matar-Aiways remember our years of friendship. You are a rare breed of people which just makes you all the more unique and special in my eyes.You talked about the fights you had with your ex-friends and I often worried if I could become the next.l believe we've both beaten the odds and for this I am the most grateful.! feel like a much that the only thing missing In your house is my own room.! love you, Mlke.for our friendshlp.for all the tears. our tlmes,but most of. all for the memories. The pages aren't big enough to list half of them. Thanks for listenlng,for being my shoulder to cry on.l will always be here.for anything---never forget that.Oust a phone call or drive away) I cannot express to you what you have added to my llfe.You brighten my day and I Just wanted to thank you for ItGraduation frightens me to death,but with friends like you,lt's easier to cope.I hope you begin to realize how important the next 4 years are to your life. Even If you end up going to the "College of Champions" (Mercer),never forget that you have a special place on the ladder of success. You have the potential-It's up to you whether or not you want It to shine. Best friends always. God bless you, Lisa,Mom, and Dad,Love forever Elena P.S.-When you open up your yearbook in the future,read your "page" of ABC soup and remember:The GAP,QAP-Man,Twln Peaks.Ishtar,YaYa,Ya,Ohh Wee Ohh the torches In your backyard,the sun poidi,your partles(xmas post - cotillion), Precious Moments,my surprise party,your surprise party,Youthgroup, Fr. Mike." Vorhees",Ski Trip '92 and '93,the cottlllons,vld· eocamera, my camera and corsage,Jr. and Sr. Prom,TUNAFISH, Miatas,Disney Store Credit Card,Sweet Factory. Kathy's dream,Mono,Ciuck, cluck,", "Shamauta",Lisa's whale (get the harpoon),Fiorida, Retreat, That's What friend are for,lady In Red,Brown-eyed Glri,Follow You,follow Me.and Don't dream it's over (Hey now, Ney now) John Solan-John,l think of my message to you as a beglnnlng.Not one of commitment (we'll let God make that decision) but one of unconditional friendship.! cherish the time that we have and look forward to our separate challenges in college (me hopefully at WCUsand you at CMU).I have gone out with a handful of people but not one stuck by me like you have.We've talked,argued,crled, laughed, shared,but most of all,we've leamed.Thls past year and a half was one huge learning experience for me. Every time you opened up, I learned somethlng.You have been an inspiration and an lnnuence on me and my life. With this lnfluence,my grades have gone through the roof..and now look at me. I owe you full credit for my recent and very Impressive Improvement. I love you with all of my heart and soul.l have felt very content and respect the fact that we can speak our minds to each other (even lflt may not be what we want to hear).Thls relationship has been so fun.Jt Is going to be rough In August,but who knows how It will tum out??Your parents are wonderful people. You are lucky to have them. They know what Is right for you and love you.l would like thank them for accepting me.They make me feel comfortable and at home.The love runs deep,AIways. Elena P.S.---John .. . keep all memories close to your heart.Make sure they always bring a smile to your face.Here goes: 12/15/91", 2/1/92, 2/14/92, 3/14 at 15/92, 7/4/92. 12/ 15/9211, 12/24/92, 1/.:50/93, 2/14/93, your most "prized possession" (Sr. Prom '92), ski trip '92 at '93, swimming, counties '9:5, SWM2WIN, "Johnny Boy",lock Ins. my "detention" (Boyle), Gal· lagher, Phil, the laser Show. Frank's parties, B.B.'s obsessions, Harry- Recipe for Love.Just Kiss Me, Heavenly, Billy Joel (She's got a way), Jacuzzis (Danlelle and Andi's party ~ ski trip), the double surprise party, your "quota" for prom glasses, my camera and corsage, Sonnet I, Qlget, Snowplow, The cocain-sellln' • pasta- eating' Idiot, the C.C.C., our accidents at the Hand that Rocks the Cradle. ----Whateveri---Christlne Savelll-christlna,l'm so glad that we've been friends for so long (6 years to be exact).Our OLS friends are one of the few clans left from there.Remember working out at the "Y". Cyndl's laugh,Katie's La Mas classes, Mike calling you blonde(don't take offense, he tells me he loves you to death), Florida, Andy, Adam, VIto, my dream about M.D.. cotillion '92/'93, and our proms.Good luck In everything (Cabrinl) and never become a stranger! Until graduation, See ya laTf:R, Love always, f:lena Cyndl Fiori-cyndl,we've come a lon9 way since OLS but one thing remains: our frlendship.Aithough we've both been busy and haven't gone and done as much as we would like to togeth er,l am glad It didn't put a damper on anythlng.l have fabulous memories of high school, and I'm happy that our group still remains. I'll miss your long notes In my yearbook since 6th or 7th grade, Christine believing that Katie's pregnant or that Mike was getting a perm, the "Y", the Laser Show, Retreat, Florlda,and you alter graduation .I know we will KIT after June, we cannot become strangers.Good Luck Always.Eiena Nikki Chebra-Nikkl,wow here we areiAnother strand of our OLS clique that ls still together.J've told Cyndl and Chrlstlne that we may be one of the few groups left from that schooi.Remember concert cholr.the ptays,Aiex,

and Mark. You guys look so happy and good together.Never for· get Notre Dame and KITII Love Elena Marybeth Banfleld-"MAre" ,I love yal What more can I say?You're nutz, accountlngJgym wuz a blastll'm gonna miss you and your natural hlghsTi Our thoughts of Rebecca kept us strong,never forget her.Always keep In touchlll Love ya Lots. [lena Adam Bucon-Adam,NI buddy.I felt so bad that we haven't kept In touch lately. I wanted to write to Jet you know that I think of that and I remember OLS too.Jn 7th grade .... the Washington DC trip .. . .. Those times were great and I'll always have fond memories of you. We'll exchange addresses and write. Love, El-


Roger DeiPrado-Roger,you're a great person.Don't forget me and remember the play rellglon,and Madrigal. KIT after June.Love, Elena Jen Corban·Jen,we did lUll Madrigal has been a dream come true for me. Thanx for listening and remember TOdd and Chris. Keep In touch.Nave fun In the future.Love, Elena My frlends-tveryone whom I have come In contact wlth,talked to,spent time wlth,l would like to sum up my feelings in a letter to all of you.You guys have been my lifeline at times and I love you for it. You've each done something for me and It has not been for· gotten. I will miss you terribly In the years to come but to KIT will help to dry the tears. Lisa - Thanx for our long talks and for letting me talk your ear off. Your attention Is well appreclated.TUNAfiSNI,ql Theresa - I'll miss youiLJudge wisely with men . . . They're strange creatures (I should know}. Lisa Matar- You 're not labeled only as "my best friend's sister" you're a separate friend altogether.Thanx for your support and energy. Kathy - You're a saint. You've stayed With Mike for over a yearn WOW,you deserve a medall 5al - Good luck with your slnglng.Jt won't take Mr.G long to

tlg~~;~~~~t_ Nave fun with f:d.Remember New Year's Eve

Adrienne - Give my condolences to Andrew when he get to ND. Cristin-BASIC (our competition for grades) and Volleyball Beth - Good luck with basketball/college and remember our Mid-term study sesslonll Jeff Wig - I guess I'll always be "[lena" to you. Frank - Although you don't say much,you're a cool guy.l'll never forget "12" (fort lauderdale) Rf:8ECCA ROTIKAMP Amy FeiHncamatlon.Mrs. Kokotajlo.N.D.Here we come L.K. and B.W. ··w-o-w" B.P:s Party.Typlng class-Skittles.The powder and water fight at your house. T .s. talks late at night.Johnboy."Not all of us." Jr. Prom. "Nice lips", ewing crew.LBI - Awesome.Ben's house.M.f., B.C., C.O., L.K.-our secret.New Years 9.'5.Halloween-lafayette.TSC Ned's concert, and many more.l'll love you always.l'm always here for you.BFf Love,RR "' Christl Danberry-lncamatlon :Srd grade. Your white glasses.ND Butch.7-11 chic Cralgette-NOI,"You kissed T.S.,your not a ,..--...,...,.,....,.-----:---:--"·C.D:s party/r. year. B.P.'s party= bad. "Sure you can drive my car".~w ng crew.M.V. Concert.Beaches U and T.T. bowling and then the maii.Justln latl· ni.Hayman·s.Your party-NOT! "You did what?" K.R.-WOW.New Year's 93-"What a nice glri",Ned's concert.and many more.l'll love you always. I'm always here 4 you.6.f.f. Love RR Mary foster-lncarnatlon.LBI-Your boat.Cool dude.turope trlp-Oh my GodlYour stJff friend. YUKI Coke and rum·HA NAIHarkness· car·Burger Klng.'Tm not getting out of the car''·Life savers.New Years 93. Halloween-lafayette-WOWITSC,Coach, Jackson,and many more. I'm always here 4 you.J love ya. Love, RR Debra Choquette-Europe trlp.Gross-He means Oood Luck.Our pictures taken with new friends Balvarian Cream. French 1-4 Aagh!K.B. and T.S.=Jerks. We were so stupid. "The girls"= finally goneiLBI 92,showplace·Fran "He likes yal" Our DRf:AMS COME TRUEIIJove ya Your the best! Love, RR Cheryl Eltzen-S.B. Chlc.LBI Soph Summer Milton Nead and o.c. Maryland Two years In a row-fun,fun,funiThe Ketch·Two In one night=6A,Ross and Ryan C.D:s party-Nice plctures.turope trip Allan=future husband.Oh my God! D.P. concert.Pene· lope.M.H. party=BAD. New Year's 93-My bathroom, den,and bra. You slob!Halloween-lafayette·WOWITSC . .. I Jove you always.J'm always here 4 you,f.f. Love RR Kerry Cristofelettl-5.6 . . Chlc.WIIIows=funjobl "Are you babysitting again?" J.C.=Yukl Our younger guys.Pippln with J.P. and R.B. New Years 93-''Am I dreaming?" LBI here we come! You're the best and I love yall'm always here 4 you.f.f. Love RR Megan Harkness-country Comer.U bowling NA NAI "go girl" New Y-ear's 93. Burger King In your car. "l'lo,l'm really choking" "I'm not getting out of the car" Prep guys,Our nalls Hurry! I'm always here for you.Love you Always,RR P.S. M.M. ·s party-1 was a goodgit1. Kris Klotz-Hunter f:d New Year's 9:S.Confoy's class. Wedges In gyrn=JerldNA HAll wish you luck In everythlng.Love ya, RR Christine Cseh·lncamatlon.The quiet one.Your short do-T.T. Your guys. 1.81 92 Yeahl crazy gin "Don't touch the hair" DressIng up at ChrisU's. Country Comer.Ewlng crew.Beaches.The Ketch."Nice Lips" Us skinny dip? No. Jay-"Cseh help me".You driving Cefs car.U and Dootz bowling and then the maii.Ben's house·WOWIHayman's.New Year's 9.3. "You sly girl I" TSC Ned's concert I'll love you always.l'm always here for you.B.f.f. Love,RR Manu Sirak-country Comer Incarnation Your Mom's cooklng.twlng crew.E.S.C. chlc.alter Olive Oarden-c.o. at your house-Peeu.Beaches. Your dt1vlng-NA HAl Hayman·s.LBI 92Skinny dlp,us? No,Never1"Don't leave me" "Help Me.'' Cotillion 92-Wrong Limo. C. D.'s party.I'II love you always.l'm always here 4 you. B.f.f. love, RR fred Collender·lncamatlon.My 1st 6.f. 8th grade graduation dance.l've know you forever and I love you. You're the best! I wish you luck In everythlng.Love, RR Mike Davies-Hey cuziYou're the best and llove ya.l'm always here for you. I wish you luck In everything. Love, RR Megan Hayman-Megs-Oap glrl.Jncarnatlon. "Were going to Slzzler"Europe trip- Your fun flight there.The dress and shoes. Your burnt bangs.HaHa "Jay wants you In the other room" "Go away Megi"Your party No,Not you·Awesome.S- tabs "They really work" "Oo girl" New Year's '9.3,LBI-Awesome. I'm always here for you. Love you always. F.f. Love, RR John Clmlno-cotlllion '92·Wrong limo C.O:s house.LBI 92-Qur secret.Our talks about glrls.My guys.U were the first to tell me about T.S.-Thank you! even though I didn't believe ltiAII our NUOSIII wish you luck In everything. I'm always here for you. Love ya.RR Jen Sec-Homeroom. "Noll""look at her shoes today"The sleepovers. Our nails. "Who?,where?,when?.why?, how?" our nasty talks.P.P. pasta party-<lravlty Hlll.J'm always here for you.l Jove ya.Love,RR Jen Kelly·Sag? NOT. "Who tooted? Ctf'?" The slee· povers.Qym-Volleyball Shuffle. "Who? where?,when?, why?.how? "Our nasty talks.''"Cd you're just jealous!" P.P. pasta party.l Jove ya.l'm always here for you.Love, RR Melissa Cd·Missy, "No Nicole's better" What a snob! NA NAI Our bagels alter school.t.S.C. Chlcsl Aaghl Our many se· crets:M.K..Cotilllon 92-swltch-c.o:s house wrong llmo'"l don't get It" Volleyball night·C.G.'s house. Men's league soccer games.J.M.'s house.U and M.M. sleeping over.AillO of us In my cariBelmar.AP hlstory-AaghiOur accident with Leea.Gettlng our nalls done. "Mom,l'm over Brec's""This Is RR and I'm sleeping


over M.C.'s,l'm at M.M. " I didn't trip up your steps.LBI 92·The ross 's.C.C. driving your car.Peed underwear.Hunter Ed.1 Sag? NOT MEl I'll always love you. I'm always here for you.B.F.F. Love, RR Carol Scanlon·S.B. chic.Homeroom.AII 100 of us.C.D.'s par· ty.D.M . concert I wish you luck in everything.! love ya. RR Susie Nemeth·lncamatlon.Suzy·Q.Our talks in my car.R.B. and T.S.·NOTI Bagel 'stops after schooi.Halloween 91="What's the password?" "wefe goin!J to Sizzler" S.C. and C.S.-dlssed hard-our luck!Europe trip·Ms.Onss·no make·up.The best Alg. class ever! All our classes together.New Year's 9:5 M.H.'s party-us scaring you in the truck! HA HA.I'm always there for you I love ya.F.F. Love. RR Gina Magonon·lncamation.Your loooonll halr.Your sleepovers. J.C. and A.F.= Hawaii girls.I wish you luck 1n everythlng.F.F. Love you always. RR Missy Famoso-Egg J.M.'s house.My car breaking down.Serat· ti.Your house :5am.AII10 of us In my car taking you and C.S. to work at 6am.l wish you luck in everything. Love ya, RR Chris Ooodrich·Valentlne's Day 92.Cotllllon 92-wrong limo. Vol· leyball night-Your house-Me slck?Nah.Cotllllon 9:5-J.C.'s house· Your slck?Nah.l wish you luck in everything. Love ya, RR Jimmy P.·soph year-every class together.Cotilllon 92-wrong limo.LBI 92. Plppin.P.P. pasta party-Gravity HIII.AII your-my pa· pers.AII our talks. " Shut up" Your mouth. Cotillion 9:5.1 wish you luck In everything. Doctorll I'm always here for you.Love ya al· ways, RR MRP·Country Comer.lncamation.ND Known ya all of my life and I love you as a brother. You're the bestll wish you luck in ev· erythlng.Love ya. RR Matt M.·M.K. Our secret.french class.Hunter Ed.U and Miss fight?Never! You guys tring to set me up-didn't work.l wish you luck in everything Love. RR Ryan Brennan·Pippln.Our talks· ''I'm not getting involved" Cotillion 9.3.You·re a great guy and I love yall wish you luck in every· thing. Love, RR Neil Potter·Roots.The Ground Round.Cotilllon 91. Cotillion 92· wrong limo. Cotillion 9.3.Many nights at e.G.'s house.Ewing guys.M.T. and T.S. perfect for each other. Your looks,my attitude· Not! Your many chics.July 4th.Rallroad Nice person.ND concert· Hello again. Home Alone 1 and 2.Meg Ryan.D.M. concert Ned's a what concert.And many,many more memories to come.! love you.Railroad Jill McCiure·Your house me falling down your steps·NahiC.O. 's house·"! need a rest "Denny's"Jr. prom·afterwards·no place to go·HAHA.C.S.·aagh!Us trying to get out of C.S.'s neighborhood with out Cefs help.Fun$US Cup. Me jumping on my car + C.S. driving it.l wish you luck m everything. I love ya, RR Esther Fields-Volunteering at the hospitai.Ail our classes together and our talks.! wish you luck in everything. Love ya. RR Chris Fava·Law class-my buddy.You're a great guy.l wish you luck in everything. I love ya, RR Gary Wasko·Cotllllon 9:5·clean up man.You·re a great guy and I love ya.l wish you luck In everything. Love. RR Jen Cole·O.M.'s house·her sleepovers.U and A.F.=the Hawaii girls.Your sleepover=all the pictures we took.M.P.'s surprise party=your Mom catching You.lncamation bus rides-torturing Amanda.! wish you luck In everything. I love ya.RR Jen Welsh-Chem class·Omland.Ail our notes.Soccer·Cut? No.not us!Your the best and I love yall wish you luck in every· thing. Love always,RR BfTH RYfiNSKJ Michele Amari, HC to NO U years! Over now. 5 yrs. b·ball who would have thought • Miss Yell to pt guard. Pd. 7 pure delight, should've studied for that exam wj me. Don't worry, I won 't fol· low you to college, too. Be kind to Mlkey D.! - Bether. Kerry Cristofoletti, Yo, Captain "Crazy Legs" R. Murray W.Ward. Play that nasty "D" You are no T.P. wanna·be. Pd 2 PE Let's play some v·ball. You've been a great friend, teammate. and captain. Go Celts! Bether. Kory D'Angelo, Koren, my mistake. Jr.lunch- fun talks wfJP, TP, BN. Don't hurt THAT finger again, okay. Sr yrwas 2 short. WW trip '92, fun In the sun missing JB - what a waste. I'll get to Bos· ton someday, count on it. KIT Beth go celts Aaron Double. DUCK! Duck + tree + chemistry = shrubbery = pd. 7 '92. Elandra Farrior. John Travolta moves In the post- keep 'em up. Lay some Sp. Med. on me. ACL right? Thanks! That's all I can say. Bird #1, Right. Captain. Good luck playing next yr. I like that scronqle. Beth. Melony Furda. "Big Red " fight for those boards! Be like Bark· ley. Good luck next year. Beth. John Solan, Thanks for tolerating me. ABU. Study group- my room. noll Good luck at CM. Hey- 11(91·12/91 what a time, boyfriend. Rides home, to '92 grad. mass. Blnky, Pugsly, remem· ber? Flipping mom? Skip for physics! WOWI You're a great friend. KIT or else. beth Melissa Szul. HC to NO 1.3 yrs! WOW I Jr yr pd 3 His. "0". Pd4 PE. WOWI Good luck next year! beth Sussannah Walsh, I'll keep this brief, yeah right. Miss prof MD Chaucer Cicero. JOKE. What about BN? Eng 3, WOWI What can I say? Thanks for everything! Sr yr Pd4 talks W/ Ed. Educational . . . . Right? College will be no challenge for you. Whatever you didn't get. I'll explain later. BR. Jenna Woloszyn. Sr yr pd 6 good times ... NOTI So yr pd 3, 4 ACL .. fun. fractured patella, I understand! I'll call YOU crutch . . Arch - Dr. Ed. What CAN'T be said must be REMEMBERI':DI "EDNA" -who was that? Beth Heather Schnieder. HR bud, Jyrsl WOW! So yr - pd 3. 4, 8. Jr yr pel 7. Sr yr pd 1, 3. Eng 4. Oh, boyl Good luck in college. Beth Tanya Parrotta, JB shaft U 27 Great feeling. huh? Remember the fun before him. @#$%Him and the boat he sailed In on. Yes?BETHER Joe Latini. R U sure U wouldn't play NDOB? No. I'll be on your team anyday. We could use a couple more easy wins 11·2. Beth. Mike Bartram, "Brace" "talkie" - no more, I've proven my· self. 1-on·l anyday. place. or, time, I will win. again. Our bet. re· member it. So. yr. landmark year. I'll never wear that striped shirt again - bad things happen Ill USNA - good luck. ACL·bad deci· sion. "Crutch" 60+ ft. INSPIRATION!! A Favor. please. my choice - Interesting. How did JB win State '92? Will you find out? If you're lucky. Boys· games - waste of time. Should've watched us girls!! It'll cost ya later. 2 yrs Is 2 short KIT ... .. Beth. Jennie Cubberly, Scorekeeper ... 4 yrsl Some great games were played .. . August Martin. NO more Sam Band-Aid tributes, please. Physics . . . Now do you do this problem? English . . . What are we doing? Do you have a clue? I don't. Good luck in col· lege. KIT Bethle.


PATRICIA SALCEWICZ Mom and Dad· Thanks for everything! No one could have had better parents. I love you both very much I Steven Kurisko- O·My gosh Q-My gosh I lost It I lost it ... Mel· ody what did you loose? Never forget KOTB on Mondays! Carol Ann Maroney· To bad you were not in any of my classes senior year! Do you know what time this is over? Another teacher! Stacy Schneider· Another report! Talks were fun! Good luck. Tanya Parrotta· Men,track, science magazine. coffee. chocolate. thanks for the advice, lunch was fun! Jeffrey Mordock· Boomerang, This class Is a joke(Mr.A.) Thanks for taking me to the J. P. You were greatln the play. Jenna Woloszyn- Morning service office,pig tlcket,can I see your notes?? I cleaned my room today! Sat. night My party and the wrapping paper(! still have It) Washington, where Is the sign?

No you cann' t see my magazine! Quiet I am listening. Heather Schneider· Your In my homeroom? When Is your birth· day? can I see your music? Young Scollars· can I have some fries? Russia! Sussannah Walsh· We can't forget lunch with Lauren! Tell me another joke! You the cookjme and the bakery. Summer games at NO, the Library of the blind. My party I love your new room! !':lien Woody· You say I don't talk but when I do I'm a fool ... Hall OM. Hall NO. What are they dancing to? Nothing But they are dancing to something. Sat. Night. Lawrence rehab Brad, Zachory Green. Jill Bodnar· Met lunch, shut up stop laughing. Columbus, The charger, Jill·B+ Si, new car, Flordia, Disney World (trouble) party, summer behind NO. L. Prep pool. Clothes? Dishes, Where Is the soap? passport (smile God loves you) Love notes. chilly willy(sea) Cheep pizza I love the USAII Scutters falls, Wendles 99 ¢, frostle, red hair.Russla, soup kitchen, mall escalator(wrong way) teddy bear p. moments Imposter KOTB Oetto••• Acting free dead. Hotel california. wedding, divorce, Bill. hide+seek play ground no money. por·life, why Is everyone braking but us?. George the chicken, gotta go, rose, Home work not, Great Adven· ture. homemade card, ISS my fait not sorryl Polish princess. AAA, Po Fokes, Refrigador box at the lake, I love potato I love si's -. no way, the pig ticket. army men, Chuck. sick again! Pregof Ragu, peppermints. Scarry balloon! Disney, Patty·cakes, Church. Cara- To the true Spirit. Choir was fun. RUBY SANTOS Crystal Pemberton· Thanx for introducing me to M.B., "Hoochie", Pd. 6 Lunch, Business and Accounting class. Ty, Red Hot Chill Peppers, House of Pain. Other men I may not know about. Karen Dominquez· Pd. 6 Lunch, Business class, Keith. Joe, Kris Krlngle. Thanx for the rides. freshman soccer. Patty Difalco· Sophomore Religion, Your CRX., Thanx for the rides. Krls Kringle; Hmm, Is your car new? Denny's, Jadzla's problems, taking me to the beach, Hallowean (Cheryl. Sherice. James, Keith, Joe, and others) You just gotta show me these people. Jadzla Mellodge· Your men, I didn't have much: Soccer. classes together. Your very first experience, Morning Cafeteria, Isaac. Mall. Movies, Olive Garden, Our Transportation. Our favorite peo· pie· A.D., A.B., H.M., C.Z .. C. C., J.B .. Report Card Time, Your Dad, Football games, Ciro's, We have many memories together. let's make morel Your personal problem and mine. Bangles at Rider, Columbus farms. McCoriston Carnival. Wildwood trips. 16th birthdays. McDonald's, My car on Rte. 206. Jen Smithson· Math, Science, Business, English. Religion. His· tory classes together! Don't forget M.S., J.S.r NBHS, FBLA, Ser· vice, Jomer. Jen, you've helped me so much through the years. I hope' you become that successfull businesswoman that you wannabe. ALf:X SARGENT To my four pals· I love you all. Kaspr, too tall, too muscular. and of course ... doofus. BREWSTER LOVE. Techles will rule the world some dayl Pearl Jam and Eddie shall blast my tweekers and my lobes for eternity. First love. fist friend, July 7, 1992. Era· surel May death come to all political corruption, conformism, grades, prejudice. Hypocrisy, bad music, sexism, communism, molestation, guns, suppression. oppression, exclusion. killing. fighting. SAT's, phonies, evil competition. popeism. false non· conformlslm. religious conformity, discrimination. money feast· ers, bad childhoods, hegenemy, crime, rape, Imperialism. bad parents, dictatorships, animal cruelty, braggers. posers, giving up, fear, anallsm, selfishness, and most of all . . . hatred! May people that follow their hearts. express what they TRULY believe, and spread their love to all rule the world In the future. "She's a babel", ''I'm still allvel", "I don't mind steeling bread." spring lake beach. volleyball with the guys. Jr. prom W/ Manoly. suffer· ing with lynch. camp. tennis with Schafer. tech wih Tom A.. Tom F., Jeff. and Brian. Mcthanks a lot. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. THANKS TO ANYONE WHO EVER MADE ME SMILE. CHRISTINe SAYeLLI Cyndi· Ugly! Party Dude #2. "Hey you In the back with the mus· tache!", nervous breakdown in Lynch's class, D's in algebra (wonder why). Fllver, Shake Rattle and Roll. Mike K. the health club, Massachusettes. " . . . going to get the amll", Wayne, route :53, Roberto, Stewarts. the car wash. "watch out", Vito. Dan, get· tlng lost In Trenton (calhoun St.), The lazer show, the cotillion (2 jerks from hell!), finding the lunar eclispe . . . , route 1 racing. soon to be florida. last but certainly not least "New Year's Eve!" Patti PI Eddie, P· town, Matt Dennis, convertible saab, the path· finder, hagle haven, P· University part, "G" (loser!), WPRB (not!), Uptown hangln'. J.B. Wlnberries, Princetonlan. " . . . ten grams of fat . .. ",Jerky Jimmy. Mlchey (hal), "Beep- Beep!", (Mike and lkel). Ground Round, limo, Danny. Jadzia· Fish friend, LBI (Mike and Mike), never forget Prince-


otherl, the Marriott Elena· Never forget Massachuseetttes. Lazer show. practise for 0. and D and all the others, Junior Prom (pictures), thanks for being my "noreeroay buddy", never forget O.L.S. trips (way· way backi) Friends forever. your great! TIM SCHI'IALL Chris Vaccaro- Football, Weekend at Monica's, Giant's Stadium bathroom. Cook, A.B.'s dog on night of Cotillion. sleeping on the floor. J.S.'s dad lecturing me while you hid outside, My brother, Taking all the room while you stayed over night. Calculus, Your reverse job, "This was supposed to be our dayl", Sizzler. Sweet 16 Party, Your mom's great food, Oetting lost going to your house, Super Bowl at J.S., Letting J.S. drive, Bagulffa. Fred Colllnder· Sports Talk Baseball; C.V. when you get him mad. Are you busy on Saterday Monica? Your Itching problem. 0


fourth week Field Hockey Games. New Year's Eve, The Ditch, The Party. Leaving C.V. and A. C. alone for ten minutes. Betty Crocker. r:.B. eating Ev· erything on New Year's, Your essay on a special date, my lecture that day, Janette's Christmas present. A.B. dog attacking you af· ter Cottlllon, A.B. mood night of Cottillon, Beeb, Oetting C.V. mad, C.V.'s reverse job. your eggs. massaging my neck. Cory's sweet 16, raking leaves, Iced Tea. HeATHeR SCHNeiDf.R

m~h7~e! !~~! ~~. ~~~a~nth~~~T~8.':,~~~t~{d~en~~~

lng test. right? Good luck next year and don't go to far ~uthl I want to be able to get my cookies. Patty· Whos the new kid? So that's why they call it HoVal? Hom· eroom. lunch, choir· when will I ever get rid of you? Just kidding. Pick a guy already! All of Princeton knows you well. Miss ya next year. If I get sick I want you as my nurse. Hall ElvisI Jill B.· Chokelahomar Guys and Dolls. We live in the auditorium. Lunch· can I steala fry, or two, or three? What's that? can't hear ·ya· tonsils, you say? freclos moments, forever in Fla. Va· lencla, watch out. BB gives herself five In choir. Thankx 4 the laughs. Hall r:Jvisl Tanya· Ablshnenahl You did what? You've corrupted my mor· als. Retreat. Wildwood. Sahre a brain In English. Roomie who can't get up the morning. She likes big guys named Jo n, Jon, Mark ... C. White or Prodonov maybe? State champ, queen of the hill. Go Navy. Rutgers· It's NO releivedl Brandon our brother. Z our foster mom. May your pencil be well· guided.

Beth· Pick your favorite ligament! ACLI or for me, MCL. Maybe we can swap knees. BIO, CHEM. PHYSICS! helpl'vefallenand 1 can'tget up ... DUCK! Good luck In college b-ball. Larry and Celt· lcs green forever, right? Jenna· Look out world. here comes skinnyll luv U Just the way you are. Miss 'ya next year. Good Luck and keep smiling. Sue· Nol you may NOT borrow my whlteout during college. I'll have my Master's before you give It back. Good Luck and keep smiling smiling. Janice· Just say no to He. How's Ted? Dance, Choklahoma, O&D. doodle·oodle? Religion shadows· I have been enlightened! caffiene and sugar highs on New Year's. PT all the way. Don't for· get to bring your Werther's to college. Jennie· God In a green sheet. sam the man. Henkel was the death of us but It doen't seem possible that a class could get any worse-think about that In college! Don't forget your FOOD. Cara· Let's pin the part on Shmedleyl Pamula· I KANT STAND IT ANY LONOERIII What do we need for class? Who's got the Werther's? can I trust a pharmacist like you. or will you klllme in a evil conspiracy to wipe out allour homeroom? I know. I'm wierd. Good luck next year and in all you do. Karen· I know we haven't been the best of friend In the past but I'm glad to have gotten to know you better. Good luck at H.F. Carolann·1/2 the size wjtwlce the heart. Could your nails get any longer? Best of luck to a sweetie who shares a favortle color w(me. PURPLE! Mrs. Z.· Although you are no longer with us, you will always hold a special place In our hearts- right next to our calc. books. You weren't our God, just our friend. I love you always. JENNinR Sro~TARIO Jennifer Kelley· Never forget Leonie's class junior year. Candy canes on our nails. Period 4, ~. and 6 together. get u·r own boy· friend to push your car. Our cool table at the cotillion. Goln' to bea's at 1:00 a.m. So glad we've become this dose. Luv ya. Jen Sec Rebecca Rottcamp- never forget our cool homeroom. Don't ever say I'm whipped. Your house at 1:00 a.m. Four of us do you smell that? It had to be Cef. Mrs. Anderson's class . . . Ms. Rot· tcampt Nice shoe's. I'm glad we've become so close. Luv ya. Jen Sec Joanne Dlnola· Never forget our cheer camps. Jeff and Jason, two extremes. Our fun trip to New York, we'll have to make that up. When Scott wanted me to walk to Stienert. "Kiss the Girl" Wanna· go to friendly? Luv ya. Jen Sec Amy Fell· Never forget all our classes together. All our talks. Thanks for always listening lluv ya, Jen Sec Joanne Cipullo- Never forget gym, Dambro two yrs, Thanks for always being there. lluv ya, Jen Sec Joseph Latinl·l0f23/90 I can't believe we just did that Kelly's porch Lady In red Angles and bisectors Palm of my hand Basket· ball In the driveway She's afraid to be in a room with you Hang on, I'm about to save the princess Ghost Time can do SO much Times change and people change Life after!? The girl shouldn't ask the guy Just wondering Joe King Wednesdays! You literally walked me home You've never had an oreo Wanna get a movie and watch It at Denise's Arell Would you love me If I had red hair The best ever Weekend In Washington Amici's Bookbinders St. Joe's 4 to 1 ratio, watch yourself She's really pretty from the back Mount airy Lodge, nobody puts my baby In the comer Mon· signor Donovan. you followed thru 9392 lucky #12 Thanks for your typing paperl We've had so many great memories and so many more to look forward to. You're my best friend and I will al· ways love you I fern Kelly Corboy· Killer Kelt Mrs. Ouskin mr. Mason Lausenger I pledge alllgence to the . .. snot We're gunna' be scrappln' ravi· olo My oreos were stolen out of my lunch I think Stanly did It What's happlnln' hot stutr: PAWN Sister Dennis Marie Rodanne R-Q·D-A·N·N·E puddles on Mac Best friend Initiation Spit milk We snuk out at 10:00 to go to a senior party Love l'1 Marriage Captains soph year Wildwood, Kevin matt and Laryy It's like getting shot at the doctor's We've had the best times. I'll always be here for you. lluv yal Jen Sec • Jaime Papa· Lindsay Tonettes. leader's daughter/sister Boo Boo Minelli Shawn and Billy at Kelly's da's, you hated him Home·

~~ea~~~~~s~~~n7YN~~~~e d~~fnt;SB~: xo~cZ: ¥f~~eT~ Dirty To Me Our night out to the monument on Nottingham way Waiting for a star to fall We held hands with our make-believe boyfriends on our~ way to Duffers Wildwood, Kevin Matt Larry Arachnaphobla June 15th 1990 "Just a Little Kiss" Friday nights KNOTB and chessetakes We've been thru everything together! I luv yal Jen Sec Mlsy Cefalone· The new girls Our first camp Trlx pink milk and Jeff Same outfit first two days of school Religion dass Kelly's house Pinky swear Pick It up and move It over Hair dryer In my room Jen I'm in love captains of the cheerieadlng team camp Visit to Iceland Joe's b- day party Our lift Our hour talks about college New Year's eve The x's Kramer's 8:00a.m. You can't sit here It's clean We've had great times. I'm glad we started N.D. together. and are ending It together. lluv, yat Jen Sec KJMSIMPSON C.C. (S.C.) • Bf since 5th, vampire In 9th. jeopardy (Tawny At· torap), Mr. Checka Checka, How come we park In the back?, Rats & Cats. stolen lipstick, WPRB, cabbage patch dolls slamdanc· lng?. candyland rules but watch out 4 raisins, Bllxstra, CBOBOR· RIK, little girl wakin' down the street· boy are hot d®s fun 2 eat!, r:.o. l'1 L.T. episodes, Brandy's a wolf. homemovies·Tet me taech u how 2 cha cha, I can get your sox nice ~ white. Nuggets beat the Lakers, 04Ja·Who's Otis?, Destiny. 8 beers, pass me the Pepsi, health shakes. cooking 2gether, I don't no how the turntable melted, MTV, look out 4 the hammer man, twins, My big sis· luv yal, much more but u live 'round the comer, been thru a lot, thanx·l Juv ya, Rlkkl. S.S.· watch out 4 xplodlng faucets In physics. 12Jsnot, Amy r u o.k.?. grandma·14ptsl, I don't have Mrs. Confoy. Brenda the go go dancer In black leather, back stabber(Joke), punk. smurf. luv ya·Kimber. M.S. (MARIA)· dkll mention I have a pool?, 12Jsnot, r we start· lng a bulssness 2gether or what?, algebra2, freshmen go down under aussle, Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia, did 14get my purse, wal· let keys. BRAIN?, IUT(do u even have my # ), BOfL, love Teddy..ql G.M. (OIA)· damn. Is that sun bright or what?, shut up o.k. just shut upl. OL·Iove 1\lmbely. P.S.· Papa smurf, 12Jsnot, big bro. did u steal my calculator. cheapskate, banished from HR much?, my 1st friend at N.D. (remember Mrs. Kresse-Rodrlguez)Boft.., Luv me. J.S.· 12Jsnot, where r my brown penny loafers?. powder puff, HR volleyball-so close yet so far, wolfman bangs the redheaded chick outside, runnlng(4 me walking) the track 4 Mr. D. Being there 4 me. I'll miss ya but you'll call right RIGHT, OL, luv the lit· tie runt M.S.· my flower dledl, nursery school, dying my hair NORDIC BLONDE, 12Jsnot, driving 2 school, locker buddy, she's holden his caufield, smurf, HR mag. cpt., b careful u don't hurt somel wjyour huge, heaving, engulfing ... . . ... now now let's not get obscene. BOIL, luv Klmmy. C.Z.· umbrellas, I used 2 hate u. same mlstakes(ts.), exemplary members ol NHS, who r we rooming with?. your bad feeling r always right. have fun In kentucky or whereever. Invite me 2 the wedding. anatomy was great. mutual frtends(c.f.), will u fix my kids teeth?, OL W/ ~.K., OL, luv Klmmy. M.W.·l of my Bff. had some Interesting times 2gether. fresh· men yr. religion, bus rides, moonlighting, hiding under tables,

pumpkin. POOP HEAD!, yippleicya ..... , u r gay. will u make me a potato omlette. can't wait 4 u 2 meet D.l., glad u hate E.T., thanx 4 being great. u always understand me, I'll never understand the far side. Da Bears - 49ers rule, BofL always. KIT, luv Kimberly. J.S.- long time no talk, sorry so moody, stay out of trouble o.k.?, gus gus. KIT. GL-i'll miss ya, Iuv me. H.R. 12JSNOTS 4EVER- P.S .. M.S. , S.S .. J .S.. M.S.-I luv u guys S.C .. M.W., D.l.- BFFII LOVE D. I. ALWAYS. GL CLASS OF '931 STEPHANIE SLIWINSKI Michele Amari:Secret Lovers. that's what we are ... yeah right, maybe she is, stop touching mel. don't forget Accounting, how many times did I use the pass?, was there one lunch where we didn't beat Sammy up?. we always won, Hi Shelly!. remember that?. Michele come here, just look at her nose. it's hu!;Jel. we had so much fun. love Jots is what we did, how many calones are in my lunch?. love ya, Stephie. Babs:The Go-Go, Leather Pants, never In school, the accent, frank's Chicken House. BREN, nice clothes, hubby must work at Sears. red and pink don't match . JANEY, need I say More?. Luv. Stephie Kristin Chebra:jr. yr .. period 7, law, Wrobo, Ms. G. she loves ME morel. Mrs. Coppock, wish I could sit on the smart side like you do, talking while she tried to teach . the play, all the problems you had. I'm glad we became friends, love. Steph Melissa Cattani: I loved being sarcastic with you!, making fun of other people, I feel sooo stupid walking across the stage like this. Religion-what is shejhe talking about?. Physics-! really don't understand, glad we met. love ya, Stephanie Todd Caruso: If there was ever a person whose life was like a soap opera. it's you!. Glad I could help you with at least one one of your problems, sorry I caused another, thanks for the tour of your house, you still owe me for that pizza. we make a good pool team, remember this summer? Billiards, your B-elay, balloons?. thanks for the language lessons(that's nigger. and bip ·em), between the two of us, we could write a book on how NOT to treat people. huh , thanks for helping me with my twO favorite people. I'm sure that watching TV really Is a good way to ease stress, I'm glad you always let me do your homework for you, me and my sarcastic sense of humor. you know you can dish it out just as well as I can, you coming to my hous~ and your first question always was ... got any food?, Mitzi's picnic this past summer, doesn't my hair look good today?, you're so hot. you are amazing( you alse know I only told you that to make you feel better). at least now you can control your right and left hooks a lit', tie, 1, 2 • .3 . .. breathe!, call me when you become a psychologist so I can send my kids to see you(will you give me a "she's one of my best friends" discounts?), don't forget to write me back next year, since you liked my first poem so much here's another:l have a friend whose name is Todd, he Is very different. very odd, he used to be miserable. always hurting and mad, but since he's known me he's been nothing but glad!. don't forget to SMILE!. love ya lots. Steph. Sammy Battista:You knew I had to write you Shabbal. do you still have my poem?, let me mess up your hair, look at her nose It's like a ski slopel, White Men Can't Jump. do I really look like I'm only 13? pd. 6 lunch, how DID you get that mustard on my shirt, thanks (or watching my soap opera for me. I loved watching family Feud in lunch, you eating MY lunch, how many calories are in my brownies?, the R-word, thanks for the memories(good and bad). don't forget to come visit me in my lighthouse!. love ya lots. Steph (Shabba). Maria Agabiti:How much do I owe you for her nose job?Luv, Steph Kimmy Slmpson:What would I have done to survive pd. 7 w;o you? Sue really did like us best( even If we were on the dumb side of the room). I'll never forget all of your problems, Smurfs -we are the Irish, we are the best .. . ,the time machine, our 12-J Snots. we had some good times. Love ya. Stephie Maura Sutterlin: I'm a Bloss watcher. you ' re a Bloss watcher. be a Bloss watcher. be a Bloss watcher ... , Jubilee Roll. Dolly Parton lsjeatousofME, my boob poems. Spainster, Our Town, smell my heliotrope, WALLPAPER, where are the oats?, have some Looky Charms, Bren, go-go, leather pants. Johnny McGioc, loved the class, pd. 6 Religion-you look suicidal, call me Six, G.G.-our Kid Cuisine, I'm gonna wrap my hair up like this and look so beautiful, 12-J SNOTS forever, we left G.T. in the wrong warp zone. nice orange outfit, I Joke to color on Friday nights, how about you, visiting Sammy's this summer. my hell last year-love ya too. Bff (NOT!), my great guy problems this year. sarcastic jokes, I guess that's all, I'll write to you later, Oh yeah I almost forgot . JOEY LOVES MEl! Love. Steph (BLOSS) Mitz: ' member Bio? J. Okulltzowitz(?) not passer, one tap for A, two for B. 1st year going with you and mom on your " people search ". 6425? Ring a beii?"Sue. I don't understand!" . Wildwood-where is he?where Is she?, dropping by Linda's shore house. making ourselves at home. Is there anything on the back of my pants,? Shiny Happy People, Sepie, Shawn D., I LUV Joey, Mr. Lifeguard, eating McDonald's at TSC. Please play one more Old Maid game. me visiting your lunch (you sure had a lot of Bdays last yrl). Pool buffs we are-who was the red ball?. Beauty & the Beast-Ariel was better, We've gotten into more fights with other people this yr., I'd say about 5 so far-better than our usual 0 . What M I a doormat?., Boom I Got your B-friend(NOT), Today's a TuesdaY., does he like you or is that Mondays(Nlck). /HOP-never a m•lkshake, I finally turned 17, under Seige-what a night! Me staying up past 8:30, my poems. our guy notes that always got us in trouble (why didn't we team). "Stop feeling sorry for yourself!", Lunch boxes, 90210, get-togethers, let's Blp 'emYeah, street talk, punk!, Some day we'll know what It feels like to be drunk, Joey's Pizza. Do I have a chest In this shirt?. "shopping" at my house, Hop Scotch, let's drive by his house and see if he's home. me and my big mouth, true friends. Days of Our Lives, Another World. Prom & Cotillion, detectives, why doesn't he like me, I'm a nice girl, Shoulder To Cry On, The J Mouseketeers. thanx 4 telling me what's in my burger, what's my dream mean?, I want Ice creatl. Sure. I'll do your homework(AGAIN). 1 love you so much, thanks for everything esp. just being you. I'll always be here 4 you-Love forever, best friends. Stephle. Kysers: Or Ky. Kys, Klydes and Pultorak. Don't 4-get our song, "If I Could Tum Back Time" and the carnival-we really must've looked like fools. how about our poems. 1-HOP-we never could get milshakes, Karaoke. the beach. Frankie and Bo from Days, Ryan and Jake from A.W., of course Luke and Jason, our tragic love affairs, shh and hmmmi, Obo-that liar, showing up at Nicole's and eating their dinner-loved that Uncle. your 16th Bday. on cloud 9, Wind Beneath My Wings, The Flzz(hated it), Retreat cancellations. being dissed by a guy, being dissed For a guy, your surprise party at my house (I still have to take you to dinner), A League of their Own-the parking lot afterwards(nlce butt ring a bell?). Aladdin, Parkway Pizza-us running In and Mitzi hiding In the car, your snort. I'm sorry this isn't any longer, I'll fin· ish the rest in your yearbook. I'll always be here 4- you-Love forever. best friends, Stephie. Roger: Thanks for your help w; . everything! Good Luck w ... your prob. thanks for letting me be snotty to U. Matt K: My back rubber! Thanks for the countless back rubs, and my Ariel, any-way I think you should know . . . , Love ya. Steph. Joy: Damn. Wish I Was Your Lover, never forget that's our song, or those old friends who made you cry or McDonalds, that Is classis, wait the fries, 12 J snots rule. the volleyball night we should have won, beat the kids. can you take my comer tonight. quit putting your stuff in everyone's locker. Thanks for the card, thanks for everything. love you lots. love Stephers (you're the

one). To all the 12 J Snots, I love you all. we RULEII! Matt P: CRUSTY! CRUST MAN! I-HOP. you were always the only guy, you STUD!! The Cotillion and the Prom, Sue Cop-she always hated you-loved me, pool games. my party and everything else. Love, Steph (SII). Megan H: Even though we have not been talking in the past few years, we have been through so much together and then It ended, remember 8th grade, Tracey's party, our meeting In the bathroom, to compare kisses, Sophomore yr. and Mike P., That first day I came here was hard. thanks for helping me. I'll tell you· something I never told you before, end of Sph yr. and that summer I was so mad and upset with you because you wanted to be with Eric Instead of me, now I know that all good things must end, and for the 11 years that we were best friends, Thanks, I don't think we ever laughed harder than when we were together. Ove you, Stephle. Susie N: I'm not writing a long message to you because I'll probably see you forever(or at least on New Year's) some day we'll get to Times Square, remember Christmas. the rapids, Ocean City, esp. beaches. Love. Stephle. LeRon: Shhhlll Thanks for talking to me when you needed help and being there when I needed it. Thanks esp. for screaming in my ear all the time. Love, Stephle. Joe L: Best drunk, Chicken Man, racial jokes, don't touch me, I love you, Steph. Jane: Thanks for being such a great driver when I was In the car with you·NOTIIIIII Love. Steph. Bryan Vasti: Uust wanted to say, HI, Love, Stephie. Ilona: Choir Buddy, HI, I'm Steph. Glad I Introduced myself to you In choir. We did too much work In that class, your hair looks great wild. But It looks fine your way too. Hail Holy Queen. someday we'll grow, In places where it counts. Love you, Steph. Chris S: We had a great year, huh? How could you have survived without me, If It wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a ride to school-thank goodness, I like you so much. I still hate that girl, good luck next year. Because now It will be only you with the dirty room who gets yelled at. I love you always, Steph. Beth S: Beefl How are ya? Will you sing with me . . . please. what will you do next year when all of my clothes and make-up are with me, I guess you're going to have to start taking stuff now, just joking, got any overdue library books?, I love you so much, Thanks for being my favorite sister. Love, Steph. Mom and Dad: Thanks for everything, I never would have made It here without you, you will never know how much you mean to me, I love you both with all of my heart, during this time when it's hard for me to know who my friends really are, it Is nice to know that I will always have you. Love. Stephle. JEFFReY SMITH B.K.- Luv ya like a bro. What happened? Shuffler NBC! Your unbelievable. Your lost! See ya In 6. MADDEN (#I J.S.- Gotta luv ya. Gotta tuv lit. 4- yr. same hr.r. Don't forget mel GoodLuc;l G.Z.K.- Soon to be Mrs. K. Nice driving, Good Luckl Luv Val K.S.- Gus Gus. Great 2 wks. Later + luv yat T.T.- Pitts, smoke, Dip, live by the tin. "Dad I'm sleeping over Tom's. T+ S Mobil. SEGAl J.D.- Shoot some stick Ayl Ski EXTREME! Cherokee! Killer Bass! It's the klsowe 304- Lighter! JOY SMITH Field Hockey: Remember we're #1, WW-P .3x's the charm, NoVal. MCT & CVC Champs. Pasta parties, Chuck's wings, "Throw her a roll", the bathroom photo, camp. toilet papperlng Todd 's "Wilda Beast", nature walks, Tara's monkey Impressions, self defense class, Looney (Jill) attacking Chrissy, Jessica's letter, superstitions, bandannas, clam pizza. " Tara 's sprit bill and finally "ON ANY GIWEN DAY" To the little ones:(JC CL JS MH LF KK MB) U showed us old ladles hard work & dedication. The best of luck & take care of Ma· jor for us. I'll miss & love you all. JC- U're the oldest now, take care of them for us. I'll miss you. CL-Keep up the hard work. stay sweet. JS-U were our 1st baby. U're growing up on us. MH-1'11 miss U lots, u·ve grown up on me, remember the pasta party drives home w; the deer & 1 day we'll see what that light Is In the ground. LF-(Screech) What would I do w;out U? I'll miss dancing w1 U & the goofy things we've done. KK· Hang In there with those shin splints, u·ve grown up on me. I'll miss stretching next to u. MB- Keep up the hard work. Seniors:(JM RC TS AW CD MM CM BF JB) Jill's house wj health food, SUPERMAN w; Becca's video camera up side down, Where'd she go? We've played together for four years et this year we showed them what we were made of, we went out with a bang. I already miss the season. that night at MCP when we sat there for hrs. was proof of how close we are. We made history & should be very proud. I Luv U. Special thanxs to Topher for the time & support of all of us. Jill: Can you believe that we are graduating? I sure can 't The last four years have been great, we've shared alot thru-out these years. We've gone thru many different phases and with these phases our friendship has managed to stay as stronge. Let us take a trip down memory lane. can we count the stupid things we 've done? How about the week in the C Isle do you remember pee? How about Hot Rod Rob. All those times we went to the pitch-n-putt, honest I didn't mean to attempt to kill you. Tom & Jerry, Jeff, Jeff & Dave, the shim toll collector, u & ordering u're food at the drive thru. ' Til have . . . " at the top of u' re lungs. You 'll always be known as the girl with four selfs. one up at the cage, one at the 25, one at the 50, and one back helping with the defense. Looney what would we have done w;out u? Don't forget that you don't get sunburn on your face, (raccoon) et I promise not to make you laugh, Is the room spinning? I swear mom it was cool aid on the sleeve, those pictures we took, our singing " and how can u look at me as If I was just another one of your deals", those long late night drives, what destination? the houses we drove by, the conversation, "Jill don't drop this" SMASH! " It broke, I thought it was 1 tray." hey future sister-In-law, u're per· feet for 1 another, the guys (MH, VA, TC, KS, JF, RS) your wonderful driving, how did u pass the test? our fist fights, u & u're tumbling, knee pads w; sweatshirt tucked Into sweatpants, the noise u made, the hole u almost put in my floor, u & my father picking on one another, u attempting to bake at my house, those great cinnamon rolls w; the icing, u do such a great job, how was that stromboli. did u get any in u're mouth, the poor table cloth, oh yeah the guy lnthe dell parking lot, who was a zombie, Shamus will miss u next yr. no one to slobber on, contemp. issues. lunch, field hockey and everything that we have doJ1e. Thanxs for atways being there for me, u·re 1 of the best friends I've ever made. lluvu. Jackie: Remember that I gave u the chicken pocks,(QLOW), Jeff & Hot Rod Rob in C·lsle, WW & the pink cow or was it an elephant? J french guys, me reading u're palms. ESP, Pitch-n-Putt (I won't hit her, Jill duck! I didn't almost kill anyone.) the shim of a toll collector, Jill ordering at the drive thru, Troy & Kafer hitting the ball together, Jeff. Jeff & Dave, Princeton & shabooms, I was very talkative that night Thanxs for everything. Amy W: Don't ever think of driving a stick, all the food we prepared & Jill dropping that tray of my mom's, lunch this yr. Thanxs for always being there. Becca: Thanxs for four wonderful years of friendship & hockey, u 're smile is 1 I'll never forget. stay sweet & just the way u are. I luvu. Rich: U are a great friend, thanxs 4 always being there 4 me. Sometimes I'd like to kill u but somehow u·ve managed to survive. Don 't forget to always carry a bottle opener w; u, u may need it, of course u're god, a man?, more like a boy, remember I

know self defense, when did u get u·re license, u should've lis· tened to me et all that spaghetti u ate, Singles, those stars & the moon. Thanxs. Kyle: Remember pudding & the Kyle shield. those lip stick marks, u falling out ofu're brothers jeep, u snorting, Chris at his "off shade of yuck" & all the other crazy things that have happened. Thanxs for always being there. J Seg: Lung transplant, someday I promise u'll read about me. Sammy: Don't bit mel How about those keys of yours, wf the car running. And u call me blonde. Stay up all nlte again? 12 J Snots:(KS PS MS ss MS) what would we have done w;out one another? HR power activate! the who am I game, Hr volleyball. Spirit day, my sharply pressed pants, Kim & her brown loafers, Maddie & her on going problem w; being on time. Stephle & Maura w; their Dolly Parton chest (Jx DD), Peter. our father figure. All of our problems that we managed to solve. U guys are great et lluv you. Thanxs for everything. Chris: How's that "off shade of yuck" ? I'm glad we became friends even though u constantly pick on me & torment me. I'm still up on the pidlddlles & punch buggies. Thanxs for makln me laugh & the many smiles u've brought to my face, by the way u lost that bet w; Mark W. u never dropped me. KRSTEI't SMITH Jen- " Moraner": " Slow ", and sister: fresh· man year- sliver, piggy eyes, red hair, cigarettes; no morel Malibu- TKA· cruisln' Nicole, Michelle's party! Summer '92' cruisln' to shore In "Ed's piece of' TICK~T 4 yellow line- didn' t even see itl Chris from Hamilton Joe from South Brunswick· Clover Mall. SUMMER- SUMMER, SUMMER Sun by your pool· Jen's little BBQstorm- caught by Ed through the window! Lee and Bill- Pensy· Hanging with Elvis I Johnny's Rockin'. Lee's da's house. W.W.P.P- ALL DONE! The beginning of our adult lives- C,K,K + John. Mom's house- good times- sleep over; 4 am- massive H.O. Drives home In jeep- the 4 of us-drives with me and c. Almost ftlpped at park with J.H. caught at Mom'sljamesway- never left on tlmel Come on Jenl first time - Stree 4 everyone. Critical decisions· but not yours- Ma'sl Big Move for both of us- to Dad'sl Better· divorce· Healing times, now let's take care of us. "Long and raugh raod ahead but It will end and get better." - famous quate from " sis". wr; CAN DO ITt TOGl'.:TH~R

Jennifer Marie l'rantlno- Moran (not)· Smith (yesl) look at what we have been through together· a lifetime of' memories, good times, bad times, and healing times (NOW!). We have so much and don't even know It! Now let's get out there- the PAST IS THE PAST- and let's do ltl "lflt was meant to be it will be." I love you forever and forever my true sister, Rockin', sis, KIR P.S. I never could have done It all without you. Thank.x for saving my life and giving me a new one. (NELL~ BIRO), fLLl'.:N, (ROXY), - COOKifl - It's catherineiMMMI Ughl St. Ann's- ewl We never left each other Nelli Jim-freshman yearl Going over In the snow· sexy barblesl Talks In your room- football games- buzzing! Chris C. every morning· Oh my god we're going to die!- :S In the front. First Love- D.H. 10 months! Wow! Love is great Isn't It? Glad YOU found It and held onto it! M.G.- ewllerk- lies rumors, Why? OH PLr:ASl'.:l Martin house- out· side looklng in cougar "John F. stop hitting my carl'' laughsLove- Lost- Why? Why? Why? Mixed emotions- shock-heailng. When I need you, you were right where I knew you were- there for me through It all with an ear to listen. How we grew upl So fast! So good! So long! Off' Into the world· Success Is in your eyes. Marriage; 3 kids. I wish you the best of luck and life with Dave- I want to be Maid of Honor! I love you always, Kir (Cookie) P.S. Thank.x for all you 've done, always there when I needed you. . Rich- Sweetie (HI Honey!) Thank.x for 3 yrs. of harassment and dreams of pooltables and cue sticks· I don't know about you! Lynch's class- STOP!· you were never there! End of C. - told you all- you listened and were trust worthy thank.x for that. Your advice was phenomenal- helped ALOTI 10 lates- could have killed you- but loved you too much- damnetl no Cotillion- OH Wl'.:LL,

~~i/WmT~t'::~~t~~:'~~~\d': ~~~~.'! ~~ f~~:;~t~:~

a laugh- hell this. hell that- off' topic. on topic. I needed someone like you this year- thankx for caring and helping me out. I love you, (your honey) Kirsten P.S. When? When? In due time. Rkh. In due time. Bridge- (Tony's girl, my blondie) Sorry friends so late! Gym talks- best talks ever hadl MMMI Tony this, Chris that. Volleyball· Bridget· Klrl sorry!· phone In lunch- yes Tony I get flowers· don't fret you 'll get them- at your WEDDINQI- Hello bridesmaldl I better be onel Jen too. 8r1dget Oh, Bridget someone true to talk to. who would listen- looking from outside ln. We clicked Honl Blondes together!- UNITED! I wish you and Tony the best of everything; you deserve It· don't be so paranoldl- You're Loved! Don't let It go; hold onto It- not melt had to let It go- righteousness- maybe right- maybe wrong· who knows? All still a mystery. Thank.x 4making senior year) and gym) the BESTI KIT- Love you. Klrky P.S. Thnk.x for the support and the love 4 us (J.M. and me)

JEN SMITHSON Chris - Welt what can I say? We've had a hell of a time these past four years. I can't quite remember how we became friends but I'm glad we stuck together. As I take a trip down memory lane here are some of the more memorable or not so memorable moments: 1. freshmen year lunch table, 2. you and I becoming such good friends, J. football games (" I see mine, where's yours?") (whatever possessed us?), 4. Clro's vs. Teho's, 5. TGI Friday's, 6. Denny's at midnight and the track team, 7. l'.:ric Clapton, 8. U2, 9. Iceland, 10. accounting at Ground Round (how did I get stuck with that job?), 11. 5 perfod flyers' game. 12. binoculars, l.J. fender bender on Route 1 (we'll just pretend that didn't happen), 14. lunch everyday for four years - I wouldn't have sur· vived without you, 15. Dorney Park and the downpour • where were you?. 16. wildwood bus ride home, 17. retreat with our favorite people, 18. C,C,B,B. M,t,J,P,B, ~.D,D. (I hope you can ftgure that out) 19. tennis stats, 20. that possessed kkl. 21. trading cars, 22. driving all around Trenton trylng to find Greg. 2:5. baby pictures, 24-. senior pictures. "Hilt's mel," by the way· where Is It?, 25. "Are you two twins?", what was that Qlr1 on anyway?, 26. "Which one you want? Boff of 'emf", 27. I'TGK- who the hell cares. 28. "glmme something to talk about", when are we going to team something?, 29. pig on heels. :SO. you trylng to kiss up to me (unsuccessfull~to get Into NBHS- my car Is still dlrtyl, Jl. "When are you go to cut your hair?", 32. parking space wars, don't cross that In ble walll, 3.3. car accident on Lawrence road; rubber necking: "Chris are you alright?"- thanks for being there and keeping me calm. 34. florida trip (It hasn't happen yet but rm sure It was fun). :55. and ftnally - GRADUATION! Well, that's the best 1can do. I'm sure many more fun times are ahead of us, but at least we won't forget these. Thank y,ou so much for being there for me and listening to all of my problems. Your a great friend and I couldn't have gotten through It without you. I don't care what my dad says. the phone bitlis worth It! Caroline - I had fun In Calculus - NOT. Thanks for helping me outl God only knows what possessed me to take that dass. but I'm glad you were there to help me through ft. I'm glad we ftnally got In some classes together this year. You're a great friend. Good luck next year andkeep In touch! Ruby - Thanks for helping me out In all of those classes we had together through the years. Remember we were the only two girls in NBHS. Good luck wherever you go! Jeff'- Jazzy Jeffllt was great sharing a locker next to you even If you didn't give me farewell party, but I forgive you. Good luck next year and don't forget me. P.S. I didn't forget about that ride I owe you, I was just waiting until you get your lcense. Look me up


when that happens. Julie · Can you believe we made It to another graduation? Thanks for all of the fun times over the past 12 years! Time goes by so fast but It was great having you there. Thanks for the memories and remember, (I can 't believe I just said that • how 8th grad ish!) Good luck next year and keep in touch . Katie • Windex woman! I bet you don't remember that. Let me refresh your memory: sophomore year wildwood trip. If that doesn 't help then you 're out of luck. I can' t thank you enough this year for increasing my self-esteem by complimenting me and praising my work and looks. I'll try to forget those things you said even though it may have scared me emotionally. Good luck next year. you SAT goddess! What did you get again? Jason • Thanks for not helping me in Calculus. I think you could have at least taken the final for me. since you aced the midterm. You could have at least given me a couple of points. But since It's too late now I forgive you. I would wish you luck but I know you don't need it you already have everything It takes. Matt • Thanks for hanging out with me at Sesame. I know you won 't miss it this summer but If I'm stuck there, think of me okay? Keep in touch and don't forget me. Good luck next year. LeRon · I'm NOT a lairl Thanks for not believing me. Thanks for being a good friend over the years. I'm sorry I g9t you kicked off the Peer at Wildwood freshmen year. Do you even remember that? Good luck in college and when you hit it big one year. I'll be able to say hey I knew him oncel Don't forget me • the little per· son okay? Nick · Thanks for making me feel better by teasing me about my accident. Don't drink and drive this summer; Okay? Try to keep your car driveable for a little bit longer. I think seven acd· dents is a record. You ' re a sweet person and I'm glad we're friends. Have a cool summer and don't work too hard next year. SHtR.ICt SOOANIC Melony F.· Hello, let me see If you could remember this. The night we went out in with your Mom and I stayed over and there was this big. huge, and loud thunder storm and you snuck around to scar me and you made fall on the noor. How about St. Mary's school! Can you believe how Immature we were. Me and you were always fighting and It's like that here in High School also. I have no idea what your problems are! How about the ride to Patterson N.J . to pick up Tony and being there at 11:.30 at night in a crazy town. We could of got shot and killed. It's been 12 years of crazy stuff. We made It through high school. Well girl I will always care for you! Remember that. I like your carl K.I.T. Mel Love your friend Sherice. Crystal P.· Hey you crazy women. You just never shut up do you! But I like you that way! Your short sweet. and sometimes very stupid. But just this year we got close and I'm sorry It wasn't sooner because your really a good friend. Please make sure you keep in touch over the summer. We had fun this year together. I hope you and Ty are still together. Love ya Crystal. stay sweet LoveSherice Mary Beth Banfield· I've know you and you 've been in almost every class from freshman year. So I've had enough of you (kid· ding) I'm glad me and you are friends. You ' re a real sweet per· son. Please stay that way. Just leave your hair alone! Love your friend Sherice Sandra A.· I really haven't talked to you and Tonia that much this year. But I still know and care about you gles. I hope you are doing well. Remember keep in touch . Love Sherice Patti· Hey girl. we both hate chemistry class big time. I hate chemistry classlll I'm glad we became friends make sure you keep in touch and just think your last year with Confoyl Love She rice Karyn D.· Your sitting righht next to me In Religion <:lass. 1wish I could have stayed In math class with you Patti. I'm glad I know youl Love Sherice


JOHN SOLAN TO: Elena Reznick, Pauly, Darllene, Hopefully It's been almost a year and a half by now. WOW I I never figured I could put up with anybody that long, but here we are. You asked me to tell you how I really feel so here It Is. It's 2/7 j9:!J and I want to tell you that I Love You. My love for you has grown everyday since that day we met. a time to this day I still I can't remember. Forgive me. I guess the thing I like best about the time we spend together Is the quiet time. I feel so relaxed and happy when we are just sitting there listening to Harry In your room. Those are the best times. There are other good times too like Casa Luplda. the Planetarium, Fla .. Alladin, and Genesis at the Vet. I guess the truth is that I have never felt this comfortable around anyone else before. You wanted the truth so there It is. I'm sorry I don't say it enough. Don't forget I LOVE YOU. With love forever, John To Lisa Muehlelsen, Homey D. Clown. AHHHHHHHI It's over! How are we going to live with out each other. Life just isn't going to be the same with out good ol' Homey keeping me on the right track. You have done a lot for me over the years, from giving me advice on K i t n P. to keeping my head where it's supposed to be, both of them. Now, I lmow you are going to say almost the same thing about me, but I had to thank you just the same. Now for a trip down memory lane. Here are some key words that you should recognize: Dennehy, practice, Homey D ' Clown, the olli· cia/ Homey D ' Clown alarm clock (which you keep in your closet by the way. Cough, Cough), Miniature golf; stars, a big funny· looking blond haired blue eyed fool diving into the pool with his Umbros on, Counties, those damn lap counting cards. Encino Man (BUUUUUUDY}, Alternative Route, and a whole bunch of other that I can 't remember at the moment. Thanks for all of those memories. There is one more thing you must do for me. While 1 am away in east bumblefluck at college, keep your pen ready, or if you can find a Prodigy program you can use, for I shall be writing to you from where ever I may be come August. Have fun with that big, blonde, and funny looking hunk you call Craig. ON. there's just one more thing I want you to remember While I'm gone. I'm only 29 cents away Ifyou need me. Your bud always, John To Theresa Bonanno, Oimpy. Hobbes, How am I going to sur· vive, you say. Oh don 't wony you will. somehow. Ok. Ok. Yes that was a bit stuck up, but hey that's me. As for what you are go· ing to do without me, hey there's always Bill, CffMI F'ranJdy honey the best advice I can give you Is keep lots of envelopes around. you 'll need em ·. On to the mushy stuff. Unlike most of my friends, I do remember when I met you, I think. I believe I was at practice, 1.. 'ville I think. just before I made that six month long m1stake, (oops I hope she doesn't read this/), Personally I think I should have chosen you instead of her. At any rate, since then we have bee great friends. even more so recently. The stuff we have done together has been so much fun. Do you remember Wildwood, EVERY SINOLE PRACTICE, Stowe. my mothers kidney transplant, all of the stupid little parties we went to, youth group, Casa Lupida, EVERY SINOLE PRACTICE, the list/ust goes on and on. The times we've had have been great. One tfnal thing. In case you were wondering. Yes I will write, Yes I will visit when I'm home, and Yes I will miss you. Swimfully yours, John TO: Beth Ryfinski (I hope I spelled that right!}, Blnki, Pugsly, What an interesting couple of years It has been for us, eh •• I swear if we had gotten any closer we could be brother and sister. Oh walt we are. Now there a few things I want you to remember while you are away at college: l}No flipping ANYONE. Including your mom 2)f'ind another study partner you 'll need him :J)Life Is short Play Hard 4)Don 't beat up too many guys S}Aiways wear

your helmet, there 's enough brain damage as it Is, and most lm· portantr. there is 6) DON'T f'OROET TO WRITE/ Take care of yoursel . One more time, keep in touch. You never lmow. one day I might be Bellz's superior officer. llmow you wouldn 't want to miss that/ Your bro always, John TO: Anne (Jackie) Nowak, Hey bud. This Is it. The end of senior year, for me at least. Just think of all the great times we had. all the things we did with Kristen. Wildwood, your birthday party at the Man1ot. and all the really weird stuff that happened this year. It's been great. I'll miss you a lot. I hope your senior year will be as good as mine was. Keep your chin up. There 's one more thing. write me or DIE! Love you always. John TO: The rest of the youth group clique, /just don 't Jmow what you guys are going to do without me. Who is going to be the life of the party now. Oh well I suppose you will find someone. Until then thanks for all the great memories, and keep f'r. Mike on a leash for me while I'm away. Thanks. Sincerely. John TO: My Swim team buds (John.Keny. Kelly, Liz, Joe. Bridget, Bonnie. Mark J .. Chloe, and Lisa Matar), I had to say good-by to the people who I most enjoyed enduring hell with . Without you guys practice would have been really dull. Ello, My Name Is 51· mon, and I like to do Drarings ... Are you looking at my bum? Sony just had to slip that In there. I am really going to miss you guys at practice when I'm at college. It just won 't be the same. There are a few things that those ofyou who are left will have to do for me In my absence. l)Keep up the team spirit 2}Some how, some way, beat WWP :J}Don't break your elbow In the middle of the season 4) Don 't get sick In the middle of the season either S)Keep shooting for those best times, you 'll get there. Swimfully yours. and forever waterlogged, John TO: The guy that has been my friend since the dawn of time Frank Zemcik, Hard to believe Isn 't it. f'or the first time In 10. count them 10, years we won 't be going to the same school, we won 't be on the same teams, and we sure as heck won 't see each every dam day. Scary thoughts eh •. Man we have had some times, endless hours In the pool. long summer days on our bikes, AC, Circle M. endless hours in the pool, all that time on the computer, Olory Anne's algebra class, Mrs. Proms. Cotll· lions, Tuna. Every painful hour of St. Oreg ·s from third grade on, The flrst time you were over my house and I poured soda oq your head because you annoyed me so much, Brophy. Wig, Zdeski, moving my locker. f'Ja., Nashville, Red means stop, Demo 's, and all the other stupid crap that we have gone through together. Here Is some good advice for your years at college. a)don 't get drunk more than four times a week. b)Don't do anything too stu· p/d c}Don 't forget to write because something tells me we are goIng to have a lot to talk. about after college starts. I'll be around this summer for some beach buggying and other stuffJust call. Your friend John TO: Anyone that I may have forgotten or anyone who cares, If I have forgotten you. forgive me. It is 12:24 A.M. on the day that this blasted thing Is due. Just give me your yearbook and I will be more than happy to fill it with all sorts of nostalgic gibberish. Un· til then I'll miss you all. Sincerely, John


MARK STAff'A John Brophy· What Is the average upward acceleration of JT who jumped out of a 90m tall building and landed on a bike with out a seat? (answer in 8 sig figs) . It was a Drum head! M.S. Cara Cutchlneal· Remember pd 6 j- year. Rick oh sorry Ray· mond, definitely Rick. Rebecca says Hi. Live long and eat phos· phorus. William Goertz· Willy! Goatz? Aaarroough? Just a dirty black summer. I think Its time for bed you sleepless Dogl M.S. Carrie Hritz· Get out of the wayl What is this guy· brake happy? Aaarrooogh?l What time Is It? I can't tell off hand but I think its time for bed. OH NO only fries? OH what the heck! Beep beep HI Dave; bye Dave's father. Say hi to Marily's sister for me. The guy wasn 't that old and It was a D·R·U·M headi M.S. Richard Moore- Don't even ask· you 'll find out over the summer. Only If there aren't ant slippery watermelons. M.S. Jeffrey Mordock· Someday yo 'II be able to play dots but untill then just read some stories. Llbrart again? M.S. Thomas Semol}lk· Where to this lunch period? Any friend for Uncle Lovie? Does your mother know you hand out coloring books? M.S. James Thoennes· Cards anyone No you can 't be in Carrie's car for 6 hours. If JB pushed you off a 90m tall building and you landed on a bike with no seat, what would JB's horizontal dis· placement be from you first? And how much force was required? M.S. Janice Tyne· We sank the subl Where did your mother learn to serve a volleyball?· the firing range? Me, JT, and JS are sorry for years of mental anguish in homeroom· NOT! M.S. Jeffrey Wig Aaarrooogh?l Shwlngl Sheaaahl Don't trip over the

::~~r,:·. o~e:atT::h:Ct~~~a~: ~R?u~~~~~~ ~~-Monkey greg ~eskl· You really stink at dots; I win, give It up. I won the

red one you know it. Old you read anything lor English? didn't think so. I'm finally over my huney bun disorder (I hope). Sheaahl Oh what the heck Three Wild and Cra period five lunch guys! M.S. . Frank Zemclk· Well, Well. Well. 0-golly· golly. You Colloguall Oh sorry you beguile. Anthony Is stilla foxhole. Jump out of any windows Ialley? Shegahl Game of dots? Just a bunch of Three Wild and Crazy period five lunch guys. M.S.

TARA SUNTATO Deborah·! just have one thing' to say-Aren't I cute?,B.S. & M.Z .. fatty fSoombalattl, Nell's room·J ..P. & J.C., I swear I never liked him, L.B.I. - I swear I didn't (M.L.) Jon Doctor. riding red bikes down the boulevard, Fang. belly boardln, Gus-Unbelievable. stealing letters from signs. mint choc. chip Ice cream, Anthony from the slide, me l!t D.B., us rhymln. led zep, sambucca, calling the radio, Hulk drinking from the toilet. PMf, M . A. · WHMA.A.MA.AT?, sticking a poem In a locker, tell me a story AI, Groove Is In the heart, swimming, Jon francis, making dedlca· tlons-esp the Bicycle one, Maria & Push It, me trying on your dancing outfits. clogging up your toilet, laughing on the phone, dancing like J.B., can I have nachos and 2 buds-oh my ID Is at my seat. I'll be right back, J.C. dipping, Red Shoe Diary. did some· body give me ankles?, how about you hated me frosh year. tratenlng T.C.·36 bucks, B.S.·boy did he jam me. nammln all 22 to your mom, loWlume wjC.B .. never-all the time!. pretending to go to M.A.. splttfng beverage on M.A .. C.N. l!t u almost!, M.L. & E.C. making snow angels In the snow, lets take a walk to the beach·nah, guess what·Jon Secada was on JOAN RIVERS, taking pictures of K..B.'s feet. f .f.·l wear size 52 jeans wanna hop In?, In the dodge·ls that for real?. J.M.·back seat of the charger, M.O.· Home Alone, calling answering machines. Mike's voice machine, Gllod Janclowicz, running to your house In the rain, M.H., hiding from that guy who walks around your block, D.V. at PMF. Bll· llards. me spitting water at people at Fridays, all I have to say Is· PMJLBSJPDV BSFFJMDSAR MfBSSWDDJB BPEMMWLMO BDODANl!tTE yet to happen-never fWorAR .. me being a bad lnfluence·never. I hate K.B. ~va . Your the best. thanks for being here for me·llove you, Tarooski. Varsity Field Hockey-never forget our nature walks. ring around the ros[e. self defense class, relay races at camp. Todd,l7·1 8ABYII thanks for the jacket guys, and all of the great memories. I'll miss you all so much, even you Jlll(ha ha). Jen 8t Sophs keep It goln·l'll be back to watch. love ya Tara ·Way to keep stats Favall

Jessica-how can I 4 get someone like you? esp since you opened your big mouth about J.L .. but I still love ya. thanks for being super upset after states· I got some publicity outta that one. never 4 get staying up at camp l!t harrasslng Jill. nice that they stole our skit. talking about T.f .• talking about all of them. spred em·yup that's me-coot always know that I'm here to finish what you started, don 't ever change that attitude of yours·l love ya, Tara James Bertan·accountlng and latin were always the best. when am I getting those lessons?, no I was not Itching, you wearing rags on your head proceeding to stick It on the ceiling, never did. always being a :!lrd wheel·and I always will be. lam such a lady· you love me, thanks for putting up with mel'm here 4 u, Love ya.Tara Mike O'Malley· Wanna go to Katzenbach?, sit In the front so I can seduce you, MCP, can I have a kiss goodbye?, " Hey that's a good demo tape! ", I'm glad your broken leg healed before Cottil· ian, go jogging lately· " I didn't brush my teeth for nothing. ", peeschy, driving by T.E.·s 50 times, you singing In my car. Thank you for being such a great friend and always making me laugh·your like a brother to me, you love me(ha ha) love ya always Tara ClndHrips to Millstone. trips to Ewok·123 switch. M.F. at B.P. In P.S. cherokee-10 mlns.. you getting mad because I swept the noor. the Party Barge·now Jason make sure you only go 15 miles around this curve, I wanna be a Steinert Spartan·Zerat. Flipper, Jubow, Hammick, Boz, Bolsqua. etc.. University Heights school. what about H.S.?, J.C. broken toe. what In who's back yard for a quarter?, talking to M.G. about you, J.B. l!t J.B.. Tina 's In the summer, your outside Is so pretty. but Imagine what your Inside looks like - boy that made you qult.·thanks for all of these memories, your a great friend love ya, Tara. P.S.·Borritto Esplen· dlto's l!t How much Is thlsOJ? Chris Goodrich· It's 11 am and Jon Secada Is on Joan Rivers, you love me so much - I can just tell, butjust try to think of me not being around for the past four years·you can't can you? I love ya-thanks for beln there-Tara -Enjoy John Cimino- Nell's room. you breaking In with a butter knife. your broken toe·how'd that happen?. biology class. numerous times at your house-In fact too many, Noel always screaming at you, helping out at BS, just everything we've always talked about·thlnk of it. renting a certain movie, thank you for these ~~~~~~T~r:ll of the others - I love ya so much. your a great Danlelle Choquette:)ust read your sisters because 1 am as close to you as to her. I can·t think of a time when you weren't there or don't know anything about me. I love you and I'll always consider you like a little sister. Thanks for everything. luv. Tara Screech· don't worry I didn't 4 get ya .. . good luck next year I'll be back to see you PLAYING, who's arm am 1 gonna hold on cQmers? e .G. right-o.k., 1 always get what I want and that will be M.O . and T.E. - one down one to go. loved your cottlllan date. I'm gonna marry J .M.. I'm so glad we met and became so close this year·l'm always here for ya, thanks for the memories. I love ya. P.S. don' t do anything I wouldn't do.(ha ha) Jen Welsh-What up PUDDlE? Cot. nlte In the b-room·Jen I had a little accldentll':cono, Loving those Soph chicks MC-suck ltiPiaying cards @ Debs wjmlnts,golng to Groundround,driving by Tf l!t denting the sldewalk,Bette Midler-<:ause you got to have friends, almost hitting a deer. BUIIards, nuts In your crap-or was It worms,wanting DB.JM-1 swear I won't call hlm,hemerolds,belng confused-cEMO.havlng nothing to do but drive around,Account· lng was the best, going to the Y-eatlng right after,going to the movies on Valentines Day,Dork MC,Chucks-you get the Ice cream, egged cars,lt's been great so far·l know there's much more ahead·MCCC Love ya always-Tara P.S.·Aiways be your bodyguard. Tlna·Thankx for a great summer at your house,me needing Pepto,dancing to Mana.thanx 4 helping me keep my clothes on,Trips to 7·E,thanks 4 all the memories-KIT Luv Ya·Tara P.S. Did you quit yet? Brooke-Remember sitting outside of AC wjBS l!t you saying this is going In ABC soup?HERf IT IS-going to LBJ.summer @ Tl· na's,your brother Is soo hot. make your own damn sand· wich,Tent partles,dld I say your brother Is hot? Thanx for being there 4 me Love Ya ·T-ara Kim-thanks for 4 giving me(J.L.). don 't worry about it I'll mess em up for ya, I swear I'm buying you a muzzle. it's because your blond, yo-remind me to tell you something about M.K.. It was a joy to cart you everywhere. thank you for putting up with me-l know I joke around a lot, your great lluv ya. Tara Joanne-our fight. us liking a different person everyday, A.J. you dipping, S.G.. C.S .. f.D., you taking my car, the Econo. Fats what a jerk. J.C .. haunted hay ride. pizza hut, Marla. summer 92, Red Shoe Diary, C. B., Thanks for all the fun·Love ya tots, Tara Chits· never 4 get the fun we had at camp, when are you gonna party with me?, how about I tell you everyday that I'm moving near you, then we'll party . . . , Chitty bobltty·l love ya l!t I'll al· ways be here for ya-Luv ya Ta·ra Babs·that's really cool that you have a fake tan-oh I forgot you went to Florida, did you ever drop off those weights at the O'Malley's-1 bet you did, I didn't even like you until thfs year. I fig· ured I'd write so you'd think your cool- considering your jokes suck. J·K I think your o.k. Love ya Tara Jen Cole· I cannot believe we've known eachother since 2nd grade-you have not changed one blt·lf anything you've gotten worse. sorry about Bolivia, always remember CYO·Lenard l!t Robert, Steven Vlckner, playing cards everyday, free swim, T-hone. Bob·the trips to Wildwood l!t Myrtle Beach, me loving your cousin, your cousin getting beat up, I don't even have to say a thing about Matthew, fighting w;your sister the whole rkk to S.C .. us having to stop every half hr you telling me you had 12 brothers and sisters, my dog attacking you, throwing broken glasses out your back door. hermit crabs sticking to your hand, me and you soph yr about to fight, do you swim?. thank you for some of the best times-your great lluv ya Tara Amy W.·Don't worry about it. Toot·toot, we ate too much fruit. what's the matter Deb-ya got the jitters, Groove. me falling asleep on the way to the f.H. fteld, pasta party at your house-put· tlng on makeup, getting annoyed by J .S., It's been real Am· thanks for everything. love ya Tara Melissa Ann Catherine-corny poop, chowll, saaahh, lying out on your roof In fear of your sister coming home, " Your a big girt,

=lr,o:!-a~~ ~~a~~u~~'fC:~Yr:~~~.~~Y~~~=ve:eh:

stole my baja" Amy Grant Is to die for. seeing Reflll after the Jr. prom, first day of 5th grd· " Did I hear the name Tara? That's my daughter's name" K.V. " HI this Is Cookie, Tina can't come to school today, she was up all night blowing chuncks" . me leaving Clndl's at 1a.m .. toasting In the CRX at B.P. chasing with a cheesesteak. tell me a story AJ. Heather Bellsh. drumland, Pauly roo l!t M.V., VIlla Marla, 1989 Genera sweatshlrst. going on blkerrldes, "Do you go to Steinert?", doing tripods In Va .. gas In the comer of your room. "All alone on a Sunday morning" -do you have the words to that?", me jammln In the car to the radio, never have I pretended to be a OJ, Shmedley, dancing In prom dresses. Thank you for putting up with me for so long and thanks for all of these moments. I know we'll be fr1ends forever. I love ya. Tara MtLISSA SZUL Dear Michele, Well here It Is. I cant believe It Is our Sr. year. We have known each other for 13 yrs and now the time has come for us to say goodbye. We have shared times together that made me

laugh, cry and very angry. Remember the time we went to Can· ada for our 8th grade trip, and you put Kooi·Aid in the shower to make me think that it was something else. Well, at the time 1 thought it was mean, but now I think its funny. 1 will miss those good times we shared but they will always be remembered in my heart. You were always there for me when I needed some one to talk to and you even helped me get through those tough times. Now we are both going to experience a very tough but exciting time in our life. Going to college. I am going to miss you since I wont really see you much but I will definitely keep in touch. 1 dont want this fiiendship to ever end because you mean so much to me and I can really trust you. Thanks for always being there for me. Luv Melissa Dear Mike, We have only known each other for about a year and a half but it seems like I knew you forever. We have spent many good times together. The good times I have spent with you really made me laugh. Remember in Wildwood when I violated Big Berth-as rules. Or when we went to G.A. and you lost your hat on the Runaway train. Now about our senior year. I am so happy but upset it is our last year. There are so many things that I will miss about you. Ill miss you making me smile by saying " Gee" and the record we spent on the phone. But the most important thing is that I will miss you alot. To me It will feel like we are miles apart. While we are in college I hope that we can work things out somehow. Maybe we could make some bets then you would hear my laughs which you say you like. As I say these last few sentences to you I want you to know that it comes straight from my heart. I will always be thinking of you no matter where I am or who I am with . You mean the whole world to me. Luv Mel· issa Alex, I cant believe this is It our senior year. I couldn't walt for this moment to come. Now that it is here I really dont want to go through with it. We have become really close fiiends but some· times I feel we are drifting apart. I really don't know what It is but I hope we can work it out. When we are in college we probably wont see much of each other but maybe we can keep in touch. I hope you will remember all of the good times we have spent together and dont forget the fun times we had at dancing. Adam, We have been fiiends for quite some time longer than I knew Mike. Dont tell him about those secret affairs we had. Re· member our soph. yr in typing class with Ms. S I got yelled at for saying something bad and you always said how much you hated her. That was the worse class ever. Well I Hope I will see you over the summer and maybe we could go to GA again. But this time make sure you catch Mikes hat. Also dont flood the catering place, " chicken, chicken, chicken, beans, rolls rolls" Matt, I only knew you for only such a short time. I wish I could have met you sooner because you really are fun to be with. Being in the same gym class with you has been fun and lm glad we became volleyball partners. I guess you wont be able to borrow my calculator anymore since I probably wont see you so I guess you have to buy one yourself. Thanks for writing on my folder, you did make Mike jealous. Hopefully we could keep in touch some· how. Warren, We have been really close fiiends and each year we be· come closer. I hope we can keep It that way because you always helped me in someway. Being In all of your math classes were fun since you always said I was a nerd. I really liked trying to help you when you didnt understand something. I hope I see you when lm in college so I can tell you how I am doing with my job. I will always keep you up to date If anymore of my books come out. Love me Jason, We have had a rough time freshmen and junior year. Senior year was tough in the beginning but it turned out to be fun. Math and Chern. classes were fun especially Math because 1 loved hearing your cat noises. I am really glad that we became good fiiends. It is a shame that we didnt get along in the begin· ning. Love Melissa HELeN TeLLes Jen Cole-Rosemary's baby. little G. late night swims on 91st street.riggatoni.evilness will always prevai1.5$2stay the nite.fights w; Doug.Jooslng you at the mall.leavlng you at the katch .history w;Gatto.lnventory!lpicking fights w; par· ty.psyco women loves us. who did u hook up w; this w;end? lluv u little G. Merideth GuiH·uluv my voice & when I'm #@J• Its even better. can i do a cheer 4 u?ho-joes,the night at KC, thanx 4 the advlce,even though I didn't listen.cradle robber.stop picking fights &talking w;your hands. Can anyone get stabbed lately?my fash· ion consultant. Butter?Jr yr gym talks.your house after Catll· lion.I'm chastity.ring worm. " can I have a bite?" thanx 4 being a goodfiiend. Sunny-want a blueferry muffin?take me clubbing.Quo Vadls,i wanna dance.malubu rules.What did u want 4 your b-day?so u broke his nose?i hate express. Homeroom gossip 4 yrs.never 4-get it 20th st.willbe great. be good,i luv u, Sue-Lets lay out in the road. jr.yr.lunch. teaching IK 2 jo w; MGs arm. we hate LS psycho woman. trip to Mass.secrets were revealed,so sorry, really didn't know.mustashe scissors. when can I cut your hair again ?the guard,my head still hurts. CG w/the smoke alarm.potatoe chips & strawberry pot·tarts. Schafer's class,do your own work & take your exam on your desk. re· treat.smoke room.down w;omd, cool whip at KC evil girls room.basic instinct.your house after soph ccattilllon·missed tat. 1/17,red trans-am, we survive we don't do groups,double lines???home in 45.Chicken or the egg we still owe MZ$5. Thun· derground NY eve. what did I do??? jo got you flowers from.McDs outside shower nozzle.religion class movies. we thought we were #@!$• your man problems (CN) Kelly· my belly,easter calling MA so whats new? my toilet, up 4 a swim? TN MK LB CO me$ u,don't let TN answer the phone. Cos wallet under moms bed.BP insert foot in mouth. Quo Vadls, Arle, your dream man. the smelly stairway. Victoria's brasAin. padding teach me the basics, lunch table jr 'I!· jo wfMOs arm.Abe levin's class.Buttercup.the rose.who was It this weekend?Nardl's,the tap, my 50.Richie Rich yachting, my # on matches,so whats your major?u hole,they called us bimboes, joyride w/ Sal's fiiends car. LBI 92 our neighbors,you were walking Debbie home. I want to sky write " I hate Greg, Oh hi Greg" I got sick,we were 11/2 hrs late might at the firehouse.parklng In Princeton.CVS. monthly calls hpt. " lthlnk I'm ?I# .. #I?"Halloween. MMs house his laundry room you did it. not me,l fellllt it babysltter.danclng to the oldies.cleanlng your car.Sklps truck had no reverse.gumby over the telephone pole.Loofah for your dad.MHs gifts & princess sign.Cheddar.velveta the cheese stands alone.pull my finger.the black hole.garbage can in B hall, hold my gum.Yaz. 2out of 3 ain't way streets. go glrllll she had welts. your moms eas· ter baskets flowing like a river.! hate these damn diapers your house after soccer practice Peanut butter & jelly, thanx for every· thing, u R a great fiiend,lluv u. Jamie·Duckie #1,yonk the wonk.! made you what u R.don't leave those wrappers around,hows that shower?short shorts and tight shirts rule.tell your B to cook me dinner.find out stuff 4 me.thanx 4 the Info. have a party.why did u wear a body suit. they called us bimbos.the beach.u kept my secret well.Richle Rich, yachting, so he said I'm perfect.Jet skiing w; the inlaws,l'm pret· ty.when '4 u gonna rap 4 me again?getting lost on the way 2 catillion.u need nail glue. KIT Luv ya, Duckie #2, Jeanie Jay Maxwell·wheres my ring?we'll still get married just as soon as I get my diamonds. Jr Yr history, Gattos class, Jr prom thanx. Babs·that night at KBs.don't ever do that 2 me again. getting

lost In the mustang home from Lbi.we were Hlndus.your house before the f·ball game. KIT. Chris Ooodrich·Do u want your chain back?Broke up with me bjc I got my hair cut. Our traditions. 7/4.1 wasn't tired,u could do better McD's In Wildwood. YOur house after catllllon. I still don't get it, thebeach,don ' t tell anyone! shall we keep tradi· tlon??(lj)You gave me quite a ride 4 a couple of yrs,thanx.Be good I Kristie Matozzi-religlon w;sally.Test today.oops.Washington trip,we should gossip more.TV cameras where?hi boys.he

~~~t.e~ ~!~e ili~e~~-~;~~~g:~~~~lw1?.!m' :~~t~fi~~e~~ta;;f~ 1

can.tell me when he's forced him to do what?they all luv me. 10 pts.boys in the plck·up truck.u should get out more of· ten. c u at MCC " i hate them" Matthewi-dldn't flood your laundry room. mom stU drives too slow. your 1st wedding. 1st time skllng.don't cut your point. thanx 4 the memories.don't forget our summer gOodbye. Good luck, yolanda Scott· sorry 4 the dis soph yr. I still owe u a ••.t'll never forgive u 4 the nlte u ditched me for KB.want to drive me home?palnt me a plcture.soph catllllon,morp saw a lot of u that nlte. I'. your grouple.sorry about your coat $80-anyway. Jimmy Hendrix? KIT To the Olrlfiiends of 91st Street-CJ & So room JCs fight wj Doug.parties every nlte.SBcooklng & cleaning for us.Buttercup the rose. still can't dance. riggatonl.marks on the ceiling. Wheres JWs camera.Sklps truck, no reverse.Gumby over the telephone pole.Jeavlng JC at theKatch.Outslde shower nozzle. street signs " son, get out of my bed. who broke the tollet?game of spit any· one?" wheres the clock?street signs. palm readers,tattoos.U down wfOMD???SO pd cool whip at KCs ho·joes, girl· friend.Welsh 's bush.acme trips, big bagel, we should thank MF KCs accidents, WHo's CS w;now? she made all our quotas. Mass ice ovei???Catllllon,MOs after. retreat,bondlng w;fr. D. We are the Brat Pack.Luv u all so much, KIT,I'Il never4get u guysll Carol-There's gonna be a geartache tonlte.Don't tell them I'm sick. then they want to hook up sorry 4 walking In on u. Ha Ha. Dere how's Maury?Thelr gonna talk to me If I go In there.July 4. We R snagged. I wanna meet SB boys,How's Paui?Ren &Stlmpy Lean over the banister & I'll hold u. oops! JC house,1bed,no jeans, what will people think Officer do u go to the Bagel Express?! was looking 4 the high beams !got confused & hit the gas instead of the brake.Am I on the stand next, the lep· pers are here Brush your teeth Learn how 2 walk.BS house. there's a tree In the middle of the road.Ho·Joes here we cornell think their ugly!Mrs. Clean! Hows CG doln? your not CT anyway.Pet cemetary !&Ills this a comedy?lst times always bet· ter.Son, get out of my bed.l wanna dance. Wet t-shirts. Millstone, is he watching us?Hows KS?Don' t make little bous cry. street signs. Palm reader, Dancer,tonsils??Welsh's bush.Jce fights In Mass. Raw noodles are the best. Joe Trans am P'up car. Who wants to ho on the buccaneer w;me? at Ho Joes. I'm really into u. " Belmar, where did we park?" Riggayoni. Clean your draw LBI. your room evil i need a tight shirt. U got burned where? My bar· bie doll dress. U Juvlt. My mom has a in her closet. Running away NY city rules. Don't give that bum money. My lemon, your moose. thunder grand. What did i just do. YOu did what? Is thqat the new one? Whats on your back?Ba· gel Express, Willows Express,find your own job for once. Your my shrink.Mitsubishi .3000GT Red Death,! can't sleep out.l told you there was no BBgame today.Best 6 pack cinnamon buns.Pink sllps.Br. Pauls class.Teach me the basics. Forever young,Hope· less, King of Wishful thlnklng,forever your girl, the king loves me. New Years Eve!$%#@1$LBI who's CSwfnow. Nameless faceless many.MB CB Mf' M?summer of '92 is my voice hlgh?slng for u?Bad driving day,My men problems.KP jacuzzi.tollet paper?Nice lob starting the thunderblrd,foot on brake. Erotlca.Rutgers movles.Mrs.T.wrong side of the road.Bax up,up &awayl8th &run.4th do u like MB or HT Better.thanx X·mas Uln searsll AI· lzheimers huh,Right B·-at u.6malls & nothlng.u4 perky. NY men. Don't teach my sister that stuff. Next time, keep the dress up &put some lotion on them.Your playing hard to get!IRUSH Tadpoles, Mojo and Jumbo Jet star. Fruit flies. Eddies wedgle. Shut the lights In the flea market. ByellOO% you here thun· der?Freehold Express,LOng Duck DongiMeeta Maid.spltting in BB garbage. He couldn't get It off total tumoff,looking at PH & KG first aid class,mom cheated ankles In gym JR did it. not me. come over &mom will cook u dlnner.Hoow did I put up w;your sarcastic attitude.AT damn jogging sults.she's picking u up something in mauve. Hi my name Is Milly Mhis is Bumadet llt Hlll.Late to work, driving on the shoulder, I tet 2 attached.2 princes-u luv it. thanx 4 everything, 4 always being there, giving advice and lis· tenlng. YOu'll always be my BF & I luv u 4ever sorry we drifted Jr. yr. never again. good luck wjeverythlng, U know my #.thanx. Kristen·LBI,Tony,what a guy.PS morp party fQIIowing SW Jf & JB stew, u were out of lt.the bumble bee stung u.Bad Bunnies your porch,MK SK CO Babs, CG wants ul History was made B-day dinner. the ovens broken. Ewok village. soph yr. JB et JB soft· ball.prom.EM, bathroom oops give proph a kiss goodnite.Beach post prom festivities-Boys of summer BP tent party, LB1'92 91st street.thrans Am rules,Do u tan or bum Stairway to Heaven U luved BK Buy your own lunch for a change stussy. OlrlfiiendfBoy· fiiend. Retreat.shavlng our halr.saw creek-we went to parties-any· way 7/4 weekend.! can't have a party LM wat a guyll got snagged Can I cheer 4 u? we R out 2 win u R the queen.BB mustang Lbl ride home Hindu's were we red?No just crisp fist fights, I won.Hook me u wjsomeoneTalk wjfr. D. Passes from Scha· fer. Eng. Is a joke. Lock those legs Gl Can you take me home. rid· lng IN KC w;top down In 40 weather. Went black and never came back(JJ) calling u out of work Biff than~C or being such a good friend. lluv u STew. Jen Welsh· out late nlte conversatlons,men problemsBush, trim lt.LBI OK so u were eng. Novak sisters, Algebra buddie.Mrs L. hates us deep down (way down)she loves meetings w;Oat. We'll room together at MCC Stop talking about u know who.Nite at Princeton.lf she only knew,all the stuff he said,thanx 4 listening were late to Junch.the, nuns gonna kill us.letw tip toe.Baslc lnstlnct.Wet???How does she sdo that.slt on my face. Jumping on the beds.dlmbing on the furniture. We luv DB Do you need a tight shlrt?Thunderground. NY eve. nlte 2 re· member.Uput toilet paper around it sou Wdllldn't hear It plop.He SAID WE'RE PeRFECT 91ST STREET U WERe ON YOUR death bed.Chet loves u. first time wjJB. who stole your car.O.medi· cal,post prom, laying out In bras B&W party It ended 4 U, But I'm still here. Big Bagel what would I do wjout u. Luv u so much just remember I'm a phone call away ... Eric.Chlld bearing hips, thanx Is this right? BP tent party where'd your gut go.can I have a atlc tac. getting lost home from PP after prom.Meeting u for 1st time behind SW shed nlte at the firehouse.thanx 4 being a fiiend.Bood Luck. Tina Gallucci-stop making me Jealous. so what did u do this weekend?no fair tell me whe he's looking GOod luck. James O'Nell·wher'd tip come from?Oet your sneakers out of my locker.Stop fighting w;an my boyfriends SB libraryPictures of clinton. U luv mel the wedding Rosemary like JC she only likes him bfc he's got a big!$$ KIT & stop calling me at 1:15 Luv ya at· ways Jen Mlrelll-soph yr. prom.the limo ride, get over PR car rides w fCL almost getting stopped in DN neighborhood. sneaking MM&DN In the band room.OKLAttOMA,all of out men talks. Dy· lng my hair u missed some spots.the cure concert. what are they doing (the people In front of us)sorry I tried 2 keep some space

btwn us your a great fiiend Luv Ya KIT good luck. Kathy·Biame It on the raln.senlor butterfly,stewy gumby's the bumble bee stung her. I want a gumby bear 8th grade Tf house Busted on Halloween. Mischief nlte,not 2 yrs In a row.omcer, It just fell Into the road.Lions l!rtlgers & bears.Sneak out wfblan· kets Girl talk whats on your face? Lets get pizza punch any mall· boxes? skip the plastic ones, they hurt.public aiJectlon lets jam.Piease come back to mel Yin Yong nockers.Dink dong num chucks.PS morp nl~te""','"th""a""n""x,..,m,.,.o'="m="'g,...,•e""t""thr-:-e #$%c#$c off her. Millstone, Is he watching us?HO Jos take the tab-NOTII will you sit on my face? basic Instinct, werm How does she do that? how are we getting to school, Detentions, NJ transit u like my shoes,Huh little late,save p.parklng to the last mlnute,whats hand over hand? 10 and 2? frosh catllllon, frobee.bad bunnies greggor u want to put makeup on the manaqulns LBI no room Tor u thanx JJ sorry 4 It all New Brun· swick marlboro Its. Mt. st. Mary'siiDo u smoke? snagged alex's party,solo cups,can't have your cake and eat It too. can I buy u lunch today?? bike rides w;mary Kay.l'll meet you at ftnnlgans smoking behind the A&P your no light weight Island tan I have AT ring NYC bus to train Bon't give the bum$. KP house under Bay window what are u doing here. Jacuzzi. It turned blue CS and toilet paper. red trans am almost dead. Walk like an egyptian. double lines, whats that mean home In 45.whlte trash mercury sable, I was getting 2 tape. Don't be friends w;herl Typlng,frosh algebra, 100% snob, thunderground murder she wrote, he's ugly in the light. Pet semetary frobee Bridgewater, r:ast,westll wheres the exit June,al7 we don't do groups. tadpoling stlc.ker bushes. Majo and Jumbo jet star. glass In your toe Its a snapper. sneak BD and Be ln. base, how low can u go?death row,would 2brother know? first dg.hl my name Is MUiy ..... save It all 4 the last min· ute your life story. your fickled. sorry for jr.yr. thanx 4 always lis· tenlng BFF lluv you. Joanne-Crying in the rain. 91st u have afiican onesl sometimes the snow comes down In June,why do build me up buttercup? I said hil Mass smoke can I sing on your machlne?Tell alarm the guard our talks on girls I don't llke.your only human! always remember that english maybelllne glri. Pk w;santa. I'm a better cheerleader.wheres your boogie board I luv your boy· fiiend Was trip gossip sessions. I need ketchup 06 can I help u w1 that he wanted $28. wheres the TV camera hi boysJAbstinence he saved athe best 4 last Nardi' the tap my $50 cookie dough Ice cream super X hook me 1pl thanx for always beirnt there and lis· tening I trust u w;my life. Our deep dark secrets I fuv u Don't for· get me KIT. SUZANNeTOPORCK • Mlcaelle-oh where do I start. How about Hll St Rose. Laughing Hickups. your B-days,track frosh yr. sweet 16 surprise, my secret santa, soph yr. cotillion SHAPSON wildwOod, sorry I lost ya Re· member gym class f'rosh yt.JM likes u Darren Your new car. rrom MH hereand Now thelma and Louis Moores class, grlsslng· ers, Coppocks attendance women retreat the morp Martins, bus rides, mall ridesJalllng down the stairs you cut your hair your bows volleyball homeroom,the best yeah right.gosh theres so many memories to much to write, always remember me KIT AL· WAYS Tlff·Wash. DC '92 frosh yr. my party the beach track, the lunch table, prom 92, your guy was so cutell Nice Jeepl Lov'd ya Plnnochio Jr.yr. Moores class, Remember ya always. Bartrum-soph yr the movies! Market fair, oh what a nlte that was!Proms Cotillions yearbook and all that stuff, "look at some· thing else while I take SATs.Not my legsiHope ya did well on them anyway always KIT one more remark about me and shapson and I'll kill yarjust dlddlng

wa~:r~~~eJ:,~~~c~~rr:e~=~=~-~n~~l~:~,:a~gs ~o'::~

talks,Jersey Freeze, you finally came to Millstone. You finally got your llcense.when r u going to help paint my room. Remember what we once had,never loose your cute smile. your certainly a ladles man, remember ya always. Luv u.l always thought ya had the nicest eyes. Katrina-Track.• no your not fat! retreat, talks, moore's class cotillion table Miss yal Bridget all those parties at your house. MORP DO & U New Years Track, Lunch Miss u KIT Mellssa·Hey Babe spelling your name Is such a problem Mel· IIssa or Melissa What OK remember the Market falr.l knew ya liked AI the whole time. your such a namtaker the cotillions. ME and MS. Gosh ya love the Mikes! the prom MS house, Chern, Grisslngers, Keams, the hallway, your sweet 16 party, the ex· change of gifts at MB. You know what u did. you had me scared to death. ME you and HC at the Olive Garden, theat damn waltor, he just fell on the floor. the beach the Ice cream fell. with you me MS and NN phone calls,guy problems, wildwood, sony I lost u. New Years Jasonll we wore the same thing your voice your yelling at MS your laugh your fathe polsloned me. peg gribbon we were late. I'll always think of u LYLAS Kristin·New Hope You and M6 I can't belteve u did that.My house X·mas the car ride to the mall MC head out the window, NEw Years, your such a fun q<~l Chris·snow white MS Leonlcs pacing those shoes, you died your' hair confoys-nlce to show up at the end of the year.talks Jamie your studly guysf trips to athe mall, your car those dam X· mas I! Rlaht here right here. Remember that I red shoe I had. Afways KIT you are always there for me.thanx SC·Proms, cotillions. kaboom Lltdass.Me, you and LH those men are messed up,the golden dawn, stop borrowlnQ my gym stuff Mastories dlner·Nild drives like a nut. your such a TllrtwfMW that locker was so Obscene New years '93 New years- a night to rememberfi..QOodluck with Chuck. Miss You ND-What Prom·2 hours Jatel Just meet Dubow on the way why don't yal New Years Gatorade lips. your such a stud· well I thought you always were! Luv ya Martin· I'm cool like that. Moore's class-whats he talking about? Gym my yuppie gym unlfonn. Kmart-the trolls on the celllngl casa luplta,the water,the fork. the chips In the Ice tealls their ten· sion In the alrtcan I shut my mouth for once In Moore's class Me and Ks are Cousins. Lets ride around the neighborhood to see where everyone fives! Gosh your the best just not at hitting the bulls eye In gym HA HA KIT Sean G·Always thought you were a utie never loose your style. Laura-all I have to say Is New Years. started off wJ a bang! frank, Jay and Ang. certainly made It a night to remember • wouldn't you say Kate Hess-Gym prom cottllllons, all the men I get, yeah right, you got stuck with the best one! remember the beach frosh, yr. that girl Jen took her shirt off fridays Market fair. Parties thanks for finding my keys. miss u much Al·what a stud HAHAJust don't hit yourselfwfthejav huhl the Morps PS I know u hated It why didn't you tell me fridays your bday get tho balloons off your earslll your a great guy, never change. you were alwaysthere for me Llberto-your such a sweetie! classes and retreat w;u were great, never change for anything. Manners-what did you do I tripped over a vlnelll Mirelll-gym, anderson-why don't we be real cool and get kicked out of class, huh we've got to shut upl Campo we ever gonna pay attentioniGym Gosh our team stlnkslthanx ror listening to me with gut problems I certainly er'!)oyed talking about yours w1 MG.the bathroom I'm trying to stop. well that didn't work. I wish I


got to meet you sooner,your so funny. I'll miss ya much, We've become gOOd friends this KIT Nick N·Remember Archer, Thanx for pushing me down the hill, the picnic, lisa's party, bowling, the Katch,Jaywalklng, Fridays all you cars which one do we have nowl WildwOOd, long talks Volley· ball night Jr. year, getting ice cream. rump that Body never heard it till you came along, your house, the beach wfMS MC tlcMC or how about the time when the lights went out at that sea· fOOd place. oh I've had goo<ltimes w; ya and some bad too bad It couldn't last. KIT CO·I've finally got a class wf you Hooray! KK and Co sooo cute, what ever happened to Moss?Wrobo Why don't we just get kicked off the team-twice? Don't blow sunshine . .. Asbury park won't forgetul KO·Track you hurdler, you failed steerlngiHAHA our lunch ta· bleKIT rferlffer·Lunch our talks on MGWe AR cotillion 9.:5 blessed sac· rament why don't we just loose u your such a sweetie, Miss ul P Santiago Spanish· dupuglio, Moores class. the beach you. BS NN trackstud thanx 4 being there. retreat was great. I want 7 kids. Miss you much. Shapson·my buddy-a best guy friend I could ever have, never once got in a fight together. remember how we used to like each otherlwhat ever happened to that and our 7 house the walk withMS Mhat dam bone! my babysitting buddy, Prom-your house. cotillion '92 MB house-get your arm off me. the walk with the dog, bike rides.the beach,talks on the phone. Cotillion '9.3 I finally got a dance w;you. the movies·sneakin look like tom Cruise! remember the pizza place and WAWA given momma a break tonite huh! HAHA lockers, playing soccor in our grammer years. baseball at our house, our relationship problems, does matthew still think l'myour--·---? you never know what the future might bring, we must always keep in touch. Love you always. Tweed-New Years--1 wonder who stoll your -·-·?your surprise party.parties, your house,homeroom, lockers love your taste in music-miss you much luv U Heather-Gosh there is so much to write but I'm not gonna even try.there'sjust too much.the bees, sleepovers,st. Rose,the Morp, Cotillions.Sears-My shoe My friend our wedding·! better be your matron of honor guy troubles, lunch and spanish class-gosh I hated that class. Parties, New Years. Delaware, dress shopping.are you guys sisters? Halloween angels. remember the day Kate got in BIG trouble? talks, remember ice skating, pretending we were Micky and Minnl. NY the subway that guy-girt whoever that was our accldents,bon Jovi Billy Joel. Beach boys.Remember when I broke my bed there's probably a lot I forgotBut too many memories In the past·Let's make new ones. I'll always love you Homecoming Queen! Miss you very much always KIT we'll visit each other.Friends forever just like our charm we got in grammer school·when ever In trouble send it to me you heart LY· LAS BFF Heatwave to all those of the class of'9.3:1'd like to say gOOd luck in the fu· ture and I'll miss you all very much. Thanx for the memorieslll JIM THOeNNeS To: Mary Beth Moscarello, Mary. I have a question that only a girl could answer ... Did you ever get an itch on your back,you know. right on that area that you just can' t reach? In a public area, how do you deal with it? I've seen people do everything from brushing up against a wall while trying to look cool. I've just been fascinated with this question, I mean. not that I really have this problem often. but I never see a girl pulling out a gun from her purse and try to shoot an itch offher back. Ahl Who cares, let's go skiing! To: John Brophy, Hey John! One last physics problem .. . John is running down the hall at 500mjs. As he turns a 90 de· gree comer, he runs smack Into a stationary girl. When he regains conclousness. he realizes that she was the girl he was going to ask to the prom. A)How many seconds are there between the time she smacks him across the face and he feebly attempts to apologize for this very stipid accident? B) Could this possibly affect John's chances of going with her to the prom? C) How the $#@%1 is he running soom;sm111 To: John Brennan. John. you know it is a very ugly job for me to do my Hellen Keller impression. but at least I carry my yoke best. I hang out with all of the cool teachers. Ya know. the space to write this cost me $5.00 and was a pain! because I only make 5 cents an hour · which Is more than you will ever make. To: Brenda Bally, Brenda. enjoy the Swiss Alps, and don't think about the fact that I'll never get to go there because I'm going to be a poor person my entire life and I'll probably be unemployed and lonely, etc . . . But don' tletthat ruin your fun. To: Mark Staffa. Hey Mark. I have one.all-important question for you: Does the refrigerator light stay on when you close the door??? I think it does and tests are currently underway In our kitchen. I also have a second question too: Did I spell refHdgera· tor right?m? I'm always misspelling words like 'hello' and 'the'. which is why my reports alwa~ have really bad grades and really obnoxious people like John really get on my case and I think that he R~ALLY needs to get out more often. Anyway, check out what I wrote to Brophy. It's my payback for whatever little nasty thlngy he wrote to me. To: Aaron Double, Aaron! I know where you live. 'Nuff said . . . Just kidding, I still know where you live. At least I think I do. Well .r@$1.1 may not even know that! Oh well. at least I know who you are. I think ... To: Ted Fanikos. Ted,you get A's In your classes because you . get away with murder because you kiss-up,and k~~. have a hot girl. Please, teach me the secret ways of the Fanl· To Dave Gruska, Dave.t know you need money for college. But don't you think It just a little unethical to try to claim oriental ml· nority by calling yourself Dave Grusaka? Heyl Wouldn't that sound great for the name of a foreign car ... the Mltsubishl Gru· saka 5.D-(huh? whatever!) To: Janice l'yne. I decided to write to you because I felt in a gOOd mOOd. And your brother holding a knife to my throat was also persuasive. Hope I see you in Scranton next year so I can bother you fro another 2 years. Oh, and stop driving a BUS to school. To: John Doe, I know we never became friends but it was nice to have met you. whoever you arelll To: Ed Gutierrez, Ed. I'm writing this to you from saudi Arabia. 1am currently on a pilgrimage to Wacca·Malibu to find the mean· lng in My Pet Graz's death. Was he the savior of the wortd,the one to free us from bondage(kinky.huh?).the one to redeem us? . . . or was he just a rat that got us a gOOd grade In biology and then died from dehydration. To: Bill Goertz, Bill, consider the guitar job a birthday present. I'm just glad I didn't mess it up. I heard your demo tape and also the REAL lyrics. Keep the dream alive and go with the original lyrics. To: Nikkie Tweed. Hey Nicole. Thank you for typing all this junk. I mean If it really is you typing this. I know what a pain this must'uv been. And If you didn't do this. then who did do thismlll


JANJCeTYNf: Jennie C.: How many classes do we have together this year? Carol Ann M.: Quit plagiarizing, cheating, cutting class . .. 1 May Ann l.: Powder Puff. lunch conversations. and Hey. where's my purse strap?

Karen r.: Bonding Buddy! What color is your soda can? Jen E.: Look, It's Mikel If only he could slngjust like ... Pam P.: It's so hot in here! Elvis! Popie K.: How do you spell your last name? Powder rum Cara C.: Did you sing today? Schmedly and Star Wars pictures! Elizabeth B.: I like our version of songs better. "I am 16 Going on 17." "I Dreamed a Dream." Heathers. 6c ramP.: Just say "No!" to Helium! Beth R. 6c Sue W,: l..ab time! MarkS. 6c Jim T.: I'm a saint! Mark S.: We sank the sub! Ted f.: Keep that pencil away from my books! G.O.I Aaron D.: I like your carl I also like my green house. Jill B.: Tickets! Anyone got any tickets! Kerry C.: 5 minutes until history is over! Michele K.: Burger King! Missy F.: You're the mother now! Take care of all the dancers. Be proud to be on the end. Attitude! Tara M.: Don't let them get to you! Stand up and sing! Kevin S.: You're such a drag! Jeff M.: Bright's Disease! Jason T.: One of these days your demons are going to get you. Leslie H.: U.S. 1 Jon S.: You're tum to take the garbage! Becky H.: Don't Itch! Supposed to? Expected to? I don't think so. To whom It may concern: Why do I always play the same char· acter at Murder Parties? Pass the chalk! " Are you o.k.? Are you o.k.?" Purple Elephants! Hey. look who just walked into the mov· les. isn't that . . . Keep dancing! The break's on the right .. . Right? What. me stressed? Have a nice life! NIKITWf:IID Julle·my doubles partner. tennis camp '91.Scott·what were you thlnkjng oi?We are the Champions again and again and again. Mustang Sally on the Beach. Ode to the track stud.and all those guys under your bed.Collllion'92 Jesus Jones concert. U2 manla'"OH MY GOD I ALMOST TOUCH~D THEM" Princeton on Sundays EW and dinner on the night of the morp-Fettlcunni AI· fredo and cranberry julce.our fun ftlled years on winter track (HAHA) Junior Halloween day.Do )lOU want to go scroung· lng?Man's World,Man·s World.l'm not gonna say KIT because I really hate all that mushy your still crazy. Tlffanni·Austria·idea cafes just don't exist. "guess what I know about your prom date"~urope and the claustrophobic plane tide. Write to me at college. remember our senior crushes·! strongly believe It was just a momentary lapse of sanity. Mlchaelle·Aiways remember the INXS concert and KIT after you go a billion mJies away to college. Melissa·They look nicellHistory class and lunch you are such a dltz!Look what l have for you(waltor at fridays) S or S? Its only about a teaspoon. Single White Female-what the hell? and that whole crazy nighU really hope someone Is In the room with her.New Years '92 and those damn friends of Ang. I'm really gonna miss you complaining about Michael. Kristin· there is just too much too list, where do I begin? My brown eyed girt and the 4 black guys. those damn phone b1lls. OH my God, Nlki's dog just bit me. the stages of emotional crisis: shock,denlal,anger, depression, acceptance.Chuck E Cheese house number 69. senior year sucks.water ice and the clin· ic.Jobs-what jobs?Basic Instinct-wait a mtnute,what just happened.PHLOOM lets cruise Hamilton.chlldrens menus at Ground Round.MB·just stop-reslst.resist. reslst.Fire Walk With Me-total trip.Summer of '92-no money who cares?the surptise par· ty,thanks. Single White Female and that whole messed up nlght,"excuse me, but can you leave" 106.1 love phone-this is sick. prom'92 A night I'd rather forget. Guys and Dolls audl· tion·NY NY trout fishing In America,lost In Inner city Trenton, my nioo<l swings,New Years '92 reslst.reslst, resist although I was In no condition to stop you.under the sea, Lupita and the Decanter ofpepsi.SNL Its a floor wax and a dessert topping! all you have to do is sing .3 Beatles songs.SHe loves you ya,ya.ya. NO I'm not your secret Santa. Corrupting Llz.Junlor lunchll Sorry I don't have any guy problems. retreat Colleens ignorance, Halloween: your never teo old to beg for candy. I'm not going to say KIT and gOOdbye because It is only february when I'm writing this. May this summer be the summer of the purely noncommltal relationship. Guess what? that's the news and I am outa herellllllllllllll Christina-always remember the INXS concert. Hope you finish that crazy design you've been working on In environmental sci· ence all year long. tennis tryouts were fun. I'm looking forward to're crazy and don't ever were so much fun to talk with about everyone else's attitudes. Renee-U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 now that I've gotten that out of the way what more could I say to the only other person who has been my faithful U2 worshiping partner. never forget sleeping out for the concert and the way we cried when the concert sold out. but we got there even If it only cost a small fortune. I think we can agree that It was worth It horrible seats at the Giants stadium concert and the concert was still great.we were the first people to hear Sunday BlOOdy Sunday In concert In 5 yearslllthe 106.1 contests. I can't believe Mike B. won them.Rattle and Hum:one more lime. Remember me when U2 comes around again, and we'll get together to have another U2 party again. Heather-serglo goyagoch :the argentina goalie.LBI '90. I love your pool. INXS concert, New Years-thanx for washing my shirt although I still don't remember what happened.! hate your car.Ouys and Dolls-faithful chorus members. Have fun In college and KIT. Nick-Are you goofing on r:lvls? love your taste In muslc.thanK for hiding my clogs,don't get too crazy In college. I wish I could tell you to remember New Years, but I doubt you do. Chrtssy·rode big yellow for :S years together.track meets and those bodles,SM TO. THANX for the Dugal chants during track practlce,l can't tell you how much I appreciated lt.Liptak-God she hates me, trek lab table,! suck cow tails-and I like it. so what did you do to your car this lime? those really hot guys at the l..awrenceville Prep meet YOU ARE THr: GRASSHOP· rr:RIIIICalculus class.Spln Doctors and Meghan on Klockner Road.are you STARVING? New Years r:ve-you nad a camera?the blackmail pkture·ho,ho.ho and a bottle of rum.Angelo-okay we all get him for 2 weeks. You·re the only person who has a mind as sick as mine that I know. Rebecca-your three legged cat scares me.U2 rules! never forget sleeping out for the tickets It was worth time we will get to touch themlll !..aura-New Years-how the hell did we end up In the attic with Nick and the Abs of Steel video-I think It something to do with ... The play·l want to kick her, tennis players rule,rlght?llooking for Chuck's house In Trenton. Did they ask you to ask him too?Davles-can we come to his beach house too?you make gOOd fettlcuni Alfredo,the feast.well I'm sure I'll see you this summer and maybe we'll have three months IIJI,e New Years only none of Angelo's friends. Kate St Clair Hess·mangos and papayas,l'm a slut.l wish.Dar· ren stringbeans,llghts. flghts.fights. ttivial pursuit team-un-de· feated.tennls, the van to paradise,! was in TD van. DMD POeTS SOCir:TY-where the hell Is my Neal l'erry? or Chartle Dalton,MR and MRs bridge.Roses party-we are such great friends. lets see what he wrote In her yearbook,INXS concert-'Tm !onley-no your not" wasn't that him on that blue trail bike. Halloween soph


year·thelr not going to that party.~W-god ilust for his body.Swear I won 't touch you. get a picture of him at the prom. the note was up for FOUR PERIODSIIII can tie a cherry stem In a not with my tongue and thats not the only thing. Beneton,those damn phone bills. I know you liked AIIDrug r:mporlum restaurant checks--you owe $1.3. 78.1 really believe that sophomore year was just a freak accldent.STARV Chuck e. Cheese house number 69.1 actually kept your hurdler secret for .3 your hot car. no pick upyour fear of bra shopping, that embarrassing day In the maii.Spanlsh class lunch table sr.yr.·all we talk about is sex.Gone wfthe Wlnd.what color Is your hair.Guys and Dolls-big mistake. I think I broken the record for most years a person can be slngi.Gavin·when Is this class over-Angelo-resist resist resist· nothing happened.He liked the other stat girl. Carpe Diem.scrounglng anyone? over 40 billion served. my ridiculous tape collection Nutcracker complaints·! want snown LesiiiSesame Place. I'm sure there Is a lot 1 forgot.but this Is enough for now.DPS. Mark-you lick mule feet.and I know you like it.Bono does not look like a couch.someday.l'll have to show you what those yaks did with lire. Alison-track was just soooooo much fun. remember r:urope:ed· ward the tour gulde,that day In Lucerne-the gas station bath· room and Meghan. But we never did ftnd my rosaries.Have fun this summer at the beach, I'll come down and you can tum me Into a slut. Meghan·U2·1 can't believe you haven't listened to the whole al· bum yet(Sth grade) before the spin doctors.sleeplng out for U2 and paying all our life savings for horrible seats.europe: All shake your bootleledward,the prom-It was an expetience. bra shopplng.burger klng.Someday you're going to have to tell me why you were collectfng bottles In 9th gr. Karen-EMF sucks! what a night that was. what's that smell·there goes his evening of passlon.the beach this summer.New Years· can't say anything because it will be censored but I think we re· member. fF'9.3 In the attic. Basic lnstlnct·what Just hap· pened?popcom an (well I can't say because it wlfl be cen· sored).KIT after you go to college. Katie-we don't need any menl you'll have to forgive me if 1 don't remember things too well it kinda early In the momlng.the commltments-JimmyiMustang 5allyll hey papa Joe you 've heard of trout fishing In amerlca-spanlsh·Mr. Shultz! and our little friend who hiked her skirt up around her waist. Liptak· I hate this class got what on your SAT-lazy bum.chemlstry and algebra-we love you Mr. Arg.all those jokes we told In algebra that Liz still doesn't get.Baslc lnstlnct.New Years-Just what happened In the laundry room w;gatorade llps?dlner llfe GWTW. Lunch table senior year-It's only about a teaspoon so you can't get It on your carpet.12fl2·bad jokeMath League-guess what size my chest is. spit balls in Calculus-and the quotes.Get It off the blackboard. who's the lead singer of spltitual sky?·JOHNNYislster act bad movie.James Stewart and It's a wonderful Life-lets go stand In the snow.ewww-what's wrong with your knee-you blew me off freshman yr.will you ever get to·ve had your license for· ever.chunky warsmy surprise party-read this card.l have no car· essential to the single persons llfe·"so Katie.·looking back on all your experiences In high school, what can you say you've learned from working w;an thesejerks,""wellthats a tough one but as 1 always say·You skip the Light fandango,tum cart-wheels across the floor, I was feeling klnda sea sick. but the crowd called out for more.""lhat's very profound Katie what does It mean?"'Tm -·-if I know,Terry." Mary8eth-867~ubles-you play guitar and I'll play bass. are you scrounging? Wfl I use brawny man,for the sensitive man. God. I hate physics. . Kristine-TCBY In the summer·track,need I say more?cat fights wj colleen.You should of saw Scent of a Woman-It was good. have fun In college.and KIT Colleen·l think I'll go to Ireland and open a Jewish dell-not a gOOd idea Levin-name that Ul song-we were In the front row-he was 10 feet away·Dennys·track why do we torture ourselves? sloopln out before counties-another bad Idea the clog womanare you starvlng?the first time you drove anywhere and you al· most killed us.what color Is Kate's halr?Moss-the fungus KK-he was cute.! can't believe you went to Ireland-are you polish?mangos and papayas-almost killed you that year. Wrobo-the plague of my life. you wort\ed In burger king-love the unlform.dlner life· have we any other?Liptak·l hate this class. Bono's house-It was ugly I think Ul Is on drugs. no Iodin ell trout fishldf-my car. Wild·


~~~~~fPl~~~ ~~~~-~~.~t: ~~:~~~~

th: don't get Vt.Scent of a Woman-If all else falls.-IMen.what Men? we don't need no stinking men I Suezanne-new years and John or Jason whoever the hell he was crazy horse hitting the parked car In trenton after NY.Ff'9.31n the attic. have fun In college and will you ever listen to me when I tell you the guys no gOO<IIILocker buddy, homeroom-Liz's dream-we both wreked our cars. It was fun.KIT and I'll see you this summer. Liz-1 really enjoyed corrupting your mind. head and shoulders· are you going ftshlng today? s or s?they tell you to use a hair dryer where?this Is how you tell how big It is( my method) Yes, 1 am sick and twisted but you can't be that naive and go to col· are the best snulfulufagous.altweed vs.McWhlte I want a rematch II call us anytime we're not scared you . Carollne·hl sweetcakes you and JO are really perversed In Cal· culus yaks and fruit flies named eduardo-the grasshopper.where in the wortd did we come up with small Insects. we have really sick minds-remember-40 minutes Is a long time If you haven't done It In a whllelll Chr1stopher-l can't believe she walked right by you and you didn't say anthlngiiYou are an obsessed fan- you bought Monica Seles a birthday cardlyou always want to play tennls·we played on Dec• .311n subzero weather. Who's the lead singer spltitual sky?Johnnylthe concert-buy your little sister a pretzel(the scalpers)you listen to cheesy music. BRATt What do you think of when you see a lemon pie? call me. and we'll play tennis. Denise-Who the hell Is Ralph?PJ's and the fork-Track-run dis· tance you'll like lt.Monty Python and the holy grall.your nervous stomach, how many limes do you have to go to the bathroom before the meet?St. Oreg's carnival-Sorry I left you to go home with them-guess It was my hormones.cottllllon '9l.the beach and the national enqulrers.rub the magic fort\.Wrobo-the plague of my llfe.Sorry I didn't run winter.lntervals suck. what are you going to do when we're all gone?don't worry you'll just have to come visit us In college every weekend. Rose-Wpsuplll top ten-track excuses.Levln·what did you get for the first .:SO problems7Monty F:Ython.f:nvironmental science and the still life In the class.cheerfeadlng-don't ever tell anyone we actually tried out. You were such a XXXXX#%c@lln freshman english-one earring In the right ear. Tennis senior year and the note I wrote to you about you know who.flgur1ng out the words to Do They Know It's Christmas.the beach this summer.track-sklnny legs-those really,really.really hot guys at the lawrenceville prep meet. KIT and have fun In college. The Physics l..ab Table-Star Trek·Bones,Spock. Scottie and Captain Curk.Damnlt Jim, I'm only a doctor.SMeLL THIS! that smells like dookle.tortellnl.wlll we ever do a lab right the first tlme?Nick·pop the zlt.Gimme the calculations for everythlng(Nick).Bambl the Amazon.! can honestly say this Is one of the only things I actually eJlloyed In school.



DOMINGO VAZQUez Vince B:l've created a little monster! Hmmmmm My little Italian friend, we've had a hell of a time. Remember sophomore lunch. Yeah, when Jen Cole opened her mouth full of fOOd at us. and Crazy Ted started that fOOd fight. Always remember . . . "I can respect that, uhf, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!" But you must never forget the meaning of life: MUI.TUS STRANOEUS PACHANOUSI Dave O:You've come a long way for a Ratboy. I owe you a lot for making my moving into the neighborhood a pleasant experi· ence. I'm sorry about taking your sister like I did, but these things happen. I'm very proud of you forgetting out of those situ· ations, you know what I mean, and I'm quite proud to say that you are one of my best friends. All you need now Is a nice piece and you'll be set! Brenden C:You·re one sick well you know. We're finally getting the hell out of here. Congratulations again on you 820 on your SAT's, maybe we'll room at TSC? There are plenty out there. You are truly one of my best friends! Maybe this summer we'll plan some murders. what do you say? Remember big VA's class? See ya later! Rose V: " Keep your hands off mel. I told you I'm taken!" Jen C:We' ve had a lot of ups and downs this year. l'll.never for· get Emo's class. or the way you attacked Matt P. that day. You 've given me a lot of gOOd times. I admire you for being your own person. out of school at least. I won't forget how you used to call to my lunch table sophomore year. and open your mouth full of fOOd at Vince and I. You 're a really fun girt and I hope I see this summer! Jay O: " fi.AMERII!" 0000 00000 00000 00000 000000 HHHHH HHHHHtiHI AHHI AHHI UH!? AAAAA HHHNHHH HHHHH! Phew. involuntary. "Tennis anyone?, I mean, How about some golf?" One piece of advice, get rid of your MG. See ya this summer! Harry M: " please take my hand." Whoops. Black Sabbath rules! Come in my store anytime, REAlLY! Maybe I'll see you at Den· ny·s in the near future. If Ozzy does one last concert with Sabbath. you know that we are there! t,eRon R:"you 're never in school?" You need a new Immune system. I'm going to visit you. so we can indulge in 111m viewing. Maybe we can get Vince to play some theme music. while you narrate. Get well soon. and stop fighting with Davies. Greg M: Always remember The Movie! And, oh yeah. "Strang· ers In the night. a cha cha cha chal" Martin O:Go to college! Dugal: HI Dick! Jill M l!t Jackie B:My volleyball buddies. Thanks for the laughs and the views, just kidding. Jackie maybe I'll see you at TSC next year. Jill. Jill .. . . GOOd luck at college? Nick D:Don't miss another New Year's at Lehigh! Keep under control, and try not to be We'll play pool this summer! See ya around. Meredith O:You're pretty weird. but I still think you are cool. You were a perfect inspiration for my poetry Keep the vacationing from your mind into your mind to a minimum, but have fun. Be· ware of the virus! Chris V: Stop studying for Ood·sakesl I know you'll always re· member freshman football. and me playing comer that one time. yeah I know I was nasty! GOOd luck In life. Matt P:Aiways remember Emo's class!, always remember "Take me hornet, I'll take you home!' ', SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!, and always remember "Castelize to the math center!" Dan C:No Dan I didn't forget you. I know you won't forget fresh· man football. You were half your size then, and the name TOAST comes mind. Now your just fat. Mike D:You have to take me to the Pink Floyd light show. That's all. Bill W:"What was I talking about?. the political spectrum?" Stop looking at K.B. Amy W:Why did you cut your hair? Thanks for coming to our tennis matches last year. Thanks for the laughs In psych! I'll al· ways remember GUAM, maybe I'll see you this summer! Fr. Dennis:! can't put into words how much you've meant to me this year. Thank you for being there when I needed you most. The retreat was a lasting experience, and one I will never forget. I promise that I'll keep in touch! Your a very special man. Oh yeah, thanks for the 20 spot before vacation. I'll never forget you! Stephanie 0:1 figure you're probably going to read this too so . . . Thanks for all the memories. I wouldn't trade them for the world! I'm sure we will have many. many more. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love Your ROSE VIDAL Heather C., great friend,thanx for being there,St. Rose,slumber parties,I.BI wjNikki.WPSUP. Mystic. pretty woman,Millstone, topless,teased hair, louis,english oh no,Becky off phone bad mood,OA. whip cream!, watch outLsweet child don't cry,KIT,Iove lots Suzie Q.,cupcake l!t brownie.girl scouts.St. R., topless,slumber parties. dancedance. Millstone,track.thanx being there after breakup, deert,no problem.gOOdluck, KIT Mitzi.9th grade,awesome. love you.all classes.Nick?. hug,no she's not home,Calc.MsZ.,EwingAam. Kyle,mlstake,sum· mers,sleepover, special Ms. C. KIT, always for you.Roslebud. JillM-can'tdance, MH,Torie. Stipe,Morr, drivlnln, tumheat bum· tlegs, BBall. VA.MH,JB, BP.BC. ohgod, 2~halfsleep APHist, co· logne.Menlo, cheesy. Mystic.gogo, drinkdrunk. car?,·ltch. sexy,movies. gym.alife?, girlfriend, Erin,sucks, track. goodluck, KIT.Rose. Tweed·tennis,U2, track.JesusJ. LBlwjHC, WPSUP.Frldays, scroungeLOreen Ml!tM's, Demaio. Chemlab, EnvScl duh?, Schaf· fer,man's world,What is your fav. color?, Aahhl,wltch. python, KDloverboy. KIT, DORKS, greattimes.Rose. Kate-tennis forever.Edberg.should've beenme, scroungeiA yrs.. Schaffer, Calc.MsZ .. stats,hate you,captain loveyaRose. Demaio-chemlab, dorks.forget them.l'll hang wjyou,be your· self. Gator-freshman yr.. Will you go out wjme?. thanx great friend,always here,love you lots,Calc.class MsZ .. your a poet! Seniors-girls JA,MB,TB.KB, BB,JB.MC,KC, CC,SC,CD,DG, LH.AK.MK,KK. AK,MM,JM,KM. JM,KN.NP,KP, DS,RS greatfrlends· boys· VA.MB.CB.RB. DC.I.C,JC,MD, RD,CF ,JF,SG. MG.BK,JI.,BI.. Rt,,EM.AN,JO, MP,JP,JR.LR, PS,MS,JS,MS. Trac'khurdlers·MH,KM,Lf,SS relativescomlng redcarpet.not on the grassLtrail.fasterl· RM,DM.JN.GS beatyyouanyday. BION· ICS.OOOdluck! All track buddies goodluck, runbest. Jen.Maur, KeJ.Mary. Nic,Chan. Bran,Job,Cor, Cour.everybody else,mlss you. Kristlne·hlghjump, Dave,she's Heitzman. Tim.CoachH. Sewnlg,keep going,bye-<:oll great friend,lreland, Moss?.yehl, hur· die very gOOd. MaryMaryH.·gonna begreat,don't glveup.TimJoe, OK.. maybe· liked littlebit BOO breakdown. Jstepall. gOOdluck. Vasquez,VIn. Jay,Mart\,Harry, Knot,VIn.Barbosa, allsick,yeh maybe. Denise·littleslster, runrun. awesomei,Cheechl Manoly pretty· girl. Mullens·thanxforhelp, Oeorge·luckwjKM.wlfe and kids? t,amp· kin maybe luvya, Celentana Tennis! staysweet. Santiago I'm wait· ingl, Burger you'll be great someday. Calc II class·MC,Mf,MM. AJ.MJ,KH.DQ, HS.AK,CM.TF, MS.TP,EW,EF we're luckygreat classMs.Z., chltch ...• pass chalk.restinpeace.

CARLAVOLK. Jaime Papa·wellit's here Jaime pd7 is almost over,maybe you smile,maybe not.92,u.Sean,Mike. The room&next was fun. What were you?oh. 4-get it. Gym senior year. The shore,your smile, Kelly is so messed up. Well. Jaime keep smilin l!t keep cheering. GOOd t,uck W/ Sean and In college. Nicole Regan· HI Nikki, don't know where to start. Carly l!t Nikki that's us. Thurs. at Jerry's. NK. of god. How crazy Jrosh gym we laughed, that girl she's fat,us twlns,maybe, 8th grade the 4of us I guess, jr prom.mel!tmike ul!tErlc,your surprise party 15. my house, my 16th thanx for helping.Bermuda (strange friends)be gOOd In college. Nave fun W/Erik. I didn't write every· thing I couldn' t. Jen Cole-hey g·friend, Remember . . Ms. E's class your m·up, airmail. O.City, fireworks,Calnl carry U? your foot, 1st aid kitJibberish.You got a problem?Yeah.Fight. only I knew! Fish Outs $1.99. Our 1 and only fight. Gym wjMiss Rav Mr. A dass. me l!t mike, well babe, gOOd luck In college and w1 the men, the men at the door. P.S. don't lie to men who work In the mjf about your fa· ther'sjob.l.ove Carla Elvira Joanne Dlnola· well it goes back to Schultz's class frosh year. then:your laugh,mldget,car.please show me how,wjend sneakers, palmreader,labor day. Soph year dancing. me, Ul!t'f, our cool conversations.gym senior year oh and Joanne, don't ever 4get I don't think you will My fall in the snow .Have fun wjscott and college. on the street on my Love ya, carla Tina Hiner· HiT remember:"the outflts",purple whlte,yellow? Notes In rei class we didn't know . Soph yr dancing w/JD Soph:Are you Tina?carta?our weekend. Halloween Soph yr. Thanx. I'll never 4get everything wjTJ. Soph Ms. Wargo pd 8 "the click" ,our textbooks,gOOd luck W/ TJ and college luv ybfitwew SUSANNAH WALSH Dear Stacy, Girl with te Gucci watch· don't lie to me, it is so onellf someone cut you open. Would they really see the smile on the inside? I know you hate stuff like graduation, but you're not going to outer Mongolia· you can visit me in my Italian villa this way· or I'll just climb the mountain to your hermitage. I wonder If they teach goofy proofies In college too? If I ever want to know the definition of boredom, you know what I'll think of· sophomore English! I still remember the spider crawling down to suck my blOOd like cider· Happy Halloween to alii I wonder if we'll meet anyone who knows what Tolklen is· and likes him! No more history! Yes! Do you really know anything about the 60's and 70's? Isn't it just like a void in your mind? If you ever wake up and find your face PLASTERED with make-up 10 years from now· I was there! I don't think I would really do that· I fear knives and vOOdoo dolls. Write me letters In college. Sussannah Hey Elizabeth Ann. (Bether) I called you It, I call you It! • neener, neener Four years wasn't such a long time after all ... yes It wast O.K, so there was a little fun • t,atin · quit shaking my deskl Poetae sunt agricolae, facio- oh facitl I flick my hair whenever and wherever I please· · What was that answer • ask Mike. he's got it. no lou's got It • well. who's got It?! • WOOd doesn't! Sorry about your leg · how many times did I kick It? At least you'll know when it rains· arrgh . my battle scars are achln' -oK. yeah. shut up Sue Blo • my worm has no Intestines and I slit my frog's liver! And then I'm gonna be a doctor! You and your al· !iterative fantasies . .. Yes, you will go out with him my friend· bleahl How did you manage all those B's • what did John's hair look like? Instant showers by Beth ·say It, don't spray it girl! You are perverse and perverted. but that's OK, people like that In a girl ... I hate volleyball • WATCH OUT • no, DUCK • no not moose, don't get so excited ·It's OK! Do they let basketball play· ers be doctors? Athletes are not dumb, 16 white roses and a green one eh? Heh, heh. It was scary. Proms are fun, and beaches are more fun • and so Is Maston's • especially when you have strawberry shortcake · mmm, tasty. Beth? Don't call me clown and don't call me Suzy! Tall Is cool • the taller. the better. Don't we know It! Thanks for listening to all my gripes about the &>oy I never got. It's been great because you were there. Take care. keep in touch and always remember . . . never mind .. . ha-GOTCHA!love, Sussannah Dear Jenna, I still remember you yelling at me freshman year • well I do, anyway. "Basically" because It was embarasslng. You are a crazy woman, especially on sugar ... I'll see you in a men· tal hospital. Never forget the botany lesson· turgor pressure .. . and I'm holding on to my shorts whenever ·you're around now • one yank was enough for mel What'll I do without my personal psychoanalyst? Did you really like going to all those football games?· yes I know. I am quiet and boring and reclusive. with no spirit • but they are still boring. Don't keep your college room· mate awake now • 5:00 A.M. is a real gOOd time to stop talking! You know there's this energetic, vibrant, gorgeous girl that I'll miss a lot next year· do you know her? I shot an arrow in the air, it fell to the ground .. . love, Sussannah Dear Patti, Don't you know cigarettes cause cancer? Never mind. Thanks for your friendship these four years • the rides and the money I mooched Included. Depeche Mode will always be a big part of my memories. What about all of the time we wasted at crappy school dances with rotten music? Isn't one guy enough? Now do you decide which one to go out with? One's bad enough . two must be pure hell. Twirling on the lawn at midnight was fun · there must be a few drivers who think you're nuts. I've still never really had monkey brains· I guess I'll have to make them myself. It's been fun! Love, Sussannah Solan, It's not love. it's endorphins • so people should say "I endorphin you"· right? Obviously there Is no getting away from you • you tum up In at least one of my classes every year. Thanks for the box seat at the '92 Graduation! GOOd luck and • Solan, you are right· you're all wet! Sussannah Wals Dear Aaron, "Bag it, Tag it. sell It to the butcher In the store· room" • right? Cra·Z boy! A couple minutes with you is enough to send anyone "bouncin' around the room." Well, what If you had a diamond-shaped magnet and an octagonal carbon atom? I never did understand what would happen if you went back in time and killed your grandmother before your parents were born. I learned one thing though • you 're scary when you play soccer • did you know you growl? When the world starts going crazy 10 years from now, I'll know who to blame It on! "Poor Aaron Dou· ble. lives in a bubble. always in trouble . . . " etc.etc.etc. Don't forget to duck any mooses you come across • and maybe some· day you'll hear a real moose-mating call eh? Sussannah Walsh Dear Jen. Yol I'm glad I got to know you better this yearl Thanks for all the crackers I mooched off you • lfthey find rats In the Physics room next year, we'll know why! May you always get the one you, no, not love • the other 1-wordl I'll send all my pri· vate patients to your private PT practice. GOOd Luck! sue Dear Justine, The world may come to an end but Hanz and Franz will save them alii Soccer fields are strange places to find cool people· but I found one In one of those very places. And she wore shoes made of apple skins sometimes. It's been fun laugh· lng at hypocrisy with you · though we only did that once or twice. The best part of all this graduating business Is • we'll never be forced to attend one of those mass hysteria idiocies called pep rallies again. And colleges don't spend all their money on foot· ball gear! GOOd luck with your life and I'm glad I knew you! Sue Dear Kerry, Nothing makes people more friendly than liking the same guy who doesn't like either of them! We should know .. . we've had stx long and boring Sundays to discuss Itt Maybe that english person was just tucking his shirt tall In • perpetually

-every 2 seconds • Naahl Do you think anyone In the world will ever recognize what beautiful people we are? With my luck, It will be a two-foot tall escaped psycho! Thanks for leaving me with that Christmas prize table with a million rabid kids In front of itl I'm never gonna open a store • I couldn't handle the stress. Please BURN those New Year's pictures· the ones where I looked like a fool· you know, all of them! Remember. some are born tall. some achieve tallness, and some people are • USI Don't cry about him, someone else'll happen • I think. Nope to see you at TSC. love, Sue Dear Tanya. What do you throw that shot with? There's noth· lng on your arrnsl GOOd luck at your engineering school and I hope you get to woric; on that space plane thing. Remember, there's a great life without and after boyfr1endsl Sussannah Dear Janice. Now's Ted? Height Is NOT wasted on the tall ·It's wasted on the short who are just borrowing It from the talll It's been real Interesting • right from our first english dassl I never did get a part In the school shows did I? Well that's me ·doomed to be an undiscovered talent! I never got to do any Interesting things with purple and green eyeshadow • lucky you! Oh. and about Mig, did you ever really consider .. . 7 Naah, couldn't be, By the way, anyone as cheerful as you at eight In the morning de· serves to be SHOTt I wish I could be. but Its not natural. Keep In touch Tyn·E (Hardy har harl) and I'll hopefully see you around when this Is over. There was something else I wanted to say but I forgot. figures huh? Sue Dear L-N, Oh pretty woman . . . or your Royal Highness • whatever ... It's been fun from beginning to end. top to bottom. side to side, good. fine, great etc . . . If you're ever hungry remember dog biscuits are a great snack • you l'eel full real fast • right? I will never forget how you like your OJ • 2 Ice cubes In the middle of the dayl I've never seen your rabbit • oh welll Never for· get the OM sessions everywhere, our freshman "social bonding" group. against all odds, all the great musk we heard. the fun times we had, even the dirty jokes were gOOd I The world's getting a beautiful person! And remember where to get your kicks! love ya,Shmoo Ed. I just thought you were that quiet guy with glasses • was I wrong or what?! Anyone who likes the kind of musk you do has to be somewhat cool • Anatomy was fun • no I am never listening to love phones· I didn't need to. I got a full report anyway. When I come to Penny's I expect a discount, especially after all the stuff I had to listen to at the back table= like about 8elzl Juan Is a nice name. you lust wish you were Juan! If you ever need help with a comp paper again, don't ask me fifteen minutes before It's duel I'm sorry about the problems you had this year. I hope you get her someday, and I'm sorry for cracking on you when you felt bad • but please don't play with pencils when you·re depressed. Have a fun life. Sussannah Dear t,aura. If you like older men now, will you like grandpas. when you're 40? May you never have another gym teacher In your lifer 1 would say something e~yable sarcastic but I can't think of anything right now! I've en yed your own dry brand of sarcasm for the last two years. and 'm going to miss lt. Have fun with the grandaddiesl Sussannah Dear Jen, A wrl's best weapon Is her pocketbook chain, eh? Unless you're Madonna • then who knows what It lsi Turtlenecks can't hide everything . .. you should be very gentle with people afflicted with polson Ivy! Too bad! Never saw Bob even after he was bobbed! Now will 1 recognize him nowl Hope you don't run into any really tall nasty kindergardners when you teach • you know· six feet tall In black leather with swltchbladesl Don't tell anyone, but the first time I saw your jacket, I though you really did play B-balll See you at TSCI Sue Dear Vanessa, Glamorous woman Naomll "I'd buy me a big house, -40 room to a floor . .. Why does man have nelsjnayles whatever? Are you really the movie star· Vanessa Vaughn? Can I have your autograph? My quadrolds hurt! O.K. you don't have to pretend to laugh, wasn't that funny! I still can't wear bikinis, can you talk to my dad again? I'll miss you actress track start Stop laughing like that, Ah. heh, hehl Sussannah Dear Angle, Someday we'll meet In New Yort\ with our "New Yorn expressions" on and won't recognize eachot.her because we look so mean! I won't forget you fast • how could I forget someone who says I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fail . . . I got an A? Or someone who dresses as well as you do? Someday I'm going to steal all your shoes! I wish I could have gone to europe when you did • If only to hear you get - and ut· ter the Infamous "I've gotta find . . . etc" Never be a soccer player • stick to dancing, less lnjurtesl If you ever need a lunch call mel Thanks for your contributions this year! J<.IT, who knows. maybe I'll show up at your NYU dorm sometime· "Oh no It's that person from that school from that state • bad memories, bad memories" Thanks for your friendship and support • don't I sound like Jerry louis? But I mean itl Sussannah Dear Rose, You are definitely a track-goddess! I don't know how you do It • but you dol Thanks for helping my sister out. Opening my locker was never boring with you two lockers over • thanks for the conversation and gOOd luck with your llfel Sue Dear Korey. Oh nol She's In heatl I still think you got Into all those tights because you're Italian. What'll you do If I call you Koric;y? Your cookies were great, your cakes were great! Lunch periods were a riot ·It'll never be the same· Thank Oodl Sue GARY WASKO JoAnne DiNola • A certain song made me write this. St. Greg's Carnival Summer "89" That's where It all started. There's been a loti Nice laugh. D-Wagon • Yeah! Your firehouse visits. My thoughts are wandering· WOW ARC Pep Club! How Is your MOM's pride and joy (tablecloth· Green Ink) Mrs. D ·Thanks for lunchl I love your Our fights have been fun! Only person I ever hit (with a car) Super X Can I help you? JtRKI· Della·8ella whatever! Do you have any bananas? can I pick out your uniform today? Washing· ton D.C. Oh Bab) What a Ride· walk! My flashlight AM7?77 Your house Sat night with JP, Christmas r:ve • I am sony! Where Is my precious moments? Nikki T. 92 Soccer Season • Way to go Oood Job cheering • My car accident • What a great dayl Honors Service Religion • Mrs. S. Great. • OK Moving to Trenton. Junior Prom • Your date My Chicken Poxl Our song· You know It right. nme to gol GOOd luck In all you dol • I will never leave Oh No Almost For· got JoAnne the Rubber Band! I love You II am out Straight from the heart. Your Best l"rrend G·force. Jaime Papa • Where do I start· Anyway! Lot has happened in ~ years. Tonka Toy! Remember the trip to the mall. J.D. house Sat Night • All the Phone conversations! Pool table • Our time of sl· lence • $0rryl Your two roses • no gindges. Sweet 16 • There In spirit. Retreat letter (cried)· Do you trust me yet? Anyway! Mrs. Confoyl All our notes. I am on call must leave- You drove the .3002X don't know whyl Take off that "love" necklace. Nice sun· glasses! fatal Attraction! Ground Round .. Drove to Clro·s 100 times. Thanks for the shirt. Blue and White Party 921 Well you know mel So I say no more. Love Always. Qary Kelly Corboy • My rrtncess • Sing to me on the phone! HI Kell Brown eyes Girt Junior Prom Chicken Poxl Oar come to service please· Christmas time. J was there of course. Halloween Party. don't zipper my jacket. Mass. Trip left madl Your two cards- Re· member we went to Stewart's Root Beer! Your cousins little mon· key. Our front porch chats· you always ate. You had mono I vis· lted! You want that 1.81 sweatshirt? Have any money Gar? The MooCow I gave you. My Oolf T-shirt .300 hearts- cut them all. Hey Kell, Are you busy May 1 My Prom line (OOOd one} We have end· less memories. I love you forever. Whenever your on Devon give

me a call and we will play! Amy Chmelich -Sure! Well this is it I am out Can we play pingpong. Teach me to drive stick. T.S.C. under the tree- over the bridge. Basement, Golfcourse, Soccerfleld, car, your room, my room , the chair that I broke, All your nicknames! Can I borrow some money? The Cotillion it was great Gary - help me move this tree (your Dad) . The first time I ate dinner at your house. Your Grandma and me.(Saved your Dad 's life- Michael's remote control car- Christmas) Thanks for keeping me In line (Cotta Go Bye!- Fire line) This Is Bob Thurman - Dept. of Motor Vehicles- Hi it's the Chrnelich kids- Jerry's kids. Jen Sects. Sweet 16 - Yours I missed it sorry! your party that I saved - Nice Try! No nuk. Did you sleep OK at John's. Chemistry - Mrs. Omland. Your Retreat letter - no words for that! Our drive through Trenton. Our fights - not many - They were big. Am I part of your family. Dinner Trenton Country Club Gettin dark early now! Thanks for the sweatshirts. I hate that smell . Nice hair. How is your arm. Remember that Spirit Gamel I love you now and forever. Rebecca Rottkamp - Hey Blondie- Did you sleep O.K. at John's house. Mrs. S. Honors Service Class! WOW. Love your smile. You mean more than you think R.R. Please take me to Gravity Hill again! We will remain In touch . If you don 't have it get the # Good luck in college. Love you always - OW Yo Junior Girls - J.C. - Mark Amatucci want some Ice Cream? J.W. Hey baby - can we dance again please! You are all mine if you ever leave him! K.H. How's the Garbage can? You drove the car the Zt Lefty. L.K. 1 love your sister! K.W. My signature is on your door. What more do you need? B.L. - It's been an experience. Neil Potter- Sure - No Nukl Frosh Soccer - Chris Tattory stapled shorts. My Broken Ankle. JEW - NEB Cross Country instead of soccer. He talked to me Perone (soph) Student Government Mrs. Wrobo. Abe Levin! Mrs. Conroy - I don't wanna Pass to Blackie. Let me checka for some ID or something! Hey that --- can ride. Your house JR Ring Night! Nixon, Nixon Mrs. Ivins Religion Class. The basement Stories· The Spike! Our Conversations with Chrnelich Gym Class. Frosh Cotillion - My Date Wanted you! I wouldn 't be here if I din't like you! Yo Trit- Trish. Frank · The Scouts are in the woods, J.V. Soccer team JR Year. Riehl Game vs. Fisher Frosh Year. Tony Nitti SKYBALLI Mack Daddy! Where we goin' St. Joe's Rip 'em up! Tear em up! Give em hell Irish! CBA Game - unreal. Nice cut! Your blood - My Jersey! Our football games at Mercer Park - A little sore!? Our bad mood days! • The basketball games. You are the Ice Man, Spirit Day Free Food for you! Jaime Bonanni· could of had It - didn't want it • now look at it! You can talk some good --1 Mr. Perone - shots fired - Fireman down! The Bathroom Scene! Me, You, Amy. I bet her head hurts! Thanks for calling the cops - my car accident. The retreat It was great our talks with Msr. G. Suck it up Gar! Let's go to Rider, I love your Mom. Allentown! Red Card vs. Hopewell! kicked the bench! What's up Bossi We are outta here! Let's play Golfl You are the man Good Luck Neill Backdraft. Let's chill this summer. Sure no! Your Buddy the Wask·G Chris Goodrich - Goody · O-Man! Mr Archer's Gyin Class! Health Class! Driver Ed! Whatever! The Boned Dissed Posse. Took care of you in the bathroom - Cimlnos Potter's House JR Ring night. Chrnelich 's pasta party - Wrestling Match! Let's play some foot· ball . Our Soccer game with Millstone + Chrissy G. O-Man • The Retreat · those potatoes were great! We learned a lot. The Soccer Team! Frosh Year! St. Joe's " 92" CBA - what an effort. Good luck in schoolj soccer next year! Remember Poison! I'll see you this summer! Senior Lunch Table! Have another! Bye! John Cimino- Good Balli Greatest line ever. Your house Senior Cotillion. We chilled with Amy Tymonl Let's play football Yo join the fire co. Wanna wear my beeper? Our lunch table Senior yearl Frosh Soccer Team! You are my beat box back up! Ha·ha-ha Yo Cimino! Our retreat - Mrs. G's group That was a great timet G/ Luck with baseball KIT! AI Rhodes! • Sal - The phone immation • Amy Chrnellch - Amy Chrnelich ·Her Gar Hey AI. The brown lunch bag. What a great ta· blel Senior Cotillion ·You were happy! John's house- AI· there's Kim - sleeping! Our Retreat! What's up Boss! You the man AI ·Sal - Hal Jimmy P • Fast as -1 Parking lot after the B-ball game. Hey Jim you stink like --· Gar do you smell something? You were at the . Retreat · Have some more chicken! I ain't ever catchin you in football! How's the weather? Partly cloudy or sunny? Beverly Hills Cop! Cimino's house! Don't stop running! We will talk! Peace. Mike Fanning - You are my man on the bench! Soccer " 92" You got her - now keep her! Yo Jason Bender· You -··with me you gotta --· with a mack 10. J. Bucci Yo Turk! Would you guys talk to me if I rode my moped to practice? Mrs. Moore Sports Med That kid Kyle! Our run from Layton's house - Matt hooked us up! Peace out J.B. B. Pesce! What up? Here are your props! Rap with mel You are the Mack · Work the booty and I am out without a doubt! Mark Wiechnik - Sure Y up Right un ha Bet! Tronic! We go way back! Marathon Wime Ball Gamel You spilled the grape juice! The Fleetwood Dr. Flood! The football game Pinelli. Wasko, Wiechnik, Haas - .35· .35 • Brookdale · The tides lodge Virginia - Our own room! Nottingham Fire Co. All our rap tapes! Wgere·s the provo· lone? Alright Man I'll see ya. Amy w. · I have one thing to say · the bathroom at Cimino's! What a night! Homeroom · Mrs. McGraw • Service Class. I love ya Bye! Plum Plum Don't touch my face! Missy Cef ·Nixon Nixon! Let's go to Gravity Hill. Ewing Sports Later! Matt Michaud • What's Up • Huskol Mrs. B's office for wrestling! Our 3002x·s Soccer it was crazy · later Bossi Jen Welsh • Allour little fights - HR • 4 years Love You Gary! Mrs. Wyers • Thanks for all your help - I love your See you at Graduation. I will miss you! You will remember me and my temper Bye. Love, Gary! I've come to the End of the road - for the ones who know this is my song· Bye N.D. 199.3 Love the firefighter· G. Wasko J~NW~LSH


Carol Scanlion, You are the funniest person I've ever met in my life. you always seem to cheer me up when I'm down, thanks. We have had alot of great times together and one bad time. When we got cut from soccer, I'm glad we both did, but always remember that I'm the WINGER. They don't know what they missed out on when they got rid of you and 1. Shore 1992 91st.'When you made Doug get out of your bed, SON. When Jen Cole, you and I picked up that hitchhiker on the road, you and Jen just told him to hop . on in to my car. thanks. I was always in my bathingsuit. If ever I wanted something to wear that was tight I just came to you or Helen. I love you Carol and I hope you never forget me when you at college, always keep in touch. Love Welshy or Winger. Meredith Guht Had alot of fun down the shore. We were left at that house w; those boys. Stuck in that room wf SS and MA. Someone stole my car. can 't Imagine who. I thought you left, but were on the top bunk. We went looking for JB all over LBI. in fanasy Island and we found him at the 7·11 w; girls at his car win· dow. Never forget Mike Warner, he called you. Had so much fun together and hope it lasts all threw this summer. Keep in touch always. My 1st wf JB. Love ya always. Welsh. Debbie Choquette, O.K. can I just tell you? Soph year that's all I would say, and I got both you and Tara to say it all the time. 1st you made fun of me and then you copied me. You use to be so to yourself and than you opened up Thank God. We have had so much fun this past year and I'm glad we became such good

friends. Thanks for the cotillion shoes and earings. We played cards W/ peppermints. Our cotillion table was messed up and we were so worried, but it worked itself out fine. Tara was singing to Bette Midler, " You got to have Friends" . You went tanning and got more freckles. Florida should be great. I can 't wait. I wish you luck in all that you do and always stay in touch after high school. Hope college is all you want it to be, you deserve it. Your a great person Deb and don't ever change bjc I love you just the way you are. Be good. Love Always Jen Welsh, Megan Harkness, Math this year was a ball. I loved torchering you the whole tlme by writing on your shirt wf pen;pencil. Your hair always looked so nice. I liked those buns. Ewing guys are great but dirty. !love you Meg and I hope you succeed in college if not I'll see you at Mercer. Keep in touch over the years. Love Jen Welsh . Sue Ostrowski. Don't know where to begin. Frosh year, History class wf Novak. Thank God forDS transferring to Steinert or we might not be friends. The Novak sisters, to bad they had to leave (Yeah right) Levin our 1st fight. oh well it was pretty stupid. Protest in the Toyota Camary SS. All those senior enemies we had our frosh year. Soph religion classes w; Schirmer were the best. always having to stay after class for talking. Our food fights in lunch soph. year wj applesauce on the ceiling. MA " What's Up". Sitting on the floor at Franklin Mills picking out the perfect ones to wear. Guess Outlit. those girls were so scared of us. Micky and Maude on my bed, those birds sure know how to fly. Great times w; Tip, Big Ed, and Pietras. Hit anyone W/ a remote control lately Sue? Who spilled cheese all over that girls shirt? We will always have heaven MA SS. Please always be there to hold my spoon and to sptinklejlmmys all over my icecream. Tip 1st JKoff. Never forget our song w; Jen C " Loosing Our Religion " . Soph cotillion at your house, JB just couldn't make up his mind between JW and BP. Nice hlcky on your neck (Justin). JC w; PMS Morp was an experience. " What's that in your mouth Pete?" Tippers parties, running from the police, not knowing where you were sleeping that nlght.(SLEEPY HALLOW). Is that my underwear hanging from that ceiling fan and on that dog? Trips to MCCC Park to practice w; the ducks on the bench , thanks Sue the practice paid off. Jr. year Best year of our entire lives. Jr. ring ceremony, thanx for the ring will cherish it forever. New Years Eve memory for you that you failed to tell me. Cotillion Jr. year finally went. Jr Spirit Day Talent Show W/ Mr. C watching our every moves. Jammln w; the rappers on stage. Night before at your house W/ lental noodles and those big old Africans. Still have those crackers and noodles in your rug. Closet was real cozy that night. Glad we worked everything out. Late nights in Millstone. They were the times we were so dose. All those nights we stayed up till 1:00 singing Between the Sheets. Aptil10, 1992 it all began w; JB. Se· cret from everyone. Jr Prom "Can Jen and I lind dates 2 days be· fore?" Thank God for Kevin and Jonathan. 4 months of love, hell, lying and confusion wf JB. SHORE 1992, 91st Our best memories held there. I know mine were, 1st time sort of, not re· ally w; JB, get it out! Love him always! Forgetting JC at the KETCH. Trying to drive Sunny's car w; that dam convertable top that just wouldn' t stay down. Driving down to LBI trying to pass. Jen K. couldn't do it. Partying every night until we dropped. not going to OCEAN MEDICAL. Chet and all those Hamilton guys. Coup want to steal my camera. Showering w; nosil and feminine wash. JB JW showers. JW SO KC shower In the upstairs bath· room to conserve water. Who stole my car? Beer wall and steel· ing signs off the road. Learned how to play SPIT. BUTTERCUP the shoreglrls song. Atlantic City. You and I made eggs for all the girls. We fell asleep on top of the Laundry table. Everybody loved us for our shore house. Never so tan in my whole life. Loosing our kitchen clock. JW JC SO singing tiligans Island in the ocean w1 no bathing suits on. Plum Saturn! Retreat, Sliding down on our sleeping bags. Massachusetts. All those hooks we had, too many to count. Moose,Tony Bad and Vocking that Kelly, Sue and Jen Welsh did in the cold. Ant Rotondo and that closet floor we hid ln. Playing the piano and his grandfather seeing us. Running through that swamp. SENIOR YEAR so far so good. It could be alot better, but It's not. The oldies tape we created from Kurt's records. Florida should be great. We had so many great memo· ties together and you mean the world to me. Don't know what my life is going to be'W/O you hope I don't have to really find out. You will always be my best friend. Never loose touch w; me. Ireally hope we don't drift w; you all the way out in Virginia. If anything ever goes wrong I'll be here in Hamilton waiting to listen. I'll never find anyone like you Sue. I love you. Kristin Branham, It all started junior year W/ our trips to Mill· stone. JC, you and I traveled In your car. It would not go In re· verse. Had to pull Into that parking lot, and then the cop followed us. All you could do was flirt w; him. Went to Fannings while he was punished and drove on his front lawn b/c we couldn 't go backwards. Sue's house the night before spirit day wf those big africans and lental noodles. We were in the closet all night talk· ing (JW KB SO KC). Who crushed those crackers in Sue's rug? We had great times together Branham hope they continue. Love Welsh. Joanne DiNola, We have so many memories together, too many to list. We started out in 6th grade and so much has hap· pened since. We have remained the best of friends even throuW\ high school. I love you and always keep in touch . Shore 1992 was the best. Hold on to that boyfi1end of yours, he's 1 in a million. Always remember the bald eagle. Love Welsh. Kelly Corboy, frosh and soph year we just got to know eachother. Junior year is when it all began. We were Vocklng in the cold at Tony Bad's house. I wanted him all to myself. Who slept w; Mosse the dog that night? Sue's house the night before Spirit Day. Sue threw up noodles In her blazer. We were all talking in Sue's doset that night. Shore 1992 was the best. You and I took a long walk In our nightgowns w; you know what In our bras. Long talk about our 1st S . Thanks for pkking me up when they stole my car. Jacoby and Myers they needed a good lawyer. MA hope he found his keys alright, had to teach them a lesson. Love ya Kelly and I hope this year is just as good. Love Welsh. Jaime Papa, We had a lot of fun down the shore at 91st street. It was the best times of our lives. Your boyfriend was our mother, without him we wouldn't have survived 2 weeks. I love your parents. Always remember that I'm PERFfCT, and I love him. I had lots of fun W/ you girlfriend. Always keep in touch w; me even when you go to college. I love ya Jaime. Love Welsh. James Bertan, Had alot together. Were friends frosh year, you went out wj half my friends. Soph. year we became even better friends. We had Sue's House after cotillion, you just couldn't make up your mind between me or BP. You finally choose and you went out W/ BP for 11/2 Years. Still remained close friends. We played nice games under Sue's kitchen table, I hooked up w; you 1st. Junior year things began to change. April 10 1992, at Jon's house, in your car. 1st time. Great memories together. JK cracked your windshield W/ her foot. your poor rabbit. Night of hell at my house, Anyone wanta hide in my bushes? Our nights at Golden Dawn. Jon and Christina, McDonald's " I need a Humm , STAT. Your baseball games over the summer. Down fri'1Jieliasement. on the couch and on the pingpong table. Andles house (Kim and Mike) and that nice movie we watched. we should have made our own. We broke up for a few days but you just couldn't stay away from me, just kidding. Jon's shore house, that one great night we had together on the beach, it was a perfect moment. we talked everything out. so I thought. Next night Megan, hope you had fun. Shore 1992 91st street. Show·

ers. JK and JF on bed. JW and JB on the floor. Can we tum the music up any louder? It hurts to much. Slipping and slidding, James Is that you , no Jen It's you, sorry. New York girls, you lied to me. We had alot of fun down the shore. Watching the " DOORS" at your house wj your mom In the next room. Wll you go to a wedding wf me? Sorry I have to go to Georgia. I missed you, I came home things had somehow changed. Bluej White party we ended for good, It was for the best. Next day W/ someone else. I got over it. Still remained friends. Never forget Christi· na's bathroom, your pool near the diving board, that movie we saw, RAISING CAIN, and that apricot lipgloss-we could have had alot of fun w; that. I have perfect lips. Accounting. You'll always mean alot to me. My 1st. sort of, not really. I choose you over Chet and Justin, just kidding. Best kisser. You found my weak spots. Fingers and ears and toes. We had our fights too. You bet· ter still have that picture, It was a good one. Jr. Prom that was a shock to me afterwards. Salt House, we had a nke little light there, against the fence. Mercer County Park on the plcnk table. Andy was throwing bottles at the lights. James even after all that has happened I still care deeply for you. Never forget me after high school. I know It will be hard. Always stay In touch w; me through the years, I'll be here at Mercer. I love you. Welsh. Tara Suntato, Frosh year didn't know you. Soph year we friends threw Brooke. Junior year we were casual friends, and Se· nior year we are the best of friends. Glad we got the chance to know eachother. your great. Had so much fun so far. Mike O'Malley really likes my beav. We had fun w; him. Debbles house that dance you did on her kitchen floor to Bette Midler, "You got to have friends." I just pulled down my panties and there It was. Cotillion, Bathroom, underneath the stall on your hand, ketchup. Llpllner. Orepefrult. Bagelstreet. I talk In my sleep, I moan. Your my bodyguard. I can't walk In these shoes, cotillion Debbies shoes. can I just tell you? You wear that outfit all the time. Tara·s name Is all over the boys bathroom. Cotillion night •

~t~~~ ~~:~~~~ ~~ ~~k ~Y'~~~~-g~:O~r~~~~

les. You love my carl Puddyl Making fun of Dan In Accounting. You want Jon F. (Yeah Right). Justin, I can't make up my mind. Tim f. What's going to happen? Keith, Jen Welsh looked good. Wore that red dress. Do you want to go to a fwlngjNotre Dame game. Playing pool at Blllards Club. Chuck's cafe. Jimmy P. Tara I can smell you, (your perfume smells so good). Berp and blow it In my face. thanks. Lets play cards wf peppermints. I grew nails, your still trying. 2 on 1 wf Mike O'Malley. Hanging out W/ theju· nior guys, drove around for hours In the Saturn. Drove all the way out to Bordentown, no gas. Bagelstreet Is the hangout. Barry. We went to the movies and alii kept saying Is that I know we are going to see them, and we also saw the fannlngs. Ran to my car w1 my tear gas. Larry down the shore and you on the lifeguard chair. You put a dent In Tf: driveway, drove around his block at least 10 times. Want to go see Mike A, drove Into his driveway. We waited outside of Mike O'Malley's house for an hour before the game. Jen O'N no don't go wj them, stay here w;us. You like younger men. Soaps are getting good, Tad's back on AMC. JCPennys trying to flnd the perfect tan pants for you. Those movies on Clnemax, friday after dark. People must think we are disgusting. Your so cute. You love to dog those boys. You were a boys 1st kiss. JK likes to talk about you but you did noth· lng. ..:rrylng to find you a cotillion date, looking at the Marines, they were ugly. This Is the Express line marne. If you believe they put a man on the moon, Elvis. Tory Amos. You don't know how to plug It up. WestChester. Peeschy. Can we have free ke cream at Chuck's you made me ask. We have had so many great times together In so IIWe time. I'm sorry It took us this long to become friends. Our friendship means alot to me and I hope you always keep In touch no matter where you decide to go to college. Thanks for being there Tara and anytime you need me I'll be there to listen. We are going to have a great summer. Love you Taral Jen Welsh. Jennifer Cole, Frosh year-not all that much happened. Weren't really that good of friends. We held out the longest In that light w; SO. Sliver necklace for my birthday. Soph. year food fights In lunch w/ Tip, Ed, and Pietras. Sue spilled cheese all over that girls shirt Throwing you over the fence at Tips party. Being queen at Carla's house. Running around outside the morning af· ter. Going swimming In nothing. You really are crazy. Not knowIng where Sue was sleeping that night. Carla's answerrnachlne recorded your conversation wj Sue. You were gone that night. We had fun w; those guys. Morp, Cotillion· you and Mark (how llttle)as big as your pinky. My sweet sixteen. Your big fklht W/ Tip. Tip and 1 went out. Junior year so much happened. Us w; r:ric and Jay In my basement. REN and STIMPY. Loved that show, so did the guys. EM you llk_ed him alot. Cotillion- you were red as a lobster. I finally went w(EM. Junior ring ceremony, thanks for the ring I will never forget how you thought of me, I'll cherish It for· ever. BEST BUDS In the key chain·l lost lt. Girls Night Out 1, never had a 2nd one.JW JC BP JK. My secret wf JB sorry you were put In the middle of that. I could always trust you. My car died the 1st day I had my license. On the highway bringing you home, thought we would have to walk to the next exit, you just laughed. (Real funny) Millstone. I still have a scar. All those trips we took up there. Kristens car, we had to push lt. Wouldn't go In reverse. When the cop pulled us over and Kristen started to flirt w; him. Driving In fannings front lawn b/c It wouldn't go back· wards. You down W/ OMD. Sue couldn 't hold It In, went on stage. We were farm animals. Toilet bowl on Sue's porch. We had to find dates 2 days before Jr. Prom. thank God you did it for us. Thank God for Kevin and Jonathan. Nke Prom table we had, a huge mess. We went to dinner w; our dates and than headed to Millstone in the Toyota Camary, would we make lt. Shore the next day, taking pictures of eachother In the cars. Blowing the picture of us up for my birthday, thanks. We were so close. Pas· slon perfume. Throwing you out of my car, sorry. JK breaking James windshield. She was so mad at us. Our song " Loosing Our Religion " . Shore 1992, we had so much fun on 91st. We n:. nally made up after lighting for awhile. Glad we did. Sitting on the phone at ACME trying to convince 8P not to come down. JW, JC, and SO went swimming In the ocean wJ no bathing suits on and sang Gllllgans Island. We forgot you at the ~TCH. thought you were going to kill us, you laughed. Chet and the Hamilton Ouys. Coupe stole my camera. Drivfng to LBI 1 after another. Trying to pass, JK couldn't do it. I was so sick, couldn't feel my lingers. You wanted to take me ot OCEAN Mr:DJCAL. Someone stole my car. We created a wall you took It down when you got mad. We stole signs you took 1 home. Stephan. SPIT. BUTfUCUP. ATLANTIC CITY. Your disappeared for hours, you and Joanne got Into that light. Getting lcecream and you spilled sprinkles all over my car,l told you not to. Snapple every night at the WAWA. Always In my bathlngsull we got real dose down the shore. JB and I were together for 4 months, who knows what happened. I know 'YOU told me so, I should have believed you. The cow In the back of my car. Our long talk In Veterans Park on that rainy day, I made the 1st move. My parents love you. You tell them stories they only dream about, (We were on Perry Street) You are the devil. I got a new carl Retreat. Massachusettes we roomed together. Senior year. You Included me at Joanne's X-mas thing by giving me a present. thank you. We have 2 classes together (an· thropology and gym) florida should be great. Jen, EVILNESS WILL ALWAYS PRf:VAIL. You always put papers on my locker. Things have changed alot since soph and Jr. year. We've changed alot and drifted away from eachother. I love you to death Jen and no matter what happens my feelings will never

change. Never forget me when you at college, I'll come visit. AI· ways keep in touch. Ant. Rotondo's house we were so mad at BP and SO they said they weren't doing anything. We walked home from his house and we didn't talk to them. We were BEST BUDS and then something happened. Wish it could be like it use to be. Finally hooked up w1 Stephan. We got all our food for shore for only $65.00. You and I drove around all the time down the shore, at 4:00 in the morning. You finally got your license. Express and Marrazzo 's. We had so many secrets. You told off Doug at the shore house. You have gutts. You are always welcome to eat at my house. YMCA. I have so much more but I'll stop. Love you Jennifer Cole. Kathy Johnson, Had great times in english soph year. Those vocab tests were jokes. Ms. Wargo was great. You. Tina, Carla, and I. You left us junior year and I missed you but you came back to us baby. Now we have English again together and vocab is still a joke. We wanted to be biker chicks for halloween, oh well. Howard Johnson's We had so much fun . Never forget gym classes and the ballhog. Always remember me and I'll probably see you .in Mercer, but if not always keep in touch . I love you Kathy. Love Jen Welsh. Babs Brilliantine, Well Babs until last year I really didn't know you. but I'm glad I do. Your a ~reat person to be around and you always seem to make me smale even when I'm In a bad mood. You can throw my garbage away any time you would like. Do you want a sip of my soda? So what did mom pack for lunch today. Jen? Before Mass. trip you left a whole botU~ of MD in the Jani· tors closet, it's probably still there. I love you to death Babs and never put yourself down blc I will always have something nice to say about you. Tell Jane I said Hil Love Jen Welsh. Helen Telles, Frosh year w1 Mr. Rymn in english. Novak sisters. Soph year nothing really happened. Junior year started off bad wl algebra class, but I'm glad I had you in there WI me. You and MM lasted a while but it ended, your to good for h{m anyway. EM he wasn 't right for you either. Proph who knows what's going to happen w1 that. I wish you all the luck. All our late night conver· sations, I know I can trust you. April it started w1 JB and August It ended. you know how I really reel. You and I could sit there for hours talking about the 2 men. Summer in Princeton if she only knew. Your tape MM made for you, I loved it. SHORE1992, 91st we had so much fun. Partied every night. My 1st time, sort of. you know what I mean. Showers WI everyone. Nosil and feminine wash . The bagel Missy made for us shoregirls. Day after Jr. Prom went to the shore layed out in our bras. she talked about us. I had to watch them on the beach. BEAVER BITE. Beerwall and we stole signs off the road. I was so tan down the shore. James. Chet. and Justin. Carol when she made Doug get out of her bed, SON. SPIT and BUTTERCUP. I was deathly sick needed to go to OCEAN MEDICAL. Someone stole my car. We got used for our shore house. Helen can I borrow something tight to wear? We forgot Jen Cole at the Ketch. You've never seen a beav till you 've seen mine. I got a new car, Plum Saturn. Blue and White party the worst night of my life. Lost love or my life, but I still have you. Se· nior year, we are closer than ever. thank God. Florida should be great I can't wait. New Year's Eve at the Club. You got your li· cense, you can 't drive, just kidding. Howard Johnson's, We par· tied w1 soph's. We jumped up and down on the bed. Got wet. Watched Basic Instinct. Had so much fun Helen, I know that we will share so many more memories together threw our senior year. Never forget me if you decide to go away. Hope you go to Mercer w; me. We'll live together. Is he looking at me? I love you Helen-Jean Telles. Mike O'Malley. I'm really glad that we became friends this year, your a great guy to be around. and so funny. I'm glad you liked my stories, cause I liked hanging out w1 you. Thank God for Tara or you might not have gotten to know me and I a great person. I Jove ya and have a great Senior year. I know you'll miss me, I mean what's not to miss. Love Jen Welsh. Brooke Perone·Had so many memories together for .3 years. It all started at soccer practice, frosh year. I loved your nails. We were the best of friends. Hilton Head frosh year. Your brother Is so over protective. Those boys followed us home. Brendan. Brian.Brooke & Jen. We took a bite out of Brian's Burger, I want my money back. Our room was a mess we took pictures. I have a disease on my mouth, it must have been that boy. Do you know how to say fire? Are you hi as a kite, that's what your dad always said. We came home we were tan. Brian had that gil1s underwear, we threw them In the ditch. saw your brother on the beach. Walk· ing threw Mariner's Inn. Security Guard, what room are you stay· ing in? We walked so much, Hyatt. we always got kicked out of there. Those boys we met. we lied about our age. My soccer jacket. we covered up year of 9.J. That boy we saw at the Holiday Inn, he looked like Jaime DIMattia. Our summer, we went to Myr· tie Beach, had a great time. lgot my friend, couldn't go to the water park. Christina, Jill Brooke & Jen. We were even tanner. The lifeguard. The boys we met down there. (Scott), 2nd Yr at Hilton Head. we got into a van WI people we didn't even know. Oh well we're still alive. Crunchy Dill Rule! Frosh Year. we had a crush on all those senior guys (Tim & Rob D) Lee & his crossed eye girl friend . We had our fights, but always got passed them thank God. I had so much fun w1 you Brooke. You made me grow my nails. Ft. Lauderdale Soph Summer Nothing really to do. Those little boys riding their bikes. We layed out everyday, really tan. Your Spanish name Mercedes. I'm felicia. Junior yr was ok while it lasted. then came our big tight. I'm sorry. Glad you could put It in the past. We were really meant to be friends & I'm glad I shared .3 yrs. of my high school life w1 you. Thanks for everything, your tent party, Pete & I. You got into your 1st fist fight. I was shocked when you talked to me at that dance, but I'm glad you did. Hope this year holds more memories for us. I love you and wish you' the best. Please always keep In touch w;me, you know my #. You 'll probably be at Mercer w; me. Be good Love ya Always Wet-Welsh Jen

LIZ WHITE Bridget· I thought everyone froze their bagels! Do you need some moisturizer. Krean College. Wuffffl Swimdub· two piece swimsuit! You were a great Secret Santa, Thanks for all the homemade cookies. Thanks for visiting me at the OBM even though I wasn't there. sorry you were trapped with guy; always remember - - guy stories; Winberry's: what does IBC stand for anyway? Dancing around in the fountain; Top Ten Bathrooms In the Nation book; XC • .3 seasons or pure hell; Grenada Ride to Holmdel. I'm so glad that you transferred three years ago and we have become such dose friends. Thank you for everything. Jenn· Cut days, muddy track days. the 6 Inch rule, En Vogue, Kris Kross, Lake Greeley shampoo, mousse. shaving cream, soda fi~t. "The deer's not dead, he'sjust sleeping."; Singing In· dlgo Garis songs, Jenny is a dancer, she's a social magnet." You've been a great running buddy and a great all around friend. Always believe in yourself and you'll continue to do great things. Enjoy Llfel Mike · Skippy, my favorite "Way" employee, I love CM. he is so sexyl7/4192 walk through the woods, Dr. Seuss, Q.C. PK. Jot Ice cream; homeroom. Thanks for al the pork rolls with cheese and all of the rides to school. Thanks for being a great friend. Kate • Madame Pres, thanks for making my mornings so amus· ing and thanks for all the donuts. You've got great hair and you 're always (well, almost always) dressed In season. How's your torrid love affair with DM going? Excuse me, could you spit that gum out? Thanks for always stealing my lunch (Hahl) Don't they ever feed you at home? Even though 1abuse you constantly

I think you' re a great person. Good Luck! Becca • Remember me • your pyromaniac friend? Its great to know that there's at least one other Nand Griffith fan In the world. You 're one of the nicest (and funniest) people I know. L'm glad we're frends. APPALACHIA HERE WE CO MElli! Mark · De-Do-Do-Do, De·Dah·Dah-Dah ... You call that lyrical genius! Sorry, but Billy Joel crushes that Sting guy any day. You 're a great person. Good luck In the future and please KIT. Chris • "Tacony Bridge, liz is late, out of gas, no tum!" I still hate you for that night. Chickee·Chickee baby. Blazon, Senor Marbury, Oscar the Grouch, "Chris fava Dance Party," "liz, you shaved your armpits!" Thanks for making me laugh so much over the last twelve years. You are one or a kind. Call me any time you want to get killed at tennis! Paula • O.L.S. memories, BBall bench buds, playing pool. Pic· tionary games, swimming, helium balloons. Thanks for all the rice krispie treats. Good Luck In college. Julie· (Joolie-oolle) Remember all the fun we·ve had together, f.spanol with Senor Marbury, Biology, Track. etc ... You're a great person and I will miss you. Call me If you ever want to play tennis with your T.J. Hooker pall

LIZ WHITe Brian • Hola, Senor Knott • AKA santa Claus. Have you seen any UFO's lately? f.spanol ·drunken reindeer, notes In your shoe laces, I hope Susana and Javier die slow painful death sill You are definitely the most unique person I've ever met. I've enjoyed all our long deep conversations. Thanks for always cheering me up and thanks for all the advice you 've given me. Next time you visit the Barracks I'll be there to greet you! You are a great person and I will miss you. Babs • Thanks for sticking by me and listening to all my goody problems and always making me laugh. Good Luck! 1Weed ·Hey, cookie monster! Get drubbed at tennis lately?!? NHS Homeroom • Thanks for all the happy mornings! JB. KM Good Luckl KC ·keep singing and acting up a storm. Go QUAYLE in '96111 Dan M. ·You fooll Even though you are a truly SICK person, I like you anyway. Megan • 61g butt, bony butt. no butt, butt posse, Megan McMustardhead, String, Pinky, McWhite can NEVER be beaten, " Tacony Bridge. Liz Is late. no tum, out of gas, MCP driving • " "There's someone behind me, What do I do?" Shopping cart races, toilet paper on your shoe. Octopus tentacles, peruvian peas, Simon, Joel. Mellencamp concerts, Sesame Jamboree • Big Bird 1st placelll "Lighten up, lady, It was a joker· Attack of the Killer Seagulls, "There was nothing attractive about him (he hel)" "Watch out for that microphone cord!" Titus Mill, VIlle .. . same thing! Canoeing and swimming MCP me dancing In boat. hole In underwear, Hey, "Disney world goes up In flames," Chrissy and Caryn In Mk fr ftn, Cheers Trivia, TGIF· do you think they want that mozzarella stick, FREEDOM ROCK RULES!, Casa Lupita chick with funky lips salt In planter, Tennis • Deuschl. Skits and Commercials at Bee's house, Mil's Class. Denny's ·flinging sugar packets, Ed Sclssorhands deserved an Academy award. Midnight Sledding, Laid Back Posse, G·town six hour ~y writing session • I hope by now at least one of us got In!. Night w1 Iceland men, what are they doing?· Just say not Dance routine ln my pool, RM singing session . . . etc . . . etc . . . The past twelve years have been great. thanks for sticking by me and always being there. Su· uuuuuuiliillll • here pig, pig, pig ... I Your Van the Man tape is in the maill Appalachia. Here we comet Caryn • Let me start by saying • I like ur shuz. R they comfy? Do U miss ur old ones? Ugggghhhhl Firm Butt, DILoran • Peuuuuuhl McWhite reigns as champs forever!, Toilet Pasta • Don't steal the tip, I hope I never see another diving meet as long as I live, shopping for swimsuits, Birthday dinners, CD, you + me sleepover at my house • "poop"y conversation!. I want my clean as real as Ivory, My 7 yr old B-<fay ·I can't believe you hid in the shower! Carynlta y Lolita, Espanol dos y cuatro, Senor Marbury, Romeo y Juliet, naptlmel "Lighten up lady, It was a jokel" Shopping cart races, The Seagulls are closin$ In on usl Apples. Banannas, Car· rots ... , Crulsin to Mere. Mall m the Grenada, pizza bagels, " Get out of the fountain, those are people's wishes!" Countwoman and Snuffaluffagus, your man problems • Rashlda + Iceland wlerdo • I'm glad you ']ust said no" to bothl, Bee's house pyro· maniacs, cleptomaniacs, neat freaks + boat commercial. mid· night sledding, Mil's class • you, me + CD cart ride through the halls, long talks, L.B. Posse, goofY tl!Jllts. MCP canoe • hole In underwear, Animal Farm banner. Ed sc1ssor., LA Story, Rck Horr Pic Show (movie) Can you explain what they're doing In the pool? You looked great In that dresslll You're J.D. tape is almost ftn· ishedl • Psyyyyyychei1Welve years together and we' re still alive! You 've been a great friend through It all. Thanks for everything. Suuuuuuiliiil, here pig, pig, pig! X·C Girls · KO, BB, JM, EB. KMC, KM (Celeste) Thanks for every· thing! Undefeated, MC Champs, Harold's New York Deli, Bus trips, talks under the tree, "The Dinosaur Song" etc ... BB, KO · no more mile repeats, BB thanks for grabbing all the smushies I lostl K.Mc • Kelly, Kelly. Kelly, Kelly K·E·L·L·y . . . Get angry! Good luck next year. f.B • thanks for all the cool psych signs! Did you really think I was crazy the first time you talked to me? Indigo Girls Rulel Have fun next year· Think of me whenever you hear a Van songl KM ·Hey, purple chick, You are nuttsl McLaughlin· Thanks for everything. TRACK CHICKS· Seniors· KB, W , SG, RV, KO ·It's finally over! Distance Chicks· DL ·Thanks for singing the Oh Lizzy song for me. Keep Smlllngl NJ • Hey, Condom Chick • Relax, smile • Remember Track Is funlll Quit Soccer and do X·C. Good Luck next yearl MM • Hey chick, You are such a FRESHMAN, Congratulations on surviving a whole year of driving with me, I'll kill you in any snowball flghtl K.Mc · Thanks for stretching mel CH, MH, LF, KK, Cl, BLand JS ·Good luck, I will miss you guys! Eric • Hey Wills! Locker buddies and soul mates for four years, Remember all our long conversations, Top 10 lists you made for me, the Morp we never went to, " How shall we say?l", X·C + Track meets, When R U coming to the Old Barracks anyway? "Look at that bum"· I think you could run even faster lfyur foot wasn't still stuck down your throat! Mil's class • note writing ses· sions "Cool Guyl" Running camp Shampoo and Shaving Cream Wars, spaghetti, lickface, bananna ftght. bowling w; no socks on: we both think too much. Sometime soon we'll have to act on that discussion we had. Mush, mush, Blah, blah, blah. Nick • What do say to someone who I've shared so much with over the past two years. 1 will always remember an of the fun times we've had together. No matter what has happened be· tween us and whatever happens In the future I'll always care about you and I'll always be there for you If you need me. Chrissy · Hola Chocalatal Don't worry I won't write anything too mushy. Jeremiah • Look a shooting star, BUGS, BUGS every· where· Kill THEM, SAJ.3 STILL In effect, I'll have a Pepsi WI a straw and lots of Ice cubes, OH NO UNO!. Flshbone. Drive by shooting, I'll have a reeses p--, (OOPSI) DUCKS vs. SCUDS, 4

~1~efP~~~~~~P~~~E~s~~~~gr:pi ;~rzL~~~6utt~~~K~TI~

weren't a hockey player ... Ughhhhl Goodfellas • NOT, anyone for Bambi? Can we have the bill, Bill? Ed Scissor ·loved It! Mandarin Orange, nectarines, octopus tentacles. peruvian peas; Can you draw me a diagram? Gallbladder Surgery: What if you can't or won't have It? Shopping cart races, IVORY • coke • mmm. you and Caryn In ftn. "Stop, those are peoples' wishes! " MJ + EW on your roof ketchup and cookies, "Nice beaver," Kiss, kiss, hug, hug, Tear down that walll fly · NO • fly! Table for 19. ftn water

fight, They -·· on my caaaaarl Rck Hor Pic Show • What are they doing in the pool? Tweed's house massive water fight. Tennis matches Deuschl McWhite still reigns supreme, you, me + BB Winberry's, IBC · What does It really stand for?l? standing in the ftn. guy on the bike making Interesting noises, Did you ever write that book about bathrooms? KRRRRRean College • not one of your better moments!, Brkfst and bike trek to library (smutty nov· els), haunted hayride, Butt Posse· HB, Bog_qle and Master Clue· I never cheated!, Groin InJury • " What kindof doctor did you go to? " 7/4/92+9:5 walks through the woods (I wasn't scared) Dr Seuss, QC Pk lot MCC Ice cream, Mil's class • you. me + Caryn racing around the hall on that cart, Wildwood Killer Seagull At· tack, midnight sledding, Sal's class many arguments, Junior Prom 2 am run down Kino Blvd, "Tacony Bridge, Liz Is late. no tum. out of gas ... " your wheelchair days· I banged you Into ev· ery door and desk In the school, P-dldddle, Dennys • Hinging sugar. The light was pink, stupid jerk on the golf course got struck by lightning, Canoeing MCP hole In my underwear, Wild Thing, Dizzy Lizzy, Brookstone Pool game, remote control chair "Sounds just like the real thlngl" twwhhh • I see spit, Oh no • Disney World burnt down, - - guy stories, Laid back posse, String, Pinky. Red, Stewart's ·writing on napkins· I am not gut· less, Meg mike cord "There as nothing attractive about him," mini golf· flat on your face, Was that Titus Mill or VIlle • whatever! TP Is a god. 1 can 't believe the State of NJ Issued you a license, sleepover " poop"y talk, Could It be satan? .... etc .... The last 12 years have been amazing. Your stubborn, pig headed and goofy • no wonder you're my best bud. Thanks for everything. Come visit me and your friends Bill + Hillin D.C. anytime. APPA· LACHIA HERE WE COME! Suuuuuullllll here pig, pig, pig . I

MARK WlecHNIK Gary· Yol4 years of Notre Dame craziness! The Poconos, Lake George The Tid~ Lodge, Brookdale, All the awesome vacations. SWOOPI/IS a Heat Upl I I see guys and girls dancln'l Hey Nell + Gary; sure! Station 17 #1 Station 22 #600. Cher and share alike. Ha·Hal Hey Gar It's.lust snow nation outsldel/ What a gas, Chefs gonna Go find a spln cycle! The [agles are the worst team In the NFI-, Cunningham, White. they all stink, Bye Bye Buddy Ryan! To the Real Bears fans CK, AN, MS, the Bears are back, Long live Ditka, Super Bowl 1985, the best middle linebacker ever Mike Singletary the best R6 ever Walter Payton. To a real team, DA'Bears. Maddie · My best pal and fellow Bears fan. You·re awesome and will always be my bestest buddy. To Die Hard + Backdraft, two of the best movies ever. Be careful of those hairy chests! Hope you find that special guy. Be Cool and don't ever stop being Maddie! MP, the original Sff.RMJtl Cotillion '9:5 SS, JS, CK, KP, MK, NN, we were the bestl95 mph on 951 Joy, my new best pal, watch out for those ping-pong balls! Thank you to the 12J snots for earning me a Bl 1 To the two cutest guys In the school TS + JO, " I think I dropped my pen!" Don't bend over for the soap, you never know who'll be there, (hopefully Mf.l)/ The blg_qest Punk In the school, how's your sister? WAWA men I Danny d1d ltl 1 AR, the Yankees are the bestl Mattingly Ruleslllove Jerry Foley!/ And to the little grasshopper. 1 think I've said everything I had to say but If noth· lng else I want you to remember one word; Forever.


Greg Zaleski - was It Marylin or Maryland I'm so confused. The camping monster wants more combos and toasted spiders. New Year's Eve was forgettable. Anyway how much are those glow In the dark " socks?" Pete and Shawn shop at Cool • Guys • R • Us. If Its green . .. you know the rest. Peace sells, but who's buyln'? I think we put more people In my car then were In that mlnl·van. Mark Staffa • Ching! The old guy only charges $15 now. Maylln was better than you said! Ha Hal Sharon School say 5 minutes cursing. first downl Michael Nesmith livest Arrruuughhhl? Hangar 18 I know too much! William " Sparky" Geortz • I've got somethln to say, I hugged your mother today. Astrozombles are coming to take your skull to the planet of the teenagers from Mars. Good luck with your fire; art career. " I can make a pulse pound In your veins" • Dan· zlglll Carrie Hritz • Look at that girl with the funky hair, she must be In a motorcycle ing. Come up the lab and ... '. think Its time for bed! Have fun d n· for 'dem bonesl Sweet Home Alabama! Its quality not quan tyl HA HAl In this dirty old part of the city where the sun refused to shine. · Kathy Provost • Sharon Stone, Riff Raff, Magenta are forever! What are you going to do charge me with smoking? frank says. 'Tm a sweet transvestite, from transexual Transylvanta." We've been through a lot and you' re a good friend. Stay cooll Frank lemclk • No more off roadlng at Channel 52 for you! If you ever lock yourself ouf again call me, I'll stumble over. FZ swim and the speedo ego live forever, Pschlaaaahhhl Fake tat· toos and Marybeth live forever, Just don't open your jacket pocket. Tim the Rat says " these here VIctor traps. " Megadeth 199.3 John Brophy • Remember when you're In the N·moblllf there's a curb your not supposed to hit it. the public service announce· ment says "look both ways before crossing the street." Oh no, flat tire, Oat tirel Don't forget you couldn't shoot the broad side of a bam with a pellet gun, let alone a street light. Don't forget 7·11 at .3 AM and Jim's truck! "Dance like marionettes swayln' to the symphony of destruction I" • Megadeath 199:5 John Bochtaro • Mrc, Mre everywhere! I'm writing this now and hoping you got a date for the prom, whenever It was. Have fun at William Patterson, oh sorry Monmouth, oh sorry Mercer. Just Kidding! C-yal Mary Beth Moscarello • Red eyes on the ski lift I wonder why? Good Luck at Marlst and I'll see you at Bell Mt. Manl Peace, love. Ska, Ski, whatever. Goobers! Byel Aquaman vs. the speed ~~~:~Ike a cowboy on a steel horse I ride, I'm wanted, Dead or

~~~o~r~~~~~"O ~~X:~e~

To The 199.3 Medta Dept. ·We learned so little but we take with us so much (equlpment)"flll your pockets and let's gel out," just kidding! Hutch take a TV to ~304 not C-4031 Period 8 Rules we will win the media olymplxxxl Period 6 has the record, 0 hours for the semester right on Tom, Parnell, and John. Greg, who cares If you have the high score, nice to have a life. P.S. Thanks for three years of torture and three years of fun Mr. 01 See Y'alll Media Wizards Rule! To f.veryone Else I Might Have Fof9ot • You must not be that Important to me nah. just kidding! I just wanted to say, SLr:r:PLess 00011 I wanted to put this In my senior quote but It was too long so here It goes! "Awakened In the morning to more air pol· lutlon warnings, while we sleepwalk off to work our nervous sys· terns jerk. With the Greenhouse In effect our environment was wrecked. Now I can only laugh as I read our epitaph, we end our lives as moles In the dark of DAWN PATROl. "

eRJCWILLS Jess • so sister, nutcrackers every morning, putting your head through the windshield, long talks, Cutting l'!dge, ''I'm taking you where?" C'mon Schultz, run, It's fun • The shuttle to the L.aytons • U2 the Cure, get olf my radio and my hom • the r.:rtc' are Gods '9.3 • rolling on the floor w1 TS, hitting your head on th table, the park, helping me out. thanks for being the sister I never had • you know where to find me next year· Jock your doors!


Liz - look at those bubble letters - airhead. Me and JL checking you out in Lang. 10 tag and biology paper - how long did you and I have to wear diapers? Look at that bum· oops! Soggy spaghetti - you know how I feel - bowling in NY without socks, banannas and lickfases - sorry we couldn't do the x-c county '92 deal Chris " Oh, you 'll be with her like that" locker buddies - you know what we have Left to do - and we'll have fun - remember to tell our runner kids how I ... And all those other goofy things I can 't say ... Amy - so I have no feelings? I'll probably have written you a book by now. MCP - me 3 hours late home, park ranger - your smoking 2nd crushing my puny body - just don't crush me - JB and running - great ... and which drug have you been smoking? Just don't say hi around 1'\P - Remember 10 mins aaway this summer and next year. Brandi - New Hope and the teddy bear- You know how I feel this Is your lOth time seeing Aladdin? feetsle pajamas - I can find your belly button - JS + CL our two kids thanks Mrs. Garcia, I am hungry - jeez, Willis is late - 1/30 • I hope we are still close • Spotty says so. Jabbo - playing cards • HC " and Muhommad looked <lown and was not pleased." Physics · enough said, v-ball, when are we going to blow up NY? the rest of the table and MIL (dumb Polish boy, Leea, stone face, 40 out of200, rolling on the floor) VB· slap, may though slap OV, MP, DC, GM, MD· banannas, LR, TC, you are all studs • EB, MS, Bl'\ • the four horsemen • NYears " We are in Hightstown, wow Is he strong" fuzzy navels • PU • CL and T Lear, my boys· PS ·all that and a bag of cinders JP ·finally drank with you 1/30 • U Penn KP • I wasn't worth it· any track offi· cials want to read my lips • Wobs • I don't care If you die on the track • state champ, 2 away 20 sees. away • all state • JL • thanks buddy, JM, HC. LH · I'll miss you FUSMO ·those of you who didn't understand • where will I be in four years? especially BC • RB • PS 2nd grade cough syrup, you sure kicked my buttjr year· all the track times KB · track buddy, you are great! MJ • beam her up Scottie! Guys, Guys? I'm stranded • TP. RB • golashes, cinders, 20 meters away from victory· RB, JP, PS ·Keep In touch, me and Jim will treat RB in our medical practice after he Is burned in a forest fire. OMR possy. Chan · my other sister, I'll miss stretching you • come and visit next year· I love ya. TlffAI"'Y WINGATe Anastasia Hairston • And a one, and a two, and a lift, and a stretch. Vanessa Vaughan· Nobody wants any of your nasty cookies! Barbara Brown • What? Who? When? Where? Nevermind, forget it! Glenda Jean Luis • Could you wait! or do I look like a water fountain. Stop laughing because nothing's funny. Sophie Nuncent • Slow down! Here comes~AMY WOLOCHOWICZ Kel ·car rides, long talks, antl·soclal never, the rose, safety 1st, C'mon, c·mon. C'mon, midnight swims, intruder at the fence, hy· peractivity with the raisins, eating. Bookbag tripping and dying on Tarheels. nails. me, you + MK sneaking out or swim practice. hair, delayed reaction, same lunch· yeh. on top your monkey· bars pretending what. walks. punch buggy convts, car trucks • love 'em. backstroke, parallel parking, vocab studying, English· Ha, toot toot. Koolaid, "there's no film in the camera," guys or shall we say boys • no problems! Bulldog bus stop, make overs, special olymplcs, my mom . . . , holding hands • what will they think, eating again. B-day party at Steph's, LBI: dancing in down· pour. Ml'\, Tl'\ + my house, skiing, plano lessons, library discus· slons with Pete, school dance, absolutely rocked, Oeelite, wall sitting, hurricane in my window, crazy man: at Denny's, a .360 and the heights, tying your hair with plastic bag, mommy I can ~t pee. Good Luck wherever you go. I Jove ya. Steph • intruder in the house • yehl step aerobics, Kenny Rogers, the Rose, LBJ: driving around singing, hit who, directions to my house • Neh OUHI, midnight summer, backyard drtving, St. Greg's hate rrtends, bondage at the heights, my beach house, coffee shakes, same male situations · hopeless· never, N.D. cheering, out the window with Ms. Mooney, 94 cent shoes, "It's rate we must be B. F." long talks, my mom: rise and shine, Henry, Oeelite, shopping: bargain land. rice's, whipcream, tree swing, I loveya. Neil · What a spider thinks about? whip cream and CO's car, flowers in a pot. mumble much, parents· Jove em, Giant's game -shoot em, phone talks, horoscopes, cleaning your room, dumb dumb's dead, roxmoore TCBY, you're so mean to me, what sarcasm. hair cuts. New Hope: $600 coat, Kenny Rogers. 12:20 cur· few, bell bottoms, Iceland, F.H. and Soccer games, loose your keys? long talks, long lettters, cotillion + after • thanks for being there. "Took ya one half hour"' • sorry but thanks, JC's balcony scene, always organized, falling on C·hall. Good Luck next year. I'll missya. Field Hockey Buddies: camp and fruit, jackets finally, nature walks, pasta parties, groove, I love you guys · good luck next year. Becca • salvation forever, black power · you gave me inspira· tlon. twin. NY, running for the train. Amy G.· NY, lunch, CYO + forever, long talks, got any gum, Irs homeless man, psyche, Good luck next year· Love ya. Deborah • swimming • 1 down 39 to go, couldn't have done It without you, freshman cotillion pictures, your LBI house • Thanks. My house - talks + 2:00 AM knocking, stop laughing + eat more shrimp. Chris G. - squirrel. Kenny Rogers, say anthing sorry, wedge, does your car smell like whip cream. Amy fell • C.C. cookies. A.B days. salvation army, twin, squat· tlng, long talks. I'm gonna miss ya. Sunny · playing pool, track meets, talks, history • c·mon bell, one of the guys: that's us, shoes ·love em, you burp better than a guy. can't wait till the summer. BabS • notes, CB's car, gym class. Good Luck next year. r::rtc B. • St. Greg's, hair • too long, too many classes together· Ha Ha. Still biting your nails, McKinney's class. Meg K. - mooney's art camp, us with glasses, essay writing • thanks, bike rides, volleyball at MCP, blue face masks, gym, math, thl)nks for getting me out class, Kelly's b-day at Steph ·s, never forget good old Iceland, especially Chris H + Matt. Mitzi · I broke one or your earrings, sorry Angle, Irish soccer players, St Oregs, family. gym and Jim. I love ya. Harry · Thanks for keeping me up in English, smile. Good luck next year. Jill ·wok, pasta party, at your house + mine, make over· awe· some, camp. New Year's in the apt. t::tic M. • ART.Iong talks and advice, CYO +forever, when R we going skiing AI • do you want me to clean your locker, new shoes, lost 15 lbS, gym, you ran out gas. thanks. Joy· lunch, after school at Joy's to sleep, our talks, hockey· never could forget. driving lessons. Chris F.· You can only go if you stick your hand In the fan, Art· draw me a soda can, lunch • where were you. hyperactivity with the raisins. Gary • Religion. Thanks for helping me In the bathroom even though you were mean to me. cahoots. Ryan • Crazy man. Untamed Heart, Vicks, Your story Cable TV, I'm your rrtend. John C · " Amy why did you have to break up with me," your







room • JB I'm dead, racing down Deacon with Stephanie. soccer games, blankets, you know I'm always here. Becky M. • swimming. our relay, copolla, me, you + 1'\el. I'm gonna miss you next year. Amy, Brandy, Michelle, 1'\im, Lorie • absolutely rocked, let's party, quarters, pictures. Have fun next year· think of me. JCNNA WOLOSZY'N Kerri - Remember " Peachy," " No weezln' the juice" and New Year's Eve. friends Forever. Luv, Jenna 1'\ory · Reeses Pieces, Wonder Years, I'll never forget your pierc· ing laugh! Ff Luv, Jenna Beth ·Thank's for helping with my knee. Play to win! We'll have Chinese one day! Remember turgan pressure! Luv, Jenna Ellen • " Dave Wave," Ms H's English classes! " It's not mine!" I'll luv ya foreverl Thanks for helping me with my glasses. Luv, Jenna Patti • Learn to spell! Don't hit anymore pigs! Remember Ser· vice! Clean your room! There's our sign! Friends Forever! Luv. Jenna Sue · Good luck in the future, Oocl f .F.. Luv, Jenna Caroline· Stay away from the stress! F.F. Luv, Jenna Kim· Take some vitamins, will yal F. f. Luv, Jenna Jen ·Don't run through Veteran 's Park alone! F.F. Luv, Jenna Stacey ·I'm glad we became rrtendsi F.F. Luv, Jenna Michael·l'm glad we made up! F. F. Luv, Jenna Martin • You are the Service King! Luv, Jenna Maddie • Republicans Rulelll Stay sweet you Southern belli You made History exciting! F.F. Luv, Jenna Missy • I'm glad we've stayed rrtends for so long! Remember all of our good times at Grice and at N.D.! F.F. Luv, Jenna Cindy • See you at the library. Don't forget " Sisters. " Luv, Jenna Karen· Brady Bunch Rulesll Luv. Jenna Mitzi • Are you gonna bring your lunch box to college? Stay Sweet! F.F. Love, Jenna Kyle • "Smiles foreverl" Remember your NKOTB obsession! Remember when I sent you home freshman year?! "Old you see a cement truck go by?" friends forever. Love always, Jenna Jen C. ·Good Luck to my driving buddy! Luv, Jenna Barbara· You 're like butter! Remember, do everything for Bar· baral Luv, Jenna (Barbara) CLLCNWOOOY Dave Haas - freehold. Beach, Hugsl, Cotillion '93, So Happy Together, See yal. Howard's End, "Mike," Beatles, Beach Boys. Baby, Jewel, SAT, Chern., NJ 101.5, RRI, July 4, Roses, Love· songs, The Round, ferm, 26th, B·days, Hem, Marriage, U2, "It's wavtngl, " Cards, Christmas, Accents, Mr. B's, CVS, Victoria's, 0 time, Red, Model, Doll, Dolphins, .3 kids, the park. hats, ronles, Fairfield, Woods, cats. Pony girl, Teddy Bear, "And you are? ... , " frisky, One, roller coaster ride, dancing, ISS, Somebody. Chippy, frettyi Retreat. florida, Baby Voice, man on the way to the beach, sad face, Mahler! dressing up, volleyball night, ban· danna, chilly, Fire Marshal Bill, Me and yer Mom • best rrtends, sexy thang, the ftnger, the deerpark, humming, the ditch, the ~ the beach, skits. my IIWe actor, Whoa!. Watch that!, You're smart!, Ginger, Readyl. Funny(, Somethin' funny?, Thanksss!, 1· aoo-· . . . , Sure, encounters with cops. psychos, all my quotes, million and one letters, poems, promising everyone they can be In our wedding, Bon Jovi ( EWI), I am pretty cute, it Is special. hate you, long walks, long talks, Mercer County Park, Baby I could go on forever. The endless wonderful times we have spent together will not even equal the times that are ahead of us. Me and you forever! Thank you for changing my life. You are the most lncred· ible person In the world. I love you eternally! came Hritz· Notes, Religion, Ms. 1'\, Nirvana meditation, the ea· gle has landed, 1st aid, lunches, Butt, 3-ways, Kath, Sue, smokin' in History. sunglasses. Basic Instinct, Madonna, quotes, Doors, "I don't have plains!" gym, plots against bimbos, florida, JO, J.J.'s stories, Katherine, Roxy, L.A .. scandals with men. white silk scarf, ice pick, handcuffs. bathroom, Coffee Talk, Butta, Barbara. Barbie doll. completely lnsanel Love you babe. Sue carol • "I don't have plains!," Journalism, the girls, you sexy beast, Nelle, 1st aid, gym, notes, counseling me, Madonna, Basic Instinct. tuck In your shirt, Butta, Mount Saint Mary's, Love· phones, Love you babel Heather Wright • Simon, Cofee Talk, Sororiety girls, all of SNL, sweetheart, 0 and E • so happy together, Hi LNI, Oepeche Mode, Journalism, the girts, Bobby Rydell. Writing Irish, the Oork Boys, "the look," the hair, interview with yer mommy, R.O .. scummy men stories, lovephones, balcony, deep thoughts, I love you, babel Jaqualine McCall • Journalism, the girls, Lovephones, Alaska, writing backwards, stuffing envelopes, Deep Thoughts, gossip, balcony, the Oork Boys, I'll miss you sweetlel Kathy Provost • Peaches and Cream, sexy legs, Martin House, lunch, bathroom, 3-ways, Men scandals, lighting came's hair on fire, lights over me, Basic Instinct, Katherine, Roxy, History,

no~~~u;~~~~~~. ~~lem~~~~o~::in \f~~~~UB~~~.

Soup Kitchen, buttering bread, 5 million people in your car, Klrs· ten's Party House, house for the homeless, Cotillion '91, dates sucked, Cotillion '92, SAS, barbies, Prom '92, watch that dress, Led Zeppelin, Lost in the Storm, Rump Shaker, Every Breath you Take. Ooh ellen!, Payless, BK. washer and dryer, the bus, K.Jr. the psychiatrist, I'll miss you so much! Thanks for everything! Love you forever, Sweetie! Karen Krajacic· Religion, soph year, Spanish II, party lnvitaUons, yo no se, Senorita KraJacic. situations, English, deep thoughts, stories about killer downs, ''sit next to mel,' ' This is not your vocabulary book!, the Picture Ellen Woody • before, after. The Bear, The Brady's, EMf, J.J.'s stories, Men = scum, you are my idol, I love ya babel John floyd· What's up babe? You are such a sweetheart! I II miss you so much next year. Thanks for all you've done for me and Dave. I secretly love all your cracks on me. ou always make me laugh. The point Is you're just an all around,. great, wonder-



the o. Chern Lab, "Let the games begin," bitterness, volleyball thanks for your help, "that guy has a nice voice," falling Math, retreat. the deerpark. coat with biQ pockets, bonding night the gloves, "We're the gum chewers," I'll miss you babel Love yal Tina Gallucci • I love you babel I'll never forget all the fun we had In Levin's and computers. Thanks for always cheering me up, Tiny Til' II miss you so much next year! Love yal Sarah Conboy • Hey ·Red! My naturally drunk rrtendl I'll never forget the EMf • so • called concert. the skank man. and all our cra9: escapades! careful with those handcutrsl111 miss you girl! You re the best! Watch that Vodka. Love you honeyl Laura OkUm ·SAT. Burger King, "No, Dad, we can walk. It's right across the street." Journalism, the girts, our field trip chick with the tape recorder, Lovephones, older men, Mrs. R. can re· late, The Russo's, Writing Irish, ELLeN I • through the gut. I'll miss you. Love yal Jenna Woloszyn· You are the greatest! What will I do without you? English, Religion, Deep Thoughts, the Dave Wave. funky stories about killer clowns, "Fartln," "You're In my wayl" Sally's World, Service World, your hair getting stuck in your glasses, your whole house Is In your purse. Woody! Butta! "Do itfor Barbara!" Thanks for everything. Love ya, sweetie!


Greg Zaleski · What a year! History was fun with you and Kath. We 're kidding, we swear! I'll miss ya, hun! Kim Simpson • How's your bro, Bart? I love you babe. Thanks for all the counseling about my love life. Work on those raps! I'll never forget Chern., you + Dave rapping, the Big Butt Song, U sit· ting on my lap at lunch I U R one a kind. Stay Sweetl I'll miss you honey! Jen Moran • I love ya, sweetheart. If you ever need me, I'm here. I'll never forget all our fun times: Levin's, lunches, bath· room chats, Martin House. Love you babel


CAROLINE ZALCSKI Mister· Hey, sweetheart! Together ftnally . . . can't believe it. Some dates to etch Into your memory; May 18th ~ Aug. 18th. The shore mobile Is deadll But now we have foxy. Our "Fests", Mr. Bear, Mr. 81owt1sh, H.C .. P.C. gel. now don't forget the W.C. Sean brought. Why don't you calm down and take the skirt oftl Really change the story Its getting old. Make It square man, make it square. What. do you think that Mr. horse?? Dear Mum, .... One day the dining room table ... Me cooking, how amazln~. Su· per Tecmo;Madden, Don't forget the park and our bl1dge, Lunches, the DAN Incident. I love you really, then as you would say "YEAH RIGHT" Beware or my powerful pinch. Tickle attacks. No hats allowed· you're going bald. Mr. B,Leo ~leo, Mr. fuff. She's a man, look at herll Physic predictions. I'm a great halr<ut· ter. M.G.'s women problems. Down the shore,,Smltty ~ B.B. Never like Elisa, promise. One day me, you Brittany, maybe even Michael, . . . like never before. Come into the kitchen, then I'll send you on your merry way, trudging or course. L- what? STUTIERm Teddy Bear K's, sleeping on the couch· feeling so safe. Don't leave, come home with me; Please come over, I need a hug ... ZOnklng out on the phone .... I love you.your MISS. BarblejHalr· How long has It been, 13 years ... Could It be that Onions and Tomatoes are truly now together and happy at last. Can I refresh your memory with "D-Nose" or those cute pigtails that Mrs. Lund just had to take out. How about all those buggers In the closet, and that white milk, that she had to have at the end of the day. Sure you had to close that bathroom window. J.W. and the white milk in the bucket. When we both got breaces, my 4 eyes(yuck). Now back to recent times ... That snapple bottle, sure It was the wind. cathy what a loser. That l<ed tea was nastyll your prediction, "When Harry Met Sally" escapades with J, K and maybe S too. Thanks for helping me with my problems, catching up on gossip and lust being there. Curly one day he'll be all yours,Oh yeah that slik scarf was great. love, LINKA/NOSE. Hairy· My favorite l'klay Bud. Best date JULY 16, 1975. Don't worry I'll find that perfect girl for you . . . Someday IIIII Remember don't buy tickets ahead time. Don't forget T.G.I.f.'s and and those people slttlflQ across from us. Chicken fingers are the best!! Are we ever gotng on retreat? Stop at "STOP SIGNS" LOVE. Blondle Red· What a slammln' year. Ang Is gone ftnally . .. at least thats what, nature Intended! Never blacklisted, just good rrtends. Roomiesll PIPPIE, no kissing in the hallways. No its not always Brian, Brian, Brian. No more volleyballllll No more gymlll I hate this school, how many more days till we graduate? Well we could al· ways become bartenders. Physlcs=Lunch. M.W. locker notes, Does he have a glrlrrtend? Missouri?? The cotillion, nice datell a dozen roses. One day you and Brian will try to get along right? Mr. Puff· those are some big eyeslll Luck In everything, love, Blondie M.G.· Women problems. Thats all I can say. One my girls re· ally messed you up now hopefully you're beyond all that cotta~e cheese. Somehow I doubt lt. Welt at least now you are on to b • ger, more separate objects. Grandma u.w. You are such a bu • ness man. Remember, our little adventure down the shore Mhat cop that stopped us, smooth ell Thanks for coming to the hospl· tal to see us after the accklent So which college are you going to now?? Now, only lfJou could ftnd a girl like me ... Brian's got It made, as you woul say. Good Luck, Love, The woman. Junglebutt· Thick men are the best. All our 7 classes together. 2hard but all our hard work will pay off. Don't forget the M.W. escapades. Shave lately?? M.G.?? But r Is the man. Not a rich, spoiled brat. Brian . .. Check out those cavsll Have fun in N.C. Physics=Lunch, those floor hockey games, too dangerous for me, you guys were vlscousll No more gym. Retreat. very spiritual. moving. Good Luck in everythlngli Love, Blondle. Kimberly· N.H.S. We'll be on it foreverli Anatomy class was great-TSC is waiting for you. Johnny, fr1cMC frack better be goodlll Old It come yet?? florida here we come. You know the true Brian. Don't forget that great hockey game . . . It was so cold. Are you sick ~In?? Take those vitamins trust me they workil I know that you rea physco . .. LOVr:, Pd.2 BUD. Tweed·Stay away from those frultftys, my sweetbkes. my sh· nuckums. I feel so isolated. but at least we can see the clock. F.O.A.O. Now I know what it means. The Young Independents club?? Good Luck, Me. J.S.· We have now offically failed. Maybe, St. Joe's roomies ... no more gym, that terrible car accident .. . time to ftnlsh calcu· Ius, Physics YUCKIIII Just get me out this schooi.Good Luckll. Love, Me. .r 1'\.K. ~ K.M.- math league is ours and we have gotten true victory.K.K, the cotillion wear something short and tight .. . and what did you dom That's right listen to me. Don't 1orget our man. K.M.Remember our adventure to Steinert. We deserve to be on M.L. That talk with Mr. 8reeniiiGOOO LUCK BOTH you. love. your, Blonde Friend. Chrissy v.- Dragon breathe stay away and stop picking your nose. Just calm down .. . . Love, Your annoying Friend.








GRCOORY ZALCSKI JeffWIQ • O.C. Maryland. How many people can we ftt In a car? 3,000 miTes away and ~ .G and Andy 0 would be sitting next to you. Oh no, 5 and P are watching H.f.R.O. again! Wings rule! Gummy Bears are flying (W.W.) S.C. In the backyard. oh It tastes like cough syrup. Base6all cards and Super Mario Bros. R.H.f.S. Say hello RiffRaff. The banisters lucky! frank lernclk ·No frank. don't do It, don't jump, aaa hhh, It's Handlrnan. Brad never would but what about the football team, but what about the football, what about the busl Sniff, Sniff, you got any tuna fish? 3 wild and crazy guys. Got a plaque? Mark Staffa • Give It up you stlnkl Should closed the window. You H.B. addict you. You hear the one about when I went to a wedding and saw this guy cutting down a tree? Me neither. 3 wild ~~1 ~~~~/.~u :.!'~· 5 munute penalty! Oh by the way, It was



Kathy Provost • See someone cares. Don't you ever hit me again I J see you shiver with antlcl . .. pationl Anthony Hutchinson • A.A. is dead, well for awhile anyhow. Shocking Asia? I got the tape, you got the glue? Pieces are better than cups! Hide and seek fn the dark? We 'both know what J.B:s doing tonlghtll"red llvesl John Brophy • Nice to drive into a tree. It's Colonel Sanders and his chicken is finger llckln good. John 8ocharlo • I told you. cups don't even match pleca. Wrestlemania was fun. Are you still planning on getting H. and S. tonight. John Brennan· Too bad we couldn't found a better table. I'll write to you in europe this weekend. Bill Geortz • Revenge:! Spike and Stllleto rule. We should hurry up and ftnish number 1. look your hair. Karen Popowski • 3rd time the charm. I didn't know A.J. cared


~much . It's been great. Love you! Jeff Mordock • All Right, K 4 P 2 fresh. 1 soph. and 1 to be named later. I went to this wedding once and this guy cutting down a tree . Edward Guttierez · Fershman history. Mrs. Mack. Pour some sugar on me. Don't ever follow me to a concert, movies or anywhere ever again! Ellen Woody· U peaches or cream? Maybe both! Yes. 1 do won· der about both of you. Caroline Zaleski· Hey sis! Enjoy your Christmas present? I just love having my locker next to you! Arienne Poux • did 1 spell that right? Not that 1 care. Sniff. sniff, is that tuna, Dr. Pym had another one and now he thinks he's Freckles. S.G.Y.G. was not fun. We're Tiny We're Toony .. . etc. You think anything could have happened between us? Me nel· ther. well maybe. Chet's dead and Tara's crazy. Michelle Jurgens • Hows Ed? The bus was a blast, except for the fact that you were on it. Do you have exackly disease? 1 still want you. Ha, Hal Carrie Hritz • R.H.P.S. I'll get you a s. mechanic for the green beast. I hate Sharon School. We're just such a motorcycle gang. There's a light. a light in the darkness of everybody's life. Everybody Else· To anyone I've forgotten it's been real. Good times. bad times you know I've had my share. With lovers and friends I've met before, I know I'll often stop and think about them, in my life, I've loved you more. For as long as you live, and as high as you fly. smiles you give and tears you cry, and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be. State of mind, euphoria, nothing's ever easy when you do it yourself, but all you can do is try, life's not unfair. life's just life, death not suicide. Gregory zaleski· Don't dream it, be it.

FRANK Z~MCIK John Solan· Hey buddy, So how's the past 4 years been. Since Freshman year man. I can't believe we-are still friends. we have been through a lot. Just think if you weren 't there I wouldn 't have joined the swim team. Jeff Wig · You are a bad influence on me. Nice to hit an Astro· van. Oh no its been 3 months I'm going through withdrawal. Re· member the party. Can't wait till this summer. 24 hour party. Sand Sky, Sand Sky. John Brophy· Floss lately. Hey let's !;JO offroadlng. Lean, Lean. Lean! Sand Sky, Sand Sky. Do it Do 1t, no don 't there's a cop there, Screech . .. Hello officer. Oh welt get ready for this sum· mer. Greg zaleski • We need a new lunch table. So how's Kerry. on the floor, on the table, in the tub, etc. I can kill you at dots, and 1 can deliver a TV faster than you, you conigot. Mark Staffa • Peace ho. Well Well Well. T is watching us, T is watching us, T is watching us From a distance. I couldn't believe that Marylin could do that, I mean with the wooden spoon + screwdriver. Ha Ha Ha. Bill Goertz • Bill I mean Frank. I mean Bill. Who is Goatz? Go away from our lunch table. Mark Wiechnik • Rico Suave. Matt Fede • Can I get a Rolex for $10. Can you spare some tape. Hutch • Thank you for being my Cotillion date. Sr. ~y. Sassy. Sassy, T is watching us, T is watching us, T is watching us from a distance. Dan Lap · How about a case. You need a girl. Ha Ha Ha. I will teach you backstroke. Not! Dan is that a flag on your tie. SANDRA ARGUMEDES My crazy cousin. Never forget me 'cause I'll never forget you. Dancing our butts off everywhere! " Tu eres Panamena? Yo tam· bien! No puede serl?" Remember always dressing to kill, and why not? There's enough drool to go around. " Your T·-<1, no my T-dl?" " I think I like Pete. no I don't but I do, but I don't think he likes me. What do you think?" I finally got him! Bueno prima. ther's so much more I want to tell you, but I guess what's more important is that I'll always love ya and you'll always be my fav. cousin. I love you Lorena NICK BARBOSA " Where'd ya go Nick?" My falls made U laugh! I will ride the lifts w; U anytime! KIT Love, Erin SAMMY BATISTA Sammmy· You didn't think that I would forget you. How could I forget a person who drove me nuts my sophomore year? Well we saw very little of each other this year but 1 still consider you a great friend. Remember always our Spanish class and all the fun times we had. I know I will remember all your girl problems and the wonderful advice I gave, that you sometimes didn't follow. Keep your hair stiff and never go natural cause that wouldn't be you. Good luck in college and whatever you do in your life! Luv always, Stephanie 8ovasso Guess Who?the cutest girl In the whole worldllluv U! honey. U taught me how 2 catch a baseball l!lt I'll never 4get that.! had so much fun.l'll B sure 2 buy U l!lt Carla box seats when I enter the major leagues.Babe,good luck In the future l!lt keep dancing the way U do,UR greatJThanks 4 letting me borrow URjacket.l almost froze that nitel Hey Sammy,l know I'm cute,but don't say 1 look like a puppy.l'mjust kidding.! Juv Ya. UR a sweetheart,KIT Love· Lorena Eric Baxter· Can I have a Ride! talks .. Nice Brakes. did U eva steal that deer? U have to take me out and show me how Its re· ally done! Thanx 4 everything .. Love u, Jess BAXTER Egging in Hamilton. our fight over Jen, W.T. Picnic, 20 seconds to pin me on the grass. sunbum=weakspots. Games with my family, " What I get every weekend ... " Running to get you In shape and our 2 mile race · I had a great surprise for you • too bad. Houses under construction. orgy with caterpillars, Sport· land, " Chez Jill" C.B. is #1 · you weren't there to stop mel 'Til always remember that night" EB, EB, MS. BK. BB, and KM. "I never had a big wheel. " Run for the border! Our movie· City Slickers. Cape Fear ·you left at the best part. Looking for Brian In Denny's. Taking all your books on your birthday. Kids R Us Park· ing Lot, our talk with Jen Mattei at the Baseball game • "You'll get an ulcer". Nice to give me Obsession for my birthday! Monthly check-up phone calls, Basketball Game. KIT • I'll miss you! Love, Erin ~RIC

BRADBURN I'll come and visit you every once In a while so we can bond I'll be the one in dad's carl (definitely not the grocery-getter!) Don't study too hard next year. If sisters were colleges· you'd be Ivy League. Love, Erin BRIDG~T

MELISSA BOGDA J·ohloh!Biue and White Day'91Top the Scensterll WonlBad Bralns(Do you like them?);Chris llloglcal Wamer.Round and Round we go,we make a square don't cha ' know? Dave my best friend with the crossed eyes" Oetting lost to Middlesex, n. That's a blue car w; four women in it. Hot OPIV guy l!lt his friend from Ups tate NY. "Pick a place you your guys. OK, get the map. Chris its your tum to choose. " "I quit." Not aaln! Jay HJam Man l!lt his slippers. The twin l!lt your kinee. fun, fun! But oh no! (Rooney's missing) Trendies Mike Benningblahbalsh. he calls you don't the

other Mike (we like him) Gorilla Biscuits, Jaw box (me, you. Mike L, Tim pins) The joke Is old! The chills, Peps, the Reds. the hots. Get away from mel Porno Pictures, New Year's, Jumbo Chalk! Emily. Royl When did it all begin? Insane fatal skater . . . Erlcl He's mad at you again. Roy's Parties. Cart Durante ... (my score) Jon Qui (your score). My mike ewl ewl SOme people say I'm the llveof the party because . . . Driving home. Driving home with Jeff. Veerd right. Carl. The Shane, kll? Reid, Scot mellval . furry Face! Furry Facel A summer of hell. My face suctloned cupped to the back window. It's all over! Skate wenches. Beckey Bacon, chain wallets . .. beds, beds, Avery (get arrested lately?) Pete Townshend. Princeton. Show up time. Jon l!lt Mike and Ice. Play· ing Pool. Nice Nore. Nice Eric. J.D. J.K.. What went wrong? Sum· mer Night laughing In the square. Roy clueless. Dan Dan the Ugly man. Dan Dan the Asian Man, Dan Dan the other man. Every· body's Hannah! BREM· Jamie. Pete. Bleeding ears, womanizer. How wrong we were Boingl 8olng! " We hate fugarl" Oh welll Gaston. Dugh, Round Towshop. Road Kill. Bad town, OPIV. we're gonna tight! Beauty and the Beast. Jaded. " Madam Gaston." Ca· ould you just see It?" Well If I forgot anything sorry. It seems as if we have too many stories. jokes to write . . . But before I go: HTere's soemthing In my pocket for you and me. There's some· thing in my pocket reach In and see. There's something in my pocket, there's something In my pocket. There's something in my pocket to play with. ·M. MM· How dare you leave Jen l!lt I next year? Anyway have loads o' fun at Marlst. I'll miss you babel KIT. YOu were a sweet girl. Stay that way. Remember lunch and the cotillion. Bye·Bye. Mel· iss. P.S. Don't take the above seriously! ISONNANI Hey babe, you're greatl Never forget me 'cause 1 won't forget you. Remember racing down the streets with the music blowing out of the speakers. "Boom I your boyfriend." Jaime, seriously I can't believe we put up with Rita for this long. To what length Is her male list now? Don't forget .... "We'll follow you guys in the car." Well honey take care. I love ya forever. GOOd luck In everything you do. K.J.T. Lorena Jalme·We've been thru alot 2gether l!lt thats an understate· ment (Isn't It) Remember 2 always keep UR head held high. make URselfhappy then U can make others happy.llove Ul GOOd Luck! Love-Rita


KRIST~N BRANHAM Branham! Well, we've been thru a lot w; each other's families. Remember coming over 2 swim In the summer, softball my frosh yr., l!lt UR soph. yr .• Powder pulf·U just plowed me down, UR lunches w; Deb l!lt Chris, I heard about all UR stories. U l!lt all UR boys· UR crazy! The car accident· that was too scary! I'm so glad we were there for each other. All 4 of us should get 2gether, next time Chris has something, you'll just have to be there! UR too funny! Thanks for always being there. GOOd luck in the future. Love ya, Kennedy.

RYAN BR~NNAN Ryl I'm so glad we became such close friends this yr. Remem· ber we barely talked@ St. Paul's, J.P. l!lt I playing soccer w; the guys!, going to the movies w; A.R. l!le K.W .• hangin@ J.C.'s, New Year's@ A.R., Cot. frosh yr. l!lejun. yr. for me, U l!lt UR weird mu· sic. the ORAND AM, "Ma, I'm 2 scared to merger·, You 'll have 2 ride wf me 1 time, all UR stories about "Psycho", OUR trip 2 Catholic that really happened, catching each other up on the gossip, the BIG TOE, UR too funny! Good luck In college, I can 't believe u might go to Catholic, I'll have 2 vlsitl UR a great friend and I'm always here for Ul Love. L.K. BARBARA BROWN It has been a pleasure knowing you my freshman year. I wish you the best of luck in life and all you do in the future. I would also like to wish you luck in getting your driver's license. Remem· ber me always, Daphne L. Perry MatSSA BUTERA Yo babe, never forget me and our long talks on the bus In the morning. Thanks a lot for leaving me alone with these bus people. Remember all our era . zy guy talks. Thanks for the ride home. "You're crazy"· "There's nothing gOOd on the radio. " You drive like you're In Formula 11 Thanks a lot for picking me up that one morning with Marla. We must've waited an hour for every car In the whole world to pass. I was about to get up and start walking to schooll Remember being In the car with my mom. "Let your beautiful red hair loose and never brush it, I don't" Honey, l wish you the best tuck In everything you do, but whatever you do go get your car fixed first. I'll never forget you. I love ya K.I.T. We live 2 min. away from each other. Don't forget the twitching girl at our bus stop and the dwarf (the new one). Remember screaming home. I love ya. you're crazy and you crack me up. I'll miss ya. Love, Lorena TODD CARUSO Hey Elvis! The day of Oklahoma callbacks (also the day you sang in Church and I told you that you sing well In the hall) was the first time I actually talked to you. You really sahre a lot of memories with me· that lovely poem the time we went to the mall with M.K.. J.K.. M.H., and J.D.·even then you had a special place in my heart. You made the two plays I've been in so much fun, next year will never compare. Who will be our lead? Please stay close and keep an eye on J.L. at MCCC for me please. Now that I won't be around to keep him out of trouble, he needs somebody. Keep lighting up my life· as the bright star you are. and don't ever stop shining. Love you lots, Erin MISSY C~fALONE Missy, we got new shoes, we got new socks . .. -Get together big team, get together (Agghh!) Your famous backward roll In dancing. being chased @ Quakerbridge-hanglng out at the beach, sitting together w; our Evlan bottles-Bagels @ 8eck's· Dancing trio. Good luck next yr. I'll miss ya' @ dancing. Love ya, Jill D. NCA camp. always making fun of me. pasta parties, breakfast at my house. Halloween· Oh my God Miss, Tum around·Freddyl Why are you looking at me like that? Miss, I know you did, I'm scared to, your hair looks really gOOd, some like It hot. lots of fun and laughs this year. Good luck with Matthew. Luv ya, Jenn W. Missy. cheerleading has been great! Camp, the practices, our talks w; Jill, "Is that your real voice?" (JK), the soccer games. the football games, you and Debbie R both homecoming queens to me. Ms. Joyce and dancing-best of luck on four solo. Your gas and Jenn's burps-what a combination. Best o luck next year and in all U do. U better keep In touch! Love ya, Danlelle Missy. well, cheerteadlng was great and It w n't be the same without yal Never forget NCA camp. all the many games and few practices. and do you have new shoes and new socks? GOOD LUCK W/ all you dol I luv ya· K.I.T. and GOOd luck with MattKim D~BORAH CHOQUETTE Where should 'I start! UR my best friend and the best sister I could ever ask for. So many memories! L.B.l. this summer· yeah girlfriend. our talks, who R U_golng to marry?. me at Annapolis?, jumpin on the bed, our catnghts. mOOd swings, dancing. The Ketch (God), riding the boulevard, Econo Lodge?, Mike's arm out

of his socket. your shadow, " Yeah Right". Glad, AMC. our family days, EUROPEIII, picture w; the soccer team. bar In Lucem. Hard Rock in Paris, the cooler In Germany, cold church and Mozart balls In Austria, "for the 8oys"·both waysl, talk In sauna. rain, shopping. Rock ' 1'1 Roll breakfast. M.C.-what a waste, overnight train, journals, Italian guys In elevator, our welcome home present. what a great experience. me the tag-along. "So what let· ter R u and Tara up to now?!?", Bloomles, worKing at the waterslide' "Go, Go, Walt. Go ... ",playing house w; C.P., me finally tlndlng a great boyfriend, Hmmmphl (It's about time 4 Ul), your first kiss- how old?, how old was I?, IUS., catching up to Tara, dances we made up, "Let's follow the line In the street"· your ideal, talks w; mom, "CC Mint Ice Cream~ R U sure that's all u guys had?", last summer In L.B.l., Baltimore, Mike's 8ball games, working at f'.l. and playing w; e.G's mind, Shotclock at our house, losing $ playing cards, mozzarella sticks, Cotillions sitting w; U, crying alter haircuts, dinner by C. G. and E. M., Phan· tom, Katzenbach, "what ever happened 2 R CD player", Dad's of· tlce. dress shopping. packing bags 2 run away. falling down sew· ers, pure ones at ND, Hulkle, Mike's zoo. "U take first shower". Poppy and Go-Go, U better not go 2 far away next year· I'm really going 2 miss U. Best of luck In all U dol In my eyes you're the best. I love you Debbie· Danlelle You have such big ... , Burp, your such a pig. dancing In your living room, Joe Pops· we're sixteen, going to K.B.'s, rich, hot. friend's house at the beach, Deb- you look really hot, she always touches me. T.K. a "few GOOd Men", Eew, you eat that stuff. Deb. thanx for all the rides to different places, you're like the big sister I never had. Love ya. Jenn W. Debbie ... should I go on a diet? That's too fattening· I can't eat thatl Tuna hoagies- Being lost In dancing together. GOOd luck. I'll miss yal Stay sweet. Love, Jill D. JOHN CIMINO Yo " Cemlno"ttA!Thls should top any carnation or candy cane u asked me 4.-Not qulte.l'll never lose that fascination I had w/U·It'll 8 In my heart 4everl Love Always-Jen Mattei RENEE CIRILLO JV hockey, all thos talks about N, camp 92', "how Is that Stephen King book?", Tara's Rlng·around·the-Rosle. our blinds, U2 rules, hockey body, I'll never find a better roomie. I missed you so much this season! Wish me luck next season. GOOd Luck in all that you dol Thanks for everything! Brtghid flOOd KeRRY CRISTOf'OLETTI Kerry, this past year had to be the best! Never forget all the memories, J.L. and A.R. • big ones!, racing down D-hall everyday

=~~r~~:c~e ':~~C.'t~~~~th~~r:!~. :n'"l~!ci 0

never forgot to spell your last name like the alphabet, how you never got to actually come over-but someday you will. how we're both so goofY, M.J. and J.B., you know you love them. gossiping. how much I love D.S. and J.O. ·Yeah right. M.K. but N.D. was In the way:Just kidding. all of the other stuff I forgot! Thanks for lis· tenlng to me when no one else would, you're a really great friend and l hope we never lose touch. You're the bestl Stay the same and gOOd luck In all you dol Love always- Kim CHRISSY DILIBMTO Found money? LET'S EATill Love ya, Erin JOANNE DINOLA NCA camp-ever clog a toilet call maintenance, Ste-al It take It away, visiting you In Super X, like these stockings only 99 cents. sugar on pizza crust. your laugh, I'll visit you at Foot Locker. Have lots of fun with Scott. Luv 'fa, Jenn Joanne, well Birthday Buddy this Is itl These past couple of years getting to know ya were great Never forget NCA camp. and what did you do to that bathroom tloor?, reminiscing about St. Greg's and OLS days, Jason at camp.·He wants you. Jam with us. your great laugh, how all the pretty cheerleaders quit, Boar's head, Plgllt. or whatever you wanna call him. and most of all, our big secret, and whatever I forgot! Keep In touch - I'm gonna miss you I Remember I'll always be here for you I Love always Kim OREOO DUBOW I don't know where to start! Thanks for always being there 4 me l!lt making me laugh, whether I needed It or notl Always remem· ber football games on weekends at Dad's, throwing debris, Lititz l!lt Fruitville. P.A., Penn State, Lake George, Yankee l!lt Giant games. you In the hospital, making fun of Dad, wild Is the wind. driving me to dance class, Christmas 92' with Murphy's, Bundy's, skiing. and all of the other memorable times we had I U R the Best BROI I'll always be there ror you. GOOd Luck In whatever you dol Love always-Sharon


TARA fiAI'IDACA "T", Glad we became such gOOd friends! Never forget soccer. attitudes! Remember slngin a!l the Ume- expression. 8ed of Roses ("my favorite partl"), Kl"ilCKtRBOCKr:RI Remember our sprint to 7·11 In the snow, Chuck's, movies every weekend. crusln in the vet. r:wtng cops, "Don't push that buttonl" , me screaming my head off, prank call from my dad, Pd. 8 gym and 11· nally you D I Well gOOd luck In all you dol I'm always here for youil'll miSS ya. f /f' love Usa RLfSECCA f'ITZOifSfSON

camp 92'. Hockey body, "hey 8ecca. did you get the wrong change?" My favorite story In the whole wide world- ··my sister used to feed her toes!", the skit. the Rose, Cecilia, hiking to and from the field, thank you ror all your help-on and olf the field. I can't walt until next season· I'm so happy you're going to be there! GOOd luck In everything! Brtghkll"'ood ~RICA OAR.RUT Thanx 4 the use of UR stairs .. they R very c:omft:M1able.Peach Jello Is the best.Bancrost .. puke .. can I kiss U?Those DIRTY tapes .. he's got oneiDo U want Burger Klng?ISREAKr'AST,the morning afler.AII those men.U R OreatiLove Always, Amy

MARTI" GILBERT Don't ever quit the comer.Yes,l think I can cook .. Who needs salt?Our phone conversations .. U never call me backiWhere's UR glri?Thanx 4 listening 2 me babble. Your 0 ri, Amy CHRIS GOODRICH Where 2 begin? The summer· LfSl. The Ketch. I can't believe how much u played wf my mind (light), Wasn't I worth the walt? The soccer games, the part W/ Jenn and Mark. L.f.. C.L. S.N.. c.s.. ·don t YOU even think about lt. Me the D.T.. R your babies?!?. Me the Spit Champ (10 In a row!). U knowing every word 2 every song. The Nutcracker, Phantom, Cotillion night. fS and W Day dance. o.s.. J.B., -who me?l?, shotclock tournaments, U around my little finger (JK), 5 seconds!, U clean upl, wrestling W/ Mike, fighting w; me {teeth marks). bets I've won. U and ~r1c making dinner (how romantlcl). gotta love the ears and neck. mOOd swings, I'm a good driver, Value Meal I 2, the movies, the talks, times we've Shared, Chuck's wings, the ring. "You kiss your mother w; that mouth garbage mouth?", In your arms, U smell really gOOd, "What? Who? When? How? Where? In Who's


backyard?". Black chestnuts, basketball games, U making fun of me, some more fights, Banzai, Katzenbach , roses. " Goodnight Beautiful ... ". Chris, what can I say but thank you. I'm sure the best is yet to come. Thanks for always being there to make me smile and love me (the whole package) . i love you Chris Danielle You pinching me, Christmas shopping, summer at MCP, your friend 's a real ... , I'd rather be single, Basic Instinct Rumbleseats, the Ballet and Ground Round, Singles·! should bring Danielle to see this movie. Chris, you 've changed a lot since I first met you and I know it was for the better. Don't hurt Danielle or you 'll have to deal with me. Good Luck with soccer and Danielle. Luv ya , Jenn AMY GLAHN Hey fisher partneriWill we ever find TRUDY again?Don't 4get the egg yolks w; out the bud. The Wildwood trip ... I don·t want 2 go on the roller coaster. Wrong way on the circle .• we're still alive!The ACTION W/HOWDY DOODY @ JA, U can 't get out. 50Should I go swimming 4 Wendy's?UmbrellasiOur 1st apple 2gether.CRASH!The graveyard candle. Let ' s find Trentonwhere'sRVhouse .. R we lost?UR the bestll'll B lost w;out U next yr.The bestest of friends always ... KYTESTER MEREDITH GUHL It's been 7yrs.Did U actually think we would ever get bored of Seafood America?Friday nites ice skating.Ewing men ... they R not worth it.l'll always B sony about that nlte .. FS+TL Our 1st obsessions VS & TL Picnic in the goalie w;SS&KS,5-0 @ Bancrost-what ·s in UR bra? ' 92Cotillion-my friend the bath· room;who's on my couch •. SS&TL?CN ran over my foot. Erica's parties It's amazing we put up w; each other 4 all these yrs.Don't ever 4get the LOVECATS,that us!Love Always, Amy MEGAN HARKNESS What do I owe ya?Just Kidding!Good Luck in whatever U do.& maybe,just maybe you 'll get that special date w;my brother!Halha!l'll never 4get U & the laughs.Aiways KITWjme. Luv Ya, Jen Mattei DAVf.HAAS Hey Dave! No, you don't look like the devil . D. and E., so happy together!! Day off?!? I'm glad I met you! Don't change! Friends AI· ways, Heather LAURA HEINZ Laura-Hey Lady!Laurey Smartie-U guys R all leavin' mell'm gonna miss U.We've had a pretty good 2 yrs.Thanx 4 taking me under UR wing.SOP.Buddy.Head VOICEI!!U don't sound like a hom.Bieating Lamb!Hiatus!Magic Carpet! Minnie mouse UR understudy!! don' t want the seat 2 my left 2 B empty next yr.Thanx 4 all the support U've given me like last yr in the play.Thanx 4 In· viting me 2 UR party,it was an " interesting" experience I will never 4getl don't want 2 sing anymore duets w; u know who.Thanx 4 all the rides U've given me.Don't 4get that trip 2 that afterschool program.No we really don' t want 2 sing, J-1-N·O·L-t:-double L S.Peg's straight amonia.Lu-key.My family is still crazier than yoursiAbs of steet.buns of steel(don' t B so self· conscious)Luv Ya & I'll miss Ya- LynneUe TINA HINER Tina. well hon this is it· even though we didn't hang out that much- it was fun when we did! Never forget the memories. cheerleading, the mall at Christmas. our pictures with Santa and our great matching outfits, junior year gym class, all of our many hours of gossiping. homecoming. being late to almost all of the games. J.L., D.L. - great brothers, huh?, me hangin' out w; you and Brooke and how you must take me, A·E-1-Q·U· ha ha, all of our great quotes. my name is Tina. therefore I am . . . Tina, Chuck's Buffalo wings and whatever I forgot. You 're the best! Never forget me ... cause I'm a Blonde! I love ya and rm gonna miss you! K.I.T.- Kim ANTHONY INVERSO An-fer-me! Your " brick wall ", yeah right! You do run funny. Those meets in " The Dungeon" took forever! The Christmas Classic Meet with Todd· two first places- those medals were not crappy! Your red thermal shirt looks wierd. After a bad throw: Oh my Godl Sony for punching you. Good Luck! The shot circle won 't be the same without you! Love, Erin Jl!l'tJUI'IG Junger, Never forget soccer and all the good times! Good luck in all you do in the future! Love, Lisa BRIAN KNOTT ''Can I be honest? I never really wanted a relationship with you?" " Really? Me either?" Your 17th Birthday Cookies - Jen and I love you! " How's life as a dog?" " Ruffl " SPORTLAND - It's the hottest place in the Ville!" I'm broke, but we have 19,647 tickets to go! " It's Eric's tum!" The sextet- M.S., K.M .. B.B., E.B., E.B.. and B.K.I Blue and White Day Dance with N.f.- my dad's sweater, " shake it like a white girt". Egging In Hamilton, Breaking 50 Laws in N.J. · I didn't "have the hots" for E.B. Football and Shopping Cart Races in Kids R Us Parking Lot. " We're In OHIO!", January 12, 1992 nd February 15, 1992. " MAKE A LEI'T, MAKE A LEFT, MAKE A LEI'T, LEFT, LEI'TI" Cape Fear Night· we know what happened! Run for the Border and Hit the Hut! " My name Is Brian Knott and I've been an for 17 years now! " Jaguars, Tigers, and El· ephants ... "It just wouldn't be the same with our clothes on!" Mlnature Golfing in the Jungle ... WE TIED! Chris L.· I hate her tool Green Thoughts. J.F.K.- "I knew at that point I liked something about you!" WHO I AM. Woodstock· by Brian X. Knott. 10 Mile walk for life ... Never know when you might need an EMER· GENCY MEDICAL KIT NECKLACE! Establish, Maintain, Forward . EMF! MERGE!! "White Men Can't Jump". Mabey? Thowards? Latly? SMILE! You have atrocious handwriting! Mammograms save lives and It must suck to be a duck! " You' ll have a body by the end of football season!" Bowling In Hightstown with Mattie our Manic friend and Wlllsl He touched my butt! " How you ftgur?" The JOKER- " I really love your peaches ..... , 'Tm a Happy Kind of a Guy!" 2% of your time. 2nd priority: What are you trying to say? " Wedge! Sony, man. Had to call It!" N.F. just Isn't the man! Writing in Mass booklets Is morally wrong! City Slickers, Addams 0

~':;~~r ~~t~~~ ~:~.!~~~[g'J811~~~r~~~~\~~ ;e~t~~1~~ ;~e~ you say that around!" Our Sunday afternoons In the Hood· " You are now entering the Manor" Whaaaaat? You see the nicest. most dangerous people in Morrlsvillel " I do not envy the headache you will have when you wake up - Until then, sleep well and dream of large women! " Our day at Sesame Place - Ropes, NEVER?II Jenga and Girl Talk - " Like a VIrgin .... " Hussy- Your mom loves mel Those McCroy's Suction-Cup Guns, Wrestling. Just Remember: I apologized first. It's been tough, but I know that WE can make it. I Love You, Bri. Love, Erin.


JOI!Lf:CH Kangaroo boy-Its here.UR graduatlngll've known U-not even a yr. but I will remember U 4 the rest of my yrs-here @ NO,& 4 the rest of my life.U have made me in2 what I am so proud(concelted? of course!)2 B. I have so many happy memories of us.& so many more 2 come. Thank U 4 everythlng.UR the best don't

2get me,& don't ever change.! love U.Yesterday, Today.& AI· ways·Erin (UR wife) ROBERT LIBERTO Rob: I can 't believe I'm here, Ia Imost got .... , Accident on 33, It's a good thing Moon came back, L.B.L , House of Pain, 151, Sunday Morning Blues, had fun , Good Luck, ..... Kool Dave. EDDIE MADDOCK Even though you think you 're tough and sometimes a snot. I'll always remember how you were when you were sweet. I'm glad we met, I have no regrets. Good luck in the future. KIT. Always. Alanna MICHf:LLE MANNERS Hey girlfriend watz up? Never, ever forget me honey. Remember our faces in lunch and in business. that class was worthless. Well babe, don't forget our male talks and our FEMALE bonding. Remember screaming In the halls and tripping over eachother and laughing like we laugh, extremely loud! Well babe, I Love you and I'll miss ya next year. K.I.T. Love Lorena Michelle· Lunch was great frosh & Jr Yr.l luv U.U better KIT, maybe I'll see U next door one day(Chris' house)Don't let Jason go,he's a sweetheart!Who'd U get that laugh from?!Remember Mark(flrt)who could forget.Don't 4get me! KIT Love-Rita ANNf:TTE MARR.r:RRO Annette-AnnieJCaboose!we've come a long way from little girls playing in the woods or Amy's garage.We survived MJS&St Pauls & my first 1f2yr of highschool. I'm glad U were there 4 me,espedally this yr. bfc I don't have 2 take big yellowi(Just Kldding)U 've helped me alot the past 2 yrs.U've stood up 4 me & were there when I needed someone 2 talk 2.U' ve put up w;my little stunts & I have 2 say I've put up w;URS especially that temper of URS! Lets' see my frosh yr-U & UR friends let me tag along & they were all really nice 2 me & I appreciate that.U let me use UR locker & I shared mine too.You told off a few people on account of me whom shall remain nameless.Lets see what else.OH!The Mr. Jake yr. Bingee.l think I left a few footprints on UR windowsill! U break up just when I was getting 2 like him!That was also the rice krisple yr.l don't know how many treats we ate;summer '92-our beach trips w;Matt.White Castle(How embarraslng)U & Jay took the plunge. We started EVITA.U were our poor little abused stage manager,Cindy(JAP)Bethann(stomplng cow)Beth Weln(Beth Weln)Yes Miss Lazy.Anythlng else Miss Lazy?UR the EVITAfST But I will always B the Andrew Lloyd Webberest (except JC&Joseph)My soph yr. Crulsin' In A.nnles Daytona!Every momlng"Ring that Bday bell! Yes a rootie tootle."EwwwRude(what an expresslon)the son of a Banchel(flavor of the year)People hitting on him grrll have a little advice 4 U"Keep UR temper" Bagel Queen, I want some butter cookles.Let's go 2 Pizza Hut same price all the time. Thanx 4 transporting me 2 practices & going on food errands 4 me.U've been so good 2 me & I' m really grateful 4 everything U've done. Like visiting me while I was babysitting on New Years Last yr. Help me when I was upset.etc.UR a great sister.friend, &personal chauffer(Just Kidding)! LUV U.Don't go far.LUV always & I'm sorry-Ben Man Mountaln.Lynnette. P.S. " She s kissing the car wash guy!" MIKe MATAR B 206 Mike-Your probably the greatest brother any girl could have. Thanks for always being there for me. You may not know it but you really helped me out alot this year In Notre Dame. I hope that you become successful in all that you do. Do well in college I'm depending on you. Love Always, Your Sister. JILL MCCLURE Look X·tra special tomorrow! Track, Leigh, tennis in Millstone, history w; Miss G and Quick Draw. Miss Gloved me more & I can raise my hand higher! "Catch me I'm falling .... I" 'Tm erasing him from my mind. but I happened to notice . . . " Helen! The Limited Dressing Rooms, Princeton - "We go to Hun and we have no money!" But other than that .... I look so pretty. At least you' re not bitter about it. I was just thinking how perfectly his lips would tit mine. oh•my God· Was that the bellm CARPE DIEM! Driving past Mike H's house. Lawrence Deli with Jor,. R.f..M. and Morrissey. "mmm, It does go well with the chicken ·. "Hey Paul· Hey Paul- Hey Paul. Let's have a balll", " I know I'm unlovable, you don't have to tell me, message received loud and clear." "Oh Mr. Pleasant .... "K.B.- no friend of mine. How's the baby? "Life ain't nothing but a good grove, a good mix tape to putJou In the right mood ... " (Isn't that the truth!) Beastie Boys an In· digo Girls - quite a variety! Kristen B. and Powder Puff, It had 2 B U 2 scor~ a TDI ' Tm not In the driving mood tonight. can you tell?" IMMORTAL POETS. "The Original I Dream of M.H. Book" U and me babe, how about It? MACK and MAC " As soon as I get my license. I' ll take you guys out." Photocopying at Joy's. "I saw the love in his eyes for just a second. " That I:Just-want-to-get-on smile! B·B-B-BISCUITI Mickey Mouse Punching Bags. Blue and White Dance, " I Wanna Be a . . . , Lexus on 2 wheels. Your "party", Heathers- " ... gently with a chainsawl " Love Phones, Selective Call Waiting. Were U smoking In the bathroom or just blowing your nose? Babysitting, Chocolate chocolate Chip cookIes, Denny's, swinging In the park, WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT MY HOUSEl Mobile Gas Station- "All up and nowhere to gol" The actual night was very different from my dream night! I have a dl· lemma - Christian Slater pr Michael Stipe? Girl Talk and Racko Calling all the hot guys In the school and hanging up! The love and passion between Tommy and Martha! Always remember our long conversations on the phone and our long drives together. We always managed to have fun! Jilly- Jill, I love Ul Please keep in touch forever and remember me and M.H. when you're away at college! I will come and visit you! (hopefully!) Love, Erin Mr:GAN MCQLINCHY To Montevideo, Good luck @ college next yearnr anything gets on your nervesJust spit on IUP too!Ptoo!Keep watching SNL. Hope 4 Brady vs. the Partridge Family re-runs. I'll keep U updated on any changes In the Shop-rlte;non Shop-rlte.(Halkul) Leave some clothes 4 me.Someday they will B mlne.Oh,YfS they will B mlneiThank Yooul Sincerely, Baklava CARYl'IMORAI'I . So how's Tom? Gonna write him everyday. I had lots of fun w; U! Come back and visit so I can play with your hair and draw on your kneel Love, Erin RYANMULL~N

Beanpole,Daddy-Jong-legs,U have 2 do something about UR brotheriXmas,Winto greens.U ripped my dollariDon't call me " kld"ll' m not a dummy,believe It or not.Our morning talks were fun.We talk on the phone 2 long.3hrs?Don't make jumping over people a habit. Good LuckiU know I'll miss U.Love, Erin From PAULA MOTKOWSKI Hey Mauralcasa de Horas.Hey Georgei,DizzK.neeLand,& what do we say 2 the DJ? Our little acddent,Nicole's sort of B· D,McD's,my morns BD.Hey Georgle,Agaln, Mop Boy BK,Iate 4 school,go homeiMatt G's roof. Poor Juc:fd,we'd always come back 4 U,Frank!Spalnmelsterburgero. praytell,what Is a slurpee?oates 4 horses Lucky Charms.JumpMFjump, My BD.oh,oh,oh. 6 o'clock.steallng, poolhall & ucky salads@ GD,BOATIFred, rude

boy extraordinalre,Michell 's man.Greece,Drug Emporium & my dad,Secret Spys,my party,Steve Mlller.GoK!Its UR BD.Dave·s here,Busted,Nickl P & baking soda vaccum,Guys in Dolls,Florida. on the way 2 school,tum so we can see UR bumlsleepover,etc.l'll miss U much-but I'll B up there w; U all the tlmeiLove Yal JASON OKULICZX Jay,Hey I'm still beating U In crazy 8s.Thanx 4 breaking my earthbaii.WIII U B my doubles partner?Minlatrue Golfing.Great Adventure,Tennls,Down the shore,the mall,swimmlng In our underwear.Did I miss anythlng?Mr. Champion of songburst UR 2

~~:~! ~~ ~~~-~ ~~~"e ~~'.'m~o~

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JAIME PAPA Dancing,putt-putt,NCA·those R pretty BIG,all the rides home.that looks like a rock, we've had a lot of fun this yrcheering & danclng.Luv Ya, Jenn Jaime.UR a great friend & I'm glad I got 2 know ya this yriNever 4get all the memories of cheerleadlng & make sure U stay In touch.Good luck wfShawn l!C w; all U dol Luv Ya·Kim KI!LLYI'IEALL hey sexy mama! I'm weasing ... puff-puffl What a lunch table . . . gossip, gossip. You & CF . . . I do not laugh funny! They should put elevators lnl My mind Is In confusion ... Love always, AMYKYTr.:l BROOKE PERON~ Brooke,glad I got 2 know ya this yr-U know I'll never teiiiiNever 4get me,hangln' out w;u & Tlna,those great quotes, Chuck's Buffalo wlngs,gosslplng & all the other stuff I know I 4got UR a real good friend so Never change & KIT. Lov Ya·Kim NICOLf: PETI:RSON Come over anytime & we'll look up @ the stars.My driyeway fromheii!Our trips 2 New Hope . . . thanx 4 getting the BAL· LOONSIIsn't City Gardens fun?Can I bum a clg?Good Luck w;col· lege & Matt! LuvAmy KATIE PMI!I'fER Bob's Big Boy ... H-E-L-r.:-N!Good Luck next Yr. Love Amy f:LI:NA RESNIK Bl03 r:tena- I have now known you for three or four years. I suppose that It's been fun. Nah It's been great. You've been like a sister to me, whenever I needed to talk to someone you were always there ready to listen. You never judged people. And you tried your hardest to like everyone. I'm golng to miss you very much when you go away to college but I wish you the best of luck. Always remember my family Is always there for you. Love Lisa Matar, P.S.· Remember: Johnyboy, The Cotillion. play practlce,driving in the snow,meets, countles,Mond. and the past three years.Good Luck! ALRHOD~S

AI. well this is It-what can I say?Never 4get all the memories·@ JC's In the summer that got me In trouble wjhoagle.UR great retreat great speaking ablllty,the movies w/RB l!C LK,how 1 could never look U In the eyes 4 more than 3seconds,New Years Eve,& I know you'll never 4qet all my talking & slnglng.U luv that!Cotilllon Nlte & "after",Bs's wjMG(yeah.she's smartl)Well, I'm glad we became so close, & I'll miss U alot-l'm here If U ever need someone 2 talk 2.l!C Al,l never did find out If dead fish fly?IILove Always-Kim ANTHONY ROTONDO Anthony,well \Ntlere am I gonna begln-ct-No-Frosh Yr?When I met U @ UR house & we went 2 the fiiendlles & U almost thru up,UR obsession w;ct,2 bad that didn't last . . . Yeah right· MF,Domey Park,Soph Yr,flnd UR way back home.the Yankees,Don Mattlngly,Rules-but U already know that.KP-2 bad that took up 2 much quality tlme,CI agaln,or should I say stlll,but that's OK·b/c my obsession came Into the plcture,hangln' out w/U & UR frlends.the Morp,drlvmg 2 the shore wfRL,MH.BL.JR,RL didn't even get 2 use the bathroom even though he paid,all of my probs that U always listen l& still do,& Jr Yr RL's house,AR 1 know,not U.JL agaln,Golden Dawn w;u & Krls jealousy of him-how I thought U changed but really didn't stakeout when I went out W/AR,& how U l!Jt KK,scared me hair 2 death,KK fightlng,Metalllca,8T. CI,CS,KH,the psycho from West Windsor,CI.CI-get the plcture,the mall wjthe DeJonge bro·s Soph Yr,Golden,Bertol studying @ McDonalds 4 sociology,Xmas Day & whatever else I 4got.1 more thing May 16-Can't waltlll Luv U like a brother & I hope we stay this close & U never 4qet melNever, ever, loose touch II hope U know I'm always here 4 U 2 talk 2 & make fun of! LOve your Best Friend Always-Kim·P.S.You 'll get Herll BETH RYfll'tSKI My " Big Sister"·Thanx 4 taking me out 4 pizza that rainy day.Our talks were greatl did remember 2 bring those shorts.I'm not that much like John. Don't laugh at my retainers. Sports Medl· cine was an experience.l'm going 2 miss U!Don't 4get 2 KIT!Good Luck! Love, Erin RUBY SANTOS UR a cool slster.Thanx 4 putting up w;me.Thanx "driving me around & letting me hang out wjUR friends.Good luck in college.Stay close 2 home. Love UR twin. Jen CHRISTIN~

SAWLLI HIIMy smiling friend.Remember..falllng off the chalr.the play,R U going out wjher?Snotty looks,He IS cute,7-ll,U got lost?mea· suring, I could 've done that,the lap,UR lu<:ky.thanx 4 always making me smile. Good Luck In llfe.KIT.Luv-Heather TIM SCHNALL UK 1 of the greatest guys, thanx for everything .. I had a great time with you. 2 bad we eva fought. K.I.T. with me. Remember my parents Love you. Always Mel P.S.· How a'bt that park. JENI'tJff:R Sf:CMTARIO I saw U sitting on his lap,Chemlstry,l really don't know what I'm doing,R U busy right now?NCA camp,crammlng In the car,U did-so did I. talking about Joe In clas.See ya In church,some like It hot. We've got brand new shoes ... . look who's sitting on UR jacket,! love UR cousln,U & Joe R gonna get married 1999,We had a lot of good times 2gether.Luv Ya·Jenn Jen,glad I got the chance 2 know ya this yr,never 4get all the memorles.NCA camp,U have the best legs.the banner the Jrs made,pasta party,all the talks @ practlces,Boom 1 got UR boy· friend,& Jen,my star Is better-HA HAIKIT,I'II miss U alotiGood Luck w;Joe.Luv always-Kim JOY SMITH You have to go out with me and Jill more often. The L'ville Dell Is the place to bel KIT. Love. r.:rln KroNSMITH "Watch out for the cops. Get out of the car and put your

clothes back on." I know you saw something that night. Good tuck in the future and stop being such a heart breaker. Oh, and by the way thanx for the ride home, listening to Ron 0. "I have that tape tool" K.I.T. Love Lorena Keon,Where do I start?We've benn thru so much in the past 2yrs.How many times Is it up 2 now that we've been off-on

~H~~:~~~~e~ai 7'~a~'1n ~~~td u~u~~~~~~g~·~;cfe' ~~~

I'll play it if I want to .. . Journalism class ... Dishwater ... Hello my name Is Simon .. . Coffee Talk . . . I'm glad we got to know each other this year. 1 hope we stay in touch. You're a great friend. Jacqueline McCall Hi LNI Hello my name is Simon ... E and D so happy togetherll ... Coffee Talk .. . Monowoman meets Hemlamanl . . . RD Is re· ally cute . The Dork Boyslll . . . Dishwater . . Depeche Mode ... Passing notes in Journalism .. , Oetting caught ... Do they always giggle like that? . . . Ellen, he's so cuter .. . Girls. listen up! . .. . Coffee, chocolate and bring the dog, we'll have a great tlmel . .. Accents .. Writing backwards ... Doing your make·up ... putting on your shoes ... Heels. not while driving ... Brake, oh god Brake ... Can I hit 'im? . .. painting ... the circle ... 90 mph . . . Red's not my color . . . his eyes light up . . . Trou· ble?Who me? ... the sticker .. . what should I wear? .. . OK. so I'm not the safest driver. I'm still sorry! ... I'll never be as happy to see anyone's face as I was to see yours the first day of school. Thanks for being such a great friend to me. Remember me al· ways. Never forget the funny times we've shared. Luv, Heather

stronger person(maybe bfc UR such a heartbraker)l can handle things now alot better than I could before.! was always 2 sensl· live. I can keep my head held high now.Remember the nlte In the park when the cops cameiU were so scaredl" Do U love me?Well, I like U a lot""Thanx " U've made me so freakin happy l!t sad.UR one of a kind.mayB thats why I care, 4 U so much. "No.J'm mad @ U.U hurt my feelingsl"can I ask UR old fling ... ?"Where would . I B now if I never met U?l love U SOOOI"Red, it's my favorite color. not Urs· red lolllpops.YUMIUR so soft·llke a teddy bear.l just want 2 hug l!t squeeze Ul " What was that girl do· ing?" YeahRightiLet's 4get it again·! lost U wats new. "I shoulda waited 4 Ul""Whats so funny about listening to Ron O.?"U walked all the way from TCHS.UR a sweelie" U don't love me 4got me all weekend " Well baby I better finish this up. Remember U'll always Brny first love l!t I'll always B here 4U.Love Always·ME

LIZWHITr: Lizzy: We're funny together! Just remember that I warned U about Nicki KIT Love ya. Erin

MAlT STefeRO Christian Slater and Kuffs. V·Day '92. Denny's, Kids R Us Park· ing Lot. Fire in My family Room, your maroon socks, Bowling In Hightstown. Addams family and MC Hammer Soundtrack, Girl Talk. Sesame Place. KIT Mattie! Love. Erin

r:RJCWILLS Pus ... What's up with that . . . SYI All my advice .. I ain't run· nin', we are STUDS! Baxter nice Brake .. New Years Eve . .. K.P. whipped B.L. "this will work out great." UR crazy .. My word of the wk. Thanx 4 listing to my endless J. . stories 2 my Bro I love you me. P.S. Nice Windshield.



JOHN SOLAN I can' t believe UR graduating·the90-91swimseason seems llke yesterday.1 things 4 yr won't B the same w;out U thanx 4 always being there 4 me 2 talk 2. 2 get 2gether w; after meets or just 4 a ride home,l'll never 4get U.KIT Love always Theresa( Gimpy) TARA SUNTATO Grice, Amy F,over 18 video sectlon,Red Shore Diaries,! like that snowflake thing.Deb says all Ortce people R alike.What do Ya think? Luv Ya, Jenn Tara.U've done atot 4 me this yr l!t I don't know what I'd dow; out U!Never 4get our rides 2 school obesslon wjJL l!t how U guys hooked up,my job @Bagel Street·thanx 2 U,l!t all the other times I 4got.Thanx 4belng there 4 me when I needed someone l!t 2 B there 2 yell @ me·l'm here if U ever need any· thing-especially a ride!Never 4get me. or Jose touch.&' Tara·Suck lt!IIKIT·Luv, Kim <lARYWASKO Hey Buckey! Where do I start all the memortes? Our wrestling matches. the baby powder. our spitting fight. our chases around my house· We had some good ones. All our (your) excuses "Let's play ping-pong" "Ya know. I really feel like punching the punching bag today." My basement, the cars. the golf courses, Trenton State, Your camavel, The chair· Ben walked down "Hey Oar. you wanna play ping pong?"The elevator, Our nature walkes· we're crazy! You almost killed me (Trenton State Bridge) but I forgive you. Our phone conversations- we hit every subject. Your messages on my answering machine·"! can't take my driv· er's test?" Getting lost on the way to Laurie's- you loved me that day! All our car trips. our ride to Trenton· "Stop yelling at me when I'm drivinglll" Cotillion-had a great time, Didn't sleep that night, was your stomach warm? August '92· enough said. All your names you called me "Do you ever have anything nice to call me?" Chemistry, need any money today?, Our fights-you didn't talk to me for 5 days! You never did tell me why you came to Jen Colon's that night. My firehouse visits. My family· they loved you! All your fire stories, your beeper always went off at the most convenient times! We've had some great times l!t a lot of memories· how could I not love You? Love alwyas, Amy. " That's What friends Are For," talks about Amy, kisses In the hallway, always get a slowdance. talking In lunch, Gary, you're my big teddy bear who is always there for me to hug, talk to or maybe just get a kiss. I'll never forget you. Luv ya always, Jenn Oarell'm so glad we became friends throughout H.S. U always seem to make me laugh, Do U remember?: Dropping the hard spike on AC, UR philosophy "When a guy starts shakin' he's ready to kick some -·1 (BO) You, I always told U to just call CK but U never listened! UR losers! The G·manl AC's &' my questions about ya know since we don't know jack & U just know It alii The 3 way calling l!t U leaving &' never coming back until 2 hours later. I'm always here if you need a friend, thanks 4 all the great memories. Good Luck in all that you do in the future! Love, Kennedy BILLY Wf:IS<lARBeR Take some paper Take some glue, Build a plane of balsa. It won't fly as fast as you can go on Newmann's Salsa. Love,Cori Billy. always remember· 6th-8th graders, 4th of July. Cotil· lion· we didn't move, 14th B-day. High School, Muffins. Christ· mas·, the moon at Kuser Park, trying, take a shower, miss yell, ogeda, Diamond's, my fish project· one day I'll finish. the yacht. LBI. the pool. my mole. VS. Sept 18, being a OB, Ed falling up a hill. I'm amazing at tennis, as you wish, Mr. Bill, Kitty, stories, the lagoon, JS at GA. OA, ping pong tricks, our romantic dlnn~rs. church. all American fun room. spy tech, truth or dare, LM back yard, Celebrity Power, gap· jacuzzi· jeep, earth ball, Tricking MA, Midnight bowling, Beauty and the Beast, Lola, Lit' Caesars' com· merdals, Squid, Turkey Pot Pie. ignora . .. Billy. I'll never forget you. even If I try. I love love you. you have taught me so much since I met you! You're my best friend. good luck In all you dol Love, Nora. Billy· forget Syracuse for a whil· Indiana Is look good. Don't worry, College will make you smarter! Good Luck· RAE Billy· You know how much you owe me. I know you haven't said anything because you don't know how to put It into words. Remember· "scratch your nose- it'll drive her crazy" l!t It worked, when we hit the circle at exactly 7:47 every day, seeing Mr. Wen· dell. the dancing druggie, please approve my cotillion dress, Ping Pong in the AII·American fun Room, Volleyball in the driveway. our scream-out fights at T. meetings. all our fun? at Woodlawn, Did you ever tum In that sonnett? Don't you ever wake me up like that again! Thank you for everything! Love always· Lisa. f.S. Don't forget us and Nana. eLLf:NWOODY Hi what's up! . .. It's red-headed, It's red-haired ... Assembly with you and Dave . Beauty and the Beast . .. It's my game and

VINCeNT WITKOWSKI Vln· There's so much to say! Don't say anything to Wayne about me. You can 't forget the summer of '92. I still have to get you Vol I of 120 minutes. Someday. Don't ever let Nora Into your neighborhood. Tell Chris If he ever needs a counselor, I'm here. Remember the beach and my burned stomach. Don't you like Noxema on your sunburned? Chicken pot pies at 12:00 am. I'm glad that we were able to stay friends through everything. Don't forget me and don't drink coffee! Love Always· Lisa Vince, Hey chocolate thunder what's up? Glad l got to know you I needed a friend that does worse than me on his report card. Maybe one day we can actually go to the movies and there won't be a blizzard, you have work, your sick, or your got Into an acci· dent. See, I told you It was 4 times. You better take me to the prom. Brian's really going to think we're together now. WelUust for the record we're just good friends Brian. Maybe we can finish our doubles match we started, then again maybe not. Don't for· get about brown and orange yuck. I'm really going to stick with peach now I really like it (well at least for the time being who knows by then) Love ya, Nicole To The Field Hockey Team: 17·1, we have to gel . . . Nature· walks, The Family pasta parties. All our fans ... rainout again. A.W. • UR so cool. ya right, Miss style. J.Smlth· cherry plckln~. K.M.· UR not a morning person. M.M.· lm UR IO@L. nice life J/. . B.f. Driving to WaWa, can I have a ride- Sunshine· I. J.Bugda • OR· MOM, nice hit. J.M.· great talks a'bt MH &'CO. Roommates. I hate that women. Renee· what would h'pn .. Let me tell u something .. there's this girl r:mily .. great talks my buddy .. Chris D.· JC's at camp . . my boy Slko .. Unhooked w; him? 1·11 (I lost my mouthgard). I know who you like· Ryan· or Jim or .. I love U all. Best of luck w; everything. K.I.T. Love Schultz P.S. Can I Drive? To all of you, I will miss you and good luck in all that you do through yQur life! TS= B.W. you kept the team laughing, field hockey camp at R.C. relays! AW= my backup. pasta party, tOOk all your clothes. ' 'call me we'll go dress shopping," Shane and Nell. you crack me up, stay tall l!t stylish. Love ya. JB= stay sweet, your house after homecoming. Craig, your support was great. THANKS. JS= stay sweet. ride home from AW, your stories. BF= flower child, stay funny, the rose, thanks for the support, stay pure. CD= pasta parties, your advice to BM. Typing class pd. 7, pd. 4, "That's my barrette" Congrats. KM= stay sweet, stay funny. stay just the way you are. MM= I could always count on you to be on the ball, quiet. stay sweet and funny. JM= the other wing, stay funny. loony, never forget our practices. RC= your men stories, stay halarious, field hockey camp RC. Love Chanley Layton To The Track Team, PS, RB, JP. Nf', RM,l!t JC good luck W/ ev· erythlng, UR all great Love JS. KB. RV, SO, W thanx 4 everything B of L keep runnln. I won't bel Love JS. You all did great. I'm glad I got a chance to run with you all. All of you were SO great with support and a lot of laughs. JM· Thanks for always being there when I started freaking out! Good Luck. SO· stay funny. Good luck with Oscar. W· stay happy and sweet. I hope you whole life will be that good for you. LW· Good Luck win all that you do. RV· good tuck In life, I'm sure you'll succeed in anything you do. You're a hard worker· Stay that way! RB- New Years, after cotll· lion. you're dances, gym class pd. 4. Stay the funniest person In the world. I'll miss you. Good Luck! EW· Your the greatest runner I've ever had the priviledge to know. Good Luck In Princeton. Thanks for ALWAYS stretching me before meets. I don't know what I'd do w1 out you. Jess and I driving your car. Going at with my sister Don't worry you will always have at least one sister. Jf· Chanley Layton senior. You're a great runner Good Luck In all that you do. P.S.· Stay cooll You're a great runner Good Luck In life. Thanks for your support through the season. NP· New Year's, Amy after Cotillion, hospital, Shame, Thanks for cheering for me. I hope we keep In touch. JS· Jess New Years. After Cotillion, hos· pltal to see TS, I hope to see you after you graduate. GOOD LUCK. RM· Good luck. Stay jumplnl Love Chanley Layton. (Sunny Sparano· con't from page 270) "you're an obsessive psycho when your with mel", "You're such a screw up Sunnyll" "Stay away from Knox!". I felt that in my knees," my mother is In love with you, "Jimmy's my future son· In-law." I can say I'm sorry but that stopped working along time ago. lf there's one thing I have to be thankful for· it's youl Jf l!t SS - I A L Yll You're a great guy· so unique! But you're the best friend I could've ever asked fort Good Luck next year and remem· ber· don't jump out of any moving carsll Junior from night was our night· never forget! Thanks for all the memories! Jen Cole· Remember the ride to LBI· 91st Street, the girl· friends, the blue bong, the ride to your house, beepln~ the hom, "It's all me," Stephen, INI. ''we live at the pool hall: Best Pool Players. Chicken holiday, Hozer, trying on dresses. the Deerfield· getting caught. "Be nice to AJ," Cotillion night· "Who just hooked up with me?" Catwoman· "The scratch marks," eating over my house, talks with my mother. playing in the snow. sled rides, me, you l!t Sue swimming in the ocean at night, "Left at the Catch," Domingo- "you're not allowed to talk to her," going to the Basketball games every friday night. our ride to LBI, "The revenge of the french fries," "the hltman" &' "The dominator' the best techno songs, Jim's "lectures," " No more fights, Sunny,"

Jen Kelly Is our mother. "buy me a pack of cigarettes." the Deer· field· getting caught. 1st :...moke· L81· with me. split pea l!t ham soup, me, you AJ l!t Scott riding with the top dOwn, "Let me drive your carl" Your the greatest Jen Cole. and I love yal You always made me laugh! This summer we're roomies! I know that no mat· te what happens- we'll be friends forever! Good Luck next year and I'll miss you! Mike Warner· Accounting class was great! "Give me a kiss!" "Mike shoot that basket for mel" I'm so glad ,we became better friends! Good Luck next year and keep In touch! I'll miss you! Paul Nevin· "Let's go play pool!" You're a sweet heart Paul· don't ever change! Good Luck next year and keep in touch! I'll missyoul Martin Gilbert· " Mr. Loverman"· thanks for all the good advice. ~~:a~9~e:~~~Yld~~p1ad we're better friends! Good luck next Babs Brilliantine· always remember your birthday at the Deer· field· getting caught! You're cool Babs· don't change! Good luck next year and keep In touch! Can't walt till the summer! Missy famosa· Remember the bus ride home freshman year, that summer· all we did was eat and sleep, Mike Verini. Jeff Pulero, "Miss, just tell her I love her," you l!t cat &' Me l!t Pete, chlqulta l!t snookums. sopressata l!t proveleone, you &' Rich, going to the tennis matches, our bike rides, "uh oh ," "How can you stand that?" "Oh It really doesn't bother me," We had so much fun together! tven thoUQ)t we don't hang out as much. your still a great friend! Good luck next year and I hope we always keep In touch! Love ya Mlsl Jon Frtggans· Blue l!t White Party, Pepperoni Bread· "The dish was full and now its empty," "I never get slckl" the salt house. "10:.30 pm· come over If you need to talki" ''I'm your only friend." Always remember all the good tlmesl Thanks for being such a great friend! Good Luck next year and always keep In touch! I'll miss ya. Jennifer Kelly· Wayne and Jeffrey· our biggest mistakes! Blue and White Party, 91st Street, the hotel party. our routes looking for the guys, "Girls night out." "she's the one, Jenn. the only one for me. She's so dllferent." ·Who said that? we're like old Ia· dies- always gosslpn', "your our mother," " I hate your friendsthey're losers and scuml" "I love my Jimmy· he's perfect." He ran awayll, D.C.· I have nothing without you" · nice life!. "Groovy Kind of Love." "The One," Thls Is how I'd feellfwe broker up'Total eclipse of the Heart."•What a llel Christmas shopping, watching "Monty Python" at your house, "Point Break," M8 l!t MA· can't always have what you wantt We went through good and bad times but we always stayed close. Good luck next year and keep In touch! Always Remember the fun we all had! Love yal Sue Ostrowski· "Please don't hit me again on the way to LBI:" always remember our night swim, the blue bong, MO l!t CM· worst hook ever, Chris Rabba, Chet. Yanlv, "Sue- r have a problem!," Summer of '92· 9lst Street. Never forget all of our fights· who'd ever think we'd be such good friends! Brat Pack 4-evert Thanks for everything! Love yaJ Joann Dinola· "hook up with Matt:• "I hate Jeff," the shore house· "never again," Nlgll. Senior Cotillion· the four of us. my boots· Scott loves them! Good luck next year and with Scotti I loveyal Helen Telles- four years of homeroom together, our blueberry muffins and orange juice, "we talk about everybody," 91st Street· Never forget It! I'll miss ya· Hell Carol Scanlan· Confor·s r:ngllsh class, our obscene gestures, cheating on tests. "cal me· I'm working tonight." 91st Street· our room, the blue bong, "Our underwear Ts missing," first smoke with me, "You blossomed.'' Good Luck next year and al·

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n' out on the weekends, "the Deerfleld," Meredith's Cotillion, "catwoman"· the scratchmarks, "Didn't hook up- bad night." "Sunny's zonln' " Superbowl at your house. in your car "I dropped it all." I'm glad we became such good friends- don't ever change! We're going to have so much fun this summer! Love ya- erict Stay cool! Scott Williams· "Let's ride with the top down," tarot cards, our serious talks. hangln' at your house, Deerfield, "Jim's Country Diner," "I wanna go play pool!" You're the best· I love yal Don't ever change! I'll miss ya AI Rhodes· Sorry about your towel rack! I hope you can forgive me. If you ever need to work out give me a calli Oood Luck next year! John Cimino- Thanks for all the good advice! It never helped but It was a good effort! Remember all the fun times· your sister's house, At's bouse· the towel rack, our 8th grade year. I'm glad we've been frlends for so long. Good luck next yeart I'll miss yal Ryan Brennan- Thanks for the dance at the CoWIIonl I promise I won't hurt him again. Oood luck next year! AJ Nadraga· "I love Jen Cole." "Should J polish my ring?", rid· ing with the top down, "What's up?", Meredith's house, "Why Is Jenn so mean?", You l!t Jen belong together! I'm glad we became such good frlends, You're a great guy· don't ever change! Good luck next year· I'll miss yal BReNDAN DOUOHU\TY· "Dog"· always remember our serious talks, eating shrimp, the salt house, watching "the History of the World," "I won't tell tfyou don't," Religion class- be my partner. Bren· you're the best guy and I'm so glad we became so closet You're always there when 1 need you and I love yal Always keep In touch· I'll miss yal (I love Amy W.· "Secret Admirer") B.l'.f.l Amy Wolochowhiz· "Come on Bell.'' "Let's go to the Red, White, and Bluer· Always remember goln' to the Basketball games, goln' to play pool· "somkin" you l!t Nell- New Year's r:ve. Me l!t Jim· our fight. "We have to hang out!" You're one of a kind and I'm glad we became so dose. (Remember how fake they all are.) We're hangin' all summer! You're a great friend, AlWays keep In touch. Good Luc.k next year and I'll rrilss yal Jason Maxwell· Remember Trtg class- "Do you understand1'', Cotillion night· ''will you blow on my fa<:e please?". "Do you have any scratchmarks left?" I'm glad we became better friends! Sorry I dropped It In trtc's carl Keep In touch I Andy Zedenlck· !loin' late to school, "Drtving to sd\oof," Oood Luck next year ancJ stay cooll Carla Volk· Remember 8th grade year. the "4 of us!" Oood Luck next year and keep in touch. I'm glad we stayed good friends. Jalmie Papa· Remember all the dance recitals. "O~ng up together· Mike Abaid"· so cute! 91st street.· Shawn's a great guyl Stay with hlml Good Luck nest year. Jalml Love yal Kelly Corboy· Miss St. Patrick's Day, Cotillion night· "Catwoman." Superbowl Sunday, our serious talks. 91st street· "smokin' "· I'm glad we're such good friends. Oood Luck and I'll miss yal Love Ya· Kell



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