Notre dame high school canticle 1991web

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In Memoriam: Barbara Boggs Sigmund 1939-1990 by Jennifer Brennan "God I give you my mother, I know she needs no introduction. You've seen her coming for a long time. Please take care of her." With that introduction Paul Sigmund Jr., laid his remarkable mother Barbara Boggs Sigmund to rest. Anyone who had ever met Barbara Sigmund the mayor of Princeton, will never forget her company. Mrs. Sigmund was more than just the mayor of Princeton, she was a mother, a politician, and a friend to all she encountered. She celebrated life to the fullest and was known to celebrate everyone from the children at the local grade school, to the 50th anniversary of the parking meter. Even her funeral was a celebration of life, for she had planned every detail, the music, the procession and even the parking. Guests at the funeral came away in awe and were very moved by eulogies from dignitaries such as Jim Florio. Barbara Boggs Sigmund was born to a politically affluent family on May 27, 1939 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her father, Hale Boggs, was elected to Congress 18 months after her birth. She lived in New Orleans for twelve years until the hassle of shuttling to Washington D.C. took its toll, and the family moved to Washington. Even as a young girl she was rubbing elbows with politicians, her father's associates. She pursued a bachelor's degree in politics at Manhattanville College in New York and graduated in 1961. A year later she went to work for the Kennedy administration in the White House. She left the position in 1963 and married Paul Sigmund a professor at Princeton University and settled in the borough of Princeton. Little did the town of Princeton know that her arrival would bring such great things to the community. It was here in Princeton that Barbara Sigmund took the phrase "just do it" to heart. She began teaching Latin at Stuart Country Day School in Princeton. She had three sons from '64 to '69, and became an inspiration to all working mothers. It was 1972 when she first stepped into the political arena, she was elected to the borough council, it was that same year that she would encounter her first tragedy. Her father Hale, the House's majority leader at the time was on a trip to Alaska when his plane disappeared and was never found. The family was down but not defeated, Lindy Boggs, Barbara's mother ran for her husband's seat and won, between the two of the them they held the New Orlean's seat in Congress for 50 years. In 1975 Barbara became the first woman president on the Mercer Board of Freeholders. In 1982 she showed people what the meaning of courage was, when cancer was discovered in her left eye, the prognosis was grim and she was told that she would have to have her eye removed. Once again Barbara Sigmund rose to the occasion and just did it, by not accepting defeat but running for U.S. Senate. While campaigning she made a patch over her left eye her trademark. She had a patch that coordinated with every outfit and for campaigning she had a patch that said "vote Sigmund". She lost the primary and came back to Princeton to become one of the most beloved mayors that the borough has ever had. She became a friend to all and was looked at not only as a mayor but as a resident. On a given Sunday you could find yourself shaking her hand at mass, sitting next to her at Peppi's Hair design, or simply just bumping into her at Nassau street. During her term as mayor she fought for low budget housing and tried to cure the borough's financial woes. She believed in getting things done and was affirmative in her actions. In 1985 she was named New Jersey's Mother of the Year and received honorary degrees from: Chestnut Hill, St. Elizabeth College, and Monmouth College. In 1989 she made one last effort to gain statewide office; as she sought the nomination for the Democratic nomination of governor, she again was unsuccessful. Four months later Princeton would find out that their beloved mayor would once again be battling against her worse adversary, cancer. It was found that it had spread to several organs and her left eye. Sigmund continued to exemplify the phrase "just do it" by maintaining a busy and hectic schedule during her last months. When it was found that the chemotherapy had not worked, she continued to fight on, and worked out of her house. On October 11, 1990 Barbara Boggs Sigmund lost her fierce battle against cancer, she had left behind a legacy and was mourned at her funeral by such dignitaries as Senators Bill Bradley, and Frank Lautenberg, Governor Florio and former Governor Brendon Byrne, everyone of those men had fond memories of her. She wanted everyone to continue to "do it" and to remember her accomplishments not her setbacks. Barbara Sigmund showed people and influenced them to go after things they wanted and that their dreams were attainable. She was a woman who went out and did everything she was capable of doing. In her bequest to her sons she wished that the passion for justice and the ability to see beauty in all things would hound them, inspire them, push and


pursue them all the days of their lives. That was the kind of woman that Barbara Boggs Sigmund was, a woman that "just did it"!

Bequest I must make a will. So I leave to you, Sons of my soul and body, All my love, Which only knows to multiply Rather than divide among you, Half the house Of your little blond boyhoods, The furniture That anchored My childhood and yours, And a passion for beauty and justice To hound you, inspirit you, push you, and pursue you, All the days of your lives. -Barbara Boggs Sigmund

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How Do You

AMY ANDRAKO: "Weekends"


MICHELE AMARI: "Having no homework or exams"


KATIE MOUNT: "Vacation in Florida"

JOE LUTHER: "Pepto Bismal"

BABS BRILLIANTINE: "Tanning and moonlight walking on the beach" 18

CHUCK RAMSEY: "When exams are over and no mid-terms"

Spell Relief? by Renee Grillo and Rebecca Fitzgibbon


VANESSA VAUGHAN: "To find out you don't have track practice"

STEPHINIE GATOR: "After exams"

GLENDA JEAN-LOUIS: "Getting an "A" when you thought you got an "F" "




MEGAN MCGLINCHY: "Finishing one of Ms. Giampetro's papers" 19

Good Time, Great Taste, Good Show by Amber Cherny and Kate W enz "Okay kids, that's good- but make it look more like a Calvin Klein commercial," was what the acting workshop heard during grueling rehearsals for tightly choreographed scenes. Denine Pappalardo directed the Evening of Theatrics this year, but did not write the selections herself as she did last year. This year everyone in workshop was responsible for bringing in self-written works, as well as published material. Denine then leafed through the collection of poems, monologues, scenes, and even short stories, and came up with a collabo-


ration of selections pertaining to high intimate as well." school life. Audience members agreed, "The kids The evening of Theatrics, performed on really enjoyed themselves, and you could N ovem her 17, was a success because of see that through the performance." good preparation and Denine's innovative If it had not been for the technical diidea of turning the ND auditorium into a rector, Vince Meli a new addition to the dessert theater. Tables and chairs were set performing arts staff, the Evening of Theup around the stage, giving it a more re- atrics would not have been possible. He laxed setting, and dessert was served dur- was a tremendous help to everyone ing the performance. through his preparation of the lighting "I really liked the way it was set up," sets, which needed reconstruction to fit said Cynthia Triolo, an actress in the the new atmosphere. Thanks to Vince, workshop, "Because it was like performing and the entire theatre arts department for a 'full house', and it was much more The Evening of Theatrics was a success.

Page 20/ THE ACTING WORKSHOP: Top Row/ Matt Kasprzak, Anthony Hutchinson, Ethan Hurd, Nicole Lorenz. Row Two/ Gaby Sikorski, Christine Civelli, Victoria Czarnik, Vanessa Vaugh, Cynthia Triolo, Amber Cherney, Heather Cimms, Kathleen Plunket, LaureXa Shwala. Row Three/ Heidi Marie Hess, Jill Dawson, Lisa JOhnson, Christine Chebra, Christie Connolly, Nicole Chebra. Front Row./ Deirdre Martin, Mara Sutterlin. Page 21/ Top Left/ TALK AROUND TOWN. Top Right/ HERE'S THE LINEUP. Middle Left/ BIRDS ON A WIRE. Bottom Right/ DON'T LET GO. Bottom Left/ STORYTIME.


Notre Dame Brings Good Spirits To Life by Kara Kiefer

Perhaps one of the most spirited schools in the area is Notre Dame. What other school sets aside an entire day to honor athletes, have baby food contests (diapers included) and cheering contests which could knock down a skyscraper? Only Notre Dame, of course! This year, there were no homeroom skits, like previous years. Instead, all four levels put on their own skits as a class. The Freshmen won with their theme, "The Freshmen for all Seasons." They had everything from Christmas trees to sand and beach chairs, in the D-ramp entrance. But, the Senior's took over when Jess Del Moore and Sean Kerins blew everyone away in the baby food eating contest. The highlight of the day seemed to be the "Conga Line" the Seniors formed for their entrance. Since it was their last year they deserved to make a grand entrance. Notre Dame is highly known for an excellent sports program which is why the school honored fall athletics from : field hockey, tennis, cross-country, and football. This Blue and White Day was especially important because it is the seniors last. It was also an initiation for the Freshmen because they really saw what Notre Dame is made of . . . SPIRIT! Page 22/Top/ SMILE: Juniors gather for a pose. Bottom/ CAN'T TOUCH THESE SENIORS. Page 23/Top Left/ FEEDING TIME: Tim Stout gets fed. Top Right/ SUE INVERSO CRUISES. Center Left/ JAMMIN': Seniors show their stuff. Middle Right/ KARA KIEFER AND KIM HITTENGER SNEAK A LOOK. Bottom Left/ THE CONGA LINE: Seniors pour into the gym. Bottom Right/ CITY SLUMS: Todd Kauffman, Ricky Valenzuela, and a Fellow Bum.




Page 24/Top Left/THREE AMIGOS. Top Right/SOPHOMORE MEN/Neil Potter, Robert Liberto, Joe Latini, Lou Crivelli and Gary Wasco. Bottom/SOPHOMORE WOMEN/Tina Hiner, Cindy Santo, Melissa Cefalone, Sue Ostrowski and Missy Famosa Page 25/Top Left/Y AEHOO: Niakia Barnwell and Tracy Cooper. Top Right/A CHEF'S WORK IS NEVER DONE: Silvy Galvan. Bottom/ STRIKE A POSE: Joe and John Simmonetti.


Catch The Spirit! Homecoming '90 by Chris Castagna Homecoming is always a time to celebrate - when friends of today and yesterday gather路 to make memories and dreams come true. 1990 was no exception. As usual, the most anticipatd event of the weekend ws the football game and the crowning of the homecoming king and queen. The game was a close one with Notre Dame coming out with the victory 14-10 against West Windsor to conclude the sea-

son. Nominations had been taken for king and queen one week before homecoming. Nominees for the queen were Kris Hutchinson, Jennifer Elder, Jennifer Stevens, Kelly Ardery, and Colleen Halloran. The nominees for the king included Jamie DiMattia, Tom Dominczyk, Matt Buchere, John Heitzman, and Mike Stanzione. 1987 Queen Kim Hutchinson crowned Jamie

Page 26/Left/HOMECOMING KING AND QUEEN: Jamie DiMattia and Jen Stevens. Right/ UP, UP AND AWAY: Kim Frascella enjoys the homecoming football game. Page 27/Top/THE ROYAL CARRIAGE: Jamie DiMattia and Jen Stevens take a ride in Kim Hittinger's car. Middle/ WHO WON? : Colleen Hughes, Angie Gallo, Kim Frascella and other spectators wait for the results. Bottom Left/POM POM GIRLS; Heather Wright, Cy nthia Fiori, and Susan Yeller during half-time. Middle Right: QUEEN'S FOR ADA Y: Jen Elder, Colleen MacNamara, Kris Hutchinson, Kelly Ardery and Jen Stevens. Bottom Right: THE KINGS COURT: Matt Buchere, Jason Ulrich, Jamie DiMatti a and Tom Dominczyk. John Heitzman missing.


DiMattia and Jen Stevens as Homecoming King and Queen of 1990. Before the game, the annual athlete parade took place, The senior athletes came on the field along with their parents to show the seniors appreciation for participating in ND sports. Homecoming was followed by people meeting at Burger King, Ciro's, and parties to finish the evening.

Could Seniors Ask

The Girls' Tennis Team

The Cross Country Team

The Field Hockey Team

T I The Girls' Soccer Team

The Football Team



The Varsity Cheerleaders

The Boys' Soccer Team

For Anything More?

Kim Frascella and Family

Stephanie Gator, Megan Double, Lisa Hall, & Marilyn Kobrin

Gina Pugliese and Parents

Chris Tani and Parents

Saluted Seniors

Brian Mullaney and Mother

Notre Dame: Where Christmas Traditions Begin by Catherine W enz What is Christmas at Notre Dame without Santa, candy canes, carols, and the spirit of giving? Christmas 1990 was a time for all of these. Santa was in the cafeteria during each lunch period, student government sold candy canes, the Performing Arts Program put on a performance which included selections by madrigal, Concert Choir, and Concert Band, and the Giving Tree collected gifts for the underprivileged. ND tradition calls for Santa to visit students as the holiday season nears. This year was no exception. He sat by his fireplace in the cafeteria with an open ear, ready to pose for photos with anyone who was interested. Candy canes were sold to raise money for the senior class treasury. The drive was successful, and many faces were made happy by candy and friendly messages. The Christmas concert was a hit. Madrigal opened the performance with a acapella songs from Mozart as well as old favorites. Concert Band followed, led by Mrs. Kardaneo, and played three selections. Finally, Concert Choir ended the evening with the song "Silent Night". Santa Claudia, actually Nakisha Cook, even stopped by to sing that she was not Santa Claus. Notre Dame students continued the spirit of the Giving Tree. Each one who picked a tag from the tree in the chapel brought in the assigned item and placed it under the tree. Then they were distributed to the needy in time for the holidays. All in all, the Notre Dame holiday season was filled with cheer and the spirit of Christmas. Top/ SONGS FOR WINDS. Marian Tanglaw plays in the concert. Middle/ THE CONCERT CHOIR. Bottom Left/ THE COUPLE OF THE CONCERT: Tara Hunt and Chris Morgan pose for a photo. Bottom Right/ THE PIANOMAN: Mr. Gibilisco plays during the concert.


Top Left/ CONCERT CHOIR. Top Right/ SANTA CLAUDIA AND THE REINDEER: Nakisha Cook, Christine Chebra and Tara Hunt make a Christmas trio. Middle Left/ IN STEREO: Mrs. Kardaneo leads the concert Band. Bottom Left/ ANOTHER PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Back Row/ Janice Tyne, Vicki Plusnik, Eun A Ji, Jill Dawson, Beth Christianson, Jen Deveau, Todd Caruso, Sue Goldman. Front Row/ Christine Chebra, Tara Hunt, Jen Cole, and Karen Dominquez.


Food, Folks, And Fun by Marybeth Moscarello I

The weather wasn't frigid, but the sky wasn't sunny either. There were no Halloween costumes yet, because this was the hot and rainy Sophomore/Freshman picnic. Once again it was the annual "let's hike down to the picnic grove" for social time for ND's underclassmen. During the lunch periods, the students received lunch and proceeded to the picnic grove for some afternoon activities. This was definitely a time for the Sophs to

catch up with their friends and tell them about their busy summers: tanning at LBI, hiking in the mountains, partying down in Florida, or working an internship in New England. Many of the freshman girls spent their time under the pavilion dancing. Some of the boys played soccer, football, and volleyball, while others danced or spent time talking. Just as everything was getting exciting,

the rains fell; Pouring down rapidly, many students decided to retreat to the cafeteria. Some stayed in the rain or under the roof of the pavilion while the others went up. Many students made humor in the rain by slicking their hair back, or splashing in puddles. Others chose to stay as neat as possible. Eventhough the rain hastened the festivities, it was still an enjoyable experience for the two classes.

Page 32/Top Left/HERE COMES A STORM: Tara Fiandaca watching for the rain. Top Right/ TEACHING UNDER THE TREES: Mr. Schafer and Mr. Romano. Bottom/GET YOUR NETS SET UP: Freshman and Sophomores playing volleyball.





Page 33/Top/FRIENDS BETWEEN CLASSES: Sophomore, Sunny Sparano and Freshman Michelle Cook. Bottom Left/THE BUDDY SYSTEM: Rick Moore and Mark Staffa. Bottom Right/ WIND BLOWN AND WET: Sue Nemeth and Megan Hay man roughing the weather.


Junior Halloween Boo Bizarre by Jen Kelly

What would Halloween be like without the Junior Costume Day? This is when the Juniors can hang loose and be creative. And creative they were. For the second year in a row the judging was held in the auditorium. Ms. Ancrum was the hostess and the three judges were


Mr. Dambro, Mr. Wroblewski, and Mrs. Zahorsky. They must have had a hard time because the costumes were great! All of the costumes were good enough to win but of course only a few can win. Michele Tritt, Robin Schieder and Nicole Gaffney won for best group with "wiggling

Lots 'n Lots of Legs." Best couple was Kris Kelley and Chris Fanelli as the shaking washer and drier. The best single was Bridget Bentz as "Pippy Longstocking". No matter who the winners were everyone had a great time and had fun.

Page 34/Top Left/PUMPKINS AND WITCHES! .Janice Plunkett stands with Beth Joyce and Jen Kelly. Top Right/ AREN'T THEY SWEET! Jill Czyzyk and Debbie Bakun/Bottom Left/ 'READING, 'RITING AND 'RITHMATIC. WHOOPS! SPANISH AND CHEMISTRY. Christine Giglio stands with Marian Tanglaw. Bottom Right/Chocolate Kisses. Kristine Gaynor, Holly Heenan and Michelle Kafer. Page 35/Top Left/A MOTLEY CRUE! A junior monster, Mark Reggimenti, Heath Reed and .James Lynch. Top Right/ MARGE SIMPSON! One of the cafeteria ladies gets into the ND spirit. Bottom Left/ TOY SOLDIER. Teresa Tilton. Bottom Right/ Chris Fanelli as a Maytag Dryer.


Seniors: Where Halloween Tradition Continues by Christy Barcalow

The night of October 30 was different in some way from others. The air was thick with the suppressed excitement of those Seniors entering Notre Dame High School. To the onlookers, they were not your everyday Seniors. Instead, they were tubes of toothpaste, gorillas, Hershey Kisses, and a group of snowmen, to mention a few of the oddities. They were there, of course, for the annual Halloween Dance. For some, many weeks of sewing, gluing, and stuffing had gone into the costumes, but for others it was a spontaneous decision that called for a hasty plan. Yet all the costumes were imaginative and wellmade. Among the more noticeable costumes were ones found in the category of couples and groups. Two that stood out were the "two presents", Gina Pugliese and Jen Stevens, prematurely wrapped for

Christmas and the "trio of nerds", John O'Donovan, Tom Reidy, and Joe Messineo, that enacted a scene of pursuit after two girls, actually Matt DeRosset and Steve Repko, to the tune of "Pretty Woman". As with any contest, there was some good natured rivalry, for instance, the bag of M & M's and the tea bags. When the M & M's took the floor to act out their skit, they chanted, "Move over tea bags, here's something sweeter!" They then proceeded to throw M & M's at the tea bags, who then threw them back. When the clock struck 9:15p.m., the moment that had been long awaited finally arrived. The judges announced the winners in the singles category. Chris Hutchinson won hands down as a box of bubbles decorated with numerous pink and white balloons. Chris Tani and Joanne Moscar-

ello won the couples category as Siamese twins joined together in the same suit. "Since we are best friends, we wanted to do something together. We wanted to be unique, cute, and funny. We came across the idea by chance. It was a lot of fun! Everyone seemed to be enthusiastic to be in costume," said Chris Tani. And finally, the group that triumphed was the tea bags, who were actually J en Brennan, Debbie Branham, Kathy McGann, Sara Stefero, Felicia Scavo, and Heather Campbell. Overall, the night was a success. The seniors showed off their Halloween spirit for the last time at Notre Dame. Kara Kiefer said, "I was glad to see so many seniors participating in our final activities here at Notre Dame."

Page 36/Left/PRETTY WOMAN: Matt DeRossett. Right/I'M STUCK ON YOU: Joanne Moscarello and Chris Tani. Page 37 /Top Left/ LITTLE HERSHEY KISSES: Janelle Umali and Christy Barcalow. Top Right/MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH: FRONT ROW: Angie Gallo and Colleen Halloran. SECOND ROW: Julie Provanzale, Kim Frascella, and Julie Mirelli. THIRD ROW: Nikki Owen, Chris Kennedy, and Joanne Mabes. BACK: Colleen McNamara. Middle Left/BLUES BROTHERS: Joyce Drake and Jen Barnock. Middle Right/ICE,ICE BABY: Kris Nemeth, Amanda Keating, Nicole Guzzo, and Tara Hunt. Bottom/TEA PARTY TIME: FRONT ROW: Kathy McGann, Heather Campbell, and Debbie Branham. SECOND ROW: Keely Zita, Sara Stefero, Chris Kennedy, Jen Brennan, and Felicia Scavo.



Cotillion Brings .Kodak Moments by Mary Moscarello The dazzling glitz and glitter of The Winter Cotillion indented its place into 1991. For the seniors, it's the bittersweet of knowing it's their last ND Cotillion. The juniors glided through the evening once again unrehearsed and with ease. Sophomors were more comfortable with the night. They weren't the little kids anymore. Freshmen possible felt anxiety, being novices at the evening's festivities. No matter what level, the night held many special times for many people. King's Caterers was found, and the date was set. Ticket sales began, and so did the search for the perfect dress. This year, more students were permitted to attend per level. Many people who didn't receive the opportunity to attend last year were able to go. A wide range of music was played, appealing to all. Everyone enjoyed dancing the night away to tunes like "Twist and Shout," "Shout," and the infamous "Hokey Pokey." Dinner was buffet style, and was much better than last year's. Everyone began leaving around 12 O'clock to go home. The evening, however, was not over for some. After King's they traveled on to parties and friends' houses, while some went to sleep at home. Top/SENIORS LAST COTILLION: Colleen Hughes, Jen Stevens, Keely Zita, Todd Krisak, Gina Pugliese group together on the dance floor. Bottom Left/DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY: Chris Matthews moves to the music. Bottom Right/A CUTE COUPLE: Neil Potter and Rebecca Rottkamp enjoy a dance together.


Top/A NIGHT TO REMEMBER: Sarah Conboy, Anthony Inverso, Laura Vujovich, Mike Shapson, and Micaelle Balik at the Cotillion. Bottom Left/ IT'S A PHOTOGRAPHER! Jen Brennan and Debra

Branham find the cameraman. Bottom Right/ SPENDING TIME TOGETHER: Best friends Christine Barcalow and Janelle Umali have time for a pi cture.


Friendships Are Forever by Shivani Mody

The atmosphere, when entering the Notre Dame High School Junior Ring Ceremony, was one of warmth and pride. The air was filled with an aura of bonding and a sense of belonging. Juniors gathered with family and friends to unite as a class and form a "circle of friendship." Bright smiles were seen as juniors reminisced on their past years and awaited what was to come ahead. Mrs. Anchrum, the junior class moderator, and Father Dennis, put another fantastic ceremony together. Teachers, parents, and students joined together for mass led by Father Dennis. Father Dennis said the students had a unique and special bond, which was shared in their circle of friendship. He also encouraged students to take a look at themselves and see how they could share their love with others and of-

fer help. The auditorium was filled with specks of light as candles were lit during the ceremony. Parents and children were brought closer to share together the memorable experience. Parents watched with pride and nostalgia as their sons and daughters went to receive their rings. One by one, each walked with confidence to accept their class rings. After the ceremony, people joined in the cafeteria for refreshments. Students shared their joy with each other and gathered to express their happiness. They showed each other their rings and offered them to be turned by friends. Watching the students join to look at their new possessions, it could definitely be seen that the junior class at Notre Dame shared a "circle of friendship."

Page 44 Top Right/ THIS CUP'S FOR YOU: Father Dennis celebrates the Eucharistic meal. Middle Left/ IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR: Kristen Alia poses with her parents. Middle Center/ CAN I HAVE A LIGHT: Jeff Zygmunt basks in the glow of the ring ceremony. Middle Right/ PEACE! Mr. Schirmer and Mrs. Gavin. Bottom Left/ SO THIS IS THE RING CEREMONY: Sean Maxwell and Shannon Fitzgerald anticipate the reception . Bottom Right/ THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED: Chris Breining receives his class ring. Page 45/ Top Left/ Sara Hedgepeth gets her ring turned by Mrs. Pinelli. Top Right/ SMILE: Kelly Gregory and Kristen Simms crack a smile. Middle Left/ WHERE'S MICHELLE?: Nicole Gaffney, Nora Moustafa and Robin Scheideler share in the light of friendship. Middle Right/ IT'S YOUR TURN: Middle/ WORDS OF WISDOM: Mrs. Anchrum looks on as Kelley Farrior speaks to the crowd. Bottom/ A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS. Jessica Kurst, Patti Yuncza, Cindy Brower, Alyson Meehan and Becky Krollman.


Grease: The Best Comes Shining Through by Jennifer O'Donnell and Shivani Mody

Miss Lynch Patty imcox Eugene Florqzyk Jan Marty 0~ Rizzo Doody , Roger Keni · ke Sonny Frenchy Sandy Danny Zuko , Vince ontaine 0































































































Teen Ang-el Cha -Cha Pink Ladie














































































































































Tom Dominczyk (Danny Zuko) is alone at t he drivein























Lorette Schroth (Sandy) is hopelessly devoted to Dann y



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Deirdre Martin Tara Hunt James Tyne Kristif\ Chebra ~aura Heinz Jen DeVeau Lou Crivelli Lou Locco John Grimes Matt Haenni Adrienne Coe Lorette Schroth Tom Dominczyk Ethan Hurd Johnny Casino Todd Caru~o Diane White Vickie Cz~ nik Amber Cherney CHris Tani Frank D'Onofrio Matt Kasprzak 0



Students from all grade levels who saw the play remembered it as a positive experience. Junior, Becky Krollman gave her thoughts on why "Grease" was so wellliked by everyone; "I think this year's musical was really on our level because it was about teenagers, and we could relate to it. It was about us!" Joe Luther, a freshman, said of the play, "It was rocking! It was funny! I liked the Pink Ladies!!" Kim Frascella commented, "I liked it because I knew what it was and what it was about." Teachers and adults got as much enjoyment from the play as the students. Mrs. Roberta Anderson, a history teacher at N.D. said, "It looked from your seat like it was a lot of fun to participate in." All in all, the play captivated the attention of everyone who went to see it. The teens of the 50's depended on each other to get through the good times and the bad times, just as the youth of the 90's do. Through the dedication and hard work of everyone involved, the musical "Grease" came alive on the stage. When asked if there was anything he would change about the play, Mr. G. said, "NO WA Y!-1 LOVE MY PLAY!!!"




"A WOP BOP A LU BOP, A WOP BAM BOOM!" Notre Dame High School traveled back in time forty years to the wild and crazy days of the 1950's with the performance of this year's musical, "Grease". The sixty students involved in the cast of "Grease" relived the lives of the rebels of "Rydell High". In a frenzy of excitement and enthusiasm, the play stirred up the rebellious nature found within all of us. "Grease" brought an exciting change of pace to the Performing Arts program at N.D. Mr. Louis Gibilisco was the director of the musical. The new addition to the Notre Dame faculty chose "Grease" for its fun-loving and upbeat spirit. One of the main themes of the play was "We Go Together". Mr. Gibilisco felt that the cast epitomized these words. "The cast came together as a unit both on the stage and off," he said. Mr. G. added that, "In an ensemble show, every individual is important." Lorette Schroth, who played Sandra Dee, said that they all "came together as a big group of friends." The unity of the characters in "Grease", and their friendships, is similar to that of friends at N.D. "Students are making memories," said Mr. Gibilisco.


Page 4 7 /Top Left/ YEAH RIDEL!: Sandy and Patti Simcox kick up a cheer for Ridel High. Top Right/GREASED LIGHTNIN': Sandy and Danny Zuko cozy up in the ultimatic, systematic, perfect getaway car. Center Left/A STAR IS BORN: Raise your hand if you think Danny stole the spotlight. Center Right/FLASHBACK: Sandy lights up the stage with her view of "those summer nights." Bottom Left/ SURPRISE SURPRISE!!: Watch out Patti, you can catch flies that way. Bottom Right/ SIT UBU SIT: Danny gets "All chocked UP" by a sexy Sandra Dee.



Page 48/Top Left/EVERYBODY DANCE NOW: Doody , Frenchy , Danny, Rizzo, Keneckie, Marty and Roger dance and sing to "We Go Together." Top Right/"DID YOU KNOW?": Vince Fontaine tries to pick up Marty. Middle Left/OH SHUCKS!: Miss Lynch announces that she won 't be judging the dance contest. Middle Right/1 DON'T THINK SO!: Rizzo keeps them begging. Bottom Left/WE LOVE IT WHEN YOU SING THAT WAY: "Sweet Doody" sings a sweet one for the girls. Bottom Right/ THE T -BIRDS: Awaiting Danny Zuko's arrival. Page 49/ Top Left/FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!: The Pink Ladies pig out. Top Right/KNOCK , KNOCK WHO'S THERE?: French meets her Teen Angel. Middle Left/OH JOHNNY YOU'RE THE BEST: A bunch of girls listen to Johnny play at the sock hop. Middle Right/ROMANCE IS IN THE AIR: Jan and Roger set the mood. Bottom Left/MOOYIN' AND GROOVIN ': Grease dancers strut their stuff. Bottom Right/DO THE CHA -CHA: One, two, cha-cha-cha-, Eugene's doing great!


What Would You Do For A Klondike Bar? By Amanda Keating

ADRIAN DAVIS: I would cluck like a chicken.

JAMES DONNELLY: I would blow my nose in my hand.

MARK KMIEC: I would risk my life by accepting a ride with Rich Chmiel.

VICTOR KARA: I would make obscene noises with my armpits.

CHAD WILLIAMS: I would rob a bank.

AMBER JANCOLA: I would ski blindfolded down a double diamond slope backwards.

How Do You Eat A Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?

JENNIFER ELDER: I bite around the edges, take off the top layer of chocolate, and then the bottom layer. I eat the peanut butter part last. 5.)

ETHAN HURD: I like to suck out the middle.

How Do


Eat A Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?

TOM HANLON: I eat the middle first and then I smush the rest into a ball. I then spit it out, because it's high in calories.

NATALIE SILVERS: I just eat them!

JEN 0' DONNELL: I don't like them, so I don't eat them.

What Do You Think Of When You Bite Into A York Pepper01int Patty?

NICOLE LORENTZ: A cooling sensation like I want to go ice skating.

MARGARET LUMIA: I think about sunbathing in a pine forest.

DANA BRUCE: I think it's too small and want a bigger candy bar.

DENNIS GALLAGHER: I get a cool tingling sensation all over my body and want to run the mile in gym.

DEIRDRE MARTIN: I think about horseback riding in the snow.


Yo Teachers

MRS. KOSHEK: T he stair Master Carpet.

MRS. PALOMBI: The one with the raisin guys.

MRS. IVINS: The Freshman McDonald's.

MRS. CEVERA: The Spicy Meatball.

MRS. REGAN: The Good & Plenty

MR. CARR: Little Ceasar's - Pizza Pizza

MR. SCHAFER: Sittin' Pretty in Schafer City.



MR. BOYLE: I don't like commercials. They appeal to the 12 year old mind set.

Your Favorite Commercial? By Jen Brennan

MRS. ANDERSON: The Hallmark commercials.

MRS. MciNERNEY: The Pepsi Commercials.

MRS. GIAMPETRO: The Alka Seltzer commercial - I ate the whole thing.

MR. SEWNIG: The Joe Isuzu commercials.

MR. SCHULTZ: I'm a walking commercial.

MRS. MILLER: The Purina Dog commercials.

MR. SIMONE: Where 's the beef?

MR. DENNEHY: The M.C. Hammer Pepsi Commercial.


Service: Reach Out And Touch Someone

Page 54/ Top/ GOBBLE GOBBLE: Amanda O'Sullivan helps some friends make Thanksgiving turkeys. Bottom/ FIVE LITTLE INDIANS: Gary Wasko, Maggie Nixon, and Ann Marie Iannaci lend a hand to some Mercer Street Friends. Page 55/ Top/ ROLL THE DICE: Kelly Ardery shows off her Halloween Costume. Bottom Left/ MAKING A DIFFERENCE: ND students visit a women's shelter. Middle Right/ HO, HO, HO! Daria Hice, Amy Jewusiak, Sophia Burroughs, and Megan Romany are Santa's helpers. Bottom Right/ ND students participate in a sandwich making party.



Nobody Beats The Harlem Wizards by Chrissy DiLiberto For a lot of good laughs and overall enjoyment the Harlem Wizards game was the place to be on January 31st. With the main event of the evening being preceded by a faculty verses students games, so everyone had something to cheer about. Surprisingly, the youngest squad on the court, the freshman, were the only team to beat the teachers by a score of 19-15. Although Mr. Rhym "got busy" early in the first quarter trying to put down freshman attempts even he couldn't overcome their drive for victory. When the sophomores took the court in the second quarter spirits were high on the students side but the faculty were only getting warmed up. With Ted Swan, Neil Potter, and Tim Wilson being the only three sophs to score, the teachers ran circles around them winning 16-6. Toward the end of the half Lou Crivelli and Anthony In verso tried a new coaching strategy, letting all the sophs loose on the court, adding to the amusement of the game but not to their score. Coach Inveso stated that, "The scoring did not reflect on the game as a whole." "This is a good spiritual event for the school. It brings unity for teachers and students," commented Mark Amatucci. The juniors took quite a beating, literally, during the second half. Mr. "Bat'em"


Gatto got hostile crushing Mike Pellingrino's shots and Mr. Rotondo's jab took out a few other juniors, but Mr. Greg "the Hacker" Schafer laid in the biggest blow of all slamming Kris Baleno flat out on the court. When asked if the faculty was playing a bit dirty Mr. Schafer shared some of his infinite wisdom by stating that, "Dirty is something that comes out in the wash, and the dryer isn't on" (Whatever that means). With Mr. Harbach's cheering section behind them the teachers took over another quarter defeating the Juniors 109. "I'm impressed with the endurance of the squad. Due to no practice and most reaching the age of 25, I find our efforts spartan-like," commented Mr. Rotondo. Mr. Gatto expressed his weariness by stating that, "For old men we're doing good. Our minds want to go but our bodies don't." The last quarter of the game gave the Slammin' Seniors a chance to stuff it to the faculty but their efforts were to no avail. Even though Pete Prodanov and Mike Stanzione were able to hand three pointers, Mr. Rhym and Mr. Gatto matched them with a couple of their own. A close game all the way through, Bill Wnek gave it his best shot but with Mr. Perone and Mr. Gatto eating up his attempts, it was hard to score anything. A

final score of 21-20 led the faculty to yet another win with the main event yet to come. The Harlem Wizards took the court for the second game and dazzled the fans with their slick moves and humorous comments. The pre-game spectacle and "jump ball" added to the amusement of the crowd as well. Pete Prodanov got pinned when the students played but putting a little soul in his pants and getting redressed he turned out to do pretty well. Sophomore Neil Potter was trying anything to get a score, but even his potty 1 shot failed to go in. Mayor Rafferty joined in the fun as well, during the alumni game. Rainbow filled the game with surprises, and a slam from the new student teacher, Miss Cramner, really got the crowd into the spirit of the game. A little prayer "Hammer Style," didn't help Rainbow make a half court, backwards, on his knees, shot ' but his attempts thrilled and amazed the fans none-the-less. "There was a lot of action. The event turned out nicely and I think they should have it again," commented spectator Gary Wasko. Overall the night turned out to be a great success. Spectators and players alike enjoyed the spirit and fun of the entire event. 1


Page 57 /Top Left/UP & OVER THE RIM: Mr. Simone attempts to deflect a Harlem Wizard's shot. Top Middle/ DON'T YOU GET IT?: Pete Prodanov gets a little advise from Rainbow. Top Right/1 DARE YOU TO SHOOT: Rainbow chases Mark Weldon to the hoop. Bottom Left/THIS ONE'S ALL MINE: Mark Drew tried to keep the ball away from Rainbow. Bottom Middle/PLEASE DON'T LOOK: A Harlem Wizard covers the eyes of Colleen Hughes. Bottom Right/ SLAM DUNKIN': Mr. Simone looks on as a Harlem Wizard slams a basket.


Page 58/Top Left/ A JOB WELL DONE: The faculty bask in the glory of winning. Top Right/RUN BALL, RUN: Pete Singleakis and Ms. Wargo chase the ball down the court. Middle/WHO IS THAT MASKED SHOOTER?: Mr. Millinowicz and Mr. Sewnig watch. Bottom Right/NOW, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SHOOT?: Mr. Milinowicz can't find a way around Pete Prodanov. Bottom Left/ THERE'S NOTHIN ' LIKE A GOOD TIME: Kevin Zorn, Jen Pesce, Dawn Witkowski, Laura Schwahla, Dan Rafferty, and Kris Fracella share in the fun of the evening. Page 59/Top Left/ STAND BACK, THIS COULD GET UGLY: Mr. Schafer boxes out Matt DeRossette. Top Center/THESE AIR JORDAN 'S REALLY WORK: John Simonetti tries to snuff Mr. Rotondo's shot. Top Right/IS THIS HOW YOU SHOOT?: Ms. Cramner and Joe Latini Middle Left/ JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT THE COAST WAS CLEAR: Mr. " No Blood, No Foul" Perone knocks down Bill Wnek's shot. Middle Center/ IT'S MINE NOW!: Jermaine Shy protects the ball from Bill Wnek and Mike Stanzione. Middle Right/! THINK I'M GETTING TOO OLD FOR THIS: Gatto goes up for the shot while Joy Smith and Meg McGlinchy attempt to get the ball. Bottom Left/ CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Joe Simonetti and Ms. Stewart. Bottom Right/ HEY, OVER HERE: Mr. James hogs the ball while Mr. Schafer waits for a pass.

1990 • • • First year of the new decade • • • Roseanne Barr screams the National Anthem ••• Sinead O'Conner won't hear it ••• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Invasion • • • Gorby wins Nobel Peace Prize • • • Margaret Thatcher steps down • • • Souter makes the Supreme Court ••• Middle East Crisis ••• American troops in Saudi Arabia ••• Gas prices keep going up ••• Germany is united ••• Nelson Mandella is free ••• We say goodbye to Jim Henson, Barbara Sigmund, Andy Warhol, Sammy Davis Jr.


•••• Deborah Norville takes Jane Pauley's place ••• Cheers 200th Episode ••• Bart Simpson and Bill Cosby are face to face ••• Twin Peaks- who killed Laura Palmer? ••• Frisco and Felicia have a baby ••• Julia Roberts- Pretty Woman ••• a new Dick Tracy ••• Pope denounces Madonna ••• Milli Vanilli are caught mouthing the words ••• Mel Gibson takes a stab at Hamlet ••• Bo knows ••• Environmental awareness-Earth Day 1990 • • • Donald Trump is on thin ice • • • Hammer time • • • Oprah is still gaining •••

George Michael makes a comeback ••• MTV bans Madonna's video ••• Charles and Di are still causing rumors ••• Rocky comes back for the 5th time • • • ND Cotillion is postponed and has a new location ••• Princess Caroline is left widowed ••• Mr. Gib makes ND sing ••• ND keeps going ••• and going ••• 1991 ••• Broccoli banned by Bush • • • Is your Fly buttoned • • • Religion department gets pregnant and Schultze tool • • • Scud Busters • • • Major, Koschek, Perone win 200th • • • Harrison and Neal

reaches millennium mark ••• Global Warning heats up ••• I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up ••• Bye Bye Buddy! ••• Do the Bartman ••• T -Birds and Pink Ladies ••• I've lost 15 pounds and I've never felt better ••• Harry Connick Jr. and his Orchestra ••• 1 Nintendo to go please • • • It's In There! • • • Peace is Restored!

Our Business Taking on a club as radical as the FBLA is a tough job. The proctoring duties of the FBLA were handed over to Mrs. Sheridan this year. Although the small club is getting smaller, they are still progressing. The 1990-1991 FBLA chapter is 18 Notre Dame students, with President, senior Greg Zak. It is a small club concentrating on the solving real life dilemmas in actual situations. They receive the hands-on experience that they may need for heading future projects. It is a learning-by-doing process.

TOMORROW'S CORPORATE RAIDERS: Kell y Co r hoy, Hr ia n Suth , Missy Fa moso, Bri a n Ge lle r.

Is The World by Susan Keehn

Lend by Janice

Are your parents divorced? Has someone close to you died? Are there some things on your mind that you can't deal with by yourself? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then Notre Dame's Spectrum group is for you. Spectrum groups meet, one day a week during lunch periods, with a group of other students and a teacher who has given up his/her own lunch period to help students deal with some of their problems. The teachers aren't psychiatrists and they aren't going to make you lie on a leather couch and tell them about some events that may have scarred you for the rest of your life, but

Frosh Red Cross: Front Row/Mike Celantano, Heather Wright, Lyric Fitzgibbon, Beth Gominiak, Marison Cintron, Second Row/Kristin Haney, Leigh Celentano, Amy Pinard, Melissa Chiarchiaro, Laurie Kennedy, Vanessa Tondini Last Row/Brian Spence, Chris Gojaniuk, Stephanie Mostichio, Michael Kwzorowski, Ken Fitzpatrick, Maura Noble.

A Hand Plunkett

they will listen to your problems. If you want, they can even give you some advice on how to deal with what is on your mind. What you decide to do with their advice is totally up to you. Spectrum meetings are really informal. You can bring your lunch and talk about whatever is on your mind, and as always, whatever you say is never repeated outside of your group. Spectrum is good because you can talk about things that have been on your mind, and by sharing these things, you will have others to help you deal with your problems and maybe get some suggestions on how to solve them. Either way, you have nothing to lose.

We'd Like Of the many service projects offered at Notre Dame, one that truly stands out is the Kids on the Block. This group tries to educate young children about dealing with handicapped people. They attempt to clarify any misconceptions that children might have by teaching them that it is OK to ask questions about disabilities. Kids on the Block puppeteers perform skits using handicapped and non-disabled puppets. They deal with disabilities such as retardation, blindness, and cerebral palsy.

Top/ Kids on the Block: Front Row/Mary Larraga, Kaliope Koutouzos, Michelle Jurgens, Jackie Millstone, Kim DeSandre, Andrea Freeman. Second Row/Liza Perdome, Karen Popowski , Steven Kurisko, Jennifer Ellsworth, Cynthia Fiori , Vanessa Carabelli, Mrs. Martin, Thomas Semonik.

To Teach by Shaheen Timmapari

Mrs. Martin is the moderator of the Kids on the Block. There are about 20 student members in the group. The group is especially unique in that it has the only high -school Kids on the Block puppeteers in New Jersey. Kelly Dunn, a long-time puppeteer says, "It not only teaches the kids we perform for, it makes you realize that no matter what disability you may have on the outside or inside, we all have a heart, the same as everyone else's, that feels, cries, and laughs, just like disabled people."

Vote Republican The Young Republican's club is one of many clubs at Notre Dame. As the name implies, it is for students that are thinking of becoming registered Republicans when they are eligible to vote. The club is proctored by Mr. James and has over 30 members. The president of the club is Susan lnverso. When asked about the club, she stated that, "The

WOULD YOU VOTE FOR THIS FACE?: President Susan In verso

Anthony Inverso purpose of the club is to get people interested, and involved in governmental issues." One of the goals of the club is to get Congressman Chris Smith to come and talk at the school. If the congressman comes it would be a great accomplishment for the club and a real benefit for the school as well.

Fresh Great The Freshman Orientation Club is a new organization to the Notre Dame family of clubs, started this year by Mrs. Ivins. The Freshman Orientation Club is a group of sophomores, juniors, and seniors who work as peer leaders to help the freshmen and new students feel more comfortable at Notre Dame. They do this by playing var-

Freshmen join a Conge Line

Starts Starts by Crystal Pemberton

ious games with them and showing the new students the do's and don'ts through skits and a fashion show of the uniform. They also help the new students find their way around our big school. So far this club has turned out to be a big success and the new students feel comfortable about their first step into Notre Dame.

Send The

In an age where many youths are accused of being too provincial, it is refreshing to witness the dedication and devotion displayed by N.D.'s Amnesty International Club. New to the Notre Dame club circuit, this group of I crusaders fights for the rights of all people. They proudly speak for those . who are stifled by injustice by writing 1 letters urging the release of prisoners of conscience. These are people who are unfairly imprisoned for religious or political beliefs. It is emphasized that these prisoners are not at all violent nor do they deserve to be convicts. Rather, they are people who have been denied the basic rights entitled to all human beings. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the club is its extraordinary organization and devotion to the cause. In the words of faculty moderator Mrs. Mcinerney, ((They are a small group of

Meg Romany cares enough to send the very best to one of her pen pals.

Very Best by Bridget Bentz real hard working kids who are really diligent about getting letters out." Cocoordinated by students Megan Romany and Beth Walton, Amnesty International , is not at all a two person organization. Rather, it seems that the club is truly a group effort. Cooperation between members makes the group extremely effective. In its first five months of existence, the 24 members sent over 90 letters across the globe from Columbia to Turkey. At Christmas time they sent cards to prisoners whose spirits might need uplifting. Postage costs were covered by periodic bake sales which were organized by the members. Above all, the students in the Amnesty International Club are a very impressive ensemble who fight valiantly to better the situations of human beings all over the world. Their unwavering dedication to humanity is inspirational to say the least.

Walton reaches out and touches somebody by them letters.

The Good by Catherine W enz

Behind every church-related fun< which Father Dennis heads at ND, the a group of students who make it hap That group is the Chaplain's Club, officially began this year. "There h ways been a group of kids who helpeo out," said Father Dennis, "It's just m formalized now." The move to make t club a service was prompted by the m dlestates committee. There are over 100 ND students volved in the Chaplain's Club. The mt-. hers are involved in planning liturgi making banners, The Thanksgiving F Drive, Christmas Giving Tree, chapel ties, planning prayer services, doing display window, and working the s line. Said Father Dennis, "The purpos to involve kids with church stuff so t have some idea of what goes on, and h fully will join parish councils.

.Hands People

)age 80: Top Right/ THE CLUB: Pat Daily, "'odd Krisak, Mike Stanzione, and Pete Conboy hog tP alter. Bottom Right/ This is everybody!: ; is the Chaplain's club. Page 811 Top Left: 3 A JUNGLE OUT THERE!: Les Korsos helps ther by moving a plant. Middle Left:/ HERE HEY ARE AGAIN!: The Chaplain's club makes a econd appearance

Athletic The Ouchless

Athletic Trainers/ Front/ Barry Schenk, Matt Govan Back/ Jon Fregans, Bob Gorman, Brian

Trainers Have Touch.

Knott, Harry Masterson, Vince Buttaci Bottom/ Jon Fregans helping Matt Govan.

The World Next Door by Janelle U mali Many times the people of Notre Dame High School look for additions to the school. They make a special note of the foreigners that are added. This year, not only did we gain a foreign exchange student, but we also sent a student to Norway. Jennifer Ciaccio, who came to Notre Dame as a freshman in 1987, decided last year to attend a year of high school in Hamar, Norway. During her freshman year, Jennifer joined the cross country team and the bowling team, which she was a member of until her junior year. As an enthusiastic member of Notre Dame, she was active as a homeroom representative for two years. She was also a member of the French Honor Society. Jennifer's decision to go to a foreign country began when a foreign exchange student organization visited one of her classes. It was an opportunity to explore a different culture that she could not resist.

Page 88/Left/CHILLY IN NORWAY: Jennifer Ciaccio and her friend Ana from Portugal on their way to find some Norwegian snow. Right/A SMALL WORLD: Brith, Anna from Russia and Jennifer at Domkirkeodden Museum in Norway. Page 89/ GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS: Beth Christianson, Jeanine Fallon, Amanda O'Sullivan, Jennifer Elder, and Raul Campos Fernandez.


After she left on July 28, 1990, she attended a week of language camp. There she learned the basics of the Norwegian language. She also met students from Switzerland, Germany, and even the United States. For her first week in Norway, her host family took her to their family cabin. "It was certainly an experience! We had no electricity, no water, no heat, no shower, and a hole for a toilet," Jennifer said. It was certainly a new experience for her from the beginning. School was another shock to her. In her first month of school, her biology class took a trip to Jotunheimen, a group of mountains with the highest mountain peak in Northern Europe. She has met many people in her school. A majority of her friends are also exchange students from Russia, Portugal, and the United States. Her closest friend there, is

Anna from Russia; she plans to take a picture of them shaking hands and send one to George Bush, and one to Mikhail Gorbachev. This is just one example of the international relations that Jennifer has encountered while in Norway. In order for the Norwegians to experience a little of the American culture, Jennifer held a Halloween party. About fifteen people came, all in costume. There were witches, trolls, and bums. The party was a success with everyone learning a little more about Americans. After Jennifer comes back home in July, she plans to complete her senior year and receive her diploma from Notre Dame. She says enthusiastically, "Norway is _ beautiful! Although I have to spend an extra year in high school, I am glad I took the opportunity to explore a different country and culture. It is a dream come true for me!"

Don't Leave Home Without It by Tom Dominczyk

Raul stays with a host family in Trenton. They are very warm, kind, and receptive. They do everything they can to make Raul feel at home. Raul would like to thank Miss Stetson because she sends him to Notre Dame, a luxury that not too many foreign exchange students have enjoyed. He feels very much at home with them, and he extends his thanks to them for helping him make his dream come true. Socially, Raul is one of the guys. He is a regular at most school functions and parties. He chases after girls, he hangs out with the guys, and he plays Nintendo. According to Raul, in Spain there are more J iscos, and less parties at people's houses. But, he really enjoyed the American parties. And speaking of discos, Raul was very easy to find at school dances, jumping and dancing in that Spanish style. As far as girls are concerned, Raul likes the openness of the American women. He has also taken to American music. Although it is popular back in Spain, Raul enjoyed hearing tunes from groups like Van Halen, Def Leppard, and Aerosmith. Of course he also likes the rap "Mentirosa." Before he left for America, the number one group in Spain was believe it nor not, The Beach Boys. The seniors welcomed Raul into their class with open arms. Everyone has appre-

ciated having Raul as a part of the class of '91. He was always there with something positive or humorous when you were in a bad mood. He would always liven up those dull moments with his quirky Spanish wit. Although this year was supposed to be a learning experience for Raul, I think we learned a lot from him. And we also gained a new friend. This year at Notre Dame we welcomed a new friend into our community, Raul Campos Fernandez. Although he is from Spain, he is very similar to the "crazy Americans." When I asked him what he disliked about America, he quickly responded, "raking leaves!" Many people have seen him over the past year, I was lucky enough to be his friend. Many people have asked Raul why he has two last names. The explanation is quite simple. In Spain, everyone has the last name of their father and their mother. Campos is Raul's father's last name, and Fernandez is his mother's maiden name. However, this was not the only question that was asked of Raul. In fact, he has a whole list of "stupid questions." For example, a junior asked Raul if they had telephones in Spain. Raul thought the boy was joking, but he was serious. Before he came to America, Raul was very anxious. "It has been my dream since the eighth grade to come to the U.S.A." He


wanted among other things to find out for himself if the stereotypes about Americans were true. He realized that not all Americans wear jeans and rock T -shirts. " I thought that you would be tacky dressers." Raul said he had friends in Spain who came to America before. They said they did not have a very good time. Now that he is here, Raul cannot believe that they said that. "It is great here! Everyone is so friendly!" When he first arrived here, adjusting to America was a little difficult. He did not know too many people, or the slang. Homework was troublesome at first because it was in English. But after a few weeks, he had many friends, and his homework was "a piece of cake." Raul has a few words he would like to add: "Mom and Dad, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance to enjoy a whole year in the U.S. I know sometimes it has been quite hard for you and for me as well, but generally it has been a great experience that will last all my life. I love you. I want to thank you all guys, my friends, for making me feel at home. I love ya!'' Thanks for the memories Raul, we will miss you, and we will never forget you.

Cross Cultural: United Studies by Catherine Wenz

Have you ever wondered about where man's origin lay, how we are alike and different from other cultures? This year Mr. Anderson began the Cross Cultural Studies class. The basis of the class is cultural anthropology, meaning studying archaeology, cultural patterns, linguistics, and ethinology. "It is almost always comparative," said Mr. Anderson, "where you assume that each culture has something in common." Then students determine how alike and how different they are. Cultural anthropology is the newest of the social sciences. It incorporates all other social sciences because one must use knowledge of them. The goal of Cross Cultural Studies as Mr. Anderson sees it is to "come to a better understanding of who you are and who your neighbors are." Mr. Anderson hopes to provide his students with a cultural awareness and an introduction into anthropology and cultural anthropology. Mr. Anderson, who has a Master's degree in anthropology, sees cultural anthropology "as the social science of the future, because of its wholistic application." He urged the offering of this class because "over the years (he) saw a need for another academic course open to anyone and that could attract a broad spectrum of students." IT is important that everyone could contribute to the class. Susan Goldman, a senior who took the class this year, liked it. " It is interesting," Sue said, "Because you get to learn how others live in their cultures." Cross Cultural Studies stands apart from other classes because it has a varied mix of people, and everyone is very open. Said Mr. Anderson, "All the students participate. Everyone can bring something to the table. " At this point there are a few minor revisions that Mr. Anderson would like to make. However, overall he is pleased with the response he has gotten.

Mr. Anderson lectures to his Cross Cul t ural Stud ies class.

Th is is t he Cross Cu ltu ral Stud ies class.

The Spirit Of N.D. 90

Mr. Anderson enjoys teaching cultural anthropology.

Keeps Going


Some Serious Smarts by Babs Brilliantine Students must apply themselves with the potential they have, to accomplish grades of honor roll status. These students give excellent examples of discipline, determination, and hard work to their fellow classmates. If a student excels in their school work along with a sport they take part in, they should be recognized with honorable mention. Here, at Notre Dame, there are many student athletes. Although many could be named, the following have been chosen as examples of Notre Dame's student athletes by viewers choice. Freshmen, which are new to the Notre Dame's grounds, cross over a high hill when entering high school. Different obstacles make it difficult for the freshmen to obtain their goals. Yet, these disciplined students find a way to accomplish their goals in grades and in sports. Donna Kondash plays basketball and Neil French plays baseball outside to their school work. Both avoided the distractions of freshman year and received high marks for both grades and sports. Donna and Neil are just two of the imptessive


soccer. freshman class achievers. Lastly, the Seniors, already having one Sophomores, with a fresh new imagination for future experiences, brighten score foot out the door, have learned from misboards in sports as well as test scores in takes and are ready to show-off their talented qualities. A senior standout, Kelly school. Chrissy Diliberto, ranked number Ardery has contributed greatly in both her one in the sophomore class and is also the physical abilities and her leadership to the varsity field hockey goalie and an excelVarsity Basketball team. She has shown lent softball player. She works hard to achieve, and conquers stress with her hu- 路 that she values her education greatly and she has shared her happiness and spirit mor. Trevin Panaia, a JV and Varsity basketball player, is also a standout in his with others. James Donnelly, an impressive cross country member, has broken reclass. He has proven that a goal can be cords for cross country but has never achieved if you keep your eye on it and broken his discipline to study. He has avoid obstacles. Juniors, which are ever ready for the top been honorably mentioned in newspapers spot in the school, see that they will be and has been observed as a scholastic ready for senior year. They have a more achiever. He has Notre Dame spirit and mature way to approach their goals and a shares it with others. more disciplined way to achieve them. All of these Notre Dame Student AthAlan Levin plays varsity soccer and sets letes are great examples as well as great his priorities to his advantage. He has re- people. Though there are many more stuceived goo~ grades and has had honorable dent athletes, all should continue their mention in his soccer career. Michelle good work and be proud of themselves and Kafer is on varsity soccer and keeps her Notre Dame. values in order. She excels in her studies as well as the great job she does as goalie in

Page 92/ Number 2 And 3 Confer: George Mount and John Heitzman are not only stars on the field but in the classroom, George is #2 and John is #3. Page 93/ Top Right/ Kelly Ardery displays her talent as co- captain on the basketball team. Upper Left/ Lending A Helping Hand: Brian Suth helps Missy Famosa in a problem. While he's not kicking field goals he's kicking butt in the classroom. Bottom Right/ I'm #1! Chrissy DiLirberto is not only the goalie on the field hockey team but #1 in the class. Middle Left/ All Out Of Breath/ Joyce Drake takes a breather after the race. Bottom Left/ Great Minds At Work/ Dug Young Lee, Jen Elder and Tom Dominczk solve a problem.


Come Back To The Abbey by Kara Keifer For many, senior year is exciting, memorable, and fun. For others, the year may be stressful, sad, and full of hard work. Whatever the case, there is one event which brings all seniors close together before they disperse into the world of college, work, etc. This event is the senior retreat. There are about five groups of forty seniors who make the bus trip up to Newton, New Jersey where the abbey is located. Notre Dame has been returning to the abbey for four years now. According to Fa-

Top/FOOD! GLORIOUS FOOD: Marusia Jablonski, Ray Zado, Aric Pederson, John Haas, Justin Swierzak, Lou Locco, Mike Burkholtz, and Christy Con noll y enjoy their lunch. Bottom/RETREAT BUD DIES: Jen Elder, Trish Donnelly, Beth Christianson , Sue Goldman , and Kim Hittinger.


ther Dennis, who coordinates the retreats, each trip has been successful and that the retreat may even (and often does) change people. Teachers are selected to go on the retreat to guide the group activities. These activities are to remain confidential according to Father Dennis, as to not ruin the surprise for future trips. Many students who never talk together in school get to know each other on the trip. Kari Dunn said, "I'm glad I chose a group where I didn't know that many peo-

ple. That way I met more people and got to realize how special everyone is." Kari's sentiments are matched by many other people's. This trip is a time for bonding and reflection and no Notre Dame student should graduate without this wonderful experience. When seniors or graduates are asked, " What was the best part of your senior year?" Other than graduation, they'll most likely respond, "The senior retreat! It was one of the best experiences of my life."

Top Left/AY YO: Jason Paver takes a rest. Top Right/A Y YO TOO: Matt peoples snacks out. Bottom Left/ THE MORNING AFTER: Fred McDonald awake? Bottom Right/THE TWO MUSKETEERS: John Grimes and Father Dennis.


When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best by Susan Keehn As in our parent's age, once again there is war. Anti-war protesters flood the streets, while other peace seekers support our soldiers with yellow ribbons and American flags. Media overemphasizes our already prevalent concerns, bringing special reports every hour. Newspapers feature the late breaking stories of new bombings and air raids, making people more tense with concern or sparking further anger. This fear affects all aspects of life, both physically and mentally, at home and school. The results at home vary, usually depending upon if there are several people from the family serving in the Gulf. But, at school the effects are different. Of course there are the Christian Action service projects which sent care packages to the G.I.s earlier this school year. Math classes attempted to send candy to the guys, but food is not allowed in the Gulf, for fear of contamination. But the classroom atmosphere is approached with concern. One of the history teachers gave addresses of the soldiers to interested history students. Other teachers planned to tie their lectures in with examples from the war. They associated their lessons of the past with how the present will affect the future. Even English teachers show how this war will affect literature by comparing how it affected past literature. While Religion teachers play the moral role of teaching students the Christian way to resolve this peacefully. These moral teachings spill over into events outside the school. For example, on January 26, 1991, some Notre Dame students participated in a peace walk in Washington D.C. Although, they were anti-war, they walked for peace, to bring our soldiers home. Others write to soldiers from addresses attained from churches or to their personal relatives in the Gulf. Despite negative publicity, since September, every morning prayer has included a blessing for Bush and Hussein and for a peaceful solution to the war. An extraordinary mass was held for servicemen and women and their families not only within the school, but also for families in the area. A special sense of community has existed amongst the students. It's the common denominator of a quest for peace that unites all students. The idea of ecumenicism (students brought together at mass) is apparent within the school. People are shouting for peace by wearing yellow ribbons. The concepts of war go beyond the physical states of protests, ribbons and news headlines. It rides deep in the sense 98

of morality and questions our Christian faith. It requires our school as a whole Christian center to work together and to do whatever we can to fight for peace. So far we are successful. Although this war is disturbing and tensions are high, we may just benefit from possibly freeing a country from oppression. This war will greatly benefit productions in science and mathematics. We will also learn more about our brothers and sisters, and we may learn to work and live together with peace. Top Right/ ONE OF OUR OWN: Spider Hileman leaves for Saudi. Middle Right/ BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: Wrobloweski and Joe Latini. Bottom Left/ WASHINGTON D.C. Bottom Right/ WASHINGTON: The peace Walk.

Top Left/ A SPRAY OF RIBBONS: The school decorates the trees in war support. Top Right/HELPING EACH OTHER: Carol Scanlon, Kelly Neall, and Amy Wolochowicz. Middle Left/ WELCOME: The front doors show our support. Middle Right/OLD GLORY: The flag hangs proudly in the gym. Bottom Left/The rectory displays the flag. Bottom Right/ Our sign prays for peace.


Cross Country: Not Just A Job, An Adventure by J en Brennan

You may have honked to them from your cars, wondering who and where they were going. They are the cross country team, the unsung heroes of the fall athletic teams. There are many elements that go into making a successful team, one of the most important being teamwork. This is a quality that the team exemplifies day after day. The boys and girls cross country team had an incredible season. Headed by Mr. Sewnig and assisted by Mr. McLauglin, the boys went 12-0 and the girls went 7-1. Mr. Sewnig attributes hard work, discipline, and preparation to their success. The boys looked to seniors J1 mes D.~mnel-

Top Left/WHEW!: Liz White breathes a sigh of relief after a tough race. Top Right/ A HELPING HAND: Tom Moorcroft is assisted. Right/ THE BOYS TEAM: Top Row/ Tim Mitzen, Rich Fransaco, Chuck Rotondo, Bill Weisgarber; Second Row/ Eric Wills, Ryan Brennan, Dave Gator, Rick Guarin; Mike Livior, Jim Primalano. Third Row/ Joe Bires, Heath Reed, Steve Rendek, Chris Heitzman, Dave Martinez, Kevin Ziolkowski, Chuck Ramsey. Front Row/ Tom Moorcroft, Frank Fanning, Kevin Dugal, Tom Dominczyk, James Donnely, George Mount, Brendon Berkenkopf, Jon Beym.


ly and George Mount. James provided the team with a laid back attitude and he felt that the highlight of the season was achieving their four goals: going undefeated, winning the CVC, and Mercer County, and qualifying for the Meet of Champions. The future looks bright for the boys with Jon Beym, Tom Moorcroft, and . Steve Rendeck stepping into the vacancies left by James and George. George, while not always getting the write-ups in the papers, provided a constant source of leadership and guidance. "I'm proud of everyone. They did a great job," said George. The girls, were led by senior Joyce Drake and

sophomore Liz White. "the girls at the beginning didn't have the confidence and when they lost their first meet, they lost confidence. It wasn't until the win over Hunderton Central, that confidence was gained," commented Mr. Sewnig. The keys to a 7-1 record came with the emergence of runners such as Katrina Blake, Jen Barnock, and Colleen O'Keefe. "Next year will be tough without Joyce, but I feel that we have the confidence to be a competitive team," said Mr. Sewnig. Congratulations to the cross country team who showed us that they weren't just teammates but friends.

Top Left/ THE JOURNEY: The runner continues to the finish line. Top Right/THE GIRLS' TEAM: Back Row / Liz White, Suzanne Toporek. Colleen O'Keefe, and Sara Conboy. Row Two/ Jen Middleton, Leigh Campbell, Bridget Ballenton, and Katrina Blake. Front Row/ Jen Barnock, Joyce Drake, and Jen Elder. Middle Left/ ALMOST THERE: Jen Barnock finishes the course. Middle Right/ RUN FOR THE BORDER: James Donnely is the top runner in cross country. Bottom Left/ BITING THE BULLET: George Mount grits his teeth and continues running.


Love Leads To Tennis by Shaheen Timmapuri

Tennis is a sport that combines strength with skill and coordination. This year's girls' tennis team proves just that. The season may have started out slow, but it definitely picked up as the year progressed. The tennis team ended the season with a record of 8-5. Coach Greg Schafer was very happy with the results of the season, he said, "We made it through a tumultuous year. We dealt with injuries, disease, and PSAT's." Mr. Schafer was referring to the many obstacles that the team had to overcome.

Despite these problems, the team kept on fighting. He was pleased with the overall effort of the team. Mr. Schafer added," All the members of the team tried their best, and that's what's important." One player who deserves special recognition is Colleen McNamara. Colleen held the first singles position on the team. Colleen was able to stun many of her opponents with the ferocious "Mac Attack." Mr. Schafer is very excited about next year. He sees great potential for the upcoming season. Although the team didn't

win a title, they were able to upset other teams. The Victory over Steinert was very important because it toppled Steinert's chances of being undefeated. The girls on the team seem excited about next season and tennis in general. Marian Tanglaw said, "Tennis is a great sport because it can be played both recreationally and competitively." The girls' tennis team looks forward to the upcoming season filled with new challenges and great excitement.

Page 104/Top Left/THE NOTRE DAME TENNIS TEAM: Front Row: Christine Guido, Melissa Mate, Second Row: Shaheen Timmapuri, Rose Vidal, Kate Hess, Kate Moran Third Row: Marian Tanglaw, MaryBeth Moscarello, Susan Weed, Sara Voorhees, Leslie Farkas Back Row: Erin Davies, Sara Stefero, Colleen MacNamara, Krista Kandebo and Elisa Farkas. Top Right/GO ROSE! Rose Vidal hits the ball. Bottom Left/SENIOR LEADERSHIP: Colleen Macnamara. Bottom Right/ SENIOR SPIRIT: Sara Stefero, Krista Kandebo, Elisa Farkas and Colleen MacNamara try to carry a burden (Mr. Schaffer)! Page 105/Top Left/PLEASE LET ME PLAY! Chris Guido pays off Mr. Schaffer! Top Right/PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Marian Tanglaw during Practice. Middle Left/ It paid off! Chris Guido shows that big surprises come in small packages. Middle Right/SENIORS GET DRIVEN AWAY!! Bottom Left/ I THINK I CAN: MaryBeth Moscarello and Kate Hess work for a doubles win.


Field Hockey's Got What It Takes by Tara E. Hunt

Notre Dame's Varsity Field Hockey team had yet another stellar season (12-61). The three captains Tara Hunt, Deb Branham, and Chris Kennedy, were the only returning senior players. Coach Barbara Major said that her team was, "much more successful than expected. The season went very well, and all the girls got along, and most importantly had fun ." One of the many highlights of Mrs. Major's 1990 season, was her 200th career win. She was grateful to all the girls that helped contribute to her 200th win. Mrs. Major feels winning is important but accepting a loss is just as important. It is evident in their play that the girls respect Mrs. Major and it was also evident that she was proud to coach a "dedicated team that gave 100%."


Page 106/ Top/ UNITY: The varsity team gathers spirit. Bottom/ 1990 Varsity Field Hockey Team: Front Row: Kendra Ernest, Debbie Branham, Christine Kennedy, Christina Diliberto, Tara Hunt, Sharon Sobon. Middle Row/ Jacqueline Bugdal, Lekisha Quinn, Shivani Mody, Robin Schiedler, Sarah Hedgepeth, Kristy Radigan, Nicole Gaffney. Top Row/ Kathleen McGann, Michlle Tritt, Colleen Halloran, Mrs. Major, Lorette Schroth, Alison Goeke, Rebecca Fitzgibbon. Page 107I Left/ LEADING THE PACK: Christine Kennedy dodges to the forefront. Right/ TRIANGULAR SMILES: Smiling triangle consists of Senior Varsity members.


Perone Knows Soccer by: J en Brennan

To sum up the boys' varsity program one might use the term consistency. Year after year Coach Perone and his team show great intensity and good sportsmanship. This years team compiled a 16-4-2 record and reached the South Jersey Parochal "A" State Finals, where they endured a tough loss to St. Joes. They were led by seniors, Matt Bucchere, Bill Wnek, Les Korsos, Mike Stanzione, and Mark Kmiec. This year's team showed a balanced attack on both offense, and defense and featured a strong bench. Coach Perone had to be pleased with the emergence of young players and the consistent workmanship of his

more seasoned players. "We fell a little short of our goals, but overall we played real well," remarked Mr. Perone. The team was able to get up after a tough loss and rebound with a win. With a tough schedule the team had a lot of highs and substituted the occasional lows with hard work and determination. "Our record could have been better, but we played hard every game," said senior Matt Bucchere. This was seen with wins over Lawrenceville Prep, Steinert and the University of Penn's J.V. squad. The team also showed character and sportsmanship when they received bad calls. "This year's

team had a fairly successful season, although it was disappointing to lose in the finals for the third year in a row, but we had some nice wins and a good team," said captain Bill Wnek. "Next years team will be a good one." Mr. Perone feels the same way, with Scott Stemmer, Mark Laurinaitis and Ben Chrnelich returning. "Hopefully next year's team will win it for this year's seniors who worked so hard, " Mr. Perone said in summing things up. So, Congratulations boys and good luck to all those seniors.

Left/ KICK ALL YOU WANT: Justin Burroughs goes for another stellar kick. Middle/ A MAN AND HIS ASSISTANT: Mr. Perone and his assistant look on and wonder why??? Right/ STANZIONEEEEE: Mike Stanzione shows why he's a varsity man.


Top/GET OUT OF MY WAY: Matt Bucchere successfully defends his position. Bottom/BOYS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM/Front Row: Alan Levin, Tim Stout, Mike Abaid, Mark Kmiec, Justin Burroughs, Todd Krisak. Middle Row: Ben Chrnelich, .Joe Quinty, Jason Ulrich, Matt Bucchere, Mike Stanzione, Bill Wnek. Back Row: Chris Matthews, Denis Gallagher, Scott Stemmer, Les Korsos, Pat Daily.


Page 112/Top Left/MAGIC MOVES: Matt Bucchere maneuvers the ball. Top Right/CHEST OF STEEL: Alan Levin demonstrates his skills. Bottom Left/IN DEEP THOUGHT: Justin Burroughs con centrates on the game. Bottom Right/WINGED VICTORY: Bill Wnek goes for a pass. Page 113/ Top Left/A FOOT RACE: Chris Mathews battles for the ball. Top Right/TRAPPED: Jason Ulrich and Chris Mathews block the ball. Bottom Left/ HERE I GO!: Scott Stemmer approaches the kick. Bottom Right/WATCH OUT!: Mark Laurinaitis runs the ball in .



Koschek Knows Soccer by: Ann Marie Iannaci The girl's 1990 varsity Soccer Team ended the season with a 13-6 record, finishing second in their division and ranking 9th in the state. "We didn't even think we would qualify for states," said senior captain Jim Stevens. Senior captains Jen Stevens, Felicia Scavo and Colleen Hughes showed the team leadership. "When they got off the field, the others listened if they had something to say," said Mrs. Koschek. Senior captain Jen Stevens felt they had a good season. "The team did better, everyone worked really hard, especially at the

Steinert game, which we won 2-0." The first Steinert game was a big game for the girls. "They are one of our rivals," said junior Kris Kelley, "It's the first year we beat them since I have been playing for Notre Dame." According to Mrs. Koschek the defense looked excellent. " I keep telling them to play like you are possessed and to shoot as often as possible. They just never let up." Another exciting game of the season.was against Holy Cross. "We were down 3-1 at the half," said Mrs. Koschek, "and ended 4-3." The other team had really good key

players." Junior Chris Fanelli felt the game brought out the teams strong points. "Even though we lost the game," said Chris, "it showed our potential as a team 路 by not giving up and coming back with good play." While concentrating on the season, Mrs. Koschek accomplished her 200th win in a game against Princeton with a score of 3-0. "It was a good feeling," said Mrs. Koschek. "It was more important to meet the people I have met in my years of coaching. I still keep in touch with a lot of them today."

GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Back Row/Kelly Murphy, Anne Molignano, Kristin Kelley, Dawn McGrath, Lisa Klein, Kristin Hoopes. Middle Row/ Alyson Callan, Tara Fiandaca, Chris Gunson, Laura Kennedy, Amy Trinellic, Michele Kafer. Front Row/ Jen Jung, Jen Pesce, Colleen Hughes, Jen Stevens, Felicia Scavo, Christine Fanelli, Lauren Wedam.

and going, and going


Page 115/ Top Right/SO HERE'S THE PLAN, GIRLS!: Mrs. Koschek tells the name of the game. Top Left/JUST A LITTLE BIT COLD!: Kelly Murphy, Jen Pesce, Jen Jung, Lauren Wedam, and Tara Fiandaca. Bottom Left/I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP!: Jen Stevens Bottom Right/ WHAT A KICK!: Anne Molignano kicks her way down the field .


GIRLS JUNIOR VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Front Row/Jen Smithson, Carol Scanlon, Theresa Cody, Sue Nemeth, Jadzia Mellodge, Second Row/Michele Hogg, Nicole Davis, Michele Amani, Meghan Hayman , Katie Schell. Third Row/Rebecca Rottkamp, Jen Welsh, Paula Bacso, Amy Fell, Kory D'Angelo, Mary Foster. •

THIS ONE'S MINE: Jadzia Mellodge kicks the ball.

OUT OF MY WAY: Rebecca Rottkamp kicks the ball past her opponent.


Are You Ready For Some Football by Michael Bartrum and Nick Barbosa The burning desire to win - to win our Parochial 'A' State Championship was the greatest last year, but this year we wanted more, we wanted not only to win a state title again, but we also wanted to go undefeated! The 1989 ND Football squad took the state title and came within one game of that undefeated season. The last time a Notre Dame team was undefeated, they were led by three players who we now know as coaches: Coach Darren Rhym, Coach Bill James, and Coach Darren Doherty. They were the only remaining constants between then and now. Throughout the preparations, practices, and perspiration leading up to the opening game against the Ewing "Blue Devils"

Page 118/Top Left/ STUFF QUARTERBACKS ARE MADE OF: Kevin Zorn. Top Right/A PLOWING MACHINE: Pete Conboy. Bottom Left/ LEND A HELPING HAND: Jon Moore and Doug Cooper. Bottom Right/A GROUNDED CARDINAL: Irish Defense: Cal Quinn, Doug Cooper, Carlton Thomas and John O'Donavan. Page 119/Top Left/ NOT SO SHY! Jermaine Shy runs for a T.D. Top Right/SOPHOMORES ON A RAMPAGE!! Middle Right/MEETING OF THE MINDS: Coach Chappy Moore and West Windsor Coach Tom Stuart . Bottom Right/Defensive Lyman! Erik Lyman and the Defensive Line.


changes occurred on the team. Leaders emerged in the forms of our captains: Pete Conboy, Kevin Zorn, Matt Jacobs, Paul Septak, and Jermaine Shy. Other Seniors, and young players as well, created a nice blend of talent. So with experience and leadership we opened our season with a victory over Ewing. But within two weeks the dreams of an undefeated season slipped away with a tough loss to a good Hunterdon Central team. Despite this bitter loss, and a heartbreaking defeat to Trenton Central, we finished the season with a 7-2 record. The highlight of the season came with the season finale, a victory over West Windsor-Plainsboro, the only team to beat us last year. Even though we did not

make the state playoffs for the first time since 1981, ten years ago, it was a good feeling to avenge our loss to WW -P. Looking ahead to the 1991 season, the team has high expectations. Key returners with varsity experience are: Brendon Prophet, Erik Lyman, Nick Russo, and Sean Bhiel. Also, there are a group of sophomores who will play a key role in our success next year, and they are: Bill Moore, Mike Warner, Nick Barbosa, and Martin Luther Gilbert. We will look to next years Seniors to be our leaders, and also to the rest of the team for support. Together, and only together will we go to the top of the eve and fulfill our prophecy as undefeated, state champs!

. . . and going, and going . . . 119

Leader Of The Pack: Brendan Prophett puts his sights on the end zone.




Top Right/ The 1990 Notre Dame Football Team. Bottom Left/ AIN'T no stopping Us. Irish Defenders.


N.D. On Ice By Chris Castagna '

The Notre Dame Ice Hockey team has been very successful this year, as Mr. James pointed out, "it's more of a balanced team than we've had in a while." The team won the CVC, and the record going into the playoffs was 13-8. Matt Govan and Brian Pazdam, both on the team for four years, are outstanding players. They both encourage the other players to play at their best. Junior player Tom Moorcroft said, "one of my best moments on the team was playing on the


same line as Matt and Brian, and scoring." Aside from those two leading scorers, other strong, consistent players include junior Chris Pastor, and seniors Dan Byard, Keith Skeba, John Houston, and Pat Burns. For next year the best prospects are Jon Mahler and Oscar Watson. Assistant Coach Mr. James says that the whole team is easy to work with, hardworking and very dedicated. Player Tom Moorcroft says that, "the coaches are really good and encouraging to the whole team.

Page 122/Top Right/MORE THAN JUST A LUCKY SHOT/: Brian Pazdan prepares to shoot the puck. Center Left/A CUT ABOVE/: Matt Govan looks to the puck. Bottom Right/READY FOR ACTION/: John Houston prepares to play. Page 123/ 1990-1991 ICE HOCKEY TEAM/: Front Row: Dana Bruce, Mark Cameleri, Keith Skeba, Chris Pastor, Matt Govan, Brian Pazdan, Jon Mahler, Tom Moorcroft, Dan Byard. Back Row: Coach Joe Henry, Pat Burns, John Houston, Rich Kekesi, Mark Kmiec, Eric Salava, Oscar Watson, A. J. Poux, Angelo Chrysoulakis, Brian Lockington, Coach James, and Chad Biruk. /Middle Left/: I WANT THAT PUCK/: Keith Skeba and Oscar Watson race ahead of their opponent. Middle Right/OUT OF MY WAY I Brian Pazdan keeps control of the puck. Bottom Left/DON'T WORRY, I GOT IT!/ Dan Byard stops the puck once again. Bottom Center/THE KEYS TO THE PUCK.


Take The Wrestling Challenge . by Jennifer O'Donnell

According to Mr. Mike Dennehy, five year assistant coach of the Notre Dame wrestling team, to be a good wrestler, you have to have "mental toughness." Wrestlers need a positive attitude, determination, and a desire to win, to, get the takedown on the mat. This has been a very successful season for the team. They finished with an outstanding record of 10 wins and 2 losses. What makes this season even more exciting is the fact that the team earned the title of eve champions. Also, they qualified for the Parochial A sectionals for the first time. Varsity wrestler Chris Sieben feels that, "all of the seniors have been very important this year. However, Mark Floyd has been especially consistent. He always does the job and pulls through. It won't be easy to replace him." Mr. Dennehy attributes their success to "the good blend in the lineup of senior, junior, and sophomore wrestlers. It's a very positive situation. The guys get along well and pull for each other." Mr. Gary Dambro is the driving force behind the power of the wrestling team. He has an impressive coaching history of 22 years. His knowledge and experience have obviously given inspiration to the team. On the 1990-1991 season, Mr. Dam-

Page 124/Center/I'VE GOT A HOLD ON YOU: Mark Floyd goes for the takedown. Bottom/THE 1991-91 CVC WRESTLING CHAMPIONS: Front Row/Mark Floyd, Matt Rhodes, Joe Panfili, Joe Rego, Ted Fanikos, Second Row/Sean Cox, Andy O'Rahilly, Eric Micai, Dougie Cooper, Chris Sieben, Brendan Duff, Ed Maddock, Nick Sferra. Page 125/Top/ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO: Ted Fanikos lunges for the advantage over his opponent. Center/TENSION ON THE BENCH: Joe Panfili, Nick Sferra, Brendan Duff, Sean Cox, and Chris Sieben look on anxiously. Bottom Left/ HEAD TO HEAD COMBAT: Doug Cooper and his oppponent in a struggle for power. Bottom Right/ THE COACHES CONCENTRATE: Mr. Dambro, Mr. Dennehy, and Matt Rhodes view an intense match.


bro commented, "We were a good team this year because we set the foundations for a good year. We all went together to a four day team concept camp last summer to prepare for the season. This experience gave us confidence. We all rely on each other." Senior co-captains of the team are Mark Floyd, Doug Cooper, Nick Sferra, and Mark Gankewicz, all of whom are valuable assets to the team. Mr. Dennehy feels that Doug Cooper has shown the characteristics of a good leader. "He's got a positive attitude and team spirit both on the mat and in the locker room." Mr. Dennehy pointed out that even with the loss of four good wrestlers, "next year should be a good year. We have some strong men to keep us going." In a preview of the 19911992 season, Dennehy indicated the juniors Chris Sieben and Sean Cox and sophomores Joe Rego and Ted Fanikos will lead the Irish to victory. Varsity wrestler Sean Cox predicted, "We'll be a surprising team next year." When asked what makes wrestlers special, Mr. Dennehy paused for a moment. Then he said, "The fact that unlike in other sports, there is nowhere to hide when you're out on the mat. There are no excuses. You're out there on your own."


Swimming Does A Bod Good by: Amy W olochowicz The N.D. swim team has magnificently tripled in size in the past year, and these 50 swimmers and 4 divers are very dedicated. The handicap of not having a pool does not discourage the team from practicing two hours a day, six days a week at either Lawrenceville Prep or Mercer County. The coaching staff consisting of: Henry De Sandre (Head Coach), Shirley Moran (Diving Coach + Asst. Coach), Dean Micale (Asst. Coach), and Mrs. Kyte (School

Page 126/Top/Boy's and Girl's Swim team: Top Row: Henry DeSandre, Mrs. Kyte, Shirley Moran, Bill Morehart. Fourth Row: Scott Dzialo, Melissa Malloy, Deborah Choquette, Karen Popowski, Daniel LaPerriere, Susan Goldman, Sean Rousseau, Frank Zemick, John Solan, Julie Caperna, Becky Morehart, Katie DeSandre. Third Row: Brendan Cartilidge, Theresa Bonanno, Amy Kyte, Ashley Cipriano, Margaret Lumia, Mirusia Jablonski, Scott Steimuller, Amber Jancola, Megan McGlinchy,


Monorator) found this year the most intense. Because of the increasing size of the team they "knew a lot of time would be involved, but never envisioned the time spent with the team would be so overwhelming." According to the coaching staff "They enjoyed every minute of it!" Each swimmer had a different opinion about the season, however it was evident that every one enjoyed the sport. These comments typify the outlook of the team: "I met a lot of new friends," "We had a

Jeanne Schiefer, Kevin Steinmuller, Ted Palfalvi. Second Row: Ralph Fiasco, Jennifer Ellsworth, Lisa Muehleisen, Kristen Pappas, Jennifer French, Meghan Keiling, Amy Wolochowicz, Jennifer Cole, Kelly Neall, Bridget Heinz, Bridget Bradburn, Daniel Bendas, Caryn Moran. Front Row: Charles Ramsey, Brian Binder, Mark Jablonski, Tara Suntato, Brian Stevenson, Erin Davies, Randi Kyte, Kim DeSandre, Beth Christianson, Nick Barbosa, Lorette Schroth.

really good season but it wasn't about win- 路 ning but more on beating our personal time" and "We had a lot of spirit." The season was approximately three months long, but in this short time cherishable memories and long-lasting friendships developed. The team believed that if you leave N.D. and have memories and continue friendships, then the team was worth creating.

Page 127/Top Left/TAKE OFF! It's a bird, It's a plane, It's Debbie Choquette! Top Right/COMES FROM BEHIND: Mark Jablonski makes waves. Middle Left/AIRBORN! Megan McGlinchy conquers the force of gravity. Middle Right/SENIOR SWIMMERS: Erin Davies, Sue Goldman, Kim DeSandre, Sean Rousseau, Mirusia Jablonski, Beth Christianson and Randi Kyte. Bottom Left/DETERMINED: Scott Dzialo takes a breath to finish. Bottom Middle/TAKING THE PLUNGE: Brian Stevenson scores a perfect 10! Bottom Right/ STRIVING TO FINISH: Jen Cole gives 100~(, .


Basketball Pumps It Up by Michael Bartrum

Many called it a rebuilding year, but what it should have really been called was a maturing year. This is the way you can look at a team composed of all underclassmen. Finishing the year with a 13-13 record-with no seniors to look to for leadership, can be called an accomplishment. Despite the fact the team only played .500 basketball, there were many bright spots: a strong showing at the Wildwood Invitational, an appearance in the State Playoffs, and coming within one game of winning the Mercer County Tournament.

Many individuals stepped forward to lead the team, including Eddie Kopera, Brendon Prophett, and Adrian Davis. The outstanding coaching of Mr. John Simone must also be noted. Mr. Simone always had his team ready to play, both physically and mentally. Coaching without being able to go to someone with experience is very difficult, Mr. Simone did a tremendous job under the circumstances. One thing that may have helped the Irish was playing what many think was the toughest schedule in the county, in-

eluding perrenial state powerhouses l! McCorristin, Trenton, Camden Cathoi and the #2 team in the country, St. Anth ony's of Jersey City. With all the problems this Irish tear has faced and learned from , they will b expected to be one of the better teams it the county and perhaps even the state next year. The team will be returning fivf starters and a bench of underclassme who also received their fair share of vars1 ty playing time.

Page 128/Left/Scott Stemmer goes for the shot. Top Right;Front row: Brendan Prophett, Ed Kopera, Scott Stemmer, Mike Warner, Brendan Dougherty, Justin Burroughs. Second row: Mr. Simone, Kareem Kelsy, Erik Lyman, Adrian Davis, Mark Reggimenti, Vince Ardey, Trevin Panaia and Mr. Slyvester. Bottom Right/ AIR KOPERA: Ed Kopera. Page 129/Top Left/AIR ADRIAN DUNKS IT ONE MORE TIME: Adrian Davis. Top Right/ DUNK IT ERIC: Eric Lyman. Bottom Left/Time out with Mr. Simone: Sitting/Adrian Davis, Eric Lyman , Vince Aurdery, Justin Burroughs. Bottom Right/DRIBBLE IT DOWN!: Ed Kappara


Page 130/Top/REACH OUT AND GRAB IT!: Vince Ardery. Middle Left/J.V. BASKETBALL/Top Row: Coach Jim Maher, Kareem Kelsey, Waymon Newkirk, James Bertran, Marcus Broach, Trevin Pania. Bottom Row: Michael Bartram, Michael Warner, Brendan Dougherty, Anthony Inverso, Brian Mulligan. Middle Right/STOP! TREVIN TIME: Trevin Pania. Bottom Right/WATCH OUT HERE COMES BRENDAN: Brendan Prophet.


The Team Is Gonna Move Ya The season started out to be a promising one. The veteran team led by six seniors had its share of ups and downs during this season. The good points of the season include a dominating performance in the Colonial Valley Conference. The team went undefeated fro the second straight season in Mercer County and the CVC. During the streak two starters for the Irish reached milestones. Nicole Harrison and Marlene Neal each scored their onethousandth career points. Nicole's came against Steinert, while Marlene's came

later in the season against Red Bank Catholic. Other highlights of the season include Colleen MacNamara and Marlene Neal receiving full scholarships to division I schools. Next season Colleen will be a Lady Blue Hen at Delaware and Marlene will be a Lady Hawk at St. Joe's. The girls made it all the way to the South Jersey Parochial "A" State finals only to lose on the last play of the game, a game that was shrouded with controversy. For Nicole Harrison, Marlene Neal, Kelly Ardery, JoAnne Mabes, Darnell McClean,

by JoAnne Mabes and Colleen MacNamara, the games final shot and missed calls by officials will live in their hearts and minds forever. All in all the season was a great one for the Irish team. The team will always remember the great times that a winning season can create. But more importantly they will remember that last game and the love and support they received from their friends, teachers, and loved ones after the game. The friendships that they made this season will last a lifetime.

Girls Varsity Basketball: Front Row/ Kelly Ardery, Susan Schmitt, Darnell McLean, Paula Bacso, Carrie Christofoletti, Second Row/Joanne Mabes, Nicole Harrison, Elandra Farrior, Colleen McNamara, Liz White, Marlene Neal, Alison Goeke, Upper Middle/Liz White and Susan Schmitt "Get the Ball Liz!" Middle Right/Marlene Neal, High enough to make the Basket. Bottom Left/Darnell McLean, "That's good 'D'" Bottom Right/Jean Rannucci, IN CONTROL!


Top Left/GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM: FRONT ROW: Kelly Ardery, Sue Schmitt, Darnell McLean , Paula Bacso, Kerry Christofoletti. Second Row/Joann Mabes, Ni cole Harrison , Elandra Farrior, Colleen McNamara, Liz White, Marlene Neal, Alison Goeke. Top Right/HERE CATCH: Kerry Christofoletti gets ready to pass the ball. Bottom Left/YOU CAN'T STOP ME NOW: Colleen McNamara Tries to get a basket. Bottom Right/NOW TH EY'RE IN TRO UBLE: Darnell McLean goes for a rebound .


Giving It A Shot by Babs Brillantine & Patty DiFalco

Nicole Harrison was a key player to this year's outstanding season of the Varsity Basketball Team. She has accomplished four full challenging seasons on the Varsity squad. Even though Nicole was unconfident about Varsity her Freshman year, because of her lack of experience at that level, she is now happy with the decision. Nicole being the 7th girl in Notre Dame history to score one-thousand points, feels it was a great experience and she was honored to have accomplished it. Nicole has been playing basketball since the age of eight. She has been encouraged to play with the help of her cousin Terri, who also plays. She followed Terri into her own successful career. She will pursue her basketball career in college. In the offseason, she will practice weaknesses and stay in shape by running. Nicole, as well as being a team player, has carried on team spirit to the different levels. All agree that her smile and sense

of humor has kept the team close, and keeps everyone feeling comfortable. She feels that hard work and practice make a quality player. Besides basketball, Nicole enjoys softball and swimming and has a strong liking for shopping! Her favorite professional team is the Chicago Bulls and her favorite player is Michael Jordan. They have kept her watching Basketball on a higher level. A person wouldn't be normal without a dream, and Nicole's dream has always been to become a model, but she hasn't taken any steps to pursue that professionally. Nicole is leaving Notre Dame with a great impression and a superb example to the younger players. She has never set individual goals except for a great season, and Nicole has had many of them in which she now looks onto the challenge of college competition. Good Luck Nicole!

Upper Right/Nicole Harrison , Our Key Player, Bottom Left/Kelly Ardery, What a Block, "Just Do It Kell y!" Bottom Right/In the Air is " Air" Lisa Wojtczuk.


Pins Wobble And They All Fall Down by Colleen Halloran


The pins are down and spirits are up for the Notre Dame Bowling team, led by eight year coach Steve Schultz, the team made a strong comeback and pulled into first place. Schultz credits the team's success to their hard practices and strong competitive spirit. Enthusiasm, rather than winning, is what makes a team great,

and the ND bowlers had enough spirit and motivation to come out on top. Boys tricaptains Mark Watson, John Zahorsky, and Bryan Vasti led their team to an outstanding finish. Sophomores Brook McNichol and Mark Watson are averaging 180. Girls co-captains Andrea Wright and Monique Peloquin led the senior dominat-

Page 134/Top/VARSITY BOWLING TEAM: Front Row: Chris Guido, Kevin Peloquin, Monique Peloquin. Second Row: Robin Gryziewicz, Mike Guglielmo, Bryan Vasti, Len Carmichael, Alex Kraun, Gaby Sikorski. Back Row: Andrea Wright, Brian Serafin, Jason Paver, Mark Watson, Brook McNichol, Sammy Battista, Justin Swierczek, Ray Zado, John Zahorsky. Bottom/ALL RIGHT!: Mark Watson cheers his ball on. Page 135/Top/JV

BOWLING TEAM: Front: Chris Plotka, Jim Castelize, John Bochairo, John Hartman. Back Row: Laurie Van Meburgh , Jeff Zygmunt, Matt Manion, Bill Thomas, Todd Kramer, Adam Bucon, Timm Mullaney. Bottom Left/TWISTIN': Jason Paver contorts his body in order to get a strike. Bottom Right/MY LUCKY PANTS: Brook McNichol.

ed team to their best finish ever, with Winsome Simpson bowling a 135. Schultz commented on the team's skills by saying they had the best bowling potential ever. "It's been a great year, better than any other," Schultz said, "but the best is yet to come!"


Oh What A Feeling On Track by Shivani Mody If anyone has experienced shin splints, exhaustion, stomach cramps, and having your whole body ache, you would know how it feels to be on a serious and determined track team. Waking up early and rolling out of bed on Saturday mornings in the freezing cold to run four to six miles or do intervals around the track is not ones idea of fun, but this is what members of the track team do in order to bring the team outstanding results. Mr. Wroblewski has been coaching the winter track team for five years now. Being the push behind the shove, he has led his team to many victories. Scouting other teams and being able to judge their talents are some of the hardest things in coaching, says Mr. Wroblewski. He prefers the ((day to day" routine instead. As the coach, Mr. Wrobo has to keep track of entry forms, equipment, daily practices, bus transportation and most important

team unity. Mr. Wroblewski had many goals set for this season. Winning the C.V.C., being undefeated and winning the county championships were some really challenging expectations for the track team. But with their joint effort and combined talents they were able to win the C.V.C. championship and go undefeated for the first time. Holding a record of 15 wins, Mr. Wrobo hopes their success will continue. ((We have risen to every challenge," says Mr. Wrobo. Tom Dominezy k, James Donnelly, George Mount, Jermaine Caldwell and Kevin Dugal are the ((senior core" for the track team. There is also a good mixture of underclassmen such as Jim Primerano, John Beym and Brendan Biruk. Mr. Wroblewski will be losing some experienced seniors but next year the team will be just as strong, if not better. The hur-

Top Left/ AND THEY'RE OFF: James Donnelly, John Beym and Eric Wills lead the pack. Top Right/OFF IN A FLASH: Jermaine Caldwell sprints to the finish. Bottom Right/ AROUND THE BEND: Tom Dominczyk and Sean Maxwell sprint to victory.



dlers, shot putters and high jumpers are all coming back, which is good since these are the toughest events to replace. Mr. Wroblewski is very happy with this past season, ((everyone contributed, many people scored points and received letters this year." Mr. Wroblewski would not want to change a thing and feels he has accomplished a great deal. Practices are very hard but meets are easy. Notre Dame has had a tough season. The members of the team run outside in the rain and snow and sometimes in the hallways of the school. The vigors of their training ntoughens them up" as a team and as individuals. To depict the final image of track Mr. Wrobolewski describes it as nspokes on a wheel, we must perform as individuals to win as a team."

Hear Us Roar

Top Right/IT'S MY TURN NOW: Jen Barnock takes the baton from Katie Mount. Middle left/BOYS' WINTER TRACK TEAM: Front Row/John Heitzman, James Donnelly, George Mount, Tom Dominzyk, Victor Kara, Raul Campo-Fernendez, Pete Conboy, Cal Quinn. Second Row/John Belz, Matthew Guarno, Brendan Biruk, Mike Pelligrino, Frank Fanning, Steve Rendek, Paul Vidal. Third Row/Chris Heitzman, James Lynch, David Martizez, Sean Maxwell, Joe Bires, Don Eigenbaur, Ceasar Napolitano, John Beym. Fourth Row/Heath Reed, Dave Gator, Aaron Double, Ryan Brennan, Nick DeMaio, Mike McDonough, Pete Sanitago. Fifth Row /Tim Mitzen, Jim Primerano, Eric Wills, Joe Latini, Mark Ammatucci, Neil Potter, Eric Baxter. Middle Right/GOING THE DISTANCE: Joyce Drake stays ahead of the competition. Bottom Left/GIRLS' WINTER TRACK TEAM: Front Row/Joyce Drake, Jen Harnack, Beth Pietrazak, April Lupinacci, Colleen Halloren. Second Row /Sarah Conboy, Niki Tweed, Suzanne Toporek, Rose Vidal, Dianne Worthy, Shante Grady. Third Row/Tiffanni Ballaratto, Alison Kubick, Colleen O'Keefe, Kristine O'Keefe, Alison Kakstis, Julie Altiere, Vanessa Vaughn Fourth Row/ Jen Middleton, Laura Vujovich, Katie Mount, Erin Bradburn.


I Love What You Do For Me by Michael Shapson

The cheerleaders have become a very important part of Notre Dame High School. At every football and soccer game they can be found cheering on the teams, regardless of the rain, cold, or snow. During the basketball season they work hard to raise the enthusiasm of the crowd, sometimes even cheering multiple games in the night. This requires the girls to arrive at the gym at 3:00 in the afternoon and not leave until 11:00 at night. The cheerleaders also support the teams by baking for them and making the signs and banners that hang throughout the school. "Everyone expects a lot from us, when something has to get done we will usually be asked," said winter season captain Kim Frascella. The cheerleaders are also involved in projects outside of school. They preform for nursing homes and spread happiness to those who are less fortunate. "One of the things I like best is putting on a show and making people smile, especially when we go to nursing homes and the people there enjoy it. It's the greatest thing," says fall season captain Chris

Page 138 /VARSITY CHEERLEADERS: Front: Kelly Frarrior, Chris Tani. Second Row: Becky Krollman, Bridget Crane, Kim Frascella, JoAnn Moscarello, Kari Dunn. Top Row: Gina Pugliese, Connie Maxwell, Kris Alia, Dena Robertson, Kris Frascella, Dawn Witkoski, Kris Coluccio. Page 139/Top Left/ CHEERS!: Connie Maxwell, JoAnn Moscarello, Chris Tani, Amanda O'Sullivan. Top Right/STRETCHING IT TO THE LIMIT: JoAnn Moscarello, Chris Tani. Middle Left/JUNIOR VARSITY: Melisa Cefalone, Sue Ostroski, Cindy Santo, Jamie Papa, Kelly Corboy, Joanne Dinola. Middle Center/A PRETTY FACE: Dana Robertson. Middle Right/CHEERING TO VICTORY!: Gina Pugliese. Bottom Left/GO! FIGHT! WIN!: Connie Maxwell, Gina Pugliese, Amy Andraco, Kari Dunn, Becky Krollman. Bottom Right/IRISH PRIDE: Kristine Frascella.


Tani. They began preparations for 1990-1991 season with a rigorous session of camp in the heat of August, where they won blue ribbons at competitions. "We spend everyday cheering in 90 degree weather from 8:00 in the morning until about 9:00 at night. We sweat, but it gives us the discipline we need," said Kelly Farrior. They cheer the fall season and continue until the end of the basketball season in March. They are the only sport team at Notre Dame having a two season schedule. The cheerleaders work hard over that time, learning new routines and improving on the old ones. Over the course of their season the girls have become close friends. "We work well together because we can be ourselves among each other," said Joann Moscarello, who is captain of the fall season. They continue to spend time together even after the season has ended. "It's not just cheerleading in school, we still hang out together after cheerleading," adds Dawn Witkowski.

To the girls, friendship is the most important part of being a cheerleader. Kari Dunn reflects, "When we get together you know we'll laugh." Although the seniors have been together for four years now, they each have their own personalities. Kim Frascella is the leader. Chris Tani is the "spirit that keeps us going." Connie Maxwell is "in her own world", but is there for everybody. JoAnn Moscarello is funny, always making people laugh, and always has a smile. Kari Dunn is the perfectionist. Dena Robertson and Gina Pugleise are hard working and spirited. The cheerleaders feel special to have someone like Mrs. Miller for a coach, "She is more than just a coach, she's a friend who has helped us to grow up, she's a very special person." Some of the graduating seniors may go on to cheer in college, some may pursue other interests. However they all agree with Chris Tani when she says, "We are like sisters, these are some of the best people I have ever know."












BOYS 8-3-3


GIRLS 6-6-2



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Freshman Aim High

BOYS' FOOTBALL: Front Row: Mike Reilly, Bob O'Donnell, Anthony Bozowski, Rob Mucha, Kyle Harding, Kevin Callaghan, Kevin Royster, Joe Luther, Matthew Sheluga. Second Row: Mike David, John Simonetti, Mike Glikas, Armond Harris, Brian Binder, Drew Cheston, Adam Yeager, Eugene Norton, Joe Simonetti, Frank Zado. Third Row: Salvatore Iannaci, Anthony Pizzimenti, Neil French, Mike DeJonge, Mike Zita, Michael Murray, William David, Bob Eigenbaur, Thomas Keller, A.J . Farkas. Back Row: Jim Maziarz, Mark Schmeil, Ryan Connolly, Eric Lampkin, Jeremy Applegate, Joe Baker, Dave Sass, Jeff Hughes, John Serpico, Danny Bendas.

BOYS' BASKETBALL: Front Row: Mike Kaczovowski, Donald Gilbert, Jon Bucchere, Chris Breza. Second Row: Brian Pesce, Chuck Rotondo, Chris Potash, Eric Lampkin, Michael Murray, Jeff Ferraro. Back Row: Eric Sokolowksi, Jeremy Applegate, Mike Hackett, Jared Broach, Shawn Jones.


GIRLS' CHEERLEADING: Front Row: Amy Pinard, Christine Kean. Second Row: Gena Migliaccio, Danielle Choquette, Stephanie Mosticchio, Jill Dawson. Back Row: Tracey Cooper, Jenn Wyers, Kim Kauffman, Salvatrice Armenti, Leigh Celentano. Missing: Carole Hoover, Kim Waropay.


In Athletics

GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY: Front Row: Jennifer Colon, Allison Brunetti, Stacey Bernhard. Second Row: Catherine Scotto, Kelly Hartmann, Karen Bernhard, Laura Vujovich. Third Row: Jennifer Hand, Melissa Alfano, Melissa Chiarchiaro, Kim Kauffman, Alasia Fiurmenero. Back Row: Brighid Flood, Wendy Dzbenski, Jackie Kane.

GIRLS' BASKETBALL: Front Row: Tameka Turner, Dona Kondash, Ann Burzachiello. Second Row: Nicole Grillo, Brandi Layton, Jodi Meszarcs, Shonda Scott. Back Row: Stacey Harris, Kelly Blackburn, Jen Ress, Arienne Poux, Rebeccl\ Ward.

BOYS' SOCCER: Front Row: Ian Budd, Rob Swieconek, Jason Bender, Josh Boucher, Mark Sanvardine, Frank Panzitta, James Lloyd. Second Row: Mike Celentano, Jon Iszard, Kevin Steinmuller, Jon Bucchere, Kevin Dunne, Rob Piechota. Back Row: Brian Pesce, Mike Kuebler, Mike Hackett, Thomas Musakas, John Dominczyk, Alex Thorne, Chris VanHorn, Brian Murphy.


Page 166 Top/PARTY! Michelle Copin, Jane Desfosse, Caroline Zaleski, Jadsia Mellodge and Kim Lewis. Page 166 Bottom/THE DOMINO EFFECT: Cindy Santo, Melissa Cefalone, Sunny Sparano, Missy Famosa and Allison Brunetti. Page 167 Top/GROUP HUG: Cathy Johnson, Helen Telles, Kristen Branham and Tina Galluci. Page 167 Bottom Left/ A group of sophomores showing their spirit. Page 167 Bottom Right/ LET'S DANCE: Victoria Czarnik dancing the night away.


s e n •

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The class of 1991 is the smallest group of Seniors to ever graduate from Notre Dame. This is not to say, though, they have the smallest spirit. On Blue and White Day, the Seniors made a grand entrance to the pep-rally by forming two conga lines. This event shocked the underclassmen and they stared in awe. But Seniors realize that the final year of high school is no joke. Everyday, students are seen in the Guidance office rummaging through various college catalogs and the ever-popular Barron's Book. They feel the pressure of college or the working world coming on strong. Many are asking, "Where do I go from here?" Some may go to a two or four year college, others will dive into the working world, and some may join the armed forces. But college seems to be a favorite among the Seniors. Some of this years' popular college choices are: Villanova, University of Pennsylvania, Loyola College, and Trenton State. As a class, the Seniors are definitely motivated to succeed in the world and share a common desire . . . to be the best. They have grown together during perhaps the most important years of their lives. Most of them will remember what an important role Notre Dame played in molding their futures. by Kara Kiefer

Page 182 Top/ AIMING HIGH: Senior student government members set their sights on the future. Left/ DANCING IN THE STREETS: No one can touch the ND seniors. Middle right/ SAY CHEESE?: Matt Appio and Julie Egloff looking their best. Bottom right/ HEFTY, HEFTY, HEFTY: Tara Hunt, Amanda Keating, Debbie Branham, Chris Kennedy, Joanne Mabes, and Kristy Radigan are hefty in spirit. Page 183/ Top left/ CLEANING UP THEIR ACT: Joanne Moscarello, Jen Brennan, Chris Tani, and Janelle Umali keep the environment clean. Top Right/ ON YOUR MARK: Seniors are all lined up and ready to jump. Middle left/ WE WON!: Jess Delmore, Colleen Halloran, Matt Peoples and Mike Hammerstone celebrate victory. (But what is Lou Locco doing?) Middle Right/ AL-

MOST THERE: Chris Tani and Joanne Moscarello push on to the finish line. Bottom/ WE'RE LOSING: Kris Nemeth and Meghan Gocke show their spirit.


Joseph Alfano

Matthew Appio

Leah Angelini

Wi nsome Simpson

Joseph Alfano I would rather be nobody, than somebody with nobody to love. Leah Angelini Determination is the only thing that can get you your pot of gold. Matthew Appio What are my chances of waking up tomorrow and making you breakfast? Kelly Ardery The most important thing in life is to love someone. The next is to have someone love you. The third is to have the first two things happen at the same time.

Paul Baldassari 84

Christine Barcalow

Kelly Ardery

Paul Baldassari And as you go down the pathway of years, getting pats on the back as you pass, your only reward will be the heartache and tears if you have cheated the man in the glass. Christine Barcalow Even if you are on the right track, you will still get run over if you just sit there. Jennifer Lynn Barnock Life- it keeps going . .. and going ... and going ... But forget . about the batteries and just grab a smile.

Jennifer Barnock

Jamar Benjamin

James Berger The quality of one person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless whatever chosen field of endeavor. Sue Brandbergh All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arrive. De bra Branham I've been happy lately, thinkin' about the good things to come, and I believe it could be, something good has begun.

James Douglas Berger

Michael Brachelli

Susan Brandbergh

Debra Ann Branham

Jennifer Brennan Slow down, you move too fast, go make the moment last. Dana Bruce He who knows nothing and knows he knows nothing is stupidshun him. He who knows and knows what he knows is wise follow him. When knowledge comes, wisdom lingers. Matt Bucchere Coyness is nice, but coyness can stop you from saying all the things found in life that you might want to.

Jennifer Brennan

Michael Brown

Dana Bruce

Matthew Bucchere 65

Brian K. Burch

Jonathan Jody Burger

Michael A. Burkholtz

Daniel Byard

Sophia Renee Burrowes

Thomas M. Byrne

Janelle Umali

Brian Burch St>arching for t lw answt'r to make life complete. No net>d to st'arch for mort' qttest ions. Tlwrt:' for you to set'~ TPstanwntTinH' is coming.

Jonathan "Hickor~路


Dickory Dock" Wt>ll you know the rt'st~~~~

Michael Burkholtz Coyness is nice. hut coy1wss can stop you from saying all the things found in life that you nw~路 want to.

Patrick Burns .July :~. 1\lann 1\lusic l't'nter You had to lw tlwre~


Patrick Burns

Jermaine Caldwell

Mark A. Camilleri

Heather Campbell

Raul Campos-Fernandez

Allison Carroll

Meghan Gocke

Mark Camilleri Wlwn (;od was giving out quotPs , I thought he said "coats." I wasn 't cold, so I didn't get one.

flt_•ather Campbell I do not und(·rstand what destiny has planned, hut I am starting to grasp what's in my own hands.

Haul Campos-Fernandez l>on't cry for a fighting world , fight for a world that cries.

Allison Carroll Acn·pt good advice gracefully - as long as it doesn't interfere with what you intPndPd to do in the first place.

Tara Lynn Casamento

Cynthia Castranova

Odweda Chambers

Richard Chmiel

Tara Casamento If vou lovt· sornt·thin g sPI it fn·(·. If it conws hack to you it\ vours, if it doPs n 't . it wa s n't nwant to ht· .

Cyndi Castranova I) ia m o nd s an· fon ·vt· r.

Odweda Chambers You IH·tft·r act likt· you know , ht·cause I'm just not having it.

Richard Chmiel If y ou ' rp down in t lw dumps, pick nw up a fender for a green Bonm·vill(·.


Beth S. Christianson

Thomas Clos

Nicole A. Callender

Peter G. Conboy

Christin Connolly

N akiesha Cook

Rashida Z. Cooper

Ronald Douglas Cooper

Beth Christianson I know just how to fake it. I know just how to scheme. I know just when to face the truth, and I know just when to dream. Nicole Collender Every road is rough unless you have someone special to walk with. Pete Conboy Yo . . . Never put things of 'till the last minute. That's why I got such a bad quote.


Bridget Crane

Lauren J. Cunningham

Patrick Daily

Erin C. Davies

Bridget Crane I'm free of all prejudices. You see, I hate everyone equally. Lauren Cunningham Some say I drive too fast. I say you have to live life at top speed. Patrick Daily If you are going to do something tonight that you will regret in the morning, then sleep until noon.

Erin Davias Wait .... I don't get it!

Robert J. DeJonge

Jessica Del Moore

John DeLellis

Matthew B. DeRosset

Rob DeJonge "Apple Pie", NOT! John A. DeLellis You've got to give a little to get a little, you don't get anything for nothing. Jess Del Moore Friends are forever, always giving and getting, so our job now is never forgetting. Matt DeRossett God sent His only son as a gift to all mankind ... then He sent "DEROSS" as His gift to women. Erin Davies and Patrick Daily


Kimberly Ruth De Sandre

Jennifer L. Deveau

William P. Dey

James A. DiMattia

Jessica Dingman

Trish Donnelly

Thomas R. Dominczyk

Jessie Dingman Do we not sail on a ship of fools? Why is life so precious and so cruel? James Donnelly If a witch is made of wood, how do we tell that she is a witch? -- Build a bridge out of her. Trish Donnelly Winter, spring, summer, and fall, all you have to do is just call, and I'll be there ... You've got a friend.


James V. Donnelly

Tricia C. Donnelly

Megan Double How can I soar like an eagle when I'm burdened down with homework'? Joyce Drake Someday we're gonna get to that place where we really want to go. We'll walk in the sun; hut 'til then, champs like us, baby we were born to run . Jennifer A. Duffe The whole time I had never seen all you had spread before me. The whole time I had never seen that all I would need was inside of me.

William A.Dubinski III

Jennifer A. Duffe

Megan R. Double

Joyce M. Drake

Kevin Dugal

KariA. Dunn

Kevin Dugal Friends are the most valuable possession a person can have, earned only through time and trust. Kari Dunn No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. Wendy Dutwin If you can imagine it, then you can achieve. If you can dream it, then you can become it. Julie Egloff Are we the children our parents warned us about?

Wendy A. Dutwin

Julie Lynn Egloff

Colleen McNamara


Jennifer A. Elder

Monica Erney

Joseph B. Evanko

Elisa M. Farkas

Mark F. Floyd

Jeanine M. Fallon

Lisa M. Fernbach

Doug Berger, Amanda Keating, Dan Byard

Jennifer Augusta Elder One runs the risk of weeping, if one lets himself be tamed. Joe Evanko Yeah, that's it! Jeanine Marie Fallon High school is full of smiles and tears, where we hold memories to our heart, close and dear. They say that high school will be a time in the past but why did it have to go so fast. Elisa Farkas There are so many different worlds, so many different suns. And we have just one world, but we live in different ones.

Kim M. Frascella

John A. Frederick

Denis John Gallagher

Denis Gallagher Roses are Red. Violets are Blue. I'm schizophrenic and so am I.

Angelina Gallo I expect to pass through but once. Therefore, any kindness that I can show, or any good thing I can do. let me do it now and not delay or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.

Joe Gallo An ()pen mind opens doors.

Kara Kiefer, Kristen VanNest, Lauren Cunningham, Amy Krajacic

Angelina Gallo

Mark Gankiewicz

Joseph J. Gallo

Stephanie M. Gater

Brian Geller

Thomas J. Giampolo 193

Jennifer Gibbons I've got no deeds to do and no promises to keep. I am dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep. Let the morning time drop all its petals to me. Life I love you- all is Groovy. Meghan Gocke We're all born into this world, sometimes we don't know why. Time seems to go by so fast, in the blink of any eye. So let's enjoy it while we can, won't you help me sing my song. From the dark side of the street to the bright side of the road. Sue Goldman Senior year is like a song, full of harmony and grace. Soon the day will come along when we must leave this place. ND will live on in years to become an unforgettable memory.

Jennifer Gibbons

Meghan Gocke

Susan Kerry Goldman

Catherine P. Goldstein

Robert Gorman

Matthew Govan

Joe Alfano

Cathy Goldstein I will see you on the dark side of the moon. Bob Gorman If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand m~路 words. Matt Govan Dude, take care of what you've got, because if you let it get too far, you'll lose it. That's why I'm taking care of business. John Grimes, Jr. The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. Joell Gugliemelli Dreams are the touchstones of our character. So what you dare to dream dare to try. 194

John E. Grimes Jr.

Joell M. Gugliemelli

Kristine Gusz To make it through life don't ever stop loving, dont' ever stop believing, don't ever stop dreaming your dreams because without these there's nothing. Nicole Guzzo It is better to know some of the questions, than all of the answers. Jon Haas In every action there's the potential to find the enlightenment we all seek. Lisa Hall Why not go all the way out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?

Nicole Lee Guzzo

Kristine Gusz

Jonathan P. Haas

Lisa Michelle Hall

Colleen M. Halloran

Monique C. Hamilton

Colleen Halloran Ever wonder if the animals that served as household appliances on "The Flintstones" ever dreamed of being Dino for a day? Monique Hamilton It's time for the transition T-5, T-4, T-3, T-2, T-1 Activate. I have crossed over out of the darkness into the light. Mike Hammerstone Let me put it to you this way: have you heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates MORONS. Tom Hanlon As for me, all that I know is that I know nothing.

Michael Jay Hammerstone

Thomas J. Hanlon

Paul Septak 195

Richard Chmiel


Philip J. Heinz

John M. Heitzman

Heidimarie Hess

Daria Hice

Patrick M. Hardiman

Jairam Harku, Jr.

Jerome C. Harris

Nicole J. Harrison

John Edward Houston If wishes were horses, then, this beggar would ride!!

Colleen L. Hughes Not too many people knew Colleen but nobody will ever forget "The Bean".

Tara Hunt You are never fully dressed without a smile!

Ethan Hurd No matter where you go, there you are.

Kimberly A. Hittinger

Tara Hunt

Colleen L. Hughes

Ethan Hurd

John Edward Houston

Kim Frascella

Kristine M. Hutchinson

Kristine M. Hutchinson Here's to thP songs WP usPd to sing, and hPre's to tlw tinws WP usPd to know. It's hard to hold tlwm in our arms again. and hard to let them go.

Susan E. Inverso Life movps prPtty fast. If you don't stop and take a look around oncP in a whilP, :vou might miss something.


I ..

Miroslawa Jablonski


I will walk wherE:' my own naturE:' will be lPading me. It wxes me to chose a not her guide.

I ..


Susan E. Inverso

Miroslawa Jablonski 197

Matthew T. Jacobs

Thomas M. Jacobs

Mark Joseph Janiszewski

Amy Jewusiak

Derrick Charles Jones

Heather A. Jones

Sean Kerins

Eun A. Ji 198

Patrick Johnson

Lisa M. Jones

Krista E. Kandebo

Victor W. Kara

Matt Peoples

Amanda A. Keating

Lisa Jones Time wasted is existence; used, it is life. Krista Kandebo Improvements make straight roads; but crooked roads without improvements are roads of genius. Victor Kara I'm hated by fools, and I fool to hate. Be that my motto and my fate . Amanda Keating Success is the ability to hitch your wagon to a star, while keeping your feet on the ground. Karen Kelly The most important things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Karen A. Kelly

Christine M. Kennedy

Chris Kennedy These are the times to remember because it will not last forever- These are the days to hold on to because we will not, although we want to. Sean Kerins Like a scene from an old western movie, hang him with ropes from a tree. The system's always seemed groovie, 'cept when it happens to me!! Kara C. Kiefer Follow your dreams . . take one step at a time. If you stumble, don't stop and loose sight of your goal, press on to the top. There we can see what we've done and what we are able to do.

Sean Austin Kerins

Kara C. Kiefer 199

Mary Kite Life is like a grapefruit ... Well it's sort of orangy-yellow and dimpled on the outside, wet and squidgy in the middle. and some people have half of it for breakfast.

Kim Klein Life without laughter is like a lamp without a light.

Mark Kmiec Sometimes I feel like life is like a black-tie affair and all I have in my closet are tee-shirts.

Mary E. Kite

Kimberly Klein

Connie Maxwell

Mark J. Kmiec

Marilyn J. Kobrin

Leslie Korsos Jr.

Francis J. Korzenko

Marilyn Kobrin I was always reaching. You were someone I knew. I took for granted, the friend I have in you . . The search is over. You were with me all the while. I love you guys~~

Les Korsos The wise and ethical man The Christian who's holding five aces in his hand while playing poker.

Helene Koutouzos \Vhen you are facing trouble and when you worry, you make it double, so do not worry, just be happy.

Amy Krajacic And you will find out m the end, that there really 1s no difference.

Helene K. Koutouzos 200

Amy I. Krajacic

Rob Kramarz Through the last years I've been waking up with a ringing in my head, and the only thought that crossed my mind was going back to bed. Joseph Kra wtschenko LATER. Todd Krisak I'm so bad that even my shadow has an attitude .. . And stop calling me Brian . Joanna Kuczykowski Fee, Fy, Foe, Fum. Look out world, here I come!

Robert E. Kramarz

JosephS. Kra wtschenko

E. Todd Krisak

Joanna Kuczykowski

Randi L. Kyte

Dug Young Lee

Joshua M. Leipzig

Louis Locco, III

Randi Kyte It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate, it takes guts to be gentle and kind. Love is natural and real, but not for such as you and I. Dug Young Lee Crashing is the worst part of f1ying free. Josh Leipzig Lyin' in bed watchin' Hugs Bunny is better than this anyday. Lou Locco Forget about the greener grass and just be thankful you don't live in thP desert.

Mark Povoromo


Michael Lopez

Raquel Lopez

April Lupinacci

Lee A. Mabes

Deirdre A. Martin

Joanne D. Mabes

Donald L. Maiorino

Gina Pugliese

Rebecca Martin

Lee Mabes Diamonds are forever. Don Mairino Let us not let tomorrow pass us by as fast as today. Let us make tomorrow last forever and a day. Deirdre Abele Martin All these places have their moments with their lovers and their friends. I still canorecall that some are dead and some are living. In my life I've loved them all.


Connie Maxwell It's been truly an experience and just think, we're ending at the beginning.

Peter McGillan There are two sure ways to slide easily thmugh life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways keep us from thinking.

Jeff Maziarz If you're not gonna go all the way, then don't go at all.

Fred McDonald Over, finished, out, see ya. Kathleen McGann It is only with the heart one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Chris McGuiness The moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others. Holly McKenzie Behind every success is ambition. Behind every ambition is effort. Behind every effort is someone who is willing to try. I believe if you DREAM the future takes form, believe you're halfway there, work and climb to fulfillment!

Connie Maxwell

David M. Mason

Jeffery C. Maziarz

Kathleen M. McGann

Kari Dunn, Kris Hutchinson, Kathy Plunkett

Peter J. McGillan

Christine M. McGuiness

Fredrick F. McDonald

Holly Denise McKenzie 203

Shannon MeN ally If I jump off a bridge in an attempt of suicide and live. have I failed or ha\·e I succeeded in conquering death'?

Colleen MeN amara If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there .

Joe Messineo I have one word to say to ycu. "KWITCHERBELLYAKIN".

Chris Migliaeei The trouble with you is the trouble with me. got two good e:ves but we still don't see.

Deirdre Martin


Darnell McLean

Shannon MeN ally

Colleen P. MeN amara

Joseph Messineo, Jr.

Jay Mizer

Jonathan M. Moore


I alwa~· ~ knt>w I would look hack on my tear~ and laugh. but I rwn·r thought I'd look hack on m~· laughter and cry.

Jay :\lizer How'd that go·.)



:\e\·er pia~· card~ with a man nanwd Dice. :\en•r eat at a plact> called \l tlln ·~. and :\en•r lw with a woman who~e trouhlt>~ art> wor~e than your~.

J. Christopher Migliacci 204

Julie Ann Mirelli

Christopher J. Morgan

JoAnn Moscarello

George R. Mount IV

Stephen Moyer

Chris Morgan I have become a part of all that I have met.

JoAnn Moscarello If you have tried to do something and failed. you are better off than if you have tried to do nothing and succeeded.

George Mount Two roads diverged in the woods, and 1- I took the one less traveled by. That has made all the difference.

Brian P. Mullaney

Marlene Neal

Karey Lynn Neall

Kristine J. Nemeth

Heather Jones 205

Kimberly Newell People come into our lives taking what they can get. But the ones who gave their all are the friends we will never forget. Laurie Nicolai Deep in our hearts it hurts to say good-bye to all our friends, but as long as one has memories the friendships never end. George Nikitiades No, but seriously! Margaret A. Nixon In the end the love you take is equal to the love make.

Kimberly M. Newell

Laurie Ann Nicolai

George Nikitiades

Margaret Ann Nixon

Stephen Nyzio

Rob DeJonge

John P. O'Donovan

Stephen Nyzio To ease another's heartache is to forget his own. John F. O'Donovan You can not have "every"thing- Where would you put it? Megan O'Reilly Did you ever notice that we believe more in tomorrow than we do in today? Larry Ostrowski Opinions are just like bellybuttons - everyone has them.

Megan O'Reilly 206

Lawrence E. Ostrowski, Jr.

Amanda O'Sullivan

Niccole L. Owen

Nicole Pagano

Charles Jason Paver

Brian A. Pazdan

Aric J. Pedersen

Marc Poveromo and Brian Suth

Brian Pazdan I never let my schooling interfere with my education. Aric Pedersen The person who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. Matt Peoples The secret to success is work. The secret to life is to have fun. The secret to having fun is success.

Monique L. Peloquin

Matthew L. Peoples 207

Robert B. Peppler, Jr.

Beth A. Pietrzak

Liza Perdomo

Joseph Krawtschenko

Kathleen G. Plunkett

Robert B. Peppler Jr. You can't fool all the time, hut it isn't necessary. A majority will do. Liza Perdomo Being together all these years, it's hard to say good-bye, hut when I think of what's to come, I'm really going to try. Beth A. Pietrzak I do not seek to understand in order to believe, hut I believe in order to understand.

Adrian Poux 208

Marc Poveromo

Joseph A. Procaccino

Peter Prodanov

Gina Lewis Pugliese

Julie Ann Provenzale

Cauldon Quinn

Mary Ridley

Julie Provenzale J>rpsprw路 ~: our memories because in a garage sale.

ever~;t hing

else just ends up

Gina Pugliese True friends are hard to come by. hut sometimes you get lucky and find them. and when you do, hold on to them and never let t lwm go~

~路 ou

can't laugh at

Kristy Radigan Learn to build your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too UIH'ertain for plans.

Dan Rafferty Shoot for the stars, aim for the moon. If you can't reach them use a space ship.

Kristin Reichling

Cal Quinn If

Joseph J. Quinty

~路 ourself

then make fun of other


Tom Reidy

Joe Quinty Winning is overrated, happiness is not.

Kristy L. Radigan

To know is absolutely nothing at all; to imagine is everything.

Daniel J. Rafferty

If I were a girl I would go out with me.

Kristin A. Reichling

Thomas M. Reidy 209

Steven A. Repko

Matt DeRossett

Christy Marie Robbins

Steven Repko Success is not about reality, it is all about a salary. Mary Ridley Life battles don't always go to the upper or faster hand-sooner or later you find one who wins is the one who thinks, "I CAN". Christy Robbins We think this is a world of objects but it is not, for reality is never what we think it is.

James Robinson

Megan C. Romany 210

Sean M. Rousseau

Mary M. Ridley

Felicia Scavo The only thing you can wear that's never out of style is a smile. Erica Schaeffer Those people who tell you not to take chances, they're all missing out on what life is all about. You only live once so take hold of that chance. Do not end up like others, the same song and dance!

Jennifer Marie Savelli

Denis Gallagher

Felicia Rosalia Scavo

Erica Schaeffer

Mary Jo Schlieben

Leslye Scipio

Paul S. Septak

Brian Serafin

Mary Jo Schlieben Someone once told me I laugh at the stupidest things. Little did they know I was laughing at them. Leslye Scipio It's not falling into love that makes you happy, it's what you make of love. Paul Septak Cherish your friends in school because later on down the road, they won't be there for you to hold. Brian Serafin Motivation is the key that unlocks the door to success.


Denise Serra LPft or right'? Who cares'?

Nick Sferra Do not put off today, what you can do tomorrow as well.

Chanda Sherman HPmt>mber what is the right thing. But live on what you know is tlw real thing. DO LOOK BACK~

Linda Siedlarczyk Don't stop for an~:thing, it is full of spt•ed or nothing. I am taking you down, :vou know, whatevt•r is in my way.

Nick Sferra·

Denise L. Serra

Jermaine B. Shy

Chanda M. Sherman

Linda L. Siedlarczy k

Rashida Cooper

Gabriela A. Sikorski

Gaby Sikorski So, now it is m ·er. I write it all down . No one to not ict> one less face in tlw crowd. Our t•yes an· open only when it suits us to set•. l>ear (;od, in heaven. show no mere~· to nw.

Winsome Simpson Bt>fore you can reach fort lw stars, you must find the orw that is yours.

Keith Skeba I wish I was sonwplan• ot hPr than lwrt·~

Winsome Simpson 212

Keith Stanley Skeba

Scott R. Smith

Brian A. Sopko

Michael J. Stanzione

Sara A. Stefero

Lauren Cunningham

Scott R. Smith It\ better to regret something you have done. than something have not.


Brian A. Sopko Why be normal in a strange world'?

Mike Stanzione Say good-bye to the oldies hut goodies, because the good old days WPH' not always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.

Jennifer Stevens

Richard D. Stives

Brian L. Suth

Justin P. Swierczek ~13

John C. Sylvester

Nikki F. Tempesta

Christina M. Tani

Daniel Treder

Richard M. Timlen

Marie Tullai

Jen Brennan

John Sylvester All I need are some tasty waves and my diploma ... Watch out MARGARITAVILLE here I come! Christina Tani All the world's a stage, and it's showtime! Nikki Tempesta In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. Dana Thompson If you love something set it free If it returns to you keep it If it does not return, hunt it down and kill it, Peace, Love, and Soul.


Dana A. Thompson

Tyhese Turner

Dan Treder The greatest thing you ever can do, Is trade a smile with someone who's blue. Marie F. Tullai Knowledge may give weight, but accomplishments give you luster, and many more people see than weigh. Ty hese Turner Let the congregation say Amen, Amen, and Amen.

James Tyne Know your way through life, and don't be afraid to ask for directions ... There are too many lost people out there.

Ralph Voorhees If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Beth Walton

Jason Ulrich One mocks what one does not understand.

It doesn't matter if all this shatters, nothing lasts forever, but I am praying that we are staying together.

Janelle Umali My memory is personal and finite, but my substance is boundless and infinite.

Kate Wenz I will drink life to the limit: all times I have enjoyed greatly, suffered greatly, both with those that loved me, and alone.

Kristin VanNest How can I say I'm glad it's over, when I'm not even sure when it began.

Jason L. Ulrich

James M. Tyne

Robert P. Ulrich

Kristin M. VanNest

Janelle A. Umali

Christy Barcalow

Ralph W. Voorhees, III

Elizabeth Walton

Catherine Anne Wenz 215

Peter Weremijenko To do your best, you have to try harder than you think you can.

Diane White Life is like a rose: Too fragile to mishandle, but beautiful when treated with care. To my true friends, thank you for sticking by me.

Bill Wnek Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind .

Henry Woo \Nhy do I need glasses if the board is

Pete Conboy

blurr~· '?

Peter W eremijenko

Diane E. White

William M. Wnek

Henry Woo

Nicole E. Yull

Ray R. Zado

Andrea Wright On morning \Vings, how active springs the mind. That leaves the load of yestl'rda~· far behind.

Denise Young FrieJH!ship likt· love nwans nothing hut a name, unless you hold it in ~· om !wart.

Nicole Yull lf\\'P can \valk together. then togt>tlwr rock together. Hay


can't we rock together: walk


First and last. what is demanded of genius is t hP love oft rut h.

Andrea L. Wright 216

Denise M. Young

John Zahorsky Tht> greatest thing 111 life is love The giving and sharing bet ween two people ( 'aring for and being cared for by someone If :vou\·e found you're a fool to let it go If you do not e\·en look for love you 'n• more a fool For love is tht>re for everyone if you just look for it

Farhana F. Zaidi Friends make us laugh and frown. Hut in the end it will he sho\\'n that our true friends will have tears falling from their t'\'t'S .

Greg Zak No bird soars too high, if he can not soar \Vith his own wings.

Nicole Zeis Frif'ndship rna~·. and often does, grow into love; but love can IH' \·er subsidP into friendship .

Keely Zita I am an idf'alt•st. I do not know wht•re I am going, hut I am on m~ · way.

Jermaine Caldwell

John R. Zahorsky

Farhana F. Zaidi

Gregory M. Zak

Nicole A. Zeis

Keely M. Zita

Kevin C. Zorn

Michael L. Zegarski

Chaneta Westcott 217

Alfano ations Joseph, I remember the day we brought you home. I believe the time has passed so quickly. You were special then and are very special now, the pride of our lives. We love you very much will always be there for you. Thank you for all the joy and laughter brought into our lives. May ,God bless you always. Health and and Dad Road before you be bright and clear and lead you to many years. Congratulations, you made it! Grandma Angelini lations! We love you! The years have past by so fast. You have lute joy to our lives. Our Little Girl has turned into a , beautiful, loving young lady and we are so proud of you. We success and happiness in all you do. Aim high. Remember we be here for you. and Dad and Cara Make it to the top. You have it in you and I know you can do Nana Ardery you beautiful moments, treasured memories and all the hapyou heart can hold. Mom, Dad , Beth and Vincent Baldassari have been truly blessed to have you as our son. Love is the greatest of life and that's our gift to you for today, tomorrow and forever. greatest joy in life is you. You have made our life a true pleasure. ations on your graduation. We love you very much. Never work hard and enjoy your college years. Aim high, we are so of you. May God Bless you with good health and happiness. Dad and Mom risty Barcalow language contains the superlative that would say how terrific you We love you, "to infinity". Mom and Dad ifer Barnock lations! You have worked so hard and accomplished so much. so proud of you. Our prayer for you is that you hold fast to your beliefs, ideals and dreams. May God always keep you close to His heart s you are to ours. We love you very much. ve, Mom , Dad , Georgie, Brian and Gina Doug Berger All things in life are possible. Your dreams of yesterday drive the reality of tomorrow. Dream well. Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of your academic and athletic accomplishments and we wish you continued success in ollege. ove, Uncle Craig and Aunt Joan Debbie Branham e have watched you matured into a confident, talented and beautiful oung woman, and we are so very proud that you are our daughter. ollege will present a new world of challenge for you. Meet each one never stop head-on and always remember, reach for the stars dreaming and believing!! We love you very much! Dad , Mom, Jill and Kristen Jennifer Brennan Where did these four years go? Here you are on your way to college and we are all so proud of you. Always stay the wonderful person you are and life will be filled with much happiness. We Love You! Mom, Dad, Ryan and Joanna Matthew Bucchere Congratulations! Keep up the good work. We are and always have been proud of you. You have our support always and in all ways. All our love, Mom, Dad, Lou and Jon rian Burch hanks for being you. You are very special to us. Thanks for all the aughter you brought into our lives. May all your hopes and dreams orne true. We love you and are very proud of you. .ove, Mom and Sherri onathan Burger ear Jonathan (Pudder), o our world class couch potato: Congratulations for stalling grown up responsibilities until the last second. Nonetheless, you've made it (we hope) with our persistence and Sister Joachim's prayers and proddings. We are Very proud of the fine young man you are growing into, and we know that you will be a very successful Capricorn. Love You Forever, Mom and Dad Dan Byard You deserve the best that life has to offer. Go for it. When faced with failure learn from the experience and go on and become a bigger and better person. Congratulations, sweetheart. My wish for you is that all f your dreams will be realized in your lifetime. ove, Mom eather Campbell ongratulations! You have given us so much to be proud of over the ears. We know your future will be bright and your dreams will come rue. Wishing you the best of everything. I our love, Mom , Dad, Lisa and Donna successful chapter is coming to an end, but your book lies unfinished. ay your future hopes and dreams be fulfilled as you have done • already for us. All our love, Daddy, Corinne and Chelsey You've always been a joy as a granddaughter. I've loved watching you grow up so lovely, sweet, and caring. You have always made me proud. May God always protect you and guide you. Love, Nana There are no words to tell how special you are and how much I love you. Whatever dreams you're dreaming, may each one of them come true. I'm so very proud of you. ove, Mom -Mom au) Campos-Fernandez ongratulations to a very special person. We wish this year could last a 'fetime. As it will - in our memories. Love always. Your American . "ther and brother, nand Kieran a Casamento - vod luck in college we hope you can find a career path that will ·atisfy your ambitions. We will always be here to help. ove, Mom and Dad oses are Red, iolets are Blue, y little Apple Dumpling, knew you'd pull through.



Congratulations on your graduation. May all your dreams come true. Good Luck. I love you. Love Always and Forever, Bill Cyndi Castranova Congratulations Sweetheart! I am so proud of you. May all your hopes and dreams for the future come true. I'll always be there for you. Love, Dad Richard Chmiel We are very proud of you and are here for you now and forever. May love, happiness and success be yours, may you soar to your dreams. Love You, Mom, Dad and Beth Beth Christianson We love you. Hang in there. We know you can accomplish great things! Congratulations! Love, Mom , Dad and Jim Pew, Congrats, little sister - you are the "Wind Beneath My Wings". And never forget you're a Christianson (aah! tame those eyebrows!) I Love You. Harli -Poo Nicole Collender Congratulations, Nikki. You've done a great job. We are all very proud of you. We wish you success in all that you attempt. You will certainly

r1o~~· ~d. J~~~~~~ and Fred 1

N aKiesha Cook Congratulations - Aim for the moon! But if you miss it - you'll still be with the stars! Love, Your Family Rob DeJonge You know how proud we are of the man you've come to be. You know how much we love you. God Bless you as you graduate. Always - Mom and Dad John A. DeLellis Congratulations! You gave it your best and accomplished what you set out to do. Determination and commitment, on your part, have brought you the success of graduating from high school. It is this same determination that will enable you to attain your future goals. Set your goals high and let your high school experience be the beginning of a founda tion that will enable you to accept the challenges for a successful future. We are very proud of you! Love, Dad and Mom Jessica Del Moore Dear Jess, Always know you are special. We love you and are proud of you. Be happy, have fun, enjoy life and all it has to offer. We love you very much. Mom , Dad , Erica and Andy Matthew DeRossett You made it, DeRoss! You've made lasting friends and experienced good times at ND. Treasure these memories. As you look to the future always remember that we believe in you and love you very much. Love, Mom, Dad and Will Jenne DeVeau God Bless you! We love you and congratulations! May Happiness and success be yours forever. Love Ya! Mom , Dad and Matt Dear Jenne, Best of luck in all your future plans. Congratulations and keep up the good work. We are very proud of you! All our love, Nanny and Grandpa Jenne, Best of luck in your future college days! Congratulations on your graduation! Love, Grandma and Gramdpa Jamie DiMattia A college education is a taste for knowledge, a taste for philosophy, a capacity to explore, question and perceive relationships between fields of knowledge and experience. Our dearest hope for you is that you become all that you are capable of being. Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations! I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work! Friend forever. Love, Nan Tom Dominczyk To a truly wonderful son, may you always know how much we love you and how proud we are of you- yesterday, today and tomorrow. Love to you always, Mom, John, David and Dad Congratulations! We are very proud of you. Our best wishes to you always. MeMe and Popop James Donnelly Congratulations James on a job well done. You have honored your family in many ways and we are so very proud of you. With all our love Mom & Dad, Jerry, Peter, Deirdre and Patrick Tricia Donnelly High school's over, look back with fond memories, but today's the first day of the rest of your life. On to the future! Love, Mom, Dad, Erin and Joe Megan Double Congratulations on your achievements. You have worked very hard and deserve every one of them. We are extremely proud of you. Lots of love, Mom and Dad Joyce Drake You are among the best and the brightest. We know you will be blessed with happiness, love and success. Congratulations on what you have achieved at Notre Dame. Love, Mom and Dad Bill Dubinski Congratulations on your high school graduation. As you start your journey into the real world, always remember we are here for you if you ever need us and that we are and always have been very proud of you . Love, Mom and Dad Jen Durre Congratulations, Geh! May the Lord continue to bless you, as he as us, with the gift that you are to our family. 1



Love, Mom, Dad, Cathy and Chris Kevin Dugal · Congratulations to a very special young man. We are very proud of you and always remember that whatever you do, we will always be here for you. May the Lord bless you and guide you in all your future endeavors. We love you. Love, Mom. Dad. Jason and Grandmom Kari Dunn The joy of our lives . .. God bless you always! If all you do for others is returned to you a hundredfold then your life will be filled with a sincere love, good health, overwhelming joy and calming peace. God speed, take His love and ours with you always. Love, Mommy and Daddy Dear Kari, You are the best sister in the world. When you go away to school you will be missed so much. May God protect you always. Keep all of us in you heart and prayers as we will do for you. Love, The Gang - Dawn, Elisa, Jessica, Aileen, Kelly, Suzanne, Amelia, Robert, Jenny, Kevin, Carmen, Stephen, Anthony, Timothy, Erica, Margaret, Christine, Laura, Angela and Gregory Julie Eglorr Keep your aspirations lofty, your integrity pure, and your spirit full of "Frank" humor! Love, Mom and Dad Jennifer A. Elder That-a-way-to-go, Duckie Bird! Hey, Dukes - Congratulations! We are both so proud of you and all that you've accomplished! So much still lies ahead of you. Remember, always be true to your heart, believe in yourself and our Lord, and keep our love in your heart forever!

r~~~:eM~;;e~~~o~~ous to us! Monica Erney There is only one success: To be able to spend life in your own way. Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations! We hope we make it too! Melissa and Billy Do not Dream your Experiences Experience your Dreams. In Loving Memory Grandmom Erney Elisa Farkas We're very proud of you and your accomplishments, and wish you all the happiness and success. You're a beautiful person, and we love you so very much. May all your dreams come true. Congratulations! All our love always, Mom, Dad and Matt Jeanine Fallon Congratulations! Thanks for being all that you are and may God bless you in all your future endeavors. Love Always, Mom and Dad -Mark Floyd Congratulations! We are very proud of you. May your future be a bright and happy one, and may all your dreams and hopes be fulfilled. May God bless you and His grace shine upon you. We love you. Mom and Dad Kimberly Frascella Congratulations! We are very proud of you. May all your future dreams come true in all you undertake. Love, Mom and Dad John Frederick Congratulations! We are very proud of you. Shoot for the moon. If you don't get to the moon at least you'll be among the stars. Love, Mom and Dad Denis Gallagher Congratulations! You worked hard and you deserve all the very best that life has to offer. We love you and we are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Michelle Angelina Gallo, You are the best daughter parents could pray for and receive. We are most proud of you and always will be. Thank you for all of your sincere love and loyalty to us. We know you will do excellent in whatever you choose to do. You are the Best! We love you! Mom and Dad With this phase of your life ending, you can look back with pride at your many accomplishments. You have the drive to succeed in whatever you try, and have made a good plan for the future. In the year that we have known you we have grown to love you. Our hope is that we will remain close throughout the years. Congratulations and much love, Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman The time of graduation is finally here. This is your first step towards success. You have the power to do anything you want and I will be there with you ever step of the way. I love you An, and together we can conquer the world. I will always love you, Bernie Joe Gallo Congratulations! Make us as proud tomorrow as we are today. Continue to be your own person with the morals and values you hold today and judge your success in your own terms. Love, Mom and Dad Mark Gankewicz It was a long struggle and we have had our differences but I am very proud of you and love you very much. Love, Mom Stephanie M. Gater Dear Sweetheart, Congratulations! We love you and are very proud of all your accomplishments. Your determination, dedication, and good common sense, will see you through you dreams and aspirations. Daddy and I will always be there with support, encouragement, and most of all love. (David, too!) All our love, Mom and Dad Dear Sister, Congratulations to the best sister! Glad you graduated. Good luck in college.




Love, Dave Brian Geller . Good luck and congratulations on your graduation from h1gh school. May the future bring all that you seek. We are proud to call you son! Love, Mom and Dad Tom Giampolo Remember, son, if you're a success, I'll be as happy as can be. B~t remember, too, that if you fail, you can always COf!ie to me. There s little in life we can not share, we'll share the bad t1mes, too. For my love has no conditions, son, that's what I give to you. Love you, Mom and Dad Congratulations! Just remember, if you're not the lead horse the scenery don't change much. Love, Jack and Nancy Congratulations T.J. "Just do the steps that you've been shown by everxone you've ever known, until the dance becomes your very own

L~·ve , John, Lori, Sara, and Baby Lump Jennifer Gibbons . . When you read this many years from now, let th1s remmd you of h~w much we love you and how very proud we are of you and what you will be. We love you "100". Love, Mom and Dad . I love you Jen. You are the best sister in the world. Best of luck mall of your e~deavors. Remember I love you, "a hundred", "Pinkies". Love, Felicia Susan Kerry Goldman We are all proud of the hard work you've put fort.h these past four years. You deserve a gold star. Your future looks b.nght and we kn<;>w you are headed in the right direction. Thanks for bemg such a good k1d. Love Mom, Dad, John and Joanie Catherine Goldstein . Congratulations to a terrific daughter. You are a very spec1al and talented person and deserve all the success that life has to offer. I'm ~o proud of you today and forever. You will always have a sp~c1al place m my heart. May God Bless You and grant you all your w1shes. Love, Mom (P.S. Best Friends Always!) John E. Grimes We are proud of who you are and all that you have accomplished. We know that r,ou will be all that you are called to be. We love you very, very much .! Dad and Mom Joel Guglielmelli . We love you and are very proud of all you have accomplished. We w1ll always be here to support you and you will ~I ways be in our hearts. Our wish for you and all Notre Dame Students 1~ to reach your goals. May you leave this world a better place for havmg been here. Love, Mom and Dad Dear Joell, Mom asked us to write a messa~;e for your yearbook. ~he said it should be well written, short and 1t should say somethmg. Please don't embarrass them, you or ourselves. Any inappropriate words would be out. Well that about says it all. Love, Joe, Jimmy and Jared Meghan Gocke . We love you, sweetie! You've done a great job. CongratulatiOns.1 Let your light shine! All our love, Mom and Dad Nicole Guzzo , B 1· · ·1 Congratulations! Now is the time to follow that Dream. e 1eve m 1t. And it will HAPPEN! Love always, Mom and Dad . Congratulations! We are very proud you are our Sister. Best of everything in your future. Love always, Paul and Peter Jonathan Haas Congratulations on your graduation. We are proud of your current success and have great expectations for your future success. Love, Mom and Dad, David Daniel, Nana and Poppa, Nana and Poppy Lisa Michelle Hall Congratulations Graduate! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. May the future hold every success for you. Love, Mommy and Dad Colleen Halloran . "Our Queen" Congratulations! We are so proud of you and always will be. You are our pride and joy and you make our hfe .complete. May all your dreams come true. Love you always. Your lovmg Mom and Dad XX

Michael Hammerstone Congratulations to ou! "Hamm~rstone of the Year"! at Notr~ Dame . . . with your gr&duatwn and gomg off to college, our home w1ll soon be very quiet. WP are so proud of you. May all your years .be blessed with joy ... the kind of which you have brought to our hves. Love, Mother, Dad, Lara and Jim Monique C. Hamilton . . Congratulations! We have alway~ beheved 'I! you. Remember to keep God first in your life and you w1ll never fa1l. Love always, Mom and Dad

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good things to come! We are very proud of you. Love Mom and Dad, Megan, John and Matthew Jero'me C. Harris, Jr. Jay, it was 15 years ago, but it seems like only yesterday that you began nursery school. We are very proud of you, and we love you very f!iUCh . We wish you all the success in the world, and you have our contmued support in your future plans. Congratulations and God bless you! Love, Mom and Dad . . Congratulations and may God contmue to bless you m your future attainments. Love, Nonnie and Pop-Pop Heidimarie Hess , We're all very proud.of our P~_~Bt accomplis~ments. No':" you re about to begin a new chapter m your hfe. Success will be yours 1f you work hard, as you have done. With love and pride, from Mom, Dad, Cara and Baba Dara Hice . Congratulations . We k~ow you've only begun ~ accomplish great things! You can be anythmg you want to be and were proud to be your

t~~lyAlways, Dad, Mom, Dana, Jordan and David ~~::'k~~~~o~~uch you mean to us, how proud we have always been

of you. And so it goes. And you're the only one who knows . .. how much we love you. Mom, Dad and Jim 0

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best for last. We are so proud of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. Keep the faith! We love you! Mom, Dad, Bill '77, Kathleen '78, Eileen '80, and Paul '83 Tara Hunt To Our Dear Tara . . You sparkle with life and love! CongratulatiOns, Lucy g1rl.1 May your future be all you hope for. All our love, Mom and Daddy Ethan Hurd

"The blue-bird carries the sky on his back" -Henry David Thoreau . and so do you. Love, Mom , Dad, and Big Brother Kris Hutchinson You are our love, our laughter and our life. Thanks for making this past four years the "best" years of our life. God Bless You. Love Mom and Dad Dear Kris, I'm so proud of you! No matter what you ch~se to do · be happy! Thanks for being my best sister and my best fnend . Love, Kim Susan Inverso Congratulations! Keep God in your life; re~in yo.ur special spirit, charm and kindness; stay focused and you will ach1eve your dreams and goals. Our love is always with you. Mom and Dad Mirusia Jablonski We love you so very much. Stand true and happy. So very, very proud, Mark, Mom and Dad Matt and Tom Jacobs You are our twin gift of God. Whatever path you choose, we are with you all the way. Love, Mom and Dad Mark Janeszewski Wherever you may go, Whatever you may do, Be happy and know We love you. Love, Mom and Dad Heather Jones You are so special! We wish all the best things in life for you. We love you, Mother and Dad


us so proud. Good luck in the future, and may all your dreams come true. Love, Mom, Dad, Lidia and Luke Amanda Keating Congratulations! You are a very gifted young woman. Amanda, you are a wonderful daughter, a loving sister and a good friend . May your future be filled with success and happiness. We are so proud of your academic achievements. God Bless You! Love, Mom, Dad and Kristen Dear Mandy, The first time that I saw you, I knew ~hat .YOU were destined to become a shining star. You are a very spec1al mece. Congratulations and continued success in college. Shoot for the stars! With love, Aunt Mary Jane Dear Amanda, You are a lovely young lady ..I am so proud to be your Grandmother. I wish you only the best that h.fe has to offer. Good luc~ in all of your future endeavors. CongratulatiOns and God Bless You. Love, Gramma Karen Kelly Congratulations! We love you very much and are proud of you. May all your hopes and dreams come true. Love, Mom and Dad



young lady with a wonderful future. pride in your accomplishments, continue to. work hard and Y<?U will surely achieve your goals. As always, we w1sh you much happmess and success at college. We are proud to be your parents! . · . Love, Mother and Dad Dear Kara, Congratulations on your graduation. Much success m the future. • Love, Mike Muffy Congratulations to a beautiful and very talented young lady. You'll,always be my little sister and "pooh bear", but more importantly I'm proud to say that you're also my best friend . I'll alwa;rs be th~re for you . . . I know how ha~d yo':''ve worked, so congratulatiOns, agam, enjoy your day! And best w1shes m college · I have no doubt you ll be a success! Love always, Buffy (P.S. Have fun, too!)

~~::' ~~~i~ade

us both so very proud of you. Never doubt your abilities and you will achieve whatever you set your mind to. May all of your hopes and dreams for the future be fulfi.lled. We wish you all of life's best, Kim. Good Luck and CongratulatiOns! We Love You, Mom and Dad Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck always! May your future hold nothing but good things for you. Love, Your Sister, Lisa Marilyn Kobrin You are a gift, rare and beautiful! Always sta:r as lovely as you are now. You are a blessing as a daughter and a blessmg to all those you meet. You have always brought happiness to me. God bless you and stay close to you always. May your future bring you as much joy as you have

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and the Family Lea Korsos, Jr. You're a son we have always been proud of. Always remember w.h~re you came from. May God Bless You on your adventurous and exc1tmg journey through life. We love you, Mom and Dad Frank Korzenko . "Where your pleasure is, there is your ~reasure ..Where your ~reas~~e 1s, there is your heart. Where your heart IS, there IS yo':'r ha~pmess. (St. Augustine) Congratulations! May you find much sat1sfact10n and h~p­ piness in your life. Do the best you can and meet your future w1th courage and faith in God. Love, Dad Helene Koutouzos Congratulations! Helene, you always make us so proud of you. May all your future dreams come true. You'll be the best in whatever you choose to be. All our love always, Mom and Dad . Christina, Popie and Manoli Congratulations! Helene, We know you are gomg to have a great future. Love from all in England. You're the greatest. Love, Aunt Anne, Uncle Male and family and Grandpop E. Todd Krisak · Remember! Always try your best, never settle for les~, be true to yourself, have confidence in whatever you do and you will be all that you can be and more. As you pursue your dream, be assureW . at you will always have our love and support. -~ Love you, Mom, Dad, Kevin, Greg, David and Brian Joanna Kuczykowski Congratulations! We love you very much. We hope that all your dreams and wishes come true. Go for the gold! Love, Mom and Eva Josh Leipzig You're a special person and we know you'll find your place in the sun.

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Keep "standing in the sun." Love, Mom, Dad and Francesca Louis Locco, Ill May you succeed and find ~ll you do. You have made us so very proud! With all our love, admiration and respect, . Mom, Dad, Tricia and Melissa With joy, pride, and love, I've watched you grow from b!rth to young adulthood. God really blessed us with you. CongratulatiOns!! Love, Aunt Joan April Lupinacci . . Congratulations Sweetheart! You have grown mto a beautiful young woman and we are so proud of you. You are and will always be our little "April Love". Remember April, it's your life, take the " shot". We love you! Mom , Dad, Louie, Patti and Amanda xo Deirdre A. Martin . Like your favorite "Blackbird", your moment has arnved! We are proud of you and wish you success in your quest f?r succe~s. Voje love you and wish you happiness, good health and contmued fa1th ·~ G~; " Blackbird, fly , Blackbird, fly into the light of a dark, black mght. Love, Mom and Dad David M. Mason 50 more S.A.T. points and the Mazda could have been yours! Love, Mom and Dad Connie Maxwell . . , Congratulations on anoth~r successf~l plate~u m your hfe. ~ ou ve been the pioneer of adventure m the fam1ly, makmg very fe": m1stakes. ~e love you for your efforts and accomplishments. There IS ~o doubt m our minds that you 'll go even further towards completmg greater challenges. May God ever bless you! Love, Mom and Dad John Maziarz Congratulations! We wish you the best that life has to offer and may all your dreams come true. We are very proud of you. All our love, Mom, Dad, John and Jim Kathleen McGann Congratulations Kathy! You have worked so hard and accomplished so much. During the past 17 years we have watched you grow from <;>ur " perfect child" to a beautiful young woman, always thoughtful, lovmg and full of laughter. You are a wonderful daughter and loving sister. There has never been a day when we were not proud to be your parents. God has truly blessed us. Thank you, Kathy, for m~king our lives so rich . May God bless you always and fill your heart With peace, joy and love. Love Always, Mom, Dad Margie and Mike You have given me so much happiness. May God reward you with a most happy and successful future. Love, Grandma Peter McGillan Congratulations Peter! We are all so very pr~ud of you, and hope that your future is filled with success and happmess .. You have brought much joy to our hearts and home. May God contmue to bless you. We love you, Mom, Dad, Michael and Stephanie Christine McGuiness May this be only the beginning of each of your dreams coming true. Be all that you can be and know that we all love you very much. Mom and Dad, Gramps, Patrick '85, Danny '88 and TRIXIE Holly McKenzie Congratulations Holly! We are so proud of you. You've always done your best to overcome all adversities. We're glad to haye a da.ughter like you whose endeavors are great. We pray that God w1ll contmue to shine his light upon you. Love Always, Mom and Dad . . When things go wrong, as they somet•mes w1ll, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, But don 't QUIT! Love ya! Your Sis, April Colleen McNamara Thanks for all the great memories! Stay centered center. Love, Mom and Dad Jonathan Moore . . Eighteen years of love and JOY you have g1ven to us · thank you.1 May all you dream for be within your reach. Love, Mom and Dad For the 14 years of my life - you've gotten on my nerves. Thank God you're leaving! (Only Kidding) Love, Jodi Chris Morgan Congratulations! We love you very much and are ve.ry pro•Jd of you. May success and happiness follow you all through hfe. Love, Dad and Mom Congratulations to a super brother and uncle. May all your dreams come true. Love · Kate and Joe David, Barbara and Erica Jo Ann Moscarello The special gift we prayed for 18 years ago now has gro":n into a beautiful young woman. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and especially your wonderful personality. that has touched ~o many lives. We love you very much and may God bless you and gu1de your choices for the future. Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations Jo. I'm lucky to have a great sister like you. Good luck in college, thanks for taking care of me. I'm gonna miss you lots! Love, Sammy .•

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asked for a more special son and we're so thankful we've been blessed with you. • With our love, Mom and Dad Brian Mullaney As you go forth from high school, always carry with you the knowledge that we are proud of you and will always love you. Love, Mom and Dad Kristine Nemeth

Notre Dame has shown you a whole new world, and you've shown that world you're ready for it. Set your sights high and never give up. You're very special to us. Love, Mom and Dad Kimberly Newell Follow your dreams and God will show you the way. I am very proud of you. May all that you do be blessed by God. You are very special. Love, Mom Laurie Nicolai Congratulations!! Laurie, Graduation is a time of new beginnings, new things new people and new places to go. We are very proud of you and the pe~son you have become. We wish you only happiness, love, health and success in your future. All our love, Mom Dad, Sherri, AI, Pete and Joey Margaret Ann Nixon Congratulations! All our love and best wishes for your future. May all your dreams come true. God bless you! Love, Mom, Dad, Donna and Joe John O'Donovan Congratulations! May you always be as happy as you make us. Love, Mom and Dad Niccole Owen . Nikki, You bring sunshine, that brighten our days. You have a s~1le and enthusiasm that never, ever fades. You have brought such pr!de with the things you have done, and we wi~h you the best of ev~rythmg in the years to come. No words can descnbe the warm memones, tha} you have given to Dad and me. We will love you forever and a day. Love, Mom, Dad and Ken Aric Pedersen . Congratulations, Aric! All our love and best wi~hes go w1th you. Keep "Knocking Them Dead" for the rest of your hfe. Love Ya, Mom and Dad To a great nephew and cousin. Congratulations! A job well done. Good luck in college. Love, Uncle Stan, Aunt Dee, Scott and Keith Matthew Louis Peoples Dear Matthew: We wish you a successful college career and a future full of good health, good luck, good times and good friends. Reach for the stars - you have the ability - and our love and support. We love you! Mom, Dad, Christopher, Suzanne, Bruce and Gradmon Kusek Bob Peppler Congratulations! We are proud of you for who you are. Work hard and your dreams will become realities. We love you and we are there for you when you need us. Mom and Dad Liza Perdomo Felicidades! We will always be behind you all the steps of the way. Be responsible for your own acts and never lower your standards. We are very proud of you. Love always, Mom and Dad Kathy Plunkett Congratulations! We love you and know you'll always do your best. Love, Mom and Dad Marc Poveromo Congratulations! For a job well don~ . We ?ope the next four and e_very one thereafter will equal or surpass 1t. Were proud of all your achievements and we hope you attain all your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad and Nick Julie Ann Provenzale You will always be our little girl. Use all of your talents all of the time. God has a plan for you and we know it is a good one. We are so proud of

L~~·e, Mom and Dad Sis, Congratulations!!! Love, Peter Adrian (A.J.) Poux You made "The Team", you beat "The Test", keep chasing your dreams and keep your shots on net! Love, Mom and Dad Peter Prodanov It has been tough, but you are worth it. We know you will succeed in whatever you decide to do. Good luck! Love, Mom and Tat Hang in there, kid, you'll make it to the top! Love, Mish Joey Quinty , . Pal . My right arm is 6 inches longer that my left and I d do 1t all over again · D. We couldn't have asked for more, we're so proud of you · M. Congratulations, We love you, Mom and Dad Kristy Radigan . . Yo Kris! Be yourself and make your own footprmts m the sand. We know you won't let the waves wash away the children 's castle you hope to build. We love you and wish you the very best. Love, M & D Kristin Anne Reichling Dear Kristin, Don't ever stop loving, don't ever stop believing, don't ever stop dreaming your dreams. Never stop believing in yourself. For within you there is someone special, someone wonderful and successful. No matter what you achieve, as long as you want it and it makes you happy,

6~~ h~~: :o~c~~~- is that you will be able to enjoy a li_fe of goodness, accomplishment, sensitivity and love in a world that •.s at peace. We have been proud of you from the moment of your bllth and every second since. We love you! Mom and Dad Megan Romany . . You did it! Congratulations! Keep your dreams ahve and you w1ll always do well. We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad and Erica Gabriela Ana Sikorski Gracias por ser tan buena nina nos haz dado muchos anos do dicha y felicidad . Rogamos a Dios porque esto persists por seimpre, te deseamos lo memor de Ia vida. May your ship of life always dock at ports of happiness and success. Te queremos mucho Mom and Dad Scott Smith Your sense of humor brightens our lives. Keep that smile on your face and sparkle in your eyes always. Congratulations! Much love, Mom, Dad and Mike John Sylvester Congratulations, John! We'.re so very pr~ud of you. We love you and wish you success and happmess. Go for 1t! Mom and Dad, Tom and Mary Leigh Brian Serafin Good luck in the future. Love, Mom, Dad and Kevin Chanda Sherman

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happiness, health and succe!IS· A_lways keep you~ faith s~rong and trust in God. May God hold you m H1s hands and gmde_you m your future. We loveJou and will always be there for you. W1th all our love, Mom an your brother Frankie Congratulations, you made it! We are all very, very proud of you. Keep on going, we all are with you ever step of the way. Love, Mom, Dad, Sisters and Niece Keith Skeba . , Wishing you happiness and success mall your future endeavors. Were proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad Brian Anthony Alexander Sopko . Congratulations! To our first born son, we love you and w1ll always be there for you. Maintain high goals. Be true to yourself. May God shower you with every happiness and su~cess that hfe has to offer. May everything you hope for become a reahty. . Love, Mom and Dad Congratulations! You have finally graduated h1gh school. We are all so very proud of you. We love you and are always in your corner. May you enjoy every happiness in life. . Love your siblin~s, Kevin, Nancy and M1chael, Jr. Michael Stanz1one Congratulations! We all know you've worke_d_ ha~d; We hop~ that success is just around the corner. Keep on sm1hng, 1t s a sure wmner. Love, Mom, Dad, Joe and Angela Sara A. Stefero Syrup! "Congratulations" on a job well done! The best is yet to come. Love you always, Mom and Dad Brian Suth Congratulations, Brian. You ~id it! W~ are very proud of you. College will be such fun and a learnmg experience too. Love, Mom and Dad

g~::s~~~~st~~~~:~r enthusiasm for life is matched only by y_our uncompromising values. We are proud of you and all your accomplishments. Best wishes on the attainments of your future goals. May God bless you always. All our love, admiration and support. PEACE! Mom, Dad, Ron and Lisa Nikki Tempesta . You made it. We are bursting with pride. Keep reachmg for the stars. We love you, Mom and Dad Richard Timlen . You're a quiet kid. You keep the whole house entertained, and w1thout commercials. But most of all, you're a good person. You care a?out other people and make the house a better J>lace to be. We couldn t be prouder to have you as a son. Love, Mom and Dad James Tyne We are very proud of you and all of :,;our accomplishmen~. May the blue bird of happiness eat all the bugs m your programs. W1th love and prayers for your future. Mom , Dad, Jenny, Janice and Jason Jason Ulrich Dear Jason, As you come to another crossroad in life, ~ay your feet guide you along the path of happiness; may your head gmde you along the path of success; may your heart guide you along the path of love. We wish you all this and more and we're very proud of you. Go for it "Brain Surgeon" All our love, Mom and Lisa Robert P. Ulrich May success be yours in whatever you do. "Love Ya · Kiddo" Mom and Dad Janelle Umali Janelle, Your accomplishments are bou_ntiful that ~ven a word of congratulations is not enough. You have g1ven us happmess an_d always a pride for the past seventeen years. You were bles~ed w1th great wisdom and intelligence that we hope you'll ~ontmut; to value throughout your life. Good luck and may God gu1de you m all your undertakings. Love, Dad, Mom, Joy and Jillian . . Congratulations Janelle! We are very l?roud of al_l yo~r u~uque achievements and continued success. You are mdeed an mspllatiOn to all of us. We wish you health, happiness and may all your dreams come true. Love Lola and the Clan from the Philippines Your' patience and hard work paid off. You set your goals and you achieved it. You are number 1. We're extremely proud of you. You deserve the best in life. May your future be as bnght as you are but don't forget that there are more challenges in life that lie ahead. God bless you. . Love, Ninong Rey, Aunt Nenette, A1ssa, Paolo and Red We know you have worked hard to deserve the best. Always be the best person you can and don't forget to loo~ back. Congratulations! Ninang Myr and Fam1ly Kristin Van Nest . . •Congratulations!! You did it, and well. We are so proud of you. Th1s 1s only the beginning. Aim high and go for it. God bless you! . Love, Mom, Dad, Kenn, Dot, Mom-Mom, Aunt Delores, Uncle B1ll, Billy and Pepper

~:a~ ;~t~:saki'r:ot~~r and

father proud? You! You're doing great! Keep it up! Love, Mom and Dad Nicole Zeis Congratulations! You are a very special daughter a~d we are proud of the fine young lady you've become. Much success m your future endeavors. We love you and we'll always be there for you. Love, Mom and Dad Keely Zita, To our Pooh, . Congratulations, honey. We are ~ery prou~ ?f your accomphs~ments, as you should be. Never underestimate thell Importance. They re really are no words that could ever make you realize just how ~uch you mean to us. You are a beautiful, sincere, sensitive, and carmg young woman with a great sense of humor. For seventeen years, you have brought us nothing but joy and happiness, you have been a wonderful daughter, loving sister, and caring frien~, and we are glad to be your parents. You have the ability to accomplish what you set out to do, ~o go out in the world, reach your goals, and always remember we w1ll love you. Good luck sweetheart, we love you lots. Love, Mom and Dad.

~:.h.;.ade it and I knew you would. You are the most wonderful little sister in the world and the best I could ever ask for. Not only are you my sister, but also my best ~riend . Remember, I'll always be here for you and you for me. Best w1shes and good luck at college. Love Kirstin t Keely, . d I'll · . m!ss you ~ex Congratulations sis, you are the greatest Sister an year- Who am I going to fight with? Worst yet, who will g1ve me r1des to school? Good luck in college. Love, Michael Kevin Zorn Congratulations Kev! We hope you know how proud we are of you and always have been. Work hard. in college · be the best you can be, because you can be or do anythmg you want. Reach for the stars · the world is yours for the taking! Love always, Mom and Dad Congratulations! Good luck next year wherever you go and do. Just remember Kevin: 1. Lycoming are MAC champs 2. Stay out of fights 3. Take Monty with you Love, Jenn LYCO '92

¥h:~!';d~: full of promise and excitement! With your zest for life and

strong sense of individuality, the choices will be many. But not matter where the currents take you, dearest daughter, you are already a success in our eyes and always will be! We love you! Mom and Dad Pete Weremijenko . Congratulations! We are very proud of you. You deserve the best hfe has to offer. May all your wishes and dreams come true. Lots of love, Mom, Dad, and Chrissy Diane E. White Congratulations Diane! We are so proud of you. If you are granted a small measure of all the joy, love and caring you have alw~ys bestowed on others, you will be truly blessed. May your futur~ brmg you trU:e happiness and fulfillment deserving of your warm, lovmg and enthusiastic nature. Love, Mom, Dad and John Andrea Wright Congratulations . . We are all so very proud of you. We know the future holds wonderful things for you. Love, Dad, Mom, Heather and Sean Nicole Yull You are the best, the greatest and really wonderful, especially when speed talking. Even Rebe thinks you ae okay! We are proud of you and the person you have become· your own woman, as they say. The world is now yours. Go get it. With love, Mom, Dad and Rebe Ray R. Zado . . . Congratulations Ray! Words can not express our pnde and JOY m you and your accomplishments. We know that Dad would_l;le _so proud of you too. You are special, my son. "Xour warmt~. sensitiVIty and l~ve have brought us so much joy. We w1sh you a bnght future filled w1th

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Finishing First Academically

Number Two: George Mount Number Five: Lisa Hall Number Eight: James Tyne

Number Three: John Heitzman Number Six: Beth Pietrzak Number Nine: Louis Locco

Number Four: Kari Dunn Number Seven: Ray Zado Number Ten: Meghan Gocke


Thanks For The Memories! by: Kara Kiefer

At Notre Dame, whenever a student was having trouble inside or out of the classroom, he was always willing to help. Mr. Coppola used to teach Chemistry and Physics until the end of last year. This year, prayers were said for him daily to

help him recover from his illness. U nfortunately, Mr. Coppola passed away on December 7, 1990. He was loved by many students and he loved us right back. When students learned of his illness this year, an outpouring of cards, flowers,

and cheery wishes were sent to him. The loss of any faculty member is remorseful, but he will always be remembered by his students not only in school, but in prayer also.

Even Such Is Time Even suc h is time, which takes in trust Our youth, our joys, and all we have, And pays us but with age and dust, Who in the dark and silent grave When we have wandered all our ways Shuts up the sto ry of our days. And from which earth, and grave, and dust The Lord sha ll raise me up, I tru st. h:.路 Sir Walter Haleigh

A Step Above The Rest by Meghan Gocke

That's her business!

((The past twenty nine years have been very enriching for me because I never stop learning and every day is different," said Mrs. Kaplan. Mrs. Kaplan came to Notre Dame twenty nine years ago almost on an impulse, but it definitely was no mistake. She had been teaching adult languages courses at the YMCA and Trenton Junior College ( now known as Mercer County Community College), when she came to speak to an upper level class at Notre Dame. She liked the environment and curiosity of the students, so when Father Tracy, the principal of Notre Dame at the time, asked her to teach French at Notre Dame, she said yes. Mrs. Kaplan described her background as ((a structured, education background with warm family support." Her mother was a principal of a high school in France and her father was a military man. She said her parents gave her idealism and a 236

DOING WHAT SHE DOES BEST: Mrs. Kaplan in action.

sense of righteousness at an early age. Mrs. Kaplan felt that teaching was natural for her - her mother and sister were teachers and she a had been prepared for a career in teaching. She enjoys working with young people and likes the challenge of teaching. ((I enjoy seeing young people change and mature. I love the subject matter. People used to say a language teacher is a record player, but if this is all you're going to be, you will miss a lot. More is involved that repetition. There must be a personal approach. All students are different." Mrs. Kaplan connects the French she teaches with its background of history, arts, literature, social behavior, and philosophy. She says that all of these aspects of the subject she teaches enriches the background of the student and helps the student to become stronger. Mrs. Kaplan has noticed a lot of changes in the twenty nine years she has

been teaching at Notre Dame. She says there is more freedom in the attitude of the students and more freedom at home so when they come to school they are more open and willing to discuss problems and give opinions. She also added that today's student is not as willing to work and study the way they used to but there is also a much closer relationship between the teacher and the student today. She said that years ago a student did not express himself, but now students are not afraid to speak and let the teacher know their personality. Mrs. Kaplan compared her students to a garden. They are all different, but all beautiful. ((It is a great reward to see some students bloom and transform. My main concern is not to take students as numbers but differentiate because of their uniqueness."

Thanks, ND Teachers! By Christy Barcalow Getting lost in the hallways, an avalanche of books falling everywhere, shaky hands and butterflies go hand in hand with freshmen, normally. What we rarely realize is that those symptoms can also be attributed to new teachers. The new teachers experience the same worries and humiliations as they walk into the wrong classrooms a minute after the bell rings again. One of these teachers, Mr. Tena, who teaches Physics and Chemistry, thought that probably the most startling experience of his newly acquired position was standing on the opposite side of the desk and having the class look to him

for answers. The other teachers that joined the Notre Dame family this year are Mr. Argese, Mrs. Karpick, Mr. Harbach, Mrs. Dempsey, Miss Sheridan, and Mr. Marbury. When the newcomers were asked about Notre Dame, they often remarked on the helpful nature of both the faculty and students. Also mentioned was that teaching at Notre Dame is a different experience from any other position held. One teacher said they enjoyed Notre Dame because "it is different everyday." While the academic life is the primary concern of the teachers, extracurricular

involvement has also been noted. Mrs. Karpick stated that one aspect of Notre Dame that remained surprising was that "everyone is so involved outside of class activities, both the faculty and students." So as the year ages, the Freshmen and new teachers have less difficulty reaching their planned destination, and life at Notre Dame becomes an enjoyable routine. Hands stop shaking and life moves on. All that is left is the joy of teaching. As Mr. Tena stated, "The thing I like about this job is that sometimes it makes me feel like Mr .. Wizard.

Mr. Argese

Mrs. Karpick

Mr. Harbach

Mr. Tena


Mrs. Dempsey

Ms. Sheridan

Mr. Marbury

Our Performing Arts Program

The technical aspects are important.

Cyndi Fiori makes up Rob Contento.

Mr. Gibilisco and Kesha Cook practice their song.

Denine Pappalardo discusses the plays events on the telephone.

The cast of "Grease" rehearse their scenes. Jen DeVeau struts her stuff.

The cast of "Grease" sings the closing song.

Liturgy choir sings for peace.

"The Sniffling, Sneezing, Coughing, Aching, Stuffy Head, Fever So You Can Rest Medicine'' by Beth Joyce Each student at ND appreciates different members of the faculty for different reasons. But there is one member who is appreciated very much by all the students at ND. This is Mrs. Tattory, our school nurse. Mrs. Tattory graduated from St. Michael's School of Nursing in Newark. She also went to Seton Hall and she received her school nurse certification at Trenton State. Mrs. Tattory got married while she was at Seton Hall and had four children. In 1974 she worked at St. Ann's grade school in Lawrenceville as a school nurse until 1982, when she came to ND. Mrs. Tattory says she "loves working with teens, much better than grade school kids. It's more challenging and more interesting." Mrs. Tattory's responsibilities

here at ND consist of keeping health re- part in my life." It is easy to see that Mrs. Tattory loves cords, taking care of students, whenever necessary, and keeping track of all stu- her job and enjoys being with the students that enter and leave her office. She dents. And the students love and apprecialso has the same responsibilities as the ate Mrs. Tattory. "She's always friendly teachers; she chaperones, and attends the and smiling and makes you feel good," Wednesday meetings. Mrs. Tattory has said Todd Campanella. "She always bealso been on the academic review board of lieves you when you say you're sick, she's always there for you," commented Cindy four years. When asked about what she loves the Triolo. Mrs. Kearns also commented on most about her job she said, "I love work- Mrs. Tattory. "Bern and I have been close ing one-on-one with the students instead friends, and co-workers for many years. of being in a classroom. I am constantly She is truly a caring, concerned person learning from the students." What she who will go to great lengths to help those likes the least about her job is "having to 'in need.' It is through her relentless, zany, run to the trainers room to get ice." When off-times bizarre, and wonderful sense of Mrs. Tattory was asked to say one thing to humor that she accomplishes so much." all the students at ND she said, "they're Notre Dame would not be the same withall unique and they all play an importar:t out her. Thank You Mrs. Tattory.

Left/ Mrs. Tattory lending an ear to a student. Right/ Mrs. T?ttory with her warm smile. 242

A Day In The Life Of Mrs. Palombi by Jill Walsh

((She's the central command center of the armed forces here!" says Peggy Miller, co-worker of Mrs. Irene Palombi. October 1, 1979 marked the beginning of Mrs. Palombi's dedication to the faculty and student body of Notre Dame. She works in the main office maintaining the sanity and organization of the school. Among her duties are answering questions, taking telephone calls, and doing various other jobs which need attention. Basically, anything that needs to be done, Irene is willing and more than happy to do. However, sometimes the work load can become hectic. The constant ringing of the telephones and probing questions may seem an unwelcome irritation to some, but to Irene it's just another day on the job. Before coming to Notre Dame, Irene 路 gained experience working for other educational institutions. While living in Florida, she worked as a bookkeeper at a

vocational school for the year that she lived there. After moving to New Jersey she became involved in the Lawrence Township school system employed as a math aid. Then she came to Notre Dame. She says that the aspect of her job that she enjoys most is being around people. ((99.5% of the people are great," claims Irene. Mrs. Palombi feels that she must maintain a pleasant disposition and a helpful attitude at all times, however trying it might become. These attributes kindly reflect the spirit and values of the school. ((I give people the same courtesy I expect them to give to me," she explains. All she asks for in return is a simple ccthank you." Though most of her experiences at Notre Dame are fondly remembered, Irene now finds humor in the day she inadvertently created chaos throughout the school. ((This happened when Father Hughes was still principal; It was fresh-

men orientation. At that time, the bells used for changing classes were controlled manually. It was my job to signal the conclusion of each period. I forgot to ring the bells and the confusion that resulted was unforgettable." To avoid a similar occurrence, Irene now relies on her trustworthy cake timer. Irene is happily married and the proud parent of six sons. She enjoys spending time with her ten grandchildren. Her large family also includes four daughtersin-law and ccone husband," Irene adds jokingly. Perhaps it is her great success as a parent that lends to her ability to empathize with the many other parents that speak to her every day. The service and time that Irene Palombi provides to Notre Dame have proved to be invaluable. We give you our sincerest thanks, Mrs. Palombi, for a job well done and we hope you'll choose to stay at Notre Dame for years to come.

Left/ Mrs. Palombi mans the phones at the central command center. Right/ Mrs. Palombi and Mrs. Dziura share a happy and quiet moment at the typewriter. 243

Ellie Ancrum, Carl Anderson, Roberta Anderson, Fa- ! ther Dennis, John Archer, Vince Ardery, David Argese, Micky Acquilino, Bob Austin, Bernie Boyle, Kymberlee I Bruschini, Bob Bugdal, Jo Burzachiello, Julie Campo Donna Cardaneo, Mike Carr, Kathy Cevera, Anne I Clarke, Jane Confoy, Gary Dambro, Mike Dennehy, Tri- 1 cia Dempsey, Mary Depuglio, Chris Diiorio, Jane Dziura, Lynn Eich Horn, Frank Gatto, Denise GauvinTharney, Sheila Gavin, Terry Giampetro, Lou Gibilisco, 1 Pam Grissinger, John Grussler, Richard Gusciora, Chris ' Harbach, Sister Mary Harold, Marybeth Hardiman, Karen Henkel, Mary Ann Hoch, Fred Hochschild, Mary Liz Ivins, Bill James, Pat Jingoli, Sister Mary Joachim, Sister Marie Jose, Christiane Kaplan, Sharon Karpick, Beverly Kerns, Pat Kerins, Maureen Kelly, Bev Klek, Sandy Koschek, Sue Krempasky, Gloriann Kyte, Eileen

Lang, Pat Leonie, Abe Levin, Mary Ann Liptak, Harriet Lloyd, Donna Lynch, Peggy Lynch , Barb Major, Lenn Marbury, Cynthia Marchant, Mary Lyn Martin, Jean McGraw, Donna Mcinerney, Teddy Meagher, Dave Milinowicz, Peggy Miller, Chappy Moore, Elsie Moore, Larry Mulligan, Sister Josita O'Hara, Dot Olech, Denine Pappalardo, Mike Perone, Linda Regan, George Riether, Darren Rhym , Brenda Riley, Bill Romano, Lou Rotondo, Peggy Rovello, Judy Salcewicz, Greg Schafer, Paul Schrimer, Steve Schultze, Catherine Sewnig, Tim Sewnig, Dale Sheridan, John Simone, Sandy Stewart, Karen Swieconek, Lorraine Tanalski , Bernice Tattory, Len Tena, Diane Wargo, Bob Wood , Linda Wright, Joe Wroblewski , Peggy Wroblewski, Linda Wyers, Bernice Zahorsky


Baker, Patrick 168 Bakun, Deborah 34, 168, 79, 73 Baldassari, Paul 61, 184 Balerna, Kris 168 Balik, Micaelle 41, 156, 79, 70 Abaid, Michael 111, 168 Ballarotto, Tiffanni Dawn 137, 156, Abitabilo, Jeff 144 74 Adams, Lori 168 Banfield, Mary Elizabeth 156 Agabiti, Maria Angela 156 Barbosa, Nicholas III 77, 156 Alexander, Kenyon Barcalow, Christine 37, 41, 60, 72, Alfano, Joseph 61, 184, 194 184, 215 Alfano, Melissa 144, 155 Barcarola, Susan Marie 168 Ali, Ahmad Ibn 168 Barna, Susan R. 74, 144 Alia, Kristen 44, 168, 68, 138 Barnock, Jennifer 37, 60, 103, 137, Alicea, Elvis 168 184, 72 Altiere, Julie Ann 137, 156, 79, 70 Barnwell, Niakia 25, 77, 156 Amari, Michele 18, 117, 156 Bartram, Michael 79, 130, 156 Amatucci, Mark 137, 156 Battista, Sammy 134, 156 Amico, Jennifer 144 Baxter, Eric 137, 156 Ancrum, Ellieen 45, 234 Baylog, Jeffrey 168 Andrako, Amy 18, 168, 69 Beihl, Shawn 168 Anderson, Carl 90, 91, 234 Bellardo, Angela 168 Anderson, Roberta 234 Belz, John Robert 137, 168 Andrews, Calista 168 Bendas, Adam 168 Angelini, Cara 168 Bendas, Daniel S. 144, 149, 154 Angelini, Leah 60, 184 Bender, Jason 144, 155 Angelucci, Henry Jr. 168 Benjamin, Jamar 184 Angyal, Margaret 144 Bentz, Bridget 68, 168, 72, 77 Apoldite, Dennis 6, 7, 44, 95, 233 Berger, James Douglas 185, 192, Appio, Matthew 182, 184, 224 219 Applegate, Jeremy 144, 154 Bernhard, Karen 144, 155 Aquilino, Michele 241 Bernhard; Stacey 144, 155 Arcamone, Joey 144 Bersch, Michele 168 Archer, John 234 Bertan, James 130, 156 Ardery, Kelly 55, 61, 131, 132, 184, Beym, Jonathan 136, 137, 102, 168 219, 73, 72 Binder, Brian 74, 144, 154 Ardery, Vincent 9, 233 Bires, Joseph 102, 137, 168 Ardery, Vincent 156, 130 Biruk, Brendan 136, 137, 168 Arfsten, Derek 144 Biruk, Chad 123, 156 Argese, David 234, 238 Blackburn, Kelly Lynn 144, 155 Argumedes, Sandra 156 Blake, Katrina D. 103, 156 Armenti, Salvatrice 144, 154, 79 Bochiaro, John 135, 156 Augustin, William R. 144 Bodnar, Jillanne 156 Austin, Robert 241 Bogda, Melissa 144, 79 Azouki, Kathy 144 Bolster, David Richard 168 Azzaro, Diana Maria 73, 144 Bonanni, Jamie L. 109, 156 Bonanno, Theresa C. 144 Boswell, Amber Boucher, Joshua T. 144, 155 Bacso, Paula Helen 117, 131, 132, Bovasso, Stephanie 144 Boyle, Bernard 52, 234 156 Bozowski, Anthony 144, 154 Baker, Alan E. 156 Brachelli, Michael 185 Baker, Joseph J. 144, 154



Bradburn, Briget 156 Bradburn, Erin 137, 144 Brandbergh, Susan 185 Branham, Debra Ann 5, 11, 37, 41, 60, 106, 182, 185, 79, 73 Branham, Kristen Lynn 70, 109, 156, 167 Breining, Christopher 44, 86, 168, 170, 173, 177 Brelsford, Warren Jr. 156 Brennan, Aileen M. 144 Brennan, Hope 168 Brennan, Jennifer 11, 37, 39, 41, 60, 183, 185, 214, 221, 79, 73, 72, 70, 77 Brennan, John 156 Brennan, Ryan 102, 137, 156 Brenner, Christopher 144 Brenner, David 168, 69 Breza, Chris 144, 154 Brilliantine, Barbara 18, 70, 156 Broach, Jared 77, 130, 144, 154 Broach, Raymond 77, 168 Brophy, L. John III 156 Brower, Cynthia 45, 168 Brown, Katherine 97, 144 Brown, Katrina 168 Brown, Michael 185 Brown, Tanya N. 156 Bruce, Dana 51, 123, 185, 78 Brunetti, Allison 144, 166, 155 Brunner, Neil 168 Bucchere, Jonathan 144, 154 Bucchere, Matthew 111, 112, 185, 155 Buckley, Phillip 168 Bucon, Adam 135, 156 Budd, Ian 144, 155 Bugdal, Jacqueline 70, 106, 156 Bugdal, Robert 234 Bugter, J. Jason 168 Burch, Brian K. 186 Burger, Jonathan Jody 186 Burke, Ryan 144 Burkholtz, Michael A. 186, 69, 68, 72 Burnett, Jennifer Leigh 156 Burnett, Mark David 144 Burns, Patrick 123, 186 Burroughs, Justin 110, 111, 112, 168 Burrowes, Sophia Renee 42, 55, 69, 186, 68, 70, 72



Burzachiello, Ann Marie 144, 155 Burzachiello, Josephine 234 Bush, Tammy 168 Butera, Melissa Ann 156 Butler, Elizabeth A. 74, 156 Buttaci, Vincent 156 Byard, Daniel 60, 123, 186, 192 Byers, Jason M. 144 Byrne, Thomas M. 186


Cachola, Theodore 168 Caldwell, Jermaine 60, 136, 186, 217 Calianese, Jennifer 168 Callaghan, Kevin M. 77, 144, 149, 154 Callan, Alyson 114, 156 Camilleri, Mark A. 123, 187 Campana, Christine 144 Campanella, Todd 168 Campbell, Heather 37, 60, 187, 73, 68, 70, 77 Campbell, Leigh 103, 168 Campbell, Stephen 168 Campo, Julie 234 Campos-Fernandez, Raul 187, 137, 224 Caperna, Julie Lynn 144 Caperna, Katie 168 Carabelli, Anthony P. Jr. 144 Carabelli, Vanessa Ann 79, 168, 72 Cardaneo, Donna 31, 234 Carmichael, Leonard 134, 144 Carr, Michael 52, 233 Carroll, Allison 187 Carroll, Susan 156 Cartlidge, Brendan 156 Caruso, Todd M. 31, 156 Casamento, Tara Lynn 60, 187 Casimates, John 156 Castagna, Christine Marie 72, 168 Castelize, James V. III 135, 156 Castranova, Cynthia 187 Cattani, Melissa 156 Cefalone, Melissa 24, 156, 166, 70, 72 Celentana, Michael 70, 144, 149, 155 Celentano, Leigh 70, 144, 154 Cereste, Vincent 156 Cevera, George 156


Cevera, Kathleen 52, 233 Chambers, Choresse 144 Chambers, Odweda 60, 187 Chapman, Craig 144 Chebra, Kristin 19, 20, 21, 156 Chebra, Nicole M. 20, 21, 156 Cherny, Amber 20, 21, 168 Cheston, Drew Collins 145, 154 Chiarchiaro, Christina 157 Chiarchiaro, Melissa 70, 145, 155 Chiatti, Alicia Marie 157 Chmiel, Mark 45 Chmiel, Richard S. 60, 187, 196, 221 Choquette, Danielle 145, 149, 154 Choquette, Deborah R. 157 Christianson, Beth S. 31, 60, 188 Chrnelich, Amy 114, 145 Chrnelich, Benjamin 68, 111, 168 Chrysoulakis, Angelo 123, 168 Cimino, John 70, 157 Cintron, Marisol 70, 145 Ciosek, Theodore Jason 157 Cipriano, Ashley M. 145. Cipullo, Joanne 157 Cirillo, Renee 109, 157 Clark, Anne 234 Clausen, Susanne 145 Clos, Thomas 188 Cody, Theresa 70, 117, 157 Coe, Adrienne Marie 168 Coelho, Sohail 145 Cole, Jennifer Noel 31, 157 Coley, Jill 73, 169, 72 Callender, Frederick W. 157 Callender, Nicole A. 188 Collins, Raymond 77, 145 Colon, Jennifer 145, 155 Coluccio, Douglas 169 Coluccio, Kristina 138, 169 Comer, Daniel C. 157 Conboy, Peter G. 61, 118, 137, 188, 216 Conboy, Sarah 41, 103, 137, 157 Confoy, Jane 234 Connolly, Christin 20, 21, 61, 188, 72 Connolly, Ryan 97, 145, 154 Conroy, Michael James 146 Constance, Bernadette 146, 78, 79 Contento, Robert 157 Conway, Edward 157 Cook, Nakiesha 31, 60, 146, 188, 240 Cook, Michele 33

Cooper, Rash ida Z. Cooper, Ronald Douglas 124, 125, 79 Cooper, Tracey L. 154 Corban, Jennifer Corboy, Kelly 68 Corcoran, Chris 77 Council, N akia Cox, Sean 124, 125, 69 Crammer, Janeen 59 Crane, Bridget 138 Crawford, Tracey Anne 19, 69, 79 Cristofoletti, Kerry 131, 132, 157, 70 Crivelli, Louis 24, 77, 158 Cseh, Christine 70, 158 Cubberley, Jennifer Marie 72, 158 Cunningham, Lauren J. 5, 60, 189, 213, 72 Cutchineal, Amy 169, 193, 68 Cutchineal, Cara 156 Cyms, Heather Elizabeth 20, 21, 70, 158 Czabafy, J eno C. 4, 158 Czako, Michael 158 Czarnik, Victoria 20, 21, 158, 167 Czyzyk, Christa 146 Czyzyk, Jill 34, 169

---Z'--D'Angelo, Koren 117, 158, 70 Daily, Patrick 111, 189 Dambro, Gary 125, 234 Danberry, Christi N. 70, 158 Dane, Jason 158 Daumer, Kathleen 146 David, Michael 146, 154 David, William 146, 154 Davies, Erin C. 104, 189, 224 Davies, Michael 159 Davino, Seth 146 Davis, Adrian 50, 169 Davis, Nicole Marie 97, 117, 146 Dawson, Jill 154 Dawson, Susan 146 De Gaglia, Michael 159 De J onge, Daniel J. 159 De Maio, Nicholas S. 70, 77, 137, 159 Decello, James 159, 78 Decker, Johanna 14 7


DeJonge, Michael 147, 154 DeJonge, Robert J. 189 Del Moore, Jessica 39, 60, 183, 189 DeLellis, John 189 DelMoore, Erica 147 DelPrado, Roger 70, 159 DeMarco, Donna 169, 72 Dempsey, Patricia 234, 238 Demski, Dorian 159 Dennehy, Michael 125, 234 Dennis, Lisa 147 DePuglio, Mary 234 Derossett, Matthew B. 36, 59, 60, 189, 210 DeSandre, Kathleen 147 DeSandre, Kimberly Ruth 60, 190, 79, 72 DesFosse, Jane 150, 166 DeVeau, Jennifer L. 31, 61, 199, 223, 240 Deverell, Michelle 147 Dey, William P. 190 Dilorio, Christine 234 Di Nola, Joanne 70, 159 DiBenedetto, David 169 DiFalco, Patricia 159 DiLiberto, Christina 106, 159, 78, 79, 70, 72 DiMattia, James A. 26, 27, 60, 190, 219, 222, 68 DiN a tale, Jennifer 159 Dingman, Jessica 190 Dominczyk, John R. 96, 155 Dominczyk, Thomas R. 60, 102, 136, 137, 147, 190, 218, 220, 224, 68 Dominguez, Karen E. 31, 159 Donnelly, James V. 50, 61, 102, 103, 136, 137' 190 Donnelly, Tricia C. 38, 60, 190, 72, 74, 70 Donofrio, Frank 70, 159 Double, Aaron G. 137, 159 Double, Megan R. 29, 60, 191, 68, 74 Dougherty, Brendan 130, 159 Downing, Aronya N. 77, 147 Drake, Joyce M. 37, 61, 69, 103, 137, 191, 68 Drapala, Christine 147 Dubinski, William A. III 191 Dubow, Gregg Anthony 159 Dudley, Nicole 147 Duff, Brendan 124, 125, 169, 170

Duffe, Jennifer A. 61, 191 Duffy, Francis T. 147 Dugal, Jason 159 Dugal, Kevin 60, 102, 136, 191 Dugas, Laryssa 14 7 Dunn, Kari A. 4, 60, 191, 203, 221, 79, 68, 72, 138, 229 Dunn, Kelly Lynne 170, 79, 69 Dunne, Kevin 147, 155 Durham, Tracy 159 Dutwin, Wendy A. 68, 191 Dzbenski, Wendy 147, 155 Dzialo, Scott R. 159 Dziura, Jane 241, 243

Fava, Chris 79, 72, 70, 159 Fede, Matthew 159 Fell, Amy M. 70, 159, 117 Fennimore, Duane 170 Fernbach, Lisa M. 78, 68, 72, 70, 192, 82 Ferraro, Jeffrey Thomas 154, 147, 97 Ferris, Tori Ann 170 Fiandaca, Tara 32, 159, 114, 115 Fiasco, Ralph Jr. 147 Fields, Esther Fiori, Cynthia H. 72, 74, 79, 27, 159 Fitzgerald, Shannon 44, 79, 73, 170 Fitzgibbon, Lyric 70, 159, 106 Fitzgibbon, Rebecca Fitzpatrick, Kenneth 70, 77 Fitzpatrick, Theresa E. 159 Eardley, Lori 109, 170, 69 Fiumenero, Alasia 155, 147 Egloff, Julie Lynn 61, 86, 87, 182, Flanner, Meghan 72, 147 191, 220, 73, 68 Flood, Brighid 155, 147 Egloff, Katherine 14 7 Floyd, Mark F. 124, 192 Eichorn, Lynn 234 Foley, Jerome 170 Eigenbauer, Donald 137, 170 Fontana, Tina 147 Eigenbauer, Robert 147, 154 Foster, Mary Elizabeth 70, 159, 117 Eitzen, Chery L. 159 Fowler, Jason A. 159 Elder, Jennifer A. 50, 60, 74, 103, Francisco, Richard 147, 102 192 Franzoni, Alysia L. 147 Ellsworth, Jennifer 159, 79, 72 Frascella, Kim M. 73, 68, 72, 138, Elrashedy, Maggie 147 26, 27' 29, 37' 38, 192, 197' 60 Emde, Edward 27, 159 Frascella, Kristine Anne 59, 69, Ercolano, Elisa 170 138, 171 Erney, Monica 60, 192 Frederick, Jermaine J. 159 Estrella, Joanna 14 7 Frederick, John A. 18, 193 Evanko, Joseph B. 192 Freeman, Andrea 72, 74, 147 Fregans, Jonathan 159 French, Jennifer 72, 79, 170 French, Neil Thomas 154, 147 Fallon, Jeanine M. 192, 224, 69, 68 Fresne, Angela 159 Famoso, Melissa A. 24, 109, 159, Furda, Melony S. 159 166, 70, 72 Fanelli, Christine 35, 114, 170, 17 4 Fanikos, Asteris 124, 125, 159 Fanning, Frank 102, 137, 170 Gaffney, Nicole 45, 171, 106, 177 Fanning, Michael P. 159 Gallagher, Denis John 51, 93, 211, Farina, Vincent 147 111 Farkas, Arthur 147, 154 Gallo, Angelina 72, 27, 37, 193, 60, Farkas, Elisa M. 104, 192 87 Farkas, Lesley 39, 60, 104, 170 Gallo, Joseph J. 193, 61 Farrell, Manoly 147 Gallucci, Kristina 70, 159, 167 Farrior, Elandra 77, 131, 132, 159 Galvan, Silveria 72, 25, 147 Farrior, Kelley 45, 138, 170, 177 Gankiewicz, Mark 193 Fato, Melissa 147 Gappa, Steven 171






Garcia, Angelica 159 Garcia, Marvin 78, 170 Garrett, Erica 70, 159 Gater, David 137, 159, 102 Gater, Stephanie M. 19, 74, 29, 193, 60, 38 Gatto, Frank 234, 59 Gauvin-Tharney, Denise 234 Gavin, Sheila 44, 235 Gawroski, Donna 171 Gaynor, Kristine 34, 171 Geller, Brian S. 68, 193 Gerepka, Jason 147 Giampolo, Teresa 235 Giampolo, Thomas J. 193, 61 Gibbons, Jennifer 73, 194, 60 Giblisco, Louis 240, 235 Giersch, Rebecca 79, 73, 171 Giglio, Christine 79, 34, 171 Giglio, Eileen 72, 171 Gilbert, Martin L. 159 Gilbert, Donald 154, 147 Gilli, Justin 171 Glahn, Amy 159 Glikas, J. Michael 154, 147 Glover, Nicole 147 Gocke, Meghan 68, 70, 11, 60, 229, 183, 187' 194 Goeke, Alison 132, 171, 106 Goertz, William John 159 Gojaniuk, Christopher 70, 147 Golab, Mark 147 Golden, Sean Martin 159 Goldman, Susan Kerry 5, 31, 224, 194, 60 Goldstein, Catherine P. 194 Gominiak, Beth 70, 77, 147 Gominiak, Robert 68, 72, 77, 147 Gonzalez, Peter 147 Gonzalez, Roberto 160 Goodrich, Christopher G. 160 Gorczyca, Anna 147 Gore, Amy Lynn 147 Gorman, David 171 Gorman, Robert 194, 61 Govan, Matthew 122, 123, 194 Grady, Shante M. 77, 137, 160 Grasso, Debra M. 160 Gray, Victoria Ann 147 Graziani, Michael 147, 160 Graziani, William A. Graziano, Gia 74, 147 Greco, Christina 72, 171

Grecsek, Chad 148 Gregory, Kelly 45, 69, 73, 72, 171 Gresko, Michael D. 148 Grilli, Danielle 155, 79, 72, 148 Grillo, Nicole 148 Grimes, John E. Jr. 77, 218, 224, 194, 95 Grissinger, Pamela 235 Grodzickyj, Nicky 171 Gruska, David 160 Grussler, John 235 Gryziewicz, Robin Ann 148 Guarini, Richard E. 160 Guarno, Matthew 74, 137, 171 Guglielmelli, J oell M. 68, 72, 77, 194, 60, 86, 87 Guglielmo, Michael 160, 134 Guhl, Meredith 160 Guido, Christine 134, 171, 104, 105 Guido, Michael 148 Guiry, Lynn 74, 148 Gulyas, Michael 160 Gunson, Christine 70, 160, 114 Gusciora, Richard 235 Gusz, Kristine 195 Gutierrez, Edward 160 Gutierrez, Jason 171 Guzman, Jason 171 Guzzo, Nicole Lee 72, 31, 37, 195, 61

Harkness, Megan Elizabet 160 Harku, Jairam Jr. 196 Harold, Sister Mary 233 Harris, Armond J. 154, 148 Harris, Jerome C. 196 Harris, Keith Obreen 160 Harris, Stacy K. 155, 148 Harrison, Nicole 131, 132, 196, 60 Hartmann, Kelly 149, 155, 148 Hartpence, Rebecca 72, 171 Hayman, Megan 33, 160, 117 Hedgepeth, Sarah 45, 171, 106 Heenan, Holly 34, 171 Heinz, Bridget Lea 160 Heinz, Laura Heinz, Philip J. 221, 196 Heitzman, Christopher 137, 170, 171, 102 Heitzman, John M. 68, 77, 137, 229, 4, 223, 60, 196 Henkel, Karen 235 Hess, Catherine 70, 160, 104, 105 Hess, Heidimarie 73, 20, 21, 196, 61 Hewitson, Scott Josephy 148 Hice, Daria 78, 73, 196, 161, 55, 42 Hill, Carl 148 Hiner, Christina 70, 24, 160 Hittinger, Kimberly A. 70, 72, 5, 22, 27, 61, 197 Hoch, Mary Ann 241 Hochschild, Fred 235 ---~--Hodnicki, Christopher 148 Haas, David M. Hogan, James 74, 171 Haas, Jonathan P. 160, 195 Hogg, Michele 148, 117 Hackett, Michael P. 154, 155, 148 Hoopes, Cristin M. 148, 114 Haenni, Matthew 74, 171 Hoover, Carol Ann 148, 97 Hairston, Anastasia D. 77, 160 Houston, John Edward 122, 123, Hall, Lisa Michelle 69, 74, 29, 229, 197, 61 195, 60 Hritz, Carrie Ann 74, 160 Halloran, Colleen M. 137, 79, 73, Hudson, Garth 171 Hughes, Colleen L. 27, 60, 40, 197, 72, 5, 37' 183, 195, 60, 106 Hamilton, Monique C. 195 114 Hughes, Jeffrey W. 154, 148 Hamilton, Parnell 160 Hamilton, Tonya 183, 195, 60 Hunt, Tara 5, 31, 37, 222, 223, 30, Hammerstone, Michael Jay 182 Haney, Kristen A. 148 Hurd, Ethan 74, 78, 20, 21, 197, 60, Hand, Brian 171 50 Hand, Jennifer 155, 148 Hutchinson, G. Anthony 20, 160, Hanlon, Thomas J. 195, 61, 51 21 Harback, Christopher 235, 238 Hutchinson, Kristine M. 73, 39, 197, 203, 60 Hardiman, Patrick M. 196 Hardiman, Mary Beth 235 Harding, Kyle Robert 154, 148


---1--Iannaci, Ann Marie 72, 171, 54 Iannaci, Catherine A. 148 Iannaci, Salvatore A. 154, 148 Immordino, Amy 148 Inverso, Anthony 41, 77, 130, 158, 160 Inverso, Susan E. 68, 72, 74, 77, 22, 197, 60 Isme, Geraldine 148 Iszard, Jonathan 155, 148


Kaczorowski, Chuck 221 Kaczorowski; Michael 70, 77, 154, 148 Kadlec, Kerrie 160 Kafer, Michelle 34, 171, 174, 114 Kakstis, Alison Marie 137, 70, 79, 160, 109 Kaluza, Jason 148 Kandebo, Krista E. 79, 104, 99, 60 Kane, Jacqueline Jean 155, 148, 97 Kaplan, Christiane 236, 235 Kara, Victor W. 77, 137, 50, 223, 199, 60 Kara, Lidia 72, 171 Karpick, Sharon 235, 238 Jablonski, Mark G. 72, 160 Jablonski, Miroslawa 68, 72, 77, Kasprzak, Matthew N. 78, 160 Kauffman, Kimberly 154, 155, 148 197, 61 Todd 77, 170, 171, 22 Kauffman, Jackowski, Brian 171 Kean, Christine Ann 72, 154, 148 Jacobs, Matthew T. 198, 61 Kean, Leea 79, 73, 68, 72, 171 Jacobs, Thomas M. 29, 198, 61 Kearns, Beverly 235 James, Bill 59, 171 Amanda A. 72, 11, 37, 182, Keating, James, Andrew 192, 199, 61 James, William 235 Keehn, Susan 171 Jancola, Amber 72, 50, 171 Keiling, David 72, 171 Janiszewski, Mark Joseph 198 Keiling, Meghan A. 79, 70, 160 J asnosz, Michael 148 Kekesi, Richie 123, 171 Jean-Louis, Glenda 19, 160 Jewusiak, Amy 70, 72, 78, 198, 55, Keller, Thomas V. 154, 148 Kelley, Jenpifer 160 86, 87, 42 Kelley, Kristin 68, 73, 114 Ji, Eun A. 31, 198, 61 Kelly, Jennifer 34, 39, 171, 174 Jingoli, Patricia 241 Kelly, Karen A. 199 Joachim, Sister Mary 235 Kelly, Maureen 235 Johannes, Celeste 148 Kelsey, Kareem 130, 160 Johannes, Kimberly 148 Kempisty, Christopher 160 Johnson, Kathy Ann 160, 167 Johnson, Lisa 68, 70, 72, 171, 20, 21 Kennedy, Christine M. 73, 79, 5, 37, 182, 199, 61, 107 Johnson, Matthew A. 148 Kennedy, Laurie 70, 148, 114 Johnson, Patrick 198 Kenworthy, Sammy Jones, Angel 77, 148 Kerins, Brian F. 160 Jones, Derrick Charles 198 Kerins, Patricia 241 Jones, Heather A. 198, 205, 60 Kerins, Sean Austin 198, 199, 60 Jones, Lisa M. 199 Kerwick, Kelly 171 Jones, Shawn R. 154, 148 Kiefer, Kara C. 68, 22, 218, 193, 199, Jose, Sister Marie 235 60 Joyce, Elizabeth 34, 171, 174 Kinelski, Rebecca 160 Jung, Jennifer 160, 114, 115 Kite, Mary E. 68, 77, 79, 188, 200, Jung, Karl 148 60 Jurgens, Michelle Ayn 68, 79, 148 Klein, Kimberly 200, 61 Klein, Lisa Marie 148, 114 Klek, Beverly 241



Klotz, Erik 171 Klotz, Kristian 160 Kmiec, Mark J. 73, 123,50, 200, 111 Knott, Brian 160 Knox, Courtney 148 Kobrin, Marilyn J. 79, 72, 74, 70, 77' 5, 29, 200, 60 Kondash, Dona 155, 148 Kontoyannis, Catherine 171 Kopen, Michele L. 70, 160, 166 Kopera, Ed ward 171 Korsos, Leslie Jr. 73, 200, 60, 111 Korzenko, Francis J. 200 Koschek, Sandy 8, 52, 115, 235 Koutouzos, Helene K. 79, 160 Koutouzos, Kaliopie 70, 72, 200 Krajacic, Amy I. 72, 5, 193, 200, 60 Krajacic, Karen A. 160 Kramarz, Robert E. 201 Kraun, Alexandra 134, 160 Krawtschenko, Joseph S. 201, 208 Krempasky, Susan 235 Krisak, E. Todd 40, 6, 201, 61, 111 Krollman, Rebecca 45, 138, 172 Kubick, Allison 137, 160 Kuczykowski, Joanna 201, 60 Kuebler, Michael Patrick 155, 148 Kuhlman, Meredith Ann 160 Kunst, Michael 69, 172 Kurisko, Robert 148 Kurisko, Steven James 72, 79 Kurst, Jessica 45, 79, 73, 72, 172 Kyte, Amy L. 148 Kyte, G lorianne 235 Kyte, Randi L. 78, 73, 68, 201

~-Lampkin, Eric 154, 148 Lang, Eileen 237 Laperriere, Daniel 78, 72, 77, 161 Larraga, May Ann 72, 161 Larsson, Denise M. 72, 149 Lassiter, Alicia 149 Latini, Joseph John 137, 59, 24, 98, 158, 161 Lauandos, Nancee Margare 149 Lauandos, Nicole 172 Laurinaitis, Mark 103, 172 Laurion, Jean-Thierry 149 Lawrence, Susan D. 149 Layton, Brandi N. 149, 155 Lech, Joseph S. 161

We Just Did It! by Catherine Wenz Well, we did it again. Another yearbook has been completed, another ND memory made tangible- end of story. Thanks to our staff, who were so enthusiastic and cooperative this year, we were able to get this issue of the Canticle to its final stage. There were times, I must admit, when Ms. Wargo and we editors wondered if it would ever be finished. Heaven knows, we cut our deadlines close sometimes, but somehow we always managed to get everything to Mr. Ball (our wonderful Jostens representative), even if it was a wee-bit late. As I am writing this article, the snap of the typewriters is filtering through the door and into the darkroom. I think that this will be my last deadline, and I am a bit sad. No more hectic excitement over deadline weekends, or frantic Mondays missing classes to finish incomplete layouts. And although Janelle, Jen, Meghan, Matt and I will most likely be a bit more collected and less stressed from now on, no doubt we will dream sadistic dreams of being in the Canticle office (or in Matt's case, the darkroom), working until we drop to put together next year's yearbook. This was the first year that the Canticle chose five editors: me (Kate Wenz), Jen Brennan, Janelle Umali, and Meghan Gocke, as well as Matt Peoples. It seems that every year Ms. Wargo chooses more and more; last year there were two editors. But the experience we have amassed between us all is overwhelming! J en has been on the staff for four years . . . every now and then I wonder how she keeps from going gray from all the stress! But she is organized (on occasion), thoughtful, and always knows how to brighten the atmosphere on deadline days. Some day we all here on the staff hope that Jen will learn to type (see picture below where I am demonstrating the finely tuned art of loading paper into the typewriter.)! Yet even through her typing trials, J en more than makes herself useful. Janelle is the "Great Organizer," otherwise known as Editor in Chief. Everyone loves her for figuring out how to put the index on computer, especially since it took us eons two years ago! She is a wizard at typing (someone had to be) and a great teacher of layout design, along with Meg han. Meghan is the quiet editor, but not without reason. She doesn't have the time to converse because she is always so very busy teaching and helping the "noviciary staff." It doesn't help that Ms. Wargo continually refers troubled staff members to her with their frustrations about muffedup layouts! Through it all, Meghan manages to come through for us, and everyone 1 else. 1 Matt. What can I say about him other than that without him we would have very


Jen trying to type (right)

sparce amounts of photos? He has made this darkroom his home and decorated it to his liking (Has he become another Bob Popowski?). I must commend him for his patience in trying to instill in me a fraction of his infinite wisdom in developing, somewhat unsuccessfully received. My Turn! I've been here for too long (three years), but not quite long enough, if you know what I mean. Yearbook has taken up the great majority of my time, but left me with an equal amount of memories. Maybe in my sophomore year of college (I know not where, as of yet) I will have recovered enough from my Canticle days at ND to give it a try on the university level. But until then, thanks to everyone who helped to keep me sane throughout my time in the deadline prison (Aren't you glad, fellow editors and Ms. Wargo, that we don't have any more late night deadlines?)! A NOTE FROM THE ADVISOR: Very rarely is an advisor so lucky to come across a staff so dedicated and so much fun. I must admit that I have had second thoughts about returning next year because "my editors" have become "my kids." We have all known each other for four years. We started together and I swore we would finish together. But I know you all must go on as I must go on. Each of you will be needed somewhere else and now the "new seniors" will need me. Kate, the pest, will drive some other advisor to the point of screaming; Janelle will become a new right arm to some other very lucky person; Matt will continue to snap self-portraits and tease someone else; Jen, I hope, will learn to type and continue to be an on-the-spot writer, always come through kind of gal; and dear, sweet Meghan will guide someone with her patience and caring. It'll be a different Canticle without you, but with all your love, guidance, creativity, and loyalty, you have instilled your staff with what is the heart of the Canticle-friendship. You 'll be missed.



\U .

Us, the editors, as juniors

Matt and Ms. Wargo

Lee, Dug Young 68, 201 Lee, Seung Young 161 Leipzig, Joshua M. 201 Leland, Nicole 172 Leonie, Patty 4, 237 Levin, Alan 69, 112, 172, 111 Levin, Abraham 237 Lewis, Christine 70, 79, 161 Lewis, Jennifer 149 Liberto, Robert 24, 27, 161 Liptak 233 Li vio, Michael 172 Liwacz, Jeffrey 172 Lloyd, Harriet 241 Lloyd, James 149, 155 Lloyd, William M. Ill 161 Lobiondo, Jeanine 149 Locco, Louis III 77, 78, 68, 229, 4, 183, 201, 60 Lockington, Brian 123, 149 Loften, William 172 Loftin, David 172 Loh, Scott 172 Lopez, Michael 72, 73, 202, 60 Lopez, Raquel 202 Lorbeck, Kerri Anne 74, 161 Lorentz, Nicole 72, 74, 20, 172, 21, 51 Lubrano, Sam 149 Lumia, Margaret Ellen 72, 79, 51, 172 Lupinacci, April 137, 202, 60 Lupinacci, Patti 72, 172 Luther, Joseph A. IV 18, 149, 154 Lyman, Erik 172, 119 Lynch, Donna 237 Lynch, James 137, 35, 172 Lynch, Kathleen 149 Lynch, Margret 237

Malloy, Melissa 149 Manahan, Nicolette 68, 172 Mangini, Alyson 68, 72, 172 Mangonon, Gina 70, 158, 162, 109 Manners, Michelle M. 162 Mannino, Francesco 149, 96 Mannion, Matthew C. 135, 162 Marable, Romaine 77, 149 Marbury, Len 237, 238 Marchant, John V. 149 Marchant, Cynthia 237 Marchetti, Christian 69, 172 Marino, Christopher 150 Markman, Jeanne 72, 172 Markulec, Melissa 172 Markulec, Nicole 172 Maroney, Carol Ann 162 Marrero, Annette Marie 162 Martakis, Periklis 172 Martin, Deirdre A. 78, 79, 21, 202, 204, 61, 51 Martin, Gregory 162 Martin, Rebecca 202 Martin, Mary Lynn 72, 79, 237 Martinez, David 137, 172, 102 Marue, Melissa 172 Mason, David M. 61, 203 Massenat, Reynold 162 Massimi, Matthew 150 Masterson, Harry 162 . Matar, Michael Jr. 162 Mate, Melissa Ann 104, 172 Mathews, Christopher 40, 68, 111, 113, 170, 172 Mathis, Kenneth M. 96, 150 Mattozzi, Kristie 162 Maxwell, Connie 138, 61, 200, 203 Maxwell, Jason 162 Maxwell, Sean 44, 136, 137 Maxwell, Sophie 69, 172 Maziarz, James 150 Maziarz, Jeffrey C. 203 Mazur, Jennifer 150 Mabes, Joanne D. 131, 132, 37, 182, Me Cormick, Katrenia 150 202, 61 Me Elroy, Kevin 150 Mabes, Lee A. 202, 61 Me Leod, Ka-Mara 150 Mack, Shannon 161 McClain, Jason Todd 4, 163 Maddock, Edward C. 124, 161 McClure, Jill 70, 74, 109, 163 Madeya, George 161 McCort, Matthew 150 Mahler, Jonathan A. 123, 162 McDonald, Frederick F. 19, 95, 203 Maiorino, Donald L. 202, 61 McDonnell, Christopher 150 Major, Barbara 9, 106, 237 McDonough, Michael S. 137, 153 Maklary, J. Todd 149 McGann, Kathleen M. 5, 37, 60, 68, Malloy, Brian 172


73, 106, 203 McGillan, Peter J. 60, 203 McGlinchy, Megan E. 19, 59, 70, 72, 78, 109, 163 McGrath, Dawn 68, 73, 114, 172 McGraw, Jean 6, 237 McGuiness, Christine M. 60, 203 McKenzie, Holly Denise 60, 203, 218 Mcinerney, Donna 237 McLean, Darnell 131, 132, 204, 237 MeN ally, Shannon 70, 74, 204 McNamara, Colleen P. 11, 37, 60, 104, 131, 132, 191, 204, 219 MeN eil, Trakisha 150 McNichol, Brook 134, 135, 163 McVaugh, Randy 172 Meade, Jennifer 150 Meagher, Jean Marie 172 Meagher, Kathleen E. 163 Meagher, Teddy 241 Mears, Jason C. 150 Meehan, Alyson 45, 172 Meisner, Phillip R. Jr. 163 Mellodge, Jadzia 70, 117, 163, 166 Messineo, Joseph Jr. 60, 73, 204 Meszaros, Jodi Ann 150, 155 Mezick, William B. 150 Micai, Eric 68, 124, 172 Michaud, Matthew 163 Middleton, Jennifer 103, 137, 150 Midura, Margaret 172 Migliacci, J. Christopher 78, 204 Migliaccio, Gina 150, 154 Millinowicz, David 54, 233 Miller, Peggy 241 路Miranda, Felix 163 Mirelli, Jennifer 163 Mirelli, Julie Ann 37, 78, 204 Mitzen, Timothy Ryan 102, 103, 137 Mody, Shivani 106, 109, 172 Molignano, Anne 114, 115, 116, 172 Monaco, Ann Vera 150 Moorcroft, Joseph P. 151 Moorcroft, Thomas 69, 102, 123, 172 Moore, Charles 118, 237 Moore, Elsie 237 Moore, Jason Robert 151 Moore, Jonathan M. 61, 118, 204 Moore, Richard 33, 163 Moore, William Charles I 161, 163

............................................................................. 25 2

Morales, Karen 70, 163 Moran, Caryn L. 70, 79, 109, 163 Moran, Jennifer 157, 163 Moran, Kathleen 104, 172 Moran, Patricia 157, 163 Moran, Theresa 172 Mordock, Jeffrey 163 Morehart, Rebecca 151 Morgan, Christopher J. 30, 60, 205 Morrin, Daniel Francis X. 163 Mosca, Joseph 163 Moscarello, Joann 36, 39, 61, 138, 183, 205 Moscarello, Mary Beth 104, 105, 163 Moses, Samantha 151 Mosticchio, Stephanie 70, 151, 154 Motkowski, Paula 151 Mount, George R. IV 4, 68, 77, 102, 103, 137' 205, 219, 221, 229 Mount, Kathleen A. 18, 137, 151 Moustafa, Nora 45, 79, 172 Moyer, Stephen 205, 224 Mucha, Robert Jr. 151, 154 Muehleisen, Carl 172 Muehleisen, Lisa 72, 151 Mullaney, Timothy 78, 135, 172 Mullaney, Brian P. 29, 61, 205 Mullen, Daniel P. 151 Mullen, Ryan P. 163 Mulligan, Brian 130, 172 Mulligan, Lawrence 237 Murison, Justine S. 78, 79, 163 Murphy, Brian C. 96, 151, 155 Murphy, Kelli Eileen 114, 115, 172 Murray, Christine 70, 163 Murray, Michael James 151, 154 Murtha, Eric T. 79, 163 Muscianesi, Anne Marie 172 Mustakas, Thomas J. 151, 155

---1t--N adraga, Adrian 163 Napoleon, Nick 163 Napolitano, Caesar 77, 137, 172 Nash, David 151 N avata, Brandon 69, 72, 77, 78 Neal, Marlene 131, 132, 205 Neall, Karey Lynn 205 Neall, Kelly 99, 109, 163 Nemeth, Kristine J. 11, 37, 72, 183, 205

Nemeth, Susan 33, 70, 117, 163 Nevin, Paul 163 Newell, Kimberly M. 60, 68, 79,206 Newell, Rob 173 Newkirk, Waymon E. II 130, 163 Nibbs, Christopher 173 Nicolai, Laurie Ann 61, 206 Nikitiades, George 206 Nisar, Jehanzeb 151 Nitti, Christopher 173 Nixon, Margaret Ann 61, 54, 69, 72, 70, 206 Noble, Mara 70, 151 Nolan, Eric 173 Noncent, Sophie 77, 163 Norton, Eugene S. III 151, 154 Notte, Andrea 151 Nowak, Anne Jacqueline 78, 79, 151 Nowak, Beth Ann 79, 73 Nowak, Magda 151 N yzio, Stephen 206


Pagano, Nicole 207 Paglieri, Naneen 151 Pak, Lisa Ann 151 Pak, Sang 173 Palfalvi, Theodore 173 Palombi, Irene 52, 243 Pampanini, Leigh Ann 151 Panaia, Trevin 130, 163 Panfili, Jennifer 173 Panfili, Joseph 124, 125, 17 4 Panzitta, Frank 151, 155 Papa, Jaime C. 163 Pappalardo, Denine 240 Pappas, Kristen 151 Parrotta, Tanya Marie 163 Pastor, Chris 123, 174 Paver, Carly 79, 163 Paver, Charles Jason 95, 134, 135, 207 Pazdan, Brian A. 122, 123, 207 Pearson, Kerry 69, 17 4 Pedersen, Aric J. 77, 207 Pellegrino, Michael 137, 17 4 O'Donnell, Jennifer 51, 68, 72, 74, Peloquin, Monique L. 134, 68, 79, 207 173 Pemberton, Crystal 163 O'Donnell, Robert J. 151, 154 Peoples, Matthew L. 60, 95, 183, O'Hara, Sister Josita 237 199, 207, 224 O'K~efe, Colleen 70, 77, 79, 103, Peppler, Robert B. Jr. 61, 208 137, 157, 163 O'Keefe, Kristine 70, 77, 79, 137, Perdomo, Liza 60, 12, 79, 208 Perez, Tania 163 157, 163 O'Malley, Michael 151 Perone, Brooke 70, 163 Perone, Michael 8, 59, 110, 237 O'Neill, James M. 163 O'Rahilly, Andrew B. 124, 163 Pesa, Beth Evelyn 17 4 Odonovan, John 61, 69, 73, 118, 206 Pesce, Brian 151, 154, 155 Pesce, Jennifer 59, 114, 115, 174 Ogiony, Michael 173 Okulicz, Jason 163 Peters, Jessica 151 Okum, Laura 163 Peterson, Kelicia 151 Olech, Dorothy 241 Peterson, Nicole L. 73, 164 Oreilly, Megan 206 Petito, Michael 17 4 Ostrowski, Christine 173 Pfeiffer, Katherine C. 164 Piechota, Robert 151, 155 Ostrowski, Lawrence E. Jr. 206 Piepszak, Matthew 151 Ostrowski, Suzanne 24, 70, 163 Osullivan, Amanda C. 5, 54, 61, Pietras, Michael Jr. 164 Pietrzak, Beth A. 68, 137, 208, 229 207, 224 Owen, Nicole L. 11, 37, 60, 73, 207 Pinard, Amy 70, 72, 151, 154 Pinelli, Christopher 17 4 Owens, Keisha 163 Piscopo, Anthony 17 4 Pizzimenti, Anthony 151, 154 Plishchuk, Irene 70, 72, 164 Plishchuk, Michael 72, 151



Ramsey, Charles Jr. 18, 77, 102, 175 Ranucci, Jennifer 131, 175 Reed, Heath 35, 137, 102, 175 Regan, Linda 6, 52, 237 Regan, Nicole D. 164 Reggimenti, Mark 35, 175 Rego, Joseph 124, 164 Rego, Michael 17 5 Reichling, Kristin A. 61, 209 Riedy, Thomas M. 61, 209 Reilly, Michael G. 151, 154 Reither, George 96, 231 Rendek, Stephen III 102, 137, 175 Repko, Steven A. 60, 210 Reres, Denise 17 5 Ress, Jennifer 97, 151, 155 Revilla, Tonya 72, 175 Reznick, Elena A. 164 Rhoads, Matthew 124, 125, 175 Rhodes, Albert 164 Rhym, Darren 38, 97, 237 Ricciani, Jeffrey 151 Ricco, Sam 17 5 Riley, Brenda 237 Riley, Dot 241 Riley, Harry 241 Rivera, Christina 151 Riviere, Paul 151 Robbins, Christy Marie 5, 79, 210, 220 Robbins, Shawn Casey 79, 151 Robertson; Maria A. 210 Robinson, James 210 Robinson, Keesha N. 77, 152 Robison, Faleisha 175 Roche, Christopher 210, 223 Rogers, Leron 158, 164 Rogers, Tamisha 17 5 Romanczuk, Ann Marie 17 5 Romano, William 32, 239 Romany, Megan L. 42, 55, 78, 210 Rossi, Danielle 175 Rossi, David 175 Quinn, Cauldon 118, 137, 209 Rotondo, Anthony 164 Quinn, Lekisha 106, 109, 175 Rotondo, Lou 59, 239 Quinty, Joseph J. 61, 111, 209 Rotondo, Charles 77, 102, 149, 152, 154 Rottkamp, Rebecca M. 40, 70, 117, 164 Radigan, Kristy L. 5, 61, 106, 108, Rouselle, Christina 73, 79, 175 182, 209, 222 Rousseau, Sean M. 60, 79, 210 Radosti, Andrew 69, 175 Rovello, Peggy 109, 239 Rafferty, Cynthia 72, 73, 151 Royster, Kevin 77, 152, 154 Rafferty, Daniel J. 59, 209

Plotka, Christine 72, 135, 151 Plumeri, Carole 68, 72, 79, 17 4 Plunkett, Janice 34, 39, 79, 174 Plunkett, Kathleen G. 20, 21, 61, 203, 208 Pogoda, Darren 144 Pogoda, Keith Joseph 151 Polizzi, John 151 Polizzi, Salvatore 175 Polombi, Irene 241 Popowski, Karen 72, 79, 164 Potash, Christopher 19, 97, 151, 154 Potter, Neil Joseph 24, 40, 137, 158, 164 Poux, Adrian 123, 155, 208 Poux, Arienne N. 151 Poveromo, Marc 201, 207, 208 Pribila, Matthew 164 Primerano, James Steven 70, 102, 136, 137' 164 Procaccini, Fred 17 5 Procaccini, Vito Paul 17 5 Procaccino, Joseph A. 60, 208 Proctor, Rita 151 Prodanov, Peter 57, 59, 73, 208 Prophett, Brendan 120, 130, 175 Provenzale, Julie Ann 37, 61, 209, 221 Provost, Katherine Anne 164 Prunetti, Carrie 17 5 Przyborowski, Lynda 74, 164 Puca, Jason 175 Pugliese, Gina Lewis 29, 40, 61, 138, 202, 209 Pukala, Pamela T. 72, 164 Pullo, Sabrina 72, 77, 151 Pultorak, Kyle Renee 70, 73, 164 Pypcznski, Jeffrey 175




Rule, Christopher 175 Rullo, Nicole 152 Russo, James 164 Russo, Nicholas 175 Ryba, Adrianne 152 Ryfinski, Beth Ann 164

---s - - -

Sabree, Iris A. 164 Sadley, Daniel 152 Salava, Erica 123, 175 Salcewicz, Judy 73, 70, 239 Salcewicz, Patricia 164 Sanchez, Amaris 17 5 Santiago, Dymphna M. 164 Santiago, Pedr 137, 164 Santo, Cynthia Ann 24, 164, 166 Santos, Ruby Anne Eliz. 70, 164 Santowasso, Nicole 175 Santowasso, W. David 211 Sanvardine, Mark 152, 155 Sargent, Alexander 164 Sargiotto, Dominic 17 5 Sass, David J. 152, 154 Savelli, Christine 20, 21, 164 Savelli, Jennifer Marie 60, 72, 211 Scanlon, Carol 99, 117, 164 Scan nella, Tammi Lyn 17 5 Scavo, Rosalia Felicia 37, 60, 114, 211 Schafer, Greg 59, 32, 52, 104, 105, 239 Schaeffer, Erica 211 Scheideler, Robin 45, 79, 106, 175, 177 Scheidnagel, Amy 175 Schell, Kathryn 117, 164 Schenck, Barry 164 Schiano, Susy C. 164 Schiaretti, Nicole 152 Schiefer, Jeanne Marie 17 5 Schirmer, Paul 44, 239 Schlieben, Mary Jo J. 60, 211 Schmeil, Mark 154 Schmitt, Susan 131, 175 Schnall, Timothy D. 164 Schneider, Heather 164 Schroth, Lorette 106, 175 Schulze, Steven 239 Schwartz, Donnamarie 152 Scipio, Leslye 10, 211 Scott, Shirelle 152

Scott, Shonda Marie 155, 152 Scotto, Catherine Ann 155, 152 Seely, Jessica 152 Segretario, Jennifer 164 Seiler, David 175 Selfridge, Richard 164 Semonik, Thomas G. 72, 164 Senetra, Holly 152 Sentek, Kimberly 68, 175 Septak, Paul S. 195, 211 Serafin, Brian 134, 211 Serock, Amy Lynn Ashley 79, 152 Serpico, John 152, 154 Serra, Denise L. 60, 212 Sewnig, Catherine 239 Sewnig, Tim 59, 239 Sferra, Daniela 152 Sferra, Nick 124, 125, 212 Shapson, Michael 41, 164 Sharma, Bharati 17 5 Sheehan, Timothy Michael 4, 164 Sheluga, Matthew 152, 154 Sheridan, Dale 238, 239 Sherman, Chanda M. 60, 212 Shinn, Christine 39, 175 Shinn, Mark 152 Shwahla, Laura Lee 20, 215, 9, 79, 73, 72, 175 Shy, Jermaine B. 59, 119, 212, 222 Sieben, Chris 124, 125, 175 Siedlarczyk, Linda L. 212 Sikorski, Gabriela A. 4, 20, 21, 134, 212 Silvers, Natalie 51, 109, 175 . Simms, Kristen 45, 73, 68, 72, 170, 175 Simone, John 57, 239 Simonetti, John 25, 59, 149, 152, 154, 59 Simonetti, Joseph 59, 154, 25, 152 Simpson, Kimberly A. 164 Simpson, Winsome 70, 184, 212 Singelakis, Peter 59, 158, 164 Singh, Richard 175 Sirak, Ronald J. 152 Skeba, Keith Stanley 123, 212 Sliwinski, Stephanie 164 Smith, Joy Ann 59, 70, 164 Smith, Kirsten B. 164 Smith, Frank 152 • Smith, George 175 Smith, Jeffrey T. 164 Smith, Keon P. 77, 164

Smith, Scott R. 213 Smith, Tamala 175 Smithson, Jennifer 117, 164 Soganic, Sherice Ann 165 Sokolowski, Eric 154, 96, 152 Solan, John 165 Sopko, Brian A. 213 Sopko, Kevin Christopher 152 Sosa, Michael 176 Spagnuolo, Ian M. 152 Spaine, Tara 176 Spalluto, Jennifer 152 Sparano, Sunny Marie 33, 70, 165, 166 Spence, Brian A. 70, 152 Spiegel, Richard 176 Staffa, Mark 70, 74, 77, 32, 165 Stanzione, Michael J. 59, 110, 111, 213 Stebbins, Tamika A. 152 Stefero, Matt 165 Stefero, Sara A. 73, 79, 70, 77, 11, 37' 104, 213, 61 Steinmuller, Kevin C. 152, 155 Steinmuller, Scott 176 Stemmer, Scott 111, 113, 176 Stevens, Jennifer 26, 27, 40, 61, 73, 114, 115, 213, 222 Stevenson, Brian Stewart, Sandy 59, 239 Stewart, Robert Stewart, Susan Helene 152 Stills, Jesse 241 Stives, Richard D. 213 Storie, W. Steven 176 Stout, Timothy 22, 68, 111, 176 Stults, Jonathan 79, 152 Stults, R. Jason 68, 176 Sullivan, Linda 152 Sullivan, Stacey J. 78, 109, 165 Suntato, Tara L. 109, 165 Suth, Brian L. 60, 68, 207, 213, 218 Sutterlin, Maura 21, 165 Swan, Edward M. II 165 Swieconek, Michael 69, 176 Swieconek, Robert 155, 152 Swierczek, Justin P. 134, 78, 213 Sylvester, John C. 214 Sylvester, Thomas J. 152 Szakacs, Ryan Edward 165 Szul, Melissa Joy 165

---7--Taddeo, Daniela 176 Tanalski, Lorraine 241 Tandy, Jennifer 73, 176 Tanglaw, Marian 30, 34, 69, 74, 77, 104, 105, 176 Tani, Christina M. 29, 36, 60, 68, 72, 138, 183, 214 Tanzola, Dana 152 Tattory, Bernice 239 Telles, Helen-Jean 70, 165, 167 Tempesta, Nikki F. 61, 214 Tena, Mr. Leonard 238, 239 Termen, Carmen 68, 176 Thoennes, James C. 70, 165 Thomas, Carlton 118, 176 Thomas, William J. 135, 165 Thompson, Dana A. 60, 77, 70, 79, 214 Thorne, Alexander B. 152, 155 Thurston, Shari 152 Tilton, Teresa 35, 72, 176 Timlen, Richard M. 214 Timmapuri, Shaheen 69, 68, 77, 104, 176 Tkacs, Stephen 152 Toaldo, Megen Anne 152 Tondini, Vanessa 70, 77, 152 Toporek, Suzanne 70, 103, 137, 165 Torres, Rochelle 109, 176 Totten, Edward D. 165 Treder, Daniel 4, 214 Triolo, Cynthia Ann 20, 21, 176 Tritt, Michele 68, 106, 170, 176, 177 Troy, Thomas P. Jr. 165 Tullai, Marie 38, 60, 214 Turner, Tameka 152, 155 Turner, Tyhese 60, 214 Tusay, Lisa Tweed, Nicole E. 70, 137, 165 Twers, Daniel 176 Tyne, James M. 78, 68, 77, 215, 220, 229 Tyne, Janice M. 31, 165

---u--Ulrich, Jason L. 111, 113, 215 Ulrich, Robert P. 215 Umali, Janelle A. 37, 41, 60, 69, 68, 72, 77' 228, 183, 186, 215, 219


U smiani, Michael 152

Wedam, Lauren 114, 115, 165 Weed, Susan 104, 176 Wehr, Brian 176 Weisgarber, William Jr. 102, 165 Welsh, Jennifer L. 70, 165 Vaccaro, Christopher M. 27, 165 Welsh, Joseph 117, 176 Valatka, Maria 152 Wenta, April 176 Valenzuela, Richard 22, 170, 176 Wenz, Catherine A. 60, 185, 215 Valines, Tomas Javier 152 Weremijenko, Peter 216 Van Brunt, Krista 152 Westcott, Chanetta 60 Van Emburgh, Lori Ann 72, 135, White, Diane E. 216 165 White, Elizabeth Ann 77, 131, 102, Van Horn, Christopher 152, 155 103, 161, 165 Vannest, Kristin M. 61, 193, 215 Wiechnik, Mark 165 Vargas, Jennifer 69, 176 Wiechnik, Mathew 153 Vasti, Bryan 134, 176, 177 Wig, Jeffrey 165 Vaughan, Vanessa 19, 77, 137, 20, Wiley, Teresa 176 21, 165 Williams, Chadwin D. 50, 176 Vazquez, Domingo 165 Williams, Kelly Ann 153 Vidal, Paul 137, 68, 176 Williams, Scott C. 165 Vidal, Rose Anne 137, 79, 74, 70, 77, Wills, Eric B. 136, 137, 102, 165 104, 165 Wilson, Timothy 165 Vierling, Rachel Lynn 153 Wingate, Tiffany M. 165 Volk, Carla 165 Wisor, Rebecca 68, 176 Von Bargen, David 74, 176 Witkowski, Dawn 59, 138, 176 Voorhees, Ralph 176, 215 Witkowski, Vincent 165 Voorhees, Sarah 39, 104 Wnek, William M. 59, 60, 69, 73, 68, Vujovich, Laura 41, 137, 153, 155 111, 112, 216 Wojtczuk, Lisa Diane 176 Wolfe, Sara 153 Wolochowicz, Amy B. 70, 99, 109, 165 . Walsh, Colleen 176 Woloszyn, Jenna 165 Walsh, Jill 72, 79, 176 Woo, Henry 78, 73, 72, 216 Walsh, Sussannah 165 Woodward, Tyrone 153 Walton, Elizabeth 78, 79, 215 Woody, Ellen 70, 165 Ward, Douglas 176 Worthy, Dionne 137, 176 Ward, Rebecca 74, 155, 153 Wright, Andrea L. 5, 60, 134,79, 70, Wargo, Diane 59, 239 216 Warner, Michael 130, 165 Wright Heather 70, 74, 27, 153 Waropay, Kim 153 Wright, Linda 241 Wasko, Gary M. 24, 54, 70, 158, 165 Wroblewski, Joe 239 Watson, Mark 134, 165 Wroblewski, Peggy 6, 98, 239 Watson, Oscar Lewis Jr. 123, 165




Wyers, Jennifer 149, 153, 154 Wyers, Linda 241

--~-Yeager, Adam John 153, 154 Yellen, Susan 27, 153 Young, Denise M. 216 Young, January 153 Yull, E. Nicole 216 Yuncza, Patricia 45, 176 Yurgel, Beth Ann 176

--1-Zado, Frank 153, 154 Zado, Ray R. 60, 68, 134, 77, 78, 216, 229 Zahorsky, John R. Jr. 134, 78, 77, 217 Zaidi, Farhana F. 68, 72, 217 Zaidi, Shabana F. 153 Zak, Gregory M. 217 Zaleski, Caroline M. 70, 165, 166 Zaleski, Gregory 165 Zdenek, Andrew J. 165 Zegarski, Michael L. 217, 222 Zeis, Nicole A. 61, 217 Zeisky, Diana C.S. 153 Zemcik, Frank J. 165 Ziegler, Stefanie A. 153 Zielinski, Scott 176 Zigon, Tonya Lee 153 Ziolkowski, Kevin 102, 176 Zita, Keely M. 10, 37, 40, 60, 217 Zita, Michael Chad 153, 154 Zola, Michael 176 Zorn, Kevin C. 59, 118, 217 Zulla, Domenic 176 Zygmunt, Jeffrey 45, 135, 169, 176

Thanks Be To The yearbook would never have been completed without all of the help we have received. We would like to give credit to all those who have helped to put the 1991 Canticle together. Because of the effort of everyone involved, we have the chance of even doing better than last year's second place award in a national yearbook competition. We would like to thank Mrs. Klek, Mrs. Palombi, Mrs. Wright, and the rest of the office staff for sport scores, office supplies, and the support that they have offered us throughout the year. Thanks goes to Mr. Grussler and Mary Ann Tarr from the Times for providing us with numerous team pictures and action shots. Also thanks to Mrs. Salcewicz for sharing with us her service pictures, and Mrs. Riley for the Evening of Theatrics pictures. To all of the teachers, coaches, faculty, and students who have helped us with interviews, identifying pictures, and also their support and understanding during our busy Monday deadlines: we can't express all our appreciation. For their patience and putting up with our irregular hours and keeping us neat after our hectic deadlines: thanks to Dot Riley and the maintenance staff. We would also like to thank Marilyn Kobrin, Jen Duffe, Wendy Dutwin, and Andrea Wright for helping us type the Alphabet

Soup. Credit must be given to Frank Ball, our Josten's representative, who has repeatedly waited for us to complete our work on those last minute deadlines; and to Alyssa Drucker, our Prestige representative for making sure our pictures and slides were delivered on time. Special thanks goes to all our parents for standing behind us throughout the year and especially for providing us with transportation. One specific parent we would like to thank is Mrs. Wargo, who made the effort to make the yearbook one big family. She got to know many of us personally and invited us into her home for a Christmas party. From those of us who will be graduating: We will miss you! Most importantly, we thank our advisors, Ms. Wargo and Mr. Rhym. They have been our inspiration and guiding light. They have put up with our procrastinations and our little errors along the way. Not only have they been our advisors, but also our friends. We have been through a lot together and hope that they know how much they are appreciated and will be missed by the seniors. To anyone we forgot to mention: thank you. We could not have done it without you. Let's do it! The Canticle Staff . ..


Advisors Ms. Diane Wargo Mr. Darren Rhym Resident Artist Deirdre Martin Photographers Chrissy DiLiberto Colleen Halloran Rebecca Fitzgibbon Colleen O'Keefe

Editors Janelle Umali Meghan Gocke Matthew Peoples Jennifer Brennan Kate Wenz Typists Kara Kiefer Megan Double Niki Tweed

Layout Artists Amanda Keating Kate Hess Julie Egloff Mary Beth Moscarello Jen Kelly Kelly Corboy Beth Joyce Caroline Zaleski Susan Keehn Suzanne Toporek Chris Castagna Kelly Neall Melissa Marue Amy Wolochowicz Teresa Tilton Micaelle Balik Janice Plunkett Justine Murison David Keiling Chrissy DiLiberto Jill Walsh Patti DiFalco N icollette Manahan Susie Schiano Beth Nowak Karen Dominguez Crystal Pemberton Mari Cintron Tiffani Ballaratto Beth Gominiak Michael Shapson Amy Pinard Heather Cyms Writing Kara Keifer Christy Barcalow Tom Dominczyk Jen O'Donnell Kerry Pearson Jen Kelly Beth Joyce Susan Keehn Kris Alia Chris Castagna Cynthia Triolo

Staff Teresa Tilton Bridget Bentz Janice Plunkett Shaheen Timmapuri Kristine O'Keefe Michael Shapson Kate Hess Mary Beth. Moscarello Babs Brilliantine Justine Murison Chrissy DiLiberto


Baby Clues by Julie Egloff

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


Odweda Chambers Chanda Sherman Leah Angelini Janelle Umali Joe Messineo Debbie Branham Colleen Halloran Stephanie Gater Marie Tullai Farhana Zaidi Heather Anne Jones Jennifer L. Barnock Doug Cooper Joanna Kuczykowski Colleen McNamara Jennifer Elder Kara Kiefer Brian Suth Chris Morgan Jennifer Brennan Nikki Owen Elisa M. Farkas April Lupinacci Mary Jo Schlieben Sean Rousseau Bill Wnek James DiMattia Richard Chmiel Tara Casamento J ermaine Caldwell Lauren Cunningham Michael Hammerstone J oell Guglielmelli Keely Zita Christy Barcalow Dana A. Thompson Sue Goldman Kevin Dugal Kimberly Marie Frascella Colleen Hughes Jessica Del Moore Ethan Hurd Krista Kandebo Dan Byard Tom Dominczyk

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

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Lisa M Hall Kari Dunn Denise Serra Les Korsos Lisa Perdomo Steve Repko Beth Christianson Heather Campbell Joseph Procaccino Felicia Scavo George Mount Christina Tani Nicole Harrison Monica Erny Megan Double Trish Donnelly Matt Peoples Angie Gallo Jen Gibbons Amy Krajacic Mary Kite Victor Kara Holly McKenzie Kris Hutchinson Kathy McGann Jennifer Savelli Kim Newell Andrea Wright Tyhese Turner Chaneta Westcott NaKiesha Cook Lou Locco Chris McGuiness Sophia Burrowes Marilyn Kobrin Michael Lopez John Heitzman Peter McGillan Meghan Gocke Susan Inverso Kim DeSandre Matt DeRossett Bridget Crane Sean Kerns Catherine A. Wenz

1. Joe Gallo 2. Tom Reidy 3. Tara Hunt 4. Kristin Reichling 5. Don Maiorino 6. Joyce Drake 7. Nikki Tempesta 8. Paul Baldassari 9. Amanda O'Sullivan 10. Nicole Guzzo 11. Mirusia Jablonski 12. JoAnn Moscarello 13. Deirdre Martin 14. Nicole Zeis 15. Pete Conboy 16. Gina Pugliese 17. Kim Hittinger 18. Robert Gorman 19. Tom Hanlon 20. Tom Giampolo 21. Maggie Nixon 22. Tom and Matt Jacobs 23. J en Stevens 24. Connie Maxwell 25. Sara Stefero 26. Julie Provenzale 27. Chris Kennedy

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Dave Mason John Houston Jennifer Duffe Todd Krisak Daria Hice Heidi Hess Jon Moore Christie Connolly Eun A. Ji Julie Egloff Amanda Keating Brian Mullaney Kelly Ardery Joe Quinty Kim Klein Kristy Radigan Kathleen Plunkett Bob Peppler Jim Donnelly John O'Donovan Laurie Nicolai Kristin VanNest J en Deveau Lee and Joanne Mabes Joseph Alfano Miss Chelsea Chris Roche

JOE ALFANO Don't go to NY too much. Get a haircut-some for Action Jackson-Take down Joe, Henry, & Jamor in B-Ball. MATT APPIO Just wan ted to say " Hi!" -Kate KELLY ARDERY Hey Kell! Good luck! You are a sweet person and keep in touch with me and SK. Take care! -Mark To the B-Ball girls: "Senior Posse" -JM#42 " beautiful," CM#34 " MAC ATTACK" Delaware girl, MN#21 "Rhoda" St. Joe's Girl, DM#lO " Baby D," NH#55 -"CoCpt-1,000 pts" Jerry's girl! JR'S- AG, KK , SS, Just do it, KA 's gonna miss you guys. I love ya! JD, MD, SR, JM, RC, PP, MS, BW, LK, JQ, MK, JO, MC, MB, DR, JS, JC, PS, KZ, PH, PJ, CQ, CR, JU, MJ, TJ , JH, GN, PC . . .. I luv you guys! Fr "D", Mr. J ., Mrs. W., Miss C, "Lou"-I mean Mr. R., Mr. G., Mrs. K., Mr. Simone, Mrs J ., BK "chic," KT, DW -Thanks for all your support, I lu v ya. DAD- Thanks: I love you! JM, CM, KF, NT, CH, ES, JM, NO, AG, KZ, CC, CH, DB, KK, KH , JS, KM , CP , GP, JM, JP, LA, CK, BC, HC, SS . . . . Thankx for all the fun memories, I luv you guys! Vince, Brendan and Jonathan: What am I going to do w/o 3 of my favorite guys? Good luck Vince and Brendan w/ b-ball and Jon w/ bball and soccer. Gonna miss ya, I love you guys! There is so much to say, first I love you and we will be best friends forever. Florida KNL, R and C, airport crying, R-M-A-M, shopping, rem. K, your nose, my hands, C and T, the notes, love MB forever, shot the ball , I'm proud, the shoe boxes of memories, baseball games, The Naval Academy, always talking, inseparable, beaches, triple dates, BH and ML, NT and SS, KA and MB, mid-terms, coffee, LBI, Niketa, Hamilton's Semi, I could go on forever, I know we will never forget. I love you, Me. T o my "cool" Junior friends: I'm gonna miss you guys lots! SS- I mean Donnie-Friends Forever, I love Ya. CN- I still have them! JC- HFW, JO? Iluv ya. 12-11- Nice B-day, Yo, I bet you called me, stay cool. UR- FriendJamie. NOSE! You're SO pretty! B-ball $years, we survived! Are you up for another 4? Roommates: Thank God! Thanks for being there always, Best Friends, Luv ya! JoAnne Mabes KA + MB together forever, my date w/ Vince, my favorite person, " Beak " My parties, New Year's, I love you, Kim. KELLY ARDERY Retreat 90-You are a really special person & great friend . I love ya & KIT. Kellywell y. Cathy Rush. Smelly Kelly. ND BBall. Hi beautiful. Sneaker Seller -Colleen McNamara I'll never forget all our little talks in Mr. Levin's class, or your surprise party or how about the Morp, that was the beginning for you & Matt. You were always there for advice or a hug and you were the best at both' Remember dinner after Homecoming? That was interesting. Even when we were too busy to hang out, you were still always there. Thanks for being a great friend and for being yourself. I love ya, Bridget FLORIDA! UL TLF, Candy Girl, I had fun ! We were tan. You're special and a real good friend . Kell y, you are a sweet and special person. I luv ya' lots! Remember all ou r good " talks"! Thanks for always being there when I need ya'! Chris Tani Kell, are you mad, thought I'd ask once more. Ha. Ha. Thanks for always listening and giving advice, you are a real friend and I'll remember you for that. CHRISTY BARCALOW Yo tee? member Billy's window, rice krispie treats, B.J ., babbling, horror movies, Aine's ice cream cake, burning hair, CSN (thanks!) and always watch out for flying carrots! - Jen Duffe Chris, thank you so much for being such an awesome locker buddy. 1 am going to miss having your big butt in my face. Thank you for all the co mpliments, the long expensive phone calls, all of the tissues, your shoulder, your smile- thank you for everything! Especially the memories, when you find the right guy, and you will, don't forget to invite me to your wedd ing, Love, Jen Who do you lust for know, Bubbles? I won't mention ALL of the initials!! Remember volleyball last year, PB! Cotillion 91 - My bonding woman!! The BP Story . Period 3, how do I get an A? Don't you forget about me. Love, Kief. You say that but I don 't think you really meant it. It's all just empty promises and lies!! -Dan Treder Pick a guy ... Same answers in english Spanish is cool. "Solo Pienso en ti" ... Lunch .. . Good luck on your own! -Kate So how are those Yardley ducks? I don 't know where I'd be now if we hadn't become friends. Thanks for all your awesome advise and for always being there for me. You are incredibly sweet, warm, and easy to talk to. Please don't ever change. Good luck with all you do and keep in touch. Never forget all the good times: Don't panic, it's cold, Twin Peaks, parties, sprawling in gym , my nose, painting barns, retreat, all those guys problems, and that cute fox . Drink Pepsi! Love always, Trish . Hello! My name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father , prepare to die. Christine Valentine Barcalow is such a garden tool, pig, swine, su pine, bovine, wrench, ribald. If I forget to tell you, I had fun! Reli gion class, cream puffs, the hardware store R.D. It's dangerous to go to the mall at night. Great Adventure. Kathy the maniachal bus driver. The Gap. Junior Prom, uggh! Which way do I turn the wheel? Did you find your cherry? TGI Friday's, Vince's, Taffy's - I know you from so mewhere. Call me anything but Nelly. Ice, Ice Baby. The Sonya Story. The S-word. What do I have to talk to Miss Liptak about? You should be hung from the farthest rafters by your toenails inside out. Flamingo's, TCBY's, Friendly's, Goodnoe's. Die Hard's on at 7:15. Apple goo ga. Claque - a group of people that clap for you. Room at the top. Turtle soup. I've seen the light! What kind of ice cream should I get? Peach. Tumsik, Daphne, and Morris. What did you do with the dog biscuits? Kick him! Funky. You and Pat would make a good couple. Can you say Dee-Lite? Gotta get gas, uh oh! The guy with the hair. Which one? The Limited's big-buttoned sweater, skirts, and pants. The pink flamingo and cracking up hysterically until your sto mach hurt. Yolp. The big green bomber. Kermit the frog. Roller skating. I don 't get it. Tell me. Possessed at Barefoot in the Park. Boing! Boing! Boing! Purple Porsche with pink polka dots. Sesame Street, General Hospital , Twin Peaks. Don't ever poke yourself with a pencil in the foot or bite yourself in the arm. Ugo. Bell Bump. Lottery tickets. Princeton. Always. That's a song. Grace Kelly, Harlow Jean, pictures of a beauty queen. Freedom! Ka-boom! He likes you C.M. You're in denial. Read me! Read me! There's a ghost in my room. Quickdraw INXS. Hiccup. God bless you. I even smell it over here. Finally a FM radio in your car. Does it work? Bowling with David. 2 men walk into a car. Don't think, dudette. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cowabunga. Snap. Birds are fish . Rocky V. The breakfast club. Tennis NOT! Did you know it's going to be 60 all week? Butwing. Oh , what a beautiful morning. Don't go around the world right. Keniptions. Jokes without punchlines. Gym class. The Christy-Pete story & all her men (20 of them). I had a dream. I put a hand on a tack and I will attack and you don 't want that. Fizz! Guess what! That's what! George Michael. I glued in my Canticle supplement in wrong. Bowling. Habla contigo en Ia manana porIa manana. Don't do that. O-liver Dletter ... Bohemian Shorty. Super balls. Christykins. Be careful, he's a terrorist. Woodchuck, yes muskrat! There's a shark in the water. Have you seen her? Dingbat. Buttoe. Zum Zum Zingy Zingy. Little Hershey Kisses sighted at Wawa and movie store. Watch out for the curb! I'm counting the days. You're lucky you didn't bite it. Harry the Duck loves Depech Mode & Wilson Plilipps, but hated Prince. It's raining men, Alleluia. That's a song. Muskrat love. Open house night. He told me I had to leave. Prussian chicken leg in krenlins. The cotillion. Twistin in the Wawa. Stop a head. Mule. Horse. Either he's dead or asleep. Butcheese. I'm not looking at you and stop calling me strangely. Dingle hopper. Pretty Woman. Put the needle on the record . . . oheeayoh . Rico Suave. Step one .. . uh! Ghost. Bank. I wonder what's down this way. Gina . .. work that skirt girl. The loud speaker. The

artistic roller skater. Illegal- sick bird. Possum - eek, eek. Ql02 Is that Dan 's dad? Poetry in motion. Firetrucks and sirens. Hi little boy! Florida. The Christmas hunt, Pizza Hut shingles. Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray . . . What else do I have say? Well, off to college now, but not before we find some more exciting adventures. You're the awesomest!!! Love, your dream interpreter, Nellie. JEN BARNOCK Hey Hun! We've had the best of X's. Lunches, perms, Princeton, dinners, lost cars, late calls, Espanol (S), T, G, & T (again) & T 's (finally). Thanx 4 all the advice. U R a true friend 4 ever. Luv, Amanda. You're my favorite butthead (and my only) . Strange, but awesome. Remember our labs. Luv, Lisa Jones. To Jen, more than just a friend. It's amazing how much has happened in 2 years: the shirt, the diss (big time), the no tack time, the prom (thank you) , summer- oh that's right, I didn 't see you, my bad, BK, Xcountry, phone bill, talking on the phone, help with "J", I'm plugged, retreat, skiing: snow in my face, Tom, Cotillion, 2 pairs of underwear, Jen. We shared some of the best times of our lives together and l'gg never forge that. Remember smile. Love, GIE. Never forget labs in Chern! We never blew anything up. TRACK!! Thanks for everything, Jen. Good luck in the future. From Mirusia. Thanks for being a cool buddy. We've helped each other out a lot. You better stay in touch. We'll conquer the world together someday. Always think of me when you see Pudge. Love, Lou. Hey Bogart! Cross-country was fun with you. Remember all those sum mer practices! Oh Jeez. That one time when we went to the bathroom by the picnic grove. Aargh! Don't be afraid to talk to me about "anything." It's been hard, but if we try and spend time together, things will be cool! I love our interesting conversations about things we ca n't about with other! I love you. Always, Jennifer Elder. Yo butthead! Mock trial was fun . Do you remember Busty? I think that was her name. Diane made George feel bad! New Year's was great. I hope you recall!?!? Under the pool table. Never forget Physics, Law, and Gym. Oh, sorry about your big toe!!! Good luck in all you do. Love ya lots, Sophia. Miss St. Patrick contest . . . You were awesome ... you and your obsessions . . I'm a mess!? Barsnock . . . Locker buddies . . . New Year's Eve ... You were there? ... homeroom ... Fred, that says ~tall ... Take care ... we need to hang out more, we're a lot alike ... Love ya butthead , Christy. What can I say to my mommy? Thanks for being you. We've gotten closer as the years have gone by and I'm happy for that. Remember all of those late night conversations and fun we had together. We'll always be friends 'cause you're such a butthead. Love ya, Tommy. Hey! 1 wuv U George!!! Astro, all those classes we've had, long bus rides, and all those fun times. Mocktrial days, U make me laugh. Thanx for being a great friend. Keep in touch. Love ya, Joel!. To my BBBBB: Never forget all of the good times we've had. Boston, Cross-Country, Track, Parties, New Year's, the beach, broken toes, pulled muscles, buttheads, p-ing, Marge and Fran, Cancer pacts, Powder Puff, etc ... We have had a lot of fun and good times, but there have also been bad, or have there been? Our friendship means the most to me because we don't have to talk- we have ESP! Thank you for always being there for me when 1 needed you - which was all the time. Good luck at college and don't fail (I know that is your biggest fear), but I know you won't. We'll have to keep in touch and get together a lot next year. We'll have a lot of fun this summer- tying bows on teddy bears full -time!! Love ya, Joyce. You are the greatest person! I just wish we had seen" more of each other over the past two years. But we've stiU stayed together and I really hope to stay that way. Make sure we stay in touch- I'll always be there for you. Thanks for understand in~ me so well and for knowing exactly when I needed a hug or a positive word from you. Stay sweet and remember the great times; parties at our houses, Blistex, 5:55, noses and toes, kidney beans, RED Urn bros, and M&M's, Burger King, your shark_ and retreat. Drink Pepsi! I love ya, Pat. Well Jenny pooh, what can I say? I'm really glad we've gotten to be so close over the past two years. Remember: sexy legs, kidney beans, parties, cancer pacts, retreat, dino, and al1 of our good times. Your friendship means a lot to me- thanx for being someone I can count on. KIT. 1 love you, Kim. Hey butt!! Just wanna say thanks for helping make my high school years so special. You are truely a great friend. Remember all the great times we've had this year· Retreat, Powder Puff, struggling through our six classes this year. I see you more in one day than anyone else I know. You've got a special place in my heart. Best of luck in college, enjoy yourself. See ya over the summer. Love ya, Megs. Butt, parties, movies, good times, depression, lovesick, scandles, love triangles, B.K. , T .D., I'll miss ya. John Grimes. DOUG BERGER Never forget pd. 8 Junior year .. . Kara's Comments ... pan left, roll camera 3 ... those index cards, and always remember pd. 8 this year Mister Berger! Luv ya, Kara. Daisy the Cow, God is real (snow), frosh football , notes, Ach tung, the rise and fall, suspension, Tracy and Amber, Here kitty, kitty . . fly in World Hist. John Grimes. Hey older Bro. Ahh yea! You're cute. He! He! Don't cry, campsite. Polis car, football , b-ball. Only kidding Bro. Don't get mad. Confoy's hour. Tennis champ- me. Love, Dan. Uh, nice face. Seriously, History was great with you even though you're a wise guy(l'll never forget you and period 4) and know that you're a great guy on the inside. G.L. in what you do, stay out of trouble and keep in touch. Love, Amanda. Nice hair, sorry about the bomb scare. I still have your shoes, are you in jail, KANAJX - sorry about that gun. We didn't mean it. Have a nice summer, and have a nice life. See ya in Cleveland. What a man!! Nice mustache, don 't cut it off- we will try it again. Roll on!! O.K. you won't mind my domination game. I'll call you- don't call me!! Just kidding. Keep in touch!! Yeah, nice orange hair. September, Peaches attacks city, the water bucket in the snow, Anita in math class. Berger . . , ham, cheese and mustard. Is this your yearbook or did you steal it? I win!! No notes and no spitting. It's been awesome, later. South rules!! Go Germany! Friends forever, Tom Hanlon. Thank me for taking Sue shopping (is 3 enough?) ... the Cotillion was interesting . . . See you in Maryland (home sweet home!) Love, Kate. Well , ham , thanks for killing my fish, don 't throw any more balls in the woods on 95. Remember the pep rally and the "psycho cage" see you on the other side. Tommy D. Remember Albert and Samantha our dear friends? I hope they get together soon. ELVIRA, BA, DOOM, BA, BO, DOOM BA BA BOW WOW. BUT SERIOUSLY, JESUS, MARY, AND COUNTRY 92 WXTU. Do M.B. PEACHES PEACHES "What a whacko!" What about little James? I hate saying goodbye. Can't you stay a little longer? DRAKKAR NOIR ALL THE WAY! What a scent! Now for a serious note: I love you from your goffiness to your mature ways. Don't ever change except for maybe your clepto habits. You know . . . the WONDER AND RYE not to mention others. Back to Humor: ANYONE FOR STEAMED BOWTIES? BLOCKADES IN THE HALLWAYS, NO THAT WASN'T YOU HOW SILLY OD ME! A STICKY SITUATION WITH TAPE I SUPPOSE. U AND TOM ARE QUITE A PAIR. U CAN'T FORGET SCHOOL . . IT WAS TOO MUCH FUN . I'll love you always, Sue Goldman. SUE BRANDBURGH A lunch/gym buddy of mine. Thanks for keeping me up -to-date with Bewitched every day. Remember· Paul IS better than Fleetwood Mac! Stay as cool as you are, even though I think you should grow a little. Love, Andrea. DEB BRANHAM BRANHAM! Homie! Munchkins, slumbers- three girls and a cooler, Homie don't play that, Wanna go shopping! My little Yammie! Hod · nicki! Hockey '90! Good luck and I love ya! Love always- KENNEDY. Retreat- Senior dance -KIT. It's reall y not on the way! Are you reall y a blonde? Love, Adam Beridas. My little Bub- Never forget F-Hockey and the plays. Our " little talks" around your kitchen table- they helped! Love, Tara.

Can't believe we won't be in the same school next year! Good luck with Alb. Thanks for being there. LUV YA BEST BUDS FOREVER, JoAnne Mabes. A.V.- Memories! Walks on the beach/ taking Stew to the park/ Yammie! Rumbleseats ... Mastoris I'm sorry. N.B.! the 240 SX all mine! (yeah right) Roses! Tan at Margate! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I luv ya! JEN BRENNAN You are dangerous on the dance floor. I'll hook you with C.M. again, or how about J.Q.? Love always, Korky. Driving in death car, stop sign, lane ends now! You have a booger on your face, we love Harry, Xerxes, men are slime, Jr. Prom, where's Kathy? Hey buddy, the fountain, Jr. guys, teabags, I don't think it was clear, I'm not being the fat one, smart people. Kathy McGann. C.K., K.M. Best Buddies, S.S- Beatie Buddy, let's steal the show, Little Phillip Becker, it's time for service with Sally. Heather my friend in black, Go-Go's, J.H. is my king, do you remember the Supremes? Look at me, I'm Colleen. Big Mac, I love ya, thanx for all your gigs. Kathy Plunketu boned by Junior guys, are they really kissing? D.G. -best locker buddy, Homey don 't play that, I love Alb, too, 3 girls and a cooler, sleepovers, S.T.'s, F.S. S.S. K.M. H.C. D.B. - Teabags rule. Julies- Who is this chick, love your coffe~table, yo Ben go brush your nair, JJob from Buffa)o. R.C. - you're the beat big brother a girl could have. A.B. -Watch the pole!! Death car, tennis nyone?! I think I like ja~~ t~~~~~.fG~ulu~~eRd~~rc~~-z1en;·rfr~~~in.ched, J .Q.. free Let's volunteer· magazine ariye captains, Supremes! Who is it this week? 1 week loves! I want to be one of the Go-Go's! My friend from hell! Heather. We had fun Senior year, I wish we knew each other before. Your Hammer impression is the best. History- what can I say? I think we should congratulate ourselves by-getting T-shirts that say, "I survived Mrs. Anderson and AP 2" Best of luck in the future. Your friend, Lou. Hey buddy- you're the Wheaties Woman- always full of energy. H.C.'s the man of all me (you know it!) It's been real! Homey don't play that! Okay, Brennan - it's my turn. Thanks for all the ides (please learn to drive!) ... - X -Mas gifts for the big-D .. . shop at T.J. Max! .. . let's pump gas! . .. remember the pizza parlor •.. can you believe you didn't like me Soph. year?! You're. a doll . .. take care, Love -Kate. To the female M.C. lfammer, Well, Babe, GREASE was fun. I can't believe we graduated. Now it's party time. See ya, Tommy . Locker buds 4-eva/ Bad week? U· Me & Ken sharin' a cooler, WOW! Where would I be without you? You're a really special and gifted person. I Jove you like a sister. Chmiel. Yellow school bus, Dynasty, telephone -pole, Wa Wa, Tempo, lunch, Burger King, Princeton, field hockey (my lap), basketball, the great escape (rom school through the snow. Makin~ fun of people ... no specifics, but we now who they are, suspensiOns, tickets, cheating, ribbon 's, Cotillion, Mercer Street, baking cookij!S, Linda, Lee, New Year's Eve, Grimes, Mount, Locco, and all the others. These are memories I'll always have of our friendship. But I also remember all the times you were there to listen and give adviceYfhanks, you're the greatest and funniest friend (cousin) anyone could ever have. Don't ever change and always keep in touch. Good luck in the future. Love always, Adam Bendas. P.S. Tell Bill Wnek and Todd Krisak I'm ready for them whenever they're up for the challenge!! Jen+Chris=BFF! We have been together for how long now .. 10 years. Holy cow and everyday with you seems to be another wild and crazy adventure! Boomer do we have some memories or what- remember back in the day; our orange fight, Delaware-Whac-A-Mole, OMEGA-BEEP- our almost fatal car rides, all our late night mivies. So BRENNAN who do you like this week? How about our balloon and paper plate Spanish project, BILLY JOEL, GO· GO's, Depeche Mode, slumbers at BRANHAM's, BARNES, the retard at McDonald's. why not just join us?! Wa Wa, our shopping trips are most memorable, but our phone conversations- Homie we can talk! Call me crazy but Jen- I love yaf By the way, Home girl, you got the dancing moves! We also can't forget about Philly Becker. I'll never forget our close call, where are we anyway? Thank you so much for all the memories and many more to come- there will never be another Jen Brennan in my life that could ever replace you!! Good luck with everything you do - I LOVE YA to death, BUD! Love always, Chris. MATT BUCCHERE I didn 't scratch you! Why couldn't we beat St. Joe's? Yeah Clondio all American. Yeah I see it! Woodhaven, I'm alright F Football 20-0. Rematch, the park right now! Just kidding/ Laci. This is to my favorite baseball and soccer player! From your favorite basketball player. O.K. 2nd favorite. I'm glad we became close over the years we've known each other. Love, Joanne. Cotillion, never dogged you!! Night talked . . . don't forget I'm always the last one .. . "TRUST" Bean's bathroom, Fran's, Best friends, secrets we've shared!! Massa~es ... you're the best!! Time we didn't talk ... that was real cool.! ATTITUDE . .. C_ _ _ ... your favorite word! You've changed ... Ha. Ha. Algebra partner, studying for exams . . . Soccer Season. How many ~ints do you have? You laughing at Mike's house!! Drove me nuts!. B.F.F. I.L.Y.F . ... KIT We'll see who does it . . . Jen Stevens. # 11 REM: NOTT. LL, L&P'S, CC'S, MS goofy notes, 2/11/89, roses, MORP, prom , cotillions, PU, weddings, harm, parties: Beans', Kim's, Dan's, NY-GS, Soccer, b-ball, state champs #365B, Jamie's, CB, LBI, Casey, HC-dinner, B-ball, Carvel, talks, NYE '91, missed ya, GIANTS #1, " George" BFF! I love you. Love: Kelly. Your fight with Les, OH! Thanks for the ride, the woods, snowballs at my window, 2 A.M., KA, I'll miss ya, KIT I love you, Kimmie. Buch #11- Matt, you got your ears on? CH 22. Don't dis. Hey Frank bows da ticken?!! Giants- yes boy. Passin' out at Rafrs. This is where the beagle comes into play. F.A. PALS 3 yrs. No S.C. - that hurts, L.K. brawl at shore, R.P. or Mr. T . Wnek. Heyyy aaaa therrreee Boooch! Go perch yourself on that tree and eat some Gold Mountain Bird Food. MIKE BURKHOL TZ I'll never understand how you can listen to all that weird music. Other than that, you're a pretty sane guy. Don't ever forget Miller's Crossin~ or the Laser Shows (like you could). The shining is the best, right . REDRUMRED RUMREDRUM REDRUM . .. Good luck in college. wherever you go I'm sure you'll run a radio station. Play Edelweiss for me. Your friend Lou. Yo Mike· what's up!? I'm so glad I got to know you this year. It's been - fun!? When am I going to get my tie?! Uncharted chaos! The queen is dead . . Carl is bizarre! ... I love N.Y.! ... You're one of the sweetest and most sincere people I know - stay as wonderful as you are! Keep writing. Love, -Kate. Mike, thanks for being a great friend for 4 years. Remember it all began with Mr. Wood! Then there was lOth grade. Did anything happen then? Oh well! SAT of course (MIKAEL GORBIE) Lou driving. RAY!!! (Gay) Where's my tape? Chern lab (RAY/GAY). Bob Popowski, not! Mike, it has been great (sometimes) Remember always do the right thing! Your friend, George Mount. Bullets are great ..... ?? PHYSICS?? HMMMMM ... Yo Burkholtzwhat's up ski master? You like sweetarts? Mary Kite. LEMUR!! HA! Love the shoes. Victoria's Secret? Geeeez. Year-old scrap od rock candy. Altoids- I'm still recovering. I will treasure the corn and salt crystal forever!? Hey, HEy, Doctor Who? Mirusha. SOPHIA BURROWES Congratulations! Don't forget history class- or our wonderful lunch experiences with Amazon Woman. Nice belts! How about English class Junior year. Stop laughin- it's too good for you. Watch out for all those lunch bag volleyball games. Good luck in the future - remember I get my own room · Save one for April. You're the best and don't ever change. Keep in touch. Hey dude· Cowabunga!! You and those turtles!! D.W. belt!! M&, 'S Lunch time - yew- get away!! Let the good times roll!! K.I.T. Miss ya!! Love, T .C. Thank you for being such a loving and supportive friend. Never forget St. Greg's class of '87. Good luck in all you do. Love, Joyce. Always remember our senior year- especially Physics (ha, ha). Good luck next year. I'll miss you. Don't forget the good times at Triad ... three years with Mr. Wood- Latin Scholars! (ha, ha) . Love always, Lisa

Hall. Seems like yesterday we sat next to each other in Levin's Biology class. Remember the "atomic bomb" and those exciting labs in Chern and Physics. You're really a great friend. Best of luck in college. Enjoy!


Hey Bunnns! Let's F.o ride in my Jeep with the top off. The best wacky weed! You ehouldn t have cut that hair strand. Good luck! Party hard in Florida! DAN BYARD Row three table seven, com nipper, big drive, look's like Einstein has some competition. OH NO OH NO, what's the other word for remote control? Did ya? Fatman's tans. Tom Giampolo. Hey bubba my baby! I'll never forfet a thing. Big Smoothie, UR car, hockey games, ur room, ouch!, Taras, YEAAA and Fine., closets, horf!· bol , itchy hand, roses and Rangers, Bunga, Abeolute(ly), and ther~ 1s more coming (NP!) UR the best, #34. Luv U always (from Gourg1e). Love ·Amanda. He dorg ruff ruff. I have schck treatments on Wednesday. Don't hit any old ladies. Sorry about the football gam~. You are .a good brother, keep in touch through the summer and wh1le we are m college. D.B. WAKE UP!!! Hey Dan, look both ways. You old hag, let's go to Pizza Hut. Ice Hockey is for whimps, football rules. Retreat was fun and you're cute. Look after your bro. How waei.S.S.? You shouldn't need a wake-up call. It's been fun and stay out of accidents. Friends forever, Tom Hanlon. Big Smoothie, Mrs. Z's class, all the big drives and glove saves. "You can't sleep in my town" "Gentlemen" "Row 3, table 7", stay away from farm animate. Peace, Tommy D. Cl011te my eve, Barney, Slam dunk the dog, pool you're late u , remote potmp. Love, Morgan. T'fiilieSt goalie, the beet laugh, you can't beat that! #34 you get the closet! I love your music DANNY, the pizza man is late! My parent's room, Yaaaaaa?!?!?! Love, Tara. Ah. you're cute! Dan, I'm really glad we're such good friends- Ah Yea.h! Stay cool, good luck in all you do. Amanda's really lucky! Love, Kns. Hey, dork, D.H., absol't, yaah!, didjaj 'tarded, lunch hockey, big/lit~le BTCH!, sleeping in closets, DKin~ ball, punches, you're g.f.'s a p1g, ~~MmBY~~rt #12! Love, Nico e. Yo CliM Europe was awesome, see you at Cheers. Remember N.Y. at 3:00 A.M. Always be a bum 'cause they're cool. Peace dude, Tommy D. You always drunk? -D.B. Want a drink? Maybe someone will dishonor you. Give up the fight .. . South rules! Oh, maybe Dallas will win two. Watch out for killer goa~. Have fun inN.Y., want some sugar? Germans rule, your people are st1ll trying._It's been fun, give my best to Brian. Your friend, Tom Hanlon. JERMAINE CALDWELL Coma #41 = 4.6 yeah right! Could I have my nag? Caldwe.ll you're starting dis week. Hey nice earmuffs. Don't fall on the 1 yd. !me! Stay Black! F.A. PALS Remember That I Love You. Even though you may think your senior year was not a success because B. Ball, I will always consider you a success in my life. Kelley Bill James, Football, Keystone Crew, all those women, gay-Suff & Tuff, Surf & Turf. Coma-remember "bug eyes" frosh yr. I'm (lad were close friends. Always remember the good times we've had. Pick up the phone much at parties?? Love, JoAnne Cantanoooo! School record in 55/50 dash. EPMD tape. You're better than they gave you credit for. Oh, interception! He could return it. He could go all the way. Yes he's going to go all the way! But, no! He falls on the one yard line. One yard to go. I hope you get it next year at a

lif.i~ill kX~!p<i?fLi

LBI-PM Girl-Princeton You hang coats? What does green mean? What would you really do without men! Love, Adam Benda& Shank's party-Summer of 90. Good movie "The Exorcist". Ghost sto· ries at BWIL All ways Korky LBI "Guido House"; I'll be back in a half hour!! Yea right! Those colorful clothes of yours!! Good luck next year . . . KIT From, Jen Stevens Soupie-'Member California?! Ha, Ha! Speedtalker, Supergirl. You are going to succeed, look out world, here she comes, Heath, I miss ouy! . Loce, Angie Misaion, run Campbell!, cincerts, ... from Hell, BG, man m black took it you drive?, postmodern women, I'm telling Mac, jetson dress, the pc;nderous song, teabage, frosh gym-points off Your mom's here?, Scott'• brother Bobby, no bimbo chicks From, Kathy McGann Yo soups. What'a up party buddy? Big town marehmellow pie. Vogu,e women from hell. Immoral. What's up rents? Whatever you do, don t get in the car. Thanks for the plant, too bad it only has 1 nower left. Look at me. Love always, from my past experiences. Love, Big Mac Remember the days of MG. That was definitely an interesting match. So were you and MD. Gee, those were the days, but they only got better. I know we don't hang out a lot anymore, but you're still a ~at friend and I just wanted to write and tell you that. I love ya, Bndget Calc. buddy, great answers! 7th-8th gr. -St. Ann's. WNEK Yo the Crosamans are coming? Interesting things happen at your house. Your remote control for everything Good Luck! SK for awhile that was/is fun! Take Care! Let's play Tetris, Math League, Give me a ride home, your n~ver. call, who is this chick anyway, nice stockings-black and green. MoJO N1xon, Louisianna Li~ . . . J.M. Hey Heath let 1 hilp out with ... think it over?? I'm indifferent, MG?! So what color you wearing tonight. Thanks for all the fun and friendship you've given me. J.H. is my king!! So you want to be a Go-Go? Arrest me, my friend from hell. Love Always, Jen Stitch, The Morp, SC, JN, Bat Girls, D.S., Cobra, BG, we better stay in touch next year. Love you, Kim HC JM- Fellow snakes don't 4-get "King Cobra"! How many was it?!?! Brothers ??? love ya and always will! Heath- can we take a walk?· "Lolt in your eyes." I'm in one of those moods again! L.B.I. ·What a time! JN+JH! What time is it?? GOD-He's not all that! Religion class Jr. year- Oh no here we ho again! "The Fight" I'll miN ya!!!! BigForever.JM Cheeae· I'm pttin' service for this- J.N. Pop Tart, The Legend- multi· pte x's· Cotillion from hell, wipe out on ice, Excuse Me! Voo-doo? SoAhh!!! Nan-she's a druggy. Thanx-Stay Great- Your Boy· Jamie TO MY FRIENDS: MD- Ultimate, weasel, mono phone calls; AG- Remember Cal.? Eric, Orka, supergirl, speed talker from Princeton; J.M-si~ging the blues~ JPf)UZZie, poster, Bean-turban; KF- LBI, BG, Identical clothes, stitch; ES- You need a big truck ... don't forget your cane!; Rc- you match well; MK- what's up beat? C1081mans, volleyball; FS- lab, teabue/ LK- We love Lea, we love Lea/ BW- did you do your homework? DBteabags, supreme&; MS- your pasta wake-up call at Owen's; JQ- Pig; KB- stay low, foreign b-day party; TS-mellow yellow; MM· Teeny hoppers, Florida- Beggar, who are you, Rick E.? "Cool Jerk", biking accidents, the Seans- megawats, Pt. Pleasant! RAUL CAMPOS FERNANDEZ Well Spaniard, hace frio, como esta! and all the other stuff. Have fun when you leave this awesome country to go to good old Espana. Keep in touch. -Matt Raul, you are my buddy. We have had a.lot of fun in homeroo.m and beating each other up in the hallways. I w1sh you would stop takmg my straws. Don't ever forget all of the parties. You are a great dancer. I wish you all the beet for the future. I will never forget you. I will hold on to the memories forever · I hope you do too. Love, Jen Well, Calculus this year has been great. I'm so glad you came to America this year. Ya know you really should be able to see the board around me. It's just because you're Spanish. Don't forget us. Love always, Chris Barcalow Hola! Tenco que ir a Eapana. Si no, no voy a aprender Eepanol! I hope you don't forpt us . . . I'll visit you next time. Take care of yourself. Your friend, Kate . Do you want to make an appointment with me? Are you lookmg for

trouble? New York City, Ron's house, my van, Halloween, Calculus with Mrs. Z, lunch Florida, New Year's Eve, I'll miss ya, you crazy Spaniard. Peace, Tommy D. I am so happy to have met you and am sad that it was for such a short time. You are a very sweet person and I thank you for being my friend . Good luck in your future life and please keep in touch! I love you, Kim Yo Raul, glad to have known you. Never forget Calculus and Mrs. Z. Oh, New Year's Eve was great. You are an awesome pool player. Don't forget us in Spain. Love ya, Sophia Burrowes RAAUUUL, "Are you keeeding me MAN?" We've had some great times, huh? You better write me when you return to S{lain! You've been a great friend and a good listener, THANX · Sue Goldman Hola, companero! Thanx for being a great friend! I'll miss ya! Love ya, JoEII ALLISON CARROLL We have a bog! Consolidate. T.I.R.E. Frt! Wt. B.; One and 3 quarter minutes; THE BOOOOOK! Nice uniform. Banana boat; Huge Eug! WOW Foot fite. How many more days? Furniture. You're awesome. I luv ya · since kindergarten. Love, Sue Best Friends! Tof,ether to the end. Never open doors tofether no matter what. Don t yell out of car windows if they are open. Hub cap on 95. F.U.B.A.R. Love ya, Joanna Kuczykowski Hi! The rapids! Mike Hod.'s shorts! Eugene and Chris. Megan Rafferty. How many days til Eugene comes home? The Cotillion. My sister's Pictionary. Mrs. Z's cl888. The magic chalk. Are you in love? KIT We got to fet together. Love ya, Lisa Fernbach LBI: B -Ch/pp, 888-Flat, the bbb, finally 17, JK/CH? AC our bet: L-CH W-JK/ AC, Cotillion-SI"Your date-gorgeous!", FRT, JK-"Never knew any better!", SI-"Lose a wing?", JG-"Wet Bed", (EP-Smile ILU!) •JK, Sl. JG -I'll miss ya! U Nerd! Always remember LBI, shells in my pocket, T .I.R.E. Smack, VMI, Sue's glass of water, WB, Green M & M's, Garlic pizza in the trunk, Cotillion Bathroom, Sue's Coco Puffs, watch out for the potted plants, your frt's, nice pants, S.l.J.G.J .K.A.C. The foursome, The water you spilled on the bed, nice joke! Cookies, coke, all that food!! Burp, SHeads, SF's But I don't know any better, Thanx for being a great friend . Keep in touch!! Smile! Behave! Love ya, JoEil TARA CASAMENTO 4-years-Whew! How about those SAT courses, Junior Prom? Saran Wrap-or 2 ply? Toilet seats could be dangerous. Religion class-yeah right! SICHE! Gym class-mighty midget to the rescue. ApeMan. MC3look out! Going to Miss Amazon Woman? -nice belts-dig that purse! Congratulations· You made it! We finally made it-Yeah!! It's been real, good luck with Bill-you two make a great couple-you better invite me to the you know what. Love ya "C" Don't worry-Be happy!!! I'll miN you-KIT G.L. With the Jonee-Do I hear bells?? HA, HA, HA T .L.F.A. -G.G.G. -Summer Bluea-H.W.T.F. · We made it!!! Love ya, "A" Yo babe! It's been great since freshmen year. I still have that Gitano purse you got me. Never use a heart, they are meant to be broken. Use a circle. Good luck in colleae. Love ya, Sophia T.C. -L-B.J . -D.W.B.H. -Boys will be boys-K.S. -Why? L. is E.L. N.E. you weirdo-dude what's up? Bill, Bill, Bili-U, U, U, U!!! RU OK? Don't let go-love will lead you the right way. This ia dedicated to you-from you. Never ending c1rcle of love. It takes two-Blue, Blue, Blue-Summer-Prom. G.A. -red-hot-love!! Love forever, Me CINDY CASTRANOVA Good Luck! It has been fun in all the claaaes, Eng., Reliaion, Gym, etc. Never forget the time with Dawn(yrs. ago). Piua and Sb«Ma cood combo. Basement party, McDonald's! Soph yr. Cotillion, Dr. Peppers. Walkinc barefoot in the cold! How's Carol? Luv ya, Rad I don't think I have enough apace to write about all the fun we've had, all the nights in our basement, all the timea you wanted to beat up people for me. All the times I sleft over (half in your You were always there no matter what, all had to do wu call you, and you'ld be at my door. That's what friends are for, and you're the best! When we are old and grey haired, we'll probably still be cettinc into trouble tofether, but I can't wait! I love ya, Cyndi! Love, Bridcet R CH CHMIEL Jr. Cotillion-1 didn 't make you sick, F.H. pep talks, watch out for my cookies, dinner was great, Good luck, maybe someday you can teach me to fly. Zepplin -#1 , Are you dizzy when you're atoned? Boeton Braves Hot, Popcorn, S.G., Super Bowl pictures. WNEK Table 23. Did you see that cut U. Where's my churr<Je for scoring all my goals. Superbowl party, nice pictures. /Korky Rigney, I really don't care, hey buddy, hey chmiel what's up?! Partial thank you for all the laughs and memories, you're a fantastic friend and I'll never forget all those phone conversations I had with you. You always seemed to keep me in a good mood and was always there (except for the wisdom teeth deal). I love ya, so when are we going to the Cotillion? Love always, Jen Let's ride, yo. I'm takin' a #!?X, Physics-We're different from these people, go back to Wendy's. JM Verno, thanks for everything: ties, rides, and chipwhiches. Good luck. Keep in touch. -Mark What is NH? When do we join the army? S.G. P088e Attitude, Starsky you big bully. You can keep my lunch money. Later, Tommy D. To N.H. Egg, Pac-Man, the Bon and PAS. "My arms hurt, I haven't hit ~his thing in months." I got gun when the tops down, I don't care, stra1ght outta Campton. SLOW DOWN! So, are you into the rap scene? Dep, Matte, Possett, and Cinelli. Joey Alkavono, Mr. B. Adams, JUWOPY'S! Shemale, Ben, Captain Jim Flare, Dounut. Hey, want cheese on that? Pawtsin out by choice! The DeRoss Soda-spill, The Square, Egg hut, Terrordome, Oval Office, Sloop John B, Peeshe, PingPong, Nintendo, No-friction Ice Hockey, where we hangin' tonight? Matte's! I hate the beach, I ain't taking off no shirt, 1989 World Championship Man-hunt, The Jr Prom Table! Yo! Time to Elvis! We are the originals! NH, TOGETHA 4-EVA! Chmiel To all my friends and people I've met over the past 4 years: It's been a lot of fun, we had some great times, I'll never forget all of you. Okay, maybe I am a bit moody. I wish you all the best of luck. See you in the next life! Chmiel Chivotto-Cinelli, Big Guy, Dude · .Your bad, your O.B. !"f.F., Dean: You think you can hook me up w1th a hamburger? antipasto? LB1 sloop, Hey yo! McD drive threw. N.H. -RMSJ-4EVA, Boys-4EVA, URBoy-Jamie Attitude! Don't say that about my girlfriend! Volume I & II Mac's I & II Cotillion 91 NWA Public Enemy After the fall. Avia tennis shoes nice driving. Mac, first roll down the window. Yeah! BETH CHRISTIANSON Cotillion, pressure, failed relationship, scandals, Ron & Jefrs parties, secrets, Europe, french guys, Have a good life, I'll miss you. -Rich Chmiel Larry Mullen pd. 3. Art & Eric. BUBBLES! C.C. Mr. L & Mr. G. Men are scum. Don't forget it. Thanx. Luv, Jenne My gym buddies. Smile. Beht, emile Jeanine look alike&. Thanks guys, we had a great year. Nice to be in gym today, Denise! Beht, look up in the air. Wrong team, Beth. One more thing . . . They paint this wall to stop my pen but the midnight poet strikes again! Guess Who? You are such a Botrart! Don't forget to say Humphrey! Remember old Arf and Arf Abuseioh jeez. I can't forget all our vacations. The vacuum sucker guy-oh crude, I can't remember his name, Mark Roberts and his velcro ny. North Carolina. Tony and his guitar. The hike we went on. Witchcraft. Our stupid fights. I'm sorry about this _past summer. I missed you! My bupr in Sir Video. All my boyfriends. C__ the C . Can you figure it out? Leas than zero! Remember the party overtne summer-"we were making fun of each other." Skyview. That thunder storm! You and Matt! The one from Widner and Me! When we went there! Sneaking out to the hockey game! You're garage door! That Oujii Board we made and it said I was going to die. The lights went out and I made a mess all over your window with the candle. The squeaky chair in the movie theatre. The nying hand and the toilet. Our parents. We

are definitely W.A.S.P.'s! And -·.- pniiiMI ol it. Our dMe with Todd and Scott. Swimminc. Bamwa-Fonat ud U..tMSnior Pro-.. Dean and Bruce. Thc.e dare-to-ween! Hot Guys! ni ...._,. t. here for~ so you better keep in touch r~ Doa'l foraet Jeda .... BeaDy! B/F/ F There is so much more . . . Lon ya cleuly, DOt ...,ty, Jetmy Elder TOM CLOSE I won't forget{ou and Wanda, tweety, A.t's .__, roiDI dowD Seaside, attitude, cue- I have an eso, faaey drivillt, K.,._ I lon ya. KIT Keely Zita NICOLE COLLENDER Honey ... Dan 0' Brien. Hal Hal Riell a-, \J,t.! Nr. Po&ato Had. Micro Magic. Men R Slime. U bow it. l.uY ~ Jeaae Hey Ho! I don't know hockey 6 aocar ~ Lov. Yll! Hoi The Ho's. Lazer Lights. Cotilliorl. My...._.... n. bo~ GettiDc lost in Trenton. The wall at Cole's bo.e. LuLu ditcl. Breakf..t at Bob's Big Boy P.P. Volleyball. Sit-iDS.. Flour fiPt at Amy's.. Krr Luv


CONBOY YOO! MB, JS, MJ, TJ, JC, KZ, DR. PS, CQ-111..-you I'JY& CQ"Gluck AIN'T harder!", LB "no" (8-2) C......_ ...... Dis JMl. "I kills", JS Horsemen, Amip.liR, Reffin eaUs. M8-V-Clubda,y.. "Col- 1 ors", Chap Club, 5 min-rap 89·90, Dirt, -GN, Ft. DUhlp ()peD)Huain· Thanks for everythinc. #20-Who's Hany Cnuab! 1st. T.W..M.L '90, 1 TE -20-91, 7 deal, "The Taj", Platbp(No!), ARMY RULES!! Later everyone. Luv ya always Fie. Plebe! What's that nag mean? Pete Conboy?· YO!!!! Physies labfi'OUp!! Who is you derelict friend? Gym -c~ s-riod! I'U break you out · UR -BOY -Jamie 2, 1 Holmes-Chaplin's Club-Fr. D. -Good luck with the Arm.y. Yooooo! I was wrong about Gluck&: I apoloci•· I respect you a lot. Good luck at


Europe- roomie sting. Harrison's American Grafiti Vol'ball queen. Lean Mary Kite Anarchy, all the Heathcliffs, Quail, Ekim, Chunky, Sven, Fries, l...oca· rithms Ugh!, Molecule lab and Mr. Peanut(he's probebly still in there), Greg: wild whistler!!, Volleyball night-nice team. Hard, Track, DM, Europe, Red Stocking, Garter, Pantyhc.e??! From: Miah Christie-N-Mike. Best friends, yeah right! Thanks pya for listening about you know who! I love you! Have you It~ yet? PLUNK I'm glad we took Adv. Comp. tocether and had the misfortune to be stuck in Physics. We really do think alike sometimes. I hos- you enjoy college next year. I'll misa your earrings and stockinp. I have always thought you were a really good writer. Probably the best in our cl888. Keep it up. Love always, The other Christy Hey Sting, JD(that's not me either!) lover. You're cool-you're going to go far in life(l2 kids?!) Love those stockings-never forget prop crew! JD LAUREN CUNNINGHAM NA; cruise on; idiot Scrabble; queen Amils, towel shrine- just do it; tout-aaah!; tinted windows-nooo! me, tense?; LBI,little elves; Arabian prince; 2 much to say, thanx for rides! Love, Amy Always remember Fla. and DC, and the Poconos and Mr. Moonie, car chaees, John, 'The Arabian Prince' and the "Z". " Amazing-she's wearing a skirt!" Good luck and KIT!! Always Love, Kristin Hey Lauren! II Love Love Double double chex chex!! Stop tickling me! Spanish Physics, Religion, History · all loads of fun. Oh yeah, can't forget gym. I'm sure going to miss you! Love DNQ Janelle PAT DAILY Do you HAVE to know- yes, I do. Nice hat. PNM Soccer was good! Good luck and keep in touch! Mark That a boy! We a Physicists!! O.K. Love ya, Joell C.M. is no lon,er St. Francis bound, he's MCCC bound. Announcing the SJ Paroch1al A Baseball Game. ERIN DAVIES Hey Aine! Remember Sammy Hagar, props, M-m-major League!, don't forget to follow DO NOT ENTER exit signs, and do you really have unwrapped x-mas gifts? Jennifer Duffe Spanish . .. clone schedules soph. year! Lunch ... T hanks for everyth-

~,~::RJ.~di!e~!':.ebo~e~~eteTrain? Dean A.K.A. Ron ... CH&SK .. .

Hark, I hear the cannon roar ... Patty Greer! Gone with the wind .. . North & South . . . Wilderness . . . Sean A . . . Tweedle Tee and Tweedle Ta . . It's better than cats ... Can we have the cake now? Barbies ... Eepaiiol ... Onyx eyes . .. I think I'm going to t hrow up .. . All these things are really insignificant. I just want you to remember all the great times ... watching the sun rise ... and remember t hat I love you lots and hang in Aine! Love, Tee JOHN DELILLIS You're a great friend! When we going driving? yeah? U can't wait! See ya at BCCC! Jess JESS DELMOORE L.S. -Xerxes, Jeff, nower bracelets, peace, nice hat, don 't make me come over there, look how tired I am A.M. -Good luck Couz, Love YA. K.B. - pig~back at LBI, thanx for Cotillion, are you ok miss, Kris the Kat. ab, , cd, tk, kb, thanx for the dis' 'Member el. class, lunch, gn's car, UR notes, the Cotillion, MR & PJ and forget about LK. You're a great friend -wish we met sooner. G.L. in whatever you do and try not to cause trouble. Luv Amanda ED-Hey babe got a SH? scarface! I don't see no rings, love you, ms kg ME-2 cool 4 me? your studman! loser frosh! Ha EP Dits- nice gym class! NF-nice bus-interesting! DeF Jess, wish we met sooner, honk, no gas, how many blinks?, gym cl888, NKOB, the cotillion, 1-dis. phon. calls, ant., PS-write me a note! Love Guzzie Twin-D, Algebra cl888, coming to gym late, doughnut brake, our feasts at lunch, our attitudes, I'll come over some day, keep in touch. Luv ya Monica MATT DeROSSETT RO RO RO ROesett. mischief at Campbell's. I hear you diers like a chic. Car dancing. You're the man DeR088. Love Big Mac What's up nuffman? Tell your ma to make me some sandwiches for college! I'm gonna get those . . . !, long sleeved shirts, movie with DB, NH, Gamblers' Nights, laughing machine, DeRoss imitation, on Sen. Re· treat. Wnek Yo De Ross! Senior retreat-I leave ya thanx 4 everything! The stadiumflip me again?? JM MD; Rem: hanging at Jamie's, in LBI, our long talks, my house, smile, flat tire!, "love mobile", PURPLE . .. , "Home Alone", the earring ordeal, my "great" cards, you 're "Cool" DeRoss, see ya in Florida, FF. I love ya lots. Kelly Bell-Biv-DeRoss, Poe, Rossett, Toby, Alpha, Theta, Swiss Miss, Nice, Knuckles, Chuckles, Knife, Mr. X, Hawaii, Parmesan, LBIX-sloop, Cella's, give me 12 R088etts, love zone, N.H. -RMSJ-4 EVA, BOYS4EVA, UR-BOY · Jamie DeRoss, the do is workin'! ASU maybe next semester? Be careful, good luck, retreat ILUVU, keep in touch! Nice paint job! NYE Posse -Mark Killer Clowns, F-ball in the snow at Wnek's, Gamblers night, Wrestlemania & others, Will I ever taste the whip cream. 1 on 1 basketball after the Jr. prom, the hook, fight with Will, I got 10 on it. Yo dude, Korky. DeRoss, no you ask about the magnetic earrings, eternity, good stuff, our boy in gym class, throwing apples and pudding. JM To my third Bro, without you my life would be on time. Thanks for standing around and drinking a Pepsi when I broke my collarbone. I still owe you two bucks and I must admit 720 isn't all that bad. Thanks for being the "tunemaeter" in the morning and setting me up with the calls. I'll never for~t six buck one on one basketball. Remember, once K~~te[;!~A~sDaR~ter, ut proud of it! Chmiel Thanks for standing by me and supporting me in everything I did. You were always there for me to turn to. I'll miss you alot. You're the best friend I ever had. Love, Kari We've been through alot. Our friendship has remained strong. I'm always here for you. Good luck with KW and in college. Stay sweet! Always, Kris To my ex -wife, you were such an inspiration to me, thanks for keeping me sane and for being so sweet. Love Ya, Tommy D

JENNE DEVEAU I love you. Gre.e, - 7. jea)ousy. immaturity, and competition •. ~t characters Kenic:kie aDd Riuo, nic:e eyes. weekends. Belt Blo., qUJck1e in the ear. I have so much to thaak you for. Remember ud sonp. " Leech". Prom, "stop" sign, LBI- "it'sjult the flu!", Ramone, "I'm 10 ... !"You're the best! Love you! Friends FOI't!VH, Kris.y You're a wonderful llincer/IICtor. Gled to help you learn how to walk. Anytime you want to putic:is-te in intereetinc convenations, give me a call. Luv, LeLe T.S. My buddy. Thanx for everythinc. E.N. Art wouldn't be the same. M &: D th8.11J[ for believi,. Collece heft I come! WATCH OUT! JM- I got it in! Pd 5 gym. JK, G, ST. JM, AO. DeVeau!!! JB-great dancer! Jealous- who us?? Studmen! College guyswho needs them?? We do!! Proms '90-LBI- Will ya love me forever?? WC's How's Dave? Scott's shorehouae! Glad we became better friends! You're great! Luv ya! Love, Sue Art class with Bubbles, Larry the stud, Eric who can't tell a story to save his life and Scott his buddy, OM Lover with the cut out pictures of her. And her ... or it. To one b to another. Love ya, Beth. OK Rizzo, such a tough chick, stay away from men, they only corrupt you. Become a nun, it's the only safe thing. Cast parties were awesome. It's been great, stay cool. Love ya Tommy D We have no friends. Chris says, "You only had 3, not 6." Jarret. My sister's house. How's Dave? Kiss John Grimes good. Are they really kissing? You're so rich and you show it. Look at the moon. ~IT Luv ya, Lisa Fernbach Jenne for homecoming queen! Oh well, it was a cool thought. We've had so much fun through the past few years. You're always there to make me feel better- it's_meant a lot_. thanks. Never forlfet all our great times and good luck w1th everythmg you do! Keep m touch. Love always, Trish Hey buddy! Always remember ... cops, your smart finger, The Cookie Monster, gym class, candy, Amanda's locker room run, burp, the Flasher, it's Nick, DH + JM x 2 = PH's, the beamer, pizza, calls from the ice cream shop, 1 out of 4, it's scary, green. "I sat home and picked my nose with mom and dad DeVeau.", how long a~ those legs?, Da~e's friends let's forget RB, the C man, and the man w1th a one track mmd Ken M: Men? Who needs them? We do! Thanx for being a great friend and always being there! No more PH's for us, Don't be late for college!, DeVeau, OH Jenne, Bell Biv DeVeau, Now you know. Keep in touch. Jenne, do you believe it, you made it!!! Love ya, Joell JAMIE DIMATTIA Yo homeboy! hey George, this is Jim. Donut. Phone scandal 91 Remember our Pact. Matte from 3 point again. Patu in effect. the Posse. I love you Jam. You're an awesome friend. Colleen McNamara Phil, L'etranger, French, Beep-Beep!, check me out, Cheese. Love Kathy Our talks about OM &: LN, stay sweet forever, good luck, Luv ya ... you better KIT Jen Stevens Saul Goldblaut, SG for 2 years, we never did anything- yeh right! WNEK I'll never forget the Morp, SG, Dec. 11, Friendliest, your house and all of our great talks, esp. the one in LBI on the beach. Thanx Jamie for being such a good friend to me. I love you. Kelly Is he Oriental or is he your dentist! Table 23. The red light is still beeping. Have you seen the midget around?/ korky Yo- check me out! BEEP! BEEP! Oh beat, the dinner dis! Cotillionyou want some soda? Is that a wig? Donut! Nice Physics and Chern lab groups! Bus ride from retreat- it's a little hot! Hey Nan, guess what she did? I hear you saw the legend! Thanks for the bone! Heather To my Bro who has definitely learned the " mental aspects of the sport." Wether in the same house or 20 blocks away you were always there when I needed s little help. Thanks. If life gets you down just hoist up the John B. sail see how the main sail sets and call for the captain cause this is the worst trip I've ever been on, just let me go home! Remember, once an NHer unfortunately always an Nher, but proud of it! Chmiel The Freek, Saul Goldblatt, INXS, Don't mess with the face pose, the bat mobile, you say I not a dentist JM Yo Eggman, it's HPD IDK, SG posse, what is NH? My parties " If all else fails, use more gel" Attitude, Don't touch the doo Yo face! Zuko Peace, Tommy D Yo Mattia, Vern, want to see a dead body? Good luck stay out of t rouble, you the man! NYE Posse! -Mark Yo! Where's my hug? I'll strangle you. You forgot my picture too!! You know Jamie you're almost black, but the tan is fading. You could have gotten away as my brother. Oh, I like the GQ hairdo! It's you! Don't forget calculus and I won't forget your gym shorts. What do they say? 1 c~~IN2z~le a good "mule". Love ya, Sophia

¥o<tt 0

Well it's been 6 awesome years. Times have been cool, life's cool, everything's cool. Well , Lafayette bound and Irish behind. We will stay friends. Best friends forever! Matt Sh- Yea! No! yea! NO yea! No! the square root of 94, no sleeping on my island, gentlemen, row 4 table C you with the blue jockstrap. corn nipper. Big Drive, Woogs. Dan Do you remember that? The Psych Cage lives on in our minds. Keep in touch. Co-cheese. -DB DANNY, RIZZO. I'm no garden tool! Grease 91 ... the best. Thanx for making it work. College guys stink! Raul and Cotillion 91. Love ya, Jenne Tommy d. Drive backwards lately? Watch out for those " Physics Fantasies"! Velocity Vectors and Acceleration! Love ya, Jen. PS- a more romantic side- the sonnet you wrote! My dearest Tommy, you are a great guy. You are always there for me. Don't forget about our Colorado trip, your parties were awesome, my hotel beer, 13 is the number, Lucky Pug, storytime, too much coffee, I am not horny, looking at the stars, cross country and track, your awesome hairdoo, making cookies. Thank you for the beautiful paperweight. The cotillion was the best. Veteran's Park- a few special moments that I can hold onto forever. I hope Tommy Jr. turns out to be just like you. " Wonderful Tonight" You make an awesome Danny. Tom, you are very special to me, and not just because I am your Mommy. Be good, do well in college and remember, that I am not far from you. Thank you for all the Butthead drawings and piggyback rides. Love always, Jen. 'T', your cool dude with a great future ahead of you! Remember: attitude, X-country, Ron's parties, Physics is phun, your parties, Raul, W, Track, Wrobo, Retreat, have a great future and never forget your friend'G'. your friend, George Mount. Hey, Danny, Grease was the best! Yeah??!! Ohhhh!!! History sucked but we made it fun. WHY? WHAT? WHY? NO! Thanks for your help with the physics problems, Mr. Domincz.yk, you have an awesome physical intuition. I'm glad we became better friends this year, you're one cool mugwump. Have fun at Lafayette. Keep in touch. And the sign said . . Your friend, Lou (Rump) "Women are the root of all evil." I agree. A.P.I ... Parties at Ron's ... New Year's 1991 . English ... Thanks for the memories: Grease!. Kate I'm a step ahead of you ... WOMEN are superior! Ron's was great. Thank to you and John for giving me a chance this year. See, I am sociable (like at the Ground Round). Love ya, Kara Dinner, I'm calling from outside your house, Crystal Diner, the mixed drinks, your impressive driving skills and the morning announcements with John. Thanx for being a great friend . Love ya, Joell What can I say, it's been an experience, to say the least! the parties, some phone calls, the Trenton High Football Game, some decent conversations and lets not forget "You drove me home!" ONCE!!! Ha! Ha! JK! Sue I'm glad we've gotten so close. You beat me in cross country, but I'll beat you in the 3200 anyday. Never forget the fun we had in Europe. If you ever need crack, just tell me. $10.00 will get ... Love ya, Joyce Hey big brother! We've made it through the good times and the bad, but I'm happy to say that we're still close. Thanks for being there when I needed you- I hope you know that I'm always here for you. Good luck- I know you'll be very successful. Never forget how much you mean to me. Keep in touch. Remember the great times. Love always,

Trish. Thanks for Latin, it's been fun. Don't have any more parties. South rules! Yankee go home. Have fun at college. Later. Your friend, Tom Hanlon. Hey Tom, calculus has been great. I'm glad I got to know you a little better this year. Remember, women are not the source of all evil, men are. I hope we keep in touch. Have fun in college! Oh, I'm sorry I'm always so cheerful but I keep trying to rub off on someone else. Keep smiling!! Love always, Christy How's your "diner"? Thanx 4 dinner! We owe you one! Social! Let's philosophize! Danny! Thanx for the advice! Crazy driver- ludicrous speed! You're always right! WC Ron's Movies- I was Ms. G. · yeah! stud! women- superior. Men- root of all evil! Take care! luv ya! Larry&: Moe!! Love, Susie Q Hey Bogart, Well, you should know who this is. What can I sa~ to such a "stud". Remember everything back when we were freshmen. Oh jeez.! You know what I mean! What about all those good memories when we were together. I can't even begin to list them. You became my best friend Tom, we were able to talk about everything and anything. I know now we've been busy with our own things, but I really do understand. I still want to always keep in touch with you forever. Thank you for always supportinf me when I was down. You've been there through my dancing and al my other activities. Remember that phone where I would call you from . And then the time you called and were over in 2 minutes.! What about France and Italy. Remember when we were locked out of you know where in France. The French Riveria. Our boat! Just some things that popped into my head. I hope we can still have some memories for the future. Sometimes I don't always understand the way you act now but I know the real you! I know you needed time for you and to enjoy the other possibilities in life. I respect and know you did the right thing. I realized eventually that it was the best thing for me too. Well my dear, I'll always enjoy your "humor!" I better go before I start talking about something else! Jam! Remember your P.S.'s. P.S. Oh, you know a little this and a little that! Love ya, Always, Jennifer. P.S. Maybe I'll see you at Lafayette. JAMES DONNELLY You are such a butthead but a cool-dude. I love hanging out with youyou are such a nut. Thanks for always making me laugh- you are the best. Keep eating healthy, keep running, keep smiling, and most importantly keep all of the memories. Thanks for all the rid~- I enjoyed making dinner for you- anytime. Keep reading those com1cs. Sorry I played with your hair so much and I am sorry things never happened. I am the one that missed out. Best of luck to you in the years to come. Don't ever forget our Pocono trip-skiing and sledding were the best. Love, Jen It's been great being your friend. running wouldn't be the same without you. Remember always flex! Skiing was great! your friend, George Mount Yo! Hope you remain a pacifist- forever! Don't forget Prague '89- The Autumn of Love, Monty Python, Princeton, and you'd better watch out! Jen Duffe What can I say to you? You're one really weird but genuinely great guy. I'm sorry things didn't work out for the prom last year but I'm glad you're my friend. Remember I'm always here. Take care. Christy Walk the middle path ... with the wind in your hair and your women to the right! (A new version - Excuse the adulturation!) -Kate. Scotty, what's the story with those crystals, I'm crushing you with my finger. Attack of the street pimps, track, cross country. Life was fun, • Peace. Tommy D. Neber forget the junior prom 1990. We've had some good times in cross country and track. Good luck in all you do and keep in touch. Love, Joyce. Someday, we'll figure out if we're related, but until then, you've been a terrific " brother". Thanks for always being there to cheer me up. Always stay as crazy and sweet as you are. Good luck with everythingkeep in touch. Never forget all of t he great times we've shared. Love always, Trish. Well we've survived 3 years of English and having our lockers next to each other. Hard to believe it all went by so fast. I'm glad that we've become friends. Remember all that great fun we had in Cevera's, Henkel's & Confoy's English classes. Best of luck at college. Enjoy! Love, Megan TRISH DONNELLY Hi sis. basement, army, it's easy. women in lace. Homerun on women's head, blue birds, mording rides to school. G.S. wipe that smirk off your face. Summers. I love ya Trish. Good luck with whatever you do. Colleen McNamara MooHead? "T -M-N -T " Parties, last year TS-WOW! Nice cow in the yard. Love Jess Yo-what ya thinking about Ms. Moo- how's cowtown, USA? Remember "our men" and the notes. TMNT and NKB are NOT where it's at? (sorry!) Jen Duffe TD for homecoming Queen! RC history and Mrs. G. Thanx for everything. MOO! Luv, Jenne Hey "sweats"! Remember! J.A.K.E. and J .A.D.E. And the later one came true! Oh Jeez.! Well we've been through a lot You are the best friend anyone could have! You always care. Let's keep in touch no matter where we go! Love always, Jenny Pat, what are you thinking about? I find myself very lucky yo have found such a loveable, sweet, trusting friend as you. We have done so much together. Our cancer pacts, the rainbows on my cast, your parties, my parties, sharks and dinosaurs, P-ing, Goldilocks and the 3 bears, puffs plus with aloe, cutting my dinner, all the help with George, your cheer-up cards, 5:59.9, pictures of me eating, retreat and my toilet paper, the alligators in your pool, and everything else. You are a true sweetheart and I can't thank you enough for everything. Remember that Snoopy smiles sexy so smile Snoopy style. Be good. Love, Jennypooh Pat! How are those cows? Keep the pool in order. New Years was cold (cool)! How is that picture oh well- remember Trish- keep smiling. your friend, George Mount I am so glad we have become such good friends. If you didn't have so many parties, I don't know if I would have made it through school. Thank you for all of your care and support when I needed it most. Never forget Europe. Keep in touch. Love, Joyce. So, the outhouse is about a half mile out, past the cows? Thanx for being a great friend. Let's go wrabbit hunting sometime! Love ya, Joell Pat, my little sister We had a lot of fun together, your cookouts, Florida, Europe, Retreat. Thanks for being a great Iii' sis. Love ya, Tommy D. It's cold ... Don't panic! ... have you cleaned your pool recently? Nice hair ... you and your sophomores, Physics class, not paying attention ... Millstone vs. Yardley . . . Where are the cows and ostriches? Retreat, awesome discussions, throwing M&:M's, crying at mass, you 've got a friend ... New Year's Eve . .. people under pool tables ... your nose .. . your ankle . . . your wrist . . . nice car ... Trish you've always been there for me! Thanks for all the advice and remember I'm always here for you. I love ya! Christy I can't believe that we are graduating. You have helped me so much with all of my dilemmas over the past 4 years. Remember all of the great times, turtles in gym class and on LBI, Major League, Misery, Ground Round, Wildwood, Anatomy, Environmental Science, and the unforgetable freshmen gym class! You've been an unbelievable friend! Love, Stephanie Hey Pat, Just wanted to say I'm glad I got to converse with you daily. Just wanted to use weird words. You know me. New Years was great. I'll never forget the poker game and exploding mushrooms. Now I know how to play poker. With M&:M's. You can't forget the famous beeper on my keys or the cow that scared Amanda. Good luck in all you do and I wish you all the best in college. Love ya lots, Sophia Thanks, Good luck, and keep in touch to: Rich, Megan, Kevin, Raul, John, Mike, Tara, Suz.i -Q, Vic, Amanda, Chris Ken., Mark, Fred, George, Matt, Tom M.• &: everybody who's made high school so much fun! Jen and Jill- you guys have been the coolest "sisters" ever. Stay out of trouble. The Millstone Posse (Kerry, Heather, Paul, James, Pete, Sean, Eric, Cindy, Ceaser, Suzanne, and everyone else) Don't change it's been too much fun . The track and CC teams. You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work. Julie, Matt (chipmunks are cute)

Joy, Eric, Ron, Liz, Chrissy, John (how bout those Giants!) a!ld the rest of you cool sophomores. Neil- I'll never forget our memones or you. Don't change you're too unbelievable, just keep being you. Take care of that teddy' bear. Thanks for everything. I love you We've been through so much together I don't know where to start. Remember all of our good times: Who's Patty? Pssst! LBI, count jeep, coke rules, wok, Noell, Maybelline, 5:55, top 10, I sat on his jacket, shopping, on the radio at 3 AM, split sodas, men, TURTLES, pat~n leathers, Ouija 11/29, little men, US- look alike?, the songs, mov1es, sleepovers, parties, oblivious, Holy Cow, hockey, soccer, football games watch out for the eyes, mother Theresa, Sr. Pat, I'm an Angle, fly, E~rope, fish stuff, dancing on your ches_t, sleep!, ~enry Z., 100% confused, bonding, HO-HO-HO, and everythtng else. I m really gonn_a miss you next year. We've gotten to be so close over the past 3 years, 1t is like we're sisters. Our friendship means a lot to me and I don't know where I'd be w/o you. I love you! BFF, Kim It's hard to believe that we met four years ago on the bus on the way to band camp. Remember all the fun we had that week- mud sliding- I'm the last to apologize for shining the flashlight in your windows- I'm sorry. We've had some really great times in the last~ year~. Our s_kit frosh year, travelling through Europe, your New Years part1es- ltah~n water ice on waffles. They were the best. Best of luck at college. You re a great and special friend and person. Give me a call over the summer. Love Meg. PS Your secret is still safe with me. MEGAN DOUBLE No more computers! No more ORO garbage. FLORIDA!! From: Mirusia Megan, we sure have spent a lot of time together this year and I want you to know how happy I am that I have gotten to know you. Altho~h you are a bubble head, you are always taking care of me. I'm sorry I m such a butt sometimes. Thanks for all the notes, all the smiles, and aU the words of wisdom. Thank you for all the tissues. Sorry about HJ. you are very special to me and you deserve only the best- so don't settle for any less. You are very unique- nothing and nobody compares to you. Be good. Love, Jen. Hey 2x! Thanx for everything- lunch was fun and thanx for listening to me babble- good luck with ~on~. Jen Duffe . . . It all began in seventh grade m P1ttsburgh. Do you beheve 1t? ChemiStry, Physics, Computers, Religion, Gym, Calculus, Lunch- It's all been a blast. See ya at Fizz.! Love, Janelle To my locker buddy: We probably won't be in each other's way that much next year. I will miss seeing you after every class. Thank you for always listening to me. Good luck in all you do. Love, Jorce Hey you! Remember all the fun in band- especially camp. Have any barefoot orgies lately? I'll miss you next year. Never forget all the fun in the sun with the boys of summer ... Ed, Jeff, Fred, Andy ... Love always, Lisa Hey babe! Never forget Mr. Levin's Honors Biology and the •:atomic bomb". " He looks like a pear!" You were a great lab partner m both chem. and Physics. Too bad our experiments in chemistry never came out right. We made up for it though. I wish you all the best. Boooomb!! Love ya, Sophia . . Our high school life is coming to an end, and our college hfe 1s about to begin. What would I have done without my awesome porn partner? Remember those endless practices, band camp, initiation, your surprise party, LBI, Wildwood, and most of all our_great times _at the football games. You're always going to be a grea~ fn~nd, and I w1sh yc;m lots of luck in college. Whatever path you take m hfe, I know you w11l succeed! Love, Stephanie Jen O'D- 10-12-90 'Did I just do what I think I did?' "My mom's going to flip!" I told you I wouldn't forget. Thanks for all your help with Color Guard last season. Best of luck for next year. Enjoy it- it's the best. Love, Megan HB. Hi hon! Well you've almost survived one year here. I just want to thank you for everything. You do so much for me and I don't say thanks enough. You really mean a lot to me · I don't know what I'd do without you some days, then there are those days where I don't know what to do with you. I know it's been a long time but remember Halloween a 4 hr. walk, New Year's, Christmas Eve, you finally got to see the Nutcracker, will we ever get to see Awakenings? .. . I'm going to end this short and sweet, I love you HB (sorry I can't resist)! Give Bear a hug for me. Love, Mr. Ed. JOYCE DRAKE Movies w/ Jen, Georgey baby, dirty looks, parties, good times, Europe, ouiga board, excuses, I'll miss ya! John Grimes To my bestest Bubber Bugie Buddy in the whole world. I don't know where to begin. Maybe I should stop now since you always know what I'm going to ssy anyway. We have sooo many memories-The Beach, Boston (Snow, time change?, 2, 2, 2, Fanueil Hall, Nobody delivers pizza, bacjgammon, truth or dare) , Barry, Pug, P-ing-good or bad?, gall stones, "Surprise", cancer pacts, BK, New Year's Eve-13, Cross Country, roots, my BIG toe, your extra caps, honkers, my brain vibration, Marge and Fran, Dinosaurs, retreat, I'm never sick, tennis, sky diving, 12-mile walk, toxic avenger, singing, our aching bodies, why do birds ... , making cookies, hurdles, your young men, Philosophy, 5:51, Joey making me cry, it's windy-hillsprints, jellyfish, football and soccer, Fly, the question mark of lights on our front lawn-well anyway, we have had some great times. You are very special to me. I hope and wish we could hold onto each other forever. Don't forget I'm your sister and that I am only a phone call away. Thanks for everything. I love you, Jen Yo - Ms. Attitude- smile! Psych was psych, we've certainly changed'member homeroom loners? Thanx for everything! Jen Duffe Anytime you want to race, what do we get for ten dollars? Stop selling crack, good luck with men, don't worry about that one mistake. May your children be beautiful and numerous. Love ya, Tommy D. After all our classes together, I'll miss you next year. Remember our 3 years with Mr. Wood. We're Latin scholars now (ha, ha). Don't forget the cell cookie or the phagocytes! Love always, Lisa To all my underclassmen friends: Ryan- I'm glad we were able to get so close in such a short. I'll miss you next year. Keep in touch. Diz. and the XC gang- always run fast and never Jet the weasals in green beat you! JB & TM- Volleyball '91. Keep running fast! EW- Quit tennis and run. And don't think so much! To all those who I didn't mention: I will miss you. Good bye. Love, Joyce I'm really glad we've grown so close- thank God for homeroom and lunch. Thanks for always being there for me. I hope we all keep in touch for a really long time. Keep running andgood luck in all you do. Never forget all the .Food times: Blamma, Europe, Who's Patty?, chocolate or ice cream ., kidney beans, RED umbros and M&:M's, how did that happen?, lipstuff(Blistex), dancing on my chest, blue pills and sweating stomachs, fish stuff, 5:55, and blue mints or green? Pepsi rules always. I love ya, Trish (Pat) I can't believe we've been friends for 13 years and are still close. Next year is going to be weird not seeing you every day at school. We've had a lot of fun together. Re; St. Greg's, blue pills, my stomach is sweating, dancing on Trish's chest, 5:55, Europe, Blamma, how did that happen?, nuggies, Twin #1 and twin #2, cancer pacts, sleepoven, parties, movies, and songs (fly through the gym). Thanx for being a great friend. I'm gonna miss you. KIT I love you, Kim Hey hun. I don't know where to start. I've only known you for about 10 years Well, I must say it's been a Jreat 4 years, hasn't it? Of course. Let's see. Never forget honors phys1cs and chemistry, and the !abe. We had fun. Especially disecting the frog and cricket. Your surprize party was good even though I didn't realize I threw you off with the movies. You can't have a party with M&:M's. Plain of course! Thanks for beinc with me when my brother died. You were a great help. Good luck in track, cross country and in all else you do. Love ya lots and forever, Sophia Hey locker buddy! So glad that we've become friends over the yean. You're really a terrific person and great friend. Remember all the great times we've had dancing in Florence, the night the Florence soccer team won the Italian cup, walking tour of Rome stopping the train on the way to Paris, sunning on the beaches of the Rivera, Powder Puff, Retreat. Best of luck at school in the next years. I've enjoyed having my locker next to yours, even if were always there at the same time. Enjoy! Give me a call over the summer. Love, MeJ Dear Joyce, In one year so much has happened. It IS so hard to put it

down here how much it has all meant to me. Remember: X-Country, Mr. Sewing, country champ, Marge and Jack (Jake), the movies, frozen yogurt, Jen: she's plugged, phone bill, bk, track, your b-elay, Dec. 14, license, talking on the phone, the Cotillion, saying goodbye, smile, I don't know, yup, yup, yup, retreat, Pat, New Years, McLaughlin, Beym, Biruk, my nutritionist, tea, I got a job!, 2 pairs of underwear, numb d , your shirt for x-mas, Joyce, I'll never forget you. Love always, 'Ueorge. JEN DUFFE French has been fun! Open boWie nights, keep laughing! Jen Buffe oh 80rry Jen! Meghan Jen, you are an abaolute sweetheart! Thank you for always taking time out for me. You are my favorite Mop- and never forget that. Keep smiling and I hope all goes well for you in the future, Be good and keep laying volleyball. Love, Jen enjoyed talking with you and getting to know you while we hit each other playing volleyball. You always knew what was on my mind. You always eared if I was down. You are a good friend. I better know you in a 100 yra. from now, 80 keep in touch. Don't spill food on your shirt. Love always, Jennifer Watermelon legs? Ha! Does she have a problem or is that just the way sbe walb? Minaia My own peraonal dream analyst .. .. Thank you 80 much ... Hauz you donz your section surveys? Mary Kite Friday the 13th part VII . . ARRHH. Hey did you know Erin doesn't wrap her prevents? Biology clus ... getting squirted by a dead fish wilclf1owers ... did you know abe smokes? Teenage Mutant Turtlea are awesome. Jim &: Junior From ... my nails ... flying carrots . . English clus ... Macbeth ... Duncan's dead . . Once Around ... Peace Deer . . . We're still going to the prom together . . . Dilly &: watching stars. I love ya. Critter Hey lunch buddy! Remember all the great times we've had through the years. Three years of French together, Mrs. Kaplan actually made French funny. We've had 80me great laughs over the years. You're a really great friend, a special one. Beat of luck in your college years. Enjoy! Love Meg We started it Sophmore year and since then. I think I've written you C&you've written back) a thousand note&. But it was worth it, b/c we've become auch great friends. ·You are a real sweetie & I appreciate you always being there. Good luck in all you do- Keep in touch. Never Forget: It's cold, retreat. I will buy you a card store 80meday, & us & our yOWI(_er pya. Keep Smilin1. Love alwaya, Trish Jennnnn Dufffl'fee .... We love Harry, English class, We love Harry Again. You are a great peraon and I'm 80 &lad we met. Love always, Jen Brennan KEVIN DUGEL K.D. - Checkmate -DD Kevin, I can't thank you enough for everything. Thank you so much for all the ridea. Sorry I keep driving your car. I'll get a license one of theae days. Sorry lam 80 abort- atill things work out &reat between us. We built a friendahip and trust that I will treuure forever. Thank& for giving me your colds. Sorry about wearing down Eric Clapton. We have 80me jreat conversations. Thank you for leaving your msides on my front lawn. Take care of yourself, be good and remember that I am just a phone callaway. Love, Jen Hey- how's the weather up there? You're a great locker buddy. Sorry about the muatard on your car (ha ha). Will we ever be on time for anything? Jen Duffe Kevin, you party like a real man. You're a track stud, and you're a lot taller than me. Life is to abort to be taken seriously. Peace, Tommy D I don't know what I would have done without you these past three years. You're not only my cousin, you're one of my beat friends. You always are ready to do anything for me, and you never complained once. What will I do without you in college? Don't forget our great timea with all of our friends, there will be many more to come. Good luck in Coll~e. Love, Stephanie Well these thanp are aetting annoying. I swear, for probably the first time in my life I'm without words. What? No babble? Well how about that Physics? Hmm. I don't know if I ever thanked you for the cotillian, but I really bad a great time. I'm sorry things didn't work out for us but I'm really glad that you and I are friends. Thanks for listening to me com~lain, about everythin&. and for being a great friend. Love



Wow. Kari, we're done. It's a shame we can't follow each other to colleJ,e. (If I ever have any questions, I'll call) Kari, I knew each day that af I needed 80mething I could turn to you and you would always be smiling. Your friend, George Mount. Twelve years qether and many more to come. Together we have conquered many problema and come out strong each time. I trust you with everything, you are my beat friend. Thank you for EVERYTHING. Love you always, Kim Well it's been a great four years. You're a really great/special person and friend. Remember all those great times in Chemistry and Physica. Thanb for all the help. Best of luck in college. Stay on your toes. Keep

;::=ti'v ~u~ii:n I'm beading down the highway, looking for a love getaway. The love-

aback, baby. Don't ever forget our fun times at ND. I can't wait to watch one of your movi . Don't forget the Junior Prom. You're a great peraon and I hope we stay in touch. Love, Janelle Homework helper- thanx for saving me. Fr. was Fr. Were we craz_y? (4 yrs.?) Good luck· you are very sweet. Thanx for everything. Jen Duffe Well, guess what I got pulled over again ... Never forget chemistry or math - stop talking now ... MN The Glass Menag., Fried Ice Cream. Hon. Bio. lab partners- paper fights, frozen worms, Heather & Paul? K-mart horses. Kit Kat& are ood food . Marilyn never really knew you till this year. Now I'm sorry I do. Only kidding. Thanks for listening to em complain & ExpreBB how I feel. You are a wonderful person who deserves only the best. Your cheerfulneaa & joyful smile can brighten any gloomy day. I hope we will always be friends. You'll be the world's greatest journalist. Remember, pretiB the brake before switching gears. Beth Putzak Wendster, English was great. Too bad you got moved. I should track down that guy friend of yours from G.A. It might have been my only chance. Seriously, though, you've been great & I'm glad we 10t to be friends. Love always, Gabster Jenny, I miss you, traitor! (Just kidding about the traitor ~rt) But you did leave me in homeroom AND French! I want to say I m so glad we became friends last year! You made many unbearable cl88&e8 a little more fun! Don't forget Chang or Michael Myers(!!!) and don't ever forget me- I'll kill you. Ha! Keep in touch- I look forward to you coming back home soon. Love ya. Wendy Dutwin To: Wendy Dutwin Remember ... Wildwood, tri-tone, slosh, G.A., the bovines ... They all brought us together. "I speak for all of us!" I bowl too! My high score is 2! The men's room in Roy Roger's. John, Paul, George, Ringo, Matt F, T -T, Greg, Timmy, Mike(lst time), Lead Pipe Joe, Rob's initial buddy, STP motor oil, Sign of the L!, Shavey, E.W., Mike (again!), W.E., Happy New Year, Bachelor A! (Whew!) Christopher Barnes, John Travolta, Ethan Hawke, Howard Stern, Joker Rules!, Johnny Depp. The Woman goes to Honowoowoo. Kosher, dude! " I don't get it!" WENDY! Skeeball, 0 -0 -0VER and OVER! Whoa BUNDY! "Look for tatoos on her knuckles. "I think I saw him on America's Most Wanted." Paul the Security Guard, G.A. summers· chicken sandwiches, job party, rehire reunions, atop hoarding, make a sacrifice to Umbaba the Fairy Tales god, climbing on shelve&, Freefall, GA SM. stealing french fries from Best of the West, Fairy Tales back room, the PVC's are in the drawer, Joy picked up a live frog, I laughed over speakers at Recording Studio, "Don't go home with him!" (Glenn, Steve). I'm not regurging anymore (Bachelor A). Heather and Paul?!? Cuz she's got ... personality. Ruthy, Rithy, Ruthy! (Pant, pant, pant) DumbS ... Hold you never call me that. Mucha&. "I'm telling mom!" You've been in the plane. NYU/FPU! Carrie and Waxwork. "The lion Sleeps Tonight", U2, Sinead, "Mom! Andrea's on the roof!" Day by day and wings. "Mommie Dearest", Volleyball, basketball, ping-pong. "The Glass Menagerie" and Casa Lupita. Days of our Lives has the greatest writers! Whoa ... thank you for always being there for me. I


know you'll be very auccesaful in the movie industry. I'm glad we'll be so close in college. Wend, you know you're more than a friend to me. Jufi~i~GL~~F and I am lucky you're my beat friend! Love, Andrea We made it through calc! As Mrs. Anderaon would say, "her troops are now going to be little flab in a big pond!" TRACK!! EUROPE! From Mirusia Why Scott I'll never know but I'm used to not knowing &tum You can put down that book now you graduated! Love, Adam Burdos You're a great friend and a very special lady. Thanks for all the smiles and happy times. I'll mi&& you! Keep in touch! Love, Kari Mutants from Hell, Princeton and Femmes, Jules-Bus, Full House From Kathy McGann Hey Eggy! Don't play innocent!!! Powder Puff.want a hug?, Princeton &: Femmes, lets go in the fountain!! -Thanx for being honest. Love ya· JM Conlfatulations. Good luck in achool. I'm proud of you. I'll miBS you. Love, Janice Farmer! Only Kidding. S. Brunswick is not a farm! Thanks for always being there for me: Mr. James, English, your help with girls, notes, and everything else. Good luck in the future. Your friend, George Mount Hey You! We are the Presbyterian women! I've enjoyed always talking with you and listening to you! Maybe I'll see you at Bucknell or Lafayette! Love always, Jennifer Hey-Jule-don't forget Mr. Touchy-feely in gym, boring classes, peccadillo, Mr. Attitude, and "you know I hate to judge others, but . . . " From, Jen Duffe Hey, farmgirl! We finally made it. We had fun in Calculus, and in English despite fights with a certain teacher. You're a great debater, even though I never saw you. The Cotillion was fun. Thanks for the help with Kathy too. Your friend, Lou 1111 wanna be a lifeguard! Ill wanna save your life! Where's Julie tonight? She's with Chris! We have something in common! Cruise '91. I'm not a bad person-just confused. Julie Egloff is horse's---. PLUNK Mutants From Heii-Kath & Coli-let's play some field Hockey in 90° weather. Fifth period lunch discussions. Provenzali-you are the best. Let's go to dinner. Her Wedam-let's sing some Van Halen. Calc class. Who's whipped, not me. France and Italy shaving cream parties. Jan - do you want to go to the milk farm? Thanx for listening. Kath-1'11 always listen-Violet Femmes-Saturday nights at PrincetonWho wants to swim in a fountain? -The Full House is going outAdam=Scott? Beth=Julie? Kate-yes, you can borrow my skirt. Jeff-can you teach me how to fall? John, George, and Lou-! won the water fights. Brennan does the best Casey Cassem countdowns. Felicia and Deb-Chris and I are going to catch up to you. Big Mac makes a me&& at lunch. Sara-do you want to go to English and AP History? I beat John Heitzman on a test. Where did Dan Rafferty learn to speak French? P.J. -you're a life savior. Chris-you should have asked me out sooner. By the way, you make a great macaroni and cheese. George-eat dirt. Cotillions and Proms. Thank you Mom and Dad for putting up with me. I love you. JEN ELDER Never forget Calc, French! EUROPE-Florence-and of course the infa· mous Red Stocking! From Mirusia Lobster-softball was great-Rons & Jeff-hairholding. We've been separated before but we made it through it, lets keep tradition. I love ya!! Love, Amanda O'Sullivan Jen, what a year! It was definitely filled with laughter and tears. We have really gotten to know each other and spend time together. Cross Country was a lot of fun. Don't forget BRB-LL, Retreat, Lunch, and all of our deep conversations. I feel that I can truly trust you. You've always shown concern-you would ask what was wrong and I wouldn't even have to say a word. Thank you for being you which is one great friend. Love, Jen Hey Jenny!'member the wild volleyball man, crazy K. & Fr., how 'bout them x-mas tunes? I think, I thought to think, but I could be wrong?! From Jen Duffe The Cotillion was fun, so was javelin throwing. Physics wasn't Phun, English tests weren't either. You're a nice girl, I'm glad we got to know each other better. I think your flowers are still in my refrigerator, and I think you still owe me a picture. Good luck in college, drop me a line sometime. -Lou How can I ever forget all the great memories we made. My Van, the prom, your boat, being all mushy. you were truly a learning experience for me and I'll never forget you. Love ya, Tom Cross country was a lot of fun and I'm glad we got to know each other so well. Never forget all of the fun we had in Europe. Keep in touch and beat of luck to ~ou next year. Love, Joyce Blank is NOT the best! Na nona na na na ... Bomp Bomp. Do you call him Stu? New Years 91 ... WOW! I luv ya forever, Kief. NY with Mark and Scott. Fighting in NY., NC with Bob, Rob, Greg and his Posse, Matt and Jonathan. Arf(abuse) . French class I and II. Band. New Year's Eve frosh year. (BC) I'm trying to remember everything from the past 4 years, but there is so much and I can't fit all of it. I just really want to say is thank& for being my beat friend and I love you! (Me) I know we've had our differences but they always seem to work out. Never forget all the memories we've made since Freshman year. I think we've grown alot since then and we've changed in other ways but in the end we will always know who we were! From Sue Goldman Sweats! I'll always consider you my first real best friend and I'm sorry we haven't stayed that way. But at least we're still close & I hope you'll remember that I'm always here if you need me. Good luck & be good. Keep in touch & don't forget all of our great times: four New Year's Eves together, Gotcha(Bob), parties, Europe, retreat, walking into doors, exploding white stuff, and "Home of the Whopper". Love always, Trish TD, Ron & Jefrs parties, Aric's parties, good times, scandals, love ~o"A~c·A~:J~ywell), fights, Europe (yeah). FC You mean a lot to me. Even though we fight a lot, you're always there for me. It really means a lot to me and I'll never forget you. DP Our friendship means a lot to me and I hope we can become the best friends we were before. ME We became very good friend=Xs this year and I hope our friendship will stay strong. KK, JD, AJ, NC, LF, NY I'm glad we all stayed good friends. We've had alot of good times and hope we have many more. JS You've taught me a lot and I always will have a part of me that cares for you. MONICA ERNEY Moonica, "Where are the white trucks?" nice Cotillion dates - #11 "I know I can", "dancing flower", "my dirt bag", "I want pizza", F/F. Were not there yet. "You're such a kidder" Monica, 2 cool per 6 "MOR + DM"-good couple, Our gym! Watch out for slow-moving cars! "Nice hand?" Smke D#? on a rope? Love ya, Jess JOE EVANKO Norm! Abaolutely! Bedens Brook Bums Evanko's 1990, My Parties ~EA~i~YFAiLo~d a blast. See ya at cheers. Peace, Tommy D We graduated once with each other and here we are doing it again. Good luck with Kevin. Don't start! Luv ya, Kris Gyn cl888 was great! I lost count of how many balls fell on my head, maybe that's what's wrong with me. Don't worry, I'm smiling. I'm glad I'm with both of you, thanx for everything. Love ya, Beth Hi! How's Kevin? We've been through a lot together. I still have the beat friend book. Let's do lunch? From Kim JEANINEEE, thank you for sticking by me when times got tough. You know what to say and bow to say it. I wish you all the luck and succe&& in the future. I love sweetie. Sue Goldman Camping. Fightin_s. Freshman nerds. Matt Fitzgerald. Cotillions. Sleepovers. Secrets. Shhh! Rip up note when you're done! Our favorite blond! Notebook 1 and 2. New Year's Eve 1990! Awesome! I'm not drunk! Yeah right! Sucks for ~ou! Good luck with Kevin. Ben who? Oh, you mean the answering god . Too many guys! We had some bad taste. Wouldn't trade ya for the world. If you don't keep in touch, I will kill you! Thank& for everything. Many years to go. Best friends, Luv ya, Lisa Fernbach

JMEDMO I like it FPTSIP!! -Wow-You're right, You're always right Yeah that& it. I love you 80 much. It's been what 14 years-I hope we Jut 100 more. Play&: Grow-that's what we did. Stop you're getting it dirtyYou're the beat thing that could have happened to me. Parents-ah who need them. Want to go to Rona and Jeffs? Jobn-summer-"That's what ~~~~AaFAfRkfse, Bye! Love ya Lots, Amanda O'Sullivan Watch out, the mutants are coming .. Our double-date adventures were never ordinary to say the least ... Chocolate covered cremesmom how could you! MN LISA FERNBACH Hey Ho! remember to wear your glassea. And all the Michaels. Love ya! HO! April 29, 1989. Poconos. Wildwood. Florida. Sept. 16, 1989. Smooth wait. Joey. Cougar. Rock the Boat. Both eyes. Thumb wrestling. Mario Bros. Beat? Last 4 ever. Future. New year's Eve. The bad word. Cuffs. Green dret11. Tied? Mr. Horn. Why? Oh course. Proms. Problems with U know who? Moch! I love ya, always. We'll make it together. Love ya, Chris I. What's the matter? You're great to talk to and a lot of fun. I admire your guts to be the only ho to like the bills. Remember at Christmas! Luv, LeLe No friends. Oh well. Frosh yr. bad. Senior yr. great. Walts party. "half a cup" Thanx luv ya Jenne Leave me·go ahead. I Love ???? ... Good luck with Chris. 5pm 7pm. Sophomore year-Bahamas. Lisa, you lie?? Mike, the Mall HO! Forget Chris M. Dig brothers/sisters our project. Best Friends. Letters or should I say notebooks. Glen. Francine. D.G. Band fun. Camping, its applejuice. Sorry-Scuba. S.K. go home by yourself. Where is your house? I have slept there 20 times. Chris and Lisa's weekend. You're meBBy. Phone hour Boyfriend&. Oh, yeah, boyfriends. New Year's Eve. Machines. Chris, Seth, Beth, Randi, good luck in college, wherever. No cl88&e8 together. Ben, Andy, John, John, Joe, Chris, Mike. Anyway, Kevin, Chris. Keith-Marty reading Vermont. Love you even through ~~tFRA~~ELLxrom Jeanine Fallon You're so beautiful. How's Mark-I'm better (just kidding) PNM Kim, you're a great friend&: I luv ya! Always remember----- from hell! -strippers in red! -JGF-work it! Peace. From Chris Tani That's cool for disin my boy many times. Who threw the brick? Nice GB at the Cotillion. Remember, I don't think you're hot, Summer of '90/Korky Can I have your apple?, Zimmer lot, the chase, the bat, Sy'er Maker, good friends. WNEK BG, R U wearing that out? Sewing kit?I ?I Elephant shorts, JM is the epitome of a "B" but KF follows close behind! Don't play innocent with me (DR)!!! Rem: KF + MO and KA + MB hang out in the woods, L + P's, Tony's party, your rarties: Cot, NYE(Fun-WOW!), shopping, Mark, why my brother?, al of our in depth talks, service projects, Sally, Stud? ya think. FF I love ya. From Kelly Ardery AG, KA, JM, JM, CM, NO, KM, CP, CT, KK, KZ, CH, CC, JP, JM, HC, JB, BC, DB, SS, NT, CH, JS, JP, KH, LA, KK, NZ, -Remember "The Good Times" I Love you LK, BW, JD, RC, SR, JM, MD, JQ, MS. MB, KZ, DR, MJ, TJ, PS, GN, JH, PH, JS, CR, JU, CQ, PP, JC, -1 love you To The Possi- Thanks for the times you made me laugh, I won't forget you, I love you We had great times 2-gether, "Cheers" Thurs. Nites, My MiBBing Car, New Year's Eve, Wanna B Like U, Politica? Can I just tell ya? PricMen, Work it-work it ... ILU4EVER LYLAS From JoAnn Moscarello Homecoming-Where's Kimmie??? New Year's Eve-throw up or .... ? 4th July 90 LBI!! Thank& for being there always Luv Ya 4EVA From Joanne Mabes "Kimmie"-Summer of '90, Steve Miller, South Ph illy Steaks & Yogurt, N.K. in Bennies. DK=yuk, J from PDS, everything at OLS, BW, the bridge in the park, when JS + MB fell in winter at my house, LW, BK every Wednes, post shower powder, Ocean City #11, the Ltd., boobs, V's secret, our favorite ... pimple nose, my taxi, my driving record, my dress; your dre&&, Rocky Road Huh Huh, Ken K., Superwhimp, Keith, Gia, -it all begins here. You are "my beat friend", -I love you always. MB + Bill =love always. "Alii need is a miracle, all I need is you."

~'iN~~· t..\iLAGHER

Hey Bogart! Remember Electric Playground ... etc. Thanks for always listening to me, babe. You are one of my beat friends! I will always be able to tell you everything! One of these days we will go out and do something! Love always, Jennifer What big muacles you have! Don't forget you owe me FIVE buck&. "Pretty Woman"-lst movie, Dozen Roses. Don't be so touchy, and maybe you should shave. Hey Den, you forgot something (car part). Always the first to walk away. Good luck! Love ya and miss ya. Love 1

~N~ti. N'AGlniLo

You and me '89-Pasta dinnersAngelina, S.S. (D.S.) soap in art. JJ FISH, Wawa in the rain, bike ridea (L.L.S.) G.L. w/ Bernie. From, Laurie Nicolai A+ B-1 hope everything works out for you guys, you deserve to be happ.y. Smile please? ANG- I'm so glad that "Are you mad at me?" isn't m your vocab anyone! FF I luv ya! From, Kelly What a summer!?!? BR + RW "The Studs", "Cold Hearted Snake"Sorry for all that!! Angie-who next from S.B.? DR+ KF arch enemies!! The trip to L.B.I. to pick you up!!! He was MAD!!! I still have your toothbrush. !rhe Market Fair. Which store next? CANDICO-fire hydrant-JG nice laugh! I mi&& ya!! BIF forever. I love ya. -JM I love you, my beat friend, good times, Ocean City, BH + KB, the movies, the dis, JB + BR. thumb&, MB-my first love! Love, Kim I don't even know where to start. The list is endless. I think it all started out with "After School". All the trips to the "playground" me, from California, "The night", JM, MS-the stage fight. Purple Man, JG, RD. Mellon, the crew-JB and gang. Jay's bouse, JM on your machine, smooth criminal, "hi, thia is Bridget, Angie, and Jul, we went to the dance coz we are cool" I gueaa those were the days. All we ever did was fight with each other and start with other people. " Are you getting snotty with me?" We had fun though! I gue&& we've grown up because I have PJ and you have Bernie. I still love you just as much though. You were there every time I needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to complain to or someone to fight with. Through it all, that's what we've been! You have the potential to be whatever you want. I know I always say that to you, but just don't ever forget it! Good luck with Bernie, I really know you guys have a great future together. And don't forget we have an ~pointment in a few years for me to have my teeth cleaned. I

!JoEyc.AL~Aet Hey evil! Stay nice to small animals and old people! Always donate$ to


R.U. please-I gotta "p"-Tom's van. I'll be fine Dr. Gater. Love, Aman· da O'Sullivan Hey honey! Peace! Smile-JJ JHS!! Love ya! Nicole Y Dear Stephanie, Hey Gater! Remember all the fun in band!! Pom-Poms and flags-especially CAMP! I'll mi&& you next year. Never forget all the fun in the sun ... Lincoln, Ray, Ed, Jeff Fred . .. Love always, LiBB Hall Gate! How are ya? I want to &ay hi to one of my closest, special, best friends. It's really hard to believe we've known each other for four years now. How time flies. We've had some really great times togetherall the fun of Color Guard. I'm not sure I could've pulled through this past season without you. You're the best. I'm going to keep this short because there ian 't enough paper to write it all down on. Best of luck in college. Keep in touch. See ya on stage on June 9th. Love, Meg Thank you so much for alway& being there for me. I knew I could always count on you for advice, some cheer-up words, or for just listening, and it's meant a lot to me. I'm glad we've stayed so close. Always remember that I'm here for you too. Good luck in the future. Keep in touch. Never forget the turtles on L.B.I., track meets, hockey games, all of our guy problems, parties, Neil, and those few but fun cl88&e8 we've shared. Drink Pepsi! Love always, Tricia

It's funny how we've gotten to be so close over the past year. I feel I can talk to you about anything. Remember freshman gym, Gator, Hall, Heinz, Hittinger, nature walks, hockey games, parties, long talks, and, of course, TURTLES!!! Than:r. for caring and for being a great friend. I love you, Kimmie TOM GIAMPOLO Thanx 4 the Superbowl party-it changed my life! Never forget-S&D class, my Mama's dead, NY's Eve, "Safe" (T.C.), the coffee pot, my blindness, UR girlfriends a pig, and stay away from those glass doors. UR a friend always. Luv, Amanda I'm sorry for messing up your closet, St. Ann's, "Row 3 Table 7". Public Speaking. Run T.J.P. The Blues Brothers. Have fun, Tommy D 100 mph to Seaside and back, all your cool-bean parties, Burger King"the breakfast club" "Yo Big Daddy" the Prom, never lose the laugh-it makes me smile, sitting in the room with Nemeth, your music-don't even start me, "Tham; for calling!" all your Helen Keller jokes, debate class-) knew all the answers, you just talked louder, "later". Love, Tara Yo die! Rides to school, oarties, NY Eve, yeah!, Princeton, ya you're cool, 'your' music, did'ja~. h.r., how do lights light up? Love, Nicole Once, twice, three times-wanna make it four? Just kidding. I'm really glad we're such great friends- I know it will last forever-Ah yeah. Now I can finally drive you around. Your parties were great-thanks for taking care of me-know what I mean? Love, Kris What, what, wh-wh-what? Forehead-this big!!, uh huh, New Hope, Morgan's-whose hand is that?, HUGE garbage bag full, pick up the phone in 2 hours okay? "Obviously something significant happened that day", psycho killer, hot feet!, my friend Don, angels in the snow, okay .. I'm back. MMVG Ahh yea! You're cute He! He! Remember your house, NY's Eve& Morgan& freshman lunch, Cornnipper, Gentlemen, Einstein's got

JEifNti~Eit ~liifoNs

Hey buddy! Always remember the green eggs and ham!!! The fun gym class!! Thanx for being a friend . Love ya, Joell I thought it would last forever, it's raining again. Joelle, "my gym buddy," "Megster," "Big Red," "Quirky,"# 52 KB-1 don't think so .. . No can do later much, N.D. -it's been stimulating. Jen, have you talked to Liz?! (Ha ha!) Have fun and good luck. Love, Angie I love you. Remember Sally. Good luck, sexy! -We're not there yet, pizza, dirt bag, I'll kick your butt I know I CAN, white trucks, strong cig, where are my keys?, Cotillion nite, dancing flower, nice uniform, how do I get to your house,# 52. We're gonna buy a shore this summer. Luv ya, Monica MEGHAN GOCKE I hope Mrs. Kaplan will not yell at me for the lOth time. Remember that time with the ~ranslation and you thought it was beer! Oh Jeez. You are a very sweet person! I'll never forget all those times in French class and also Europe! Love always, Jen Elder What a wonderful team of editors we were! Couldn't have done it without you ... Good luck in all you do! -Kate The Empire State Building, our friend Don, Classic America, hey Meghan what are you doing? OK I'm back. My favorite Van Morrison song. Remember NYE? -me neither, we are going to have the best time of our lives! Merry Christmas, marry Meg han, do you have a fork I can borrow?, man was I faced, Yo Big Daddy, that is so weird, no way, spinning hangers, hippie crack, Solar Circus, Alice's Restaurant, a friend w/, well you know the rest! You know what I was thinkin& about .. . Yeaaa, do ya? Don't 4getTom's, Tara's, and Hawaii, NY's Eve, and we have a class (finally), stay away from those filters . . . they're so disgusting, and eat UR peppers. FRIENDS 4-ever-A, K, M, N, T . Luv, Amanda It's been-there! All these years of Fr-agh! Thanx for the rides and pr. You're very sweet! How's your car smelling? Thanx for putting up w/ moi! Jen Duffe C-NUT!! Mrs. K's gym outfit!! We are and always will be the physicists!! Mirusia Never forget Europe, sleepovers, and numerous parties. Have fun in college! Love, Tara Meegan! No apos, no filters, beat up TH, Princeton, 'Know what I was thinking about, NY Eve, Pictionary, ahyaah, did'ja, beach trips. FFAKNGTHKNMG! Love, Guzzo -The Coolest Person In The World-Ijust love guys with big AA's, don't you? Ah yeah. Don't forget the cool times, parties, Europe, fetting totally! I want you to know that I consider myself pretty lucky. Don't worry, nothing will ever change. FF-AKMNT From: The 2nd Coolest Person In The World-Pork Chops SUSAN GOLDMAN Well, we've experienced it ALL (almost). Summer of 90. Airhead-1 hour "P", Chinese food, anyone? Diet-yeah right-Before-After, you've seen it all babe! G.A. here we come-Get a job! -Swim-cut-do the Bartman-L.P. I love ya sweetie. -Amanda O'Sullivan You look good, stop hitting me! You know how it is, nice microwaveorange and egg what a combo Nice answering machine. Try I-95 West next time. Can I borrow your religion next time? Try the side stroke when you swim, or maybe kick your legs! I'll be around but in Maryland-Love ya!! -DB Hey Butt! Suki! Remember swimming! Don't get lost if you ever drive to my house! I know I don't see you too much, but I love you always. We've had all those memories so you better keep in touch in the future! Oh ... Remember how we met in the library when we were in 8th grade? Love always, Jenny Ooh Baby? "you so hrny!" Try to park? Get lost home? Jr. Prom (DP) cool lunch Jr. year. "OW" Oh God! Love, Jess I want Chinese again. Let me drive the van! No more wine for Amanda, EVER! Spaghetti on the lamp ... He didn't get the hint about the blk. olives on the 1st . .. hill sprints/hill crawls ... turkey on Mike'~ shoes . . gotta pee! Me Jane Fonda ... Maryland is the state ... me , here we come! No more Nellie on big yellow! Love, Kate Never forget you and me leading the pack in track-HA!, SWIMMINGwe made it! Volleyball! From, Mirusia Suki! I'm glad we met or I'd really hate swimming. By the way, how many times did we miss swimming? Well at least we did have chairs. How about your parties? Thanx for being a great friend. Love ya, Beth CATHY GOLDSTEIN I will never forget all those interesting stories we heard out of your mouth. You're a great friend and I love the fact that you listen to my babbling as I do yours. Ha! DON'T FORGET ME AND I WON'T FORGET YOU. -Sue Goldman ROBERT GORMAN Hi Bob! Remember, I'm probably your oldest friend-we've known each other practically since birth! Thanks a lot for pushing me into SQuirm .. . my life seems so much more adequate now. I guess we all WERE pretty loud in Sally's class. It was fun, though. I remember how iuiet you were in Public Speaking in Freshman year. You've come a ong way, baby!!! See ya! Love, Andrea Hey, Buddy! Don't forfet our little excursion to V.V. (Oh, no! Kate, we're heading into N.Y.. Calm down. There's the N.J.T.P.I don't know where we are, but at least it's got our state's name in it! Have another puff. Shotgun! And the telephone pole jumped in front of the car!) Go sober. I love you!!! -Kate Soph. year, parties, cotillion, Prom, your party, The Pillow ~an, skiing, New Year's, X-mas concert, oh lonely one!, Grease, detentiOn, and more. URGR8! Love, Blackbird Can you believe we're graduating? I never thought we'd see the day! We have had so many great times these past four years: the Shawnee experience, Junior Prom, freshman classes together, homeroom, and band. You're a great friend, and I hope to see you in college! Love, Stephanie Band Camp, 1st day with the sax (scary!), never laughed so hard, the Cotillion. Love, Marilyn JOHN GRIMES Frosh f-ball, shoulda never quit ... all the parties at Ron 's .. . truth or dare at Ron 's ... me, you and Tom playing golf ... advice for a lover in distress, " Don't sit back and let things pass you by!" ... Shnuckums! ... we both turned down a drunk Jen .. . I hope you and SE work out ... we got rid of Mr. Pantuso for Tena ... Wildwood boardwalk song .. . the crowd gathered when they played it . . . Forever Friends.

(K.l.T.) You are supreme, the chicks'll (s)cream! Grease was cool, so was the retreat. Too bad I can't say the same for history. WHY? Because it sucked, sweetheart. Did U do your APUSZDBQ's? WHAT???? Thanks a lot, kid. We'll have to go to Quo Vedis some time and do the in-between-scenes dance. You're a cool friend, thanks for everything. Your friend, Lou Hey Kudnicki! Thanks for being a friend! -Kate After S.G. you've been too cool, well I JUess I'll write anonymously. How come I was never invited? Shy abduction works! Keep that stuff out of my bag. I win world class!!!! South Rules! No notes and they'd eat you alive at South Brunswick!! Friends forever, Tom Hanlon Heae! You're cute! Lips! Your bouse and the Civil War. Teacher and student. No sleeping on my island. Spaghetti and toothpicks. He! He! Love, Dan Scene 7! Thanx for everything. "Grease 91." The best. Look at me ... Sue and I jealous-nab! BLOW BELT! Worse things I could do? Luv, Jenne Well three years or so ago, Tom said, "This is John Grimes," and I said, "Cool." Now we are best friends and I think you ARE one of the strangest people on the face of the Earth (except) for Berger), I still think you're cool anyway. Best Friends Forever! Matt You're so stupid! Reallr? Who's saying stuff? Thanx 4 dinner! Ya know? No, I don't know. Women-su~rior; men-root of all evil. Thanx 4 cheering me up. Jealous-? Never!. Confused=me! Love ya! Sue Frosh Football-Sunny 85. "If it snows then you will believe"-DB "Yeah, right." Blizzard comes and I'm comatose. "If it stops then you will believe." -DB "Yeah, sure" It stops and you were right. DB BULLDINKY! Remember our "adventures"! The car! Oh well! Especially to France and Italy! And all those other things! Weil-l Love You, John! Love always, Jenny Hey stud, how's the man of my dreams? Remember Ron's party, with me losinf my ability to walk and stand. EUROPE, what an adventure, that's al I'm gonna say about that. Thanx for being a great friend. Love you lots, Beth Never forget all the fun we had in Europe. I'm glad we've had some classes together this year. Good luck in all you do and always avoid a "shriveled hand"! Love ya, Joyce Hey bud, a long time has passed since we've had Junior religion, but don 't forget the awesome times in there. Retreat was a memorable occasion. Thank you for your caring words and encouragement. I appreciate it. Stay the way you are and no one will complain. Sue Goldman I hope the Dominczyk-Grimes era is not coming to an end. You have been the true friend. We always had fun, no matter where we were or what we did. The shore, Europe, Ron's, the van, my basement, Grease, the Student Govt., New York, Speed and Tyrone, home movies, parties .. . the list goes on and on. Thanks man, you're definitely the best friend a guy could have. Good luck at N.D. Tommy D. I want my own little bunny wabbit. And I will name him George and I will hug him and pet him and pat him and Jove him and he will be my friend! We had some fun times. Thanx for being a good friend. I will never forget Tom's or your driving skills-Impressive. Love ya, Joell John, at this particular point in time, you still owe me dinner. I can't believe you made me watch Toxic Avenger-And I can't believe you enjoyed that movie. I'll never forget the first time I met you-Sophomore year, C205, Mr. Schaffer's class. You were slowly moving your desk out the door. You always got me in trouble so I had to sit in front of the room. You were a Butthead then and you'r~still a Butthead-but a better Butthead. I can't believe you actually thought my last name was Barshnocal. I think your bi& hair blocked the brain waves. Anyway, you are one awesome guy. Thanks for always making me smile, and for being truly concerned about me. Be good and make your future the best. Love, Jen JOELL GUGLIELMELLI Ron and Jeffs parties, card games, sickness, weekends, Cotillion scandal, good times, religion class. -John Grimes "Shh! I'm hunting wabbits! Eeeh!" Good luck in college! Always remember English and my 'D', and Religion-augh! Alao·Special Olym· pies. Love, Kristin COPS. Than:r. for your friendship. It means a lot. Me Gyver. Cotillion 87 & 91. S.L. Oh Boy. Flasher. P .H. JM "squad". D.H. gives me heartburn! Luv ya! Jenne Sleep overs, our crazy pony tails, your curls, retreat, Bart, driving to school, I will survive Burk, Easy Bonesai and many others. Thanx for smiling. Love ya, JoAnn XO Jo, thanks for letting L.L. and I to tease you: it was fun! Your friend, George Mount Nerdy! Frack! Let's do lunch. S.L. S.H. Burk!! 24 hour bugger! Parties! Oh Girl-I'll get over u! Bermuda Triangle. Crazy! Margantaville-Istanbull! Raymond! Brownie-chinny! Dinner at Tom's-nervous. Come with me! Than:r. 4 the great, risky times! Love ya! BFF! UJU! I.F.A.I. C.G.U. Love, Sue Bang! Bang! He's dead . . . Like being tied to poles in gym? Cookie monster always said .. . ! Florida all the way! Good luck! Gym buddies forever Nerd! F.U.B.A.R. Love, Joanna Kuczykowski Si!fns at Robert's! The Heart and horn. The snake, doesn't it give you ch1lls? The stool, you fell off didn't you? Wine coolers forever! Love, Kief You've been a real inspiration through the past four years. I'm serious, you always can make me smile, even when we're failing together, be it Alg. 11/Trig. or Physics. Remember all the great times we've shared. Good luck with everything. You're the greatest. Keep in touch. Don't ever stop smiling or drinking Pepsi! Love always Trish To everyone who's a friend ... nerdy, SI, J.K., A.C., J.D., gyiil class, LBI, the llama, clowns, Cows, the outhouse, Booney Land, UW, Allison's, Frt's, the final punch, your crazy, "Fry You Egg," BBB, Jreen shoes, Tottle on up here, Pizza, PH's, SHeads, Forehead Poss1, the movie man, undershirts, Green M&M's, WB, drinking glasses. Brownie, the skunk, Don't worry I'll pay, NS, pennies, the steins, Raymond, Cues for $.25, I have no silver wear, Bananas? The dress, more papers, the snake, Compai\ero, the flasher, Chester the molester, "Want some candy little girl?" Ron's, BV and SB my brothers, Retreat, Ch Girl, what?, the Bermuda Triangle Tradition, chill out your nose is growing, Holy Cow, Physics, Rah Rah Rah, I-JoAnn, Basta, Cookie Monster, T.D., K.H., S.G., J.D., K.V., K.K., J.G., T.D., J.B., R-, thanx for being friends, I'll miss you all! G.M., L.L., Gomer, Locco. What's a girl? K.D., K.D., J.M., C.T., its been a blast!!! Dance, the food! Who?, that bus ride, smellie, G.G. and L.L. my religion buddies. Peanut butter sandwiches for 2 weeks?, Chins, Amanda's locker room run. You guys are the l¥ii~flNEeJuus~l!!! Keep in touch! Never forget . .. u didn't actually kiss him, did u?, Joe's butt, the laughs over A.M.I., and especially the friendship that grew! Our Senior year, it feels like yesterday we were freshmen and just getting to know each other. In these last four years you have been a very big part in making them very special. You are stuck with me for a long while! Thank you for all of your support and understanding and your ear! I love ya, Kim Grammar school fun. Cheerleading. Student council. Talking in my room. Big mouth. Princess. Parents forget them. Graduating again, of course. Mrs. G's classes. Ray. Heaven. Patty. Karen. Missed a year. I'll never forget you. Love ya. From, Jeanine Remember all our lunchroom chats about everything. You're a great friend . Do you remember frosh year-"How's your love life?" -No more pinching butts! Good luck in college! Love, Kristin NICOLE GUZZO Never forget the search for SPICE! And of course, never forget your fremlin brother! -Mirusia Homeroom, there is no blue fairy! Our practical joke junior year-did it hurt?, basketball- PIG champ, pool at D.B.'s, peek-a-boo!, FF A, K, M, T , N. Meghan Could you give us a ride to New Hope? "How do those lights know when to light up?" Remember long walks on the beach weekend trips to Paris and Rome, CH wait that wasn't you never mind Ahh yea! You're cute He! he! You short LB. Don't forget Rich and Tom's, NY's eve and Morgan's U R pretty cool for a short person, ouch!

Love, Dan I stepped on the Cricket! Learn to drive! The mayor is connected, stay off the bottle. I warned you about Rich! Maybe we'll dance again. You've been a great mom, have fun at J. York. Where did you sit last year? Sincerely, Your Son Hey Guzzy! "HONK" Nice V-ball team! Count the "blinks". Don't pet me (RA), shoulder pd. RK "stud?" -Jess Hey Fric. We've had the best of times with #12 and #34, Billy Joel, the shore, retreat, Burning down the House, UR car, hockey (go baby!) keep up the dancing and check UR closet bats! Don't 4-get VDKA and SARAN RAP. FRIENDS 4-EVER-A, K, M, N, T-FRAC. luv, Amanda "Look at me when I talk to }'_ou!" -Amanda O'Sullivan DRED locka, my bed, NY EVE, ski, E-Z on the brakes. POT MP. Love, chris Guzzowoman!!! Does it hurt? Ha Ha. Better go use that blue Saran Wrap. Don't forget the awesome times we've had. Billy Joel, Thorn's house Soph. year-VDKA!! J.P. and Soph. year Cotillion, Puffing awayya know what I mean? Do my hair. Good luck dancing and with Rich. FF-A, K, M, N, T Love, Kris Nicole, never stop dancing, the Prom, "Say Anything," parties at your house-"1 just have to tell ya, every movie we saw at your house was the 9th or lOth time I saw it," Retreat, Christmas Caroling, going through red lights on the way to service projects, you and Rich forever! Love, Tara AS-look me in the eyes. JH-my locker buddy, the rabbit, your weird friends. JH-Ho! Vic-shortstuff, Hi Ned, Fred you're a prude, Double Double, Lisa-Incar, H.R., 'Ch my God!' JG- don't say hi to me, CodySAFE!, JB-10,000 miles, Princeton, typing_class, FIGHTS!, MJ-my my Fremlin bros., spice, Bobert my friend!, Kara you're so trite, where'd you sit? Joelle got out of my way!, Marc, I did like you! Gater-I know you want to be like me; I'm in 2nd! Yo potato head-hope your hogh school years have been what you expected. I'm so glad I got to meet you. It's going to be different not seeing you every day. Yo #12! Hosea! Yes, NO. Did'ja. Potato head, can I rip your ticket? The kitten, 1 year!, parties, what's that? Phone calls, did'ja talk to Scott?, poolroom, any gym, bby, 4-ever trapped. I luv U, really, even w/o my S'ON'it:AAS Thank you so much for picking me up every morning. If it wasn't for you, I would be taking the bus. Sooner or later I will drive you aroundwhen I get a car! Love ya, Joyce To my hubby: Thank you for the beautiful wedding in Law/Sociology class. It was great being clueless together in Physics. Sorry our tennis game didn't go too well. Thank you for being such a great guy and a terrific friend. Your friendship has been, is, and will always be special for me. Those dozen roses were extremely nice of you. Don't worry, fate has one awesome chick for you. Be good. Love, Jen Hey! You are such a Bogart! I hope by now I went to one of your classes! I'm glad you talk more to me! You are the sweetest! Keep in touch! Love always, Jennifer LISA HALL Well, I guess we won't have all of our classes together next year. I will definitely miss being able to talk to you 24 hours a day. Never forget Europe and all the fun we've had. Love, Joyce Yo dude! Mayfair Foodtown rules. Never forget Algebra ll/Trig, Honors Chemistry and Physics and of course Calculus. Why do you use "Q," cause I like Q! I still think that's funny. You were a great lab partner in all classes. Which is more fun, ring volleyball or scooter races? By the way, don't drown in the ocean. Never forget Triad House or delivery sandwiches on Route l. Oh, almost forgot, don't forget to buy your M & M's. Good luck in all you do and with the guy at the beach. Luv ya lots, Sophia Well, it's been a long time. We've had some really great times over the past four years. Most/some of which I will never forget. Marching Band, Concert Band, down the shore, Gater-HaU-Heinz·Hittinger, barefoot, one odd sock, track meets at Jadwin, Electric Posse, England, Ireland, Italy, France, Hard Rock/London, Harrod's, climbing to the Blarney Stone, all night train ride, stopping the train, blessed by the Pope, getting my hair cut, 4 hour walk down 29. You're a great friendbest of luck at Penn State. Enjoy! Love, Meg (Mr. Ed) COLLEEN HALLORAN Oh Jeze! You know I'm just standing here bothering no one and you have to be mean. -What did I do? -It's the way you looked at me .. . Stop complaining! ... Congratulations on Miss St. Patrick's Day Parade ... I'm glad others saw the beauty in you as well. I never met a real life queen before! Volleyball 91! Do you really cut practice and get pizza. Love, A Field Hockey Camp, don't worry be happy, bench buddies, Kodak moments, French, happy pig, watch out for parked cars, BK or Cino's?, black eye-pyramid, fellow Mic. Yo Halloran! Thanx for your gym-except the sneaks. Italy, Ireland. Sonya!! Keep up the driving skills and go to class. Leaner. Mary Kite "Absolutely," Bedeus Brook, the next generation, don't hit any more parked cars, the hangover track meet, Europe, male superiority, your sociology project, Ron's parties, my parties, hey life's been cool. Bye, Tommy D AIRHEAD! VROOM-CRASH! Chocolate cake? Where are all my socks? Hockey-bend Col! You hit a parked car?! (HA HA) Irish Princess! Luv ya, Rad M & M's: CK, JP, JM, CM, JM, AG, NO, KF,. Hockey: CK, KM, DB, KR, TH-cleat detention not goalkeeper clear! McGann: splinters? Xmas carolling; Radigan, I HATE you! (Not really . .. ); RC: Rambo Balloon, one lung; MS: you flinched, Snaps, Princeton; Yo NH! Bgoddesses, LBI, Violent Femmes, who stole my blanket?!, Tritt and Co: Let's go to Wayne! Nik: WHERE IS MY CAR?? Joe: Where's my Cross"rYes Kristy, that was my car on the flatbed, I am not an airhead! BS: change the station! French class from HELL, Rider-KK, MH, VK ... MK and Odie: Thanks for the Slurpee! Cal Quinn is too tall, red stars on retreat, KP-who do you love? Track LC: Let's go to TJ's!! Leah: Florence, the guys on Paris, Anatomy-should I go? JP Misery· Let's steal seats, go to Ben's! KR: vrooom, #37 THANKS, MH-MH locker partners from HELL, Pd. 7: Mike is a happy pig .. . T & J: "absolutely" go to Princeton, CC Mrs. Mabes, Colleen can't drive, KMMiss St. Patrick! Memories . .. Beden'a Brook, Meatloaf, Cotillion, Lisa, all the good times. your Cavalier, Miss St. Patrick's Day 1991. Love ya, Queen. Not a love story! Soph. Religion. Good luck with being Queen! Dinner with lour parents. Always calling ... Brian Suth MONIQUE HAMI TON Naaaw, uh uh, thas right, remember all those guys that were after you? What was the number 8 or 9 I can't even count. You lucky dog! I trust you and I will never atop. You have been a true friend. Now I understand why all those men are after you! Ha! Hal -Sue Goldman MICHAEL HAMMERSTONE Volleyball, if 1 only had a brain, venomous maas, annoying man. Hey Mikie look what I got ... jealous. Want to here my duck call? Deceptabook attack. "This is the best tone?" The Hamilton Burger King babe. Hammertime. How do you spt;ll Hammerstone? Hey Mike I don't know any of these answers! Allnght. Later. Bye. Mr. Breakfast Hamerstein, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, give you a dollar. Gym class was fun thanx for being a pal. Love ya, Joell There may have been lots of friction-lots, but I have never forgotten what a great person you are (at any time-even 2 AM!) Remember your dreams (Wall St.) Who knows, it may come true. You're a best friend always. Luv, Amanda TOM HANLON I'll never forget yo':', Clark: We've had so_me great times: Retreat, p_arties, lunch-everythmg! Amta's a lucky gul. Good luck m everythmg you do .. . you're a great friend. Luv, Amanda Ahh yea! You're cute He! He! Dong. Ding. Remember Grimes' house and the Civil War and TO's house and Pizza Hut. Don'tforget48-6 and volleyball champs, hoops and football . Love, Dan Dear Son, Blue Fairy, 1/2 my crowds in jail, baby, windows, princess, bf with an attitude, did'ja?, the dork, Merlin, our handshake, where'd you sit last year? Love, Mom (Nicole) Tom, we won the war, remember driving backwards down Route 1. Good luck on your farm . Always keep your sense of humor, even

..,., ~l'JIIl"' ..ll_..,....?Too WJOU're not iD Hoaors ... TRITE! how aboUt JOU? You are a wonderful CUY

you. Love, Kara • ~=-~-=::~::-for 1 dnal down day OK? Nice OT newapa,.i r. At tO: tO the world's 'Ill to blowup. Bubba _...lll.u.IIIU_I~~"~ ~~~out the window. Happy Birt day again. Try turning ..,.~ .~-~=-- in and be square with the ball. Where do you get 26


you took Adv. Comp. this year, even if you didn't have I'm glad I got to Know you. You're an awesome guy, •L · · · - · · · · · ·· · · • too cool to talk to me. Good luck next year, enjoy any volleyball without me. Oh, by the way, I always lllfiNIID"-ra ,_trite, didn't you? Love always, Christy A.K.A. Chris·-·-.---·--.,- to Senior year we're still good friends ... It's been real next to you this year, your mom was right. it H.S. -72 yds. for a touchdown and you're finally gained respect from all of them of Frank K. at bus stop, or 10 he .W.P. dance, me, you, Katlyn and ~naii\Uclithillia·F~I~ ... Sean K. walking with a stick ~ IIA·jj)l~~- pt 1 - before practice" .. . Love ya! (K.I.T.)

Cal! .AJabn with GT

~tWill 'lit u• ...... Jump Riemaan for ae, Punk.

Good luck w/tbe

HARRIS 6.0 car. Not that 2.8 SLOW-Maro. Seafd. Jon Moore HARBISON heh nic!! 10 many men, such little time. Nice to be in 99% of my claaaes! Take care and listen for my BEEP! f/f Denise PJ HEINZ Peej, January 21, 1990. Our first ltiu, Valentine's day, the day after you came back from Europe, all those cold winter nights at band practice, all thoee lc!nl c.Jb In my driveway, Tbe Prom, The Wedd~. the time you picked ae up in the big truck, the night we went out wtth lAurie ilad Dennis. "Did you JUYS go swimming already?", All the nights we did ao swimming, Mike's partiea, your party, September first! The riq(you were 10 cute) the necklace and bracelet, and then here' the jacket and the boots, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, all thoee nights at your work and then going out to dinner that time at Rastal (unforgetable) New Year'a Eve (that wu the best) Then there'& the time you cooked me breakfast (that was adorable) Then there's always ... So what ya doin? Nothin!, No you, ya wanna p? And my favorite of all, "So how's my little girl?" The list could go on. How about the time we read Patrick a atory, or the time you read me a etroy, l gue111 what I'm tryiq to aay is thank you. Thank you for aU the wonderful memories ou But thank you most of all for the way you made me feel "ke 1 wu the only one on the face of the earth. I'll never forget the inp you've done for me like putting in my closet or even just malting me lauah. But I love you for you, not just for the things you've done. 're mom, Bri9t, aacl Mr. Peej have been like family to me and I them fOr it. You're lucky to have family like that, and I'm beta a part of it. Ya know Peej, you really have alot to v!~:'!~~~!.and always determined to succeed, and I know you 11. me that I can do what ever I put my mind to. That's _l'UU, you give me so much and never wanted 'l'bat's the greatest quality a peraon can have. always beiDa there for me, it hasn't been easy, but we've eome a long way. Thank you for being the best friend a peraon could ask for, but most of all thanks for just being you. No matter what happens, I know you wiU always be with me in way. And just remember, "I'll be watchinc you"llove you Peej! Love your little girl, Bridget PHIL HBINZ Football . . your boy Chap, Mrs. Rumac, General Busineas, New York trip, Dale's Donut& . .. Mrs. Demp ... Moraham, keep on truckin'. Datlielle! Mr. Personality . .. Rambo ... AH . .. Oh Sh ... What's wrong? ... Nu-thin . . . you make me sick ... yeahh Buoooy!! ... Bucc, Jake the Snake, Froc:he, Otter, Hit-man ... Hey Mayor! ... That Quinn . . . Channel22 ... Oil man . . . JC in jail; DMF .. . your only res/ friend is your wallet . .. what the muck? ... JONATHAN!!! . . . Mr. Tina ... that's Tel» ... where's F. Dennis? ... wanna slam a few, Tom? ... in any event ... thanks C ! . . FYMC and all the more ... nice season . an -leave me alone ... Me, have a temper? ... The Rogues live . .. U r Joe'& Wing . . . Mayhem ... Donald, Greg, Jon, Jason, Marc, Mike, vin, Jon K ... wanna go? .. . hot, steamy, passionate . .. bandan ... Jen, my #1 girl . .. Nikki P ... always Cheri . . . . .. Phil Sr., I Luv Ya! . .. Sue, Bridge H ... Bumps, Unc .. . H Duff. ,. L ~hat Florida Sun ... got to go to work ... S.M.D.Y.P . .. Uncle Rick .. . Good luck to a precious few ... Good riddance to all the rest . . ee you on the open road ... Free at last!!! Heyyyy t e RAMBO!. . . . leave 'em in the front lawn . .. sleepovers the Poconos ... clog the drain with paper towels, don't worry I'll turn the water off. Mr. Tina-that's Tena! · whatever! JOHN HE ZMAN Hey, thanks r your tutoring, but I still got a D! Good luck, Cornell man . Nice vo yball team (Yeah, REAL good!) Johnny Heitz we rot tbe disks? What does this have to do with Relativistic mecbanics? Continue being a stud and I will see you ... Later. Peace dude. Tommy Q You are my favorite fuzzy head. Why are you squinting? Thank you for the experien of danci with a mad scientist. Sorry about all the black and bhte mark& I gave you-I get a major high off of beating you up. John, y one cool dude-simply a great guy. Don't be too serious, have f but not too much fun . Thanks for all of your help. Love, J~ Nice carr J Jue81 you can't play basketball this weekend. -DB It's been cool-volleyball, Mrs. Anderson, lunches with Berger and crew, Mn. Keams, Honor Society meetings, Mr. Hochschild. Call me up sometime and we'll do some service (or physics problems). But seriously, good luck in the future. Stay in touch. Your friend, Lou It's the idea of, I met this couple for dinner and .. . You are wasting raw talent, atop flirting with Megan! Where's my ring-Go Giantae. •Johnny Jumper, football was fun, you're awesome. Football dinnersnice directions! Good luck! Your friend, Tom Hanlon HEITZ! Remember: Hochschild! -Sounds like a hit list, 160 disc!, Honor (undefeated), Physics is phun, for being a great friend. Hope to see friend, George Mount Glad we got to be good friends outside Jon Moore #55


to ou! John, you are a very special peraon and apin xo Whenever I look back on my sch years, I'm thrilled to red.l hope we keep in touch. Good luck in eollege. you will bere I love you. Ki Just wanted to I'm 101111 keP,t stealing your Bible. Glad I really pt to know yo$ hja y , even af it was in Sewnig'a Religion claas. Thanks for all your help. Best of luck at college. Enjoy! Love, Megan HEIDI HBSS Heideroni Marie Ht!BB, are you ready to go arching? You want to go to Fizz? Let'ecet in line for lunch. The log plume in Wildwood. Waldo. Love, Janelle Heid, Howdy Heidi, how the bell are ya? Rttnember Patty's claas! -Her eneemblea Thurber, and Ralph Mansen. So, bow old ia Hector, any-

way? Choir, BARNUM, and those WILDWOOD TRIPS! We've had the deepest eonvenatio01, haven't we? Daya of our Lives. You were raised by wolves!? You can't be a fail}' priDCt!BI! Stop looking in the mirror! P-t ... knock! 3 P's. Dark Shadowa! Love ya always, (L Y· LAS) your library buddy, G (Gaby) I can't believe it's finally ovir."CCPPer ia definitely faltiDI it! Maybe she ahould run free! Remember our cood timea at G.A. and Jeremy, is such a "Oy papi". Will we ever cet to Franchinea? Maybe over the summer we can all get qether and "Jacuz" without the lightning. Love ya! Liza How are you Calculus buddy!! Nice green hair! Just in c:aae I forget, Merry Chriatmaa for 1991!! -Den Treder IM BITTINGER Cotillion, femalea are inferior, A le, Matt P., partiea,scandals, good times, Europe, Ouiia board. .Jo'li'ii'nrimes Well, Frosh years f aaid, "Kim who?" Sopb year laaid "I hate you." Junior year I aaid "Sbe'a OK." Senior year you're one of my best friends. Youth ie ignorant, Seniors are wise, bei111 your friend helped me realize this. I'm still jealous of your car. Keep in touch. -Matt Him Kittenger! Phyaica? Hub? I don't get it! PP car Jr year! Cool. PP 10 yr reunion in 2000-TJ-Jr year! Hot atum Love, Jeaa Yo Kimmie-wbat you thinkinf about? Remember lunch Jr year and retreat. Thanx for everything. -Jen Duffe Kimmy, always remember men are not worth it. They cause too many problema and u a woman, we have enoiJih. We have had aome awelOme timea-all oftbe parties, our cancer pacta. New Year'a Eve-13, the cowa, pip, ducb and clinoaaura, driving by KM bouse constantly, my little brother talking to you, BK, my big foot. Powder Puff Football waa cool even thot~~h I wu on tbe wrong side of the line. Thank you for all of the ridea, all of the advice and for alwaya being there Cor me. And remember-Don't worry be happy. Be good, aweetheart. Love, Jen KimberOea, Rich and all your brother'& friends, that'a all I've got to say about that. Algebra II from h-. with the beat teacher. How about lunch junior year with Dug, Dennis, Kristin, Jen, and other miac:ellanioua people. Love ya and stay aweet. Beth Chill out your nose is crowing Pinocchio!!! Our creat chemistry claas, group testa, the cows, Thanx for bei111a great friend. Love Ya, Joell To my St. G.'s buddy; I'm glad our friendship has luted 10 long. Thank you for always being there for me. Never forget all the good timea, especially Europe. Always keep in touch! Love, Joyce These 4 yra. have been the best. Who would have thot~~ht in Confirmation we would be great friends. Remember ridea to school and our favorite waiter (Steve). Yota say hi to Noel. Love, Lauren Are you confused? me too!; V8, boxers; purple cow; Xmas pig; Noel; remember all the timea- thanx for everything! Love, Amy Remember the cool times we had 8()J)homore year, and the cool times after that. "Just stick it in there." Europe waa Awesome! Remember, "Love is Liea" See ya in 20 years. Love, Tommy D Well, guys we've had a lot of good times; Peeinc'a awesome, kidney beans, cancer pacts, 6:55, Blamma, turtles, my door won't shut, wok, Noell, OAKLEY, Maybelline, cows pip ducks dinos, Europe, the disco, my stomach is sweating, blue pills, all of the aonga, moviea, and partiea, Football (PP), how did that happen, No more secrets, la111hing fit&, nuggiea, Fr. gym, purple cow, Psst! what R ~binki111 about? Lc and AK-Ground Round, 2-1, boxers. JG-chill out your nose ia growing Pinochio! TD-Juat stick it in there. Kara -purple co , my frozen car doors. Tom M-Juat Do It, HO, car rides to school, Noell, Holy Cow, hockey games, and Misery. You mean a lot to me-l hope our friendship lasts forever. I'm gonna mias all of you! Luv Ya, Kim Senior year has been the best! We have become such great friends; remember the Turtles, Gater-Hall-Heinz-Hittinger, that was the claas, Major League, Misery, Ground Round, and Wildwood. You're a fabulous friend, and I can't wait to see you in college. Love, Stephanie You've n the best best friend I could have ever asked for. Thanks for always being there-It's meant more than you realize. I don 't know what I'm going to do without you around, but I know we'll keep in touch. You are the greateat, sweetest, most understanding person everNever change. Thanks for putting up with me through the bad times and for sharing the good ones; Blamma, Europe and LBI, turtles, sleep!, Who's Patty?, frogs in your throat, parties, Spilt sodas, Blistex, dancing on my chest, 5:55, we stole s pumpkin, kidney beans, counting jeep, and RED umbros and M&M's. One of the many keys to happineas is drinking pepai! I Love Ya, Trish Yo babe! You're another St. Greg's survivor that I've known since we were in diapers. Slight exaggeration, but you know me. There's no other way to go. " Carpe Diem" I know that better than anyone. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your friendahip and it better continue. Thanks for your help IIVhen my brother died. I still owe you. Oh, don 't forget " You lost that loving feeling." Good Luck in all you do in and out of college. Keep in touch. Love ya lots and forever , Sophia Hey Kimmy! Long time no see. Well, we made it. You've really been/ are a great friend . Sorry we don 't have any classes together this year. You've got a special place in my heart, Kimmy. Remember all the great times we've had -dancing in Florence, those Italian water ice with waffles, Powder Puff, Retreat, Shopping in Paris, staying up all night at your party, Best of luck at college next year, if rou give me your number I'll give you a call on your 8 -Day! Enjoy. See ya over the summer. Love, Meg JOHN HOUSTON Don't forget Math, our favorite class. You are the man-Good Luck with Hockey, coolie. Get your bon, M.A. over the summer-call if you need help. Hey Big Boy! We've had some good times, too bad the storage room or penalty box never came true. Good Luck in all you do. Love, Your Little Girl COLLEEN HUGHES Bean, remember the first time we met at soccer practice, that whole weekend was so funny! I'll never forget all your parties, all of our fights at lunch, and all the fun times we had. Remember Don? And all those nights at Lyndi's. We had so much fun. I could always count on you for that! Thanks for being Bean! I Love Ya, Bridget What's up sweety- you coming over tonight with Ron. Nice Look. You're still obnoxious. PNM Beaner- Ocean City, N.J. your Bordentown parties, my dresses, Ron and Bernie. Chemistry . .. I failed Bean, I failed this time! I love you! Good Luck! Ang " Deaner" our soccer seasons .. . "fighting" going out for yogurt, Our Dinners and lunches with Coach S.K., parties at your house, Prom night .. S.N., C.B., Suck and Blow ... going to TCBY with C.L., S.M., Bahamas!!!, Your bad moods, but lluv ya. B----!!! " I know I am" G.P. 17th 8 -Day, R.P. Don't Forget Him!! Good Luck 1-L.Y.F. always K.I.T. Jen Stevens Dancing on the apeakers-youre pretty cool! ~NEK Beener-REM; Frosh year-8-Ball(LOU!), cot -ml, your house, JS?, Halloween (pumpkins), date with BD, Mrs. A's girls! FF- I'm gonna miaa you! I luv ya Bean. Kelly TARA HUNT Yeaaa! Soph yr. -W. . -remember everything-the bat&, -the 3, roses, Harry, MofJ'I b-room, Heathers, tu fiesta(me-1, U-110) "I'm winning", ski with Kria, Brush thoee brows, the shore, and I'll see ya'll. You're a true friend. FRIEND 4 EVER-A, K, M, N, T Thanx. Luv Mandy Ahh yea! You're cute HE! HE! You little H-Ball, remember NY'a Gue, Moqan's and even your houae on Halloween. U'R cool don't ch&JIIe. Love Dan(ny) J va. V, LBI, boat, I won, cupc:alte, porch in the rain, Tom'a, J-Prom, NXY eve. Dinner, N.Y., what. A-I" h , Do U own a red car?, No yea, thanks for calling, French book, da, kno , Red Flap, U-twitch, dra a map, back roads, look the lights work, POT ILove You, hris My little Huntalini. Don't ever forget the great times we've bad. Europe, the best time of my life, The Prom, The Fizz, the shore and the car ride home, Don't forget the Disco Tech, the bleachers and the guys!, skiing at bell or anything else! F.F. -A, K, M, , T. Love, Kristina aaaaahhhhaa! red means stop! 1-brow brushea, ah okay, Dirty Dancin', Jun. r., TU.CM, AK&DB, NG&RK, us-3, partiee, Princeton, sleepovera, Morg's perty! toasing me out of beda, tarded, retreat,


FFAKNGTH KNMG. Love, Nicole Europe, discotheque, I'll just have water!, Princeton, Hawaii, Thanks for everything! Meghan My name is Giamporo. Thanks for calling. I really do love your ballet shoes. I was jealous that's all, Speech & Debate II, My letter to Santa Soph year, "Is that your dad's car?" That packet of ketchup at B.K., playinc Field Hockey on your lawn. Cris' s special call for you! ETHAN HURD History and Religion class, Dawn's party, the kidnapping, the Paul McCartney concert, and Lambertville. Wonderful Tonight, X-Mas, New Year's, cotillion, prom, and much more! 1-4-3! Always! Love, Blackbird KRIS HUTCHINSON GEORGE, LBI '90, Raul, Ramone etc., D.H. causes heartburn! BoysBoys-Boys. Thanks Love, Jenne KK, JD, NC, W, LA NO, JS, KA CC, KP, JM, FS, JM, KT, JG, MB, JD, MS, NN, MJ, TK, PD, JC, DW, TS, MZ, BG, JU, GP, AJ, LF, SS, ~l.(}Ei*N~ERSO Thanks for the memories! Love, Kris Hutch I love you nerd. I hope Florida is fun . Sue, you 're the best . . . D.B. · Ron'a and Jeff's anyone? Want to go to the Wrobo's? 3a.m.! Mr. M. Sandy Barb- I love ya cutie. Good luck -Don't think about it. Love, Amanda 0' Sullivan College Men -yeah! What a man! Bouncing Brennan. Jealous -nab. gym class, Senior Prom "90", beach and volleyball. Meatloaf. Rt. 1 accident. Thanks. Love Jenne

~i2~~0n~n~:i~ ~~iittouc'h~~s~t~~:~~~ ~~:r~~:;nsd~~~c!ln~:~

(nice date). Love, Dan & Amanda Remember to do the Rookie Pookie. Who's your date? Remember gym & all the good times. Retreat & Florida. F.U.B.A.R. & tight ends to the end. Love, Joanna Kuczykoweki Well neighbor,l'm happy we are fri nds. Our years are many, but most have been good. I will alway& cherish our math classes that we loved 80 much. Take care you, and good luck in college and with Matt. Love ya, Kim I'm aorry I waa right, we've bad a lot of fun though. I need my Georgetown aweatabirt back. You've been a cool friend and better stay that way or else. Love ya, Tommy D. Sl -"Lose a wiDJ?" Consolidate -Bop, Food flabts, alimed hair, "How much $wasted? -OOPS!" 'Firat time alene', "Stop twiating that arm!" Tears, fellow Cotillion raider, FRT, 81-L-MG, I'll mila }'a! •AI What's a girl? Locomotive .. . I like him, him, him, and ham. Tbe BWa Patrol rules. Loyola roomies? Will that be it forMA and MG? You are special! Love, Kief Help me, I've fallen and I can't get u~l W.W. -K.D. J.M. C.T. S.l. J.G. Saran Wrap. Are you breaking wind. JoEll Hola Nerdy. Always remember ... LBI and no sun, T.I.R.E. 888, Forhead possi, The movie man, MG, Cookie Monster, Brownie, My hub cap, your twin, our key chains, WB, Drinkinf glauea, Coco puffs, burp, llama, a cooked dinner, What'• the catch., the color is peen, Keith's pinch, gym claas, candy braids in hair, water beUoona, juat please hide under the table, dock the boat, the wolly wagon, the greeD booger hanger homer, retreat, Alliaon'a frt's, the roach motel, water guns, "Want some candy little girl?", Ron's Tiny Toonea, Pretty Woman(the theme), Cotillion bathroom, the big chair, the dreaa, watch out for potted plants, but I don't know any better!, Amanda'• green M&M's, you SHead, the other nerd, The Gap, pizza, thanx for being a great friend, I'll mias ya, keep in touch, BFFA, Oh girl, Let's do one Bermuda Triangle sometime, it's a tradition! the silver wear ia in the drawer. YF Mr. Ell. Amanda's locker room run!!! Hey! Love ya, JoEU DEAR NERDS: JG, JK, AC; Cotln raid; Friclt/Frack; FUBAR; AO, JM, JD, JK, JG -gym buddies-Cookie Monster; BBB; T.I.R.E.; LBI; Blkcherry/wild berries? Green M&M's; Ft noises; prila; DEVEAU; HI joann; Allie-consolidatea bogs; Kuczy-didn't know any better; Gugysmells; KK -? men? MG-LYA! Than:a: 4 memries guya-Luv ya all! MIRUSLAWA JABLONSKI Hey Mirush, need my mirror. Mount Tecumsah. Aaah. Europe the Nil garter. Stay in there and brush your teeth. Lean. Mary Kite C-NUT!!! Our French gym teacher, labs, we never get to the questions!! Alice in Wonderland. She looks like she's attacking the board -Downs Syndrome, stop la111hing -per. 8, thanks for everything! Meghan Hey Sonali! You are sweet and thanx for putting up for me. Can you believe we've actually gotten through 4 years of FR -we're outta here! JD Hey Miruuusia, sorry for all my airheaded comments! We had 80 much fun in French claas! Remember Europe and the Red Garter! I'll write more in this book later! Love always, Jen Elder MATT JACOBS Cuz, linebacker -All America. Been Real. See ya at Pierre's deli w/ Joe Henry & Jackson. Love - #37-The Cannon Never forget retreat, homeroom and Journalism/ I love your laugh. It makes me smile -Thanks! Love, Tara Jakes-OK-I'll give it to you this year-Giant& Rule! We actually got to sing without getting yelled at-can you believe it? Remember the good times we had together. I'm glad we're friends. Love, Joanne P.S. Moby Dick!!! Matt-you 're a great friend & always remember Tani Luv's ya! Double " B" , " BK of L" -sea hag- you can always count on me to be there for you -Peace! Jake #34-Elizabeth, where were U? Was data good come back? Nice hair. JM or JM U m e da choice! Nan was great. Next time, st I da rt. Flag. Nice car, great color. We wn't take da van next time-:-G'B Good friend . CV at da shore. Peace. Coma Giants #1 Just like U! In your eye, forever young, tell me more? Yes concert, State Champs, 5/20/89 & 9/9/89 PC, BS, Cujo, Dumbo, Cheeres, MJ: ILU Jakes! Your princess #34=#1 Matt, thanks for everything I'll mias you more than you know. Love always, A Thanx for being there, my big brother, never forget Sleepy Hollow, Wit's motel, New Year's, the Gap, you're the best friend anyone could wish for, love you. Daun Wit DR KZ T&MJ PS GN MB JS SENIOR GUYS RULE!!! Thanx for the best yr. You're all great friends. It's been fun . We;ll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. chicks!!! DW AM JP KM KF LS Junior girls rule! KM LS DW JP KF Sleepy Hollow. You girls are the best. I'll miss you! Love always . . . Matt Angel , your song. See you on the street& of NY Jan. 19 Hah! Have a nice life. Love always, so long. Bud Hey Hardi! Yo Pete! Cal does Gluck hit harder? Angie ... sockle88 Joe? Kennedy what are you laughing at? Julie P. Shut up fish lips or I'll blow up your house! To all my friends in the Senior class ... Thanks, I'll mias you. To the Boyz- We've had good times and we've had bad times but through it all we remained PALS. I love you guys .. . Matt Jacobs TOM JACOBS MuG#32-Did U JO ova da camp fire. Where were you when we st-le da flag. How's Nan, Hmm Hmm good! Rt. 72 was I - t not right. C U at da Sh-re. Peace. Coma The cannon-Don't forget MB, Rumac-General busineas. Keep in touch w/ your buddy Chipster! Thomas, I know you don't believe me, but you are special to me, very special. Sorry about everything. (Alg. Frosh yr. w/ Jenni H and "Are y()U_ related to Matt Jacobs!" I love ya! -Anonymous NW 23, Pooh. "When I'm with you", S&C, Ziga-Ziga, "Get a job", retreat, Ocean beach, Cinderella Photon, #32, Top20, finding a clover, changea!! It's not my fault, our silent treatments, I'll always remember you, no matter who you're with or where you are. KIT Love ya always, Keely Zita Kick my a Freah and Soph yr. Me, you & Roche in the Catty after the Poconoea Wacky Weed in the mountains. CB's-YouaX are coming in clear and you are comi in loud. Gimme aome t & a bra strap on JC. Dumb, stupid, bushy eye-browed, one eye brow havin, 45 ft. banana driven, ci[arette amokin, no irlfriend havin buuummm! Cutting out in Pj'a car. ~les are better t n the Giant&! Senior retreat. Outaidemiater attit.Ude!Inside-warm/ni e, you can't fool me. Find a man like KZ -CQ Thanx for being there, my bi& brother, never forget Sleep Hollow,






~ A

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K gc ni AI II


Wit's Motel, New Year's, the Gap, you're the best friend anyone could wish for, I love you, Dawn Wit 12/31/90 It's just the beginning: Honesty!!! Real cool & I'll F'in speak to ya 2! Looking for jobs(Right). J . Adams School. Fights. Don't Smoke!!! " Alright, what's the attitude?" #32 Tom's 2 hype!! (Nice). "Cause you're a dope!" UR2Rude! My Buddy! Too many secrets. Good luck! Thanx. I love ya 4eva, bud! You're in my prayers"& ya know I was t hinkin prayers for a minute ... " J/K take care -Anne DR KZ T&MJ PS GN MB JS SENIOR GUYS RULE!!! Thanx for the best yr. You're all great friends. It's been fun. We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. chicks!!! DW AM JP KM KF LS Jake #32. You ever j.o. in front of a camp fire? You're disgusting. Absolutely no cooth. Nice lunchroom fight. Luv ya bro! PALS #32 you are great! My little friend, I'll miss ya and always remember you! Remember: Pretty Woman, Summer 90, Gumby, 5/14/90,8/13/90, Pimp mobile, RMA, flad we're friends. PS (my big friend) LUV YA, miss ya & Good luck. From JoAnne Mabes AMY JEWUSIAK Contemporary Issues been real -Bill's the man. Take it easy girlie. Go get Jim and Joe. Well you'll never be a ' ho', but I love you anyway. Never lose your uniqueness. Luv, LeLetto I'm no inbetween. Hey guys service office. Fun. Miss organized. Amy, you nerd. Shut up, Lisa. Mrs. C's class. Amy, you didn't take note inS's classes. Great year. Thanks guys. Amy-Chris-Joe. Love ya, From Jeanine Fallon The Ames. Morrisville. Love ya! Nicole Y. 3 years together. Guys, guys, guys. The crowd, the good old dads! The mall. Woolworth's! Bagged! Service women. The Ho's an Amy. Rutger's. Lazer Lights. Thomas Sweets. Discount? Shop till you drop. Wildwood. Gal's night out. Flour fights! Christmas movies! Cars! Debate. Saturday nights my house! KIT Lisa PS better see ya always. Bakery! White car! help you turn the wheel? after Jr. Prom, Beach! Can I cut your hair? Let's cut Schlaydecker's hair? Luv ya, Rad EUN A. JI Never forget French and all that crazy philosophy! I wish you best luck in the future! From: Mirusia Hey babe! Wow it's over, done, fini. We're outta here. I'm gonna miss your sense of humor and sincere interest. You are a great friend, even though you think I'm a snob. I love la. Love, Christy B. Hey babe -it's been real! What would do w/o you? Never forget Crazy K & Fr., retreat, etc. -You're the best! JD LISA JONES We are the Physicists!! From: Mirusia Who cares about Mommy! Hey Ho! Friends 4-EVA. Love ya! Hoi The Four Blind Ho's! Elizabeth lives! Patty's problems. Do you know

L~-eL:! \~~~ec?h ~~::'sLisa, ~~fs~sh:~n.t ~ ~~!!r~~u:r~t~ ~h; b!~t~~

proud. I'm a rich b - and don't forget it. I drive a BMW. OK Whatever Mike! Luv ya Jen You are one crazy chic. It's been great being totally confueed with you in Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics. You make an excellent lab partner. Thanks for informing me about your entire eociallife. Remember to be nice to mom -she is just looking out for you. Than you for the ring -1 still have it on my pocket book. You make awesome candy. Don't forget my crinkled hand. Be good and take care of yourself. Thanks for being so awesome. Love, Jen KRISTA KANDEBO Hey-What'd you say-speak louder! When are we going to Princeton anyway, remember Soph gym, Eng, and NEVER forget Fr. -it rules! Jen Duffe You still eat too much salt! You're going to die of skin cancer! Duuude! Andrew Dice Clay ... Billy Joel ... Don't ever lend your notebook to anyone ... Harry Connick Jr ... I still think you and Dave would be perfect. As always, I can't think of anythin.f to say, so I'm just going to tell you to keep in touch. What Can I say. You're an awesome friend ... Love ya. Christy VICTOR KARA A blonde is a blonde-what's the difference if you don't know either one? Ten m.p.h. is too fast . .. give me a ride! Beer at Ground Round!?! -Kate Hey, stud! Thanks for always being there to talk: Remember Le Petit Prince. What about Casa Lupita and that salad! What about the walk to McCarter theatre. I was soaking wet! I had a great time! Remember the party and your _ _ _! Well Vic, I better go! Love ya always, Jennifer AMANDA KEATING OK Son, Let's settle down, Mr. Berger. Let's be serious-You are a good friend and I hope DB doesn't find out about last summer. Bones. " PK", " EP" scum bags! Per. 7 your soo smart!? Cool gym class! turkey, banana & PB sandwich. DB-that cool guy! Glad we're friends. Love, Jess Mandy, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your fingers out of those sockets. Thanks for taking my man. Thanks also for all of the colds, cold soars, all the food(sorry I am such a pig), the change, the advice, your concern, your trust, and the truth. Sorry I am blunt sometimes. Don't forget that stupid Spanish class, our wild junior table, ND crying, the humidity, Miss butt-in, and the powder fight. Do well in college and thank you for being so special to me. Love, Jen How's that brownie of yours? Tell him to stop counting chins!! Love ya, JoEII Hey hon! Ahh yea! You're cute! nice long hair, my house, your house, Tom's, Morgan's, NY's eve, Hawaii, remember all of those things & I'm sure many more to come. H-ball. Love always, Dan H-ball, anytime, the closet NY Eve, filled the first one POTMP. Love, Chris Wildwood was fun . It's been great. I like your little group. Give your boyfriend a wake-up call. Retreat was fun, thanks for the food . You're a reat friend. Your friend, Tom Hanlon t's been great! Wildwood, Seaside, Hawaii, the Prom, Jun. gym, all the parties, puffing away, VNKA, Tumbersaults, Underwear, Mr. Ed & Birdie, Keep on sweatin, 4 snowmen-Ice, Ice, Baby, Billy Joel, SU here we come- remember we're going! Good luck with Dan. Don't forget my #,here's where the story ends. FF-A, K, M, M, T Love, Kris "You get the closet", Wildwood, sleepovers, the Prom, Seaside, Retreat, skiing-" Nemeth keep the ski on or die!", ice-skating-"Guzzo get off the wall1", Hanky, pictionary at the park, picnics, spending so much money on movies that we could both buy new wardrobes, miniature golf, bowling, Horn Ball! Love, Tara Keating, Soph yr, yellowlgts, US-3, parties, ahyaah!, #34 & 12 are hot!, did ja, 'tarded, Hawaii, Princeton, retreat, launchs, slpginclsts, pig!, vdka, filters, poopeater, sad songs, intro. me to prop! Flyaway Frack! Love, Nicole My superbowl party, the ice skating rink, benches! Wipblash, My mama's dead, BAD Medison! You know what I was thinking about?, that's sooo disgusting, yah, did ja?, per. 7-look how she's sitting!, our first class!!, don't watch me blow my nose!, Halloween, bye Maggie! FF-A, K, M, T, N Meghan Ever sincer sixth grade you've been a great friend. Remember the shore, tennis, swim club, Montessari, the Cotillion! I'm going to miss you a lot! Love always, Beth KAREN KELLY Summer 90-me, you & cole. Way to be hand! Anthony! Thanks Best Buds forever. Luv ya. From Joanne Mabes CHRIS KENNEDY " Kennnnedyyyy!" -FH Girl -"Yo Girl" FLYGIRLS RULE!!! Luv ya's from Mabes All everything, field hockey. BD party and Cote's. Nice chicken in your face. Mrs. S's class. Korky's party w/ the bat. I'll try to hook you with MM/ L. always Korky When I grow up I want to be you! Kennedy where is your key! What turn signal? Love, Adam Bendas Ken'dy-jr. year at bean's(MS wallet), sing along, lunch table, gym gossip, jr. girls, your Xmas party=carroling, party at Ken'dy's, "Bernie's got this great friend . . . R~an .", Olive Garden, three old ladies AG, KK, & JP, oatmeal cookies, TJ, retreat group #1, "Do I look fat?" I Jove you Ken'dy, you are so special to me, I mean it! Love you, Gallo U better tie my S . .. down!!! Why don't you come on? OOOHHH I'm


shakin', not a detention! Stay-cool UR-BOY-Jamie So, did you see the tree in NY? My fanny pack, the F day! Battle of the Hoops Champs! My friend from hell! Heather Kenny D! Ridin~ to school! Are you hungry? Let's do lunch! Are you going to Church . I'm going to the library! Girddle anyone? Smoking enhances chicken pox! Chris-N-G! (Tee-Hee) Luv ya, Rad. Your team parties, the munchkin dance (the proof is on the tape), beating WWPH, never lose the laugh-! Jove it. Love, Tara Herbie? Party-no way, we swear! All nighter in car Rt. 1. Chrissy! Bob's Big Boy 3 min special! Designated driver! LUV YA best friend, thanks! from Joanne Mabes JB and CK-Best friends forever, It's a good thing I met you in third grade or my life would have been dull. So many memories, let's go shopping, sleepovers, Kennedy the merry mixer, and born to ... , where the hell are we, I think we're going the wrong way Chris, and in the wrong lane, late movies, the blue bomber, honk, honk, the best gigs of the year, Philly Becker, your p-buddy, I'm not . . . , whatever happened to Harris? Billy Joel, phone conversations, and so much more. Kennedy you are my best bud and I wouldn't have wanted to spend all those crazy times with anyone else. I thank you for your great laugh, friendship, laid back attitude, and always being there for a friend . Our 4 years at Notre Dame have been full of fun & well more fun . I'm so glad we have been able to stay such great friends throughout them & share all those memories, there are too many to put on paper. Even though next year we'll be separated, I'll always be thinking of you & hoping that you are being on your best behavior. The lilt goes on & on. Cotillion, so Kennedy you coming to your party or what, the guy in McDonald's, all those men, softball?!, Barnes, Chem & Geo, did we learn anything, so are you going for a swim Kennedy, who are you on the phone with? Go to Ben's. Well Chris what can I say, you're my best friend & you'll probably be in my wedding. Thanks for everything & more. Love always, Jen SEAN KERINS You always knew how to make me amile when I needed it. Thanks for all the happy memories. You will always have a apecial plaee in my heart. Love, Kari You're a great friend~ have alway• been there for me. I want you to know that I'm always here for you. Good luck in college lr; with Elisa. J~i~Ji~endship forever. Love, Kris


Hey girly!? Men? BP DM-Mike/Matt-We're bad! CM-ut oh! WC-party! Ron's-Jeft!! Lorola-roomles?? -Maybe?? Hot lacrosse buns! Sign stealing Pizza Hut! Kiet!! lt'a been Jlllllt! Love ya! Sue Hey dudette! Como eatu? Wow, 4 years have gone by. I'm really glad you and I got to bond. I bad fun at the Cotillion and listening to your men problems. Hey, yo no aabea! Don't ever forget Spanish. Adv. Comp. or me, bubblea. Love always, Christy Hey buddy. Alwaye remember SS, the huge heart, pizza, the horn, WB, ~:E;j• up the river down the river. Thanx for being a friend. Love ya, Hey sweets! Remember , is not the Beat! Cheerleadinll Aarlh! N~."'N8."'N8 . -:-:-T'l'Jle Cotillion! Ron's Party! Aero6ica! 'nte bot guy at the light! All our laughter! What a frump-you know who I mean! Our men or shall we say guys! Thank you for driving me to achool and what not! MK, BP I know I will always keep in touch with you. You are one of my best friends! Thank you for listening to me. 111 always be here too. Welcome to the Jungle .. . There are so many more thinga . .. But I better go! Purple cow Love always, Jen I am better than you. Love, Lean Mary Kite • Men are auperior but you're atill a cool chick. ND's been awesome. Party on till the end of time. See ya. Tommy D. Jawbone . .. DRINK .... •! ... Yes, I have an out of uniform pass! Yo no sabes . .. ties with the administration . .. you're a math WIZARD! Does your dress fit? -Kate Where did you sit lut year? You're trite! Kara's comment coming soon. Have fun in Pitt! Stay out of the Acme! Your friend, Tom Hanlon Hey, it's been 13 }'ear& tocether in school, it doesn't seem like it. Remember aellin1 Dowen, biology, Tom L. and your big crush on him! Washington DC Mr. Anderaon and all your other men. Thanx for being a friend. Love ,a, Beth Must I be the voice o reason?; 2/22; no pain, no gain; UR the Al&ebra godde&B; JG-6x, 7x; get your band away from my face!; eat to live; Thanx for all! Jove, Amy MARY KITE Well going to parties with you ia not the problem, it is just getting you to come home, no I want Denny's-Sorry Lean .. . just coffee, it is all I want . .. gym was a usual blast "Tell Mrs. Major's I'm here-just a little late" -Have to hang at LBI with us, so we can cruise in the Mustang GT -oh yes! MN The eternal wanderer! Where are you suppoeed to be? ARE YOU LATE!? Leonie's class-what'd ya Ieard? good luck! luv ya, RAD Hey leaner! EUROPE, the red stocking, garter, pantyhose???, designer swimsuit! Tecunsuh!! Praise Jesus! From: Miruaia

~~~lr .a.~I~!~~ b!fi!:ee:hi~. 8i.~~~rl~i.ll~: ~~~~~~




AK for our friendship. Love, Kief Lean, remember Europe with you drunk and men in trouble. Junior year gym class on the hte track, with conatantly tripping me. and Ed. How's your karate instructor? Love ya and miu_ya, Sergie "Leaner"-Jackson Hole, Wy. -1 day!. muffler; INXS; m$r appliance; justify my??; hrs and hrs of fun; Jesus mobile, oh please!; need changelet me know! Love, Amy Told you I'd write you one. I must say you dream the atrangeat tbinpl Thanks for everything. It's been fun. History w• a blast! .Jen Duffe KIM KLIEN The permanent wedge ADAM-summer-only three for you, more for me. Love ay! Nicole Y. I'm glad we stayed close over the years. I'll never foi'Jet Myrtle Beach, SC Jay, Ray, Matt, Jibbrish, LBI! Thanx for the timea we've bad! Love you! Friends Forever, Krissy! You're a great friend. Maybe someday you'll ptjokea. Now that you have lunch stories to tell, how about that permanent wedp? Luv, LeLe KAY -KAY. LBI "90" LK Both in one nifhL Goei'Je{ugb!) Dumper/ Dum pee. SHMOE and Kmiec, slopy. Do U have a napkin? Lunch time s talks. I'm so pure. Rich B__ . C-Ya! Olive Oil. I bate guys, yeah w"liiitever. Love Jenne MARK KMIEC The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire . .. Owen's party. knife at Kimik's throat. Oh beat that 54' chic just rebound over you. Hey Mac do that ~o~-f~AlL~et ready MCCC. Good luck CM Where are the sophomores! You're also bearable. Let's play basketball, I heard you were good. PNM Soph's-#1, saves in the backyard-work ethnic, the gut wu gone, Gamblers' Nights, Who's next?, the doo was working, State Select tryouts, West End scoreless streak. WNEK Hey you! Love always, Jen Elder Homecoming kintt of class of 93. "You can't arrest us we're Texans" Will I get abomimzer back? Is that AL behind us. Jr. soccer poem, first V-shut-out Maloof. 1, 2, 3 guts. NO party, summer of 90. Finally world championship, HFC will it help? Mr. c's class. Is the palm finallr, empty, will see. Cote's. Remember the Golden Rule "Lea is more' Where's MCCC? /Korky I'll make you feel bad and send you a message th001h you didn't aend me one. Remember precalc and our duellessness. PJ Farrell il not well liked. Retreat was awesome. KIT. Love you, Kara "GRIZZER, he's a seal!"; ... Big time!; you know, you're a lot brighter than you look!; Tony's; TERESA; MEATBALL SANDWICHES; Pretzel Poker; Lucky Penny; Hoccer; "Verno"; the FACE; get em out now!; posse up; Brother's Pizza on route 33 in Hamilton· Jut one out's a rotten egg!; I don't have the trunk key!; "YO, YOU SNUCK ME''; All our, whoops-MY women; "Don't worry about the cope"; Top Gun is our name!; "Should, coulda, woulda ... "; "Ya fool!"; Yo dude, it was real!! OK, BYE! -ODIE

~~~~-_ji,niJ~e-Pss'SKlTifJ:j~i~ri inK~d'~8 g~~uMk~ii~~d

all the others, thanks and keep in touch! And the boys from hockey stay out of trouble. -Mark Hey dork! Thanx 4 always listening! (At least for a while) Owen's grandma's- that's my shoulder! Sorry about the diss-1'11 always love ya-Jr. Prom -The break of the frustration!! Nice sneakers!! Great Adventure, You're the best-[ luv ya JM Thanx for listening to all my problems. You've been a good friend. Good luck in all you do. Sorry about my long-distance relationship. Love, Becky MARILYN KOBRIN Boy have you had a year-you gained a boyfriend & lost a sister! You've been a great friend & I wish you the best of luck in the future! Keep in touch because I can't handle Andrea by myself! Hal Love ya, Wendy Dutwin A ROACH!!! Hi Kob! Never forget-George the R ... WE Senior Steve and Soph Steve, STP motor oil, "sign of the L" APPLE, our many Burger King adventures, Jumping Bean, Troll Troll, No Nickname, ugly, Shop Rite, the R dude, Bachelor A, Shavey, A ROACH!!!, Boxer shorts. " You're getting a violation" "Crazy People" with Lenny and Mike (Oh God!), skip, kosher beans, dudef Hi Kob! It's Koby! I'm so happy you have no more phone time! I'll always remember 2/12/91 because we sat outside bachelor a's house and followed Daddy to Super Fresh! Thanks for being a cool friend, but you had better stop it with the violations!!!! Love, Andrea Thanks for your notebooks, just lend me your ears. Listen to this ... Mary Kite Maryland-WOW! Your own room! Oedipus is still guilty. Wear tight jeans on the ski slope. Refrain from "fatal attractions" I feel fushia! love, Kate "My life is a tree" Soph year, love muffin, The Game, parties. Cotillion, MA "I got a car!" "I need a new car!" U and M, Prom, moviea, Florida, "Nothing but a red ribbon" skiing, New Year's and Morel Love Blackbird Pretty momma, there'• a bole in the bucket, the Bermuda triangle il pui'P,Ie with pink polka dota. Give back the pink polka dots. The Cottllion 1989. Need some pep? Gym claiL Love, Janelle When's he _eone? You cet &00 pointe. I hoJII God's doiq good? How'a Devil and bil wife? RUated arden tooL KN How ya doin'? If it weren't for you, Kim and I would have probably killed each other in Calculua. You always act so innocent but we know the tmth. Only kidding. It haa been a long tiresome year of relicion, but we survived (our braim didn't, but we did). Remind me never to take Philosophy in college. It il good for i1110mnia thouch. Can't wait for camping. We have to find an outlet thourh, or we are all in trouble. Maybe KM and AW wiU foi'Jive me for goiq out with MS by then. Let's stay friends because friends u great u you are hard to find. Good tE~ a;Okss8sth Pietrzak Yo Blade, I'm just like you. Owen's P.N.Y. Eve so many choicea. BBB'MMMac bust the move Kork. Rico Suave (the atory) Go Steinert. -CM Les-pillow fight at Heather's, prom dreu in the creek. Mra. Confoy jr. year, and your home-made bunny COBtume! Good luck in aU that you do! Angie Your average! #31 in county. "You still can't get on"-but I don't want to- Brop. NYE Amy's 6 muga .. 12 b's. PNM We Jove Les, my helicopter, I got them right here. From Kathy McGann Later Gator, World Champion, Great Recocnition, Ping-Poq, Van Bastion or John Cope, that'• bad, forced&ropacanda, Halo Farma Iced Tea, Nacho Supreme, MB lr; LK brawl, amblen' Nigbta, 3.6m-26:40, Poker Club, Mucking, driviD( stick, the Mall, 94.1-#1, nice bender, soccer ball hunting, MP & BP can, Woodhaven, hanaiDJ w/ FD, aerobics, 12-11/11-15 Loyola trip, aco~a: Am U keeper, alutman, ARC socials, bike rldea w/ KB, Go-T, i aandwichea, Weat End, FH at TSC, broken hand-free soda, Bonzi, Mr. Wood-Germany abirta, shoot for loot at ~ court, VF lr; JB at Meritt's-triple play, 1 on 1 atreet hockey, 18-0 JV.Jim Hinea, Colvich-Baldwin-Meatball-Zuck (Da' Boys'), Best Buddies. WNEK "Korky"; That'a Dia; PC; "1, 2, 3 GUTS"; "Bailie Callie"; our good friend at AK; Lucie Ducy; take Murray State with the apNad; "HOOKED!"; Wayne Gretzky; She's right here; Lunch Pululd atyle; "Stones" shirtl; Cote'•· RD's "Yeah alright, Buddy!", World Championships; OK. Bye!! -ODIE Korky! The World Championsbipe! LBI '90! Rick, Emer,ency Break· through from Maeu . .. "I'm in training" Cote'1, three times the size! South Jersey Finalists 90, Holy Cr011 abootout ND State Champa? Almost! Malouf-St. Joe's Did you get that cut from Stemmer? Snek'sdisses all the girls we have flirted with, Senior Weekends, Wnek'1 backyard, retreat, Father Dennil' office. Life il good! Good luck, Loyola? All-American-good stuff. Lea is more Keep in touch. -Mark Hey Lea!!! -Sorry didn't see iL Who do U have in the palm of your hand? We love Lea, We love Les, We love Lea! "I'm on Top-don't argue!" LBI: The fight in the park what wu that? luv ya .JM Your fight w/ Matt, our flfht. the shore, no, you want me, Billy, AR, JW, LK-your girls- I love you Kimmie To the badest dude in the world. You're the best. To all that have helped ... JW, CR, CG, MM, JD, TS, LK, ML, BP, TH, thanks and •act.JfK:k .Jro=/i){cfo. Remember the old Korkster. -Lea Ko~ Wateb out for those wild goats. Good luck in coll8Je. Giants rule, pop it back in. Tell Steve & Bill to stop flfhting. Watcb out for the police, no more tickets. Have a clue, "Are y_ou duck bunters?" Wonder Yean Encyclopedia. Your friend..t.. Tom Hanlon HELENE KOUTOUSO!!t It'• been Jreat knowing you and I thank you for giving me the best notes in Religion and Psychology when I wu always sick! Good luck with whatever you do. Keep smiling & be positive and you'll be a ~Mys~\fA~A~J~endy Dutwin Woo baby ... Hey girlfriend, so you can never say we bad a dull time . .. Always remember Hooker Hangout! LBI tbilaummer, Duck, a car is coming, Hangin' in the Mustang GT, you know it, see ya later vadiatschkin and naninushka, remember "Boob touch" eew get away you pervert, oh no, I got pulled over qain! -MN Aimo .. . with the substitute??? don't kick my chair. INXS justify my? J-hole Anre. Lost my muffier stubs. Stepmother hood for me. Lunch with you . . . and RU. Woo-woo LL cool the puffB WED. Prayer/lunch green and blue sneaken to liberate to liberate to liberate leaner Mary Kite Love that smirk! Johnnr Gill ... Lex's! LBI90 & 91. Yo Dojacic- you ARE the voice of reason. It'• not who they are but what they do. INXS Delaware frats! You are the greatest! Love Kief Over these years we've had some great, embarr888ing momenta. They wouldn't have been the aame without you. Always remember: cruisin' 33, "The Pincher", Wildwood-NA, LBI experiences, "toast", our favorite two movies, sunken sofa, Jim 22, and exciting McD'a. I couldn't have made it through everything without you. Love, Lauren ROB KRAMARZ Dont't forget the retreat, especially Ghost stagea-Gat'a Midnight Mayr. Also- Bo knows Christianity-we know the truth. Good luck, Tiger TODD KRISAK We'll always have Billy Joel. I luv ya, Kara 3QANN~ fttf~~YJtoW:x~eep in touch! -Mark Hey nerdy! FUBAR; LBI-?? Proms-90?? -hell. We did have fun, though! You just didn't know any better! Thanx for all the ridea home. It's the girls nite out! Wiggle it babe! Furniture-Bimbo. You're the best "Elsie"! I love ya! Luv-Barb. Love, Sue JK-Late upsetting calls: esp. Proms/88's party, LBI: "Good upper cut!", 12th street-"But I wasn't looking", "Girls night out-so wiH.le it baby", "Who we following tonight?!", "Never knew any better!' "You driving?", SAT Cutter: mall ice-cream? "How's your gooberbead?" Jill: Michelle, JK-L-DG, I'll MISS ya!!=AI Who? What? Nerds forever! LBI: Prom; tire; Barbie; but I didn't know any better!! Love you all!! AC, SI, JG! DG=TLA(Hookie Pookie) Gym buddies AS, SI, JG, JD, JM, Love ya. U nerd. Always remember LBI, Garlic pizza in the trunk, shells in my pocket, T.I.R.E., the punch, nails, green M&M's, Twizzlers, all tha~

food, Cookie Monster, burp, gym class, candy, watch out for the potted plants, Cotillion bathroom, Allison's frts, SHeads, SI JG JK AC the foursome, BF's, Amanda's locker room run, you doll, but I don't know any better, thanx for being a great friend, keep in touch!! Smile and behave! Love ya, JoEll JOSHUA LEIPZIG Surprise Josh-I like your hair long-tattoos are gross. Mary Kite LOU LOCCO Hey goof-ball! Remember all those corny things we've laughed at! The curly·Q's! Oh jeez! One of these days I will get you back with a bucket of water! Will you please remember my pillow? Let's not get lost in Trenton again. You live too far away! Get organized, Lou! You mean a lot to me and I better still know you 80 years from now. RememberMisery! "Hi!" Love always, Jennifer My sweet Little Loui, nice phone bills. You talk too much. Is your grounding up? Thank you for escorting me around with my big foot. We made the elevator walls. Nice earring. Thanks for stopping into BK. Thanks for accompanying Georgie on all our outings-the roast beef dinner, stroll down Mount drive, the dance performance. Although you have a big mouth, I truly appreciate all of your words of wisdom-especially with GM. Don't be too lazy in the future. I'm sure you won't. Thank you for being so cool. You are a great guy. Stay out of fights and be good. Love, Jen female problems, shore women, Wildwood, Quo Vadis, Cotillion, scandals, Gossip. John Grimes To my best friend Lou: For 4 years we have shared some of the best times of our lives. Frosh: Lou Locco Lucky Palace in Geo., Holy Ghost Prep, Soph: Math League-that's about it I guess, Junior: Calc, Kristin, Julie&Kari, Jen B., ARC Social, Soup Kitchen, Driving, Mike, Prom, Senior: Phone Bills, Kathy & Jen, Joyce, SATS, Colleges, Retreat, Calc, English, Physics is Phun, The Play, Ms. Depuglio, Kon's Parties, Cotillion, .009 -That's too close (GPA) . . . Thanks for being such a ~treat friend and such a cool dude. If you don't join the marines, I hope you come to Johns Hopkins. Good luck-(seems I'm always saying that)

~~~:t f:!:n~! t~:t:dlii~~ge

Hi Louise Locamotive! Religion class was great, I know who you like and don't even think of the comeback! Thanx for being a great friend and breaking my watch! You owe me one! Love ya, Joell Your advice and caring have always made me feel special. Our friendship and feelings will never die no matter how many miles away we end up. Love, me. Hey Rogert koochie koochie! What does this have to do with relativistic mechanics? Hey Babe, what color is that candy apple Driver-The sign said "Long Haired Freaky People need not apply" Later Dude, Tommy

D. APRIL LUPINACCI Never tell me you don't love WJ! I know it would be a lie! Oh no! Mr. Bill! Please, D.M.! Don't leave our gym class! We can't help but get jerked around in certain cl8.8888, I guess, hub? I won't call you ape anvmore! Love, Andrea Can you believe, it's finally over!! I had a good time this year and I'm glad we've become such good friends. Let's forget the bad and always remember the good. KIT -ShopRite, Lunch time-Give me some saran wrap!! C.F.G. -Go for it girl!! • up or down (toilet seat) Love, Tara Well look where our mutual brain got us-Out of here! Remember- A, B, C. D. E-ithelped us graduate! Don't forget T.S. -"he's my hero." Diving Board conversations. MC3-SICHE. Say he to Casper. Don't forget about Amazon Woman. Try some Saran Wrap- 2 ply works better. Watch out for toilet seats-they could be dangerous! Congratulations! Karey Neall Hello Mrs. Willie, You big Frosted Flake! I know where you get your kix at- Shoprite!!!! So have fun and Behave! OK? Love Ya, Joell Yo, "April Upinacci" All I have to remind me of you is, "wait that's Tim Sullivan and Booger!" Good luck in college. Oh, Foodtown is !fJ~N~E ~X'&~~- Love ya, Sophia Your singing has got to go! HA! Stay Sweet. Support groups, ULTJ, ILKZ, always, will we ever move on? Cutest Semor chic I know. Don't forget me. Love ya -Daun Wit To my friends: KA, JM, MAC, CK, KF, DB, KK, BFF. Thanks for the memory. Luv Ya's. Jo2? Herbie? Mac & Kennedy D.D. Jam! KA BFF B-ball bud Luv Ya. MACKster, 4yrs BFF. Studs: TF, DR, KZ, MJ, MB, PS, JS, JC, CR, CQ, GN-Luv U Guys!, thanks for the memories. To My Friends-Junior Crew (JP, DW, KM, AM, KF, LS, AG, KK, KF, SS) Thanks & good Luck! Uncle Louie Thanks! My little friend #32. Buds: (AG, JM, JP, CC, NO, Bean, JS, CP, NT, CT, SS, NZ, HC, (M Blues) Luv U Guys! L.N. -Hey Baby!! Ms. Warfo Aerobics were great!!!! Hey, babe! Hi-Joanne! You're a great friend & luv yalots-Stay "cool"Peace. You can drive me around anytime! Tani #1 driver! J02, my #1 twin (mom liked the name) Mabie-Baby, Rummy with Nan, #44 & #32 TLF, JM + MJTLA. Wonderful Tonite, Air Supply, Nintendo, Phillies Game, J & A engagement party, L YLAS Thanx for all the memories, Heated blanket, driving with Tani, talks with Mom. ILUXO Jo2 Rem: Retreat-B-Ball-Pasta Parties-Dinner w/Fr. D(me, you, Col)! We luv to eat, "o Say Can You See", Will you wear your hair down?, the "Guys", T J + MB, love them, who's ditzy? WP-pack&ll'e deal, our talks & cries, pregame music, C the K, win states- ya think?' BFF I love you lots. Kelly Ardery I'm so glad we became closer this year. But I know we'll stay in touch-I love you, Kim NDGV b-ball #1-NH, MN, DM, JM, KA, CM (Senior Posse) Luv U Guys, Baby D, Big Mac, Mar!, NOSE, NH(lOOO) + JW TO MY b-ball crew, Good Luck & I'll miss ya's. Jo-Keep Smilin! B-ball pro/R U OK? Col-Mac Namara Yo Big Mac! Ayeeba! Ayeeba! Hot tub Party!! Kath, Flea, Heath, Jen, Sara & MeTea Bags Rule! JP, SS, CM, JP, JB JE, FS, MD, "Mooch" -"Lunch Bunch" From, Debbie Branham LEE MABES Don't forget me or when we had to get married for Religion-we ate a lot that day. If you ever need me, I'll be there. DEIRDRE MARTIN Hey Blackbird! Never 4-get PQ, Frenchie, Twinkie, surprise parties, helium (yes!!), the great prom date exchange, The Pillow Man, Seduction! Wow, you got a car? Yeah, it breaks down a lot! New Year's Eve '89 & '90-some people slurp too loud! Zelda!! Say hi to EH for me! Luv ya, Marilyn Flicka-Tim and I will always be an item. Nice Party, New Years 1990. Cham~agne on the ceilin~·pi~s. SLURP! feel free to dft!1Ce wit~ Ethan s belly-button . .. F1rst kiss ... seductiOn. C.R.A.S.H. IS a bash. Love, Kate CONNIE MAXWELL 'JE~c; Muli~AkZtas are coming! Oh no! MN Die Yuppie Scum, huge profit at Soph. part,l. WNEK I'm better than average. The Lunch Table. l!:agles will win S.B. next year. Shawnee-nice fall!! -Told you I'd get revenge, teachers lounge- ThanxJM You're right, he's Average-Not exceptional. Env Sci. ·"Nice" teacher. Let's go skiing. Nice Finger. PNM Incarnation friends & still friends. Bet you wish you had a SAAB .. Ha Ha Good Luck next year!! Jen Stevens FRED MCDONALD My favorite locker buddy, we're gonna be late! "Hi"! I LOVE YOU! Thanks for cheering up my day when I was in a grumpy mood! Love Always! Jen Elder Fred, you are one strange dude-but definitely cool. Thanks for all of the interesting stories. Thank you for the homemade dinner, Princeton, the soda in my shoes, the archery assistance the headaches, the interesting conversations, your true friendship and your words of wisdom. Don't climb too many trees and if you do don't fall out. Please be good and do well in college. Thank you for everything, you are a sweetheart. Dont forget my B. Love, Jen You're a cool guy. We've had a lot of fun in the past four years. You DORK, but I like you anyway. Stay decent and you should get by. S ue Goldman

Fred, you're a psycho, but you're cool, remember the parties (if you can). Be sure to get a legitimate job, and I'll see you in the next life. Peace Dude, Tommy D. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. you've been a great friend. Thanx for your advice and for listening to me when I needed you. Remember retreat, you talk too much, Trig and Pre-Calc, the long talks, parties, you killed my pig. I'm gonna miss you next year. I love you. Kim We made it! There were a lot of times where I wasn't too sure about that! I'm so glad that we have been the best of friends over the past four years. The Cotillion was great! Don't forget the ~ood & funny times-my house after the junior prom, and chasing me m the parking lot. You're the best. Love, Stephanie KATHY MCGANN Hey buddy, you've got a booger on your face! I don't think it was clear, deathcar, New Year's Eve, Men are slime, can you believe we got boned by junior guys? Kath needs a change of clothes, my quiet friend, we are wild about Harry C, Jr. Prom, Retreat, Where's Kathy? We love Les, we love Les!! Hey is that a stop sign up ahead where the lane ends!! Thanks for being a great friend and listener, I love ya. Jen Where does a Link really play? Discussion coming home from retreat. N.Y. Eve, almost but not! We luv LK, We luv LK yeah that's cool. How are you gonna get home from my party? Your friends dissed you. Unlucky! L. Always Korky! Bergen County Community College is fine but Ocean C.C.C. is better, remember the 19th! My suit is dirty do you know where I can get it cleaned, See ya on Sunday at 5. Love, Adam Bendas By Mom! Trash. B-ball. oops. (Daria) You're not my ride are you? Teamwork is involved in volleyball. WNEK Yo McGann! The Stadium hangout. Aw Beat! Take care, Good Luck, Keep in touch. -Mark Yo McGann! You "H"-The break of the St. A's girl?!?! Thanx 4 drivin'! No Radio? Stadium days, Guys stink Do U agree??? -I'm the best swimmer-You're the greatest. I luv ra-JM This is ponderous, really ponderous. Concert buddy! Post-prom man with a black hat and a black coat-he went that way! Mission! Your mom's here? Teabage, BG, Jetson dress, Freshman points off, my mad sprint down the shore! Can I borrow Kathy? I'll bring her right back, I promise! Heather How's your condo upstairs, our rainchecks, Junior prom. Who is this chick anyway, McGann in the middle, natural berries. JM I hate guys! Kath didn't say no-again! Kathy squared! I want him and him and him .. . Double Suicide, don't even joke. At least we're always ~e::::!Pl~fSU!er. Post Modern PST. Who's a metal head? I love you PETE MCGILLAN Florida trip, Math, History, all that fun. Been beautiful. Take it easy, Money. Dover ... can't wait. Remember to bring peaches. 76ers rule, so does #3. Stay cool, Jon Moore CHRIS MCGUINESS 2nd grade blues-Hey D. W. be H. 1! Let's take a plane baby!! Up up, anda-way-Florida -Beaches-Guys-oooh Baby!! Summer Fun. Hey SorryK.I.T. -it's over!! Kiss it Goodbye!! SWAK Love, TC Hey Airhead! Too bad you can't get rid of that name. I dont know where to start. We've done so many goofy things in our time. I think I'll list them: I washed your hair, Yo Trixie, you dumb dog!, Airhead ... Airhead, B.K., dip the burger, Falling up the stairs, deodarent as hairspray, Halloween at the mall, Lasy eith the Big Beaufant, however you spell it, cocktaii-I spooked you and potato chips. Don't forget your M & M's. Say hi to grandpa! Do good at Immaculata. Good Luck. Love


MCLEANE Pass the ball so some other people can shoot-Jon Moore #55 SHANNON MCNALLY Hope you never have to wait two months again. It's a crisis, I know! Keep loving The Little Mermaid. Never forget our favorite topics. Luv, LeLe Cow town. No blinkers, LBI. Guys! Guys! Guys! Love ya! Nicole Y. Hey McNerdy!! No more homework! Thank God! too much pressure! I want your V-Ball team!! Our lunch table(convereations) 4 a billion $$ would you ... I would BP! Yeah man F/F DS COLLEEN MCNAMARA Yo Big Mac! Where do I be~in my most beautios friend! Mabes, Mac, & Ken= FLYGIRLS in effect. Col Mac there is not one moment with you that hasn't been momentous-we are absolutely crazy togetberO'Leary's, Veto's, Fanelli's. where were we headed anyway?! Me & you girlfriend Will do anything to have fun-so you got the keys for that car, M&M's, Kennedy fa~ly vacation, Houston's-King of Wishful Thinking, your p's and my p s!! Cote's! HOPKINS is our friend-Tree&Stump forever! Basketball goddess-or just plain GODDESS! You go to that party- I probably won't ever remember you left! Always remember BS, lYE, LIB, liB, OY, LAP, It 2 Depeche Mode, I'm glad we're neighbors!! Col-therejust aren't words to express how much I Jove ya & everything about you! We're just 2 peas in a pod, a weaner in a bun, syrup on a waffle, that's me & my Col Mac-remember!! Thank you for sharing all the ~reat times we've had & are gonna have! Good Luck! Love always, Chns Ken I'm wearing 2 b s! Rei your nose. Keep running Carol. Nice voice JO. A peartridgem a partree. Jo, mar, Col, mar, Jo. Senior posse in effect. C'mon guys pass me the ball. Baby D. Ron. Enbryo woman. Data. Anthony's pool. Junior prom. Kennedy's. M & M's rule. T bags stink. Homie don't play dat. Wasko! nice blanket. July P. Futon. MandT Jacobs. DR, KZ, JS, JC, PS, CR. nice car. sh. this isn't mine, hi dear! Soph lunch NH Da Boys. Keystone Crew. BG. Thanks for the laughs BW neck. Yo Stangions. I heard that Mac J.O. Oh I don't know, cause I'm the weasel! I love you. Mr. Rotundo. Dweeb. Ms. G. Mr. James. Schaff. thanks for everything. I love you class of '91! Big shooter-Slam it! Don't forget Steinert. Gene-Almost Dunked! You are beautiful-! know you'll jam at Deleware- Remember Bill James! History last year. ~NMre Awesome-Jet's play hoops so I can dunk on you-Laugh much? Yo! Why don't you just be quiet . . . Never forget Mrs. Gauvin- Tharney's class . . . Thanks for making life fun! Big Mac, "talks", Jack the Ripper, post prom problems, oooh!, Bye Mom, shore attire, Ah dub, Nice wig skinhead, morality, 2 different shoes cross-etes, Are you eating that?, will you ever stop laughing, spirit week-Mac dressed like a boy. WNEK Sorry, 4-got Mac was here!! -JM Homegiri-Big Mac, Mr Mac basketball camp, From 3 point land-again, Let's get crazy, buddy! Hi George! Inf!!!! Captain Jim Flair, Stay CoolBig Mac, Thanx-Your boy-Jamie Big Mac-Battle of the Hoops Champs! What's up, party buddy, Prurient, morality, sunchronized bad times, beautiful woman with the long hair, tight and immoral dress and jeans, concerts, vague woman from hell, post-prom problems! Want to go bow lin~? Don't talk to me about him! I hear you like Madonna! Just don't get mto THAT car! Hop that plant blooms! Look at me, I'm Colleen! "Soups" Ah, yeah! Rico Suave. Why didn't you hook me up. Campo's class. I wanna go somewhere where education is more important than basketball. Steinert's a great dog. No has. Just go have fun your senior year! Yo Mac! Cheat much? NAA! The back thing Outrebounded by a short fat girl OH Sh .. Twice FR to Deleware. Good Luck! -Mark Big Mac, Peppermint Schnopps, The Sweatshirt deal, Yo Why is Ice Playing With Queen, Gravity Hill, Hay Guys I Think I Recognize This Place This is lt, Word To Your Mother, Good Parties, Our Locker Clique, Your Olds Against My Pontiac, Let's Race, The Weasel, Mojo Nixon-J .M. Big Mac Attack, The Shore, The Car phone, Joe Basket-Ball, The jacuzzi, Driveway from Hell, Steve Miller, love you, Kimmie 4yrs BF. Mackster, b-ball was great! Designated Driver? LBI 5hrs! Chased and Almost mugged at Ciros! TofuPizza! Exhorcist Cinderelly!! Reverse Layup. Thanks, Luv Ya, Best Friends 4eva. From Joanne Mabes Can you believe that we've been friends for over 12 years? Wow has

time flown! Never forget those "childhood memories" like Fort McDun, roller skating in your basement, & Marco Polo. Thanks for everything. You're the best-don't change. Good luck in all you do. Keep in touch (we've got no excuse not to!) Love ya always, Trish JOE MESSINIO Hey man, want to go riding? I know how much you enjoyed those hamburgers I made. Nice car. I hope I never have to go Christmas shopping with you again! Chmiel Don't forget "THILIUM" Chemistry Partner "CLUTCH" bloodnote. from: Jen Stevens Jr. prom, who is this chick?, natural benies, McGann in the middle, condos From Kathy McGann Yo Smokin Joe. Mac you were fine 10 minutes ago, mischief at Campbells, Louisiana lip lock. Oh beat, we just spilt something on that chics head. Egg 91. Locker clique. Banzai. Wrap in wax off. I think I need a sweatshirt. Love, Mac Nice laugh at Stout's. With LK starting for B-ball the team still undefeated. Is that a tongue or what! Hockey on Sat. Nighta/Korky chasing rabbits, bumper pool, green hair, hand in the cookie jar, Singing at Tomassetti's. WNEK Smokin' Joe #17, Mr. Innocenti How Are You? My loyal friend and sturdy shelter. Good luck, keep in touch! New Year's Eve posse! -Mark Kmiec Oh beat, did you find a finger in your car? That's a nice ring· watch out when you close your door! Tetris, Majo Nixon; you have the FM eyes! Four years of Math class! I hear you're organizing a rematch! Louisiana Lip Lock! Campbell Smokin-I'm not sleepin' with the freak! Pick up the phone! You saying I'm not oriental? I.N.X.S. -1st row. StayCool-UR- BOY-Jamie "The List"; CU in HR in the AM, JM, OK; and it keeps gettin funnier ... ; "YO GUY!"; moose; 90 proof; 'FACE'-POSSE; Regulars; Height; $2; SHHH!; pool; "DIRTY DOG"; ... . cuz she likes it; Brother's Pizza on Route 33 in Hamilton -ODIE CHRIS MIGLIACCI The true Cupid! Faces of Myself, English class, New Year's, Grease, Halo Farms & icecream. Thanx! Tell Lisa and Nicole that I'll never forget them. Guys, remember everything, the plays, the food, the parties, the dances, the fun! I Love U! Love, Blackbird JULIE MIKELL! Thanks for watching your mouth around me. Look at me! LBI. Owens randparents. From, Collen McNamara t's been real. You are the man. I'll love you always, beautiful. Take it



lndetification, pretty girls, B.G., Femmes and Princeton, swimming lessons, I feel as though, full house, stop signs, feeling sparkly, my room, McGann bud CG-"Little Sophomore!!" -it was U who didn't talk to me! . . . . · Sleeping w/the enemy-Thanx, Frustrations. R U as good in . . . as you are on the dance floor? TS-She's my B ... ! -Never 4-fet it. Nice Video ... To my sis-I love ya forever-you're the greatest!!. Thanx Jul, to my "support", my 2nd family, pesto sauce, back of BMW, B's jeep tiroc, R.W. =King Cobra .. . it's okay,jr. Cotillion, pound puppie, Outstanding, Genu-ine, Candico, M.S. shrine, late night phone, Gappa aka taxi, Sr. prom, Rumble seats JB + RW. fire!, "Brian come pick me up!" LBI-Brian .. . , he was my good friend before uno?, She um't pretty, she's fat, fire eating· uisher, the hammock + B's cow, "Julianne ... Clean!" mosquito bites, Curly top, home by 11:00-you called me "Special" and taught me how to feel that way. I Love you always. "And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle .. . But I don't know how you do it .. . " I Love you, Angelina Our "Secrets" at N.O. house, drifting apart, better K.I.T. O.K. "Snob" ha ha Who is fake? Good Luck from Jen Stevens "I'm tired!"; My little girls; #55; My biggest mistake, What was her name? -Brooke??, Sexual frustration; "OOH, ODIE"; "I feel as though ";That Voice; The Chase; You Love?; Battle of the Hoops; Junior Prom; Julie, Thanks for everything!! -Love, ODIE "Your Song" -yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen! Girl before I met U I was F.I.N.E.! OPEN ARMS!! Bean's House, so long! ..JM Who is JH? Snakes, BG, LSI-look out! Pretty girl, jackets and hoods in the rain, 3 in 1 night! Can we go down the street? Holy identification! What time is it? Brothers! Susan street-Police! I'll see you later! Jump, Jump! I feel as though . . . Heather I've done all I can! Take care Owen's grandparents, your shoulder, Dissed hard, All our talks, did they do any good? Someday we'll find out! BG Summer. Take care of yourself, Good Luck, Keep in touch! · Mark One rule, never get into car with Mirelli. I will always be on top Summer of 90'. The palm is empty, or is it?? Korky I love ya kid. Am I locked out? Will we ever get to bed? Studdy buddys. Bartman and Robin! Thanks for helping me through everything. You're the best. Good Luck!!! Love, Amanda O'Sullivan X-mas caroling, NYEve. Glad we did something to help our friendship (chapel-talk). Dancin was great with you! Thanx for listening to me! You got ugly feet too! Keep smiling Love Ya XO JoAnn Retreat! Eternal Stamper! I love Schirmer! (Tee-Hee) Stop worrying so

F~ll~:u: J~~pj~ ~M k~-~~ceton

violent Femmes. Pizza Place "Thanx guys!!" I Luv Vas. LBI89-NO HCES: You need a big truck . . . Who is JH? mosquito??? Profeaaion of love of KM; Susan Street-the cops "See ya later guys" It was GREAT!!! KF-New Year's Eve-I heard

~:h pd. Gym-"Locker Room Lan e" Ism skirt short enough Jen?' Thanx for noticing DeVeau!! -Mrom-What a noght! Who is this chick?? GO BRENNAN. Odie-"l'm tired" Thanx 4 everything! DB CK-You look beautiful!! C.C. -"Common Now", Boys don't cry-Thanx for the laughs! AG CK KF JP CT NO JM HC FS JM KA JB KM CM CH-Christmas Caroling? -Girls night-Thanx Guys I Love yas!! Matt who? "Just say no" I want him! I'm sorry I ruined your life. Rob/ Odie/Chris I was nJht, Pink Flo,rd THE WALL! 10 yrs. Who hates underclassmen? Is Julie a B ... .. Though we fight and scream (never that) I love you and will always be here. PLUNK JM epitome of a B but KF follows close behind, Miss Innocent, D.S., My Bra, King Cobra, The Shore, I want to go sledding!, BG loves Kim From Kim Frascella Bud-Always And Forever, Angel-Don't call me a "B", I'm sorryWOW, Jan 19. -Can you believe it? Will it ever end?!?! See ya and love

r.S~~th Criminal" -At least we tried AG BC GP JM JP! SB crew-

What were we thinking-JS JS JC RF FB RW BR??? "The Fair and parties at Rubina!" Jul, Well I think you are the one person that enjoyed being in. school about as much as I did, (except for PJ of course) Remember last year "You like PJ Heinz? He's on my bus, I grew up with him!" Everyone was so skocked, even me I guess! Remember Halloween, "Smooth Criminal" God definately saved us from that one. It's funny how it was always the five of us, you me, Angie, Julie, and Gina. I guess some things chan,e. Remember the Market Fair and Angie fighting that girl Angie the wald woman! I still don't understand you and MJ, but I gue11 no one ever will and only you know what's best. I could never uy thia to Matt anymore but I kinda like you guys together. Thana for everything. I could always count on you guys to be a friend. Thanks for all our little lunch talks. you always did cheer me up. I love ya, Bridpt JON MOORE -Jon-remember "M.V." and all the times you listened to me! Thanb for the laughs and all the good "talka"-Luv ya'! Thanks for the party-it was so boring. You & Tara are the belt. Remember-boring dinners, golfing, bowling w/Hicka, gosaip on phoDe & stay away from the carpethead. Have Fun, horn-bol. Luv, Amanda H-Ball, Bart, You Can trust me! Domino's pizza. Dunking Bart, Nice Bathrooms, I'm champion of the world, Hey gorilla we in Manilla. I'm pretty. I'm a bud man. Closet hound, your house, Toms + NY's eve. Junior Prom, Hamerstones, LBI-"Yea Officer, my headli,hta work!" miniature golf-1 Jet you win, My house-" Please get your fnend otr my bathroom tiles", Desert Song, Christmas Carol, NYC( Hard Rock Cafe, Radio City Music Hall, F.A.O. Schwartz-"Welcome to our world of toup!), sledding at the Prep School, New Year's Eve, dinner at my house-"What's that wood smell?", ice-skating for two, "U Can't Touch This", No I don't twitch and yes you do, breath loud, De Ia Soul? -"Ia


this music?" Rub your Tummy- it works! "I caught the most crabs." Love and "stufr', Tara Morgan, thanx. for the party (& buke), me & ski, tossing me out of beds, MO~CAR~rL~orn- all, turn around. Love, Nicole YO, MCSCI, remember our support groups, New Years, ch. camp, ULMJ, ILKZ, it never ends, I'm gonna miss ya- you're the best Love Daun Wit Hi-JoAnn! You are a very special person and I love you like my own sister. Best Friends Always and Forever! 1luv ya Moscarelli! PeaceM.T. -YGCMonYL! I'll always remember you. We had some great times and I won't let them go. The Jacobs, Sept 9 for me & you, Ocean Beach, "I'm scared", "OH Dear", Italian, Toy Soldier, M.H. party, Fancy driving, Wildwood, Num-Nums, T.S. was always Nice at S.C. party. I Love Ya, Keely Zita I did it! -look you can see the string!! -You have ugly feet?! Sorry and Thanx JM REM: All of those talks: the happy ones and the sad ones, Kennedy's NYE, Rafrs, MJ's #P, FF-I'm gonna miss you. I luv ya! Kelly HI joann-B.B. Ut OH!! That's the way the ball bounces! B & W dancepuke! Steve's lands' end ... Salt-n-Pepper! Closet girls; Doc; Rodney! I still Believe! Purple-skittles. Wild Thinf! Brown kid-Dopey! On the way to Cape May! 1-2-3-4! Hi Dear! Zullo!. Guys!! D.P.S. The past 4 yrs! Great Times! You crazy person. Chem-airhead! So many guys, so little time! T.S.B.M. -B.E's party! R.K. -!!!I could go on and on ... ! You're the best-1 luv ya sis! Love, Sue To all the girls: CT, JM, JM, KF, KA, Sl, JG, AO, CK I love you girls! To the guys: MJ, TJ, DR, GN, KZ, JS, JC, PS, MB, CR Love ya! Keystone Crew To the RAH's: DW, KF, KC, KF, BK, AA I love you! NCA #1 Miss Ya Lots! To the Jr's: KM, AM, JP, DW, KF, LS=7-ll Stay Sweet! Love ya lots! Ma. Ma. you get em! Been a cool4 years. History stunk 2 years in a row. Remember Red Sox! Jon Moore Jo2-Are we sisters? D.W. off? Thanks for everything. LUV YA forever! (Pretty Women) Chinese for 4! Twins? Mom liked the name!! From JoAnne Mabes English class JMJ ... Oh God! Did you fet the time? .. Yeah babe! M.R. want to be. -Don't cry-What's that. -Amanda O'Sullivan Princess. Back of van up to the shore. Jr. Prom. In Your Eyes. Thank you for all the good times. You're the one! I'm sorry. I love you ... always Matt ... goodbye Hi Honey! 1 wanted to send you a little reminder-Thursdays, cheers, The Park, JM + MJ, JJJ Anne, Politicians, sneaks-llove You, Kimmie GEORGE MOUNT Stop taking my ##?!@cupcakes. DB Hey don't forget to look at the scenery next year. Keep smiling and stay as nice as you are. Love, Christy Mr. Everything! What's wrong with Lou! George, I'm glad to have known you over these four years, you have changed so much. I love ya! Remember Claw! George help me. PLUNK It's been great-we've come a long way. Never forget: ~ig Sis~rs, A.J., Bingo, Volleyball, Math Leagues, Barnock, late car r1des, Shmehead, cheerleading, Rosie, Football games, Kristen, N.H.S., English tests, beating Ray, lunches, .009, all the money you owe me. Too bad you have to pay for your yearbook. I WON!!!! You're a great friend, stay in touch. Thanks for everything. Best of luck at Hopkins. Your friend, Lou Gie, we sure have come a long way. Thirteen months was too long but definately worth it. I hope you always have those 'two hearts' to hold all the love for Mrs. Mount. I hope you enjoyed the roast beef dinner, the walk down Mount drive, our awesome ski trip-mouse trap, James' Q-tip, sledding on ice, our wipes, snowing you, getting snowed, the guy from D.C., Joey, Pictionary, running from the shower. Then there were all the parties, using all my bug spray, the phone bills, lunch, food fights, messing up your hair, Lucky pug, leaving your insides at Peddie, "Can I think about it", the big diss, "When I See You Smile", the Prom, playing B-ball at 3am, what did he do with those scissors, our disgusting conversations, BK, .009 behind, the poggy back rides, jetting, you smell, and everything else. George Robin Mount IV, you are the absolute best. Thank you for always being there and making me smile. I wish you all the best. Love Always, Jen Claw, Rob, George-what's your name? I had a lot of fun these past four years. Thanks for always being concerned about me. I won the water fight. I'm still wondering how you kiss. You and I were meant to be president. You're the best. Your friend, Julie Egloff Frank Perdue, Stubs?? From: Mirusia Yo "G"-If I was as smart as you I'd be dangerous. Track was cool, Remember I saved your life when you were on trial. Be careful with women. If you need help, call me, we'll party. Peace dude, Tommy D Hi Georgina Gomer! Religion class was fun, stop changing. Joel to Joell in all the Bibles!! thanx for being a friend! Love ya, Joell I'm glad that our relationship has turned out the way it has. You mean a lot to me and I hope everything works out for the best. I will miss you a lot next year. If you ever need anything, just call. Best of luck next year at JHU. No matter what happens, remember this: Never change your destiny! Love, Joyce MARLENE NEAL lOOOpts. do it! You are a basketball goddess! Good luck at St. Joe's ~Ai~eN~~f.L' Do it. posse! Yo Karey, gotta pass History. I'll pass "it" to her and she'll pass "it" to you. Do good at Rider or MCCU. I won't forget your Yale sweatshirt. Love ya, Sophia Volleyball anyone!! Hey you- put that toilet seat down- I'm going out for some Saran Wrap!! K.N. + D.M. - G.L.!! Which way? Roller Coaster - Sorry !!! Help, Help - Florida - Hot - Sun - Definitely! Oscar Meyer - Take two steps forward - two steps back - It's finally over thanks for everything - Summer Blues -pd. 6 lunch - Nice belt!! You pervert. K.I.T. T.C. + B.J. Forever- Best Friends- Miss Ya!! S.W.A.K. - Prom - after - yeah baby!! Red Probe - HOT!!! 2 good +2 be 4 gotten Love, Tara KRIS NEMETH I am so sorry I promise I will never do this again. Sitting in the rain. Eight days of paradise, YA! How is your sister Kim? The Keddhop at B.K. Ahh-yea! You're cute He! He! Nice hair dork. Remember TomT. + Dark Closet, Tom's house, NY's Eve + Morgans You are a real cutie. Love, Dan "Kristina who?", AKA-Buck, Nash, Special K, TSCPfTW, when are you going to rehab?, you know my momma don't dance ... , twinkies!!, don't you think she sounds like the church lady?, Weeell, someday I'll write you a note that rhymes, don't worry I'm not going to hang up on you!! Don't ever forget those old ladies on the phone commercialthat'll be us! Thanks for everything buddy! Love, Meghan Remember all - No Tears (Terms of End.) SU? Mr. Birdie & Ed, Hawaii, no socks, math classes, NY's Eve, Tara's, TomT., blow nose, back of pants, dirty teeth, Cybil's nose, UR no lady, we're going, right?, no Gweedo, Bnice to Sam. FRIENDS 4EVER - A, K, M, N, T. SWEAT! Luv, Amanda "HONK" Nice V-ball team we're "AWESOME!" Cool per. 1 talks! Come ta Mama How's Pat? Your cool - Dive 4 the ball! Jess Hey- 'member History class, Eng and lunch! The SMB is awesome!! Love your "sweet breath", and your socks! Thanx for everything! Jen Goofy library visits and an interesting calzone. Karate, track, EUROPE!! Billy Joel/West End video, freezing and munching a Golden .Arches special! Mirusia The best 10 days of my life- EUROPE!, the Prom, Wildwood, Seaside, my house- "Tara I didn't mean to eat so much ice cream", sleepovers, late night phone conversations, my little "baby chops",_The FIZZ, "Do I look like a Burger Bit?", be nice to your dog, "I prom1se I'll never do that again"-yeah right- "And we will all go down together" - the concert that I almost went to. Love, Tara Kissy, 3rd grd., Guido!, l'tarded, didju, yaah!, P&Q, Saran Wrap, Ha-


waii, retreat?, parties, filters, vdka!, falling out of mviechrs, lwnchrs, rhymes, elbwdnces, Honk!, pictionary, Mr. Ed, vllyball, sxtalks, FFAKNGTH KNMG! Love, Your Guzzo Woman KIM NEWELL One word of advice - Be nice to Marilyn! But even if you don't, I want to say it's been great knowing you. Keep working hard & good luck with whatever you do! Wendy Dutwin Motivation. Thanks for everything. Hope everything works out. Thanks for the ride. Remember skiing, camping, Brunswick acres, picnic, Best Friends, babysitting and family crisis. Eight grade Ray, Robert, Good luck in college. Thanks. Love ya, Jeanine I think we should be CIA girls and give everyone tickets for their constant violations. You're an awesome person - I'll remember APPLE and our Philly trip forever! I had a great time (Except for our 2 food incidents- the ROACH and the gross potatoes at KFC!) I'm glad I met you and that we're friends - you've taught me a lot. I hope we keep in touch for a long time. Love, Andrea Hmmm .... A candy bar or Mr. c? What a choice! The candy melted away - too too hot! Rip lots of paper - it's cheap - recycle & use again! How do you spell Kim? Violations & tickets R good! Henry is much more better! Ahhh-roaches! God is what?! Plato is wrong. Marilyn I promise to recycle! I think James would appreciate it. Throw away the paper okay? Mr. Clean is much better looking anyway! Love, Liza I could never tell to you in person, probably because we always disagree. I admire you for your independence, your strength to hide your fears & you endurance to go on. You've gone through alot but never did it get the best of you. You are an honest friend to all. You are definitely stubborn but that's what I like best, you stick to your beliefs. Not many people are willing to risk standing behind beliefs. You're great. Good luck in college & all you do. Beth LAURIE NICOLAI Laur, Pizon! Italian princess, Seaside, orange shorts, JM2, fishing, LYLAS, Electric Playground, Mr. Mull and our awesome Artwork. Since freshman years I loved ya and I still love ya as much, if not more. Good Luck honey, I Love Ya, Angie. "Angelina" ULDU-ILKZ-it only get's worse, dude, shysters, too main, JE, WW, EPG, I'll cherish wr 16 yrs, of Best Friendship I luv ya- Dawnie Thanx for everything Hon! Cheese & Macaroni Rules. Good Luck in all you do. I love ya - Bek Hey Nic! Always remember the BP and HGIS, and all your GA and the "long list", and "H.M. G.O. J."! N.F.O.P! S.L.X! Our pinky swears! F.F.!, Sunny How can I possibly sum up 18 yrs of wonderful. The Nerve, Frisco, Nicky, Yo Bella, living together, The best perm, What movie?, My Crayons melted, cheeseburger and fries, #1 cous, the worst driver, I'm the best, the tears, the laughter, Washington D.C., Hotel California, the red and white tower, Florida KNL, Our clothes, the cards, my hair opposites, Life apart - hell. There weere so many good times and I am so excited about the ones to come. I Love You more than I could ever show or explain. LOVE ALWAYS, Nikki GEORGE NIKADIATIS Remember Religion, remember Maness, tell her I said hi. I love you, you sex fiend. Tough guy, go get 'em at MCCC. On Spring Break, we'll hit on Hihtstown Frosh. ATTitude, thanks for all the talks and being my friend. Nice car, nice volleyball team. Your an awesome friend, Keely Dirt!! Don't call me Georgey!! - I'll never 4-get how much you care. Thanx. I luv ya - JM Eat Dirt. Homeroom sucks, and I hate kites. Jon.Moore Tough G #001.1 Eat dirt. Yo, don't try to steal my girl. Let's fight. How 'bout a game of Tecmo!? That's kinda classy. N.F.A. Hah! Hah Hah! Hah! Eat dirt punk! My woman, Misery, retreat, Olive Garden. Thanx for all the good times. Copuccino? Don't make me cry! CotiJlion 91 was great. Cowboys are great. Just like you! Love ya, JoAnn "Eat Dirt!" D.R. K.Z. T&M.J. P.S. G.N. M.B. J.S. SENIOR GUYS RULE!!! Thanx. for the best yr. You're all great friends. It's been fun. We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. Chicks!!! D.W. A.M. J.P. K.M. K.F. L.S. MARGARET NIXON I will not kick your car. Quit your job and go to Gym class. Leaner Hey girlfriend! Remember ... all the fun we had in Algebraiii and Chemistry - thanx for all your notebooks when 1 had pneumonia last year (twice). Good luck with everythinf• Mag - and keep in touch! I'll always be there! Y, Y, Ya know it! Ha. Love ya, Wendy Girlfriend - latch up . . . ; h. hangout; vanishing; slapping those!; 2 much of the ... ; how many babies?; 4am on a road in Millstone; 5.0; lursh!; UR just the woman - thanxs! Love, Amy Baby Bow Bear, Sp/Fr Hrs. S. Pres R #1; Ralphy- baby! "Bang!"- Vball queen, what's on the test? - Yo - it's been real! JOHN O'DONOVAN Odie- You are the man! Remember- 12:30 A.M. after Cotillion- Gia's! Rooming at retreat, jokes, hanging! 0! Canine cologne, the garlic worked, take two of these and call me in the morning, 1-2 punch, Gym time singing, Who's your daddy? A plusees, Singing at Tomassetti's. WNEK. Let's play Lucie Deucie, or was it Aceie Deucie! Can I have a Pulaski Pickle! Rolling Stones' shirts at Hillarie's. Our buddy, A.K. Take Murray State with the points. World Championship, Cote's, "Yeah, but I'm alright Buddy." I found A.L. keys/ Korky. ODIE! Grisser is a seal? It's been a real 11 years! The Jeep, S.B. runs, the music, Journey, American Pie. I need a change in my life so I'll ..... Drop, I have a royal straight flush! Shoulda, coulda, woulda .... G.D. BreakfastsJ.M., J.C., M.T., D.R., C.R., it's been real! Stosh's keys. Finding a quote, Doris and Teresa, the real woman, good luck. Keep in touch NYE Posse. -Mark. Odie, the list, P.U.K., let's shoot pool, C, U, O.D., In the H.R., in the A.M., Physics study sessions, the shark and the jeep, the weasel, I could really go for a hamburger, Brother's Pizza. J.M. Odie what's up snot? Battle of the hoops- thanx. She ain't no J.M.!! Nice Jeep, "I'm tired," What was her name? Brooke?? -Nice diss! "The Chase" - give me my keys. Love ya lots, J.M. MEGAN O'REILLY "D.M. -that studmuffin!!" per 6 walthout, Dad! (ME, JD, MOR) 2 cool! Nice skirts?! Love, Jess. 25$ in Macy's, B.K. spill, pinky, Mr. Barnes, all the attitude good grades in religion soph year, Rain Man, Help me school, babe in Algebra, Bundy, EAZY, Mr. M, your brother, you have no clue, Searsnice workers, nosey people. I hope we stay good friends. Luv ya, Monica. MEGAN 0' REILLY Hey chuncky-gotta go to the b-room? 4 yrs. of state, egon & the ego's, gitch, the big "o", french projects/class: get out!! Soph Morp-Wollert & Reggi-yeah man! Meryll, ankles, "cow" slap, the butt, "john", my "boyfriends", Jason & Chad, flip, Nooo, Wildwood, Long walks, my fishman, my neighbor's car, my holy prophet, but the pt is _ __ was in my car! F/F D. Sport AMANDA O'SULLIVAN 'Manda, you're such a wild and crazy chick. Remember all those wild parties, Europe (Florence!), Florida, Social!, Quarters, the van, Have a good one. Tom Dominczyk. J.K., J.M., S.I., J.G., J.D., -gym buddies- I'll miss you- Remember what cookie monster said! LOCKER ROOM TALKS AND RUNS. Europe 1990!!!! (A+ D). B.C., J.E., S.G., J.G., T.D., and everyone else I love you- Thanks for the memories. Mrs. Wrobo- the best teacher ever. Thanks for all your help- you're the greatest. STOP-GO-STOP ..... Who me, never. K.I.T. Beth shy- yeah O.K.! Let's go to Sue's! Hey Mandy! I miss you! Remember softball and when we used to run to 7-Eleven? Your A in the concrete! France and Italy! That queer fight between you, Beth, and then me and Tom! You can be so stubborn sometimes! Sometimes I just want to beat you up! But I still love you! Everything else, too! Let's try to do stuff together more often! Ron's Parties! I think I'll jam. Love ya always, Lobster. Drnk ptner! Blk cheery- wild beery? Ron's was great! How's Dan the Man? Gym- nice U.W. Sandy- Barb; crutches; Driving -3 A.M.? Flatrouble!! Maniac driver- you're nuts! We had fun! Luv ya- behave! Love, Sue. Thanks for a great year so far. I hate it when that friend of yours visits.

You are very special to me. I love you, and I thank you for everything. Love, Dan Treder. No wine for you babe! New Year's Eve 1991 was cold! (Next year I sleep inside) Ron's waterbed . .. Chinese food ... "Wild Orchids" ... Vegetable trays at Sue's, ... shopping New Year's Day? .... Dan must go shopping! Love, Kate. Hey girl, always remember your locker room run, 1 out of every 4, physics- what a joy. gym class, candy. Dan the Man, d.m. don't leave our class! The mock trial with the cute juror, thanx for being a great friend! No more Chinese fries! Love ya, Joell. Crying, laughing, dreaming, sighing, we've experienced them all. Hurting, forgiving, loving, confiding, our friendship grows so tall. Best friends forever, Sue Goldman. Hey bud! Study buddies forever! Where's your mom??? Can I go to bed yet!! Lawrenceville Prep; GO AMANDA. I'll ~iss ya. -J.M. Nursery school sand fights. Mortal enemies m grade school. Best friends. Cry. Thanks for listening. Problem~, more pro~lems: The Special Olympics this summer- John. Ron's and Jefrs parties. Fightscrying. Thanks for paying, I'm poor. I have an esc?rt¡ Ben. Good luck with Dan. You're special, I love ya lots. ! lo~e Kevm., Prom date: Sort of, kind of, in a way, but not really. You re nght, ~ou re always r1ght I got the last word. PT, SIP, JMEFDMOILI. Jeamne Fallon. LARRY OSTROWSKI Just take one puff, oh no your date is coming put it out ... Just talk to her, please ... Do you have any gum .. . Nice sunburn lines from the


Yo Nik. It's only just begun. What's up roomie? Could you take off my shoes? Egg. Thanks for the plant. Four more years! Look at me. Mischief at Campbell's. Guys I know this is it! Love, Big Mac. Let's go dance at your house, I've got first game at Klax. How's M.D.? PNM Face it Owen, you're busted! Chmiel D.B. +S.C. Lawrence playground, what a night! "He took my car." Nice prom and cotillion dates, Touche. First time at L.B.I., talks about ! Sucks to be you, M.D., F.T. party, Awesome car. Love . you, Keelyzlta. Pasta dinner(s). Candico. McCorriston carnival. Dave. Jeff Magu1re (Electric Playground), David Lee Roth Concert. Your mom and the town car taxi, Pretty Woman, your L.B.I. houses (I'm comin' this year), our poems, Your smile means the world to me. Thanks for your friendship. I love you for it! Love, Angie. You are my best, best, best friend for 11 years and will always be. Brother's car to L.B.I.: It takes two. Spring Love, "Bust ~he Freeze": TNT Pink, Me, trying to tell you about D.B.: You never hs~n to me. Driving your dad's car in L.B.I.: License? You better put lotion on. No way. S.N.; M.N. you warned me! ("Secrets" S.N., S.M.) You want to go to Bob's Big Boy? Bahamas!! P.H. movies. Learning stick!! Yea! Skiing; I can't walk!! All your dance recitals! Good luck next year. I.L.Y.F. ... Jen Stevens. Beat, Klax, Hanging at Owen's, Senior Retreat, Singing at Tomassetti's, Playing A-H in B.W.'s basement, Shrank's house. WNEK Yo Beat! It's been real, Gravity Bump B.G. Summer. Your mom is cool! Shrank's and your party, grandparents. I'm glad we're friends. Be careful, good luck and keep in touch. - Mark. Sudda, Dudda, Der, you're cool! Shrank-the boy- returns for cot, L.B.I. -Dinner at Owen's, You're a pretty toufh guy. UR-BOY- Jamie. Let's go to Rt. 130- there's Jamesburg. L.~.I., Cal. '89, ."<;herish," Money Pit- let's try Brad! Permanent fixture m your car, dnvmg home from L.B.l. with the top down in a hurricane, yelling at the stereo pretty girl, "Mony Mony," Mob at the Fizz, what's up Tiff?, B.G.! Almost get arrested much? Heather. Let's go dancing at Owen's. You're beat. Summer of '90. Let's go to Gravity Hill. Suck and blow. AAuuuggghhhhhh .. ... Korky. It's just Owen, DAW, DAW, DAW, DAW, DAW, AAAUUUUGGGHHHHH, Klax, it's natural, too, what's going on this weekend? My message in junior yearbook, still waiting for that call, it's in your eyes, the sweatshirt deal, gettin' wheels !n fro1_1t of Campbell's, Suicide Blonde, The brut gym teacher, Gravity Hill, J.M. M<?RE ...... Dance buddy!! Kim's house- Thumper, what was your s1gn? Coolers!!! L.B.I. -THE NEWSPAPER! I'm bored "Your grandma'sNICE/ B.G. -forever, gig at Owen's, "Gravity Bump!" Let's go to Good Time Charley's!! Thanh for always listening. Luv ya + I'll miss ya! J.M. Here's a little message for you- The shore, motel, D.B. + M._B., Backin-the-day, Holy cow, MD, DS, Snakes, BG,- Love you- K1m F. What are we doing tonight?, Beat, L.B.l., B.G., Gravity Hill, Tom wake up. Kathy McGann. MONIQUE PELOQUIN If there's one thing I learned from Psychology class, it's that I have to have been mentally disturbed for taking it! Oh well, listen-Good Luck with whatever you do! You've been a great friend and I want us to keep in touch! Wendy Dutwin Hi Monel Bowlers ARE cool! Remember Mom forever. And all those times I've drooled over someone at the lanes. (Bachelor A ... ) NOT the Indiana guy, though! It took us four years, but we're finally in a class together! Good Luck in life- I know we'll stay in touch for a LONG time! You're a great inspiration to me- Keep Smilin'! Love, Andrea Monique-here's to bowling(almost), Misery, pizza, and the best ice cream sundaes! Marilyn I never see you. How's Rich? MAYBE I'll never see him again. That's too much to ask for. KN Guess what? We survived through four years of this nightmare, but we can't deny it, we had fun with it. You're the one that has always made me laugh and see the silly side of things. You have a special gift of bringing happiness to people's lives. You are definitely a unique person. Thanks for always sticking by me when I was down. It is mevitable I think, we will always be friends, we have known each other so long. We have to keep in touch. Maybe we'll ~o lunch(mint chocolate chip ice cream only, though!) Good Luck m college. Use all your potential, you've got a lot. Beth Pietrzak MATT PEOPLES Secrecy, Grease, Movies, Parties, Guns, Brandy, Ron and Jefrs appt, shaving cream, N.Y. city, summer, females are inferior, females are the root of all evil. John Grimes Yah? Did ya? Really? D.H.!! Mr. Sheldon?!? Finger- Ron and Jefrs! Larry bullet hole, moe! Dinner-how sweet! We owe u one. "You called me st~pid" I hate you but I don't. Dirty Looks. It's been fun. You're mean, but I love ya! Sue Dude we've been friends since the St. Ann's days. Thanks for always being there. There's too much cool stuff that we did, and I don't have the soace to write it all, so just remember what you can and stay cool. Peace, Tommy D I want you to know how much you mean to me. I know I can always count on you to bother me, protect me and to listen to me. It's really weird how we hated each other Soph year and now we're really close friends. Remember my dad's gun, the PBA card, the parties, long phone conversations Zamboni, and all of our fights, you're a pyro! Well, thanx for everything. I Love You, Kim BOB PEPPLER Why are you behind me, your always behind me ... for four years, you were behind me ... Well I'm glad it was you rather than some other nut, Good Luck at Penn State, Matt Hey You! You are my only ties to good old Allentown Elementary School! Well I could go through our lives all the way back starting with Cox pre-school or was it Busy Bee! Oh- I don't know! I'm glad I got to know you better this year, Maybe I'll see you at Lehigh. Love Always, Jennifer You really messed with my head this year ... I hope you're happy. Though the mess I think you're a very special guy and I know someday I'll be reporting the world news and you'll be on it! Take care Pep!

~~b~.~~e~:~" You have more of a future as a funeral director then as a philosopher even though you assainated me, I had fun playing golf with you in Mr. Levin's class. Peace, Tommy D LIZA PERDOMO Hey! Let me say that it .has been great knowing you. You're a sweet person and I wish you luck with the future. Also keep smifing always.

Keep in touch or else! Love ya, Wendy Dutwin Hi Liza! Keep smiling and bowling! It's been real kosher dude. You're a . . great person. Stay Sweet! _Love A_ndrea I will never forget your bomgy hatr. The floor IS cooold. Spamsh class was a blast. Lunch would never be the same without you. Love, Janelle Squeaky, you 're a pal! Remember V.V. (you're no ski - bunny!) The smoke, the getting lost, leaving you in suspense coming home ... How low can you go? Bobby's party .... Love, Kate Have you and James recycled? What's superman look like? From Kim Well, you know too much of the jerk ... a little here, a little there ... Hey puta, how's it hangin' ... Mag, drive carefully I don't wanna die yet- we still remember1 Cruisin' in the mustang GT . . . MN Wouldn't you a~[ree that Gaby looks "fine". Well if that's "the way you feel" then fine! Because I know you're into that. Why is it that you feel squishy? Just in case, "Merry Christmas" for 1991!! Dan Treder POEMS! -Gonna' make you sweat! Yanni. Bowling. I'll look you up at the Holiday Inn, under Bain, literally! Biology ... quizzes. Spanish III with Dan and Janelle. Pass the salt, picky little what? Like jovial! Stories about HIM! E ... as in Estevez. Let your car warm up! TETRIS! Sandy ... STRRRRIKE TWOOO! 8, 1, 6 ... ? Whaaat? Is that how you feel? 3P's! With Love, Friends Forever; Gaby My Birthday Buddy! Thanx for the sterling-! love it! Rip rip rip lots of paper! Marilyn Rita! M.P. parties, Piddle Brain, how's that poser? Movies, Florida, Stewart's, Faces of Myself, BE QUIET!, squeaky doors, signs, U and N.K. on the B., Grease, Burger King, skiing, the poser, parents and more! Love, Blackbird You are a good friend to all. You stick by through thick and thin. Not many people care enough to do that. Best of Luck in the futu~e. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Friends Always, Beth Ptetrzak "We're going to a party at Dan's house"-"you know-"Mr. Pop"- but don't call him that) How cold is the floor? Let's go get ourselves some fly papis! Don't let my dog out!!! And please, please don't ever let her take me roller skating again!!! Love, Heidi BETH PIETRZAK When you remember me, try not to think of Section Reviews at the same time! You've made senior year a lot of fun except for the faces you make at me while Mrs. A looks at me in history! Good Luck with everything you do- whatever it is, you'll be a great success! Oh, and if you're still with Lance by the time you read this, a little _piece of advice-invest in a lot of turtlenecks! Love Ya! Wendy Dutwm Say hi to "The Flash" for me! (Hopefully I'll meet him some day!) I've made a promise to myself not to regurge anymore. No more tri-tone! No more W.E. Scum is dumb! I will cherish our LONG daily Physics chats for many years! Thanks for being such a beautiful person-inside and out! Stay sweet, INNOCENT and PURE! Love, Andrea . Mr. S's insults! Turtlenecks save the day! Is Lance really real? (or dtd vou do that yourself?) Marilyn Hi Ya Beth! How's Spear? I will never forget our awesome retreat. How about the day we went for pizza in the mall? Are you wearing a turtleneck? Junior Prom was an experience. Religion was fun. Love, Janelle God-you were my first friend, and it thrills me to the bone that you still are. Even though you are a trollop and slutt, I still love you. You, me, and Jamee had the mot fun, and I'll never forget. Watch out for those razor accidents! Friends for always, Gaby Congratulations! - Don't forget about Ape Man or Mighty Midget. Gym conversations were the best. Weiner Snitzel-"l'm a ditzy blond". "Qh, no not T.S.!" Good Luck in the future-Keep in touch-or "I'm looking for you". Watch out for those arrows-"make your own score". KATHY PLUNKETT Femmes and Princeton, the Fountain, happy solo, minor obsessions, pycho-woman, call me stupid, free-women, voodoo dolls on V-day, be blunt, full house, Kathy2 From Kathy McGann Cathy "Hector" Plunkett-Love stinks especially when you don't know who you love, but I'll give you some help: his name doesn~~ start ~ith D, L, J, but it ends in M! Get a seatbelt! See you at Bonzan sometime! Love, Adam Bendas PS Hazel Nut Candy Any Box Hey Plunk! Wish you all the happiness in the world. We made it through Calc. From, Mirusia Hi!! Kath!! You were some one I ould talk to. Thanks for being a great friend-Don't forget Calc and those smart-o pills. Your friend, George Mount "Plunk" On those Princeton nights! Violent Femmes. Full house best friends. I love you girls. True love Jul and Chris. Matt Jeff. Mark Dave: Will it end? Dave G. May 19 to forever. Let's have fun! Adam/Scott, who I do love? Buy me! I can't believe we got boned by Junior guys! Janice I love you! Jason- you men so much to me. It won't ever end! 5th per. lunch table- I eat too much. Hey Fongul! I'm Colleen. Deb, Sara, Felicia- What are we doing tonight? Nikki. Brennan. Repko. Korsos. Kmiec. Odie. Mikes, you flinched. Packy thanks for retreat. Tom you're not cute. You're Awesome. She drives me crazy . . . What else can I say? I'm going to miss all the high phone bills(not really). We've been through a lot, too much to s.a y here. Through it all, I've always cared for you, and I always wtll. Whatever happens, always remember me. Love, Me Congratulations. I am so proud of you. Good luck in college. I'll miss you and I love you. Love, Janice Yo KP it's been awhile! Make up your mind!! Jr. Prom-Go Kath! Thanx 4 ruining my life(OK)/ Kath I'm so upset!!! Truck drivers rule "I'm H" I have to take a shower! Just say No!! You lost them Kath!! What happened??? -J M ADRIAN POUX Glad your graduating but good luck in college. I love you and I get your water bed! Arienne To all the time we spent together. I'll miss you. MARK POVEROMO Hey Cheese! What's up? I'll never forget Jamie's house- Say Hi to big A- Go skiing once for me-Should have never quit f-ball! -Won't forget the fun films of Scott's that we watched over your house-Shave that mustache! -Don't work at Shoprite all your life-Good Luck and Best Wishes!! PETE PRODANOV BM -Good Luck with MLB-Wizards-PP O.K., nice sweaters, drafted in the 52nd round, Harlem Wizards. WNEK Who's the better athlete? You're average, what am I? Kim 0 . Have a good summer in Missouri. HFC. Ed. Scissorhand, good movie. Bonzai, " Brop" Phenam, you're obnoxious, but bearable. Good luck. Remember me when the Dodgers came to town. -Mark JULIE PROVANZALE Diving Lessons LBI, Princeton and Femmes, no meatheads, full house, Good Bye Good Luck, brush your hair Ben, From, Kathy McGann Girl, frosh Cotillion was great. Have a good one! Tweedle dumb & Tweedle dumber! Love ya BIF Forever! She makes me want to scream! The puzzle!?!? Will we ever get over them? Trailer park-Hillside. Regency -"You wish U had my wisma-tie the bundles smaller-make everything 4 Tuesday Jul -Collette??? - Box SandyWhat a joh!! The sneak -ins-Thanx! J. Sweets -some night "He's real cute" RW-It's about time! -Bye-JM Let's beat her up! What's wrong with South Brunswick? Plunketto! Yo, I'm from Brooklyn! Julie's night time guests. McGann have you ever had on ? Pukin' on the first day of school! I love you! PLUNK Quick Dnp, secrets, one man women, new order, the shore, MO, I know where vour mind is! Love you, Kim Jul. Well We've come a long way you and I. I'll never forget all the fun. Jay's JM's Dad showing up and us hiding in the garage! "Hey Jay, it's kinds hot, why don't you turn on the ceiling fan." "There's some fish swimming around in the pond over here, do ya think their yours?" There's miles worth of fun we've had but the best was last summer! The garbage, the laundry, the towels, "The shower" ... The rain, the room you can't go in until you've showered 10 times. Dinner-chocolate cookies and poptarts, lunch-stale wafers. How about last Halloween, Sm<Kllh Criminal! - I did finally teach you that dance didn 't I? (After about 5 hours) oh and there's all those phone calls to your adoring fans. And then there you go crashing into the curb on your street! Well,

thanx for always being there through good and bad, not many are. You're the best and I'll never forget you, but I hope that we can make many more fun memories together! I love ya! Bridget GINA PUGLIESE Squeeze a quarter! Toot, Toot, James M., Scrappy, LBI, JB + back rub, KF+ DR- enemies, car chase w/ Randy, the Gap, jr. Cotillionsorry about that, really. We had good times together, what happened to us? Have fun & good luck in whatever you do. I miss you. Angie What happened after Cotillion- Puglice why did you fall asleep. Thanks for dogging me. We'll see when you need something from me. Did you have fun w/ WS? PNM Love like Sis. Freshman Cotil. (The worst) Good Date! Ha! Too cool for life, "What are you talkin about", CN, CW, retreat, smashed into the curb & pissing yourself, too bad you got dissed. "That's beat", "I have no money." You're an awesome friend . We better stay in touch. See you at LBI. Keely Zita

~l~et~"!n~ N~~ay~~~:a~ ~~~e~~?· i;my~~:r:J,~hB~h~:::~~mF~~~~~

Yogurt ... TCBY ... coupons CW, WS, Driving to SN late at night. "Bad luck" We have it ... Don't forget our talks till 2am, Franklin Mills, use your crutches, almost crashing, yelling at me! LBI Let's go we'll have fun ... yeah right!! Bonding at retreat!! Leaving you at KZ party. SAT's at THS Good luck ILYF always KIT. Ps. Don't forget suck & blow. From, Jen Stevens CAL QUINN Rc. B-ball, Roxanne and Sherri, The Cannon, Dean Biasucci- the Colts. Missy, Lawrence High, Tecmo, Vesuvio's, and all these crazy horses. Chipster, our bag. St. Ann's B-ball. Good luck with football! Princeton camp was fun. It's been fun watching you undress in football for 4 years. Be careful behind the wheel! Friends forever, Tom Hanlon. JOEQUINTY Will it ever happen? New Year's Eve??? -J.M. Yankees suck, wanna play golf or comsume? Let me borrow your driver. Run into Hyundai's much? PNM. Quint! The Q sweet swingin' all the ladies you have loved, Yankees, World Series Champs, 3 girls, are you sure? Good luck and keep in touch. -Mark. Nice car, N.D. soccer- your favorite, V.A., M.H. disses both, triple play. WNEK. Good night against Ewing, 0 for 7. When are you gonna start training for college soccer? Wayne Gretzky "NO". Does Quint want anymore fish and chips? Rico suave, Nugget, Gambler's night. /Korky. KRISTY RADIGAN In ten years Radigan - Mrs. Kristy Schirmer and don't hit me. Mary Kite. DAN RAFFERTY I think SHE like you. Visit me sometime! Yo Raff! ... Maybe we'll join the Golf team ... The envy of everyone's evil .... camping in the Poconos at P.J.'s ... me, you and Povo, skiing in the Poconos ... Tearing up the ceiling to see the other side ... pool hopping w/ my little sister . . . party in the basement, kicked out by my step-mom ... like my truck! Working down the family chain . . . knock, knock. Dan, are you alright? -Yes! -Let me in! -No, you don't want to come in. (K.F.) - Spring track. General Business- Mrs. Rumac, Frosh football, Keystone Crew, Amy, Jeff+Jason+Scott. Volleyball at Jason's, The Cannon, Raff, Dean Biasucci, posse grip. Good luck in your inter-collegiate scholastic athletic career in football (scholar-athlete!!!) Remember Chipster. The MUDSLINGER. Raff #29- Da'man. I hope it don't fall off. Mayor-yeah rt. - loser-more like it. Here comes da'pass-INT. Da'T Billy 4 c tees and 1 sack or did he get away? OPPS!! Da'shore- yeah- C ya Dere. Peace- COMA. Hey stud! Thanks for letting me drive your car when nobody else would. The best was pool and ping pong every weekend. You're our #1 b-ball fan . Always remember the good times we shared. Love, JoAnne. You're such a sweety. When are you coming over? You know what I want. Let' get to it soon. P.N.M. SENIOR GUYS RULE!!! Thanx for the best year. You're a great friend. Hs been fun. We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. chicks!!! DW, AM, JP, KM, KF, LS. Hi! I'm so glad I got to know you this year. We've had a lot of good times together and you could always make me laugh. I hope we stay close! I'll miss you, I love you. Raff #29, the list- it just don't get any better -than this! Hey Nan you get any iced tea?! Fresh 2! The 18th F.A.! Thankx. PALS. KRIS REICHLING I haven't known you long but I consider you a great friend- especially since we've made it thropgh bioethics together! Goodluck in the future! I know you'll be great wbatever you decide you want to do or be! Love ya, Wendy Dutwin. TOM REIDY (BONK) You are bad. She was from Shawnee, I swear. PNM. Wrestling bouts, Cincinnati hat, ND Tennis, hockey at MCP. WNEK. The fight with J.D. I hope Werdann comes through for St. J against G'town. Tennis. Bonk! It's too bad you didn't play cards because we would have been hangin' last year also! Don't worry about last place, not for long! J.D. and the little woman aren't that bad? Keep in touch. You know where to find me! (MCCC). -Mark. STEVE REPKO Jonny Depp, Tom Cruise, why is Ice playing with Stix? Triangle and two. I feel bad. Leave me alone I like it out here. Word to YOUR mother. Gomez and Repko. Brian Suth. Natural Berries, Steve's in the woods, I can't get up, I'll be own couple, Mac's kitchen table. You ain't all that. I hope I can play so we can kick W.W.'s butt. PNM. Chemistry partner "CLUTCH" one day you will tell me!! Jen Stevens. CD's, state champs, nice jacket buddy, holey! #8, carpenters cup, we are the battery, tatoos, thrift drug, name of the game is Snaps, the face pose, Big Mac's parties, it's jokes- you give me the BLA BLA BLA, feelin' groovy, McGann in the middle, nice Princeton shirt, O.A.K. A.A.K. , fat booooyyy!, no you are Oriental, CLUTCH. J.M. #8- My locker it the diss place. Good luck! My standards/your standards 8th grade, death class, keep in touch, NYE Posse. -Mark. 8:51 I'll do it, no make that 8:52. ' Nova big fluke in '85. Brooke Fields is looking for you. We're not kings of strikeouts/ Korky. N.H., Latin class, M.H. -L.L. -K.O. (could've been legends), Senior chicks dissed. WNEK. To my other bro. we've been through a lot but let me say one thin~. "I don't care, doesn't phase me, tell me something I care about" {just kidding man). Steve, let me give you a piece of advice, never eat a calzone before you go out! Never forget about Contra and how many times we saved the universe (up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B. select, start). Remember, once an unfortunately, always an, but proud of it! Chmiel. Let's go dancing! We'll swim to the Ketch! I feel bad, hot dog with mayo! It's my parking space! What's up Drac? I'll see you at Joe Pop's! Who's laying on the floor there. Yo, I need some guidance! Suddah, suddah! The ultimate- nice halloween costume! You looked good in my skirt! Campbell "SHOW OFF!"; Expert's journal; our rules- quicker, more efficient; Anthony's Song; "What's he talkin' 'bout on the telepone"; Indented, not centered, NITTI: Nick; posse; have a good lunch and a good afternoon; #8; - Odie. Johnny Depp, don't worry- she's cool, B-boys-don't back down, Dion, Death Ride, L.B.I. - Sloop, Death Bed, He was just a kid!!! Rep- front lawn King, Lake. N.H.- RMSJ-$EVA, boys-4eva, UR boy- Jamie. CHRISTY ROBBINS New Year's Eve in the city. 21 shots, figure eights, Cotillion soph year. De Peppers! Where's my black skirt? Luv ya, Rad. Well I've been around through bith Billy and Fred and I can't say I understand either one. Remember the night my car brike down and then we had no lights. We had some good times. You are a very special person, you're never afraid to be yourself and to show your true colors. I know that no matter what you do in like, you've got a bright future ahead of you. Good luck with your art career! I love ya, Bridget.

DENA ROBERTSON N.Y. shopping and Marc. Can you help me with my homework? Peter Pan? Where's my favorite friend J .G.? Luv ya, Rad. I'm really glad we became closer this year. Remember Princeton-P.J.'s Pancake House and our talk? You're a great friend- love ya. Bill P., Frosh and Senior gym, MY volleyball team. You are a volleyball stud! Always remember the good times. L.B.I. - the jeep, the house on the corner and cloves. KB, TK, RK, TL, which one this week? Athlete's foot, World Cup and KW. The wonderful trip to D.C., hector and me sick. The trips to Wildwood, the lifegu~rds! Mr. Levin's B~ology- w~at did you learn? Mrs. D's Chern. -what dtd I learn? Mechantcal drawmg and C.P., gym, and Mrs. Riley. The head made with Play-doh on the ceiling. Ski trip to Camelback and Elmo with his tool shed, "Bean left!" Movies and parties with TS, sexual innuendos, "imperveated." Snowball fights with Kenn. Skateboarding on the half-pipe and the garden. KW's clothing bag that smelled so nice. Stories late at night. Wrestling matches and "Watts." Your terrific memorizing abilities. Maniac driver-you? -never? Luv ya! Kristin. JAMES ROBINSON James, you're the man! Chmiel. CHRIS ROCHE To the best, most wonderful handsome guy I know (sound familiar!) Thanks for being there, especially at Jeffs house- remember? I love ya for it- You better KIT- Miss 7-11. Dummm, stupid, lazy, ignorant, welfare collectin', girlfriend whipped by, boat drivin' cigarette smoking, alcohol consummin', sellin' out to foreigners, Wacky weed smokin', no jobs havin', ugly hair cut havin', broken down shoe havin', bummmm. Me, you, and Tom in the Catty after the Poconos ... Despite the image you like to give off, you are smart and do care ... Oh, hear I'll loan you money ... Someone wu wrong, you're better than that. Remember the Retreat and talks, "Green Giant," follow the yellow brick road, J.E. + C.R., "Where's the cat," call me, yeah sure! Thanks for being a friend. I love ya, Keely Zita. • 7-11, Jesus. Rules! High five, low five, baby five. Cool car! Remember the good times we've shared. You're too funny after Prom night break· fast (me, you, Otter). Love, Joanne. Hachey, you are a very special person and your friendship means a lot to me. I can always count on you! Luv forever! Christina Tani. Jr. year gym- I'll never forget the talks!. Thanks and I like my skirt! J.M. Hey tall guy! Well it's been a long time since fifth grade. Not having you around next year is going to be really weird. No one to knock me over in the hallway. Well I just want you to know I'll miss you. You are probably the greatest guy from the class of '87. Love always, Christy Barca! ow. Who would have ever though? Maybe my dad will remember your name soon. Do you want to go canoeing? Thank you for making one and a half years of my life great. Let's go to a movie. I evol you. March 1, 1990. You ugly, cheesy, greasy .. . Sir, would you like plastic or paper bags? Hey Art, give me a gun!? Degenerate Michelan man. F.A. PALS. MEG ROMANY Meg! Biology, Ms. or Mr. 0, Have you or Jen talked to Liz? (Hal) Love



SCAvo Hey Rose!!!!! UR LOYAL LAB PARTNER- Jamie Sara Heath, Jen, Deb, Kath, Chris, Big Mac- Love ya! Stay cool! I'll miss'ya! Lunch crew- its been fun! JE "Nice retreat group!" HC, JD, DC, FS, "I request a table change!" SS, HC, JB, DB, "Call me down to Miss Liptak's!" Thanks Fr. D! #40 3/3/89 MORP, "Who's Harry Crumb?" and AS, EC, PB's, '90 TWML-20, '91 TE-22, shore, GO ARMY! Love you always! MARY JO SCHLIEBEN Remember . . Marrazzo's parking lot, your pool, the jacuzzi, under the boardwalk, our whole year together, and especially "I wuv u Odenheimer." MARY JO SCHLIEBEN We're so bad but so good! Find your gym bag, lately, Epilady frizz hair. Good luck with Joe 0. You guys look adorable together. Kri "You look fine!' 1 Good luck with Joe and college! Remem r our lunchroom chats. Thanx for being a great friend all these years- even Jr. year! Remember Latin I & II! Love, Kristin ERIKA SCHAEFFER David Lee Roth, the limousine, Me and Carol (Whitesnake), JM2, their band, Cheshire (it's this big!), Thunder thighs! I miss you Er, how did we ever lose touch? But .... I still love you though and I still consider you my good friend always. Good luck whatever you do, I know you will succeed. Love ya! Ang Firstly I have to say something about Mel! Okay, I just had to get that out of' my system! I'm really glad you met Glen. Well, I'll always remember the concerts and of course the limo, how could I forget! Ya know you were always there to give me advice and best of all an honest opinion, I could always count on you for that! And you always made me have fun no matter what we did. Thanks for being a great friend and for your honesty, that combination is rare! I'm a lucky person. I love ya, Bridget PAUL SEPTAK Otter, Cousin's house, Keystone crew, General Business- Good luck, Juco Thanks for dinner and the movie! Otter- you're awesome, but don't talk so loud on your answering machine! I'm glad you're my friend. Remember the good times. Love, Joanne Just a big teddy bear! ... All-County/All-State together! ... Stste game: me, you, Jermaine, Pete, and John. State Champs! Good luck in college ball! I'll never forget your story at senior retreat . You should be in North/South game! Don't drive while you're drinking, you might spill your beer ... #50, always love ya, "nobody Loves Me," Nice to break my bra, Power Punch, "Tani's Teddy", main liquor man, our teddy bear. A phone, what's that? All our talks, Thanks. Love you. Keely Otter #50- or is it Otta? Pancake. All-Am-----, All-St---. All World. A ball- yes- a case- yes- M.D. - yes. Great P-sta P-rty. Dn't run me ova again! Swim home. Otter- R U still tellin' stories? Cal- "Catahno", "K, F."- Thanks 4 da great times. Its been great, Baby. I love U. Always remember me and I will always remember mi Boyz- COMA Yo PAULY OTTER, you're something else. Don't change, if you do, I'll. have no one to make fun o~ I know you'll succeed in the future, you just have to work hard, that's all! Sue Goldman Otter #50- Pancake man. Yo, me and my cousin were driving off this cliff . .. Story time. You guys are my best friends. Shut up, Septak! F.A. PALS Party at Vito's ... The best pasta parties .. Oh! Paul, not another story! .. . I love all you guys, these are the best times of our lives .. Love Ya Paul ... Take it easy! DR. KZ, T&MJ, PS, GN, MB, JS, senior guys rule!!! Thanx for the best vr. You're all great friends. Its been fun. We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. Chicks!!! DW, AM, JP. KM, KF, LS DENISE SERRA Frosh homeroom, English classes, red, Meryll, nice cotillion date. 12:30 Glenn, 2:00 phone calls, come home 5:00, mallrats. crew DL, KR, JF, ME. TC, GM, the fires, fun parties, attitudes, SS. babes- BP, JD, DH. OT, DL. Mona, dancing lower, ISH, car accidents, antichad mansions, all the service, MC3, Harvard, Mr. M.• gap, There's many more fun times which we will and have had. I hope we stay as hood as friends as we are now. Luv Ya, Monica gym class was great! I lost count of how many balls fell on my head, maybe that's what's wrong with me. Don't worry, I'm smiling. I'm glad I'm friends with both of you, thanx for everything. Love ya, Beth We are a lot alike! So I say go for it, but beware! Luv, Lele My gym buddies. Smile Beth. smile Jeanine. You guys are impossible. Volleyball teams. Beth/Jeanine look ali~es . Thanks guys, _we had. a ~:reat year. Nice to be in gym today, Demse! Beth, look up tn the au. Wront: team Beth . Hey Denene! Chad is a weiner terd . Michael's and Christopher's. Love Ya! HoI "Chaffey" York Crew- Dave, Jeff, Brian, "Reed". You're acting like a

Things change a lot from year to year, but people nice as you are still admired for what they are and also what they do, so don't you change a single bit - you're great the way you are. We are all proud of you.

To one of the nicest people I know; Best wishes and much success. Love, Toni "Chief' Gruerio

To a son who is TERRIFIC, REMARKABLE, and just plain GREAT!! Isn't heredity a wonderful thing? With love, Mommy XOXOXO

To "Diamond Joe"; May you prosper in whatever you decide to do with your life. Your friend, J.D.C.F.D.

To my "Lovie", may the love, joy, laughter, and happiness that you brought to us be returned a hundred fold. I am very proud of you. Love, Grams XOXO

What did the paper say to the pen? WRITE ON! I knew you could do it. Larry

To a special nephew who deserves nothing but the best, I wish you love, happiness, and success. Love, Aunt Theresa XOXO To my nephew, I hope all your dreams come true. Be happy and keep smiling. Love, Aunt Reggie XOXO

Congratulations Joe - U.O. Robert Best of luck Joe! Doctor Linguine Best Regards! From: "The Martian", "Nurse Diesel", and "Li ian Roth"

You Have Made All Of Us Very

Uncle Nick Aunt Lee Uncle Vince Aunt Gloria Uncle Mike Aunt Millie Uncle Peter Aunt Karen Uncle Chuck Zizi Faye Aunt Paula Nicky

Joey Rena Lindsay Marissa Bernedette Paul Paulie Danielle Dana Rose Mary Anthony Vinny

Merrianne Tracey .Judy Anthony Lisa Teresa Charlie Rosanne Harry Terri Mickey "Desire"

.. The infamous McDonald's, "one arm" "was it two cartons'?" O.K.!, our scumfaces, F/F. "THE AMAZON" "Bertha"- nice Cotillion dates- "We're not there yet" "NO CHAD'S ALLOWED" "There are people in the room" "Lush" K.B. -"Whatever" "I want pizza" $9.00 in pennies. #4, LBI in 400 weather "stupidhead" K.F. · stop staring. Jennifer Gibbons K.K.- Your house New Year's Eve! Rice Krispie Treats!! Your windshield! YELLOW EVERYTHING! Cotillion '89 T.S. and J.G. Tomatoes!! Our lunch table (conversations!) for a billion$$ ... l-ya f/f ds T.~m/UE! -BF~? LBI-4-Ever!!! stats! hospital! our accident! our k nees! Jimmy hogan (IX) C.N. J.M. M.E. T.N. B.M. W. -F/F-Iuv ~a.1 JHAhteu, LBI, ed, I wuv you, fif1 AM-hey bimbo! MATE! BACE. TRIG! UR B-DA Y Cake! chad=ed! TS-stay cool! MR-ski trip-party, chad, your house; BP-wildwood'? when'? JG- yeah! UR COOL! dad's white shorts! JB+JN-yeah man! NS-wrestling h/r! Baker- what were you thinking? SB-Ms. Harvard! Fracell! K.C. -good luck-miss ya! JG loves JC! DS. CN=T.R. J.H.=LB! loomis-UR the BEST Love You, York! chaffee. Mom-1 LOVE YOU. Jew-your house cotillion '91! you and spence, me and newhouse yeah man! tutoring! lunch table(conversations) 4 a billion$ would you .. . come visit me at Harvard! luv ya f/f ds. le le-2=pull upJour shorts! the ho's, the rapids, locking your keys in your car. y.n an w.c. -forbidden,lunchtables(conversations) .. .. for a billion$ . . . luv ya honey! F/F ds. Brian- Hey buddy! How 'bout that gym class'?! Don't forget that ski trip-party in the guys room! "I need my skis back!" F/F denise Bertha- YORK!!!: AD+ Reed =Gods!, Brad, Dave, Jeff H, Kevin, Brian+ Jeff, toga parties, kicked kegs, stop signs, crawling through windows at 10:00 am., seervo, MAN OR NORTH!! Scumface, Chad! Ed, the Amazon! one-arm, UR acting like .. 17 happy meals=chinese dinner, "do you think I'm cool" (JB), nice cotillion dates! stats-V.A., "boyfriends", "your Jeep", we're not there yet!, the over grown beast, "nice friends", NO-it was 2dz! 2-faced! Senior Retreat; crying, staying up, the cow bell, being caught in the guys rooms, Roy Rogers, Pizza Hut, dude love him! Yeah Man! & last but not least my holy prophett and George!! F/F chaffee-sport-JB, JN DENISE SERRA 2 BERT- fr. hr., I.D.H., Meryll, the hungover crew: dan, ken, darren , joe, glenn, hopewell Iewin~ parties, our loves; Cha~& John; cotillion dates, go-go's concert, me • the car-12:30am; fred • fires, the GAP, Mona, Mona eat my spagetti, telephone poles=Parking lots, TGIFlady bug salad, red, being in uniform breakfest, late to school, dance 4SG, the mall, the "bus", loyal friends, our BEST friends?, spencer; late night phone calls-GOOD MORNING! - 1, 2, Tiffany, I.H.O.P., B.O., ewing fights-yeahman! L-ya lots! F/F chaffee- SPORT-JB, JN BETH- I'll miss gym! my faithful attendance! JH! oh by the way-could you try to smile, please! L-ya F/F FALLON- Guess What? -no more lunch next!! no more gym! no more volleyball team! Kevin=Chad! try to get Beth to smile! L-ya F/F FERN- hey ho! anti-GAP! GAP parties. lunch table (conversations) Your casket! LF+CI 4ever! anti-Chad! L-ya F/F Jessica Delmoore- i guess you're cool enough to be friends with! still think you should "kick" her #@ ~o!!, our lovely cotillion dates! L-ya F/ F Deveau! prom night- your house! shopping and lunchtable conversations-us leaving, covering 4 Matt's accident; your future sister-in-law!! f/f/ 1-ya! Collender-roommate! lu lu=hospital, lunchtable conversations, smok~~~K t~~~RRA! Good Luck with Mike! anti-Chad. 1-ya f/f! Never forget ... What I mean to you, and what you mean to me, and ~nl~IJ'At~~ER:fANd, and the memories we've made, M.J.S. Squeaky! I'm still mad at you for getting your baby sick! Congrads for hiding 1t 4 9 months!! How 'bout trig class-the Amazon!! Yeah man! Lya ds. JERMAINE SHY #33 Tu Shun, Ping Pong, Canada, Where is she? Mi Man, let Rd. Dr ft pick, $100,000, N UR Dreams, All St-te at Spi-t Corner, Mi spot, -U Dis'D Me, Nah, Stay C I, C U at DA'SH-re, Peace, Brother-COMA To my big football and"'688eball stud. Sleep in Baby Powder and giggle much! Midnight swim was cool! Always keep in mind the good times we share. Love Ya Lots Joanne Lawrence Middle High .. . I finally got respect from those jerks, 72 yards and an interview . . . You're a great running back! ... I'll never forget Dan's story on Senior Retreat ... You're a hell of a guy and I respect you! ... Good luck getting your culture . .. All-County-AllState teammate . . . They never told me Jermaine was chinese ... Twelth Man T.D ... Good luck in college "My first friend!" I will always remember you and our friendship, which I hope will remain. In such a short time we have built many memories, from Kari's party to the vegetable stand and to LBI '90. Thank you for everything I know that I can count on you! I Love You, Kim Shy #33, Giants #1!! Jamal Halloway and Bosworth. By the way . .. I stuck you! 18th= I didn't do anything!! Don't stain the back of my van. F.A. PALS You're a great guy and I'm really glad we're friends. I luv ya #33! Kelly Dean Biasucci and the Colts rule! #37-the cannon, Keystone Crew, Holding for me Jr. and Sr. year(Best holder ever) You da goods! Don't forget-Mrs. Rumac-General Business. BO KNOWS CHRISTIANITY! DR, KZ, T&MJ, PS, GN, MB, JS, SENIOR GUYS RULE!! Thanx for the best year. You're all great friends. It's been fun We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. Chicks!! OW, AM, JP, KM, KF, LS LINDA SIEDLARCZYK Please get anew laugh! You bother me. Jon Moore Hey it 2:00A.M. where's Jay? I'll never understand you two, but then I don't think you will either. I'll never forget the concerts, especially the Cure. Your mom had a spaz when she saw how you guys transformed me. remember the Limo, believe me I'll never forget that even if I wanted to. Lunch was fun., you always cheered me up with that dumb laugh of yours. Thanks for all the rides to school and all. And thanks for just being there and just being you. I know your mom will read this so, mom I love you and thanks for everything. And Linda good luck with school and everything else. We better keep in touch! I Love Ya! Bridget. GABY SIKORSKI Gaby, Hey chica! Believe me, I really missed sitting next to you in English- especially when I think about where I ended up in there. Gab, you are so talented, I just know some day I'll be purchasing your novels, from the Bestsellers list. Good luck and keep smiling Love Ya! Wendy Dutwin. Hi Gab! Are you lip synching? Hare Krishna, Freshman Choir, Tri Tone(the hair god), Save the Texas Praire Chicken, Barry Manilow, How now brown cow?,lobster, Tootles, tootie, Jennifer Schnauzen ... buy you a HOUSE! buy you A house? buy YOU a house? Buy you a house?!????? Ugly hippy Scum, huh? George is not pervert. Blow away . . the 40 days of Lent .. . brass knuckles to break Missing Link's face . As As she stands on the wooden platform, totally ignoring the outside. Matt F. (boo-hoo!) theRider guys, David Letterman! The 0

ri~tieo~~~~~~ idior.hMlKEt Eot~ NO~ewA~~ H\j~ f~~'H<Jt.i She's coming! Bachlor a Is cute-Idon't care what you think! Keep writing poems! Thanks for the memories! Have fun in life and KEEP BOWLING, DUDE! Muchas! Kosher Suede! Say "hi" to your dad for me okay? Love Andrea. Gby! Guess What!? That's what! We don't have real school towmorrow. Pet Semantary-what a movie! You are an awesome writer! Send a story to Seventeen. Are you getting in line Gaby? Love, Janelle. Kjaere freddy, You've kept me going when I thought I wouldn't make it. Honors Algebra I exam-! still failed it! (after all that studying). On the phone with Dan and Mark ... Then tony, Jewfry, Joe-cool, Mytie, Tom, Carlos, Joe-Joe truck-Joe, Shamu, John . .. yeah, Gab, yeah. It's Vesti, Gab, Vestigab! I still have scars! Pepperoni Pizza and chocolate chip cookies, Sherrie Lambert GT, Hess. Hi-J, HI-G!. Who's malnourished? Micael Mye ... $600.00 phone bills. Don't hit no poles! Mighty Red wolf. Atlanians, wooden utensils, delicate skin. Melly the cow! Deg hvor min beste venn for aile tid. Jeg elsker deg, soster. What Par kid

For! M.N.T.F. Russ 91 Fling! Hi Ya! Wow it's been a long time since freshman gym and our name calling. Remember Jamie and her jones. We have always been friends goofy friends but still friends. You are such a sweethart. Jeff never deserved you. Don't you dare change for anyone. I think you are perfect just the way you are. Except that you are a wise guy but that's you. Stay in touch so I can always bug you. You're the best poet and I want your first book. Have fun and good luck. Beth Pietrzak Always remember . . (Pleam sequence) "Jane & Mike"; Patty's class (our favorite K-Mart shopper); "I'm having a complex"; "Days of our Lies"; Barnum, The star era. Concert Choir, (Time Update), "Is my nose bleedin"', "And so which one of your friends is the most hard up?" And always-forever and ever-Wildwood 9th, lOth, 11th, 12th?! YF Love, Heidi P.S. How can we compete with the 3-P's'? Can I just tell you! I know you hate Jeff, he's a DW! Will she ever remember how day 4 goes? "The Great Romance Pt" was followed by its terrible sequel "Strike 2". But seriously, "like jovial, and pass the salt, yeah from the book . . " FMH! How did we survive? Lot's of laughs! Thanks Fling, I couldn't have done it without you! "That's just the way that I feel!" Oh and Reisling huh? Yeah! Friends forever! Love, Liza You look "fine"!!! Did you know that I just boufht a five dollar blush for $21.40? Luckily my friend returned it and got my money back! Just in case, "Merry Christmas" for 1991!! Did you know that we have the ability to blow up the world 12 times? I sure am glad I have a cat and two friends. For those of you who haven't got it yet, that's 9 from the cat plus two friends makes 11, yourself makes 12. Dan Treder Hey Chica! Believe me, I really missed sitting next to you in English especially when I think about where I ended up in there! Gab, you are so talented, I just know someday I'll be purchasinf your novels from the bestsellers list! Good luck and keep smiling. Love Ya! Wendy Dutwin Hi Gab! Are you lip synching? Hare Krishna, Freshman Choir, Tri Tone (the hair god), save the Texas Prairie Chicken, Barry Manilow, How now brown cow? Lobster, Tootles, tootie, Jennifer Schnauzer ... buy you a house! buy you a HOUSE!? buy you a house? buy you a house?!? Ugly Hippy Scum, huh? George is not a pervert! Blow away . the 40 days of Lent ... brass knuckles to break missing links face ... As she stands on the wooden platform, totally ignoring the outside storm. Matt F. (hoo-hoo), the Ryder guys, David Letterman! The

ti~~~~:n~~~d·i~i. 'U'A~EeL&~Eb~oTeJX~~n~i~~}r~~~i~s~~

coming! Bachelor A IS cute-I don't care what you think! Keep writing poems Thanks for the memories! Have fun in life and KEEP BOWLING, DUDE! Muchas! Kosher Dude! Say "hi" to your dad for me, O.K.? Love, Andrea Gaby! Guess what!? That's what! We don't have real school tomorrow. Pet Semantary-what a movie! You are an awesome writer! Send a story to Seventeen. Are you getting in line Gaby? Love, Janelle Kjaere Freddy, You've kept me going when I thought I wouldn't make it. Honors Algebra I exam-1 still failed it! (after all that studying) . On the phone with Dan & Mark ... Then Tony, Jewfry, Joe-cool, Mytie, Tom, Carlos, Joe-Joe truck-Joe, Shamu, John ... yeah, Gab, yeah. It's Vesti, Gab, VestiGab! I still have scars! Sherrie Lambert, GT, Hess. HIJ, HI-G! Pepperoni pizza & chocolate chip cookies. Who's malnourished? Michael Mye . . . $600.00 phone bills. Don't hit no poles! Mighty Redwolf. Atlantians, wooden utensils, delicate skin. Melly the cow! Deg Hvor min beste venn for aile tid. Jeg elsker deg, soster. What Par Kid for! MNTF Ruff '91 Fling! Hi ya! Wow, it's been a long time since freshmen gym & our name calling. Remember Jamie & his jokes. We have always been friends, goofy friends but still friends. You are such a sweetheart. Jeff never deserved you. Don't you dare change for anyone. I think you are perfect just the way you are. Except that you are a wise guy but that's you. Stay in touch so I can always bug you. You're the best poet and I GA~toSIK<i'RgKi book. Have fun & good luck. Beth Pietrzak Gab, Always remember ... (Dream sequence) "Jane & Mike; Patty's class (our fav KMart shopper); "I'm having a complex"; "Days of our lies"; BArnum, "The star era", concert choir, (Time Update), "Is my nose bleed in'?" & "So which one of your friends is most hard up?" And always-forever and ever-Wildwood 9th, lOth, llth, & 12th?!) YF, Love, Heidi PS How can we compete with the 3-P's? Can I just tell you! I know you hate Jeff, he's a DW! Will she ever remember how day 4 goes'? "The Great Romance Pt!" was followed by its terrible sequel "Strike 2". But seriously, " like jovial, and pass the salt, yeah from the book ... " FM H! How did we survive? Lots of laughs! Thanks Fling, I couldn't have done it without you! "That's just the way I feel!" Oh tlnd white Reisling huh? Yeah! Friends Forever! Love, Liza You look "fine"!!! Did you know that I just boufht a five dollar blush for $21.40? Luckily my friend returned it and got my money back! Just in case, "Merry Christmas" for 1991!! Did you know that we have the ability to blow up the world 12 times? I sure am glad I have a cat and two friends. For those of you who haven't gotten it yet, that's 9 from the cat, the plus two friends makes 11, yourself makes 12. Dan Treder SCOTT SMITH See you at Mercer. NICE Chin! Jon Moore MIKE STANZIONE Wake up call at Owen's, you flinched, flashlight dance. Pasta dinner with Nikki + Joe. Sorry I was a pest, but I was young. I still love ya till death and I'm glad we're friends Good Luck, I believe in you. Angie Mike, I can basically sum up these past four years in one word, STAAAANNNZZZIOOONE! Thanks for being a great friend. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the Giants got lucky in '91. Chmiel Friends through Incarnation and ND hanging at your house ... your party ... all the people I went with ... driving me everywhere . . . THANKS!!! Me getting on your nerves ... You getting on my nerves S !! Thanks for everything! I.L.Y.F. Good Luck Always K.I.T. Jen Stevens Meatball, homemade pasta, Brook Fields, Player of the week, West End, L.B.I. trips, Back yard soccer, Go-Go's vacation, WNEK Let's take a walk-LBI '89, I haven't forgotten!! The Obsession! You're the greatest and I love ya- JM Don't forget W.E. years, Columbia, MD, Wnek's backyard, All those car rides in '90, BS party with CR, Meatbaii/Korky Mike Stanzione Stanzione, Junior Soccer, but that's O.K., look what we did this year. Keep in touch Good Luck! Mark Kmiec I'm so glad we're close, I think you understand me better after our talk down the shore, I'll miss you, LOVE, Kimmie SARA STEFERA How can you stand all that Hair?! Do you really have a license'? Love, Adam Bendas Beetle Head, Nice Necklace, Fairfield someday, feet off my desk, good advice, Cotillion Dress, Jomar, English help. WNEK Should I buy the Mickey Mouse Mug? How about the dress? Me and Elvis, Taj Mahal, " Poison", psycho girlfriend, AP History this class is a bear, Mojo Nixon, luggage fight, banker-you come here often? Bimbo 1 and 2, mole, ICE CREAM, you want some Teddy Grahams? Fatal Attraction woman, concerts, easy listening, taco night, Jane Fonda "Joey", rapids, spiders, Disney shuttle from hell! Best Friends Forever, Heather No, it's my parking spot, so have you talked to Nessa?, my gym shorts, my Tetris coach, you have the FM eyes, Mojo Nixon- JM Beatie Buddy, I want to be Paul!! Retreat, Shamokin, Let's steal the show, Little Philly Becker, I think I like ... You're a great buddy. I hate Pennsylvania!!! Love, Jen Unchained melody/Pintata/Help I'm blind! lovetorn? /Chris Kennedy Yo Homey! shopper/lifter? Co-capts./Party to Hardy? Hockey and the munchkins 4-ever/videotapes-what hams? UR Awesome, Love Ya Debbie JEN STEVENS Thanks for being there. Remember all our talks about DR + TJ, tutoring was always fun , too bad we missed the movie, stick cars! .. You're a good friend, See ya down LBI, Keely Zita You know it will happen-Lumberjack-You're missing out but you will

3Eits~~vE ~~e. PNM Can I have a ride in the Saub, or drive it? Square root of 49, JS has no cell-u-lice, fight with the Tez sisters, go hang with your E-wing posse, GF always/Korky Jen Stevens Don't touch my hair!, get a parking spot, MCCC forever, ARC discussion WNEK Our little secrets!! SCJB, Have you learned to do it yet? .. call me Yeah Right! Luv Ya, JM Be back in a half hour! -Heather BF4EVA-B+s-Summer '89 "The Driving Adventure"-BJ-INC Stanzione BRIAN SUTH Hey slick! - Who's your best friend, Co . I'll get your jacket from Roxanne. A tackle after Steinert flel'ii'gOiiT. 63 yard punt, then interception. The End: . . . Always best friends! What a good comp. athlete. Always remember World Games and Wednesday basketball. Call me the cannon! You do have a cannon! Love ya Bubbie! Good luck in college! (KIT) Remember the girl from soph. summer. Don't forget Dawn. 1600m walk, 5th, 2 years running, All-county defense .. . Chins! Brian, chin The cannon . . . #37 ... stud. gov't., Colleen's, that crazy Quinn, walking, everyone, their best friend, and sister, Dale's class, How does this apply to nature'?, West windsor Jame, great record -7-2 (yeah right!!), Ewing Rec. Basketball, girls, guls, girls, CH-Always a queen, Jack and Doris - always kickin'!, delivering_ pizza, Dan, Jeff, and Jasonplaying volleyball at J's, practice field, CQ- love those horses!, Everyone still thinks I'm from NorthCarolina, crazy zccents, Joe, Jackson, Elmer, Lepre Jakesters- Mug, PJ, Mrs. Demp ... Mayor, hat trick, otter, coma, short shorts, green with snowmen boxers, Lebanon Valley football camp, chapstick, FUCM . . . DANIELLE ... Shy-great holder, hey, that's my brother! ... Bucknell ... JOHN SYLVESTER CD stealer, Fallon's shore house. WNEK How much for a good used CD player? You're cool and see you at beach house. Jon Moore CHRIS TANI To all my friends, to the Class of 1991, to the Varsity Cheerleaders, to the cast of "Grease" - I luv ya forever! - J.M., J.M., K.F., N.O., K.A., K.Z., N.T ., J .'G., S.I., K.D., K.F., D.W., A.C., M.O., P.S., D.R., M.J., T .J., G.N., J .S., K.Z., J.C., P .H., M.B., J.U. Yo babe, ch. camp, we-LJU-Ha! Da .. itda he!!, U Veeg, ILKZ (kume bi ya) love ya chick - SiRC, the spa, J. Fonda, love ya NA WD (wit). My best babe for 10 years. Remember our long hair, D.O.L.S., The Bell Rang?!, M.J at G.R., M.o + C.T Never, M.H. party, your water, homeostatic balance, Retreat, Track, 'I'm gonna puke", all our growing up. I Love Ya Always. Keely Zita. Master - The spiam my co-piolot in BR, L YLAS Where's that at? Bijon , Cheers, Only You, ANP, Homer, SEF, Joyce, Roweena, BB, Ed, Veg(atarian), Shore-men, I can't, I had an operation ... Best Friends Always - JoAnn XOXO. Hi dear! You stop that right now! Men!!! Sleepovers at JoAnn's. St. Greg-Carnivai-Zullc!! Dancing!! I miss ya this year-you crazy person!! Lunch just isn't the same! Watch out for those "so-called" men!! Good luck- you're awesome! I luv ya! Love, Sue. How's tas? Lush! Been real fun, but not real fun! We will see MV again. Jon Moore. Yeah, you can drive! We're all going to North Dakota but you have to drive! Yeah right! Thanks, you're a great friend, almost roommates! Luv Ya, Joanne Mabes. Hey Homie, Peace-Master, Tani-Banani Hi-JoAnn from BB. Hey Jayne ... You got Choc. Milk .. . LYLAS, "how do we get there'?". retreat, Zullo, NCA, Grease, Sr. Costume, Moscarelli, parties, my knees driving, I had an operation . .. ILU 4EVER CT + JMBF. Always, JoAnn Moscarello. MO, from Hell, water, gym class, Cheerleading, our talks - I'm gomg to m1ss you - Love, Kim. NIKKI TEMPESTA Mr. Boyle - You remembered my name, you are great. It was fun knowing you. Miss ya. Nik: Rem: Hav. Acad, Florida-33!, Wb's, exams, games, shopping, being chased, dress shopping, PROM-TS?, parties, " LONG" discussions! SS(Iove), ML, KT-Fun, SR, Summer, HSF, KA + MB, LN, FUN TIMES, FF I LOVE YA! Kelly. Tempest-Never 4get our ultimate P.S.! Never tell! Y.L. is pretty long! Cute hands Nik! M + S. N.H., H.U. with all my X -B! F.T .B.T . and R.T.G. like M.B.! I love ya! -Sunny. SMS-Hey Brat! Stay out of trouble. I Love You Little Cuz. DRHairspray on driveway, Horns, "TBand RD", fights, the best friendship, I Love You With All My Heart. JP-mud puddles, Churchyard, Best Friends For Life. SB-"That's What Friend's Are For" January 1991. MF-Grapevine chic. Pretty Woman. I'm gonna miss you, secrets, Love ya lots. MD-"Tonight", "I love DeRoss", one day, you will see. Love you. JM-I Love You My Beautiful friend. Hanging in LBI. CHNut-1 Love Ya. GP-Things always work out, look at us. I Love ya. TMJ-Thanks! There wil always be a special place in my heart. I will miss you. I Love You Always. DW-LBI, The Tide, Peter, Justin, dancing school, "Didn't mean to run you over", all the crying, Thank-you for everything. I Love You! JD-Thanks for always listening. You're a great friend . I Love You! KM-Murf, "I hurt my head", getting pulled over and crying. 3:00am in the bush. Love ya. JS-The ATC, mailbox in two pieces, "I 'm caught" Summer of '89. Could not resist. CT-Locker buddies for life, Never forget all our talks, the gym clothes, I'll miss you a lot, who is going to keep me organized? Love always. BPSFriends Forever, never forget all our fights and all our talks, my favorite part-legs. You're the best, Be good. I Love You Always. DRHistory Class, Freshman year Cotillion, older guys, friend always. MBhaunted house, phones ringing, movies that made KF and I sick, thanks for always listening. AG-Gia's 8th grade party, JS, plaid shorts, the accident, all the talks, you 're a great friend . We always will be. I Love You! JC-Knot's Landing talks. MB and JU-Thanks for everything guys. Love yas a lot. JM-1 Love Ya and I'm gonna miss you. MK and RC-Thanks for all the rides. Miss ya's. VA -My other little brother. Good luck with all you do. I Love You! Hi Brendon. NP-gym together was awesome-stay sweet. ML-never forget our late night talks, confusing, Cotillion 1991, friends. Big VA-Thank-you for understanding and being there when I needed someone to care and most of all for being like my dad. I Love You. DW-I still love your brothers. I am so happy we have the friendship we do. Thanks for all the support I love ya. The baby is beautiful. Mrs. W-Without you life would of been hell. Thanks for all the advice and just worrying about me. I'm gonna miss you. Linda -Thanks for all the rides and for worrying about me. See you at home. Love ya lots. Lou R-1 do know how to boil water. Loved ya as a teacher. I'll miss ya and love ya. Mr. Gat-Thank you for everything over the last four years. I will never forget it and always appreciate it. KT-rem., all the driving, dinner waiting at the tavern, always fun. Love you . DANA THOMPSON Remember "Bring it on ... Here comes the puta ... MN DAN TREDER Thanks for sticking by me babe. Did you ... ? I can't wait for you-2V2 weeks-Twisting words, what's that? I hope your ~ood 'cause if you're good, I'm good. I'm feeling a bit dizzy!?! B.B.?. '? You were a great person to me and I love you for it. Love always, Amanda O'Sullivan(Honey). Physics was phun! You didn't put Kim through the basketball net yet! Kim says go jump off a cliff! Marilyn. Gotta get gas. Hi little boy! Bank, Mule, horse. What do we have for history homework? Stop ahead! That's a song. Here's some plastic. Keep in touch, Janelle. C.R.A.S.H.! Good luck in the future. Take care. Blackbird. Bob's Party, 1990 ... P.S. Is cool ... "Seduction" at flicks's ... New Year's Eve 1990 and 1991- thanks! I get dunked at your B-Day ... Search away .. WW VIII (Didn't see you there! Really!) ... Kate. Dantreder, Don't even say, "What a year!" What should I do with FIDELITY?'?? I can't believe it's not butter! Spanish III. You'll always be dazed & confused! Gallows pole .. what a diss! Remember the train trip to Rutgers, stromboli, & 32 oz. Coke! ... Dinner at LaStrada! 1



You're not Mr. Popularity, but I love ya' anyway. You're still a loser & ... AppolPie! I'm crushing your head. Love your ' dimples! Friends forever, Gaby. , Dan{aka Tiead Head)-Shhhhhh!!! I said "be quiet!" How much did that cost? "I'm sure darkening in the lines goodf" I want a bee-utiful B 1 not a yucky C" Don't take any more of my onion rings: Calculus Buddies Forever!!" Love, Heidi. P.S.- Watch out for the anti-matter crusts!!! Bank, mule, horse, sign, pot hole, Oh no a curb! Blank Blank! Wow there is so much to say! These have been an awesome three years. Don't forget those memorable things like the MORP, Mercer County I Park, and Minature golfing. Thanks for being so great and listening to me when I needed you. Keep in touch! OH! Don't forget freezing our toes! Love always! Christy. Hi! Has it been a nice year? It sure has. I just want you to know that "he makes me feel squishy!" Remember the day your braces came off? And all the "good advice" we ~ave you when you went on your cruise! ~hA~s~~~~hLLAl that I fee! Love Ya! Liza.

I a butthead! abortion


Whoooo! loaf of meat, poultry, move your leg, Renny Kogers, BVD, fball games, swings, pink hair, tape recorders, I'll save you1 oooh! Love, Nicole. Hey Swedish Meatball, Hey babe! Remember all the fun at Band Camp. Those Funky Philly boys of summer (and fall and winter and spring) Ed, Jeff, Penguin, Phil, Marc, Shroomer ... I'll miss you next year! Love always, Italian Sausage. TYHESE TURNER ~~~s ~Y~Egle lady ... MN. Well Eugene, Don't think too much and when travelling down life's highway, don't forget to stop and eat the roses. What does this have to do with relativistic mechanics. Have phun in liph. Tommy D. To everyone who knows me, has heard of me, or is just reading everyone's messages: It's been a great 1-12 years. Frosh: Keep your spirit, Eclipse should have won. Sophs: Hey, you're halfway through. Juniors: The school is yours. Seniors: We are otta here! I'll miss you. James Tyne. JANELLE UMALI Do you want help with your Calculus? Smile. Mary Kite. "There's a whole in the bucket ... "Quick, I need some pep! What am I now? Oh no, A.W.'s regurging again! What a radlecrobber! I'd like to hear some funky dixie land! Marilyn. Well, you're the brains of us all. We all rely on your help, advice, and understanding. We all tend to nag for your help because you're the one we truly trust. You're a great friend. You deserve all the awards of life because you work so hard. May we be friends for a long time to come. Best of luck always. Beth Pietrezak. Well we survuved Mr. H's Computer class. Thank you so much for the help. I'm glad I got to know you better this year, you've got to be one of the most hyper people I know. Give me a call over the summer- we'll go to the Fizz one night. Best of luck at college. Love Megan. You are one of the sweetest people I know. I just wish that I could have gotten to know you better sooner! Remember Junior year pd. 7 and how much I struggled. Also never forget the invigorating class this year ... pd. 8 ... I think I'll take a nap now. Yearbook was a blast and a headache at the same time but I loved every minute of it. I know you'll be successful at college but don't forget to party with those college men! Love, Kara. You are truly a good friend. Thank you for being there! I just wish we could've become closer. I'm sorry for any times I was a bit __ . I have to thank Leslie for introducing us! Love always, Gaby. Long live Waldo! Do you like my earrings? Don't ever call me Heidironi again. Fine- don't be our Calculus buddy! And don't lose my number! Always remember the FIZZ! Love, Heidi. "The Ooor is coooold!" No more surprise parties, I laugh too much! Friends forever! Liza. You and I have worked together forever. Thanks for being so organized, in spite of all the trials as editor. Good luck at college ... in life! Love, Kate. My first friend at N.D. and you and I couldn't have asked for more! You're a terrific person- please don't change. You are a source of inspiration and happiness for me. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to share various experiences with you, but I wish there had been more. Love, Andrea. Hey Janelle, you paper towel Duck. 18 .. 13 .. 8 .. 3 .. 1 .. 30 sec. I had alotoffun in History, Calculus ... well I had fun being in all your classes. I really wish I could find you. Thanks!! Dan Treder. Hola! I don't really have to wish you luck because you'll do great no matter what. I'll wish you luck anyway and thank you for being a good friend. I'll miss you but keep in touch, don't forget- Loveshack, baby!!! Love ya! Wendy Dutwin. Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China ... Look out for that pole! I love ellow! ... I'm counting the days ... Great Adventure ... Junior rom ... John ... Waterman ... Pat ... I told you to ask Brian .. . Freakfast Clud . . . Peddler's Village. . . Fizz . . . nice makeup .. . isting in WaWa ... Cathy's driving . .. SWoop! Chicken Swoop . . . poke me with a fork, I'm done ... that didn't mean your heal! English class ... she doesn't like me ... terminal hives . .. she's having a coniption ... Moret cards .. . think about it ... you and your naivete . . . cherries . . . . knobs and knockers . . . Des Moines! . . . running through Christmas trees .. . Harry the Duck and Christy the Muskrat ... muskrat love? ... Depeche Mode ... Prince and George Michael ... He's either dead or asleep .. . everbody's skippy dippin' ... That's a song! INXS! ZUM ZUM ZINGY ZINGY, Bon Jovi. I'm lucky it didn't bite me . .. unchained melody . .. sleeping bags ... football games ... lfiretrucks ... I hate sirens! ... Rock and Roll ... an orange that moos . . . Apple WaWa ... COWABUNGA ... Turtle soup or cake? ... Oliver ... Yuck New Kids . . . It's going to be 60 all week ... Thanksgining ... wait how many hours til I'm 12 ... 5,239,666-radical 93 times 36= 2.5 .. . getting lost at M.C.P .... no gas . . . Hershey kisses . .. parking lot of Princeton Review . . . Blank Blank . . . Oh what a beautiful morning ... Bank ... horse ... mule ... statue ... what's down this way ... shark! ... Pizza Hut ... tassles ... terrorists! ... Nabisco ... bing! . .. railroad tracks ... Peach, it's peack . . . play that funky music 'til you die ... Yup, yup, yup .. . DREW! . . . worry wart ... #1 ... O.K. this is it ... the midget Oying in the purple and pink polka dotted hot air balloon was dragging beneath him a baby carriage that held a bomb, which was being followed by a juge puece green armadillo wearing a rospbern beret that was being chased by a smaller yellow armadillo that was hopping down the highway over a fiela. Take that! Thanks for being an awesome friend and putting up with me. Thanks Janellikins! I love ya! Christykins C.B. - Thanks for all our good times and car rides. D. W. - You're a great person and someone who has been a real inspiration to me. I promise I'll visit! I'm really going to miss your smile. J.C. -We have to make up for the year we've missed together. I'll never forget our memories. Guess what? That's what! Boing! I've missed you! To all my friends and family: Thanks for everything! Love, Janelle. KRISTIN VAN NEST Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Epilady frizz hair, all gym classes & lunches together. When driving alone make both hands know. I'll split the cost of the RX7 with you. Kris Hey you! Are you sure you want a Pop Tart!? Well maybe not! Thanks fo~ being a friend! I'll see you over the summer, because I am going to call you and a bunch of us will do something! Love always, Jennifer You've been a great friend since kindergarten. We had a lot of great times, remember the LBI experience, John holdong my keys, the Thrift Drug crew, and Cruisin' 33. Love, Lauren Me sliding down your banister and getting my bathing suit caught. There is so much and I can't fit it all, even with 3 of these message things. Thanks for everything and being a great friend. Love ya, Beth Always remember .. your derivatives, that annoying laugh, "you look fine", the fun we've had, and most importantly our friendship! Shhh, be ver, ver quiet, I'm hunting wrabbits today. That cwazy wabbit! We're gonna have wrabbit stew for dinner today!! That wascal~ETHb;~Z.f'oN for being a great friend! Love ya, JoEll ne of my favorite old names. Even though you listen to weird music, I

still love ya! I had fun freshman year. The retreat was awesome. Remember Ron's party, and my party, and hey, you should have one. Love ay, Tommy D. Hey-the "scums"! GJ-too bad U lost out! Nice ISS! (SJ-no way) too hot! Our Ltab; help us? What a life! retreat; you're beautiful! ya know! don't get lost. Love, Jess KATE WENZ Kdthy you're such an intellectual. Never forget all of the cool times we had. Be good, I'll be watching you. Tommy D. Hey babe! Well these years have been cool. Thanks for all your advice. Especially concernin~ my men. I swear one of these days I'll figure m}'self out Take care. Love, Christy P~! U and TF, that dog, parties, Cotillion, Prom, CRASH, Winter Weekend, can I have my tape back?, skiing, my purple ski pants, pictures, New Year's and more. Love U! Love, Blackbird THE ADMINISTRATION. Up the river down the river ... DRINK ! Do you have a pass? Yes it's from MC or ML(principal & your Eng. teacher). Always remember the raisin breadf Love, Kief "Let me just tell you", YOGURT, T J's, Chinese; "Oh I could really go for an egg roll, wonton soup and prok fried rice". GUY WATCHING/ GUY CATCHING, the happy alternative to the original, and let's not forget all those late night study hours at the Goldman's w/ songs and memories to last a lifetime. Are you pluggin' it? Our taping sessions, There are not many WORSE things we could do! ha! I will always keep close to my heart the words of advice, and the criticism which came ~FP/EwWil~MI~J~K()ing. Sue Goldman Every class and work too, but I still think you're great. Pete, Never 4get Oct. 19! The WB and TPT were fun but TWBMH was the best! I'm sorry about TMS and TB! Your DTO! MN #1, YA! It's been fun! ARM! Love ya 4ever! Sunny WILLIAM WNEK It's family tradition-Howlong is the food list. Mine's better-Table Tennis in basement-Karpatti's- to basement playing BS, Cotillion-did you? NO -PNM Wnecka, you're the boy! The Big-Three, tennis, volumes 1-20, gettin' the led out and of course, 3:30 mass. Any time you need a taL, just ask. Thanks for my favorite sweat shirt (FH). Remember Bil , I got the pictures! Chmtel Any time, any place! PING PONG! Peace, Adam Have you been with WE for 5 years. The limo with TH & ME. Why couldn't we win the BIG ONE. Baldwin Keely's mailbox, NY Eve, Are you still reading the yearbook with KO, get a TO baby, BP, CS and MP Car rides, our boys, KK and JH. Will the goal ever fall down? /Korky Thanks for the backyard work, good stuff! We'll keep it up, hit a bender! Good work ethnic! Eurosport, Adidas specials, nothing but the best! It's always been! fun Good luck in the soccer career AU-American? The magic number 2-12-91 450 scoreless minutes ND soccer the real State Championships 90! Take care -Mark Canine Cologne; hoi polloi; "The do"; singing gym duet; 1-2 punch; Pope chief master; Wneseus; "A" plusees; the Garlic worked; "Do you want a drink?" -"Yes, an ice cream cone"; no more yanky my wanky, donger need food; "The time of my life"; Take two of these and call me in the morning; -ODIE Chasing rabbits, green hair -JM Eggert&, the chase, the phone call, my sister, dissed, MB my buddy, the shore, TH -KIT Love Kim ANDREA WRIGHT Kosher dude! What a soap opera w/ bachelors A, a, C, Happy New Year, WE, L, boxershorts, papers, STD/STP, shavy, the R-dude's phone taps, apple. U lost your brain?! Hiding under tables. Regurge, regurge! Every S . . . is special! I take a walk ... Luv ya, "Kob" Hey Andewa! Remember Tri-tone, Pat, Quickdraw INXS, Carpe Diem Buddha, C. BBB Barnes, English pd. 4 for 3 yrs. Wee. Junior Prom. Pizza Hut. Letters from Princeton. THE dance. Regurging. Your mustache for extra-credit. Halloween. Sunday SAT classes. You swapped spit in that Pizza booth?! Love, Janelle (JU) So how's my brother, Bachelor A, paper, WE, and Shop Rite? What's Mike doing? From, Kim Hey dude! It's been fun making faces for you. And by the way, the Giants won! Ha, ha! Always remember, WE and Corps, oh and Teddy Bear. I know I will never forget. I'll buy you a house! I promise. Thanks for being a great friend. Stay Kosher] Love, Liza Tri-tone. Jennifer Schnouzen .. . We had the most fun. I'll never forget those times. They are a part of me that is unchangeable. Thanks for all those times! It's when you take a cat & pet it real hard & it goes "Rrrrrowrrr!" Iceman! Love always, Gaby There are no two ways about it. You're the best. Words can't express my thanks & gratitude to you. You have always been there to listen & give advice. We shared a lot of secrets & laughs, especially in Physics. You were my very first friend here & one that shall always be. You know more about me than anyone. But I know you will never tell. Maybe one day you will see just how special you really are. Good luck in the future. Remember we shall always be friends (Keep sucking on the blow pop). -Beth Pietrzak Always remember chica, Wildwood, skeeball! (and the guy I nearly killed playing it!), the GA job party (and the major changes it made in our lives, hint ... ) summer at GA, Scream Machine & the guy from America's Most Wanted! Remember your many loves(how many could you forget?) -Tri-tone, Matt F., Scumball Mike(had to say it), Shavey Davy(did I forget any one?) and of course, Bachelor A ... Remember Ruthie, Ruthie, Ruthie, another GA summer, Tricky D., "Hola Mariana! Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad, Paula!_4Que tal?", the Fairy Tales god (I can't spell his name), of course, Whoa, Buddy!!!! Remember Johnny Depp (who wouldn't?), 21 Jumpstreet, my bout with pneumonia, Days of Our Lives and the Cruise of Deception(spare us!) ... Remember Timmy (!!) and our trip to see "The Glass Menagerie", remember our roof climbing escapades & our deer protector, my brother, who'd never dream of turning us in! I know I forgot a ton, but when you've been with someone a long time, a lot of memories build up, and some are hard to recall! But the one thing I'll always remember is what a great friendship we have and that I'm grateful for the way things turned out! Always remember I'm your greatest & best friend foreverand that it won't end once high school does! Love ya tons! Wendy Dutwin DENISE YOUNG I bet you didn't think I'd write you but I wouldn't let a stupid argument ruin our friendship. We've been friends for 4 years and we've had a lot of good times. By the time this is printed we will probably be talking. I just wanted you to know our friendship means a lot to me. Luv ya, Monica. We've had our difference but we've overcome them. Glad we're friends. ~"leo~~- i~i.ilove your name!!! The HO's. Superbowl. Kitchen. The Wall Playboy. The Freshman Mikes. Football games. Band. Oh, yes. Sampson lives. Shore bound. Care for some fruit punch? Amy's house. I'm dying. Alex. Bills are still #1. K.I.T. Luv ya, Lisa Fernbach. Colie, you're a great best friend and a bad influence. There's never a dull moment with you. I'm proud to be the 2nd HO under you. Lunch would not be the same w/out your wonderful stories. I hope you can someday earn a billion dollars. Love always, LeLetto. Band, so cool?! O.C. M.D., Brian "Cool Beans!" Nice fight on the boardwalk, M.N., "Grab a Heiny," I love N.Y. You're awesome. K.I.T. w/ me ... I'm serious. Keely Zits. Colley HO, our granny shoes, yellow, pink, purple, green, red, and blue days!! C.A.P. -Kringer, Floyd-your house, our narration, Christ position: Willingboro party, N.D. vs. Hopewell-wrestling-the WAR., Go Go's concert=car accident! Lusting B.P., you know we egged Beth's car! V2 days=walks to Ewing=stopping 4 blow pops! Lunchtable, the Hos. Sampson and Fred. I might be able to get in touch w/ you! SPORT 1-ya, Denene. RAY ZADO Rayman! Physics was phun, so was Comp-Sci., settle down it's only gym, Ray, you have a great future ahead of you- thanks for being a great friend . Your friend, George Mount. You're a cool guy, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Thanks for

listening to me and eavesdropping on Kathy for me. One piece of advice- don't be so obsessed with grades and scores and ranks in college that you don't have fun. I'm sure you'll do fine in the future, but good luck anyway. Your friend, Lou. Raymond,J'ust know that l beat you which is an accomplishment in itself, besi es what does this have to do with relativistic mechanics? Peace, Tommy D. Stop poking me. I'm done. Do me a favor and smile! Don't ever forget the fun times Christy, you, and I had. Keep in touch, Janelle. Never forget Cotillion '91 . . . my rudeness to a table member ... Comp. was fun and I'm glad l got to know you better, and don't forget any of the invigorating philosophy! Kara. Well so far this has been quite a year. l want you to know how glad I am that I got to be friends with you, and I do talk to you. Remember retreat and our after retreat heart to heart. Remember I'm always here and thenks for being my friend. Love, Christy. JOHN ZAHORSKY Thanks for all your help in Calc. and Computers! Good luck in the future! From: Mirusia. Never 4-get Mrs. G., Physics(ahhhh), etc. Almost Billy Joel! Still haven't figured out your crazy idess, but they made me laugh! Marilyn. I know you'll be a success in anything you put your mind to. You're a very special person. Good luck in all you do! Love always, Amy. MIKE ZEGARSKI Ziggy- Remember EPG, the parties, English. It was all fun, stay cool (UR smart). What's up brewman! Zig, keep brewing beer- have one on me. Don't forget Dale's Donuts. ~ 路:~路.' b:~: tY~~ :r~~~[i;!~\~:~ ~r:e~riend here. Remember W.W. FARHARA ZIADI What's that stuff on your hands? No, I didn't study my religion! -Kate. KEELY ZITA Kee-Wee- remember first times ... Ocean City. And every guy that every smiled at you. Cool beans Love ya! Nicoley. Nice party after the Cotillion. Brian Suth. Remember all the years and laughs and good times. You really are a great friend and I luv ya'! Christina Tani. Parties at your house ... becoming good friends this year ... talking about T.T. My tutoring partner ... good luck, we better K.I.T. Luv ya ... Jen Stevens. Class of 1991-love you all, we are the best! Keely Zits. KEVIN ZORN Hourse Co--! ... I don't care what they say for do. I think you're a great QB and athlete ... Good luck in college and believe in yourself1 ... Remember the State game! 3-34 yds .. .. I still think I could be a better QB (just kidding). Hugeness personified!!! That's U! You're great. Pretty soon you'll be bigger than Arnold. Always remember the fun times we had together. Remember: who's your best friend? Love, JoAnne. You're such a great listener "thanx a lot" I'll never forget that for Monty for those"F-ball moods" .. . Oh, and I'm not always joking! I'm gonna miss you #7, luv ya lots. Kelly. 10/24/90-12/24/90 best thing that ever happened to me, thanx for everything. Remember always 2/2/91. I'll never forget you - love ya, Dawn. I am going to take this opportunity to say that I am hafPY to know you. I wish things had been different but the past is past. am always here for you and always willing to be your friend. Good luck in college and life. "I'm sorry." Luv ya, Kim. Zorn #7, the 18th. Could I have my signs please? Kev, you got my back? Yeah, I know you do. Remember Kennedy's microwave. Rocket man. H.C. F.A. PALS. SENIOR GUYS RULE!!! Thanx for the best year. You're a great friend. Hs been fun. We'll miss you guys. Remember the Jr. chicks!!! OW, AM , JP, KM, KF, LS.

I This years theme, "Lets Do It" encourages the students of Notre Dame not only to express themselves in different ways but take things into their own hands. As the future, we must take an affirmative action and contribute our many talents and skills to our school and society. Throughout this year we've seen ifferent groups contribute to making 1991 a memorable year. This year's edition of The Canticle highlights our memories and not only gives the Canticle staff a sense of pride hut also gives fellow students a sense of accomplishment. Our hope is that ND students take the theme to heart and go out without doubting themselves and accomplish their goals and dreams. So, "Let's Do It" Class of 1991. Jen Brennan.

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