Program of Studies 2022-23

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of class. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction. Course Withdrawals A student who withdraws from any course prior to the above deadlines will be removed from the class roster; the course will not be recorded on the student’s transcript. A withdrawal after the deadline of three (3) class periods or ten (10) class periods with Department Chairperson and Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction approval will receive a record of Withdrawal (W) on the student’s permanent transcript. Online and Non-Notre Dame Course Policy Notre Dame High School acknowledges that advances in technology make the availability of online courses more accessible to high school students. These basic guidelines define the acceptable use of these courses within the parameters of Notre Dame’s mission statement and curriculum. A Notre Dame diploma represents the completion of a four-year curriculum. Those students wishing to use an online course to advance to a higher-level class for the next consecutive school year, must meet the following criteria: • • •

Coursework must be completed during the summer Pre-approval by the Department Chairperson of that discipline and the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Successful completion with a 75 or better

Please note the following: • • • •

Online courses completed for advancing placement will not appear on a Notre Dame Transcript. Payment for online courses is the family’s responsibility. Department Chairpersons reserve the right to require completion of a Notre Dame final exam prior to scheduling the next level course. For students with extenuating circumstances, an evaluation must be made by the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction, the Counseling Director, and the Department Chair as to the role (credit/non-credit) the online course/courses will play in the student’s four-year program.

ACADEMIC STANDINGS Grading and Class Rank Grades are reported numerically on a 100-point scale, with 65 as passing. Marking period and exam grades are rounded to the nearest whole number and are reflected on the report card. In calculating final grades, actual marking period and exam grades, to the nearest hundredth position as found in the online grade book, are used. The Grade Point Average (GPA) factor (+3 for Honors, +5 for AP) will be used to determine eligibility for Honor Roll of Distinction and


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