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GCSE, BTEC & V-CERT OPTIONS Supporting students and parents in making informed option choices in preparation for September.

All Will Succeed.

More information on the subjects within this book are available on the Essa Academy website. Find us online:

Foundation Academies Trust


02 03 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Choosing Options For Your Child. GCSE Triple Science. GCSE Languages. GCSE Computer Science. GCSE ICT. GCSE Business Studies. GCSE Music. NCFE V-CERT Music Technology. GCSE Art. GCSE Art - Design and Photography. GCSE Citizenship and The Law.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

GCSE History. GCSE Geography. GCSE Religious Studies. GCSE Food and Nutrition. NCFE V-CERT Food and Technology. BTEC Performing Arts (Dance). GCSE Drama. GCSE Physical Education. Student Development Adviser.

02 CHOOSING OPTIONS FOR YOUR CHILD Dear Parents and Carers Our All Will Succeed mission seeks to achieve outstanding academic results for our students. We believe that access to a broad and balanced curriculum deepens knowledge and understanding of the world around us and builds essential skills necessary to equip students for the future. This educational philosophy seeks to secure and maximise outcomes for students through an engaging, enriching and challenging curriculum. This is an exciting and important time in your child’s life at Essa Academy. They are about to embark on making some key decisions that will support their future. In order to support this process we must outline the curriculum that will be studied from the start of the academic year. Their timetable will consist of core and option subjects. The core curriculum is designed to ensure that students have a broad and balanced education to allow them to have a choice of pathways at 16. In addition, your child will be able to select three options subjects. Please see below: Students should choose one humanity subject and two options subject. Core Subjects: English Languages (French, Spanish, German, Urdu and Arabic) Humanity* Math Sport Science Options Subjects: Art Music Drama Dance History*

Triple Science Computer Science Business Studies Photography Geography*

ICT Physical Education Food and Nutrition Citizenship Religious Studies*

Remember to pick what you want to do, not what your friends are doing.

03 GCSE BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (Triple Science) Course Overview: You will have separate lessons in Biology, Chemistry and Physics with specialist teachers. Science concepts will be covered in some depth and will allow you to explore key ideas and scientific principles. Experiments will be used to help you to develop greater skills in equipment manipulation and data recording. You will be discussing scientific problems, designing research projects and testing out scientific models. As well as the standard homework tasks needed to reinforce the teaching, you will be expected to complete some prior learning before lesson.

Year 11 Student Science Super Lab

Assessment: Teaching of practical skills is integrated with the theoretical topics and they are assessed through the written papers. Examined at the end of Year 11 with 2 examination papers per subject. Exam Board: OCR Gateway (Science A)

Year 10 Student Science Super Lab

You will need to review work done on a weekly basis as success with this fast paced course requires repeated consolidation and embedding of concepts and scientific terminology.

100% THEORY 100% Theory

1hr 10min 6 Exam Papers

1hr 10min

Progression: Level 3 or A Level Science courses at college. Contact: Miss Bham

04 GCSE LANGUAGES (French, Spanish and German) Course Overview: The 5 themes of study are: Identity and culture School Local area, holidays and travel

Future aspirations, study and work International and global dimension.

Students will develop their ability to understand and communicate in French, Spanish and German with increasing accuracy and confidence. They will be exposed to the languages in a variety of contexts, including authentic spoken and written materials and will be given opportunities to express their thoughts and ideas spontaneously and with increased fluency. They will further deepen their knowledge of how language works and be encouraged to adapt and experiment with the chosen language. They will also gain greater awareness and understanding of the culture of the chosen language and the countries and communities where the language is spoken. If the student chooses Spanish, it will also expanded into the understanding of Spanish and Latin American culture.

Assessment: Four final exams in Summer of Year 11. Exam Board: Language exams - Edexcel Contact: Miss Greenwood

Speaking/Listening Each test 25%

Progression: ‘A’ level, higher education and/or employment. Language graduates and graduates of other areas of study with language skills are highly sought after by employers, and most universities offer the possibility of studying a language alongside another degree (e.g. History and Spanish Dentistry and French, Law and German) Learning a language beyond GCSE can support a career in translating, interpreting or teaching as well as, improving job prospects in international business and exports. Employers state that many employees lack foreign language skills in the workplace.

Reading 25%

Writing 25%

05 GCSE LANGUAGES (Arabic and Urdu) Course Overview: Knowledge and understanding: Are relevant and of interest to the student Correspond to the student’s level of maturity Reflect, and are appropriate to, the culture of countries and communities where the language is spoken Relate, where appropriate, to other areas of the curriculum. Skills: Develop the ability to listen to and understand spoken Arabic in a range of contexts and a variety of styles Communicate in speech for a variety of purposes Read and respond to different types of written language. Communicate in writing for a variety of purposes Understand and apply a range of vocabulary and structures Develop language learning and communication skills which can be applied broadly.

Assessment: All the following exam units are externally assessed. They are set and marked by Edexcel. The number of marks for each exam is out of 50. Topic areas for Unit 1 and Unit 3: Out & About. Customer service & transactions. Personal information. Future plans, education and work. Topic areas for Unit 2 and Unit 4: Media, travel & culture Sport, leisure & work. Assessment: Currently 60% of the grade is Controlled Assessment, consisting of two pieces of writing and two pieces of speaking. 40% Exam - 20% Listening and 20% Reading which is sat in the Summer of Year 11.

Progression (Arabic): A level Arabic. Year 1: AS and Year 2: A2 -Degree level: Arabic Studies. Arabic & Linguistics. Middle Eastern Studies.


Speaking/Listening (Speaking 27% 8-10min) (Listening 23% 50min)

Reading (23% 55min)

Writing (27% 60min)





Progression (Urdu): ‘A’ level, higher education and/or employment. Language graduates and graduates of other areas of study with language skills are highly sought after by employers.

06 GCSE COMPUTER SCIENCE Course Overview: Students studying this new, exciting, challenging and modern GCSE will learn how to: create applications that run on mobile devices; operate in a web-enabled environment; create computer games and gain an understanding of the key concepts around creating software applications.

Year Academy Students iBec

This qualification will value computational thinking, helping you to develop the skills to solve problems and design systems that do so. This is a demanding, academic and practical subject, where much of the theory is completed through practice, such as creating computer programs and algorithms, with many problem solving activities along the way.

Assessment: The first component is an exam focused on computer systems covering the physical elements of computer science and the associated theory. The second: This component is focused on the core theory of computer science and the application of computer science principles, with many programming and computational problems to solve.

Theory 40%

Principles 40%

Programming project: You will be challenged by a range of exciting and engaging tasks to apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in the course. Exam Board: OCR

Year 10 Students Computer Suite

Programming 20%

Progression: ‘A’ level Computer Science or a Level 3 Computer Science qualification. Contact: Miss Towers & Mrs Kadva

07 GCSE ICT Course Overview:

Technology is something which is fast developing in the world we live in and this course will equip you with the key skills and knowledge which can be applied in any career path you chose to take. An essential qualification in the modern world. Unit 1: In this unit you will explore how digital technology impacts on the lives of individuals, organisations and society. You will learn about multifunctional technologies including games consoles, smart phones, desktop computers and tablet computers. You will get an opportunity to examine how criminals use technology to gain illegal access and hack organisations like the playstation network. Why did they do this? What did they gain? What impact did this have on gamers? What were the consequences for the hackers, PSN and the general public as a result of this? You will also be given the opportunity to look at legislation and high profile court cases relating to the world of ICT. Unit 2: In this Unit you will be given the opportunity to put your creative ICT skills to good use! If you enjoy creating and designing digital publications,websites and short Movies - then this course is ideal for you! You will also be given the opportunity to develop complex financial modelling systems to help organise events for a business. You will work with the latest industry standard software which includes iMovie, Dreamweaver MX, Adobe Photoshop and much more.

Assessment: Controlled assessment and exam. Exam Board: EdExcel Contact: Miss Towers & Mr Dhan

UNIT 1 & 2 Controlled Assessment 60%

Two Units

Exam 40%

Progression: This course is a great stepping stone onto any A Level or Level 3 qualification.

08 GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES Course Overview: Would you like to set up your own business and be a successful entrepreneur like Alan Sugar or Mark Zuckerberg? Would you like to go and be a manager for a large business? Have you got an interest in the news and how the government and their policies affect your life? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then Business Studies is the GCSE for you!

Assessment: Unit 1: Introduction to small business: an external exam. Unit 2: Investigating small business: internal controlled assessment. Unit 3: Building a business: an external exam.

External Exam 25%

External Exam 50%

Exam Board: EdExcel Contact: Miss Towers & Mr Eaton

Controlled Assessment 25%

Progression: GCSE Business will provide you with a great choice of pathways once you leave the Academy. Level 3 courses in Business and Economics. All of you will work in some form of business organisations so it is an essential life skill. The top best paying and in demand jobs are in the management and finance sectors consistently.

09 GCSE MUSIC Course Overview: Understanding music: Exam paper with listening exercises and written questions using excerpts of music. 1 hour 30mins Performing Music: As an instrumentalist and/ or vocalist and/or via technology: • Performance 1: Solo performance • Performance 2: Ensemble performance. A minimum of four minutes of performance in total is required, of which a minimum of one minute must be the ensemble performance.

Year 9 Student Music Lesson

Composing Music: Composition 1: Composition to a brief. Composition 2: Free composition. A minimum of three minutes of music in total is required.

Assessment: Component 1: Understanding music. Component 2: Performing Music. Component 3: Composing Music. Exam Board: AQA Contact: Mrs Tems & Mr Reynolds

Understanding 40%

Performing 30%

Composing 30%

Progression: A strong GCSE qualification in Music is desirable for further study in any A Level subject. Suggested music pathways would be: A Level Music, Music Technology, Leading to a degree in Music. Music is a strong accompanying subject to those wishing to pursue Science or Maths qualifications. ‘Students wishing to study GCSE Music must have strong vocal ability or play a musical instrument. This could include a high ability to create music digitally using music technology’.


UNIT 1: Set Up and Operate Audio/Midi Sequencing Software 25%. Develop skills in setting up and operating a DAW creatively using audio, MIDI, hardware and editing tools. Learners will create a musical project to a specified brief, reflecting industry skills. UNIT 2: Creating Music Using Audio/Midi Sequencer - 25% Develop skills to create a piece of music to an externally set brief using key music technology processes based on a specific style. Learners will engage in a review of technical and creative processes. UNIT 4: Use Multi-Track Sound Mixing Techniques - 25% Plan and undertake a mixdown session for a given scenario. Learners will create a mixdown of their recording and review the final product. UNIT 6: Dance Music Production - 25% Explore different genres of electronic dance music and the key features of each one. They will create and review their own original piece of dance music to a set brief.

Assessment: Portfolio of evidence covering all learning outcomes in 3 units that are stated above. Controlled assessment in Creating Music Using Audio/Midi Sequencing Software. Exam Board: NCFE Contact: Mrs Tems & Mr Reynolds

Portfolio of evidence 75%

30 hr timed assessment 25%

Progression: A Level Music A Level Music Technology NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Radio Production NCFE Level 3 Diploma in Creative Media NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media ‘This course is perfect for students who are passionate about music but may not be a strong vocalist or play a musical instrument as the focus of this qualification is in using music technology’

11 GCSE ART Course Overview:

Year 1: Two projects, each based on a different theme. Though predominantly drawing and painting students have the opportunity to explore photography, printmaking, sculpture and digital manipulation. Previous themes have included ‘Passions and Obsessions’, ‘Natural Forms’, ‘Identity’ and ‘Conflict’. Year 2: Mock exam, students are given a theme or a brief and have 10 weeks to investigate, explore, plan and develop ideas towards a final outcome which will be conducted in a 10 hour controlled examination (this time will be spread over 2 or more days). Preparation for the official final examination begins in January and follows the same procedure. Students will have a number of themes to choose from.

Do you have a talent for drawing and painting, and a passion for art? Assessment: Unit 1: 60% Coursework (portfolio of work demonstrating minimum of 2 projects plus outcomes) Unit 2: 40% Exam (sketchbook preparatory work plus 10 hour timed test) Exam Board: AQA

Coursework 60%

Progression: A strong GCSE qualification in Art is desirable for further study in any A Level subject in Art, Photography, Graphics, Product Design, Media Any other art related Level 3 qualification. Contact: Mrs Tems

10 hr timed test

Exam 40%

12 GCSE ART & DESIGN (Graphic Design and Photograpy) Course Overview: Year 1: Two projects, one photography one graphics based. Year 2: Mock exam, students choose to focus on either graphics or photography as their discipline. They are given a theme or a brief and have 10 weeks to investigate, explore, plan and develop ideas towards a final outcome which will be conducted in a 10 hour controlled examination (this time will be spread over 2 or more days). Preparation for the official final examination begins in January and follows the same procedure. Students will have a number of themes to choose from. Progression: A strong GCSE qualification in Art is desirable for further study in any A Level subject in Art, Photography, Graphics, Product Design, Media Any other art related Level 3 qualification. Contact: Mrs Tems

Assessment: Coursework (portfolio of work demonstrating minimum of 2 projects plus outcomes) Exam (sketchbook/digital preparatory work plus 10 hour timed test) Exam Board: AQA

Student Art Projects Essa Academy

Coursework 60%

10 hr timed test

Exam 40%

13 GCSE CITIZENSHIP AND THE LAW Course Overview: Aim of the course is to focus into how the legal system works in the UK, as well as the process of the law and the rights and responsibilities of every citizen within the UK. It will also focus on democracy and the workings of government as well as the justice system. This is an excellent route for students to get into studying law.

Assessment: Two Paper Exam. Seen Exam: Produced in advance. Exam Board: OCR Contact: Mrs Walsh and Mr Sattar

Year 10 Students Library

Seen Exam 50%

Exam 50%

Progression: A platform for A Level Law and Government and Politics

14 GCSE HISTORY Course Overview: Historical study enables us to understand the way things are in society. If society’s ills are to be addressed, then they must first be understood. History is popular with students because they realise how important it is to learn lessons from the past. The study of history can develop analytical skills like no other subject can and these skills are greatly sought after by employers and universities alike. First and foremost, History will get you thinking. The subject is taught in such a way that it encourages the development of opinions and independent thought through the examination of evidence.

Assessment: Units: Crime and Punishment in Britain c1000 - Present. Whitechapel c1870 - c1900: Crime, Policing and the inner city. Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88. Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39 Spain and the ‘New World’, c1490-c1555

Writing (30% 1hr 15min)

Writing (40% 1hr 45min)

Written exam 1hr 20min. Written exam 1hr 15min. Written exam 1hr 45min. Exam Board: Edexcel Contact: Miss Muter

Year 10 Student ESSA Academy Restaurant

Writing (30% 1hr 20min)

15 GCSE GEOGRAPHY Course Overview: There has never been a better time to study Geography! With issues such as climate change, flooding and migration in the news and movies of today, it is one of the most relevant subjects you could choose to study. Whatever your geographical interest, we will strive to provide you with knowledge and skills in our well resourced and successful strand. GCSE Geography covers a range of current issues affecting our world today. We will teach you about climate change and it’s predicted effects. You will learn about the human and physical world including topics such as population, tourism, rivers and waste. Content will be based on a range of current and diverse case studies from all over the world! Year 11 Students Geography Trip

You will be taught a range of skills throughout, developing your ability to read graphs and maps.

Assessment: Written exam 1hr 20min. Written exam 1hr 15min. Written exam 1hr 45min. Exam Board: Edexcel Contact: Miss Muter and Mrs Smith

Year 11 Students Geography Trip

Writing (1hr 30min 35%)

Writing (1hr 30min 35%)

Writing (1hr 15min 30%)


Religious studies will develop your interest, enthusiasm and understanding of Religion and its relation to the wider world. The course will support your reflection on and develop your own values, opinions and attitudes. Virtually every news item on the television and in our newspapers has a moral, religious or philosophical foundation which we endeavour to explore in Religious Education. We aim to understand and contribute to the on-going evaluation of religious, moral and philosophical perspectives that influence such current affairs.

Assessment: Component 1: The study of religion: beliefs, teaching and practices. Beliefs, techniques and practices of: Christianity. Islam. One exam per component: Written Exam: 1hr 45min Written Exam: 1hr 45min

Writing (50% 1hr 45min)

Writing (50% 1hr 45min)

Component 2: Thematic Studies Either four religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes or two religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes and two textual studies themes. Religious, philosophical and ethical studies themes: Theme A: Relationships and Families. Theme B: Religion and Life. Theme C: The existence of God and Revelation Theme D: Religion, Peace and Conflict. Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment. Theme F: Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice. Contact: Miss Muter and Miss Gresty Exam Board: Edexcel

Progression: Furthermore, we feel that Religious Education can help develop knowledge and skills that are vital if students are to pursue studies and careers including Philosophy, Law, Medicine, Teaching, Theology, Politics, Sociology, Ecology, Psychology, Journalism, History and many more

17 GCSE FOOD AND NUTRITION Course Overview: The WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages learners to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life. Assessment: Practical Theory Exam Board: EdExcel Year 8 Student ESSA Academy Classroom

Year 9 Students Food and Nutrition Trip

Contact: Mrs Walsh and Mr Morris

Practical 50%

Progression: Level 3 qualifications in Catering and Hospitality/Apprenticeships Chef Hospitality Management Food Hygiene

Theory 50%


This qualification is suitable for learners aged 14-16 studying their Key Stage 4 curriculum. This qualification is designed for learners who have an interest in food and cookery. It will provide learners with experience of using different cooking techniques and methods to enable them to use these within further education or apprenticeships. It will give them a basic understanding of the skills required for a career in food.

Assessment: Four mandatory units. Three of which are internally assessed and one external exam. The fourth unit which is internally assessed is practical based. Exam Board: NCFE

Internal Assessment

Four Mandatory Units

Practical Exam

Progression: Chef Management within the Hospitality industry. Many more food related roles. Contact: Mrs Walsh and Mr Morris

19 BTEC PERFORMING ARTS (DANCE) Course Overview: Performing Arts equips learners with a practical approach to teaching skills to succeed in Dance and Performing Arts. However, skills covered are life skills that can be applied across all courses e.g. analytical skills. Assessment: An external assessment is involved in this course. Throughout the extermal unit, students will learn how to successfully complete an application process as well as present a finished piece to an audience.

External and Internal assessments

The remainder of the course is internally assessed. Exam Board: EdExcel Contact: Miss Lowis

Year 11 Students P.E Dance Studio

Progression: Level 3 Qualifications in Dance and Performing Arts. Degrees in Dance, Performing Arts and Production. This can lead to PGCEs, MSc and PHDs in many areas.

20 GCSE DRAMA Course Overview:

Devising Drama: Learners will research and explore a stimulus, work collaboratively and create their own devised drama. Presenting and Performing Texts - Learners develop and apply theatrical skills in acting or design by presenting a showcase of two extracts from a performance text. Drama - Performance and Response: Learners will explore practically a performance text to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of drama. Learners will analyse and evaluate a live theatre performance.

Assessment: Devising drama, internal assessment. Presenting and performing texts, exam assessment. Drama: Performance and response, exam assessment 1 hour 30 minutes. Exam Board: OCR

Internal Assessment 30%

Written Exam 40%

Progression: A strong GCSE qualification in Drama is desirable for further study in any A Level or equivalent subjects in Drama, Theatre studies, Media, Law, Politics, Business. Contact: Mrs Tems & Miss Bennett

Presenting and Performing 30%

Students will require strong literacy skills and the confidence to perform in front of others’

Year 10 Student 2015 Open Evening

21 GCSE PHYSICAL EDUCATION Course Overview: GCSE Physical Education equips learners with the knowledge, understanding of factors underpinning physical activity and sport performance. Students will develop their theoretical knowledge and understanding of applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis and physical training.

Assessment: 40% Practical 60% Theory Exam Board: EdExcel Contact: Miss Lowis

Year 11 Student Outdoor Rounders Court

Year 10 Students Indoor Netball Court

Practical 40%

Theory 60%

Progression: Level 3 Qualifications in Physical Education and Sport. Degrees in Sport Science, Sport Studies, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Biomechanics and any many more.

22 STUDENT DEVELOPMENT ADVISER Mrs Angela Barlow Mrs Barlow is our Student Development Adviser whose main role is to provide information, advice and guidance to help our students make realistic choices about their education, training and work. Mrs Barlow will help students to identify options for suitable careers, build CVs, identify skills gaps, advise on where to search for jobs and help with the application process for college and apprenticeships. In order to do this Mrs Barlow uses her knowledge gained from being a fully qualified Level 6 Careers Practitioner. As well as being very well qualified she also has a passion and enthusiasm to support our students. All these facets ensure that our students have the best guidance possible to support them through their educational journey.

Essa Academy Curriculum GCSE: 14-16yrs English Mathematics Science History Geography Sport or Religious Studies

16+ yrs AS/A2 Level AS/A2 Courses College Level 3 Courses AS/A2 Levels

KS5 Pathway 2 College Level 3 Courses Btec Vocational Courses

Level 3 Apprenticeships with training

Level 3 Apprenticeships with Employment with training

Example Career Posibilities Medicine Dentistry Veterinary Science Law Accountancy Business Management Education Leisure Industry Sport Industry Computing Engineering Nursing Social Work Beauty Therapy Child Care Animal Care Care Work Hospitality Elderly Care Construction Hairdressing Retail


Foundation Academies Trust

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