ReHousing Proceedings (pages 6 - 45.pdf)

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This conference aims to reconsider architecture’s relationship to general housing provision in Australia. This is an ambitious task because Australian architects generally treat the possibility of architectural involvement in general housing with either a shrug of despair or quizzical disengagement. Australian DUFKLWHFWV LQYROYHG LQ GZHOOLQJ GHVLJQ FUHDWH VLJQL¿FDQW DQG LQQRYDWLYH GHVLJQ RXWFRPHV KRZHYHU this effort is mainly directed to achieving elite objects for a privileged minority. It is very easy to understand this disengagement. 79% of Australians live in detached dwellings, 9% live in attached dwellings (terraces or duplexes) and only around 12% live in apartments. The public sector funds less than 1.5% of housing, leaving the market to provide the remaining 98.5% or more. Less than 10% of housing in Australia has architectural involvement and many observers consider WKH ¿JXUH IRU DUFKLWHFWXUDO LQYROYHPHQW LQ QHZ KRXVLQJ WR EH PXFK OHVV The housing industry responsible for general housing in Australia is characterised by small-scale, cottage-based, craft-orientated, building practices with little design input. These practices have delivered economical housing which has made Australian home ownership rates amongst the highest in the world but these same practices have also worked against innovation and research and development. The cheapness and simplicity of detached house construction relying as it does on non-unionised labour and low technology has with a few exceptions excluded architectural involvement. The provision of housing in Australia, in particular the market delivered house or apartment has changed little over the past 60 years. House plans still adhere to a conventional and traditional provision of rooms; orientation and open space are still often mishandled and design quality still appears not to have improved. Against this context enormous transformations have taken place in Australian society. Household structure has radically transformed from a monotype nuclear family structure to the highly diverse group of family combinations that characterises our contemporary society. Immigration, the ageing of the population and the transformation of household makeup have created enormous projected housing demand particularly in cities such as Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. These SUHVVXUHV OHDG WR VLJQL¿FDQW HQYLURQPHQWDO WKUHDW LQ WHUPV RI DYDLODEOH ODQG IRU KRXVLQJ ,Q UHVSRQVH reHousing, Melbourne 2006


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