RMIT University School of Art
Postgraduate Art Research by Project 项目型艺术类研究生
Currently, Australia is one of only a handful of countries in the world that validates the making of artworks as research by offering Postgraduate Research Degrees such as the Master of Art (Fine Art) (MA), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Doctor of Fine Art (DFA). In Australian Universities there are as many variations of requirements for the completion and examination of a PhD or DFA by creative project as there are institutions, but generally most specify some kind of creative presentation such as an exhibition accompanied by a thesis or exegesis. Some universities privilege the textual document over the project, while some apportion a percentage of the total marks to the project and a percentage to the text. In the School of Art at RMIT University, the study for an MA, PhD or DFA culminates in an exhibition or performance of a comprehensive body of artworks accompanied by a visual record of the research – the Appropriate Durable Record (ADR) – and, for PhD and DFA, an exegesis, a document that sheds light on the history, theoretical concepts and technological issues, among others that underpin the creative work and lead to new thinking, making and theories. 目前, 澳大利亚是世界上仅有的准许将制作艺术品作为其研究项目,并授予研究 生学位的少数国家之一,比如授予文学硕士(美术)学位(MA),哲学博士研究 生学位(PhD)及美术博士研究生学位(DFA)。在通过创意项目来完成和考核哲学博士 研究生(PhD)和美术博士研究生(DFA)方面,澳大利亚各大学的诸多不同的要求和其 他研究机构是一样的。但是,通常来讲, 大部分大学要求有某种创意展示,比如 附有研究论文或注释的展览。一些大学更看重论文,而不是项目,而另一些大学则 将毕业论文和项目作品按照比例纪录到总成绩当中。在RMIT艺术学院,MA,PhD 或DFA的学生最终将以一场展览或有影像记录的艺术品综合体作品表现(称为适当 耐久记录即 Appropriate Durable Record, 简称ADR)来完成学业。而就PhD和 DFA的学生而言,除此之外,还要有一个文本注释,讲述作为创意作品的基础并引 致新思想,新创作和新理论的历史背景、理论概念及技术问题。 In the School of Art it is understood that the processes of undertaking the creative project – the experimental works and the testing of ideas right through to the finished artwork – is the research itself. We recognise that the manipulation of materials and the creation of artefacts encourages particular and novel ways of thinking, which lead to the generation of new knowledge and understanding. The consideration that the creative practice of the researcher can lead to new ways of thinking is at the heart of the pedagogy of postgraduate research in the School of Art at RMIT University. 在艺术学院里,我们的共识是:实行创意项目的过程,即从试验作品,构思的测 试,到最终的作品 ,这本身就是一种研究过程。我们认识到材料的运用和艺术品的 创新能够激发独特而又新颖的,能够导致新知识和理解领域的思维模式。 研究者的 创新实践能够引领新的思维模式,这一考虑也正是RMIT艺术学院研究生教学的核 心所在。 Art has always been synonymous with originality and a sustained creative practice embodies investigation. When postgraduate students in the School of Art manipulate their chosen media, be they oil paint, precious metals, printmaking techniques, wood and plaster, sound recordings or photographs, they work through series of actions or processes that are tested against
self-determined criteria in the process of an investigation to achieve an envisaged outcome. All artists have reasons for the ways that they go about their practice but the postgraduate researcher is a conscious practitioner who sets out to realise an objective that has been defined in accordance with the question to be answered, for as with all research, the research question is central to the creative project. 艺术一向是原创性的同义词。艺术是一种包含研究探索在内的持续创意实践。当艺 术学院的研究生对所选择的媒介进行加工时(不管这种媒介是油画、稀有金属、版 画复制、木刻及石膏,录音还是照片), 他们是用自己定的标准,通过研究探索, 最后达到他们预想的结果。所有的艺术家对他们所进行的实践方法都有自己的解 释, 然后,从事研究的研究生是有意识的去实现一个目标,这个目标是根据需要回 答的问题而设定的。因为和所有的研究一样,研究的问题是创意项目的核心。 The postgraduate researchers in the School of Art answer their research questions through the making of artwork and reveal the processes leading to the formation of an answer in both visual and textual formats – in the ADR and the exegesis respectively. 艺术学院的研究生通过创作作品来阐述他们研究的问题,并且分别在适当耐久记录 和注释中以视像和文本格式来揭示答案形成的过程。 Postgraduate research study in the School of Art offers students studio based research options within a broad range of practices and disciplines. 艺术学院研究生课程还为研究生提供了可供选择的各种实践及学科的工作室。 The School of Art’s Postgraduate Research Programs are distinguished by their emphasis on practice-based research. Projects are underpinned by contemporary theory to extend the boundaries of knowledge and contribute to the cultural capital of the local and global community. Supervisors are recognised practitioners and experts in their field who provide a supportive yet challenging environment in which students can pursue individual programs of study within a studio or studios of their choice. 艺术学院的研究生研究课程因侧重于实践研究而突显其特色。各项目从当代理论出 发,扩展知识面,并为地方和全球社会的文化宝库作出贡献。研究生导师是在其自 身领域中公认的从业者和专家,他们为学生提供支持,也提供了具有挑战性的环 境,在这个环境中学生可以通过在工作室或他们自己选择的工作室中从事个人的研 究项目。 Associate Professor Lesley Duxbury Postgraduate Research Coordinator
School of Art RMIT University GPO Box 2476V Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia
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