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RMIT University School of Architecture + Design

Postgraduate Design Research by Project 项目型设计研究生 Across most universities internationally, postgraduate research in architecture and design has traditionally involved a written thesis dissertation. This has commonly involved employing research methodologies drawn from the adjacent disciplines of art history, cultural theory, building science, environmental science and sociology, with arguments presented through the established conventions and methodologies of the sciences or humanities. While this approach can be effective in research for design and about design, it precludes the possibility of engaging with research through design. 在大多数国际大学里,建筑设计研究生一般是通过递交毕业论文来完成其学业。它 通常是包含了从多种相邻学科如文学史,文化理论,建筑科学,环境科学和社会学 中总结得出的研究方法,同时也借鉴了自然科学和人文科学中已有的传统模式及方 法论的研究方法。然而这种方法对为设计研究和从事与设计相关的研究可能是行之 有效的,但它对边设计边研究却是无效的。 The RMIT School of Architecture and Design was one of the first schools internationally to develop and offer a postgraduate design research by project model. This approach emphasises the undertaking of research by and through design projects, employing design practices and methodologies relevant to the discipline. RMIT建筑设计学院是最早培养并授予项目型设计研究生学位的国际学院之一。这 种培养方式着重于运用与学科相关的设计实践和方法论,利用并通过这一设计项目 来进行研究。 The RMIT Master of Architecture (research by project) degree was inaugurated in 1987, followed by the PhD (research by project) in Architecture the mid1990’s. The model has subsequently been adopted across the design disciplines in the school with both Masters and PhD by project degrees offered in Architecture, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture and Fashion. RMIT于1987年设立了(项目型)建筑硕士点,之后在九十年代中期设立了(项目 型)建筑博士点。这种项目型硕士研究生(MA)和博士研究生(PhD)的培养模式随 后被该学院其他设计学科如建筑设计,室内设计,工业设计,园林建筑设计与时尚 所采用。 Tri-polar research clusters have been formed across these disciplines. The Advanced Technologies stream focuses on research into emerging digital design technologies and practices, supported by the RMIT Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory. The Urban Environments stream focuses on architecture and design practices in the context of contemporary urbanism, supported by the RMIT Urban Architecture Laboratory. The Expanded Field cluster focuses on innovative interdisciplinary practices. Research activities within the school are further supported by the RMIT Design Research Institute, which facilitates research partnerships across the university and out with industry. 该学科成立了一个三级研究小组。由空间信息建筑实验室负责的高级技术组,着重 于数据设计技术及实践的研究。由城市建筑实验室负责的城市环境小组,着重于 在当代城市化下的建筑设计实践的研究以及从事跨学科创新实践研究的拓展领域小 组。学院的研究活动都由RMIT设计研究学院负责,其主要职能是帮助整个大学内 部之间及大学与外部其他行业之间进行合作研究。 The Reflective Practice stream is a key cohort of invited candidates who are exemplary practitioners who have already demonstrated professional mastery and peer acclaim in their design practice. They reflect on their body of work and the research embodied within their practice, and then extend this mastery in a research context. 反思实践小组是由受邀请的,具有专业优势并受到同僚认可的研究生组成,他们对 作品实体和包含有实践性的研究进行深思探索,然后在此研究背景下将其不断拓 展。

RMIT postgraduate candidates who are primarily undertaking research through design typically engage in a series of project based design investigations and speculations, employing disciplinary design practices and techniques such as design drawings, diagrams, models and prototypes. This research activity does not readily follow the hypothesis-testing model of the sciences. It involves, but is not simply reducible to problem solving. Design research is necessarily exploratory and iterative. It occurs through cycles of performative creative investigation in response to a selective framework of focusing concerns or problematics. Key design relationships are framed and brought to the fore. Productive design responses to particular situations or concerns are trialled, seeking qualitative improvement. RMIT通过设计进行研究的研究生主要是运用学科设计实践和技术,例如设计图 纸,图表,模型和原型等进行一系列的项目型设计调查及推测。这种研究行为并不 是照搬科学假设验证模式。它包含这一模式,但并不能简单地简化为问题解决。设 计研究就是必要的反复的探索研究,它通过希望达到预期效果的创造性调查反映在 关切和问题式的选择性框架上来完成这一行为。
主要的设计关系已经被构架出来并 且至于研究前列。对特殊情况和关注的问题做出回应的生产设计也在试验中,并试 图寻求定性改进。 Research questions are usefully revised and refined during the candidacy through reflection on the provisional outcomes of the designing. Disciplinary and design knowledge is advanced through cycles of creative application and critical reflection. In this way, the postgraduate project-based design research model offers a far greater capacity for an engagement with methodologies and processes that involve relevant disciplinary design and communication practices. Postgraduate candidates may undertake applied research through projects situated in industry contexts, but they often also engage in research through speculative and unbuilt works. 通过对临时设计成果的评论,参与者在研究过程中不断修改并完善研究问题。经过 反复的有建设性的申请和批判性的评论,不断加深学科设计知识。这样就给参与项 目型研究模式的研究生提供了更好的为从事含有相关学科设计和交流实践的教学模 式和过程的研究空间。尽管研究生可以通过与行业背景相符的项目进行应用研究, 但他们也经常通过纯理论和未成形作品进行研究。 Research embodied within these design project investigations is framed by an accompanying exegesis. Examinations involve an exhibition and verbal presentation to a panel of examiners, with assessment that focuses primarily on qualitative criteria. The project works, exegesis and exhibition documentation are submitted as an appropriate durable record, examples of which are available to be viewed within this exhibition. 借助注释,建立起一个包含有这些设计项目调查在内的研究框架。在主要强调定性 准则的评估下,考试是包含有一场展览和向专家组进行口头表述。项目作品,注释 和展览文献资料都作为适当持久记录(即Appropriate Durable Record,简称ADR) 上交,
在这个展览中随时可以一览所有材料。 For candidates weighing up whether to undertake research by project, a simple test is to consider whether this mode of working would enable relevant research investigations to occur that could not be readily undertaken otherwise. 对于研究生来说在衡量是否参与项目型研究之前,首先要考虑的一个简单的问题就 是这种模式能否激发相关研究调查,否则他们不会冒然参与研究。 Brent Allpress RMIT Architecture Research Director School of Architecture + Design RMIT University GPO Box 2476V Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia

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