Fine Arts Update Fall 2012

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The goal of this Fine Arts Update is to highlight the amazing successes and experiences that Brentwood Academy students have had over the past several months that you may have missed. Discover how some of our students and faculty have spent their summer, and catch up with one of our talented alumnae as she shares how she seeks to live a creative, artistic life beyond the walls of Brentwood Academy. We will fill you in on some of the exciting new changes to look forward to this upcoming school year, but mostly, we just want to celebrate the many wonderful opportunities that Brentwood Academy has to offer and encourage you to become a part of it.

Brentwood Academy is a co-educational, independent, college preparatory school dedicated to nurturing and challenging the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – to the glory of God.


MS FORENSICS TEAM NATIONAL RANKINGS This summer, the BA middle school forensics team took more competitors to the national tournament than ever before— a whopping eight students represented BA at the National Junior Forensic League National Tournament in Indianapolis! Compared to the 20 or 30 competitors that many teams brought, BA was one of the smallest teams at the tournament.

advanced three events to semifinals. Our semifinalists were Maddie Jarrard in Original Oratory, Michael Rankin and Maddie Jarrard in Duo Interpretation, Christopher Clark and Bryce Jarvis in Duo Interpretation, Christopher Clark and Cooper Smith in Prose Interpretation, Madison Reynolds in Poetry Interpretation, and Christopher Clark and Michael

the nation. The action continued in Storytelling finals, where Michael Rankin and Katherine Nesbitt placed third and fourth in the nation. And just like that, 1-2-3-4. The trophies and plaques were quite impressive… and shiny. The team’s unbelievable showing in semifinals and finals ranked BA as one of the top six teams in the nation.

My favorite thing about this team is the relationships they have built with one another. These guys had been traveling and competing together all year long. They’ve experienced highs together when a teammate wins at a tournament. They’ve also experienced disappointment when teammates don’t advance to final rounds. What’s impressive about this group is that, while forensics is more of an individual competition, they function as a unit— experiencing the ups and downs together. I can’t tell you how moved I was to see the students Mrs. Shanera Williamson, Madison Reynolds, Kayla Williamson, Maddie Jarrard, cheering for one another Katherine Nesbitt, Mrs. Jennifer Vickery Smith, Cooper Smith, Christopher Clark, when certain teammates Michael Rankin; Kneeling: Coach Ryan Hubbard, Bryce Jarvis advanced, and how touched I was to see them console and Thankfully, though, quality fares Rankin in Humorous encourage teammates when they better than quantity. While our Interpretation. Then it was time for didn’t advance. This is the quality I army may have been outnumbered the final rounds of competition. am talking about. BA has quality by the competition, our team’s The final rounds involve the top six students—both in talent and in preparation and natural ability paid competitors in the event, all character— and I am blessed to be off in the end. After four days of fighting for the national title. BA a part of such an outstanding competition, BA’s middle school had four students advance to final group. This was truly one of the forensics team placed more events rounds—which is half of our team! best weeks of my life—and not just in semifinals than ever before. The dynamic duo team of Cooper because we stopped by Holiday Eleven of our events were ranked Smith and Bryce Jarvis clinched the World on our way home. That’s among the top 12 in the nation! national championship in Duo another story. Three of our competitors— Interpretation! Cooper Smith also Ryan Hubbard, Coach Cooper Smith, Michael Rankin, and advanced to finals in Humorous Christopher Clark — each Interpretation, placing second in 2

What will YOU audition for this year?

US Forensics Tournament Schedule Wake Forest University September 6-9

Collierville High School November 30-December 1

Portland High School September 29

Western Kentucky University December 8

White House High School October 6

University of Alabama January 11-12

Morristown-West High School November 2-3

Emory University National Tournment January 25-27

The Glenbrooks Tournament (Chicago) November 16-19

Harvard University National Tournament February 15-18

Smoky Mountain Invitational (Gatlinburg, TN) February 21-23 National Qualifying Tournament (held at BGA) March 1-2 District Tournament March 8-9 THSSDL State Tournament at Rossville High School (Clarksville) April 12-13

Parents, If you are interested in judging a tournament, please notify Mr. Hubbard at




Tori Santi, Art III Arts in April: Best of Class Art Classes Choice: Best Mixed Media

Ryan Minnigan, AP Flight Cover


Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas. (Donatella Versace)

Sam Becci, AP Scholastic Regional Gold Arts in April: Best of Show

Creativity is contagious. Pass it on. (Albert Einstein)

Caroline Archer, 7th grade TAEA Show at the Renaissance Center


I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the


sense of what it is

Done to Death

to be a human

by Fred Carmichael


Once-famous mystery writers involve the audience

(Oscar Wilde)

as they apply their individual methods to solving various murders. They include a couple who write sophisticated murders, a young author of the James Bond school, a retired writer of the hard hitting method and an aging queen of the logical murder. Ingeniously packed into the script is a parody of every mystery plot, hero, and villain created in the past 50 years. The story alternates between reality and imagination as five mystery writers wrestle with the problem of writing a television mystery series. All around them murders occur, and each writer takes a turn at solving them in his own style. Performance dates for Done to Death are November 8 and November 10 at 7:00 PM and November 11 at 2:00 PM in the theatre.



Reflections on Governor’s School...

Governor's School. The first day was terrifying. One thing I had failed to realize was that I had absolutely NO friend base to work up from. None. That hasn't happened to me since fourth grade, when my family moved from Hendersonville to Brentwood. I realized that making new friends, starting from zero, required a lot more effort on my part than I was prepared for. Here in Brentwood, new friends kind of fall on your lap, and so being in that mindset I kind of sat back and thought, "I'll read a book, and new friends will just flock to me." That didn't exactly work. I was quite fortunate, however, to have a roommate who was absolutely wonderful: a film student, and very similar to me in personality and interests. We became good friends very quickly, and since HE (unlike me) is an extremely social creature, I was able to make a bunch of friends through him. If I hadn't had him as a roommate, I may very well have just sat under a tree and read books by myself the entire four weeks. As it was, I actually made about a million new friends. Even though there were about 250 of us, I think I got to know the vast majority pretty well. The average day would start by waking up around 6:30 or so, and eating breakfast at 7:00. From 8:00-10:00 my piano day started, with two hours of solitary practice time in a tiny practice room just large enough to hold a (wait for it) Steinway seven-foot grand. It was heaven. There were four rooms with a single grand in them, two rooms with two grands in them (for two-piano duet practice and such), and two rooms with basic upright pianos in them (all of the pianos were Steinways). These rooms were only allowed to be used by the piano students, and, since there were only eight of us, we had access to a Steinway grand pretty much whenever we wanted. Anyway, practice from 8:00-10:00. Then we would have class from 10:00-11:00. We had three classes, one for each week. The first week I took Alexander Method (sort of breathing and body instruction for instrumentalists), the second I took Voice, and the third week I took Improvisation. All of them were excellent, and I learned SO many important things. Then, after that, another piano student, Billy (my duet partner as well) and I would go down to Jazz Band practice from 10:00-11:00. We had a


seventeen-piece big band: four saxophones, four trombones, five trumpets, a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer, and two pianists (we switched off on tunes). On the first day, our instructor handed out a chart, had us look it over for about 30 seconds, and then told us to play it. We played it almost flawlessly. I have never been in a room with so many musicians that could just sight-read their parts that fast (including the drummer) and play with such professionalism. It blew me away. Everyone in Jazz was just so good that we didn't have any problems, we just swung. Our instructor, Mr. Barham, was a jolly old sax player who cursed like a sailor, and he is one of the wisest, funniest, and most encouraging men I have ever met. From there, we would go to lunch from 12:00-1:30. It usually only took me about 20 minutes to eat, so I would use that extra hour or so either to read or to practice some more. From 1:30-2:30 and from 3:30-5:00, the schedule changed every day. There would be one-hour or 30-minute slots where anyone might have a private lesson or duet coaching. If you weren't scheduled for either, then it was more practice for you! From 2:30-3:30 was master class, where all eight of us I'm still working to get rid pianists would gather in our of my stage fright. I think it's professor's finally starting to go away. studio to discuss all kinds of piano stuff. From 5:00-7:00 was free time, for dinner and then whatever else you might want to do (usually Frisbee). Then, at 7:00, we almost always had some sort of concert or event. We had occasional performances from outside artists, some faculty recitals, and some recitals of student chamber ensembles (like string quartets and such). Those concerts were usually over by 8:15 or so, and then we had until 10:30 to be in our dorms for dorm check, so that two hours was spent socializing in the quad between the dorms or in the lobby of our dorm, which was the biggest. After dorm checks, we were restricted to our dorm buildings, but we always had guys in my room, either playing poker, watching movies, or just hanging out. We usually didn't get to bed until 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning. We didn't exactly get much sleep. (By the way, this was Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday were mostly free, with maybe one or two required events, like a small concert or rehearsal). The main music that I worked on the entire time was duet music. Since I freaked out so much that week before Governor's School and lost sleep learning the music,

I was actually one of the most prepared of any of the piano students, which was a huge blessing. That way, I got to work on solo stuff a lot more than the other guys, who had to spend most of the time learning and perfecting their duet music. I had two duet pieces: a movement of a Mozart twopiano sonata, and a movement of a Bolcom rag suite for two pianos. Along with those I also had a two-piano, eight-hand (two people at each piano) piece which was a lot of fun. I also had one-eighth of a solo piano part accompanying the orchestra on the finale (Beethoven's Choral Fantasy in C Minor), where the piano part was split among all of the pianists, and everyone in music at Governor's School was on stage performing for that piece, instrumentalists and vocalists. On top of all that, I had five Jazz band tunes (my friend Billy played piano on the other three). All in all, I performed in five concerts. Every musician is required to audition for the honors recital, and there are semifinal rounds and final rounds. Only three pianists made it out of semifinals, and another got cut in the final audition rounds. Larry Shen, another pianist, and I made it into the recital, as well as a soprano singer, French horn player, guitarist, saxophonist, and clarinetist. It's the only recital in Governor's School that is purely solo music, so it was kind of a big deal! (And a huge surprise. I didn't even expect to make it past semifinals.) I played John Ireland's "In A May Morning," which is reminiscent of Debussy, but with some interesting modern harmonies. I auditioned for the Talent Show, and made it in as well! I played (and sang, which is slightly uncharacteristic) a little song called “Baby Grand” by Billy Joel and Ray Charles. On top of those two, I played in the Jazz Band concert (one of the most fun performances of my life), the big piano concert (where we played our duet and eight-hand pieces), and the finale concert, where we played the duet and eight-hand pieces again, and also played the Beethoven with the orchestra. I'm still working to get rid of my stage fright. I think it's finally starting to go away. Our main piano professor who was there all four weeks (there were two others, one from Pepperdine who came the first week, and one from Vanderbilt who came the third), Dr. Jerome Reed, is the piano professor and (I believe) the head of the entire music department at Lipscomb University. He is absolutely incredible. My private lessons with him were some of my favorite parts of the entire four weeks. We might play for a little while, but we mostly ended up talking about jazz, piano-psychology, and college. Dr. Reed was especially wonderful because he was the first legitimate authority (I mean, college music professor doesn't get much more

legitimate than that) to say that I NEED to go to school for music. (YES!) The best part was that he could tell that I wouldn't be happy as a classical pianist and needed to play jazz. He's convinced that I have to go to NYU, hands down. He believes I can "do it." Having him encourage me like that was made me so ready to work as hard as I can before auditions come around. Since I actually made friends, I didn't get as much reading time as I might have liked, but I still managed to read three books in four weeks, which was a decent rate, considering I only had about 30 minutes of reading time each day, if that. I read Steinbeck's Travels With Charley, Adams's Watership Down, and The Moviegoer. Add that to The Sun Also Rises and Life of Pi, and you have the total five books I've read all summer. Travels With Charley was exhilarating, and just, well, pleasant. That about sums it up. Watership Down was amazing, a fabulous story (a little slow at parts, but overall absolutely grand), and a wonderful book to read under a tree in the sunshine during lunch break. I loved The Moviegoer as well. There were quite a few moments in the book that really resonated with me, especially his concept of the "search," which really intrigued me. Although I liked the concepts discussed in the books, most of the characters really annoyed me. As much as I enjoyed the book, I didn't care for the characters. (And I'm sure Percy didn't mean for his characters to be lovable and relatable, so I don't think there's anything wrong with me not really liking any of the people.) All in all, I really liked it. On to Absalom, Absalom! (I read the first few pages, and they really intimidated me. His writing slightly overwhelms me, I'm not going to lie. I really have to individually digest every word to have any hope at understanding anything.) Leaving GSFTA was incredibly difficult, having become such close friends with so many people. It's been weird to be home, but I have a new conviction about practicing that's really exciting. I also have a rekindled love for classical music, and I have a huge list of music that I need to listen to. In fact, last night I took two hours and listened to all 19 of the Chopin Nocturnes straight through, and it was absolutely wonderful. My next solo pieces to work on are Un Sospiro by Liszt, and either the Fantasy in F Minor or the FantasyImpromptu in C# Minor by Chopin. DANIEL BYERS



Kensi Moore at the Academy Singers Rocketown performance.

Ben Mason, Libby Billington, Lizzy Nichols, Allison Yarbrough


Jazarus Dr u ms: Ba ss:

E l l i o t H u f f , Jo hn a t ho n W y a t t

S t e p he n Mi l l e r , S e t h Re y n o l d s

Gui tar : Ke ybo ar d s :

Mi cha e l D e n n i s o n

D a n i e l By e r s , Ma t t Bi n kl e y

Ba y l o r McK a y , N o a h F r a n ks , Tre Powell, C arson C onder T ro m b on e : Br o wn Ba i l e y

Tr u mp e ts :

French Horns:

Parker Evans, Daniel Byers

Joy Owin gs, Be n Robe r son

Clari n e t :

Seth Coomer

A m a n d a E a s t , Br y ce Pr ior , Be n Ma son , Be n j a m in Kidd, Anna Czarnik

S ax oph o n e s:


Front Row: Ben Mason, Bryce Prior, Amanda East the Jazarus Concert

SINGERS 2012-2013

Academy Singers SOPRANO I


Molly Vogel C a r m e n C a m p be l l Libby Billin gt on

W i l l Bo l i n g Ja ck Pr op st C hr i s C u r r i n



Tiffany Mangione H a le y Bu ske A d r i Mo r t o n

Jon a h Re e ls Lu ke Bla n ke n ship


Kensi Moore Reagan Stov enou r Jo H e le n Ba u lch

Daniel Byers at the Academy Singers Rocketown performance.


Be n Ma so n D a n ie l Bye r s

Stephen Miller at the Pyramid concert

PYRAMID 2012-2013

Pyramid Pr e s t o n C o r n e l i u s , Mi cha e l Re n n e r Ba ss: C a m p Mo o r e G u ita r S: Za n e G r a y , C hr i s t i a n D i Lu cchi o Aco u sti c Gu it ar / vo cal: A s hl y n C r a n f o r d K eyb o ar ds : Pa r ke r E v a n s , D a v i d A n d e r s o n D r u ms:

Ashlyn Cranford at the Pyramid Concert


New Faculty Roles in Fine A"s We are excited about the new additions to the fine arts department this year. In some cases, the instructors are brand new to Brentwood Academy; in other cases, the teachers are veteran BA instructors, whom we all know and love, and who will be in new roles this year. Throughout this newsletter, there are snapshots of who they are and which programs they will be teaching or directing. These professionals are respected experts in their fields and bring a high quality of teaching that will have a tremendous impact on the quality of our fine arts programs. Please make them welcome!

MRS. JENNIFER SMITH Growing up, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I was older, I would have replied “an entertainment reporter or a school teacher.” Well, I am beyond excited to bring the excitement of my career covering Nashville’s music industry into the classroom by teaching BA’s Evolution of Music class. After working for 14 years as a reporter and anchor in various markets around the country I came to Nashville, where I have been covering events in Music City for the past six years. I’ve interviewed top artists in every genre of music and hosted a weekly country music show airing on WSMV’s Channel 4 where I still fill in as a host throughout the year. I also produce stories that happen in our area for ABC’s Good Morning America, do voice-over and corporate video work. I have two students of my own at BA. Cooper, who is starting his freshman year and Conner, a 6th grader. This past year, I enjoyed getting to know many of the middle schoolers by helping to direct BA’s production of Holes. I enjoyed working with the incredibly talented Academy Singers as their stylist, and this year you will find me often with a camera in hand, as I will be photographing middle school events for BA. This summer I enjoyed traveling with the middle school forensics team to Indianapolis where four of our students placed in the top four in the nation. While in NYC, I caught a couple of shows on Broadway including Newsies and The Best Man. I have some super-fun projects, guest-speakers, and events lined up for my students this year. We are going to have a blast!



THEATRE ARTS MS. LISA GILLESPIE Versatile....vivacious....shor t.....Ms. Gillespie graduated from the University of Mississippi with a BFA in Performance Theatre with an emphasis on acting where she was also an award-winning member of the Ole Miss forensics team. Lisa's abilities have brought her numerous opportunities, including having served as head forensics coach (speech and debate, not that CSI stuff!) at St. Cecilia Academy in Nashville and acting and directing at the Boiler Room Theatre at the Factory in Franklin. Involved in theatre since being cast in the Enchanted Forest for a Memphis department store, favorite roles include Lottie in Enchanted April (Groundworks), Rona Lisa Peretti in 25th Putnam County Spelling Bee (BRT), Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd (BRT) and Mrs. Meers in Thoroughly Modern Millie (BRT). Currently, Ms. Gillespie is directing Steel Magnolias at the Boiler Room Theatre, and she is ecstatic to be joining the creative team at BA.

MRS. HOLLY SHEPHERD Holly Shepherd Urbanowicz (yes, she is married to our beloved Mr. U) will be directing the upper school fall play and the middle school play in addition to choreographing the upper school musical. This is Mrs. Shepherd’s 19th year at BA. She has an extensive resume of her directing, singing, acting, and choreographing experience and is looking forward to returning to her previous role as MS play director this year. What she’s been up to this summer: • choreographed Fiddler on the Roof at Chaffin’s Barn and Pippin at The Boiler Room Theatre • performed her original one-woman show for the TN State Employees Association • performed with her own band at private events in Nashville and Louisville, KY. • taught Musical Theatre Dance for the Metro Parks Summer Dance Intensive • sang at Crockett Park celebration and fireworks for the 4th of July with The Kadillacs • directed and choreographed three numbers for The Mother Goose Club (NPT/ PBS Children’s television show)



DANCE MRS. ROBYNE KENNEDY Mrs. Kennedy has a lot to smile about these days: she she is about to celebrate her son Jackson’s first birthday, she has a new role as creative director of dance, and she is more excited than ever to share her passion for dance with the new students and the returning dancers at BA. She has been putting the Academy Dancers through the paces with a rigorous rehearsal schedule this summer. She recently shared with me in an expectant tone, “I truly believe that we have the best group of Academy Dancers that BA has ever seen!” That is no small statement, considering the national success that we have experienced in the past. This is Mrs. Kennedy’s 11th year teaching dance and her sixth year at BA. She is excited that the dance program has expanded this year with new roles for Mrs. Shoemaker and Ms. Ellis, allowing her to focus more on the artistic and visionary elements of the program.

MRS. SARAH SHOEMAKER Many of you already know Mrs. Shoemaker, who began teaching at BA when Mrs. Kennedy was on maternity leave last year.. It did not take long to recognize that Mrs. Shoemaker was an excellent fit for BA and brought a variety of skills to the program. Mrs. Shoemaker was a professional dancer at the Augusta Ballet, as well as the founder of the Ensworth School of Dance. In addition to her impressive dance background, she also has a degree in business administration, which will come in handy as she takes on the new role of managing director of BA’s dance program. She will continue to work with Mrs. Kennedy and Ms. Ellis teaching dance to both upper school and middle school students. Always keeping busy, Mrs. Shoemaker taught jazz in the Vanderbilt Summer Dance Intensive and worked privately with students wanting to improve their ballet technique. But don’t put her in a dance box. She is also an actress who was recently cast in a music video for the band Taylor Made, and will appear in an upcoming Atlanta-based independent feature film. Her most important role, however, is being the mother of her two adorable children.



MR. JIM CHAPMAN Don’t look for Mr. Chapman in the old art room on the first floor of the fine arts building near the commons where he has resided for the past several years; he has moved to a new and improved space on the lower level of the fine arts building where Ms. Franzke’s class room was last year (room 514). The new space is larger, which will allow more elbow room for students working with pottery and ceramics. Be sure to check out his new digs!

MS. JOANNA FRANZKE But wait...If Mr. Chapman will be in Ms. Franzke’s room, where will Ms. Franzke be? Look for her in the Black Box Theatre where she will be teaching 7th grade drama, MS forensics electives and exploratories. Ms. Franzke will continue to teach US speech and help coach the US forensics team, but she is thrilled to be working again with middle school students (her favorite age group), returning to her previous role of MS forensics director.

MR. RYAN HUBBARD Now you may be wondering where Mr. Hubbard will be since Ms. Franzke will now be in the Black Box? Elementary, my dear! You can find Mr. Hubbard on the first floor of the fine ar ts building near the commons in Mr. Chapman’s old room. Mr. Hubbard’s primary responsibilities will be teaching US speech and working as director of the US forensics team. He is also the improv coach for The Academy Players.


WHAT’S YOUR SPECIALTY? Couldn’t fit dance into your schedule this semester? Audition for a specialty number that will be featured in the Spring Dance Show. Rehearsal times meet outside regular dance hours, and any BA student can audition for a spot. Mark your calendars now for the auditions coming up this fall. Check the dance studio bulletin board for the rehearsal schedules to see if you can commit before you audition. Contemporary Specialty Audition Friday, September 28 at 2:30 PM Choreographer: Alicia McPhee Jazz Specialty Audition Friday, October 19 at 2:30 PM Choreographer: Kirstin Hawk

Hip Hop Specialty Audition Wednesday, October 24 Choreographer: Zach Walker Musical Theatre Audition To Be Announced Choreographer: Sarah Shoemaker

ACADEMY DANCERS TO COMPETE The Upper School Academy Dancers will compete in the TSSAA State Dance Team Competition for the first time ever. The competition is in November at MTSU. They have been working hard on choreography all summer. The Middle School Academy Dancers will compete in a regional dance team competition December 1 in Gatlinburg.


MS. ERIN ELLIS BA dance teacher, Erin Ellis, found her love for dance while training for 15 years at DC Dance Factory in Nashville, TN. Her training provided numerous opportunities to share her passion for dance with many others throughout the country. She was recognized as one of the Top Ten Girls on Season Two of the popular Fox television show So You Think You Can Dance and has appeared on the CMT Awards Show, CMA Awards Show, BET Gospel Celebration, and The CeCe Winans DVD. Erin was featured in ESPN’s past two Monday Night Football commercials with Hank Williams Jr. and has appeared in music videos with Gloriana, Leann Rimes, Royal Tailor, and John Michael Montgomery. She has performed with other artists such as Luke Bryan, Big and Rich, Neal McCoy, Billy Gilman, and Alvin Love. Erin is a recent graduate from The University of Tennessee where she majored in Exercise


Science and earned a bachelor of science in education degree. She was on the nationally ranked University of Tennessee dance team, where she currently holds two national championships. In addition to working with the Brentwood Academy program, Erin guest teaches and choreographs for many studios and dance teams across the country and hopes to further her dance education as well as continue her dance career.


T H I N K YO U C A N , O R T H I N K YO U C A N ’ T.

Y O U ’ R E R I G H T. ( H E N RY F O R D )



17 17

Middle School Dancers at the Spring Dance Performance

MRS. SHOEMAKER Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion. (Martha Graham)


Kara Anderson, Art III Congressional District finalist

Olivia Meers, Art I Arts in April: Best of Class, Best Painting


DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Kate Vogel, Sculpture, Arts in April: Best Sculpture


Luke Newman, Photography Arts in April: 2nd place Best Photo Tiana Trotz, AP Arts in April: Best Mixed Media

Molly Peach, Photography TAEA: Best of the Best Photography Arts in April: Best Photo


Pursuing Her Passion... Mary Lewis Rosenbaum ’98 Finds Success With Photography

What job regularly takes a person back and forth from Orange County to Nashville? Taking a few months off following college gave Mary Lewis Rosenbaum '98 a reason to shoot photos, and the result of pursuing her passion during that six-month "break" has turned into a successful, rewarding career as a professional photographer. These days, Mary ’98 and her husband Adam ’98 (high school sweethearts at BA) trade time between California and Tennessee in order to keep up with her thriving business, Mary Rosenbaum Photography, as well as with Adam's career as a writer and filmmaker. Having had her work featured in Southern Living Brides,The Knot, Nashville Lifestyles, and on NBC's Dateline, Mary describes herself as a "storyteller who loves to capture a moment without a bride or groom even realizing I am in the room." Just a glance at the romantic images that fill her website ( gives the client a clear sense of her personal, organic, warm style. Although Mary will always capture the traditional images, her artistic vision reflects the uniqueness of every bride and each special location. I wondered what inspired Mary, other than her creative genius husband and

two beautiful children, Elliot and Winston. "I don't have one specific person, but I do believe in the power of consuming art in all forms. I think it shapes you subconsciously and great visual images just stick in your brain and become part of your creative DNA," she mused. The wedding photography industry can be competitive, but Mary counts herself blessed when she started to have a community of people who

“You have to make things happen for yourself and not sit around and wait for the big break or the right client just to fall in your lap.” "met me for coffee, reviewed my portfolio, let me second shoot for them, etc. Working with other people and collaborating has shaped my shooting and business styles." What advice would Mary give to our current students thinking about how they may want to pursue the arts as a career? She is young at heart but seems wise beyond her years, offering this sage advice, "First, read all those books that seem lame; you'll regret it later if you don’t…" Did her successful career drop mysteriously from the

sky one sunny California day? Absolutely not. Mary reflected on the idea of proactivity and work, "I fully believe in making your own fate.You have to make things happen for yourself and not sit around and wait for the big break or the right client just to fall into your lap.You MUST be proactive if you want to succeed in any arena ~ creative, business, etc." Being unafraid to pursue her dreams by doing exactly what she loved has been a blessing, but she offers a bit of caution as well, advising "do what you love, but find a way to earn a living actually doing it. Being a starving artist isn't as fun as it sounds." Mary and Adam were both dynamic participants in BA's fine arts programs, soaking up activities ranging from musicals to forensics to Academy Singers. Mary remembers falling in love with photography and even her first camera, "I still have and use my little film Canon Rebel, and head shots were always one of my favorite parts of a show. I know my BA days taught me how to juggle and balance my interest in art along with other responsibilities." The Rosenbaums are a stellar example of BA students who have entwined their passion for the arts into careers that span the country. Lindsay Fowlkes ’86



A Special Note to #r Alumni...

Have you ever wondered what that super-creative or unusually talented BA classmate of yours ended up doing after graduation? We did. So, we began to think about featuring a few fine arts alums with creative careers in this publication and quickly realized that there were so many fascinating stories to share with you that a separate publication was warranted. It is inspiring to see how so many of our talented former students are using their gifts in unique and inventive ways. Look for an upcoming publication this fall highlighting the creative careers that many of our fine arts alumni are pursuing. To include information on a creative career that you have or someone you may know has, please contact: jenny_oldham@brentwoodacademy or lindsay_fowlkes@brentwoodacademy.

Life and Work Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. (Steve Jobs)


Music Notes Check out our very own Jim Chapman singing bass vocals on "Sing 'em Good, My Friend," the #3 cut on Kenny Chesney's latest release Welcome to the Fish Bowl on BNA Records.

Mr. Rick Palmiter, lower brass instructor, has been keeping busy this summer playing with Bone Therapy, a trombone choir with about 18 members. He also volunteered with Bugles Across America to play “Taps” for local military funerals when they want a live bugler instead of the electronic bugle. Mr. Palmiter remarked on the beauty of the ceremony, “The funeral service for a veteran with military honors is such an emotionally moving experience with the honor guard all dressed out, the flag-draped coffin and then the bugle playing ‘Taps.’” Many of us recognize the memorable melody to this historical tune, which is composed entirely from the notes of the C major triad (C, E, and G) but few know the meaningful lyrics: TAPS Day is done, gone the sun, From the lake, from the hills, from the sky; All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Fading light, dims the sight, And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright. From afar, drawing nigh, falls the night. Thanks and praise, for our days, 'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, neath the sky; As we go, this we know, God is nigh.

I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life. (Miles Davis)

Mr. Joe Smyth, percussion instructor extraordinaire, finished up a series of school presentations with his Matrix Percussion Trio, funded by a grant from the Berklee College of Music Alumni Fund. Then he flew to New Orleans to perform with the Celebrate Israel Orchestra at the SBC annual meeting. Mr. Smyth is the drummer for Sawyer Brown and spent much of the summer performing for state and county fairs and festivals with the popular country band in TN, KY, IL, WI, MN, UT, NV, CA, OR, WA, WY, MT, ID. CO, MS, OH, and Canada.

In April, Mr. Jeffrey Scot Wills, BA’s woodwind instructor, was a guest of the United States Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago. He also performed with members of “The President's Own” United States Marine Band, America’s oldest professional musical organization. Mr. Wills found time to be the guest artist with The Renaissance Singers in Chillicothe, Ohio and performed with Denny Jiosa at the Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga. Mr. Wills’ band, The Nu Muze Kartel, has released their first recording, Time 4 Somethin’ Nu, which has a limited hard copy pressing, but MP3’s may be ordered at


What do Wonder Woman, The Nutty Professor and Sandy have in common?

Mr. Coil, Of Course! He is no stranger to working with world famous celebrities like Michael McDonald, Carmen McCrae, Amy Grant, Vince Gill, Woody Herman, Natalie Cole, Trisha Yearwood, BeBe & CeCe Winans, Travis Tritt, Peter Cetera and Woody Herman (whew!). Mr. Coil’s talent spans the musical spectrum of pop, jazz, R&B, gospel and country music. He toured with Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) this summer and has played for the The Nutty Professor musical at TPAC. Just to keep things interesting, he’ll be on the road with Olivia Newton John (Sandy) this fall and teaching at MTSU. Oh yeah, and he also teaches jazz band and rock band at BA, but the thing he is most proud of right now is his brand new grandaughter! The Pat Coil Sextet, with Annie Sellick, recently headlined the Franklin Jazz Festival on Sept. 1. Mr. Coil has recorded six solo jazz albums of his own, the third one being a collaboration with Lyle Mays. True North and his new album Birdhouse are available at and


“The Play’s the thing.” (William Shakespeare)


WHAT MUSICAL WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO SEE BA PERFORM IN THE SPRING? Annie Children of Eden The Drowsy Chaperone Hairspray A Little Shop of Horrors Thoroughly Modern Millie 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee West Side Story Fiddler on the Roof The Wizard of Oz Anything Goes Big River

Write your choice from the list above or add one of your own ideas and drop it in the basket on the fine arts table in the backstage lobby.

Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made. (George Burns)


THEATRE RENOVATION In addition to the science labs, the dining hall, the gym, and other common areas in the upper school, the theatre has undergone extensive renovations this summer. BA’s technical director, Jan Urbanowicz, has worked hand-in-hand with the lighting and audio suppliers to ensure that every aspect of the new upgrade will be an improved experience for our actors and student technicians. New seating, carpeting and drapes have, no doubt, beautifully transformed the space, but when asked what is the most impressive part of the renovation, Mr. U. does not hesitate: “There is no question that the biggest improvement to the room is the additional lighting rail which allows lamps to be focused on the critical center stage and down stage areas which have not been properly lit in the past.”

LED LAMPS Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been installed on the new rail which require less power than conventional stage lights. The energy-efficient bulbs do not need to be changed as often, so less time is spent on a ladder changing bulbs. Another benefit is that the LEDs emit red, green and blue (RGB) light, and color is controlled from the console in the booth with the ability to create an endless variety of color without needing to replace gels. And if you have ever sweltered in a hot costume under the intense heat of halogen stage lights, you will notice that LEDs do not produce much heat, providing lower energy bills and a much more comfortable environment.


New seating, carpeting, paint, and drapes give the theatre a huge face-lift.

BOSE SOUND SYSTEM A state-of-the-art vertical line array speaker system has been installed, which evenly distributes sound output patterns so that every seat in the house is a good seat. High- mid- and low-frequency speakers are closely rigged together to form a column with a very narrow vertical output pattern useful for focusing sound at audiences without wasting output energy on ceilings or empty air above the audience. The lower portion of the line array is curved backward to increase dispersion at the bottom of the array and allows sound to reach more audience members. You won’t believe your ears!

STAGE TROUGHS Audio monitors are unsightly and can disrupt an audience member’s sight line to the performers. Mr. U. designed a series of two foot deep recessed troughs that run across the foot of the stage so that monitors, up-lighting and special effect equipment, like fog machines, may be stored, hidden from view of the audience. Covers can be placed over the troughs and are completely flush to the floor so that the recessed area may be walked upon, if desired. In addition, there are two small trap doors right and left of the downstage area that will serve a variety of theatrical purposes.

Jan Urbanowicz, BA’s technical director, at the audio console in the newly renovated sound and lighting booth.


ART ACCOLADES BA’s art students made a splash at our annual Arts in April showcase. Several of our outstanding artists were also recognized at the Tennessee Art Education Association’s Best of the Best Exhibit . Best Painting:

1. Oilivia Meers, Art I, 12th 2. Samantha Becci, AP 2-D, 12th 3. Carolina Meneses, Art II, 10th Best Drawing:

1. Tiana Trotz, AP 2-D, 12th 2. Gracie Knestrick, Art II, 10th 3. Will Reynolds, Art II, 11th

Best of the Best Molly Peach and Mallory Glascow, were

Best Sketch:

1. Kara Anderson, Art III, 11th 2. Evelyn Kaestner, Art III, 11th 3. Tiana Trotz, AP 2-D, 12th

honored at the Tennessee Art Educa7on Associa7on Best of the Best Student

Best Mixed Media:

1. Tiana Trotz, AP 2-D, 12th 2. Samantha Becci, AP 2-D, 12th 3. Parker Brown, Art II, 11th

Art Exhibi7on represen7ng

the Middle Tennessee Region at Belmont

Best Printmaking:

1. Bailey Brown, Art I, 10th 2. Kamil Malone, Art I, 10th 3. Bryce Hatten, Art I, 12th

University on July 10. Molly won Best Photography and Mallory won Best

Best Sculpture:

1. Kate Vogel, Sculpture/Ceramics, 12th 2. Sam Shepard, Sculpture/Ceramics, 12th 3. Tie: Sam Shepard 12th,

Ceramics. We look forward to entering this state-­‐wide compe77on again this fall.

Madison Renner, Art I Art Classes Choice: Best Drawing Flight

Barnes Brown, 10th

Best Photography:

1. Molly Peach, Photo, 11th 2. Luke Newman, Photo, 12th 3. Margo Kaestner, Photo, 12th Best of Class, Art I: 1. Olivia Meers, 12th

2. Amanda Haley, 10th 3. Elizabeth Wright, 10th


Mallory Glasgow TAEA Exhibition Best Ceramics

Best of Class Art II:

1. Tie: Gracie Knestrick, 10th

Christi Graham, 10th

2. Margo Pefanis, 11th 3. Amanda Eidson, 10th Best of Class, Art III:

1. Tie: Tori Santi, 11th, Molly Peach, 11th 2. Tori Santi, 11th 3. Anna Storey, 12th Best of Class AP 2-D:

1. Tiana Trotz, 12th 2. Ryan Minnigan, 12th 3. Tie: Tiana Trotz, 12th Samantha Becci, 12th Art Classes Judging Best Painting:

1. Molly Peach, Art III, 11th 2. Tori Santi, Art III, 11th 3. Olivia Meers, Art I, 12th Art Classes Judging Best Drawing:

Christi Graham, Art II Arts in April: Best of Class (tie with Gracie Knestrick)

1. Madison Renner, Art I, 10th 2. Tiana Trotz, AP 2-D, 12th 3. Madison Renner, Art I, 10th Art Classes Judging Best Mixed Media:

1. Tori Santi, Art III, 11th 2. Tiana Trotz, AP 2-D, 12th 3. Woody Baron, Art III, 12th Art Classes Judging Best Printmaking:

1. Allison Cheeseman, Art I, 10th 2. Bailey Brown, Art I, 10th 3. Madeline Kolb, Art I, 10th Art Classes Judging Best Sculpture:

1. Sam Shepard, 12th 2. Kate Vogel, 12th 3. Katie Napier, 10th Art Classes Judging Best Photography:

1. Molly Peach, 11th 2. Molly Peach, 11th 3. Luke Newman, 12th Art Classes Judging Best of Show: Samantha Becci, AP 2-D, 12th

Evelyn Kaestner Selected for Governor’s School Senior Evelyn Kaestner attended the Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts, a month-long summer program for rising 11th and 12th grade students in Tennessee. She was selected for this scholarship from more than 1,300 applicants after the highly competitive process of submitting a portfolio of her best work and an in-person interview. The pre-professional summer curriculum includes individual and group instruction designed to help each student explore and develop his or her talents in music, ballet, theatre, filmmaking, and visual art. About four hours a day, six days a week are spent working in the major area of concentration. The Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts exists to provide high quality arts education for gifted and talented high school students in the state of Tennessee.


DiLucchio and Boling Compete in Indianapolis Michael DiLucchio and Will Boling represented Brentwood Academy's upper school at the 2012 National Forensic League National Tournament in Indianapolis. When asked about the headiness of this impressive accomplishment, DiLucchio remarked, “Nationals was one of my favorite experiences in my life and the highlight of my summer. It was amazing to be among the top competitors in the nation and compete side by side with them. It was also awesome to meet people from all over the country who share my love for forensics. My experience was incredible and I can't wait to work hard to qualify for a second time.” Michael DiLucchio finished in the top 60 out of 250 competitors in Humorous Interpretation in upper school competition.

One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested. (E.M. Forster)

Molly Vogel’s Digital Fiimmaking Class at UCLA; Molly is pictured center, 6th from the left on the 2nd row.


F UT U RE SP I E L B E RG ? Molly Vogel Spends Her Summer Filmmaking in Los Angeles The UCLA School of Theater Film and Television has an international reputation for quality education in developing individual voices of the next generation of filmmakers. It’s graduates include the likes of Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather), Alexander Payne (About Schmit), Justin Lin (Fast and Furious, Tokyo Drift), and Brad Silberling (Lemony Snicket). This same passion and quality is now being brought to a younger generation of voices with the UCLA Arts Camp in Digital Filmmaking. One of those young voices is Molly Vogel, who spent a week at the film camp making a five-minute film that told a story using absolutely no dialogue. Molly describes how she was able to learn so much in a short period of time, “In one day, we came up with a story, wrote the script, and story-boarded it. The next day, we had only four hours to film; I learned a lot about cameras and lighting when trying to film on the go. After that, we had two days to edit the film.” The camp was taught by award-winning professionals who are faculty of the UCLA film and television department. Molly was

introduced to the basic techniques of digital production and post-production, and got to work on an actual soundstage in the film, television and digital media department of the school, which uses the same equipment and cameras that UCLA

“It was a challenge and very stressful, but it was definitely a wonderful experience!” students use for projects. Molly explains, “I learned how to use the editing system Final Cut Pro, along with everything else a director does in the film-making process. It was a challenge and very stressful, but definitely a wonderful experience!.” Molly’s avid interest in filmmaking is a logical outgrowth of her love for movies and her considerable stage performance skills, most notably, singing and acting. UCLA’s camp was a wonderful way to combine her interests and learn what it might be like to pursue filmmaking as a career.

You will miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. (Wayne Gretsky)


Follow your bliss. Find where it is, and don't be afraid to follow it. (Joseph Campbell)

Molly Peach, Art III, Arts in April: Best of Class (Tie with Tori Santi)Â Art Classes Choice: Best Painting Molly Peach, Art III Arts in April: Best of Class (Tie with Tori Santi) Art Classes Choice: Best Painting

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Gracie Knestrick, Art II Arts in April: Best of Class, Flight


(Scott Adams)

“What’s my line?” The 2012-2013 Academy Players have been selected. Look for BA’s unscripted improvisational team to perform at various pep rallies and assemblies throughout the year, as well as free performances on December 14 at 6:30 PM and May 17 at 6:30 PM. This season’s comedic line-up includes Standing: Eric Henniger, Michael DiLucchio, Parker Graham, Jake Keller; On Bench: Amanda Haley, Caroline Buchanon, Nailah HakeemBrown, Jack McGregor; On the Floor: Ben Mason, Camp Moore.

2012 - 2013

Academy Players

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." (Elbert hubbard)


Academy Singers Release a Collection of Favorites If you have not yet goMen your copy of the Legacy CD; it is not too late! Legacy is a two-­‐volume CD of 40 memorable Academy Singers' songs. This collec7on is a tribute to Academy Singers alumni from 1989 -­‐ 2011 and includes several remixed and remastered selec7ons. Listening to this CD will bring back so many wonderful memories of the music and the special people who contributed their talents to BA. CDs are available in the BA Bookstore for $20. BUT WAIT... We have received many requests for favorites that were not included on the CD. Our venerable producer, ScoM Williamson, has remixed and remastered many more songs from years past for you to enjoy. The links below will take you to these classic gems. 1992 1993 1992 1994 1992 1994 1997 1993 1994 1993 1994 1997 1994

219 Granny White Pike Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

35 (615) 373-0611

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