ShapeMill Eng-Zh 2015

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NCF 1200/2T NCF 1600/2T NCF 2000/2T

带有 5 个插补轴的 CNC 铣削中心专用于切割、塑造轮廓和旋转操作 CNC milling centre with 5 interpolated axes designed for cutting, contouring and turning operations


pemill SHAPEMILL 是一个带有五个插补轴的 CNC 铣削中心,

SHAPEMILL 具有卓越的性能:

专用于塑造轮廓、切割和旋转操作。它同时还是一个固定 工作台,可使用户执行多种不同的复杂的机床加工(对于 其他产品来说,可能需要多个机床才能完成):

• “快速”移位,每分钟最多40 米;

• 使用锯条对物料块进行造型,以获得具有复杂形状的大 尺寸加工产品。 • 使用铣削刀具进行造型和加工。 • 使用造型刀具塑造轮廓。 • 使用锯条将板条或物料块切割成多个工件。 • 通过带各种造型轮廓的柱进行旋转,可沿表面制造出扭 曲效果。

• 大型工作台,尺寸可达 4.000x3.500 毫米 • 大功率高频主轴;39.6 千瓦;

• 切割锯条的最大直径:1.000 毫米; •“C” 轴旋转:± 200°;

•“A” 轴旋转:从 0° 至 +115°; •“X” 轴行程:3.500/4.000 毫米; •“Y” 轴行程:2.800/5.500 毫米; •“Z” 轴行程:1.200/2.000 毫米;

• 可使用各种锯条、造型刀具、钻机、铣床等;

• 自动刀具库,带有 27 刀具位 + (可选)2 个锯条 位。

CNC 铣削中心专用于切割、塑造轮廓和旋转操作

l NCF SHAPEMILL is a CNC milling centre designed for contouring, cutting and turning with five interpolated axes and a fixed work-table offering users the possibility of multiple and complex machining operations which would otherwise require several machines: • shaping of blocks or billets utilising a saw blade to obtain large size workpieces with complex shape. • shaping and creating recesses utilising milling tools. • contouring utilising shaped tools. • cutting slabs and billets into workpieces utilising a saw blade. • turning of columns with shaped profiles or machining of columns to create a twisted effect all along the surface.

SHAPEMILL stands out for performance:

• “rapid” displacements of up to 40 metres per minute; • giant work-table sizing up to 157.5x137.8 in; • powerful high-frequency spindle of 53 HP; • max. diameter of the cutting saw blade: 39.4 in; • “C” axis rotation: ± 200°; • “A” axis rotation: from 0° to +115°; • “X” axis travel: 137.8 / 157.5 in; • “Y” axis travel: 110.3 / 216.5 in; • “Z” axis travel: 47.2 / 78.7 in; • possibility of using various saw blades, shaped tools, drills, millers, etc.; • automatic tool-store with 27 positions + (optional) 2 positions for the saw blade;


NCF 1200/2T SHAPEMILL NCF 1600/2T NCF 2000/2T

pemill SHAPEMILL 具有卓越的结 构特性

SHAPEMILL stands out for its structural features

• 钢质工作台:紧固于地面,具有带槽的铝顶(该槽用于 安装用于紧固工件的固定装置)。

• Steel work-table secured to the ground, with aluminium top with recesses for mounting fixtures to secure the work piece in place.

• 桥和“机架”移动:沿地面导轨的柱(“X”轴)和辊轴 滑道移动;驱动组件包含一个可精确到百分之一的齿轮 架系统(带 6 DIN 3961 Alpha 质量等级),以及带 Alpha 齿轮隙调整系统的高精度减速齿轮;由 Siemens 数字无 刷电机驱动。

• Beam with “gantry” movement along the shoulders (“X” axis) on ground guides and roller sliding block assemblies; the drive assembly consists of a pinion-andrack system with rack precision to hundredths, with 6 DIN 3961 Alpha quality grade, and precision reduction gears with Alpha backlash adjustment system; the motorization is by Siemens digital brushless-type motors.

• 主轴托架:由铸铁制成,在辊轴滑道上运行(“Y” 轴) ;驱动组件包含由无刷数字电机驱动的精密齿轮架系 统。 主轴钢质套管(“Z” 轴)垂直安放在托架内,通 过球形轴承螺钉/预加载导杆螺母/数字无刷电机系统进行 移动。

• Spindle carriage manufactured from iron casting and moving on roller sliding block assemblies (“Y” axis); the drive assembly consists of a precision pinion-and-rack system powered by a digital brushless-type motor. The spindle steel cylinder (“Z” axis) is positioned vertically on the inside of the carriage and is moved by a ball bearing screw / preloaded lead nuts / digital brushless-type motor system. Provided with a pneumatic balancing system.


pemill • Birotary head for interpolated 5-axis machining. The head has a symmetrical structure and consists of two main structural elements, the first (“C” axis) for ± 200° rotation around its own vertical axis and the second element (“A” axis) rotating from 0° to +115° and housing the highfrequency spindle. Rotation transmission are provided by brushless-type motors.

• 6-pole 53 HP high-frequency spindle, cooled by a closed circuit electric-cooling system, which has a rotational speed of up to 7.000 rpm and a steep torque curve so as to supply the maximum power even when rotating slowly (e.g. with a 39.4 in ø saw blade at 1.000 rpm, the maximum power is supplied). The high-frequency spindle is fitted with a HSK-A100 / B100 conical coupling for the milling tools and saw blade and provided with an internal and external tool cooling system. N.B. saw blades with diameters of 31.5 in and over must be secured to the spindle manually with a flange.

• 扭曲刀具头:可进行插补式 5 轴加工。 刀具头具有 对称结构,它包含两个主结构单元,第一个(“C” 轴)可围绕其垂直轴进行 ± 200° 的旋转,第二个 (“A” 轴)可从 0° 至 +115° 进行旋转并带有高 频主轴。 旋转传输由无刷电机提供。 • 6 柱 39.6 千瓦高频电机主轴:由闭环电子冷却系 统冷却。转速可达 7.000 转/分钟,具有较陡的扭 矩曲线,可提供最大功率。即使缓慢旋转时也可 提供最大功率(如直径 1.000 毫米 ø 锯条,转速 1.000 转/分钟,可提供最大功率)。 电机主轴配有 HSK-A100 / B100 锥形刀具筒夹(用于盛放铣削刀 具和锯条),并带有内部和外部刀具冷却系统。 注意: 锯条直径为800 毫米或更大,必须用法兰手 动紧固于主轴。 • Carousel 刀具库:具有 27 个刀具位。 • 刀具库:锯条刀具库。最大直径为600 毫米,紧固 于侧柱上,最多 2 个锯条刀具位(可选附件)。 • 车床:用于生成柱子和扭曲效果,可工作尺寸为: ø 1.080/1.600 x 3.200 毫米(可选附件)。 • 前部防护栏:包含一系列手动打开的滑动门;门为 结构式,具有较宽的检查口。 铣削中心的后部附近 有一组钢质面板。

• Carousel tool magazine with 27 cells. • Store for saw blade with a max. diameter of 23.6 in, secured to the side shoulders, for 2 positions as a maximum (optional accessory). • Lathe for producing columns and twisted effect details with workable sizes: ø 42.5/63x126 in (optional accessory). • Frontal protection barrier consisting of a series of sliding doors with manual opening; doors are made from structure and are provided with wide inspection ports. The rear part of the milling centre is closed by a set of steel plate panels.

l NCF • Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL:最新的数字控制的计算机数控系统, 带有 PC 架构和使用 Windows 操作系统的 PC 设备,具有 Windows 用户界面和完整开发的工作程序管理软件。

• Siemens Sinumerik 840D SL: the latest digitally-controlled computer numerical control system, with PC architecture and a PC unit utilising Windows as operating system, with Windows userfriendly interface and fully-developed software for work program management.


l NCF • 控制台:安装在可移动的悬挂结构上,配有 15 英寸显示 屏和一个控制杆(用于轻松移动由电机驱动的工作轴) 以及一个 USB 端口(用于数据传输)。

• Control console mounted on a mobile pendant structure and equipped with a 15-inch touch-screen colour monitor, a joystick to easily move the motorized working axes movement and a USB port for data transfer.

• 手持式装置:与主控制台相连,可用作主控制台(轴管 理 + 手轮,紧急停止等);使用手持式装置,操作员可 以靠近加工工件,从而直接控制一些精细的加工操作。

• Portable mini console, wired to the main control console, to duplicate the major controls (axes management + hand-wheel, emergency shut-down, etc.); this portable mini console allows the operator to be close to the piece to be machined thus controlling directly some delicate machining operations.

• 电气装置和实控装置:位于两个带 IP54 级保护的电气柜 中,由空调进行冷却。空调最大外部温度为 +45°C。

• Electrics and utilities are housed in two cabinets with IP54 grade of protection and cooled by an air conditioning unit specially designed for a maximum external temperature of +45°C.

• 卓越的质量组件:

• Superior quality components: • racks with precision up to hundredths and 6 DIN 3961 Alpha quality grade; • precision reduction gears with Alpha backlash adjustment system; • Siemens digital brushless-type motors; • Siemens CNC unit;

• 高精度机架(精度可达百分之一)和 Alpha 质量等级




• 带 Alpha 齿轮隙调整系统的高精度减速齿轮 • Siemens 数字无刷电机 • Siemens CNC 单元

easy to operate facile da condurr SHAPEMILL 远程服务

SHAPEMILL Teleservice

为了确保在需要时获得有效的技术支持,系统需要互联网 连接。

An Internet connection is required in order to ensure an effective technical support in case of need.

pemill 模拟工作循环的软件

当把机床加工中心分成多个部件(机床结构、主轴、刀具库、刀具)时,本软件可模拟 SHAPEMILL 。 对于要加工的 工件,本软件可导入由 CAM 程序(ISO 代码)生成的文件并模拟完整加工循环,从而发现可能造成的影响。

l NCF Software for simulating work cycles

This software allows to simulate SHAPEMILL when working by dividing the machining centre into different parts: machine structure, axes, spindle, tool-magazine, tools. The software imports the file generated by the CAM program (ISO code) for the piece to be machined and simulates the entire machining cycle, thus detecting any possible impact which may occur.

pemill 用于 3D 编程的 BretonSmartCam 软件

BretonSmartCam 软件是一个 CAD/CAM 集成环境,用于创建复 杂表面,以供带 5 个插补轴的数控铣削和切割中心机床进行加工 (使用集成 CAM)。 本软件用户界面友好,运行于 Windows 环 境,具有下列功能:


• 带参数的 2D 绘图

• 层、式样和色彩管理 • 项目结构管理 • 测量

• Windows TrueType 文本管理 • 管理机床加工操作。刀具在要加工工件的区域内移动。 • 管理 2D 和 3D 齿条 • 表面模型 • 表面阴影 • 以标准商用格式导入文件: (IGES、STEP、Rhino、DXF、DW 等) • 以标准商用格式导出文件

CAM: • 使用多个后处理程序 • 用于表面轮廓塑造的多刀具管理 • 机床加工结构管理 • 钻孔、锯割、铣削和造形等刀具的使用 • 机床加工式样管理 • 用锯条进行插补切割 • 根据预定义部分进行轮廓塑造和垂直袋操作 • 用铣床和锯条等刀具进行粗铣削和精加工操作 • 直线和曲线轮廓塑造 • 小物料块饰面 • 用锯条进行表面刷理 • 用预选刀具角度进行 5 轴加工 • 预选设备管理(真空吸盘、工件接触探针等) • 刀具路径模拟 • 工件/设备防撞击系统

l NCF BretonSmartCam software for 3D programming

BRETONSMARTCAM software is a CAD/CAM integrated environment enabling to create complex surfaces which can be subsequently machined (using the integrated CAM) by numerical control milling and cutting centres with 5 interpolated axes. This software, with a userfriendly interface, runs on Windows and has the following functions:

CAD: • parametric 2D drawing. • management of layers, styles and colours. • project structured management. • measurements. • management of Windows TrueType texts. • management of machining operations in which the tool moves within the area of the workpiece to be machined. • management of 2D and 3D splines. • surface modelling. • surface shading. • import of files in standard commercial formats: (IGES, STEP, Rhino, DXF, DW, etc.). • export of files in standard commercial formats. CAM: • utilization of multi-postprocessor. • multiple tool management for surface profiling. • machining structured management. • utilises tools for drilling, blade sawing, milling and shaping. • management of machining styles. • interpolated cutting with saw blade. • contouring and vertical recessing operations following a predefined section. • rough milling and finishing operations with tools such as millers and saw blades. • linear and curved profiling. • small block facing. • surface brushing with saw blade. • 5-axis machining with preselected tool angle. • management of preselected equipment (vacuum cups, piece touch probe, etc.). • tool path simulation. • workpiece/equipment anti-impact system.

mill NC • 车床:用于生成柱子和扭曲效果,可工作尺 寸为:ø 1080/1600 x 3.200毫米 (可选附件)。 • Lathe for producing columns and twisted effect details with workable sizes: ø 42.5/62.3 x 126 in. (optional accessory). 自动刀具控制(可选附件) 它包含一个激光系统,可测量刀具轮廓 的百分之一(安装在机床柱上)。还包 含一个软件,可自动将用于抛光边缘的 刀具系列的轮廓对齐。 本软件还能检查每个刀具的消耗情况和 工作效率。

Automatic tool control (optional accessory). It consists of a laser system for measurement to hundredths of the tool profile (installed on a shoulder of the machine) and of a software that automatically aligns the profiles of the series of tools that polish the edge. This software can also check the consumption and efficiency of each tool.

CF 100 • 吸盘,可机械锁定, H=230毫米 (可选附件)。 • Suction cups with mechanical locking H=9 in. (optional accessory).


• 刀具库:锯条刀具库。最大直径为 600毫米,紧固于侧柱上,最多 2 个 锯条刀具位(可选附件)。

• Store for saw blade with a max. diameter of 23.62 in., secured to the side shoulders, for 2 positions as a maximum (optional accessory).

mill NC

CF 100

mill NC

CF 100

mill NC

CF 100

mill NC

CF 100

mill NC

CF 100








• version K28





NCF/2T 1200 K28




NCF/2T 1200 K55




NCF/2T 1600 K28




NCF/2T 1600 K55




NCF/2T 2000 K28




NCF/2T 2000 K55




• version K55

mill N 技术规格 | Technical specifications


NCF/2T 1200 K55

NCF/2T 1600 K55

NCF/2T 2000 K55

工作台尺寸(长度 x 宽度) Dimensions of the work table (length x width)

毫米 in

4.000x3.500 157.5x137.8

4.000x3.500 157.5x137.8

4.000x3.500 157.5x137.8

最大可加工物料块长度,主轴位于 90°, 刀具 150 毫米长 Max. length of the workable block, with spindle positioned at 90° and tool 150 mm long

毫米 in

4.500 177.2

4.500 177.2

4.500 177.2

最大可加工物料块宽度,主轴位于 90°, 刀具 150 毫米长 Max. width of the workable block , with spindle positioned at 90° and tool 150 mm long

毫米 in

2.500 98.4

3.000 118.1

3.000 118.1

最大可加工物料块高度(您必须能够传过带 800 毫米直径锯条的工件) Max. height of the block if it is possible to pass over the piece with a 800 mm ø saw blade

毫米 in

1.000 39.4

1.500 59.1

1.900 74.8

X-轴行程 X-axis travel

毫米 in

3.500 137.8

4.000 157.5

4.000 157.5

Y-轴行程 Y-axis travel

毫米 in

5.500 216.5

5.500 216.5

5.500 216.5

Z-轴行程 Z-axis travel

毫米 in

1.200 47.2

1.600 63

2.000 78.7

A-轴旋转 A-axis rotation

0 ÷ +115°

0 ÷ +115°

0 ÷ +115°

C-轴旋转 C-axis rotation

± 200°

± 200°

± 200°

最大 切刀直径 Max. diameter of the blade

毫米 in

1.000 39.4

1.000 39.4

1.000 39.4

造型刀具最大 直径 Shaping tool max. diameter

毫米 in

140 5.5

140 5.5

140 5.5

造型刀具最大 长度 Shaping tool max. length

毫米 in

450 17.7

450 17.7

450 17.7




刀具锥形筒夹 Tool-holding coupling 刀具库容量 Tool-store capacity

数量 nr




主轴电机功率 (S6) Spindle motor power (S6)

千瓦 HP

39.6 53

39.6 53

39.6 53

最大 主轴转速 Max. revolutions of the spindle unit

转/分钟 rpm




X-轴进给速度 X-axis displacement speed

转/分钟 rpm

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

Y-轴进给速度 Y-axis displacement speed

转/分钟 rpm

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

0 ÷ 40 0 ÷ 1.574

Z-轴进给速度 Z-axis displacement speed

转/分钟 rpm

0 ÷ 30 0 ÷ 1.181

0 ÷ 30 0 ÷ 1.181

0 ÷ 20 0 ÷ 0.787

A-轴旋转速度 A-axis displacement speed

转/分钟 rpm




C-轴旋转速度 C-axis displacement speed

转/分钟 rpm




毫米 in

8.200x7.850x5.400 322.8x309.1x212.6

8.200x7.850x6.200 322.8x309.1x244.1

8.500x7.850x7.100 334.6x309.1x279.5

分贝(A) dbA




公斤 lbs

10.500 ~ 23.150 ~

11.500 ~ 25.350 ~

12.500 ~ 27.550 ~

总尺寸:长度/宽度/高度 Overall dimensions: length/width/height 平均等效声压 Average level of equivalent sound pressure 重量(包括工作台) Mass (including table)

Breton S.p.A. reserves the right to improve the products specifications and design, even during the execution of contracts. Therefore, every fi­gure supplied, has to be regarded as an indica­tive and approximate figure.

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