UAM Magazine Spring 2012

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From the Chancellor

As we begin

a new year, we look forward to the challenges

and opportunities facing higher education, especially the task of continuing to grow our enrollment during difficult economic times. With the state of Arkansas projecting a flat economy and no new funding expected for higher education, we as an institution must find new and creative ways to contain costs while still keeping higher education affordable for our students.

One of the primary ways we can continue to provide educational

opportunities is through privately-funded scholarships. Last fall, the UAM Foundation Fund awarded scholarships to 410 students totaling $167,171. Those numbers are significant, but it’s the stories behind them that are important. Each scholarship represents an opportunity for someone who might never have had the chance to attain a college education without some type of financial assistance. That assistance has helped UAM attain record enrollments for the past several years and that trend has continued this spring.

As part of our efforts to broaden UAM’s impact on the state and region, we are ex-

panding our on-line and distance education course offerings and have instituted a new community education program offering non-credit classes in topics including art and hobbies, computers and technology, health and fitness, and personal and professional development.

UAM has also joined a partnership with the city of Monticello, area schools, and busi-

ness and civic interests to explore the construction of a community center. This center would be an economic enhancement for both the region and the institution.

We had a record number of alumni return for Homecoming last fall and I hope you

will make plans to join us next October 13 for our 2012 celebration. As UAM Magazine goes to press, the Boll Weevil basketball team is off to a 15-5 start in our new league, the Great American Conference. We are extremely pleased with our new conference affiliation, which has created a level playing field, reduced costs, and reduced missed class time for our student-athletes.

As always, I encourage you to visit your alma mater as often as possible and stop by

my office. My door is always open. Best Wishes,

Jack Lassiter

On The Cover: UAM’s jazz program is gaining a national reputation. Jazz Band I has been invited back to the prestigious Elmhurst Jazz Festival.

UAM MAGAZINE (Volume 19, number 1) is published three times a year by the University of Arkansas at Monticello, the UAM Alumni Association, and the UAM Foundation Fund. For information, you may contact: UAM Alumni Association P.O. Box 3520 Monticello, AR 71656 Jim Brewer, Editor Director of Media Services (870) 460-1274 (office) (870) 460-1174 (FAX) e-mail: Colt Roan, Director of Alumni Affairs (870) 460-1028 (office) (870) 460-1324 (fax) e-mail: Dr. Clay Brown, Vice Chancellor for Advancement and University Relations (870) 460-1028 (office) (870) 460-1324 (FAX) e-mail: If you want to find out what’s happening on campus, or want to contact us about something significant that’s happened in your life, check out our website at When you reach the UAM home page, just click on Alumni & Friends. Let us know what you think. We welcome your suggestions!

Parents, if your son or daughter attended UAM and is no longer living at this address, please notify our office of his or her new address. Thank you.



Search “UAM News”

Spring 2012

INSIDE 2 Homecoming

Relive Homecoming 2011 in pictures.

8 JAZZY UAM’s jazz program is building a well-earned national reputation.

4 On Campus

Meet the new UA System President and check out campus news.

18 Sports

Swing for the Fences is a new campaign to raise funds for baseball and softball.

20 Foundation

The UAM Foundation continues to grow.

25 Technology



The Crossett campus opens a Hamburg center.

26 Class News

Keep in touch with your former classmates.



2009 M.A.T. graduate Kim Wilson turned UAM’s fast-track degree into a successful career. She is Arkansas’ 2011 Teacher of the Year.

The Society of American Foresters has once again given its stamp of approval to UAM’s forestry program with a 10-year accreditation.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair Paul Griffin / Monticello Vice Chair Beverly Reep / Warren

Secretary-Treasurer Amanda Ware / North Little Rock Directors Angelia Clements / Little Rock

Jennifer Hargis / Monticello Donney Jackson / Monticello M.L. Mann / Monticello Jerrielynn Mapp / Monticello

Randall Risher / Houston, Texas James Rook / Mena Larry Walther / Little Rock

Spring 2012


2011 HOMECOMING (A look back)




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PHOTO 1 – Bob Jones (‘57), M.L. Mann (‘56), Gene Mazzanti (‘55), Reginald Glover (‘55), and UAM Athletic Director Chris Ratcliff at the Chancellor’s Reception.


PHOTO 2 – Dr. Larry Proctor (‘87), one of five recipients of the Alumni Award for Achievement and Merit, addresses the Homecoming Dinner audience. PHOTO 3 – Sports Hall of Famer Buddy Carson (‘44) acknowledges the cheers from Weevil fans at halftime at Cotton Boll Stadium. Joining him were fellow inductees Cory Allred (not pictured), Becky Brown (‘88), Pat Scifres (widow of inductee Tommy Scifres), Greg Culp, and Chancellor Jack Lassiter. PHOTO 4 – Leon Miller (‘93), Lanisa White (‘94), Timothy Johnson (‘93), Vicky Sanders-Harris (‘00) and Xavier Livingston enjoy the African-American Alumni breakfast. PHOTO 5 – Dr. Mary Jane Gilbert and alumni honoree Randy Risher (‘89) at the Chancellor’s Reception. PHOTO 6 – P.Q. Gardner (right) with his daughter, Brenda Lipton (‘69) and David Lipton (‘59).


PHOTO 7 – Robert Leonard (third from right), long-time MBSF director, with friends and family – Sarah Bingham Pemberton, Carla Leonard, Kim Taylor Fralick, Stephanie Reed Bowers, Rob, Amy and Alex Becker.

7 Spring 2012


On CAMPUS New Members


trio of southeast Arkansas banking executives have been named to the UAM Board of Visitors. George T. Harris, president and chief executive officer of Commercial Bank of Monticello, India Holt, vice president of marketing for the First National Bank of Crossett, and Michael Jones, president and chief executive officer of Merchants and Farmers Bank of Dumas, were appointed to the advisory board by Governor Mike Beebe. Harris and Holt are UAM graduates while Jones is a graduate of UA-Fayetteville. Harris is a Monticello native who graduated from what was then Arkansas A&M College in 1966 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. He earned an M.B.A. from UA-Fayetteville in 1982. A certified public accountant, Harris worked in private accounting firms from 1966 to 1972 before becoming president of First National Bank of Dermott, a position he held until 1981. He joined the management team of Commercial Bank

George Harris

of Monticello in 1982 and was named president in 1998. Harris also taught accounting at UAM in 1982-83. India Nixon Holt is also a Monticello native and a 1994 UAM graduate with a bachelor of science degree in marketing. She was president of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and Greek Woman of the Year in 1993. She earned an M.B.A. from Louisiana Tech in 1996 and is a 2002 graduate of the Southwestern Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University. She joined First National Bank of Crossett in 1996. Jones is a native of Helena who received a bachelor of science degree in business administration from UA-Fayetteville and a juris doctor from the UA School of Law. He also attended the National Graduate Trust School at Northwestern

New System President


India Holt

Michael Jones

University and the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Delaware. Jones was named vice president and trust officer of Merchants and Farmers Bank in Dumas in 1980 and became president in 1990. The Board of Visitors was established by the 84th General Assembly as a 12-member advisory board with members appointed by the Governor. The new board members’ terms expire July 31, 2014. Other members of the board are Lorraine McCullough of Crossett, Roger George and Carlton Davis of Warren, Scotty Holderfield of Rison, Pat Webb of Star City, Dr. Tim Chase and Tommy Maxwell of Monticello, Jeff Owyoung of McGehee, and Beverly Rowe of Lake Village.

Dr. Donald Bobbitt (right), the new president of the University of Arkansas System, was greeted by former and current chancellors Dr. Claude Babin (left) and Dr. Jack Lassiter (center) during a reception held for the new president on the UAM campus. UAM MAGAZINE

Business Advice


mall business owners and individuals interested in starting a new business can receive free assistance on any aspect of business management from the staff of the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center at UAM. “In the current economy, staying in business or starting a business can be very challenging,” said Lindsay Henry, center director. “We can help businesses succeed and grow.” ASBTDC consulting is one-on-one and customized to the client’s needs. Services include advice on operating challenges faced by existing businesses. For businesses pursuing financing, the center reviews business plans and assists with loan proposals. The ASBTDC also teaches small businesses how to strengthen their online presence by optimizing their websites and using free online business listings and social media. Appointments are required for consultation and can usually be scheduled within the same week. “In the initial session, I ask questions and listen,” said Henry. “As clients tell me the story of their business or idea, I learn what their goals are and we discuss concerns and opportunities. Then I determine a potential course of action and the next steps that I share with clients the next time we talk.” The office at UAM is part of ASBTDC’s statewide network of seven offices. According to Henry, Arkansas businesses assisted by the ASBTDC fared significantly better than the average Arkansas small business over the last decade. The center is located in Harris Hall. For more information, contact Henry at (870) 460-1910 or visit sbtdc.

Save The Date!


ctober 13, 2012, has been selected as the date for next year’s Homecoming celebration. Make plans now to join us and reconnect with old friends and classmates at Homecoming ‘12.

From The Ground Up


hen Dr. Joel Carr was named director of the social work program at UAM last summer, he was given one task – rebuild the program from the ground up. In Carr’s office in the Memorial Classroom Building is a stack of new textbooks. Carr is redesigning every course, replacing every textbook, and changing the program’s format. “A social work degree, by definition, is a professional degree and the institution wants to insure that our graduates not only meet, but surpass the standards of the profession,” says Carr. “We will do that by increasing the academic rigor of the program, by recruiting and retaining academically strong students, and by recruiting and retaining outstanding faculty. Those things are the heart and soul of any professional degree granting program.” Carr is one of three faculty added to the social work program since January 2010. The others are Marie Walker, assistant professor and field education director, and Donna Taylor, assistant professor. Carr is a licensed clinical social worker and board certified by the National Association of Social Work; both Walker and Taylor are also licensed social workers. “Social work is a growing profession and it’s important that UAM provide the educational foundation necessary for our graduates to succeed in a high-demand field,” says R. David Ray, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. Part of the process of rebuilding the program included establishing a separate Department of Social Work under the umbrella of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, giving the program the autonomy required for maintaining national accreditation. Carr has already begun the process of having the social work program reaffirmed by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The CSWE is scheduled to visit the campus in 2013. A Louisiana native, Carr holds Ph.D’s from the University of North Texas and Capella University. He also holds a master of social work degree from Louisiana State University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Louisiana Tech. According to Carr, the public sometimes has the wrong idea about social work as a profession. “Social work provides 60 percent of all mental health services in the U.S.” says Carr. “Some people have the notion that the only thing social workers do is take babies away from unfit parents and hand out food stamps, when in fact, licensed social workers are mental health experts.”

NEW FACULTY Members of the Department of Social Work faculty and staff are (from left) Marie Walker, assistant professor and field education director, Dr. Joel Carr, assistant professor and director of the Department of Social Work, Donna Taylor, assistant professor, and office staff student worker Audrey Hunter of Star City.

Spring 2012


On CAMPUS Stellar!


embers of the UAM chapter of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) received Stellar School Chapter award pins at a recent ceremony to mark the NSNA’s recognition of the UAM student nursing organization. The UAM chapter is one of 10 nationwide and one of two in Arkansas to be honored with Stellar School status. The award is based on the school’s “ongoing involvement in NSNA and strong commitment to shared governance and professional development of students and faculty,” according to Pamela Gouner, dean of the School of Nursing. “It also recognizes chapters with strong student leadership, professional development from faculty, ongoing participation, service learning and support from members.”

NURSING HONORS Members of the executive board of the UAM Student Nurses Association and members of the faculty and administration are (from left) Christine Felts, SNA faculty advisor; Will Hunter, SNA reporter; Paisley Palsa, SNA vice president; David Ray, provost and vice chancellor of academic affairs; Sydney Miles, SNA president; Pamela Gouner, dean of the School of Nursing; Dr. Ranelle Eubanks, associate vice chancellor of academic affairs; Anna Hyatt, SNA treasurer; Robert Humphries, SNA parliamentarian; and Renee Norrell, SNA secretary. (Not pictured: Alex Barnes, SNA historian).

EPSCoR Grants

RESEARCHERS (From left) Bo Kelley, Dr. John Hunt, Dr. Jinming Huang, and Nathan Probst.



AM research scientists Dr. John Hunt and Dr. Jinming Huang recently received grants totaling in excess of $5,000 from the National Science Foundation through the NSF’s EPSCoR Program to fund ongoing research.


Huang, an assistant professor of chemistry who joined the UAM faculty in 2007, is studying the effects of various storage methods on the levels of nitrates in cabbage. According to Huang, nitric oxide found naturally in vegetables has been proven to lower blood pressure. Better storage methods, says Huang, will insure higher levels of beneficial nitrates for the consumer. Huang has also studied nitrate levels in spinach and lettuce. He is being assisted in his research by Nathan Probst of Bryant, a senior biology major. Hunt is cataloging and surveying the variety of dung beetles in Arkansas as a way of studying biodiversity and how the beetles are affected by the destruction of the ecosystem. “Dung beetles sound like an odd thing to study, but certain species can tell us a lot about our environment,” says Hunt. Bo Kelley, a senior pre-medicine major from Monticello, is assisting Hunt with his research.

Over 3,600


AM has surpassed 3,600 students for the 2012 spring semester, shattering last year’s spring semester enrollment record of 3,485. UAM enrolled 3,690 students, according to preliminary census day figures released by the UAM registrar’s office. The record is the ninth in 10 years and represents an increase of 205 students, or a six percent increase over last spring. “Our continued enrollment growth is due to the outstanding efforts made by all of our UAM family,” said Chancellor Jack Lassiter. “The attention given to the admission, retention, remediation, advising, mentoring, teaching, and graduation of our students continues to fuel our success.” UAM’s spring semester enrollment has grown from 2,696 in 2004 to its current 3,690, an increase of 37 percent in nine

years. Spring enrollment grew to 2,718 in 2005, 2,898 in 2006, 3,112 in 2007, dipped to 3,063 in 2008, then increased to 3,233 in 2009, 3,474 in 2010, 3,485 in 2011, and finally to 3,690 in 2012. “This is truly a significant accomplishment when taken in combination with the decreasing numbers of high school graduates in our traditional recruiting area,” Lassiter added. “It’s a tribute to our recruitment efforts and to the work of our marketing committee in getting the word out about UAM and the opportunities available at this institution.”

First-Hand Look


outheast Arkansas farmers and ranchers got a first-hand look at the latest techniques in preventing erosion along stream banks at a recent Fencing and Grazing Field Day hosted by the UAM School of Agriculture and the Southeast Research and Extension Center. The event, held in conjunction with the Drew County Conservation District and the Monticello Field Service Center of the Natural Resource Conservation Service, was designed to present stream bank stabilization techniques in cattle pastures. “Events like this are part of our mission to take research and make the results

available to the constituents we serve,” said Dr. Kelly Bryant, dean of the School of Agriculture and director of the Southeast Research and Extension Center. “We received a lot of positive feedback from the farmers and ranchers in attendance.”

Haunting Tale


he tale of the famously haunted Allen House of Monticello is the subject of a new book by Mark Spencer, dean of UAM’s School of Arts and Humanities. A Haunted Love Story, The Ghosts of the Allen House is a nonfiction intertwining of two stories: one family’s experiences residing in the house, and the story of the best known member of the Allen family, Ladell Allen Bonner (March 22, 1894 – January 2, 1949), whose hidden stash of over 80 love letters Spencer discovered under a floorboard in the attic. The letters enabled Spencer to vividly tell the tragic story of the kind, intelligent, and frustrated Ladell, who deliberately consumed mercury cyanide during her mother’s annual holiday party in 1948. Available in paperback in bookstores throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, A Haunted Love Story was officially released January 1 and is also available in Kindle and Nook edi-

Music & Lyrics!


he UAM fight song has inspired generations of Boll Weevils, but for whatever reason, there were no lyrics, at least none that anyone connected with the university could find. The thought of a wordless fight song bothered 2008 graduate Lee Hickmott of Camden so much that he sat down one day and penned the words shown at right, then had his wife, Chelsea record his version. Hickmott, who played trumpet in the UAM marching band for three years, sent the tape to the university and UAM officials adopted Hickmott’s lyrics. So, as Hickmott says, “Here’s to the green and the white . . .”

tions. Because of early reviews, it’s a top 20 “Top Rated” title in the “Supernatural” category on, and in its early weeks has been the No. 1 bestselling “Hot New Release” in three Amazon categories.

Newly-Adopted Lyrics for the UAM Fight Song

Here’s to the green and the white, for the Boll Weevils we will fight; All hail the mighty green, give a shout for the team; As we march to victory Go Weevils! No one can deny we’re the best, for the G-A-C can attest; cause there’s nothing more evil than a darn Boll Weevil U-A-M!!! Lyrics by: Lee Hickmott, ‘08

THERE’S NOTHING MORE EVIL Chelsea Hickmott (right), wife of ‘08 UAM graduate Lee Hickmott, sings her husband’s rendition of the school fight song at Homecoming. Hickmott wrote the lyrics, which were officially adopted by the University.

Spring 2012



Who Are Those Guys? A year ago, UAM’s Jazz Band I wowed a surprised audience at the prestigious Elmhurst Jazz Festival. Turns out, these cats were just getting started . . . BRASSY Solo ride Joshua Martin of Murphreesboro, Tenn., (left) and fellow trumpeter Bass Deese of Texarkana, Tex., are part of UAM’s nationallyrenowned Jazz Band I.



The names read like a Who’s Who of jazz greats . . . Clark Terry, Maynard Ferguson, Louie Bellson, Diana Krall, and the Count Basie Orchestra. They’ve all performed at the Elmhurst College Jazz Festival in suburban Chicago, where each February, the best college jazz bands converge on the Elmhurst campus for three days of performances and education. Last year, one of those bands was an unknown ensemble from a small, rural school in Arkansas. “We felt like a bunch of hicks,” admits Gary Meggs, head of the jazz program and director of the University of Arkansas at Monticello’s elite jazz ensemble, Jazz Band I. “Nobody knew who we were.” They do now. Meggs and his band “brought down the house” following a memorable performance that had jazz enthusiasts buzzing about a group of hep cats from Arkansas. “We made about 500 people go beserk,” says Meggs, smiling at the memory. “It was a fantastic experience.” Festival organizers were wowed by the UAM group and asked them to return in 2012. It was one of a growing list of invitations from jazz festivals around the country. “If we went everywhere we’ve been invited, we’d have to quit school and just go play,” says Meggs. UAM’s meteoric rise in the jazz world began five years ago when Meggs decided it was time for the university to offer a degree program in jazz, the first of its kind in Arkansas. “Jazz is the only form of music that’s wholly American in origin,” he explains. “I wanted our kids to have an opportunity to study and learn an art form that started here.” The foundation was already in

SWEET MUSIC Guitarist Jake Miller of Sheridan performs with Jazz Band I.

Spring Spring 2012


THE UAM JAZZ PROGRAM place. UAM had three jazz bands and two seven-piece jazz combos and was beginning to attract top musicians from the state and region. Jazz Band I lead trumpeter Joshua Martin of Murphreesboro, Tenn., accepted a scholarship offer from Meggs four years ago. “You get a lot of opportunities when you come here,” says Martin. “The coolest thing for me is not only are we learning to play jazz from instructors who have a wealth of knowledge, but we’re learning how to teach jazz, too.” Meggs and fellow conductors Les Pack and Claude (C. E.) Askew are each accomplished musicians in their own right and have years of experience both playing and teaching jazz. Meggs took a six-month sabbatical in 2009 to tour the world playing tenor sax with the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Pack, who conducts Jazz Band II, is a graduate of Boston’s prestigious Berklee College of Music and a nationallyrenowned composer and arranger. He is also a talented guitarist who has opened for David Sanborn. Askew, who conducts Jazz Band III, spent 21 years as the drummer for the U.S. Air Force’s “Airmen of Note,” including six years as band leader, performing with Tony Bennett, Herbie Hancock and Shaka Khan. When Pack decided to join Meggs at UAM, he was advised by friends not to go. “Everybody said we couldn’t do it and we just didn’t believe them,” says Meggs. “In fact, when I first came here, people told me not to. When Les came, people told him not to. By the time C. E. came, the program was rolling along pretty good.” Meggs, Pack and Askew are all from south Arkansas and take pride in the growing national reputation of a program that has succeeded against all odds. Meggs, from El Dorado, is the intense one, say his students. Pack, 10


Les Pack

from Pine Bluff, is “laid back,” while Stuttgart native Askew is “swinging.” “I think because we’re all from south Arkansas and see ourselves as underdogs, we take a lot of pride in the fact that we think it’s possible to be better down here,” Meggs says. As the program’s reputation has grown, so has the quality of the musicians. Lead alto sax player Nathan Carmen of Heber Springs was the state’s top jazz saxophone player before accepting a scholarship from UAM. And oh, by the way, Carmen carries a 3.96 grade point average. Drummer Phillip House of Cabot auditioned for the Glenn Miller Orchestra last summer and upright bass player Stuart Coles of Pine Bluff was recently invited to play in a band that backed Regis Philbin at the Horseshoe Casino in Shreveport. Travis Terrell, one of the first truly accomplished musicians to come out of the program, is under contract with Disney, plays the piano and tours with Miley Cyrus, and is part of a group of investors building a multi-million dollar recording studio in Nashville. “When we first started, we were just looking for good, hard-working kids,” says Meggs. “Now, we’re still looking for those kids, but we’re also looking for more advanced musicians. We don’t just go after students from our area. We’re getting them from Texas, from north Arkansas.” Many of them come after hearing one of the jazz bands perform at clinics and jazz festivals. Jazz Band I

Gary Meggs

was recently showcased as the honor band at the Four-States Bandmasters Convention in Texarkana and has performed at high profile festivals in Texas and Louisiana. It was Jazz Band I’s performance at the Louisiana Jazz Festival that led to the invitation from Elmhurst. “We were named the top group in Louisiana and when word got out, we started getting invitations from jazz festivals all over the country,” Meggs says. When UAM’s Jazz Band I and Jazz Combo return to Elmhurst in late February, they won’t be unknowns anymore. They will perform alongside the University of North Texas’ legendary One O’Clock Lab Band as well as bands from Purdue, Kent State, Bradley and Central Michigan. In the audience will be professional jazz headliners Mark Colby, Denis DeBlasio and Frank Greene. “Playing at Elmhurst gives our kids a lot of confidence,” says Meggs, “but that’s not the reason we do it. We want them to experience the world, to be heard by these world class performers and to hear the other bands.” Martin, who plans to teach jazz after his career as a performer is over, believes UAM’s Jazz Band I has earned its reputation. “I’d stack us up against any jazz band in Arkansas, and against several of the bands we heard at Elmhurst,” he says. “We’ve made our name in Arkansas, but that’s not our goal anymore. Our goal is to be the best in the nation.”

JAZZ MEN Jazz Band I entertains a rapt audience at a UAM concert.

THIS GUY REALLY SWINGS! C. E. Askew has seen the world as a musician, performing with jazz legends Tony Bennett, Herbie Hancock and Shaka Khan. His jazz pedigree includes more than 21 years as the drummer for what many consider the world’s finest military jazz ensemble, the U.S. Air Force’s “Airmen of Note.” Askew spent his last six years in the Air Force as the band’s leader and now brings that pedigree to UAM. UAM is one of two universities in Arkansas offering a bachelor’s degree in music with a concentration in jazz studies and the only school in Arkansas with six jazz ensembles. The program was created by Gary Meggs, UAM’s director of bands and himself a jazz musician of note. When Meggs decided to add a new jazz percussion instructor, he looked up Askew, a friend he’s known since the two were aspiring 16-year-old high school musicians. Askew was teaching music in Christchurch, New Zealand and ready to come home after living through a series of earthquakes that rocked the island nation. A native of Stuttgart, Askew is a visiting professor and director of Jazz Band 3, one of three UAM jazz ensembles. A Henderson State graduate, Askew spent 25 years in the Air Force. He joined the Airmen of Note in 1983, an ensemble that traces its roots to the big band era of World War II. The group was officially formed on September 28, 1950, to carry on the musical style and tradition of Glenn Miller’s Army Air Corps Orchestra of the 1940s.

As part of the Airmen of Note, Askew has performed all over the United States and Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Uruguay, England, Luxembourg, Germany and Turkey, appearing with jazz legends like Bobby Shue, Diane Schuur, and Arturo Sandoval. Following a concert with the Count Basie Orchestra in which the two bands took turns performing, the legendary Basie pointed at the Airmen and said, “That band is a gas.” Askew’s biggest thrill came in 2002 when the Airmen of Note were sent to the Middle East to perform for military personnel. “That was the greatest moment of my career,” says Askew. Spring 2012


Arkansas’ 2011 Teacher of the Year

Best In The State

Kim Wilson, a 2009 UAM M.A.T. graduate, is Arkansas’ Teacher of the Year


efore Kim Wilson became an award-winning teacher, she was a passionate student and a self-described “geek.” “I guess I was just clueless,” Wilson says, laughing at the memory of a young girl who didn’t realize it wasn’t cool to get excited about school. “I was never really concerned with what other people thought. I’ve always shown enthusiasm with everything in my life. Being a passionate student helped me become a better teacher.”

Wilson is an art teacher at Monticello High School and was recently named the 2011 Arkansas Teacher of the Year. The award was presented by Governor Mike Beebe and Dr. Tom Kimbrell, commissioner of the Arkansas Education Association, at an assembly at the MHS gymnasium. Wilson was one of four finalists for the award but the announcement took her by surprise. Her husband, Scott Lykens, an associate professor of art at UAM, had already received a call telling him his wife had won, but did his best to keep the news under wraps while dropping subtle hints that she should be prepared to say something at the assembly.



“Scott kept telling me ‘Kim, your odds are really good . . . they’re one in four,’” Wilson says. “But I’m an art teacher, not a regular classroom teacher and I’ve just been in public schools for four years. I thought there was no way I was going to win. The day before the assembly, Scott said to me ‘You know what, Kim, even if this isn’t what it is, you’re one of the top four and the Governor’s coming by and he’s probably going to want to shake your hand. You probably want to wear something nice and you need to think about what you would say if you got it.’” Wilson’s love of art began at her family’s kitchen table in Rock Hill, South Carolina,

PERSONAL INTEREST Kim Wilson works with Javaris Jordan in her advanced art class at Monticello High School. Wilson takes a hands-on approach to teaching. A 2009 graduate of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at UAM, Wilson was recently named Arkansas’ 2011 Teacher of the Year.

Spring Spring 2012

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Arkansas’ 2011 Teacher of the Year the Southeast Arkansas Educational ston-Salem, N.C. to become executive watching her mother, Cindy, paint. Cooperative. She finished the M.A.T. director of the Sawtooth Center for “Creating art filled her with pleasure and joy and pride when she was done,” Visual Art. Along the way, Wilson and program in 2009 and moved to Monticello High School in July. Lykens kept running into each other says Wilson. “And all these other The move up has been an adjustat professional meetings and somepeople giving her attention when she ment, and in some cases, the teacher thing clicked. The couple married accomplished something, I thought has become the student. “My kids prior to moving to Arkansas in 2005 was the coolest thing ever.” teach me stuff all the time,” says but had been in a committed relation Wilson earned a bachelor’s degree Wilson. “The high school students are ship since 2001. “We really enjoyed in studio art with a minor in art histeaching me about technology. Teachtory from nearby Winthrop University each other’s company, “Wilson says. ing high school is a little tougher. The “We decided that we were going to be in 1992. She began her career teachcommitted to each other. We didn’t do younger students aren’t afraid to show ing community education classes to a formal marriage (at the time). That’s happiness and excitement and joy. The students ranging from preschoolers to older kids are more concerned about why I kept my maiden name. We’re 90-year-olds. In 1995, she moved to their peers.” a little bit of the progressive art folk. Vermont and worked at several arts You know, do we really need that piece Wilson believes being a successful and crafts centers while pursuing a teacher includes second bachelor’s having an open degree, this one in “To watch these kids make choices and claim something as mind and an open craft arts entrepreneurship at Trinity their own, and when they finish it, to see the look of pride in heart. Her art classes don’t inCollege in Burlingtheir faces is great.” volve memorizing ton. facts or completing The second a worksheet. She wants her students of paper, do we really need that metal degree was about making a living. “In to create something that is theirs and around our finger. We were trying to art school, they don’t explain to you theirs alone. keep our own art careers, we were in that you are going to be a small busitwo different states and we were trying “To watch these kids make choices ness person,” says Wilson. “Craft arts and claim something as their own, to balance that out.” entrepreneurship teaches you how to Lykens and Wilson moved to Mon- and when they finish it to see the look manage yourself, how to market your of pride on their faces is great,” says ticello when Scott was offered a facproduct, how to balance the books Wilson. “When my students are makulty position at UAM. Wilson taught and do your taxes. I took a lot of busiing a piece of artwork, I want them art at Hamburg’s Noble and Albritton ness classes and learned the history of to learn perspective and space. Their Elementary Schools and also served craft making as a small business.” picture has to have a background, as an adjunct professor at UAM, but Wilson left Vermont for Ohio in middle ground, and foreground. It knew if she wanted to continue to 1998 to pursue a master of fine arts must have those things and they must teach in public schools, she needed an degree in ceramics at Kent State. It be able to write a small paragraph education degree. was there she met her future husband, explaining the picture. But I also have In 2008, she enrolled in UAM’s although their initial meeting wasn’t to allow them to find their own voice. master of arts in teaching program, a love at first sight. “He had to work on I want to encourage them to interpret, fast-track degree that puts teachers in me a little bit,” Wilson says. “I was the classroom immediately. The same analyze and evaluate, to use higher very driven at the time to be at school level thinking skills, and allow them year, she was hired by the Monticello and do my art work.” School District to teach visual art edu- creative flexibility. Wilson completed her master’s in “That’s the addictive part of teachcation to all students in grades 3-5 at 2000 and moved to Detroit where she ing . . . wow, let’s see what’s going to Monticello Intermediate School while became director of education at Pewhappen today!” abic Pottery, a nonprofit arts and crafts also serving as an adjunct professor at center. In 2003 she moved to Win14


ANIMATED Kim Wilson is an excitable, animated presence in the classroom, as her students in Monticello High School’s advanced art class can attest.

Spring 2012 Spring

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The Society of American Foresters grants a 10-year accreditation to the School of Forest Resources


he Society of American Foresters Committee on Accreditation has granted a 10year accreditation, through 2021, to the School of Forest Resources at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. The accreditation was announced by UAM Chancellor Jack Lassiter and Dr. Philip Tappe, dean of the School of Forest Resources. The accreditation applies to UAM’s bachelor of science degree program in forestry, which was first accredited by the SAF in 1984 and reaccredited in 2000. “This is wonderful news for the School of Forest Resources and for the institution as a whole,” said Lassiter. “National accreditation of any academic program is a reflection of the academic quality of the entire university. Dr. Tappe and his faculty are to be commended for their hard work in preparing the self-evaluation document and for their efforts in preparing for the site visit from the accreditation team. I speak for everyone in the UAM community when I say job well done.” UAM’s forestry program was 16


reviewed by an SAF accrediting team during an on-campus visit last April. Tappe appeared before the SAF Accreditation Committee in November to answer questions as part of a final review of the program. Tappe praised the work of the forest resources faculty, whom he called “outstanding teachers who are truly committed to student success. Their classes are rigorous and they have high expectations for their students. They are well-respected scientists that are actively involved in research and outreach efforts that address important natural resource issues in the state, region and nation. The work of our faculty certainly played a significant role in reaccreditation.” Tappe also cited his predecessor as dean, Dr. Richard Kluender, for initiating the accreditation process. “Dr. Kluender did much of the ground work,” said Tappe. “The institution and the School of Forest Resources certainly owes him a debt of gratitude for his efforts.” UAM offers the only forestry degree in Arkansas from a program

that began in 1945. The School of Forest Resources currently offers the bachelor of science degree in forest resources with options in forestry and wildlife management, the bachelor of science degree in spatial information systems with options in surveying and geographic information systems, and the master of science degree in forest resources. The Society of American Foresters was founded in 1900 by Gifford Pinchot and serves as the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States. The SAF is the largest professional society for foresters in the world. The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.

A DISTINGUISHED FACULTY The faculty of the School of Forest Resources pose on the steps on the atrium of the new George H. Clippert Forestry Annex. Pictured from left are (first row) Dr. Sayeed Mehmood, associate professor of forest economics and policy; Dr. Philip A. Tappe, dean; Dr. Robert C. Weih, professor and director of spatial imaging systems; (second row) Dr. Hal O. Liechty, professor of forest ecology and hydrology; Dr. Robert Ficklin, associate professor of forest soils and ecology / ecophysiology; Dr. Don White, Jr., James M. White Professor of wildlife ecology; (third row) Dr. Jamie Schuler, assistant professor of silviculture; Dr. Robert Kissell, associate professor of wildlife and spatial analysis; Dr. Matthew Pelkki, George H. Clippert Endowed Chair and professor of natual resource economics; (fourth row) Ron Harris, instructor of surveying; Dr. Joshua Adams, assistant professor of natural resources; and Thomas D. Jacobs, instructor of surveying.

ON CLOSER EXAMINATION Dr. Hal Liechty (right) examines young cottonwood trees being used for biomass research.

Spring 2012



CATCH OF THE YEAR Clarence Denmark’s one-handed touchdown grab against Toronto was named the CFL catch of the year.


Former Boll Weevil Stars In Canada


t’s a long way from Cotton Boll Stadium at the University of Arkansas at Monticello to the playing fields of the Canadian Football League, but Clarence Denmark seems to have adjusted well to his new surroundings. Denmark caught 91 passes for 1,586 yards and 14 touchdowns as a Boll Weevil wide receiver in 2007-08, then signed a free agent contract with the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars. Denmark spent parts of 2009 and 2010 seasons on Jacksonville’s practice squad before signing with the CFL’s Winnipeg Blue Bombers last May. Denmark was expected to serve as a back-up but had a break-out season and became a CFL human highlight reel. A pair of Denmark catches, including a diving one-handed grab for a touchdown against the Toronto Argonauts, became YouTube sensations in Canada and the catch against Toronto was named the top highlight of the year by the CFL Channel. By season’s end, Denmark had 65 receptions for 818 yards and five touchdowns and helped lead Winnipeg to a berth in the Grey Cup, the CFL equivalent of the Super Bowl. “It happens like that, guys come out


of nowhere that you don’t expect to do anything,” veteran Winnipeg receiver Terrence Edwards said. “But I saw it in training camp.” Told what Edwards said of him, Denmark said, “Coming from him, that’s big. He’s a great receiver. I come out and learn from him every day. That’s all I’ve been doing, just try to be in his shadow and learn everything he does.”

All-GAC Weevils


ine UAM players have been named to the 2011 All-Great American Conference Football Teams. D.J. Stephens, Seth Oxner, and Derek Jambon were named to the All-GAC first team; Nakita Myles, Calvin Ursin, Abraham Felton, and Eric Crocker were named to the second team; and Kenneth Robey and Ronald Penn received honorable mention recognition. Stephens, a senior wide receiver from Sylmar, Calif., led the GAC in receiving in 2011 with 56 receptions for 652 yards and nine touchdowns, averaging 65.2 yards per game. Oxner, a senior center from Monticel-

lo and a transfer from Arkansas, anchored the Weevils’ offensive line at center. Jambon was the GAC’s leading punter, averaging 42.7 yards. The senior from Marrero, La., punted 43 times for 1,837 total yards. Myles, a senior running back from Northview, Fla., was UAM’s leading rusher with 662 yards on 109 carries and seven touchdowns for an average of 66.2 yards per game. Ursin, a sophomore outside linebacker from St. Rose, La., ranked third in the GAC in tackles behind the line of scrimmage. The youngest of UAM’s honorees, he tied the league-high with 11 solo tackles for loss and shared five assisted for a total of 13.5, accounting for 54 total yards in losses. He also tied for the team lead for quarterback sacks on the season with 2.5. Felton, a junior linebacker out of Memphis, Tenn., finished second in the GAC in tackles for loss right ahead of Ursin. He had nine solo tackles and 10 assists for losses of 47 yards. Felton led the Weevils in total tackles with 68, ranking him eighth in the GAC. He also had one interception and one forced fumble. Crocker, a senior corner back from Stockton, Calif., led the Weevils in passes defended with seven break-ups and two interceptions, good for sixth in the conference. He finished seventh on the team in total tackles with 40, including 32 solo and two tackles-for-loss. He also had one forced fumble and one blocked kick. Robey, a senior wide receiver out of Charleston, Miss., made 43 receptions for 466 yards, averaging 46.6 receiving yards per game. He was second on the team, and ranked seventh in the conference in yards per game. Penn, a junior out of Los Angeles, Calif., worked tirelessly all year long on the Weevils’ offensive line. UAM finished third in total offense this season, averaging 396.2 yards per game, thanks to the protection afforded by Penn, Oxner, and the rest of the offensive line. Members of the 2011 All-GAC Football teams were selected by vote of the league’s nine head coaches.

Academic Honors


he National Fastpitch Coaches Association has named 12 members of the UAM Cotton Blossoms softball team to its All-America Academic Team. Mary Barthel, Jessica Dickey, Brittany Eitel, Sarah Hayslip, Jennifer Hickman, Summer Huddleston, Beth Johnson, Miller Maddox, Amanda Nordberg, Maggie Sands, Ashley Watkins, and Sydney Williams all earned a grade point average of 3.5 or better during the 2010-11 academic year. The award is the second component of the Association’s academic award program. Earlier last fall, the teams with the highest GPAs in each membership category were recognized as a 2011 NFCA Top Ten All-Academic team. The Blossoms were ranked fourth in all of Division II. The Cotton Blossoms finished the

2010-11 academic year with a cumulative GPA of 3.487, the highest in the Gulf South Conference. UAM was the only team from the GSC or the new Great American Conference to make the top 10.

Video Interviews


new feature of the UAM athletic website is videotaped interviews

with Boll Weevil and Cotton Blossom coaches. Updated interviews are posted on a regular basis to give fans a preview of upcoming games and coaches comments on previous games. The interviews are also available on UAM’s YouTube site. To access the videos, go to UAM’s athletic website at The videos may be found on the site’s homepage. Just click on the video image and listen to UAM coaches discuss the latest news.

Swing for the Fences

our baseball and has a new goal . . . bringing The Campaign for Athletics erican Conferin play in the new Great Am beg we as par to up es iliti softball fac , UAM will raise capital nds and supporters like you frie of p hel the h oug Thr e. enc ly, improve pressbox, and most important new a ld bui s, out dug our to upgrade tball an enjoyable experike watching baseball and sof seating at both fields to ma Blossoms and Boll Weevils. ence for fans of the Cotton coach Alvy Early, er the direction of legendary UAM ‘s softball program, und the Blossoms national power in softball. But but al, ion reg a y onl not e has becom the nation’s best in the d. They annually rank among do more than win on the fiel


ch John Harvey, is the capable leadership of coa Boll Weevil baseball, under conference competitive program in a new tly ten sis con a ing hav ard building tow ong baseball teams. that features traditionally str support. Please coneball and softball need your bas in tes thle t-a den stu Our information, contact paign for Athletics. For more sider contributing to the Cam at (870) 460-1057. the Department of Athletics

2012 Baseball Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr.

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LEMOYNE OWEN (2)................................12:00 INDIANAPOLIS (2)...................................12:00 INDIANAPOLIS (1).....................................1:00 DELTA STATE (1).........................................1:00 MCKENDREE (2).......................................12:00 MCKENDREE (2).......................................12:00 ILLINOIS-SPRINGFIELD (2)......................12:00 ILLINOIS-SPRINGFIELD (2)......................12:00 LYON (2)...................................................12:00 HARDING (2)............................................12:00 HARDING (1)..............................................1:00 @ SAU (1)........................................................................ 6:00 @ East Central Oklahoma (2)................................12:00 @ East Central Oklahoma (1)................................... 1:00 @ Grambling State (1)................................................ 4:00 LAKE ERIE COLLEGE (1)...........................11:00 SAU (2)......................................................12:00 SAU (1)........................................................1:00 @ Harding (1)................................................................ 2:00 @ Henderson State (2)...........................................12:00’ @ Henderson State (1)............................................... 1:00 @ Lyon............................................................................. 2:00 OUACHITA (2)..........................................12:00 OUACHITA (1)............................................1:00 @ Delta State (1)........................................................... 6:30 @ Arkansas Tech (2)..................................................12:00 @ Arkansas Tech (1).................................................... 1:00 @ Ouachita (1).............................................................. 3:00 SE OKLAHOMA (2)....................................1:00 SE OKLAHOJA (1).......................................1:00 @ SW Oklahoma (2).................................................12:00 @ SW Oklahoma (1).................................................... 1:00 GRAMBLING STATE (1)..............................3:00

2012 Softball Feb. 4 Midwestern State* (2) / Arkadelphia..................10:00 Feb. 12 OBU-HSU Classic / Arkadelphia............................ TBD Feb. 17-18 SE Oklahoma Shootout / Durant, OK................... TBD Feb. 23-26 UAM Quad State Classic / Bentonville................. TBD Mar. 3-4 Mo. Southern Tourn. / Joplin, MO......................... TBD Mar. 10 EAST CENTRAL OK (2)..............................1:00 Mar. 11 EAST CENTRAL OK (2)..............................1:00 Mar. 12 TEX. A&M INTERNATIONAL (2)...............1:00 Mar. 17 @ SAU (2)........................................................................ 1:00 Mar. 18 @ SAU (2)........................................................................ 1:00 Mar. 22 DELTA STATE (2).........................................1:00 Mar. 24 HENDERSON STATE (2).............................1:00 Mar. 25 HENDERSON STATE (2).............................1:00 Mar. 31 @ Ouachita (2).............................................................. 1:00 Apr. 1 @ Ouachita (2).............................................................. 1:00 Apr 6 ARKANSAS TECH (2).................................1:00 Apr. 7 ARKANSAS TECH (2).................................1:00 Apr. 14 @ SE Oklahoma (2)...................................................... 1:00 Apr. 15 @ SE Oklahoma (2)...................................................... 1:00 Apr. 19 @ Delta State (2).......................................................... 2:00 Apr. 21 SW OKLAHOMA (2)..................................1:00 Apr. 22 SW OKLAHOMA (2)..................................1:00 Home games in BOLD Spring 2012


FOUNDATION ENDOWMENTS FOUNDATION FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair Scott Saffold / Monticello Vice Chair Gregg Reep / Warren Ex-Officio Jack Lassiter / Monticello Secretary-Treasurer Clay Brown / Monticello

Directors Ed Bacon / Monticello Bettye Gragg / Monticello Nat Grubbs / Monticello Lesa Cathey Handly / Little Rock Clarence Holley / Lawton, Okla. Kenneth Mann* / Jersey

Mellie Jo Owen / Monticello Sean Rochelle / West Fork Lynn Rodgers / Crossett Ted Thompson / Dumas Jeff Weaver / Hot Springs

* UAM representatives to the University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc., board of directors.

FOUNDATION FUND ENDOWMENTS / Established by: Weldon B. Abbott Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Betty S. Abbott, Dr. and Mrs. Weldon S. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lavon Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Taylor, and Ms. Mary Ross Taylor James Edward and Joy Dell Burton Akin Award / Mrs. Joy Dell Burton Akin Alumni Achievement and Merit Scholarship / Recipients of the Alumni Achievement & Merit Award Alumni Association Scholarship / Alumni Association Board of Directors Hoyt and Susan Andres Endowed Scholarship / Hoyt and Susan Andres Arkansas Seed Dealers Association Agriculture Endowed Scholarship / Arkansas Seed Dealers Board of Directors William R. and Katie B. Austin Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. William R. Austin, Jr. Barbara Murphy Babin Scholarship / Dr. Claude Babin and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Babin Dr. Claude H. Babin Scholarship / School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Former Students, Family and Friends K. Michael Baker Memorial Scholarship / School of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Former Students, Family and Friends Marvin and Edna Moseley Bankston Scholarship / Bob and Louine Selman Leech Robert Orum and Fernande’ Vicknair Barrett Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Errol Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Barrett, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. T. Y. Harp, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pasqua, Judge and Mrs. Fred E. Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Roebuck and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Torian Earl and Kathleen Baxter Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baxter Beard Nursing Scholarship / Mr. Arthur R. and Mrs. Bettie Beard Pate Leslie and Faye Beard Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter Major Thomas E. Bell, Jr. Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account Fred K. Bellott Music Gift Fund / Dr. and Mrs. Fred K. Bellott Fred and Doris Bellott Music Endowed Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Fred K. Bellott *Henry (Mike) Berg Scholarship / Mrs. Helen Berg Dr. Van C. Binns Scholarship - Nursing / Mrs. Evelyn Hogue Binns Dr. Van C. Binns Scholarship - Pre-medicine / Mrs. Evelyn Hogue Binns Birch-Johnson Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Johnson John Falls Bowen Scholarship / Family, Friends and Battery B 206th Coast Artillery (AA) Association Ruth G. Boyd Scholarship / Dr. Scott Boyd C. Alton Boyd Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Barbara Boyd Dr. Scott Boyd Memorial Scholarship / UAM Dept. of Health & P. E., Family and Friends Fay Brann Accounting Scholarship / Mrs. J. F. Brann Richard “Dick” Broach Wildlife Management Scholarship / Southern Pulpwood Co., Mrs. Nancy Clippert Broach, Mrs. Maxine Clippert and Mr. David Clippert B. R. “Bobby” Brown Scholarship / Mr. B. R. “Bobby” Brown and Consol, Inc. George R. Brown Professorship / The Brown Foundation George R. Brown Graduate Assistant Forest Resources / The Brown Foundation Joe Brown Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Marty and Erma Brutscher Debate-Forensics Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Brutscher



Mary Claire Randolph Buffalo Scholarship / Mr. Harvey Buffalo Jimmy Lee Buford Memorial Scholarship / Agriculture Technology Dept. Advisory Committee, UAM College of Technology - McGehee Eugenia H. (Moss) Burson & Jack D. Burson Scholarship / Family and Friends Jeff Busby Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Verna Hobson Cahoon, Elizabeth Coleman Cochran and Cornelia Coleman Wright Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family G. William and Verna Hobson Cahoon Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family Alvin and Raye Carter Education Scholarship / Mr. Dale W. Carter and Mr. Robert Ira Carter Paul R. and June Webb Carter Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter Paul R. and June Webb Carter - Drew Central High School Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter James P. Cathey Business Scholarship / Brooks and Lesa Cathey Handly Centennial Circle / 100 Special Friends Chair of the Division Scholarship - Nursing / Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kluender Chamberlin Wildlife Scholarship / Mr. H. H. Chamberlin Hank Chamberlin Memorial Scholarship / Family, Friends, Former students, Associates and Colleagues Marjorie Lamb Chamberlin Music Scholarship / Family and Friends Anthony T. and Faye Chandler Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Chandler, Family and Friends George H. Clippert Endowed Chair in Forestry / Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clippert; Mr. David H. Clippert; and Mrs. Nancy Clippert Broach George H. Clippert Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. George H. Clippert Coker Alumni Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account Ernestine Coker Endowed Music Scholarship / Dr. Jesse M. Coker Jesse and Ernestine Coker Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker Dr. Jesse M. Coker Distinguished Service Scholarship / UAM Foundation Fund Board of Directors Thomas and Julia Hobson Coleman Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family Suzanne Cooke Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cooke Stephen T. Crowley Forestry Scholarship / Mr. James H. Hamlen Van and Eula Mae Cruce Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday James Gordon Culpepper Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and Friends O. H. (Doogie) and Patsy Darling Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Darling Boyce Davis Award / Mr. Randy Risher C. W. Day Scholarship / Day Farms, Inc., Danny Day, Sr. Family, Raymond Day Family, Rickey Day Family, Sue Day Wood Family, William Day Family Dean’s Scholarship - Forest Resources / Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kluender Harry Y. Denson Scholarship / Family, Friends and Former Students Gregory Alan Devine Memorial Scholarship / Marion and Fern Devine Dr. Gene R. Dillard Education Award / Mrs. Gerry Dillard, Family and Friends Peggy Doss Endowed Education Scholarship / School of Education Faculty/Staff and Mr. D. John Nichols

John Dougherty Choral Scholarship / Senator Jimmy Jeffress, Senator Gene Jeffress, Former Students and Friends David B. Eberdt Scholarship / Mrs. Nancy Eberdt Susan Phillips Echols Memorial Endowed Scholarship / Ronald K. Echols, Family and Friends Vance W. Edmondson Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Vance W. Edmondson Dr. Albert L. Etheridge Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and Friends Hampton and Minnie Etheridge Scholarship / James and Mary Sawyer, Stacey and Helen Toole, T. D. and Joy Howell, R. M. and Rose Etheridge, Hampton and Marie Etheridge Wayne Gilleland Golf Scholarship / Dr. Diane Suitt Gilleland and Friends Shay Gillespie Phi Beta Sigma Leadership Scholarship / Family and friends of Mr. R. Shay Gillespie Classie Jones-Green African-American Alumni Scholarship / UAM African American Alumni Association, Family and Friends Harold J. Green Scholarship / Harold J. Green Bill Groce, Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Willie Katherine Coody Groce Scholarship / Estate of Willie Katherine Coody Groce Edward & Veronica Groebner Computer Information Systems Support Endowment / Dr. James F. Roiger Joseph Martin Guenter - Sigma Tau Gamma Scholarship / Sigma Tau Gamma Alumni E. Shermane Gulledge Non-traditional Scholarship / Dr. Dexter E. and Mrs. E. Shermane Gulledge Izella Ruth Gulledge Scholarship / Dr. Dexter E. and Mrs. E. Shermane Gulledge Annette K. Hall Scholarship - Music / Mr. Barry Hall Annette K. Hall Graduate Studies in Education Scholarship / Mr. Barry Hall Barry Hall Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Annette Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Cleatous J. Hall and Mrs. Audrey Blasingame James S. Hancock Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Carolyn Grubbs Hancock, Mrs. Hilda Hancock Malpica and Mrs. Becky Hancock Crossett Arthur A. Harris Vocal Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Annette Hall, Family and Friends Helen Harris Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, Division of Music, and Friends Hani and Debra Hashem Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Hani Hashem Dr. Ann Haywood Scholarship / Dr. Cecil Haywood, Former colleagues, Friends and Students of the School of Education Cecil C. Haywood Scholarship / Dr. Ann Haywood, Friends and Former Students of the School of Education Henry G. Hearnsberger, Sr. Forest Resources Scholarship / Mrs. George H. Clippert Mrs. Henry G. Hearnsberger, Sr. Nursing Scholarship / Mrs. George H. Clippert Paul G. and Leone Hendrickson Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hendrickson, Sr. Frank D. Hickingbotham Scholarship / Mr. Frank D. Hickingbotham William and Anna Hill Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. William T. Hill Iris Sullivan Hipp Nursing Scholarship / Ms. Sally Hipp Austin, Ms. Sheila Nichole Austin, and Mr. Hank E. Williams Robert L. Hixson Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Wilburn C. Hobgood Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and Friends Benjamin and Jerri Whitten Hobson Scholarship / Tom and Julia Coleman Family Hornaday Outstanding Faculty Award / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Charlotte Cruce Hornaday Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Agriculture Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Computer Information Systems Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Dan & Charlotte Hornaday Debate & Forensics Endowment / Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hornaday Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Music Excellence Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday Dan and Charlotte Hornaday Residence Life Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hornaday James A. Hudson Scholarship / James A. Hudson Memorial Foundation Jim Huey Scholarship / Family, Friends and Colleagues Henry B. Humphry Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Lamar Hunter Scholarship / The Reinhart Family Lamar Hunter Veterans and National Guard Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account Dean and Mrs. James H. Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson James H. and Elva B. Hutchinson Scholarship / Estate of Dr. James H. Hutchinson, Jr. Dr. C. Lewis & Wanda W. Hyatt Endowed Scholarship / Mrs. Charlotte Hyatt McGarr & Mr. C. Lewis Hyatt, Jr.

Indoor Practice Facility Endowed Maintenance Fund / Mr. Quintus Crews Brigadier General Wesley Jacobs Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Coker and Coker Book Account Veneta E. and Louis Richard James Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. James Loran L. Johnson Endowed Scholarship / Mississippi Marine Corporation and other individuals known as “Loran’s Boys” Virginia M. Ryan Jones Memorial Nursing Scholarship / Dr. C. Morrell Jones and Family and Friends Kingwood Forestry Scholarship / Proceeds from sale of Lake Monticello maps Robert C. Kirst Agriculture Scholarship / University of Arkansas at Monticello Agriculture Alumni Society Grady and Myrtle Burks Knowles Scholarship / Mrs. Myrtle Burks Knowles Timothy Ku Scholarship / Mr. Lawrence A. Ku and Mr. Albert Ku Victoria Ku Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students, Friends and Family Curtis W. Kyle Family Scholarship / Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr. Curtis W. Kyle, Sr. Forestry Scholarship / Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr. Fred H. Lang Forestry Scholarship / Mrs. Elizabeth S. Lang Leslie Larance Elementary Education Award / Family and Friends Randall Leister Scholarship / Friends A.D. and Nellie Leonard Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leonard Willis “Convoy” Leslie Scholarship / Former Teammates, Former Football Players and Members of the Arkansas National Guard Gerald and Sue Majors Endowed Scholarship / Trinity Foundation Robert W.D. Marsh Scholarship / Mrs. Demaris Marsh Martin -Wiscaver Endowed Scholarship / Dr. Jesse M. Coker Mathematics Scholarship / Anonymous Mathematics-Physics Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and Friends Betty A. Matthews Women’s Athletics Scholarship / Dr. Betty A. Matthews J. M. and Annie Mae Matthews Scholarship / Mrs. J. M. Matthews, Sr., Ms. Jane Matthews Evans and Mr. Jim Matthews Tommy Matthews Athletic Scholarship / Tommy and Pat Matthews, Bynum Matthews and Ann Matthews Jones Virginia Lee Maxwell Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Maxwell and Family Pauline J. and Zach McClendon, Sr. Scholarship / Union Bank & Trust Company Elizabeth Culbertson McDaniel Scholarship / CMD. Noel Waymon McDaniel and Mr. Noel A. McDaniel Noel Waymon and LaFran H. McDaniel Scholarship / Mr. Noel Waymon and Mrs. LaFran H. McDaniel James and Nellie McDonald Scholarship in Memory of David Michael Stapp / Chicot Irrigation, Inc.-Lake Village, James and Nellie McDonald, Glen and Beverly Rowe, Rick and Linda Rowe, Mike and Cindy McDonald Paul C. McDonald Memorial Scholarship / Ms. Betty McDonald, Dr. James McDonald, Mr. Garrett Vogel, and Dr. Betsy Boze Thomas McGill Scholarship / Mr. Thomas W. McGill Thomas McGill Forestry Scholarship / Mr. Thomas W. McGill Cecil McNiece Family Scholarship Fund / Mrs. Virginia McNiece and Family Willard G. Mears Estate Scholarship / Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Willard G. Mears Miller Sisters Scholarship - Education / Miss Jessie W. Miller Miller Sisters Scholarship -Science / Miss Jessie W. Miller Minnie May Moffatt Business Scholarship / Ms. Minnie May Moffatt Ruth and Wells Moffatt Forestry Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Wells Moffatt Walter A. and Myrtle Wells Moffatt Scholarship / Wells and Ruth Moffatt, Walter A. Moffatt, Jr., Minnie May Moffatt and Pattie Moffatt Dr. Walter A. Moffatt, Jr. Scholarship / Ms. Minnie May Moffatt and Ms. Pattie P. Moffatt Monticello Association of Life Underwriters / Monticello Association of Life Underwriters Monticello High School Class of 1965 Scholarship / The MHS Class of 1965 William E. Morgan-Weevil Pond Endowment / Estate of William E. Morgan Juanita Louise Moss Scholarship / Family and Friends Kermit C. Moss Scholarship / Family and Friends of Kermit C. Moss Robert J. Moss Endowed Scholarship / Steven C. Moss P. E. and Melba Munnerlyn Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Munnerlyn Charles H. Murphy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship / Deltic Timber Corporation Jim Neeley Scholarship / Mr. Jim Neeley D. John Nichols Scholarship / Mr. D. John Nichols and Mississippi Marine Corporation Loyal V. Norman Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sowell Fall 2011


Velma Ashcraft Norman Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sowell Dale Oliver Forestry Scholarship / Mr. James H. Hamlen Al Peer Kappa Alpha Psi Alumni Scholarship / Mr. Jerry Bingham and Kappa Alpha Psi Alumni Merle and Deloris Peterson Scholarship / Merle and Deloris Peterson, Friends and Associates in the Dumas, Arkansas, Community Phi Sigma Chi Memorial Award / Phi Sigma Chi alumnae and friends B. C. Pickens Endowed Scholarship / B. C. Pickens Trust Bub and Beulah Pinkus Scholarship / The Pinkus Family Emeline Killiam Pope, Sally Pope Wood, and Velma Wood Powell Scholarship / Estate of Velma Wood Powell John Porter and Mary Sue Price Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. John Porter Price R. David Ray Debate and Forensics Scholarship / School of Arts and Humanities, Former Students and Friends Russ Reynolds Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Family and Friends Randy Risher Fitness Scholarship / Mr. Randy Risher and Friends Raymond O. & Loretta J. Roiger Chi Iota Sigma Scholarship / Dr. James Roiger James Roiger Computer Information Systems Scholarship / Dr. James Roiger James F. Roiger Endowed Fund for Library Acquisitions / Dr. James Roiger Ross Foundation Endowed Scholarship - Forestry / The Ross Foundation Ross Foundation Endowed Scholarship - General / The Ross Foundation James A. & Mabel (Molly) H. Ross Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Ross & Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ross, Jr. Calvin V. Rowe Award / Mr. Calvin V. Rowe Bennie F. Ryburn, Sr. Scholarship / Family and Friends Cecil R. Scaife Scholarship / Mrs. Cecil Scaife and Children Thomas Robie Scott, Jr. Scholarship / Mrs. Opal Scott, Mr. Thomas Scott III, Mr. Michael Robert Scott and Mr. Phillip Roland Scott Elwood Shade Forest Resources Scholarship / Mr. Elwood Shade Simmons First Bank of South Arkansas Scholarship / Simmons First Bank of South Arkansas Herman C. Steelman Scholarship / School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Former Students and Friends Harry H. Stevens Nursing Scholarship / Bradley County Medical Center *Roy and Christine Sturgis / The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable and Educational Trust Fred and Janice Taylor Scholarship / Friends of UAM Jack H. Tharp Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Tharp Carolyn Hibbs Thompson Chemistry Scholarship / The Don Thompson Family & Thompson Electric Co. Horace E. Thompson Scholarship / Members of UCT, Family and Friends George E. Townsend Mass Communication Scholarship / Mr. George E. Townsend George and Betty Townsend Journalism Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. George E. Townsend UAM Alumni and Friends Endowed Scholarship / UAM Alumni and Friends UAM Campus Scholarship / UAM Faculty and Staff UAM Forestry Alumni Scholarship / UAM Forestry Alumni Richard Wallace Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Lee Wallick Band Scholarship / Dr. Paul A. Wallick, Sr., Friends and Former Band Students Dr. Paul Allen Wallick, Sr. Scholarship / Family and Friends Peggy Wallick Scholarship / Dr. Paul A. Wallick, Sr., Family, Friends and Former Students Carroll E. Walls Sr. and Colleen S. Walls Forestry Scholarship / Carroll and Colleen Walls Webb-Carter Scholarship / Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. June Webb Carter Bill and Marilyn Webb Forest Resources Endowed Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Kent Webb and Monticello Church of Christ Maurice and Minnie Chambers Webb Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Kent Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Banwarth West-Walden Family Scholarship / Dr. Louis J. and Mrs. Carol West James George White Golf Award / Family and Friends James M. White Memorial Scholarship / Deltic Farm & Timber Co., Inc., Family and Friends James M. White Professorship / Deltic Farm & Timber Co., Inc., Family and Friends John W. White Forestry Scholarship / Estate of Trannye O. White Sara Horn Wigley Memorial Scholarship / Sam Wigley Family and Charles & Donna Bell Family **Larry Willett Scholarship / Family, Co-workers and Friends Samuel A. Williams Scholarship / Mr. Sam W. Denison Earl Willis Scholarship / Family, Friends and Drew Central Alumni Anne Wilson Scholarship / Family and Friends Dr. George F. Wynne, Sr. Scholarship / Mrs. Matilda Wynne



Dr. David M. Yocum Family Endowed Scholarship / Dr. David Yocum, Jr. and Mr. David Yocum, IV Madge Youree Scholarship / School of Education, Family and Friends *Held by the Institution / **Held by the UA Agricultural Development Council

ACTIVE ENDOWMENTS Arkansas SAF / Ouachita Society of American Foresters & Arkansas Division of Ouachita Society of American Foresters Dr. Ed Bacon Scholarship / Ms. Isabel Bacon C. H. Barnes Scholarship / Family and Friends Kelly Bashaw Memorial Scholarship / Family and Friends Bramlett Scholarship / Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bramlett Gene Brown Memorial Baseball Scholarship / Family and Friends Montre Bulloch “Angel” Scholarship / William C. Bulloch Family Troy and Betty Davis Scholarship / Andy and April Davis, Mr. Kent Davis and Friends Charles Fred and Laura Lee Stephenson Dearman Scholarship / Chuck and Cindy Dearman, David and Ashley Dearman Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert Scholarship / Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert and Friends Pat Grider Southeast Arkansas Veteran’s Scholarship / Eric Grider Susie Hargis Nursing Scholarship / Charles Hargis Charles Hawkins Memorial Fund / Family Jack Jordan Golf Scholarship / Friends E. Wesley McCoy Scholarship / Ouachita-Saline Surveying and Mr. Mike Miley Ernest and Mary McFarland Scholarship / Mary I. McFarland Kenneth D. Mann Endowed Scholarship / Kenneth D. Mann Arhia Raymond Melton and Mildred Richardson Melton Scholarship / Estate of W. F. Chumney Rison High School Scholarship / Jasper Calaway, Rison Business Community and Friends E. R. “Bob” Wall Scholarship / Mrs. Sara Wall Robert C. Weih, Jr. and Marilyn Weih Endowed Scholarship / Robert and Marilyn Weih Robert W. Wiley Endowed Scholarship / Family and Friends

LIFE INSURANCE Phillip Pierini / Mr. Phillip Pierini Tim Pruitt / Mr. Timothy R. Pruitt Gus “Bubba” Pugh, Jr. / Mr. Gus “Bubba” Pugh, Jr. Guy “Butch” Sabbatini, Jr. / Mr. Butch Sabbatini, Jr. Johnny Hooks / Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hooks

CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUSTS Mr. and Mrs. Carroll E. Walls, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kim L. Mitchell

ANNUAL AWARDS / SCHOLARSHIPS Hunter Bell Memorial Scholarship / Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manning BKD Accounting Education Award / BKD, LLP Commercial Bank Business Award / Commercial Bank Judge Bill Daniels Scholarship / Bill Daniels Farmers Grain Terminal Award / Farmers Grain Terminal Georgia-Pacific Crossett Paper Operations Award / Georgia-Pacific Jewell Minnis Scholarship / Jewell Minnis Trust Lucille Moseley Memorial Scholarship / Family and friends Linda Pinkus Scholarship / Mr. Lester Pinkus, Lee Pinkus & Ladd Pinkus James & Venie Ann Powell Scholarship / James & Venie Ann Powell Fund Congressman Mike Ross Scholarship / Congressman & Mrs. Mike Ross A. O. Tucker Memorial Scholarship / Mrs. Glenda Carol Tucker Baker UAM Institute of Management Accountants Scholarship / UAM student chapter of the IMA Wallace Trust Scholarship / Wallace Trust

CURRENT FOUNDATION DONORS The UAM Foundation donors list includes alumni, friends and other contributors whose gifts were received Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011. Please report any corrections to the Advancement Office at (870)4601028 or to Roxanne Smith at

Unity & Movement Club $2,500 or more Mr. Jay Baker Mrs. Velma J. Burks Mrs. Maxine Clippert Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gibson Drs. Glen and Mary Jane Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Cleatous J. Hall Ms. Carolyn G. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Handly Mr. Charles Hargis Mr. Phillips Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hornaday Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Mann Dr. Betty A. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Maxwell Dr. Steven C. Moss Mr. and Mrs. John J. Phillips Mr. Lester Pinkus Dr. Jeffrey H. Reinhart Mr. Randy and Dr. Neela Risher Mr. and Mrs. Johnny H. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Eric Sundell Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Weih Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Woodruff

Galaxy Club $1,000-$2,499

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barron Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Erik Brezee Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crossett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dearman, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dew Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fakouri Drs. Marvin and Karen Fawley Mr. Lance L. Gasaway Dr. and Mrs. Dexter E. Gulledge Dr. and Mrs. William M. Heroman Mr. Tommy L. Hooks Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. James Dr. Carl B. Johnston Mrs. Jane Lucky Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Majors Mr. and Mrs. Larry Malpica Mr. and Mrs. Noel A. McDaniel Mrs. Charlotte McGarr Mr. Mark A. Normand Mrs. Joyce O’Neal Mrs. Nancy Risher Dr. James F. Roiger Congressman and Mrs. Mike Ross Mr. and Mrs. Joe Don Samples Ms. Elois G. Smith Dr. Thomas P. Springer Mr. Ted D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Wall Mrs. Sara E. Wall Mr. and Mrs. Scotty D. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Kent Webb Mrs. Marilyn R. Webb Mr. Scotty White Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bill C. Wisener

Emerald Club $500-$999

Mr. and Mrs. Job Bob Allaire Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baine

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. James Berry Dr. and Mrs. J. Morris Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Kelton Busby, Jr. Mrs. June M. Carter Ms. Janice G. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. William R. Daniels Dr. and Mrs. David Denson Lt. Col USAF (Ret.) William E. Dixon Ms. Tawanda Eugene Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gandy, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Glover Mr. Eric J. Grider Mrs. Marina Henry Mr. James Horton Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manning Ms. Angela Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mazzanti Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. McGuire Dr. Joseph P. Miles Ms. Kelly Murphy Mr. Sam Page Mrs. Deloris Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Pulliam Dr. John Warren Ramsey Mr. R. David Ray Mr. Lowell C. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Reinhart Mr. and Mrs. John D. Richardson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saffold Ms. Libby Sands Mr. John B. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. Jerry E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. John V. Tedesco Mr. James N. Thomason Mrs. Mary Jo Tucker Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wooley Mr. David M. Yeager

Loyalty Club $200-$499

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Adair Mr. and Mrs. Joe Akin Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ayres Dr. and Mrs. Morris Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Otis Block, Sr. Ms. Amelia Boney Dr. Debbie Bryant Dr. Russell H. Bulloch Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bulloch Mrs. Louise Burke Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Burson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carmical Mr. Buddy Carson Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Carter Mr. and Mrs. John David Carter Mr. and Mrs. Clint Conque Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Denzil R. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Culpepper Mr. Jereal P. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Donovan Mr. Ben R. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Alvy E. Early Mr. Edward Eaves Mr. Wayne Eitel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fakouri M and Mrs. Jeffrey Felts Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisackerly Mrs. Linda Fite Mr. Roger W. Fitzgerald, III Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ford, Jr. Ms. Tasha Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Byron A. Galloway Ms. Laura H. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Givens Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Glover Ms. Pamela D. Gouner

Dr. Robert Graber Mr. Barry H. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Bobby R. Harper Ms. Lynn Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Harris Marion L. Hollis Col. and Mrs. (Ret.) Byron P. Howlett, Jr. Mr. James A. Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hughes Mr. William“ HUD” Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. James Mr. Jay Jones Mr. Scott Kuttenkuler Ms. Carol Kuczynski Ms. Alice Lindsey Mrs. Lucille Loya Mr. Michael Mace Mr. Billy H. Majors Mr. M.L. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Marhenke Mrs. Angela J. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mazzanti Mr. Thomas B. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGinnis Mr. Michael P. McNellis Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. McRae Mr. Isaac Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Owen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Owyoung Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pace Mrs. Matti J. Palluconi Mr. Donald S. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ratcliff Mr. and Mrs. R. David Ray Mrs. Joanne Reyes Mr. James Rice Dr. and Mrs. Sean Rochelle Ms. Linda Herrington Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Ted Selby Mr. Thomas P. Slavin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Smith Mrs. Janet Staudinger Mr. Harold Steelman Mrs. Arlene Stokes Mr. Chase A. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stover Mr. George E. Townsend Mr. Kevin R. Trinque Mrs. Stacy A. Usry Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wigley Mrs. Lisa H. Young

Century Club $100-$199

Mrs. Joy D. Akin Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Appleberry Mr. W. Thomas Atchley Mrs. Carolyn J. Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Beckham Mrs. Mary R. Bellott Mrs. Starla J. Billington Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton Bitely Mr. Keith Blount Mr. Johnnie Bolin Dr. Gregory Borse Ms. Nancy C. Boyd Mrs. Mildred F. Brazeel Mr. Jim Brewer Mr. Scott Brezee Ms. Cassandra A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Blair Brown Ms. Patricia A. Brown Dr. Debbie Bryant Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bulloch Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bullock Ms. Sandra Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carey Mr. and Mrs. Billy Carson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Carson

Ms. Patti Carter Mr. Robert Ira Carter Mr. Raymond C. Chao Ms. Jessie E. Chappell Rep. and Mrs. Eddie Cheatham Mr. Gary B. Chilcoat Mrs. Grayce T. Choate Mrs. Mimi Herring Ciarletta Mr. and Mrs. Youles D. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Cobb Dr. Jesse M. Coker Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cooper Mrs. Mary L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Cravens Mr. James L. Crawford Mrs. Vernelle Crews Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Crossley Ms. Sandra J. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kent Davis Ms. Charlotte Denton Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Dillard Mr. L. Ray Downs Ms. Linda S. Ellis Ms. Laura Evans Ms. Patricia A. Ewens Ms. Yolander D. Fair Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Fakouri Ms. Sherry Felts Mrs. Diane Ferrell Dr. and Mrs. Pat Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frazer Mr. Stephen R. Frost Mr. Roy L. Garlington F.H. Gill Ms. Jennifer Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Landon K. Grimes Mrs. Dorothy Hall Mr. and Mrs. Truman J. Hamilton Ms. Patricia Sellers Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Werner L. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Hanke Ms. Ella M. Helm Ms. Marjorie G. Hildreth

Mrs. Kathryn J. Hilton Dr. and Mrs. Charles O. Hogue Ms. Mary Lean Hollins Mrs. Vashti L. Holt Mr. Ernest A. Howard Ms. Nancy A. Jeffers Mrs. Barbie Gilliam Johnson Mr. Eric M. Johnson Mr. James I. Johnson Ms. Martha K. Johnson Mr. Michael N. Johnson Mr. Richard Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Royel J. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Jones Dr. and Mrs. B.J. Jordan Mrs. Alicia M. Keef Ms. Cynthia A. Kimbrell Dr. Kathy King Ms. Mary Ann King Mr. Frank Krystyniak Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kuttenkuler Dr. Charles E. Lane, III Mr. and Mrs. Billy Lansdale Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Light Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Lobitz Ms. Margarita S. Loya Mr. Elliott J. Mangham Mrs. Diana L. Maracich Mrs. Sandra Matson Mayor and Mrs. Allen W. Maxwell, Jr. Mr. C.D. Ned McAffry Mr. Ronnie N. McFarland Mrs. Kathy McNabb Mr. Michael McNabb Mrs. Cindy Mejeur Ms. Carolyn Minson Mr. Clay Mitchell Ms. Jean Ann Moles Ms. Sharon L. Morgan Mrs. Kathy L. Morman Mr. Guy Nelson Ms. Patricia Nicholson Mr. Larry Nipper Mr. John R. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Loyd E. Oxner, Jr.

Mr. Charles A. Pambianchi Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy “Red” Parker Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Prestridge Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Prince Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reaves Mr. and Mrs. Dick E. Reynolds Ms. Marye D. Rogers Mr. John Rollins Mrs. Suzan Russell Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sansevero Mr. and Mrs. Charles Savage Mrs. Charlotte T. Schexnayder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Scott III Mr. Daniel Seilman Ms. Erin Selby Dr. and Mrs. Kent Skinner Mr. Lawrence Slamons Ms. Patsy Smith Ms. Gail Snider Mr. Richard A. Stanley Dr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Stark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Summerford Mr. Andrew Summers Mr. C.M. Terry Mr. Charles L. Thornton Mrs. Susie L. Thornton Mr. Mark A. Tiner Mr. Jim Trimm Mrs. Mary Vickers Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walt Ms. Linda Watts Dr and Mrs. Robert Weih Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells Mrs. Carol Sue White Mr. David E. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Cedric E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Williams Mr. James W. Willis Mr. J. Steve Woodson

BUSINESS / ORGANIZATION DONORS Acxiom Arkansas Native Plant Society Arkansas Seed Dealers Association Arkansas Superior Federal Credit Union Arlington Family Chiropractic Clinic, LLC Batesville Clinic, P.A. Bodacious Bar-B-Q Bulloch, Inc. Carmical Land & Cattle Carr’s Sand & Gravel Clark Psychological Consultation, P.C. Commercial Bank & Trust Co. Crawford’s Tankerman Service Davis Building Inc. DCHS Class of ‘61 DMC Construction LLC Delta Counseling Associates E.C. Barton & Company Employers Staffing Services, Inc. Evergreen Car Wash, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation Farmer’s Grain Terminal First Presbyterian Church - Monticello Freedman Metals, Inc. Ganesha Hospitality, LLC Georgia-Pacific J.M. Davidson, Inc. Jackson’s Bayou Boys KTM Coating Technologies, Inc. Leesco, Inc. Licon Dairy, Inc.

Lubrizol Foundation Martin Knee & Sports Medicine Center, PA Maxwell Hardwood Flooring Merchants & Farmers Bank Merchant and Planters Agency Monticello Ladies Golf Association Oak Grove Assembly of God Ocean Marine Contractors Inc Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation Paul Griffin Insurance Agency, Inc. Phoenix Youth & Family Services Price Services, Inc. Ralph McQueen & Co., LTD. Randy Risher Fitness, Inc. Ring Enterprises, Inc. Risher Fitness Management, Inc. Ryburn Motor Company Sara M. Hartness Law Office Simmons First Bank of South Ark South Arkansas Rehabilitation South Texas Auto Sales Group Spectra Energy Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Stephenson-Dearman Funeral Home Texas Instruments Foundation Truck & Trailer Services, Inc. UAM Agriculture Alumni Society UAM Institute of Management Accountants Union Bank & Trust Company Vickers Construction Woodard Drug

Spring 2012


The Centennial Circle As part of the university’s 100th birthday celebration. UAM is seeking pledges of $10,000 each to be used to create a $1 million unrestricted endowment for the UAM Foundation Fund. Earnings from this endowment will be used on an annual basis to meet priority needs of the university. These priorities will be determined by a joint committee of administration, faculty, and students. None of the endowment earnings will be used to augment salaries. Members of The Centennial Circle have their names, or the names of whomever they designate, inscribed on the Centennial Clock Tower. If you would like to be part of The Centennial Circle, we encourage you to contact the UAM Office of Advancement, at (800) 467-8148 or (870) 460-1028.

Centennial Circle Members Mike & Susan Akin Joe Bob & Missy Allaire Hoyt & Susan Andres Elizabeth (Libby) Annulis Barbara & Claude Babin Pervis & Mary Nell Ballew Mike & Patsy Berry John Falls Bowen (by William H. & Constance Bowen) Prof. Alaga H. & Myrtle I. Boyd (by Robert & Faye Boyd) Marty & Erma Brutscher The Bulloch Family - Bud, Carole, Liz, Sarah Kelton & Betty Busby Paul R. & June Webb Carter James & Sue Cathey Steven L. Cathey M.D. Dr. Tim & Paige Chase The Centennial Class of 2009 Jesse & Ernestine Coker Quentious A. Crews (by Jim & Rhonda Crews Woodruff) Van & Eula Mae Cruce (by Dan & Charlotte Hornaday) Crossett Alumni & Friends Dumas Alumni & Friends David B. & Nancy Kyle Eberdt (by Bobby & Kimberly Eberdt Edmonds) Anthony W. & Cathy H. Fakouri Victor Felley, Ark. A. & M. Trustee (by Wayne & Mellie Jo Owen) First National Bank of McGehee The Frazer Family Jean C. & Oscar F. Frisby Lewis & Wanda Gardner - Lone Star Station / Boll Weevil Café Barbara Blanks Gathen (by the UAM African American Alumni Association, family & friends)



Jerry, June, Jay & Judd Gibson Lisa & Cliff Gibson John W., Martha (McDougald), John, Jr. & Mark Gibson Diane Suitt Gilleland Rev. Shay & Mrs. Sherrie Gillespie Dwight & Linda Teague Goodwin (by Randy Risher, Mark Risher and Roger Teague) John DeWitt Halstead (by Harry E. “Pete” Halstead) Jim & Betty Jo Hardy Hercher Frank D. Hickingbotham Dan & Charlotte Cruce Hornaday John & Nora Hornaday (by Dan & Charlotte Hornaday) President Frank Horsfall & Margaret Vaulx Horsfall (by Dr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Gates) Dr. Louis J. & Carol West James J. Chester Johnson Dr. Carl Briner Johnston Jordan Family - James T., Bonnie, Terry, Jerry & Cindy Don E. & Joyce M. King Curtis W. Kyle, Jr. Judy & Jack Lassiter Robert Leonard The Carl F. Lucky, Jr. Family Carol & Weaver L. Majors Gerald & Sue Majors Kenneth, Sharon, & Jennifer Mann Dot & M.L. Mann Bryan & Dr. Sue S. Martin Dr. Betty A. Matthews Allen & Dana Maxwell Noel Waymon McDaniel (by Noel A. McDaniel & Marlene Ballard)

Julian W., Sr. & Jean Mettetal (by Wayne Mettetal, Sherry Mettetal Woods, Ted Mettetal, Mike Mettetal, and Mary Ellen Mettetal McAllister) Thomas V. & Sarah Beth Burchfield Maxwell Kim Lloyd Mitchell Moffatt Family - Walter, Jr., Wells, Ruth, Minnie May & Pattie Lamar G. Moore Jim Neeley Donetta F. McGriff, RN (by Ray & Misty Paschall) D. John Nichols J. C. & Carolyn Crain Nichols Jeff & Sallie Owyoung R. David & Loyce Ray (by Dr. & Mrs. B. Alan Sugg) Richard & Eddye Ann Reinhart Jeffrey Hunter Reinhart, MD Randy & Neela Risher Bennie F. Ryburn, Sr. & Virginia M. Ryburn (by Commercial Bank & Trust Co/First State Bank of Warren) Dr. & Mrs. Harry L. Ryburn Margaret Horsfall Schadler & Harvey Walter Schadler Johnny & Linda Smith Tom & Dianne Springer G. Warren Stephenson Jean & Alan Sugg Jack D. & Ted D. Thompson Union Bank & Trust Company Joseph Wallace Trust Terri Wolfe - Beth Thurman Jimmie & Linda Yeiser


Hamburg Site


AM will have an increased presence in Hamburg thanks to the completion of a renovation project creating a satellite campus in the Ashley County community. The new UAM Educational Center, located at 311 North Mulberry Street in Hamburg, is part of the UAM College of Technology-Crossett. Community business and civic leaders were joined recently by university officials from UAM’s main campus in Monticello as well as its technical campuses in Crossett and McGehee for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to formally open the new facility. “This is a great day for UAM, for southeast Arkansas, and particularly for the community of Hamburg,” said Chancellor Jack Lassiter. “UAM is southeast Arkansas’ university and we are pleased to have an increased presence in Hamburg and Ashley County.” The renovated facility was formerly known as the Hamburg Adult Education

Center and was owned and maintained by the Hamburg School District. After the Ashley County Adult Education Program merged with the UAM COT-Crossett, the district agreed to lease the building to UAM before later deciding to donate the structure to the university. “This is an exciting addition to our programs at the Crossett campus,” said Linda Rushing, vice chancellor of UAM COT-Crossett. “This facility will allow us to

expand our college course offerings in addition to the adult education courses that we already have in place. With the tough economic times this region is facing, providing increased educational opportunities for our citizens is absolutely essential.” The renovated structure includes two large classrooms and a computer laboratory. “We’re looking forward to using this facility and serving the people of Hamburg and this region,” added Rushing. EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR Lisa Kelley (left), hospitality instructor at UAM COT-McGehee, has been named Educator of the Year by the McGehee Chamber of Commerce. Kelley teaches hospitality management at UAM’s McGehee campus. Making the presentation was Thomas Gathen (right), superintendent of the McGehee School District.

Spring 2012


ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS 1960-69 Raymond “Ray” J. Nielson (BS ’69) is a high school journalism and Arkansas history teacher at St. Joseph School in Conway. He worked for the Arkansas Educational Television Network from 1972-1998. He is a retired naval officer (lieutenant commander) who served 26 years in the Navy, 22 as a reservist.


Art Kaufman ‘80 Art Kaufman, a former UAM linebacker and 28-year coaching veteran, has been named defensive coordinator at Texas Tech University. Kaufman joins the Red Raiders from the University of North Carolina and brings with him 10 years of experience as a defensive coordinator at the Division I level. “I looked at a lot of candidates for this job but when it came down to it, I turned to a guy that I knew could get the job done,” said Texas Tech Head Coach Tommy Tuberville. “Art is one of the best defensive coaches in the business and that is obvious when you take a look at the product he has put out on the field over the years. He has experience in the SEC, ACC and Conference USA and I know he will soon make his mark here in the Big 12.” Kaufman spent the last three years at North Carolina, serving two seasons as linebackers coach and one season as defensive coordinator. Kaufman, who has coached in 12 bowl games, helped lead Southern Miss to a victory over Troy in the New Orleans Bowl in 2008. A former defensive coordinator at Ole Miss, Kaufman also has coached at Middle Tennessee State, East Carolina, Arkansas Tech and Louisiana Tech. A 1980 UAM graduate, Kaufman had two stints at Ole Miss, coaching in Oxford for a total of 10 years. He spent six years as the Rebels’ defensive coordinator and linebackers coach. He was an AllArkansas Intercollegiate Conference linebacker during his playing days at UAM. He earned his first full-time coaching job in 1983 when he became the outside linebackers coach at Northwestern State University (La.). In 1987, he was named defensive coordinator/linebackers coach at Northwestern State. A native of Dermott, Ark., Kaufman has three daughters: Tara, Taylor and Madison.

Jim Zornes ‘76 Jim Zornes (BS ’76) has been named acting forest supervisor of the ApacheSitgreaves National Forests in Arizona. Zornes has worked at Apache-Sitgreaves since May 2010 as deputy forest supervisor. A 1976 UAM graduate with a bachelor’s degree in forest management, Zornes began his career with the USDA Forest Service in the Ouachita National Forest, Cold Springs Ranger District, in Arkansas. He later moved to the Tiak Ranger District in Oklahoma, then to the Ochoco National Forest in Oregon. Next it was the Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado, where he served as district ranger of the Leadville Ranger District. He returned to Arkansas as district ranger of the Mena/ Oden Ranger District of the Ouachita National Forest before moving to Arizona. In addition to his Forest Service career, Zornes was also an owner and operator of a diversified farming operation and forest products business. Zornes and his wife, Joan, have two grown children who live in Arkansas.



William “Bill” Givens (BS ’75) of Hamburg, has been inducted into the Robertsville, Ala., High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Givens started on the UAM football team for four years and was a team captain his senior year. Dr. John T. Young (BS 77) earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology from UAM, completed an MS in gerontology from Henderson State, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and a PhD from Rice University. Young is a retired healthcare executive. He owned and operated psychiatric hospitals and clinics in the U.S. and internationally. and currently serves as the volunteer president and CEO of three different nonprofit organizations providing social services for children in several countries. Young is married, has three children and two grandchildren.

2000-11 Whitney Suzanne Leach (BS ’09) and Clinton Walker Hayes were married on October 29, at the Enola Church of Christ in Enola. Joshua Logan Reed (BS ‘11) and Megan Elizabeth Kappler were married on November 11, at the Olive Branch Missionary Baptist Church in Pine Bluff.

Dave “Tex” Anders ‘60 Dave “Tex” Anders (BBA ‘60) has led what can only be described as an unusual life. A former Boll Weevil fullback, Anders has been a high school and college coach, teacher, principal, headmaster, night club owner, concert promoter, publisher of a rock newspaper, and rock band manager. Now living in Pharr, Tex., Anders has published two books, including 2009’s No Title Fits, which contains anecdotes of his time with coaching notables Jimmy Johnson and Larry Lacewell as well as stories about his ownership of a nightclub called “the Losers,” a legendary Tampa club that launched the careers of Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Outlaws, Mothers Finest, and Ted Nugent. Anders has written a book about the club titled The Losers, which was considered by many as the top rock and roll club in the nation in the 1970s. Both books are available at and at

Spring 2012


ALUMNI SNAPSHOTS Friends We’ll Miss Ernest Franklin Adcock ’64 of Little Rock, September 25, 2011. Ronald Lee Anderson ’70 of Arkansas City, August 19, 2011. Annie Catherine Black ‘59 of Hamburg, January 24, 2012. Ernestine Brown Brooks ’58 of Pine Bluff, October 2, 2011. Gregory “Greg” Paul Capps ’94 of Dumas, September 25, 2011. Shirley Ann Bateman Carpenter ’69 of Monticello, December 22, 2011. Judith Ann Rodgers Carter ’68 of Star City, September 18, 2011. William Marshall “Butch” Chappell ’72 of Huntsville, June 15, 2011. Oliver Quinton Couey ‘64 of Fountain Hill, January 18, 2012. Eleanor Stewart Crook ’38 of Rison, November 19, 2011. Mark Ashley Crossley of Montrose, Colo., December 4, 2011. Robert A. Davis, Sr. of Hamburg, January 6, 2012. George David Finley of Benton, January 5, 2012. Katherine May Fort of Warren, January 21, 2012.

Pattie Moffatt ‘43 of Monticello, passed away January 24, 2012. Miss Moffatt received a degree in English from Arkansas A&M and was employed in the A&M/ UAM library from 1952 to 1982. She was a member of one of the most prominent families in Drew County and her ancestors included Judge William Turner Wells, who donated 200 acres which in 1909 became the home to the Fourth District Agricultural School, UAM’s forerunner. The Moffatt family are members of the UAM Centennial Circle and have been long-time friends and supporters of the university. Miss Moffatt was preceded in death by her brothers, Dr. Walter Moffatt and Wells Moffatt, and her sister, Minnie Moffatt. Pattie Moffatt was one of the 2001 recipients of UAM’s Continuing the Connection Award.



Edith Loraine Griswood of Dermott, October 8, 2011. Sallie Thelma Calloway Ham of Monticello, December 25, 2011. Margaret Harbour ’57 of Camden, October 28, 2011. Deborah Ranell Rouse Hayden of Monticello, December 11, 2011. Donna Marie Triplett Hill of Jacksonville, December 16, 2011. Billie Burke Hodnett, Sr. ’65 of Fayetteville, October 17, 2011. Helen Porter Johnson ’59 of Harrell, October 14, 2011. William Keith Medlin ’92 of Crossett, December 17, 2011. Carroll Vance Morgan ’53 of Warren, October 21, 2011. Robert “Bob” Horace Moss ’75 of Monticello, November 13, 2011. Harry M. Nutt ’55 of Little Rock, December 7, 2011. William Maurice “Reece” Owen of Grady, September 26, 2011. Edward Lee Parham ’56 of Benton, August 21, 2011. Lisa Calhoun Pierce ’94 of Hamburg, November 7, 2011.

Earlene Harris Price of Little Rock, November 16, 2011. Glenn Lamonde Proffitt ’61 of Warren, October 14, 2011. Howard K. Qualls ’61 of Richardson, Tex., August 28, 2010. Ruby S. Nichols Register ’56 of Enid, Okla., September 20, 2011. Hallie O’Neel Ross ’38 of Star City, December 8, 2011. Pauline Elizabeth Stanton Smith ’47 of Helena, November 25, 2011. Mary Cordell Whittington Steele of Fayetteville, January 16, 2012. Annie Pearl Hoover Taylor of Glendale, November 11, 2011. Martha Matthews Thompson of Augusta, September 15, 2011. Herbert E. Tucker ’59 of Pine Bluff, October 9, 2011. Judge Robert C. Vittitow ’62 of Warren, October 14, 2011. Mary Elizabeth Beard Watson ‘68 of Crossett, January 21, 2012. Mary Still Weathers of Fordyce, October 8, 2011. Harry “Lee” Leslie Woodyard, Jr. of Greenville, Miss., December 25, 2011.

Wee Weevil Bibs Parker Anne Freeman born September 9, 2011, to Tony (BS ’07, MAT ’09) and Jennifer Freeman of Texarkana. Airon Jamir Greene born November 29, 2011, to Eric (BBA ’00) and Tawana Greene of Monticello. James David Henry born December 12, 2011, to Matt and Lindsay Henry(BBA ‘2006) of Star City. Madison Renee Hughes born December 3, 2011, to Jacob (BGS ’10) and Megan (CP ’11) Hughes of Monticello.

Sophia Grace Kelnhofer born November 18, 2011, to Nicholas (BS ’02) and Ashley Kelnhofer of Monticello. Carlie Eleanor Palmertree born December 6, 2011, to Bob (BA ‘03) and Stacey (BS ’06) Gibson Palmertree of Allen, Tex. Julie Jean Pettigrew born December 19, 2011, to Josh and Jessica Pettigrew of Monticello.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Dues Paying Alumni Association Members – Thank You! Dues received January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Mrs. Cynthia L. Adair Mr. Wayne R. Adams Mrs. Gloria R. Adkisson Mr. Joe L. Akers Mrs. Joy D. Akin Mrs. Barbara J. Akin Mrs. Patricia Busby Akin Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W. Albritton Rev. Lawson M. Anderson Mrs. Juanita Appleberry Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arrechea Mrs. Lois M. Arrechea Mrs. Eva M. Arrington Mrs. Nancy J. Astin Mr. W. Thomas Atchley Mrs. Katie B. Austin Ms. Marie Austin Mrs. Joy B. Ayer Mrs. Irma McCollum Badger Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Ball Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Ballew Ms. Barbara A. Barnes Mrs. Joy Barnes Mr. Vernon D. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Barnett Mrs. Patricia E. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Jim Barrett Dr. & Mrs. William B. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. James L. Barton Mr. Matthew C. Baumgarten Mr. Zachary J. Baumgarten Dr. & Mrs. Garland E. Bayliss Ms. Mary Bayliss Mr. & Mrs. J. Wayne Beaty Mr. Donald E. Beavers Mr. T. Pat Beaverson Mr. James H. Beck Mrs. Fonda C. Bell Mrs. Mary R. Bellott Ms. Emily E. Bendinelli Mr. & Mrs. Craig Benson Mr. Mike Berry Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bickford Mr. Mark Binns Mr. Alvin W. Black Mr. Roger E. Blackmon Mr. Ron H. Blackwelder Mrs. Helen Troy Bladon Mrs. Lynn Austin Bliss Mr. Rickey L. Booker, Jr. Mrs. Debra L. Borgognoni Mr. & Mrs. Mack J. Borgognoni Ms. Linda Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Nick F. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Boyd Mrs. Diane C. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Boyd Ms. Linda T. Johnson-Boyter Mrs. Donna Forrest Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Bradshaw Mr. Herby Branscum, Jr. Mrs. Mildred F. Brazeel Mr. & Mrs. Freddy L. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. William S. Brooks Mrs. Carolyn Brown Mr. J. Taylor Brown Ms. Joen G. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. James Buchanan Dr. R. Brian Bulloch Dr. Russell H. Bulloch Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bulloch Mr. John L. Bullock Mrs. Lottie B. Bunn Dr. & Mrs. James G. Burgess Mr. Steven E. Burgess Mrs. Louise Burke Mrs. Marilyn Burnham Mr. David R. Burns Mr. & Mrs. A. Kelton Busby, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James Bush Mr. Jerry V. Bush, Jr. Ms. Marlene Bush Mr. Bobby D. Buzbee Mr. & Mrs. Barton A. Bynum Mr. & Mrs. John Richard Byrd Mr. Travis M. Calhoun Mr. Leon Ray Camp Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Candler Ms. Sharon E. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Capps Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Carlson Mrs. June M. Carter Mr. Ronald G. Carter Mrs. Ann C. Cash Mr. Donny R. Cater Mr. & Mrs. Joey Cathey Drs. Steve & Janet Cathey Mr. Carr Lee Chambers Drs. Jim & Martha Chambless Mr. Allen R. Chandler Mrs. Faye Chandler Mrs. Patricia A. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Leon Chapman Dr. & Mrs. Tim D. Chase Mrs. Grayce T. Choate Dr. Daniel E. Christman Mrs. Mimi Herring Ciarletta Mr. & Mrs. Aldo Cingolani Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Clary Mrs. Marjorine Click Mr. William D. Clifton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Cloud Mr. Harry M. Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Cobb Dr. Jesse M. Coker Mrs. Jo Ella Cook Mr. Gary D. Cope Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Coston Mr. James W. Cotton Mr. & Mrs. Cecil E. Counce Mr. & Mrs. Denzil R. Cox Ms. Erin B. Cracolici Mr. Billy W. Craig Mr. Kenneth T. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crawley Mrs. Glenda Cross Mr. Matthew Cross Dr. & Mrs. Randy Crowder Mr. Lori Crowley Mrs. Shirley L. Cummins Mr. & Mrs. James Robert Daniels Mrs. Georgieann D. Darter Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Dawson Mr. John H. Dawson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Dearman, Jr. Mr. David E. Dearman Dr. & Mrs. D. Wayne Divine Mr. John L. Dobbins Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Doyle Mr. Ben R. Dunlap Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Dunn Mrs. Marilyn R. Dvoracek Mrs. Juanita L. Dye Mr. Ronald K. Echols Mr. Brett W. Eckert Dr. Audrey Brown Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Efird Mr. & Dr. Betsy Ellis Mrs. Judith A. Erstine Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Fakouri Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Fakouri Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. Ferrell Mrs. Louise M. Fishel Ms. Cheryl A. Flora Mr. & Mrs. John W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Foster Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Frank Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Franklin Mr. Thomas E. Franks Mr. James T. French Ms. Melinda Frew

Ms. Jean C. Frisby Mr. Michael D. Frisby Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Frizzell Mr. W. Ronald Frizzell Mrs. Janie Elizabeth Fuller Mrs. Louise Funderburg Mr. Ricky D. Futrell Mr. P. Q. Gardner Mrs. Perry Jean Gathright Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Blake H. Gilbert Drs. Glen & Mary Jane Gilbert Mr. Verl Gill Rev. & Mrs. Shay Gillespie Mr. Anthony J. Giovingo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Givens Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Glover Mrs. Linda D. Goodwin Mr. Joe R. Gordon Mr. William M. Goyne Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Grassi Mr. Alfred J. Graves Mr. Chris Lane Gray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gray Mrs. Classie Jones-Green Mr. Richard S. Green Ms. Tamara D. Grider Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Calvin E. Grubbs Dr. & Mrs. Dexter E. Gulledge Mr. Adrian L. Haley, Jr. Mr. C. Barry Hall Mr. Robert A. Hall, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Halstead Mrs. Lereatha Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Pat Hammons Mrs. Billie J. Handly Ms. Lesa A. Handly Mr. & Mrs. Werner L. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Hankins Ms. Ruth Hankins Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hargis Mrs. Mary Louise Harp Mr. Gary L. Harper Mr. Joseph Neil Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Harris Mr. Bob G. Harris, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George T. Harris Mr. & Mrs. William A. Harrison Ms. Melissa K. Harrod Mr. Ellis Dale Hart Mr. & Mrs. Hani W. Hashem Mr. Grant A. Hawthorne Mrs. Lou A. Head Mr. Larry D. Hedden Ms. Frances Hedrick Mr. & Mrs. Hugh L. Heflin, Sr. Mr. Joe S. Henry Mr. & Mrs. John Henry Dr. Jim Hercher & Betty Hercher Mr. & Mrs. Randall Herring Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Hickingbotham Mr. James R. Higgins Mrs. Kathryn J. Hilton Dr. & Mrs. James L. Hobgood Mr. David Hobson Mr. Norris C. Hodge Mr. Devin W. Holland Mrs. Martha A. Holland Ms. Flossie M. Holley Ms. Mary Lean Hollins-Scott Mr. Robert L. Hollis Mr. Tommy L. Hooks Ms. Lawanaka K. Hooper Mr. Bertram G. Hopgood Mrs. Joyce Causey Hopkins Mrs. & Mrs. Charlie Hopper Mr. Gordon Hornaday Mrs. Tami R. Hornbeck Mr. G. Ray Howard

Col. (Ret) & Mrs. Byron P. Howlett, Jr. Mr. Jerry D. Hubbard Ms. Yolanda P. Hugg Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Hughes Mr. Billy R. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. W. Ralph Hunter Mrs. Trudy G. Jackson Mrs. Vickey McCray Jacobs Mrs. Louise M. James Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Janes Senator & Mrs. Jimmy L. Jeffress Mr. Anthony M. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Ted Jenkins Mr. Rick Jenkins Lt. Col. (Ret.) Willard D. Jenkins Mr. Peter H. Jerry Mrs. Barbie Gilliam Johnson Col. (Ret.) Donald L. Johnson Mr. Jerry R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Levin C. Johnson Mrs. Virginia Nell Johnston Mrs. Nancy J. Jolly Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Jones Dr. Charlotte A. Jones Mr. Gerald L. Jones Mrs. LaVerne M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Rob Jones Ms. Martha R. Jones Mr. R.D. Jones, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Billy J. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Jordan Mr. Martin Katilius Mr. Marvin K. Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Kea Mr. Thomas M. Keith Mrs. Cynthia M. Kern Dr. & Mrs. Bob L. Kerr Mr. S. Lee Kindle Dr. Lewis R. King Mr. & Mrs. James Kirkley Mr. Lang Mitchell Kirshberger Mr. Leroy Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kizer Mr. John K. Knight Mr. & Mrs. W. Brad Koen Mr. & Mrs. Kelly M. Koonce Dr. & Mrs. Kieth Kreth Mr. Curtis W. Kyle, Jr. Ms. Julie A. LaFleur Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Land Mr. & Mrs. Gerald I. Landfair Mr. Malcolm G. Lane Mr. Brian Langley Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lawrence, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bob H. Lee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David S. Leech Mr. Joseph P. Leveritt Mr. Samuel C. Light Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Linsy Mr. & Mrs. Willie Livingston Dr. Brian R. Lockhart Mr. John E. Lockwood Dr. James L. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Loyd Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Lybrand Mr. Mickey R. Maddox Mr. & Mrs. John H. Maines Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Majors Mr. & Mrs. Weaver L. Majors, Jr. Mrs. Bonnie R. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Mann Mr. Marvin L. Mann Mr. Wayman N. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Chris E. Marhenke Ms. Marva D. Martin Mr. Robert F. Maskell Mrs. Nola G. Mason Dr. Betty A. Matthews Dr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Maxwell

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Mazzanti Mr. John E. McArthur Mrs. Tafta A. McCain Mr. & Mrs. James McClain, Jr. Mr. John L. McClellan Mr. Zach McClendon, Jr. Mr. William C. McClintock, USN Ret. Mr. James W. McClung Mrs. Monteene H. McCoy Dr. Gale Allen McFarland Mrs. Charlotte McGarr Mrs. Regina G. McGinn Mr. & Mrs. John Michael McGinnis Dr. & Mrs. Patrick E. McGinnis Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. McGinnis Mr. Daniel S. McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Hubert McKeown, Sr. Mr. Tom L. McKeown Mr. Garel L. McKiever Ms. S. Leslie McKiever Ms. Cynthia K. McKinstry Ms. Charlestine Metcalf Mr. Michael B. Mettetal Mr. & Mrs. Scott Milburn Ms. Marijo Miles Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Miller Mr. Errol D. Miller Mr. Howard C. Miller Mrs. Marsha R. Miller Ms. Mishelle C. Miller Mr. Clay Mitchell Mr. Craig D. Mitchell Ms. Kendall N. Mitchell Dr. Andrew M. Monfee Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie W. Monk Mrs. Carolyn M. Moore Mr. Charles E. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Moore Mr. Lamar G. Moore Mr. Jimmile L. Mormon Mr. & Mrs. Carroll W. Mosley Mrs. Judy S. Mosley Ms. Zellie Ann Mosley Dr. Steven C. Moss Ms. Rhonda G. Mullikin Mrs. Melba Munnerlyn Ms. Patricia Lynn Murray Dr. & Mrs. Joe A. Musick Mr. Allen Myers Mr. Eric T. Myers Mr. Robert O. Naylor Mr. and Mrs. Jim J. Neeley Mr. & Mrs. Tommy N. Neeley Mr. William H. Nelson, Jr. Ltc. USA (Ret.) Hector New Mr. Chadwick S. Newton Mr. D. John Nichols Dr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Norris Ms. Carolyn K. Norvell Ms. Juanita D. Nowlen Mr. W. Roger Nutt, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Marty O’Fallon Mrs. Joyce O’Neal Mr. John Ogles Dr. Walter R. Oglesby Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Owen, Jr. Mr. Harold Owens Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Owyoung Mr. Homer Pace Mrs. Matti J. Palluconi Maj. Roy I. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Ron W. Parsley Mr. Archie L. Paschall, Sr. Mr. Joseph D. Paschall Mr. Adam Patrick Mr. Larry E. Patrick Mr. Wendell E. Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Scott Patterson Mrs. Marietta K. Payne Mr. Jimmy W. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Gene Pearce, Jr. Mr. Donald S. Pearson

Ms. Margaret R. Pennington Mrs. Carolyn Diane Perry Mr. Thomas A. Pevey Mrs. Marilyn J. Pfaff Ms. Jane Phillips-Cason Mr. & Mrs. Keith Phillips Mrs. Lela B. Pickett Mr. Thomas J. Pierce, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Place Mr. Edwin R. Pomeroy Mr. James N. Porter Mr. Ron J. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prestridge Ms. Reathel J. Privett Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Puckett Mr. Gus Pugh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dirk Pulliam Mr. Joe & Dr. Annette B. Rawls Mr. & Mrs. R. David Ray Ms. Nancy Reep Mrs. Ramona R. Reep Mr. Dick E. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Clinton D. Riley Mr. Benny A. Rinke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Roan Mr. Phillip I. Roby Dr. & Mrs. Sean C. Rochelle Mr. & Mrs. Russ Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Don Rodgers, Sr. Dr. Tommy G. Roebuck Mr. Albert B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ross, Jr. Mr. William F. Ross Mrs. Carol Woodard Rudder Mr. James Parker Rundel Dr. James D. Russell Ms. Judy M. Ryburn Mr. & Mrs. Scott Saffold Mr. Christopher L. Salazar Ms. Lou Ann Sales Mr. J. Howard Sandage Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sansevero Mr. Jerry D. Saxton Ms. Patricia McDermott Scavo Mr. & Mrs. Eddie M. Scherm Mrs. Charlotte T. Schexnayder Ms. Blanche Scott Mr. Kenneth Screeton Ms. Yvonne Y. Shao Ms. Marla L. Shapiro Mr. Danny M. Shedd Dr. & Mrs. Dwight C. Shelton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Shepherd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nasser Shirakbari Ms. Theresa M. Sikole Ms. Elva Singleton Mr. John P. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Coy B. Smith Mr. D. Rusty Smith Dr. Kirby Smith Mr. James M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith Mr. Thomas W. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Barbara S. Speakman Mr. Derrick R. Spinks Mrs. Martha Jean Spurlock Mr. & Mrs. T. C. Spurlock, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Stanford Ms. Merrellyn Stark Mr. Benny Alvis Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Stephens Mrs. Sara Beth Stevens Mr. Jeffrey V. Stewart Mr. Arthur R. Stoker Rev. Ross W. Stuckey Mrs. Zelma R. Stuckey Mr. Charles R. Summerford Mr. Andrew L. Summers Mrs. Cora M. Summers

Mr. Toby J. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Jim B. Tadel Mr. Dillan W. Taff Mr. Billy F. Taylor Mrs. Marsha K. Taylor Mrs. Vonda K. Taylor Dr. Paul M. Terry Mrs. Mary L. Thomason Mr. Ted D. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Luke Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Bill J. Thurman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Thurman Mrs. Clarice B. Tibbs Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Toombs Mr. George E. Townsend Ms. Kathy L. Trites Mrs. Wilma B. Trout Mr. Thomas Richard Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin T. Turner Mr. Paul T. Turner Ms. Cynthia H. Van Veckhoven Mr. Donald L. Vaught Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Venters Mrs. Nancy Vittitow Mrs. Marilyn R. Vockroth Mr. Edwin E. Waddell Ms. Amber L. Waite Mr. Jack V. Walker Dr. & Mrs. Tom T. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon R. Wall Mrs. Sara E. Wall Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Wallace Mr. Robert G. Wallace Dr. Kay J. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Walther Mrs. Mary Sue Watson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Wayman Mr. Jeffrey C. Weaver Dr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Webb Mr. Billy R. Welch Mrs. Patty Ferrell Welch Mr. Dale Welch Rev. Billy G. West Mr. Joe D. Whisenhunt Mr. & Mrs. Roy Whitaker Mrs. Carol Sue White Mrs. Deborah J. White Mr. & Mrs. Steve White Mr. Matt Whiting Dr. & Mrs. Tom D. Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Bill Whiting Mr. Will Whiting Mr. J. Vanoy Wilbanks Mr. Charles P. Willeford Mr. Robert G. Willett Mr. Michael A. Willey Mr. R. Bruce Willey Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Williams Mr. Paul Williams Mr. Lloyd C. Willman Mrs. Charlotte L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Wilson Mrs. Kimberly K. Wilson Mrs. Laura Matthews Wilson Mr. Norvin J. Wilson Ms. Paula Wilson Mr. Thomas D. Wilson Mrs. Karen K. Wisener Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wisener Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Wisener Mrs. Glenda Kay Wood Mrs. Lucile Wood Mr. John C. Woodie, Jr. Mrs. Maureen M. Work Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wright Dr. Jill F. Wright Mr. Zane D. Wright Mr. Jason Young

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