Passover Printable Booklet

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INTRODUCTION Passover is a holiday that is mainly celebrated at home. As a major Jewish holiday, it can require more of us to celebrate than other holidays. It’s also an opportunity to host a

seder meal that reflects interfaith couples and families in all our diversity. We can choose or

create a Haggadah (holiday book) that speaks

to us and serve foods that reflect our family.

OR I GI N S OF P A S S OV E R Passover comes directly

The Hebrew name, Pesach,

commemorates the story of

to the sacrifice of a lamb

from slavery in Egypt.

the doors of the Hebrew

a hurry, they didn’t have

the Angel of Death—who was

That’s why matzah, a flat,

the 10th plague. The Angel was

the main symbols of the

households with lamb’s blood

from the Torah, and

means “passing over.” It refers

the ancient Hebrews’ Exodus

whose blood was put on

Because they had to leave in

households to guard against

time for their bread to rise.

killing all Egyptian firstborns in

cracker-like food, is one of

“passing over” the Israelite

holiday, and an important

on the doors, and sparing

food eaten during the week.


It is also why some people

Passover takes place in March

“chametz” or leavened

eight days, depending on a

raising agent, like yeast—for

Jewish holidays, it starts at

choose not to eat any

or April and lasts seven or

bread—anything that uses a

family’s tradition. Like all

the duration of the holiday.

sundown. Themes of the

holiday include freedom,

springtime, recognizing the

sacrifices of our ancestors and passing our values on to the next generation. 18DOORS.ORG



LEARN In the days and even weeks leading up to Passover, some people clean out their houses thoroughly, like a religiously-inspired spring cleaning. Some people try to get rid of all their leavened foods, including bread, pasta, many cereals and even beer, and

some have a separate set of dishes used only on

Passover. Others may clean as a symbolic gesture and store their leavened foods out of sight during the holiday.


The night before the first seder, there’s an old ritual some families enjoy to search the house for

leavened foods using a candle and a feather. Some people create a bread scavenger hunt with their

kids, which is the first of many parts of the holiday designed to keep children interested.

There’s also a short prayer that translates roughly as, “Even if I didn’t find all the leavened foods, by

saying these words, I’m nullifying their existence.”

The tradition understands that no matter how hard you try, no one’s perfect.




INVITING GUESTS One reading at the beginning of the seder says, “All who are hungry, let them come and eat.” It serves as both an encouragement to help feed those who are hungry in our communities and an invitation to fill your seder table with guests. Friends and relatives of all backgrounds and religions are welcome at seder tables.


The particular story of liberation is a Jewish one, but its universal themes can foster cross-cultural conversations and provide


opportunities to learn about our family and friends’ unique stories.


As you may already be aware, the overlap that often occurs with

The seder table is full of ritual foods and ritual objects. A traditional

seder plate holds six special foods that are referenced throughout the

Passover and Easter can make


holiday meals (and other things! )

Karpas (a spring vegetable, often parsley or celery) Maror (bitter herbs, usually horseradish)

tricky for those keeping kosher for

A roasted hard-boiled egg

Passover (abstaining from

Another bitter vegetable (like romaine lettuce)

leavened foods). Look for tips and

Charoset (a mixture of fruit and nuts that symbolizes mortar)

advice about navigating this

A shank bone (though many vegetarians use a roasted beet)

holiday time at

Some people also add an orange to symbolize all who feel

marginalized within the Jewish community. An artichoke has more recently been added for interfaith families. There are many other

modern additions that may be added to a seder plate to represent the uniqueness of their different families and experiences.

The table also has three matzot (plural of matzah) stacked on top of

Photo: Samantha Ferraro

each other, bowls of salt water, and a kiddush cup (wine glass) for

each person, plus a glass of wine for the prophet Elijah and a glass of water for the prophet Miriam.




The central part of the Passover celebration is the seder, a ritual meal typically held on the first and sometimes the second night of the holiday. “Seder” means order in Hebrew, and many follow the 15 steps of the seder consecutively. A “Haggadah” is a special book that takes participants through the steps of the seder, and there are many different versions: for families, for vegetarians, even for fans of certain movies or TV shows! There are also websites like to design your own Haggadah. You can add artwork, prayers, poetry or songs to fit a seder theme and your family’s vibe. Some popular additions include AfricanAmerican spirituals, family immigration stories and lists of contemporary plagues to our society. The longest part of the seder is called “Maggid,” which means storytelling. It includes the story of the Exodus as well as the story of the ancient rabbis telling the story. (Many stories within a story! ) There are also four glasses of wine or grape juice blessed and drunk at specific points in the seder, and songs sung at the very end.

W H A T A R E T H E K I D S D OI N G? A major theme of the holiday is to teach the story of the Exodus to the next generation.

Arguably the most important thing you can do to engage them is to get a Haggadah that’s

meant for kids. At the beginning of the seder, the youngest child is invited to ask the Four

Questions, which starts with, “Why is this night different from all other nights? ”

Children are also intrigued by dipping fingers in wine or grape juice during the recitation of

the 10 plagues (toys, masks or finger puppets can make the plagues more fun and

interactive). A favorite kid-friendly activity comes after dinner with the search for the

Afikomen: a broken piece of matzah (whose

name comes from the Greek for dessert) which an adult hides during the seder. Children are

encouraged to search for it and then return it to the seder leader in exchange for a prize.


8 Photo: Peace Love Light


THE BIG MEAL Beyond the ritual foods on the seder plate, another seder step is shulchan orech, a festive meal. Any

dishes that feel festive and do not contain leavened products are appropriate to serve for dinner. Some popular choices in Ashkenazi families—those from Eastern Europe—may include matzah ball soup, gefilte fish (fish cakes), brisket and tzimmes (stewed fruit and vegetables).

Sephardi families—those with roots in Spain and the Middle East—may serve lamb, rice or legumes, and

often use lemons, leeks, artichokes and dates when cooking.

You can find lots of unique and multicultural


QUESTIONS WELCOME The seder ritual itself is designed to

spark curiosity (remember those Four

Questions? ). One sign of our freedom is the ability to ask questions. Any and all questions are encouraged at seders!

Passover recipes on If you’re observing

Some families keep candy on hand to

vegetables and proteins help carry the spirit of the

others may set up games or prompts to

the Passover diet beyond the seder, simple meals of holiday throughout the week without overloading on matzah.

reward kids for their questions, while

make sure everyone’s questions and opinions are voiced.

What is and is not kosher for Passover is always a

big question. We break it down on our website, but two good rules to follow: Don’t eat anything with

yeast that could rise and when in doubt, look for the kosher for Passover symbol on the label. 18DOORS.ORG


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