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Herman Epperson

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S.	Cole	Grzywinski

S. Cole Grzywinski

[Walter gives him a look.]

Epperson: The biggest threat to our rights and freedoms isn’t Al-Qaeda, ISIS, North Korea, or


any of those motherfuckers. The biggest threat to the American way of life is Americans! It’s us

and the garbage we keep putting into office. They’ll legislate our rights away from under our feet

and then what? The fuck we going to defend?

[He sighs, frustrated and tired.]

Do I really gotta getinto this? Just let me sign the declination form and I’ll go.

[Walters raises an eyebrow at him. He tries a different angle.]

Walters: Is this is about Trump? Look, we’re soldiers, man. We can vote, sure, but elections can

go either way and we don’t get to clock out when we’re unhappy with the results. People felt the

same about Obama. Twice. Things might be different in 2020, who knows? Our system is far

from perfect, sure, but it’s all we got, and it’s worth preserving to fix. America was never a

finished product; we’ve been a work-in-progress since 1776. Surely you agree, right?

Epperson: If I can’t “clock out,” why am I in this office with you trying to convince me to stay?


Epperson: It’s not just about Trump either. It was the things I saw in Iraq and the Middle East.

Leadership’s toxic Army-wide. Dudes of all ranks blowing their brains out with an effective rate

of fire of 22 per day. All these push-up videos on Facebook and Instagram, these little marathons

y’all run, ain’t doing shit to address the real problem: military culture. I don’t want to be a part of

it anymore. Nothing changes.

Walters: You have to be the change you want to see. I see the things you’re talking about, Epp.

Believe me, I do. I completely agree, but it’s sergeants like us that need to pushback and

advocate for the younger guys. A guy like you leaving would be a disservice to them.

[Epperson snaps at the mention of his squad.]

Epperson: Don’t give me that ‘be the change’ bullshit. That’s what those useless E-7’s and above

like to say at their lame-ass retirement parties, after they spent twenty years maintaining the

status quo, making examples out of anyone who tried to challenge their authority and improve

things for the rest of us. Motherfuckers get Bronze Stars just for showing up to the war, then

gonna turn around say “the Army doesn’t give out participation awards for doing your job,”

when I try to put a Private First Class in for an achievement medal.

You wanna talk about my guys? Have you been down to the company lately? 95% of them are

going to refuse to re-up too, because they’re smarter than this bullshit. Maybe if you fucks up

here at Battalion could getyour shit together to stop losing their paperwork, get them to the

schools and promotions they’ve been eligible for years, they would have stuck around. They’re

not stupid and blind patriotic optimism doesn’t pay their rent. Anyone that wants to stay, that’s

on them. Fuck ‘em. It’s a lost cause.

[Walters sighs, both offended and disappointed by Epperson’s attitude. He leans away and

returns to his computer, clicking and typing as he navigates the menus on the screen. When he

speaks again, there’s an edge of contempt in his voice.]

Walters: With that kind of attitude, probably for the best you don’t reenlist then if that’s how

you’re going to be.

Epperson: It’s like I’ve been telling you ‘no’ the whole fucking time. That’s the problem, you

guys up here don’tlisten to us and still can’t figure out why retention is so low.

[There’s an uneasy silence between them. Walters prepares to print several pages from the

computer while Epperson is checking his phone. When they’re done, he slides them across the

desk with a pen.]

Walters: These forms are counseling statements stating you are refusing to renew your contract,

and that you understand this offer will not be given again once the processing of your discharge

begins. Your term of service ends on 4 May, 2017. Sign and date the dotted lines and you’re


[Epperson does as he’s directed and then leaves the office. Neither of the men say goodbye to

each other.]

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