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Issue 23

december, 2002

THE POINT The Official Newsletter for The Association of Professional Piercers

First International APP Conference Held in Amsterdam The first full-scale APP Conference and Expo held outside of the United States took place November 5-8, 2002 at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. It was attended by piercers from far and wide. They came from Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, England, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Israel, South Africa, the U. S., and of course, the Netherlands.

translated English to Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, and Spanish, so that all who attended could get the most out of each class. It was exciting to have conference-goers who spoke so many different languages, but it presented a challenge to the speakers who had to slow down their presentations to accommodate the Translators. Good job everyone!

The venue was a magnificent, enormous old edifice that formerly functioned as the local Commodities Exchange. It is a brick structure with numerous archways and extremely high ceilings built by a famous Dutch architect. It contained eye-catching masterpieces of carved wood and marble, stained glass and ornamental tile. It proved to be an excellent venue for our purposes. The staff was very polite, helpful, and attentive to our needs.

Several APP members from a few European countries spoke to the Board about forming organizations in their own areas. That was part of the idea behind hosting this international conference. Because laws and product availability vary so much from country to country, it makes sense to form regional organizations with specific guidelines that can meet such laws. We also held a Vendor Expo with jewelers from across Europe and also Mexico, Brazil and the U.S. showing a wide variety of offerings from hand worked natural materials such as stone, wood, nuts and horn to slick high-tech metals and plastics. Most vendors reported that they did more business than they anticipated. Vendors and piercers alike seemed pleased with the outcome.

The APP has always been described as an international organization. However, with the exception of a one-day educational event in London in 1997, we had yet to reach out to the piercers beyond the borders of the United States. It was obvious that the time had come to do so. We had only about 3 months notice from the time the venue was secured until the event took place. But word got out and over 100 piercers were present. The vast majority attended every course that was offered. The classes included Bedside Manner, Oral and Facial Anatomy, Body Anatomy, Jewelry Standards/Metals, Appropriate Studio Set-up, First Aid/CPR, Infection Control/ Sterilization, Aftercare/Healing, Anthropology, and How to Form an Organization Like the APP. Thanks to the Volunteer Translators who were present in the classrooms and

We received tremendous feedback from many attendees that the information was extremely useful and welcome. A number of piercers admitted that they thought they already knew pretty much everything they needed to know, but then were amazed with the education they received. Some told us that as a result of what they learned, they now had plans to update their studios and procedures.

On Thursday evening we held a reception party for all the attendees and vendors. It took place at the beautiful Cafe´ located within the Beurs van Berlage building. Snacks and sweets were served and drinks were available. .....continued on page 4

CONTENTS APP Educates APHA Piercers News of the Weird Survey of Piercers Florida Arrests The President’s Corner The Phuket Vegetarian Festival

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Studio Interview Product Review Body Piercing & Accutane Classified Ads Worst Piercing Story Oral Piercing Brochure

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