The Moose Listener February Volume 56 Issue #10

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The Moose Listener

The Moose, Stockdale Lodge #2178, Bakersfield, CA. Feb. 2023
56 Issue #10 Women of the Moose, Chapter #1203
# (661) 370-2178

The Moose Board of Officers


W.O.T.M. Board of Officers


President Roger Cowan Sr. Regent Robyn Tennison

Vice President Michael Rouw Jr. Past Regent

Past President Rick Clemmons Treasurer Melanie Kelley

Treasurer Terry Wolfe Secretary Claire Acosta

Chaplain Chris Myers-Mainland

First Year Trustee Susan Cowan Appointed Officers:

Second Year Trustee Robyn Tennison Guide Elliana Buckle

Third Year Trustee Michael Stamper

Sargeant at Arms Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Inner Guard

Outer Guard

Administrator: Glenn Holland

The Moose Committee Chairmen

2022-2023 W.O.T.M. Committee Chairmen


Scholarship Committee Margaret Pryde Application Review

Membership Marlene Lyday

Financial Review

Jett Chris Myers-Mainland

Moose Charities Robyn Tennison Heart of the Community


Publication Chris Myers-Mainland

Reverse Drawing Debbie Jensen

Sports – Shuffle Board Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Sports – Golf

Sports – Corn Bag Toss Special Committees:

Sports – Horseshoes

Kitchen Manager Greg Carlon Bingo Concession Susan Cowan

Historian Alan Shaw

Review C. Myers-Mainland

Lodge Moose Legion Don Perry Mellissa Sweeney

Old Timers Luncheon Tom Esser Application Review Marlene Lyday

Orientation Chris Myers-Mainland

Entertainment - Bingo

Editor: Christine Myers-Mainland


Stockdale Moose Lodge - Bakersfield, CA

Calendar Items and postings for the “Listener” newsletter may be dropped off at the lodge or sent by e-mail to:

Deadline is the 20th of each month for items to be published In the Listener.

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Marlene Lyday
Nancy Stanley
Margaret LaRosa Membership
Activities Ashley Stanley
Higher Degree Leta Smith

February Events

Feb 6th Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM

W.O.T.M. Officers Meeting – 5:30 PM

W.O.T.M. Nominating Mtg – 5:00 PM

Lodge Nominating Mtg – 5:30 PM

Feb 9th Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Feb 11th Kid’s Valentine Party – 11:30 AM

Adult Valentine Dinner & Dance – 6:00 PM

Feb 12th Super Bowl Party – 2:00 PM

Feb 13th WOTM Chapter Meeting– 5:30 PM

Followed by WOTM Galentine Party

Feb 16th Bingo Committee Meeting – 11:00 AM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Feb 18th Shufflelboard Tournament – 10:30 AM

Moose Legion & District 12 meetings

Officers meet @ 10:30, lunch at Noon

General Meetings start @ 1:00 PM

Feb 19th Valued Veterans Luncheon – 11:30 AM

Feb 20th Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM

Feb 23rd Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

Feb 25th WOTM Bunco – 11:30 AM

Karaoke Tuesday & Friday Nights

Coming Events

Mar 17th St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Mar 27th New Member Orientation

Mar 24 – 26

CNMA Mid Year Conference in Costa Mesa

Aor 1st Moose Legion & District 12 meetings in Taft

April 6th Vote for new Lodge Officers-Noon to 6:00 PM

Results at Membership Mtg – 6:00 PM

April 29th Installation of New Board of Officers

Thank You / Announcements

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: “ARTICLE” deadline for the newsletter is the 20th of the month. Thank you all for your consideration and timely submission. Greatly appreciated. Articles should be submitted to: Chris Myers-Mainland, Editor via email at

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to:

Donna McMillian & Charlie Robison

November’s helpers in preparing the Listener for mailing. You are very much appreciated. If you would like to assist with the folding and labeling, please contact the Administrator. Great time to consider receiving your Newsletter via email.

Any email changes or additions can be emailed to the following email: or to the Lodge at:

Queen of Hearts

Join us on Thursday Nights

Drawing is at 6:45

NOW OVER $14,500

Followed by the Lodge General Meeting at 7:00 PM

Kid’s Valentine Party

Saturday, Feb. 11th at 11:30 AM

Bring the kid’s so they can make Valentines!

Refreshments and crafts

Hosted by Becky Grove & Micki Fields

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Welcome to February, the holidays have been busy. I’d like to thank all who support our Lodge by attending Bingo, Bunco, Queen of Hearts, and all of our fundraising events.

If anyone wants to run for an officer’s position on the Board of Officers, see the administrator for an application. The nominating committee has been meeting and next nominating meeting is Feb. 6th The slate of officers nominated will be read at our March 23rd membership meeting. Election voting will be on April 6th from noon to 6:00 PM.

Bring your sweetheart to the Valentine Dinner and Dance on February 11th. Thank you to Becky Grove and Micki Fields for chairing this event.

Thank you to all the volunteers for donating their time and efforts to keep our events running successfully. We appreciate all Volunteers for all they do and invite our Moose members to volunteer at least once for a Lodge event.

Crying Towel Corner

Beth Bently and Jane Weldon missed out in January!

Hello again, everyone!

Hopefully, the wet weather is behind us. Hope everyone was safe from their travels. We’ve signed quite a few new members. Welcome! So if you see a new face, say “Hi”. If they ask a question about the Lodge/Fraternity, have them ask an Officer. Encourage them to attend the next available Orientation – a wealth of information is available from seasoned members.

We have members that have not renewed their membership. Come out and pay your dues or go online to pay. Your expiration date is on the lower right corner of your membership card.

I would like to ask if anyone is willing to volunteer – there are many opportunities to help the Lodge from cooking to repairs, etc.

Please keep up with your newsletter for dates of events to come in the upcoming months. See you soon at the Lodge.

“If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”


Pot is at $140 at the next meeting on Thursday, Feb. 9th .

Will you be crying next month??

Meeting Night begins at the fall of the Gavel at 7 P.M. JOIN US!

Each member in good standing has his name in a capsule which is randomly drawn at each meeting.

Drawings are held at Lodge general meetings twice monthly on Thursdays. The Pot started at $100 and grows and grows each meeting until the member whose name is drawn is present. Please check your bulletin calendar for those dates. It grows each week and becomes significantly larger.

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meetings can be wholesome and profitable!!!

Women of the Moose – W.O.T.M.

Senior Regent’s Message

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!

I feel a sense of excitement that I must say energizes the room as the conversational buzz floats around our Lodge. How great it is to hear of expressed interest in the upcoming election and candidacy for office. We look forward to having a Board in 2023-2024 that is full of confidence and that is just as goal-oriented in continuing the successes of our current year. This is not to overlook our current officers who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources to our yet still ongoing success. We all are well aware of the behind the scenes work and sacrifice that is required to run a successful program.

There are three Chapter officer positions open for election: Senior Regent, Secretary and Treasurer. I encourage every member of our Chapter to consider stepping up and serving on the Board of Officers. If you are interested in any of these positions, we are more than happy to answer any of your questions. Also, there is an interest form available on the WOTM office door.

Claire Acosta, our Secretary, is doing a fabulous job taking minutes from our many meetings. This job is so much more than a few notes once a month, and she has maintained her momentum of success for many years.

Melanie Kelley, our Treasurer, is keeping an exquisite up-to-date record of our financial and membership requirements. This is a very BIG job! Thank you for doing such a marvelous job.

A humungous THANK YOU and acknowledgement goes out to these ladies. Take time to express your gratitude for their dedication and service to our membership. FYI the next Nominating Committee meeting will be held at 5PM on February 6th. In next month’s article we will hear more about our chairmen.

I will close for now with another encouraging word and invitation to attend our Chapter meetings. There are many visions and voices which are needed (and most welcomed) in order to keep our Chapter energized. We meet monthly, every second Monday at 5:30 PM. We will be very happy to see you, and please do not forget your current membership card! Especially, since this year our meeting falls the day before Valentine’s Day, February 13th! So…directly after our meeting, we will be having a fellowship called GAL-ENTINE’S Gift Exchange…similar to our lovely Christmas Sock Exchange. Bring finger foods and if you have any questions, just ask. It is so great to be a Moose!


From the Desk of the Treasurer

Happy New Year Women of the Moose!

Please help me welcome our newest member to the Stockdale Women of the Moose Chapter #1203:

• Jasmine Garcia – sponsor Claire Acosta Welcome and thank you for joining our Chapter!

We would also like to thank the sponsors for working toward increasing our Chapter membership! YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB! We are still leading the chapters in our area and are continuing to Make It Happen for our Chapter!

Our Chapter continues to lead all chapters for Territory 46 in membership. The women from Chapter 1203 have been working hard to earn their top honors.

If you have any questions concerning membership to the Chapter, please do not hesitate to ask any officer (Robyn Tennison, Senior Regent; Claire Acosta, Secretary; or Melanie Kelley, Treasurer) or any member of the Chapter. We would love to answer any of your questions you may have.

Fraternally Yours, Melanie Kelley, Chapter Treasurer (559) 920-6302

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Moose Good Samaritan

Three of our members spent some time in the hospital in January. Cindy Cornejo spent three days in the hospital due to COVID and is home recovering. Our 3-Year Trustee, Mike Stamper, had surgery at USC and is home recovering, but may need more surgery Frankie Wysocki was in hospital overnight in January, but she says she is home and doing better. We send prayers for continued recovery and good health to each of them

Teresa and Yvonne Wright are home due to illness and I know the Bingo concession committee really misses their favorite Red Heads. Prayers that they will be well and return soon.

Celeste Barnard had her car totaled by a hit and run driver. She had some injury, but says she is doing ok. We are sending healing thoughts her way and hope her car gets replaced soon.

I am sad to report the passing of two members. We send condolences and prayers to Nancy Clark on the passing of her husband, Ken Clark. Ken was a regular at our Bingo games. Drivil (Bullet) Rennels passed in December and we send condolences to her family.

Please contact me if you know of any of our members and Moose families that need help or assistance, or Prayer Warriors. Good news is always welcome, so please let me know of any weddings, new babies or grandbabies. You can contact me at or text/call (661)3330029. Or there are forms on the table outside the Chapter office that you can fill out and leave me information.


Hello and Greetings!

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year and all your families are doing well.

Our next Moose Legion meeting will be at Stockdale Lodge on Feb 18, 2023. There will be a conferral for new Moose Legion members.

If you are interested in becoming a Moose Legionnaire the dues are only $20.00 per year. See any Moose Legion member at the Lodge to see about joining this Higher Degree of the Moose Fraternity.

Happy New Year, Don Perry, Moose Legion Secretary

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February 2023 Page 7 Calendar page

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year and hope 2023 will be better for us all. We enrolled ten new members and re-enrolled one in January. We are very happy to see all these new members and encourage you to keep up the good work.


Patricia Sanchez

Michelle Fogel

Teresa Tackett

Henry Garcia

Keith Wolaridge

Sonia Watkins

Rolando Alvarez

Matthew Mills

Michelle Hall

Delores Garza

Richard San Miguel


Denise Romero

Claire Acosta

Carla Engle

Allen Tackett

Jean Garcia

Robin Tennison

Rick Clemmens

Oscar Leon

Christopher Higgins

Alicia Rodriques

Glenn Holland

Paul Hernandez

Marlene Lyday

I hope the new members will get involved in our activities and volunteer to serve on a committee which benefits the Lodge and members. Be sure to check the calendar in our newsletter for upcoming events.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the sponsors for signing up your friends and family!


Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa

March 24 to March 26, 2023

3050 Bristol Street

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

(714) 540-7000


The Moose of the Month is awarded by the President to show our appreciation and thanks for helping around the Lodge. We have members of our Stockdale Moose Lodge that go the extra mile for their fellow Moose Members and volunteer in our Lodge. For this we acknowledge their efforts as Moose of the Month. Volunteers are very important members in our Lodge and we are blessed with some very good ones. Speaking of volunteers, I wish to congratulate:

Leta Smith

as our February Moose of the Month in recognition for the hard work and volunteering. Leta volunteers for Bingo and Taco Tuesdays and many other events. She also is WOTM Higher Degree Chairmen and has worked hard on WOTM BUNCO tournaments. She participates in Moose events and loves being a Moose member. When you see her, please thank her for her support of our wonderful Lodge.

Thank you for all you do!

For those new members that may have noticed, there is a designated parking spot outside of the Lodge for the Moose of the Month. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THIS SPOT. You too can be Moose of the Month someday.

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California Nevada Moose Association (CNMA)
Mid-Year Conference
Visitor to the Conference

Who is ready for someShuffleboard??

We kicked off, or rather pushed off (pun intended) our Jan.21st. Shuffleboard Tournament with heartfelt spirits and lots of fun. The activity that takes place among participants is humorous and enjoyable to be around. The lunch that is always provided at our events was so awesome and scrumptious which is not unusual at all. So many thanks go out to my wife Nancy for doing all that she does for us. And for the other participants that bring other food, snacks, and appetizers for all to share is really a considerable blessing. Thank you to all our supporters and what you add to this event.

We had a firsttime player who is an old friend of mine, Mark Jensen, attend and low and behold along with his teammate Debbie Richardson were in the final game but couldn’t quite out puck our WINNERS which were Donna McMillian and her daughter Bonnie Basham… Great games and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you both!

Our next tournament will be on Feb. 18th. The signup sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the first. Our tournaments are usually held on the third Saturday of each month unless there is another Moose activity that coincides with that day in the social quarters. If that happens, I will switch weekends. The sign-up sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the 1st of every month. Also, if you see the first 16 slots are filled, please sign up on the reverse side because we always have cancellations due to people’s schedules changing. Show up time is 10:30, team draw at 10:45 and games start at 11:00. Lunch at 1:00.

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Stockdale Moose Lodge #2178

The Moose

905 Stine Road

Bakersfield, CA 93309

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Have you Moved or Changed Address lately? Please update the label and return this page to the Lodge, or call the Administration Office (or Joann Esser) and update your membership info.

$top $nail Mail

Add your name to the web only list. Print your own newsletter! $ave the Lodge Po$tage.

e:mail – or Leave your name & e-mail address with the Lodge Administrator.

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Permit No. 650 Bakersfield CA

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