Bakersfield casino Rentals Dealer Handbook

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Bakersfield Casino Rentals Dealer Handbook

Welcome to Bakersfield Casino Rentals. Here is some important information about being a dealer for us. As a dealer you will have to follow a few simple rules. All dealers are asked to arrive at least 15 munities before the table is scheduled to open and stay until the tables are put back in the truck. In the 15 minutes prior to tables opening you will complete the set up of your table (get your chip stacks ready for the players, put out your tip jar (if applicable – see tipping) and your pit boss will have a quick meeting with all the dealers. Please do not be late.

Independent contractor / 1099

You are not an employee of Bakersfield Casino Rentals or KWB Entertainment INC. and therefore not subject to tax withholdings. You will get a 1099 at the end of the year and are responsible for any taxes you may owe. dlse/faq_independentcontractor.htm


Bakersfield Casino Rentals offers training both paid and non-paid. Non-paid is available most anytime we have an event and is on a first ask availability. If you want to train you will still be required to dress appropriately for the event as

well as stay the entire time and help post show teardown. Paid training is only offered occasionally and is under the request of the Pit Boss. Paid Training is at $30 per event.

Traning Classes

Bakersfield Casino Rentals offers free traing at our tranning facility as well as private 1 on 1 instruction at no cost to you. We offer training in all of the following games as well as online videos and instruction manuals for reference. To get on the schedule for training please call the office 661-633-9200

Dress Code:

Men: Black slacks, Black Shoes, White or Black button up shirt long sleeve.

Women: Choice of Black slacks, Black Shoes, White or Black button up shirt long sleeve. OR Black dress at least to the knee or below.

Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your feet, your stomach or your underwear is not appropriate for our events. Black flat shoes or heels are acceptable (no flip flops)

If you are not sure please text a photo to your pit boss for approval. Vest and tie will be provided.


There is no drinking on the job. If a player wants to buy you a drink politely thank them but decline. Here are a few excuses you can use: You can tell them you are not allowed to drink when you are on the job (This one is true) Tell them you’re driving tonight or I need to keep a clear head or you could ask for a non-alcoholic drink instead. Water, soda, tea and coffee are allowed.


There is no smoking at the tables if you need to smoke please do it before you arrive and after the job is done.


There is no eating at an event. Please eat before you arrive. Exception to this rule. Sometimes the host will invite us to eat at the event, in this case your pit boss will let you know the details. There is no eating at the tables.

Use of colorful language.

For the most part these are events for professional clients, and we are there to provide them a good time. Please do not swear or use colorful language when you are dealing or in a conversation with a player.


Tips are a bonus you may not always get to ask for, however, at most events you are allowed to place a tip jar on your table. You are responsible for providing your own tip jar.

If we are allowed to have a tip jar, You are not allowed to ask or beg for tips. You cannot joke or pressure them into tipping you. This is not allowed. (this is different for fundraisers)

When we are not allowed to accept tips. Some events just do not want tips jars on the tables and we are asked not to put out a tip jar and we will respect the wishes of the host.

At Fundraisers we are asked to donate the tips to the charity we are doing the job for. This is rare but sometimes we are asked to raise funds for a bride and groom who just got married. In this case you are allowed to say we are accepting tips for (Charity / Bride & Groom, etc.)

Sorry guys tips are a bonus and in addition to your pay. Tips are not expected.

Promote not push

As a dealer you have a few responsibilities. First and foremost is deal the game you are assigned to and engage and entertain the players. You want them to have a great experience. You should help them with the game if they do not know how to play, teach them! You will also tell them about the bonus chips and voting (each review will pay them $100 in casino chips, if they do all 3 we will bump it up to $500) Tell them that you are in a competition with the other dealers and the one with the most votes at the end of the night will get a bonus. Also let them know we can do events as small as few as just 1 table so if they are having a small party like a birthday party etc. we can help. They can request you as the dealer. This means more work for you.

Playing tight and playing loose

Depending on the event we may be asked to play tight or loose. Playing tight means we play like the casinos and don’t giveaway and extra chips (except in the reviews) and we don’t let mis-bets slide. We don’t take extra cards at the blackjack table, max of 2 hands per person at the BlackJack table, on Craps we don’t flub the dice roll, we don’t play for the player, etc.

Playing loose is how we will play most of the time. Playing loose does not mean giving away chips. What it means is every once in awhile we may take an extra card on a 17 or 18 at the BlackJack table. We may not call a roll at the craps table, etc. We could play on behalf of the players at the craps table (Max is $100)

Max bet at all tables is $100. Unless otherwise told to you by your Pit Boss.

Real Money Gambling

This is an easy one. There is No Real Money Gambling. Period!

Pay Scale


Training is at $30 Per Event


$20 per hour. (Durring event time) This is someone who’s proficient at 1 Game. This person has been trained and does not need any instruction when they arrive.

There is a $5 bonus per table game you have mastered, BJ, Texas Hold em’, Roulette, Craps, Wheel of fortune


Complete the set-up of table when they arrive. (Chips, Cards, etc.)

Deal the game assigned. Promote reviews with guest and getting extra chips. Let them know we do parties as small as 1 table.

Help cash out players at end of event. Strike your table when the event is over.

Lead Dealers

$25 per hour (Durring event time)

This is someone who’s proficient at all Games. This person has been trained and does not need any instruction when they arrive.

This dealer has mastered all table games BJ, Texas Hold em’, Roulette, Craps & Wheel of Fortune Duties

Complete the set-up of table when they arrive. (Chips, Cards, etc.) Deal the game assigned. Promote reviews with guest and getting extra chips. Let them know we do parties as small as 1 table. Help cash out players at end of event. Strike your table when the event is over.

Out of county event compensation (Anything outside of Kern County)


Dealers will get an additional .28¢ per mile both ways from the office address as shown on Google Maps.

Example; Event Location is Etage Banquet Hall 6740 Corbin Ave Reseda, CA 91335 This is 95 miles each way for total of 190 miles so the dealer will get an additional $53.20

you will ride with an assigned driver or You can elect to drive yourself and will get an additional .05¢ per mile.

Dealers who are assigned as drivers

Additional Drivers if needed .55 for driving +.02 for each passenger (Drivers will be assigned)

Example Event Location is Etage Banquet Hall 6740 Corbin Ave Reseda, ca 91335 This is 95 miles each way for a total of 190 miles so the driver with 3 passengers will get an additional $115.90


We may pay in Cash,Venmo, CashApp, Zelle or Via Paypal at the end of the night after everything is complete and all of the equipment is put in the truck.

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