Stockdale Moose Lodge Monthly Newsletter. Bakersfield, Ca May 2023

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The Moose Listener

The Moose, Stockdale Lodge #2178, Bakersfield, CA. May 2023 Volume 57 Issue #1 Women of the Moose, Chapter #1203 Phone # (661) 370-2178

The Moose Board of Officers


W.O.T.M. Board of Officers


President Chris Myers-Mainland Sr. Regent Leta Smith

Vice President Michael Rouw Jr. Past Regent Robyn Tennison

Past President Roger Cowan Treasurer Claire Acosta

Treasurer Michael Stamper Secretary Jasmine Garcia

Chaplain Susan Cowan

First Year Trustee Frankie Esposito Appointed Officers:

Second Year Trustee Guide Mary Lynn Brand

Third Year Trustee Margaret Pryde

Sargeant at Arms Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Administrator: Glenn Holland

The Moose Committee Chairmen 2023-2024 W.O.T.M. Committee Chairmen 2023-2024

Scholarship Committee Claire Acosta

Application Review Marlene Lyday

Membership Marlene Lyday

Mooseheart/Moosehaven Ann Kline

Financial Review Melissa Sweaney Membership Jeannie Young

Moose Charities Robyn Tennison

Heart of the Community Becky Grove


Chris Myers-Mainland

Reverse Drawing Debbie Jensen

Sports – Shuffle Board Kim “Katfish” Stanley

Sports – Golf

Sports – Corn Bag Toss

Sports – Horseshoes

Kitchen Manager Greg Carlon

Historian Terry Wolfe

Lodge Moose Legion Don Perry

Old Timers Luncheon Tom Esser

Orientation Chris Myers-Mainland

Entertainment - Bingo

Fraternal Activities Becky Grove

Higher Degree Patti Waye

Special Committees:

Bingo Concession Susan Cowan

Financial Review Joann Esser

Application Review Marlene Lyday

Editor: Christine Myers-Mainland


Stockdale Moose Lodge - Bakersfield, CA

Calendar Items and postings for the “Listener” newsletter may be dropped off at the lodge or sent by e-mail to:

Deadline is the 20th of each month for items to be published In the Listener.

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May Events

May 1st Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM

W.O.T.M. Officers Meeting – 5:30 PM

May 4th Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM

Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

May 5th Cinco de Mayo Dinner/Dance 6:00 – 10:00 PM

May 6th WOTM Luncheon 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Kentucky Derby Party 2:00 – 5:00 PM

May 8th WOTM Chapter Meeting– 5:30 PM

May 11th Bingo Committee Meeting – 11:00 AM Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

May 14th Mother’s Day Breakfast 9:00 AM – NOON

May 15th Moose Officers Meeting – 6:00 PM Calendar Planning Mtg – 5:00 PM

May 18th Moose Membership Meeting – 7:00 PM Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

May 20th Shufflelboard Tournament – 10:30 AM

May 22nd Member Orientation – 6:00 PM

May 25th Queen of Hearts – 6:45 PM

May 27th Rib Cook-Off $25 Entry Fee Rib Dinner – 5:00 PM

May 29th Memorial Day Celebration

Hot Dogs & Burgers N00N to 2:00 PM

Karaoke Tuesday & Friday Nights

Coming Events

Jun 10th Moose Legion & District 12 @ Fraizer Park

Jun 14th Flag Day Ceremony – 10:00 AM

Jun 18th Father’s Day Breakfast – 9:00 AM to Noon

Jul 4th Fourth of July

Jul 31st Member Orientation

Thank You / Announcements


“ARTICLE” deadline for the newsletter is the 20th of the month. Thank you all for your consideration and timely submission. Greatly appreciated. Articles should be submitted to: Chris Myers-Mainland, Editor via email at

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to the wonderful April’s Volunteer helpers in preparing the Listener for mailing. You are very much appreciated. If you would like to assist with the folding and labeling, please contact the Administrator. Great time to consider receiving your Newsletter via email.

Any email changes or additions can be emailed to the following email: or to the Lodge at:

Queen of Hearts

Join us on Thursday Nights

Drawing is at 6:45 NOW OVER $30,000

Followed by the Lodge General Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 PM

I want to thank all volunteers that have helped prepare and serve Thursday night dinners. Everyone appreciates your talents in the kitchen and your Moose volunteerism. If you would like to prepare and serve a Thursday night dinner, please contact me. I try to have the next month’s menus and cooks lined up by the 20th of the month previous in order to see that the next month’s calendar has the details. You are valuable volunteers! As are all our Volunteers.

Rosa Madrid, Thursday Dinner Coordinator

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Hello, Stockdale Moose!

The new Board is starting the 2023-2024 year off running with a Cinco de Mayo Dinner/Dance on May 5th with Rubie Maldonado and Rosa Madrid as chairman. Our Ronald McDonald House Walk for Kids Team is still looking for donations and will draw the winner of the Back Pack on May 18th. The Board is looking forward to more participation and support of our community service this year. And we have a new Sunshine Child! Learn all about her later in this newsletter. There will also be a special election to fill the open Trustee position.

Our new theme this year is: Proud Past, Bright Future. As this year begins the Board of Officers graciously ask for support from our Stockdale Lodge members. Congratulations and thanks to the outgoing Board on a successful year. We want to remind everyone this is your Lodge! Decisions are made by you, the members, at our General Meetings. No one person or Officer makes decisions. It is the Board’s duty to bring your ideas, activity proposal, recommendations, etc. to members of the Board so they can be presented at the General Meetings.

Many thanks to our volunteers and chairman as we see improvements to our Lodge facility and the many activities planned during the year. Our Board wants our General Meetings to be streamlined, informative and fun. Plan to attend the General Meeting on May 4th or May 18th .

Fraternally, Chris Myers-Mainland,

Moose Legion is about to start a new fiscal year 2023-2024. The new Directors have been elected and installed. We have a Family BBQ and a TriTip Cook Off planned for this year. We are also preparing and serving the Mother’s Day Breakfast on May 14th

Our new Moose Legion Officers are:

• President John Bacari

• Vice President Larry Moore

• Financial Director Bob Bakman

• Fraternal Director Mike Stamper

• Chaplin Jess Flores

• Secretary Don Perry

If you are not a Moose Legion Member, join now so you don’t miss these events. The cost is only $20.00 for the year. See me, Don Perry, for more information.

Thank You, Don Perry, Moose


April is gone and another month that the Lodge is doing very well. We have had record sales in Social Quarters since New Year’s Eve. The Queen of Hearts is at over $30,000 and growing!

Membership is growing and far ahead of quota. May will be another busy month starting with the New Board of Officers hitting the ground “running.” We are still doing some repairs and may have to interfere with some ongoing programs from time to time. Be patient…this is all for the betterment of our Lodge.

As always, we need Volunteers, from simple repairs to bids for getting a project done. Our Volunteers are our life’s a blood, many times. Thank you so much for your help.

By the way…be patient with the new Board of Officers. We always need a little guidance to make things go right and should be asking the Memberships input.

Respectfully and fraternally, Glenn Holland, Administrator

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Women of the Moose – W.O.T.M.

Senior Regent’s Message

Hello Co-Workers:

As I write this message, I have yet to be installed into office for the Women of the Moose Stockdale Chapter #1203. I am very excited to be able to serve as the next Senior Regent for 2023-2024 starting May 1st. I am following some amazing footsteps that have set the path for establishing such a successful chapter and I wish to represent this chapter with passion and positivity.

I would like to extend a HUGE “Thank You” to the 2022-2023 officers: Robyn Tennison (Sr. Regent), Claire Acosta (Secretary), and Melanie Kelley (Treasurer). Thank you for your hard work and job well done this past year!!!

Your new officers for this year are: Jasmine Garcia – Secretary; Claire Acosta – Treasurer; and Past Junior Regent – Robyn Tennison. I am excited to work with you!!

I would also like to extend another HUGE “Thank You” to all the great women who have agreed to serve as a committee chairman:

Membership – Jeannie Young

Higher Degree – Patti Waye

Fraternal Activities – Becky Grove

Mooseheart/Moosehaven – Ann Kline Guide – MaryLynn Brand

Saturday, May 6th We will have our WOTM Luncheon. If you sent Melanie Kelley your RSVP last month, then we will see you there. It is going to be a great time…Let’s have some fun!

Fraternally Yours, Leta Smith, Senior Regent 2023-2024

From the Desk of the Treasurer

Hello, Women of the Moose, Chapter 1203! Happy May- wishing us all happiness & good health!

I am excited to take on the Treasurer office this year. I am excited to learn about my new role & to get mentorship from past Treasurer Melanie Kelley- she is knowledgeable! My contact information is, and (661)805-7620. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner and assist as needed.

Please help me welcome our newest member to the Stockdale Women of the Moose Chapter 1203:

• Valeria Kingston– sponsor Leta Smith

Welcome & thank you for joining our Chapter! Thanks to the dedicated members for working toward increasing our Chapter membership!

We appreciate the members who support fundraisers, renew their dues, attend meetings, functions and support the Moose fraternity by promoting our mission of helping others. We are stronger together! I hope to see you all around.

If you have any questions concerning membership to the Chapter or volunteering, please do not hesitate to ask any officer (Leta Smith, Senior Regent; Robyn Tennison, Jr. Past Regent, Jasmine Garcia, Secretary; or Claire Acosta, Treasurer). WOTM Chapter Membership is $15 a year. We would love to answer any of your questions you may have.

Be Kind- Stay blessed, Claire Acosta, Chapter Treasurer

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Moose Good Samaritan

Welcome to a new Moose Year! On April 6th elections where held and I was elected as the Lodge’s Chaplin. Installation was held on April 29th .

April unfortunately found several members ill or hospitalized. Alan and Joyce Shaw both developed COVID. Joyce was hospitalized. She is now home. She and Alan are now well on their way to recovery. Bob Smith was hospitalized with pneumonia and is home doing well. Both Don and Bobbi Perry where hospitalized and are now home and continue to recover.

It is with sadness I am reporting the passing of Henry Sickler in his sleep. Bridget Ozeata’s sister passed on April 14th. We send our condolences and prayers to family and friends.

We are sending Melissa Sweaney wishes and prayers for quick healing after she broke her wrist. Now for some good news!!

Debbie Richardson is going to be a first-time grandmother in September. As if that is not wonderful enough, Johnny Robinson, Past CNMA State President and Stockdale member is becoming a first-time grandfather. Just for added fun it is twin boys, also due in September. Congratulations to both Johnny and Stella.

Please contact me if you know of any Moose family members in need of assistance, help or Prayer Warriors. Good news is always welcome and can help us all brighten a day. My contact is or text/call 661-319-4325. There are also forms outside the Chapter office on the table to leave any information.

Fraternally, Susan Cowan, Chaplin

Crying Towel Corner

Arnell Land & Larue

Mackey missed out in April!

Attending meetings can be rewarding and profitable!!!

Pot is at $200 at the next Lodge meeting on Thursday, May 4th

Will you be crying next month??

Meeting Night begins at the fall of the Gavel at 7 P.M. JOIN US!

All Lodge members in good standing has their name in a capsule which is randomly drawn at each meeting.

Drawings are held at Lodge general meetings twice monthly on Thursdays. The Pot started at $100 and grows and grows each meeting until the member whose name is drawn is present. Please check your bulletin calendar for those dates. It grows each week and becomes significantly larger.

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Serving Hot Dogs & Hamburgers
to 2:00
Remembering our
May 2023 Page 7 Calendar page

Who is ready for someShuffleboard??

Our April 15th Shuffleboard Tournament was another successful turnout with 12 players and played double eliminations. Thank you all for participating in this monthly event and for supporting us.

Another delicious lunch and appetizers along with other dishes that our players bring in makes it a very special day. Thank you all so much and what you add to this event.

There were some good games played and the winners of the Feb. 18th tournament, Jim and Donna, once again paired up and were in the final games against me (Katfish) and Susan Raney. We didn’t think we had a chance to win against them because we had to beat them two games in a row, but when there is a will there is a way, and low and behold we pulled through it to be the WINNERS! Well done Susan Raney!! You canno longersaythatyoucannot do it my friend and congratulations to us both…WOW it was awesome!

Our next tournament will be on May 20th. Thesignup sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the first. Our tournaments are usually held on the third Saturday of each month unless there is another Moose activity that coincides with that day in the social quarters. If that happens, I will switch weekends. The sign-up sheet will be posted by the kitchen door on the 1st of every month. Also, if you see the first 16 slots are filled, please sign up on the reverse side because we always have cancellations due to people’s schedules changing. Show up time is 10:30, team draw at 10:45 and games start at 11:00. Lunch at 1:00.


Midasia Siah Brooks

Birthdate: 3/21/2015

Grade: 2

Mooseheart Home: Oregon Home

Medisia arrived at Mooseheart in April

Our Lodge and Chapter applied for a Sunshine Child last summer at the Moose Convention in Florida. It has been a while since our last Sunshine Child, Autumn, graduated from Mooseheart. We also had sponsored Gabriel Spivey when he attended Mooseheart.

The responsibilities of our Lodge and Chapter are to provide gifts or gift cards for her Birthday/Christmas/or other holidays.

We hope to build a passion within our Lodge & Chapter to connect with the life of this child. The whole point of sponsoring this child is to let her know that there are Moose members who care about her and support her. Whatever we choose to do and whatever our resources allow, we must do it with the knowledge that we are giving hope and encouragement to a child!

Feel free to contact a Lodge or Chapter Officer if you would like to know more about Medisia! IndividualMemberscansendcards or gifts to her at:

Sunshine Department

Att: Medisia Siah Brooks

115 James J Davis Drive

Mooseheart, IL 60539

The Lodge and Chapter will also be sending Medisia cards & gifts, along with our encouragement for her success.

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Welcome to all the new members enrolled last month. We hope you will become active members and volunteer to help. Our Lodge is successful only because of the volunteers. If you are interested talk to one of the officers or the administrator.


Ray Shackleford

Magdalena Hartman

Anthony Ochoa

Sabrina Balderas

Art Sedeno

Evelyn Aguirre

Irene Aguirre

Mike Williams

Greg Mendez

Michael Winslow

Jack Lancaster

Fernando Ocampo

Manuela Galvin

Jose Martinez

Stephanie Starr


Julie Garcia

Ralph Martinez

Paul Reed

Jim Smith

Ronald Hartman

Sandra Rodriquez

Rubie Maldonado

William Worley

Becky Grove

Becky Grove

Debra Jennings

Julie Lomely

Terry Luttrell

Dominick Gonzales

Jerry Prather

Michael Stamper

Jerry Prather

Shelina Melendez

Glenn Holland

Rubie Maldonado

Shirley Reed

Thank you to all the sponsors for signing up your friends in our great fraternity

Congratulations to all the new officers for 2023-2024. Let us all support these new officers and make the coming year successful.


The Moose of the Month is awarded by the President to show our appreciation and thanks for helping around the Lodge. We have members of our Stockdale Moose Lodge that go the extra mile for their fellow Moose Members and volunteer in our Lodge. For this we acknowledge their efforts as Moose of the Month. Volunteers are very important members in our Lodge and we are blessed with some very good ones. Speaking of volunteers, I wish to congratulate:

Annette Cornejo

as our May Moose of the Month in recognition for the hard work and volunteering. Annette volunteers her time Sunday mornings cooking delicious breakfast for our members. She participates in Moose events and loves being a Moose member. When you see her, please thank her for her support of our wonderful Lodge.

Thank you for all you do!

For those new members that may have noticed, there is a designated parking spot outside of the Lodge for the Moose of the Month. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THIS SPOT. You too can be Moose of the Month someday.

2023 International Moose Convention | Reno - Join us in June 2023 for the International Moose Convention taking place in Reno. Registration and housing now open! Read more for details

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It’s been a while since we’ve had an article for BINGO but let me just say that we are doing a phenomenal job! Our team has expanded, and we are working hard to BRING IT each Wednesday night. Our customers have been so supportive of our BINGO and seem to be enjoying themselves each week. We have had a full house for almost three months now!!

We couldn’t do this without our AMAZING workers. Some of our Lodge officers have dedicated themselves to help each month as well. Please thank each of our workers if you see them:

CALLER: Sal Flores – we are training a new caller this month as well.

SALES TABLE: Sonny Kasinger, Jeannie Young, Sandra Anaya, Susan Raney, Rosa Madrid, Michael Stamper, Christine Myers-Mainland, and Glenn Holland.

SPECIAL SALES: Melanie Kelley, Debbie Cormier, Rubie Maldonado, Mariana Hernandez, Patti Waye, Nancy Samaniego, Rita Graham, and Jessica Duenas

Hopefully you all know that we donate to the community. Here are some of the programs we’ve donated to the last two months: Wounded Heroes, Mission of Kern, Relay for Life, West High Viking Regiment and FFA, CSUB Swim Team, Keepers Transformation House, Kern County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse, Boys and Girls Club of Kern, and Bakersfield Heat Club. We have also made donations to the Lodge for needed equipment and repairs.

I hope this catches you up on what’s happening with your Bingo Committee. Would you like to help us? Contact Glenn and he will direct you about how you can help us!

Fraternally Yours,

Watch the Moose Fraternity No. 1

Camaro race LIVE! (and for less money)

The Worldwide Technology Raceway near St. Louis is offering Moose members an exclusive series of discounts to the NASCAR Cup Series Race on Sunday, June 4th . The Enjoy Illinois 300 is the second of four Moose Fraternity primary races this year with Driver Ross Chastain and the No. 1 Moose Chevrolet Camaro. The race occurs at 3:30pm ET and can also be seen on Fox Sports 1 (FS1).

As a bonus, included in the ticket price is access to the Sunday Confluence Music Festival featuring Dierks Bentley, Flo Rida, Brothers Osborne and more. Tickets include access to the 2 stages on the Midway throughout the day, plus ontrack concert access to all post-race concerts (access opens approximately 30 minutes after the last race of the day) at the Main Stage (infield turn 1).

Discounts start at 15% off regularly priced seating for individual members. Discounts for groups of 30-49 people are 20% off, and groups of 50 or more are 30% off. Tickets are available in Front stretch Levels 3 & 4 and the Wallace Grandstand Section 200. Parking is included with the ticket costs.

To access the individual discount, click : and use discount code Moose1.

For group seating/prices: Contact Nathan DeGroot at the track directly 618-215-8888 or Ask for Option #1.

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The Start of a Long Trip is It’s First Step!

A Resolution, adopted Thursday 4/6/23, concerns covering the open canal. A subject which has irritated the membership for 51 years is now on the books to amend.

In 1972 our fledgling Board of Officers of Stockdale Lodge at just four years old, risked purchasing this empty building on only one acre of land to guarantee #2178’s existence in the City of Bakersfield. All these years later, we have finally laid the ground work to store away money in a special account called “Canal Fund Savings”

No date has yet been set for construction. Funds so far are over $100,000. This savings account has a guarantee of significant monthly deposits.

When at the Lodge note the mounted resolution on a walnut board displayed on the wall near the administrator’s office. A reminder that interest in this project stay ever alive in the minds of our membership.

The Canal Fund Committee: Chris MyersMainland, Rick Clemmons, Michael Stamper, Jim Smith, Debra Richardson, Michael Rouw and Tom Esser.

More to come monthly via this newsletter.

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Stockdale Moose Lodge #2178

The Moose

905 Stine Road

Bakersfield, CA 93309

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Permit No. 650 Bakersfield CA

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