CONTINGENCY AND RISK • Despite the advantages of technology, experience has taught me that analogue prompts and day-to-day reminders work well for me. Input is easy, and these tools, such as wall calendars and post-it notes, push out information. • Google Drive and Google Docs are useful tools. I found it to be an efficient and easy replacement for Word. • Goals have been set ambitiously with time to spare. Partly this is to encourage process and progress, but also it builds in time for difficulties that may arise. • Reading for critical studies has helped narrow my reading list, some dead ends recognised for example. This may help limit risk of distractions and diversions. Alternatively, it increases risk in the time scale by pushing for more in-depth analysis. • I have addressed administrative concerns such as backing up documents, files, applications and computer operating system. I have set up an external hard drive using Time Machine, with an additional backup of documents through paid cloud service Backblaze and free up to 15GB Google Drive storage. • Due to COVID-19 restrictions, ethics approval for workshops has switched to online engagement. These restrictions also mean that a second visit to Wolfwatch UK wolf sanctuary is unlikely during this module and alternative wolf research, such as documentaries is underway.
Bridget Irving
Ella Goodwin
Dr Timothy H Parke, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities ECDA Chairman
Protocol number:
Title of study: What do children think about wolves? Exploring connections between illustrated wolves, real wolves drawing, and picture books. Your application for ethics approval has been accepted and approved with the following conditions by the ECDA for your School and includes work undertaken for this study by the named additional workers below: no additional workers named
Conditions of approval specific to your study: Ethics approval has been granted subject to the following conditions:
Approved conditional on the applicant attaining permission to use the Shrewsbury Art Gallery premises specifically for this event -- this permission to be seen by supervisor prior to recruitment and data collection.
General conditions of approval: Ethics approval has been granted subject to the standard conditions below: Permissions: Any necessary permissions for the use of premises/location and accessing participants for your study must be obtained in writing prior to any data collection commencing. Failure to obtain adequate permissions may be considered a breach of this protocol. External communications: Ensure you quote the UH protocol number and the name of the approving Committee on all paperwork, including recruitment advertisements/online requests, for this study. Invasive procedures: If your research involves invasive procedures you are required to complete and submit an EC7 Protocol Monitoring Form, and copies of your completed consent paperwork to this ECDA once your study is complete.
• Liability insurance for workshops • Personal insurance for exhibition • Health and safety concerns for workshops • COVID restrictions moves everything online. • Personal Data collection - GDPR