BA Today - Autumn 2015

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Bridgton Academy

autumn 2015


Special Insert:



Annual Report on Giving

Bridgton Academy The Official Publication of Bridgton Academy Nick LeBel Jessica Priola Sarah Gaines Michelle Cross

Managing Editor, Designer Content Editor Writer, Contributor Writer, Contributor

Bridgton Academy Today is produced biannually as the official publication of Bridgton Academy, and is distributed to alumni, parents of alumni, and friends of the Academy. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us at

The Year That Makes The Difference




In early October, we celebrated our 208th Homecoming, an incredibly enjoyable, prideful, and fulfilling weekend for all of us who work at, support, and love Bridgton Academy. The weekend was highlighted by a record turnout of alums, and the dedication of three landmark additions to Bridgton, each of which has created a palpable sense of excitement all around campus! Thanks to the generosity of our 50th reunion class, the men of ’65, we unveiled a grand campus welcome sign. Thanks to the historic success of our “Rise, Sons of Bridgton” Capital Campaign, we christened two more symbols of our new era of growth and inspiration: two “best in class” artificial turf athletic complexes to support our soccer, football, lacrosse, and baseball programs. Our talented faculty and staff – a community of role models and advisors who pledge to help our boys grow into men “built for others” – have our students already growing. Additionally, our campus is alive with an international flavor as never before. All told, amongst our 170 young men are 27 international students who hail from a total of 11 different nations, comprising a Class of ’16 that literally spans the globe! We continue to strategize for an exciting future. In fact, we’ve developed a new fundraising partnership to significantly increase our Academy’s endowment, using the additional draw to build a “war chest” of scholarship funds earmarked to support deserving young men and their families. Yes, exhilarating times are upon us at BA. As we enter this exciting new era – featuring 21st century facilities that match up with our already world-class staff and programming – it is our hope that you will choose to answer our call, rising with us to meet the challenge of our philanthropic goals, enabling us to realize our most essential dreams. I know you will agree that our legions of young men, present and future, deserve the very best we can provide for them during their year here on the hill: a year that most definitely “makes the difference”! As you enjoy this newsletter, please know that we thank you for always believing in Bridgton Academy!

Graydon E. Vigneau, Jr. P’12

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Homecoming 2015

The boisterous melody of cheering parents mingled with the joy of long-awaited reunions…. The scent of grilled tailgate fare wafted across the campus…. Scottish bagpipes serenaded an impressive crowd, gathered to celebrate the exciting completion of the first phase of BA’s largest capital campaign in history. These were the sights and sounds as Bridgton Academy ushered in “A New Era” during Homecoming Weekend 2015! Now in its fifth consecutive year, Bridgton Academy’s annual Homecoming Weekend has become the hallmark event of the fall for our storied 208-year-old Academy. Over the course of three fun-filled days, Wolverine athletics competed in five different sports, parents became reacquainted with the sons they dropped off only five weeks earlier, ribbon-cutting ceremonies commemorated our Academy’s continued evolution, and alumni classes spanning over 75 years reconnected with their alma mater – and each other. Whether you were able to join us for this extraordinary event, or wished you could have been here to share in the excitement, our “weekend round-up” should help transport you to the sights and sounds of this memorable autumn weekend in beautiful North Bridgton….

BA Class of 1965 Honors 50th Milestone Reunion Year Nearly twelve months of collaboration between members of the Bridgton Academy Class of 1965 and BA’s Office of Alumni and Development culminated into one of the most unified alumni class gift endeavors in recent history: a new Bridgton Academy welcome sign, located at the intersection of Routes 117 and 37 in North Bridgton – the largest and most travelled intersection in town. On behalf of the entire Bridgton Academy community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Class of 1965 for their exceptional support! Spearheaded by ’65 Class Representatives Tony Chinappi and Mickey Ouellette, class outreach efforts were further strengthened with the formation of a 50th reunion “Steering Committee”. Members of this committee reached out to their classmates across the country in a bid to both encourage support for the class gift undertaking, and inspire their fellow ’65 classmates to make the trip “home” to celebrate their extraordinary half-century milestone reunion.

Tony Chinappi ’65 As Tony Chinappi ’65 shares, “At first, it appeared to be a daunting task, but once we got organized, and more classmates came forward to help, I really enjoyed being involved. Connecting with classmates after fifty years is an incredible experience. I am glad to have been a part of this and want to thank all those classmates (and wives!) who assisted in our effort to make our 50th reunion one of the most memorable in recent history.”

Sven Cole (l) and Tim Graham ’65 This “labor of love” came full circle when over twenty members of the BA Class of 1965, together with their spouses, gathered at the site of their class gift for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony. Joined by Bridgton Headmaster Grady Vigneau and Director of Alumni and Development, Jessica Priola, 1965 alumnus and Academy trustee, Harry Damelin, delivered remarks to his classmates, staff, and Academy friends in attendance. Along with serving as a beacon of welcome to visitors of the Academy, this class gift also pays tribute to those members of the BA Class of 1965 who are no longer with us, but remain an integral thread in the fabric of BA’s history. As the end of the dedication ceremony drew near, Tony Chinappi and Mickey Ouellette joined Harry in performing the ceremonial ribbon cutting. As the ribbon cascaded down the new sign, so too did the excitement of this memorable moment ripple through the assembled crowd. At the close of the sign dedication ceremony, it seemed as if fifty years had barely passed. Members of the Class of ’65 continued their celebratory weekend by catching up with fellow alumni at the Alumni Celebration Brunch and cheering on their beloved Wolverines in football, baseball, hockey and lacrosse games. An alumni reception Saturday evening at Headmaster Vigneau’s home tied together this special weekend. The Class of ’65 has already begun launching plans for its 55th reunion in 2020 – and we can’t wait to welcome them back for what will promise to be another fabulous reunion weekend in North Bridgton.

It is never too early to begin planning your class reunion - and BA’s Office of Alumni and Development stands ready to help! For more information on how you can get involved, contact Sarah Gaines ( / 207-647-3322 ext. 1213).

Tha nk yo u a n d c on gr a tu l a ti on s to t h e BA C l a ss o f 1 9 6 5 – “m i ssi o n a cco m p l i she d ” !


The Sons








Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies honor the completed first phase of the “Rise, Sons of Bridgton” campaign

Rise, Sons of Bridgton

At Homecoming 2015, Bridgton Academy proudly celebrated the completion of the first phase of our largest fundraising campaign in history, “Rise, Sons of Bridgton” (RSB). Launched nearly two years ago, the RSB campaign promises “A New Era” in BA athletics through the installation of an all-weather turf field (currently lined for football, soccer and lacrosse); baseball complex with turf infield, new 16,000 square foot college-level strength and fitness center, dedicated soccer complex, and renovated Memorial Gym. On Saturday, October 3rd, some of the Academy’s most supportive alumni and parents joined together to commemorate the installation of BA’s first-ever all-weather turf field. As Headmaster Vigneau and Academy Trustees made the ceremonial cut in one of three ribbon-cutting ceremonies held on campus throughout the weekend, Scottish bagpipe player, Ernie Smith, provided a moving soundtrack with which to pay tribute to the special individuals in attendance whose generous support made this project possible. The following morning, on Sunday, October 4th, a similar lineup of BA legends and leaders took to the diamond to commemorate Bridgton’s new baseball complex. Headmaster Vigneau and Head Baseball Coach, Aaron Izaryk, had the honor of performing this highly anticipated ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new baseball complex, which is complete with an all-weather turf infield, newly-constructed dugouts and a backstop. As an added bonus, former MLB player and current BA Baseball Assistant Coach, Dave Bush (Brewers/Blue Jays/Rangers), threw the ceremonial first pitch ahead of Wolverine Baseball’s Homecoming match-up against the University of New England (a 10-1 victory!).

Thank you to everyone who helped to make our dreams a reality!

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Trustee Mary Ames P’10 cuts the ribbon on the all-new turf field /BridgtonAcademy1808


Are Rising

BA Alum Robbie Harris ’14 also threw a ceremonial first pitch in honor of his family’s involvement in the RSB Baseball project

Homecoming 2015


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Back Roads Meet A Wolverine

For a Wolverine, “the road less traveled” is a familiar route.

The unique decision to attend the only all-male post graduate preparatory school in the country is a step that has been taken with equal parts excitement and trepidation by young men and their families for decades. Although “non-traditional”, the consensus remains that Robert Frost had it right when he famously penned: Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

In this Fall 2015 edition of Meet a Wolverine, we caught up with Bridgton Academy alumnus, Nicholas Chalmers ’96. Nicholas, who recently launched his own life coaching business, The Worthiness Zone, just returned from a solo cross-country motorcycle trek on a quest for self-awareness and to promote his growing business. In his own words, we are pleased to share with you a glimpse of how following the road less traveled has made all the difference for this Wolverine...

Nicholas Chalmers ’96 meets the Pacific.

What prompted your decision to attend Bridgton Academy, and how did your experience at BA prepare you for life after North Bridgton? For me, Bridgton Academy provided a second chance that I needed. Bridgton helped to ingrain in me qualities of assertiveness and strength that were critical in reaching my goals. As a student at BA, I was privileged to study under the late Jake LaFerriere. Mr. LaFerriere was, quite simply, a transformational teacher. Through Mr. LaFerriere’s instruction, I found a tremendous boost in self-confidence. This newfound confidence was reinforced when I learned I had won BA’s public speaking competition that year – whereas previously I had a fear of public speaking. This taught me that the difference between being afraid of something and excelling at it is believing in one’s self – and this thought comes to me every time before I get up to speak in public. You have taken a “non-traditional” path and found success. What led to your decision to become a life coach? We are entitled to follow our purpose in this world, but so often that belief is blurred by either fear and/or a lack of awareness for the gifts we each possess within us. We repeatedly see what we’re good at, and acknowledge that there’s a gap between what we think we’re capable of, and what we’re actually doing. It was only when I learned to truly recognize my passion for helping others that I came to the decision to start my own

Elevating Our Educators through Endowments

Travis Dube is your 2015 Andrew F. Staub ’04 Award Recipient

As he approached the podium, the squeak of his dress shoes was drowned out by the enthusiastic cheers of the young men he’d taught, coached and transformed over 33 weeks. Bridgton Academy History Teacher, English Teacher, Assistant Football Coach and Dorm Parent, Travis Dube, could not help but be moved to emotion as he graciously accepted the Andrew F. Staub ’04 Faculty Professional Development Award at the May commencement ceremony for the BA Class of 2015.

process of selecting the recipient begins with our students, who cast a vote for the faculty member they deem most deserving of this honor. A committee, comprised of students and Bridgton staff, is then formed to review the results, interview candidates and, finally, choose the recipient. “Any time that a teacher can reflect upon his craft and work to refine it with peers, ensures that the student experience will benefit,” stated Mr. Dube.

Now entering his sixth year at Bridgton Academy, Travis has continued to For his professional development program, Travis participated in a weekmaintain his status as a campus favorite among both students and colleagues. long conference this summer at Fort Ticonderoga in New York. There, he spent five days in the company of “I’ve often heard that teachers sow seeds rather than reap harvests,” educators from varied backgrounds stated Travis. Through this endowed award, however, Mr. Dube has had the and with a wealth of combined opportunity to experience the best of both worlds. experience. “The opportunity to discuss teaching methods with fellow history teachers was the Inspired by his transformational year at Bridgton, Andrew Staub ’04, finest professional development together with his parents, Robert and Christine, created the Andrew F. Staub I could ask for. The Staub Award ’04 Faculty Professional Development Award a number of years ago with the allowed me to participate without sole purpose of benefiting BA’s faculty. incurring significant financial burdens on my family. For that, I This award, presented annually since 2011, recognizes one faculty member am perpetually grateful.” who has distinguished him/herself both in and outside of the classroom. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in teaching, accessibility to students, leadership skills, innovation, fairness, and a reverence for learning. The

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to Fulfillment

business to do just that. When we become more engaged with what our strengths and talents are, and how they can be used for the good of others, we conquer our fears and meet our dreams. You recently returned from a motorcycle trip across the country, of which you are making a documentary. Can you explain the back story behind this adventure? What is the most important thing you discovered? In my profession as a life coach, I have specifically focused on what keeps us from doing the things we most love to do – the things that “light us up”. One of the primary reasons for my trip was to promote my life coaching business. I realized, however, that in order to do this, I would need to conquer my fears of what naysayers would think, of asking for the financial investments – “crowd sourcing” – to cover the cost of the video production, and of actually riding the motorcycle through all kinds of conditions. I had the opportunity to interview a variety of interesting people along the way. I focused the majority of my interviews on powerful, heart-centered leaders, in an effort to discover the virtues of taking courageous action in one’s life. In the process, I developed a number of theories, but there remains one constant throughout: “Worthiness creates the momentum that leads to success.” When we can find the “magic recipe” to tap into our own “inner worthiness”, we can face our fears and realize our dreams.

“When we become more engaged with what our strengths and talents are for the good of others, as well as ourselves, we conquer our fears – we meet our dreams.”

What message would you like to share with your fellow BA alumni and future alumni brothers – the BA Class of 2016? You can ask for help if you need it. Taking a step back and asking for help is an indication that you care; it is not a weakness. But you probably won’t ask for help unless you truly embrace the hardest moments and look for the transformation that is taking place as you pursue your goals. I can think of few things that are as rewarding as reflecting upon how I was told that my dreams could not be followed, and that I could not find happiness and success by “taking the road less traveled” in life. Realizing that I proved “the naysayers” wrong - as well as my own inner demons – has been my biggest moment of victory. You, too, can achieve this same crowning glory. And if you need help, look around you and ask.

For more alumni stories and comprehensive class notes, visit to download the full digital version of BA Today!

Meet the Class of 2016 N N oo ll aa nn CC oo oo nn ee yy

East Greenwich, RI

How did you first hear about Bridgton Academy? I first heard about BA from some of the kids I knew locally who had attended the Academy. During my senior year of high school, I applied to both colleges and prep schools. I was leaning more towards prep school because I wanted a better foundation before I went to college. I missed the bulk of my junior year after I was diagnosed with cancer. The main thing I took from this experience was a strong sense of perspective about what was important in my life. Two summers ago, I discovered football kicking and found a passion for it. My goal is to pursue my role as a kicker at the college level because it’s something that I love to do. Once I settled on Bridgton as my school, I was ready to go and excited for the experience! What was it like playing your first football games EVER this season with the Wolverines? During high school, I played as a soccer goalie. I’m still new to kicking, and learning what I need to do. It’s been really fun so far this season suiting up with the football team. Football has lots of adrenaline! There is so much preparation all week leading up to three hours of play on Sunday. I try not to feel the pressure as a kicker, I just have to trust myself and not overthink things. I’ve only played in four games so far, but I’m already enjoying the program. We have a great team of guys. Even though we were strangers just a few weeks ago, we have really clicked as a group.

What are your impressions so far of being at Bridgton? It was really different at first just being away from home. That’s probably been the hardest part of Bridgton for me to date. The first week was kind of strange. You meet a roommate you’ve never met before; you are in a totally new place. That being said, you do get used to it quickly. There is

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a lot of responsibility here. Morning lifts, study hall, classes…I feel like I am creating the habits that I know I’ll need later on in college. Some aspects of the BA program, such as study hall, are definitely long, and they might not be fun, but I know they are extremely beneficial. What is your favorite class so far? To be honest, I really like them all! My teachers are great. I know a lot of people probably wouldn’t pick math, but I think Pre-Calculus might be my favorite. Mr. Webb is willing to help out whenever I have problems. Now that I’ve said that, I honestly don’t know if I could pick a favorite class. My teachers are all really unique and you get a lot of individualized attention in BA classrooms. What is your favorite “Bridgton Moment” so far? Playing with the BA football team at Harvard Stadium was incredible! The Stadium was really amazing, and to get onto the field we went through this little crouched tunnel – it was like being a gladiator. Even though we didn’t win the game, it was really cool to be out playing on that field. What are your plans after BA? I would love to play Division I football, but a great education is my first priority. I want to go to a school where I know I will have a good experience. I’m still learning about what I might want to do for a career – but I’m OK that my path is still a work in progress!

more BA T oday , go to page 18; or , turn the page for our 2015 A nnual R eport on G iving



Annual Report on Giving

Bridgton Academy Board



President Robert F. Bogan ’83 Vice-President Kevin F. Jones ’81

Treasurer Mark E. Carlson ’87 Secretary Mary M. Ames P’10 Members William T. Armour ’67 Jeffory D. Begin William W. Chalmers P’96 Harold Damelin, Esq. ’65 Vicker V. DiGravio III Howard S. Ehrlich P’94, P’98, P’13 Carol A. Hamblet Brian B. Jones ’85 Christopher C. Osburn ’00 Diane M. Potter P’14 Colonel Philip J. Saulnier ’58, US Army, Retired Susan L. Yule P’11

Trustees Emeriti Stephen P. Camuso ’60, P’87 Bruce A. Chalmers Cynthia Choate Senator Susan M. Collins Donald M. Daniels ’70 Robert R. Fanning, Jr. ’62 John J. Gallant, Jr. Alfred Glover Kevin D. Hancock Robert A. Harmon Peter Hastings Kraig M. Haynes ’78 Roderick A. McGarry II ’57, P’86 Dr. James T. McNeil P’70, P’71 George E. Mullin ’59 Norman C. Nicholson David L. Petri ’55, P’83 Anthony J. Scibelli ’62 Dennis Skorewicz P’95, P’96 John P. Stabile II ’65 Albert R. Symes ’57 Robert L. Teel, Jr. ’65


The Cycle

Unrestricted Bridgton Fund Gift

of an

Joe BA

You make everything possible!


2015 B ridgton A cademy R eport


G iving

a special section of Bridgton


Dear Friends, I am writing you this note from a Monday night study hall in the Hamlin STEM Center. Fourteen students sit in relative silence, except for one who is feeling inspired by whatever essay he is writing and furiously typing on his keyboard at a speed far faster than me, and with authoritative clicks and clacks. Calculators are out, iPads are on, foreheads scrunched in concentration. A big science test is on the docket for some students tomorrow morning, so the mood is pretty serious. I am trying to feel inspired by the slightly overzealous typer sitting near me – and I realize, after a few minutes, that his enthusiasm is contagious. I have a lot that I can type as well! I, like my colleagues here at BA, am inspired. I am inspired by our students, by my work here, and by our mission at the Academy. Our students – their experience, their growth, their time here at BA – illustrate an amazing story that is composed right in front of you, day in and day out. Seeing these young men gain confidence, find their inner strength, make a mistake and get back up again – this is all a part of the Bridgton experience. Being a part of that experience is like reading an amazing book or watching a great movie at the theater. After the movie, you walk out with your friends and say “Wow, that was really AWESOME! Could you believe when that happened?!” Days, weeks, even months later the power of that story, the essence of it, sticks with you. In just that way, Bridgton stories stay with all of us and become a part of who we are. While our school has made amazing strides these past few years, we still have many dreams left to fulfill. Every year, our students (and potential students) come to us with new dreams. Our job is to provide them with the training that they need, the grit that they need, and the courage that they need to embrace their dreams head on. In that sense, we are building resilient leaders for the future. Being involved with Bridgton is a truly amazing experience and one that you are all invited to be a part of. Everyone who supports our school, whether through a charitable donation or volunteer involvement, becomes a direct part of the inspiring story unfolding right now here on campus. We cannot do what we do without you. We are excited to share our 2015 Annual Report on Giving with you in the pages that follow. We are proud to honor all of those who support our Academy and extend our most sincere thanks to you, our donors and friends, who help to write the story of BA today. If you do not see your name listed, I hope that you consider all that you can build and create through a simple donation to a truly special school in North Bridgton. These boys, our boys, your boys – the boys of Bridgton today and tomorrow – deserve to dream. We thank you for allowing these dreams to take flight.

Sincerely, Jessica Priola, CFRE, Director of Alumni and Development

Bridgton Academy’s 2016 Bridgton Fund Overall Goal: $500,000 Involvement Goal: 1,000 Supporters Unrestricted Bridgton Fund Goal: $250,000

a special section of

B ridgton A cademy T oday


The 1808 Parent Society Bridgton Academy parents who make a total donation of $1,808 or more during a given fiscal year are recognized in our parents-only giving circle, The 1808 Parent Society. The names of The 1808 Parent Society participants are listed annually on a special recognition plaque housed in the Dr. Cyrus T. Hamlin STEM Center on campus. We would like to thank and recognize our Fiscal Year 2015 1808 Parent Society members.

Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Mary Ames P’10 Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr P’99 Mr. & Mrs. John DeMartini P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ehrlich P’94, P’98, P’13 Mr. Dale Harris P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Haynes ’54, P’78 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lambert ’82, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. James LaTorre P’09

Dr. James T. McNeil P’70, P’71 Mr. Andre Normandin & Mrs. Josee Malette P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Longfellow P’15 Mr. & Mrs. David Peters P’15 Mr. Marc Posner ’64, P’89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Diane Potter P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sarni P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Graydon E. Vigneau, Jr. P’12 Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Susan Yule P’11

Wolverine Giving A d r i a n H u a n g ’1 4 & ’ 1 5 Shanghai, China

Why do you give to BA?

Bridgton Academy was the first place I called “Home” in the United States. The Academy taught me many things, including how to be a better person. I really enjoyed my time with the Wolverine Program and managing the Bridgton basketball team. I am thankful for Mr. Meserve, Coach Lesure, and Coach “Eddie” Mastro.

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you. The year that makes a fabulous Adrian!

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

BA brings out a lot of great things in all of us. To be a successful person, it’s always important to remember who has helped to make you better. If BA helped you, then it’s time to give something back.

Mickey Ouellette ’65 Billerica, MA Why do you give to BA?

For me, the mission of Bridgton Academy might also read: “the school of second chances”. Attending BA gave me that second chance I needed to succeed in life. Without it, I probably wouldn’t have had the discipline needed to not only reach my goals, but thrive: as a student, as a man, and in life in general. The year I spent at Bridgton Academy was instrumental in helping me to realize my dreams.


Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

My answer to this is simple: As an alumnus, I believe that we should help offer other young men the same opportunity – that “second chance” - that Bridgton afforded us. I firmly believe that many doors were opened as a result of both the discipline and leadership qualities that the Academy instilled not only in me, but in many of my fellow classmates. I strongly encourage one and all to financially support BA; thereby giving future generations similar opportunities.

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you. BA provides the foundation for lifelong success.

2015 B ridgton A cademy R eport


G iving



Kevin Hancock, Trustee Emeritus Casco, ME Why do you give to BA?

I choose to give to Bridgton Academy because I worked there as a teacher and a coach. As such, I know what a life-changing experience BA is for the students who attend. Later in life, I also served on the Board of Trustees, including serving as the President of the Board. In that capacity I saw how valuable each dollar given is to the core mission of the school. Money given to BA goes straight to the mission…right to the core programming that is so critical.

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

Bridgton Academy is a very intimate community. Each former student, parent, faculty member or school friend is part of that community and shares the responsibility of giving back so that future generations can continue to benefit from what Bridgton has to offer.

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you.

Wolverine Giving

BA is life-altering for its students.

Priscilla Riley, Bridgton Academy Employee Bridgton, ME Why do you give to BA?

I guess a more appropriate question might be: “Why wouldn’t I give to BA?” I care so much about the students, the history BA has within our community, and the important mission that BA upholds, that I can’t think of a reason why I wouldn’t choose to donate to Bridgton Academy. Bridgton does wonders for young men, and I am so proud to be a part of this. It feels only natural to want to contribute.

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

In the simplest of terms: I believe in, and, as a result, feel compelled to support Bridgton Academy’s mission. I’ve been here for thirteen years, and I’ve seen a lot of students learn and grow on this campus. After each annual commencement exercise, I always feel a certainty that we, the Bridgton Academy community, are sending “goodness” out into the world. After all, the long-

a special section of

term goal of a school is to change the world for the better, and I believe that Bridgton Academy does this better than anyplace else, year after year. The transformational experience that Bridgton offers its students ultimately changes the world, and I think it is so important to nourish this.

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you.

I have a thousand words – eight just wouldn’t do BA justice. I love this place!

B ridgton A cademy T oday


The Headmaster’s Circle – $10,000 and Above Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Mary Ames P’10 Mr. William T. Armour ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr P’99 The Colonnade Hotel, Mr. David Colella ’71 Eleanor L. Walker Trust Fidelity Charitable (2) Mr. Kevin Giblin ’70 Mr. Kevin Hancock & Hancock Lumber Mr. Dale Harris P’14 Haynes Family Foundation The Macdonald Motors Family Mr. Jonathan Mapes ’78

The Harold H. Sampson Society – $5,000 and Above

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nicholson North Bridgton Library Association Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Diane Potter P’14 Mr. Edward J. Robson ’50 Summit International Investments, Inc., Mr. & Mrs James LaTorre P’09 Albert Symes ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Graydon E. Vigneau, Jr. P’12

The Richard L. Goldsmith Society – $2,500 and Above Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Moulton Mr. & Mrs. Jeffory Begin Normandin Transit, Mr. Andre Bridgton Sports Camp Normandin & Mrs. Josee Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Cameron Mr. & Mrs. John DeMartini P’15 Malette P’15 Colonel & Mrs. Philip J. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Saulnier ’58 Lambert ’82, P’15 Dr. James T. McNeil P’70, P’71

Mr. Robert Bogan ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Vic DiGravio Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Ehrlich P’94, P’98, P’13 Mrs. Carol Hamblet Mr. Kevin Jones ’81 Mr. John T. Killian ’67 Mr. Richard Lindstrom ’70 Mr. & Mrs. David Peters P’15 Mr. Anthony Scibelli ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Helen Telfer Mr. Russ Wyluda ’59 Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Susan Yule P’11

The Robert E. Walker Society – $1,000 and Above

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Allen ’80, P’11 Anonymous (1) Ms. Mary Armbruster P’14 Col. David Aumuller ’80 Mr. Roger Austin ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Faye Austin Dr. James Baker ’64 Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation Mr. Wayne Canty P’13 Mr. David Colella ’71 Mr. Harold Damelin ’65 Mr. Robert DeCamp ’89 Mr. Robert Dempsey ’70 Mr. & Mrs. David Diller Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan P’15 Eli Lilly Matching Gift Company Mr. Robert Fanning ’62 Mr. & Mrs. John Fisher P’94 Mr. Waltraud Gartzke Mr. Robert Gray ’84

Mr. W. David Griffin ’57 Mrs. Sally Hapenney Chief James Heinz P’14 Mr. James Herlihy ’65 Mrs. Naomi Hooper Ms. Patricia Jackson P’11 Mr. Ronald Johnson ’55 Dr. James Kim ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Les & Deb Kutasi Mr. & Mrs. Steven Longfellow P’15 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lutz P’09 Ms. Maryann Morris Mr. Alex Moschella ’65 Mr. & Mrs. John Moynihan P’13 Mr. Richard Murphy ’63 Mrs. Gabriela Oliveira Mr. Chris Osburn ’00 Mr. Robert Phipps ’69 Mr. Mark Posner ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Jessica Priola

Mr. Gerald Quigley ’65 Ms. Gretchen Reed P’12 Mr. Albert Robichaud ’52 Lt. Col. Thomas Rollins ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sanfilippo P’12 Mr. John Scott P’09 Mr. Alan Sewell ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Shea P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shepard P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Slavin P’15 Stabile Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Staub P’04 LTC. Joseph Sweeney ’75 Volckmann Family Foundation Dr. Robert Walker P’09 Mr. & Mrs. William White, Jr. Mr. Christopher Whitney ’82 Mr. Jeffrey Zambello ’84

Patricia Jackson P ’11 Greenwich, CT Why do you give to BA?

For several years, I have donated a dollhouse to the Online Holiday Auction. I enjoy building and furnishing dollhouses, and I give because it is a nice way for me to share something that I have made with other people while supporting the Academy.

day you know and feel the good that comes out of your donation. Bridgton Academy truly is “The Year That Makes The Difference.” Coming out of high school, my son, Sir-Tay, was not at all ready for college. He could play football, but had spent most of his time in high school concentrating on that. Bridgton helped him not only to be ready for college, but to be able to balance football at the same time. Sir-Tay is now in his senior year of college and doing well. Bridgton Academy helped to make all of that possible for him.

Wolverine Giving

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you.

I would encourage others to give because it is gratifying when each BA has changed my son’s life for the best!


2015 B ridgton A cademy R eport


G iving

C. Ian Smith ’11 Lancaster, PA Why do you give to BA?

values. While I know that the amount I give is probably not the same as that of older, more financially established alumni, I’m developing a “habit” that can grow as I become more financially secure.

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you.

My parents demonstrated and reinforced the importance of giving back to one’s family, community, and causes that have personal meaning. Attending Bridgton Academy was an incredibly pivotal year for me. I give financially to BA with confidence knowing that the Academy will continue to positively impact the lives of its students. I would share the quote from John D. Rockefeller, “Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.” My academic and athletic success at Bridgton truly demonstrated how important structure and effort are in reaching one’s goals. These two actions are also instrumental in becoming financially successful and in giving back. I’ve set up a structure and effort of giving that reaffirms my

The year that made the difference…truly.



Todd Boudreau ’88 Milford, NH Why do you give to BA?

Bridgton is where I had my academic epiphany. I realized that if I got good grades there (for the first time in my life), that I could use those improved academics as a springboard to pave the way for the rest of my life. I NEVER would have gotten into my college Alma Mater, UCONN, without the improvement in my grades at Bridgton. I believe in the place and its potential!

Wolverine Giving

a special section of

Why would you encourage others to give back to BA?

Every dollar counts at BA. We are not Harvard with an endowment in the billions of dollars. We need those alumni that went on to live fruitful and productive lives to remember that Bridgton was a key stepping stone during a pivotal part of their lives. We need their investment and belief.

Using no more than eight words, write a sentence that summarizes Bridgton for you. Bridgton Academy helped me turn my life around!

B ridgton A cademy T oday 13

The Alumni Top Ten

Bridgton Academy is happy to recognize the following ten classes who achieved the highest number of participants in our fundraising efforts during the 2015 Fiscal Year. We thank these graduating classes for their enthusiasm and commitment in support of Bridgton! You set a wonderful example for all of our graduates, and we are excited to celebrate your continued legacy here at Bridgton.

The Top Participating Class: Class of 2015! 2. Class of 3. Class of 4. Class of 5. Class of

2014 (2nd Consecutive Year in the Top 10) 1965 (3rd Consecutive Year in the Top 10) 1970 (5th Consecutive Year in the Top 10) 1959



Class of 1937 Madelyn E. Buck Edith Scott Justice *

Class of 1939 Miriam Buck Chaffee Rachel Rice Deans # Class of 1943 Luigi F. Barassi # Roberta E. Young # Class of 1946 Erle M. Leavitt Class of 1947 Joan Pierce Barrett # Arthur S. Denison Albert Evans, Jr. # Thomas E. Gay, Jr. Fred M. Hamlin Nancy Flewelling Holden # Class of 1948 Donald E. Hill # Class of 1949 Alice M. Colby-Hall, Ph.D. # Class of 1950 Margot McCarthy Anderson Austin H. Conrad, Sr. Dana Lord Donald R. Millberry # Thomas J. Pike Edward J. Robson Class of 1951 Andrew A. Karkos, Jr. # Class of 1952 Beverly Worthington Boehling Arthur E. Curtis #



C. Albert Robichaud # – In Memory of Martha B. Flint ’52 Henry Rustigian Class of 1953 Colonel Richard K. Fickett * Robert M. Getchell Dr. James D.S. Kim Billie MacKay # Class of 1954 Edward L. Brown, Jr. A. Peter Carr Warren E. Edwards # Frederick M. Haynes R. Sharley Reutter John E. Volckmann Carol Stuart Wenmark * Class of 1955 Paul F. Flynn * Ronald H. Johnson # Class of 1956 Frederick V. Locke David A. Sampson, Sr. # Nelson K. Turnquist # Class of 1957 Nancy Hough Armstrong – In Memory of Claude “Duke” Hough ’54 John R. Crowley Garabed Garabedian W. David Griffin Richard H. Rubant Albert R. Symes # Class of 1958 Lt. Col. Neil R. Brooks Ronald S. Chofay Allan D. Denison Frederic R. Gauthier Leonard Roy Hathaway #

6. Class of 1964 7. Class of 1962 8. Class of 1958 9. Class of 1957 (5th Consecutive Year in the Top 10) 10. Class of 1967 (2nd Consecutive Year in the Top 10) * 5 Consecutive Years Giving Richard W. Morris Colonel Philip J. Saulnier # Class of 1959 C. Werner Anderson # Rand Goodrich George E. Mullin # James H. Soutar, Jr. Edwin H. Sutcliffe* Karl Wesselhoeft Robert S. Weston Russ E. Wyluda Class of 1960 Paul E. Flahive Merrill Thoresen, Jr. # Class of 1961 Peter W. Brown Bruce W. Cargill # Leo G Corsetti, Jr. Hugh C. MacKenzie * Charles H. Spilman Class of 1962 Thomas M. Barker James M Burek * Robert R. Fanning, Jr. Frederick M. Hoy Dr. Edward W. Martin, Jr. Cole A. Proctor* Anthony J. Scibelli Class of 1963 Eric H. Ericson III * George R. Montminy, OD. # Richard C. Murphy – In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Walker Class of 1964 Dr. James C. Baker Alvin F. Crowell, Jr.

2015 B ridgton A cademy R eport

# 10 Consecutive Years Giving Richard J. Harlow – In Memory of Mark A. Lawrence ’68 William Humphreys Mark C. Pelson Marc D. Posner # Edwin O. Smith Edward J. Tobiasson # Class of 1965 David C. Baker Mark S. Blank Steven Bonville Anthony L. Chinappi Jeff Craw Peter L. Cross – In Memory of Thomas Wallace ’65 Harold Damelin, Esq. # CDR. Harold R. Freeman James M. Gagne Timothy P. Graham James W. Herlihy, Jr. Alexander L. Moschella, Jr. James S. Murphy Raymond “Mickey” Ouellette # Gerald W. Quigley John Stabile James P. Turati Class of 1966 Herbert M. Borden John W. Cartmill # Willard H. Leavitt, Jr. * Donald I. Youker – In Memory of Mr. Warren Youker Alan D. Zampieri Class of 1967 William T. Armour # Mark W. Bloom Michael J. Doyle * Gerald M. Goldman John T. Killian George Reid


G iving

Class of 1968 Kim E. Baron Joseph Chianciola # Michael A. Cooper Terry R. Harlow – In Memory of Timothy Madeira ’68 Peter A. Lutze Lt. Col. Thomas L. Rollins * Class of 1969 James C. Ducey Robert A. Phipps # Class of 1970 Robert A. Dempsey # – In Honor of Mr. Doug Cowie ’54 Greg M. Flaherty * Kevin H. Giblin * Edward L. Gillis Harmon P. Hudson Richard E. Lindstrom * Robert McNulty * Aidan J. Moore William E. Oliver J. George Reed Class of 1971 Robert S. Axtell, Ph.D. David J. Colella * John M. Kenney Class of 1972 Dennis Caruso * – In Memory of Mr. Freeman Whitney Ronald A. Goodspeed – In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Edith Goodspeed Lawrence A. Strycharz Peter O. Suneson # Class of 1973 John Acton * John G. Sullivan * Class of 1975 LTC. Joseph F. Sweeney Class of 1976 Frank A Hackett Brian H. O’Hear Tobey N. Woodworth Class of 1977 John J. Daley, Jr. # Class of 1978 Kraig M. Haynes Jonathan B. Mapes * William F. Pittorino * Class of 1979 Seth C. Bacon # James R. Chadbourne D. James Clark Allan J. Fornaro Anthony J. Santagati, Jr. Class of 1980 Philip M. Allen Col. David F. Aumuller

Class of 1995 Craig R. Budolfson *

Richard K. Panton Christopher A. Spada

Class of 1981 Kevin F. Jones # James D. Proulx

Class of 1996 Cory D. Carpenter Mark E. Lufkin * Robert F. Sweeney

Class of 1982 Wayne A. Cohen Matthew W. Lambert Christopher S. Whitney

Class of 1998 Carl E. Barr Scott A. Ehrlich Jason D. MacDonald

Class of 1983 Robert F. Bogan * Adam D. Foley * David J. Gretkowski William C. Lederman Steven E. Quasha

Class of 1999 Andrew C. Barr David C. Cedrone – In Memory of Mr. Jake Laferriere

Class of 2014 Travis F. Bobb Russell Bloom Kevin J. Cadigan Nathan Chrzanowski Peter J. Dassoni Mazwell A. Davies Connor B. Demore Nicolas Dupuis-Gaudreault William Dyson Robert B. Eldredge Michael J. English Tyler Etzkorn Daniel S. Fontaine Robert E. Harris William M. Hay Jeffrey S. Heinz Tanner P. Hyland Sean C. Mack Stephen D. Main Michael J. McBreen Matthew H. McCutcheon Troy C. Pelletier Nicholas A. Potter Matthew R. Serra Ryan W. Shea Reese W. Van Beber

Daniel P. Caples William R. Cusick, Jr. * James K. Henry

Class of 1984 Robert B. Gray Alan J. Sewell Jeffrey R. Zambello Class of 1985 Philip C. Anthes # Brian B. Jones # Edward J. Roth Class of 1986 Roger W. Austin # Mark Dittrich Todd E. Higgins # Robert Lynch # William G. Smith Class of 1987 Mark E. Carlson * Michael J. Sweeney * Class of 1988 Todd S. Boudreau Daniel W. Connolly Jason R. Connolly * Ross A. Perry # Jeffrey T. Ray Class of 1989 Robert DeCamp * Class of 1990 Christopher Y. Atlee William C. Dawes, Jr. William E. Greable Jonathan R. Hjort Edward J. Solek Class of 1991 Erik B. Nixon Class of 1992 Kevin M. Harrison Class of 1993 Thomas Beedy Class of 1994 Matthew T. Ehrlich

a special section of

Class of 2000 Christopher C. Osburn * Jared A. Peter George N. Powers Class of 2001 Patrick E. Pingicer Class of 2003 Damian P. Farley Class of 2004 Andrew F. Staub

Class of 2015 William Aufranc Ryan Becker Jason Blier JJ Brania-Hopp Class of 2006 Cory Ellerton Christopher D. Chandler Shea Farrell Sean Foley Class of 2008 Zach Gilpin Michael David Saya Stephen Goddard Mike Greco Class of 2009 Brendan Greene David A. Brackett Joseph Grout Eric C. Clemmenson Johan Hammarstedt Matthew J. Gallery Adrian Huang Zachary W. Johnson – In Memory of Brian Huyghue Kevin Van Lenten ’09 Matt Lambert Christopher R. Rajotte – In Memory of Steven Longfellow Kevin Van Lenten ’09 Andrew Middleton Nicholas C. Thieme Dylan Mulvey-Welsh Philipe Normandin Class of 2010 Jonathan Pierce Christopher Ames Bradley Rhoades Nicholas Christensen Tyler Hannon – In Honor of the Class of 2010 Olivier Roy Adam Ryan Jacob F. Sewolt Michael Schillereff Jack Sutton Class of 2011 Jason Tibbetts Brad W. Coffey Vasili Vakalfotis Thomas M. Fitzgerald Matt Wendelberger Richard H. Jenkins, III Tyler Williams C. Ian Smith Jake Worcester Jack Zaylor Class of 2012 David Zulauf Christopher C. Nabors Class of 2005 Gerrit W. Conover *

Class of 2013 Tyson Bernard Benjamin L. Ehrlich

B ridgton A cademy T oday 15



P ar e n t s

Mr. & Mrs. John Addington Mr. & Mrs. David Aiken Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas & Mary Ames * Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Andrews # Anonymous (2) Anonymous – In Honor of Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Larson Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Anthes Mr. & Mrs. George Antonio Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Archambault Ms. Toni S. Archibald Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Aufranc Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bachelder Ms. Helene Baker # Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Balzarini Mr. & Mrs. Forrest W. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Beal # Mr. & Mrs. Paul Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Beckman Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Berg * Mr. Roger V. Bergen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blanch # Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bloom Dr. & Mrs. James Bower Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brackett * Mr. R. Gifford Broderick Mr. Elliot Burke & Ms. Kathy Stotter Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cahouet Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm G. Cameron Mr. Wayne Canty Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Caples Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Carlson # – In Honor of Mark E. Carlson ’87 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Censorio * Mr. Onofrio Cerasuolo & Mrs. Giuliana Tomassini Mrs. Mary Ellen Cerullo # Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Chase Mr. & Mrs. Jon Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Barry Christman Mr. & Mrs. John Clement Mr. & Mrs. Tom Clemmenson Ms. Katherine Coffey Mr. & Mrs. John Conroy Mr. & Mrs. William Counce Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Craven Mr. John J. Daley # Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Daley Mr. & Mrs. John Dassoni Mr. Mark Davey Mr. & Mrs. Leo DeGrenier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deignan – In Honor of Mr. James L. White ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Steve DeLisle Mr. & Mrs. John DeMartini Mr. & Mrs. John DiMizio Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. DiPasquale # Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Doree Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Doyle Dr. Peter H. Dresens Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ducharme Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Ehrlich



Dr. William Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Fahy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Feeley Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filler # Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fisher # Mr. Thomas M. Fitzgerald & Ms. Frances A. Cantelli Mr. & Mrs. David Fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Fournier – In Memory of Matthew M. Fournier ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Frasca Mr. & Mrs. William Gambardella Ms. Tara N. Gardner Mrs. Faye Garofano Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gately Mr. & Mrs. John Giglio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glass Mr. Charles J. Graffeo, DMD Mr. & Mrs. Clive Grainger Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Granger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Greco Ms. Paige Green Ms. Anne M. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Groves Ms. Mary Haag Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Hanley Mr. Dale Harris Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Haynes Chief James B. Heinz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Higgins Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Hodgens Ms. Nancy Hopkins Mr. Robert Hopp Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Houlihan Mr. & Mrs. William Husic Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Huyghue Mr. Robert Iasenza & Mrs. Sonia Pede Ms. Patricia Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Rollins L. Janetos Mr. Eric S. Johnson – In Memory of Kevin Van Lenten ’09 Mr. Steven J. Kellem Mr. Roger Kellerman & Ms. Mary Armbruster Mr. & Mrs. James Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. Jake Klein Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Julie Knapp * Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lambias Ms. Laurie Lazar Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Lederman Dr. Carl Leier & Mrs. Jolene Leier Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Leotsakos Mr. & Mrs. Whit Lesure Mrs. Sandra R. Lewis # – In Memory of Howard Lewis ’62 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lis Mr. Peter Lisiecki & Mrs. Maureen Hanley Mr. Bryan A. Long & Ms. Heather Marino Mr. & Mrs. Steven Longfellow Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Longley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lufkin Mr. Ralph Luongo & Mrs. Susan Kincaid Dr. Robert Lutz & Mrs. Gretchen Lutz

Alumni Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Macchi Mr. & Mrs. William R. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. MacHardy Mr. & Mrs. John C. Manni – In Honor of Joe Manni ’13 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Martin Mr. Sanford R. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Matz Ms. Kathleen McAllison Mr. & Mrs. Michael McBreen Mr. & Mrs. Larry McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKenny Dr. James T. McNeil # Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeilly Mr. & Mrs. Mark McQuillen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meader – In Honor of Daren Meader ’95 & Lance Meader ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Mergardt – In Memory of Michael Mergardt ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mesite # Dr. & Mrs. Mark Michaud Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Mirabella Mr. & Mrs. John Moynihan Ms. Kimberly Mulqueen Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mulvey-Welsh Mr. & Ms. Brian Murphy Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Eric Nabors Mr. Andre Normandin & Mrs. Josee Malette Mr. Leo O’Brien, Jr. Ms. Marie O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Jon O’Connor Lt. Colonel & Mrs. John O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Dana Packer Mr. & Mrs. John R. Paladino # Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Panton Honorable Mark G. Peacock & Ms. Dru L. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pelletier Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Peter # Mr. & Mrs. David R. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Petherick * – In Memory of Lisa M. Antell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phoebe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pickette Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pierce Mr. & Mrs. John Pittman Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Diane Potter Mr. & Mrs. John W. Powers * Ms. Louise Preti Dr. Maura B. Price & Mr. Thomas Skypeck Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raffetto Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rajotte – In Memory of Kevin Van Lenten ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rector Ms. Gretchen Reed – In Memory of Sean Reed ’12 & In Honor of Mr. Peter Gately Mr. Frank Rhoades Mr. Tony Rizzoli & Mrs. Meg Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Sanborn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sanfilippo Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sarni Mr. & Mrs. Darvin L. Schanley #

2015 B ridgton A cademy R eport

Mrs. Kim Schillereff Mr. & Mrs. John Schuster Mr. Douglas E. Schwartz & Mrs. Mary Ann Sgobba-Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. John R. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Serra Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sewolt Ms. Melissa I. Shampine Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sharpe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Shea Dr. & Mrs. James Stanford Shelby Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Slavin Ms. Valerie Smith Ms. Jackie Snipes Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Spada Ms. Pamela S. Specht Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Clifford St. George Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stahl Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Staub Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Stauble Mr. & Mrs. John Stebbins Mr. & Mrs. Peter Strassell Mr. Glenn Sutton & Ms. MaryAnn Schwanda Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Terrazzino Mr. & Mrs. Steven Terreri Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Thieme Mr. & Mrs. Guy Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Travis Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Turner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vakalfotis Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Van Hook Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Vetrano Dr. Robert W. Walker Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Allan Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Winn Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. Worcester Dr. Stephen Wrage & Ms. Alexandra Wrage Mr. & Mrs. George Yameen Mr. & Ms. James Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Susan Yule Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zaylor


G iving



F i s c a l Y e ar 2 0 1 5 A c a d e m y E m p l o y e e s

Mr. Bryant Alden Mr. George Antonio P’07 # Mr. Tim Atwood Mr. Tom Austin # Mrs. Hope Beal P’05, P’06 # Mrs. Milagros Casellas-Katz Mrs. Beth Chagrasulis * Mrs. Erica Chute Mrs. Deb Cloutier * Mr. Sven Cole Mrs. Karen Cole Mrs. Jan Condon * Mr. Omar Cook Mr. Tom Coughlin Mrs. Michelle L. Cross * Mr. Joe Daley ’77, P’04, P’05, P’09 # Mr. Travis Dube Mrs. Deb Dutton Mr. Bobby Erhardt





Academy Friends

Ms. Cindy Alderman Anonymous Mrs. Sarah Atwood Mr. & Mrs. James H. Barwell Ms. Helen Bates Mr. & Mrs. Jeffory Begin Mr. James Callanan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carabello Bruce and William Chalmers Ms. Soo-Ling Q. Chan Ms Cynthia Choate * Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & Susan Cole # Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O. Davis Ms. Mary Anne Day Mrs. Lucille M. DiGravio * – In Memory of Vicker V. DiGravio '59 Mr. Vic V. DiGravio III Mr. & Mrs. David P. Diller # Mrs. Betty S. Dyer # Mr. Michael E. Ferrick – In Memory of Mr. Jack Hapenney Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fillback

Alabama Romanchuk Fund AmazonSmile Foundation Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation Bear Mountain Inn Beth's Kitchen Cafe Black Horse Tavern Bridgton Books Bridgton Highlands Country Club Bridgton Ice Arena Bridgton Sports Camp Campfire Grille Christman Pool Service Dick's Sporting Goods Eleanor L. Walker Trust # Eli Lilly Ericsson, Inc. * Fidelity Charitable Fidelity Foundation Firefly Boutique

Mr. Gabriel Miller Mrs. Gabriela Oliveira Mrs. Jessica Priola * Mr. John Raiola Ms. Priscilla Riley Mrs. Sue Rock Mrs. Faye Roderick * Ms. Janiah Roderick Ms. Jolene Roderick Mr. Steven M. Ryan Mr. Joseph Z. Sawicki * Mr. Raymond Stauble Mrs. Helen Telfer Mr. & Mrs. Graydon E. Vigneau P’12 * Mr. Christopher Webb * Mr. Ryan Webb Mr. Eric Zimmer

Ms. Dawn Fogg Ms. Sarah Gaines Mr. Peter E. Gately P’04 Mr. W. Peter Horne # Mr. Jon S. Hunt Mr. Aaron Izaryk * Mrs. Jamie Izaryk Mr. Leland J. Jatkevicius Mr. Robert Johnson Mr. Robert Katz Mr. Alex B. Kerney Mrs. Julie Knapp P’12 * Mrs. Deb Kutasi * Mr. Nicholas J. LeBel * Mr. David M. Lepage # Mr. Whit Lesure P’08 # Mrs. Binaca Macdonald Mr. Cory McClure Mrs. Destiny McClure

Mr. & Mrs. John Gallant Mr. Waltraud Gartzke Ms. Gail Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gibbons Mr. Alfred Glover Mrs. Carol Hamblet * Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Hancock Ms. Anna Hanson Ms. Sally Hapenney – In Memory of Mr. Jack Hapenney Ms. Susan Hapenney Mr. & Mrs. Chris Harlow Mr. Forest Hart Mr. William Haylon Ms. Heather Helwig Ms. Peggy Henden-Wilson Mr. Curtis Hisao Mr. Chester E. Homer * Mrs. Naomi Hooper Mr. Ken Houghton Mr. Stanley R. Howe, Ph.D. Mrs. Jessica Hunt

C o m pa n i e s

Gateway Marina GE Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Green Artisan Landscape Design Greenwood Manor Inn Hancock Lumber Company Hangtime Wholesale Wine Company Hannaford Community Cash – Clynk H.B. Fuller Company Foundation Haynes Family Foundation Highland Lake Resort Homer Foundation J. Decor Kathryn J. & Theodore E. Nixon Family Foundation Lanelle B. Robson Foundation Macdonald Motors McIver Electrical Contracting, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving

a special section of

Ms. Michelle Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Theodore D. Jennings # Mrs. Jenny Keaveny Mr. Michael Kiene Mr. Brian Kooperman Mr. Paul Malette Mr. H. Jackson Marvel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marvel Ms. Shelly McGuiggan Mr. Kevin Mellon – In Memory of Kevin Van Lenten '09 Ms. Diana Merriam Ms. Maryann Morris – In Memory of Ms. Cynthia Morris Mr. & Mrs. William Morse Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Moulton Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Nicholson, Jr. # Mr. Roger O'Connell Mr. Gerry Opiela Mr. Homer Pence Mr. Mark Priola Mr. Ryan Prosser


Ms. Alyson Randall Mr. Alton Richardson IV & Mrs. Julie Richardson Mr. Ed Rock Mr. Michael Rupe Ms. Elna Stone Ms. Katy Tavares Ms. Kerry A. Tobias Mrs. Frances W. Vargas Ms. Alison Vigneau Mr. & Mrs. Justin Ward Ms. Tracey West Mr. & Mrs. William W. White, Jr. * Mr. & Mrs. William W. White III Mr. Timothy S. Wile * – In Honor of Mr. Christopher Webb Ms. Brenda Wiley Mr. Thomas N. Willins, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Willis – In Honor of Kevin T. Huscher '14 Mr. Christopher Woodford Mr. Michael Zaim, Esq.

F o u n dat i o n s

Morgan Stanley Community Affairs Muddy River Signs Nadra Photogrpahy New England Patriots Charitable Foundation Noble House Inn Normandin Transit North Bridgton Library Association Olde Mill Tavern Piper Jaffray Portland Sea Dogs Proulx Oil & Propane Inc. Reny's Ruby Slippers Running with Scissors Shawnee Peak Sportshaus Squeaky Clean Laundry Stabile Family Foundation State Street Matching Gifts Program

Sullivan Tire Summit International Investments Inc. Sunday River Tai Chi Maine The Bridgton News The Colonnade Hotel The Oxford House The Winey Baker United Technologies Matching Gift Program UNUM Matching Gifts Program * Village Tie Up Volckmann Family Foundation Waterford Inn Waters Corporation Wildlife in Bronze William Perry Cigar Lounge Williams Community Relations XL Center

B ridgton A cademy T oday 17

The old BA bus was a character builder. We were brought closer together through the chills with no heat and limited shocks! forward to the Academy with a desire to help the Bridgton program and BA students where the need was greatest. This donor, a passionate believer in the mission of the Academy, feels strongly about the importance of properly marketing the image of our school to outside constituents. That marketing includes the school’s transportation and the impressions that are being set by our current vehicle fleet. In an era when the majority of competitor schools are commuting in increasingly luxurious highway coach buses, Bridgton was arriving at games and tournaments looking a bit like the “Beverly Hillbillies”. This was a reality that the donor felt strongly about addressing, and the Academy could not have been more appreciative.

Fresh Wheels

As a direct result of the donor’s support, the Academy will no longer be faced with transportation challenges for the coming years. The support of this individual has allowed Bridgton Academy to contract for the next three years with Northeast Charter and Tour out of Lewiston, Maine. Northeast Charter will


n the 1930’s, a new phenomenon was underway at the Academy. For $1.00 per week, Academy students could ride in comfort and style to and from the local villages. “No longer need the parent worry about the transportation problem,” a newspaper ad from the time read.

Many moons later, Academy students still travel near and far on school-provided transportation. During the 20142015 academic year, Bridgton athletic teams played over 140 competitions on the road. Our Wolverines challenged opponents from Canada to New Jersey, and just about everywhere in between.

provide all of our athletic teams with highway coach transportation to each of their games. In the third year of the contract, the Academy will

The Academy’s bus fleet today consists of two Freightliner school buses, circa 2004 and 2005. Together, these road warriors have travelled over 400,000 miles in the past ten years. To put that in perspective, our

“Our longest trip last year was a 12-hour return drive home from Montreal. Somehow the decision was made not to follow the route the GPS was recommending…” Freightliners have driven around the world sixteen times, or, have driven all the way to the moon (238,855 miles!) and a little of the way back home. 400,000 miles represents a lot of highway, a lot of meals on the road and, in recent years, a few more mechanical breakdowns than the Academy would like to see. In some instances, the story of where and when you broke down on the BA bus was a kind of ’rite of passage’ for our student-athletes. It wasn’t uncommon to see an especially bleary-eyed student stumble into Monday morning Chapel after a normal five-hour bus trip the previous day had turned into something far longer. That being said, the Freightliners do exude a certain toughness of character, and, while not exactly the height of comfort, some of our alumni still feel pride in our old-school wheels. Over the course of the last several years, the Academy knew it was facing a looming transportation challenge. That being said, given a lengthy list of other needs and necessary program improvements, an immediate solution was not readily available. Every year that the Freightliners continued to stay on the road was another year that more pressing needs could be addressed.

In addition to this amazing news, the anonymous donor has also enabled the Academy, for the first time in our history, to show off a brand-new Bridgton Academy wrapped highway coach. Students and coaches alike met the BA wrapped bus, which first pulled into campus this September, with great enthusiasm. Not only will our student-athletes now ride in style – we will also represent our amazing Wolverine pride wherever we go. So, when you see the new bus out and about, give us a wave, snap a picture of our new wheels, and send your photo along to BA. We hope you will share in our excitement, enthusiasm, and pride in Bridgton as we travel both near and far. Look for our wrapped bus this fall throughout the Northeast and beyond! Thank you, from all of us in the Bridgton Academy family, to our amazing anonymous donor who has allowed us to dream, and who has sent us out into the world with a new spring in our “fresh wheels”.

The transportation challenge was just reaching critical status when an amazing and incredibly timely solution surfaced. This past spring, an anonymous donor came

18| BA TODAY Fall 2015

provide the funding through our own operating budget, continuing to contract out all of our athletic transportation moving forward. Gone are the days that our student-athletes rattle down the road for hours in our Freightliners on their way to athletic contests. And, just as the 1930’s ad promised: “Parents need not worry any longer” about the safety and comfort of their boys on the road.

Happy trails, BA!




Faculty Profile Beth Chagrasulis

When did you begin working at BA, and what drew you to working here? I’ve been at BA since 2010 after teaching in public schools for the beginning of my teaching career. Bridgton allows me to truly work on the craft of teaching with my colleagues, and to figure out the best ways to teach each student in our classes. As a teacher, it is very satisfying to have the freedom to design courses that combine interesting and informative topics with necessary skills for success in college and beyond. In planning the courses I teach at Bridgton, I have been able to expand upon and further explore two personal passions: healthy eating and nutrition, and cellular/ molecular biology. In addition to inside the four walls of the classroom, the best part of teaching at BA is being a part of the entire community environment, which combines the physical campus itself with the energy of the students and all of my fellow colleagues as we embark on a new journey each year.

What roles have you been in since arriving here? My primary role at Bridgton is teaching a variety of science elective courses, ranging from CAP-level (College Articulation Program - for college credits) Nutrition; CAP Cells, Genes, and Biotechnology; and CAP Plagues and Peoples (infectious diseases) to Forensics and non-CAP Nutrition. As a science team leader over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to work with my science colleagues, including Gabe Miller and the legendary Pete Gately, to offer courses that inform and excite students about science. Most of our courses are very hands-on or lab-based, which appeals to students who may not relish sitting still for fifty minutes at a time. As students finish their year, it is gratifying to often hear them say that they are considering science as a career option, especially when they arrived on campus believing they were not “good at science”.

Three words that would best describe you:

Empathetic Hippie Nerd Learner

Additionally, I have a role as the most recent holder of the Jake Laferriere Faculty Chair, a position generously funded by the family of Andrew Barr ’99 to promote professional development activities to strengthen our teaching faculty. During this calendar year, I will be using this post to assist teachers in our efforts to implement the Collins Writing Program, as we teach writing skills across the curriculum. What does “The Year That Makes The Difference” mean to you? “The Year That Makes The Difference” is pure thaumaturgy. (Thaumaturgy combines the Greek roots for ’miracle’ and ’work’; translating literally to “miracle worker”. It can be defined as “the use of magic for non-religious purposes, the art and science of wonder-working, or using magic to actually change something in the physical world.”)

When trying to explain what happens during a year at Bridgton Academy, people will often give you that puzzled puppy head tilt. Once experienced from the student, parent, or staff member’s point of view, you begin to understand the magic. A short, finite amount of time from late August to early May helps to laser focus our efforts. Each student at BA arrives on our doorstep as a puzzle. Our challenge is to unlock the puzzle in as short a time as possible in order to equip our young men for the challenges they will face in college and beyond. Nobody else in the world does what we do in this unique environment in the Maine woods of North Bridgton. In one year, students grow mentally and physically, filling their tool boxes with skills they did not know they needed, and in some cases, did not know they were capable of acquiring. The staff has an innate sense of when to push, when to pull, and when to step back and let students fail in this safe environment, enabling them to learn how to get up (quickly!) and move on. It is an honor and privilege to be a part of this transformation, and I take my role in “The Year That Makes the Difference” seriously. Tell about one of your favorite memories during your time at BA. The best memories are made every year during the week preceding graduation. They include fun events like the final dorm and staff softball games, the Corey Smith ’88 Memorial Basketball Tournament, and Whit Lesure leading the Sylvester Spelling Bee in Chapel. Observing the young men as they play frisbee on the front lawn, stride across campus with a new confident swagger, or throw their arms around their Wolverine brothers with wide smiles on their faces all puts a smile on my face, too. At graduation, well-deserving students receive awards as their parents watch - sometimes in awe and disbelief that this human they see is the same person they dropped off last fall. It is an extraordinary experience. What are some of the most exciting changes you’ve seen at BA? As a science teacher, the most exciting change has been in the renovation of the Dr. Cyrus T. Hamlin STEM Center, and purchasing cutting-edge equipment for our students to use in the classroom, such as wireless digital cameras connecting the microscopes to the iPads, biotechnology equipment, and telescopes for astronomy. In addition to the physical equipment, more students are taking science elective courses than ever before. That is very exciting to see. When you’re not busy keeping up with everything you do at BA, what can you be found doing? I love to hang out and work in my yard, filled with my flower and vegetable gardens, my two Maine Coon Cats, and my Border Collie. You can also find me bird-watching, walking and biking in the Maine woods, going to the Farmer’s Market, cooking, and reading tons of books. Additionally, I take care of some less conventional pets, including fire belly toads, lizards, tree frogs, goldfish, and a baby Mexican Red Rump tarantula. Throughout the “off season”, I also attend as many professional development conferences as I can to feed my need to stay connected and updated in science and education topics, especially in the everchanging worlds of both nutrition and molecular biology.

20 | BA TODAY Fall 2015



And We Played On...

Between all the Bridgton sports teams that are in season, we had seven contests during Homecoming Weekend, featuring student-athletes who helped us to usher in a new era on our brand new fields and pave the way for future classes. We hope you can check out our Wolverine teams this fall and winter, so visit for our complete athletic schedules!


Every student who comes to Bridgton Academy carries with him a different story; a different personality and history that impacts his

comforting for a soldier. My fear was left behind...The third phase was the most difficult. The combat tour would end soon, and the possibility of survival crept into mind. You began to dare to come home. That could be a problem. If a pilot became too cautious, or less daring, then tactical errors could be fatal.”

Planned giving is the fundraising field focused on enabling individuals to create such a legacy through a variety of giving options including bequests, life insurance donations, charitable trusts, and other estate plans. Planned gifts can allow donors to create a charitable legacy that they may not have thought possible. At the same time, these donations have a tremendous impact on our Academy. In fact, the Academy’s largest donation in school history was made in the form of a bequest from Mr. Waldron Fernald, a graduate of the Class of 1923.

Tim found that he often relied on the lessons he learned at Bridgton during both his military training, and his time in combat. Tim’s academics were admittedly difficult in flight school, but at Bridgton he had learned the discipline of sitting down and studying. “I learned at BA to express myself with confidence. If I didn’t know something, I knew I could find a solution. Just as importantly, Bridgton taught me the skills of a gentleman. I learned how to sit at a table and eat in a proper fashion. I knew how

time here and helps to forge the individual that he will become. The paths taken by our alumni are equally diverse, and often incredible in ways both large and small. As many Wolverines navigate the roadways of life, the realization of the importance of their relationship with Bridgton can take on a different meaning, and the thought of leaving a lasting legacy at the Academy can grow in importance as the years continue to pass.

For one more recent Wolverine alumnus, the decision to create a legacy gift at the Academy was both incredibly personal and a wonderful source of pride. What follows is a glimpse into the story of this Wolverine, Mr. Timothy Braun, Bridgton Academy Class of 1967.

Tim Braun suited up for the ’67 Wolverines

A Wolverine Tim Braun arrived at the Academy in the fall of 1966, having learned about BA from his high school football coach. A young senior, Tim admits that it was “common knowledge” that he needed to strengthen his academics. Tim learned many lessons during his time at Bridgton, most importantly that we are all responsible for our own actions, successes and failures. These lessons were imparted by legendary BA faculty such as Tom Austin, Richard Goldsmith, and Freeman Whitney. “At Bridgton, I was allowed the room to rebel, but was firmly guided toward self discipline at the same time,” Tim recalls. “I started for a football team that I never thought I would have the chance to make. I was elected President of the BA forum. I had to speak in front of the entire student body in the Chapel... All of these experiences together created the foundation of my learning at Bridgton.”

to behave in the company of refined individuals. These qualities have continued to serve me well as an officer and a gentleman throughout my civilian life.”

Tim fondly remembers his faculty, particularly Mr. Goldsmith and Mr. Whitney. “Although Mr. Goldsmith and I certainly locked horns at times, I think of him now as the personification of Bridgton Academy. He embodied high moral character, and was very much dedicated to the school and its students. And Mr. Freeman there was a teacher. No mercy asked, and none given. He was solid as a rock.”

As time has marched on, Tim has often reflected on his Bridgton experience. “In many ways, Bridgton was good to me. I’ve always considered it my school...My commitment to Bridgton Academy is a most personal one. I don’t believe, nor would I expect, that my experience matches that of any other graduate. Every graduate should have his own story, his own reason and purpose for giving to the Academy. If you search your heart, you will find that BA was at the point in your life when you went from a boy to a man, and this Academy had much to do in tempering that transition.”

After Bridgton, Tim married his high school sweetheart, Madeline, and soon after joined the United States Army. Following in the footsteps of many Bridgton graduates who have served in the military, Tim enlisted during the tumultuous times of the Vietnam War, successfully completing the Army Rotary-wing Flight School as a Warrant Officer. He soon found himself headed directly into the Vietnam war zone. “As an aviator during Vietnam, the tour of combat had roughly three stages,” Tim described. “The first stage was a period of naivete, not quite knowing or understanding how mean of a business war is. The second stage was resignation. As a young man, you quickly came to understand that your likelihood of returning home was low. During that time, you began to not really care one way or another what happened, and this was almost

22 | BA TODAY Fall 2015


As the years passed after both Bridgton and Vietnam, Tim continued to develop and pursue a variety of personal and professional goals that were important to him. “I’ve had main three goals in my life,” Tim describes. “One is to be considered by others as a good man. I strive to be dependable, ethical, and principled even in the face of criticism. The second is to not become corrupted by material possessions. Don’t get wrapped up in popular culture, instead craft life to your image. The third, and most important, of my goals is to have a fruitful marriage and family. I believe I have modestly obtained all of my goals, and of this, I am very proud.”

This past fall, Tim and his lifelong love, Madeline, decided to create a legacy at Bridgton through a life insurance beneficiary gift. When Tim passes away, this policy will establish a perpetual fund at the Academy in support of BA programs that are important to the Brauns. “At this point in my life, I feel very comfortable knowing that my modest contribution will be structured into an ongoing, continuous resource for the future of the school. My father, who is now deceased, worked very hard and was not a wealthy man. In Bridgton Academy, he saw a school that would provide a path for me to achieve my dreams. My gift will also be for him. I am @BridgtonAcademy

Tim as an aviator in Vietnam

F or L i fe “At Bridgton, I was allowed the room to rebel, but was firmly guided toward self discipline at the same time…” proud that my family and the Academy will now be perpetually tied together for the benefit of future generations of Bridgton students.” “In today’s world, there is a very strong need for men of quality and ethics. Bridgton works to create those men. Life is not linear. Defeat is a lesson, a setback only if you do not give up. Maintain a clean conscience and life will come your way.” Tim Braun and his wife, Madeline, reside in Florida. They have three adult children, and five grandchildren. Tim holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Management and is retired after a career in town engineering and public works. Bridgton Academy is truly honored by those who choose to incorporate Bridgton into their estate plans. Through planned gifts, generations of BA alumni, parents, and friends have helped to continue the mission and values which define Bridgton Academy. Planned gifts may allow you to make a larger gift to the Academy than you thought possible and often provide significant tax benefits to donors. To learn more about legacy gifts at the Academy, please contact Jessica Priola, Director of Alumni & Development.

Madeline and Tim Braun



Welcome to the digital version of Bridgton Academy Class Notes! We invite you to read on to see what some of your fellow Bridgton alumni and friends have been up to. Don’t see your name? Re-connect with BA and update us at on everything going on in your life since your graduation from Bridgton Academy.

We want to hear from YOU! Please call the Office of Alumni and Development (207) 647-3322 (ext. 1213), email us at or visit BA online at BA Class Notes will now be published bi-annually in the fall and spring – we hope to see your story listed below soon!


Al Robichaud ’52 Al reports that he has been busy with his sixteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren – wow! He sends his best wishes to everyone here at the Academy. Thank you, Al! Richard Wright ’53 Can we join you?! Richard reports that he is now spending his summers on Cape Cod, and enjoying his winters in “The Sunshine State” of Florida. Have fun, Richard!



Steve Finn ’66 1 We were thrilled to see Steve and his wife, Margaret, on campus this summer for a surprise visit! Steve and Margaret were returning from a classic convertible show in Boothbay Harbor (Maine), and dropped by on their way to Burlington, Vermont. Steve reports that, among other things, he was a hockey referee for about twenty years. He and Margaret live near Rochester, New York and have three grown children and six grandchildren! Here, Steve and Margaret are pictured alongside their ’02 Corvette!


Greg Flaherty ’70 Greg reports that he is recently retired from Unum Group (Director, IT Security Compliance and Risk). He now plans to spend summers at his cottage on Cape Cod; journeying to Roanoke, Virginia for the winter months. Congratulations on this new (and well-deserved) chapter – enjoy, Greg!


Chris Whitney ’82 2 On a recent trip to Bermuda, Chris met up with fellow BA alumnus Dennis Lister ’76. Dennis, who was inducted into Bridgton Academy’s Hall of Fame in 2009, was presented with his award in person by Chris during his visit to the island nation. For more information about their visit, please read the article in its entirety as it appears in our September 2015 edition of e-news. Neil Fagan ’83 Neil is currently the president of Fagan & Inc. Furniture Store & Funeral Home in Bath, New York – a fourth generation company started in 1924 by his great-grandfather. Neil and his wife, Lori, recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They have two children: Colleen, who currently lives in Ft. Hood, Texas with her husband - a Chief on Black Hawk helicopters; and son, James, who is in his 2nd year of college in Rochester, New York. Neil reports that he is getting close to retirement – and we’re sure he must be excited! Anthony D’Onofrio ’89 Great news for Anthony, who has recently taken over as the Associate Director of the Graduate Program in Athletic Administration at Endicott College. The Master of Education in Athletic Administration at Endicott is a thirty-six-credit program, which is 100% online. Best of luck in your new role, Anthony!



Joe White ’96 With his appointment to the position of Head Football Coach at Gardiner High School (Gardiner, Maine), Joe White ’96 succeeds fellow Wolverine, Matt Burgess ’88, who returned to BA as a teacher and Assistant Football Coach earlier this year. Joe is a married father of two sons, ages five years-old and eighteen months-old. Prior to assuming his position as Head Football Coach at Gardiner High School, Joe taught third grade at River View Community School. He will now be switching to teaching sixth grade there to make his schedule more compatible with football. Congratulations, Joe, and good luck at the helm! Spencer Ingraham ’99 It is reported that Spencer Ingraham ’99, who was married last year, is a project manager for a construction company. Spencer and his wife now live in Dayton, Ohio. Congratulations, Spencer!



Sean Bradley ’00 3 Great news on all fronts for Sean! The newlywed, married just this October to his bride, Tara Billik, is also a successful screenwriter for film and television. Sean is credited with writing, producing, directing and editing a variety of films and documentaries. Sean and Tara reside in Santa Monica, California. Matt Meachem ’02 4 We are very proud to announce that Matt Meachem ’02, is a member of the coaching staff of the Stanley Cup-winning Chicago Blackhawks team! Matt, who recently wrapped up his second season with the Blackhawks, was named the team’s Video Coach on August 16, 2013. Matt joined the Chicago-based Blackhawks after spending six seasons with the Binghamton Senators of the American Hockey League; most recently as the club’s joint Video Coach/Hockey Administrator. While with the Senators, Matt was tasked with prescouting upcoming opponents, analyzing game tape and producing game-day preparation videos, as well as handling the processing of the Senators’ day-to-day transactions with the league office.(Continued)


After his graduation from Bridgton, Matt went on to study at SUNY Cortland, from which he graduated in 2008. From there, he played two professional seasons with the United Hockey League’s Elmira Jackals and the Southern Professional Hockey League’s Jacksonville Barracudas. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife, Lindsay. We congratulate Matt for this phenomenal achievement and wish him continued success in his professional NHL coaching career. Way to go, Matt! Eric Rehfield ’03 We are happy to hear from Eric who reports that he and his wife, Christine, who married in 2014, reside in New York City. Eric works in management consulting at Accenture. Enjoy the Big Apple. Eric!


Nick Cammilleri ’05 Since his graduation from BA ten years ago, Nick has gone on to achieve success in the greater Los Angeles area as a writer, director, producer and camera man for a variety of short films and documentaries. Nick is currently working on an intriguing documentary, The Dale, which chronicles the story of Liz Carmichael, founder of Twentieth Century Motor Car Corporation, her three-wheeled car, and the con that shook Los Angeles county in the mid-1970s. Will DuPree ’07 5 We were excited to welcome Will and his wife, Rebecca, back to campus this summer! Will, who currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where he works for a medical equipment company, was joined by his sister-in-law and his and Rebecca’s one-year-old son, Wes. Thanks for visiting, Will, and keep up the good work!


Brian Rudolph ’07 6 Exciting updates for Brian Randolph ’07! This summer, Brian competed with the Cape Verde national basketball team at FIBA’s (International Basketball Federation) AfroBasket 2015 in Tunisia, which served this year as an Olympic qualifier competition. Brian, who has a young daughter, is an assistant basketball coach at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Way to go, Brian, and keep up the good work! Here, Brian (left) is pictured competing against Angola’s national team. Jason Foster ’08 7 Exciting news for BA Class of ’08 graduate and former University of Rhode Island tackle, Jason Foster! Jason made the final roster for the B.C. Lions of the Canadian Football League earlier this year and is expected to be the team’s starting center. Known for his versatility on the field – he plays either center or tackle – Jason’s skills stretch into the professional world of finance as well. After graduating from Rhode Island with a Business and Finance Degree, Jason was courted by The Blackstone Group, which was eager to hire him before he signed on with the Lions. Jason was a second-team All-CAA selection in 2011 and spent parts of three seasons with the NFL; originally signing with the Indianapolis Colts in 2012 as an undrafted free agent. Jason has also spent time on the Oakland Raiders’ practice squad, and was in 2014 camp with Tampa Bay. We congratulate Jason, and wish him much success!


| BA TODAY Fall 2015

Nicklas Haag ’08 Congratulations to Nicklas Haag ’08 who was recently signed by the Indianapolis Colts! This three-year deal with the Colts comes after two seasons Nick spent as a linebacker for the Cedar Rapids Titans. While with the Titans, Nicklas recorded 92 tackles, four sacks, two fumble recoveries and a forced fumble. Prior to his time with the Titans, and after his graduation from Bridgton Academy, Nicklas was a three-year starter for Assumption College. Fantastic news, Nicklas!

Tyler O’Keefe ’08 Terrific news for Tyler O’Keefe, who was named earlier this summer as the Assistant Lacrosse Coach at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. After his graduation from Bridgton Academy, Tyler went on to earn his Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Springfield College (2012). Shortly thereafter, Tyler continued his studies at Springfield, earning his Master of Science degree in Physical Education there just this past year. Congratulations on all of these accomplishments, Tyler, and good luck in your new role! Sean Brine ’09 We hear that Sean is a recent graduate of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and currently operates his own security company. Well done, Sean, and keep up the good work! Thomas Paine ’09 Thomas reports that he is currently working as a Financial Representative with Northwestern Mutual in Duluth, Minnesota. He is also a recent graduate (with honors!) from the University of Wisconsin Superior, earning his degree in Political Science with a minor in Sports Management. After his graduation from Bridgton, Thomas played four years of college hockey: two years at Augsburg College, and two years at UW Superior. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments thus far, Thomas!

2010’s Tad Gold ’10 8 As we reported in the fall 2014 online edition of BA Today, 2010 Bridgton alumnus, Tad Gold, was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles last summer; playing center field for the Aberdeen Ironbirds, a Minor League Orioles affiliate. One year later, Tad has moved up in the Minors, and is now a left fielder for the Frederick Keys - the “Advanced ‘A’ Affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles”! Thanks to ESPN, viewers across the world were able to see Tad in action with the Keys as his diving catch on July 28th against the Carolina Mudcats ranked #3 on ESPN’s “Top Ten Plays of the Day”! Something tells us this is just the beginning for Tad, and we can’t wait to hear - and see - more awesome highlights as his career takes off. Way to go, Tad! Tyler Hannon ’10 Congratulations to Tyler, who recently graduated from Jacksonville University! Tyler earned his Bachelor of Science in History and pursued two minor degrees in history and marketing. Tyler is also now an alumnus of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Way to go, Tyler! Patrick Sen ’10 We are excited for Class of 2010 alumnus, Patrick Sen, who reports that he recently moved to NYC to begin the analyst program at Goldman Sachs. This tremendous step as a young professional comes on the heels of Patrick’s graduation from Hamilton College this past spring, where he was a student-athlete. Good luck as you launch your career, Patrick! Brad Coffey ’11 Congratulations to Brad who is maintaining an honors status with a double major in finance and economics – wow! Brad recently transferred from Westminster College in Utah to the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is set to graduate from Leeds in spring 2016. Way to go, Brad!


Thomas “T.J.” Garofano ’11 T.J reports that he is doing well. He works as an Employment Specialist at a recovery home run by Fellowship Christian Ministries in Connecticut. Keep up the great work on what is surely a rewarding job, T.J! Sir-Tay Jackson ’11 After playing football for the UConn Huskies, Sir-Tay Jackson ’11 was recently chosen to play with the Tri-Federation. TRI is an emerging, full-contact and fast-paced sport designed specifically to push the limits of conventional athletics by introducing three teams playing on a circular pitch. All teams compete for possession of the unique TRIball, which has been intentionally crafted to challenge athletes. We congratulate Sir-Tay on this exciting new step in his athletic career. Be safe out there, Sir-Tay! John “Jay” Kenney ’11 We were happy to welcome Jay back to North Bridgton when he stopped by campus this past spring. After graduating from Merrimack College earlier this year, where he played football all four years, Jay has now returned to his college alma mater as an “Offensive Intern” for the Merrimack Warriors football team. Way to go, Jay!


Jarrod Casey ’13 9 Now in his junior year at Assumption College, Jarrod has made a name for himself both on and off the field. Recognized as a stellar leader, with an extraordinary work ethic, Jarrod was recently voted captain of Assumption’s football team. Last season, as a sophomore, Jarrod lead the Greyhounds in tackles from his strong safety position, and earned AllNortheast-10 Conference second team honors while helping to key the Greyhounds topranked scoring defense. He also racked up three sacks, three interceptions and three pass breakups last year, along with forcing a fumble and blocking a kick. During his freshman year, Jarrod saw play time in every game; posting nineteen tackles, three pass breakups and an interception that year. Along with his notable athletic prowess, Jarrod also boasts a commendable academic record at Assumption as he pursues his degree in accounting. Jarrod has been named to the Assumption Student-Athlete honor roll three times so far, and has earned the fall 2014 Assumption Student-Athlete Director’s Citation for a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Outstanding job, Jarrod – keep up the good work!


James DeMartini ’13 10 Now a junior with the University of Maine, James’s punting prowess with the Black Bears follows on the heels of incredibly hard work from James both on and off the field since his graduation from Bridgton Academy. After earning his associate degree from Dean College in Massachusetts, James made good on his promise to return to Orono, Maine and punt for the Black Bears. (It should be noted here that this is the first such promise a student has fulfilled in the twenty-three year career of U. Maine’s football coach, Jack Cosgrove.) Two years later, James’s kicking has only improved; continuing to catch the eye of both his coaches and teammates. Good luck this season, James, and keep up the good work! Dylan Luongo ’13 We hear that Dylan is doing well and taking classes at the local community college as he prepares to transfer next year; likely to a school within the University of Massachusetts system. We wish him the best of luck! Dan Curran ’14 11 Dan is coming off a terrific freshman year at West Point as he enters his sophomore year

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at the elite military academy. A member of their varsity hockey program, Dan has continued to prove himself in both the rink and the classroom. In addition, he continues to do well in his rigorous military training. We wish Dan continued success, and thank him for his service! Jack Lindsey ’14 We understand that Jack is doing quite well! After finishing his freshman year with a 3.4 GPA, Jack dove head first into his part-time summer employment in financial planning with Northwestern Mutual. He is also working as an intern with the Michigan House of Representatives, where he assists in coordinating delegate events. Sounds like you’re off to a great start, Jack – well done! Zach Lydon ’14 News out of upstate New York informs us that Zach Lydon ’14 has signed on to play basketball for the Red Dragons at the State University of New York at Cortland! This move comes after a freshman year playing basketball at L.I.U Post in Long Island. This move upstate sees Zach closer to his older brother, Tyler, who is a rising star with the Syracuse Orange basketball team. Good luck in this new chapter, Zach, and all the best for a fabulous season!


Shane McCloskey ’14 12 We hear that Shane is doing well at Fitchburg State, where he is playing football for the Falcons. We wish Shane the best of luck as he continues his college career! Dylan Owen ’14 13 When he is not signing footballs for young Husker fans (see pic), Dylan is working hard as a student-athlete at the University of Nebraska. Now in his sophomore year, Dylan has transitioned nicely to university life, as evidenced by a good academic record coming off his freshman year. As he headed into fall camp this summer, Dylan competed for playing time at defensive end – a position where the competition of game action is considered “wide open” heading into the 2015 campaign. We congratulate Dylan and wish him continued success on – and off – the field. Go Huskers! (And Dylan!)


Troy Pelletier ’14 His jersey number may have changed for his sophomore football season at Lehigh University (look for No. 3!), but Troy’s gift for the game has only strengthened. A key member of the Lehigh offense, Troy caught a team-high of 49 passes for 815 yards and seven touchdowns last season. Troy continues to be a powerhouse player for Lehigh and we wish him continued success! Nate Rector ’14 Our sources inform us that Nate is “entrenched at Maine Maritime Academy in Castine” - and seems to be thriving there. Nate was sworn into the Regiment of Midshipmen on Saturday October 10th. Congratulations, Nate, and thank you for your service! Reese Van Beber ’14 Exciting news for Reese! We hear that Reese married Allyson Bowen on September 6th, 2015. Congratulations, Reese and Allyson, and best of luck to the newlyweds! Jack Dolan ’15 We hear that Jack is doing great at Marist College and enjoying every minute of it! Best of luck in this new chapter, Jack!


Brendan Donnelly ’15 14 A freshman at Merrimack College this fall, we hear that Brendan is doing well – working equally hard on his studies and on the lacrosse field, where is plays attack for the Merrimack Warriors. This fall, Brendan was selected to be on the starting line for the two “Fall Ball” games, which took place in Springfield, Massachusetts. Well done, Brendan, and keep up the good work!


Luke Preti ’15 Way to go, Luke! Shortly after his May 2015 graduation, Luke Preti was honored as the recipient of the Maine Chapter of the National Football Foundation’s 28th Annual Scholar-Athlete Awards. As part of his recognition, Luke was awarded a grant from the Coach Mac-Huard Fund- the only prep school player to receive such an honor. According to its website, The National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame mobilizes the constructive forces of amateur football, at all levels, for the benefit of society as a whole. The State of Maine Chapter has been honoring scholar-athletes since its establishment in 1988. Congratulations, Luke!

Group shout-outs

A family affair! David Higgins (IV) ’08, has joined his father, David (III) ’76 in the family business, Higgins Office Products, where he works in sales in their South Portland, Maine office. Younger brother, Chris ’10 also works in sales for the family business – in the Massachusetts office. Youngest brother, Jonathan ’12, began his senior year at Marist College this fall, where he is majoring in computer science. Way to go, guys!


Landon Moore ’12 15 Look who landed on the Facebook promo page Marist College! That’s right – Landon Moore ’12!


Tim Morris ’79 16 You’ll never know where you’ll find a Wolverine in your midst! On a recent trip to Harvard for BA’s fall football tailgate, legendary BA football coach, Tom Austin, was approached by a young man representing the Crimson athletic department. After informing Coach Austin that the BA tailgate tent needed to be moved (woops!), a most remarkable conversation unfolded: the young man, Mike Morris, explained that his father, Tim Morris ’79, attended Bridgton Academy and played football under Coach Austin. It was at this point that Mike informed us of his full name: “Mike Austin Morris” – coincidence?! We think not…. It was great to meet Mike and hear this incredible story. We hope to welcome Mike and his father to North Bridgton soon! Bob Dempsey ’70 and current parent, Jim Pratt (Matt Pratt ’16) pose for a picture! 17 Adrian Huang ’14/’15 (left), Eddie Mastro ’08 (center), and Kai Sun ’14 (right) show their Wolverine pride at the Great Wall of China! 17


Devon Lofton ’13 caught up with Headmaster Vigneau, P ’12, at a recent Central Connecticut State football game! 18 Jim Proulx ’81 and Headmaster Vigneau, P ’12, enjoy some laughs at Fenway Park on July 31st, 2015. 19 Larry Strycharz ’72 and Headmaster Vigneau, P ’12, pose for a photo on the second floor of the Academy Building, with former BA Headmasters Robert Walker (1974-1990) and Harold Sampson (1919-1943) looking on. 20

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“The hills are alive with the sound of…a Wolverine!” Here, Maria Stauble, daughter of Ray Stauble (Dean of Students) and his wife, Barbara, shows off her Wolverine pride in the beautiful Swiss Alps. Thanks you for sharing this picture with us, Maria! 21


Troy Pelletier ’14, Nate Chrzanowski ’14 and Charles Montalbano ’14 pose for a pic as their teams (Lehigh University and Central Connecticut State University) went head to head earlier this fall. Lookin’ good, fellas! 22







Alumni Attend Annual Spring Gathering in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Now in its fourth year, alumni and parents – past and present – joined BA faculty and staff for drinks and appetizers at The Wharf, in beautiful downtown Portsmouth. 23, 24 It was great to see Paul Humphries ’05 and Tim Watson ’05 back on campus for Homecoming 2015! Here, Paul (left) and Tim (right) enjoy a few laughs with BA’s Director of Admissions, Chris Webb (center) at an alumni reception at the home of BA’s Headmaster, Grady Vigneau. Lookin’ good, fellas! 25



Kevin Hancock Bridgton Academy is excited to congratulate Mr. Kevin Hancock, who served for many years as the president of Bridgton Academy’s Board of Trustees, on the release of his new book titled: Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse (http://kevindhancock. com/). Kevin put together this memoir based on his own personal journeys to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where he learned many things about his own life, as well as the quest for larger purpose. Congratulations on this phenomenal accomplishment, Kevin! To learn more about Kevin’s book, as well as the non-profit organization, The Seventh Power, visit


We are saddened to report the passing of the following Bridgton Academy alumni: Patricia (Holt) Buck ’51 26 Patricia Ann “Pat” Buck, 82, passed away early Tuesday morning, Sept. 8, 2015. Patricia was a longtime resident of nearby Stoneham, Maine. Pat was born on November 3, 1932, in Lewiston, Maine and graduated with the Bridgton Academy Class of 1951.


On June 25, 1950, she married, Carroll “Squeak” Buck, Sr. in nearby North Waterford. The date of June 25th was a significant one within the family as it was also the date of marriage for two of Squeak’s sisters, Stella Thompson and Lucille Buck. Pat and Squeak made their home in Stoneham for many years as she worked at the Waterford Spool Mill, Crooked River Dowel and, later, at the Saunders Mill in Bridgton. She and Squeak loved to dance and did so as often as they could over the years. They also enjoyed snowmobiling and going for motorcycle rides. In retirement, Pat enjoyed reading and keeping a daily journal. Those close to her will always remember her quick wit and wonderful sense of humor. Pat is survived by her children, Chester Buck, Terry Buck (Mary Jane of Turner), Carroll Buck Jr., Vickie Pike (Steven), and Cynthia Fox (Peter). She is also survived by her siblings, Arthur Holt and his wife, Shirley; Arlin Holt and his wife, Brenda; and Sharon McAllister and her husband Dennis. In addition, she is survived by grandchildren, Tanya Fox, Lynn McCuaig, Misty Allen, Sarah Buck, Samuel Buck, Melissa Evans, and Travis Fox; as well as 13 great-grandchildren and many dear friends. Pat was predeceased by her husband, Squeak, on Aug. 4, 2005; and a sister, Eleanor “Ellie” Kimball on March 10, 1997.


Pat is buried at Hillside Cemetery in nearby Stoneham. Conrad Keniston ’6o 27 Born on June 21, 1941 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, Conrad passed away on May 24, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Conrad is survived by his loving wife of 51 years, Lynn Keniston and daughter Pamela (David) Fulk, as well as a granddaughter, Gabrielle Fulk and grandson, Luke Fulk, all of Scottsdale. Conrad is also survived by his nephew,

| BA TODAY Fall 2015

Stefan Keniston (Massachusetts), and his niece, Kathryn Keniston (New Hampshire). After his graduation from Bridgton, Conrad served eight years in the Air Force as a missile guidance technician. Conrad then went on to graduate from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado and became a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who was a principal in Clark, Keniston and Associates for over 25 years in Denver. Conrad moved to Arizona in 2003 where he was employed by the IRS as a large case specialist before retiring in 2013. He had a lifetime membership in the Colorado Society of CPA’s for his many years of leadership and service. He was predeceased by his parents Eleanor and Conrad Keniston and his brother, Lawrence E. Keniston. Conrad was bired with Military Honors. Patrick McCarthy ’51 28 Patrick Edward McCarthy, 85, of Topsham and Christmas Cove, Maine, passed away in the early morning hours of Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015 following a heart attack suffered at his home. Patrick was born July 23, 1930 in Rumford, and was one of ten children. In the Irish tradition, Patrick (as eldest son) was named for his paternal grandfather, Patrick Edward McCarthy, a 1902 graduate of the University of Maine. Patrick served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was a 1951 graduate of Bridgton Academy. He attended Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, as well as the University of Maine at Orono. Patrick went on to graduate with a Masters of City Planning from Harvard University. He served as a City Planner for Boston on the Charlestown Project, and as head of the Worcester Redevelopment Authority in Massachusetts. In 1963, Patrick moved to Ireland for four years to serve as Chief Advisor to the United Nations Mission for Economics and Planning Research. Upon his return, Patrick was employed in a series of positions with the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education before being appointed in 1972 as Chancellor of Higher Education for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In 1975, Patrick became Chancellor of the University of Maine System, where he served for 11 years before becoming President of the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions in Boston until his retirement in 1995. Patrick served as both Commodore and President of the Christmas Cove Improvement Association, and was a member of the Megantic Fish & Game Corporation.



On Dec. 2, 1956, Patrick married the love of his life, Norma Joan “Tiger” Leary, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They had five children. Patrick and Tiger formed a dynamic and intrepid team and loved life together for almost 60 years, until Patrick’s death parted them. Patrick was intelligent, insightful, and simultaneously charming and challenging. He was big and strong, with a lion’s mane of white hair and bright blue eyes. He loved good food, and he loved to cook, banning interlopers and kibitzers from his kitchen while he was at the stove. He loved boats and sailing races, and, the poetry of his friend, Seamus Heaney. He loved fly-fishing - especially in Ireland, Canada, the far northern reaches of Maine, or off the dock in Christmas Cove. He loved Maine to his core. Patrick took justifiable pride in his Irish and Maine heritage. He was a gifted artist and produced watercolors and drawings of talented awareness and joyous execution. Most of all, Patrick loved his family, and they loved him. He is survived by his wife, Tiger; his children, Seán Wallace McCarthy (Tammy) of New York City, Megan Elizabeth McCarthy Jackel (Donald) of Worcester, Massachusetts, Cait Searles Kelly (Michael) of Westport, Connecticut; Hannah Ryan McCarthy of Yokohama Japan, and Patrick Edward McCarthy (Jennifer) of New Canaan, Connecticut. Patrick also leaves behind ten beloved and loving grandchildren, as well as siblings, nieces, nephews, and many friends.


Nolan Robison ’14 29 Bridgton Academy Class of 2014 graduate, Nolan Ryan Robison, passed away on his 21st birthday, July 7th, 2015. Nolan was the loving son of Claudia (née Potter) Robison and John J. Robison; brother of Kayla Robison; grandson of Virginia M. Potter; nephew of Dennis Potter, Brian Potter, Karen Gauger, Leslie Luense, Suzy DeCourcy, David Robison, Susan Duffy, Michael Robison, Annette McNally, Darryl Robison and Ellen Robison; godson of Tom and Jane Erisman. Nolan is also survived by many cousins. Memorial contributions in honor of Nolan may be made to the Nolan Robison Foundation, which assists children with emotional, mental and physical needs.


Doug Kurtz ’81 30 Douglas C.S. Kurtz passed away at the age of 54 on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 in Lewiston, maine. He was surrounded by his loving fiancée and family, dear friends, and the wonderful healthcare providers at St Mary’s Hospital. Doug’s good nature, playfulness and sense of humor enriched the lives of his large circle of friends. He is remembered above all for this wonderful sense of humor and humane, kind spirit. Doug graduated from Oxford Hills High School prior to attending Bridgton Academy. He later attended Slippery Rock State University. He was a stellar athlete, with a special passion for football. In addition to his love of sports, especially the Patriots and the great game of golf, Doug was always the life of a party, quick to make others laugh and very caring. He shared his mother’s passion for animals and adored babies and children. His ability to care for others, especially those in need, made the world a better place. Douglas was a great chef, and enjoyed the great Maine outdoors as a year-round fisherman. He never shied away from a lively political debate and always held true to his beliefs.


The greatest loves of his life were his two daughters Alinda Sullivan Kurtz and Prentiss Marie Kurtz, both of whom he was immensely proud.

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