5 minute read
Your Safety
Your Safety
S We have been delighted to welcome audiences safely over the pandemic and have procedures in place to keep you safe.
Follow our signage instructions Mask Up Sanitise and wash your hands often
AvoidFollow our Give space grouping togethersignage instructions
Avoid Give space grouping together Mask Up Sanitise and wash
Follow our your hands often signage instructions Mask Up Sanitise and wash your hands often
Asking for proof of Covid status from audience members on arrival Avoid Give space grouping together
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Social distancing Ventilation Temperature testing all audience members on arrival
Follow our signage instructions
Temperature check Social distancing
Sanitising and washing stationsTemperature check Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning
Social distancing VentilationTemperature check Sanitising and Seats fogged and washing stations enhanced cleaning Keeping NHS Test and Trace records A
Sanitising and washing stations Ventilation
Follow our signage instructions Mask Up Sanitise and wash Social distancing your hands often
Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures Keeping the audience zoned with separate entry, exit, bars and toilets for the circle and stalls Avoid Give space grouping together
Providing Mask Up Sanitise and washsanitising stations your hands often
Avoid grouping together
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Ventilation
Offering COVID-19 testing to all of our staff and Avoid performers Give space Temperature check grouping together Sanitising and Seats fogged and washing stations enhanced cleaning
E-ticketing and Staggered arrivals contactless payments E-ticketing and contactless payments
Follow our Mask Up signage instructions Sanitise and wash Mask Up your hands often Sanitise and wash your hands often Distanced seating Pre-order drinks Track & trace Modifying routes measures and bringing in extra staff Mask Up to minimise crowding Sanitise and wash your hands often
Avoid Give space
Avoid Give space grouping together grouping together E-ticketing and Staggered arrivals Distanced seating contactless payments Social distancing Temperature check Sanitising and
Avoid Give space E-ticketing and washing stations grouping together contactless payments
Staggered arrivals Distanced seating Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures
Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures Seats fogged and Staggered arrivals enhanced cleaning Distanced seating
Operating a contactless ticketing system and pre-ordering of drinks Ventilation
Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures
Carrying out sanitisation and enhanced cleaning throughout Offering some areas of socially distanced seating where possible
Social distancing Sanitising and washing stations Sanitising and washing stations
Avoid E-ticketing and grouping together contactless payments Distanced seating Distanced seating
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Temperature check Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning
Give space Sanitising and Seats fogged and washing stations enhanced cleaning
Ventilation Ventilation E-ticketing and Staggered arrivals Ventilation contactless payments
Staggering audience arrivals
Staggered arrivals
Distanced seating Pre-order drinks Track & trace Pre-order drinks Using mechanical ventilation measuresTrack & trace
Pre-order drinks A which draws maximum fresh measures Track & trace measures air to the auditorium, extracts stale air and automatically
Ventilation monitors CO2 levels
Distanced seating
Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures
Pre-order drinks Track & trace measures Providing an access helpline to answer specific questions and address particular needs Operating the Sunflower lanyard scheme and face covering exempt badge scheme for anyone who needs this. Clear face coverings also available for staff assisting lipreaders
Follow our signage instructions
Follow our Mask Up Sanitise and wash signage instructions your hands often
Follow our Mask Up Sanitise and wash signage instructions your hands often Mask Up Sanitise and wash your hands oftenPlease follow the instructions of staff Avoid grouping together Please do not come in if you have any COVID-19 symptoms Masks Encouraged Sanitise and wash your hands often
Avoid grouping together Avoid grouping together Give space Give space
Brighton Dome currently requires you to be able to show proof of your COVID status when requested on entry to gain access to an event. You can demonstrate this in ONE of the following ways: • You have completed a full course of vaccination at least 14 days ahead of the event or • You have received a negative PCR or lateral flow test result within 48 hours of the event or • You have proof of natural immunity by way of a positive PCR test taken within the last 180 days but not within the 10 days prior to the event Lateral Flow Tests are available free to all via many pharmacies, the GOV.uk website or by calling 119 Although there are other ways to prove this without use of a smartphone, the simplest way is via the NHS COVID Pass which is an online app providing a certificate that demonstrates your status. Under 18’s will be asked to provide verbal confirmation that they have not tested positive nor are they currently suffering from symptoms of COVID-19 More information about COVID-19 safety, including our full T&C’s, at Brighton Dome can be found online at brightondome.org/yoursafety Please check the website shortly before your visit for the most up to date advice and for any changes to our entry requirements. Brighton Dome reserves the right to refuse admission to and/or eject any person who is unwilling to comply with COVID-19 safety protocols in place at the event. This may include entry requirements such as covid status, as well as protocols once inside the venue. No refunds will be provided in these circumstances
Security Like all public buildings and spaces, Brighton Dome has a number of security measures in place to help minimise the possibility of a terrorist attack in the venues. These measures include procedures should an attack actually happen. To make your visit as safe, secure and enjoyable as possible we carefully assess each event alongside the current security risk set by the government to decide what security measures need to be in place. These additional security measures may include bag checks, limitations on what can be taken into the auditorium and ticket checks on the outer gates of the venue. We work hard to protect the safety and security of our visitors, performers and staff and where possible to mitigate against the likelihood of an attack. We will be continually reviewing the measures we have in place as appropriate and in line with relevant direction from the security services. You can play a part in keeping yourselves and the rest of the audience safe by being vigilant to unusual behaviour or items and reporting any concerns you have to our Duty staff. Bags Owing to Covid 19 there is no cloakroom operating at events currently and all items must remain with the owner. Please avoid bringing bags to the venue and do not try to bring any larger items with you. Only bags no larger than an A3 piece of paper 35cm x 40cm x 19cm are permitted. Noise Loud noise can damage your hearing. We have earplugs available at all events should you want to use these. We post signage at the entrance to the auditorium when noise levels are expected to exceed 85db at any point. Please contact access@brightondome.org ahead of time if you have any questions about noise levels.