Your Safety
We have been delighted to welcome audiences safely over the pandemic and have procedures in place to keep you safe.
wash often
and ations
Avoid Give space grouping together Follow our Mask Up signage instructions Follow our signage instructions
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Social distancing
Asking for proof of Covid status from audience members on arrival Sanitise and wash Give space Sanitise and wash Follow ourAvoid Mask Up yourUphands often signage together instructions yourGive hands often Mask Sanitisegrouping and wash Avoid space your hands often grouping together
Temperature testing all audience members on arrival
Temperature check Sanitising and Social Seats fogged andTemperatureVentilation distancing check washing enhanced Social distancing Temperature checkstations Sanitising and cleaningSeats fogged and washing stations enhanced cleaning
Keeping NHS Test and Trace records Follow our signage instructions
check check
wash often
Follow our signage instructions
Mask Up
Sanitising and washing stations Ventilation
Sanitise and wash your hands often Social distancing
Track & trace measures Pre-order & trace Distanced seating E-ticketing and Staggered arrivals Distanced seating E-ticketing and drinks StaggeredTrack arrivals measures contactless payments E-ticketing and contactless Pre-order drinks Track & trace Staggered arrivals Distanced payments seating measures contactless payments
Keeping the audience zoned with separate entry, exit, bars and toilets for the circle Avoid and stalls Give space
grouping together
Providing sanitising stations Mask Up Sanitise and wash your hands often
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning
Follow our signage instructions Sanitise and wash your hands often Sanitise and wash your hands often
Mask Up Avoid grouping together Avoid grouping together
Social distancing
Temperature check
Sanitising and washing Sanitisingstations and
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Seats fogged and
washing stations
enhanced cleaning
Avoid grouping together E-ticketing and contactless payments Distanced seating
Give space Staggered arrivals Pre-order drinks Pre-order drinks
Distanced seating
and ations
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning
Pre-order drinks
Track & trace measures
Give space
Give space
Sanitising and washing stations E-ticketing and contactless payments
Carrying out sanitisation and enhanced cleaning throughout
Ventilation Sanitising and Seats fogged and washing stations E-ticketing enhanced Ventilation and cleaningStaggered arrivals Ventilation contactless payments
Temperature check
Sanitising and washing stations
Pre-order drinks
Track & trace measures
Distanced seating
Pre-order drinks
Track & trace
Track & trace Using mechanical ventilationmeasures measures Track & trace which measuresdraws maximum fresh air to the auditorium, extracts stale air and automatically monitors CO2 levels
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning
Pre-order drinks
Track & measu
Operating a contactless ticketing system and pre-ordering of drinks
Seats fogged and enhanced cleaning Staggered arrivals
Distanced seating
Offering some areas of socially distanced seating where possible Distanced seating
Staggering audience arrivals
Give sp
Offering COVID-19 testing to all of our staff and Avoid Give space performers grouping together
Pre-order drinks
Modifying routes and bringing in extra staff Sanitise and wash Avoid Give space to your minimise hands often Socialcrowding grouping distancingtogether Temperature check
Avoid grouping together
Pre-order drinks
Track & trace measures
Providing an access helpline to answer specific questions and address particular needs Operating the Sunflower lanyard scheme and face covering exempt badge scheme for anyone who needs this. Clear face coverings also available for staff assisting lipreaders
Follow our Mask Follow FollowUp our our Sanitise Mask Mask andUp Up wash Sanitise Sanitise Avoid and and wash wash Please follow the instructions of staff Masks Sanitise signage instructions signage signage instructions instructions your hands often grouping your your hands hands together often often Please do not come in if you have any Encouraged and wash COVID-19 symptoms your hands often
Give Avoid Avoid space grouping grouping together together
Give space
Give Give space space
Ventilation Seats Seats fogged fogged and and enhanced enhanced cleaning cleaning
Ventilation Ventilation
We can’t do this without you, so thank you for trusting us and for joining Social distancing Temperature Social Social distancing distancing check Temperature Temperature Sanitising and check check Sanitising Sanitising and Seats foggedand and us in celebrating live arts again. washing stations washing washing cleaning stations stations enhanced